Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1870 Newer› Newest»There are 4 of us at home, and if I left laundry for an entire week, no one would have any clothes, and I would probably spend an entire day on just laundry. I don't care if they have uniforms - kids, especially the younger ones, are messy. I have 2 boys that are 8 and 10, and there really is no way they could wear their tops or bottoms again without washing. That's just how kids are, and that's fine.
I've been a SAHM for the last couple of years, and I do think it's up to me to do more of the housework. When I was working (and had a very demanding job), both my husband and I shared the burden. And the thing is, she has the time to do it. I might not have a "job", but I volunteer 3 mornings a week at the school to help kids with their reading, assist with field trips, or whatever. I might not have to cook for 9 people, but I still have to plan breakfast, lunch, and dinner, just like any other parent. It's SO much more work to grill a few extra chicken breasts, or boil more pastas, for 4 people vs 9.
And guess what Kate? The starter in my van went yesterday, and I didn't have a vehicle to pick up my kids. So I had my very gracious neighbour pile my kids bikes into his truck and drop them off at school, and then I biked to meet them after school (too far to walk, but a nice 20 min bike ride). We made it special by stopping for ice cream on the way home. Surprisingly, they didn't "shriek"and freak out at the change in their normal routine.
She's such a dumbass!
Kate said in her blog that Monday was her laundry day and that is why she had a mountain of laundry. BUT Cara told her at 5:52 pm that there was no water and she had not done any laundry by then. We know this because of the following:
'And, on Mondays, my laundry room always looks like a dirty clothing mountain range — and this particular Monday was no different [read: tons of dirty laundry and virtually no clean clothing in the house."
Common sense tells me if Monday is your laundry day for 9 people, you don't start doing it after dinner and baths. Instead you do it during the day. Remember it was 5:52 pm and she had not even STARTED dinner that night. So are we to believe that had she had she had water she would have started cooking at 6 pm that evening, washed the dishes, put the kids to bed, and then STARTED the mountains of laundry. Hell no that defies common sense. She is a big time liar.
I guess with Kate's fancy washing machines, the tups could learn laundry. I was older than some kids before I could do it alone because I was way too short to get the vlothes out of the washer. I learned how to start a load before I was tall enough to take it out. My mother did most of the wash. She was home. We helped fold wash a lot. But I know how much stuff my mom did around the house. She didn't get naps and she didn't get tv and she certainly didn't have time to drink a box of wine.
To me, it is amazing what Kate wants to brag about. We had dirty dishes, no clean clothes, and no idea how to cope with a well issue. Huh? What a way to attract that new husband you keep hinting for.
Poor Kate! If she thinks that her situation with the well was bad, wait until the septic tank backs up! She has lived in that house for 6 years and I would bet my life that she has never had the tank pumped. Is the tank even large enough for the use of 9 people?
When she was grifting toilet tissue, she said each child uses a roll of toilet tissue a day. I wonder if she requested only biodegradable toilet tissue? She probably doesn't even know where the tank is located on the property.
Kate, we know that you read here, that's probably why you can't get the dishes washed and the laundry done. When you are on a septic tank you should NEVER do all of your laundry in one day You can damage your septic system by excessive water use. You have been fortunate up until now, get the septic tank checked, so your children don't have to live through another one of your melt downs!
Her blog entry is over-the-top ridiculous. Who is going to read (and believe) this shit? The only positive thing I can say is that there is no doubt she wrote it herself!
Jeanne said... 3
To me, it is amazing what Kate wants to brag about. We had dirty dishes, no clean clothes, and no idea how to cope with a well issue. Huh? What a way to attract that new husband you keep hinting for.
Exactly. Well stated. She's built her brand on her coping and organizational skills and is constantly putting it out there how useless she is. She throws money at all of her problems. What husband is going to want to come home to chaos over such minor crap. If she thinks that because she wants to be in the entertainment industry that her life is entertaining, she's got another think coming.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 200
PJ & Admin, I just posted about that same logic problem.
It's funny how often several of us have the same light bulb moment on this blog.
There's another example of the great minds on this blog thinking alike.
CS writes about septic tanks and Jen is right there, saying how sKate is full of shit.
What husband is going to want to come home to chaos over such minor crap. 6
That's the thing though. She doesn't want a life partner, she wants someone who will "bring the kids into line" and deal with the mundane stuff so that she doesn't have to. The more money he brings in, the better.
'And, on Mondays, my laundry room always looks like a dirty clothing mountain range — and this particular Monday was no different [read: tons of dirty laundry and virtually no clean clothing in the house."
Perhaps her 'rare' laundry person helper does the laundry on Mondays.
Kate probably doesn't 'do' laundry.
Thank God she had the sense to call the babysitter. At least there was one mature ADULT with the kids.
Frankly, I don't understand what all of the drama was about. There was no water from Monday early evening until Wednesday. The children were at school all day. So they had to go to a hotel and shower. Big deal! Is she hoping that the media runs with this story to keep her relevant this week!
Maybe this chick should have consulted Skhate
Great comments btw!
And I meant great comments here, not on the article
When she was grifting toilet tissue, she said each child uses a roll of toilet tissue a day. I wonder if she requested only biodegradable toilet tissue? She probably doesn't even know where the tank is located on the property.
If she's outside on a warm summer day and that tank hasn't been pumped and maintained on a regular basis, you can bet she knows where it's located. She just needs to follow her nose.
I have 2 boys that are 8 and 10, and there really is no way they could wear their tops or bottoms again without washing. That's just how kids are, and that's fine.
Yes. but if you are as organized as Kate claims to be and you only do wash on Mondays, then each of them should have five uniform shirts and five pair of pants, one for each day.
I have 2 boys that are 8 and 10, and there really is no way they could wear their tops or bottoms again without washing. That's just how kids are, and that's fine.
I'm willing to bet that your boys are encouraged to do normal kid activities, rather than having to stay clean under penalty of severeness.
With the stacks of clothing we saw when they were packing for Maine, I doubt there were no clean outfits in the house after a week. And the kids seem awfully picky about what they wear to sleep in let alone for casual clothing.I recall Hannah said some white shirt was 'not possible' for her to wear for PJs.And Leah and the photoshoot dress (I could understand that one), no denim shorts, and who would match whom etc. Boys- no problem.
The children were at school all day. So they had to go to a hotel and shower.
Why didn't they shower at school on Tuesday? Certainly the school has showers for kids in gym class or athletic events. Even if they didn't have gym that day, I'm sure if she explained the situation to them, they would have allowed those kids to take showers.
I thought going to a hotel for showers was a good idea, she didn't need to make such a production out of it. It's not like her house burned down and they had no where else to go.
And I call bs on no clean clothes whatsoever. She always seems to have a boatload of clothes, many with the price tags still on them.
OMG. Sheeple are so incredibly dumb!
Rhiannon Coyle @RhiannonCoyle
@finndango @sammiemyami @Kateplusmy8 @TLC bit hard to hide eggs outside at night when animals may eat them? And bugs might crawl on them
Yes, there are so many animals and bugs that prefer plastic eggs!
I know we had well water growing up and my dad was meticulous in caring for for (and everything around the house-he was AMAZING).
Question for those with well water- do you get the pump system checked and maintained on a regular basis?
I ask because we have maintenance contracts for all major systems in our house- HVAC, electrical, plumbing, irrigation. So, if something goes wrong, we never have to scramble to get emergency service.
I'm betting dollars to donuts Kate doesn't have her major house systems maintained because (she's CHEAP) she seems to suffer apoplexy when something breaks, and that happens at an alarming rate at the compound.
PS, if her kids can't scrounge up clean underwear for a quick trip to a hotel to shower, she needs to delve into her personal luxury retirement account and get a G-D full time housekeeper.
She just can NOT cut it herself.
Again, she's cheap.
I'm still smelling all kinds of fabrications in this story, and I don't mean
dirty laundry. Wasn't that the Monday after Easter? That Sunday
she tweeted that there were allergy problems and fevers so they
didn't go to church, but then she had them posed with their baskets
after their outdoor egg hunt. I questioned at the time if that picture
was maybe taken Saturday, and that maybe the kids were with their dad for Easter. Wouldn't TFW have mentioned the sink was filled
with dishes from Easter dinner? I wonder if she was away from
home Sunday and Monday when the water problem started, and
didn't have the kids again until Monday night, when it was
discovered. And I don't buy for one second that she had the
same problem 14 months ago during Christmas and New Year's -- surely she would've been "wielding" her tiny violin for a little
extra holiday sympathy on Twitter.
I'll admit it -- this woman's behavior fascinates me.
A little tuneup and maintenance will go a long way. With eight kids especially, she should be on top of these things. She has a household manual, and in that manual should be a maintenance schedule that she follows.
My car battery died a couple weeks ago. It was on a Sunday and I was way up the coast north of LA, where there are only a few garages, so it took over an hour to get a tow truck out. It occurred to me I've been using the same battery that came with the car since 2009! I kind of kicked myself for not making a mental note that around about 2014 I should have checked and changed that battery. I'm usually pretty good about maintenance but that one I forgot, and I paid the consequence for forgetting.
The tow truck driver charged me up enough to get me on my way but I didn't play Russian roulette after that, I got that thing changed out first thing Monday morning before this happens again.
A little maintenance on things can save a lot of headache later.
CS said... 11
Thank God she had the sense to call the babysitter. At least there was one mature ADULT with the kids.
Frankly, I don't understand what all of the drama was about.
The drama is all about Kate, of course, where Kate sees herself as the heroin, saving the day.
What's clear and very sad is that Kate didn't pick up the phone to call/text/email a friend or relative to help, and she has MANY who live in the area.
Instead, she hires help and goes to a hotel.
I don't get how anyone can lavish praise on someone who has made life so much harder for herself and her children.
Kate's stubborn nature is not an admirable quality.
P.J. said... 8
There's another example of the great minds on this blog thinking alike.
