Friday, April 24, 2015

Recap: Celebrity Apprentice Episode 8 the finale

It's time for the Apprentice finale with a live audience. The announcer sounds half bored and not at all impressed that this will be live. Over at ABC their announcer always sounds like he's about to stroke out whenever they dare to go live he's so excited about it.

Four flipping degrees outside? #yeahthatswhyimoved

There's Trump's kid Barron, his youngest. He must be about eight. He is such a good looking kid like all the Trump kids. He looks like a walking advertisement for the Hamptons. Trump is quite the eccentric, but in the spawn department he really did well.

Trump emerges from some cheap sliding doors like he just got a makeover. I think they borrowed those from The Biggest Loser. No makeover this time, he looks exactly the same though less orange when it's live.

He joins Ivanka and Trump Jr. at the boardroom table and starts talking about how wonderfully amazing the show is, giving himself credit for it all.  This is such good bad T.V.

As is usual for the live finale we will be skipping back and forth to the not-so-live final challenge in Florida. Recall from last time, Leeza and Geraldo were in the midst of making promotional packages for Universal Studios.

Last week I ran into a friend of mine who lives in the Hollywood Hills and she mentioned that the daughter of a friend of hers babysits for none other than crazy I-an! I mentioned crazy I-an was kind of crazy on Celebrity Apprentice but that I thought it might be just a character he was playing for more screen time and just because he can. She immediately agreed and said he's, according to her friend, completely normal and very nice, treats her daughter well and is not crazy at all. Well, that's a seriously gigantic relief.

They do a long recap of what happened last time. See my previous recap, hehe! Olivia Newton-John's accent is so lovely. I call it Australian elegance. Leeza can get away with saying she's going to win because she's actually going to. When Kate has said nonsense like that in the past it's just embarrassing. I like that two entertainment journalists are the finalists. It seems more fun when they're both sort of from the same world. I can't even imagine how inept Kate would be at this final task.

We pick up with Geraldo where we last left off. Recall he's using some child actors who were somehow misplaced, like you might lose your keys. They're still fumbling around trying to sort this all out. Lorenzo is trying to explain to Geraldo they have very limited time to do a great number of things and really need to haul it. Geraldo doesn't seem to care and calls this marching to a different beat. I call it Lorenzo understanding what a tight production schedule is. Geraldo takes over Lorenzo's duties because he thinks there can be only one captain of the ship. True, but shouldn't it be the person who knows what they're doing? Like Lorenzo. By the way Lorenzo was doing great, naturally, and can pretty much just shake his head at this point. They round up the kids and start filming some little spots. Geraldo's not very good with the kids, telling them things like "don't rest on your laurels." What the hell kid knows what that means? What the hell adult knows what that means for that matter! I know someone who has chosen to work with kids who talks like that. I scratch my head every day wondering if they realize how bad they are with kids. Kids don't know what you're saying, and that's not how you build rapport.

Over at Leeza's team they're at the cool Harry Potter section, where they're blocking out a scene for their commercial about an uptight dad.

Leeza forgot to account for Kevin Jonas who is attracting a bunch of fans ogling at him, which is starting to get in the way of production. Jonas brother saves the day though and asks his fans to please move along, and they do, just like little Jonas sheeple. I guess I have to admit that Jonas brother is doing a decent job directing the commercial. It looks like he is just systematically getting everything organized and shooting the shots they planned. The reality is under these time constraints it's more important that you get all the footage you need rather than it's an Oscar worthy performance. He understands that and he's delivering for Leeza. Good for him. Leeza goes on ahead to start editing and trusts Jonas brother to finish the last few shots. This makes Jonas brother and his huge head feel very good. But that's the thing, Leeza understands what makes somebody difficult to work with like Jonas brother become somebody easy to work with. In other words, she is a good manager who can manage anyone and play to their strengths. This is why she is a far superior choice as the winner, there is no close call this season whatsoever.

Back at Geraldo's team, Geraldo announces that as soon as Lorenzo just accepted Geraldo is in charge things went so much smoother. For Geraldo I guess. The truth is Lorenzo very reluctantly let him be in charge only because he's the boss, and Lorenzo thinks Geraldo's going to screw this whole thing up if he doesn't want to put his ego aside for one moment and trust somebody who knows what they are doing like Leeza trusts Jonas brother. Lorenzo is right, Geraldo is wrong, but this time Lorenzo doesn't have a dog in this fight so it's not worth trying to stop this clusterfuck.

Geraldo calls himself iconic, and I love that the producers let us hear the sound from the live studio audience, because they burst out laughing. They're laughing at you Geraldo. Lol.

Lorenzo says Geraldo is a pain in the ass, lol, but admits his energy is pretty endless. Yeah, I've noticed that with many celebs. I think your energy level has to be that high if you want to make it in this business, because so much of your success depends on whether you can outwork that other person who wants the role. That's why you always hear bizarro workaholic stories about how people like Meryl Streep sold all her personal belongings and went to go live in Poland for six months where she wandered the streets of Krakow every day eating sauerkraut sandwiches and making idle conversation with the locals until she had the accent perfected. I don't know if she did exactly that but I'm sure it was close enough, and you get my point.

Ah, the great Joan Rivers. I miss her midas touch on this live finale already.

The child actors are cute I guess, but Geraldo as Harry Potter is so creepy just as expected. Geraldo drinking butter beer dressed as Harry Potter comes across like the beginning of a really kinky porno. It's just not good.

Just before commercial break they show us the live backstage area where the has-been contestants are waiting. Kate is making duck lips while Terrell takes a selfie of them. Oh, Doofus, duck lips are so 2013. Also I love that she is so chummy with deadbeat dad of the year. He himself admits he can't be bothered to see his children because he's too busy. I think she's just ignorant (due to laziness), both to his history of treating his four baby mamas and their children like absolute crap, and to why it would be hypocritical of her to be so buddy-buddy with someone like him. Kate is so darn lazy she can't even bother to read the Wikipedia entries on her fellow contestants. Smart contestants going on this show do their research on their competition to try to find out where their opponents strengths and weaknesses are, as well as figure out who they should associate, and not associate with. I remember hearing somewhere, maybe it was in her documentary, that when Joan Rivers was on this show she had a gigantic three ringed notebook filled with information on the competition. Naturally, she won her season.

We're back! Trump introduces his family, and they show Barron again next to his mom. Melania looks really ticked off about something. At first I thought she didn't realize the cameras were on her and was just bored, but then when he says her name she must know yet she still can't barely manage the tiniest of smiles and won't even clap when everyone else around her is. Haha, Trump's in the dog house. Probably drank straight from the milk carton again.

Whoosh, and we're back to Florida again. For some reason I just pictured those cool Indiana Jones maps from the movies with a little bi-plane going down from New York to Florida. What business Indiana Jones would have in Florida I don't know.

Geraldo begins editing his commercial, and mercifully he's letting Lorenzo and the other two figure that out. Thank goodness. He works the phones to get his entertainment lined up, Tony Orlando. He is very moved that Tony is going to help him out, especially since Tony has a disabled sister.

Speaking for my generation, with all due respect to Leeza and Geraldo, I don't know who Tony Orlando is and the only reason I know who Olivia Newton-John is, is because Grease made a very small, very brief comeback when I was a kid (anyone remember it being re-released and going to see it?), and also because of a complete coincidence, I know a few of her friends. I just don't know that this sort of entertainment is going to interest anyone under 40.

Back at Leeza's team, she's leading the editing. Brandi and Jonas brother return from filming and they've brought churros! Churros!  By the way, have you seen these?

Yes, that is a churro ice cream sandwich. It speaks for itself; nothing more need be said about that.

I respect that Jonas brother is really trying to help Leeza make this the best that it can be. He doesn't have to work so hard on something of little consequence to him. I like him a teeny, tiny bit better than I used to.

Ian ends up really liking Geraldo's commercial, but says it's all about Geraldo. He wouldn't have done it that way. I agree with him, that was the wrong approach. It's awkward and self-serving, and the Harry Potter thing really doesn't work. Like, borderline weird porno really doesn't work.

Leeza's happy with her commercial too, she thinks it's upbeat. Brandi reports Brandi's raised $17,000, so that's a good start and not bad for a reality star. Leeza's worried though about Geraldo's fundraising. I think she should just not vex herself about that. Geraldo will always beat her on fundraising, there's nothing she can do about it. Better to focus her efforts on all the other things that she can do better.

Back in the studio in New York, it's time to bring out the losing celebs, woo hoo! They come out in order of being fired. We have Keisha, Gilbert, Jamie, the true deadbeat dad Terrell, Kate, who is dressed appropriately in what I would call a nude-gold sheath dress, and crazy Kenya Moore.

On a side note, there was a time when Kate dressed completely inappropriately, remember those days? I'm always going to be curious who or what made her stop that nonsense and start dressing her age. Because you don't go just like that from looking like a two bit hooker at the Reading Amtrak station to someone about to give a Ted Talk on overcoming adversity. Trump introduces her as American's most famous mom. I almost gasp until he adds, of eight. Lol, well sure, that's true. I like that he doesn't describe her as a reality star or anything like that. His description is accurate, she is a famous, or rather infamous, mom of eight. That's all she ever was, and apparently all she ever will be. Suck it, Kate.

Heh, Trump asks Kenya if she is a nice person. Can I answer that? No, she's a thief and a pathological liar. Trump certainly has no problem being blunt, so how come he won't ask Kate if she's a nice person?

Commercials! In New York, Trump has over the commercial break become "America's boss." Wow, guess we'll all be punching in with him on Monday.

Back in Florida, I don't know what is happening, but there appears to be some kind of red carpet event where you're standing in line. Geraldo says he can still get it up. Ew. I hate when old people make sex jokes. Just no.

Some rich people are sort of gathered in a big room with a few tables around, some posters, and a bunch of those weird aliens from Despicable Me who look like giant yellow horse pills with eyes. I guess they are collecting money because Geraldo and Leeza are suddenly shouting out donation numbers as people hand them checks. It seems to me Geraldo has an unfair advantage bringing in all his friends from Fox, it's all big business rich Republicans!

A limo pulls up and the soundtrack is some over the top Prince Valiant's coronation type thing with trumpets and snare drums as Trump steps out of the car. Trump is too much. You know he picked that music. The Transformers introduce Leeza and Geraldo. Those movies are so stupid, and somebody in post production turned up the yellows and blues on them so high you feel like you need sunglasses just to make it through.

Also I can never see a transformer without remembering the jingle from their old cartoon from the 80's. "Transformers: Robots in disguise! Buh-bum!!" No woman my age didn't have a bunch of guy friends or a brother our ages who, back in the day, couldn't be torn away from their T.V.'s between the hour of 8:30 and 9 on a Saturday morning because of "Transformers: Robots in disguise! Transformers: More than meets the eye!" (Wow, that's like Milo-level poetry.) In googling the show to see what is out there about it, I see they've done a reboot of it that just started this year. Oh, please no. Another generation of boys sucked into that useless vortex. Even if the new movies were any good, which they're not, I don't think I could like them anyway due to that jingle stuck in my head for thirty years.

Geraldo is stumbling all over everyone's names and occupations. Wait, is he sloshed? The other contestants look like they're asking themselves the same question. He correctly calls Ian I-an, but says I-an Zerling. Okay, John Travolta.

"Thanks so much for that, Geraldo-doe," Ian quips. Haha, funny. Like pig latin. You can tell I-an's pissed as hell somebody would dare insult his ego by flubbing his name, especially Geraldo. I-an has daggers in his eyes. Bit scary.

Leeza thinks Geraldo's commercial is professional but too Geraldo heavy. Yes. Some of the execs seem to like it. No one has said this, but I also think the concept of kids going off to one part of the park to enjoy something while the parents go off to enjoy another is a little odd. Most families are not going to spend that much money to happily leave their kids to go frolic off at the other end of the park. Usually families are here on vacation, and they want to enjoy the experience with the kids. Maybe when they're older.

