Megyn says a preview of the interview will air Wednesday, with the full interview to air Friday.
Fox News, The Kelly File, 9 p.m. EDT (check local listings).
New Washington County police report.
Read a breakdown of some of the misleading or outright incorrect information from the Kelly interview.
1315 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1315 Newer› Newest»It sounds as though this interview is going to be a farce and not worth the time to watch it. The Duggars no longer have that "wonderful Christian" family persona. Actually they never did, but the more that comes out about this holier than thou family the more disgusting it becomes.
Anyway, she's watching the Little Couple? Christmas episode and the promo was shown. Same came on. SSDD. It started with TFMJG sitting on the couch talking about she can't believe she's 40, saying something to the effect of I hope you'll tell me I don't look 40, that they're celebrating her birthday in Mexico, a shot of the kids in somberos at her Mexican themed birthday party at the house, the obligatory shot of Kate in her bikini, TFMJG driving an ATV? jeep with some of the kids in it with a voiceover stating " I can't believe I thought this was a good idea", yelling at Collin who was standing in the surf, and a few shots of the birthday girl going out drinking for her birthday.
Thanks for the recap of the SSDD.
Funny thing is, I could have written most of that without seeing it!
I can't even tell the difference whether someone is doing a parody of what this episode will be like or actually recapping the real thing!
I can't believe I'm 40??? Seriously, she can't come up with anything else original to say? Anne Frank she is not.
Really, going out drinking and clubbing on your 40th birthday in a destination all the college kids go to? Grow up.
Just like Kate's interviews, the Duggars have been coached with sound bites. My question is, did TLC decide which questions could be asked? The Duggars are on this show because of softball questions (like Kate on Today). TLC would never allow their "talent" to speak freely. I would bet that TLC shopped around before granting this interview. There must have been an issue with Today, the normal TLC mouthpiece.
I think we need to be optimistic about this interview. I think it's really a lose-lose situation for the Duggars.
If she's hard on them, they won't be able to answer her tough questions. Because they can't, because they failed their children.
But if she's easier on them and just lets them talk, they are sure to say something, actually plenty of things, that paint themselves in a bad light. They will make themselves look bad without any help from her. This is why I say they are nuts to do this, because there's just no explaining their way out of this unless they just want to apologize to their children, the public, and indicate they are taking their family out of the public eye forever and will be devoting the rest of their lives to helping victims of sexual abuse. That will never happen, so therefore I can only conclude it's going to be a feeding frenzy once they open their big fat self righteous mouths.
In thinking about it, it really doesn't matter if the interviewer asks the tough questions or not. It doesn't.
You should read the gushing Facebook comments. These people are total idiots. And to devote a show to Kate's birthday is all about Kate's vanity. She says she can't believe she is turning 40 so her toadies can load up Twitter and Facebook telling her how good she looks. All it takes is money for plastic surgery but her lickspittles truly believe she is a natural beauty. Laughable.
It will be interesting to see how much rope the Duggars need and see how they skirt around the issues at hand. I wonder if they really believe they can pray everything away.
What does SSDD stand for?
Maybe it's just me, but I picture Kate's tweeny-bopper fans (and some of the older gals, at that) literally screaming and passing out in front of their t.v. screens when Kate's Mexican Birthday Extravaganza episode airs. Hope no one gets hurt.
As far as this Duggar interview, from what I've been able to ascertain this is going to be softball question heaven; i.e., a worthless joke.
Admin, how many times have we seen our hopes crushed in regards to TLC? I really believe the Duggars will stick to TLC talking points.
Like Jon's t-shirt....ALL LIES, ALL LIES, ALL LIES
She makes things harder for herself anyway. Why on earth is she up at 5 am when the kids are not up until 6? She has all day the day before to get ready for the next day. They're not toddlers who need their clothes laid out for them and buttoned for them and their hair and teeth brushed for them.
It can't possibly take an hour to pack their lunches and make breakfast unless she's making Sunday brunch every morning.
Here's a thought. Do what you need to do the night BEFORE. Stock the fridge and pantry with plenty of healthy whole grain cereals and oatmeal, and have fresh fruit on hand like blueberries and strawberries they can sprinkle in their cereal. Then have your children, who are 11 and 14 years old, pour their own cereal and milk and start eating.
As for lunches, most lunches can be packed the night before. If you're worried about soggy bread, read the internet. There are plenty of ways to pack a lunch so it doesn't get soggy. Or heaven forbid these kids could start packing their own lunches. A well stocked kitchen makes things so much easier. If she wanted to, she doesn't have to wake up until it's time to hit the road. These kids are well old enough to get themselves ready without her help. Mommy never trailed behind us when I was 14 for gosh sakes. Goodness, I think it would have driven me nuts if she did!
Save the eggs and bacon and waffles breakfasts for the weekend. They don't need to be eating that heavy stuff anyway during the week. I can't have sympathy for someone who is purposely making their mornings ten times harder than it has to be.
I think this is the one time there are no "talking points" TLC can give them. Good luck with that. That's like saying there are talking points for defending the Holocaust. No, there's not. I mean you can try, but you're only going to make yourself look bad.
Here is another viewpoint about the church response to sexual abuse. And points out evangelical churches often are silent on the subject.
"Why do so many churches fail to do the right thing when they learn that one of their own has been accused of sexual abuse? All too often it's because the victimized are repeatedly overshadowed by the need to protect a 'righteous' reputation. I'm afraid it's a rationale embraced by so many church leaders because it's convenient and sounds so 'godly,'" he writes.
foxy said... 6
It will be interesting to see how much rope the Duggars need and see how they skirt around the issues at hand. I wonder if they really believe they can pray everything away.
What does SSDD stand for?
Same shit different day.
Admin, I think you may be right about this interview being lose/lose
for these people. As far as "elephants in the room" go, incest is
as big as it gets, and as gross as it gets. The parents can go 'round
and 'round talking about the "problem" or "issue" or "mistake," but
every single viewer knows exactly what happened: their teenage
son sexually molested several of his sisters -- THEIR young
daughters -- multiple times, and they went to great lengths to
make sure no one ever found out about it. Instead of being
distracted by Caitlyn, and Kim K's second pregnancy, and
actual real-life family events like upcoming graduations and
weddings, America is now going to put their focus back on
this horrifying story, which was receding into the background.
Let's assume worst case scenario Megyn Kelly sits them down and says okay guys, tell your story, the floor is yours, I won't question a thing you say. And never asks them a single follow up question.
Does anyone really think they can talk their way out of even THAT scenario? They couldn't even put together a decent PR statement about all this, I can't imagine how they're going to handle an open forum to speak off the cuff.
It's going to be disastrous for them no matter how the interviewer handles it. It doesn't matter who interviews them really, I've come to realize. It's irrelevant. Might as well have Kate interview them for all it really matters who does it.
i do not believe for one minute Kate Gosselin makes cooked breakfast before school
Oh god, Admin. What a hoot. Can you see TFW trying to interview them?? Both of sides trying to talking about themselves, talking over each other. Kate wouldn't let them get a word in edgewise!
Oh god, Admin. What a hoot. Can you see TFW trying to interview them?? Both of sides trying to talking about themselves, talking over each other. Kate wouldn't let them get a word in edgewise!
Haha. We'd probably learn more about Kate's 18 months of bed rest than we would what exactly happened to those poor little girls.
TFW would just babble on and on about herself, and someone
offscreen would whisper to her that she needs to ask the Duggars
about THEM, and she'd whisper back quizzically, "That wasn't
supposed to be part of it!"
I cant see how JB and Michelle can put ANY kind of positive spin on this.
And now another police report has been unearthed.
Susan1956 (from the previous post), it was lovely to read about the
fun time you had with your granddaughters at the library event!
And I bet you didn't have to spend a dime.
Capecodmama - hope you got to slobber on that new grandbaby!
Angie 13..thanks.
I just saw the promo for this special 40th birthday. Looks riveting. And I hear we are going to miss 18 year old Josiah go a courtin his 17 year old girl friend, Jessa's baby's heart beat, and Jill and her family planning to go to Nepal to do missionary work.
Not only do I think TLC will have to end all relationships with the Duggar family, I think Fox will have to cancel "the" interview with Ma and Pa, now that new damaging "information" has been posted by In Touch and TMZ.
It is sicking, to read the moronic devoted fans of the Duggars and their disgusting support of them. What was loud & clear from the fans is: that was 13 years ago, he was 14, his sisters forgave him, he prayed to God for, forgiveness, so Josh is at peace and we should except this.
Sorry, I don't. All of this is about poor DEFRAUDED Josh. We are ruining his life and his parents life, and the rest of the family.
Bottom line, Josh got called out/caught, parents, TLC covered it up, the family may loose an income, from the TV show & futures show, and the I hardly think those girls will forget what he did to them, considering they never got professional therapy for the sex abuse. And that the girls are getting abused again by, Josh being made out to be the victim here, along with his poor suffering parents, who hide behind religion. Sorry but, prayer might help, but it does not heal. That will be with those girls the rest of their lives, even with therapy, that might help them through this. They will always remember.
