Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1870 Newer› Newest»http://www.classicalite.com/articles/20401/20150419/kate-gosselin-feud-twins-father-jon-bankrupt-dj-job-tlc-problems.htm
Kate's net worth at 200K? Was this in 2007? OMG.
How is Jon's DJ job a problem for TLC, exactly?
If rumors of Kate's affair with Steve hasn't stopped them from re-airing J+K+8, then nothing will.
"Divorced Dad's Club"? I guess Jon is in cahoots with Michael Lohan again.
Did I wake up in 2009?
I didn't realize the tups' birthday is also Mother's Day this year. PLUS, their "special" airs that evening. Locals just may hear the sound of Kate's head exploding after it swells to proportions heretofore unseen. And Twitter may experience a rare crash that day. lol
Kate's net worth at 200K? Was this in 2007? OMG.
It's most likely what is being reported now. These tabs use the celebrity net worth website. I wouldn't put any stock in that at all. I checked some of the people I know, and I know for certain that it is way off in their estimate -- WAY OFF that it's laughable. Kate's net worth has been reported at that amount for years.
The sheeple are giddy over the Mother's Day special. Where have they been? This was announced on TLC weeks ago. You'd think that if they are really big fans they would have checked TLC and therefore have known about it when the announcement was first made. It's not like it's any big news.
Yeah I'm with Cruisin', I don't really believe net worth numbers people come up with unless they have something to back it up.
I know for a fact some of those numbers are wildly off. Like tens of millions of dollars off.
ITA, Tucker's Mom. I don't know why there is this reporting of very old news dating to 2009. I should have read more carefully before I posted those links. We all know Kate is worth millions but unfortunately I think Jon would jump on the chance to be on a reality TV show. Sometimes I think his head is as big as Kate's.
I know for a fact some of those numbers are wildly off. Like tens of millions of dollars off.
Yes, and they are not only under-estimating, but inflating the net worth. I just checked someone else I know and the net worth is reported at 40 million. The person is having financial problems and has been for years and is in the process of selling a house just to keep afloat. With a net worth of millions, I really doubt that the person would be searching for a home buyer right now!
"We all know Kate is worth millions but unfortunately I think Jon would jump on the chance to be on a reality TV show. Sometimes I think his head is as big as Kate's."
If it were, then why did he pull the plug on filming? He just could have continued on that route.
"If it were, then why did he pull the plug on filming? He just could have continued on that route."
I have always thought Jon pulled the plug on filming for one reason only..Kate was messing around with Steve, he knew it, and the only way he had to punish her was to pull the plug. If not for Steve, I think the show would still be on today.
Oh boy. Celebrating Mother's Day with another special featuring the shrieking Gosselin children in their faux TLC world. I think not.
It's ok if you want to wear Lilly Putitzer. For little girls it's fine, for purses, patio furniture and pillows it's fine, but for me no! A couple of years ago they came out with that fashion and the only ones I saw wear that were the elderly women. LP herself is an elderly woman, who lives in Florida, where her fashions are popular, there. Her clothes remind me of Hawaiian shirts, which at one time were the rage, not you just where it for a party.
Hey, if want to wear it go right ahead, not this girl.
Didn't Kate visit & try and push clothes from some designer who lives in Florida, a couple of years ago? The clothes were some big pattern flowers and ship designs, stuff you would find on your patio furniture?
Sorry people, I just think of that kind of fabric as couch, patio, drape, purses etc, not to wear.
It is funny that that website had Kate's worth at just $200,000. I bet my guess is 100% correct. About two years ago Kate fought with somebody that tweeted she was worth at least 5 million. Kate tweeted back that she only wished she had that much. Radar online picked it up and printed the twitter war. Then within a few weeks (cuz I checked) all the celebrity websites had changed Kate's figure to $200,000. Why? Kate was out of a job and desperately seeking to get back on tv so she had her attorney write a bully letter to all of these websites demanding that they take down the millions dollars' figure that they were reporting and change it to just $200,000. Remember two years ago she somewhat of a good change to go back on tv in some form because she was still somewhat popular. REmember when TLC fired her and she went on tv letting the public know that she NEEDED a tv job/salary to support her 8 kids. Dr. Phil even made a public comment on a tv show (not his) that was something like who ever promised her a life on tv. So again, I bet anything she had her attorney bully these websites to change the figure and they relented because after all she is just a poor, single, piecing and patching mother of EIGHT.
This is an article making my point. Except it wasn't two years ago it was August 2011.
Prior to this twitter war this site (which is the most popular) had wealth at many millions.
Boston Marathon in progress- in the rain and pretty cool- 43 degrees F atm.Extra spirit and strength this year- trial resumes tomorrow.Last year still healing and raw emotion- now grit and determination and rebound courage.Watched a program about the survivors last night.Incredible what so many have gone through and still are as their injuries and emotions heal.
My post was somewhat screwy. I meant that years ago Kate had somewhat of a good chance at another tv job after TLC fired her. And that is why it was so important to her for the public to think she was just a struggling mother who needed to get back on tv to support her kids. Remember how popular she was back then. It turned out this twitter war about her salary was in August 2011. Dr. Phil made a terribly cutting remark towards Kate. I was thrilled and shocked that he went that way. I think it was on The View.
I have always thought Jon pulled the plug on filming for one reason only..Kate was messing around with Steve, he knew it, and the only way he had to punish her was to pull the plug. If not for Steve, I think the show would still be on today.
I don't think Jon cares enough about Steve to sacrifice millions of dollars in future, easily attainable income just to make a point. That would be pretty nuts. I've never gotten the impression Jon was overly preoccupied with Steve or what he and Kate are up to. Whenever he's asked about Steve his answers are pretty nonchalant, sort of like heck if I know what's up with them but I guess it looks fishy? It seems to me Steve or no Steve he doesn't want to be with Kate.
I believe him when he said he didn't want his children to go through a divorce on national TV, period. That is the most logical, rational reason for why he did what he did when he did it.
I've been eyeing a Dooney hydrangea bag now that it's spring! Mother's Day is coming up. Wishful thinking, I guess! LOL! Then again, I'll be happy to share the day with my family, and a nice buffet dinner would be icing on the cake..
Sleepless in Seattle- I was just at my TJ Maxx and they have lots of them! They might be last season's, but they are so cute!
PatK said... 2
I didn't realize the tups' birthday is also Mother's Day this year. PLUS, their "special" airs that evening. Locals just may hear the sound of Kate's head exploding after it swells to proportions heretofore unseen. And Twitter may experience a rare crash that day. lol
April 20, 2015 at 7:08 AM
Oh, wow. For the kids' birthday, Kate is going to regale the kids with the story of how hard their birth was for her. Then, for Mother's Day, the kids will have to recite the story right back to Kate.
Can't you just hear it now?
A f*ckety hundred pieces of bacon a day!
Bed rest for 57 weeks!
Anonymous said... 10
It is funny that that website had Kate's worth at just $200,000. I bet my guess is 100% correct.
Kate's house alone is valued at 4x that amount (give or take).
It's baloney.
I don't think Jon cares enough about Steve to sacrifice millions of dollars in future, easily attainable income just to make a point. That would be pretty nuts. I've never gotten the impression Jon was overly preoccupied with Steve or what he and Kate are up to. Whenever he's asked about Steve his answers are pretty nonchalant, sort of like heck if I know what's up with them but I guess it looks fishy? It seems to me Steve or no Steve he doesn't want to be with Kate.
Agree- I think Jon was suspicious about Steve, but I don't think Jon would have stopped filming because of him.
Jon wanted out of the crazy-ass filming and schedule and total control of TLC.
Steve didn't cause the marriage to break down. He might have been a shiny ball for Kate, but it was Kate who lost interest in Jon and felt she needed to get rid of him to pursue her dream of fame.
Being a rural(ish) PA hausfrau wasn't Kate's cup of tea anymore.
Jon has always seemed more genuine than not when doing the couch interviews.
One of the times when you could tell he was really speaking from the heart was when he was talking about how much filming was negatively impacting his children....at school, at home....and he wanted it to stop.
I agree. I don't think Steve had anything to do with Jon quitting the show. Also I don't understand this statement "If not for Steve, I think the show would still be on today." TLC makes the decision whether or not the show remains on the air. And even if Jon never quit the show, I think there would be zero way for Kate and Jon to film together after the seperation therefore there would be no more Jon & Kate Plus 8.
I do think Kate's show would be on the air more if she decided now (and even in the past few years) to film with Jon. No, they would not have to film scenes together but I think the show would be more interesting with Jon appearing in it now and then. I think the public would be interested to see what he is up to and how he is with his children. And I think Jon would be open to that now. He needs the money and his kids are being filmed regardless if he is in or out of the show. But Kate is too stubborn for that so in a way she is cutting off her own nose to spite Jon.
I never believed the $250,000 per episode salary that was reported way back when. It just doesn't seem plausible.
Fast forward to today, and I can see TLC offering Kate pennies on the dollar for current and future filming--they know she's desperate, so they are in control--there's so many other trainwrecks to film, so if she doesn't agree to their terms, well that train can certainly pull away from the station any time it chooses.
