Thursday, March 26, 2015

Former nanny: 'There is something seriously wrong with her'

Kate is "nasty, nasty, nasty," the nanny, now social worker, told reporters.

This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.

How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?

1816 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

Funny how Kate is only sick when she's at home.
When she broke her little, wittle pinky toe, she managed to walk just fine. But at home? Oh my, she bitched and moaned that she had to come out of her bedroom to take care of her kids.
Honey, I've had a head cold for a week and a half, and I'm managing to do all house chores, cook and take care of my family just fine.

I sure do hope Kate added 1/2 teaspoon of feta to those loaves!

I'm off to make Eggs Chesapeake (poached eggs over crab cakes with hollandaise, yum!).

TLC stinks said...

I doubt she is sick at all. An excuse to not do anything for Easter. Exhausted from her Mexico trip sounds more like it.

TLC stinks said...

Oh, I bet she is all nice and tanned too.

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 192
Guess it is only a vacay or a party if someone else is paying.



I believe this is part of her manipulation of the kids. They literally do NOTHING if not filming. Can't go to the movies, even. This makes filming more attractive to the kids and it makes filming the lesser of two evils to them.

TLC stinks said...

Funny how some of her twenties read here. Several mentioned how travel makes them ill.

I serious doubt Kate returned from a trip and cooked. I never want to cook when I walk through the door and I'm not lazy like her. She most likely had the food in the freezer and she prepared it by removing it from the freezer.

Formerly Duped said...

That family gets 'sick' so often. Kate's methods of getting germs out of the house and tending to sick children are very dubious. I sometimes wonder if she defrosts all these Mommy meals properly- maybe they all get food poisoning as a result. I found my kids got stomach bugs much less often as they got older Her kids are always ill, and she describes the effects in glorious detail, more her laundry detail, than sympathy for her ill children....As for her sinus infection, will she need a #loadingdose ?

Formerly Duped said...

So Kate's 'friends' produced the new Bible- A.D.? lol It always has to be a little bit about her- even Jesus!

Upstater said...

Anonymous this time said... 110
True story about shoes. Picture it, Paris 1971. I'm walking around in my Dr. Scholl's wooden sandaly things. Except I'm also wearing panty hose. I'm stupid that way sometimes. I go into Notre Dame Cathedral to be inspired and humbled by the magnificence of it all. For the 554th time that day my foot slides out of Dr. Scholl's grip and my arch gets slammed onto the hard corner of the shoe. I have had enough. I go to the first place I can find to fix my problem. Because I'm a non Catholic teenager, it looks like the perfect spot to me to rip off my panty hose. It has a chair and a curtain and everything.

Anonymous this time


I can still hear the clomp clomp clomp of those shoes in my head. So uncomfortable but everyone wore them in the seventies!

Tucker's Mom said...

I have to admit that I'm surprised Kate never said "thank you" for all the birthday wishes she received on Twitter.
It can't be any clearer that she doesn't give a shit about her fans-she is busy getting her fill of attention and fun. When she's home and bored, she gives them the time of day.
40 years old and she still has no manners.

Karen Kaufman said...

Kate still can't see that she's living a futile life. She gets these little free perks that boost her up and as soon as it's over, she's still stuck with herself. Blech. Plus I don't think she's even perceptive enough to see that she's not having much fun even when she's filming or whatever. She's still miserable but it's the best she's got at this point in time. Actually working a real job and being an attentive and kind mother would do a lot to alleviate the need for external validation. We all say she's lazy but in reality she works very hard to not work. I think she's getting tired and running out if ways to keep herself afloat emotionally.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dr. Scholl's-omg, clop, clop, clop is right!

Ex Nurse said...

Oh, Tuckers Mom--way to soon for Jackie to die. There is so much more damage to be done! An then, there is watching Grace go down the same road.

And, I agree about Getting On. So real, it is depressing to watch.

Ex Nurse said...

Oh, Tuckers Mom--way to soon for Jackie to die. There is so much more damage to be done! An then, there is watching Grace go down the same road.

And, I agree about Getting On. So real, it is depressing to watch.

prairiemary said...

Oh wow, just woke up from a nightmare about tfw this morning!
They were all in the big RV, drove it right inside of my house, the crew was being bossed by her, they took all of the space for them & their RV, but tfw got them to pile boxes up in the attic, where me & my kids were supposed to live & sleep in, but when she got her new fancy bicycle unload from the RV, me & my kids stole it, and hid it down in our 3rd basement, then lied to her face when she asked if we had seen it!
I don't remember anything else about it, but did wake up feeling exhausted. Never have dreamed about her before, that's what I get for waking up and snacking at 2 a.m.!

Tucker's Mom said...

Ex Nurse said... 12
Oh, Tuckers Mom--way to soon for Jackie to die. There is so much more damage to be done! An then, there is watching Grace go down the same road.

And, I agree about Getting On. So real, it is depressing to watch.
April 4, 2015 at 7:49 AM
Jackie is a tornado, isn't she?
OMG, I want to reach through the tv and smack Grace sometimes, even though I know why she is the way she is.
It must be hell getting caught up in Jackie's orbit.

PJ's momma said...

Have you Nurse Jackie fans ever been bothered by the way the previous season's questions are never addressed? In the first or second season, it ended, with Jackie drinking vial after vial of something and they alluded to it being morphine, though morphine is not usually clear like that (but more flourescent). Then in the season opener, there she was, good as new and nothing was ever mentioned!

At this point, we like Zoe, Acolidis (sp?) and even Kevin better than we like Jackie. It's easy to hate her. Maybe that's the point!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Never have dreamed about her before

I have had a few nightmares about TFMJG the last one was she was making the kids film again and I think it came true.

fidosmommy said...

Dr. Scholl' s Platform Sandals are still available on in a whole lot more colors than we ever had.

We called them Exercise Sandals because you had to curl your toes to get a grip and that tightened calf muscles.

I found them amazingly comfortable for even long walks on flat surfaces.

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 16
Have you Nurse Jackie fans ever been bothered by the way the previous season's questions are never addressed? In the first or second season, it ended, with Jackie drinking vial after vial of something and they alluded to it being morphine, though morphine is not usually clear like that (but more flourescent). Then in the season opener, there she was, good as new and nothing was ever mentioned!

At this point, we like Zoe, Acolidis (sp?) and even Kevin better than we like Jackie. It's easy to hate her. Maybe that's the point!
April 4, 2015 at 9:17 AM*
I don't get how Jackie can pop so many pills and function.
It's like watching Mad Men when they drink like fish, yet never slur. Except one time, we saw Don Draper actually drunk.

fidosmommy said...

Oh wow, just woke up from a nightmare about tfw this morning!
They were all in the big RV, drove it right inside of my house, the crew was being bossed by her, they took all of the space for them & their RV, but tfw got them to pile boxes up in the attic,


Are you saying TFW Is taking over your brain?

Milo would be envious of your special way to stay in contact with TFW.

Blowing In The Wind said...

They literally do NOTHING if not filming. Can't go to the movies, even.

Didn't she say that they all recently went to the movies? I can't remember which one it was, but I thought that she went with them.

Here's the thing. The kids don't get home until 4:30 or so and at last one of them has after-school sports and perhaps some of the other ones might stay later for play practice, musicals, or whatever. They get home, they unwind, eat dinner, have homework to do and then are off to bed. If they spend one night a week with Jon, and two weekends per month with him, how much time would they really have to get out and about? There are only so many hours in a day, especially when school is in session.

Summer vacation would be a different story. Those kids should be going to camp, if not for several weeks, then day camp at least. No filming, just fun in the sun with kids their age and away from her.

TLC stinks said...

There are only two reasons she would tweet about being sick: best wishes from her tweety fans and setting up for something she'll tweet about this weekend. Why in the heck would someone even tweet about being sick? And tweeting about the meals she prepares is just damage control about the kids eating healthy. Hell, cooking is cooking. She wants everyone to think it is so hard cooking for eight. Most meals are for 6-8 servings anyway.

Filming in at a Mexican resort is really over the top. I truly hope this seems absurd to many viewers. Can't wait to find out what nanny(ies) made the trip. And who does she hire to watch the chickens and Shoka? Must be nice to have that invisible help. I cannot believe how gullible some of her fans are (they read here so this means you, Milo, Barb, Goody, IM bloggers, etc). Ask yourself, in your REAL relationships, would you hang with someone who treats her family like Kate does?

AuntieAnn said...

And there's Kim, self-loathing Kim. She's obviously from Jimmy's "neighborhood", but wants so badly to "belong" that she'll betray him over and over again.


I like Kim. I didn't think she was betraying him. She didn't know about Chuck's sabotage until after the fact when she went to talk to Hamlin about it and he told her what was going down.

I think she was trying to soften the blow for Jimmy because they're good friends. She was trying to manage her loyalties to both her job and to him. But I do get Jimmy's sense of betrayal by everyone around him and feel bad for him.

btw, I think there's BCS marathon on Monday. Yay. ~ Administrator said...

I like Kim. I didn't think she was betraying him. She didn't know about Chuck's sabotage until after the fact when she went to talk to Hamlin about it and he told her what was going down.


Kim's one of my favorites. They've perfectly captured the place many young lawyers are in who are on the traditional track for their career.

Do you play it safe and be a good soldier, dutifully work for the man, follow all the rules and eventually make partner? Or do you shake things up? She really likes Jimmy as a person, maybe even loves him. Under that dog and pony show she knows there's a darn good lawyer, sharp, and could outsmart her boss any day.

Do you take a chance and actually make a difference in this world with your skills? Do you align yourself with somebody nobody likes but you know personally could out-lawyer anybody you work with any day of the week and who actually CARES? Few will take that chance, but you can literally see her moral struggle between her stability and traditional route versus something more.

Tucker's Mom said...

BCS's Kim does love Jimmy. I think she wishes he was more successful and in a misguided way, is holding out for "better".
She'd marry that abusive boss of hers before she really just did what make her happy, and that's Saul.
My heart from for Saul when she passed on his job offer.
Kim seems to be a nice person, but her moral compass is off because she's selling her soul one piece at a time to make partner. ~ Administrator said...

BCS's Kim does love Jimmy. I think she wishes he was more successful and in a misguided way, is holding out for "better".
She'd marry that abusive boss of hers before she really just did what make her happy, and that's Saul.


Yes and that's the brilliance of the show.

