- Multiple times, Josh molested five girls who lived in the family home in 2002, presumably his sisters.
- The incidents occurred while the minors were sleeping. Some of the incidents were classified as felonies.
- Church elders did not reach out to law enforcement
- In 2006, producers from Oprah contacted child services after hearing about the incidents. (Thank you, Oprah producers, for doing the moral and just thing for the victims.)
- Josh went to counseling and "sought after God."
- Josh has resigned from the PAC the Family Research Counsel
- In a statement the Duggars said Josh made mistakes that shocked the family, and they were addressed in counseling, and of course, they sought God.
- TLC has not released a statement other than to refer to the Duggar's statement.

307 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 307 Newer› Newest»Conflicting reports about whether victim number 5 is Joy Anna or family friend/neighbor. Even if only 4 victims were his sisters, Joy could still be one. Is the SOL really only 3 years for this crime?
I was wondering that too. I know nothing about Arkansas sexual abuse laws or their SOLs. Three years DOES seem short, geez you get three years in many states just to sue over simple slip and fall.
Also, some statutes don't being to toll until the child reaches age 18. I wonder if any of the victims are still minors.
Statute of limitations laws for sex abuse crimes need serious reform.
Admin, have you come across anything that shows that Josh molested when he was 18?
I'm reading some people's comments saying that the records show incidents at age 14 & 18.
I'd be surprised if TLC doesn't make a statement. They're putting it together now but being very careful I bet.
Aw, sorry some PR person has to work the long weekend. That sucks.
Turtle I'm catching up on 100 posts and just realized you had similar thoughts to me about the SOL not running until they reach 18.
Are they SURE it's expired, because your timeline sounds right to me and that there could be at least one girl left still within the timeframe.
Admin (#167), and it also makes me question the wisdom of
older siblings assisting in the raising of younger siblings. How
can they be expected to make sound childcare decisions when
they aren't grown yet themselves?
Their buddies were often only 13 or 14 years old. A 13 year old, or any child, cannot be expected to protect their sibling from sexual abuse. Nor SHOULD THEY! That is their PARENTS' job. I cannot imagine the sort of guilt the buddy siblings may have felt and all the siblings. They don't deserve to have that burden.
I'll say it again, this many kids is too many kids to keep track of. Their own vanity to have as many kids as possible has resulted in extreme lack of supervision.
I think many teens might get curious and fondle a sibling if given lots of opportunities to be alone with them and not properly taught that's not ok. I don't know that he has a screw loose, it's hard to say. Sort of a Lord of the Flies situation, where lots of people could go down very bad paths if given too much opportunity to do so.
That's the point with kids. You don't GIVE THEM that opportunity and you TEACH them to be respectful of siblings. But here, there wasn't enough adults to go around to teach them and *supervise* them, and that is wrong. Who knows what else has gone on in that house with only two parents to go around.
I used to think that while I didn't agree with their parenting, it was their choice to make. Now I think some of their parenting choices have inadvertently led to very terrible crimes.
19 Kids And Counting Cancelled; Sex Scandal, Mixed Race Adoption Rumors
Posted about 8 months ago | 91 comments
This article was published 8 months ago and TLC never did cancel the show. I strongly doubt they will cancel it now.
Scroll down and read some of the comments. A few of the locals commented and It appears that before TLC came into their life they were on State assistance and taking hand outs from whomever was willing to open their wallet. They are as much of a fraud as Kate is.
Before the Duggars moved they had 18 people in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. Josh probably shared a bed with his sister
I wonder if the will get big enough to bring down the whole network?
Petition to get TLC to cancel the Duggars:
I wonder if we'll be treated to some rainbows and unicorns tweet
from TFW tonight. Baking cookies, gathered 'round the hearth,
bedtime hugs and kisses, whatever. She needs to remind
America that HER family is above reproach.
She will also be giddy with excitement at the thought that this could open the door for more episodes about ME, ME, ME to replace a potentially cancelled show. I mean they have to cancel it, right? I'd be surprised if they don't. I bet Kate thinks the same.
It won't be about the victims at all to her. And she won't do any introspection about her own family and think about how her own poor choices could put her children in similar dangers. She is an opportunist, and this is an opportunity.
I swear we just had a discussion a couple months ago, or LESS, about how TLC is BOUND to get themselves in DEEP, DEEP trouble eventually. These families are too unstable not to.
Wish I could find that discussion. We called it, again. We're good. Sadly, this time.
Jim Bob answers to God only. Even if the SOL have not ran out, I don't see JB letting his daughters press charges against their brother. Josh confessed, they prayed now all is forgiven.
I feel so bad for the girls involved in this. I wouldn't doubt that they somehow got the blame for what happened. I wonder if Jana stays to protect the rest of her sisters. Josh needs to be held accountable.
If this link works, check out page 29 of the police investigation and interviews from Dec. 2006. It looks like tbe Duggars use a "rod" to discipline their children. But no visible bruises!
Speaking for myself only, I think hitting a child is a truly pathetic, cowardly form of child guidance.
From the previous post.
I'd luke to know what the parents did to protect their daughters after Josh "confessed" to them what he had been doing. 39
bm, I'm sure that Josh has not received any treatment and those girls have not received the necessary therapy.
It's analogous to "pray away the gay.".
Jimboob and Michelle make me sick.
I want to hurl.
Admin, have you come across anything that shows that Josh molested when he was 18?
I'm reading some people's comments saying that the records show incidents at age 14 & 18.
To be honest as Kate would say, I haven't had time to seriously go through all the documents I've just glanced at.
I will try to read them this long weekend, what I can assemble anyway. I'll share my thoughts of course once I get through them.
In any case, minor or adult to me has more to do with the legal implications. As far as what TLC's position should be on this, I don't think it should matter.
I don't know, it's going to depend on TLC's PR team and what is being said in meetings right now and what the crisis team thinks. IF they think they can't weather this, they'll get out quicker than scat. They've done it before.
Sexual abuse is pretty up there with a show being unable to recover from it. Almost always, the series is cancelled. It would be a very bold move to keep the series on. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting. I know they WANT to keep the show, but they won't if they think it would be a PR disaster.
Another option is perhaps banning Josh from the show. They might split the baby and do that.
I read the entire police interview report, and one victim's name is long and ends with an "a". The name Joy Anna fits the space perfectly. Also, the neighbor kid was interviewed later, after first declining.
Another option is perhaps banning Josh from the show. They might split the baby and do that.
May 21, 2015 at 7:27 PM
Maybe, but it's faulty logic.
Will TLC continue filming the minor victims? People are going to dig and figure out who they are.
Will TLC continue to film the parent who allowed their daughters' abuser back into the family home?
Not to mention they are the people who kept this secret to protect their ability to cash in on their family.
The Duggar stuff is outrageous. They always seemed so goody goody I wondered if there were skeletons in the closet.
That's the thing though we are human and no one can be that goody goody. I've never liked that sort of take on religion but in recent years it's even more grating.
Their take on God is not realistic. Nor is their take on sex, drugs, rock and roll and everything else. They're going to fall short. Sometimes very, very far. Arguably, this sort of pressure to be that sort of perfect person could make temptations and other sins even more desirable. The preverbal apple.
Question for admin...
Even if Josh hasn't been convicted or registered as a sex offender and didn't molest his own children, in CA he could have his biological kids taken away?
I bet TLC is scratching its collective heads right now, not knowing what to do about the block party. Did the Duggars sign a contract to appear, and if so, would they be released from that contract? It would seem that TLC is in a bit of a dilemma right now.
I have been on a Duggar snark board for hours today. According to statements given to police, Michelle Duggar admitted that the "counseling" that Josh got was being sent away to a friend of the family, some guy who built houses. So he worked helping this guy build houses for 3 months, and that was the "counseling"! I doubt any of the girls involved had any counseling but were probably made to feel that they somehow caused Josh's behavior. I do not think I could look at either Mr. or Mrs. Duggar again without feeling nauseous. Mother of the Year, my aunt Fanny!
TLC should cancel this show, but I know they are hoping this will blow over and they can continue milking the cash cow. However, these are not allegations -- Josh admitted he committed these acts. Most people will no longer feel comfortable watching re-runs knowing what we know now. Heck, I haven't been able to watch an Everybody Loves Raymond re-run since that young man committed suicide because seeing him as a little sweet boy would make me sad.
The Duggar parents were too busy patting themselves on the back for mindlessly procreating to be good stewards to their children. Plus, I read in the police report that they punished their children with use of a rod. What the hell is the matter with them? And how dare they hold themselves out as examples for others?
I do feel very sorry for the girls involved, and I feel sorry for Anna and for their young children, who are going to be dealing with a lot of painful and hurtful reality. Their father has lost his job, they will suddenly have to return to Arkansas where Josh will probably have to depend on his father for employment of some kind, and they are likely to be ostracized within the community. I don't feel one bit sorry for JimBob or Michelle, because they brought this on themselves.
Josh molesting his own sisters, as young as 4, is a huge red flag.
He's got a daughter about that age, and I think he and Anna need to be investigates, out of an abundance of caution.
Where was it reported that one of the victims was his four-year-old sister? I can't keep up with this!
Even if the SOL have not ran out, I don't see JB letting his daughters press charges against their brother. Josh confessed, they prayed now all is forgiven.
If the SOL had not run out, it has nothing to do with their pressing charges or refusing to press charges. It's a criminal offense, and as such, he would have been arrested even if Jim Bob refused to let them press charges.
Hollywood Life has an article where they interview a criminal lawyer from Arkansas and asked him if Josh and/or his father could be prosecuted. From that article:
Q: Could Josh and Jim Bob be prosecuted now or has the statute of limitations expired?
