Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1870 Newer› Newest»Glad to know that wasn't you Mel. It sure seemed out of character. Sorry about that and glad you're staying!
As for the impersonation, childish at best and definitely creepy. Grow up, sheep.
Good on him and even "gooder" is that it's
coming from people mag. Suck it skhate, take that to the spa!
She never leaves the house? Yet again, using those kids for sympathy and I'm sure the kids hear it on a regular basis, all while she-s texting them from the spa.
Mel said... 199
Too funny that I don't even know what other blog y'all are talking about.
That makes two of us!!
They did it to see if they could get everyone to say, "oh Mel thanks for finally saying what I was thinking!"
They got one taker, someone I don't even recognize as someone who posts here. Uh huh.
It's boredom, I suppose.
We had a very open discussion about the letter and I think everyone had a fair opportunity to hash out their feelings on that. We seemed to be rather split down the middle, and that's okay. The letter has been removed by the people who posted it, so at this point the issue is moot.
There are posters here that I scroll right past because they annoy the hell out of me (not you, redbird), and I'm sure there are people who scroll right past mine. I find it so annoying when some people don't read and catch up from the previous hour or so, and jump right in with things that have already been discussed. But, it's the nature of blogs and so you go with the flow or you move on.
Yes exactly. That's sort of the pet peeves with the nature of a blog and I think you have to decide whether you are okay with rolling with the punches on that or if it's just too much to put up with and you need to leave. I think most people who have stayed this long have found a comfortable spot here and if anyone does need to leave I know we all appreciate when people give a polite goodbye, and most do. F-all ya'll see ya send offs are not usually productive much less respectful of what folks have built here and I'm glad that's not what happened.
I'll bet her idea of "not a lot of help" and mine are vastly different.
Haha, I'll bet.
Not a lot of help I bet means once in awhile the nanny is not available on a Saturday night.
Thank you for the tip about "The Call" I had to stay up late and finish watching it. I haven't been so engrossed in a movie for ages. Couldn't stop watching. I loved it.
I thought The Call was very good too, surprisingly. I like thrillers. Not the horror type but like that one.
fidosmommy said... 200
Do you think Kate expects this supervisor to wash windows and take all the drapes and the Kanga pelt to the dry cleaner once a month? Surely Kate would put this person to work. Nobody is allowed to just stand around. That wouldn't be helping Kate.
Heck no. I'm pretty sure she has a housekeeper to do that or maybe Jamie flies in once in a while to wash the windows.
But I do think something went down with CPS and someone is there for a few hours a week to make sure Kate doesn't whip out the spanker or the wine box when the mood grabs her. Something must have been done after the school expelled the kids because Kate did say she has help for 20 (?) hours a week. Maybe they help out with meals or homework so poor Schmoops doesn't get too overwhelmed with being a widow with eight kids I mean a single mom with eight kids.
I don't have a lot of help...didn't she used to say that she didn't have any help?
Completely denying the existence of the laundry girl, the housekeeper, the nanny, the lawn boys, the chicken coop man, the homework helper, the plow truck driver, the pool boys.
I am starting to wonder if she's had to cut back on the amount of household staff and is feeling the loss.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 142
Beth, bless her heart, created a monster when she told TFW going to the spa would make her a better Mommy. If it did, by now she ought
to be June Cleaver.
Absolutely agree. I remember when Beth put that idea into Kate's head, or put it out on TV to make Kate sound less selfish. I bet she (Beth) regrets it when she sees what Kate has become.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 142
Beth, bless her heart, created a monster when she told TFW going to the spa would make her a better Mommy. If it did, by now she ought
to be June Cleaver.
Absolutely agree. I remember when Beth put that idea into Kate's head, or put it out on TV to make Kate sound less selfish. I bet she (Beth) regrets it when she sees what Kate has become.
TFW's comment that she doesn't leave the house is so very
revealing. She's saying what she thinks an overwrought,
overworked, overwhelmed mother should say. But as usual,
it doesn't scan with reality, because it's fabricated.
As others have commented, she's proving that she is tone
deaf about the real-life role that she only pretends to play.
If she'd researched the role of a actual involved parent with
6 11-year-olds and 2 14-year-olds, she'd be saying, "Dude,
I'm never home! The place you're most likely to see me is
behind the wheel of my car! With 8 kids, there's no such thing
as a weekend without at least one birthday party, one sleepover,
one sports practice, one music lesson, or one playdate. I'm
constantly shuttling the kids back and forth from one place to
another, but I'm thrilled to nurture their social lives. And I know
I'll miss this flurry of activity when they're all grown and gone."
rainbowsandunicorns said... 168
I agree, though, that it's frustrating reading admin's comments to them, going back to try to find the original post and trying to figure out what the argument was.
I agree. It would really help the flow of the blog if admin could head these with "*******response to unpublished comment from troll******** and redbird could use some distinctive heading of her choice for her "wouldn't it be funny/great if" scenarios.
Mel said... 199
Too funny that I don't even know what other blog y'all are talking about.
I do know, but will leave it to others to decide whether to post it. I look over there (or google) once in a while to see if any of my comments have been picked up. So far so good.
That blog is one of the reasons I am very careful about posting potentially identifying information here.
admin said: The letter has been removed by the people who posted it, so at this point the issue is moot.
That's weird, admin. I clicked on it and got the "you should not have this" message, but when I clicked refresh, it brought it up. Has anyone figured out how or why Radar posted it? I know it was summarized some time ago, but the actual letter, as far as I know, was never published. Did someone wave a wand and suddenly it just appeared?
Not a lot of help. Riiiiiiggght
That's her mantra, ,never will she ever EVER acknowledge anyone for their hard and frankly BETTER work. If you show her up,you're out (jody) or she negates and critcizes your "better" work until you just can't take it anymore (jon and soon the kids, some already)
Must be nice to lay back, allow others to keep the ship running and swoop in at the end just to throw a wrench into everything. And to top it off, act like you did/do the brunt of it.
But I do think something went down with CPS and someone is there for a few hours a week to make sure Kate doesn't whip out the spanker or the wine box when the mood grabs her. Something must have been done after the school expelled the kids
What document was recently released that said one of the twins went to school complaining of not being able to move her arm because Kate hit her?
I'd be ashamed if I had been reported to CPS once,but MULTIPLE times as Kate has, I can't believe she has the gall to present herself as a model of motherhood.
I think Beth was used to living the good life and took for granted that moms are entitled to spa days. Many many mothers have never had a spa day. They might not have the time,money or have other priorities. Beth is a good person, obviously, evident from her volunteering to help with the baby tup preemies, but I think she is a bit entitled, too.
Absolutely agree. I remember when Beth put that idea into Kate's head, or put it out on TV to make Kate sound less selfish. I bet she (Beth) regrets it when she sees what Kate has become.
She latches on to whatever she's been told or heard to suit her agenda and justify her behavior. I'm sure she's been told to stop being selfish, a shrew, greedy, screechy, mean, a bitch, an abuser, to take the stick out....has she done any of these?
Jon is at Harrah's out at the marina. It's the beginning of summer so it should be packed. Good for him, and a nanny nanny boo boo to Milo and the sheep who swear that there's no money in DJing, plus they can't say that this was published in a junk tabloid so it's probably not true. They certainly can't trash People. After all, their Kate is the darling of the publication. Double whammy on the sheep.
I might even venture over to Harrah's that weekend,..no, not to stalk. I just like that part of AC, and it's a welcome summer thing!
Duped said: "They might not have the time,money or have other priorities. Beth is a good person, obviously, evident from her volunteering to help with the baby tup preemies, but I think she is a bit entitled, too."
I never got the feeling that she believed herself to be entitled. I think her husband was successful in what he did and worked hard, so if she had the nicer things in life, why shouldn't she enjoy them? She never flaunted it. The problem was that Kate saw what Beth had, wanted it, became one of the nouveau riche, then thought she'd out-do Beth and a monster was created.
I was stalked by a guy in college. He tricked me into giving him my number by telling me about an opportunity that would help me extra money while in school. He would wait by my car when I would get out of class. He would find out where the class was and wait outside the door. I told him I wasn't interested in this " work opportunity" and to please leave me alone. He would then call me 6x a day or show up in the school library if I were there. One day he was standing by my car and told me that he needed me to go with him to meet his recruiter. Foolishly I did! I figured he would finally leave me alone then. When I got into his car he said he would rather take me on a date. I said no, not interested. He began to act scary and threaten suicide. I began to get scared but tried not to show it. I told him I wasn't dressed properly for a date and I needed more time because I already had other " plans" . Thankfully he bought it and dropped me off. I later talked to a school official but they said there was nothing they could do . Instead I had to have my friends walk me in and out of the building and around school so I wasn't always alone. He would still be standing around trying to follow me. I was in the graduating class that year and it was my very last day there . He walked up to me when I was leaving the restroom and he demanded that I give him my number again since he " lost" it. I gave him a phony number and he said its time we go out for real this time. I graduated the next day and that was the last time I saw or heard from him.
