This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1816 Newer› Newest»Yay! new thread!!!
The Karma train is picking up speed, it's all downhill from here!
Happy Dance!!!
When will the sheep chime in?
Referring to previous post, if you Google "pet ghost stories", many others have experienced the same. The bond is strong. I swear I feel I can look into an animal's eyes and read its mind.
As far as this new nanny relevation, I hope Kate does not go after her. I get the feeling more to follow. Nasty is the perfect description, LOL.
If the G kids are off from school tomorrow, I suspect TFW may
get chatty on Twitter.
The younger ones were off today (conferences); everyone is off tomorrow. Will we hear about how all of them are doing just great and are ranked at the head of their class, even though the school doesn't rank students?
The bond is strong. I swear I feel I can look into an animal's eyes and read its mind.
Have you read Beatrice Lydecker's book?
As far as this new nanny relevation, I hope Kate does not go after her. I get the feeling more to follow. 3
I think she'll try but I doubt it will get far.
CPS investigations are confidential, but I don't think her CAs will go far without tlc's legal team on the job.
As I said before, the mills of justice grind slowly but they trying nd exceedingly fine.
Instead of a whoopdie doo People cover for her 40th, she gets nailed by the National Enquirer. Karma.......
The Karma train is picking up speed, it's all downhill from here!
Happy Dance!!!
Franky, sigh...we say that so often and it never happens. She always seems to emerge and pick up speed, kind of like The Little Train That Could, blowing smoke all along the way.
As far as this new nanny relevation, I hope Kate does not go after her. I get the feeling more to follow. Nasty is the perfect description, LOL.
Based on history, I think we'll see Kate dismiss this Ashley's claims as #someoneneedsrentmoney #bloodmoney #Ashleywho?
Kate will say she scoffed.
Or, maybe not.
Because this woman came forth and identified herself, I tend to believe she had good cause to give the quote to the NE. Also, this quote is just a snippet, a cherry-picked piece for maximum effect in their article.
What else did she say to them? What else does she know?
I don't think Kate will pursue this, because I tend to believe this Ashley knows a lot, and Kate would be loathe to poke a hornet's nest.
As far as this new nanny relevation, I hope Kate does not go after her. I get the feeling more to follow. Nasty is the perfect description, LOL.
Kate's a chicken and a coward.
She won't go after her. She only goes after people if she can get someone else to do her dirty work like a lawyer or BV. Since I doubt anyone is biting she'll just either ignore this or tweet some haters gone hate nonsense she always does.
Narcissists are often cowards deep down.
Joy....Notre Dame looks damn good.
Franky, sigh...we say that so often and it never happens. She always seems to emerge and pick up speed, kind of like The Little Train That Could, blowing smoke all along the way.
Yes. It's not going anywhere. The nanny wasn't even specific about what she saw. Lots of nannies have come forward and CPS may very well have intervened based on their concerns or concerns from others but for whatever their reasons it was never enough to take drastic measures like taking the kids. We don't know what all might have gone on, there is a lot that can be done before they resort to taking your kids. As long as it's STOPPED courts aren't going to care.
Even with the physical abuse, you'd be surprised what you can get away with before anybody cares. If we got involved with every slap and red mark we'd have to keep courtrooms open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I would never see a filing on what was reported on Mady about her arm. Not for that. And I consider LA VERY strict when it comes to child abuse. If I saw a case like that I'd ask for an immediate dismissal, I mean that kind of thing just isn't jurisdictional. It's not enough under the law.
People don't understand that in most states it's not that child abuse is illegal, it's child abuse that rises to a certain level of RISK that's a problem. Kate has been brilliant at keeping this all around that marginal zone, enough to be really screwed up and bad for the kids and probably causing lifelong problems, but not enough where you can do much about it. She's cunning.
We don't get involved in dysfunctional screwed up families, nor perhaps should we.
She won't go after her. She only goes after people if she can get someone else to do her dirty work like a lawyer or BV. Since I doubt anyone is biting she'll just either ignore this or tweet some haters gone hate nonsense she always does.
I wonder who told her it would be a good idea to sue Robert and Jon. I mean, who was telling her she actually had a case?
What kind of upshot was she being sold?
I wonder who told her it would be a good idea to sue Robert and Jon. I mean, who was telling her she actually had a case?
What kind of upshot was she being sold?
BV, I would bet money on it.
She made some comment about suing AGES before this ever went down and if I'm not mistaken it was right around when BV was involved with her.
That was no coincidence.
I don't know what their end result was but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some arrangement both for publicity and for some kind of kickback if she won.
If she or her doofus bodyguard or anyone else in her regular circle came up with this idea they would have done it years ago when it happened. That's another clue that BV due to it suddenly coming up so much later.
Her judgment is so impaired when it comes to her alliances. It's really alarming
I don't think Kate will pursue this, because I tend to believe this Ashley knows a lot, and Kate would be loathe to poke a hornet's nest.
Yep that's another reason. She's a doofus, but she's a doofus who usually knows enough to shut up.
Her judgment is so impaired when it comes to her alliances. It's really alarming
Yes. Very alarming. Everyone here could see through him right from the get-go. For some reason, neither she, nor her road manager/security team couldn't see that this was not a person with whom she should align herself. You just have to shake your head wondering how anyone could be that dense, or that poor a judge of character.
Wow. My post about A. really got the blog on fire. When I read the last sentence in the NE article and the named source was A., I thought, is this the same A. that was on the RV episode? I didn't know. Then the driveby comment. Oh, yes, thank you to who posted that they were driving by and took up for me! Then the she's nasty, nasty, nasty NE article post I posted is now the new thread.
It is a good thread, Admin. As Blanche told Dorothy, Dang, your good!
White Organza, BC here stands for Bill Cosby.
o. For some reason, neither she, nor her road manager/security team couldn't see that this was not a person with whom she should align herself.
Yes, it's alarming that her support system let this go through too. Unless they didn't, tried to tell her this was a bad idea, but she ignored them anyway. I can definitely see that.
What has Kate done to NE/ROL to p##s them off like this?
Well if she wished to be on the cover of a mag for her 40th bday, she needs to specify which one.
What a moron
Kate Gosselin didn't admit to anything (about hitting Mady with the spanker) so she was given a slap on the wrist.
Looks like they used a wet noodle instead of the spanker!
" White Organza, BC here stands for Bill Cosby." (19)
LOL!!! Gee, thanks, Redbird! :) All I could think of was "Big Crush" because that was Margaux Hemingway talked about in the article, but then again, I just knew that it wasn't enough to be newsworthy.
That being said, yes Woody Allen's behaviour was inappropriate if you ask me, but even worst, was her parents'. Encouraging your 18 year old daughter to go to Paris with a man almost 30 years her senior? Yerkkkk...
Yes, it's alarming that her support system let this go through too. Unless they didn't, tried to tell her this was a bad idea, but she ignored them anyway. I can definitely see that.
Is she still calling him her hero, her knight in shining armor, or is she saying "Bullyville who? Never heard of him."
Wondering if kids did ok in school.I hope so for their sank. Kate is very quiet. Usually she bragging her ass off. Hope she is not doing a Mommie Dearest. Or are they filming?
There's no question now the pilot did this on purpose. He reprogramed the autopilot from 38,000 feet to 100.
You don't reprogram the autopilot during a heart attack or stroke.
Admin: those poor 149 souls, did not even have a chance. Sorry, that Bastard, if he wanted to kill himself, then do it, but don't take 149 innocent people with. I'm sure they did not have a deathwish.
To me it's no different than a school shutting mass murder-suicide. It's all the same thing, nutso people who can't just kill themselves and be done with it, have to take down a whole bunch of innocents with them to. There's no word that does justice to how sick that is.
This makes the number of murder-suicide commercial airplane crashes to 6. 6 too many.
Well if she wished to be on the cover of a mag for her 40th bday, she needs to specify which one.
What a moron
Or, as the sheeple say, "maroon."
Lynne, I don't know if Kate peeved the editors of ROL/NE, or someone or some entity higher up the food chain. Trump showed his displeasure with Kate on the CA finale. Kate's buddy/defender is gone from TLC. Maybe there are execs who despise Kate and were aware of the abuse, but while her defender was in charge, didn't dare leak stories like this. It seems that the tables have turned & Kate is now "fair game". With a growing number of gossip stories describing her horrible parenting, I think TLC would be foolish to film/air any more shows involving Kate. They should be gunshy after the HBB fiasco.
I don't understand why the pilot had to take innocent people with him. I think some change should be made to cockpit doors, or a strict rule that a pilot cannot exit until someone else has entered the cockpit. But no matter what, we cannot legislate or regulate 100% safety in life. Sometimes, people do things no one could have foreseen.
But no matter what, we cannot legislate or regulate 100% safety in life. Sometimes, people do things no one could have foreseen.
