This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 1816 Newer› Newest»Kate didn't give us much info in her tweet.
Here are some quick well/pump facts. Please feel free to skip if you aren't interested. The pump that could have failed is small and slender. It is submersed in the well as deep as her well is. Could be 100' in the ground -- depends on the area. A new pump costs less than $300.00. Labor for repair or replacement will be more than the product.
We replaced our Illinois pump three times over 3 decades. My husband did the work of pulling out the old one (43' for us) and inserting a new one. Some plumbing expertise is required.
Good luck, Kate.
I don't think Kate had any idea what her mine-all-mine purchase actually entailed.
Exactly. She saw only the property, a big house, and thought that Jon would be there to take care of everything and the money would keep rolling in. I'd say she's had her eyes opened. Live and learn. Time to sell that money pit, downsize, and live in a house that is manageable. She obviously can't deal with these problems and maintenance.
My thoughts on her ever selling the house, besides taking a loss, are that I don't think she would ever want to sell that house. How many other houses could she find that are so private, and so far away from mediocre people? Of course she wanted that house while tlc was still filming, she wanted a 'set', proper lighting, and total privacy. I am not familiar with that part of the country, but would there be many more large houses so tucked away and so private from the public? I guess it probably would not matter how far the children had to travel to their school, besides the bus, there is likely always a nanny driving them back & forth. So she could care less about having them close to the school. Plus it sounds like she rarely attends school functions, so travel to school is no big deal. As long as it works for her, and doesn't take her out of her comfort zone, it would never affect her. Sorry for the rant, just tired of her sharing her 'problems' when real people have much worse to deal with!
I am curious about water supplies where she lives, or also anywhere else around the US. Out here, 15 miles from our small city, not every property has water for a well. Years ago, there was a well down by our barn, but the water was so hard, and the well not that deep, so it was just used to water the huge garden and fruit trees. We moved out here 20 years ago, this July 1st, just 7 months before I got sick. The place was like a Park, lots & lots of landscaping to take care of, but that was what I was good at, loved to be able to have a huge garden. Once I got sick, it was very difficult to maintain this so called park, but we do our best. We would have stayed in the city if we would have known I was going to get sick, but you can't go back.
So because we can't have a well out here, we have a dugout, which fills up every spring from the melting snow, and then when we get rain in the summer. It then comes in to the house, and fills up a cistern in the basement. The water is not the best, we buy drinking/cooking water, and I can't wash whites or really light colors of clothing in it, so I hand wash with bought water or dry clean the better clothes. Every few months, I bring my whites to wash at my daughter's house, they are 3 hours away so I can't just run up to do laundry. Most of the cold months I wear mainly dark colors, hubs wishes I would wear dark all summer, but that is where I draw the line, need my summer whites!
So wondering if dugouts are common in the area.
Boston Bomber-so far guilty on all 8 counts!!
And all 10 counts have a death penalty charge, not sure how many counts there are in total. What a waste.
Mel said... 200
Oh wait! If she pays triple time, the repairman will come out that night with a used pump he found in his shop. But she has to promise not to touch him...he's heard all about her from the construction guy.
Except the repairman's wife won't allow him onto the property because she's heard that Kate trades favors for repairs so the crew daddies roll up their sleeves and take off their shoes, wrenches in hand.
Meanwhile, Jon has made it halfway down the gated driveway but stops when he hears the kids crying and begging him not to leave them alone with her AGAIN so he turns around preparing to take another tongue-lashing from the shrew, but by this time the lawyers AND the police have been called and escort him off the property.
Steve returns and stands in the background behind one of the trees where no one can see him, squirt gun at the ready.
We hear shrieks in the background. The crew daddies have miraculously repaired the broken pump!! Kate's shingles subside and the kids are all ordered to take a shower especially the boys because they STINK.
Jon hitchhikes a ride back to town.
On next week's episode...
After guilty on 15 counts, there are still another 15 counts.
Big-freaking whoop with TFW's first world problems. So what if they couldn't take a shower for a day or two? The horror. Unless they were toiling in the fields, or participating in sweaty sporting events, or rolling around in Zorro's droppings, how dirty could they possibly be?
The consensus of opinion from dermatologists and the "experts" these days is that we shower way too much. Showering daily strips the body of essential oils and dead skin cells that are actually beneficial because they provide a kind of protection from harmful bacteria. They list a whole host of other reasons why showering daily is not the wisest choice.
At any rate, the shower tweet was just another way for her majesty to plead for sympathy and grift for a freebie yet again.
prairiemary said... 6
Boston Bomber-so far guilty on all 8 counts!!
I'm watching!
As far as Kate's water problem, another solution overnight would be to ask kids' school friends if they could stay over, a couple at various homes, and then go to school, clean, from there.
My thoughts on her ever selling the house, besides taking a loss, are that I don't think she would ever want to sell that house. How many other houses could she find that are so private, and so far away from mediocre people?
Mary, there may come a time when she finds that she must sell. Right now there are several options here, not far from school. Of course, they don't come with 20 acre of land, but does she really need that much? The properties available are 4,000 to 5,500 square feet, with three to eight acres, in upscale areas, which would be more than she needs. She could purchase a very nice home for $600,000.
Of course, there would be the zoning issues that would have to be dealt with if she plans on continuing filming at home.
I bet if you ask, random people who own homes, where their water, & gas shut offs are, they would not have a clue. Even where their fuse box is and how to change a fuse.
People still change fuses? LOL!
Mine, all mine, including the bills. Since she is not tweeting @ anyone on this, guess she is going to have to pay the big bucks. Karma in any size is still karma.
True, and she is not tweeting @TLC.
Good thing he's dead.
lol, AuntieAnn! Will the sheep say that the water pump killed him...he fell down the well? She's probably just leave him there.
You are exactly right about too much showering, Call me Crazy! That is one of the reasons we are all getting sick easier, our bodies immune systems don't work right any more!
Thanks PA Dutch, I had no idea there were other big homes for her to select from. I just wonder how much of her millions are left to stay in such a big house.
She's acts and dresses like she's young but she's 40. Well she better be happy she's 40 because next March she'll be 41. LOL
She acts like she's young because emotionally/socially and mentally that's exactly what she is. She can't "act her age" because she's not mature enough to do so. I do think, though, that she has toned down her hooker dressing considerably. From what we've seen lately. she's retired those leather pants, short shorts and gladiator heels and she is wearing more age-appropriate clothing. Those boobs haven't been straining to set themselves free from the halter tops.
I really hate how she's trying to embarrass the repair shop into either 1)put her first on the repair list, or 2) give her a free new pump. Hopefully it's not the pump at all, and not the pump people's fault.
Maybe Shoka dropped a skunk down there and it clogged up the works.
Funny how she isn't afraid of the construction guy and the pump guy the way she was afraid of the tow truck driver.
ROL Headline:
Sorry, Jon! Kate Gosselin Ready To Date So Troubled Kids Can Have ‘Male Role Model’
Funny, I just saw this earlier and went back to get it for here and they had a typo GAVE instead of Have. Of course they picked a picture of her in a striped top that enhances the big girls, long blond hither hair and Starbucks coffee.
PA Dutch Mom said... 14
Good thing he's dead.
lol, AuntieAnn! Will the sheep say that the water pump killed him...he fell down the well? She's probably just leave him there.
Mel rolled back the stone and resurrected him for the Easter Sunday episode. The sheep are going to be bleating mad about that one.
Guilty on all 30 counts.He will appeal.I don't want to bring on a political discussion, but I think Americans feel they have had enough of terrorism on homeland, and the horrific proof, eyewitness accounts and grisly photos made a very sound case.
prairiemary said... 4
My thoughts on her ever selling the house, besides taking a loss, are that I don't think she would ever want to sell that house. How many other houses could she find that are so private, and so far away from mediocre people?
I don't know. I think she thought TLC was going to continue filming out on the acreage until the year 2888. The gratuities, the trips and the paycheck were going to flow like well-water (pun intended). She thought she'd out-do the Duggars.
