Megyn says a preview of the interview will air Wednesday, with the full interview to air Friday.
Fox News, The Kelly File, 9 p.m. EDT (check local listings).
New Washington County police report.
Read a breakdown of some of the misleading or outright incorrect information from the Kelly interview.
1315 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1315 of 1315 Newer› Newest»Kate, the mother, was awarded primary custody of the couple's eight children when she and Jon divorced , and the couple have not been on good terms. Experts say that it is unlikely that Jon will be granted primary custody of the child for a number of reasons, although a couple on better terms could probably work out a compromise among themselves in which the child spends more time with her father.
One of those reasons is that a change in child custody usually only happens due to a change in circumstances, and the burden will be on Jon to demonstrate that. Because the family has been filming reality series for years, the child's reluctance to participate at this stage is unlikely to be considered a change in circumstances. Another issue is that studies show children do better when they remain with their siblings, so it is unlikely that the girl will be separated from her brothers and sisters.
Anyone heard what the date is in June?
TLC stinks said... 195
A source close to the Duggar family recently approached Radar claiming to be in possession of a letter written by a Duggar family friend about the molestation incidents. According to the source, the letter discloses the identity of the mysterious fifth victim who did not live in the family home at the time.
I hope that person's identity is NOT revealed unless she decided to come forward.
That young woman has no dog in this fight.
That "just happen to be on TV" comment makes me think of the
Lucy episode when they're doing the commercial for Phipps
Department store. And Ricky pretends to be startled by the
camera and broadly addresses the audience saying, "I didn't
see you come in!"
We've seen behind the reality TV curtain, folks. We know about
the crew, and the equipment, and the craft service table laden
with food just a few feet away from you. We know about the
director asking you to repeat words or actions because they
need to get a better angle. We know you say and do things
you'd have no inclination to say or do, because a network
executive had an idea for an episode. Wanna be TV stars,
and get all the perks that come with it? Cool. Just own it.
I also do not believe the girls when they claim that the people at DHS "praised" the way their parents handled the situation. That is unbelievable on its face If the parents had handled the situation properly, DHS would have been involved 4 years earlier, and further incidents of molestation would have been prevented.
Beautifully reasoned out. Makes no sense.
The girls said CPS said they did an amazing job.
I can only speak for my experience with DCFS but they would never say that. They just wouldn't. They are not emotional. If you've done a good job they say you complied with court orders and there are no safety risks or safety risks are minimal. They don't get into a bunch of adjectives like that or praise you like you're a puppy dog.
They also always want to leave themselves that out in case they have to get involved again. No one slobbers all over families like that, it's unprofessional and not prudent for future filings. You always keep that distance, that guard up. There's also a sense of liability. No one gets too far in one family's corner in case a kid turns up dead or injured and there's an investigation of DCFS. That's just the truth of it.
Of course those records will never be released to see what DHS REALLY said.
I suppose it's also possible the Duggars hear what they want to hear. When DHS said they were closing the case because they complied the Duggars may have heard we're closing the case because "you're amazing." Shaking my head.
In order to seek a modification and potentially gain custody of the daughter, Jon Gosselin would have to provide proof that there has been a change in circumstances. The desires of the child may be taken into consideration during court proceeding, but it is often the decision to keep siblings together. However, if an investigation into the situation is opened, it is possible that all eight children could be affected.
Because the well-being of their children is often a concern for parents, it is not unrealistic for a child's discomfort to be taken seriously. If a child expressed dismay at having to return to a custodial parent, there may be cause to have the situation investigated. New Jersey parents who are concerned about their children's welfare may wish to determine whether seeking child custody modifications could be a viable option.
I don't watch the show, but it's my impression that one of the married sisters (with the son, Israel) is an emotional vacuum.
She seems as interesting as cardboard.
Her emotional age is about 15. I think someone said that one is bright. I actually got the opposite impression. She's kind of dumb, and delusional. At least she wasn't as bad as doofus next to her just making shit up about the FOI act, but she wasn't much better.
I can't believe she's somebody's mother.
The court will determine what is in the best interest of the child in modifying its decision according to specific factors listed in 23 Pa. C.S. § 5328, including, but not limited to:
Weighted consideration of the child's safety
Any present or past abuse by either parent, or person living in either parent's house
The parental duties performed by each parent on behalf of the child
Availability of other familial contact, such as with siblings and grandparents
Child's need for stability and capacity for handling change
Proximity of each parent's residence to the other
Any attempts by one parent to bias the child against the other parent
History of drug or alcohol abuse by either parent, or person living in either parent's house
Mental and physical condition of either parent, or person living in either parent's house
I'm convinced no one will advertise on it anymore, regular show or spin off. They can't now. They'd be insane to. It's over, and TLC now knows it.
I was thinking the very same thing this morning. It seems that TLC has been dragging its feet on this because they believe it all will blow over if they just let it die down. They were wrong. I don't think that we've heard the last of it yet and more sources will come forward with new revelations. There are still skeletons in those closets. The public is so much more irate over this than they were with the Honey Boo Boo scandal. Advertisers would be crazy to take the chance.
Another reality show star has died. A contestant on The Voice committed suicide.
What did they say about mental health screening of reality shows? Uh huh.
I was thinking the very same thing this morning. It seems that TLC has been dragging its feet on this because they believe it all will blow over if they just let it die down. They were wrong. I don't think that we've heard the last of it yet and more sources will come forward with new revelations. There are still skeletons in those closets. The public is so much more irate over this than they were with the Honey Boo Boo scandal. Advertisers would be crazy to take the chance.
I agree. It's possible TLC has spent the better part of the past two weeks courting advertisers and trying to see if they can get themselves a solid block of sign ups. If they can't get these advertisers to sign on the dotted line, there is no point to trying to film.
I think they were at least hoping to dump the episodes they already have in the can. It sounds like they have several of them ready to go. If they can't unload those somehow, they're taking a loss on those. But if they can't even get advertisers for those they're pretty screwed for filming even MORE episodes.
