Thursday, July 16, 2015

TLC cancels '19 Kids and Counting'

After more than a month in limbo, the network decides to officially axe the popular show and says it's committed to educating the public about sexual abuse.

"We spent the past month and a half in thoughtful consideration about what is the best way forward here. It's no secret that '19 Kids and Counting' was a really, really hit show. But we have some other great shows, both on the air and in the pipeline.
"  Marjorie Kaplan, group president of TLC, Animal Planet and Velocity networks.

1470 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1470   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I can't believe the nerve they have to claim that they are now so committed to educating the public about sexual abuse.

B.S. First you just wanted us to forget about this and continue to air the show. When the PR experts and consultants finally convinced them that that just wasn't going to be possible, they then moved into recovery mode and how to save the TLC brand. They were then TOLD by a PR expert that they've got to act like they care about educating the public about serious issues. They never breathed a word about them caring about that before.

They are so disingenuous it makes me sick. They don't care one bit about education and are only doing it for PR. ~ Administrator said... 2

They don't mention a spinoff one way or the other but they say they plan a one hour special later in the summer "educating" about sexual abuse that will feature the Duggar girls.

They said the Duggars were eager to take part in that. Well of course they were. They'll take anything.

Mel said... 3

They said the Duggars were eager to take part in that. Well of course they were. They'll take anything.

Of course. Free trip home for the one girl, courtesy of TLC.

fade2black said... 4

My first thought was, "about damn time", but now I am so overcome with revulsion at TLC's blatant attempt to come off as the good guy when it's so clear that it is and always has been all about the money that it's making me physically ill. How anyone could fall for this self-serving claptrap is beyond me.

localyocl said... 5

I just thought of something. Maybe TFW is all over Shoka because (Kate + 8) - Collin + Shoka still = Kate Plus 8

Formerly Duped said... 6

Anyone watch I am Jazz on TLC about the transgender teenager last night? I didn't, but am interested to know how it was presented since I used to work with kids who surgically changed gender due to physical reasons- not gender identity disorder, but ambiguous genitalia, botched circumcision, hormonal issues etc It was often the parents rather than the child who had more difficulty- but young adult life is a different story

I read they are not giving out her real name but it's so easy to find out this info on the internet, I would fear for her safety . ~ Administrator said... 7

My first thought was, "about damn time", but now I am so overcome with revulsion at TLC's blatant attempt to come off as the good guy when it's so clear that it is and always has been all about the money that it's making me physically ill. How anyone could fall for this self-serving claptrap is beyond me.


I can't stand it either. If they actually took this seriously from the beginning and talked about using this as a moment for education in the beginning, I MIGHT believe they were sincere. But no, for the past five weeks their agenda has been how to save this show, keep the money rolling in, and parade the girls out there to try to convince us this was no big deal and they moved on ages ago.

It was never about taking it seriously, it was never about making sure this doesn't happen to anyone else, it was never about protecting the victims from Josh and the public.

They have been spending the past 5 weeks trying to figure out with some kind of crisis management team if they could salvage their highest rated show. I wouldn't be surprised if they've done polls and focus groups. After examining every last loophole they kept coming back to the same conclusion--it would be a PR disaster to continue the show. They will lose money on it but they're going to have to take a loss.

They are not canceling the show because they think it's the right thing to do and they want to educate. They are canceling it because when they put it into the PR machine and cranked the handle, the only answer it kept spitting out was "cancel." If they really believed what they were saying now, this show would have been cancelled within 24 hours of the news. ~ Administrator said... 8

Oh I wonder if the Cosby thing played a role. They are seeing firsthand how when you insist it's no big deal that just makes the PR problem worse. The Cosby thing keeps churning deeper and deeper and the public outcry is not letting up. Even Whoopie has come around to reality now. I think they could take a page from that and realize there's just no way to make this go away and they're going to make it worse if they don't axe it.

localyocl said... 9

All their Bible thumper fans are having a fit on FB and talking about how sinkful the channel is with lesbians and transsexuals.

Tucker's Mom said... 10

After careful consideration, TLC realizes they can't escape the public scrutiny and outrage. If they could have, they would have.

Well, now we know why Kate is so manic.

I really hope this doesn't mean more filming for the G kids.

Maybe TLC is reconsidering Twist of Kate. Purely speculative of course, but could explain Kate's complete personality transplant.

Anonymous said... 11

"Brand with a purpose"??? We know what the 'purpose' is, "to make $".

I don't buy the faithfully committed to children's ongoing comfort and wellbeing or the announcement would have included the cancellation of the Gosselin carnival sideshow as well.