Their devoted fans are sickos. Christian family, they fell off the wagon. They covered up, & lied, & sexual abuse, those are not Christian values.
overthehill said... 16
i do not believe for one minute Kate Gosselin makes cooked breakfast before school
Ha! That was my thought too. If she actually gets up and takes them to the bus stop, I picture it this way:
Kids get themselves up and dressed, and then grab their backpacks. Their lunches have already been made and placed in the backpacks either by the kids themselves, or by the not-a-nanny of the day. Kate drags herself out of bed, yells at them to hurry up and get in the car, bitches and moans the entire time she's driving them to the bus stop, snarls at them to hurry up and get out, and then drives off without so much as a glance back, hurrying to return to her bed.
As for breakfasts on school mornings: My mom never has been a morning person. When we were little (kindergarten through 5th grade or so), she did get up with us, pack our lunches, and make us some cereal or toast for breakfast. It was always very simple and quick. Then a kiss and we headed up to the top of our driveway to catch the bus.
Once we hit junior high, we were expected to get ourselves ready, including fixing any breakfast we might want. We were given an allowance to use for buying lunch at school. If we wanted to save that money for something else, then we just fixed a lunch to bring. Our mom would either just be getting up as we left, or maybe still in bed (on cold winter mornings). Hey, she deserved that little bit of extra sleep - because she was a great mom and worked hard all the rest of the day, unlike Kate.
So, we'lll miss a missionary trip to Nepal. so sad. not.
Don't get me wrong, missionary work is great. But there's such a need in our own country. I guess they are like Kate, they need to be 'cultured'.
I don't know what's worse...my watching JB try to 'faith' his way out of this tragedy, or my tv being tuned in to Fox News.
I'll have a bark bucket at the ready. I'll leave a surprise in the botttom.
As for the Duggar interview on Fox - I think that it will be a fluff piece. No hard hitting questions, no follow up questions when they don't really address any of the issues, etc. The molestation will be downplayed (maybe they'll even have the nerve to pretend it was a one-time thing).
Admin, I hope you're right that this is a lose-lose for them. I don't intend to watch, but I will be reading commentary about the interview. I read that the interview was/will be conducted at the Duggars home, instead of them traveling to the studio. That seems to indicate that the Duggars set the terms of the interview, which is further proof it will be slanted heavily in their favor.
chefsummer #Leh said... 176
There are 3 photos on Jon's FB one is from 2013 that shows all of the kids.
The second shows 4 of the kids.
To me this show that he does see all of his kids unlike Kate claims he doesn't see them.
And there are twitter photos and sighting of Jon with all of his kids. Theirs and current episodes of k8 where the kids come back from seeing Jon.
Jon even showed up at Kate's garage sale to play with his kids sooo what's the deal?
I never once stated that he does not see all his children, so I don't have any idea what your "what's the deal?" remark is about. I said that all six children are not visible in the FB picture. Apparently you agree, since you stated that there are four children.
My "crime" was daring to disagree with the Administrator, who insists that the two children in the far corner of one of the FB pictures are the other sextuplets, despite it being impossible to tell. One of them appears to be blonde to me. Apparently, anyone who does not see what the Administrator sees is a "doofus."
Overthehill I was just going to say that. Kate does not make those kids a hot cooked breakfast before school. She is way to lazy! The only way that would happen is if there would be cameras rolling. No cameras, no hot breakfast.
We have to remember that Kate beat her kids when they were babies. She gave them moldy food. She leaves her kids alone with a sitter for days and doesn't give a crap if they're okay. Does anyone ( her fans) think that nutrition is at the top of her priority list? Hell no! It's all about her looking good for forty!
That seems to indicate that the Duggars set the terms of the interview, which is further proof it will be slanted heavily in their favor.
That's my point. They can't slant this in their favor. Oh sure they may try to and may be arrogant enough to think they have control of this, but they're doomed to fail. Look at their press release. It was a joke. And they had complete control over that.
Good luck to them, because you might as well try to get yourself out of a tar pit than do this interview and think it's going to be fine.
I would expect Kelly to at least acknowledge that another police report came to light. We will see if that happens.
How did In Touch know to file a Freedom of Information Act request with neighboring county? I'm thinking the Duggars are becoming less popular in their own community each day that goes by! Someone must have been giving info to the publication.
What does SSDD stand for?
Same shit different day.
I use SBDD. Same B*tch Different Day.
From what I've read elsewhere, it sounds like Megyn Kelly wants to spin this into "it was illegal for the report to be released" angle. Now that a second police report has been unearthed, I wonder how much harder that angle will be to support.
Police reports are public records. If Josh had been charged with a crime, and a juvenile court case was opened, adjudicated, and he either was ordered into a program of some kind, or sent to juvenile hall -- those records usually are sealed because they involve a juvenile. However, his parents did not report his crimes to the proper authorities, and in fact, took steps to cover up his crimes. It was not until they were forced to speak to the authorities in 2006 (after the 3-year statute ran), that an official police report was taken.
Therefore, no charges could be filed against Josh (or his parents for covering up his crimes and exposing their other minor children to a known molester).
Interestingly, I found this when doing a little search:
This is from 1992 and unrelated to Josh Duggar. It's a letter to the then Director of the Arkansas State Police, dealing with the issue of releasing police reports under the FOIA. I'll just quote one part;
"Your inquiry appears to be premised on the assumption that the juvenile status of a defendant is the controlling question. As set out in response to your first question, however, the controlling questions are whether the investigative file is open or closed, and whether a protective order has been entered by the court. Once a law enforcement investigation is considered closed, Department records compiled pursuant thereto would generally be accessible under the FOIA. But as long as the investigation is ongoing, whether pursued by the Department or by another assisting law enforcement agency, any records that are part of that investigation will, in my opinion, generally be exempt from disclosure under the FOIA. Reference should also be made to A.C.A. § 9 27 309, set out above, which allows a court to close records pertaining to juveniles."
There was no protective order in place for either police report, because no criminal charges were ever filed against Josh. It was only after the first report was released (properly, in accordance with FOIA), that someone requested the report be destroyed. I.E., closing the barn door after the horse was already out.
I posted this on the previous thread but it hasn't been put through yet.
People posted an interview with Megyn Kelly about what will happen during the Duggar interview.
From the article:
"My goal going down there is to get the story," says Kelly.
"A first-person account of what Josh did, who was involved, what the parents did about it, how they satisfied themselves that it had been resolved, what they did to help the victims, and to answer some of the harder questions about whether they behaved hypocritically."
One line of questioning that will not be answered in the interview with Jim Bob and Michelle?
"They do not want to talk about the details of the molestation, and I understand that as the parents of those involved, and that's fine," she says. "I've been told I'm not going to get answers there."
But, even with that request, Kelly says there are no limitations on their discussion.
"I think people want to hear more about when it was reported, why that time was chosen as opposed to an earlier time," she says.
"And especially the Duggars' critics, whether they regret any of their strong comments on morality. In particular, with respect to certain lifestyles, now that they have been so hammered for their own sins. I think that is a fair question, and they should answer that."
According to deadline.com, she will also discuss the Duggar situation with experts:
"In the Friday special Kelly File, Kelly will consult with experts in that special, she said. Among her questions, she says she will ask what are the stats on recidivism for a 14-year-old sex offender who gets sent away to some rehab program (Michelle Duggar told police Josh was sent to a family friend) in situations where the victims says it never happened again. “Is that person a child molester as we now understand that term, and what are the odds they will continue offending?” Kelly said, adding, “There are stats on this.”
Speaking of interviews, Casey Anthony has been negotiating to score one with Matt Lauer.
And here's the usual People magazine connection:
One line of questioning that will not be answered in the interview with Jim Bob and Michelle?
"They do not want to talk about the details of the molestation, and I understand that as the parents of those involved, and that's fine," she says. "I've been told I'm not going to get answers there."
But, even with that request, Kelly says there are no limitations on their discussion.
"I think people want to hear more about when it was reported, why that time was chosen as opposed to an earlier time," she says.
According to the Daily Mail, some footage has already been shot for the Duggars' up-coming season. Hmm...I guess that is why TLC is dragging its heels on cancelation.
Ah yes, time to bash mainstream media:
Kelly and Kurtz also criticized outlets like CNN for dinging GOP candidates who have associated themselves with the Duggars, the focus of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting. Reruns of the unscripted show, which chronicles a conservative Arkansas family, have been pulled from the network in light of the reports about Josh Duggar, who is now 27 and married with children.
“Bill Clinton was accused of rape. He has been accused by several women of sexually assaulting them,” Kelly said. “But the fact that a presidential candidate has posed with some random member of the family that’s going through this issue is somehow a problem for the GOP’ers?”
I want her to ask if they are aware whether TLC knew. Answer that Duggars.
If Monday's segment was any indication of what Kelly will discuss Wednesday night, it seems the tone will be sympathetic to a family that's been attacked by the liberal media rather than focused on a man who committed several acts of sexual molestation.
After an introduction from Kelly, Fox reporter Trace Gallagher did a short story on the Duggars as a preview for Kelly's upcoming interview. The segment leaned heavily on more positive background information on the Duggars, which included mentions of their previous use of birth control, Jim Bob's brief political career and how the family were devout Christians.
It took Gallagher roughly half-way through the story to finally mention, "Their family values system took a hit when a report surfaced about the oldest child, 27-year-old Josh Duggar," before quickly moving on to happy footage of Josh watching a sonogram. The full scope of the allegations wasn't addressed until roughly the end of the three minute explainer.
As the segment moved on, Kelly wasted no time weeding through the liberal spin over the Duggar story, which she referred to as feasting on a "carcass."
A quote from a comment on a news article. Says it all.
