Monday, June 8, 2015

The Duggar Interview: 11 things the Duggars are still hiding

InTouch has a great breakdown post-interview of the Duggar's slant on the truth.

Among the eleven things the Duggars are still hiding, says the magazine, are:

  • The Duggars waited over four years to get counseling for Josh.
  • The child services investigation reports have never been released, despite the Duggars implying they were.
  • The family likely has no leg to stand on in a lawsuit, as nothing improper was done. In fact it would have been illegal not to release the records.
  • Judge Zimmerman, who ordered the records destroyed after they were already turned over to the media, made the order without properly giving the media an opportunity to contest her order. A law professor and former U.S. attorney called the court order "odd," pointing out that usually in such a situation the records are ordered sealed, not destroyed. adds:
The man behind the year's biggest reality show story: David Perel.
  • The Duggars outright said that the release of the information could have been a bribe, but don't have a shred of evidence to support such a malicious contention. 
  • Mike Huckabee, whom the Duggars quoted during the interview and count as a supporter, swiffered all traces of the Duggars from his web site just before the interview.
  • The judge who ordered the records destroyed was appointed twice by Duggar (former) ally Huckabee. 

Check out InTouch for more.

For more reading, check out why InTouch's investigation exposing one of America's most famous conservative-religious political families was of Pulitzer caliber.  "Solid," says the editors at The Washington Post. Editor David Perel, who led the InTouch investigation, was nominated for a Pulitzer, though didn't win, in 2010 for his work on the John Edwards scandal. Nominations are typically announced in January.

1786 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... 1

I raised 4 children and have plenty of experience with very sudden spikes in temps - all w/o warning and all w/o a slow rise in temp that could have been noticed. Unless you're in the exact same environment watching them constantly their temps can sky rocket in the blink of an eye - especially ones that had problems after birth. The first 3-4 years with my youngest were full of runs to the pediatrician and/or the ER for sudden and very high temps when we couldn't bring them down on our own. I remember putting her in ice cube baths. Even the best and most conscientious parents don't necessarily see a high temp coming.
Such a scary situation to be in.

TLC stinks said... 199
I'm not up to date...can Michelle still get pregnant? I cannot imagine what shape her body must be in. Two kids for me and my bladder is shot. Has she had surgery to shore up things?
If she's menstruating, she can get preggo. I can't imagine the condition of her bladder!
It's been awhile since I saw JB and Michelle on a show doing an appearance post miscarriage, but at that time, they were open to getting pregnant again.

TLC stinks said... 2

...Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar did different things. Lena Dunham, at the age of 7, asked her mother if her 1-year-old little sister had a vagina like hers. A few days later, she looked -- yes, in fact, her little sister did have a smaller version of the same vagina.

This is not a perversion. This is not sexual. Genitalia is not and should not be inherently sexual. This is anatomical curiosity, from a young child, that involved no sexual touching and no sexual pleasure. Developmental psychologist Ritch Savin-Williams, director of the Sex and Gender Lab at Cornell University, told Slate, "This is clearly not a case of abuse. Children have been doing this stuff forever and ever and ever and ever, and they will do it forever and ever and ever."...

...Josh Duggar has admitted to molesting five girls, including four of his sisters. He was 14 and 15 when he fondled the girls both while they were asleep and while they were awake and both under and over their clothes.

This is sexual. Fondling is sexual. Josh Duggar was intent on sexual pleasure when he committed these acts. That, and the respective ages of Dunham and Duggar, makes these situations very different.

The Palins have asserted the liberal media controls what is and is not publicized, and, furthermore, that these are similar incidents the media treated differently because of the politics of the people involved.


No, no, no, no, no.

That position isn't only incorrect -- the incidents are not the same -- it's dangerous. It's dangerous because it minimizes and trivializes sexual assault...

...Rape culture is our refusal to accept that most sexual assaults (be it penetrative rape or something else) are committed by ordinary men, not men that would otherwise seem to be violent criminals. Rape culture is women being afraid to report sexual assault because they fear backlash and victim blaming. Rape culture is women being told not to dress provocatively, to carry a rape whistle, to never let their drink out of sight, to not walk home alone at night, instead of men being told not to commit sexual assault. Rape culture is blatant disbelief when a woman says she's been assaulted.

Rape culture is a product of sexism and a patriarchal society, which is why when we talk about rape culture, we talk about men assaulting women. Please note: this should never be construed to say that women can't assault men, that women can't assault other women or that men can't assault other men. Rather, the notion of rape culture is used describe the dominant sexual assault patterns in our society, where they come from and where they lead. It's used to describe what a woman faces when she wants to come forward about an attack. It's what she will face as she attempts to regain some sense of normality in her life. If she comes forward, she will be doubted, she will potentially be publicly vilified and she will lose her privacy... ~ Administrator said... 3

...Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar did different things. Lena Dunham, at the age of 7, asked her mother if her 1-year-old little sister had a vagina like hers. A few days later, she looked -- yes, in fact, her little sister did have a smaller version of the same vagina.

This is not a perversion. This is not sexual. Genitalia is not and should not be inherently sexual. This is anatomical curiosity, from a young child, that involved no sexual touching and no sexual pleasure. Developmental psychologist Ritch Savin-Williams, director of the Sex and Gender Lab at Cornell University, told Slate, "This is clearly not a case of abuse. Children have been doing this stuff forever and ever and ever and ever, and they will do it forever and ever and ever."...


And, Lena's parents almost immediately had her in intensive therapy, kept her in intensive therapy for years afterward, had her formally diagnosed, and saw to it medication was prescribed. It's just as much about how you react to the act as the act itself.

Sherry Baby said... 4

I'm not up to date...can Michelle still get pregnant? I cannot imagine what shape her body must be in. Two kids for me and my bladder is shot. Has she had surgery to shore up things?

If she's still ovulating and hasn't gone through menopause, then I would think that she could. She's how old? 48 or so? Women in their 50s have given birth. She hasn't been spayed, nor has he.

Tucker's Mom said... 5

I can't imagine having your eldest son molesting your daughters, and you still have time to sire 5 more kids. incredible.
Well put!

Millicent said... 6 ~ Administrator said... 196
I think that is putting your children first by carving out time to have a healthy relationship and thus, a health family.

Not putting your children first was meant in the context of a mother allowing a father to make choices that either directly or indirectly harm the children, and backing him up on them, as Michelle did.
I thought the Huffington Post article was describing the way one woman felt that she should put her husband's needs before her children's needs; not necessarily that the husband was making decisions that would actively harm the children. Her reasoning was that she planned to spend a lifetime with her husband, but the children would be grown and gone after they became adults.

Personally, I don't see the appeal of spending a lifetime with a selfish spouse who loves him or herself more than their own children.
1. Not going to my friend's second wedding in Tahoe because my son had an ear infection. I chose not to leave him with his grandmother.

redbird said... 7

TLC stinks said... 199
I'm not up to date...can Michelle still get pregnant? I cannot imagine what shape her body must be in. Two kids for me and my bladder is shot. Has she had surgery to shore up things?


TLC stinks, Shore things up! lol I was watching an episode of Bonanza and they were working in the mine, the lumber was rotten and a man had invented a new system with wood to put in the mine. The Cartwrights were talking about Shorin' up the mine! Oh, my!

Sue_Buddy said... 8 ~ Administrator said... 3

...Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar did different things. Lena Dunham, at the age of 7, asked her mother if her 1-year-old little sister had a vagina like hers. A few days later, she looked -- yes, in fact, her little sister did have a smaller version of the same vagina.

This is not a perversion. This is not sexual. Genitalia is not and should not be inherently sexual. This is anatomical curiosity, from a young child, that involved no sexual touching and no sexual pleasure. Developmental psychologist Ritch Savin-Williams, director of the Sex and Gender Lab at Cornell University, told Slate, "This is clearly not a case of abuse. Children have been doing this stuff forever and ever and ever and ever, and they will do it forever and ever and ever."...


And, Lena's parents almost immediately had her in intensive therapy, kept her in intensive therapy for years afterward, had her formally diagnosed, and saw to it medication was prescribed. It's just as much about how you react to the act as the act itself.

Lena wasn't put into therapy because of taking a peek at her baby sister's vagina. She explains it all here:

Difficult Girl

I am eight, and I am afraid of everything. The list of things that keep me up at night includes but is not limited to: appendicitis, typhoid, leprosy, unclean meat, foods I haven’t seen emerge from their packaging, foods my mother hasn’t tasted first so that if we die we die together, homeless people, headaches, rape, kidnapping, milk, the subway, sleep.

My parents are getting worried. It’s hard enough to have a child, much less a child who demands to inspect our groceries and medicines for evidence that their protective seals have been tampered with. I have only the vaguest memory of a life before fear. Every morning when I wake up, there is one blissful second before I look around the room and remember my many terrors. I wonder if this is what it will always be like, forever, and I try to remember moments I felt safe: In bed next to my mother one Sunday morning. Playing with my friend Isabel’s puppy. Getting picked up from a sleepover just before bedtime.

She doesn't even mention her curiosity about her sister's vagina as a cause for her need for therapy in this detailed article. She was in intensive therapy for quite a while.

Jane said... 9

Looks like there's another Jane posting, which is fine -- it's a pretty common name! When I comment, it's always in blue.

I never watched the Duggars and, after following the comments here daily, I'm sure glad. It's bad enough that Kate and her treatment of her kids makes my blood boil, but the molestation of the Duggar children and TLC's knowledge (they had to know) is beyond horrible. I realized the other day that there's nothing I watch on that channel, and it wasn't even a conscious boycott!. Their programming used to be pretty good but now -- not so much.

For those who are Orange Is the New Black fans - season three is streaming!!

Sherry Baby said... 10

I've never had anyone in my family that followed this Gothard thinking, but I've known a few older men that ruled their wives like this.

Kind of like LOM telling Gladys when she must go to bed?

Formerly Duped said... 11

TLC stinks said... 2

I agree the situations are different since Lena was a child. But that is far from all that was written in her book, which I quoted from in the previous thread.

Lena did much more to her sister, age 1, than that article describes, which is why her parents wisely got her into therapy. She sounded like a disturbed child with a fixation on sexual matters and masturbating with her sister on top of her. Some curiosity is normal of course, but this went way beyond that if what she wrote is true, IMO

I'm no Palin fan and hate to re-open this discussion, but I think both Josh and pre-therapy LD have issues. Different, certainly, but both in need of help for their siblings' sakes too

Eight is More Than Enough said... 12 ~ Administrator said... 196

I think a happy family has to have balance. The parents do need to carve out some special time just for them, to keep their relationship going strong. So in one sense, there are times when you should put your marriage first (not necessarily your spouse), because you want that marriage to remain strong and happy.


I think that is putting your children first by carving out time to have a healthy relationship and thus, a health family.

Not putting your children first was meant in the context of a mother allowing a father to make choices that either directly or indirectly harm the children, and backing him up on them, as Michelle did.
When normal, intelligent, emotionally healthy women in a healthy relationship with a similarly sane husband talk about putting their husband first it sounds a bit odd but in the end comes off sounding like the logic of putting the oxygen mask on yourself before your kids. It's when the relationship and woman is screwed up that putting her probably equally screwed up husband first not only sounds wrong but is wrong.

With Mama D even if she hadn't said that and truly didn't do that she would still be a bad mother because she can't put even half of her kids first with the number she has. And she clearly puts herself first by handing them off the moment they're weaned. The ridiculous buddy system puts the older buddy even farther down her list of children she puts first. ~ Administrator said... 13

Lena wasn't put into therapy because of taking a peek at her baby sister's vagina. She explains it all here:


Yes, but the fact remains they recognized they had a disturbed child, and they got that child help. Which is far more than can be said for the Duggars.