CS writes about septic tanks and Jen is right there, saying how sKate is full of shit.
April 18, 2015 at 4:47 AM
Not to be outdone by, "she's the turd that just won't flush".
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 15
I have 2 boys that are 8 and 10, and there really is no way they could wear their tops or bottoms again without washing. That's just how kids are, and that's fine.
Yes. but if you are as organized as Kate claims to be and you only do wash on Mondays, then each of them should have five uniform shirts and five pair of pants, one for each day.
Uh, no washy unless the clothes are visibly soiled!
The way Kate over reacted to her well situation is the exact reason all her kids shreik and freak out over nothing all the time.
I re-post this. These are Kate's words:
I lost my mind and panicked; withheld my panic; dangerously close; they wailed at me; concerned lines were etching deeper and deeper; raced to the store and practically cleaned them out; freaked out inside; secretly dreaded; I literally screamed; I was in constant motion; I sprinted back and forth; haphazardly packed, etc."
Jon does not act like this. This is all on Kate. They learned their inability to cope with the small things in life from her.
I call BS on that they had no clean clothes. Didn't they just come back from Mexico the week before? Wouldn't she have done laundry when they got back?
I highly doubt that the kids only have one week's worth of clothes to wear.
And as someone pointed out, why couldn't she have gone to the Laundromat while the kids were in school?
Just more exaggeration about how HARD she has it and to get more sympathy from her fans.
That Sunday
she tweeted that there were allergy problems and fevers so they
didn't go to church, but then she had them posed with their baskets
after their outdoor egg hunt. I questioned at the time if that picture
was maybe taken Saturday, and that maybe the kids were with their dad for Easter. Wouldn't TFW have mentioned the sink was filled
with dishes from Easter dinner?
There are all sorts of things "off" about the tall tales that she spins but I think she thinks she's actually fooling people.
That show Catfish even though it's mostly a guilty pleasure for me actually has a lot of real insight into how people catfish. At the end of the day most Catfish on that show are alike. There's always something slightly off about their story, there's always some bizarre excuse or convoluted explanation. It's the same red flags over and over you start to feel sorry for the victims they didn't realize sooner.
I think Kate lives one way and tries to paint a picture of life the other way. In a way she catfishes both herself, and her readers. I don't think she's at all capable of handling this crisis in a calm and rational manner, I think the hired help is frequent and abundant, and while I think she probably did lose water, I don't think it happened the way she described. I think she's mostly very lazy and does a lot of puttering about, probably watches a lot of T.V. and surfs a lot of internet, doesn't go out much, doesn't have many friends, has no social life to speak of, generally finds these kids a nuisance, and probably spends most of her time either looking for her narcissistic supply or trying to arrange conference calls with TLC to beg for another update special. I've come to believe from all the clues she herself gives out that that's the real reality of her life.
Another thing I don't find credible about her is that every single major holiday she jumps on to make some mention that makes sure we know she has the kids. More than likely she and Jon switch off holidays, even/odd years. Very few family orders are going to allow the same parent to have every single holiday every single year. But she can't ever admit that the fair thing is happening and the children are with Jon this year, or whatever the arrangement is. I don't think she understands that with the exception of her sheeple most people would be happy to know the children share holidays equally and most people wouldn't care that she celebrated Easter on Saturday or whenever she did and then they went to Dad's. There's nothing wrong with having to do that so that you can share your kids with their beloved father. It's little things like that that real lower her credibility, but she doesn't see it.
Either Kate is a huge liar who claims she is a well-organized, clean, structured Mother or she is telling whooper of lies in her blog telling the world about her dirty dishes sitting around from the night before. And how she still had dirty brunch dishes hours after discovering she had no water at 6pm. And never keeps up with her laundry because she still had a mountain of it the NIGHT (5:52pm) of her laundry day and virutally had no clean clothes left in her house.
And she had no dinner even started at 5:52 the time she discovered she had no water. And she also has claimed she always had homemade dinners on hand that were frozen. Well, these is a lie too. Because the kids were served frozen pizzas and frozen onion rings by the twins. Also when they were moving all kids all around to different rooms in her tv special she pulled out a frozen bag of chicken nuggets to serve them. She didn't pull out any frozen homemade meals that she could pop in the oven to heat up because there wasn't any.
Why in the hell her fans cannot see this shit is beyond me. She is such a fake. But we all knew this because we have eyes, ears, and a brain that works.
Did Kate cut her family out of her life or did the family cut Kate out of their lives? Either way, it's a lousy deal for 8 kids. It might have been a fun time to show up at Auntie's house for an emergency sleepover.
I agree that Kate has a very teenager-ish writing style. She's creating drama where a short synopsis is sufficient. "No water, we piled in the BBB, went to a hotel and made the best of it." would have made her point so much better.
I don't think there would have been anything wrong with Kate just bring clean underwear to the motel and having the kids wear their uniforms back home. We are talking about an hour or so. Then they could have just changed into their nightwear at home. As long as they had clean underwear to put back on after showering I see no problem. She makes everything so dang difficult.
And so what if the kids did not like it. Those kids are going to compain regardless of what she did or didn't do. I mean how dirty could their uniforms have been. The tups have not even reached puberty and have no body odor yet. Kate said her kids wear the same PJ's and use the same bath towels for many days at a time even when she has water.
Good point about why not have the kids shower at school. That would have worked out well.
And why was there dirty underwear etc strewn about the hotel room? And dirty dishes 'spewing?" Do they treat hotels and their belongings with such disrespect? Remember she promised penalty of severeness if they did that in their new rooms? Are they all pigs? There was a lot of talk about who had the messiest room and of course that the boys' room smelled of 'boy." We have seen Kate's room is a sty.Ugh, some clean freak!
Formerly Duped said... 148
Also 'only 14 months ago we spent a few days (over Christmas and New Years) without running water'. Wouldn't we have heard about this calamity?
Actually, she did tweet about it then:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2 Jan 2014
Another day in Gosselin Family paradise:
Orthodontist,dentist,ped appt, sch sports&running H2O -finally!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2 Jan 2014
2day: I have 8 kids on antibiotics,got home safely in snow&WE HAVE RUNNING H2O again! All's well that ends well...
She also used it as an excuse for the delay in posting the #BeKindGetSigned winners.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2 Jan 2014
@NicholasH98 still working on them... Had a set back with sickness and no water.. Coming soon!
The kids were sick and she had no water. Plus she managed to have a New Year's Eve celebration for the kids. How come it wasn't the disaster then, that it became this time?
I guess sick kids don't have to change clothes or take showers.
I agree that Kate has a very teenager-ish writing style. She's creating drama where a short synopsis is sufficient. "No water, we piled in the BBB, went to a hotel and made the best of it." would have made her point so much better.
But how would she have worked in those 49 exclamation points into her story if she kept it short and sweet?
fidosmommy said... 31
Did Kate cut her family out of her life or did the family cut Kate out of their lives? Either way, it's a lousy deal for 8 kids. It might have been a fun time to show up at Auntie's house for an emergency sleepover.
Or how about this: "Hey Jon, we have no water & the kids need to shower. Can I drop them off?"
Problem solved.
Too bad Jon is dead.
As I read it, the babysitter picked up the remaining three kids and took them to the hotel. Kate wrote:
...babysitter picked up the next bus load of kids and headed to the hotel to feed and shower them.
So Kate was too tired to manage this that the sitter had to supervise the remaining three? Something does not jive. Kate could not call a parent, that is if she actually conversed with the parents, to drop off her kids at the hotel? Sometimes I wonder if these kids really have close friends. I always was well acquainted with the parents of my kids' friends.
Then again, we don't know what hotel she was at although my guess is the one she used to stay at when she and Jon separated and he was at the house. You know, back when they co-parented on the property. Maybe the hotel was not close to the bus stop. Still, she sure imposed herself on the sitter. Kind of ridiculous that she could not make that second run to the bus stop. Maybe she's afraid the kids will kill each other if left alone.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..U had the #PerfectStorm there...piled high dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, 9 folks needing a bath > #WellRunsDry Oh my!
It wasn't a Perfect Storm. Katie Irene got caught with her pants down. Dirty dishes in the sink and piles of dirty clothes on the laundry room floor the night before a school morning.
Here's a tip for the most organized woman in the world: The next time TLC deposits one of those big fat cheques into your bank account, instead running out and buying six-hundred dollar pair of Jimmy Choo sandals, buy a couple of emergency water storage tanks. A 50-gallon barrel is less than a hundred bucks. Get your flying monkey to set them up on a water cradle somewhere in that massive mine-all-mine house, in case this ever happens again.
Nothing, nothing, in her far fetched tale of woe can account for the hyperbole which she used to write about it. Big freaking deal, she had no water, something that apparently had been threatening for days. The frantic dashing, worry, held in shrieking, lines on the forehead, what a crock of s#^t. Pick up kids, go to hotel, take short showers, order pizza or bring in take out (remember she had the babysitter too), go home. Why pack up individual dinners or toiletries? Big whoop about nothing life threatening. She's ridiculous.
I have only read the hilarious and clever comments here about the "water crisis".
why didn't she get in the gator and drive over to neighbors house and get done buckets or pitchers?
few years ago my neighbor forgot to pay her water bill andI her water got turned off, she came over to our house and got what she needed. For free.
years ago after hurricane Isabel? I think? Our entire neighborhood was without power for a week or more. It was eleven days for our section. The local YMCA opened up for anyone without power to come and shower there. Neighbors help neighbors.
Also when you have a big power outage, just take things out of the freezer and have a big neighborhood barbecue! It's fun!
TLC stinks said... 37
Yes, I mentioned backthread Kate could have arranged for the kids to stay with school friends who would be willing for them to shower, sleep over and get to the bus. IF they have friends whose parents are on speaking terms with Kate! Once she tweeted that the kids' friends' parents were HER friends- I think guests for some holiday?At that pool party for the tups, she didn't seem to know any of the parents at all.
