I absolutely hated the response from almost all the Duggars when asked what "courtship" was and they defined it as "dating with a purpose".
I see why that is bothersome.
I think in general a lot of what the Duggars have said, even if well-meaning, has a subtle arrogance to it. Even the dating thing implies as you said that those who aren't going about things their way are doing something wrong.
It also suggests that someone who is not necessarily looking to get married right now but is dating more for companionship is doing something wrong. They're not. Or even if you think that's wrong, it's truly a case of it's not your business to judge what a **private*** person does or to make snide comments about it.
That's the problem with what is happening now. For years they have been so judgmental of other's righteousness, or lack thereof. Quite frankly if this happened to, say, one of the little people families, this story would be over by now. I'm sure of it.
I will say this, because I don't think anyone else here has said it. There is something to be said for the fact that Josh and his parents have not denied that the events actually occurred. So, I think that they got this one thing right, because it removes some (not all) of the speculation and drawing of conclusions ****** I wanted to pull this out because I think everyone should not forget this part. Josh came out with a statement, albeit a bit too hastily and obviously not massaged by TLC's PR spinmeisters, and focused on himself, and owned the fact that the story that just broke loose was true.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196 Rick Santorum was asked in passing how he felt about the Duggars at an interview on a completely different topic, his presidential announcement. I'm not sure he even knew that question was coming. It's not like he sat on the information for five days wringing his hands what to do. It was off the cuff. I wouldn't expect him to call a press conference to announce he hates the Duggars, that would be strange and a bit awkward. But if anyone asks how he feels, he was happy to answer, and he did so.
No one said he was "brave" for denouncing the Duggars. Huh? What was said, is that his views represent how most Republicans view the situation. The tiny minority of republicans who have supported the Duggars are just that, tiny. The fact that he is a very conservative Christian doesn't mean he's some wackadoodle. I may disagree with some of his views on abortion and such, but it doesn't make him extreme. You are allowed to be conservative Christian, even very conservative, and still participate in mainstream politics productively. He kept getting elected by a liberal state that has voted Democrat in every single presidential election since 1992, so I trust the good people of Pennsylvania's judgment on him. ************************************** Rick Santorum is a bigot. Bigotry stemming from religion is no better than other forms of bigotry. The fact that the "good people" of PA voted him into office doesn't make him any less homophobic, any less racist, any less misogynistic, etc.
The fact that Rick Santorum came out against a self-admitted serial child molester is hardly brave or evidence that he is not pandering to the ultra-conservative right wing of the Republican party. That should have been a no-brainer, and the delayed response shows that there was probably debate and polling within his campaign as to which side is more politically advantageous. **** Santorum just announced his candidacy and I would expect the delay and measured response from any serious candidate. IMO, he more than made up for the delay in his decisive condemnation of Josh/his parents.
dennidon'tlikekate said... 189 a paragraph from Tim Goodman's article in "Hollywood Reporter" on 5/26/15....."It’s pretty much the business model at TLC to put on schlock and let everybody else praise it or loathe so long as they watch it. TLC is or was home to My 600-lb Life, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, America’s Worst Tattoos, Breaking Amish, Gypsy Sisters, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Kate Plus 8, four shows about “Little People,” My Five Wives, My Strange Addiction, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sex Sent Me To the ER, Sister Wives and, well, a colossal collection of other crap." ------ OT - I agree that TLC airs garbage. However, I wouldn't necessarily include My 600-lb Life in the "schlock" category. It follows each subject for up to 7 years in their weight loss journey & IMO shows the "real" reality - the good, bad & ugly - of life before & after gastric bypass surgery. It's actually quite an informative program despite the inherent exploitation that comes with all reality tv shows.
Sorry for posting without catching up with comments.
"Announcing something more -- for instance, that production won't be resuming as planned -- risks the appearance that the entire Duggar family, including the molestation victims, are being punished."
What a pile of horseshit. So does that mean if they continue filming that the victims are being rewarded?
What the hell could possibly be interesting in watching the two married couples?
TLC is dreaming.
Admin, I agree, I think there will be an announcement late in the day on a Friday. Maybe not today, but sometime. Like it says in the article on CNN, they're not currently in production now so they don't have to make any decisions.
With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments. ********************************************************************************* I've wondered the same. I always gave Robert a bit of a pass for the "taunting" he did of TFMJG, but he's seen her up close and personal and didn't she get a column of his wife's pulled or something.
It's amazing how TFMJG always rises like a phoenix, but I take comfort in the thought that things may change after the Duggar situation is resolved, the TLC block party occurs (I'm hoping for cancellation or protests), and the child custody hearing in June. I think it is very telling that TLC is not showing back-to-back episodes of ANY of the Gosselin shows so maybe they are a little worried. I've been contenting myself with writing the advertisers who have cancelled their ads, alerting them to the issue with the one sextuplet and the custody hearing, and giving them a link to Robert's book.
Some may see that as tilting at windmills, but I was able to get 2 local companies in my area to quit advertising on Kate + 8 several months ago, so it does work.
What with the scrutiny George has been under lately for some of his contributions and such, I would be very surprised if he is going to risk giving "pre-screened" questions to candidates like you would a celeb. Too risky that it would make him look partial. I highly doubt Rick saw the question coming. **** I think George will survive this "scandal", and not join Mr. Williams in the Hall of Shame.
Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved. (In 2008, he said the same thing Rick did, and I quote Obama, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.") Nothing wrong with changing your mind, I have. Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue. It is becoming a minority viewpoint, but I think we're crossing the line to say that someone who thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman is homophobic. Then I guess we have to say Obama is, or was, homophobic, and I think that's nonsense.
People are mixing up conservative religion with bigotry. They are not mutually exclusive. The Duggars I believed have crossed that line, but most religious people do not.
HennyPenny said... 200 With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments. May 29, 2015 at 9:50 AM **** Perhaps Robert has just moved on for the most part, or maybe he's just focusing on other things. I know it's been disappointing that his book didn't get mainstream attention, but I do believe it will stand the test of time when the Gosselin story breaks open one day, and the kids talk and fall out of rank.
This is totally OT, but I've noticed that Dmasy hasn't been posting. Isn't she in Texas? Hoping that she and her family are okay and that the storms and flooding down there hasn't affected them.
AuntieAnn, would it be ok if I borrowed this and send it to TLC?
Redbird, sure, although I doubt if it will do any good :)
They know darn well how Kate has abused and exploited her kids and they keep dragging K+8 out for specials. I don't like to say it, but I think they will continue to air the Duggars' show in spite of the ugly truth, too. Victims of abuse seem inconsequential to TLC. I think they enjoy the controversy their network generates.
So the block party event is STILL on TOMORROW? They're insane! Can't wait to see this. I wonder if people will protest. I wonder if Kate will have the balls to still go.
I think Robert SHOULD move on. He wasn't able to get his story to catch on. He tried. Let Kate self destruct on her own, and TLC. They're doing a fine job of it without his help.
OT. I have puffy eyes today. Last night I watched Cleveland Abduction on A&E. I cried for those girls, especially Michelle Knight, through the entire movie. Ariel Castro was truly a monster. They couldn't have found a better actor than Raymond Cruz (Tuko, from Breaking Bad) to play the part.
If TFW goes to the block party this weekend maybe she could haul some of those books that were in the basement that she has tried to get rid of the last couple of years. Oh, and don't forget the 20 dollar family picture minus Jon. I wonder in 50 years if the original 20 dollar family picture will be a collector's item?
I can see it now on Antique Roadshow. Someone brings in an original 20 dollar family picture and the appraiser says, Well, it is in great condition, may I ask how much did you pay for it? Well, my grandmother paid 20 dollars, CASH. Appraiser: Oh, ok, well do know that there are thousands upon thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of these in circulation...
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7 Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved. (In 2008, he said the same thing Rick did, and I quote Obama, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.") Nothing wrong with changing your mind, I have. Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue. It is becoming a minority viewpoint, but I think we're crossing the line to say that someone who thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman is homophobic. Then I guess we have to say Obama is, or was, homophobic, and I think that's nonsense.
People are mixing up conservative religion with bigotry. They are not mutually exclusive. The Duggars I believed have crossed that line, but most religious people do not. ****************************** No, I am not "mixing up" conservative religion with bigotry. I DISAGREE with you. I believe that Rick Santorum is a bigot and that his bigotry stems in part from his religious beliefs. I am not mixed up, that is my opinion. I do not believe in excusing bigotry in the name of religion as you apparently do. That probably is why I am not a Republican.
Rick Santorum is driven by pure political principles (IMO of course), which, of course, is true of most politicians. I just find his personal beliefs to be discriminatory and deplorable.
Obviously you're not from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! I think that you'd find that there are many here who don't find his beliefs to be discriminatory or deplorable. Many of us are not uneducated backwoods hicks who don't know our rear ends from a hole in the ground! We do get out in the real world from time to time!
It's a bit ridiculous to think that his staff sat around for six days researching the Duggars, polling the parties in order to come up with a response IF the question were asked.
"The fact that the "good people" of PA voted him into office doesn't make him any less homophobic, any less racist, any less misogynistic, etc."
I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
Ex Nurse at 191: That was an excellent post and I agreed with almost all of it completely, except:
"I will say this, because I don't think anyone else here has said it. There is something to be said for the fact that Josh and his parents have not denied that the events actually occurred. So, I think that they got this one thing right, because it removes some (not all) of the speculation and drawing of conclusions."
With the publication of the police report, they really had very little choice in the matter. They did not come forward and reveal this information until they were forced to. And the very next day, that report got destroyed. I give the Duggar parents zero credit for any thing that they have done regarding Josh's molestation.
(I've been re-working the remainder of my response for awhile, because it pertains to political viewpoints. In the end, I decided it would be best to leave my own political viewpoints out of this conversation.)
I think Robert SHOULD move on. He wasn't able to get his story to catch on. He tried. Let Kate self destruct on her own, and TLC. They're doing a fine job of it without his help.
Yep. Absolutely. He said what needed to be said. There's no sense beating a dead horse. I think that he put it there for anyone who wanted to see it, and I do believe that eventually everything will come out in the wash. I also think that Kate is walking on eggshells right now, wondering if the skeletons in her closet will come out to play.
Does anyone here have tickets to the TLC block party? I really enjoyed Layla's play-by-play of the Baltimore Book Festival. I wonder if TLC has hired LOTS of extra security to deal with potential protests. I don't expect any protests within the party itself (or think they will be dealt with promptly and harshly), but wonder if the entrances will be picketed.
I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
He's none of those things, don't worry.
You can believe someone who is against gay marriage is homophobic all you want, but it doesn't make it so. I can believe someone who hates frisbees is racist too, but it doesn't make it not ridiculous.
Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined.
Sorry for posting without catching up with comments.
"Announcing something more -- for instance, that production won't be resuming as planned -- risks the appearance that the entire Duggar family, including the molestation victims, are being punished."
What a pile of horseshit. So does that mean if they continue filming that the victims are being rewarded?
May 29, 2015 at 10:20 AM ******** A heaping, steaming pile of excrement. Newsflash Fame Whores! Your show ending is going to happen one day. Oh, and Kate's boobs have been surgically enhanced.
I also think that Kate is walking on eggshells right now, wondering if the skeletons in her closet will come out to play.
Oh, 100%. I can't wait for this block party for the simple fact that she's going to be nervous as hell.
Well, I hope you all got the evite because we're hosting our own block party at the same time as TLC's. It will mostly be on the winding road up to the house but I imagine it will spill out onto the veranda too. Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and fruit salad will be the order of the day. A great chance to meet the neighbors!
Having never watched the show, I only became aware of the Gosselins at the time of the divorce when their pictures were all over the magazine covers at all the check-out counters. Likewise about the Duggar show. From what I've read this past week about the offspring dating/courtship rules, I'm left wondering if those of the second generation who have married, married the first person each dated or if there were other "candidates". Also, do the parents select suitable candidates. The children all sound like they are under the absolute control of their parents, I'm thinking "arranged" marriages.
OT - I agree that TLC airs garbage. However, I wouldn't necessarily include My 600-lb Life in the "schlock" category. It follows each subject for up to 7 years in their weight loss journey & IMO shows the "real" reality - the good, bad & ugly - of life before & after gastric bypass surgery. It's actually quite an informative program despite the inherent exploitation that comes with all reality tv shows.
I landed on the "Where Are They Now" episode last night, and stayed with the channel during the surgical excision of a 50-pound (or whatever) mass of tissue that was removed from a woman, and the watermelon sized ball was put into a trash bag. I sat there with my jaw hanging on the floor. I have never seen anything like that. I will say, too, that the Texas physician is a bit gruff. He doesn't take excuses from anyone, not the best "bedside" manner, but he's not in it to win a popularity contest! Okay, he's nasty.
Would I watch it again? Probably not, but I will agree that what I did see was interesting, and is not in the same garbage/freak show category as the person who has sex with a car.
Well, I hope you all got the evite because we're hosting our own block party at the same time as TLC's. It will mostly be on the winding road up to the house but I imagine it will spill out onto the veranda too. Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and fruit salad will be the order of the day. A great chance to meet the neighbors! --------- I think you mean vege burgers, right?
