Hear the call in its entirety here.
Read the full transcript here.
Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.
- Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
- Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
- Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
- Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.
1870 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1870 Newer› Newest»From the previous thread...
"Not to mention the changes poor Howdy would have to undergo."
The changes might be minimal, though. After all, he's a woody.
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
She makes it sound like she's doing something noble and unselfish for her kids' sake.
This comment was about her keeping the name Gosselin.
At the time of the divorce, I distinctly remember a TLC spokesperson stating
"she is a Gosselin through and through".
HAH! It was all about name recognition. That statement was otherwise meaningless.
by keeping their father's name.
Interesting. Kate never should have given Gladys that shout-out on television or tweeted that she loves her. Big mistake. Huge.
I didn't recognize Marcia without her poodle perm! She looks good.
Gigi, I get that, and I don't think Sandra has a right to complain when people take photos of her in public places, write articles about her, or gossip about her.
She does, however, have a right to lock her house to any intruders and a right to not hide in the closet terrified for her life so much so that she couldn't even remember the security code to let the police in. She was petrified for her LIFE.
Not just celebrities get stalked. It is not a first world problem, private people are stalked too and in fact most stalking cases involve private people and often low income people. It is often an element of DV which plagues poor areas. She could be stalked even if she were a private person or even if she were poor and lived in a third world country, so her choosing not to become a celeb or rich does not isolate her from stalking.
That's sort of like saying don't want to be raped don't talk to men.
Anyway, the point of the article is that fans can and are dangerous, and that any celeb who doesn't take that seriously, especially those with children like Kate, is being extremely reckless. What you CAN do as a celeb is keep a healthy and safe distance from fans by not telling them you love them, they're your friends, and other such nonsense that feeds into their delusion and encourages them to cross safe boundaries. Here, it doesn't look like Sandra did anything that would have encouraged him, thank goodness. If this can happen even if you don't encourage them, why on earth would you encourage it???
I was/am a 'part of the world' but I never heard about tfw expecting 6 babies! Never heard a word until I accidentally put TLC on one day. And there she was, with her screeching full blast, and bossing Jon around, with that same screeching.
And I must have missed out on this, but when did she ever spend her own money on vacays for the kids?? Every one of them were paid for and filmed by TLC! She could not even take her own kids to see the Statue of Liberty! Such a lying dolt.
HAH! It was all about name recognition. That statement was otherwise meaningless.
by keeping their father's name.
The sad thing is I would actually respect her more if she would just admit that she kept the name for the brand recognition. Be honest for once. Lots of people don't change their name because of the recognition, it's really not that big of a deal. She claims it's for the kids but she knows darn well it's not.
PJ's Momma - I understand your need for a break. I hope it won't be forever. Be well.
I was/am a 'part of the world' but I never heard about tfw expecting 6 babies! Never heard a word until I accidentally put TLC on one day. And there she was, with her screeching full blast, and bossing Jon around, with that same screeching.
For some reason I just heard Little Mermaid belting out Part of your wooooorld!!! Lol.
How can you not have heard of this?? hehe.
Seriously, I think the only reason I ever heard about this was because I actually remember skimming the newspaper, seeing a no more than two paragraph tiny blurb about it, and thinking, oh, I know where Reading is. Otherwise it wouldn't have been a blip on my radar. I completely forgot about it a day later and only remembered them again when, you guessed it, they showed up on television. I'm sure when I heard of their birth I thought something like, oh ANOTHER family with multiples, when will we be able to make fertility treatments safer? This was around the time everyone was having six kids at once and some people were having tragic results.
By the way, Sandra Bullock is not on twitter and has specifically said she won't be going on that. She said she doesn't get on there because ""I don't want anyone to know where I am." She has done nothing to deserve or invite such a thing. She has been responsible about her safety and that of her child's. It's astounding to me anyone would be anything less, but then there's Kate.
I noticed how, in the midst of all that was happening in the intruder/stalking scare, Sandra thanked the operator many times. Kate couldn't thank her tweetie loves even once for the birthday wishes.
, Sandra thanked the operator many times.
I saw that, must have been about ten times. She also politely apologized for being so scared that she couldn't remember things. It's amazing how in fight or flight situations your brain can forget such simple things. All your blood is going to your legs ready to run I guess.
I also saw that the operator never said Sandra BULLOCK omg! She just calmly kept helping her, gave her clear directions, and did a great job in a life threatening situation. Sandra kept talking about coming out and she insisted, over and over, she stay where she is. At one point the operator knew the person banging on Sandra's door was not the cops but the perp, but she did not frighten her over that and just told her don't move. That lady is a hero.
Correction the 911 operator was a man. Thank you sir.
I seen a commercial on TLC about a family with 12 kids, and the mom is very pretty, with long, blond hair! Lookout tfw!
Sorry, I 'saw' not 'seen', lol, bedtime.
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
I don't care if one is a famous person worth millions, or lives in public housing on the south side of the city, nobody should live through the fear of being stalked or find themselves the victim of an in-home invasion.
So glad she is ok, and here we see the price of fame.
How many of us need a panic room in our home? So glad she had one and she and her son are safe.
I love my mediocre life with my mediocre dog as security. I would not trade that for anything.
Living life in a fish-bowl means others can look in, and some will.
I love my mediocre life with my mediocre dog as security. I would not trade that for anything.
I love my mediocre life too but my dog is NOT mediocre for your information. :)
When Kate and her sheeple say we would do it too, this is one reason why we wouldn't. And it's a big one. Sandra didn't deserve an obsessed fan who violated her home and her safety, but that doesn't mean I want to risk such a thing either by becoming famous. Not only do I not want a fan trying to come into my home but I don't want a fan at ALL. The whole idea of being famous and having fans is creepy to me, and many others apparently, and I would NOT do it too. Fourteen year old girls dream about fame and hollywood. Most adults do not.
I just listened to the entire 15+ minutes of the 911 call and it was terrifying. This guy had the ability to get past the security cameras and gate and get inside her home. I don't even want to think what might have happened if had she accidentaly confronted him when she came home that night. Beyond frightening.
Kate would be wise to listen to it and consider it a wake-up call. If she thinks she's immune to things like this happening to her or her kids, she's wrong. For once in her life, she needs to put her kids safety before her goddamn need for attention.
Haven't listened to the audiotape, but did hear about this last night on the news (gee, Kate, do you watch the news? I doubt it-her 'news' is twitter!)
Remember Rebeccah Shaeffer? She was an aspiring young actress that was gunned down at her front door by a fan stalker.
Kate's been extremely fortunate so far, but she repetitively puts her family at risk by
1. posting updated pics of her children
2. putting then on tv (duh)
3. living out in the middle of ghettosville
4.no real security system
5.she has no means of protecting her family should an intruder enter (I know this is controversial, but it isn't illegal. given her isolated location it's something to consider)
6.she allowed TLC to provide blue prints of her house on the realist reality show.
I *honestly* hope nothing ever happens to Kate and her family, but why continue to put your family at risk? My home state is reflecting on the 20yr anniversary of the death of a latino singer-- Selena. She was killed by her #1 fan.
I lived one county over when TFW was pregnant and never heard a peep about her til I saw their Discovery special and it was probably the rerun
Gigi said... 2
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
So, if you should happen to win the lottery, you'll deserve to have a stalker invade your home? So Selena was asking for it? Rebecca Schaeffer was asking for it? I guess if this happened to KG she would deserve it too? And if it happened to one of her kids, who do we blame then? Right, I thought so.
prairiemary, I never heard of this miracle birth either and I'm a bit of a news junkie. The whole world? Her arrogance knows no bounds. I used to watch a lot of TLC back in the day, when they had quality programming. If we can credit sKate for the demise of something else we may as well make it TLC. Her shitshow opened the floodgates when they saw how much money was to be made with train wrecks.
If Steve were truly acting in the role of security, he would put a stop to her interacting on Twitter with strangers. She also puts her routines on Twitter so someone can easily stalk her or the children. If she had flesh and blood friends then there would be no need to correspond with people you know nothing about. It is very worrisome when a Tweeter believes they are a bestie when you have never met them. The problem is that the narcissist craves the attention and total devotion. It's a two-way sicko street. It's unfortunate for the kids that their mother uses Twitter as her tool to live their lives publicly. Risky.
Just an aside to the last thread, I never heard of the Gosselins until Discovery did their special. I am sure the birth of the septuplets was news in PA, but not countrywide and certainly not worldwide. Besides, she's the one who sent out the information about the births hawking her family. If not for her doing that, Discovery never would have come calling. I do give her credit for being goal oriented because she is the queen of masterminding.
I can't make myself listen to the 911 call, but I did read the transcript. HOW TERRIFYING.
Incidents like this happen all the time, to famous and not famous, but I think putting yourself into the public limelight DOES increase risk of being a target.
Kate's put her kids out there since 'our birth'. She should be ashamed.
It's incredulous that she's fame whored her kids all.of.their.life. ALL OF IT.
And what makes it worse, is that she's a child abuser (proof? her copyrighted journal).
I wonder why TLC continues to film the G's after the journal publication. TLC dumped HBB faster than you can say SugarBear, yet they continue to film Kate. What, it's okay to film someone that beat their toddlers but they draw the line at a sexual predator? Abuse is abuse-and the G kid's abuse was by their mother's own hand.
I've had a soft spot for Sandra Bullock since I heard an interview with
her a few years ago on NPR. She was asked if she'd be working more
once her son started school, and she said something like, she'd be
working less, because he'd need her more around that time.
And she didn't want to miss any of that part of his life. Compare
that to TFW, who admitted she prefers to be home one week
and away one week.
