This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1816 Newer› Newest»Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
And then there is THIS! At 5:30am I know this will be in your thoughts! :) http://t.co/NXnj75KWXz
You know what Kate is thinking when she's sleeping? Creeper!
By the way, Milo, that's Sleeping Beauty. She's been sleeping for a hundred years, waiting for a king's son to kiss her and awaken her. Does Milo want to be the one who plants a big one on her?
The letter wasn't really intended to rehash everything. I just posted it because another poster feels the school is their safe haven and for a variety of reasons I respectfully disagree and think the school could get that letter removed if they wanted to with one letter of their own, if they were really concerned about protecting their famous students. Had I not posted the link I'd get a "link plea" request, so that's why. People seem to be talking as if they haven't seen it before if I'm not mistaken, and surely many people missed it the first time around, so it's a fair enough discussion since it's new to some.
Cripes! I read the link and it seems to me that the one with ''Oppositional-defiant-disorder'' is Kate, not her children!! Read the list again and see if you agree with me that most, if not all of them, apply to Kate.
ODD is applied to children. In adults it becomes sociopathy.
Not disagreeing with your basic premise, though.
Anon this time
The letter is new, in that it seems like most people haven't seen it before.
Thus opening the topic for discussion again, imo. I don't recall the letter being public knowledge prior to now.
First, I call BULLSHIT on Kate and some of the kids having allergy and sinus problems so bad that they can't attend church BUT they can go outside and run around and hunt for eggs. That makes zero sense. To attend church they just need to get dress and drive there. And walk in a building and sit there. It takes a heck of a lot more energy to run around outside in the grass and among the trees hunting for eggs on a huge piece of property. I hope her fans realize this. How Kate can be so stupid to write this crap is beyond me.
And I never saw that letter either until now. When was that letter originally posted at Radar? Because the letter never used the word expelled Kate does what she does best. She lied about it. They were 100% told to leave the school, no doubt. Yes, they said they would revisit the issue at a latter date if they got better. But it was not a mutally agreed upon idea. Kate was co-host with Mary on Entertainment Tonight when she first discussed this. I will try to find the link because they talked a lot about it.
I think Collin and Alexis were somewhat wired from birth a little differently than there siblings. Let me explain. Alexis was the wild one even as a toddler and we all saw Collin hitting and biting and taking toys from others way more than the other siblings.
But I am NOT saying they were wired to be kicked out of school. That is Jon and Kate's fault. And mainly Kate's fault. Instead of properly guiding and teaching their toddlers they were instead filming the hell out of them during those years. Go look at how many episodes of J&K at that time they were cranking out. How can all your focus be on raising and disciplining your kids when there is a film crew in your house & car filming your daily life? Not to mention Jon and Kate were gone a lot on different weekends collecting more money from churches. And all that traveling with the eight little kids. That was a receipe for diaster. It made the kids worse and increase all their anxieties.
Then when they moved in late 2008 Kate was off all the time (per Jon) with Steve going on book tours and such. Her second book came out. I think this was the period of time Kate said it worked best for her to be home a week and then gone a gone a week. She said this worked best for her family. Shame on Kate.
Then the seperation came, the paps came, the divorce came. The tups turned five during that time. But this is the most horrible. Kate said to People magazine (I think in Jan. 2010) that her kids were showing bad behaviors and she was going to be bringing in a therapist into her home. So she had a hugh WARNING!!! So what did she do. She signed up for DWTS and was gone a hell of a lot starting that Feb. And remember they were trying to figure out Twist of Kate (they announced that show on DWTS) at that time too. So Kate was gone a hell, hell, hell of a lot. And she off to NY getting her hair extensions twice done too. Nanny after nanny was brought in. Jon was in and out living in New York. What a mess. And what happened that summer 2010? They were filming the hell out of Kate Plus 8. So where does that lead us? Right to Sept. 2010 when the kids go back to school and six weeks later after terrible behaviors they were told to leave. Their behavior was so bad they were hitting and verbally abusing their teachers and fellow students.
So Shame on Kate again. She was not there for them EVER. And she DID NOT need the money for DWTS. Remember she was starting Kate Plus 8 ($250,000) per episode and Twist of Kate. Plus she had her third book coming out. Plus she was collecting $22,000 a month from Jon at this time. She was on several covers of People at that time. It was/is all about her fame and her kids paid and are still paying for it.
People seem to be talking as if they haven't seen it before if I'm not mistaken, and surely many people missed it the first time around, so it's a fair enough discussion since it's new to some.
The letter is new to me, and I think I follow here pretty close. I feel it's pertinent because it's further proof of just how bad things were for the kids, while they were forced to film episodes for Kate's show.
This evidence is similar to seeing the episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" after rumors in the National Enquirer, which detailed the clusterf*ck that was the camping ordeal.
I know I really didn't believe it at first, but there Kate was, throwing a tantrum, just as described.
Same goes for Jon's plea to the court, detailing Kate's continued physical violence against the kids and her continued parental alienation.
The fans can deny that Kate's journal was written by Kate, and therefore, no beatings ever happened, or that it was so long ago (as if that matters).
The fact is Jon himself reported seeing welts/bruises, and even though that court document is years old, it reinforces the legitimacy of the concerns many have about Kate's parenting.
To bring it around to the very recent past, we've seen the behavior described in the school's letter on recent film, where shoving, punching and spitting continues.
That's a huge concern and red flag.
We know Kate lied when she said that it was her decision to remove the kids from school. This is no new revelation.
Well, there's knowing and there's knowing with proof.
It's stunning that there's irrefutable evidence that Kate lied right to several people's faces, on national tv, yet no one ever confronts her.
Yes, it happened awhile ago, but it's so obvious that Kate has and continues to go to any length to perpetuate the notion that all the kids are just fine, nothing wrong here!, so she can continue to film.
If evidence of the children struggling emotionally with the fallout from their parents' very antagonistic relationship became common knowledge, I doubt that the public would find continued filming so palatable when watching the kids for their personal entertainment.
Regardless if ROL recently reported it, the information was not really new. Again, Jon said that things are going ok now. How is all of this rehashing helping the kids? It's not. At this point it's gossiping.
I have to disagree that it's gossip. It's proof of what we've suspected and I think bringing it to light will possibly help the children.
It bothers me when sheep say over and over again that Kate's beating happened X years ago, so what?
This isn't much different to me.
The kids did indeed get kicked out of school, and fortunately got back in and have stayed in. What concerns me is that I find it unreasonable that they were forced to film and NO ONE did, or could do, a damn thing to stop it.
That's relevant because people need to know how the Reality TV hot dog is really made.
Let's continue to demand transparency.
Someone said that Milo had a Madonna (or princess?) complex regarding Kate. I think it was the person who said Milo sounded like a middle-aged man.
Milo's tweet last night literally shows a cartoon Disney princess, with sweeping light hair and holding a rose in bed asleep, with the caption, "Just five more minutes."
Milo's fixation with Kate in bed continues ....
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 9h 9 hours ago
And then there is THIS! At 5:30am I know this will be in your thoughts! :) @kateplusmy8
Here's the image: https://twitter.com/FitspirationaI/status/584407595873611777/photo/1
One other thing: Milo claims to be a tiny 95 or 100 pound underweight woman. I just discovered I can right-click on Milo's photos to see their source. The URL from the picture she sent Kate a few days ago is from the twitter handle "Lose those poundz:" And she's underweight? Yeah, right! Milo might be as much a liar as Kate!
I've been following this saga for years and I never saw that letter before. None of us are equipped to make any diagnosis except to realize that something is going on with Kate and some of the kids. With eight children, statistically there will be issues. However, Kate wants the world to believe they are perfect and she is the perfect mother. As moms, we know that premise does not exist. Bottom line: Kate is one messed up female. Not only are the kids exposed to her as a role model, but who knows what has been passed down genetically? And all this crap is public!
Leslie (#5), good point about the allergies! Running around in the
grass doesn't seem like a great idea if you've got hay fever. Unless
of course there's a film crew documenting it. Why didn't TFW just
say she's allergic to church?
Ah, yes, Gladys, poor widdle TFW has to wake up at 5:30 this
morning. Time to play the piecing and patching single mother
of 8 card again. Wonder how late she got to sleep in Mexico?
I'd assume whatever nanny TLC footed the bill for handled any
child who dared wake up before 8.
We know Kate lied when she said that it was her decision to remove the kids from school. This is no new revelation.
Well, there's knowing and there's knowing with proof.
Yes and even very recently there were drivebys bellyaching that the kids were SUSPENDED, not expelled.
Nope, they were expelled. Proof.
A temporary suspension does not require reenrollment. They even phrased it like we can have a discussion about reenrollment MAYBE someday. I.e. don't even bother to reapply without running it by us first. Go find another program. I bet they were thinking reenroll in middle school or something, not a few months later.
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
Collin anyway seems a shadow of his former self, the busy little boy who liked to organize things, boss the others, was physical toward his brothers and sisters, didn't listen as per Kate's words etc. Now he seems thin, quiet and compliant.His company is eschewed by some of the others, either by Kate's keeping him apart or their choice (mainly the girls) You have to wonder if his spirit was broken by punishment, medication, emotionally or a combo.Alexis is also the odd one out of the girls, made to sleep apart, called 'nuts' by her sister, and often absent from activities with Collin- maybe they are out at therapy? Probably not, though. JMO-I wish them- and all the kids the best.
I don't think a single poster here is trying to speak ill of those
children. But I think this letter is relevant in that it is a reminder
of TFW's deceitful nature. At first it was a "he said she said"
situation. There was a claim that the children were expelled,
and TFW said for a fact that they were not. As with many
situations, you might figure the truth was somewhere in the
middle. But this letter proves that there was, indeed, a
serious behavioral problem with 2 children at school.
The problem was addressed, but not corrected, and TFW
was told those children would no longer be allowed to attend.
There was no gray area in that situation. No call from TLC or
Laverne & Shirley was going to keep that from happening.
Can you imagine how that landed for TFW -- someone for
whom "no never means no?" Whose rallying cry is, "I'm in
charge, and that's never gonna change?"
My gosh, Anon/Leslie, the way you described TFW excruciating timeline of events is vile, horrendous and disgusting.
IT IS ALL ON HER! She has primary custody/control. She's the Boss! Wow, what a vile witch. Just think, I wonder if she would of taken her own meds all these years how much better off the kids would of been.
I wonder how much money it cost TLC to get those kids back into the school. They had to protect their brand, don't ya know!
The kids with behavior problems are probably medicated now.
