I hope everyone will indulge me in a brief hiatus from our usual posts to do one of my "recaps", this time about my own reality, my visit to the Australia Zoo last week. My reason for doing such a personal recap is because there is a pretty strong connection to our chatter on this blog and this zoo. Number one, Kate Plus 8 filmed some episodes of the show in Australia and had their own spin on what goes on at the zoo which may not have been entirely accurate. Secondly, Bindi Irwin is probably Australia's most exploited child, even attracting attention from legislatures there who are concerned about her welfare, and for that reason alone I think it's interesting to keep up with what that family is up to.
And I guess a third reason is I think you'll enjoy hearing about this as I enjoyed my day there.
I won't bore you with the long details about how I ended up in Australia. The short version is I was given a wonderful opportunity to work here for a couple weeks, an opportunity which also included some leisure time such as a visit to the Great Barrier Reef and a stay on a cattle station, and I couldn't pass that up. This was one of those right place and right time things that came my way and makes me feel very lucky and appreciative.
So last week I stepped on that 14 hour flight out of LAX bound for Sydney with several other colleagues. I'm not going to lie, that flight was brutal, but there were lots of new movies to watch and enough episodes of Veep to have me giggling a good two-thirds of the way across the Pacific. ("How much would I love to speak my mind on this campaign Can you imagine if I did that? 'Mississippi is chock full of assholes, I don't trust the Chinese, and I gotta tell you something. I'm not going to be able to pass a single piece of legislation that's really going to make any fuck of a difference in your life.' How's that for a campaign platform?") Going back, the flight was more than an hour shorter which was a difference you could feel. Every hour counts when it's that long I guess.
So last week I stepped on that 14 hour flight out of LAX bound for Sydney with several other colleagues. I'm not going to lie, that flight was brutal, but there were lots of new movies to watch and enough episodes of Veep to have me giggling a good two-thirds of the way across the Pacific. ("How much would I love to speak my mind on this campaign Can you imagine if I did that? 'Mississippi is chock full of assholes, I don't trust the Chinese, and I gotta tell you something. I'm not going to be able to pass a single piece of legislation that's really going to make any fuck of a difference in your life.' How's that for a campaign platform?") Going back, the flight was more than an hour shorter which was a difference you could feel. Every hour counts when it's that long I guess.
After a few days recovering from our jet lag in Sydney, where not me but some of us were unfortunately vomiting for a few days (airplane food, we decided) we headed up on a short flight to Brisbane, near where the Australia Zoo is located. We made our home base in the gorgeous seaside surfer town of Caloundra, which hosts an old ship wreck the S.S. Dicky that is probably the most beautiful thing you will ever see at sunrise. A few of us managed to get up to witness it two days in a row. This was the prettier of the two mornings though both were spectacular.
We planned almost an entire free day at the zoo and nearby koala hospital, and hit the ground as soon as it opened at 10 a.m. the day after we arrived in Caloundra.
My first impressions of the zoo was that it was extremely clean, very large, and quite classy. There was very little that was tacky about it as some attractions like this tend to be. It is of course heavy on Steve, with his photo plastered pretty much everywhere, but the heir apparent Bindi is everywhere too. Overlooking a croc infested creek there's Bindi's treehouse, which you can look at but not actually go up in, and coming later this year is something called Bindi's island. None of us bothered to figure out what that was about. A lot of people were commenting that Robert, her younger brother, is hardly anywhere. Neither is Terri for that matter. The marketing team knows what sells, and that's Steve and Bindi. Some remarked that they felt bad for Robert, who perhaps might feel like he plays second fiddle to his sister and dad. (I suppose it's also possible Robert doesn't want to be a part of this, though I doubt it.)
In the morning we wandered from exhibit to exhibit, just checking out whatever was nearby. We saw the crocs, several different birds, and snakes. They had camels you could ride and a sleepy tiger you could get your photo taken with, which I believe is the same one Kate got her photo taken with. It was kind of funny to see three zookeepers in there with the tiger, the people just sitting there on the ground hanging out like it was the most normal thing in the world. We speculated the tiger might be drugged, but I hope not. We saw koalas, one with a little baby riding on her mommy's back that was ridiculously adorable. Zookeepers were everywhere in the zoo, answering questions and often bringing the animals out of the enclosures for a closer look. We saw one worker actually walking a perfectly content wombat like you might a dog.
They were moving him for some reason. I asked if that's how they always move them and they said yes. Well, that seems more humane than sedating it and throwing it in a crate, as long as it's happy to walk with you.
They were moving him for some reason. I asked if that's how they always move them and they said yes. Well, that seems more humane than sedating it and throwing it in a crate, as long as it's happy to walk with you.
I have to say I was impressed with the zookeepers. Most of them were very young, enthusiastic, and had the most nurturing touch with the animals. I watched one young woman remove a dozing koala from a tree with such a gentle hand, like a mother might wake up their sleeping toddler. There are also many areas of the zoo that are hands on and encourage you to touch and pet the animals, which Steve Irwin was so big on (and at times, criticized for) and there was always someone nearby to monitor everyone and make sure the animals were okay. I heard a few zookeepers speak up and ask people to step back when they felt the animal was getting too crowded, but I never saw the animals themselves act uncomfortable. The spirit of Steve and how he believed we should interact with wildlife, whether you agree, carries on.
Now to what I imagine the zoo would consider its highlights. They have a huge enclosed area with a bunch of little kangaroos ranging from about three to five feet tall. They just hop around of their own accord and are perfectly tame around people. We bought some feed and went in and hand fed them.
It was really fun and the roos had such personalities. I have a hysterical selfie with one where he looks like a silly kid photobombing me. Some of them had babies in their pouches and I saw them kicking in there like a human fetus kicks his mother. Someone else in my group saw one poke a little head out but sadly I missed that. I took a lot of photos in there and I didn't have to approach a roo, they would approach me and mug for my camera. I felt very much at ease in that exhibit.
There is another similar roo feeding area with a different breed of kangaroos. I think it was Red Kangaroos. They were just as outgoing, but because we stopped by that later they were pretty full and not interested in eating. After that our group all took a turn holding a koala.
It was like holding a sleepy toddler, they were adorable and clung to you instantly. It was very special. I said they looked like sleepy babies, others said they looked like sleepy drunks. Whichever you prefer!
At noon we gathered in the "Crocoseum" for the croc show.
I imagine the show we saw was similar to what was shown on Kate Plus 8. This part was probably the least enjoyable for me. There was a lot of teasing of the crocs with bait and even trainers to get them to come out of the water or do certain things. Shades of Sea World. I did enjoy the birds, who flew very close to our heads.
Australians in general I've found to be honest, inviting, and curious. They also love to tease and laugh and when I asked some zoo staff where the "restroom" was they burst into giggles and said, "Restroom! You don't rest in it!" They just call it "the toilet" there and thought the Americans and their Americanisms were good fun. Which reminds me, the Australians we were with remembered it was the Fourth of July, which none of us expected them to (after all, most of us don't have the first clue what their holidays are or when), and made us a beautiful flag cake. I think most of us cried when they brought that out, it was just so kind.
It was fairly crowded at the zoo the day we went, although to be fair it was the first day of winter break for Australian school children, so it's hard to judge what it would look like on a regular day. The winter weather was beautiful, in the high 60's, with just a light shower in the morning we barely noticed because we were so absorbed in hanging out with the roos.
Australians are also chatty and love to tell you what they think if you ask. They don't have some idea that they best not say what they think to strangers out of politeness, as some cultures do, including to some extent our own. They are my sort of people! I had chatted up several of them throughout the trip and found out some interesting dirt about Terri. I met someone who knew Steve and said he was just as he was on TV and that everyone loved him, but that most people were not too keen on Terri. He found her to be standoffish and was never able to form any kind of friendship with her as he did Steve. I found myself wondering exactly what Steve saw in Terri, since everyone describes him as so genuine, and she as, frankly, a hot mess. Australians are very aware of the criticism of the Irwins and it makes them uncomfortable. The zoo has been struggling even before Steve's death, and the turning point as one Australian thought, was when Steve held baby Robert near a croc. He said from that moment on they never recovered.
Terri is estranged from Steve's father and he has washed his hands of the zoo, however under Australian law he apparently still has access to and sees Bindi and Robert. The zoo staff is, according to those I talked to, quite concerned about Terri's handling of the zoo's finances. This I had heard in the press, too.
Many locals were also vocal that they didn't like the zoo either, in particular the way you are allowed to touch and hold some of the animals. They said if you encountered a kangaroo or koala in the wild (which I did, incidentally, at about 11 o'clock at night I ran into three roos bigger than me--although that's another story!) you should quietly walk way around it or they'll claw your eyes out. I quietly walked around the three I saw! Way around.
It was really fun and the roos had such personalities. I have a hysterical selfie with one where he looks like a silly kid photobombing me. Some of them had babies in their pouches and I saw them kicking in there like a human fetus kicks his mother. Someone else in my group saw one poke a little head out but sadly I missed that. I took a lot of photos in there and I didn't have to approach a roo, they would approach me and mug for my camera. I felt very much at ease in that exhibit.
There is another similar roo feeding area with a different breed of kangaroos. I think it was Red Kangaroos. They were just as outgoing, but because we stopped by that later they were pretty full and not interested in eating. After that our group all took a turn holding a koala.
It was like holding a sleepy toddler, they were adorable and clung to you instantly. It was very special. I said they looked like sleepy babies, others said they looked like sleepy drunks. Whichever you prefer!
At noon we gathered in the "Crocoseum" for the croc show.
I imagine the show we saw was similar to what was shown on Kate Plus 8. This part was probably the least enjoyable for me. There was a lot of teasing of the crocs with bait and even trainers to get them to come out of the water or do certain things. Shades of Sea World. I did enjoy the birds, who flew very close to our heads.

It was fairly crowded at the zoo the day we went, although to be fair it was the first day of winter break for Australian school children, so it's hard to judge what it would look like on a regular day. The winter weather was beautiful, in the high 60's, with just a light shower in the morning we barely noticed because we were so absorbed in hanging out with the roos.
Australians are also chatty and love to tell you what they think if you ask. They don't have some idea that they best not say what they think to strangers out of politeness, as some cultures do, including to some extent our own. They are my sort of people! I had chatted up several of them throughout the trip and found out some interesting dirt about Terri. I met someone who knew Steve and said he was just as he was on TV and that everyone loved him, but that most people were not too keen on Terri. He found her to be standoffish and was never able to form any kind of friendship with her as he did Steve. I found myself wondering exactly what Steve saw in Terri, since everyone describes him as so genuine, and she as, frankly, a hot mess. Australians are very aware of the criticism of the Irwins and it makes them uncomfortable. The zoo has been struggling even before Steve's death, and the turning point as one Australian thought, was when Steve held baby Robert near a croc. He said from that moment on they never recovered.
Terri is estranged from Steve's father and he has washed his hands of the zoo, however under Australian law he apparently still has access to and sees Bindi and Robert. The zoo staff is, according to those I talked to, quite concerned about Terri's handling of the zoo's finances. This I had heard in the press, too.
Many locals were also vocal that they didn't like the zoo either, in particular the way you are allowed to touch and hold some of the animals. They said if you encountered a kangaroo or koala in the wild (which I did, incidentally, at about 11 o'clock at night I ran into three roos bigger than me--although that's another story!) you should quietly walk way around it or they'll claw your eyes out. I quietly walked around the three I saw! Way around.
At the end of the day a zoo is a zoo and I don't find them particularly necessary, but if you must have a zoo, they did as good of a job as you can with it. I give them credit for getting rid of some of the most exploitive exhibits, like the elephants, even if it were more for financial reasons, and for taking care to hire a staff that treats these animals like their own children. I also know many people who had a stake in the zoo have lines they won't cross. For instance, Steve Irwin's father has been very vocal about his disgust with Sea World. I've been to Sea World San Diego as well and I never felt the level of comfort there that I did at the Australia Zoo. This zoo has its issues, but it was not Sea World.
After a nice lunch in a big food court near the Crocoseum we headed over to the Koala Hospital, which is just a short walk over on the other side of the parking lot.
Here is where my heart just swelled. This is a real living working hospital that takes in injured animals and restores them to health. Many are released back to the wild. If they cannot return safely to the wild they are absorbed into the zoo or go to other good homes. They have it all open for viewing with huge glass windows, and some of the vets were working right at that moment on a sea turtle. You can see in the photo a great example of the gentle, loving touch of the vets. One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing the turtle's back. I don't know if a sick turtle responds to a back rub, but it's worth a try.
The vets came over to the windows to talk to us and show us the turtle up close.
When we were there they were treating several animals including a koala who shattered his pelvis when he was hit by a car. He was doing well enough to rest in a little tree they had set up for him. You could see little shaved spots on his tiny back where they had been working on him. The turtle was suffering from excess air in its body and shell. Apparently a defense mechanism when turtles are injured is to retain excess air, however too much can kill them. There is treatment for it that can help it get better. They did not know how he was injured but guessed maybe a boat.
I'd love to see the zoo focus much more on this rehabilitation, but I suppose the other exhibits help fund this great work. We asked ahead of time if the hospital needed anything, and they said they could use office supplies like post its and pens, and that they could always use new or gently used towels. Well, my group delivered, and brought over from the U.S. with us the motherload pile of supplies you see here in front of one of the vets. I'm very proud of these Americans.
All in all it was a wonderful day, I learned so much, and we all felt so good about being able to help out the hospital with supplies.
