I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them, just Kate, Cake Boss, Randy from Say Yes To the Dress and the Roloffs. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tlc-block-party-tickets-16402176351
In Gosselin news, The Enquirer has an article about Kate wanting to get married to Jeff, so that she can prove to the court that she has a "more stable home". They say their source is a "family friend".
" In the face of a child custody battle with her ex-husband, KATE GOSSELIN is secretly planning to tie the knot with her millionaire boyfriend, Jeff Prescott, sources told The National ENQUIRER!
“Kate believes that if she’s married, she can convince a judge to give her full custody because she can provide a stable family home,” a family friend revealed.
“Kate’s secret plan is to marry Jeff, so she can show she’s the one with the normal home and the financial means to provide for her brood,” added a family friend. "
Guess Kate doesn't like the fact that the Duggars are getting all the attention. After all, isn't she the "stah" of TLC?
Hey, Milo, we didn't have to be patient for too long.
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2015/05/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-josh-duggar-police-report.html ******** Here's another excellent timeline of how things went down
After reading the timeline as provided by Gawker, there is no way TLC can now say they were not aware. The question for me is how did TLC manage to keep the story under wraps from the msm? Children were damaged and will remain so even if they did get professional help.
"our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."
Difficult time for whom? TLC or the Duggars?
I'm sure TLC had a "difficult time" after a major sponsor pulled out. I wonder if more sponsors flew the coop and that's the real reason they pulled the episodes.
"...our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time." 1
THIS difficult time? How is this more difficult than when it was happening? Oh right, because it's hit the main stream media. Nothing and no one can convince me that TLC has not been aware of the skeletons in the closets of their alleged talent. They chose to reward these people for the sake of the almight dollar. Amoral and beyond disgusting.
I agree. Inserting "the victims" was an afterthought by TLC. But then even the girls own mother & father thought they were not "the victims". Poor Josh. Poor Jim Bob. Poor Michelle. Yes, so sad another one of TLC's cash cows has been caught. Sorry girls.
“Kate believes that if she’s married, she can convince a judge to give her full custody because she can provide a stable family home,” a family friend revealed. ****** Guess she wasn't lying for once. Business deal indeed.
Anyone notice what's MISSING from the statement? They're not trying to deny they knew about this. When the Blankinship story broke they fell all over themselves to say they knew nothing about any of this.
This statement is so trite anyway. It's only a heartbreaking difficult time because you got CAUGHT.
I don't think 'secretly tying the knot' translates to 'stability', do you?
Kate leaves for days, kids don't know where she is. Next time she does it, who knows, maybe she'll come home married with a new 'daddy' for the kids. Yep, sounds like a plan. NOT
idiot. lol
And wasn't it reported a few weeks ago he does not want to remarry?
And to be 'completely honest', as Kate likes to say,most older men don't want to raise another man's family, especially EIGHT kids.
Getting back to the Duggar fiasco. I bet the two young men that just married into the family are saying 'wwwwhhhhaatttt?
I always suspected that Anna was an idiot. She admitted to knowing what Josh did and married him anyway. She proved my suspicions correct!
Can you imagine the chaos going on in the Duggashian household today! Holy tater-tot casserole! lol
InTouch magazine published a story Thursday about police records it obtained from Springdale, Ark., hidden since 2006, that show Josh Duggar confessed to his father, Jim Bob Duggar, who then waited more than a year before contacting police about what his then 15-year-old son admitting doing to five girls.The report redacted the name of the suspect and the alleged victims, all juveniles, but listed Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar as relatives. The incidents occurred in 2002 and 2003.
According to the police report, Josh had molested at least five underage girls,including several of his sisters. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were aware of the abuses and, along with leaders of their church and a rogue law enforcement officer, were complicit in their subsequent cover-up.im Bob only spoke officially to law enforcement in 2006 after the abuses were reported to authorities by producers of The Oprah Winfrey Show, who were interviewing the family, after the show received an email detailing the allegations. Because the three-year statute of limitations had passed once allegations were formally documented, Josh avoided charges
They never sent their son to a therapist. They put this child molester back into the home of his victims. He should have never been allowed to return home.
TLC's prayers are with the family and victims -- but in this case, some members of the family ARE the victims.
I don't think they'll proceed with the block party. Even without the Duggars there, I'm sure TLC isn't interested in any public gathering which might invite protesters.
Jane said... 2 I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them. . . .
They must have been quickly swiffered by TLC. They originally had top billing.
I hope she and PrescottJones do get married. Then the kids will one by one flock to Jon when "new daddy" doesn't quite turn out to be the happy-fun-time guy they thought.
Jane said... 2 I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them, just Kate, Cake Boss, Randy from Say Yes To the Dress and the Roloffs. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tlc-block-party-tickets-16402176351 ------------------------
Jane--Yes they were scheduled to appear. They were listed in the Philly Mag article when the story first came out, and when TLC first announced the contest.
From TLC's FB page announcing the contest back in March:
'TLC is hosting the party of the summer! Enter for a chance to join Buddy Valastro, Randy Fenoli, Whitney Thore, the Duggar family, and MORE at the #TLCSummer Block Party! "
From the Philly Mag article:
"Guests to the free event on May 30th will be able to meet the Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus Eight, Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss, Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the Roloff family from Little People, Big World, Randy Fenoli, Monte Durham and Lori Allen from Say Yes To the Dress, and the Hamill Family from Our Little Family.
Plus, I also checked the eventbrite site earlier today to see if they were still listed and they were. TLC must have cancelled their appearance about the same time that they decided to pull the show.
As far as TLC pulling all current episodes of the Duggars, that's not quite a cancellation of the series. Good thing for TLC the most recent "season" just ended. Boy, did they luck out.
What's more, family court doesn't care if you are married or dating or whatever as long as your significant other is appropriate. It's not the 1950s anymore. Getting married doesn't matter or do much to prove or disprove stability. You can be married but very unstable.
And, if this is true, she could end up hurting her case bringing Jeff into the picture as a husband. Even if he were great with the kids, adjusting to mom getting married would be hard on them, especially at this age. Even if they like Jeff, they still might prefer to be over at Jon's just because of the natural reluctance many kids have toward such a big change. Good job Kate. Keep up those brilliant ideas.
What say you now sheeple? Sex offenders are not just guys in trenchcoats holding a bottle in a brown paper bag. This information did not originate on this "cesspool of hate". Sex offenders, like abusers, cross all strata of society. Some are enabled; some even become famous.
“Kate’s secret plan is to marry Jeff, so she can show she’s the one with the normal home and the financial means to provide for her brood,” added a family friend. " ****** Huh? If we believe Kate, she's just started dating Jeff. Kate has claimed they were not involved, and just business associates. Now, she's going to marry a guy she's been dating for a couple months? Have the kids ever met this guy? This would be the most moronic plan ever if it's true. No judge is going to look at a capricious wedding as evidence of a stable and loving home.
I'm absolutely livid that these girls are being victimized again. I hope they find their voice and refuse to toe the party line. I hope that real help is available to them if they want it.
Thanks Sad But True and KIAT - looks like the TLC swifter tools are in high gear. I wonder if Kate is feeling nervous that she might be next to get pulled off the air or delighted that this could mean more air time for her show.
I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "pushed back" at Jim Bob because she had "something on him". Just an impression I had of their televised interaction/scene re her being "allowed" to marry Ben. I'm sure many perceptions of scenes will take on new meaning now to many. Josh admitted to the sexual molestations. Why are the media outlets treating him like someone accused but not yet found guilty? He admitted to his actions only because he is outside the SOL IMO & his public confession was the family's best agreed upon solution to try to save their gravy train.
I wonder if Kate is feeling nervous that she might be next to get pulled off the air or delighted that this could mean more air time for her show. 35
I'm guessing she's teetering on that tightrope between hope and fear. Oh and Katie? The Duggars have 19 (count 'em) kids. How on earth are they going to raise them without being on tee vee?
http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Phila-TLC-Summer-Block-Party-event-removes-Duggar-family-from-lineup.html ****** Wow, TLC dipped into their Minor League team and pulled the Roloff's up to The Show! That was fast.
If you were the Duggars, would YOU want to appear at a public event (the block party) so soon after this brouhaha? The boo-ing and name calling from the public would be humiliating. I'm sure this was as much a Duggar decision as a TLC decision! But thank you, TLC, just the same.
This could go either way for Kate. TLC might be on a hair trigger when it comes to controversy and minor children right now. If Jon's court hearing about Hannah is true, if the allegations that she wants to live with Jon are because of horrible conditions in Kate's house, and she does not want to film, then I think Kate's show will be done. If I were Kate, I'd keep my mouth SHUT right now and not start any stupid rumors about me getting married in some slap-dash secret ceremony.
Tucker's Mom said... 41 This could go either way for Kate. TLC might be on a hair trigger when it comes to controversy and minor children right now. If Jon's court hearing about Hannah is true, if the allegations that she wants to live with Jon are because of horrible conditions in Kate's house, and she does not want to film, then I think Kate's show will be done.
Imagine what's going on in that house now. The brainwashing and bribery, intimidation, threats. I hope the kids really are able to speak openly with Jon and/or with any court appointed official.
Sorry, it was philly.com that posted the article about TLC pulling the Duggars from the block party. BTW, in their article that have pictures of the both the old and the new images that were posted on eventbrite.com. The old one is the one I saw earlier today.
Oh and Katie? The Duggars have 19 (count 'em) kids. How on earth are they going to raise them without being on tee vee? May 22, 2015 at 2:04 PM ****** I think Michelle and Jim Boob are positively apoplectic right now. The thought of all of "this" going away, just POOF! Gone. They now face something that they have not faced in over a decade, and something they thought they'd never have to face: a life without cameras, fat paychecks, freebies, trips galore, passing off raising their own children to film crews cum babysitters, public adoration, lucrative endorsements and speaking engagements. The list just goes on and on, and it all just came to a screeching halt, just like that. I'm betting they're in total shock. I think the household is going to be off-kilter, in disarray and upside down for awhile. People like Michelle and Jim Boob think the gravy train will last forever. I bet they haven't spent a minute of time fashioning a Plan B; a golden parachute of sorts. Nah, they're sitting there in this limbo between being shocked, and completely numb.
The TLC curse strikes again...another family exploited and discarded, We can only hope that the families still linked to TLC such as Bill and Jen and the Willis family stop focusing on the cameras and themselves and start focusing on their children, in the privacy of their homes. It's really sad to think what the future holds for the large number of children whose right to privacy was stolen by TLC and their parents. The children will never be allowed to put this sordid exploitation behind them. It will be on the internet forever. These networks certainly will be facing numerous lawsuits as the children come to realize the scope of the damage done to their lives.
I thought about the men that just married into the family. If my husband found out my brother molested me, fists would fly. NO way would they be as chummy as they appear on the show. I really wonder if they knew or when they found out.
Well, Admin, you called it again. Just before COB on Friday, before a long holiday weekend, TLC made an announcement regarding the Duggar's show. It's not canceled (yet), but is pulled, for now.
I think TLC knows damn well they should cancel the show, but it's gotta be killing them to do it. The Duggar franchise has to have been their biggest money maker off all time. That's gotta hurt. I wonder if there was a big stock dump today ;-)
Sorry but I think Jim Bob has been planning & working on his Plan B for the family for quite some time now. He knew his & Michelle's time/interest to the public was waning & worked hard to get his adult kids on their own money train (and was successful). IMO he will still try to sell TLC on spin-offs for his adult kids (Jill & Derrick; Jessa & Ben pregnancy follow-up; perhaps even Josiah & his courtship, etc.). He will agree, of course, that updates & televised episodes of Josh & Anna should end. If TLC can figure out how to salvage "parts" of the show I think they will try to sell it with specials (with a little time break for things to settle down & the public to become interested in seeing updates).
I'm sure Jim Bob and Michelle are probably in shock that the income is over. Hopefully they have saved some money. But what about the newly married couples? No one seems to have a job. I don't know the right names but two of the daughters married. One just had a kid and one is pregnant. They both married men who appear to have no skills and very little education. They are also very screwed. To a certain extent, Jim Bob and Michelle can still make money on the speaking circuit among other fundamentals.
jbranck1980 said... 49 I thought about the men that just married into the family. If my husband found out my brother molested me, fists would fly. NO way would they be as chummy as they appear on the show. I really wonder if they knew or when they found out.
Michelle was on a campaign to not allow transgender people use the ladies restrooms. She said they only want to molest women and girls and ogle them. Josh was working for an extreme hate group that preaches the evil and sins of LGBT people. When you have that much hate in you and a holier than thou attitude something is bound to crawl out of the woodwork and bite you in the butt. Now maybe the girls can leave that place and build a true life for themselves.
Nah, they're sitting there in this limbo between being shocked, and completely numb.
I bet that there is a lot of prayin' going on this weekend, that God's kindness on his favored children will somehow make TLC see the light and continue to allow them to bless the viewers with their infinite goodness.
I wonder if Jim Boob's "trying" to have more children will be put on temporary hold.
I had to shake my head at the "teenage mistake" excuse. A teenage mistake would be shaving your head and getting a tattoo on your forehead with the name of your girlfriend that you now despise. Molesting a four-year-old sibling cannot be dismissed as a mistake. Good Lord. This guy has a daughter that age. If a young teen molested her would he consider this just a "mistake?"
These Duggar defenders are so sick. I just read one on the Reading Eagle FB page. Apparently, this is only news because we want to tear down a family that "shines for God." It must be our anti-religion bias.
The real problem is that, just like Kate's sheeple, there is absolutely nothing you can say that will convince them otherwise. How do you get to the point where you will defend a celebrity no matter what they do? I don't understand. These are celebrities they have NEVER met.
I really don't know if anyone related to the Duggar brand can come through this with their own show. They are tainted by the sheer hypocrisy that's been revealed.
Haven't people seen enough? Had enough? What else is there to see? To learn? These kids are just marrying and having babies.
Sorry, it was philly.com that posted the article about TLC pulling the Duggars from the block party. BTW, in their article that have pictures of the both the old and the new images that were posted on eventbrite.com. The old one is the one I saw earlier today.
You knew this was coming. There was no way they could have shown up. No way at all. Not with something this big.
Sex offenders are not just guys in trenchcoats holding a bottle in a brown paper bag.
I didn't know that they held bottles in brown paper bags under their trench coats. I always thought the creeps held something else, or am I thinking of flashers?
I bet that there is a lot of prayin' going on this weekend, that God's kindness on his favored children will somehow make TLC see the light and continue to allow them to bless the viewers with their infinite goodness.
Yeah, I love that attitude. "Jesus loves you. But I'm his favourite."
The entire police report is available online. I read it last night. It's a real eye-opener.
Out of all the law enforcement officers Jim Boob could have chosen to "talk" to Josh, what are the chances that the one he picked (or knew personally) later was arrested for possession of child porn? Geez. Something smells fishy about that whole thing.
Harpo Productions knew about Josh since 2006. They kept the secret for 9 years? Wow, they really do look out for each other. That's why Kate's ugliness is never reported by any of the major networks. I guess they look out for each other.