Yes, you have to strike that balance between making things are safe versus having so many rules and regulations it becomes financially not feasible or a threat to normal life. For instance I want schools to be safe but I think it's very difficult on kids when you turn them into high security lockdown prisons on the off chance somebody might come in and hurt them.
I've always thought that one of our biggest puzzles is how do we protect against people who are perfectly willing to die themselves. Because if you think about it most rules and regulations and safeguards work best when somebody wants to live. If somebody doesn't care about that, things get more complicated.
getoftweeter said... 26
Admin: those poor 149 souls, did not even have a chance. Sorry, that Bastard, if he wanted to kill himself, then do it, but don't take 149 innocent people with. I'm sure they did not have a deathwish.
Maybe it was his intention to commit mass murder, for whatever reason. I guess we may never know, unless items taken from the search of his house reveal what was going on in his head.
Just a cover to make up for TFW's 40th Birthday cover! credit to jibberjabbers.
New post ! Yeah! Thanks admin!
Yes, cape cod mama, Notre Dame is very good. Sad UNC lost to Wisconsin, it was a great game.
Kentucky remains the juggernaut or bulldozer or freight train or avalanche, what ever you want to call them, I think they are unstoppable.
The word "Maroon" isn't a sheeple thing. It's a Bugs Bunny thing.
Now, if I recall correctly, one of the haterz used the word "maroon" at one of the sheeple and the sheeple jumped all over it, thinking it was a spelling mistake. The Apostrophe Queen comes to mind. It amazes me how much like sKate the sheeple are. How many times can they shoot themselves in the foot? It's hilarious. They make snarking at them so easy.
Wow. A daycare provider was sued by the parents of a child in her care because she reported her concerns to Children's Services.
The circumstances are weird, but how many people will just read the headline and base their opinions on it?
Millicent said... 29
With a growing number of gossip stories describing her horrible parenting, I think TLC would be foolish to film/air any more shows involving Kate. They should be gunshy after the HBB fiasco.
Does anyone else think that if TLC was still providing legal services to TFMJG a year after the divorce/during this court hearing re: Jon's allegations that it is TLC leaking the documents to ROL and NE? It gives them a perfect excuse not to film anymore episodes of Kate + 8 without having to come out publicly as they did with HBB.
Thanks for the link to the book, PA Dutch Mom.
Glad the consensus is that Kate will ignore Ashley H. As always, she will use her minions.
She's been quiet on Twitter the last few days, and no surprise she has tweeted nothing so far this a.m. because she is still in bed. If the silence continues, she's probably in NYC at the plastic surgeon's with TFM to take her out for her birthday.
ITA, the NE has more to spill. Thank you, Ashley H.
Millicent said... 29
Lynne, I don't know if Kate peeved the editors of ROL/NE, or someone or some entity higher up the food chain. Trump showed his displeasure with Kate on the CA finale. Kate's buddy/defender is gone from TLC. Maybe there are execs who despise Kate and were aware of the abuse, but while her defender was in charge, didn't dare leak stories like this. It seems that the tables have turned & Kate is now "fair game". With a growing number of gossip stories describing her horrible parenting, I think TLC would be foolish to film/air any more shows involving Kate. They should be gunshy after the HBB fiasco.
I agree. We can only hope that TLC, with new management, will no longer cater to her, as they have added MANY new shows to their line up. I think she will have a few "update shows," but not nearly as many as she had years ago. She is kind of old news.
Personally, I believe that more people are coming out now, because she has gotten away with the abuse for far too long, and people in "the know" are no longer afraid of her and sick of her "perfect mom" image she has been projecting for so many years, while the recent shows indicate otherwise. God knows how many reports have been made to CPS. We probably don't know the half of it.
I worry the most about the 3 silent boys and how much damage she has caused them mentally and emotionally, never mind physicially. They are scars that hopefully can be healed, once they leave the compound.
JMO (#38), I, too, worry about those boys. Luckily they seem to have
banded together. But can you imagine being one of those boys and
waking up sick one morning? Do you tell Mom, knowing she's going
to be angry, because she may have to take you to the doctor, or,
horrors, have you home with her all day? Do you just "man up"
until you feel better? Do you learn to ignore your needs, because
you feel you're not worthy? What has she done to their self esteem
by repeatedly denigrating their gender? And how will this effect
their future friendships/romantic relationships? I do hope more
people come forward. Only time will tell.
Would not be surprised she posts a tweeter picture of a cake from the kids like they are home celebrating.
If there were well over 30 nannies,including Judy who was especially close to the kids, maybe some have stepped forward. It's not too late. And they may have sitters now for when TFW is away. But I bet the twins do most of the nanny work now. Maybe they will be the ones who will eventually tell it like it is.
I read that there was a bill passed in Savannah Hardin's name called the Savannah Hardin Mandatory Reporting Bill that is sailing through the AL legislature right now.
Under the bill, any Alabama citizen with suspicion of or has knowledge of child abuse or neglect must report it to either law enforcement or the Alabama Department of Human Resources. Persons holding a professional license or certification providing services to children must receive yearly training in child abuse or neglect and mandatory reporting. The bill also penalizes people who knowingly make a false report of child abuse and neglect. The bill penalizes employers who retaliate against an employee who makes a report. There will be no penalties against people who make a report that later proves to be unsustainable.
I also read that it had been implemented in 18 states and I looked up PA and I couldn't really find anything. This would be a great law for Jon to advocate for and get passed in PA if he decided to run for office.
It was reported on the news this morning that the German co-pilot was hiding a mental issue. The investigators found evidence in either his apt or his parents house. And I agree if you want to kill yourself, have at it. Why take innocent people with you. I will never understand that.
TFW not admitting to hitting Mady with the spanker before school, hurting her, where she couldn't move her arm and getting away with it, with a slap on the wrist. Reminds me of Jordan van der Sloot's father, Paulus van der Sloot in the Natalie Holloway case. He was a lawyer and told Jordan and his buddies, Don't admit nothing. But just almost five years later, Paulus van der Sloot was playing tennis and dropped dead from a heart attack.
Interesting that AT follows Deanna and Danny, the PA from the RV trip. There is NO reason that justifies AT not going to CPS.
capecodmama said... 44
It was reported on the news this morning that the German co-pilot was hiding a mental issue. The investigators found evidence in either his apt or his parents house. And I agree if you want to kill yourself, have at it. Why take innocent people with you. I will never understand that.
Me either . Selfish act but he clearly wanted headlines. Cowardly is a word that comes to mind, to dispose of others in pursuit of suicide. Sorry but his choice affected way too many others.
SB said... 46
Interesting that AT follows Deanna and Danny, the PA from the RV trip. There is NO reason that justifies AT not going to CPS.
We don't know if she did or did not go to CPS due to confidentially.
If you want headlines, don't you realize you won't be around to read them if you kill yourself ? I agree with you others who think if you must- and I think it's a selfish act unless for medical suffering- then do it alone. And please, leave a note for family & friends so they won't blame themselves forever. Sorry to sound callous: I have the utmost sympathy for anyone so sad he/she feels there is no way to go on. But leave others out of the act of your decision. Things may be very hard in life, but not impossible.Please seek help.
Susan1956 said... 37
Does anyone else think that if TLC was still providing legal services to TFMJG a year after the divorce/during this court hearing re: Jon's allegations that it is TLC leaking the documents to ROL and NE? It gives them a perfect excuse not to film anymore episodes of Kate + 8 without having to come out publicly as they did with HBB.
I've been thinking the same thing for along time now. If nothing else, it would sure drive her price down.
Face it, sKate, you've been marked down. You're the K-mart of reality t.v. Heck, Dollar Tree.
I doubt the pilot wanted headlines. People who kill themselves just want to end their pain. We had a good friend who blew his head off and left two beautiful young daughters with their manic mother. And another colleague of my husband's recently said, "I need to borrow a gun" and shot himself in the front yard, moments later. They do not generally think of the consequences for others nor the aftermath of what they do. They just seem to think "lights out, no more pain" and carry through with it.
The fact that this guy took a plane load of innocents with him speaks to his irrationality. He may not have even considered the grand scale of the tragedy he was creating. It is truly unbelievable.
redbird 43
"This would be a great law for Jon to advocate for and get passed in PA if he decided to run for office."
Jon doesn't need to run for office to advocate a child abuse law. He can present his idea to someone in office & ask them to sponsor a bill.
PJ's momma said... 51
I doubt the pilot wanted headlines. People who kill themselves just want to end their pain. We had a good friend who blew his head off and left two beautiful young daughters with their manic mother. And another colleague of my husband's recently said, "I need to borrow a gun" and shot himself in the front yard, moments later. They do not generally think of the consequences for others nor the aftermath of what they do. They just seem to think "lights out, no more pain" and carry through with it.
The fact that this guy took a plane load of innocents with him speaks to his irrationality. He may not have even considered the grand scale of the tragedy he was creating. It is truly unbelievable.