Thank you everyone for your patience while I've been absent from the blog. I'm glad I'm able to share with you some of the cool things I did while you were stuck on the same post! Australia may be a progressive country but it could use some work when it comes to its wifi! It's nonexistent in many places and slow as all get out in most others. Incidentally, one of the few times we had really good wifi was at the zoo (thank you, Terri, for that), but of course when that happened we were too busy seeing the zoo to be online much. Thanks again all you blokes and g'day!
After a nice lunch in a big food court near the Crocoseum we headed over to the Koala Hospital, which is just a short walk over on the other side of the parking lot.
Here is where my heart just swelled. This is a real living working hospital that takes in injured animals and restores them to health. Many are released back to the wild. If they cannot return safely to the wild they are absorbed into the zoo or go to other good homes. They have it all open for viewing with huge glass windows, and some of the vets were working right at that moment on a sea turtle. You can see in the photo a great example of the gentle, loving touch of the vets. One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing the turtle's back. I don't know if a sick turtle responds to a back rub, but it's worth a try.
The vets came over to the windows to talk to us and show us the turtle up close.
When we were there they were treating several animals including a koala who shattered his pelvis when he was hit by a car. He was doing well enough to rest in a little tree they had set up for him. You could see little shaved spots on his tiny back where they had been working on him. The turtle was suffering from excess air in its body and shell. Apparently a defense mechanism when turtles are injured is to retain excess air, however too much can kill them. There is treatment for it that can help it get better. They did not know how he was injured but guessed maybe a boat.
I'd love to see the zoo focus much more on this rehabilitation, but I suppose the other exhibits help fund this great work. We asked ahead of time if the hospital needed anything, and they said they could use office supplies like post its and pens, and that they could always use new or gently used towels. Well, my group delivered, and brought over from the U.S. with us the motherload pile of supplies you see here in front of one of the vets. I'm very proud of these Americans.
All in all it was a wonderful day, I learned so much, and we all felt so good about being able to help out the hospital with supplies.
Thank you everyone for your patience while I've been absent from the blog. I'm glad I'm able to share with you some of the cool things I did while you were stuck on the same post! Australia may be a progressive country but it could use some work when it comes to its wifi! It's nonexistent in many places and slow as all get out in most others. Incidentally, one of the few times we had really good wifi was at the zoo (thank you, Terri, for that), but of course when that happened we were too busy seeing the zoo to be online much. Thanks again all you blokes and g'day!
1027 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1027 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the report, and so glad you had a great trip!
We used to watch the Crocodile Hunter, and Steve and Terri did one episode where they talked about how they met. She was involved with some type of wild animal sanctuary in the US. She and a friend visited the zoo and she met and talked to Steve, and he invited her to come back the next day to learn more. IIRC, the next day she spent time with him mucking out enclosures among other things. She lived in Oregon, they courted long distance, and he convinced her to marry him and move to Australia.
I remember, whenever Steve talked about Terri on the show, it was obvious he was absolutely completely in love with her, he adored her. I also recall film of when she was in the hospital about to give birth to Bindi, Steve came in with his camera crew and she yelled at him to get the cameras out of there!
NJGal51 said... 89
@RealZiggyFlo: Why is it OK 4 @Kateplusmy8 2 bring up her child's' issues but not Jon?
I don't know. They should ask themselves that question since they were the ones who flipped out on Jon for bringing up some concerns he had about the kids. Why did they flip out on Jon but not Kate? Indulge us.
And facts matter. Jon didn't specifically identify which child or children were causing him deep concern. That's an important difference. He also did it to point out that he believed that they should not have to live their issues out on TV. There was a "greater good." You may not agree with the method, but the concern is the same.
There was no "reason" or greater good for Kate to share what she did other than to gossip about her own child.
Welcome back AAdmin! Did you snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef? So glad to here that the zoo animals are so well taken care of. I live just a few blocks from the Seattle zoo, which also has kangaroos. I have see legs sticking out of pouches, as well as a little face. Too adorable, although mama could use one of those freebie punch tucks. Looks very uncomfortable.
I think that Bindi used to have a TV show that had a treehouse. Don't know if they filmed at the zoo, but that may be what that is.
I know I am no legal beagle but why has their never been a guardian ad Leitrim assigned for these children???
There may very well be one assigned. We don't know. If there's not, it wouldn't be unusual. It's expensive and often the parents have to pay for it. It is often only reserved for when there is serious concern about how to figure out what is best for the children. If the judge feels like he has a pretty good idea of the situation and can talk to the children and feels they won't be influenced, he might not find a GAL necessary. GALs are also not necessarily that helpful. I've worked with some who have no idea what is going on in the case, others have mixed things up, others have taken positions on cases that I just can't make heads or tails of. Some of them are scammers collecting paychecks. Fat lot of use they are to the children sometimes.
Yes Ex Nurse, I both snorkeled and did scuba too! You can scuba without a license you just go down with a guide who holds your hand. Really cool. The pressure was intense that deep though, which was scary, but it allowed for a different perspective of the massive reef, which was more like an underwater cliff. It took a two hour very choppy boat ride to get out there. Had no idea it was that far out. They passed out barf bags lol. It was neat, they had a little dock out there and catered lunch, a huge area enclosed by buoys to swim in to your heart's content, and you grabbed all the gear and off you went. An experience of a lifetime.
I saw an episode of Bindi's treehouse playing. It was clearly just a set. That show was dumb from what I saw of it. All it was was Bindi introducing old clips of her dad. She was maybe eight years old. I just can't imagine an eighty ear old enjoying weeks upon weeks in a studio introducing clips. That poor child has had to work a lot.
I do agree Joy that Steve really did love Terri. Love at first sight kind of thing. It was also clear he was over the moon for his children, the kind of father any child would be blessed to have.
Maybe it was one of those relationships where no one understands why they like that woman but that person. I think Terri is an opportunist and it seems to me she pursued Steve and the avenue that would open up for her. She had locked him down pretty quickly and was packing her moving truck for Australia before the ink was dry. I find the authenticity of that a little hard to believe.
She inherited his empire and shows no signs of stopping. I don't think Steve ever saw any ulterior motives behind her, or the ineptness or poor handling of important situations. I don't think he COULD see it, even though many others have pointed it out including his own father.
Skipping through youtube I found this. WARNING; sensitive material but good understanding about a narcissist. I am not suggesting Kate would kill any of her kids but I sure worry about how she treats them behind the camera.
This Dr. Phil is titled "Mothers who hate their kids." Again, WARNING. Not for sensitive people. Dr. Phil just one mother if she wanted to kill her daughter and then herself and she said yes. Wow.
Sorry for posting again. I'm just riled to know end. Kate fits the profile IMO to a tee.
Admin. I don't mean disrespect with this question but are you sure it's for all Ausi.? I talk to a friend from there on facebook all the time.
I imagine residents pay for a personal home connection. To find wifi that worked and was fast as a visitor was very difficult. Almost all our hotel or other public place connections were either nonexistent, too slow to be useful or outrageously expensive. Found good wifi maybe once a week in a restaurant.
Dr. Phil just one mother. Insert "ASKED" on post num. 8 and the sentence makes more sense. Silly me, one of these days my slight dyslexia is going to get me into BIG trouble. lol
By the way, who's up so early, other than myself, approving the comments. Hehe Just funnin.
Welcome back Admin. What a wonderful adventure you have had and I am truly jealous. I loved that picture at Caloundra. Australia and New Zealand are two countries that I have always wanted to visit. Your recap is so informative and interesting.
Ok thanks for responding. I understand now. You must still have jet lag. It's sure is early. lol It's 3:40 AM here.
So last week I stepped on that 14 hour flight out of LAX bound for Sydney with several other colleagues. I'm not going to lie, that flight was brutal, but there were lots of new movies to watch and enough episodes of Veep to have me giggling a good two-thirds of the way across the Pacific.
"It's like trying to explain gravity to a chicken"
That line pops into my head when I read the sheep droppings.
Thanks for sharing your trip. I hope one day to visit Australia but you are correct, the long plane ride can be brutal so there's that to consider.
I know little of Steve Irwin other than occasionally watching him on TV and I loved his "Crikey" expression. It was a good show. Don't like zoos but glad to hear that they rescue animals and treat them.
I wonder how much longer Kate will keep attempting contact with Terri for an invite, free of course. She just recently tweeted how much she would "LOVE" to visit the Netherlands. Wow.
Thanks for the sharing post, Admin. Sounds like you have a fabulous time. You were truly lucky to have been given the opportunity.
I'm torn when it comes to zoos. I know they can educate and bring awareness to people, and they do have some great conservation programs, but I agree that the hands-on is not in the best interests of the animal.
Every year, we have reports of tourists getting out of their cars to take pictures of the bears, moose, buffalo, what have you, and they get injured or killed because they don't understand the term "wild".
Roos look so kooky and lovable, but they are dangerous animals that should not be approached. Friends of ours from Auz say they are generally despised as nuisance animals.
I was not a big fan of Steve and the way he ripped those poor animals out of their hiding spots and teased the crap out of them for the cameras. Someone posted on the last thread about the fakery of Shark week and some of their "documentaries". Seems we can't trust anything we see on television.
Kate is not the only TLC alum to publish fake photos. Duggars do the same.
There was no "reason" or greater good for Kate to share what she did other than to gossip about her own child.
July 6, 2015 at 9:41 PM
I think Kate is getting ahead of the story, which will become evident when Colin isn't around for filming, or seen at the bus stop when the inevitable pap photos pop up.
She'll have to explain his absence sooner or later.
Admin, thanks for the recap! Sounds like you had a fantastic trip.
Hope you're able to get your bearings back reasonably quickly!
There's an opinion piece in the NY Post online this morning:
"Parents: Keep Your Kids Off Reality TV!" The focus is
transgender teen Jazz Jennings, but J&K+8 is mentioned
as one of TLC's "freak shows."
TLC stinks said... 15
Thanks for sharing your trip. I hope one day to visit Australia but you are correct, the long plane ride can be brutal so there's that to consider.
Amazing how 7 & 10 year olds (was it?) could travel there and back from the East coast and have no problems with the long flights and jet lag!
Just hit the ground and jumped right into filming!
Welcome back Admin! Sounds like a fantastic experience, "memory making" in fact ;)
Even the Australians can make a better flag cake than little ol' patriotic tfw.
" You wanna see a cake? now that's a cake!" (in Crododile Dundee's voice)
Kate is not the only TLC alum to publish fake photos. Duggars do the same
Ok, can someone clarify?
DID tfw post the same pic as last year or not? WERE the kids indeed with Jon? I'm a little lost on that one
Tucker's Mom said... 18
"I think Kate is getting ahead of the story, which will become evident when Colin isn't around for filming, or seen at the bus stop when the inevitable pap photos pop up."
I agree. I expect that the specialists she referred to have determined that Collin should be kept off TV. Not her choice, by any means.
She'll have to explain his absence sooner or later.
ITA, Tucker's Mom. She was getting ahead of the story, probably per a directive from TLC. This way she looks like a caring mom rather than what was really going on: keeping it secret so he could be included in the 8-pack.
It's a good sign, IMO, that he was not in a couch interview. Makes me think that he is no longer being filmed since I would think that pressure of filming should be eliminated per a therapist; otherwise, there is no doubt in my mind Kate and TLC would exploit his issues.
I can now see why Kate zeroed in on poor Collin since he was a baby. She labeled him as "stubborn" early on. He did not capitulate as his siblings. I saw he was different as a toddler so you can't tell me she was unaware he had issues. My feeling is that he was diagnosed years ago and has been on medication which calmed him during filming. We know that a young nanny, I forget her name, was assigned the task of doling out medication per her own words. I bet the school did all that they could, but there must have been a tipping point. And why the CPS investigation? Wasn't that back in February regarding Collin? Maybe someone from the school? Regardless, I am thrilled Collin is getting help.
I wonder how much longer Kate will keep attempting contact with Terri for an invite, free of course. She just recently tweeted how much she would "LOVE" to visit the Netherlands. Wow.
Admin, did you get to see Kate's handprints at the zoo, and did you gently lay your hands in hers?
I so badly want to comment on my fb newsfeeds (tabloids, yes, don't hate:)
that are reporting about how "disgusting" or "unbelievable" it is that a Brown family member is trying to hock a photo of Christina on her death bed.
UMMMM-which one of these tabloids is going to purchase this photo and be the first to publish it?? You know it's coming
Vanessa, I think we concluded she did not publish last year's July 4th unless she used previously unpublished old photos, but she does publish photos that make it appear they were current to give the impression she's home or whatever. The article in Radar says that on Instagram the photo published is not current and was used to give the impression that Jill and family have already left the country on their mission trip.
I have no idea about the validity of Mom of Four and the posting that Jon had the kids.
I remember when the Croc Hunter burst onto the scene. Steve and Terri were huge and very popular in the U.S.
I disagree with how Terri has passed the mantle onto Bindi, and to a lesser extent, Robert. It never should have been Bindi's responsibility to save the brand, the Zoo and the empire.
I LOATHE Bindi's alliance with Sea World. That whole situation is way too nuanced for a young girl to wade into and shame on SW and Terri for forging that business partnership.
Tucker's Mom, not only the jet lag is awful, but it makes me wonder why the heck TLC allowed the expense of such a trip. But oh yes, New Zealand absolutely had to be visited too so Steve and Kate could visit his parents. Wasn't that just the oddest thing ever? And no wife which blew me away. Surely Gina would take advantage of a free trip home to New Zealand. I know she was there in Hawaii at the fake wedding so TLC is ok with family tagging along.