So the block party event is STILL on TOMORROW? They're insane! Can't wait to see this. I wonder if people will protest. I wonder if Kate will have the balls to still go. ******* I still say Kate's trying to see her way out of the block party, and "to be honest ", I would too. No way in hell I'd want to represent TLC right now. By dragging their heels, TLC has become the story I hope there are protests. I really do.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20 I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
He's none of those things, don't worry. ********************************************** Says you. Many disagree with you. I have drawn my own conclusions based on his words. Your grand pronouncement doesn't put an end to the issue. ************************************* You can believe someone who is against gay marriage is homophobic all you want, but it doesn't make it so. I can believe someone who hates frisbees is racist too, but it doesn't make it not ridiculous. *************************** Likewise, you can believe that someone is not a racist or a homophobe and that doesn't make it so. ************************************** Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined. **************************************************** This analogy shows that you have a very limited understanding of racism. You don't have to "hate" to be a racist. Racism is far more nuanced than that.
I know, admin. No worries. I was just being facetious! :-) Starting the block party early! I found one pink Croc and one rainbow Croc. Will anyone notice?
Admin, I do hope all the food at our block party is organic. I'm very, very, very, very strict about that! But don't forget the spray-on dressing for the salad, and the chemical creamer and sweetener for the coffee.
"Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue" *********************
I don't want to turn the discussion to politics, but in the vein of discussing those who are religious conservatives with a political platform (like Josh Dugger), as recently as 2012 on the campaign trail in Manchester, NH Rick Santorum's anti-gay (bigoted) stance was in full view. Among other quotes of a day in Hollis, NH: "Mr Santorum reportedly told supporters that children whose father were locked in prison would be better off than children raised by a lesbian couple." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9000510/US-election-2012-Rick-Santorum-under-pressure-in-New-Hampshire-over-social-stances.html
Kaya said, "I believe that Rick Santorum is a bigot and that his bigotry stems in part from his religious beliefs.
I disagree 100% with Santorum's social and religious views. However, I do not consider him a bigot. Would you refer to yourself as a bigot because you do not believe as Santorum does?
And Rick can believe what he likes about what makes a good parent. It is his free speech right to say so, and my free speech right to say he is wrong on that. If someone else believes stay at home moms are better parents than working moms, are they bigoted? What about someone who believes moms who work private jobs are better than moms who work on reality tv? Bigots? What about someone who believes moms are better parents than dads? Prejudice? I didn't get an answer to my question, if you are against polygamy are you a bigot, or is that term only reserved for those against gay marriage? Why doesn't it go both ways? What's the difference?
Tolerance goes both ways too. Conservative Christians are allowed to have their conservative beliefs about what is best for the family without being labeled a bigot, and society will work itself out about what is best for the people, it always does. It is up to the voters ultimately, as it always is. I was actually a pretty big proponent of tolerance for the Duggars and their beliefs, even though I disagreed with them every which way but Sunday, up until they crossed the line into illegal activity. How uninteresting politics would be without the Rick Santorums of the world. I didn't even mind when Michelle did her robocalls, because I knew everyone else had every right to say she was wrong, and that she was only hurting herself with her incomprehensible views.
Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined. **************************************************** This analogy shows that you have a very limited understanding of racism. You don't have to "hate" to be a racist. Racism is far more nuanced than that.
______________ Since when does racism have anything to do with polygamy?
I think that what admin is saying here is that you can disagree with the person's belief in whatever (gay marriage, polygamy) but that doesn't mean that you hate the person. For me, the same thing applies to Kate. I disagree with what she has done and continues to do...the greed, the grifting, the child exploitation, but I don't hate Kate. I don't like her too much, but I don't hate her!
"Says you. Many disagree with you. I have drawn my own conclusions based on his words. Your grand pronouncement doesn't put an end to the issue."
___________ Actually, it does here. It's her blog and if she wants to end discussion on politics, religion, bigotry and racism, she can do just that.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 May 28 XO❤️JUST DOING IT X’s 8! Moms do what moms gotta do! RT @beccamanougian: If u don't consider @Kateplusmy8 a super mom,you’re wrong #momgoals
She's being quiet as a mouse over there which means she might already be in Philly prepping for her media day or wringing her hands not sure what to do.
I predict she'll be surrounded by both purse boy and Jeff Millionaire. She will need an extra bubble of insulation at this one. Wasn't she supposed to bring the kids?
Tolerance goes both ways too. Conservative Christians are allowed to have their conservative beliefs about what is best for the family without being labeled a bigot, and society will work itself out about what is best for the people, it always does. It is up to the voters ultimately, as it always is. I was actually a pretty big proponent of tolerance for the Duggars and their beliefs, even though I disagreed with them every which way but Sunday, up until they crossed the line into illegal activity. How uninteresting politics would be without the Rick Santorums of the world. I didn't even mind when Michelle did her robocalls, because I knew everyone else had every right to say she was wrong, and that she was only hurting herself with her incomprehensible views. ******************************* Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
Once again, Kaya, you ignore my question. Are those who don't believe in polygamy bigots, or is that only reserved for those who don't believe in gay marriage? According to you?
Admin said... Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved. ------- And I was extremely critical of Obamafor that stance, which I saw as politically motivated. I was very upset that, in California, the same people who turned out to vote for the first black president struck down Proposition 8. For the record, I thought he was completely unqualified, and it was the first election that I seriously considered sitting out. Gay rights are civil rights, as far as I am. Depriving loving couples the same rights as heterosexual couples--which effects millions of children, is unconscionable. It is a lightning rod issue for me and a deal breaker in terms of my positive regard. How on earth another person's decision to marry a same sex partner effects someone else's marriage or rights is beyond me. The need to control everyone else's choices is the ultimate narcissistic act. IMO, of course.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work. =====================
FYI--Santorum is not a fundamentalist Christian. He is a Catholic.
Also, by saying that you are not tolerant of bigotry, doesn't that also make you a bigot? Definition of bigotry:
big·ot·ry /ˈbiÉ¡É™trÄ“/
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Michelle has a right to her views, but she has to take the consequences that go along with them. One of which is that you don't get to have a well paid tv show if you cover up that your son is a child molester.
She (and he) could have owned it, saying: this happened, we're sick about it, and here's what we learned. We are going to start a foundation with our tv profits to increase awareness of this issue, and provide grants for treatment.
It would have been a topic for a day or two and then died down.
It's his and his parents hypocrisy that generated the on-going firestorm.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
Kaya 43
True. Anyone can call another person or group anything that they want. It doesn't mean, though, that the person doing the name-calling will be taken seriously, nor does it mean that what they put forth is true. Such is life. Funny how that works.
Once again, Kaya, you ignore my question. Are those who don't believe in polygamy bigots, or is that only reserved for those who don't believe in gay marriage? According to you?
Admin 44
I don't believe in polygamy. Am I a bigot? Gosh, I never thought so. I'll have to "contemplate" this one, preferably over a nice glass of white wine!
The timing for TLC's Block Party could not be worse. If I were the "talent", I'd be all over TLC to do something so that I don't have to stand there and meet and greet, while TLC has shown enormous cowardice with their silence. It's going to hang over that event like a Chernobyl nuclear waste cloud.
Totally screwing over the people who are appearing tomorrow.
Mel said... 51 Michelle has a right to her views, but she has to take the consequences that go along with them. One of which is that you don't get to have a well paid tv show if you cover up that your son is a child molester. -- I certainly don't condone what Michelle did, but after reading about quiverful marriages, I can say I blame it ALL on JimBoob. He wants to be head of the household and reign supreme?? Then fine, he's got his family in complete submission and sujection. Michelle did what she was TOLD. In a way she and her kids are all victims of abuse. Michelle had NO choice in the matter. JimBoob told her what she was supposed to think, say and do, and she did it. Not any different than spousal abuse.
Jim Boob has her between a rock and a hard place. She has to obey him above all else. Heck, he even brainwashed her into thinking it was normal for her older kids to raise her babies. That's not normal any way you look at it.
I'd like to know which of the Duggars put that note in the book. Michelle? Jana? any other J ???
I certainly wasn't a Duggar fan, but I have seen a few episodes or part of them while flipping channels. I remember one of the grandfather's (I think it was Boob's father) was having a birthday party. Someone asked him what he thought of Boob's big family, he thought it was different, or odd, whatever, but he implied he didn't understand it. (and I don't think I've ever seen any of Michelle's family on the show or even mentioned...but like I said, I am not a fan of this show...I did read an article the other day that said her sister is gay.
On another subject, so Kate's twitter silent? It's a paradox, she wants to be famous, yet she can't advertise where she's going to be beforehand because of her safety. LOL I hope the kids are with Jon this weekend telling him more damning info regarding her parental abuse.
The timing for TLC's Block Party could not be worse. If I were the "talent", I'd be all over TLC to do something so that I don't have to stand there and meet and greet, while TLC has shown enormous cowardice with their silence. It's going to hang over that event like a Chernobyl nuclear waste cloud.
The media's going to have a field day with this.
They're just insane to keep going with this. I would not be surprised if there were protests, and twitter's going to go nuts.
Their only hope is that because it's a Saturday maybe the public will be asleep at the wheel.
It's like Christmas morning watching them get their comeuppance. Too bad people had to really get hurt for it to happen.
She (and he) could have owned it, saying: this happened, we're sick about it, and here's what we learned. We are going to start a foundation with our tv profits to increase awareness of this issue, and provide grants for treatment.
It would have been a topic for a day or two and then died down. ****** I agree the silence from Jim Boob and Michelle is deafening, but no one with a triple-digit IQ would ever believe it if they came out saying that. It would be obvious pandering to keep their gravy train going.
I don't think they have a "prayer" of being believable if they said they were suddenly "enlightened" and wanted to help others. They don't care about people outside of their little cult. You know, the non-populators.
I also feel really bad for the N.E. Philly woman who started/won the whole Block Party! I'm betting this throws a bit of a wet blanket on things.
Let's hope the TLC talent can put on a happy, Stepford-wife face. They'll need it.
I also think TLC will have P.R. people and crisis management persons out there. They will have to be right there in the thick of things should it all start going to shit (we can only hope).
I don't believe in polygamy. Am I a bigot? Gosh, I never thought so. I'll have to "contemplate" this one, preferably over a nice glass of white wine! May 29, 2015 at 1:34 PM ****** Pour one for me and my Brother Husbands ;-)
Here's the thing, though. In calling Santorum a bigot, isn't the person doing the calling really a bigot, if the definition of a bigot holds true...that a bigot is one who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions?
So if one doesn't tolerate bigotry, then is he incapable of tolerating himself/herself?
Tucker's Mom (#59), TFW sure doesn't seem to have a strategy for staying famous. Even if she's a dunce in that department, if she was truly loyal to her fans, she's promote this as free opportunity to come meet her and say hi in person, and have a fun family day outdoors. She sure had those french tips flyin' when it was time to book the cruise. Who could forget this tweet: "Do it do it do it!" She does not care about her fans.
Poor widdle TFW will feel like TLC's redheaded stepchild tomorrow (no offense to redheaded stepchildren) as the country remains in the spell of Duggermania. And, yes, Admin, I suspect both Steve and Jeff Millionaire will be there tomorrow, to set the internet ablaze. Ablaze, I tell ya! *yawn*
Ex Nurse said: It is a lightning rod issue for me and a deal breaker in terms of my positive regard. How on earth another person's decision to marry a same sex partner effects someone else's marriage or rights is beyond me. The need to control everyone else's choices is the ultimate narcissistic act. IMO, of course. ****** Yes, I too was extremely disappointed in Pres. Obama's wavering on the issue of gay marriage. It showed me that he is too completely a political animal. Whoever was advising him to stick with the script of "marriage is between a man and a woman" was out of touch with the majority of voters as well, which he soon learned when his vice president said he thought gay people should be allowed to marry and got a huge positive response. Let me just say -- the higher up in politics a person goes, generally the greater their convictions stem from what their lobbyists and polling people tell them. (Exception IMO, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and a few others).
Listen, people can like Rick Santorum and think he's just a wholesome family guy with conservative values. I think he's just older and wiser than when he said homosexuality was on par with bestiality. And I'm sorry to any Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
However, people who identify as Republicans in general tend to be nice, mostly average people. I am always puzzled why they allow their party to cater to the fringe element. Several of my dearest friends are Republican, yet they have no problem with gay marriage, believe women should have easy access to birth control, believe a woman should have the right to decide if she will continue a pregnancy or terminate it (within a reasonable period of time), think immigrants should have a way to become citizens, etc. I don't understand why their party leaders consistently vote in the opposite direction.
I'm none too thrilled with most Democratic elected leaders either. Dianne Feinstein hasn't done a heck of a lot of good for progressive issues yet she's firmly entrenched in her position. Barbara Boxer has proved disappointing over the years as well. It's the same old story most of the time - those that feel compelled to get into politics often start off strong, and the higher up they go, the more they become entrenched in their little political bubble, and the more distant they become from the reality of their constituents. Politics truly is a dirty business, and it's the average citizen who loses out. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be divided by names: Democrat, Republican. Remember, the person next to you might be a member of the opposing political party, but most of the time, they are just as nice and decent as you are. The real bums are the ones lining their pockets, pandering to special interests, and encouraging the rest of us to fight amongst ourselves.
IMO, the talent that shows up tomorrow for the meet and greet block party want to continue their fame-whoring ways with TLC and will do anything to keep their respective gravy trains rolling. That's why they'll show up and that's why they'll play nice for the cameras. If they had any sort of a conscience they'd tell TLC, "sorry but I can't make it". TFW being one of the biggest fame-whores alive will be front and center hoping to be the face of TLC. They deserve whatever the party-goers/crashers dish out to them.
Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
Sure, that's how the media spins it. I don't see that that is "clearly" the case at all however. I doubt many liberals enjoy the way Fox News paints THEIR party, but radical ideas are what makes headlines.
I think most people are smart enough to take the headlines with a grain of salt and understand that the fringe groups from both parties make headlines and that good things happen every day from the middle of the road folks from both sides.