Given the tone and words of the letter from the school, and the short length of time before re-admittance, I would guess that she, and whoever did her talking, agreed to some serious medical intervention - independent assessment, meds, probably a combination of things. If meds, then there has to be some therapeutic intervention, can't just keep calling in prescriptions. And I do suspect meds of some kind since the behaviors were very physical -hitting adults, pushing students. And perhaps the kids have largely grown up and out of most of this, tho it remains suspect that they are the 'scapegoat' kids. After all, as noted above, years 4-6 in their short lives were incredibly stressful. When your father is not allowed up the driveway, your mother is gone every moment she can seize and cameras are in your face beyond the norm . . .the school backed down from their stand; something made them do so.
Formerly, it now is very clear to me that the children who do not bend to Kate's control are singled out. Kate must be very frustrated that ALL 8 are not her little robots. Knowing that Kate is a sneaky bitch, let's hope she is not medicating ALL the kids. That would be a very big scandal.
In respect to the letter, it had to have come from Jon or it was something in the trash that Robert found.
Tucker's Mom said... 9
That's relevant because people need to know how the Reality TV hot dog is really made.
Let's continue to demand transparency.
It's often been said here, when someone comments that by talking about Kate we're contributing to the continuation of her being on TV, that this little blog doesn't have that kind of influence, that we're not big enough.
If that's the case, how can little old us have the power to inform people of what they need to know and make demands of transparency? To whom are we making demands?
I don't think we can be too small to make a difference in Kate's continued appearances on TV, yet be influential enough to make demands that will be heard by anyone who could make a difference.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 14
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
How did you find out the date the letter was uploaded?
Virginia Pen Mom said... 14
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
It's quite possible that if this letter was uploaded in March, no one at the kids school even knows it's been on ROL, right?
TLC stinks said... 20''In respect to the letter, it had to have come from Jon or it was something in the trash that Robert found.''
I believe that it was something in the trash Robert found, because he 'hinted' that the two leaving school was worse than people knew. I agree with the person who said there is knowing, and knowing with the proof.
Don't forget that ROL had something about new complaints about her focusing on Colin and treating him differently/abusing him that came out in ??October?? of last year. I wonder how long it will be before the actual complaint is revealed, and we see the details of that investigation.
It is SO annoying to read that 2 shoes person point to the fact that Jon's kids haven't been removed from their mother, therefore any abuse allegations must be untrue!
Anonymous said... 6
I think Collin and Alexis were somewhat wired from birth a little differently than there siblings. Let me explain. Alexis was the wild one even as a toddler and we all saw Collin hitting and biting and taking toys from others way more than the other siblings.
Maybe. But their aggressive behavior may also have been a direct result of them being the primary targets for Kate's wrath and punishments. We know that she was using physical force to punish/control the children while they were babies, still in their cribs. It is possible that A and C were more susceptible to copying Kate's aggression. They acted out as they had been acted upon.
Whatever the reason, my heart aches for those kids and all the trauma they have endured.
If she did indeed have an Easter egg hunt, it was filmed. And no going to church...filming instead. Today is the last day of Easter break, er, filming.
And if they were filming, it means Steve has been with her for over two weeks now. It will be interesting how TLC edits the Mexico vacay and Easter break since we know the timeline. Another hour show, another $40k, which in the scheme of things, is a drop in bucket what she used to pull in from TLC although that Mexico vacay was very expensive for TLC considering air fare, accommodations, food, crew salaries, etc but I guess TLC must get enough advertising revenue from her show to justify the expense.
Was that letter republished in March, or was it downloaded by Admin in March? If either case, sorry, I do not see how this will help the kids. A 5-year old letter published on one blog in the gigantic web-o-sphere is not going to help those kids. It may solidify for some that Kate is a liar and deceitful. Big whoop, that is not news to anyone who has followed this mess from the beginning. If it gives people who hate her something to talk about, then so be it. But if it was Jon who had said they were not expelled, people would probably be saying that it's five years old and time to let it go.
I looked around Radar and when all this happened, they kept quoting someone 'from the school, close to the situation.' It may have been someone from the school who leaked it. It doesn't matter who did though, it's wrong and should never have been leaked. It only hurts the kids. Imagine if you were one of those kids and that kind of information was floating around with your name all over it? Would YOU want it out? It would be humiliating.
Anonymous said... 6
Thank you for summarizing the history, and putting context to the school letter (new to many of us).
When you understand how the children's world was fractured, unstable and filled with emotional turmoil, and that Kate denied and from all accounts, ignored the growing problems her children were experiencing, it's obvious that filming, media attention, magazine covers and numerous tv interviews were the last thing any mother should do.
Kate should have put 100% of her focus on her children, including ridding herself of the numerous money-sucks she has obliged her children to pay for.
I don't think we can be too small to make a difference in Kate's continued appearances on TV, yet be influential enough to make demands that will be heard by anyone who could make a difference.
Well, let me address your points separately. I do not think if every single one of us tuned in to the "premier" airing of Kate's episodes, that it would amount to anything when it comes to the total amount of viewers and shares.
I do think we can be a repository of information from various sources, by discussion, and we can become involved by contacting those who enact and support laws which help protect the rights of children who are volunteered into the JOB of becoming reality television personalities.
The latter is always the heart of this blog and the reason for its being, but of course, we've become so much more than that over the years.
Anonymous said... 6
Thank you for summarizing the history, and putting context to the school letter (new to many of us).
Yes, thank you Leslie.
Does anyone remember (Leslie?) where in the "time frame" the pumpkin patch episode filmed? Where the gestational carrier had her scripted heart to heart with Colin? The one that Polly blogger wrote about?
There, my friends, is how tfw was there for the son who was in such emotional turmoil. How she is the mother of all mothers to the sheep.
In her mind, that was great parenting
Localyokul said...
I think it could be both.
I agree. I didn't mean to rule out ADHD as a contributing factor. I was just saying that I thought the behaviors that they were expelled for were not related to attentiveness. They were acts of agression aimed at adults and students.
Tucker's Mom (#27), and there's the ongoing problem of the
children's father still being persona non grata to their mother.
If there were 2 mature parents involved, there would have
been compromises struck this many years later so that the
kids' best emotional interests were put first. But the idea that
the man is still not allowed on the property, and that TFW
will only communicate with him via text, is deplorable. I'm
sure the kids are used to it, but being used to something
doesn't make it any less miserable or damaging.
Haven't gone to ROL in some time, went to find the letter from the school and it's gone?
Also, hadn't heard/read the above article
Virginia Pen Mom said... 14
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
Sue_Buddy said... 22
How did you find out the date the letter was uploaded?
The date is part of the name Radar gave it (or that was automatically generated) when Radar uploaded it: "2015/03"
My daughter is a kindergarten in a private school. She has a student who is on the autism spectrum. Since the school does not have services, the family is paying for a full-time aide. The only qualifications that the aide has is that she has a son with the same diagnosis. Although the child has an IEP, there is no real accountability.
This school is in the early stages, so I am not saying that the G's school doesn't provide services. But, lacking the accountability that an IEP provides , and uncertainty about the skill of the people who provided services, I agree that public schools are better equipped to deal with the kind of extreme behavior described in the letter.
Admin, since the no one else (myself included) remembers this letter, and if you look at the URL which says 03/15, how did you know about it?
the school backed down from their stand; something made them do so.
That's my thought, too. Just like the judge. Makes you wonder just how large that donation to the school had to be. Maybe a new wing? A new soccer field?
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Hardly long enough for any non-prescription therapy to have much of an effect.
Leslie...that timeline you put together. Makes my heart break for those poor little kids. They surely have been through a lot in their young lives.
The letter is still viewable on Radar.
I'm not understanding why it's ok for Admin or posters here to post and discuss some things while others are taboo? This letter is out in the public -- to me, IMO, it's fair game. It also sheds a lot of light on Kate's continuing lies. And since this blog is about the Gosselins, it's worthy of discussion.
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Hardly long enough for any non-prescription therapy to have much of an effect.
Not according to this ROL article. As of Feb. 2011, the two were still not back at the school and Jon and Kate were 'hopeful' they would be allowed back by Sept. 2011.
Can you imagine how that landed for TFW -- someone for
whom "no never means no?"
Yeah. Sigh. Must have hell to pay at home for those two little kids.
Jane, I agree. I also think one can speculate on certain things if you add the proviso that they are indeed opinions only- we don't know all the facts. But this board is to discuss the Gosselin saga as you said, and as long as no one says anything hurtful or blaming of the kids, I agree all's fair within mature reason.By saying 'this child acted this way or was rude' etc is fine; saying one is ugly for example, is not. That letter is available to the public, rightly or not,so it's open for discussion IMO.
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Were they really back three weeks later?
Below is a link to an original article by Radar Online, dated 12/15/2010.
The letter doesn't appear to be a part of the article, nor linked to the article. But from the article's words, it's clear that they saw that letter at that time. They're article certainly jives with everything the letter says, right down to the tone of the letter.
Yes, thank you Leslie.
Does anyone remember (Leslie?) where in the "time frame" the pumpkin patch episode filmed? Where the gestational carrier had her scripted heart to heart with Colin? The one that Polly blogger wrote about?
This is the link to Polly's blog where she posted one of the most eye-opening, first-hand accounts of what filming is really like that I thought I'd never see.
Polly's observations (no, sheep, not stalking) were revelatory and showed that filming is work, not the full experience you THINK the children are having, when you view Kate's spin and the editing that's done.
Click Here to link to the post on Polly's blog.
Note the date of the filming was 10/30/2010. If you saw the episode, you can compare Polly's account to Kate's, and it's such a joke.
But, I guess the upshot is that in the whopping 20-minutes they spent at this super fun farm, with a plethora of fun things to do, Kate managed to stage a special moment with Colin before whisking the brook back to the compound for the next shots on the producer's film board.
A quote from the 12/15/10 Radar Online article. Makes you wonder just exactly how much they hurt the adult. Whatever happened, it certainly triggered a swift, harsh response. TFW's probably lucky the teacher didn't sue her for damages.
One of the expelled Gosselin kids physically harmed an adult at the school TWO TIMES, creating a situation that caused school administrators to believe they had no choice but to remove that child from school, RadarOnline.com is reporting exclusively.
The nature and extent of the adult’s injuries are not known, but the situation was severe enough that it contributed heavily to the school’s decision to expel the children. RadarOnline.com has also learned that both of Gosselin children were abusive to other children in the school, creating an untenable situation.
localyocul said... 41
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Were they really back three weeks later?
I don't know where this three weeks thing is coming from. The two were worked with by a wrap-around professional at the school for three weeks before they were expelled, if I am understanding the letter correctly. As I posted above (38) they were still not back in school as of Feb 2011.
Apparently the teacher was starting to effect behavior changes, but something happened that made the school say nope, done.
Who knows what that something was, but it had to be something pretty major since they were apparently having some success with their intervention.
“While the teacher was able to achieve some success, it became apparent to the school that the pair needed intensive assistance to help them with their social, emotional and academic needs.
“The demand on the children’s classroom teachers — and the impact on other kids — was just too great.”