Math said: "I do know, but will leave it to others to decide whether to post it. I look over there (or google) once in a while to see if any of my comments have been picked up. So far so good."
Perhaps they are just not math people (or English people, or history people, or science people, or...) LOL!
Another thought about TFW's I-never-leave-the-house-it's-true-
I-swear-plus-it's-true comment. She and her handful of fans
claim people dislike her so intensely because they're jealous
of her life. Who the heck would be jealous of someone who
never gets to leave the house?
Has Gladys commented about Jon's gig yet? Or will she heed
her own advice and #BeMature?
I bet Fake Mel got a big bang out of his/her little prank. Pretending to be someone else -- talk about arrested development. 187
I remember when a fake dog story was put out by the sheeple, saying that Shoka was outside without food or water and some were so concerned that the shelter was called to check on the dog. Turns out the sheep were so bored that the only thing they could come up with was to get everyone here believing the story and acting on it. It wasn't funny at all and it took someone away from doing his/her actual job which was caring for homeless and abused dogs.
Sheeple -- Low IQ? Try Zero IQ.
PJ, thanks for the laugh of the day for me! (not you, redbird!) :)
We know TFW reads here so, FW when are you going to tweet a sweet pic of Zorro? Day after day, after day. We'll wait. #Where'sZorro
I'm never home! The place you're most likely to see me is
behind the wheel of my car! With 8 kids, there's no such thing
as a weekend without at least one birthday party, one sleepover,
one sports practice, one music lesson, or one playdate. I'm
constantly shuttling the kids back and forth from one place to
another, but I'm thrilled to nurture their social lives. And I know
I'll miss this flurry of activity when they're all grown and gone."
You know, she outs herself every time. She probably doesn't say things like that because she doesn't do it, and because she's so stupid and narcissistic, she can't pretend or imagine what she would be saying if she actually cared for these children herself. She is unable to be aware of "the norm" if she is not personally living it. At least other celebs who have nothing to do with their children are able to PRETEND they do. She can't even do that.
My best guess would be they continue to have a full time nanny and perhaps even a weekend nanny, and the nanny or nannies does the bulk of the driving and shuttling around and keeping track of their various calendars. Because Kate doesn't do any of this, she is completely ignorant to the fact that that's all you do when you are in charge of a 10 year old, whether you are their nanny or in the parent role.
She doesn't do any of that stuff on any kind of regular basis, and that's all the proof I need.
The letter isn't working for me, I recall others saying the same. I thought Radar has said they're removing it. Maybe it's a cookie thing?? As in your cookies are able to remember and bring up a deleted file. I've had that happen before. And, now I'm hungry.
People want to keep their job so you have to put up with the good and the bad. Those emails between Jen and Kate prove there was pressure to put up with Kate's krap. I wonder now that Kate is not riding high these days if Jen puts up with Kate's demands.
It must really burn her behind that, while she didn't get that longed for People feature for her 40th, the "Jon" article made this week's issue.
Hmm. I thought this just happened. Is In Touch recycling articles from January?
Regarding the contents of the "fake" Mel post. I do have to agree that it gets a bit confusing when admin responds to a post that isn't there. I find myself scrolling back to see the original comment, can't find it, but then think, oh, what the heck, it's just another nasty troll who wandered over here to stir up some stuff. In addition, if there's a post that's a comment on old discussions that we've moved away from, I'll just scroll past.
I think that we can pretty much guess where that fake post came from since the targets seem to be admin and Redbird. Nothing new there, move along.
I've had that happen before. And, now I'm hungry.
Yes, and with all the talk about Easter candy on sale, I'm heading to Walgreens to see if there's anything left there!
We know TFW reads here so, FW when are you going to tweet a sweet pic of Zorro? Day after day, after day. We'll wait. #Where'sZorro
Probably lost in that warm ample bosom of her love.
Most people I know with ten year olds refer to themselves as mom's taxi company.
C'mom TFW! We've given you plenty of ideas here for how a real mom acts. Take the hint, will ya?
And by the way, #whereszorro?
Who the heck would be jealous of someone who
never gets to leave the house?
Thinking like a sheeple here. Their answer would be that she has such a gorgeous huge mansion that you're all just jealous because if you had a place like that you'd never want to leave it either.
It's kind of scary when we can anticipate what the sheep will come up with!
TMZ has a scathing article on Jon's pending gig. Their headline seems to quote Jon, but the article itself is "According to our club sources". They also say the (alleged) court judgment was for "stealing" from an employer. Since when is stealing a civil matter? They are unbelievably vile.
She latches on to whatever she's been told or heard to suit her agenda and justify her behavior. I'm sure she's been told to stop being selfish, a shrew, greedy, screechy, mean, a bitch, an abuser, to take the stick out....has she done any of these?
I don't know, Vanessa. You'll have to ask Milo, Denise, Carlene and the rest of the sheeple about the stick. They're all up there with it so I would assume that they know if it's been removed.
Snarky today. My baseball team is making a fool out of itself this afternoon.
Milo is so fixated on beds and baths, but only when Kate is in them! When she gets something in her head she doesn't let go. At least we haven't heard about the Grow-A-Boyfriend for quite some time!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Oh Saturday... https://t.co/52VzMR14Qf.
There was someone on here recently who posted that she could tell from Milo's tweets that this is definitely a straight male. Some here have asked for examples, and I'd really be curious about this, but unless I missed it, there has been no response.
P.J. said... 163
I find it so annoying when some people don't read and catch up from the previous hour or so, and jump right in with things that have already been discussed.
It seems to annoy the hell out of the trolls/drive-bys too.
The thing that struck me about waving the screwdriver around the microwave incident, IF it ever even happened, is that she's doing this while the kids are eating dinner. Why the heck is she not eating dinner with them? They don't eat as a family, she lines them up and feeds thems, lines them up and brushes teeth and so on. So sad.
Over and Out (#36), snark away -- I enjoy reading your
And, yes, a trip to Walgreens for Easter candy will make your
afternoon brighter! I snagged a huge bag of wrapped candy for
$2 today for my Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes (*waves
to redbird*). They can't accept chocolate because it might melt
if it the boxes wind up in desert climates, but these candies will
be fine.
Nice little blurb on Jon that is upbeat and focuses on just Jon and his career move.
I hope Jon continues to gain traction- he seems to love DJ-ing and I ruly believe he does love interacting with people.
He's always been the friendly, people-person that we saw on J+K+8.
Waves to FlimsyFlamsy! Oh, thank you Flimsy for getting the candy for the boxes! How many do you think you will make this year? I already have T-shirts, bracelets, I am going to get 2 backpacks from someone I know.
Oh, I just thought of an item. It needs to go in a larger box, but a bag of baby wipes. That would be a great item. Oh, and raisins are good to send too.
Remember to get bars of IVORY soap because when the kids take their baths in the rivers, the soap floats and the other soap, they have to dive for it. So sad that these kids have to live an existence like this when others live so lavishly. I read just a couple of years ago that it would only cost 13 billion dollars to have clean drinking water accessed for everyone in the world, but we spend that much or more on perfume.
Redbird (#42), not sure how many boxes I'll make this year, but
I'm having fun getting some good buys! Yes, wipes are a great
idea, but you wouldn't need a larger shoebox. Dollar Tree sells
small packets of wipes with "Frozen" and "Cars" designs on them.
I think they have 2 or 3 to a package, with about 10 wipes in each packet.
OrangeCrusher1 (#39), I had the same thought about that quote!
If the kids were eating, then the meal was already prepared --
why the heck did she pick that time to try to fix a cooking
I read just a couple of years ago that it would only cost 13 billion dollars to have clean drinking water accessed for everyone in the world, but we spend that much or more on perfume.
Have you ever checked the numbers on pork barrel spending? I remember $200,000 for olive fruit fly research in France and a few hundred thousand to teach college students how to watch television. Oh, and more than half a million to study the mating habits of the African Dwarf frog. I think that they found that they "do it" like every other frog, despite their shortcomings. They make up for it in other ways and seem to be very happy about it, with the males croaking about their prowess to their drinking buddies.
To the poster who suggested Wentworth, thanks! Just watched first episode and I am hooked
PS. I believe TFMJG about the screwdriver. Betcha it was light on the orange juice, wink wink
Mel said...
Mel said... 170
Mel 151 IS NOT ME!!!!! ADMIN, please delete that comment!!!!!
Mel, I knew that wasn't you. I posted a comment early this morning saying exactly that, but it got eaten by blogger and never showed up. The sheeple picked me yesterday and you today. Too bad they're not even good at sabotage. Quite frankly, they suck at just about everything, just like their queen.