A: It is likely that the statute of limitations have expired for any offenses that might have been committed. The allegations against Josh would most likely have been prosecuted as sexual assault in the second degree (A.C.A. section 5-14-125), defined as sexual conduct with a person less than fourteen years old by a person who is under the age of eighteen. This is a class B felony. The statute of limitations for a class B felony is three years. The statute of limitations is extended if the offense is committed against a minor. In that case, the three years does not begin until the victim turns eighteen. However, this exception only applies if the offense was not previously reported to a law enforcement agency. From what we know, these alleged offenses occurred thirteen years ago and were reported at least twelve years ago,” Criminal Defense Attorney Jason Files tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY.
So it seems that the 3 year statute had expired when the police investigated so they could not press charges. The 18 year old rule doesn't apply because the offenses had already been reported.
I guess it's time to eat crow. I fear for his daughter. My regular Duggar snark site is having server issues so I guess I will have to research this by myself.
FYI the "leader" of their homeschool organization has also had young women accusing him of sexual assault.
I always thought that Josh was as creepy as his father. Sometimes instincts are correct.
Even if Josh hasn't been convicted or registered as a sex offender and didn't molest his own children, in CA he could have his biological kids taken away?
Absolutely. In fact we see many, many cases where criminal charges are never filed but for various reasons, but child abuse charges are made and sustained and kids are taken away. Also at least in CA the only statute of limitations for civil child abuse charges is the child has to be under 18.
Criminal court is beyond a reasonable doubt so if they don't have the case for that they don't go for it. Child abuse court is only preponderance of the evidence.
In fact many judges say it really has no bearing on my ruling whether criminal charges have been filed.
I would like to know if they can prosecute any of those "church elders." They are mandatory reporters and did nothing. Those people are just as guilty as Jim Bob in the cover-up.
I don't know if this is just lack of supervision. Jim Bob appears to be inappropriate about sex. I wonder what he taught Josh about sex. From what I've read, he probably taught that men get sex any time they want it, even if the wife isn't interested. Josh took that message and turned it into molesting his sisters. Then his dad validated it by a lack of consequences. Josh cannot be prosecuted. The parents will never allow the girls to testify or even be interviewed.
I just don't see TLC canceling the show. Of course they should. But look at their programming. On any given week, there are hours and hours of Duggar programming. What would they air instead? The only thing that could make a difference is advertisers pulling out.
TLC might consider canceling JimBoob & Michelle's show, but I think they would ramp up filming of those married baby factory daughters as a replacement. I've never watched their show, JB & M totally creep me out. I feel sorry for those girls.
To add, if Jim Boob and Michelle thought that hard working for a time would "cure" Josh, they're delusional.
That's the Michael Landon way of dealing with bad seeds on Little House on the Prairie. That was a TV show for gosh sakes!
He needed intensive therapy with a licensed therapist experienced in sexual abuse as well as a sexual abuse program for perpetrators. Then, his service providers needed to prepare extensive evaluations indicating whether he had made progress or not.
If that never happened, if he has not been thoroughly evaluated by experts and deemed fit to be around children, as far as I'm concerned he cannot even begin to claim he's cured.
I would like to know if they can prosecute any of those "church elders." They are mandatory reporters and did nothing.
Are you sure that in AK at that time, a church elder was a mandatory reporter?
This is where they most likely sent Josh.
His sisters/ victims were likely sent here
Jana has gone on Journey to the heart multiple times within the same year.
"FYI the "leader" of their homeschool organization has also had young women accusing him of sexual assault."
Bill Gothard
We hope somehow the story of our journey – the good times and the difficult times – cause you to see the kindness of God and learn that He can bring you through anything."
I apologize but I'm playing massive catch up today.
No you arrogant a-holes, your stupid little faith journey into the paths of molesting little children has actually caused me to question God. YOUR version of God anyway.
Disclaimer: I have not read any comments here yet. The police investigative documents (which a judge ordered today to be destroyed at the request of one of the victims) is available on "In Touch". All 33 pages have black-outs in it but you can definitely get the real scoop reading it. Four of the five victims were siblings (the other appears to be a babysitter who was molested while sleeping on their couch). It reveals the cover-up by the Duggars & their church members. It also just confirms once again since Michelle was "in the know" re his behavior & did not take appropriate action on behalf of her minor daughters that she may have given birth to her kids but she has not acted like their mother to them. The Delayed Discovery laws need to be amended if not for the sisters to take action now (they probably wouldn't) but to enable the law to do so on their behalf whether they want it done or not for them. Hopefully, People Magazine has not paid the Duggars for their "exclusive" confession; it would just be adding more ick frosting on the cake.
Geez, TLC's outgoing Twitter TL is 90% Duggars for the last several days. Interestingly, they have photo posted at the top, presumably the TLC "family," and Kate plus her unfortunate 8 are conspicuous by their absence. The Roloffs are there, Cake Boss, LI Medium, etc., etc., but no Kate.
I don't think TLC can plead ignorance on the Duggar revelations. If Harpo knew, and the Duggars cancelled the promo appearance when confronted with their knowledge (back in 2006), then it stands to reason that TLC must also have found out about it. But apparently they didn't think it was serious (or public?) enough to put a stop to filming. I wonder if they'll make the same questionable choice about Kate and the upcoming custody confrontation with Jon.
Just thinking out loud. The state trooper story sounds like this was a family friend and they swung by his house after hours. I mean, you go to the police station to report a crime, not some state trooper.
Does that really count as reporting it to law enforcement and triggering the SOL? I'm not sure if that's what triggered the report. Sorry, I probably should just read everything before asking a bunch of questions.
They will pray about it, and I'm sure that they will tell the world that God told them to go and be an example of His forgiveness. Just wait.
I bet God will also call them to put extra ketchup and mustard on their burgers.
Seriously, the block party just got a whole lot more interesting. Nobody wants a child molester around when all you're trying to do is grill some hotdogs. I can't wait to see what move all the major players will make next, including Kate and her children.
'I guess ur pretty tired if ur changing the lyrics of @JohnLegend song ‘All of Me’ instead, singing abt sleep (while in car picking up kids)'
Side note, but does she have any interests of her own that typical 40 year olds are interested in or does everything she does include pretending she is still 14 years old, including her music choices? It's like she almost has a fear to admit she really likes Josh Grobin and Rod Stewart because she would hate to be seen as uncool to all the kids these days.
TLC had to know something. This occurred in between the second and third special.
Taken from freejinger, in 2002
Jana was 12, Jill was 10, Jessa was 9, Jinger was 8 and Joy was 4. I hope Joy is not one of the victims.
This whole Duggar thing and the possible repercussions are mind-boggling. I've been reading TLC's Twitter T/L and people are furious that TCL ran a Duggar marathon today. What a huge faux pas (polite way to say f&ck up). TLC couldn't find another crap show to marathon today--even showing having sex with a car is better than a Duggar child molester. There are almost 2000 comments on their timeline now that I haven't even read yet.
And what to do about the upcoming block party? I have to stifle a big guffaw because I detest TLC and everything they've become over the past several years. Only wish Eileen O'Neill were still around to try and put out all the fires.
I should think their sponsors would be bailing like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Some are now saying TLC stands for "Touching Little Children." That's gonna stick.
In quickly going over the police report, it is seen that Michelle and Jim Bobby Boy didn't want to make a big deal out of this; nobody had professional counseling; two attorneys declined to take the case; there could be no offense found in which the SOL was not in effect, and the kids are spanked with a rod.
I find it incredibly ironic that the law enforcement person who apparently read Josh the riot act himself was convicted of child porn possession.
In Post 30, I meant AR, not AK. Sorry about that.
I think that this latest catastrophic revelation regarding Josh molesting his sisters coupled with the Mama June and her pedophile boyfriend will end up up hurting Kate's future filming with a TLC. TLC is going to be struggling to not let this latest revelations hurt them with viewers and advertisers. They are well aware, as are the rest of the world,of Kate's alleged abuse of her children and now of the custody issues. I cannot see how TLC could afford to chose to continue to associate with Kate at this point especially with so many new families of multiples on the market so to speak-ones without baggage.
Seriously, the block party just got a whole lot more interesting. Nobody wants a child molester around when all you're trying to do is grill some hotdogs
Well, I would go out of curiosity, just to see if God will be grilling the dogs or chopping the onions. If the Duggars are there, He can't be far behind.
I think many teens might get curious and fondle a sibling if given lots of opportunities to be alone with them and not properly taught that's not ok.
Back up the bus a second here. WHAT??
NO. Just NO. NOT every teen would even THINK of such an immoral thing. Are you saying INCEST is 'normal' if given the opportunity? You can't be.
fidosmommy said... 16
I read the entire police interview report, and one victim's name is long and ends with an "a". The name Joy Anna fits the space perfectly. Also, the neighbor kid was interviewed later, after first declining._____________
** NO NO NO. Please respect the privacy of the underaged victims. This shouldn't be on this blog, imo.
If TFMJG is rubbing her French manicured talons with glee over the Duggar news, it is probably a safe bet that Jon and his attorney are watching the situation closely and it will be worked into the argument for the filming of the kids to cease. TLC may be busy with the Duggar fallout into June and TFMJG may not have their help in court.
CS said... 6
19 Kids And Counting Cancelled; Sex Scandal, Mixed Race Adoption Rumors
Posted about 8 months ago | 91 comments
This article was published 8 months ago and TLC never did cancel the show. I strongly doubt they will cancel it now.
National report is a satirical site / fake news site. I read that in one of the article comments, then verified it using google and Wikipedia. There is nothing on their home page identifying it as satire, though you might know it is if you look at it as a whole. Some stories are just too over-the-top to be true.
So in the Honey Boo Boo case, TLC pulled the show because a convicted child molester was in contact with minors. In this case, the only thing that's different, is that Josh was not convicted, but is an admitted child molester. And, of course, they are so Holy and righteous.
