InTouch has a great breakdown post-interview of the Duggar's slant on the truth.
Among the eleven things the Duggars are still hiding, says the magazine, are:
- The Duggars waited over four years to get counseling for Josh.
- The child services investigation reports have never been released, despite the Duggars implying they were.
- The family likely has no leg to stand on in a lawsuit, as nothing improper was done. In fact it would have been illegal not to release the records.
- Judge Zimmerman, who ordered the records destroyed after they were already turned over to the media, made the order without properly giving the media an opportunity to contest her order. A law professor and former U.S. attorney called the court order "odd," pointing out that usually in such a situation the records are ordered sealed, not destroyed. adds:
![]() |
The man behind the year's biggest reality show story: David Perel. |
- The Duggars outright said that the release of the information could have been a bribe, but don't have a shred of evidence to support such a malicious contention.
- Mike Huckabee, whom the Duggars quoted during the interview and count as a supporter, swiffered all traces of the Duggars from his web site just before the interview.
- The judge who ordered the records destroyed was appointed twice by Duggar (former) ally Huckabee.
Check out InTouch for more.
For more reading, check out why InTouch's investigation exposing one of America's most famous conservative-religious political families was of Pulitzer caliber. "Solid," says the editors at The Washington Post. Editor David Perel, who led the InTouch investigation, was nominated for a Pulitzer, though didn't win, in 2010 for his work on the John Edwards scandal. Nominations are typically announced in January.
1786 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1786 Newer› Newest»It's funny how even within the same state, pronunciations can vary so widely. I'm from South Jersey, and no one I know pronounces "our" as "are". Are you from the North Country, NJGal? Do you remember years ago when people were seriously debating about separating Jersey into two states?
That little corner of the world is extremely diverse in its accents. I think I could pick out ten different accents between PA, New York, Ohio.
It's funny because on TV the east cost is pretty much represented by the Boston or Brooklyn accent and that's it. There are so many variations of that. Even Kate's accent sounds a little hodge podge to me at times, but I've always said she sounds a lot like a friend I knew from King of Prussia. I know others here said she sounds nothing like their friends from KOP. Shrug.
Accents are interesting.
No matter where I live or how much I pick up the local accent, I will always sound like a Louisville girl trying to talk with a local accent. It's as much a part of me as my right arm. I don't even realize I have that very, very soft drawl until I hear myself on tape. And all that does is
remind me how nice Louisville accents sound to me. It's quite different than a Central KY drawl (Lexington) or a Bowling Green drawl. It is pretty unique, yet frankly speaking, lovely.
I LOVE regional accents. All of them.
This is totally, totally OT--but is specifically directed to PA Dutch Mom:
I just wanted to know how you liked the Barry Manilow concert in Philly.
I went to the one in Boston tonight and it was fantastic!! He is just as great now as he was when I last saw him in concert almost 40 years ago! My daughter really enjoyed it, too!
And yes, he sang "Even Now". It actually surprised me that I remembered all the lyrics to his songs. My daughter even remembered some of them!! I guess my constantly playing his music, starting when she was about six, had some sort of impact. It seemed like 40 years just melted away and I was back at the first concert of his that I attended.
40 years ago, my friends and I "made memories" without having them filmed, photographed or shown on a reality TV show. I relived those memories tonight. "Just sayin'"
So, PA Dutch Mom, I hope you enjoyed his concert in Philly as much as I did the one tonight in Boston.
Also, his opening act, Dave Koz, was fantastic also!!
OK, enough OT. Back to our "regularly scheduled programming".
I can't figure out how "our" is pronounced if it's not "are". I think that's how I say it. I'm in KS. Is it supposed to be like "hour"?
Bubbles said... 4
I can't figure out how "our" is pronounced if it's not "are". I think that's how I say it. I'm in KS. Is it supposed to be like "hour"?
I do pronounce our and hour alike. I believe some people pronounce them slightly differently ( a very subtle breathy "h" at the beginning of hour) but for me they're pretty much the same.
Bubbles, in my personal little corner of life, yes, "our" sounds just like "hour".
I do pronounce our and hour alike. I believe some people pronounce them slightly differently ( a very subtle breathy "h" at the beginning of hour) but for me they're pretty much the same.
I say something like owre. Not quite "are", but not quite "hour" either.
Our is a good word because it really has a lot of subtle variations. There's OW---ER with two distinct syllables, a quicker "ow-er" like how I say it, "are" or "R" like Kate says it, with various degrees of Rs in there, and "ore" like a boat ore.
Interesting stuff--for nerds anyhow.
Having trouble sleeping tonight, so I'm catching up on comments. Midnight Madness 156 -- the intelligence bar is already set so low that an ant couldn't limbo under it. But every time I think it can't get any lower, someone from here posts a twit from TFMJGs timeline, or there's a new article on the dUGHers, and it drops a bit more. It keeps me SMH.
I think I'm going to crawl back under the veranda and console myself with more rumspringa. franky, have you seen my straw?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 186
Dear TFW,
No, I can't believe you're 40 either.
You look much, much older.
Anyone With Eyes
"Oh my God! Kate is turning 40? She doesn't look a day over 30!"
Said no one ever.
OT, our city was hit with a massive storm this past weekend that downed huge trees and knocked out power lines and feeders for a couple of days. Thankfully no injuries were reported but the mess it left behind is incredible. Mother Nature is harsh when she wants to be. We are in the midst of huge clean-up.
Glad everyone is OK. We've had a couple hurricanes and it's so jarring to see the damage, isn't it?
We do have a gas generator, thank goodness. I wonder if we can use it indoors?????
(just kidding!)
I love it that we Americans have different accents.
Her voice grates on me too, but so does Sarah Palin's so I think it's just a reaction to how much I dislike the person.
Since Kate believes she is perfect, I suppose she believes her accent is charming.
Admin said...
The fact that she claimed to want to do voice overs makes me just shake my head.
A truly narcissistic quality. She's so full of herself, she actually thinks her voice is something special and unique. She wants a job that pays tons of money, but she has no skills or qualifications and she doesn't have to do anything but be her own little special snowflake.
Also, boat "ore"? Or did you mean oar? Or a boat hauling ore? LOL@one of those words you use once in a blue moon.
olivia walton @lovemedietcoke 10h10 hours ago
I'm not sure what the @Kateplusmy8 fans would do without the so called"haters"..seems 2 me their lives would be very EMPTY!.#alreadyr!
LexisSmith @Lexis2uSC 3h3 hours ago
@lovemedietcoke @Kateplusmy8 Bet if only the paid for "Bots" were on K8's timeline, her "pretend" fans would go berserk from boredom
This is what I don't understand about the non-fans on Twitter. If they know that her TL would die, and the fans would go berserk from boredom and their lives would be empty, then why feed them? Why not just let them go, fade away, get bored, and go berserk? It seems they know that they are giving the fans what they want, and yet they continue to do it.
Does anyone here understand this?
Lol PJ I was trying to spell it phonetically while still describing what it more or less sounded like. Now I realize ore has its own meaning!
Math Girl said... 194
I was just reading the mags at the checkout counter. In Touch has a big cover story on the Duggars, as expected. OK had a cover blurb and a 2-page story about how the Duggars get things (everything) for free.
This could have been written about the Gosselins:
I think a big part of the allure of a voiceover job for TFW is sitting
down. Whether it's on a leather couch or a white plastic throne,
that woman loves herself some chair time. Toss a freebie on her
lap while she's on it and she's even happier. Then have her kids
3,000 miles away if possible and I think that's her idea of heaven.
Accents are interesting.
Forget where I read it, but Reading PA and somewhere else (can't recallnow, Delaware?) has the strongest Philly accents outside of Philly.
Funny, within Philly itself, the accent varies. I can't pick out a South Philly accent from Kensington accent to a Morrell Park accent.
(that goes from South to North, btw)
The Dolezal thing gets weirder and weirder. Radar has new story up. That is one dysfunctional family. Hopefully this woman does not get a reality show.
ITA the non-fans should not engage. The only ones on Kate's TL would be her adoring dozen.
It's incredible that TLC gave her a birthday show so she can spew about how young looking she appears ( thanks, docs) and how she deserves this vacay. This is not a relatable person. She will probably get her one million viewers, the last of the fans who remember the original show, but I hope at least half of them get so disgusted, they do not tune in again. Really, do we need to watch every milestone of this family and their indulgent birthday bashes?
local, an industrious reporter ought to investigate the monetary value of the freebies these reality show families rake in.
I had to laugh at the family's Chick-fil-a photos. First, I love their chicken sandwiches, but the company's brand is tied to Southern Baptist ultra conservative beliefs, so no surprise that the Duggars would hawk their food.
It bothers me to no end that these people make millions but the sponsors give away stuff to people who can well afford to pay out of heir pocket just like the rest of the world.
Regional accents are fun! I love this discussion.
In the middle of the Chesapeake Bay is tiny little Tangier Island. You can only get there by boat. The accent of the native islanders is supposed to be close to Elizabethan English. I can do a good southwest Virginia mountain drawl, think the Waltons and Dukes of Hazzard exaggerated. Central and coastal Virginia really don't talk like that, it's more of a faint southern accent with regional terms.
I was looking for something to watch last night and saw the Willis Clan. I would have watched it (maybe) but refuse to watch anything on TLC til the cancel the duggars.
I truly believe Josh Duggar and family have been in Arkansas with Ma and Pa since May 22. Splash news pap took photos of them in the airport on May 22 and you can see them on their fan Facebook page. Remember, InTouch went public on May 21 but Josh knew beforehand it was coming out. I still stand that Steve was a decoy with the movers...the family was long gone.
Voice overs are done by actors, something Kate believes she is. I don't think making childish voices and screaming qualifies her a professional.