AuntieAnn, I think I'm the only PJ here, now that PJ's Momma is on hiatus.(I hope she returns) I've decided to try logging in with Google and it seems to be working, so I'll use that from now on. You'll know my comments by my scintillating repartee and my rapier wit. You'll also recognise me by my humility. ;)
Sorry, sheeple, you're gonna have to look that up yourself.
I wrote a long comment the other day and blogger ate it too. It must be really hungry lately. It's kind of irritating.
The eaten comment was more about Kate's article and all the flawed logic in her arguments for why she does the various fucked up stuff she does.
Once I saw it was eaten I just didn't have the strength to write it again, lol.
MsGoody is still freaking out about Jon not paying child support. I don't know when I've seen anyone so dense (other than the six sheeple). She wants Kate to put the screws to Jon and demand support, and then turns around and says that the non-fans stick their noses in the business of others. She cannot understand court rulings that really aren't that complicated.
The hypocrisy over there on Twitter is mind-boggling.
Admin, I agree about Fatal Attraction. Why are there some movies you can watch over and over again and never get tired of them? That one, along with Basic Instinct, A Perfect Murder and Disclosure are my guilty pleasures. Yes, they are all Michael Douglas flicks, and I'm not even a big MD fan, so I am at a loss for an explanation why I watch those shows, along with The American President, whenever they are aired!
Once I saw it was eaten I just didn't have the strength to write it again, lol. 49
I've had that happen a lot lately and started keeping my comments shorter because of it.
Admin said...
I wrote a long comment the other day and blogger ate it too. It must be really hungry lately. It's kind of irritating.
I know what you mean. When it's right it just flows from the fingertips and you're in the zone. When the comment gets lost, you just can't replicate the genius of your comment. So disappointing.
We had a very open discussion about the letter and I think everyone had a fair opportunity to hash out their feelings on that. We seemed to be rather split down the middle, and that's okay. The letter has been removed by the people who posted it, so at this point the issue is moot.
Yup, and if that's how "testy" we get with each other, then we are a great group of folks that can disagree without being disagreeable.
I'm glad we were allowed to discuss it, so thanks Admin.
I knew we'd move on soon enough, and we did.
Admin, I agree about Fatal Attraction. Why are there some movies you can watch over and over again and never get tired of them? That one, along with Basic Instinct, A Perfect Murder and Disclosure are my guilty pleasures. Yes, they are all Michael Douglas flicks, and I'm not even a big MD fan, so I am at a loss for an explanation why I watch those shows, along with The American President, whenever they are aired!
I could watch that FA movie a hundred times. Have you seen the original ending to FA? It's on youtube. Alex does something out of this world nuts and pulls it off. I like the original ending, but when it didn't play well they decided to change it and have his wife kill her. The new ending is sort of campier. Apparently Glenn Close was so upset about the change and felt it was not what would happen to her character, and fought for weeks with production about the change. She's a spitfire and definitely goes above and beyond just saying the lines. She "researched" her character.
If she'd researched the role of a actual involved parent with
6 11-year-olds and 2 14-year-olds, she'd be saying, "Dude,
I'm never home! The place you're most likely to see me is
behind the wheel of my car! With 8 kids, there's no such thing
as a weekend without at least one birthday party, one sleepover,
one sports practice, one music lesson, or one playdate. I'm
constantly shuttling the kids back and forth from one place to
another, but I'm thrilled to nurture their social lives. And I know
I'll miss this flurry of activity when they're all grown and gone."
People with 2 kids say this! How do mothers out there not see that staying at home and never getting out is the polar opposite of their experience?
Sheesh, you don't even need to have kids to know that parents become taxi drivers when their kids turn ~10.
All This Is That said... 20
Jon is at Harrah's out at the marina. It's the beginning of summer so it should be packed. Good for him, and a nanny nanny boo boo to Milo and the sheep who swear that there's no money in DJing, plus they can't say that this was published in a junk tabloid so it's probably not true. They certainly can't trash People. After all, their Kate is the darling of the publication. Double whammy on the sheep.
I might even venture over to Harrah's that weekend,..no, not to stalk. I just like that part of AC, and it's a welcome summer thing!
I think it's interesting that Kate got zero mention of the big 4-0 in People, and here comes a nice, positive article about Jon.
Jon also seems to not push agendas when he's interviewed. Notice no bringing up kid quotes like, "Daddy, when are you getting married?" or "Daddy, you need help. Mommy has such a big house and 3 cars and gets pampered all the time-why don't you do that?"
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 28
The letter isn't working for me, I recall others saying the same. I thought Radar has said they're removing it. Maybe it's a cookie thing?? As in your cookies are able to remember and bring up a deleted file. I've had that happen before. And, now I'm hungry.
Wish I could send you some of my meatballs and rigatoni tonight. Everyone gave it a "10"!
MsGoody is still freaking out about Jon not paying child support. I don't know when I've seen anyone so dense (other than the six sheeple). She wants Kate to put the screws to Jon and demand support, and then turns around and says that the non-fans stick their noses in the business of others. She cannot understand court rulings that really aren't that complicated.
The hypocrisy over there on Twitter is mind-boggling.
That's what makes a sheeple a sheeple! Ph without the D wants to see a copy of Jon's pay stub from the DJ job. Honestly, you can't make this stuff up. Stupidity at its best. How do they function in the real world? Better question might be, DO they function in the real world?
Over And Out said... 34
We know TFW reads here so, FW when are you going to tweet a sweet pic of Zorro? Day after day, after day. We'll wait. #Where'sZorro
Probably lost in that warm ample bosom of her love.
Comment of the day!
And I know
I'll miss this flurry of activity when they're all grown and gone."
Sigh. My friend is going through this right now. Her youngest is graduating from college and has gotten her own apartment. My friend walked into her daughter's bedroom. She was in tears, remembering , her daughter waiting in her bedroom until the coast was clear and Santa had left downstairs, songs at bedtime, reading stories there, dressing up for Halloween, the first date, the prom, teenage sleepovers. She said just the residue of the tape from posters that were once on the wall left her in tears.
I wonder if Kate will miss anything when those kids have left the nest, other than TLC's paychecks from filming.
I just happened to watch this past week an update on the filming of Fatal Attraction with director Adrian Lyne and the cast and crew. It's one of my favorites, too. The number of actresses who wanted or were wanted for the role of Alex is amazing! Two things I wish I didn't know were that they used real rabbit bodies in the scene...also that they threatened to take little Ellen's toy unicorn away and yelled to make her cry- that was real.
If Kate's whining about being cooped up the kids, that proves they don't do any extracurricular activities.
With 8 kids she ought to be meet her coming and going almost every day of the week (soccer practices/games/music lessons/dance/scouts/church/parties/sleepovers/playdates/library/mall, just to name a few. Weekends just wear me out, by Sunday evening I am pooped from the weekend's activities.
My kids started soccer at age 5, we've been running full blast every since.
Milo had two replies to goody-goody's telling Kate to ask Jon for money out of his (unconfirmed) $20K pay for a DJing gig:
(1) Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 15m 15 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 There may be OTHER matters attached 2Jon's no CS agreement that would negate her wanting 2change it!
(2) Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m 13 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 However, as a matter of love & principle...U'd think he'd offer up some $$ 2help out anyway! #WishfulThinking
So first she implies that they made an illegal trade-off over the child support, and then she says that Jon should turn over every windfall he makes to Kate.
If there really is a $20,000, how about he keeps it and spends it on housing/food/entertainment/transportation/etc FOR HIS KIDS. Instead of, you know, extra spa treatments for Kate. Or maintenance for her THREE cars.
Sorry to shout, but...
(2) Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m 13 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 However, as a matter of love & principle...U'd think he'd offer up some $$ 2help out anyway! #WishfulThinking
I have a brilliant idea, dolts. Jon should use the money he earns to make a nice and comfortable home for his children when they are with him, including good meals and fun activities.
I have another brilliant idea. Kate should use the money SHE earns, to make a nice and comfortable home for her children when they are with her, including good meals and fun activates. The rest of the expenses, such as insurance and tuition, they split down the middle. Done.
P.J. said... 48
AuntieAnn, I think I'm the only PJ here, now that PJ's Momma is on hiatus.(I hope she returns) I've decided to try logging in with Google and it seems to be working, so I'll use that from now on.
Thanks for verifying that PJ. I've never seen you sign in with Blogger so I wasn't sure if another imposter had crept onto the veranda. Trolls are sneaky little bastards.
Do the sheeple ever ask Katie what SHE gets paid for putting Jon's kids to work?
I'm sure it's a lot more than the alleged 20k.
Never mind her 11 bank accounts, etc.
Fatal Attraction is a movie I will watch over and over again as well as Silence of the Lambs and....Jaws of all things. "We're gonna need a bigger boat" gets me every time.