I don't see how TLC can treat this differently. I think this is going to blow up even more, once all the mainstream news programs pick this up and start debating. I think TLC has no choice but to cancel the show. It will be interesting to see what is going to be coming in the days ahead.
The media vilified Bill Cosby (rightfully so), over incidents involving adults. These are kids! You know, this almost explains their extremely chaste view about pre marital relationships. I believe they can't even dance, so as not to move their bodies in sinful ways.
I, for one, would not want to be associated with a company that would condone, and forgive this type of behaviour. I think all the Little Families, Bakers, Multiples, people who didn't know they were pregnant, and people in the ER due to sex, should probably think twice about where they are getting their fame and fortune from.
No you arrogant a-holes, your stupid little faith journey into the paths of molesting little children has actually caused me to question God. YOUR version of God anyway.
I hear you and that's exactly what puts me off of organized religion. Quiverfull Evangalicals or Catholic priests, no difference. Perverts hiding behind their "faith".
If anyone wants a break from the horrifying Duggar news, you might want to look at this satirical article headlined 'Feds Rule on the Definition of “Celebrity”: Common’s In, Coolio’s Out'
It doesn't mention Kate, but does mention Celebrity Wife Swap. You could very well substitute Kate Gosselin for Coolio without changing the meaning of the article at all.
If that never happened, if he has not been thoroughly evaluated by experts and deemed fit to be around children, as far as I'm concerned he cannot even begin to claim he's cured. 29
There is no cure. There is effective therapy and a lot of work on the part of the offender not to reoffend.
Of course God can be part of this, but like "I don't have to study. If Jesus wants me to pass this test I will", it doesn't work that way.
TLC canceled Honey Boo Boo because the mother was dating a known pedophile who molested her daughter and wasn't featured on the show. 19 Kids has a known pedophile who molested his sisters, and they are all seen on the show.
There is not a reason they can give to cancel HBB and not 19 Kids. Already the disgusting defense of Josh has been that he was a teenager, it was a mistake, he's forgiven. Well OK, by that logic, the man Mama June is dating paid for his crimes! He went to jail. Hell, maybe he prayed for forgiveness, too!
Maybe if the HBB family was seen as clean cut Christians instead of white trash, they'd still be on the air, too. Right TLC?
Sue_Buddy said... 40
Only wish Eileen O'Neill were still around to try and put out all the fires.
Arsonists usually enjoy watching the fires they started.
TLC needs time to read everything and discuss what to do and cover their own bases so THEY don't get sued. I think if they're going to cancel the show we'll hear tomorrow. Probably around 5 p.m., the time slot where you dump news you want to just go away.
Only wish Eileen O'Neill were still around to try and put out all the fires.
Arsonists usually enjoy watching the fires they started.
Lol. It is rather unfair the way the new world order is still on cleanup duty for her messes.
Oh, and Milo is probably jumping for joy on her twin bed, that this will bury the Gosselin custody story.
Can you please elaborate on your saying that most teens would commit incest if not properly parented?? Cuz that view is so wrong.
Lol. It is rather unfair the way the new world order is still on cleanup duty for her messes.
I just hope those Discovery execs are Nekkid and Afraid right about now.
TLC couldn't find another crap show to marathon today--even showing having sex with a car is better than a Duggar child molester.
I don't know, Sue. I saw that episode because I couldn't believe that TLC would actually film something like that, and it was probably one of the most disgusting things I can remember seeing on national television. I kept telling myself that the network wouldn't possibly show him in a sex act with his car. I was wrong. What was really pathetic was that here was a person with a mental illness, seriously disturbed, and TLC actually had the audacity to expose him and turn it into a freak show.
They deserve all the flack they get on this Duggar thing. Let those chips fall.
Can you please elaborate on your saying that most teens would commit incest if not properly parented?? Cuz that view is so wrong
Stop it, I never said any such thing.
Children need to be taught appropriate boundaries. Children also need to be taught about good and bad touch. This stuff doesn't come naturally to every child, and obviously didn't for Josh. To make matters worse, he was living in a zoo with two dozen other people and a film crew. I think lack of supervision, lack of insight and ability to spot red flags in their son, and the large amount of people in that home to keep track of, directly resulted in this. Had they had three or four kids and were more aware and in tune with their smaller family, this might never have happened. Sexual abuse statistics from people in the home is pretty daunting, so this sort of thing may be more common than you'd like to believe. I understand that no one likes to think that incest is anything but extremely rare behavior, but that's not the case. In light of that, it is EVERY parent's job to just be on the lookout for red flags and to deal with peeping tom and other common behaviors right away before they ever lead to other things. Without a doubt, this could have been prevented.
Washington Post story on Josh Duggar. I didn't know Family Research Center that he worked for has been named a anti gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Interesting that the Washington a post made a. Freedom of information act request to the Arkansas agency and got in response a copy of the judges order that the records be destroyed.
Check out the article. The comments are absolutely scathing. Isn't discovery head quarters in Maryland? Not far from DC. It's not just a tabloid story anymore, and there is a huge amount of outrage. How soon before some concerned citizen calls child protective services to investigate Josh and his family?
I understand that no one likes to think that incest is anything but extremely rare behavior, but that's not the case
It still doesn't explain why you said 'most teens'. Because no, 'most teens' wouldn't engage in incest.
And are you defending Josh? People are born pedophiles and remain pedophiles until they die. Where do you get your info?
To make matters worse, he was living in a zoo with two dozen other people and a film crew.
You're not actually defending Josh now, I hope. Pedophiles are born, not made. They remain pedophiles until they day they die. There is no cure and no amount of 'parenting' would prevent it.
Mom of 2, since I never said "most" or incest, so I have no idea what you're talking about or what you're asking.
How you got "defending Josh" out of my belief that his parents have a DUTY to protect his siblings, is absolutely beyond me. It's the LAW, a parent has a duty to protect their children. If you don't, foster came steps in. That has nothing to do with defending the victim. The fact is, if they had properly protected their children, I don't think this would have happened. They need to take responsibility for their other vulnerable children as much as Josh should take responsibility for his actions. The two are not mutually exclusive.
In case you haven't realized, all of us here find this sickening. Stop picking fights with people who are on your side. And count me in as one who always thought Josh was creepy. Silly me, I don't recall mentioning it here because I didn't want to pick an unnecessary fight with those who liked the show and family.
no amount of 'parenting' would prevent it.
That's flat out wrong. While it's true that science suggests you may be born a pedophile, it does not mean it's a certainty that your siblings will be molested. Good parents are able to recognize red flags and warning signs in a pedophile child, and take appropriate steps to protect their other children and anyone else they could hurt before anything ever escalates. Those who can't or won't often get their kids taken away. Seen both happen. To suggest that what Josh did wasn't preventable excuses the PARENTS.
to deal with peeping tom and other common behaviors
First off, this wasn't a 'peeping tom' situation. Though that alone is pretty disgusting.
Josh fondled multiple sisters' breasts and genitalia. This is not 'common behaviour'.
Secondly, there is no treatment for pedophilia. None. Josh Duggar is a threat to society. I'm not sure why it appears you are downplaying this as 'common' among teens because it most certainly is not.
First off, this wasn't a 'peeping tom' situation. Though that alone is pretty disgusting.
I never said it was, nor did I say peeping toms isn't disgusting.
Josh fondled multiple sisters' breasts and genitalia. This is not 'common behaviour'.
I never said that was common. Although, sexual abuse is more common than you think, especially in the family home.
"Secondly, there is no treatment for pedophilia. None."
That's simply not true. There are multiple services for child molesters. There are therapists who have devoted their careers to helping in this area. There was a program for years in L.A. called CSEP that all the molesters went to, and some did quite well in it. I've seen people go through years of treatment with extensive evaluations of their progress. Some do well, some don't. There are many people who after treatment never offend again, ever. There are of course people who will offend again. But there are lots of things Josh could have done to help him. Sending him to go do work is a cop out when there are many good services available to him to address the issue directly.
Whether the treatment WORKS is a matter of opinion and perhaps some science, but there is treatment, many of it highly regarded. A lot of it focuses on how to deal with the urges in a way that is safe, instead of expecting the feelings to go away. I don't agree that the Duggars should have thrown up there hands and said there's no treatment for this. Rather, they should have taken him to a licensed therapist who had experience, or some other similar program.
Abuse can happen. It is horrible. The part I find beyond redemption is how the parents handled it. They made sure he really had no consequences. He had to apologize and he had to build a basement. Whoop de do. Then his parents allowed him to continue living with the girls he abused. For me, I find the parents' behavior even worse than Josh's. No, I do not think what Josh did is in any way ok. But those parents heaped abuse on top of abuse. They must not love their female children.
The head of a Sexual Offender Unit at a mental hospital used to try really hard to convince me how their therapy program had the ability to "change" offenders court ordered into their program as a part of their sentence. Change, maybe, but once a broken cookie, always a broken cookie IMO. Some can re-learn thought patterns or be "re-programmed" not to act on their feelings but no promises that they won't put themselves in risky situations & re-offend. They will never be a full cookie from my personal observations. I would NEVER trust them around children & they aren't good at self-monitoring.
I do believe that the Duggars & TLC had a "heads-up" on what was going to come out and had ample time to pow wow about how they were going to react to it. I seem to recall reading that Josh & Anna recently purchased a home back in ARK (in prep for their choice to leave DC?). I think Jim Bob is working overtime trying to convince TLC to continue to film Jill & Derrick, Jessa & Ben's pregnancy journey, & the other Duggar boy who recently got engaged (maybe even mini spin-off's like Bravo is doing so much of now?). TLC wants the money & their story lines but wants to see if the flack created from the public outcry makes it worthwhile for them as a network before they make a decision. Josh & Anna of course will be gone from program updates & all filming.