AuntieAnn said... 45
localyocul said... 41
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Were they really back three weeks later?
I don't know where this three weeks thing is coming from. The two were worked with by a wrap-around professional at the school for three weeks before they were expelled, if I am understanding the letter correctly. As I posted above (38) they were still not back in school as of Feb 2011.
Thanks. Still, four months is not very long either! But much longer than 3 weeks. They really did reverse course from having a Discussion about Possible Application for reenrollment ( I would think at least not until the fall) to readmission 4 months later.
Just the fact that the letter states the parents would have to apply for "potential readmission" underscores that the two children were in fact expelled. What stands out for me is that the Gosselin children were initially 'held back' from starting school so would likely have been at least one year older than their kindergarten schoolmates and yet even with the additional year of "maturity" they did not meet the school's behavior requirements.
As I posted above (38) they were still not back in school as of Feb 2011.
Oops, sorry I misread this..reading too fast. Maybe it was the next fall they were readmitted then.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 14
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
ROL had articles about the letter towards the end of 2010 - so the content is not new.
“The demand on the children’s classroom teachers — and the impact on other kids — was just too great.”
I wonder what the classmate's parents thought of all this? I wouldn't be too happy knowing I was sending my kindergartner into a classroom with a kid that knowingly is hitting other children and teachers.
It's ridiculous how Kate keeps skating by on her horrible parenting. It might be that major news outlets, etc, just don't give a damn. It's obvious that TLC employees knew about the abuse and just.kept.filming.
it's all about the dollar.
We are witnessing another Dionne family.
From Wikipedia :
The wraparound plan typically includes formal services and interventions, together with community services and interpersonal support and assistance provided by friends, kin, and other people drawn from the family’s social networks.
Friends, kin and family's social networks. Think they were all kicked to the curb by then. And clearly this was not going to fit into the master plan of film the s*^t out of these kids. I cannot even imagine TFW signing off on something that might actually reveal her abuse, neglect, inadequate parenting. Poor kids.
Mel said:
What I meant was that farm kids used to have to take days off to help support their families, but that's been forbidden for number of years. Too bad no one will stand up and say no to the Gosselin kids having to take days off school to work to support their family.
When my family moved to a more rural part of California in the mid-1960's, the school system would allow students to take time off to help with harvesting, but soon after that, the practice ceased.
My first thought was that the school might not want to create a real impediment to Kate's removing the kids from school in order to film, because if they don't film, then they won't have a continuing source of income to pay the private school tuition. It's a conflict of interest for the school in a way - because if they strictly enforce the absence policy, they are risking the possibility that Kate would look around for a more lenient private school and place the kids there. She'd do it in a heartbeat if she felt her income stream was being put at risk. She doesn't care about the kids and the effect it might have on them.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2
The letter wasn't really intended to rehash everything. I just posted it because another poster feels the school is their safe haven and for a variety of reasons I respectfully disagree and think the school could get that letter removed if they wanted to with one letter of their own, if they were really concerned about protecting their famous students. Had I not posted the link I'd get a "link plea" request, so that's why. People seem to be talking as if they haven't seen it before if I'm not mistaken, and surely many people missed it the first time around, so it's a fair enough discussion since it's new to some.
Shoot, now I'm confused, too. When was the first time around?
That letter sounded very firm. Go away, don't come back. At least not for a loooong time. And voila! Here they are, back in a mere 3 weeks.
Were they really back three weeks later?
Kate must have come up with a psychologist who confirmed the kids were ready to come back to school. That's the only explanation I can come up with other than she threatened the school in a lawsuit.
My first thought was that the school might not want to create a real impediment to Kate's removing the kids from school in order to film, because if they don't film, then they won't have a continuing source of income to pay the private school tuition. It's a conflict of interest for the school in a way - because if they strictly enforce the absence policy,
Bingo. It IS a conflict of interest for them to be involved in this at all.
A public school is not dependent on their enrollment for their tuition dollars, and a public school follows the same attendance rules as all the other schools around. There is no fear if they are stricter about attendance they'll seek a better attendance policy elsewhere. The whole thing is suspect for that very reason.
Thanks. Still, four months is not very long either! But much longer than 3 weeks.
Hmmm....I thought the kids got kicked out not long after the school year began, and didn't return until the next year.
Maybe they went back in the following Spring sometime?
Anyway, I remember it being quite a while.
I bet part of the decision about taking the kids back had to do with concern for their mother's handling of having her kids in separate schools, or even the possibility of Kate "home schooling" them, where they'd never get the multi-disciplinary intervention they needed.
And when I say "home schooling", I mean I don't believe Kate took charge of their education and schooled them herself. I think she left that to the nannies.
I wonder why the 2 teachers didn't sue TFW for their injuries and pain and suffering. I am not saying they did, but I wonder if TLC give them hush the cluster bust shut money. For it to get out that a teacher was suing the great FW for injuries that her children did to a teacher that was significant would of been very bad for "THE BRAND".
I wonder how many people, businesses, elected or appointed officials from local to state and federal have been paid to shut the cluster bust up from revealing TFW's dirty laundry? The judge? The dr. who owned the big house, because he was going to sue, the people who were hit by TFW in their car on the road and caused them to wreck and she didn't stop and just kept going. Had to protect "The Brand".
I would love to read the police report on this, public record.
Pennsylvania Hit and Run Laws
Duty to Stop
When you are involved in an accident with another vehicle, whether it was also moving or if it was empty and stationary, you are required to stop. Under the law, you must exchange information with the other driver, or attempt to contact the owner of an empty vehicle. If someone is injured, you are required to provide reasonable assistance and contact emergency authorities.
It’s in failing to live up to this requirement that the criminal charges arise. (PA Code §75-3744)
Not a sheeple, lol, but I wonder when the Mexican fiesta vacation will be aired on TLC. Any guesses?
That letter is just heartbreaking. My heart breaks for those kids!
Virginia Pen Mom said... 14
The date Radar uploaded that letter was March 2015, so I'd assume it's something new they obtained. Was it with a story?
4rmine said... 50
ROL had articles about the letter towards the end of 2010 - so the content is not new
Re-reading the Dec. 2010 Radar article, I agree Radar knew about the letter and its content, but as far as I can see, Radar didn't actually post the letter until March 2015.
I can't imagine Radar had the letter in its possession and didn't post it --unless it was part of an agreement with whomever provided it -- so maybe someone just told them what the letter said. Or maybe they had it in possession way back then. Who knows?
I don't think anyone here mentioned seeing the letter before (did they?) ... and the upload is clearly dated 2015.
I was just wondering if this upload were part of a new article.
Tucker's Mom said:
I do think we can be a repository of information from various sources, by discussion, and we can become involved by contacting those who enact and support laws which help protect the rights of children who are volunteered into the JOB of becoming reality television personalities
I agree. The more aware we become of the true reality of "reality tv", the more we can share that knowledge with others. Yes, we are a relatively small group, but the ripples we send out into the world can make a big difference.
As to the school's letter of expulsion, I do wonder what it took to get the school to reverse its decision so quickly. I think that Kate might have had to agree to place the children in weekly counseling, perhaps in combination with some type of medication.
My first thought was that the school might not want to create a real impediment to Kate's removing the kids from school in order to film, because if they don't film, then they won't have a continuing source of income to pay the private school tuition. It's a conflict of interest for the school in a way - because if they strictly enforce the absence policy,
Bingo. It IS a conflict of interest for them to be involved in this at all.
A public school is not dependent on their enrollment for their tuition dollars, and a public school follows the same attendance rules as all the other schools around. There is no fear if they are stricter about attendance they'll seek a better attendance policy elsewhere. The whole thing is suspect for that very reason.
Good points but I thought they G kids were there on a scholarship or had some other discount. If so, then couldn't the school find 8 other students to fill the spots and potentially make more money if they weren't using an aid or scholarships?
I'm not understanding why it's ok for Admin or posters here to post and discuss some things while others are taboo? This letter is out in the public -- to me, IMO, it's fair game. It also sheds a lot of light on Kate's continuing lies. And since this blog is about the Gosselins, it's worthy of discussion.
I agree.
This is proof that not only is she lying liar that lies, but she was being backed by her wealthy PR people/TLC who booked her those interviews at the time, where she was coached to LIE all to BENEFIT her and TLC.
To hell with the kids' well being, right? If she acknowledged that anything other than the "divorce" was the cause/effect of the ""issues, she's out of a job. It would bring to light just how the industry contributes to children's mental health issues etc. Jon was absolutely right when he said some of the kids have socializing issues. But that again is being critical of the children? NO, if you don't SAY it, how can you FIX IT? That letter is proof that this whole experiment went horribly wrong and that person who calls herself a "mother" partnered up with an entity more greedy and corrupt than her. Lies always catch up with you
But this board is to discuss the Gosselin saga as you said, and as long as no one says anything hurtful or blaming of the kids, I agree all's fair within mature reason.By saying 'this child acted this way or was rude' etc is fine; saying one is ugly for example, is not. That letter is available to the public, rightly or not,so it's open for discussion IMO.
Here's my take on this. I realize that there are many different opinions on it. Privacy is privacy, and it's not defined by whether something said is hurtful or not. It might be "fair," but does that make it right?
This blog has always been an advocate for the kids' privacy. I don't know why this letter was brought up now, or who linked it, but now it's out there. Kate is criticized for the exploitation of these children and for tweeting photos, conversations, and everything under the sun regarding these kids, thus taking away things that should remain private.
But now we're not only discussing the behavior of the kids, but things that are very personal between the school and the parents. Two of the children and their issues from four years ago are being thrown out there for analysis. We call out sheep for their hypocrisy, but aren't we doing exactly the same thing? We want these kids to have privacy, and then we turn around and discuss their behavior, what they might have done in physical altercations, their possible medical issues, the intervention that may or may not have been done, etc. In not giving these kids privacy that they now deserve, aren't we being just a bit hypocritical, not unlike the sheeple?
Of course it can be argued that because it's public knowledge and this board has been a forum for discussion of the Gosselin saga, but it seems to me that sometimes things really can't be justified by saying, "Oh, but it's been made public, nothing hurtful is being said..." I would think that we would recognize that no good comes from rehashing all of this now, since the kids are back at the school, apparently doing fine. It's almost like resurrecting gossip from years ago, and I really don't see the reason for doing this. There are some things that should remain private and not subject to public scrutiny. I think a letter that mentions the behavior issues of two children shouldn't be fodder for discussion. Let's at least give the kids some respect. They deserve it.
AuntieAnn said... 54
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2
The letter wasn't really intended to rehash everything. I just posted it because another poster feels the school is their safe haven and for a variety of reasons I respectfully disagree and think the school could get that letter removed if they wanted to with one letter of their own, if they were really concerned about protecting their famous students. Had I not posted the link I'd get a "link plea" request, so that's why. People seem to be talking as if they haven't seen it before if I'm not mistaken, and surely many people missed it the first time around, so it's a fair enough discussion since it's new to some.