So she's not an actor, a talk show host, a producer (not really, she just inputs demands to the executive producer), a chef, a writer, organization whiz, etc. Except for birthing those kids in pursuit of fame, she's got nothing. That's why it's imperative for her to keep Hannah in the fold. Poor child.
Readerlady said..8
I think I'm going to crawl back under the veranda and console myself with more rumspringa. franky, have you seen my straw?
Why yes I do have it, neatly wrapped in some foil from my pretty aluminum foil hat. I even washed my hands in rumspringa before handling it. Come sit by me, just opened a fresh keg!
"And I still say they won't cancel the Duggars. Too much time has passed for that decision, imo." and
"Yep, if they haven't by now they're not going to"
I agree, but I also think that viewers' initial outrage over the situation that resulted in contacting advertisers really carried weight. I plan to contact those advertisers to say "thank you for not supporting the Duggars on TLC. Please be aware that if this 'blows over' and they are once again featured on television, and you are a sponsor, I will boycott you once again".
Serendipity said... 13
This is what I don't understand about the non-fans on Twitter. If they know that her TL would die, and the fans would go berserk from boredom and their lives would be empty, then why feed them? Why not just let them go, fade away, get bored, and go berserk? It seems they know that they are giving the fans what they want, and yet they continue to do it.
I think that's a question only a psychologist could MAYBE explain or try to explain. What did people do BI (before internet) when there was a celebrity they didn't like? I think they just didn't watch them or watched them to hate them but with no outlet there was no way to find like-minded people with whom to commiserate on a daily (or in some cases, hourly) basis.
I think there are other contributing factors as well, such as habit. You wake up, have a cup of coffee, check the news, Twitter, express your feelings, etc. There are many long time adversaries, people who have been battling each other for at least 8 years and if those combatants aren't participating anymore, the lore of what went on still exists to keep the battles raging.
I often wonder, if Kate were to completely disappear would the fans and non fans alike continue on some venue with their rage which is for each other as well as Kate?
Well I'm going to be ooot & aboot running errands today, as we apparently say in Canada, but I'll be back in time for an afternoon rumspringa under the veranda. :)
jolie Jacquelyn said... 27
Well I'm going to be ooot & aboot running errands today, as we apparently say in Canada...
I only say oot and aboot when I'm mocking my Scottish friend. I don't say "eh" either.
We had a discussion in my gardening group, re the correct pronunciation of some of the Latin names for plants. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe IMO. The British don't speak English, apparently. Pity. ;)
Josiah Duggar’s courtship was likely going to be one of the major plots of the next season of 19 Kids and Counting, so maybe it’s a positive sign for the future of the show that the Duggars are using Facebook to promote his relationship with Marjorie Jackson. There’s still been no word on whether TLC is going to cancel 19 Kids, but the Duggar family is trying to show the world that they’ve moved on with their lives by going back to being active on social media. According to PEOPLE, Josh Duggar even broke his social media silence to wish wish his son Michael a happy 4th birthday. Perhaps the Duggars’ recent flurry of online activity is a sign that they’ve heard some good news from TLC.
P.J .and other Canadians:
I'm originally from Canada and when I moved here (Boston area) people wondered why I didn't say 'oot and aboot' or 'eh'! Although for some reason, people thought I was from the UK because of certain words or phrases, pronouncing T's in words etc. I think I have a 'family' accent as I did have British grandparents.I did find the Boston accent difficult to understand at first. I agree, regional accents are interesting!
I agree, but I also think that viewers' initial outrage over the situation that resulted in contacting advertisers really carried weight. I plan to contact those advertisers to say "thank you for not supporting the Duggars on TLC. Please be aware that if this 'blows over' and they are once again featured on television, and you are a sponsor, I will boycott you once again".
Excellent. They're banking on the blow over effect. The reality is no matter how many episodes they want to make of the Duggars, if no advertisers will touch it, they can't air it. It's all down to the advertisers now, and most advertisers would be nuts to go there. I'd like to see them try.
One thing this Duggar scandal proves: advertisers, when pressed, can option out of a particular TV show. The excuse has been they buy blocks of advertising on a network. That always sounded not right since we know advertisers do buy during specific shows, such as the Super Bowl.
I agree that TLC is waiting for the scandal to blow over. The Duggars are still with TLC. I bet TLC even paid for Josh Duggar family plane tickets and their move from MD. Makes sense they would want Josh and family away from their home quickly since their address in Oxen Hill is easy to find. Gotta keep Josh under wraps and get him back to the gated Duggar homestead.
Thanks for the pronunciation info!! I say "our" like Kate does but I assure you it's not as annoying! I think the problem with Kate's pronunciation is that everything about the way she speaks is off. She does pronounce some things differently, and her voice is irritating by itself. Then she changes words or makes up words in an attempt to sound clever or cute but ends up sounding stupid. Her speech pattern is so obvious it even made it perfectly clear what things she actually wrote herself and what things were written by others on her behalf! In someone with a great personality and wonderful attitude, these traits can be Kate, they're simply grating. Or gr8ing, as she would
Whether or not the Duggars come back to TLC, I think their brand is tarnished.
Look at Duck Dynasty. They never recovered from the zenith of their insane viral rise to stardom, and none of them is an admitted child molester!
Let the Duggars come back. I'll be counting the days or weeks or months until TLC cans them because they no longer pull in the viewing numbers and advertising dollars.
Now they have their 17-18 yr old son? Engaged?
Wow, America, let's all tune in to see a dozen or more of their kids get married asap and make babies, all the while sucking of TLC's teat.
Way to show the viewing youth how to reach their full potential!
Attn Jane: it's no Breaking Bad, but I really enjoyed Bloodline on Netflix. It's currently got 13 episodes and is set to have a 2nd season. It's a Netflix original, a family drama set in the beautiful Florida keys. Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek are two of the actors in the cast. The show's quote is "we're not bad people, but we did a bad thing".
I highly recommend it!
This is completely OT, but sometimes a sweet little story is good for what ails you.
Bubbles (#33), I think you nailed it: it's the whole TFW "package"
that makes the little things like pronunciation so annoying!
Makes sense they would want Josh and family away from their home quickly since their address in Oxen Hill is easy to find.
True, but I would think that if anyone wants to find him, they know where the Duggar homestead is and could camp out there. He's not going to stay confined behind its walls forever.
From Radar:
Three weeks after a social worker called 911 from outside the Duggar’s Arkansas home, the state’s Department of Human Services is reportedly still looking into the shamed Christian family.
According to In Touch, the Tontitown Police Department claims Jim Bob and Michelle’s latest ordeal “is in a current active investigation.”
Bubbles said... 35
Attn Jane: it's no Breaking Bad, but I really enjoyed Bloodline on Netflix. It's currently got 13 episodes and is set to have a 2nd season. It's a Netflix original, a family drama set in the beautiful Florida keys. Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek are two of the actors in the cast. The show's quote is "we're not bad people, but we did a bad thing".
I highly recommend it!
Thanks! I'll add it to my queue!
I've gotten hooked on America's Got Talent. I caught a few episodes in past seasons but this one grabbed me.
I think there are other contributing factors as well, such as habit. You wake up, have a cup of coffee, check the news, Twitter, express your feelings, etc. There are many long time adversaries, people who have been battling each other for at least 8 years and if those combatants aren't participating anymore, the lore of what went on still exists to keep the battles raging.
I often wonder, if Kate were to completely disappear would the fans and non fans alike continue on some venue with their rage which is for each other as well as Kate?
Yes, Sue Buddy, and there are the regular die-hard non-fans on there who are on Kate's timeline for longer than just a few tweets after a cup of coffee. It's more like every day without missing a day for hours and hours at a time. I often wonder if this is a way of life for those folks. It's the same thing, the same thoughts, the same battles, without changing strategy.
How long did the Hatfields/McCoys feud continue? Something like twenty years? Can the fans and non-fans keep it up that long, or will they hand it over to their children and grandchildren?
Bubbles said... 35
Attn Jane: it's no Breaking Bad, but I really enjoyed Bloodline on Netflix. It's currently got 13 episodes and is set to have a 2nd season. It's a Netflix original, a family drama set in the beautiful Florida keys. Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek are two of the actors in the cast. The show's quote is "we're not bad people, but we did a bad thing".
I highly recommend it!
I do to! I loved the setting in the Florida Keys.
The "bad" brother is so, so good!
rainbowsandunicorns said... 38
Makes sense they would want Josh and family away from their home quickly since their address in Oxen Hill is easy to find.
True, but I would think that if anyone wants to find him, they know where the Duggar homestead is and could camp out there. He's not going to stay confined behind its walls forever.
Well, so far, beyond Josh giving a whitewashed non-statement statement to a gossip rag by way of addressing the fact that he molested 5 girls (that we know of), he's let his mommy, daddy and 2 victims, also his sisters, stick up for him.
The, of course, he splashed his children across social media for good measure.
But yeah, Josh is still cowering behind walls somewhere.
Since Kate believes she is perfect, I suppose she believes her accent is charming.
I doubt if Kate knows that she has an accent. She just likes to hear herself talk.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 41
Yes, Sue Buddy, and there are the regular die-hard non-fans on there who are on Kate's timeline for longer than just a few tweets after a cup of coffee. It's more like every day without missing a day for hours and hours at a time. I often wonder if this is a way of life for those folks. It's the same thing, the same thoughts, the same battles, without changing strategy.
It seems to me that the fan vs non-fan chatter is much less than in the past. From time to time it will blow up again, but it's nothing like it was when Kate joined Twitter and CJ and others were outing anyone and everyone. Some of the non-fans speak up very intelligently when needed - ConcernedChick comes to mind. But think back to those early days and many of the players are gone or pretty quiet.
I don't know if the paps are camped out in front of the Duggars, but it's fenced and Josh is protected. But yes, he will eventually come out of his hidey hole, definitely by the time Anna has the baby in July. I bet TLC is chomping at the bit to film that.