It's noteworthy that the upcoming documentary includes the full participation of Jill and Jessa Duggar; so TLC is still allowing the Duggars to profit.

I'm with those who believe TFW had to know all this was in the works and that is why she has been so giddy the past couple of days.


Call Me Crazy said... 12

Jane said... 20

There's a report on Twitter from The Daily Beast that TLC has cancelled the Duggars.

According to that article, "The network will conclude its coverage of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's family with a one-time special episode about child molestation, as part of an ongoing campaign about child sexual abuse. It will air without commercials and include two of the Duggar women. 'TLC has been especially concerned for the victims in this situation, including the Duggar family, and it is our hope that this effort will help those in need learn where to turn for information and help,' TLC said."

And here we go. Who wants to bet that the two Duggar women who are going to be featured in the special are the two that TLC wants to feature in a spinoff show?

TLC disgusts me.

NJGal51 said... 13

Marjorie Kaplan, group president of TLC, Animal Planet and Velocity networks.
Well there you have it - all the Shoka love explained.

So TLC is committed to educating the public about sexual abuse. What about educating the public about child abuse? How many times did the crew see the Gosselin kids "happied up" for the camera? TFW just can't contain herself. She'll take any crumb TLC throws her. The conundrum TLC will now face is should they continue with the more laid back Kate or go with the train wreck. Train wrecks get ratings and nice guys finish last. Let's hope that they really do have some new stuff in the pipeline and that TFW will be relegated to the occasional special. Milo must be shitting her pants hoping that TLC will bring TFW back as a weekly show.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 14

Well, this would certainly explain TFW's over-the-top giddiness.
Perhaps they've given her an actual "season" of shows, and
not just the here-and-there clumps of 5 episodes, and she had
to keep it on the down low until TLC announced the Duggar

Step right up, hurry, hurry, come watch the new-and-improved
Gosselins! Can eight kids, a frazzled single mom, a boisterous German shepherd,and a cake-crashing bird share a McMansion, without driving each other crazy?

Sheri said... 15

From the linked article...

"TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being," TLC said in a statement.


If this were true, I'd think you'd stop exploiting children altogether.


"Kaplan admitted to having been "completely unaware" of the pervasiveness of child abuse."


I call bullshit on this. Only someone living under a rock doesn't know the pervasiveness of child sexual abuse, especially in the entertainment industry. Hey TLC, two words: Bill Blankenship

So they've been brainstorming for over a month and this statement is the best they can come up with? Wow, just wow.

FYI said... 16

TLC's official statement posted on their website:

Mel said... 17

Since Jimbob is prone to suing, a la TFW, TLC probably wanted to have *all* their ducks in a row before cancelling?

Sue_Buddy said... 18

Kaplan is an idiot. It was just a few months ago that she was crowing about TLC no longer being known as the "freak channel" and now she's saying she was unaware of how pervasive child abuse is? Does she live in a cave?

Mel said... 19

I also think that Megyn whoever from Fox did them *no* favors with that informercial interview that they did.

If that had been more authentic it might have helped them instead of sinking them further.

That informercial was a big nail in a coffin that already had a lot of nails.

Blowing In The Wind said... 20

I read they are not giving out her real name but it's so easy to find out this info on the internet, I would fear for her safety


Jennings isn't her real last name. That said, she's been on various television shows, speaking out about gender identity, was interviewed by Barbara Walters and others. She's not an unknown and didn't suddenly appear on TLC. She's done the YouTube thing, a documentary on the Oprah network, several commercials, modeling. It's not like TLC picked her out of nowhere for the series.

Did anyone watch the Giant Woman?

Blowing In The Wind said... 21

All their Bible thumper fans are having a fit on FB and talking about how sinkful the channel is with lesbians and transsexuals.


But a Duggar child molester is fine and dandy? I guess as long as the offender is "straight," then it's okay.

Sheri said... 22

Rainbirdie said...(5)

Lily said... 193
@Kateplusmy8: You know you’re an @amazon addict when you find this note from your kids on your bedroom door.... #AppearedLastNight

It kind of looks to me like Kate wrote this herself. As adults we're usually the ones that mix caps and lower case letters in one word. Looks like an adult trying to look like a kid writing.
"I agree. Do kids these days even know how to make an "A" that way? I rarely see adults under 40 write that way anymore. Same with cursive writing."


I think Kate wrote the note too. If they can't order things for themselves, why would the kids give a hoot about Amazon Prime Day or whatever.

What is telling are the recent rash of "twittersodes" (Was it you Tucker's who came up with that? Brilliant.) that keep popping up on her timeline.

