Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 1870 of 1870 Newer› Newest»Tucker's Mom said... 176
TLC stinks said... 158
Horrifying to even think about. Zorro is ripe for something like this.
How many H's are you up to? "Horrifying" works, too!
I was going to post those Shakespearean quotes yesterday, but I lost them before posting. Little did I know that yesterday was "Talk like Shakespeare" day. Kate, thy old pignut! (Sorry, Tucker!)
Virginia Pen Mom (#2), yesterday was also Shakespeare's birthday,
so that's probably why they made that holiday!
Although I doubt she'll keep up with it after the special airs, I do
hope TFW will continue blogging. It is snarkalicious. And if Gladys
did indeed enjoy that blog all day long, I am even more concerned
than ever about her mental health.
NJGal51 said... 200
The most appropriate quote that I can think of for TFW.
"Life does not stop and start at your convenience you miserable piece of SHIT!" (Walter Sobchak, The Big Lebowski)
April 24, 2015 at 9:01 AM
Here's my quote from Veep:
“Do you want to know how toxic she is, Amy? Imagine something small has crawled up a dead cow’s ass, and then that small thing actually dies itself, then that dead thing farted out a sac of eggs, but each individual egg is a smaller, rotting dead thing. That’s how toxic she is.” — Jonah
Virginia Pen Mom said... 1
How many H's are you up to? "Horrifying" works, too!
And here are two more for you Rhymes - #HashtagHo
They tucked a bird into Krieder's bed? Beyond gross.
IIRC, it was Auntie that called Kate the 'hobbling harridan'. LOL
(haven't read far enough to find out what the "H" significance is, but that one comes to mind.
H = 8th letter of the alphabet.
Woo hoo! Over one thousand comments!
On to dancing with the stars news, the tenth anniversary show was trapped Tuesday. While rehearsing for it on Monday night, Derek Hough had some kind of accident and ended up with a broken toe on one for and a bad sprain on the other ankle. He was replaced by another dancer on the Tuesday taping (it airs next week) and missed his shows at Radio City this week. He tweeted/posted his appreciation that Mark Ballas and marks parents stayed with him at the hospital er until the wee hours.
Highbrow or not, I liked this one:
Ya daft wee maggot.
Loving all the h suggestions.
ITA, it is a coincidence she comes up with Zorro in the BBB after the news about the woman with the parrot. She has no imagination and steals ideas, so it makes since she needed something for her blog. I think she actually did take the bird in the van.
I guess Mady is the Queen Bee in the household since she always is in Kate's bedroom. Kate treats her like her gal-pal. I hate to see the child mold herself into what her mother is but seems to be the case.
angie said... 7
IIRC, it was Auntie that called Kate the 'hobbling harridan'. LOL
(haven't read far enough to find out what the "H" significance is, but that one comes to mind.
That was back when she 'hyperbolized' her stubbed pinky into a broken foot.
JoyinVirginia said... 9
Woo hoo! Over one thousand comments!
On to dancing with the stars news, the tenth anniversary show was trapped Tuesday. While rehearsing for it on Monday night, Derek Hough had some kind of accident and ended up with a broken toe on one for and a bad sprain on the other ankle. He was replaced by another dancer on the Tuesday taping (it airs next week) and missed his shows at Radio City this week.
Well, obviously, fer sure, Derek's career is over.
Those broken toes...
I hope he can drag himself out of his bedroom soon.
LOL franky!! Thanks for the giggles, every time they said Saskatchewan, I cracked up, my dogs are wondering why I am laughing so hard!
Admin., I agree, why can't the cops just ticket them for driving distracted, or what ever. No need to pass anything special, they sure didn't in this province. Then again the entire population of this province is only 1 million, but still, all of the states need to stop this danger.
CNN is saying that the Statue of Liberty is being evacuated right now.
OT-I live out in the country, far off from the main roads, so I am able to let my dogs run free now & then. Last year 1 of the Bichons ran up the steps with something in his mouth. I let him in, and he gently dropped a huge egg at my feet, a duck egg. He had carried it from just short of a quarter mile, and it did not have a crack in it! Anyone else have a dog that does this?
Man, am quiet for days now can't shut up!
Karen Kaufman said... 6
They tucked a bird into Krieder's bed? Beyond gross.
