InTouch has a great breakdown post-interview of the Duggar's slant on the truth.
Among the eleven things the Duggars are still hiding, says the magazine, are:
- The Duggars waited over four years to get counseling for Josh.
- The child services investigation reports have never been released, despite the Duggars implying they were.
- The family likely has no leg to stand on in a lawsuit, as nothing improper was done. In fact it would have been illegal not to release the records.
- Judge Zimmerman, who ordered the records destroyed after they were already turned over to the media, made the order without properly giving the media an opportunity to contest her order. A law professor and former U.S. attorney called the court order "odd," pointing out that usually in such a situation the records are ordered sealed, not destroyed. adds:
![]() |
The man behind the year's biggest reality show story: David Perel. |
- The Duggars outright said that the release of the information could have been a bribe, but don't have a shred of evidence to support such a malicious contention.
- Mike Huckabee, whom the Duggars quoted during the interview and count as a supporter, swiffered all traces of the Duggars from his web site just before the interview.
- The judge who ordered the records destroyed was appointed twice by Duggar (former) ally Huckabee.
Check out InTouch for more.
For more reading, check out why InTouch's investigation exposing one of America's most famous conservative-religious political families was of Pulitzer caliber. "Solid," says the editors at The Washington Post. Editor David Perel, who led the InTouch investigation, was nominated for a Pulitzer, though didn't win, in 2010 for his work on the John Edwards scandal. Nominations are typically announced in January.
1786 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 1786 Newer› Newest»Diving in before reading, sorry!
It really bugs me that tfw thinks she is so special, so classy, yet she continues to butcher the English language.
Saw her talking about up-coming grifted birthday trip, and she sits there telling us that 'YOUR' invited!! Talks like a hillbilly-not knocking hillbillies, they don't put on performances like she does. Class like an ass!
My goodness. With Steve and camera crew at nightclub, it's funny to think she's attractive to any man.
Personally, clubbing is depressing. I guess it had to done just so the audience totally understands she's SINGLE.
When I was 11, I started my babysitting career. I babysat little kids, but at 11, no one ever called me a little kid.
Saw her talking about up-coming grifted birthday trip, and she sits there telling us that 'YOUR' invited!!
How else do you pronounce it? When you write it, it's you're, but if you say it, it's "your" invited, or have I been mispronouncing this all along? LOL!
When you're a kid remember how everyone looked either 20 or 70? You haven't developed yet the ability to pinpoint someone's age with better precession. With time you start to realize what the different decades look like and get better at guessing someone's age.
I really don't believe the kids have the first clue what age she really looks like, nor should they be concerned with that. Talk about setting kids up for a lifetime of issues over aging.
Having never been abused when I was a kiddie, and having perfectly sane parents, I've gotta ask wouldn't most if not all of the Gosselin kids be happy to get a few days relief from Mommy Dearest? If she's so horrible why are they so sad that she's leaving? And haven't they figured out by now that any threat to leave them behind somewhere forever is just that, a threat?
Personally, clubbing is depressing. I guess it had to done just so the audience totally understands she's SINGLE.
At 40? Very depressing, for me anyway. An embarrassingly large limo that reeks of Drakkar Noir and Gordon Gecko's flop sweat, and getting all dolled up for men that you don't know and probably don't want to know is really pretty sad at her age.
Plus, from the few seconds I saw, Kate is still a cold fish and socially awkward.
prairiemary said... 3
When I was 11, I started my babysitting career. I babysat little kids, but at 11, no one ever called me a little kid.
June 20, 2015 at 1:56 PM
I think I started baby sitting at 12. The G kids seem a bit immature from being denied opportunities to grow and being corralled on the compound.
I really don't believe the kids have the first clue what age she really looks like, nor should they be concerned with that. Talk about setting kids up for a lifetime of issues over aging.
The kids will be hyper-aware of appearance and weight. If none has an eating disorder, it'll be a miracle.
Plus, this whole hang up Kate has about not looking her age and projecting that on her kids must be so damn confusing. I mean, she's had extensive work done and her looks have morphed a lot.
How is a kid supposed to know what she should look like, unless she has an identical twin that ages naturally?
Lisa E @lulu2465 37m37 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 yes - we are HAPPY!!! 💃💃💃💃 <<<< Happy dance 😊
You're doing a happy dance because Kate teased her kids and told them she was going away without them? You're HAPPY because the cameras are once again shoved into their faces? You're HAPPY because they are a trained circus act, only they whine more and more now than ever? You're HAPPY because Kate complains about everything, even when TLC gives them all a free vacation?
These sheeple have more than a few screws loose. Get HAPPY watching your own children. If you don't have kids, go to the park and watch others in the playground, or on the beach...if you have to have a "fix" watching kids on vacation. There's something really sick about getting HAPPY watching other people's kids "just playing" in front of a camera and being exploited so their mom can collect a nice pay check.
TLC stinks said... 129
Unfortunately, rather than acknowledging their culpability (and dishonesty) in the process, Jim Bob and Michelle are seeking to pin the blame on the woman who “outed” them.
Take this widely circulated excerpt from a socially conservative website, which makes note of the fact that Kathy O’Kelley, the police chief who released the records implicating Josh Duggar, is a lesbian …
If a crazed lesbian was looking for a conservative public figure to demonize, Jim Bob would be a good one. And what better way to hurt him than to permanently destroy the reputation of his oldest son and force his daughters to relive their abuse all over again in the public eye?
Share this report if you think it is deplorable that Springdale Police Chief Kathy O’Kelley likely went after the Duggars maliciously because they are a conservative Christian family.
I was a bit confused by the quotes above.
If you read the article at fits news, you will see that the last two paragraphs are a quote from another (conservative) website, and this article disagrees with them. The last paragraph of the article is:
"But at the end of the day, the Duggars brought this on themselves. And exploiting homophobia in an effort to pass the buck for their failure is inexcusable."
The first paragraph, plus the final one I just quoted, give the gist of their position.
Tuckermom: your are very right. Those tups, especially the girls are so immature for 11. They still yell, scream and fight, with each other, and have to yell to get their point across. I would never allow that kind of behavior. I remember my mother from the time I was about 3 or 4, telling me to lower your voice, and/or, if you yell or scream or talk loud, I will not listen. I don't see Kate correcting those girls, she never corrected the twins either. The boys are always quiet. They learned real quick, not to rock the boat. The Tup girls have horrible manners.
Admin: that is cause, the kids are not around their older relatives, or older people, like Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles. To them as Kate likes to do, is keep them in the dark. I'm sure that Kate probably tells stories to those kids about how terrible, her family is, so they won't want to see them.
I've gotta ask wouldn't most if not all of the Gosselin kids be happy to get a few days relief from Mommy Dearest? If she's so horrible why are they so sad that she's leaving?
I was just about to ask the same thing. Wouldn't they have been happy just to get her out of their lives for a short while? Unless, of course, they really wanted to go away and were bored at home, and since she had to go with them, they'd have to take the bad with the good.
Sleepless in Seattle: your are right, there is something wrong if the bird is biting. She changed something or, are the kids getting rough with the bird. Or could the bird be sick? I know that when my birds, don't feel well, or maybe her bird is moulting, mine are and they are a bit crabby, or bit. Mine are parakeets, and cockatiels.
Well, we all have to remember Kate is a know it all.
Well, according to Kate, they are filming more than the 3 days we know of. She tweeted today.
Wonder why Leah got so upset? It's terrible Kate puts her kids in such a vulnerable position publicly. She is such an ass. Since the kids can't act, it's play a trick and watch their reactions. Incredibly cruel. And I think Kate KNOWS and does not care.
I was just about to ask the same thing. Wouldn't they have been happy just to get her out of their lives for a short while? Unless, of course, they really wanted to go away and were bored at home, and since she had to go with them, they'd have to take the bad with the good.
Maybe it's not so much about Kate, but more to do with being left with the revolving door of nannies. At least with Kate they know what to expect. It's completely normal for children their ages to just want to be with their parent, even if that parent is abusive. They probably don't know what to expect from whoever is the nanny of the month, and perhaps it has not gone well with some or many of them when Kate's left them for days at a time.
At 40? Very depressing, for me anyway.
I remember in college and seeing the 40 year old at the bar and all of us thinking omg look at the old 40 year old.
She's that 40 year old in the bar. Or club. Or whatever. It's over, time to move on. You can't be 22 forever. Stop embarrassing yourself. All the kids are looking at you embarrassed for you. Also does she really think the bar is a great place to meet the man of your dreams?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago
@PaulParmar1 whatever they’re called, there’s more we’re all happy, right?;) #AllThatMatters
This sounds SLIGHTLY passive aggressive towards TLC. "Whatever they're called."
Sounds like there may have been a little dispute between Kate and TLC over whether she is getting EPISODES or a "special." LOL. But she got a little therapy and is back around to the over the top positive it's all good no matter what they want to call them!
Maybe it's not so much about Kate, but more to do with being left with the revolving door of nannies. At least with Kate they know what to expect.
From what I can tell, Kate just wants a warm body to post while she's gone. I don't think she gives a hoot if the nanny enriches them, or showers them with kindness. I think the nannies are there to meet the basics: feeding, cleaning and making sure the daily tasks get done.
Who is the new "friend" that suddenly popped up on the Mexico/birthday episodes?
Been around 8 years? Why does this sound like a lie?
Kids that age WANT and NEED to know what is going on in their lives. They should know ahead of time where they are going and when and where their mother is going.
