This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 1816 Newer› Newest»I bet the eggs were EMPTY.
There is a Business advertisement that runs on the radio here that says everyone has narcissistic traits (especially type A personalities); however, it is how you handle them that is the difference. I can see some truth in that.
I can see that and I do agree.
So the kids were to sick to praise God but not to sick for a mama's photo op on twitter.
Humans are inherently selfish creatures because selfish creatures survive and thrive. I think some people confuse selfishness with narcissism and to me it's two completely different things.
As the OP said it's how you deal with that selfishness. Narcissism is sort of like being so selfish and self-absorbed that you are causing regular and consistent emotional harm to others. That is not the same thing as taking the last jar in the cookie jar because you were thinking of yourself that day not others. However if you regularly eat cake and cookies in front of your kids and make them watch and never give them any treats, that might be narcissism. (Or in Kate's case, drinking water in front of thirsty children)
I don't know about the Easter pictures, but on the recent specials, Joel looks sturdier than when he was little- he was the smallest- and Collin does look thin. Aaden average. They are bound to have different body types, but Collin really has changed a lot from toddler days. And adolescence will bring about more changes. We can speculate on diet, meds, farm-work etc but all we have to go on as to Collin being thin is what we see on the specials. As for the portion control, some of the kids, boys and girls look well-nourished.I think Kate is concerned about weight but you can't beat Mother Nature sometimes!
Hey, Vanessa, my issues are firmly behind me. My narc has passed. I know the truth. The best thing my therapist said to me was this: "Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die." When I think of my mother now, I am neutral.
I turned out okay, and I'd like to believe that the G kids will too. There is no fixing her. Believe me, she'll die alone and lonely.
Yes, neutral, blasé, being indifferent towards her gives me peace of mind and soul. She no longer holds the power of control. You give them a reaction, any kind, and they still pull the strings.
My mother is still around, not in good health, but more lifesucking than she ever was, still has the strength for that!! :)
Chef (#195), TFW was trying to get rid of the kids' horrible allergy
symptoms by sending them out to run around in the grass.
Sounds logical to me!
Do we know that picture was taken Sunday? She may've had the
hunt Saturday, and the kids may've been with their Dad Sunday.
She's proven herself to be a liar who lies again and again, and
that's why I question her honesty again and again.
Sorry, I directed my first post to PJ and it was for PJ's momma:)
you can understand the confusion
. As for the portion control, some of the kids, boys and girls look well-nourished.I think Kate is concerned about weight but you can't beat Mother Nature sometimes!
She's always kept portions small. Remember the pic of one of boys in the Gosselin puke fest episode? He was laying on a boat seat, no shirt on. He looked severely underweight. (small-boned, small-framed, whatever you want to call it, that child was TOO THIN)
angie, I agree some of the kids looked way too thin then ; now some of them seem to have evened out.The food portions seemed ridiculously small. A couple of kids now though are even a little above average despite the diet Kate imposes.I think you are genetically given a certain build, although diet and activity of course play a role. Joel for example was little and thin and now looks healthy and sturdy.Kate was trying to get a twin to have a salad in the Bath restaurant; perhaps worried she was gaining weight.She also wrote in that journal of hers of her worries that a girl tup was too big ! But I don't want to say anything negative re: weight except against Kate who tries to mold the kids in every way possible, weight included.
Kate was trying to get a twin to have a salad in the Bath restaurant; perhaps worried she was gaining weight.She also wrote in that journal of hers of her worries that a girl tup was too big ! But I don't want to say anything negative re: weight except against Kate who tries to mold the kids in every way possible, weight included.
Projection means that she will put her own bad behavior, character and traits on you so she can deny them in herself and punish you. This can be very difficult to see if you have traits that she can project on to. An eating-disordered woman who obsesses over her daughter's weight is projecting. The daughter may not realize it because she has probably internalized an absurdly thin vision of women's weight and so accepts her mother's projection. When the narcissist tells the daughter that she eats too much, needs to exercise more, or has to wear extra-large size clothes, the daughter believes it, even if it isn't true
Some of the kids are taking after Jon's side of the family. Too bad, Kate. You can't control everything.
I forgot to add that another reason, besides her own self image issues, she controls food portions is for marketing. She's been on a Mady kick for awhile now and as the other girls reach puberty, she'll start on them to. I really think she envisions a Kardashian life with the girls because she sees what a money maker the family has become.
Too bad then she lacks all the marketing skills that Mama Hawk Kardashian has, 'cuz that is not going to happen. Not ever.
Vanessa said... 188
Like all things in tfw's life, she had the best of the best resources for her children and she sabotaged it. NOBODY knows better than her...
I highly doubt she worked WITH the school/counselor etc.
On what basis have you determined that 3 weeks of "wraparound" was the "best of the best resources?" And how do you know that she "sabatoged" the service?
The Kardashian family certainly has cracks in it, with Rob, Scott, Bruce etc and some of the girls' choices. I don't envy them one bit. Many broken relationships. Money, yes. Kate is silly to ever try to emulate them.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 saw this&instantly thought of you & zorro!! Also, remember when I used to beg u to have another baby🙊👶😉
I'm sure that's something Kate would rather forget. Why would Emily beg Kate to have another baby? Something is really "off" there.
I'm sure that's something Kate would rather forget. Why would Emily beg Kate to have another baby? Something is really "off" there.
She's just as bad as Milo. She imagines herself as Kate's daughter just as much as Milo imagines herself as Kate's big sister or BFF.
That's totally something an older daughter would do, please Mom have a little brother or sister for me. What a freak.
So Emily wants KK to have a baby? My Q is who's suppose to get Kate pregnant?
TFM..yeah right
Jeff the fake boyfriend..okay
Jon haha..That's not going to happen again.
Grow-a-bf.. is the even possible?
Some people on Kate's twitter or here didn't think Lego's were great for the boys. I think they are awesome. Much rather have a kid using their mind and hands than sitting in front of another screen. Lego kits go by age, even up to 12+. They are great for the boys to learn the patience to follow step by step directions, especially if there is any ADHD. School tried to tell me my son had ADD, even went to a neurologist, was on ritalin for a while. But the dosage was so minimal for his size it did nothing for him, he decided he didn't want to take it. Schools don't always want to deal with active boys so pill pushing was easier. If knew he didn't have any ADD/ADHD when he could spend hours following step by step directions putting together very complicated directions. Was also great for reading comprehension. In grammer school he was reading at a post high school level. Maybe talking about legos gives them something in common with their school mates. My son made the lego's and put them on his book shelf, so getting new lego's is always fun. They probably don't go back and take the existing ones apart and rebuild.
The Kardashian family certainly has cracks in it, with Rob, Scott, Bruce etc and some of the girls' choices. I don't envy them one bit. Many broken relationships. Money, yes. Kate is silly to ever try to emulate them.
April 7, 2015 at 9:41 AM
No kidding, now Mamma Kris is banking on exploiting and filming her now overweight depressed hermit son...hmmmmm could his issues be a DIRECT RESULT of previous filming and exploitation? Kris is ready to sign on the dotted line, her son's privacy, mental and health issues. She is banking on a filmed intervention.
He reminds me a lot of Jon. Life being run by an out of control controlling mother, not to mention his biotch sisters. I ask, can you see why he's in the turmoil he's in?
The thing about the Legos, and for that matter the $50 ITunes cards, is that it just seems a bit excessive to me for an Easter basket, especially when birthday month is fast approaching. Also about the Legos, it seems that is all these boys get, so I imagine by now there are boxes and boxes of Lego pieces lying around. Do they all like Legos and enjoy the mastery of building? I ask because kids are so different, and yet unimaginative Kate and her 3/6 pack mentality marches on. Well at least the Legos are not 1/2 price day after candy. I am sure she is also competing with whatever their dad does, so it has to be $$$, not thoughtful and loving.
It probably pisses her off that Jon feeds them more than she does.
From Denise, fan:
17h17 hours ago
Denise @Mydmaxx
@Kateplusmy8 Cara sure is hiding those eggs high in the tree!! Lol. #familyfun #egghunt 🐇❤️
Chef (#195), TFW was trying to get rid of the kids' horrible allergy symptoms by sending them out to run around in the grass.
Like opening the windows in the cold weather to get rid of cold/flu virus.
Yep, works every time. Uh huh.
Do they all like Legos and enjoy the mastery of building? I ask because kids are so different, and yet unimaginative Kate and her 3/6 pack mentality marches on.
My kids all liked Legos and never got tired of them. I always had pieces around, and as they got older, they'd do the very complicated Legos, such as the Statue of Liberty, Star Wars heads and such. The finished pieces are around the house and really are quite nice, if you like Star Wars! Nothing like seeing Darth staring at you from a bathroom shelf! The kids would rather have those in their baskets than candy!
"So Emily wants KK to have a baby? My Q is who's suppose to get Kate pregnant?"
Milo or LOM.
I wonder if Emily has begged Wendy and Carnie and her other girl crushes to have more babies! Why would she want Kate to have more? Did she have plans to take care of them herself?
I think Legos are really cool but what about giving some to the girls? Talk about stereotyping. And I agree she defaults to Legos all the time with the boys. I think she has no idea what their individual interests are at all. They are three individuals but she cannot get past that.
Somebody on Twitter mentioned they had never seen anyone put a can of soda in an Easter basket. I guess she did that because soda is indeed a treat. I am ok with that actually although it's ironic since she used to load them up on sugary Juicy Juice.