TLC needs to clean house and throw out the trash. First fire the people responsible for giving the viewers garbage. Next throw out The Duggars, Kate +8 and any other shows that are bad for viewing in the same garbage can that Honey Boo Boo is in!
TLC for years have given us shows that are the bottom feeders of society. What a bad influence for today's youth.
Patsy # 37 "I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p" ---
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
what a gal! (eyeroll)
I don't think the public wants to see ANY Duggars on teevee ever again. I think that gravy train derailed and went off the tracks for good. Here's hoping The Gosselin Express does the same.
Josh took (yet another) selfie on "the set" of filming, which is to say, the Duggar home. And who says a home isn't also a film set, or, um, isn't a film set, right Kate? https://twitter.com/joshduggar/status/600832922480967680/photo/1
All those tax write-off for that home/set are flying right out the window. Welcome to how the rest of America pays taxes! Oh, but does Jim Boob still claim in as a church, too?
Tucker's Mom........If TLC was smart they would shut down Kate now and it would look like collateral damage. TLC could say they are moving away from the reality format; otherwise they may have another explosive debacle on their hands. There is too much evidence (chronicled in Robert's book) combined with a long list of people who would happily come forward at the drop of a hat. If TLC takes a "wait and see" with Kate, they better be ready for Hannah. Both Kate and TLC have managed to discredit Jon, but how can they ignore the fact that one of Kate's own children has called her "cruel".
I hate to think what the maneuvering is going on with TFW right now. My singular concern is that Jon will withdraw his custody bid to have Hannah live with him. My guess is that is priority ONE for Kate, getting Jon to back off, otherwise she knows Pandora's box will open wide and TLC could axe her show. I hope Hannah doesn't recant to save her mother from possibly losing her livelihood. Right now I think Hannah holds the key to Kate's future; that poor child has a lot to bear right now.
According to reports, Anna and her parents knew about this before she married him, and yet, as grandparents they don't have any concerns with him being around his own little girl, who is the same age as his younger sibling whom he molested?
If he didn't have professional therapy, I certainly wouldn't want him around my daughters or grandchildren. Even if he did receive therapy and not just manual labor, I'm still not sure I would trust him.
angie said... 65 Patsy # 37 "I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p" ---
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
what a gal! (eyeroll)
She says he told her about it 2 years before they got married. I read their timelines of how they met. She's lying.
Patsy # 37 "I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p" ---
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
************ Yep. And here is her statement:
“I can imagine the shock many of you are going through reading this. I remember feeling that same shock. When my family and I first visited the Duggar home, Josh shared his past teenage mistakes.”
She was shocked and she married him anyway. She knew that there would be children produced from that union. She's an idiot.
Apparently, this is only news because we want to tear down a family that "shines for God." It must be our anti-religion bias.
****** He was shining for someone, but it certainly wasn't God. I don't know how people can worship someone so much and defend them no matter what they do, even if it involved incest in the name of the Lord.
Maybe we should ask Milo how a person can be so deep into celebrity worship that they can't see the nose on their own face. It's pathetic. They just go through life with no critical thinking ability whatsoever, and somehow they just plod along drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid, and it makes them happy.
1. canceling the show, would be the right thing to do.
2. Keeping the show on the air, cause of contracts, but, banning Josh & family from appearing on show. TLC has no morales.
3. TLC put fingers in ears and does LALALALA, totally ignoring, like it did not happen, and take them off the air till TLC's PR, legal department, & the Duggars can figure out damage control.
With that many kids, and relying on the older ones to look after the younger ones, keeping them isolated, no TV, no internet, so they say, keep the kids at home most of the time, and not supervising them and mom & dad worrying about making another kid, I'm not really that surprised that something did happen. At the time it was consider a rumor. Just like the rumor that Michelle had a mixed race baby before she married Jimbob, that I don't believe, cause, Michelle married at 17, the same year she graduated from HS. Just as there was a rumor that they had an older daughter, who was a year or 2 older than Josh, and she did not want to live their life style, so they excommunicated her. At that time, Amy was included, and she was born out of wed-lock to Jimbob sister, so that was the older daughter rumor. The Josh sex abuse, was also consider a rumor, and it was dealt with and swipped under the rug.
I say, cancel the show! And cancel the Block Party! If TLC truely believes they are making changes, then, this will prove they are making changes, if they don't, then TLC does mean The Lying Channel.
They just go through life with no critical thinking ability whatsoever, and somehow they just plod along drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid, and it makes them happy. 73
Years ago I commented at Z's that maybe the sheeple were drinking Ken Keysey's loop aid (laced with LSD). This was before the abuse allegations were substantiated. I now agree that it's Jim Jone's kool aid without a doubt.
All This Is That said... 74 Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems? May 22, 2015 at 3:39 PM ***** Seemed hinky yesterday.
According to "Alice," the oldest daughter, Jana, was not molested. The other 4 daughters were molested, including Joy. The events happened around the time of Jackson's birth and the special "14 kids and Pregnant Again" aired. Jackson is the youngest boy in the family, followed by 4 sisters and stillborn Jubilee.
What is really upsetting me is the fact that Joy was (is?) a victim, and her statute of limitations should not have run out. The SOL for sex crimes committed against minors is supposed to start counting down when the victim turns 18, and then is only 3 years, so effectively the SOL expires on the victim's 21st birthday. I can't imagine that the SOL would start counting down when the event(s) happened to a 5-year-old, leading to an expiration when she was only 8. Most kids can't even come forward with accusations when they are that young!! Joy's SOL should certainly still be open, and I hope the state of AR gets their collective act together.
By the way, I would also prefer to keep the victim's privacy, but as they all have J-names, initials are pointless. I will not use numbers either, because that is demeaning as well. Besides, many of the reports list the ages of the victims as 5-12, and we all know which Duggar girls fall into that age range at the time of the incidents.
I cannot express how furious I am that Josh was welcomed back home, with forgivenss and grace from his victims. Really, all the girls prayed and decided to forgive him right then and there? Or were they told to?
I would also like to point out that there have been several instances of Josh and Anna "babysitting" the entire family while the parents were away. The molester was caring for his victims, some of whom were still minors, while the parents were absent? The left their daughters under his supervision! WTF? Also, didn't Joy move in with them for a few months as a nanny when Anna was preganat with #3? Just for added fun, the Duggars also have hosted foreign exchange students over the course of many years. They knowingly brought young men and women into their home while harboring a child molester. There's gotta be lawsuit in their somewhere.
First she tweets a platitude to Kate which says "Never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your live will rise up to meet them".
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m13 minutes ago You ARE a #RuleFollower. Good moms show by example right from wrong! pic.twitter.com/9Kb9AoLplO @Kateplusmy8
Then she tweets this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! 😟 #KidsAffected
I don't get what she is trying to say. Sex sells? Is that a reference to the Duggar scandal? Is that her reason why the media is reporting it and has gone viral because "sex sells"? Really?
Wonder how she would feel if her son ever molested her daughter?
All This Is That said... 74 Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems?
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I noticed it late yesterday. Today I discovered if you click on "LIVE" at the top, it goes back to what we're used to.
I think it was "Alice" who spilled the beans on how greedy the Jim Boob is.. and she said he built a church in the behind his house? Gee, so much for tithing 10% of his income...he'd have to tithe it to HIMSELF. And I wonder how much of the Duggar $$ was apportioned out for the kid's futures? I'm betting ZERO. And what about on-set tutoring? Where's the child labor laws for reality tv kids in Arkansas???
I've been thinking about Josh all day. Ok, now ya'll hear me out.
Josh was 14 yrs old when it happened. FOURTEEN. True, it's old enough to know right from wrong, but what did his parents teach him? From my view, those kids are sheltered, don't go to public school, don't do extracurricular activities; go to church that their dad is in charge of, behind their house. They home school, aren't encouraged to go to college. Girls have to dress modestly so they don't entice the males.
Here Josh is, 14, the oldest of the bunch. He sees that his parents multiply like rabbits, his mom walks around with a babe attached to the tit 24/7. They aren't allowed to watch tv, probably don't have access to any other kind of social media. (but, someone has said he watched porn on the internet?)
Josh at 14, his hormones are going crazy, he isn't allowed to even look at a girl, and if he does, hell, the only girl to look at is related to him. His parents don't raise their kids, the girls do. I can hardly see JimBoob or Michelle having a talk to Josh about hormonal changes, etc, not to the extent that a hormonal boy wants to hear--they might have told him the biblical approach they wanted him to hear....
so saying all this, I say his parents are more at fault than he is. Of course not all sheltered, home schooled kids turn out to be molesters, but for whatever reason, he 'went there'. Damn, even after one of the girls told JimBoob about it, he did NOTHING. NOTHING.
so who's more to blame? I'd say his parents. Sure, Josh is responsible for his actions, but at 14, (and all of his life, really), he's been sort of winging it by himself.
Ok, ya'll throw tomatoes at me all you want to (lol), but he was 14. I have to give him *some* leeway because his parents failed him. They can't blame it on peer pressure,because he didn't have any. They can't blame it on public education, MTV, the internet, tv, friends, working outside the home, friends, etc, because all this kid knew was the Duggar house. I am in no way giving him a pass, but he's a product of this bizarre Duggar household.
Another subject, I bet the Arkansas children's services are working up a file and visiting Josh and Anna Duggar asap.
All This Is That said... 70 According to reports, Anna and her parents knew about this before she married him, and yet, as grandparents they don't have any concerns with him being around his own little girl, who is the same age as his younger sibling whom he molested? ::::::
The women in that religious cult-like group seem to be extremely meek and the men seem to belong to the good old boy society. If Anna's mother had any misgivings about her daughter marrying a molester of his sisters, she no doubt kept them to herself as the father no doubt backed up how JimBoob handled the "events." The men have the final say-so and that's it. Men rule, women are semen receptacles and keepers of the home.
Seems to me she's admitting Kate is not perfect. Also, does she not realize that Kate's foot licking incident sort of falls under the "sex sells" thing? Ooops, Milo. Ooops.
Duggars also have hosted foreign exchange students over the course of many years. They knowingly brought young men and women into their home while harboring a child molester. There's gotta be lawsuit in their somewhere. ***** OMG, that's unfathomable. Bringing any minor girl into that home should have been strictly off the table. Period.
The more this unravels, the less I can envision TLC continuing to film.
Formerly Duped said... 57 Although what Josh Duggar was was horrible, why did TLC not take Kate's abuse as documented on her own journal more seriously? Her show and the filming of new ones, are destroying their already crumbled reputation.And what about the children in all these sordid cases? TLC owes them more than ignoring what what done to them by a parent..
Because there was little public outrage and not a single drop of media outrage. If one, single network or magazine had picked up the story and made it big news it would have been just as big as the Duggar scandal. Because none bothered very few people even know it happened.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! �� #KidsAffected
I don't get what she is trying to say. Sex sells? Is that a reference to the Duggar scandal? Is that her reason why the media is reporting it and has gone viral because "sex sells"? Really?
Wonder how she would feel if her son ever molested her daughter? ****** I think Milo is trying to suck up to Kate by lessening the Duggar scandal and therefore, TLC possible complicity in the scandal. Sure, no family is perfect, and we should all just accept Josh's apology, forget that he molested his sisters, and forget that his parents continued to put his sisters and other girls at risk under their own roof. Dolt. It's one thing to be imperfect. It's another to be immoral.
PatK said... 84 All This Is That said... 74 Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems? &&&&&&&& If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I noticed it late yesterday. Today I discovered if you click on "LIVE" at the top, it goes back to what we're used to. ~~~~~~ I just logged on to ask the same question. Thanks for the solution!
If Josh, at age 14, had been on a date, made out with a girl and "felt her up," this could be a teenage mistake, according to their religious beliefs. They could call it a transgression and it still doesn't minimize what he did. This was sexual abuse upon a minor, incest in fact, by a pedophile, and it was covered up. Let's call it what it is. It can't be glossed over. Sheesh!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! �� #KidsAffected
Anonymous said... 94 I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others.
franky ****** I don't understand how a 4-year old can not be able to press charges because by the time she's 7, she still has no clue what exactly happened to her.
I say, cancel the show! And cancel the Block Party! If TLC truely believes they are making changes, then, this will prove they are making changes, if they don't, then TLC does mean The Lying Channel.
&&&&& They will not cancel the block party. They've already found a substitute for the Duggars, and I seriously doubt that they will ban Josh from future episodes for the simple reason that the viewers they have will never be able to look at the family again without seeing those girls as victims.
I also doubt that TLC will pretend that none of this happened. They will lose advertisers right and left. The only other option they have is to cut all of them loose. It should be interesting to see what path they take.
" From Anna: I can imagine the shock many of you are going through reading this. I remember feeling that same shock. It was not at the point of engagement, or after we were married - it was two years before Josh asked me to marry him. When my family and I first visited the Duggar Home, Josh shared his past teenage mistakes. I was surprised at his openness and humility and at the same time didn't know why he was sharing it. For Josh he wanted not just me but my parents to know who he really was -- even every difficult past mistakes. At that point and over the next two years, Josh shared how the counseling he received changed his life as he continued to do what he was taught. And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right. If it weren't for your help I would not be here as his wife — celebrating 6 1/2 years of marriage to a man who knows how to be a gentleman and treat a girl right. Thank you to all of you who tirelessly work with children in crisis, you are changing lives and I am forever grateful for all of you."
I hope Anna doesn't mean Josh was the child in crisis.
I admire Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey for the way they have handles being in the spot light when their 7 were born. Kenny went back to work when things settled down, Bobbi of course is a stay at home mom. This family really has a nice private life. They know what each of the 8 children (big sister Michaela) are interested in and have praise for them all as individuals. Amazing that they can support their large family without TLC or any other media outlet. A lot can be learned from them.
I would of loved to of had Jim Bob take Josh in to the police station and 2 detectives that would be in charge of the case be like the team of Benson and Stabler. Could just see Liv letting Josh have it and El jumping all over Jim Bob. BUT NO!
That Jack Wagon Jim Bob goes to the worse person EVER to take a police report from. An official who is a hundred feet deep in child porn that he later gets convicted to almost 60 years in prison!!!
Jim Bob, since you got fired, I think you need to get your boys out on the property and start making a garden.
Anonymous said... 94 I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others.
franky ______
I never understand it either.
I don't think the law should put a time table on an abuse child or rape victim.
when I say my brother confirmed it, I meant he too knew my mom's bf was doing something wrong and he tried to stop it, spoke out, and was shushed. He has always been my fiercest protector
The Duggars are part of a particular religious sect, run by Bill Gothard. Bill Gothard has also molested girls numerous times, yet keeps getting "forgiven" by his followers. This is a real problem within certain insular religious groups. They shun society, homeschool their children, and often teach that men cannot control their impulses and that it is girls and women who incite men to do bad things. Naturally, an abuser is often drawn to these very groups = perfect place to commit their crimes and get away with it. As to Josh, I blame his parents for being hyper sexual in front of their young children while at the same time telling them any sexual stirrings on their part is sinful. A very confusing message for a child moving into adolescence, who is also not allowed a normal outlet for his normal desires.