Kids thrive on routine and if the routine is going to be disrupted they need to be given as much time as possible to adjust to that. Most kids actually don't like being surprised. It's not uncommon for a surprise birthday party for a child to burst into tears. Not because they are sad but because they can't deal with the shock and didn't enjoy the surprise.
We know based on that letter from the school some of the kids have special needs, I won't go into detail, but those kids even more need routine and need lots of notice when things will be changing.
She is incredibly disrespectful to a child's emotional needs. This disrespect will be remembered by the children for years to come. ~ Administrator said... 13
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago
@PaulParmar1 whatever they’re called, there’s more we’re all happy, right?;) #AllThatMatters
This sounds SLIGHTLY passive aggressive towards TLC. "Whatever they're called."
Sounds like there may have been a little dispute between Kate and TLC over whether she is getting EPISODES or a "special." LOL. But she got a little therapy and is back around to the over the top positive it's all good no matter what they want to call them!
All happy? Seriously? None of her kids would rather have one damn summer to themselves? Not shared with millions? Go to camp to have fun doing something they love? Without 7 other kids around?
Yeah, right.
LOL 'over in TFW county', I guess I have been saying and writing it all wrong all of these years!! Jokes on me, I made a mistake, sorry tfw!
Tuckers mom-yes, those kids are behind in their maturity, she will be calling them 'littles' when they are 18!
We know based on that letter from the school some of the kids have special needs, I won't go into detail, but those kids even more need routine and need lots of notice when things will be changing.
She is incredibly disrespectful to a child's emotional needs.
I think the loss of privacy and being broadcast to millions adds a hell of a lot of stress socially, and if a kid is say, "on the spectrum", it could be very disruptive.
The nannies have strict instructions from Kate. Probably they've been punished by mom for what the nanny tattles to her. And the nanny is going to tattle if she wants to keep her job.
I am not surprised at all that Kate would be going clubbing at her age. She thinks of herself as some very attractive 20 something, although that is far from reality. However, reality has never been her strong point. I, too, in my early 20's, remember those older women sitting at a bar alone and hoping some man would notice them. I was with friends, and I remember us all talking and saying to each other that we hope that is not what we will be doing in 20 years. It just seemed so pathetic for those women, and I felt sorry for them. On the other hand, I don't feel sorry for Kate, just because it's Kate and she's doing it for personal gain. She has no desire to share her life with someone; she just needs another live in doormat.
As for the kids, I feel so sorry for them because they do not seem to have stability in their lives. Mom is there, then she is gone for some "work" and while she is gone, a "nanny" that they may or may not be familiar with, is in charge. When mommy finally does come home, in MY opinion, I honestly do not think she runs up to them, with arms out, wanting to hold them and tell them how much she missed them. I believe it's more along the lines of please get out of my way so I can take a breath, and then after I relax, you can come one at a time a tell me how much you missed me.
Trying to give a crap, hear only this from my amazingish derby-quality hat made from aluminum foil and a few Aunty sparkles, that I scooped off of the floor
3 little birds 3 little birds
every little thing is gonna be alright.
All is good, Kegs en masse chez nous, sous le balcon...=)
Over In TFW's County said... 4
Saw her talking about up-coming grifted birthday trip, and she sits there telling us that 'YOUR' invited!!
How else do you pronounce it? When you write it, it's you're, but if you say it, it's "your" invited, or have I been mispronouncing this all along? LOL!
I pronounce it ewer for you're, yore for your. But there's someone online saying they're both the same, yer, the the e almost disappearing.
All I heard from Mady on the couch was "like". I don't want to hear that! It was horrible enough when my daughter was a teen. And Kate thinks this girl has that something special????
Well, according to Kate, they are filming more than the 3 days we know of. She tweeted today.
She tweeted today that they are filming? I missed that one. These are the two that I saw:
@Tricia9111 Yes, a 3 hr #KatePlus8 special on June 22 AND Kate's big 4-oh episode on June 23! Lots of new #KatePlus8 !! @Kateplusmy8 @TLC
She retweeted "new," and the two nights are new shows. There's nothing about filming more than what's on the schedule. There could be, but she didn't say that.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@PaulParmar1 whatever they’re called, there’s more we’re all happy, right?;) #AllThatMatters
She says there are "more." Yes, the ones that will be shown next week. Where are you getting the info that they are filming beyond what will be shown in the three-hour show and the birthday special?
I was thinking about the sheeple and what makes them happy, particularly the one who is doing the happy dance. Isn't it funny what makes these people happy?
For me, standing on the beach in the sand at sunset and feeding the gulls makes me very happy. I'm happy when Mr. Mower Man (Katespeak) has finished cutting the grass and I can get a whiff of that newly-mowed lawn. There's no better smell in the summertime. In fact, last evening after a few sprinkles of rain, I took off my shoes and walked around in the grass, just enjoying those smells of the season. That made me happy.
I am happy when I look at my rescue cats curled up on the pillow next to me, purring contentedly and remembering when they were outside strays looking for shelter from the heat and horrible thunderstorms, and frigid sub-zero winter temperatures. They wanted nothing to do with me and were very timid. It makes me so happy that they are inside, safe, well fed, and such loving cats. Thanks to all of you here who knew that I would take them in!
Unlike the sheep, I am not happy watching a greedy, self-entitled, egotistical woman parading her kids around for the pleasure of a few fans. Kate is pathetic in that she still believes herself to be the star that she once was many years ago when Jon was still on the scene and she was the darling of TLC. That's never going to happen again, but sadly, she will never accept that. As long as there are the Milos on Twitter, egging her on, kissing her butt, she will continue to think that she has many adoring fans and she's still relevant. All they are doing is feeding her mental illness because they just don't know any better.
Off my soap box now, and going under the veranda to make sure Auntie Ann is guarding that rumspringa!
She's that 40 year old in the bar. Or club. Or whatever. It's over, time to move on. You can't be 22 forever. Stop embarrassing yourself. All the kids are looking at you embarrassed for you. Also does she really think the bar is a great place to meet the man of your dreams?
I had to laugh a short time again when one of her fans tweeted that her shows are such good, clean family fun that even little kids can enjoy. I wonder if those parents will let them watch her on the bar scene checking out men!
As far as the kids possibly being fearful when TFW is away,
I can see where they may have some issues with stability.
They have seen her kick their father out, and he hasn't been
allowed on their property since. Friends and relatives like
Beth and Jodi have been "deleted" by their mother. They
have maternal grandparents whose names never seem to
come up -- does TFW act like they don't exist? Given this
sort of instability, it wouldn't surprise me if a few of the tups
might have a slight fear that the next time TFW leaves,
she might not come back. Especially since she never misses
an opportunity to remind the planet how bloody HARD it is
to be their mother.
From what I can tell, Kate just wants a warm body to post while she's gone. I don't think she gives a hoot if the nanny enriches them, or showers them with kindness. I think the nannies are there to meet the basics: feeding, cleaning and making sure the daily tasks get done.
Right, and let's be honest, for a 21 year old girl to quickly get into a good routine with eight kids is going to take more than a little practice. She'll get there, but it won't happen right away.
It took me several months to really get the family's routine. It was outrageously busy and it felt like there were dozens of people in and out of the home all the time, the oversight required of the children was heavy, you couldn't trust any of them to just do what you ask without following up to be sure, and it was an environment I've never been in.
Once you get in the swing of things, it's cake, but for anyone new coming into the house there's a learning curve. While a nanny is learning the ropes, the routines, how you do things, a kid might feel uncomfortable if their parents leave. I see no evidence they've had the same nanny lately for more than a few months.
Gordon Gecko's flop sweat, and getting all dolled up for men that you don't know and probably don't want to know is really pretty sad at her age.
lol!! Gordon Gekko? I just got an image of the Geico gecko sitting in the back seat of a limo with Kate!
For me, standing on the beach in the sand at sunset and feeding the gulls makes me very happy. I'm happy when Mr. Mower Man (Katespeak) has finished cutting the grass and I can get a whiff of that newly-mowed lawn. There's no better smell in the summertime. In fact, last evening after a few sprinkles of rain, I took off my shoes and walked around in the grass, just enjoying those smells of the season. That made me happy.
Today, watching hummingbirds flit to and from the feeder made me happy. Watching sparrows feed 3 babies in the birdhouse made me very happy. 3 gaping maws peeping!
admin, you should have let my French rant through, a few here would have translated it, it was good
Today, watching hummingbirds flit to and from the feeder made me happy. Watching sparrows feed 3 babies in the birdhouse made me very happy. 3 gaping maws peeping!
We have some very nasty blue jays right now who make sure that I know they have babies and to stay away! They went after one of the dogs last week. They are so protective of their fledglings!
It looks like Kravitz put her foot in her mouth and admitted that the kids work to support Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @PaulParmar1 Whatever U want 2call this format...we R happy 4U. Continues 2provide a good means of support & we stay N touch!
Eight is More Than Enough said... 6
Having never been abused when I was a kiddie, and having perfectly sane parents, I've gotta ask wouldn't most if not all of the Gosselin kids be happy to get a few days relief from Mommy Dearest? If she's so horrible why are they so sad that she's leaving? And haven't they figured out by now that any threat to leave them behind somewhere forever is just that, a threat?
She keeps them vulnerable and she does it deliberately. It's a power thing. I don't think it's that they want to spend time with her. I think it's because of the fear of the unknown. They have no idea what kind of mood she'll be in when she returns. If the nanny keeps a diary of all their misdeeds for her to dole out punishments when she comes home, then they'd be better off with Mommy Dearest so that if they get in trouble, at least they'll remember what it was for and the punishments won't stack up.