There's more news on Dolezal. She has a 39 year old brother going to trial accused of molesting an adopted sister back in 2001 or 2002. He was arrested in 2014. The adopted sister is now 20. Rachel also claims her brother molested her because he was infatuated with female black bodies. The parents say the claims were orchestrated by Rachel. The brother wrote a book about his upbringing and guess what? His parents were basically living a religious cult. So messed up. Rachel is definitely a psycho but the whole family is. Also, Rachel got custody of her adopted brother but calls him her son. Geez. Made for reality TV without the scripting!
TLC stinks said... 39
According to In Touch, the Tontitown Police Department claims Jim Bob and Michelle’s latest ordeal “is in a current active investigation.”
How can they live in a place that has "tit" in it. Maybe they should move to Intercourse, PA. It would save TLC a ton of money. Heck, there's a Wife-Swap I'd pay to see.
Jane, or family likes America's Got Talent also. The extreme stunts last night were all sorts of spectacular and dangerous! I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I like Howard Stern as a judge! He's really nice and encouraging to contestants. And on Wednesday night's episode he even participated and phoned his mother during an act, she sounds adorable!
I think the mix of Howard, Howie, Heidi and Mel is a good one.
TLCstinks: If this Dolezal gets a reality show, then her whole credibility just went down the Toilet! If she truely means what she represents,believes in, & says, then doing a reality show would discredit her, that she is doing it for money & fame, not for the ideas, rights that she has been involved with.
As for her ID with Black people, I will say this: my question, was she raised in an all white area, was her adopted Black brothers raised with white ideas, morals etc. Before anyone gets the panties in a bunch. There are Black people who are opposed to white people raising Black kids. As I was watching Chris Mattews last night , one of his guest was Black man, don't remember his name, and he said, if she was raised white, she can not really ID with the Black people, she can embrace, Black culture, live as a black, with out the skin dying, but she was not born Black. And I am so tired of hearing people say, I known since I was a little kid. That is BS. When we are born, we are a clean slate, everything around us gives us are values, morals, thinking, culture etc. Yes, sometimes our biology gets screwed up, as in transgender, etc. But if you are raised in one culture, and lie about it, Dolezal, credibility, just went down the drain. This woman has lied so much, I don't even think she knows what is the truth,anymore. The more she talked in the interview, the deeper the whole she was digging, herself. She should have said, that she has embrace Black culture, and left it at that, cause the more she explained, she started to change the story.
As for Trump. I saw part of the interview, it was like watch a comedy act. It was laughable. Actually, he may have announced his running, but he has not officially filed. Yet. He was so narcissistic, he reeked. I liked how he rubbed his having 9 billion dollars, in peoples faces, attacked other races, yeah, I would not vote for a jerk like him. JMO
Joy, Last night's show was great! I loved the guy who had the water shoes - amazing! And it looked like such fun. Howard calling his mom was sweet, and I never ever thought I'd call Howard sweet LOL. He adds a lot to the show. His criticism is always right on point and he looks like he's genuinely having fun.
I don't know if the paps are camped out in front of the Duggars, but it's fenced and Josh is protected.
OK! has an "exclusive" claiming that Ma and Pa have frozen Josh out of their lives and are furious with him. If you can believe that...
There's more news on Dolezal. She has a 39 year old brother going to trial accused of molesting an adopted sister back in 2001 or 2002. He was arrested in 2014. The adopted sister is now 20. Rachel also claims her brother molested her because he was infatuated with female black bodies. The parents say the claims were orchestrated by Rachel. The brother wrote a book about his upbringing and guess what? His parents were basically living a religious cult. So messed up. Rachel is definitely a psycho but the whole family is. Also, Rachel got custody of her adopted brother but calls him her son. Geez. Made for reality TV without the scripting!
This woman is just as nuts as Angela, Nev's original catfish.
Dolezal now claims she is bisexual. She is claiming everything under the sun. Crazy bitch.
That exclusive is BS. The Duggars are all about forgiveness, right? If there is any anger, it's got to do with the income drying up.
Trump is soooo racist and he does not even hide it. What sideshow he is. Not good for the GOP.
OK! has an "exclusive" claiming that Ma and Pa have frozen Josh out of their lives and are furious with him. If you can believe that...
That's too funny...why would Ma and Pa Duggar "freeze" Josh out now? They didn't when all of this first happened. They did everything they could to cover it up and protect him. Either it's just a made up story or the Duggars are trying to save face to protect themselves.
I thought I'd sent in a comment earlier but I don't see it so maybe the blogger ate my comment (said like Elaine with her Australian accent).
Call me crazy - I'm from "down the shore" so it's more central Jersey than anything else. LOL, I do remember when Jersey was talking about splitting up.
I studied acting in NYC at two different schools and the first thing we were told was to get rid of the heavy regional accents. Mine is pretty much gone except for certain words. If I'm talking really fast I tend to drop the "th" on words and make it more of a "t" sound.
TFW's problem is that she overenunciates because she thinks she's acting. Her problems is that she doesn't have Debbie Reynolds behind a screen talking for her. I've seen the preview of the upcoming show and she also does that weird ass thing with her fingers/hands under her chin when she's talking about looking 40. She's never been taught that if you don't know what to do with your hands, don't do anything.
TLC stinks said... 53
Dolezal now claims she is bisexual. She is claiming everything under the sun. Crazy bitch.
I'm waiting for her claim of being an alien reptoid from the planet Xerxes.
You know it's coming...
Trump is soooo racist and he does not even hide it. What sideshow he is. Not good for the GOP.
He's just a crazy fringe candidate who might not be able to even join the debates. All parties have nutso, embarrassing, throw-away candidates, the Democrats are no exception. He has a right to run if he wants to, and the public will sort them out with their votes.
getoftweeter said... 49
TLCstinks: If this Dolezal gets a reality show, then her whole credibility just went down the Toilet! If she truely means what she represents,believes in, & says, then doing a reality show would discredit her, that she is doing it for money & fame, not for the ideas, rights that she has been involved with.
agree with everything you say. Trump is a carnival barker.the only reason he's running is to usurp energy and attention from anyone who is serious about being the president of United States.
I've seen the preview of the upcoming show and she also does that weird ass thing with her fingers/hands under her chin when she's talking about looking 40. She's never been taught that if you don't know what to do with your hands, don't do anything.
She will always be a hand-flapper. It's a habit and she will never lose it.
TFW's problem is that she overenunciates because she thinks she's acting.
I think the over-enunciating is a great point. I think that's what makes the accent sound so exaggerated and succinct to the point of being grating. That also explains why there's nothing annoying about the children's accents.
He's just a crazy fringe candidate who might not be able to even join the debates. All parties have nutso, embarrassing, throw-away candidates, the Democrats are no exception. He has a right to run if he wants to, and the public will sort them out with their votes.
Trump might be able to join the debate per the rules. Actually I would love to see him in a debate. When pressed with hard real questions that don't involve his vanity or bank account I think that he would fail big time.
when forced to keep on task I think you would look like an idiot.
He was so narcissistic, he reeked. I liked how he rubbed his having 9 billion dollars, in peoples faces, attacked other races, yeah, I would not vote for a jerk like him. JMO
Depending on what else is out there, he might be the lesser of all the evils, which is a frightening thought. ~ Administrator said... 126
I liked Jurassic World too, it was a popcorn movie. I think there were some parallels to SeaWorld and greed which I appreciated.
Yes! We had a discussion about that after the movie.
Tucker's Mom, I would recommend 3D. The effects were great. They were kind of subtle, so it was very immersive without me even realizing it at first.
OT for Orange Is the New Black fans: One of my friend's uncles was the bellman for Big Boo (Lea DeLaria) when she was checking into a hotel. He said she was incredibly nice and very funny. I don't really follow many celebrities, but I've read lots of accounts of celebrities being rude, so it's nice to hear about one not being a jerk.
Sorry if this posts twice. The first one didn't look like it submitted.
Trump's not going to be in the debates, you're dreaming Tucker: "In 2000, the CPD established a rule that for a party to be included in the national debates it must garner at least 15% support across five national polls."
Although, I would like to see him articulate himself.
I don't know why Ma and Pa Duggar would be angry with Josh now. He didn't have anything to do with this being made public. And they supposedly forgave him for the original incidents.
It was that stupid share your kiss photo idea that seems to be what precipitated the whole scandal. However inadvertently.
If they want to be mad at anyone it should be whoever came up with that dumb idea.
That, and their strident verbalizations against the LGBT population. If they and Josh hadn't been so verbal about that, people wouldn't have been quite so scandalized by the revelations.
Although, I would like to see him articulate himself.
Ouch! That's sounds painful.
Future RN, I read that Big Boo had never acted before OITNB, or had perhaps only been in some minor productions. She's one of my favorites- she has such natural talent. ~ Administrator said... 66
Trump's not going to be in the debates, you're dreaming Tucker: "In 2000, the CPD established a rule that for a party to be included in the national debates it must garner at least 15% support across five national polls."
Although, I would like to see him articulate himself.
I think Tucker was talking about the pre-primary debates. It looks like for those, for the Republicans at least, the distinction is between the top 10 candidates and all other candidates. And no, I don't know these things, but I looked it up on Wikipedia.
I believe the CPD rules are for the post-primary debates. Trump will be in those if he wins the Republican nomination (ha! not likely!), but probably not if he "goes rogue" and runs as an independent.
LOL. Just saw Little Couple on Xfinity commercial. Jellus, Kate?
I think Tucker is talking about the Republican debates, not the ones between Republican and Democrat. The Republicans have already said that since there are so many candidates only the top 10 will be invited to early debates.
I wondered where Michelle got her crazy idea that trans people want to ogle people in the showers/gyms/bathrooms.
Ah. She got it from one of her idols, Mick Huckabee.