I read that TLC has at least pulled all episodes of this show off the air "for now." I think they really have no option but to cancel the show. And if they were wise, they should carefully examine the rest of their line up. This is the 3rd time they've had shows where the parents were found to be engaging in appalling behavior. 1) Mama June; 2) Kate (and they haven't been publicly castigized for that one yet); and now 3) the Duggars. Their track record as far as vetting the people they choose to film is pretty dismal. Maybe it's time for TLC to stop filming family reality shows and try putting out some quality program for a change. Ha!
I am also angry with Josh's hypocrisy in being a spokeman for a group that wants to take away rights for gay people. How dare he pass judgment and claim that two gay people getting married would ruin straight marriage, after what he did to his sisters, while being the product of one of those perfect man-woman marriages he touts as being the one and only way.
Sadly, Kate's terrible treatment of her own children may never be as widely known. She certainly deserves to be exposed, but I think her karmic retribution will come about in another way and I trust in that.
I have never, not once, seen or heard such a public outcry of support for a young man who molested five little girls. (Not here, obviously--but comments on different sites, and of course TLC's backing.)
Interesting that the boys don't have to make any attempt to control their thoughts or behaviors, but the girls not only have to control their own thoughts/behaviors, they're blamed for the boys' bad behavior!
I caught the tale end of it, but the Talk was talking about the Duggars and they were all SAD and tore up about it. On Inside Edition tonight, Josh Duggar was the TOP story, THEN the monster they caught last night that murdered the family and the housekeeper.
Maybe that is when TLC decided they better do something, quick.
Angie, I agree with your comment that it is Josh's parents who are at fault, first in how they raised their children, and second in how they dealt with the molestation.
Yes, every family will have their difficulties. Maybe a child turns to drugs; gets in with the wrong crowd, cuts school, shop lifts, etc. There are lots of mistakes a child might make. But if one of your children comes to you and reports that another sibling is molesting them, you don't just tell him "knock it off", beat him with a rod, and call it a day! You should immediately seek professional help for everyone in the family.
It's clear to me that JimBob purposely tried to cover this up, and dragged his feet until the statute of limitations ran. It is hard to understand how these two parents still have fans defending them as "good Christian" people. I think their definition of a "good Christian" must be the opposite of mine.
Its interesting that the blogs YEARS ago had the Duggars pegged. Posters talked about this very situation and they were right. And they talk about the founder of the cult being accused of molestation like it says in the Daily Mail article. Maybe some Sheeple should start taking this blog more seriously.
redbird (108): "That Jack Wagon Jim Bob goes to the worse person EVER to take a police report from. An official who is a hundred feet deep in child porn that he later gets convicted to almost 60 years in prison!!!"
Was he the one who took the police report? I thought those were two different officers, and the one who made the report wasn't the one who gave Josh the lecture and is now serving his time in prison.
My mom was abused by her dad, and possibly one of her brothers. I suspect that her sister was also. It affected her the rest of her life. It affected her marriage, and all of us children. The same with her sister's family.
It changed who she could have been as a person. In that day and age there was no therapy or treatment for victims, or abusers. She just had to manage as best she could. It wasn't something that she ever recovered from.
When she went deep into dementia it was that stuff that she re-lived. So heart breaking to listen to her. And all I could do was hold her hand and rock with her until she would come back to me. Heart breaking.
Josh has no idea what he has done to his sisters. All he cares about is that he could have ruined his life. *His* life????? What about theirs? He's irretrievably changed their lives, changed their life path.
I think Kate got the idea to have a litter because the McCaugheys were gifted a large house and a van for the family. Of course diapers, formula, clothes and things for a period of time. I remember the flak Bobbi received when she had her teeth fixed. It was not for vanity it was for absolute necessity. Then Katie goes and gets a "good bra", extensions, teeth whitened, spa days, mani/pedis and nothing at the time was said. She will get hers though like all the rest who are so ungrateful and holier than thou.
I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended.
"Offended?" Anna, you are up to your neck in the Duggar Juice. If your daughter would be molested by a 14-year-old, would you say that she was merely "offended?"
Gawd, and to think that they are procreating...multiplying like rabbits. Their gene pool is so diluted now, how much worse will it get with each subsequent generation?
Mel said... 115 Interesting that the boys don't have to make any attempt to control their thoughts or behaviors, but the girls not only have to control their own thoughts/behaviors, they're blamed for the boys' bad behavior! ----------------------------------
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 48m48 minutes ago @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 I know Kate would love 2find #MrRight but her kids R her priority right now. She has put #SelfAndHerInterests 2nd!
She puts herself and her interests second? On what planet? Kate is for Kate and Kate alone!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 Umm, that's definitely a rumor gone wild! No way Kate would just jump into marriage like that. #Wiser2ndTimeAround
I am falling down laughing right now at the stupidity of this person. Does Milo actually believe that Kate tells her everything?
I need the keg opened up. Is there a Memorial Day party on the veranda?
I don't see how TLC can keep this family; they have to cancel all future shows. What is being discussed is incest and what sponsor wants to be involved in sponsoring/condoning incest.
For once I think she's telling the truth. Although she's clearly been seen with him more than once. And Security Steve countless times. Unless she doesn't consider Steve a guy? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married?
"So now is not the time to cancel it. Now is the time for TLC to double down and have the courage to present America, at last, with a truly unscripted show about a family enduring a crisis largely of its own making. Life is not what it quite seems at the Duggar compound — but who ever watched that show and sincerely thought it was always that perfect? Who would honestly believe that you can raise 19 human beings to all think and act according to their parents’ beliefs? No family is immune to suffering; no family is without its secrets. Cancellation would erase the Duggars from popular culture just at the moment that they’ve become more real."
The primary problem with this delusional man's faulty pretzel logic is that reality tv shows are inherently not real. They are manipulations of reality that are manifested by turning participants into cast members and developing story lines that sell advertising. Expecting reality television to be unvarnished and actually real is like a child believing there is a Santa Claus. Say, a 14-year old child when he's old enough to know better.
He continues further: "Now that the darkest clouds have rolled in, so has the potential for a much better, more informative show. What could be more absorbing for viewers than the presence of the camera as the Duggars try to navigate their way through a family crisis?"
What could be better than watching the victims as they deal with the fact that the world knows their own brother molested them when they were little? Everything that this writer so misguidedly wishes would occur in front of a camera can actually occur! This is the myth that is perpetuated when real people are constantly filmed for tv: that when not filming, they somehow exist in a suspended state of limbo until a clapperboard once again strikes to animate them again.
Let the Duggars exist without cameras. Let them do what's right in private, without being paid and receiving countless other sources of fame and things and trips and freebies. Let them do the hard work without that carrot constantly being dangled in front of them, because its the right thing to do. Let them not be swayed by a producer whispering in their ear about what would really get good ratings. Let them act spontaneously. Let them entrench, roll up their sleeves, do the hard work that was never done. Then, at some point in the future, when they've healed, maybe they can give everyone the Reader's Digest version, or write a book, or appear on one of the many daytime talk shows and catch everyone up. That's what should happen, not reward them for the bungled cover-up these frauds have foisted upon millions of fans for years. That is exactly the wrong thing to do.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married?
Katespeak. She was "seen" with this guy. It doesn't mean she hasn't been dating all along. It just means that she wasn't "seen" with anyone. I thought a few months ago she denied dating this Jeff guy.
Wasn't she photographed some time ago with a coach somewhere and they were dating, although briefly?
"Now that the darkest clouds have rolled in, so has the potential for a much better, more informative show. What could be more absorbing for viewers than the presence of the camera as the Duggars try to navigate their way through a family crisis?" 133
Tucker's I agree with your take on this. If people want real reality they can watch Bruce Jenner (an adult). LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!
I've noticed that Kate has retweeted several of Barb Gilmer's tweets lately. Barb Gilmer has a private account on twitter. I don't know why she went private, but for some reason she did.
Milo was all gangbusters about how the stories about Hannah breached her privacy. Why doesn't she call Kate out for breaching Barb's?
I'm trying to follow this Duggar scandal, but there's so much out there. This wasn't a once and done thing, but the behavior was repeated over the period of a year? How was it discovered? Boob Bob caught him in the act, or did one of the girls admit that this happened, or did a sibling find out about it and told the parents?
So it this wasn't a one time thing and continued, did the parents know about it after it happened the first time and still allowed him to live in the same house with these girls? I can't wrap my head around that.
When there is a 14 year old older brother to meek, subservient sisters, there is an imbalance of power. By the sheer fact of their gender those girls didn't stand a chance to be heard and their brother knew it. The parents were clearly useless to their daughters, and didn't do so well with their son, either. 9 months after getting caught he was back at it again. He either learned nothing or he figured he'd slide by the second time too. After all, it's a man's world, right?
I had an older brother. We were considered equals in our family. There was no abuse of power, nobody was an object with no voice.
Kate is a twit said... 139 I've noticed that Kate has retweeted several of Barb Gilmer's tweets lately. Barb Gilmer has a private account on twitter. I don't know why she went private, but for some reason she did.
Milo was all gangbusters about how the stories about Hannah breached her privacy. Why doesn't she call Kate out for breaching Barb's?
I thought you couldn't retweet someone who has a private account?
So it this wasn't a one time thing and continued, did the parents know about it after it happened the first time and still allowed him to live in the same house with these girls? I can't wrap my head around that. May 22, 2015 at 6:24 PM **** Can you imagine as a young, defenseless, second-class- female family member victim, your parents allowing your older brother, the oldest golden child that molested you, to come back and live in your home, where he has unfettered access to you?
And I think CPS has a duty to do a thorough investigation of this family & make sure ALL the minor children are safe.
They should question whether the abuse has stopped & they should also question whether Josh was the ONLY abuser and whether there were more than the 5 victims who were brave enough to come forward!!!!
Molly said... 144 And I think CPS has a duty to do a thorough investigation of this family & make sure ALL the minor children are safe.
They should question whether the abuse has stopped & they should also question whether Josh was the ONLY abuser and whether there were more than the 5 victims who were brave enough to come forward!!!! ****** Absolutely. I think CPS (or whatever they're called there) would be derelict if they didn't make sure that all minors are kept safe in that family.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 50m50 minutes ago K+my8 r all EXTRA tired,SO,I’ve declared tomorrow ‘National Sleep As Long As You Can Day’ here-whether it’s national or not,we don’t care!😴
She's tired again. Aw. Poor baby. What in the heck would she do if she had a 9 to 5 job, came home to cook supper, clean, do the laundry, help with homework, shuttle kids back and forth to school events, sports, lessons...all to start again the next day? Such a wuss!
fidosmommy said... 141 When there is a 14 year old older brother to meek, subservient sisters, there is an imbalance of power. By the sheer fact of their gender those girls didn't stand a chance to be heard and their brother knew it. The parents were clearly useless to their daughters, and didn't do so well with their son, either. 9 months after getting caught he was back at it again. He either learned nothing or he figured he'd slide by the second time too. After all, it's a man's world, right? ::::::::
It is for those who follow the teachings of Bill Gothard. This from a former member who was raised in the cult:
I saw the materials he published too, about “counseling sexual abuse”. Blaming victims, downplaying the damage of sexual abuse. The very sort of thing you’d expect, in retrospect, from an alleged sexual predator.
I don’t know what’s more horrifying: that this is the sort of “training” we received in “counseling seminars”, or that we were so brainwashed we saw nothing wrong with it at the time.
"Josh has no idea what he has done to his sisters. All he cares about is that he could have ruined his life. *His* life????? What about theirs? He's irretrievably changed their lives, changed their life path." Mel, 124.
&&&& How in the world can Anna look at his sisters, knowing what her husband has done to them and that they may be scarred for the rest of their lives because of it? He "offended" the victims?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married? ----------------------------
Seen with a guy one time since divorce? How about when Steve was her date for the Emmys, or when they went together to Vegas to see Brad Garrett? How about the guys in her last birthday special?
Jane said - Imagine what's going on in that house now. The brainwashing and bribery, intimidation, threats. I hope the kids really are able to speak openly with Jon and/or with any court appointed official. ======== I agree with you completely. TFW is in full brainwash mode. I only hope that whoever interviews the kids can see right through this.
I thought you couldn't retweet someone who has a private account? ---------------------
You can if you c/p the tweet into your own tweet. Kate didn't do an actual retweet, she quoted Barb in her tweet.
I found this info about retweeting private accounts:
Retweet Feature
The tweets from a person with a public Twitter profile will have the following clickable options at the bottom of each tweet: Reply, Retweet, Favorite and More. Clicking the Retweet link will add that tweet -- just as it appeared originally -- to your Twitter feed. However, a person who has a private profile only has the Reply and Favorite options visible. You simply cannot retweet that person's tweets the way you can a public tweet. However, there is a "back-door" way that you can.
Retweet Alternative
Instead of relying on the clickable Retweet link, you can just copy and paste a person's tweet into your own "Compose New Tweet" box. Then put the persons Twitter handle before it (e.g. @handle). Before the Twitter handle, put the letters "RT," ensuring that there's at least a single space between "RT," the handle and the tweet. This will post the tweet on your Twitter feed but it will not reveal the Twitter photo of the Tweet's author, as is the case when using Twitter's Retweet feature."
It is for those who follow the teachings of Bill Gothard. This from a former member who was raised in the cult: ===========
Sue(147)--The Gawker also has an article about this and also describes a case that was strikingly similar to the Duggars. The article does point out that the case is not about the Duggars.
Seen with a guy one time since divorce? How about when Steve was her date for the Emmys, or when they went together to Vegas to see Brad Garrett? How about the guys in her last birthday special?
LOL! The foot-licking guy. She was "seen" with him by how many million viewers? Maybe, though, he really wasn't a guy, just a wolf in sheep's clothing. UGH.
It is time to stand with other non-perfect Christians. They are getting a whipping for something they acted upon, received counseling for, went to their church, the police, sought forgiveness and made sure those that needed to know, did, including his future wife. This is our line in the sand, Christians.
I know you are suppose to forgive, BUT, those parents should of never put Josh back in that house so he could be around the girls and they would be forced to interact with him on a daily basis. There was plenty of property in Duggarville. JB could of put up a trailer and he could of lived it in on the back 40 and had supervision if he was around and have only daylight visiting hours maybe once a week.
My precious aunt called me this afternoon and told me that my uncle had FINALLY left her after 40 plus years of beatings, verbal abuse, had to hand her paycheck over to him for years. When she told me, I said, Good, I know it is a relief. She said, yes, and I am sad that I wasted my life living like this. I hope the Duggar girls can escape that place as soon as possible.
Anna is so high off the duggar-aide, what if, God forbid she caught Josh doing something bad. What would she do? Kick him out? Call the police? Pack up the kids and go move out? Go home? or Stay?
Like yall always say, I think the latter. Just thinking about it makes me sick!
Don't forget Mr Palin who basically called her a b--h for whining. Don't forget the water rafting guy Don't forget the man she gave a cupcake to who didn't know who she was..