How many people are on track to "make partner" or anything equivalent to that in whatever profession you is, and maybe letting real opportunities to truly make you happy sail right on by.

prairiemary said...

OMG Fido! TFW taking over my brain?Get the pesticide out!

TLC stinks said...

I think the only place she has allowed them to go over summer was VBS, at least that is what she claimed. I don't think those kids have ever been to a camp that was away. She'd obsess the whole time who the kids were talking too. It has nothing to do with safety concerns because kids at camp are well taken care of and watched. No, the kids must film during the summer so no summer camp.

I like Kim. I just wish she'd had the guts to be a apart of Jimmy's law firm when he offered it to her. I think they are very close, maybe in love, but her goals are different from Jimmy's. I guess we can figure out from Breaking Bad where their relationship goes.

Formerly Duped said...

Two things: One, Kate did post a photo of the kids at the cinema fairly recently, with popcorn in non-theater bags. Just the tups, I think? No mass panic ensued I guess.Remember when someone 'questioned Kate's mothering' asking why they didn't go to the cinema rather than just see older movies on Fridays? She blocked the tweeter.

One & a half, lol; The tups, at least some of them, showed their new school musical instruments on the last special. Not sure if the lessons are after school or part of their curriculum during the school day.Aaden had the saxophone but they didn't show Collin or Joel iirc. The girls had drums, a viola and a flute.

Two: They may not show the face of a nanny on the vacay, unless it was someone like Em, a 'family friend'. I remember they blurred Judy the nanny's face but her plate would be shown in a restaurant and an empty seat beside a child. Same as Steve at times.

Rhymes with Witch said...

We called them Exercise Sandals because you had to curl your toes to get a grip and that tightened calf muscles.

I found them amazingly comfortable for even long walks on flat surfaces. 18

I did too, once the leather upper was broken in. I went through many pairs.

p.s. Sorry about people's nightmares.

localyocul said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 21
They literally do NOTHING if not filming. Can't go to the movies, even.

Didn't she say that they all recently went to the movies? I can't remember which one it was, but I thought that she went with them.

Here's the thing. The kids don't get home until 4:30 or so and at last one of them has after-school sports and perhaps some of the other ones might stay later for play practice, musicals, or whatever. They get home, they unwind, eat dinner, have homework to do and then are off to bed. If they spend one night a week with Jon, and two weekends per month with him, how much time would they really have to get out and about? There are only so many hours in a day, especially when school is in session.

Summer vacation would be a different story. Those kids should be going to camp, if not for several weeks, then day camp at least. No filming, just fun in the sun with kids their age and away from her.

I'm not talking about right now. I'm talking about her comment about taking them to the movies and panic would ensue. And that was during the time when they were not filming. There were a couple of summers they were not filming and it seems like they went on a grifted vacation, and that was it. They can find plenty of time to go on vacations and have birthday parties at sports venues, etc etc if they are filming it.

Not to mention TFW picked the house far away from their fancy schmancy school.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Didn't she say that they all recently went to the movies? I can't remember which one it was, but I thought that she went with them.

She did she even tweeted a photo of them in the theater.

Rhymes with Witch said...

She did she even tweeted a photo of them in the theater. 32

OF COURSE she did. She was rude enough to take a pic during Christmas church service and tweet that. No class.

TLC stinks said...

I had those Dr. Scholl wood sandals too, LOL. They sure were popular in the '70s.

BTW, if any of you used to watch "That 70's Show", I thought the costumes were very accurate.

TLC stinks said...

She did take them to the movies and they brought their own food, right? Betcha the tickets were a gift card or comped somehow.

Lanc Native said...

Local said, "Not to mention TFW picked the house far away from their fancy schmancy school."

I think we've talked about this before and her reason for doing it. She had to find a place where she could film without getting into trouble with the zoning, as well as neighbor's complaints. At that time there weren't too many options for her in close proximity to school, and she wanted land, lots of land as far as the eye could see. I know, because we were looking for a home at the same time. She probably figured that since there is a Reading bus, and quite a few kids from the area attend school in Lancaster County that it wouldn't be a problem.

That "fancy schmancy" school (which it is not) is their safe haven right now, away from her and in a place that respects their privacy and doesn't allow filming on campus. I bet if she had her way, she would have cameras following them around at school and during their programs there, and even during field trips and conferences where she could claim that they are ranked at the top of their class (which, of course, they aren't because students are not ranked). ~ Administrator said...

That "fancy schmancy" school (which it is not) is their safe haven right now, away from her and in a place that respects their privacy and doesn't allow filming on campus.


Yes but very few schools allow filming on campus, including public ones.

I've seen production companies run into NUMEROUS problems filming on campus, including Jamie Oliver's show about school lunches, as well as Teen Mom. Usually they'll let you filming in the parking lot and that's about it. Even if you can film, it's a nightmare getting releases from all the minors in the background, or blurring their faces if they don't sign a release, so time consuming, expensive and fraught with potential lawsuits most production companies just don't seem to bother anymore.

Unless there is information their public school would allow filming, that's not really a point in favor of their expensive private school far from home.

TLC stinks said...

I thought I read online that those that live a certain distance from the school have to pay for their school bus transportation. So there's that expense too.

TLC stinks said...

Originally they looked at property in NC (that's where Figure 8 Productions is based) but Kate nixed it because it was too far away from grocery store, etc. That was filmed on their drive down to Disney in Orlando. Even Jon was for having plenty of land. I think they envisioned the filming going on forever, sort of like "The Truman Show".

TLC stinks said...

Maybe it's worth the expense of the private school because they appear to have a lenient attendance policy.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 40
Maybe it's worth the expense of the private school because they appear to have a lenient attendance policy.
April 4, 2015 at 1:42 PM
I think that's a huge part of it.
Jon and Kate actually looked at a house in VA, above Richmond.
I think Kate was impetuous when buying the house in Wernersville. Filming was her first priority, and how far the kids had to commute was somewhere way below.
The smart thing to do would have been to build custom. But, that would have meant staying in Elizabethtown, having to probably scale back filming and worst of all, living with Jon.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Maybe it's worth the expense of the private school because they appear to have a lenient attendance policy.


No, it doesn't. In fact, the twins will be in upper school next year and the school really cracks down on unexcused absences. In fact, if they miss too much school, there are consequences, especially as far as taking AP courses. It is not going to look the other way if she takes them out of school for a week at a time, and I think she knows it.

The kids had off last week (younger ones on Thursday; twins on Friday), and Easter vacation began on Wednesday of this week. I'm not sure that this is a "lenient" attendance policy if they were still away at the beginning of the week. At most, they would have missed two and a half days IF they were still filming this week.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Unless there is information their public school would allow filming, that's not really a point in favor of their expensive private school far from home.


There were a few educational documentaries filmed in the classrooms and outside the buildings at two public schools. I remember wondering at the time how the film/production crews obtained permission to do this, and if releases had to be signed by all involved.

I don't know, however if those schools would permit filming of the Gosselins showing up for the first day of school, or follow them around on field trips. I know several administrators at one of the schools, and it's a good question. I'll try to find out what its policy would be in that case. ~ Administrator said...

Private schools do not have to comply with numerous federal guidelines for schools mostly because they don't necessarily receive federal funding.

That alone is very attractive to a stage mom who would like to pull her children out of school whenever she gets the hankering. They have child actor schools here that allow extremely flexible schedules and will have like four or five kids in each class. They are extremely expensive but useful to child actors who don't want to be homeschooled.

They can crack down all they want but without a truancy board called to enforce governmental attendance laws to back them up, it may fall on deaf ears. I don't believe this school is being strict about their attendance. If they were, they never would have gone to Mexico.

A quick look at PA's laws when it comes to private schools shows just how much leeway the private school has. They don't have to be accredited, they don't have to register themselves with the state if they are not a religious school, minimum attendance policies don't appear to apply to private schools if they are not religious ones. As far as academics go it appears the only requirement from the state is they include the history of PA as part of their studies. They are not subject to state testing (and thus would feel more compelled not to miss anything for fear of failing the state tests).

What is interesting, however, is they are required to report to the state any student who is absent more than three days without an excuse. The problem is I bet posh vacations to Mexico are an excuse.

IMO, the private school has nothing to do with wanting to provide a safe haven for the kids or whatever and everything to do with Kate wanting to be free to do what she wants when she wants when it comes to putting them on TV with but minimum bellyaching from a school who is under no state law obligation to bellyache.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

About the fairly recent movie trip -- it was to "Paddington." And
I think the general consensus was that the tickets were probably
free in exchange for her tweeting about it, as Tori Spelling had
done the same thing.

And, no, it seems pandemonium did not ensue, and the other
theater goers were not trampled by the flurry of fans swept
away with Gosselinmania.

getoftweeter said...

TLC stinks: Actually their school has a strict attendance policy. I read their school manual, I was curious. They have to give a good reason for taking off from school and make up the work. Probably Kate has give them one hell of a BS story, so she can get them out of school of she show them a paper from a judge saying it is ok to film kids and therefore take them out of school, this probably happens when Jon finds out and takes Kate to court, about it. Kate has it all figured out.

Kates buying Easter candy at Target, she just tweeted. So expect a pic of the candy, egg hunt & dinner. Either one or all. She is like clockwork. I can not think of a more disgusting thing than Easter candy or any candy that was frozen in the freezer. Chocolate egged candy is disgusting when it thaws. Plus it picks up the odor of the freezer and what ever was frozen in there. Not to mention that if chocolate turns white it's old & stale.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 11m11 minutes ago
@eddyray perhaps you could work your magic to make candy appear for moms who waited til last minute (ex: me)? Lol.

Cripes, Easter candy has been around for weeks now. How about thinking ahead, Ms. Prepared and Organized?

Rhymes with Witch said...

IMO, the private school has nothing to do with wanting to provide a safe haven for the kids or whatever and everything to do with Kate wanting to be free to do what she wants when she wants when it comes to putting them on TV with but minimum bellyaching from a school who is under no state law obligation to bellyache. 44

That and prestige is probably true from Katie's point of view, but enough locals have said that the school.does provide the children with a safe haven which God knows they need.
Plus the children earned their tuition!

Tucker's Mom said...

I think the kids missed school in order to film, once again. I just can't wrap my head around the school tolerating it, or a judge approving it.
Kate didn't HAVE to film over her actual birthday-she chose to.
TLC execs are assholes for helping this kind of abuse.
As far as filming at school or on field trips, if I were a parent, I'd make a huge deal. I don't want Kate's camera crew following my kids and their class around, making Kate Gosselin a shit ton of money.