I still don't know who Tony Orlando is, but he shares an inspiring story about his sister who has cerebral palsy and is "mentally retarded." I remember some people on here insisting awhile back that term is no longer acceptable, but I can attest that acceptable or not, the term is still in heavy use among medical professionals, social workers and even by families of those with mental disabilities, as evidenced here when Tony says it.

The Willowbrook mental institution story is a tragic one, but it's also been almost thirty years since they closed their doors forever. I've never understood why Geraldo keeps referring to Willowbrook like he just got it shut down or something. In fact there's been so much de-institutionalization since the 80's, some people who maybe actually need a more formal setting have been turned to the streets and dangerous and even deadly incidents have resulted. Mental health in this country is a controversial issue that's for sure, but Geraldo even being a journalist never really goes any deeper than his tag lines about it.

Leeza is probably one of the best public speakers I've ever seen. She breezes through her presentation. She's so good. Oh, don't tell Donald he changed your life, that just encourages him. I think her commercial is so much better, it has a story with a beginning, middle and end, about an overbearing and too organized dad. It has just the right touch of Leeza, with Leeza doing the voiceover. "Fun is your only agenda" is a good tagline and modern.

Leeza shows a wonderful photo of her hugging her mom. Aw. She speaks eloquently about how tragic Alzheimer's is. Leeza thanks Trump for giving her a platform for her charity. There is nothing insincere about this lovely woman and her cause. She believes in what she's doing mind, body and soul.

There's the dated entertainment Olivia Newton-John, but at least she sings a song "everybody knows" except me I guess, "Magic." Seriously, never heard of it. Vivica gets the live audience laughing when she says she has a girl crush on Olivia. Who doesn't? I don't much know her songs but even I have to admit there's something about her that is very crushable. Commercials.

We're back, and oh, no, I guess Trump must have flubbed Kiesha Knight's name earlier and feels he needs to correct it. What, did he say Kuh-Night or something? Oh, I guess he flubbed her other last name nobody knows or ever calls her by. Who cares. Trump cuts her off as she tries to thank him for helping her charity, lol, to shamelessly plug Miss Universe. Ha, Miss Universe drops an anvil hint she wants to be on next season's Apprentice, lol. There's a next season? Woo-hoo!

It's boardroom time, and because Lorenzo is a gentleman he starts saying Geraldo did a great job. Trump brings up that Geraldo flubbed all over introducing Lorenzo. Remember that was during that part where I was wondering if Geraldo might be drunk. Awkward.

Lol, I-an finally gives up and is like whatever just call me Ian (E-an). Ha, that's great. Sometimes it's just not worth having a name like that and he finally reached that point. We did a great job, blah blah, says Vivica. Geraldo is driven. Well, so are most celebs and most of this cast except Terrell, Kate and maybe Shawn. Ha, Geraldo has a conspiracy theory Trump intentionally put Ian and Lorenzo on his team to screw with him. It's no conspiracy theory, Geraldo. It's just ratings.

Brandi is gracious as usual and explains why Leeza is the greatest, which she is. Kevin did a great job too, I reluctantly have to concede. Kevin has developed a lisp between now and the last time we saw him. Odd.

I get bored with Geraldo and Leeza going on about how they won even though they have no problem with their opponents. I notice that Leeza's boobs look pretty natural for her age, I don't think she's had any work done. Then I feel weird staring at her boobs, lol. But it really catches your eye when a celeb is so real! Forgive my boob ogling.

The exec's thought it was a good idea to have Geraldo as the celebrity endorsement. They did? I thought that whole thing was strange. Ivanka is either really sick or trying to sound sultry. I'm not sure which. The executives had exactly the same issue I had with the commercial, wow. They said it was weird to have the children and adults separate at the park when the park is supposed to be about family! Right?

The exec's loved Leeza's voiceover and presentation. They loved Olivia Newton-John, surprisingly, though I think they're her demographic, so. They wanted more celebrity in the video? I would have thought relying too heavily on celebrity endorsements is not very creative. It's the easy way out. If I were doing this final task I wouldn't risk falling back on something that easy, I'd be afraid of being accused of not thinking outside the box. They also weren't exactly crazy about the uptight dad story either. I must not know anything because I thought her commercial was great. Oh well.

I almost forgot Kate was even here until I see a tiny portion of her body sitting next to Kenya, the one the closeup shot is on as we cut to commercial. Lol. Ego crushed! Leeza actually ended up raising a lot more than Geraldo, more than $300,000 or something. Wow, Geraldo barely tried or has exhausted his donors or something. If I were Leeza I would never have thought 300k was enough to beat him. Lucky her.

The other contestants come out to the live show. Haha, Brandi is a Real Housewives "sensation"! Lol, suck it, Kate. I just love when Brandi gets much better introductions or descriptions than Kate just because she's most comparable to Kate. No offense meant to Brandi.

Lorenzo is a god. That is all.

Yeah, let's revisit the phone-gate thing, bring it on. That was pretty wild. Lol, the audience is laughing throughout most of it. It was terribly funny as badly as I felt for Vivica. I loved her "low-down dirty bird" comment. That was great.

You're kidding, Kenya is still denying she ever stole the phone. I want to put her on trial Game of Thrones style with a panel of three judges who hate her and she's only allowed to ask one question the whole proceeding. That would be good justice for the shitty thing she did to Vivica.

"I did not take Vivica's phone, but I wish I had!!"

This is the one time I don't mind Kate's over the top smug faces she's making in the background. Kenya really is ridiculous and pretty much everyone at home is making similar faces. Trump believes Kenya's lies why?

Brandi looks just gorgeous tonight. She's got a bunch of hair extensions but they look good. Brandi says what anyone who knows how to play Clue would say, it has to be either Kenya or her makeup artist, as they were the only people with access to the library. Er, war room  Well, I'm sorry if that pisses Kenya off but it's true, there's not a lot of other suspects. It's not the boys, no man would tweet something so catty, they don't have it in them even if they wanted to.

Trump does a funny montage with Gilbert Gottfried. He totally is a love him or hate him guy, lol. He's hit and miss with me, but I did think his "mein fuhrer" comment to Trump was pretty funny even if it didn't much make sense. Much of what that man says doesn't quite make sense.

Gilbert says he gave up because he's going through menopause. Ha, that's sort of a clever tie in with Vivica, nice.

Geraldo and Leeza finally join the live show and take a seat at the table. Trump is surprised Leeza made it this far? Wtf? I think most people saw within about ten minutes of this show she would be in the final two, she was that good. I don't know what took Trump so long. You can tell Leeza thinks that's a ridiculous comment but since Leeza has the self-control of a jungle cat stalking her prey, she politely says she's happy to surprise him. 

They do a montage of how hard Geraldo is to work with, lol. Kate had made a rather helpful comment during this, that Geraldo was like a snowball growing so big until he's out of control. That's not a bad description of him. It's like if you don't rein him in right away when he's just a snowflake, he's quickly off to Never-Never Land again and you'll never bring him back.  I forgot the way Geraldo was all Brian Williams-y on this show claiming he was shot at, knifed and stuff. 

Lol, Jonas brother hated him. That was so funny, especially Jonas brother's five second rule that didn't have to do with dropping food on the floor but rather, apparently, when you're allowed to interrupt a conversation. Lol. Trump says maybe he shouldn't have fired Jonas brother. Well, let's not go that far, Trump.  

Haha, Brandi says she adores Geraldo because she never had to work with him, but she wants Leeza to win. Johnny and Jonas brother want Leeza to win too.

It's not rocket science why Leeza is a good manager and did well in this game. She explains she avoids the drama and stays focused. There's no special secret to it, but those two things are surprisingly very hard for many people.

Leeza's Care Connection, which is located in a Los Angeles hospital, is a lovely carved out space for caregiver support groups to meet. Some of the caregivers are filmed hanging out with Leeza and Leeza tells them she's going to be able to open another Care Connection in her hometown in South Carolina. I'm crying. She just hopes she's been as courageous as her mom and done her proud. You have, Leeza. You have.

Okay Geraldo, top that. Hehe.

Geraldo goes to some care center for those with autism and other developmentally disabled. He really can't say autistic. Gah, it's not artistic, it's autistic, Geraldo. No R. I guess it's kind of touching how proud Geraldo is of his story on Willowbrook back in the day. He finally admits it was four decades ago. Some of the residents are painting. All the paintings are really vibrant and awesome, I want one! This center seems very welcoming and peaceful, almost like a laid back community college. Very nice.

Geraldo blathers around and around for a long time about how this is the way we should treat the mentally ill. Alternative care is great I'm not against that, but it needs to be understood it won't work for everyone, and that some people need a more restrictive setting. I don't find it helpful to our national mental health crisis to act as if Geraldo here has found the simple solution. Some patients could sadly not function in that group art class, but for those who can, this place is great.

Oh great, Twitter questions! Haha, just kidding, this is super boring. Don't quit until you succeed (Or you could quit things you suck at and just do what you're good at, says Malcom Gladwell.) Hit targets. Vivica thinks it's fine she quit because the two finalists were the best.

Does anyone have any questions for Kate? Bueller? Bueller? No takers? Lol, she hasn't said a word this entire episode. It's like she's not even here.

Melissa Rivers comes out to a standing ovation. That's nice. Melissa has kind of weird gestures and body language, I've noticed. Even though she's very petite, she moves like one might if they were way too tall, sort of awkward and hunched. Melissa was an integral part of the greatest Apprentice shit show firing in their history and I don't think I will ever forget the image of her cursing and hobbling around in that boot "bitch-whore!," so I thank her for the laughs when it comes to that.

Finally a nice tribute to Joan with inspirational music and Joan just being Joan the legend that she is. Sinbad, a comedian who was pretty popular in the 90's, says she took the time to let him know she thought he was funny, and that it meant the world to him.

For all of Joan's reliance on jokes at the expense of others and her cutthroat work ethic, story after story demonstrates that it was all just part of her act, and that she loved and loved her fellow man, and then loved some more. She especially was supportive of people's aspirations whatever that was, she handed out praise freely when it was due, and she gave and gave to charity. AIDS charities held a special place in her heart, because the epidemic personally touched dear friends of hers many times. She will be missed.

Kenya, who should win? America, does anyone care what Kenya thinks? Didn't think so. Kenya, the expression is not "that speaks loudly." The expression is, "that speaks volumes." #Dolt.

Of course Kate wants Geraldo to win even though she admits she worked with Leeza equally. Leeza, recall, helped Kate WIN when Kate was PM and screwing everything up. But that sort of "debt" means nothing to Kate even though most normal well-socialized people would just say Leeza after what she did to save her, whether you really believe it or not.

Ironically, Kate appreciates that Geraldo called a spade a spade. Of course don't call Kate the garden tool that she is or she freaks out. Ironically, Kate probably doesn't want Leeza to win because it was obvious Leeza saw right through her and correctly wrote her off as dead weight from day one. If there is one thing Kate is aware of is when the jig is up on pulling the wool over someone else's eyes. She knows.

Only Kenya, Kate and Gilbert want Geraldo to win, hehe. Kate is too stubborn to just fly under the radar, not be an asshat, and go with the overwhelming majority who want the correct choice, Leeza.

Leeza is "high functioning" Geraldo says, and doesn't understand why the audience is laughing. People like him often don't understand why the laughter, hehe. Leeza's like uh, thanks for that. I think? "High functioning," lol.

What is Geraldo even talking about? He flutters around in circles, squares, and triangles until Trump finally cuts him off. Geez, no offense but I'd hate to be his kid. He's the type of dad who will lecture you for an hour about how when he was a kid, what he did, what he didn't do, what he should have done, what his dad was like, how times were different, how times were the same, blah-blah-blah, when all you really need to hear from him is "Honey, just don't forget your homework again, okay?"