What's happening to the Republicans is no different than what's happened to liberals. Everyone wants to paint with a broad brush. I'm not concerned about "what the party has become" because it simply hasn't become that. I can't be concerned with a few silly headlines or I'd go nuts. Just like I wouldn't expect a liberal to be overly concerned with what Anne Coulter says. Who cares? America wouldn't have elected who they have if we really were as bigoted and anti-gay and anti-whatever that the alarmists want us to believe. It just doesn't happen. We are generally good people, not racist, not homophones, none of those things, who generally put the right people in office but for a few hiccups that are bound to happen.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work. =====================
FYI--Santorum is not a fundamentalist Christian. He is a Catholic.
Also, by saying that you are not tolerant of bigotry, doesn't that also make you a bigot? Definition of bigotry:
big·ot·ry /ˈbiÉ¡É™trÄ“/
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
I'm more than happy to be labeled a bigot for calling out the views of a man opposed to equal rights. I'll take it as a badge of honor.
Santorum Sampling: Quote: "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does. ... That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing." (AP interview, April 7, 2003)
The guy is a creep. I can't believe anyone here would defend him!
Santorum Sampling: Quote: "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy
He is making a legal argument that thousands before him have made, that legally, it is hard to parse out where you draw the line if you have decided that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. I don't appreciate his bluntness, but I appreciate his free speech and I appreciate the flaws in the argument he is correctly pointing out. If marriage is no longer man-woman, legally and logically, it becomes many other things than just man-man or woman-woman. Including polygamy, which is why I keep asking that question because it's important that be addressed and explained if the logic is going to flow smoothly.
In fact, it's the same exact question the Supreme Court themselves has struggled with, and I don't consider them bigots for asking it. Nor do I consider the attorneys who argued this issue again in the Supreme Court bigots for fleshing this out. The arguments were really interesting to listen to on the issue last month, I'm sure they're on youtube.
We can and will get there, but it is right to do these things legally, and when decisions are made by courts and politicians, they need to make sense both logically and legally. That is America at its best. The Rick Santorums of this world remind us that this IS a rather precarious legal issue, and we are only hurting ourselves not to flesh it out or otherwise stick our fingers in our ears and ignore it. I don't expect the Supreme Court to ignore the issue, and I look forward to their sound legal reasoning. Supreme Court decisions that stick for centuries to come are those in which all sides have been fully fleshed out and logically either adopted or ruled out. Those that do not, are only doomed to fail.
Angie..59. ... Yeah, you're probably right on that aspect. Jimwhoever certainly does seem to think that only his voice counts.
Reading about Quiverful has certainly been eye opening. I thought that kind of thinking was only a handful of wack jobs. Just wow. How can anyone fall for all that, in this day and age?
Especially when you read about how many of the leaders (who just happen to be all male) have sexual harrassment in their bio's. Something to be proud of. Not.
"And I'm sorry to any Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
However, people who identify as Republicans in general tend to be nice, mostly average people. I am always puzzled why they allow their party to cater to the fringe element. "
Agree! This is far more than a "few headlines" or whatever exactly u said Admin. They are the face of the GOP - and why I left. Jeb said earlier he wouldn't be beholden to the far right and look where he too has landed. The far right is the GOP now.
It's interesting that the original "win a block party" ads featured the stars of Cake Boss and Say Yes To the Dress, rather than the TLC "families" (Rolofss, Duggars, Gosselins). It's hard to picture Michelle Duggar within miles of Randy from SYTTD. Did Michelle choose a vow-renewal dress on SYTTD, or am I hallucinating? If she did, was Randy involved?
P.S. I'll be at 15-minutes alternative block party. Remember, no Crocs with socks.
HennyPenny said... 200 With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments. ---- Suddenly? I don't think there's been a peep out of him for ages. His last tweet was nearly 2 months ago & his silence has been commented on here several times since even before the Duggar drama started.
1) Must be human 2) May not be siblings 3) Is between 2 individuals 4) Must be male/female
Therefore, logically speaking, changing the definition to two individual of any gender changes only the the 4th. Therefore, it is an intentionally misleading and false argument to say that it opens the door to incest, human/animal marriage or polygamy. How is it that an entire class of people, defined by sexual orientation, are denied based on an argument that it might extend rights to others? Since the parallel between the old bans on inter-racial marriage is often cited as precedent for gay marriage, then, in order to be consistent with his own argument, Santorum must think that interracial marriage should be repealed. Would that be enough to qualify him as a bigot?
Therefore, logically speaking, changing the definition to two individual of any gender changes only the the 4th. Therefore, it is an intentionally misleading and false argument to say that it opens the door to incest, human/animal marriage or polygamy
The argument is if one door is opened, why not open another? What's stopping it? Incest can be between consenting adults too, as can polygamy.
I'm not particularly concerned about it, and as a libertarian I really don't care who you want to marry generally, but I have no problem if those who make the laws want to be sure that argument is completely and thoroughly addressed.
My opinion on polygamy (not that anyone asked!)... Good luck with that--it is complicated enough with just two people! Every person that is added to a family increases the number of relationships to be managed exponentially:
2 people= 1 relationship 3 people = 3 relationships 4 people = 6 relationships 5 people = 10 relationships
Just for fun, the number of relationships in the Gosselin family (for either parent), is 36!, and, the Duggar household (minus spouses) is 171.
Michelle did get her dress from SYTTD. I saw that show. She would not allow any of the saleswomen in the dressing room with her when trying on the dresses. She said it is for modesty. Then she added so much plain fabric to the dress it turned out ugly like a 7th grade homec project. It had a very high collar. loose long sleeves and was just awful. Of course JimBob and the crew were there also.
Admin said... The argument is if one door is opened, why not open another? What's stopping it? Incest can be between consenting adults too, as can polygamy. ---------
My point is that they are separate arguments, and as such, should be considered on their own merits. Gay people should not have to bear the burden of not receiving rights because another group may or may not be impacted.
My opinion on polygamy (not that anyone asked!)... Good luck with that--it is complicated enough with just two people! Every person that is added to a family increases the number of relationships to be managed exponentially:
Lol, so true!! One is enough for me. But then if someone wants to have three or four or more marriages why is that a problem? If that is a problem, it seems to be splitting hairs to say gay marriage is not a problem. Everybody's consenting to it, everything's on the up and up, no one is hurting anybody. All the same exact arguments for gay marriage supporters have. If anything, it sometimes seems kind of nice to have a second or third parent you can go to at any time. You certainly could save money on daycare fees! I may not share Santorum's concerns but as a politican against polygamy I SEE why Rick Santorum is concerned about the slippery slope here, and I've yet to hear any proponents of gay marriage provide a valid reason why they wouldn't all support polygamy too. They just keep skirting the question refusing to answer it giving it labels it is not like "red herring" like Kaya did. It's not a red herring whatsoever. It's an important issue that needs to be addressed in order for their arguments to remain both legally and morally sound and to win over the public on them. In fact I think folks like Santorum would calm down if they were assured this isn't going to lead to anything like that, yet no one will take the reins and do that. That suggests perhaps there IS a flaw in the argument that needs to be fixed. Those who get defensive over that are only hurting themselves. Fix the flaw and the opposition might just lesson or heck even go away.
And don't say the problem is child abuse, because the vast majority of polygamists do not abuse children. There is no evidence they abuse children any more than 1 or 2 parents households do, or gay couples, for that matter.
Anonfor this said... 79 Sigh. Keep defending crazy Admin. It's your blog. It juts makes you look like an apologist.
Sigh. Use your real name. Why hide behind Anonfor this? Who is defending "crazy Admin?"
Is there something wrong with being an "apologist?" Would that make admin a bigot if she defends something that is being criticized or attacked? What a strange world this would be if everyone nodded their heads in unison, agreeing to everything under criticism or attack. I didn't know that being an apologist was a bad thing.
One of the arguments from last year's Supreme Court arguments striking down DOMA and extending of benefits to same sex partners, was the unfair treatment of families, because children of same sex partners are regarded as second class citizens. I think that this a compelling argument that no compassionate person can ignore. I don't see how any of these questions based on the flaws of the existing marriage codes can trump equality under the law. Clearly, heterosexuals outrank gays one equality department. And, by extension, so do their children.
Math Girl said... 25 Does anyone here have tickets to the TLC block party? I really enjoyed Layla's play-by-play of the Baltimore Book Festival.
No, and nobody can make me go. I refuse to take one for the team. Layla was very brave and a good sport. Me, not so much. I try to avoid TFW.
I guess Gladys has opted out yet again. Other than liking the status quo as she tweeted, what's her excuse this time? I'm sure Monkey would have been happy to pick her up at the airport and safely delivered her into Kate's waiting arms.
Then she added so much plain fabric to the dress it turned out ugly like a 7th grade homec project. It had a very high collar. loose long sleeves and was just awful.
I didn't watch the shows, but I remember seeing pictures of it on the internet. If I recall, it didn't have a collar, but rather just a high neckline and the sleeves were weren't long but about elbow length. Was that the dress before the re-make? I just remember it as being hideous.
I'm not a bigot - I'm a blackhearted busybody. Also, I'm a Pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
About the TLC block party -- I wonder if TFW has those hilarious riders in her personal appearance contracts. Like maybe someone will have to pick all the seeds out of her watermelon before she'll touch it. Or her burgers have to be made from Kobe beef, and grilled to the exact shade of carnation pink from the Crayola 64-pack of crayons.
You're a bigot. I'm a bigot. We're all bigots. There. We can all agree and wear a badge. I'm sure AuntieAnn has her glue gun and glitter ready to go.
Reminds me of the Dr. Pepper song, I'm a pepper you're a pepper wouldn't ya like to be a pepper, too...lol!
I moved my glue and glitter station in the crawl space under the verandah for now. Politics and religion both scare the hell out of me on a blog. Pass me a rumspringa please. I'll stay down here while the debate rages on...
Tucker's Mom said... 82 Just like I wouldn't expect a liberal to be overly concerned with what Anne Coulter says. Who cares? **** Where has that stick insect been anyway?? ======== I hate that I know this but she's starring as the Vice President in Sharknado 3. Why lie, I don't hate that I know this because I'm a Sharknado fan...they're so bad they're good! She's probably been off filming. If she gets eaten by a shark it won't be much of a meal though.
I would go to the block party but strawberry u-pick season starts tomorrow and I'd rather do that with my kids. Unlike Kate, I enjoy spending time with my kids.
Over in Kate's county....the dress wasn't that bad at first, but then the neckline had to come up to cover any skin that may show, and the sleeves were long at first and then pushed up to 3/4 and finally a puffed sleeve that you would find on a little girl's dress years ago. It was hideous. I couldn't watch the whole thing with her on as she was just so standoffish (thanks Kate) with the staff almost to rudeness. The woman pulling the dresses stood out side of the changing room as requested by Michelle looking fully defeated or that she had fleas. Of course JimBob was right next to her on the pedestal while they were seeing how much more fabric could be added.
Exterior Designer said... 99 I would go to the block party but strawberry u-pick season starts tomorrow and I'd rather do that with my kids. Unlike Kate, I enjoy spending time with my kids.
Yes! We are doing that tomorrow. I love picking, but then there comes the baking of the shortcakes. I'd rather be outside in this wonderful weather.
Gawker has more "insider" stories from the Duggar production crew. Now IF they are true, how are the Duggar crew members able to speak out and very few people speak out about Kate? Surely both crews signed CA's.
I like to listen to the Broadway channel on xm radio sometimes. There is a hilarious song from the play Avenue Q called "Everyone's a little Bit Racist". Check it out on YouTube. I will try to stop by the verandah tomorrow, with a new drink, a Tootsie Roll. it's kahlua and orange juice.
Tomorrow we will be spreading manure in our backyard. Much like TLC is spreading their special brand of manure over the airwaves. However, wephen we're done we'll have a lovely lawn and all TLC will have is another pile of shit.
I'll join you under the veranda Auntie. Political & religious debates are not for me either.
Now rumspringa on the other hand...
LOL But political and religious debates are so much fun with a few rumspringas under your belt!
Don't worry. I've ordered plenty of kegs so there's no concerns about it running out, unless AuntieAnn confiscates several kegs for herself. We'll have to keep her busy making those medals with the glue and glitter.
Thank you Joy in Virginia. I was going to suggest we all listen to "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q. It's hysterical.
Now this whole modesty thing. I have been familiar with the basics of Quiverfull for years. Today, I was wondering if they get regular medical treatment. I went for my mammogram today. I got a diagnostic mammogram and that includes ultrasound. Now of course during the mammo I was exposed. The tech was a female. Then I had the ultrasound. Still exposed. This tech was female also. At the end of the ultrasound, the tech consulted with the radiologist. He came in and checked a few spots himself. Now a male doctor does not bother me. But do these women get proper care? When Jill(?) went to the hospital for her baby, did she insist on all women? Can they even call ambulances since many EMTs are men? At this point, Michelle has to need some care for her abused reproductive organs. I suspect she would have bladder problems too. Have they addressed any of this on the show?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago See you all at the #TLCBlockParty tomorrow at Penn’s Landing! I’m going2bed-like now!-so I’m rested up 2 meet YOU!❤️ XO Can’t wait! @TLC
She has to get her beauty sleep, and goes to bed at 8 p.m. She doesn't say if she's at home, or at a Philly hotel doing some snugglin' with her Flying Monkey and/or Jeffie Pooh.
I am fine. I am in contact with two other Texas posters and they are safe also.
Wimberly and San Marcos, the towns with deaths and disaster, are less than 20/30 miles from us. There are many volunteers helping with clean up and making donations of basic necessities. This area of Texas has become one big community of help and concern.