Tucker's Mom said...

In fact, I question these parents who sign CA's so their kids can be filmed by Kate's crew during the kids' numerous parties.
I'd tell my kids that I'm happy to take them to the compound or have the G kids over my house, but I'm not going to participate in the violation of children's privacy and the selling of their lives.

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 47
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 11m11 minutes ago
@eddyray perhaps you could work your magic to make candy appear for moms who waited til last minute (ex: me)? Lol.

Cripes, Easter candy has been around for weeks now. How about thinking ahead, Ms. Prepared and Organized?


She was busy "working hard" in Mehico

Tucker's Mom said...

Top / All
Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Last minute to Huh? LOL 😜

Well, Barb, I believe you actually work. Kate does not. She has 10 hours a day to run to Target, but what does she do? Leaves on a Saturday, when the kids are off from school, of course. ~ Administrator said...

Safe haven from what though? The paps? Nobody has hung out at the bus stop or stalked the kids around town in years.

I have every confidence a public school could provide them the same safe haven this school does. In light of school violence, gone are the days when anyone can just come on campus much less photograph kids there. Most public schools have security and tight admittance policies for any guests now. Plenty to ward off any stray paps.

Private schools don't have some special line on protection. Public schools are perfectly capable of keeping people off their property, and perfectly capable of calling the cops if someone is not complying. Public schools are LIMITED public purpose under the law. There is no requirement they let anyone on the property but students and staff. They aren't even required to let a parent on the property if that parent has a restraining order or is otherwise being inappropriate.

Plus, enough people comment on how things are at that school, include many drivebys I don't publish, how is that protecting them? If the school really protected them we wouldn't know a thing about what goes on there. They also wouldn't publish so much of what they do online like their calendar and manual. They would create a site where any of that info requires a log in. Even public schools do that. I can't find the school manual or calendar for the public school I grew up in. The don't put that stuff online for any Tom Dick or Harry to look at.

Formerly Duped said...

If Beth's kids went to LCDS, Kate wanted the same. Did they attend before the rift? I can't recall.

If this school has very high academic standards, it's unusual for all eight kids in a family to excel.

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 39
I think they envisioned the filming going on forever, sort of like "The Truman Show".


Her dream, as always, appears to be coming true.

localyocul said...

@eddyray 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 was nice seeing you in Target today, thanks for the pleasant conversation! keep up the great work!


Keep up the great work pretending to be a human being? Seems TFW has finally realized she has to be nice to her "fans" when out and about.

@eddyray · 44m 44 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Yes, lol the candy aisle was almost bare I did a show about 2 yrs ago in Willow St, few of your kids were there. keep in touch

Let me guess, the kids were with JON

localyocul said... ~ Administrator said... 44

IMO, the private school has nothing to do with wanting to provide a safe haven for the kids or whatever and everything to do with Kate wanting to be free to do what she wants when she wants when it comes to putting them on TV with but minimum bellyaching from a school who is under no state law obligation to bellyache.


Exactly. She bellyaches about $$ but pays for a private school in another county when Conrad Weiser is a perfectly good free public school.

localyocul said...

School district I should say.

localyocul said...

I'm sure a public school would be a refuge as well. Private schools don't hold the patent on that.

TLC stinks said...

getoftweeter, was there a max number of days of excused and unexcused absences? I knew the kids had some days off plus Easter break so the trip was planned in advance to take advantage of that.

We don't know what the story is with the kids' grades, but I would hope the school would deny any missing classes if some are struggling, although I am going to assume their grades must be fine to take the time off.

PatK said...

I wonder if it irks her when someone tweets that they saw her in the candy aisle the day before Easter and blowing her cover of being Miss Organized Supermom. This shows her to truly be only concerned about me, me, me and not so much the kids.

Unless of course she was hoping the candy was marked down the day before know, 'cause of the piecin' and patchin' crap.

Math Girl said...

CBC recently did a short background/promo piece on Nam Nguyen, the 16-year old skater who recently won the Canadian Figure Skating Championships (senior men).

It did show scenes at his high school. He goes to Northview Heights Secondary School in Toronto. It is a public school with many special programs. Nam attends the Academic Program for Gifted Athletes and takes two classes: social studies and dance. They filmed in both of his classes and in the school hallway, though most of the footage was from his dance class.

I wondered about the filming in his school, and even more wondered about his taking only one academic class. It certainly is a different life from that of most high-schoolers.

I tried to find a video of it, but have failed so far.

Anonymous said...

She said she didn't know the guy she met in Target was a magician and yet he tweeted that he did a show a couple of years ago and a few of her kids were there. She says she has boys who are "obsessed" (I assume with magic). Odd she didn't recognize him after her own kids were at his show.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Halloween snuck up on her, Easter snuck up on her...I hope
someone bought her a calendar for her 40th birthday.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Safe haven from what though? 51

IMO, their own mother. I will leave it to more knowledgeable locals to elaborate if if so choose.

Mel said...

Of course the kids have a good excuse to miss school...they're working!

Tucker's Mom said...

‏@MiloandJack 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well I did my 40..& I'm NOT talkin abt years...though that's been done N the past! LOL Wish U'd join us? #SquatSqaudChallenge

Milo should know by now that Kate doesn't do squat for her fans. Kate's going to get with the challenge right after she thanks her fans for all of her birthday wishes.

Tucker's Mom said...

‏@MiloandJack 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well I did my 40..& I'm NOT talkin abt years...though that's been done N the past! LOL Wish U'd join us? #SquatSqaudChallenge

Milo should know by now that Kate doesn't do squat for her fans. Kate's going to get with the challenge right after she thanks her fans for all of her birthday wishes.

Tucker's Mom said...

The don't put that stuff online for any Tom Dick or Harry to look at.
Steve better get right on that, right after he secures Kate's electronics and computers.

getoftweeter said...

Everyone have a Happy Easter, Passover, or whatever you are into.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 63
She said she didn't know the guy she met in Target was a magician and yet he tweeted that he did a show a couple of years ago and a few of her kids were there. She says she has boys who are "obsessed" (I assume with magic). Odd she didn't recognize him after her own kids were at his show.

I highly doubt Kate took her kids-it wasn't filmed, so...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

#KateDoesn'tDoSquat -- now there's a hashtag I could get behind.

How many more ignored challenges will it take before Gladys gets
the hint that TFW doesn't give a squat about her? Set the record
straight about smoking, let's walk together, who wears out their
underwear the fastest...GAH!

Mel said...

How are her kids being off school to work any different than the farm kids being off to help out on their parents' farm during planting season and harvest time?
Oh wait, the farm kids aren't off multiple days per year because they're working to support themselves. They have parents who support them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Unless TFW left that magic show with armloads of freebies,
I doubt this dude pinged on her radar.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I guess she's not squatting with Milo, but is she still running? There was a BunnyRun 5K today in Annville, about 35 minutes away, but it seems like she has no interest at all in running. She certainly can't stick with one thing, can she...other than filming?

"She said she didn't know the guy she met in Target was a magician and yet he tweeted that he did a show a couple of years ago and a few of her kids were there. She says she has boys who are "obsessed" (I assume with magic). Odd she didn't recognize him after her own kids were at his show."


I was wondering why the kids would have been in Willow Street. The only thing I can think of is that I seem to remember they were at a birthday party in that area a few years ago. Kate wouldn't have remembered him if she or other parents just dropped off the kids and never went inside.

"IMO, the private school has nothing to do with wanting to provide a safe haven for the kids or whatever and everything to do with Kate wanting to be free to do what she wants when she wants when it comes to putting them on TV with but minimum bellyaching from a school who is under no state law obligation to bellyache.:


That's not exactly true, but I'm not going to get into it. Why criticize a school that has been discrete in trying to maintain privacy for these kids while providing them with a good education? Kate, on the other hand, may think she's above attendance rules but it doesn't always work that way for her. People can believe what they want about the school, good or bad, but they really aren't familiar with policies and inner workings of the school other than what's read online. That's fine, but if one does have children who attend, or are graduates of the school, there's so much more that goes on than what's discussed here.

And yes, I do believe that the kids are at the best place they can be right now, educationally speaking. Conrad Weiser would swallow them up. If they had started their education there, or in another public school, it most likely would have worked out for them. But to take them out of a private school now, where they have adjusted, have friends, know the routine and have the advantage of small classes most likely wouldn't be in their best interest. I know some who have tried it, were totally lost and very unhappy, did not do well academically, and ended up going back to a private school. It all depends on the child. Some do well in public schools and some don't. At this point in their education, I really don't think the adjustment to a public school would come without quite a few concerns. ~ Administrator said...

Because in my view they have not been that discreet. For example, they had a public vimeo account that they plastered on numerous videos that included the Gosselin children. Vimeo has very easy ways to make videos private or password protected. Shame on them for being so reckless not just with those kids but all the kids. They also apparently made no accommodations to arrange for a different bus stop for the children after the children were harassed by paparazzi at the bus stop for literally years. Surely there are dozens of other locations they could have arranged that would be more discreet, including pulling into their driveway and picking them up at their home.

They also make their schedule public, so that anyone knows when the kids are in school or are not.

I also don't know why they are not successful in removing this extremely private and confidential letter from Radar online about their students:

Surely a simple cease and desist letter from a school attorney would in the vast majority of cases be enough to get that taken down. What has the school done to take steps to remove such confidential leaked information? Is it possible the school themselves leaked it?? That can't be ruled out.

If this were a school in LA or NY a celebrity parent would be absolutely livid. Livid. Maybe Kate is, I don't know.

In any case in view of all that, they are not discreet nor a safe haven. They are actually pretty reckless, and no better at this than a regular public school would be if not worse. ~ Administrator said...

How are her kids being off school to work any different than the farm kids being off to help out on their parents' farm during planting season and harvest time?


Does this still happen? I went to school in a rural area, dairy farms on every corner, with lots of farm kids, and I never saw that. Definitely kids had chores before and after school, but they didn't miss school even during busy times on the farm.

If it does go on, I wouldn't agree with that either. A child's only job at that age should be school, and anything that interferes with that absent extraordinary circumstances is wrong.

Somewhere In Time said...