Kate is a twit said... 35
Oh, I missed that water tweet from back then... I guess she does need to 'hoot and holler' to get people to notice her life's tragedies !
So, all we've been able to establish from her blog is that she even sucks at lying.
It wasn't a Perfect Storm. Katie Irene got caught with her pants down.
I wish someone would pull her up by her hair and whip her into bed. By now, 40, she should know how to be prepared for emergencies. With 8 kids she should know how to be a parent. We are people, not animals. It's called instinct, not sacrifice.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..U had the #PerfectStorm there...piled high dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, 9 folks needing a bath > #WellRunsDry Oh my!
It wasn't a Perfect Storm. Katie Irene got caught with her pants down. Dirty dishes in the sink and piles of dirty clothes on the laundry room floor the night before a school morning.
Milo is as much of a dork as her hero. The well didn't run dry. The pump failed. I guess Milo was so giddy with excitement thinking about how many times she could tweet Kate with glowing praises for the #amazingfantasticdoeverything yourselftonedandtanlegs Kate that she didn't take time to read what really happened. Oh, and Gladys..if Kate is as perfect as you claim she is, she wouldn't have found herself with mounds of laundry and tons of dirty dishes. You didn't address that, though, did you?
angie said... 10
'And, on Mondays, my laundry room always looks like a dirty clothing mountain range — and this particular Monday was no different [read: tons of dirty laundry and virtually no clean clothing in the house."
Perhaps her 'rare' laundry person helper does the laundry on Mondays.
Kate probably doesn't 'do' laundry.
I think you've got it! I'll bet she has someone come in on Mondays to do clean and do laundry, and they weren't coming until Tuesday because of the holiday. That would explain the sink full of dishes and mountain of laundry. Why do anything when the clean-up fairies are expected any day now?
Problem solved.
Too bad Jon is dead.
LOL! Yes, and dead men don't have water.
Perhaps he was out of town and actually working at the time. On second thought, she wouldn't have called him even if he were home. Then she couldn't write a blog.
njay said...43
Applause, Yeah, Baby! Me too! She is absolutely nuts! Those poor kids. Not only do they have to put up with her mental descent into oblivion, they have to go to school and possibly get teased for it. Hopefully, the kids have great friends and the teasing is nil or minimal.
The tups have not even reached puberty and have no body odor yet.
Um, yes they can! With puberty occurring at earlier ages, it's not uncommon for pre-puberty sweaty armpits to really be smelly as young as age 8 or 9. Those kids will be 11 in less than a month.
admin said, "My car battery died a couple weeks ago. It was on a Sunday and I was way up the coast north of LA, where there are only a few garages, so it took over an hour to get a tow truck out. It occurred to me I've been using the same battery that came with the car since 2009! I kind of kicked myself for not making a mental note that around about 2014 I should have checked and changed that battery. I'm usually pretty good about maintenance but that one I forgot, and I paid the consequence for forgetting."
It happened to me not long ago. I called AAA and they sent someone out with a new battery and he installed it right there. He didn't inflate the charge or battery cost. Before I gave him the okay to do it, I checked prices online and he was right in line with service shops in area. Don't they do that in your area?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
Rolling along on a Saturday...boy can't U tell these #Squats R helping me? LOL > @Kateplusmy8
Milo is still on her squatting binge, still LOLing, but nobody is paying attention and Kate didn't take the challenge. What's next? Yoga? Zumba? Wrestling? Karate? I'm waiting for a picture of Gladys in yoga pants and those purple sneakers.
This made me think of Pam and her wonderful.blanket project.
Kate could not call a parent, that is if she actually conversed with the parents, to drop off her kids at the hotel?
If the hotel was located out of the way and nowhere near the bus stop, I wouldn't impose on a parent to drive my kids to a hotel, especially not on a school night when parents need to get home, get dinner ready and do their evening rituals.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
#Teens #Sigh Been arguing 4 three days abt something...I ask WHY? She says..."I have 2argue 2prove 2U that I am RIGHT!" @Kateplusmy8
Sounds like there might be a rebellion or uprising going on in Glady's household! Bet when the time comes, that teen gets out of there faster than a flying monkey in a tornado.
I'm sorry. I have not read Kate's drivel. Does it really say Kate panicked while the kids wailed? Good gracious. First, if you are a parent in control of yourself, your kids are less likely to wail. Second, this is not a catastrophe. It's a little snag. Panic? She could afford to go buy water. She could afford multiple hotel rooms. Each of those children is old enough to gather two days of clothes, pajamas, toiletries, and homework and get in the car. If she would act like a normal person they could do it.
I remember the regular septic maintenance from our old house. I do not remember regular well maintenance. Doesn't mean it's not possible. But I don't think you get a service contract like your gas furnace. I think you expect that at some point you will have to replace some parts. Any place you live, things will break. You cope.
rainbows (44): "Milo is as much of a dork as her hero. The well didn't run dry. The pump failed. I guess Milo was so giddy with excitement thinking about how many times she could tweet Kate with glowing praises for the #amazingfantasticdoeverything yourselftonedandtanlegs Kate that she didn't take time to read what really happened."
It could be that she was so overwhelmed by Kate's flawless creative writing ability that all reading comprehension went out the window. She most likely sobbed and was down on her knees when reading that tale of woe and missed the part about the well pump.
Or maybe Milo, like Kate, doesn't know that wells need pumps and thinks it's much easier to drill a new well rather than repair a pump.
Lanc Native said... 49
It happened to me not long ago. I called AAA and they sent someone out with a new battery and he installed it right there. He didn't inflate the charge or battery cost. Before I gave him the okay to do it, I checked prices online and he was right in line with service shops in area. Don't they do that in your area?
No, they don't. My battery died on a hot summer day, without any notice, and I thought I had a more serious problem. The AAA guy did follow me back to town and to my usual repair shop, where he went in a explained to them what he had seen and done.
Have you noticed that they boost these days with portable battery packs instead of vehicle to vehicle? It's much faster, as they can park anywhere that's convenient and just walk over with the battery pack and connect it up.
Lanc Native said... 53
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
#Teens #Sigh Been arguing 4 three days abt something...I ask WHY? She says..."I have 2argue 2prove 2U that I am RIGHT!" @Kateplusmy8
Sounds like there might be a rebellion or uprising going on in Glady's household! Bet when the time comes, that teen gets out of there faster than a flying monkey in a tornado.
To me, it sounds like her teenage daughter is rebelling. Wonder if she is letting her have it being on twitter and obsessing about TFW?
Lanc Native said... 52
I meant maybe the kids could stay over with friends if Kate drove them there and then shower and go to school the next day with them. Most parents would be willing to help out in a pinch- a couple of G kids per friend.
Kate Is A Twit (#34), thanks for those tweets about TFW's previous
water crisis. I was one of the ones who doubted her, but there it
is in black and white.
Which begs the question, why was this 2nd crisis so fraught with
drama? They'd already gone through the experience of being
without water and survived. Wasn't that a teachable moment?
Wasn't that a teachable moment? 59
Apparently no one and nothing has the ability to teach Katie anything. Sad.
Funny- on Kate's twitter, cute-animal-photo-bomber Barb is gently jabbing at Kate to get running again, and other sheep are bleating in!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 45m45 minutes ago
THANKS4link! Just re read it-I kicked my own butt. X 2 do it again! RT @BarbGilmer: ..looking up @Kateplusmy8 salad...http://m.runnersworld.com/celebrity-runners/im-runner-kate-gosselin?page=single …
Hmm...if, and that's a big if, but if Kate's wittle pinky toe is finally healed, maybe she can go back to spending 2-3 hours running a day while the kids are at school.
Now all she needs to someone to fund her trips to run more RnR marathons!
Formerly Duped said... 58
Lanc Native said... 52
I meant maybe the kids could stay over with friends if Kate drove them there and then shower and go to school the next day with them. Most parents would be willing to help out in a pinch- a couple of G kids per friend.
I could certainly see helping out if my kid's classmate(s) had a home emergency. Sure, why not?
Let them pack some clothes and bring a sleeping bag if need be and I'd be happy to help a mother in need.
The thing is, I don't think Kate has any stockpile of good will. She doesn't seem to have forged any real bonds and relationships.
I don't count the occasional selfie with a fan to be "giving" to her community.
Have you noticed that they boost these days with portable battery packs instead of vehicle to vehicle? It's much faster, as they can park anywhere that's convenient and just walk over with the battery pack and connect it up.
I have one in my vehicle. I keep it charged up and ready to go in case of emergency. I've only used it once for myself, but three times giving other people a boost. They are the cat's whiskers and I wouldn't be without it.
Preparedness. New word for Kate's ever-expanding vocabulary.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 59
I wondered that too.I missed it as well, but it seems at that time, Kate just made brief mention of the no- water -situation. Occurring during holiday time (again) you'd think she'd have been in full panic mode. Maybe this episode wasn't true; she hadn't garnered enough attention with the last waterless holiday and needed blog fodder for some reason for her come-back? Who knows. It just makes herself and her children look silly.
Of course they do that, but apparently the car I have has a non-standard battery that garages don't usually store up. It's a bad idea to store up batteries that are barely used because then you're giving someone a battery that might have sat on the shelf for six months. Even my usual garage themselves had to order it. They had it to them in about 3 hours, but they still had to order it. Go figure, I have a Honda. Most of my parts always have to be special ordered, but since I love the car so much I'm fine with it, and I also live in a huge city in which special ordering only takes a few hours, usually. If I lived in a more rural area and parts took two or three days, this car probably wouldn't make sense.
FlimsyFlamsy said...59
Which begs the question, why was this 2nd crisis so fraught with
She could of freaked out because she probably called Steve and he was unavailable to come and bail her out.