She keeps them on pins and needles and that's just the way she likes it. Her day is coming.
I'm glad the sparrow family has the little bird box to keep them safe- we've got severe storms coming through right now. Remnants of Bill.
Kate said in a recent interview, asked, what her & the kids will be doing this summer, and Kate replied: Hanging/relaxing by the pool and filming.
The person asked Kate on twitter: are these specials or a new season. Kate replied: whatever they are called there is more. That means besides what has been filmed there will be more. A season for TLC now is 5-7 episodes. Though TLC deems that specials and seasons are the same thing. That is how I interpretered, what Kate means by: more. And what she said that the kids will be doing this summer. When Kate is quiet, they are filming, just like the family game night came out of nowhere, that was filmed. Kate & TLC are trying to change Kate, into the parent who is loving and plays games with her kids, and is interested in her children, by spending time with them, like every other parent out there does. Like Kate really cares about her kids, they are merchandise to her, if she could get rid of them, and only have them for filming she would do it in a second.
In my opinion, the only reason Kate is so focused on her age and single status is because she wants a dating show so bad she can't stand it. She has been throwing hints out there for years and she's hoping SOMEBODY will decide a dating show with a mother of 8 as the "prize" would make a good show.
Actually I would love to see a show about Jon and his story. They could call it "Escape from Witch Mountain". Haha Okay, that was dumb, it just came to me - I had to say it.
Seriously though...Kate really does want a dating show and she would do anything, say anything to get one. All the hints she's been throwing around, that's what she wants.
Am I off base here? What do you think?
again 3 little birds
, the under-the-verandah-Rastafarian
lots of kegs here, and if you hit the link, lots of Marley too
P.J., Amen!!
For anyone who causes a child to stumble it is better for them to place a millstone upon their chest and throw themselves out in to the deepest part of the sea.
What Jesus is saying is, it is better to place a millstone upon your chest and throw yourself out in the deep sea than deal with Me. You'll drown but you will still have to face judgment.
Am I off base here? What do you think?
Kate would JUMP at a dating show. She's been begging for years now. I wonder if Jamie is still up for being her sidekick, or would Deanna be her fixer?
I can't imagine anyone giving Kate a dating show. She can get laid whenever she wants, and probably does. She in no way wants to get married anytime soon.
Doesn't a stretch Navigator for Kate and Deanna emphasize her lack of friends? Those hold pretty many people I think.
The reason Leah was so upset is she loves her mother. Even in abusive households, children can feel like they love their mother. Leah is probably hungry for affection and motherly attention. She might get a few seconds of it here and there if her mother is home but nothing obviously if her mother is away. Those moments might even be accidental from Kate's perspective but a child will hold onto them. If they had relatives to help out, they might feel better. Whenever I take care of my niece, I make sure she feels loved.
For anyone who causes a child to stumble it is better for them to place a millstone upon their chest and throw themselves out in to the deepest part of the sea.
What Jesus is saying is, it is better to place a millstone upon your chest and throw yourself out in the deep sea than deal with Me. You'll drown but you will still have to face judgment.
Well, sort of, depending on what version of the Bible you are reading.
When He speaks about "little ones," he's not necessarily referring to children, but rather Christians who are in the spirit of little children. It is better for that person to have died before he had committed the sin. If one injures or causes the most innocent Christian to sin (stumble) it is the most serious offense that can be committed and the punishment will be great. Being punished by the laws of the land is horrible, but nothing compared to what awaits this person when he faces the wrath and judgment of God.
KY Pastor?.
The person asked Kate on twitter: are these specials or a new season. Kate replied: whatever they are called there is more. That means besides what has been filmed there will be more.
I disagree. It doesn't mean they are filming. It means that next week the shows that have been filmed will be aired.
I am assuming that any guys who approach Kate in the bar scenes have been invited to meet her by the producers. I call set-up scenes, not natural, random encounters. JMO.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @PaulParmar1 Whatever U want 2call this format...we R happy 4U. Continues 2provide a good means of support & we stay N touch!
Why would Milo need shows to be aired in order to stay in touch? She and Kate are besties and communicate in so many other ways. Does Milo think that if TLC finally cuts all ties with Kate that Kate will no longer communicate with her?
I'm glad the sparrow family has the little bird box to keep them safe- we've got severe storms coming through right now. Remnants of Bill.
I don't know if you are getting hit right now, but all of Lancaster County (on Doppler Radar) is a bright blue (heavy rain) with a line of strong yellow and red storms over us. There's quite a bit of rumbling going on.
Abused children often love their abusers. Look at the Duggar girls. They claim to love Josh and I believe them.
In fact if an "abused" child claims to hate their parent, it always raises a suspicion the child is lying about the abuse. It's just not that common.
Kate needs speech lessons if she wan't to remain in media. Her enunciation is painful to listen to. I don't think it's an accent, because I have hear others from her part of the country speak.
fidosmommy said... 52
I am assuming that any guys who approach Kate in the bar scenes have been invited to meet her by the producers. I call set-up scenes, not natural, random encounters. JMO.
I remember the guys on camera during her NYC club visit with Jamie. Total tools.
Speaking of which, I'd feel like a total tool if I had a film crew surrounding me.
PA Dutch Mom said... 54
I'm glad the sparrow family has the little bird box to keep them safe- we've got severe storms coming through right now. Remnants of Bill.
I don't know if you are getting hit right now, but all of Lancaster County (on Doppler Radar) is a bright blue (heavy rain) with a line of strong yellow and red storms over us. There's quite a bit of rumbling going on.
We've had tornado warnings and a flood watch. It hit really hard. Hopefully we'll get a break here soon so that we can get the dogs out for their bedtime pee.
The person asked Kate on twitter: are these specials or a new season. Kate replied: whatever they are called there is more. That means besides what has been filmed there will be more.
I disagree. It doesn't mean they are filming. It means that next week the shows that have been filmed will be aired.
It's all subject to interpretation. Kate's really good with her Kate Speak. I agree, however, with Sleepless. If TLC has put them back in the lineup with more shows this summer and fall, Kate would be giddy with excitement and promises and teases. She's not. I wonder why the fans just don't come out and ask her directly, "Are there more shows in addition to what is airing next week?" I'd like to see if she responds.
Kate did not tweet today that there are more shows in the works beyond the two-night shows next week.
Is Milo her gatekeeper? I would be sooo ticked off!
Those kids don't have an ounce of privacy!
As usual the comments are the best part
Luke Hill @Luukkkee 17m17 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin is like a second mother to me
Good grief. Some of these fans are very creepy. Profile says "Born in 1996." What sane almost 20-year-old would consider Kate to be a second mother? Apparently it's a guy. Geez.
Milo tweeted this. What kind of a darn hypocrite is she? She tweets that the kids are Kate's means of support, and then she tweets about the freedom of being a kid. She's bat poop crazy!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
So true!
"I miss being a kid. My only responsibilities were running around and laughing a lot. And someone else was in charge of my hair."
What is the "proper" way to pronounce "your"?
My answer: however you darn well feel like pronouncing it. I never knew there was a wrong way. It all depends on where you live or how your family pronounced it. As long as you are understood, it's all good IMO.
My best friend pronounces the healthy pink fish "sal-mon". Before we met, I had never heard it said that way. But I knew she was talking about "sammin". We're from different parts of the country.
Sleepless, you explained it much better than I did.
I pronounce you're as yore and our as R. As far as I'm concerned that's the right way to pronounce them.
I thought that there were three shows coming up. The 3 hour look back at her 30's, the birthday special in Mexico and then something or other on the 30th.
I think I'm missing something here. Why would Kate be going to Arizona Diamondbacks games?
freeraja @free_raja 25m25 minutes ago
Does this mean Kate Gosselin will be coming to #dbacks games tho?
I haven't seen this article linked here yet....
"This is where it gets interesting: the attorney named, Kevin A. Crass, doesn’t specialize in defense of child abuse charges, or in suing government agencies. However, in his list of specialties, something else appears that could be relevant to the Duggar family’s current state of affairs: breach of contract."
localyocul said... 61
As usual the comments are the best part
My favorite comment was this one: "Ok, own up to it, who said her name out loud 3 times and made her appear?"
I'm curious if the picture that includes the kids is recent. All the kids are crowded around Kate. Except for one, who I believe is H.
Jeanne said... 49
The reason Leah was so upset is she loves her mother. Even in abusive households, children can feel like they love their mother. Leah is probably hungry for affection and motherly attention.
this is a good explanation of bonding wit an abusive, narcissistic parent:
"Trauma Bonding with Narcissist Mother"
Adult children of narcissistic personality disordered mothers have usually dealt with abuse for many years without any positive intervention. Worse yet, adult survivors dealt with the abuse as children. The legendary Alice Miller called it being a “prisoner of childhood.”
Children are very much dependent upon their parents for survival. So psychologically it can be very much like being a hostage in an unsafe war zone for many years. Survival can be, and usually is, a very real concern. Growing up under the constant threat of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, mental, spiritual abuse mingled in with the occasional kindness provides the intermittent behavior required to develop Stockholm Syndrome or trauma bonding.
The child of a narcissistic personality disordered mother perceives there is no safety and no escape. As a result, the child goes into survival mode, resorting to cognitive dissonance in order to survive the abuse. The cognitive dissonance reduces anxiety which allows for bonding with the narcissist abuser (Stockholm Syndrome), even to the point of defending her.