Having school manuals and other information online is most likely for the benefit of prospective students/parents who are interested in the school curriculum and policies. I know that when we were looking at schools in Florida, there were many schools, both public and private that published this info online without having to log in to an account in order to read what the schools have to offer.

Somewhere In Time said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Not that U ever need 2b DIETING...#FitAndTrim Mom of 8...but I could see U saying this! LOL >

I really wish the person who posted here saying that she could tell by Milo's tweets that this a straight male would give some examples. I am curious about this!

It looks like Kate isn't squatting with Milo by taking the Sheeple Squat challenge. She ignored Milo's walking challenge, too, so if squatting isn't of interest to her, what will Gladys suggest next? Going commando with her?

Anonymous said...

Math girl... about our Figure skater Nam Nguyen, when my dd was big on Karate and beating all the boys, her public school offered to transfer her to a more sport- oriented school, or she could stay at hers, train more at the dojo, and they could arrange her curriculum to more meet her needs...aka, stream-lined for success. As in, the teacher would only teach what she really needed to know to pass. We declined. Education is number 1 in this house, no short-cuts. Eventually 12 hours a week of intensive Karate got the best of her, so she took time off to concentrate on her studies, and has never looked back. She is still on Japan site as a future champion...but SHE will decide if she goes back or not, as it should be. Total discipline was taking a toll on her
I encouraged her break


Mel said...

What I meant was that farm kids used to have to take days off to help support their families, but that's been forbidden for number of years. Too bad no one will stand up and say no to the Gosselin kids having to take days off school to work to support their family.

Lanc Native said...

Does this still happen? I went to school in a rural area, dairy farms on every corner, with lots of farm kids, and I never saw that. Definitely kids had chores before and after school, but they didn't miss school even during busy times on the farm.

If it does go on, I wouldn't agree with that either. A child's only job at that age should be school, and anything that interferes with that absent extraordinary circumstances is wrong.

Yes, admin, it does still happen here for some members of the Plain Sect who choose to go to public school. I would imagine, too, that if they go to their own private religious school, particularly the Amish, that classes are scheduled around the planting/harvesting season. Of course, most of them only go up to the 8th grade, and they figure by that time, when the kids are finished with school, at that age they are old enough to work full time on the farms.

As far as Kate taking the kids out of school goes, it's wrong, and I really don't think as they get older that she's going to get away with it much longer. One or two days here and there isn't critical right now, but when they get to middle school, she will not be able to take them away for a week or more at a time. That just isn't going to fly and I think that she knows it. That said, their education has always been second in importance to filming. I think that she rationalizes that when they film, they travel, and the learning experiences they get when they travel are just as valuable as what they learn in the classroom. After all, they did learn that FDR is on Mt. Rushmore.

fidosmommt said...

Mel said... 81
What I meant was that farm kids used to have to take days off to help support their families, but that's been forbidden for number of years. Too bad no one will stand up and say no to the Gosselin kids yhaving to take days off school to work to support their family.

Decades ago most rural area students completed their formal educations with the 8th grade. The Amish and some other communities still do. The place I lived for awhile still holds the big event. The graduates get a prom, prom clothes and shoes, they wear cap and gown, girls get a day at the hairdressers, and everyone gets presents and parties galore. But then they start up High School the following August. They like the tradition and have no plans to change a thing.

getoftweeter said...

The problem with the G8 is that most of the trips they went on , were done when they were little, which means they probably won't remember much of the trip or learn much from the trip. what they will remember is the cameras, the extra staff, cater food, and nannies/hire help/sitters, the special treatment, isolation from the crowds and getting out of the compound. As a learning experience, I doubt they will remember much. we already saw that on how a few of the kids, did not remember stuff they did or trips they were on. Course if mommy dearest, makes them watch JK8 & k8 all the time as Kate said the kids did like to watch(according to Kate) old episodes to remind them of the trips they went on, more likely Kate only offered that to watch or nothing, cause TV is not something they watch on a regular basis, then maybe they will remember the trips. But on a cliff note way, not on remembering little things, like when your older and remember something you saw or did or met, on the trip. Kate from what I saw never made any of the trips into a learning fun trip ,the place was clear of people, cameras, staff, set up shots, re-do shots as many times to get a good one, let them do about 10 mins of activity, then pack it up, and move on. And try to stay clean, cause, mommy dearest has to take those freebees to the consignment shop. That is what those kids really remember.

Like going to the beach, we need a beach scene, so everybody gets into a matching bathing suites, they clear a section of beach, if they are allowed to, have the kids run on the sand, run into the water, Kate stands there and yells don't get me wet, they stay all of 10-15 mins, get their shots and pack up and leave. Kate: Hey, fans/people look we went to the beach, didn't we have fun? Yeah, Kate all 10-15 mins worth, a half hour at the most. Most people I know me included, stay almost all day at the beach, not 10-15 mins and leave, play on the beach, with a friend or parent, build sandcastles on the beach and run into and out of the water, and get sunburn in the process.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think that she rationalizes that when they film, they travel, and the learning experiences they get when they travel are just as valuable as what they learn in the classroom. After all, they did learn that FDR is on Mt. Rushmore.
I agree that Kate argues that travel is educational and the family is under contract- she'll lose her job and ability to pay for the expensive school and of course, feed the chillens.
I wonder when someone at the school is going to grow a pair and not excuse 8 kids from school in order to make more reality tv episodes.
The kids must have missed a couple or few days of school to go to Mexico, because I highly doubt this was a long weekend type of trip.
I suspect they went for 5-7 days, otherwise, there wouldn't be enough filming to fill a couple episodes.
Kate will never be able to carry episodes on her own, and she'll always use the kids, I'm afraid.
The NYC trip with Jamie, for her birthday was absolutely snooze-worthy.
Now, I wish Kate would have showed a glimmer of talent and gotten her own spin off.

Jillygee said...

Wow that is just awful that that letter from the school is online for the world to see....

Tucker's Mom said...

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
We're off to church, while little elves hide 10,000 stuffed eggs around the property!!

localyocul said...

Conrad Weiser would swallow them up. If they had started their education there, or in another public school, it most likely would have worked out for them. But to take them out of a private school now, where they have adjusted, have friends, know the routine and have the advantage of small classes most likely wouldn't be in their best interest.

No, I agree with that. It should have been done years ago when she lost her show and didn't know where here next purse-full-of bills gig was was going to come from. Although, kids all over have to change schools due to transfers or economic circumstances.

I wish someone in the know would elaborate a little.

JoyinVirginia said...

Happy Easter, happy spring, whatever you celebrate I hope You enjoy it!
The Kentucky Wisconsin basketball game last night was a nail biter down to the wire! The Duke Michigan State game not so much. Monday night's championship game will be terrific!

localyocul said...

Wow. That letter. How can her s heep insist she is a great mother? Wraparound care and intensive 1 on 1 did not help? She SHOULD have been charged with neglect IMO. I bet she refused to cooperate with the wraparound process. Sadly, we still see some of those behaviors by the girls today at ten years old, at least at home.

Formerly Duped said...

Admin, Thanks for posting that link to the letter although it's very private- yet it's out there. That's the most I ever have read about the expulsion and behavior of the two. They seemed to have a lot of issues back then. I gather they are doing well now. I'm sure that letter aroused wrath in Kate. Those poor kids.No wonder those two seem to be her least 'favorites.' She's holding grudges against them since Kindergarten which have rubbed off on their siblings.Sad situation.Kate said on talk shows that nah, they weren't expelled or had inappropriate behavior....whatever happened in that home after that letter, I shudder to think of the consequences for A and C. ~ Administrator said...

Conrad Weiser would swallow them up. If they had started their education there, or in another public school, it most likely would have worked out for them. But to take them out of a private school now, where they have adjusted, have friends, know the routine and have the advantage of small classes most likely wouldn't be in their best interest.


Well I don't know if anyone knows how they would do for sure. Some kids may thrive just being one of many at a school, and some kids are adaptable and adjust and thrive to changing schools. They especially may appreciate being swallowed up for once instead of being the special snowflake. Kate claims they excel academically, which would only make the transition easier. Who knows. I know my parents were very concerned when I made the transition from a small high school to a huge college, but I absolutely loved being at a large school.

In any case I'm not talking about or advocating switching schools. That sort of confuses the issue. What's done is done, what I was saying is all other things being equal is their private school better able to protect their privacy, etc. I do not believe it does any better than a public would. In fact, they probably wouldn't have been kicked out of a public school, which has much more special education services available to them. Then that letter never would have been written or given to Radar online. And I believe a public school would be mandated by law to be stricter about their attendance. You had said don't bash the school as they had done a good job with the situation, but I just couldn't disagree more. They've done a mediocre job at best.

Wraparound is a great program, I've worked with them many times. Usually they are for very serious, serious issues. Like cutters, mentally ill children, etc. The fact that they couldn't help a six year old is very concerning. Either the kids were so out of control even intensive mental health services usually reserved for serious mental health issues didn't even work, or the school's wraparound team leaves much to be desired. ~ Administrator said...

Admin, Thanks for posting that link to the letter although it's very private- yet it's out there. That's the most I ever have read about the expulsion and behavior of the two. They seemed to have a lot of issues back then. I gather they are doing well now. I'm sure that letter aroused wrath in Kate.


Yes. One thing that letters makes clear is that they were being permanently expelled and must select a different program.

Kate and her sheeple have always presented the situation like it was temporary or whatever.

Obviously in those couple months they were able to work out a plan to transition them back in. I'm guessing kate and jon may have had to pay for services, perhaps something like their own one-on-one aide to be with the kid and ease them back into a classroom setting until they got better. But there is no question that when the decision was initially made, the plan was it was to be permanent. So sheep, I'm afraid you were wrong, again.

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, the word possible "readmission" in the letter is proof they were expelled. I feel sorry for the two kids, those they scared or hurt and the whole ugly situation.There's a lot left unsaid in the letter but one can read between the lines...unless you are a sheep with blinders on ~ Administrator said...

Yes I also think she uses "educational" as an excuse for traveling.

It's a joke though. The Mexican tourist areas are mostly resort towns, with extremely limited "educational" opportunities. They weren't designed to be Colonial Williamsburg, they're designed to be resorts where you eat, drink, swim, and sunbathe. Most of her other vacations are light on education and heavy on beach houses, beaches, eating, games, etc. A trip doesn't have to be a scholarly exercise but then that's not a very good reason to pull a kid out of school when they have plenty of time off.

