Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1870 Newer› Newest»Elves and fairies make the water hot. It's like Charlie and the Chocolate factory going on below your house. And munchkins paddle it into our faucets.
Thought no one ever except Kate.
Here's a great charity that provides good clean water to children in desperate need.
The Water Project, a 501c:
PatK said... 199
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..U had the #PerfectStorm there...piled high dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, 9 folks needing a bath > #WellRunsDry Oh my!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 24m24 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 As much as ur #Aflush w/the joy of running H2O..I know U had 2wince when it came time 2pay the bill! Was it an #Ouch moment? :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 20m20 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 So what's the prognosis of the ill...not well...WELL? LOL Will U have 2replace it...dig a new one? 600ft is deep! #Expensive
Lord, the well didn't go dry, the pump went. And they don't "dig" wells these days they drill them. If they dug them they would only be about 20 feet deep. Dufus.
What's even funnier is: Kate did not know what a pump is for. COME ON! Geez, Kate, you live in the country, you grew up in the country, it's not like you get water from a town or city. And what does little Katie Irene think a pump does? Your water pump is according to the plumper is 600 feet down. That is a long way to pump up water, which means you need a very strong pump, which means a very expensive one. My question is : is this pump electric or gravity? If electric and the power goes out no water. Did Kate ever get that back-up generator? What a doof!
And munchkins paddle it into our faucets.
And flying monkeys keep the toilets free of clogs.
Number three, talk about the problems of the 1%. She and Goopy are battling it out this week for the most tone deaf.
They're bunking together in the ivory tower and they're getting on each other's nerves.
..."wielding my water jugs, on my way to the next toilet!"
Kate wielded her jugs? She could do some damage if those things are overly inflated!
Formerly Duped said... 175
Hotels usually have those complementary toiletries anyhow.
I'm guessing that's where she got all the stuff in their bags of toiletries.
Did anyone else notice in the blog that she didn't mention ZORRO at all? Was she concerned about him, did she take him with them to the hotel, etc?
I'm lost. Why would she take the bird to the hotel? She probably had bottled water for him, and she's never mentioned that he needs to flush a toilet. I'm hoping that Shoka had water as well (no pun intended, but whatever).
The well didn't run dry, you moron. Good lord but she is an idiot.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 31m31 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..U had the #PerfectStorm there...piled high dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, 9 folks needing a bath > #WellRunsDry Oh my!
Oh my-one's a DUFUS, the other one's a DOLT.
OT, can someone give me a link to the entire Barbara Walter's interview with Mary Kay Laterneu & her child husband? I forgot to dvr it, and all I can find are short bursts of it, longest being 5 + some minutes of it. Thanks!
Did you your on Demand or try abc full episodes???
That woman is a fruit loop with extra fruit. That interview must be seen! Please comment when you track it down and watch. I just love how now that he's 30, the shit just got real for him. Fantasy's over. Only now he's stuck. That's about when that happens.
Given that the quints story hit national news, I even heard it on the local radio yesterday, I think the fact that they only scrounged up a couple thousand bucks after all that publicity is a good sign.
No takers from big donors. That's a good indication more people than just us are over it.
It's also nice to see random people posting with their full name and photo are calling them out for being so irresponsible and shameless.
Lord, the well didn't go dry, the pump went. And they don't "dig" wells these days they drill them. If they dug them they would only be about 20 feet deep. Dufus.
Kate's dumb, but I think Milo could give her a run for her money. Intelligence-wise, two peas in a pod.
That woman is a fruit loop with extra fruit. That interview must be seen! Please comment when you track it down and watch. I just love how now that he's 30, the shit just got real for him. Fantasy's over. Only now he's stuck. That's about when that happens.
I have to track that interview down, too. She's a piece of work and I'm betting her husband is wondering how the hell he wound up hitched to her wagon.
I wonder how she thought the water got out of the well and up to the house? Gravity???
Doesn't the well need routine service/maintenance/checkup yearly? Like the furnance does?
Guess that task didn't make it into her household manual, eh?
And so what if the dishes waited another few days. It wasn't like she was going to be serving another big meal anytime soon.
Same with the laundry. She only does it once a week anyway. What's another few days?
I don't get what the big deal was. And wouldn't it have been easier to just stay overnight in the hotel?
Steve must not have been available to mastermind for her.
I have to track that interview down, too. She's a piece of work and I'm betting her husband is wondering how the hell he wound up hitched to her wagon.
The day their last kid turns 18 he's as good as gone.
He's one of those guys that actually would stick something like this out for the kids, and only for the kids. I bet he knows he leaves her now she'll go batshit and take the kids so he's got to bide his time.
She is still not sorry after all this time. She's not sorry at all.
When I was 10 yrs old, we moved to a house with a well. I knew and understood from that age what the pump was. I knew that because we weren't allowed to run water faucets or flush toilets when the power went out because the only water already pumped was in the hot water heater. Has Kate not had any power outages since they lived there? She's lying for sympathy. My mother kept some large jugs for toilet flushing if necessary but would not use them for every use of the toilet. She would give us a little bit of drinkable water when we brushed our teeth. We certainly did not need a hotel for a one night power outage. I hated the whole thing but I was not in charge.
I'm sure Kate had her pump fixed the next morning. The real problem is that she would have had to actually parent to get the kids through that night. Get them blankets, have them cozy up near the fireplace, distract them from the water issue.
I think this is the full episode of Mary Kay Fruitloop:
"When you're that young a relationship can lead to something you think you wanted back then, but not years later."
It's like Kate makes extra effort to be ignorant. I also dont know why she wouldn't just stay a night or two in a local hotel. Make an annoying situation a mini adventure instead. But what am I saying. Kate's specialty is draining every trace of fun out of everything.
Vanessa (#54 previous page), I read the app for my local ABC affiliate every day. A few months ago, there was a story about a married couple who had tried and failed to have a baby, even after some medical intervention. I have no idea how this story made the news since this is a major market. But of course, the end of the story was that they went broke trying to have a baby. Now they had a gofundme account so they could try again. In this major market, thousands and thousands of people are probably unable to have children but want to. This couple thought they were so important that they must have lobbied the tv station to cover their story because they believed we owed them the money.
I am getting sick of how almost every news story ends with gofundme. I was recently hospitalized for over two weeks. I had complications while there. Now I owe almost $500 in copays. That's a lot on Social Security disability pay. I can't really afford the $500/month in premiums for supplemental coverage to Medicare. Why aren't people funding me? There must be a way for me to blame society for my genetic illness, right? I am lucky in that I have some family help. I know many others in my disease group don't have that. I think it's horrible that people ask us to fund their completely optional expenses.
Admin: That Mary kay Lateraeu, thinks she has done nothing wrong and wants off the sex offenders list, cause now they are married. I saw part of the interview. As for the 2 kids she had with that child, they are 12 & 13, she said in no uncertain terms, that she would have shit fit if her 2 daughters, did what she did. But it is ok what she did. Basicly: do as I say not what I do. I hope they never take her off the sex offenders list. Cause if they do, it is like a slap on the hand for every twisted pervert, who preys on kids, the Oh, well that was then this is now, thinking I am a different person and a green light for all those sicko to get away with it. The law would have no meaning, and the victims would get no justice. Mary Kay you had sex with a child, just cause you are a woman, is no excuse. You are an adult, you knew better. You brought shame to your other kids and family. You stole that kids teen years from him. She is fruit loops.
GetoffTwitter, I totally agree.
She spits on sex offender laws. She thinks this is somehow different because she's a woman or they were really "in love." She is a sick person and her relentless pursuit to set herself apart it's an insult to victims of sexual abuse.
I would be shocked if Washington took her off no matter how much she whines about it. And that's where her delusion comes in. They're not going to take her off or let her ever teach again, time to accept it and move on.
What's more, the first time around the judge was lenient with her. All she had to do was just wait until he was 18. She violated the terms of her parole and got thrown in jail by a very unhappy judge. She had her chance and squandered it, there aren't going to be any more second chances.
Their girls are really beautiful, two additional victims in this. The only good thing is their friends are probably just too young to understand how huge this case was, or much care. Kids tend not to care about things that happened before they arrived on the scene.
(pizza and paper plates so she wouldn't be adding to the dirty dishes she never cleaned up from the Easter dinner the day before)
To me that's further evidence she has no one but the kids for Easter. No friends, no family. No nice ones anyway. Most good people wouldn't dream of leaving their guest's house with all those dishes to do.
You eat, then you help clean up and you don't leave your guest with a shit ton of dishes to do. You don't leave until every last bread plate is washed, dried and put away. The only reason a good guest wouldn't clean up is if their host absolutely insisted they not, and I don't think that happens that often.
She has no one to help clean up the dishes of course and what's more she's lazy and can't square away her kitchen like a grownup before hitting the boxed wine and twitter. She's fourteen, period.
Mel said... 17
Same with the laundry. She only does it once a week anyway. What's another few days?
Ah, she explained that, I think, in her own Kateish way. Because she only does laundry once a week there was "virtually no clean clothing in the house." They dirty every piece of clothing they own, every week, and each week she washes it all just in the nick of time to avoid sending the kids to school naked. At least, that's what she'd have us believe. Or maybe she only does laundry once a month?
At least she said virtually instead of literally, since literally would leave us wondering from whence came those outfits that she carefully chose and packed for each child, in accordance with her idea of their wishes, since "God forbid that I pack them something they DON’T want to wear home in the dark!". The precious little snowflake/divas!
How about this idea: take them home, tell them that they have 15 minutes to pack a bag with a towel, a clean outfit, and perhaps toiletries. Everyone who wants to shower at the hotel is to meet at the front door with their bag. Those who don't want to shower at the hotel meet at the front door with whatever they want to use amuse themselves during shower time. Those who are clueless meet at the front door with nothing and face the consequences. Anything forgotten is done without or borrowed from a kindly family member. And, each person carries his or her own stuff to the car and from the car to the hotel room.
Gee, I'm mean. And yes, I've done it exactly this way when we were camping and had to drive to a shower building. Not 8 kids, but it doesn't matter how many people there are if each one takes responsibility for themselves and their own stuff.
If Kate took her kids swimming at a mediocre public pool they would be quite prepared to pack for a simple shower. In fact, going swimming at a local pool is one of our family's favorite things to do while camping. A good shower before swimming, a nice refreshing swim, and a second shower to get the chlorine off, and you feel like a new person! Or at least a very clean one.
From Kate's story: "When the parade through the front door finally finished, he announced that he couldn’t come back with the equipment to fix it until Thursday, which seemed like 9 years from that moment, when in reality it was only about 36 hours away. I freaked out inside, but thanked him and calmly made plans to keep our hotel room for another night, already secretly dreading another shower/dinner marathon like we had just endured."