The result is a massive, draining inner conflict. The cognitive dissonance is a symptom of holding these two conflicting ideas at the same time. This is when a child of a narcissist may become defensive and steeped in denial. There is no longer a “fight or flight” response because the son or daughter perceives there is no escape. Just the constant fear and anxiety of an unpredictable environment. In this survival mode, the child begins to focus on the needs of the narcissistic mother in hopes of some comfort and safety. Thus, begins to fit right in to the narcissistic parent’s inverted parenting. - See more at:"
fidosmommy- I agree with you, just however the hell anyone wants to say/spell it!
Over In TFW's County (#39), you talked about the blue jays
in your area protecting their babies. I can't help but think that
TFW simply does not have that instinct. I will never get over
her parading her teenage daughters on live national TV to
try to get them to tell the world that they love filming. "Spit
it out" -- she did everything but smack them on the back of
their heads to get them to talk. It was reprehensible.
NJGal51 said... 66
I thought that there were three shows coming up. The 3 hour look back at her 30's, the birthday special in Mexico and then something or other on the 30th.
Isn't there supposed to be a Mother's Day/Sextuplet's birthday episode or did I dream that?
fidosmommy said... 64
What is the "proper" way to pronounce "your"?
"Your" or "You're"? I pronounce them the same. It was just silly for Kate to "invite" everyone because she's "invited" everyone to see everything from her kids' poop and puke, to her marriage falling apart.
If having cameras film your life for money is like getting an invite to a party, well then, okay. Whatever.
It was an affected little attempt at being warm and fuzzy and just falls flat. She should stop trying to act like she's having a little coffee klatch with the viewers. It doesn't fit her personality and comes across as forced.
re the renewed filming.....
And what a total shame that little kids' stunted maturity/immaturity is played out on national television so that the mother in their lives can be 'famous'. None of us should even have a clue about any of their personalities; what is shown on tv and written about will be near impossible for any of them to live down, grow out of, and take back. I doubt there is anyone who has seen the show (and some who haven't, due to the internet and celebrity rags) that will ever forget the 'brats' and 'crybabies' and they will forever be those kids, even if they somehow learn to get past this phase of their growth.
THIS is why reality tv participation is bad for kids - they are not playing characters in a scripted tv show, they are not acting; their own emotions are front and center, edited or not, and the adults around them should be jailed for exposing and exploiting their childhoods like this.
My best friend pronounces the healthy pink fish "sal-mon". Before we met, I had never heard it said that way. But I knew she was talking about "sammin". We're from different parts of the country.
I say "samen". No "l".
I remember Kelly Pickler getting made fun of for saying "salmen" on American Idol. She didn't even know the "l" is silent for many.
re the tears or fears as mommie dearest says she's going away again.....
These kids are on lockdown for the most part, even when sK8 is home, and there is no way a nanny would be allowed to load them up in a vehicle and take them anywhere - perhaps they just can't handle the prospect (nor should they have to) of being trapped there.
Ex Nurse, that quote was right on the money. Thanks for sharing that link.
It's almost like "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Not in a psychological sense, but in a survival sense.
Ex Nurse, that quote was right on the money. Thanks for sharing that link.
It's almost like "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Not in a psychological sense, but in a survival sense.
Those of you who pronounce things in your own way, I'm guessing you're not trying to parlay that into a career in the entertainment business. I think one of the many, many things about Kreider that bug us is her voice. Not a big one, but part of the package and a trait of a some narcissist: they don't need to work at changing anything about themselves, they are perfect and the world just needs to wake up and recognise it.
it out" -- she did everything but smack them on the back of
their heads to get them to talk. It was reprehensible.
You forgot the CLAPCLAP!!!! Spit it out!!
Kate kept an evil smile on her face, her her eyes could pierce steel.
For me..... your = yore, you're = yewr, or you er
This will hurt BV's bottom line:
SAN FRANCISCO —In a significant step to combat "revenge porn," Google will honor requests to remove from search results nude or sexually explicit images posted on the Internet without consent.
Didn't Kate say 'samennella" poisoning? I don't think it's regional; I think with her, and with Kelly Pickler's sal-mon:,it's just lack of knowledge. Difference is, Kelly has a heart of gold, a sense of humor and has terrific singing/performing talent. She's ahead of Kate by miles!
Didn't Kate say 'samennella" poisoning? I don't think it's regional; I think with her, and with Kelly Pickler's sal-mon:,it's just lack of knowledge. Difference is, Kelly has a heart of gold, a sense of humor and has terrific singing/performing talent. She's ahead of Kate by miles!
Exactly, a lot of it is not regional, it's stupidity. Not everything can be blamed on some kind of bizarre regional accent. I never met anyone in my life who spoke exactly like she does. Some words here and there, yes. Overall no.
I'm beginning to think more and more that 90% of it is the way she over-annunciates. It's almost like a voice coach told her to do that, to stop mumbling and speak clearly, but she took it way too far. Her voice is one of a kind all right.
Happy Father's Day to Jon Gosselin. Jon sacrificed his early 20's to take care and nurture 8 children, 4 yr. old twins and sextuplet babies under tremendous stress from his wife to quit his job so he could take care of them at home because she was to lazy to do it herself.
He even made her coffee to her specifications and delivered it on a golden platter to her while she laid in bed, after he got all the kids up, fed them, got the twins ready for school, got the babies taken care of.
Did she ever, even ONE TIME, get up and help Jon in those early years
before he brought snowflake her morning Joe?
In my opinion, the only reason Kate is so focused on her age and single status is because she wants a dating show so bad she can't stand it. She has been throwing hints out there for years and she's hoping SOMEBODY will decide a dating show with a mother of 8 as the "prize" would make a good show.
Kirkland, ITA. The K8 Plus 8 show is sloppy seconds to her. Her dream is a show where she can get away from the kids and the show revolves around her. I have no doubt that she watches the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows with a lot of interest and dreams of flying to CA for a few weeks while people do her hair, makeup and nails each day. Then she can talk to 25 strangers about her favorite subject - ME! Soon they will be whisked away to an exotic location where she can run around in her bikini and continue to talk about herself ad nauseum. I am sure she will put in contract that she gets to keep the giant diamond engagement ring that she receives after the fake engagement.
The Duggar girls at the airport look like any other people traveling, nothing special. Jill still looks 5 months pregnant, Jessa's child groom looks like a doofus and seems to walk behind her. I don't see anything that could be interesting to make a spin-off of these people. None of them has a real job, none of them has a personality or quality about them and absolutely nothing to offer other than the contest of who can pop out the most babies.
foxy: I agree. I can't really tell the older Duggar girls apart, in appearance or personality!
The upcoming special for K8 is 3 hours?????
Why is it three hours and who in the hell is going to watch a 3 hour special of Kate talking???
The fantasy that Kate has about having her own show -cooking, dating, traveling - is really all that, a fantasy. TLC does not want her on her own, she brings nothing to the small screen - no talent, no personality, and frankly, too old for a dating show. They are using her for filler this summer, and perhaps in the Duggar void of exploiting large families. That is her reality. And we can smell her desparate joy through the computer screen.
I only hope her children are able to spend Father's Day with their not so dead day, the man who shows them the only real affection they know. For that witch to say her 5 post divorce years have been the best of her life, what a effing tool.
Why is it three hours and who in the hell is going to watch a 3 hour special of Kate talking???
Gladys and a few sub-sheep.
OrangeCrusher1 (#90), I agree about TFW's desperation. TLC
has had every opportunity to commit to full seasons of episodes
with her, but they continue to resist. And the older those kids get,
the less interest the public will have in watching them.
I have to believe TFW still holds out hope for some sort of "K + 8 Teenagers" show in 2 years. But 3 other families might take the
reality genre by storm between now and then. Update specials will likely continue for years -- or at least until some of the kids refuse
to film. But TFW will never, ever be the media darling she was.
OP: Watched a very interesting and well-acted movie last night. "The One I Love" which has just three actors -Ted Danson, Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss. The acting was superb. Elisabeth Moss, whose talent shown through in both The West Wing and Mad Men, was exceptional. It's an odd movie, not quite a mystery but intriguing, and was first shown at Sundance. Rotten Tomatoes gives it an 80%. Worth watching if you're looking for something different with excellent performances.
And I agree with you, Flimsy-Flamsy - the only niche left for her might be K8 +'Teens, but not only is she not interesting on her own, let's face it neither are her perfectly average kids. No music, no other discernible talents and face it, she barely takes them off the Kompound, let alone enroll them in activities that might be interesting. When filmed in interviews, the kids' obvious issues with their mother and their siblings come through, and how interesting is petty squabbles, and those other lovely immature attributes of pinching, kicking and tattle-tales. And TLC shows no interest in footing the bill for KTe's fantasy trips abroad. I do not think K+8 Take Europe is ever going to happen. So film away this summer, it just cannot last much longer. And that grifted boondoggle trip to Mexico for her 40th birthday, just sublime ridiculousness.
OrangeCrusher 1
TLC stinks said... 82
This will hurt BV's bottom line:
SAN FRANCISCO —In a significant step to combat "revenge porn," Google will honor requests to remove from search results nude or sexually explicit images posted on the Internet without consent.
It is my understanding that James McGibney, of BV fame, removed his Cheaterville revenge porn website when some dude got 18 years in prison for extortion and revenge porn.