The other joke about the education is that she keeps these destinations a secret until they go. If a trip is going to be education a big part of that is the books you read, films you watch, and maps you study BEFORE you go. Then you come into a place, like say the Grand Canyon, full of that knowledge and are able to finally see in person what you were studying. That is very rewarding and they have none of that.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And as far as "educational" trips, as I've said many times, it is clear
that TFW lacks intellectual curiosity. We all joke about her FDR
gaffe, and calling the Grand Canyon "a waste of space." But it's
beyond that. She seems to be focused on shopping and meals
and freebies and luxury, and that world doesn't often intersect
with what's educational. Remember the Utah trip, when she
claimed to have the worst headache since the dawn of time,
but still managed to get herself to the spa?

Even if historical stuff doesn't float her boat, you'd think such a
super-awesome mommy as herself might put her kids' interests
first, and do and see things she might not particularly love, but
that would be of some benefit to them. But nope -- if mama ain't
happy, ain't nobody happy. Having fun with the Palins? Fine -
stay with them, and you won't be Gosselins anymore. Vomiting
on a boat trip? Too bad - mama wants to deep sea fish. How,
how, how is she still fooling people?

chefsummer #Leh said...

how, how is she still fooling people

Are her sheep still consider to be humans?

Anonymous said...

Of course Jon probably took the children to the magic show a few years ago and the boys became "obsessed". That would account for why she didn't recognize the magician and she probably has no interest in what started the obsession.


Anonymous said...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

How, how, how is she still fooling people?


She isn't. The sheeple are childlike in their stubbornness. Deep down, they know. But they took a stance and steadfastly refuse to change their mind. It would be like admitting they made a m-m-m-mistake and they are too immature to do that.

As for the rest of her shallow fans, she's here today and gone tomorrow. They have no interest or inclination to actually do a little research and think for themselves. They tweet when they come across her name in some tabloid and never give her a second thought. She's a "celebrity" to them and she's on the tee vee = she must be an okay person, right? "Isn't she that woman with a lot of kids?".

Happy Easter to those who celebrate.


Formerly Duped said...

Wonder if Kate will forgo the egg hunt today, since she was 'outed' in RH's book on someone else distributing the eggs and her staying inside the whole time, plastic eggs back in bin after photo op

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Took my dog for a holiday walk...brr, very cold and windy, snow still on ground!!

Mel said...

How can anyone possibly read that letter and say that those two children weren't expelled?????

They most certainly were!!!
What else does leave and don't come back mean?

redbird said...

Could someone post the link to the school letter. I dread reading it.

My goodness, just reading what ya'll are posting about it, the nanny is right. There is something seriously wrong with her.

JoyinVirginia said...

For TURN fans, the AMC tv show, great article on today about the show and local actors. The casting folks require actors to audition without makeup. They don't want dyed hair or perfect teeth. Google the article " AMCs TURN find locations and talent in Virginia"

AuntieAnn said...

That letter says 'Look, we've done all we can to get these kids under control, it hasn't worked, so it's time for YOU to step up to the plate and DO something about it. Are you understanding the severity of the situation yet?'

I'll go out on a limb and say the school has had it's fair share of headaches with Kate. How dare anyone tell HER how to raise her kids. I'll bet she was livid.

PatK said...

redbird said... 102
Could someone post the link to the school letter. I dread reading it.


Redbird, Admin posted it in her third paragraph of post #76 above.

I don't know what magic Kate performed, or for how long the kids were actually expelled, but by God she got the school to take them back, didn't she? No siree, her six pack were NOT going to be split up. I wonder how many times she invoked the question "can we sue?"

PatK said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2m2 minutes ago
Happy Easter Everyone!Just finished watching our churches easter service together online! Gr8 service!Fevers/allergies here kept us home!💐🌱🌷


What a lying liar who lies.

redbird said...

Just read TFW's Easter service. WHAT THE WOW MAN!

She is a LIAR! WHY!!! Either she is in Mexico still, OR Why would you and the children sit around and WATCH EASTER SERVICES ONLINE when you could TAKE THEM to church on the biggest day Christians have!!!

Are you still ASHAMED and feel guilt ybecause you have taken advantage of so many local people that go to the church that you and the kids go to and can't look at them in their face? That is what you call, CONVICTION! And it is painful and embarrassing.

The look on your face at the yard sale to the very nice woman that you knew as a nurse when you first saw her, read CONVICTION on your face!

Oh, LORD, how do you sleep at night??? After all of the cheating, lying, fraud, taking advantage of people left and right, grifting, stealing and not taking your precious children to Easter services.

I hope she is lying and Jon took them.

Lanc Native said...

I don't know what magic Kate performed, or for how long the kids were actually expelled, but by God she got the school to take them back, didn't she? No siree, her six pack were NOT going to be split up. I wonder how many times she invoked the question "can we sue?"

The school doesn't use the term "expelled," so when Kate denied that they were expelled, it was one "Kate speak" again. Yes, she was told that the kids had to leave school. It was not her choice and no matter how much screaming, banging her head, or whatever she did, the children had to leave. Because this was not a permanent removal, and it was Kindergarten, they were allowed to return when it could be shown that their behavior had improved. This wasn't a special favor because Kate is Kate and these are the Gosselins. If those kids weren't ready to return, they wouldn't have been permitted to do so and Kate could have threatened to sue, shown up there every day, demanding they return, but if the situation with the kids had not changed her tantrums wouldn't have done any good. I do know that there was a student who had been asked to leave and didn't return until two years later. That student had made at least three applications before he was once again re-admitted. There are those who are told that they are not a good "fit" (I dislike that term) with the school who leave and don't return.

Each situation like this is dealt with on a case by case basis, and the outcome varies depends on several evaluations. Kate didn't work her magic; she's not that powerful or authoritative.

I don't think that Kate ever expected this whole fiasco to be revealed and her plan, if she had one, was to deny that they were expelled knowing full well that the term isn't used, and so she could come up with the explanation that taking them out of school was done was in the best interest of the children. The story even made our local newspaper, which surprised me because in the past it has avoided publishing anything about the Gosselins and their association with the school.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Raise your hand if you suspected TFW was setting up that "too sick
for church" storyline when she complained of sinus trouble Friday?
Funny how vomiting children didn't stop her from continuing that
fishing trip, but a couple of sniffles have her homebound.

And she meant "church's service," not "churches service." I'd
never criticize her if she wasn't so smug about what a stickler
she is for proper grammar and spelling. #Dolt

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 27m27 minutes ago
Happy Easter Everyone!Just finished watching our churches easter service together online! Gr8 service!Fevers/allergies here kept us home!💐🌱🌷

ALL of them have fevers and allergies? That's amazing! How often does that happen?

Hey, Miss Perfect's church's and Easter (upper case E). Ah, the problems of sheeple apostrophes, plurals and capitalization!

AuntieAnn said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2m2 minutes ago
Happy Easter Everyone!Just finished watching our churches easter service together online! Gr8 service!Fevers/allergies here kept us home!������


Okay, if you say so. Why does this rate a tweet?

But go to Mexico and not a peep out of her until she's outed by a stranger.

Romi said... ~ Administrator said... 92
Conrad Weiser would swallow them up. If they had started their education there, or in another public school, it most likely would have worked out for them. But to take them out of a private school now, where they have adjusted, have friends, know the routine and have the advantage of small classes most likely wouldn't be in their best interest.


Well I don't know if anyone knows how they would do for sure. Some kids may thrive just being one of many at a school, and some kids are adaptable and adjust and thrive to changing schools. They especially may appreciate being swallowed up for once instead of being the special snowflake. Kate claims they excel academically, which would only make the transition easier. Who knows. I know my parents were very concerned when I made the transition from a small high school to a huge college, but I absolutely loved being at a large school.

In any case I'm not talking about or advocating switching schools. That sort of confuses the issue. What's done is done, what I was saying is all other things being equal is their private school better able to protect their privacy, etc. I do not believe it does any better than a public would. In fact, they probably wouldn't have been kicked out of a public school, which has much more special education services available to them. Then that letter never would have been written or given to Radar online. And I believe a public school would be mandated by law to be stricter about their attendance. You had said don't bash the school as they had done a good job with the situation, but I just couldn't disagree more. They've done a mediocre job at best.

Wraparound is a great program, I've worked with them many times. Usually they are for very serious, serious issues. Like cutters, mentally ill children, etc. The fact that they couldn't help a six year old is very concerning. Either the kids were so out of control even intensive mental health services usually reserved for serious mental health issues didn't even work, or the school's wraparound team leaves much to be desired.

The letter states that they had three weeks of wraparound service. Wraparound as it is implemented in CA is not a three-week intervention. I do not think that what they are referring to as wraparound has any similarity to your idea of wraparound.

This letter should never have been made public, but since it was it raises many questions. Were these children assessed? Were there diagnoses made? There is no reference to anything equivalent to an IEP. Under federal law children in private school with special education needs are entitled to equitable service. Based solely on this letter, I wonder if they received them.

Note that I am not fishing for answers to these questions, as the answers are none of my business, but am simply raising the issue of whether these children received the services to which they were entitled under the law.

Mel said...

Did we not call it with the sinus infection earlier in the week?????? She was already setting up her excuse for no church....

NJGal51 said...

Happy Easter (spring, Passover) to all. It's a beautiful day here and I plan to,make the most of it.

<=======Easter Bully or Easter Bunny? My vote is for the Easter Bully.

Formerly Duped said...

FeverS and allergieS? The kids are sick again too? Good excuse that none of them can go the church...or have that egg hunt,. What WILL they do? I thought TFW must have been better to drag her weary exhausted bones to Target to get Easter candy, perhaps from that second #loadingdose ( of wine)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If TLC was to call TFW today and say they had their camera crew
in town and wanted to meet her and the kids to film some extra
footage this afternoon, she'd have them all dressed and out the door before you could say Jeff Prescott-Smith-Newton-John.

AuntieAnn said...

We got up this morning to see snow outside our window. But there were little bunny prints in it. Merry Easter, everyone.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 113

Did we not call it with the sinus infection earlier in the week?????? She was already setting up her excuse for no church....


meh. Churches are only good for holding big garage sales anyway. Right KATE?

redbird said...

That letter is horrible.

PatK said...