Our town has the Guadalupe River. It is wide and high but spread with the rain (which still continues). The Blanco River which is more narrow has flooded. This has not happened since 1929.
I will try to stop by the verandah tomorrow, with a new drink, a Tootsie Roll. it's kahlua and orange juice.
Oh, Joy...no! I love Kahlua and I like orange juice, but the two of them together is just wrong, and maybe even illegal. You bring the Kahlua and I'll bring the vodka.
Don't worry. I've ordered plenty of kegs so there's no concerns about it running out, unless AuntieAnn confiscates several kegs for herself. We'll have to keep her busy making those medals with the glue and glitter.
I have a hard enough time understanding Canadian politics leave alone American lol. Better that Jolie and I just scarf down moosedogs, drink our rumspringa and make lots of shiny bitter blackhearted busybody bigot badges.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago See you all at the #TLCBlockParty tomorrow at Penn’s Landing! I’m going2bed-like now!-so I’m rested up 2 meet YOU!❤️
Can't wait to meet who? Who's going You mean the fans that TLC pre-screened and vetted? Yeah, they're real good at vetting.....
Ha-ha what is poor schmoops going to do if there are protestors there or hecklers? Or what if reporters ask questions? Is TLC really going to say they can't ask about the Duggars? That's not going to go over well. Shmoopy is going to be lost. As they say on Veep, she shouldn't be taking a bath without the coast guard there let alone be able to handle a PR crisis like THIS.
If you're going, shoot me an email. Haven't had anyone say they are yet that I know of.
Glad to know you are okay Dmasy, I added you to the list of rowboats I'm sending down there. I have a sibling, cousins and an aunt and uncle in the Dallas/ Austin corridor. Fortunately their biggest problem at the moment is trying to get a puppy to poop who doesn't like the rain.
"She has to get her beauty sleep, and goes to bed at 8 p.m. She doesn't say if she's at home, or at a Philly hotel doing some snugglin' with her Flying Monkey and/or Jeffie Pooh."
I bet she finagled it to get a hotel room tonight on their dime, and hair and make up might be on the early side tomorrow.
There may be some pre-media things or prepping for the event in the morning that they all have to get up for.
Still 8 pm is a luxury. If she's home, her own kids shouldn't even be in bed yet. Even if she has to get up at 5 am, which is doubtful for a call time that's not until noon or a bit earlier, that's STILL a full *nine* hours of sleep. That's nuts and not relatable.
Roll out the grills. We have invited to the block party our neighbors Gawker, Radar, Philly.com and anyone who hangs out on Twitter to join us!
Ha-ha what is poor schmoops going to do if there are protestors there or hecklers? Or what if reporters ask questions? Is TLC really going to say they can't ask about the Duggars? That's not going to go over well. Shmoopy is going to be lost.
Steve will have to sharpen his ratclaws tonight so he'll be ready to dig them in and escort anyone with questions right out of there. I'll bet he's got his little waterguns loaded too.
OT good news: Chuck Lorre and cast of the Big Bang Theory have created an endowed scholarship for students majoring in science at UCLA. The first scholarships will be awarded this fall, and the scholarship fund will award five scholarships each year in perpetuity.
Once schmoops goes out in public, eventually sh'es going to get asked about the Duggars. She may be able to put it off due to the nature of this protected event but it won't last long.
I'm not sure that "no comment" is going to cut it this time. She better have something prepared that's not full of um's and uhh's. And not something she threw together on the back of a cocktail napkin in the limo on the way over. Get it together, doofus. She's not like Rick Santorum who can field a question like that very well without being prepared for it.
Can't wait to meet who? Who's going You mean the fans that TLC pre-screened and vetted? Yeah, they're real good at vetting.....
The two or three sheep who said they were going. It didn't appear that a plethora of them were doing a gleeful happy dance in anticipation of her rockin' body hitting the sidewalk at Penn's Landing.
Rumour has it Auntie Anne drilled a hole in the bottom of the rumspringa barrels and inserted long straws for under the veranda. I am putting on my gougounnes and crawling underneath to join. SAVE A STRAW FOR ME !!!!
Karma has arrived at Bullyville's door...FYI..at last!
4. June 1st – Big Day!! June 1st is the day that James McGibney (who we don’t like) is required to produce his financial and tax documents in the Fort Worth case for the purposes of the trial court’s assessment of mandatory sanctions against McGibney and ViaView for violating the Texas Citizens Participation Act (the anti-SLAPP law). We are sure that there will be interesting and important updates about this shortly. In the mean time, you can check out copies of McGibney’s and his wife’s credit reports right here at this page====>"
I have a hard enough time understanding Canadian politics leave alone American lol. Better that Jolie and I just scarf down moosedogs, drink our rumspringa and make lots of shiny bitter blackhearted busybody bigot badges.
Bet you can't say that eight times after drinking a few of Joy's Kahlua and orange juice concoctions.
If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that...
That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18. That and befriending my first gay friends in college. The problem is it doesn't strengthen the argument much, because people are born with a lot of things, and some of those things that occur in the womb result in good behaviors and some result in bad behaviors. Being born with something doesn't mean it's a good behavior, but it doesn't mean it's bad either. It can go either way.
I was just thinking about that time a fuckity hundred years ago when Maria Shriver invited her to the Women's Conference out in CA and there she sat all alone. Se looked like she was sitting on a nest full of eggs and none of them were hatching. Not a soul brought a book over for her to sign. It was so (chuckle) embarrassing.
Sure, that's how the media spins it. I don't see that that is "clearly" the case at all however. I doubt many liberals enjoy the way Fox News paints THEIR party, but radical ideas are what makes headlines.
It's not about how the media spins it, it's about who Republicans have voted into office. The evil mainstream media didn't make that happen.
If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that...
That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18. That and befriending my first gay friends in college. The problem is it doesn't strengthen the argument much, because people are born with a lot of things, and some of those things that occur in the womb result in good behaviors and some result in bad behaviors. Being born with something doesn't mean it's a good behavior, but it doesn't mean it's bad either. It can go either way. ******************************** Your understanding of the research is that being gay is an "emotional illness?" Wow. Just wow.
Yes! We are doing that tomorro. I love picking, but then there comes the baking of the shortcakes. I'd rather be outside in this wonderful weather.
&&&&&&&& We will be making and putting up jam. We use Pomonas pectin so I make it with honey. We are just about out of last years jam supply. Technically our upick place is a winery so it's a win-win all around! I haven't heard much about the block party. You would think TLC would've advertised it a little. Maybe they didn't cancel because they are contractually obligated? Who knows why they do anything? I think it's going to be one turd of an event. I feel bad for the winner. She sure got stuck with the booby prize
I read here occasionally and must say I am concerned by the last comment regarding gay and transgendered people.
Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the official listing of psychiatric disorders. In 1975, the American Psychological Association adopted a similar resolution. Position statements of the American Medical Association and the Society for Adolescent Medicine agree with these affirmations regarding sexual orientation.
Evidence suggests that people who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth may do so not just due to psychological or behavioral causes, but also biological ones related to their genetics, the makeup of their brains, or prenatal exposure to hormones.[1
You would think TLC would've advertised it a little. Maybe they didn't cancel because they are contractually obligated? Who knows why they do anything? I think it's going to be one turd of an event. I feel bad for the winner. She sure got stuck with the booby prize **** Good point- when you contract with a large city, with all the ins and outs with permits and diverting labor etc. to put the function on, I bet it's hard to cancel without being hit with a huge fine. I also feel sorry for that good lady from Pennypack.
So apparently Kate and the rest of the TLC "Talent" are not required to be at Penn's Landing for the entire party. And the only way to know their availability is to check for yourself the schedule that's going to be posted on-site. Any guesses as to when and for how long Kate shows up? I'm not thinking she'll be as engaged with participants as, say, Randy or Cake Boss.
"Am I guaranteed to meet talent? Talent will be at the event at various times throughout the day and schedules will be posted on-site."
Paula said... 139 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Agree with you totally. I worked with many children/teens when I was a pediatric nurse, who were facing gender issues. Some people are born in the 'wrong' body or have ambiguous genitalia etc. Other cases were kids who were surgically changed into the opposite sex due to accidents, botched circumcision, other anomalies- sexual preference and gender identity are indeed inborn.People who are gay or bi are also born with those preferences.Any emotional illness is a separate issue or brought on by rejection of them as the people they are.
I'm with you on this one Paula (#139). I've been trying to understand Admin's post #133. Especially when Admin said "That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18.".
Unfortunately, I was unable to find the original post that Admin referenced. So without that original post, post #133 totally confuses me.
All I can say I totally agree with you about gay and transgendered people. As you said "Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses."
Interesting article about Jim Bob, masturbation, ordering from a female server, etc Sorry if someone has posted- there are SO many comments on this topic.
Admin, might you be able to make a new thread for the TLC event today? I'm going to be out all day and won't be able to attend "R" block party -- more Rumspringa for the rest of you! -- but I'll be reading when I get a few minutes.
And I guess I've got to chow down on a big plate of crow, because I was sooo sure today was going to be canceled. Yes, even a bitter, blackhearted busybody like myself can admit when she's wrong!
"If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that... "
I'm with Paula, here... The American Psychiatric Association did officially removed homosexuality from the official listing of psychiatric disorders, and 42 years later, the majority of psychiatrists do NOT think that homosexuality is an emotional illness. As for the statement that "nature doesn't work that way...", well just google « list of animals displaying homosexual behavior »… Bison, bear, rat, caribou, cat, chimpanzee, dolphin, elephant, fox, penguin, lion, giraffe, raccoon, chicken, owl, seagull, etc., ec. The list goes on and on and on…
I read that comment too quickly and didn't see the "illness" part of it. Just the "you're born with it" comment. I agree with you're born with it, though I don't believe it's properly categorized as an "illness."
Yes there is a post ready to go for R block party, will go live at 8 am!
This one reconfirms her place as first among first of the nitwits.
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 14m14 minutes ago @KATEPLUSMY8 Have a great time at BLOCK PARTY. There are so many that are going just to see you and the kids! I wish I could be there.������
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 6m6 minutes ago @KATEPLUSMY8 Watch out, you must realize Jon may show up.�� He'll say or do ANYTHING for media attention & ruin the day for you all. ����
I imagine that Jon has his kids this weekend and getting anywhere near this tainted event is the last thing on his mind. And doesn't she know that the kids are not on the roster of "TLC stars" who are attending? As for "so many that are going just to see you and the kids," I think there've been maybe a solid half-dozen tweets on Kate's TL from people who plan to show up. Way to invent a storyline to fit your own very twisted version of reality.
1351 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1351 of 1351 Newer› Newest»I absolutely hated the response from almost all the Duggars when asked what "courtship" was and they defined it as "dating with a purpose".
I see why that is bothersome.
I think in general a lot of what the Duggars have said, even if well-meaning, has a subtle arrogance to it. Even the dating thing implies as you said that those who aren't going about things their way are doing something wrong.
It also suggests that someone who is not necessarily looking to get married right now but is dating more for companionship is doing something wrong. They're not. Or even if you think that's wrong, it's truly a case of it's not your business to judge what a **private*** person does or to make snide comments about it.
That's the problem with what is happening now. For years they have been so judgmental of other's righteousness, or lack thereof. Quite frankly if this happened to, say, one of the little people families, this story would be over by now. I'm sure of it.
Ex Nurse said... 191
Excellent post. Excellent.
I will say this, because I don't think anyone else here has said it. There is something to be said for the fact that Josh and his parents have not denied that the events actually occurred. So, I think that they got this one thing right, because it removes some (not all) of the speculation and drawing of conclusions
I wanted to pull this out because I think everyone should not forget this part.
Josh came out with a statement, albeit a bit too hastily and obviously not massaged by TLC's PR spinmeisters, and focused on himself, and owned the fact that the story that just broke loose was true.
The lack of denial should be noted.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196
Rick Santorum was asked in passing how he felt about the Duggars at an interview on a completely different topic, his presidential announcement. I'm not sure he even knew that question was coming. It's not like he sat on the information for five days wringing his hands what to do. It was off the cuff. I wouldn't expect him to call a press conference to announce he hates the Duggars, that would be strange and a bit awkward. But if anyone asks how he feels, he was happy to answer, and he did so.
No one said he was "brave" for denouncing the Duggars. Huh? What was said, is that his views represent how most Republicans view the situation. The tiny minority of republicans who have supported the Duggars are just that, tiny. The fact that he is a very conservative Christian doesn't mean he's some wackadoodle. I may disagree with some of his views on abortion and such, but it doesn't make him extreme. You are allowed to be conservative Christian, even very conservative, and still participate in mainstream politics productively. He kept getting elected by a liberal state that has voted Democrat in every single presidential election since 1992, so I trust the good people of Pennsylvania's judgment on him.
Rick Santorum is a bigot. Bigotry stemming from religion is no better than other forms of bigotry. The fact that the "good people" of PA voted him into office doesn't make him any less homophobic, any less racist, any less misogynistic, etc.
The fact that Rick Santorum came out against a self-admitted serial child molester is hardly brave or evidence that he is not pandering to the ultra-conservative right wing of the Republican party. That should have been a no-brainer, and the delayed response shows that there was probably debate and polling within his campaign as to which side is more politically advantageous.
Santorum just announced his candidacy and I would expect the delay and measured response from any serious candidate.
IMO, he more than made up for the delay in his decisive condemnation of Josh/his parents.
dennidon'tlikekate said... 189
a paragraph from Tim Goodman's article in "Hollywood Reporter" on 5/26/15....."It’s pretty much the business model at TLC to put on schlock and let everybody else praise it or loathe so long as they watch it. TLC is or was home to My 600-lb Life, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, America’s Worst Tattoos, Breaking Amish, Gypsy Sisters, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Kate Plus 8, four shows about “Little People,” My Five Wives, My Strange Addiction, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sex Sent Me To the ER, Sister Wives and, well, a colossal collection of other crap."