Over In TFW's County said... 14

Has she had surgery to shore up things?


Some women's parts just spring back into place like a Memory Foam bed, while others drag on the ground like a third leg that needs a shoe. It's hard to know if Michelle was shored up. Wouldn't you think, though, with everything else that's discussed on this show she would have given a blow-by-blow description if she had a procedure done?

PA Dutch...enjoy your margarita. This heat is nasty. We're in the POOL and I am pool side watching the pool boy as I check out his new hose. After two bloody marys, things are looking pretty darn good. ~ Administrator said... 15

Some women's parts just spring back into place like a Memory Foam bed, while others drag on the ground like a third leg that needs a shoe.


Memory foam bed lol.

I picture her insides sort of like Grandma's famous Thanksgiving jello with marshmallows and little bits of pineapple inside. A sight to behold, almost holy, and oh that plethora of textures.

Anonymous said... 16

Too bad Kate didn't invite young Emily to join her in Mexico for her not so exciting birthday party. Free babysitting and another not quite a friend to fill up the sweetheart table she and make-up girl shared at the bar.

As for Michelle Duggar, what a silly vapid woman. Luckily she birthed enough girls early in the order so that she had nursemaids for the rest. Horrible mother really. All she does is push them out and then supervise her staff of daughters in the raising, the laundry, the meals, the housework. Everything else is apparently saved for JimBoob. Feh.


Over In TFW's County said... 17

It's been awhile since I saw JB and Michelle on a show doing an appearance post miscarriage, but at that time, they were open to getting pregnant again.


Ugh is right. You mean the bank was open for business and he was ready to make a deposit.

P.J. said... 18

Admin said...

I picture her insides sort of like Grandma's famous Thanksgiving jello with marshmallows and little bits of pineapple inside. A sight to behold, almost holy, and oh that plethora of textures.


I picture it more like the Holland Tunnel. You can drive a Mac truck up there and turn it around.

P.J. said... 19

Sorry, make that a Mack truck. Thought I should correct that before a drive-by has a conniption.

Andrea said... 20

Josie and her medical problems have been exploited since she was born. Sometime I the past year, she had an accident with diarrhea. JB made it a point to show the viewers her backside and the mess. Josie has also been used for their political agenda. They tote her out when they do speeches about the evilness of abortions. Out of all of the younger kids. I think she has been the most exploited.

Tucker's Mom said... 21

My God, where is the respect for dignity?

redbird said... 22

Looks like Kelly Rutherford's ex forged an email about his visa. ~ Administrator said... 23

Wow the ultimate catfish has been exposed! Turns out a high ranking NAACP officer in Washington state put on a weave and has been posing as black! Her parents came out white as a clam with her birth certificate and lots of pictures where she is a young, white, blond woman. Parents totally threw her under the bus.

Commentators are calling her pathological and say she has mental health issues.

Applause, well done.

P.J. said... 24 ~ Administrator said... 21

Wow the ultimate catfish has been exposed!


I read about that this morning. Weird story. I didn't think it was possible to pretend to be black.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 25

P.J. said... 24 ~ Administrator said... 21

Wow the ultimate catfish has been exposed!


I read about that this morning. Weird story. I didn't think it was possible to pretend to be black.
White people have been accused of being black before, as if it's something shameful. Babe Ruth was called the n word a lot, and a good number of black people thought he was mulato. I wonder if pretending to be another race is all that different from pretending to have another career or nationally? Somehow doesn't seem as wrong as pretending to be a different sex. ~ Administrator said... 26

Too bad Kate didn't invite young Emily to join her in Mexico for her not so exciting birthday party. Free babysitting and another not quite a friend to fill up the sweetheart table she and make-up girl shared at the bar.


Yes, why not invite Em? Or some of the many other women she has crossed paths with.

I think Kate doesn't know how to nurture a friendship such that you are to the point where it makes sense to invite someone to Mexico for your bday. From the sound of any of her sheeple who have tried, it's very one sided.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 27

Yes, why not invite Em? Or some of the many other women she has crossed paths with.


Wasn't she still in school at that time? Perhaps she couldn't miss classes.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 28

I read about that this morning. Weird story. I didn't think it was possible to pretend to be black.


A good read is "Black Like Me" (1961).

NJGal51 said... 29

TFW is in a Twitter frenzy tonight so she must be home with the kids. She posted pictures of both Shoka (who is in her bedroom for movie night with the family) and a picture of Zorro. She's not ignoring Milo any more either. Milo tweeted something the other day about how to tell if Target sales and TFW replied:

@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack oh my! This news excites me excessively! Thanks! I made a note of it! Target bargain shopping is SOOO much fun! :) #TargetMom

She forgot to include @target and oh my but she has a way with words.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 30

I think Kate doesn't know how to nurture a friendship such that you are to the point where it makes sense to invite someone to Mexico for your bday. From the sound of any of her sheeple who have tried, it's very one sided.
Is that a narcissist thing? Does she feel she is a really good friend, and that because she's so special and busy anyone who is lucky enough to bask in her attention should do all the work?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 31

Sometime I the past year, she had an accident with diarrhea. JB made it a point to show the viewers her backside and the mess.


TLC and its reality stars seem to have a very weird obsession with excrement.

fidosmommy said... 32

Personally, I would think it would have been sadder still if Kate had celebrated her 40th birthday with a 20 year old. Then she would hear she doesn't have any friends her own age. Deanna and Jamie are at least age appropriate for the occasion.

Call Me Crazy said... 33

PA Dutch Mom said... 184

I'm confused. It must be the heat (index at 104). Why must one choose whether to put the spouse or the children first? First in what? Neither my husband nor my children have a ranking in importance order. They've all been treated equally.

For me, this is not a question of degree of importance. It is a matter of the degree of care that is required to keep a child healthy and safe. It is about accepting that the health, safety and welfare of the child I brought into this world is paramount - a grave responsibility that usually trumps all other considerations. It is about recognizing that a grown-ass husband is an adult who is completely capable of taking care of himself.

It would be impossible for me to treat my husband and my children equally, simply because their level of need is not equal. I happen to have been lucky enough (or maybe smart enough) to have married a man who felt just as strongly that our children's needs and welfare took precedence over our own. This doesn't mean that we neglected each other or focused exclusively on our children, it just means that when decisions had to be made, we considered our children's welfare first.

In this "husband before kids" discussion, someone likened that thinking to a mom on a plane putting her oxygen mask on first, before tending to her children. But listening to women who ascribe to the "putting my husband first" thinking, a more accurate analogy would be that the woman would put the oxygen mask on her husband first, and then tend to her children. It sounds ridiculous.

There is one thing I can say with certainty. If I ever felt that my husband was doing, or not doing, something that could cause harm to our children, either out of ignorance or selfishness, you can bet that I would put my child's welfare first - every time.

NJGal51 said... 34

This sentence (Milo tweeted something the other day about how to tell if Target sales and TFW replied) should read

Milo tweeted something the other day about how to tell if Target sales are final or if there will be another markdown and TFW replied...

Over In TFW's County said... 35

Wernersville was under a severe weather alert (thunderstorm, hail, high winds), so maybe she brought the dog into the house because she was concerned about him being outside.

On second thought...nah.

Ingrid said... 36

FYI Target Costco prices=some truth some not. (I was curious and googled.)

Mel said... 37

Hmm...makes you wonder what the police chief has in mind...

NJGal51 said... 38

@Kateplusmy8: @poorbabi @MiloandJack Shoka weighs 102 pounds and he’s ‘perfect weight’ :)
Shoka must be big boned because that seems heavy for a GSD. My bully was big boned and was about 15 pounds heavier than the breed standard of "perfect weight".

getoftweeter said... 39

Well, I finely got to see a commercial for K8. The first thing that comes out of Kates mouth is that we, are celebrating my big 40 in Mexico and that maybe it was not a good idea to take the kids there. Kate makes it sound like her kids are the most terrible children to travel with.

Are we to expect then that the kids are going to fight, scream, yell, spit, hit, kick, argue etc. Instead of Kate saying: hey, we went to Mexico to celebrate my 40th b-day and we had a wonderful time, you should see what we did. Not, I think i made the mistake in taking the kids to Mexico. Who says that about their own kids, put them down, make people think, geez, I guess Kates kids are wild, unmannered, and rude, entitled, spoiled, etc, not nice & good, mannered, behaved. Wow, Kate, this does tell a lot about how you parent, and hint it is not good.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 40

Good lord, she's still doing it. Peerin' into those windows...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hoot Hoot #NiteOwl...what are U still doing up? #SummerSleepin is working! HaHa ~ Administrator said... 41

The tone of the police chief sounds honestly baffled. Sort of a, WTH did they just say about me?

I'm glad she's aware they accused her of the CRIME of bribery, and I hope she sues the pants off them. Unfortunately as a police chief she is probably going to be considered a public figure which makes it harder for her to sue. I wonder if the city attorney is allowed to sue on her behalf given that it sort of reflects on the whole city. I hope they can take care of it for her free of charge.

What an awful way to end an upstanding career, a lifetime of public service. Screw them, how dare they.

Sandylove said... 42

I had some free time yesterday and went to Barnes & Noble to read some of the new book The Little Couple wrote "Life Is Short". Excellent, excellent book. Kate will NEVER be like Dr. Jen Arnold! Jen and her husband Bill Klein treat each other with so much love and respect and it comes across in the book as well.

Anyway, at the end they listed people they'd like to thank and who should be included but Steve Neild himself! You might recall he accompanied them when they went to China to pick up their son. I thought that was really nice that they included him and then I thought "Kate would never think to do that or would she?" I never saw any of her books, DID she (does anyone know?).

The Barnes & Noble employee told me that The Little Couple's book has been selling very well. Ha, so stick that Kate! ~ Administrator said... 43

Well, I finely got to see a commercial for K8. The first thing that comes out of Kates mouth is that we, are celebrating my big 40 in Mexico and that maybe it was not a good idea to take the kids there. Kate makes it sound like her kids are the most terrible children to travel with.


That is exactly the sort of comment she often makes that rubs me the wrong way. It makes her sound so ungrateful. How many people would love to travel with the whole family on such a special occasion and have somebody else pay for it? They've been on several trips just in the past 12 months, and this is yet another one. And, if the kids are acting up, chances are it's due to your own laziness not making sure the trip has adequate things to entertain them, or they have enough to do to keep themselves entertained. I doubt she planned a darn thing for those kids and just expected them to veg out by the pool the whole time while she got pampered. Eventually even the pool gets boring.

Second of all, poor you, you're a multi millionaire with annoying kids. So go hire a nanny to deal with them like everybody else and STFU.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 44

The first thing that comes out of Kates mouth is that we, are celebrating my big 40 in Mexico and that maybe it was not a good idea to take the kids there.


I saw the promo and I thought that she was saying one of the activities was a bad idea, not the trip to Mexico.

I don't know. I could be wrong, but I don't plan on watching it to find out.

Sherry Baby said... 45

Good lord, she's still doing it. Peerin' into those windows...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hoot Hoot #NiteOwl...what are U still doing up? #SummerSleepin is working! HaHa

She is so hung up with Kate's bedtime, her bed, waking up, sleeping. It's bizarre, and almost like some kind of weird obsession/fetish. ~ Administrator said... 46

Personally, I would think it would have been sadder still if Kate had celebrated her 40th birthday with a 20 year old. Then she would hear she doesn't have any friends her own age. Deanna and Jamie are at least age appropriate for the occasion.