Then one of her 10-year-old sits at the table and announces she's going to leave home as soon as she's old enough and another chimes in and says they are too and then slowly reality sets in (pun intended) and Kate realizes she won't be in charge forever. They WILL leave and she'll be roaming around that big house all by herself with no one to do her chores/repairs/dirty work for her. The flying monkey will be long gone, too. She'll have chased him off for one reason or another.
My guess? She's already thinking of finding another place with less upkeep.
Steve returns and stands in the background behind one of the trees where no one can see him, squirt gun at the ready.
lol! I thought you were going to say he was standing behind one of the trees ready to take a leak because the toilets didn't work!
Did Kate have to wait for TFM to drive in from MD so he could provide security escort to the hotel/motel and stand guard outside the room(s) during the Mass Showering of 2015?
Just curious.
Time to sell that money pit, downsize, and live in a house
Nah she's never going to do that.
So wondering if dugouts are common in the area.
I never heard of a dugout. I remember, though, at my grandmother's house where we spent summers as a kid, there was a cistern in the basement but it was empty. It was a big cement thing in the corner and I was always afraid of it. I don't recall that there was a well on the property, though. The house was built in the mid 1800s, Civil War era. It was a stop-over for soldiers. Half of the house was once a tavern, and I swear it was haunted.
I'll have to ask my older sister about the cistern. I'm curious now. She remembers everything!
This is sad. When I was reading about the water pump and snowflakes problem, the phone rang. It was a recording from James Robinson, the televangelist from tv. His ministry is digging water wells. It was a recording.
One child dies every 20 seconds because of unclean drinking water. That is 4,320 children A DAY! 1,576,800 A YEAR!
TFW has the NERVE to WHINE about her well pump. SHUT THE HECK UP, WITCH!
"I would love for the kids to have that positive role model." What a
horrible, bitter, selfish, miserable pig she is.
I would love for the kids to have a positive female role model.
Unless those kids are really smelly and grungy, they don't need showers every day. Good grief. I remember one summer after a severe storm, we we lost power for two days until it was restored. The kids were really grimy, having been outside, playing in the dirt and just being kids. I threw them into the pool, along with shampoo and told them to wash. You do what you have to do. We have an attached spa within the pool, and they turned on the jets, resulting in one enormous bubble bath. The girls and their friends played "beauty shop" sculpting their hair with the shampoo. They had a blast and still talk about it.
That's what memories are about...not dragging kids on vacation with cameras shoved into their faces.
Mel rolled back the stone and resurrected him for the Easter Sunday episode. The sheep are going to be bleating mad about that one.
Yeah, but at least it took him three days to be risen and it wasn't an immediate resurrection.
Of course they picked a picture of her in a striped top that enhances the big girls, long blond hither hair and Starbucks coffee.
The picture on Twitter right now is a close-up, and she has some kind of Silly Putty on the frown lines between her eyebrows.
I thought of something the other day. When TFW was gone for weeks at a time, when he was still there, why didn't Jon have a half court basketball and put 2 goals and when she came back and started screaming about it, Jon could of said, what are you going to do about it? Jon had a right to do it just as much as TFW does. All of the kids would of loved it. They have plenty of room. They could of made double use of it by putting a net up and had tennis racquets with those bigger tennis balls so it is easier and more fun for kids.
She takes the joy out of everything.
If TFW can't handle one day/night of no water, she and the 8 will be SOL if the zombie apocalypse ever hits
We don't have to change fuses as all we have to do is flip the switch on whatever fuse went out.
I wonder if Zorro is still alive. She hasn't mentioned him in ages.
Around me in the days when windmills pumped water, they had cisterns to hold the water. When it got low they turned on the windmill. If it wasn't windy enough my grandpa would hook up a tractor with a belt thing to pump it. (1960's) I bought my place in 1992. It had electricity to the windmill so we had to plug it on to fill the cistern. The well started filling in with sand so we had to drill a new deeper one a few years later and got rid of the cistern. Modern. No more checking it to see if it was full. yay!
My guess? She's already thinking of finding another place with less upkeep.
Well she did tweet or mention that they were running out of space and they-"she" wanted bigger.
And here comes Nosy Kravitz, obsessed with bath time:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
Splish Splash...taking a bath! Are we WET yet? Counting on your DRY #SenseOfHumor here... :) @Kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12m12 minutes ago
Here's hoping the H20 is a go now! It's a minor inconvenience 4 a few hrs...but now it's major 4U! Wash piling up? #Hello :( @kateplusmy8
Oh brother. She is using I need to find a man again to drum up publicity. Maybe she and Steve had a fight.
OMG, her boobs are freaking HUGE.
gee, the lying liar who lies.....
good bra my ass!
On ROL, in the comments, someone suggested that she was hinting for a stint on Millionaire Matchmaker. I'd love to see Patti Stanger get her hands on sKate. Of course, we're used to her getting the kid glove treatment. *sigh*
As for that house, doesn't it belong to the kids?????
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 50m50 minutes ago
Splish Splash...taking a bath! Are we WET yet? Counting on your DRY #SenseOfHumor here... :) @Kateplusmy8
Geeze, Milo is annoying. I wonder if she can talk like normal people or does she make a joke of everything? I'm sooo glad I don't have her as a neighbor. Can you imagine her knocking on your door to see how your water problem was or worse, asking you in the grocery store...
Get your well fixed yet? Did you have to pee on a tree, poop on the stoop? Hahahahahahaha.
Can't she just inquire without trying to be so funny, because it's really not funny...at all.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
Splish Splash...taking a bath! Are we WET yet? Counting on your DRY #SenseOfHumor here... :) @Kateplusmy8
Is who wet Kate or the kids?
Damn creepy.
So now she wants to date again? I guess TFM isn't leaving Gina anything soon.
In the next story she's say she's not ready I wish this thing would make up her mind..
And the only people who are is Milo and the sheep and men who want to use her as a blowup doll.
OMG, her boobs are freaking HUGE.
gee, the lying liar who lies.....
good bra my ass!
That's an old pic from 2013.
Looks like she selling a story to pay for the water pump.
PA Dutchmom: Most of the newer panels do not have that round flat head, screw in fuse, you will see that in older homes, that have not been rewired. The newer circuits/fuses very from a oblong 2 inch circuit/fuse with a switch for re-set, that you plug in, to a little glass tub about 1 inch,that has metal ends, that you snap in. In what they now call circuit breaker box, which is the up-grade, from the old fuse box, does the same thing. The purpose of the fuse/circuit breaker is to only shut off a part of your house, not the whole thing, it also controls the electric power into your house. That is why it is important to know which fuse/circuit breaker goes to what light switch & outlet, so if you need to repair something you don't have to shut the whole house off. There is about 6-20 max circuit breaker/fuses There is left & right, and each one handles a couple of outlets & light switches and if set up, appliances.
I looked at my panel box and it was a fuse based box and we had rewired the house years ago and it is now circuit breaker panel box with a main off/on switch. It is very rare to replace a circuit breakers, but it does happen. They have been trying to phase out fuses to circuit breakers, so if you buy and old house don't be surprised if you find the power box to have fuses in them.
Let's see, apparently Prescott-Jones was only interested in her for possibly helping in funding a new venture, and we haven't heard of anyone else financially secure (or otherwise, actually) having made a move on her in six years, so good luck with that Kate.
Why would anyone want to marry you when the only thing you want them for is a role model for your ill-behaved children?
Wouldn't most people want to marry someone who loves them, and wants to spend time with them?
Not use them as a weapon in their nasty divorce?
Mel said... 47
Don't forget the man needs to have tons of $$$$.
Bill Cosby may have admitted under oath to sexually assaulting women ... at least that's what one alleged victim believes and is now trying to unearth documents to prove it.
Tamara Green claims Cosby drugged and groped her back in the '70s. The statute of limitations has long since run, but Green sued Cosby last December for defamation because he repeatedly said she was lying -- that it never happened.
Green has filed new legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- in which she is trying to force Cosby to release his deposition in a lawsuit filed by another accuser -- Andrea Constand. She sued Cosby in 2005 and the case settled. The docs were all sealed.
Green believes Cosby may have admitted in his deposition to sexually assaulting other women, including Green herself.
Admin, is it possible to get a copy of this under the Freedom of Information Act? Or, if it is sealed, can it be unsealed? Tamara Green is 66 years old and a retired attorney.