Remember the pic of one of boys in the Gosselin puke fest episode? He was laying on a boat seat, no shirt on. He looked severely underweight. (small-boned, small-framed, whatever you want to call it, that child was TOO THIN) 1
Angie, he looked EMACIATED. Scary.
Somewhere In Time said... 9
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 saw this&instantly thought of you & zorro!! Also, remember when I used to beg u to have another baby������
I'm sure that's something Kate would rather forget. Why would Emily beg Kate to have another baby? Something is really "off" there.
"Just one more"? I doubt any fool would go down that road again with Kate Gosselin.
There IS something a little off about that Emily chick. Last month she was chasing around an actress in Kentucky. She's quite the fickled groupie.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68
I FELL IN LOVE WITH A 48 YEAR OLD WOMAN IN LOUISVILLE ���� #NoRegrets #TashaLawrence #TheRoommate
The thing about the Legos, and for that matter the $50 ITunes cards, is that it just seems a bit excessive to me for an Easter basket,
I was thinking that, too. And...once again, it's a case of TFW thinks that's what rich people do but she doesn't get it quite right.
Katie seems to have taken Wallis Simpson's comment about never being too rich or too thin as her motto.
As for emulating the kardashians, didn't she reach out to Kris for advice at one point? What a fool.
Somewhere In Time said... 9
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 saw this&instantly thought of you & zorro!! Also, remember when I used to beg u to have another baby������
Was Em the one who begged Kate to be her baby's godmother, or was that Paige? There was also another starstruck teen on there at one time...Emilykatepluseight, or something like that. Was't she the one who, along with Paige, set up that fake FB page to torment Ellen? Ah, good times! Not!
Do they all like Legos and enjoy the mastery of building? I ask because kids are so different, and yet unimaginative Kate and her 3/6 pack mentality marches on. 14
Cleary Katie decides way they like because she has no clue who they actually are. If they wasn't something that doesn't fit her image of who they should be (e.g., reptile lunch box), she just vetoes it.
Vanessa said... 13
The Kardashian family certainly has cracks in it, with Rob, Scott, Bruce etc and some of the girls' choices. I don't envy them one bit. Many broken relationships. Money, yes. Kate is silly to ever try to emulate them.
April 7, 2015 at 9:41 AM
No kidding, now Mamma Kris is banking on exploiting and filming her now overweight depressed hermit son...hmmmmm could his issues be a DIRECT RESULT of previous filming and exploitation?
He was an ADULT when their reality show began. He chose to participate; that is not "exploitation." Maybe his problems have more to do with the fact that he lost his father as a teenager and has a raving lunatic for a mother, reality show or no reality show.
@25. they wasn't something
If there was something
He was an ADULT when their reality show began. He chose to participate; that is not "exploitation." 26
Not disagreeing, but he has the right to change his mind, imo.
The thing about the Legos, and for that matter the $50 ITunes cards, is that it just seems a bit excessive to me for an Easter basket,
I was thinking that, too. And...once again, it's a case of TFW thinks that's what rich people do but she doesn't get it quite right.
I would imagine that the kids like those things. Otherwise, there would be boxes of unopened Legos lying around, and unused gift cards. Why is it so unusual for the children to like building and listening to music?
I don't watch the Kardashians to know what is going on with their son but adults can be exploited, even if they choose it. I think TLC exploits little people, the obese, and people with other issues. To me it makes no difference, or very little, they consented.
Exploitation doesn't automatically go away just because you are a consenting adult.
He was an ADULT when their reality show began. He chose to participate; that is not "exploitation."
Technically and adult (20 yrs old at the time the show started) he still
was exploited. Those women made him the BUTT of jokes, belittled him, insulted him etc., all to make themselves appear "better than"...HE didn't know the consequences of his choices and he seems to want to get out, but his lovely mother wants to cash in on his mental health issues. THAT is exploitation. Why does she need to discuss his life for the cameras? SHE's making the choice for him now.
The thing about the Legos, and for that matter the $50 ITunes cards, is that it just seems a bit excessive to me for an Easter basket,
Nothing says spiritual renewal to 10 and 14 yrs old kids more than legos and $50 itune cards.
I got my dd an Itunes gift card for Easter along with candy. I never got her toys when she was little but now that we don't dye and hide eggs since she's in high school I give her one thing like perfume or such. BUT I gave her, a high schooler, a $25 gift card and thought I might be giving too much. She has a long road trip coming up though and wants to expand her playlist. I think $50 worth of songs for 11 years old is way over the top. They have $15 ones that I think would be more appropriate. STFU Parents on mommyish was blogging about how today's parent are making Easter into a mini-Christmas, and I saw it for myself at my second job. Toys were flying off the shelf. I think it's a shame.
He was an ADULT when their reality show began. He chose to participate; that is not "exploitation."
Adults are not excluded from being exploited.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 27
I don't watch the Kardashians to know what is going on with their son but adults can be exploited, even if they choose it. I think TLC exploits little people, the obese, and people with other issues. To me it makes no difference, or very little, they consented.
I think that is incredibly patronizing. Unless the people you list also are not mentally competent, they are making a choice and taking a paycheck, most likely in exchange for giving up control of the way in which they are portrayed. That is not exploitation. They are not working in a sweatshop because they are desperate for a job. THAT is exploitation.
My son wasn't into Lego. He was always outside playing. If we'd had the property Kate has, I'd have never seen him except for dinner. He'd have been playing in that tree house, there would have been a basketball hoop somewhere, he'd have been building forts, hunting for frogs and snakes, etc. all day, every day.
We'll have to disagree then. I don't think you have to be mentally incompetent to be exploited. I think people who are in sweat shops are exploited, I think prostitutes and other people involved in sex trading and sex trafficking and drug mules are exploited, I think reality TV at all levels offers up various degrees of exploitation. All those people may have consented and be competent.
There is nothing patronizing about wanting all human begins, adult and child, competent and not, to be given some basic dignity and respect. The fact that there are much worse levels of exploitation does not make it okay to exploit someone's deep problems on a reality show out of Calabasas.
Maria said... 26
I think anyone with problems can be exploited or if they develop them after agreeing to be on a reality show. I also think Bruce is exploiting himself in a way.
Admin, I think your post said it all well.
Kris definitely exploited Kim IMO.
Somewhere In Time said... 18
Oh yes how dare I forget Milo.
I agree that adults can be exploited. I think the Gosselins were exploited, at least in the beginning. Jon may have come from a well-to-do family, but he was far from worldly -- trusting and naive. TFMJG is incurious and unsophisticated and also far from worldly -- at least at that time. TFMJG saw the perks she could get and now enthusiastically participates in the exploitation. Jon began to see some of the drawbacks and the effects it was having on his family, his children and himself and eventually said "enough". TFMJG only sees the money and the fame and the opportunities she believes are or will be handed to her.
You know they do sell, Lego in little building packets. Like a animal, car, people etc, that would fit into an Easter basket. They also do have lego for girls. To me when I was a kid, it would not have bothered me to play with any kind of legos. For Easter basket stuff, just like stocking stuffers, Target, Toy-r-us, Michaels, Joannes, Big Lots, all Dollar stores etc. My mom was if it did not fit into a basket, you did not get it. Large toys were for birthdays & Xmas. Easter is right up there for me as: if you can put it into normal stocking, that is the kind of stuff you put in a easter basket. What I call nicky-nacky toys & candy.
My son wasn't into Lego. He was always outside playing. If we'd had the property Kate has, I'd have never seen him except for dinner. He'd have been playing in that tree house, there would have been a basketball hoop somewhere, he'd have been building forts, hunting for frogs and snakes, etc. all day, every day.
True, but Legos are a great rainy day activity, and much better than being glued to the television or playing video games. My kids also like puzzles, especially those super-sized 3D ones where you actually can build vertical cities from foam-backed pieces. We have several of those on display!
Hit publish too soon.
I have to wonder if TFMJG's obsessive need to control the kids' food intake has anything to do with Cara's decision to become a vegetarian. Cara went through a brief chubby phase -- it's normal and many girls go through it around the onset of puberty. It usually corrects itself in a year or so. But I can just imagine TFMJG harping on about it and nagging her and watching every mouthful she took. Some people become vegetarians as a means to control weight. I hope for Cara's sake that this isn't the reason for Cara. I also hope that whomever prepares the meals has done some research so that she's getting the proper nutrition for a growing teen.
High Sodium Content Said....
If knew he didn't have any ADD/ADHD when he could spend hours following step by step directions putting together very complicated directions.
Kids with ADD/ADHD can hyperfocus on things they are interested in, while struggling with easy tasks that are relatively simple for most kids. So the ability to focus does not automatically exclude a diagnosis of ADD--it is actually a symptom.
There IS something a little off about that Emily chick. Last month she was chasing around an actress in Kentucky. She's quite the fickled groupie.
A "little off?" That's being kind. What chick in Kentucky was she chasing? A new older woman love interest?
Oh yes how dare I forget Milo.
Indeed! Don't forget Milo. She (or he) will not be ignored, Dan!
I asked a day ago but my question was overlooked. In Better Call Saul, why was Mike sitting outside his daughter-in-law's house staring at it? Then she drove past him, stopped, and they just stared at each other?
Then in the next episode she picks him up at the train station because he just got in from PA. So if he just arrived in PA then how could he have been outside her home in the previous episode? Any insight would be great.
Perhaps I am a fuddy duddy (wouldn't be the first time I was called that, lol), but I do NOT understand giving children gifts for EASTER.
We hunted eggs when we were little, might have gotten a small stuffed toy. We didn't go to church growing up, but we did hunt eggs. I guess we quit doing that before age 10..