Exactly, a lot of it is not regional, it's stupidity. Not everything can be blamed on some kind of bizarre regional accent. I never met anyone in my life who spoke exactly like she does. Some words here and there, yes. Overall no.
I'm beginning to think more and more that 90% of it is the way she over-annunciates. It's almost like a voice coach told her to do that, to stop mumbling and speak clearly, but she took it way too far. Her voice is one of a kind all right.
Yes. I agree with this. It's unlike any accent I've heard here and I was born and raised within a few miles of where Kate grew up. It certainly has no traces of a PA Dutch accent (which I have and haven't been able to remove all of it!). I don't know what it is. I must confess, though, that "sammenella" is a regional thing.. I'm guilty of this pronunciation, although after hearing Kate say it, I'm really careful about getting it correct. Salmon, though, is always "sammon."
There are many words that she says that appear to be Kate-isms and made up when, in fact, they are words that are used in this area.
Overall, however, I have no idea what accent it is, but I do tend to think it's over-annunciation. The tone and pitch, too, are very odd and she puts accents on the strangest words and separates some words into multiple syllables. It's hard to explain.
I'm curious about the "eh." I've never heard anyone use it. Is it pronounced as a long "a"?
Today's sermon was about entitlement. It could have been written about Kate and the Duggars.
She really has the trust fund baby brainwashed, doesn't she?
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 happy Father's Day Kate!! I think you deserve to celebrate both days!! ☺️💙
PA Dutch Mom (#96), TFW could preach her own sermon
about entitlement. But it would be in favor of it. Suggested
title: "Who Am I To Say No? -- Raising 8 Children On A
Golden Platter."
I sure hope the G kids are with their dad today on Father's Day.
Blowing In The Wind (#97), wow, that tweet from Emily is
pathetic. It sounds more like something Gladys would say.
I guess Em's had a few too many swigs of the Kool-Aid.
Shame on TFW for not setting Emily straight. Not responding
is tacit approval. It's exactly what TFW wants people to believe --
that she's both mother and father to those kids. When she only
barely fills one of those roles -- most notably when the cameras
are rolling.
Well I think it's dispicable that the last 5 years were Kate's "best ever", while they were probably the worst ever for her kids dealing with the divorce of their parents. But, that's pretty typical for her.
Duggars - kind of ironic that they are at music festival, when they don't allow music to be listened to for pleasure, lest it stir up carnal thoughts.
Jane said... 93
OP: Watched a very interesting and well-acted movie last night. "The One I Love" which has just three actors -Ted Danson, Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss. The acting was superb.
Thanks I was on the fence about that one .I'll watch.
Patricia Chow @PatriciaChow1 43m43 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @tanya_schiller KATE DON'T YOU WISH HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ANYONE ?
PA Dutch Mom said... 96
I'm curious about the "eh." I've never heard anyone use it. Is it pronounced as a long "a"?
Yes, it is.
It's supposed to be a common Canadian expression, but I don't really find it that common. It's used for emphasis or to invite agreement, kind of like "y'know". Some people may use it a lot, but others hardly ever use it.
Were Kate and Deanna meeting guys at the bar in Mexico? I wonder how much they got paid. As far as I know, the main reason to meet new guys at a bar in Mexico is for a one night stand. The whole thing is skeevy.
A sheeple has popped up with her (his?) Twitter account dedicated to Kate and the kids. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it really creepy to have photos and videos of nothing else but Kate's kids (as toddlers) on the timeline? Sheeple psych is intriguing and the more I try to figure it out, the more confused I get. What is missing in a person's life that they would tweet the following:?
I was trying to remember something, and maybe our blog historian knows...who was the fan who had one of the kids' names tattooed on her arm or shoulder? Was it Alexis who was her favorite? Whatever happened to that sheep?
CC @KenzieRight
The fact that the Gosselins are back on tv makes my life so much better! I've never loved/respected a family so much! Love you @Kateplusmy8
Today is a do nothing day for me so I spent 8 1/2 minutes and watched the promo of Kate's upcoming birthday extravaganza.
She said she "actually, no, seriously," grieved the loss of her thirties for the entire last year. Yes, the "entire" year. It's odd that she can say the past 5 years have been the happiest years of her life if she spent one whole year, "seriously" grieving about turning 40.
She's is so wrapped up in herself she's liable to suffocate. She'll probably have to be institutionalized when the big 50 approaches.
I'm watching the Poirot series. There's one, The Mystery if the Blue Train where he assigns himself to be the uncle to a naive, young woman and the expressions that cross his face in the last 5 seconds, when he realizes she doesn't need him anymore, are wonderful and he didn't have to say one word. He shows pleasure, sadness, confusion, acceptance all in 5 seconds. I had to replay that part about 5 times. I tear up just thinking about it.
Sue-buddy: The 30th is the tups second birthday celebration, probably the theme park. The Mothers day was separate.
NJGAL51: who the hell wants to sit through 3 hours of Kate, rehashing past glories, when everyone had seen it before. Once is enough! I can hardly stand to listen to Kate talk, let alone her voice, and then all the clips of the kids whining/screaming/fighting/etc. Like I said, see the clip and you saw the whole episode, no need to watch.
I still say they are going to film all summer, what will they film? who knows, as someone here said, the kids are older and not interesting, talented etc, and Kate is a joke, so boring, unless TLC is getting ready to take Kate on a expensive trip or a local one. Kate said in a recent interview, on what are they doing this summer and Kate said: relaxing by the pool and filming. How long all summer or just a few weeks, don't know?
Blowing In The Wind said... 91
Why is it three hours and who in the hell is going to watch a 3 hour special of Kate talking???
Gladys and a few sub-sheep.
Well I meant anyone with a brain sooo the sheep don't count -).
She's is so wrapped up in herself she's liable to suffocate. She'll probably have to be institutionalized when the big 50 approaches.
It will be too late. She should have been institutionalized a long time ago.
Do you think they will film the twins 15th birthday this summer and air it in October? I knew that the twins birthday was in October but wanted to know the day. I found this that I have never read before.
Mady was born at five forty-seven a.m., six minutes after her fraternal twin Cara, on October 8, 2000 at The Reading Hospital and Medical Center. She weighed five pounds and one ounce. The girls were five weeks premature.
Cara was born with a hemangiona on the side of her nose. When they were young, Kate told the girls that it was an angel kiss. She explained to them that after Cara left Heaven first, an angel with red lipstick on kissed her, and by the time she kissed Mady, her lipstick had worn off.
The hemangiona went away by itself.
Couldn't she of said, Strawberry instead of red lipstick? Reminds me of the country song, Honky Tonk Angels.
ing birthday extravaganza.
She said she "actually, no, seriously," grieved the loss of her thirties for the entire last year. Yes, the "entire" year. It's odd that she can say the past 5 years have been the happiest years of her life if she spent one whole year, "seriously" grieving about turning 40.
I think she just talks and things come out of her mouth and half of what she says isn't even true, never happened.
However, if she truly did spend all year grieving about turning 40, I would recommend some therapy to help deal with life changes, aging, and perspective.
Too bad for 39. It could have been a great year if she hadn't wasted it thinking about the next one.
What about all the loved ones in the world who have died young, before ever reaching 40? Perhaps she should be grateful she is turning 40. Grateful for her health, her family, and another year.
getoftweeter said... 108
Sue-buddy: The 30th is the tups second birthday celebration, probably the theme park. The Mothers day was separate.
Thanks. Guess I missed that. So Mother's Day and tups' birthday was the same day in real life, but they only aired the MD part...yet TLC is showing Kate's BD, which was 2 months before MD, on Tuesday, 3 months after her actual birthday --and the tups' BD, which was May 10 will be shown on June 30 one month after their birthday. What a jumble.
TFW's comment about spending the last year worrying about
turning 40 also outs her as a not very busy person. You're a
"single" (yeah) mom to 8 pre-teen and teen children, and all
that's occupied your time is your stupid age? Of course we
know she was exaggerating, but she's not even clever enough
not to show her hand as a narcissist.
It also makes me willing to bet she has ZERO mom friends
at her kids' school. There's a period of a few years where
everyone is turning 40, and it's old hat. It's like, yup, there
goes another one. Oh, let's take Sally out for drinks Friday
night for hers, and then next weekend Mary's having a brunch,
and next month we're all having a girls' spa date for Nancy.
Same with siblings and their spouses. But I think TFW is
truly isolated socially. And I will not pity her, because it is
all her own doing. She turns that charm and interest on
and off when it suits her, but she seems to find so few
people worthy of that investment.
Somewhere In Time (106): "A sheeple has popped up with her (his?) Twitter account dedicated to Kate and the kids. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it really creepy to have photos and videos of nothing else but Kate's kids (as toddlers) on the timeline? Sheeple psych is intriguing and the more I try to figure it out, the more confused I get. What is missing in a person's life that they would tweet the following:?"
What I find interesting is that there are two factions of fans. You have the one group of sheep that has a bizarre obsession with the kids, either in the present or when they were babies and toddlers.
Then there's the sector that idolizes Kate and seems not to give a rat's butt about the children. For them, the kids are baggage, and they would never admit that without the children Kate is nothing but wasted space.