Finally, I was thinking how unfortunate it is for baby #4 to be a girl.
Secondly, there is no treatment for pedophilia. None."
That's simply not true. 68
I agree with Amin.
While there is no cure, there certainly are treatments that can be quite effective. It requires a specially trained therapist, commitment and effort on the part of the perpetrator.
According to TMZ, Mama June wants to sue TLC if they don't cancel the Duggars. Here's the article:
"Mama June is so angry TLC has not cancelled "19 Kids and Counting" she's prepared to sue TLC, claiming the Duggar family is way worse than hers, yet they still have a show.
June tells TMZ there is no way TLC can justify keeping the Duggar family on the air yet yanking 'Honey Boo Boo.' June notes within hours of TMZ posting the pic of her cavorting with convicted child molester Mark McDaniel, TLC pulled the plug on her show.
June says she never molested anyone and McDaniel wasn't ever on her show, yet Josh Duggar is a central figure on the TLC show and admitted to molesting some of his sisters, who are also on the show. What's more, she believes Jim Bob and Michelle covered up their son's misdeeds.
With that backdrop, June says she's out hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the abrupt cancellation of her show, and if the Duggar family stays on the air, she wants to sue the network for what she believes is blatantly unfair and inconsistent treatment.
And June adds, "I read that the Duggar family said, this happening with their son brought them closer to God and each other. So they're saying it's ok to have family touch time? Hell no."
She does have a point. They did cancel her show the day after the TMZ posted the story about her and her "boyfriend".
In Touch first posted the story about Josh on May 19,(without the police report, which they posted today) and the only thing TLC has done two days later was post a link to the People article on their twitter account and run a "19 kids and counting" marathon on their network.
Did anyone see this coming?
Another option is perhaps banning Josh from the show. They might split the baby and do that.
I think they would try this. They killed Jon off remember?
Anna said...
** NO NO NO. Please respect the privacy of the underaged victims. This shouldn't be on this blog, imo.
I agree. Why this need to identify the victims? So we can clutch our pearls a little tighter and tsk tsk when we see pictures of them or think of them? It doesn't matter who the victims were. Please stop! Don't victimize them again.
The story has hit CNN
Well, well, well...TLC. You got caught, AGAIN. TLC had better think again before they ever air another Gosselin show because we know for a fact that Kate has abused her kids and the dogs.
I feel sad for the Duggar sisters, but it proves that TLC either does not vent their freak show "talent" or they do vent and cover up. I tend to believe they cover up. Oh yes, there is no doubt they purchased incriminating photos of Kate and Steve and they trashed Jon because he would not play ball. Robert and this blog have been beating the drum for years and no one has taken it seriously. Maybe now that the premier "talent" of TLC has been outed as hypocrites, there will be some true investigation into Gosselin. She is a liar, abuser, cheat and TLC has given this bottom feeder money and protection for YEARS.
LOL, Sue Buddy. I forgot about THE BLOCK PARTY.
However, these are not allegations -- Josh admitted he committed these acts
Yes, I am tired of seeing, in print
Josh Duggar ADMITS to ALLEGED molestation
how can you admit to something that "allegedly" happened?
aaaand...guess what show is on TLC right now. Multiple episodes lined up for the day.
My regular Duggar snark site is having server issues so I guess I will have to research this by myself.
Would you be able to give us the link? Admin, will you allow this?
I think that this latest catastrophic revelation regarding Josh molesting his sisters coupled with the Mama June and her pedophile boyfriend will end up up hurting Kate's future filming with a TLC. TLC is going to be struggling to not let this latest revelations hurt them with viewers and advertisers. They are well aware, as are the rest of the world,of Kate's alleged abuse of her children and now of the custody issues. I cannot see how TLC could afford to chose to continue to associate with Kate at this point especially with so many new families of multiples on the market so to speak-ones without baggage.
I agree. I think the Gosselin dam is showing cracks and can break at anytime with all the allegations of her child abuse. As the kids get older, some might speak out as we are now witnessing with the current situation. TLC should be very careful about their association with Kate because it seems that nothing stays hidden forever. There is just too much baggage with Kate. Of course this is just my opinion but I hope I’m right.
Josh is also saying he "confessed" to his parents. After he got caught, I'm sure.
And I have yet to hear the parents talk about the victims.
Anna made a statement that she knew about it two years before she married him? The timeline doesn't fit.
I agree that Kate, being the narcissist that she is, is indeed rubbing her French tipped talons together envisioning taking over the Duggar TLC time slots. She forgets: she has already been a TLC darling, thus old news; TLC is not going to put up with her prima Donna demands; and she is just one more who will implode because TLC knows her dirty secrets. I think this is the end. Jon seeking custody of Hannah proves the family is unraveling. Plus, we have looked at her association with Jeff Millionaire, and he has his own skeletons. Done, done and done.
Tfmjg is probably wondering why her family custody suit didn't make cnn. She had to make do with one paparazzi, poor thing.
On the other hand, some political websites are taking about how Josh Duggar had been photographed with Several republican presidential candidates and showing the photos. if tlc thinks this story will be forgotten over a holiday weekend, they are mistaken. Everyone who wants to bash a particular candidate will pull out any thing and every thing to do so, that includes pulling out a photo and saying "senator Cruz, rand Paul, whoever, did you know you were posing with a child molester? Do you condone the Family Research Council employing a child molester to lobby against gay marriage? what do you think of a cable network that broadcasts shows with an admitted child molester on it? "
TMZ has an article about Mama June suing TLC over canceling her show and not 19 kids. I can't think she has any sort of actual civil case but TLC may regret cutting her loose. She is or will soon be out from under her contract and most definitely will use this to keep her name out there. Plus she gives pretty good sound bites.
I think we may be seeing the unravelling if the entire TLC network. If this blows up just a little more into the mainstream I think it could bring an end to TLC.
It also makes me wonder what ELSE TLC has hidden and is hiding. I bet there's lots and lots of shredding, email deleting and film burning going on. Maybe that's why they haven't had time to take the showcase of pedophilia off the air. Touching Little Children indeed. I sure hope that sticks.
I bet TLC is scratching its collective heads right now, not knowing what to do about the block party. Did the Duggars sign a contract to appear, and if so, would they be released from that contract? It would seem that TLC is in a bit of a dilemma right now.
Remember, TLC canceled HBB when allegations arose and photos showed June in bed with the pedophile.
June was, and is still, denying it.
Poodle confirmed the story, but it was still he said/she said.
Now, here we have a confession (although sterile) from Josh, police reports and confirmation from the parents.
What the hell is TLC waiting for?
Well, the Duggars are on the national morning shows. No comment from any of them to the Today show.
They didn't get as detailed about what exactly Josh did, and WHO he did it to.
I do believe that the Duggars & TLC had a "heads-up" on what was going to come out and had ample time to pow wow about how they were going to react to it.
You're not the only one who thinks that. An article at the Inquisitor suggests the same thing, based on Josh's and Anna's twitter and Instagram activity. They also wonder if perhaps the Police Department notified them that they released the report.
If I were TLC, I would pull out "Trading Spaces" from the vault and rerun those episodes until I figure out how to get out of the "reality" tv business.
All due respect to Mama June and her aspirations to regain her reality TV paycheck, but does she think that if it were actually possible to sue TLC for cancellation, Katie Irene would not have been running to a courtroom in 2011? I don't think you can sue for "inconsistent treatment" unless it's on the basis of racial, gender, or other constitutionally defined bias.
And I don't see how this situation is likely to help Kate. If anything, the custody battle with Jon is likely to get that much more public scrutiny, and from people who've never paid attention before. I don't think she'd welcome that.
He needed intensive therapy with a licensed therapist experienced in sexual abuse as well as a sexual abuse program for perpetrators. Then, his service providers needed to prepare extensive evaluations indicating whether he had made progress or not.
If that never happened, if he has not been thoroughly evaluated by experts and deemed fit to be around children, as far as I'm concerned he cannot even begin to claim he's cured.
This still needs to happen and NOW. Josh is married to a woman whom he will get pregnant as many times as her uterus can carry children before it drops out of her.
Josh and Anna need to be evaluated.
I don't think Anna has any idea of the real risks her girls face.
Josh wasn't a pubescent, hormonal teenager beating off to National Geographic boobies. He had to have GROOMED his victims, because no way did he walk up to them, pull their pants down and boom! stick his hand on and in their genitals.
One girl was sitting on his lap as they read. That is classic, classic grooming.
People have to wake up and see this for what it was. I hope Josh has truly changed and he deserves forgiveness. But, this family perpetrated a massive cover-up.
I also find it suspect that just before the story is about to break, one of the victims gets the record destroyed.
I have a feeling this was an attempt to stop the story from coming to light.
No records, no molestation.
JoyinVirginia said... if tlc thinks this story will be forgotten over a holiday weekend, they are mistaken.
True! Not that the story is out there all the gossip sites will be full steam ahead to see what else is out there to be found.
It couldn't happen to better people than TLC...Karma baby...
Hopefully, People Magazine has not paid the Duggars for their "exclusive" confession; it would just be adding more ick frosting on the cake.
It didn't surprise me at all that Josh went to People for the announcement.
They don't pay for interviews, but for photos, and I'm sure that's in the works.
Sad but true said... 91
All due respect to Mama June and her aspirations to regain her reality TV paycheck, but does she think that if it were actually possible to sue TLC for cancellation, Katie Irene would not have been running to a courtroom in 2011?
As much as it disgusts me, June's point is the hypocrisy and double standard. Kreider doesn't have that as an excuse for cancellation. June's just flapping her gums, but it's going to work in a big way to force TLC to cancel the Duggars. Her claim is going to bring even more attention to TLC and this mess. She may be the tipping point.