Thank you for that thoughtful response, PJ's Momma. We can never understand the workings of the minds of the mentally ill so there is little point in trying. I feel so sorry for ALL the people involved in this senseless tragedy. I wish them all peace.
Millicent said... 29
Lynne, I don't know if Kate peeved the editors of ROL/NE, or someone or some entity higher up the food chain. Trump showed his displeasure with Kate on the CA finale. Kate's buddy/defender is gone from TLC. Maybe there are execs who despise Kate and were aware of the abuse, but while her defender was in charge, didn't dare leak stories like this. It seems that the tables have turned & Kate is now "fair game". With a growing number of gossip stories describing her horrible parenting, I think TLC would be foolish to film/air any more shows involving Kate. They should be gunshy after the HBB fiasco.
I highly doubt that Kate pissed off anyone. ROL/NE is a business. They exist to sell magazines and get web hits. I think that people are projecting their animosity toward Kate onto a business. If they find more good dirt on Jon, they will report it if they think it will attract interest. It's not about "taking sides" or hating anyone. They are not personally invested in the saga as you are.
I think most people think about suicide at one time or another but few carry through with it. Just a fleeting thought, maybe, about how others would react or why is life so tough. No serious intention. I guess we'll never know what demons the co-pilot faced but it seemed he was planning a chance to be alone in the cockpit. That makes me think he knew what he was doing and must have realized many people would be killed along with him. JMO
Someone very close to me in my family has been suicidal. I hope that person never carries through with those thoughts.She has sought help.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 39m39 minutes ago
@SparklyJinx @Kateplusmy8 Thanks 4ur concern& assessment of what U think Kate feels! I know her well enuf..she has a gr8 sense of humor! :)
Good lord. She is delusional. She really believes that she knows Kate, and that she knows her "well." If she's in the final stages of CWS, I hope that someone in her family cares enough to get her help. If they are just ignoring this, maybe someone in her inner circle of friends (if she has one) can take the bull by the horns and get her into therapy.
I watched the movie, "Selena," last night and thought about Milo the entire time. Selena's killer, her Number One Fan, knew her idol, but if you compare this fan and Milo, there are eerie similarities.
I am wondering why they are putting the dab dab fake crying jag picture from the Today Show on the NE article. Would it be better for this one, because we know she lied the entire interview or a scowled face one, walking, with the wind blowing her fake hair back or one that shows her just walking out of an expensive store, dressed to the nines, carrying 10 shopping bags?
Mara said... 52
I highly doubt that Kate pissed off anyone. ROL/NE is a business. They exist to sell magazines and get web hits. I think that people are projecting their animosity toward Kate onto a business. If they find more good dirt on Jon, they will report it if they think it will attract interest. It's not about "taking sides" or hating anyone. They are not personally invested in the saga as you are.
I agree with you to a point, but I happen to know that there are people in positions of authority who do pull strings when there is enough money at stake.
If TLC aka Discover aka ABC want something suppressed, it will happen. I'm not saying it happened with sKate, but it does happen. An example is Tiger Woods. The Enquirer had the dirt on him and his mistresses for a whole year before that story broke. The higher-ups made them sit on it.
Yes, sKate is a nobody. But that doesn't mean there wasn't stuff going on behind the scenes when TLC was making hundreds of millions off of those kids.
Papa John's is having all online orders 50% off this weekend only with the code, QSCA50. It took little effort to find a PJ's only 4.85 miles from her with her exact address. So they should be able to deliver to her. She has to make everything like A. said, Dramatics!
You're right. .it's just business. Tomorrow it'll be Jon.
It's the stale nature of the news that's curious.
There IS something seriously wrong with her. What will it take to give Jon custody of the kids, with child support? Isn't her abuse, mental illness and sadism enough cause? Damn.
Kate's fans complain all the time about the non-fans being critical of Kate, but they have no problem being critical themselves when it comes to the non-fans. #BeMature Milo is one of the worst. These are her recent tweets about one non-fan. Doesn't she realize that what she tweets could also apply to her?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 18h18 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 As usual butting N on convo & making it something sinister...when it was just a friendly chat!
Like Milo never butts in on a conversation that Kate has that doesn't pertain to her.
Sandie @SandieBellz · 8h8 hours ago
@msgoody2shoes21 If that person is married, I bet her husband begs her to go on Twitter just to shut her up.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 54m54 minutes ago
@SandieBellz @msgoody2shoes21 LOL One thing for certain....he NEVER wins an argument there! "Yes dear...whatever you say dear!" #ForPeace
I'm sure that's what LOM tells Milo all the time.
Such hypocrites--all of them. Don't criticize Kate, but feel free to criticize anyone who doesn't like her.
I guess we'll never know what demons the co-pilot faced but it seemed he was planning a chance to be alone in the cockpit.
I've seen the movie, Final Destination, and this recent crash got me to thinking about Fate versus Destiny. Was it the "time" of all of those people to die, or just the co-pilot's, or only a few on the plane? What force gathered all of those people together and sealed their fate? If the pilot had gone to the bathroom at the airport before boarding and he wouldn't have left the cockpit, would all of those people have survived? Or, if it was their time, would something else have caused the plane to crash, thus fulfilling the "final destination" scenario?
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
One of Kate's last tweets on her now-very-quiet TL, she
"Thank you for reporting! RT @MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 @Support It helps when many of us..report abuse.Ridiculous 4U 2put up w/that4so long!"
Who says karma doesn't come back to bite you in the ass.
Jon doesn't need to run for office to advocate a child abuse law. He can present his idea to someone in office & ask them to sponsor a bill
Yup. He is doing so already.
And then you have this fan who thinks she's Kate's "buddy".
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 · 2h 2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. It was just the two year anniversary of the death if the girls you helped me with. Made me think of you #thanksAgain
So it's the anniversary of these girls' death and it makes her think of Kate?
agree. We can only hope that TLC, with new management, will no longer cater to her, as they have added MANY new shows to their line up. I think she will have a few "update shows," but not nearly as many as she had years ago. She is kind of old news.
I'll believe she's old news when her show can't break 1 million.
Anon (PJ) wrote:
Anonymous said... 35
The word "Maroon" isn't a sheeple thing. It's a Bugs Bunny thing.
LOL, yes it is a Bugs Bunny thing. I used that word once way back when GWOP was still active, but after the original moderators had left and the remaining mod was in the process of running it into the ground. The mod apparently didn't watch Bugs Bunny cartoons as a kid and I got my hand slapped for misspelling and using the word "moron." I tried to explain but she didn't want to hear it.
I highly doubt that Kate pissed off anyone. ROL/NE is a business. They exist to sell magazines and get web hits...They are not personally invested in the saga as you are
It would seem to me that Kate really isn't that high up on the list of celebrities that people would want to run out to see what she's up to and buy the magazine. If it's the money angle and web hits they are going after, I would think that there are many other celebrities and famous people that would bring in the money. Kate Gosselin is not of interest to enough people to make big bucks for these magazines.
" It's not about "taking sides" or hating anyone. They are not personally invested in the saga as you are."
Exactly, which is what I just pointed out. I'm not "personally" invested in the saga, but I do find it interesting from the psychological perspective (Kate and the sheeple). I would think that 99 percent of the people who read these magazines likewise aren't invested in Kate Gosselin and just want her to go away. I think there might be a reason that we have stories piggybacked one after another, and it's leading up to something. Then again, I could be wrong and it's just a case of the stories are here today, gone tomorrow.
LOL, yes it is a Bugs Bunny thing. I used that word once way back when GWOP was still active, but after the original moderators had left and the remaining mod was in the process of running it into the ground. The mod apparently didn't watch Bugs Bunny cartoons as a kid and I got my hand slapped for misspelling and using the word "moron." I tried to explain but she didn't want to hear it.
LOL! I don't imagine that there is too much hand-slapping going on there because all it is are a few posters who copy and paste old articles from other sites. It's a shame, really. At one time it had been an interesting blog.
PJ said:
Thank you for that thoughtful response, PJ's Momma. We can never understand the workings of the minds of the mentally ill so there is little point in trying. I feel so sorry for ALL the people involved in this senseless tragedy. I wish them all peace.
PJ and PJ's Momma - agree. Unless the pilot left a note (no indication that anything like that has been found yet), we'll never know his reasoning. And clearly, there is no rational reason. My heart aches for those who lost loved ones.
And then you have this fan who thinks she's Kate's "buddy".