The Easter Egg Hunt is on!! Not too sick for THAT!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 19m19 minutes ago
@TLC awwww love my babies and their egg filled baskets! Heading out today to do that again this year...As usual, I'm the Easter Bunny🐰

Somewhere In Time said...

Why is the school letter/expelling being resurrected? The Twitter non-fans are on this again. Did ROL and the tabs rehash this? Why now? Is there a problem again with the children at school?

KristasChannel ‏@KristasChannel 37m37 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 What's your religion?:)

Ha! She believes in the Grifting Gospel...Church of Covetous Craving!

Somewhere In Time said...

Kelsi Barton ‏@mkbarton13 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC AWE...Please post pics.

Susan Dowd ‏@dowd24 18m18 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Please share some pics 🐰🐣

WHY? Look at pictures of your own kids. If you don't have kids, then ask to see pictures of your friends' kids. If you don't have friends, then look up pictures online of other strangers' kids at an egg hunt and give the Gosselin children some privacy on Easter. Geez.

Somewhere In Time said...

Still no thank you tweets for the birthday wishes? I guess it's too late now. The old "better late than never" isn't going to work for her. It would be too obvious that Milo or her cronies would have reminded her of this, what with all the other ways of communicatin' that they do!

readerlady said...

I finally braved ROL to read the letter. My guess is that Robert gave it to them. He did say that there would be more info about the kids' expulsion forthcoming after his book.

I've taught special ed and also volunteered with students who need extra support in the classroom. It doesn't take all that long to see if the available services will be a benefit to the kids. Of course a complete turn around isn't possible in only 3 weeks, but it's a start and a way to see if the family will cooperate and if there will be improvement. Sometimes the kids need more intervention than is possible, or safe, within a school setting. Weren't there reports at the time that TFMJG didn't cooperate with the school? That she, in essence, told them it was their problem and they should deal with it? Also, IIRC, she stated that it was an "actual medical problem"? Blog historian?

Blessed Easter, everyone.

Somewhere In Time said...

Under federal law children in private school with special education needs are entitled to equitable service. Based solely on this letter, I wonder if they received them


What special ed needs did they have? Is bad behavior such a need? I don't know -- just asking.

I would certainly think that the administrators and other education specialists who assessed the children, as well as the school's attorney, knew exactly what was required by law, given Kate's penchant for suing.

Somewhere In Time said...

Also, IIRC, she stated that it was an "actual medical problem"? Blog historian?


Not the historian, but yes, she did allude to a medical issue, but I don't remember if this was before the two left kindergarten or during the time that she had addressed their not-an-expulsion.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#118) -- Garage Sales and Love Offerings are what
church is good for. Hey, sounds like an episode title! Wait, no,
there has to be alliteration. "Garage Sales and Grifting" --
that's better.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere In Time said... 121

Why is the school letter/expelling being resurrected? The Twitter non-fans are on this again. Did ROL and the tabs rehash this? Why now? Is there a problem again with the children at school?


I guess you missed it last night when Admin published the link. We were discussing the school that the G kids attend. I think the topic arose right here on this blog and not from the Twitter non-fans.

readerlady, yes, she did say it had something to do with a "medical issue". I'm guessing it had something to do with the medication that goes with ADHD. I'm also guessing that these are the drugs that get taken with her when she's away from the kids?


Localyocul said...

@Kateplusmy8: @TLC awwww love my babies and their egg filled baskets! Heading out today to do that again this year...As usual, I'm the Easter Bunny🐰

Thought there were fevers and sneezes?

readerlady said...

Somewhere -- Special education needs are defined as requiring support or assistance over and above the basic classroom instruction and assistance provided to all students. It can range from an aide to help with toileting for a student with mobility restrictions, to a full-time aide to monitor behavior and prevent injury to the student or peers. Behavioral issues used to be classified as SBH, or severe behavioral handicap, and yes, it is considered a special ed need. It interferes with the child's ability to function in a classroom.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Not the historian, but yes, she did allude to a medical issue, but I don't remember if this was before the two left kindergarten or during the time that she had addressed their not-an-expulsion. 126

Not the historian either, but IIRC the medical issues were brought up in the context of the not an expulsion.
I think her point was "it's not behavioral, it's medical".

Formerly Duped said...

I think- and yes, speculation on my part- she meant by medical condition, something requiring medication.The list of behaviors suggests a possibility of a couple of common issues to me.One or two I could guess during early episodes by the behavior of those very two.Again,only supposition!!

AuntieAnn said...

"Garage Sales and Grifting" --
Careful FF. You're giving that brain trust over at TLC ideas.

Localyocul said...

What special ed needs did they have? Is bad behavior such a need? I don't know -- just asking.


50% off task screams ADHD

Ingrid said...

Somewhere In Time said... 126
Also, IIRC, she stated that it was an "actual medical problem"? Blog historian?

Not the historian, but yes, she did allude to a medical issue, but I don't remember if this was before the two left kindergarten or during the time that she had addressed their not-an-expulsion.

It was after the expulsion. She said it on this video from the Today show at about 1:40

Tucker's Mom said...

meh. Churches are only good for holding big garage sales anyway. Right KATE?

Churches are for making bank, Auntie!

I'd say it's a shame that Kate couldn't get anyone to stay home with the sick kids while she took the rest to church, but that would be giving her pathetic excuse for not worshiping on the most high, holy Christian day some credence.
If she wasn't so patently lying, it would be sad.

Tucker's Mom said...

Weren't there reports at the time that TFMJG didn't cooperate with the school? That she, in essence, told them it was their problem and they should deal with it? Also, IIRC, she stated that it was an "actual medical problem"? Blog historian?
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Kate told them to "fix it" and it wasn't her problem and that's what she pays them the big bucks for, 8 kids and all that...
Kate spun the news of the kids getting kicked out of school as a non-expulsion (vehement denial there), and that she took them out so that medical issues could be addressed.
She also added that they were just keeping right up with all the exact same work that they would have been doing in school, and they were close to returning.
That wouldn't happen that school year, iirc.

TLC stinks said...

ITA, ADHD. This coincides with nanny giving out meds. Many parents had to deal with it, including myself. Along with ADHD there are often issues such as anxiety, depression, aggression. Either Kate was in denial about their issues or their actions were extreme for the school to expel (so the term wasn't used but that is what it was). Why the heck did it get to the point it did with Colin and Alexis? The school can only do so much.

Tucker's Mom said...

When I read that school letter, I'm just shocked that any mother would plow full steam ahead with filming.
What is described in that letter just screams adjustment problems, anger issues, possibly ADHD and maybe learning disorders.
Which is to say, enough for any sane mother to devote every single resource she has to helping her children focus.
Instead, TLC cranked the filming up to "11" and Kate did the same with her media presence.

That letter is about as bad as I expected it to be, given Robert's warning that the expulsion was way, way worse than Kate publicly let on.

Further, I don't get how Kate can turn a blind eye to the continued physical violence exhibited by some of the younger kids.
The Katie Couric visit with punching, shoving and spitting was awful. Even Katie asked Kate "uh, what do you when the kids do this (fight)?" and Kate said, "eh, let them work it out themselves".
Of course, the fallout after gaga ball was even worse. Kate was so caught up in her big "win" that she completely ignored 2 girls shoving the crap out of their brother!

TLC stinks said...

So did she say it was HER decision to pull them out of school?

So now she just keeps them doped up so they can film? If it is ADHD, you need medication AND therapy. Eventually, as in my daughter's case, she was able to stop medication and learned techniques to deal with it in addition to ongoing therapy. You can't just pop pills.

Tucker's Mom said...

Heather Garrison ‏@thegarrs2010 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 My family went to church with allergy tissues. Feel your pain! God bless you and your kiddos today!
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Candice Rosado-Cuoco ‏@crcuoco 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 you are a great mom💖
No Easter outfits. No worship on the most holy and sacred day to Christians.
But! Kate did manage to scrounge up candy last minute, so yeah, what a great mom.
Perhaps next year she can gather everyone around the computer to watch an Easter egg hunt, and actually TAKE THEM to church!
What a concept!

readerlady said...

And we need look no further than their gestational carrier as the role model for much of their behavior. She uses her superior size (for now) to enforce her will. That's what is behind the spankings, the beatings, the throwing the kids into their cribs, her constant need to triumph over the kids in games. That gaga ball game is a prime example. What mother -- heck, what adult -- takes advantage of a child's claim of injury to enforce her own victory over that child. Mady may have been faking to get out of the physical confrontation, or she may have been truly injured, but I can't imagine a sane and reasonable adult not at least calling halt to the proceedings and checking to be sure the child was okay. Of course, the key words are sane and reasonable. I don't think TFMJG can lay claim to either.

Yes, many of the behaviors described in that school letter point to ADHD, among other things. Many of us observed red flags going back to the early days of the show, when we were still fans.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Ingrid (#135), thanks for finding that Today Show clip.

I'd never read that letter until today, and it's pretty disturbing. Again
and again TFW has crowed about her kids thriving at school, tops
of their classes, move along, nothing to see here. But she lied.
If she has the kids with her "99% of the time" as she claims, then
the responsibility for getting those children help falls squarely on
her shoulders. And, yes, Tucker's Mom (#139), a truly loving and
caring mother would make that job one -- not pursuing the "chairs
of her dreams" on TV shows, or waiting for "lightening to strike
twice" with her career. Those poor children.

AuntieAnn said...

When I read that school letter, I'm just shocked that any mother would plow full steam ahead with filming.


But, but Tucker's...she just did what ANY mom would do. C'mon. What's a little misbehavin' in the classroom? Besides, what's more important than learning. Why filming, of course. You'd do it too.

Gaaaa...she makes me ill.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And compare that school letter to the fans' evaluation of the kids --
that they're all clearly happy and well adjusted. Just an 8-pack of
circus monkeys continuing to do their tricks for their adoring fans.
Gladys has commented repeatedly on how well they're doing,
and giving TFW all the credit. But who gets the blame when
things aren't all rainbows and unicorns? No one -- because
the fans just pretend there are no problems.

Anonymous said...

Church on TV, how convenient for her. But not to sick to toss candy around the lawn for 10 and 14 year olds, something is off with that too. The true meaning of Eastet?

