I hope everyone will indulge me in a brief hiatus from our usual posts to do one of my "recaps", this time about my own reality, my visit to the Australia Zoo last week. My reason for doing such a personal recap is because there is a pretty strong connection to our chatter on this blog and this zoo. Number one, Kate Plus 8 filmed some episodes of the show in Australia and had their own spin on what goes on at the zoo which may not have been entirely accurate. Secondly, Bindi Irwin is probably Australia's most exploited child, even attracting attention from legislatures there who are concerned about her welfare, and for that reason alone I think it's interesting to keep up with what that family is up to.
And I guess a third reason is I think you'll enjoy hearing about this as I enjoyed my day there.
I won't bore you with the long details about how I ended up in Australia. The short version is I was given a wonderful opportunity to work here for a couple weeks, an opportunity which also included some leisure time such as a visit to the Great Barrier Reef and a stay on a cattle station, and I couldn't pass that up. This was one of those right place and right time things that came my way and makes me feel very lucky and appreciative.
So last week I stepped on that 14 hour flight out of LAX bound for Sydney with several other colleagues. I'm not going to lie, that flight was brutal, but there were lots of new movies to watch and enough episodes of Veep to have me giggling a good two-thirds of the way across the Pacific. ("How much would I love to speak my mind on this campaign Can you imagine if I did that? 'Mississippi is chock full of assholes, I don't trust the Chinese, and I gotta tell you something. I'm not going to be able to pass a single piece of legislation that's really going to make any fuck of a difference in your life.' How's that for a campaign platform?") Going back, the flight was more than an hour shorter which was a difference you could feel. Every hour counts when it's that long I guess.
So last week I stepped on that 14 hour flight out of LAX bound for Sydney with several other colleagues. I'm not going to lie, that flight was brutal, but there were lots of new movies to watch and enough episodes of Veep to have me giggling a good two-thirds of the way across the Pacific. ("How much would I love to speak my mind on this campaign Can you imagine if I did that? 'Mississippi is chock full of assholes, I don't trust the Chinese, and I gotta tell you something. I'm not going to be able to pass a single piece of legislation that's really going to make any fuck of a difference in your life.' How's that for a campaign platform?") Going back, the flight was more than an hour shorter which was a difference you could feel. Every hour counts when it's that long I guess.
After a few days recovering from our jet lag in Sydney, where not me but some of us were unfortunately vomiting for a few days (airplane food, we decided) we headed up on a short flight to Brisbane, near where the Australia Zoo is located. We made our home base in the gorgeous seaside surfer town of Caloundra, which hosts an old ship wreck the S.S. Dicky that is probably the most beautiful thing you will ever see at sunrise. A few of us managed to get up to witness it two days in a row. This was the prettier of the two mornings though both were spectacular.
We planned almost an entire free day at the zoo and nearby koala hospital, and hit the ground as soon as it opened at 10 a.m. the day after we arrived in Caloundra.
My first impressions of the zoo was that it was extremely clean, very large, and quite classy. There was very little that was tacky about it as some attractions like this tend to be. It is of course heavy on Steve, with his photo plastered pretty much everywhere, but the heir apparent Bindi is everywhere too. Overlooking a croc infested creek there's Bindi's treehouse, which you can look at but not actually go up in, and coming later this year is something called Bindi's island. None of us bothered to figure out what that was about. A lot of people were commenting that Robert, her younger brother, is hardly anywhere. Neither is Terri for that matter. The marketing team knows what sells, and that's Steve and Bindi. Some remarked that they felt bad for Robert, who perhaps might feel like he plays second fiddle to his sister and dad. (I suppose it's also possible Robert doesn't want to be a part of this, though I doubt it.)