I recall Jon and Kate being on Oprah when the kids were little...Oprah asked the question (memory sorta fuzzy), she says something like 'how much money do you have, is it enough?.. Kate answers, 'there is never enough money'...Jon's eyes BUG OUT. That spoke volumes to me, that that was the reason Kate does everything... The LOVE of money is her driving force.(And clearly Jon was shocked by her answer, just showed that they had MORE than enough money in the bank--more money than either of them had ever seen in the life)
It's my opinion, that years later when Jon pulled the plug on the show, that he did it SOLELY because of the kids not wanting to film, and he finally saw the detrimental effects on the kids (I think he also issued a heart-felt apology to his kids concerning these effects).
Kate's blown each and every opportunity given to her on a golden platter. Book author, clothing designer, talk show host, dancer, business woman, cook, runner, stand-alone reality tv star. I am sure there are others but they don't come to mind at the moment.
In fact, I've never seen her be a success at anything EXCEPT for being a con artist/grifter. She's not even a good liar-sometimes she contradicts herself in the SAME sentence!
Now, back to the net worth. Jon said they had 11 bank accounts. That's a lot of accounts. Whatever amt she has banked, it in no way can maintain her current lifestyle until she draws her last breath. There are plenty of sports figures who have made a LOT of money, yet after a few yrs lost everything. She has a big house with BIG expenses, 3 cars, 8 kids in private school. Braces for 8 kids is going to cost no less than $40,000. And oh dang, how can you forget HER maintenance...spas, botox, hair treatments in NYC, her closet full of shoes (and I bet they didn't come from Target or Payless)....
And to make a long post longer (lol), Kate also said that 'after the kids turned 18 you'll never see me again'.
That's probably one of the truest things she's ever said. Society owes her a celebrity lifestyle, even though she orchestrated the HOM pregnancy, society was generous with another HOM family, so as a result society owes her a luxurious lifestyle as well.
She's never going away.
Katie Kreider is an affront to mothers (and fathers and grandparents and humans in general) who love their children unconditionally. TLC airing her child abuse on Mother's Day is in very poor taste. Ugh.
"I believe him when he said he didn't want his children to go through a divorce on national TV, period. That is the most logical, rational reason for why he did what he did when he did it."
Let's face it, you are a logical, rational thinking person..Jon most often is not. I find it funny that others can criticize Jon, and you seldom respond, but almost always, when I do, you respond right away, and tell me I am wrong. Maybe neither of us is right?
Yes, Jon pulled the plug on filming because of the kids. He knew they were desperately miserable and most of the kids probably didn't want to film anymore.
Yes, having your birthday, a tv show airing and your children's birthday (whose birth was heard around the world!) ALL IN ONE DAY? Hang on locals! Yada. Yada. Yada and THAR SHE BLOWS!
Oh, the humanity! IT. WILL. BREAK. THE. INTERNET.
Dr. Phil made a terribly cutting remark towards Kate. I was thrilled and shocked that he went that way. I think it was on The View.
I remember that. Kate was "co-hosting" and Dr. Phil looked like he was trying NOT to engage her or even make eye contact.
Ugh, I think that was when Kate bragged that her kids didn't know what Doritos were and called them "these orange triangle things". Because, she organicish and junk food would NEVER pass her kids' lips.
TLC stinks said... 5
ITA, Tucker's Mom. I don't know why there is this reporting of very old news dating to 2009. I should have read more carefully before I posted those links. We all know Kate is worth millions but unfortunately I think Jon would jump on the chance to be on a reality TV show. Sometimes I think his head is as big as Kate's.
While I know that all "reality tv shows" are manipulated and most of there bear little likeness to actual reality -- I don't care if adults choose to participate in one. My objection is to having children on reality tv shows. So if either Kate or Jon were to get their own show, or be on a reality tv show without the involvement of any of their children, it wouldn't bother me.
In both Jon and Kate's cases - neither one really have marketable skills that would help them have a career and a good income. Kate is some type of nurse but we all know she is tempermentally completely unsuitable for any nursing position, and I would feel extremely sorry for anyone under her care. Jon has bounced around various jobs. I think this DJ gig might actually be a fairly good match for his personality type, but I have little idea what sort of income he is earning.
So if he or Kate were offered a chance to earn some good money by being on a reality tv show, I say "why not?" As long as they keep the kids out of it.
I believe him when he said he didn't want his children to go through a divorce on national TV, period. That is the most logical, rational reason for why he did what he did when he did it.
All one need do it go to the season 4 (I think) finale and watch Jon on that interview couch with Kate.
He was done, and he was sincere. He wanted out of the TLC contract.
Sure, I think he would have continued filming if the marriage wasn't falling apart (pretty much over at that point) and TLC would have worked with J+K to put the show on hiatus.
It probably would have been a moot point anyway, as I believe Kate didn't want to stop the gravy train even to keep cameras out of her children's lives while their world was falling apart.
Winsomeone said... 7
"If it were, then why did he pull the plug on filming? He just could have continued on that route."
I have always thought Jon pulled the plug on filming for one reason only..Kate was messing around with Steve, he knew it, and the only way he had to punish her was to pull the plug. If not for Steve, I think the show would still be on today.
I do agree that Jon's suspicions regarding Steve and Kate was probably the tipping point. I do recall that he said he wanted them to go to marriage counseling but Kate refused to do so, and told him they would be married in name only, to maintain their "brand," and would continue pretending to be more or less happily married so the show could continue.
Sadly for Jon, he was the perfect patsy for Kate for many years. It took Kate pushing Jon out of the nest for him to finally leave. While they were married and living together, she ran things and he did her bidding for the most part.
So I reservedly agree that he probably would have continued with the filming if their marriage had tottered on, dysfunctional as it was. He was firmly under her thumb, and he probably still felt he loved her, and most definitely loved his kids and wanted to be with them.
However, separate from Jon and Kate's unhappy marriage, I do wonder about the logistics of filming once all the children were in school. The reason the Duggars have been able to film so much during their children's school years is that they homeschooled (somewhat haphazardly it has seemed to me, since they took a lot of trips around the country during each season, but whatever). I remember in earlier seasons of J&K+8 that Mady and Cara would not be included in a lot of the filming because they were off at school. Since the tups were the center story line, it worked out for TLC. But once the six youngest began school full time, and grew out of their toddler cuteness? I think filming would have been cut back by that point anyway.
It's impossible to know exactly how things would have panned out if Kate hadn't grown tired of Jon and thought he was expendable. Maybe the silver lining of Ratclaws' appearance on the scene is that the show did end somewhat sooner than it might otherwise have.
ncome tax. She ought to be audited.
April 20, 2015 at 6:25 AM
TLC stinks said... 200
Hmmm. I just checked and this "Divorced Dad's Club" rumor surfaced in 2009. Why is this making a tabloid now?
They even link to a story that is dated Aug 2009. They have mashed up old and new stories together to make an incoherent and inconsistent whole.
thanks for the article Leslie
this stood out for me
'Her staff, including nannies and bodyguards, is reported to cost her $300k a year, well above most A-list celebrity families.'
how is that possible?
oh boy
any-who, you're right, why is any of this a problem for TLC?
Wonder if his muzzle's been lifted? Wonder if they're worried he's going to spill something? and how in the hell can he owe 1 million dollars?
Is tfw's special airing ON Mother's day? Mother's day and their birthday?
Oh she must be happier than a pig in shit.
Are the sheeple going to believe it was all taped ON THAT DAY?
They're all in a frenzy because I'm sure they just saw the promos. I saw one
last night, she's morphed again. She looks so old, so haggard, no life to her skin, she's going down hill fast
She tweets to Kate and says she wants to talk to Kate in private because it's nobodys bussiness (sic), but she posts very graphic photos of her surgery?
There! You see, right fricken there! You broadcast every moment of your life to the PUBLIC and expect only what you WANT to hear?? It's NOBODY'S business? ???
I don't think Jon pulled the plug on the show to spite TFMJG and Skeeve. I do think her affair with Skeeve -- and, let's face it -- when she put Skeeve's opinions, ideas, well-being above that of her spouse and children, it IS an affair, even if they've never been physical -- opened Jon's eyes to the true nature of her depravity. That, I think, was the proverbial straw. Whether he was becoming disenchanted before that or not, I don't know, but after that, everything spiraled. I think at heart, Jon's a decent guy, raised with decent values. He took the blinders off and began to see what was happening to him and to his children. Unfortunately, by that time, it was too late.
This article makes no sense. Why would TLC give a hoot about Jon djing whether or not they're running repeats of JK8.
As Tucker's noted, it seems like someone took a story from 2009 then added a bit more current information. Weird.
TLC airing her child abuse on Mother's Day is in very poor taste. Ugh.
Ha! It's almost a slap in the face really
So on Sunday, six kids will celebrating a birthday, and one mother
will be celebrating Mother's Day. Guess who will expect the most attention?
I remember when TFW said about Mother's Day on an episode:
"I think it should be once a month." Well, lady, if you indulge in
a spa visit once a month (all the while complaining about "$"
repairs), I think you made that wish come true.
TLC airing her child abuse on Mother's Day is in very poor taste. Ugh.
Everytime I think TLC can't sink any lower, they just dig a deeper hole.
When they aired a promo for JK8 of one of the sextuplets in a vehicle with tears streaming down her face crying "Daddy don't go" that was it for me. Haven't watched that channel since.
What a great sign!
Vanessa said... 31
Is tfw's special airing ON Mother's day? Mother's day and their birthday?
Oh she must be happier than a pig in shit.
Are the sheeple going to believe it was all taped ON THAT DAY?
To hell with the sheep. As long as the sextuplets know the actual date of their birthday and not just the dates of the filming of their birthday. I'll bet for the first four or five years of their lives, they were confused about it. Thanks alot Mommie.