Shoot, now I'm confused, too. When was the first time around
Me too Auntie
Tucker's Mom (28)
I don't disagree with your comments. However, can you expand and tell us who, where we can be of influence with regard to demanding transparency (in your comment #9) and by transparency do you mean the general public should be made aware of the personal family conflicts of celebrities with regard to, let's say, their children being expelled from school as a way to keep them from lying about it? It's just that I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by transparency.
Just the fact that the letter states the parents would have to apply for "potential readmission" underscores that the two children were in fact expelled. What stands out for me is that the Gosselin children were initially 'held back' from starting school so would likely have been at least one year older than their kindergarten schoolmates and yet even with the additional year of "maturity" they did not meet the school's behavior requirements.
excellent point
In other news, allergies and fevers magically cleared up for an afternoone outdoor egg hunt:
AuntieAnn said... 54
Shoot, now I'm confused, too. When was the first time around?
Me, too.
This makes sense now how Alexis apparently slept in the basement because she work up the other sleeping tups in the wee hours.If she was a hyper kid, it must have so been hard on her to sleep the endless hours Kate insisted on- 6 pm bedtime, 4 hour naps, locked in a room in a crib.
In other news, allergies and fevers magically cleared up for an afternoone outdoor egg hunt:
That must be some darn good allergy medicine. I want some of that!
I am sure there had been previous communication between Kate and the school regarding Alexis and Collin's behavior. The last straw must have happened for the headmaster to kick them out of school. It's not like Kate was blindsided. I would guess assaulting an adult was more than the school could tolerate. And if I was an adult employed by the school and a child was allowed to remain in attendance that had hit me, it would be ugly for the school. It sounds like whichever child assaulted an adult was acting out from abuse. It may be more than just some counseling and prescriptions. I think we called it that those children will write their own stories when the time is right.
You would think TLC would stay away from this mess after HBB.
The mistake on those who do decide to reveal insider information is going to Radar and other gossip sites. The revelations are always dismissed as gossip so Kate just waits it out. So far this has worked. Too bad Robert did not share his information with a journalist or author instead of trying to make a name for himself. His heart was in the right place, though.
The kids got a lot of non-organic junk ( fine in my opinion!) Lego, and iTunes cards.Mediocre, but like many other kids around the Easter-celebrating world.I guess Ms Bunny has retired- Alexis has the ears on.
That's a lot of candy. In fact for what she has in 2 baskets would be candy for about 4-5 kids. Always going over the top. Have to out do Jon. I'm sure all 8 kids feel stupid & ridiculous, doing an egg hunt. I do still think it was all filmed. And I still think those kids are too old for that egg hunt. If Kate was so sick as she claimed, how did all the eggs get planted, magic? or more likely the TLC crew. Kate still treats them as if they are 4 & 8. Kate they are almost 11 & 14. More teasing at school tomorrow. I hope the kids tell their friends it was not their idea but moms, cause she still thinks we are little. And Kate being the bunny rabbit? The kids are too old for that.
Kate you are not fooling anyone, except yourself. What's next in pics: pics of the dog & bird and of course the food. And one of Kate dressed as a rabbit?
And yet no thank yous to the birthday well wishers or pics of her birthday or cake.
There are some things that should remain private and not subject to public scrutiny. I think a letter that mentions the behavior issues of two children shouldn't be fodder for discussion. Let's at least give the kids some respect. They deserve it.
I agree to a point. The discussion here, IMHO is the lengths tfw (mother of the Gosselin 8) who (whom?) to this very day is STILL exploiting for her benefit $$$. If at a very crucial time in their lives, when the only answer was to STOP the cameras, she did whatever it took to keep the money train rolling, I think this discussion is very relevant. What's the saying? a person's future behavior can be predicted by their past behavior?
She's still filming those kids. We all have eyes, we see the dysfunction, the issues those kids have. She's done nothing since then, to give them their privacy, she's done next to nothing since then, to get them help, the REAL help they (some) obviously need (speculating jon's alluded to this) She's done nothing, since then, to get HERSELF help. To me, it's just like the book, a little late, but it helps lift the veil of lies.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 57
Bingo. It IS a conflict of interest for them to be involved in this at all.
A public school is not dependent on their enrollment for their tuition dollars, and a public school follows the same attendance rules as all the other schools around. There is no fear if they are stricter about attendance they'll seek a better attendance policy elsewhere. The whole thing is suspect for that very reason.
By "this" in your first sentence, what is "this" referring to as being a conflict of interest; expelling them or readmitting them months later. I don't see how either action is a conflict of interest.
Are you saying the school shouldn't have let them back in once they were expelled because it shows their reason for doing so was to get their tuition payments?
People seem to be talking as if they haven't seen it before if I'm not mistaken, and surely many people missed it the first time around, so it's a fair enough discussion since it's new to some.
But why now? It's over, and it's been over for four years. How it this helping the kids by making it public once again? Just to show that the school doesn't care about the kids' privacy and the school isn't a safe haven for the children? So now let's bash the school, the teachers who didn't try hard enough to help, the administrators who didn't have the letter removed. Everyone is fair game, right?
When the school comes under the gun, I think it's probably time for me to take a break, especially when one doesn't know to what extent the school went to help those kids and it appears that they had no choice but to remove them from the classroom for their own good and in the best interest of other students.
I need a rumspringa. It's not 5:00 yet, but what's three hours in the whole scheme of things, especially when we're hitting 70 degrees today and time to finally celebrate the end of a very long winter!
We don't know what injury the adult at school suffered. In my son's 2nd grade class, a child swung a chair at his teacher's aide and she was hospitalized.I hope the incidents at LCDS were not this bad.The child who injured an adult is mentioned to be Alexis. I agree she is copying Kate's behavior part from having her own issues and poor coping skills.And yes, surely the school contacted Jon and Kate well before this letter was sent, as various interventions were introduced to no avail.
You would think TLC would stay away from this mess after HBB.
Exactly. She's still peddling those kids and TLC is still filming them. She was coached in that interview when she said they weren't expelled. Nobody would have known had she, AND JON and tlc not gone into the business of child exploitation. Jon got out, but the other 2 are still in a beautiful partnership. Why are they not cutting her off?
Let's move on from discussing whether the letter should be out there and/or discussed. It's out there, and I made the call to link to it and allow discussion. Don't shoot the messenger. I thought it had already been out there---I'm searching far back in the memory banks, but maybe the letter itself wasn't out there but just a very accurate summary of it by radar, which someone helpfully posted. That's why it seemed so familiar to me and I didn't think it was new.
If the letter was personally sent to me, I doubt I'd link to it, but that's not the case. People who think it's okay for it to be out there and people who don't are never going to agree, so discussion and debate of it is just going to churn people in circles. I'm allowing discussion of it.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 61
Re-reading the Dec. 2010 Radar article, I agree Radar knew about the letter and its content, but as far as I can see, Radar didn't actually post the letter until March 2015.
I can't imagine Radar had the letter in its possession and didn't post it --unless it was part of an agreement with whomever provided it -- so maybe someone just told them what the letter said. Or maybe they had it in possession way back then. Who knows?
I don't think anyone here mentioned seeing the letter before (did they?) ... and the upload is clearly dated 2015.
I was just wondering if this upload were part of a new article.
Exactly. Is there an article, new or old, to which this letter was attached and if so, where is the article. The letter has seemingly appeared out of the blue.
Reading over these comments and reading through the lettery, IMHO I think that Collin and his sister werw simply acting out what they were familiar with. They say that kids who are abused can grow up to be abusers. I'm sure in this case, not all the G. kids will grow up to be abusers, but I have always feared that some of them would become like their mother.
Another thought is that they have no control at home, so of course they were acting out in school as perhaps they perceived it as the one place they can control their environment?
I could be over thinking this too.
Mel said... 46
Apparently the teacher was starting to effect behavior changes, but something happened that made the school say nope, done.
Who knows what that something was, but it had to be something pretty major since they were apparently having some success with their intervention.
You are making a very big assumption. Read the letter carefully. The counselor's contract was up. I think that a far safer assumption is that the school did not want to PAY for additional support for the children. A 3-week wraparound services contract is very telling, as three weeks of wraparound service is a drop in the bucket. These children were not going to have their issues resolved in a mere three weeks. I think the school just wanted to be able to say "we tried...now this is your problem."
Too bad Robert did not share his information with a journalist or author instead of trying to make a name for himself. His heart was in the right place, though.
I think he did, did he not? None of the more reputable news organizations would take him up on his offer
Sue, I think anyone can get involved if they're concerned about the lack of protection children have when they are signed up to work in reality television.
Contacting Paul Peterson of A Minor Consideration, and PA Rep. Thomas Murt are ways to express concerns and understand where their efforts are going in reforming child labor laws in PA.
Both have been tireless advocates and have personally responded to correspondences of concern.
I have been so impressed with what one state representative accomplished, knowing his pulling back the curtain on filming would not sit well with other PA officials (who no doubt want the Gosselin gravy train to chug along indefinitely).
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 57
Bingo. It IS a conflict of interest for them to be involved in this at all.
A public school is not dependent on their enrollment for their tuition dollars, and a public school follows the same attendance rules as all the other schools around. There is no fear if they are stricter about attendance they'll seek a better attendance policy elsewhere. The whole thing is suspect for that very reason.
This is not exactly true. I don't know about PA specifically, but in many states a public school is completely dependent on enrollment and attendance -- that is how they get their funding from the state. And in this era of public school choice in many places, there is the option to find a school that has a less stringent attendance policy. Public school is no longer a monopoly -- they are competing for students just as private schools are.
Looks like the Easter egg elves were busy hiding plastic eggs on the compound again!
I'd wonder if the twins hid them for the "littles' but it appears Mady was hunting too.
I'm glad the kids got something special to do on Easter. I highly doubt anyone was really ill anyways.
Sigh...just sad that it's just the 8 of them, again, on the compound.
There are so many community hunts around (at least where I live), where families gather, and scads of kids have so much fun...together...socializing...competing nicely...getting prizes.
Linda Martin @LindaMa16977232 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 At least the family tuned into the church channel for spiritual growth and did not sneeze and cough on others
Yeah, at least they turned on an electronic device, so big points there!
Has this sheep ever been to church services?
People sneeze and cough. Babies cry. Kids get antsy and talk loud sometimes.
OMG, go back to your plastic bubble!
Whaaaaat? No filming? That's a good thing. She must be reusing all those plastic Easter eggs, LOL. Fine, just stop with the "miracle". Kate was just exhaustish from Mexico.