OT - I agree that TLC airs garbage. However, I wouldn't necessarily include My 600-lb Life in the "schlock" category. It follows each subject for up to 7 years in their weight loss journey & IMO shows the "real" reality - the good, bad & ugly - of life before & after gastric bypass surgery. It's actually quite an informative program despite the inherent exploitation that comes with all reality tv shows.
Sorry for posting without catching up with comments.
"Announcing something more -- for instance, that production won't be resuming as planned -- risks the appearance that the entire Duggar family, including the molestation victims, are being punished."
What a pile of horseshit. So does that mean if they continue filming that the victims are being rewarded?
Sorry, that quote in my comment came from here:
Thanks, Blowing in the Wind.
What the hell could possibly be interesting in watching the two married couples?
TLC is dreaming.
Admin, I agree, I think there will be an announcement late in the day on a Friday. Maybe not today, but sometime. Like it says in the article on CNN, they're not currently in production now so they don't have to make any decisions.
HennyPenny said... 200
With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments.
I've wondered the same. I always gave Robert a bit of a pass for the "taunting" he did of TFMJG, but he's seen her up close and personal and didn't she get a column of his wife's pulled or something.
It's amazing how TFMJG always rises like a phoenix, but I take comfort in the thought that things may change after the Duggar situation is resolved, the TLC block party occurs (I'm hoping for cancellation or protests), and the child custody hearing in June.
I think it is very telling that TLC is not showing back-to-back episodes
of ANY of the Gosselin shows so maybe they are a little worried. I've been contenting myself with writing the advertisers who have cancelled their ads, alerting them to the issue with the one sextuplet and the custody hearing, and giving them a link to Robert's book.
Some may see that as tilting at windmills, but I was able to get 2 local companies in my area to quit advertising on Kate + 8 several months ago, so it does work.
What with the scrutiny George has been under lately for some of his contributions and such, I would be very surprised if he is going to risk giving "pre-screened" questions to candidates like you would a celeb. Too risky that it would make him look partial. I highly doubt Rick saw the question coming.
I think George will survive this "scandal", and not join Mr. Williams in the Hall of Shame.
Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved. (In 2008, he said the same thing Rick did, and I quote Obama, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.") Nothing wrong with changing your mind, I have. Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue. It is becoming a minority viewpoint, but I think we're crossing the line to say that someone who thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman is homophobic. Then I guess we have to say Obama is, or was, homophobic, and I think that's nonsense.
People are mixing up conservative religion with bigotry. They are not mutually exclusive. The Duggars I believed have crossed that line, but most religious people do not.
HennyPenny said... 200
With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments.
May 29, 2015 at 9:50 AM
Perhaps Robert has just moved on for the most part, or maybe he's just focusing on other things.
I know it's been disappointing that his book didn't get mainstream attention, but I do believe it will stand the test of time when the Gosselin story breaks open one day, and the kids talk and fall out of rank.
This is totally OT, but I've noticed that Dmasy hasn't been posting. Isn't she in Texas? Hoping that she and her family are okay and that the storms and flooding down there hasn't affected them.
redbird said... 190
AuntieAnn, would it be ok if I borrowed this and send it to TLC?
Redbird, sure, although I doubt if it will do any good :)
They know darn well how Kate has abused and exploited her kids and they keep dragging K+8 out for specials. I don't like to say it, but I think they will continue to air the Duggars' show in spite of the ugly truth, too. Victims of abuse seem inconsequential to TLC. I think they enjoy the controversy their network generates.
So the block party event is STILL on TOMORROW? They're insane! Can't wait to see this. I wonder if people will protest. I wonder if Kate will have the balls to still go.
I think Robert SHOULD move on. He wasn't able to get his story to catch on. He tried. Let Kate self destruct on her own, and TLC. They're doing a fine job of it without his help.
OT. I have puffy eyes today. Last night I watched Cleveland Abduction on A&E. I cried for those girls, especially Michelle Knight, through the entire movie. Ariel Castro was truly a monster. They couldn't have found a better actor than Raymond Cruz (Tuko, from Breaking Bad) to play the part.
Block party is still on. Amy Roloff tweeted a couple of hours ago she was on her way.
Just out of curiousity, why would an attorney decline to take the Duggar case?
What parameters would exist under which they would decline it?
Attorneys take on cases all the time when the party is clearly guilty....so why not this one?
What circumstances have to exist for an atty not to want to take a case?
(In this case two of them....)
If TFW goes to the block party this weekend maybe she could haul some of those books that were in the basement that she has tried to get rid of the last couple of years. Oh, and don't forget the 20 dollar family picture minus Jon. I wonder in 50 years if the original 20 dollar family picture will be a collector's item?
I can see it now on Antique Roadshow. Someone brings in an original 20 dollar family picture and the appraiser says, Well, it is in great condition, may I ask how much did you pay for it? Well, my grandmother paid 20 dollars, CASH. Appraiser: Oh, ok, well do know that there are thousands upon thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of these in circulation...
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7
Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved. (In 2008, he said the same thing Rick did, and I quote Obama, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.") Nothing wrong with changing your mind, I have. Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue. It is becoming a minority viewpoint, but I think we're crossing the line to say that someone who thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman is homophobic. Then I guess we have to say Obama is, or was, homophobic, and I think that's nonsense.
People are mixing up conservative religion with bigotry. They are not mutually exclusive. The Duggars I believed have crossed that line, but most religious people do not.
No, I am not "mixing up" conservative religion with bigotry. I DISAGREE with you. I believe that Rick Santorum is a bigot and that his bigotry stems in part from his religious beliefs. I am not mixed up, that is my opinion. I do not believe in excusing bigotry in the name of religion as you apparently do. That probably is why I am not a Republican.
Rick Santorum is driven by pure political principles (IMO of course), which, of course, is true of most politicians. I just find his personal beliefs to be discriminatory and deplorable.
Obviously you're not from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! I think that you'd find that there are many here who don't find his beliefs to be discriminatory or deplorable. Many of us are not uneducated backwoods hicks who don't know our rear ends from a hole in the ground! We do get out in the real world from time to time!
It's a bit ridiculous to think that his staff sat around for six days researching the Duggars, polling the parties in order to come up with a response IF the question were asked.
"The fact that the "good people" of PA voted him into office doesn't make him any less homophobic, any less racist, any less misogynistic, etc."
I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
Ex Nurse at 191: That was an excellent post and I agreed with almost all of it completely, except:
"I will say this, because I don't think anyone else here has said it. There is something to be said for the fact that Josh and his parents have not denied that the events actually occurred. So, I think that they got this one thing right, because it removes some (not all) of the speculation and drawing of conclusions."
With the publication of the police report, they really had very little choice in the matter. They did not come forward and reveal this information until they were forced to. And the very next day, that report got destroyed. I give the Duggar parents zero credit for any thing that they have done regarding Josh's molestation.
(I've been re-working the remainder of my response for awhile, because it pertains to political viewpoints. In the end, I decided it would be best to leave my own political viewpoints out of this conversation.)
I think Robert SHOULD move on. He wasn't able to get his story to catch on. He tried. Let Kate self destruct on her own, and TLC. They're doing a fine job of it without his help.
Yep. Absolutely. He said what needed to be said. There's no sense beating a dead horse. I think that he put it there for anyone who wanted to see it, and I do believe that eventually everything will come out in the wash. I also think that Kate is walking on eggshells right now, wondering if the skeletons in her closet will come out to play.
Does anyone here have tickets to the TLC block party? I really enjoyed Layla's play-by-play of the Baltimore Book Festival. I wonder if TLC has hired LOTS of extra security to deal with potential protests. I don't expect any protests within the party itself (or think they will be dealt with promptly and harshly), but wonder if the entrances will be picketed.
I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
He's none of those things, don't worry.
You can believe someone who is against gay marriage is homophobic all you want, but it doesn't make it so. I can believe someone who hates frisbees is racist too, but it doesn't make it not ridiculous.
Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined.
P.J. said... 7
Sorry for posting without catching up with comments.
"Announcing something more -- for instance, that production won't be resuming as planned -- risks the appearance that the entire Duggar family, including the molestation victims, are being punished."
What a pile of horseshit. So does that mean if they continue filming that the victims are being rewarded?
May 29, 2015 at 10:20 AM
A heaping, steaming pile of excrement.
Newsflash Fame Whores! Your show ending is going to happen one day.
Oh, and Kate's boobs have been surgically enhanced.
That is all.
I also think that Kate is walking on eggshells right now, wondering if the skeletons in her closet will come out to play.
Oh, 100%. I can't wait for this block party for the simple fact that she's going to be nervous as hell.
Well, I hope you all got the evite because we're hosting our own block party at the same time as TLC's. It will mostly be on the winding road up to the house but I imagine it will spill out onto the veranda too. Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and fruit salad will be the order of the day. A great chance to meet the neighbors!
Having never watched the show, I only became aware of the Gosselins at the time of the divorce when their pictures were all over the magazine covers at all the check-out counters. Likewise about the Duggar show. From what I've read this past week about the offspring dating/courtship rules, I'm left wondering if those of the second generation who have married, married the first person each dated or if there were other "candidates". Also, do the parents select suitable candidates. The children all sound like they are under the absolute control of their parents, I'm thinking "arranged" marriages.
OT - I agree that TLC airs garbage. However, I wouldn't necessarily include My 600-lb Life in the "schlock" category. It follows each subject for up to 7 years in their weight loss journey & IMO shows the "real" reality - the good, bad & ugly - of life before & after gastric bypass surgery. It's actually quite an informative program despite the inherent exploitation that comes with all reality tv shows.
I landed on the "Where Are They Now" episode last night, and stayed with the channel during the surgical excision of a 50-pound (or whatever) mass of tissue that was removed from a woman, and the watermelon sized ball was put into a trash bag. I sat there with my jaw hanging on the floor. I have never seen anything like that. I will say, too, that the Texas physician is a bit gruff. He doesn't take excuses from anyone, not the best "bedside" manner, but he's not in it to win a popularity contest! Okay, he's nasty.
Would I watch it again? Probably not, but I will agree that what I did see was interesting, and is not in the same garbage/freak show category as the person who has sex with a car.
Looks like someone wants TLC to clean house. Great article on Kate.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2... or just try dailymail.co
Roberts book is front and center in this article.
Well, I hope you all got the evite because we're hosting our own block party at the same time as TLC's. It will mostly be on the winding road up to the house but I imagine it will spill out onto the veranda too. Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and fruit salad will be the order of the day. A great chance to meet the neighbors!
I think you mean vege burgers, right?
Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers and fruit salad will be the order of the day. A great chance to meet the neighbors!
And Margaritas to go along with some Jimmy Buffet songs?
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...15
So the block party event is STILL on TOMORROW? They're insane! Can't wait to see this. I wonder if people will protest. I wonder if Kate will have the balls to still go.
I still say Kate's trying to see her way out of the block party, and "to be honest ", I would too.
No way in hell I'd want to represent TLC right now.
By dragging their heels, TLC has become the story
I hope there are protests. I really do.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20
I'm a "good" person of PA, at least most of the time. He's a racist? Where? When? Gosh, you could have fooled me!
He's none of those things, don't worry.
Says you. Many disagree with you. I have drawn my own conclusions based on his words. Your grand pronouncement doesn't put an end to the issue.
You can believe someone who is against gay marriage is homophobic all you want, but it doesn't make it so. I can believe someone who hates frisbees is racist too, but it doesn't make it not ridiculous.
Likewise, you can believe that someone is not a racist or a homophobe and that doesn't make it so.
Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined.
This analogy shows that you have a very limited understanding of racism. You don't have to "hate" to be a racist. Racism is far more nuanced than that.
. They couldn't have found a better actor than Raymond Cruz (Tuko, from Breaking Bad) to play the part.
May 29, 2015 at 10:54 AM
I have to be honest. If I saw Tuko, I'd pee a little.
He's none of those things, don't worry.
I know, admin. No worries. I was just being facetious! :-) Starting the block party early! I found one pink Croc and one rainbow Croc. Will anyone notice?
Understanding the mindset of a Duggar.
This site has some interesting information!
Kaya said, "I believe that Rick Santorum is a bigot and that his bigotry stems in part from his religious beliefs."
What's the other part?
Sorry, that was an old article. The link is showing on Kates twitter.
Admin, I do hope all the food at our block party is organic. I'm
very, very, very, very strict about that! But don't forget the
spray-on dressing for the salad, and the chemical creamer
and sweetener for the coffee.
"Rick has also been very clear he has no problem with gays. I would hardly call that homophobic, especially since a lot of it comes down to a states' rights issue"
I don't want to turn the discussion to politics, but in the vein of discussing those who are religious conservatives with a political platform (like Josh Dugger), as recently as 2012 on the campaign trail in Manchester, NH Rick Santorum's anti-gay (bigoted) stance was in full view.
Among other quotes of a day in Hollis, NH:
"Mr Santorum reportedly told supporters that children whose father were locked in prison would be better off than children raised by a lesbian couple."
Kaya said, "I believe that Rick Santorum is a bigot and that his bigotry stems in part from his religious beliefs.
I disagree 100% with Santorum's social and religious views. However, I do not consider him a bigot. Would you refer to yourself as a bigot because you do not believe as Santorum does?
Has TFW said boo about the block party? Gosh, she is an odd duck.