On the TLC FB page the Duggar supporters are screaming that this story should have never come and the people who reported it should be prosecuted. This reply to them gets best comment of the day in my book:
"It's funny how people want a reality show and want to watch others lives yet scream it's none of our business when there is a scandal. You can't have it both ways ."
That comment could also be directed to Milo and the rest of the sheeple.
redbird said... 156 Anna is so high off the duggar-aide, what if, God forbid she caught Josh doing something bad. What would she do? Kick him out? Call the police? Pack up the kids and go move out? Go home? or Stay?
Anna would definitely stay. She would say, Joshie we need to pray. and seek Gods forgiveness.
"It's funny how people want a reality show and want to watch others lives yet scream it's none of our business when there is a scandal. You can't have it both ways .". 159
Great comment about reality tv. Our favorite scripted shows disappoint us sometimes. Why does anyone expect more from "reality"?
My 3 brothers were always protectors...literally holding me down by my wrists and showing me how to fight back...lesson learned, dd has a brown belt in Karate
Re: Josh and his access to the Internet. I've clicked on the 19 Kids and Counting show a few times, but like a lot of the posters on this blog, I could never stomach Jim Boob and his little mini-me Josh long enough to sit all the way thru the episode. I remember bits of 2? episodes--one where Babykins was explaining that they used the Internet--but only 'good' sites or under supervision--as a tool in their home schooling. In the other episode, Josh was sitting in front of a computer that seemed to be in a room just for his use because he was working on a college level class? Anyway, my point is that maybe Jim Boob and Babykins are just as ignorant re: social media as TFMJG. Josh could have found a way around the restricted access or one of his friends could have told him how to do it in order for him to surf those porn sites. Again, lack of supervision and failure to see warning signs by Jim Boob and his Babykins.
Time has several good articles on the Josh Duggar story. Here's one and there are links at the bottom of the articles to more articles http://time.com/3894293/josh-duggar-molestation-claims-pedophilia/ .
I read Kates tweet, Kate you are so full of shit! You lie, like a cheap rug! You swore up & down, you were not dating anyone, cause, gee, you have no time. Yet, here are the pic proof, and the custody proof, that you would leave for several days, not telling anyone where you are going.
A little shack-up trip with Jeffieboy, to the NYC secret love nest apartment? After all, can't tell the kids, they have big mouths, and might blab to dad, and then dad has what he needs to drag her silly ass into court. Can't tell her fans, like Milo, they might want in on it.
So, Kate actually needs a round of applause, for actually telling the truth, probably for the first time. That she actually went on a date, and then some. I don't buy the BS of her going home at 1:40 am, Jeffie was getting frisky with her in those pics, I doubt Kate went home, more likely a Hotel. Kate is not that innocent BS she likes to throw out to the public. JMO
It is possible that Anna, sees past it. Anna & her father, used to go to prisons and preach to the prisoners, about God & forgiveness, in Fla. In fact Anna wanted to continue that after her & Josh got married, but Josh said no. You know the man is in charge, the woman really has nothing to say. BS!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 50m50 minutes ago K+my8 r all EXTRA tired,SO,I’ve declared tomorrow ‘National Sleep As Long As You Can Day’ here-whether it’s national or not,we don’t care!😴
She's tired again. Aw. Poor baby. What in the heck would she do if she had a 9 to 5 job, came home to cook supper, clean, do the laundry, help with homework, shuttle kids back and forth to school events, sports, lessons...all to start again the next day? Such a wuss!
I think Anna, Josh's wife, is trapped. Her family doesn't just disapprove of divorce. I fully believe they would disown her. So there she is with 4 kids, no money, no family, no job experience, and probably an 8th grade education. It would be scary as hell to strike out on her own. I wonder who wrote her statement. I doubt she was allowed to have her own thoughts.
I read the article at chicks on the right that franky posted. They almost get to condemning Josh and then they back off. (Then of course the comments quickly disintegrate into how liberals are evil and conservatives are evil.) This could be a really interesting study for those interested in politics. The Duggars have made themselves a part of conservative Republican politics for a while now. What do those politicians now do? If they say Josh is a bad person, do they alienate too many voters? Yet how can they openly defend him?
Well KFI huge radio station for Los Angeles and pretty much all of Southern California called them the Dugans all night but at least the story was discussed!! Kates giddiness is coming through in her tweets she can't hide it. The story should scare her for many reasons not the least of which is how quickly TLC you will fire you if they feel they have to. Her work is no more steady and stable than some of Jon's jobs yet he's blasted for it.
jbranck1980 said... 166 Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint? http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are/ ---------------------------------
Serendipity said... 141 I'm trying to follow this Duggar scandal, but there's so much out there. This wasn't a once and done thing, but the behavior was repeated over the period of a year? How was it discovered? Boob Bob caught him in the act, or did one of the girls admit that this happened, or did a sibling find out about it and told the parents?
My understanding is that the sisters he molested were Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna who were 11, 10, 9 and 5 at the time. Apparently, Jill woke up during it and told their father. If I'm reading the various stories right, it sounds like he molested the older girls first, was found out and then 6 months later touched the youngest daughter while reading her a book.
We had a funny uncle in our family who was just a little too touchy feely. One summer (I was 11) he felt me up and kissed me before his child came in and interrupted him. I remember being shocked and unsure of what to do. I was visiting for the summer and left to go back home two weeks later. I talked with my older sister and while it hadn't gotten physical, she always had this weird vibe around him and didn't want to be alone with him. My mom was not in a good space at the time and she drunkenly advised me that men do these things and just get used to it.
Fortunately, we lived several states away and I didn't have to see him regularly. As I got older I decided that I was fine and that it was his problem not mine and resolved to just be on my guard if/when I saw him again.
It could be that the three older sisters have also reached that point. And from what I've seen, they all seem to have pretty good heads on their shoulders, cult indoctrination not withstanding, so I'm sure they made sure he never got another chance with the youngest girls.
I'm not excusing what he did as I don't excuse my uncle. But at some point I think you have to choose to move on for your own sake. Hopefully, the girls have.
thanks Jeanne.... other story, some right-wing guy is defending Josh, look into HIS background too.
I AM Canadian, but we are far from perfect, we delete all who are proven offenders for children, and our environment .... except oil sands and wars in places we should not be. ( still working on those)
My theory: Kate and Steve were banging each other since before the divorce from Jon. It has continued for years and TLC has known (Figure 8 too). I suspect she was putting pressure on him to commit. No such luck so somehow she met Jeff Millionaire and decided to start an affair with him, either to make Steve jealous or just nab a rich husband to concretely stop any custody attempts by Jon. Apparently the kids do manage to divulge to Jon what goes on; that's why she consistently denies Jon's right of first refusal or does not allow some of the children to visit him. But Jon has not only wised up but has probably been building evidence for months. I truly do believe The National Enquirer article that she has plotted this relationship with Jeff Millionaire to lead to marriage to stop dead any chance of Jon splitting up the family. This is totally Kate masterminding. Jon gets it now. He knows her cons and tricks. Bit by bit, he is releasing damaging information to the tabloids. Why play nice when you are dealing with someone as evil as Kate?
The Josh Duggar story is huge news on the major networks. I think this has taken off more than the Honey Boo Boo scandal because of Josh's former political position in DC.
Kate may be giddy anticipating a comeback, but TLC would absolutely be foolish to risk another scandal involving children. They know all the dirt. After all, the crew is just like family!
The event still currently features such familiar TLC faces as Kate Gosselin, Buddy “Cake Boss” Valastro, Say Yes to the Dress’ Randy, and the Roloffs from Little People Big World have replaced the Duggars. Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Phila-TLC-Summer-Block-Party-event-removes-Duggar-family-from-lineup.html#4pCcod5oklUv2pxw.99
I agree completely that his parents did the wrong thing by allowing him back into the home. Just curious Admin, where? would you send your 14 yr old son you've just found out has been molesting his sisters? Really, what do you do?
Also, this guy was preaching for a hate group intent on destroying all the progress the gay community has made. His claim is that gay marriage IS A THREAT TO HIS CHILDREN. oh the hypocrisy!
TLC dropped HBB like a hot potato. It's interesting (and deplorable) that this show hasn't been terminated. But it's all about $$$$. General Mills has pulled the plug on their advertising dollars, hopefully more will follow suit.
This is when the public has a voice. Everyone needs to email, call, write all remaining advertisers. The only thing corporations understand is $$$$.
I keep going back to the youngest victim telling her father what happened. She told Jim Boob, not Michelle. And Jim Boob did NOTHING. I wonder if he told Michelle? I doubt it, the only thing she's good for is spawning more of his offspring.
If they keep the show on the air or not, it's damaged goods. Look what happened to the Duck Family.
I read Alice's comments, and she says that Jim Boob was all about the money and the freebies. Several family members were on the phone asking for freebies...sound like anyone else we know?? hmmmm
And what does Jim Boob do with the money? Does he set aside part of it for the kid's futures? I doubt it. Where's legal representation for these child reality stars?
Last night one of my kids told me that one of the sons is going to college in Kentucky. One of the girls wanted to go to college (my kiddo said it was the son's twin sister) and she was denied.
And what about the young men that recently married into this trainwreck? I bet they are second guessing that decision.
As for idiotic Anna, there's just no words. As stupid as she is, her parents are even more stupid. Why the allowed their daughter to marry into that family puzzles me, well, except they probably thought Anna was marrying into the promised land's chose family. blech
As far as Josh being 'creepy', yes he is. But Jim Boob's creep factor is off the charts. Heck, the whole family is creepy.
one more random thought. Someone said Kate was on a twitter high last night, more likely because she thinks she's going to snag more air time on TLC. She might, but her karma is coming soon. Karma gets everyone eventually.
I wonder if Michelle Duggar will keep preaching and campaigning that transgender people molest children. And good old Josh saying LGBT people are the worst for child molestation and sinning. What a bunch of holier than thou bigots. I feel so badly for those girls.
I don't watch the show. Michelle's baby doll voice gets on my nerves as much as Kate saying, "but this is r life".
P.J. said... 186 jbranck1980 said... 169 Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint? http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are/
The first three paragraphs are so full of lies and trivializations that I didn't bother reading the rest of the article. ****** It was sickening. This wasn't a "feel up". This wasn't a back-of-the-hand-TSA pat down. FFS!!
branck1980 said... 169 Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint? http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are/
The first three paragraphs are so full of lies and trivializations that I didn't bother reading the rest of the article
--------- Agreed. ONE of the comments on it asked how the Duggar would have reacted if it was someone other than a family member molesting the kids. Pretty sure that person wouldn't be welcome back into the home.
The biggest risk of molestation is not a LGBT stranger in a public bathroom. The biggest risk is a family member, or someone known to the family, who has the time and access over monrhs and years to groom the child to accept bad touch. Like Josh.
Vanessa, they are removed from the home and must enter a residential psychiatric center for therapy and the family should do outpatient therapy. My daughter has worked with children who have been sexually molested, usually by a family member. The toll is devastating on victim. What Josh Duggar did to his sisters is NOT some teenage mistake. His wife should insist he enter immediate counseling and never leave him alone with his children. This is not something that you can pray away. Total ignorance. Unfortunately, many times counseling for the perp does not stop the behavior. His wife is a dope. She needs to put her children first. Move out.
I'm going to assume that Jim-Bob put the blame on the girls for the molestation (based on their past (maybe present) affiliation with Bill Gothard and ATI.) My hope would be that Jill Duggar's husband, who has the most worldly experience and seems to be the most' normal', can make the girls see that what Josh did was very wrong and that they all should get some counseling. The other spouses and spouses-to-be seem pretty wacko to me.
1351 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1351 Newer› Newest»The "and victims" part of their statement looks like it was stuck in there on the fourth or fifth edit.
Of course I'm just speculating.
I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them, just Kate, Cake Boss, Randy from Say Yes To the Dress and the Roloffs. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tlc-block-party-tickets-16402176351
In Gosselin news, The Enquirer has an article about Kate wanting to get married to Jeff, so that she can prove to the court that she has a "more stable home". They say their source is a "family friend".
" In the face of a child custody battle with her ex-husband, KATE GOSSELIN is secretly planning to tie the knot with her millionaire boyfriend, Jeff Prescott, sources told The National ENQUIRER!
“Kate believes that if she’s married, she can convince a judge to give her full custody because she can provide a stable family home,” a family friend revealed.
“Kate’s secret plan is to marry Jeff, so she can show she’s the one with the normal home and the financial means to provide for her brood,” added a family friend. "
Guess Kate doesn't like the fact that the Duggars are getting all the attention. After all, isn't she the "stah" of TLC?
Hey, Milo, we didn't have to be patient for too long.
Here's another excellent timeline of how things went down
After reading the timeline as provided by Gawker, there is no way TLC can now say they were not aware. The question for me is how did TLC manage to keep the story under wraps from the msm? Children were damaged and will remain so even if they did get professional help.
"our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."
Difficult time for whom? TLC or the Duggars?
I'm sure TLC had a "difficult time" after a major sponsor pulled out. I wonder if more sponsors flew the coop and that's the real reason they pulled the episodes.
"...our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time." 1
THIS difficult time? How is this more difficult than when it was happening?
Oh right, because it's hit the main stream media.
Nothing and no one can convince me that TLC has not been aware of the skeletons in the closets of their alleged talent.
They chose to reward these people for the sake of the almight dollar. Amoral and beyond disgusting.
I agree. Inserting "the victims" was an afterthought by TLC. But then even the girls own mother & father thought they were not "the victims". Poor Josh. Poor Jim Bob. Poor Michelle. Yes, so sad another one of TLC's cash cows has been caught. Sorry girls.
“Kate believes that if she’s married, she can convince a judge to give her full custody because she can provide a stable family home,” a family friend revealed.
Guess she wasn't lying for once. Business deal indeed.
KIAT 6, great minds and all that.
Anyone notice what's MISSING from the statement? They're not trying to deny they knew about this. When the Blankinship story broke they fell all over themselves to say they knew nothing about any of this.
This statement is so trite anyway. It's only a heartbreaking difficult time because you got CAUGHT.
TLC has now posted their statement on both their FB page and on the 19 Kids and Counting FB page. They also tweeted a link to their FB post.
I don't think 'secretly tying the knot' translates to 'stability', do you?
Kate leaves for days, kids don't know where she is. Next time she does it, who knows, maybe she'll come home married with a new 'daddy' for the kids.
Yep, sounds like a plan.
idiot. lol
And wasn't it reported a few weeks ago he does not want to remarry?
And to be 'completely honest', as Kate likes to say,most older men don't want to raise another man's family, especially EIGHT kids.
Getting back to the Duggar fiasco. I bet the two young men that just married into the family are saying 'wwwwhhhhaatttt?
I always suspected that Anna was an idiot. She admitted to knowing what Josh did and married him anyway. She proved my suspicions correct!