And yes, TLC Stinks (#24), TFW conveniently omits that tiny detail
from her "we are the world, we are the children" historical account.
She submitted a tape (no doubt sealed with a kiss) to hustle herself
a career. Without that "enterprising" idea (*waves to Geraldo*),
TFW would be TCW (the current wife) -- waking up this morning to
put on her nursing scrubs while Jon got the kids ready and out the
door to their bus stop before going to his own job.
How many of us need a panic room in our home? So glad she had one and she and her son are safe.
so true. It's very much like needing a code word if you fear your stalker. How many of us need that? Or a hiding place after the escape?
First world problems? yeah, don't think so
Gigi said... 2
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
I think Bullock's situation goes way beyond the usual fame-whore moaning, "I'm being bullied, whaaaaaa!".
Remember when Bullock when through an ugly break up and divorce from Jessie James?
His cheating was very public, Bullock was a step mom to his daughter, and James didn't keep things private, even though he was such a jerk!
Bullock could have done what Kate did, and still does, but, she's moved on and never mentions it, even though it had to have been embarrassing and devastating at the time.
That's how mature, emotionally and mentally stable people act.
This most recent interview with Kate seems like it's a rehash of old interviews, but really, it's just Kate saying the same damn things and not moving on.
IMO, she's showing signs of real mental problems that I hope can be addressed, even if under court order.
Kate's been extremely fortunate so far, but she repetitively puts her family at risk by
1. posting updated pics of her children
2. putting then on tv (duh)
3. living out in the middle of ghettosville
4.no real security system
5.she has no means of protecting her family should an intruder enter (I know this is controversial, but it isn't illegal. given her isolated location it's something to consider)
6.she allowed TLC to provide blue prints of her house on the realist reality show.
Also leaving a teenager/young adult with the kids for days/weeks at a time. At least Jon has a gun, not that I condone firearm ownership, but in his their case it makes sense.
prairiemary said... 6
I was/am a 'part of the world' but I never heard about tfw expecting 6 babies! Never heard a word until I accidentally put TLC on one day. And there she was, with her screeching full blast, and bossing Jon around, with that same screeching.
Raise your hand if you've heard of the Carey sextuplets?
They were born at Abington Hospital in 2011 to parents who live not all that far from Kate, in Feasterville, PA.
In fact, here's a Wiki list of multiple births.
Check off how many people have actually heard of, Kate dear, and then we'll talk about your uterus heard 'round the world, and how all these precious children never had, or will have, a chance to fit into society.
Honestly, she needs a rubber room at this point. Her reasoning is off the rails.
The sad thing is I would actually respect her more if she would just admit that she kept the name for the brand recognition. Be honest for once. Lots of people don't change their name because of the recognition, it's really not that big of a deal. She claims it's for the kids but she knows darn well it's not.
The name is as much for the kids as Kate wearing her wedding rings was.
I made NO excuses for keeping my ex's name after divorce- Everyone knew my by it professionally, and I kind of liked the sound better than my hard-to-pronounce-let-alone-spell-correctly maiden name.
I changed it when I got remarried.
Boom! There it is. The unvarnished truth.
I think Bullock's situation goes way beyond the usual fame-whore moaning, "I'm being bullied, whaaaaaa!".
I agree. Being "bullied" (a public figure called out on their bad behavior) on twitter is a first world problem. Having a gazillion people take your photo whenever you walk down a PUBLIC street is a first world problem. Having everyone know you're name because you're famous is a first world problem.
Being STALKED at your house and in fear of your life is EVERYONE's problem. Neither first world, third world, or deserved.
Sandra spends a great deal of time in Austin away from the celebrity lifestyle. She says she is watching her son carefully, and if Hollywood ever becomes too much for him she will up and quit, no questions asked. And I bet she will, too.
The thing about celebrity is that you are taking on a higher risk that someone will cross the line, and you then need to take appropriate steps to protect yourself like getting a secure home, like she did, setting up video cameras, like she did, and even getting a panic room if you have to, as she apparently did. This seems like a freak accident when Sandra took reasonable protections. She had barbed wired fence around her home apparently, I mean geez. But you don't put yourself and your children directly in danger by exposing so much of their private lives to the public (as Sandra does not). That's just reckless, celeb or not. Kate is DUMB when it comes to dealing with the public, and if this isn't a wake up call to her she needs to stop, I don't know what is.
I think Bullock's situation goes way beyond the usual fame-whore moaning, "I'm being bullied, whaaaaaa!".
Yes and on another note, it wasn't Sandra's decision to prosecute this guy and she has not turned this into a "look at me I'm persecuted" thing. That's the D.A.'s decision. THEY decided to press charges on behalf of the PEOPLE of CA, not just Sandra. They certainly could use her cooperation, but she's legally required to cooperate even if she doesn't want to, but they don't need her permission to file. This is a criminal lawsuit, not a civil one.
And, she didn't go to court yesterday. So it's not like she trooped in there surrounded by paps like some martyr for the cause. She is quietly dealing with this, and the state of CA is the one publicly dealing with HIM.
So it's not like she trooped in there surrounded by paps like some martyr for the cause. She is quietly dealing with this, and the state of CA is the one publicly dealing with HIM.
didn't the video also say that she's only been seen in public once since the incident? at mardi gras?
AuntieAnn said... 19
I just listened to the entire 15+ minutes of the 911 call and it was terrifying
Where did you listen to this? I can't find it anywhere
Just catching up on last night's posts on the previous thread. I consider myself very much part of this world and keep up with local, national and international "news". I don't recall hearing or seeing anything about the Gosselin family until around the time of the imminent divorce. Their faces seemed to be on the cover of every magazine at checkout counters everywhere I shopped. Never having seen their "show", my only thought was, 'who are these people?'.
I live just east of TFW and I did hear of the birth. Then I heard nothing about the family until the TFW told us that society owed her free nursing help. She is a legend in her own mind!
If TFW is a gosselin, through and through, was she never a Kreider?
Such an awful statement from the TLC PR machine.
She is a legend in her own mind!
This thread reminds me of Rebecca Shaffer. I found this article from People 26 years ago and mentions other stalked celebrities.
redbird said... 38
If TFW is a gosselin, through and through, was she never a Kreider?
Such an awful statement from the TLC PR machine.
I'm a (insert my married name here ) through and through.
Kate is a Gosselin because it's her brand.
Not the same. It's all business.
I didn't listen to the recording, but read the transcript. I can't get over how she kept saying thank you.
Bet that wouldn't be the case with TFW, who would just keep asking when Mr. Police Officer Man was going to get there and ask how he could help her.
This is very sad and scary. The number of celebrities who have undergone trauma at the hands of deluded fans is increasing, it seems. Even home invasions of non-celebrities are rampant. Part of this IMO is due to social media and people talking to people they don't really know- you can find out a lot about a person activities and whereabouts from what he/she posts.
And then there's the no-apparent-reason crimes. In our area, especially in the summer, we have youths come by wanting you to sign 'petitions' for various causes- apparently the partner scans your house looking for where your purse has been tossed, if your windows are open and accessible, whether you lock the door etc. A number of petty crimes happen every summer- and once kids at a neighbor's home were held captive but ran to safety. So be careful, people, especially in the warmer months, when doors and windows are open and people can easily see where your valuables and purse etc are. Lock your door even if you are just in the back yard.
localyocul - It helps if you listen to it and follow the transcript at the same time because some parts are hard to understand.
Gigi said... 2
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
Wow. This is an incredibly ill-informed and heartless position to take. Your lack of understanding and empathy is shocking.
Stalking is not just a first-world problem. It is an entire-world problem that does not discriminate between the famous and the not famous. It affects every social, economic, cultural, religious and racial community on this earth. Stalkers can target people of little means just as they can target people of great means.
While there are far more instances of normal, mediocre people being stalked (simply because there are far more normal, mediocre people in the world), people who are famous are at greater risk of being stalked simply because more people are aware of their presence in this world. This doesn't mean they deserve to be terrorized because they chose to be in the spotlight. It does mean that they need to be more vigilant and take extra precautions to protect themselves and their families. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, even that is not enough.
The bottom line is that no one deserves to be terrorized.
Tucker's mom....
The name is as much for the kids as Kate wearing her wedding rings was.
I made NO excuses for keeping my ex's name after divorce- Everyone knew my by it professionally, and I kind of liked the sound better than my hard-to-pronounce-let-alone-spell-correctly maiden name.
I changed it when I got remarried.
So funny---I was going to write the same thing! I thought about taking a new name, as a symbolic fresh start. But, I am divorcing my husband, not my children! Even though they are grown, that name is a connection. I guess it just really isn't very important to me to cut every tie we have.
PJs Momma....I have to take a break sometimes, too. Be well, and I will send Admin my email address, if you want to meet at that coffee shop at that lake.
PJ's Momma, I understand your need for a break. I am one of the many who will miss your wit and "charm"!
Come back when your stamina has been restored.
Bet that wouldn't be the case with TFW, who would just keep asking when Mr. Police Officer Man was going to get there and ask how he could help her.
And don't forget threating to sue if Mr. Police Officer Man didn't get there in a timely manner. You know she expects them to be waiting outside her gated McMansion just in case she needs them.
Mel said (42)
I didn't listen to the recording, but read the transcript. I can't get over how she kept saying thank you.
Bet that wouldn't be the case with TFW, who would just keep asking when Mr. Police Officer Man was going to get there and ask how he could help her.
You got that right! She would also be obnoxious and rude to Mr. Phone Operator Man, berate Mr. Police Man for taking too long to show up, and demand around-the-clock security --or free, of course-- because "society owes her".