I don't think Deanna Bell is a day over 28. Kate's always looked more than a decade older than her. They've always looked very mismatched to me.

Rainbirdie said... 47 ~ Administrator said... 21
Wow the ultimate catfish has been exposed!
What I think is very interesting is that the parents didn't go out of their way to expose her. The didn't share her birth certificate & family photos until they were approached by a reporter. Their attitude was sort of like "we figured we'd tell the truth when someone asked".

Regarding PJ's comment "I didn't think it was possible to pretend to be black" - Mindy Kaling's brother was recently in the news because he faked being black to get into medical school.

fidosmommy said... 48

I had no idea Deanna was still in her 20's. But still, it's not a problem for me - my best friend is 10 years younger than I. She's had that role for 6 years now. Seems normal to me! :)

Starz22 said... 49

So kate makes another list.
Greatest Reality TV Personalities of all Time.. Ball Busters.She got the top spot.
Sorry I cant put in the link but if you type it in it will be there.
As for Lena Dunham? For those making excuses for what she did to her sister baffles me. Would you be saying the same thing about Josh if he was only 7 when this all started? Lena keep her crazy ass shit going til she was 17 but yet she gets a pass? I don't get it.
Everyone wants the Duggars off the air but yet people will watch kate's show? Josh sexually molested his siblings..Kate has physically ,mentally and emotionally abuse the kids and yet they watch.
I will watch the Duggars if they come back as long as Josh is not on the show. I can't and haven't watched kate's show since the divorce. The abuser is still being made out to be the hero. Josh hate I get..kate hate and still watching her show I don't get.

P.J. said... 50

I don't think Deanna is a young as people think she is.


Sue_Buddy said... 51

Formerly Duped said... 11
I agree the situations are different since Lena was a child. But that is far from all that was written in her book, which I quoted from in the previous thread.

Lena did much more to her sister, age 1, than that article describes, which is why her parents wisely got her into therapy. She sounded like a disturbed child with a fixation on sexual matters and masturbating with her sister on top of her. Some curiosity is normal of course, but this went way beyond that if what she wrote is true, IMOormerly Duped said... 11

I haven't read the book, only various accoounts of what she said and who was offended. It looked to me like the arguments were more politically based, the ultra conservative right vs the liberal left. I had a difficult time determining who was exaggerating and who wasn't.

Is the book worth the $14.00? The reviews were very mixed

Sue_Buddy said... 52

I don't think Deanna Bell is a day over 28. Kate's always looked more than a decade older than her. They've always looked very mismatched to me.

Considering Kate is emotionally the age of a teen, I'm not surprised that she doesn't have friends her own age, other than Jamie and they both acted like idiots during the NY birthday show.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 53

So she tweeted pictures of Shoka AND Zorro? Wonder what
story might be coming out that she's trying to deflect attention
from? Or is she just reinforcing the idea of the happy-happy
household that her dastardly ex-husband is trying to wrest H
from? ~ Administrator said... 54

So she tweeted pictures of Shoka AND Zorro? Wonder what
story might be coming out that she's trying to deflect attention
from? Or is she just reinforcing the idea of the happy-happy
household that her dastardly ex-husband is trying to wrest H


I think she's still giddy thinking she is the Duggar's successor and has diarrhea of the tweet in her happiness.

Formerly Duped said... 55

Sue_Buddy said... 51

Deanna seems like a hanger-on to me, although I only saw her on the CWS. The kids seemed fond of her, but then, they are fond of anyone who pays them a bit of attention.It was also strange when Kendra's chums took Kate out, was it Deanna and another friend of Kendra's who lunched with KW, suggesting KG has no other friends?

As for the LD book,I would wait till the book is 1 cent plus shipping from Amazon, from what I read. I watched Girls but got bored,and don't particularly think LD is that interesting a person. My political views didn't have anything to do with the reports on what she said happened as kids and then she defended the child molester remark as a joke- I just found the situation off, and why write about it

redbird said... 56

On Deanna's slideshow, out of ALL of her clients, TFW is the only one who has a quote on the picture!

"My goal is peace and wholeness and health and lots of love for our kids. I will never stop trying that. I will never stop trying to do the best I can for them".

If she would only DO THIS. What a flaming hypocrite!

Susan1956 said... 57

I think she's still giddy thinking she is the Duggar's successor and has diarrhea of the tweet in her happiness.

That's gonna require a mighty big cork to cure that.

Formerly Duped said... 58

Now not only do the kids enter Kate's lair but also Shoka? That pic looks staged and Zorro does not even fit on his bed! My dog would curl her whole (little) body on a cushion or in her bed before she'd be satisfied. A dog should want to be with his family whether he cared for the movie or not! Didn't bother to look at Zorro's Instagram- how many bird pictures can you post ?

Oh- why not ask the 'running 'girls' Kate was SO close to and invited to her POOL a couple of years back, for her birthday? *snark*

redbird said... 59

Found this on Deanna's bio. But no age! As Kate Is a Twit as my witness, I will find out her age! lol

Out of all of the pictures on the slideshow, TFW is the ONLY ONE who has a quote on the picture.

"My goal is peace and wholeness and health and lots of love for our kids. I will never stop trying for that. I will never stop doing the best I can for them".

Now, if you would only practice what you spew, scorpion! What a flaming hypocrite!

redbird said... 60

Deanna responds to a question on this blog about a makeup artist's assistance taking credit for a job that the makeup artist did. The last paragraph screams TFW.

"While we are on this subject, I just have to say that I will never understand why some artists bite the hand that feeds them. If an artist more senior is willing to lend a hand or throw a bone, don't ever tarnish that relationship! Don't try to take credit for that artist's work, don't try to buddy up with that artist's clients, and don't ever steal work from that artist! How is this not intuitive?!"

I think Deanna did a very good job responding to the question. Clear, kind and articulate. TFW could of never wrote this kind of response.


redbird said... 61

The first clients picture on Deanna's slideshow is:

Ray Liotta!

redbird said... 62

There is a picture of a GS all cute and smiling and so happy on the left corner. Then down some on the right is a picture of a GS, out on the lawn, SAD looking. Looks exactly like a photo TFW would take! Then on the side there is one with his head turned looking so confused.

NJGal51 said... 63

It's kind of sad that the friend that TFW went clubbing with for her birthday is her (TLC's) PAID make up artist. She was there anyway to do make up so why not send them clubbing and build part of an episode around it. I looked at Deanna's Web site and she looks like she works pretty regularly (a lot of TLC work) so she probably only sees TFW while working. It doesn't look like she has a lot of time to hang out in PA (unless being paid). ~ Administrator said... 64

"While we are on this subject, I just have to say that I will never understand why some artists bite the hand that feeds them. If an artist more senior is willing to lend a hand or throw a bone, don't ever tarnish that relationship! Don't try to take credit for that artist's work, don't try to buddy up with that artist's clients, and don't ever steal work from that artist! How is this not intuitive?!"


Regardless how it happened, maybe that's why I think Deanna is so young. That comment is immature and unprofessional. You don't draw the public into some squabble you had with someone else, and you don't make passive aggressive comments about that person, regardless if they're true. If someone is behaving unprofessionally or is stealing your work, you either address it directly with that person or take it to court. She is bitter and juvenile at best. She could have answered that question like any mature makeup artist would, vague and positive, making sure to emphasize that you can only focus on doing your own best and can't worry too much about others.

Kate has a history of befriending those much younger than her. Emily. Deanna. Look at CA where the women she bonded with were 22 or 23. Jamie and Shawn. I think she purposely seeks out those younger than her because she likes to have the upper hand in relationships and be in control. She feels that is easier with someone young and inexperienced. These ladies are less likely to catch in to her, due to their inexperience. And the younger girls fall for it hook line and sinker because they have mommy issues or are flattered someone older wants to take them under their wing. I don't think it just happens to be that you met someone younger and bonded. If it were just one or two younger friends I wouldn't bat an eyelash but it seems like the vast majority of her friends are in their 20's. Most women have a strong circle of friends in their demographic even if there are a few friends a lot or a little younger or older. She doesn't, and I find it strange.

fade2black said... 65

She is bitter and juvenile at best.
This explains the whole Kate/Deanna friendship...peas in a pod those two.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

I'm glad she's aware they accused her of the CRIME of bribery, and I hope she sues the pants off them. Unfortunately as a police chief she is probably going to be considered a public figure which makes it harder for her to sue. I wonder if the city attorney is allowed to sue on her behalf given that it sort of reflects on the whole city. I hope they can take care of it for her free of charge.
By implying that the Police Chief was bribed, the Duggars are implying a conspiracy, a cabal.
That's one point I wish Megyn would have said, "whoa! back up here!! Are you saying that the Chief of Police was bought off?.

It was a really low blow and they should be called on the carpet for it.

NJGal51 said... 67

Deanna's also got a couple of pictures of Howard Stern posted. Hmmm, Howard usually travels with his own people but I guess maybe Deanna did his make up on one of the shows. I know Toni travels with him and does his hair. I wonder if she's got his permission to use his likeness on her web site.

redbird said... 68

Admin, you are right. I am so glad you are the filter. You don't talk about other clients like you said before because it is unprofessional. There have been many posts that I sent through and had second thoughts and wished I hadn't of submitted some of them. I am so glad you are the gatekeeper!

Midnight Madness said... 69

I will watch the Duggars if they come back as long as Josh is not on the show. I can't and haven't watched kate's show since the divorce. The abuser is still being made out to be the hero. Josh hate I get..kate hate and still watching her show I don't get.

So you will watch the Duggars with Michelle and Jim Bob, even though those two failed to protect their own daughters, are a textbook definition of hypocrites, slandered a member of law enforcement, engaged in the cover up of sexual assault involving incest, have exploited their own children by not giving them privacy in what should be very private moments (Josie's seizure) appear on national television in a scripted last-ditch effort to save their show and keep the money rolling in?

I don't get it.

foxy said... 70

Has anybody posted the meaning of JYD?

Anonymous said... 71

Personally, I would think it would have been sadder still if Kate had celebrated her 40th birthday with a 20 year old. Then she would hear she doesn't have any friends her own age. Deanna and Jamie are at least age appropriate for the occasion.

I was actually aiming for the snark with my comment about Emily. But it is true that Kate's stunted maturity precludes her having friends her own age. I really think she afraid of people, and her haughty attitude is part of that veneer she wears. Not that I feel at all sorry for her. You reap what you sow. And what she will eventually have is a very alone and lonely life.


Tucker's Mom said... 72

Ingrid said... 36
FYI Target Costco prices=some truth some not. (I was curious and googled.)
June 12, 2015 at 7:34 PM
Thanks for the link! Very interesting.
Love Snopes.

Tucker's Mom said... 73

As for the LD book,I would wait till the book is 1 cent plus shipping from Amazon, from what I read. I watched Girls but got bored,and don't particularly think LD is that interesting a person.
I haven't read LD's book, but from what I've perused here and there, she is one f*cked up chick.
Yes, she's got a hit show, Girls, which I watched for a little while when it first started airing, because I was looking for something to cure my BrBa hangover.
But, I just got so sick of these navel-gazing do-nothings!
Is that what their generation is really like? Because if those ass motor-boaters are the future of America, we're in deep doo-doo.

Lena is a whole lot of crazy, and not in a good way.

P.J. said... 74

"Deanna Bell is a NYC based television, print, and celebrity makeup artist with over 15 years of experience."

Creative writing? I sure hope not.

Serendipity said... 75

foxy said... 70
Has anybody posted the meaning of JYD?


Josh You Doofus?