Can you imagine the chaos going on in the Duggashian household today! Holy tater-tot casserole! lol
im sure Mr Prescott will appreciate being used by Kate to prove she's the more capable parent
InTouch magazine published a story Thursday about police records it
obtained from Springdale, Ark., hidden since 2006, that show Josh Duggar confessed to his father, Jim Bob Duggar, who then waited more than a year before contacting police about what his then 15-year-old son admitting doing to five girls.The report redacted the name of the suspect and the alleged victims, all juveniles, but listed Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar as relatives. The
incidents occurred in 2002 and 2003.
According to the police report, Josh had molested at least five underage girls,including several of his sisters. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were aware of the abuses and, along
with leaders of their church and a rogue law enforcement officer, were
complicit in their subsequent cover-up.im Bob only spoke officially to law enforcement in 2006 after the abuses were reported to authorities by producers of The Oprah Winfrey Show,
who were interviewing the family, after the show received an email
detailing the allegations. Because the three-year statute of limitations
had passed once allegations were formally documented, Josh avoided
The "parents" put Josh back into their home with the victims. I called that horrible parents.
They never sent their son to a therapist. They put this child molester back into the home of his victims. He should have never been allowed to return home.
Moreover, he says, it's ironic that Mama June makes a valid point about inconsistent treatment.
"I never would have expected that it would be Mama June who has to become the conscience of TLC — the voice of reason," he said.
Ha! Same point I made this morning.
TLC's prayers are with the family and victims -- but in this case, some
members of the family ARE the victims.
I don't think they'll proceed with the block party. Even without the
Duggars there, I'm sure TLC isn't interested in any public gathering
which might invite protesters.
Thank God 19 is done.
Now let's get rid of the child and animal abuser Kate.
According to Josh's twitter, TLC was filming the family at home this week.
Wonder if they are still filming NOW????
Jane said... 2
I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them. . . .
They must have been quickly swiffered by TLC. They originally had top billing.
I hope she and PrescottJones do get married. Then the kids will one by one flock to Jon when "new daddy" doesn't quite turn out to be the happy-fun-time guy they thought.
Jane said... 2
I didn't closely follow the TLC Block Party information. Were the Duggars scheduled to appear? Just Googled TLC Block Party and I don't see mention of them, just Kate, Cake Boss, Randy from Say Yes To the Dress and the Roloffs. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tlc-block-party-tickets-16402176351
Jane--Yes they were scheduled to appear. They were listed in the Philly Mag article when the story first came out, and when TLC first announced the contest.
From TLC's FB page announcing the contest back in March:
'TLC is hosting the party of the summer! Enter for a chance to join Buddy Valastro, Randy Fenoli, Whitney Thore, the Duggar family, and MORE at the #TLCSummer Block Party! "
From the Philly Mag article:
"Guests to the free event on May 30th will be able to meet the Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus Eight, Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss, Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the Roloff family from Little People, Big World, Randy Fenoli, Monte Durham and Lori Allen from Say Yes To the Dress, and the Hamill Family from Our Little Family.
Plus, I also checked the eventbrite site earlier today to see if they were still listed and they were. TLC must have cancelled their appearance about the same time that they decided to pull the show.
As far as TLC pulling all current episodes of the Duggars, that's not quite a cancellation of the series. Good thing for TLC the most recent "season" just ended. Boy, did they luck out.
Her, her. I just KNEW she was using Jeff Millionaire for a reason. He's a dumb ass.
Go, Jon! Keep those leaks coming!
She could not convince TFM to leave Gina I guess.
What's more, family court doesn't care if you are married or dating or whatever as long as your significant other is appropriate. It's not the 1950s anymore. Getting married doesn't matter or do much to prove or disprove stability. You can be married but very unstable.
And, if this is true, she could end up hurting her case bringing Jeff into the picture as a husband. Even if he were great with the kids, adjusting to mom getting married would be hard on them, especially at this age. Even if they like Jeff, they still might prefer to be over at Jon's just because of the natural reluctance many kids have toward such a big change. Good job Kate. Keep up those brilliant ideas.
What say you now sheeple? Sex offenders are not just guys in trenchcoats holding a bottle in a brown paper bag.
This information did not originate on this "cesspool of hate".
Sex offenders, like abusers, cross all strata of society. Some are enabled; some even become famous.
“Kate’s secret plan is to marry Jeff, so she can show she’s the one with the normal home and the financial means to provide for her brood,” added a family friend. "
If we believe Kate, she's just started dating Jeff. Kate has claimed they were not involved, and just business associates.
Now, she's going to marry a guy she's been dating for a couple months?
Have the kids ever met this guy?
This would be the most moronic plan ever if it's true. No judge is going to look at a capricious wedding as evidence of a stable and loving home.
Jane--Philly Mag just posted an article that the Duggars were removed from the Block Party.
I'm absolutely livid that these girls are being victimized again. I hope they find their voice and refuse to toe the party line. I hope that real help is available to them if they want it.
Thanks Sad But True and KIAT - looks like the TLC swifter tools are in high gear. I wonder if Kate is feeling nervous that she might be next to get pulled off the air or delighted that this could mean more air time for her show.
They better can her ass before this thing with Jon becomes another PR disaster...they say things happen in threes...
I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "pushed back" at Jim Bob because she had "something on him". Just an impression I had of their televised interaction/scene re her being "allowed" to marry Ben. I'm sure many perceptions of scenes will take on new meaning now to many. Josh admitted to the sexual molestations. Why are the media outlets treating him like someone accused but not yet found guilty? He admitted to his actions only because he is outside the SOL IMO & his public confession was the family's best agreed upon solution to try to save their gravy train.
I wonder if Kate is feeling nervous that she might be next to get pulled off the air or delighted that this could mean more air time for her show. 35
I'm guessing she's teetering on that tightrope between hope and fear.
Oh and Katie? The Duggars have 19 (count 'em) kids. How on earth are they going to raise them without being on tee vee?
Wow, TLC dipped into their Minor League team and pulled the Roloff's up to The Show!
That was fast.
If you were the Duggars, would YOU want to appear at a public event (the block party) so soon after this brouhaha? The boo-ing and name calling from the public would be humiliating. I'm sure this was as much a Duggar decision as a TLC decision! But thank you, TLC, just the same.
This could go either way for Kate.
TLC might be on a hair trigger when it comes to controversy and minor children right now.
If Jon's court hearing about Hannah is true, if the allegations that she wants to live with Jon are because of horrible conditions in Kate's house, and she does not want to film, then I think Kate's show will be done.
If I were Kate, I'd keep my mouth SHUT right now and not start any stupid rumors about me getting married in some slap-dash secret ceremony.
I truly hope that TLC does not turn to K8 to fill their schedule's void.
They better can her ass before this thing with Jon becomes another PR disaster...they say things happen in threes... 36
Dare I hope that TLC implodes completely?
Tucker's Mom said... 41
This could go either way for Kate.
TLC might be on a hair trigger when it comes to controversy and minor children right now.
If Jon's court hearing about Hannah is true, if the allegations that she wants to live with Jon are because of horrible conditions in Kate's house, and she does not want to film, then I think Kate's show will be done.
Imagine what's going on in that house now. The brainwashing and bribery, intimidation, threats. I hope the kids really are able to speak openly with Jon and/or with any court appointed official.
Sorry, it was philly.com that posted the article about TLC pulling the Duggars from the block party. BTW, in their article that have pictures of the both the old and the new images that were posted on eventbrite.com. The old one is the one I saw earlier today.
Here's the link again:
Oh and Katie? The Duggars have 19 (count 'em) kids. How on earth are they going to raise them without being on tee vee?
May 22, 2015 at 2:04 PM
I think Michelle and Jim Boob are positively apoplectic right now. The thought of all of "this" going away, just POOF!
They now face something that they have not faced in over a decade, and something they thought they'd never have to face: a life without cameras, fat paychecks, freebies, trips galore, passing off raising their own children to film crews cum babysitters, public adoration, lucrative endorsements and speaking engagements.
The list just goes on and on, and it all just came to a screeching halt, just like that.
I'm betting they're in total shock. I think the household is going to be off-kilter, in disarray and upside down for awhile.
People like Michelle and Jim Boob think the gravy train will last forever.
I bet they haven't spent a minute of time fashioning a Plan B; a golden parachute of sorts.
Nah, they're sitting there in this limbo between being shocked, and completely numb.
I feel for the kids.
This article is rather weird. They don't name names, but you know who they're talking about.
Reminds me of the old Hollywood Gossip sheets.
The TLC curse strikes again...another family exploited and discarded,
We can only hope that the families still linked to TLC such as Bill and Jen and the Willis family stop focusing on the cameras and themselves and start focusing on their children, in the privacy of their homes. It's really sad to think what the future holds for the large number of children whose right to privacy was stolen by TLC and their parents. The children will never be allowed to put this sordid exploitation behind them. It will be on the internet forever. These networks certainly will be facing numerous lawsuits as the children come to realize the scope of the damage done to their lives.
I thought about the men that just married into the family. If my husband found out my brother molested me, fists would fly. NO way would they be as chummy as they appear on the show. I really wonder if they knew or when they found out.
Well, Admin, you called it again. Just before COB on Friday, before a long holiday weekend, TLC made an announcement regarding the Duggar's show.
It's not canceled (yet), but is pulled, for now.
I think TLC knows damn well they should cancel the show, but it's gotta be killing them to do it.
The Duggar franchise has to have been their biggest money maker off all time.
That's gotta hurt.
I wonder if there was a big stock dump today ;-)
Sorry but I think Jim Bob has been planning & working on his Plan B for the family for quite some time now. He knew his & Michelle's time/interest to the public was waning & worked hard to get his adult kids on their own money train (and was successful). IMO he will still try to sell TLC on spin-offs for his adult kids (Jill & Derrick; Jessa & Ben pregnancy follow-up; perhaps even Josiah & his courtship, etc.). He will agree, of course, that updates & televised episodes of Josh & Anna should end. If TLC can figure out how to salvage "parts" of the show I think they will try to sell it with specials (with a little time break for things to settle down & the public to become interested in seeing updates).
I'm sure Jim Bob and Michelle are probably in shock that the income is over. Hopefully they have saved some money. But what about the newly married couples? No one seems to have a job. I don't know the right names but two of the daughters married. One just had a kid and one is pregnant. They both married men who appear to have no skills and very little education. They are also very screwed. To a certain extent, Jim Bob and Michelle can still make money on the speaking circuit among other fundamentals.
JR said... 36
They better can her ass before this thing with Jon becomes another PR disaster...they say things happen in threes...
in French it is Jamais deux sans trois...Never two without three
From your lips to G-d's ears
jbranck1980 said... 49
I thought about the men that just married into the family. If my husband found out my brother molested me, fists would fly. NO way would they be as chummy as they appear on the show. I really wonder if they knew or when they found out.
Yes! Great point.
Michelle was on a campaign to not allow transgender people use the ladies restrooms. She said they only want to molest women and girls and ogle them. Josh was working for an extreme hate group that preaches the evil and sins of LGBT people. When you have that much hate in you and a holier than thou attitude something is bound to crawl out of the woodwork and bite you in the butt. Now maybe the girls can leave that place and build a true life for themselves.
Nah, they're sitting there in this limbo between being shocked, and completely numb.
I bet that there is a lot of prayin' going on this weekend, that God's kindness on his favored children will somehow make TLC see the light and continue to allow them to bless the viewers with their infinite goodness.
I wonder if Jim Boob's "trying" to have more children will be put on temporary hold.
I had to shake my head at the "teenage mistake" excuse. A teenage mistake would be shaving your head and getting a tattoo on your forehead with the name of your girlfriend that you now despise. Molesting a four-year-old sibling cannot be dismissed as a mistake. Good Lord. This guy has a daughter that age. If a young teen molested her would he consider this just a "mistake?"
These people (and TLC) make me sick.
These Duggar defenders are so sick. I just read one on the Reading Eagle FB page. Apparently, this is only news because we want to tear down a family that "shines for God." It must be our anti-religion bias.
The real problem is that, just like Kate's sheeple, there is absolutely nothing you can say that will convince them otherwise. How do you get to the point where you will defend a celebrity no matter what they do? I don't understand. These are celebrities they have NEVER met.
I really don't know if anyone related to the Duggar brand can come through this with their own show.
They are tainted by the sheer hypocrisy that's been revealed.
Haven't people seen enough? Had enough? What else is there to see? To learn?
These kids are just marrying and having babies.
We get it.
Sorry, it was philly.com that posted the article about TLC pulling the Duggars from the block party. BTW, in their article that have pictures of the both the old and the new images that were posted on eventbrite.com. The old one is the one I saw earlier today.
You knew this was coming. There was no way they could have shown up. No way at all. Not with something this big.
Sex offenders are not just guys in trenchcoats holding a bottle in a brown paper bag.
I didn't know that they held bottles in brown paper bags under their trench coats. I always thought the creeps held something else, or am I thinking of flashers?
Ireland voted today on whether the country should legalize gay marriage. Results should be out tomorrow.
Midnight Madness said... 56
I bet that there is a lot of prayin' going on this weekend, that God's kindness on his favored children will somehow make TLC see the light and continue to allow them to bless the viewers with their infinite goodness.
Yeah, I love that attitude. "Jesus loves you. But I'm his favourite."
Jan, 15 & 16...
The entire police report is available online. I read it last night. It's a real eye-opener.
Out of all the law enforcement officers Jim Boob could have chosen to "talk" to Josh, what are the chances that the one he picked (or knew personally) later was arrested for possession of child porn? Geez. Something smells fishy about that whole thing.
Harpo Productions knew about Josh since 2006. They kept the secret for 9 years? Wow, they really do look out for each other. That's why Kate's ugliness is never reported by any of the major networks. I guess they look out for each other.
TLC needs to clean house and throw out the trash. First fire the people responsible for giving the viewers garbage. Next throw out The Duggars, Kate +8 and any other shows that are bad for viewing in the same garbage can that Honey Boo Boo is in!
TLC for years have given us shows that are the bottom feeders of society. What a bad influence for today's youth.
Patsy # 37
"I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p"
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
what a gal!
I don't think the public wants to see ANY Duggars on teevee ever again. I think that gravy train derailed and went off the tracks for good.
Here's hoping The Gosselin Express does the same.
Josh took (yet another) selfie on "the set" of filming, which is to say, the Duggar home.
And who says a home isn't also a film set, or, um, isn't a film set, right Kate?
All those tax write-off for that home/set are flying right out the window.
Welcome to how the rest of America pays taxes!
Oh, but does Jim Boob still claim in as a church, too?
Haven't people seen enough? Had enough? What else is there to see? To learn?
Kate does the same boring s**t over and over and over and yet she get air time.
I'm sure this won't be the last we see or hear from the Duggars. TLC will find some way to bring them back.
Tucker's Mom........If TLC was smart they would shut down Kate now and it would look like collateral damage. TLC could say they are moving away from the reality format; otherwise they may have another explosive debacle on their hands. There is too much evidence (chronicled in Robert's book) combined with a long list of people who would happily come forward at the drop of a hat. If TLC takes a "wait and see" with Kate, they better be ready for Hannah. Both Kate and TLC have managed to discredit Jon, but how can they ignore the fact that one of Kate's own children has called her "cruel".