The fallout over Mike Huckabee’s transphobic and creepy joke about wishing he could have identified as female in high school so he could sneak into the girls’ shower to ogle them is probably wider than he anticipated.
I too like watching AGT and the show last night was great. I've said before that I'm a long time listner of Howard Stern and I'm glad that people are seeing that he's not just a shock jock. He does some of the best interviews that I've ever heard and has a knack for drawing people out. As for calling his mother, he's always done that on the show and he really does a dead-on impression of both of his parents. He and his wife a very involved with fostering kittens and if you go to bethostern on Instagram you can see their current crop of "kids". They foster the kittens in their home until they're ready to go to fur-ever homes and because of Howard's celebrity they have been able to place many kittens that would probably have been euthanized.
Admin & TLC stinks: That Dolezal woman, really gave that Black organization a very black eye(no pun intended), not to mention the embarrassment she is causing them and her family, all the good things she has done over the years, just went down the drain and now coming out with all kinds of crazy crap. She just let down a whole bunch of people who believed in her. Especially the young people. Shame on her!
Sue_Buddy said... 68
Although, I would like to see him articulate himself.
Ouch! That's sounds painful.
Can it be done in mixed company?
Jane said... 69
Future RN, I read that Big Boo had never acted before OITNB, or had perhaps only been in some minor productions. She's one of my favorites- she has such natural talent.
She's acted before. I recall seeing her here and there as the "token lesbian" or the really butch lesbian.
OITNB is definitely a great show for her. I am liking her story line this season. So compelling and sad.
Funny, seeing the back stories of the women- some who are all bark were really no bite, and some that are rather tame and quiet are turning out to be pretty wicked!
If you've never seen Howard Stern's movie, Private Parts, it's shockingly funny and warm.
I remember when Howard started taking over the airwaves, and he must must-listen radio! I mean, if you could have Howard on during the day, you did!
Jeanne said... 72
I think Tucker is talking about the Republican debates, not the ones between Republican and Democrat. The Republicans have already said that since there are so many candidates only the top 10 will be invited to early debates.
What Jeanne said.
I would love to have someone ask him to expound on the ridiculous things he said and claimed during his "announcement".
So, The Donald, how exactly are the Mexicans going to pay for the wall you're going to get them to build?
Will they sell their children or increase their drug trade?
How exactly will this work????
Testing, testing.
TLC stinks said... 71
LOL. Just saw Little Couple on Xfinity commercial. Jellus, Kate?
BAHAHAWA!!! Is there a cross-eyed, lemon-sucking emoticon?
Jon and Kate only did the in-house video for Lane furniture, right? And of course the 'informercial' for Tales of Despereaux which was part of a J&K+ 8 episode.
I still hope that Jon will get to do a Super Bowl commercial/any national commercial since TLC put the kobosh on it during the divorce.
Ouch! That's sounds painful.
Can it be done in mixed company?
Yes, but it's recommended for mature audiences.
I still hope that Jon will get to do a Super Bowl commercial/any national commercial since TLC put the kobosh on it during the divorce.
June 17, 2015 at 5:07 PM
I think that ship has sailed.
I wonder if Jon is still considering putting out his book.
Well, Kate TL must be very boring. They have taken up a GOOD CAUSE! The Yukin dog eating festival in China. I already signed a petition, a month ago. Good for them, focusing on something other than Kate.
This is for Kate is a Twit and off topic, too. I LOVE Barry Manilow!! In 1985, at Reunion Arena in Dallas, I was the girl he pulled on stage to sing "Can't Smile Without You". IT WAS SO EXCITING!! I have a t-shirt that he signed that says "I sang with Barry Manilow." I keep checking YouTube every few years to see if I pop up, because Entertainment Tonight was there. It was Mary Hart's birthday. So I'm on tape somewhere. Even after getting married and having children, it secretly remains a highlight of my life.
Susan1956(#81), don't forget the product placement for the
so-very-not-organic Juicy Juice. Once TFW brought out a
trayful of cups of juice for the kids, with a full Juicy Juice
bottle on the tray with the label facing the camera. Another
super obvious one was when she was using Johnson and
Johnson detangler on the girls' hair, put the bottle down, and
then picked it up and repositioned it so that the label faced
the camera. Then she said something like, "Smells good,
works great!" It's so tasty, too -- tastes just like candy!
(*waves to fellow Lucy lovers*)
Kate is not likable, not even a little bit. She is merely tolerated by TLC bc of her kids. I don't know if she could keep a job at this point due to her rip roaring mental illness. No one would hire or put up with that shit. Life's too short to have to deal with her willingly.
Oh, I hope that TLC shows how absolutely huge Kate's ass was the first time they went the Dutch Wonderland. I remember being shocked by how big she was pre-lipo. They just might...I think they like making her look bad.
Ouch! That's sounds painful.
Can it be done in mixed company?
Yes, but it's recommended for mature audiences.
Tucker's Mom said... 83
I still hope that Jon will get to do a Super Bowl commercial/any national commercial since TLC put the kobosh on it during the divorce.
June 17, 2015 at 5:07 PM
I think that ship has sailed.
I wonder if Jon is still considering putting out his book.
Oh, I don't know. I don't think he could carry the whole commercial, maybe in a montage of DJ's schilling for DJ equipment. I'd read a book if he wrote it--I Was Married Kate Gosseln and Lived to Love Again for the title?
Susan1956 said... 87
I'd read a book if he wrote it--I Was Married Kate Gosseln and Lived to Love Again for the title?
Alternatively....I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and Lived to Breathe Again.
"I Was Married To Kate Gosselin And Finally Got My
Junk Back From Out Of Her Purse."
I Was Married Kate Gosseln and Lived to Love Again for the title?
I Was Married To Kate Gosselin And Lived To Tell About It
Oh, I hope that TLC shows how absolutely huge Kate's ass was the first time they went the Dutch Wonderland.
I don't remember her having a big butt. I thought it was always flat.
Big Boo
I read an interview with her where she just seemed so nice and humble. I immediately liked her. I also quite liked the actress who plays Red who did an interview. I'm going to binge Season 3 this weekend. I read the book last year and one thing that is very moving in the book is that over time Red and Piper developed a very close relationship. Red became like a surrogate mother to her, she looked after her and as I recall Piper made her a very special gift when Piper left. I hope they do that in the series.
One thing in the book that kind of gave me a chuckle is how before she went in Piper read books about how to survive in prison. Lol that is such a privileged white girl thing to do. YEP.
Midnight madness, here's a clip showing her big butt. Also, look how much she's changed! She was so much prettier before she messed with plastic surgery. And she wasn't as hateful towards the kids back then.
Think Josh released his statement against the wishes of his parents? Maybe they didn't think he should resign? Maybe they thought he should not have even acknowledged the In Touch story, but he decided on his own to man up (such as it was).
Maybe they wanted him to either say nothing and continue working there, or maybe they even wanted him to deny it.
Although if he was told either resign or we fire you he might not have had a choice about working there. But they could have made up some story as to why he moved back home. And he still could have said nothing about the police report.
It's hard to fathom that his statement wasn't crafted by TLC, but perhaps ma and pa didn't want to go that route. Just a thought.
The Democrats have no current presidential hopefuls that reach the crazy, narcissitic level of a Donald Trump. However, he does make good fodder for comedians. I can't imagine what craziness he would spout should he ever really start to lose his marbles! Maybe something similar to Conrad Hilton's tirade on a flight, where he yelled at fellow passengers and called them peons. Nothing like the obscenely wealthy showing how they really feel about the average citizen.
I think one of my favorites is Trump's claim that he's got a sure fire plan to defeat ISIS, but he's going to keep it secret, because ...... not sure why. Just because I guess.
No, Kate is not likable at all, and either too dumb or perhaps too far gone down the path of mental illness, to realize how her behavior alienates those who could have helped further her career/brand. In a way, I'm glad she's such a miserable sour puss and too tired all the time to do the work necessary to maintain a phony image. TLC sure tried hard to create a likeable Kate Gosselin, but it was too gargantuan a task.
Most people who desire fame and the limelight have narcissistic traits and a single-minded drive that can make them less than likeable in private. However, those who are most successful have the intelligence to try to hide those aspects of their personality from the general public. I think of Wendy Williams. I don't like her, and that was only strengthened by her attitude on DWTS. However, I can also acknowledge that she worked hard and still works hard to attain her level of success. What success she has, is due to her efforts and she didn't have to sell out her own children to get where she is today. Or one of the biggest narcissists I've ever seen - Geraldo Rivera. I wonder if he was always so completely full of himself? Probably so, but he also is tireless and would never have reached his level of success if he had to sleep in until noon every day, and couldn't even drive himself anywhere outside his hometown city limits.
I remember that Share Your Kiss ridiculousness. If I remember correctly, Jessa and Ben posted a picture of them kissing shortly after they got married. Cheesy but pretty normal for a pair of young marrieds. But then JB and Michelle just had to post a picture of them kissing, imitating the pose of Jessa and Ben. I found it in poor taste. These two horndogs just could not let their daughter and son-in-law have the spotlight for a minute. Not to mention, it really isn't cute to see nearly 50-year old grandparents sucking face. But JB has always been an exhibitionist and Michelle goes right along with it.
I wonder what this is for. Interesting that Julie May doesn't reply--is that because he's not deemed worthy of a reply because it's likely a local event? Or that Julie May doesn't rep Kate anymore? Kate's still got Julie May's contact info on her website. Hmmm.
bill reichert @billsouthphil 31m31 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 what's best way to contact you for appearances? been email/calling Julie May but not able to connect for upcoming event. DM me
This is for Kate is a Twit and off topic, too. I LOVE Barry Manilow!! In 1985, at Reunion Arena in Dallas, I was the girl he pulled on stage to sing "Can't Smile Without You". IT WAS SO EXCITING!!