Serendipity said... 76

The abuser is still being made out to be the hero. Josh hate I get..kate hate and still watching her show I don't get. (Starzz22, 49).


I'm not sure what you "don't get." With Kate, it's the trainwreck scenario. She's a person that many people love to hate. It doesn't mean they are fans or idolize her as a hero, but they watch the show to see Kate behaving badly. Kind of like rubber-necking. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp.

Sue_Buddy said... 77

I am finally out of internet/tech support hell where I was for 9 long days. Whoo hoo! Got a new modem and a dedicated DSL line (free of chg) and my computer is zipping along and I can get Netflix again! Yay.

Regarding LD, I've only read a few things she's written for publications; The New Yorker for one. She's a fairly good writer from those articles. And she definitely pissed off the right wing of the Repub party. Won't get into a convo about how whacked out she is because I haven't even read her book and don't want to jump to conclusions and also don't want to take the emotionalism of the far right wing complainers as gospel truth about her past and/or present mental disorders either.

Math Girl said... 78

Starz22 said... 49
So kate makes another list.
Greatest Reality TV Personalities of all Time.. Ball Busters.She got the top spot.
Kate was listed first, but she didn't get top spot. Gordon Ramsey had 69% of the votes (with 5 candidates total). Kate was a far distant second.

At least the people Gordon Ramsey dissed on his clip reel had signed up for a contest and should have known what they were in for (except for Delusional Amy from Arizona).

I've never watched Biggest Loser, but have seen Jillian Michaels on Love It or List it Vancouver, where she is (plays?) an interior designer. I wouldn't have recognized her - she is totally sweet and patient on that show.

Kate was the only nominee who was nominated for portraying her own everyday life; all the rest of the nominees (except possibly Steve-O) were dealing with people who aren't part of their lives.

Midnight Madness said... 79

That's one point I wish Megyn would have said, "whoa! back up here!! Are you saying that the Chief of Police was bought off?.

It was a really low blow and they should be called on the carpet for it.


I think that at that point, his remark came totally out of the blue and she wasn't expecting that. If she called him out on it, all scripting would have been thrown off, not knowing what he would come up with and if he would have slandered LE even more. Megyn wasn't prepared for it, and so she just let it slide.

Mona said... 80

JYD = Junk Yard Dog?

Kk said... 81

"Second of all, poor you, you're a multi millionaire with annoying kids. So go hire a nanny to deal with them like everybody else and STFU"

Why is so hard for parents to realize that when they complain about their kids' behavior, they're really advertising their incompetence at raising their children?

foxy said... 82

Math girl 78....Jillian Harris is on Love it or List it, not Jillian Michaels. I guess that is why she is so sweet.

Call Me Crazy said... 83

Math Girl - Jillian Michaels is not on Love It or List It Vancouver. That is Jillian Harris. Jillian Michaels is the celebrity fitness trainer from The Biggest Loser.

Math Girl said... 84

foxy said... 82
Math girl 78....Jillian Harris is on Love it or List it, not Jillian Michaels. I guess that is why she is so sweet.
Thank you. That explains why I didn't recognize her!

TLC stinks said... 85

Shannon said that based on her own experience, she suspects that TLC execs have been coaching the Duggars in all of their public appearances, including the interview Fox News’ Megyn Kelly broadcast with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar as well as daughters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald.

“They’re telling them what to say, or what to do, or not what to do. Because that’s how they worked with us. ‘This is what you’re gonna say, you’re gonna stick to it,'” Shannon said. “When we went through the canceling of the show, they wouldn’t let us put our own statements out. They wrote them up and they were released to the public as a write-up mock interview.”

Go June!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 86

Kk (#81), and since TFW reminds the world (erroneously) every
chance she gets that she does "99%" of the parenting, it'd be
smart not to point out all her children's flaws!

Tucker's Mom said... 87

Go June!
June 13, 2015 at 1:29 PM
I have to say, I am getting a lot of chuckles out of June with this whole Duggar mess.
Hey, TLC, if you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.

(or crabs)

getoftweeter said... 88

Tucker'smom: or TLC is getting The Clap! More likely they got The Clap! ~ Administrator said... 89

I have to say, I am getting a lot of chuckles out of June with this whole Duggar mess.
Hey, TLC, if you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.


Ha. Me too. Strangely I'm rooting for her.

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 90

Serendipity, 76..."I'm not sure what you "don't get." With Kate, it's the trainwreck scenario. She's a person that many people love to hate. It doesn't mean they are fans or idolize her as a hero, but they watch the show to see Kate behaving badly. Kind of like rubber-necking. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp."

So true. As long as there are train wrecks and people who love to hate people who are part of those disasters, there will always be those with a morbid curiosity to watch. Kate is no exception. If TLC wants to film this stuff, there will be viewers. Look at the other shows TLC had or has airing, such as the sex and car guy, the women eating diapers, and all of the weird obsessions garbage. It's not that people actually idolize or identify with freaks like that, but curiosity killed the cat, and viewers are curious about circus acts and oddities. Kate is an oddity onto herself. It's just sad that she drags her eight children into her weird world.

I was watching Mysteries At The Museum, the story of the destruction of Dreamland Amusement Park on Coney Island in 1911, and I wasn't aware of the "incubators" and how they were rescued from the fire that destroyed the entire park. Seems that even at the turn of the century, the curious ogled oddities, and at that time, preemies were considered oddities, and they thrust newborns into this circus-like freak show. People back then actually paid an admission to see one-pound babies. It's good TLC wasn't around back then, or they'd be filming these tiny infants just to make a buck off them. A hundred years later and nothing has changed.

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 91

Sue Buddy, 77..."Got a new modem and a dedicated DSL line (free of chg) and my computer is zipping along and I can get Netflix again! Yay."

Knock on wood, Sue! Every time I say that, something else goes wrong!

Sue_Buddy said... 92

I don't get how June, who is dating the man who molested her daughter is the heroine of the day. smh

FlimsyFlamsy said... 93

Confidentiality agreements or not, Mama June's got plenty of TLC's secrets to spill, and may risk a lawsuit down the line to make bank
by selling them now. ~ Administrator said... 94

I don't think she's a hero. I think she simply has a point when it comes to TLC. Even criminals can have a point.

Sue_Buddy said... 95

Is June a criminal? I thought she was just a loud, obnoxious, low life dater of the man who molested her own daughter and apparently hoarder of the money made on her TV show. Doesn't deserve a squad of cheer leaders. IMO.

Sue_Buddy said... 96

Child molestation is a heinous crime. When one dates the man who molested that person's child they don't get a pass or a cheer from me.

PatK said... 97

Well, this was rather random and out of the blue. Did the fifth of whiskey run dry?

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 · 2m2 minutes ago

Wonder how Jon Gosselin's custody hearing for Hannah turn out. Ha ha! I already know answer. Jon didn't get squat. @kateplusmy8

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 98

TLC stinks, 85..."Go June!"


Yes, June. Go back under that rock from which you crawled. I hope we never hear from her again, lawsuit or not, regardless of what TLC dirty secrets she may have. A lowlife like that doesn't even deserve the time of day and I can't cheer for her or chuckle with her. She is obnoxious, even if she may have one point or many points. UGH.

Sue_Buddy said... 99

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 91
Knock on wood, Sue! Every time I say that, something else goes wrong!

Dang, I forgot about that. :/ ~ Administrator said... 100

Well I think it's hysterical somebody with her kind of baggage is a PR crisis for TLC. Karma at its finest.

Sue_Buddy said... 101

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 98
Yes, June. Go back under that rock from which you crawled. I hope we never hear from her again, lawsuit or not, regardless of what TLC dirty secrets she may have. A lowlife like that doesn't even deserve the time of day and I can't cheer for her or chuckle with her. She is obnoxious, even if she may have one point or many points. UGH.

Exactly. Well said.

Somewhere In Time said... 102

PatK said... 97
Well, this was rather random and out of the blue. Did the fifth of whiskey run dry?


Time to take a break and make a run to the liquor store to replenish the supply! She's reprising the Jon hate again and needs the booze to fuel it.

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 4h4 hours ago
@kateplusmy8 When nothing in life adds to your happiness, start subtracting (e.g. Jon, your backstabbing brother, etc.) Via @ColumbusHope

Kevin is a backstabber because he cared enough about the kids to attend hearings that would result in new child labor laws to protect children in reality television? Ok, then, whatever...

Here's a funny one:

Kelly Phillips ‏@99deafdfa705428 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 I am watching Kate Plus 8 when they get new rooms for the third time I love it so much!

They got new rooms for the third time? What was wrong with them the first two times? LOL!

Sheeple can be amusing sometimes!

Sue_Buddy said... 103

Somewhere In Time said... 102
Kevin is a backstabber because he cared enough about the kids to attend hearings that would result in new child labor laws to protect children in reality television? Ok, then, whatever...

Yep and if Jon loses this custody battle, it's Hannah who doesn't get her wish, but MsGoody thinks that's a big ha, ha. Kate wins, kid loses. Right.

P.J. said... 104

I've always found the Boo Boo situation vulgar and disgusting. I don't care how humble your background it, there's no excuse for behaving like barnyard animals.

I'm glad June is spewing to the press and flapping her big mouth, but I'll never cheer for someone stupid enough to expose her kids to a predator. Twice.

TLC stinks said... 105

I am rooting for June only in the respect in that she is a loose cannon for TLC. The more she spills TLC dirty secrets, the more she damages the company. As a person, she is in the gutter but, hey, TLC deserves everything she wants to dish out. I say pile it on.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 106

The more she spills TLC dirty secrets, the more she damages the company.

Not necessarily.

People already know she's a loose cannon, and therefore, would they believe anything she would say about TLC? TLC already is in the gutter, and with June right in there with them, I would suspect that viewers would have sympathy with TLC because it is the lesser of two evils. This could backfire big time.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 107

Yep and if Jon loses this custody battle, it's Hannah who doesn't get her wish, but MsGoody thinks that's a big ha, ha. Kate wins, kid loses. Right.


How does Goody The Guzzling Goof know the outcome of the custody hearing if indeed it was already held?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 108

Kelsi Barton ‏@mkbarton13 6m6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 What kind of slippers are those? Never seen any like them!

Geez Louise. A sheeple has never seen a pair of ordinary ho-hum ballet style slippers?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Wow..I bet #Premies video brought back precious memories Xs 6! Yet I know each day U had anxious moments abt their health!

YOU KNOW? Oh, Gladys. Go to bed, and if you have trouble falling asleep, count Kate's boobs, hair extensions, or lies. There aren't too many sheep left to count.

Sue_Buddy said... 109

How does Goody The Guzzling Goof know the outcome of the custody hearing if indeed it was already held?

Those persistent little voices in her head told her, of course.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 110

Those persistent little voices in her head told her, of course.


lol! Sybil!

I wonder if the voices ever argue with each other, and which one is the alpha voice. It has to be quite noisy in there! Perhaps imbibing quiets them somewhat. Good libations!

Norma said... 111

TLC stinks said...
I am rooting for June only in the respect in that she is a loose cannon for TLC. The more she spills TLC dirty secrets, the more she damages the company.

Admin said...
Strangely I'm rooting for her.


June is an uneducated, lying sack of shit. She flat out LIED about not seeing her pedophile BF. Who could even BELIEVE anything she said about TLC? She's a proven dishonest, twist the truth, spinner.

She exploited her children for money. She SOLD her family for the almighty dollar.

She's a thief, a welfare queen, takes advantage of 'the system', and is slowly killing her kids with food. June doesn't care enough about her own children to learn how to live better.

She's currently going from salesperson to salesperson to try and sell her family, YET AGAIN. June has learned nothing.