I strongly suspect that Kate was aware of the 19 Kids cancellation and she's basically putting out there that she can come up with all kinds of fun ideas for more episodes.

It's very desperate and almost makes me sad for her. Except that she's still exploiting her kids and has now started exploiting (and confusing) poor Shoka.

The woman is so detestable and pathetic, it's embarrassing. Kate, give it up and just go get a freakin' job already.

angie said... 23

JB isn't going to let the cameras go away if he can help it! The Bates went to the UP channel, wonder what the odds are that JB is hoping they can move to that channel?
It's ironic, that JB's always said he wanted to educate the world about his family and how they raise their children.
Instead, his oldest daughers are dressing mainstream, wear makeup, one married (gasp!) a man that has a D-1 mainstream university degree, and his oldest daughter is wanting to go to college instead of getting married.
Some of the kids have very active instgram accounts, iphones, etc, and are plugged into mainstream media.

Instead of educating the world about them, it appears he educated his kids about the mainstream world and THEY LIKE IT.

maybe the kids can now have a normal adulthood. I hope so!

(and Kate can be as giddy as she wants to, no one wants to watch her. That ain't ever gonna change)

AnnieD said... 24

"In a move to redirect the attention and public outcry, TLC also announced it has teamed with two prominent child-protection organizations for an ongoing campaign to raise awareness about child sexual abuse."
How about physical and mental abuse of children, TLC? How about destroying families for the sake of profits?

Anonymous said... 25

I think Admin's comment (#8) re the Cosby 'situation' as it relates to the Duggar 'situation' played a big role in this decision to cancel. At first the Cosby 'problem' was pretty much considered a tempest but as the snowball grew.......the 'problem' could not be ignored.

At first TLC ignored the Duggar tempest by running a full day of re-runs; then the snowball grew.....the question remains, why has it taken TLC so long to reach the inevitable decision.


TLC stinks said... 26

No surprise. They needed time to do polling of sponsors. Disgusts me that it's not a clean break from Duggars. It's a joke. Those girls say they were not victimized so what could they possibly offer in a follow up show.

As far as Kate's tweeting mania, it's really just a new persona and yes, it diverts attention from Collin. That's not a bad thing since Collin's issues should not be speculated unless she lies. And she will when school starts up again.

Midnight Madness said... 27

I'm sure that Babytalk and the Boobers will be okay with this. They would have done much praying, and if TLC axed them, it's God's will.

Sheri said... 28

@Kateplusmy8: You know you’re an @amazon addict when you find this note from your kids on your bedroom door.... #AppearedLastNight


Should read...

@Kateplusmy8: You know you're a @famewhore when you take pictures of, and post online, notes you wrote to yourself trying to pass them off as your kids' because you're just that desperate for attention.

Tuckers Mom said... 29

Never let a crisis go to waste TLC. ~ Administrator said... 30

After careful consideration, TLC realizes they can't escape the public scrutiny and outrage. If they could have, they would have.


Exactly, just own it. We realize it was our number one money maker but we've finally accepted we can't continue to air it without a PR disaster on our hands.

Oh, and 100% this is why Kate is so giddy. Now's her big chance! ~ Administrator said... 31

Kaplan is an idiot. It was just a few months ago that she was crowing about TLC no longer being known as the "freak channel" and now she's saying she was unaware of how pervasive child abuse is? Does she live in a cave?


Should someone so ignorant of the dangers out there posed to children have god knows how many children on her payroll? That was a very misguided statement. ~ Administrator said... 32

I also think that Megyn whoever from Fox did them *no* favors with that informercial interview that they did.

If that had been more authentic it might have helped them instead of sinking them further.

That informercial was a big nail in a coffin that already had a lot of nails.


Yes though I would say the Duggars did themselves no favors. Even with a tougher interviewer they were still going to minimize, deny, deflect. Doesn't matter who it is asking the questions.

Doing an interview was a bad idea, there were just too many problems in the story to explain away no matter how much you prep, and I remember many of us even said after this TLC REALLY has no choice, as if they had a choice before.

TLC stinks said... 33

I believe this is why TKC cancelled:

According to OK! Magazine, one of Josh Duggar’s victims is planning to sue the 19 Kids and Counting star for sexually molesting her. As the Inquisitr previously reported, four of Josh’s five victims were his own sisters — they included Jill Duggar, Jana Duggar, and Joy Anna Duggar. Joy Anna was just five years old when she was abused by her older brother.

Josh Duggar’s fifth victim was not a member of the family, and she was babysitting the Duggars when she was assaulted. She has not come forward, but her identity may soon be revealed. According to the print edition of InTouch Weekly, the unnamed victim is planning to sue the stars of 19 Kids and Counting for the pain that they have put her through.