It would of been sooooo much easier for her to have called Jon and said, we have no water and the kids need showers. Can I bring them and I will order pizza and have it sent there and I will come and pick them up. The kids would of been fed and showered and they could of came home, finish their homework and jump into bed.
Dang, she makes it soooo hard for everybody concerned!
Have you noticed that they boost these days with portable battery packs instead of vehicle to vehicle? It's much faster, as they can park anywhere that's convenient and just walk over with the battery pack and connect it up.
Math Girl - Yes. They are great. We have a portable battery charger (aka jump starter) in each of our cars. We got them after my daughter's battery died one evening in a parking lot of her city university.
The chargers are not terribly expensive, but they are worth their weight in gold if you end up needing them. It's great to not have to wait for AAA or an auto service.
A charger probably wouldn't help Kate, however, because over time it loses its charge and you actually have to remember to plug it in to recharge it occasionally. She could never be bothered with such a mediocre task. She would rather just screech and panic and flap her arms around like a giant Dodo bird.
Aw, thank you. Took all the material to School on Thursday. The kids were very excited and surprised. Thank you all again. My principal was so impressed he called the district's marketing/spokesperson. I think next week they will come do a story. Its good that the school gets some positive news for a change.
Just re-read khate's drivel on running. She just is so impressed with herself isn't she? Too bad she is such a lying liar that lies all the time. What a load of shit.
Call Me Crazy said... 67
Love the dodo bird? Does that bird have arms or wings?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Glad you prefer the #WorkingOut routine,,,instead of the #NiteClub circuit...& it shows! > http://t.co/LpPGPws0qG @Kateplusmy8
Oh, Gladys. Get help.
It would of been sooooo much easier for her to have called Jon and said, we have no water and the kids need showers. Can I bring them and I will order pizza and have it sent there and I will come and pick them up. The kids would of been fed and showered and they could of came home, finish their homework and jump into bed.
Sure, if Jon was home. Maybe he was out of town on a job assignment.
I have no idea why she is engaging with teenagers in the first place. She's never going to win. And they're clearly just doing it to engage themselves, for the love of the battle and fight because teens are testing out how far they can push things.
She shouldn't be arguing with these twins for 3 minutes let alone 3 days. Whatever it is, put your foot down about it and end the discussion. I think it's HER who has to win, not them.
I meant maybe the kids could stay over with friends if Kate drove them there and then shower and go to school the next day with them. Most parents would be willing to help out in a pinch- a couple of G kids per friend.
I'm not sure about this, but do the kids have classmates that live in their area? If not, and the other kids who ride that bus home are much older or younger, that solution wouldn't have worked. I really doubt if Kate would drive them the entire way back to the school community to stay overnight with their friends when a hotel would have been much closer.
Of course, one solution would have been to call some of their classmates' parents during the day and ask if the kids could just go home with them from school and stay the night. I wouldn't do that because I really hate to impose on anyone, but that's just me.
I remember the regular septic maintenance from our old house. I do not remember regular well maintenance.
I don't either, Jeanne. We were on a well and septic system, and while I remember routine maintenance with septic, I don't remember ever doing anything with the well pump. It never malfunctioned. I guess we were just lucky.
She shouldn't be arguing with these twins for 3 minutes let alone 3 days. Whatever it is, put your foot down about it and end the discussion. I think it's HER who has to win, not them.
Who is arguing with twins? I thought that Milo was fighting with her teenage daughter. Perhaps I read that wrong.
Auntie Ann and Call Me Crazy, what kind of battery chargers do you have? Any tips for features to look for? Thanks
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
#Teens #Sigh Been arguing 4 three days abt something...I ask WHY? She says..."I have 2argue 2prove 2U that I am RIGHT!" @Kateplusmy8
Isn't that the whole basis of Kate's twitter. Fans and non-fans have been arguing for years to prove that they are right. Few to none of them have succeeded so far.
Oh, sheesh. Here comes Stale Cereal Lady. I wonder if Kate ever got all of those boxes from her. She kind of disappeared suddenly and I don't remember ever hearing if those two ever met up.Talk about someone being up Kate's rear end. She was a piece of work.
Author MKBrownlow @MK_Brownlow 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/2gKubRDpnL
Sure, if Jon was home. Maybe he was out of town on a job assignment.
If they were co-parenting, she would have a key to his place and he would have the key to hers for emergencies like this one, or a child forgot their homework or something else important and they need to get it and the other parent isn't home.
If they were co-parenting, she would have a key to his place and he would have the key to hers for emergencies like this one, or a child forgot their homework or something else important and they need to get it and the other parent isn't home.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. In Kate's case, co-parenting ain't never gonna happen.
I remember Stale Cereal Brownie, but I don't recall exactly why she disappeared, especially since she was second only to Milo in being up Kate's butt. Wasn't she mentoring girls at a camp, and a best friend, a male, was convicted of child pornography? He was shown in a photo with the camp girls. We didn't hear from her after that.
Or maybe she felt so exhaustedish after all of that cereal shopping and delivering it to Kate.
I think that she didn't get the well pump repaired for free and is trying to grift something, or shame them into giving her the repair for free.
I am surprised no one has started up on just who is this pump guy anyway? Doesn't he know that we have a mom of 8 here? And, omg, she can not be without water for more than an hour!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 58m58 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 As a single mom w/8 kids..so much 2care 4..Kate has tremendous potential 2inspire/motivate all of us! #SheHelpedMe
She might have the potential, Kravitz, but it's too bad she has no idea what to do with it. Other than working her kids, she's failed at nearly everything she's attempted. That's what happens when you burn all of your bridges.
Hey, Milo...if she can be so inspirational, maybe you should do some communicatin' with her and suggest that she update the "inspiration" tab on her blog. It's been "coming soon" for how many years? Some great inspiration there! LOL!
I'm glad I don't have Twitter. I'd get into too many tweet wars with Gladys!
Ha, well that's the first thing I've ever agreed with Milo on.
Kate has tons of POTENTIAL, sure. She's sitting on a gold mine of potential.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 81
Ha, well that's the first thing I've ever agreed with Milo on.
Kate has tons of POTENTIAL, sure. She's sitting on a gold mine of potential.
She's sitting on her biggest asset. Most of the time.
Who is arguing with twins? I thought that Milo was fighting with her teenage daughter. Perhaps I read that wrong.
Maybe I read it wrong.
Whoever is doing the arguing with their teens or teen, stop it.
scgal - I had to go out to the garage and have a look at mine lol. It's an 'automotive quick starter' by Power Up. We've had it for about eight years.
Search Amazon for "quick starters". They're not terribly pricey and they're worth every cent.
I remember Stale Cereal Brownie, but I don't recall exactly why she disappeared, especially since she was second only to Milo in being up Kate's butt
I always thought that the Denise Sheep became the Brownie-in-Training after Stale Cereal went MIA. She reminds me so much of Brownie.
I have a starter pack too but would have to go out to the garage to see what type. It's come in handy a few times
Here is another lie we can add to Kates list of total BS. Kate says her kids each go through a roll of toilet paper a day. That is not possible. And not true. I live by myself and use the toilet a lot, and I at present are home. most of the time. I use 1 roll for almost 3 days. This is the 1,000 sheet roll, 2 ply. Kates kids are not home for 10 hours, 5 days a week when school is in session and not home when they are with dad or at someones house. If her kids as she says use 1 roll each day, then she has a problem, with teaching her kids how much should be used each time you go to the bathroom. Cause, her spectic tank would be full in a very short period of time. 56 rolls in one week down the toilet? This is not including what Kate uses.
Just as for the amount of laundry in a week. If Kate has not taught her kids, that if you try on your clothes and don't wear it you put the item back in the drawer or back on the hanger, cause it is not even dirty. I bet that is what her kids do. Try it on and then put it in the hamper. That make for more laundry. Or did they pick that up from Kate. Or is Kate BS ing!
I am surprised no one has started up on just who is this pump guy anyway? Doesn't he know that we have a mom of 8 here? And, omg, she can not be without water for more than an hour!
They're too busy with platitudes and wanting Kate to resume her marathon career. MsGoody was in a tweeting frenzy, linking everything from fruit for dogs to MS cures. Kate has some really odd fans.
AuntieAnn said... 86
I had to go out to the garage and have a look at mine lol. It's an 'automotive quick starter' by Power Up.
Thanks Auntie Ann!
Stale cereal girl left when someone she personally knew was arrested for something to do with pervert sex stuff I think. Not sure exactly what it was or if it was directed towards kids or not.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h 4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ah yes..remember when U were training...& we would compare our numbers...LOL YOU..how far U #RAN...ME..how far I #WALKED! :)
Memories, light the corners of my mind
Misty water color memories of the way we were
Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
smiles we gave to one another
for the way we were.
lol Sue.
"remember when U were training...& we would compare our numbers"
Kate never did that. "We" never compared any numbers. Just you did that, Milo.
Also why does Milo keep bringing up things Kate clearly wants to just disappear? Kate wants her running career to go away. She doesn't do it anymore, she wants it to go away and sheeple not remind her of things she can't stick with. Milo is the most obtuse BFF ever.
"remember when U were training...& we would compare our numbers"
Kate never did that. "We" never compared any numbers. Just you did that, Milo.
That's what is so creepy and pathetic about Milo. She actually believes that happened. In her fantasy world, she and Kate are close enough to use the same toothpick.
Sue Buddy -- that movie has always been one of my favorites. Now I'll have to think of Milo when I hear the song. Thanks! lol!
Kate never did that. "We" never compared any numbers. Just you did that, Milo.
That's right. Poor, pitiful Milo. She so wants to have, and to have people think, she and Kate have a special connection beyond Twitter. She remembers a relationship that doesn't exist.
that movie has always been one of my favorites. Now I'll have to think of Milo when I hear the song. Thanks! lol!