Over in TFWsCounty ... 65
I would think that we would recognize that no good comes from rehashing all of this now, since the kids are back at the school, apparently doing fine. It's almost like resurrecting gossip from years ago, and I really don't see the reason for doing this. There are some things that should remain private and not subject to public scrutiny.
That is what I was saying. At this point a discussion is not benefiting the children, it is gossiping. Perhaps Kate was trying to protect the kids privacy. If I was in her position I don't think I would acknowledge to the public that my kids were told to leave the school. I don't recall Jon acknowledging this either (I could be wrong). The kids could have some form of attention disorder, which could have been exasperated by the divorce.
The school was "covering there ass" in that letter. They don't want to be sued. Whatever happened has been resolved since the kids are back in school. Medication, therapy and the proper support system can work miracles.
This blog should be discussing current significant issues not rehashing old issues that were resolved, or petty nitpicking issues. That is gossiping. I don't see any of that benefits the kids' welfare.
but I have always feared that some of them would become like their mother.
I think that's a given. and with 8 of them PLUS the special (dire) circumstances those kids have endured, I believe the the chances just increase exponentially. I can attest to the fact that abusers growing up to be abusers; 2 of my siblings are just as bad as my mother. Without a lot of counseling and work, I surely could have gone that route.
tfw will never be rehabilitated, NEVER EVER
She, from the very beginning has made poor choices in regards to her children, with black and white ultimatums (CPS, expulsions) she continued to make poor choices and to this day she is STILL making poor choices.
If anyone has had 'aha' moments galore, it's her. How many more wake up calls does she need?
Wow, I guess I am banned. One comment was removed and another not posted, even though I respectfully asked basically what Sue Buddy asked and made the same points as Over in TFW's County, though much less articulately.
Take care, everyone.
As a graduate of the school that the children attend, I can tell you without a doubt that LCDS would have done everything in its power to help those children with whatever needs they may have had. The school isn't perfect, but I can assure you that the last thing it wants to do is see a child fail in its program. If it can't meet the needs of a student, those involved will call in the resources they have for assistance. In this case, the person who aided them in guiding the children in any social or academic problems they would have had is one of the best in this field, highly regarded and having taught both Kindergarten and sixth grade at the school. The person left some time ago to set up her own program in education, directed at the wellness of children within a school system, both in terms of academics, social and behavior issues.
One may believe whatever one wants to believe. Opinions may or may not be valid based on the limited knowledge put forth in this letter. However, having spent thirteen years at the school, I am quite familiar with its policies and I know for a fact that it doesn't take these concerns lightly. If the situation were as critical as it appears to have been, it would have been a difficult decision for them to request the removal of the children. No educational institution wants to admit failure, and the school would have bent over backwards in utilizing every possible resource it had in working with these children to realize their full potential and success.
It appears that did not happen, and requesting their removal was the only option at that time when all other possible solutions were exhausted. I am glad to see that the children are back and apparently doing well. That was the goal here, and it seems to have worked out for both the school and the two children. Let's hope it continues for them and we should wish them well.
Over In TFW's County said... 78
I don't think many posters hold the school responsible in any way. I believe LCDS was trying to solve the problems, but for the sake of the G kids and other students and staff, had to make this difficult decision to let them go. I think they obviously tried many solutions from what the letter said and the philosophy of the school. Possible IEPs, aides, on-on-one as well as what was mentioned. Sometimes kids just can't attend a regular school even with extra support. Luckily they were able to return and apparently do well enough to stay there.I think most people find Kate guilty of not addressing and even adding to the kids' issues and lying about the expulsion.
the gosselins didn't go to church because she couldn't cope with them at a church service
Anything concerning the G children IS our business.
Kate said so.
Uncomfortable or not, she's made her children public commodities.
Everything is fair game.
PJ I haven't removed any of your comments and the staff doesn't usually do that either without running it past me absent extreme circumstances. Could be a mistake or fluke.
If another comment wasn't published it may have been because I asked people to move on, that's all. Or inadvertent. It wasn't me and I'm sure if the staff did it, it was only done with the best intentions and not to drive someone off. They're nice pool girls.
Rest assured no one from this porch is banned much less you!
I remember some interview, or maybe it was one of the couch interviews on their show, where Jon was clearly anguished about the effects of filming on the children. Too bad that no one with any power to do anything about it would listen to him.
Maybe Robert did contact reputable news organizations. I don't recall. If he did and they refused, then that should have sounded warning bells to him. I would never self publish anything regarding someone's private papers without discussing with an attorney.
I don't know why Mady would be hunting because it does make perfect logical sense that Kate would delegate the hiding of the eggs to the twins, but maybe she did not. Why not play a scavenger game with prizes?
For the record, Admin is talking to PJ's Momma, not me, right?
Maybe I should change my name.
"Uncomfortable or not, she's made her children public commodities.
Everything is fair game."
Sure it is, but out of respect for the kids should we really do it? There are times when taking the high road is preferable, and in discussing the problems the kids had at school four years ago is, in my opinion, one of those times whether it's our business or not. There are times when ethics come into play, and regardless if something is public knowledge or not, you don't stoop to Kate's level and put the kids on display. That's exactly what was done with the publishing of this letter.
I have to admit that I'd never heard of wraparound childcare.
It seems to be implemented in rather extreme circumstances, and aims to involve family/kin, friends and other community members to achieve success.
It seems that is wraparound process is not meant to be isolated to just at school, and sounds like an intervention almost.
I wasn't going to offer my thoughts about "the letter" because it seems to be causing emotions to run really high at the moment. Some are concerned about what the school did or did not do; some are concerned about TFW's blatant lies on the subject; some are concerned about comparing private and public schools; some are concerned about the whys and wherefores of the expulsion; some who have ties to the school are concerned about unfair criticism.
All points are interesting to me, but no one has yet brought up something that I found rather amusing about the letter. It is something that every school, public or private, and any business would do. It just struck me as funny that the letter spelled out in grave detail why the two children had to leave, but then made sure to add a campaign paragrah that said something like, "But we REALLY love your other six kids and hope you will keep them in our school!"
Business is always business!
Oh it's all just nonsense, her Easter 'traditions'. She has no patience or interest in stuffing multiples of plastic eggs, so someone did that for her. Kids are too old for that anyways. Doubt she even has the patience to fill age appropriate baskets. And where were the pics of her famous Easter dinner from her famous recipes. Thiose were pretty medicore pics too. Too tired from her Mexican vacay. What a tool.
Kate's easter extravaganza look simultaneously over-the-top excessive and mediocre.
Fifty dollars in iTunes cards? Fuckity hundred plastic eggs filled with candy? A big "I am so rich and such a good mommy" to all her fans and haters.
But still they are plastic eggs from the dollar store, and she hasn't bothered to remove the candy from the packaging. Digging around in the "grass" for that last jelly bean is the best part of an Easter basket. And doesn't that last jelly bean or chocolate egg taste so much better than the earlier, more easily obtained ones?
I think the 'hunt' pics may be posed, fake.I didn't see Cara and she will always walk away or either clam up or burst forth in a rant if she disagrees with TFW. Good for her although she definitely has issues with her mother.Was that Leah and Mady in the small photos?
It seems that is wraparound process is not meant to be isolated to just at school, and sounds like an intervention almost.
Yes. Wraparound will come to your home, to school, around town, to court, whatever. What Romi said is my experience too, three weeks is nothing. These things can be in place for six months, 12 months or longer. Three weeks is barely enough to even begin to understand a child's needs, so it's kind of sad that's all they got of it. I tend to agree there is an undertone in the letter like they either don't want to or won't pay for more services beyond what they offered, rather than they truly are out of services. They could have extended Wrap, at the least. Not that they're obligated to do more, being a private school. For someone like a cutter, suicidal, mental health issues, I would worry that only three weeks would end up being more disruptive than helpful. Wrap here is one of the best programs I've worked with, I can't remember having a bad experience with them. Here, they come across as having no agenda, which I really appreciate when so many other service providers seem to take "positions" on the case instead of just helping.
If you think it's unethical to post the letter it seems to me you should be telling Radar that, being they are the ones who posted it. Link it or not link it here doesn't much matter, it's still there.
Is there any chance that they stopped the wraparound thing because Kate wouldn't cooperate with it's use at places besides school so they could give the kids thorough help? If that is possible it could have been that she wouldn't allow them in her home or at filming so they had to give up without really putting the blame on her.
I don't know anything about this wraparound so was just thinking of possibilities.
LOL, I just saw a commercial for "Secret Extensions". The models' hair looked just like Kate's. Daisy Fuentes was hawking the extensions. Daisy's hair was thin and only to the tips of her shoulders.
TLC stinks said... 105
LOL, I just saw a commercial for "Secret Extensions". The models' hair looked just like Kate's. Daisy Fuentes was hawking the extensions. Daisy's hair was thin and only to the tips of her shoulders.
And Daisy's only cost $39.99!!
A quote from Jon's twitter account, Oct 2010. It would seem that already there were issues, and he was begging the court to make it stop.
You'd think surely an upcoming expulsion would have an effect on the judge. But I guess not.
On Friday 15th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
As you may or may not be aware, I have been working for some time to remove my children from television. I do not believe being on TV is beneficial to any of them. They are no longer toddlers that are oblivious to what is going on around them. They are now six and ten, in school and desperately in need of a normal life.
Each of them has experienced negative effects of having their lives so public. Some are struggling with emotional and/or behavioral issues.
I was thinking the same thing. I can't see TFW cooperating with that kind of program. Too many eyes lookin' at her.
Math Girl said... 102
Digging around in the "grass" for that last jelly bean is the best part of an Easter basket. And doesn't that last jelly bean or chocolate egg taste so much better than the earlier, more easily obtained ones?
Yes, yes and yes!!
Can somebody explain what is wraparound? Thanks
Tucker's Mom you wrote that Kim had betrayed Jimmy a few times. I don't recall this. Can you explain why and what situation you think she did this? I love BCS and BB. I watched BB a few times on ON Demand and when AMC ran it twice. I love, love, loved it. And I only watched it because many on this blog had mentioned it; otherwise, I would have never thought to watch it. So thanks to all for mentioning it. All of you rock! And thanks to Admin. and her "pool girls" for swimming with us sharks.
Regardless if ROL recently reported it, the information was not really new. Again, Jon said that things are going ok now. How is all of this rehashing helping the kids? It's not. At this point it's gossiping.
"A source told RadarOnline.com: “Kate is very proud of the way the home schooling has gone – both Alexis and Collin are arguing less with their siblings and they really understand what they did was wrong in the past."
That's from the Feb 3, 2011 ROL article.
Here we have two of the eight kids who've been shoved in front of a camera for most of their lives, dragged around the country to be filmed, lied to about their parents being married forever and ever, witnessed a hundred nannies come and go out of their lives, listened to their mother's screaming and screeching, taken beatings from her, alienated from their aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends and THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DID WAS WRONG???