Nowadays, kids are getting $50 itunes cards, expensive gifts, etc regardless of how old the kids are.
I have kids aged 16 and up, and I didn't get them anything for Easter. We didn't hunt eggs because I think they are too old.
We certainly know and understand what the Easter holiday is about. (Am I the only one that believes you don't buy gifts for your kids for every holiday?)
We marked the day with knowing what Easter means to us, we also spent the weekend with family and friends.
ok, call me a fuddy duddy but as Kate says, 'I just don't get it'
ex-nurse- That's true- my friend's son has severe ADHD and ODD- he is fascinated with Lego at age 10.Sneaks it into school.The problem is getting him to un-focus on it and do schoolwork.
getofftwitter (41): "Large toys were for birthdays & Xmas. Easter is right up there for me as: if you can put it into normal stocking, that is the kind of stuff you put in a easter basket. What I call nicky-nacky toys & candy."
We usually do the summer theme thing for Easter baskets, and while those items are not expensive, they don't fit into an Easter basket. These include pool toys, playground balls, beach towels, badminton rackets, and such. Those things would require a really big basket! I've always wrapped them and hid them both inside and outside the house. The price of good candy has gotten so high, and the kids really look forward to finding summer toys at Easter because they know that warmer weather is just around the corner!
From watching BCS in one shot yesterday ( I am a binge-watcher) from what I gathered, since I saw your question before I watched it and was looking for it, was that when he got off work he would drive there and keep watch. I felt the tension, so I imagine this was after he got off the train, but before they talked about her husband/his son. Often, the beginning clips show scenes that are before or after the actual episode airing.
Not sure it makes sense the way I am explaining it, but call it a way of setting the mood, I guess.
Kinda like Tarantino and Pulp-fiction
Just my opinion
Angie, call me a fuddy-duddy too.
I am from a Catholic family, but am Buddhist, did the Easter Bunny surprise at the door, some chocolate in a basket that he left much like Santa did. I just now realised, thinking back, we never had an Egg Hunt.
OOPS, my bad
Bunny stopped coming around the same year Santa did. I admit, I bowed to convention, do not celebrate any of them anymore, just celebrate every day. (Although I do mark milestones and birthdays, but in a more private way)
@angie,I'm with you on the Easter gifts
We usually do the summer theme thing for Easter baskets, and while those items are not expensive, they don't fit into an Easter basket. These include pool toys, playground balls, beach towels, badminton rackets, and such.
That makes sense. It's a good idea. Parents buy those things in the summer anyway, so why not do it at Easter, a prelude to summer? Those things don't have to be expensive and some of the items can be found at a dollar store or Walmart.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 36
We'll have to disagree then. I don't think you have to be mentally incompetent to be exploited. I think people who are in sweat shops are exploited, I think prostitutes and other people involved in sex trading and sex trafficking and drug mules are exploited, I think reality TV at all levels offers up various degrees of exploitation. All those people may have consented and be competent.
There is nothing patronizing about wanting all human begins, adult and child, competent and not, to be given some basic dignity and respect. The fact that there are much worse levels of exploitation does not make it okay to exploit someone's deep problems on a reality show out of Calabasas.
Hey, thanks for NOT posting my comment and then using my example of what I think qualifies as exploitation to imply that I don't think sweat shops represent exploitation. It's pretty sad that you feel compelled to resort to such tactics.
When I was a kid, it was strictly candy in the Easter basket and maybe a community Easter Egg Hunt. We would also dye eggs the day before.
When I had kids, it was candy, an indoors Easter Egg Hunt and a stuff toy, book or dvd. Always, then and now, there were new Easter outfits, photos, and church with a nice Sunday dinner.
ITA, $50 iTunes cards are too much. Although the kids got plenty, I got to wonder if : 1. They get to keep their baskets or does she demand to put them aside and dole out the treats; 2. Why is she overcompensating and taking Twitter pictures of all the "loot"; and 3. Watching Easter service on TV was the plan all along, if indeed they actually did watch, which I doubt.
I think Cara and Mady hid empty Easter Eggs and the photos were taken strictly for Twitter. No way did Kate take the time to hide eggs.
I'm with the rest of you on Easter gifts. Just something small to put in the Easter basket. Along with some colored eggs and a small amount of candy. I try really hard not to turn it into a commercialized holiday.
Summer toys are a good idea, but we all have spring birthdays so that's when I do the summer things.
What "piecing and patching" single parent has $400 to spare for
music gift cards for Easter -- one month before she has to buy
6 birthday presents? Do the fans ever do the math and realize
her struggling is purely fictional? The Coupon Cabin dude
nailed it -- she's inauthentic.
Something fun that I do with the grandchildren is that they get to come over as a group and dye eggs the Saturday before Easter. Their parents use them for the egg hunt the next day.
And each kid gets to go shopping alone with me sometime before Easter for a new outfit (and maybe shoes, if they're needed) to wear to church that Sunday.
We have a meal of some sort...I let the kid choose the place. It's funny as they get older how their tastes change. For so long all they ever wanted was McDonald's. Now they're past fast food and have widely divergent tastes.
Anyway, just a nice little tradition for them. I hope they remember when they're older how much fun I had with them, and how very loved they are.
Culturally it seems to me most Americans keep the gift side of Easter low key, with a basket, some candy, and perhaps a few small gifts. Egg dyeing is also very popular and very cheap to do. Low key is definitely how everyone does it in every place I've lived in the US. Even for the wealthy families I worked for, Easter was just a basket and some trinkets. No huge build up leading to this part of the holiday like there is for xmas.
It is nice to see Easter avoid the sometimes excessive and sometimes stressful gift giving associated with Christmas and keep the focus on the true meaning of the holiday better than xmas does sometimes. We don't need more commercialization and materialism. It's too bad Kate is morphing a holiday limited to trinkets to something akin to as much money as many families ever spend on Christmas gifts. I'm often suspicious of the money she spends on gifts for them, as it often seems like a thinly veiled way to keep a hold on them, knowing she can give them far more "stuff" than Jon or most parents could afford. To each his own, but it's a shame. What's more, with the holiday in between two major gift giving opportunities for them--xmas and birthday, it seems especially unnecessary.
Mel said... 66
I'm with the rest of you on Easter gifts. Just something small to put in the Easter basket. Along with some colored eggs and a small amount of candy. I try really hard not to turn it into a commercialized holiday.
Same here.And no bag of gifts on Valentine's Day etc.Maybe a chocolate heart or something. I like holidays to decorate and mark the passage of time, change of season, religious occasion, but don't like the commercialization of every little thing.
Here's a thought:
Kate gave TLC a wish list of stuff she 'needed' for their Maine trip...when actually she used the swag for Easter.
That way she didn't spend a dime.
You know how she hates spending money on the kiddos!
(this way she can get credit for the goodies AND make Jon look like the inferior parent in terms of gift giving).
She does the same thing with the private schooling, braces, etc, but I wonder how many kids actually know THEY are paying for those expenses?
Now I really feel bad about no coloured eggs, can't believe I completely forgot that for 18 years...but did a Youtube Tutorial...did you know with silk scarves, white linen and some vinegar (Yay VINEGAR!!!!!!!!) you can make some rockin' eggs?
So gonna do this for May Day! ( as in, May I be forgiven for my oversight-day)
I really need to check in here more often for reminders
Mel (#68), sounds like a lovely tradition you have with your grandkids!
And I bet one of their favorite parts (and yours!) is having one-on-one time with you, which doesn't cost a cent. TFW can babble on and on
about traditions, and making memories, but when you witness her
behavior, and her general lack of sentimentality about motherhood,
it all rings hollow.
Same here.And no bag of gifts on Valentine's Day etc.Maybe a chocolate heart or something. I like holidays to decorate and mark the passage of time, change of season, religious occasion, but don't like the commercialization of every little thing.
Yes. My worry is that kids lavished with gifts will associate any holiday with just an opportunity to get something. Kate can't just tell them Jesus loves you and so do I, Happy Easter, and leave it at that.
I think it speaks to her own insecurities, lavishing them with things like that. I know a 10 year old can certainly spend $50 in the itunes store, but SHOULD they? They're ten!
I also wouldn't be surprised if the gift cards were something the fans sent them, pooling together to get them. They are doing the children no favors if so.
And again, these stories of spending time with, building memories with, grandchildren and other family, remind me of the poverty of these relationships in the G kids lives. If their mother was an orphan . . . .but she is not. My grandkids were with us for Passover, and had an egg hunt with their cousins the next morning. We see them in groups, we try to see them individually for one on one time as well. A $ 50 Itune card and another Lego set is simply not the same, no matter how many pictures the biotch posts.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 67
What "piecing and patching" single parent has $400 to spare for music gift cards for Easter -- one month before she has to buy 6 birthday presents?
Betcha Mommie Medusa dips into their 15% to fill those baskets. She's not 'famous' for being generous to anyone but herself.
PJf's momma--I had the great fortune of coming down with the stomach flu over the weekend, so I researched that scene you mentioned on Nurse Jackie (where she is chugging from vials of morphine). It was the season that they replaced Eddie with a discount pharmacy dispensing machine. She was able to palm extra vials--the machine didn't keep an accurate inventory--it assumed that she was taking the amount entered. The final scene shows her lying on the floor, in full nursing whites with cap, white hose, white shoes.
The opening of the next season shows Akalitis charging Jackie with the job of informing all of the other nurses that the DEA had noticed the excessive "shrinkage". So, they didn't drop that story line, although I did wonder how she was able to lie on the floor without anyone discovering her. I assume that the whites were in her imagination, but it looked like she was laying on the floor.
chefsummer #Leh said... 48
Kris definitely exploited Kim IMO.