Elizabeth Banks' hair in Love & Mercy reminds me of Kate in her hair extension glory days. Kate circa 2011.
I always loved her bit part in Catch Me if you Can. "Are you my dead head???"
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9
Another reality show star has died. A contestant on The Voice committed suicide.
Then there's this sad story, not a reality show but a documentary that I think has been mentioned here:
The girls said CPS said they did an amazing job.
I can only speak for my experience with DCFS but they would never say that. They just wouldn't. They are not emotional. If you've done a good job they say you complied with court orders and there are no safety risks or safety risks are minimal. They don't get into a bunch of adjectives like that or praise you like you're a puppy dog.
I was wondering about that. It just didn't sound like something they would have been told. This investigations wasn't a coffee klatch, sit down at the table and praise the Duggars for being, well...the Duggars, the most amazing family ever.
I'd bet the farm that either Babytalk or Boob or both of them told the girls that CPS praised them for doing a wonderful job and they were just regurgitating what was passed along to them.
Thank you Joy.
Auntie Ann, Dmasy, Tucker's Mom, Formerly Duped and Flimsy Flamsy....Thanks for the congrats on the new grandbaby. He is even more gorgeous in person. Love me that new baby smell!
Formerly Duped...Virtual hugs on the loss of your beloved dog.
I didn't watch the Duggars on a regular basis but I always thought Jill (the one with the baby) had a few coherent thoughts in her head. Apparently I was wrong. The Duggars are no longer front and center on my homepage but if David Perel has more information on the Duggars, this mess isn't going away anytime soon.
capecodmama said... 15
Thank you. I feel really sad today, worst day since.
I love the scent of a new baby too ! I'm sure you're enjoying the little bundle.
If TLC decides to do a spin-off featuring the girls popping out babies, then would their plan be to gradually ease the rest of the Duggar clan into the series, hoping that nobody will notice and therefore, they're back to regular show, pretending that nothing ever happened?
Saw a commercial for TLC's The Willis Family'--and what a shocker, they're going to the west coast-they have never been there before! Look at them frolic on the beach, ride amusement rides!
Riveting, original ideas. Lollllllzzz
And yes,when i saw the TLC logo, my brain read it as 'touching little children'.
Ma and Pa Duggar are no longer the voice of family values, twisted as they are, but I agree TLC has been weighing what to do about them and their spawn. Sure, they are not filming now, but that has allowed TLC some breathing room. Personally, I don't think TLC is all that outraged because otherwise they would have immediately cancelled the show. They are indeed most likely making inquiries of their advertisers if they would support a spin off. TLC has a lot of income from the Duggars. If their management had any morality, they would take this opportunity to reflect what they have become and return to their roots. I just don't understand how someone can be proud to say they work for TLC, even that crowd at Figure 8 in NC is horrible. Just the fact that they have coddled Kate, who still has the potential to draw viewers with acceptable ratings, proves they protect some vile people to line their pockets.
There are several reasons why TLC likes these travel shows. For one, they probably get some pretty good deals and in turn, wherever they visit gets some major exposure. The other reason is that these families are pretty darn boring without the trips. And third, there's a very good chance there will be kid meltdowns and that's what Figure 8 wants. Really, how often have you travelled with kids and it went smoothly?
Tucker's Mom said... 183
I wonder if Anna ever saw the police report, or knew exactly what was in it, before it was released through the FOIA.
I would bet a lot that she didn't. Whatever she was told, it was so sanitized it bears little resemblance to the reports. The interviews try to sanitize it, but are somewhat hampered by the fact that we can actually see the report; I'm sure what Anna was told was very general and minimized the problem.
Holy crap. That Seigel family was JUST on Celebrity Wife Swap on Wednesday. The oldest daughter was found dead on Saturday. The show, which I just watched. clearly shows their parents are completely absentee. They swapped with Jeremy London and his wife who are just lovely people. The mother admits she has (8 countem 8) babies and just hand them off to nannies. She has a "baby phobia". The dad refused to go camping with the kids. When the new mom announced he was going a girl who looks like Victoria had a surprised, pleased look on her face. Then he got off the bus and refused to go.
Whether intentional or accidental, if Victoria overdosed there is no surprise here.
You can see Victoria's reaction to the dad being told to spend time with the kids at 25:03
although Perel said the magazine hasn’t got everything it wanted. “Do I have more information on the Duggars in general?” he said. “Yes, I’d say we have some significant things coming out,” though he declined to say what.
Here is the Washington Post story about how In Touch gained access to the Duggar Files.. It's a good read and reflects karma at its best.
I don't think karma is done with the Duggars yet, either. I get the feeling there is more to come. If only karma could then find TFW.
Personally, I don't think TLC is all that outraged because otherwise they would have immediately cancelled the show.
TLC is a business, and as such, this doesn't have anything to do with outrage. Even if they were appalled at all of this, and any ethics/morals would have kicked it, the suits there wouldn't have pulled the plug on their big moneymaker. A hasty decision to immediately cancel the show isn't what big business is all about. Little Honey and her show had viewers, yes, but in the scheme of thing it's nothing like the Duggars and the amount of money the family can make for TLC. I think they would evaluate this from every business angle before making a decision to ax the show.
That is so sad about the Siegel daughter. Two reality stars gone in one day. On the Queen of Versailles reality documentary, which was actually very interesting I thought, the dad seemed extremely uninterested in the children. He would lock himself away in his office when he got home from work with his dinner and his sports shows. He would snap at anyone who wanted his attention. A real jerk.
The mom was a good mom and attentive, from a small town with good humble roots, but there were too many kids to have enough time to go around.
Here's a better one about the Wife Swap:
Interesting reading at this link. Who knows if any of it is true, but they're showing what appears to be verifiable records.
I don't follow the thing about JimBob's mother purchasing a home from Michelle's dad, for over market. And where did she get the cash to purchase it, anyway.