Then, when the recording of her awful behavior was released, she'd blame her nastiness on stress from raising 8 kids, and then send out her deranged sheep to defend her.
Can anyone name a single time that a celebrity was ever harmed by a "hater"? There are many who have been stalked, harassed, assaulted, and even killed by deranged fans, but I can't think of a single instance where a "hater" was the one doing harm to the celeb.
And then there's the no-apparent-reason crimes. In our area, especially in the summer, we have youths come by wanting you to sign 'petitions' for various causes- apparently the partner scans your house looking for where your purse has been tossed, if your windows are open and accessible, whether you lock the door etc. A number of petty crimes happen every summer- and once kids at a neighbor's home were held captive but ran to safety. So be careful, people, especially in the warmer months, when doors and windows are open and people can easily see where your valuables and purse etc are. Lock your door even if you are just in the back yard.
Well I haven't heard of this-my goodness!
I live in a well traveled subdivision, our doorbell was constantly being rung-
carpet cleaners
floor cleaners
security systems
ele companies
direct tv/dish reps
political stuff
food sellers-some commercial, some not (fish, steak, chicken, burritos, tamales,candy, ice cream,popcorn, to name a few).
kids selling school fundraiser stuff
girl scouts
boy scouts
church youth
I finally got tired of it and bought a no soliciting sign and stuck in underneath the doorbell.
I keep my house locked up 24/7. If I need to run an errand and the kids are home (high school aged), I still shut the garage door. You can never be too careful!
Even with the garage door opened during the day, I keep the door into the house deadbolted (read an article about women in a large city close to us, women were going home after taking the kids to school and leaving this door open, and men were entering the house-some to simply rob, some worse.
Garage door openers are not left out in view. All cars locked and no valuables left inside.
localyocul - It helps if you listen to it and follow the transcript at the same time because some parts are hard to understand.
Thank you
Remember when Em came to meet the G family at the marathon,
and before you know it the kids were plunked on her lap? Who's
to say she wasn't some nut? Just because she's young and
blonde and pretty? Even if she's Mary Poppins incarnate, that
was a foolish move. If nothing else, it once again blurred the
boundaries those children have about strangers. Mom says
their fans are their friends, but their own father is seen as an
enemy, and isn't allowed on the property. And they have to
all smile for the camera for a TLC photo shoot, but when the
"p people" try to take their pictures -- Mom says they're bad,
and they should pretend to shoot them. WTF?
Garage door openers are not left out in view. All cars locked and no valuables left inside.
We use remotes. No openers in the cars and no home links set in the cars. Also have a keypad .
Where's the security for the kids when Mommie Dearest is out chasing her dreams? With her of course. She takes her bodyguard with her and leaves her kids back at home with nannies or babysitters who would likely freak out as much as the kids if someone broke into the house. Can you imagine trying to keep yourself composed enough to make a 911 call along with eight scared kids?
And even when she is at home she's probably locked inside her bedroom and isolated from the rest of the family. Kate has taken chances with their lives since they were born. Let's hope her 'luck' holds out, because luck is all it is.
Can anyone name a single time that a celebrity was ever harmed by a "hater"? There are many who have been stalked, harassed, assaulted, and even killed by deranged fans, but I can't think of a single instance where a "hater" was the one doing harm to the celeb.
Fans may turn into "haters" when they are ignored, so even if they were former fans, it's the hater part of them that does the harm and yes, even commit the murder.
Oh, the stock photo that Milo posted reminded me of a Seinfeld episode when George was doing the hand modeling.
Maybe that really is George with the watch holding the shoes. They were just finishing up with just a shot of the watch when the assistant came over and said that she really liked working with him.
Because those hands are not from a woman, they are Man Hands!
Gigi said... 2
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
I had to read this twice to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding it or that it wasn't snark. Then all I could say to myself was wow, just wow, someone actually believes this?
If you don't have a relationship with him then you need to go back to your maiden name Kreider. Why would you be such a parent alienator and proclaim that you don't have a relationship with your ex-husband, loathe him and keep HIS LAST NAME?
Did you keep your ex's last name?
redbird said... 56
Oh, the stock photo that Milo posted reminded me of a Seinfeld episode when George was doing the hand modeling.
Funny, redbird, I thought of George Costanza 'the hand model' too when I saw that photo. lol! Maybe that's what Gladys does for a living.
Gigi said... 2
First world problems. Don't wanna have fans/stalkers, don't become famous. This has happened so many times in the past and yet people still chase that sptlgiht. Deal with it. Sob into your hundred dollar bills.
That's rather harsh. Just because someone is famous, doesn't mean they deserve to have stalkers break into their homes and scare them, or worse, kill them (as has happened to some celebs and other well known figures). Bullock is fortunate that she has the funds to provide herself with the best security, and I don't see her as "sobbing into" her $100 bills or anything else. She has a young child, and I would guess her primary concern is for his safety, which would include keeping herself safe and alive so she can raise him.
Further, stalking and breaking into someone's home doesn't just happen to famous people. I had a friend when I was in my early 20's and she was an extremely attractive, striking looking 20-something. Because of that, some men just couldn't resist trying to talk to her, flirt with her, see if she was single. That's the norm that a beautiful young women has to deal with and usually it was fine. But on a number of occasions, some guy would spot her driving and would actually follow her. One guy followed her all the way home! Fortunately, her older brother happened to be outside working on his car and he chased the guy off.
Point being, have a little compassion. Bullock didn't deserve this crazy guy breaking into her house, even if she is famous.
If you don't have a relationship with him then you need to go back to your maiden name Kreider. Why would you be such a parent alienator and proclaim that you don't have a relationship with your ex-husband, loathe him and keep HIS LAST NAME?
I give Kate a pass on this one. Whether she kept it for 'the brand' or another reason, the kids don't need any more change and turmoil.
Since Kate spends 80% of her time in the kitchen, the only way she'll meet a man is when he shows up to fix her appliances. (hey! maybe that's why she breaks them all the time-she's on the prowl) Too bad most appliance repairmen are mediocre. sigh.
But on a number of occasions, some guy would spot her driving and would actually follow her. One guy followed her all the way home! Fortunately, her older brother happened to be outside working on his car and he chased the guy off.
Yes the nutjobs are out there. I think if I were being followed in a car I'd drive that sucker right into a police station parking lot.
Formerly Duped said:
And then there's the no-apparent-reason crimes. In our area, especially in the summer, we have youths come by wanting you to sign 'petitions' for various causes- apparently the partner scans your house looking for where your purse has been tossed, if your windows are open and accessible, whether you lock the door etc. A number of petty crimes happen every summer- and once kids at a neighbor's home were held captive but ran to safety. So be careful, people, especially in the warmer months, when doors and windows are open and people can easily see where your valuables and purse etc are. Lock your door even if you are just in the back yard.
Your safety reminder reminded me of the time, many years ago, when I answered the door of my apartment one afternoon and there was a guy trying to sell magazine subscriptions. He claimed to be a college student and trying to earn a trip to Europe or something. But he sure didn't look like a college student to me, with a small beer belly already, and a cigarette in his hand. I politely said "not interested" and closed the door on him.
Because those hands are not from a woman, they are Man Hands!
Those are not attractive hands, whether they belong to a man or woman. I wouldn't want them on me!
AuntieAnn said... 59
redbird said... 56
Oh, the stock photo that Milo posted reminded me of a Seinfeld episode when George was doing the hand modeling.
Funny, redbird, I thought of George Costanza 'the hand model' too when I saw that photo. lol! Maybe that's what Gladys does for a living.
or maybe this episode
The comment @ 58 was NOT me. I have no idea where that came from.
Sandie @SandieBellz 9m9 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Lots to celebrate at your house! “@UberFacts: Happy National Siblings Day! ”
What a dumb thing to tweet. Sandie really doesn't *think.* Kate has siblings. Will she celebrate them?
I was wondering about this MsGoody Sheep. Yes, I'm curious, but not to the point of being Nosy Kravitz. I was reading some of her tweets. I know she's single, divorced (and a man hater) with grown children, but is she employed? She seems to be on there at all hours, every day, and I was just wondering what she does, career-wise, employment, in order to take care of herself. Has she ever explained this?
Millicent, 63...Your safety reminder reminded me of the time, many years ago, when I answered the door of my apartment one afternoon and there was a guy trying to sell magazine subscriptions. He claimed to be a college student and trying to earn a trip to Europe or something. But he sure didn't look like a college student to me, with a small beer belly already, and a cigarette in his hand. I politely said "not interested" and closed the door on him.
We sometimes have people canvassing the neighborhood, selling everything from lawn services to religion. It starts up in the spring. I'll come home to find brochures on my door. If I'm alone and someone rings the bell, I will not answer. You just never know. It was reported in the local news that right now there is someone going around pretending to be from the electric company, trying to get customers to switch to their supplier and then they force their way into your home. Why take the risk by even opening your door?
All these door-to-people...this is where is very snoopy, very loud red dober-girl comes in extremely handy. Her head is out the door as quickly as I open it....people tend to back away quickly...and then remember my girl. Helps me feel a little safer these days, along with locked doors, outside lights, of course.
My dislike of Kate Gosselin just hit another high. Her bitching/whining/complaining/crying on how terrible life has been to her, her broken down appliances and how she is having trouble maintaining her house and how terrible her kids are, is totally meaningless to what happen last night to people in those towns that were hit by the tornados, and anyone who were ever hit by a tornado. These people in some cases lost everything, and Kate has the gall to complain about her water pump & broken down appliances. But then what do you expect from a selfish, ungrateful, self absorbed narcissistic asshole like Kate. Yes, Jon was very correct in calling Kate an asshole.