Will Mrs. Uggs show up with a gift bag in hand?
And Rick can believe what he likes about what makes a good parent. It is his free speech right to say so, and my free speech right to say he is wrong on that. If someone else believes stay at home moms are better parents than working moms, are they bigoted? What about someone who believes moms who work private jobs are better than moms who work on reality tv? Bigots? What about someone who believes moms are better parents than dads? Prejudice? I didn't get an answer to my question, if you are against polygamy are you a bigot, or is that term only reserved for those against gay marriage? Why doesn't it go both ways? What's the difference?
Tolerance goes both ways too. Conservative Christians are allowed to have their conservative beliefs about what is best for the family without being labeled a bigot, and society will work itself out about what is best for the people, it always does. It is up to the voters ultimately, as it always is. I was actually a pretty big proponent of tolerance for the Duggars and their beliefs, even though I disagreed with them every which way but Sunday, up until they crossed the line into illegal activity. How uninteresting politics would be without the Rick Santorums of the world. I didn't even mind when Michelle did her robocalls, because I knew everyone else had every right to say she was wrong, and that she was only hurting herself with her incomprehensible views.
Question, if someone is against polygamy, are they poly-phobic? I should think not. That is their beliefs about what defines marriage. It has nothing to do with hating individuals who practice polygamy. I quite like that polygamist family on TLC at times, but I don't believe that's how marriage is defined.
This analogy shows that you have a very limited understanding of racism. You don't have to "hate" to be a racist. Racism is far more nuanced than that.
Since when does racism have anything to do with polygamy?
I think that what admin is saying here is that you can disagree with the person's belief in whatever (gay marriage, polygamy) but that doesn't mean that you hate the person. For me, the same thing applies to Kate. I disagree with what she has done and continues to do...the greed, the grifting, the child exploitation, but I don't hate Kate. I don't like her too much, but I don't hate her!
"Says you. Many disagree with you. I have drawn my own conclusions based on his words. Your grand pronouncement doesn't put an end to the issue."
Actually, it does here. It's her blog and if she wants to end discussion on politics, religion, bigotry and racism, she can do just that.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 May 28
XO❤️JUST DOING IT X’s 8! Moms do what moms gotta do! RT @beccamanougian: If u don't consider @Kateplusmy8 a super mom,you’re wrong #momgoals
Just a reminder folks -- Kate has eight kids.
She's being quiet as a mouse over there which means she might already be in Philly prepping for her media day or wringing her hands not sure what to do.
I predict she'll be surrounded by both purse boy and Jeff Millionaire. She will need an extra bubble of insulation at this one. Wasn't she supposed to bring the kids?
Who can grill the moose hotdogs?
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 41
Tolerance goes both ways too. Conservative Christians are allowed to have their conservative beliefs about what is best for the family without being labeled a bigot, and society will work itself out about what is best for the people, it always does. It is up to the voters ultimately, as it always is. I was actually a pretty big proponent of tolerance for the Duggars and their beliefs, even though I disagreed with them every which way but Sunday, up until they crossed the line into illegal activity. How uninteresting politics would be without the Rick Santorums of the world. I didn't even mind when Michelle did her robocalls, because I knew everyone else had every right to say she was wrong, and that she was only hurting herself with her incomprehensible views.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
Kate + no kids for the block party.
Once again, Kaya, you ignore my question. Are those who don't believe in polygamy bigots, or is that only reserved for those who don't believe in gay marriage? According to you?
Admin said...
Rick Santorum has been very clear he doesn't believe in gay marriage. Many politicians do not. Obama himself did not believe in it until very recently, explaining that he has evolved.
And I was extremely critical of Obamafor that stance, which I saw as politically motivated. I was very upset that, in California, the same people who turned out to vote for the first black president struck down Proposition 8. For the record, I thought he was completely unqualified, and it was the first election that I seriously considered sitting out. Gay rights are civil rights, as far as I am. Depriving loving couples the same rights as heterosexual couples--which effects millions of children, is unconscionable. It is a lightning rod issue for me and a deal breaker in terms of my positive regard. How on earth another person's decision to marry a same sex partner effects someone else's marriage or rights is beyond me. The need to control everyone else's choices is the ultimate narcissistic act. IMO, of course.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
FYI--Santorum is not a fundamentalist Christian. He is a Catholic.
Also, by saying that you are not tolerant of bigotry, doesn't that also make you a bigot? Definition of bigotry:
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Dating with a purpose is code for arranged marriage, which you dare not go against (or even have an opinion about if you're female).
Kate is quiet. She must be getting ready for tomorrows appearance. Kate reminds me of Nora Desmond. LOL
I loved when Carol Burnett, would do Nora Desmond.
Michelle has a right to her views, but she has to take the consequences that go along with them.
One of which is that you don't get to have a well paid tv show if you cover up that your son is a child molester.
She (and he) could have owned it, saying: this happened, we're sick about it, and here's what we learned. We are going to start a foundation with our tv profits to increase awareness of this issue, and provide grants for treatment.
It would have been a topic for a day or two and then died down.
It's his and his parents hypocrisy that generated the on-going firestorm.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
Kaya 43
True. Anyone can call another person or group anything that they want. It doesn't mean, though, that the person doing the name-calling will be taken seriously, nor does it mean that what they put forth is true. Such is life. Funny how that works.
Once again, Kaya, you ignore my question. Are those who don't believe in polygamy bigots, or is that only reserved for those who don't believe in gay marriage? According to you?
Admin 44
I don't believe in polygamy. Am I a bigot? Gosh, I never thought so. I'll have to "contemplate" this one, preferably over a nice glass of white wine!
The timing for TLC's Block Party could not be worse. If I were the "talent", I'd be all over TLC to do something so that I don't have to stand there and meet and greet, while TLC has shown enormous cowardice with their silence.
It's going to hang over that event like a Chernobyl nuclear waste cloud.
Totally screwing over the people who are appearing tomorrow.
Mel said... 51
Michelle has a right to her views, but she has to take the consequences that go along with them.
One of which is that you don't get to have a well paid tv show if you cover up that your son is a child molester.
I certainly don't condone what Michelle did, but after reading about quiverful marriages, I can say I blame it ALL on JimBoob. He wants to be head of the household and reign supreme?? Then fine, he's got his family in complete submission and sujection. Michelle did what she was TOLD. In a way she and her kids are all victims of abuse.
Michelle had NO choice in the matter. JimBoob told her what she was supposed to think, say and do, and she did it. Not any different than spousal abuse.
Jim Boob has her between a rock and a hard place. She has to obey him above all else. Heck, he even brainwashed her into thinking it was normal for her older kids to raise her babies. That's not normal any way you look at it.
I'd like to know which of the Duggars put that note in the book. Michelle? Jana? any other J ???
I certainly wasn't a Duggar fan, but I have seen a few episodes or part of them while flipping channels. I remember one of the grandfather's (I think it was Boob's father) was having a birthday party. Someone asked him what he thought of Boob's big family, he thought it was different, or odd, whatever, but he implied he didn't understand it. (and I don't think I've ever seen any of Michelle's family on the show or even mentioned...but like I said, I am not a fan of this show...I did read an article the other day that said her sister is gay.
On another subject, so Kate's twitter silent? It's a paradox, she wants to be famous, yet she can't advertise where she's going to be beforehand because of her safety. LOL
I hope the kids are with Jon this weekend telling him more damning info regarding her parental abuse.
The timing for TLC's Block Party could not be worse. If I were the "talent", I'd be all over TLC to do something so that I don't have to stand there and meet and greet, while TLC has shown enormous cowardice with their silence.
It's going to hang over that event like a Chernobyl nuclear waste cloud.
The media's going to have a field day with this.
They're just insane to keep going with this. I would not be surprised if there were protests, and twitter's going to go nuts.
Their only hope is that because it's a Saturday maybe the public will be asleep at the wheel.
It's like Christmas morning watching them get their comeuppance. Too bad people had to really get hurt for it to happen.
She (and he) could have owned it, saying: this happened, we're sick about it, and here's what we learned. We are going to start a foundation with our tv profits to increase awareness of this issue, and provide grants for treatment.
It would have been a topic for a day or two and then died down.
I agree the silence from Jim Boob and Michelle is deafening, but no one with a triple-digit IQ would ever believe it if they came out saying that.
It would be obvious pandering to keep their gravy train going.
I don't think they have a "prayer" of being believable if they said they were suddenly "enlightened" and wanted to help others.
They don't care about people outside of their little cult. You know, the non-populators.
I also feel really bad for the N.E. Philly woman who started/won the whole Block Party!
I'm betting this throws a bit of a wet blanket on things.
Let's hope the TLC talent can put on a happy, Stepford-wife face. They'll need it.
I also think TLC will have P.R. people and crisis management persons out there.
They will have to be right there in the thick of things should it all start going to shit (we can only hope).
I loved when Carol Burnett, would do Nora Desmond.
One of her best!!
I don't believe in polygamy. Am I a bigot? Gosh, I never thought so. I'll have to "contemplate" this one, preferably over a nice glass of white wine!
May 29, 2015 at 1:34 PM
Pour one for me and my Brother Husbands ;-)
Here's the thing, though. In calling Santorum a bigot, isn't the person doing the calling really a bigot, if the definition of a bigot holds true...that a bigot is one who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions?
So if one doesn't tolerate bigotry, then is he incapable of tolerating himself/herself?
Tucker's Mom (#59), TFW sure doesn't seem to have a strategy
for staying famous. Even if she's a dunce in that department,
if she was truly loyal to her fans, she's promote this as free
opportunity to come meet her and say hi in person, and have
a fun family day outdoors. She sure had those french tips
flyin' when it was time to book the cruise. Who could forget
this tweet: "Do it do it do it!" She does not care about her fans.
Poor widdle TFW will feel like TLC's redheaded stepchild
tomorrow (no offense to redheaded stepchildren) as the
country remains in the spell of Duggermania. And,
yes, Admin, I suspect both Steve and Jeff Millionaire
will be there tomorrow, to set the internet ablaze.
Ablaze, I tell ya! *yawn*
Radar says Dr. Phil wants to polygraph Josh and Jim Bob.
What took Phil so long to wade into the 7th Circle of Hell?!
Ex Nurse said:
It is a lightning rod issue for me and a deal breaker in terms of my positive regard. How on earth another person's decision to marry a same sex partner effects someone else's marriage or rights is beyond me. The need to control everyone else's choices is the ultimate narcissistic act. IMO, of course.
Yes, I too was extremely disappointed in Pres. Obama's wavering on the issue of gay marriage. It showed me that he is too completely a political animal. Whoever was advising him to stick with the script of "marriage is between a man and a woman" was out of touch with the majority of voters as well, which he soon learned when his vice president said he thought gay people should be allowed to marry and got a huge positive response. Let me just say -- the higher up in politics a person goes, generally the greater their convictions stem from what their lobbyists and polling people tell them. (Exception IMO, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and a few others).
Listen, people can like Rick Santorum and think he's just a wholesome family guy with conservative values. I think he's just older and wiser than when he said homosexuality was on par with bestiality. And I'm sorry to any Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
However, people who identify as Republicans in general tend to be nice, mostly average people. I am always puzzled why they allow their party to cater to the fringe element. Several of my dearest friends are Republican, yet they have no problem with gay marriage, believe women should have easy access to birth control, believe a woman should have the right to decide if she will continue a pregnancy or terminate it (within a reasonable period of time), think immigrants should have a way to become citizens, etc. I don't understand why their party leaders consistently vote in the opposite direction.
I'm none too thrilled with most Democratic elected leaders either. Dianne Feinstein hasn't done a heck of a lot of good for progressive issues yet she's firmly entrenched in her position. Barbara Boxer has proved disappointing over the years as well. It's the same old story most of the time - those that feel compelled to get into politics often start off strong, and the higher up they go, the more they become entrenched in their little political bubble, and the more distant they become from the reality of their constituents. Politics truly is a dirty business, and it's the average citizen who loses out. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be divided by names: Democrat, Republican. Remember, the person next to you might be a member of the opposing political party, but most of the time, they are just as nice and decent as you are. The real bums are the ones lining their pockets, pandering to special interests, and encouraging the rest of us to fight amongst ourselves.
IMO, the talent that shows up tomorrow for the meet and greet block party want to continue their fame-whoring ways with TLC and will do anything to keep their respective gravy trains rolling. That's why they'll show up and that's why they'll play nice for the cameras. If they had any sort of a conscience they'd tell TLC, "sorry but I can't make it". TFW being one of the biggest fame-whores alive will be front and center hoping to be the face of TLC. They deserve whatever the party-goers/crashers dish out to them.
Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
Sure, that's how the media spins it. I don't see that that is "clearly" the case at all however. I doubt many liberals enjoy the way Fox News paints THEIR party, but radical ideas are what makes headlines.
I think most people are smart enough to take the headlines with a grain of salt and understand that the fringe groups from both parties make headlines and that good things happen every day from the middle of the road folks from both sides.
What's happening to the Republicans is no different than what's happened to liberals. Everyone wants to paint with a broad brush. I'm not concerned about "what the party has become" because it simply hasn't become that. I can't be concerned with a few silly headlines or I'd go nuts. Just like I wouldn't expect a liberal to be overly concerned with what Anne Coulter says. Who cares? America wouldn't have elected who they have if we really were as bigoted and anti-gay and anti-whatever that the alarmists want us to believe. It just doesn't happen. We are generally good people, not racist, not homophones, none of those things, who generally put the right people in office but for a few hiccups that are bound to happen.
Sorry, I don't choose to be tolerant of bigotry. He has every right to his views as a fundamentalist Christian and I have every right to call him a bigot. That is my free speech right. Funny how those things work.