When they aired a promo for JK8 of one of the sextuplets in a vehicle with tears streaming down her face crying "Daddy don't go" that was it for me.
Just need to add, that was one time that Katie was right - it was the realist of the real. It was also heartbreaking.
St Tony survives Kosovo. He knows fear & hardship. I wonder how he *really* felt about Kate's sense of entitlement and bullshit. The man has depth and class something Kate will never understand or have.
Tony Dovolani's Inspiring Journey From Kosovo To 'DWTS' http://ahwd.tv/LY2hIy#BWjWSEyTGFpOIf7I.02
Tucker's Mom said... 16
Oh, wow. For the kids' birthday, Kate is going to regale the kids with the story of how hard their birth was for her.
Yeah, the one where she had to stay at the inn on bedrest and three wise men from TLC followed a star and came to offer her a contract.
One of the times when you could tell he was really speaking from the heart was when he was talking about how much filming was negatively impacting his children....at school, at home....and he wanted it to stop.
April 20, 2015 at 9:29 AM
Jon was d-o-n-e done. Kate was a phoney, saying they needed to "iron things out", which was code for kick Jon the curb.
Rhymes, that's great! The spirit is overwhelming and rooting for strangers from all over the world is amazing.This morning I talked to a few people not from this state who were there to cheer for family members. I wished their relatives a good safe race...idk, you just feel like everyone who is decent, strong and sharing or taking part in this event, is your brother or sister. Boston Strong!
Yeah, the one where she had to stay at the inn on bedrest and three wise men from TLC followed a star and came to offer her a contract.
But no way would she play second fiddle to baby Jesus (es)
But no way would she play second fiddle to baby Jesus (es)
She refers to the sextuplets birth as 'our birth'. If that's the case, I hope the doctor hung her by the ankles and slapped her ass, too.
'Her staff, including nannies and bodyguards, is reported to cost her $300k a year, well above most A-list celebrity families.'
how is that possible?
In addition to those salaries, they might be including the mortgage, tuition, taxes, home maintenance, food, clothing, landscaping, utilities and everything else needed to keep that place going. I think the figure quoted is on the conservative side.
Did TLC pay Steve's salary? I can't imagine that came cheap! If she paid it, then yes, considering the amount of time he spent with her "back in the day" when filming, speaking engagements and appearances, then I could see his salary alone would have been very hefty.
I do think Kate's show would be on the air more if she decided now (and even in the past few years) to film with Jon. No, they would not have to film scenes together but I think the show would be more interesting with Jon appearing in it now and then. I think the public would be interested to see what he is up to and how he is with his children. And I think Jon would be open to that now. He needs the money and his kids are being filmed regardless if he is in or out of the show.
I shudder to think that the kids would have to face filming with each parent.
I hope Jon never, ever gets that desperate, stays strong, and continues providing the kids with privacy and normalcy when they're with him.
I truly believe that the kids will come to see the value of Jon's protection far outweighed the freebies and trips they got with Kate's pimping.
She refers to the sextuplets birth as 'our birth'. If that's the case, I hope the doctor hung her by the ankles and slapped her ass, too.
Oh you are so quick!! hahaha!!
She refers to the sextuplets birth as 'our birth'. If that's the case, I hope the doctor hung her by the ankles and slapped her ass, too.
And shoved a pacifier into her mouth every time she let out a wail. Too bad she's not a male, or he could have done some snip work on her as well.
Wow, AuntieAnn...
Dr. Milo, ohboy/gin would of loved to been the one to slap that rockin' hard ass!!
Everytime I think TLC can't sink any lower, they just dig a deeper hole.
When they aired a promo for JK8 of one of the sextuplets in a vehicle with tears streaming down her face crying "Daddy don't go" that was it for me. Haven't watched that channel since.
Wasn't it at an outside birthday party when one of the girls (Alexis?) hugged Jon and begged him not to go? That was such a sad moment. The other time was when he was dropping them off in the van and they didn't want to be returned to Kate.
I read that there is a 2 year SOL in PA on...
Section 4109 (relating to rigging publicly exhibited contest).
The Book Contest. Is there still time for the state to sue?
PA Dutch Mom said... 47'Her staff, including nannies and bodyguards, is reported to cost her $300k a year, well above most A-list celebrity families.'
how is that possible?
What I meant was how is it possible that it's above the expenses of an A-lister?
Pennsylvania vs Hollywood?
angie said... 21
She's never going away.
Let's see....there will be High School Graduation episodes; Off to College episodes; Weddings x 8 episodes; Births of Grandchildren x 8 episodes; and don't forget various Lavish Vacations and birthday episodes sprinkled in there, ALL on TLC's dime. Apparently, the only way Kate will be done, done, done is when TLC springs for and films her funeral.
PA Dutch Mom said... 52
Yes, it was Alexis, and it was so sweet yet sad.That party was awful with the two of them not saying a word to one another and not even looking at their still-spouse.
The article mentions $500K from Celebrity Apprentice. She didn't make anywhere near that amount. It has been said many times that the salary for that show is very low (around $25K). She just doesn't have the clout to demand more than everyone else, and she was not the big name on her season.
Add me to the list of people who don't believe she made $250K per episode for K+8, either. TLC just doesn't deal with big numbers like that. I think that article exaggerated all the money stuff to get people talking.
Wasn't it at an outside birthday party when one of the girls (Alexis?) hugged Jon and begged him not to go? That was such a sad moment. The other time was when he was dropping them off in the van and they didn't want to be returned to Kate. 52
You could be right about the former. I didn't watch the show, just saw the the "scene" used as a promo.
I agree that the scene of Jon dropping them off was also heartbreaking - and very telling.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 36
So on Sunday, six kids will celebrating a birthday, and one mother
will be celebrating Mother's Day. Guess who will expect the most attention?
Not even gonna be close.
Where's Milo when Kate really needs her? There's a thunderstorm going on now, and a tornado watch issued until 10 p.m., damaging winds, hail. I'm surprised Milo hasn't logged on to issue the doomsday warning to get everyone, including Zorro and Shoka into the basement! Gladys is really falling down on her job. If I had Twitter, I'd sound the alarm for Kate because she needs to get ready to write a blog, get the kids to a hotel if the power goes out again and they have no water!
I remember when Alexis hugged her dad and Jon was sitting there eating dip and chips or something and she said she didn't want him to go. He said, I have to go to work and then I remember Jon shrugging his shoulders really quick. Alexis knew her mother would more than likely would be raging when they got back. Just like the van when they were all wailing and begging Jon not to leave.
Excuse my French on the response to AuntieAnne's very funny slap heard around the world with the birth heard around the world. I had someone very dear to me die from a car accident Friday and I am so hurt and reeling from it. My mom and I squalled on the phone very late, hardly no sleep, so I am kicking buns and taking names and asking questions later.
Over In TFW's County said... 60
There's a thunderstorm going on now, and a tornado watch issued until 10 p.m.
What will she say if a house falls on her queen?
"It's ok if you want to wear Lilly Putitzer. Hey, if want to wear it go right ahead, not this girl." (9)
To whom are you granting your permission to wear the Lilly line? I'm sure she appreciates it! A friend of mine was in the store in the early morning and said that she was surprised that so many young women in their twenties were buying the clothing. Apparently those bright florals have become quite the "in" thing among that age group!
Personally. I think that it's the older generation who would use the bright florals and patterns on pillows and draperies. I'm thinking of my grandmother's sofa. That seems to have gone out with Waverly and Laura Ashley in the 80s unless you live in Florida (think Golden Girls) or have a beach house.
Apparently, the only way Kate will be done, done, done is when TLC springs for and films her funeral.
Remember that a Phoenix rises from the ashes, and according to the kid in the Halloween movie, you can't kill the boogeyman.
The Book Contest. Is there still time for the state to sue?
Why would the state of PA bring a lawsuit against Kate?
"What will she say if a house falls on her queen?"
Time to take another picture of her feet in slippers?
Over In TFW's County said... 64
Apparently, the only way Kate will be done, done, done is when TLC springs for and films her funeral.
Remember that a Phoenix rises from the ashes, and according to the kid in the Halloween movie, you can't kill the boogeyman.
Darn! I was bested again! lol
Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin – Verified account @Kateplusmy8
@dowd24 same! I find ways around ironing. Not a priority here!NO worries! Lol
That's because somebody else does it.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 14m14 minutes ago
@IvankaTrump Congrats Ivanka on your 1st half marathon! FUN, huh?! Warning: marathons/half marathons ARE addicting! #Don’tSayIDidntWarnYou 😉
I want to know what program Kate entered to break her addiction, because it's working like a charm!
I hope Ivanka doesn't have the misfortune of breaking her widdle toe ;-)
My mom and I squalled on the phone very late, hardly no sleep, so I am kicking buns and taking names and asking questions later.
I'm sorry for your loss, Redbird. I don't understand whose buns you are kicking, taking names and asking questions.
Tucker's Mom (#70), TFW went back to the same place that
cured her of her addiction to giving.
How soon before Gladys inserts herself into the conversation and
starts challenging Ivanka to squats?
I don't think Jon cares enough about Steve to sacrifice millions of dollars in future, easily attainable income just to make a point. That would be pretty nuts. I've never gotten the impression Jon was overly preoccupied with Steve or what he and Kate are up to. Whenever he's asked about Steve his answers are pretty nonchalant, sort of like heck if I know what's up with them but I guess it looks fishy? It seems to me Steve or no Steve he doesn't want to be with Kate.