The woman has NO credibility. Anything she says should be questioned. No one should give her a platform. She's inauthentic.

Shun her.

fidosmommy said... 112

I'm with Admin on this point. While Mama June made horrible choices that put her children at risk, so did the Duggars. Mama June lost her show immediately when TLC found there was a sexual predator in her home. She's mad because the Duggars have not officially lost their show for having a sexual predator in their home. She has a point.

All This Is That said... 113

TLC stinks said... 105 I am rooting for June only in the respect in that she is a loose cannon for TLC. The more she spills TLC dirty secrets, the more she damages the company. As a person, she is in the gutter but, hey, TLC deserves everything she wants to dish out. I say pile it on.


Would you take June's word for anything? She has zero credibility. She's a laughingstock and I don't think for one minute that TLC is worried about anything that comes out of her mouth. Most likely she's not even on their radar right now. It's the Duggar Disaster that occupies their time. What to do, what to do...

Sue_Buddy said... 114

Sleepless In Seattle said... 110
Good libations!

Now you've done it. I had to Youtube Beach Boys Good Vibrations then Sloop John B and then Kokomo and now a little Jimmy Buffet...I could do this all night.

Norma said... 115

Let her 'be mad'. Who cares?

Why we're defending a fraud/liar/thief/pig is not understandable to me.

Sue_Buddy said... 116

Norma (111)

Woah! (Kate speak). Way to tell it like it is!

Ulysses said... 117

I 'root' for kids who have cancer, people who are fighting for equal rights in this country, the poor who have no voice....

There's no time in my life to cheer, listen to, nor share a chuckle with a child exploiting, uneducated woman who refuses to LEARN.

Sherry Baby said... 118

Mama June lost her show immediately when TLC found there was a sexual predator in her home. She's mad because the Duggars have not officially lost their show for having a sexual predator in their home. She has a point.

I have no idea what TLC was or wasn't thinking, but I believe it was the timing thing here. June had the predator in her home while the family was still being filmed and on the TLC schedule...present tense. He is living in that house. They couldn't explain that away, nor could they justify it to the viewers.

The Duggars' predator was no longer living at home and the molestation allegedly happened more than a decade ago. He moved away, is married, and in their myopic way of thinking, is no longer a danger living within the Duggar family home.

It's not the best reason for firing June while still undecided about the Duggars, but I'll bet that's part of it. ~ Administrator said... 119

I think they were just ready to let Honey Boo Boo go because she outgrew her Shirley Temple days.

It was a convenient coincidence she outgrew herself just when a scandal happened that could justify canceling the show. It happened and boom, what a nice clean way to get out and never have to deal with them or those pesky contracts again. Morals clause invoked, done.

I really don't care who is pointing out their hypocrisy as long as it's pointed out. I really don't care who is suing them as long as they are forced to deal with the terrible choices they've made in the court of law. I really don't care who contributes to their karma and I will continue to root for their karma to come round.

Sue_Buddy said... 120

I don't think I'd ever compare Honey Boo Boo to Shirley Temple. ~ Administrator said... 121

I don't think I'd ever compare Honey Boo Boo to Shirley Temple.


Sigh Sue. Everything's an argument. I don't get it.

I *wasn't* comparing her to Shirley Temple. I was merely using a common metaphor which represents the moment in a cute child's life where they are no longer cute (by a tv executive's standards) or marketable.

I am by no means the first to use the "Shirley Temple" metaphor, and it does not just apply to HBB.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 122

Now you've done it. I had to Youtube Beach Boys Good Vibrations


Apologies, Sue Buddy. I couldn't help it. I had to do the word play on that one!

Did you know that it's one of Milo's favorite songs? Milo loves the colorful clothes that Kate wears, and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair. Kate gives her excitations, and when Gladys looks into her eyes, Kate goes with her to a blossom world. Sigh.

Sue_Buddy said... 123

No, Admin, "everything" is not an argument. I may seem contrary at times. but I speak my mind, and if that's seen as an argument, so be it. Personally, I don't see taking an opposite point of view as an argument.

Giving that fat hog of a low life any kudos whatsoever bugs me no end. ~ Administrator said... 124

No, Admin, "everything" is not an argument. I may seem contrary at times. but I speak my mind, and if that's seen as an argument, so be it. Personally, I don't see taking an opposite point of view as an argument.

Giving that fat hog of a low life any kudos whatsoever bugs me no end.


See, you're arguing that it's not an argument.... :)!

Susan1956 said... 125 ~ Administrator said... 119

I *wasn't* comparing her to Shirley Temple. I was merely using a common metaphor which represents the moment in a cute child's life where they are no longer cute (by a tv executive's standards) or marketable.

I am by no means the first to use the "Shirley Temple" metaphor, and it does not just apply to HBB.

So true. We've talked many times about the Gosselin sextuplets outgrowing their cuteness (from when they were toddlers) so they too have lost their 'Shirley Temple cuteness'. The Olson twins lost it after a certain age, etc. Another way to think of it is that the child was unable to successfully transition/keep the public's interest as they became older.

Sue_Buddy said... 126

Actually, come to think of it, isn't arguing what attorneys do best? :)

Anonymous said... 127

It was also strange when Kendra's chums took Kate out, was it Deanna and another friend of Kendra's who lunched with KW, suggesting KG has no other friends?
That was not Deanna when Kendra lunched with friends on Wife Swap. Those were Kendra's own friends. Her husband, Hank, played for the PA Eagles for four years so they knew people there.

fidosmommy said... 128

The Duggars' predator was no longer living at home

While they were filming? Yes he was. Until Josh married he lived in the same house as 4 of his victims. His parents knew all about it. I am waiting to hear if TLC did too.

All I'm saying is I think Mama June has a right to call out TLC on its double standard. If her show was cancelled due to poor ratings, that's one thing. If it was cancelled because of some morals clause about letting child molesters live in the home, then that standard needs to extend to the Duggars. Sounds fair to me.

As despicable as Mama June may or may not be, she deserves equity. She won't get it, of course, because TLC has it in black and white: they can cancel a show for any reason. But that doesn't negate Mama June's right to call them on their lack of fair play. How I feel about her as a person does not change what is fair. If only people I care for, who live up to my standards, are the people who deserve to be heard and taken seriously then I need to reread some documents from American history.

I now descend my soapbox and bid everyone a good night!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 129

Haley Urban ‏@HaleyUrban_ 18m18 minutes ago Oro Valley, AZ
Kate Gosselin has a better body than me and she had EIGHT children in her at once. EIGHT.


This was a medical miracle. She let the twins out first, and then four years later, she released the other six!

Millicent said... 130

I too am noticing a lot of snippiness around here and it's unpleasant. So what if some think TLC having some of their secrets outed by Mama June is just desserts for TLC doing business with and making money off a low class train wreck. Why not just post your opinion once without implying those who hold a different one have some moral deficit. Ask yourself if you would scold your friends to their face just because of a different opinion, or would you be nicer about it.

I think eventually TLC will have to concede defeat. Even with a very sympathetic interview on FOX, public opinion about the Duggars and their cult like religion is very negative. While we feel sympathy for Josh's victims, most people think it would be best for the entire family to return to private life and hopefully stop the cycle. We've seen behind the curtain, and their lifestyle is neither wholesome or healthy, and is definitely not to be admired.

If some real truths about TLC's unsavory business practices are brought to light by Mama June, I do see that as poetic justice. TLC is not a family-friendly network. I refuse to watch any of their shows.

Millicent said... 131

I can't help comparing the Food Network dropping Paula Deen like a stone, to TLC hanging onto the Duggars like grim death. I wonder what they are hearing from their advertisers.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Norma said... 111
TLC stinks said...
I am rooting for June only in the respect in that she is a loose cannon for TLC. The more she spills TLC dirty secrets, the more she damages the company.

Admin said...
Strangely I'm rooting for her.


June is an uneducated, lying sack of shit.
Never could stand June, even when TLC branded her "Mama" June, as if that gave her even a patina of maternal goodness.
I've never given her any points for saying that she's doing the show so HBB can have a college education (and let's face it, what are the chances?), or for not getting a "mine, all mine" mansion when her show became a hit and HBB became a phenomenon (although it's funny she did buy a big home just when everything went to sh*t).

I don't like her but I do like that she is pointing out TLC's hypocrisy. Everything she's saying about TLC controlling the message, putting out fake stories and knowing what was going on before it hit the fan all rings true.
June's denials about the scumbag child molester, of course, never did.

Tucker's Mom said... 133 ~ Administrator said... 121
I don't think I'd ever compare Honey Boo Boo to Shirley Temple.


Sigh Sue. Everything's an argument. I don't get it.

I *wasn't* comparing her to Shirley Temple. I was merely using a common metaphor which represents the moment in a cute child's life where they are no longer cute (by a tv executive's standards) or marketable.
HBB was a little cute. At least she used to clean up good.
Now, she's just a sassy, sloppy cross between Veruca Salt and Augustus Gloop.
The public was going to grow tired of HBB, given her gene pool and trajectory. I think TLC knew this particular product had planned obsolescence and they rightly ended the show when a scandal fortuitously fell into their lap.

Tucker's Mom said... 134

Millicent said... 131
I can't help comparing the Food Network dropping Paula Deen like a stone, to TLC hanging onto the Duggars like grim death. I wonder what they are hearing from their advertisers.
June 14, 2015 at 12:27 AM
Me too!
There had to have been something(s) going on behind the scenes when FN dropped Dean.
I mean, they "disappeared" her. Boom! She was wiped from their network.
I don't think that Dean's scandal was unrecoverable, so I tend to believe FN was done with her anyway.
Had this scandal happened 10 years ago, when Dean was on a meteoric rise, I think the FN would have stood behind and rehabbed her image.

Tucker's Mom said... 135

Millicent said... 130
I too am noticing a lot of snippiness around here and it's unpleasant.
Me too. I'm afraid to post my opinion for fear that it will get hackles up and spears chucked at me!
What is UP?!
Is it the heat?

Usually we feel free to share our opinions and gently disagree, but these personal retorts are a bit much.

P.J. said... 136

rainbowsandunicorns said... 129
Haley Urban ‏@HaleyUrban_ 18m18 minutes ago Oro Valley, AZ
Kate Gosselin has a better body than me and she had EIGHT children in her at once. EIGHT.


This was a medical miracle. She let the twins out first, and then four years later, she released the other six!


My laugh of the morning. Thanks for that.

We understand the truth of what June is saying because we've been following and dissecting TLC's practices for years. Most people will ignore her because of her own behaviour and lies. Her own daughter is suing her. She lied about putting money into trusts for all of them. Does anyone really think she'll stand a chance against the big guns? TLC is more likely to sue her for blabbing.

Tucker's Mom said... 137

Millicent said... 130
Agree that TLC took huge risks with Mama June and her crazy circus of witless wonders.
This was truly sticking lipstick on a pig.
June is what she is. She can only pretend to be civil, rational, comported and somewhat normal for so long. Eventually, and especially when things don't go her way, she's going to go rogue and throw caution to the wind.
Anyone with a triple-digit IQ would never do what June's doing now, and yes, I'm chuckling a bit that she's spilling the secrets she was sworn to keep.
Do I think June lied about doing the show for HBB's future? You bet.
Do I think June is lying when he reveals how TLC manipulates? I think it rings true, so no.
Do I think June has a point about her show being cancelled and not the Duggars'? Oh, definitely yes.
Do I think she's got grounds to sue TLC? Maybe. At least I hope she does ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 138

rainbowsandunicorns said... 129
Haley Urban ‏@HaleyUrban_ 18m18 minutes ago Oro Valley, AZ
Kate Gosselin has a better body than me and she had EIGHT children in her at once. EIGHT.