Oh nooo! That's not good. :( Sorry about that. That song immediately popped into my head when I read that ridiculous tweet. Just repeat "Robert Redford, Robert Redford" until Milo disappears from your mind.
scgal - I just ran outside to check. We have a Schumacher XP400 Instant Power charger (about $39 on Amazon) and a Stanley 350 Amp Jump-Start System (about $58 on Amazon). Some of the features to consider are the weight of the starter, amperage and voltage, the type of jumper cables, and the battery power. Most are good for one jump, and then they need to be plugged in and recharged.
Tucker's Mom - Yes, a dodo! I guess, technically, they are wings, but since dodos couldn't fly, they are more like feathered arms.
Kate has tons of POTENTIAL, sure. She's sitting on a gold mine of potential.
Ha, Admin. This makes me think of the Geico commercial where Pinocchio is a bad motivational speaker. His nose keeps growing as he points to members of his audience and says, "You have potential," "You have potential."
I can hear Milo singing this just like Tom Hanks did in Big.
scgal said... 91
You're welcome scgal. I wish I could give you more info, but the only thing I know about them is that they work and give you a little piece of mind knowing you don't have to wave someone down or call a tow for a boost. I've been there, done it.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 94
In her fantasy world, she and Kate are close enough to use the same toothpick.
gaa ah Sleepless! I'm out of Listerine so I had to swish, gargle and spit rumspringa this time. Please don't make me do that again. Such a waste.
I defy Gladys to offer concrete examples of how TFW can
inspire/motivate her fans. Not some airy-fairy adjectives,
but actual accomplishments.
I can point to people I admire and say I'm inspired/motivated by
their philanthropy, and give examples of what they've done for
charity. Or I could say it's their kindness, and list specific ways
they've helped others. Or I could say it's their work ethic, and
talk about challenging projects they've started and then
completed. But Kate Gosselin? An inspiration?
I can point to people I admire and say I'm inspired/motivated by
their philanthropy, and give examples of what they've done for
charity. Or I could say it's their kindness, and list specific ways
they've helped others. Or I could say it's their work ethic, and
talk about challenging projects they've started and then
completed. But Kate Gosselin? An inspiration?
The thing is, Kate's fans are easily inspired. They are inspired by her pilfered recipes (flag cake, tuna casserole. Campbell soup concoctions), inspired that she freezes cookies. They are inspired by her superb organizational skills. especially during major crises such as having no water. They are inspired by her strict physical fitness routine and her youthful appearance.
In other words her fans are extremely gullible easily bamboozled.
Lol...every time I think of Milo and TFW, I think of the movie "superstar" with Molly Shannon. Both characters were dorks.....the bigger dork was the one with braces saying. "Do you have a best friend Mary?" ....all I picture is that characters face as Milo asking TFW the same question. Lol
Kate had dirty laundry and dishes piled up because SHE doesn't do those chores. I bet she has hired help to come in Monday morning and do those chores.
Kate has said in the past she has OCD. She does a disservice to those that truly suffer from this disorder-she pulls these lies out of her ass whenever it suits her.
She's the lying liar who lies.
angie said...
She does a disservice to those that truly suffer from this disorder-she pulls these lies out of her ass whenever it suits her.
She does a disservice to a lot of people. Mothers, dancers, nurses, bloggers, celebrities, runners. The list is endless.
Just as for the amount of laundry in a week. If Kate has not taught her kids, that if you try on your clothes and don't wear it you put the item back in the drawer or back on the hanger, cause it is not even dirty. I bet that is what her kids do. Try it on and then put it in the hamper. That make for more laundry. Or did they pick that up from Kate. Or is Kate BS ing!
April 18, 2015 at 6:55 PM
The scenes she describes, clothes everywhere, piles of laundry, socks strewn about does not jive with that lunatic going off on Mady about the bathroom rug or the drop of paint. SHE may be allowed to make or leave mess but those
kids are not. She doesn't even see her messes, only theirs.
and yes, absolute bs about a roll of tp EACH!
It's probably one roll a day but she has to lie for no apparent reason but to embelish
Kate has tons of POTENTIAL, sure. She's sitting on a gold mine of potential.
Literally. By age 40, Kate could have established a successful brand or brands. Considering the opportunities she's been given, with P&G, a children's clothing line (with Walmart?), K-Mart, it's rather astonishing she hasn't and I truly wish she did.
Same goes for establishing a career in tv, and I don't mean the occasional appearances on shows.
That way, at least the children could have retired from ongoing filming to support themselves and their mother.
Just as for the amount of laundry in a week. If Kate has not taught her kids, that if you try on your clothes and don't wear it you put the item back in the drawer or back on the hanger, cause it is not even dirty. I bet that is what her kids do. Try it on and then put it in the hamper. That make for more laundry. Or did they pick that up from Kate. Or is Kate BS ing!
My kids had a trick they did until I caught on and put an end to it. I couldn't figure out why I had so much laundry. When I sorted everything and checked for stains, so much of it was clean, especially the jeans and sweaters. After they wore something, instead of folding it and putting it away for another wearing, they'd just throw it into the wash, even if it had just been worn for a few hours. That was so much easier than putting it away. I stopped that fast.
Not long ago the CEO of Levi was on television and claimed that he hasn't washed his jeans in years, and for most people, it should be at least six months before washing them. Too much washing breaks down the fibers. He said that unless jeans are covered in dirt or food or were really dirty, they should not be washed. If there is some dirt or stain, spot clean it with soap and water; if they get smelly, spray them with an anti-bacterial solution, turn them inside out and hang them outside to dry. Perhaps there are some who would like to try this on Kate herself.
If Kate has a mound of clothing, how much of it is really dirty, and how much has accumulated because they don't feel like putting the things away after just one wearing? Maybe she never checks because someone does the laundry for her.
In other words her fans are extremely gullible easily bamboozled.
And the bar is set very low because they just don't know any better.
I wonder, though, if there are any out there who really aren't as gullible and bamboozled as they appear to be, but pretend to be impressed because that's what she wants to hear and they don't want to be shunned by the flock. They must save face. I would certainly hope that's the case and that America hasn't been dummed down as much as the sheeple make it appear to be.
She's the Billy Flynn of today. You gotta razzle dazzle them. The lyrics perfectly describe Kate and the fans...
"Long as you keep 'em way off balance
How can they spot you got no talents?
Everyone loves the big bambooz-a-ler
Give 'em the old three ring circus
Stun and stagger 'em
When you're in trouble, go into your dance",,,
I can point to people I admire and say I'm inspired/motivated by
their philanthropy, and give examples of what they've done for
charity. Or I could say it's their kindness, and list specific ways
they've helped others. Or I could say it's their work ethic, and
talk about challenging projects they've started and then
completed. But Kate Gosselin? An inspiration?
I was moved to tears this morning watching a piece on Lauren Hill, the 19- year old college basketball player who passed away last week from a brain tumor.
That young lady was an inspiration who didn't ask, "why me?". She asked "why not me?".
Jeez, I can barely write this without crying.
If Kate could find a way to not make herself out to be the perpetual victim, all the while being blessed at every turn, I'd possibly see how she could inspire.
Also why does Milo keep bringing up things Kate clearly wants to just disappear? Kate wants her running career to go away. She doesn't do it anymore, she wants it to go away and sheeple not remind her of things she can't stick with. Milo is the most obtuse BFF ever.
She so desperately wants Kate to show us, the "non-believers".
How ironic is that spiteful T-shirt now?
getofftwitter said...89
ITA, those kids do not use a roll per day, per kid. TFW is lying though her teeth. She threw that number out because she wanted a company to donate enough TT to last for years. And Georgia-Pacific bought it and got burned by the backdraft for giving the millionaire what she asked for.
I don't believe Kate has OCD. I can't say that she does or doesn't, because that's a medical dx, but, she has not displayed the behaviors, and she's been on tv for a decade now.
I think she can be a neat freak and a bit of a germaphobe at times, but no, not OCD.
Tucker's Mom said... 110
I can point to people I admire and say I'm inspired/motivated by
their philanthropy, and give examples of what they've done for
charity. Or I could say it's their kindness, and list specific ways
they've helped others. Or I could say it's their work ethic, and
talk about challenging projects they've started and then
completed. But Kate Gosselin? An inspiration?
I was moved to tears this morning watching a piece on Lauren Hill, the 19- year old college basketball player who passed away last week from a brain tumor.
That young lady was an inspiration who didn't ask, "why me?". She asked "why not me?".
Jeez, I can barely write this without crying.
If Kate could find a way to not make herself out to be the perpetual victim, all the while being blessed at every turn, I'd possibly see how she could inspire.
Tucker's Mom, I know what you mean. Last night on FB there is tragic story of a young mother in Yuma, AZ who was in park near a canal pushing her 18 month old twin sons in their stroller. I looked up her FB page and the mom is so beautiful and her twins are on her cover page! They are precious.
Jeez, I can barely write this without crying.
If Kate could find a way to not make herself out to be the perpetual victim, all the while being blessed at every turn, I'd possibly see how she could inspire.
But Kate doesn't see other people, only herself. She admitted that on the Toys episode. Sheeple can't deny it. There was not only video footage, but audio. Moreover, others have seen it as well. Carrie Ann came right and said that Kate has no self-awareness. For Kate, it's all about Kate. What is mind-boggling is that the fans can't see this. Kate is an inspiration to no one but herself.
What's really ironic is that the Sunday message this morning was "self-awareness." The entire sermon had Kate written all over it.
The woman is only a neat freak and a germaphobe when it suits her, just another persona she tries on from time to time. And she always gets caught in her lies.
I have to agree with whoever said she got caught with the piles of dishes and the piles of laundry because the 'rare' housecleaner/laundry wench was likely coming at the beginning of the week. Because we all know what a busy life she leads with all her important business projects being conducted from her home office i.e. the slovenly bedroom. The idea of leaving whatever her Easter dinner dishes mess might have been just boggles the mind. Lazy ass.