Milo fits into the latter group, even though she does tweet about the kids. However, I really doubt she would even miss them if Kate would get her own show. Everything is Kate, Kate, Kate and more Kate. It certainly is a sick, twisted obsession, particularly if Gladys is a "happily married female" as her profile suggests. No happily married woman lusts after another person (either male or female) the way she carries on about Kate, or is as fascinated with another woman's bed and bedtime. It appears that Kate *is* her life. Kate exudes charm, graciousness. intelligence and perverseness. Her rockin' bikini body is an added bonus. I wonder if Milo ever had a mental health evaluation, or if LOM just thinks it's a crazy phase that she will outgrow.
I'm still trying to determine if there's a third conclave and which sheep would be that looks upon both Kate and the kids with great affection and admiration.
No happily married woman lusts after another person (either male or female) the way she carries on about Kate, or is as fascinated with another woman's bed and bedtime. It appears that Kate *is* her life. Kate exudes charm, graciousness. intelligence and perverseness.
And she walks on water. Milo tweeted a quote yesterday, "Haters will see you walk on water and say it's because you can't swim."
Sue Buddy (#112), you silly goose, it's not a "jumble." It's the
"realest reality show" out there, and "what you see is what you
get." Right, TFW?
Patricia Chow, if you're out there, please come join us on the
It also makes me willing to bet she has ZERO mom friends
at her kids' school.
How much would you be willing to place on that bet? I'd make it a pretty hefty sum because you could end up with a pile of money! Don't hold back! LOL!
I'm still trying to determine if there's a third conclave and which sheep would be that looks upon both Kate and the kids with great affection and admiration.
Would Sheep Denise, Carlene, Sandie, Barb, Leigh, the Gee person, and the Ph without the D fit into that category? It's kind of hard to tell what their platform is!
The Chow person certainly is an mystery. She seems to straddle both sides of the fence. Just when you think that she's on Kate's side, or the kids' side, she'll turn tables in a heartbeat and become passive aggressive or call Kate out on something. She's a hoot.
Yes, Kate to really celebrate her birthday but the tups got cheated. Fakery again. No way would Kate share her birthday with the tups on TV.
Good grief. Who is this? A Milo sock? Steve? Jeff? Come out, come out, whoever you are!
@Pumpkinbottom3 it's hard enough being your own critic. She has overcome so many obstacles, and those adversities that she has over came
@Pumpkinbottom3 has molded her into the loving, smart, protective, and daring parent that she is. I will never leave Kate's side when it
@Pumpkinbottom3 Comes to support ❤️ I wish Kate and her children all the best in life. God bless
Her (or his) tweets are hysterically amusing. The gushing over Kate's admirable attributes are comical and could only come from a Milo-type sheeple!
I was just watching my favorite cooking show, "Pati's Mexican Table,"
and Pati toured a plant nursery and a vineyard in Mexico. And
so help me, the woman showed more enthusiasm, interest, and
energy about tomatoes and grapes than I've ever seen Kate
Gosselin exhibit towards her own children. Pati chatted with
the experts she met with such warmth and attention and
kindness and even humor. You can't fake that kind of charisma.
TFW is like a cold bowl of oatmeal in comparison.
Oh to have been a fly on the wall in the TLC conference room/office/wherever when the lightbulb went off and they had their first serious conversation about the 'real' Kate Gosselin. It certainly was not a butterfly that emerged from the cocoon. And who is stupid enough to brag about the last 5 years being the best of her life AND then say she was consumed all of last year by the thought of turning 40? Doofus.
OrangeCrusher 1
Milo, you moron. You are quackers! We had rain and storms IN THE EVENING and overnight. I'm sure that your darling Kate could keep the kids occupied after supper on two evenings! She can do anything, remember?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Did you get some of the rough weather coming across the US this past week? How do U keep 'em occupied all day! #QuackQuack :)
Thanks. Guess I missed that. So Mother's Day and tups' birthday was the same day in real life, but they only aired the MD part...yet TLC is showing Kate's BD, which was 2 months before MD, on Tuesday, 3 months after her actual birthday --and the tups' BD, which was May 10 will be shown on June 30 one month after their birthday. What a jumble.
LOL, Sue Buddy. That gives me a headache! So, are these episodes, seasons or specials, or a combo of all three? Which is which, and if there is more to come this summer, would they be specials, additional episodes or included with the season that will be showing next week? ;)
Sue Buddy said
I'm watching the Poirot series.
OT. My most absolute favorite series/movies/television shows. David Suchet as Hercule Poirot is just the all time quintesstial interpretation of Agatha Christie's most famous detective. I have watched every single one at least ten times. I actually wore out a DVD. If you like British mysteries I highly recommend Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. It's Austrailian but in the same vein and time period as the first Christie's. They just aired most of series 3 down under. I cheated and watched them on YouTube. Series 1 and 2 are available in the states. I think netflix and AcornTV have them. Acorn will be the first to have series 3 legally. Probably around Christmas
Looks like the Drunk to English translator is needed again!
selly @whataheartwants
@nochanceofrain @MiloandJack @TLC @Kateplusmy8 you sit here you make no sense rarrrrrr really u sit down on your but all day to read post
Isn't that kind of like the pot calling the kettle black? A non-fan makes no sense, but she does? lol!
selly @whataheartwants
@8MindBodySoul hunny you embarrass your self by watching @Kateplusmy8 every minute be I have kids !!I could never imagine 8 I have 4 ,
And it goes on and on. This one appears to be Lauren's clone. She's calling the non-fans names for hating on Kate, but I read her timeline and she's tweeting nasty stuff to Miley Cyrus. They will never know the meaning of the word "hypocrisy."
PA Dutch Mom said... 125
LOL, Sue Buddy. That gives me a headache! So, are these episodes, seasons or specials, or a combo of all three? Which is which, and if there is more to come this summer, would they be specials, additional episodes or included with the season that will be showing next week? ;)
All of the above only backwards starting in the middle with a 1-3 hour premiere snuck in after a marathon at a time to be determined, maybe. :)
Exterior Designer said... 126
Sue Buddy said
I'm watching the Poirot series.
OT. My most absolute favorite series/movies/television shows. David Suchet as Hercule Poirot is just the all time quintesstial interpretation of Agatha Christie's most famous detective. I have watched every single one at least ten times. I actually wore out a DVD. If you like British mysteries I highly recommend Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
I'm only on my second viewing of the whole Poirot series and it's coming to an end and I'm grieving, just like Kate, the end, and wondering how long I can go without starting to watch them all over again.
I've seen the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries (the detective was rather yummy!) and probably every British mystery series available on Netflix. Sometimes I think with a British accent. LOL
And who is stupid enough to brag about the last 5 years being the best of her life AND then say she was consumed all of last year by the thought of turning 40? Doofus
Wouldn't you think that any normal mother would say that the best five years of her life was when she gave birth to her children, thanking God that all were healthy and survived, and the following years when her children were toddlers in their formative years when every day with them brought her joy just watching them grow up and develop their own personalities? Those are years you never get back.
Even if it were a lie and she hated that time. at least it would have sounded good for the show!
She is indeed a doofus, and an unappreciative one at that.
you make no sense rarrrrrr
Is that kind of like pirate speak - Arrrrr!?
you make no sense rarrrrrr
Is that kind of like pirate speak - Arrrrr!?
Or an angry parrot.
Wouldn't you think that any normal mother would say that the best five years of her life was when she gave birth to her children, thanking God that all were healthy and survived, and the following years when her children were toddlers in their formative years when every day with them brought her joy just watching them grow up and develop their own personalities? Those are years you never get back.
You'd think, but the best years of her life were those where SHE was in the spotlight--her own series, frequent TV interviews, appearing at the Emmys, etc.
The voice of a true narcissist.
Michele Giarratano @sunshinepawleys
@Berksgrl @G_Philly @Kateplusmy8 What about this top? Do you know where I can purchase?
Goodness. Kate got it in the bargain room at Goodwill. Happy now?
This is the same fan who wanted to know where Kate got the orange dress, then another dress, and kept pestering for someone to find out.
Geez, woman. Knock on Kate's door, ask her if you can go through her closets, pick out the things you like and have her write a list of where she purchased the items, or you can wait and show up at her next yard sale.
What they heck is wrong with these people? Single White Female Syndrome?
TLC has the title to tomorrows K8 special/episode wrong. It should be called: not A decade of Kate, but: Kates re-written version of history. I have no doubt that Kate will try and re-write history. TLC must have done a LOT of editing, going through the clips from JK8 & K8. I wonder how many times Kate will throw, Jon under the bus, and keep saying she did it all by herself all these years, and that the marriage was a sham. According to cable guide: Kate will rehash old glories, and talk about her 30's. Who in the hell wants to watch that BS. THREE HOURS of Kate, what in the hell was TLC thinking? TLC we already saw that years ago. Is Kate going to be the summer filler for the Duggars? Or are they going to add at some point the Roloffs, and hope people will watch the Willises? TLC is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
Looking at Katie at 40 versus 30, post surgeries, Botox, tanning, hair extensions all it makes me wonder about is why none of Jon's TLC/child funded procedures worked? His hair didn't grow back or at all, he never lost the weight. Does Katie have an ugly Jon voodoo doll she used anytime he tried to change his looks?
Has anyone asked Milo why LOM imposes the 11 p.m. curfew? What if her kids are out with friends or on date? Is she allowed to stay awake until they get back, to make sure they got home safely? I don't think that I'd be able to go to sleep until I knew my kids returned home. Yes, I'm nosy and curious. I just find this 11 p.m. rule so strange.
Jane said... 93
OP: Watched a very interesting and well-acted movie last night. "The One I Love" which has just three actors -Ted Danson, Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss.