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 · 2h 2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. It was just the two year anniversary of the death if the girls you helped me with. Made me think of you #thanksAgain
I like Uggs. She's a hoot. She has new crushes on a regular basis. Last week it was Peedi:
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@realpeedicrakk great meeting you sexy. You are so cool!! #PeediInTheHouse http://t.co/phVba7VSSE
This week she's drooling over Kevin Hart.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@KevinHart4real #GetHard #WhatNow Kevin taking over the world. See you Sunday #PennState can I get a hug ??? #alrightalrightalright
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@KevinHart4real 5 days until I get to see #Kevin #WhatNow Penn State Univ!! #bucketlist if I could get a hug I could die next day #please
I think that she really needs a man --- ANY man!
Kate is a twit said... 66
And then you have this fan who thinks she's Kate's "buddy".
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 · 2h 2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. It was just the two year anniversary of the death if the girls you helped me with. Made me think of you #thanksAgain
So it's the anniversary of these girls' death and it makes her think of Kate?
Kate's minions have no couth. NONE. How about leaving Kate out of it and thinking about those little girls and their grief-stricken family? Sheeple are ignorant.
Hey Uggs, it was recently the two-year anniversary of Kate's appearance on Celebrity Wife Swap. Made me think of the bitch and her household manual and how Kendra was brought to tears when she saw how those kids have to live under the Gosselin Reich.
Tucker's mom said...65
I was writing a rather long comment, and it just disappeared. I'll wait to see if it shows up on the blog - and if so, it will probably be unfinished! Oh well. LOL
Totally OT, but interesting.
Just watched Ina Garten and she had on a lady that her and her family came over to dinner and I barely got the name of a store that she said she owned or worked at, don't know which one. But the name of the store is E.A.T. in NYC. So I thought the ladies name was Eli. Well, Eli Zabar is a owner. I went to wiki and found this:
In 2011, Zabar's briefly got nationwide attention from news outlets when a reporter for New Orleans Times-Picayune observed that the store's product labeled "Lobster Salad" actually contained no lobster.
The New York Times reported that the store "charged $16.95 a pound" for the seafood spread made mostly of salted crawfish and mayonnaise. Maine's Bangor Daily News said a Maine Lobster Council director advised Saul Zabar "of the federal regulations that make deliberate misbranding of food products a serious violation" and that the "Food and Drug Administration permits the use of the term lobster without qualification only for the Homarus species, which includes the European and American lobsters.... labeling other species... as 'lobster' without qualification would cause the product to be misbranded in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
The New York Times said "the lobsterless lobster salad" was sold at Zabar's for 15 years and that Saul Zabar insisted that he had not meant to deceive anyone. A photo published in Gothamist showed that the product's deli label ingredients list made no mention of lobster; the word lobster only appeared above the ingredients in the large print all caps product name, "LOBSTER SALAD *WITH A BAGEL OR A ROLL* ".
After the media attention, Zabar's combined the product's name with the store name and relabeled the spread Zabster Zalad.
Now, he knew that darn salad didn't contain lobster. He sold it for almost 17 dollars a pound for 15 YEARS! And didn't mean to deceive anyone? He made a KILLING off LYING! It is a shame that the FDA didn't come down on him harder. They should of got his records and found out how much he sold over the 15 years and fine him 10 per pound and made him donate it to the food banks in NYC.
It would of been better to sell it for 6.95 a pound as Zabster's Zalad and sleep at night, than sell it for over double and cheat and have to face the consequences down the road and be publicly humiliated.
I heard from a retired golf professional that Tiger Woods also had the reputation of tearing up places he stayed at. A lot of stuff about him was kept quiet because he was worth so much, so I agree when Kate was bringing in the advertising bucks for TLC there was a cover up. I think that she still has some power because of her wealth, although I bet by now she's down a few million.
Is she the wealthiest person in the county?
Millicent said...
I tried to explain but she didn't want to hear it.
What a maroon! LOL
I know that a lot of folks here are interested in Sea World.
Kate's fans complain all the time about the non-fans being critical of Kate, but they have no problem being critical themselves when it comes to the non-fans. #BeMature Milo is one of the worst. These are her recent tweets about one non-fan. Doesn't she realize that what she tweets could also apply to her?
Yes, and you just want to bang your head because they are incapable of seeing this.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 30m30 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Ppl need to worry about their own lives & STOP messing with Kate's!!
But, Barb, Milo worries about Kate's life all the time.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@tynelson24 @Kateplusmy8 Looks like several R wanting 2dance w/U 2nite! #ItsTheWeirdoWaltz time...save urself & say No Thanks!
She's "messing" with Kate's life, telling her what not to do!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
When you have one of those #FullPlate days & can't stop by 2even say HI...I be like this > http://t.co/P0JjKzE9wl @kateplusmy8 #MissingYOU
She's worried about Kate not tweeting. How many times has she begged Kate to throw her tweeties a bone? How many times has she asked Kate what she's doing, if she's busy, if it's bedtime, who needs underwear, etc. etc.? So why isn't Barb telling Milo not to "mess with" Kate's life? Being a nosy busybody is fine if the sheep do it, but objectionable if a non-fan questions something going on in Kate's life.
The sheeple are just too dumb to see that Kate has put her life out there, and continues to do so. Barb, bless her, doesn't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed.
n @EmCr68 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 is this how you feel about tomorrow being the big day!? ;) 39 and holding has never looked better! http://t.co/73n5T15jrk
Is it normal for a 20-year old female to be physically attracted to a 40-year-old divorced mom? Is this a girl crush that eventually passes, or does it signal an issue that needs to be addressed?
Tuckers Mom ... 65
I believe that Jon is working with Tom Murt in regards to the child labor laws, and not in the reporting of child abuse.
Perhaps Jon doesn't feel that there is not a problem in the reporting of the "alleged" or "perceived" abuse of his children. Now don't jump all over me because I said, "alleged" and "perceived". I say that since Jon's October, 2010, filings were allegations. We don't know what Kate's response to the filing was, or the Judge's ruling. We don't know what CPS's investigation revealed. I'm focusing on the October, 2010, allegations, since they are the only legally documented allegations that we have seen (to the best of my knowledge).
I think Jon would only pick up such a cause if he felt that the kids were being abused, and "citizens" weren't reporting it. Then again that would bring him into scrutiny, since he lived in the house when the "alleged" abuse occurred. Did he report it? We don't know.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 is this how you feel about tomorrow being the big day!? ;) 39 and holding has never looked better! http://t.co/73n5T15jrk
Is it normal for a 20-year old female to be physically attracted to a 40-year-old divorced mom? Is this a girl crush that eventually passes, or does it signal an issue that needs to be addressed?
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 · 2h 2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. It was just the two year anniversary of the death if the girls you helped me with. Made me think of you #thanksAgain
Buddy? That buddy thing didn't work out so well for Mrs. Uggs when she pestered Kate to use her pool or have her son tutor her kids. If it's one smart thing that Kate did in the world of fandom it was to not respond, nor encourage Brenda. Otherwise, she'd be tormenting Kate for a get-together until the cows come home!
I wonder if Milo actually believes that it is her purpose in life to keep Kate relevant, that if she went private or disappeared from Twitter then it would mean Kate's demise. She has to defend Kate at all costs. Kate's life as a celebrity (cough) depends on Milo. Otherwise, I would think that Milo would block the haters or go private. She can't do that because she has to follow every single thing tweeted about Kate and by Kate so she can hop in there and defend Kate, or refute what's being said.
I knew a fan like that. He thought he was responsible for the longevity of a celebrity's fame. In short, he became a pest, demanding free concert tickets and backstage passes, jumping on blogs pretending to be the spokesman for the celebrity. Without going into details, all hell broke loose, and the celebrity finally had to tell him that while he appreciated his support, that this must end. The fan turned on him, and we had to hire extra security at many shows. It finally blew over, but there were some tense moments during this time. I've seen first-hand what can happen when a former fan becomes a hater.
I really think that Kate is afraid to confront Milo about fixation. It's hard to believe that she really enjoys this adulation because it has come to a point where some kind of intervention is needed. It's embarrassing for both Kate and Milo. I don't think for a minute that Milo will go away on her own. She's a meddler, and a meddler can't change. It's in their blood.
Kate's timeline is a mess, especially since the two parody accounts have taken over. If Kate has any balls at all, she should tell those two to knock it off. Sheeple, however, love it because it trashes Jon. Little do they realize, however, that it's clogging up her Twitter and just makes her look bad for not reporting it.
Isn't it soon time for a "welcome spring" rumspringa party on Joy's veranda? My muumuu is pressed and I just bought new crocs, blue with yellow flowers. I'm just itchin' to wear them!
Isn't it soon time for a "welcome spring" rumspringa party on Joy's veranda? My muumuu is pressed and I just bought new crocs, blue with yellow flowers. I'm just itchin' to wear them!
Spring? What is that? We're expecting a "real feel" of 19 tonight, with a high of 38 tomorrow and wet snow off and on during the day. I have a feeling spring will miss us entirely and we'll go right into summer. Or maybe we'll skip warm weather entirely and go from winter into fall!