Leeza won the final task, woo-hoo. That bodes well for the big win. Leeza thinks she should win because she had integrity and played a smart game, and has never been called back in the boardroom. Plus she has a shit ton of wins and very few losses. She once even saved Geraldo's ass. She saved Kate's too, and others, though that's not as relevant. I like when she speaks for the simple fact that I can understand what she's saying. I took that for granted how nice that is this season.

Trump confirms NBC will renew Apprentice. Happy happy joy joy!!!

Ivanka was impressed with Geraldo's fund-raising abilities, and Leeza's quiet grace and elegance. She likes both candidates. Trump Jr. liked them both too.

As for Trump he thinks Geraldo is smart (eh, that's debatable) and good at raising money. Leeza led with kindness. Trump is still trying to wrap his mind around that leadership style. You can tell he finds it perplexing. In the end though he picks who most people wanted, Leeza!!! Yeah!

Confetti everywhere. Some sound guy forgot to turn off the mics near the confetti machines and so all you hear the last 30 seconds is "shhhwoooooosh!!!!!!" as the confetti pours out. Hehe. Everybody is hugging and Brandi is so cutely excited for her BFF. Kate finally comes over and Leeza says "thanks for nothing, bitch." Haha, just kidding. I wish. Instead Leeza goes in for a polite hug but, oh shit! Kate totally burns her and just before the hug can happen points Leeza over to her hubby off to the side to go hug him. What the f just happened??? I think that was a hug burn! Cold!!!

Kate said one thing this whole episode, not counting the one thing she said in an old clip. Haha, karma, doofus.

Well, it's been a grand time everyone. These long episodes were at times challenging to recap but always fun. I love television, I'm not ashamed to say that. I love good television, of which there is a lot of good T.V. right now, but I also love guilty pleasure T.V. like this, especially when it's done well, as this is.

Some shows are just shows, but Apprentice sort of means a bit more to me than most shows, because I remember when it was a gigantic hit when I was a first year in law school, back in the Omarosa days, and I was studying all the time or in class all the time or stressed out all the time and had very little time for T.V. One of my professors, kind as she was, had our whole class over to her house for dinner and to watch The Apprentice. Mind you this is like 80 people in a class, because most law school classes are about 80 people. We all showed up. She had a pretty big house and backyard and we all managed to fit pretty comfortably actually. I realize now she wasn't just doing it to be hospitable to her new crop of students, but also she did it to give us an evening to relax without fear somebody else in the class was home studying and we were falling behind somebody else by allowing ourselves one night off. If you haven't heard, your first year of law school plays all kinds of paranoid head games like that with you; oh it's fun.

Anyway, we really had a great time watching Apprentice together, laughing, joking and discussing it. It was a few hours out of our busy lives where we could just relax a little bit and not worry so much about grades and exams and what the future held. Television brings people together sometimes, as cheesy as that sounds. It can relax you and make you more open with people who maybe you don't know that well, or are the competition, or what have you. Watching this show that night with my classmates calmed me a bit, gave me perspective, and made me realize it's important to allow yourself to have "guilty pleasure" moments like this no matter how crazy life gets. Thank you, Trump, and I hope you do get another season. It's well deserved.

1491 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

Great recap Admin. Thanks for doing it.

Did anybody watch the two hour Bruce Jenner special? I thought it was great and I wish him well.

redbird said... 2

Posting really soon. You weren't kidding! lol

getofftwitter said... 3

Sherry Baby: Bird poop in cage is one place where the poop should be. And you are to clean the cage 1-2 times a week. Not in left-over containers, lined with plastic bags, all over the house, according to Kate. You know her version of bird toilets. And the fact that birds also step in their own poop when they are in their own cage, and this bird according to Kate is potty trained to poop in it's cage. I have birds and I can tell you that even a trained bird will poop if it is: stressed, spooked, scared, sick etc. I would not want to eat at her house, cause, according to Kate the bird has accidents from time to time, that means, this bird has probably shit on the counter, the floor, the table, on the furniture, and has shit on Kate a few times(which is OK by me). Now if this bird is touched all the time as we had seen, when Kate was decorating the cake, and Kate did not wash her hands, and this bird also flew into the cake, I would not want to eat at her house. It is the same thing as those people who do not wash their hands after they go to the bathroom. Kate let's the bird walk all over the kitchen & other rooms. ~ Administrator said... 4

Redbird that's because my definition of "coming soon" is a normal person's.

getofftwitter said... 5

Leslie: I watch most of the 1st hour: I thought it sucked, was too long, got boring, should have been half hour and Bruce was wishy-washy in his answers. I could not watch anymore, cause when he started to say: being honest, honestly, and could not make up his mind what he is, it reminded me of how Kate talks. I posted on last thread, one of the last posts. An hour of my life I will not get back. JMO

Anonymous said... 6

I watched the Bruce Jenner interview and (as a Canadian) I was most surprised that he said he is a Conservative Republican. I wonder if the defective detective will be commenting on that.


Rhymes with Witch said... 7

Bruce was wishy-washy in his answers. 5

I wonder if his equivocating (based on comments here, I did not watch) had anything to do with kris' alleged threats to sue him for defamation.

Dmasy said... 8

7 ladies from our little neighborhood gathered to watch Bruce and Dianne. Margarita drinks were involved.

The questions were more direct and detailed than I expected them to be.

I don't think I was enlightened or educated. But then again, margaritas were involved.

Sue_Buddy said... 9

Margarita drinks were involved.


Margaritas should always be involved when watching anything to do with Jenners, Kardashians or any of the other fame whoring D-list, talentless, daft wee maggots.

PA Dutch Mom said... 10

I don't think I was enlightened or educated. But then again, margaritas were involved.


Do they have the same effect as Rumspringa? ~ Administrator said... 11

I'm surprised more celebs aren't Republicans, since that's the party that is fine with you keeping most of your riches. I haven't watched it yet but I kind of have a bit of respect for him for admitting that. ~ Administrator said... 12

7 ladies from our little neighborhood gathered to watch Bruce and Dianne. Margarita drinks were involved.


Bruce and Diane were drinking margaritas? Or you and your lady friends were? Or both?

You specifically had friends over to watch this? Lol. ;) ~ Administrator said... 13

Ok I'm watching. "Bruce Jenner:The interview" is a little over the top for a title. Though I don't know if you call it Bruce Jenner: WTF is going on.

He's a terribly ugly woman but if that's what he wants go for it. He looks like he's really struggling with how to explain all this and where to go with his life. I wonder if he considered maybe NOT telling his story, that he didn't have to do such a thing or owes anyone an explanation.

You know what I've noticed with people who struggle with gender issues is every single person says they knew when they are practically toddlers. Bruce said the same.

Sherry Baby said... 14

Sherry Baby: Bird poop in cage is one place where the poop should be. And you are to clean the cage 1-2 times a week. Not in left-over containers, lined with plastic bags, all over the house, according to Kate. You know her version of bird toilets. And the fact that birds also step in their own poop when they are in their own cage, and this bird according to Kate is potty trained to poop in it's cage. I have birds and I can tell you that even a trained bird will poop if it is: stressed, spooked, scared, sick etc.

I have birds, too...a Timneh, and an Amazon who has just learned the words to "You Are My Sunshine." I have had birds all of my life. I do not let them poop in containers, but they do poop in their cages, and neither I, nor my friends, have any problem eating in my home. If her birds go in containers around the house and those are dumped and cleaned regularly I really don't see a problem with that. There's no difference in pooping in their cages in an area that is in close proximity to the kitchen.

If, however, the bird poops on counter tops and she doesn't disinfect, that would be a big red flag. Regardless, birds should not be left out of their cages unsupervised and it sounds like this is exactly what Kate has been doing. I'm just afraid that Zorro will meet with an accident one of these days. It's an untimely injury or death that bound to happen. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to bird safety.

One of these days she's going to stuff that bird down her shirt, it's going to get spooked, chomp through her "girls," and there will be a massive explosion. The boobs, not the bird.

Sue_Buddy said... 15 ~ Administrator said... 11
I'm surprised more celebs aren't Republicans, since that's the party that is fine with you keeping most of your riches. I haven't watched it yet but I kind of have a bit of respect for him for admitting that.

"Artists" (Kate has made me hesitant to use quotation marks) have historically been liberal and identified with the Democrats, the poor, the struggling, the intellectuals. Republicans are rich corporate types, stingy with their wealth, obnoxious, oblivious to the struggles of the downtrodden.

Those are the STEREOTYPES anyway.

Sherry Baby said... 16

I was looking at Kate's timeline and it doesn't appear that she's had too many sheeple gushing over her blog, except for Milo who has been LOL-ing all day. I'm surprised her LOL keys still function and aren't worn off. Could it be that even her fans were unimpressed and concerned with the stupid stunt that she pulled and realize that this was a safety issue, or is that too much to expect from them? ~ Administrator said... 17

Yes though once you start making a gazillion dollars and working your butt off to get start wanting to keep some of it.

I think lots of celebs are closet Republicans.

Sue_Buddy said... 18

I think lots of celebs are closet Republicans.

They may, in some ways, think like Republicans, but I'd bet they vote Democrat. ~ Administrator said... 19

Maybe, though when you break it down by neighborhoods there are pockets of celebrity areas that distinctly vote Republican despite what they claim their views are in the media.

Malibu for one, where Bruce Jenner lives along with many other celebs, has historically often voted Republican. In fact there are almost as many Republicans in that town as Democrats.

Anonymous said... 20

Thumbing through the new issue of People, most beautiful women 2015, I noticed they did a short feature/makeover for Michelle Duggar and her 5 older daughters. Perhaps they forgot their former darling KG and her teen girls were surely available? Dropped like a hot potato. 40th birthday came and went.


Sue_Buddy said... 21

When I see the stars campaigning for Republicans I'll change my mind.

Rhymes with Witch said... 22

wonder if he considered maybe NOT telling his story, that he didn't have to do such a thing or owes anyone an explanation. 14

I wonder how much of his "going public" has to do with his affiliation with the kardashians. He is under pap scrutiny and by all accounts Kris rules with an iron fist.

You know what I've noticed with people who struggle with gender issues is every single person says they knew when they are practically toddlers. Bruce said the same. 14

My gay friends have told me similar things.

Dmasy said... 23

Admin, I was invited to another home. The high quality margaritas were the bribe!

I live in a quirky little neighborhood. We find pleasure in the oddest activities.

Rhymes with Witch said... 24

Thumbing through the new issue of People, most beautiful women 2015, I noticed they did a short feature/makeover for Michelle Duggar and her 5 older daughters. 21

Dugger women in makeup? (even a little).
They've jumped the shark for sure.

Sue_Buddy said... 25

Sherry Baby said... 17
I was looking at Kate's timeline and it doesn't appear that she's had too many sheeple gushing over her blog, except for Milo who has been LOL-ing all day. I'm surprised her LOL keys still function and aren't worn off. Could it be that even her fans were unimpressed and concerned with the stupid stunt that she pulled and realize that this was a safety issue, or is that too much to expect from them?

From the glaringly obvious lack of praise for Kate's bird blagh, I'd guess that even the sheep find the thought of driving with an uncaged bird in the car is beyond stupid. Perhaps they even have a vague inkling that stuffing a fragile little bird into pockets and down shirts and under bedding isn't the smartest thing to do either.

Rhymes with Witch said... 26

I live in a quirky little neighborhood. We find pleasure in the oddest activities. 24

Dmasy, what a delightful description of your new home.

Sherry Baby said... 27

And the fact that birds also step in their own poop when they are in their own cage, and this bird according to Kate is potty trained to poop in it's cage.

It depends on the bird and the type of cage. My birds don't step in their poop at all. I have Cal cages with grates on the bottom and the poop goes right through them to the flat area below that their feet never touch. With those bars on the bottom they don't "walk" on the bottom of the cage because it' would hurt their feet. Their feet are probably cleaner than Kate's after she walked around barefoot in NYC.

P.J. said... 28

Admin said...

I can't even imagine how inept Kate would be at this final task.