Josh Duggar and his family received special treatment from family friends in positions of legal and political power that allowed them to prosper financially while presenting a facade of religious and moral character.
PatK said... 7
Maybe it's just me, but I picture Kate's tweeny-bopper fans (and some of the older gals, at that) literally screaming and passing out in front of their t.v. screens when Kate's Mexican Birthday Extravaganza episode airs. Hope no one gets hurt.
Well, we know Milo will be drooling when she sees Kate in her rockin' bikini!
LOS ANGELES — A flurry of advertisers last week had a lot to say about TLC’s now-controversial “19 Kids and Counting,” noting they would no longer support the program. Few if any of them, however, have put their money in the same space as their collective mouth.
General Mills, Yum Brands’ Pizza Hut, PepsiCo’s Pure Leaf Iced Tea, Choice Hotels and Crayola LLC are among the companies that have professed to have ended support of the program, which features the extraordinarily large Duggar family, in the wake of revelations that Josh Duggar, the oldest child in the clan, molested teenage girls 12 years ago. Yet none of them have pulled any of the ad money previously earmarked for TLC or other Discovery Communications-owned outlets, according to a person familiar with the situation.
“We still advertise on TLC,” said Mike Siemienas, a manager of brand relations at General Mills, via email. A spokesman for Choice Hotels would only confirm that the company was no longer advertising on “19 Kids.” Pizza Hut, PepsiCo and Crayola did not return calls or emailed queries seeking comment. . . .
This interview could backfire big time on Kelly and Fox...but well, I don't think they care...it will get big ratings for them.
What does SSDD stand for?
June 3, 2015 at 7:48 AM
Same Shit Different Day.
I'm going to start calling Kate "Pete Repeat".
It's the deceit of the cover-up and the parents' hypocrisy about the abuse of the victims that requires the show be cancelled. TLC had to have known and played their part, in my opinion.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 21
Susan1956 (from the previous post), it was lovely to read about the
fun time you had with your granddaughters at the library event!
And I bet you didn't have to spend a dime.
Thanks FlimsyFlamsy--technically I didn't, but I was able to find enough change in my purse so both girls could tip the balloon twister. Actually, the oldest is my step-granddaughter who is being raised by a narcissistic mother (who fancies herself as an edgy, avant garde great artist AND a mother). This granddaughter visits every summer and other times of the year. There is always a surprise with each visit---this time her 'mother' took shears to the girls' head (think shaggy, uneven bowl cut) and dyed it purple. From what she says, it sounds like she spends a lot of time entertaining herself as her mother is usually busy creating or taking Instagram photos of art that never sells, so her social skills are not quite up to par and boundaries are always a problem at the beginning of each visit.
Anyway, it was great to see both the girls' enjoying themselves, running to and from each activity, engaging with their peers, and picking out library books. We plan on going to all of the summer activities at the library this summer and I hope it will become a memory the girls' will cherish when they are older.
OT a little, but if TFMJG does manage to get married again isn't there a new show Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars on the WE channel where she could gain more TV face time?
TLC stinks said... 36
And here's the usual People magazine connection:
One line of questioning that will not be answered in the interview with Jim Bob and Michelle?
"They do not want to talk about the details of the molestation, and I understand that as the parents of those involved, and that's fine," she says. "I've been told I'm not going to get answers there."
Jim Bob and Michelle don't have to say a word about what happened and to whom.
We know.
Kelly would have been stupid to tell them that they HAD to speak about what exactly happened to their 4 daughters and a friend. She would have lost the interview.
This would have been an easy "no problemo" for me.
I was responsible for packing my own lunch after second grade. I had to pack it every day, not buy lunch. I am sure that the Gosselin children have been packing their own lunches for years. Breakfast? They are all old enough to put milk over cereal and eat it. Or to make Eggos. The kids do this and then the nanny drives them to the bus stop. I don't believe for a minute that Kate is up at 5 am unless the cameras are there. She slept til 8 am when she had infants! Who does that?
Blah, blah, I'm an exhausted-ish mom who has to take care of this horde of children all alone. I am Donna Reed. Does she think we don't see that she is a mom in name only? (I don't object to the kids making lunches or making breakfast. I object to her lies. I object to the fact that they work hard and she does nothing.)
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 39
I want her to ask if they are aware whether TLC knew. Answer that Duggars.
June 3, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Exactly. The sticky wicket for me, and I think a lot of people, is the cover-up.
We know what Josh did. He admitted it. The real issues surround how this family covered it up and had the Brobdingnanian balls to pursue fame and wealth via reality television, and represent themselves to the world as ideal Christians that everyone should emulate.
Anonymous said... 46
It's the deceit of the cover-up and the parents' hypocrisy about the abuse of the victims that requires the show be cancelled. TLC had to have known and played their part, in my opinion.
Lose-lose for TLC, too. Either they knew and did nothing, maybe covered it up. Or, they had no clue, which means wither they're idiots, or willfully ignorant.
No way they come out of this looking legit.
That coffee spot stationed in TFW's bedroom gives me a pretty
good idea of where she spends her mornings. And it ain't
cooking 8 breakfasts and assembling 8 lunches. I wouldn't
be surprised if one of the twins has to make TFW's breakfast.
Think about it: every time we've seen TFW doing anything --
absolutely anything -- she was being filmed. I don't care if
she did something 10 times over the course of 10 episodes.
If it was being filmed, to me whatever it is is to be questioned.
Seeing her do something on camera is no proof at all that
she does it all the time. Or ever.
So, how will it be, till Kate posts pics of the kids by the pool, after they have been out of school? And when will filming begin? And where is TLC going to take them on another not earned vacation? Or how many vacations will Kate take? Most people have to save up for just one a year, and hope that nothing happens during the year and they can't go. No Kate you are not like the rest of us. If we lived your life style we would be homeless or broke all the time.
You know for a couple of Bible thumpers who won't allow a television in their home, they sure use the medium a lot to get their bs messages out. Hypocritical oafs.
(Admin - tar pit, lol!)
I was reading an article on today.com from a year ago about the Duggar's tips on how to keep your marriage sexy. Yeah, "sexy".
Anyway, the writer posted a few old pics of Michelle and JimBob from way back. They look like a couple of horny teenagers necking up a storm.
Susan1956 (#47), bless your granddaughter's heart. Surely
spending time away from her mother, with her loving grandma,
will do her a world of good. And perhaps looking forward to
her visits helps sustain her over the rough times. As I hope
the G kids feel about their time with their loving, hands-on dad.
Regarding "Marriage Boot Camp" -- heck, TFW doesn't need
a partner. She did "Celebrity Wife Swap" when she was
nobody's wife! Perhaps Pumpkinbottom or Jamie could
do it with her. Or her other friend...um...oh, wait, that's all.
According to an article in CNN Money, the Duggars hired a PR expert for this interview. And look who he works with--Huckabee. So I'm sure there will be a lot of spin.
"The Duggars have a P.R. expert helping them tell that story: Chad Gallagher, the head of the Arkansas firm Legacy Consulting.
Gallagher is also a longtime adviser to Huckabee, and is the executive director of Huck PAC.
Gallagher declined to comment on his work for the Duggars when contacted by CNNMoney."
One thing I hope that they show either tonight or Friday is an interview with the Police Chief who released the report. Let him set her straight why the release of the report was not illegal. She should do her due diligence there, rather than spouting off about. She's a former attorney, she should know better to state things without checking the facts.
It is simply mind boggling to me what great lengths TLC will go to keep this family on TV, when Honey Boo Boo got thrown to the curb before the sun set. There is nothing the Duggats can say that will not backfire on them, especially since they have a long list of what they will not address. More God has forgiven, and you should too? They should just keep their mouths shut at this point.
AuntieAnn (#54), yup, that ol' devil television can sure be useful
when you need to spin like whirling dervishes!
That's one point I can't quite get past -- how these people
have such a holier-than-thou stance against just about
everything, yet they've been suckling at TLC's teat for a
decade. Their program airs on the same network as a
show that has a man having intercourse with his car.
How can that not disturb them? Answer: they're bloody
Tucker's Mom said... 50
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 39
I want her to ask if they are aware whether TLC knew. Answer that Duggars.
June 3, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Exactly. The sticky wicket for me, and I think a lot of people, is the cover-up.
We know what Josh did. He admitted it. The real issues surround how this family covered it up and had the Brobdingnanian balls to pursue fame and wealth via reality television, and represent themselves to the world as ideal Christians that everyone should emulate.
Okay, first of all, LOL at the Brobdingnagian reference :)
Second, I think it's possible that Jim Bob and Michele actually committed a crime when they did not report Josh's molestation to the authorities. Michele homeschooled the children, so therefore she, as a teacher, is a mandatory reporter. By not reporting Josh to the authorities, and by not taking the appropriate action (such as removing him from the home), the parents did not adequately protect the other minors in the home from the molestation. I think the second released police report says that Josh told his father on three separate occasions what he had done, meaning that not once, not twice, but at least three times, JimBob was advised of what was happening, and yet he kept Josh in the home and allowed him access to his victims.
It's just really disturbing on so many levels. Anyone who still thinks either JimBob or Michele are decent people and good parents have something wrong with them. I have even seen some of their defenders claiming that what Josh did is somehow normal adolescent behavior, and that if people were honest, they'd admit the same thing happened in their families!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 52
That coffee spot stationed in TFW's bedroom gives me a pretty
good idea of where she spends her mornings. And it ain't
cooking 8 breakfasts and assembling 8 lunches. I wouldn't
be surprised if one of the twins has to make TFW's breakfast.