The site is quoting JimBob as saying that his parents were poor with money, so where did she get all this cash to be making $46k mortgages to people. This was starting back in the 80's.
The site is implying some shenanigans there, but I'm not following it.
Maybe something about DHS demanded that Josh be removed from the Duggar home and they had to find someplace for him to live? So his mom bought a house from her dad? Except why would they need a title transfer if that was the case? Her dad owned the house, just send Josh to live there.
I don't get it.
TLC stinks...195...the letter discloses the identity of the mysterious fifth victim who did not live in the family home at the time.
I hope this fifth victim is allowed to remain anonymous. She has been through enough trauma without public scrutiny.
just wondering said... 24
Here is the Washington Post story about how In Touch gained access to the Duggar Files.. It's a good read and reflects karma at its best
TLC stinks said... 195
A source close to the Duggar family recently approached Radar claiming to be in possession of a letter written by a Duggar family friend about the molestation incidents. According to the source, the letter discloses the identity of the mysterious fifth victim who did not live in the family home at the time.
I call BS on this ROL story.
For one thing, why would the person who has the letter contact ROL instead of InTouch? If there is such a person, you would think they would got to the original source of the story, not another tabloid.
The article on ROL is dated June 4, but it was just posted today? After the interviews aired on TV?
Seems like ROL is pissed that a former employee of theirs (David Perel) got the scoop, and is now trying to get in on the action.
It seems like Josh was getting more brazen over time, and more determined and aggressive. Something to worry about, if I were the parents.
When he was thwarted (by the locks on their doors) from sneaking into their bedroom at night to molest a supposedly sleeping sister he progressed to outright assaulting them in broad daylight, in a common area of the house. And he moved on from the older sisters to a very young sister.
They should be very afraid of him.
OT, kind of...
I was reading CNN Money and saw that American Pharaoh is worth up to $100,000 in stud fees per foal per year. A horse can father between 100 and 125 foals per year. That's a nice sum.
If TLC cancels the Duggars, there may be hope for Jim Bob still raking in the money if he markets and sells his stuff. That should keep the family in money for as long as his track record remains impressive. Michelle may be done, but Boober is still alive and kicking, trying to impregnate, and TLC would be there filming "Out To Stud: 500 Baby JimBoobs And Counting..." That could last well into his 90s.
An article showing the layout of their home, along with photos and an interesting commentary on why the home came to be built that way.
TLC is a business, and as such, this doesn't have anything to do with outrage. Even if they were appalled at all of this, and any ethics/morals would have kicked it, the suits there wouldn't have pulled the plug on their big moneymaker. A hasty decision to immediately cancel the show isn't what big business is all about. Little Honey and her show had viewers, yes, but in the scheme of thing it's nothing like the Duggars and the amount of money the family can make for TLC. I think they would evaluate this from every business angle before making a decision to ax the show.
True, but no business that panders to the public can afford a complete loss of good will.
" Because the family has been filming reality series for years, the child's reluctance to participate at this stage is unlikely to be considered a change in circumstances."
This makes me sad. Shouldn't an 11-year old be able to say whether they want to be filmed for a reality tv show or not? Although the author was not addressing that particular issue, it is tied into the issue of primary custody.
As long as Kate retains primary custody over Hannah or any of the children, she will make them film, whether they want to or not. It seems grossly unfair to make any of the children participate in filming if they don't want to. (Although at this point, I'm not sure if Hannah objects to being filmed, or if she just doesn't want to live full time with her mother any longer.)
localyocul, here is the article on the picture:
Now, off to read your article selection! thanks!
localyocul, here is the article on the picture:
I'm quite moved by their subtle but powerful stance.
In the end, Duggars? Love prevails.
And he moved on from the older sisters to a very young sister.
They should be very afraid of him.
I also keep coming back to the then 5-year old. It seems Josh started with the sisters who were older, but he was thwarted.
Then, he assaulted a sister so small an innocent, that perhaps he thought he'd never get caught because she wouldn't tell anyone.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 40
localyocul, here is the article on the picture:
I'm quite moved by their subtle but powerful stance.
In the end, Duggars? Love prevails.
June 8, 2015 at 11:38 AM
I remember their photo going viral because the Duggars swiffered it from their FB site.
Now, come to find out that the Duggars just doing what they blithely do, oppress and marginalize gay people, their sordid and stunningly hypocritical secrets have been exposed.
It's poetic, really.
My grandson & parents are at the beach. My DIL realized the gs was injured and they immediately took him to the ER. He was suffering from nursemaid's elbow. He couldn't even use his right arm. After treatment, he was all smiles sitting in his dads lap on the gurney with a teddy bear with a heart that the nurse gave him. They put the paper ID around his ankle and he still had it on at the beach the next morning shoveling sand into his sand bucket. God love him!
And TFW let Mady suffer a solid month with stomach pains. TFW is a RN, who just wanted to bag a dr., but my DIL is a CRNA, who married a history teacher. What a messed up witch TFW is.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 6
I don't watch the show, but it's my impression that one of the married sisters (with the son, Israel) is an emotional vacuum.
She seems as interesting as cardboard.
Her emotional age is about 15. I think someone said that one is bright. I actually got the opposite impression. She's kind of dumb, and delusional. At least she wasn't as bad as doofus next to her just making shit up about the FOI act, but she wasn't much better.
I can't believe she's somebody's mother.
It is also sad and distressing to hear Jill say that she plans to institute the same "safeguards" her parents did with her own children. So I guess she plans to put a lock on the bedroom designated for the girl children, and plans to treat any male children like they could molest their sisters at any time if they are not watched like hawks. So very sad that you would have those expectations of your own children right from the start.
I agree that she is not very well spoken or interesting. That's why the idea of a spin off show featuring the two married couples seems doomed to failure, even if the molestation was not an issue. What is interesting about a young and quite ignorant woman who is staying at home with her infant baby while her husband goes to work? What kind of episodes would they even do? I remember one episode where Jill was still pregnant, and she and Derick went to visit Josh and Anna. Anna was also pregnant (still is). The guys went to the grocery store, and Jill and Anna sat at the table and awkwardly tried to make conversation while putting bible verses on something, for use during labor. It was borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring. They said the same thing over and over again.