TLC is swiffering their twitter but everything shows up on Twazzup.com
R'ut R'oh!
If they do cancel the Duggars, that's another Figure 8 production (also the company that produces K8) out the window. Bet they're sweating bullets right now.
Eileen O'Neill's official retirement date was May 1st -- her 25th
anniversary with Discovery. What a fine legacy. She must be
so proud. Rich Ross has nowhere to go but up.
C'mon, Mr. Ross. Cancel 'em all. Clean slate. I double dog
dare you.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 36
Just thinking out loud. The state trooper story sounds like this was a family friend and they swung by his house after hours. I mean, you go to the police station to report a crime, not some state trooper.
Does that really count as reporting it to law enforcement and triggering the SOL? I'm not sure if that's what triggered the report. Sorry, I probably should just read everything before asking a bunch of questions.
My question, too. So, JB took Josh to "confess" to a law enforcement officer, and he did nothing?
He should have formally reported it and let the justice system do its thing.
Of course, the officer is a scumbag and now in jail for being a pedo, so he was probably getting off on hearing what Josh was doing.
I don't mean to be offensive, but think about it.
Pedos get off on the littlest of things, so this was probably enjoyable to him.
Thanks, Admin and the pool girls, for keeping up with this flurry
of activity. Your efforts are appreciated.
I'm hoping all if this us enough to make TLC dump all the family reality shows! Clean house TLC!!!
Paula, I giggled at your post about Trading Spaces. I think I would laugh if I turned on the TV today and TLC were furiously running dozens of episodes of Trading Spaces. Nothing to see here, folks, just ogle Ty and be horrified at Hildie's hay wall and hammer something!
They have to cancel it. They really have no choice. I think the only thing they are waiting for as Tucker asked, is to dump it at the end of the day today, the traditional time slot for dumping things you want to go away.
This still needs to happen and NOW. Josh is married to a woman whom he will get pregnant as many times as her uterus can carry children before it drops out of her.
Josh and Anna need to be evaluated.
DCFS would be involved in a heartbeat here. Those kids would be detained by Tuesday. (Monday's a court holiday) Anna has already said way too much, and Josh never did any formal treatment or that I know of, has any progress letters from licensed professionals. I don't want to say anything bad about Arkansas because I don't know what their plan is to deal with this situation. Maybe their CPS will be involved. I hope so.
The older Duggar girls are given way too much responsibility as far as raising the children. I believe and I hope that a big part of their involvement is to keep their young sisters safe.
I grew up with a very abusive father, but my much older sisters took the brunt of the abuse. They were very protective of me. As I started growing up and began to see that my household was not normal, I convinced myself that things could have been much worse. I would tell myslelf at least there wasn't any sexual abuse going on. Funny isn't it? Thankful that it wasn't happening to us, that we weren't THAT family.
Turns out my father did sexually molest my sisters. It was because of them that he never had an opportunity to do the same to me. They never left me alone with him. My mother was oblivious, intentionally or not, we don't know. We have never spoken about it to her.
Although it's a burden to those Duggar girls, a forced responsibility, I believe they make sure those little girls are protected and never left alone with the brother.
Admin sad..Nothing to see here, folks, just ogle Ty and be horrified at Hildie's hay wall..
OMG, I forgot about that hay wall...Just the absolute worst.
The fact that TLC aired a 19 Kids & Counting marathon yesterday (and apparently have plans to do so again today) speaks volumes to me.
TLC knew all along. I'm glad Harpo and Oprah did the right thing.
You're not the only one who thinks that. An article at the Inquisitor suggests the same thing, based on Josh's and Anna's twitter and Instagram activity. They also wonder if perhaps the Police Department notified them that they released the report.
Shit is about to get real if it comes out TLC knew.
Called it, called it, called it. You can't be involved with questionable families for this long and this much before you get wrapped up yourself in something really terrible. They are the Allan Roy Dafoe of the situation.
TLC knew all along. I'm glad Harpo and Oprah did the right thing.
Not that anyone deserves a medal for just doing the moral thing, but I'm impressed with Oprah's producers. They reported it in an age where you looked the other way. They reported a very bad thing about a family a lot of America really loves. That took courage, a moral compass, and a desire to put the welfare of children first before a buck. They are to be commended.
TMZ has an article about Mama June suing TLC over canceling her show and not 19 kids. I can't think she has any sort of actual civil case but TLC may regret cutting her loose.
I'm pretty sure they're all at will employees and TLC and they can fire them for any reason at any time or for no reason at all. They don't even have to explain to June why they fired her. That's how most of TV works. They can even fire you if you bring in great ratings and everyone loves you. Or they can NOT fire you even if you are scandalous and everyone hates you. It's up to them.
That lawsuit's not going to fly that I see.
But what it will do is call attention to the hypocrisy of the issue and may just force their hand. You're right June, the Duggars should be cancelled if you were cancelled. Can't argue with you there.
Will tonight be Gosselin Family Movie Night? Popcorn with a
surprise? Maybe a Waltons marathon and then Mom reading
"Good Night Moon" to everyone as they drift off to sleep? TFW
has got to figure out how to capitalize on this. It's how she rolls.
And her "I'm tired" tweet yesterday -- I'll ask my usual question:
tired from what? Imagine what people with jobs feel like at the
end of the day. Or stay-at-home moms who actually do all the
cooking and cleaning and childcare. Or single moms who truly
do live paycheck to paycheck.
My regular Duggar snark site is having server issues so I guess I will have to research this by myself.
Would you be able to give us the link? Admin, will you allow this?
Sure. The only links I don't allow are links put up here just to SNARK on other Gosselin blogs. I don't want to engage in a tit for tat with another blog, it's not productive and leads to blog wars.
Suppressing information about sex does nothing but arouse curiosity. Obviously Josh Duggar derived pleasure from what he did because he did it to more than one. There is no excuse for a male sibling to touch his female siblings in inappropriate ways. None. It's incest. There is something wrong either within the Duggar family or within Josh to do such a thing. It's not some teenage mistake. I hold Jim Boob and Michelle entirely responsible. Josh should have been immediately separated from the family and entered intense counseling. You can't pray away those kind of impulses. Sick family.
BTW, some posted there were rumors about Josh years ago. This is the first I've heard. Proves to me there are plenty of people out there who don't realize what an abuser and liar Kate Gosselin is. It is so frustrating.
It's time for TLC to cut ties with Duggars and Gosselin.
BTW, some posted there were rumors about Josh years ago. This is the first I've heard. Proves to me there are plenty of people out there who don't realize what an abuser and liar Kate Gosselin is. It is so frustrating.
It also proves the point that not ALL rumors are false and that not ALL sources are bad. Some rumors and sources are spot on. As they were her.e
Kate's fans love to dismiss anything that is a rumor. Of course they cherry pick too. But that's their go-to excuse when they don't like something bad said about Kate. That's just a #RUMOR.
By the way the way Oprah's producers found out is kind of strange....they saw it in a letter in a book? Weird.
'All that changed in 2012 when she became pregnant with daughter Noelle. Patriarch Jim Bob felt that 'Keller's slide into sin' warranted cutting off all contact and striking even the mention of Susanna's name from the family’s show.'
She said: 'I don't believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.
effing hypocrites!
Last month Michelle's husband Jim Bob Duggar said he wasn't worried about by the petition.
'They won't succeed,' the 49-year-old said. 'Our show is the number one show on TLC. It's a small group creating this fuss. All it has done is give us more exposure.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2928339/19-Kids-Counting-stars-Jim-Bob-Michelle-Duggar-BANNED-midwife-daughter-Jill-helping-relative-unwed-mother.html#ixzz3asBl8bQZ
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What a smug SOB. Wonder if he's worried now??
LOL, from TMZ:
Mama June is so angry TLC has not cancelled "19 Kids and Counting" she's prepared to sue TLC, claiming the Duggar family is way worse than hers, yet they still have a show.
June tells TMZ there is no way TLC can justify keeping the Duggar family on the air yet yanking 'Honey Boo Boo.' June notes within hours of TMZ posting the pic of her cavorting with convicted child molester Mark McDaniel, TLC pulled the plug on her show.
June says she never molested anyone and McDaniel wasn't ever on her show, yet Josh Duggar is a central figure on the TLC show and admitted to molesting some of his sisters, who are also on the show. What's more, she believes Jim Bob and Michelle covered up their son's misdeeds.
With that backdrop, June says she's out hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the abrupt cancellation of her show, and if the Duggar family stays on the air, she wants to sue the network for what she believes is blatantly unfair and inconsistent treatment.
And June adds, "I read that the Duggar family said, this happening with their son brought them closer to God and each other. So they're saying it's ok to have family touch time? Hell no."
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz3asBtPf43
Jon needs to sue TLC too.
d. For me, I find the parents' behavior even worse than Josh's. No, I do not think what Josh did is in any way ok. But those parents heaped abuse on top of abuse. They must not love their female children.
I completely agree. They shoulder so much blame here, and like I said it's not mutually exclusive, it's not a fixed pie and that does not mean that Josh shoulders LESS blame.
Their job is to protect their children. That's both God's law and the LAW. They failed to do so and what's more think how they handled it was okay.
By the way the way Oprah's producers found out is kind of strange....they saw it in a letter in a book? Weird.
I believe it was someone the family knows that found the letter and then informed the Oprah show.
Admin, ITA. The National Enquirer did their job with John Edwards. Thanks to Intouch Weekly for posting the Josh Duggar documents.
Oh and Katie tweeting about being exhausted...I guess she's tired from the big date! Isn't there a rumor about Jeff purchasing a NYC apartment as their love nest?
Hey Steve, time to write that book!