That makes two of us! I posted earlier that I was the "Smile" girl and I also have a tee shirt and a signed album. Oh, and a picture of the two of us...smiling, of course!
I am so glad you enjoyed the show, KIAT. I appreciated your post and hearing about your memories. Yes, the show was wonderful, and now there are songs I can cross off my bucket list! We're at the beach. It doesn't get much better than that -- a Barry concert followed by a Surfin' Safari.
Next up -- Billy in Philly! I love summer concerts.
Just watched the video that Karen Kauffman posted. Stop it at 1:19 and check out those love handles. And WOW. Stop it at 2:30. Mady is sitting in the stroller, crying and squalls, MOMMY HURT ME...DADDY, then she held her arm up and was rubbing on her upper side!!! Jon didn't catch on to what she said. Then TFW came over and pressed her hand on top of Mady's head very hard and said blah blah. Then when Jon came over she told Jon, I am going over with Cara and do this ride. Then Jon got Mady and took her over to the side while Mady was saying Mommy and then I couldn't hear what she was saying, Jon was talking over her.
I think TFW jerked the heck out of her arm and sat her down in that stroller and she was trying to tell Jon that her mother had hurt her arm. Then she used Cara as an excuse to get the heck out of dodge and it would of blown over by the time she got back. She jerked and hurt her arm in Alaska, we know that. She is so freaking abusive.
Also, Alexis hugged Colin on the train. Colin looked checked out already at that young age. Alexis kept looking at the camera person or someone and I was wondering if someone was motioning her to do that. Because you know the audience just loves that.
Karen Kaufman said... 95
Midnight madness, here's a clip showing her big butt. Also, look how much she's changed! She was so much prettier before she messed with plastic surgery. And she wasn't as hateful towards the kids back then.
She was kind of likeable in that clip although both Jon and Kate were channeling the "it's so hard with 8 kids", but Jon truly seemed to enjoy an active role playing with them.
My guess is that Kate's likeability might have been due to a combination of taking medication for her (alleged) bipolar disorder and it was early enough in their TLC career that she wasn't fully aware of her power as a TLC star.
TLC sure tried hard to create a likeable Kate Gosselin, but it was too gargantuan a task.
They tried to create so many faces of Kate, such as the Kan Do Kate. All of them failed miserably.
Yes, Jon would be great to do a commercial.
Would be funny if the State Farm commercial would of been, the wife grabbing the phone and saying, Who is this? Jon from State Farm. What are you wearing? Khaki's. Or, even funnier, Steve is on the phone and TFW grabs the phone and says, Who is this? Jon from State Farm.
Speaking of JB being almost 50, I wonder if the whole fan damily
was counting on some big ol' splashy TLC trip to celebrate that
milestone. A month ago, I would've bet the network would spend
any amount of money to appease their favorite patriarch. Heck,
they may still do it.
Came across this written 6 years ago.
"Jon was unexpectedly away. We mistakenly got our wires crossed and I ended up having no help from our babysitter, so I decided I'd brave this adventure by myself!!! To be very honest, I wasn't sure how it would go. Due to the overwhelming popularity of our show, our kids haven't been in a store for quite some time. This was going to be A HUGE TREAT.... or a repeat of the Toys R Us episode. I wasn't sure which yet. After lunch, we were finally all ready to go. As we departed for the store, five additional cars joined our crew and myself as I drove the big blue bus down the road. Had you passed us, you may have thought we were a funeral procession. But no, it was just me and my posse, I mean paparazzi, and crew."
Funeral procession??? Me and my posse. It took the BBB loaded down with all the kids and 5 cars and whoever else for them to go to shopping? Awful, just awful.
The Democrats have no current presidential hopefuls that reach the crazy, narcissitic level of a Donald Trump.
I don't know about crazy (maybe), but Hillary's narcissism is OFF THE CHARTS.
Both the Clintons are widely regarded as one of the biggest narcissistic power couples of all time, but in their case it gave them the drive to get to where they are. Psychologists have actually studied the most narcissistic presidents and Clinton came in at SEVEN, beating both Bushes by a mile. Arguably, many politicians who made it this far are extreme narcissists. Trump is no more narcissistic than most of them. He's just more honest about it.
Think Josh released his statement against the wishes of his parents? Maybe they didn't think he should resign? Maybe they thought he should not have even acknowledged the In Touch story, but he decided on his own to man up (such as it was).
I bet his PAC told him it's either release a statement resigning or we're firing you. I think you're right Mama and Daddy didn't want him to quit but the PAC gave him no choice.
So if Josh has been at the compound all this time was he sitting there behind the cameras while his parents and two of his victims paraded themselves on national television defending his heinous acts of sexual abuse? Man up.
Karen Kaufman said... 95
And she wasn't as hateful towards the kids back then.
Make no mistake about it - she was extremely hateful towards the kids back then. It was just more carefully edited out in those early days. Notice that when Mady is crying, she is rubbing the area around the right side of her chest/underarm & she says to Kate "you hurt me" & then she called for 'Daddy'. Kate starts to say "I didn't" & then leaves Jon to deal with the resulting meltdown. No doubt Kate gave the poor little girl a hard 'happy up' pinch which wasn't shown. Instead, Mady is portrayed as having a bratty little meltdown because she wanted to go home when she was really crying because her mother's "discipline" hurt her.
I think one of my favorites is Trump's claim that he's got a sure fire plan to defeat ISIS, but he's going to keep it secret, because ...... not sure why. Just because I guess.
It's a secret plan to defeat ISIS. You know, like President Bartlett's secret plant to fight inflation, which Josh Lyman told the press when he filled in for CJ when she had a woot canow.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 91
"I Was Married To Kate Gosselin And Finally Got My
Junk Back From Out Of Her Purse."
Surviving My Marriage To Kate Gosselin: Reclaiming My Testicles, My Voice And My Dignity. Not Necessarily In That Order.
The proper terms are African American, Caucasian and toilet (not capitalized lest you make it as important as the word 'Black' in which you DID capitalize)
I have many friends who prefer to be called black or white. Those are perfectly acceptable terms.
Some of my black friends who would prefer to be called black have explained that either they don't identify at all with Africa or their roots go too far back, or they can't even trace their ancestry to Africa. Many black Americans actually have roots in the Caribbean or other places, not Africa at all.
My black friend and I were once joking that she might as well start calling me Italian instead of American. I can trace my roots there only a generation back, whereas she has no clue how far back her roots to Africa go, but surely it's at least the 1700s. She has no affection for Africa, no desire to go there, no interest--she considers herself AMERICAN and black, period.
Tucker's Mom, thank you so much for the "woot canal" memory. West Wing is still my favorite TV show -- ever!
All politicians are narcissists. It's a shame they make reckless, ideological public statements to get in the news, but to say Clinton is more of a narcissist than Trump is a stretch.
Surviving My Marriage To Kate Gosselin: Reclaiming My Testicles, My Voice And My Dignity. Not Necessarily In That Order.
Good one! Still laughing!
I Fought Kate Gosselin and TLC Won.
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and All I Got Was This T-Shirt!
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Marry Kate
Gosselins For Dummies
Wow, they have some great deals here.
Betty Crocker Cookbook, 19.95, now only 3.99 hardback
Also, Kindle has Dump Cake Pro available for a free read.
LOL @ redbird. Gosselins for Dummies. Awesome.
Not sure if this post went through. My touch screen is acting jumpy.
I notice the term Narcissism is thrown around a lot these days. There is a difference between narcissism and NPD. In fact, a healthy dose of narcissism is a good thing and common in certain professions. I would think most surgeons would have a dose of healthy narcissism.
Donald Trump is a good example of a person who has an inflated sense of self and an unhealthy amount of narcissism. The idea that he is qualified to be president is ridiculous. He had a rich father and that is his claim to fame. He has declared bankruptcy on several occasions and really is a circus clown. To compare him to Bill and Hillary Clinton is ridiculous. Like them or not, they are both brilliant people who have the education and resume to back up any confidence they may have. One was the President and the other the Secretary of State and have earned respect. Trump is a carnival barker and reality tv personality.
As far as Psychologists diagnosing Bill Clinton, well that is highly unprofessional and given the recent torture document disclosure not surprising. Psychologists have long been in the pockets of Big Pharma and the GOP.
I would just advise against labeling everyone a Narcissist.
Thanks, P.J.
Think we could pass around big floppy sun hat, chip in and send a couple of cases of Gosselins for Dummies books to the Barn Yard, in care of Chief Ewe, Gosselin Farms.
Maybe the pool boys will make sure we don't send a couple of cases of rumspringa!! We have to have enough left over for their work breaks.
Psychologists have long been in the pockets of Big Pharma and the GOP.
I would just advise against labeling everyone a Narcissist.
there's a link between psychologists, big phrma and the gop? I must have been sleeping lol!
Admin said:
Both the Clintons are widely regarded as one of the biggest narcissistic power couples of all time,
Perhaps by you and other Republicans, but not really by the general population. As someone else pointed out, most people who have the drive and desire to be in the public eye (politicians, celebrities) have a streak of narcissism. It's part of what propels them in that direction and fuels their belief that they would be best suited for the career they choose. There's nothing inherently wrong with having a strong sense of self-confidence, even if it bleeds slightly into narcissism.
But to say that Hilary Clinton is on par with Donald Trump is quite a stretch. She is a highly educated woman, worked for years as a high-powered attorney, was a state Senator, and eventually Secretary of State. She has earned her chops in the political world, into the highest of echelons. I hope you would agree with me that she is an accomplished woman, no matter what you think of her politics.
Donald Trump has had great success (and a number of financial failures) in the real estate world. This was greatly helped by having a father with his own real estate company, but I acknowledge that Donald Trump had the vision and the strong self-confidence to take it to a much higher level. However, he has no political experience, besides his earlier attempts to get the Republican nomination.
His narcissism seems to have grown with each passing year, and he is not at all embarrassed to let it all hang out.