I think unfortunately, zoos are necessary to ensure the management of animal species in the wild.
We've taken over the Earth, and there has to be education and support for animals we've displaced through population and destruction of territory.
Unfortunately, the animal kingdom would overall be much worse off if good people did nothing.
Yes, there are bad zoo exhibits, and bad people who are in it for all the wrong reasons, too.
But, if I had to choose, and I do, I choose zoos and support my local zoo.
Admin, did you get to see Kate's handprints at the zoo, and did you gently lay your hands in hers?
Careful now Tucker, Gladys just may lose a gasket. She'll disappear from twitter again after just courageously coming back.
Thanks for the clarification TLC stinks
Thanks for the recap, admin. Glad you had a great trip and saw so much. Lovely photos. I am particularly pleased to hear of the humane treatment of the animals there except the drugged tiger.
Admin, when you wrote this description about an injured animal's
treatment -- "One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing
the turtle's back" --- I couldn't help but compare that to TFW's
treatment of her little feverish, vomiting son: placing him on the
laundry room floor.
Then Jon came home and went to him and said, almost alarmed,
"he's burning up," and instinctively lifted his son off the floor and
place him in their bed -- risking the wrath of his wife, whose main concern was not having to do any more "vomit laundry." When
the fans saw that episode, how was it not clear who was the
cold-hearted parent, and who was the loving one?
LOL, Kate's flag cake looked nothing like the one pictured in her crookbook. If she was OCD, that cake would at least resemble the one pictured with the same sized strawberries, all placed face down. She picks and chooses what she is OCD about apparently.
Thanks Admin for your very interesting recap of your Australian adventure. I'm not a fan of zoos myself and in particular the way Steve Irwin was filmed teasing animals.
For those who are contemplating a visit down under I would recommend stopovers in Hawaii and Fiji to break the long flight. A day or two in each makes the long trip more enjoyable - providing of course you have the extra time and can handle the added expense.
Even the Australians can make a better flag cake than little ol' patriotic tfw.
" You wanna see a cake? now that's a cake!" (in Crododile Dundee's voice)
TLC stinks said... 34
LOL, Kate's flag cake looked nothing like the one pictured in her crookbook.
Of course, Kate's flag cake didn't look like the one in the cookbook. The one in the cookbook wasn't made by Kate. It was just another stock photo, as were many of the other pictures in the cook book.
Cookbook photo and recipe tweeted by one of her fans:
Stock photo from istockphoto.com:
Notice that the istock photo was uploaded in Dec. 2006, a couple of years before Kate made "her" flag cake on TV.
I agree. I expect that the specialists she referred to have determined that Collin should be kept off TV. Not her choice, by any means.
She'll have to explain his absence sooner or later.
I can't imagine a scenario where a child psychologist or social worker told Kate that there's no down side to filming Colin. No way.
It's hard enough to be any kid on reality tv, plus your parents' highly-publicized and acrimonious divorce, ongoing divorce drama for years, parental alienation and your mother telling the world your challenges would be a disaster.
TLC stinks said... 24
ITA, Tucker's Mom. She was getting ahead of the story, probably per a directive from TLC. This way she looks like a caring mom rather than what was really going on: keeping it secret so he could be included in the 8-pack.
I believe if any kids stops filming, Kate will spin it as something she's decided, for her child's own good. But really, she's never been pro-active, always reactive.
Vanessa said... 31
Admin, did you get to see Kate's handprints at the zoo, and did you gently lay your hands in hers?
Careful now Tucker, Gladys just may lose a gasket. She'll disappear from twitter again after just courageously coming back.
Oh, Gladys would have laid her hands in Kate's and wept, soft, silent tears of joy and pain.
Tucker's Mom said... 18
I think Kate is getting ahead of the story, which will become evident when Colin isn't around for filming, or seen at the bus stop when the inevitable pap photos pop up.
She'll have to explain his absence sooner or later.
I think you are right about this. I also suspect that her "confusion" over his beautiful birthday gift, and her dissing of it, was a cold and calculated maneuver to provide "evidence" that he is "odd" and needs help. I believe she was laying the groundwork, and placing blame on him, to help explain why he will no longer be filmed. She is pure evil.
We know that a young nanny, I forget her name, was assigned the task of doling out medication per her own words.
When was this? Are you talking about Emily and her trip to New England with Kate and the kids, and her alleged DMs back and forth with someone on Twitter? Or was it another nanny?
"And why the CPS investigation? Wasn't that back in February regarding Collin? Maybe someone from the school?"
I must have missed this. There was CPS investigation about Collin? How is this known if its records are sealed?
I'm happy C seems like he is going to get some help, but I'm also still concerned that his exclusion from the rest of the family is going to continue to do him harm. Kate has done everything in her power to keep the kids as part of "the 8" and not allow them to grow individually. Every show they film is about the group participating in the same activity. Assuming C's therapist has recommended that he not be filmed then he is no longer of any use to Kate. She is going to continue to plan their activities around the Gosselin brand. C isn't going to get any individualized attention from Kate since that would take away from her reality TV masterminding.
In my opinion C needs to get out of that house and move in with Jon. C needs to be loved and encouraged to blossom in his own way. Being an outcast to the seven golden children would be just as bad as being forced to continue filming.
I think you are right about this. I also suspect that her "confusion" over his beautiful birthday gift, and her dissing of it, was a cold and calculated maneuver to provide "evidence" that he is "odd" and needs help.
I think it's just an extension of how she treats him all the time.
She doesn't seem to "connect" to him. I don't think she really digs who he is as his own little person.
The presents she got from her kids were all picked out with loving intent, from what I could see. I can't relate to why Kate reacted to Colin's gift the way she did. It had a theme that was beautiful and not literal, like the other kids.
The other kids saw turtles and shared that experience with their mother, so they bought turtles. OK. Probably what I would have chosen as a kid.
Colin went more abstract and chose a gift based on the theme and what it represented, which was SO COOL, and I SO GOT!
I would have marveled at his marching to the beat of a different drum, in a brood of 7 other siblings.
It was a really neat, but it fell flat for Kate.
Too bad.
Blowing, it's too time consuming to research but I am 100% certain that girl (the one who fancies herself an insider with celebs, blond hair) mentioned that she gave out meds (we talked about it on this blog plus I remember her tweets or DM's which blew up when she DM'd a Kate hater who has since disappeared). Those DM's were legit as far as I could tell.
And someone got in touch with with CPS as reported by Radar:
Haven't watched, but his birthday gift was awesome. How it must have hurt him for her to reject it. As far as I am concerned, the best thing that could happen for Collin is for Jon to raise him. You are all correct; he is of no use to her if she cannot film him.
Hey, who's taking care of the chickens if Collin isn't around?
I cannot help but think Hannah's outburst in April (?) may have had something to do with Collin. Although the kids squabble, they are very tight (thanks to their mother isolating them). Cannot wait until they are physically bigger than her. It will come. Teens who perceive they have been mistreated are not easy to control.
TLC Stinks, I agree. Probably Hannah was having a deep conversation with Jon (as Kate admitted he was better at than she was) and feelings and facts about their treatment and Kate came tumbling out. Hannah may have been temporarily mad at Mommy but Jon took her words seriously, as a good parent would. I can't see Hannah separating from Leah, but maybe Collin, the odd-man out, will be able to live with Jon. I hope so. This is speculation but I'm sure more will become public as it always does. Dear little Collin with his precious gift and trying so hard to please his mother.
Kate is a twit said... 86
I've been thinking about the Collin situation. Kate said he had "educational and social problems". IMO, his "difficulties" stem from his being afraid of not giving the right answer or acting appropriately in any given situation.
KIAT--I am not at all disagreeing with what you are saying--I think that TFW's piss poor parenting has brought him anxiety and fear. But schools don't get involved in the kind of services that were described in that ROL letter that was swiffered, unless a child's behavior is either interfering with the teacher's ability to teach (ie requiring constant supervision to reduce distracting behavior), is violent, or requires individual instruction to master the material. A quiet, withdrawn child will often escape notice, as they do not pose a threat to the classroom community or interfere with teaching. It is quite clear that his problems go way beyond the scope of what you are describing, although I do think that it is true that he is fearful because he is either ignored, corrected or punished. There doesn't seem to be anything that poor kid can do draw praise or appreciation from that succumb us of a mother.
Tucker--I agree that her prepared statement was to get ahead of the story and clear the way for more filming of the other kids.
When was it announced that C wouldn't be filming any more? I think we are all engaging in some wishful thinking or else I missed it.
More wishful thinking: H staged her little rebellion because of what she saw happening to C. I believe she said she couldn't take any more of her mother's cruelty.
Blowing, it's too time consuming to research but I am 100% certain that girl (the one who fancies herself an insider with celebs, blond hair) mentioned that she gave out meds (we talked about it on this blog plus I remember her tweets or DM's which blew up when she DM'd a Kate hater who has since disappeared). Those DM's were legit as far as I could tell.
How could you tell that they were legit, especially given the history of the one who was claiming that they were from Emily?
Emily is the college student who is obsessed with older female celebrities. Kate promised her some time ago that she would be Godmother to Emily's baby (if and when she has one). She went on the New England trip with Kate, and allegedly disclosed some info that she shouldn't have. As far as I know, it was never confirmed or refuted if all of that was credible or not. Could some of the kids be on meds? Of course. However, if this is the case, we don't know which kids or what meds (ADD, allergies?). This should be kept private. It's really none of our business.
The story on ROL was just that -- a story from an unnamed "source." I wouldn't trust Radar on anything. Of course we've seen how she treats Collin, but when it comes to CPS and investigations, unless someone who works for them or is close to the Gosselins disclosed an on-going investigation, none of that was ever confirmed. I'm not saying it wasn't possible or never happened, but ROL really isn't the source of credible info all of the time, especially when we don't know who reported it.
P.J. said... 49
When was it announced that C wouldn't be filming any more? I think we are all engaging in some wishful thinking or else I missed it.
It wasn't and of course, it's speculative to say the Colin won't be filmed as much, but I'm betting we're right.
Blowing, you are correct to question, but I refuse to get into a tit for tat. Personally, I believe Radar got it right that CPS was called. You see, Kate never has sued the tabloids, therefore I believe she does not want to go there with a lawsuit and open a can of worms.
Darn I forgot about her handprint. Where were those? Never saw anything like that that. I found the memorial wall to Steve which was weirdly in the back of the cafeteria near the bathrooms, lol. Completely not near anything and almost in a back corner. I only found it because a local showed me it.
The sheeple can claim they made those drive by comments about Colin but it doesn't prove they did. I DID suspect it was a sheeple which is why I didn't post the comment and turns out Collin IS having issues, so joke's on them.
TLC said, " I remember her tweets or DM's which blew up when she DM'd a Kate hater who has since disappeared). "
The "hater" hasn't disappeared. She recently tweeted that she was horrified when Kate commented the personal info about Collin.
I wouldn't trust that one. She really appeared to have some screws loose.
I found myself wondering exactly what Steve saw in Terri, since everyone describes him as so genuine, and she as, frankly, a hot mess.
Teehee. No wonder she and TFW are long-distant bffs.
Welcome back, Admin! I enjoyed your trip recap and I hope Kate gets all jellusish when she reads it.
PJ asked, "When was it announced that C wouldn't be filming any more? I think we are all engaging in some wishful thinking or else I missed it."
You didn't miss it. I think this kind of took on a life of its own when it was speculated that he may be living with Jon, or off somewhere in a boarding school and unable to film. Sometimes these assumptions get a bit overdone, especially since there was no information given as to where he is going to school or how, logistically, this would affect filming.
Ex-Nurse said, "Tucker--I agree that her prepared statement was to get ahead of the story and clear the way for more filming of the other kids."
But that doesn't necessarily mean that he will not be included in the filming if, in fact, there really are more episodes planned. Where is this coming from?
Tucker's Mom said... 39
TLC stinks said... 24
ITA, Tucker's Mom. She was getting ahead of the story, probably per a directive from TLC. This way she looks like a caring mom rather than what was really going on: keeping it secret so he could be included in the 8-pack.
I believe if any kids stops filming, Kate will spin it as something she's decided, for her child's own good. But really, she's never been pro-active, always reactive.
I refuse to allow TLC on my tv so I waited until someone posted the specials on Youtube and now it's taken me a two days just to get through the big 4-0h because I can only watch a few minutes at a time. (Did you know that if you ingest just a little poison at intervals it won't kill you? Well it's the same thing listening to that gargoyle yammer on about herself. It'll make you sick but it won't kill ya if you take her one small dose at a time.)
But I digress...
How wonderful that it was all she could ever have dreamed of, except that she had to drag the kids along and pretend to enjoy their company when it only hindered her alone time with Steve.
Her reaction to Collin's gift was blatantly castigating and absolutely unforgiveable. Why didn't she just hang a sign around his neck saying he's the imperfect runt of the litter. She treats him the way she treated Nala. What's her next step -- put him in a cage and ship him off until he learns to love her better?
Lovely post about the zoo, Admin! Thanks!
Well it's the same thing listening to that gargoyle yammer on about herself. It'll make you sick but it won't kill ya if you take her one small dose at a time.)
But I digress...
lol!! I have found that I can watch it on You Tube and preview clips if I put the entire thing on mute. I can't even listen to her in small doses. It's the voice that's the poison for me!
Midnight Madness said... 57
Ex-Nurse said, "Tucker--I agree that her prepared statement was to get ahead of the story and clear the way for more filming of the other kids."
