Blankinship is currently serving probation and is in compliance with his 48 month probation terms, including registering as a sex offender, according to North Carolina public records. Contrary to many reports, it is not our understanding Blankinship's plea deal ever included prison time. Rather, just probation.
Warning, the following new details about Blankinship's pornography collection are extremely graphic and disturbing. In an unprecedented move at this blog, they have been obscured by a black background for those who wish to scroll by and not see them. If you would like to read the following, please highlight this passage in order to more easily read it.
The Raleigh resident’s pedophilia collection of images and videos included: *Begin highlighting*
One photo centered on a 1 to 3-year-old girl with “ejaculate” around her vaginal area. In a second picture, a 2 to 4-year-old girl laid on her back, legs spread open, with an adult male’s penis touching her vagina. A third image featured a 4 to 7-year-old female being anally penetrated by an adult male, her hands tied with duct tape. The father and grandfather even possessed a 9-minute video of an adult male having oral and vaginal sex with two 7-11 year old girls.
One photo centered on a 1 to 3-year-old girl with “ejaculate” around her vaginal area. In a second picture, a 2 to 4-year-old girl laid on her back, legs spread open, with an adult male’s penis touching her vagina. A third image featured a 4 to 7-year-old female being anally penetrated by an adult male, her hands tied with duct tape. The father and grandfather even possessed a 9-minute video of an adult male having oral and vaginal sex with two 7-11 year old girls.
149 sediments (sic) from readers:
A good article criticizing TLC:
Another day, another TLC scandal. In fact, today, there were two: one involving a dead puppy, and another involving a pedophile producer who worked on at least three shows centered around children. The Learning Channel? More like The Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over And Never Learn Channel.
Well my goodness. Guess what! I too was sickened by what I read. For some stupid reason when I heard about BB I thought about him viewing pics of naked kids (bad enough). My mind never went to that level, guess that's why I'm not a pedophile. But, we are adults. This HAPPENED to CHILDREN who deserve to have their stories told. GROW UP. Sugar coating it and not reading it, to me, is the same as excusing Josh Duggar..sugarcoating. This actually happened. To children. Thank you Admin, for your creative solution but no, I will not hide the horrible facts of what was done to these children.
Blog historians or others, I am trying to finish up a complete list of recaps in our "recaps" section of the blog (at right). Can anyone tell me if this is a complete, correct list of episodes that have aired since the "cancelled" show was brought back for specials? Thank you for the help.
Kate Plus Eight: Sextuplets Turn 10 Part 1
Add a Plot
Kate Plus Eight: Sextuplets Turn 10 Part 2 Unknown
26 Jun. 2014 Kate Plus Eight: Sextuplets Turn 10 Part 2
Add a Plot
Episode dated 13 January 2015 Unknown
13 Jan. 2015 Episode dated 13 January 2015
Episode dated 20 January 2015 Unknown
20 Jan. 2015 Episode dated 20 January
The Room Project Unknown
27 Jan. 2015 The Room Project
From $1.99 on Amazon Instant Video
Cleaning House Unknown
3 Feb. 2015 Cleaning House
Kate's Most Unforgettable Moments Unknown
10 Feb. 2015 Kate's Most Unforgettable Moments
Add a Plot
Kate's Memorable 30's Unknown
22 Jun. 2015 Kate's Memorable 30's
I work on sexual abuse cases on an almost weekly basis and I never imagined any of this either Local. What does that say?
yes, it's upsetting to read but don't think it needs to be censored. Some people are totally unaware of things like this and it's always good to educate others. If it upsets you, then great! Might call you or others to help in stopping this behaviour.
Yes! Edith has it right. We can't bury ourhead in the sand. This kind of stuff happens EVERY DAY to kids. They have no voice. Getting outraged about language is pretty silly when the reality is those ACTIONS are actually happening.
Let people feel outraged. That's when people do their best. When they feel something deeply, they channel it into something positive.
Unfortunately sex sells, and publishing the details of this report will definitely get more people's attention. Shine a light on it all!!
And let's not make victims ashamed of talking about their abuse simply because the words 'anal' and 'vaginal' are upsetting to you. JMO
I applaud this post. Shows bravery and courage, admin. No point shying away from the evil in the world. Good for you!
HAPPENED to CHILDREN who deserve to have their stories told. GROW UP. Sugar coating it and not reading it, to me, is the same as excusing Josh Duggar..sugarcoating. This actually happened. To children. Thank you Admin, for your creative solution but no, I will not hide the horrible facts of what was done to these children.
AMEN. Great post localyocul. Pearl clutching and/or covering your eyes is not doing the victims any good at all. None. We need to talk about this. ~ Administrator said... 4
I work on sexual abuse cases on an almost weekly basis and I never imagined any of this either Local. What does that say?
I used to enter crime reports, including detectives, in a long ago job, and I never thought of this either. Thanks. I think it's important to shine a light into these dark corners.
Thank you Jenn. I agree wholeheartedly.
Scroll by if you don't want to see. I can honestly say that 90% of my child porn cases never featured images or videos this bad. This is about as graphic and nasty as it gets. This goes beyond merely putting children in situations where they are looking and acting sexual, such as being naked, posing provocatively, or dressing like grown-ups...instead it involves adults restraining children against their will and forcibly raping them.
I have zero evidence so this is pure speculation and a gut feeling. I think much of what we see of Kate's lifestyle is a result of the Blankenship scandal. I think Discovery set up educational trusts/living expenses trust in exchange for the Gosselin's silence. Even these low rated specials might be a way of keeping Kate compliant and loyal to the company. If she turned on them especially in the early days she would have had the whole world tuning in and the legal fees if she decided to sue them would have been astronomical . I also feel that Stevie Boy and his wife is part of the this "conspiracy". I am sure that they are well reimbursed in managing HRH and propping her up.Even setting up fairly well funded trusts would be cheaper than a legal/public relation battle.
Sheeple Carlene tweeted this:
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1
@Kateplusmy8 Seems this is true of many of your haters.
Milo chimed in and agreed; both are offended by profanity. If they agree with what Carlene tweeted, then shouldn't they be disgusted at BV's tweets and his vile and despicable language? Don't these fans consider him and his minions are heroes and think that he walks on water? How can that be since his tweets were laced with profanity?
Typical sheeple hypocrisy.
This is worse then what Josh did and like someone pointed out in last article,Kate said the film crew were like family and this guy was one of them.If i was Kate,i'd be concerned and would request a background check of all the crew members who get near her kids.But at this point,i can't see Kate caring that much and wouldn't do it.Im not saying if she knew someone was molesting her kids,she wouldn't do anything but if it happened i can see her fans somehow blame jon for it even though they're divorce and they don't even live together.
This is worse then what Josh did and like someone pointed out in last article,Kate said the film crew were like family and this guy was one of them.
I may be wrong about this, but this guy wasn't part of the film crew that was on the set. He did the editing, which was horrible enough when one considers that he had access to footage that was never used, and this could end up anywhere. I don't, however, think that he was involved in personal interaction with the Gosselin kids.
I seem to remember that, during the child labor law hearings, there were questions as to whether those involved in any form of production or were in contact with the kids had background checks done on them. I don't remember the outcome, or if it now mandatory that such checks be performed.
From the previous thread Tucker's Mom said... 50
I'm fairly sure I remember Jon saying that oh, yes, they met him (in N.C.)