Not long ago the CEO of Levi was on television and claimed that he hasn't washed his jeans in years, and for most people, it should be at least six months before washing them. Too much washing breaks down the fibers. He said that unless jeans are covered in dirt or food or were really dirty, they should not be washed. If there is some dirt or stain, spot clean it with soap and water; if they get smelly, spray them with an anti-bacterial solution, turn them inside out and hang them outside to dry.
I remember that and it grossed me out!
I think I'll pay for a new pair of jeans a bit sooner rather than wear them will with flotsam and jetsam.
Has anyone seen those Cottonelle "go commando" commercials?
Rainbowsandunicorns (#118), TFW's exaggerations are just used
for shock value. Does anyone remember the figures she gave
about how much food the kids eat in a day when they were small?
She stated some preposterous number of boxes of cereal and
loaves of bread. Meanwhile, we watched the 6 kids pass one
banana around the table. And we've seen her tablespoon servings
of eggs, and half sandwiches. So I think she was trying to make
viewers gasp, and hopefully send her a gift card to help out with
her expenses.
I just looked it up and the CEO of Levi's made, are you ready for it, $9,570,257 in 2013. He's right, he doesn't wash his jeans. He likely throws them away after one wear or has them dry cleaned. He's as disingenuous as sKate, IMO.
Tucker's Mom, pretty smelly jeans for women!
Kate is not a neat freak nor does she have OCD ( her diagnosis). She wants things done by someone else. She likes to be the commander of a tight ship. The whole scrubbing of that fridge in the new house was strictly for TV. The fridge looked pretty normal to me. No wonder the sellers were embarrassed by her ranting. And then TLC paid them off on top of it. I wonder how many others TLC has paid off over the years. At the time, TLC did what it had to because they knew the show was a ratings bonanza and were anticipating big coverage of the impending divorce. Now I would like to think TLC has had enough.
I agree with the speculation that originally Steve was hired to watch Kate. She was a time bomb and Steve was the only one who she would listen to. Although she must have pressured TLC for a bodyguard for the family, she and Steve must have "clicked" quickly and then he was hers exclusively. Meanwhile, Jon had to play house husband. That's what Kate wanted and Jon ruined it all by not following her rules. I think the poor guy really loved her. Certainly she compared Jon, a weakling, to Steve and the rest is history.
FYI, I've known some large Catholic families, middle class, and that's why I know Kate is a liar.
TLC Stinks (#121), that 4-hour fridge cleaning was also TFW's
way of not having to deal with her 8 children. That's a big deal
for a kid -- moving to a new house. It would've been nice if she
had put herself in their place and made herself available as
they acclimated to the new environment. Nope - time to clean.
And then she sent one of the twins to help a tup who was having
trouble wiping himself in the bathroom. We saw these things with
our own eyes and heard them with our own ears. So when the
sheeple bleat "lies" and "rumors" and "enviolus" about our
comments, they're essentially saying that our reasonable
deductions are unreasonable.
Anyone remember this one:
“I bought a pair of Levis, they’ve really been around, I’ve taken them camping and I’ve laid them on the ground. They’ve come with me to parties, they’ve climbed up a tree, why they’ve been to school so often they’re nearly smart as me. And after years and years of wearing my Levis in and out, I couldn’t help but notice that the knee wore out. So I sewed on a patch a flower here and there and they look so good again I can take them anywhere. I’m using them as cutoffs and flying through the air, now I really think it’s time that I bought another pair. You can live in Levis.”
(I didn't know you weren't suppose to wash them though!) Ugh
TLC stinks said... 120
Tucker's Mom, pretty smelly jeans for women!
April 19, 2015 at 10:00 AM
Maybe it is more of a woman thing, because I don't think we ladies can forgo washing new jeans for 6 months!
Milo was right about Kate having potential. The problem is that Kate just can't sell it. Remember the defunct clothing line? It had to be dumped overseas. Contrast that to what happened at Target today...
We were discussing how some people buy up everything and leave nothing for anyone else. A friend of mine said that she got up early, went to Target to buy some clothing and by the time she got in the door, nothing was left...absolutely nothing. Wiped out. People just grabbed, loaded carts, and of course, now those things are showing up on eBay for double and triple the Target price. Because the quantity for sale was small, there should have been a limit placed on how much each shopper could purchase.
TLC stinks said... 122
FYI, I've known some large Catholic families, middle class, and that's why I know Kate is a liar.
April 19, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Yup, and granted, Catholics generally don't have HOM's because the religion generally eschews manipulating Mother Nature, but they have and still do, have large families that can easily be 6 -12 kids.
As to Kate's and her sheeples' argument that having 6 all the same age is hard, I say, sure. I agree there are challenges.
However, look at pregnant mothers who are waddling around with cankles, chasing toddlers and have kids is diapers!
That's not harder?
I say it is.
Bottom line- with HOM's (that are equal in physical and mental development, ie: no cerebral palsey etc.) you can harness the efficiency (read: bigger bang for the buck) of economies of scale.
Yeah, I know, a concept beyond Kate's grasp.
Call Me Crazy said... 98
scgal - I just ran outside to check. We have a Schumacher XP400 Instant Power charger (about $39 on Amazon) and a Stanley 350 Amp Jump-Start System (about $58 on Amazon). Some of the features to consider are the weight of the starter, amperage and voltage, the type of jumper cables, and the battery power.
Thanks Call Me Crazy!
I'm trying to put my finger on the exact time Milo went completely over the edge:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 29m29 minutes ago
@CarleneMarie_1 @Kateplusmy8 YES! Kate loves 2 #MultiTask! Get exercise, do laundry & have fun...all N one! #ZipLineLaundry Go Kate! :)
I am not bragging. I work 5 days a week, 8:30 to 2:39 or 3:00, and I have just one child. Kate has 8 but she also has all day long to do household chores. Yet she only does laundry once a week? I do a load of two several days a week. I also am able to get dishes done every morning and every night, by hand. I think Admin nailed it when she described an average day in Kate's life earlier in this thread. She does very little.
"Milo was right about Kate having potential. The problem is that Kate just can't sell it."
This reminds me from a quote from the speech given by Andrew Shepherd in "The American President."
"Bob's problem isn't that he doesn't get it. Bob's problem is that he can't sell it!"
i think that Kate has both of these problems -- she doesn't get it, and even if she did, she couldn't sell it.
I'm trying to put my finger on the exact time Milo went completely over the edge:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 29m29 minutes ago
@CarleneMarie_1 @Kateplusmy8 YES! Kate loves 2 #MultiTask! Get exercise, do laundry & have fun...all N one! #ZipLineLaundry Go Kate! :)
I figured it was the time when she asked how Kate would envision her if they ever met, what Kate expected from a potential "suitor," walking together by the pond, obsessed with the Grow-A-Boyfriend, or when she was fixated on Kate's bath, or when she asked who needs new underwear.
Then there was the picture of the mating butterflies, and Milo claimed that she didn't know there were two butterflies. Yes, Milo, all butterflies have two heads. There must have been mutations in your area from an accident at a nuclear power plant.
Heck, it could be any of those times! There are so many from which to choose!
Maybe it is more of a woman thing, because I don't think we ladies can forgo washing new jeans for 6 months!
lol, Tucker's, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe women are just supposed to hand-scrub the crotch, and give it a good shot of Febreze.
"I bought a pair of Levis, they’ve really been around, I’ve taken them camping and I’ve laid them on the ground. They’ve come with me to parties, they’ve climbed up a tree, why they’ve been to school so often they’re nearly smart as me. And after years and years of wearing my Levis in and out, I couldn’t help but notice that the knee wore out. So I sewed on a patch a flower here and there and they look so good again I can take them anywhere......"
Thanks for the memory Formerly! I still have a pair that I meticulously patched. I consider them a work of art. The cutoffs finally bit the dust after years of wear (and washing).
I'm trying to put my finger on the exact time Milo went completely over the edge: 129
I think it was when she commented on Katie's "rockin' bikini bod". Gak.
Millicent: What you just describe is what I said my mom did, everyday, even though she did not work, & this was in the 60's. I did forget to mention that we did not have a car, and my brother school was 5-6 blocks away and the park was about 7-8 blocks away and we walked, there & back, same with food stores, and sometimes we had to wait for the bus. My mom was not a TV person or a gossip type, she would visit a friend once in a while, who had kids, around the same age as me. Mom spread the laundry out, and yes, she was a stickler about dishes left in the sink. If she was around today I would hear: Geez, dishes are still in the sink? I am bad, or not, being by myself, I do the dishes about every 2-3 days, unless they are really dirty then I do them ASAP. If I just had a sandwhich on them then no, wait till I have enough to wash. I do my laundry once every 3 weeks, when the hamper is full, it's time to do laundry.
I fully agree, Kate has 10 hours, 5 days a week, 2 washers, 2 dryers, and she still can't get her laundry done! LAZY!!!!!!!
So when the sheeple bleat "lies" and "rumors" and "enviolus" about our
comments, they're essentially saying that our reasonable
deductions are unreasonable
That "envioius" person was on Twitter two days ago, tweeting that she never told anyone how to spell.
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52 April 17
@8MindBodySoul @kateplusmy8 I never told them how to spell. Leave me alone you hater
Sheeple can't even remember what they tweeted. She's really strange, because the tweet was right there...
Joanie M @Joanie_Mayler52 April 12
@SockieWhodunit @ConcernedChick @magjd7 @Sassccha The word is not jellus it's jeluos! Learn how to spell!
Her tweet for today:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Outside☀️ for a lacrosse tournament all day yesterday🌷... And stuck inside 🚽cleaning house🏡 and doing laundry🎽👖 today!:( #WannaBeOutside
Kinda on topic, just watched The Blindside with Sandra Bulloch...story of Michael Oher, what a great movie, academy award winning, when her life was blooming then fell apart all in one month, I will never forget her graceful way of handling it all. Thiugh I have always admired her, how she handled things upped my respect for her to the next level.