But that doesn't necessarily mean that he will not be included in the filming if, in fact, there really are more episodes planned. Where is this coming from?
Once again, it's speculative, but based on Kate's predictable patterns.
No one is saying it's written in stone.
Why speculate? Because that's what we do from time to time, and in this case, I think it's what we hope for (for all of them, but especially Colin).
I refuse to allow TLC on my tv so I waited until someone posted the specials on Youtube and now it's taken me a two days just to get through the big 4-0h because I can only watch a few minutes at a time. (Did you know that if you ingest just a little poison at intervals it won't kill you? Well it's the same thing listening to that gargoyle yammer on about herself. It'll make you sick but it won't kill ya if you take her one small dose at a time.)
But I digress...
That's what I did- went to YouTube and ff'd to the parts that have been discussed to see if they were really that bad.
Yup, they were.
Hey, quit ragging on Kate about the bear figurine. I get where she's coming from.
Say for a moment that I think of things in groups of 10 - that is my identity because I have 10 grandchildren They each buy me a birthday gift. Kids 1-9 each give me a pearl to make me a necklace. Kid 10 gives me a turquoise because it reminds her of our trip out west together, just the 2 of us. So much for the symbolic 10! What's a granny to do? Stupid Kid #10! Stupid present! Now the display of 10 matching things is ruined, ruined I say! How am I expected to explain THAT? That stupid turquoise is going to stick out like a sore thumb every time I look at my necklace. Best to just put the whole thing in the trash. They probably won't even care the next day.
Sure, I get where Kate was coming from on her birthday. Uh huh. That bear and cub did NOT complete the set of EIGHT turtles! Stupid bear!
Stupid present!
Admin, the Great Barrier Reef sounds amazing!
How deep were you that you felt a lot of pressure under water?
I haven't been SCUBA diving, only snorkeling.
We're going to Cabo and I'm not sure if I want to try-but maybe DH does.
Admin, the Great Barrier Reef sounds amazing!
How deep were you that you felt a lot of pressure under water?
I haven't been SCUBA diving, only snorkeling.
Maybe 20 feet, not deep. A friend I went with said they didn't notice the pressure at all. To me it felt like someone was squeezing my head. And yes, I popped my ears. I wish I had more time to relax down there and get over the nervousness so I could enjoy the sites more. It was too short, only half an hour. I say try it and see if you like it.
I've just read that last night TLC showed a repeat of the birthday show in Mexico. Please, please someone tell me that the part where she responds to C's gift was deleted from the original. I can't bear to watch on Youtube and my horror stems from the reports from those of you who watched the original show.
Sure, I get where Kate was coming from on her birthday. Uh huh. That bear and cub did NOT complete the set of EIGHT turtles! Stupid bear!
Stupid present!
But, but! You know that turquoise would make that necklace POP! In fact, I 'd buy that necklace!
felicia thomas @ThatsMrsThomas 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I have 2 year old twin girls and I want to start potty training but it's been hard! Any tips?
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Yeah, don't beat the crap out of them if they have an accident and you have to clean it up.
Oh, one other thing- don't expect them to potty train in only 5 days.
Oh, wait, here's another- don't leave them sitting on a potty for 30 minutes in the dark.
Shit, thought of another- don't leave them in a room with a film crew that captures them pulling down their clothing and exposing themselves, and of course, don't broadcast it to millions.
felicia thomas @ThatsMrsThomas 7m7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I have 2 year old twin girls and I want to start potty training but it's been hard! Any tips?
Don't put the 'reward M&Ms' where the toddlers can reach them so you have an excuse to beat the shit out of them when they find the candy and eat it.
Oh and the best advice is don't ask Kate Gosselin for advice. She doesn't know squat about raising kids.
What's her next step -- put him in a cage and ship him off until he learns to love her better?
Nope. She just banishes him to the chicken coop.
Maybe 20 feet, not deep. A friend I went with said they didn't notice the pressure at all. To me it felt like someone was squeezing my head. And yes, I popped my ears. I wish I had more time to relax down there and get over the nervousness so I could enjoy the sites more. It was too short, only half an hour. I say try it and see if you like it.
We did this in the Caribbean and it was wonderful. I didn't mind the pressure at all, but my son had a problem with his ears and the pressure. Instead of a guide holding your hand, there was a railing that you followed around so nobody got lost! It's really fun and the sights down there are incredible. I'd do it again in a minute now that I know what to expect!
You didn't miss it. I think this kind of took on a life of its own when it was speculated that he may be living with Jon, or off somewhere in a boarding school and unable to film. Sometimes these assumptions get a bit overdone, especially since there was no information given as to where he is going to school or how, logistically, this would affect filming.
I think people are only speculating why it is Kate would make such a point to mention this. If we were not to notice anything different, why bring it up?
It's perfectly reasonable to assume that she is bringing it up because we WILL notice something different. I have to agree that a preemptive strike is the most logical explanation. It then follows that people are wondering what exactly it is she is striking in advance of.
The only other explanation is she is over-sharing, as I said. That is a weaker explanation.
fidosmommy said... 63
Hey, quit ragging on Kate about the bear figurine. I get where she's coming from.
And then because that's a grandchild that you've always had soooo much trouble with you made sure to post at YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter your troubles so that your peeps could sympathize.
Then of course you beat the crap out of weirdo grandkid with your Big Red Hittin' Spoon and screamed how wrong and stupid he was and how much trouble and sadness he'd caused you. Of course.
It's what any good grandma would do.
I think people are only speculating why it is Kate would make such a point to mention this. If we were not to notice anything different, why bring it up?
It's perfectly reasonable to assume that she is bringing it up because we WILL notice something different. I have to agree that a preemptive strike is the most logical explanation. It then follows that people are wondering what exactly it is she is striking in advance of.
It's also a total 180 from when she lashed out against Jon when he basically conveyed his concerns based on his children's social needs and challenges:
My Response…
NOVEMBER 4, 2013
I find it very heart breaking that my children’s father chooses a public forum to discuss his current opinions of the “development” of our children. These opinions are, in reality, value judgements made about our children and they are based on his limited visits (albeit mutually agreed upon) with our children.
Because he has spoken negatively about our children, I feel I owe it to them to respond on their behalf. Each and every one of our children has met and continues to exceed all physical, mental and emotional developmental milestones throughout their lives. Their normal development is regularly monitored by myself, their pediatrician and school staff, as is usual within any family.
It is also very normal in a family, especially a large family, to have a full range of personalities, abilities, talents, hobbies and struggles. Ours is no different. However, anyone who has personally met our children all have the same thing to say: they are the most normal, pleasant, polite, loving and well adjusted children they have ever met. Most even go on to say that they are a “a delight” to be around.
When our kids grow up, they may see their father’s latest interview and wonder why he made untrue and hurtful statements about them. I know that I risk stirring up an unwanted public and private “frenzy” by commenting on this, but, if our children ever stumble upon that interview, I want to be able to point them to this statement so that they know that I publicly set the record 100% straight on this one, for their sake.
-Kate Gosselin
This was written a year and a half ago, when I believe Kate thought she could keep all the kids in the same school.
Who would have been the wiser, unless her hand was forced?
Midnight, that Tweeter is crazy. I thought she was long gone.
We are just assuming Collin will not be filming, at least we can hope. I just cannot imagine any specialist thinking it is ok to put the child under that kind of stress. Of course, if that is the case, Kate will take the credit for not filming him.
Collin was missing from part of the last special, like the couch interviews, and also some other times in the recent batch of episodes. With the 'announcement' I think people deduced that he was not filming anymore and parts where he was shown, either were shot earlier or he has a reduced filming load? Time and Kate will tell!
I was watching that 'farewell' video of the Duggars on YouTube. JimBob sure is touchy feely with the daughters. Always has a hand on their shoulder/back. Often for no apparent reason...they're talking to someone else and he comes up next to them and puts his hand on them.
I guess he must be establishing ownership, eh?
It's also a total 180 from when she lashed out against Jon when he basically conveyed his concerns based on his children's social needs and challenges:
That's right, it's completely hypocritical. She herself released that statement outraged that Jon would bring this up. Now she does the same thing and what's worse, with more specificity. She's a pathological nut who deserves every bit of speculation.
In reading her old statement, she sounds like a parent in denial to me.
Jon was pointing out the issues to her years ago, and she refused to believe. She wanted to believe her children were a delight and had no issues. That clearly wasn't the case, and something or someone forced her hand.
I can't say that's not normal of a parent to not want to accept there are problems, but it does a child with needs no favors. A parent who truly cares acknowledges special needs and addresses them, instead of pretending they are not there and what's more implies anyone who does recognize them is a liar.
I wonder if Colin's service providers have felt that the couch interviews and filming were too much for him and recommending his time on air be reduced. That would explain why Kate has to explain things.
Admin, when you wrote this description about an injured animal's
treatment -- "One of the doctors was actually soothingly rubbing
the turtle's back" --- I couldn't help but compare that to TFW's
treatment of her little feverish, vomiting son: placing him on the
laundry room floor.
Then Jon came home and went to him and said, almost alarmed,
"he's burning up," and instinctively lifted his son off the floor and
place him in their bed -- risking the wrath of his wife, whose main concern was not having to do any more "vomit laundry." When
the fans saw that episode, how was it not clear who was the
cold-hearted parent, and who was the loving one?
He put J on their bedroom floor.
fidosmommy said... 63
Hey, quit ragging on Kate about the bear figurine. I get where she's coming from.
Say for a moment that I think of things in groups of 10 - that is my identity because I have 10 grandchildren They each buy me a birthday gift. Kids 1-9 each give me a pearl to make me a necklace. Kid 10 gives me a turquoise because it reminds her of our trip out west together, just the 2 of us. So much for the symbolic 10! What's a granny to do? Stupid Kid #10! Stupid present! Now the display of 10 matching things is ruined, ruined I say! How am I expected to explain THAT? That stupid turquoise is going to stick out like a sore thumb every time I look at my necklace. Best to just put the whole thing in the trash. They probably won't even care the next day.
Sure, I get where Kate was coming from on her birthday. Uh huh. That bear and cub did NOT complete the set of EIGHT turtles! Stupid bear!
Stupid present!
Sesame Street - The Alligator King
Sorry folks, I don't know if there's a youtube video of it nor would I know how to link it if I did.
This post just reminded me of that. And sadly, if I recall correctly, it works out much better for the alligator son.
She wanted perfect kids. Remember how she was whining about Aaden needing glasses? I don't think she deals well with imperfection. In subsequent episodes, she didn't even know if he was near-sighted or far-sighted. It sounded like she was still in denial that his eyesight wasn't 20/20.
She would have gone completely bonkers if she had to deal with a special needs child like Betty Hayes does on a daily basis.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 80
I wonder if Colin's service providers have felt that the couch interviews and filming were too much for him and recommending his time on air be reduced.
Maybe they had a sneak peek of the birthday gift trauma he suffered.
. But schools don't get involved in the kind of services that were described in that ROL letter that was swiffered, unless a child's behavior is either interfering with the teacher's ability to teach (ie requiring constant supervision to reduce distracting behavior), is violent, or requires individual instruction to master the material. A quiet, withdrawn child will often escape notice, as they do not pose a threat to the classroom community or interfere with teaching
I have seen that schools will get involved as long as an IEP is requested. An IEP need only be requested by a parent and legally one is required. The child doesn't have to be actually disruptive and causing problems. Sometimes special needs children are actually quite reserved and non-disruptive.
A child doesn't have to actually be causing problems to OTHERS to be entitled to services by law.
That said, who knows when it comes to this situation. For a PRIVATE school to have issues, it probably involved much more than just a parent raising a few concerns. I'm betting that they thought his needs would best be served at public school where they have access to much more special ed options.
I was watching that 'farewell' video of the Duggars on YouTube. JimBob sure is touchy feely with the daughters. Always has a hand on their shoulder/back. Often for no apparent reason...they're talking to someone else and he comes up next to them and puts his hand on them.
He is one creepy dude. Imagine waking up with him in your bed every morning! The son-in-law, Derick, is another one who makes my skin crawl. Oh, my gosh. Get that kid cleaned up. He looks like something the cat dragged in. Isn't his wife pregnant yet?
I always thought it would be nice to visit Australia and New Zealand. I live on the East Coast and there's no way I could handle the long, long flight. Even with the LA layover. Of course I can't afford it either. It is a "dream" of mine and any rich person here can feel free to send me a check!
It sounds like a really interesting trip to the zoo. Thanks for sharing. When you said you didn't see Kate's hand prints but saw the Steve memorial, for a second I wondered why there was a memorial to TFM. I'm a little slow.
I agree that it seems Kate is trying to get ahead of something with her Collin announcement. One of the bad results is that it increases the possibility that paps will show up to the bus stop in September. Gotta capture the first day of school without him. And there's the possibility a pap will try to follow and find out where Collin goes. It's sad. If she would just be content to NOT have TLC film the first day of school, this would be unnecessary.
Admin - thank you for sharing about your trip to Australia and particularly the zoo founded by Steve Irwin. Loved the pictorial tour! I too wonder about the chemistry between Steve and Terri, but I figured that he was like this big overgrown kid, mind going a million miles a minute, jumping from one thing to the next; while Terri was more methodical and the one who ran the business end of things. Sort of like an "opposites attract" scenario. I wonder if Bindi gains more control when she reaches adulthood, or if Terri will retain control even then.