Jessa and Ben - what would they film them doing? Ben doesn't have a job. He doesn't seem very handy around the house. He's not very articulate either. Plus, he always sounds very stuffed up - like he has permanent allergies. Why would the average viewer want to watch an 18-year old unemployed husband and father-to-be and his wife who, despite being raised to get married and have kids, has almost no homemaking skills? Living in a house courtesy of her rich dad? What example are they supposed to be providing us heathens anyway? A godly life is when you are raised to have no particular skills, get married quite young, live off your dad's generosity, and preach to others about how to live their lives? It makes no sense! Do they even believe in Jesus? Because according to their beliefs, Jesus should have stayed under his father's headship until he got married, which according to popular belief, he never did. So wasn't Jesus being disrespectful of his headship, going out and preaching, hanging out with 12 guys who were not his actual brothers? And what about when he would allow women around, even someone like Mary Magdalene? The Duggar belief system is so disassociated from Jesus' teachings that I don't think they should call themselves Christian.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 8
It seems that TLC has been dragging its feet on this because they believe it all will blow over if they just let it die down.
I wish Scott Kluth, CEO of Coupon Cabin, worked for TLC and was making the decisions. He would have pulled the plug on these people long ago.
Very interesting how the story began with a simple picture taken by two women, in protest of the Duggars' attempts to make/keep gay marriage illegal. It really is biblical karma in action. As you reap, so shall you sow.
I wonder if TLC offered In Touch any hush money to keep this under wraps. If so, it looks like they weren't buying. Good for them. I am curious, though, what else they have that might be revealed. I don't believe that this is over quite yet.
Good article at salon.com about the Duggar girls interview:
The author basically sums up the whole interview in two paragraphs:
" But watching the Duggars — first parents Jim Bob and Michelle, and then daughters Jessa and Jill — trot out their version of what happened all those years ago, and how they handled it, it’s hard not to feel like we’re watching a family more concerned about losing control of a narrative they’ve carefully crafted than of one trying to have an authentic conversation about what they call their “darkest times.”
And in all of their outrage, the four Duggars who have sat down for interviews have thus far failed to make a strong statement to other girls out there, and other families, about bodily autonomy or about how to appropriately handle a situation like the one they found themselves in. Instead, they’re working a narrative of “It wasn’t that bad and it was long ago and all is forgiven and the media is the real problem.” And that’s what makes it so sad and unconvincing. “We are not a perfect family,” Jill says. “We are just a family.” A family that until recently was a reality empire. A family no longer with a believable script."
I wish Scott Kluth, CEO of Coupon Cabin, worked for TLC and was making the decisions. He would have pulled the plug on these people long ago
It would be interesting if In Touch would pursue the Kate thing -- the journal, exactly why she was fired from CC (what was the inauthenticity),and so forth. If I were Kate, I'd be walking on egg shells right now in fear that she's next on In Touch's radar.
Kate is a twit, I agree. It struck me as weird too. Sounds like someone is just trying to make a buck with some false document. I am positive InTouch already knows who the babysitter was. Unfortunately, it's just a matter of time before the name comes out.
Josh Duggar was getting more aggressive. That's why I think there were other victims.
I hope that Hannah's wishes are respected by this judge. An 11 year old child is quite capable of being vocal about abuse and not wanting to film. Whatever has gone down between her and Kate, it must have been a doozy for her to refuse to return home. This was bound to happen. I was just surprised it was Hannah, but not surprised it was a girl. Tween girls are very stubborn.
I remember one episode where Jill was still pregnant, and she and Derick went to visit Josh and Anna. Anna was also pregnant (still is).
Sigh. I'm afraid that Anna will be perpetually pregnant. They could make an entire season about that.
Yes, the girls and their spouses are boring. There is absolutely nothing that they could do that would make anyone want to watch. If TLC plans on spinoffs, they will be biting off their nose to spite their face. It just isn't going to fly and I would hope that someone at the network has at least a grain of intelligence (and business smarts) to figure that out..
True, but no business that panders to the public can afford a complete loss of good will.
Ah, but this is TLC we're talking about. When have they done anything in the interest of "good will?" Their freak shows have never been about caring what viewers want, or that the public is sick and tired of men screwing their cars and various other circus acts. This network only cares about one thing. Money.
Any locals near these Chik-fil-a's? Thought I would post this wonderful act of kindness. Hey, TFW, load up the kids in the BBB and take them and support a good cause. They just might have a little fun.
Samaritan's Purse
44 mins · .
From Samaritans Purse Facebook page:
We are so thankful to the group Pennsylvania Chick-fil-A stores for supporting our dairy programs. Collectively they raised the money to provide 68 goats to families in need.
Special thanks goes to:
Chick-fil-A at Audubon
Chick-fil-A Cheltenham
Chick-fil-A of East Norriton
Chick fil A at King of Prussia
Chick-fil-A at King of Prussia Plaza
Chick fil A Lansdale
Chick-fil-A of Plymouth Meeting Mall
Chick-fil-A at Royersford
Chick-fil-A At Warrington Crossing
Chick-fil-A Willow Grove
Chick-fil-A at Montgomery Mall.
And in all of their outrage, the four Duggars who have sat down for interviews have thus far failed to make a strong statement to other girls out there, and other families, about bodily autonomy or about how to appropriately handle a situation like the one they found themselves in. Instead, they’re working a narrative of “It wasn’t that bad and it was long ago and all is forgiven and the media is the real problem.”
I have been thinking about how their message really couldn't have been very encouraging to other victims. They missed a golden opportunity to be the voice of victims.