That whole family exemplifies greed. I'd say their moral compasses are off, but I don't think any of them has one.
The 17-year old decided that it was appropriate ON EASTER SUNDAY, to post a partially nude pic of herself on Instagram.
Then, she went to "church" with the whole pathetic clan in a belly-baring ensemble.
WTF is wrong with these people?
Easter isn't the occasion to give your kids a $50 gift card!
The candy and small gifts are nice, but why such a lavish gift card?
We did a little jelly bean hunting in the house, and got a basket with candy and chocolate, and yes, the best part was rooting through that plastic grass to see if there were any hidden gems!
What piecing and patching mom can blow $500 on Easter?
A whole lot of money for material stuff, and zero effort to worship.
Valentine's day I bring my DD a small tarte. my excuse for celebrating that one is that she is literally my heart. One tarte/cupcake from the bakery close to here. It means more to her than any Valentines' card.
Which is another tradition I did not do. OYE VAY!
On my Tombstone it will read
I sucked at all the holidays, but ....
Mel said... 68
That's so wonderful-your grandkids have a treasure trove of memories and hopefully will continue your (very real) tradition.
The Legos keep the icky boys busy and out of Kate's hair for hours and the itune-the-children-out work the same way with the girls donning their headphones and also leaving Kate alone. She ain't springing for all that unless there's something in it for her.
Formerly Duped said... 59
ex-nurse- That's true- my friend's son has severe ADHD and ODD- he is fascinated with Lego at age 10.Sneaks it into school.The problem is getting him to un-focus on it and do schoolwork.
Similar situation with my son. Fortunately, he gravitated to computers and taught himself to program. He was able to turn his obsession into a career.
I agree about the amount of commercialization that goes on with every little holiday, gifts for my 3 girls were Birthdays & Christmas. For Easter every year, I would buy them the fanciest dresses to wear, they were truly girlie girls, loved the lace and ruffles. For Christmas I would sew them new PJ's every year, all matching. We would decorate eggs a couple days before Easter Sunday and use them for the centerpiece for our big Easter dinner. There were many small chocolate eggs hidden around the house for them to find, and I would buy each of them a big chocolate bunny. We always went to church, no matter what. One year the girls decorated-carefully!-blown out eggs, and 30 years later, I still have the 2 that the youngest girls decorated.
If watching church service is enough for tfw, then why bother going to the Concerts she takes the girls to? Why not buy the Concert on Demand, and watch it while sitting around the computer screen?
Some Christian mother, isn't she? Superior role model.
Same here.And no bag of gifts on Valentine's Day etc.Maybe a chocolate heart or something. I like holidays to decorate and mark the passage of time, change of season, religious occasion, but don't like the commercialization of every little thing.
same here!
Valentines Day (I thought, but what do I know, I went to public school, LOL) was for romantic love, not parent/child love.
I usually give the kiddos a *small* box of chocolates, but I've seen some of the swag being toted out of school when picking my kids up....balloons, massive baskets of goodies, etc, it's ridiculous (and these kids are not old enough to date).lol
What is with parents these days?
I get that of having a theme based Easter for baskets. Which is fine, cause you know they will use the item as the weather gets better. But, these boys get Legos for last birthday, Xmas, probably valentines day and now Easter. I think once Kate gets it in her head this is what the boys want, that is all she will get them. Then one day soon, the boys will say to her, mom were so over that. I agree with a lot of you guys here, that Kate really does not know her kids.
Like at the yard sale, she pick out of the pile, that autographed pic, she sent to England for and spend a lot of money for, and the kid who had it , did not want it anymore. Which means we were right, Kate does not know her kids. Does not know their likes, colors, interests, sports etc. Kate only goes by, what she hears one time, from them and then just assumes they still like that stuff, for years. Kids tastes most of the time change from one year to the next. Maybe one of all 3 boys no longer plays with Legos, but I bet to afraid to tell her cause Kate might throw a hissy fit. And then the boys might not get anything at all.
When I was a kid growing up Valentines day was one large heart shaped box of chocolates, that my dad would bring home for all of us to share. Easter was dying eggs, Easter basket blessing, then a small Easter basket with candy & a small toy, church, visiting grandma & then going to my aunt & uncles house for dinner. We did not do egg hunt.
Xmas was the same way, over to the relatives house or they came to our house, we did stockings, open presents, had dinner, made cookies & other treats.
There was not lavish gift giving. No expensive, gifts, just stuff we could use, or really wanted. Not just cause, say, like I mentioned one time, so that's all you get every holiday. I'm sure those boys have other tastes or interests, but Kate treats them like a 3 pack. Cause one gift times 3, is easy, a no brainer 2. Kate knows very little about her sons. Just like when they were told to pick out a shirt for their birthday, and Kate did not even know that one of her sons liked basketball. I bet Kate does not even have a basketball net thing, in the yard. Cause, boys are stinky & icky. And I will put their bedroom as far away in the house as possible. She should be ashamed.
angie said... 58
Perhaps I am a fuddy duddy (wouldn't be the first time I was called that, lol), but I do NOT understand giving children gifts for EASTER.
I'll join the ranks of the fuddy duddy brigade. Easter baskets contained candy, chocolate (chocolate is not candy, it's a food group) and spring-time toys like new skipping ropes or a jar of bubbles to blow outside, and maybe some sidewalk chalk.
The retailers have really got their marketing down to a science, don't they?
I tunes gift cards were grifted to her for her birthday
I don't know if you're just speculating it or know it but it occurs to me the gift cards also could have been grifted to HER, or even something she found in her swag bag at the CA finale.
I do know from personal experience that Apple gives away their products like crazy to celebs. Like crazy. We had like five free ipods floating around the house during my tenure. It was nuts.
Getofftweeter-Just small at Valentines Day as well, hubs would buy each daughter a small box of chocolates from him, and a larger one for me, his wife. When I was a kid, Dad would buy Mom a huge, beautifully decorated heart box of chocolates, they did them fancy back then. For us kids, all we got was Valentines cards at school, we never got anything at home. It was a time when crushes in class were admitted to!
There was not lavish gift giving. No expensive, gifts
Didn't this past Christmas, Kate give her children gifts for days, if not a week or more? Who gives gifts each day before Christmas?
I get that of having a theme based Easter for baskets. Which is fine, cause you know they will use the item as the weather gets better. But, these boys get Legos for last birthday, Xmas, probably valentines day and now Easter. I think once Kate gets it in her head this is what the boys want, that is all she will get them. Then one day soon, the boys will say to her, mom were so over that. I agree with a lot of you guys here, that Kate really does not know her kids.
If they like Legos, them let the boys have them in their Easter baskets. It's better than loading them up on candy, and with the chickens, I'm sure they don't care if they ever see another egg! I really don't see that Legos is such a big deal. If they don't want them, then they won't play with them! Kate does so many stupid things, that putting Legos in Easter baskets is very low on the bar.
Valentines Day (I thought, but what do I know, I went to public school, LOL) was for romantic love, not parent/child love.
Didn't you decorate shoe boxes or bags and give a card to your classmates? That was always so special for us on Valentine's Day. The party in grade school!
What piecing and patching mom can blow $500 on Easter?
A whole lot of money for material stuff, and zero effort to worship.
I wonder if she bought those cards out of their kids' savings...you know, for the "welfare" of the children. Maybe they bought their own Easter gifts and they didn't even know it.
Afikoman anybody?
My dad gave prizes to all the kids, usually a 1/2 dollar, and the winner got a whole silver dollar.
Years later, other families also gave all the kids prizes but they were little, like maybe $5 iTunes card.
BTW, you can buy more than music at iTunes.
Auntie Ann
couldn't resist https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mother+medusa
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 14m14 minutes ago
@KenzieRight it was a very challenging day. I just watched this ten times and realized I'm smiling ear2ear! Thank you!! #LoveMyBabies
Challenging? Deciding Between Botox and tanning? Poor baby!
Hey, Kate. Drop the kids off at school tomorrow and come with me to one of the shelters and sort through summer clothing for needy kids. Then watch their mothers line up as we give them free clothing. They seldom take items for themselves, but choose things that their children need. Talk to them, hear their stories, and then tweet about your "challenging" day.
No interest in doing that? Didn't think so.
Didn't you decorate shoe boxes or bags and give a card to your classmates? That was always so special for us on Valentine's Day. The party in grade school!
yes, we did that, forgot about that. LOL
I was actually thinking about the serious basket swag parents are doling out these days. it's crazy.
I also know that rural church's DO NOT do an online feed of their sermons. Whats the point they want the tithe.... that 10%....
I live in DC and go to a very active church ......They do NOT do an online feed! the WHOLE point of church is to be with others to give blessings to each other and to honor the Lord.
We don't do a live feed either, and we have the money for it. It's a slippery slope doing that. The church is very focused on community. If someone really can't come to church people go out and see them. Online is wonderful for so many things, but with few exceptions not for that. In Kate's case it's bred laziness and become her excuse not to let them be part of a nice community.
So this just happened....
This morning, my neighbor's cat got himself up a huge pine tree. She called a cat rescue company, and, wouldn't you know it, there is a documentary crew shooting a pilot for a reality show.
It took several hours for the guy to climb up to the cat, because he had to clear the branches. The cat became very quiet as he got closer (he tapped on the trunk because the cat is deaf). Once he reached the cat, she leaned toward him and he was able to scoop her up and put in the bag. Coming down took about half an hour. Cheers all around!