I have never mentioned it before but I am so bothered by the big job that folks do of "making memories". How about just enjoying the day, the activity, and the company, whoever they are. You will remember it when the time is right, at the oddest times in years to come, with no effort. Of course everyone will have a different memory of the same even because we all experience everything differently. But why the big effort of making memories? It rubs me the wrong way all the time.
I agree. I think if you try too hard to "make" a memory you might end up rubbing people the wrong way or even creating a poor and manufactured experience. Our thoughts and memories are our own and you can't always dictate how an experience should go and be stored by the individuals involved.
If you want to make memories, surround yourself with friends and family, spend as much time as you can with them, even if it's just hanging around the house. Listen to people and ask questions, talk to people and meet new people, be engaged with the world and present in the moment whether it's your own back yard or Australia's, turn off technology now and again, and the memories will take care of themselves.
t I figured that he was like this big overgrown kid, mind going a million miles a minute, jumping from one thing to the next; while Terri was more methodical and the one who ran the business end of things. Sort of like an "opposites attract" scenario
Yes. Terri was sort of the voice in his head saying "I wouldn't do that, Steve." Eccentrics like Steve seem to often end up with someone more on planet earth. But she still gave him freedom to pursue his passions. I don't think very many women could keep up. She could. It's obvious to me he was on the road the majority of the time and spent a great deal of time apart from her and the kids. Whether it would have lasted who knows but while he was alive Terri was willing to let him continue that sort of lifestyle without complaint, for whatever her reasons I can only speculate.
Vanessa said... 26
I so badly want to comment on my fb newsfeeds (tabloids, yes, don't hate:)
that are reporting about how "disgusting" or "unbelievable" it is that a Brown family member is trying to hock a photo of Christina on her death bed.
Poor Bobbi Christina Brown - she really drew the short end of the stick with both parents, although I think Bobby Brown has matured slightly from his younger, drug-filled days. But her mom was a mess for most of Christina's life, the focus was hardly ever on Christina, but always on mom, or mom and dad's drama. And I think Whitney's mom is a piece of work too, and so is her brother. So the whole Houston family is messed up and it all fell onto Christina's shoulders. Hope she can rest in peace.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 85
. But schools don't get involved in the kind of services that were described in that ROL letter that was swiffered, unless a child's behavior is either interfering with the teacher's ability to teach (ie requiring constant supervision to reduce distracting behavior), is violent, or requires individual instruction to master the material. A quiet, withdrawn child will often escape notice, as they do not pose a threat to the classroom community or interfere with teaching
I have seen that schools will get involved as long as an IEP is requested. An IEP need only be requested by a parent and legally one is required. The child doesn't have to be actually disruptive and causing problems. Sometimes special needs children are actually quite reserved and non-disruptive.
I'm no expert, but my sister is Downs Syndrome (obviously diagnosed at birth), and of course she was provided with specialized education and services and will have access to special services her entire life. She's never been disruptive or violent a day in her life.
My niece was diagnosed autistic right around age 2, and she was immediately placed into specialized classes designed for early intervention for autistic kids.
I think if a child has a diagnosis of any of a number of conditions, that immediately qualifies them for specialized services and educational help through the public school system, and I believe all such students have an IEP which is updated at least annually.
Sometimes, it might take a student becoming disruptive or very problematic before testing is done that might then produce a diagnosis, and I think perhaps that is what happened with Collin. I base this on Kate's probable refusal to acknowledge that he might have a greater problem than "stubbornness," and her desire that nothing interfere with filming. It seems likely that she was able to over-ride any suggestion that he be tested or that he might have a more serious problem, up until the past year or so, when teachers and administrators at the school probably just had enough of her stonewalling and forced the issue.
My hope for Collin is that he thrives in his new classroom situation; that he gets counseling and specialized instruction that will help him with whatever his issues are; that he may spend more time with his father and less time with his mother; and that most of all, he be a happy young man and know that he's perfect, just as he is.
He put J on their bedroom floor.
I forget if it was the floor or bed, but at least there was carpet in there and J was within hearing distance of his parents. In the laundry room he was surrounded by roaring machines and was on a cold floor. He could have choked on vomit in the worst case scenario or not been heard calling, at the least. Not sure if Jon also stayed with J. He did make sure he had had his Tylenol- I never was too sure if Kate actually gave it since he was still feverish but I'll assume she did. I know how sweet Aunt Jodi was to J when he was sick- was it a different flu? Those kids get sick so often! She didn't care that he was mucusy, vomitous (sic) and crying and coughing- she just held and hugged him and comforted him with kind words.
Sheri, that's EXACTLY what I thought of, too--the Alligator King snippet! The King was feeling "mighty down". Whichever of his 7 sons made him feel better would win the crown. The one who didn't give him "diamonds or rubies" but instead gave him a hug won the 7 cent crown! (I've been singing that song all afternoon!!)
Praying Collin eventually "wins" and gets away from his heartbreaking situation.
He put J on their bedroom floor.
I thought he put him in their bed. Maybe I'm wrong?
I have no knowledge of Collin's issue, but if he is within the autism spectrum, it is my understanding that early intervention is best. Just think that if that's the issue, his mother is entirely responsible for his issues escalating.
Admin.; How fortunate you were to be able to combine work/pleasure for a trip. Was there a shrine somewhere to Kate Gosselin and her love of the koala? Happy return to the good ole USA.
Snick Dog and Sheri, I can think of another Sesame Street song
TFW might like: King Of 8. This king loves the number 8,
and everything in his kingdom comes in 8's. He has 8 daughters,
and a big "8" hangs in front of the caste. Then a messenger
runs up and tells the king the queen has had another baby.
And the King says, "Good grief, that's Princess Number 9,"
and the 8 falls and knocks the messenger down!
OMG. All I could tolerate were the few seconds of her reaction to Collin's gift. How could she not think that was the sweetest gift ever? She really is a shrew to him. Everybody else's got "squeals of delight". Really, her voice is torture. And Deanna's is almost as bad. And did my ears deceive me? Did Mady call those cakes "crap"? And the salivating over that vacation. Oh the horror of it ending! I saw enough.
Just one more sad thought about Collin' s gift for his ungrateful mother. If "everyone else" bought a turtle, could that imply Collin was not privy to that plan? Nobody told him?
I hope it was merely a case of Collin choosing a unique and meaningful gift and not because he was left out of the conversation.
OMG. All I could tolerate were the few seconds of her reaction to Collin's gift. How could she not think that was the sweetest gift ever? She really is a shrew to him. Everybody else's got "squeals of delight". Really, her voice is torture. And Deanna's is almost as bad
Although I must say at least Deanna gushed over Collins gift. She even said "oh she will LOVE that! Wonder what SHE thinks of TFWs reaction...
Admin, thanks for the memories, and this is how they are remembered, not manufactured by the way. Hearing you were in Coloundra brought back memories of our trip two years ago. We stayed with friends there and walked along beautiful King's Beach. They live and Brisbane and have a small holiday home there, it was heavenly.
We also snorkelled out on the Great Barrier Reef which was magical. We went out in the morning, had lunch on board and were ready to go out again for the afternoon. The owner pointed out Reef Sharks off the stern where we were about to jump but told us they do not attack people. Before I was ready to go in to the water I said to him, "tell me again about the Reef Sharks" and his response was, "no worries, you are safe, we wouldn't let you go in otherwise, too much paperwork". I laughed and took the plunge.
TLC stinks said... 100
Yes, Mady said the cakes looked like a piece of crap IIRC, and she would not eat them out of self-respect or something that didn't make sense but was derogatory to the tups.She came across as nasty, mean, exaggerating everything, trying to be funny, and unlikeable. Like someone else we know.
Jon put J on a comforter in the master bedroom with the TV on?? Actuallyhe was not as loving as I thought. He kidded that J was dead at dinner, and when J was in the laundry room he said 'Night-night, Bud,' like J should go to sleep in there.But the whole episode shows how nasty Kate was to the kids and to him. He said he tries.
This video is "Cooking with the Twins". At about 18:30 Jon is home, Kate is grimacing in the kitchen over baked goods, and Joel has been a "vomitous boy" for awhile. Jon set him up in the master bedroom on a comforter on the floor at the foot of the bed. It is plainly shown.
Question of the day--will Kate tweet Paige a Happy Birthday?
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan · Jul 5
My 21st birthday is Tuesday!!!! @Kateplusmy8 🎈
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan · 13h13 hours ago
It's my birthday! I'm 21!!! @Kateplusmy8
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan · 9h9 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 it's my birthday! You always wish me a happy birthday! I'm 21!
Fidosmommy (#101), thanks finding that clip. I was the one who
posted the wrong information that Jon had put J in their bed. So
I do apologize for passing that along as a fact.
My experience with IEPs is that parents can request an evaluation and the school is legally obligated to complete the evaluation in all areas of suspected disability, but providing an IEP is dependent on the results of the evaluation. My son is dyslexic, and it took three evaluations over three years before the school agreed to provide services. The last evaluation was done by a non-school affiliated psychologist. Her results weren't much different than the results the school obtained but once they got her evaluation they began to provide extensive support services. I asked a few people why the private evaluation held more weight, and they said that the school probably thought that, if we were willing to pay for the private evaluation, then we would probably also be willing to pay for a lawyer if the school continued to resist writing an IEP. My experience is that it is often a lot of work to get an IEP for your child and then, once it is in place, there is continued work to make sure that it is being followed. Teachers are all overworked and overscheduled and parents often need to be hypervigilant to ensure that promised services are provided. Kids need their parents to be strong advocates in the education system, which might be a problem in the Gosselin family.
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan · 9h9 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 it's my birthday! You always wish me a happy birthday! I'm 21!
It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my BIRTHDAY! Notice me! NOW!
I have no knowledge of Collin's issue, but if he is within the autism spectrum, it is my understanding that early intervention is best. Just think that if that's the issue, his mother is entirely responsible for his issues escalating.
I'm lost. Has it been confirmed that Collin was diagnosed with autism? The last I heard, Asperger's was being floated around.
Midnight Madness said....
But that doesn't necessarily mean that he will not be included in the filming if, in fact, there really are more episodes planned. Where is this coming from?
I should have said that it was to get ahead of A story---I wasn't specifically referring to C not being filmed. It was just so stilted and scripted, I think that there is a specific purpose somewhere in there.
Admin said....
I have seen that schools will get involved as long as an IEP is requested. An IEP need only be requested by a parent and legally one is required. The child doesn't have to be actually disruptive and causing problems. Sometimes special needs children are actually quite reserved and non-disruptive.
that is certainly not the case in Washington state. the schoole will not just prepare an IEP at a parent's request. There is a whole lengthy procedure to go through, plus there needs to be a diagnosis from a doctor or other qualified professionals. In the case of suspected learning disabilities, there needs to be testing.
Sherry, we have no idea about Collin. I was just saying that IF it is autism, early intervention is best. My point being is that Kate has prolonged whatever is going on with Collin. Most loving parents immediately want to help their child. Whatever his issue, it is my opinion it was ignored until something made it impossible to continue down that path.
My experience is with the public school system--private schools may be quicker to act. Private schools have a big advantage in the fact that there are smaller classes--therefore, there is more time for observation and assessment. My point is that I just don't see that school removing a child unless there is extreme behavior of some kind--not just being withdrawn or fearful.
It makes sense to me, Midnight, that Collin will not be filming or will not see much camera time because why else would Kate make this announcement public? She is aware that Collin missing either on film or even from pap photos will raise questions. Believe me, her saying what she did about him was not by choice. She is a coverup queen.
Maybe I am guessing wrong, but I hope not. The child needs a break. Some of the others do too.
that is certainly not the case in Washington state. the schoole will not just prepare an IEP at a parent's request. There is a whole lengthy procedure to go through, plus there needs to be a diagnosis from a doctor or other qualified professionals. I
It's federal law that if you have one of 13 disabilities an IEP is required, but states are allowed to make those requirements more expansive (but not less) if they wish. IEPs are required in CA if you ask, and they can also be used in CA for gifted and talented children as well. For instance a really smart kid who needs to be challenged more than his fifth grade class can have an IEP to help meet his needs and might go do math with the 9th grade class or a special teacher, or whatever.
If Washington State is not following federal law, the parent should file a compliance complaint. There are many special ed lawyers who could help them.
I did an internship in special ed law in Orange County and my experience was actually the opposite about private schools. Private school was the WORST place you could send a special ed child. Nothing against private schools. They just didn't have the access to resources or the training. Nor should they. You are also not required to be a state licensed teacher in many private schools and many teachers have no training in special ed at all and may have never in their life worked with a special ed student. Private schools' focus was on a certain set of students, certain ones they were recruiting to be part of their student body, and there was no reason to have a whole bunch of resources on standby for the once in a blue moon student who needed it. That's what public school is for. Most of our clients had much better success with their kids in public school except maybe one who responded really well to equine therapy and was going to a private school that had horses. I actually first tried to get a job in special ed law but couldn't find any openings at the time, and so I ended up in foster care which was close enough. I think the law on this is so interesting.
It seems clear to me Colin's problems have been brewing for years and that up until now, Kate has willfully ignored them for her reasons. Every time something like this happens you can go back and see that Jon brought it up years ago. Every time.
This is not accurate. An IEP is not legally required at a parent's request, an assessment is legally required. Whether an IEP is required is dependent on the results of the assessment.
Wrong, Kaya. IEP is largely governed by state law, not just federal, and in CA, you bet your bottom dollar if you ask for an IEP, you have a right to one, regardless of what assessment or disability you may or may NOT have:
"Parents and students over age eighteen have the right
To Participate Parents have the right to refer their child for special education services, to participate in the development of the IEP and to be informed of all program options and alternatives, both public and nonpublic."