Jane, thanks for that recommendation! I just finished watching it and I loved it. I love something different. There sure are great recommendations on this blog for various things to watch.
Sue_Buddy said... 131
you make no sense rarrrrrr
Is that kind of like pirate speak - Arrrrr!?
It's supposed to say grrr.
I did watch the first few episodes of Becoming Us about a teen dealing with his father becoming a woman and I was very impressed. While parts of it were a bit scripted overall they have found a sensitive, thoughtful young man who is going through this experience with his father the best he knows how. ABC family.
I'm not sure where the other half of my comment went but I also said True Detective starts up again tonight, I haven't watched yet it's sitting in my DVR but the cast looks pretty incredible.
scgal said... 138
Jane said... 93
OP: Watched a very interesting and well-acted movie last night. "The One I Love" which has just three actors -Ted Danson, Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss.
Jane, thanks for that recommendation! I just finished watching it and I loved it. I love something different. There sure are great recommendations on this blog for various things to watch.
So glad you liked it! I was hesitant to recommend this movie as it's a bit different, puzzling really. But the acting was so excellent I figured I'd toss the name out there!
As for True Detective. Ouch.I started watching and finally turned it off about 1/2 way through. I'll give it another chance but initially didn't care for it and found it very hard to follow. But I was tired and since the first True Detective was riveting, I'm not giving up so quickly.
If there are any Podcast listeners here, I wanted to mention the great Marc Maron's podcast with President Obama. I don't think the President has ever done a podcast. It's 1 1/2 hours and very honest and chatty. Incredible that the President came to Maron's garage in the outskirts of LA to do this podcast. I'm a big podcast fan and Maron is at the top of his game with this one.
On a whole other note, a friend (who I'll look at a bit differently now) recommended a Showtime series called PolyAmory. I only watched 2 episodes and that may be it LOL! I deals with couples who practices polyamorous living - not swinging. These are (supposedly) committed relationships where three or more people live together and, well, etc etc. It's pretty graphic.
Although TFW will get her normal viewers tomorrow night I think that more people will be tuning in to America's Got Talent. It seems to be even more popular this year. As for tonight, I think I'll pass on the three hour special and watch So You Think You Can Dance instead.
Although I watched True Detective I really didn't like it (probably because I'm not a big M. McConaughey fan). Maybe I'll give it another go this season. Under The Dome is back this Thursday. Sadly, next Sunday is the final episode of Nurse Jackie.
@sunshinepawleys: Look @Kateplusmy8 we are twins !
Uh oh, she went out and bought the dress.
Sadly, next Sunday is the final episode of Nurse Jackie.
I can't remember anticipating a series finale as much as Nurse Jackie. What a ride it's been.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there that this season's been a dream and Jackie died in the car accident.
NJGal51 said... 144
@sunshinepawleys: Look @Kateplusmy8 we are twins !
Uh oh, she went out and bought the dress.
What's scary is that she's out-blonded Kate! Looks awful, over-processed and poker straight.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 14h14 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Would need five of the "I Was not" ones. She bought one, got five free, and is blessed with all 8
WTF is wrong with these people? Putting onesies on babies (multiples) that say "I was planned" for one, and "I wasn't" for the others.
Oh, and ps, you dumb, stupid sheep, Kate knew damn well that it was not only possible, but probable she's have more than one. In fact, I believe she planned it that way.
This woman #1, knew she didn't have any problem conceiving and #2, set out to get on fertility treatments way too young and without trying near long enough.
Poor, gullible Jon.
I looked at my DIRECTV listing for K+8, and the blurb describes
her as "the spotlight-loving mom." Bwahaha!
Please, no Nurse Jackie spoilers.
A few months ago somebody was so detailed on this season that I'm still debating on watching. Not everyone can watch in real time. I have to wait until i can buy it on Amazon.
Anybody watch Mr Selfridge?
I see the Busby quints are racking up the freebies. At least their parents thank people and seem grateful. Hope this attitude lasts.Alas, they are already in the public sharing arena so idk...
FlimsyFlamsy said... 148
I looked at my DIRECTV listing for K+8, and the blurb describes
her as "the spotlight-loving mom." Bwahaha!
June 22, 2015 at 7:28 AM
Accurate and to the point.
Beth said... 149
Please, no Nurse Jackie spoilers.
A few months ago somebody was so detailed on this season that I'm still debating on watching. Not everyone can watch in real time. I have to wait until i can buy it on Amazon.
How long will that be?
Tucker's Mom said... 146
NJGal51 said... 144
@sunshinepawleys: Look @Kateplusmy8 we are twins !
Uh oh, she went out and bought the dress.
What's scary is that she's out-blonded Kate! Looks awful, over-processed and poker straight.
----------------------------------- she wants to be Katie Irene?
Maybe she can ask Kate for advice on the "good bra" while she is at it.
Who knew there was a statute of limitations on spoilers?
Admin, please correct me if I'm wrong on this. I know that there's a "no spoilers" rule but I don't think that it extends to a show becoming available on Amazon or iTunes. It may be another 6 months before this season of Nurse Jackie is available on Amazon so I think it's unreasonable to ask that we wait that long to discuss something.
"But that 'reasonable' amount of time is, in my mind, about 48 hours after a live broadcast," she explained. "And once a series is off the air and the hype has died down, asking people not to spoil is just silly."
I agree. We've been very respectful of not giving away DWTS spoilers for our West Coasters, but a day or two later should give enough time to catch up.
Oh, and Bruce Willis was dead the whole time and Dil's a dude.
(runs and hides!)
FlimsyFlamsy said... 148
I looked at my DIRECTV listing for K+8, and the blurb describes
her as "the spotlight-loving mom." Bwahaha!
"spotlight-obsessed" would be more accurate.
NJ I agree. I think as long as your post makes it clear what show you're talking about people can scroll through the rest of it if they don't want to read it.
Please, no Nurse Jackie spoilers.
A few months ago somebody was so detailed on this season that I'm still debating on watching. Not everyone can watch in real time. I have to wait until i can buy it on Amazon.
Here's my question. How will posters know when the shows will be available for those who want to watch, and how will we know when they have finished watching them, and how will we know what shows are on the "do not spoil list?" Will someone keep a log? In other words, if there is just one person who wants to watch a particular show and not read spoilers, then everyone should wait until that one person has seen it and posters are apprised of the status and given the go-ahead to discuss it?
WTF is wrong with these people? Putting onesies on babies (multiples) that say "I was planned" for one, and "I wasn't" for the others.
I hope these babies, when they grow up, don't see the photos. The ones who "weren't planned" will ask if the parents didn't want them and weren't welcomed, while the one who "was planned" will gloat and say, "Hey, I was the one they wanted." Dumb idea.
Uh oh, she went out and bought the dress.
What's scary is that she's out-blonded Kate! Looks awful, over-processed and poker straight.
I remember that one! She kept tweeting Kate about clothes, what she drinks, where she buys her shoes, something about her favorite Victoria's Secret store, and even asked Kate's hair stylist to contact her stylist because she wanted the same hair color as Kate. I'm almost certain that's the same person. Her hair is a strawy nightmare, and Kate fills out the top of the dress much better. Maybe she will ask Kate who did her boob job surgery! This one REALLY wants to be Kate!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
Oh here we go! Reliving #KatesThirtiesShow TONIGHT at 8pm 3hr Special @TLC We will be buckled/strapped in for the #WildRide! @kateplusmy8
Milo needs to be strapped into something, preferably a pink straight jacket. I wish a psychologist would check in here. I would love to know why anyone, particularly a 50-something married woman would be giddy over reliving a stranger's 30s. I just can't wrap my head around it, and I really can't come up with any logical answer.
I hope these babies, when they grow up, don't see the photos. The ones who "weren't planned" will ask if the parents didn't want them and weren't welcomed, while the one who "was planned" will gloat and say, "Hey, I was the one they wanted." Dumb idea.
The problem is that this mentality instills in kids that they were not planned and are too much to deal with.
And how do you explain a photo where one kid is wanted/planned the others weren't? It's so not cute.
I remember that one! She kept tweeting Kate about clothes, what she drinks, where she buys her shoes, something about her favorite Victoria's Secret store, and even asked Kate's hair stylist to contact her stylist because she wanted the same hair color as Kate. I'm almost certain that's the same person. Her hair is a strawy nightmare, and Kate fills out the top of the dress much better. Maybe she will ask Kate who did her boob job surgery! This one REALLY wants to be Kate!
Blech, get some layers and movement and some depth of color. Bleached hair curtains are not a good thing!
@sunshinepawleys: Look @Kateplusmy8 we are twins !
Uh oh, she went out and bought the dress.
Poll: Who wore it best, The sheeple or Kate?
I vote for the sheeple. Nice choice of shoes.
Poll: Who wore it best, The sheeple or Kate?
I vote for the sheeple. Nice choice of shoes.
The sheeple. Better legs and the shoes don't cut her off at the cankles.
I haven't watched Mr. Selfridge, but recommend The Paradise.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 1h1 hour ago
RT @Samurai_Lucy: If you must keep sensitive data on your computer learn to encrypt it. @Kateplusmy8 @Toupsfamily @wizdom4you
Ha, good one! Remind Kate to not be careless about what's on her computer.
The sheeple. Better legs and the shoes don't cut her off at the cankles.
The sheeple. At least she has a waist.
Is sheeple singular or plural? Wouldn't one fan be a sheep? lol!
The Paradise was enjoyable. Maybe a bit wussy. Thought I'd love Mr. Selfridge but it never gelled for me.