Sure you can. You've been seeing her ineptitude for years.

P.J. said... 29

Admin said...

Geraldo calls himself iconic, and I love that the producers let us hear the sound from the live studio audience, because they burst out laughing. They're laughing at you Geraldo. Lol.


He's such a douche-nozzle, isn't he?

P.J. said... 30

Admin said...

Yeah, I've noticed that with many celebs. I think your energy level has to be that high if you want to make it in this business, because so much of your success depends on whether you can outwork that other person who wants the role.


And that's why sKate will never be a true celebrity and will never make it in the business. No fear of her outworking anybody. She's always exhausted-ish.

P.J. said... 31

Admin said...

Kate is so darn lazy she can't even bother to read the Wikipedia entries on her fellow contestants. Smart contestants going on this show do their research on their competition to try to find out where their opponents strengths and weaknesses are, as well as figure out who they should associate, and not associate with.


I think it's more a case of the others did some research on her and after seeing her in action, decided she was someone THEY needed to stay away from.

P.J. said... 32

Admin said...

Trump certainly has no problem being blunt, so how come he won't ask Kate if she's a nice person?


He can't be bothered? He sees that Kenya still has a few miles left on her, headline-wise, but sKate is way past her best-before date.

P.J. said... 33

Admin said...

Oh, please no. Another generation of boys sucked into that useless vortex.


Haha! You said "vortex". Good one.

P.J. said... 34

Geraldo and Leeza finally join the live show and take a seat at the table. Trump is surprised Leeza made it this far? Wtf? I think most people saw within about ten minutes of this show she would be in the final two, she was that good. I don't know what took Trump so long. You can tell Leeza thinks that's a ridiculous comment but since Leeza has the self-control of a jungle cat stalking her prey, she politely says she's happy to surprise him.


I think this comment was intended to ramp up the drama and pretend like they don't know how the show will shake out. Anyone with half a brain saw Leeza in the finals from just about the get-go. I think the other finalist was the person with the most name recognition. This wasn't even close.

Katykat said... 35

We chose to watch DVR'D episodes of Naked and Afraid last night. Interesting show. I'd be Naked and survival skills. Unless they dropped me off on an island I've been to before. "Follow me...there's a resort about 30 miles from here." ;)

Tucker's Mom said... 36 ~ Administrator said... 64
It seems to me that having birds and dogs is probably not going to be compatible.
Not for me. I think birds are great, and have personalities that can love and be great family members. But, we're dog people and I'm not going to put a bird in harms way, nor am I going to ban my dogs from being with us because the bird is out of their cage.
It just won't work, and for Kate to get a bird with a GSD, well, it was just dumb. That is, if you value and allow your dog to live alongside you.
From all evidence, Shoka has never been part of their pack, and that's really sad.
Again, I wish that bird-brained "breeder" had the foresight to see that Kate wasn't and isn't the best choice for such a social animal.
Eh, he got his 2 minutes of fame...

P.J. said... 37

Admin said...

Of course Kate wants Geraldo to win even though she admits she worked with Leeza equally. Leeza, recall, helped Kate WIN when Kate was PM and screwing everything up. But that sort of "debt" means nothing to Kate even though most normal well-socialized people would just say Leeza after what she did to save her, whether you really believe it or not.


Remember sKate's mean tweets during the earlier episodes about Leeza being too chicken to step up and be project manager? That was payback and Leeza is her sworn enemy for life. sKate wouldn't pick Leeza if she was the only contestant. The psuedo-hug at the end when sKate tried to ingratiate herself with Leeza said it all. Suck it, sKate.

P.J. said... 38

Admin said...

Ironically, Kate appreciates that Geraldo called a spade a spade. Of course don't call Kate the garden tool that she is or she freaks out. Ironically, Kate probably doesn't want Leeza to win because it was obvious Leeza saw right through her and correctly wrote her off as dead weight from day one. If there is one thing Kate is aware of is when the jig is up on pulling the wool over someone else's eyes. She knows.


Best statement of the recap.

P.J. said... 39

Great recap Admin. I'll shut up now. ;)

Quiet Conservative Trying To Do Good said... 40

Please stop with the Political Party Stereotypes. Our area is conservative. No one lives in a mansion, I don't know any religious fanatics, etc. I do know many people who own their own businesses--some large, some small, employ many people and donate very generously of their time, talents and money. Most came from nothing, put themselves through school, live a simple life and donate joyously. Often anonymously. The division of this country over who each side supposedly is does not help anyone. :)

Tucker's Mom said... 41

He's a terribly ugly woman but if that's what he wants go for it. He looks like he's really struggling with how to explain all this and where to go with his life.
Between his rather aggressive blepharoplasty, nose jobs, lip injections and botox, he looks like his Madame Tussaud evil twin.
He also looks very lanky with muscular atrophy, but I'm guessing that's the hormones and diet.
I'm not knocking a man wanting to have their body match who they are as a woman. I'm saying that what's alarming is what he's done to his face.
It's disfigured. The facial expression and fractured movements are bizarre and clown-like at this point. I find it hard to watch.

Tucker's Mom said... 42

I have birds, too...a Timneh, and an Amazon who has just learned the words to "You Are My Sunshine."
Awww! Had to look up the bird. Gorgeous!

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Sherry Baby said... 17
I was looking at Kate's timeline and it doesn't appear that she's had too many sheeple gushing over her blog, except for Milo who has been LOL-ing all day. I'm surprised her LOL keys still function and aren't worn off.
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if Milo isn't pulling Kate's leg.
Kate is NOT funny. Not when she speaks, nor and especially, when she writes.
She swings and misses every damn time.

Tucker's Mom said... 44

Anonymous said... 21
Thumbing through the new issue of People, most beautiful women 2015, I noticed they did a short feature/makeover for Michelle Duggar and her 5 older daughters
Another makeover?
Michelle had a makeover years ago-she looked great with an updated 'do. But JB wanted his little woman to back to her permed mullet, so she obeyed.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45

Brava, Admin! Your tangents make me chuckle. When I'm with a
good friend, we start 17 different conversations in the middle of the
first one, because one thought leads to another and inevitably
derails us!

TLC stinks said... 46

People and Intouch have Duggar covers. TLC has Duggar all over their site. The weddings and babies are a bonanza for TLC. Kate, you are toast.

FYI, watched the marshmallow roast clip. Did you notice how Mady was glued to her iPhone? It's just gonna get worse. And where was Shoka? They were outside on that patio by the basement door. Never included :(

Rhymes with Witch said... 47

Again, I wish that bird-brained "breeder" had the foresight to see that Kate wasn't and isn't the best choice for such a social animal.
Eh, he got his 2 minutes of fame... 36

Two minutes is about right. Does anyone remember his name?

Actually, I wish I did, because letting Katie have those two beautiful dogs borders on criminal, IMO. ~ Administrator said... 48

I wonder how much of his "going public" has to do with his affiliation with the kardashians. He is under pap scrutiny and by all accounts Kris rules with an iron fist.


Diane pressed him about just that with several questions. His body language and eye contact were all over the place during those questions. At one point he was practically looking off to the side! Watch that part. Other questions she asked, he made solid, direct eye contact.

I don't think him becoming a woman is fake, I think he does want to do this--but I do think the fact that he is doing this has been used to the Kardashian's advantage. In other words instead of just letting him deal with these issues privately, I think they have probably manipulated the situation for maximum publicity and a good pay day. ~ Administrator said... 49

I think this comment was intended to ramp up the drama and pretend like they don't know how the show will shake out. Anyone with half a brain saw Leeza in the finals from just about the get-go. I think the other finalist was the person with the most name recognition. This wasn't even close.


Yeah, that's a good point.

It did seem a little unbelievable that Trump didn't see Leeza coming. Gimme a break. ~ Administrator said... 50

Our area is conservative. No one lives in a mansion, I don't know any religious fanatics, etc. I do know many people who own their own businesses--some large, some small, employ many people and donate very generously of their time, talents and money. Most came from nothing, put themselves through school, live a simple life and donate joyously.


Well, you're right, it's just stereotypes. I have lived in very conservative areas and went to a very conservative law school, and all I saw was hard work, kindness and generosity, more than I ever saw from the more liberal undergrad college I went to. Students would use their spring breaks not to go to Cancun like my undergrad classmates, but to go to New Orleans and clean up after a hurricane, or go to a poor part of Mexico and build a house for a struggling family. The thing about it is that the reason a lot of people would prefer the government allow them to hang onto their own money is not so they can greedily squirrel it away, but rather so that they can then decide how it will be spent. Lots of conservatives prefer to fund their own charities and projects that they are personally passionate about instead of having their money redistributed arbitrarily by the government.

Incidentally Bruce, who is a Republican, came from nothing too and worked his way from the bottom up. He has also done lots of work for charity, including with John Walsh. It's kind of a shame the stereotype for conservatives isn't hard work from the ground up, because that's mostly what I see. ~ Administrator said... 51

Remember sKate's mean tweets during the earlier episodes about Leeza being too chicken to step up and be project manager? That was payback and Leeza is her sworn enemy for life. sKate wouldn't pick Leeza if she was the only contestant. The psuedo-hug at the end when sKate tried to ingratiate herself with Leeza said it all. Suck it, sKate.


That's exactly what it was. Leeza embarrassed Kate over a year ago, and because contrary to what Kate says, she never forgives or forgets, she will never grow up about it and forget it, and like you said, she's an enemy for life.

What happened was Kate stupidly stepped up for a project she had no business stepping up on. Leeza was playing the hang back and put off being PM game, which she may do if she wants to. But, it's still in Leeza's interest that the PM wins, so when it was clear Kate was in over her head, Leeza took over the project. That was embarrassing to Kate, understandably so. But instead of just brushing it off and being gracious about it and glad that they won so she didn't get fired (which as PM, she was sure to be), she got bitter and insulted instead. I think that was only episode 2 or 3, Kate should be thanking Leeza profusely that due to her intervention, Kate wasn't voted off in the beginning. Would she rather that happen?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 52

Admin (#49), but I think it's also possible that Donald and Geraldo
are just sexist blowhards who automatically assume a man is going
to be the best. Even if there is evidence to the contrary right in front
of them. The fact that the best compliment Geraldo could muster for Leeza was that she was "high functioning" seems to show that he
hadn't really considered her a threat.

Jane said... 53

Rhymes with Witch said... 7
Bruce was wishy-washy in his answers. 5

I wonder if his equivocating (based on comments here, I did not watch) had anything to do with kris' alleged threats to sue him for defamation.

Kris tweeted during the program and it doesn't sound like she about to sue Bruce.

Kris Jenner @KrisJenner
Not only was I able to call him my husband for 25 years and father of my children, I am now able to call him my hero.

Kris Jenner @KrisJenner
@PerezHilton fuck you Perez no one asked me to comment ....and I'm sitting with Bruce now watching this show so let's keep it real...LOL....

Sue_Buddy said... 54

Quiet Conservative Trying To Do Good said... 40
Please stop with the Political Party Stereotypes.

I haven't seen anyone actually making negative comments about Reublicans. If you'll note, I commented on stereotypes using CAPITAL LETTERS to STRESS how some people do stereotype the party. No lectures needed that I can see.

redbird said... 55

Admin said...48

I think they have probably manipulated the situation for maximum publicity and a good pay day.


Of course. For the 2 hour special he should of said what his name was going to be. Had to sit through all that and he wouldn't say what his name was going to be?

It will be another payday for the exclusive interview to find out what
Bruce's new name will be.

MILK IT BRUCE, Kardashian style, all the way to the bank.

Jane said... 56

As someone who remembers the thrill of the nation, the world, really, when Bruce won the decathlon and then went on to Wheaties fame (hey, it was a big deal back then!!), I found his interview very moving and brave. And sad, too. How terrible that he struggled with this for so many years because society feels being LGBT is wrong, dirty. If he can help those who are struggling with being transgendered and use the spotlight for education, I say go for it.