I didn't say everyone has this right. I said "I have seen" that if parents request it, they get it. I have seen this because I live in CA, and they are simply complying with state law. Given that we literally had form letters we would give parents to send out requesting an IEP and explaining state law about why we were entitled to one, I think we know what we're talking about. Again, they were used for everything from a child with epilepsy to a child estranged from his mentally ill mother to a gifted child, and the parents had a right to them.
As a public school teacher for 29 years, this is my opinion. I don't think Collin is "on the spectrum" of autism or has major school difficulties. I think he opened up to a teacher or counselor (or a sibling did on his behalf) and the school investigated. Kate was asked uncomfortable questions, so she took her ball (Collin) and left. The only way to explain to the TV audience is to pretend she is doing it to "help" him.
It makes sense to me, Midnight, that Collin will not be filming or will not see much camera time because why else would Kate make this announcement public?
Attention? Publicity? To show that she's the best mom in the world who is putting her son first and meeting his needs if the school has failed him. It sounds exactly like something she would do. Look at the Tweets she got after this "announcement" and her response. She's doing what every good mom will do for her child, and she got accolades for it.
According to The Futon Critic, the current season of Kate Plus 8 is finished, and the show has not yet been renewed for a new season. This announcement may be Kate's way of avoiding negative press (like when C and A were expelled from Kindergarten) so TLC will be willing to renew the show. The last thing TLC needs right now is more negative press, so Kate announced Collin's problems before someone else breaks the story. I have no doubt that TLC will film more episodes anyway, and I have no doubt that the ratings will continue to decline. Just how far the ratings have to drop in order for TLC to cancel remains to be seen, but they were slow to dump the show last time, and they will be slow to dump it this time. But this should be a wake-up call the everyone that filming is detrimental to at least some of the kids. Nobody--not their mother and certainly not their network--seems to care, though, as long as there is something there to film. The kids will be filmed until they are no longer marketable, and then dumped to deal with the resulting issues on their own.
It's been a long time since I saw the episode including Joelgate, but as I remember it, Jon initially put Joel on the floor on a comforter. Joel later threw up again and after Jon cleaned him up, he put him in the bed. I may be wrong about that, though, and I'm not prepared to go look at the episode again. I, too, find TFMJGs voice intolerable.
Welcome back, Admin. I really enjoyed hearing about your trip and love the pictures.
FlimsyFlamsy, I didn't post the clip to prove you wrong. I had no memory of where Jon laid Joel on that comforter. I know the widely held belief was that he put his son on the bed, but today the discussion threw out the question again. I wanted to see what Jon did.
There is so much in our memory books about what Kate has and has not done that some details get blurry. It happens to me more often than I like. The videos can clear it all up, and rarely in Kate's favor.
On that same video, Kate was laid out on an off-white recliner, covered up to her neck. She was awake. Two of her sons separately approached her to talk. Alexis climbed up on top of her. Not one time did Kate lift her arm out of the cover to stroke a child's hair, touch an arm or offer to cuddle. Nothing. She was as cold as ice to all of them.
dogsandkids said... 109
That was exactly my experience. My son's evaluation was begun at the beginning of his Junior year, and we got a diagnosis on the last day. AT that point, he only needed 2 credits to graduate, because he attended community college his junior year. Over the summer he attended a workshop at a new 4 year school that was founded by Nintendo execs, which focused on game programming. He walked up to admissions and asked if they would accept him without a high s hook degree. they said that, based on his extensive programming experience (he had been in national programming contests), they would take him if he got his GED. Which he did the next week. turns out, his disabilities only kept him from doing what he disliked or was boring. He worked at Microsoft on contract for two summers, and then he was recruited out halfway through his senior year. So, never completed college, but is very successful in his career. this was a kid that was holed up in his room and obsessed with computers.If only I had a crystal ball! My point in this is that, at least for my son, he was a round peg in a square hole. We were tremendously lucky in our timing and location that we were in a major technology hub, and he had the support of some teachers. but, the special ed teachers were all about checking off lists and identifying weaknesses. He had a learning style that was not compatible with the philosophy of our school district. That may be the case with Colin--hopefully, his new school will develop a program that, along with identifying strengths, builds on strength and gives him the accomodations he may need to succeed. Some of the rigorously academic private schools really can't accomodate kids with different learning styles--nor are they required to.
There is a video on kates twitter. Jon is being interviewed.
Sounds recent and Jon says his kids are with him.
Rented beach house I believe.
Fidosmommy (#123), please don't think I thought you were trying
to prove me wrong! We'd been discussing the episode, so it was
only natural that someone would look for that clip. But I sincerely
felt embarrassed that I'd misremembered something, and then
stated it as if I had checked the episode before commenting.
But on to more pressing issues...did TFW wish Paige a happy
Lacey said... 125
There is a video on kates twitter. Jon is being interviewed.
Sounds recent and Jon says his kids are with him.
Rented beach house I believe.
Kate's Twitter feed is as bad as I've ever seen it. It looks like a fan has created a parody Twitter account using the name JonnyGosselin and is tweeting vile things about Jon. I'm not clicking on those links but I don't see anything that looks like a new, legit interview with Jon. Lacey? Maybe you could post some of the interview here? Or share who posted the Tweet that has the link in it?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 48m48 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Oh my...Is the #WomensUsOpen Golf Tournament going on around there? Set me straight..Love watching that! #LancasterCountryClub
Set you straight? Many have tried, none has succeeded!
No, Milo. I would think that by now you know that Kate lives in Wernersville, which is in Berks County. The Lancaster Country Club is in Manheim Township in Lancaster County, which is where the tournament is being held. It is not "around Kate," nor has she been chosen to be the face of the US Open.
There are 100,000 visitors expected here. Our Route 23, New Holland Pike, which is the road leading to the tournament, has been closed, and traffic is a royal nightmare in that area. Tractor trailers are being detoured, and there are shuttle buses running. The sooner it's over, the better!
It looks like a fan has created a parody Twitter account using the name JonnyGosselin and is tweeting vile things about Jon. I'm not clicking on those links but I don't see anything that looks like a new, legit interview with Jon
Which one of the disgusting, immature sheeple is that? It shows up every so often and the funny thing is that nobody pays any attention to it, and so it keeps talking to itself, thinking it's quite amusing!
As far as I can tell, Kate didn't wish Paige a happy birthday. Kate's last tweet was yesterday, something cute Alexis said, and a reminder that her royal highness was once again on TLC (40th birthday episode).
Some of the rigorously academic private schools really can't accomodate kids with different learning styles--nor are they required to.
That was very true at the school many years ago (accommodating different learning styles) but it's no longer the case.
That was very true at the school many years ago (accommodating different learning styles) but it's no longer the case.
Sorry. That should be NOT accommodating different learning styles many years ago. The school has come a long way since then in recognizing that not all students learn the same way and therefore it teaches accordingly.
Too much rumspringa on such a warm, humid night!
It is very clear that there are eligibility requirements that require assessment and evaluation, as well as input from family, school staff and professionals. Nowhere does it say that a parent can self-refer a child, and the school is required to provide an IEP. Apparently, states differ--California has a very liberal policy of inclusion. But, as other parents and educators have stated on this blog, based on our personal experience, that this is not usual. I doubt that Pennsylvania has as liberal a policy as California does. I doubt that many other states do, either.
PA Dutch Mom--glad to hear that the school can accomodate different learning styles. It takes a lot of skill for a single teacher to reach all students, but there have been a few that were very successful. In Washington state, private schools are required to have 1 certified teacher per 25 students. Since the classes average 10-12, it is pretty routine to use non-certified teachers in some of the classes to save money. My daughter was certified 3 years ago, and she was very well-trained in strategies for addressing various learning styles. Non-certified teachers may have mastered the academics, but lack classroom management and teaching strategies. If all, or most of your teachers are certified, I would imagine that they would be very successful in reaching most kids.
The video I saw with Jon being interviewed is no longer there.
There have not been many tweets so I should be able to find it.
Can videos be removed?
Kate's Twitter feed is as bad as I've ever seen it. It looks like a fan has created a parody Twitter account using the name JonnyGosselin and is tweeting vile things about Jon.
Jane, I agree. The back and forth bantering, baiting, name-calling and middle-school mean girls mentality that's been going on there is horrible. If I were Kate, I'd be ashamed that this is what has taken over my page. It's unbelievable that many of those tweeters are parents and grandparents. I often wonder if this is the way they are socially, in "real life" and this is how they go about their lives on a daily basis. I think that the immaturity is at an all-time high.
He walked up to admissions and asked if they would accept him without a high s hook degree.
What kind of a shady place would accept a young man who didn't have his high S hook degree? I tell you, some things are going to the dogs! ;)
If the school were so accommodating Colin would still be there. Clearly someone has decided they can no longer meet his needs or he would still be there.
They are not supposed to be accommodating nor should they be. It's not a criticism of them, they SHOULDN'T be expected to do that. They are a private school for a very specific kind of student, they are very clear about who they are looking for on their web site, and offer a rigorous academic program that doesn't leave a lot of room for special education. It's just like asking a private school geared toward the music and the arts to include students who are tone deaf and can't even finger paint. If I sent my child there I would not want them to do that. That's the whole point of the school. Even though studies show it can actually be very good for children to have a mix of special ed students in their class, some parents specifically send their children to private schools in order to not have integration, and that is their right.
Many states are more inclusive than the federal guildelines. Like many federal laws IDEA is just a minimum. States can do what they want beyond that, and another factor is individual school districts can decide to go above and beyond if they want to. To only look at IDEA without also looking at the state laws on special ed and individual school district policies offers only half the story.
Quite frankly, hearing about the children being physically violent at school, I would be very upset as a parent to be paying good money sending my child to that environment. That's another reason parents spend money to send children to private school, to try to avoid violence and bullying or at least offer a better option. If some of the children are causing that many problems, it is not fair to the other students. I feel for the poor child, but I'm going to bet the school did the right thing for the school as a whole in having him no longer attend there. They have to think of everyone, not just Kate and her kids.
In reading her old statement, she sounds like a parent in denial to me.
Sounds more like she has someone on staff who can write really well - there is no way in hell that the statement was written by Kate.
What kind of a shady place would accept a young man who didn't have his high S hook degree? I tell you, some things are going to the dogs! ;)
Damn you autocorrect!
Wonder what she'll try to weasel out of TLC for the twins' birthday. That episode will be the Kate and Mady show, two entitled prima donnas. I hope filming is done for the summer. Kate better not start griping about how she needs another vacation. Makes me laugh that TLC puts her on the credits as producer. No wonder the show follows the same exact formula. All she does is come up with scenarios to put her children in, like the lab rats they are.
Hook 'em Horns said... 119
As a public school teacher for 29 years, this is my opinion. I don't think Collin is "on the spectrum" of autism or has major school difficulties. I think he opened up to a teacher or counselor (or a sibling did on his behalf) and the school investigated. Kate was asked uncomfortable questions, so she took her ball (Collin) and left. The only way to explain to the TV audience is to pretend she is doing it to "help" him.
I agree. I think this all ties into the H thing. The wheels are falling off and she knows it.
I wonder if her couch interview, when C was missing, was taped as a last minute thing and put into the show and made to look like it was filmed when the rest of the show was filmed. Perhaps C wasn't even there at that time?
They are trying to control the narrative. Nothing they do surprises me.
Well Paige never got her birthday shout out. I wonder if TFW will claim twitter jail again (if she even acknowledges it at all). And in other news another fan let TFW know that she'll be gone 10-17 July.
I was away for a few days. What were the ratings for the birthday special and the younger kids birthday special?
I would be livid if I were in a hotel on vacation, weather expensive or reasonably priced, and all the commotion going on in the halls thanks to Katie.
Lacey said... 133
The video I saw with Jon being interviewed is no longer there.
There have not been many tweets so I should be able to find it.
Can videos be removed?
A Tweet can be deleted, we see the sheeple doing that daily! If the video was legit, you'd think it would have been tweeted by both fans and non-fans and even picked up by a tabloid or magazine. There doesn't seem to be any chat about this.
Jane said... 143
Lacey said... 133
The video I saw with Jon being interviewed is no longer there.
There have not been many tweets so I should be able to find it.
Can videos be removed?
A Tweet can be deleted, we see the sheeple doing that daily! If the video was legit, you'd think it would have been tweeted by both fans and non-fans and even picked up by a tabloid or magazine. There doesn't seem to be any chat about this.
The video that you're both talking about is an interview with Jon when he played in Atlantic City on May 30. It's available on Youtube.
We discussed it here when it first aired.
I agree. I think this all ties into the H thing. The wheels are falling off and she knows it.
Kate's phoney baloney cooing to her children tells me she's really trying hard to sell it.
Thanks KIAT! Lacey's original post referred to a recent video and, well, to me recent means within a few days or so. Last night sheeple were posting anything they could find about Jon and negatively spinning it.
Collin is his own person which seems to irritate Kate. He may or may not be diagnosed with a disorder. He just has always seemed more aloof from his siblings and very concerned with following the rules (probably a result of being beaten). Something is definitely going on with him if the reports were true about the school expulsion a few years ago. For some reason Kate kept him from Jon. Maybe it was punishment, maybe it was because of his chicken chores, or maybe to prevent him from revealing his troubles to Jon. My impression is that his siblings were telling Jon about their concerns for their brother. That's why I believe CPS was called in February. It must have all come to a head in the spring.