I didn't know that Kate had a coffee station set up in her bedroom. Why would a person do that?
TLC posts that Kate Plus 8 is NOT on the schedule. Hopefully TLC does NO filming during the summertime and Kate's 40th birthday will be the last of Kate Gosselin!
someone pass the brain bleach.
This was posted an hour ago on the Duggar FB page:
"Please be sure to watch our interview this evening (9 EST) with Megyn Kelly on Fox News and then tune in again this Friday when Jessa and Jill tell their story."
So Jessa and Jill are going to speak, too? What about Josh?
I hope that Megyn was able to interview Jessa and Jill without their parents being present, but I highly doubt it.
Kate whines about packing lunches. For gosh sake, then let them purchase their lunches in the dining commons. They can get a nutritious lunch there at a reasonable cost. Cara can choose her veggie lunches and everyone will be happy. Kate certainly has enough money for tanning, spa trips, hair cuts and colors, manicures and everything else. Let her cut back on those and allow the kids to buy their lunches if money is the concern.
Oh, wait...then she can't brag about how everyone, including the teachers, are green with envy over the most awesome lunches in the school. This, of course, was a bunch of you-know-what. Moreover, she needs something to complain about, how difficult it is getting the kids ready for school. She makes everyone out to be a chore.
Regarding the Duggar interview. I won't watch. Her babysweet voice grates on my nerves, and he just makes me sick. I'll depend on everyone here for a good recap and critical analysis. You all do such a fine job and never disappoint!
then tune in again this Friday when Jessa and Jill tell their story."
Are they insane? Are they INSANE????
What else could they be doing but trotting the girls out to peddle the party line of forgiveness and other propaganda. And so much for protecting their identities. What's more, until they've both had intensive therapy with a licensed therapist experienced with sexual abuse, they can't possibly be prepared to do an interview about it on national TV.
I would suggest pop the popcorn but that doesn't seem right to say when we're talking about child molestation.
A MOM said... 56
TLC posts that Kate Plus 8 is NOT on the schedule. Hopefully TLC does NO filming during the summertime and Kate's 40th birthday will be the last of Kate Gosselin!
Kate has already said in an interview that they will be filming this summer.
Does anyone remember the half-joking "Free Jinger" thing that everyone on the internet used to say about the Duggars? I guess there was something about Jinger that made folks think she really wanted out.
What was said mostly in jest now takes on a whole other meaning.
Kate has already said in an interview that they will be filming this summer.
I know she said that but I wouldn't put it past her that nothing is lined up and that's just her own wishful thinking. I really wouldn't. From what it looks like lately TLC tends to set things up last minute with her. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they said MAYBE they'll film this summer but that nothing is set in stone.
Well, we know Milo will be drooling when she sees Kate in her rockin' bikini!
Has Milo ever tweeted @Carters for bibs or @Poise for leakage control pads? I would think by now she would have learned the fine art of grifting from her love interest.
AuntieAnn said... 55
I was reading an article on today.com from a year ago about the Duggar's tips on how to keep your marriage sexy. Yeah, "sexy".
Anyway, the writer posted a few old pics of Michelle and JimBob from way back. They look like a couple of horny teenagers necking up a storm.
Now I know why Michelle kept popping out babies! If she got lucky and had a boy, she'd get an 80-day reprieve from Jim Boob climbing on top of her!
Kate is a twit said... 64
This was posted an hour ago on the Duggar FB page:
"Please be sure to watch our interview this evening (9 EST) with Megyn Kelly on Fox News and then tune in again this Friday when Jessa and Jill tell their story."
So Jessa and Jill are going to speak, too? What about Josh?
I hope that Megyn was able to interview Jessa and Jill without their parents being present, but I highly doubt it.
Hmm... the victims are speaking out. Well, a couple of them. Two out of five.
I hope the victims are speaking out for themselves, and not to save the show, or their spin-off show.
I don't have high hopes.
Geez, Milo must have the school calendar posted on her wall.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Three Two One...I bet the school yr is done! Here we go...pool fun, summer sun! Twins on 2high school? 9th grade? :)
She's trying everything to get Kate's attention, but Kate doesn't seem to be taking the bait. Kate hasn't directly tweeted her since May 14. She retweeted one of Milo's platitudes on the 21st and one yesterday, but that's it. Even "Zooey" the bird didn't help.
Kate was chatty a bit yesterday with Barb Gilmer and a few others but Milo missed it because she didn't tweet while Kate was tweeting. After Kate said good night, Milo tweeted her another platitude, which Kate retweeted a few minutes later, but that was it.
Milo must be getting "jellus". She didn't even get a chance to tweet Deanna when Kate mentioned her.
She has a coffee station in her bedroom because she does not get up in the mornings and walk into the kitchen to make a cup. Plain and simple. It's probably on a timer, too.
I agree that filming has not been scheduled because TLC is waiting for the outcome of the custody hearing. Unfortunately, Kate will play any cards she has to maintain custody because her "brand" will be ruined. If Hannah goes, so goes some of the others, if not this year, maybe next.
didn't know that Kate had a coffee station set up in her bedroom. Why would a person do that?
Beats me too. Why does she have a letter basket hanging on the outside of her bedroom door?
She's wacked
I thought that on Wife Swap it came out that one of the chores was for the kids to make and pack the lunchs the night before. I could be wrong.
I watched the FB clip of TFW on my iPad and for some reason it decided to do a slo-mo at the beginning and that was really scary! TFW makes all of these odd faces and what the hell is that crap she does with her hand when she's talking about looking 40!
“They very much understand their show and reputation are on the line,” Kelly told Deadline of this interview. But, she said, the Duggars also believe the show “has a chance still. It’s not totally done.”
Well, there it is, not surprisingly. The Duggars don't want us to understand them, forgive them or not hate them. They want their f*cking show.
A preview of the interview:
The interview is in the Duggar home. Looks like plenty of family footage, so you know, good to get all the little children mired in this mess.
My confidence meter when it comes to this interview is plummeting.
"Young boy"- really? 15 molesting his 5-year old sister?
"Mistake"- see above.
Until advertisers pull completely away from ALL TLC shows, TLC has no incentive to change their programming. At the core of it, that is what needs to happen because TLC is, according to Figure 8's web site, still looking for oddities :
Figure 8 Films is always looking for great stories to share with the world. While we are best known for amazing family stories, we are open to a broad variety of pitches and look forward to being surprised.
Here are some basic things to remember when pitching a story idea for television:
- Big Characters are the key. Without big characters, even an interesting process loses steam fast. Introduce us to one-of-a-kind personalities who also happen to be someone we can relate to.
- Unique access. Take us somewhere new and interesting. Take us somewhere others cannot.
- What's at stake? Pitch us a story that makes us want more and makes us want to care. Pitch us a story that makes us need to tune in next week to see the next chapter.
Above all, remember- we are pitched and we pitch hundreds of ideas every year. If your idea isn't snapped up, don't take it personally. We appreciate your ideas and look forward to your next great pitch.
The third "incident" being reported today is described as the "final" incident. With all the hypocrisy surrounding the Duggars, how can anyone know that this was the "final" incident.
"...TLC is keeping quiet because if there's any way they can keep 19 Kids and Counting on the air, they'll do it. It's about the money and keeping up appearances."
"It's been a tough couple of years for TLC's slate of unscripted programming. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo was canceled after news broke that Mama June was dating a sex offender who'd molested one of her children. The lead couple of Little People, Big World separated. Kate Gosselin made a very hyped return to the network, but drew criticism about her parenting skills when her teen daughters appeared on the Today show and basically refused to answer questions. Those examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Cynically, I'm tempted to ask whether TLC isn't canceling the show simply because the news of Josh's crimes is simply no big deal to them. Their programming is, at times, completely shameless. But I sincerely hope their attitude isn't that Josh's crimes are nothing for him — or the network — to be ashamed of. I'd honestly rather assume it's about the bottom line."
"Even though critics voiced concern about overpopulation and the way 19 Kids and Counting treats women, the Duggars have mostly always been able to escape that level of scandal and to maintain a rabidly loyal fan base (especially when it comes to right-wing, conservative Christians). Even though they started out doing infrequent specials for the Discovery Channel, they've grown to become one of TLC's highest-rated and most lucrative programs. (Jill Duggar's wedding set a ratings record for the series last year, drawing 4.4 million viewers.) They're a living, breathing factory that produces bountiful opportunities for spin-offs and special events. Every wedding and new birth becomes an opportunity for a Very Special Episode and, in turn, more money for both TLC and the Duggars."
I know she said that but I wouldn't put it past her that nothing is lined up and that's just her own wishful thinking. I really wouldn't. From what it looks like lately TLC tends to set things up last minute with her. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they said MAYBE they'll film this summer but that nothing is set in stone.
Well, Figure 8 Films posted on their website that there would be two new specials this summer, the Cancun trip and celebrating the tups birthday. They also said to look out for even more episodes coming later in the year.
I don't think that Figure 8 would post that on their website if it weren't true.
However, maybe all this backlash with the Duggars will make them change their minds since they also produce 19 kids, but I doubt it. Unfortunately, more people are blaming TLC and not mentioning Figure 8. I've only seen about 2 articles about the Duggars that even mention Figure 8.