Read more at ~ Administrator said... 34

Well, this would certainly explain TFW's over-the-top giddiness.
Perhaps they've given her an actual "season" of shows, and
not just the here-and-there clumps of 5 episodes, and she had
to keep it on the down low until TLC announced the Duggar


Their latest filler idea is to make THREE HOUR clip shows and fill up the entire prime time slot with those. Did it with Kate, now with the Little People Big World twins. THREE HOURS of old clips of those two. Oy-vey!

I don't mind watching LPBW but when I realized about 20 minutes in my DVR had clocked in a massive three hour episode as "new" I had to delete it.

They got nothing.

White Organza said... 35

I think Fade2black has found THE word that best expresses my reaction to TLC's latest PR campaign: revulsion. Total and complete revulsion.

Their educational special on child abuse will feature the same two Duggar girls who couldn't get fast enough on national TV to dismiss their brother's "mistakes" by saying it wasn't all that bad since they were sleeping at the time. WTH?!! Two girls from a sect who has taught them since birth that men have uncontrollable urges (Not their fault! They are wired that way!) and that abuse occurs when the wemmin folks aren't modest enough or don't keep their "countenance" in check. Yeah... Right... And Kate Gosselin should host an educational special on child psychology.

Sue_Buddy said... 36

Should someone so ignorant of the dangers out there posed to children have god knows how many children on her payroll? That was a very misguided statement.

She needs to go. She appears to be oblivious of her surroundings.

Midnight Madness said... 37

At first TLC ignored the Duggar tempest by running a full day of re-runs; then the snowball grew.....the question remains, why has it taken TLC so long to reach the inevitable decision


I thought that they were just going to let it blow over, see what happens, if the outrage continues or is forgotten. I had initially believed that they'd continue with the show, test the waters, and if the sponsors weren't there and the ratings tanked, then they'd cancel.

P.J. said... 38

Sorry for not catching up with the comments and if I'm repeating someone else, but why the HELL would the Duggar girls want to participate???? They said it was no big deal and they didn't even know it happened?


angie said... 39

I strongly suspect that Kate was aware of the 19 Kids cancellation and she's basically putting out there that she can come up with all kinds of fun ideas for more episodes.

If combing your dog in your bedroom, finding a fallen bird and amazon prime wish list is Kate's idea of 'fun' ideas for future episodes, then her fans are even more desperate than I first believed.
who the f*&* cares! blech!

gee, Kate, there are plenty of moms that work full time, co parent with their divorced spouse, have relationships with extended family members, get their kids ready for back to school, etc.
There's nothing about you that makes you a special snowflake. The only thing exciting in her life is brushing her dog and buying crap online.
how exciting.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 40

TLC Stinks (#26), I had the same thought -- why would the
Duggar girls do a special episode about child molestation
and sexual abuse when according to them, it wasn't that
big of a deal? To hear their version (which we can assume
was VERY carefully scripted by Dad), it was just the actions
of a curious teen. Over the clothes, 4 or 5 seconds, we
weren't even aware it happened. We've moved on -- why
can't all of you?

But now that the carrot of a Very Special Episode has been
dangled in front of them, are they going to change their story?
If it gets them their own spinoff, Dad might just have to give
that script a little editing. But how can that be done without
making their golden boy look like more of a villain? Oh,
here's an idea -- Jim Bob said he knew LOTS of families
who had LOTS worse things happen. Why not round 'em
up and let them share their stories, too?

This is all extremely delicate ground to cover, and I don't
think TLC has the finesse to handle it successfully. And
the Duggars surely don't.

getoftweeter said... 41

I'm doing the HAPPY DANCE! One down 3 to go!

Little People,Big world, should have taken the hint 6 years ago, and stayed off TV. No checkups, no specials, for at least 5-10 years. When Matt & Amy decided 6 years ago to call it quits, that lasted about 3-6 months, and they were back. Probably because they need money. With Matt ideas, he probably spends more than they make. TLC is an easy pay check.

Kate is the same way, a few pay checks in the bank and she becomes friend to man & beast.

Duggars are probably right now trying to "pray" their way out of this mess. Good luck with that. Damage is done. TLC is looking for damage control now, too late, damage is permanent.

And Yea, I see in maybe a year, when everything settles down, TLC doing a Duggar spin-off. Cause, the spin-off has nothing to do with Josh, but fresh face, sisters. For nothing TLC has been trying out episodes, on Josh & Anna, Jill & husband, Jessa & husband, and Amy. Only the girls episodes were doing fine in ratings. People did not care for Josh or Amy. I do think that was TLC plan right along, till the dam broke.