He did meet him. I found this article from Nov 02 2011:
"TLC was quick to issue a statement that the man was a subcontractor through another company, that he was never in contact with the Gosselin children, and that he’s been fired. Jon Gosselin tells Star [via Radar] that he’s met this man a few times, though, and that he’s considering legal action against TLC. I don’t blame him. This is despicable. Plus TLC had Jon up against a legal wall when he tried to get out of his contract and do media appearances, and now he’s got a legitimate reason to sue them. Jon told Star that the alleged pedophile had access to all the raw footage of his children that was filmed, including potty training, showers, etc. He’s in contact with authorities to see if any unaired private footage was potentially distributed by this creep."
Full article at:
As awful and graphic as the information is, those children LIVED it. It seems that the very least we can do is read it!
To shut your eyes and/or turn your head is insulting to the children who had to endure what some adults are too weak to even freaking read!!
I wonder if this is being brought up again, with the graphic details that we had no clue about before, is because his probation date is about to be over?
If so what (if anything) can be done about him Admin?
I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed in our Ladies Of The Verandah. With all the love and understanding shown to our furbabies, it's a little shocking to me that some are 'taking a break' here. I feel that NOW is the time to show support to these abused children. Let's not shun them or turn our back on them. They lived it. You only had to read about it.
I am glad you left the "disturbing charges" in the post but wish they weren't blackened out. Those are real babies and little kids who are being assaulted; it is going to impact them all their lives. Nebulous descriptions of "child molestation" and alike don't do the damage justice.
For the majority of the population that has never seen/heard it, it’s instructive in the sense of “This is what we’re talking about when we talk about child pornography.”.
Vague descriptions might cause less public distaste at the actual actions, but it doesn’t necessarily get the point across as to the misery and suffering these poor souls endured.
If my son had to endure it, the rest of you can sure as shit know exactly what 'happened'. What if it were your child??
To turn away from it doesn't mean it's not going on. Do people think child molesting is really just "harmless diddling?"/what the Duggars say Josh did? Jesus, it is an adult body battering away against tiny defenseless innocent flesh.
Vague descriptions (like the ever-popular “inappropriate touching”) are what helps people get away with that kind of crap. It completely minimizes it into something that sounds like it could be unintentional or 'normal'/what the Duggars say Josh did. If someone is that sick, people bloody well need to know how sick. People being squeamish or unwilling to face the reality of what kids are put through are part of the problem.
/rant over Thank you.
Hi all. I used to be a regular poster on here but ended up a lurker because this great group always said what I was thinking before I said it. I still lurk but not near as much as I used to. I've lost a lot of interest in what Kate does and can honestly say my blood pressure has lowered because of it. :)
The things that are coming out of the TLC shows are horrible. The fact that it took them 2 months to cancel the Duggars says it all about TLC. It's all about the almighty dollar and they don't give 2 hoots about the children. The only shows they cancelled immediately when an abusive story broke were the ones whose ratings were already low. They've ignored the abuse of the Gosselin children for years. It makes me sick how these people publicly beg for TLC to put their shows back on the air or for money after they've been cancelled. Kayla Williams from Gypsy Sisters is doing that right now. She's pushing a petition for TLC to give her a spin off show. It happens in all reality TV. They get used to the fame and money and have no idea how to live once it's gone.
I find it odd that it took all the other sordid abuse details to come out to finally get more than Radar Online to bring up Kate's abuse. This is just one of a few articles I have read lately that are mentioning her now. TLC destroys lives in the name of money and I hope people continue to turn against them and that more comes to light about Teflon Kate. It's high time.
In my opinion, TFW will never comment on this on her own because to do so would be to bite theTLC hand that feeds her. She should be outraged over the fact that he edited hours and hours of film of her kids in various stages of dress. If she says anything at all it will be in a TLC prepared statement.
Lynn said...
I feel that NOW is the time to show support to these abused children. Let's not shun them or turn our back on them. They lived it. You only had to read about it.
I'm not turning my back on anybody. I just don't see the point of graphic descriptions of sexual abuse of any kind. I don't consider it hiding the facts. If I want to experience that kind of thing, there are more than enough places to research, this blog isn't the place, IMO. People posted links to the Radar story, those who wish to can read the details there. I think it's the job of the media, not this blog to shine a light on this subject. I can't imagine being a victim and having to read the details on a Gosselin blog. How is this helping?
This man worked with film of the G kids and in that respect, talk away. Talk about the seriousness of what was presented as evidence in court. There's using general terms and then there's cut and paste from court documents. I appreciate what Admin did to make reading about it a choice.
Yes, we love our animals. Should Admin be posting graphic images and descriptions of that abuse in the name of education?
I don't wish for this to become an argument. Nor do I wish to be accused of turning my back on children who are victims of abuse. Give me a break. This is Admin's blog. I'm just stating my opinion.
Wonder how Eileen O'Neill is going to rationalize her way out of this mess. All of this happened under her watch. She can't blame the previous regime, for it was under her tenure that TLC went the freak-show route.
Will the Discovery board of directors decide to start a few heads rolling? They can't let the stock price get dinged too deeply.
I always felt Kate had been paid to not "know" Blankinship too.
I, for one, think Admin chose an excellent method to open this discussion. I read the description of that child's rape once and it is forever burned into my brain, I don't need to read it over and over again to channel my outrage into something constructive. It's quite a rush to judgement to claim those of us who do not wish to re-read the quote are unfeeling or uncaring.
Tibbars Pal said... 10
I have zero evidence so this is pure speculation and a gut feeling. I think much of what we see of Kate's lifestyle is a result of the Blankenship scandal. I think Discovery set up educational trusts/living expenses trust in exchange for the Gosselin's silence...
Very interesting theory. Nothing surprises me any more. I don't recall seeing your name before. Welcome.
PJ said...
I don't wish for this to become an argument. Nor do I wish to be accused of turning my back on children who are victims of abuse. Give me a break. This is Admin's blog. I'm just stating my opinion.
I don't think that not wanting to read graphic details is turning your back--I appreciate that Admin made that optional. I read the Radaronline descriptions, and it is very traumatizing. It was impossible not to to visualize the descriptions, and once I did, it is hard to get them out of my head. I am not sorry I read it, because it educates. but, I don't need to read it again. I can understand why some would not want to read it at all, or might be traumatized.
It doesn't help anyone to start criticizing each other for our differences in opinion, and our own sense of self-protection. While reading the graphic details may mobilize some to action, may be emotionally damaging to someone else. If we are going to go into this type of discussion, can we please be compassionate to each other?
I agree with previous poster that some deal has been worked out so Kate does not sue TLC. It's remarkable that she is silent on the Blakenship revelations. She should be outraged. And we know she loves to sue. I think she got these specials for her no-comment stance.
TLC deserves every bit of bad publicity and I hope that drumbeat continues.
No truer words have ever been written in the Gawker article:
" this point, it’s clear most, if not all of these families, should not be on television—so who keeps green lighting these shows? Where is the oversight? Where is the accountability?"
1. Update With The 8
2. Sextuplets Turn 10
Thank you so much Tizzie for posting that. I don't see that "Update with the 8" was a real episode. They aired a marathon and then the 10th birthday special. What am I missing?
Sideline Observer said... 22
Wonder how Eileen O'Neill is going to rationalize her way out of this mess. All of this happened under her watch. She can't blame the previous regime, for it was under her tenure that TLC went the freak-show route.
Eileen O'Neill left Discovery in May, 2015.
It doesn't help anyone to start criticizing each other for our differences in opinion, and our own sense of self-protection. While reading the graphic details may mobilize some to action, may be emotionally damaging to someone else. If we are going to go into this type of discussion, can we please be compassionate to each other?