Interesting tweet by tweet happy MsGoody:
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7m7 minutes ago
RT @funnyortruth: Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family. @kateplusmy8
Kate and loyalty to family don't really go together.
These people in some cases lost everything, and Kate has the gall to complain about her water pump & broken down appliances. But then what do you expect from a selfish, ungrateful, self absorbed narcissistic asshole like Kate.
But that has nothing to do with Kate. She can't relate to that, and therefore has no empathy or compassion for people who lose everything. That is not her life. Her world exists only in what she has now, and therefore those are the things that are important to her -- her appliances, her well pump and everything else that she complains about. She can't be expected to be put into the position of showing any kind of concern for those people because it's outside of what she knows, and although it's pathetic, that's the way it always will be. It's difficult for most people to understand, but Kate is an enigma unto herself, for herself, and only for herself.
Sue_Buddy said... 71
Interesting tweet by tweet happy MsGoody:
She seems to live on there tweeting nonsense or FUs to and about Jon. I wonder if she's on some kind of mental disability leave from her job. Is there such a thing?
Midnight Madness said... 68
We sometimes have people canvassing the neighborhood, selling everything from lawn services to religion. It starts up in the spring. I'll come home to find brochures on my door. If I'm alone and someone rings the bell, I will not answer. You just never know. It was reported in the local news that right now there is someone going around pretending to be from the electric company, trying to get customers to switch to their supplier and then they force their way into your home. Why take the risk by even opening your door?
When my son graduates from high school and moves on to college, I will surely miss him for many reasons, on being that I feel safer answering the door when he's also at home. We are moving into a new place this week-end and I'm so looking forward to it. At our current apartment, I have had two times where someone came knocking on the door in the middle of the night, and both times my son was not at home. The knocking was very stealthy and quiet, and very creepy! I did not answer the door, and whoever it was went away.
I will open my door during the day, after I look through the peephole. If I had room for a dog, I would definitely get one, both for company and protection. My sister's German Shepherd is friendly and non-aggressive, but she's also big and that's enough to make any stranger think twice before trying to break into her home.
The comment @ 58 was NOT me. I have no idea where that came from.
It struck me as odd right away. You're always anonymous and out PJ at the end of your comments and you're never so bold/rude with your comments. Why do people/trolls do this?
I don't get it. At. All. Kate retweets and it brings a fan to tears...
S A M M I E @sammiehohman 19m19 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 thank you so much I'm crying😍❤️😩
Then "Sammie" is congratulated by another fan because she got a retweet. Heavens to Murgatroyd,
Vanessa @ 65
LOL! man hands! Did Seinfeld ever make an episode that wasn't funny or that people couldn't relate to. Best sit-com ever, even if it was about nothing.
RT @funnyortruth: Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family. @kateplusmy8. 71
I took this as Goody's reference to herself and Katie's "loyal" fans. Milo certainly perceives herself as part of the family.
Willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 69
So awesome your protector, protecting you. Dag nab, I bet they jump back half way down the veranda steps! Get'um, poochy!
She gets sadder by the second in this article and with everything going on in the world, the world is suppose to stop on its axis and listen to her complaining??
This is just maddening. She must really need a lot of money to pay for that water pump.
She finally admitted it. She thinks of herself as being a member of Kate's family. OMG.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 32m32 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @funnyortruth Well you & I are definitely #KatesFamily. #Loyalty. #AlwaysHereForKate.
What's even worse is that she's speaking for the insane Goody, saying that she's also Kate's Family.
Kate, run. Don't walk. Run. It would be bad enough having Milo in your family, but Goody?
I will open my door during the day, after I look through the peephole. If I had room for a dog, I would definitely get one, both for company and protection. My sister's German Shepherd is friendly and non-aggressive, but she's also big and that's enough to make any stranger think twice before trying to break into her home.
Before we put out the 'no soliciting' sign, when people knocked on the door, I'd say throught the door (we don't have a peephole), I can't open the door because my dog bites.
Of course she doesn't, but they don't know that. LOL
I leave on lights in every room on the first floor, one by the front door, the front window, the dining room window, the light over the kitchen sink. We also have security lights over the driveway and the subdivision we live in has lamp poles every few houses.
Non one would would want to mess with my house at night, too many lights and a barking dog!
She finally admitted it. She thinks of herself as being a member of Kate's family. OMG.
How appropriate, since Joshua James Corbett also felt he was part of Sandra Bullock's family, was her husband.
It is true Kate didn't know Em for Adam. I remember that vividly Flimsy and I remember shaking my head even then. Em LOOKS like a nice girl, and let's hope she is. This is Joshua James Corbett, who also LOOKS like a nice guy:
If I saw him in a context other than a courtroom, I wouldn't think twice. He's a normal looking guy, even somewhat good looking. He looks well groomed and appears to present as someone who is aware of what is going on, can make normal eye contact and so forth. There is nothing about him that would suggest he's a crazed and dangerous stalker. This should be a wake up call to all celebs to be careful. It's been awhile since a celebrity was killed by a fan and people start to forget and get complacent.
And I do think that most celeb stalkings are by fan, that's just what the facts show. It seems to be the general pattern is a fan gets more and more obsessed and then starts crossing boundaries, perhaps even illegal ones. But the celeb of course at some point has to draw a line, and it's only when they draw that line is the fan unable to cope with that and may turn dangerous.
EXACTLY what happened to Selina, Jodi Foster, and Rebecca Schaffer. Fans were all good and in love with them until told no.
Thanks Auntie for the link to the full audio of the call, I linked it. The 911 operator is so incredibly calm, you could tell she was clinging to him to get her through this. And yeah she said thank you lots.
Geez what's with the constant computer voice reading off the time?? I found myself giggling, thinking of that Katherine Hephurn movie Bringing Up Baby where she is talking on the phone and says in a monotone over and over "when you hear the tone the time will be seven-thirty" and then hits a small gong lol.
Poor Sandra, there is sheer terror in her voice. No wonder she's become a recluse this past year. I hope she's getting therapy to help her feel safe to come out again.
your post "Sandra Bullock's chilling 911 call about her fan a...":
This is very sad and scary. The number of celebrities who have undergone trauma at the hands of deluded fans is increasing, it seems. Even home invasions of non-celebrities are rampant. Part of this IMO is due to social media and people talking to people they don't really know- you can find out a lot about a person activities and whereabouts from what he/she posts.
Arguably, social media is making fans feel more brazen. It encourages fans to feel like they are a part of everything. In the "olden days" if you were a fan you signed up for a newsletter and got it monthly or whatever and it was more like a PR thing. You never heard what a celeb ate for dinner or saw a selfie photo of them filming in Cabo or heard all their deep thoughts on everything in 140 characters or less.
I think it used to be there were better boundaries between celebs and fans. Now everyone seems to be striving to make fans feel like part of the family, and though it may be good for business, frankly, it's dangerous.
What you don't get a sense of on the transcript is Sandra sobs when she is told they've arrested him and her again saying thank you. A transcript doesn't convey the emotion. There's Academy Awards, and then there's real life.
Oh apparently he also said that Sandra's son was his son.
Fans may turn into "haters" when they are ignored, so even if they were former fans, it's the hater part of them that does the harm and yes, even commit the murder.
I don't think many of them are doing it out of "hate." To me from what I've read of most of these cases, it's love that somebody put a stop to so they act out of extreme frustration their love is not being heard. It doesn't seem to me like one minute they love them the next they hate them. Granted we are trying to impose normal human emotions on someone NOT normal. But if you look at for instance, Ronald Reagan's shooter, he loved Jodi Foster until the very end, he was doing it to get ATTENTION from her because she had put up other boundaries to him (i.e. she stopped taking his calls, etc). Not because he hated her at all. He very clearly loved her the entire time. Same with this guy. He had love letters to Sandra ON HIM when he was found on Sandra's property. Not hate letters. I don't know if the details of him have been released but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he wrote her letters only to have her not respond to them or respond with a boilerplate photo or something, so his next step to try to get her attention was to actually approach her at her house. Thus, he had the letters in hand. There is no evidence he ever hated Sandra.
I think it's hard to grasp that someone would hurt someone out of anything but hate, but I think delving deeper into this, it's not really about that and that the harm is coming about in a convoluted way not at all related to a normal course of emotions.
Angie: Actually, anyone who really wants to break in to your house will. Having a dog that barks, will make the robber think twice. See robbers like to break into a place and get in & out in less than 3-5 mins. I went to a community lecture on how to protect yourself from break in. The robber cases the block, singles out a house, watches who come & goes and at what times, makes note of what kind of dog if any. See little dogs can be kicked, or ignored, some dogs can be drugged or distracted by giving them a bone, food or toy. They test to see if dog is friendly or not and if the dog is a barker or not. The robbers don't like noisey animals. They don't like double hung windows or doors with screen door. They want to get in quick & out quick. The more difficult you make it the less likely they will pick your house. I have a screen door on my house. I do not open the screen door, but lift the window and talk through the screen. I also let my dogs bark, when I answer the door. I never let them see them so they know how many there are, but let them bark. Also, I learned about window AC, that you should have a cage like cover, cause anyone can push your ac in or pull it out. It was an eye opener.
I see BW is doing an interview with that teacher who messed around 10 + years ago with a 12 year old and got pregnant. She went to jail/prison and put on the sex offenders list, got out and married the kid and had another kid with him. Now she want off the sex offenders list, cause that was then this is now, and he is of age and they are married. You know a slap on the hand. Sorry Mary, you were an adult, he was a kid a 12 year old, you raped him. You need to stay on that list. She knew what she was doing. If she should happen to get off that list, she will be giving every convicted felon who prey on kids the right to do so, the law becomes meaningless. It would be a terrible day for justice for victims a child sexual abuse.
angie: That's a lot of lights! But yes, I never understand when people go on vacation and leave their blinds closed and no lights at all on. They are asking to be burgled.