Exactly. At that point, there was no love lost between Kate and Jon. I don't think that he could have cared less about her relationship with Steve, if there were one. He was a mere blip on the radar as far as Jon was concerned. If the marriage was broken, and if he could have kept on raking in millions of dollars I think he would have done so, if he had only dollar signs in his eyes. I would believe that he came to his senses as far as the kids were concerned, and he gave up all of that future income for the sake of his children. Steve be darned.
I want to know what program Kate entered to break her addiction, because it's working like a charm!
Passages Malibu. Perhaps Milo could join her there to get help for her Kate addition.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 72
Tucker's Mom (#70), TFW went back to the same place that
cured her of her addiction to giving.
Yes, that too!
Kate has to team up with Dr. Drew so she can cure all of his booze and drug-addled celebs.
You know this is the second time Kate has referred to the Trumps, in a week.? First it was Eric and now his sister. First she licks the hand that feeds her(letting her on CA & perks, then bites it, when DT ignores her & she gets canned, now she is kissing up to family members.
What's the matter, all the rumors you heard, that if you get on CA, it opens up TV gigs? Not for you Kate, they used you for ratings & conflict, talent wise you are talent less. Can't sing, can't dance, can't act & can't talk either, even your grifting isn't working anymore. Too bad! Welcome to the real world. Not LALla land world of reality TV.
ǂDanielle5/6 @DanielleMcFly11 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 alexis faith is the cutest name. I wanna steal it :)
Well, Danielle, go right ahead. In fact, get it tattooed on your arm ;-)
Over in TFWcountry: Well, kids in their 20's or younger, it's more of a fashion fad, until they go to Florida and see a lot of elderly people wearing it, then it's not a fad. Seriously, I don't see a lot of people wear that here in the mid-west. Granted, the clothes are bright which denotes young & fun, which there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it is done tastefully and I don't look like the older people. People in the mid-west are more laid back in fashion, they really don't do fad fashion much, probably the ones that live downtown do, cause it's a showing off thing. I live near the burbs, so I see mostly team wear, jeans, uggs, a few in PJ wear, fashion boots. Course it is too early in the year to see what people will be wearing, cause it is still little cold out.
If you are happy with what you like to wear, hey wear it. I don't care for large floral print, in any color. As pillows or purse, not clothing.
getoftweeter said... 78
Over in TFWcountry: Well, kids in their 20's or younger, it's more of a fashion fad, until they go to Florida and see a lot of elderly people wearing it, then it's not a fad.
Where certain clothing fits in varies a whole lot.
Lily Pulitzer is "Main Line" in Kate's area.
We were just in Florida and the fashion sense varied from bright, bold florals in Naples, to laid back beachwear in Sanibel.
P.J. 68 That's what I had in mind. Thanks.
Access Hollywood tonight had interview with Tony Dovolani. He came to this country as a refugee from Kosovo. He was a teenager and his father was Albanian diplomat and they had to leave or be killed. He saw friends shot and killed.
to go thru all that, and later to be traumatized by tfmjg, her behavior had to be much worse than what we saw on film.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 37m 37 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 It gets worse...wait til U look at one & say "which one R you? LOL Rhymes help U know...makes brain cells grow! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 34m 34 minutes ago
The #OverFortySyndrome > http://fertilefoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/cartoon-284x300.jpg … …. @Kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 14m 14 minutes ago
@AliciaGSee LOL Kate will LOVE this...being compared 2ur #Grandma.... Am I right @kateplusmy8 ? :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 7m 7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Aren't U just loving these comments abt "grandmas" & "I didn't know U were that old?" LOL No worries..U still look 30-ish! :)
You're pushin' too hard, uh-pushin' on me
You're pushin' too hard, uh-what you want me to be
You're pushin' too hard about the things you say
You're pushin' too hard every night and day
You're pushin' too hard
Pushin' too hard on me
(Too hard)
LOL No worries..U still look 30-ish! :)
Ha! ish...
Alicia See-Rouco @AliciaGSee 16m16 minutes ago
@MiloandJack It wasn't meant as a jab...cuz I do it too and I only have one child.
Fired Up 4 Kate
@AliciaGSee Oh didn't take it that way at all...just teasing Kate...she has a good sense of humor..she won't take it the wrong way #promise!
Milo, always having to apologize because someone took her teasin' the wrong way. I know a way you wouldn't have to apologize all the time, Milo. #ThinkBeforeYouTweet #TryItSometime
Uggs has a new boyfriend! She's still collecting celebrities!
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
We sorta matched. Lol it was great meeting you :) #coolDude https://t.co/kPMwjRo2Zz
Over in TFWcountry: Well, kids in their 20's or younger, it's more of a fashion fad, until they go to Florida and see a lot of elderly people wearing it, then it's not a fad.
I disagree with you. It's not just elderly people in Florida wearing her designs...not by a long shot.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
We sorta matched. Lol it was great meeting you :) #coolDude https://t.co/kPMwjRo2Zz
Yeah, cool dude!
Is Uggs serious? Is it that she will take any old contact with whatever celeb even if they're about something she knows nothing about (rap), or does she just not look the part of what she's honestly interested in? She looks like a high school social studies teacher, not that there's anything wrong with that. She fascinates me far more than Milo.
I disagree with you. It's not just elderly people in Florida wearing her designs...not by a long shot.
One of my friends is 33 and she lives in Texas, she got a few of the dresses for herself and her baby daughter and then posted them wearing them on FB. She looks adorable. She's thin enough and petite enough where they wear well on her. The clothes look bright and happy and youthful.
When I just look at the dresses on the rack I feel like it's not my style at all. I think I would look frumpy on them.
Well, Danielle, go right ahead. In fact, get it tattooed on your arm ;-)
Who was the fan who had "Alexis" tattooed on her arm? A regular sheeple, or just a fleeting one?
I'm shocked Kate had the nerve to mention running when there hasn't been a race lined up for her in years.
Sometimes I think she reads here, at least occasionally, as we were just talking about how she never mentions running anymore.
AuntieAnn said... 42
Yeah, the one where she had to stay at the inn on bedrest and three wise men from TLC followed a star and came to offer her a contract.
Star? Kate's hard ass! That women sent up enough flares with her tapes and letters to the various TV networks to light up the state and beyond.
Getofftweeter (78): "Granted, the clothes are bright which denotes young & fun, which there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it is done tastefully and I don't look like the older people."
lol! So what "older people" wear is stereotypical? "Elderly" is what age group?
Excuse me while I go iron my muumuu and polish my black orthopedic shoes!
Sounds like Gladys is trying everything to get Kate's attention. Is it bunny-hiding time?
"Excuse me while I go iron my muumuu and polish my black orthopedic shoes!"...92
Don't forget your pink spoolies!
Gosh, I thought my pink flowered muumuu made me feel young again -- kind of like Gidget Goes Hawaiian!
My word. Is nothing sacred anymore? This fan posted a photo of her young child's face after a scooter accident...just to get a retweet from Kate. Sometimes you just want to knock some sense into these sheeple, and then you realize that it wouldn't do any good anyway. No wonder they love Kate. They don't even respect their own kids' privacy.
Star? Kate's hard ass! That women sent up enough flares with her tapes and letters to the various TV networks to light up the state and beyond.
Shhh. Kate thinks no one knows.
"One of my friends is 33 and she lives in Texas, she got a few of the dresses for herself and her baby daughter and then posted them wearing them on FB. She looks adorable. She's thin enough and petite enough where they wear well on her. The clothes look bright and happy and youthful." ...(88)
The Lilly dresses? My neighbor managed to score a dress at the Target sale. She is 33. She purchased a green and white jumpsuit for her little girl and it's beautiful. She loves it. I agree with admin. The clothing looks great on slender people, and how good it looks may depend on your body type, not your age. Some can wear them, some can't. Lilly does have a following, though, and it's not just the older generation. In fact, if they look good on you, then you certainly don't look elderly, but bright and youthful. It's something about the colors and fresh patterns that just puts spring into your steps!
There are some very attractive young models wearing her clothing,
Yeah, the one where she had to stay at the inn on bedrest and three wise men from TLC followed a star and came to offer her a contract.
But the wise men of the Bible were scholars, educators, men of wealth and nobility (or so the story goes), and of most importance, men of high integrity. That kind of eliminates anyone from TLC.
Serendipity #94 They take their cues from Kate. Remember when the little baby girl had a diaper blow out and mommydearest turned her to the camera for all to see. Not to mention showing their poop and sitting on potty.
Lisa P. Rannabargar @lpranna04 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I have 2 kids and I can't get their names right. #busymoms
Are these the same ones who want to know if the bread maker slices the bread, or if you unfreeze the cookies before you eat them? If so, welcome to the Double Digit group!
Not to mention showing their poop and sitting on potty.
Not to mention photographing that poop. I wonder if Kate ever had those pictures professionally framed!
Serendipity said... 96
I agree with admin. The clothing looks great on slender people, and how good it looks may depend on your body type, not your age.
I have an "Hawaiian Sun" two-piece swimsuit that I bought years ago at a vintage clothing store. I dug it out and tried it on today because of the topic here and by golly it almost still fits (shutup I said almost).
It's right out of the fifties with the bold red and white flower print, bottoms are high waist with a metal zipper, hook and eye attachment in the back and the bra has removable straps.