I hate to think what the maneuvering is going on with TFW right now. My singular concern is that Jon will withdraw his custody bid to have Hannah live with him. My guess is that is priority ONE for Kate, getting Jon to back off, otherwise she knows Pandora's box will open wide and TLC could axe her show. I hope Hannah doesn't recant to save her mother from possibly losing her livelihood. Right now I think Hannah holds the key to Kate's future; that poor child has a lot to bear right now.
According to reports, Anna and her parents knew about this before she married him, and yet, as grandparents they don't have any concerns with him being around his own little girl, who is the same age as his younger sibling whom he molested?
If he didn't have professional therapy, I certainly wouldn't want him around my daughters or grandchildren. Even if he did receive therapy and not just manual labor, I'm still not sure I would trust him.
And she's pregnant again. Lord Almighty.
angie said... 65
Patsy # 37
"I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p"
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
what a gal!
She says he told her about it 2 years before they got married. I read their timelines of how they met. She's lying.
Either way, she's pathetic.
Patsy # 37
"I don't believe that Anna knew when she married Josh (later on, yes, she probably was told something happened in his "past"). Jim Bob & Josh always came across to me as self-important slime balls and for some reason I always felt that Jessa "p"
Yes, Anna admitted she DID know. Josh told her AND her parents what had happened, two yrs before they married.
Yep. And here is her statement:
“I can imagine the shock many of you are going through reading this. I remember feeling that same shock. When my family and I first visited the Duggar home, Josh shared his past teenage mistakes.”
She was shocked and she married him anyway. She knew that there would be children produced from that union. She's an idiot.
Apparently, this is only news because we want to tear down a family that "shines for God." It must be our anti-religion bias.
He was shining for someone, but it certainly wasn't God. I don't know how people can worship someone so much and defend them no matter what they do, even if it involved incest in the name of the Lord.
Maybe we should ask Milo how a person can be so deep into celebrity worship that they can't see the nose on their own face. It's pathetic. They just go through life with no critical thinking ability whatsoever, and somehow they just plod along drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid, and it makes them happy.
Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems?
She was shocked and she married him anyway. She knew that there would be children produced from that union. She's an idiot. 72
And there you have it folks. A duggerdashian sheeple.
MISTAKES? Did these little girls "defraud" their brother?
For the second night in as row, I want to hurl.
I see TLC doing 1 of 3 things:
1. canceling the show, would be the right thing to do.
2. Keeping the show on the air, cause of contracts, but, banning Josh & family from appearing on show. TLC has no morales.
3. TLC put fingers in ears and does LALALALA, totally ignoring, like it did not happen, and take them off the air till TLC's PR, legal department, & the Duggars can figure out damage control.
With that many kids, and relying on the older ones to look after the younger ones, keeping them isolated, no TV, no internet, so they say, keep the kids at home most of the time, and not supervising them and mom & dad worrying about making another kid, I'm not really that surprised that something did happen. At the time it was consider a rumor. Just like the rumor that Michelle had a mixed race baby before she married Jimbob, that I don't believe, cause, Michelle married at 17, the same year she graduated from HS. Just as there was a rumor that they had an older daughter, who was a year or 2 older than Josh, and she did not want to live their life style, so they excommunicated her. At that time, Amy was included, and she was born out of wed-lock to Jimbob sister, so that was the older daughter rumor. The Josh sex abuse, was also consider a rumor, and it was dealt with and swipped under the rug.
I say, cancel the show! And cancel the Block Party! If TLC truely believes they are making changes, then, this will prove they are making changes, if they don't, then TLC does mean The Lying Channel.
They just go through life with no critical thinking ability whatsoever, and somehow they just plod along drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid, and it makes them happy. 73
Years ago I commented at Z's that maybe the sheeple were drinking Ken Keysey's loop aid (laced with LSD). This was before the abuse allegations were substantiated.
I now agree that it's Jim Jone's kool aid without a doubt.
All This Is That said... 74
Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems?
May 22, 2015 at 3:39 PM
Seemed hinky yesterday.
According to "Alice," the oldest daughter, Jana, was not molested. The other 4 daughters were molested, including Joy. The events happened around the time of Jackson's birth and the special "14 kids and Pregnant Again" aired. Jackson is the youngest boy in the family, followed by 4 sisters and stillborn Jubilee.
What is really upsetting me is the fact that Joy was (is?) a victim, and her statute of limitations should not have run out. The SOL for sex crimes committed against minors is supposed to start counting down when the victim turns 18, and then is only 3 years, so effectively the SOL expires on the victim's 21st birthday. I can't imagine that the SOL would start counting down when the event(s) happened to a 5-year-old, leading to an expiration when she was only 8. Most kids can't even come forward with accusations when they are that young!! Joy's SOL should certainly still be open, and I hope the state of AR gets their collective act together.
By the way, I would also prefer to keep the victim's privacy, but as they all have J-names, initials are pointless. I will not use numbers either, because that is demeaning as well. Besides, many of the reports list the ages of the victims as 5-12, and we all know which Duggar girls fall into that age range at the time of the incidents.
I cannot express how furious I am that Josh was welcomed back home, with forgivenss and grace from his victims. Really, all the girls prayed and decided to forgive him right then and there? Or were they told to?
I would also like to point out that there have been several instances of Josh and Anna "babysitting" the entire family while the parents were away. The molester was caring for his victims, some of whom were still minors, while the parents were absent? The left their daughters under his supervision! WTF? Also, didn't Joy move in with them for a few months as a nanny when Anna was preganat with #3? Just for added fun, the Duggars also have hosted foreign exchange students over the course of many years. They knowingly brought young men and women into their home while harboring a child molester. There's gotta be lawsuit in their somewhere.
getoftweeter said... 76
2. Keeping the show on the air, cause of contracts, but, banning Josh & family from appearing on show. TLC has no morales.
No morals? TLC's moral compass is spinning so fast they're using it in the board room as a fan.
Milo has totally and absolutely lost it.
First she tweets a platitude to Kate which says "Never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your live will rise up to meet them".
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m13 minutes ago
You ARE a #RuleFollower. Good moms show by example right from wrong! pic.twitter.com/9Kb9AoLplO @Kateplusmy8
Then she tweets this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago
The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! 😟 #KidsAffected
I don't get what she is trying to say. Sex sells? Is that a reference to the Duggar scandal? Is that her reason why the media is reporting it and has gone viral because "sex sells"? Really?
Wonder how she would feel if her son ever molested her daughter?
Kesey's kool aid.
I don't buy that Anna knew anything before marriage. When has a Duggar even gone from courtship to marriage in two years? It's more like 6 months.
All This Is That said... 74
Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems?
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I noticed it late yesterday. Today I discovered if you click on "LIVE" at the top, it goes back to what we're used to.
I think it was "Alice" who spilled the beans on how greedy the Jim Boob is.. and she said he built a church in the behind his house? Gee, so much for tithing 10% of his income...he'd have to tithe it to HIMSELF.
And I wonder how much of the Duggar $$ was apportioned out for the kid's futures? I'm betting ZERO.
And what about on-set tutoring? Where's the child labor laws for reality tv kids in Arkansas???
I've been thinking about Josh all day. Ok, now ya'll hear me out.
Josh was 14 yrs old when it happened. FOURTEEN. True, it's old enough to know right from wrong, but what did his parents teach him?
From my view, those kids are sheltered, don't go to public school, don't do extracurricular activities; go to church that their dad is in charge of, behind their house.
They home school, aren't encouraged to go to college.
Girls have to dress modestly so they don't entice the males.
Here Josh is, 14, the oldest of the bunch. He sees that his parents multiply like rabbits, his mom walks around with a babe attached to the tit 24/7.
They aren't allowed to watch tv, probably don't have access to any other kind of social media. (but, someone has said he watched porn on the internet?)
Josh at 14, his hormones are going crazy, he isn't allowed to even look at a girl, and if he does, hell, the only girl to look at is related to him.
His parents don't raise their kids, the girls do. I can hardly see JimBoob or Michelle having a talk to Josh about hormonal changes, etc, not to the extent that a hormonal boy wants to hear--they might have told him the biblical approach they wanted him to hear....
so saying all this, I say his parents are more at fault than he is. Of course not all sheltered, home schooled kids turn out to be molesters, but for whatever reason, he 'went there'.
Damn, even after one of the girls told JimBoob about it, he did NOTHING.
so who's more to blame? I'd say his parents. Sure, Josh is responsible for his actions, but at 14, (and all of his life, really), he's been sort of winging it by himself.
Ok, ya'll throw tomatoes at me all you want to (lol), but he was 14. I have to give him *some* leeway because his parents failed him. They can't blame it on peer pressure,because he didn't have any. They can't blame it on public education, MTV, the internet, tv, friends, working outside the home, friends, etc, because all this kid knew was the Duggar house. I am in no way giving him a pass, but he's a product of this bizarre Duggar household.
Another subject, I bet the Arkansas children's services are working up a file and visiting Josh and Anna Duggar asap.
All This Is That said... 70
According to reports, Anna and her parents knew about this before she married him, and yet, as grandparents they don't have any concerns with him being around his own little girl, who is the same age as his younger sibling whom he molested?
The women in that religious cult-like group seem to be extremely meek and the men seem to belong to the good old boy society. If Anna's mother had any misgivings about her daughter marrying a molester of his sisters, she no doubt kept them to herself as the father no doubt backed up how JimBoob handled the "events." The men have the final say-so and that's it. Men rule, women are semen receptacles and keepers of the home.
Kate is a twit said... 81
Seems to me she's admitting Kate is not perfect. Also, does she not realize that Kate's foot licking incident sort of falls under the "sex sells" thing? Ooops, Milo. Ooops.
Duggars also have hosted foreign exchange students over the course of many years. They knowingly brought young men and women into their home while harboring a child molester. There's gotta be lawsuit in their somewhere.
OMG, that's unfathomable.
Bringing any minor girl into that home should have been strictly off the table. Period.
The more this unravels, the less I can envision TLC continuing to film.
That letter was not mistakenly left in a loaned book. That was a cry for help.
Formerly Duped said... 57
Although what Josh Duggar was was horrible, why did TLC not take Kate's abuse as documented on her own journal more seriously? Her show and the filming of new ones, are destroying their already crumbled reputation.And what about the children in all these sordid cases? TLC owes them more than ignoring what what done to them by a parent..
Because there was little public outrage and not a single drop of media outrage. If one, single network or magazine had picked up the story and made it big news it would have been just as big as the Duggar scandal. Because none bothered very few people even know it happened.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago
The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! �� #KidsAffected
I don't get what she is trying to say. Sex sells? Is that a reference to the Duggar scandal? Is that her reason why the media is reporting it and has gone viral because "sex sells"? Really?
Wonder how she would feel if her son ever molested her daughter?
I think Milo is trying to suck up to Kate by lessening the Duggar scandal and therefore, TLC possible complicity in the scandal.
Sure, no family is perfect, and we should all just accept Josh's apology, forget that he molested his sisters, and forget that his parents continued to put his sisters and other girls at risk under their own roof.
It's one thing to be imperfect. It's another to be immoral.
PatK said... 84 All This Is That said... 74
Is Kate's real time Twitter messed up right now? Is anyone else having problems?
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I noticed it late yesterday. Today I discovered if you click on "LIVE" at the top, it goes back to what we're used to.
I just logged on to ask the same question. Thanks for the solution!
Anna has be the stupidest person in Arkansas!
Damn, she should have said "I had no idea he did that! I am leaving him, taking the kids and going home to momma! I am filing for divorce!"
Instead, she admits she knew what he did, married him and had children with him.
what a gal!
I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others.
If Josh, at age 14, had been on a date, made out with a girl and "felt her up," this could be a teenage mistake, according to their religious beliefs. They could call it a transgression and it still doesn't minimize what he did. This was sexual abuse upon a minor, incest in fact, by a pedophile, and it was covered up. Let's call it what it is. It can't be glossed over. Sheesh!
interesting take on DuggarGate
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago
The REALITY of #RealityTv is there R no perfect families. We R living N sex crazed world fr candy bars 2cars...sex sells! �� #KidsAffected
Huh? But in her eyes, Kate IS perfect!
Anonymous said... 94
I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others.
I don't understand how a 4-year old can not be able to press charges because by the time she's 7, she still has no clue what exactly happened to her.
Thanks for the help with the timeline. That fixed it. I don't have Twitter and therefore am Tweet-challenged!
Duggars are breaking the internet, this was posted on my facebook from a friend in New Zealand.
I say, cancel the show! And cancel the Block Party! If TLC truely believes they are making changes, then, this will prove they are making changes, if they don't, then TLC does mean The Lying Channel.
They will not cancel the block party. They've already found a substitute for the Duggars, and I seriously doubt that they will ban Josh from future episodes for the simple reason that the viewers they have will never be able to look at the family again without seeing those girls as victims.
I also doubt that TLC will pretend that none of this happened. They will lose advertisers right and left. The only other option they have is to cut all of them loose. It should be interesting to see what path they take.
I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others. 94
I've always thought it was creepy the way JimBob is so involved in his daughters' sex lives. Like he gets all turned on just talking to them about it.
From Anna:
I can imagine the shock many of you are going through reading this. I remember feeling that same shock. It was not at the point of engagement, or after we were married - it was two years before Josh asked me to marry him. When my family and I first visited the Duggar Home, Josh shared his past teenage mistakes. I was surprised at his openness and humility and at the same time didn't know why he was sharing it. For Josh he wanted not just me but my parents to know who he really was -- even every difficult past mistakes. At that point and over the next two years, Josh shared how the counseling he received changed his life as he continued to do what he was taught. And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right. If it weren't for your help I would not be here as his wife — celebrating 6 1/2 years of marriage to a man who knows how to be a gentleman and treat a girl right. Thank you to all of you who tirelessly work with children in crisis, you are changing lives and I am forever grateful for all of you."
I hope Anna doesn't mean Josh was the child in crisis.
Thanks, Franky
So the parents were told in 2002 that this was happening, and then apparently took no steps to be absolutely sure that it didn't continue????
News stories are saying that the parents took action in 2003 when the behavior continued.
My heart just breaks for those poor girls.
I admire Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey for the way they have handles being in the spot light when their 7 were born. Kenny went back to work when things settled down, Bobbi of course is a stay at home mom. This family really has a nice private life. They know what each of the 8 children (big sister Michaela) are interested in and have praise for them all as individuals. Amazing that they can support their large family without TLC or any other media outlet. A lot can be learned from them.
I would of loved to of had Jim Bob take Josh in to the police station and 2 detectives that would be in charge of the case be like the team of Benson and Stabler. Could just see Liv letting Josh have it and El jumping all over Jim Bob. BUT NO!
That Jack Wagon Jim Bob goes to the worse person EVER to take a police report from. An official who is a hundred feet deep in child porn that he later gets convicted to almost 60 years in prison!!!
