Megyn says a preview of the interview will air Wednesday, with the full interview to air Friday.
Fox News, The Kelly File, 9 p.m. EDT (check local listings).
New Washington County police report.
Read a breakdown of some of the misleading or outright incorrect information from the Kelly interview.
1315 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1315 Newer› Newest»Thank God I wasn't raised thinking being born with a vagina was a handicap that permanently sealed my mouth to speak against atrocities committed against said vagina.
You know what is an interesting verification. We have read from others in this Quiverfill movement about sexual stuff happens frequently in their homes with their siblings. Well, Jim Bob verified that it is true. He said that they spoke to many that they knew where this happened. And I think it is because sex is so suppressed in these homes that it makes sex all the MORE interesting.
And again shame on them for not letting the boys play hide and seek, or letting their little sisters sit on their laps, or probably even change their sisters' diapers. The Duggars never said this about the diapers but I bet anything the boys do not change they sisters. I read this about their movement though. How sick is that. Again, they make sexuality so secretive it is no wonder there is a lot of improper touching going on in these homes.
To suggest that the DA did something improper without any proof is pretty brazen. Moreover there talking about suing a bunch of people who are mostly immune from such lawsuits. Idiots.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Three Two One...I bet the school yr is done! Here we go...pool fun, summer sun! Twins on 2high school? 9th grade? :)
She knows exactly in what grades the twins are in. She tweeted two questions because she wants confirmation from Kate. If she tweeted it as fact, she figures Kate wouldn't have any reason to answer her. Poor Gladys is trying everything to get her attention.
To suggest that the DA did something improper without any proof is pretty brazen.
Kind of accuse your ex-husband of being a hacker?? and a lying thief.
They seemed to be awfully grateful to Josh for coming to them, crying of course and confessing his heart. They said it about five times. "We're so grateful that Josh..." Now all the hearts have a safe place. What's with all the heart talk? And does Michelle always look at JimBob when she talking to someone else?
BTW, where is Josh and why isn't he sitting between Mommy and Daddy 'splanin himself?
This is the most I've ever watched of the Duggars. Sounds to me like a real clusterflucked family.
I've never seen Megyn Kelly before either as we don't have Fox (I went to the website) I liked the way she just kept nodding her head as if to say suuure, tell me more....sure....ya did...now tell me more ya doofuses.
She didn't say a lesbian agenda. She said there must be an agenda.
I choked on my coca cola.
Admin, have you learned nothing from Kate after all these years? @cocacola #yummy #fizzy #teachestheworldtosing
She didn't say a lesbian agenda. She said there must be an agenda.
I went back to listen to it again. She said lesbian agenda clear as a bell. It was just before they showed a pic of the cop. Oh she said it.
I wish the police reports released would black out all info about the youngest victim. She is still a minor and should have more protection. The parents should be ashamed for blaming their son for their fall from grace. They did NOTHING to protect the victims or help their son. Their image was more important then the safety of the family.
I wrote that: And they keep saying that Josh was a changed person. Well, how do they possibly know this. Was Josh acting differently before molesting the girls. Of course not...so therefore they are full of bull that he was a changed person.
And then somebody commented that the Duggars probably meant Josh needs are being taken care of because he is married. Well, he molestation happened in 2002 and 03 and they let him back in there home. He was not married until the end of 08.
chefsummer #Leh said... 195
Jim Bob said they were "told" that the reports would be sealed. By whom
The pervert cop told them I assume.
The pervert cop insured nothing would be traceable by not making a report at all. He also didn't pass along the information to anyone who would make a report, though he was required by law to do so.
Not only do they not let boys change diapers, the boys have to leave the room!!! I saw an episode (don't judge) and when Michelle was getting ready to change a young daughter's diaper she told her son to LEAVE THE ROOM so she could do it.
Now it makes more sense. And yet another reason why they should cancel. Every single thing will be viewed under this dark cloud now. There's no getting out from underneath it.
Well I am speechless. That was far worse than I even begun to imagine. Duggars are done. There's no way TLC can continue with these fools. And by dragging the daughters into this mess there can be no spinoff for them.
I put forth the theory when this first came out that IF put in a similar situation many kids might end up going down this path. I was blasted for it by some drive by.
I stand by that comment. JB just said that this is pretty common in many families he knows. That's outrageous. Since we know most of his friends are wackadoodles like this family, that suggests there is something about that upbringing that is related to this. I think it's twofold. One, I think there are so many kids in the family you can't keep track of them all, protect them all, and be on the lookout for warning signs. For instance, a child excessively masturbating at inappropriate times could be a warning sign of other issues. That's just an example, but you have to be in tune with your kids and looking out for those things and be addressing them. I would be SHOCKED if Josh didn't show warning signs like that--they were just missed or ignored. Two, I think the extreme suppression when it comes to sexuality causes kids to have such pent up curiosity all of a sudden they're exploring whoever is around. Add to that they don't get out much, and their only victims can be their siblings or other girls in the home.
I stand by this idea that this sort of lifestyle is not helping boys like Josh any. Had he been in a family of three kids, and not raised to fear sexuality so much, there is no doubt in my mind this had a good chance of being prevented.
I listened to it three times and I have to absolutely disagree. "There must be an agenda."
I listened to it three times and I have to absolutely disagree. "There must be an agenda."
Are you listening to the same "agenda" comment? She said agenda a couple times.
I'll try to find a clip online.
Admin. here is a transcript from Kelley show's about how this was against the law for the info to be made public under the Freedom of Info Act.
You know, I disagree that minors (even 5) don't know it is wrong to be touched in private areas. They may not be able to express it with words or even thoughts but if my brother touched my breasts or vagina when I was 5 or even 12 I would have known it was wrong or "dirty".
In my experience, minors will speak rather matter of factly about what happened. They will usually provide lots of detail if prompted, and will say things like Daddy and I were playing in the tub and Daddy kissed me then he put his finger in my poopoo.
They will often say something like, it hurt, or white stuff came out of him and I got scared. Or, I laughed. Sometimes they seem indifferent to it. They rarely say stop or don't. They will past the age of 8 or 9 though.
They can't explain things like an adult would, I was molested, I hated it, it messed me up, etc. Michelle is taking this inability to articulate feelings they don't understand yet as it not affecting them. That's totally clinically wrong.
Kids that young react to trauma of any kind differently. Look at how a four year old reacts to their parent dying. They might continue playing with their toys right afterward or laugh at a joke. That doesn't mean it's not something that won't affect them deeply the rest of their life, or that they're not upset. They don't know how to HANDLE these feelings yet, they are too immature to.
Maybe we're listening to two different things. A clip would be great if you could isolate the comment. I watched CNN coverage of the interview and online commentary and no one has picked up on the lesbian comment if that is truly what she said.
Until someone explains what statute was violated and how the FOIA does not trump any sort of state statute, I'm not buying that anything was illegal. They're just throwing it out there it was illegal without explaining how.
I didn't watch this. I can't stand either one of them and I knew if I watched I'd end up having to pour more than just a few drinks.
It sounds like they are just throwing everything excuse out there to see what sticks. When all else fails, cast that stone upon the media. Talk about grasping at the proverbial straw.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
I went back to listen to it again. She said lesbian agenda clear as a bell. It was just before they showed a pic of the cop. Oh she said it.
Actually, she didn't say it. I listened again and then turned on closed captioning to be sure. She said "There must be an agenda". I can see how you thought she said "lesbian" because she said "be an".
This family keeps referring to Josh's actions as "Josh's bad choices"...no, the correct terminology is "Josh's bad CRIMES" and while what he did was wrong, and the public should question his reformation....I blame Ma and Pa more than Josh...because when he was confessing over and over again for 16 months and essentially asking for help from his parents their only response was to shave his head, shame him in front of the congregation and send him off to do construction. Shame on them !!..
If TLC was testing the water to see what kind of response the Duggar interview gets from the msm and the public, I think tomorrow's reviews and comments from the public will demand the show be cancelled. A lot of questions will be asked of TLC beginning with "what did they know" and "when did they know it".
I checked out FB. Now the virtual prayer meeting is combined on both the Duggar page and the Fox News page. Of course, their fans believe every single word the Duggars said without question. The Kool Aid is flowing pretty freely over on both pages.
BTW, someone please pass me a huge glass of rumspringa.
22:00 almost exactly is the comment.
Well, I hear two different things from it now. She could say "I figured, must be an agenda" or "I figured, lesbian agenda." I can't tell for sure. Her baby doll screeching and high pitch makes it impossible for me to tell now.
Their solution to the problem was to make sure the girls in the family did not so much as play hide and seek with anyone with a penis.
This sends the message to girls and young women that there is something wrong with you, the female, that men are dangerous in light of who YOU are and not to be trusted around you, and that if someone does harm you, it must be because you were not properly guarding your virtue. Terrible, terrible way to handle it.
I just cannot even imagine how these girls can have healthy relationships with men. Why is it you suddenly are allowed to trust your husband?
I can see how you thought she said "lesbian" because she said "be an".
Yes, and her lisp sounds like the "les" of the first part of it.
I'm still on the fence but it's not important. I'm sure she THINKS it, whether she said it or not. She was clear she still thinks transgendered people are child molesters anyhow.
Admin 191
Not Leslie , it was me, LJ ...but that's ok, as long as its out there that Michelle said it. :)
Anyone notice how long Jim Bob hesitated when asked if Josh had any dealings with the Sheriff? Wonder what that was about. Then he came up with that they met at a meeting.
Perhaps Josh had got some traffic tickets or other minor stuff, but Jim Bob looked like he was thinking whether he should say anything or not.
Thanks for the report of the interview! I am imagining many many Fox viewers shouting at the tv. Oh no that doesn't go on in many families! You are failures as parents! You people are crazy! Yes, you are hypocrites! Michelle is too stupid to talk without staring at Jim Boob!
I think I have said it before but I too am a victim of molestation. Maybe that is why I am so angry about this. What Josh did was disgusting and wrong but also what the parents did was even more wrong. Those girls did nothing yet they were made to feel like they contributed to their own digital rape.
My sister's husband did the same to me and my little sister (although at the time we thought we were the only ones) I was babysitting for my sister and her husband and it was late so I just spent the night with them and slept on the couch. I was fully clothed. I woke up to being touched all over. It happened several more times. I was 11. I felt like I had no one to turn to for trust. One day my little sister who was 8 was crying because she didn't want to go to our older sisters house. I just felt it...I knew. So I asked her and after I had made my intention to tell my parents consequences be damned he left me alone and turned to my younger sister solely. He even showed her pictures -there was no internet at the time thank god.