I don't care if the bird crapped everywhere and it's gross. She and the kids have to live with that. This is dangerous for the bird. You never ever take a parrot to bed and tuck it in. It's nothing but pure luck that the bird is still alive considering all the stunts they do with him as far as letting him roam the house unsupervised. Did Kate say that the bird was in the bathroom when she went in there? How did Zorro get into that room? You just don't let a small parrot like that have the run of the house. Good lord in heaven.
Looks like Milo is still laughing about the bird escapade. I hope she bought some extra Depends. She's insane, not to mention stupid beyond belief.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
You & this bird..#Zorro.. You crack me up! Another really funny blog post! We need another one on #AdventuresOfShokies now! @kateplusmy8
Shokies? Now she has a nickname for the dog who is part of Milo's family, obviously.
prairiemary said... 16
CNN is saying that the Statue of Liberty is being evacuated right now.
False alarm. Thank goodness!
During the performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater on the night Lincoln was assassinated. it has been reported that he fired the shot during the line in the play in which he knew there would be the most noise/laughter from the audience:
:“Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal—you sockdologizing old man-trap.”
prairiemary said... 17
OT-I live out in the country, far off from the main roads, so I am able to let my dogs run free now & then. Last year 1 of the Bichons ran up the steps with something in his mouth. I let him in, and he gently dropped a huge egg at my feet, a duck egg. He had carried it from just short of a quarter mile, and it did not have a crack in it! Anyone else have a dog that does this?
Man, am quiet for days now can't shut up!
On time, our lab walked into the house and dropped something-didn't know what it was at first. It was a dead cardinal. Yuck!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
You & this bird..#Zorro.. You crack me up! Another really funny blog post! We need another one on #AdventuresOfShokies now! @kateplusmy8
Shokies? Now she has a nickname for the dog who is part of Milo's family, obviously.
Right after tweeting that to Kate, Milo tweeted a pic of a dog runnng down a driveway, with the caption saying something like "run like the gate is open!".
Um...Kate's done that with her dogs, Milo. They ran right out the gate and onto the road, where Kate left them for hours.
Sometimes, I think Milo just might be a hater in disguise, poking at Kate over and over.
Did anyone read the sad news about Sawyer Sweeten, one of the twins from Everyone Loves Raymond? He committed suicide at age 19 this morning. Very sad. He and his two siblings were very young kids when on that sit-com.
Correction; name of show was Everybody Loves Raymond and this happened yesterday...a good article is on Yahoo about former kids stars and depression leading to suicide.
Formerly Duped said... 23
Did anyone read the sad news about Sawyer Sweeten, one of the twins from Everyone Loves Raymond? He committed suicide at age 19 this morning. Very sad. He and his two siblings were very young kids when on that sit-com.
April 24, 2015 at 1:17 PM
It's very sad. He had not acted since Raymond, so I tend to not think it was about being famous.
Dr. Phil has an incredibly interesting catfish story on today if you can catch it.
Did anyone read the sad news about Sawyer Sweeten, one of the twins from Everyone Loves Raymond? He committed suicide at age 19 this morning. Very sad. He and his two siblings were very young kids when on that sit-com.
Yes, I read it yesterday. He had gone to visit his family in Texas and ended his life there yesterday morning. He was such a cute kid. What a shame.
Um...Kate's done that with her dogs, Milo. They ran right out the gate and onto the road, where Kate left them for hours.
Sometimes, I think Milo just might be a hater in disguise, poking at Kate over and over.
I saw that, Tucker's and was just about to comment on it. I thought...geez, Milo, why would you post something like that when Shoka has escaped more than once? Milo has never been known to think before she tweets pictures, and she just goes merrily along and continues to do so.
I looked at this person's TL. Kate really has some classy fans, doesn't she? How does she attract these very odd, clueless people? Birds of a feather maybe?
Kevsmellmyfart @freddyfigglehor
@Kaceytron420 @nochanceofrain @msgoody2shoes21 @Hollybm78 I dont know but,we know that all of kate' s family betrayed her.Kate is not a liar
Tucker's mom-oh yes, they LOVE dead birds! So gross, and you never know if the bird is diseased or not. I know that birds outside carry mites, but do indoor pet birds carry any? So gross to have a bird pooping around the house-not such a clean freak these days, is she?