In the morning we wandered from exhibit to exhibit, just checking out whatever was nearby. We saw the crocs, several different birds, and snakes. They had camels you could ride and a sleepy tiger you could get your photo taken with, which I believe is the same one Kate got her photo taken with. It was kind of funny to see three zookeepers in there with the tiger, the people just sitting there on the ground hanging out like it was the most normal thing in the world. We speculated the tiger might be drugged, but I hope not. We saw koalas, one with a little baby riding on her mommy's back that was ridiculously adorable. Zookeepers were everywhere in the zoo, answering questions and often bringing the animals out of the enclosures for a closer look. We saw one worker actually walking a perfectly content wombat like you might a dog.
They were moving him for some reason. I asked if that's how they always move them and they said yes. Well, that seems more humane than sedating it and throwing it in a crate, as long as it's happy to walk with you.
They were moving him for some reason. I asked if that's how they always move them and they said yes. Well, that seems more humane than sedating it and throwing it in a crate, as long as it's happy to walk with you.
I have to say I was impressed with the zookeepers. Most of them were very young, enthusiastic, and had the most nurturing touch with the animals. I watched one young woman remove a dozing koala from a tree with such a gentle hand, like a mother might wake up their sleeping toddler. There are also many areas of the zoo that are hands on and encourage you to touch and pet the animals, which Steve Irwin was so big on (and at times, criticized for) and there was always someone nearby to monitor everyone and make sure the animals were okay. I heard a few zookeepers speak up and ask people to step back when they felt the animal was getting too crowded, but I never saw the animals themselves act uncomfortable. The spirit of Steve and how he believed we should interact with wildlife, whether you agree, carries on.
Now to what I imagine the zoo would consider its highlights. They have a huge enclosed area with a bunch of little kangaroos ranging from about three to five feet tall. They just hop around of their own accord and are perfectly tame around people. We bought some feed and went in and hand fed them.
It was really fun and the roos had such personalities. I have a hysterical selfie with one where he looks like a silly kid photobombing me. Some of them had babies in their pouches and I saw them kicking in there like a human fetus kicks his mother. Someone else in my group saw one poke a little head out but sadly I missed that. I took a lot of photos in there and I didn't have to approach a roo, they would approach me and mug for my camera. I felt very much at ease in that exhibit.
There is another similar roo feeding area with a different breed of kangaroos. I think it was Red Kangaroos. They were just as outgoing, but because we stopped by that later they were pretty full and not interested in eating. After that our group all took a turn holding a koala.
It was like holding a sleepy toddler, they were adorable and clung to you instantly. It was very special. I said they looked like sleepy babies, others said they looked like sleepy drunks. Whichever you prefer!
At noon we gathered in the "Crocoseum" for the croc show.
I imagine the show we saw was similar to what was shown on Kate Plus 8. This part was probably the least enjoyable for me. There was a lot of teasing of the crocs with bait and even trainers to get them to come out of the water or do certain things. Shades of Sea World. I did enjoy the birds, who flew very close to our heads.
Australians in general I've found to be honest, inviting, and curious. They also love to tease and laugh and when I asked some zoo staff where the "restroom" was they burst into giggles and said, "Restroom! You don't rest in it!" They just call it "the toilet" there and thought the Americans and their Americanisms were good fun. Which reminds me, the Australians we were with remembered it was the Fourth of July, which none of us expected them to (after all, most of us don't have the first clue what their holidays are or when), and made us a beautiful flag cake. I think most of us cried when they brought that out, it was just so kind.
It was fairly crowded at the zoo the day we went, although to be fair it was the first day of winter break for Australian school children, so it's hard to judge what it would look like on a regular day. The winter weather was beautiful, in the high 60's, with just a light shower in the morning we barely noticed because we were so absorbed in hanging out with the roos.