One day we were home alone and my sister's husband came over. We locked the door and didn't let him in. About 10 minutes later our older sister came over spitting fire because we didn't let him in and he needed to use the phone. Our mom came home and a screaming match ensued and we finally told them why we didn't let him in. My mom's first thought was "you girls better not be lying" Then she called our pastor.
My sister's husband was never punished legally because they were poor and the thought was my sister couldn't support her 3 boys and it was a private matter. Then our pastor counseled us girls that we must go before the church to ask forgiveness because we "let" it happen. My mom even told my dad to not blame the church. (he wasn't religious like my mom)
It has been over 36 years and it STILL bothers me a LOT. How dare he...how dare that preacher. Why did my mom look at us like we had done anything wrong. WTF
Today my husband tolerates my sister's husband because I love my sister but I don't know how the hell she stayed with him or even had another child after that.
When my daughter was little my older sister used to want to watch her -she only had boys and wanted a little girl so bad- I would never let her go to my sister's house if her husband were home. What kind of mom would I be to know the potential and let it happen
so **** the duggars and all their self-riotous crap
it especially infuriates me that these victims are glossing it over. For me it has been 36 years and I still feel the shame and degradation. Anna has a little girl and one on the way...she has 200% confidence she can trust her hubby? RIGHT>>> I am calling BS. Those victims are likely to have girls at some point...they goona call unkle joshy to babysit? RIGHT>>>
My sister and her hubby came by today. It is still all I can do to look at him without anything other than hate....if those girls think they are 100% okay and "over it" they are deluding themselves and putting their kids in harms way.
Admin, the girls in their cult are told that the girls physical appearance causes men to sin. Men can't help their urges so it's up to the girls to dress in a way that will not draw sexual attraction from boys. The girls are the ones that caused the sin. The following link has info about how their cult sees sex abuse. It is almost always the victims fault.
That "Sophie's Choice" comment was particularly odious. These
parents didn't have to choose between 2 innocent children. They
had to choose between one son, and the 4 daughters he had
repeatedly sexually molested. By making that analogy, they
revealed just how imbalanced things are for the women in
that household. And how little their suffering mattered.
It's possible that out of 19 kids, one or maybe more could be gay. What then? I wonder how M & JB would handle that.
Their girls' "trust was betrayed by the tabloids". Are you fuckety serious? Their trust was betrayed by their brother and parents.
That "Sophie's Choice" comment was particularly odious. These
parents didn't have to choose between 2 innocent children.
Megyn said it. That comment IS used frequently as just a pop culture reference to a difficult choice not meant to be offensive. I've said it myself. But informally, not in a serious interview about sexual abuse. It's not appropriate in this context. But since Megyn did an overall good job I'll let it slide.
Still, the Duggars should of said well I wouldn't compare to that, we weren't being asked to KILL one of our children, but yes it was hard to be both be loving and patient with Josh and address what his needs were and also protect our daughters--but our daughters' safety had to come first even if it was going to be hard for Josh. Safety first.
I don't think they had an earpiece, but they sure needed one.
Anon #7 She did not NOT say "must be agenda", she said "lesbian agenda" ( replay your dvd) and that comment is clearly substantiated by subsequent inflammatory pictorials and further unsubstantiated slander by the subjects being interviewed.
Still, the Duggars should of said well I wouldn't compare to that, we weren't being asked to KILL one of our children,
Would the Duggars even know the meaning of "Sophie's Choice?"
Whether she said lesbian or not, in the very next breath Daddy said maybe it could have been a bribe.
That is a serious, illegal, criminal accusation. You are accusing a police officer of taking money in order to harm people, many of whom were minors. Frankly this is far worse than accusing someone of an agenda, lesbian or otherwise. If true, she could go to jail. If I were her I'd be pissed beyond belief. How dare he.
Would the Duggars even know the meaning of "Sophie's Choice?"
What now, they're Holocaust deniers too?
Maybe they don't watch movies or read great literature about non-believers.
Oh wait Sophie was Christian.
BTW, someone please pass me a huge glass of rumspringa.
Are you sure that you don't want the entire keg?
I really don't understand how the girls would not know they were being molested if a *year* earlier their parents had sat them down after the *first* incident and talked to them about how they shouldn't ever be near Josh, and exactly what bad touch was and that they should report it to their parents immediately if it happened.
The most this ever should have happened was once. First time, ok, maybe they didn't see it coming. Molesters are adept at hiding what they're doing. And the two so-called parents seem like they're pretty oblivious to what the children are doing, anyway.
But 4(!!!!) MORE times??? No excuse for that whatsoever.
If the girls had been truly warned and accurately told what to be aware of, they should have been screaming bloody murder if Josh got anywhere near them.
Something tells me that the girls were not warned.
And maybe there wasn't any rule about Josh not being allowed anywhere near them.
Maybe the first girl was told to keep it to herself, and nothing was ever done to warn the other girls.
Sounds like Michelle herself didn't even know about the first incident until after the second incident. What husband wouldn't share something like that with his wife? A husband who has something to hide?
Anyone notice how long Jim Bob hesitated when asked if Josh had any dealings with the Sheriff? Wonder what that was about.
There was some talk on another blog that Josh had been visiting strip clubs....maybe that's where he ran into the sheriff.
I agree that the 5 year old might not have realized what was happening, *at the time*. But she will, when she starts being intimate when she's older. Then she'll know that what her brother was doing was horribly wrong.
The 10, 11, 12 year olds probably didn't exactly understand it, either. But they would know that it wasn't right (particularly if they had been educated about bad touch, which they probably weren't).
The damage he has done to those girls won't show up for years.
Didn't one of the sisters compare abortion to the Holocaust,
and get a lot of grief for it?
Oy. After that interview tonight I think TLC should lower their Duggar flag to half-mast.
CNN.com has the Duggar interview as one of their top stories.
Whether she said lesbian or not, in the very next breath Daddy said maybe it could have been a bribe
I'm reading lips, and listening at the same time, and it is "must be an agenda." I'd bet the farm on it. Any other lip readers out there?
Boob, however, did mention bribe. He's venturing into dangerous territory with that one.
Did they say if TLC knew about this, or did the Duggars beat around the bush on that one?
Babytalk's eyes are scary. Wow.
The allegations of past sexual abuse against minors by their then teenage son, Joshua, have significantly tarnished to the point of potentially destroying both their reputation and, less important but more potentially lucrative, their public profile in the entertainment industry. This interview was necessary both to preserve the family’s good name, if possible, and to shore up a franchise that had heretofore been unassailable.
But they at least figured out, or were told, the media outlet to turn to. Megyn Kelly is widely seen as the most evenhanded of all Fox News hosts, and asked tough questions in the interview, as when she questioned why the Duggars would have signed off on a family reality series after the allegations against Josh. But she also exists within a news organization that was operating in a predictable manner when it portrayed the Duggars as victims of a “liberal backlash.”
This sends the message to girls and young women that there is something wrong with you, the female, that men are dangerous in light of who YOU are and not to be trusted around you, and that if someone does harm you, it must be because you were not properly guarding your virtue. Terrible, terrible way to handle it.
I just cannot even imagine how these girls can have healthy relationships with men. Why is it you suddenly are allowed to trust your husband?
Because from what I've read in their sicko world the husband owns the vagina, whereas everyother man would be stealing it. But, BUT, if a man does steal it it is ALL the vaginas fault because she tempted him and forced him to do it by, I don't know, wearing trousers.
On Wednesday, Jim Bob questioned why more attention hasn't focused on the press leaks: "It has been an unprecedented attack on our family. And this information was released illegally. And so I'm wondering why all this press is not going after the system for releasing these juvenile records. That is a huge story."
And there's this:
Kelly addressed the issue on Wednesday: "Do you think the backlash has been greater because people object to who you are and what you stand for? Do you think your Christian beliefs are at issue here?"
Sorry to be crude but TFW must be creaming her @michaelkors favorite jeans thinking that this debacle might create an open time slot for her.
shannon slowinski @shannon659 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 wondering if you would help with my IVF treatment. In the state of Minnesota there is no insurance that covers it. PM me
LOL!! What is Kate supposed to do about it? This tweetie has sent about a dozen tweets to celebrities for help with her treatments, including the POTUS and Blake Shelton!
Kate's fans are strange.
Kate is a twit said... 22
I went back to listen to it again. She said lesbian agenda clear as a bell. It was just before they showed a pic of the cop. Oh she said it.
Actually, she didn't say it. I listened again and then turned on closed captioning to be sure. She said "There must be an agenda". I can see how you thought she said "lesbian" because she said "be an".
Thank you! I listened to that section so many times I'll no doubt be dreaming about it not to mention I have a headache now. I didn't hear the word "lesbian." I heard "there must be an agenda." Now I have to go take some Advil.
What are we going to drink on? Because obviously we’re going to make this a drinking game. Obviously when Jim Bob and Michelle they say that Jesus has forgiven Josh, you have to take a shot.
When they say that this experience has only brought them closer (ew) as a family, take a shot.
When they shift the blame to Michelle or some other woman, or the intractable power of the Pussy Radiation which women emit that turns men’s mind to jelly and makes them act out on their basest, filthy instincts, take two shots. And a Percocet. It’s going to be a long night.
When they say how much they love America, take a shot.
9:25 p.m.: They keep talking about these “other families” where “even worse” things went on. You know, Duggar family, what’s normal in your weirdo snake-handling backwoods clique might not be all that normal among those of us who don’t believe that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church.
9:41 p.m.: “Everything was taken care of,” says Jim Bob.
“It was resolved, we were forgiven,” insists Michelle. DRIIIIIIIIINK!!
During their Fox News interview, the Duggars worked hard to minimize their son Josh’s molestation of his sisters and another girl. But all you need to know about their horrific response is that they think the disclosure of Josh’s molestation is worse than his actual molestation. Michelle Duggar actually said this about her daughters:
“They’ve been victimized more by what happened in what has happened in these last couple weeks than they were 12 years ago.”
At the end of the interview, Megyn Kelly said she interviewed two Duggar daughters who were molested by Josh, and a clip shows them repeating the same idea and crying about Josh’s behavior being revealed to the world.