Jane said... 57

And on another note….BV James appears to be back on his Cheaterville Twitter account. And it looks like he's going after the FANS. Odd, eh? He's quite the good speller, too!!

CheaterVille @CheaterVille · 13h 13 hours ago
And for those "Kate fans" who sat on thier asses and did nothing while we were being attacked, your RWA reports are being released as well.

Sue_Buddy said... 58

Jane said... 57
And on another note….BV James appears to be back on his Cheaterville Twitter account. And it looks like he's going after the FANS. Odd, eh? He's quite the good speller, too!!

CheaterVille @CheaterVille · 13h 13 hours ago
And for those "Kate fans" who sat on thier asses and did nothing while we were being attacked, your RWA reports are being released as well.

Kate's fans commented on RWA?

Dmasy said... 59

Katykat said... 35
We chose to watch DVR'D episodes of Naked and Afraid last night. Interesting show. I'd be Naked and survival skills. Unless they dropped me off on an island I've been to before. "Follow me...there's a resort about 30 miles from here." ;)


Katykat, you were my first laugh out loud for the day. Thank you.

I have watched all of the episodes. I still don't think I could start a fire with two wet sticks!

redbird said... 60

Oh, and Kim and Kayne had to have their mention in the interview.

Bruce's older kids, the 3 boys and the girl were so classy and humble compared to the others, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall. Rob needs to go with the other group. They are so different, like night and day.

Tucker's Mom said... 61

Sue_Buddy said... 58
Jane said... 57
And on another note….BV James appears to be back on his Cheaterville Twitter account. And it looks like he's going after the FANS. Odd, eh? He's quite the good speller, too!!

CheaterVille @CheaterVille · 13h 13 hours ago
And for those "Kate fans" who sat on thier asses and did nothing while we were being attacked, your RWA reports are being released as well.

Kate's fans commented on RWA?
I don't recall, but guess Kate's fans went to RWA to defend her.
I don't understand why he wants to punish Kate's fans. For not doing what?
What about Kate? Her fans deserve her support now, but I doubt we'll see Kate publicly tweet to BV to stop his "outing" them.
I don't recall Kate ever supporting BV when he was in the weeds. I only recall Kate praising him for being her hero when SHE needed HIM.
How about outing the cause of this entire saga? Kate.

If BV thought that Kate would be loyal to him and grateful for trying to help her, he probably is having a rude awakening.
I'm guessing BV doesn't know how to help Kate anymore.

What a mess. ~ Administrator said... 62

Bruce's boys *are* good kids. Theirs was the reality show my friends were on with the helicopter carrying David Foster, where they did like three takes. See, their mother, Bruce's ex, was briefly married to David Foster. The show was called the Princes of Malibu, I believe.

At least one of Bruce's boys went to Crossings which is an arts school in Santa Monica. That's where he met my friend and they started hanging out. Just good, good kids. Some of that must have been Bruce's influence, he is very involved with them.

I tend to think things took a turn for him when he got caught up in the Kardashians. ~ Administrator said... 63

CheaterVille @CheaterVille · 13h 13 hours ago
And for those "Kate fans" who sat on thier asses and did nothing while we were being attacked, your RWA reports are being released as well.


We tried to tell the fans at least ten times that the second they stepped out of the line (or even didn't step out of line) BV would turn on them.

Same for Kate.

If someone is willing to be that vicious toward someone else what ever makes you think they won't do the same to you someday if they feel like it? THINK Sheeple.

getoftweeter said... 64

Sherry baby: also, there are people who are allergic to birds, I would not want to see poop stations around the house, cause even the poop gives off allergy stuff. And the thought of the bird roaming around the house. No, but what do you expect from a woman who does potty training in the driveway. As for the boob pop, the explosion would kill the bird, and leave a terrible mess. The woman is nuts.

My birds are in a room connected to the kitchen. They use to be in the kitchen near the door, had no other place to put then, and had to cover half the cages with plastic, so they would not get a draft from the door, and being in the other room now, they are out of the direct path of draft. They can see me & the TV. The only time my birds are in kitchen is cause 1. I have to give them medicine or 2. to catch them I bring the parakeet cages to the table so I can catch the little stinker. Then I wipe the area with the disinfectant wipes. When it comes to any creature I disinfect the area. & wash hands. I really think Kate does none of that.

Rainbirdie said... 65

redbird said... 55
MILK IT BRUCE, Kardashian style, all the way to the bank.
Yep. According to a Yahoo story posted yesterday, E! will produce a documentary series following Bruce's life as a transgender woman. The eight-part, untitled series will premiere Sunday July 26.

And Mama June & Pumpkin have announced they are bisexual.

Kate & TLC will need to step up the story lines if she wants to keep an audience.

Sue_Buddy said... 66

I'm guessing that BV put Kate's fans in quotation marks because they're people who said they were fans but talked against her at RWA? But how would BV know that? Is he checking IPs of fans against IPs found at RWA? If so, that's very Nazi-ish!

Of course BV could be getting his info from the likes of Zipperoni and 2Dogs. They were such a fountain of good info before. LOL

Tucker's Mom said... 67

If someone is willing to be that vicious toward someone else what ever makes you think they won't do the same to you someday if they feel like it? THINK Sheeple.
It's like dating. Watch whomever you are dating to see if they treat others poorly, because one day, that WILL be you.
I tend to think the Deanna has crossed over onto the "Not Helping Me" list. Sooner or later, everyone does in Kate's world.
I don't even think Steve is immune.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Kate better think her dictum that her kids not get married until 30. The only way to compete now is weddings and babies. Driving and high school graduations pale in comparison.

Tucker's Mom said... 69

I don't get why BV is attacking the fans-they do what Kate tells them, or grooms them to do.
And it wasn't to defend BV when he was down and out (I didn't follow, but get the gist there was legal action).
Kate did nothing, so why are her minions being attacked when it's Kate who leads them?
Seems to me BV should aim for the captain of he ship-that's where the ultimate responsibility always lies.

Susan1956 said... 70

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Kate better think her dictum that her kids not get married until 30. The only way to compete now is weddings and babies. Driving and high school graduations pale in comparison.
Surely the kids' school would not let TLC film any of the graduation activities and ceremonies? Will the twins' class have any kind of ceremony when they finish middle school?

Rhymes with Witch said... 71

Of course BV could be getting his info from the likes of Zipperoni and 2Dogs. 66

Is zheeple. (zipperoni) still around?

I don't understand why BV is bothering with the Kate saga again. It's such old news. RWA is gone. Why beat a dead horse?

Tucker's Mom said... 72

Surely the kids' school would not let TLC film any of the graduation activities and ceremonies? Will the twins' class have any kind of ceremony when they finish middle school?
April 25, 2015 at 8:56 AM
I don't expect any filming to be done at school. By graduation, I mean the theme of graduation, not literally the ceremonies.
You know Kate would have some over the top themed party on the compound if TLC is filming.

Anonymous said... 73

"And Mama June & Pumpkin have announced they are bisexual."

TMI, TMI. And brain bleach.

Between them, Bruce Jenner and the Duggar babies, Kate has got nothing. Karma.


Over And Out said... 74

Lee Love, Author ‏@readleelove 22m22 minutes ago Arlington, TX
@Kateplusmy8 are you ready for 8 teenager with drivers license. Good look

According to the profile, this is an author. Well, good look to you, too!

Susan1956 said... 75

Tucker's Mom said... 72

Tucker's Mom said... 72

Surely the kids' school would not let TLC film any of the graduation activities and ceremonies? Will the twins' class have any kind of ceremony when they finish middle school?
April 25, 2015 at 8:56 AM
I don't expect any filming to be done at school. By graduation, I mean the theme of graduation, not literally the ceremonies.
You know Kate would have some over the top themed party on the compound if TLC is filming.
True, Tucker's Mom. Ho, hum another party on the compound. Although I do have a feeling that some of the kids will insist on a private wedding ceremony and Jon will back them up.

Susan1956 said... 76

By private wedding ceremony, I mean without the TLC cameras.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 77

Found another new cooking show starring Eye-an's former 90210
costar, Tiffani Thiessen. She's a year older than TFW, but makes
her look like a cold bowl of oatmeal, in my opinion.

You'd think a cooking show for TFW would be a no-brainer. But
no one's biting - pun intended. As I've said before, there's no way
to quantify her squandered opportunities. But if she'd acted even
slightly less horridly, or even worked just a bit harder to hone her
talents, she could've been richer than she could ever have

Tucker's Mom said... 78

FlimsyFlamsy said... 74
Found another new cooking show starring Eye-an's former 90210
costar, Tiffani Thiessen. She's a year older than TFW, but makes
her look like a cold bowl of oatmeal, in my opinion.
I know she has a show, but I've never caught a whole episode.
Tiffany looks amazing and youthful. I bet she is good at hosting a cooking show.

Tucker's Mom said... 79

Did anyone find Bruce's alluding to the depression and suicide that is associated with trans people a bit off-putting?
Clinically depressed people don't just lock themselves in a room and "boom" it's over.
It was just so...odd.
Another reminder of Kate in that he said the he "wants to know how this story ends", as if that's the reason why he hasn't been suicidally depressed. Like he's got the will and those others didn't.

Tucker's Mom said... 80

Evidently, saying the word, "organic" doesn't magically make a cooking show appear. Or make you a cookbook writer, for that matter.
Her cookbook fared worse than I'd ever imagined.

Over And Out said... 81

Milo can't come up with anything original. She makes it sound like her "teen" said this. I heard it on television.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
HaHa Me & Teen > "Mom, where did you hide the #Nutella? Me: I'm Nutella you!" @Kateplusmy8

Over And Out said... 82

I don't understand why BV is bothering with the Kate saga again. It's such old news. RWA is gone. Why beat a dead horse?


Revenge? I scratch your back, you scratch my back, but if he's not getting his itch taken care of and those whose back he scratched haven't done their job, he makes sure they pay for reneging?

I don't know. Everything in that entire saga is such a perplexing mess.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 83

Milo can't come up with anything original. She makes it sound like her "teen" said this. I heard it on television.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
HaHa Me & Teen > "Mom, where did you hide the #Nutella? Me: I'm Nutella you!" @Kateplusmy8


Yes, it's an internet joke. I guess she can't do any better than that. She's played most of her hands trying to get Kate's attention -- the "poor me, holistic center," baby animals, LOLing for days about the bird in the car, bashing Jon, platitudes and so on. Nothing seems to work. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Rhymes with Witch said... 84

Her cookbook fared worse than I'd ever imagined. 80

It actually fared better than I imagined - no sarcasm intended.
I also want to thank the folks here who tried some of her recipes and reported back. Brave souls.

Ingrid said... 85

The only Kardashian episode I think I really watched was the time Kris put Viagara in Bruce's coffee but the son drank it and was freaking out because of the effect. He went to the doctor and they figured it out eventually. Now I guess I know why Bruce needed some help.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

Ingrid said... 85
The only Kardashian episode I think I really watched was the time Kris put Viagara in Bruce's coffee but the son drank it and was freaking out because of the effect. He went to the doctor and they figured it out eventually. Now I guess I know why Bruce needed some help.
April 25, 2015 at 12:26 PM
Seriously for real? Or was this the scripted part of unscripted reality tv?

Jane said... 87

Tucker's Mom said... 79
Did anyone find Bruce's alluding to the depression and suicide that is associated with trans people a bit off-putting?
Clinically depressed people don't just lock themselves in a room and "boom" it's over.
It was just so...odd.
Another reminder of Kate in that he said the he "wants to know how this story ends", as if that's the reason why he hasn't been suicidally depressed. Like he's got the will and those others didn't.
I found it refreshingly honest. Clinically depressed people do, sadly, sometimes make a quick decision to end it. LGBT have a greater instance of mental health issues than their straight counterparts. By "wanting to know how the story ends" - I took it to mean that he was hoping the societal shame and misunderstandings about transgendered would be lessened in time, with education.