March 27, 2015 at 12:10 PM
4rmine said... 73
Tuckers Mom ... 65
I believe that Jon is working with Tom Murt in regards to the child labor laws, and not in the reporting of child abuse.
I have no earthly idea how I was jumping all over you. In fact, I was nodding my head in agreement, and stating it briefly, as I was typing it out on my phone, which I pretty much suck at.
I have no idea what our differences are.
With the exception my my jumping, I agree with you.
No jumping today=bad head cold.
(not really)
I believe that Jon is working with Tom Murt in regards to the child labor laws, and not in the reporting of child abuse.
It depends on how you define abuse. Exploitation, as far as putting those kids in the reality/entertainment business, could be considered a form of abuse if set teachers aren't present and those kids are made to work ungodly long hours with no breaks.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10m10 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 So sad that Kate gets unsolicited negative, cruel & disrespectful criticism from haters! No one needs that! :(
Hey, Milo, you old bean. We know you read here. What about Jon? You accused him of stealing food, having a restraining order against him, and you trash him with cruel and nasty criticism. Same goes for your buddy, Goody, who is just as bad. Does he deserve that?
Milo is the poster child for Sheeple hypocrisy at its best (or worst).
Has anyone read the story from Detroit about Mitchelle Blair? Horrifying. I hate to go into detail but please look it up. It has made national news. It's a case study of child abuse and how the system constantly fails our children. Please read this. This needs to change our CPS system in Michigan. And sadly, I can see Kate being this same monster. Maybe not to the absolutely demented, disgusting extreme...but the fact that she tried so hard to convince all she was good mom...it's similar.
Blowing, 72: "I like Uggs. She's a hoot. She has new crushes on a regular basis. Last week it was Peedi:"
It's interesting that the UGGS sheep has a "thing" for youngish African-American males. No, that is NOT a racist comment by any means -- just an observation. She wants to meet them for coffee, hugs, or to party. She's not a looker, by any stretch of the imagination, and I wonder why she thinks that they would be attracted to her. Oh, well, if it makes her happy...
Tucker's Mom, 87: "No jumping today=bad head cold.
(not really)"
I hear a few good shots of Rumspringa works wonders for a bad head cold!
Anonymous said... 90
Has anyone read the story from Detroit about Mitchelle Blair? Horrifying.
Read it. Absolutely horrific. Those poor kids, those who survived and those who did not.
Tucker: Feel better. No jumping that I could see! What do people here take for colds? Or just grin and bear it/ My kids take NyQuil or Mucinex but I just drink OJ and lots of water.We never did hear if TFW recovered after her false alarm and relapse which sent her back to bed.
If I had to armchair it I would guess that fans like Em end up gravitating toward Kate and other older women celebs because of some perceived inadequacies in the mother and women figures in their lives. This might not even include their own mother just the female support system they are looking for.
It might not even be that their mother is cruel or something, it could just be because she works all the time or is otherwise very busy and can't give them as much time and attention that they need. Or perhaps their mother doesn't quite know what their daughter needs, is having difficulty relating.
Kate relates to them well because she's so immature herself. I think they also might like the idea of an older, "wiser" woman who actually wants to hang around them. Most older women wouldn't make a point to establish such a relationship with them absent special circumstances like a mentor relationship or something.
Short story, get an older mentor from church or school or your family or something, it's healthier.
I am actually very happy for Kate. I'm sure she wished for more fame/celebrity on her birthday. Coverage in a national magazine is more fame than most of us will ever have.
I know it doesn't seem right to us that she has not appeared to pay for years of child abuse. If articles like this make it too hard for her to get bad reality show appearances or TLC updates, she will definitely feel punished. I think we have to wait and see. Will she get appearances on Today or Wendy Williams to say how much she loves her kids and it's all made up? Or will she be left with only negative articles?
I've worked on about four bills now, Jon would be good for testifying at hearings on the bill. We'e always looking for testimony from someone who can tell a personal story, who can say why this bill would have made a difference for them. If he is into politics he might actually find this sort of role more rewarding than actually being the politician.
One of my bills finally went into effect this January. I helped write it. It's super exciting to see it in print! And yes you don't need to be a politician. I did it, with a whole lot of help.
Congrats, Admin on the bill passing and going into effect!
Dang, you and your colleagues are GOOD!
Tucker's mom 87 ...
I'm sorry, but you seriously misunderstood my comment, "Now don't jump on me....". That was meant as a very lighthearted general comment, since many people are quick to respond that Kate abuses the kids. My point was that Jon is involved in Child Labor laws and not Child Abuse laws. I was just trying to expand the conversation with everyone.
That is the problem with social media - people don't get to hear the tone of someone's voice. People may think they do, but it is misunderstood. That is also a lighthearted comment.
I'm sorry that you misunderstood what I was saying.
Maybe that is why Kate has not twitter in almost 2 days. Perhaps she is already in NYC, getting her hair done & spending the weekend, with maybe the flying monkey? Oh, wait maybe the make believe boyfriend what's his name, you know the relationship that really does not exist.
Here's the laugh of the day: Kate's fans are bitchin about the bots. The bots are about the child abuse and not about Kates pending birthday. WOW! ain't that ashame! Just what were those bots thinking! LOL! snark!
Meddling Milo is in a titty again...or is that a tizzy?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
Shall we beam you aboard @Kateplusmy8? Lost in Gosselin space? Never enough hours in a day! :)
She just got finished tweeting about the non-fans letting Kate live her own life and not interfering, and there she is, pestering Kate for a tweet.
Do the other sheep ever remind her that her obsession with Kate has become over the top? I read Kate's TL, but not what other fans tweet to each other. Are they aware that Gladys has some serious issues, or do they know better than to call her out on it?
Just btw, Britney Spears is on the next People cover.
So if Katie turns 40 and no one notices, did it really happen?
How do the bots pick up the subject so quick on twitter? Is it because it is programmed to pick up the most used words? How does it do it?
WHY would she keep all of those bots saying things like child abuse, animal abuse? Is it because she wants the high number of "tweeties" on her timeline to make her look relevant?
Redbird the Eli Zabar that owns E.A.T. is a he so I don't know who the woman you're talking about was.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
I send this to you in the most positive way! :) http://apisanet.com/nnh-content/uploads/in/inspirational-quotes-about-aging.jpg … … @kateplusmy8
Oh, gosh. Talk about timing. I was making notes today on Cervantes and a character analysis of Sancho Panza and Don Quixote, and I thought that Milo would make a great Sancho, who was Quixote's servant (squire). Quixote (Kate) lives in a fantasy world, being unable to see reality, and Sancho enables his master, Quixote, indulging him in that world while often throwing passive-aggressive zingers his way.
Milo just tweeted a platitude about dreams, and of course the musical, "Man of La Mancha", features the song, "The Impossible Dream." Milo makes a cute little female Sancho. I can just hear her belting out...
"To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star..."
I'm not sure about Kate fulfilling her quest, but Milo will be right there by her side, every step of the way.
Maybe I need some rumspringa and get myself to bed!
Redbird the Eli Zabar that owns E.A.T. is a he so I don't know who the woman you're talking about was.
Saul and Eli are brothers. Eli has his own specialty stores.Saul is the one who got into trouble with the lobster salad. Redbird says, in her first paragraph, that there was a woman on the show who was a guest and is perhaps a member of the family or worked at the store. She didn't get her name.
Redbird refers to Saul as a "he."
Gayle said... 105
Redbird the Eli Zabar that owns E.A.T. is a he so I don't know who the woman you're talking about was.
Also, E.A.T. and Zabars are owned by brothers, but are separate businesses. See this article in the New York Times:
It's Zabars, not E.A.T., that had the faux-lobster scandal.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
Shall we beam you aboard @Kateplusmy8? Lost in Gosselin space? Never enough hours in a day! :)
Gladys, Kate went away without telling you...most likely to some place warm like Florida or California. Deal with it.
Odds are currently 10 to 1 Kate will ignore all her birthday wishes tomorrow and she continues to get her narcissist supply somewhere else.
Gladys, Kate went away without telling you...most likely to some place warm like Florida or California. Deal with it.
Kate probably went on a trip to get away from Milo because she's afraid Milo will show up at Kate's door in her birthday suit!
NYY Juliana Redbird said "Just watched Ina Garten and she had on a lady that her and her family came over to dinner and I barely got the name of a store that she said she owned or worked at, don't know which one. But the name of the store is E.A.T. in NYC. So I thought the ladies name was Eli. Well, Eli Zabar is a owner. I went to wiki and found this:...". Which is why I thought that she thinks Eli is a woman. Her post was a bit confusing.
Odds are currently 10 to 1 Kate will ignore all her birthday wishes tomorrow and she continues to get her narcissist supply somewhere else. 110
I'll take that bet and raise you $10.
Over And Out said... 92
Thanks! A good shot of something strong just might be on the menu today!