Too bad I can't wear it anymore. The spirit is willing but the flesh is...well, weak.
Someone wants to steal Alexis' name? Certainly this person doesn't need to tweet for Kate's permission. After all, Kate stole Alexis' (and Joel's) name from Bobbi McCaughey.
TLC stinks said... 69
Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin – Verified account @Kateplusmy8
@dowd24 same! I find ways around ironing. Not a priority here!NO worries! Lol
That's because somebody else does it.
That's exactly right.
From Kate's journal, this is the email she sent to Julie Carson for Amanda, whoever the hell Amanda was:
Hi guys- another wild goose chase for you Amanda
Our tempermental ironess (nanna Janet) took her check and quit today!!!!
S0-- could you inconspicuously look around our area - Reading, Shillington, Sinking Spring, Wyomissing area) and find us a weekly ironer!?
In the past, I've had no luck replacing Janet!
She does an immaculate job but is hard to deal with...
Jon was comissersting [sic] with her about me this morning while I was away so I can only imagine his part in her quitting... Thanks Jon!
Thanks Amanda!
Janet was hard to deal with?
Once again, outed by her own words, Kate proves she's a lazyass. And a liar. If she can't find someone to do the work for her, it's not a priority.
It's right out of the fifties with the bold red and white flower print, bottoms are high waist with a metal zipper, hook and eye attachment in the back and the bra has removable straps.
I'm trying to visualize this. The suit. Not you in the suit. I am not Gladys. Does the bottom have boy-cut legs?
Is it a good bra?
Interview with Tony dovolani is posted on Access Hollywood website. Watch it and hear his story and be thankful for a boring mediocre life.
Well I've been reading for several days, figuring out what you are talking about. I forgot all about Kate's blog that hadn't been updated in years. So she's at it again I guess. Now I'll have to make a note of a particular line of fashion. It's among the many things I never pay attention to for some reason, but I the look will now trigger a response in me. Thank-you. It's good to be more observant. I still miss clothes I had before the fire and wonder , now where is that top with the ….and then remember, I don't have it anymore.
The interior walls are up, and the kitchen cabinets are in. Walls and exterior painted. And I got called over last week and select a sample of granite. But the guy only brought one, so I said ok, I pick that one. I'm not so easy as I am tired and give up. But hey, the dog is doing well. We go to a meet up one night a week, all day dog park on Sundays, and on Saturdays he is the star of agility class, learns fast, and moves faster, and really seems very happy to do it. Glad I dropped by. The best to all of you.
From Kate's journal, this is the email she sent to Julie Carson for Amanda, whoever the hell Amanda was:
Hi guys- another wild goose chase for you Amanda
Our tempermental ironess (nanna Janet) took her check and quit today!!!!
S0-- could you inconspicuously look around our area - Reading, Shillington, Sinking Spring, Wyomissing area) and find us a weekly ironer!?
In the past, I've had no luck replacing Janet!
She does an immaculate job but is hard to deal with...
Jon was comissersting [sic] with her about me this morning while I was away so I can only imagine his part in her quitting... Thanks Jon!
She calls NANA JANET tempermental? oh that is rich
She took her check?? the absolute nerve of her!
Inconspicuously look for someone else??...passes off the job of finding someone else TO someone else and they also have to pretend they're NOT looking for someone else. (and if THAT person is also "tempermental", she can blame it on this Amanda )
She does an immaculate job but is hard to deal with?? She's there once a week?? I'm sure it was fantastic job but tfw would probably find something to bitch about her work. What else would bring out Nana's "tempermentality" Really? Can you imagine?
And when all else fails?? BLAME JON
What a bitch
Kate seems to hate interviewing and hiring new people, and farms that task out whenever possible.
I don't believe Kate has zero cleaning help. No way in a house that size.
It's almost a full time job taking care of it inside and out.
I think she has cleaning service.
I think the help that Kate "doesn't have time to hire" (wtf??) is a Brady Bunch Alice-type.
Hey, Border Collie, nice to hear from you. Hope all is well and your life is getting back on track.
I'm with you. Fashion is the least of my worries.
I've worked at a private boarding school for the past 20 years.The ultimate prep school. Lilly has been in vogue with this crowd forever. The girls, their mothers and grandmothers all wear Lilly. Paired with Jack Rogers sandals and it's almost a uniform here. And they are not buying them from Target. Not me, I'm too mediocre.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 87
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
We sorta matched. Lol it was great meeting you :) #coolDude https://t.co/kPMwjRo2Zz
Yeah, cool dude!
Is Uggs serious? Is it that she will take any old contact with whatever celeb even if they're about something she knows nothing about (rap), or does she just not look the part of what she's honestly interested in? She looks like a high school social studies teacher, not that there's anything wrong with that. She fascinates me far more than Milo.
A few months back, I was in the car with my LOM (lol). I was reading this blog and someone was talking about Uggs and Uggs, Jr. It made me giggle, so I was trying to explain the code!
Her Facebook page is open. Her friends are not as "hot" as she would have one believe! She is obviously on the prowl for a man, preferably a celebrity. She is one strange bird.
These people like Milo and Uggs fascinate me, too.
Admin said...
She looks like a high school social studies teacher...
I'm not trying to be nasty, but I thought that pic was photoshopped. A highschool social studies teacher, FROM THE 50s? I'm missing something here.
I would think by now Kate is close to exhausting any hired help in her vicinity because of her reputation, but there are still folks who need work. ITA the reason for the piles of dirty clothes and dishes was because it was waiting for the hired help, not Kate nor even the kids. I don't believe for a minute, despite her attempts on Twitter to be Holly Homemaker, that she ever lifts a finger at that house...supervise, yes, but not actually work.
That is the point about her: why lie? We understand it's a big house and there are eight kids BUT why invent such nonsense?
This whole Target/Lilly Pulitzer debacle....gah. LP is popular with young well-to-do people here in the South. Agree... Her clothes look great on children and people with that kind of child-like slenderness. I think the snob appeal of LP is the polar opposite of Target's nice stuff/good price appeal. I like LP, I like Target. I don't like the shit that went down when Target sold LP to a few greedy people. Really cheapened everything.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 104
I'm trying to visualize this. The suit. Not you in the suit. I am not Gladys. Does the bottom have boy-cut legs?
Sleepless, I put a pic up on my blogger profile of not me in the suit :0)
It's lined with cotton and, no, the bra isn't a 'good' bra. When I looked at it again the buttons on the straps are for the option of criss-crossing in the back, and not removable.
TLCstinks: Kate lives in a LALA land fantasy. That she created, and intends on living it for real. Whether people, family like it or not. I would say Kate is living about half of that fantasy. But Kate, refuses to acknowledge that with this fantasy comes work & responsibility, it is not just handed to you. TLC really screwed her up by giving her things, trips, down payment for the house, and I would not be surprised if TLC was making the house payments, insurance payments, school payments, while they were doing the show. Or when ever they do the show, Kate gets extra, besides the $40,000. Cause, with all Kate has to pay, $200,000 is not going to cover those bills. If that is what she is making, $40,000,an episode is certainly not covering that. For TLC it is a drop in the bucket to pay for those bills. It's a trade off: TLC mostly wants the kids/family view, ratings, Kate wants the bills paid. Kate knows as we have always said, she is nothing without those kids. It's you want my kids, you pay my bills, plus the $40,000 an episode.
Sleepless, I put a pic up on my blogger profile of not me in the suit :0)
It's lined with cotton and, no, the bra isn't a 'good' bra. When I looked at it again the buttons on the straps are for the option of criss-crossing in the back, and not removable.
Oh, Auntie! You need to tweet Taylor Swift and tell her you two are twinsies!
Remember, she wore this "retro" bikini a season or two ago.
You should tweet her incessantly like Cereal Lady, and beg for backstage passes!
Sleepless, I put a pic up on my blogger profile of not me in the suit :0)
It's lined with cotton and, no, the bra isn't a 'good' bra. When I looked at it again the buttons on the straps are for the option of criss-crossing in the back, and not removable.
You are a mind-reader! I read your swimsuit description last night, and this morning I was going to post that you should use the swim suit photo as your avatar. You beat me to it! I love that suit. Do you want to sell it?
I am offended by the comments about the Lilly clothing being for the elderly. I own two dresses. I do not feel matronly in them, and when I sit on the sofa, I do not look like a cushion, and I am not mistaken for a curtain. At least nobody tells me that to my face. All of this, including the "offended" comment, is LOL, of course!
"I'm not trying to be nasty, but I thought that pic was photoshopped. A highschool social studies teacher, FROM THE 50s? I'm missing something here."
The photo of Uggs? It's not photoshopped. She's a celebrity groupie for as many of them who will give her the time of day. She seems to prefer rappers and young comedians, travels to Atlantic City, New York, on a frequent basis, attending their shows, trying to get meet and greets with them, begging them to hang out with her over a coffee or whatever. She also is enamored with female celebrities, loves them, gives them hugs and kisses and whatever, compliments their clothing, bodies, so I'm not really sure her preference. Before Uggs Jr landed a job, she was snuggling up to pro ball management, hoping to get him a job with the Yankees. She's a character. Kate knows exactly what she is doing when she ignores her. She thinks that she is Kate's "buddy" forever and she misses her.
Yes, she is nearly as fascinating as Milo. Sheeple are strange, but intriguing. This not not include Goody, who is just too far out there to be anything but disgusting.