Kate, yeah, as we all talked about months ago, TLC is going for a new image for Kate. The poor single mom, doing it herself, trying to be laid back, and using the BS kids will be kids, teens will be teens. Sorry never bought into that teenage rebel crap. That is what society wants every one to believe and live by, guide lines. That all teen are rebellious, sorry a lot of us were not rebellious, only a hand few were ever rebellious. But the media and social circles, use the few, to say they represent the rest. And they don't, cause, if true, this world would be in deep shit. We would almost end up like that old movie "Wild in the Streets". That is extreme.

Anonymous said... 42

I have learnt so much about media, pr, reality shows, sponsors, talk show hosts, contracts, spinning stories, product endorsement etc from following J and K, and K plus 8. It has really been an eye opener. Notice how for the last couple of weeks there has been not a peep about the Duggars. Yup, wait for the public to loose interest, for gossip to die down, see if sponsors change their minds, then quietly end the show. Yikes, it sort of scary how a situation can be manipulated once "this is how we are going to do it" is decided.
Long time L

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Doesn't matter who it is asking the questions.

Doing an interview was a bad idea, there were just too many problems in the story to explain away no matter how much you prep, and I remember many of us even said after this TLC REALLY has no choice, as if they had a choice before.
The whitewashing was bad, the minimizing was worse, saying it's so much worse in other families they know was horrifying, and the cherry on top was 2 victims of incestuous molestation making excuses for their brother.
It was a disaster.

AuntieAnn said... 44

I don't think this latest news has anything to do with Kate's current manic phase. I doubt TLC wants to film too many more specials with her and the kids. They might be getting gun-shy of dysfunctional families what with the drubbing they've taken for the redneck Honey BooBoo and Duggar clans.

Tucker's Mom said... 45

Should someone so ignorant of the dangers out there posed to children have god knows how many children on her payroll? That was a very misguided statement.
You bet. You're in the business of minors and you've no idea?
You know what this tells me? There's NO training program given to the employees whether in the field or editing bays.

Anonymous said... 46

I wonder if someone who is in the public eye, mentions a company or product enough, will get some gift cards or products, you know as a sort of courtesy.
I know that celebrities get stuff sent to them, not in an official capacity as a spokesperson, but just because they are famous and will be seen using the product.
Long time L

JoyinVirginia said... 47

I was in the lunch room at work and one co-worker checking news says the duggars have been cancelled. One person exclaims thank God! Another person says Good! Someone else says who are the duggars? Oh those people with all those children, does anyone really watch that? Another, the brother molested all his sistersand they let him get away with it. Group consensus was that no one here actually watched the show, and people thought it had been cancelled already. Notable is that I work with several extremely religious people, even they thought the duggars are creepy and extreme.

Serendipity said... 48

You bet. You're in the business of minors and you've no idea?
You know what this tells me? There's NO training program given to the employees whether in the field or editing bays.
None. (Tucker's Mom, 36).

Good example of the dumbing down of America. You put someone like in charge, a person who has no clue, and you can't expect anything more out of a network. Geez. Time to really clean house at TLC, starting with this new doofus.

Anonymous said... 49

And TLC now has the I am Jazz show. What perfect timing considering the recent unveiling of Caitlyn Jenner. By consenting to do a REALITY SHOW, not occasional documentary or interview, the family has thrown privacy and safety out of the window. I hope they have things on place for the child's safety and the family's well being, now and after the show ends. I think the responsibility of educating the public should not be a child's burden and the show could have waited until the age of 18.
Long time L

Anonymous said... 50

The Daily Mail is reporting that Caitlyn Jenner's "people" demanded that ESPN award her the prestigious Arthur Ashe Courage Award in exchange for PR plugs and the Diane Sawyer ABC interview.

ESPN and ABC are both owned by Disney.

She was received the Courage Award last night.


Jtn said... 51

It would be nice for TLC to address several types of abuse and not just sexual. The gosselin children act like a template in a case study on emotional abuse. Unfortunately, since most of their scars are likely internal and won't clearly manifest publicly for a few more years, im sure TLC will think it's appropriate to drag them out and damage them even more.

Midnight Madness said... 52

The whitewashing was bad, the minimizing was worse, saying it's so much worse in other families they know was horrifying, and the cherry on top was 2 victims of incestuous molestation making excuses for their brother.
It was a disaster.


Yep. People just don't now when to shut up. They have to "set the record straight." More often than not, this does more harm than good because it can really backfire on you. Their PR firm, or whatever professionals were called in to do damage control, should go back to school for additional training.