Well said. This is a volatile subject and I'm glad we can discuss it. For me, I am seeing this situation in an entirely new, and shocking light.
I would love for Paul Peterson to weigh in, and am betting he just might. I don't think anyone outside of TLC's cadre of cavorting clowns really knew the lascivious details.
I actually commend Radar for pursuing this matter in depth, because I don't think anyone understood the gravity of Blankenship's sickness, and how disgusting it is that he had access to footage of children nude and partially dressed, during a variety of activities.
I hope, HOPE, that bringing this to light tightens child labor laws further.
NO cameras in bathrooms, bedrooms etc.
NO crew filming around children changing, dressing, sleeping, diaper changes, showering, toileting etc.
Even if (and probably) the crew are fine people and citizens, there must be a ban on capturing certain compromising footage of minors, and if it is, it MUST be destroyed.
I see recent topics have drawn some lurkers out from under the veranda. Welcome!!
Before I had a computer, I was VERY naive about so many things I have since learned. Then on twitter, I learned even more, but I won't post it here.
Were the gosselin 8 the only children being shown in various stages of undress and compromising situations, while that sick dick BB worked there?
Off topic, okay I'm going to recap The Room Project next because that looks like the next recap I'm missing. I was browsing through it on youtube to see what Im in for and when I saw the younger girls' room, the beds look TINY. Like those tiny little crib mattresses you get for a TODDLER. No WAY are those twin beds, the sort of comfortable size I would expect a wealthy parent to get for their 11 year old.
They're going to outgrow these beds in a few years time. What the heck? If you're going to go to the trouble of remodeling why not get your 11 year old a bed that they will still fit in when they're 15?? This just seems like creating more work for yourself. You're just going to have to take these beds all out and put new ones in anyway.
Or is she going to make a 5 foot 7 lanky teenager sleep in a toddler bed??
Personally, I do feel it's our duty as adults to be aware of the dangers our children face. So I do think every adult should read what I blacked out.
However, it is a personal choice, and if someone does not want to read it, that is their decision and it's not for me to tell them they have to. The victims did not have a choice though, and that is always at the forefront of my mind.
I do not think it's necessary to read it over and over though, which is another reason I blacked it out. It should only take one time to grasp.
The person who most needs to read this post is Kate Gosselin. Then, she needs to promptly take her children off television. Forever.
Winsomeone said... 23
I always felt Kate had been paid to not "know" Blankinship too.
I think Kate's just a classic bully who is happy to sue someone she thinks she can stomp all over, like Jon (this was before she knew Jon would hire Tuma). But she wouldn't dare sue TLC or go after them unless she absolutely has to. She knows the hand that feeds her and she's not about to make waves with them for fear she steps out of line and no more easy bank episodes. If she starts saying she has a problem with them hiring Blankinship I'm sure she's afraid TLC will say if it's such a problem then we'll simply remove you from our pay roll.
In fact I would bet she'll never even bring it up with them unless they do. La-la-la nothing to see here. Just keep filming, just keep filming.
You know in 8 years I don't remember Kate ever saying a single thing negative about TLC. You don't bite the teat.
Call me a conspiracist, but I think Jim Bob got these records FOIA, ed and sparked this release. He is pissed at TLC.
Call me a conspiracist, but I think Jim Bob got these records FOIA, ed and sparked this release. He is pissed at TLC.
Oh, that's a conspiracy I vote for. Radar got the records but I wouldn't be at all surprised if JimBob tipped them off. JimBob would want to be in the know and would have known all the details about Blankinship. When he was pissed at TLC, he could have easily called Radar and said if you want some dirt on TLC get some more dirt on this scandal.
Jimbob will cut off his nose to spite his face, that's who he is. That's exactly what he is doing by not allowing them to film a spinoff with the daughters--if that's true, and I believe it is.
This is better than a telenovela. Did you ever imagine five years ago when we first started up here all that would have happened??? Geez!
I wonder if Jon could successively sue TLC over this BB mess?
That makes so much sense that Jim Bob could of tipped off Radar about the information on BB because he was mad that TLC canceled them. And I never really thought about it before but ya'll are right about TFW never saying a bad word about TLC.
Admin, OT, but I thought you and the others on here would love this mystery. A young professional photographer was rummaging through some bins at a thrift store that was going out of business. She found some very old negatives. The owner said she could have them.
She scanned them into her computer and the results are stunning, beautiful and incredible. The hunt is on to find:
Here is her facebook and the story. Sorry, I forgot to put in previous post. My favorites are 3, 6 and 7.
Oh, that's a conspiracy I vote for. Radar got the records but I wouldn't be at all surprised if JimBob tipped them off. JimBob would want to be in the know and would have known all the details about Blankinship. When he was pissed at TLC, he could have easily called Radar and said if you want some dirt on TLC get some more dirt on this scandal.
Ah, but since Boobsters puts all of his faith in God and lives according to His word, why would he do that? "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." Wouldn't you think that he would just leave it up to the Lord to settle the score with TLC? Or, if God works in mysterious ways, maybe he believes that God is working through ROL and God needs his help to contact ROL.
Yes, I'm being faceteous.
You know in 8 years I don't remember Kate ever saying a single thing negative about TLC. You don't bite the teat.
She most likely knows the damage that can be done if they are silicone.
Admin said...
You know in 8 years I don't remember Kate ever saying a single thing negative about TLC.
I'd love to hear what she said behind closed doors. Too bad she stopped journaling. LOL
P.J. said, "Yes, we love our animals. Should Admin be posting graphic images and descriptions of that abuse in the name of education?"
I agree with your post. Well said. I share your opinion. I read the graphics details, and once is enough. I am not naive enough to think that child porn consists of nothing more than photos of naked children frolicking on a beach.
I read the details once, and that's enough. For me, it's the same as running for the remote to change channels when the animal rescue commercials are on television. I just can't watch it. I know that it exists, but I don't want it in my face .I'm not turning my back on animal abuse; I donate regularly to our local shelter and have fostered abused animals. I'm not turning my back on child abuse. It's not that I'm unaware of it or that I don't care. It concerns me greatly. I just don't want those visuals in my head.
For those who had no idea what this man was collecting and that he was editing film featuring young children, then yes, this would be an eye-opening experience. I just wonder how much covering up TLC did here. It did seem to have gotten swept under the rug pretty darn fast.
Blankenship was arrested Oct. 2011. This is old news, so for SOME reason, Radar dug this up.
A scandal that TLC would not be able to recover from would be that Blankinship distributed edits of the Gosselin kids being potty trained or naked.
Despite Jon's expression of outrage in 2011 and claiming to find out if his kids were involved, there's been no lawsuit from him. So either the investigation uncovered nothing involving TLC "talent" or for the conspiracy theorists, Jon and Kate were silenced, i.e. paid off. I really hope the kids were not victimized by this pervert. Unfortunately, we've said for ages that pedophiles enjoyed some of the scenes filmed.
Despite Jon's expression of outrage in 2011 and claiming to find out if his kids were involved, there's been no lawsuit from him. So either the investigation uncovered nothing involving TLC "talent" or for the conspiracy theorists, Jon and Kate were silenced, i.e. paid off.
He may very well have had possession of inappropriate footage. He may very well have gotten off on it, distributed it to others in the USA or abroad, or sold it.
However if he was careful, there is no investigation Jon could turn up evidence of this. These people are careful. Usually what is uncovered in such investigations is only a tiny fraction of what goes on.