Basically, it was about attacking the messenger. In one of the many unbeleivable things he said, Jim Bob actually insisted, “The big picture is protecting juveniles’ records. … We want to be advocate for protecting juvenile records.”
Yes, that’s the most important thing here.
If I never knew from the police report that they was digital penetration I would have thought it was all done to the breast according to this interview.
JB said it was the breast over the clothes and then said it happened two more times when there was touching under the clothes for just a few seconds. NEVER does JB or Michelle say there was any genital contact. It makes me sick. Megyn should have pointed that out in the interview but she did not. And she should have asked how long Josh was removed from the home.
And how long was Josh removed from their home. What? A few months when he stayed at that place to do construction work. Big deal, Josn had a very serious problems. When he could not get to them in their bedroom he went after them on the couch TWICE. And his behavior escalated too over the year. It went from two victims to five victims. It went from touching over the clothes to the breasts to under the clothes to finger penetration. And it went from family members to a babysitter. And sorry for being graphic, but how does a totally inexperienced boy manger to penetrate with his finger for a "few seconds". It would have taken him more than a few seconds to just locate the vagina not to mention penetrate it.
I think this interview sinks this family big time. It makes me feel worse about them instead of better about them as I am sure that were their intentions.
The Duggars interview on Fox News backfired. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse, claimed that they were victims of the police and media, and revealed to the world why they should never be allowed back on television.
The interview intro featured Megyn Kelly referring to Josh Duggar’s admitted child molestation as “allegations.” Megyn Kelly’s intro sounded like it came directly from the Duggars agent.
The interview began with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar repeating their press release. The Duggar parents said that they were devastated. Jim Bob said that Josh was just curious about girls, and the girls didn’t even know that he did it. (Jim Bob and Michelle are working hard to whitewash their son’s crimes.) Jim Bob said, “Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances.” The Duggars claimed that this happens in a lot parents’ homes. Jim Bob said, “Again, this is not rape or something like that.”
Jim Bob Duggar claimed that they didn’t send their molesting son for real help, because real programs don’t have a good success rate. Jim Bob hinted that God cured Josh Duggar’s habit of molesting his sisters, Michelle Duggar said that her son knew in his heart it was wrong.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse and argued for the rest of the family not being punished for what Josh did. It is obvious that TLC and the Duggars are working together, and this interview was designed to get them back on television, whether it be as 19 Kids and Counting or a spinoff.
The Duggars claimed that they were victimized by the police, and their trust was betrayed.
Fox News thought they were helping to save the Duggars, but in reality, they did the public a favor by showing the world why this family should not be allowed on national television. The Duggars think that they are the victims, which is why this twisted family should never be on television again.
I'm going to be in the minority here, but it won't be the first time. IMO, to the audience that watches the Duggars, this interview probably came across quite well. I doubt it came across as well to the general public and the media. However, TLC is looking at how to keep the show going, and whether they have enough sponsors, and viewers, and I hate to say it, but I think TLC will put the Duggars back on the air. I doubt the people with the biggest lips will be as big a draw, and I just feel the Christians to whom the Duggars are so appealing thought BabyTalk and JBoob did an honest interview.
If we hear of more sponsors dropping their advertising I may have to eat my hat. And I won't be influenced to change my opinion if the pundants rip them both a new one even though I'll probably agree. I think TLC will pull this off.
Because from what I've read in their sicko world the husband owns the vagina, whereas everyother man would be stealing it. But, BUT, if a man does steal it it is ALL the vaginas fault because she tempted him and forced him to do it by, I don't know, wearing trousers.
I remember one interview some time ago when the Boob and Babykins were kidding around with each other and he told the interviewer that it's Michelle who is the aggressor and makes the first moves in their intimate relationship. In other words, she's hot to trot.
Does anyone else remember that? I don't even recall who was conducting the interview, but I clearly remember that.
If they were watching him "all the time", how the h*ll did he manage to molest not once but FOUR more times????
Kelly asked the Duggar parents whether they were a worried their son would be labeled a pedophile.
@karenromiah2002 I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. You are right. Someone should have protected you. Report them. It's never too late. Pedophiles don't stop. You are brave to share it and I hope your life is richly blessed.
AT 9:07 PM JUNE 03, 2015
Jim Bob Duggar responded that he believes that label would be incorrect: He does not view his son as a pedophile because Josh was not an adult when the incidents happened.
“He was a child preying on a child,” Jim Bob Duggar said.
Jim Bob Duggar said that after counseling, his son was "a changed person." He said the family trusted Josh but retained some safeguards, including rules against people being alone together and prohibiting their daughters from sitting in boys’ laps.
By the time the family agreed to be the center of a reality show, “we had nothing to hide,” he said. “We had taken care of that [touching problem] years before.”
I would love to read Dr. Lillian Glass's analysis of their body language.
Lies, lies, lies.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 46
Didn't one of the sisters compare abortion to the Holocaust,
and get a lot of grief for it?
Yes, it was Jessa last September. Huff Post has an article about it with the lengthy post Jessa made.
"Last week, the 21-year-old "19 Kids and Counting" star and her fiancé, Ben Seewald, visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The "sobering" experience prompted Duggar to share a photo accompanied a lengthy note in which she compared the systematic murder of 11 million people (possibly 15 to 20 million people, according to a recent study) to abortion".
The article also states that Michele did the same thing on a blog post on their website in March 2013.
"A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum, it dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America!" the matriarch of the Duggar family wrote, in March 2013. "More than 56 million lives have been destroyed in our country! That is over 4,000 babies being killed and 4,000 women being wounded each day!"
I published a series of links to reviews this evening. Fascinating. The Duggars tried but failed. TLC needs to cancel them and not do any spinoff shows. It's clear now.
After listening again and now totally confused, I am willing to admit I may have made a mistake with regards to my listening skills as it relates to Michelles comments regarding lesbian agenda, but that still does not detract from the fact that Ma and Pa , after said contended comment, went on to disparage the female officer, complimented by butch photograph and claimed victim and implied the right to sue .
Wikipedia says the Duggar first special 14 Children and Pregnant Again was in 2005. But on Figure 8 website and other websites it states it was in 2004. I believe Figure 8 over Wikipedia any day.
I say this because Josh's incidents happened in 2002 and 03. So this idiot family agrees to film in 2004 and more specials very soon after that. They did it because they thought Josh's problems were never coming to light because he was a delinquent. The Duggars better not make any money from suing over this. That would be wrong on so many levels.
Michelle said that the tabloids twisted the story in a slanderous way. I would have loved to hear HOW the tabloids twisted the story. I don't think they did.
TV Guide has a good synopsis of the interview titled "The Duggars Interview Backfires and Proves Why They Really Don't Belong on TV".
It's written in a sarcastic manner, without being overly sarcastic.
Before they go into detail, this is how they describe the interview:
"During the one-our interview Kelly questioned the couple for more information - an attempt at a slightly more heated interview than simply allowing the two to share their side of the story, though questions often went more or less unanswered. The conversation rarely veered far from defending Josh, and calling out tabloids and the media for their hand in publicizing the information, with little to no attention placed on the actual victims."
But what they were less than honest about is that in one report the victim was awake and went crying to the parents, not Josh going himself.
I noticed that. They kept saying oh the girls didn't even say anything it was Josh who always told on himself. They made it seem like he touched the girl then twenty seconds later ran to his parents hysterical.
The Washington County report clearly says that one of the victims told. I bet they didn't know that was out yet. Oops.
O.M.G.......Michelle actually believes the "the girls didn't even know what happened to them" and that, therefore, NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM AT ALL. What, Josh didn't do anything wrong because those he wronged didn't understand that what he did was wrong???? Those girls willl understand exactly what he did when they are intimate with someone.
Complete. Idiots.
I can think of only one thing that is going the Duggar's way--that SNL is on hiatus. They would have had a field day with this.
Basically, it was about attacking the messenger. In one of the many unbeleivable things he said, Jim Bob actually insisted, “The big picture is protecting juveniles’ records. … We want to be advocate for protecting juvenile records.”
Yup, that was the spin. Keep it all a secret. Attack the messenger.
Even if that juvenile is now a 28 year old man who could still be very dangerous around his own young children. We should still keep it SECRET?
Sorry, don't agree.
Also, it's pathetic that his parents and sisters have to fight this battle for him while he remains in hiding. Grow up, Josh.
The creepy turned head staring of Michelle toward Pa every time he spoke makes me think that she thinks a woman is not respecting her husband and his thoughts and ideas unless she provides him her complete and undivided attention. In a way it was smug.
Don't know if what Jim Bob said after Michele talked about the robocalls has been mentioned yet. From the TV Guide article:
When Michelle side-stepped a question about accusing the trans community
Kelly later called out Michelle Duggar's robocall against the transgender community, essentially accusing trans people of being pedophiles and a therefore a threat to children. Instead of focusing on the specific group of people concerned, and the question of how she could call out an entire community of people, knowing what her son had done, Michelle made the broad statement that "protecting young girls and not allowing young men and men in general to go into a girls' locker room is just common sense."
Jim Bob was quick to jump in and clarify that at the time of his actions, Josh Duggar was not a pedophile, but rather "he was a child preying on a child," he said.
WTF? He admits that Josh was a predator but it was okay because he was a child? What about the child he was preying on?
If Josh murdered one of his sisters, I guess that would be okay too because he was a "child".
I'm trying to catch up on comments. I have basically been without internet access for 3 1/2 days--no email access or horrors--no Netflix!
I'm a bit confused about the comments showing anger that some in the extreme Christian community don't allow their daughers to sit on their brother's laps and no diaper changing by the boys for the girls.
Why is anyone angered about that? JimBoob himself admitted that he spoke to many who supposedly have experienced what they have gone through with Josh. If these families have experienced their sons molesting their sisters it's a damn good thing they try and prevent lap sitting and diaper changing. Egads, they've created some kind of sexual mysteriousness that appears to be doing damage to both their sons and daughters. I'm GLAD they try and keep them from lap sitting and diaper changing at least. Granted, they aren't addressing the root of the problem, however. They never will. Certain segments of the population have kept their women indoors and covered from head to toe for centuries.
TLC is getting lambasted again on twitter and #DuggarInterview is trending on twitter.