I was literally crying my eyes out with worry for Kate (read:no I wasn't) thinking of her having to endure another 36 hours without water. All of my problems paled in comparison to the possibility of Kate having to once again hire a babysitter & take the kids to a hotel for a shower (read:let me tell ya what a real problem is).
But then I read the next few lines: "He left. But it wasn’t long until I got a text from him saying, “I can’t leave you without water until Thursday. I moved some stuff around and I’ll be there tomorrow morning by 8.”
Oh, thank goodness the plumber took pity on this poor single mother of 8!! (read: Does anyone really believe Kate was CALM with the plumber? My guess is that she threw a fit & played the "woe is me, poor single mom of 8 kids" card until he moved his schedule around to accommodate her).
Right? Or just order a pizza to the hotel! Make it fun! Plus, the hotel would provide soap and shampoo. She is a dolt
The experience should have been just a fun memory you laugh at later. Pig out on pizzas and watch Amazing Race at the hotel, or people watch, or go swimming in the hotel pool if they have one, heaven forbid drop by dad's and say hello, it should be a fun memory.
Instead she makes it a hardship to ENDURE. I don't care how much you are annoyed or panicking inside, that's fine. The issue is your kids are learning by watching how to handle a crisis. She is not teaching them the logical, easiest, most positive way to handle something going wrong. Instead they are learning the most roundabout, inefficient, stupid way to handle inconveniences. It's really not good for them and their development into competent and rational grown adults who can handle life's problems.
When we had a major storm when I was about ten, like national news storm state of emergency that shut down everything for a week and killed people, when you talk to anyone my age who went through that know what they say? It was FUN. I had fun! That's because our parents made it an adventure, and didn't let on to us there was a problem. In fact my parents even pulled out the camera and took photos of us playing outside, back in the days when people didn't pull out cameras except on birthdays. It's little actions like that help teach kids how to roll with the punches even in national disasters and not make a big deal. Sure there were a few tears when the house got really cold or our toys got wet when all our basements flooded, but our parents tackled each problem quickly and efficiently. For us, it was off to grandma's after a day of that where we had an absolute blast being there all week instead of school. Now that I'm a grown adult, I don't fear major disruptions like that and I know I've developed the skills to handle whatever might happen.
But when she's craving attention, she's happy to supply every
grisly detail of her li'l crisis to her "friends," who predictably
offer praise and sympathy.
Can you imagine telling such a story to a real life friend? If you don't keep it to three sentences, or otherwise make it really interesting, their eyes would be glazed over in no time. Wow your water went out. Wow you went to a hotel. Yawwwwn. I'm almost embarrassed for her the way she talks like any of this is actually interesting. Rather it's embarrassing because it's so tone deaf but she doesn't see it. She is not a writer who can make the mundane interesting so her blathering becomes useless.
Seems to me that if you notice for days that your water pressure is dropping you'd call someone right away. Did she just think that her well would heal itself?
She is the cliche helpless female.
What does she say when the low tire pressure light comes on, say, huh, that tire looks low! Wonder why that is? And then just keep driving?
Or does she get her ass over to the air machine or even the mechanic and have it checked. Hint, most will give you some air and check it for problems for free.
It is annoying what a disgrace she is to the strong and capable women that we are perfectly capable of being. A woman who is aware of her environment and on top of anything amiss. A woman who is responsible about the environment she is placing her children in, such as being aware of how your home works and what to look for when a problem is happening. A woman who guards against major blowouts in life if at all possible, but when the unforeseen does happen, handles it with dignity and grace.
She is not a writer who can make the mundane interesting so her blathering becomes useless.
What?!! You mean you didn't feel a rush of adrenaline when she got to the part where cheers mixed with the sound of toilets flushing marked the end of the waterless nightmare?
You weren't sitting on the edge of your chair? You're joking, right?
If you can't write a Mommy blog like this don't Mommy blog, Kate.
This is how you tell a funny story about nothing, about the time you bought something absolutely stupid at Bed Bath and Beyond and really pissed off your husband:
Also, notice how short it is.
The WIC program is not colloquially referred to as "food stamps."
Wrong. You should tell the mothers I know who use that program, since I've heard many of them on several different occasions refer to it as such.
I read Kate's blog and these are the points that stood out for me.
1)They had brunch earlier yet at 5:52 pm she still had not washed those dishes. And worse, she claims she had not washed some of her Easter night dishes from 24 hours earlier. Either Kate is lying about this or she is lying about being an organized, clean freak Mother. Also with 8 kids I don’t buy that they don’t help washing dishes after meals.
2)Kate always said she prepared a full meal for her kids every night. Yet at 5:58 pm she had not even started dinner. And to top that bullshit off, I thought she always claimed to have frozen meals on hand. So what was Kate doing with frozen pizza and frozen onions in her house? And what a gross combination to boot.
3) She had to instruct her near 11 and 14 years how to wash with a cloth and brush their teeth with a little watter. Holy cow, she makes them sound like fools.
4) Again, like many have pointed out, how stupid of her to bring 9 meals and silverware etc. Why not stop at a fast food restaurant or order pizza.
5) Why did she bring them a complete set of clean clothes to the motel. I would have just brought a pair of clean underwear for each. Then when they got home, they could have changed into their night clothes. I see nothing wrong with the kids putting back their uniforms that they wore that day after showering.
6) She is such a complainer with all this racing to the store and buying tons of water and hauling it. She had 8 kids, the plumber, the babysitter and herself. How much hauling really did SHE really have to do? Lots of hands make light work. Also her car goes to straight to the front door for easy unloading.
7) But this really stinks to high heaven. She claims she didn't even bother to ask the plumber what was wrong with her well. Really, Kate? If that is the truth then she is an idiot. I guess therefore she also had not asked him what it was going to cost either. Don't you think he would have discussed the cost and the problem with her even before he did the actual repair. Yet she claims she knew none of this when she took her shower. Certainly the plumber would have given her a bill before he left, right Kate?
So she didn't even bother to ask the plumber what the problem was?
What a super-duper role model for her 5 daughters. Keep perpetuating
that helpless female stereotype, TFW. Guys really dig it.
If she did actually ask what had gone wrong, there may have been
some point to the story. Having had that harrowing emergency
(snort), she decided to take her role as head of the household
much more seriously, vowing to study her how-to manual with
renewed interest. And the more she knows, the more confident
she can be in a crisis, since her children's safety and comfort
always come first.
Another point I forgot to make was the laundry claims. She said she had tons of dirty laundry and virtually no clean clothes in the house. But her claim to fame is she an organized, clean, highly scheduled Mother. So why then would she had basically no clean clothes in her house. She is lying about one or the other. She can't have it both ways. She said in the past she was always walking back and forth past her laundry room and forever changing out the machines on an ongoing bases. So why so the hugh back load of laundry?
And I love how she starts out lying about why she had not kept up with her blog. The reason she says is because of her being so busy. And then she uses this rare well situation as proof as her daily busyness as her excuse. WFT? It would only take her one to two hours a week to make one blog post a week. At least that would be 52 new posts a year. But she has to lie instead of just admitting she has no interest in her blog. The real reason is she is lazy.
This blog is to prove to her audience that she is not a lazy mother. And it is to garner sympathy for herself. Just the phrases she used was over the top. For example:
I lost my mind and panicked; withheld my panic; dangerously close; they wailed at me; concerned lines were etching deeper and deeper; raced to the store and practically cleaned them out; freaked out inside; secretly dreaded; I literally screamed; I was in constant motion; I sprinted back and forth; haphazardly packed, etc.
She had tons of money in the bank for the repairs, water, and motel rooms. Her situation was not bad in the least. So what she had called the plumber, had to go the store for water, and had to take her kids for showers at a local motel. Big whooping deal!
You weren't sitting on the edge of your chair? You're joking, right?
No, "I" got on the "bathroom floor" with my "head" in the "toilet" to PUKE
The whole point of the blog was to show TLC what they were missing. This stuff is TV gold. Every moment in their lives should be filmed because you just can't make this shit up.
I remember in the episode that she made the 'Household Manual" she said something along the lines of "Why did this happen?" "Is it going to happen again?" and "If it does, how do I fix it?"
^^ THAT certainly doesn't sound like "haven’t had a chance to ask exactly WHAT needed replaced. Was it the entire pump or just a part of it? Do I even really care right now? I may, eventually" That sounds like I'll be sure to call him next time it breaks again.
Oh and Kate there is such a thing called a laundrymat. May sound mediocre but that's what most people do when their machines break (or they don't have water).
Good point that Kate grew up in the country. I guess she never cared to learn about taking care of a well. I bet she went BALLISTIC when she heard the parts would take a few days. She just had to say she calmly reacted and made another reservation at the hotel. BS. Totally. Another example of writing a fairy tale about who she really is.
I also think one of the purposes of the blog was to make it clear (hear me, TLC) that I need a man (i.e. Dating Show).
So here is how uncompelling her blog is, especially to me. Raise your hand if your husband has ever been deployed or travels for work because you get very independent mighty quick. It makes no difference how many kids you are responsible for, you just deal with it without drama. I don't think her blog was witty, I don't think her blog was truthful, and I don't think she has a clue that what she wrote proves she is a dullard.
I’d say that I immediately lost my mind and panicked, but I didn’t because, honestly, teenage girls DO tend to exaggerate situations quite often and besides, I quickly reasoned, it was only DAYS past April Fools Day. She could have been playing a belated joke on me. So, I withheld my panic until after I asked, “What do you mean no water?”, and she replied, “like as in NO WATER!” At that point, I raced to the nearest sink and turned on the tap, quickly figuring out that she was correct and certainly NOT exaggerating or joking.
Not. A. DROP. Came. Out.
Teenage girls tend to exaggerate?
Lordy beeeeeee!!
“I don’t think you’re going to have water tonight.” And that’s precisely when my almost 11 year old girls appeared out of no where and began shrieking loudly, “what do you mean NO WATER TONIGHT??” they wailed at me. “We didn’t take showers yet and we have SCHOOL tomorrow!”
All in unison, like a scene from a Leave it to Beaver episode.
Golly gee wiz Mom, we haven't had our daily shower so we're all clean for SCHOOL tomorrow!!
It was a late night here as I heated containers of water and handed out wash cloths, soap bars, and cups, reminding my kids how to do “sponge baths” and refreshing their memories on the “how to brush their teeth with an inch of water in a plastic cup” routine. But we made it through. Eventually the house quieted down.
Oh thank you Jesus, they made it through!!! Must have been as tortuous as that ONE sentence there.
The next morning, I delivered containers of warm water to their bathrooms so the kids could wash up before school. I felt terrible, but approached it with a “won’t we all be SO happy when we have running water again?” attitude.
FFS! you felt TERRIBLE that they missed a SHOWER??
As terrible as you feel when you beat them? When you bully them? When
berate them? When you ignore them? When you steal from them? When you make them work for their keep??
EFF OFF woman, really, just eff off!