That is why we rehash this stuff. Nothing will ever be resolved until that pathetic excuse of a mother has her head examined and fixed even if it takes a team of a fuckity-hundred headshrinks to get the job done. She is to blame. NOT THE KIDS.
Why was Mike sitting outside his daughter-in-law's house? And then she stopped by his car and they just ignored each other.
And then the next episode she picks him up at the train station after Mike stepped off the train from PA. So how could he be sitting outside her house when he had not arrived in NM yet?
Sometimes at the very beginning of any episode they will have a past or future look at something. For instance when Chuck meet Jimmy at the police station before Jimmy became an attorney. But the scene I am talking about was not like that at all. It was right near the end of an episode.
Millicent asked if we would see Walter White and find out what happens to Jesse at the end of BB. BCS takes place in 2002, six years before BB. So all the events in BB will not tie in to BCS. Of course some characters from BB may make appearance in BCS. In fact, I highly suspect Gus will be gracing our screens.
Amen, Auntie Ann (113). Amen.
The LCDS letter, which I read earlier in the day by using the link provided in comment 153 on the previous page, is no longer available. It has been replaced by "THIS SHOULD NOT BE ON YOUR RADAR". Looks like "someone" has reacted to comments on this blog and reached out to Radar. Do I hear "can I sue?".
AuntieAnn said...
Here we have two of the eight kids who've been shoved in front of a camera for most of their lives, dragged around the country to be filmed, lied to about their parents being married forever and ever, witnessed a hundred nannies come and go out of their lives, listened to their mother's screaming and screeching, taken beatings from her, alienated from their aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends and THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DID WAS WRONG???
That is why we rehash this stuff. Nothing will ever be resolved until that pathetic excuse of a mother has her head examined and fixed even if it takes a team of a fuckity-hundred headshrinks to get the job done. She is to blame. NOT THE KIDS.
Standing Ovation.
Anonymous said... 112
Tucker's Mom you wrote that Kim had betrayed Jimmy a few times. I don't recall this. Can you explain why and what situation you think she did this? I love BCS and BB
Maybe betray isn't the right word for Kim right so far. I just get this Judas vibe from her, because I think Kim is going to deny how much she feels for him and believes in Saul, because the "cool kids' don't like him.
I think if Kim is given an ultimatum, she will not choose Saul because she will choose the asshats who swing their d*cks around ;0
Anonymous said... 115
Millicent asked if we would see Walter White and find out what happens to Jesse at the end of BB. BCS takes place in 2002, six years before BB. So all the events in BB will not tie in to BCS. Of course some characters from BB may make appearance in BCS. In fact, I highly suspect Gus will be gracing our screens.
I have to be honest, just reading that makes a little pee run down my leg.
AuntieAnn said... 113
That is why we rehash this stuff. Nothing will ever be resolved until that pathetic excuse of a mother has her head examined and fixed even if it takes a team of a fuckity-hundred headshrinks to get the job done. She is to blame. NOT THE KIDS.
Bravo, Auntie!
Auntie Ann, I do not disagree with you, but she is never going to get her head examined or acknowledge any wrongdoing. My mom IS Kate (and my dad was Jon) and she has dementia now. I tried talking to her years ago, to help ME heal, and she denied everything and laughed at me when I gave specific examples, and then turned it back to how hard SHE had it. I tried talking to my dad when I spent his last month with him at hospice house, if only to hear him say he tried to protect us or something. Anything. But he wouldn't go there. So I just told him he was forgiven and should die in peace, knowing that. Tears fell from his eyes but he said nothing. The kids are going to have to learn through counseling of their own.
Here here Auntie Anne
here here!
And PJ? I so so understand you.
I sent an email to ROL and they replied! They asked where I found the link and said it never should have been public. It was removed.
PJ's Momma said...
I tried talking to my dad...
My gut tells me that Jon diplomatically apologizes to those kids all the time. For his past mistakes and the suffering they're going through now. And I think when the time comes, he'll own it again. Their gestational carrier will never get it.
A thought about why the letter was just now published by Radar. Remember one of the crazy fans alluded that Radar was going to publish some unsavory things about Robert. Well, maybe Radar did a little blackmailing like Robert you give us the letter you told us about and we won't publish dirt about you. Don't jump on me, it is just a thought.
Tucker's Mom, I read this little story about Gus. Apparently he told Vince that he really, really wanted to make an appearance in BCS. And if it didn't happen, he would kill his wife, his son, and his infant daughter. HA! I love it.
Sorry for this long and hopefully not too pedantic post. I work in special education. The aggressive behaviors appear to be more than just copying what the children see. Given the knowledge that the children were abused and left alone in their cribs for long stretches of time, attachment disorder comes to mind. I recall seeing one of the boys rocking himself back and forth which is self calming behavior. A subset of attachment disorder is reactive in which children seek out strangers. The children did seem to latch onto any adult who gave them positive attention. One symptom of reactive attachment disorder is behaving at a level below the chronological age.
Having ADD alone does not explain the physical acting out. Many children with ADD also have anxiety or sensory processing disorders which may lead to behavioral issues. In any event, any of these diagnoses requires a team for effective intervention when behavior problems are interfering with learning and social participation. Some parents work hard to help their children, some are in denial, some want every accommodation whether it is needed or not and some sabotage their children's progress due to their own issues.
There is no quick fix or band-aid approach. I have no knowledge of the services available in the private school, but the private schools in my area have limited services from the public school system, primarily speech therapy services. The district I work for has staff who are quite professional, knowledgable and capable of dealing with all kinds of behaviors. If students truly can't function in the public school, then a therapeutic day treatment program is the last resort. These programs are incredibly expensive...think private college tuition expensive. It is in school districts financial interest to have well trained staff.
I hope the children are getting the support and services they need to enable them to learn, play and socialize with their peers.
The letter is gone. Wonder who threatened to sue who.
Vanessa, I know you do. I have known that for a very long time. My mom's husband died last year and everything fell to me. It has stirred up a LOT of stuff for me that I thought I had put away. We can walk away, but we can't compartmentalize forever. It does come back. I need counseling too. I have often wondered if you ever had it or felt you needed it, to move on. You don't have to answer!
And PJ, I am sorry to disagree, but unless you have grown up with someone like that, you can't understand the fear and control. I hope he shows them he loves them, but apologizing to them at this point will probably only confuse them further, as they go back and forth between two very different environments. Apologizing would probably not be helpful. It's best he remain neutral for now and talk when they are on their own. Our dad trashed our mom a lot and it was truly awful, as we had to go be with her, after he put things in our heads that made us feel worse than we already did. Someone needs to be neutral and it might as well be him. I hope he is.
Anonymous said... 124 (Leslie)
''A thought about why the letter was just now published by Radar. Remember one of the crazy fans alluded that Radar was going to publish some unsavory things about Robert.''
THe ''unsavory things about Robert'' were going to be written by someone other than Radar, Leslie. I believe that the 'someone' was that A.W. person that wrote the book about the Gosselins that didn't sell, and has a lot of sour grapes feelings about Robert.
Anyone else think the Easter baskets of the boys are very small compared to the size of the girl's baskets? She really is obvious.
Sascha @Sassccha 32m32 minutes ago
@lovemedietcoke @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 They have no contact w/boys their age so prob have no idea what's even out there.
How could you possibly tweet this with a straight face and believe it? Unless the three boys are in an all girls school, then of course they have contact with boys their own age and they know what their peers like and what's out there! They are with their classmates seven hours a day, five days a week!
Thanks you guys. I got choked reading that little paragraph about the kids - little 5-year-old kids - being held responsible for their actions when what they were doing was a learned behavior. from. their. mother. of all people.
PJ's momma - I do understand that sadly most narcissists and/or abusers never seek help or admit they have mental disorders, but since Kate has made such a public spectacle of herself and continues to play the role of a loving, caring, God-fearing Christian mother, which she clearly is not, I hold out hope that there is a chance that someone who is in the position of actually forcing her to relinquish physical custody of the kids and receiving the counseling and parental coaching SHE needs, will do just that. It's not an impossibility. Time is running out for those kids. They are entering an age where they will do some scrutinizing evaluation of their lives and who knows if they will blame themselves and do something that we don't want to even think about.
THe ''unsavory things about Robert'' were going to be written by someone other than Radar, Leslie. I believe that the 'someone' was that A.W. person that wrote the book about the Gosselins that didn't sell, and has a lot of sour grapes feelings about Robert.
A lot of sour grapes? I think that's an understatement! The person is still seething about something and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he tries to get the last word in all of this.
Anonymous said... 126
The letter is gone. Wonder who threatened to sue who.
That's strange. I can still see it.
PJ's Momma said...
And PJ, I am sorry to disagree, but unless you have grown up with someone like that, you can't understand the fear and control. I hope he shows them he loves them, but apologizing to them at this point will probably only confuse them further, as they go back and forth between two very different environments. Apologizing would probably not be helpful. It's best he remain neutral for now and talk when they are on their own. Our dad trashed our mom a lot and it was truly awful, as we had to go be with her, after he put things in our heads that made us feel worse than we already did. Someone needs to be neutral and it might as well be him. I hope he is.
And that's why I said "diplomatically". There are more ways to apologize than just saying I'm sorry your mother did _______. He could provide them with a loving, safe place to land and admit he made mistakes. That would mean a lot to a kid. Letting them know he's not perfect would take a lot of pressure off. And telling the kids that none of it was their fault is another way to say "I'm sorry". I know being validated meant the world to me.
I went to therapy to deal with my own issues with a parent. It was the best money I ever spent.
somewhere 133 - can u publish the link u r using
PJ, you can see that all the baskets have the same exact contents. A choco bunny, chips, candy, a small can of root beer, candy, etc. You can see the boys have big Lego sets right next to them. I doubt boys care about the appearance or size of their baskets too much. My brothers sure didn't. We all had the same baskets every year growing up, and they were all very different, but had the same contents. They are ball-themed; that's about as boyish as you can probably get. My brothers would probably have preferred that over the plastic 1970's era baskets they did have. LOL!
No Easter dinner from the amazing cookbook author? Or at
least brunch, since they were too sick for church? If she made
it, she'd sure as heck tweet about it, to get her fix of praise from
the fans.
Admin, I think it was my comment about the letter that you didn't post, because you cut off the topic - sorry about that I didn't see your "move on" post.
Regarding your other comment about telling ROL that they were wrong in posting the letter; I previously sent them a message about that. What is interesting to note is that I don't think that the letter is still on their site. I couldn't locate it.
I think it's great if Mady and Cara helped hide the eggs for their siblings. My oldest two were in charge of our egg hunt, and everyone had a blast - even my 13 yr. old and my 12 yr. old nephew. At that age it is all about the candy. Their friends have egg hunts also, it's a fun thing to do.