Anyone remember the old Peter Sellers skti?
Hotel Clerk, with dog lounging in front of desk : May I help you, sir?
Guest: Yes, but...um, does your dog bite?
Clerk: No, my dog does not bite.
Dog: Grrr...rip...gnash, chomp
Guest : Ow! I thought you said your dog does not bite!!
Clerk: That's not my dog.
It is true Kate didn't know Em for Adam. 83
That wouldn't matter to Katie if she thought Em could "help" her.
p.s. I love Roo's ferocious bark.
Now everyone seems to be striving to make fans feel like part of the family, and though it may be good for business, frankly, it's dangerous.
Yes, absolutely, and proof of this is in Milo's tweet. I'm wondering, though, is this something that she dreamed up in her own head (that she's part of Kate's family) without any encouragement from Kate? How much did Kate contribute to Milo's bizarre attraction to her by mentioning her name on television, as well as those tweets telling Gladys that she loved her?
If Kate had ignored Milo from the beginning, would Milo be in the last stages of CWS? Is ignoring an obsessed fan a cure-all? It's all so interesting, psychologically. If she hadn't latched on to Kate, would it have been someone else? I mean, why Kate specifically?
Although we'll never know the answers to those questions, it's obvious that something is missing in Milo's life, whether it's a case of her hubs having control over her, or her constant need for attention from twitter strangers because her family ignores her (and perhaps is embarrassed by her), or the fact that she hasn't come out of the closet. It's actually sad, in a way, that she really does believe that she's a member of Kate's family and came right out and said it. I hope for the sake of those children that it doesn't go any further than a tweet from a delusional fan.
Oh apparently he also said that Sandra's son was his son.
And Milo thinks that Kate's kids are her kids, and has referenced this by "our" and "we.'
angie, that is a great strategy with the first floor with all the lights. And saying the dog bites.
"Definitely #KatesFamily" - oh, my.
Not "like family" or "wish we were really family." Definitely family.
That is all kinds of crazy, in my opinion. And I continue to doubt
whether this person has children, or even a husband. It might
all be an act.
Geez what's with the constant computer voice reading off the time??
You're welcome, Admin. I know, I tried to ignore that 'time voice' but it was next to impossible.
It was Sandra's breathing that got me - that panicked shallow breath that won't fill your lungs plus you cannot stop your heart from pounding out of your chest. She held it together pretty well though considering someone or maybe more than one person was prowling around her home in the middle of the night. That house is huge.
Auntie Ann, I watch Cash Cab and one of the questionse was: Seinfeld said an entire empire was based on what piece of furniture?
I still laugh at every episode, except I don't watch the 2 part finale.
If I were Kate, I would worry about Milo. However, I think she's on a pretty short leash.
Not "like family" or "wish we were really family." Definitely family.
That is all kinds of crazy, in my opinion. And I continue to doubt
whether this person has children, or even a husband. It might
all be an act.
Either way, though, it's sick. If she's really in love with Kate and thinks that she is part of Kate's family, then she needs intervention. If it's a catfish, a male with no kids, then it's just as bad. Either way, no good can come from this.
AuntieAnn (#95), I can't bring myself to read the transcript or
listen to the call. That sort of thing burns itself into my brain,
and even though I know the outcome was okay, I just can't
tolerate it. But how lovely that even if that time of utter terror,
Sandra seemed to find it in her to be kind to the operator.
I suspect that's her true nature. And she is truly a single
mom -- not one who simply pretends the father of her children
doesn't exist.
On a jollier note, the Russell Stover Easter eggs did indeed
go down to 70% off at Walgreens today - booyah!
Another very frightening possibility, that thankfully didn't happen, is what if Sandra had not heard this guy breaking in? Was he going to hide in the attic? How long would he have been up there without her knowing? What were his plans?
Millicent, I wish I hadn't seen the finale of Seinfeld. It was the end of an era that I had hoped would go on forever.
We watch Cash Cab all the time too. DH gets irritated at me for hollering out the answers whether I know them or not. lol.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 99
AuntieAnn (#95), I can't bring myself to read the transcript or
listen to the call. That sort of thing burns itself into my brain,
and even though I know the outcome was okay, I just can't
tolerate it.
Flimsy, then it would be best if you do not watch Forensic Files. Recently they aired a case with the same scenario as Sandra's where a woman had locked herself in the bathroom after someone broke into her home during the night. The intruder kicked in the bathroom door and the last thing you could hear on the 911 call was her scream before he shot (and killed) her. Absolutely horrifying.
(I think you're right, it's time for a chocolate fix and a rumspringa chaser :)
Where was Sandra's son during this? I thought at one point she said her son wasn't in the safe room with her. Was he by himself?
On a jollier note, the Russell Stover Easter eggs did indeed
go down to 70% off at Walgreens today - booyah!
April 10, 2015 at 5:59 PM
Yum! I grabbed my favorite raspberry whipped for 50% off.
I'm saving them to give to DH next Easter, natch ;-)
(they'll never last that long)
I checked out the InTouch article at the grocery store tonight. I haven't seen this part mentioned here yet - when she says she splurges on the vacations for the kids, she also says "I go to a spa once a month. It keeps me sane." I rolled my eyes at that and said "oh geez" then looked to see if anyone saw or heard me; luckily no one did.
Talking about stalkers & home invasions...a nifty & scary movie about the opposite side of the coin from a 9-1-1 operator's experience is on YouTube starring Halle Berry as the operator trying to save the life of a victim of a stalker who managed to get inside house. It's a very good movie called The Call check it out...
Admin (87:) "I don't think many of them are doing it out of "hate." To me from what I've read of most of these cases, it's love that somebody put a stop to so they act out of extreme frustration their love is not being heard."
I don't know, admin. I watched a true crime show recently where a woman was obsessed with a guy, was convinced he was in love with her, but when he told her he was married and had no interest in her, all hell broke lose. It was a fatal attraction thing, and when it was made clear to her that he wanted nothing to do with her, she did a complete flip, wrote him hate e-mails, spread vicious rumors about him, and ended up murdering him because she said that if she couldn't have him, nobody could. They interviewed her in prison and she said that her hatred of him at that point drove her into killing him.
JM (105): ""I go to a spa once a month. It keeps me sane." I rolled my eyes at that and said "oh geez" then looked to see if anyone saw or heard me; luckily no one did."
Then the spa is not working out for her because she obviously isn't sane.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Its MADY'S #FavoriteDay....National Sibling Day! Oh the preciousness...& sweetness of 6 younger siblings! HaHa
What does this mean? Snark? Is she saying that Mady doesn't like her younger brothers and sisters? That's kind of nasty, isn't it? What's with the "HaHa?"
Lynn in RI said...107
It was a fatal attraction thing, and when it was made clear to her that he wanted nothing to do with her, she did a complete flip, wrote him hate e-mails, spread vicious rumors about him, and ended up murdering him because she said that if she couldn't have him, nobody could.
This is the same thing I am thinking about the man who broke into Sandra's house. He was so delusional about loving her, married to her, her son was his son, letters, and it could of been really bad. He could of been prepared to kill her when if he did find her and she rejected him. A if I can't have you, nobody else will either. I am so glad she survived.
"I go to a spa once a month. It keeps me sane."
Because she's a shining paragon of a sound mind.
Pass me the keg, please.
admin said, 87...I don't think many of them are doing it out of "hate."
There are some who do it out of hate; the ones who were fans and didn't get the attention from the celebrity that they thought they deserved. That worship can quickly turn to hate because in their warped way of thinking, how dare that person ignore me when I've supported them and been like family to them? They end up hating the celebrity.
The stalking begins because it's one way to get their attention and they've convinced themselves that the celebrity will remember them and acknowledge them, one way or another. I saw a person who had been totally enamored with a celebrity end up hating that person and trashing the celebrity on the internet. Yes, it was hate and not frustration. It was one very scary person.
I wonder what would happen if Milo ignored LOM's bedtime curfew? Penalty of severeness?
Because she's a shining paragon of a sound mind.
Of sound mind and rockin' body.
Maybe Gladys should get to a spa for help with the sanity issue. She would need more than a monthly trip, though.
Reading from the bottom up here, and I just got to the comments about love and hate. Great timing! I'm watching a crime show right now and the homicide detective just said, "There are love/hate killings. You either love a person enough to kill them, or you hate a person enough to kill them."
@DKenyon28 Yes...Jon Gosselin...Kate's EX is 38 yrs old & is in no shape 2play professional baseball! :)
Nice job, Milo! Hanging around with Goody too much?
Fatal Attraction can I just say is such a delicious guilty pleasure, I love that movie.
Bottom line is though it seems that most of these fan attacks start as just that, fans. Extreme love and devotion. Whatever it morphs into I don't know but there is love there at least initially. I'm just wondering when Milo will finally snap and suddenly turn on Kate, because that could be a real safety concern.
I totally bought a giant bag of Reese's peanut butter cups shaped like easter eggs for 1.99 the other day. Because I really don't care if peanut butter cups look like eggs, they're freaking good either way.
I suspect that's her true nature.
I think in such a moment you are who you really are. You are so busy sending your blood to every part of your body that will help you run you don't have the energy to try to hide your true self. In that moment, that is who you really are.