When I was a kid my parents would take us to this classy theatre for family night out most Saturday nights. We even had to wear our "good clothes" lol. Ben Hur had just been released and I convinced myself that the reason they wouldn't show Jesus' face was because it was really him. Anyway, still one of my favorite movies to watch multiple times.
I'm wired to Turner Classic Movies channel, too.
AuntieAnn, the September long weekend is my annual Watch-Jaws-And-Continue-To-Be-Amazed time. It's become a tradition. It's my favourite movie of all time. Sometimes a film can look dated but I don't know, for some reason, other than the odd shot of a car or the occasional swimsuit, this film always seems fresh to me. I can't even imagine Steven Spielberg made this movie when he was 26 years old.
I'm still scared to go into the water.
Gaby (#22), your stalker story was pretty scary. Thankfully you
got wise to him and nothing awful happened.
"Love and principle," Gladys? I agree with the concept. How about
on "love and principle" TFW starts allowing the father of their children on their property, which, by the way, he also helped pay for? What
an obnoxious buttinsky she is. I am so past the point of pitying her.
Hey redbird, if you're such a target, maybe it's because your feathers are too bright. You need to switch to something more camouflaged, so you are harder to spot. Sparrow? Wren? LOL
PJ what a relief. I thought I was the only closet Jaws watcher. This is great news! haha. AMC was showing it awhile back about once a day and for two weekends in a row and I wouldn't change the channel.
Another movie I like is Goodbye Girl. There's some great acting there and I've always sort of had a school-girl crush on Richard Dreyfuss.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m 13 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 However, as a matter of love & principle...U'd think he'd offer up some $$ 2help out anyway! #WishfulThinking
Sheeple sure expect a lot from a dead guy.
There's some great acting there and I've always sort of had a school-girl crush on Richard Dreyfuss.
Mr. Holland's Opus. Best movie ever! I can watch that over and over again. I have much of the script memorized!
LOL, binging Wentworth and had to laugh, my motherÈs name is Jacqueline..hahaha
I love this show and this verandah! Ladies, if you loved Orange is the new black, you'll love this show too!
(and franky even spells her name right!)
Fatal Attraction was the first movie I watched as a director's cut. (Laser Disc) The Glenn Close screen tests were for the scene in the bar where they decide to hook up. No one saw her as a serious contender for the part and she persisted! I can't count how many times I have watched the whole movie or parts. The disc also included the original ending -- much more clever than the slasher ending they chose.
I am also a Jaws fan. I think I can say the script along with the cast.
Working on American President is when Aaron Sorkin got his idea for West Wing. Who could resist that dialogue?
You guys have made me want to make popcorn and watch a few classic movies!
You guys have made me want to make popcorn and watch a few classic movies!
Time to pull out The Graduate and the Sound of Silence.
April Come She Will!
Sheeple sure expect a lot from a dead guy.
Great comment! LOL! Yeah, sounds like they are demanding that he should be coffin up a lot of cash for Kate.
But don't you remember that one of the sheeple resurrected him on Easter Sunday, so I guess all is good.
AuntieAnn said... 72
PJ what a relief. I thought I was the only closet Jaws watcher. This is great news! haha. AMC was showing it awhile back about once a day and for two weekends in a row and I wouldn't change the channel.
We're gonna need a bigger veranda ;-)
Wow, I had never seen the alternate ending to Fatal Attraction. I had to go and check it out on Youtube. It was much better than the theatrical ending, although perhaps it wouldn't have gone over as well back in the 80s when the movie was released.
One of my all-time favorite movies is Dangerous Liaisons, with Glenn Close and John Malkovich. If anyone here hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it! My first date with my DH was to see Dangerous Liaisons, so it always stirs up some feelings of nostalgia for me.
I am rewatching ET tonight. lol I don't every time it is on but have watched several times.
Yes. The Fatal Attraction alternate ending was better because it was more complex, and much more darker. Skip this if you don't want to be spoiled. It's one thing to stalk someone in your life. But framing him for murder and ruining his entire life but not being around to see it, is beyond insane. And it leaves you guessing what happened to him. Was he able to explain, was he able to get out of the charges somehow? Or did he stand trial and go to prison for life? I like being left with those questions.
She's not going to be ignored, even in death. And that is a whole other level of creepy. I totally get why Glen Close was mad. The original ending was SOO good. It was literary. It brought it to a much deeper place than just shooting her. As an actress, she could do so much more with that. Good on her for trying to keep it. I thought that movie was perfect until I saw the other ending!
fade2black said... 73
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m 13 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 However, as a matter of love & principle...U'd think he'd offer up some $$ 2help out anyway! #WishfulThinking
Sheeple sure expect a lot from a dead guy.
She has enough money each month to pay a huge mortgage, feed 8 kids, and go to the spaaahhhh. I think she'll be OK without Jon's pittance.
Speaking of dolts, Milo apparently doesn't recognize snark:
User Actions
Dustin Kenyon
I'm glad to see @Kateplusmy8 ex husband got a start for the @braves #PhilGosselin
@MiloandJack Apr 10
@DKenyon28 Yes...Jon Gosselin...Kate's EX is 38 yrs old & is in no shape 2play professional baseball! :)
Dustin Kenyon @DKenyon28 Apr 10
Oh really???? https://twitter.com/miloandjack/status/586696708475658240 … (he attached a pic of his tweet and her reply)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Apr 10
@DKenyon28 Yes...Jon Gosselin...Kate's EX is 38 yrs old & is in no shape 2play professional baseball! :)
Mr. Holland's Opus. Best movie ever! I can watch that over and over again. I have much of the script memorized!
Fleecing -- it's on Discovery Family Channel right now! Going to make some popcorn.
I've always sort of had a school-girl crush on Richard Dreyfuss.
Me too! We should follow him on twitter and find out what he wears to bed and what he has for breakfast and what shampoo he uses on his head! I'm sure he would be thrilled to have us rhymin' and tweetin'!
Just wanted to update as I know several from here donated to the cause. The GOFUNDME monies came on Friday. Today my local fabric store had fleece at 40% off. I also got a teacher discount at 15% so I was able to buy a lot of material at 55% off. We will start the project this week.
Thank you all
And it leaves you guessing what happened to him. Was he able to explain, was he able to get out of the charges somehow? Or did he stand trial and go to prison for life? I like being left with those questions.
Admin have you seen Unfaithful with Diane Lane, Richard Gere and Oliver Martinez? You would like that ending. I actually would have preferred to know what they did, but they left the audience guessing. That's another movie I like and I'll watch Under the Tuscan Sun whenever it's on, too. Diane Lane is one of my favorite female actors.
Tucker's - Jaws fans are coming out of the woodwork! We're gonna need a bigger veranda AND a bigger popcorn bowl.
They want Jon to turn over money on principle?!? For one gig, he is getting decent money. He has to pay federal, state, and local taxes. Then since he is a contractor, he has to submit the portion of taxes that is usually paid by your employer. He will be lucky to take home half. Do they really think $10,000 is such a large yearly income that he should then give away more? Does he live in a magic land where you don't pay rent or utilities or food or gas?
I was running an errand and saw Jon's name on a small sign as dj'ing there soon. It is not a large place and I'm sure does not pay $20,000 per night. Most of his gigs are that small size. If he does lots of small gigs a year, he can make enough to pay for expenses hopefully. He will not have monthly spa money.
I'm away visiting family, just popped in to see what's new in Gosselinland I don't understand what's with all these "new" articles talking about Kate and her "dating". They're just recaps of things that she said back in January during different interviews she did to promote CA and her new "season". Rhymes with Witch posted a link to an eonline article, that happened in January.
Her story about Leah, and the microwave is word for word in the new articles, as what was published back in January. Is it TLC trying to get a little more hype for the one "special" on Mother's Day? Trying to paint Kate as the "perfect" mother, who works so "hard" that they decided she "deserves" a vacation to a Mexican resort? I wonder how Kate felt when she was informed that the vacation on TLC's dime, included the children coming along.
Meanwhile, I see that Milo's getting creepier, and Goody, (who thinks no one, especially the "haters" should butt into Kate's business,) is butting into Kate's business by telling her that if Jon is making money from DJing, Kate should rethink the CS agreement. But, I forget, according to Milo, they are both part of Kate's "family" and have every right to be nosy, and tell Kate what she should be doing.
Then Milo tweets this platitude tonight:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11h11 hours ago
Walk a mile in my shoes, before you abuse, criticize and accuse - walk a mile in my shoes!
I would just like to ask Milo, how many miles has she walked in Jon's or Robert's shoes? Or the other people SHE criticizes in order to support her Queen Kate.
Maybe she should start walking some of those miles and break in her new sneakers.
Here's a platitude for Milo-- "Don't talk the talk, if you can't walk the walk".