Someone even suggested that tonight's interview should be on Anderson Cooper's Ridiculist.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 60
The creepy turned head staring of Michelle toward Pa every time he spoke makes me think that she thinks a woman is not respecting her husband and his thoughts and ideas unless she provides him her complete and undivided attention. In a way it was smug.
Yes I noticed that, too and even when Michelle was talking to Megyn, she looked more at JimBob than at Megyn. I think it was difficult for her to make eye contact when she was following this ridiculous script she and JB had clearly rehearsed a few times.
I also noticed Michelle is a bit of a mouth breather. I'm not surprised.
When re-watching the interview at 11pm I immediately noticed Jim Bob was reading something in his lap. Then it went to a longer shot and you could clearly see that his cellphone was sitting on his thigh. I am sure he had talking points on his phone.
Also Jessa said Josh made a "stupid mistake". WOW! How brainwashed is she. What kills me about this family is how sex is so taboo. I mean down to the boys can't babysit the girls, change their diapers or even play hide and seek. BUT Jim Bob humps his wife while on a double date with Jessa and Ben. And Jim Bob is always kissing his wife. And Michelle clearly looks uncomfortable when he does this because it is so frequent. It is good when married couples share affection in front of their kids but his kissing is so often and awkward I just cringe. It looks so unnatural. And one time he said to either Jill or Jessa and their beau "this is how you kiss your wife" and then proceeded to do demonstrate it for them. In summary, Jim Bob and Michelle talk about kissing and sex way to much in front of their kids. Once time (when I really started watching the show) they made a comment to the dating couple that made me think the parents were actually taunting the couple with you can't do this until you are married. It was very creepy and I remember it to this day. They need to knock that crap off. We get it--they are very sexually active.
TLC stinks said... 66
I published a series of links to reviews this evening. Fascinating. The Duggars tried but failed. TLC needs to cancel them and not do any spinoff shows. It's clear now.
I'm not surprised at the backlash. I expected the media to be negative, however, to me, the bottom line is...will TLC continue the show? I think they will, however I'm hoping they won't. I feel this way because I have no faith in big corps with big money at stake to do the right thing.
Why is anyone angered about that? JimBoob himself admitted that he spoke to many who supposedly have experienced what they have gone through with Josh. If these families have experienced their sons molesting their sisters it's a damn good thing they try and prevent lap sitting and diaper changing.
Obviously they shouldn't let a known perpetrator like Josh do those things. But to forbid any boy or girl from having any such completely normal and benign interactions with their siblings in my opinion just makes sex all the more mystifying. Like forbidden fruit. If you build it up to be that forbidden, such that you cannot even so much as play hide and seek with the opposite sex (their own words) it's no wonder a teenager starts exploring whatever is available. In this case his poor sisters.
It is ridiculous to say a child cannot change his sibling's diaper. Ridiculous.
By the time the family agreed to be the center of a reality show, “we had nothing to hide,” he said. “We had taken care of that [touching problem] years before.”
That is one of there most blatant lies. Yes, the show didn't become a series on TLC until 2008, but the first special on Discovery was filmed around May 2004, ONE YEAR year after the supposedly last incident happened.
See my comment #176 on the previous page of this thread.
O.M.G.......Michelle actually believes the "the girls didn't even know what happened to them" and that, therefore, NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM AT ALL. What, Josh didn't do anything wrong because those he wronged didn't understand that what he did was wrong????
Insane logic. By that logic, someone can murder a baby, but because the baby is too little to understand someone is killing him, it wasn't really a murder.
Michelle, you're an idiot.
That's the whole POINT. We need to protect these young girls because they ARE too little to understand, to speak up, to say no Josh, stop it, I'm calling 911. That's why everyone is saying it's so heinous, because it's little children who can't stand up for themselves.
Obviously they shouldn't let a known perpetrator like Josh do those things. But to forbid any boy or girl from having any such completely normal and benign interactions with their siblings in my opinion just makes sex all the more mystifying. Like forbidden fruit. If you build it up to be that forbidden, such that you cannot even so much as play hide and seek with the opposite sex (their own words) it's no wonder a teenager starts exploring whatever is available. In this case his poor sisters.
It is ridiculous to say a child cannot change his sibling's diaper. Ridiculous.
Yes, I agree, but we're not talking about your normal, run of the mill family. These people have created some kind of sexual mystery that, according JimBoob himself, causes sons in the family to do what Josh did. I am merely saying considering how f*cked up these people are with regard to sex, I'm rather glad they try and discourage lap sitting and diaper changing in their families.
Yes, I agree, but we're not talking about your normal, run of the mill family. These people have created some kind of sexual mystery that, according JimBoob himself, causes sons in the family to do what Josh did. I am merely saying considering how f*cked up these people are with regard to sex, I'm rather glad they try and discourage lap sitting and diaper changing in their families.
Fair enough. I think the way they've handled sex with all their rules and regulations actually encourages behaviors like this, instead of preventing them. I also think it creates very confused young women who probably have serious trust issues in relationships when they are adults. I don't know how a young woman can have a successful sexual relationship with a man when she's been told her whole life it's wrong. I don't know how a woman builds TRUST with a man, sexual or otherwise, when she's never been allowed to trust a man or boy ever before.
Those rules should apply to Josh, but not to anyone else who has no history of such abuse that we know of.
They said they talked to all the girls after this happened and explain what bad touching was. The older girls were already 11 or 12. Shouldn't that have been explained to them a lot sooner?
My Mom explained it to me when I was 3!
Unless I missed it, Megyn didn't mention that Josh has little children of his own now and question whether perhaps he's a danger to his own children and whether he should get an evaluation. Was this brought up?
Admin. the fact that Josh has little kids and him being danger to them was not brought up.
They said they talked to all the girls after this happened and explain what bad touching was. The older girls were already 11 or 12. Shouldn't that have been explained to them a lot sooner?
Same thought. Apparently, this was never ever discussed with them before. The hell? They never learned about PRIVATE parts and good touch/bad touch?
Terrible parents. Come on, this was 2004 not 1901.
She dropped the ball not asking that. Although I wonder if it was on the forbidden list.
Another good article from the Daily Beast calling the Duggars to task for what they said in the interview.
Just a few excerpts.
"At various times downplaying their son’s molestation of their daughters and playing the victims themselves, the Duggar family dug themselves a bottomless PR hole.
Whether or not Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar are hypocrites, I suppose, is still a matter of debate. Whether they are despicable asshats, however, most certainly is not."
"At best, they came off as bumbling Bambis, wide-eyed and unable to convincingly change any of the preconceived negative notions about how their family handled Josh Duggar’s molestation of five victims over the past 12 years. At worst, they came off as molestation apologists."
They stuttered and stopped and started as they explained the details of it, and more—and disgustingly—explained away Josh’s actions. At one point the sentence, “It’s not rape or anything like that,” was actually said. Actually said.
"It wasn’t the only minimizing of the events from the Duggars. The girls didn’t know it had happened, they said repeatedly, basically insisting that because they weren’t aware they were being molested it was perfectly OK that they were."
You could see Michelle Duggar’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as she struggled to remember the PR talking points she had memorized for the interview. Words like “safeguards” and “devastated” and “counseling”—vaguely defined—were recited as nonsensical and, frankly, unbelievable word soup."
"We glorify this family on camera when they’re at their best, so maybe we deserve and owe it to ourselves to document how they grapple with devastation when they’re at their worst.
But this interview and the Duggars proves there is no merit in that. There’s no merit in giving any more publicity to these people who are delusional, victimizing themselves, and the worst kind of preachers of God’s word: the ones who don't bother to follow it themselves."
Their comment about the girls not knowing what a bad touch is false. The police interviews with the victims showed that they all knew where they showed that the girls knew where they should not be touched.
Then Jim Bob backtracked and said they had previously talked to their daughters (after the first incident) and instructed them what "wrong" touch" was
They waited to teach those girls about wrong touch til they were how old? And after Josh did it? As much as they preach about covering the body and stuff I don't believe they never told the girls before.
They make me sick
Well the reason I couldn't find any comments about the interview on facebook was because it is listed as https://www.facebook.com/TheKellyFile
I was looking under megynkelly. Anyway 95% of the comments are positive and think the Duggars should sue. But in reading a lot of comments think many think was zero genital play involved. I said this before that Jim Bob said there was breast touching and over the clothes. Then later he said there was touching under the clothes but just for a few seconds. At no time does JB, Michelle, or Megyn say that was finger penetration involved. And not one comment about one the girls crying to her parent immediately after being touched. The Duggars misled/lied about that. They made a point several times that Josh confessed to them. And that the girls did not even know they were touched because they were sleeping. Now I think tons of people think that. When in truth both are lies. This makes me mad. And I read several reviews and they don't even pick on on this.
A couple of comments they said during the interview really stood out to me AND made me yell out loud at them. When JimBob said "The law allows for parents to do what they think is best for the children and as parents we are not mandatory reporters" (or something like that). I couldn't believe it! They are crazy idiots!
And I think it was Michelle who said "Our son violated God's principles by doing some touching that was terrible". I yelled at the TV "Violated God's principles?! What about violating STATE LAW"?!"
Sorry if I sound angry, I guess I am. And I hope and pray TLC does NOT bring this show back, they don't deserve it!
I read one of the comments on another website and this person called Michelle "Puppy Mill Michelle..." I thought that was kind of funny (& true!).
Lastly, while watching the interview, I kept getting distracted by the hole on the right side of Kelly's nose by the nostril. A previous piercing and earring?
Obviously they shouldn't let a known perpetrator like Josh do those things. But to forbid any boy or girl from having any such completely normal and benign interactions with their siblings in my opinion just makes sex all the more mystifying. Like forbidden fruit.
What in the world? Changing a diaper has nothing to do with sex. You do not let children change diapers in order to "demystify" sex. No, just no.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 60
The creepy turned head staring of Michelle toward Pa every time he spoke makes me think that she thinks a woman is not respecting her husband and his thoughts and ideas unless she provides him her complete and undivided attention.
I think it is expected of her being the 'man' is the head of the family. I have noticed it in the past on some show I caught. She would look at him with adoring eyes (gag) nodding her head in agreement. He doesn't do it as often when she talks.
JimBoob himself admitted that he spoke to many who supposedly have experienced what they have gone through with Josh.
Wow. If there's supposedly "many" who have experienced this with their sons in the Quiverfull community, time to examine what is causing the abuse.