Kate's Mr. Date needs to be well schooled in what men who love her should know to ask: How can I help you, Kate? I think that's on page 1 of her Relationship Manual for Men.
I feel so bad for North West. Just 3 days ago, they were all going to church, which is good, but just 3 days later, now they dragged that poor baby to Armenia. Why didn't she leave her home? She is just an accessory to her, to make her look like a great mother. They had her in Vegas recently then a day or two later, they are in Montana for a skiing trip and had an minor accident by running off the road.
Fidosmommy (#50), remember the vow renewal, when Jon
said something like he promised to always ask TFW, "How
can I help you?" And she already knew she was done with him.
But, hey, a free vacay is a free vacay. Who was she to say no?
Looks like she selling a story to pay for the water pump.
Haha! Good one chef
Is who wet Kate or the kids?
Damn creepy.
ROL: "Attention, brave bachelors: Kate Gosselin is on the prowl!"
Shouldn't that be "Warning! brave bachelors...?
PA Dutch Mom @ 29, I agree. They could go a day or two with a basin of water and some soap and a washcloth to scrub themselves clean. The world wouldn't end but Kate has to turn everything into the biggest calamity she possibly can so her sheep will continue to feel sorry for the single mom of eight suffering these hardships and doing it 'all by herself'.
In the dating article comments, somebody said Sugar Bear is available. lol
I wonder if Zorro is still alive. She hasn't mentioned him in ages.
You know, I was thinking the same thimg
lol! I thought you were going to say he was standing behind one of the trees ready to take a leak because the toilets didn't work!
No, that would be Jon's job, taking leaks. In driveways though ;)
redbird said... 51I feel so bad for North West. Just 3 days ago, they were all going to church, which is good, but just 3 days later, now they dragged that poor baby to Armenia. Why didn't she leave her home?
Have to agree with you there.
FlimseyFlamsey, I also remember when Kate got irritated with Jon, like when he dared to iron his own shirt instead of whatever she thought he needed to be doing, she would admonish him by saying "Husbands who love their wives ask 'How can I help you, dear?' He got that lecture a lot, and every time she was mad because he was busy with his kids or doing something reasonable like getting himself dressed. She thought he needed to be scrubbing the kitchen floor on his hands and knees or something equally urgent. She just harped on him if he didn't read her mind perfectly.
Yes though at the same time, she shouldn't depend on Jon to save her every time her various luxury appliances have a first world twinge. He has work and other obligations and this thing happened on her time, apparently.
She wanted all this house crap and Jon has decided he no longer wants such a burden. It's really on her to deal with the fallout, which includes arranging for her own family and friends to help her out when such a thing happens. If it were once in awhile that's one thing but these things seem to happen to her constantly. When Jon had issues with his power during an area outage remember he said they stayed with HIS friends. You deal with it and don't continue to dump your problems on your ex.
I really recommend she watch Long Way Down about Ewan McGreggor riding his motorcycle all the way down Africa, then see if you're complaining about one day without water.
Also her comment alluding to Jon is disgusting and completely cuts against her insistence on the Wendy Williams show she has no issue with him. Gimme a break and stop being so delusional.
chefsummer #Leh said... 35
Well she did tweet or mention that they were running out of space and they-"she" wanted bigger.
Yes she did say that on one of the specials and right then I thought it was the first sign that she's on the prowl for more than just a new 'male role model'. Caveat Venitor.
I wonder if Zorro is still alive. She hasn't mentioned him in ages.
You know, I was thinking the same thimg
Good thought. I looked back as far as September, and she always posted photos of him every week or two. The last photo was Feb. 10. I wonder if those sounds he was making on Feb. 12 were a sign of distress? Last mention, Feb. 21.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Feb 12
Zorro is now making noises that sound an awful lot
like 'mmooo-om?'
Now I've got NINE kids calling my name, constantly! #OhNo! #Help!
Good thought. I looked back as far as September, and she always posted photos of him every week or two. The last photo was Feb. 10. I wonder if those sounds he was making on Feb. 12 were a sign of distress? Last mention, Feb. 21.
Don't worry. That's about right for when a narcissist loses interest in whatever shiny toy they got themselves. Right around Feb 15. She's right on schedule.
Maybe she kicked Zorro to the curb because when he finally
started talking, he didn't say, "How can I help you?"
You do what you have to do. We have an attached spa within the pool, and they turned on the jets, resulting in one enormous bubble bath. The girls and their friends played "beauty shop" sculpting their hair with the shampoo. They had a blast and still talk about it. (PA Dutch, 29).
That's one of Kate's problems, among the many she has. She isn't creative, nor will she ever be. She never figured out how to make lemonade from lemons. She is, however, very good at whining and complaining in order to get sympathy from her sheep. She has pretty much perfected that.
Milo is seriously one sick puppy. I hope that she never does anything to make Kate angry. The outcome wouldn't be very nice.
"Is who wet Kate or the kids?
Damn creepy." (Chef, 41)
I'd say Milo, but we need to keep it clean here.
Milo's use of "we" and "our" is beyond creepy. She actually does think she's part of that family.
From TMZ: Tamara Green claims Cosby drugged and groped her back in the '70s.
Why would he grope her back? What was wrong with her front?
I know, I know...but it struck me as funny.
"Let's see, apparently Prescott-Jones was only interested in her for possibly helping in funding a new venture, and we haven't heard of anyone else financially secure (or otherwise, actually) having made a move on her in six years, so good luck with that Kate." (PatK, 46).
What happened to that Irish Creeper sheep, Iwana, Dave the Wrestler Dude, and Mr. Foot Fetish? Those were all potential candidates.
Oops. Venitor = venditor.
I wonder if Zorro is still alive. She hasn't mentioned him in ages.
I posed the same question a couple of weeks back and no immediate photo appeared on her TL.
Now if Gladys tweets her about it in the next few minutes and there's no response, we'll know he's a goner.
R.I.P. Zorro? I hope not.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 65
Maybe she kicked Zorro to the curb because when he finally
started talking, he didn't say, "How can I help you?"
Maybe he'd been listening to all the repairmen, the chef, and the nannies, and so his first words were, "What a bitch! What a bitch!" LOL
And the only people who are is Milo and the sheep and men who want to use her as a blowup doll.
It shouldn't be too difficult to blow her up. Her "girls" are already inflated, as is her ego.
Sue Buddy, I imagine that Milo can't talk like a normal person because in order to do so one must be...um, normal! I think that she's convinced her tweets are funny and cute and that she has a sense of humor. She's just really an odd turkey. She tweets that she has business conferences and presentations with clients. I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear that. I wonder how many HAHAHAHA and LOLs she throws in there. She must be an embarrassment.
Funny how it was "ridiculously difficult" to be without HOT water for one MORNING then
First of all, I find that you are even bothering to google search or whatever past comments from me CREEPY. I'm not a public figure where this sort of thing happens and is normal. Creeppppy.
But to address your comment, nowhere did I say that going without water is easy. Of course there are challenges and inconveniences to it. But you make due, and just as it was before, and still is, it's a first world problem she has no business complaining about. What was said by most people here is ROLL with the punches, try not to make a big deal about things that happen, figure it out, help yourself. That is not the same thing, whatsoever, with saying it's not hard.
It would also be hard for many people to go without an iPhone for a day. Or their computers. Or their car. But that's a first world problem most people recognize and would not whine on twitter to 200,000 people about or be ungrateful about. That's the difference. There is nothing remotely inconsistent about my comments from the past about water.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 8m8 minutes ago
Barbara Gilmer retweeted Cutest Animals
@Kateplusmy8 The squirrel wants an update on the H2O I think he may be thirsty after he chews up his food!
Oh, geez, Barb. Give it up with the cute animals. Kate is not responding, and it's getting old.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 72
FlimsyFlamsy said... 65
Maybe she kicked Zorro to the curb because when he finally
started talking, he didn't say, "How can I help you?"
Maybe he'd been listening to all the repairmen, the chef, and the nannies, and so his first words were, "What a bitch! What a bitch!" LOL
April 8, 2015 at 5:48 PM
LOL, I laughed so hard at that. 'what a bitch! what a bitch!"