Australians are also chatty and love to tell you what they think if you ask. They don't have some idea that they best not say what they think to strangers out of politeness, as some cultures do, including to some extent our own. They are my sort of people! I had chatted up several of them throughout the trip and found out some interesting dirt about Terri. I met someone who knew Steve and said he was just as he was on TV and that everyone loved him, but that most people were not too keen on Terri. He found her to be standoffish and was never able to form any kind of friendship with her as he did Steve. I found myself wondering exactly what Steve saw in Terri, since everyone describes him as so genuine, and she as, frankly, a hot mess. Australians are very aware of the criticism of the Irwins and it makes them uncomfortable. The zoo has been struggling even before Steve's death, and the turning point as one Australian thought, was when Steve held baby Robert near a croc. He said from that moment on they never recovered.
Terri is estranged from Steve's father and he has washed his hands of the zoo, however under Australian law he apparently still has access to and sees Bindi and Robert. The zoo staff is, according to those I talked to, quite concerned about Terri's handling of the zoo's finances. This I had heard in the press, too.
Many locals were also vocal that they didn't like the zoo either, in particular the way you are allowed to touch and hold some of the animals. They said if you encountered a kangaroo or koala in the wild (which I did, incidentally, at about 11 o'clock at night I ran into three roos bigger than me--although that's another story!) you should quietly walk way around it or they'll claw your eyes out. I quietly walked around the three I saw! Way around.
It was really fun and the roos had such personalities. I have a hysterical selfie with one where he looks like a silly kid photobombing me. Some of them had babies in their pouches and I saw them kicking in there like a human fetus kicks his mother. Someone else in my group saw one poke a little head out but sadly I missed that. I took a lot of photos in there and I didn't have to approach a roo, they would approach me and mug for my camera. I felt very much at ease in that exhibit.
There is another similar roo feeding area with a different breed of kangaroos. I think it was Red Kangaroos. They were just as outgoing, but because we stopped by that later they were pretty full and not interested in eating. After that our group all took a turn holding a koala.
It was like holding a sleepy toddler, they were adorable and clung to you instantly. It was very special. I said they looked like sleepy babies, others said they looked like sleepy drunks. Whichever you prefer!
At noon we gathered in the "Crocoseum" for the croc show.
I imagine the show we saw was similar to what was shown on Kate Plus 8. This part was probably the least enjoyable for me. There was a lot of teasing of the crocs with bait and even trainers to get them to come out of the water or do certain things. Shades of Sea World. I did enjoy the birds, who flew very close to our heads.

It was fairly crowded at the zoo the day we went, although to be fair it was the first day of winter break for Australian school children, so it's hard to judge what it would look like on a regular day. The winter weather was beautiful, in the high 60's, with just a light shower in the morning we barely noticed because we were so absorbed in hanging out with the roos.
Australians are also chatty and love to tell you what they think if you ask. They don't have some idea that they best not say what they think to strangers out of politeness, as some cultures do, including to some extent our own. They are my sort of people! I had chatted up several of them throughout the trip and found out some interesting dirt about Terri. I met someone who knew Steve and said he was just as he was on TV and that everyone loved him, but that most people were not too keen on Terri. He found her to be standoffish and was never able to form any kind of friendship with her as he did Steve. I found myself wondering exactly what Steve saw in Terri, since everyone describes him as so genuine, and she as, frankly, a hot mess. Australians are very aware of the criticism of the Irwins and it makes them uncomfortable. The zoo has been struggling even before Steve's death, and the turning point as one Australian thought, was when Steve held baby Robert near a croc. He said from that moment on they never recovered.
Terri is estranged from Steve's father and he has washed his hands of the zoo, however under Australian law he apparently still has access to and sees Bindi and Robert. The zoo staff is, according to those I talked to, quite concerned about Terri's handling of the zoo's finances. This I had heard in the press, too.
Many locals were also vocal that they didn't like the zoo either, in particular the way you are allowed to touch and hold some of the animals. They said if you encountered a kangaroo or koala in the wild (which I did, incidentally, at about 11 o'clock at night I ran into three roos bigger than me--although that's another story!) you should quietly walk way around it or they'll claw your eyes out. I quietly walked around the three I saw! Way around.