JoyinVirginia said... 53

E!Online headline: 19 kids and counting was cancelled and the world rejoiced on Twitter!
Tell us how you really feel!

Jamesvader1194 said... 54

It took TLC long enough but i agree with everyone here with how TLC is trying to make themselves look good.As far as kate goes,wasn't her show cancelled back in 2011 due to low viewers?Were seeing the same thing happen with her again because her last couple of specials didn't have high viewers and the 11th birthday episode didn't even reach top 100 most viewed shows.Even if no ones willing to listen on twitter,i think most people just don't care for her anymore

Tucker's Mom said... 55

FlimsyFlamsy said... 40
TLC Stinks (#26), I had the same thought -- why would the
Duggar girls do a special episode about child molestation
and sexual abuse when according to them, it wasn't that
big of a deal? To hear their version (which we can assume
was VERY carefully scripted by Dad), it was just the actions
of a curious teen. Over the clothes, 4 or 5 seconds, we
weren't even aware it happened. We've moved on -- why
can't all of you?
The Duggar ladies will have to come clean and be honest about their experience, or do not do this at all.
Minimizing their abuse and molestation ONCE, publicly, and given the vast amount of fans and followers they have, was detrimental to anyone who has been violated.
If they do that again, it will be inexcusable.
The message they gave was "Hey, no biggie. If your hormonal brother gropes your breasts and violates your vagina, it's no big deal. Just forgive him, pray and move on.".
That was the message they sent.
They need to talk about it, all of it, or not at all.
It will be very telling, because I can't imagine the pressure they've been under (for YEARS now) to just shut up about it.
This can be a pivotal moment for them and all of the children who are under totalitarian paternal control.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 56

By consenting to do a REALITY SHOW, not occasional documentary or interview, the family has thrown privacy and safety out of the window. I hope they have things on place for the child's safety and the family's well being, now and after the show ends. I think the responsibility of educating the public should not be a child's burden and the show could have waited until the age of 18.


Google Jazz Jennings and read the Wiki article. She's been active on the internet and in transgender docs for some time.

Susan1956 said... 57

Kate has nothing. The American public has seen years of trips, over the top birthday parties, screaming, fighting, spitting, hitting, attitudes all in the interests of "living our life" with 'a pool, leather couch, and 'helpers' in a McMansion. Now one child will no longer be filmed due to "social and emotional issues" which can be traced back to the aftereffects of physical and emotional abuse as well as filming. The physical and emotional abuse is documented not once, but twice--in TFMJG's copyrighted journals and Robert's book.

TLC would be foolish to continue filming Kate and the kids.

TLC stinks said... 58

TLC's announcement coyly does not mention a Jill and Jessa spinoff. Frankly, I think this is what will happen given TLC has brought back Kate for updates. They just are unable to let go because it has been a long term plan to continually air updates on these families. It really needs to stop.

TLC stinks said... 59

So TLC may have officially cancelled the show, but I bet the Duggars are not completely shut off. Didn't Mama June say that TLC continued to pay their healthcare? They had a contract, so I would think TLC must be forced to give the Duggars something. Remember, although Jon was fired by TLC, he still got his salary.

Tucker's Mom said... 60

Anonymous said... 46
I wonder if someone who is in the public eye, mentions a company or product enough, will get some gift cards or products, you know as a sort of courtesy.
I know that celebrities get stuff sent to them, not in an official capacity as a spokesperson, but just because they are famous and will be seen using the product.
Long time L
All. The. Time.
Hmm...I think it's time for a tweet about Chipotle ;-)

TLC stinks said... 61

I looked at the kids' valentine day card. The handwriting is Cara's.

Anonymous said... 62

I watched some clips of Jazz giving interviews and speeches. She is very poised and speaks well. I sort of feel bad that for the Gosselins kids if I am Jazz, and Kate plus 8 are shown back to back. M and C are 14 and J is also 14. Jazz is confident and upbeat, where as in recent interviews C hardly speaks, while M complains. I know it's comparing apples to oranges as both are filmed in very very different situations.
Long time L

Formerly Duped said... 63

While I disagree with any child being on a reality show, Jazz faces some different challenges that might be educational. But she seems more 'normal' than many of the other TLC extraordinary people documented. Sort of like Abby and Brittany, the conjoined twins- their show was several episodes, and so 'normal' it was almost boring. They have been in the media only a few times since childhood and wanted to do the show to put to rest curiosity they face in real life. I understand they are doing well in their current jobs as schoolteachers I wish the best for Jazz and hope her show is not doing more harm than good but have the usual reservations of TLC generated stuff and a vulnerable teenager as the star.

foxy said... 64

How on earth can Jill and Jessa comment on the abuse when they feel it was no big deal. Talk to other children who have been sexually abused and it is an entirely different story. It is a big deal and has affected them in their adult lives. I think this is a poor choice and TLC is looking for spin offs of this creepy family.