LOL still laughing...hahahhahahaha
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Are you fixed yet? Please don't tell me the pump just had a 12mo warranty...& NOW goes out at 14mo!!! What next? 😧
As in spayed?
admin, it sounds like the resident troll came out to play again tonight! What in the world did you do to chap this person's hide?
redbird said... 32
I thought of something the other day. When TFW was gone for weeks at a time, when he was still there, why didn't Jon have a half court basketball and put 2 goals and when she came back and started screaming about it, Jon could of said, what are you going to do about it? Jon had a right to do it just as much as TFW does. All of the kids would of loved it. They have plenty of room. They could of made double use of it by putting a net up and had tennis racquets with those bigger tennis balls so it is easier and more fun for kids.
HUH? Where is this coming from? Because one kid wanted a basketball shirt? And why would she scream about this dreamed-up scenario, if it was one less thing she had to do herself? How do you know all the kids would 'of' loved it? We had a basketball court growing up and only two of four of us set foot on it.
I don't get it.
HUH? Where is this coming from? Because one kid wanted a basketball shirt? And why would she scream about this dreamed-up scenario, if it was one less thing she had to do herself? How do you know all the kids would 'of' loved it? We had a basketball court growing up and only two of four of us set foot on it.
I don't get it.
I'm confused, too. Did the kids ever ask for a basketball court and Kate vetoed the idea?
PJ's momma and Sleepless In Seattle, I think redbird was just thinking about how fun that would have been for the kids, and how funny to pull something like that off when Kate was gone and she couldn't do anything about it. It was just a "what if" thought, nothing more. Not much different than some of the speculation tht goes on.
AuntieAnn said... 55
The world wouldn't end but Kate has to turn everything into the biggest calamity she possibly can so her sheep will continue to feel sorry for the single mom of eight suffering these hardships and doing it 'all by herself'.
Yup. She never met a problem she couldn't make worse.
Thanks, Sue Buddy. I didn't know it was a "what if" situation or speculation. I thought maybe I missed an episode where Jon wanted a basketball court but Kate put her foot down. That said, I don't know why she would object to a basketball net, so I'm not sure what the "foundation" for that imaginary scenario would be.
PJ's momma and Sleepless In Seattle, I think redbird was just thinking about how fun that would have been for the kids, and how funny to pull something like that off when Kate was gone and she couldn't do anything about it. It was just a "what if" thought, nothing more. Not much different than some of the speculation tht goes on.
I agree. So much of it is speculation. However, in reading Redbird's comment, I can see how there would be some confusion. If someone doesn't know that this never occurred, that Kate didn't throw a fit over Jon wanting a basketball court, then this could be taken as something that actually took place. It then could possibly become "fact," and the story would spread wings with posts about what a beast Kate was because she wouldn't allow the kids to have basketball courts installed.
Sue_Buddy said... 80
It was just a "what if" thought, nothing more. Not much different than some of the speculation tht goes on.
Sue_Buddy - you stated that so nicely. This is usually such a kind, supportive group - it surprised me that a regular poster would find it necessary to jump all over another regular poster’s comment & then throw in a grammar correction for good measure.
Milo's use of "we" and "our" is beyond creepy. She actually does think she's part of that family.
Milo is beyond creepy.
AuntieAnn said... 62
You'd think she'd be happy with a mansion she has but nooo she's never satisfied.
What's all the first world crap? Is it the new catch phrase or is it only being said here. It's gettng old already.
Lol, no it's not only being said here. This little blog can't take credit for a phrase that's actually in the dictionary! It is "old" having originated in 1979, but not becoming really popular until about 2005, so about 10 years ago. Sorry you don't like the expression, I find it often is quite on point when it comes to Kate and her whining.
From Wikipedia:
"First World problem is a slang term used to refer to issues in First World nations that are complained about only because of the absence of more pressing concerns.[1] The term was added to the Oxford Dictionary Online in November 2012,[2] and to the Macquarie Dictionary Online in December 2012.[3]
The term "First World problem" first appeared in 1979 in G.K. Payne's work Built Environment,[4] but gained recognition as an internet meme beginning in 2005, particularly on social networking sites like Twitter (where it became a popular hashtag).[5][6] The term is used to minimize complaints about trivial issues by shaming the complainer,[7] or as good-humored self-deprecation.[4] UNICEF NZ conducted a survey of First World problems in New Zealand, finding slow web access to be the most common."
What's really getting old? These comments intended only to harass
our Administrator.
You are a far more patient person than I, Admin.
PJ's momma and Sleepless in Seattle, Sue Buddy (whew! thank you) explained it exactly how my comment was meant to be and much better than I ever could.
It would of been great for the kids. All my ds's played basketball for years in school and at home.
But it is also fun just to go out and just shoot some hoops with your dad sometimes after supper before dark.
Yes, I wish Milo would start a campaign to see a picture of Zorro, preferably with a current Reading newspaper. Seems like he has just dropped off from the face of the earth. Just by the pictures, the video of him in the kitchen and things he was doing, inside shirts, sweaters, her rough handling him under the running water at the sink trying to wash off the icing, he has had a very rough time.
Either he is dead or she sold him or he is ok. One of the 3.
The basketball goal thing was just a poster contemplating Kate's reaction to coming home to goals being planted on her mcmansion grounds...
And yes, if Jon had done it, Kate probably would have gone ballistic. She's got a huge driveway, it would be GREAT for the boys to have a basketball goal (girls, too!).
TLC, get on that little project, will ya?
(and be sure and find a way to lock it with a key so Kate can hang it in her bedroom, ya know, some of that 'currency' she likes to brag about).
Kate's bitching about her 1% problems is getting old.
I met a woman yesterday that has multiple car issues, one of which is the alternator is bad, so instead of getting a new one (which she can't afford, $200), she's been charging her battery every day, running her errands, going to work, then charging her battery again. Yesterday was her day off, so she was headed to a nearby town (20 miles one way) to finally get a tooth pulled (and this is a young woman!). A charity is paying to have the tooth pulled, she can't afford dental insurance.
She messaged me last night that she located a used alternator for $35.
That's a real problem for a single working mom. No money, car problems, no dental insurance. And I don't think a cable network sent her (and her family) on an all expense paid trip to Mexico.
Kate needs to shut the fuck up. She might have house issues, but she has the money to pay for it. Something breaks, just call someone to fix it. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
redbird said... 84
Sometimes it's just fun to think of ways to sabotage Kate's infuriating, controlling ways.
Well, Jill Duggar Dillard finally had her son. Israel David was born weighing 9lbs. 10oz. She was way past due. I am sure TLC was there filming it all. And it will play this May. So I guess she isn't going after naming her brood with one initial but will name them with biblical names/countries.
I wonder what their ratings will do next go around since there are no weddings or courtships that we know about. And how long will the public continue to tune in to see these courtships and weddings of each kid. I think it will get old if each child decides to follow what Jessa and Jill did. Side hugs, no kissing, escorts, blah, blah, blah. Rinse and repeat.
The Duggars are all over TLC's web site so this new new baby is big news. Kate's vacay will seem stupid for the Mother's Day promotion.
I encourage anyone with a sense of humor to check out Weird Al Yankovic's hysterical video, "First World Problems" on youtube.
It came out last summer, and his album "Mandatory Fun" ranked
#1 on the Billboard charts. Obviously Weird Al stole that phrase
from Admin. Can she sue?
Anonymous said... 92
Well, Jill Duggar Dillard finally had her son. Israel David was born weighing 9lbs. 10oz. She was way past due. I am sure TLC was there filming it all. And it will play this May. So I guess she isn't going after naming her brood with one initial but will name them with biblical names/countries.
I wonder what their ratings will do next go around since there are no weddings or courtships that we know about. And how long will the public continue to tune in to see these courtships and weddings of each kid. I think it will get old if each child decides to follow what Jessa and Jill did. Side hugs, no kissing, escorts, blah, blah, blah. Rinse and repeat.
If, and that's a big if, but if reality tv and this whole fascination with peering into other people's lives continues, then unfortunately, I see this happening for the Gosselins.
The kids have grown up on the teat, and heck, why bother with furthering your education, getting a degree and a profession when you see your mother piecing and patching her way to live the 1% life?