All THIS fuss and stuff just so my large clan could eat a meal and shower!!!
I don't think she's ever said anything as truthful as this.
Yes, all THIS fuss? she's batshit crazy
I think I even saw tears in his eyes as this big strong man realized he’d have to haul that well pump from almost 600 feet below the ground level. Yet again. I was almost in tears too.
Just. Shut. The . $#%^. Up
Just over the past few years we have had snow storms and/or thunderstorms that knocked out power for a few days. I've had my mom sleep over during power outage/snow storms. My sister's family of 6 came over a few evenings one July when there was a days-long power outage to heat up something for dinner...daughter and cousins played outside and mom and dad got some air-condition time. (Our little neighborhood is on some kind of grid where if everyone else loses power we don't and vice versa). Then there was the time their washing machine broke and my BIL who was laid off came over to do laundry in between job interviews. Guess what, the biggest stress was trying to find the money to buy a new washer when dad is laid off and there are four kids on mom's part-time income. Anyway, that's what family and friends are for, dolt.
I literally screamed with joy and thanked him profusely as I finished filling a toilet tank with water, flushed it and ran through the house, wielding my water jugs, on my way to the next toilet! I announced the GREAT news to each kid I met along the way as I made my way to each toilet! Excited cheering mixed with the sound of toilets flushing meant we were almost done with this waterless nightmare!
Was this guy good looking? Was this her version of flirting? Her screeching into the guy's ear? "Weilding her water jugs" Freudian slip?
Sue_Buddy said... 196
Wait, what? I missed that. I must have read bowl, not tank, because, well that's what you fill hahahahahahahah
"I literally screamed with joy and thanked him profusely as I finished filling a toilet tank with water, flushed it and ran through the house, wielding my water jugs, on my way to the next toilet!"
Hahaha I still can't help laughing at this. She filled the tanks, and fluhed the toilet instead of just dumping water in the toilet til it flushed! Oh my.
I’m still catching up on dishes and laundry and haven’t had a chance to ask exactly WHAT needed replaced
Easter was almost 2 weeks ago, and she's STILL catching up on laundry and DISHES? She had no water for what, 2 days?? Oh my God
Someone posted upthread that they noticed she isn't allowing comments on her blog, she actually never did. From the very beginning no comments were allowed. Smart move on her part there, can you imagine?
Hahaha I still can't help laughing at this. She filled the tanks, and fluhed the toilet instead of just dumping water in the toilet til it flushed! Oh m
yeah, really
Even if claims to have never experienced her house having no water, shows how much she cleans the bathrooms. I always dump a bucket of water into the bowl so that it only leaves a bit at the bottom and then clean it. Less water lets you srcub better.
With eight kids, why let laundry pile up? Did she let her laundress go? Hell, she has TWO washers and TWO clothes dryers.
I stopped reading the blog post because it was a) boring, b) inauthentic and c) fucking crazy. This is her mental illness and childishness on display for all to see. The hyperbole! The martyrdom! Those poor kids...
What drivel.
I just can't understand how a grown-ass woman would think admitting any of that to the outside world is a good idea.
Can't handle anything without making it into a tragedy of mega proportions.
She is not a writer who can make the mundane interesting so her blathering becomes useless
Plus her inappropriate use of words is cringe-worthy -- "wielded" jugs of water? Wield an ax, wield a sword, wield power, not jugs of water. Oh, and she said she "secured" a hotel room. Who says that? Does she think saying that makes her sound smart? It's.Not.Working.
She's sort of trying to play up "the misadventures of the Gosselins" angle. She thinks these sort of snafus are funny, cute, and interesting. That was her first mistake.
This is the thing, she's obviously read a few other mommy blogs that depend on snafus for fooder. She just hasn't realized that no snafu is interesting unless you can write it up in a compelling and interesting way.
Quite frankly, it's not WHAT happens to you that makes a good blog post. It's HOW you tell the story. That's why a story about buying a metal chicken is one of the most popular posts on the internet, because the author knows how to tell a good story. TFW doesn't get it and never will.
This is how you tell a funny story about nothing, about the time you bought something absolutely stupid at Bed Bath and Beyond and really pissed off your husband:
Hot damn! She's funny. I sat up half the night reading her blog. I loved the one about the bear decal in the bathroom.
600 ft is very deep for a well. I wonder if there would be any way to check the "authenticity" of that. Anybody else here have experience?
That's why a story about buying a metal chicken is one of the most popular posts on the internet, because the author knows how to tell a good story. TFW doesn't get it and never will.
No she'll never get it. She thought that blog was worthy enough to actually post. I admit that my writing is sub par, I only post on this blog and I'm anonymous. She actually signed her name to that shit, so she obiviously believes it's some good shit. No, never will she ever EVER get it.
Plus her inappropriate use of words is cringe-worthy -- "wielded" jugs of water? Wield an ax, wield a sword, wield power, not jugs of water.
I bet she writes a rough draft with normal words like "carried" jugs of water, then goes to thesaurus dot com to spice up her writing by plugging in words like carried and watching it spit out words like wielded. Then, she replaces the old boring word with the new and exciting word.
There is no doubt in my mind no one helped her with this post other than to check for spelling errors and put it on the web site. And that's another thing, she has no handlers or even friends who care to help her actually make a good blog. I would volunteer her some of our lovely pool girls and lawn boys but I bet she'd be too stubborn to accept the help.
She thinks these sort of snafus are funny, cute, and interesting
Too bad the cameras weren't there to capture the real true drama that ensued. I'm imagining a lot of screaming, screeching, barking (not from shoka) hands flapping, evil eyes, tears, female dramatics (from the littles too!)...yada yada yada...and complete silence from the boys
P.J. (38)
I bet the first thing she did when she realized there was a problem was call TLC to tell them to bring their cameras and catch all the drama. She said once that she can "see" shows/episodes in her head, so she probably already had it all planned out. She'd shriek and cry, the kids would scream and panic, the cameras would pan over the piles of dirty dishes and mounds of dirty laundry. Complete chaos would ensue until Kate (who by then would have broken out in some kind of stress-induced condition) saves the day by booking them a luxurious vacation to wait out the nightmare. Of course, TLC would pay for their little getaway and all the expenses of the well repair. Oh, and new clothes and dishes (because all of theirs are dirty, you know), new luggage for the trip, Kate's $40K paycheck, and whatever else she can throw in there. When they come back, everything would be fixed and TLC's helpers would have all the dishes and laundry done for her.
Closing scene--Kate, just back from her trip, tells the camera how well she handled the crisis, how she masterminded everything, and single-handedly turned this into a positive experience for the kids.
I bet she writes a rough draft with normal words like "carried" jugs of water, then goes to thesaurus dot com to spice up her writing by plugging in words like carried and watching it spit out words like wielded. Then, she replaces the old boring word with the new and exciting word.
Yes! Just like writing assignments in middle school
There is no doubt in my mind no one helped her with this post other than to check for spelling errors and put it on the web site. And that's another thing, she has no handlers or even friends who care to help her actually make a good blog.
Do you mean Flying Monkey doesn't have the qualifications?
600 ft is very deep for a well. I wonder if there would be any way to check the "authenticity" of that. Anybody else here have experience?
I think it all depends on when you hit water.
I do believe you can drill to those depths, you just have less water pressure as you do further down.
Vanessa said... 47 - Easter was almost 2 weeks ago, and she's STILL catching up on laundry and DISHES? She had no water for what, 2 days?? Oh my God
She was talking about what happened that Monday, the day after Easter when she discovered she had no water. Her Easter dinner dishes were still unwashed on that Monday.
That, in itself, shows how lazy she is. She and 8 kids couldn't get those dinner dishes washed in 24 hours? I thought she hated clutter, dirt and germs. Another myth debunked with her own words.
She does fancy herself quite the blog writer, doesn't she.
What she could have written...
The bad and the good...well pump broke, ended up taking the kids to a hotel for the night. No water at the house was a bummer, but we had a lot fun playing in the hotel pool on a school night. Think that I dropped my homework in the pool is gonna be a good excuse?
Why couldn't the kids have helped flush the many, many toilets? They're big enough to carry the water jugs. It didn't have to be all on her.
She probably wasn't even home.
Girls learn the mechanics of running a house by trial and error… Have you noticed that theme here in my house yet?
I guess those boys met the same fate as their dad.
Oh my God! This is hilarious! Thanks for posting it. I am still laughing. The photos are priceless. "Knock-knock, motherfucker." Hahahahahaha!!
PJ, I did a Google search and 600 ft is common. To replace the pump and wiring, etc. costs around $5k.
She lost me at 'I raced to the sink'. Actually the only drivel of hers I read is what gets posted here. She may be the worst writer I know, her tortured use of what she has to think are fancy words is just awful. She has to hand out wash clothes and bars of soap? Kids their age are that incompetent? Nope, she is a raging control freak, and a horrible writer. Really cringe worthy.
One of my favorite couponing blogs has a post up this morning
with advice for newbies on how to run a successful blog.
Read Tip #1 and think of who it doesn't remind you of:
"Blog Consistently
This is a must. Do not, I repeat, do NOT, start a blog, put up a few posts, and then disappear for days at a time."
Sue_Buddy said... 64
That, in itself, shows how lazy she is. She and 8 kids couldn't get those dinner dishes washed in 24 hours? I thought she hated clutter, dirt and germs. Another myth debunked with her own words.
Yep. She is a slob, just as we suspected.
I thought they had the clean-up routine down pat. What happened to the chore list that Kendra wept over?
Mel, I agree. In Kate's version of this thrilling adventure, she did all the physical work and masterminding. The kids just were on the receiving end of her little packets of foods, toiletries, clean clothes, warm water wash sets.I really think it's gross her laundry gets so out of hand when the kids are old enough to do their own- that there are no clean clothes in the house. As for the dishes, I'm sure most people clean up after a holiday fairly promptly.She really has 'outed' herself as a dimwit and slob and presents the kids as slow and unable to act independently of Mommy.
She's waaaay to giddy in that blog post to be paying for that pump herself. Maybe the picture of her Flinstone feet crammed into those poor slippers and the 'work' reference are foreshadowing another stupid ass episode of that sad show. OR...she managed to wrangle a new pump out of the pump company by whining that it had broken only after a year. Robert said her biggest addiction, the thing that fueled her craziness, is getting shit for free. That is what drives her. So much so that she'd order fertility drugs online and orchestrate HOMs. This is one sick person who has no business raising children.
For all of you Serial fans, there is a new blog being done by 3 attorneys, called Undisclosed that is following up on the case. Some interesting background on how Serial came to be: One of the attorneys' brother was close friends with Adnan, and she was the one who contacted Sarah Koenig about doing the podcast series. The first episode shreds much of the few "facts" that the jury convicted on--especially Jay's accounting of the day and the cel phone records. Lots of detail crammed into a short time, but really interesting.