BTW, Figure 8 also produces the Willis Family and Bringing Up Bates.
Michele homeschooled the children, so therefore she, as a teacher, is a mandatory reporter.
Homeschooling laws vary widely by state, of course, but I (a former long-term home educator) wasn't a mandated reporter.
Apparently you agree, since you stated that there are four children.
I don't necessarily agree we are both assuming something.
I assume that the kids are all there.
You assume that they're not all there.
We both don't know if either of our cases are true or not we-(as i said above) are both assuming.
I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on the Duggar's FB page and it's like a virtual prayer meeting over there. The excuses people are making for them are insane. "They're being persecuted because of something that Josh did as a child!!" "God has forgiven Josh and he will protect the family"!! "We are praying for God to give you strength"!! etc, etc, etc...........
I've seen comments asking them "Why didn't God protect the girls from Josh?". Best one I saw on another article was "Did you ever think it may have been God's plan that this report came out?"
I'm a Christian(Catholic) and even I find the defenses that people are coming up with quite disturbing.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 68
The maybe filiming just stood out to me because Kate allured to either.
1. they film and go places or.
2. They don't film and get stuck in bed and on the compound for the whole Summer vac-a.
TMZ has posted a clip of part of tonight's interview with the Duggars. Mom says they were devasted at Josh's "bad choices". Should he have "chosen" victims other than his sisters?
Millicent said... 61
FlimsyFlamsy said... 52
That coffee spot stationed in TFW's bedroom gives me a pretty
good idea of where she spends her mornings. And it ain't
cooking 8 breakfasts and assembling 8 lunches. I wouldn't
be surprised if one of the twins has to make TFW's breakfast.
I didn't know that Kate had a coffee station set up in her bedroom. Why would a person do that?
She even wrote a blog post about it complete with a picture of it!!
I just came back from the grocery and noticed in the check-out mags that Angelina Jolie made the cover of tabloid HELLO Canada with a big ole Happy 40th Birthday salute.
Guess she rates a cover huh, Kate? You didn't. haahaha! nana nana boo boo and all that.
Oh and btw, she doesn't look a day over 30. FACT.
Millicent said... 60
Tucker's Mom said... 50
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 39
I want her to ask if they are aware whether TLC knew. Answer that Duggars.
June 3, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Exactly. The sticky wicket for me, and I think a lot of people, is the cover-up.
We know what Josh did. He admitted it. The real issues surround how this family covered it up and had the Brobdingnanian balls to pursue fame and wealth via reality television, and represent themselves to the world as ideal Christians that everyone should emulate.
Okay, first of all, LOL at the Brobdingnagian reference :)
Second, I think it's possible that Jim Bob and Michele actually committed a crime when they did not report Josh's molestation to the authorities. Michele homeschooled the children, so therefore she, as a teacher, is a mandatory reporter.
I don't think you are correct about this. A home schooler is not a professional teacher who is a mandated reporter. Some people (I said SOME -- I am not making a generalization about home schoolers) go the home school route precisely to avoid having their children come in contact with mandated reporters.
This interview is the test as to whether there will be Duggar spinoff shows. I am convinced of that. It's evident that with the 19 Kids and Counting hiatus, TLC is leaning or has already made the decision to continue with spin offs, barring Ma and Pa don't screw the pooch on Fox. That's why I say they've been coached. Everything depends on this interview.
TLC is despicable, but think about the people who have no qualms in publicly shaming themselves for money. TLC tapped into this world of narcissists, dysfunction and money and people, being curious, watch this crap as "guilty voyeuristic pleasure". I don't know how Figure 8 and TLC employees can look themselves in the mirror.
Grift, grift, grift....
Kate Gosselin
6h6 hours ago
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@G_Philly it’s @MichaelKors from my local department store #OnSale 😉 #LoveHim #LoveHisDesigns
Of course the interviewing will include Jill and Jessa! They have quite a lot to lose if TLC doesn't continue filming them or give them a spin-off. I can just hear it now how they don't consider themselves damaged, that Josh has repented, been forgiven by the family AND God and the need to continue moving forward. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Heck, their husbands can't bring in the kind of money the girls probably get from TLC! Save Our Show!
Not sure this went through so I'll post it again. Will delete if it's a double post.
Washington Post has a brief(30 seconds) preview clip of tonight's interview. Notice that Michele is holding a sheet of paper in her hands. Is that the script with the questions and their answers?
Beats me too. Why does she have a letter basket hanging on the outside of her bedroom door?
She's wacked
Oh, well, the kids write down their hopes and dreams and place them there, where they go to die.
That's why I say they've been coached. Everything depends on this interview.
I don't get it. Perhaps I should. Perhaps I should just stop believing in people's goodness and righteousness.
The Duggars have been on reality tv for years. They made a ton of money. They've received free just about everything. They have seen a lot of the world, despite their cloistered, cultish lifestyle.
They have been to the mountaintop and squatted there for years!
So, what are these Christians so afraid of? What haven't they gotten yet? How much more material things do they need?
Heck, their husbands can't bring in the kind of money the girls probably get from TLC! Save Our Show!
That's exactly it.
These children who have grown up in front of the camera on reality tv know no other life.
What they do know is that selling their lives for advertising dollars brings them lots of money and things and trips and VIP treatment.
Why bother getting an education or working an honest job?
Second, I think it's possible that Jim Bob and Michele actually committed a crime when they did not report Josh's molestation to the authorities. Michele homeschooled the children, so therefore she, as a teacher, is a mandatory reporter.
I read in an article today that stated if caught within the statute of limitations, JB and Michelle could have faced up to 6 yrs in prison for failure to report. I'll try in a bit to find where I read that. It sounded pretty credible.
And yes, Jill and Jessa are going for all the marbles Friday night. So much for wanting the show to share their Christian witness. They are in it FOR THE MONEY.
It was in this article:
"Legal experts tell In Touch that Jim Bob and Michelle could have faced six years in prison for their inaction, if the statute of limitations had not expired."
I don't see that posted on Figure 8. When you tap the Kate Plus 8 link under shows, nothing happens. When you tap the picture of Kate Plus 8 it takes you to the TLC site and there is no promotion there of upcoming shows. Having said that, I believe the Cancun and tup birthday shows will air, but nothing else is in the works at present. She is simply filler air time at $40k a pop. Pretty good income but nothing like her golden days. She must be raiding the kids' money by now.
Kate Gosselin
6h6 hours ago
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@G_Philly it’s @MichaelKors from my local department store #OnSale �� #LoveHim #LoveHisDesigns
If you pay a narcissist a compliment they won't let it go. She's waiting for more people to tell her how nice the Block Party dress looked on her.
Now she not only loves his designs, she loves Michael. Gaaaaah
Well, it sounds to me like they've realized that they might as well kiss the show about the family goodbye, but that they have a teeny, tiny chance of continuing a spinoff show about the daughters. Cue the molested daughters who will be used to trot out there and let the public know all is well. Really despicable to use young abused women like that. Imagine the pressure they feel as their family's last chance. This is make it or break it time, girls. You've got to convince the public to let you back on TV or it's over. This and dealing with unresolved issues with sexual abuse must be agony.
“Greed does not rest until it is satisfied, and greed is never satisfied.”
― Sam Eastland, Eye of the Red Tsar
If you believe what the Duggars and evangelicals profess, then God must forgive all crime. Ok, but we are a country of laws. They seem to think they are above the law. So if everyone forgives everyone else, then it's all good? I don't think so.
BTW, what do Ma and Pa Duggar do with all their TLC earnings?
The victims are now speaking? *doing an annoying told you so dance*
Okay, enough gloating. There isn't anything remarkably positive about any aspect of this situation. I too hope they are asked the hard questions. Of course the next question is why isn't Josh speaking out also? Is he still hiding behind the skirts of the womenfolk?
that's disgusting. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought one of the GIRLS went to JB and told him she had been touched by Josh. The interview implies JOSH went to his parents and told him what he did.
From what I recall, after hearing from one of his daughters what had happened, JB did NOTHING for a YEAR. (at this point, he might not have even told Michelle). If that's the case, JB might be sleeping on the couch. That would be funny if the whole thing wasn't so repulsive.
Those people want the TLC show for the MONEY. It probably started out as a 'christian witness, but the money won out eventually. It always does.
No therapist in their right mind would ever recommend the victims go out there and defend the perpetrator.
Most therapists spend most of the time trying to convince the poor child it's NOT okay, the victim was wrong in the first place, let alone would ever recommend they go out there and tell everyone it's all okay.
It's wrong, so very wrong.
Just what I said, they're going to self destruct all on their own. They're in way over their heads now.
Susan1956 said... 47
OT a little, but if TFMJG does manage to get married again isn't there a new show Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars on the WE channel where she could gain more TV face time?
I happened to see a really snarky recap of the first episode of this show. Apparently there are 5 couples, and only one of them are married or interested in saving their relationship. That couple is: Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett.
So Kate and Jeff Whatshisnametoday would fit right in on it.
update of the duggar/kelly interview.
I'm just repulsed by this family.
Okay, enough gloating.
I'll gloat, too ;-)
I had a hinky feeling that the interview would be in the Duggar home.
It's hard to hit people with the tought questions when you're sitting in their kitchen, after being softened up with a gaggle of cute children and babies.
Just what I said, they're going to self destruct all on their own. They're in way over their heads now.