Tucker's Mom said... 79
We're gonna need a bigger veranda ;-)
Ha ha, great comment.
Filming the ending of Fatal Attraction must have been gruelling, from a physical standpoint, but the original ending speaks to a more intellectual level. Today is the first time I heard that there was a different ending so I went to watch it on youtube. Admin, I'm glad you like movies that keep you guessing. I'm much too lazy. I want the writer to finish his/her own damn story.
That being said, (and trying not to spoil anything) wasn't what Alex left in the daily planner his ticket out of the predicament he finds himself in? I thought the mom said to the daughter, "C'mon, let's go get daddy." or something to that effect.
Here's a new one...
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52 21m21 minutes ago
@SockieWhodunit @Sassccha @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 You all sound like a bunch of envioius bitches to me.
If the non-fans aren't jellus, they are envioius! I kind of like the way that one rolls off the tongue. Envioius!
Speaking of stalker crazy, check this out. It shows how fast a "fan love" can go bad. It's creepy. It's the first of a few bad auditions.
njay said... 93
Speaking of stalker crazy, check this out. It shows how fast a "fan love" can go bad. It's creepy. It's the first of a few bad auditions.
njay, I think the horrible auditions are the reason I never got into any of those "talent" shows. Those people only made it on air for the train wreck factor and I find that exploitation to the nth degree. As for that stalker guy? That was either a complete fake setup or someone in production needs their head examined. To let someone that unstable get that close to Brittany was reprehensible.
Gaby, I'm so glad your situation turned out okay for you. When you're young I think you tend to think you are probably overreacting or you know something is wrong but you just can't put your finger on what it is. My daughter had someone leaving notes on her car when she went to university. She was shrugging it off and I was freaking out. I demanded that she inform security and have her vehicle watched.
Pam, I'm so glad you brought your little dilemma to this blog and got such fantastic advice. Congratulations on doing such a loving thing for some kids who need a little bit of love in their lives.
AuntieAnn, I've never been a fan of Richard Dreyfuss, but I don't know anyone else who could have played Hooper.
@MiloandJack Apr 10
@DKenyon28 Yes...Jon Gosselin...Kate's EX is 38 yrs old & is in no shape 2play professional baseball! :)
And Kate is? The woman who let a broken pinky toe stop her from being a "runner for life"?
Ha! Good one.
Jon is the natural athlete of the two. In fact, let's see Kate ski some black diamonds :)
No? OK, maybe just snowboard down a bunny hill then.
Maybe Milo should demand the kids give Kate a portion of the money they make every time they film and do photo shoots.
Oh, wait...
"Unfaithful" was a great movie-so well done. I also love Diane Lane and "Under The Tuscan Sun" is a sumptuous movie.
I would love to do an extended visit to Tuscany, and eat and cook my heart out.
Oh, and get a bit tipsy and stand in a fountain.
AuntieAnn said... 88
I love Unfaithful! It has the same director as Fatal Attraction, Adrian Lyne, and some beautiful pieces of cinematography. And talk about suspenseful! I pair those two films together- I often watch them both, maybe over a weekend now and then.
Pam, I'm so glad you brought your little dilemma to this blog and got such fantastic advice. Congratulations on doing such a loving thing for some kids who need a little bit of love in their lives.
Me too. Thanks for your good works, and being an inspiration.
"Enviolus" -- finally, my feelings have been expressed. Thank
you, fan of TFW! I'm jellus that you figured it out before I did.
"Enviolus" sounds like some movie disease. Someone
needs to get started writing that script. Maybe starring Admins'
ex-boyfriend Eye-an Ziering as the caring but short-tempered
doctor trying to stop the spread of the Enviolus epidemic in a
small town before the governor's visit.
Happy Sunday, everyone!
I hope everyone is having a fun weekend. The weather in the Outer Banks is lovely.
Another episode of Dancing With The Stars will be on Monday. It's really good so far, everyone is working hard. But, I have a problem with Willow being so much younger, and Nastia being a ringer. Why can't Derek get Patti LaBelle?
Admin, thanks for posting this topic, I had never heard about this story.
I have a question for auntie Ann especially, but welcome all opinions. At beach house I fixed broken drawer in kitchen by using colorful Duck brand tape to fasten back of drawer back on. Glue didn't do the job.
question: is this a 1) red neck repair job or 2) white trash repair job or 3) ingenious use of Duck tape which I should photograph and send to the manufacturer?
Just FYI there is a south Nags Head White Trash band that plays in the annual Saint Patrick's Day parade In the Outer Banks. they do percussion on charcoal grills and with folding beach chairs, things like that. Once again, creativity and ingenuity on display!
Tucker's Mom said...
OK, maybe just snowboard down a bunny hill then.
And have her screaming like a banshee that her hair is getting wet? No thanks.
AuntieAnn said... 88
.....Diane Lane is one of my favorite female actors.
'A Little Romance' is one of my all time favorite films.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 100
"Enviolus" -- finally, my feelings have been expressed. Thank
you, fan of TFW! I'm jellus that you figured it out before I did.
"Enviolus" sounds like some movie disease. Someone
needs to get started writing that script. Maybe starring Admins'
ex-boyfriend Eye-an Ziering as the caring but short-tempered
doctor trying to stop the spread of the Enviolus epidemic in a
small town before the governor's visit.
I hope it involves a chain saw.
P.J. said... 103
Tucker's Mom said...
OK, maybe just snowboard down a bunny hill then.
And have her screaming like a banshee that her hair is getting wet? No thanks.
You're right. The poor children would have to go to bed hungry if that happened.
Oh, Anon/Pam, that is great! What's more amazing is when you got the money, it hit just right for the fabric store to have 40 percent off and then 15 percent more for the teachers discount!!!
God is so GOOD!
JoyinVirginia...101...Why can't Derek get Patti LaBelle?
With Julianne judging and Derek and that who-ever-heard-of-this-kid cousin of theirs dancing, they should just rename the show "Dancing With The Houghs".
Pam, I very rarely read a comment here that makes me smile from shear happiness, but yours did. You are doing a very good thing, thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.
Pam - Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear the great news.
Pam, thank you for such an exciting update. Good luck with all your blanket creations! Hugs to you.
Pam, wonderful news! I am so happy this project has worked out so well and , my, how these kids deserve it.How lucky their paths crossed with yours.
@nochanceofrain @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Oh Kate, poor, poor Kate .. oh wait .. that's por Jed. Well, same thing, both in a hole.
Who is "Jed?"
Is this a reference to Jud Brown?
"Unfaithful" was a great movie-so well done.
Yes! I always seem to catch it in part and never saw the entire thing through until the other day. It's really good and one that I will probably watch again.
I also like What Lies Beneath. Pfeiffer does a nice job there. Of course, Somewhere In Time Is one that I can watch over and over again!
Most of your movie choices are too scary for a chicken like me.
My all-time favorite is "Tootsie." Discuss!
My enviolus are usually blooming by mid-April, but I don't see a
single flower yet. I tried screaming at them, "If you're going to
help me, you need to be blooming!" Followed by, "I'm in charge
of this garden, and that's never gonna change." But still nothing.
Any advice?
My enviolus are usually blooming by mid-April, but I don't see a
single flower yet.
I think those are envioius, which is probably why they aren't blooming. They hate when you mess up their names!
With Julianne judging and Derek and that who-ever-heard-of-this-kid cousin of theirs dancing, they should just rename the show "Dancing With The Houghs"
Yes, that's getting a big ridiculous on there. Instead of renting a venue, they can just have their annual family reunion backstage.
Pam! That sounds good! Thanks for the update. This is something so very special. Good luck!
I was reading some of the tweets to Kate by the "haters," and I was wondering. Do they use that crude, vile and disgusting language to people in their real lives, or only on Twitter where they can hide behind the tweets? I just can't imagine conversing with anyone who has such a garbage mouth. Is this language fairly common among adults in the "real world?" I just don't hear it and I don't lead a sheltered life.
Somewhere In Time said... 113
@nochanceofrain @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Oh Kate, poor, poor Kate .. oh wait .. that's por Jed. Well, same thing, both in a hole.
Who is "Jed?"
Is this a reference to Jud Brown?
No, I think it's a reference to Oklahoma (poor Jed is dead.....)
Musicals are my favorite with Yankee Doodle Dandy being at the top of the list.
Jud not Jed! Damn you auto correct.
Video for oklahoma poor jud is dead▶ 4:15
Jun 27, 2011 - Uploaded by ClassicDamsel
A rather comical song from R&H's musical "Oklahoma!" where Curly (Gordon MacRae) draws a ...
Who is "Jed?"
Is this a reference to Jud Brown?
Probably. But it's Jud Fry, and according to Curly, he'd be better off dead. The only Jed I know is Clampett, and he's packing up and moving to Beverly.