Jim Bob, since you got fired, I think you need to get your boys out on the property and start making a garden.
Tucker's mom...99
I didn't remember mine until my 20's and I realised it was not just re-occurring nightmares, and my brother confirmed it in our 30's.
I feel so bad for those girls
Anonymous said... 94
I do not understand the statute of limitations in US. Here in Canada there is none for sexual crimes against a minor, among others.
I never understand it either.
I don't think the law should put a time table on an abuse child or rape victim.
when I say my brother confirmed it, I meant he too knew my mom's bf was doing something wrong and he tried to stop it, spoke out, and was shushed. He has always been my fiercest protector
Oh, what does COB mean?
The Duggars are part of a particular religious sect, run by Bill Gothard. Bill Gothard has also molested girls numerous times, yet keeps getting "forgiven" by his followers. This is a real problem within certain insular religious groups. They shun society, homeschool their children, and often teach that men cannot control their impulses and that it is girls and women who incite men to do bad things. Naturally, an abuser is often drawn to these very groups = perfect place to commit their crimes and get away with it. As to Josh, I blame his parents for being hyper sexual in front of their young children while at the same time telling them any sexual stirrings on their part is sinful. A very confusing message for a child moving into adolescence, who is also not allowed a normal outlet for his normal desires.
I read that TLC has at least pulled all episodes of this show off the air "for now." I think they really have no option but to cancel the show. And if they were wise, they should carefully examine the rest of their line up. This is the 3rd time they've had shows where the parents were found to be engaging in appalling behavior. 1) Mama June; 2) Kate (and they haven't been publicly castigized for that one yet); and now 3) the Duggars. Their track record as far as vetting the people they choose to film is pretty dismal. Maybe it's time for TLC to stop filming family reality shows and try putting out some quality program for a change. Ha!
I am also angry with Josh's hypocrisy in being a spokeman for a group that wants to take away rights for gay people. How dare he pass judgment and claim that two gay people getting married would ruin straight marriage, after what he did to his sisters, while being the product of one of those perfect man-woman marriages he touts as being the one and only way.
Sadly, Kate's terrible treatment of her own children may never be as widely known. She certainly deserves to be exposed, but I think her karmic retribution will come about in another way and I trust in that.
I have never, not once, seen or heard such a public outcry of support for a young man who molested five little girls. (Not here, obviously--but comments on different sites, and of course TLC's backing.)
Interesting that the boys don't have to make any attempt to control their thoughts or behaviors, but the girls not only have to control their own thoughts/behaviors, they're blamed for the boys' bad behavior!
OT for a sec
All this is that....is your name a Marley reference? I alsays hear him when I read your name
I caught the tale end of it, but the Talk was talking about the Duggars and they were all SAD and tore up about it. On Inside Edition tonight, Josh Duggar was the TOP story, THEN the monster they caught last night that murdered the family and the housekeeper.
Maybe that is when TLC decided they better do something, quick.
Angie, I agree with your comment that it is Josh's parents who are at fault, first in how they raised their children, and second in how they dealt with the molestation.
Yes, every family will have their difficulties. Maybe a child turns to drugs; gets in with the wrong crowd, cuts school, shop lifts, etc. There are lots of mistakes a child might make. But if one of your children comes to you and reports that another sibling is molesting them, you don't just tell him "knock it off", beat him with a rod, and call it a day! You should immediately seek professional help for everyone in the family.
It's clear to me that JimBob purposely tried to cover this up, and dragged his feet until the statute of limitations ran. It is hard to understand how these two parents still have fans defending them as "good Christian" people. I think their definition of a "good Christian" must be the opposite of mine.
redbird said... 112
Oh, what does COB mean?
Close Of Business
Its interesting that the blogs YEARS ago had the Duggars pegged. Posters talked about this very situation and they were right. And they talk about the founder of the cult being accused of molestation like it says in the Daily Mail article. Maybe some Sheeple should start taking this blog more seriously.
You're welcome Tucker's mom
But please, my name is never capitalised, lol, it is against my religion =)
redbird (108): "That Jack Wagon Jim Bob goes to the worse person EVER to take a police report from. An official who is a hundred feet deep in child porn that he later gets convicted to almost 60 years in prison!!!"
Was he the one who took the police report? I thought those were two different officers, and the one who made the report wasn't the one who gave Josh the lecture and is now serving his time in prison.
Wow, CNN is on right with Anderson Cooper. Dr. Gail Saltz, Psychiatrist. She is good!
My mom was abused by her dad, and possibly one of her brothers. I suspect that her sister was also. It affected her the rest of her life.
It affected her marriage, and all of us children. The same with her sister's family.
It changed who she could have been as a person. In that day and age there was no therapy or treatment for victims, or abusers. She just had to manage as best she could. It wasn't something that she ever recovered from.
When she went deep into dementia it was that stuff that she re-lived. So heart breaking to listen to her. And all I could do was hold her hand and rock with her until she would come back to me. Heart breaking.
Josh has no idea what he has done to his sisters. All he cares about is that he could have ruined his life. *His* life????? What about theirs? He's irretrievably changed their lives, changed their life path.
Tucker's...unfortunately, I think she was talking about him
I think Kate got the idea to have a litter because the McCaugheys were gifted a large house and a van for the family. Of course diapers, formula, clothes and things for a period of time. I remember the flak Bobbi received when she had her teeth fixed. It was not for vanity it was for absolute necessity. Then Katie goes and gets a "good bra", extensions, teeth whitened, spa days, mani/pedis and nothing at the time was said. She will get hers though like all the rest who are so ungrateful and holier than thou.
I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended.
"Offended?" Anna, you are up to your neck in the Duggar Juice. If your daughter would be molested by a 14-year-old, would you say that she was merely "offended?"
Gawd, and to think that they are procreating...multiplying like rabbits. Their gene pool is so diluted now, how much worse will it get with each subsequent generation?
Mel said... 115
Interesting that the boys don't have to make any attempt to control their thoughts or behaviors, but the girls not only have to control their own thoughts/behaviors, they're blamed for the boys' bad behavior!
shades of sharia anyone?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 48m48 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 I know Kate would love 2find #MrRight but her kids R her priority right now. She has put #SelfAndHerInterests 2nd!
She puts herself and her interests second? On what planet? Kate is for Kate and Kate alone!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 Umm, that's definitely a rumor gone wild! No way Kate would just jump into marriage like that. #Wiser2ndTimeAround
I am falling down laughing right now at the stupidity of this person. Does Milo actually believe that Kate tells her everything?
I need the keg opened up. Is there a Memorial Day party on the veranda?
Fan's trying to get the Duggars back on TV....
Tessa King Lori Stockton Join my campaign to bring back 19 kids and counting!
Sarah Jones Tell TLC to get the Duggars off of the air! https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/tell-tlc#
I don't see how TLC can keep this family; they have to cancel all future shows. What is being discussed is incest and what sponsor wants to be involved in sponsoring/condoning incest.
For once I think she's telling the truth. Although she's clearly been seen with him more than once. And Security Steve countless times. Unless she doesn't consider Steve a guy? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago
Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married?
From the Washington Post.
"So now is not the time to cancel it. Now is the time for TLC to double down and have the courage to present America, at last, with a truly unscripted show about a family enduring a crisis largely of its own making. Life is not what it quite seems at the Duggar compound — but who ever watched that show and sincerely thought it was always that perfect? Who would honestly believe that you can raise 19 human beings to all think and act according to their parents’ beliefs? No family is immune to suffering; no family is without its secrets. Cancellation would erase the Duggars from popular culture just at the moment that they’ve become more real."
The primary problem with this delusional man's faulty pretzel logic is that reality tv shows are inherently not real. They are manipulations of reality that are manifested by turning participants into cast members and developing story lines that sell advertising.
Expecting reality television to be unvarnished and actually real is like a child believing there is a Santa Claus.
Say, a 14-year old child when he's old enough to know better.
He continues further:
"Now that the darkest clouds have rolled in, so has the potential for a much better, more informative show. What could be more absorbing for viewers than the presence of the camera as the Duggars try to navigate their way through a family crisis?"
What could be better than watching the victims as they deal with the fact that the world knows their own brother molested them when they were little?
Everything that this writer so misguidedly wishes would occur in front of a camera can actually occur! This is the myth that is perpetuated when real people are constantly filmed for tv: that when not filming, they somehow exist in a suspended state of limbo until a clapperboard once again strikes to animate them again.
Let the Duggars exist without cameras. Let them do what's right in private, without being paid and receiving countless other sources of fame and things and trips and freebies.
Let them do the hard work without that carrot constantly being dangled in front of them, because its the right thing to do.
Let them not be swayed by a producer whispering in their ear about what would really get good ratings.
Let them act spontaneously.
Let them entrench, roll up their sleeves, do the hard work that was never done.
Then, at some point in the future, when they've healed, maybe they can give everyone the Reader's Digest version, or write a book, or appear on one of the many daytime talk shows and catch everyone up.
That's what should happen, not reward them for the bungled cover-up these frauds have foisted upon millions of fans for years.
That is exactly the wrong thing to do.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago
Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married?
Katespeak. She was "seen" with this guy. It doesn't mean she hasn't been dating all along. It just means that she wasn't "seen" with anyone. I thought a few months ago she denied dating this Jeff guy.
Wasn't she photographed some time ago with a coach somewhere and they were dating, although briefly?
"Now that the darkest clouds have rolled in, so has the potential for a much better, more informative show. What could be more absorbing for viewers than the presence of the camera as the Duggars try to navigate their way through a family crisis?" 133
Tucker's I agree with your take on this.
If people want real reality they can watch Bruce Jenner (an adult).
"Seen with a guy". Kate still won't admit that she dates and isn't alone, alooone, alooooooooooone 24/7.
I've noticed that Kate has retweeted several of Barb Gilmer's tweets lately. Barb Gilmer has a private account on twitter. I don't know why she went private, but for some reason she did.
Milo was all gangbusters about how the stories about Hannah breached her privacy. Why doesn't she call Kate out for breaching Barb's?
I'm trying to follow this Duggar scandal, but there's so much out there. This wasn't a once and done thing, but the behavior was repeated over the period of a year? How was it discovered? Boob Bob caught him in the act, or did one of the girls admit that this happened, or did a sibling find out about it and told the parents?
So it this wasn't a one time thing and continued, did the parents know about it after it happened the first time and still allowed him to live in the same house with these girls? I can't wrap my head around that.
Tucker's 133
One spock eyebrow raised... ( no botox was harmed while doing this)
When there is a 14 year old older brother to meek, subservient sisters, there is an imbalance of power. By the sheer fact of their gender those girls didn't stand a chance to be heard and their brother knew it. The parents were clearly useless to their daughters, and didn't do so well with their son, either. 9 months after getting caught he was back at it again. He either learned nothing or he figured he'd slide by the second time too. After all, it's a man's world, right?
I had an older brother. We were considered equals in our family. There was no abuse of power, nobody was an object with no voice.
Kate is a twit said... 139
I've noticed that Kate has retweeted several of Barb Gilmer's tweets lately. Barb Gilmer has a private account on twitter. I don't know why she went private, but for some reason she did.
Milo was all gangbusters about how the stories about Hannah breached her privacy. Why doesn't she call Kate out for breaching Barb's?
I thought you couldn't retweet someone who has a private account?
So it this wasn't a one time thing and continued, did the parents know about it after it happened the first time and still allowed him to live in the same house with these girls? I can't wrap my head around that.
May 22, 2015 at 6:24 PM
Can you imagine as a young, defenseless, second-class- female family member victim, your parents allowing your older brother, the oldest golden child that molested you, to come back and live in your home, where he has unfettered access to you?
And I think CPS has a duty to do a thorough investigation of this family & make sure ALL the minor children are safe.
They should question whether the abuse has stopped & they should also question whether Josh was the ONLY abuser and whether there were more than the 5 victims who were brave enough to come forward!!!!
Molly said... 144
And I think CPS has a duty to do a thorough investigation of this family & make sure ALL the minor children are safe.
They should question whether the abuse has stopped & they should also question whether Josh was the ONLY abuser and whether there were more than the 5 victims who were brave enough to come forward!!!!
Absolutely. I think CPS (or whatever they're called there) would be derelict if they didn't make sure that all minors are kept safe in that family.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 50m50 minutes ago
K+my8 r all EXTRA tired,SO,I’ve declared tomorrow ‘National Sleep As Long As You Can Day’ here-whether it’s national or not,we don’t care!😴
She's tired again. Aw. Poor baby. What in the heck would she do if she had a 9 to 5 job, came home to cook supper, clean, do the laundry, help with homework, shuttle kids back and forth to school events, sports, lessons...all to start again the next day? Such a wuss!
fidosmommy said... 141
When there is a 14 year old older brother to meek, subservient sisters, there is an imbalance of power. By the sheer fact of their gender those girls didn't stand a chance to be heard and their brother knew it. The parents were clearly useless to their daughters, and didn't do so well with their son, either. 9 months after getting caught he was back at it again. He either learned nothing or he figured he'd slide by the second time too. After all, it's a man's world, right?
It is for those who follow the teachings of Bill Gothard. This from a former member who was raised in the cult:
I saw the materials he published too, about “counseling sexual abuse”. Blaming victims, downplaying the damage of sexual abuse. The very sort of thing you’d expect, in retrospect, from an alleged sexual predator.
I don’t know what’s more horrifying: that this is the sort of “training” we received in “counseling seminars”, or that we were so brainwashed we saw nothing wrong with it at the time.
On Growing Up in Bill Gothard’s Homeschool Cult
"Josh has no idea what he has done to his sisters. All he cares about is that he could have ruined his life. *His* life????? What about theirs? He's irretrievably changed their lives, changed their life path." Mel, 124.
How in the world can Anna look at his sisters, knowing what her husband has done to them and that they may be scarred for the rest of their lives because of it? He "offended" the victims?
The whole family is nuts, creepy and scary.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago
Seen w guy 1st X since div 5yrs ago&now marrying?HA.NO. RT @BarbGilmer: ..heard it all now @Kateplusmy8 they r saying ur going2get married?
Seen with a guy one time since divorce? How about when Steve was her date for the Emmys, or when they went together to Vegas to see Brad Garrett? How about the guys in her last birthday special?
they should also question whether Josh was the ONLY abuser
Precisely. Sadly.
The Duggars might as well move to Iraq, where the women wear burkas and are blamed for all impure thoughts any man may have.
Jane said - Imagine what's going on in that house now. The brainwashing and bribery, intimidation, threats. I hope the kids really are able to speak openly with Jon and/or with any court appointed official.
I agree with you completely. TFW is in full brainwash mode. I only hope that whoever interviews the kids can see right through this.
I thought you couldn't retweet someone who has a private account?
You can if you c/p the tweet into your own tweet. Kate didn't do an actual retweet, she quoted Barb in her tweet.
I found this info about retweeting private accounts:
Retweet Feature
The tweets from a person with a public Twitter profile will have the following clickable options at the bottom of each tweet: Reply, Retweet, Favorite and More. Clicking the Retweet link will add that tweet -- just as it appeared originally -- to your Twitter feed. However, a person who has a private profile only has the Reply and Favorite options visible. You simply cannot retweet that person's tweets the way you can a public tweet. However, there is a "back-door" way that you can.