The G kids lives as they know it is ALL because of reality tv and the niche "celeb" status that it's carved out for them; the good, the bad the ugly.
What's really getting old? These comments intended only to harass
our Administrator.
You are a far more patient person than I, Admin
It all worked out because it gave me the idea to have an "it's getting old" party here on the porch with old pizza of course and moldy strawberries that have been back and forth in a lunch box for three days.
"It's Getting Old" party - I'm in! I'll have my French tips done for
the occasion. And I'll bring some of old birthday cupcakes that
some sweet little boys were promised but deprived of, but it
seems they forgot all about them the next day.
Admin said...
It all worked out because it gave me the idea to have an "it's getting old" party here on the porch with old pizza of course and moldy strawberries that have been back and forth in a lunch box for three days.
Please post a photo. The pizza needs to be burnt and tweet-able. And wouldn't strawberries, of any kind, be a First World problem?
Kate needs to shut the fuck up. She might have house issues, but she has the money to pay for it. Something breaks, just call someone to fix it. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Amen, Skyler, err, I mean, angie ;-)
Sherry Baby said....
I agree. So much of it is speculation. However, in reading Redbird's comment, I can see how there would be some confusion. If someone doesn't know that this never occurred, that Kate didn't throw a fit over Jon wanting a basketball court, then this could be taken as something that actually took place. It then could possibly become "fact," and the story would spread wings with posts about what a beast Kate was because she wouldn't allow the kids to have basketball courts installed.
I think where I start to veer off is in the final statement, which was something like "she sucks the fun out of everything". It made me think about the straw man discussion we had. A speculative, false or erroneous argument is stated as fact, followed by a condemnation based on an assumption that the untrue facts are true.
Not sure if that meets the criteria, exactly, but, there is some kind of gap il logic that occurs.
I suspect she no longer has those Beta fish.
I'm wearing my old french tips and am verrrrrrry tan -and gladiator sandals!!!!
~ Administrator said... 98
It all worked out because it gave me the idea to have an "it's getting old" party here on the porch with old pizza of course and moldy strawberries that have been back and forth in a lunch box for three days.
Oh good, a party. I'll clean out my fridge. I always find what-am-I-saving-this-for stuff in it.
Anyone got a Q-tip?
She never met a problem she couldn't make worse.
Yeah, it's the weirdest thing. I've never known anyone like that...except my dil, who is the TFW clone.
She recently had an issue where one grandparent needed to go to the hospital, but the other one couldn't be left alone. Rather than call me to sit with the grandma, or have me meet her at the hospital and have me help with the grandma, she takes them both to the hospital. She's pushing one in a wheelchair, and then has tied a scarf to the other wheelchair and is pulling it behind her! WTF???
Why??? Because....it's a great attention getter.
And that's what it's all about with TFW. It's great for attention. Anything for attention.
Rainbirdie said... 84
I know, Rainbirdie. I had no trouble at all understanding the meaning of what you were saying. I'm sorry your comment came under such scrutiny.
And sorry about calling you "redbird." I saw that name and it stuck in my head..
I have a partial loaf of bread that's starting to mold, I was going to throw it out, but I'll save it for the veranda party instead. Digging out my best spring muumuu and crocs as I type!
Mel said... 106
She's pushing one in a wheelchair, and then has tied a scarf to the other wheelchair and is pulling it behind her! WTF???
Good lord.
"A speculative, false or erroneous argument is stated as fact, followed by a condemnation based on an assumption that the untrue facts are true."
Lordy bee. The comment wasn't a PhD dissertation. LOL
It's an old article from 2013, but for some reason it is on my daily trending list on MSN that Kate was rejected by Playboy magazine.
"There have been reports that insinuated that Hefner was quick to turn down the mother of eight."
The timing would appear to coincide with her Celebrity Wife Swap appearance. I wonder if she had Kendra ask Hef if she could do a photo shoot for Playboy? She certainly looked enviously at Kendra's life and I'm sure she would do anything for a shot at marrying a celebrity/athlete and living in the lap of luxury.
The closest look at Milo we may ever get! Does this look like a middle-aged woman's arm and hand? I say no.
Fired Up 4 Kate
@MiloandJack YES! Nothin like a new #WHITE pair of sneeks 2make me feel young & all into summer! How about you? :) @Kateplusmy8
<a href="https://twitter.com/MiloandJack/status/586196243082190848</a>
(Tried to make it clickable -- an experiment!)
Mel said ...
She's pushing one in a wheelchair, and then has tied a scarf to the other wheelchair and is pulling it behind her! WTF???
Why??? Because....it's a great attention getter.
That is too funny! Grandparents-on-parade. She could have tied more scarves onto additional hospital wheelchairs or service carts and maybe blown a harmonica while walking. Tell her next time to do it right. Quantity, man, quantity! lol.
Gladys has been hanging around Kate too long. She posted a photo of sneakers...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 34m34 minutes ago
YES! Nothin like a new #WHITE pair of sneeks 2make me feel young & all into summer! pic.twitter.com/hTj5KR5TXj How about you? :) @Kateplusmy8
A non-fan replied:
justme @nochanceofrain 53m53 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I call bullshit on your age.... NOT THE ARM /HAND/FINGERS of a 50 -55 yr old woman.
However, Milo didn't say that those were HER "sneeks." It could have been a stock photo. Sounds like something Kate would do!
News alert! Breaking news on all of the channels. A State of National Emergency has been declared. Kate (or the laundry person) couldn't do laundry or wash dishes for two days. Milo says it's "major." Call out the troops!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Here's hoping the H20 is a go now! It's a minor inconvenience 4 a few hrs...but now it's major 4U! Wash piling up? #Hello :( @kateplusmy8
I have the In Touch magazine with the Kate article; it is a Q&A. Some of her funniest answers (which confirms how delusional she is!) are:
Q. Biggest Splurge Purchase Ever?
Q. What's one thing about you that might surprise us?
Once again Kate, you could have fooled us!
Lordy bee. The comment wasn't a PhD dissertation. LOL
Speaking of a PhD. I wonder if that's what happened to the Collie Sheeple. She only did half of her dissertation, and therefore she only received the Ph part, minus the D.
Can we bring broken appliances to the party? I have some old vcrs that need some piecin' and patchin'.
If ya'll can fix them I can take them to the consignment shop. Might bring some old computers, too, I'll leave them by the trash can, ya'll can have those. LOL
readerlady, I have some chicken salad that's starting to "go," and it would be a suitable accompaniment to your moldy bread.
In the bottom of my drawer, there are some very old dingy gray athletic socks that were white at one time. They would work very well with my neon rainbow Crocs...tone them down a bit.
Q. What's one thing about you that might surprise us?
April Fools Day is over, Kate.
Sandylove (#116), thanks for that Q&A excerpt.
For the effitybillionth time, TFW, people think you're mean and
bitchy because you have portrayed yourself to be that way. On
your reality show. The one you say you produce. The one you
say is the "realest reality show." The one where "what you see
is what you get." Crikey, she is frightening delusional.
Virginia said, "The closest look at Milo we may ever get! Does this look like a middle-aged woman's arm and hand? I say no."
If those are Milo's fingers, they look very chubby for a woman who claims that she is super skinny and barely weighs 100 pounds soaking wet! It looks like a man's arm and hands...a short, stocky man.
Sue_Buddy said... 107
Rainbirdie said... 84
You got it right Sue_Buddy. We were both commenting on Redbird's posting.
Gladys got the pic from here:
Blowing In The Wind said... 117
Speaking of a PhD. I wonder if that's what happened to the Collie Sheeple. She only did half of her dissertation, and therefore she only received the Ph part, minus the D.
Wouldn't that be an issertation?
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 98
It all worked out because it gave me the idea to have an "it's getting old" party here on the porch with old pizza of course and moldy strawberries that have been back and forth in a lunch box for three days.
I will contribute the 888 boxes of cereal that are currently on shelves in my basement pantry. Yes, they are 8 years old, expired & stale, but I had a coupon, I was able to clean out the store at a bargain price & no one else got any - I won!
She's said that about being laid back and no ego before.
I wonder where she gets that from....it's surely not what we see on that realest of reality tv shows, Kate Plus 8.