Random comment on Twitter:
XXXXXXX @ XXXXXX 2m2 minutes ago
Anyone else think that Kate Gosselin is the mastermind behind the other TLC 'stars' falling from grace?
No I don't, but I am LOLing at the concept! She's probably saying, Why didn't I think of that?
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
Wow. Amazing how that didn't take off then.
The Cosby story was also reported years ago.
The Gosselin abuse story was also reported by a nanny years before Robert broke it.
Sometimes, we need to LISTEN to these people trying to tell us something.
Anna said Josh told her he molested his sisters two years before they married. Since they married when he was 20, supposedly he told her about what he had done when he was 18? I don't think they were courting or engaged when he was that young, so out of the blue, he told a girl who was all but a stranger to him that he molested his sisters multiple times, and hey, want to get married to me? Doesn't sound plausible to me.
Anna said Josh told her he molested his sisters two years before they married. Since they married when he was 20, supposedly he told her about what he had done when he was 18? I don't think they were courting or engaged when he was that young, so out of the blue, he told a girl who was all but a stranger to him that he molested his sisters multiple times, and hey, want to get married to me? Doesn't sound plausible to me.
That part didn't ring true to me either. AT ALL.
I find it hard to believe a nice girl would stay with someone who told them that and what's more have multiple children with him. You just started dating, it's not like you invested that much in the relationship, and you don't have kids, so end it. Says a lot about Anna. At 18 if you heard that, most normal young girls would be absolutely horrified.
Motive. TLC has motive ($$$$) for hiding anything that would ruin their show darlings. Now someone just needs to come forward.
The fact that TLC employed Steve to be Kate's personal "bodyguard" is quite telling. Those who thought Steve was hired to keep an eye on Kate, I believe are correct. However, Steve saw an opportunity to ingratiate himself. The marriage was in trouble and Kate fell for him. What secrets he must know!
I agree with June. Her show got canned, so should Duggars. And so should Kate. This is Robert's opportunity to strike again to remind the viewing public what TLC ignored about the momster.
Yeah, Anna's assertion that she knew about it doesn't ring true at all with me. I believe that statement was put out there to say "hey, I married him anyway, so everything must be okay". Anything the save the "Brand"....sound familiar?
OMG, I forgot about that hay wall...Just the absolute worst. 105
Well, I thought the room where she nailed all the furniture upside down on the ceiling was pretty bad too.
mom of 2 said... 45
I think many teens might get curious and fondle a sibling if given lots of opportunities to be alone with them and not properly taught that's not ok.
Back up the bus a second here. WHAT??
NO. Just NO. NOT every teen would even THINK of such an immoral
I agree just no.
I have two older brothers from my mom and one from my dad I was never touched by any of them.
What did the Duggar parents do for the molested daughters? They were forced to forgive Josh yet they were not allowed to speak of their abuse I assume other than give the minimal details. Then had to live with this brother and pretend everything was fine. I think this could lead to problems in their own limited relationships with men.They should have had counseling too. I wonder if other daughters have also experienced this abuse and have never spoken up, due to how their sisters were treated? There may have been abuse from other members of their 'family' too- who knows.Where the male is ruled supreme and the females temptresses, many things could have gone on that were brushed under the Church rug. Isn't the Church the Duggars own home?
Yes, Anna has to say she knew because if she didn't know, then Josh was extremely deceptive to her, then had children with her and deceived them too. If she didn't know, she has to leave him right now. It's too big of a secret to hide from her.
By saying she knew all along, Josh looks like the hero by disclosing everything about him to her and trusting her fully. A real child molester would hide his dirty deeds. Because Josh was upfront and disclosed it to her (yeah right!) he must not be one of those. Gosh these people are awful.
hat part didn't ring true to me either. AT ALL.
I find it hard to believe a nice girl would stay with someone who told them that and what's more have multiple children with him.
True but wasn't she raised in the same cult like thinking by her parents?
.They should have had counseling too
I missed it at first blush but in their long statement there was one little throw away sentence about how the victims got therapy. That's the only thing they said about them, there is no other concern shown for the victims at all. They are so disgusting.
Paula, I want to see a Clean Sweep marathon! Watch Peter Walsh organize! Watch Tava Smiley be perky beyond belief! Watch Eric Stromer build!
Some of those Trading Spaces episodes were hilarious. Hildy was so over the top.
InTouch originally posted a story about Josh on May 19, 2 days before they had the police report. They cited "sources". And now what they heard from their sources has been proven to be true.
InTouch was also the first outlet(citing sources) to report about Jon's incident with Kate regarding Hannah and also that a custody hearing was set for June. Kind of tends to give more credibility to that story, doesn't it?
That infuriates me that Jim Bob and Michelle banned Jill to help Suzanna when she became pregnant with her baby!!!!
This is NOT JESUS'S WAY!!! Jesus would not condone this! To deny a mother who is with child no help?
What a nasty, arrogant backstabbing hypocrite!
I have a link to all of the former programming on TLC:
Instead of the Duggars, how about Cash Cab, Clean Sweep and Who Do You Think You Are? Get them out, blow the dust of them and show them.
I agree just no.
I have two older brothers from my mom and one from my dad I was never touched by any of them.
Unfortunately sexual abuse is not a rare thing at all. Experts estimate that as many as 20% of females were molested as children at one point, usually in the family home, usually by a relative. And that's just women reporting it. With FIVE of the females molested, they're already over that 20% mark just for their own family.
Supervision and looking for red flags, open dialogues with your children, and a host of other good parenting choices can prevent it.
There is a good possibility Josh demonstrated behaviors leading up to these incidents that good parents would notice. There is a good possibility this could have been prevented.
Sad but true, that would be the masterminding of all masterminding although Kate is the best. I think it is just inevitable that these flawed people are outed. Unfortunately it takes years if the legitimate press does not investigate. People tend to blow off the tabloids.
TLC is going to get theirs in the end because they had to have vetted these people, and if they did not, they were blinded by making money. When TLC went after Jon with such vengeance, I figured the company is capable of protecting their assets at any cost. I bet TLC was pulling the strings on going after Robert too.
If I found out my husband or boyfriend touched his little sisters I would get the hell out.
I sure as hell wouldn't have kids w/him I personally wouldn't take the chance.
Kate is a twit said... 122
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
I wonder if Alice is the one who sent the email to Oprah
Hildy, bless her heart. I wonder what she's up to these days?
Here's the timeline as I understand it. This is from all the stuff I read, but I don't remember the source. I should have started keeping links immediately when this story broke.
2003 Molestation happened. Josh "confessed" (His statement says "12 years ago)
Josh caught again 9 months later.
2006 Duggars to appear on Oprah but Oprah's people got an email from someone. Oprah's people reported it to authorities.
2006 Someone hides a letter in a book at the Duggar church and whoever finds it gives it to the church elders.
2006 JimBob takes Josh in to "confess". Maybe thinking the SOL had expired? Worried the shit is about to hit the fan?
Josh meets Anna early 2006 and marries her in Sept 2008. So, within months of meeting her once (they didn't reconnect until 2007) he confessed to her? B.S. Here is the "Our Story" about how and when they met. http://ja20.com/ourstory/
I agree with Admin. She'd better keep her mouth shut.
The papers are probably wrong on a lot of this, but it's how I've put it together in my head for now.
Discovery Communications did not respond to FOX411’s inquiries regarding the vetting process their reality stars go through. The network has also stayed mum on whether or not "19 Kids and Counting" will see any repercussions. A scheduled marathon of "19 Kids and Counting" aired Thursday night.
Public Relations Specialist Ryan McCormick cautioned that the situation could worsen for the network if it turns out someone at TLC was aware of the Duggar allegations before the show was put on the air.
“If it does come out that TLC was aware of this, they are going to have a major issue on their hands.”
Well, I can't really figure out exactly what Hildi is up to form her Facebook page, which she hasn't updated in a year. She takes really crappy Kate-like iPhone photos of really boring things mostly. Looks like at one point she went to Paris, then Turkey. Who knows what for.
But she did post a photo of her dinner one night, a big plate of french fries and a tall glass of red wine. She's special, that's for sure.
I like her despite myself.
Yes, Anna has to say she knew because if she didn't know, then Josh was extremely deceptive to her, then had children with her and deceived them too. If she didn't know, she has to leave him right now. It's too big of a secret to hide from her.
By saying she knew all along, Josh looks like the hero by disclosing everything about him to her and trusting her fully. A real child molester would hide his dirty deeds. Because Josh was upfront and disclosed it to her (yeah right!) he must not be one of those. Gosh these people are awful.
I wonder though, seeing as he confessed to the congregation. Seeing as this Alice person was commenting about it years ago. I think Anna did know but she's just a brainwashed as the rest of them, she "forgave" him.
You have parents who "forgave" him at the expense of their other kids safety. If the girls are all raised to believe that MAN has the final word, has all the power, is the second hand of God, they just have to keep sweet and never question or go against what the MAN has spoken as "truth"
I'm skeptical about the claim that those girls received therapy.
This is from the same people who claim the molester was "cured"
by doing construction work.
2006 Someone hides a letter in a book at the Duggar church and whoever finds it gives it to the church elders.
This is the part that's strange to me. Why not just mail a letter anonymously? It's so B movie lol! What if no one ever opens the book?
I'm skeptical about the claim that those girls received therapy.
This is from the same people who claim the molester was "cured"
by doing construction work.
How much you wanna bet their therapy was sitting down with a couple nice church elders and some coloring books and a few hours later they were deemed cured.
Rhymes with Witch said... 128
OMG, I forgot about that hay wall...Just the absolute worst. 105
Well, I thought the room where she nailed all the furniture upside down on the ceiling was pretty bad to
Yes! I was just going to say the same thing!
What about the one where the wife totally lost it? Where she was balling and the husband looked like he was going to hit someone?