It seems to me their message had been stronger had they said you know what, what happened to me WAS bad, it was terrible, and I was damaged about it, and I'm still damaged, and the reality is, I probably will always feel affected by it. And I'm not afraid of feeling that way anymore because I've grown and gotten help. I want you to know those feelings are normal and that it's okay to accept that what happened to me was both NOT okay, and permanent.
It's a real shame.
The January picture of the lesbian couple in front of the Duggars home wasn't the only picture they took. They went back in March, after they got married, to take a follow up picture.
According to several articles, the person who took the picture, Sheryl McFerrin, is not only the sister of one of the woman in the picture--she is also a former friend of Michelle Duggar.
Is it any wonder these people marry off as early as they can. Josh probably isn't a threat now, because he has Anna "on tap".
It seems to me their message had been stronger had they said you know what, what happened to me WAS bad, it was terrible, and I was damaged about it, and I'm still damaged, and the reality is, I probably will always feel affected by it. And I'm not afraid of feeling that way anymore because I've grown and gotten help. I want you to know those feelings are normal and that it's okay to accept that what happened to me was both NOT okay, and permanent.
In theory, yes, this would have been an excellent way to handle it. They couldn't do it, however, because that would mean throwing both Josh and their parents under the bus because he molested them, and because of the negligent way Michelle and JimBob handled it. They needed to minimize the acts, convincing the public that the tabloids were making a mountain out of a mole hill. To describe the whole "dark time" as damaging and permanent goes against everything their parents told them to say, and perhaps whatever PR person they hired to write the script.
None of them cares about helping other victims. Their concern is about keeping the show on the air. Period.
Serendipity said... 49
It would be interesting if In Touch would pursue the Kate thing -- the journal, exactly why she was fired from CC (what was the inauthenticity),and so forth. If I were Kate, I'd be walking on egg shells right now in fear that she's next on In Touch's radar.
Kate is small potatoes at this point. She is not on anyone's radar because people just don't care very much about her. Everyone sees her as a bitch, and pretty much knows that she is a terrible parent and person.
I think the only way InTouch would cast their net out for TFW is if they were planning to do a huge expose on TLC; most specifically, the network's systematic exploitation of children and the disturbing questions about how much they knew/know about the child abuse/molestation issues that are a stunningly frequent occurrence with their stable of "talent".
Josh Duggar was getting more aggressive. That's why I think there were other victims.
Yes, I think so, too. It's worrisome how many other victims there might be. Girls who maybe didn't feel safe speaking up against the powerful Duggars. Like Anna's sisters, for example, some of whom I believe stayed overnight babysitting the younger Duggars.
InTouch, by the way, does know who the 5th victim is.
“In Touch did not name the victims in any of its articles,” he said. “Many people were able to correctly speculate about the identity of four of the victims by the information released by the city of Springdale. The fifth victim’s identity is also known to In Touch and has not been disclosed.”
ROL reporting, Mike Huckabee Campaign Removes Duggar Endorsement From Website.
Kate is not home free from an exposé. She may think she is Teflon because TLC protects her, but that will be the exact reason she will be included if InTouch or any media outlet deep dives into TLC "talent". The rumors were circulating about Josh for years just like they circulate about Kate. It's ironic to think that one of her own kids may finally do her in.
Fox News’ religion correspondent Father Jonathan Morris told the panel on “Fox & Friends” Sunday that he didn’t think TLC should cancel “19 and Counting” because, despite the Duggar family’s well-chronicled fall from grace, they still set a better example of Christian living than most reality television shows.
Putting aside the fact that Jim Duggar lied to the officer he contacted about the number of instances of molestation Josh perpetrated, and that the family is continuing to lie about the circumstances in which Josh’s records were obtained, Father Morris said that the family had been forthright in the manner in which this scandal has been handled. “They seem to have responded to it pretty well,” he said, though he acknowledged “we don’t know all the details.”
Sandi said... 60
ROL reporting, Mike Huckabee Campaign Removes Duggar Endorsement From Website.
Didn't he do that several days ago, or is this something new?
Why hasn’t TLC officially cancelled the Duggars? Ask Jill and Jessa, the daughters who are going through “immeasurable pain” presumably because they have to re-live the humiliating experience of being fondled by their brother when they were pre-teens. They’re so humiliated that they booked an exclusive with Fox News to air their shame before an international audience. They’re so filled with pain, in fact, that they’re proceeding with negotiations to create their own spin-off for TLC:
Us Weekly reports that the Duggars’ adult and married children Jessa and Jill, along with their husbands, Ben Seewald and Derick Dillard, are in talks for their own spinoff series.
“They’ve invested a lot of time in developing these story lines and the last thing they want to do is to throw it all away,” a source told the magazine, stressing that Josh would not be part of the new spinoff. TLC declined to comment on reports of a spinoff and reiterated to The Huffington Post that no long-term decisions have been made regarding the ultimate fate of “19 Kids and Counting.”
The idea of a spinoff featuring the Duggar daughters isn’t crazy, given that they’ve become the stars of the family’s current show. In fact, last year a record 4.4 million people tuned in to see Jill get married, while Jessa’s wedding special brought in 4.3 million viewers this past April.
Jill Duggar Dillard is so traumatized by the revelation of her brother’s actions that she’s taking the time to post pictures of her own 2-month old on Instagram. What a great way to protect the privacy of your own children. What an even better way to keep in touch with your fans and potential spin-off viewers.
This isn’t about morals. This is about money. A magazine owned by a porn company started the fight and the Duggars aren’t going to back down, not with millions at stake. Spare your offense. It’s just business.
Is it any wonder these people marry off as early as they can. Josh probably isn't a threat now, because he has Anna "on tap".
...as well as on his lap.
Is it any wonder these people marry off as early as they can. Josh probably isn't a threat now, because he has Anna "on tap". 56
Their logic is flawed. Josh's behavior is consistent with that of diagnosed sex offenders (I am purposely not using the p word). Having someone "on tap" does not change their proclivities.
Treatment can be effective, especially with people who commit to it. I do not foresee that happening in this case.