Jim Bob Duggar claimed that they didn’t send their molesting son for real help, because real programs don’t have a good success rate. Jim Bob hinted that God cured Josh Duggar’s habit of molesting his sisters, Michelle Duggar said that her son knew in his heart it was wrong.
Umm, I believe most pedophiles know what they do is "wrong". Doesn't stop them!
The Duggars claimed that they were victimized by the police,
Kelly addressed the issue on Wednesday: "Do you think the backlash has been greater because people object to who you are and what you stand for? Do you think your Christian beliefs are at issue here?"
Would love to hear what the Duggars stand would be if this had happened in a Muslim family? A Jewish Family? To a child with 2 gay fathers? 2 gay mothers?
AuntieAnn said... 35
It's possible that out of 19 kids, one or maybe more could be gay. What then? I wonder how M & JB would handle that.
I wrote in a previous post that there ARE rumors that the one son who soon to be betrothed IS gay. Someone here commented that this was a SERIOUS accusation (or something like that) and that such rumors shouldn't be thrown out there...well lookie lookie at what REALLY was being kept a secret! Wonder if they'd protect a son who came out?
A DAUGHTER? nah..I'm thinking that kid would be given a one way ticket somewhere
I hope everyone remembers Jim Bob's haughty, self-assured and mocking response to the LGBT community when they think they might feel just a tad sorry for the Duggars about the media "attacking" them.
“We love everybody, but we don’t always agree with them," Duggar told Pathway last month. He added that he is unfazed by the petition. “They won’t succeed. Our show is the number one show on TLC. We love everybody. It’s a small group creating this fuss. All it has done is give us more exposure. We’ve gained 50,000 Facebook fans last week. God is expanding our borders through the national media.”
Jim Bob was quick to jump in and clarify that at the time of his actions, Josh Duggar was not a pedophile, but rather "he was a child preying on a child," he said.
WTF? He admits that Josh was a predator but it was okay because he was a child? What about the child he was preying on?
Just saw a clip of JB splitting hairs, saying Josh was 14-15 yo, not 16 yo when the label of pedophile can be applied.
So yeah, it was child on child assault.
I guess we should all move on now.
I'm going to watch the interview once I've had a cup of coffee and grab a barf bucket, but did the Duggars get asked what the hell they were thinking when they allowed Josh back into the house with his victims??
I wonder how much they had to bribe the trooper not to make a report.
Did they pay him off up front? Or did TLC pay him off later?
I hope the police and CPS are investigating all their friends....where even 'worse things' were done.
They don't know how to HANDLE these feelings yet, they are too immature to.
I'm sure Ma and Pa preached (brainwashed) them their feelings. I'm sure they were told exactly how it was going to be, forever, amen
Basically, it was about attacking the messenger. In one of the many unbeleivable things he said, Jim Bob actually insisted, “The big picture is protecting juveniles’ records. … We want to be advocate for protecting juvenile records.”
Yup, that was the spin. Keep it all a secret. Attack the messenger.
Wow. Just. Wow.
If this is what the Duggars' take away from all of this is, they are sick beyond words.
They should be advocates for victims of sexual crimes, and not for nothing, but if they're so interested in protecting the victims, then why put their victim daughters on tv, defending their assailant, for the sake of keeping their show(s)?
Whomever coached them to stand back on their heels and point fingers at ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES is an asshat of the highest order.
NOW they want to suddenly protect their daughters? Nah, now that they're caught in their hypocritical lies, they want to lash out at anyone who dare bring their empire down.
Admin., I found this from the interview on Fox about the illegal release of the Duggar info. I referenced this in comment #18. This is why Megyn is saying it was illegally released.
Except the freedom of information laws in Arkansas clearly state "Records of the arrest of a juvenile, the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act."
Admin. what do you think? I think you mentioned this act was a federal law.
That interviewer was dressed pretty provocatively for that environment.
Nice top, but barely below her crotch. And, then(!) she had on skin tight leggings. Showed *everything* about the shape of her leg from crotch down.
I bet Jimmy boy spent the whole interview all horned up.
I found this on http://www.archives.gov/foia/foia-guide.html
It states: The FOIA does not, however, provide access to records of the Congress or the federal courts, records of state or local government agencies, or records of private businesses or individuals. All states have their own statutes governing public access to state and local government records; state agencies should be consulted for further information about them.
I wonder why or how the city attorney did not know this about her own state. Especially since she had to know this release about the Duggars would cause a national stink.
Well, without knowing it, we did see some of these measures on the show: everybody sleeps fully clothed. (I always thought that was weird, until... ) And all the girls sleep in the same room "because that's what they prefer":
Holy moley, can you imagine the stress level these girls have? Having to sleep with one eye open, fully clothed, praying the jail warden doesn't come into your cell to cop a feel. WTF? This is NORMAL? This is what GOD wants? Never mind the "dangers" ma & pa have been teaching you about -pre marital sex, short dresses, education, hospitals, outsiders, lesbians/gays...they've got their very own boogie man living amongst them.
And who's to say another one of those boys won't do the same?
Today show spin this morning- Their packaged emphasized that Josh confessed 3x over the course of a YEAR, and that's a huge concern. He did not confess once. It was over a long period of time.
Looks like the Duggar daughters were coached to emphasize that the media victimized them. "How could they do that to us?"
Um, dear, first your brother molested you and second, your parents let him back into the home to go on and molest your then 5-year old sister.
The media, through the FOIA, is the problem?
The interview raised more questions, and didn't put this to rest, is the bottom line, per Matt Lauer.
That's it? That's all the commentary on a reality tv family whose son molested 4 of his little sisters?
Just thinking out loud here with regards to Josh not speaking to his own crimes...are the Duggars afraid Josh might admit to being molested himself? There was a Dr. on CNN last night that indicated that I one of the "factors" in individuals that molest others, were, themselves molested. JMHO, but I think there is a whole lot more skeletons in that family's closet.
Records of the arrest of a juvenile, the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom At
Josh was neither arrested nor detained. My guess this is where the police asked for clarification from the DA. Police reports are just that ,reports of what other individuals have told police, which may or may not lead to charges and/or arrest.
On the release of the records ....Here is what I have found ....The only "records" released are the 2 police reports (one from Springdale police and one from the sheriff's office). These are the reports made in December 2006 when the call to the hotline and info from the Oprah show were received by the police. Josh Duggar was born in March 1988; he turned 18 in March 2006. So when the police made their report in Dec 2006, Josh Duggar was an adult. The reports are on an ADULT about something he did as a minor against other minors. His name and the other minors names were redacted, which is normal under any FOIA law. No "report" was made in 2003 when the actions happened so nothing from that time was released (nothing to release actually). The police chief and city attorney reviewed the report and felt they had no choice but to release the report from Springdale, with the redactions. Nothing was "sealed" and no "juvenile records" were released. The dept of children's services (or whatever it is called in Arkansas), none of their records (from 2006-2007) have been released.
The Duggars Interview Backfires and Proves Why They Really Don't Belong on TV
Michelle is still trying to say the victims were totally clueless that Josh did anything wrong. JimBob is also insisting the victims either didn't know or didn't understand. And that makes it okay?
OMG! because YOU TOLD THEM WHAT TO THINK!! You are writing the narrative in their minds!!
Except the freedom of information laws in Arkansas clearly state "Records of the arrest of a juvenile, the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act."
BIG mitigating factor: Josh was not *arrested*. Police *reports* are available for release via FOIA, regardless of the age of the alleged perpetrator.
Just some thoughts about the interview. I know some in Twitterverse believe Kelly did a poor job with the interview. There were some questions I wish she had asked and followup to Duggar answers, but I believe that, in the end, she allowed the Duggars to basically hang themselves. As Admin stated, this interview was a bad, bad idea.
Sue Buddy, I agree that TLC will not cancel the Duggars. TLC is immune to outrage and criticism. The key to getting the Duggars off the air are the sponsors. When the show returns, either the same as before or revamped with the daughters, people need to hit the advertisers hard with Twitter, Change.org, etc. These advertisers need to realize there are consequences for supporting financially this cable network.
I am also upset by the daughters being referred to as one unit --
like TFW does with the G boys. If they were each different ages
at the time of the -- hey, I'm going to use this word now -- attacks,
then it's possible they each had a different emotional response
based on their level of growth. But it seems that has been
overridden and dismissed by what their parents have coached
them to think and feel, or not to think and feel.
But I'm certainly relieved to know that the "big issue" for the parents
is protecting juvenile records. Seems like they've really learned
a lot from this experience.
Wel, I told ya'll JB would say they asked forgiveness from God and Josh was 'delivered' (or healed) from his sins. That's how these holler roller types roll.
JB didn't tell the truth. I read the police report; it said one of the victims went to JB and told him what happened. JB wants everyone to think Josh copped a quick feel and then ran repentant and sobbing to his parents. Um...nope.
These quiverful/home schooling peeps think the outside world is evil (they like the bible verse, paraphrasing here, 'be in the world but not OF the world'...they think any regular folks are evil doers that need saving). JB did say that Josh hadn't been out of the house AT ALL in his life until he went to 'counseling'. Well, damn JB, your freaky parenting has these kid's minds so warped no wonder they are all screwed up.
Public school is NOT bad. going to the movies is not bad. Neither is tv (although you are on it, hypocrit much, JB?)
My opinion,It was sinful, (well, according to JB's teachings) for Michelle to be as immodestly dressed as she was (think the good ol times, pre-tlc $$, when she wore those baggy prairie dresses), and damn, she had enough makeup on for a friday night hooker.
My, how times are a'changing in the duggar household. Michelle and the girls used to dress in baggy clothing (guess that didn't keep Josh from touching), now they are sporting makeup, coiffed hair, bare legs, sandals, tighter more mainstream clothing; they show plenty of leg, even the knees..I don't see anything different from what the duggar girls wear today versus what I see where I live.
When the dust settles, JB will say they were attacked because of their christian beliefs; that Josh was healed and delivered of his sins; that his victims are a christ-like example of forgiveness; and if the show is canceled, satan was allowed to rule (and that further proves how evil the world is)...but in the end, they love everyone and God is in control. Praise God.
yep, that's what they are going to say.
As far as the 'lesbian' comment, I didn't hear that word, but was sickened to hear that they are trying to say people had an agenda. ridiculous. And, by the way Michelle, your sister is gay.