@RealZiggyFlo: @Kateplusmy8 When a child has medical issue which isn't obvious it's more often than not a relief 4 them 4 those issues 2B made known.
According to what study is it helpful for a child to have his special needs discussed by his mother with a million strangers?
And way to spin his issues as "not obvious" to cover for it taking Kate so long to address them. Who says they weren't obvious? Kate? Jon apparently thought they were obvious two years ago, and we've been noticing something different about Collin for YEARS. You need only browse through the comments to see that. What took Kate and her fans so long? Sounds like they put their own ego over getting this child the help that he needs.
@RealZiggyFlo: @Kateplusmy8 When a child has medical issue which isn't obvious it's more often than not a relief 4 them 4 those issues 2B made known.
Medical issue? It's called blunt force trauma.
Sheeple shit.
@MiloandJack: @Spar_kle_Girl @Kateplusmy8 Kate will spare no effort 2get Collin whatever help he needs 2adjust 2these growing pains! He's smart & gifted!
@MiloandJack: Being a tiny preemie, competing w/7 other kids 4ur attn. & the stress of divorce is a lot 4any child! He will find his peace! @Kateplusmy8@MiloandJack: Being a tiny preemie, competing w/7 other kids our attn. & the stress of divorce is a lot 4any child! He will find his peace! @Kateplusmy8
I hope Milo really isn't a parent and that no one like her has a special needs child. Special needs are not caused by "growing pains" or being in a large family, or "stress". Prematurity might have something to do with it, but not always--I'll give her that one.
Insisting he is smart and gifted is minimizing and being in denial. Stress of the divorce? If there is still stress from a divorce that occurred over six years ago, a divorce which that child should barely remember at his age, then that's on Kate.
I also think her comment about how Colin will find his peace blames Colin for his issues. As in if he would just chill out and find himself, whatever the hell that all means, this will all just go away.
If Milo really believes Collin is struggling against seven other kids for Kate's attention, shouldn't she encourage Kate to get off twitter and give him every available spare moment? Selfish.
❀ℛεɑℓℤɩɠɠƴℱℓℴ❀ @RealZiggyFlo
Why is it OK 4 @Kateplusmy8 2 bring up her child's' issues but not Jon? Kate did so for positive informative purposes. Jon did it to attack.
TLCstinks: What I don't understand, is why the hotel rooms were so far a part? Usually when you book rooms for a family & or party or group of people, you always try to get your rooms together.
A huge clue TLC threw this together last minute while the Duggar thing was hitting the fan.
I noticed they also re-aired Jeremy's wedding and stretched it into two hours with a bunch of silly and useless filler commentary and some extra clips. Probably took them no more than three hours in an editing bay to put together that filler.
Kate also mentioned in the Maine episodes that Collin had trouble following directions and often questioned authority. None of the kids wanted to be paired with him or with Alexis. She has also said how smart he is. Possibly he does not do his work at school because he is bored, not listening to the teacher and skips over instructions as many bright kids do. Kate obviously saw this, since she commented on it, and always keeps Alexis and Collin with her or even away from projects like the cake decorating. Collin gets more chores. Her way is not working, nor is the school's, so time for a change. I hope it all works out, because Collin seems like a sweet boy despite any anger/defiance issues. And intelligent, artistic, and helpful, too.
Kate obviously saw this, since she commented on it
Exactly. His issues were obvious, sheeple. Even to Kate. The issue was Kate refused to call them what they actually were, special needs. She identified them, but refused to properly label and address them.
positive informative purposes
No, she did it to get ahead of the story. And Jon never named Colin. Kate did.
If someone wants positive informative information about special needs, there's an entire internet and library at your disposal. I'm sure educators and medical professionals would also be happy to discuss them with you. Collin does not need to be sacrificed up for the public's education.
No, she did it to get ahead of the story. And Jon never named Colin. Kate did.
If someone wants positive informative information about special needs, there's an entire internet and library at your disposal. I'm sure educators and medical professionals would also be happy to discuss them with you. Collin does not need to be sacrificed up for the public's education.
Exactly. Public education be darned when it comes to kids' privacy. We've seen the same excuse with the continuing stories of the little people, large families, etc. What more is there to know? With the Roloffs and Jen and Bill, once you've seen how they live, their challenges (build everything lower), large families (buy more food and clothing) that's sufficient education..
I don't blame Collin for questioning Kate's brand of authority. Her authority involves yelling, physical punishment, cruelty, embarrassment etc. and rather than be a lemming, he rebelled and that really got Kate's anger boiling. What a vicious cycle for him. Rather than curl into ball (Cara) or play the BFF (Mady), he used what coping mechanism worked for him. All the anger he was feeling probably was unleashed in school. Kate has really done a number on those kids and yet Goody, Ziggy, Milo, Sage praise her as the god of all mothers.
Admin said...
If someone wants positive informative information about special needs, there's an entire internet and library at your disposal. I'm sure educators and medical professionals would also be happy to discuss them with you. Collin does not need to be sacrificed up for the public's education.
That's right, drive-by, the world has no need for Kate Gosselin to be informing anyone about anything. Remember her wanting to work with Michelle Obama and teach children about nutrition? This from the woman who threw crackers and grapes on a paper plate for her children. The woman who tries to sell a crookbook with pirated recipes and pass them off as her own. The woman who takes photos of slop and posts it on twitter. No, the world doesn't need. If your kids need help, seek out professionals. If you get your parenting advice from a t.v. show or twitter, you are the one who needs professional help.
For some reason Kate kept him from Jon. Maybe it was punishment, maybe it was because of his chicken chores, or maybe to prevent him from revealing his troubles to Jon.
I was thinking about this. Pure speculation, of course. IF it's true that Jon didn't see Collin, maybe it wasn't that she kept him from seeing Jon or that he didn't want to see Jon. Perhaps he was so concerned about his mother's feelings and wanted to please her. He knows how much she hates his father and she probably moans and groans and badmouths Jon whenever it's his turn for his kids to visit. Maybe Collin was reluctant to see Jon because he wanted to get on Kate's good side, not upset her and appease her. If staying home with her accomplished this, it's what he did. I've seen this happen in a similar situation.
Just thinking out loud...
Medical issue? It's called blunt force trauma.
Sheeple shit.
now that's a 1, 2 Bam!
Sick of the tip toeing around as well. ABUSE is the NUMBER ONE reason for Colin's issues as well as the others. COLIN has difficulty with authority? ?? The back talking and bullying those girls do is absolute REFUSING authority.
They all need to get the hell away from herm
NJGal51 said... 141
Well Paige never got her birthday shout out. I wonder if TFW will claim twitter jail again (if she even acknowledges it at all). And in other news another fan let TFW know that she'll be gone 10-17 July.
Does Kate "follow" Paige? I don't have Twitter, so I don't know how that works. If they do their communicatin' in other ways, maybe Kate wished her a happy birthday in private.
Should Kate schedule her tweeting plans around the fan's vacation and rearrange her days to accommodate the fan's absence?
Speaking of ignoring fans, isn't it coming up on two years since she promised the Nicole fan that she would read her book? You know, the book that's on Kate's night table.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155
positive informative purposes
No, she did it to get ahead of the story. And Jon never named Colin. Kate did.
I think Kate's response was done out of shear anger. Although she couched it as setting the record straight for her children, it was nothing but an attack on Jon, where once again, she showed her disdain and marginalization for the father of her children.
How can Jon know what his kids needs, even though he doesn't see them as much as he used to? Really?
Do all divorced fathers automatically not know their own children and their needs? Do they all get no say because a custody agreement has them seeing their kids one day a week and every other weekend?
Kate's response was nothing but cruelty to her kids.
Who says they weren't obvious? Kate?
Oh they were obvious to khate, only that it affected HER!
Her own diary entries prove how any struggles, misbehaving, "disobedience" were only to be interpreted and dealt with to make HER LIFE easier. Giving a good smack, pulling a baby's hair, throwing a baby in their crib was great therapy for her!
Blowing, I think some of the kids try to appease Kate because she hates Jon so much. Look at what she got the twins to do- talk about Jon's love life years after the fact! They know that kind of thing pleases Kate.
It was telling that when push came to shove on live TV, they just wouldn't speak poorly of Jon.
No sniveling, obsequious People magazine writer to fluff them up and goad them into speaking about Jon.
I don't read on that "other" blog, or on any of the fan blogs, and I wonder how the sheeple spin Kate's diary. It's been 100% proven she wrote it - after all, she copyrighted it. Is it simply ignored? The proof that she abused her children is there in black and white.
That's right, drive-by, the world has no need for Kate Gosselin to be informing anyone about anything. Remember her wanting to work with Michelle Obama and teach children about nutrition? This from the woman who threw crackers and grapes on a paper plate for her children.
Make them present tense! My mouth dropped when I saw Kate call cheese and grapes on a paper plate "lunch".
Not that long ago, a statement that one child has to leave his school would have garnered a press junket.
I've seen no mention of it anywhere, so that's progress.
I don't think Collin is "on the spectrum" of autism or has major school difficulties. I think he opened up to a teacher or counselor (or a sibling did on his behalf) and the school investigated. Kate was asked uncomfortable questions, so she took her ball (Collin) and left.
I don't agree. Opened up about what? Kate would never take her ball and leave, therefore splitting up the six-pack. It is contrary to everything she ever worked for. She kept some of the kids back in school when some were ready for kindergarten and some weren't. She wants them all together, not separated.
Unless someone knows exactly why Collin left and what his issues are, you simply cannot say that he doesn't have difficulties at school, isn't on any spectrum or whatever, and it doesn't matter if someone was a public school teacher for a month or fifty years.
We are not educational psychologists who have made an individual assessment of this child, and arm-chairing is just that...pure guesswork.
What we do know is that Kate should never have broadcast this to the viewing public. She did a huge injustice to Collin that can never be erased, no matter how the sheeple spin it. If they don't know this, and cannot think logically and critically about it and how it is a violation of a young boy's privacy, then heaven help them because nobody else can do so.
I hadn't thought about this before, until I read an entry above.
Remember how freaked Colin was when he thought they weren't supposed to drive over the hose? All the other kids were doing it, but he didn't. The poor thing frantically searched for his mother to get 'permission' to drive over the hose.
Seeing how frantic he was about not following the rules precisely and exactly, I can see why he would choose not to see Jon. He knows that not following the rules upsets his mother, and her being upset freaks him out, sends him right over the edge.
It was obvious with the hose thing that he was terrified of upsetting her by driving over the hose.
He wants desperately to follow the rules, whatever they are, no matter how ridiculous they are. It's just how he thinks.
So...nasty woman that she is...she used that to manipulate him into not seeing Jon. (Assuming that it's true that he doesn't see Jon.)
Regarding the episode of Joel sick on laundry room floor, there WAS a scene when Jon came home and found Joel in the laundry room and got upset and said something (in an upset tone) to Kate and then brought Joel into their bedroom and I'm pretty sure he put him on the bed not the floor. It must have been a different episode or was cut out.
There's another site that discusses this missing part too. I just found the conversation when googling "Jon Joel laundry room floor."
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 #LancasterEvent would be a gr8 place 2take ur kids! Walk 9 holes! Cara would love it! Golf teaches so much personal discipline!
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Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m6 minutes ago
So very cool! #USWomensOpen Golf Championship right in your back yard! #LancasterCountryClub Practice rounds start today! :) @Kateplusmy8
Too funny! Like Kate would stand shoulder to shoulder with icky mediocre people and take her kids!
Um, Jon took the boys golfing. Hopefully he still does.
Kate only stepped foot onto a golf course because was filming in CA with another reality tv fame whore who likes to cheat on his wife with transexuals, while his wife who f*cked an old man in order to live in his mansion and get on tv mothered Kate's kids.
I think that about sums it up.
The sheeplike ignore it. MsGoody acknowledged it but "forgave" Kate as it was ten years ago.
They ignore that Kate copyrighted it same time as lawsuit. They ignore that Kate's lawyer claimed it was her personal journal that was published. And they ignore that the lawsuit had the excerpts from the journal in their letter to Amazon. They listed all the line numbers in the book with "starting from... And ending with..." And quoted the journal entries.
It's quite disturbing that all this proof is there and they don't care.
Hoffman has the warning copyright letter to Amazon on his blog.
Milo's going on and on about the LPGA Open.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 6m6 minutes ago
So very cool! #USWomensOpen Golf Championship right in your back yard! #LancasterCountryClub Practice rounds start today! :) @Kateplusmy8
The Lancaster CC is thirty miles away from Kate's house. I know Kate has a big back yard, but I don't think it's that big!!
Milo also thinks that Kate should take the kids:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 #LancasterEvent would be a gr8 place 2take ur kids! Walk 9 holes! Cara would love it! Golf teaches so much personal discipline!
Why would only Cara love it? Maybe the boys would like it too. Didn't Jon take them golfing on one of their episodes?
There's another site that discusses this missing part too. I just found the conversation when googling "Jon Joel laundry room floor."
I remember Jon coming home, getting upset and taking Joel in the bedroom. I think Joel puked again and then was put on the carpeted floor.
What mother leaves their kid on a cold floor in the dark when they're sick??
I didn't realize that the young husband smokes. You'd think that would be as much of a sin as a woman letting her ankles be seen.
I don't like labeling kids. I still think there is really nothing wrong with Colin. It's bad parenting, and a main parent who does not know how to raise a kid who does not fit into the common mold. I don't think he has/is on the spectum of Autism or Aspergers.