I think Kate absolutely took the bird in the car. Why? For one reason only--so she could write a blog about it. And great point to whomever said the bird could have flown under the pedals. A bird in a car is a big distraction regardless of how the bird behaves. Just trying to keep her eye on him even if he was behaving would have been a distraction in itself. And with eight children is this stunt was beyond stupid.
I think the reason she is back to blogging is not to drum up interest in her tv show. Anybody that follows her twitter account is already a given viewer of her show. So I think the reason for the renewed interest is she is missing whatever income it was generating for her. Or perhaps one or more of her kids shamed her and told her she gave up on it. Or perhaps she is bored out of her mind and she just wanted to do it to kill time.
She needs to revamp the entire website or get rid of it. There is no directory of sorts at all. And she puts 90% of her writings under the "Just My 8 Cents Worth" tab. It is very hard to look up something if not impossible the way the website is layed out.
Did anyone read the sad news about Sawyer Sweeten, one of the twins from Everyone Loves Raymond? 23
I did. So very sad. Only 19.
I thought Sawyer Sweetin was maybe related to Jodi Sweetin from Full House. But they are not related.
The only episodes that I like from ELR was Robert and Amy's wedding and when everyone realized that the kids were all alone at the house. The sister was making pancakes for her little twin brothers to the relief of Debra and Ray.
Anonymous said... 31
Déjà vu.
Lol, Veep is so flipping hysterical. Love that show.
Wow. Where are all Kate's ardent lickspittles? She's only getting about 4 tweets per hr.
I always liked ELR Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes. Hilarious dysfunction.
(When she was on Andy Cohen, he asked her about a current news story that was all the news {can't recall what it was}, she said she was watching it in the green room, he said "nope! saw you watching a housewives show
It was something HUGE, like the presidential debates or something. Something where if you're going on a talk show THAT NIGHT, you should watch it even if you aren't interested.
As I recall whoever else was a guest on the show watched and spoke very well about the topic. Kate looked like a dolt.
I think the guest was Morgan Fairchild. She put Kate to shame.
It was something HUGE, like the presidential debates or something. Something where if you're going on a talk show THAT NIGHT, you should watch it even if you aren't interested.
As I recall whoever else was a guest on the show watched and spoke very well about the topic. Kate looked like a dolt.
It was the presidential debates and Kate tried to lie her way out of the question, but was busted for watching Real Housewives instead.
Morgan Fairchild watched and discussed it.
Yet another thing Kate should just own up to. She's not into politics, doesn't keep up on current events, and doesn't feel like voting.
Not things that are admirable by any stretch of the imagination, but better to just say so than lie and get caught.
That's embarrassing once your past grade school.
She could have played off her disinterest with a cute joke too instead of lying. Sort of like hey I have eight kids, every day in my house is a presidential debate! The last thing I want to do is watch more debating!
She would have gotten a laugh from Andy and a free pass. The only thing she ran the risk of with lying was getting caught, and she did.
We're gonna need a bigger bucket.
Anonymous said... 31
I think the reason she is back to blogging is not to drum up interest in her tv show. Anybody that follows her twitter account is already a given viewer of her show. So I think the reason for the renewed interest is she is missing whatever income it was generating for her.
I can't imagine there is more than a pittance--if that--of income associated with her website. Who would bother to put an ad on a site that is only very occasionally and irregularly updated? And which clearly has a rigged counter. Serious question, is there some other type of income that this could be bringing in?
I think the reason she is back to blogging is not to drum up interest in her tv show. Anybody that follows her twitter account is already a given viewer of her show. So I think the reason for the renewed interest is she is missing whatever income it was generating for her.
I can't imagine there is more than a pittance--if that--of income associated with her website. Who would bother to put an ad on a site that is only very occasionally and irregularly updated? And which clearly has a rigged counter. Serious question, is there some other type of income that this could be bringing in?
I think if it actually made her any money to speak of she would have done it more consistently. I doubt it makes her much. Celeb blogs also historically don't make much in ads. I think Perez Hilton was an example of that. Though the site does make money it's nothing compared to say, a blog about cameras, computers, or cooking. I think blogging is part of any standard media promotion these days and at this point is probably written into most contracts as a standard promotional obligation. Just like doing whatever talk shows they arrange for you, if any, or live tweeting, or whatever else they cook up to promote, would be your contractual obligation to participate in.