"I have worked with survivors of sexual abuse for 15 years. And many of the survivors I speak with are afraid to come forward because they have been told that what happened to them was "not really rape." They doubt their own definition of their own experience, because they have been told they are overreacting.
We have to stop diluting rape and telling victims that only some acts are bad enough to justify outrage. We have to stop trying to define someone's experience for them, because we simply don't want to -- or can't handle -- the painful truth. All sexual assault is wrong, painful, damaging and illegal.
Jessa, Josh's younger sister and one of his victims, is defending her brother. She has stated that referring to Josh as a child molester is "so overboard and a lie." It doesn't matter whether Jessa sees -- or is ready to see -- her brother as a perpetrator. The fact is that what he did is not just a "mistake," as his parents claim, it was a crime -- multiple crimes. Sending him away to work for a summer is not an adequate punishment. It will not change his behavior. And it certainly will not help his sisters, and other victims, heal.
I cannot imagine how agonizing it must be to know that several of your daughters were sexually abused, and the perpetrator is your own son. I am sure this is very difficult for the entire Duggar family. And I imagine the desire to defend their son is strong, as it would be for any parent. But, to defend one child at the expense of your other children is tragic and unacceptable."
TLC stinks said... 61
The rumors were circulating about Josh for years just like they circulate about Kate. It's ironic to think that one of her own kids may finally do her in.
I hope that is exactly what happens. Oh how sweet that justice would be.
admin (54): "I have been thinking about how their message really couldn't have been very encouraging to other victims. They missed a golden opportunity to be the voice of victims."
When I was in grad school way back when (yes, the D is included in my degree!), there was a mandatory criminology/sociology course included in the curriculum. So much of what we learned there, and the research required for the class, is coming back to me now. Much of the course concentrated on victims' rights, especially those of sexual molestation and domestic abuse. Everything I'm reading about the Duggars and the way this was handled is in contradiction to the rights of victims, as was stressed in this course.
It's funny how, so many years later, the Duggar scandal is so applicable to what was taught in that course, and how much information I actually retained. I wonder if years from now the Duggars will be written into textbooks as a case study for sociology students.
Crazy (58)" "I think the only way InTouch would cast their net out for TFW is if they were planning to do a huge expose on TLC; most specifically, the network's systematic exploitation of children and the disturbing questions about how much they knew/know about the child abuse/molestation issues that are a stunningly frequent occurrence with their stable of "talent"."
Excellent point. I think right now they are concentrating on the Duggars and aren't yet finished with them. I would hope, though, that down the road they would concentrate on networks' role in the exploitation of children in the entertainment industry. Judging from the excellent job they have done with the Duggar family, I believe that they could handle this. Kate could very well be at the top of their list in their research.
redbird said...
redbird said... 53
Any locals near these Chik-fil-a's? Thought I would post this wonderful act of kindness. Hey, TFW, load up the kids in the BBB and take them and support a good cause. They just might have a little fun.
You might want to be careful about Chik-fil-a. They are not without their own controversy.
Geez, these Duggar girls are boring, and I agree with whoever said one of them has the emotional maturity of a 15 year old. Of course she/they do - no real social experiences outside the family, living under the thumb of a controlling father, and now here come babies. And the husbands - equally boring. The younger one, with the AA degree? It's an degree from an online school, so no, not much social experience there either. What any of them will bring to the TV screen is unfathomable to me.
Well let's spend all sorts of money designing and customizing a house to basically be a maze in order to frustrate a child molester but to hell with counseling!! Idiots smh
Their logic is flawed. Josh's behavior is consistent with that of diagnosed sex offenders (I am purposely not using the p word). Having someone "on tap" does not change their proclivities.
Treatment can be effective, especially with people who commit to it. I do not foresee that happening in this case.
That's exactly what I was wondering about. Just because Josh now has a woman at his beck and call to take care of his manly needs, does this mean that his penchant for children no longer exists? Are his own kids safe with him and free from the chance of assault?
TLC stinks said... 62
Fox News’ religion correspondent Father Jonathan Morris told the panel on “Fox & Friends” Sunday that he didn’t think TLC should cancel “19 and Counting” because, despite the Duggar family’s well-chronicled fall from grace, they still set a better example of Christian living than most reality television shows.
Jeezus H. Christe on Melba toast, is that how low the bar is set for us Christians?
Jessa, Josh's younger sister and one of his victims, is defending her brother. She has stated that referring to Josh as a child molester is "so overboard and a lie."
Jessa and her sister really needed to clarify that they were speaking for themselves and no other victim.
Frankly, I could make the argument that those 2 are harming the other other victims. Re-victimizing them by telling the world that what happened to them was no big deal, not incest, not molestation and not a real, true violation.
Having a wife will not curb his urges for being sexually stimulated by children.
The reason only those two Duggar girls got air time to defend Josh because, IMO, they are in negotiations with TLC for a spin off.
Excerpt from Salon:
The sisters say that “We’ve never claimed to be a perfect family,” and they are entitled to have private struggles and pains. But when you’re someone like Jessa, who’s compared abortion to the holocaust, or someone like mom Michelle, who’s campaigned actively against rights for transgender individuals, or dad Jim Bob, who has asserted that “rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes,” you have set yourself on a certain morally judgmental plane. You can question the motives of the tabloids, you can assert your own peace with your past, but you don’t get to play the victim card because the rest of the media is not your carefully controlled TV show, or because people are asking questions about the disconnect between your family’s image and the behavior of its members.
Former ATI homeschool survivor speaks to Salon.com:
So, the ideal is that you are not even supposed to–if you are a teenager–I’m not even supposed to have a crush on you. If I have a crush on you, I am giving you a literal piece of my heart, and the more pieces of my heart I give to girls before I marry, the less of my heart I will have to give to my wife. This is where they have such extreme ideas about purity and about abstinence. Their big word is “lust.” When you have a sexual thought in your brain, you are lusting after someone. They say that if you think about something three times it’s just as bad as doing it. If you think about sex, it results in this rush of testosterone. So it goes like this: Immodest women cause rushes of testosterone in men and cause them to irresistibly assault–either sexually or violently–women. All the blame is put on the women and how they dress. There is very little responsibility put on men to just not rape women. That’s kind of their ethics going into it. It’s kind of infiltrated mainstream Christianity.