I am not a particular fan of Hilary Clinton, but she's been involved in politics for decades and it's logical that she wants to run for President. It's logical that Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz, and even Santorum are tossing their hats in the ring too. They have been in politics for most of their adult lives too. But Donald Trump has no political background. He can wheel and deal over a casino development, but what does he know about working with foreign leaders to resolve political differences, the geo-political backgrounds of the various hot regions around the world, and even more importantly, about running this huge country of ours. If he blows it, he can't just declare bankruptcy and walk away (or could he? leaving us holding the bag!)
Trump is in no way on par with Hilary Clinton in the political arena. (BTW, I'm not a fan of Hilary Clinton - I'm more of a Bernie Sanders type voter. But at least I feel she has a good understanding of how politics work in this country; whereas I definitely think Trump is just an attention seeker and doesn't know what he's talking about.)
Redbird said:
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and All I Got Was This T-Shirt!
Learning to Breathe Again. Life after Divorcing Kate Gosselin.
Interesting post.
Central to all of these commonalities is the extremism, the dominance and control, and the frightening punishment style. Rachel Dolezal and Josh Duggar both grew up in households that are not legally defined as ‘abusive’ but that used poisonous, dangerous techniques to control and ‘train’ children. Both were victims, and both in their turns have acted out in ways that harmed others, though Josh’s crimes were a more direct harm, and Rachel’s alleged liees about suffering hate crimes do harm in a more subtle way, by helping discredit those who truly are victims of similar crimes.
Rachel Dolezal and Josh Duggar are hardly the only kids rased in these environments — and it’s about time we open our eyes and recognize the dangers of this type of child-rearing.
Redbird said:
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and All I Got Was This T-Shirt
I had to change this a bit...
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and All I Got Was an Ed Hardy T-Shirt
But Donald Trump has no political background. He can wheel and deal over a casino development, but what does he know about working with foreign leaders to resolve political differences, the geo-political backgrounds of the various hot regions around the world, and even more importantly, about running this huge country of ours. If he blows it, he can't just declare bankruptcy and walk away (or could he? leaving us holding the bag!)
Which is frightening. It's like all Trump knows is that money buys anything. Is he really in a bubble where he doesn't get the far-reaching implications of his ineptitude when it comes to foreign policy?
I find his complete lack of insight dangerous when it comes to how he could single-handedly land America in another war because he knows nothing about foreign policy, other than converting any other currency to the U.S. dollar.
Trump has never struck me as a Patriot, just an arrogant American.
Ingrid, I started to say Ed Hardy, but it just wasn't meant to be! hahaha
But Donald Trump has no political background. He can wheel and deal over a casino development, but what does he know about working with foreign leaders to resolve political differences, the geo-political backgrounds of the various hot regions around the world, and even more importantly, about running this huge country of ours.
What did Ronald Reagan know about any of those things when he was elected governor? He was an actor.
She is a highly educated woman, worked for years as a high-powered attorney, was a state Senator, and eventually Secretary of State.
I don't think that anyone would disagree with this. The point made was that she's a narcissist and she certainly appears to be so.
"There's nothing inherently wrong with having a strong sense of self-confidence, even if it bleeds slightly into narcissism." ...125
Like Kate? lol!
redbird said... 130
Ingrid, I started to say Ed Hardy, but it just wasn't meant to be! hahaha
Rain birdie 110, I agree with everything you wrote. Yes Kate was horrible towards the kids at Dutch Wonderland. I guess what I was trying to say was that she has changed so much even from that level of hatefulness. Back then, she could at least appear to enjoy her kids (at times. The meanness would rear its head though, for sure). She could still smile at her kids. Now she is incapable of showing any joy with regards to them. She's not just harried and tired. She clearly resents and dislikes them. She went from an awful baseline to even worse behavior.
And not to beat a dead horse...but regarding that big butt...she really truly looks like she has a stick up there. Or an impacted turd. Or something. Lol
redbird said:
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin and All I Got Was This T-Shirt!
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin ... So Sue Me!
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin ... So Sue Me!
I was married to Kate Gosselin and my nuts finally came out of hiding.
I Was Married to Kate Gosselin ... So Sue Me!
Perfect! That says it all!
She may say this on the new show that is coming on at the intro:
From R home, nestled on Gosselin Farms, with a Zorro's eye view of Gosselin Mt, MasterManipulator TLC Theater presents,
Mexican Birthday Bash Getaway! Kate's BIG BIRTHDAY BLOW-OUT, THE BIG 4-0!
Would the timeline be about right when Josh was forced to resign his job and he, Anna and kids went back to AR and Steve was hired as a decoy to deflect that Josh went back home. Then word got out that he was at the Duggar compound and then someone called CPS and then they came to the house and they refused to let them in and then 911 was called.
What did Ronald Reagan know about any of those things when he was elected governor? He was an actor.
Reagan was the Governor of Calif.
redbird, that's been theory all along.
Oh my, now we're talking politics. I really hate political talk, but I have to stick up for Clinton. Her husband may have been identified as the 7th most narcissistic president (Nixon was 6), but that doesn't mean Hillary was. That's a big jump. Hillary is an accomplished woman, and I hope she becomes President. Yes, I'll say it - I support her completely.
And Admin, by the way, George W Bush came in at #11 - that's not "beating the Bush's by a mile" as you said.
She's a much better choice than any other candidate i see running for President - Democrat or Republican!
What did Ronald Reagan know about any of those things when he was elected governor? He was an actor.
He is in the top 10 in Presidential rankings. Our sad Lancaster hometown boy, Buchanan, is last on the list. I knew he was bad, but I didn't know he was that bad. Heck, even Warren G outranked him.
The only reason I would believe JB&M would give Josh the cold shoulder is if TLC actually did cancel them and halt the money train. Otherwise, nothing will cause them a problem with their golden boy.
I don't think TLC will cancel the show in the end.
Bubbles said... 146
The only reason I would believe JB&M would give Josh the cold shoulder is if TLC actually did cancel them and halt the money train. Otherwise, nothing will cause them a problem with their golden boy.
I don't think TLC will cancel the show in the end.
It's obvious to me that Josh's molesting at least 5 young girls is not grounds to cancel the show, and that's pretty sickening to me.
That said, I just don't know how TLC can isolate members of that huge family such that Josh and his family aren't seen or heard from again.
She's a much better choice than any other candidate i see running for President - Democrat or Republican!
Perhaps. If she learns the rules about sending emails from a personal account! Looks like she may have a small problem with Benghazi-related emails. I'm just not sure that I trust her.
"Reagan was the Governor of Calif."
I don't think there's any question about that. However, when he was elected governor, he was an actor. He had little or no experience in politics, and yet he went on to become one of the top 10 US Presidents.
And not to beat a dead horse...but regarding that big butt...she really truly looks like she has a stick up there. Or an impacted turd. Or something. Lol
lol! Regarding the butt. Unfortunately, I've seen it up close and personal since the twins were in first grade, and it's never been what I would call huge. Not at all. A bit broader than what it is now, but she's always been a "flatty."
That said, I just don't know how TLC can isolate members of that huge family such that Josh and his family aren't seen or heard from again.
True, and I don't see how they could cite Jon on a morals clause, and let the Duggars slip on through. It seems they just pick and choose at random.
That said, I just don't know how TLC can isolate members of that huge family such that Josh and his family aren't seen or heard from again.
True, and I don't see how they could cite Jon on a morals clause, and let the Duggars slip on through. It seems they just pick and choose at random.
I agree with this, I am struggling to understand why it's okay to film the rest of the family but not Josh, or whatever they may be thinking. I think it's too hard to parse out certain members and say they don't deserve to film but others do. I also wonder, stubborn as they are, if the Duggars might just not AGREE to film unless Josh is included. They're just arrogant enough to make such a demand and see if their bluff s called. I will never get over Josh standing by while his parents and victims paraded themselves on national TV defending the honor of a child molester. He should be ashamed of himself.
I'll believe it when I see it. I really don't care so much what TLC WANTS to do as long as they don't actually go through with it. I still think they can want it all they want but they're going to spend far too much time and energy trying to scrounge up sponsors. They can have all the meetings they want in the world, but if GE and Johnson and Johnson won't sign up, there's no point.
I don't think that anyone would disagree with this. The point made was that she's a narcissist and she certainly appears to be so.
Absolutely she's a narcissist. That's the thing, she is successful. Many narcissists are highly successful. Many politicians are narcissists especially when you get that high up, start to realize it's all just one big game of thrones, and that the biggest ego and most cutthroat usually goes the furthest. You can achieve success the moral way, you can also achieve much more success by being an ice cold hold no prisoners narcissist.
My narcissist is worth 30 million and I would never say they are not very accomplished and work darn hard. I would say most of that 30 million is directly related to their own blood sweat and tears. They do work hard, and so does Hillary. I would also say that they could stop being such a raging narcissist, amass a net worth of maybe 5 million or so, and live a very happy life. But they won't, they can't.
If you don't think she's a narcissist, watch her first press conference after the email scandal first broke. I've never seen such a self absorbed, textbook, and not at all likable narcissist. Other than Kate. My mouth was literally hanging open with her brazen arrogance, and frankly, lies. I will never in a million years give her my vote.
As far as Psychologists diagnosing Bill Clinton, well that is highly unprofessional and given the recent torture document disclosure not surprising. Psychologists have long been in the pockets of Big Pharma and the GOP.
I would just advise against labeling everyone a Narcissist.
You don't need to be a professional to see the narcissism. His history, which is mostly public record, is obvious. I didn't know psychologists were in the GOPs pocket. I must have missed when that happened. I thought a lot of Republicans criticize psychologists for over diagnosing and medicating.