My enviolus are usually blooming by mid-April, but I don't see a
single flower yet
Umm...I believe it's "enviolii", and mine have been blooming year-round for a f*ckety hundred years now-on my compound, dontcha know ;-)
JoyinVirginia said... 102
I have a question for auntie Ann especially, but welcome all opinions. At beach house I fixed broken drawer in kitchen by using colorful Duck brand tape to fasten back of drawer back on. Glue didn't do the job. question: is this a 1) red neck repair job or 2) white trash repair job or 3) ingenious use of Duck tape which I should photograph and send to the manufacturer?
Oh Joy. Bob Vila would be so proud of you. I think you should go with your # 3 option. Send @DuckTape the photo and you might get yourself a whole pallet of the stuff! That always seems to work for The Grifter.
As a side note, do you know what works 100X better than Gorilla Glue? Rice Krispies with milk and sugar left in a bowl overnight. Ever tried to scrape that stuff off? Impossible!
Pam...what the others said...good for you!!
Somewhere In Time,
I L O V E Somewhere In Time too! I've watched it so many times. So is that where you got your name on here from?
Aw, I need a movie night with popcorn ( no surprise in it)
Auntie Ann, I knew you would have the perfect answer! I will submit my ingenious repair to the Duck Tape manufacturer AND to Bob Vila!
We could pitch a show! Home Repair and Glitter- fying your crocs with Auntie Ann and Joy!
Well, there we all are. TLC has been filming all weekend, and probably the last couple of weeks. Kate just tweeted about some wonderful slippers, Kate wore to 'work' #TLC. That is why she has been quiet about her birthday, only a few pics of the kids Easter, and no Easter dinner, no pics of that poor bird, been filming since spring break, or earlier.
f YOUR children I highly doubt that you'd think he was paying his share by buying them some clothes for when they visit and food for those occasions.
Does Jon not provide a nice house and home for his children when they are with him, just as Kate provides a nice house and home for her children when they are with her? The fact that he has chosen, wisely, to live more modestly given that reality TV is not a career (even Andy Cohen the biggest producer of RTV agrees with that), does not mean he is not giving these children a nice lifestyle. Certainly their needs are met and it seems to me, most of their wants.
You can quibble over who has a RICHER lifestyle (and who is more foolish to live like that not knowing what's next), but I think it's pretty clear that both parents have provided their children with a safe and comfortable environment that is at minimum, mid-middle to upper middle class and in some cases wealthy. They have nicer lives with either parent, materially speaking, that most children from big families would be so lucky to have. I don't understand what the problem is for these few sheep or where they think they are lacking or wanting. Could you be specific? What is it they are missing that Jon should provide?
As far as those more existential expenses, how do you know what the judge has arranged in terms of who will pay for health insurance, school tuition, life insurance policies to ensure they are taken care of in the event of a parent's death, and other similar expenses necessary for children? Does TLC provide Kate with health insurance for them or is it more likely one would obtain such a plan at a regular job? It is very common for a father to see his children on the weekends, but pay for all that via working. We don't know what their order says. We also don't know what disagreements Kate and Jon have had over these expenses. Perhaps he would prefer his children go to a public school for all the various good reasons for that, including financial. There is nothing that suggests that if they ever were not in their private school, he would not ensure his children are enrolled immediately in public school. Nor is there anything wrong with that. But if he wants the children in public school and Kate insists they being in an extremely expensive private school that requires a long commute and a hefty ding to your paycheck every month, it seems to me Kate needs to be responsible for that. Especially when there is a good alternative, and an appropriate one, that would be FREE.
JoyinVirginia: I vote for the Duck Tape.
"In this thread, your law-degree holding administrator used the expression "more darker.""
Oh shoot. I'm confused. We didn't spend one second in law school being taught grammar and spelling. The LSAT, which is the test you have to take to get into law school, also doesn't test grammar or spelling, not even for one question. Maybe I took a different LSAT or went to a different law school than you're used to. In any case I made it through both the LSAT and law school and passed one of the hardest bars in the country on the first try without any instruction on spelling or grammar. Now if I were an English teacher you might have a point! But then I had no interest in doing that and never will.
Anyway, sorry my error offended you!
You know speaking of Jon and Sandra Bullock, in light of this stalking incident...... Kind of puts Jon's firearm in a whole different perspective quite frankly. I get it.
They could just be filming the interview portions over these past few days. It makes sense she could wear slippers to those just to sit on the couch. Remember that series of couch interviews she did where she went barefoot and had her knees curled up to her chest? That takes taking it easy to a whole other level.
TLC hasn't said anything about other episodes other than the Mother's Day one. All those interviews take time and historically it seems she's talking about interviews within a couple weeks of the actual filming so we're right on schedule.
In this thread, your law-degree holding administrator used the expression "more darker."". 131
Oh, get over yourself. This is a blog, not a term paper.
"Well, there we all are. TLC has been filming all weekend, and probably the last couple of weeks"
I missed this. Did she confirm that they have been filming all weekend, as well as the last couple of weeks?
"I L O V E Somewhere In Time too! I've watched it so many times. So is that where you got your name on here from?"
"No, I think it's a reference to Oklahoma (poor Jed is dead.....)"
Yes, I know. I was in the high school production and I could never forget Jud Fry! He was a hunk but was involved with someone at the time.
I have no idea why I wrote "Brown," other than I was watching a history show at the time and they were discussing John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry! LOL!
With the royal baby watch beginning, I suppose we have some
lame tweets from Gladys to look forward to. I'll take a stab at one:
"Baby #2?Big woo! Our Kate has 8, which makes her more gr8!
In this thread, your law-degree holding administrator used the expression "more darker."". 131
Oh, get over yourself. This is a blog, not a term paper.
Well, Full Moon was on the 4th and New Moon isn't until the 18th, so we can't blame it on either of those. What, then, is causing these obnoxious trolls to visit here?
Perhaps one shouldn't feed them. There is a sign that someone put up under a railroad bridge here. "Please Don't Feed The Trolls. Snacks Make Them Multiply!" Good advice.
But....Admin has not held herself up to be the bestest grammarian ever. Nor has she put out English being her best subject as her claim to fame.
And she has not publicly ridiculed her spouse for what she (wrongly) thinks is *his* poor grammar.
This is so hard for some people. Sigh. I just don't get it.
Has anyone seen the great documentary Going Clear, about Scientology?
They use tactics like threatening to out people's personal information they've collected, and drowning people with lawsuits to get them to cave to your demands.
Same tactics Kate and her minions like.
Your error didn't offend me. Your need to intentionally misrepresent what I wrote by taking it out of context and leaving your posters to believe something entirely different than what I said does offend, but more it makes me pity you because anyone who needs to do that has issues.
Here, have some pizza.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 139
Has anyone seen the great documentary Going Clear, about Scientology?
Yes, and good for those high-level members and famous people for speaking out.
I can't wrap my head around why anyone would become a member, let alone bring children into that cult.
I can't wrap my head around why anyone would become a member, let alone bring children into that cult.
Were they actually trying to say the only reason John Travolta doesn't get out is because they have some really juicy information about him and have threatened to out him if he leaves? And as a public figure, it would be very hard for him to stop it.... But, does he not realize everyone by now knows he's gay and most people just don't care? So what more could they possibly say about him? It's all so odd.
Anyway, I almost cried when the mother was talking about her kids' eyes being crusted shut and fruit flies around her. That child could have died. Run, as fast as you can. Away!
My doctor is across the street from that blue building their LA Center and there really is an L. Ron Hubbard street! I pass it on the way to the good doc! lol
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131
"In this thread, your law-degree holding administrator used the expression "more darker.""
The only thing more annoying than an Admin using improper grammar is when a mother abuses her children, documents it in a 'mommy journal' & still manages to live a celebrity lifestyle.
Here, have some pizza.
Untouched by human hands. Don't forget the Rumspringa. Sending it your way!
A doofus on Twitter tweeted a nine-year-old girl's letter to Kate, with this kid's full name and phone number. The stupidity on there never ceases to amaze me.
Then there's this:
Kirstyn Boyd @kirstyn_1614 36m36 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate I was wondering if the bread recipe in "love is in the mix" can be frozen once baked? Thanks xx
Admin said...
In any case I made it through both the LSAT and law school and passed one of the hardest bars in the country on the first try without any instruction on spelling or grammar.
Yes, unlike some wanna-be lawyers who can't manage to pass the character and moral fitness part of the application process. To me, that's a bigger problem than grammar. #DoIt
A 65 year old German woman is pregnant with quadruplets. She already has 13 children & 7 grandchildren. She decided to have another child via artificial insemination because her youngest daughter, who is nine, wanted a little brother or sister.
I wonder how many spa days she will need each month....