Mel said... 66
Why couldn't the kids have helped flush the many, many toilets? They're big enough to carry the water jugs. It didn't have to be all on her.
She probably wasn't even home.
I wrote a post about this but forgot to sign in and it got eaten. Why did she have to flush many many toilets anyway? Flush any that need to be flushed, designate one toilet to be shared (the horrors) until the water is fixed. Tell the kids "If it's brown flush it down, if it's yellow let it mellow." Done and done. Oh, and pour water in the bowl, not the tank.
Vanessa said... 49
Hahaha I still can't help laughing at this. She filled the tanks, and fluhed the toilet instead of just dumping water in the toilet til it flushed! Oh m
yeah, really
Even if claims to have never experienced her house having no water, shows how much she cleans the bathrooms. I always dump a bucket of water into the bowl so that it only leaves a bit at the bottom and then clean it. Less water lets you srcub better.
Ooh good idea! Plus, has she never dumped mop water in the toilet? Did she think it would overflow?
Vanessa said... 45
I literally screamed with joy and thanked him profusely as I finished filling a toilet tank with water, flushed it and ran through the house, wielding my water jugs, on my way to the next toilet! I announced the GREAT news to each kid I met along the way as I made my way to each toilet! Excited cheering mixed with the sound of toilets flushing meant we were almost done with this waterless nightmare!
Was this guy good looking? Was this her version of flirting? Her screeching into the guy's ear? "Weilding her water jugs" Freudian slip?
Did she pay him with ($5,000 worth of) hugs and kisses?
Oh, wow! 5 grand! She had to go ballistic when she heard that. Wow, she is repeatedly paying for denying Mady water at the interview, years ago! She deserves it. Hate that the kids have to endure the chaos.
This ESPN girl that talked so ugly to the Tow Truck secretary reminded me of TFW's ugly stunt with the poor tow truck driver that was helping her. The girl even looks like TFW. Watch the video of her when she looks up at the video camera, looks just like TFW!
She has been suspended, so the pressure is on now to fire her. You could fire TFW when she acted the way she did to that poor tow truck driver, but you can't.
TLC stinks: thanks for the info, I did not know if 600 feet was common. I get City of Chicago water from Lake Michigan and I have a water meter.
Geez, I've, lived in the city my whole life, and I know a lot about well water. A lot was learned from friends who live out side of the city. the further away you are from Chicago, they use well water, and a few farms I've been to use well water. The fact Kate grew up in the country, she should know this better than a person who is a city dweller. Who gets their water through the city of Chicago, which gets it from Lake Michigan.
Jeanne #22 re Medicare and copays and supplemental insurance. Having been thru this with my mother and mother in law in past few years, here is a suggestion. father your medical bills (everything! Medications, doctor visit copays. Dental visits, glassrd, anything remotely related to medical expenses) and make an appointment with your local social services to meet with a worker and file a Medicaid application. states administer the Medicaid program for their state and rules and eligibility vary state to state, so you have to go ask.
Both my mother and my mother in law qualified for Medicaid coverage as their supplemental plan and secondary payor when their out of pocket expenses exceeded a certain amount. It was based on their income minus their expenses. a person has to reapply every year and provide proof of income and expenses. Even if you don't qualify for full Medicaid coverage you might fall into the "Extra Help" category where your Medicare Part D plan would be covered.
My experience is in Virginia, so YMMV.
Re helpless females and tasks around the house. When I was six years old, my dad taught me how to change a fuse, the old kind where you screwed out the bad fuse and put in a new one. It was simple, but my mother was scared of the electric fuse box. Dad was tortured of being the only one to do this.
He also taught me how to fix a leaky pipe with electric tape ( this was before the era of Duck tape, now he would use that). And how to make sure the pump house was winterized, our pump was above ground.
And I had to learn how to check the oil, add oil, add radiator fluid, and change a tire by myself before I could get my learners permit to drive. And he made need learn to drive on this old American Motors Rambler that had the stick shift on the column and drove like a truck. Fun memories!
I am getting sick of how almost every news story ends with gofundme. I was recently hospitalized for over two weeks. I had complications while there. Now I owe almost $500 in copays.
Jeanne, I hope you're feeling better and can get those co-pays paid.
Thanks for the well references. I can't even imagine Lassie getting Timmy out of that well.
Admin (#58), I had the same thought: TFW had NO help with that
piece. This "best selling New York author" writes like a middle
school girl, and yet she thinks she's the bomb diggity.
I still feel like there's a reason for this post that we haven't figured
out yet. Maybe TLC needed to shoot some B-roll footage, and
wanted something more compelling than TFW watching "American
Idol" or getting her nails done. So maybe they wanted to show
TFW "at work," but they realized she doesn't do anything, and
asked her to write a blog entry, so they could shoot her working
on that. Purely speculation, but we know there's usually something
motivating her whenever she's even slightly ambitious or productive.
I really have to laugh at Kate. Kate you really make an ass of yourself all the time. For a person who claims to be an expert organizer, you suck at it. I'm no organizer, I try, to get organized, sometimes it works sometimes it don't. But Kate, you brag about masterminding, & organizing etc. I DON'T SEE IT!
If Kate were truely an organized person as she claims, then her laundry room would always be cleared of laundry all the time. Piles of laundry would never be present. WTF, you have 2 washers & 2 dryers, plus you can always hang on a clothes line, inside or outside. Your kids are not babies anymore and are tall enough to reach, they can do their own laundry or help with the laundry.
Here is what I would do Kate Gosselin:
Assign a laundry day to each of your kids like:
1. the twins on Monday,
2. the tup girls on Tuesday
3. the tup boys on Wednesday,
4. you Kate on Thursday,
5. Friday is for sheets, pillow cases, towels, etc.
or combine the Friday load after you do your clothes on Thursday.
The fact you have 2 washers, 2 dryers, your laundry room should be uncluttered of laundry at all times. Also give your kids their own laundry basket, & bag hamper, they are old enough to drag their own laundry to the laundry room & put their own laundry when cleaned away. Trust me you won't have the laundry pile up. You have 10 hours before the kids come home from school.
When you come home from a trip, get the laundry sorted and following the schedule above, your laundry will be done.
As for dish washing, you have 9 people living in that house, use paper products, & have 2 dishwashers, so why did you have a pile of dishes in the sink? If some of the kids would do the dishes, like one washes, one rinses, one drys and one puts away, the dishes get done real fast. But you use paper plates, what is there to wash but a few pots, some forks & knives, all of less than 10 mins? PLEASE KATE YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE!
But we all know Kate always has to make everything a drama and difficult.
P.J. said... 85
Thanks for the well references. I can't even imagine Lassie getting Timmy out of that well.
Your comment just brought up memories of Baby Jessica. I was glued to the tv for the duration along with the rest of the world.
Yes, Kate "The WORLD" was watching.
When the $800,000 trust fund that was set up for her was unlocked in 2011, she put it toward her own two daughters' college fund.
getoftweeter said... 87
I agree with everything you said. She really is delusional or the lying liar who lies.
Speaking of being self-sufficient, I've rotated my own tires in our driveway. Yeah, I could have paid to have it done, but I consider that kind of stuff a challenge. I took a basic mechanics course for women years ago and I can do an oil change/lube/filter too. It's not rocket science. Playing helpless has never been my M.O. and anyone who doesn't like it can suck it.
AuntieAnn said... 88
P.J. said... 85
Thanks for the well references. I can't even imagine Lassie getting Timmy out of that well.
Your comment just brought up memories of Baby Jessica. I was glued to the tv for the duration along with the rest of the world.
Funny, I thought of that too. What an amazing story. Not some boring bullshit about not having running water.
Sue Buddy, oh my goodness, THANK YOU for posting the link to the Bloggess! That was hilarious. And she has A PICTURE OF WIL WHEATON COLLATING PAPERS!!! how amazing is that! And a giant chicken named Beyonce!
Thank you Sue for making me waste my lunch time laughing at the bloggess blog!
Math Girl said... 26
Mel said... 17
Same with the laundry. She only does it once a week anyway. What's another few days?
Ah, she explained that, I think, in her own Kateish way. Because she only does laundry once a week there was "virtually no clean clothing in the house." They dirty every piece of clothing they own, every week, and each week she washes it all just in the nick of time to avoid sending the kids to school naked. At least, that's what she'd have us believe. Or maybe she only does laundry once a month?
I tend to think that Kate has indeed cut back her domestic help quite a bit, because she seems unable to keep the household chores on track and can't seem to stay on task.
Kate barely tweets about "10" dinners, no photos of breakfast, dinners, V-Day and Easter leaves me assuming the worker who cleans up after her messes isn't there anymore.
At least she said virtually instead of literally, since literally would leave us wondering from whence came those outfits that she carefully chose and packed for each child, in accordance with her idea of their wishes, since "God forbid that I pack them something they DON’T want to wear home in the dark!". The precious little snowflake/divas!
Wait, Kate had to pack for the kids? WTF? These kids should be able to do that on their own.
OMG, she's raising kids with learned helplessness.
P.J. said....Good for you! I think a course for girls and boys should be mandatory in highschool on mechanical skills such as you described, as well as financial.Kids today should be independent of their parents as well as partners in all aspects of life. Wish I had been offered such a course, but have learned what I can since . I hate feeling helpless! I'm trying to instill independence in my own 20 year old+ kids and it's not easy.
JoyinVirginia said...
And he made need learn to drive on this old American Motors Rambler that had the stick shift on the column and drove like a truck. Fun memories!
Ha! My mother had a Rambler which was the car I used when I got my license, although I learned on my father's manual shift car. That Rambler was a tank. Great memories.
Ex-Nurse thanks for the heads up about Undisclosed. I will be checking it out.
But then I read the next few lines: "He left. But it wasn’t long until I got a text from him saying, “I can’t leave you without water until Thursday. I moved some stuff around and I’ll be there tomorrow morning by 8.”
Oh, thank goodness the plumber took pity on this poor single mother of 8!! (read: Does anyone really believe Kate was CALM with the plumber? My guess is that she threw a fit & played the "woe is me, poor single mom of 8 kids" card until he moved his schedule around to accommodate her).
I think Kate was as calm as Globe Gate.
She loves to write revisionist history, and as many experts say, you can usually tell someone is lying when their level of detail is too much.
To wit: Kate doesn't tell her story: she pens dissertations.
I agree that something's up. She finally posts a blog entry, after *how* many years of nothing???
And it's just as bad as before, if not worse. She apparently has learned *nothing* about being a good writer. Her prose is even worse than her acting. And her acting is pretty bad.
I don't get why each kid needed individual size shampoo/toothpaste. Wouldn't one family size of each be easier? Hotels always have at least two bars of soap in the bathroom. Grab clean underwear for everyone, they put on their clothes and change into jammies when they get home, pick up a pizza or chinese to eat at the hotel while they are taking turns in the shower. The runner of the year must have some extra bottled water at home to use for a final tooth brushing before bed.