Cause, with all Kate has to pay, $200,000 is not going to cover those bills. If that is what she is making, $40,000,an episode is certainly not covering that
That figure ($200,000) is not what she is making, but is her estimated net worth. As some have pointed out here, this was reported several years ago, and the net worth figures for celebrities may be accurate, but chances are that they are pulled out of who-knows-where.
The photo of Uggs? It's not photoshopped. She's a celebrity groupie for as many of them who will give her the time of day. She seems to prefer rappers and young comedians, travels to Atlantic City, New York, on a frequent basis, attending their shows, trying to get meet and greets with them, begging them to hang out with her over a coffee or whatever. S
When you put it like that it almost sounds like an addiction. She gets some kind of temporary buzz from meeting a celebrity face to face, getting a photo, tweeting them, but she can't be satisfied with that. She wants more and more. She comes home and then it's off somewhere else the next weekend for her next buzz.
She must be spending a fortune on all this travel and the tickets. I wonder what her son thinks. Does she go alone to these things? I can't imagine she can scrounge up friends to come along on such a consistent basis. People have lives. It seems like there are much more productive hobbies out there.
How long will it be before the sheeple drive-bys tweet how thrilled they are that Kate's "new season/episodes" will begin on Mother's Day?
Re: recent tweet. Most mothers do that all the time, call each kid's name, the dog's, the goldfish, before getting the one you mean...not Tweet-worthy .
The photo of Uggs? It's not photoshopped. She's a celebrity groupie for as many of them who will give her the time of day.
Katie's fans are certainly a strange bunch.
She comes home and then it's off somewhere else the next weekend for her next buzz. 117
This sounds a lot like Katie when TLC was footing the bill. The difference is that Uggs seems to genuinely enjoy herself.
getoftweeter said... 116
If that is what she is making, $40,000,an episode is certainly not covering that. For TLC it is a drop in the bucket to pay for those bills. It's a trade off: TLC mostly wants the kids/family view, ratings, Kate wants the bills paid. Kate knows as we have always said, she is nothing without those kids. It's you want my kids, you pay my bills, plus the $40,000 an episode.
On the Baba Wawa interview with Mary Kay Letourneau, Walters said that the couple had wanted to keep their wedding a private affair, but along came "Extra" (IIRC) and offered them $750,000 if they could film the ceremony, so they opted to let privacy fly out the window and they took the money. That was in 2005.
My point is if these production companies are willing to pay that kind of money to film the marriage of a sex offender and her victim back in 2005, there are bigger bucks on the table in 2015. I'm sure Kate and monkeyman negotiated a huge sum with TLC before Kate chicken-scratched her name on the contract. Much more than a mere $40K.
Of course for Kate, however much money it is, it will never be enough.
She must be spending a fortune on all this travel and the tickets. I wonder what her son thinks. Does she go alone to these things? I can't imagine she can scrounge up friends to come along on such a consistent basis. People have lives. It seems like there are much more productive hobbies out there.
I guess to each their own. Celeb worship and trying to meet them seems to be Ugg's hobby, and while I can't imagine nearly stalking "stahs" on social media, I think anyone who's not harming them can have at it.
I'd be really embarrassed to find myself acting all giddy and supplicative after 30 years of age.
Has anyone seen TLC's promos for Kate's new episodes (for their "mother's" day marathon)?
Does this not look like Uggs?
O T it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I highly doubt TLC paid for the house or even the down payment. At the time, Jon and Kate could well afford the property and had the money for a down payment. Indirectly, of course, TLC did buy them the house through their salaries.
I think at present, in addition to her $40K per episode, she probably gets a clothing allowance for her and the kids, TLC picks up tab for Steve, and they pay all transportation, food and lodging costs for everyone.
In the big picture, though, this is a huge drop in money for her. Considering she has got to have a negative cash flow with more going out than coming in, she must be almost certainly dipping into any funds she hid from Jon. Even if she's has a great return on investments, she still can't just live off that. Considering how many more years of school those kids have, I believe most of the money will be long gone because she will never make the income she made during her peak. She's all about appearances anyway. She wants the world to see Jon as a loser who gave up a lucrative gig with TLC and she is the winner who is supporting the kids through TLC.
AuntieAnn -- love the suit! Love it!
You inspired me to go digging into the blanket chests where my mother stored some vintage clothing. I found two sleeveless summer shifts, pink and white floral, in perfect condition with no mice chews. I tried one on, and by gosh, I look just like LP! Kidding aside, these dresses (fully lined) are really nice. The label is "Sutton. Needlecraft," which was an exclusive clothing store on the boardwalk in Atlantic City that was frequented by celebrities back in the day, and champagne and tea sandwiches were served to customers. It sold only designer clothing and the prices were way up there.
I'm going to take the dresses and have them cleaned and pressed, and I will wear them. I just hope that I don't look like I'm wearing the LP Target line. Honestly, these dresses really do look like Lilly dresses. I don't know who "Suttton" was, but he/she could have been Lilly's inspiration (or mother or grandmother)!
I was hoping to find a red and white swimsuit among the vintage items, but so far, no luck!
P.J. said... 128
Does this not look like Uggs?
Is that Judy Holliday? She was so cute. I used to see her in old black and white movies shown on TV years ago (The Fabulous 52) I think it was. She played a dumb blonde. I always thought she was adorable and to me, there's a slight similarity but very slight.
Sort of, but not really. Uggs' glasses are crooked!
She must be spending a fortune on all this travel and the tickets. I wonder what her son thinks. Does she go alone to these things?
Apparently her "hot" friends go with her and her son moved away. I'm not so sure it's just a case of this being a hobby. If you look at her TL, she's dead serious about meeting these people and becoming part of their lives. It looks like she's really a pest about it with multiple tweets to the Celebrity of the Day. Even if she's not harming anyone, it's really creepy.
She's from Pottstown, in Kate's area. I guess there are slim pickings there when it comes to meeting men, so she's moved on to bigger and better places and men who have made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. No offense to Pottstown. Some of my in-laws live there. She's not one of them.
I used to get very cute Lilly Pulitzer dresses for my little daughter ( then)
at TJ Maxx or Marshalls. I do most of my clothing shopping there and some at Target. But you often see LP items in expensive seaside shops etc.But I would never stand in line or fight other customers just to have a certain label.I like some of the LP line though.
Robert posted one of Kate and Jon's tax returns on his website, perhaps that was their highest yearly income they had?
I don't know where the past $250,000 per episode amt came from, even Kate disputed it (although she's the lying liar who lies).
Where did the current $40,000 per episode amt come from? I don't know if TLC has to offer her that amt of $ any longer....she's desperate, and they know it. I certainly don't think they have the G kid's best interest at heart, since it sure didn't bother them to capitalize on how they handled their parent's divorce. And come to think of it, neither does their gestational carrier, who didn't mind one bit to show the kid's difficulties at that time. Shame on her.
Reality tv is cheap to produce; if Kate doesn't agree to their salary offer, they can go look for the next train wreck. There are plenty of them.
Tucker's Mom said... 127
Has anyone seen TLC's promos for Kate's new episodes (for their "mother's" day marathon)?
I saw something. It was a promo for several shows: Kate, Leah Remini, and I forget who else. Kate was on for about 3 seconds: she was shown lounging on her couch and said a few words, which I can't remember. It was followed by a more detailed promo for a single show: a Duggar daughter honeymoon in Europe. There was quite a contrast between the two clips; TLC obviously considers the honeymoon show a bigger draw.
I had to google Lily Pulitzer because I was unfamiliar with that clothing line. To me the patterns are very reminiscent of the Pucci prints that I wore back in the day when I was much younger and in better shape. They absolutely are for young and slender women, although I can see the attraction for all ages. Personally I like what I saw and it reminds me of what my dd always says: don't be afraid of
I highly doubt TLC paid for the house or even the down payment.
I wonder about that. If back then TLC saw them as the goose that laid the golden egg and they expected big bucks from filming and needed a "set," then it wouldn't surprise me if part of the cost of the house might have been negotiated into the contract. Who knows, though, and we can speculate until the cows come home.
I don't know where the past $250,000 per episode amt came from, even Kate disputed it (although she's the lying liar who lies). 136
It was published somewhere but I can't member what publication it was in. I distinctly remember seeing it. Given the amount of cash JK8 was ringing in ( don't forget all the merchandise TLC was hawking), the amount did not surprise me.
Found it. TV Guide is generally thought to be a reputable source.
"Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Starting the Count, Expecting Their First Kid"
Other than making babies, what do these people do?
Earnings per Robert's book.
Worth 200k my arse.
PA Dutch Mom said... 134
She's from Pottstown, in Kate's area. I guess there are slim pickings there when it comes to meeting men, so she's moved on to bigger and better places and men who have made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. No offense to Pottstown. Some of my in-laws live there. She's not one of them.
Actually, it's Pottsville in Schuylkill County (that's where the fundraiser was that Kate attended). Not many celebrities in Pottsville either (except for the Yuenglings and their Brewery).
Re: recent tweet. Most mothers do that all the time, call each kid's name, the dog's, the goldfish, before getting the one you mean...not Tweet-worthy .
I don't do that. I just call, "Hey, champ," and they all answer to that...all except the goldfish, of course. He kind of bubbles up to the top. His name, appropriately enough, is Bubbles.
PA Dutch Mom said... 47
Did TLC pay Steve's salary?