PA Dutch Mom (#144), loved that fan's tweet: "can the bread recipe
in "love is in the mix" can be frozen once baked?" Why would this
woman want to bake and then freeze her recipes? Wouldn't the
burn marks and subsequent condensation make them hard to
read? At least she didn't ask for tips on how to get it into slices
during baking. Tee hee!
Last night those who don't worship Kate were envioius [bitches]:
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52
@SockieWhodunit @Sassccha @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 You all sound like a bunch of envioius bitches to me.
Tonight Kate is not a lair (good to know that she's not a wild animal's den). Everything shouldn't be taken literary. How about literally -- would that be okay?
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52 51m51 minutes ago
@popems42 @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 Kate is not a lair! You don't have to take everything so literary!
At least we can sleep tonight knowing Kate is enjoying her slippers:
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52
@Kateplusmy8 That looks so comfterble
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52
@SockieWhodunit @ConcernedChick @magjd7 @Sassccha The word is not jellus it's jeluos! Learn how to spell!
That's creative. I don't think that we've ever seen it spelled like that before. One learns something new every day here.
LOL! I love sheeple (most of the time)!
Kirstyn Boyd @kirstyn_1614 36m36 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate I was wondering if the bread recipe in "love is in the mix" can be frozen once baked? Thanks xx
Yes, if you freeze the whole loaf. However, if the bread maker slices the bread when it bakes, then it probably might not freeze all that well, depending on the thickness of the slices (they might get soggy). ;)
Kirstyn Boyd @kirstyn_1614 36m36 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate I was wondering if the bread recipe in "love is in the mix" can be frozen once baked? Thanks xx
Yes, if you freeze the whole loaf. However, if the bread maker slices the bread when it bakes, then it probably might not freeze all that well, depending on the thickness of the slices (they might get soggy). ;)
You forgot a critical instruction.
Take the bread out of the machine before freezing. (of course if the sheeple don't believe this, they will discover, after returning home from one of their 'we don't take post trips' trips,everything in one of their 4 freezers is ruined because they forgot to unplug the bread maker and the freezer door couldn't seal because the bread machine was still plugged in.
But if he wants the children in public school and Kate insists they being in an extremely expensive private school that requires a long commute and a hefty ding to your paycheck every month, it seems to me Kate needs to be responsible for that. Especially when there is a good alternative, and an appropriate one, that would be FREE.
Technically not actually 'free', because she pays property taxes.
Can she sue? ya know, since the county is taking her money and giving it to those poor, unwashed mediocre children?
Oh brother. She just had to tweet a tease with that picture of her slippers "at work". Of course she also included @TLC. So pathetic. Although if she reverts back into her diva persona, TLC will probably kick her to the curb for good so let's hope her head has swelled. She really can't help it.
I lol'ed at her slipper pic. LOL
Ya know, the best job for this biotch is on reality tv. Why?
Because who in the hell wants her anywhere near the mediocre public?
reality tv is the BEST job for her, it keeps her in her cage away from the sick, elderly, the young, schools, daycares, hospitals, etc.
Let her keep filming on her own little island away from the general mediocre populace. It keeps the rest of us SAFE.
(it's too dang bad for her kids, but if she's filming, it means she's happy, which means a hopefully happier mommy....)
Those slippers don't really look like anything to write home about, let alone tweet to 'the world"
However she has claimed several times in the past that besides being a lawyer she's a journalist <<>>. Yeah, right, "more darker" indeed.
Hey, maybe she's catfishing you all. Or catfishing herself? LOL
Based on this comment am I to assume you don't read a lot of news publications? If you did you would know that journalists in their haste to get the story out make mistakes all the time. The New York Times themselves prints a page or more of corrections every single day. Are you suggesting all those journalists are catfishing us all? Wow, that would be really something. Sure would keep Nev busy! Also, correction for you (it's okay, mistakes happen), I said I WAS a journalist. I am not currently a journalist unless you count our little porch! I have a journalism and political science dual major bachelor's degree, graduated early, interned throughout my last years at school at CNN's Washington Bureau, The Centre Daily Times, and finally The Washington Times where I was successfully hired at The Washington Times. I worked there for a little less than a year before heading straight off to law school. (Nobody offers pre-law anymore, they suggest you undertake a vigorous academic B.A. program instead, so I did. Most lawyers have totally different careers before entering law, as did I. Nothing cat-fishy about it.) I'm sure you can sleuth around, out me, and verify that's all true. Go for it.
Admin, in my humble opinion, this troll doesn't deserve a single word
of response from you. It is probably getting off on your attention, and
I wouldn't give it the satisfaction.
What will unfold in Gosselinland this week? As Roseanne
Roseannadanna used to say, "It's always something!"
Flimsy you're right, though I still think as good hosts we should continue to keep the pizza flowing, even for the trolls.
Which reminds me, the lawn boys were hard at work building us a pizza oven this weekend! I figured it's about time we get our own! It's not ON the Veranda but it's just a short walk away. Check it out and sign up for brick oven duty.
She can wear whatever slippers she wants but those look more like house shoes to me, thin and hardly comfortable or warm. They also look dirty and cheap. She's sloppy when she's on her own without a handler to screen what she puts out there, and it's kind of sad.
Does anyone also own a pair of Wicked Good slippers from L.L. Bean? Oh my goodness they are wonderful!
I also love Somewhere in Time! It was made in 1980, 35 years ago this year.
Anon/Pam, I got a tweet from Little House on the Prairie, and I thought of you and your project:
Little House Prairie @LHPrairie · 1h1 hour ago
Quilting was more than a pasttime - it was a teaching tool! These quilt #printables teach language arts. http://bit.ly/1EobnVV
redbird said...
Anon/Pam, I got a tweet from Little House on the Prairie, and I thought of you and your project:
I didn't know they had twitter back then. Were they on Facebook too? Funny, I watched all the shows, and not once did Pa tell Laura to put away her cell phone while at the table. ;)
Thanks for the pizza oven, lawn boys! May I suggest hanging
a sign nearby that says, "Caution - Pizza Is Hot," to prevent
burnt palates? Although if you eat it too fast, it's your own
fault. And as the world's greatest mom Kate Gosselin said
when her little son whacked his head while rushing off an
airplane, "Sometimes God builds in punishments."
Sign me up for brick oven duty. I can overcook/undercook crust with the best of them.
I'm all for ignoring the trolls. Replies to unpublished comments are just annoying.
If the troll thinks "more darker" is appalling, he/she should have read the newspaper article I read over the w/e. A retired police officer who was acting as an escort to a funeral procession was struck and killed by a car last w/e. The story about his funeral made several references to "the Hearst" carrying his body. I felt my English professor father turn over in his grave several times.
Fired Up 4 Kate
13h13 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Pumpkinbottom3 Dear Jamie...Did you decide 2stay In PuertoRico? No more #MichiganMum...this girl is now a #BeachBum!! Miss you! :)
Lol, those slippers! Her strangled Flinstone toes and trying so hard to bust out of them. What a noob.
Which reminds me, the lawn boys were hard at work building us a pizza oven this weekend! I figured it's about time we get our own! It's not ON the Veranda but it's just a short walk away. Check it out and sign up for brick oven duty.
I would like to request that you make sure they upgrade it to the model that pre-slices the pizza.
PJ, hahaha.
Park your wagon at the official Little House on the Prairie® Twitter page. Celebrate your pioneering spirit by creating and connecting!
TLC stinks said... 163
Fired Up 4 Kate
13h13 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Pumpkinbottom3 Dear Jamie...Did you decide 2stay In PuertoRico? No more #MichiganMum...this girl is now a #BeachBum!! Miss you! :)
Whoa. My apologies to the troll, but Gladys' tweets are getting more creepier.
I agree with those slippers, they are terrible.
Fired Up 4 Kate
13h13 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Pumpkinbottom3 Dear Jamie...Did you decide 2stay In PuertoRico? No more #MichiganMum...this girl is now a #BeachBum!! Miss you! :)
Whoa. My apologies to the troll, but Gladys' tweets are getting more creepier.
Can you be creeped out and feel sorry for someone at the same time? She has convinced herself that Kate's friends are her friends even though she never met any of them. I think that she's a very lonely person who is so desperate to fit in. She needs to be one of the girls, that middle school mentality that in order for one to be popular, one needs to hang out with the 'in' crowd. What happens when they ignore you? Do you just keep pestering, or do you "snap" and your craving for attention becomes dangerous?
If the troll thinks "more darker" is appalling, he/she should have read the newspaper article I read over the w/e. A retired police officer who was acting as an escort to a funeral procession was struck and killed by a car last w/e. The story about his funeral made several references to "the Hearst" carrying his body. I felt my English professor father turn over in his grave several times.
Patty carried the body? She must be stronger than we know!
I just read a good one on Yahoo:
"Police are searching for the suspect, reportedly a white, bald man with a goatee and tattoo over his left eye."