There were 8 or so crew members and 3 cameras. There were large signs posted that if we are in the area, we are agreeing to be filmed. They also obtained releases from most of us. They requested that we not take pictures or film the rescue, but they didn't try to stop anyone from doing it.
So that is my one and only cat story and brush with fame!
BTW, you can buy more than music at iTunes.
Yes I know, you can buy apps, movies, books, etc. I still don't think a 10 year old has any business spending that much on any of that. Plus with eight of them they could share, which means a ton of content. Unless it's 50 bucks worth of educational books I suppose. They are far too young to appreciate how much money that is and how much you can buy on there with that. It's too young to be filling phones or tablets with 50 bucks of crap. It's one of those things like lobsters where there's no harm in keeping that stuff limited until they are old enough and wise enough to understand and appreciate what it means to put 50 bucks worth of content on a 600 dollar device.
One more thing--the rescue company operates on donations only!
I also know that rural church's DO NOT do an online feed of their sermons. Whats the point they want the tithe.... that 10%....
I live in DC and go to a very active church ......They do NOT do an online feed! the WHOLE point of church is to be with others to give blessings to each other and to honor the Lord.
We don't do a live feed either, and we have the money for it. It's a slippery slope doing that. The church is very focused on community. If someone really can't come to church people go out and see them. Online is wonderful for so many things, but with few exceptions not for that. In Kate's case it's bred laziness and become her excuse not to let them be part of a nice community.
Um, I go to a rural church. We meet in an old refurbished barn. And we have live feed and also taped sermons online. We've had people chime in from hospitals, hospice beds, cancer sick beds, or just plain on vacation, who watch. I have watched. When people are healed, or back from wherever they were, they go back to services. The people truly in health crisis are visited, meals are taken, their yards are mowed, their houses are cleaned, and recently, a family took the children of one cancer patient back and forth to see their parents, as their dad was receiving surgery for a rare cancer. We have a website where people can give online. A live feed or technology in general does not mean the church is not focused on what is good/right or do what we are called to do as believers.
Ex Nurse, I remember both scenes - and I wondered why Jackie wasn't DEAD! But there she was, cute as ever, and not a word was said about what was certainly an overdose, even if not fatal!
Someday we should say we'll 'meet at the coffee shop near that body of water' and do it!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 18m18 minutes ago
No H2O since last night. All 9 showered at a hotel 2night. Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! 💦💧
Anyone want to start a 15 Minutes pool for what breaks on her next?
I just remembered when Santa and the Easrer bunny wrnt away...
May be extreme, but it shed light on our life
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 What R you doing abt the #NaturesCallSituation...LOL. Are you N motel now?
Oh my god, Milo.
About the baskets, this reminds me of my mds, when he was about 8 or 9, he had a crush on a little girl in his class. He wanted to give her something for Valentine's day. I got a nice small to medium basket, that I had bought at a yard sale for 25 cents, spray painted it red, had the spray paint. Put white tissue paper inside and little goodies. Some kind of jewelry in a nice box, about 1 dollar. Less than 3 dollars to make. It was so funny, the bus was outside waiting and he forgot about it, but suddenly ran back in and grabbed it.
He told me that he put it on her desk at school and she saw it when she sat down and she loved it. My ds was so happy and proud. He also became very popular with the other girls after that, begging him to be their boyfriend.
TFW would never do anything like that for her sons.
last link was Thai version of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0FUHDGnk28
fitting most horrible documented time/event
Sleepless In Seattle said... 92
Didn't you decorate shoe boxes or bags and give a card to your classmates? That was always so special for us on Valentine's Day. The party in grade school!
Yes! The VD party was always fun (teehee "vd" party). I even won a prize in second grade for my elaborately decorated in tinfoil shoe box. It was a Little Golden Book of Sleeping Beauty cut-outs. I wish I still had it. I wonder if they even make those things anymore (cut-out dolls).
We don't do a live feed either, and we have the money for it. It's a slippery slope doing that.
Our church is so small we don't even have a website! I like it that way. Small village church that's been there forever with the same organ that was used a hundred years ago, I think!
Anyone want to start a 15 Minutes pool for what breaks on her next?
We keep saying when will her karma come but maybe God just decided her karma will be everything ever in her house breaks, repeatedly. I mean that's kind of funny karma after awhile, God.
Milo, stop it. Just stop it. I kind of figured the showers comment would excite her but why, just whhhhy.
PJ, nobody said that. Live feeds are great for the appropriate purpose, but it's misused by others like Kate which is why some churches don't go there. My church isn't rural and doesn't have a lot of shut ins and is mostly young families. You start providing live feeds and next thing you know it becomes easier to just skip it and watch the live feed....only that may or may not happened because something came up, etc.
The service IS videotaped, just not streamed. The DVDs can easily be burned and provided to the rare shut in, and to my understanding, has. Kate is neither a shut in nor too busy nor incapable of getting to church. If she wants to be part of a church as she claims, either GO or shut up about it.
Anonymous said... 95
Auntie Ann
couldn't resist https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mother+medusa
Mother Medusa "soul eater". Rather fitting I'd say.
Another former child star is suing her mother for stealing from her earnings. Mischa Barton, who was one of the stars of The O.C. when she was a teenager, is suing her mother for theft of her earnings and for kicking her out of a home purchased with her earnings. Seems like there is no end to parents who live to exploit their children.
Mischa Barton, who was one of the stars of The O.C. when she was a teenager,
Wow...... Good for her. I know one of her ex's from before she was famous. She's a good egg, apparently.
i updated my iPad yesterday and now I'm having posting. The links within the blog are no longer "clickable". Anyone else have this problem?
Getofftweeter-Just small at Valentines Day as well, hubs would buy each daughter a small box of chocolates from him, and a larger one for me, his wife. When I was a kid, Dad would buy Mom a huge, beautifully decorated heart box of chocolates, they did them fancy back then.
I only remember ever getting one Valentine's Day gift from my parents. My dad came home with a big stuffed (plush) collie. It's on the shelf in my closet. The rubber face has melted or something because it's all sticky, but I just can't throw it away. I remember how happy I was when I got it. I was in Kindergarten. It's funny how you can remember things from so long ago, where you were at the time, what you were doing, what you were wearing...just like it was yesterday.
We were taught to respect the days marking our Christian beliefs first, enjoying the gifts associated with them as modern-day expressions of those events. It's not as if our parents took the fun out of Christmas and Easter, they just wanted us to remember what our gifts represented.
When Easter came, our mother dressed us up in our Easter bonnets,
pretty dresses and white gloves. After church we changed our clothes and hunted eggs in our backyard, followed by a beautiful Easter dinner mid-afternoon.
Kate had no intention of showing up at church, she can't be bothered to keep up that facade anymore. She doesn't need to cozy up to the church people for contributions anymore, so why bother.
As for the Kardasians, just another photo-op. I was offended by their lack of respect by the way they dressed, but I am old school, I gave that away with the white gloves and Easter bonnets!
PJ, nobody said that. Live feeds are great for the appropriate purpose, but it's misused by others like Kate which is why some churches don't go there. My church isn't rural and doesn't have a lot of shut ins and is mostly young families. You start providing live feeds and next thing you know it becomes easier to just skip it and watch the live feed....only that may or may not happened because something came up, etc.
I understand. But we can each only control ourselves. We can't control Kate or others who don't make the effort to go to church, despite their many proclamations about their faith. We all know people like that. That's on them. I have enjoyed live feed because you can sing along with the worship portion if you want, and you can sign in and 'chat' with others also watching. One guy was in cancer treatment for YEARS (and is back now, quite disabled, but back!) and it felt good to say, "Hi Steve and *wife*........so good to see you here, how are you doing today?" I guess I just don't see the harm, if they still get the message/sermon.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
No H2O since last night. All 9 showered at a hotel 2night. Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! 💦💧
Why didn't she tell them to shower at school after PE?
How in the world do these things break? We had a well pump for 15 years and it never malfunctioned.
There is no harm for those who don't abuse it.
Sort of like a nanny cam. Nothing wrong with it, unless you use it to leave your baby home alone. There is no substitute for actually being there.
She is an able bodied woman whose kids would benefit tremendously from something like a youth group. Secular or not makes no difference to me, the point is they would benefit greatly from it but she doesn't seem to think not actually going and allowing them to take part in that is an issue. She is lazy, and the live feed encourages her to half-ass it with her kids.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 What R you doing abt the #NaturesCallSituation...LOL. Are you N motel now?
Well Kate did say they were in a hotel soooo i'm guessing she use her bathroom that can with the room.
Tucker's Mom said... 79
chefsummer #Leh said... 48
Kris definitely exploited Kim IMO.
That whole family exemplifies greed. I'd say their moral compasses are off, but I don't think any of them has one.
Well you don't make a sex tape than have mom to mange it if you have morals to began with.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 What R you doing abt the #NaturesCallSituation...LOL. Are you N motel now?
Oh my god, Milo.
Geez! Tell her that they are all peeing in diapers. That should either shut her up or get her more excited. She's insane.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 21m21 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well, goodnite girl! Hope U are indeed staying at a motel overnite! Can't see all nine of U running out 2the #OleOakTree :)
Good gawd, Gladys. Go to bed!
Why is that important? What will she do? Call the "fixer" and tell him or her that Kate has an emergency and to get there right now?
Prudence @PickledNonsense 6m6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Who is your well pump fixer? Sorry you are facing these challenges.
Challenges? A well pump? Give me a break.
So, now Kate has broken the well pump for the second time! how in the hell does she manage to break appliances, the car, parts of the house?