Tucker's Mom said... 88

I found it refreshingly honest. Clinically depressed people do, sadly, sometimes make a quick decision to end it. LGBT have a greater instance of mental health issues than their straight counterparts. By "wanting to know how the story ends" - I took it to mean that he was hoping the societal shame and misunderstandings about transgendered would be lessened in time, with education.
April 25, 2015 at 12:40 PM
Thanks for your pov ;-)

MiChi said... 89

Clinical depression is very misunderstood. Everyone goes through a period in life where they are depressed, and therefore they think it's the same thing. It's not. When you're clinically depressed, you're depressed without "reason." It's not something that goes away with time, just like cancer doesn't go away with time. The best way I can explain it is to remember how you felt on the worst day of your life...and now imagine feeling that way every day no matter what. It's not that you still can't feel joy, happiness, and other good feelings, but that pain is always there. Most importantly, you don't need to be going through hardship to feel that pain.

I was diagnosed as clinically depressed when I was 16. I'm pretty attractive, pretty successful, have many friends, and a loving family. I'm straight and was born into the gender I identify with. I'm still clinically depressed.

When Bruce said, "I want to see how this story ends," I get it. It's HOPE. A clinically depressed person doesn't make a rash decision to kill themselves. Trust me, it's always been in the back of their mind as an option. It's different for everyone, obviously, but this is just my opinion from my experiences.

getoftweeter said... 90

I felt as if they could have did the whole Bruce interview in an hour, and the second hour devote to talking about transgender. Have people who are willing to talk about it. I also think it was too soon, and Bruce is really not ready for all this and what the public will say. I already heard a commercial for some radio talk show that sounded like they are going to make fun of Bruce Monday. They advertized it as Bruce Jenner in a dress. I seriously think, the Kardashian clan pushed him, to talk about this. He has not clearly made up his mind. I can hear the a-holes of the world, just waiting to make sport of him. And hopefully it won't push him over the edge.

PatK said... 91

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz · 33m33 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I just read that Paula Deen hooked up with Roku to broadcast her cooking show.


'Atta girl, Sandie! Remind Kate of another thing she'll never have.

Jeanne said... 92

I have never heard of churros. But after that picture, I want 20 churro ice cream sandwiches. Now please.

Tucker's Mom said... 93

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h4 hours ago
HaHa Me & Teen > "Mom, where did you hide the #Nutella? Me: I'm Nutella you!" @Kateplusmy8
0 retweets 4 favorites
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MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 8m8 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 LOL! Did you really say that? #Corny
0 retweets 0 favorites
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Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I did! We shuck corn N this house all the time! 😋
It's a social media meme. I never thought Goody was gullible.

Math Girl said... 94

Sue_Buddy said... 54

I haven't seen anyone actually making negative comments about Reublicans.
But I did see a breathtakingly distorted negative comment about liberals. I really think we should avoid talk of politics here, lest heads explode.

FYI said... 95

CheaterVille @CheaterVille · 13h 13 hours ago
And for those "Kate fans" who sat on thier asses and did nothing while we were being attacked, your RWA reports are being released as well.

Have no idea what "fans" he's talking about, but I see that Milo was quick on the draw to start following @cheaterville.

Is it just her being her usually nosy self or is she worried? I doubt she ever posted at RWA, and probably just wants to get the scoop so she can gleefully tell Kate about it.

redbird said... 96

Oh, major diss on CNN in a interview with Chopper Zoe. The chopper pilot that followed OJ on the freeway. He was Chopper Bob, but transgendered into Chopper Zoe. Was very disappointed in Diane Sawyer, said, she threw BJ soft marshmallow questions. Said it shouldn't of lasted 2 hours and was upset because BJ said, oh, I am straight, but a woman, but this and that. It was a very good interview.

fidosmommy said... 97

Churros are marvelous. If you love cinnamon sugar doughnuts you'd enjoy churros. They are usually 3-4 bites each, a true Mexican treat especially with ice cream or whipped cream. I don't recommend storebought ones. Get them at a real Mexican restaurant. JMO.

Sue_Buddy said... 98

breathtakingly distorted negative comment about liberals

That bad, huh?

Tucker's Mom said... 99

Lots of Costcos offer churros.
I can't believe they still have a hot dog and drink for $1.50.

Sue_Buddy said... 100

fidosmommy said... 96

Are you sure you're not thinking of sopapillas?


Churros are usually long--


I love them both. And since were talking sweet, delicious treats, how 'bout them funnel cakes.

I'm going to a benefit tomorrow for rescued horses. I heard they're having food booths. I'm hoping for one of the above.

Math Girl said... 101

fidosmommy said... 96
Churros are marvelous. If you love cinnamon sugar doughnuts you'd enjoy churros. They are usually 3-4 bites each, a true Mexican treat especially with ice cream or whipped cream. I don't recommend storebought ones. Get them at a real Mexican restaurant. JMO.
I had some at a snack bar in a Target in Arizona and they were yummy. Don't miss them if you are in the southwest.

Sue_Buddy said... 102

Have no idea what "fans" he's talking about, but I see that Milo was quick on the draw to start following @cheaterville.

I guess following on Twitter is the 21 century way of snooping over the fence. So of course, Milo would be front and center.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 103

MiChi (#89), thank you for your comments about depression. I do
hope you've gotten help and are managing better. I wouldn't wish
that sort of pain on anyone.

Layla said... 104

KIAT (95)
I think Milo's real identity, her husband's name, and her home address were posted on RWA years ago. So yes, she is probably a bit worried.

Katykat said... 105

The new Churro Dog at Chase Field almost...ALMOST... turned me into a Diamondbacks Fan. An eclair sliced in half for a bun, Churro for the hotdog, topped with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and a cherry. Be still my sweet tooth heart!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 106

I saw a funny photo collage on Facebook today.

The top block is a screenshot of that State Farm commercial with the woman saying, "What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?"

Second frame: a shot of Bruce Jenner talking on the phone in tan slacks and a red shirt. Caption: "Uh, khakis?"

Third frame, State Farm couple: "She sounds hideous!"

Anonymous said... 107

And described me to a T...thank you

I try to focus on good, but one little thing can set me off. I just remember I have a tomorrow and look forward to it changing, unless tomorrow never comes.

It is too hard to explain, But I do try to live positively in my thinking, but sometimes a little nothing remark sends me right back down the rabbit hole. Tried meds, don't like zombie life...maybe that is why I love the walking dead..both sides, lol


Anonymous said... 108

If I had to sum up my depression in a sentence it may read like....

I always tried, sometimes succeeded in being happy, I laughed and danced, but all the while the shadows were waiting to take me back into the darkness. I have learned to embrace the shadows, because if I wait it out long enough, the light will finally come shining through, for a while.

for that bit of time, the dark has some light


sorry for waxing poetic

Sue_Buddy said... 109

Churro Dog

Anonymous said... 110

Marley for me was never anything but pure human love and support.

girl in that song for me was that I could turn my lights off, and the moon would light my way

The moon.


Sleepless In Seattle said... 111

Layla said... 104
KIAT (95)
I think Milo's real identity, her husband's name, and her home address were posted on RWA years ago. So yes, she is probably a bit worried.


I don't think that was ever confirmed. though. What I remember is that some non-fans got together, sort of came up with the location from the photos she posted, and a name or names she used when commenting on various sites, as well as other clues. I looked it up one time, and yes, there are such persons living at that address and the property certainly does look like the pictures she has shared.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I did! We shuck corn N this house all the time! ��

She may have said it, but she didn't come up with it. Search for "where did you hide the Nutella" -- it's on Google. She's learned plagiarizing from Kate.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 112

I guess following on Twitter is the 21 century way of snooping over the fence. So of course, Milo would be front and center.


Yes, and it is much easier to do than running around peering into windows during all kinds of weather, although I think she'd much prefer to get an up close and personal look at Kate that way.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 113

johanna vandermeer ‏@abbanut 3h3 hours ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 been thinking a lot of u, what u said about ,not too much, too fast....its so boring, man fatigue sucks xxoo

Yeah, I guess, but woman fatigue sucks just as much! :)
Sheeple are funny.

Over And Out said... 114

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I did! We shuck corn N this house all the time! ��

She may have said it, but she didn't come up with it. Search for "where did you hide the Nutella" -- it's on Google. She's learned plagiarizing from Kate.

She flat out lied. Why would she do that knowing that it could be found on Google?

fidosmommy said... 115

Sue_Buddy, nope, I'm not confusing churros and sopapillas. The churros I've had were about 2-3 inches long with a soft texture and the sopapillas
were round, thin and flat with a bit of a crunch. Both are delicious.

Math Girl said... 116

Sue_Buddy said... 100
fidosmommy said... 96

Are you sure you're not thinking of sopapillas?
Don't know about fidosmommy, but I was confusing churzos with sopapillas. It's sopapillas that I really like; haven't had churzos. Do they taste similar?

fidosmommy said... 117

Someone upthread mentioned Milo's purple tennis shoes. Hmmmmm.
Purple tennis shoes are the "trademark" of a certain Southern woman known as Flylady. Hmmmmm again. Lol.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 118

The churros I've had were about 2-3 inches long with a soft texture and the sopapillas
were round, thin and flat with a bit of a crunch. Both are delicious.

Oh, do know that this really sounds, well, know! Get your mind out of the gutter, Fleecing!

Then again, it's Saturday night and the kegs are freely flowing.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 119

Someone upthread mentioned Milo's purple tennis shoes. Hmmmmm.
Purple tennis shoes are the "trademark" of a certain Southern woman known as Flylady. Hmmmmm again. Lol.


I thought they were gray with purple laces. Then again, I could be wrong.
Okay, I'll ask. Who is Flylady?

fidosmommy said... 120

Well, darn it, my bad memory is at it again. Flylady has a purple tutu style skirt, a purple t shirt, purple wings and her web page is full of purple... but her tennis shoes are white. I guess she's not Milo after all. Ha.

Ingrid said... 121

Tucker's Mom said... 86

Ingrid said... 85
The only Kardashian episode I think I really watched was the time Kris put Viagara in Bruce's coffee but the son drank it and was freaking out because of the effect. He went to the doctor and they figured it out eventually. Now I guess I know why Bruce needed some help.
April 25, 2015 at 12:26 PM
Seriously for real? Or was this the scripted part of unscripted reality tv?
Now that I know more about scripted, edited reality tv yeah it could have been faked. Never thought about it at the time I watched it. They fake for Kate, they can fake for everyone.

fidosmommy said... 122

Math Girl, churros are a soft vanilla dough that is squeezed through a
ribbed tube. They are piped in small segments into hot oil, then coated in cinnamon sugar, and served with a drizzle of chocolate or strawberry sauce and whipped cream or ice cream. They are a soft cookie.

Sopapillas are properly made with a dough that is rolled or pressed into flat circles, kind of like a very thin pancake. They taste best when cooked in a skillet with butter. They are served hot with butter, cinnamon sugar, whipped cream. I have made them quite successfully by using
flour tortillas instead of mixing up a dough.

Angie said... 123

Reality TV is fake. My kids were interested for a while in Duck Dynasty. Somewhere I read (or heard out of one of their mouths)that their episodes were based on past experiences but were recreated for reality TV.
The show seemed to go down in flames after the their latest controversy. I don't even know if it's still being aired.

NJGal51 said... 124

The best Sopapillas (IMO) are deep fried so that they puff up and are served with powdered sugar and honey. You poke a hole in them and pour some honey into the hole and move the Sopapilla around to coat the inside with the honey. La Posta restaurant (Las Cruces/Old Mesilla) makes the absolute best Sopapillas.

Tucker's Mom said... 125

Angie said... 123
Reality TV is fake. My kids were interested for a while in Duck Dynasty. Somewhere I read (or heard out of one of their mouths)that their episodes were based on past experiences but were recreated for reality TV.
The show seemed to go down in flames after the their latest controversy. I don't even know if it's still being aired.
I tried to watch DD once but it was so obviously faked and just pieced together ham-fisted scenes.
Awful. Never got it.