We will probably never know if he ever did anything inappropriate with the Gosselin children's footage. We just can't know. That fact alone should terrify any parent and cause them to rip their children off TV once and for all, forever more. It is often the unknown in such situations that is far more terrifying than what we do know.
There has got to be unseen footage of the G kids from potty training, getting dressed, showers, diapers changed etc. a pedophile would find to his liking, Ugh.
We will probably never know if he ever did anything inappropriate with the Gosselin children's footage. We just can't know. That fact alone should terrify any parent and cause them to rip their children off TV once and for all, forever more. It is often the unknown in such situations that is far more terrifying than what we do know.
That's why a set teacher needs to be mandated by law. There should be no filming of any nudity and private areas.
Someone posted earlier as Flimsy and that is not me. I am
FlimsyFlamsy. Just want to make sure no one is pretending
to be me.
Yesterday, I said if a lawyer suggested TFW sue TLC over this,
that she'd to it in a heartbeat. I bet if she teamed up with Jon,
they could accomplish something. But since he's dead, that's
not an option.
"She most likely knows the damage that can be done if they are silicone."
Bite Kate's teats and it''ll be deflate Kate. lol
Seems like I remember talking about on here when Michelle had to change Josie's diaper in a room she made one of the smallest boys leave but the male cameraman stayed and filmed and she wasn't covered up.
I have NEVER understood why ANY pictures of naked children are necessary for ANYONE to possess. That includes parents and grandparents in my book. "Oh, the sweet innocence of a naked child" does not hold sway for me. Sorry, but the kid can look just as sweet and innocent with a cloth covering its loins.
Even the baby on a bearskin rug, 1950's style, is enough to set my teeth on edge. I am reminded of a Leave it to Beaver episode about such a picture and how utterly humiliated Beaver was when his mom let the picture go public. Adults think it's adorable and all innocent. I completely disagree. I thank my parents that there has never been a naked picture of their kids or grandkids. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needed to see that. Ever.
My point, I guess, is that while little child nudity is common and even normal in private homes, that is not the time to whip out the camera. If a naked child runs through the room when photos or videos are being shot,
it's time to turn the camera's eye away. Little children deserve some respect, too. That's a lesson TLC, and by association, Kate Gosselin, did not learn.
I have NEVER understood why ANY pictures of naked children are necessary for ANYONE to possess. That includes parents and grandparents in my book. "Oh, the sweet innocence of a naked child" does not hold sway for me. Sorry, but the kid can look just as sweet and innocent with a cloth covering its loins.
We have a funny photo of my sibling and I in the bathtub that I cherish. We were under 5. There is nothing sexual about it, but it should never be given to anyone else.
I don't think they're necessary, but kids that age end up naked or half naked a lot and fun or sweet things can happen when they just happen to be naked. I don't begrudge a parent from snapping a photo of that moment. Art throughout the centuries has featured nudes, including children, in a non-sexual manner.
But the point being in this day in age you have to be careful. You either don't take the photo at all and just cherish the moment as you are living it, or if you take the photo, you keep them only among those you trust.
Truly I was horrified when I discovered my celeb had posted such a naked photo of their grandchild on social media. Kinda proved my point how dumb and out of touch they have always been. Not that bright. In their case, it's better to just not take the photo at all if you can't be trusted to know what to do with it afterward.
Where do people store these pictures now? I've had cell phones pushed in my face by doting grandparents and Aunties that give me a very clear view of the sex of that child. Cell phones can be lost faster than sunglasses and umbrellas. Oops!
I know not many agree with me, but I has to speak up or I was going to
sit here and mutter to myself until dinner. LOL ~ Administrator said... 36
You know in 8 years I don't remember Kate ever saying a single thing negative about TLC. You don't bite the teat.
In her journal, she exchanged emails with a guy named Kirk Streb (from Figure 8) who was finagling a deal with Frigidaire to comp Jon and Kate with all new appliances plus monetary rewards in exchange for her doing a publicity campaign for Frigidaire. She was pissed at Discovery and said she'd be annoyed if she couldn't get that gig. She said she was tired of the network "sucking the life of any other other opp to do anything to help secure our future!".
She was kissing this Kirk guy's ass left, right and center telling him how much she loved and appreciated AMP/Figure 8 and how she knew they had the same big goals in mind for her.
FlimsyFlamsy, it appears we may have been punked by one of Sage's bloggers. They love to plant something here and watch the comment take off so they can comment on us.
There is also someone who regularly posts here that may or not be posting there and they think they are being punked, LOL.
Radar does pull up old news and headlines it like it just happened on occasion. This is old news but the details were withheld. Really bad stuff that TLC and Figure 8 had knowledge of but downplayed. I'm glad Radar released the charges. This story was just a blip when it happened.
I know not many agree with me, but I has to speak up or I was going to
sit here and mutter to myself until dinner. LOL
Count me in as one who agrees with you. I am muttering right along with you. Want a rumspringa?
But since he's dead, that's
not an option.
His estate could sue. :)
So either the investigation uncovered nothing involving TLC "talent" or for the conspiracy theorists, Jon and Kate were silenced, i.e. paid off.
How do we even know that there was an investigation into what ended up in his hands? Would TLC have wanted to know, and if so, what would they have done about? It would have opened them up to public outrage? Look what happened in the Duggar scandal. Did they know, or didn't they know? If they have dirty hands in all of that and did cover it up, you can bet that they would have kept quiet about what Blankinship had in his possession.
Has there ever been a thought to Katie moving her "talent" to another network? Or is even Katie smart enough to get that no one else wants her sideshow?
RIP, Lynn Anderson. I hope that the rose garden blooms eternally for you.
Can we believe what the National Report reports? I have no idea, but anyway.....
Mrs. Conley @f10781c968c845e 2m2 minutes ago
@Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 u should be speaking your mind on that beautiful lion #Cecil that was killed for no reason instead of kate. :)
Some grammar goofs are amusing. Killed instead of Kate?
fidosmommy said... 58
Can we believe what the National Report reports? I have no idea, but anyway.....
Wow. The article is from 2 months ago. Who knows? What a lovely industry. Circling like sharks and can't wait to make a buck, no matter how skeevy they have to be to do it. Although, it's no more than what Ma and Pa Duggar deserve. It's just impossible to do without re-victimizing the ones who were abused.
Some of the comments gave me a chuckle though:
"This doesn’t sound like something they would condone, so I doubt they will prophet from it..."
fidosmommy said... 64
Can we believe what the National Report reports? I have no idea, but anyway.....
The National Report is a satire site. This is the disclaimer from their site:
National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.
TLC stinks said... 58
FlimsyFlamsy, it appears we may have been punked by one of Sage's bloggers. They love to plant something here and watch the comment take off so they can comment on us.
Kind of childish, isn't it?
I am so out of the loop when it comes to this stuff. Who or what is a Sage? Is this the same place where they copy, paste and dissect things said on here? I thought that was the one they call Zippy...the one who still hasn't figured out apostrophes, the meaning of dismissed with or without prejudice, along with PA child support laws. Or is that someone else?
fidosmommy said... 64
Can we believe what the National Report reports? I have no idea, but anyway.....
No. It's a satire site. According to Wikipedia:
National Report is a website which posts fictional articles related to world events.
I believe it's come up here before. They are very clever, and almost make their articles believable, then add little touches that are really over the top. Any one article may have verisimilitude (or "truthiness" as it is sometimes called these days), but if you look at a bunch of their articles or headlines you'll realize it's satire.