See Kate, if you were nice & got along with Jon and your family members, & Beth, and Jodi, your kids could have showered at their places, instead of a hotel.
Way to go Kate! Maybe God is trying to tell you something?
franky said . . .
On my Tombstone it will read
I sucked at all the holidays, but ....
franky - Maybe you sucked at all the holidays, but it is very obvious that you did NOT suck at what was really important - being a great mom!
@Kateplusmy8: No H2O since last night. All 9 showered at a hotel 2night. Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! 💦💧
And the grifting continues.
I wish I still had it. I wonder if they even make those things anymore (cut-out dolls).
Do you mean sheets of paper dolls? Yes, they still do. I hated cutting around those darn tabs. The thing now, though, are the magnetic fashion dolls. Little girls really like them.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 18m18 minutes ago
No H2O since last night. All 9 showered at a hotel 2night. Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! 💦💧
Arghh. She is infuriating! Putting on the poor, pitiful victim routine when she should be feeling extremely grateful and blessed that she has the means to schlep her family to a hotel in such situations. I don't think she is even capable of feeling gratitude or appreciation.
So Kate has no water. She denied Mady water when Mady asked for it. Not fun, is it, Kate?
Kate is home alone all day with no water, but the kids are at school and have water. The irony of it all.
See Kate, if you were nice & got along with Jon and your family members, & Beth, and Jodi, your kids could have showered at their places, instead of a hotel.
It's not only a matter of showering. When you have a well and the pump doesn't work, you also can't flush, and don't forget each child goes through one roll of toilet paper a day. That's a lot of flushing.
PJ's momma said.....
Someday we should say we'll 'meet at the coffee shop near that body of water' and do it!
Are there Seattle based sheeple?
Milo does realize that hotels have toilets? Usually in the same room as the shower?
Like Kate would lower herself to a *M*otel, Milo. Get with the program.
Arghh. She is infuriating! Putting on the poor, pitiful victim routine when she should be feeling extremely grateful and blessed that she has the means to schlep her family to a hotel in such situations
Indeed she is. I could think of other words for her, but I'll refrain. I read online today about the single father of seven whose electricity was cut off and he used a generator for heat. Carbon monoxide killed all of them.
How challenging it must have been for him to care for seven kids without the means to provide for them.
Kate makes me sick.
Pa dutch mom,,,
Khatie Irene would absoluteltly h8 my shop...
People leave things front of their door..in MTL no less
Big OLE' Cosmopolitain city and all....
Ex Nurse, maybe, but they won't know what body of water - we are surrounded! But I know and you know.
No water for one day......hahahaha........she should live the live of mere mortals. We had a ferocious ice storm one holiday season and had six DAYS with no power, in bitter wind and cold. Idiots that we were, we didn't have a generator either. We did have water and our friends on a well had a generator, so once during those 6 days, we visited each other, so they could go potty in a flushing toilet and fill up some jugs, and we could have some heat for one evening while we played board games. It was brutal. I cried in frustration one night when I woke up with a dog standing on my chest, and I could see his breath in the dark. We should not be able to see our breath in the house! But we had three dogs and there were no rooms to be found that would take them all. Plus, most hotels were booked anyway. They were more important to us than creature comforts, so we just dealt with it.
We have a generator now. Haha!
Like Kate would lower herself to a *M*otel, Milo. Get with the program.
Exactly. Can we say Hyatt Regency? Wanna bet TFM had to book it for her? She probably had their limo pickmthem up.
So...who is watering and feeding the chickens tonight? And the dog?
You don't think she left him home alone, with no water?
And what about the stupid bird? Who's taking care of it?
She and the kids just up and leave? Leave the animals to fend for themselves? Or do the usual staff take care of the animals....hmmm....
This could make a good episode. She should have called TLC.
Well, duh, Milo. She asked if they are staying at the "motel" for the night. No, she paid the hotel to open up a vacant room for them just to use the shower, and the staff obliged, out of the goodness of their heart.
I was looking at Milo's TL and saw that she's still on a squatting frenzy. The thing is, nobody seems to care. Once she gets hung up on something she can't stop. Kind of like her lust for Kate's rockin' hard body..
I get sick of her constant complaining, it's getting so old now. But I will say that well issues are truly an annoyance and not always quick or easy to fix. We had to replace our pump last year and then have it pulled again for a part. She won't be grifting this one, no one is going to give her a freebie for this unless there is a warranty and defective part. But her constant whining is annoying, stuff happens when you own a house, get over it.
Lol Call me Crazy,
ask my dd that...Iam THE WORST MOTHER EVER
yay youth, but I getcha,like Shania, and I love line dancing
A town near me had their only well go dry in July af few years back. It was miserable for everyone. July is hot in NM. Each person was given two leters drinking water and 5 gallons potable water. We invited friends over to sleep, shower, do laundry exc. This went on for over two weeks while a new well was dug. Residents did not know of the crisis until the well was dry so they had no time to prepare.
Water laws in NM are complicated because of water rights and the Rio Grand Compact. Every drop of water is owned by someone.
I don't have sympathy for Kate. She can afford bottled water and get water from her neighbors to flush the toilet. There is no limit on the amount of water she is allowed to have in a day. Her grass may go brown, but will come back with water.
Two interesting stories I heard about today.
1. Lisa Rinna on access Hollywood, taking about doing that adult diaper commercial, something like poise? Forget the brand name. It got brought up during a Real Housewives reunion bitch session. She said in interview with Billy that it was tough time during economic downturn, she and Harry had not worked in a while, and she got offered this and took it to support her family. She said not only was it fun, but she made more money for it than any other single job she had ever done.
2 mischa Barton who was on, I can't recall the show, anyone? Anyway, she is suing her momager for fraud, says one job she had that her mother lied to her about the pay and kept the difference. Also thshe her work paid for mansion her parents are living in, and she is now banned from the house, she wants it back. It will bee interesting to see what happens when things come out in court.
Oh Mylanta, Pa Dutch...UMMM,..UMMM
We lived on a lake in ùns, that froze. Still managed to break the ice and bathe.....oh, wait a minute
Khatie Irene does not live on a lake, or near portable water, funny...even my grand-ma on her 4 acres had a well, we learned to pump it, thought all county propeeties had one, my bad.
great memory, ice storm of 79, no lights non heat, just hand-pump at grannies, lots of blankets, and aKeats by fire-light
good times
suck this Miss Khatie Irene
me bro (with whom I still speak to) bought a new house in the boondocks.
In January
no problem..no water (we both had waterbeds),lots of cushions, no problem
until I got THE CALL..DND
he got shipped off to war for the next rear, I the Hippy, was stuck in the boondocks with no running water and me Bros house to take care of. And I managed, at 22
YEAH for a BF who took the axe and broke water I could l boil everyday, and I split wood everyday
PA Dutch Mom said... 121
How in the world do these things break? We had a well pump for 15 years and it never malfunctioned.
Oh they can. Mine is about 20 yrs old now. It broke about 5 years ago. I didn't know it for 2-3 months that it was running constantly. My light bills were double and it took me that long to find out why because I couldn't hear the noise it makes while pressure tank fills and shuts off.
As for those expensive Easter gifts, of course she has to give those kids over the top things. She has to show up Jon for one. I also think she probably told the kids "Look at what I was able to do for you since we have been filming again. ".
Indeed she is. I could think of other words for her, but I'll refrain. I read online today about the single father of seven whose electricity was cut off and he used a generator for heat. Carbon monoxide killed all of them.
That was on the Eastern Shore of Md.
It's so damn upsetting and actually made me flash back to Kate asking her minions if a generator can be used indoors.
On the one hand, this father was trying to raise his kids alone and truly piecing and patching. OTOH, what was he thinking?!
He did not apply for assistance, tried to illegally connect to electricity (that was found and cut off), and fired up a carbon monoxide spewing machine in his home.
Ugh. If only he contacted social services and did what was best for the kids-turn them over where there basic needs could be met until he was able to meet them.
It's just so tragic.
For Kate, maybe this is the wake up call she needs to scale back and leave that compound. She might not be able or is unwilling because the value of the house has decreased so much since she bought it.
That compound is getting to be the age where everything needs to be replaced, fixed or upgraded.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
No H2O since last night. All 9 showered at a hotel 2night. Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! ����
I wonder if her majesty and her subjects wore grifted flip flops while showering and walking on the peasant carpeting?
Sounds like she ain't a grifting a free whatevers-broken-this-time. #nohashtags.
Her just returning from her extended free piecing and a patching 40th bday vacay to THIS (lol), has to have her royally pissed off. Her afterglow of her wonderful vacay just bit the dust, lol! Nothing says 'stuck in ghettoville with 8 ungrateful kids' more than having no water in your 'all mine as far as I can see' mcmansion.
pay up, biotch. you wanted it, you can pay for it. LOL
It's a shame that Kate has cut everyone off and has to resort to a hotel instead of calling friends and family to help.
I think it's necessary to find another place to stay with 8 kids. Toilets will get gross really fast.
Could be awhile before it's fixed.
Yours all yours Kate! !
Exactly. Can we say Hyatt Regency? Wanna bet TFM had to book it for her? She probably had their limo pickmthem up.
That's exactly what I thought. She let the kids shower and then had the nanny drove them home while she stayed the night at the hotel. That tweet's odd wording even points to this when she only mentioned about the kids showering there, nothing about them all staying there for the night.
See Kate, if you were nice & got along with Jon and your family members, & Beth, and Jodi, your kids could have showered at their places, instead of a hotel.
Way to go Kate! Maybe God is trying to tell you something?
Start co-parenting. Reconnect with friends and family.