If the victims come out and defend Josh, people will be all over TLC, Jim Bob and Michelle for offering their daughter up once again.
Yes, they're adults now.
So is Josh.
Tucker's Mom said... 95
So, what are these Christians so afraid of?
Facing their Maker, maybe? Their day of reckoning comes along and they show up with this thing on their heads. lol
Oh who knows what they're trying to prove.
If the victims come out and defend Josh, people will be all over TLC, Jim Bob and Michelle for offering their daughter up once again.
Bingo. It's going to look like they are brainwashed and unduly influenced by them.
Even if they're NOT, that's what the people will think. Cue the internet, because it's about to explode. They're nuts. Just nuts. How they think this will EVER go well for them????
Yea, where the hell is Josh? He's the head of his household, right? Then let him defend himself.
Dang, those invisible baby breeders have to defend him. I hope they don't wear clothing that might make his **** twitch.
(I wonder if he's even safe to leave his house, I doubt it. REAL men don't take too fondly to child molesters)
Here's a bible song for JB:
The Wise Man Built His House
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock
And the rain came tumbling down
Oh, the rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
And the wise man's house stood firm.
The foolish man built his house upon the sand
The foolish man built his house upon the sand
The foolish man built his house upon the sand
And the rain came tumbling down
Oh, the rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
And the foolish man's house went "splat!" [clap hands once]
TLC stinks said... 99
I don't see that posted on Figure 8. When you tap the Kate Plus 8 link under shows, nothing happens. When you tap the picture of Kate Plus 8 it takes you to the TLC site and there is no promotion there of upcoming shows.
If you hover over the picture of Kate plus 8 on the Figure 8 website, a pop up comes up that mentions the 2 summer specials and the later episodes in the year. This is what the pop up says:
"Kate and the kids are back! In two brand new summer specials, Kate and her eight fly down to Mexico for a fun-filled family vacation in Cancun and get ready to celebrate six birthdays at once as the sextuplets turn 11. Be sure to look out for even more episodes coming later this year on TLC."
How they think this will EVER go well for them????
Because people like this think they are God's special snowflakes.
no joke.
They will see this 'trial by fire' as an attack from Satan. They believe their family has been 'delivered' from Josh's past sins because they, as a family, asked individually and as a family for forgiveness. That is how these holy rollers think.
And they will ask that we not judge them. (hard to do; how is a 5 yr old sexually inticing? how does she look sexy when she's asleep? that's quite a wicked little female....) I am jesting, but seriously, their thinking goes back to Adam and Eve and that sinful little apply. Eve tempted Adam. It was her fault.
I am glad I am not governed by the Old Testament. The Duggars pick and choose which verse fits their lifestyle.
I probably need to check my blood pressure because I am getting seriously pissed off.
They have an "advisor" but does anyone think JB isn't arrogant enough to call all the shots? I can't see them taking advice any more than sKate. Look for the ear pieces in that mass of 1980s hair.
"I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Jessa told Kelly. “I’m like, ‘That is so overboard and a lie really.’ I mean people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”
Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jessa-duggar-victim-dont-call-josh-child-molester-201536#ixzz3c31Rd8il
Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook
I also hope the girls are asked when their husbands found out, how they reacted to the news and if they would trust Josh around their future daughters.
TLC just has to cancel. People will be looking into and reading entire situations when they see reruns not to mention it will be the elephant in the room even if they attempt to do a spinoff with the older girls.
Look for the ear pieces in that mass of 1980s hair.
No need. Michelle has the script in her lap.
Q said... 116
"I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Jessa told Kelly. “I’m like, ‘That is so overboard and a lie really.’ I mean people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”
Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jessa-duggar-victim-dont-call-josh-child-molester-201536#ixzz3c31Rd8il
Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook
A victim of what then, Jessa?
"The Duggars have a P.R. expert helping them tell that story: Chad Gallagher, the head of the Arkansas firm Legacy Consulting.
Gallagher is also a longtime adviser to Huckabee, and is the executive director of Huck PAC. "
NOW I see what's happened..... this is all probably Huckabee's idea; not out of malice towards his friends the Duggars, but in an effort to show them how to 'spin'. Politicians should realize that their brand of PR is exactly the WRONG thing for this situation. Someone upthread was right: this was beginning to fade and then, wham, "We're telling our story" pops up. If they had just been quiet (and, really, what do they think they can possibly say to mitigate this?), backed off from the show, they would not have lost so much ground. It is abundantly clear and transparent now that indeed, it is about saving their show. Despicable.
Thanks Getofftwitter for answering that the tups are going into the fifth grade. I never can keep track of that. In fact, I thought the twins were entering the 8th grade. Can't believe they will be going to college in four years.
A victim of what then, Jessa?
Exactly! What is she a victim of? She was a child, he molested her. End of story. Maybe they came up with a different name for it, but no matter what the Duggars call it, it's still child molestation.
@Kateplusmy8: @G_Philly it’s @MichaelKors from my local department store #OnSale 😉 #LoveHim #LoveHisDesigns
Unfortunately for TFW her grifting is probably falling on deaf ears. Michael Kors is not following her and he has well over 2 million followers. She's just one of (literally) thousands of tweets on his timeline. Does she really think that he cares that she wore one of his off-the-rack dresses.
You know God may have forgiven Josh but that does not mean there are no "earthly" consequences for what he did. He did not make "bad choices" like Michelle likes to say. His "behavior" was criminal. That is a fact. For example, if a Christian murders somebody, God can forgive that person but that does not mean that he does not have to answer to the legal system and do time in prison.
This will be amazing, when the Duggars trot out the victims who can then say with a straight face 'oh,it was no big deal'. Apparently only the daughters who TV futures are on the line will be speaking. WTH is up with that?
What stunning arrogance.
"I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Jessa told Kelly. “I’m like, ‘That is so overboard and a lie really.’
I can't get mad at her, she was the victim. I can only feel sorry for her she has not gotten the help she needs.
The fact that she is unwilling to call him the child molester and pedophile that he is (I'm not sure if he is rapist is correct, an expert could better address that) suggests that any therapy she had .
The first step in therapy is understanding and accepting what happened to you. She clearly has not. Her parents failed her.
It is also extremely concerning how in the world she will keep her OWN children safe. If she cannot accept that her brother is a child predator, how can she be trusted to recognize if her children are safe around him or anyone?
The internet's going to explode.
My sentence got caught off but I meant to say any therapy she had didn't work if she can't recognize what her brother is.
That's right, Leslie, and there's that arrogance again. The act like this is between themselves and God, and anyone who dares try to interfere with their line to a higher power must be from satan's hands.
Kelly's on now, here we go. They're going right into it.
Megyn is still saying that police report was illegally released, but doesn't explain why.
WHY, Megyn??? The authorities themselves gave statements themselves describing the process of releasing it. They never said anything about the procedure going wrong, even hinted at it.
It is so irresponsible to say that without having some kind of source to back that up.
The media "pounced"? Um, no, the media REPORTED the facts. They actually did a great job with this story.
Wow, they look scared. Scared the show is gonna end that is.
Well TLC has two new shows on.
1.Called Grandma lovers.
2. The Woman with the biggest hips.
Looks like TLC is right with the moral high ground.
Wow they've been REALLY well coached. They're saying they felt like failures. (invokes sympathy, no parent wants to feel like a failure.) And their priority was to protect the girls.
That is total PR lines. And lies.
What a coincidence, they slept through being molested!! How convenient.
Slept through having their genitals fondled? Did they get a warm milk and Ambien cocktail before bedtime?
They said they've talked to lots of other families and wouldn't you know it, this all has happened to them too! (PR spin, we're just like everyone else)
Guess they know a lot of fucked up families.
They're minimizing it like crazy, it was mostly over the clothes, well once or twice it was under, but it was only a few seconds. They're bombing.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 132
What a coincidence, they slept through being molested!! How convenient.
That's even worse imo.
They're insisting none of the girls knew, they all slept through it. Girls were clueless.
That's not what the Washington County police report says. I suppose the police lied.
JimBob says we're not mandatory reporters so that's why they didn't involve the law. Oh, well okay, in that case.
It's creepy the way BabyDoll stares up at JimBob when he speaks.
They're now admitting okay well okay fine some of the girls were awake. (good follow up question, Megyn) But but, they didn't understand what was happening.
Well of course they didn't understand, they were little girls!!! What does that matter? I don't recall a single sexual abuse case I've worked on with girls this age where they really understood, that's not the POINT. Asshats.
Even if they're NOT, that's what the people will think. Cue the internet, because it's about to explode. They're nuts. Just nuts. How they think this will EVER go well for them????
I hope you are correct that this whole PR stunt will be an abysmal failure. But I don't hold out much hope for that given people's astonishing ignorance and the fact that this family has cloaked themselves in religious righteousness. Add to that the viewing public's unquenchable thirst for sordid "entertainment", and you have the makings of a possibly horrifying outcome where the Duggars get everything they want.
Thanks for the play-by-play, Admin. I can't bear to watch.
All of a sudden they're talking so much about how much they've tried to help and protect their daughters.
Gimme a break. You read the internet and realized that you weren't emphasizing the victims enough, so now all of a sudden it's all about them.
Babydolls's now pulling out some screechy tears.
This will be amazing, when the Duggars trot out the victims who can then say with a straight face 'oh,it was no big deal'. Apparently only the daughters who TV futures are on the line will be speaking. WTH is up with that?