Given Kate's behavior, and how she puts Jon under the bus every chance she gets, and her so-call parenting skills, I think the kid that is having the most problems with the divorce, Kate push him away, leave him out, basicly rejecting him is Colin.He must be the one out of the 8 that reminds Kate of Jon the most. Kate lashes out at him and he lashes out at everyone. The more Kate rejects him, the more he lashes out. That birthday gift was a given. He was trying to tell Kate, this is only you & me, not the other 7. I am an individual, not part of a set/team/6 pk. Kate has that mentality, the twins are a set, the tups are a set. The family says Colin is the artistic one, but Kate does not put him in art classes, unless the other 5 go to. It's one for all or none. Kate is lazy, too lazy to cart kids to different interests/sports etc. Not all kids like the same thing.
The school they go to the learning is rigorious. For some kids too hard. It's like a straight A honor student who goes to college and and does fails the 1st year or the grades are not A's. There is nothing wrong with the kid, the college might be too hard, the enviroment might not what the kid expected, the other kids might not be friendly,there are a thousands of reasons why a college kid fails. Kids in grade school are the same.
I think a lot of what is going on with Colin has to do with the divorce. Not all kids deal with divorce the same way. Kate like to think they do, cause, they are a 6 pk and twins. Some kids accept, some withdraw, some get in trouble and some lash out. They are all individuals.
Blowing, could be he sought her approval by not seeing Jon. Another theory: she threatened him that she would not take care of his chickens if he saw his father.
I watched that episode too and I distinctly remember Jon coming home from work and visibly upset with Kate for putting him on the laundry room floor. I bet some yelling was edited out on that one.
Blowing in the Wind, that's why I said it was my opinion that Kate took Collin and left. We don't know. But if Collin opened up about how Kate treats him, or that he hates filming, Kate would not like the questions the school would then ask her. By taking Collin, Kate controls the narrative and the school, by law, can say nothing. I've had children in my classroom who we ( teachers and counselors) had concerns about. Once those concerns were voiced, the children disappeared, never to be heard from again. Kate, being a public figure, can't disappear. I agree she doesn't want to split the 6-pack, but I think she sees the writing on the wall that they will eventually split. Notice they no longer dress identically. By doing it this way, Kate looks like a hero for "meeting Collin's needs." Again, all this is just my opinion.
From Mel's link:
“The main job of S.O.S. ministries in Central America is to take down the influence of the Catholic church,” Pickles and Hairspray writes. “These missionaries are fighting a war of Christian against Christian. If you want to donate money for that, be warned. Your money will not go to the poor, it will go to taking down others’ longstanding beliefs.”
According to the U.S. Department of State, 51 percent of the El Salvadorian population identifies as Roman Catholic, and 33 percent identifies as Protestant.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2235194/jill-duggar-and-derick-dillards-mission-location-revealed-where-in-the-world-are-the-19-kids-and-counting-stars/#VgIRQJCB21AXdZ7d.99
This is absolutely true. I personally knew a cousin of my husband's and our former CPA who did this there. It's all about converting them from the Catholic religion to their brand of Baptist.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 154
Kate obviously saw this, since she commented on it
Exactly. His issues were obvious, sheeple. Even to Kate. The issue was Kate refused to call them what they actually were, special needs. She identified them, but refused to properly label and address them.
You know this from watching some television shows and reading her Tweets? Reality: You have no idea what Kate has or hasn't done to address her child's issues, nor should you or anyone else since it is none of our business. You are ASSUMING that she did nothing since the child is changing schools without actually KNOWING anything. My brother had serious social-emotional issues and was kicked out of the private school he'd been attending since Kinder when he was in 7th grade. I'm glad there weren't Internet gossips around to judge my parents and assume they'd done nothing to help him. He had been in therapy since kindergarten and was in a private school setting at the recommendation of professionals. Sometimes what is being done to help a child does not work.
Kate is a twit said... 172
Milo's going on and on about the LPGA Open.
Bring her up here. I'll plunk her down in the middle of this mess and leave her there to find her way back home. And no, it's not in Kate's backyard. With traffic, it's about a 45 minute drive. One of my friends lives in the secluded area adjacent to the club. She went away for the week. Area residents are being issued tags for access to their homes.
"And in other news another fan let TFW know that she'll be gone 10-17 July."
Will all tweeting be suspended for that period of time? Are that particular fan's comments so important that this was breaking news? Is Kate devastated?
Vanessa said... 163
Who says they weren't obvious? Kate?
Oh they were obvious to khate, only that it affected HER!
Her own diary entries prove how any struggles, misbehaving, "disobedience" were only to be interpreted and dealt with to make HER LIFE easier. Giving a good smack, pulling a baby's hair, throwing a baby in their crib was great therapy for her!
It was obvious to Kate nine years ago but she herself said she tended to ignore it -- a lot.
In her journal she decided that praying to be more loving toward him would fix it. I guess God doesn't pay attention to exclamation marks.
September 5, 2006
I need to pray for my relationship with Collin... I can't explain it. l love him so much but I don't understand him. His frustration is unexplained and I don't know what he wants a lot of times...he just starts shrieking and I tend to ignore it a lot. But I just don't understand him!!!! Lord please help me to understand Collin and help me to only feel love when he is near!!! Hold my frustration with him and help me to feel only love!!!!! Help me to be a loving mother who is slow to wrath and quick to love!!!
You know this from watching some television shows and reading her Tweets? Reality: You have no idea what Kate has or hasn't done to address her child's issues
Actually, Kate herself released a statement just last year claiming there was absolutely nothing wrong with any of the children. Actually, Kate herself in her own book seemed to think the problem was Kate was just impatient with Colin (and apparently, that's when "wrath" would happen). The problem was Kate's patience, according to her, not that there were some real problems with Colin. Those are not the statements of someone who has accepted her child's needs, is not in denial about them, and has been dedicated to getting him proper help.
In addition, Jon himself indicated the children's needs were not being met.
nor should you or anyone else since it is none of our business
You should let Kate know that. If she's going to put it out there, it's disingenuous to then turn around and say it's none of our business to discuss. Especially when so many of his issues may be directly related to his constant exploitation or may have been ignored or diminished in order to continue to exploit him and make money off him--this is a matter of public concern.
LOL. We should not discuss??? Kate told one million people about Collin. All she had to do was be silent for his privacy. Her motivation was to drive the story, to paint herself as a caring mom because she knows darn well that's not the truth.
Sheep logic:
I believe Kate mentioned the school thing, so Jon would not sell another story about his children.
LOL. We should not discuss??? Kate told one million people about Collin. All she had to do was be silent for his privacy.
Yes, it's okay for Kate to tell one million people but not okay for any of those people to question what she's putting out there.
In light of what we all know I have grave concerns a fragile child or one with special needs could be all the more influenced by a parental alienator. We actually talked in the past about how some of the kids may say and do what she wants to appease her. If she took advantage of a special needs child's desire to please to get her way with Jon, she really has reached a new low.
it's obvious to those capable of thinking for themselves that concern for the child is not what this is about.
That's projection if I ever saw it. It's the sheeple who could care less about the kids. They just want access to Kate. The kids are a necessary nuisance to get that access.
The overwhelming concern for these children over five years here is undeniable. You can say it's not about the kids all you want, but you can't tell people what they know is on their hearts.
Paul Petersen gave a radio interview with a Canadian radio station yesterday about kids on reality TV. He mentioned the Gosselins several times.
During the interview, they also played statements made by Brant Pinvidic, who used to work for TLC and who helped develop J&K plus 8. Of course, he defends reality TV.
His comments can be heard at 4:30 and 6:40.
In his first comment, he says that kids on reality TV are doing what they normally do in their normal life and that the demands on the kids are "fairly light".
In his second comment, he say that in "2015-2016 world, the privacy in their own home is irrelevant to anybody in that millennial generation.
It's not something they think of, they consider and they certainly don't value it. When you look at the Instagram and the Facebook, and the postings and the texting, it's like their world, everything they understand is out in the open and shared at all levels. So I don't really feel that's sort of an impact on their lives anyway. They do enough of that stuff on their own."
So because kids use FB, Instagram, etc. it's okay to film their private lives at home and air it for millions to see? WTF is this guy smoking? Paul said he'd love to get him into counseling!
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 182
nor should you or anyone else since it is none of our business
You should let Kate know that. If she's going to put it out there, it's disingenuous to then turn around and say it's none of our business to discuss
Oh, please. Kate sells her children's privacy for fame and money, but it's no one's business?
Kate made a very public and very lengthy statement addressing Colin. It was highly calculated
Kate penned a book detailing each child's foibles and reaction to the divorce, for chrissakes.
It's not something they think of, they consider and they certainly don't value it. When you look at the Instagram and the Facebook, and the postings and the texting, it's like their world, everything they understand is out in the open and shared at all levels. So I don't really feel that's sort of an impact on their lives anyway. They do enough of that stuff on their own."
I don't think you can even compare social media to reality T.V. First of all a kid is in complete control of what they put on social media, and they mostly post silly selfies, nothing too personal. A big problem with reality TV is the lack of respect for the children. The producers control what we see on TV. A child in control of their instagram account can't be disrespected. Second of all, the average kid has like 100 followers, and they're all their school friends. Millions of strangers watch the Gosselin kids. Apples and oranges.
TLC stinks said... 185
LOL. We should not discuss??? Kate told one million people about Collin. All she had to do was be silent for his privacy. Her motivation was to drive the story, to paint herself as a caring mom because she knows darn well that's not the truth.
There have been a few crossroads when any sane mother would ask herself if it's right to continue to film her children.
When their marriage was crumbling and the acrimony was palpable.
When the divorce happened and the children were shown in distress (6th birthday party is torturous to watch).
When 2 children get kicked out of kindergarten for violence and disruption.
When one child must leave his school again to address special needs.
That's projection if I ever saw it. It's the sheeple who could care less about the kids. They just want access to Kate. The kids are a necessary nuisance to get that access.
Exactly. Anyone who blathers on about how much they love watching the kids grow up on tv is an idiot.
How about broadcasting your own kids on the potty, sick, vomiting, fighting, naked, half naked...
They fail to see these kids as humans with rights.
Children are not commodities!
We actually talked in the past about how some of the kids may say and do what she wants to appease her. If she took advantage of a special needs child's desire to please to get her way with Jon, she really has reached a new low.
Kate has been getting her kids to say stuff and do things to appease her for years now.
When Mady said (on The View) how hard the divorce was on Kate-harden even than on her-my heart broke for her.
Pinvidic is a self-serving, first-class asshole.
What he said to justify selling children for profit is indefensible.
I wonder if he has kids and if he'd sell them too.
How many times have we seen FB and Instagram accounts do harm to children who broadcast inappropriate things to the world?
They are NOT innocuous by any means, so to invoke them in order to attenuate the ill and far-reching effects of treating children as commodities on reality tv is ridiculous.
PinviDICK knowns damn well how the hot dogs are made in reality tv. He knows how much footage is needed for every 22-minute episode. He knows the demands, manipulations and distortions.
He can try to peddle that pablum, but the world at large just isn't that stupid.
What is it with Jon's relationships imploding when they end?
Warning: You WILL lose IQ points reading this "DJ" dude's like, yo, um, thoughts, bro.
So that dude said the demands on the kids were "fairly light?"
I have a big problem with that comment.
Let's say an episode was being filmed at the house, and the
kids had to only do their couch interviews. That might seem
to someone in production as "fairly light" participation. But
think about it: those kids are forced to stay home the entire
day for the shoot. Strangers (no, the "crew daddies" aren't
supposed to be their playmates) are in their home -- in
their sacred space. They can't go in a room whenever they
feel like it, because Mom might be doing scene in there,
or the crew might be setting up for the next scene. They
can't have friends over in the middle of production. Running
outside to play would be frowned upon, lest they get their
clothes dirty. They probably don't even get to eat when
they want, because they have to wait for the director to
break for lunch.
So they go to school 5 days a week -- in winter waking up
when it's dark and coming home when it's dark. And some
weekends when they're supposed to be recharging their
batteries, TLC gets to decide (with their mother's blessing)
that they will not be getting that relaxation time: they need
to work. Oh, wait, correction: they need to make memories.
think about it: those kids are forced to stay home the entire
day for the shoot. Strangers (no, the "crew daddies" aren't
supposed to be their playmates) are in their home -- in
their sacred space.
I think about how many shoots are exactly like the corn maze. The go, they shoot and when they get the footage that they need for their pre-planned story, they leave.
It's not about the experience for the kids.
Robert also observed filming and said each shot was staged and most of the time, the kids were just standing around doing nothing when they weren't in the shot.
Yeah, that's real.
Filming comes first and foremost for the G kids. Their schedules are to remain open just in case TLC rings the bat phone in the compound.
School? Pull them out!
Camp? Sorry, kiddos, that might usurp valuable filing time!
What is it with Jon's relationships imploding when they end?
My suspicion is that 1) he views himself as this awesome wheeler/dealer in the sky kinda guy, and 2) isn't loyal. (Nothing to do with his ability to interact decently with his kids and be kind to them.)
I think that he and Kate are alike in this way: they both have had a taste of fame, and think that everyone interacts in the way that they saw when they were celebrities.
They both behave in a way that they "think" others do...except that they have mis-read it completely, or are flat out mistaken. They don't have the 'pull' to behave in that way, but they think that they do.
We've seen that with Kate lots of times. She puts something out there because that's what she thinks a good mom would do. Except it isn't. She hasn't read it right.
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