I don't think their disclaimer is displayed prominently enough.
OK, thanks for the heads-up on the National Reporter. Next time I will just read and laugh. Or weep.
Mrs. Conley @f10781c968c845e 2m2 minutes ago
@Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 u should be speaking your mind on that beautiful lion #Cecil that was killed for no reason instead of kate. :)
Some grammar goofs are amusing. Killed instead of Kate?
I just looked at her timeline. She tweets Josh Duggar...thinks he's a good dad. I have no idea how she would know that, but whatever. Kate really does attract some very strange fans.
@midnight madness Someone correct me if im wrong but we don't know if TLC knew about the Josh thing before he confess.If TLC didn't do any background checks then by now they would have to do background checks on future shows.But the truth is that,once Josh confessed,TLC decided to air a full day of the duggars and act like people were going to forget about it.Even their fans were having an outcry and said that this shouldn't popped up and be kept private.It wasn't until TLC was losing sponsors from the duggars that they then decided to cancel them.The fact that it took TLC so long to cancel the duggars makes me believe that even if they knew about it before it popped up,they were going to act like it didn't happen.
Completely OT
For the person who suggested Sense *..OMG! It took me a few episodes to get into it, but WOW!
For any one else thinking of watching, you must have a completely open mind and not be shocked by much
oh...mature adults only This means no sheeple
OT-Actor James Woods has filed a lawsuit suing an anonymous twitter user for $10 million dollars, because the tweeter said that Woods was a cocaine addict.
Guess what law firm is representing Woods? Good ol' Laverne and Shirley. You can read the actual court documents here:
The lawsuit waxes on and on about how this one tweet is going to ruin Woods' rep and that he may possibly suffer loss of future jobs, etc, etc. etc. It's quite mind boggling all the pain and suffering they imply Woods will suffer from due to that one tweet. It goes on, saying how the tweet was seen by Woods' thousands of followers and the tweeters' thousands of followers. It also says that now it will appear on Google too, and the whole world will know.
Why didn't Woods just block the guy and call it a day? I'm sure they're are a lot of people who didn't know about the tweet, but Woods just called it to everyone's attention now because of this lawsuit. You would think his lawyers would advise him that the lawsuit may not go anywhere, and they don't even know who the guy is and if he has any money to sue for. But that's good ol' Laverne and Shirley for you.
And when it comes to twitter, apparently Woods isn't a saint either.
Here's an article calling Woods to task for all the obnoxious and vile tweets he has made. Talk about hypocrisy.
Hey, today is National Girlfriends Day. How come Kate is tweeting her love for all her woman friends on twitter? Especially to Milo?
Sense 8, darned French keyboard...
admin, regarding the home renovations episode. I didn't see it, but I would think that those were regular twin size mattresses. A toddler bed uses a crib mattress, and I really doubt that those kids are sleeping on a crib mattress. I just purchased a toddler bed and I asked the same question, and as far as I know, there is nothing in size between the twin mattress and the crib mattress.
The fact that it took TLC so long to cancel the duggars makes me believe that even if they knew about it before it popped up,they were going to act like it didn't happen.
They were waiting to see if the whole thing would blow over. It didn't. There is no way they could have ignored it.
"If TLC didn't do any background checks then by now they would have to do background checks on future shows"
Unless there is a law that makes background checks mandatory, I wouldn't think that they have to do anything they don't want to do.
admin, regarding the home renovations episode. I didn't see it, but I would think that those were regular twin size mattresses. A toddler bed uses a crib mattress, and I really doubt that those kids are sleeping on a crib mattress.
Thanks Serendipity. The boys' beds looked like twins to me but there is no way the girls' beds were twin unless there was something about the camera angle or lens that was distorting them.
An adult should be able to fit comfortably in a twin. These girls look poised to outgrow them in a few years. They were extremely narrow and short. Their legs reached almost to the end when they got in them. I couldn't identify what kind of size that would be. Perhaps even an uncommon size made for bunk beds? It was strange!
Perhaps even an uncommon size made for bunk beds? It was strange!
I don't know, admin. Our bunk beds use regular twin size mattresses. Our toddler bed uses a crib mattress. You can purchase memory foam youth mattresses, but they are the same size as a twin. I've done a lot of mattress shopping lately. Sigh. You wouldn't believe how Amazon can roll up and compress a memory foam twin mattress into a small box and when you open it up, out it pops into a regular mattress for a bunk bed and it's so comfortable!.
Meanwhile, the viaview files net site has some new info on Bville .
Frankly, hope you are keeping up with Big Brother, lots of fun things happening!
Last episode of UnREAL is Monday night.
New episodes of Face Off are starting!
Admin, there are smaller single beds. They are called youth beds.
They are shorter and narrower than twin mattresses. Kate got her beds at some fancie shoppe (sic) no doubt, so might have had the option of youth sized beds. With the close quarters in the bedrooms, it would not surprise me. Man those rooms are tiny!
I guess Kate didn't acknowledge her tweeties on National Girlfriends Day, but Carlene still needs some lovin' from Kate!
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Where have you been hiding? C'mon c'mon wherever you are!
We always said, "Come out, come out wherever you are!"
Someone on another thread commented that Carlene looks like Mrs. Uggs. Wow....she does! They could be sisters.
fidosmommy said... 82
Admin, there are smaller single beds. They are called youth beds.
They are shorter and narrower than twin mattresses. Kate got her beds at some fancie shoppe (sic) no doubt, so might have had the option of youth sized beds. With the close quarters in the bedrooms, it would not surprise me. Man those rooms are tiny!
I also found a reference to a youth bed, but couldn't find anyone who was selling that size.
Sizes (twin and smaller)
crib/toddler: 27 x 51.6
youth: 33 x 66
twin: 39 x 75
Ikea youth : 30 x 66
Ikea doesn't use standard bed sizes. If I recall, their twin is slightly longer and narrower than a standard twin. Can use regular twin bedding, though the corners of the twin bottom sheet are slightly "off".
As noted above, Ikea seems to have their own youth size and still sell it. But can you imagine Kate putting together Ikea furniture? Never in a million years.
I found this entry on Jacob Roloff's Instagram very interesting. Apparently the family from the TLC show Our Little Family visited the Roloff farm. I'm not sure if they filmed or not. Jacob posted a photo with Jack, the oldest child from OLF, and himself. Here's the link and in case that doesn't work I'll copy and paste what he wrote.
jacobroloff45This is Jack. I've never felt I had more of an opportunity to influence someone's life than when I told him how much I didn't like filming when I was his age, so he knows just because the adults say it's what's best, doesn't mean it's what's best. Then after, I asked him how he felt about it and after a pause he said, "I like it medium", meaning not at all, which is exactly what I would've said at 7. Seeing him for the few days that I did and hanging out with him for the short time that I did was a crazy reflective experience, seeing what it looked like (more or less) to be a 7 year old thrown into different situations for your parents' ratings. He doesn't know that yet though. He's more of a central focus character in his family's show than I ever was, too, so there's more 'depending' on him; I can't imagine. Im hoping I get to see him again and how he turns out, and that what I said sticks with him.
If TFW was paid off to ignore the whole "Blankenship thing" And that comes to light she will be crucified by the media because there's no way that she could tap dance her way out of that one. It would prove once and for all that she puts her wants and desires above all else even the welfare of her kids.
jacobroloff45This is Jack. I've never felt I had more of an opportunity to influence someone's life than when I told him how much I didn't like filming when I was his age, so he knows just because the adults say it's what's best, doesn't mean it's what's best.