Wowser said... 126

Hey Bruce...I know how I would like to see your story to end......that ALL the kardashians go away....get off TV and you become whatever you want behind closed doors and nobody has to hear about THAT would be a perfect ending.

Sue_Buddy said... 127

Nothing yet from BV. I thought yesterday #caterday was going to be the big reveal of who the traitorous Kate fans are. Kate's toadys must be disappointed.

Other than incur what must be huge legal bills over the never ending lawsuits, what has BV accomplished? I forget.

MiChi said... 128

Thanks, Flimsy! (103) I'm OK! I just needed to speak my mind because when people start making assumptions about things they know nothing about, it's a slippery slope. Franky (107), I'm sending you hugs and high-fives!

FYI said... 129

Other than incur what must be huge legal bills over the never ending lawsuits, what has BV accomplished? I forget

One of his accomplishments was showing how gullible Kate and her fans were to put faith in him. Some of them still think he will be their "savior".

He's uses them, just like Kate uses them. But because of their "cult mentality", they're too dense to see that.

Anonymous said... 130

Any one else think Moon is posting here?

and Dallas Lady?

I do

just sayin'


redbird said... 131

Tiffani, who was on Saved by the Bell has her new cooking show Dinner at Tiffani's. She was on Home and Family a couple of weeks ago and she was so grateful to her mother and her family and was talking about how great it was to cook at a young age with her mother and family and how everyone just loved her being on H&F.

All I could think about was TFW jumping all over M&C for wanting to come into the kitchen a few minutes before the 6:03 written in stone time.

She is so horrible in so many different ways.

Rhymes with Witch said... 132

Other than incur what must be huge legal bills over the never ending lawsuits, what has BV accomplished? I forget

One of his accomplishments was showing how gullible Kate and her fans were to put faith in him. Some of them still think he will be their "savior". 129

I think they are still expecting a huge payout from the lawsuit BV is going to file - someday.

scgal said... 133

Any one else think Moon is posting here?

I used to love Moon's blog. That would be nice if she was here.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 134

Redbird (#131), not only did TFW not want the girls in the kitchen,
but who could forget the way she banished poor little J from the
kitchen while she and the girls made "her" Flag Cake. But she
was happy to have him in the kitchen to smear his face with sauce
for a cookbook photo.

I just watched "Dinner At Tiffani's," and she seems so at ease
with cooking and chitchat. Doing both at the same time while the camera is rolling is probably harder than it looks, but she's a natural. Tiffani is personable, warm, and interesting. Three traits TFW
simply does not possess.

Math Girl said... 135

The best Sopapillas (IMO) are deep fried so that they puff up and are served with powdered sugar and honey. You poke a hole in them and pour some honey into the hole and move the Sopapilla around to coat the inside with the honey.
The sopapillas that I have had (at restaurants and a Target snack bar) are hot and very puffy. Kind of like the last picture in this article:

So I was confused when people described them as flat.

After I looked up churros I knew they weren't churros, but didn't think they were flat either.

Rhymes with Witch said... 136

Doing both at the same time while the camera is rolling is probably harder than it looks, but she's a natural. 134

Probably multiple cameras, not to mention boom mikes. Sounds like a show worth checking out.

TLC stinks said... 137

Count me in...Moon's blog was great.

getoftweeter said... 138

I think Kate is getting ready to go to Kentucky Derby, like she did last year with the flying monkey. That is why she has been sooo quiet. The blog is a throw off and a bone to her fans.

Over And Out said... 139

Dinok0618 ‏@Dinok0618 35m35 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 when does the next season of the show start??

There is no way Kate will tell them that there is no next season. Is that really fair to whatever fans she has left?

Ronda Rodriguez ‏@RondaRodrigue14 37m37 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 oh ya I remember that book!!!! Do tell me your recipes?????

Um, Help me Ronda (Rhonda). The cookbook, according to Kate's website, is now available for pre-order!

It looks like Gladys is scouring the internet for platitudes with lions. I guess we're back to platitudes since nothing else is workin' for her. Does she honestly think that Kate reads those things?

Over And Out said... 140

I think Kate is getting ready to go to Kentucky Derby, like she did last year with the flying monkey. That is why she has been sooo quiet. The blog is a throw off and a bone to her fans.


I seriously doubt that. She's back on Twitter, cooking and listening to her daughter read a book to her.

Sue_Buddy said... 141

Math Girl said... 135

So I was confused when people described them as flat.

If you were to fry them in butter as someone mentioned (like frying a tortilla) they would remain flat or would get a few bubbles in them that can be punctured with a fork. And if you didn't add baking powder to the ingredients they won't puff up. It's the baking powder and deep fat frying that makes them puffy.

Over And Out said... 142

Sue_Buddy said... 141
Math Girl said... 135

So I was confused when people described them as flat.


Probably not any more confused than Kate's buddy,Sherri Shepherd, is about the world!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 143

Rhymes (#138), about the cooking show I mentioned - there are
surely things shot from different angles, and things are prepared
ahead of time (probably by the production crew) and it's probably
filmed over many hours with retakes. But there is a level of comfort
in the preparation which I don't feel is being faked.

Then there's TFW, who went out to hawk a cookbook and
prepared that most challenging of dishes: salad (thanks
again for your on-the-scene coverage, Layla!).

Rhymes with Witch said... 144

Since we're talking food, can anyone explain "fry bread"?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 145

Over and Out (#139), maybe Gladys is tweeting lion platitudes
to TFW because lyin' is something she can understand.

Susan1956 said... 146

Over And Out said... 140

I think Kate is getting ready to go to Kentucky Derby, like she did last year with the flying monkey. That is why she has been sooo quiet. The blog is a throw off and a bone to her fans.


I seriously doubt that. She's back on Twitter, cooking and listening to her daughter read a book to her.
She's got a few days yet. Would she need to leave Wednesday or Thursday for the Kentucky Derby festivities? I know there is a Kentucky Derby festival which goes on at least a week prior to the race. . If she does go, will she pay her own way? I don't think her little stint on CA is enough to get her the royal treatment she had several years ago back in her heyday.

FYI said... 147

I think Kate is getting ready to go to Kentucky Derby, like she did last year with the flying monkey. That is why she has been sooo quiet. The blog is a throw off and a bone to her fans.

Kate didn't go to the Derby last year. Last time she went was in 2013. Here is the picture she tweeted when she went.

Last year she tweeted:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · May 3
Happy Derby, Everyone!
🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎I'll miss all of you and the fun memories this year...
May the best horse win! 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · May 3
@christinerawli4 nope not me. Not this year, sadly. Wanted to stay home w my kiddies instead! But next year, I shall derby again!! ;)

So may she'll "derby again" this year. After all, doesn't she need a break before her "special" airs on Mother's Day?

redbird said... 148

KIAT said...147


TFW has to have a break before, during and after a filming, taking the kids to the bus stop, cooking dinner or even using the loo.

Somewhere In Time said... 149

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 #Honestytime #PrejudicedMom Is our Alexis a good reader? I bet she reads w/the same passion & feeling she has when talking? :)

Apparently Milo is still part of Kate's family. She still hasn't been kicked to the curb. "Our" Alexis. Gawd.

Somewhere In Time said... 150

TFW has to have a break before, during and after a filming, taking the kids to the bus stop, cooking dinner or even using the loo.

If I'm remembering my history correctly, a loo is also a hot, dry wind that causes vegetation to dry up and humans to suffer heat strokes. I think it's also called an "evil blow," so I guess that could describe her as well.

TLC stinks said... 151

Her tweets can be lies to throw people off as to where she really is. Nothing surprises me anymore. You would think TFM would have the decency to not take her to the KY Derby this year considering the rumor about TLC buying those incriminating photos but somehow I think the opposite is true when it comes to publicity just prior to a Mother's Day. If it's possible, Kate and TFM will be there just to get the tabloid exposure. They are both disgusting.

Lynne In RI said... 152

Has Milo given up on her squatter's rights (or rites) since Kate never responded to her challenge?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153

TLC Stinks (#151), "decency" was tossed from TFW's life
just like the kids' Sunday school artwork, and those blocks from
the Amish woman. Oh, and Jon.

So TFW claims she didn't go to the derby last year because she
wanted to be with her kids. So if she goes this year, does that
mean she doesn't want to be with her kids? #Dolt.

She'd go to the opening of a can of tuna if someone else was
footing the bill. If she didn't go last year, it's because no one
handed her the opportunity on a golden platter. To use the
kids as her excuse is laughable.

Lynne In RI said... 154

TLC (151): "You would think TFM would have the decency to not take her to the KY Derby this year considering the rumor about TLC buying those incriminating photos..."


When has that ever stopped either one of them? There have been rumors about their relationship for years.

Lynne In RI said... 155

Somewhere In Time said... 149
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 #Honestytime #PrejudicedMom Is our Alexis a good reader? I bet she reads w/the same passion & feeling she has when talking? :)

I don't understand those hash tags. Prejudiced Mom?

redbird said... 156

FlimsyFlamsy said...134


It was horrible that she wouldn't let those boys eat a strawberry. Not one strawberry or the cupcakes. And she is especially cruel when she can pour her salt into a wound by having J's face smeared with sloppy joe sauce and rubbed the salt in by naming it sloppy Joel's sauce.

Over And Out said... 157

I was curious to see what Ms Uggs and Mr Uggs Jr have been up to:

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@michaelstrahan remember me ? I would not need #Tinder if you would take me on a date #bucketlist you and @KellyRipa so funny !!! #smiles

Jeepers. She really does want a man...NOW! I'm sure @Michaelstrahan remembers her!

It looks like Tinder isn't working out for her.

Over And Out said... 158

I had to laugh at this tweet. I couldn't figure out if this was a Malaprop or what...

justme ‏@nochanceofrain 12m12 minutes ago
@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 this is her praylood of Mother's Day that she is #1 mom.she's right in that fact..#1MONSTER MOM #kidsnightmare

Sleepless In Seattle said... 159

Over And Out said... 157
I was curious to see what Ms Uggs and Mr Uggs Jr have been up to:

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@michaelstrahan remember me ? I would not need #Tinder if you would take me on a date #bucketlist you and @KellyRipa so funny !!! #smiles

Good luck with that! Looking at his past girlfriends, I really don't think Uggs is his type!

fidosmommy said... 160

Praylood. Is that when you go to the restroom and hope all goes well?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 161

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 17m17 minutes ago
Told my teen girls there’s only 2 reasons I’ll wake them in middle of the night:
1.There’s a fire 🔥
2. Bc @MirandaSings is following me 💋😂

Oh, geez. Still hasn't grifted those tickets yet, huh? Milo better get on that right away and pester Miranda for those passes because Kate is such a huge fan.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 162

Oh, geez. Still hasn't grifted those tickets yet, huh? Milo better get on that right away and pester Miranda for those passes because Kate is such a huge fan.


Well, of course she's using the fans to tweet Miranda and get a response. They can't see through this ploy, and like the good sheep that they are, they will do it for her! TFW really has some nerve...

redbird said... 163

Did you see the lips/kiss on the tweet? Remember she kissed the envelope of the video tape she sent in to the networks?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164

redbird said... 163
Did you see the lips/kiss on the tweet? Remember she kissed the envelope of the video tape she sent in to the networks?


Miranda Sings is known for her bright red lips...that's why she did that.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 165

fidosmommy said... 160
Praylood. Is that when you go to the restroom and hope all goes well?


LOL! I thought that was Prayload.

TLC stinks said... 166

I cannot believe, well I guess I can, that she is still attempting to grift Miranda tickets. There must be a show coming up nearby.