The letter from the school is appalling in so many ways, not the least of which is that we are able to access and read it. I cannot even begin to imagine what hoops she went through, probably with lawyers and TLC, to facilitate their return. If the two children were in such dire need of assessments, one on one aid, and other measures, at 6, what could she accomplish in a few weeks to change their behaviors. Poor kids. I imagine the other parents were also frustrated, and may still be frustrated. Then again, doubt the biotch has any real interaction with other parents, the school, the teachers. And she showed us on national TV just how her kids interact with each other today. It's a mess.


localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 146
Church on TV, how convenient for her. But not to sick to toss candy around the lawn for 10 and 14 year olds, something is off with that too. The true meaning of Eastet?


Why do I have a feeling we will "share in the hunt" soon soon soon coming soon!!!!

chefsummer #Leh said...

The bulldog pups wanted to wish the Gosselin 15 a happy Easter.-(they're getting big)

High Sodium Content said...

Where is the letter you are referring to?

redbird said...

Thank you, PatK for posting info about the link.

Tucker's Mom said...
Aw, little bullies! I love how they snuggle so close.

Math Girl said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 148
The bulldog pups wanted to wish the Gosselin 15 a happy Easter.-(they're getting big)
They're adorable.

Tucker's Mom said...

Here is the LCDS letter that Radar posted.

When did Radar post this?

redbird said...

I was cleaning out old emails and I came across an email from a local, 3 years ago that I had forgot I had. iirc, we were talking about the local police and TFW.

It was a cop from the next precinct over from her and he actually used to go to her Dad's church when the tups were born. He and his wife even went to see her at Hershey hospital and he said she was nasty to them. He told me that we don't know the half of it at exactly how much the people at the church gave Kate and Jon. Basically sounded like he didn't think much of Kate but since he is a born again Christian didn't want to get ugly about it.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

But who gets the blame when
things aren't all rainbows and unicorns? No one -- because
the fans just pretend there are no problems.


I think that maybe at that time it was the school's fault because it didn't know how to help them. Didn't she also blame the stress from the divorce?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

A few questions since I am late to the party (snoozed after the big Easter buffet)...

Did ROL just publish this letter within the past few days? If so, what is the purpose of rehashing it? How is this helping the kids' privacy?

If not, and the school and the "expulsion" was initially started on this blog, then did the "haters" read here, and carry it over to Twitter?

From what I have read of the locals' comments, then they are correct. The school REQUIRED the kids' removal from Kindergarten. Kate, then, obviously told a whopper when she said that it was her decision to take them out of school, if she did in fact say that. Does the blog historian have her comments regarding why the kids were removed from the program and that it was her decision to take them out? The locals, too, were correct in that the school does not use the term "expelled," and that kids who are asked to leave do have the option of re-applying for admission. ~ Administrator said...

There's no way 10 and 14 year olds are gonna sit there and watch a church service online. They are missing out on soooo much. Online services are great if you're out of town or can't get to church but she is an able bodied 40 year old with two great cars who can haul those kids to church. The few that are sick are plenty old enough to stay home for a few hours or ask a friend or relative to watch them or heaven forbid have Jon stay with them.

The youth at my church have a blast together. They even had volleyball set up today after the service and were having a grand time together. You just can't replicate that "online." It is a crying shame they aren missing out on that. And THAT folks, is why we say these kids don't get out enough.

Tucker's Mom said...

Viewing services online is great for those house-bound or without transportation.
In the Catholic church, ecumenical ministers deliver the eucharist to those who can't make it to mass.
An able-bodied mother with 8 able-bodied kids has no excuse.
She just managed to get the kids to Mexico, but she can't get them to worship Christ on Easter Sunday?

Man, she really duped and swindled those trusting Christians, didn't she? was bursting at the seams today. We ended up in the overflow gymnasium turned church (which is pretty common for major holy days) for mass. It was just chock-a-block full of kids.
Sure, it would be so much easier for all those parents to just stay at home instead of dressing their kids for church, dressing themselves and getting to mass on time, only to fritter away most of the time, trying to keep them quiet and not wandering down the isles ;-)
It's the making it there-the effort-that counts.
(I was laughing to myself at one dad trying to control his little girl-maybe-3yo-from crawling away time and time again by holding onto her dress and pulling her back.)

Susan1956 said...

Wait a minute. The letter specifically stated that A & C were in the Kindergarten program. Towards the end of the letter, it was stated that the other tups were in their 2nd year at the school. So were A & C a year behind?

Confused . . .

Anonymous said...

The youth at my church have a blast together. They even had volleyball set up today after the service and were having a grand time together. You just can't replicate that "online." It is a crying shame they aren missing out on that. And THAT folks, is why we say these kids don't get out enough.

Exactly this. Church, even on Easter Sunday, is so much more than the service. I doubt the kids have seen the inside of 'their' church lately, when was that week at VBS again? And these kids, the ones who cannot not wiggle, poke or punch at each other, these kids did not sit quietly for morning TV church. Doubt the twins left their rooms. She has cheated them out of so much of normal life.


chefsummer #Leh said...

There's no way 10 and 14 year olds are gonna sit there and watch a church service online.

Yes but when you have been abused and are possible afraid of your mother you'll do anything to not get punished.

Tucker's Mom said...

Susan1956 said... 159
Wait a minute. The letter specifically stated that A & C were in the Kindergarten program. Towards the end of the letter, it was stated that the other tups were in their 2nd year at the school. So were A & C a year behind?

Hmm...I'm confused a bit, too. 4 tups were in their second year, but A+C were getting kicked out of kindergarten?

Lanc Native said...

Good grief. Radar didn't redact the counselor's name. Sheeple pester and go after everyone. If she couldn't help those kids, then it must have been a very bad situation because as far as educators go, she's as good as it gets.

Susan said, "Wait a minute. The letter specifically stated that A & C were in the Kindergarten program. Towards the end of the letter, it was stated that the other tups were in their 2nd year at the school."


They all were in their second year at the school at that time. Their first year there was in the pre-kindergarten program. That's considered the first year. The second year would have been kindergarten.

redbird said...

High Sodium Content, here is the link to the letter:

Formerly Duped said...

Susan, they went to PreK there too.Some of the tups were not ready for K so they all had to wait till the next year.

localyocul said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 155
But who gets the blame when
things aren't all rainbows and unicorns? No one -- because
the fans just pretend there are no problems.


I think that maybe at that time it was the school's fault because it didn't know how to help them. Didn't she also blame the stress from the divorce?


Yes, because every child going through divorce gets expelled. Eyeroll. (I think she did)

Lanc Native said...

There's no way 10 and 14 year olds are gonna sit there and watch a church service online. ...admin, 157.


They will if they are told to do so, under penalty of severeness, and I would believe that severeness in that house is strictly enforced.

AuntieAnn said...

PatK said... 105

I don't know what magic Kate performed, or for how long the kids were actually expelled, but by God she got the school to take them back, didn't she? No siree, her six pack were NOT going to be split up. I wonder how many times she invoked the question "can we sue?"


It looks like they covered that when they wrote "At some point in the future....we will welcome the conversation about their application for potential readmission."

So in other words, they forced Kate to jump through their hoops if she didn't want to the kids to split up with two of them attending another school. Must have just burned her butt to do it, too.

And Alexis and Collin? They probably paid dearly for the humiliation they caused the Supermom of Reality TV to suffer. I'll bet they're still apologizing to her.

Tucker's Mom said...

Lanc Native said... 167
There's no way 10 and 14 year olds are gonna sit there and watch a church service online. ...admin, 157.


They will if they are told to do so, under penalty of severeness, and I would believe that severeness in that house is strictly enforced.
I don't believe Kate made the kids sit there and watch a church service online. If there were cameras rolling, maybe, but I don't think it matters enough to her.
I think it was just lip service to satisfy her fans and detractors alike. She's the lying liar who lies.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I don't think she forced the kids to watch this morning. She may or
may not have even watched herself. She just wanted to get "credit"
for showing a shred of concern about her faith on this holiest of
holidays. And tried to create the illusion of the 9 of them gathered
'round the ol' computer screen, worshiping together even while
illness struck. to feed the fans' Waltons fantasy.

Yes, what people believe is their own business. But when you
go from church to church with your hand out, you better believe
people are going to scrutinize your future behavior. Especially
those whose dollars helped pay for your house.

localyocul said...

My grandmother was a devout Irish Catholic...even was the church secretary. She like many of her generation would go to daily mass. Did I mention she raised 7, count em 7 kids?) When she became housebound in her 80s she used to watch mass on Sundays, and yes a priest would bring Holy Communion. That is what the home-viewing is for, not for people who claim to be religious but aren't.

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes, what people believe is their own business. But when you
go from church to church with your hand out, you better believe
people are going to scrutinize your future behavior. Especially
those whose dollars helped pay for your house.
April 5, 2015 at 5:53 PM
What's very wrong is that Kate used other people's faith to dupe them into giving her money, time, labor, donations and beyond. She banked on their firm pro-life beliefs to obfuscate her real mission, which was making money off of her children.
I remember when Kate did that sit down interview with Natalie Morales, and sniffled about not being able to summon the strength to take her children to church without Jon.
Jon had been an afterthought in her mind for so long by that time, it was laughable to use him as not only an excuse, but for sympathy.
Just like wearing her wedding rings, which were used to manipulate the public into thinking Kate was just soooooooo torn about taking them off.
What a joke.

Serendipity said...

If the kids were aggressive, then where did they learn this behavior? Bingo.

So how are the sheep spinning this? Let me guess. It's all Jon's fault because the divorce caused them so much stress.

Serendipity said...

I think it was just lip service to satisfy her fans and detractors alike. She's the lying liar who lies.


Why would she have to say anything at all? She didn't tell them where she went for her birthday, so why would she feel the need to reveal their religious plans for the day?

PA Dutch Mom said...

So in other words, they forced Kate to jump through their hoops if she didn't want to the kids to split up with two of them attending another school. Must have just burned her butt to do it, too.


LOL! The school doesn't mess around when it comes to things like that. Even had she threatened them with a lawsuit, it wouldn't have made any difference. Once it makes up its mind, it follows through, regardless if those are the Gosselin kids, or the children of the POTUS. It would have documentation to back up its decision.

getoftweeter said...

Well, Kate is slipping. So far no birthday thank yous, no pics from the glorious birthday, no pics of Easter anything, so far. Which means, they were filming. We all know how Kate likes to tease, make a big secret of things, she is going to keep her fans in mystery. Kate it is no mystery or secret. You are like clockwork, predictable. People remember last couple of years, when there was no filming, Kate was posting pics, bragging about 10000 eggs, her pic of her being the bunny, her birthday cake etc. They filmed, no one gets any pics, cause its a mystery till it is aired.