At the end of the day a zoo is a zoo and I don't find them particularly necessary, but if you must have a zoo, they did as good of a job as you can with it. I give them credit for getting rid of some of the most exploitive exhibits, like the elephants, even if it were more for financial reasons, and for taking care to hire a staff that treats these animals like their own children. I also know many people who had a stake in the zoo have lines they won't cross. For instance, Steve Irwin's father has been very vocal about his disgust with Sea World. I've been to Sea World San Diego as well and I never felt the level of comfort there that I did at the Australia Zoo. This zoo has its issues, but it was not Sea World.
After a nice lunch in a big food court near the Crocoseum we headed over to the Koala Hospital, which is just a short walk over on the other side of the parking lot.
Here is where my heart just swelled. This is a real living working hospital that takes in injured animals and restores them to health. Many are released back to the wild. If they cannot return safely to the wild they are absorbed into the zoo or go to other good homes. They have it all open for viewing with huge glass windows, and some of the vets were working right at that moment on a sea turtle. You can see in the photo a great example of the gentle, loving touch of the vets. One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing the turtle's back. I don't know if a sick turtle responds to a back rub, but it's worth a try.
The vets came over to the windows to talk to us and show us the turtle up close.
When we were there they were treating several animals including a koala who shattered his pelvis when he was hit by a car. He was doing well enough to rest in a little tree they had set up for him. You could see little shaved spots on his tiny back where they had been working on him. The turtle was suffering from excess air in its body and shell. Apparently a defense mechanism when turtles are injured is to retain excess air, however too much can kill them. There is treatment for it that can help it get better. They did not know how he was injured but guessed maybe a boat.
I'd love to see the zoo focus much more on this rehabilitation, but I suppose the other exhibits help fund this great work. We asked ahead of time if the hospital needed anything, and they said they could use office supplies like post its and pens, and that they could always use new or gently used towels. Well, my group delivered, and brought over from the U.S. with us the motherload pile of supplies you see here in front of one of the vets. I'm very proud of these Americans.
All in all it was a wonderful day, I learned so much, and we all felt so good about being able to help out the hospital with supplies.
Thank you everyone for your patience while I've been absent from the blog. I'm glad I'm able to share with you some of the cool things I did while you were stuck on the same post! Australia may be a progressive country but it could use some work when it comes to its wifi! It's nonexistent in many places and slow as all get out in most others. Incidentally, one of the few times we had really good wifi was at the zoo (thank you, Terri, for that), but of course when that happened we were too busy seeing the zoo to be online much. Thanks again all you blokes and g'day!
After a nice lunch in a big food court near the Crocoseum we headed over to the Koala Hospital, which is just a short walk over on the other side of the parking lot.
Here is where my heart just swelled. This is a real living working hospital that takes in injured animals and restores them to health. Many are released back to the wild. If they cannot return safely to the wild they are absorbed into the zoo or go to other good homes. They have it all open for viewing with huge glass windows, and some of the vets were working right at that moment on a sea turtle. You can see in the photo a great example of the gentle, loving touch of the vets. One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing the turtle's back. I don't know if a sick turtle responds to a back rub, but it's worth a try.
The vets came over to the windows to talk to us and show us the turtle up close.
When we were there they were treating several animals including a koala who shattered his pelvis when he was hit by a car. He was doing well enough to rest in a little tree they had set up for him. You could see little shaved spots on his tiny back where they had been working on him. The turtle was suffering from excess air in its body and shell. Apparently a defense mechanism when turtles are injured is to retain excess air, however too much can kill them. There is treatment for it that can help it get better. They did not know how he was injured but guessed maybe a boat.
I'd love to see the zoo focus much more on this rehabilitation, but I suppose the other exhibits help fund this great work. We asked ahead of time if the hospital needed anything, and they said they could use office supplies like post its and pens, and that they could always use new or gently used towels. Well, my group delivered, and brought over from the U.S. with us the motherload pile of supplies you see here in front of one of the vets. I'm very proud of these Americans.