Humble thyself.
It IS sad they are at a hotel instead of at grandma and grandpa's, Jon's, friends or other family.
I can see going to a hotel after a few days not to put people out for long periods, but this was just one day.
She thinks it's cute the picture of all of them trooping off to a hotel. I think it's a reflection of the sad state of affairs she's got herself into. Alone.
Tucker's Mom (#151), you silly girl -- using "Kate" and "wake up call"
in the same sentence.
You know, this latest installment of the Perils of Katie Irene would've
packed more of a punch if we hadn't seen those overloaded Easter
baskets the day before. Better get the story editor on the phone
and make sure that doesn't happen again. If the narrator had
just left our heroine Sunday morning stuck with a houseful of kids
with allergies and fevers and THEN sprung the no-water news,
she might've even scored herself a Radar mention.
In a decade, TFW went from a married woman who had hot and
cold running volunteers to cater to her every need and want, to a
divorced shrew who can't even scrounge up enough friends to let
her family come over to shower and use the toilet.
Maybe I am reading it wrong, but she said they showered at a hotel, didn't stay there...
so if they only showered there, what bathroom facilities are they going to use this morning?
That's a long bus ride to school...
(I looked at twitter and don't see a pic of them trooping to a hotel, did she delete it?)
It's a shame she didn't call Jon and ask if the kids could stay with him until her water issue is corrected. (and she'd get some much needed time away from the kids!)
Well pumps break, wells go dry. Stuff happens. Funny how she had to mention that "all 9" went to a motel. We can count unless there was an extra person she did not want people to know about.
You guys are right. She has no one she can ask to stay at when stuff like that happens.
I think she tweets about this stuff to gain sympathy as a "single mom" or setting up wanting to move because the country house is too much for her. I have zero sympathy. What she experiences is what everyone experiences and it's not worthy of a tweet or a TV show.
That household manual Kate put together does not seem to be working very well for her- the number of things breaking is ridiculous and she has no clue what to do.#nocommonsense
Here's the thing Kate...the longer you live in a house, things start to wear out, break and need fixing and/or replacing. You have to actually maintain your home and everything in it - its all part of being a homeowner. Kate has never had to do this, she always had Jon or TLC. Now, she's on her own, the house and its contents are showing their normal wear and tear and she's clueless on how to deal with it.
There was definitely some TFWspeak in that tweet. Did she have
Jon pick the kids up at the hotel last night to go to his place, and
then just had her own room to pay for to stay overnight?
We can only imagine how charm-free she is in a situation like
this. We've seen her melt down over the most manageable
inconveniences -- ice cream on a child's shirt, water on the
floor the day of a birthday party, a speck of gum on a lovey,
a rerouted plane headed for a luxury vacation, etc. She
must explode when something like this happens -- that
will cost her time and money and convenience. But on
the bright side (as if she'd ever see that), she's got no
job, so she can spend all day today working to solve
the problem. But I would think those kids will have
Mom's mood to worry about while they're in school,
and they'll be praying even harder than she is for it
to be resolved ASAP.
We just had woodpecker damage to our house so bad that a family squirrels took up residence in our attic. It's been a mess, financially and otherwise, getting the squirrels out and the holes in the house fixed. I'm sorry Kate if you had to go to a hotel to take a shower.
I still think she should have called TLC to get out there pronto! We have a story line going here!
Single mom gets home from luscious 40th birthday vacation to find the house in tatters and 8 children with NO WATER!!!!! What to do??? Oh noes!! And it's Easter besides!! How is she ever going to prepare Easter dinner??
Did we hear anything about her fabulous Easter dinner she cooked? Or was it only the egg hunt this year? (And no church.)
Unless Jon was out of town, I cannot see the reason for not reaching out to him to take the kids for one night.
And yes, the way the tweet was worded is odd. I suppose she could have booked one room, have everyone shower, return home, use pool water to flush toilets and bottled water for drinking, tooth brushing. Seems like a lot of trouble to me. Then again, Kate always makes things harder than they need to be.
Does anyone else speculate that the very first thing Can-Do Kate
does in a situation like this is call Steve to take care of it?
We can only imagine how charm-free she is in a situation like
this. We've seen her melt down over the most manageable
inconveniences -
So true, there most definitely was a "meltdown"
Wonder if she made a voodoo doll of the person who replaced the pump 14 months ago (note the 14 months in that tweet, not a year ago)
Does anyone else speculate that the very first thing Can-Do Kate
does in a situation like this is call Steve to take care of it?
she lives for this kind of stuff, it fulfills her thirst for attention and drama
If it was the pump, it should still be under warranty. LOL, she did emphasize the 14 months! Hate to be that repairman.
TLC Stinks (#169), don't worry. Once TFW offers to pay the
repairman in hugs and kisses, he'll be so smitten he'll wind up
fixing every broken thing in her house! Except her soul -- I think,
sadly, that's irreparably damaged.
What happened to her motto of: When life hands u lemons,make organic lemonaide, or lemon water! My fave healthy summer drink in my fave @kuerig cup!
She could have tweeted: Too bad well pump went out. But fun night playing in hotel pool. Brought my @kuerig cup with. Can't live w/o it!
She always words things oddly. So just imagine she did book one room for the express purpose of showering. Did she then call housekeeping and ask for a dozen extra towels. My morning laugh. Karma sometimes comes in small doses.
Once TFW offers to pay the
repairman in hugs and kisses, ....
Maybe the re-modeling guy gave him a heads up to bring another guy with him and not be alone with her. Word gets around on stuff like that.
I still think she should have called TLC to get out there pronto! We have a story line going here!
She's probably pissed it didn't break on TLC's time so they'd have to fix it, just like they replaced her stove when she shattered the cooktop.
I'm sure she's worked her greedy lil brain to a frazzle trying to figure out how it's TLC's fault her water is kaput.
That lil household organizer of hers is getting larger due to repairs and replacements, LOL stuff it full of bills of sale and warranties oh queen!
I wonder if she used a coupon?
Oh for sure she calls Steve first. He is number one on her speed dial. Unless he was there and suggested the hotel. She cannot think for herself. You guys are right. There was a massive blowup getting those kids out the door with additional hand waving and finger pointing.
Andrea, if the town you are describing with the dry well starts with M......that is OUR village! My mom grew up there and I still have family there. Small world!
Have you ever read or watched The Milagro Beanfield War? It is about those exact water rights! And yes, they are complicated.
I forgot who said this last night I'm sorry, but they said her complaining is getting sooooo old.
It's a house. A big one too. With that luxury lifestyle comes its issues. Life, luxury or not, always will have issues. Houses that are new, old, anywhere in between there will always be something. Just like there's always something in all aspects of your life. In life, there's always something. The bellyaching IS getting extremely annoying. Normal life things are happening to her and she can't take any of it in stride, and it's obnoxious. There is an air about her like she somehow has it harder because she has eight kids, and that's even MORE annoying. She can't roll with the punches and laugh about it later and save her tears for the actually serious stuff. It could be a fun memory that time they couldn't flush the toilets and trooped off to grandma's for a couple days, but that is a memory she has robbed them of.
Admin (#177), and it's annoying that she finds the time to tweet in
the middle of all this drama, and yet didn't have the courtesy to
thank her "friends" for their happy birthday wishes. She must
constantly stub her toes on that bar they've set for her, which
is clearly on the ground (this is a metaphor, fans -- she hasn't
hurt her foot, so please don't tweet your get well wishes...).
PJ's momma, yes it starts with the letter M. I drove through it to get to Pie town on ultimate Pi day. I love being a geek. The pieoneer has the best NM apple pie.
Our area is in mourning because of 4 young peoples deaths in 3 days. On Saturday, a 14 yr. old girl was repelling with her family at a park, she fell and was killed. On Monday afternoon, a brother and sister were driving home from soccer practice, was in an accident and they were both killed. Then that night, a former UAB basketball player and assistant basketball coach for Illinois St. was among the 7 people killed in the plane crash that were traveling home from the NCAA finals.
It's a house. A big one too. With that luxury lifestyle comes its issues. Life, luxury or not, always will have issues. Houses that are new, old, anywhere in between there will always be something. Just like there's always something in all aspects of your life. In life, there's always something.
Yes, I was just about to say this. She stood at that kitchen window, proclaiming that it was all hers, as far as the eye could see. She wanted it; she got it, along with the responsibilities of home ownership with such a property. Deal with it, sweetie, and suck it up.
"She always words things oddly. So just imagine she did book one room for the express purpose of showering."
That would be an expensive shower cost. I hope she used one of the online discount sites to find a cheap hotel room! She knew that there was no water. Someone asked why she just didn't tell the kids to shower after their gym classes at school. Couldn't she figure that out?
The sheeple are commiserating with her, saying that she needs a break. Are they really this stupid, or is it just an act? My gosh, the woman was just on a fun-in-the-sun outing. How often does she need a break?
"I suppose she could have booked one room, have everyone shower, return home, use pool water to flush toilets and bottled water for drinking, tooth brushing."
Our neighbors had a well and a pump and if the pump malfunctioned, if didn't matter if you had water or not. The toilets didn't flush. It's the same thing if the electricity goes out. You can't flush. The pool would still be covered and tied down, and the water level would be low. She couldn't get water from the pool. She said "hotel," not "motel." A motel would be too mediocre for her.
Andrea, you're killing me. My dad used to deliver auto parts out to Pietown, Reserve, Datil, Quemado.........and he would take us for company and tell us to duck when we drove through there because they were throwing pies at us. We believed it. How cool that you could go on Pi Day! It's a beautiful area.