Jessa's husband is even trying to give out advice on marriage, saving yourself, etc. He is 19 years old, maybe 20 at best, does not work, has no education, and he thinks he knows all about the world and you must heed his advice. That family is really sick.

Formerly Duped said... 65

Also interesting that Jana is not part of this special. She has also not followed the path of early marriage and immediate baby, like Jessa and Jill.

overthehill said... 66

TLC banging on about child sexual abuse.
What about them enabling child abuse.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 67

To localyocl (#5):

I think you're on to something about the "Khate + 8 -Collin + Shoka = 8". Lol.

And about those idiot, hypocritical, fame-whoring Duggars... GOOD RIDDANCE. TO YOU FOR GOOD. But TLC, you STILL SUCK. Everything you do is about the almighty dollar.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Even if no ones willing to listen on twitter,i think most people just don't care for her anymore
Agree- the numbers are bearing that out. If TLC was going to do another "season", they really needed to change the formula.
They didn't, and worse, TLC stuffed the episodes with old footage.

I think TLC would be best served to visit K+8 when there's a special occasion, just to catch up with the kids every so often.
It's done. Over.

Formerly Duped said... 69

The thing with Hannah is still unresolved as far as we know- will it be Khate Plus Eight - Collin + Shoka - Hannah + Zorro= 8 ?

Tucker's Mom said... 70

Anonymous said... 62
I watched some clips of Jazz giving interviews and speeches. She is very poised and speaks well. I sort of feel bad that for the Gosselins kids if I am Jazz, and Kate plus 8 are shown back to back. M and C are 14 and J is also 14. Jazz is confident and upbeat, where as in recent interviews C hardly speaks, while M complains. I know it's comparing apples to oranges as both are filmed in very very different situations.
Long time L
I've only seen snippets of Jazz, and last night, part of her visit to her doctor talking about surgery.
She is mature and bright, and such a formed human being already, if that makes any sense.
Today at the nail salon, I was drying my fingernails next to a pretty young girl who was going into the 5th grade. She's 10 now and already scoping out colleges.
She was bright and precocious and very social.
I know there's a wide range of maturity and capabilities when it comes to kids, and the G kids seem to be doing just fine. But, what else can you say?
Six of them were in their mother's uterus at once and miraculously, they're all here.

Tucker's Mom said... 71

Jessa's husband is even trying to give out advice on marriage, saving yourself, etc. He is 19 years old, maybe 20 at best, does not work, has no education, and he thinks he knows all about the world and you must heed his advice. That family is really sick.

I think Ben is a product of an upbringing that instilled in him that men are prophetic, infallible beings who lord over their wives and children.
The hubris that it takes to issue maxims to the world at the age of 19, with little to no rigorous academic education, let alone experience in the vast world, is so ridiculous it's laughable.

PatK said... 72

Hallelujah! TLC finally made the right decision!

Guess Jessa won't be getting the big birthing special like Jill, nor will the newly engaged couple get that wedding filming money. Thank your oldest brother, kids!

merryway said... 73

Formerly Duped said... 69
The thing with Hannah is still unresolved as far as we know- will it be Khate Plus Eight - Collin + Shoka - Hannah + Zorro= 8 ?


LOL you may be on to something. TLC will find a way to spin Kate's life. I don't see her or the kids going away so quickly. I can't think of anything to add to the Duggar cancellation except that I agree it's great news. If only TLC were so caring about abused children. It seems that they do listen to social media. Hopefully those with Twitter will continue to tweet or Facebook to TLC about removing the Gosselin kids, too.

AnnieD said... 74

JoyinVirginia said... 53
E!Online headline: 19 kids and counting was cancelled and the world rejoiced on Twitter!
Some of the Twitter comments posted in this article are quite funny.

AnnieD said... 75

From the Duggars' official statement:
"We are so thankful for our film crew that has shown up at our house for over a decade. They have become like family to us. They have invested their time and energy into our lives and have been so loving and patient. We love and appreciate them so much!
Over the last several years people have said to us, “We love your show!” We have always responded, “It’s not a show, it’s our lives!”
Kate has said it all before. Nothing real about either of these shows.

Layla said... 76

Susan1956 said…(57)
TLC would be foolish to keep filming Kate and the kids.
TLC is nothing if not foolish. They just don't get that they can't package Kate in a way that will make the public like her and watch her. It's going to take several more episodes with lower and lower ratings to drive the point home. We don't like her. We don't want to watch her or her boring kids. When they are losing money on the show, they will figure it out.