Meanwhile, I'm making an egg casserole-what I can smell is good!
Tucker: Feel better. No jumping that I could see! What do people here take for colds? Or just grin and bear it/ My kids take NyQuil or Mucinex but I just drink OJ and lots of water
Mucinex has helped before-trying to get through without antibiotics, but if this thing goes to the lungs, I'mma loading the drugs!
I'm sorry that you misunderstood what I was saying.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 110
Odds are currently 10 to 1 Kate will ignore all her birthday wishes tomorrow and she continues to get her narcissist supply somewhere else.
Yup, if the gift cards aren't there by now, they ain't a'comin'.
Rhymes with Witch said... 103
So if Katie turns 40 and no one notices, did it really happen?
The real question is if now no take a photo of here today did she really turn 40?
As the sheep would say no photo it didn't happen.
Oh, dear, Kate is on the MSN homepage. The article is in honor of her birthday, and it is about Reality TV Villains. I particularly like the line that says, "Matriarch Kate proved to be as tender and empathetic as Godzilla making his way through downtown Tokyo". Of course, they mention the Today Show debacle, too. Guess she's not getting any positive press for her birthday.
Regarding the recent plane crash, every hour, it seems, there is a new and more horrifying revelation about the co-pilot. Those poor passengers were doomed the moment they fell into his clutches. As someone posted before--what would have happened if the pilot hadn't taken a restroom break? Would they all be alive? It's mind-boggling to think of how so many seem to think of suicide. They not only want to take themselves out, but they want to take as many others as possible with them. And this pilot summed up that mindset when he told his girlfriend that he "wanted to make everyone remember him". That grandiose thought cost 149 innocent people their lives.
Chef (#116), maybe TFW will ring up Chris the Pap for old times'
sake to snap a picture today, and they can split the profit. He may
need a plane ticket though -- I suspect she's far away from PA,
with the Montana women holding down the fort.
NYY Julianna (#106), I appreciated your Don Quixote analogy --
that's been one of my favorites since college. And it surely seems
to be Gladys' quest to "follow that star" -- no matter how D-list she
may be!
TLC has another new show starting on May 5, called Meet the WIllis Family. It's about a family with 14 kids. There is also something called "Setup as a Terrorist", which looks like maybe a scripted drama, but there aren't enough details to really tell.
Layla (#117), whoa, that MSN blurb is harsh! This phrase says
it all: "Reality TV Villains." Not soap opera villains, or sitcom
villains. Reality TV. TFW told us herself, "What you see is
what you get." TFW told us herself that theirs was the "realest
reality show" out there. TFW told us herself that as a producer
of her show, she knew the best way to show her family. And
yet she is reviled. Whose fault is that?
ealitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 110
Odds are currently 10 to 1 Kate will ignore all her birthday wishes tomorrow and she continues to get her narcissist supply somewhere else.
Oh for sure. Wonder if Skeevio charges extra for special birthday getaways? Eh, if she is holed up with the wine box and is alone this weekend, it is all her own doing. No empathy here. Me, I'm helping prep for a grandson's 1st birthday party, you know the kind where family and friends gather to celebrate.
TFW will ring up Chris the Pap for old times'
sake to snap a picture today
Let's hope for all of our sake's he has moved on.
Lordy, Lordy guess who's not forty? Lady Gaga turns 29 today. Say what you will about her weirdness, she's got talent, she's accomplished a heck of a lot and she got to sing with Tony Bennett so you bet I'm jellus of her.
Happy birthday Mother Monster Stephani!
The picture that msn chose with TFW the first villain included M and C. She was the first villain. The second villain was Jon. They showed a horrible picture of him, with what look liked hookers in skanky outfits.
They also said that Jon was a IT nerd in the article with TFW and in his article. In the article with Jon's picture it said he went from a sympatric simpleton to a fame-mongering dead beat dad. Said he was working at 2 restaurants with big dreams making it as a maître d. But was last seen recently doing a DJ set in a bowling alley in NJ.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 120
Layla (#117), whoa, that MSN blurb is harsh! This phrase says
it all: "Reality TV Villains." Not soap opera villains, or sitcom
villains. Reality TV. TFW told us herself, "What you see is
what you get." TFW told us herself that theirs was the "realest
reality show" out there. TFW told us herself that as a producer
of her show, she knew the best way to show her family. And
yet she is reviled. Whose fault is that?
Exactly- Kate Knows Best! LOL
Guessing she went to NY or anywhere to have her down time from the kids. I am sure that the new "Charity Kate" will donate any cash gifts she receives from the fans for her birthday to her favorite charity.... when monkeys fly. Gratitude and "giving back" are foreign concepts to her. She will only do charity if it is filmed.
Was any of the "old furniture" from the bedroom makeovers donated at the yard sale or did the big ticket items go to the consignment shop?? Sorry but she is one of the greediest,ungrateful people I have ever seen. And I am saying this based on HER show.
AuntieAnn said... 123
Lordy, Lordy guess who's not forty? Lady Gaga turns 29 today. Say what you will about her weirdness, she's got talent, she's accomplished a heck of a lot and she got to sing with Tony Bennett so you bet I'm jellus of her.
OMG the sound of music songs she did at the Grammys brought tears to my eyes. Very talented! And isn't her boyfriend from Berks or Lancaster County?
Oh for sure. Wonder if Skeevio charges extra for special birthday getaways? Eh, if she is holed up with the wine box and is alone this weekend, it is all her own doing. No empathy here. Me, I'm helping prep for a grandson's 1st birthday party, you know the kind where family and friends gather to celebrate.
Sweet! Enjoy yourself!
I can't find that msn article does anyone have a link?
Edging toward lunchtime already and still not a peep from the birthday girl.
Odds just went to 20 to 1 folks!!
OMG the sound of music songs she did at the Grammys brought tears to my eyes. Very talented! And isn't her boyfriend from Berks or Lancaster County?
Layla, I think you mean the Oscars, but yes, she did a great job of the songs.
Her boyfriend bought a cabin in Lancaster County and apparently when they stay there they live among the *mediocre* without a lot a hoopla.
I really hope we get a local sighting of the kids with Jon, because I fear Kate is making her kids film their forced adulation and amazement of their de-agin mommy.
If Kate isn't filming, I think she's traveling and treating herself to a lavish trip that she thinks she deserves.
Such a shame. A milestone birthday and no celebrating with her parents and family. My heart aches for her mother who no doubt is thinking about the daughter she gave birth to 40 years ago today.
She's not home, LOL.
Me, I'm helping prep for a grandson's 1st birthday party, you know the kind where family and friends gather to celebrate.
1st birthday parties are the best. Make sure he digs into that cake and smears it on his precious face. You know, get "ruined"!!
localyocul said... 128
Tucker's Mom (131)
I am also hoping the poor kids aren't being filmed. Kate can shove her mug in front of any camera she chooses, I don't care, but the kids deserve a little privacy. They haven't gotten much of that in their short lives.
The pic of Jon is with the lesbian couple, in L.A., while filming Couples Therapy. I remember the footage that photo was taken from. Jon was just standing there like "wft am I supposed to do with this woman shimmying down my crotch?"
I don't get why Jon's a villain. I seriously don't. Sure, he partied too much, screwed too much and probably his worse offense, wore pants that had tigers on the ass pockets, but that doesn't make him a villain!
AuntieAnn said... 123
Lordy, Lordy guess who's not forty? Lady Gaga turns 29 today. Say what you will about her weirdness, she's got talent, she's accomplished a heck of a lot and she got to sing with Tony Bennett so you bet I'm jellus of her.
Happy birthday Mother Monster Stephani!
AND have you seen her FIANCEEE? Chicago Fire, greenest eyes on the lot, Shay's BFF..you go girl
Khatie who?
OMG!! Local and Sue
you BOTH owe me a new keyboard!!!
franky (137)
What could be more perfect karma than celebrating Kate's 40th with an article calling her a villain, Godzilla and a has been? LOL
Gaga's fiance is a hunk. You can enjoy watching him in The Other Woman-a really funny chick flick.
OMG the sound of music songs she did at the Grammys brought tears to my eyes. Very talented! And isn't her boyfriend from Berks or Lancaster County?
Layla, I think you mean the Oscars, but yes, she did a great job of the songs.
Her boyfriend bought a cabin in Lancaster County and apparently when they stay there they live among the *mediocre* without a lot a hoopla.
That wa me oops I took a wild guess
And calling TFW Godzilla not as a wannabe dancer, or a celebrity apprentice, but as a MOTHER! That's her whole franchise, folks,
and America's telling her it's an epic fail.
Tucker's Mom said... 131
My heart aches for her mother who no doubt is thinking about the daughter she gave birth to 40 years ago today.
I agree. She was never mature enough to make amends with her family and do what might be best for her kids. I can not imagine having any extended family in my life. But in TFW's world, family is expendable for the sake of fame and $$. She will regret this one day, but apparently not today, as it is all about her.