Amen Jacob. Children are not commodities.
Hated seeing OLF's little boy front and center at TLC 's block party.
Good for Jacob. Sad that a kid is one of the few who gets it.
I live around the corner from Ikea. The one Kate went/would go to. Don't give her ideas. I am there all the time.
NJGal51 said... 86
If TFW was paid off to ignore the whole "Blankenship thing" And that comes to light she will be crucified by the media because there's no way that she could tap dance her way out of that one. It would prove once and for all that she puts her wants and desires above all else even the welfare of her kids.
I don't think the media or the majority of the public thinks of her at all. She's a nobody. She might be a small part of the story should TLC get their feet held to the fire, but she's old news.
I don't know, Susie. I don't pay attention who runs the fan sites except when Baby Mama ran hers because she actually went public with her identity. Her site is DOA. Apparently she has moved on. I believe hers is the first site Fired Up aka Milo first popped up on.
Wow, good for Jacob!
Reality TV kids grow up and develop minds of their own. Some of the Roloff kids clearly love filming, Jacob hates it. He is very clear he hates it. He is one of the first of a generation of kids to grow up on TV, and here we are.
Once again, WE TOLD YOU SO.
He really ought to contact Paul Petersen.
Babies in bathtub pictures should never be publicly exposed for strangers to eyeball. The pictures are innocent and cute and should only be viewed by immediate family. What Jon and Kate did with those babies was disgusting. Potty training and bath time for millions to see was a total invasion of privacy.
Amy, Jake's mother, has apologized about the filming:
amyjroloffYou're an awesome son Jacob You, like your brothers and sister keep blessing me everyday. I'm sorry it was so tough on you.
That is because Amy is a mother who is introspective and not stubborn about her past choices. Good....for....her.
That is a real revelation from Jacob Roloff. It was blatantly apparent that he resented having his privacy invaded. I suspect he holds a lot of resentment towards his parents who even now have chosen to exploit their divorce in exchange for $$. By the time the Gosselin kids reach that age they will either rebel in the same way or will have been programmed by their mother that the filming was a good thing that "provided" for them.
Fido, I'm thinking those had to be youth beds.
Ha, the first thing they warn about youth beds in the description is be careful buying these, your kids will grow out of them quick! lol
Those rooms ARE tiny. If I were going to go to the trouble of buying a mansion with eight kids, I would make sure they either had huge enough bedrooms to pile three kids in them, or enough bedrooms to put them in their own rooms, or a way to remodel to make much bigger rooms. At least the Duggars give their kids nice huge rooms that have enough space to be comfortable.
Youth beds for the tup girls? I am surprised Kate did not grift new beds! She missed an opportunity. I bet those beds were hand-me-downs from the twins, which is fine.
I don't mind the Roloffs but the divorce thing seems a little bit dramatized. They have been separated for years. They're dragging this whole split out on television for years. I guess they finally decided to officially divorce but by this time they are for all intents and purposes they are officially split, so revving up the drama about finally getting around to the paperwork I found hard to buy. What's more, they didn't indicate anything was going to change. He's still going to live in the back house on the property, she gets the main house. Certainly it must be painful to actually make it official, but they've also had several years to adjust and a long time ago they worked out an arrangement that actually seems to be okay for them.
Youth beds for the tup girls? I am surprised Kate did not grift new beds! She missed an opportunity. I bet those beds were hand-me-downs from the twins, which is fine.
It's fine until two years from now you have to remodel a room you just remodeled because your kids' feet are dangling off their little people beds.
It kind of makes me wonder how much TLC really did, or DIDN'T pay, for these remodels. I can't imagine greedy Kate would be okay with hand me downs.
Can you imagine Kate being this supportive when some of her kids decide the feel like Jacob?? Telling the kid how much she loves them and that she's sorry? LOL! Her kids feeling this way is inevitable, some of them. In a family of four one of the kids hates filming. One out of four, Kate. That ain't good odds for you, honey!
TLC Stinks (#94), I think one of TFW's lowest filmed moments
was leaving C in that room in the dark on the potty with his
pants down, alone -- oh, I mean, except for the "crew daddy"
who was filming him. And she said something like, "Don't come
out until you put something in there." Would she like to be spoken
to that way the next time she has to give a urine specimen at the doctor's office? What a miserable nurse she must've been.
TFW's constant need to affirm that the crew was like family is
not something to be proud of. That seems to be what
pedophiles count on. They can work as coaches, teachers,
camp counselors, "grooming" their victims by becoming
ingratiated with the whole family, and thus seeming above
Admin,judging from the show,i just don't see any of the gosselin kids saying they loved filming despite kate wanting everyone to believe they all love it.The twins and the little girls look like they hate it.Im not sure about the boys though,they seem like they don't mind it but i wouldn't say they love it.
My daughter has complained for years about her twin bed (she wants a double (too bad so sad)). She's 5'6 and headed to college and a ....twin bed. Extra Lon though .
I found this entry on Jacob Roloff's Instagram very interesting. Apparently the family from the TLC show Our Little Family visited the Roloff farm. I'm not sure if they filmed or not. Jacob posted a photo with Jack, the oldest child from OLF, and himself.
Of course, it was filmed. This is from a TLC press release about Our Little Family:
"Also this season, the Hamills head to Roloff Farms for a special TLC crossover episode with LITTLE PEOPLE BIG WORLD. For a few fun-filled days, Jack, Cece and Cate get some quality time with the Roloff kids, and Dan and Michelle have a chance to chat with Matt and Amy about the struggles they have overcome raising their children."
Good for Jacob for telling it like it is, and kudos to Amy for apologizing to him.
However, I don't think TLC will be too happy if and when they see Jacob's post. They apparently didn't realize that the "quality" time spent with the Roloff kids included Jacob telling Jack that adults don't always have their kids' best interests at heart when it comes to filming.
Way to go Jacob for being a mentor to the little boy. I noticed on the promo ads for the show that he was the one being pushed out front and center for the comedy angle. It was hard and shocking to watch. Jacob, That's the way to tell TLC to put it in their pipe and smoke it.
Absolutely, the great TFW won't be able to tap dance her way out of the BB scandal. If it were to come out, and I hope it is not true, if BB had images of the kids and distributed them and they were used immorally, he was the editor of the show. TFW's NAME is on the credits as a PRODUCER. Producers know what is going on. I think TLC paid her to keep quiet. I wouldn't put nothing past her!
So, her saying that she Never Knew Him isn't going to wash. Also, Jon said that THEY met him in NY and had seen him several times.
So SHE KNOWS who he is! Oh, and she would NEVER apologize to her kids for filming the daylights out of them for over a decade. I am very impressed at Amy for apologizing to Jacob. When Amy said, she was blessed every day with her kids, she didn't mean the money that they made off the show. She meant them just being her children. TFW would say, my kids have blessed me because they have been filmed for over a decade and kept me in the lifestyle that I deserve because society needs to watch my show so I can receive 40K paychecks for every show and special that is taped.
This allows me a privileged lifestyle because I gave birth TWICE to a total of 8 kids. And, oh, I used to be a nurse.
amyjroloffYou're an awesome son Jacob You, like your brothers and sister keep blessing me everyday. I'm sorry it was so tough on you.
Kudos? Seems a bit too little to late to me.
The comments on Jake's post are overwhelmingly positive and supportive. I know we always feared if any kids turned on filming the steeple would turn on them. I don't see that. I'm glad fans are being supportive. Jake feels what he feels and it's not his fault he hates filming.