Wow. Sounds like a difficult person to find! Don't all white bald males have goatees and tattoos over their left eyes? How could he see to commit the crime with a goatee interfering with his vision?
It doesn't take someone with a Ph (minus the D) to write, "...person with a tattoo over his left eye, and a goatee."
Pizza party! Hooray!
Can we make our own? Yum!
No joke, I just read last week about using cauliflower to make a non traditional pizza crust. I will try to find that article. Then top with ricotta and mozzarella and I will add Pineapple and whatever else sounds yummy.
Admin, your troll must have a very boring life if they get their jollies from trolling here. There is just so much fun stuff out in the world in real life! we have plenty of suggestions!
angie said... 153
I lol'ed at her slipper pic. LOL
Ya know, the best job for this biotch is on reality tv. Why?
Because who in the hell wants her anywhere near the mediocre public?
I don't think Kate could handle a real job (btw, FU working moms who have to work outside of the house!! I have a basement throne!!).
Seriously, I think she'd get shit-canned just like she did with Coupon Cabin.
I don't think Kate has the work ethic, focus and pride that it takes to be a good employee.
Add stamina to that list, too.
I don't get the tweet either, besides bragging.
Big whoop.
Kirstyn Boyd @kirstyn_1614 36m36 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate I was wondering if the bread recipe in "love is in the mix" can be frozen once baked? Thanks xx
lol! I guess it really would help if you baked it before you put it in the freezer! Then again, I never froze a bread recipe. It's the food that's usually frozen.
Whoohoo! Pizza.
I've been into making "Grandma pizza" lately. DH's Italian grandma used to make that square, thicker-crusted pizza with lots of olive oil drizzled on the bottom of a baking sheet.
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52
@SockieWhodunit @ConcernedChick @magjd7 @Sassccha The word is not jellus it's jeluos! Learn how to spell!
This has to be a joak, right?
No joke, I just read last week about using cauliflower to make a non traditional pizza crust. I will try to find that article. Then top with ricotta and mozzarella and I will add Pineapple and whatever else sounds yummy.
I made cauliflower crust pizza a few weeks ago and I'm sorry to say I didn't like it at all. The flavors were right but the texture just wasn't doing anything for me. But try it some people love it.
Karen Kaufman said... 164
Lol, those slippers! Her strangled Flinstone toes and trying so hard to bust out of them. What a noob.
Wow! Those slippers are ugly and her poor feet look deformed in them. She would have done better with a cute pair of fluffy bunny slippers. But I guess maybe the bunny slippers were unavailable because she took our advice to "hide the bunny".
Tucker's Mom said... 174
Whoohoo! Pizza.
I've been into making "Grandma pizza" lately. DH's Italian grandma used to make that square, thicker-crusted pizza with lots of olive oil drizzled on the bottom of a baking sheet.
Yes! That's how my Sicilian Nona made her pizza. And she would press small pieces of anchovy into the dough, then top with chopped onion, chopped tomatoes, parmesan & lots of oregano. I'm not an anchovy fan, but in this spicy pizza, it's the most delicious thing ever.
I would like to request that you make sure they upgrade it to the model that pre-slices the pizza.
As well as wraps it in foil.
I don't get the tweet either, besides bragging.
Big whoop.
The only thing I could figure out about it is that she's teasin' the sheeple about "work," hoping that they will get giddy with excitement at the idea that she's "working" on a new series and/or more specials.
Blowing In The Wind said... 170
Wow. Sounds like a difficult person to find! Don't all white bald males have goatees and tattoos over their left eyes? How could he see to commit the crime with a goatee interfering with his vision?
That reminds me of my husband's favorite part of the Paddington Bear movie, when the lady he is staying with reports to the police that he is missing. After describing his height, weight, coat, and hat, she adds "And oh, he's a bear." The reply is "I don't know ma'm, that's not much to go on."
Breaking news...life sentence without parole for Arias:
PHOENIX (AP) — A judge sentenced convicted murderer Jodi Arias to life in prison without the possibility of release on Monday, ending a nearly seven-year-old case that attracted worldwide attention with its salacious details.
Speaking about sentence structure, there's nothing like a good misplaced modifier. She was sentenced without the possibility of release on Monday. What about the other days of the week? Could she be released then? Is it really that difficult to begin the sentence with, "On Monday, a judge sentenced..."
Perhaps the troll who is all bent out of shape over spelling and grammar mistakes should get busy and let these news sources know that this will not be tolerated!
Tucker's Mom said... 174
I've been into making "Grandma pizza" lately. DH's Italian grandma used to make that square, thicker-crusted pizza with lots of olive oil drizzled on the bottom of a baking sheet.
I love tomato and cheese pizza. I can't wait until summer when I can pick those sun-ripened-on-the-vine sweet tomatoes right out of the garden. Heavenly.
Not that I'd actually know what rubber tastes like but I'm guessing it's similar to the taste of the tomatoes I've been buying all winter.
AuntieAnn said... 167
TLC stinks said... 163
Fired Up 4 Kate
13h13 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Pumpkinbottom3 Dear Jamie...Did you decide 2stay In PuertoRico? No more #MichiganMum...this girl is now a #BeachBum!! Miss you! :)
Whoa. My apologies to the troll, but Gladys' tweets are getting more creepier.--------------------------
Or is TFW now posting under Milo's account. How would Milo know where Jamie went? PR. Thought she put her twitter account to Private.
"more creepier."
Heh heh heh heh heh. I just love this veranda!
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52
@SockieWhodunit @ConcernedChick @magjd7 @Sassccha The word is not jellus it's jeluos! Learn how to spell!
This has to be a joak, right?
Nope. Unfortunately not. I looked at her TL and she's a Kate fan. The spelling is atrociuis (sic)! LOL!
If the troll here is going to be fed, perhaps we could all whip up some recipes from Kate's book and feed him/her. I can make the greasy sausage casserole,and I'm sure someone would volunteer to prepare the hummus. Anyone have a lemon tree?
I recently read an article about a cereal rapist. I laughed when I thought about Cascadian Farms and Brownie.
By the way, what happened to Milo's obsession with Bella Bars, that fantastic surprise box of jewelry and make-up that arrives each month, and everything else that Kate was hawking at the time?
Or is TFW now posting under Milo's account. How would Milo know where Jamie went? PR. Thought she put her twitter account to Private.
She could have PR confused with Mexico, thinking that Jamie accompanied Kate on her birthday bash there.
I love tomato and cheese pizza. I can't wait until summer when I can pick those sun-ripened-on-the-vine sweet tomatoes right out of the garden. Heavenly.
Not that I'd actually know what rubber tastes like but I'm guessing it's similar to the taste of the tomatoes I've been buying all winter.
You've got it, Auntie- the pizza has a raw tomato sauce, with the tomatoes on top of the cheese.
Have you tried Campari tomatoes? There's fairly ubiquitous around me, and are actually quite decent in lieu of summer 'maters.
Somewhere In Time said... 188
I recently read an article about a cereal rapist. I laughed when I thought about Cascadian Farms and Brownie
Brownie was the Cerial Killer ;-)
Yes! That's how my Sicilian Nona made her pizza. And she would press small pieces of anchovy into the dough, then top with chopped onion, chopped tomatoes, parmesan & lots of oregano. I'm not an anchovy fan, but in this spicy pizza, it's the most delicious thing ever.
This sounds delicious. You sort of don't know if you're an anchovy fan until you've tried food with anchovies.
They add a salty, nutty, briny flavor.
Yeah, yum.
(I use the recipe from Cook's Illustrated, and I've doubled it for 2 pizzas successfully)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 21h21 hours ago
...there’s just something really wonderful about going to ‘work’ in slippers....... #BestShoesEver #TLC pic.twitter.com/tYJPpQKotU
View photo 9 retweets 161 favorites
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☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 10m10 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
omg, I think I'm going to pass out. Hold on, let me catch my breath.
☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
This one needs an honorary muumuu.
☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
This one needs an honorary muumuu.
I'll throw in the Crocs. We should invite her here for some Rumspringa! OMG!
Even as we speak, Milo is trying to figure out the meaning of that tweet!
☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 10m10 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
Tucker's Mom said... 194
☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
This one needs an honorary muumuu.
You beat me to it. I was going to post that as best Twitter comment.
What a pretentious entitled little worm.
What "work" are you talking about? You rolling out of bed after your kids have gotten themselves ready? You scrambling and screeching with no time to put some shoes on? Or are you waving goodbye to the BBB with the nanny in the driver's seat? STFU already
☽✪☾ @Stickywitch 10m10 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please show us the rest of the photo of the house that is lying on top of your body.
Oh that s&^%$ right there, that's pure gold! lololololololol!!!!!!
Ohhhhhh, just saw the #TLC. Got it, she's flapping her mouth along with her hands.
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