The only thing she ran the risk of with lying was getting caught, and she did.
That is because, as PJ pointed out so well, she even sucks at lying.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Got a personal #funny N ur Dm....ck it asap...😋
Chop, chop. That's an order.
I can't imagine there is more than a pittance--if that--of income associated with her website. Who would bother to put an ad on a site that is only very occasionally and irregularly updated? And which clearly has a rigged counter. Serious question, is there some other type of income that this could be bringing in?
Kate's blog doesn't make any money. Not for click throughs, not for selling books, not for anything.
She doesn't get hits for content, nor is her blog ever linked anywhere that could cause a viral-type interest. I don't believe that's ever happened.
She's probably not even covering the cost of the platform provider's monthly or yearly fee.
I have no idea why Kate's suddenly putting up new posts, but don't expect it to last, because other than getting a dribble of people yapping about in on her twitter feed, she got nothing.
Not even a pick up from a shitty gossip site.
Just like doing whatever talk shows they arrange for you, if any, or live tweeting, or whatever else they cook up to promote, would be your contractual obligation to participate in.
I don't think TLC would be directing or demanding Kate revive her blog. If they did, I would sure think they'd have someone work with her to clean it up and edit her slop.
What would make more sense, if TLC wanted Kate to blog, would be to have her submit posts to their website, so they can reach more readers and generate more hits than Kate could ever do on her blog.
I doubt Kate ever checks or runs analytics on her blog.
Rosie O said on tv that Perez was a millionaire or a multi-millionaire with that website he has.
I think Blogger ate my first post about Mama June and her breaking news. I put Pass the Bucket. link from TMZ. Then ROL beat TMZ by having mother and daughter announce their breaking news and I put,
We're gonna need a bigger bucket.
Also, in a help to drive up ratings, Kylie Jenner posted a picture of Bruce from 1980 in Daisy Duke shorts and a cropped t-shirt from the movie, Can't Stop the Music. And also reminds her 22 million followers to watch her daddy on Diane Sawyer tonight.
Why does Gladys have to tweet TFW to check her DM? Can't
she use her more private ways of communicatin'? Maybe she's
sent TFW a list of hilarious future blog topic suggestions. You
know she's got her finger on the pulse of what's funny, what
with her ever-present LOL.
I see the blog Kate wrote is her way of throwing her devoted fans a bone. And her most devoted Milo, is running around like a chicken without a head!
The Bruce Jenner shitshow I mean interview is tonight. It's two whole hours, bless you Diane Sawyer.
Piariemary: Yes, indoor birds can pick up bacteria, form people not washing hands, before touching them, they also can pick up germs, from flying around the house, and yes they can get very sick. I take my birds to the bird vet and they do tests on their blood & poop. They look for parasites, bacteria, fat content, etc. Then the vet let's me know how healthy my birds are. If I need to change what I feed them or give them medicine. Or if they are female, their poop is huge, when they are egg laying, and if they need more calcium. So yes, to your question on, their poop being unhealthy in your home. I would not want to find bird poop anywhere that it should not be. I also would not want to eat at Kate's house, with her poop containers, around the house. EW! Disgusting, gross.
Admin: In The Red Eye, newspaper one reporter said the whole interview is BS! Just more publicity for the Kardashian clan.
I wonder if she will ask him about the car accident which apparently they are now saying WAS his fault despite initial reports.
I forgot to mention I went hiking the other week at corral canyon which is right at the turn off to that light where the accident occurred and I made a point to look at the scene again. I don't know how you can miss that light or not anticipate people stopped there. Although the hill is steep, the visibility is very good and you can see the light a good 15 seconds before you're ever upon it. That is plenty of time to stop even a car pulling a trailer.
I'm guessing he'll deflect those questions off to his lawyers.
It was the presidential debates and Kate tried to lie her way out of the question, but was busted for watching Real Housewives instead.
Morgan Fairchild watched and discussed it.
It was the vice-presidential debates.
redbird...it's Sawyer Sweeten and Jodi Sweetin. Different last name, but almost the same pronunciation.
Sometimes, I think Milo just might be a hater in disguise, poking at Kate over and over.
I don't think she's a hater. She's just so dang dumb that she doesn't know when she's poking and when she's praising.