Her true self was human, scared, but earnest, trying to be what help she could, and apologetic when she couldn't offer much help. Her true self was grateful for what the authorities did to save her life and made sure they knew she was grateful, telling them thank you over and over, out of pure instinct.
As far as what would have happened had she run into him? There is no doubt in my mind he was capable of raping or even killing her.
Where was Sandra's son during this? I thought at one point she said her son wasn't in the safe room with her. Was he by himself?
She said he wasn't home as I recall. She said my son's not here.
I wonder where he was. Maybe because she was at a media event that day, he was spending the night with grandma or something.
I didn't know this either but I just read that she was in a kind of hairy plane crash in 2000 that could have been horrific, and in 2008 she was in a car accident in which she was hit head on by a drunk driver. Both close calls and now this. She must feel like I've had too many close calls. No wonder she's become a recluse. I hope she's okay.
I would love to know what "I go to the spa once a month" means. Is Kate going away for a half day or full day while the kids are at school? Or does Kate is going away for several days for relaxation.
Her true self was human, scared, but earnest, trying to be what help she could, and apologetic when she couldn't offer much help. Her true self was grateful for what the authorities did to save her life and made sure they knew she was grateful, telling them thank you over and over, out of pure instinct.
I agree. That's exactly what I was thinking. It was not an act. There was so much fear there the last thing on her mind would have been what was socially correct to say in that situation, which would have been to show good manners. The multiple "thank you's" were from her heart and not from a script.
Lol Angie...
speaking about big enough dogs...my Keyla is a Lab..so sweet....
Except if you try to break in, apparently.
My neighbour had all his stuff stolen from our 3rd floor, he got in by the door window. Apparently my dog next to him barked so hard, neighbours called the cops and got him.
Thief said he wanted my place, but with barking went next door, didn't figure on ALL neighbours knowing when to call cops when certain dogs bark loud enough, lol
Sweet black harmless Lab...Guard dog at heart
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 115
I wonder where he was. Maybe because she was at a media event that day, he was spending the night with grandma or something.
I believe Sandra's mother died a few years ago--before she adopted her son. She does have a sister, not sure if she's in Los Angeles. I've also thought that she has made New Orleans her home base most of the time. She might have flown into town for the media event and left her son at home with the nanny and bodyguard. Unlike TFMJG, I'm sure she's smart enough to have one for her son.
. She might have flown into town for the media event and left her son at home with the nanny and bodyguard. Unlike TFMJG, I'm sure she's smart enough to have one for her son.
Yes I bet that's it, he was back at her home base wherever that is and she was just going to stay the night in LA then leave. She didn't seem at all concerned about anyone else in the house. I'm sure if her son was elsewhere in the house she'd be distraught about him.
She can afford it, she should get a bodyguard who will stay with her at all times. It may help her move on from this.
It's really nice too to see a good outcome when it comes to authorities stepping in during a time of crisis.
They've been under so much fire for in my opinion, extremely isolated incidents and sometimes misinterpreted incidents. The reality is that the vast majority of the time police officers, dispatchers and other first responders save lives, are a tremendous help in times of danger and distress, risk their own lives repeatedly, stay calm in the face of incredible stress, and want nothing but to just keep you calm and get you safe. My hat's off to them for getting to her house, arresting that man and reaching Sandra within the span of 16 minutes.
"I go to a spa once a month. It keeps me sane."
Well now THERE is a first world problem. Once a month?! Who has time let alone the money? I'm a lawyer and I can't afford a spa treatment once a month. Geez. It is as they say a "rare luxury." Maybe once a year here and only if I have a groupon. I bet she goes to a good one too, throwing down 150 plus tip I'd bet my bottom dollar.
Oh apparently he also said that Sandra's son was his son.
And Milo thinks that Kate's kids are her kids, and has referenced this by "our" and "we.'
Exact same thought.
I wonder if the spa is in NYC. There are some places in Berks with a good reputation and some down toward Philly. Anything toward Philly, she would probably need a limo. Does she mean the mani/pedi place? That would be odd. I guess it depends what kind of spa services she wants. Either way, they're not working. If facials, they're wrong for her skin type. If massages, she's not relaxed. Maybe waxing? That would not make me feel more sane. I think the spa services don't matter so much as spending the day with Stevie.
I wonder if she's a decent tipper. I try to be one but I can't afford many luxury services at all. If you don't go to the spa, you don't have to tip.
I wonder if she's a decent tipper. I try to be one but I can't afford many luxury services at all. If you don't go to the spa, you don't have to tip.
It's a nice luxury but a nice back rub from your husband or boyfriend or other partner is much more special, even if they aren't trained in reflexology. She doesn't have that so she has to pay for it once a month.
That is so sad that Sandra was stalked. I'm sure she was scared.
I was thinking about whether stalkers are "haters" like someone else mentioned. I think you are right most stalkers have different motives than hate. Some are really in love, wanting to possess the one they stalk. Some could be angry. I think in some cases though, it is jealousy. Totally different from jelus. For ex, in Kate's case, say she decided to only answer Goody and give her all the attention in Twitter and even befriend her in real life. In a case like that, someone like Milo could become so jealous that violence happens.
I don't answer my door unless I know someone is expected. Occasionally I will yell through it. I don't open it. I have no interest in talking to strangers, esp those selling something.
Tipping the wait staff is one of my life's joys. I consider a hefty tip to be part of a relaxing and enjoyable meal. It's sad to me to think someone might leave a very small tip or none at all even if they have had great service whether it's at a restaurant, a spa, or wherever.
If a most famous person like Sandra had a safe room...for her and her 1 child, a closet..( Which I am just assuming adjoins each other)
What Would Khatie Irene do?
We Know from the shows, 3 boys in basement, think 3 girls top floor and twins and her on main. And...I don't give a crap about the floor-plan that I think is available to all.
Scenario like Sandra...INTRUDER ALERT!!!!!
Where do they all gather...?
Or is it a free-for-all?
Inquiring minds want to know, LOL
I have trained my my dogs that we live in Mom Boucher territory..and yes you can google it, I am proud of it. In fact, dd got a 130$ fine for protesting last Wednesday...as she was leaving...long story.
Point is...it doesn't matter the size of the dog...it is the training of all around you that counts, LOL
Robbers included, if they know others are watching your house, they will go elsewhere...
CashCab..I so Holla-out the answers!!!
It's a Canadian Thang!
LOL...up to 13 C Sunday with apparently Sun!
I am literally washing my jean shorts and Ts as we speak
hanging them on the line tomorrow, YAY!!!! Clotheslines
I actually un-wired my un-lock button. had me locks re-placed AND have a dog...on my third floor. PS. the light on my back porch is permantly lit because some a-hole tried to enter my neighbourgh's house by his 3rd floor balcony door window. My dog stopped him, LOL...
By Barking loud enough I let her on the balcony and all our neighbours have been told,....If she Barks , it is for a reason
So One guy downstairs ran out and caught the guy!!!
Court in 3-6 months,
but still, it's a start!
Admin said...
I bet she goes to a good one too, throwing down 150 plus tip I'd bet my bottom dollar.
Tip? Now why do I doubt that? Grifters like her tend to be very tight with their own (their kid's) money. Wish the locals would speak up.
13h13 hours ago
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack I definitely DID throw a diaper at her! Funny, we were just talking abt that 'stinky memory' the other day...revenge time!
Isn't Jen Stocks the Executive Producer or some such title for Kateplus8 currently? I guess they were recently in touch regarding the upcoming show.
I recall years ago Jen was gone from Figure 8 and the hope was she had left, disgusted by what she had witnessed, but I guess she left to have babies. She was also the writer for Jon and Kate Plus 8, so indeed there was a script for the so-called reality show. Now I guess Kate has the title of producer which explains all her face time on the updates.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 118
I totally bought a giant bag of Reese's peanut butter cups shaped like easter eggs for 1.99 the other day. Because I really don't care if peanut butter cups look like eggs, they're freaking good either way.
April 10, 2015 at 9:23 PM
Ditto! And I love that they're eggs!
Now, how to stop picking at the jelly beans.
I bet she goes to a good one too, throwing down 150 plus tip I'd bet my bottom dollar.
I remember reading that Katie didn't tip at Ted Gibson's salon. I doubt she'd tip at a spa.
(no link, just my memory).
Between the expensive Easter baskets and the admission of
monthly spa visits, it seems like TFW is going off script. She
certainly doesn't sound like the struggling single mom with the
scraggly hair TLC seemed to be "selling" at that yard sale--
getting rid of old things to help feed her baby's mouths (or
whatever that quote was).
My guess is she splits for the spa when the kids are home with
her. Wouldn't want to waste any of those 9 glorious hours
alone every weekday while they're at school. Beth, bless her
heart, created a monster when she told TFW going to the spa
would make her a better Mommy. If it did, by now she ought
to be June Cleaver.
I wonder if Kate's "spa" days are in addition to her trip to NYC to get her lid done.
Add that to tanning, manipedi, costmetic procedures, and she's spending a whole lot of time and money.
For ex, in Kate's case, say she decided to only answer Goody and give her all the attention in Twitter and even befriend her in real life. In a case like that, someone like Milo could become so jealous that violence happens.
The "I'm not going to be ignored!!!" effect.
I remember reading that Katie didn't tip at Ted Gibson's salon. I doubt she'd tip at a spa.
They might include it as part of the bill. Mandatory.
Admin said...
They might include it as part of the bill. Mandatory.
Or the bill went right to TLC.
We could have a whole blog discussion on tipping. Unless it's been done in the past and I missed it.
My guess is that Kate's routine hasn't changed much since Robert was reporting for US Magazine. She never tried to do her errands and appointments when the kids were away and was always taking off somewhere.