This is just my opinion, but I think TLC did pay Steve's salary while the show was still on the air. However, I think once Kate's contract was up, they discontinued any payments to Steve, except for while they were filming the specials and the abbreviated filler season. I would think Kate would have had to pay Steve's fees during the filming of Celebrity Apprentice and any other time she "needed" him to help her navigate the big, scary world.
Midnight Madness said... 142
"Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Starting the Count, Expecting Their First Kid"
Other than making babies, what do these people do?
Making babies doesn't take much talent. Thousands of teens do it all the time.
PA Dutch Mom said... 134
Not many celebrities in Pottsville either (except for the Yuenglings and their Brewery).
In my family, the Yuenglings are rock stars!
Other than making babies, what do these people do? 142
They make money by having TLC film their lives. Otherwise, I can't think of anything.
Oh my, Jessa Duggar is pregnant that quickly too?? And I read Jill's labor was 70 hours followed by a C-section..She is disappointed to have had to have the baby this way and hopes for a VBAC next time. I wish people would not stick to the idea that C-sections are not 'really" giving birth and drugs and hospital births a cop-out..
PA Dutch Mom said... 139
I highly doubt TLC paid for the house or even the down payment.
I wonder about that. If back then TLC saw them as the goose that laid the golden egg and they expected big bucks from filming and needed a "set," then it wouldn't surprise me if part of the cost of the house might have been negotiated into the contract. Who knows, though, and we can speculate until the cows come home.
I wouldn't think TLC would buy the house. I do think they would pay a per-episode fee for using it as a set. This would have the advantage (for Kate) of classifying some of the income as "hers, all hers" so no part of it needs to be set aside for the kids. On the other hand, if it is hers, she would have to pay tax on it, but may be able to deduct some expenses from the income.
Admin said (re Uggs):
When you put it like that it almost sounds like an addiction. She gets some kind of temporary buzz from meeting a celebrity face to face, getting a photo, tweeting them, but she can't be satisfied with that. She wants more and more. She comes home and then it's off somewhere else the next weekend for her next buzz.
It sure seems like she is addicted to meeting or interacting with certain celebrities. I don't find her as obsessively creepy as Milo - but she has to be, to some extent, delusional. She appears to believe that those male celebs she is constantly tweeting might actually want to meet up with her, rather than any number of younger and more attractive female fans.
However, she does seem to also be rational and socialized enough to maintain some sort of job, and have actual real life friends (unlike either Kate or Milo). So maybe instead of alcohol, gambling, or other vices, she's addicted to meeting a certain type of male celebrity.
Actually, it's Pottsville in Schuylkill County (that's where the fundraiser was that Kate attended). Not many celebrities in Pottsville either (except for the Yuenglings and their Brewery).
Yes, I know that! LOL! Thanks for the correction! I have no idea why I wrote Pottstown and I haven't even opened a keg yet today. I have a very old tin Yuenglings beer sign in the game room in honor of the birthplace of one of the in-laws. I'm not sure if he was born in the brewery, but close by! He certainly had a fondness for the drink!
Ami M. Lee @AmiLeePhotos 39m39 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Love the blog. I've always enjoyed how ur personality shines through. Now to turn on reruns & clean my house. #ThankU4CityWater
And which personality might that be?
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 121
How long will it be before the sheeple drive-bys tweet how thrilled they are that Kate's "new season/episodes" will begin on Mother's Day?
That didn't take long.
Daphne1608 @Daphne1608 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 are there new episodes coming on of Kate plus 8?
Math Girl (#137), thanks for the info about the TLC promo. Seems
like TFW is not the big draw that night, although her fans will spin
it differently.
Noha M. Bayashoot @Neno_Bayashoot 6m6 minutes ago
@Kaceytron420 @Sassccha @loladeed @Kateplusmy8 sometime mom loses their temper.. & Kate knows its a reality show & maybe she was stressed.
Good lord. It's been said that God looks out for fools and drunks. I hope He includes sheeple, too.
Viaviewfiles.wordpress.com has new article with lots of interesting speculation. I never would have heard of this fascinating site with lots of legal info explained in a generally understandable way, except for the info about it I read here.
"Sherri Shepherd has lost her epic battle with her soon to be ex-husband ... she's officially listed as the mother of the child who was born via surrogate.
Shepherd and her estranged husband, Lamar Sally, have been battling in court since the child's birth in August and it's been all about the moolah. Sherri claims she was tricked into having the child with Sally and therefore has no connection or responsibility to the child.
A Pennsylvania just begged to differ, ruling her Hancock belongs on the birth cert.
Lamar says he's ecstatic with the ruling telling TMZ, "I want her to go on television and apologize the same way that she went on there and accused me of being a gold digger and tricking her into having a baby."
We're told Shepherd was a no-show at the hearing,
The two still need to meet in front of a judge in L.A. to sort out the child support situation. He wants her to help take care of the child."
I hope she doesn't teach the child that the world is flat and Jesus pre-dates everything, or that it's perfectly acceptable to threaten to blow up someone's car.
The Twitter non-fans are of the opinion that Doofus Goofus Gladys is a man. Has she (he) ever come out and totally denied it and set the record straight?
Was looking for promos for the mother's day special and came across this
it's all stupid and boring but listen to her say
"nobody wake me up before 9, unless it's to turn off the alarm and let shoka out"
WTF??? Does she mean one of the kids has to go into her room to turn off the alarm? NINE O"CLOCK???
what a lazy sack of s&*#!
Earnings per Robert's book.
Worth 200k my arse.
Thanks, Rhymes!
I need to reread Robert's book. I have both editions, never read a word of the second, the first one was so horrible I had to read it in stages, the abuse was just so terrible.
Kate has big expenses, living large needs large income.
I wouldn't think TLC would buy the house. I do think they would pay a per-episode fee for using it as a set. This would have the advantage (for Kate) of classifying some of the income as "hers, all hers" so no part of it needs to be set aside for the kids. On the other hand, if it is hers, she would have to pay tax on it, but may be able to deduct some expenses from the income. 150
Is that anything like having a home office? Serious question.
Vanessa said... 160
Was looking for promos for the mother's day special and came across this
it's all stupid and boring but listen to her say
"nobody wake me up before 9, unless it's to turn off the alarm and let shoka out"
WTF??? Does she mean one of the kids has to go into her room to turn off the alarm? NINE O"CLOCK???
what a lazy sack of s&*#!
Kate loves her sleep, that's for sure.
If I got up at 9am, I'd feel like half the day was wasted. Plus, I'd never make my dogs hold their bladders for that long!
WTF??? Does she mean one of the kids has to go into her room to turn off the alarm? NINE O"CLOCK???
what a lazy sack of s&*#!
I am sure she's referring to the home security system, turn off the alarm system so the kids can let the dog out.
That campfire was an additional bonus clip, held after the disastrous pumpkin throwing on the last special. I was also confused- why set an alarm on a non-school day? For Shoka? Um, wouldn't;t he already be out?
Their S'mores had only marshmallow, no chocolate or graham crackers?? It was a nice scene- wonder why it was deleted?No arguing or violence. Maybe that's why.
Poor Kate. Well not. There is no way she can compete with Duggar world. No matter what anyone thinks of this family, what they bring to People and TLC are young, fresh and babies. Lots of babies. Even JimBob and Michelle are in the back seat now.
Kate mentioned it's been awhile since they had a fire pit going and toasted marshmallows.
I bet- it had probably been exactly since the last time TLC filmed.
I don't believe she does that on her own.
Their S'mores had only marshmallow, no chocolate or graham crackers?? It was a nice scene- wonder why it was deleted?No arguing or violence. Maybe that's why.
NT definition, those are roasted marshmallows, not s'mores. (former Girl Scout here).
TLC certainly does go for the "drama".
Maybe someone could explain this to me. I don't have Twitter. There is a whole slew of tweets TO Kate, calling her out for being lazy, no job exploiting her kids, etc. She obviously would have these people blocked. If she can't see them, why would anyone waste their time tweeting to her? If they are blocked, does she see them?
Even JimBob and Michelle are in the back seat now. 168
I REALLY hope that Michelle doesn't get pregnant again for the health of baby and mother.
The TLC bonus footage roasting marshmallows was very nice. Kate talks about how the kids are growing up and before long, those moments will be gone.
I wonder if it ever occurs to her that Jon is also their parent, just as much as she is, and feels those very same things.
I can't bring myself to feel compassion for her, or moved by her words, when she can't and won't do that herself.
Even JimBob and Michelle are in the back seat now.
Until JimBob unzips and Michelle gets pregnant again. Then here we go...
I get the impression Uggs considers herself very good looking and that she wants a man ... She wants him bad! (As we used to say in college!)
Her twitter handle includes 66, so I assume that's her birth year. She's no spring chicken. (I can say that. She's younger than I am!) It's just bizarre to me that someone that age who, um, isn't beautiful would fawn all over men she doesn't know and make it so clear she's on the prowl.
She has a Maxine cartoon on her Facebook page (yeah, I snooped) with this caption: "Any place where you can order 'wieners' and 'nuts' is okay in my book." And that about sums it up!
I'll bet Uggs, Jr., is SO embarrassed by her.
If I got up at 9am, I'd feel like half the day was wasted. Plus, I'd never make my dogs hold their bladders for that long!
Exactly! What is she? 16 yrs old? She's lecturing the "teens" about waking HER up??
Angie said, "I am sure she's referring to the home security system, turn off the alarm system so the kids can let the dog out.'
Yes, that would be the security system. Make sure to publicize that the central dis-arm is in her bedroom. Why not just post the code?