FYI--Santorum is not a fundamentalist Christian. He is a Catholic.
Also, by saying that you are not tolerant of bigotry, doesn't that also make you a bigot? Definition of bigotry:
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
I'm more than happy to be labeled a bigot for calling out the views of a man opposed to equal rights. I'll take it as a badge of honor.
Santorum Sampling:
Quote: "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does. ... That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing." (AP interview, April 7, 2003)
The guy is a creep. I can't believe anyone here would defend him!
Santorum is the fringiest of the fringe and is helping to ruin the GOP. Defend him all you want as more and more people flee from the crazy.
Santorum Sampling:
Quote: "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy
He is making a legal argument that thousands before him have made, that legally, it is hard to parse out where you draw the line if you have decided that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. I don't appreciate his bluntness, but I appreciate his free speech and I appreciate the flaws in the argument he is correctly pointing out. If marriage is no longer man-woman, legally and logically, it becomes many other things than just man-man or woman-woman. Including polygamy, which is why I keep asking that question because it's important that be addressed and explained if the logic is going to flow smoothly.
In fact, it's the same exact question the Supreme Court themselves has struggled with, and I don't consider them bigots for asking it. Nor do I consider the attorneys who argued this issue again in the Supreme Court bigots for fleshing this out. The arguments were really interesting to listen to on the issue last month, I'm sure they're on youtube.
We can and will get there, but it is right to do these things legally, and when decisions are made by courts and politicians, they need to make sense both logically and legally. That is America at its best. The Rick Santorums of this world remind us that this IS a rather precarious legal issue, and we are only hurting ourselves not to flesh it out or otherwise stick our fingers in our ears and ignore it. I don't expect the Supreme Court to ignore the issue, and I look forward to their sound legal reasoning. Supreme Court decisions that stick for centuries to come are those in which all sides have been fully fleshed out and logically either adopted or ruled out. Those that do not, are only doomed to fail.
Angie..59. ...
Yeah, you're probably right on that aspect. Jimwhoever certainly does seem to think that only his voice counts.
Reading about Quiverful has certainly been eye opening. I thought that kind of thinking was only a handful of wack jobs. Just wow. How can anyone fall for all that, in this day and age?
Especially when you read about how many of the leaders (who just happen to be all male) have sexual harrassment in their bio's. Something to be proud of. Not.
I wonder if it changes any of their thinking to be a national mockery.
I suppose not. They probably view it as the ultimate martydom.
"And I'm sorry to any Republicans here, but your party has become the party that works against women's rights, is clearly anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-people of color, etc. That's how the Republican party is viewed - they are there to benefit the wealthiest among us, and old white folks.
However, people who identify as Republicans in general tend to be nice, mostly average people. I am always puzzled why they allow their party to cater to the fringe element. "
Agree! This is far more than a "few headlines" or whatever exactly u said Admin. They are the face of the GOP - and why I left. Jeb said earlier he wouldn't be beholden to the far right and look where he too has landed. The far right is the GOP now.
Sigh. Keep defending crazy Admin. It's your blog. It juts makes you look like an apologist.
It's interesting that the original "win a block party" ads featured the stars of Cake Boss and Say Yes To the Dress, rather than the TLC "families" (Rolofss, Duggars, Gosselins). It's hard to picture Michelle Duggar within miles of Randy from SYTTD. Did Michelle choose a vow-renewal dress on SYTTD, or am I hallucinating? If she did, was Randy involved?
P.S. I'll be at 15-minutes alternative block party. Remember, no Crocs with socks.
HennyPenny said... 200
With all eyes on TLC, I wonder why has Robert suddenly gone silent? Strike while the iron is hot. It just seems odd. Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I haven't made my way through all the comments.
Suddenly? I don't think there's been a peep out of him for ages. His last tweet was nearly 2 months ago & his silence has been commented on here several times since even before the Duggar drama started.
Just like I wouldn't expect a liberal to be overly concerned with what Anne Coulter says. Who cares?
Where has that stick insect been anyway??
As far as the polygamy issue goes:
The current marriage law covers 4 areas:
1) Must be human
2) May not be siblings
3) Is between 2 individuals
4) Must be male/female
Therefore, logically speaking, changing the definition to two individual of any gender changes only the the 4th. Therefore, it is an intentionally misleading and false argument to say that it opens the door to incest, human/animal marriage or polygamy. How is it that an entire class of people, defined by sexual orientation, are denied based on an argument that it might extend rights to others? Since the parallel between the old bans on inter-racial marriage is often cited as precedent for gay marriage, then, in order to be consistent with his own argument, Santorum must think that interracial marriage should be repealed. Would that be enough to qualify him as a bigot?
Therefore, logically speaking, changing the definition to two individual of any gender changes only the the 4th. Therefore, it is an intentionally misleading and false argument to say that it opens the door to incest, human/animal marriage or polygamy
The argument is if one door is opened, why not open another? What's stopping it? Incest can be between consenting adults too, as can polygamy.
I'm not particularly concerned about it, and as a libertarian I really don't care who you want to marry generally, but I have no problem if those who make the laws want to be sure that argument is completely and thoroughly addressed.
I'm more than happy to be labeled a bigot for calling out the views of a man opposed to equal rights. I'll take it as a badge of honor.
But wait a minute. You said upthread that you don't tolerate bigots. Now you're happy to be labeled one?
I am so confused.
You're a bigot. I'm a bigot. We're all bigots. There. We can all agree and wear a badge. I'm sure AuntieAnn has her glue gun and glitter ready to go.
Now lets get the block party started. I hope that PA Dutch has ordered enough rumspringa.
Twit (53)
I'm so sorry. I posted my comment (66) before I read yours. We were thinking along the same lines.
My opinion on polygamy (not that anyone asked!)...
Good luck with that--it is complicated enough with just two people! Every person that is added to a family increases the number of relationships to be managed exponentially:
2 people= 1 relationship
3 people = 3 relationships
4 people = 6 relationships
5 people = 10 relationships
Just for fun, the number of relationships in the Gosselin family (for either parent), is 36!, and, the Duggar household (minus spouses) is 171.
FYI, the formula is:
[(N X N-1)/2]
Where has that stick insect been anyway??
I thought you were talking about Milo and her caterpillar!
Michelle did get her dress from SYTTD. I saw that show. She would not allow any of the saleswomen in the dressing room with her when trying on the dresses. She said it is for modesty. Then she added so much plain fabric to the dress it turned out ugly like a 7th grade homec project. It had a very high collar. loose long sleeves and was just awful. Of course JimBob and the crew were there also.
Admin said...
The argument is if one door is opened, why not open another? What's stopping it? Incest can be between consenting adults too, as can polygamy.
My point is that they are separate arguments, and as such, should be considered on their own merits. Gay people should not have to bear the burden of not receiving rights because another group may or may not be impacted.
My opinion on polygamy (not that anyone asked!)...
Good luck with that--it is complicated enough with just two people! Every person that is added to a family increases the number of relationships to be managed exponentially:
Lol, so true!! One is enough for me. But then if someone wants to have three or four or more marriages why is that a problem? If that is a problem, it seems to be splitting hairs to say gay marriage is not a problem. Everybody's consenting to it, everything's on the up and up, no one is hurting anybody. All the same exact arguments for gay marriage supporters have. If anything, it sometimes seems kind of nice to have a second or third parent you can go to at any time. You certainly could save money on daycare fees! I may not share Santorum's concerns but as a politican against polygamy I SEE why Rick Santorum is concerned about the slippery slope here, and I've yet to hear any proponents of gay marriage provide a valid reason why they wouldn't all support polygamy too. They just keep skirting the question refusing to answer it giving it labels it is not like "red herring" like Kaya did. It's not a red herring whatsoever. It's an important issue that needs to be addressed in order for their arguments to remain both legally and morally sound and to win over the public on them. In fact I think folks like Santorum would calm down if they were assured this isn't going to lead to anything like that, yet no one will take the reins and do that. That suggests perhaps there IS a flaw in the argument that needs to be fixed. Those who get defensive over that are only hurting themselves. Fix the flaw and the opposition might just lesson or heck even go away.
And don't say the problem is child abuse, because the vast majority of polygamists do not abuse children. There is no evidence they abuse children any more than 1 or 2 parents households do, or gay couples, for that matter.
Anonfor this said... 79
Sigh. Keep defending crazy Admin. It's your blog. It juts makes you look like an apologist.
Sigh. Use your real name. Why hide behind Anonfor this? Who is defending "crazy Admin?"
Is there something wrong with being an "apologist?" Would that make admin a bigot if she defends something that is being criticized or attacked? What a strange world this would be if everyone nodded their heads in unison, agreeing to everything under criticism or attack. I didn't know that being an apologist was a bad thing.
One of the arguments from last year's Supreme Court arguments striking down DOMA and extending of benefits to same sex partners, was the unfair treatment of families, because children of same sex partners are regarded as second class citizens. I think that this a compelling argument that no compassionate person can ignore. I don't see how any of these questions based on the flaws of the existing marriage codes can trump equality under the law. Clearly, heterosexuals outrank gays one equality department. And, by extension, so do their children.
Math Girl said... 25
Does anyone here have tickets to the TLC block party? I really enjoyed Layla's play-by-play of the Baltimore Book Festival.
No, and nobody can make me go. I refuse to take one for the team. Layla was very brave and a good sport. Me, not so much. I try to avoid TFW.
I guess Gladys has opted out yet again. Other than liking the status quo as she tweeted, what's her excuse this time? I'm sure Monkey would have been happy to pick her up at the airport and safely delivered her into Kate's waiting arms.
Then she added so much plain fabric to the dress it turned out ugly like a 7th grade homec project. It had a very high collar. loose long sleeves and was just awful.
I didn't watch the shows, but I remember seeing pictures of it on the internet. If I recall, it didn't have a collar, but rather just a high neckline and the sleeves were weren't long but about elbow length. Was that the dress before the re-make? I just remember it as being hideous.
I'm not a bigot - I'm a blackhearted busybody. Also, I'm a Pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
About the TLC block party -- I wonder if TFW has those hilarious
riders in her personal appearance contracts. Like maybe someone
will have to pick all the seeds out of her watermelon before she'll
touch it. Or her burgers have to be made from Kobe beef, and
grilled to the exact shade of carnation pink from the Crayola
64-pack of crayons.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 85
You're a bigot. I'm a bigot. We're all bigots. There. We can all agree and wear a badge. I'm sure AuntieAnn has her glue gun and glitter ready to go.
Reminds me of the Dr. Pepper song, I'm a pepper you're a pepper wouldn't ya like to be a pepper, too...lol!
I moved my glue and glitter station in the crawl space under the verandah for now. Politics and religion both scare the hell out of me on a blog. Pass me a rumspringa please. I'll stay down here while the debate rages on...
Tucker's Mom said... 82
Just like I wouldn't expect a liberal to be overly concerned with what Anne Coulter says. Who cares?
Where has that stick insect been anyway??
I hate that I know this but she's starring as the Vice President in Sharknado 3. Why lie, I don't hate that I know this because I'm a Sharknado fan...they're so bad they're good! She's probably been off filming. If she gets eaten by a shark it won't be much of a meal though.
I would go to the block party but strawberry u-pick season starts tomorrow and I'd rather do that with my kids. Unlike Kate, I enjoy spending time with my kids.
Over in Kate's county....the dress wasn't that bad at first, but then the neckline had to come up to cover any skin that may show, and the sleeves were long at first and then pushed up to 3/4 and finally a puffed sleeve that you would find on a little girl's dress years ago. It was hideous. I couldn't watch the whole thing with her on as she was just so standoffish (thanks Kate) with the staff almost to rudeness. The woman pulling the dresses stood out side of the changing room as requested by Michelle looking fully defeated or that she had fleas. Of course JimBob was right next to her on the pedestal while they were seeing how much more fabric could be added.
LOL! Yes, we're all Peppers. At first I read this as "Peeper" and thought that you were talking about Gladys.
I'm not a bigot - I'm a blackhearted busybody. Also, I'm a Pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
Oops. Don't you mean BITTER blackhearted busybody?
Exterior Designer (#99), that sounds like a lovely outing. Hope you
and the kids have a ball!
Exterior Designer said... 99
I would go to the block party but strawberry u-pick season starts tomorrow and I'd rather do that with my kids. Unlike Kate, I enjoy spending time with my kids.
Yes! We are doing that tomorrow. I love picking, but then there comes the baking of the shortcakes. I'd rather be outside in this wonderful weather.
Gawker has more "insider" stories from the Duggar production crew. Now IF they are true, how are the Duggar crew members able to speak out and very few people speak out about Kate? Surely both crews signed CA's.
I'll join you under the veranda Auntie. Political & religious debates are not for me either.
Now rumspringa on the other hand....
I like to listen to the Broadway channel on xm radio sometimes. There is a hilarious song from the play Avenue Q called "Everyone's a little Bit Racist". Check it out on YouTube.
I will try to stop by the verandah tomorrow, with a new drink, a Tootsie Roll. it's kahlua and orange juice.
Tomorrow we will be spreading manure in our backyard. Much like TLC is spreading their special brand of manure over the airwaves. However, wephen we're done we'll have a lovely lawn and all TLC will have is another pile of shit.
I'll join you under the veranda Auntie. Political & religious debates are not for me either.
Now rumspringa on the other hand...
LOL But political and religious debates are so much fun with a few rumspringas under your belt!
Don't worry. I've ordered plenty of kegs so there's no concerns about it running out, unless AuntieAnn confiscates several kegs for herself. We'll have to keep her busy making those medals with the glue and glitter.