Experts said the Duggars' interview with Fox News host Megyn Kelly could offer TLC the chance to test the waters for future programming, gauging viewer interest in watching the Duggars publicly apologize.
"The network is waiting to see whether Jim Bob and Michelle can dig their family out of this substantial hole that they've created," said Craig Detweiler, a communications professor at Pepperdine University in California.
TLC, IMO, was totally behind this interview, maybe even paying for the PR expert.
When it comes to cash cows like the Duggars, TV nets can have a pretty high threshhold for what it will and won’t tolerate. It was easy for The Food Network to drop Paula Deen and her Paula’s Favorite Dishes in 2013: her ratings had sunk to 835,000 viewers—down 25 percent versus the previous year—when the controversy broke about her use of racial epithets. The situation was similar for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, a divisive show about a self-indulgent redneck clan that failed to crack 2 million viewers in its fourth and final season.
But after 10 seasons, 19 Kids remains TLC’s most popular show, if not it’s most lucrative: it earned a reported $25 million in ad revenue this year, a massive profit margin considering TLC only pays the Duggars up to $40,000 per episode, according to PEOPLE. And the scandal has actually increased awareness of the family on social media, though not all of the chatter has been positive. (Campaigns like #canceltheduggars continue on Twitter).
The public’s fascination with the family is sure to boost ratings for Wednesday’s The Megyn File on Fox News, during which anchor Megyn Kelly will interview Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar in Arkansas. TLC signed off on the appearance, a source told EW.
Didn't watch the interview, but I'm gathering from all the comments, it was a ME ME ME, I , I, I kind of thing.
Defending themselves, justifying themselves, making it about them, deflecting, playing the blame game,minimizing, playing victim, martyr, threatening to sue ...just put a brown mullet wig on TFW and you have the same person.
No surprise with The Today Show or Matt Lauer. Might as well be ET. That's why their ratings suck. They are in bed with TLC, obviously, with no hard questions to Kate. Surprised that TLC did not have them on Today, but it makes sense to use Fox: nighttime show, conservative viewers, conservative politics, big time Huckabee supporters.
Great point JM #115. I hope they can't sue. But if they can they will be hugh hypocrites. They can repeatedly forgive Josh but they can't forgive for having the reports being made public by mistake. Again, I am saying this if they are allowed to sue because it was a mistake for them to release it. And furthermore, the Duggars would be profiting (civil suit) from Josh's repeated crimes. That is wrong. And more attention will be brought to Josh's actions if they sue.
And that fact that the parents want to become advocates because the info was released stinks to high heaven. It sounds like maybe the parents are thinking this is something Josh could advocate for. Go for it. It will backfire big time. How can anybody in this family become advocates when what Josh and the parents did was legally wrong. ABC legal person this morning also said that the parents could have served up to six years in prison for not reporting this crime at the time. Now they can't because of the statute of limitations.
Where did you get your info JM. I would like to read it. Thanks!
As a Psychology major and having worked with abused and neglected children for over a decade, I find the demeanor of the girls very interesting and telling. I saw some of the two weddings and noticed the over-the-top emotion the father had for Jessa as well as her lack of emotion toward the encounter. I did not remember him doing that with Jill. The oldest daughter seems very fragile emotionally to me. They showed a scene where the baby was having a seizure when the oldest was in charge and she seemed very fragile and emotional. Most of the time she appears devoid of emotion with a smile plastered on her face. Jill seems able to express her emotion and to be a compassionate person. I will refrain from making any statements about what I think has happened, I will say that I believe there is much more there than that has been reported.
As far as the interview, If they were smart they would have said they have learned not to be so judgmental of others instead of trying to look like victims. How ironic that they are not able to see that this is actually their lesson to learn.
I do feel it is unfortunate that these kids have been put through such a public trauma but it just may be a "blessing" after all. Very tragic situation on many levels.
Would TLC continue airing the Duggars without sponsors? I am fairly certain that few companies would agree to advertise on 19 Kids after that interview.
9 o'clock hour 3-person panel that anchor the Today show discussed the Duggars and NONE of them are in their favor. None are feeling sorry for them for the leaked report ("it's out there, so...") or believing that it wasn't the parents' duty to report the molestations, even thought the letter of the law says they are not mandated to do so.
Yeah, this is backfiring BIG time.
I give it another day, or maybe not even that long, and the fact that a then 5-year old sister was also him victim, because Josh wasn't stopped and he decided to prey upon a sibling so young that she wouldn't really be able to rat him out like her older sisters.
Well, that lets Bill Cosby off the hook. If victims are sleeping, nothing really happened.
And date rape isn't really traumatic for the victims either.
I don't even think it matters if TLC cancels the Duggars or not. I reminds me of the Duck Dynasty controversy--after the dust settled on that crapfest the ratings went down the the toilet. Ever hear anything about the Robertson clan? crickets, didn't think so.
TLC doesn't want to cancel this show because the girls being of marrying age gives TLC their own version of the Kardashians. I don't think they will cancel it, but this show is TAINTED and will not garner the same ratings it once did.
The general public can forgive a lot of things, but incest is one of those crimes that 99.9% of the population just can't forgive and forget.
I hope JB saved all that money but buying used shit and saving the difference, because the fat-laden gravy train is about to go lite.
And talk about the emperor having no clothes....JB, you and your family will always be defined by what Josh did, and what you and Michelle didn't.
I hope Kate is able to control her excitement--I am sure she's ready to take the crown jewel air time from the Duggars.. but Kate, everyone is found out in the end. And your journal is out there, like a ticking time bomb. And it will go off. I hope you have a plan b.
(and what's the sex crime rates of quiverful families? Sounds like the Duggars are in the midst of a bunch of pedophiles. and 'child on child' sex crimes.).
Was there any explanation as to why Josh was not at the interview? Why are his parents (I.e. Jim Boob) speaking for him? That is what I find weird, well, just one more thing that is weird. Goes to prove all the kids and Michelle are under Jim Boob's thumb. This is a cult, Fox News, and you should call it what it is. They are not mainstream Baptists.
this is some commentary from Hunter Frederick who runs a crisis management PR firm, made before the interview aired. He turned down the Duggars as clients.
“What I think even the PR professionals are missing is this idea of different audiences or publics. When you look at the Duggar family they have different publics; Christians are just one of these publics.”“What the family is not acknowledging is…for those people (audiences not the evangelical Christians) an apology simply isn’t good enough. In crisis management you can’t just focus on one public, you have to look at your whole audience.”
Frederick thinks Josh not making a strong public statement is a huge mistake. And he says that there need to be repercussions for Josh s actions.
Reading about the interview, I can understand why this specialist did not want to work with the Duggars. Jim Boob probably insisted he knew best what to say, how to handle things. Go right ahead and handle things right into the ground, Jim Boob.
I do not have a Twitter account, but if TLC does not cancel Duggars, then it's time to join the "modern Tweeting society" per Kate, LOL. I really mean it about the sponsors. It's the lynchpin to bringing the network down. It's nice to vent here, but it accomplishes nothing.
And far as skeletons, the longer TLC exposes Kate on the air, the more likely her scheming will catch up. If only Robert had leaked the journal!
There have been some sweeping generalizations about homeschool families. We do not all homeschool because we are part of a religious organization/belief. There are many reasons families choose to homeschool. Before casting a negative net over all homeschooling families because of the bad actions of a few like the Duggars is wrong.
If you have never seen the movie "Saved", i recommend it. It's about a girl at a CHristian shool who sleeps with her boyfriend in a effort to "cure" his homosexuality and winds up pregnant, and the ensuing hypocrisy. It's snark at its finest
The Dugger Interview Backfires And Proves Why They Really Don't Belong on TV
Amen to that.
Yes, where is Josh? I'm imagining a "Where's Josho?" picture
book, with him hiding amongst a sea other self-righteous idiots
wearing lapel pins. Hmmm...perhaps "Where's Smuggo?" is
a better title.
It feels like his privacy and feelings and struggles are once again
being honored at the expense of his sisters'. He gets to deal with
this quietly, but they're going to be trotted out to defend him?
And I don't in a million years think it was their idea. If each one
of them stands on a chair and screams, "It was MY idea to go
on TV to defend my brother," I still will not believe it.
Okay let's say Josh didn't touch his sisters and a friends private areas but they were asleep.
It's still wrong to touch anyone on anyplce of their body w/o their permission.
It's highly disturbing that the girls were sleeping when he did touch them.
Did they say if TLC knew about this, or did the Duggars beat around the bush on that one?
They deflected all questions about TLC including whether the show was coming back.
I bet the farm TLC instructed them that this interview is contingent on saying no comment to all questions about TLC. Way to leave your employees high and dry, but that's classic TLC.
Thanks Joy for the info on the PR firm that rejected them. I think you are absolutely right that Daddy is calling the shots. I find it incredible to believe that even Hucakbee's PR people told them to handle this like they did.
There was WAY too much blaming and finger pointing and not an ounce of remorse or introspection. In fact they said in hindsight, they did the best they could! Not, in hindsight I wish we had changed this. My God, any PR person would tell you you could always do things better in hindsight, and to do so shows humbleness and usually plays well.
I think they pulled a few tips that they gave them, like talk about the victims more and say you failed, but that was it. There's just no way on God's green earth even the shittiest PR Department would instruct them to accuse the police department of a bribe.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 121
I am also upset by the daughters being referred to as one unit --
like TFW does with the G boys.
Good point. I had noticed it, but it didn't really register.
But their whole point is that it's just a bunch of girls. Who cares.
Just like TFW's point is that it's just a bunch of boys. Who cares about them.
It is ridiculous to say a child cannot change his sibling's diaper. Ridiculous.
Yes it is if that sibling is normal.
But it's not ridiculous if one sibling is touching another.
I'm anxious to hear what Dr. Drew has to say about this. He's
on KROQ radio in Los Angeles every Thursday morning, and
he lambasted the Duggars last week. I can only guess he'll
be even more infuriated with them after last night.
Great point JM #115. I hope they can't sue.
I hope they do sue and then look like idiots both because their suit has no merits and because their suing people who are immune. Idiots.
Kids needs to know about the birds and the bees while they're growing up.
My parents talked to me and my brothers-(around age 10-12) about it and even though I didn't want to hear it I'm glad they did.