She has 245k followers and approximately 20 people respond with encouragement. Sad. So desperate. Proves her so-called followers are fake or don't give a rat's behind.
I think TFW took all of them to the favorite local hotel that she loves and uses. I also think that since 8 out of 9 of the group needed showers and they were the majority that needed showers, she dipped into their money and that is how it was paid for. Everyone is right. If she would of been a good egg, she wouldn't of had to do that. She could of easily sent some of the kids to Jon's, Aunt Jodi's and Beth's.
They would of been more than happy to come and even got them for her and brought them back.
She is a thief and an idiot!
Thief: IF she got the money out of their account. She shouldn't do that, that is on her. She should use her Parent Money. Those children shouldn't have to pay to take a shower with money that they made with a camera shoved in their face and TFW behind the camera giving them the evil eye.
Thief: stealing all these years, great times preventing those kids being with their dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, Beth, grandparents, relatives.
Thanks for clarifying, Blowing. I never had a well. They must have stayed overnight in a hotel, then.
Pie town NM. Our friend has a cabin in the area. Love it.
I would not be surprised if Kate called TLC first. I still think they are still filming. And with the tups birthday coming up & the twins graduation from 8th grade, and mothers day, and besides her birthday & Easter, she is still in contact with TLC, or they are still on the compound. As someone said here, what if the hotels are booked, I know that there are local hotel/motels around where Kate lives. This is short notice booking, and we all know how Kate feels about certain kinds of hotels. We also know Kate would not flip a dime for anything, so i think TLC paid for it, found a hotel, and probably took them to it. And TLC will probably pay to get the pump fixed. Others who work for TLC are taking care of the pets & chickens, namely the hired help.
In a situation like that, I'd be calling everyone I knew, including the kids friends moms, and how about the Amish farmer, is he not the one the one tup boy, take care of the chickens for? Could Kate not get water from him or get off her lazy ass and go to the store and get some water? There are many ways to handle this, Kate took the most easiest, she called TLC. And maybe the flying monkey.
Maybe she emphasized 14 months because the warranty was only for a year and now the poor thing has to pay for a new pump.
With 9 people needing showers I can see why she wouldn't/couldn't go to a friends house even if she had someone. 9 showers would take a lot of hot water. That wold take several hours most likely for a normal water tank to keep heating up. Probably has more than one at home or an instant hot water heater. 9 people in a hotel overnight, would probably require at least 3 rooms. As far as toilets, she has at least 6 bathrooms, a little leftover pee/poo in each one isn't going to be life threatening till the water is back on. Won't phase the boys I'm sure. And they can gather water off the top of the pool cover if needed, but she probably isn't that smart.
Kate didn't thank her fans for their birthday wishes before, during and after her birthday because she doesn't want to bring attention to the fact that she's 40. She's acts and dresses like she's young but she's 40. Well she better be happy she's 40 because next March she'll be 41. LOL
Kate's water issues are not a problem. The problem would be if she couldn't afford to fix the problem. OMG I can't stand this woman especially when you hear about a man and his children who died because he couldn't afford to pay his electrical bill. Kate should go to church everyday, not only on Easter, and give thanks that there are idiots in this world, like myself, who watched her show and made her a multi- millionaire. Kate STFU!!
TLC stinks said... 165
Unless Jon was out of town, I cannot see the reason for not reaching out to him to take the kids for one night.
Because that would make Jon a caring dad if he took his kids and it would make him a good guy if he helped Kate out.
And she can't have that especially if fans saw Jon out with the kids it would make her tweet look stupid.
Mel said... 164
I still think she should have called TLC to get out there pronto! We have a story line going here!
Single mom gets home from luscious 40th birthday vacation to find the house in tatters and 8 children with NO WATER!!!!! What to do???
If Kate and TLC hadn't killed off Jon back in Season 5 he'd probably be the one fixing the pump right now.
So yes, this is so much more dramatic to be the SMo8 and have all these disasters happening ... it's the stuff reality tv shows are made of!
Good thing he's dead.
She is fortunate if her lack of water is only a malfunctioning pump. Wells can just run dry. That would require drilling an entirely new well.
We live on city water now -- for the first time in our "mature" lives. It is a luxury that we are glad to pay for.
I don't think Kate had any idea what her mine-all-mine purchase actually entailed.
My daughter, SIL and 3 kids came for two nights when the contractors had to break through a kitchen wall. Or so they thought. They were with us for 2 weeks. Not exactly the same thing, but that is what friends and family are for. And yes, own the mansion, own the repairs. Mine, all mine, including the bills. Since she is not tweeting @ anyone on this, guess she is going to have to pay the big bucks. Karma in any size is still karma.
I don't think Kate had any idea what her mine-all-mine purchase actually entailed.
She sure didn't. She was blinded by the shininess of it all. There's more to running a farm than just shoveling the driveway and filling the pool with salt water.
TFW suffering with all the problems her mine-all-mine manor
brings reminds me of a little kid who wants a puppy. They're so
cute! They're so cuddly! I promise I'll feed him twice a day! And
I'll walk him -- even when it's raining! With no clear concept of
the real responsibility involved.
Who remembers the old commercial: "You asked for it, you got
it, Toyota?" Well, TFW, you asked for it, you got it, your mansion.
To Khate and your broken water line: It's ..."Yours, all yours"... so SUCK IT !! Oh, and wait for the roof to need to be replaced/repaired, as well as the air conditioner, furnace, etc. etc. SUCK IT! SUCK IT! SUCK IT! It's Karma, you witch. "Mine, all mine" indeed!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 18m18 minutes ago
...Praying he will fix well pump AGAIN tomorrow...replaced 14 months ago&...POOF! 💦💧
And there she goes "AGAIN" with her passive-aggressive blaming of the repairman, trying to shame him into not charging her for another service call. Is it possible he didn't fix the well pump properly the first time, or that a part was defective? Sure. But she just can't deal with that in private, can she? She knows she stands a much better chance of getting a freebie from XYZ Well Pump Repair if she makes XYZ think that she will tweet about the wonderful service she got from them and how they saved her! Barf.
Yes, Kate has no idea, what it entails to own a home. Just cause you bought it does not mean you know what it takes to care for, the house & property. Anyone can own a house, the maintenance is what I say about 80% of home owners have not a clue on how to take care if it. I bet if you ask, random people who own homes, where their water, & gas shut offs are, they would not have a clue. Even where their fuse box is and how to change a fuse. Common stuff every home owner should know and don't, this means yes women this means you too should know this stuff, don't expect to rely on the man of the house to fix things. Yes, I do know where things are, how my heating system works, what to do when the power goes out, where all shut off are, where the fuse box is how to change or re-set a fuse. What to do if any appliance breaks down, even my car. Women are not stupid, just uninformed, probably cause of the way a lot of us were raised to the belief that is a mans job. BS, if you are going to own anything, than you should, does not matter you are man or woman, you should learn about stuff, you never know when anything will break down,or what to do in an emergency.
Auntie Ann...you are the best!
If TLC was filming, they could have had Jon arise from the dead, being it's Easter and all, and have him rushing over there on his scooter, to save the day. The kids rush to him with hugs and kisses...they're so happy to see him. He tells them to start on their homework, he'll look into the water situation.
The kids hadn't called their mom, because she'd told them never to call her unless it was a dire emergency, and they weren't sure that this qualified. So she didn't know there was a problem, nor that Jon had come over to fix it.
TFW comes home, sees Jon out back, and without finding out *why* he's on the property, flies into a rage. Storms out to where he is and starts throwing things around, hitting the new pump with a wrench and breaking it.
There's not another new pump in the area, so they have to wait for the supplier to have a new one fed ex'd in two days from now. But now Jon refuses to work on it, so she has to wait another two days until the repairman is free.
What to do?? There's not a hotel room to be found. At least not one that's safe for 8 little kids. TFM and his swat team have been frantically scouting out area hotels.
Oh wait! If she pays triple time, the repairman will come out that night with a used pump he found in his shop. But she has to promise not to touch him...he's heard all about her from the construction guy.
We should be producers for TLC.
"And they can gather water off the top of the pool cover if needed, but she probably isn't that smart."
Our pool doesn't have water on the cover, even though the snow melted. The cover lays that tight that water doesn't collect on there. In fact, if she has a pump running on top of the cover to get the excess water off, there wouldn't be enough for the toilets even if she could flush them.
I really have my doubts that she called TLC. I'd bet the farm and the chickens on it. They are not going to fund her forever, and I also don't believe that they are still filming. Even if she called the Amish farmer, what is he going to do? It's not going to help with showers, unless they go to his house to take showers and I can't see them doing that. So the kids don't get a shower for a day. So what? Use baby wipes to clean yourself the best you can. It's not like they are without water for a week and smell up the whole house.
"Thanks for clarifying, Blowing. I never had a well. They must have stayed overnight in a hotel, then."
There might be some systems, depending on the well and the pump, where the toilets could flush if the pump breaks. I don't know what Kate has, but it's been my experience that toilets don't work without a functioning pump.
I remember during an ice storm when we had no power and no water. Our neighbors had three boys. When they had to pee, they just went outside and made "lemon snow cones." It worked and they still talk about the time they peed in the bushes. You do whatever you can and you get through it. Nobody ever stayed in a hotel because they didn't have water for only a day or so. We did, however, go to a hotel when the power was out for a week and the temps were below zero. We braved it for a day, but then I said, "enough," and off we went to the next town where they had power. Fun times. The kids loved the indoor pool and spa and thought they were on vacation and didn't want to go home.
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