Good for you, P.J.! Self sufficiency is always attractive!
These comments bring back memories. I taught my kids to do their own laundry when they were about age eleven. I still did most of the household laundry, but if they had a particular outfit they HAD to wear on a certain day, they could certainly wash it themselves. Also washing those soccer uniforms got old fast, they could help and they did!
JoyinVirginia said... 91
Joy, Admin originally posted the link to that hilarious blog. I love it and have bookmarked it. I was laughing so hard last night reading it I couldn't fall asleep.
Did she ever once mention in the blog about getting water to the chickens or Shoka?
This story is about as true as the snow breaking all of her driveway trees off.
I don't see why that had to be so hard.
Hey kids! We're going to a hotel to get showers. They have toiletries/towels/wash cloths there. Grab a clean outfit to wear home. See ya in the van in 5 minutes!
I wonder if TFM and the swat team cleared out the hotel so that the Gosselin's could shower in privacy.
Certainly the plumber would have given her a bill before he left, right Kate?
Nah, he just told Kate he'd take hugs and kisses in lieu of payment.
And I love how she starts out lying about why she had not kept up with her blog. The reason she says is because of her being so busy. And then she uses this rare well situation as proof as her daily busyness as her excuse
Kate should have just skipped the lousy excuse for not blogging-it's embarrassing to her, and insulting to her fans.
It would be so real of her to say, "Hey, I'm a shit for ignoring my blog for so long. I promise to do better".
Of course, self-deprecation and contrition are anathema to Kate.
Kate's sorry excuse for not posting a blog in over a year was juvenile and cheap.
concerned lines were etching deeper and deeper
Well, Kate dear, tell the doctor to push a couple more cc's of Botox next time.
I don't think her blog was witty, I don't think her blog was truthful, and I don't think she has a clue that what she wrote proves she is a dullard.
I so agree. Kate lacks wit, charm and warmth.
She thinks she's funny and witty, but isn't cerebral at all.
She thinks flirting and using her feminine wiles is charming, but she's really just trying to exploit others' weaknesses.
She tries to convey being "plugged in" to those around her, but I have never, ever actually seen Kate NOT always inside her own head.
Mel said... 103
I don't see why that had to be so hard.
It wasn't, especially for a millionaire. She made it difficult.
Phone Paul W. Essig, Plumbing and Heating in Reading, PA. Always Ready 24/7 Emergency Response 610-628-4082.
Feed the kids a sandwich and heat up some soup for supper. Go to the supermarket and buy water so they can wash up in the bathroom sink. Those school uniforms should be hung up the day they got home from school and ready to be worn.
It's not NASA.
Ex Nurse said... 75
For all of you Serial fans, there is a new blog being done by 3 attorneys, called Undisclosed that is following up on the case. Some interesting background on how Serial came to
Thank you for the info! Also, does anyone know whether there will be another Serial podcast? I really enjoyed the first one. Part of the reason was the "listening to a story" aspect. Reminiscent of radio days.
Vanessa said... 57
That's why a story about buying a metal chicken is one of the most popular posts on the internet, because the author knows how to tell a good story. TFW doesn't get it and never will.
No she'll never get it. She thought that blog was worthy enough to actually post. I admit that my writing is sub par, I only post on this blog and I'm anonymous. She actually signed her name to that shit, so she obiviously believes it's some good shit. No, never will she ever EVER get it.
April 17, 2015 at 6:53 AM
Another "it" that Kate doesn't have.
I have to give her credit and say that she tries-one of the few things she puts effort into, even if it's only once in a while.
But, she swings and she misses, every damn time.
The blogger linked above has it. Amalah is another incredibly witty writer with a natural flow that keeps you engaged, laughing and crying.
By the end of Kate's water saga, I couldn't care less. I wasn't moved to laugh, nor cry. I couldn't give a shit if their shit got flushed. I was left wondering why I even skimmed the damned thing, and have no feeling of wanting more.
Even for a fan, the story is boring.
What I think about when Kate writes is quicksand. The harder she tries, the more she fails.
JoyinVirginia said... 83
Re helpless females and tasks around the house. When I was six years old, my dad taught me how to change a fuse, the old kind where you screwed out the bad fuse and put in a new one. It was simple, but my mother was scared of the electric fuse box. Dad was tortured of being the only one to do this.
He also taught m
Awesome dad! Thanks for sharing your memories. My parents had 2 boys and 6 girls. That meant that all hands pitched in, and most work was not divided by "girls" jobs or "boys" jobs. My dad was always happy to show us how to do things, if we asked. And when we passed our driving test, my dad would have us change a tire on the car we would be driving (take it off, put it back on), check the oil level, check the tire pressure. Just some basic things he believe we should all know (boy or girl). My dad was very egalitarian and believed in all of us kids were equal and certainly smart enough to learn some important basics to help us through life. None of us girls were ever considered "princesses" by him - lol! Nice young ladies, yes. Dainty princesses - no.
My first boyfriend was very mechanically minded. He was mostly self-taught. If he wanted to know how something worked, he would get some books and read up on it, then he'd try the process himself. He could fix clocks, take apart most anything and put it back together better than before, etc. (too bad he was an extreme cheapskate, which is what caused me to break up with him eventually!) But from him, I learned a little about fixing a clogged sink, changing out a washer, etc.
Mel said...97
I agree that something's up. She finally posts a blog entry, after *how* many years of nothing???
That's just Kate trying to get a writing job on Seinfeld!
P.J. said...87
Lassie getting Timmy out of the well!
Nominated for comment of the day, because it is too early to call yet!! Bwaahaha
I watched the Baby Jessica live along with THE WORLD. Gosh, I can't believe that has been 28 years ago!
News flash to TFW: Because the WORLD was watching, CNN with live feed 24/7 to the WORLD, President Ronald Reagan said that, Everyone in the WORLD became Godmothers and Godfathers to Baby Jessica during her ordeal.
Did 43 say anything about your ordeal to THE WORLD?
I just read that Toys R Us has a baby/child birthday present registry!
This is exactly up TFW's alley! All she has to do is provide the link and all of her 6 fans can scrape up, dig through their couches for spare change and fill that registry up! But, between us, she won't tell TCL because she wants them to let her throw the gifts into the shopping cart and let TLC pay for the kids gifts for filming!
Plus her inappropriate use of words is cringe-worthy -- "wielded" jugs of water? Wield an ax, wield a sword, wield power, not jugs of water.
One can wield a jug of water if it's a heavy jug and it will be used as a weapon. I doubt, though, that she ran through the house slinging those jugs (water, not boobs) back and forth in an attempt to assault Mr. Well Pump Fixer Man, so yes, the verb was not used appropriately. What a dolt.
She does write like a middle schooler who thinks that the finished work will be much more impressive if she uses "big" words that she has convinced herself show intelligence, and she fills that blog with such a gibberish conglomeration of nonsensical phrases that makes her look like a total jerk who is trying, but just can't quite pull it off.
If English were her best subject, I'd hate to know her worst.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 71
One of my favorite couponing blogs has a post up this morning
with advice for newbies on how to run a successful blog.
Read Tip #1 and think of who it doesn't remind you of:
"Blog Consistently
This is a must. Do not, I repeat, do NOT, start a blog, put up a few posts, and then disappear for days at a time."
Days at a time is bad enough. Kate goes 14 months between posts and then all she can come up with is a mediocre (at best) story about a broken well pump. Maybe she should think about shutting it down. It is THAT embarrassing.
Tucker's Mom said... 107
concerned lines were etching deeper and deeper
Please tell me that is not a direct quote from her blog.
That makes "It was a dark and stormy night..." sounds like Shakespeare.
Ay caramba!
redbird said... 116
I just read that Toys R Us has a baby/child birthday present registry!
Toys R Us and Babies R Us have had a registry for years. I'm sure Kate knew about it when the younger kids were babies.
We're all commenting on the things TFW said in the blog as
if they really happened, when between 1% -- 99% may be
pure hooey. She helped each child select an outfit to take to the
hotel? Raise your hand if you think she calmly went down to the
mancave and assisted her sons with this. She packed individual
toiletries? Anyone who's spent as much time in hotel rooms as
she has knows they've got soap, shampoo and lotion galore.
Each word, each sentence was crafted to either garner sympathy
for her troubles, or get accolades for her fantastic can-do spirit.
I bet Beyonce the metal chicken could've typed up a more
compelling story with one wing tied behind her back.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 53m53 minutes ago
@kateplusmy8 Did you know so many people, especially haters, are obsessively attracted to you?
I thought Goody and Gladys were twitter buddies. Why is she calling her out? Everyone knows that Gladys is obsessively attracted to Kate in a way that most certainly is not normal, even bizarre.
Ex Nurse said... 75
For all of you Serial fans, there is a new blog being done by 3 attorneys, called Undisclosed that is following up on the case. Some interesting background on how Serial came to be: One of the attorneys' brother was close friends with Adnan, and she was the one who contacted Sarah Koenig about doing the podcast series. The first episode shreds much of the few "facts" that the jury convicted on--especially Jay's accounting of the day and the cel phone records. Lots of detail crammed into a short time, but really interesting.
April 17, 2015 at 8:59 AM
Thanks for posting that. Serial has been such a phenomenon. Sarah Koenig is actually touring and playing theaters!
She's going to be doing a date near me, but I'm not sure I see it as a "concert" type of thing.
redbird said... 80
This ESPN girl that talked so ugly to the Tow Truck secretary reminded me of TFW's ugly stunt with the poor tow truck driver that was helping her. The girl even looks like TFW. Watch the video of her when she looks up at the video camera, looks just like TFW!
She has been suspended, so the pressure is on now to fire her. You could fire TFW when she acted the way she did to that poor tow truck driver, but you can't.
I'm generally not for resorting to firing for these offenses that go viral due to social media, etc., but this chick is a blight on ESPN.
I can't believe ESPN would keep her after such depraved ugliness and cruelty.
A week's suspension is not even close to a gesture of sincerity.
High Sodium Content said... 101
Did she ever once mention in the blog about getting water to the chickens or Shoka?
I noticed that, too.
Mel said... 104
I wonder if TFM and the swat team cleared out the hotel so that the Gosselin's could shower in privacy.
Well, she did she write that she SECURED a room.
Flimsy Flamsy said...
I bet Beyonce the metal chicken could've typed up a more
compelling story with one wing tied behind her back.
Somehow, Beyonce strikes me as a hunt and peck kinda girl. :>)
Auntie Ann said:
Feed the kids a sandwich and heat up some soup for supper. Go to the supermarket and buy water so they can wash up in the bathroom sink. Those school uniforms should be hung up the day they got home from school and ready to be w
Exactly. The thankfully few times that we had no running water for a day, I did go out and buy several gallons of water. Then I just warmed a little water in the microwave so I could take a birdbath, wash the few dishes we used, and wash our faces/hands and brush our teeth. Talk about water conservation!