Records of the arrest of a juvenile, the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom At
Josh was neither arrested nor detained. My guess this is where the police asked for clarification from the DA. Police reports are just that ,reports of what other individuals have told police, which may or may not lead to charges and/or arrest.
Exactly. The law has to be read literally, and it's very clear that Josh walked into a police department of his own free will and a few hours later walked out. No arrest. No detention. No charges. Doesn't apply. By their logic, ANY case involving a minor would then be subject to non-disclosure, and that's just nonsense. Many crimes involve minors, whether the minor was a victim, witness, or the perp. Until the minor THEMSELVES is arrested, it's all subject to disclosure. What's more the girls were implying there was something illegal about disclosing all of their info and they need to be protected, and I'm sorry but they WERE protected, everyone was redacted from the report. But as a victim, like it or not, you don't have the right to stop something from coming out when it was proper to come out. You don't hold that right. Victims Rights groups may feel differently but that's the state of the law.
And I think that the very fact that the police went to the D.A. for help shows that they DID do their due diligence, did not act in haste, and sought out their legal counsel before making any decision they weren't 100% sure on. The attorney we elect to prosecute people who is an authority on the state of the law determined it was correct to release it. Unless they have something that says otherwise, I see nothing wrong with what happened.
What about Washington County, a completely different jurisdiction, who also released their report? I we to believe that they too violated some law? They too apparently determined the report should be released. They screwed up too? Not buying it. They said at the end of their report the only reason they weren't pursuing this further was because they realized they didn't have jurisdiction.
It is ridiculous to say a child cannot change his sibling's diaper. Ridiculous.
Yes it is if that sibling is normal.
But it's not ridiculous if one sibling is touching another.
But they didn't make that rule just for Josh, Chef, which I said would be fine.
They made it for ALL the kids, making sex and the opposite sex one gigantic mystery for ALL the children due to just one child having a problem.
Except the freedom of information laws in Arkansas clearly state "Records of the arrest of a juvenile, the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act."
Admin. what do you think? I think you mentioned this act was a federal law.
Just got to your comment, see above.
I think it doesn't apply and I'm kind of surprised anyone at Fox can't see why it does not. They need to slow down and read carefully.
What in the world? Changing a diaper has nothing to do with sex. You do not let children change diapers in order to "demystify" sex. No, just no.
No, you let your children change diapers because it's a normal thing older siblings help out with and nothing to get all weird about.
*Sad update:
My little dog, who was so brave after her spinal surgery, passed away today at the vet's. She suddenly showed signs of respiratory distress yesterday, and she may have had cancer, Lyme Disease, an autoimmune disease or pulmonary embolism?? She seemed fine the day before and had a good walk, meals and regular day.We decided she'd been through enough despite her slow but fairly good surgical recovery. Thanks to all of you who helped me during her illness. She will be missed so very much..her presence is everywhere in the house. But she passed away very peacefully under her favorite blanket with all of us present; her vet since we first brought her home came in and kissed her goodbye .Another vet carried out my dear dog's last procedure and was very gentle and caring. I'm so sad yet so happy to have had her in my life.
But they didn't make that rule just for Josh, Chef, which I said would be fine.
Oh I would've thought it was because of Josh.
But I guess he's the golden child who can do no wrong it's quite disgusting.
Paula said... 128
Yeah. I have a lot of thoughts about the body language there. Sad, isn't it that so many of us recognize what we're seeing....
As a Psychology major and having worked with abused and neglected children for over a decade, I find the demeanor of the girls very interesting and telling. I saw some of the two weddings and noticed the over-the-top emotion the father had for Jessa as well as her lack of emotion toward the encounter. I did not remember him doing that with Jill. The oldest daughter seems very fragile emotionally to me. They showed a scene where the baby was having a seizure when the oldest was in charge and she seemed very fragile and emotional. Most of the time she appears devoid of emotion with a smile plastered on her face. Jill seems able to express her emotion and to be a compassionate person. I will refrain from making any statements about what I think has happened, I will say that I believe there is much more there than that has been reported.
My mind has wandered over there too.
When the show returns, either the same as before or revamped with the daughters, people need to hit the advertisers hard with Twitter, Change.org, etc.
No one has said the show is returning at this point. The Duggars deflected that question, and in fact said something about how if it's all over now they'd be okay with it, they'd go on with their lives and spend time with their kids and grandkids. They know that's a very real possibility.
In fact I'd be shocked after this interview if they plow forward. TLC's knows now it's over. They're greedy, but they're not stupid. They tried with the interview, and it didn't work. Done.
But if it DOES, you're right the key is the sponsors. No one to sponsor the show, no show.
I hope Kate is able to control her excitement--I am sure she's ready to take the crown jewel air time from the Duggars.. but Kate, everyone is found out in the end. And your journal is out there, like a ticking time bomb. And it will go off. I hope you have a plan b.
She's been in a chirpy mood since this happened. Hasn't snapped at anyone, is farting rainbows and putting out totally benign happy tweets. She's absolutely giddy about all this. She's preparing for her coronation. This is almost as exciting as when some other mom of multiples miscarried them all.
I know when I was asked to change a close family members diaper my reaction was..
Ew gross ask someone else..Why me..fine I'll do it.
LOL, first Kate wanted to be Martha Stewart, but she'll take the Kardashian lifestyle in a heartbeat. At least the Kardashians have personality, something Kate and her "brood" lack. I cannot see TLC making Kate the crown jewel again but they may need her to fill in air time. As I understand it, all TLC has done is remove Duggar reruns until the show commences in the fall, but they have new shows coming out so Kate can only count on filming this summer, if that's the case.
My feeling is the TLC bunch that wants to wait out the Duggar crapfest won but the interview may just be enough of a tipping point to reconsider and cancel the parents. No doubt there are negotiations in the works for a spin off. TLC just cannot walk away from all the income generated from advertisers which is the bottom line.
Would TLC continue airing the Duggars without sponsors? I am fairly certain that few companies would agree to advertise on 19 Kids after that interview.
Exactly, I just can't imagine anyone but the most clueless would advertise on this show now.
Their cash cow is NOT a cash cow if they can't have advertisers. That's a fact. It's a dead cow. Doesn't give milk anymore. You can talk all about how much it USED to give, what a juggernaut they USED to be, but the reality is today, on June 4, it's DEAD and there is no point to propping it up there and bringing it back unless you prefer a lot of flies.
They know it's over, and I bet they'll dump them Friday afternoon. Or just not ever speak of them again and hope it just kind of goes away. But nobody is putting a dead cow out there.
I was just thinking about the amount of time and energy Jim Bob
and Michelle put into last night's interview and started wondering...
how are they managing the day-to-day lives of their other children?
I know their youngest little girl is only 5, and has some special
needs. Is that child getting the love and concern and attention
she needs daily? Or is that her buddy's job? These paragons
of parenting have truly shown where their priorities are -- with
protecting their favorite son, and their brand.
I will say that I believe there is much more there than that has been reported.
Really interesting perspective and I think you're right, there are clues in their demeanor.
I read something once that said for every one incident that happened, that perp did 20 other things that never got reported. Forgot where, but I agree, it's doubtful these were the only times.
Chirpy is a good description. Unfortunately, I think the kids will be filmed all summer. Even if the custody case goes in Jon's favor, TLC will welcome that for ratings....couch interview with Kate crying, Kate on The Today Show crying, etc. Until some other kids decide to stand with Hannah, we can count on more years of Kate, with or without all eight.
Just some thoughts about the interview. I know some in Twitterverse believe Kelly did a poor job with the interview. There were some questions I wish she had asked and followup to Duggar answers, but I believe that, in the end, she allowed the Duggars to basically hang themselves. As Admin stated, this interview was a bad, bad idea.
I agree, she did very well considering.
I like that she got Jim Bob back on topic, and I like that she went through it chronologically and refused to let Jim Bob jump ahead to parts of the story that weren't as bad. She also didn't get distracted by his insane rabbit holes, like about other families. And, she asked a few follow up questions when what they were saying nonsense like all the girls were asleep. She knew that simply wasn't true and followed up. She didn't call them out on the 5 years later comment but I don't expect Megyn to have memorized IMDB.
Overall, it went as well as could be expected from a reporter trying to make sure they don't kick her out of the house before she gets the dirt. She let them talk, and they did themselves in.
Kate Gosselin was a cash cow for TLC, now she's just cow dung.
Regarding the definition of a pedophile: “I think the legal definition is 16 and up for an adult preying on a child. He was a child preying on a child.” - Jim Bob Duggar
Oh, it's okay because he was a child. I said this before, this is a tragic story and not to excuse Josh Duggar's actions, but frankly all those kids are victims of their parents' ignorance, fear, and personal beliefs.
I don't think TLC will cancel the show. I think they will do a Duggar special 3 months from now focusing on Jill and Jessa, the impact this has had on them, how they feel victimized by the press/media and how they are turning to their faith and their husbands to get through it. There will be some footage of Jim Bob, Michelle and the larger family, but the focus will be on Jill & Jessa.
It matters not whether the police report was illegally obtained or not. Josh confessed. It was covered up. End of story.
Admin 194: I find it hard to believe that the authorities would make a mistake as serious and obvious as releasing minors' records when they should not.
And especially considering that it was the press asking for the information.
I did not watch so cannot comment on Kelly, but she probably had some constraints to her questioning given the politics. Glad to hear she wasn't as soft ball as I feared, but it annoys me that she got on the bandwagon about the police chief.
Formerly Duped said... 150
Sorry to hear about your sweet doggy.
TLC, IMO, was totally behind this interview, maybe even paying for the PR expert.
Oh, without a doubt. TLC did the same for Kate, from media training to having their top PR, Laurie Goldberg, by her side for intensive direction, oversight and a la minute crisis management.
TLC has very deep pockets.
But after 10 seasons, 19 Kids remains TLC’s most popular show, if not it’s most lucrative: it earned a reported $25 million in ad revenue this year, a massive profit margin considering TLC only pays the Duggars up to $40,000 per episode, according to PEOPLE. And the scandal has actually increased awareness of the family on social media, though not all of the chatter has been positive. (Campaigns like #canceltheduggars continue on Twitter).
The public’s fascination with the family is sure to boost ratings for Wednesday’s The Megyn File on Fox News, during which anchor Megyn Kelly will interview Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar in Arkansas. TLC signed off on the appearance, a source told EW.