All in all it was a wonderful day, I learned so much, and we all felt so good about being able to help out the hospital with supplies.
Thank you everyone for your patience while I've been absent from the blog. I'm glad I'm able to share with you some of the cool things I did while you were stuck on the same post! Australia may be a progressive country but it could use some work when it comes to its wifi! It's nonexistent in many places and slow as all get out in most others. Incidentally, one of the few times we had really good wifi was at the zoo (thank you, Terri, for that), but of course when that happened we were too busy seeing the zoo to be online much. Thanks again all you blokes and g'day!
1027 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1027 of 1027 Newer› Newest»It kind of looks to me like Kate wrote this herself. As adults we're usually the ones that mix caps and lower case letters in one word. Looks like an adult trying to look like a kid writing.
That's the way kids today are making their lower case "r's." It looks strange to me, but I've seen this done quite often. I don't know that Kate would know to do it this way.
The bird story has me rolling my eyes. Unless the bird is dead, leave it alone.
Apparently, according to Kate. the bird was in the dog's food bowl. She couldn't leave it there because obviously it would have been dog food. She should have moved it to a safe location, away from where the dog could have gotten it but the mom could find it, or looked for the nest to put it back inside.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
So @Kateplusmy8 Where have you been? #Shopping ? #AmazonPrime ? What kind of items were you looking 4bargains on? #FrugalKate :)
Denise, the Milo In Training, is doing the same thing. What's really funny is that the sheep actually have the audacity to call the non-fans "busybodies!"
Denise @Mydmaxx 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @amazon Did you have a busy shopping day? 👍 Planning ahead!
Denise @Mydmaxx 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @amazon Lucky Shoka! Did Zorro score something too?
If Amazon addict Kate wants to tweet what she has purchased, she will. Otherwise, stop with all the questions!
There is no way the kids wrote that note. She wrote that note. KIAT, is there a picture or a video where her handwriting is shown? I believe those are her a's. The way the word tomorrow is written is totally different than some of the other words.
Lily said... 193
@Kateplusmy8: You know you’re an @amazon addict when you find this note from your kids on your bedroom door.... #AppearedLastNight http://twitter.com/Kateplusmy8/status/621362402236497920/photo/1
It kind of looks to me like Kate wrote this herself. As adults we're usually the ones that mix caps and lower case letters in one word. Looks like an adult trying to look like a kid writing.
I agree. Do kids these days even know how to make an "A" that way? I rarely see adults under 40 write that way anymore. Same with cursive writing.
I guess I'll move my dog crates outside for the boys to sleep from now on. How do you take a dog that has lived most of its life outdoors and try to turn it into an inside dog? That dog will be so confused, I'll bet he pees and poops all over the house. It will look good on her. She's definitely up to something. Seems to me she overcompensating and she's running scared.
Boisterous body? I don't know anyone who butchers the English language the way she does. Trying to use big words when she doesn't know how makes her sound even more stupid. It just doesn't work.
Boisterous body? I don't know anyone who butchers the English language the way she does. Trying to use big words when she doesn't know how makes her sound even more stupid. It just doesn't work.
It wouldn't be so bad but for the fact that Kate's kids seem to be picking up on her butchering of the English language.
It's a real nit to pick, too. Her kids are going to go out into the world with poor language skills, thinking it's either proper, or funny.
Perhaps she's trying to detour conversation from her shamelessly telling everyone about C's 'issues'.
It's certainly changed the course of conversation here! I haven't read all the recent comments but most of them are about her sudden fascination with the dog. Nary a word about what she said about C.
As far as the Amazon note, etc, I don't believe a word she says on twitter. She's been caught in the past tweeting the kids said blah blah blah (or ate whatever, or are in her room, etc), yet random people tweet that Jon has the kids when she's tweeting those crapfest tweets.