I'm in with those who say she and Steve will show up at the Derby. Perfect opportunity for pap pictures with the rumors continuing to swirl. Hell, TLC may even foot their bill.

localyocul said... 167

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8h8 hours ago
Told my teen girls there’s only 2 reasons I’ll wake them in middle of the night:
1.There’s a fire 🔥
2. Bc @MirandaSings is following me 💋😂

Miranda Sings ‏@MirandaSings 7h7 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 wake them up


Oh jeez. Looks impressive til you see Miranda follows 16,800 people. Kate follows 148.

P.J. said... 168

Well, well, well, Ms. Organized seems to not be letting the Aug Miranda "concert" sneak up on her like Easter did. Oh who am I kidding, M is the one who's on top of things in that house.

She's got almost 4 months to work on her grifting skills.

Tucker's Mom said... 169

I won't be surprised at all if Kate treats herself and Steve to the Derby again this year.
She hasn't had a getaway in what? 2 months? That's seriously like total withdrawal for Kate.
She'd better go so she doesn't have clonic seizures.

Tucker's Mom said... 170

I don't understand those hash tags. Prejudiced Mom?
That's because idiots like Kate and Milo us # for emphasis, not to aggregate topics.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@michaelstrahan remember me ? I would not need #Tinder if you would take me on a date #bucketlist you and @KellyRipa so funny !!! #smiles

My gawd, that woman is just embarrassing herself over and over. It's so unbecoming.
I'm sure that her crushes laugh at her out of pity.
I couldn't imagine acting like such a sniveling, groveling loser.

Here's a hint for Miss Permanently 13yo- Men hate when grown woman act like 13-year olds, and have no respect when you throw yourself at them.
Some dude needs to just pity f*ck her.

Tucker's Mom said... 172

TLC stinks said... 166
I cannot believe, well I guess I can, that she is still attempting to grift Miranda tickets. There must be a show coming up nearby.

I'm in with those who say she and Steve will show up at the Derby. Perfect opportunity for pap pictures with the rumors continuing to swirl. Hell, TLC may even foot their bill.
I think Kate will use the Celebrity Apprentice tailwind and grift her way into the Derby and freebie tents this year.
No way she's passing that up if she can help it.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

I'm sure Kate is trying to grift Miranda tickets and passes, when she can certainly afford them and secure the event as a gift to the twins.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 174

Gosh, I hope TFW is able to grift 3 tickets (well, 4 - one for Steve)
to Miranda Sings. Because if there's one thing teenage girls love,
it's having their 40-year-old mom tagging along to the coolest
show of the summer.

Tucker's Mom said... 175

I can't wait to see Skeve's Derby photo of Kate, with her hat, toe-spilling sandads and come hither pose ;)

TLC stinks said... 176

Miranda Sings probably has someone do her tweeting anyway like most celebs (except Kate, LOL). Kate is insufferable with the grifting. I wonder if she promised the twins tickets if they film during the summer? ~ Administrator said... 177

Why does she like the Derby so much as opposed to say trying to grift her way to a Hollywood premiere in NYC or LA? Those would be much easier to get tickets to. Is it just the great swag and playing dress up? Because it's not the horses.

Miranda didn't seem overly enthused to indulge Kate last night. She probably just did it so she'd stop embarrassing herself. Because it was getting really embarrassing.

fidosmommy said... 178

Maybe you have to be a Louisvillian to understand the draw of the Derby. :) It is a whole lot of fun even if you never watch a race.
A-listers go. They are in the private enclosed areas, but they also spend time walking around and going to the paddocks. If Kate aspires to be an A-lister, the Kentucky Derby is one important place to be seen. And as a bonus, the bigger woman's the hat the more attention she draws. Right, Kate?

Call Me Crazy said... 179

TLC stinks said... 166

I cannot believe, well I guess I can, that she is still attempting to grift Miranda tickets. There must be a show coming up nearby.

Yep. Two shows in PA in August - in Reading and Philadelphia.

NJGal51 said... 180

TFW's tweet to MirandaSings just makes her look sad, desperate and controlling. Why not let the twins follow her themselves? Oh that's right, even though they've got the phones glued to their hands they're not on social media or the Internet...yeah, right. I guess she's got to go this route to grift tickets because her people (AKA TFM) haven't had any luck contacting MS's people. I guess she learned her lesson when she had nose bleed tickets for the other concerts she took the twins to - grift early for the good seats and backstage passes otherwise take what's left for not ordering your tickets early enough.

Note to MS/Colleen - TFW is a millionaire and can well afford your $150 tickets X3. If you're feeling charitable give tickets to someone deserving and not a reality TV has-been who's still trying to prove (to herself) that she matters.

Kentucky Derby? I don't think The Donald is going to be making any calls on her behalf so it will all be on her..."I am THE Kate Gosselin and I was on Celebrity Apprentice. MirandsSings follows me on Twitter!" Maybe she'll go and maybe she'll grift her way in to some of the freebie tents BUT she'll be reduced to tweeting a selfie to prove she was there.

fidosmommy said... 181

Last sentence of my last post -- "the bigger the woman's hat" is what I was trying to say. It sounded like I was talking about plus sized women. ~ Administrator said... 182

I get why some people go. I think many people have a genuine interest in it, like the parties and dress, and the sport and betting is fun if you are into that.

I just don't get KATE's interest in it. I think what I'm driving at is that Kate is a poser who follows whatever wave and direction she sees other celebs going in. I doubt she ever followed the derby before. I think some rich friends a few years ago invited her, as she herself explained once as I recall, and since it was a good chance to brush shoulders with A listers, off she went. She's not authentic. ~ Administrator said... 183

I had a few friends who had parents like Kate, trying to be into the same things us kids were in. It was embarrassing. She needs to let them be into what they're into without trying to pretend she's 14 too. And I agree, let them get an instagram or something and follow people themselves. They are old enough. There's no reason she can't monitor their social media carefully. But this interloping she does is not cute, and if it doesn't annoy and embarrass the hell out of the twins already, it will very soon. ~ Administrator said... 184

I wonder if she feels more comfortable at something like the Derby as opposed to having to be on point at other types of promotional events.

She can be with A listers while still sort of blending in and not being put on the spot. She can hide under her gigantic hat up in her nose bleeder seats away from fans and prying eyes. She can eat and drink and pretend she's a celeb without anyone asking her questions.

Deep down, she's very insecure.

Tucker's Mom said... 185 ~ Administrator said... 177
Why does she like the Derby so much as opposed to say trying to grift her way to a Hollywood premiere in NYC or LA? Those would be much easier to get tickets to. Is it just the great swag and playing dress up? Because it's not the horses.
I think it's the cache of the Derby itself, with the "high society" overtones, old money and pageantry.
She stands out like a sore thumb, like all the other reality tv "stars".
She's not the horse set. It's all about seeing, being seen and getting swag.
If Kate was into the horses, she'd avail herself of the long-standing Devon Horse Show and Fair, as I have for countless years.
Of course, that wouldn't involve a trip away with Steve because it's practically in her backyard, as is Philly Park.

P.J. said... 186

Admin said...

Why does she like the Derby so much as opposed to say trying to grift her way to a Hollywood premiere in NYC or LA? Those would be much easier to get tickets to. Is it just the great swag and playing dress up? Because it's not the horses.


I was wondering the same thing. There are easier ways to strut your stuff. The Derby just seems so random. It's not like she has some great love of horses, unless she's like a teenage girl in that respect. Or maybe she likes to play the ponies? We all know how she gets "addicted" to stuff like charity, giving back etc.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 187

TFW claims to be concerned that her sons don't have a positive
male role model. But how does acting like a 14 year old serve
her children? She seems to vacillate between being a drill
sergeant with the tups and a BFF with the twins. So many mixed
signals in that house. It must be terribly difficult to understand.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188

Admin (#184), I think you've got a point about the Derby. She's
not called upon to "perform," which is clearly not her strong suit.
She can just look the part of a glamorous starlet, and have an
excuse to buy a new outfit. Sounds like Lucy Ricardo, only
Lucy would never have stuffed her purse with free guacamole!

Tucker's Mom said... 189

NJGal51 said... 180
TFW's tweet to MirandaSings just makes her look sad, desperate and controlling. Why not let the twins follow her themselves?
Kate won't let her kids have social media, where she can't control the narrative.
I think I would allow a 14-year old to have one social media presence. I think it's a good opportunity to teach them about the good and bad of social media and how to do it responsibly.

Blowing In The Wind said... 190

Leigh Shahan ‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MirandaSings I Love Miranda! Colleen Ballinger is a genius!💋

Are grown adult women fans of this Miranda Sings/Colleen person? I thought that she was a draw for teens. A genius?

Tucker's Mom said... 191

Note to MS/Colleen - TFW is a millionaire and can well afford your $150 tickets X3. If you're feeling charitable give tickets to someone deserving and not a reality TV has-been who's still trying to prove (to herself) that she matters.
I hope Colleen is aware of how bad it will look to give Kate freebies and access. Kate can well afford to buy those tickets, and any comps should go to more deserving kids.
The Gosselins have had 5-lifetimes-worth of freebies, privilege and access in their young lives.

Tucker's Mom said... 192

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188
Admin (#184), I think you've got a point about the Derby. She's
not called upon to "perform," which is clearly not her strong suit.
She can just look the part of a glamorous starlet, and have an
excuse to buy a new outfit.
Hmm, her starlett years are waaaaaay behind her, and buy a new outfit?
Kate's going to fly down to Floriday, again, to grift from her favorite griftee. ~ Administrator said... 193

That just filmed a Mother's Day special, surely Kate can dig deep into her paycheck and get the twins tickets and stop being such a hoarder with her millions.

The grifting is shameful. Just shameful. There are so many deserving kids Miranda could donate tickets to, and I hope she doesn't fall for this crap.

NJGal51 said... 194

So now that TFW has gotten MS/Collen to follow her, what's the protocol? Does TFW have to DM her and flat out ask for tickets and backstage passes? In a tit-for-tat move will TFW be obligated to retweet MS tweets or post links to her videos? Or will TFW be true to form and ignore her once she gets what she wants. MirandaSings who?

P.J. said... 195

Tucker's Mom said...

I think I would allow a 14-year old to have one social media presence. I think it's a good opportunity to teach them about the good and bad of social media and how to do it responsibly.


How could she possibly teach the kids how to behave on social media when she's such an epic failure herself? She encourages stalking behaviour, she allows the bashing of the kid's father on her timeline and she hooked up with the biggest con artist in recent internet memory.

TLC stinks said... 196

Ohhhhkay. Now it makes perfect sense why she has started up the Miranda Sings love fest and has her fans tweeting to Miranda. Jon should buy tickets today and take the girls.

P.J. said... 197

Leigh Shahan ‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MirandaSings I Love Miranda! Colleen Ballinger is a genius!��


She must be a genius if she can actually get people to shell out that kind of money to see her act. I've looked at some of her stuff. To quote a quasi-famous gestational carrier, "I don't get it.".

redbirdsings said... 198

She better turn up the grifting charm if she wants to get tickets. Just checked Stubhub and there are only 3 shows near her. A total of 92 tickets are available. The show in Reading only has 32. The Glenside shows have 40 for the first one and 20 for the 2nd one.

The tickets are only 72 to 82 dollars each.

Just go on line, FW and order them while they still have them and pay for them like everyone else. Gee Whiz. Enough is enough.

Blowing In The Wind said... 199

She needs to let them be into what they're into without trying to pretend she's 14 too. And I agree, let them get an instagram or something and follow people themselves. They are old enough. There's no reason she can't monitor their social media carefully. But this interloping she does is not cute, and if it doesn't annoy and embarrass the hell out of the twins already, it will very soon.


I don't think this latest act of grifting has anything to do with having social media as far as the twins are concerned. What she is doing is trying to use her status as a celebrity to grift tickets. Even if the twins had social media, I would imagine that they know that they couldn't get tickets by themselves. It's their mother who knows people, who has contacts, whose name is recognized, and therefore she is the one who has to ask for tickets and passes.

redbirdsings said... 200

Gee Whiz. Enough is Enough.

Your embarrassing yourself.

Please, Miranda don't fall for this!

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