Joy said, "Viaviewfiles.wordpress.com has new article with lots of interesting speculation. I never would have heard of this fascinating site with lots of legal info explained in a generally understandable way, except for the info about it I read here."
Yes, the legalize is interesting, if it's accurate, but who knows? I don't know who any of the people are, except if I read about a few of the really slow, obnoxious scary sheeple. I'm confused about who is suing whom, but I guess it will all come out in the wash. I know that BV has a nutjob for an attorney and that apparently he's losing big time in court.
I am sure she's referring to the home security system, turn off the alarm system so the kids can let the dog out.
Yes, I think you're right. I guess only she knows the code
I'm speculating, but since the laws were passed about the compensation for the children (which I still think is a pittance) I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of manuevering so that what was once "salary" became " set rental or some other item.
In other words, rather than pay, say, $100,000 per episode to the family, they would pay $50,000 salary and $50,000 rent or producer fees or some other fee. That way, more for sKate and less for the kids. I think that's their/her way around the laws. There's no way she thought up the idea of her being a producer all by herself. And once someone suggested it to her, then she came out with the "I know how to film my family better than anyone" crap.
Blowing In The Wind said... 158
"Sherri Shepherd has lost her epic battle with her soon to be ex-husband ...
I say good! She needs to take responsibility for the life SHE was a part of in creating. Gold digger? Puleeze! She is all over the place with her relationships, children, morals, personality...she's another one who likes the new shiny toy and once she's done with it, it's kicked to the curb
Milo is getting a little 'behind' in her tweets. Must be all of that butt squatting. Kate tweeted and it took Gladys five minutes to come up with this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @people Aww Kate..are you getting antsy 4having some more #Multiples? LOL #HaveYouLostYourMind :) I know...its the #Memories
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 Say can you just give us a lil insight as 2what ur #MD special on @TLC will be about? A lil #HintHint A #PreTeaser please!
CALL HER! Communicate in your various other ways! I'm sure she won't mind! What will a MD special be about? Why, Christmas, of course!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Say can you just give us a lil insight as 2what ur #MD special on @TLC will be about? A lil #HintHint A #PreTeaser please!
Um...a trip to Mexico?
Vanessa said... 178
Blowing In The Wind said... 158
"Sherri Shepherd has lost her epic battle with her soon to be ex-husband ...
I say good! She needs to take responsibility for the life SHE was a part of in creating. Gold digger? Puleeze! She is all over the place with her relationships, children, morals, personality...she's another one who likes the new shiny toy and once she's done with it, it's kicked to the curb
I agree that Sheri is responsible for that baby.
What a mess.
No wonder she and Kate were fast friends.
I'll bet Uggs, Jr., is SO embarrassed by her.
He moved away, I think to Ohio. She has pictures of him on her instagram. He looks like a nice young fellow, but a bit, um, nerdy. I guess that's what the 8.9 GPA in actuary (sic) science might do some guys. Maybe he's not embarrassed by her because he grew up with it and that's probably all he's ever known.
Does she have a job? Must be a flexible one if she can take off so much to go on the prowl. Or, she could work from home,
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Say can you just give us a lil insight as 2what ur #MD special on @TLC will be about? A lil #HintHint A #PreTeaser please!
Um...a trip to Mexico?
Gladys knows exactly where Kate went. She's doing this just to get her attention and get Kate talking about the special, and thus, pulling the fans into the excitement of it all. She may be a doofus, but sometimes she's a cunning one.
Sandie @SandieBellz 13m13 minutes ago
Sandie retweeted Daily Mail Online
@Kateplusmy8 Twitter fights trolling with new tool that automatically deletes abuse from timelines.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
@SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 Finally they R getting the tools that will clean things up! It's like a "verbal flush the toilet" for trolls! LOL
Well, then, I guess Lauren Sheep's TL will be a Ghost Town, and no more hate tweets from Goody, and Milo's nasty tweets about Jon will also be flushed! Whatever will the Detective and her buddies do?
Milo and Sandie want negative tweets flushed, but the sheeple need to look at themselves. Sandie has tweeted some nasty things about the current administration.
It works both way, sweeties.
I thought that Kate and the Sheep wanted BV to take of this hater problem. Did he fail?
Sandie @SandieBellz 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 “@HuffingtonPost: A new platform will offer real-time support to people being harassed online. http://huff.to/1HhVXqn ”
We started our blanket project today. The students were thrilled and they worked hard. Several finished and were proud to have some beautiful blankets to take home. Many were grateful and all thought it was very thoughtful and I was very proud of them. There are some beautiful blankets and they also learned a life skill.
When I told them of your generosity, they were truly amazed. I think for many of them, for the first time in their lives they realized that people care about them.
It was a beautiful thing to watch. Several of them finished and quietly went on to help each other. For a group of students that most people want out of sight, they were some of the best students I have ever had. The pride they took was awesome and when some of them got done, they wanted to take them and show them to anyone who wanted to see. The principal loved seeing them parade around with the blankets.
The ones that didn't finish will finish them by the end of the week. I can't wait to do it again next semester. This truly made my heart sing-and I think it did for the students also.
I am posting a link to my FB page with some of the pictures. California Peggy might be able to harvest them and post them to this thread...if anyone else can feel free.
I just want to say thank you all again for all you did to help make an idea into a reality.
Thanks for the update Pam 186.
Tucker's Mom said... 167
Kate mentioned it's been awhile since they had a fire pit going and toasted marshmallows.
I bet- it had probably been exactly since the last time TLC filmed.
I don't believe she does that on her own.
It seemed like it was a forced family kodak moment. Mady wasn't the least bit interested, but the sextuplets looked like they were having some fun. I think we all know why the kids don't balk too much at being filmed anymore. It's the only time Kate pays any attention to them.
PA Dutch Mom said... 131
You inspired me to go digging into the blanket chests where my mother stored some vintage clothing. I found two sleeveless summer shifts, pink and white floral, in perfect condition with no mice chews.
Same thing happened here. I started going through our cedar trunk this morning and got behind with my chores and and then almost missed an appointment ha! BUT I found a dress from the 70's, a Bohemian- style sweater with flared sleeves, a hippie tote and some other cool 'stuff'.
Oh but there are celebrities in Pottsville. Just not the kind you want to marry necessarily. Recently, Mumia Abu Jamal (sp?) was hospitalized in Pottsville. It's not far from the prison in Frackville.
Congratulations, Pam, those blankets look awesome.
I found some vintage stuff in my trunks too, but somehow, they all shrunk while in storage. Go figure.
To me the Target Lily Pulitzer thing is weird. Did Target get the same quality of fabric that LP usually uses or did they cheap out? Then the reports are that people bought a $40 dress at Target and are selling it on eBay for $250. But you can get the real thing on the LP website for $150-200. Are there suckers who will fall for this?
Then the reports are that people bought a $40 dress at Target and are selling it on eBay for $250. But you can get the real thing on the LP website for $150-200. Are there suckers who will fall for this? 192
You betcha.
I know a professional woman who dresses in vintage (including eyeglasses) c 1950.
It's not for me but it works for her. My taste runs more to late '60s/ hippie. :)
In deference to this veranda, I do have a few muu muus and some crocs. Oh and some white knee socks for when the nights get chilly.
OT useless information. Roo does not like zucchini but I discovered tonight that peas are ok. The funny thing is that she eats them one at a time. It's a riot to watch.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 118
You are a mind-reader! I read your swimsuit description last night, and this morning I was going to post that you should use the swim suit photo as your avatar. You beat me to it! I love that suit. Do you want to sell it?
I am offended by the comments about the Lilly clothing being for the elderly. I own two dresses. I do not feel matronly in them, and when I sit on the sofa, I do not look like a cushion, and I am not mistaken for a curtain. At least nobody tells me that to my face. All of this, including the "offended" comment, is LOL, of course!
Oh gosh Fleecing I don't know if I want to part with it right now. Such a dilemma. lol! I was looking at Hawaiian vintage clothing on amazon and pinterest and I'm just blown away by that red and white hibiscus pattern. Is this a stage we're going through?
P.J. said... 191
I found some vintage stuff in my trunks too, but somehow, they all shrunk while in storage. Go figure.
It has to be the humidity, right?
Pam - Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing the update.
Then the reports are that people bought a $40 dress at Target and are selling it on eBay for $250.
There are several forums on this. People are really angry and have called for a boycott on eBay, hoping that the sellers will be forced to return the items to the stores, or lower the costs below what they paid for them.
I just pulled up the LP page and looked at the new arrivals. I couldn't help thinking how elderly those gals look! Seriously, there are some lovely styles and patterns and everything looks so fresh and appeals to the young (and slender). Gorgeous colors!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 51m51 minutes ago
When I read a tweets on a TL where mood is mainly upbeat &then I read tweets from bitter &hateful folks I have a mental cringe @kateplusmy8
Has anyone on Twitter made screen shots of the absolutely vile and disgusting tweets this crazy person has made about Jon and to some of the non-fans on Kate's timeline? If I recall, some of them were obscene. She must be doing a lot of cringing if she has read her own tweets.
What is wrong with these people?
AuntieAnn (195): "Oh gosh Fleecing I don't know if I want to part with it right now."
But if it doesn't fit, you must acquit, or so Johnnie said! I'd like to get in line to buy it from you!
I can't sleep. I'm watching Chopped and I have a craving for rice pudding, of all things. Unfortunately, that's not on McDonalds 24-hour menu.
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