It's all smoke and mirrors. I don't believe a word that comes from those tweeting fingers. None of it.
Just as I have been saying for years, Shoka is a guard dog. She admits this in her tweet. He has never been a member of the family.
Susie, a tabloid reported back on one of those NC vacays that Mady caught Kate and Steve kissing, not boinking.
Yes, Jeanne, yes! That Raymond episode was hilarious!
Poor kids, poor Shoka, poor Zorro.
Living in that house in that vat of toxic soup must really be awful!
Because she doesn't believe in life jackets except when she is legally forced to give them out as in C's case and possibly H's case and Shoka too.
Looks like a kid's writing to me. Very entitled to write a note like that. What more could those kids need or want?
I agree Kate butchers the English language. I think she thinks she sounds intelligent by misusing words. And yes, unfortunately, the kids have picked up her way of speaking, particularly Mady. If she writes how she speaks, she'll be in for a rude awakening when she takes freshman English composition in college. Kate writes exactly how someone in high school would write, substituting words from a thesaurus.
If you have the time, I bet you could see her handwriting style on one of those numerous post-it notes she would leave all over the house. There was also a picture of her handwriting snapped by a pap when she was faxing expenses to her attorney during the divorce.
What kid thinks of Amazon Prime Day? Is that really discussed in that house? I thought the kids were not allowed to have social media of any kind. How would they be aware of this? She is a liar always was and always will be.
from Australia!":
What kid thinks of Amazon Prime Day? Is that really discussed in that house? I thought the kids were not allowed to have social media of any kind. How would they be aware of this? She is a liar always was and always will be.
I thought that was strange too. This is something that excites us adult women. A kid??
Oh, and it's not a great deal if you're buying crap you don't need in the first place.
In Multiple Blessings Kate gave a sample of her pre-tups 10000day bedrest journal- her 'a's' were regular, not like that. I think one of the kids may have signed their name with the 'a' printed that way, if someone wants to check the twit pic of her Mother's Day card...
The difference between Kate and Jon is more than the public figure thing. She tries to set herself up as the perfect mom. We are supposed to take her advice on how to be a mom, how to clean a home, how to travel, which celebrities to love, etc. The judge actually said that made a difference in the Bill Cosby records release
EXACTLY. I was kind of saying "setting the agenda" is a factor in how much criticism you deserve. If Bill Cosby had just been minding his own business and just quietly acting, and didn't try to tell people what they should think, the judge said the records might be best left sealed. But he has at various times created a public and sometimes controversial dialogue about serious issues and established himself as an authority on various moral issues.
What the judge said in the Bill Cosby case is actually very relevant to why Jon should be left alone and Kate not.
@Kateplusmy8: @CindyVonUngerer u try 2keep a guard dog by nature behind closed doors w SO much2 sniff&chase outside!😉He does what HE wants! &he’s in&out!
If Shoka is now coming and going as HE pleases, how is that working out for Zorro? We all know from TFW's previous ramblings that Shoka is a hunter and Zorro would make a tasty little morsel. Shoka might even scare poor Zorro to death as he runs willy-nilly through the house with that boisterous body of his.
There's a report on Twitter from The Daily Beast that TLC has cancelled the Duggars.
CNN is also reporting the cancellation of the Duggars. My darn iPad isn't lett me copy and paste links!
Oh my gosh, I just got a news alert TLC officially cancelled 19 Kids and Counting.
I have no clue why it took them four weeks to realize they had NO CHOICE but to cancel.
Maybe Kate knew that and that's why she's been so darn giddy the past 48 hours.
YAY! So glad it was cancelled! How ironic is it that the new show about the transgendered teen aired last night.
Oh my gosh, I just got a news alert TLC officially cancelled 19 Kids and Counting.
About damn time.
I just thought of something. Maybe TFW is all over Shoka because (Kate + 8) - Collin + Shoka still = Kate Plus 8
Any word on whether they will do a spinoff or is that officially kaput too?
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