Joy - I absolutely love Avenue Q and that's a great song from the show.
Thank you Joy in Virginia. I was going to suggest we all listen to "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q. It's hysterical.
Now this whole modesty thing. I have been familiar with the basics of Quiverfull for years. Today, I was wondering if they get regular medical treatment. I went for my mammogram today. I got a diagnostic mammogram and that includes ultrasound. Now of course during the mammo I was exposed. The tech was a female. Then I had the ultrasound. Still exposed. This tech was female also. At the end of the ultrasound, the tech consulted with the radiologist. He came in and checked a few spots himself. Now a male doctor does not bother me. But do these women get proper care? When Jill(?) went to the hospital for her baby, did she insist on all women? Can they even call ambulances since many EMTs are men? At this point, Michelle has to need some care for her abused reproductive organs. I suspect she would have bladder problems too. Have they addressed any of this on the show?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago
See you all at the #TLCBlockParty tomorrow at Penn’s Landing! I’m going2bed-like now!-so I’m rested up 2 meet YOU!❤️ XO Can’t wait! @TLC
She has to get her beauty sleep, and goes to bed at 8 p.m. She doesn't say if she's at home, or at a Philly hotel doing some snugglin' with her Flying Monkey and/or Jeffie Pooh.
Kate Is a Twit, thank you very much for caring.
I am fine. I am in contact with two other Texas posters and they are safe also.
Wimberly and San Marcos, the towns with deaths and disaster, are less than 20/30 miles from us. There are many volunteers helping with clean up and making donations of basic necessities. This area of Texas has become one big community of help and concern.
Our town has the Guadalupe River. It is wide and high but spread with the rain (which still continues). The Blanco River which is more narrow has flooded. This has not happened since 1929.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I will try to stop by the verandah tomorrow, with a new drink, a Tootsie Roll. it's kahlua and orange juice.
Oh, Joy...no! I love Kahlua and I like orange juice, but the two of them together is just wrong, and maybe even illegal. You bring the Kahlua and I'll bring the vodka.
Don't worry. I've ordered plenty of kegs so there's no concerns about it running out, unless AuntieAnn confiscates several kegs for herself. We'll have to keep her busy making those medals with the glue and glitter.
I have a hard enough time understanding Canadian politics leave alone American lol. Better that Jolie and I just scarf down moosedogs, drink our rumspringa and make lots of shiny bitter blackhearted busybody bigot badges.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago
See you all at the #TLCBlockParty tomorrow at Penn’s Landing! I’m going2bed-like now!-so I’m rested up 2 meet YOU!❤️
Can't wait to meet who? Who's going You mean the fans that TLC pre-screened and vetted? Yeah, they're real good at vetting.....
Ha-ha what is poor schmoops going to do if there are protestors there or hecklers? Or what if reporters ask questions? Is TLC really going to say they can't ask about the Duggars? That's not going to go over well. Shmoopy is going to be lost. As they say on Veep, she shouldn't be taking a bath without the coast guard there let alone be able to handle a PR crisis like THIS.
If you're going, shoot me an email. Haven't had anyone say they are yet that I know of.
Glad to know you are okay Dmasy, I added you to the list of rowboats I'm sending down there. I have a sibling, cousins and an aunt and uncle in the Dallas/ Austin corridor. Fortunately their biggest problem at the moment is trying to get a puppy to poop who doesn't like the rain.
"She has to get her beauty sleep, and goes to bed at 8 p.m. She doesn't say if she's at home, or at a Philly hotel doing some snugglin' with her Flying Monkey and/or Jeffie Pooh."
That certainly would make a curious ménage à trois, and as the Bard of Avon wrote, "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows."
I bet she finagled it to get a hotel room tonight on their dime, and hair and make up might be on the early side tomorrow.
There may be some pre-media things or prepping for the event in the morning that they all have to get up for.
Still 8 pm is a luxury. If she's home, her own kids shouldn't even be in bed yet. Even if she has to get up at 5 am, which is doubtful for a call time that's not until noon or a bit earlier, that's STILL a full *nine* hours of sleep. That's nuts and not relatable.
Roll out the grills. We have invited to the block party our neighbors Gawker, Radar, Philly.com and anyone who hangs out on Twitter to join us!
"As they say on Veep, she shouldn't be taking a bath without the coast guard there let alone be able to handle a PR crisis like THIS."
Why would she need an entourage when she has good old Steve there with his Go Go Gadget Ratclaws? I'm sure he's had them honed for the big event!
Ha-ha what is poor schmoops going to do if there are protestors there or hecklers? Or what if reporters ask questions? Is TLC really going to say they can't ask about the Duggars? That's not going to go over well. Shmoopy is going to be lost.
Steve will have to sharpen his ratclaws tonight so he'll be ready to dig them in and escort anyone with questions right out of there. I'll bet he's got his little waterguns loaded too.
OT good news: Chuck Lorre and cast of the Big Bang Theory have created an endowed scholarship for students majoring in science at UCLA. The first scholarships will be awarded this fall, and the scholarship fund will award five scholarships each year in perpetuity.
Once schmoops goes out in public, eventually sh'es going to get asked about the Duggars. She may be able to put it off due to the nature of this protected event but it won't last long.
I'm not sure that "no comment" is going to cut it this time. She better have something prepared that's not full of um's and uhh's. And not something she threw together on the back of a cocktail napkin in the limo on the way over. Get it together, doofus. She's not like Rick Santorum who can field a question like that very well without being prepared for it.
Can't wait to meet who? Who's going You mean the fans that TLC pre-screened and vetted? Yeah, they're real good at vetting.....
The two or three sheep who said they were going. It didn't appear that a plethora of them were doing a gleeful happy dance in anticipation of her rockin' body hitting the sidewalk at Penn's Landing.
If you're going, shoot me an email. Haven't had anyone say they are yet that I know of.
Jeebers. What if they gave a block party and nobody came?
You mean the fans that TLC pre-screened and vetted?
I'm sure TFM will be there to snatch cameras and to keep the mediocre fans at bay.
I'll bet he's got his little waterguns loaded too.
He has a little water gun? Kate's happy with that?
Rumour has it Auntie Anne drilled a hole in the bottom of the rumspringa barrels and inserted long straws for under the veranda. I am putting on my gougounnes and crawling underneath to join. SAVE A STRAW FOR ME !!!!
Karma has arrived at Bullyville's door...FYI..at last!
4. June 1st – Big Day!! June 1st is the day that James McGibney (who we don’t like) is required to produce his financial and tax documents in the Fort Worth case for the purposes of the trial court’s assessment of mandatory sanctions against McGibney and ViaView for violating the Texas Citizens Participation Act (the anti-SLAPP law). We are sure that there will be interesting and important updates about this shortly. In the mean time, you can check out copies of McGibney’s and his wife’s credit reports right here at this page====>"
I have a hard enough time understanding Canadian politics leave alone American lol. Better that Jolie and I just scarf down moosedogs, drink our rumspringa and make lots of shiny bitter blackhearted busybody bigot badges.
Bet you can't say that eight times after drinking a few of Joy's Kahlua and orange juice concoctions.
Jeebers. What if they gave a block party and nobody came?
Worse yet, what if they gave a block party and everyone came to "R" block party instead?
If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that...
That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18. That and befriending my first gay friends in college. The problem is it doesn't strengthen the argument much, because people are born with a lot of things, and some of those things that occur in the womb result in good behaviors and some result in bad behaviors. Being born with something doesn't mean it's a good behavior, but it doesn't mean it's bad either. It can go either way.
I was just thinking about that time a fuckity hundred years ago when Maria Shriver invited her to the Women's Conference out in CA and there she sat all alone. Se looked like she was sitting on a nest full of eggs and none of them were hatching. Not a soul brought a book over for her to sign. It was so (chuckle) embarrassing.
Sure, that's how the media spins it. I don't see that that is "clearly" the case at all however. I doubt many liberals enjoy the way Fox News paints THEIR party, but radical ideas are what makes headlines.
It's not about how the media spins it, it's about who Republicans have voted into office. The evil mainstream media didn't make that happen.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133
If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that...
That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18. That and befriending my first gay friends in college. The problem is it doesn't strengthen the argument much, because people are born with a lot of things, and some of those things that occur in the womb result in good behaviors and some result in bad behaviors. Being born with something doesn't mean it's a good behavior, but it doesn't mean it's bad either. It can go either way.
Your understanding of the research is that being gay is an "emotional illness?" Wow. Just wow.
I am putting on my gougounnes and crawling underneath to join...
Translation: gougounes = flip-flops
PA Dutch Mom said...
Yes! We are doing that tomorro. I love picking, but then there comes the baking of the shortcakes. I'd rather be outside in this wonderful weather.
We will be making and putting up jam. We use Pomonas pectin so I make it with honey. We are just about out of last years jam supply. Technically our upick place is a winery so it's a win-win all around!
I haven't heard much about the block party. You would think TLC would've advertised it a little. Maybe they didn't cancel because they are contractually obligated? Who knows why they do anything? I think it's going to be one turd of an event. I feel bad for the winner. She sure got stuck with the booby prize
I read here occasionally and must say I am concerned by the last comment regarding gay and transgendered people.
Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the official listing of psychiatric disorders. In 1975, the American Psychological Association adopted a similar resolution. Position statements of the American Medical Association and the Society for Adolescent Medicine agree with these affirmations regarding sexual orientation.
Evidence suggests that people who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth may do so not just due to psychological or behavioral causes, but also biological ones related to their genetics, the makeup of their brains, or prenatal exposure to hormones.[1
You would think TLC would've advertised it a little. Maybe they didn't cancel because they are contractually obligated? Who knows why they do anything? I think it's going to be one turd of an event. I feel bad for the winner. She sure got stuck with the booby prize
Good point- when you contract with a large city, with all the ins and outs with permits and diverting labor etc. to put the function on, I bet it's hard to cancel without being hit with a huge fine.
I also feel sorry for that good lady from Pennypack.
Tucker's Mom said... 68
Radar says Dr. Phil wants to polygraph Josh and Jim Bob.
What took Phil so long to wade into the 7th Circle of Hell?!
Dr. Phil must have a bad knee if it took him this long to catch up to the ambulance.
So apparently Kate and the rest of the TLC "Talent" are not required to be at Penn's Landing for the entire party. And the only way to know their availability is to check for yourself the schedule that's going to be posted on-site. Any guesses as to when and for how long Kate shows up? I'm not thinking she'll be as engaged with participants as, say, Randy or Cake Boss.
"Am I guaranteed to meet talent?
Talent will be at the event at various times throughout the day and schedules will be posted on-site."
Good news for Orcas
Paula said... 139
Agree with you totally. I worked with many children/teens when I was a pediatric nurse, who were facing gender issues. Some people are born in the 'wrong' body or have ambiguous genitalia etc. Other cases were kids who were surgically changed into the opposite sex due to accidents, botched circumcision, other anomalies- sexual preference and gender identity are indeed inborn.People who are gay or bi are also born with those preferences.Any emotional illness is a separate issue or brought on by rejection of them as the people they are.
I'm with you on this one Paula (#139). I've been trying to understand Admin's post #133. Especially when Admin said "That's my understanding of the research as well, and a big reason why I changed my opinion about gay people when I was about 18.".
Unfortunately, I was unable to find the original post that Admin referenced. So without that original post, post #133 totally confuses me.
All I can say I totally agree with you about gay and transgendered people. As you said "Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses."
Interesting article about Jim Bob, masturbation, ordering from a female server, etc Sorry if someone has posted- there are SO many comments on this topic.
Admin, might you be able to make a new thread for the TLC
event today? I'm going to be out all day and won't be able to
attend "R" block party -- more Rumspringa for the rest of you! --
but I'll be reading when I get a few minutes.
And I guess I've got to chow down on a big plate of crow,
because I was sooo sure today was going to be canceled.
Yes, even a bitter, blackhearted busybody like myself can
admit when she's wrong!
"If you talk to anyone in the field of psychiatry ..they will tell you that being transgender and being gay is an emotional illness...no one is born like that....it's unnatural ...nature doesn't work like that... "
I'm with Paula, here... The American Psychiatric Association did officially removed homosexuality from the official listing of psychiatric disorders, and 42 years later, the majority of psychiatrists do NOT think that homosexuality is an emotional illness. As for the statement that "nature doesn't work that way...", well just google « list of animals displaying homosexual behavior »… Bison, bear, rat, caribou, cat, chimpanzee, dolphin, elephant, fox, penguin, lion, giraffe, raccoon, chicken, owl, seagull, etc., ec. The list goes on and on and on…
I read that comment too quickly and didn't see the "illness" part of it. Just the "you're born with it" comment. I agree with you're born with it, though I don't believe it's properly categorized as an "illness."
Yes there is a post ready to go for R block party, will go live at 8 am!
Kate denies romance. Kind of disses Reading area when the interviewer suggested she could meet a nice fella there.
This one reconfirms her place as first among first of the nitwits.
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 14m14 minutes ago
@KATEPLUSMY8 Have a great time at BLOCK PARTY. There are so many that are going just to see you and the kids! I wish I could be there.������
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 6m6 minutes ago
@KATEPLUSMY8 Watch out, you must realize Jon may show up.�� He'll say or do ANYTHING for media attention & ruin the day for you all.
I imagine that Jon has his kids this weekend and getting anywhere near this tainted event is the last thing on his mind. And doesn't she know that the kids are not on the roster of "TLC stars" who are attending? As for "so many that are going just to see you and the kids," I think there've been maybe a solid half-dozen tweets on Kate's TL from people who plan to show up. Way to invent a storyline to fit your own very twisted version of reality.
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