And this sudden sickness. Gee, they were not that sick, to egg hunt. I have sinus & allergies, and I manage to still do things. And I have only had a fever, if I got an sinus infection. Sinus & allergies are almost a year round thing. Excuses Excuses.

Anonymous said...

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I think that maybe at that time it was the school's fault because it didn't know how to help them. Didn't she also blame the stress from the divorce?

Yes, at that time she did blame the stress of the divorce as causing their problems, yet, years later, she claimed that the divorce never bothered the kids and that it was much harder on her. Yes, she is the lying liar who lies.


Tucker's Mom said...

Why would she have to say anything at all? She didn't tell them where she went for her birthday, so why would she feel the need to reveal their religious plans for the day?
April 5, 2015 at 6:22 PM
1. Kate's been under scrutiny for fleecing Christians for years, taking their money when she was a millionaire and moving into a 1.2M house.
2. Kate feels the need to continue the illusion that she is an active, participating, practicing Christian after building an empire on her "no reduction" stance.
3. She's a pathological liar who like all pathological liars, will lie when there's absolutely no reason to lie.

Kate's and her children's lives have become theater, and she orchestrates the narrative to suit her needs.
Keeping up the guise that she practices her Christianity is to Kate, somehow central to perpetuating her "good mother" image. She wonders what the fallout might be if she came out and admitted she does not lead her family, for which she's claimed full credit for raising, spiritually.


Ex Nurse said...

I disgree that the behaviors described in the letter are related to ADHD. Sounds more like Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes, at that time she did blame the stress of the divorce as causing their problems, yet, years later, she claimed that the divorce never bothered the kids and that it was much harder on her. Yes, she is the lying liar who lies.

I couldn't believe when Mady said that it was harder on her mother than her. Kate sat there (on The View) with that poor, "pity me" frowny face, nodding knowingly.
Shame on her for allowing her daughter to feel that way, with ZERO acknowledgement to Mady that it really had to be very hard, if not harder, on her, because she was and is A CHILD. ~ Administrator said...

Funny how these kids rarely seem to get sick when it's time to FILM. There they are, like eight ducks in a row, ready to go.

It's only when they have to go to things like church or school or the things they're supposed to be doing do they constantly fall ill. ~ Administrator said...

. Once it makes up its mind, it follows through, regardless if those are the Gosselin kids, or the children of the POTUS.


I'm confused though, they didn't follow through on expelling the kids.

That letter was crystal clear, the kids were done there. Not temporary. They told them goodbye, find another program and have a nice life.

They didn't follow through on expelling them, there's no other explanation. Something happened. I don't know what that is. Could have been a threat of a lawsuit, other services set up, but something changed.

localyocul said...

Ex Nurse said... 179
I disgree that the behaviors described in the letter are related to ADHD. Sounds more like Oppositional Defiant Disorder.


I actually think it could be both. But yes, ODD did cross my mind. It was the 50% of time off task that hinted at ADHD, but the inability to behave after 3 weeks of wrap around speaks to ODD. IMO ~ Administrator said...

Yes, what people believe is their own business. But when you
go from church to church with your hand out, you better believe
people are going to scrutinize your future behavior. Especially
those whose dollars helped pay for your house.



I really don't care if she never wants to go to church again. It's hard to find a place for religion in this day in age. Science continues to provide more and more explanations for things religion used to. Our lives are not structured anymore to leave Sundays for church. But be honest about it. It is completely normal for beliefs to change as the years go on or lives to change such that there is no room for church. Just own it.

If she does want to leave the church that's totally fine, but acknowledge how much money, time, effort they gave you first. This pretending she still is involved with her faith is just plain sad. She's clearly not.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#181), heck, we've actually watched the kids' physical
problems being neglected and/or ignored right before our eyes
during certain episodes. The mass vomiting on the boat. C's
hurt foot put on the back burner because Mama had to film
"game night." H saying her ear hurt as a toddler, which turned
out to be infections in both ears. They managed to film while
Jon had a scratched cornea. And who could forget poor little
J on the laundry room floor?

But for me, the most WTF the-show-must-go-on moment was
went TFW hopped a plane to LA to accompany Jon as he got
his free hair transplant, while most of her 8 very young children
were sick. Leaving them with her sister-in-law (currently residing
along the curb), who had a houseful of her own sick kids. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see that the letter mentions whether the children had ISPs, the private school equivalent of an IEP as I understand it. That's another reason public school probably could have met their needs just as well if not better. They could sit down and have a real, thorough, intensive IEP with staff specifically trained in special education. These kinds of behaviors are nothing that a well trained special ed teacher couldn't handle. Private schools aren't required to provide the same sort of intensive services public schools do. It is well documented that there is usually much more funding and availability of intensive special ed services at public schools.

Tucker's Mom said...

But be honest about it. It is completely normal for beliefs to change as the years go on or lives to change such that there is no room for church. Just own it.******
It's the denial that's the problem.
You got a boob job? Good for you, I hope you like the new girls.
You get botox and other cosmetic nip and tucks? Who cares.

Kate has this puerile habit of lying and covering things up like a child.
Anyone can see she's lying, but she's never going to admit it, making it so much worse than the truth.

AuntieAnn said... ~ Administrator said... 183

That letter was crystal clear, the kids were done there. Not temporary. They told them goodbye, find another program and have a nice life.

They didn't follow through on expelling them, there's no other explanation. Something happened. I don't know what that is. Could have been a threat of a lawsuit, other services set up, but something changed.


Actually they did leave the door opened a crack in the very last paragraph:

At some point in the future, when they are better able to participate in and benefit from our school program, we will welcome the conversation about their application for potential readmission. ~ Administrator said...

It's the denial that's the problem.
You got a boob job? Good for you, I hope you like the new girls.
You get botox and other cosmetic nip and tucks? Who cares.


Many celebs out there are willing to own things like this and just admit they did it.

I've noticed that when they do, the story deflates, forgive the pun. It just goes away. It's just not interesting to speculate about a boob job when a celeb actually says, yep, I got one! Next?

Just own it. It goes away.

Sue_Buddy said...

I must have been in a coma when this letter appeared on Radar. I never saw any conversations about it whatsoever.

What prompted the posting of it now, 4 1/2 years later?

Regarding the school not following through, the last paragraph states:

"At some point in the future, when they are better able to participate in and benefit from our school program, we will welcome a conversation about their application for potential readmission."

So they left the door open to allow the kids to reenter the school.

Unknown said...

Ex Nurse said... 179
''I disgree that the behaviors described in the letter are related to ADHD. Sounds more like Oppositional Defiant Disorder.''
Cripes! I read the link and it seems to me that the one with ''Oppositional-defiant-disorder'' is Kate, not her children!! Read the list again and see if you agree with me that most, if not all of them, apply to Kate.

Anonymous said...

"At some point in the future, when they are better able to participate in and benefit from our school program, we will welcome the conversation about their application for potential readmission."

That point in the future came pretty quickly, they were not home for very long. As I read the letter, I did not think the school was going in that direction. And as much as it is not any of my business, I am curious as to what pressures may have been brought to change their mind. Kate is probably close to the least articulate person I have ever heard, so I have serious doubts she walked into the head of schools office and presented her case with any sense of logic or sense. Something, or someone, brought some serious intervention. Only thing that make sense.


AuntieAnn said...

Many celebs out there are willing to own things like this and just admit they did it.


Not only admit it, they brag about it. Look what I got!!! Ya like 'em?

lol ~ Administrator said...

I think it would be hard to determine whether these children's behaviors are actually the result of some kind of organic issue or whether it's a socialization problem due to poor models. I mean, if all you ever see to model your behavior after is an adult who behaves terribly all the time, it makes sense that at least some of the kids would mirror her behavior only to discover it does not work in a classroom setting. For a child that young that might just frustrate them and confuse them all the more, as they see this behavior "working" for Kate in real life yet when they do the same it gets them nowhere. Poor kids.

I think it's entirely possible there was nothing wrong with them at all other than they were just imitating their mother. They were so young they may not have understood her behavior is not acceptable. The other kids may have been a bit more mature to start to grasp that, which explains why they didn't do the same. That may not change the treatment though. ~ Administrator said...

That point in the future came pretty quickly, they were not home for very long. As I read the letter, I did not think the school was going in that direction. And as much as it is not any of my business, I


Yes that seemed so boilerplate to me I didn't even register it.

Sort of like softening the blow, but without ever really intending to follow through. I agree, it did not come across like, at some point in the next eight weeks we'll let them back in.

And weren't they just being homeschooled by Carla during that period? Hardly the sort of intensive services one would expect to happen before they are let back in.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Why is this letter being brought up now? Did something else happen with the kids at school?

Unknown said... ~ Administrator said... 194''...I think it's entirely possible there was nothing wrong with them at all other than they were just imitating their mother.''
I agree! I just posted a comment that to me SHE is the one that has the ''disorder'', and they were simply following her lead!

chefsummer #Leh said...

I've noticed that when they do, the story deflates,

If she admits the truth people would be like okay good for you or IDGAF and they'll move on.Kate doesn't want people to move on.

She want's all of the attention good bad or ugly attention she'll take it.

4rmine said...

I don't see the purpose of rehashing the kids behavior at school. This was 5 years ago. The kids are still at the school, and I think Jon said that they are doing ok. Lately this blog has been rehashing many things that happened 5 years ago. Regardless if ROL recently reported it, the information was not really new. Again, Jon said that things are going ok now. How is all of this rehashing helping the kids? It's not. At this point it's gossiping.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

PJ's momma, 197...

I don't understand why this letter is being brought up either. Despite who may or may not have released it, or how the school handled it, or the reasons it all happened, it's sort of intrusive to the kids who are now older, to make it so easily available again. Not that I think their classmates read here, but still, how embarrassing!


I agree. It's like opening up old wounds and pouring salt into them, at least as far as the kids are concerned. What purpose does it serve now? As far as the kids being re-admitted after a short amount of time, perhaps they were put on medication that worked wonders for them, or if they had been on medication, maybe it was changed or adjusted. Regardless, it's over and done, and second-guessing the school, and scrutinizing the letter seems to me to serve no purpose. We know Kate lied when she said that it was her decision to remove the kids from school. This is no new revelation.

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