I have to ask myself was TLC ignorant about their fundamentalist beliefs or aware and just edited the really oddball stuff? I did not watch, so for those of you who did, were you aware of the details of what they believed or was it whitewashed that they were simply Christians?
Just because Josh now has a woman at his beck and call to take care of his manly needs, does this mean that his penchant for children no longer exists? Are his own kids safe with him and free from the chance of assault?
It's really not possible to determine the risk he poses without a professional evaluation by an expert.
I would not leave him alone with my kids, however.
Kate better hurry up and pull a new stunt out of her butt, because her Twitter timeline is pretty quiet. And, you know...people might start forgetting about her. ;)
Tucker's Mom (#76), it's likely the other 2 sisters who weren't
present had vastly different experiences. Especially as their
ages varied. How dare they presume to understand how their
5-year-old child sister? Perhaps to her, it was indeed "a horror
story." And considering the child's age, it most certainly labels
the attacker a "child molester." So, no, Jessa, calling your
brother that is neither "overboard" nor "a lie."
And what about that 5th victim who wasn't a family member?
Has she been expected to shrug it off, too?
Josh apparently found victims in other locations like the laundry room and a couch.It would be easy to find a child alone within the hubbub of such a large family I would think.The layout of the home is a little odd, though.Is it verified they had locks on the bedroom doors ?
The Gladys is so busy tweeting her redundant platitudes that she's ignoring her weather watching duties. We're under a severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch right now, both in Lancaster and Berks counties. We're really getting hammered.
But if Steve is with them, I'm sure he's keeping an eye to the skies. It's part of his crack security/bodyguarding job.
Jeezus H. Christe on Melba toast, is that how low the bar is set for us Christians?
Good lord. That's like saying let's give Charlie Manson a reality series because he killed less people than the Green River Killer.
.Is it verified they had locks on the bedroom doors ?
Yes. Jill and Jessa said so. The parents, quote, "put locks on the doors."
The layout of the home is a little odd, though.Is it verified they had locks on the bedroom doors ?
Did all o the girls go to bed at exactly the same time? The young ones as well as the older ones? If not, then when the younger ones went to bed, and the older ones stayed up later, they would have to knock on the door to get into their rooms when they wanted to go to bed...unless they carried keys around with them. I think I'm missing something here!
If not, then when the younger ones went to bed, and the older ones stayed up later, they would have to knock on the door to get into their rooms when they wanted to go to bed..
They could have locked from the outside with their parent's keys, which is just scary and as I understand it a violation of housing ordinances in many places.
And how do they know whoever is knocking is a girl and not Josh come to fondle them again?
This puts so much pressure on those poor girls. It's so unfair.
This is the pastor of the church that Kate attended while she was still going to church.
His leg was amputated and he's having surgery tomorrow on his abdomen. This is so sad.
"Hey! It was my birthday too. Happy Birthday to us"
Happy late birthday to you, swingsandroundabouts. The veranda party was nice. I lost my crocs though. Has anybody seen them?
Ava @avacmorrison 49m49 minutes ago
Happy #NationalBestFriendsDay to my best friend, @Kateplusmy8
Kate has a new bestie? I thought it was Jamie, or Deanna, or Milo or Emily or Paige.
I missed it, but, on a TLC group on Facebook says that Nancy Grace said that it's possible that Josh Duggar is going to be arrested, there is an investigation going on and possible arrest.
If they arrest Josh, they need to arrest Jim Bob because of him building the house specially for the reason to keep Josh the sex predator away from his sisters. Because he was doing everything to keep him in that house and to hell with protecting the girls. Then didn't get the girls any treatment until CPS made them. I am so afraid that if they go to arrest Jim Bob, he won't go quietly.
What is so sad and misinformed about the Duggar parents is that they assume because Josh had a problem and acted out his urges/desires on his sisters they now assume that all their sons will be having the same problem. Hence, the way they built their new house that they are currently living in where the master suite is by the girls' room and the boys is on the opposite side of the cat walk. Also how all the boys cannot play hide and seek, babysit the young girls, or have their younger sisters sit on their laps. Heck even their nightly meetings are held in the boys' room or the den; they are NEVER held in the girls room. Why? Because boys are not to be trusted to be in their sisters' bedroom due to Josh's past behavior.
This is wrong of the parents and speaks to how ill informed they are about sexuality. All young teen boys are not attackers of their sisters/babysitters. Boys can control their desires.
That bumbling Duggar girl is a midwife? It's hard to picture her taking charge of a serious medical situation. What does she do when you're bleeding out, say oh nah it's just a little spotting it's not that bad, you're fine! Geez.
@YahooTV: .@Kateplusmy8 makes our list of reality TV's greatest ball busters. Is she the best? Vote: http://yhoo.it/1QijRqK http://twitter.com/YahooTV/status/608008407640064000/photo/1
missed it, but, on a TLC group on Facebook says that Nancy Grace said that it's possible that Josh Duggar is going to be arrested, there is an investigation going on and possible arrest.
I've been wondering this. It's possible the last kid is still within the sOl. I think the real reason he isn't speaking is because a lawyer told him you'd be nuts to speak as long as there is even a 1% chance of getting arrested. The plot thickens.
The fans are going to have a coronary if that happens by the way.
That is terrible about the pastor and his wife. As usual, there will silence from Kate.
What does she do when you're bleeding out, say oh nah it's just a little spotting it's not that bad, you're fine! Geez.
Would she even notice a little spotting? She's say that she didn't even know it was happening.
Makes total sense now about his silence.
TLC stinks said... 101
Makes total sense now about his silence.