Kate saying she never goes anywhere and splurges on vacations are some of the biggest piles of BS she's spewed.
The biggest being, "just one more", of course.
The next time an appliance breaks down, and TFW feels the
need to lament how much harder she has it than her fans
do, they can all breathe a collective sigh of relief knowing she
has a cushion of extra income in the spa fund to pay for the
repair. She may be stuck with knotted shoulders that month,
but if it means that 4th freezer is running properly, it'll be
worth it.
What lie will she spew as an excuse for the Mexico vacay? She and TLC have to come up with some reason. After all, she never splurges on vacations!
This excerpt from the InTouch article is truly BS and disgusting:
"The truth is I don't really leave my house very much and that's the truth. I'm just so busy with kids," she said. "...I don't have a lot of help and it's just so much. I'm really focused on [my kids] right now, but yeah, if the right person presented themselves, absolutely. I've always said that. My kids still talk about it all the time. Our microwave broke like a week or so ago, and I was trying to take it out, you know, it's like mounted into the thing, and I was trying to get it out and the kids were eating dinner and I have my screwdriver out and Leah said, 'And this is another perfect example of why you should get married again!'"
Didn't her microwave break ages ago? Did she slip up on when this article was prepared? This is advance publicity prior to the airing of the May show. Expect more.
So a woman is not capable of dealing with broken appliances? That's what husbands are for? At least that is what Jon was good for and sperm.
Oh yeah, I really buy that the kids are her cheerleaders for a new father. Not!
"The truth is I don't really leave my house very much and that's the truth. I'm just so busy with kids,
And this is where she makes very little sense. If she were just so busy with the kids, who are 10 and 14 years old, she should not be chained to her house. Rather she would be constantly attending sports games, school functions, parties, taking them shopping, taking them to camp, shuttling them around to the doctors and dentists with pizza or icecream afterward, friday night take out food, going out to eat once in awhile, going to see the Hunger Games VI Humming Bird or whatever one they're up to, head to a museum once in awhile, the library, participate in the numerous weekend events held in the surrounding area. Sledding in the winter, beaches in the summer. Take a little road trip once in awhile to Baltimore or D.C. If in 2015 having kids means being stuck at home, you are living a life very different from most American children.
If she is not counting "leaving the house" as doing the numerous fun and rewarding things adults do with their children, then I feel very sorry for her.
TLC stinks said... 149
What lie will she spew as an excuse for the Mexico vacay? She and TLC have to come up with some reason. After all, she never splurges on vacations!
Too easy!
(Kate sitting on her basement throne...)
"Well, I'm turning the big 4-0! (insert finger waggling, facial grimaces and eye darting), and my kids kept saying, 'Mommy, you work SO hard! You deserve a vacation!'. So, overnight, I planned a trip to Mexico! We were so deprived of real sand on our last lavish vacation to Maine, that it really didn't count as our 'tradition'. We all need a break, dontcha know!".
Our microwave broke like a week or so ago, and I was trying to take it out, you know, it's like mounted into the thing, and I was trying to get it out and the kids were eating dinner and I have my screwdriver out and Leah said, 'And this is another perfect example of why you should get married again!'"
What is the deal?
Why does Kate need to repeat the same thing over and over and over again for YEARS now?
The kids are JUST BEGGING her to get married.
The kids want or need that male/father in their lives.
She's NEVER dated in what? 6 years now? Bullshit.
I hate how she uses her kids to push her agenda.
I don't care if you have no kids or 20- it just isn't rocket science to date someone.
FFS, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
She sounds like an imbecile.
And this is where she makes very little sense. If she were just so busy with the kids, who are 10 and 14 years old, she should not be chained to her house.
Exactly-she should be whining about NOT getting to hide in her kitchen all day long.
Normally, kids will keep you out of the house, not in it.
Mel, I hope you don't go and hope you can feel comfortable coming back. At any rate, your posts are always valuable to read ;-)
Exactly-she should be whining about NOT getting to hide in her kitchen all day long.
Normally, kids will keep you out of the house, not in it.
Exactly. A normal mother with 10 and 14 year olds would be saying oh my gosh I can't remember the last time I got to sit down at the dining room table and eat dinner, or the last time we got a chance to just veg on the couch and marathon watch something all afternoon. There simply isn't time for that at this stage. This is a fun and exciting time in a child's life where being busy is just part of the deal, and should be part of the deal. There's nothing wrong with trying to cut back on the numerous activities available to a child and have some house time, but I don't see how this day in age, with the way our lives have taken on an urban sprawl of their own, you could possibly find yourself constantly chained to the house. Unless you're a Duggar or something. Or, unless you do NOT participate in what normal children are doing and either pass it off on the nanny or don't let them participate in the first place. I suspect that's the truth.
Guarantee she will play off the Mexican vacation like it was never her idea to go on that vacation or any vacation, she just wanted a quiet celebration at home, and that they dragged her kicking and screaming down to the sun and sand insisting that her big 4-0 be special.
That's her M.O.
Bitch please.
She sounds like her children are 4 years old and 10 months old
Mel said... 151
Looks as though we have lost a few posters to another blog.
What did I miss?
I was trying to get it out and the kids were eating dinner and I have my screwdriver out and Leah said, 'And this is another perfect example of why you should get married again!'"
It is a real shame she has conditioned the children to be so sexist at age 10.
The girls have learned that you actually need a husband to help you with a simple task like removing your built in microwave.
Read a manual, watch a youtube video. Get a brain. Figure it out. If you really can't figure it out, help yourself in other ways. Call up a friend, call your dad, call a repair company. A woman can handle a problem with the microwave or any other problem without a husband. Perhaps it might be in a different way or take longer, but that's okay. Some things men do that women traditionally do take longer, too. And that's what she should be teaching her young impressionable daughters, that you are perfectly capable of handling this world and that while a partner is wonderful for a wide variety of reasons, you should not seek a partner for the reason that women are somehow not capable of handling our world without one. Annoying.
Perfect example. Blogger ate my previous comment. Mel, I value your opinion and hope you and Admin can iron out any problems. The drive-bys and the ones posting under the names of others are getting the result they want if people are leaving this blog because of it. I do find that blogger bounces comments around and I've had to email Admin to find out what was wrong with my comment. Usually, it got bounced up into a bunch of comments I've already read.
There are posters here that I scroll right past because they annoy the hell out of me (not you, redbird), and I'm sure there are people who scroll right past mine. I find it so annoying when some people don't read and catch up from the previous hour or so, and jump right in with things that have already been discussed. But, it's the nature of blogs and so you go with the flow or you move on.
I feel like a Festivus-like day might be in order. Clear the air and air your grievances. Here are the rules: http://festivusweb.com/festivus-rules.htm
There, I've just done mine.
The girls have learned that you actually need a husband to help you with a simple task like removing your built in microwave.
Depending on the microwave, it's not that easy. I am very handy with tools, changing tires, repairing ice makers, installing new locks, and so forth, all of those "manly" things you know.
However, when it came to the microwave, which broke when the man of the house was out of town on business, I couldn't do it. I got one side undone but the other wouldn't move. Moreover, that sucker was heavy. I had figured I'd set something directly underneath it to "catch" it when it dropped, but I couldn't get it to that point. I had to call someone to do it for me, and there as no way that I could install a new one by myself. It required two people -- one to do the lifting and one to hold it while it was being attached. Even that wasn't easy...the attachments wouldn't line up even though I had measured it correctly.
In Kate's case, I could see why she couldn't do it by herself. I certainly wouldn't want to risk dropping a brand new microwave. That's one thing that's best left to someone who knows what they are doing. Kate's not that person.
"Looks as though we have lost a few posters to another blog."
What blog might that be?
FFS, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
She sounds like an imbecile.
lol! She did find one. Its name is Gladys and now she has to figure out what to do with it.
Sorry you're leaving , Mel. I enjoy your comments. I think it was ok for Admin to publish the link to the letter, since it is out in public. While it was new for me, I knew most of the info it contained. This is a Gosselin blog, and I think the comments pertaining to it did not degrade the kids, only TFW for lying and her dealing with/causing the issues.We all disagree from time to time. But if you leave, along with PJs Momma, I will miss you! Maybe you'll come back when or if you feel it's right for you.
So, I guess single women, widows, of wives of husbands who travel for business or are in the military should find a boyfriend to take care of these kinds of household tasks?
The things she teaches those children are frightening. She's such a #DoIt #Maroon
NoOneInParticular (NOIP) said... 106
Thank you for the tip about "The Call" I had to stay up late and finish watching it. I haven't been so engrossed in a movie for ages. Couldn't stop watching. I loved it.
I think their complaints are valid admin. It is frustrating when you fail to post the comment yet respond and argue about it. I find that unfair.
I can see not publishing posts from the trolls. It's admin's call. I would believe that much of it is condescending garbage and insults. Nobody wants to read the posts that are made just to provoke. I agree, though, that it's frustrating reading admin's comments to them, going back to try to find the original post and trying to figure out what the argument was.
As far as some rambling posts, I'll just skim them and scroll past, unless something is said that is really off, incorrect, a rumor, and really does need to be addressed.
The next time an appliance breaks down, and TFW feels the
need to lament how much harder she has it than her fans
do, they can all breathe a collective sigh of relief knowing she
has a cushion of extra income in the spa fund to pay for the
repair. She may be stuck with knotted shoulders that month,
but if it means that 4th freezer is running properly, it'll be
worth it.
I don't know about other struggling, "single" moms out there, but doesn't everyone who is piecing and patching have a "spa" fund, as well as money set aside for tanning, manicures and thousand dollar haircuts? They don't? How odd...