This was a medical miracle. She let the twins out first, and then four years later, she released the other six!
Ha! That must have hurt!

Tucker's Mom said... 139

If only people I care for, who live up to my standards, are the people who deserve to be heard and taken seriously then I need to reread some documents from American history.
The justice system has to work for everyone, or it works for no one.
It's a tough pill to swallow, but it is what it is.

Tucker's Mom said... 140

I am by no means the first to use the "Shirley Temple" metaphor, and it does not just apply to HBB.

So true. We've talked many times about the Gosselin sextuplets outgrowing their cuteness (from when they were toddlers) so they too have lost their 'Shirley Temple cuteness'. The Olson twins lost it after a certain age, etc. Another way to think of it is that the child was unable to successfully transition/keep the public's interest as they became older.
More often than not, child actors lose that special "Shirley Temple"-ness .
The Gosselin kids are an average looking bunch. Some will probably be lookers when they grow up.
It's their lack of anything else that makes them ho-hum, to me. None is particularly precocious, talented or unique (other than accident of birth).
The Olsen twins give me the willies.

Tucker's Mom said... 141

Sue_Buddy said... 123
No, Admin, "everything" is not an argument. I may seem contrary at times. but I speak my mind, and if that's seen as an argument, so be it. Personally, I don't see taking an opposite point of view as an argument.

Giving that fat hog of a low life any kudos whatsoever bugs me no end.
To your first point, you can hold an opposing point of view without trying to destroy another's. You can hold a different point of view without arguing, but you have been conflating the two.
Respect here has always been a 2-way street, which is why we're all still hanging out on the veranda.
To your second point, I don't know what else anyone can say that proves that we couldn't agree with you more.

Please, let's disagree without being disagreeable.

This isn't a moral superiority contest.

Anonymous said... 142

Admin., as a lawyer do you think June would have any chance of a lawsuit against TLC if the Duggars are brought back on air?

I agree that whoever or whatever can bring down TLC should have at it. I don't care if it is June or not. But the big difference between the two shows is June was under currently contract at the time she was dating a recently released convicted sex pervert. Whereas Josh had stopped (to our acknowledge) the behavior in 2003 and regular filming of the Duggars did not start until 2008. And we have no proof that TLC even knew about Josh before May 2015.

I think if June's lawsuit was brought before a jury she would lose. And June has no idea how much money she would need and spend to follow-through with a lawsuit against Discovery network. She should ask Jon; hell TLC would probably counter-sue June and bury her alive. Right or wrong that is what I think would happen to June's lawsuit. And once she sues TLC good luck to her having another network sign-up her up. It will never happen.

Anonymous said... 143

If I had to vote today whether TLC will bring back the Duggars (whether a spin-off or the regular show) I would vote yes they will. It may not be for another 6 months or so but the millions are too hard for them to pass up. And I think their base viewers of the most part forgive Josh and think the parents did the best they knew at that time. And of course, new viewers would tune-in just to see what the family is all about. They would want to see them in action after hearing about this strange family.

TLC bringing in Steve was a telltale sign for me. Unless TLC felt like they HAD to protect Josh because the family is still under contract but not currently filming.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144

Leslie (#143), I think you make some good points. The longer TLC doesn't respond, the more likely I think it is that they'll be bringing
the Duggars back somehow. So much for the new regime
potentially bringing up their standards again. I think the one thing
that would officially end the show is if someone provides proof
that TLC knew about Josh's problem and continued anyway.
And I suspect In Touch is working tirelessly to find that
smoking gun.

Anonymous said... 145

I just read this quote from June,“I read that the Duggar family said, this happening with their son brought them closer to God and each other,” Shannon said. “So they’re saying it’s OK to have family touch time? Hell no.”

June is so stupid. The Duggars are not saying the touching brought them closer together. Only somebody like June would think this.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146

That fan who tweeted about TFW's amazing post-multiples
body must never have seen her pre-tummy tuck/lipo "jowls of
a dog" look. Yes, I will admit TFW has worked hard to keep in
shape since, but that free operation made a huge difference.

And I've said before I think that was the beginning of the end
of TFW's "mediocre" life. Having an amazing before-and-after
transformation, recuperating with the wealthy Glassmans while
Jon watched the kids, and returning with a new haircut and
makeup. It was a glimpse of how the other half lives, and it
turned her head. Remember when she said she and Mrs.
Glassman were going to have this sort of "girls' retreat"
together every year? What mother of 8 small children
thinks like that?

Sue_Buddy said... 147

Tucker's Mom said... 141

You know what really bugs me, Tucker's? When HBB made it's debut, it was Go June because she wasn't Kate. She didn't buy a mine-all-mine mini mansion on 26 acres and she made spaghetti using ketchup and didn't pretend to eat organic. I thought those were silly reasons to be cheering her on when she was common low-life.

Then when the truth came to light it was Boo June because she hooked up with her ex con boyfriend who molested her own daughter after he got out prison. Surprise. NOT.

Now it's Go June again because she's bad-mouthing TLC (who we hate).

She's been the same slob through the beginning, the middle and the end but her popularity shifts depending on if she's for or agin our likes and dislikes? Isn't that confusingly inconsistent?

But I'll keep such unpopular observations to myself from now on.

Anonymous said... 148

I think Admin., hit Deanna's age right on target. I was reading some of her tweets last night and she referred to watching Romper Room as a kid. That show was taken off the air in 1994. So let's say the oldest Deanna would have been watching the show would be age 7 so that would put her age at age 28 today.

Anonymous said... 149

Sue Buddy, I don't follow your logic. Yes, we all thought it was great June was putting a great deal of money aside for her kids. June was not spending it on herself in the sense that Kate is/was. No new house, fancy trips, plastic surgery, etc. IF it was true her putting money aside then to this very day she should be patted on the back for THAT. (I say if because now one daughter is saying she owes her a lot of money from the show.)

But you say and I quote: when "the truth came to light it was Boo June because she hooked up with her ex con boyfriend who molested her own daughter after he got out prison. Surprise. NOT". Well, I would have NEVER guessed that June would have done that. Of course the whole world is going to boo June over THAT. How could anybody have guessed that would have happened after the show was on the air a few years. Just because somebody is low class with little social graces does not mean they date ex-con sex perverts. Your comment said that you were NOT surprised that she dated this pervert. Even the rich, high class have sex perverts in their families or even date ex-perverts.

I think we all agree that we don't care who or what brings TLC down. And IF June can do so, then so be it. Just because she is a slob and dated a pervert does not mean she MAY NOT have a real concern about TLC treating the Duggars differently then the way they treated her.

Even slobs who date sex perverts can do good things like save a lot of the show's money for their kids' future. If this low-class slob who dated a pervert can cast negativity against TLC than I say Go June! To me the issues are separate.

Tucker's Mom said... 150

TLC bringing in Steve was a telltale sign for me. Unless TLC felt like they HAD to protect Josh because the family is still under contract but not currently filming.
I think you're right. TLC is protecting the Duggar clan.
It does boggle the mind a bit that they haven't said boo about their plans for the show.


Anonymous said... 151

Tucker's Mom, in a sense I can see TLC not making a decision about the fate of the show at this point. The show just finished their season before the announcement about Josh. I think TLC is waiting to see if any more news comes out about the Josh situation before they commit to another season.

TLC stinks said... 152

TLC is responsible for elevating trashy June into a reality TV personality. Can you not see the delicious irony in her rantings to the tabloids?

Because generally their "talent" are on the outskirts of normalcy, TLC is controlling, so I tend to believe June that TLC is all about controlling the message rather than let these people mouth off. They are not polished professionals so minders are assigned, such as Steve with Kate. Did you notice that the Little Couple had a minder, I believe in NYC, that took control when a pap tried to ask them questions?

Anyway, I am in no way defending June, but just enjoying her rants hoping that it is making TLC squirm. She'll never sue TLC but make no mistake, they are watching her closely. "You reap what you sow" is a proverb that is biting TLC in the butt with June.

Tucker's Mom said... 153

Sue_Buddy said... 147
Tucker's Mom said... 141

You know what really bugs me, Tucker's? When HBB made it's debut, it was Go June because she wasn't Kate. She didn't buy a mine-all-mine mini mansion on 26 acres and she made spaghetti using ketchup and didn't pretend to eat organic. I thought those were silly reasons to be cheering her on when she was common low-life.
Sue, I agree! Just because June wasn't Kate didn't make her any better in my eyes.
Her lifestyle, eating habits, personal hygiene and lack of intellect were always a huge turn off.
Not to even mention that she paraded HBB around like pedo-bait.
Don't even get me started on pageant moms! They disgust me.

I'll even say that were I to demonstrate via Venn diagram, I would say that Jenn and Bill share an overlapping area of shade with June and Kate.

I think we have a lot of common ground and can give each other room to express and even vent, but not at each other.

Formerly Duped said... 154

I happen to agree with you Sue Buddy.I never saw the charm in HBB or any of her family.I also hope you continue to express your opinion! Everyone's is valuable

Tucker's Mom said... 155

Now it's Go June again because she's bad-mouthing TLC (who we hate).
I find there's a difference between supporting June exposing TLC and their money-grubbing lies, and supporting June in her quest for fame, child abuse, her lifestyle and her show.

Anonymous said... 156

There had to have been something(s) going on behind the scenes when FN dropped Dean.
Yes, I think it was several reasons other than what was stated for Food Network dropping Dean. One, she had a party show for several seasons and she was so vulgar on it. I was a fan of Paula's and she shocked me at times the way she handled herself. A lot of overt sexual overtures. Second, I read the lawsuit that the woman filed who started these allegations against Paula. And wow, it was shocking. And this woman said there were many witnesses to the way Paula's brother ran the restaurant that she worked at. Paula co-owned this restaurant and there were very discriminatory things going on there. Google the lawsuit and read for yourself; it was interesting. And I think it disgusted Food Network when they read this. And they had to know at least some of the things in the lawsuit were true because of the way Paula acted on air. And Paula did settle with this lady instead of fighting her in court. And third, Paula had been on the air for many years and I think she was wearing out her welcome.

Oh, and if you read Paula's book about her life, prepare to be shocked. And I think FN was probably disgusted over that too. I remember there were a lot of crude, rude comments about sex and bathroom humor. It made me like her a lot less after reading it. And being a southerner myself her southern references and phrases were bad too. And she also admitted she had dated a married man I think for over a decade too. And she was dating this married man when she first started her cooking show on FN. Also she admitted she lied to get her first business up and running. I think it was called the Bag Lady.

Tucker's Mom said... 157

Speaking of June's 'sketti, I'll have to dig up Wendy William's clip when June was on the show demonstrating how she makes this Bocuse d'or-worthy dish.
Wendy looked horrified the entire interview, and had her crew slap together a bowl of 'sketti so that she didn't have to try the food that June touched during the demo (after she licked her fingers, ewwwww!).

Here it is:

Watch at the 8:00 min. mark when Wendy slyly reaches for her own bowl of 'sketti and looks at the audience like, "you didn't think I was going to eat what she just spittled all over, did you?".

Anonymous said... 158


This above article quickly summarizes the allegations in the Paula Deen lawsuit. Uncle Bubba's was the restaurant that Paula and her brother, Bubba owned together. And Lisa was the woman who worked there and claimed all the listed allegations. It was this lawsuit that brought Paula down. Because when she had to give a taped deposition, she admitted to making racist jokes, etc. I bet Paula regrets the day she didn't settle this lawsuit BEFORE she gave the deposition.