Maybe that behavior on her show is what she considers "acting"?
Nah...her behavior there is too intrinsic and organic. That's the real her.
readerlady said... 108
I have a partial loaf of bread that's starting to mold, I was going to throw it out, but I'll save it for the veranda party instead. Digging out my best spring muumuu and crocs as I type!
Best spring muumuu? I have a flannel nightie that is so worn/thin that it has a rip up the back! Can I wear it? Can I?
Blowing In The Wind said... 119
In the bottom of my drawer, there are some very old dingy gray athletic socks that were white at one time. They would work very well with my neon rainbow Crocs...tone them down a bit.
That's the spirit. But be REALLY careful coming up the veranda steps. A sudden turn could lead to a nasty fall.
About a (potential) basketball court:
- the child who likes basketball may like it as a spectator/fan instead of as a participant. That is very much the case for the sport that I like: never done it in my life, but am an avid follower.
- probably the like for basketball is fairly recent, at least occurring after Jon was kicked out of the house. It may well have been developed at the school.
About speculative (what if?) comments:
I don't care for them much, especially when it isn't made clear that they are just wild speculation. The most recent one did start out by saying it was "a thought", and used the term "why didn't", so I realized it was not based on fact, but still...
Math Girl 128
I think your worn flannel nightie will fit right in on the veranda. I have a pair of holey sox I'll be happy to give you, if you need to keep your feet warm.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 96
I encourage anyone with a sense of humor to check out Weird Al Yankovic's hysterical video, "First World Problems" on youtube.
It came out last summer, and his album "Mandatory Fun" ranked
#1 on the Billboard charts. Obviously Weird Al stole that phrase
from Admin. Can she sue?
You'd Better Call Saul, Admin, Laverne and Shirley are starting to hopscotch down the street!
Sorry for the confusion about the basketball court. Next time, when I catch myself daydreaming and posting, I will write, fictional!
All is good!
angie, oh, wow. I really feel bad for that young woman. Trying to do the best she can with what she has. I am going to pray for her to be mightily blessed.
Just saw the sneaker picture that Milo sent. You could immediately tell that it was a stock photo. She/He/It may have gotten a pair like them or similar to them in the picture. There is no way the entity named Milo is this person.
I have some of the recalled Sabra Hummus that may have listeria bacteria...should I just bring it along to the veranda? If you dip 'veges' in it, you won't know a thing ...until tomorrow!
(ugh. I know this happens all the time, but now I don't want to buy this brand again, and it was my favorite)
There is no way the entity named Milo is this person.
True, but could it be "hubs?"
Who goes to the trouble to find a stock photo of some tennis shoes to send to someone they don't know?
Weird. It's weird enough to send a photo of your *own* shoes.
Formerly Duped said... 134
I have some of the recalled Sabra Hummus that may have listeria bacteria...should I just bring it along to the veranda? If you dip 'veges' in it, you won't know a thing ...until tomorrow!
Ah go ahead and bring it. We'll just add 5 cups of lemon juice to it, if we follow Kate's recipe correctly. That should kill the bacteria.
That's the spirit. But be REALLY careful coming up the veranda steps. A sudden turn could lead to a nasty fall.
No steps. I was going to squat (in honor of Gladys) in the yard to drink my stale beer and chew my Prince Albert in a can (found in an old storage box in the attic). Will there be a spittoon available?
What a liar! She wants us to think she paid for allll the trips in K plus 8? Wow what a tool
I finally admitted to myself that reading this stuff isn't healthy for me. The whole Gosselin saga stirs up weird emotions for me. It makes me feel mean and nasty and bitter (because I am reminded so much of my childhood). And I am a Christian, and don't want to be mean or nasty or bitter. And nothing I can say or do will cause either of the G kids' parents to change, or make their little lives better. I wish there was a magic wand to wave to make it all better, but there just isn't one.
I need a break or a break-up. I bid each of you adieu and wish you all a grand time enjoying the friends and families you love. I'm glad I am not living a life of isolation that I caused. I know you are too. Be well, everyone.
Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.
I also received my In Touch and read the vomit-inducing article. She is a constant victim in her mind and so out of touch with reality. Here is another Q&A:
Q: You’ve been attacked for putting your kids on TV, but just did a third season of Kate Plus 8. Why?
A: If we had never been on TV, we wouldn’t have fit into regular society anyway. The news of our birth went around the world, so people were already watching us. We have a fan base that says, “You went away for awhile, and we missed you and want to know what happened.”
Milo's stock photo: you're right. It's on this page (and probably others).
OK, Auntie. I just wouldn't want anyone to get sick and have fevers and allergies and require #loadingdoses on account of my recalled goods
...maybe we should all bring paper plates and a 'shewee' (Shewee - the original female urinating device) in case the water goes out.
“You went away for awhile, and we missed you and want to know what happened.”
What does this matter? You make decisions that are best for your CHILDREN not your six creepy fans.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Here's hoping the H20 is a go now! It's a minor inconvenience 4 a few hrs...but now it's major 4U! Wash piling up? #Hello :( @kateplusmy8
I suppose she can't go into town to use a laundromat? The crowd would get out of control once they spotted her? The paps would be all over it?
Listeria was found in Sabra hummus 10 days ago in a random check in Michigan.
Sabra Hummus recall:
Droughts are relative to the area. Where I live in NM, we get the same amount of rain in the summer as Portland, OR. The only difference is that it's our wet season and their dry season. There have been problems with new subdivisions causing older subdivision wells to go dry. People need to think more about the resources at hand and work with them. We can not terraform land yet.
Something must be going on, now the TFMJG is on Perez with the breaking news not all kids see their dad.
Sandylove: That's some of the most funniest stuff I've ever heard Kate say.
As for the basketball net, the portable kind, shame on Kate for not having one, for at least the boys, if not for all the kids. Good exercise, kids are out side getting air. I don't know, about Kate, she has some weird ideas about raising kids. Geez, I would have a portable basketball net, a dart toss game, the netting for tennis. Any kind of out door activity stuff I could find to get the kids outside. Even with her lot, make bike paths on the property. Not just have the pool. I would even have a swing set/adventure one in the yard. There is so much Kate could do with her kids, but she is LAZY. If TLC not filming it, she does not do it. I feel sorry for those kids, cause they do miss out on a lot. Kate does not even take the kids to local events. We know this cause of the yard sale. Shame on Kate. Kate the kids are not babies anymore, and they are not that famous, to cause a riot. Most if not all the people in your community and state, could careless if you are at an event or the store. Your not special or that famous, more like infamous.
AuntieAnn said...
I suppose she can't go into town to use a laundromat?
Her good bras would never fit in those machines.
When I was a kid, my mom didn't stock candy in the house nor soda. Those items were reserved for special occasions and thus it was a real treat when we got them. We did not get a gift basket on either Valentine's Day or at Easter. But my dad would hide chocolate eggs and jelly beans in plastic eggs for us, and we had more than one egg hunt after church that day. My mom also bought these really gross large candies that had a hard colorful coating but the inside was this a sugary but unpleasant filling. That was her way of signalling the end to the real good stuff for the day. LOL.
I got my son a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups and a chocolate bar that was pressed to look like a million dollar bill for Easter. That, plus spending time with family and having a huge pot luck meal, was how we celebrated Easter. I don't agree with lavishing gifts on kids at every single holiday either -- even at Christmas. Several small fun gifts, and then usually one moderately expensive gift that my son really, really wants, and that's it.
I suppose she can't go into town to use a laundromat? The crowd would get out of control once they spotted her? The paps would be all over it?
THE Kate Gosselin at a laundromat? Surely, you jest.
Steve would have to guard the door or more than likely block off the whole parking lot. Otherwise everyone in the county would end up there, tearing into her laundry for souvenirs
Grew up in the country and on well water. Sometimes bad weather would knock out the power, which would mean our pump would not be working either. However, we had a spare water tank on the hillside behind the house, so my dad would go outside, turn a handle on one of the water lines, and we would then have tank water. The water pressure was below average, and we were still instructed to limit water use, but we had water. I know not everyone can afford to have a spare water tank put on their property, but it does make good sense to do so if you can. We also had propane that fueled our gas stove, so my mom could still cook even if the power went out.