Sometimes, when you toss too many family/friends aside, you lose your way!
I think calling Kate Godzilla is perfect. She destroys everything in her path.
Sometimes when you disconnect from every family member, friend, cousin, husband, etc... you have ever known, you lose your grounding.
Fame, money and celebrity becomes your guide.
"Reality TV Villains" - how are the sheeple going to parse this one?
Lies about Katie but truth about Jon?
(Lady Gaga)Talent vs. (TFW) Orchestrated Multiples to become a reality star. Her kids will learn the truth some day, and most likely resent not getting to spend time with their extended family (for their sake) and she may be called out on this by her kids.
This is a quote about another reality villain, from the article, but i could see it applying to Katie IF she ever true to "go Hollywood.
".....spent a few years attempting to establish herself as an actress in Hollywood but found that reality was, well, less forgiving than reality TV."
I think calling Kate Godzilla is perfect. She destroys everything in her path.
kinda like her comment #superfunsandy ?
JMO said... 147
(Lady Gaga)Talent vs. (TFW) Orchestrated Multiples to become a reality star. Her kids will learn the truth some day, and most likely resent not getting to spend time with their extended family (for their sake) and she may be called out on this by her kids.
I think the kids will resent Kate for alienating their extended family. All the MEMORIES that they've lost, it's awful.
You know that Kate will insist she was protecting them, being their fierce mother.
You know, like when she sued their father, wanting him jailed and penniless.
JMO said......
in TFW's world, family is expendable for the sake of fame and $$. She will regret this one day
I can't imagine not choosing to have family around. I would give absolutely anything to have more time with my Dad, my Mom, my 2 sisters. They are all deceased. My other sibling lives thousands of miles away and I cherish every moment of our all too infrequent visits.
Throw these people away? Never on my wildest agenda. I regret I couldn't hold onto them for a lot longer.
Unless Kate truly was abused in some way, I don't understand her cutting family members out of her world.
It's only fair to state that Jon is #2 in that article about Kate the Godzilla.
It's only fair to state that Jon is #2 in that article about Kate the Godzilla. 152
If you read the blurb about Jon to the end, it states that he appears to have settled down, etc. It's not nearly as cutting as what was said about Katie.
@148: true = tries
Localyocul said... 141
That wa me oops I took a wild guess
Oops. I called you Layla while correcting you. Real smart of me, huh? Sorry about that :(
But for Jon to be #2 on the list way above that Puck, UGH!
Yes, you are right. That picture was made on Couples Therapy.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129
Edging toward lunchtime already and still not a peep from the birthday girl.
Odds just went to 20 to 1 folks!!
Kate is such a freak about birthdays especially her own so I'm gonna bet that she's doing it up real big for this one.
She'll let her "friends" know all about the #superfun celebration
probably around next Tuesday, after she recovers from her hangover.
They'll forgive her.
It took a while, but I found out who was at the dinner at Ina Garten's, episode, Kids in the Candy Store. It was a young couple who had 2 daughters around 6 and 8 and this was 13 years ago. The mother is a buyer for E.A.T. Gift Store in NYC. How I went from that to Zabar's faux lobster gate is beyond me!
But for Jon to be #2 on the list way above that Puck, UGH!
Guilt by association.
She'll let her "friends" know all about the #superfun celebration
probably around next Tuesday, after she recovers from her hangover.
They'll forgive her.
I'm betting she went away to someplace warm. The little ones had off on Thursday and all of them had no school on Friday. Bet she took a long weekend and went away so she wouldn't have to deal with them at home.
"OMG the sound of music songs she did at the Grammys brought tears to my eyes. Very talented! And isn't her boyfriend from Berks or Lancaster County?"
Yep. Right here in Lancaster County. He's a graduate of Lancaster Mennonite High School and attends church in the area when they are here. I've seen them a few times and both are as down-to-earth as can be, with no fanfare. The last time she was in church, one of the parishioners had a solo and Gaga wanted to tell her how much she enjoyed it, but couldn't find her after the service. She texted her to tell her how good it was. Can you see TFW doing that?
fidosmommy said... 151
JMO said......
in TFW's world, family is expendable for the sake of fame and $$. She will regret this one day
I can't imagine not choosing to have family around. I would give absolutely anything to have more time with my Dad, my Mom, my 2 sisters. They are all deceased. My other sibling lives thousands of miles away and I cherish every moment of our all too infrequent visits.
Throw these people away? Never on my wildest agenda. I regret I couldn't hold onto them for a lot longer.
Unless Kate truly was abused in some way, I don't understand her cutting family members out of her world.
I am very sorry for your losses, as you truly appreciated your family, and lost them far too early. As opposed to TFW cutting family out her life, when they did not agree with her choices, according to her. Her choice was to become a reality star, and anyone who did not agree, was cut out of her life. Never mind Jodi and Kevin, who did film, to help TFW out. Once TLC wanted to pay them to appear, they were gone, as no one was going to make money off her kids but HERSELF. She has cut so many good people out of her life, for sake of her own ego, it is hard to to understand this and how she thought this was a good choice.
Ego and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ? Kate was "the star." And it was never going to change. Even Jamie and Ashley had enough of her and note they never appeared again, as the show was ALL ABOUT KATE.
Says a lot.
Speaking of Lady Gaga, this is what she tweeted today on her birthday. She at least acknowledges her fans and their birthday wishes.
Lady Gaga @ladygaga · 45m 45 minutes ago
Thanku to so many fans and people all over the world for the beautiful birthday wishes! Please don't send me any gifts, your love is enough!
Lady Gaga @ladygaga · 42m 42 minutes ago
Instead of sending presents on my Bday it would truly mean the world if you made a simple donation to @BTWFoundation https://gaga.crowdrise.com
Lady Gaga @ladygaga · 30m 30 minutes ago
For my bday donate: https://gaga.crowdrise.com/ and support the wellness of youth. 10 ppl will receive a personal call from me to say thank u💗!
Wow, go Gaga!
Who is she to say no? She's Gaga, bitch!
You mean Lady Gaga did ask her fans to send her gifts, and say,
"Who am I to say no?"
Sometimes when you disconnect from every family member, friend, cousin, husband, etc... you have ever known, you lose your grounding.
Yes. I think humans benefit greatly from honest feedback and you get that from all those people. If you cut that off you lose the sort of checks and balances we all need. Kate has cut off a lot of people who could give her what she desperately needs. You can't usually get this from paid people, there's too much of a conflict of interest.
The world was not meant to go it alone. We function best when we go through it together.
Lady Gaga @ladygaga · 30m 30 minutes ago
For my bday donate: https://gaga.crowdrise.com/ and support the wellness of youth. 10 ppl will receive a personal call from me to say thank u��!
I believe this. She is very well thought of in this area. People who have met her in church, shopping, and around town have said that she's been nothing but courteous, friendly, unassuming. She just likes to "blend in." Locals don't say the same about Kate, regardless of what Milo says.
Kate is such a freak about birthdays especially her own so I'm gonna bet that she's doing it up real big for this one.
She'll let her "friends" know all about the #superfun celebration
probably around next Tuesday, after she recovers from her hangover.
I'm betting she will talk it up like all her 20 plus girlfriends did something huge for her, when the reality is, it was like her, Steve and Jamie, if that.
Welcome to 40 Kate. I would say this is when life begins, but in your case it really is all downhill from you.
Lady Gaga has emerged as one of the most genuine young celebs out there right now. Good for her. She was right, all that other stuff was just a character. She's just a kind, generous, bright, talented woman under it all.
I found the story about Lady Gaga at the UM church here...
Kate's 40 now-about time you realize your parents aren't going to be around forever.
I get that Kate has issued with her parents, but I don't think she was abused or neglected. I think the Kreider's just didn't treat Kate like the special little snowflake she is, and Kate was angered by the fact she had 4 other siblings who also needed attention.
Kate's parents left the picture when the rest of her family and most of her friends did-when it became all about the fame and money.
When Kate entered the "we can't go back" phase of her life, she tore cloth.
I think her family was just super strict and I agree she was not treated as something special.
I wonder if Gladys is en route to Kate's house to plant a great big sloppy kiss on her in person!
Where are all the adoring birthday wishes today on her Twitter?
Lady Gaga has emerged as one of the most genuine young celebs out there right now. 165
Not to mention CLASSY.
Lady Gaga has emerged as one of the most genuine young celebs out there right now. Good for her. She was right, all that other stuff was just a character. She's just a kind, generous, bright, talented woman under it all.
Yes, and I'll be the first to admit that when I initially saw some of her performances on the internet, I thought...she's really strange, and just didn't appeal to me. One of my friends said that she was going to a concert and I asked her why in the world she would waste her money on that!