Has anyone else discovered Dr Lucy Worsley? She's a commentor on all things British monarchy related and once in a while I catch her on a BBC show. Her enthusiasm is boundless and quite contagious!
Blech, get some layers and movement and some depth of color. Bleached hair curtains are not a good thing!
OMG, that hair. She looks like she belongs at Woodstock, barefoot, with love beads around her neck, inhaling some incense (or something else).
Although I don't particularly like the idea of t-shirts for multiples saying "I was planned" and "I wasn't" and I wouldn't dress babies that way, I have to think that early on multiples figure out that their mother didn't plan on having a large number of babies at once. In such cases, it's got to be a fairly common topic of discussion--the surprise of the parents when they learned there were several babies in the womb. I wonder how many of us weren't planned. Got to be millions. LOL
Regarding the woman who wants to be Kate, her figure is more natural looking. Kate's bazooooooms look like something one would find on ancient armor for Amazon warrior women dressed for battle.
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye 5m5 minutes ago
Cannot wait to get off work today. Get to spend my evening with @Kateplusmy8 and her family. 👍😍💜
I really would like to know WHY! Don't they have their own families? I guess there isn't an answer.
Sheep wore it better. Much better body. Her belly button is probably in the proper hemisphere too. Lol. Suck it, Donkey.
I vote that the sheeple wore it better. She and TFW both need to learn how to pose though.
TLC stinks said... 2
My goodness. With Steve and camera crew at nightclub, it's funny to think she's attractive to any man.
Personally, clubbing is depressing. I guess it had to done just so the audience totally understands she's SINGLE.
I agree. I like to go out to the occasional concert, comedy show, etc. but the bar scene? Been there, done that, at the age-appropriate time. I guess when you don't have any friends, and have estranged your entire family, have no interests beyond staring at yourself in the mirror or talking into the camera, going out to a nightclub with the person who does your make up sounds like a good idea.
I am distracted by the way the fan's left foot is turned so awkwardly inward. Otherwise, I'd say she's wearing that dress with a lot of verve. Too bad she got Kate-itis.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 · 1d1 day ago
@Kaceytron420 @cocoacoffee1962 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Thank you. My father died in 2011. He's in my heart.
If Goody can tweet that her father died 4 years ago and still in her heart, how on earth can she tweet the horrible and hurtful things about Jon who is the father of 8 kids? If Jon was really not here, how broken would 8 kids hearts be? Pretty freakingly bad broken.
Jane said:
On a whole other note, a friend (who I'll look at a bit differently now) recommended a Showtime series called PolyAmory. I only watched 2 episodes and that may be it LOL! I deals with couples who practices polyamorous living - not swinging. These are (supposedly) committed relationships where three or more people live together and, well, etc etc. It's pretty graphic.
I guess that sort of relationship works for a few, but I've never been at all interested in that phenomenon and know it certainly would never work for me. It's such a turn off in fact, that I wouldn't watch a show about it. I'm not sure why I have such a deep negative reaction, but the idea just makes me go "blech!" LOL
It would be better not to do the shirts planned and not planned. It is cruel. But if she is bound and determined to do it maybe she could put, We love our little Surprise! with a happy face on all of them. IDK, people are so crazy.
I just realized the 3-hour special tonight is airing from 9 - 12.
Will Gladys have to miss the last hour, or will she be allowed
to stay up past lights out for this special occasion? And will
TFW be live tweeting during this entire crapfest? If there's
a box o' wine in the equation, this could be big fun!
foxy said... 87
The Duggar girls at the airport look like any other people traveling, nothing special. Jill still looks 5 months pregnant, Jessa's child groom looks like a doofus and seems to walk behind her. I don't see anything that could be interesting to make a spin-off of these people. None of them has a real job, none of them has a personality or quality about them and absolutely nothing to offer other than the contest of who can pop out the most babies.
I think a spin off featuring these two married couples would be incredibly boring, except to their most ardent of fans. I would suggest to both men that they start looking around for paying jobs, because the TLC gravy train has run out of steam. I think they are hoping that even if they don't return to TLC, they can earn a living by being paid speakers at conservative Christian gatherings. I have no idea what a speaking gig like that would pay, but I doubt it's a lot of money, especially if it's split two ways (1/2 per couple).
I am distracted by the way the fan's left foot is turned so awkwardly inward
If you crank your leg around that way it's slimming, didn't you know?
Hehe just kidding, it's flipping awkward. The sheeple are nothing if not cluelessly entertaining.
I just realized the 3-hour special tonight is airing from 9 - 12.
Three hours, whew! Did we ever figure out if this is just a bunch of old clips, or a dumping in one long night of all the episodes they've made up until now, or what this is about? I'm not sure there is even enough Rumspringa in the cellar for this one. We may have to raid the stash in the emergency apocalypse bunker.
I'm not sure there is even enough Rumspringa in the cellar for this one. We may have to raid the stash in the emergency apocalypse bunker.
I'm on call. Remember, I have the Brewery on speed dial!
Who in the world would want to watch three hours of Kate Gosselin?
admin, I just checked our local listings on my guide channel, and it says it begins at 7 p.m.. with New England Adventures show. The 8-11 slot is "To Be Announced." She's not even listed there; however, on TLC's site, the "decade of Kate" runs from 8 to 11. If it went from 9-12, wouldn't that mean Milo would have to secure a late per slip from LOM to watch it?
One of our lurkers who is having trouble posting asked me to post about this. She's talking about TLC's new Jazz show:
I am at work and can’t post, I have never figured out how to post here. But last night I saw a commercial for a new show starring a family with 2 boys and 1 “girl” she is a transgender. It will start in a couple of weeks but I wonder how the Dugger’s will like sharing time with this new family. They are kids is what upsets me. And blaring that on national TV! If you can post this for me under Diane B. is fine with me. ~ Administrator said... 172
I am distracted by the way the fan's left foot is turned so awkwardly inward
If you crank your leg around that way it's slimming, didn't you know?
Huge peeve of mine when women stand pigeon-toed. If you're lucky enough to be born without a deformity, why the heck would you stand like that?
The little Shirley Temple, 5-year old pose is ridiculous. ~ Administrator said... 173
I just realized the 3-hour special tonight is airing from 9 - 12.
Three hours, whew! Did we ever figure out if this is just a bunch of old clips, or a dumping in one long night of all the episodes they've made up until now, or what this is about? I'm not sure there is even enough Rumspringa in the cellar for this one. We may have to raid the stash in the emergency apocalypse bunker.
Who the hell wants to see 3 hours of Kate Gosselin? I wonder if it's just a lot of old clips, too. Not watching for all the tea in China, though.
I can't begin to fathom what the deal is with constantly harping on the kids when they were little. Are they that boring now?
Plus, at their ages, I'd bet they're mortified at the thought of people constantly looking at their baby and little kid antics.
I am at work and can’t post, I have never figured out how to post here. But last night I saw a commercial for a new show starring a family with 2 boys and 1 “girl” she is a transgender. It will start in a couple of weeks but I wonder how the Dugger’s will like sharing time with this new family. They are kids is what upsets me. And blaring that on national TV! If you can post this for me under Diane B. is fine with me.
Oh, but the Duggars don't watch tv, so how would they even know to care?
Of course the Duggars know, but they suspend their morals because they're too busy cashing paychecks and living off TLC's perks.
I am at work and can’t post, I have never figured out how to post here. But last night I saw a commercial for a new show starring a family with 2 boys and 1 “girl” she is a transgender.
Funny you should post this right now! I was checking out the schedule for Kate Tonight, and TLC just showed a commercial for that show. I, too, was thinking about the Duggars and their hypocrisy, raking in the money from a network that is airing a show on a topic that they have spoken out about in such negative terms.
I guess that sort of relationship works for a few, but I've never been at all interested in that phenomenon and know it certainly would never work for me. It's such a turn off in fact, that I wouldn't watch a show about it. I'm not sure why I have such a deep negative reaction, but the idea just makes me go "blech!" LOL
Same here. Seems like an excuse to screw around.
Request denied!!!
No problem.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 182
I just realized the 3-hour special tonight is airing from 9 - 12.
Will Gladys have to miss the last hour, or will she be allowed
to stay up past lights out for this special occasion? And will
TFW be live tweeting during this entire crapfest? If there's
a box o' wine in the equation, this could be big fun!
I don't get why her show runs so late. I'm betting the numbers drop precipitously by the 3rd hour.
That fan seems obsessed with Kate's clothes!
Is this special just old clips? Why on earth show that?
I hope the Jazz show is not's supposed to be an educational doc series like Caitlyn Jenner's but we'll see. Abby & Brittany was not bad IMO.
I think a spin off featuring these two married couples would be incredibly boring, except to their most ardent of fans. I would suggest to both men that they start looking around for paying jobs, because the TLC gravy train has run out of steam.
They can start by cleaning up. They look like hobos.
I just saw a "Bringing Up Bates" commercial on UP (during
"Judging Amy"), and you're not going to believe the fun fun fun
episode they have coming up. The kids get braces, and go
to the zoo! Oh, how crazy it is to have so many kids!
I think they are hoping that even if they don't return to TLC, they can earn a living by being paid speakers at conservative Christian gatherings. I have no idea what a speaking gig like that would pay, but I doubt it's a lot of money, especially if it's split two ways (1/2 per couple).
Yup. They can carve out a decent living pretending to be some sort of religious leaders (in whatever religion it is that JB made up).
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