I am also tired of Kate complaining about the maintenance required to keep up a home and property of that size. It comes with home ownership! Don't want to have to fix your appliances? Then I guess you should rent and let the landlord worry about that.
PA Dutch Mom said... 13
I bet if you ask, random people who own homes, where their water, & gas shut offs are, they would not have a clue. Even where their fuse box is and how to change a fuse.
People still change fuses? LOL!
I remember my dad (and sometimes my brothers) changing fuses on a semi-regular basis when I was growing up. What's strange is that my parents still live in the old country home but I can't recall the last time a fuse had to be changed. I don't know what has made the difference! Maybe because 8 kids aren't living there now and using all sorts of appliances?
I recently sold my home, but I did know where the fuse box was located. In the 11 years I was there, I never had to change a fuse. However, several of the interior outlets were fitted with a breaker button because sometimes the power would be knocked out on a certain line. When that happened, I would just push in the little red breaker button on the appropriate outlet and power was back on.
franky, I think you may be right. Something's up. She just threw Jon under the bus on Perez. Something not good about TFW.
PJ's momma said... 140
Oh no, we will miss you very much indeed! I especially appreciated your concern for my dog when I posted about her surgery.I enjoyed all your posts and admire the fine person you have become despite your childhood. I hope it's a break, not a break-up. But I respect your decision for whatever is best for you. You will be missed .Be well.
Typical. The closer it gets to Mother's Day, the more Kate will seek publicity. It's a way to drum up viewership.
"How is her relationship with her ex-husband today? "I don't have one," the former Celebrity Apprentice star says matter-of-factly. "I keep the peace. Some of the kids visit and some don't. That's for the best."
"Kate is unsure if she still believes in marriage, saying, "I wish it would have worked for me." Will she ever marry again? "I haven't even found anyone to date, so I'm not really qualified to answer that question."
Am I the only one who wants to cry when I read this??
Chrissakes, even marriage doesn't know how to help Kate.
Here's a hint if you want your marriage to stand a chance. YOU work for your marriage, your marriage doesn't work for you.
E Online source
Seriously, the title of this thread couldn't be more apropos: There IS something seriously wrong with her.
It's times like this I have to gnash my teeth and not hope that Jon counters her ridiculous, terrible parental alienation.
This has to be actionable
(not that Jon has more money to waste on trying to deal with Kate, but c'mon!! This is way beyond the pale!)
I suppose she can't go into town to use a laundromat? The crowd would get out of control once they spotted her? The paps would be all over it?
She can wear her hooker clothing and heels, she did it on the rv trip. lol
"How is her relationship with her ex-husband today? "I don't have one,"
Why does noon point out to her that it would be "best" for her to have a relationship with Jon? I even saw this yesterday and almost fell over:
Brandi Glanville @BrandiGlanville · 19h 19 hours ago
Thx for sponsoring me on my "WALK for WISHES* Eddie and @leannrimes please RT http://shar.es/1fiWHe to your followers to Grant More Wishes!
Millicent said... 154
PA Dutch Mom said... 13
However, several of the interior outlets were fitted with a breaker button because sometimes the power would be knocked out on a certain line. When that happened, I would just push in the little red breaker button on the appropriate outlet and power was back on.
I believe you're referring to ground fault receptacles. They are used in bathrooms to prevent electrocution accidents. If you drop a plugged-in/running hair dryer into a full bathtub, the ground fault receptacle should kick in to shut off the outlet.
I have two bathrooms that are back-to-back, and only one has a ground fault receptacle. My neighbor told me that the outlet in the other bathroom outlet is wired in series so it works for both. I tested it, and she's right. She discovered this when one outlet wouldn't work and she had to push the reset button in the OTHER bath.
Oh, and Leann retweeted it.
Ok, so she says some of the kids don't see their father. In Katespeak, perhaps that means they were sick and didn't go on one visit, or had a school thing and couldn't go on 1 visit, ...you get my meaning.
I can't imagine any of those kids not wanting to see their dad.
Gee, Christian Kate, where's your fogiveness for your ex? You sound a tad bitter.
As far as the basketball goal (or lack thereof), I thought all kids had goals in the driveways...we did for our kids. It's a given, sorta like any kind of pool-kiddie pool, above ground pool or inground.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...144
“You went away for awhile, and we missed you and want to know what happened.”
What does this matter? You make decisions that are best for your CHILDREN not your six creepy fans.
This is the stock answer that every fame whore gives. It's always for the fans.
AuntieAnnd...145...I suppose she can't go into town to use a laundromat?
Oh, please! You know she would never mingle with the great unwashed unless TLC handed her the quarters and pointed a camera at the washer, which actually sounds more interesting that the story lines they come up with.
Steve would have to guard the door or more than likely block off the whole parking lot. Otherwise everyone in the county would end up there, tearing into her laundry for souvenirs
lol! Gladys would be there for sure, checking to see who needs new underwear, and when Kate got home she'd find all of her good bras missing.
"The news of our birth went around the world, so people were already watching us."
Oh good grief. There she goes with THE WORLD thing again. How can she say that and "I don't have an ego" in the same interview. For cripe's sake, she wasn't born that day, she GAVE birth. Our birth. Please.
My mom also bought these really gross large candies that had a hard colorful coating but the inside was this a sugary but unpleasant filling. That was her way of signalling the end to the real good stuff for the day. LOL.
My grandmother would stick those yellow marshmallow sugary peeps on bush and shrub branches and we had to find them. We never thought to look to see if the robins had left their droppings on them. We just ate them anyway.
As for the basketball net, the portable kind, shame on Kate for not having one, for at least the boys, if not for all the kids. Good exercise, kids are out side getting air. I don't know, about Kate, she has some weird ideas about raising kids.
Is it known that they don't? We don't see everything in their driveway or around the pool.
Ah go ahead and bring it. We'll just add 5 cups of lemon juice to it, if we follow Kate's recipe correctly. That should kill the bacteria.
Along with our stomachs and every other organ that is still functional.
localyocul said... 160
"How is her relationship with her ex-husband today? "I don't have one,"
I thought she was saying she didn't have an ex-husband and perhaps the sheeple had really convinced her that Jon is dead.
Sue_Buddy said... 152
Steve would have to guard the door or more than likely block off the whole parking lot. Otherwise everyone in the county would end up there, tearing into her laundry for souvenirs
I'll bet if the truth were told, locals avoid her more than they clamber to get a glimpse of her. Besides, everyone already knows all about her dirty laundry.
PA Dutch Mom said... 168
My grandmother would stick those yellow marshmallow sugary peeps on bush and shrub branches and we had to find them. We never thought to look to see if the robins had left their droppings on them. We just ate them anyway.
Does anyone know when peeps were invented? I never heard of them until a few years ago, and then in the context of building dioramas. Buy them and play with them, yes. Actually eat them, no way!
According to sheeple logic, Kate must have done this article full of lies to pay for her water problem. (cuz that's what Jon and Robert do when they need money, right?) LOL
And gee, Kate, the world knew about 'our birth' because YOU publicized the shit out of your clown car uterus.
There's been many other parent of super multiples that made the news one day and disappeared the next.
"Our birth' is still out there because YOU choose to keep it out there.
So again, shut the fuck up.
(I just love being able to say that, and everyone here 'gets it'). If I said that one some other groups I was in, they'd show me the door before I could grab my french yogurt maker and audi car keys!
Tucker's Mom said... 158
E Online source
Is it just me or is there something really screwy about that photo of her? She looks like Andy Rooney.
All those quotes from TFW sound really familiar. Is this really a new interview, or have they re-cycled things she has previously said?
I am gobsmacked by that particular comment by TFW about
what kind of relationship she has with her ex: "I don't have one."
You better believe you have one. You have 8 children who share
their DNA with you and Jon Gosselin. That is a fact. And that
will continue to be a fact until you draw your last breath.
You have a relationship with him that is fractured, dysfunctional,
selfish, cold, and childish. And that's all on you. I'd worry more
about splurging for a psychiatrist than for vacations to make
happy memories. Because you are currently poisoning their
souls with your vitriol and animosity towards their father.