Here is the reply I received from ROL when I emailed them with a complaint about that letter being made public. Those kids have been humiliate enough!
admin said: "PJ I haven't removed any of your comments and the staff doesn't usually do that either without running it past me absent extreme circumstances. Could be a mistake or fluke."
Two of my posts didn't make it either. I don't think I said anything that violated any rules. At least I hope that I didn't. I was trying to comment from the perspective of being a graduate of the school that the kids attend, having spent thirteen years of my life there. Oh, well...it wasn't anything earth shattering! Perhaps blogger was hungry and my posts were on the dinner menu!
Here is the reply I received from ROL when I emailed them with a complaint about that letter being made public. Those kids have been humiliate enough!
Wow! It never crossed my mind they never intended to post it.
A quick google search for something else and it came right up.
Auntie Ann... 113. ..... yes, exactly. Well said.
Pj's momma..121.... it's so hard, isn't it. Also well said.
Two of my posts didn't make it either. I don't think I said anything that violated any rules.
That is just strange. I know for sure I didn't touch yours, and I don't recall seeing a post like that. Odd!
Native Of Lancaster County said... 139
admin said: "PJ I haven't removed any of your comments and the staff doesn't usually do that either without running it past me absent extreme circumstances. Could be a mistake or fluke."
Two of my posts didn't make it either. I don't think I said anything that violated any rules. At least I hope that I didn't. I was trying to comment from the perspective of being a graduate of the school that the kids attend, having spent thirteen years of my life there. Oh, well...it wasn't anything earth shattering! Perhaps blogger was hungry and my posts were on the dinner menu!
April 6, 2015 at 5:51 PM
Would love to hear about your experience at the school. I've always thought that the school is handling the Gosselin circus with sensitivity.
It's not just that the Gosselins came to the school as part of a reality tv show-they are going to be tabloid darlings and will have their mother filming them probably until they graduate.
That is a long slog for the school to handle 8 children in this extraordinary situation.
Sascha @Sassccha 32m32 minutes ago
@lovemedietcoke @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 They have no contact w/boys their age so prob have no idea what's even out there.
Um they go to a mixed school right?
The reality is a private school is likely not going to be equipped for intensive special education, especially one that markets itself as a prep school with kids who go to the ivy leagues. It wouldn't make sense to spend all that money on resources when most children will never even use them. They aren't required to be equipped for it anyway so it's not like they can be blamed for it.
Perhaps there mistake was trying to help a situation they weren't equipped to deal with in the first place. Maybe, they should have been let go sooner so they could start that year from the beginning at a school who could handle their needs. Having them let go in October had to have been so hard on them. What do you do when school has been in session elsewhere over a month or longer? That's a terrible time to start fresh.
Tucker's mom, I'm not sure about Kim either. I think she is trying to walk a fine line. She wants to be a successful lawyer and make partner one day. She likes Jimmy and wants to be a good friend. I think the partner told her about Chuck's demand that Jimmy not be hired, in confidence. So all she could say to Jimmy was "take the offer". Chuck is the slimeball and I hope he's miserable the rest of his days. (See how much this show grabs me? LOL)
This is totally OT ..... I saw this on facebook
I wonder if Kate is option B?
Anonymous said... 139
Here is the reply I received from ROL when I emailed them with a complaint about that letter being made public. Those kids have been humiliate enough!
Well, at least that answers one of my questions today. Thanks.
I tried the link to the ROL response email and the link didn't work.
ROL didn't intend to publish it? Then how did it get published?
Over in TFW County....
I can understand your frustration. If you have never had kids in public school, maybe you don't share the same perspective of those of us who have. Two of my kids received services through public schools. It wasn't perfect, but I can sincerely say that they did everything that they could, and both of them have great careers. One of them is, in fact, a kindergarten teacher and the other is a software architect.
For what it is worth, it sounds to me like the school did everything they could given the resources that they have. But, that isn't the same thing as saying that they did everything that needed to be done. Without a robust special education program, it would be very hard to deal with the kinds of behaviors that were described in the letter. I do agree that there is way too much information about the calendar and specifics online. Who else besides the parents need that information? It would be a very simple matter to set up accounts, and limit access.
The original article said that the information came from a "source close to the school" . So, wouldn't that rule out RH?
Milo posted a picture of her car on the interstate saying that she was in on the grassy knoll, I mean, median when a taxi ran her off the road.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h4 hours ago
See this grassy median? Where I ended up when a taxi changed lanes ...ran me off road!! #HungerGamesOnTheHighway. 😧
Poor Collin looked so tired and underweight in the Easter picture. How does he do it night and day working so hard? Joel looked like he has gained some weight and Aaden looked ok, taller.
TLC stinks said... 26
although that Mexico vacay was very expensive for TLC considering air fare, accommodations, food, crew salaries, etc but I guess TLC must get enough advertising revenue from her show to justify the expense.
This is just my opinion, but I think Robert would be better off tweeting the companies that advertise on TFMJG's show rather than various celebrities. Most of the really big celebrities could care less who she is while those that have met her, spent time with her, etc. have no use for her and are careful to keep their distance.
For that matter, why can't we all take a moment and email some of the companies who advertise on TFMJG's show? Maybe if enough people do it, those companies will no longer advertise on her show, TLC would lose money/no longer be able to justify the expense of her show and the kids might get back to a normal life sooner.
And for those who might not think this is a very practical thing to do, I contact various local and national companies the last time one of her specials aired and was able to convince two local companies not to advertise on her show again. Yes, even small local companies can tell their advertising agency they do not want their ads shown during certain shows.
Again, JMO.
I suspect ROL posted some things internally on their website and didn't realize they were being viewed externally. Just my guess.
I understand what people are saying when they comment that an ivy league prep school is perhaps not overly equipped to handle children with issues.
But the contractor that they named in the letter has some fairly heavy duty credentials in the field. I actually recognized her name from some other work I'm doing.
She isn't just some lady from down the street who happens to work at the school as a counselor. Once again, the Gosselins got high end. Not anything mediocre for them.
Chances are that TFW didn't even appreciate what she and her children were being offered thru that woman. Probably free of charge.
redbird, how can you see that anyone is underweight or heavier or taller? Are we looking at the same pictures? If it's the Easter pictures, all I see are their heads/faces (or crouched/sitting bodies), and they all have smiles while pictured with their loot. They just look like average kids.
Who are Jimmy and Kim? I thought this was a blog about the Gosselins.
Very confusing.
Interestingly, in the letter the school says that they instituted a search for a support person who would be able to meet the educational and emotional needs of the two children but were unable to find anyone.
Out of all the people out there who work with this kind of thing, they couldn't find *anyone* who was qualified????
Is that code for the mother refused to engage? Refused to cooperate with the contracted person? Refused to make herself available?
Or maybe the school offered services for free until it became clear that it was going to require fairly in-depth services, long term. And then requested the parent to pay for such services, which she refused to do.
PJ's Momma....
I respectfully disagree with your post 127...
PJ's momma said... 127
Vanessa, I know you do. I have known that for a very long time. My mom's husband died last year and everything fell to me. It has stirred up a LOT of stuff for me that I thought I had put away. We can walk away, but we can't compartmentalize forever. It does come back. I need counseling too. I have often wondered if you ever had it or felt you needed it, to move on. You don't have to answer!
And PJ, I am sorry to disagree, but unless you have grown up with someone like that, you can't understand the fear and control. I hope he shows them he loves them, but apologizing to them at this point will probably only confuse them further, as they go back and forth between two very different environments. Apologizing would probably not be helpful. It's best he remain neutral for now and talk when they are on their own. Our dad trashed our mom a lot and it was truly awful, as we had to go be with her, after he put things in our heads that made us feel worse than we already did. Someone needs to be neutral and it might as well be him. I hope he is.
Neutral people kept me in my nightmare life, only when people took a stand did I finally realise I was not the only crazy one...
Then they all ( my mothers' brothers and sisters) validated me...I was 15, my uncle got me outta there, way back in the 80's when it was no simple feat, and I love him to this day for that.
Other uncles and aunts followed suit..I talk to my mother to this day, she labels her brother as a betrayer...I call him a savior.
I hope the 8 have a savior
PS...my 15 aunts and uncles breathed a sigh of relief after he got me outta there, yet they all still talk to my mother, as do I, at a distance
contact=contacted. Ignore the nd at the end. My computer is funky tonight or I'm just tired.
It's just a thought. I am so tired of seeing TFMJG get a pass when HBB was kicked to the curb (as the show should have been) after the recent revelations re: Mama June.
I only know what wrap around therapy is because a therapist I know mentioned she used to do wrap around and I had to look it up to see what it is.
regarding missing posts...I have noticed if I refresh frequently, say...faster than the mods can moderate...the nu bers jump, so I am willing to blame all delayed posts on ùblogger...JMO
sorry to ursup your name JMO
4rmine said... 149
This is totally OT ..... I saw this on facebook
I wonder if Kate is option B?
According to this I'm a narcissistic to lol.
But the rest is right about me.
Would love to hear about your experience at the school. I've always thought that the school is handling the Gosselin circus with sensitivity.
I'd do that, except that admin has asked us to move on from the discussion about the school and the letter. Bottom line, though, is that I believe, based on my experiences there, that the school bent over backward in trying to help those children. They don't want to see a student fail. They will use whatever resources they have available to them, and then go the extra mile. The goal is to have them thrive and be successful in whatever program in which they are involved, and that includes Kindergarten. Their last resort was to request removal from the school, and it must not have been an easy decision for them.
The person mentioned in the letter whose assistance was secured for them is highly regarded in her field. She taught Kindergarten and sixth grade at the school before moving on to set up her own wellness and guidance program. She has experience in dealing with social, educational and behavior problems, and if her contract was up, there is no doubt in my mind that they would have wanted to continue her services if they could see a positive outcome. However, the situation with those children must have been critical enough that after an evaluation and in the time she worked with them, none of those involved was successful in dealing with the issues. At that point, they came to the conclusion that in the best interests of the children, their parents needed to find an alternative educational environment.
From what I understand, the kids are doing fine now. Good for them. I hope they excel and continue to be successful where they are now.
What did everybody think of the BCS final. I was disappointed. I thought it was lackluster. Could somebody please answer my post #115 about Mike's daughter-in-law. I would appreciate it.
OT what a FANTASTIC NCAA championship game! Terrific game, terrific players!
Chances are that TFW didn't even appreciate what she and her children were being offered thru that woman. Probably free of charge.
Yes. If I understand special education law correctly, a private school is perfectly within its rights to not offer any services at ALL, tell the family I'm sorry we can't help you, and send them on their way to the public schools without trying a thing.