What stunning arrogance.
Stunning indeed. I really can't wait now to see what lines the girls will try to peddle. Any which way you slice it it's going to look like they are in denial and need more therapy. Dumb move.
I am so pissed. Michelle said that she doubted her daughters who were touched under their clothes on the couch even knew what was going on and that it was wrong. Then Jim Bob backtracked and said they had previously talked to their daughters (after the first incident) and instructed them what "wrong" touch" was. How dare Michelle say that her daughters thought nothing of being touched under their clothes.
They're just like Jesus with the 99 sheep and they went after one who went astray.
Yeah, uh, this is nothing like that.
They keep talking about how Josh was crying and came to them, Josh came to them, Josh came to them and confessed. They emphasize this over and over, like it makes it better.
Michelle is still trying to say the victims were totally clueless that Josh did anything wrong. JimBob is also insisting the victims either didn't know or didn't understand. And that makes it okay?
The failure buzzword again. Coached.
Good tears, Michelle.
Again mentioning other families this has happened to. Megyn doesn't care about other families. She wants to hear about them.
If they watched Josh's every moment, after the first couple of instances, then how did he end up molesting his 5 yr.old sister? Where were they when that happened?
I get the feeling they didn't know about the 2nd report that came out today.
And how dare Megyn(a former lawyer) say that "it turned out the report was illegally released"! Where's her proof? Where are her facts proving that it was illegally released?
I hope the Springfield police go after her for that remark.
JB avoids the questions about his daughters. Instead, he repeats how glad he was that Josh came to them and confessed. Josh's heart was tender. Blah blah BS.
Stunning indeed. I really can't wait now to see what lines the girls will try to peddle. Any which way you slice it it's going to look like they are in denial and need more therapy. Dumb move.
It's not a dumb move if they get what they want -- their show continuing on TLC.
They're totally skirting questions about what therapy they got the girls.
JimBob completely changed the subject.
I bet they got them nothing.
The only reason Josh came to his parents he because he feared big time the girls would tell on him.
It's not a dumb move if they get what they want -- their show continuing on TLC.
It's not gonna work. I'll eat my hat. TLC has no choice here but to bail and they darn well know it.
Jim Boob "He touched above the clothes and he touched below the clothes but it wasn't like it was rape."
Michelle Shit " and the girls didn't even know anything had happened."
and then they deflect and don't answer the question about what took them so long to do something...
They keep talking about Josh telling them, yes of course he did he is wracked with guilt bcause of your indoctrination.....but WTF did you as parents do?????nothing, you failed and your dismissal of your offspring who were unfortunate enough to be born with a vagina is evident in this interview. All the talk is of Josh and nothing of your daughters.
Mama uterus cries fake tears and I wanna vomit.
Aaaand they do a lot of Kate speak in this interview.
POS !!
They've contradicted themselves many times. And they are vague about protective measures they took to keep the girls safe when everyone was sleeping. They don't explain. What, did they lock Josh in his room? Isn't that a fire hazard?
Thank you Admin. for the running commentary. I don't have Fox News as part of my TV 'package'; I might add by choice.
The girls, the victims, will never, ever talk to the press about this. They are brainwashed and they fear TLC will not film their show anymore. And they are drawing big checks from TLC now that they are married. Also they fear no covers from People, etc.
Megyn is asking good questions. She's doing it in a very nice, non-threatening tone. Like talking to a fragile child. She didn't let them get away with this "all the girls were asleep" crap when she knows that wasn't the case.
It's good, she's letting them just dig their own graves while she gently coaches.
Well, I think a man should sexual attack Michelle while she is sleeping and see if she wakes up. And this should be done with Jim Bob sleeping next to her. After all, it is no big deal.
The very fact they NEVER told TLC is a huge red flag. They knew it was very serious and would affect them filming them.
Im hating Ma Dugger more than Pa Duggar in this interview bcause shes is coming across as more protecting of their brand and lieing lieing lieing and doing Kate speak and for God sake, this is her GDM daughters that she is throwing under the bus.
They're calling the sheriff a liar for saying the Duggars only told them about one incident. They're insisting we told him EVERYTHING. I believe the sheriff.
Megyn isn't letting JimBob run the show here or skip ahead in the story. She's taking them through it chronologically and backtracking to clarify things.
She's again pressing them about their daughters' counseling, a question they keep avoiding, and they are finally saying everyone got accredited professional counseling. So why keep avoiding that question then? It's suspicious.
They've protected their daughters by basically making them downright terrified to so much as breathe near a man. Good plan there.
This is so sick that the guys cannot babysit the girls, play hide and seek or sit on their laps. That is because according to the sex obsessed Duggars all the above listed behaviors are triggers for ALL boys. How sick, sick sick.
And they keep saying that Josh was a changed person. Well, how do they possibly know this. Was Josh acting differently before molesting the girls. Of course not...so therefore they are full of bull that he was a changed person. And I want to see the reports from licensed therapists that treated all parties.
I have a question, by statute do you have to be conscious to be raped?
Oh wait no you don't. That's called date rape.
God they're insufferable, ignorant, and brainwashed.
She said Josh made bad "choices"...no it wasn't a choice, it was a crime....but lets trot out the victims on Frid to say no problem. Blech!!! If my brother ever touched me in a manner in which I had been indoctrinated to think was untouchable ( and I was indoctrinated cause my parents finally pulled me out of Catholic school cause I was taught by the nuns that barbies were immoral, thank God for my parents) if I was ever touched by my brother with that mindset, even if I was unaware and later informed I would CERTAINLY be tramatized.
Next up the Duggars are going to give their opinion why the report "illegal" report was released. Again she called the release illegal.
Why the hell doesn't she interview the people that released the report?
This is so sick that the guys cannot babysit the girls, play hide and seek or sit on their laps. That is because according to the sex obsessed Duggars all the above listed behaviors are triggers for ALL boys. How sick, sick sick.
That is so DUMB. So, like, all males are predators? There are some lovely male caretakers out there but they are not to be trusted?
All this is doing is making their daughter's relationships with men whether boyfriend or just a friend completely untrusting and dysfunctional. They need to be protected from JOSH, not ALL MEN. How idiotic.
They know other families that have gone through molestation??? What kind of people are they hanging around.
Megyn also compared their situation to a Sophie;s choice--ie choosing which of their children should be murdered by Nazis. Just offensive.
Michelle takes all of her cues from JimBob. She always waits to hear what his answer is. Why would they do this, except as a hail Mary pass to save the show. How shallow, and arrogant. They do have one thing in common with Jesus--they are going o be publicly crucified.
I'm sorry Janna you were molested it's sick but it is what it is.
Did Michelle just say that the female police officer who released the records had a "lesbian agenda?" yes she did and Pa Dugger quickly talked over her. OMG !!
OMG!!! Jim Bob said that once it came out he told his family that once people can see that God forgave Josh then they will know God will forgive them. What arrogance and ignorance. Gee, I know that God forgives people BEFORE the scandal. There are churches on every other corner, tv ministries, and the most read book on the planet called the BIBLE. We don't need the Duggars TV program to let us know God forgives.
OMG TLC new shows and the Duggars make me want to vomit add K8 new promo pass the bucket.
And they said the girls didn't know what Josh did was wrong WHY not ask that ask why didn't they know being touch w/o permission is Wrong.
I hate when people use the bible to push there agenda like people judging Caitly Jenner and non normal people.-(ppl who do this give real Christians a bad name)
As a true devout Christian I don't judge anyone.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155
They're calling the sheriff a liar for saying the Duggars only told them about one incident. They're insisting we told him EVERYTHING. I believe the sheriff.
I read that an elder who was present at the Sherriff/Josh/Boob interview has agreed with Boob's version. The elder wouldn't allow his name to be published. So the he-said/he-said/he-said is two against one for Boob. Not that I necessarily believe it.
Here's one link to the story:
BabyDoll bombed the Robocall question so bad JimBob had to help her. She said she's not a hypocrit because the folks she spoke of were actual child predators and Josh, why, he was just a CHILD at the time, he's no child molester. MINIMIZING. Why doesn't she just OWN it and apologize, it would have gone over better.
She finally just blabbered something about how it was just the media agenda on that one. Uh huh.
Michelle said trans-people should be in the woman's bath room so they won't molested kids,
B**H your daughters were touched at home by your straight son.
They know other families that have gone through molestation??? What kind of people are they hanging around.
I know! They said this at least twice, and JimBob said he even knows families where WORSE has happened. WORSE? Megyn wasn't interested.
They need better friends, good lord. Is this like an epidemic in their community? That was a terrible move to try to bring up OTHER families.
They quoted the great Huckabee. Dolts, everyone thinks he's nuts.
I cannot believe Michelle stuck to the transgendered party line and tried to say this was somehow different. She's insane.
She needs to say you know what, I WAS a hypocrite for saying that, and I'm very sorry for ever suggesting that a transgendered person would hurt a child simply because they are transgendered. I have no evidence to support my belief that transgendered would do something inappropriate in a bathroom any more than anyone else would, and I've since moved on.
Admit that at least ONE thing the media is saying is right, it would make you more credible.
The most infinuating thing out of this whole interview was when Michelle said the little girls were on the couch and Josh touched them under their clothes and the victims did not even know they were being touched. And by the way, if Josh had been removed the FIRST time after confessing the second and third episodes would have NEVER happened.