Each word, each sentence was crafted to either garner sympathy
for her troubles, or get accolades for her fantastic can-do spirit.
To no avail. Kate's timeline has barely seen a blip in traffic, and hardly any mentions of her "ordeal".
I hope everyone that feels moved to go to her blog and read about Kate's tribulations sees that they can pre-order her book!
(seriously-top of fold and >1 year out of date-how amateur)
I wonder if Kate ever considers the other people whose services get pushed back because of her?
She's so please to always get a pass to go to the front of the line and doesn't seems to consider that someone else will be SOL because of it.
Nobody could ever be in more need than Kate. Ever.
The thing about the reporter was her attack was so personal against the driver. The reporter wasn't ugly about the service she was or wasn't providing. It was about the girl's teeth, education, her job. Here is the transcript:
"I'm in the news sweetheart. I will ******* sue this place."
"That's why I have a degree and you don't."
"I wouldn't work at a scumbag place like this. Makes my skin crawl even being here."
"Do you feel good about your job? So, I could be a college dropout and do the same thing?"
"Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?"
One week's suspension is a joke. I think she should lose her job or at the VERY least be suspended without pay for 6 weeks to three months. I have a feeling ESPN is going to take more action against her in the near future.
Anonymous said... 131
The thing about the reporter was her attack was so personal against the driver.
I believe her attack was directed at the woman who works at the office where you go to pay the fine, not the driver who towed her car away!
We had to take 'bucket baths' for a few days when our power went out during #funHurricaneSandy. And again when our water heater exploded
Never thought to write a lengthy play-by-play account of our ablutions or inconveniences at the time- we had more on our minds, such as costs, damage, insurance claims, major clean-up, the tree fallen onto our house...
We hit 79 degrees today, so I guess that Kate is in all her glory. The negative side of this is that we can't open our windows to let in all of those nice warm breezes because we have the "essence of spring" going on outside. That's not a good thing. The essence part of it is the manure that farmers are using right to fertilize their fields.
I missed that Kate secured a room. That is unreal. Is that something that is said in her neck of the woods? I wonder if that is something she learned from Steve, her security expert! Admin, is absolutely right, she used a theraurus. And notice they didn't go a motel, they went to a hotel.
You know, if I were Gina, I would be really upset if I googled my husbands name and saw what was there.
The first thing you see is Images of Steve Neild. All over are pictures of Steve and Kate in the hotel lobby (where they were spotted by the DJ holding hands) and she is wearing the short black skirt and the red leather jacket.
The next item is Kenya Moore: Kate Gosselin's Bodyguard Shared...
Gosselin, 39, who divorced her husband of 10 years Jon Gosselin in 2009, has long been rumored to be dating her bodyguard Steve Neild.
Next is ROL: Steve Neild
Inside Kate Gosselin's Relationship With 'Bodyguard' Steve Neild ... Kate's Bodyguard Steve Caught Vacationing With Her & The Kids. No wife, no problem!
Kate Gosselin: Relationship with Bodyguard Steve Neild...
I had my camera in hand and when I went to take a picture of Kate and the kids, Steve Neild came around the car and ended up in the picture!
Kate Gosselin: Back with bodyguard Steve Neild for...
Kate Gosselin can always rely on her bodyguard and rumored boyfriend Steve Neild, who 'is back' in her life after a brief absence.
Steve Neild...Reality Tea
Kenya didn't hesitate to call out Kate Gosselin's unique, um, partnership with Steve Neild either. About the “bodyguard” who “protected” Kate while filming.
Steve Neild...Huffington Post
Pity the eight poor little Gosselite children. Their mom takes to national TV to diss their dad, than deserts them on a trip to a luxurious resort to shoot her fab abs.
Gosselite is not my spelling.
getoftweeter said... 87
Your kids are not babies anymore and are tall enough to reach, they can do their own laundry or help with the laundry.
I had a friend with 6 kids who had a laundry regime like you described - individual laundry baskets, assigned days, etc. Since her kids were of assorted ages, they started "doing their own laundry" at a very early age with the assistance of an older laundry buddy.
My husband and I instituted a similar system, and though my kids are now in their 40s, he and I still do our own wash. Dividing the laundry by person makes folding and putting away the clothes much easier.
I would sometimes mention this method when the subject of laundry would arise. Some listeners' eyes would light up as they mused "Why didn't I think of that?", while some came up with all kinds of reasons it wouldn't work. One objection was "but who does the bedding?" At my house, it goes in a separate load anyway. Another objection was, "but they won't do it right. Their clothes won't look right and it will reflect badly on me". I wonder if those kids ever learned to do their own laundry, or if she she still does it when they come to visit with their own children.
The best objection I had was from someone who had lots of kids but little money, who said that the kids would waste a lot of water, soap, and energy doing small loads. She had a different method, that worked for her. She did all the loads of washing and drying, then dumped the clean dry clothes in the middle of the living room floor. Every person in the house was responsible for identifying, folding, and putting away his or her own clothes.
Whether you use getofftwitter's method or my friend's, each family member is responsible or partly responsible for their own clothes. This is good, since most families don't have a ready supply of laundry fairies.
She has been suspended, so the pressure is on now to fire her. You could fire TFW when she acted the way she did to that poor tow truck driver, but you can't.
Who would have fired her? How did she act, other than to blog that she had a pre-conceived opinion about tow truck drivers? I don't recall that she gave him a piece of her mind, verbally abused him in any way...nothing that comes even close to the disgusting things that this reporter said to the office person whose job it was to collect payment.
Assign a laundry day to each of your kids like:
1. the twins on Monday,
2. the tup girls on Tuesday
3. the tup boys on Wednesday,
I don't agree with this. Those kids put in long days at school, a long commute home, they have homework to do, probably have to practice their music instruments, do other chores and they should not be expected to do laundry. That's Kate's job. Those kids have worked to support her. The focus should be on their school work.
She's home all day and so can darn well do the laundry. Should they collect their laundry and take it to the laundry room? Probably, but as far as sorting it, putting it in the washer and dryer, folding it and putting it away. Nope. Let them be kids. She no doubt makes them do so many other chores that she shouldn't add the laundry job to them.
Boo Hoo Khatie Irene. My brother bought a house in the country in January, with frozen pipes, and we had water-beds...the HORROR! Then, one week after we moved in his was deployed to desert storm with 48 hrs notice.
this 20 yrld at the time chickie cleaned house top to bottom using lake water that I hauled to the house after breaking the ice on the lake every day, more than once. Flushed toilets via the bowl, not the tank, and had a big plastic tub I filled with water heated on stove. AND we had a wood stove for heating, chopped wood and kept that filled.
Although, I did forget to post a WOE is me Blog post about it.
Nice try,
Oh, good gosh. "Sheeple, sheeple who need sheeple (and Kate). Are the neediest people in the world...acting more like children
than children." Apologies to Streisand.
Marissa Reilly @mnreilly 32m32 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 can I get a pic of your chore chart? Pretty please?
You weren't sitting on the edge of your chair? You're joking, right?
No, and I wasn't even sitting on the edge of the toilet, although most of what she spewed forth was unadulterated crap.
"I don't agree with this. Those kids put in long days at school, a long commute home, they have homework to do, probably have to practice their music instruments, do other chores and they should not be expected to do laundry. That's Kate's job. Those kids have worked to support her. The focus should be on their school work.
She's home all day and so can darn well do the laundry." (139)
Exactly, and I agree. Those kids have enough on their plates with school, homework, other chores and dealing with Kate's tyranny on a daily basis. She's home all day. Let her get off her rear end and do the laundry and not let it go for a week. Why should the kids do that? They worked to keep her in the lifestyle she wants, which includes two of everything, even washers and dryers. Let her do it.
Let them be kids. She no doubt makes them do so many other chores that she shouldn't add the laundry job to them. 139
I agree with this. As so many have said, what the hell does she do all day?
Not much, apparently.
Blowing In The Wind said... 139
I would agree with you if I really knew what chores the kids did. The twins seem to be down only for dishwasher duty and as per Kate's tome, the dishes don't get done nightly. Their bedroom was a mess so they can't be cleaning it often. I think they at least should do some laundry to learn how. Going on 15 is plenty old enough or if they want a special outfit clean before Monday, by all means. But if the kids are truly overworked as the boys seem to be, then I would say Kate should do it on her 9 hour days of 'busyness.'
Blowing In The Wind said... 138
She has been suspended, so the pressure is on now to fire her. You could fire TFW when she acted the way she did to that poor tow truck driver, but you can't.
Who would have fired her? How did she act, other than to blog that she had a pre-conceived opinion about tow truck drivers? I don't recall that she gave him a piece of her mind, verbally abused him in any way...nothing that comes even close to the disgusting things that this reporter said to the office person whose job it was to collect payment.
I agree. The reporter was vile to the poor girl at the tow truck place.
I was talking about the reporter how much she looked like TFW, and it was a tow truck place. At first I thought she had talked to the driver, but then saw the video and just read the transcript, thanks for posting it. Oh, my, that is horrible. She should be suspended for a year and ESPN should give her a years salary to the tow truck woman because she said hurtful things about her job, education and where she works.
Now a lady attorney is on Inside Edition and said she was on twitter talking about women in the media and she got in the conversation and started personal attacks against her and didn't even know her.
Blowing, I was joking about firing TFW. I said that you can't fire TFW because she doesn't even have a job.
Chris Hanson wants to bring back, To Catch a Predator. He says there is a demand for it.
Also 'only 14 months ago we spent a few days (over Christmas and New Years) without running water'. Wouldn't we have heard about this calamity?
And Kate's wording is so weird - 'the babysitter had to feed and shower the kids.' Are these toddlers??? Gah!
Blowing in the wind: Let me explain further, the kids have their own laundry bags & baskets, they bring them down to the laundry room on said day or the night before. Kate does the actual washing, folding & brings the basket of clothes to the kids room and the kids put it away. If laundry is spread out, it would not be a pile of laundry, that would be so much to do, even I would find excuses on not doing it, until I ran out of clothes and then bitch about it. By doing it as a couple of kids a day, with 2 washers & 2 dryers, Kate would be done before noon, that is if she started, when she returned from the school drop off. Each load is about 20 mins. If the laundry is divided up into 3 or 4 loads, with 2 machines, say underwear/bras & panties & socks in hot water, double rinse, both twins clothes, there is one 30 min wash(extra 10 mins for the extra rinse), the other machine you put the tops in , so 2 machines one at 20 mins one at 30 starting the same time. When first washer is done into the dryer, then second. Start third wash of pants in one washer, that alone would make a full load. Kate has the giant washers. 2-3 hours tops for total laundry cycle, each day. If Kate has kids who change clothes for every little offence, that would be a problem in my house. The kids wear uniforms, so when they come home from school change into regular/play clothes. You can wear play pants/clothes more than one day, unless you do something dirty. The tups are pass that little kid age of getting that dirty. That is what I should have explained.