As for Hillary only being called a narcissist by the GOP, that's absolutely not true. Google around and you will see there are many Democrats who acknowledge the ego of the Clintons. They may still vote for them, but they admit the obvious. This thing has been 50 years in the making for them and like I imagine not unlike many politicians at their level, has been driven by obsessive narcissism. It's the fuel that ran this train all these years.
They are what they are. A spade is a spade. I don't think that means you will do a good job or a bad job. I don't know. My narcissist is an incredible actor, at times. They are great at it, and have been awarded accordingly. Their personality problem doesn't make them bad at what they do in the slightest. I'm sure there are other narcissist who are bad actors. It really isn't related to it.
Admin; I know what your saying, about the Duggars. Having watched that show over the years, JimBob has gotten money greedy. The Christian values he was once dishing out to the public have gone down the drain. I think they have lost most of their fan base, with this scandle. TLC has lost most of their fan base. I can not even watch anything on TLC now. All the reality shows especially the family ones, all do the same shows formula. Birthdays, trips, kids yelling, screaming, fighting, parents & kids on couches commenting, parents on couches complaining, every show is the same. So watch one & you have seen them all. All the Dwarf/Little people/whatever they call themselves, all the shows are exactly the same, you watch one, can skip the rest, same formula different family. As for the large families, samething, maybe one is more religious or musical, or don't do nothing special at all, they just have muliti-kids at one time. All is scripted, nothing real about any of them. BORING!
Hillary Clinton was not a state senator, she was a US Senator....
Admin; I know what your saying, about the Duggars. Having watched that show over the years, JimBob has gotten money greedy. The Christian values he was once dishing out to the public have gone down the drain. I think they have lost most of their fan base, with this scandle. TLC has lost most of their fan base. I can not even watch anything on TLC now. All the reality shows especially the family ones, all do the same shows formula
I really agree. I know we all keep saying the turd that won't flush but eventually the plumber is called and gets it to flush. Eventually it will flush.
Their format is stale, tired, unoriginal. They have done nothing to innovate in the past seven years. I think they'll always pull in 1.2 million or so per show by virtue of channel surfing and landing on a cute baby or whatever, but is that enough to sustain this network? Maybe I have no idea.
Even if this never happened, I still don't see the interest in the Duggars continuing for long. The girls don't have the personality or shock value of the parents. Someone said before really, 19 marriages and babies? I mean where does it end. Everyone gets bored eventually. Why don't they think outside the box. What about a scripted series? That has been great for networks like AMC and A&E. Go for it.
That's a big jump. Hillary is an accomplished woman, and I hope she becomes President. Yes, I'll say it - I support her completely. (Kirkland 144).
I'd rather vote for Grover (Cleveland, not Sesame Street Grover) and he's been dead for over a century. I always felt sorry for him and his botched secretive jaw surgery. Poor fella.
What about a scripted series? That has been great for networks like AMC and A&E. Go for it.
I'm watching my 600 pound life. For TLC, it's a decent series/documentary. Problem is, when Kate jumps in there with her promo, I have to grab for the mute on the remote. I really can't stand to listen to her, even for a short time. How anyone can watch an entire show with her jabbering on and on about nothing but herself and how difficult it is with EIGHT kids is beyond me.
My mouth was literally hanging open with her brazen arrogance, and frankly, lies. I will never in a million years give her my vote.
I think my mouth joined you in that one. It is the arrogance that gets me. Granted, one can be arrogant, egotistical and still do a fine job in the political arena. However, I just don't know about her. There's just something shady and conniving...
Kate tweeted, and five minutes later, there blows Gladys! What if she's in the shower? Does she hop out of there, neglecting to dry off, dripping water all over the bedroom just because her love interest has spoken? I wonder what happens if she's on the potty and gets a Kate alert.
UGH. Brain bleach and some rumspringa, please.
Psychologists have long been in the pockets of Big Pharma and the GOP.
I would just advise against labeling everyone a Narcissist. 143
May I ask what you're basing this on? It certainly has not been my experience. And VERY few psychologists have prescribing privileges, and only in certain rural states.
I DO agree with your second point about narcissism. I will also reiterate that there is a significant difference between narcissism and NPD.
I'm watching my 600 pound life. For TLC, it's a decent series/documentary.
I haven't seen that but I liked the network when I first started, when they were mostly airing interesting documentaries.
As I recall they had a particularly moving documentary about a young British man whose skin was very sensitive and was always getting sores. He could barely even wear clothes without it hurting him. He was such an inspiration, was so wise. I remember crying watching it.
I think they just bought that film from the BBC, but they don't have to make their own documentaries. They can just farm them out and then buy the rights. Fine. I'd love to see them go back to airing very interesting human interest stories. Not the freak show family goes on vacation format of the past several years. Yawnnnnnnn.
I think my mouth joined you in that one. It is the arrogance that gets me. Granted, one can be arrogant, egotistical and still do a fine job in the political arena. However, I just don't know about her. There's just something shady and conniving...
Yes, I agree. I really can't put my finger on it, but there's something about her that would make me have red flags about voting for her I think "shady" is an applicable adjective.
Millicent (125): "But to say that Hilary Clinton is on par with Donald Trump is quite a stretch. She is a highly educated woman, worked for years as a high-powered attorney, was a state Senator, and eventually Secretary of State. "
She was the US Senator from New York for eight years, not a state senator.
Wasn't there also a scandal or controversy (Whitewater) involving the Clintons and the McDougals? I can't remember the outcome of that, and I'm too lazy tonight to look it up!
Seaworld's entertainment director has been caught dumping a bunch of stocks in the company. Over ONE MILLION of it.
Not sure what this means but......holy shnikies.
The Duggars have certainly gotten very wordly, imo. Bitten by the money bug.
They're just as greedy as TFW. Whatever wordly thing they can get TLC to pay for. It's all about the stuff, now.
If we were to focus on attributes of 'narcissism' and/ or 'arrogance' when disucssing any candidate for public office, it would be a sad discussion, indeed. Those descriptions are so often in the eye of the beholder (there is no objective measure) and I hope we, the Electorate, will evaluate candidates on more important measures.
I can't figure out if she thinks she's funny, or if she's so immature that she has the intelligence and mental age of a middle schooler. Either way, it's just really creepy and she needs to grow up. If I were her kids, I'd be so embarrassed. I wonder if they know how she acts on Twitter.
Stock up on the Depends, Milo. You will need them, especially when you see Kate rockin' that teeny weeny bikini, especially if she recently got those puppies inflated.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 52m52 minutes ago
Ole' Ole' we R just a few days away! 2 specials June 23 & 30th! Kate & the kids on a Mexican playday! We'll be watching! @TLC @Kateplusmy8
True, but when a politician's narcissism results in repeated corruption, compulsive lying, and a repeated, arrogant lack of transparency, one must take notice and carefully consider their vote.
If their narcissism doesn't tend to do that, I see it as mostly a non-issue.
Those descriptions are so often in the eye of the beholder (there is no objective measure) and I hope we, the Electorate, will evaluate candidates on more important measures.
But if their narcissism and arrogance are forefront and we can't help but notice, it would affect important measures on which we are asked to evaluate them. This would become an important issue that can't be dismissed. It's not mutually exclusive, and the narcissism and important issues would become part of a candidate's entire political package.
True, but when a politician's narcissism results in repeated corruption, compulsive lying, and a repeated, arrogant lack of transparency, one must take notice and carefully consider their vote.
'Corruption' and 'lying' are not acceptable in our elected officials, but neither are they solely by-products of narcissim and arrogance. (there is no shortage of lying liars who lie who are also corrupt, who fly under the radar until they are detected)
I believe there is a difference between someone who is narcissistic (not necessarily a cancer in an elected official) and someone who has NPD.
But if their narcissism and arrogance are forefront and we can't help but notice, it would affect important measures on which we are asked to evaluate them.
One person's view of 'narcissism' and 'arrogance' may well be another's 'confidence' and 'chutzpah'.
One person's view of 'narcissism' and 'arrogance' may well be another's 'confidence' and 'chutzpah'.
So for some, Kate has confidence and chutzpah, not narcissism and arrogance?
So for some, Kate has confidence and chutzpah, not narcissism and arrogance?
Her fans definitely think so; I do not share this opinion!
I will never in a million years give her my vote.
I don't think she was expecting to get the conservative Republican vote, so I don't think she'll be losing any sleep over not securing yours.
I'm a libertarian, not a "conservative republican." It's probably wise for serious contenders to lose a little sleep over those not tied to either party, as this will likely be another close one.
I really enjoy My 600 Pound Life on TLC. I think it qualifies as a real documentary and I don't see it as any kind of exploitation. The subjects have called themselves "freaks" often enough, but I see them as people seriously at the end of their ropes. With the exceptions of Penny and Pauline who spectacularly failed, the subjects move from point A to point D on a very dangerous, scary and triumphant journey.
I put these 600 pound stories in a category with the Farmer's Wife documentary. Honest, heartfelt, tragic and worthy of applause. I care about how their stories turn out.
Another show I latched onto on TLC was about Mandy Sellers, a British woman with elephantitis in her legs. One leg was yards in circumference
and one foot was clubbed. I cheered her every time she spoke with hope and determination as she looked for answers, and I fretted with every bit of bad news she got. They did a followup on her several years later and I was glued to my TV.
In my opinion, TLC can still do a couple of things right. When they do, I will watch.
Shocking said... 175
I will never in a million years give her my vote.
I don't think she was expecting to get the conservative Republican vote, so I don't think she'll be losing any sleep over not securing yours.
Is she expecting to get the Democratic vote, because as a registered one, I'm not supporting her or voting for her. I seriously doubt she will be losing any sleep over that, either.
I sincerely doubt that Hillary is a narcissist, for this simple reason: She put her own, very successful, career on hold to back her husband. I don't think that would be considered typical behavior for a narcissist. who craves being the center of attention.
And, say what you will about her husband, his rise from a poor southern family with an abusive father, to the White House, is inspiring. Everything he accomplished, he earned--unlike the Bushes and Romneys.