The Target mess is all over the internet, and Twitter is a-fire! Ouch! People are really ticked off, especially those who got up at 5 a.m., stood in line waiting for the store to open, only to find that nothing was left, not even online.
Kate is not a neat freak nor does she have OCD ( her diagnosis).
When did she say that she has OCD? I know that she has said that she's a Type A personality, but has she actually used the OCD term? She's said so many things but I don't remember that. The germaphobia thing came up quite a bit, though.
I thought that Steve was originally hired to protect her from obsessive fans. Of course, that could have been put out there in order to make her look so important, so famous, but the real reason may have been to protect the public from Kate if she decided to go off on anyone who criticized her.
But TFW, you can't do laundry today. Monday is laundry day!
Will anyone have the nerve to tell her she could do all her cleaning
and laundry tomorrow, while her kids are in school, and spend
today outdoors with them instead?
I truly don't believe she enjoys being with her children, and never
has. She wanted babies. But babies grow up to be children.
I'm confused. I thought Kate is the one who goes back to bed. How can Mady stay in bed all day when she obviously goes to school?
TwitTart @TwitTartwif 47m47 minutes ago
@Sassccha @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 She's the one that does the most around the house....Mady stays in bed.
......the real reason may have been to protect the public from Kate if she decided to go off on anyone who criticized her. 142
Or asked her an uncomfortable question like Admin did at a book signing.
Rhythm Of Life said... 141
I think Kate said she had a touch of OCD in the early episode where she was trying to find a cleaning lady who met her standards.
All This Is That said... 144
Mady stated in the spring break special ( last year) that she is a bad example to the tups since all she does, I presume when home, is"I sit in my bed all day" Kate might not know it, being in her own bed lol.
I thought this was beautiful and wanted to post.
A hospice nurse lists the top 5 regrets later in life.
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.
2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result. We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks, it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying. It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. It all comes down to love and relationships in the end.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to theirselves, that they were content. When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Outside☀️ for a lacrosse tournament all day yesterday ... And stuck inside cleaning house and doing laundry today!:( #WannaBeOutside
Does she hear herself? She has a laundromat on the main floor of her house and she's bitching about doing laundry. A couple of weeks ago she didn't have any running water and when she wrote that stupid blog, her last words were 'running water is a luxury'.
I hope the frickin' pump fails on her again.
I hope the frickin' pump fails on her again.
I have to take a break from the rumspringa. I read this as, "I hope the frickin' pump falls on her again" and since I didn't read the blog, I thought maybe she broke her foot, er toe, again.
Sounds like TFW is complaining about doing laundry. But
mindreader Gladys contends that TFW gets exercise, does
laundry and has fun "all N one!" Gosh, I don't know which
story to believe!
Fantasy TFW is like Mary Poppins in Gladys' mind. Hanging
wash, feeding meals, unclogging toilets, all while wearing a
smile, as the sparrows and chipmunks sing, "It's A Jolly Holiday
With Katie."
Mady stated in the spring break special ( last year) that she is a bad example to the tups since all she does, I presume when home, is "I sit in my bed all day" Kate might not know it, being in her own bed lol.
Is that her direct quote? Sitting in my bed isn't the same as staying in bed all day. She might be sitting in bed playing video games, watching television, reading, or whatever, not staying in bed to sleep.
I think it was when she commented on Katie's "rockin' bikini bod". Gak.
And wanting to see her mowing the lawn in her Daisy Dukes. Double Gak.
AuntieAnn said... 149
I wonder if she makes the service technicians sign a confidentiality agreement.
I read this as, "I hope the frickin' pump falls on her again" 150
PA Dutch, is that anything like the house landing on her?
I think Mady meant that she stays in her room and sits on her bed texting with friends, reading, doing homework, etc. I think her room is the only place to get a little peace and quiet and get away from TFW. I don't think she said she stays in bed all day.
PA Dutch Mom said... 152
Yes, Mady said' in her bed all day.' I remember it, thinking it was either a 'teenage exaggeration' or sad.But yes, I imagine she was doing things like you suggested. It just sounded a bit isolated.Kate looked surprised.
Actually now that I think about it, all the girls were shown on the more recent special relaxing on their beds/air mattresses and playing on the iPads, texting, whatever.No sitting in bed for the boys, though.
Once TFW admitted she hadn't been in the twins' room in a
month, I think we got a pretty good idea of how involved
she is in their lives when they're home.
Fantasy TFW is like Mary Poppins in Gladys' mind. Hanging
wash, feeding meals, unclogging toilets, all while wearing a
smile, as the sparrows and chipmunks sing, "It's A Jolly Holiday
With Katie."
lol!! Too funny! And TFM is Bert. Of course, the sheep in the barnyard are leapin' around bleating, "Katie makes your heart so light, when the day is gray and ordinary, Katie makes the sun shine bright..."
Which animal is Gladys?
Not Pmk @WhoisPmk · 21m21 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 oh dear...looks like anything you say K8 is ignoring. Its the Dowd person's turn today 4 attention. #K8KnowsULie
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 3m3 minutes ago
@WhoisPmk @Kateplusmy8 HaHa...you notice that too did you? So it goes some days! It's her way 2aggravate for sure! We are good tho! :)
It's tweets like this from Gladys that makes me wonder if she's a closet alcoholic.
Why is doing laundry chaining her to the house? Put a load in, set your iPhone timer and go outside and enjoy whatever. It's probably not a good idea to LEAVE the house but what does she do, sit there and stare at the wash churning around?
Do the cleaning when the kids are at school, or at night after the lovely daylight hours.
She also acts like the lacrosse thing ruined her weekend. I'm sorry she doesn't enjoy watching what her child loves to do and rather considers it a weekend eater.
Kate could have marketed herself into another Pioneer Woman. That's where the potential is.
She has PLENTY of fodder in her life to make an interesting and profitable internet presence, but just as OP said, she's too stupid to know how to sell it.
I'm so glad Cara lucked out and gets to play a team sport.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 162
Kate could have marketed herself into another Pioneer Woman. That's where the potential is.
There was so much potential there. I just don't know if Kate could pull off a cooking type show. She was tentative and nervous when she did her cooking demo in Baltimore-and she was preparing salad!
I have a feeling Kate has tried to get an "in" at the Food Network. To wit- Kate did a show pilot with Paula Deen several years ago. It went nowhere, but Paula was the Queen of the FN at the time, riding her tv shows, endorsements and product line to fame and fortune.
From what I've read, Kate's performance and personality was not received well, so I'm guessing she didn't open any doors with that experience.
That, to me, was a HUGE opportunity, and even if the show didn't get picked up, the contacts she made were filled with opportunity.
OT- I watched the first episode of the new season of Nurse Jackie, and she is as deliciously evil as ever.
Jackie is going scorched earth!
We can only speculate on how much she does (or doesn't do) concerning her household chores and cooking...
The truth will come out one day. I wonder which of the 8 will write the first book and spill the truth?
OT again- also watched The Imitation Game this weekend. I liked it, didn't love it.
Oh, and apparently, the British single handedly won and ended WWII ;0
PA Dutch Mom said... 150
I hope the frickin' pump fails on her again.
I have to take a break from the rumspringa. I read this as, "I hope the frickin' pump falls on her again" and since I didn't read the blog, I thought maybe she broke her foot, er toe, again.
haha! Maybe it's not the rumspringa, maybe it's just plain old freudian. She has so much that so many do not have and yet she still doesn't appreciate it. It's maddening.
And yes, CS, I'll bet everyone who comes into that house has to sign a confidentiality agreement. Zorro probably had to leave the mark of Z on one, too.
Hope Cara's team won the tournament. What I would give to go back and watch my ds's play again. I would be so happy.
The truth will come out one day. I wonder which of the 8 will write the first book and spill the truth?
I hope none of them. They don't need to go through that part of their lives again, nor does the public need to read it. I think most know now everything we need to know. In my opinion, it should be left alone and the kids should move on, not be thrust again into reliving a childhood nightmare, even if someone tells them it could be therapeutic for them to do so..
I like how in the Imitation Game once they cracked the code they realized there wasn't much they could do with it because it would be too obvious they had cracked the code.
File that under things you should have thought about before cracking the code.
It's tweets like this from Gladys that makes me wonder if she's a closet alcoholic.
Whatever she is, it's time to come out of the closet.
Maybe she does drunk tweet. It's preferable to being a deranged jerk. Or maybe she's a drunk deranged jerk. Who knows? Whatever it is, she doesn't fit the concept of the social norm.
redbird said... 148
I thought this was beautiful and wanted to post.
A hospice nurse lists the top 5 regrets later in life.
It reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I Had My Life To Live Over."
File that under things you should have thought about before cracking the code.
Somehow that reminds me of the episode where Lucy and Ricky are on a game show. Lucy swiped the questions from the station manager ahead of time and memorized the answers. The questions were changed for the actual program. Lucy thought she had the code, but the code was her undoing.
Admin, it's been too long since I've told you and your staff how much I appreciate this blog being here day after day. It really is great.
Sandie @SandieBellz
@Kateplusmy8 Did you have a chance to get to Target for the Lilly Pulitzer dresses?
Oh, Sandie, honey. Do you really think that Kate would wear the Target brand of Lilly dresses?
Kate replied by saying that she heard about the Target fiasco, but asked what the big deal was. I guess we can assume that Kate wasn't at Target this morning or she would have seen what was happening there. Then again, since she isn't aware of other people, maybe she wouldn't have noticed anything unusual.
Isn't this the second time Target had this happen? It was those wavely line stuff Misso something, a couple of years ago? I just saw a Target commercial for those dresses. I was not impressed. Large floral print dresses, and people are getting crazy over? Laughable nuts! Floral print patterns, stuff I would use on pillows for the patio, or my couch. You know it only takes the PR people from the designer to hire, some people, , to go on the internet and start a thing about those dresses from, some designer, I've never even heard of, to start a flash commotion, at any store or on the net, people go nuts. Really, I have never heard of Lily Putitzer? Till now.