Then she started dating a local guy, showed up around here and we heard nothing but positive reports about her, how kind she is, and so gracious to fans, that I thought...hmm...maybe time to change my mind. When I heard her on the Grammys, and the wonderful duets with Tony, I realized that she really is talented in addition to being a very friendly person.
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ 30s30 seconds ago
kateplusmy8 bitter busybodies still jealous that Kate is pretty, thin, has 💰, big house with land, 3 cars, & 8 beautiful kids that love her
And right there it is, from one of the slowest sheeple in the flock. The jealousy card, and it's about materialism. That's what they think is important...the big house with land, three cars, and everything else that goes along with $$. That's what they admire and because they obviously don't have it, they live through her.
Sheep, that is not what it's all about. You can be pretty, thin, and have all of what this person mentioned, but if you don't have family and friends and are not respected and you are as disliked as much as Kate, then you have nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's a lonely world out there even though she has those things. I wouldn't trade my life for her life for anything in the world.
Tucker's (#163), we made almost identical comments at the
exact same minute. Jinx - buy me a Rumspringa!
Still no tweet from the birthday girl? So 2 years in a row she's
left her "friends" out of the fun? Good thing they've set the bar
so low for her.
TLC stinks said... 168
Where are all the adoring birthday wishes today on her Twitter?
Last time I checked, they are all there. Nothing from her, though.
Lady Gaga has emerged as one of the most genuine young celebs out there right now. 165
Not to mention CLASSY.
Yes, Rhymes. That's exactly what a friend of mine said when she met her here...first words out of her mouth. She's so classy.
So we got a laundry list of superficial stuff about TFW. Does she feel
puffed up that that's how she's described? I'd rather be described
as kind, philanthropic, smart, hardworking, talented, interesting,
creative, curious, compassionate...all stuff that has to do with
the inside. And all of it attainable without having a dime.
Kate herself said on one of the more recent shows that in her next life she'd like to come back as one of her pets or one of her kids, but definitely not as herself.
Even she's not jealous of her own life.
Ah, the jealous card!
I don't want Kate's house-too big.
I have 3 cars.
Her kids are great, but I don't want them.
Tucker's Mom said... 144
I think calling Kate Godzilla is perfect. She destroys everything in her path.
Katezilla! LOL
Layla said... 119
TLC has another new show starting on May 5, called Meet the WIllis Family. It's about a family with 14 kids. There is also something called "Setup as a Terrorist", which looks like maybe a scripted drama, but there aren't enough details to really tell.
I did some googling, and it looks like "Setup as a Terrorist" is reality, or maybe a "reality reconstruction" or at the very least "based on a true story" using real names.
It's about Shannon Rogers and her husband Nathan Richardson. I'd never heard of them before, but from the google results they look real.
I believe the Willis Clan has been mentioned here before. They seem to be a takeoff on the Duggars, but with talent. Twelve kids, all with names starting with J.
I think the Kreider's just didn't treat Kate like the special little snowflake she is, and Kate was angered by the fact she had 4 other siblings who also needed attention. 170
Precious little snowflake. - perfect.
I agree with you.
Yup, all day and not a thank-you from Kate. She'll thank them at some point, and they'll just give her a pass, again.
Very classy of Gaga to not only direct her fans to donate to charity for her birthday, but she is going to call 10 of them in person.
Flimsy (177): "Still no tweet from the birthday girl? So 2 years in a row she's left her "friends" out of the fun? Good thing they've set the bar
so low for her."
Talk about setting the bar low! How low can you go?
Sarah Masse @Masse_Sarah 52m52 minutes ago
Happy Birthday to my inspiration in life! @Kateplusmy8 ❤️❤️❤️
I think the Kreider's just didn't treat Kate like the special little snowflake she is, and Kate was angered by the fact she had 4 other siblings who also needed attention. 170
Based on Kate's own comments, I tend to agree.
In particular her snide remarks about not getting a chance to taste lobster as a child.
Guess what, tasting lobster is not an essential childhood experience. If you are able to have it, great, if not, it's not that big of a deal. Maybe it was too expensive for the family, or maybe her parents knew her and knew she would spit it out. Or maybe they felt that would be spoiling her even if they did have the money.
Either way, it's incredible that a 40 year old woman can't accept her parents' decision not to feed the special snowflake the best of delicacies at age 10, and just move on.
Sometimes it's better to put such things off until later in life anyway, when you can actually appreciate them. It's also incredible that she doesn't have an understanding of that either.
Guess what, tasting lobster is not an essential childhood experience. If you are able to have it, great, if not, it's not that big of a deal. Maybe it was too expensive for the family, or maybe her parents knew her and knew she would spit it out. Or maybe they felt that would be spoiling her even if they did have the money.
Kate's a hypocrite. If TLC wasn't footing the bill, there would be no lobster lunch and personal lobster delivery.
This is the mom that won't allow her children to order their own meal and makes them split 4 ways!
It just goes to show how far she goes when holding a grudge.
If that's what she needs to tell herself it's OK that she's cut her parents out of her life, then so be it.
Has anyone ever thought TFW has Histrionic Personality Disorder? relative who is a professional counselor gave me some information on how to deal with another relative who has it reading, I instantly thought of TFW:
A person with this disorder might also:
•Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
•Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior
•Shift emotions rapidly
•Act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
•Be overly concerned with physical appearance
•Constantly seek reassurance or approval
•Be gullible and easily influenced by others
•Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
•Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
•Not think before acting
•Make rash decisions
•Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
•Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
•Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention
Any of these sound familiar??
Yup, all day and not a thank-you from Kate. She'll thank them at some point, and they'll just give her a pass, again.
Maybe she's in the throes of foot-licking ecstasy and is too excited to tweet.
Ah, the jealous card!
I don't want Kate's house-too big.
I have 3 cars.
Her kids are great, but I don't want them.
I had a house larger than Kate's and sold it -- too big.
I had land, lots of land -- didn't need all of the maintenance and monthly mowing, plowing bills, and didn't use much of the land.
I had a four-car garage, ATTACHED to the house and didn't have to walk outside in the bad weather to get into the car.
I have a pool and a leather sofa and appliances that work.
I have children, love them with all my heart, but don't want any more.
I am thin and I don't starve myself or pick at salads -- don't want to get any thinner
I am not unattractive -- don't have a turkey neck and don't need botox.
I have blond hair, age-appropriate length, not fried, no receding hairline, in great condition. I don't look like the Cowardly Lion
I have boobs, but they don't hang around my waist.
I have a bellybutton, and it's exactly at the place where it should be.
I don't, however, have a Winnie tattoo, but I'm not jealous of Kate's.
I don't have a flying monkey, but I'll pass on that. Too much of an expense to have it groomed, and I wouldn't know what to feed it if it doesn't eat mac and cheese and salad.
Come to think of it, Kate should be jealous of me.
Has anyone ever thought TFW has Histrionic Personality Disorder? relative who is a professional counselor gave me some information on how to deal with another relative who has it reading, I instantly thought of TFW:
Yes, I'm remembering that someone had posted this before and she seemed to have most, if not all, of those things mentioned. They certainly do seem to apply to her.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 191
Yup, all day and not a thank-you from Kate. She'll thank them at some point, and they'll just give her a pass, again.
Maybe she's in the throes of foot-licking ecstasy and is too excited to tweet.
I was expecting her to at least tweet her *friends* a cryptic 'cant wait 2show U what Ive been up2. U will B so surprised!
#hangontoyourhats! '
But nope. She won't even spit in their direction today. They don't get it. They just don't get it. lol
Any of these sound familiar??
Yes, especially that acting dramatic. Kate on her basement thrown! The exaggerated facial expression, darting eyes and flicking fingers. She thinks it's cute or entertaining, and she just looks so...weird and oddly aware of herself.
Maybe she's in the throes of foot-licking ecstasy and is too excited to tweet. 191
I had a similar thought. Pass the brain bleach please.
I don't have a flying monkey, but I'll pass on that. Too much of an expense to have it groomed, and I wouldn't know what to feed it if it doesn't eat mac and cheese and salad.
HA! Yeah, I don't want one either. As a married woman, it's a non starter.
. Kate on her basement thrown!
Oops, throne.
Rhymes with Witch said... 196
Maybe she's in the throes of foot-licking ecstasy and is too excited to tweet. 191
I had a similar thought. Pass the brain bleach please.
It's way down on the other side of the veranda so it may take a while. Here, have a rumspringa with me while we wait.
I was expecting her to at least tweet her *friends* a cryptic 'cant wait 2show U what Ive been up2. U will B so surprised!
#hangontoyourhats! '
But nope. She won't even spit in their direction today. They don't get it. They just don't get it. lol
Oh, it's coming. The obtuse message that she had a great time, she's exhausted, blah blah blah.
In other words, lots of words, zero meaning. But, her sheep will respond, "that's great, Kate!!!!", as if they have a f*cking clue what she's talking about.
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