Retweet Alternative
Instead of relying on the clickable Retweet link, you can just copy and paste a person's tweet into your own "Compose New Tweet" box. Then put the persons Twitter handle before it (e.g. @handle). Before the Twitter handle, put the letters "RT," ensuring that there's at least a single space between "RT," the handle and the tweet. This will post the tweet on your Twitter feed but it will not reveal the Twitter photo of the Tweet's author, as is the case when using Twitter's Retweet feature."
It is for those who follow the teachings of Bill Gothard. This from a former member who was raised in the cult:
Sue(147)--The Gawker also has an article about this and also describes a case that was strikingly similar to the Duggars. The article does point out that the case is not about the Duggars.
Seen with a guy one time since divorce? How about when Steve was her date for the Emmys, or when they went together to Vegas to see Brad Garrett? How about the guys in her last birthday special?
LOL! The foot-licking guy. She was "seen" with him by how many million viewers? Maybe, though, he really wasn't a guy, just a wolf in sheep's clothing. UGH.
Can you believe this post???
It is time to stand with other non-perfect Christians. They are getting a whipping for something they acted upon, received counseling for, went to their church, the police, sought forgiveness and made sure those that needed to know, did, including his future wife. This is our line in the sand, Christians.
I know you are suppose to forgive, BUT, those parents should of never put Josh back in that house so he could be around the girls and they would be forced to interact with him on a daily basis. There was plenty of property in Duggarville. JB could of put up a trailer and he could of lived it in on the back 40 and had supervision if he was around and have only daylight visiting hours maybe once a week.
My precious aunt called me this afternoon and told me that my uncle had FINALLY left her after 40 plus years of beatings, verbal abuse, had to hand her paycheck over to him for years. When she told me, I said, Good, I know it is a relief. She said, yes, and I am sad that I wasted my life living like this. I hope the Duggar girls can escape that place as soon as possible.
Anna is so high off the duggar-aide, what if, God forbid she caught Josh doing something bad. What would she do? Kick him out? Call the police? Pack up the kids and go move out? Go home? or Stay?
Like yall always say, I think the latter. Just thinking about it makes me sick!
Don't forget Mr Palin who basically called her a b--h for whining.
Don't forget the water rafting guy
Don't forget the man she gave a cupcake to who didn't know who she was..
Let's not forget poor Tony who had to deal with her for weeks.
On the TLC FB page the Duggar supporters are screaming that this story should have never come and the people who reported it should be prosecuted. This reply to them gets best comment of the day in my book:
"It's funny how people want a reality show and want to watch others lives yet scream it's none of our business when there is a scandal. You can't have it both ways ."
That comment could also be directed to Milo and the rest of the sheeple.
Oh and how she shameless flirts with Hank Baskett.
Chef said
Don't forget the man she gave a cupcake to who didn't know who she was..
Refresh my memory? lol this is awesome
redbird said... 156
Anna is so high off the duggar-aide, what if, God forbid she caught Josh doing something bad. What would she do? Kick him out? Call the police? Pack up the kids and go move out? Go home? or Stay?
Anna would definitely stay. She would say, Joshie we need to pray. and seek Gods forgiveness.
No I can not imagine that.
I lived it
"It's funny how people want a reality show and want to watch others lives yet scream it's none of our business when there is a scandal. You can't have it both ways .". 159
Great comment about reality tv.
Our favorite scripted shows disappoint us sometimes. Why does anyone expect more from "reality"?
My 3 brothers were always protectors...literally holding me down by my wrists and showing me how to fight back...lesson learned, dd has a brown belt in Karate
Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint?
Re: Josh and his access to the Internet. I've clicked on the 19 Kids and Counting show a few times, but like a lot of the posters on this blog, I could never stomach Jim Boob and his little mini-me Josh long enough to sit all the way thru the episode. I remember bits of 2? episodes--one where Babykins was explaining that they used the Internet--but only 'good' sites or under supervision--as a tool in their home schooling. In the other episode, Josh was sitting in front of a computer that seemed to be in a room just for his use because he was working on a college level class? Anyway, my point is that maybe Jim Boob and Babykins are just as ignorant re: social media as TFMJG. Josh could have found a way around the restricted access or one of his friends could have told him how to do it in order for him to surf those porn sites. Again, lack of supervision and failure to see warning signs by Jim Boob and his Babykins.
Completely OT
YAY!!! We got Michael Sam!!!!!!
first openly gay football player...
so proud to call you one of our own!! xoxo
welcome , brother to the city that first welcomed Jackie Robinson
Time has several good articles on the Josh Duggar story. Here's one and there are links at the bottom of the articles to more articles
I read Kates tweet, Kate you are so full of shit! You lie, like a cheap rug! You swore up & down, you were not dating anyone, cause, gee, you have no time. Yet, here are the pic proof, and the custody proof, that you would leave for several days, not telling anyone where you are going.
A little shack-up trip with Jeffieboy, to the NYC secret love nest apartment? After all, can't tell the kids, they have big mouths, and might blab to dad, and then dad has what he needs to drag her silly ass into court. Can't tell her fans, like Milo, they might want in on it.
So, Kate actually needs a round of applause, for actually telling the truth, probably for the first time. That she actually went on a date, and then some. I don't buy the BS of her going home at 1:40 am, Jeffie was getting frisky with her in those pics, I doubt Kate went home, more likely a Hotel. Kate is not that innocent BS she likes to throw out to the public. JMO
It is possible that Anna, sees past it. Anna & her father, used to go to prisons and preach to the prisoners, about God & forgiveness, in Fla. In fact Anna wanted to continue that after her & Josh got married, but Josh said no. You know the man is in charge, the woman really has nothing to say. BS!
redbird ..a horse cannot see all with blinders on...
tunnel vision is their religion
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 50m50 minutes ago
K+my8 r all EXTRA tired,SO,I’ve declared tomorrow ‘National Sleep As Long As You Can Day’ here-whether it’s national or not,we don’t care!😴
She's tired again. Aw. Poor baby. What in the heck would she do if she had a 9 to 5 job, came home to cook supper, clean, do the laundry, help with homework, shuttle kids back and forth to school events, sports, lessons...all to start again the next day? Such a wuss!
I love rhetorical questions! Good one!
I think Anna, Josh's wife, is trapped. Her family doesn't just disapprove of divorce. I fully believe they would disown her. So there she is with 4 kids, no money, no family, no job experience, and probably an 8th grade education. It would be scary as hell to strike out on her own. I wonder who wrote her statement. I doubt she was allowed to have her own thoughts.
I read the article at chicks on the right that franky posted. They almost get to condemning Josh and then they back off. (Then of course the comments quickly disintegrate into how liberals are evil and conservatives are evil.) This could be a really interesting study for those interested in politics. The Duggars have made themselves a part of conservative Republican politics for a while now. What do those politicians now do? If they say Josh is a bad person, do they alienate too many voters? Yet how can they openly defend him?
Well KFI huge radio station for Los Angeles and pretty much all of Southern California called them the Dugans all night but at least the story was discussed!! Kates giddiness is coming through in her tweets she can't hide it. The story should scare her for many reasons not the least of which is how quickly TLC you will fire you if they feel they have to. Her work is no more steady and stable than some of Jon's jobs yet he's blasted for it.
jbranck1980 said... 166
Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint?
yes. Gobbilgook
Serendipity said... 141
I'm trying to follow this Duggar scandal, but there's so much out there. This wasn't a once and done thing, but the behavior was repeated over the period of a year? How was it discovered? Boob Bob caught him in the act, or did one of the girls admit that this happened, or did a sibling find out about it and told the parents?
My understanding is that the sisters he molested were Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna who were 11, 10, 9 and 5 at the time. Apparently, Jill woke up during it and told their father. If I'm reading the various stories right, it sounds like he molested the older girls first, was found out and then 6 months later touched the youngest daughter while reading her a book.
We had a funny uncle in our family who was just a little too touchy feely. One summer (I was 11) he felt me up and kissed me before his child came in and interrupted him. I remember being shocked and unsure of what to do. I was visiting for the summer and left to go back home two weeks later. I talked with my older sister and while it hadn't gotten physical, she always had this weird vibe around him and didn't want to be alone with him. My mom was not in a good space at the time and she drunkenly advised me that men do these things and just get used to it.
Fortunately, we lived several states away and I didn't have to see him regularly. As I got older I decided that I was fine and that it was his problem not mine and resolved to just be on my guard if/when I saw him again.
It could be that the three older sisters have also reached that point. And from what I've seen, they all seem to have pretty good heads on their shoulders, cult indoctrination not withstanding, so I'm sure they made sure he never got another chance with the youngest girls.
I'm not excusing what he did as I don't excuse my uncle. But at some point I think you have to choose to move on for your own sake. Hopefully, the girls have.
thanks Jeanne.... other story, some right-wing guy is defending Josh, look into HIS background too.
I AM Canadian, but we are far from perfect, we delete all who are proven offenders for children, and our environment .... except oil sands and wars in places we should not be. ( still working on those)
Jeanne....I think you move me
TLC heartbroken? Not so much. It's all about money.
jbranck1980 said... 169
Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint?
The first three paragraphs are so full of lies and trivializations that I didn't bother reading the rest of the article.
Making a case for parental responsibility.
Major media outlets are coming right out and saying that TLC had to have known. I hope heads are gonna roll.
My theory: Kate and Steve were banging each other since before the divorce from Jon. It has continued for years and TLC has known (Figure 8 too). I suspect she was putting pressure on him to commit. No such luck so somehow she met Jeff Millionaire and decided to start an affair with him, either to make Steve jealous or just nab a rich husband to concretely stop any custody attempts by Jon. Apparently the kids do manage to divulge to Jon what goes on; that's why she consistently denies Jon's right of first refusal or does not allow some of the children to visit him. But Jon has not only wised up but has probably been building evidence for months. I truly do believe The National Enquirer article that she has plotted this relationship with Jeff Millionaire to lead to marriage to stop dead any chance of Jon splitting up the family. This is totally Kate masterminding. Jon gets it now. He knows her cons and tricks. Bit by bit, he is releasing damaging information to the tabloids. Why play nice when you are dealing with someone as evil as Kate?
The Josh Duggar story is huge news on the major networks. I think this has taken off more than the Honey Boo Boo scandal because of Josh's former political position in DC.
Kate may be giddy anticipating a comeback, but TLC would absolutely be foolish to risk another scandal involving children. They know all the dirt. After all, the crew is just like family!
I hope there are protesters there:
The event still currently features such familiar TLC faces as Kate Gosselin, Buddy “Cake Boss” Valastro, Say Yes to the Dress’ Randy, and the Roloffs from Little People Big World have replaced the Duggars.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Phila-TLC-Summer-Block-Party-event-removes-Duggar-family-from-lineup.html#4pCcod5oklUv2pxw.99
I agree completely that his parents did the wrong thing by allowing him back into the home. Just curious Admin, where? would you send your 14 yr old son you've just found out has been molesting his sisters? Really, what do you do?
Also, this guy was preaching for a hate group intent on destroying all the progress the gay community has made. His claim is that gay marriage IS A THREAT TO HIS CHILDREN. oh the hypocrisy!
TLC dropped HBB like a hot potato. It's interesting (and deplorable) that this show hasn't been terminated.
But it's all about $$$$. General Mills has pulled the plug on their advertising dollars, hopefully more will follow suit.
This is when the public has a voice. Everyone needs to email, call, write all remaining advertisers. The only thing corporations understand is $$$$.
I keep going back to the youngest victim telling her father what happened. She told Jim Boob, not Michelle. And Jim Boob did NOTHING. I wonder if he told Michelle? I doubt it, the only thing she's good for is spawning more of his offspring.
If they keep the show on the air or not, it's damaged goods. Look what happened to the Duck Family.
I read Alice's comments, and she says that Jim Boob was all about the money and the freebies. Several family members were on the phone asking for freebies...sound like anyone else we know?? hmmmm
And what does Jim Boob do with the money? Does he set aside part of it for the kid's futures? I doubt it.
Where's legal representation for these child reality stars?
Last night one of my kids told me that one of the sons is going to college in Kentucky. One of the girls wanted to go to college (my kiddo said it was the son's twin sister) and she was denied.
And what about the young men that recently married into this trainwreck? I bet they are second guessing that decision.
As for idiotic Anna, there's just no words. As stupid as she is, her parents are even more stupid. Why the allowed their daughter to marry into that family puzzles me, well, except they probably thought Anna was marrying into the promised land's chose family.
As far as Josh being 'creepy', yes he is. But Jim Boob's creep factor is off the charts. Heck, the whole family is creepy.
one more random thought. Someone said Kate was on a twitter high last night, more likely because she thinks she's going to snag more air time on TLC. She might, but her karma is coming soon. Karma gets everyone eventually.
I wonder if Michelle Duggar will keep preaching and campaigning that transgender people molest children. And good old Josh saying LGBT people are the worst for child molestation and sinning. What a bunch of holier than thou bigots. I feel so badly for those girls.
I don't watch the show. Michelle's baby doll voice gets on my nerves as much as Kate saying, "but this is r life".
P.J. said... 186
jbranck1980 said... 169
Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint?
The first three paragraphs are so full of lies and trivializations that I didn't bother reading the rest of the article.
It was sickening.
This wasn't a "feel up".
This wasn't a back-of-the-hand-TSA pat down.
branck1980 said... 169
Any thoughts on this article's viewpoint?
The first three paragraphs are so full of lies and trivializations that I didn't bother reading the rest of the article
Agreed. ONE of the comments on it asked how the Duggar would have reacted if it was someone other than a family member molesting the kids. Pretty sure that person wouldn't be welcome back into the home.
The biggest risk of molestation is not a LGBT stranger in a public bathroom. The biggest risk is a family member, or someone known to the family, who has the time and access over monrhs and years to groom the child to accept bad touch. Like Josh.
Vanessa, they are removed from the home and must enter a residential psychiatric center for therapy and the family should do outpatient therapy. My daughter has worked with children who have been sexually molested, usually by a family member. The toll is devastating on victim. What Josh Duggar did to his sisters is NOT some teenage mistake. His wife should insist he enter immediate counseling and never leave him alone with his children. This is not something that you can pray away. Total ignorance. Unfortunately, many times counseling for the perp does not stop the behavior. His wife is a dope. She needs to put her children first. Move out.
I'm going to assume that Jim-Bob put the blame on the girls for the molestation (based on their past (maybe present) affiliation with Bill Gothard and ATI.) My hope would be that Jill Duggar's husband, who has the most worldly experience and seems to be the most' normal', can make the girls see that what Josh did was very wrong and that they all should get some counseling. The other spouses and spouses-to-be seem pretty wacko to me.
The Blaze is conservative crapola.
If Kate is tagged as the "face" of TLC, the bigwigs at Discovery better be prepared for another scandal. The time is ripe, my friends.
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