A (tiny) bit of self promotion. I just finished fixing my old Hoover (no online manual available) and Roo is so proud of me!
Ok, honestly she raised her head when I whooped after I fitted the last piece in place.
Who says this about another woman in yoga pants? I wonder if LOM knows about Milo's obsession with Kate's body. On second thought, maybe he's a threesome person.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@PatriciaChow1 @Kateplusmy8 Kate loves these....& they love her back! She wears them well! http://t.co/b1d0aIOYJM
She's up Kate's butt again and the night is still young.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m15 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I'm thinking U have way 2much on 2day's plate! Logistics of who goes where? 8 kids w/no time 2spare! Has it been #RunKateRun?
And Kate's wording is so weird - 'the babysitter had to feed and shower the kids.' Are these toddlers??? Gah!
Seriously? If I were any of those kids, especially one of the boys, I'd tell the "sitter" to get the hell out of the room!
I don't think the kids should be handling their own laundry- any kid for that matter. But, I do think kids their ages need to know how to do laundry, and pack their own clothes and toiletries.
For all the chores they have have to do, they are infantalized beyond belief.
lol Roo. Show a little more enthusiasm for Rhymes! It's probably your fur that clogged it. (Well-done, Rhymes!)
franky here,
amending last post...heated water in big plastic tub was for me to bathe in, and wash my waist-length hair.
But I did not have 8, count'em 8, skreachin' screamin' kids, only 3 dogs and 40kms of back roads and secondary highways to drive, after I cleared my 125 foot uphill drive-way.
Best winter of my life!
Did I mention I worked 40 hrs a week at the time as well?
Sorry to piss in yer cornflakes.
Rhymes with Witch said... 150
A (tiny) bit of self promotion. I just finished fixing my old Hoover (no online manual available) and Roo is so proud of me!
lol! I have a Hoover from 1948 that is still going strong. The only problem I notice is that it stinks. Literally. It smells like it's burning up, even though nothing gets hot. That thing will suck up the sofa in one breath. Maybe it's trying to tell me something, like it's time to lay it to rest.
Perhaps I should write a blog or contact Hoover and grift for a free one.
getoftweeter said... 149
I think you over-thought this way too much! LOL!
Now a lady attorney is on Inside Edition and said she was on twitter talking about women in the media and she got in the conversation and started personal attacks against her and didn't even know her.
I'm not following this. Too much rumspringa. Who was attacking whom?
Laundry problem solved Khatie, for 400$
yer welcome!
Whether you use getofftwitter's method or my friend's, each family member is responsible or partly responsible for their own clothes. This is good, since most families don't have a ready supply of laundry fairies.
Right, but most families, regardless of the number of kids, don't have children who have worked for most of their lives supporting their mother so she can have the lifestyle she wants. They bought the top of the line washer and dryer. Let her do the wash. She's home all day. She certainly can find the time to tan, get a manicure, luxuriate in the spa. If that makes her a better mommy, then as a better mommy she can do the laundry.
Formerly Duped said... 148
Also 'only 14 months ago we spent a few days (over Christmas and New Years) without running water'. Wouldn't we have heard about this calamity?
Wouldn't that have been at least a week?
"she did write that she secured a room."
Only because when she typed "got" into thesaurus.com "secured" came up as a fancy alternative.
"And Kate's wording is so weird - 'the babysitter had to feed and shower the kids.' Are these toddlers??? Gah!"
I think her own words provide subtle but significant clues into how she views the children. This is a good example. It's not that we ate dinner and the kids showered or the babysitter made dinner for the kids and saw to it they all took their showers. It's that they were fed, they were bathed, etc. She acts like they are pets, not people.
I haven't read the blog, but I'm completely confused why a babysitter was necessary at all in this situation. Everyone goes to the hotel room with Kate and they order pizza, or everyone stays home and they figured it out there. No babysitter required. The kids are well old enough to be left at home for an hour while Kate buys half a dozen gallons of water at the store to get them through. I've never seen somebody make such a simple problem, albeit an annoying one, so complicated.
I haven't read the blog, but I'm completely confused why a babysitter was necessary at all in this situation. Everyone goes to the hotel room with Kate and they order pizza, or everyone stays home and they figured it out there. No babysitter required. The kids are well old enough to be left at home for an hour while Kate buys half a dozen gallons of water at the store to get them through. I've never seen somebody make such a simple problem, albeit an annoying one, so complicated.
She's got the BBB to take all the kids together to the hotel. Was she too cheap to get 2 rooms?
WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! feels good, eh?
Pretty sure Auntie Anne is fixin' to glitter-glue you a crown!
all snark aside, congrats, it is so frustrating sometimes, but when we get it, it sure feels good.
So,,,Where can I read your labouriously-long-winded-woe-is-me Blog post about your harrowing ordel.
I am waiting to scream in delight about the collosal misforturnes, twists and turns that you lived through.
Game of Thrones can wait, I NEEED to hear about your EPIC!!!!! adventure!!!
dang-nabbit, forgot MY parenthesis!
By 14 I had BEEN a babysitter for two years! But if she had to drive the kids in two groups I guess I can see it.Although Kate could have taken all the 5 kids to get the other 3 in a second bus stop run.Makes no sense.
I think these kids more than pull their weight with chores, and they have school and homework too. She herself complains about how much homework they always have. I don't think laundry needs to be tacked onto that.
You know what, everyone in the house needs to pull their weight, not just the KIDS. The parents have to pull their weight too. That means that Kate needs to do a fair number of the chores, too. Plus, Kate is a stay at home mom. One of the purposes of being a stay at home mom is to do things you would normally have to either pass off on the housekeeper if you have one, the children or their father, or to get things done you would normally have to push aside to the weekend when you're trying to have family time. If she worked there might be more sympathy but she doesn't, she's chosen not to, yet she doesn't take advantage of all the free time she has to make her family more comfortable and ease some of the workload on them.
I have no problem with kids doing laundry on principle as long as they are old enough, as washing machines and dryers can be very dangerous, too dangerous, for young children to operate. But, it needs to be fair. Mom and Dad need to pull their weight too and take on some of the chores, too.
The only thing Kate seems to do is cook for the children. And she seems to enjoy it! While that's nice, there's more to having children and caring for a home than just cooking. The kids will realize sooner rather than later how unfair this setup is.
Oh and she can't even properly monitor what's going on with the house to prevent massive problems from happening in the first place. When she saw there was a water pressure problem before this happened, she could have had somebody out there, and there's a good chance this whole stupid crisis could have been avoided. When she doesn't even do HER part to grease the wheels of running a smooth home and ease some of the choring, it's unfair to expect the kids to go above and beyond their parts.
Lisa Adcox @poorbabi 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 Which ever kid came home last did not close door tight so it popped open. Was in teens so froze pipes&busted them.Not pretty
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Lisa Adcox @poorbabi 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Bless your heart. When my kids were all hm we had pipes freeze in laundry rm.Room had outside door.Yeah, ice covered floor.
Kate beat her kids for not potty training fast enough. Can you imagine what she'd do if one of them caused pipes to burst?
I wonder if Kate ever considers the other people whose services get pushed back because of her?
Nope, doesn't occur to her somebody else without water might have gotten pushed aside.
It also doesn't occur to her when she hoards all the milk or paper towels or whatever, that someone else might be coming into that store, maybe on the way home to work and a new baby at home, and just needs to get some milk and paper towels and rush home. Only to find they're all out.
It's because of people like her stores actually have to make rules like that you can only take 5 of each item on sale. That's because selfish and greedy people took more than their share and didn't concern themselves with the idea that someone else might want some too. I never once occurs to her to think of others. She can't conceptualize the idea of these people, not actually seeing these people in front of her.
I haven't read the blog, but I'm completely confused why a babysitter was necessary at all in this situation. 151
At 14and almost 11, why does she need a babysitter at all if she is home?
Positively pathetic.
PA Dutch Mom said... 134
We hit 79 degrees today, so I guess that Kate is in all her glory. The negative side of this is that we can't open our windows to let in all of those nice warm breezes because we have the "essence of spring" going on outside. That's not a good thing. The essence part of it is the manure that farmers are using right to fertilize their fields.
Haha I said it smells like stinky feet outside!
It also doesn't occur to her when she hoards all the milk or paper towels or whatever, that someone else might be coming into that store, maybe on the way home to work and a new baby at home, and just needs to get some milk and paper towels and rush home. Only to find they're all out.
That really chaps my buns, whether it's asshats like Kate, or those couponing hoarders who need to feed their compulsion.
It also doesn't occur to her when she hoards all the milk or paper towels or whatever, that someone else might be coming into that store, maybe on the way home to work and a new baby at home, and just needs to get some milk and paper towels and rush home. Only to find they're all out.
It's because of people like her stores actually have to make rules like that you can only take 5 of each item on saleIt's because of people like her stores actually have to make rules like that you can only take 5 of each item on sale.
I've not seen that happen in grocery stores in this area. In fact, in order to get the sale price, there will be a sign that you must buy a certain quantity with no limit. Are you talking about grocery stores, or other stores where items, like clothing, home goods, or hardware might be offering special sales?
I've not seen that happen in grocery stores in this area. In fact, in order to get the sale price, there will be a sign that you must buy a certain quantity with no limit. Are you talking about grocery stores, or other stores where items, like clothing, home goods, or hardware might be offering special sales?
All of the above.
I've seen it for pretty much most of the major grocery chains like Kroger and Albertson's. When they have a great sale, I mean more than just a dollar off, the fine print in the ad will say below it "limit 5" or "limit 2" or whatever the limit is. They have to do this because the selfish extreme couponers will treat it like a contract and take 100 and it's not fair to everyone else.
The 10 for 10 sales, which I've also seen, usually involve buying a wide variety of items. Such as 10 of any of the items on this page, etc. I don't recall usually seeing a sale for the same item like 10 sour creams or 10 cans of pineapple. They wouldn't be able to keep up.
I think these kids more than pull their weight with chores, and they have school and homework too. She herself complains about how much homework they always have. I don't think laundry needs to be tacked onto that.
Absolutely. It might be a different story if she had an eight-hour a day job outside the home, then had to come home to cook the meal, clean the house and do a dozen other chores by herself. They could all pitch in to help when their homework was finished. That's not the case here.
I agree that something's up. She finally posts a blog entry, after *how* many years of nothing???
Something might be up. I think it also could just be a case of her just getting a sudden burning itch to get something done. I bet you people have been trying to politely tell her she should keep up her social media and internet presence but her being lazy kept putting it off. Then maybe she had a really good burst of caffeine or something, truly had nothing to do earlier this week and was just like ok I'll do it!