I was in Hope Arkansas in the 70s, when my boyfriend was doing a forestry internship. Ready-to-wear apparel had just hit the stores, and the girls were still sporting bouffant hair styles. I drank a lot of tequila and ate a lot of BBQ!
WELL!! What will Jim Bob and Michelle say when TLC airs its newest show "I Am Jazz" about a young -- transgendered -- teenager? Will they even want to be a part of such a network?
Oh, the irony!
I was a Bill Clinton voter. Twice. I never regretted my vote.
I'm up in the air about Hillary, but she's definitely a candidate I will seriously consider voting for.
Ain't it grand that we can freely vote for whomever we choose? It's a right I know we are all thankful for. ~ Administrator said... 169
True, but when a politician's narcissism results in repeated corruption, compulsive lying, and a repeated, arrogant lack of transparency, one must take notice and carefully consider their vote.
John Edwards
I have lived to see the first Catholic president, the first black president and I would love to see the first woman president whether it's Hillary or someone else. I am so proud of any woman who battles her way to the top be it CEO or president. The only way I will live to see women get equal pay is for a woman in the White House, more women on the Supreme Court and a hell of a lot more women in Congress. We are a powerful constituency.
Jim Bob and Michelle are big fat hypocrites. If their beliefs took precedence over everything, they would protest TLC as a heinous cable network. Maybe the real reason they claim not to watch TV is that they have deniability when it comes to TLC programming.
OT recent news events: the south Carolina shooting, notable for me at how rapidly information got out to the public and how rapid the public response was, with multiple people who recognized the shooter calling in tips to the florist on her way to work who happened to notice the car and got on the phone to police and gave the info so he could be stopped.
Contrast with the two new York state prison escapees who have been out two weeks now without a trace. Where are they?
We do know The American Psychological Association helped bolster the CIA Torture program and several members were paid handsome sums. It has long been known that there are financial ties between the DSM panel members (Psychiatrists, Social Workers, MD's and Psychologists) and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Even the attempt to mandate the cervical cancer vaccine to young school girls in Texas had a connection between Merck (the big Pharma) and Rick Perry. Unless you watch Fox News this is all really common knowledge and no great surprise.
JoyinVirginia said... 185
OT recent news events: the south Carolina shooting, notable for me at how rapidly information got out to the public and how rapid the public response was, with multiple people who recognized the shooter calling in tips to the florist on her way to work who happened to notice the car and got on the phone to police and gave the info so he could be stopped.
Contrast with the two new York state prison escapees who have been out two weeks now without a trace. Where are they?
In deep woods somewhere.
Roof practically surrendered himself. He wasn't really trying hard to evade capture. He went quietly. No suicide by cop.
The prison escapes Shawshanked their way out with a well-thought-out-elaborate plan that included what to do when they got out.
I believe they have help on the outside.
Summer heat, humidity and bugs haven't flushed them out into public, no reports of carjacking or home invasions?
They've got help.
I don't believe the people of NY and Vermont are any less vigilante. The criminals are just better at what they do.
The sadness I feel over the Charleston shootings is great. In a perfect world, we will be able pinpoint at what point this 21-year old went so, so very wrong, and do something to fix it.
Paula said... 186
We do know The American Psychological Association helped bolster the CIA Torture program and several members were paid handsome sums. It has long been known that there are financial ties between the DSM panel members (Psychiatrists, Social Workers, MD's and Psychologists) and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Even the attempt to mandate the cervical cancer vaccine to young school girls in Texas had a connection between Merck (the big Pharma) and Rick Perry. Unless you watch Fox News this is all really common knowledge and no great surprise.
June 19, 2015 at 4:49 AM
You've made no real connections at all. Where is one data point that proves the links you cite?
I'm not saying your wrong. I'm saying what you're writing is thus far, unfounded and reeks of conspiracy theory.
I don't believe the people of NY and Vermont are any less vigilante.
Oops, vigilant. Added the "e" by mistake ;-)
We do know The American Psychological Association helped bolster the CIA Torture program and several members were paid handsome sums. It has long been known that there are financial ties between the DSM panel members (Psychiatrists, Social Workers, MD's and Psychologists) and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Even the attempt to mandate the cervical cancer vaccine to young school girls in Texas had a connection between Merck (the big Pharma) and Rick Perry. Unless you watch Fox News this is all really common knowledge and no great surprise.
Since the study I talked about includes several Republicans as some of their most narcissistic presidents, your conspiracy theory holds no water.
In fact, Richard Nixon, a Republican, scored even higher than Clinton. Clinton was ranked 7, Nixon was SIX.
Bingo, I was going to say John Edwards!
And may I add, the Duggars? They're politicians too. Oh and guess what, they're Republicans. I make no distinction what party you identify with. If you are a narcissist you're a narcissist, plain and simple.
In fact, Richard Nixon, a Republican, scored even higher than Clinton. Clinton was ranked 7, Nixon was SIX.
Fascinating about Nixon, being a Quaker and all.
I'm almost done binging OITNB and I had to laugh at the Amish Rumspringa story line!! ~ Administrator said... 191
Bingo, I was going to say John Edwards!
I was both fascinated and repulsed by the enablers that clung onto Edwards, and the filthy scut work they did for him, all in the hopes of having White House access and the ear of a POTUS.
I'm almost done binging OITNB and I had to laugh at the Amish Rumspringa story line!!
Ha, no way! I JUST started and only finished episode one. I did love them forgetting to put the candy in the piñata as a metaphor for their lives, LOL. As well as the discussion of one of my favorite books of all time, Freakonomics. The writers said once they carefully consider each book referenced or seen on a prisoner's shelf. It's not just random books pulled by a prop master.
Good show.
OT recent news events: the south Carolina shooting, notable for me at how rapidly information got out to the public and how rapid the public response was, with multiple people who recognized the shooter calling in tips to the florist on her way to work who happened to notice the car and got on the phone to police and gave the info so he could be stopped.
Contrast with the two new York state prison escapees who have been out two weeks now without a trace. Where are they?
I think the difference is Dylan Roof clearly wanted to be caught. He gets off on being actually seen doing the act, a brief chase, and then a media spectacle at his apprehension. He fits the same exact pattern and demographic of many other shooters before him.
Those prisoners did not want to be caught and are as good as gone. It's been too long.
The sadness I feel over the Charleston shootings is great. In a perfect world, we will be able pinpoint at what point this 21-year old went so, so very wrong, and do something to fix it.
Once again a troubled young boy has committed murder. There is not enough mental heath help available to parents or children who really need it. I have a grandson who has bipolar II disorder, is ADHD, color blind, and severely depressed. Our local mental health hospital has been closed for years. There are very few child psychiatrists in the country, and insurance basically sucks for treatment. My grandson was diagnosed at the age of 7. He is now 15. He has never had a friend. He has poor social skills, struggles in school, and has been bullied his entire life. We are all so very worried about and for him. Terrified, actually. He is sweet, gentle, and loving, but he is so very lonely. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh.
He goes to a clinic about a hundred miles away once a year where they reevaluate his meds, stays for a week of observation and therapy and then sent back home. It's not enough by any stretch of the imagination.
NBC is reporting the shooter almost backed out because the group was being so nice to him.
I sincerely doubt that Hillary is a narcissist, for this simple reason: She put her own, very successful, career on hold to back her husband. I don't think that would be considered typical behavior for a narcissist. who craves being the center of attention.
I'm not sure I follow this. Him being on the ticket gave her TONS of attention in her own right. A first lady is showered with attention without having the burden of running the country--a win win. Even Kate once tried to latch herself onto the first lady, even she knows the attention it brings. Hillary also pretty much took over the vice presidential duties from Al Gore, this is widely reported. He was very marginalized during their tenure. I would think for a narcissist, the only thing as good as being president would be being married to one. What's more, these people had a long term plan as successful people do. She knew if he were president, it would mean many more open doors for her ten, twenty years down the future.They were not just thinking 1993. They were thinking 2016. By the end of his eight years in office the focus had shifted to her and much of the media was calling her a "rising political star." It was all carefully calculated. And so here we are, sure enough.
I want a woman to be president but not if that woman is not right for the job. I will vote for a man over a woman if I think that person will be better at running our country and getting us out of this mess. If you're looking for an alternative who is a woman, there are others potential good prospects out there, like Carly Fiorina, whose parents were just an artist and a cowboy turned lawyer and judge, also worked hard, got herself highly educated, and slowly rose through the ranks to be CEO. As long as voters keep an open mind, give everyone a fair chance to present their case for the job. and don't just assume the loudest person who gets the most media attention is necessarily the best, we'll be fine.
It was nice to see people of different races at the scene of the vigil for the church shooting victims. I think while the violence was said to be racially-charged, there is likely much more behind Roof's horrifying actions. It's at least good to see that most people are inherently good, regardless of color. Too much black vs. white tension has been in the news lately with finger-pointing by both sides. All I know is that 9 innocent church-goers lost their lives for no reason we can understand.
I am sad for their loss and have great sympathy for family and friends.
I consider myself an well-informed voter. I care. I am slowing slipping into a hopeless place. I am not sure than any candidate can fix the huge problems this country is facing. It is a bleak thought.
I agree that Hillary has been an accomplished politician for 5 decades. That is exactly why I would not consider voting for her. I think she (and Bill) are VERY ambitious people. I think they lack moral boundaries. I cannot overlook decisions they have made in the past.
Their lives are a graveyard of secrets, suicides, sexcapades and scandals. (Have I watched too much "House of Cards"?)
Hillary is try to present a softer more caring image. Won't work for me.
I think she would claw her way across corpses to get a chapter in history books -- The First Woman President.
My opinion isn't meant to upset anyone who posts here. I am not sure this is a good place for political discussion. But, I have confidence that Admin will keep us under control.
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