Michelle thinks there is an AGENDA to attack this family. They think the fact that the press illegally released this story should be a BIGGER story than what Josh did. I bet they sue big time. Go for it, I hope the world turns on you more.
Oh her daughters are NOW more victimized today after this story was released than WHEN the attacks occurred. Because again Michelle claims they didn't even know they were victims.
And I was wrong, two daughters are going to speak out. Watch it. They will minimize big time and claim the same as their parents.
Did Michelle just say that the female police officer who released the records had a "lesbian agenda?" yes she did and Pa Dugger quickly talked over her. OMG !!
What? LOL. I heard agenda. I missed lesbian. LESBIAN agenda??? LOL!!!! Then they showed a pic of the cop with a really butch haircut to drive the point home. I'm dying.
They can't help themselves when it's sort of off-script/live.
Megyn wasn't interested.
I missed that part.
All this spinning is making me dizzy. JB says everything was taken care of before they did the show. He emphasized FIVE years before they did the show . Their first special aired on Sept. 6, 2005.
The description of that special on Wiki reads "This one-hour special features an introduction of the Duggars (Jim Bob, Michelle and their 14 children) and birth of the 15th child, Jackson Levi."
Jackson was born May 23, 2004! So they were filming the first special ONE year after the incident with the youngest daughter happened.
I sure hope someone in the major media checks what they said in the interview against the actual facts and reports all the lies and discrepancies.
Michelle can't judge any woman gay or straight..She looks like a soft butch herself.
It's clear JimBob is far more polished than she is and he often has to sort of take over her and take over. But she's too bullheaded to realize it.
They're spinning it like not having a show is a "punishment" for the innocent children. Good grief.
They're avoiding questions about what TLC intends to do about this. Which I think suggests TLC has told them some bad news.
Megyn claims a judge is involved in the issue of juvenile records being released. What statute was that that was violated, and how come fox news is the only one who knows about this story? Not buying it. They never say. Jim, we're not going after that story because it's called a RED HERRING.
I disliked how Michelle kept looking over at Jimbob when/be for she answered questions.
Leslie (156) I guess they mean now Josh is married he's getting all his 'needs' met by his wife. I'll guess again and say that means married men don't molest children? I didn't watch it just going by what I'm reading here and on internet. TLC must have a death wish to not distance themselves from this. This is the fifth scandal now how much more will they take..
"And they are vague about protective measures they took to keep the girls safe when everyone was sleeping." (49)
Well, without knowing it, we did see some of these measures on the show: everybody sleeps fully clothed. (I always thought that was weird, until... ) And all the girls sleep in the same room "because that's what they prefer": Jana, the oldest, is 25 and Josie, the youngest, is 5. (Yeah, sure...)
According to Michelle, the girls are more victimized and violated by the police report release and tabloid coverage then they were 12 years ago, because they didn't even know or understand what happened.
And from the looks of the preview of the girls, it will be more of the same from them. Although one of them said that they were victims, one of them went on to say that Josh just made some bad choices. sounds like extreme gaslighting and minimization.
Michelle must have been coached that if all else fails if the interview is going to shit, blame the media. She went after that angle hard at the end.
She said the media and the release of this report has "victimized" the girls. Note, not RE-victimized. Just, victimized.
Again it's that tired old argument blaming the whistle blower by trying to make them feel guilty instead of blaming who made them victims in the FIRST PLACE. And who has decided that talking about sexual abuse victimizes the victim? That's an antiquated notion that implies there is something dirty or shameful about sexual abuse, when really talking about it should make victims feel validated, heard, and empowered. That's just a red herring to try to keep it quiet.
Until someone explains what statute was violated and how the FOIA does not trump any sort of state statute, I'm not buying that anything was illegal. They're just throwing it out there it was illegal without explaining how.
Yes Jessa Janna Jebba whatever, this was a "stupid mistake."
You need therapy, sweetheart.
Megyn also compared their situation to a Sophie;s choice--ie choosing which of their children should be murdered by Nazis. Just offensive.
I saw that and was greatly offended. It's nothing like Sophie's Choice. They weren't being asked to KILL Josh. They simply needed to remove him from the home and get him proper treatment. That can hardly be compared to anything remotely close to what Sophie had to choose.
Overall Megyn wasn't bad though. Her followup questions weren't bad at all. She's getting them to run their mouths and dig their own graves, and that's all I care about.
I'm going to go back now and see if I can find the lesbian agenda comment. Oh my god my stomach hurts.
Megn said to go to her facebook account to talk about this story. Well, I did and there is zero mention of it.
As Mommy and daddy said they didn't tell the girls it was wrong..So in a way I don't blame Janna is she a young naive girl raised in a cult.
Sadly I've heard of tons of stories where victims say they didn't know being touched was wrong and it took someone telling to that it was to realize that they were victims.
Thank God I didn't have Michelle as a mother. My mother taught me to take no shame in being born with a vagina ( BD 5/11/57) do and be whatever you want to be and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. (Me 3 siblings, 2 brothers, one sister) Michelle makes me want to vomit. and now they are going to trot the robot female victims out on Friday with furrowed brow and same fake Mama tears claiming nothing happened. WTF??
I think the media is going to have more of a field day with this interview than they did when the reports first came out.
Jim Bob said they were "told" that the reports would be sealed. By whom? They covered this all up in the first place and now we're supposed to believe what he says? I wish the officers involved in making that report would speak out and say exactly what they "told" the Duggars after the reports were done.
That interview made the whole Springdale police force look like they were the criminals, not Josh.
OMG she DID say that there was a LESBIAN AGENDA!!! Good ear, Leslie!
And then Jim Bob suggested it was a BRIBE!!!
I choked on my coca cola.
Do you want to talk about suing for illegally releasing a report, Duggars? Let's talk about LIBEL for accusing someone of BRIBERY.
Sadly I've heard of tons of stories where victims say they didn't know being touched was wrong and it took someone telling to that it was to realize that they were victims.
That is very common. Of course a 5 year old doesn't know what is going on or even 10.
It is usually not until a woman begins having sex or even just being physical with another person that they begin to realize what happened to them and realize how damaged they are. Actually, girls often don't feel the real affects of what happened until the adult years. Like the age the girls are NOW.
I don't see how that in any way makes this BETTER. It's COMMON and TYPICAL. Whatever, Babydoll.
When I was young my mother always told me that it's not okay for anyone to touch me and if I felt uneasy I could tell her now matter what.
She especially told my brothers this as we went to Catholic school she made sure to asked after the priest molestation came out.
I find it hard to believe that the authorities would make a mistake as serious and obvious as releasing minors' records when they should not. I'm just not buying this, and they HAVE to explain this better if it's going to have any teeth. Come on, this is the DA for heaven sake.
I've read the entire FOIA and it says nothing about minors being protected. It's federal law, and it controls.
Jim Bob said they were "told" that the reports would be sealed. By whom
The pervert cop told them I assume.
I don't see how that in any way makes this BETTER. It's COMMON and TYPICAL. Whatever, Babydoll.
She sick to even suggest this. Maybe she needs some sort of mental help if she really believe this is normal behavior for young teens.
I would like to support what Leslie said at 124.
There is a difference between a crime and a sin. While they may be the same event, only crime is left to the legal system to handle. Sin is a religious word, not a legal one. The law cannot arrest me for the sin of disrespecting my parents, but they can arrest me if I show my disrespect by hitting them. Trying to legislate morality is opening up a huge can of worms. Two obvious examples are abortion and gay issues.
I believe that the Duggars think since the spiritual SIN has been given over to spiritual authority that the CRIME is immaterial and needs no legal involvement. It has been washed away.
The problem with that thinking is just as Leslie pointed out. They think they can skate off scot free because they confessed.
Megn said to go to her facebook account to talk about this story. Well, I did and there is zero mention of it.
Maybe she's speechless.
Thanks for the compliment but it wasn't me that heard it. In fact, I was like you and didn't hear it.
You know, I disagree that minors (even 5) don't know it is wrong to be touched in private areas. They may not be able to express it with words or even thoughts but if my brother touched my breasts or vagina when I was 5 or even 12 I would have known it was wrong or "dirty". I bet anything Josh told his sisters not to tell on him. And the very fact he did while they were sleeping tells them it was wrong and something to be hidden.
If you listen back on the interview Michelle said that the girls did not even know they were touched but then Jim Bob later said that the girls were instructed and what was right and wrong touch. And bullshit that anybody would sleep through being sexually touched by their brother.
I only watched the last of the Duggar interview and agree with everyone's comments so far. Two things struck me though re: the release of the records. I thought the police chief had checked with the district attorney before releasing the records to make sure she was following the law and the records could LEGALLY be released under the FOA. All this talk of suing reminds me of TFMJG. I hope JimBoob and Babykins do try to sue the police chief and she turns out to be their Sylvia LeFair. Besides the lesbian comment, they also threw in the word slander when talking about the release of the report. JimBoob also flubbed up--at one point they were talking about the state's investigation and he said the word "suit" so I bet there was at least the threat of a lawsuit against the state when the molestation first came to light.
JimBoob and Babykins need to realize this is no longer 2003, he is no longer a state representative and he is not the face of Christianity except to other misogynistic families. I live in a state that borders Arkansas and the state is going to great lengths thru TV ads and publications to promote Arkansas as a sophisticated vacation destination and/or great state to live. He is probably finding a lot of doors closed to him right now.
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