Saying the crew WAS LIKE FAMILY will BITE HER IN THE BUTT. Mark my words.
I think Amy's apology is a joke. "Sorry filming was so hard on you, but guess what? We're going to keep on doing it."
I don't buy it.
I am so liking go guy, way to stand up for yourself and others
which one again is Jacob? I know which show, but was her the normal sized youngest one?
The reason I even know to ask that is proof, and I haven't watched THAT channel in years, not even youtube
raising a rumspringa!!!!!
( as the clouds open up and a chorus of angels sing HALLELUYIA ( sp?)
P.J. said... 110
I think Amy's apology is a joke. "Sorry filming was so hard on you, but guess what? We're going to keep on doing it."
I don't buy it.
There certainly was something lacking, wasn't there? A 7 word apology for years of filming. Sumthin's not right about that "apology," that's for sure.
Sue_Buddy said... 107
amyjroloffYou're an awesome son Jacob You, like your brothers and sister keep blessing me everyday. I'm sorry it was so tough on you.
Kudos? Seems a bit too little to late to me.
I only gave her kudos because she actually said something publicly as opposed to not saying anything. I agree that it is "too little, too late".
If one of the Gosselins posted something similar, Kate, on the other hand, would call them an "ungrateful child", and whine about how everything she did, she did for them.
I will always respect the Osbournes and their show, NOT including the eldest daughter, BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO. Good on Sharon and Ozzy for showing warts and all
Their warts, not their kids'
If one of the Gosselins posted something similar, Kate, on the other hand, would call them an "ungrateful child", and whine about how everything she did, she did for them.
Yes, that's for sure. I do believe that if Kate did apologize for some weird reason, her apology would be similar, i.e., sorry it was hard on YOU, as in 'the rest of us loved it.'
Sue Buddy said...
There certainly was something lacking, wasn't there? A 7 word apology for years of filming. Sumthin's not right about that "apology," that's for sure.
I'm sure her non-public apology was more than 7 words and none of our business, but if I apologise for slapping you and then keep on slapping you, it's not much of an apology. They are continuing to film their family's private business so her apology rings hollow for me.
I imagine most of Amy's apology to Jake should be in person and private. I think it's nice she acknowledged his post publicly. It dispels the rumors that she's not okay with what he's saying or their relationship is poor. A more lengthy talk and apology should, and may very well has, occur in private.
I don't think the family should have to stop filming just because one member doesn't want to. They are all adults now. Jake is 18 and an adult too and does not have to film if he does not want to. As long as the family respects his wishes and ensures he does not have to participate, I think it's fine. ~ Administrator said... 119
I don't think the family should have to stop filming just because one member doesn't want to. They are all adults now. Jake is 18 and an adult too and does not have to film if he does not want to. As long as the family respects his wishes and ensures he does not have to participate, I think it's fine.
What's your opinion about the Duggar kids who are adults doing spin-off shows?
On Paul Peterson's Facebook:
Guiding Star Gala
In exactly thirty-three days our big event will take place in Hollywood. August 30th. I’m looking at a stack of tickets that need a home…maybe yours. Regular tickets are $100.00. VIP tickets are $250.00. There will be a rousing silent auction and loads of former kid stars you’ll want to meet as well. If you write to me directly and send a check made out to A Minor Consideration I’ll personally send out your tickets along with a sincere Thank You. The tickets are numbered and limited because of space, so don’t wait too long. You can mail a check to AMC, or other payment options are on the Gala’s website. It’s time to make your plans to attend. Best, Paul Petersen
A Minor Consideration
15003 S. Denker Avenue
Gardena, CA 90247
What's your opinion about the Duggar kids who are adults doing spin-off shows?
Adults can make their own choices. It's viewers and advertisers who will decide whether they will, or should be, on air. I have a much bigger problem with what the Duggars have done to the lesbian trans and gay community than what they've ever filmed. That's a separate issue and can't really be compared to the Roloffs. Apples and oranges.
Kate is a Twit, I just read the reason why someone on twitter gets put into twitter jail. It said that you have reached the limit of 100 tweets per hour. If TFW says she has been in twitter jail, does her twitter timeline support that? Just wondering.
Also, remember that picture of TFW in the hot air balloon with that awful gag reflex look on her face. I looked it up on google images and I saw it but then went on to something else, then when I went back to see it, I can't find it.
Exterior Designer said... 90
I live around the corner from Ikea. The one Kate went/would go to. Don't give her ideas. I am there all the time.
Does your Ikea offer an optional paid "put-it-together" service? Some do, for those who like the furniture but are mechanically challenged or bone-lazy.
Admin (#108), I'm not sure the LPBW fans supporting Jake is a
good barometer for how TFW's fans would respond if any of the
G kids rebel in the future. Her truly obsessed 6 fans are so blindly devoted to her that I don't think they're capable of seeing the children
as individuals, and basically don't give a hoot about them. It's all
about TFW. I don't think Amy Roloff has the same kind of rabid
fan base.
Yeh you're right flimsy the little people sheeple seem way more normal. They respect a young person's feelings even if they have a different opinion than them. Imagine that.
redbird--Here you go. Not sure which specific one you're talking about, but here are a few.
Thanks to jibberjabbers from the
Admin,judging from the show,i just don't see any of the gosselin kids saying they loved filming despite kate wanting everyone to believe they all love it.
In that infamous Today show interview, didn't the girls perk up and say that they wanted to film? Heck, I don't remember. My mouth was hanging open because of that disaster.
@flimflamsy They really don't though,i brought up Kate criticizing collin's gift and how mean spirited it was and asked how does that make her a good mother and the fan just told me to get a life and blocked me.They don't even have a defense when it comes to that scene and just pretend like it never happened.Im still wondering what about his gift was off the wall?
And she said something like, "Don't come
out until you put something in there." Would she like to be spoken
to that way the next time she has to give a urine specimen at the doctor's office? What a miserable nurse she must've been.
I can hear her saying that to Jon if he were being tested because of their infertility problems.
Fido, I'm thinking those had to be youth beds.
Ha, the first thing they warn about youth beds in the description is be careful buying these, your kids will grow out of them quick! lol
We had what were called "youth beds" but they used regular size twin mattresses.
Does anyone remember three-quarter size mattresses? We have an antique rope bed, and the size is between a twin and a full. Finding sheets was always fun until I discovered that there's an online store that sells 3/4 bedding exclusively.
I don't see that Amy apologized, because an apology normally includes an admission of a mistake or wrongdoing. I believe she sincerely meant that she is sorry it was tough on him, which was an empathic statement, but I don't hear any regret for her own participation or choices.
I don't recall ever hearing TFW offer that kind of empathy to her kids, because, in her mind, it is saying that she made a mistake. She obviously cannot tolerate the thought that she may have been wrong, or done anything that may have hurt her children.
Over In TFW's County said... 130
And she said something like, "Don't come
out until you put something in there." Would she like to be spoken
to that way the next time she has to give a urine specimen at the doctor's office? What a miserable nurse she must've been.
I can hear her saying that to Jon if he were being tested because of their infertility problems.
Okay, I'm going to be really bad and say I can hear her saying that after she injected herself with her imported IVF drugs.
Nice article if you care to refresh your memory what was in Kate's COPYRIGHTED journal. From the author:
For those of you who say, “Kate did not write those” or “it’s all lies” let me remind you; Kate said in her book, Multiple Blessings, she journaled compulsively.