Dark brown walls?
BTW, UpTV has just put back the "7th Heaven" reruns on their
lineup. There was such a huge uproar when Stephen Collins
admitted to exposing himself to young girls that I thought they'd
never air that show again.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137
Sadly I know it's not rare I learn that my father was touched by his own brother.
I just hated reading the sick defending comments of people saying it's normal for bro & sis to touch each other inappropriately.
This casts Anna in a whole different light for me now. Maybe she is more of a fame whore than I ever thought she was, and that being on TV if she married into the Duggar family and the money that came may have played a large role in her choices. I really want to know if she would have married Josh knowing what she claims she knew and there were no tv show or money.
There are tons of eligible young men she could choose from among the fundamentalists, and they're all looking to marry at 18. Why choose the child molester with all his baggage?
According to In Touch, the 40-year-old mother of eight “took off for four days last week” and “left the kids with the nanny.”
She did not give Jon the opportunity to watch the kids and she does not give the kids her cell phone number. The kids had no idea where she went according to Jon.
And I suspect part of the girls' "therapy" was about forgiving the
Just wondering, on the Duggar scale of unacceptable behavior,
where does incest rank? Higher or lower than gay marriage?
I just hated reading the sick defending comments of people saying it's normal for bro & sis to touch each other inappropriately.
I didn't see those comments. It's not normal to sexual abuse your sibling. It is normal to be curious about the opposite sex even siblings, and peeping Tom behaviors and playing doctor are pretty common behaviors among siblings any good pediatrician will tell parents about. Our court usually doesn't get involved when this happens, it is considered behavior that can usually be addressed in the family home without intervention when parents are attentive and take it seriously.
That's where Josh crossed the line though. He was not a younger child playing doctor nor was he a peeping tom. My point of saying all that is that when you start to see those lesser behaviors, it is the parents' job to ADDRESS them right there and then before it ever leads to anything else. I think these parents had too many kids to be able to notice subtle things like that that could escalate. I would not be at ALL surprised if Josh did some thing PRIOR to those incidents that were RED FLAGS a GOOD parent would recognize and nip in the bud. My point was, if Josh showed any red flags before this happened, I bet they were missed.
Kate's fan, Lauren, who has always been very anti-Duggar has been tweeting like crazy for TLC to get rid of them. Another Kate fan who loves to call her non-fans "blackhearted busy bodies", took Lauren to task and told her to stop harassing the Duggars.
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ · 13h13 hours ago
@ljohnson2006 No one forces you to watch their show. You are doing to the Duggers what the haters do to Kate!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 · 13h13 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ these accusations are true
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ · 13h13 hours ago
@ljohnson2006 So that justifies your harassment for something that happened 12 years ago?
The hypocrisy among the sheeple is amazing!!
Kate is a twit said... 122
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
Wow. Just wow. It's been out there since 2007 and TLC still had them on the show?!?! Again, wow. TLC must come out with a statement today!
So I have to wonder, since it appears Jon is going to the court of public opinion about Kate, if he hired some private investigator to tail Kate and hit the motherlode with her out with Jeff Millionaire? Oh yes, it's exactly what I would do. She bolts Wernersville, does not tell the kids where she is or how to contact her, and gets photographed at a casino.
I always grew up hearing kids will play doctor with other neighbor kids.
That's where Josh crossed the line though. He was not a younger child playing doctor nor was he a peeping tom. My point of saying all that is that when you start to see those lesser behaviors, it is the parents' job to ADDRESS them right there and then before it ever leads to anything else. I think these parents had too many kids to be able to notice subtle things like that that could escalate. I would not be at ALL surprised if Josh did some thing PRIOR to those incidents that were RED FLAGS a GOOD parent would recognize and nip in the bud. My point was, if Josh showed any red flags before this happened, I bet they were missed.
Agree and agree!
But with this wackjob of a family, the worst DID happen and they did nothing to at least try and get the boy help. He got a working holiday instead, and a closer relationship with "their" God (not mine!)
Even if those 2 rabbits had opened their eyes (and closed her legs and his zipper) they would not have done what the majority of "good" parents would have done.
This patriarchal bullshit serves nobody but the MALES. Rape culture to the very core
Kate is a twit said... 154
Kate's fan, Lauren, who has always been very anti-Duggar has been tweeting like crazy for TLC to get rid of them. Another Kate fan who loves to call her non-fans "blackhearted busy bodies", took Lauren to task and told her to stop harassing the Duggars.
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ · 13h13 hours ago
@ljohnson2006 No one forces you to watch their show. You are doing to the Duggers what the haters do to Kate!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 · 13h13 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ these accusations are true
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ · 13h13 hours ago
@ljohnson2006 So that justifies your harassment for something that happened 12 years ago?
The hypocrisy among the sheeple is amazing!!
Didn't the Gee person take her to task a few days ago for something else? Or was that Marie? Someone called Lauren fatface or something.
2006 Someone hides a letter in a book at the Duggar church and whoever finds it gives it to the church elders.
I'm guessing this was probably the only way the whistle blower thought they could expose them. Kudos to whoever saw some kind of light and felt the need to tell someone, even if they didn't yell it from the rooftops.
And how, pray tell, did he surf porn ,if the internet is forbidden??
Same way the gosselin kids don't go online?
Sue_Buddy said... 41
Some are now saying TLC stands for "Touching Little Children." That's gonna stick.
May 21, 2015 at 8:44 PM
Sadly, it's more accurate than The Learning Channel.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153
This casts Anna in a whole different light for me now. Maybe she is more of a fame whore than I ever thought she was
When I see Anna I see nothing but a robot.
I don't get the sense that she happy at all like when I watch wife swap with the 8 they looked like robots..I get the same feeling about Anna.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 · 13h13 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ these accusations are true
And so are the ones of your queen abusing her kids and pets.
Wouldn't be smart of Jon to have a PI run a background check on Jeff Millionaire?
Anna: When I was thirteen I first heard about the Duggar family, through mutual friends. It was Christmas Day, and I read an article about the Duggars that a friend had sent to us. The Duggars had thirteen children at the time, and I thought it would be neat to meet them one day!
Anna: Just after the Duggars first show aired on the Discovery Health Channel, some friends of ours sent us a copy of ’14 Children & Pregnant Again!’ As my family watched the video, I noticed how Joshua, then age sixteen, shared the importance of guarding his heart and waiting for someone who would really love him and wasn’t going to just get carried away with their emotions. I was so excited to see another family who was brought up so similar to the way our parents were training us, but never would I have dreamed what God had in store!
Well shades of Katie Kreider. It was all part of God's plan. She knew about them long before she met them? Things that make you go hmmmmmm? So the fame was more of a factor in choosing a husband than his past behaviour?
Is Gee Whiz Milo because I would not be surprised Milo has other names? It does matter if it was 12 years ago or 12 hours ago.
Why do I get the feeling that Drphil will either interview the family or Josh about this.
LOL. I think the kids phone or text Jon from a schoolmate's phone while in school. Easy preezy, Kate. That's how he may have found out she took off. And I bet he knows plenty about Jeff Millionaire. Hell, we dug up stuff just Googling.
Custody hearing set in June so TLC may wait to see how that shakes out. Kate loses custody of Hannah, it's over.
Anna: I was surprised a few weeks later when my Dad announced to our family that we would be traveling to Arkansas to spend a few days with the Duggars! The first night at the Duggar’s home during Bible time, Joshua shared his testimony. I was encouraged to see that there really was a young man out there who was accountable to his parents and was striving to keep his heart pure. As a girl, my parents explained that it was normal to have desires for a relationship, especially when you see a young man that had the qualities you desired in a future life partner.
Is this when he shared his "testimony". There's no way she knew.
What is not being addressed is that this will be with those girls the rest of their lives. Josh took away from those girls the person that they could have been. He took away their childhood innocence.
And it could have been prevented if his parents had only been paying attention.
. I was so excited to see another family who was brought up so similar to the way our parents were training us,
What an odd word to use
TLC stinks 126 said.......
This is Robert's opportunity to strike again to remind the viewing public what TLC ignored about the momster.
I was thinking the same thing, now is the time for Robert to remind the public of Kate's abuses. His book never made it to the mainstream media that I am aware of and I think he should strike hard now that TLC is vulnerable and in the news.
I can just see Kate grinning at this block party looking like the bright,
(comparatively) untouched star of TLC. Yes, it's time for Robert to resurface now!
I bet the reason that a naive bride was quickly found was that they needed to get him married off...quick.
"Following a Freedom of Information Act request from The Washington Post for the police report published by In Touch, the Springdale Police Department responded by e-mailing a court document that ordered that the report “be destroyed and expunged from the public records…and that any and all copies of the same be destroyed.”
The court order was the result of a motion to expunge filed by one of the alleged victims. It was signed by judge Stacey Zimmerman on May 21, the same day The Post’s FOIA request was submitted.:"
What a coinkydink (insert eyeball roll)
The fact is, if they had properly protected their children, I don't think this would have happened. They need to take responsibility for their other vulnerable children as much as Josh should take responsibility for his actions. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Although I can't give Michelle and JB a pass for being ignorant about Josh molesting his sisters, I find them completely guilty of not protecting their daughters after the fact.
Josh should have been separated from the girls, and never given access to them, and all of the future girls, again.
Whether the treatment WORKS is a matter of opinion and perhaps some science, but there is treatment, many of it highly regarded. A lot of it focuses on how to deal with the urges in a way that is safe, instead of expecting the feelings to go away
In your experience, are there ever instances where offenders can actually safely have children of their own?
That, to me, seems like an enormous risk.
As a woman, I would never have children with a man whom I knew to have molested his little sisters.
I could never sleep with both eyes closed.