I also would not want to eat at Kate's house, with her poop containers, around the house. EW! Disgusting, gross.
Kate's funny about what she thinks is nasty or not.
1. motel carpet is nasty, need to wear shoes; but the streets of NYC are clean enough for her to walk about in her bare feet.
2. bird shat is fine, but baby poop is not.
3.bird shat cans around the house are fine, yet the hired help can't place their purse on a counter, they must place their purse on the floor.
4. canned goods also cannot touch a countertop, if they do, counter top must be bleached and sanitized-but the bird can walk on every surface in the house. (and eat off your plate)
pardon my while I go bang my head against the wall.
FlimsyFlamsy, haha Milo has her finger on the pulse of what's funny. Bwahahaha
It made me have a flashback of the picture of the caterpillar on the stick.
Well, June's slept with all the males in the universe that have shown any interest in her....so now she's gotta go to the other side, maybe there might be 1 or 2 from the Earth's female population that want to have sex with her. LOL
(maybe she just needs to admit defeat and run down to 'the store'. don't forget the batteries, June!) lololol
(and this snark is solely aimed at June, not the daughter. she deserves her privacy)
Admin, how about letting us go till we get to 2K posts! The reason why it was so hard was the last thread the post was extremely long and this one is very short and very easy to navigate! I don't recall as long as I have been here and that has been years of a 2K thread!
Ironically, a high schoolmate posted this on FB just now:
Nothing serves as a faster reminder of instinct than to have your child's parakeet escape from its cage only to be caught within seconds by the family terrier and shaken within an inch of it's life. We did manage to pry her off and the poor little guy survived the ordeal, but is traumatized and currently being comforted in his cage by his best friend and fellow parakeet.
Why does Gladys have to tweet TFW to check her DM? Can't
she use her more private ways of communicatin'? Maybe she's
sent TFW a list of hilarious future blog topic suggestions. You
know she's got her finger on the pulse of what's funny, what
with her ever-present LOL.
Didn't she tweet Kate some time ago that she has interesting topics for her blog and pestered Kate to contact her? Then someone else picked up the idea and also tweeted Kate about it. I don't remember who it was because all these sheeple kind of blend together with their adulation and stupidity.
It seems to me that having birds and dogs is probably not going to be compatible.
It seems to me the bird roams freely, and that Shoka absolutely should not be around him. That means that Shoka probably can't be around his pack much, and that's wrong and unfair. Since Shoka was there first, the bird should be given to a nice family who would be more gentle with him, put him in his cage when he has to ride and the car, and who don't have dogs.
Hehe, redbird. The recap of the final episode of CA is coming soon, prob I'll post it tonight. And when I say coming soon I actually mean coming soon lol.
Tucker's Mom said... Sometimes, I think Milo just might be a hater in disguise, poking at Kate over and over.
YES! I've been saying that for a couple of years now. Someone, or a group of someones, has been yanking Kate's chain all this time, posing as a drooling fan. I think Milo thinks Kate is as ridiculous as the rest of us do, but is bold enough to play this game with her. Just my opinion, but I'm not sold she's a true fan. She leans into the realm of sarcasm too much for me to believe she's legit.
Oh, yes, angie! Mama June is fair game, but Pumpkin is still a child.
Well, that was a hour of my life I will never get back. I could not watch anymore of Bruce Jenner interview. His : let me be honest, honestly, and wishy washy, yes-no, I'm not sure, let me explain, reminded me of Kate. Then they started to go into Kardashian thinking, and it was I got to save myself, change channel. It sucked! He could not say it, I'm a woman in mans body, or I like to think of myself as a woman, but still like being a guy. He could not commit to one or the other. He did not want to say he is transgender, but he is straight, not gay and then a whole bunch of yes-no, maybe, don't know. I wanted to say to him pick one. He gave flip-floppy answers. The interview started to get boring, after about 20 mins. For me! This interview could have been done in half hour not 2.
I also would not want to eat at Kate's house, with her poop containers, around the house. EW! Disgusting, gross.
But there is a bird cage in the house and unless Kate stands there to catch the droppings, there is poop on the bottom of that cage. I'm not quite sure why you wouldn't want to eat in Kate's house because poop is poop, and regardless where it is in the house, it's still IN the house.
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