Let's do a reality check here. Not all PR is good, and people are outraged. I mean genuinely outraged.
We're not mad because these ignorant boobs are rich, or have fame or maybe cheated on their taxes.
Come on. Try spinning again because nobody's falling for this.
Formerly Duped (#152), I'm so, so sorry to hear about your dog.
I'm glad to see Jesus finally broke his silence. He says in fact he doesn't forgive Josh.
Formerly Duped said... 152
*Sad update:
Oh that just breaks my heart I am sooo sorry to hear that
Formerly Duped, What a wonderfully patient mom you were to your dog. Im so very sorry for your heartache.
A quote from an opinion article:
"That doesn’t let them off the hook by any means. I just wish some on the left wouldn’t take such joy in attacking the family for hypocrisy"
I take no joy whatsoever in this. My heart is sad.
From the Christ link above:
I’m the leader of the most popular religion in the world. I listen to my people, and (I shouldn’t be telling you this but ugh, whatever) more people are praying for you to go to hell than they are for me to forgive you. By a wiiiide margin. I even spoke to the guy downstairs (S-A-T-A-N) and he was hesitant about letting you in.
Whoopie's whooping Duggar ass on The View and took JB to task about God and forgiveness when he doesn't tolerate others.
Other 15-yo's get labeled as pedophiles, so don't say Josh was a child, so he's not/wasn't.
They were forced forward, they did not come forward.
Don't play the Christian card! Um, robocalls!
Nichole calls Michelle's robocall a "brutal" political tool.
Rosie thinks the girls got revictimized. The real question is why did Josh do what he did. She was sexually abused and is concerned that child on child sex abuse is very concerning and that needs to be addressed.
I wish everyone would stop saying that it was "leaked". It was released by request under the FOIA!
Hope this makes sense ;-)
I think even if this scandal never happened the Duggars would have probably faced a big time ratings drop in the near future. The show hit it stride when the first child Jessa started dating. Then it continued with Jill going to Nepal to meet her husband to be for the first time. Millions tuned in to see how the Duggars handled this "courtship" business and marrying off two daughters. But now every knows it is the same old thing. There is nothing new now that it has been done twice now. It is the same old "side hugs", no kissing until marriage, escorts at all times, etc. Four million are not going to continue to tune in for each child going through this if the show continues. TLC must have known this even before the scandal hit. Proof of what I am say--you don't hear much about Josiah's courtship.
I'm so sorry, Formerly Duped, for your sad news. Your furbaby put up a good fight. Hugs for you and your family.
Formerly Duped, I am so sorry for the loss of your pet. They become like a member of the family. You were a great mom.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 174
I'm glad to see Jesus finally broke his silence. He says in fact he doesn't forgive Josh.
Well, we've heard from the Father and the Son. Holy Ghost what say you?
@TheTweetOfGod: "Jim Bob Duggar: 'God Has Forgiven Josh'." No I haven't. He's going to hell, just like you.
You know I've been thinking about their comment about how the other children are being "punished" because of what Josh did, i.e. losing the show.
I wonder, do they think it's okay for a child of a gay couple to be punished? That wasn't their fault either.
It's amazing their utter inability to step outside their own little box. The rules apply to them but not to anyone else.
"That doesn’t let them off the hook by any means. I just wish some on the left wouldn’t take such joy in attacking the family for hypocrisy"
I take no joy whatsoever in this. My heart is sad.
I take no joy in it either and I don't see the criticism coming mostly from the left. Most people are horrified, left, right, up and down.
I'm sad but I also feel anger at the injustice. They and their community have been so hateful to others, especially the gay community. They have never offered their forgiveness or understanding toward that community, and in fact have actively worked toward suppressing their rights. When the shoe is on the other foot all of a sudden they want us to look the other way and what's more, continue to let them have their cash cow. The nerve of them.
Oh and what's more, Michelle was given an opportunity to address her hate toward the transgendered community. And why does she do? She stands by it!
They are even more despicable than I thought.
If Josh was only a ‘child’ then and he’s supposedly an adult now, and he’s been healed/forgiven/a changed man, whatever….why is he not speaking for himself??
Why isn’t *he* the one doing the talking? Why is he hiding behind the slutty women who do nothing but entice him to do bad things by simply sleeping in their beds with all their clothes on?
If he truly thought he has changed, and is now a different person, why doesn’t he tell us about that?
Instead of hiding.
What’s he afraid of? Is he too ashamed? Is he afraid that the *rest* of the story is going to be revealed? Does he know that he couldn’t answer honestly? He can’t bring himself to spew the lies anymore?
Why are we hearing from mommy and daddy and little sisters? He’s a grown ass man. Let’s hear from him.
Formerly Duped, I am so sorry for your brave pet. Your little girl is romping with some other beloved pets from this site. Take care.
Megyn Kelly is not a reporter she's a lawyer who was once married to a doctor. She's smarter then your typical reporter, so I'm sure she knew the law part of the whole molestation incident. I use to watch her when she first came on Fox, but then she became to Foxy ( LOL) well you know what I mean and I lost interest. I think she's now married to an executive at Fox.
Please please TLC just make this whole mess go away!
Formerly Duped so sorry to hear about your little furry baby.
Formerly, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. It's been such a long road for all of you. Sending healing comfort your way.
Redbird, are you out there? I haven't seen you post in a
few days and hope you're well.
So sorry to hear about your pup, Formerly.
On “Fox & Friends” Thursday morning, Fox News’ resident psychiatrist Keith Ablow appeared to have taken a sharp blow to the head. For once, rather than toe-ing the network’s party line that Jesus Has Forgiven the Duggars So Why Can’t We, he attacked the family and their apologists for trying to skirt the question of whether Josh Duggar is a pedophile.
When co-host Steve Doocy asked Ablow what he thought of Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, he replied that “I think the Duggar family is still locked in denial.”
“I was stunned,” he continued, “when the Duggar father said that ‘I don’t think our son is attracted to children, because after all, he wasn’t eighteen.’ That’s not the definition of ‘pedophilia,’ it includes older adolescents, folks who are developed preying on children who are not.
Co-host Brian Kilmeade quickly changed the subject, introducing a clip of Josh’s victims complaining — and justifiably so — that their identities were compromised when InTouch Weekly broke this story.
After another clip in which Michelle Duggar said that Josh’s sisters weren’t even aware that they had been inappropriately touched, Ablow again attacked the family, saying “I don’t trust the Duggars, frankly, to be perfect arbiters of whether they realized the girls were being touched. They may say they realized it, but the bottom line is this family, in my opinion, isn’t keyed in to empathy and the feelings of others.”
He criticized Jim Bob and Michelle for having 19 children without considering whether they would be able to adequately divide their attention between them. “This family is so blinded,” Ablow said, “they never even addressed whether they told babysitters about their son, or his friends, if they had younger sisters. Are you worried now?”
“No,” he concluded, “they’re not worried now because they sent him to work construction with an older man in another state, and that cured him. Come on!”
On Wednesday, InTouch magazine — which first broke the story of abuse in the “19 Kids & Counting” family last month — released additional police reports indicating that Duggar told his father, Jim Bob, on three separate occasions that he had sexually abused his sisters as well as a family friend. Then Jim Bob and his wife, Michelle, waited more than a year to contact the authorities.
The new report, which is less redacted than initial documents, confirms that Duggar was 15 years old when he first molested his five-year-old sister. He also admitted seven separate instances of abuse to his father before he or any of his sisters was taken for professional counseling; InTouch notes that it remains unclear whether Jim Bob and Michelle brought their children for counseling of their own volition, or if intervention was mandated once law enforcement officials did become involved in the sexual assault allegations.
“James [Jim Bob] said that in March of 2002 [redacted, Josh] who had just turned 14, came to him very upset and crying,” the police report states. “James said that [redacted, Josh] had told him that he had been sneaking into [redacted, his sisters’] room at night and had been touching [redacted, his sisters] on the breasts and vaginal areas while they were sleeping.”
Great quote from Larry Wilmore of The Nightly Show
"You mean to tell me the family that goes around saying gay and trans people are pedophiles preying on America's young people actually has a pedophile that preyed on America's young people?" host Larry Wilmore of "The Nightly Show" wondered out loud. "I hate pedophiles, but I love irony."
"No justice, no closure, no nothing" -- that's Dr. Drew's take on
the victims (listening to him on KROQ right now. He's livid.
silimom said... 166
Regarding the definition of a pedophile: “I think the legal definition is 16 and up for an adult preying on a child. He was a child preying on a child.” - Jim Bob Duggar
I would be interested in hearing his definition of incest.
Formerly, sincere condolences on your pup.
It's hard when they are such a part of the family.
just seen on a Google news headline: duggar family endorsements of Mike Huckabee have been scrubbed from the Huckabee official website Monday night.
Apparently Huckabee s pr person realized this would be a train wreck.
The Duggars have made a career out of being sanctimonious religious fanatics who obsessively police consensual sex to the point of treating even contraception like it's a perversion. Of course, the perverts among us—who are, by the Duggars' measure, roughly 99.99 percent of us—are going to find it very interesting that these supposedly hyper-wholesome people shielded a child molester and then offered him up on reality TV and as a moral leader in his role at the Family Research Council. But no, they're the victims here.
What even more interesting, however, is that Fox News went all-in on running interference for the Duggars. The conservative movement, particularly the religious-right faction, angrily denies that there's some kind of anti-woman agenda behind their relentless attacks on women's rights, claiming instead to be protecting women (and giving them "cool" stuff) by making it harder to access abortion and contraception. Under the circumstances, it seems unwise to embrace a family who seem more worried about women having consensual sex than they are about sexual abuse.
But while Fox News generally supports the conservative movement, they are also a capitalist enterprise. Nursing the grievances of their right-wing audience is big business. Their audience wants to hear all about how the meanie liberals are picking on this cute little Christian family for an itty-bitty multi-month rampage of child molesting. Conservatives love Fox News, but this entire interview shows that Fox is not really their friend. Given the choice between making money off their audience's worst impulses and protecting the best interests of the conservative movement, Fox will pick the former every time.
Thanks you, everyone, for the kind comments. Keeping busy for now .It seems surreal.She appeared just fine until a day ago. You ladies have been a real support over the months of my dog's illness and now during this sudden sad turn of events. Love while you can.You just never know.
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