Is it just me or is there something really screwy about that photo of her? She looks like Andy Rooney.
That bad, huh? Isn't he deceased?
(I just love being able to say that, and everyone here 'gets it'). If I said that one some other groups I was in, they'd show me the door before I could grab my french yogurt maker and audi car keys!
Actually, I'm really not a fan of the F-bomb, but that's just me (and I am not a pearl clutcher)!
angie said...
(I just love being able to say that, and everyone here 'gets it'). If I said that one some other groups I was in, they'd show me the door before I could grab my french yogurt maker and audi car keys!
I LOLed at that one. Comment of the Day.
Remona Blue said... 176
All those quotes from TFW sound really familiar. Is this really a new interview, or have they re-cycled things she has previously said?
I'm wondering the same thing. If it's not recycled from old articles I'll be surprised. It seems to me every few months an article comes out about Kate dating, not dating, wanting to date, no time to date, kids want her to date. throwing Jon under bus...blah,blah, blah.
Does anyone know when peeps were invented? I never heard of them until a few years ago, and then in the context of building dioramas. Buy them and play with them, yes. Actually eat them, no way!
My mother said that they were always in her Easter baskets and that would have been in the 1950s, but only the yellow ones.
We never thought to look to see if the robins had left their droppings on them. We just ate them anyway.
Maybe that would have added some flavor to them because those peeps are nasty.
Wikipedia say peeps were invented in 1953 by a Russian immigrant.
That bad, huh? Isn't he deceased?
lol! Yeah that bad. I can't put my finger on it. She looks like a marionette.
Howdy Doody..that's who she looks like.
How many hats does Kate wear? Now she's physician for thieves?
Charlee Mullen @paislandsmomma 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 you are one amazing momma with patients of steal!! Keep up the great parenting, it shines through your kiddos xoxo
Howdy Doody..that's who she looks like.
lol!! Auntie, where is this Kate picture of which you speaketh?!!
Remember when she looked like the donkey on Shrek (DWTS)?
Just back from a short vacation with the family, and oh, my! The world ended! Kate's well pump broke! Oh for Pete's sake. I know the sheeple insist that we are all jellus, but I, personally, am glad I don't own that money pit that she calls a house. It seems like there are nonstop problems. I seem to recall that she once complained of a light fixture falling out and crashing on the floor. I think she wrote about it for Coupon Cabin. And another time the roof leaked above the laundry room, and there was something with the dryer vent, etc. She's always whining about something breaking. It doesn't sound like the house is very well constructed. And then there are problems with the land that I wouldn't want to deal with, like a driveway that is so long that it takes hours to clear it, and a lawn that is so big that it requires a tractor to mow it. It's not like she uses all that land. It's just a big burden. I don't like burdens.
I looked at the Easter pictures, and wow, the younger kids really need braces. Last year she said all the kids would have them by August (8 months ago), so their age isn't the reason she isn't getting them braces. If it were, she would have just said that they were too young. I am positive that she's waiting, hoping she can get TLC to pay for braces for the younger 6. I doubt that TLC is willing to fork out that kind of money. Meanwhile, the kids go without, although they get iTunes cards and Legos. That shows how messed up her priorities are.
It does sound like a recycled article. Maybe they submitted some questions and she just reused her talking points. Nothing new.
"The news of our birth went around the world, so people were already watching us."
Oh good grief. There she goes with THE WORLD thing again. How can she say that and "I don't have an ego" in the same interview. For cripe's sake, she wasn't born that day, she GAVE birth. Our birth. Please.
Not only does the statement sound completely egotistic, especially since the "world" in fact was NOT watching them. In fact they were but one of many sets of high order multiples born in that decade. They were news for a few days in PA and on page six as a paragraph blurb in other news outlets around the country and then everyone moved on with the rare exception of a few extremely local publications. And even those were mostly ratting them out for being professional grifters, not following the story for any other reason. I am not aware of them being talked about in international publications or if they did it was so brief it's not even worth a a mention. Being one story of hundreds on the AP news wire in May of 2004 does not make you famous.
But even assuming that's true, which it's not, the fact that they "world" is watching you does not in any way make it okay for YOU to exploit your children. One has nothing to do with the other. What a doofus who can't even argue the point correctly. She's had ten years to explain why it's okay she does this and she still can't come up with anything solid.
Oh, and Leann retweeted it.
Good for her. I knew they would get there.
It's understandable something like this might take some time, a couple years even for things to heal. What's not understandable is having a fractured relationship forever when these kids are yours to share not just until 18 but FOREVER.
What TFW still cannot get through her head is that when she says
she has no relationship with her children's father, it makes HER look
bad, not him. If anything, it might even make people who think he
was just a skirt-chasing douche have some compassion for him.
Once again it is clear: TFW hates her ex more than she loves
her children.
Based on Kate's own history it's clear that usually the problem is HER in relationships. Any relationships, family friends whatever.
As far as that reputation goes, she did that to her own reputation. That's on her.
So the more she talks about no relationship with Jon as if that's all his fault, she becomes less and less credible. Oh I'm sure she THINKS it's his fault, but that's far from the reality in most relationships of hers we've ever seen played out on TV. She's always the source of any conflict, every single time.
She's had ten years to explain why it's okay she does this and she still can't come up with anything solid.
Yes she had it in her brain that she was going to be world-famous and by golly if she hasn't stuck to that idea. She can't let go of it.
Does she not understand that 10 years later, the only thing she's really known for is the world's greatest grifter and child exploiter.
Oh and the world's worst dancer.
I thought the MsGoody sheep and Milo were twitter buddies. Why would she tweet something like this about Milo?
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 32m32 minutes ago
@kateplusmy8 Wow! Nosy folks want to know every move you make with or without your children. If you don't tweet your business, they gossip.
lol!! Auntie, where is this Kate picture of which you speaketh?!!
Remember when she looked like the donkey on Shrek (DWTS)?
Fleecing, that photo was taken directly from front. She must have had a whopping big dose of botox that day. She looks puffy, her nose seems upturned and her eyebrows are much thicker than usual.
Tell me if that doesn't look like Howdy and Andy had a child.
(or Tucker's link @ 158)
There's been many other parent of super multiples that made the news one day and disappeared the next.
Yes. There are several high order multiple births a year, probably more in 2004 when it was less regulated. Ask the average person on the street if they can name ANY of those families. I bet most people couldn't, and I bet that if anyone can, they'd be able to name Octomom, the Gosselins, and maybe the McCauleys or Dillies.
What do all those families have on common? They CHOSE to go on TV and do TV, even if it was just a "special" or interview. Most of them aren't doing it anymore, but it's the one common factor. They MADE themselves famous, that is the reality of the situation. I happen to think the McCauleys and Dilleys have done a great job keeping it in check, but for Kate to throw the responsibility onto the world like they're responsible for their fame is pure and utter nonsense. She chose it. Had she not, they would have been here today gone tomorrow like all the other families of multiples that year and any time since.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191
Oh, and Leann retweeted it.
Good for her. I knew they would get there.
It's understandable something like this might take some time, a couple years even for things to heal. What's not understandable is having a fractured relationship forever when these kids are yours to share not just until 18 but FOREVER.
Yes, it's normal for emotions to be high at the beginning, but things settle down. They did for me at least. But TFW is absolutely steadfast in her refusal to let things settle down.
Didn't K+8 use a laundromat during the RV trip debacle? I vaguely remember lots of Kate & Jamie laundry sorting drama. Perhaps she only knows how to use one when cameras are rolling.
AuntieAnn said... 194
Does she not understand that 10 years later, the only thing she's really known for is the world's greatest grifter and child exploiter.
Oh and the world's worst dancer.
Maybe not the worst, but right up there with Master P, Kenny Mayne, Steve Wozniak and Tucker Carlson. Probably the worst woman ever on DWTS.
Yes, it's normal for emotions to be high at the beginning, but things settle down. They did for me at least. But TFW is absolutely steadfast in her refusal to let things settle down.
Exactly, I don't think anyone is expecting Kate to be "over" her split right away. Nor Brandi. Or anyone.
I expect them to be a grown up though and move on from such things eventually. I really like Brandi. Based on her stint on CA, I think her Real Housewives persona is mostly just a character.
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