Also scandal before she was fired was when she keep it a secret that she had diabetes for years yet only let the public know when she became a spokesperson for a drug company. A company, by the way, that gave her and her sons millions to promote the diabetes drug. Keep in mind, Paula cooked and promoted very high fatty foods full of high calories all the while hiding the fact that her cooking contributed to her diabetes. It turned the public off to her before she was fired.

Sue_Buddy said... 159

TLC stinks said... 152
TLC is responsible for elevating trashy June into a reality TV personality. Can you not see the delicious irony in her rantings to the tabloids?

What I see is akin to watching pigs wallowing in their own sh*t. But, yes, I can appreciate the irony.

Tucker's Mom said... 153
I think we have a lot of common ground and can give each other room to express and even vent, but not at each other.

If I personally attacked anyone here it was not my intention and I profoundly apologize. I think it would have been far wiser of me to have ignored the Go June comments and let the steam coming from my ears dissipate. I have a deep loathing of TLC and to say I find June disgusting is putting it mildly. I have strong opinions at times but my intentions are not to personally attack another, but to express myself. Laid back, I'm not.

Formerly Duped said... 154
I happen to agree with you Sue Buddy.I never saw the charm in HBB or any of her family.I also hope you continue to express your opinion! Everyone's is valuable.

Thank you. I'll soldier on (lol) and try to express myself withOUT insulting the fine posters here. I need to step back and find the humor in things, not the frustrations.

redbird said... 160

Anonymous said... 156


Yes, I was shocked about her to. Paula had just wrote her book and was doing an interview with Larry King and she was really quiet and she told of her having an affair with a married man who was an electrician for 10 years. I was like WHAT?? LK asked her if his wife knew about the affair and she said, No, I don't believe she did. I have seen some of the videos where she does her cooking classes. They are very expensive.

I also was upset when she would say that when she started her lunch bag business, called The Bag Lady, her sons Jamie and Bobby would take the lunches to local office complexes and sell them. What she would say would just make me so mad is that she PIMPED OUT HER SONS to sell these lunch bags!!!! You don't say that about your own sons!

And when she appeared on Ellen, Paula made a caramel sauce and it was thin and she got a spoon and dipped it into it and held it up high so it would stretch and her and Ellen put their tonuges on the stream of caramel. GROSS! She was always saying when she was about to cook any kind of meat. Girls, you ALWAYS beat your meat.

She is very crude and vulgar woman. Oh and her and her husband Michael are supposed to be getting divorced and she has put her big ol house up for sale for 12 million. I remember when she was telling the story of how she met Michael for the first time. The next time I heard it, it had changed tremendously. She said she never knew who he was. I find that very hard to believe because she knows everybody in Savannah. He is a riverboat captain and possibly bringing in fish for the restaurants? She had to have known him.

There was even pictures of her drinking from the bottle (hard liquor) when she was at the Miami Food Festival that is on FN. Also, there was a picture of her sitting on top of Robert Irvine's back like a horse. RI was on all fours and she was riding him like a cowpoke!

When she said she had an affair with the married man for 10 years, combined with all the other things, I said, I am done with her.

Mel said... 161

TLC bringing in Steve was a telltale sign for me. 
That's how I see that too. TLC is still on board with the Duggars. For now. Until In Touch delivers something inequivocally bad.

I also agree that everyone deserves equity, whether you like/ respect them or not.

We all seem pretty intelligent here, and should be able to tell the difference between a figure of speech and a literal interpretation.

I agree that a big difference for TLC is that June's issues were current and in their face. The Duggars and TFW issues were in the past, and TLC had plausible deniability.

I think it class/size discrimination to think that because someone is poor and fat that that dictates they'll associate with child molestors.

Look at the Duggars. White, thin, good looking. They still associate with child molestors. And other molestors. H*ll, they even follow the guy's teachings.

If June is a lying slob, a low-life, so are the Duggars and TFW. June is different from them only because she's fat.

All of them sold out their kids to TLC. They all lie, just about different things. They're all slobs, just in different ways. And there are many definitions of low-life. But only June is fat.

I think there is a huge class discrimination thing going on against June, in addition to size discrimination. The class discrimination is unfair, imo, because that was TLC's selling point with her, her schtick. And in some ways, her size was also part of the TLC's selling point with her.

IMO, personal size and class have NOTHING to do with whether one will associate with a child molestor. Her low class just means that she doesn't put the veneer of civility on it that the Duggars do.

TLC stinks said... 162

“By God’s Providence, CHEC just received word that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have decided not to come and address the 2015 Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family. This latest change comes in light of recent and increased attacks and pressure on the family. They have graciously requested to withdraw entirely from speaking at this year’s conference and therefore will not be appearing at the Friday evening event on June 19th.”

Anonymous said... 163

Promise last story about Deen. Food TV Network has these live cooking demonstrations with their "famous" cooking hosts at Miami Beach. When Paula did a her live demonstration this is the story she told the huge crowd. She couldn't make it to the bathroom in time so she pulled her drawers down & unloaded in her driveway. Then she left it there and her niece Corrie found it . That is the class of Paula Deen. What is most shocking is not that she did it but that she did not know that it is something not to be shared in a public, live forum--especially when it is a Food Network forum.

Mel said... 164

June may be what one could call a common low life.

But I have no more respect for the Duggars and TFW just because they are white, thin, moneyed, 'religious'.

The Duggars and TFW are also common low lifes, just with better manners in public.

Mel said... 165

I don't understand why one would not be surprised at June associating with a criminal but you would be surprised at the Duggars or TFW.

The Duggars and TFW *ARE* the criminals in their case, not just associating with one.

They have more money, and more education. Thus, they have more know-how in behaving civilly in public.

They cover the bad stuff up better.

And pretend that they are infinitely more holy than the June's of this life.

TLC stinks said... 166

Sue Buddy, I share your loathing of TLC, plus I'll add Figure 8 since they are the recruiters. They brought us Kate.

TLC stinks said... 167

Good point about the white, educated and religious spawn of TLC able to cover up their dirty secrets better. But they also have their employer's help and that's the real scandal.

P.J. said... 168

There are parallels to pretty much everything on TLC. My blinders fell off years ago, when the Gosselin thing started unravelling. Actually, way before that, when sKate was offered a tummy tuck and had the nerve to ask for a boob job too. After that, I Iooked at all of their offerings from a very sceptical viewpoint. I saw no merit in using little people like a circus act that came right into your living room. This wasn't about educating, this was about voyeurism. My opinion hasn't changed. Whether it's the production crews and companies or TLC, neither gets a pass in my book. I never thought the day would come when I would say this, but I actually have more respect for network television. At least they make no bones about the fact that their programming is fictional.

Mel said... 169

One more thing and then I, too, will move on. :-)

If anyone thinks that being "a common low life" predisposes one to associate with child molesters, they are sadly, sadly mistaken. In more ways than one.

Personally, I put them all in the same morals bucket. The empty one.

Tucker's Mom said... 170

Even slobs who date sex perverts can do good things like save a lot of the show's money for their kids' future. If this low-class slob who dated a pervert can cast negativity against TLC than I say Go June! To me the issues are separate.
June 14, 2015 at 6:25 AM
Exposing wrong doing is still just that, whether it's a whistle blower or someone with moral turpitude.
The results are the same.

I don't otherwise condone June, her lifestyle and especially her parenting choices, but hey, if she wants to spout off that pie hole of flatulence, I say let her.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

Also scandal before she was fired was when she keep it a secret that she had diabetes for years yet only let the public know when she became a spokesperson for a drug company. A company, by the way, that gave her and her sons millions to promote the diabetes drug. Keep in mind, Paula cooked and promoted very high fatty foods full of high calories all the while hiding the fact that her cooking contributed to her diabetes. It turned the public off to her before she was fired.
As a "foodie", I followed Pauler's scandal closely, and I think the fact that she hid her diabetes for so long, all the while promoting unhealthy food, not to mention brokering a deal with a pharma company?
Yeah, that's was really cooked her goose.

I know she has a pay-to-view channel somewhere-not sure where. I don't think many people care.
FN still airs none of her shows, although her son, Bobby, is still hanging in there.

Mel said... 172

OT. We went to eat last night with my son's family. Sitting outside at a table with metal chairs. The little girl had one leg on the table support instead of on the ground. She's small, so that was probably a more comfortable position for her.

I didn't think anything of it. She'd been sitting like that for maybe ten minutes.

Out of the blue DIL angrily leaps up and reaches her whole body across the table to whack the girl really hard, shoving her into me. All while screaming that the girl needs to "sit like a lady*-%(@!!!!!!"

The girl wanted to cry but didn't dare because the beatings would then continue. Everyone's staring, to see what the commotion is about. I didn't dare do/say anything because then I would be denied access to the girl for months (that has happened more than once).

My heart is breaking. The dil sits back down, smugly looking around to be sure that everyone has noticed what a good mom she is, teaching her girl some 'manners'.

Never mind that the boy couldn't sit in his chair for more than a few minutes. Hyper active kid. But that apparently was fine.

After a long while the dil went to use the bathroom. I took the opportunity to reach out and rub the girl's back. Nothing more I could do.

When they were leaving, the girl hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear, "Thank you, grandma."

I cried all the way home.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

Also, there was a picture of her sitting on top of Robert Irvine's back like a horse. RI was on all fours and she was riding him like a cowpoke!
Yup, needed the eyeball bleach for that one!

Tucker's Mom said... 174

The Duggars and TFW are also common low lifes, just with better manners in public.

I would label the Duggars as insidious, and even more dangerous.

Mel said... 175

Some (dark) humor for the day. At least I think it's a sarcasm piece.

Mel said... 176

Tucker's and I are on the same page today.

AuntieAnn said... 177

Andrea said... 20

Josie and her medical problems have been exploited since she was born. Sometime I the past year, she had an accident with diarrhea. JB made it a point to show the viewers her backside and the mess.


Good Lord. What if Jim Bob had a bout of diarrhea and made a mess in his underwear? Would HE pull down his pants and show it to the viewers? Of course he wouldn't.

The same goes for Kate. Why didn't cameras ever follow her into the bathroom to film her sitting on the crapper and then take a photo of her poop? What would be wrong about that? (rhetorical)

Why do Kate's supporters and those weird Duggar cult devotees think it's acceptable to expose children in this manner but not adults? I'd like to hear their rationale behind that question.

P.J. said... 178

Funny website. They also have an article that says Prince William is not the father of Princess Latoya.

Tucker's Mom said... 179

Anonymous said... 163
Promise last story about Deen. Food TV Network has these live cooking demonstrations with their "famous" cooking hosts at Miami Beach. When Paula did a her live demonstration this is the story she told the huge crowd. She couldn't make it to the bathroom in time so she pulled her drawers down & unloaded in her driveway. Then she left it there and her niece Corrie found it .
OMG, I just spit sandwich onto the computer screen when I read "unloaded"!. ~ Administrator said... 180

“By God’s Providence, CHEC just received word that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have decided not to come and address the 2015 Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family. This latest change comes in light of recent and increased attacks and pressure on the family


Oh hogwash. What a way to make them out as martyrs being persecuted as the reason they can't come, and not that they enabled a child molester.

AuntieAnn said... 181

Out of the blue DIL angrily leaps up and reaches her whole body across the table to whack the girl really hard, shoving her into me. All while screaming that the girl needs to "sit like a lady*-%(@!!!!!!"

The girl wanted to cry but didn't dare because the beatings would then continue. Everyone's staring, to see what the commotion is about.