Milo is so freaking gullible. She tweeted an article to Kate about how some couple bought a Beanie Baby, and later found out it could be worth more than $92000.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 34m34 minutes ago
Couple bought Beanie Baby cheap & just discovered it’s worth a fortune http://hellogiggles.com/couple-bought-a-beanie-baby-for-cheap-and-just-discovered-its-worth-a-fortune/ … Any of these survive ur kids? $$ @Kateplusmy8
If Milo did a little research she would discover than someone listed it on E-bay for that amount which doesn't mean it's worth that much. A Beanie Baby collector website dispelled the rumor.
"Fraud Alert (April 18, 2015) - Daily Mail, UK and The Sun, UK
In an irresponsible and non-professionally researched newspaper article on April 18, 2015, the UK Daily Mail and The Sun (UK) provided misleading information about Princess Beanie Baby values. Once again, tycollector.com was inundated with emails from people in the UK and Ireland hopeful that their Princess Beanie Baby was worth a lot of money and asking for the best way to sell theirs.
The writer of the original article (as is usual with these types of articles) used "listing" prices on eBay, as opposed to the prices buyers have actually paid for Princess over the past 30 - 60 days, to support the premise that Princess is valuable. One cannot avoid speculation about the credibility of ANY article in the UK Daily Mail or The Sun, when those online magazines/newspapers permit such a misleading article as the one about the Princess Beanie Baby to be published.
We are truly sad so many peoples' hopes were mistakenly raised by reading a fraudulent article that suggested they might own a rare and valuable Princess Beanie Baby."
She tweets this story as "fact", but of course, any stories about Kate are "rumors".
Just have to laugh at her sheer stupidity. Maybe she should list Kate's cookbook on E-bay for $1,000,000 and then she can tell Kate that it's worth that much.
Who "scrubs" wood floors? Kate's synopsis of her "house cleaning".
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 5h 5 hours ago
@BarbGilmer @Mydmaxx kids helped dust&clean kitchen&I vacuumed wood floors,carpets,dusted &scrubbed wood floors main floor&started laundry..
I think Milo purposely engages the "haters", so that she can make tweets like this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h1 hour ago
Well...obviously lots of folks don't like me...don't care. My resolve > Okay w/you? @Kateplusmy8
Then she can claim that she and Kate have another thing in common--she has "haters" too.
Milo said she was in the dog house. Now she's really getting hounded over there.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
@WhoisPmk @Kateplusmy8 Well, sorry I offend U Alfredo..I know the goal is for ME to leave. I'm not into #SelfImportance Have a good evening!
She's not into self importance? Gee, she could have fooled us! I really do think that many times she's guzzling the moonshine when she tweets. What other explanation could there be? Can anyone really be that crazy?
Oh, geez...
johanna vandermeer @abbanut
@Kateplusmy8 omg so thankful u took time, can i call on you again more private. im not good on here, plus its nobodys bussiness. in SHOCK
6hjohanna vandermeer @abbanut
@courtchatter its jo again from canadai cant get into your site. live trials. i love your inf. i am taking bar in oct so i read all the time
Taking the bar? Why would anyone post a picture like this? I don't get it. Isn't anything private anymore?
johanna vandermeer @abbanut
There certainly are some odd ones on Twitter lately. This one says that because nobody witnessed any abuse, then it's all lies. She must be related to the "no picture, no proof" sheeple.
Rhiannon Coyle @RhiannonCoyle · 18h 18 hours ago
@WhoisPmk @Kaceytron420 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC you all still don't have first hand seen it with your eyes proof,
Rhiannon Coyle @RhiannonCoyle · Apr 18
@WhoisPmk @Kateplusmy8 there fine! If you child abuse go see the poor kids being killed by there parents!
Isn't this the second time Target had this happen? It was those wavely line stuff Misso something, a couple of years ago? I just saw a Target commercial for those dresses. I was not impressed. Large floral print dresses, and people are getting crazy over? Laughable nuts! Floral print patterns, stuff I would use on pillows for the patio, or my couch.
It's back in style, and yes, I do own a tote and a Lilly dress. Actually, I'm not a laughable nut, although sometimes when I wear my Crocs, knee socks and floor-length muumuu, I do feel like one. I would not, however, fight the madding crowd at Target just to make a Lilly purchase. Yes, troll. The word is madding, not maddening. Ask Thomas Hardy. Oh, wait. He's dead. Like Jon.
Vera Bradley does the same motif on many of her bags. In fact, if you check out designer bags, those floral patterns are quite popular right now. I've been eyeing a Dooney hydrangea bag now that it's spring! Mother's Day is coming up. Wishful thinking, I guess! LOL! Then again, I'll be happy to share the day with my family, and a nice buffet dinner would be icing on the cake..
"Taking the bar? Why would anyone post a picture like this? I don't get it. Isn't anything private anymore?"
She tweets to Kate and says she wants to talk to Kate in private because it's nobodys bussiness (sic), but she posts very graphic photos of her surgery?
The LP kids' line is cute -- bright, tropical prints, and very summery. Kids like them. From what I read, many Target shoppers today were looking to purchase those because they are a really nice quality, but because the quantity was so limited, they came home empty-handed. There weren't many items available in each size, so those things just flew off the shelves.
Peace Keeper @keepthepeace9
@finndango instruments are an after school activity, at school not during school hours
Are these people really this incredibly stupid? If kids take music lessons, then yes, it is at school, during school hours such as study halls and free periods, and if they are in music programs at school, such as orchestra, then it is DURING SCHOOL HOURS!
Peace Keeper @keepthepeace9 1h1 hour ago
@ConcernedChick working? You mean growing up doing regular activities with a camera around? That's not work for a child smart ass
Well, then, I guess we should tell Rep Murt and the PA DOL that no child labor laws are needed, or were required, because the kids aren't working, they are just playing around doing their regular activities!
A Kate fan tweeted...
Haylee @2022Haylee · Apr 14
Omg I have to get ready for school! I go to a birding school in Califorina
Maybe she could take care of Zorro when Kate goes on vacation.
I am nauseous. (or would the sheep tell me it is spelled nawshus?)
Haylee @2022Haylee · 11h11 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @dowd24 Why can't they do Kate Plus 8 again
@2022Haylee @dowd24 they did.. And are 😉
Beautiful weekend but crappy weather for the Marathon (chilly with rain). :(
Hoping everyone is safe.
Target ought to be ashamed. Why the heck have so little merchandise in store and online? And to let people hoard on top of it. Frankly, I have yet to purchase anything Lily Pulitzer because it is expensive in the department stores. Here was a great opportunity to offer items at reasonable prices and they blew it. BTW, my card was also one of those affected by the breach but thank goodness not used by any thief. I still go to Target but not as often. I cannot stand Walmart anymore.
If she's so busy that can't write a blog, or even tweet now and then, what makes people think that she has time to privately dm with them??
Whay mom of 8 has time to dm with random strangers? Shouldn't she be paying attention to her kids? Nice to know that complete strangers are a higher priority than your own children.
It must be difficult for those poor kids to get any one on one time with their mom. If they ever do. Sorry kids, mama has to dm, go play in the street or something, wll ya?
I love my Lily Pulitzer organizer/date book. But, I think release a *limited* edition sale at Target is bullcrapola.
It does nothing but mostly fuel a frenzy for people looking to resell on Ebay.
Blech, have at the elbowing and pushing for the crumbs they offer.
All This Is That said... 181
Oh, geez...
johanna vandermeer @abbanut
@Kateplusmy8 omg so thankful u took time, can i call on you again more private. im not good on here, plus its nobodys bussiness. in SHOCK
Oh, cheez, her doctor should have culled her from the herd before he did such a huge, elective procedure on her.
What Kate won't tell this helpless, hapless fan, is that she was taken care of 24/7 by the doctor and his wife, she had a doting, supportive and AMAZING husband who cared for her, and someone to watch her kids.
Oh, and drugs ;-)
Wow, this woman is waaaaaaaaaay older than Kate when she underwent her tummy tuck. Of course it's worse!
Again, I'm questioning her doctor!
Kate is a twit said... 179
I think Milo purposely engages the "haters", so that she can make tweets like this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h1 hour ago
Well...obviously lots of folks don't like me...don't care. My resolve > Okay w/you? @Kateplusmy8
Then she can claim that she and Kate have another thing in common--she has "haters" too.
I think so, too! Also that she has a martyr syndrome and loves to demonstrate to Kate what she endures for her. Milo envisions herself with a shield holding back Kate's haters, taking the arrows for herself that would have been for Kate. Love is grand.
lol loved that episode ( well, love them all) I remember one answer Lucy memorized was ' to scrape the barnacles off her hull" We have a little joke now that if you don't know the answer to something, that's what you say!
"Jon Gosselin plus his late night carousing is adding up to aggravation for the TLC network, which airs his reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8...But with rumors of a new offer on the table, the octodad may have little reason to care...Gosselin, 32, is in talks with production company Endomol to appear in a program called Divorced Dad's Club, a series that follows the lives of famous divorced fathers..."
Kate’s net worth hovers around $200,000, but much of that money was probably made during the short-lived Kate Plus 8, which generated $250,000 per episode. Before the divorce, Kate and Jon Gosselin used to generated between $25,000 to $40,000 in speaking engagements, photos and autographs, and even church collection plates. Kate also appeared on Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump, but that $500k must have been fired down a hole since she is left with “only” $200k.
I don't believe the 200k figure unless that is something she claims on her income tax. She ought to be audited.
Hmmm. I just checked and this "Divorced Dad's Club" rumor surfaced in 2009. Why is this making a tabloid now?
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