Mel 151 IS NOT ME!!!!! ADMIN, please delete that comment!!!!!
TLC stinks said... 139
13h13 hours ago
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack I definitely DID throw a diaper at her! Funny, we were just talking abt that 'stinky memory' the other day...revenge time!
Isn't Jen Stocks the Executive Producer or some such title for Kateplus8 currently? I guess they were recently in touch regarding the upcoming show.
I recall years ago Jen was gone from Figure 8 and the hope was she had left, disgusted by what she had witnessed, but I guess she left to have babies.
Well Kate did tweet this: apparently Jen's baby had severe liver problesm. She would have been born about 2010:
@Kateplusmy8 23h23 hours ago
Please watch & sign up 2 #DonateLife
Story of 5yo Daisy- r 1st JK+8 producer Jens daughter!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZvcC6sFwSU …
Ok, I started reading at comment #151, WHICH WAS NOT ME, immediately responded, and then continued reading. Thanks for the words of support. Admin....that was NOT me.
So sorry that people go to such lengths to stir things up. Seems kind of dirty to me.
Admin...if you see posts purporting to be from me criticizing this blog, DO NOT post them! A post like #151 is not my mo.
'And this is another perfect example of why you should get married again!'
I question whether the lying liar who lies didn't just make that up or twist Leah's words. Maybe she said "and this is why you shouldn't have kicked daddy out of the house" or "if daddy were here he'd do that for you". Of course Kate would turn that into a 'my kids want me to find a husband'.
I'm sorry to see you leave too, Mel. I hope you reconsider.
What does she mean that she was trying to take the built in microwave out? Those suckers are heavy! Certainly not manageable by one person. Not easily anyway.
And what is she going to do with it once she gets it out anyway? Take it apart and replace the motherboard???
For the record, I had no problem with the link to the school letter being posted. It was a public post, anyone who wanted to could see it.
If anyone had an issue with it being public, their issue is with ROL, who is the entity that made it public.
"The truth is I don't really leave my house very much and that's the truth. I'm just so busy with kids," she said. "...I don't have a lot of help
Anytime I see two declarations of truth in one sentence, I assume whatever follows is not, in fact, the truth at all.
I'll bet her idea of "not a lot of help" and mine are vastly different.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 10h10 hours ago
"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out." -- Thomas B. Macaulay @Kateplusmy8
Birds of a feather. I doubt that the Goody person has any idea about the political viewpoints of Macaulay, a British historian, but she certainly chose a quotation from someone very much like herself. He was so critical of the viewpoint of others that anyone who agreed with him was put on a pedestal and praised to high heaven, but if one disagreed with him, that person was chastised for being an arch enemy, a hostile hater, and even a bully. He did not tolerate opinions unless they were the same as his..
I can't figure out, though, if the quotation she cited was a slam at Jon or at Kate or a positive platitude for Kate. Perhaps not even Goody knows. She probably just thought it sounded impressive.and threw it out there.
Mel said... 173
Ok, I started reading at comment #151, WHICH WAS NOT ME, immediately responded, and then continued reading. Thanks for the words of support. Admin....that was NOT me.
So sorry that people go to such lengths to stir things up. Seems kind of dirty to me.
Phew. I'm glad it wasn't you, Mel. The troll strikes again.
Mel and PJ's Mommy, sorry to see you go. Your comments are insightful. I left for awhile, did not announce it, because it just got to be too much and frustrating that Kate slides by all the time. Of course something happened and I got drawn back in. Some days I don't comment at all and others I have time to kill and cannot resist jumping in. Over the years others have left because we have a life. I enjoy the conversations and I am glad this blog is not nasty like others. Sometimes I do wonder why I have been invested in this family for years starting with several other blogs, but dammit, it just is plain fascinating and I have learned so much. Anyway, I hope you keep reading here and comment again some day.I totally understand. I may take a break again although the Mother's Day show will be too tempting to pass up, LOL.
Spa fund.
*kids' paychecks.
It's a total fabrication that she was attempting to remove a built-in microwave. I guess she stood there waving her screw driver like an idiot. It took two men to install mine. She's a liar and/or an dummy. Now if she has a second microwave in an island for the kids, that makes more since since you could just pop it out and replace it.
If there are any comments that sound like they aren't from me, well, they aren't from me! Just ignore!
fade2black said... 178
I'll bet her idea of "not a lot of help" and mine are vastly different.
Bet it is, too. She has eight bondservants and who knows how much outside help. And I still think (okay, speculate) the court ordered someone to come in to supervise her for 20 hours or whatever a week because she does such a shitty job of parenting.
P.J. said... 163
Perfect example. Blogger ate my previous comment. Mel, I value your opinion and hope you and Admin can iron out any problems. The drive-bys and the ones posting under the names of others are getting the result they want if people are leaving this blog because of it. I do find that blogger bounces comments around and I've had to email Admin to find out what was wrong with my comment. Usually, it got bounced up into a bunch of comments I've already read.
There are posters here that I scroll right past because they annoy the hell out of me (not you, redbird), and I'm sure there are people who scroll right past mine. I find it so annoying when some people don't read and catch up from the previous hour or so, and jump right in with things that have already been discussed. But, it's the nature of blogs and so you go with the flow or you move on.
I feel like a Festivus-like day might be in order. Clear the air and air your grievances. Here are the rules: http://festivusweb.com/festivus-rules.htm
There, I've just done mine.
How many P.J.'s are there here?
NYY Julianna said... 179
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 10h10 hours ago
"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out." -- Thomas B. Macaulay @Kateplusmy8
Birds of a feather. I doubt that the Goody person has any idea about the political viewpoints of Macaulay, a British historian, but she certainly chose a quotation from someone very much like herself. He was so critical of the viewpoint of others that anyone who agreed with him was put on a pedestal and praised to high heaven, but if one disagreed with him, that person was chastised for being an arch enemy, a hostile hater, and even a bully. He did not tolerate opinions unless they were the same as his..
I can't figure out, though, if the quotation she cited was a slam at Jon or at Kate or a positive platitude for Kate. Perhaps not even Goody knows. She probably just thought it sounded impressive.and threw it out there.
April 11, 2015 at 9:17 AM
That quote is a rip off from scripture and does not apply to Kate ;)
And what about men who aren't particularly handy with tools? Are
they out of the running with TFW?
Can you imagine a prospective suitor watching reruns of J&K+8
and getting a load of how she treats men? That might be
reason #1 no man will touch her with a 10-foot screwdriver.
And as has been said here before many times, she never, ever,
talks about love. About finding a partner to share the joys and
sorrows of life, who has common interests, with whom she can
laugh. Someone who would love these beautiful children like
his own. She doesn't want a husband -- she wants a combination carpenter/policeman/drill sergeant.
I bet Fake Mel got a big bang out of his/her little prank. Pretending
to be someone else -- talk about arrested development.
Foremlery Duped said... 166
Welcome back, Mel- j/k.That was weird. And yes, it IS me who misspelled my own name (blush)
Mel said... 171
Mel 151 IS NOT ME!!!!! ADMIN, please delete that comment!!!!!
Yay, Mel!! I'm not happy some idiot chose to impersonate you, but I am very happy you are not leaving!!
What lie will she spew as an excuse for the Mexico vacay? She and TLC have to come up with some reason. After all, she never splurges on vacations!
Didn't Kate say on the RV trip 'We don't take POSH TRIPS?"
I've never seen anyone that lies as much as this woman. incredible.
Here is an uplifting story to cleanse our hearts and minds of the childish antics of cowardly trolls:
I bet Fake Mel got a big bang out of his/her little prank. Pretending to be someone else -- talk about arrested development. 187
The words childish and pathetic also come to mind. Oh and jellus.
Jen Stocks seems like such a sweet lady and caring Mom. How could she NOT have seen the abuse???? And if she did, and hid behind a CA agreement how can she live with herself.
I believe the emails Robert had indicated discord between her and Kate.
News about Jon:
Crazy 192, Thanks so much for that link.
Dmasy 195: Good for Jon!
Clearly someone knows how to teach him AND he wants to learn.
The troll that comes here has got to be from the blog that does nothing but cut and paste the comments from here. That blog, literally a handful of nasties, exists to talk about this blog. Those women have very low IQ's if they can't discuss Kate's virtues without trashing us. But wait, I guess Kate has no virtues, snark, thus their interest in us.
I call complete b.s. on the Leah comment.
First, the microwave thing didn't happen at all.
Second, if it did, and Leah commented it was one of these:
Mom....where are my pink pants???
Mom....why isn't Papa Steve doing that?
Mom...I bet at Kendra's house the nanny just calls the repairman. Why can't you be more like her?? We liked her.
Mom....that's a wrench. You need a screwdriver.
Mooommmm....Collin's looking at me!
Mom....why can't you just use the other one?
Mom...isn't why us kids work is so that we can afford a repair man when needed?
Mom....if you wouldn't slam the door so hard it wouldn't break so often.
I say it didn't happen. Any of it. No picture, no happen.
I need a picture with today's newspaper showing her struggling mightily not to drop the thing, with Zorro on her shoulder.
Too funny that I don't even know what other blog y'all are talking about.
Dear Aunty Ann said...And I still think (okay, speculate) the court ordered someone to come in to supervise her for 20 hours or whatever a week because she does such a shitty job of parenting.
Do you think Kate expects this supervisor to wash windows and take all the drapes and the Kanga pelt to the dry cleaner once a month? Surely Kate would put this person to work. Nobody is allowed to just stand around. That wouldn't be helping Kate.
New comments are not allowed.