No way is she back to regular blogging. We might see one more, maybe two this month, then it could be years before we see another post.
The 10 for 10 sales, which I've also seen, usually involve buying a wide variety of items. Such as 10 of any of the items on this page, etc. I don't recall usually seeing a sale for the same item like 10 sour creams or 10 cans of pineapple. They wouldn't be able to keep up.
lol!! Funny you should mention that. I went grocery shopping today where the store was loaded with bins of 10 for 10 of the same things, and I stocked up on snack size white cheddar crackers for lunches! Even the bins that contained the 10 for 10 assortment of movie candy didn't require a purchase of different kinds of candy. If you wanted all Goobers, you could buy all Goobers (but I didn't)! If you wanted 20 cans of tomato soup, you could buy 20 cans of tomato soup. I imagine, though, different stores have different policies.
I don't know what Kroger's is, but we don't have an Albertson's here. I guess we're really behind the times! We have Giant, Weis, and some family owned stores, such as Darrenkamp's, and of course Root's Country Market, Lancaster Central Market and the Green Dragon.
I did not make my kids do laundry except to teach them before they went off to college. What they were doing was never leave dirty clothes on the floor, throw them down the laundry chute and after I washed and folded the clothes, it was their responsibility to put them away. Clothes are expensive so I felt better just dealing with it myself.
I have no problem with kids doing chores, particularly in such a large family, but school work always should come first. If a child comes home with a big test to study for, then excuse them from the chore. I don't know if that is something she does or not.
Thanks for the kudos, but honestly I am thrilled to have a working vacuum without calling Mr. Vacuum Man or tweeting #Hoover.
Kate is a-teasin' again with a wink!
Megan Louise @mlwalsh82 55m55 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 For awhile there I was seeing u twice a week on tv & now nothing! Please say you'll be back soon!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 54m54 minutes ago
@mlwalsh82 😉
I haven't read the blog, but I'm completely confused why a babysitter was necessary at all in this situation.
I think the babysitter, the 'very part-time, very wonderful!!' babysitter was called in because Kate was in the throes of a meltdown and well, you know, she has eight kids.
She made it sound like the entire ordeal was more perilous than the family Von Trapp fleeing to the Alps.
Kate's local store policies have nothing to do with the point of my post, which is that some stores have limits on the amount of items you can buy at once due to people like Kate piling too many in their cart.
In any case, some of the stores you mentioned do actually have policies about limiting the number of products you can buy at once:
Here's from Giant's web site: "*We reserve the right to limit quantities." and here's from Weis's web site, which actually limits the number of items you can buy with a coupon to not five, but even less, four: "Only four (4) coupons will be accepted on four (4) of the same product per household per day."
Of course this doesn't apply to items they are actively TRYING to get rid of, like some overstocked candy or crackers.
Wink, wink. We know she's back Mother's Day week. It was announced by TLC. Why not promote it to the fan?
PA Dutch Mom said... 159
Now a lady attorney is on Inside Edition and said she was on twitter talking about women in the media and she got in the conversation and started personal attacks against her and didn't even know her.
I'm not following this. Too much rumspringa. Who was attacking whom?
I had a lot of trouble with this too, so I googled the story.
I've changed one word (which is capitalized); all other shes and hers refer to the lawyer.
Now a lady attorney is on Inside Edition and said she was on twitter talking about women in the media and BRITT got in the conversation and started personal attacks against her and didn't even know her.
RE the babysitter:
As I read it, the babysitter was needed because not all the kids got to the bus stop at the same time. Kate picked up some and took them directly to the hotel, which is why she (Kate) had to do all that exhausting picking of clothes and packing. The babysitter picked up the rest and took them to the hotel.
This begs the question: if Kate needed the babysitter because the kids were getting to the bus stop at different times, what did the hotel have to do with it? Why didn't she need the babysitter for home, but did for the hotel? We'll probably never know.
PA Dutch Mom said... 159
Now a lady attorney is on Inside Edition and said she was on twitter talking about women in the media and she got in the conversation and started personal attacks against her and didn't even know her.
I'm not following this. Too much rumspringa. Who was attacking whom?
The ESPN reporter that talked to the tow truck secretary so horrible who ESPN suspended, got in on a conversation (before the tow truck video happened) on twitter with an lady attorney who was talking about women in the media and the lady attorney didn't even know her. The ESPN reporter just butted in (like Milo) and started personal attacks just like she did the tow truck secretary.
Oh, PA Dutch Mom,
Please, (hiccup) make me a sloe gin fizz rumspringa. I will bring the tacos and hummus with pita chips. Oops, I mean, kale chips! haha
As I read it, the babysitter was needed because not all the kids got to the bus stop at the same time. Kate picked up some and took them directly to the hotel, which is why she (Kate) had to do all that exhausting picking of clothes and packing. The babysitter picked up the rest and took them to the hotel.
This begs the question: if Kate needed the babysitter because the kids were getting to the bus stop at different times, what did the hotel have to do with it? Why didn't she need the babysitter for home, but did for the hotel? We'll probably never know.
I see, or not.
Exactly, the hotel has nothing to do with it. If you can't leave the children alone without a babysitter it shouldn't matter where you are.
Why not pick up the first round of kids, take them home, then pile them back in the van to pick up the second round of kids and then you all head to the hotel? You still wouldn't need a babysitter in that situation.
Oh why do I even ask?
I can't even imagine watching Kate figure out a logic puzzle much less figure out how to efficiently pick up her children without spending an arm and a leg on a nanny.
I think the truth of the story is that the nanny normally works that day anyway.
Oh, Admin. A couple of sales back at Sav-A-Lot, they had sour cream, 10 for 10 dollars. I have always wanted to go to a 10 for 10 sale and buy the 20 different items that they offer for 200 dollars and stock up. 200 items. But I never had the money to do it.
Yes, the 64K question: #WheresZorro I wish all of her paid bots would be tweeting, where's Zorro, where's Zorro. Would love to see that!
Also can you imagine working for them? You'd have to constantly do all the dumb and inefficient things Kate wants you to do no matter how illogical it was. It would drive any sane woman nuts, which explains why they've been through so many.
Geez, I had it good when I was a nanny. Narcissist was just like, kids be having this sports game and this fencing lesson and that birthday party at these times, just get them there and I don't want to hear how, why or when. And then I was on my own to figure it out in a way that made logical sense to me. Directions, which car I wanted to bring, what they would wear, snacks, a birthday present, everything. It was nice not to have somebody else who didn't know what they were doing messing up the smooth chugging train. The difference: their ego wasn't so huge that they didn't realize the help was better at all that anyway.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8h8 hours ago
@trunkenx Sorry the #HaterTrolls came after you....( U have a rt 2ur opinion as do I. Now U see WHY I admire @Kateplusmy8 She carries on!
Oh, Milo, you nut. Kate carried on by aligning herself with BV and his minions to take down the haters. What is wrong with you? Gladys really is a blind fool, isn't she?
Oh my God! This is hilarious! Thanks for posting it. I am still laughing. The photos are priceless. "Knock-knock, motherfucker." Hahahahahaha!!
Haha. She wrote a story about how she drives her husband crazy without sounding like a jerk. Great writer.
I just love this idea of getting back at your husband for whining about your towel purchases by presenting him with a 100 dollar, 5 foot tall chicken. Genius.
PA Dutchmom: Perhaps, it sounds like I over did it, but I remember, when I was a little girl, my Mom did laundry that way. My Mom, was a stay at home mom. She woke up at 5am got my Dad up and fed him breakfast and he was off to work, he car pulled, with 4 other guys and they went to work in the suburb, long commute. Then my mom would do a load of laundry, got my brother & me up, fed my brother, got us dressed, and walked my brother to school, with me in toll. When Mom & I got back , she would put another load in the washer, do the housework, while I played,( I was not in school yet.) Then we ate lunch, my mom took me to a pre-school program at the Chicago Park District, then I went to the other activities at the park, then we went & pick-up my brother from school and sometimes we went home, or back to the park for more activities and then home, where my Mom would make supper, and that was about the time my Dad got home from work. That was pretty much what my mom did the first 2-3 days of the week, some days we went shopping, or we would go to a friends house for an hour or two. But she would always do a load or 2 on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday , so she would not have a large pile of laundry to do, all on one day. There were 4 of us. That's where I got the idea, if I had lots of kids to spread the laundry out, so I would not have to face a huge pile. Kate has 2 washers & 2 dryers, there is no excuse for having a pile of laundry. My mom only had one washer,and they were not big like we have today, and one dryer, sometimes my mom would hang outside.
Yes, during the school year, Kate should be doing the laundry, cleaning the house, she is not working. If she was, and being so organized, she would have come up with a schedule, on doing laundry, etc. Like: when preparing supper, do a load of laundry, throw a load in while being a couch potato, or online. There is so many ways to do laundry so it does not pile up. Kate is just LAZY!
Here's from Giant's web site: "*We reserve the right to limit quantities." and here's from Weis's web site, which actually limits the number of items you can buy with a coupon to not five, but even less, four: "Only four (4) coupons will be accepted on four (4) of the same product per household per day."
Ah. You're talking about coupons. That's a horse of a different color. I was commenting about the items on sale 10/10 where there is no limit. No coupon is needed for those items.
Clothes are expensive so I felt better just dealing with it myself.
lol! Yes! It's not a happy surprise when you pull a white size 10 boy's shirt out of the dryer and it's pink and a toddler size! We've all been there...
Why do I have this picture in my head of sKate at the bus stop, picking up some kids, driving to hotel, dropping off some kids, taking some back to the bus stop, picking up others, driving to hotel, taking some back...
It reminds me of the farmer trying to cross the river with the chicken, the fox and the bag of seed.
Where's MathGirl when you need her?
It reminds me of the farmer trying to cross the river with the chicken, the fox and the bag of seed.
Lol, THAT's the analogy I was searching for! I was going to say it's like Sally telling her two friends each respectively the day and month of her birthday, but that wasn't quite right.
Farmer's problem: Take chicken across, go back, take seed across, grab chicken and take it back, leave chicken, grab fox and go across, go back, grab chicken, take it across.
Kate apparently had the same thought.
This babysitter/TFW driving situation reminds me of the old
duck/fox/corn-in-the-boat brain teaser. Which combinations
of pairs will get all the cargo to the other side successfully?
Remember when Lucy Ricardo sold her novel, and it turned
out the publishers wanted to use it in a book for aspiring
writers in a chapter called, "Don't Let This Happen To You?"
Maybe someone can use that literary masterpiece TFW
posted yesterday for the same purpose. Wouldn't that be...
wait, let me check my thesaurus...stupendous?
PJ & Admin, I just posted about that same logic problem. I struggled
with that one as a kid. I would've made a lousy lawyer!
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