I don't know if all of three weeks of wraparound is all that intensive, but they did seem to have a lot of one-on-one instruction that seems far beyond what the average private school would normally provide. I'm not willing to go so far as to say they did everything they could, and I also find the "we just couldn't find anyone to meet your needs" highly suspicious. That's not credible. But it's not meant as a criticism, since they're not supposed to be a special education school for out of control kids who can't even keep it together for one morning, and never claimed to be.
And I'm not making a comment on whether integrating special ed kids is good or not (I happen to think it can be a very good thing for both special ed kids and kids receiving regular instruction), but I can see how some other parents would find all this very disruptive and unfair to their own children. The school has that to consider too. I imagine some people pay for private school in large part specifically to avoid having their child around disruptive kids or other special services some might worry might take away from their child's needs.
Naturally, I am also of the opinion I doubt Kate appreciated what they did try, whether it was everything or not. I bet she would be a nightmare sitting at the roundtable during an IEP. I worked as a law student on a couple IEPs and they can get heated.
But the contractor that they named in the letter has some fairly heavy duty credentials in the field. I actually recognized her name from some other work I'm doing.
She isn't just some lady from down the street who happens to work at the school as a counselor. Once again, the Gosselins got high end. Not anything mediocre for them.
Absolutely, Mel. I've known her for many, many years (more than I care to admit!), and if she couldn't help those children, then in my opinion the school would have been hard-pressed to find someone who could. She's highly respected and is, in fact, a gem! :-)
Milo posted a picture of her car on the interstate saying that she was in on the grassy knoll, I mean, median when a taxi ran her off the road.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h4 hours ago
See this grassy median? Where I ended up when a taxi changed lanes ...ran me off road!! #HungerGamesOnTheHighway. 😧
I've always amazed me the way Milo and her crew want Kate to be given all this benefit of the doubt but if anything ever happens to them they immediately assign blame, assume the worst, and refuse to give the benefit of the doubt to any parties they have decided are offending.
Here's another example, a little mishap on the road and all of a sudden Milo has decided it's the fault of some out of control cab in a dog eat dog world.
Maybe the taxi driver made an honest mistake as sometimes happens on the road. Maybe somebody else was doing something dangerous that caused him to switch lanes and he had no choice. Maybe MILO is a bad driver and it was her fault she ended up on the grass. In any case she doesn't see that she does the same thing she accuses others of doing, jumping to conclusions and assigns blame with very little facts the way she always does.
Mel said... 159
Interestingly, in the letter the school says that they instituted a search for a support person who would be able to meet the educational and emotional needs of the two children but were unable to find anyone.
That is not what the letter says. They indicate that they searched and found a qualified person to work with both children and that the person's contract was ending. They never said that they could not find a qualified person.
Or maybe the school offered services for free until it became clear that it was going to require fairly in-depth services, long term. And then requested the parent to pay for such services, which she refused to do.
Special education services are made available to private school students for free through the public school system under federal law. However, the public school system has wide discretion over what services it makes available. At a minimum they are required to assess the child and develop a service plan if they receive a referral from a private school. It is possible that the contractor was provided by the public school system for a limited period. It's possible that the children's school did not reach out to the public school system, which they are supposed to do. We don't know, nor should we know.
That lady sounds like a real gem. Sounds like they're lucky to have her. Still, I don't think it's true that nobody out there could help them. It could just be a case of not gelling. You could be great at what you do, the best around, but there will always be some kids who just aren't jiving with you. That's normal. Some students might respond better to a service provider of the opposite sex, or older or younger, or whatever. Who knows. Obviously they were able to get the services they needed to get back to that school, so somebody out there helped them somehow.
Mel said... 156
She isn't just some lady from down the street who happens to work at the school as a counselor. Once again, the Gosselins got high end. Not anything mediocre for them.
Chances are that TFW didn't even appreciate what she and her children were being offered thru that woman. Probably free of charge.
Exactly and not only unappreciated but enraged because this was going to take time out of her busy, busy schedule. I can just hear her complaining about what a pain in the butt this was going to be for HER. Now she'd have professionals monitoring the kids' behavior and getting in her way. How dare they interrupt her "career" with this pish posh.
Hell she wasn't even there for their first day of school that year was she? Wasn't she hanging on to Steve's arm and blowing kisses to the camera on the red carpet at the Emmys about the time the sextuplets were starting kindergarten? That's a pretty big day for ANY mom to miss, leave alone the supermom of reality tv.
"redbird, how can you see that anyone is underweight or heavier or taller? Are we looking at the same pictures? If it's the Easter pictures, all I see are their heads/faces (or crouched/sitting bodies), and they all have smiles while pictured with their loot. They just look like average kids."...157.
I don't see it either. Did she post photos other than those at Easter? The ones I looked at were of Joel, Collin (head and shoulder shots) and Aaden sitting on the ground. Collin doesn't look tired; Aaden and Joel look happy, but I can't tell anything about their weight or height.
By the way I think Milo is slipping. Some sleuth out there could probably enlarge the photo and get a look at the license plates, thus finding out what state she's in. The lush green grass and trees and foliage also leave little doubt it's the southeast. That sure ain't anywhere west of the Mississippi. I think Milo's too ignorant to realize that even a photo of trees gives a lot away about you.
What I will miss most about the NCAA championships are the Capital One commercials with Samuel Jackson, Spike Lee, and Charles Barkley. Driving to " In the Annapolis" , " you do know we are in the Maryland! Indianapolis is in the Indiana!" Funniest commercials ever!
Charles Barkley writes a screenplay Underwater Ninja, " it's dark and something swims by. It's a shark. Or maybe a dolphin. It's really dark. " spike passrd on directing, Samuel passes on starring.
Granny said... 158
Who are Jimmy and Kim? I thought this was a blog about the Gosselins.
Very confusing.
lol! The only Jimmy I know is BV (and Durante and Kimmel)!
Welcome to the verandah, where tfmjg is the least interesting topic of conversation.
I love the books and movies and tv shows and sports and recipes and gardening and decorating we talk about! Along with fashion tips on glitter izing crocs and muumuus!
Granny, I apologize for your confusion. You may not have read the comments about a show called Better Call Saul. A number of posters are fans. My comment re Jimmy and Kim was about two characters on that show. Yes this is a blog about the Gosselins, but Admin also allows discussions on other topics.
I suspect that Milo is the problem - haven't there been a couple of other times where s/he/it was so rudely run off the road? Whereas I know few people this has happened to just once, let alone more than once, lol.
As for school things, I suspect those poor kids' mother made it difficult for the school to help them, whether by expecting them to do it all or expecting to run the show. JMO, from years of experience and her personality.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@CarleneMarie_1 Was the most delish peanut butter of my life! LOL So tired of rice, bananas & apple sauce. #ProbioticsSavedMe
She's still whining about the BRAT diet and nobody is taking the bait. For gosh sake, Gladys, spill it and get it out of your system even though it's obvious that nobody cares enough to ask you about it.
Grassy knoll, huh? Where was the second gunman hiding?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Re:recent pics..looks like no one is N #Braces? I'm sure that is a temporary rarity...I know more is to come! #GosselinSmiles
She KNOWS that more kids will get braces. How does she know this? She's in communication with the kids' orthodontist, of course!
You're not Kevin Costner!!
"I was last night."
I still think Bob Odenkirk looks like Gary Cooper, but then again Costner has been compared to 'the Coop' so it's all good...man.
I love BCS. Can't wait until Season 2.
♫ Smoke on the water fire in the sky ♪
By the way I think Milo is slipping. Some sleuth out there could probably enlarge the photo and get a look at the license plates, thus finding out what state she's in.
LOL!! I thought the same thing, but people do travel, and the license plate that they would blow up doesn't necessarily mean that it's from the state in which Milo lives! I was thinking that maybe there was a reflection of her face in the windshield.
Obviously they were able to get the services they needed to get back to that school, so somebody out there helped them somehow.
Or could they have been put on medication and that helped them a great deal?
The only Jimmy... hmmmm I got's me one,
it fitted right down any window slot. we kept it near the left rear tire..I loved my Jimmy
chefsummer #Leh said... 164
According to this I'm a narcissistic to lol.
There is a Business advertisement that runs on the radio here that says everyone has narcissistic traits (especially type A personalities); however, it is how you handle them that is the difference. I can see some truth in that.
PJ, I've had numerous "rounds" of counseling. You can go years doing well, keeping your distance etc, but when there's a "trigger" such as the one you're dealing with, it can alllll come rushing back. It consumes your thoughts, your mood, your interactions with the "true" family you've made...I just try and go back in my mind and reconfirm that whatever I was told, is NOT how it was, and NOT who I AM. To this day, I still hear her version of things were, or justifications. It's not worth any confrontation or rehashing, better to see a counselor who will listen and believe you.
This resurrection of feelings will pass, because life goes on. It may sap the life out of you while you're in the midst of it:) but there will be an end. You've had enough sapped out of you, don't let her take anymore.
Like all things in tfw's life, she had the best of the best resources for her children and she sabotaged it. NOBODY knows better than her...
I highly doubt she worked WITH the school/counselor etc.
The kids are doing well now, I believe, BECAUSE of the expulsion. That was the "currency" that most likely FINALLY made tfw wake the fuck up, or Jon put his foot down and facilitated the counseling.
Didn't he say once that the kids are in counseling and tfw denied it (on twitter??) and the sheep had a conniption fit? Can't keep track of all the spinning she's done.
this is good
Hey, Vanessa, my issues are firmly behind me. My narc has passed. I know the truth. The best thing my therapist said to me was this: "Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die." When I think of my mother now, I am neutral.
I turned out okay, and I'd like to believe that the G kids will too. There is no fixing her. Believe me, she'll die alone and lonely.
Perhaps that photo was Mady hiding the eggs?
I suspect that Milo is the problem - haven't there been a couple of other times where s/he/it was so rudely run off the road? Whereas I know few people this has happened to just once, let alone more than once, lol.
There was another time when she was waving somebody in, and I think the person went but didn't acknowledge her, and she got all bent out of shape because they didn't give her the car version of "thank you" by waving back or something.
First of all, waving someone in can be very dangerous and the son of a teacher in high school got into a horrific car accident after somebody "waved him in." There may be some danger THEY see out of your field of vision, or you may be so busy trying to be nice and waving somebody in you don't notice a danger. Second of all, maybe the other driver didn't SEE her wave them in, or maybe they felt like they better concentrate on the road and not Milo, or who knows what all reasons they didn't wave back that are all perfectly understandable.
It was just such a flippant judgment about another driver who did nothing wrong. Sure it's nice if they acknowledge you with a little wave back but for gosh sakes it's nothing to ruin your day if they don't. She's a strange one, and has extremely high standards for everyone around her that nobody can live up to. She saves all her get out of free jail cards for a celebrity she's never even met, and everybody else goes straight to the guillotine.
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