June 8, 2015 at 6:33 PM
Well, I'll join the conspiracy and surmise that maybe this explains why his victims were were acting like Josh was playing pat-a-cake with them.
What is so sad and misinformed about the Duggar parents is that they assume because Josh had a problem and acted out his urges/desires on his sisters they now assume that all their sons will be having the same problem.
I really don't think that they are assuming the other boys will have the problem, if you want to call it that. I think that the parents are scared to death that IF this happens again, they'll have to go through this same nightmare, deja vu all over again, and they don't want to reprise their role and find more excuses for what they did or didn't do to prevent it from happening.
It was my understanding the fondling was skin on skin so I think Ma and Pa did a brainwash number on the daughters.
I dare, dare Kate to deny she receives botox between the eyes. I know she denied it many years ago when her eyebrows were jacked up crazily. But now she gets the botox for the eleven lines and there is no denying it. In fact, if I were she and had her money I would get botox too. Her eleven lines make her look very angry and mean. She needs it!
Admin., Jill has trained as a mid-wife but I don't know if she is really certified. Does anybody know? Also Jana (the eldest daughter) was also training as a Douala. But again if I don't know if she is certified or even working in the field.
I also did not know but read that Jim Bob blamed his election loss on Josh sinning. This was cited in, I believe, a Gawker timeline that quoted from a blogger who attended the church. How frustrating to have this information just floating around on the Internet and nothing comes of it... how well we know the feeing.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 97
missed it, but, on a TLC group on Facebook says that Nancy Grace said that it's possible that Josh Duggar is going to be arrested, there is an investigation going on and possible arrest.
I've been wondering this. It's possible the last kid is still within the SOL. I think the real reason he isn't speaking is because a lawyer told him you'd be nuts to speak as long as there is even a 1% chance of getting arrested. The plot thickens.
Ok, I don't want to be known as the dumb one on the board, but I need someone to explain how Josh could be arrested. Wouldn't it mean that the authorities dropped the ball or did more incidents of molestation take place after Josh became 18?
"If not, then when the younger ones went to bed, and the older ones stayed up later, they would have to knock on the door to get into their rooms when they wanted to go to bed..."
That's another thing that always made me go "Huh?" when I watched the show: it was explained a few times that if the little girls just wouldn't get up in the morning, it was because they usually went to bed very late at night, at the same time as the older girls.
Leslie, Kate is never going to admit to anything regarding her face or body because she wants her stupid fans to believe her so-called "de-aging" is the result of her diet and exercise. If that was the case, she'd already would have published a health book, but it would be too risky because someone would rat her out as a fake. I can totally understand having plastic surgery (tummy tuck and lipo) after all her weight gain, but now she is just plain vain with the boobs and face.
Ok, I don't want to be known as the dumb one on the board, but I need someone to explain how Josh could be arrested. Wouldn't it mean that the authorities dropped the ball or did more incidents of molestation take place after Josh became 18?
That doesn't really matter. Authorities can take their time pressing charges, often it's because they are building their case and making it airtight. You usually only have one chance to file, and if you screw it up, that person walks.
I can easily see them charging him (if the SOL allows it for that last child) and saying that due to this being public we learned more information than we did before, we have evidence the family has been dishonest with us, and more people have come forward with new information, an arrest was prudent.
It all makes sense now. I couldn't figure out why a narcissist like Josh wouldn't come out guns blazing and mouth flapping setting the record straight. Some family attorney must have told him don't you DARE.
I'm not sure either about any possibly of arrest (that's Nancy Grace's big mouth for you) but according to Arkansas law, if a minor was sexually molested after they reach the age of majority, they have three years to file a civil suit. The suit is based upon when they discover the effect of the molestation. Maybe Josh is being advised to keep his mouth shut because someone is threatening to sue?
2010 Arkansas Code
Title 16 - Practice, Procedure, And Courts
Subtitle 5 - Civil Procedure Generally
Chapter 56 - Limitation Of Actions
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 16-56-130 - Civil actions based on sexual abuse.
16-56-130. Civil actions based on sexual abuse.
(a) Notwithstanding any other statute of limitations or any other provision of law that can be construed to reduce the statutory period set forth in this section, any civil action based on sexual abuse which occurred when the injured person was a minor but is not discovered until after the injured person reaches the age of majority shall be brought within three (3) years from the time of discovery of the sexual abuse by the injured party.
(b) (1) A claim based on an assertion of more than one (1) act of sexual abuse is not limited to the injured party's first discovery of the relationship between any one (1) of those acts and the injury or condition, but may be based on the injured party's discovery of the effect of the series of acts.
(2) It is not necessary for the injured party to establish which act in a series of acts of childhood sexual abuse caused the injury or condition that is the subject of the lawsuit.
A doula makes like 10 bucks an hour. They really don't have much of a plan to continue their lifestyle and honeymoons in Europe without this show, do they? I wonder why they think they are such special snowflakes to enjoy spoils like that without actually doing what is required to make the kind of money that supports that lifestyle realistically.
If this is where her heart is, for the love of God go to COLLEGE. Become an RN! They set women back so much.
ouldn't it mean that the authorities dropped the ball or did more incidents of molestation take place after Josh became 18?
If there were other incidents of assault that haven't been disclosed and are within the SOL he could very well be arrested. None of that has been reported, though, so it's a wait and see approach.
If they arrest Josh, they need to arrest Jim Bob because of him building the house specially for the reason to keep Josh the sex predator away from his sisters. Because he was doing everything to keep him in that house and to hell with protecting the girls. Then didn't get the girls any treatment until CPS made them. I am so afraid that if they go to arrest Jim Bob, he won't go quietly.
I'm sorry, redbird, but I'm not following this. Why would Jim Bob be arrested? If there are other offenses that fall within the SOL, after Josh because an adult, Jim Bob wouldn't be responsible for what his son did, especially if it had nothing to do within the Duggar home or with his own sisters.
I am so confused...
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