The court order was the result of a motion to expunge filed by one of the alleged victims. It was signed by judge Stacey Zimmerman on May 21, the same day The Post’s FOIA request was submitted.:"
Kind of like a Homer "doh!". Stupid, should have had it expunged a long time ago, no? But it was only one victim, so...what's the point?
. I was so excited to see another family who was brought up so similar to the way our parents were training us,
What an odd word to use
I was like training WTF?
Training to be what a brainless baby factory.
JoyinVirginia said... 85
Tfmjg is probably wondering why her family custody suit didn't make cnn. She had to make do with one paparazzi, poor thing.
On the other hand, some political websites are taking about how Josh Duggar had been photographed with Several republican presidential candidates and showing the photos. if tlc thinks this story will be forgotten over a holiday weekend, they are mistaken. Everyone who wants to bash a particular candidate will pull out any thing and every thing to do so, that includes pulling out a photo and saying "senator Cruz, rand Paul, whoever, did you know you were posing with a child molester? Do you condone the Family Research Council employing a child molester to lobby against gay marriage? what do you think of a cable network that broadcasts shows with an admitted child molester on it? "
Joy, you hit the nail on the head. This is exactly what I thought.
D.C. is all about pressing the flesh and posing and schmoozing.
Josh has selfishly put the careers of other politicians in danger due to his hubris.
He let himself become the Poster Boy for Fundy Christianity, gay-bashing and acting all holier than thou.
You'd better be unimpugnable if you decide to take on the mantel.
He KNEW he molested his sisters, yet did this anyway.
He was reckless, and the victim list is growing.
It's hit the Fox headlines. This really could be the beginning of a major change for TLC. By the way, the five charges don't include the one for the Kate Plus 8 footage editor, or whatever he was. So make that six!
With the title: "Twisted Reality? Fifth TLC/Discovery show hit by molestation charge"
"Does TLC/Discovery have a child molester problem?"
From Josh's statement: "I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."
As in....never mind that you already ruined theirs, it's not about them?
I am astounded that the Duggars thought that they could keep something of this magnitude buried forever.
Just like TFW thinks that she can keep her child/pet abuse buried.
A little arrogant, for such Christian people.
Vanessa said... 174
. I was so excited to see another family who was brought up so similar to the way our parents were training us,
What an odd word to use
I admit it sounds odd, and I'm not defending the Duggars by any means, but I've been around homeschoolers of all types for 20 years. (I'm a former homeschool mom who homeschooled for educational, not religious, reasons.)
So of I've learned a lot about evangelical Christians, and they do use the word "training" because in their view, they are training a child to become a responsible adult. It comes from the Bible verse in Proverbs, "Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." It's not unique to the Duggars.
I think Josh is being disingenuous when he says he reported what he did to the police/authorities.
Jim Boob took him to have a "talking to" by a State Trooper, probably one whom he knew and trusted not to tell anyone, arrest Josh or file charges.
Not the same, sorry.
Funny how the molestation is being widely reported today in such a sterile manner.
How can you possibly think that it's ok for *you* to tell other people who they can marry (which doesn't impact you personally in any way), and then have something like this in your history????
You molested your *sisters*???? What???? And we're just going to say, oh you were a young teen, it was 12 years ago...just let it go??? I don't think so.
This was multiple people, multiple times. It's not a simple teenage 'mistake', the way they're implying.
A teenage mistake is taking your parent's car out without permission, staying out past curfew, underage drinking. The list goes on and on.
This is NOT a teenage mistake.
Paula said... 90
If I were TLC, I would pull out "Trading Spaces" from the vault and rerun those episodes until I figure out how to get out of the "reality" tv business.
May 22, 2015 at 4:49 AM
Paula reminds me of Paula Dean, whose shows were GONE from The Food Network immediately after her "N" word fiasco.
There was literally no trace that she ever existed, like that that.
Makes you wonder what the h*ll happened to him. What happened to him that he thought that kind of behavior was ok.
And if the parents missed his behavior, what else are they missing?
None is so blind as those who do not see....
I'm surprised they didn't add that TLC hired a company that had an editor who is serving time, convicted in (some degree of) trafficking in pornographic images of children.
Bill Blankenship edited raw footage for the Duggars, J+K+8, K+8 (I believe) and Table for 12.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 102
Paula, I giggled at your post about Trading Spaces. I think I would laugh if I turned on the TV today and TLC were furiously running dozens of episodes of Trading Spaces. Nothing to see here, folks, just ogle Ty and be horrified at Hildie's hay wall and hammer something!
Yes! Gluing hay and a fuckety billion silk flowers onto walls would be perfect right now.
So will TLC make a comment or not? I don't know what kind of PR people they have, but the longer they stay silent the worse they look. It was bad enough that they refused to comment when asked yesterday. Then they not only ran a Duggars' marathon last night, they also ran one today.
Their silence along with the marathon speaks volumes. Sure makes them look like they knew all about it, and are just sweeping it under the rug.
Just imagine the chaos at TLC and Discovery HQ right now. The Duggars, their biggest draw, have been harboring a pedophile in their midst. This is a big story, and TLC isn't going to be able to hush it up. It's out there. There is no way TLC didn't know, and they chose to look the other way--for money.
Next month is the Gosselin child custody hearing. Even if Jon doesn't get custody, there will be information that comes out. Hannah is going to be interviewed, the other kids are going to be interviewed, and there are secrets that will be reported. Hannah told her father that she couldn't stand her mother's cruelty any longer. TLC's perfect single mom, cruel to her child? Say it isn't so! Oh, and Hannah says she didn't want to film. So, that means TLC has been forcing a child, against her will, to film. There's no way the camera crew spent so much time filming them without realizing that some of those kids did not want to be filmed. Forced child labor, child abuse/cruelty, added to the child molestation in another TLC family. Things are going to explode soon. TLC better get busy and figure out some serious damage control, fast. Serves them right--they deserve every bit of bad press and public ridicule they get.
Milo is proving more and more what an idiot she is. She tweeted this to Kate:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 11m11 minutes ago
LOL! For the over-thetop-critics! > pic.twitter.com/w5Nfi9REtb @Kateplusmy8
The picture is a sign that says "Dear Haters--I have so much more for you to be mad about. Just be patient."
She thinks the "LOL" makes that funny? Bet you she won't be "LOLing" if the custody case goes against Kate, either by Hannah ending up with Jon or the court ordering filming to stop.
Sadly, I know people with the same belief system as the Duggars. You know, having as many kids as possible, then keeping those kids in a virtual isolated environment, no dating but courting with the father of the girl deciding when they can speak alone, no being alone until marriage. It's so sad and this incident or incidents with Josh just highlight the hypocrisy that isolating them protects them. BS. I find these people to be very arrogant in their beliefs.
As for the people defending Josh because it was when he was young, it is no different that Kate's fans saying that because the abuse reported in Roberts book was so long ago it's no longer relevant, they are absolute idiots. Child abuse should NEVER be excused and sexual assault should NEVER be excused.
Kate is a twit said... 122
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
Wow, thanks, Kate is a Twit! Alice certainly had the inside story. And she knew her stuff. I have to believe the other things she said were true as well ... all about the Duggars being big frauds, fame-hungry, and about much of their life being staged.
Poor Alice was not believed at the time, but she was right. She was incredulous that the Duggars were protecting Josh over his sisters and that he was still in the home. She describes which sisters it was. They were quite a bit younger than he was, which is disturbing on SO many levels.
As I had said in earlier posts, of which one person here told me I should not spread rumors, about the Josh sex thing. . Well, at the time 2005 it was a rumor, all over the net and that was about the time the Duggars signed with TLC. So TLC covered it up. Cause, nothing except a few blurbs were ever mentioned all these years. Eileen O'neill, should have been fired a long time ago, at TLC. It was her and the PR team & legal team there, that supported and covered up sex abuse, child abuse, spouse abuse, animal abuse, put all kinds of perverted shows on TV. TLC, got a new meaning, not as: The Learning Channel, but as The Lying Channel. They took a wonderful opportunity to have educational TV and twisted it by doing reality shows, and all of us we suckered in. We are all guilty of watching the shows there. Fortunately, most of us, have seen the light, especially with the family shows. Kate at the top of the list. TLC does not do any research, on any of the families they put on TV, nor do they have any moral convictions. They call it reality TV, what you see is what you get. Except, morales do play a part. And TLC choose to ignor them, for ratings. TLC has been nothing but ratings, could careless about right from wrong, break-up of marriages, trainwrecks waiting to happen.
If TLC wants to do the right thing, TLC needs to clean house. If it means to get rid of their cash cows, then that is what they have to do. But, I doubt they will, money talks. Just cause they got rid of one HBB, does not mean they will get rid of rest.
As for Josh quitting that job, an article on the net says that Josh had bought a home in January in Siloam Springs, AR, and that his job was a contract job for 2 years. Before the sex abuse, came out, he was going to move back home before this. Last month, on the net, ROL, had an article that Josh owes back taxes, but bought a house to move back to AR.
I am guilty of watching the Duggars, I don't think I will be watching them in the future anymore.
Kate is a twit said... 122
I found this blog that had a post back in March of 2006. The post was about their then upcoming specials.
Scroll down and read the comments by Alice starting on May 22, 2007 and ending on May 30, 2007.. She apparently knew the Duggars, and went to their church.
She reported this whole story 8 years ago!! She also said that Josh visited porn sites and confessed this to the church congregation.
May 22, 2015 at 6:31 AM
Wow, thank you for posting this.
Alice, back in 2007, blew the whistle.
How did this family become so famous and so rich, yet manage to keep this a secret.
The Alice detailed everything.
It wasn't a secret in that town or towns, that's for sure.
I smell a huge cover-up, and I'm starting to get convinced that TLC knew.
How could they not?
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