Kate Gosselin wrote these Journal entries, sorry for those of you who believe Kate did not. For those of you who know Kate wrote the entries, I still do not understand how you can excuse Kate Gosselin for this or why TLC and NBC continue to reward this behavior. The journal entries are long, very long, I am talking 30,655 words..Not exaggerating here either..
Kate say she forgot to mention the miracle of the week!; Kate says she emailed Alexia foods on Monday evening about the “fries situation.” Kate says no one had returned her email so on Tuesday evening, the next night she emailed again! Come on companies, Kate does not play get back to me in 3-5 business days! She means, “get back to me in 3 hours!” Finally according to Kate, on Wednesday, Tony from Alexia foods called!!!!!! Kate says he sent them two cases of “our” Julienne crinkle fries that she mentioned that we wanted to try! This absolutely made Kate’s day and she told him so! Thankyou Lord for this blessing in this way says Kate!
The author also writes about the spankings of two year olds and says it was hard to continue. The author ends questioning anyone who can defend her behavior.
I did not recall reading in Robert's book about the grifting free fries but I can see it's true (in her copyrighted journal and they are organic, after all).
Im still wondering what about his gift was off the wall?
Collin had an independent thought. That was enough. All 8 children should all think as ONE child - who thinks like Kate.
Looks like Kate, the kids, AND Steve are flying somewhere. Another TLC paid vacation before school starts?
Captain Phillips @Dan_Philly55 · 1h1 hour ago
Kate Plus 8 sitting 10 feet from me at BWI
Here's the pictures he posted:
FF (125): "Her truly obsessed 6 fans are so blindly devoted to her that I don't think they're capable of seeing the children
as individuals, and basically don't give a hoot about them."
Nope. They don't give a flying fig about the kids' privacy. It's Kate, all Kate. That's what I don't get. These are parents, grandparents who are raising children or have raised children. It's the "Carlenes" and other moms who are pestering her for more shows. There is no respect or concern for the children and although some of them are really dumb, I would hope that there are those who might have some kind of understanding of the psychological effect this has on the children. They don't seem to care. They want that show on their televisions for their own entertainment and amusement. They think that there is nothing wrong with children being used as the financial support of their mother.
If you have an obsession with other people's kids, go watch them playing at sports events, at the community pool, the playground, whatever. Yes, that's very weird, but how is it any different than sitting in your own house watching a stranger's kids being toted out for your viewing pleasure? It's voyeurism.
running mummy @mumlvs2run
@CarleneMarie_1 @Kateplusmy8 Hmmmm...maybe busy with @TLC ๐๐ป๐๐ #CrossYourFingers
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1
@mumlvs2run @Kateplusmy8 @TLC We can hope!! ๐๐ป
Lex2Cents @Lexis2usc 8h8 hours ago
Why doesn't @kateplusmy8 allow Shoka to get in the pool? Has she ever revealed excuse 4 that? So sad 4 him 2 have 2 sit & watch n this heat
I'll take Kate's side on this one. Wet dogs roll in grass clippings and mulch and are a mess. Wet dogs smell like...wet dogs. Some dogs don't like to swim. Moreover, Shepherds shed like crazy and I wouldn't want to swim around in dog hair and have to clean it out of a clogged filter. As long as the dog has shade and water, he should be fine without a pool. There are many dog out there who don't have access to a pool and who live through summer with no problems. I do hope, though, that if it gets brutally hot, he's allowed inside to cool off.
What happened to Zorro? Is he still alive?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 102
TLC Stinks (#94), I think one of TFW's lowest filmed moments
was leaving C in that room in the dark on the potty with his
pants down, alone -- oh, I mean, except for the "crew daddy"
who was filming him. And she said something like, "Don't come
out until you put something in there."
C was in his bedroom at nap time with his brothers. And the film crew.
They don't even have a defense when it comes to that scene and just pretend like it never happened.Im still wondering what about his gift was off the wall?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Collin chose a gift for Kate. She was not appreciative, but rather asked where the others were (meaning the other children).She sees her children as a unit, and I guess for her, the fact that there was only one baby totally bewildered her.
Her treatment of him was what was "off the wall." That little sweetie was so proud of the gift, and she sat there and said it was strange, or odd, or some sort of descriptive adjective. She couldn't acknowledge that, even though she wasn't fond of the gift, that this was a special gift chosen from the heart. She's cold as ice...
Captain Phillips @Dan_Philly55 · 1h1 hour ago
Kate Plus 8 sitting 10 feet from me at BWI
Here's the pictures he posted:
Oh, my. This will put Milo into an 8,888-question tweeting frenzy as she orders more Depends.
Sherry Baby said... 140
They don't even have a defense when it comes to that scene and just pretend like it never happened.Im still wondering what about his gift was off the wall?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Collin chose a gift for Kate. She was not appreciative, but rather asked where the others were (meaning the other children).
It was Kate, herself, who said that Collin's gift was "off the wall". She said it in the couch interview:
"Collin's gift was a little off the wall. I don't know where the other 7 cubs are".
I think the original poster was asking why Kate would think the gift was "off the wall".
Okay, I'm going to be really bad and say I can hear her saying that after she injected herself with her imported IVF drugs.
Spitting out my Rumspringa. Oh, geez. LOL! Laugh of the day!
Oh my. Baltimore on a Saturday. Meeting with TLC? Secret tryst with TFM?
Ok. Did not read up far enough. So the kids and Steve are with her. Must be doing another vacay
filming. Ugh!
Captain Phillips @Dan_Philly55 · 1h1 hour ago
Kate Plus 8 sitting 10 feet from me at BWI
Here's the pictures he posted:
Thee captain Phillips?
ANOTHER vacation? All this is doing is solidifying the idea that the kids can't have any fun without filming. She'll never take them anywhere without cameras. Also screw her fans and tweeties, she's completely ignored them for a full seven days now. What use are they as long as she's getting her narcissistic supply?
Looks like Kate and the kids are headed to Florida. I'm assuming PCB stands for Panama City Beach, since according to the tweeter's profile, she lives there.
Angela Stanley @angiepelican · 3h3 hours ago
8 plus Kate kids in the same plane headed to PCB from Baltimore. Whew flights full of kids. ๐ณ
Angela Stanley @angiepelican · 2h2 hours ago
Kate 8 plus coming to PCB. In the same flight from Baltimore.
Here's a photo. You may have to click on "view content" to see it.
Actually, you can also see the picture with this link:
I don't see that Amy apologized, because an apology normally includes an admission of a mistake or wrongdoing. I believe she sincerely meant that she is sorry it was tough on him, which was an empathic statement, but I don't hear any regret for her own participation or choices.
In my opinion, her short statement was simply a well played acknowledgment and apology so that fans and media don't think there is some kind of rift between them or that he is speaking out without his family's support. It was all she needed to say, and she accomplished an important purpose.
The time for more extended discussions about his childhood and more detailed apologies is in PRIVATE. I have full faith this has occurred, knowing her.
In fact had she gone deeper into it on Instagram in front of his over 22,000 followers, I personally would find it extremely inappropriate. It's none of anyone's business what she says to him in response to his statements about filming. I encourage him to keep speaking publicly, because we can learn a lot from someone like him who has actually lived through growing up on reality TV, but how the family resolves their differences on this topic is a private matter.
Let's take a guess. TLC has been filming all week. You know, the usual packing hysteria. She has been Twitter silent too.
Captain Phillips @Dan_Philly55 · 1h1 hour ago
Kate Plus 8 sitting 10 feet from me at BWI
Here's the pictures he posted:
hehe. Purse boy is still carrying her purse. What a wuss.
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