Again, I need to ask. Why is it okay to whack your children like that and get away with it but if you went over and whacked a stranger's child, you'd be arrested for assault. I don't get it.

Your daughter-in-law needs a tune-up. She sounds like a real headcase. I'm so sorry for you and your granddaughter, Mel.

TLC stinks said... 182

Poor Duggars are being persecuted and attacked that they have to cancel paid appearances. Boo boo. Let's be real. They are being told to lay low rather than risk them opening up their pie holes like they did on Fox. It's nothing to do with being attacked. At that conference they'd be surrounded by supporters. TLC or whoever is giving them advice just wants them to STFU until the tabloids move on, except I don't think this is going away. TLC has not accepted the inevitable.

BTW, I wonder what the spin will be if Jon gets custody of Hannah? I'm sure there is a plan in place. Although if he loses, an "insider" will gleefully report this to the tabloids making sure to say what a wonderful mother Kate is. Gag!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 183

Me too. I'm afraid to post my opinion for fear that it will get hackles up and spears chucked at me!
What is UP?!
Is it the heat?


Please don't hack it up in my direction. It's just too hot to have to run for cover.

grandee4 said... 184

Hi y'all, just driving to wave and let you know that I still read here daily.

Health is much better, have not been in the hospital this year. After 7 surgeries and almost losing my leg, I think I'm doing great.
Speaking of hospital and illness, has anyone heard from Lukebandit? i loved reading her post. Hope she is OK.

One last thing, don't know how I missed the postings about H wanting to live with Jon. What brought that on? H was always KKG's favorite and was treated like a queen. Can someone tell me where I can find the post on that subject?

Have a great summer ladies and one day I may just show up at the veranda.

Millicent said... 185

Sue Buddy, I doubt you want to wade through hundreds of old posts, but if you did, you would see that posters here did not cheer on June in the manner you stated. It was much more nuanced. When you want to view things as only black or white, it is inevitable that you may clash with those who see things on a scale that includes shades of gray. My unasked for advice is to let it be.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 186

Drunk to English translator needed again!

selly ‏@whataheartwants 12h12 hours ago
@WhoisPmk @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 chill I think shes,aware but k8 went thru the same thinner u use my k8 &u would say I don't get it

Well said! LOL!

Ex Nurse said... 187

I am trying to work out how a "morals clause" would come into play with Mama June and the Duggars. I would assume that TLC can cancel at any time, for whatever reason. As a small business owner, I have had some experience with non-compete clauses. in Washington state, in order to be upheld in court, there is a monetary compensation that goes along with restricting someone's right to earn a living. Since Jon was hit with a huge child support payment, I am quite sure that he continued to draw a pretty good salary. We know that his child support dropped dramatically once his TLC contract ran out, so that is IMO a verification that the non-compete was well compensated.

Since a show can be cancelled at any time, why would a morals clause be necessary? I am thinking that the morals clause would release the network from having to pay out salaries post-cancellation--essentially, the contract would terminate.

Sue Buddy, I didn't hear you criticize anyone personally. I heard a point of view that differed from some here, and some genuine frustration that she has gotten herself back in the public eye! Due to another family tragedy. I don't understand why expressing a differing opinion is considered argumentative either, and I agree with your stance on Mama June. She caters to the absolute lowest common denominator of Americans, and I just get sad when I read about her. Obviously, she has her own issues, and, as a human being, I have empathy for her. But, nothing she has to say, especially her thoughts on what is right or wrong, is of any interest to me.

Since when are networks held to the standards of fairness? Where is the fairness in elevating the lifestyle of one family over all other families? She rode the gravy train and now it is over--100% as a result of her own actions. She hoisted herself on her own petard! That is karma, as far as I am concerned.

Math Girl said... 188

Sherry Baby said... 118
Mama June lost her show immediately when TLC found there was a sexual predator in her home. She's mad because the Duggars have not officially lost their show for having a sexual predator in their home. She has a point.

I have no idea what TLC was or wasn't thinking, but I believe it was the timing thing here. June had the predator in her home while the family was still being filmed and on the TLC schedule...present tense. He is living in that house. They couldn't explain that away, nor could they justify it to the viewers.

The Duggars' predator was no longer living at home and the molestation allegedly happened more than a decade ago. He moved away, is married, and in their myopic way of thinking, is no longer a danger living within the Duggar family home.

It's not the best reason for firing June while still undecided about the Duggars, but I'll bet that's part of it.
Sherry, I can see your point, but I don't completely agree.

Mama June's predator was not living in her house or appearing on the show. His predation happened "a long time ago", as did Josh's.

Josh was actually on the show. And while he wasn't living in "the house", his house was shown. Also, his daughters are getting into the age group of one of his victims. The outcry about Mama June was about Alana being in the same age group as Chickadee was when the man was arrested, therefore vulnerable to him. Would not Josh's daughters also be vulnerable?

I think the main difference between the Boo Boos and the Duggars is that there is plausible deniability that Josh is a pedophile. His age at the time of the known molestation, plus his circumstances, plus the alleged "mild" nature of the abuse, all lend credence to this view. Also, the fact that he successfully evaded criminal prosecution - somehow people think if he wasn't criminally charged, it didn't happen or wasn't "that bad".

For me, the jury is still out on Josh. I would really like to believe that Anna and her family and children's protective services are keeping a close eye on him.

redbird said... 189

Here are the pictures of Paula Deen and Robert Irvine.

1. Michael, Paula's husband is behind the counter watching Paula on top of Robert Irvine's back with a full glass of wine with a drunk look on her face.

2. Michael is behind the counter LAUGHING and watching as she is on top of RI's back with a big gulp of wine gone from the glass with a look on her face like Barney Fife when he was imitating Otis the drunk when he was awarded the Historical Society plaque. Barney said Otis would show up drunk saying, Where's my plaque, where's my plaque. Paula has that same look as Barney did telling it! Bwahahaha

3. Paula is LICKING Robert Irvine's belly button. He is holding his t-shirt up. UGH! Can't see Michael in picture.

4. More rodeo riding Robert while Michael is looking. That poor chef in the brown bandana. Feel sorry for him having to put up with the hijinks.

5. More rodeo riding and she is slapping his behind, while Michael has a big grin on his face. The chef looks like he wants to just go and clock out and leave.

6. Now Paula has worked her tongue up to RI's ab section. You can barely see a sliver of Michael behind the black soup ladle.

7. Now she has lifted her wine glass with a big screamy looking face. That poor chef in the background. The picture on the right shows Paula CHUGGING Don Julio Tequila! Michael is sitting next to her!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

That press release about the Duggars pulling out of their
appearance is a hoot. It really takes some brass ones to
allow yourselves to be painted as victims after your own
child attacked his own siblings in their own home, and
you neglected to take proper steps to keep that behavior
from recurring.

As I've read about the "safeguards" which apparently failed,
I can't help but think of that old joke, "How many idiots does
it take to change a light bulb?" The attacker was allowed to
stay, but his victims had to lock themselves in their rooms.

GKD said... 191

I got a lot of crap when I first came on twitter because I stated that my kiddo was my #1 priority & mine and hubby's lives up until that point were about kiddo. That once kiddo was grown up, then we'd have "our" time.

That's not to say we didn't have date night or spend time together just the two of us. But if kiddo needed something or had an event to attend, then date night didn't matter. For years, date night was once every 3 or 4 months. The older kiddo got, then date night was once a month. Now we have a date night once a week. Vacations were planned around kiddo & what he could do. Now we're planning our vacations without kiddo. We now have weekends away together.

For years I was #2 on hubby's list & he was #2 on mine. For both of us, kiddo was #1.

It also was important for kiddo to be #1 because hubby worked nights. There were weeks that he only saw kiddo on his day off. There was NO way that we would make that one day a week about us and not about kiddo. there were times that on that day off we planned things for only the two of them to do. Some guy time together. Now, they go out to breakfast together when they have the same day off. I'm a SAHM/W, so I saw kiddo all the time. I was at every practice/school activity, hubby wasn't able to make them most of the time. It was important to make time for the two of them together. Kiddo had to be our #1 priority.

Kiddo is now 21, almost done with school, working full time now, and will be moving out on his own by this time next year. It's now time for me & hubby.

Math Girl said... 192

grandee4 said... 184
Hi y'all, just driving to wave and let you know that I still read here daily.

Health is much better, have not been in the hospital this year. After 7 surgeries and almost losing my leg, I think I'm doing great.
Speaking of hospital and illness, has anyone heard from Lukebandit? i loved reading her post. Hope she is OK.
Lukebandit changed her id both here and on twitter after being personally and viciously attacked on twitter. You'll probably recognize her writing style if you think about it. She has several posts on this (comments 601-800) page.

By the way, I will soon be going "internet silent" for several weeks. Don't send out a search party for me. I'm fine. It's planned.

TLC stinks said... 193

All TLC has done is pull the Duggar reruns. They had already gone into filming hiatus. So I believe the Duggars, including Josh, are still under contract, thus TLC providing Steve as security. What gets me, why Steve, such a controversial figure? From what I read, all he did was hang around the front porch making sure the house was not approached by the press. Big whoop. They had to have known the press would recognize him. Pretty blatant or just an attempt to get Kate's name in the tabloids. Maybe both. Nothing surprises the way TLC plays the press.

So I have not heard if TLC is providing any security at the Duggar house. If not, then why would Josh rate security? If the press stepped foot on his property, all he had to do was call the cops. Was Steve deployed as a minder?

Do you think Josh is back at the Duggar homestead because his wife is close to her due date?

Call Me Crazy said... 194

Millicent said... 130

I too am noticing a lot of snippiness around here and it's unpleasant. So what if some think TLC having some of their secrets outed by Mama June is just desserts for TLC doing business with and making money off a low class train wreck. Why not just post your opinion once without implying those who hold a different one have some moral deficit.

Tucker's Mom said... 141

To your first point, you can hold an opposing point of view without trying to destroy another's.


Millicent and Tucker's Mom - Can I hang out on the veranda with you today? Please?

Anonymous said... 195

I looked at those photos of Paula and Robert. She was riding his back on two different occasions because both have on different outfits at different times. Also there was a photo of Paula and Jay Leno. He is standing and her arms are snug around his neck and both of her legs are wrapped around his waist to the point that her shoes are touching each other. If they were naked, they would be in the position of doing it standing up. YUCK!

Anonymous said... 196

Oh good to know LukeBandit is still here. Sorry you had to change your name but I know how others love to attack so I don't blame you. Hope your health is doing better.

Tucker's Mom said... 197

Millicent and Tucker's Mom - Can I hang out on the veranda with you today? Please?
Yes! Let's all hang out and have a rumspringa or 5!

Every so often we have kerfuffles on the veranda, but all is well in 15 Minute Land ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 198

OT for you canners and jam makers out there- Have the strawberries been amazing where you live? They've been fabulous here this season.

I made some quick jam and put it on the bottom of lemon pudding cake ramekins. You know, like a popcorn surprise at the bottom!
OMG, so, so good.

Tucker's Mom said... 199

TLC stinks said... 193
All TLC has done is pull the Duggar reruns. They had already gone into filming hiatus. So I believe the Duggars, including Josh, are still under contract, thus TLC providing Steve as security. What gets me, why Steve, such a controversial figure?
I wouldn't read too much into it, re: why Steve.
Steve lives close by, and hey, why not take an easy, quick couple grand for standing around being noticeable?
Sure, many people know him as Kate's "lovah", but I think why he's stuck around so long (with Kate and TLC) is that he's as silent as the grave.

Tucker's Mom said... 200

Math Girl said... 192
Be well. 'Til we meet again on the veranda...

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