I checked the ratings for last night, and I Am Jazz got 1.358 million. Leah Remini to 1.139 million. Not good, but better than Kate Plus 8.

It looks like there is a verdict in the James Holmes trial. Waiting on the announcement.

TLC stinks said... 77

AnnieD, sounds like TLC wrote that Duggar statement. Exactly what Kate has been told to say. Uncanny, LOL.

Formerly Duped said... 78

Watched I am Jazz on demand. She is a very mature, articulate and beautiful 14 year old. The family exudes love and support so maybe their intentions are good, to inform people about being transgender to make the world an easier place for their daughter to navigate. Much is very personal- I wouldn't want my child to share this, but Jazz will have a difficult road anyway. Idk, I'm torn on this one.The family seems wealthy so I don't think that money would be a motivation.

P.J. said... 79

The Duggar "statement" is right out of the ol' TLC handbook. What a bunch of maroons.

foxy said... 80

Layla 76. Were Kateplus8 ratings below 1 million? I don't watch the show, she is too evil for me.

I am glad the Duggar's show was cancelled. You can only be bigots for so long before Karma comes around for the bite on your arse.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 81

TLC stinks said... 61
I looked at the kids' valentine day card. The handwriting is Cara's.


If you looked at the Valentine's Day card from this year, with Cara's signature, then it's not her handwriting on the Amazon note. Cara makes her "a" in one stroke, while in the Amazon note, there are two strokes. Moreover, the "r" is distinctly different. Cara's has no bend to it, while in the Amazon note, there is a curve at the bottom of the "r" that is really pronounced.

Did Kate write the note? Who knows? I've not seen any of her printing, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 82

P.J. said... 79
The Duggar "statement" is right out of the ol' TLC handbook. What a bunch of maroons.


They didn't say that TLC was a blessing from God and that they hope that their message reached the masses, thanks to the graciousness of the network?

Maybe that will come later.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 83

Milo is still carrying on about the glasses/vision. Kate didn't answer her about the golf tournament or what she bought on Amazon, so now she's going to pester about the twins' eyesight.

She scares me.

Millicent said... 84

Its ridiculous that it took TLC this long to finally cancel the show, but at least they finally reached that decision. I feel that execs at TLC had to be aware of the rumors swirling around for years about Josh, and if they had done any digging on their own (such as even talking to people in their hometown, because apparently it was no secret), they would have learned the rumors were true. But they chose to keep making money and hoping it never became widely known. Then after that scandal broke, and JB and Michele did that disastrous interview (I will never forget JB's claim that they know a lot of families who have this same problem "and worse"! - who the hell are they hanging out with?), followed by Jessa and Jill's pathetic excusing of their molester brother, TLC probably let out a breath and hoped it would all just blow over. Too bad CPS opened another case and tried to interview a Duggar child, only to have the family refuse to let the social worker do so without calling 911. I think their legal advisors were probably telling them this was a sinkhole and to break off their business relationship with the Duggars as soon as possible, before yet another scandal came to light.

I don't know what has Kate so giddy, but has TLC learned nothing? Why do they seem to have such a difficult time producing something besides reality shows featuring unlikeable, creepy, abusive people? Hey TLC, how about calling in some creative, intelligent people and listening to their ideas, because the idiots you have running the network clearly are completely out of original ideas. It's all little people, super tall women, people with sick sexual issues, people who have a bajillion children they use for income, blah, blah, blah. Seriously TLC - seek out some smart creative minds for a change, then put the money into producing at least halfway decent shows. I'm open to a remake of Trading Spaces, or a cooking show or two, or take a cue from Netflix and try your hand at producing an original comedy or dramatic series. Stop being such cheap asses and cough up some money to produce some decent shows that do not feature narcisstic attention seekers or minor kids.

localyocul said... 85

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 On another note...eye doc here says our 16yr olds eye issues R due 2sudden growth & that she will probably outgrow the issue...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Initially he was going to recommend glasses but then said...let's wait another 6mo & see? U get similar thoughts re:Cara/Mady?


WTF is she talking about? I have never in my life heard of "temporary" vision problems due to growth spurt. My kid grew like a weed. Every season she needed new clothes because she outgrew the ones from just two seasons ago. She was nearsighted from 2nd grade, and sometimes her prescription changed 2-3 times a year. Considering insurance pays for new glasses every 2 years it was not cheap! Anyway, growth spurts worsened her vision, but not temporarily. At least until another growth spurt worsened it further. It sounds to me that Gladys is distraught that her kid (if real) has an imperfection (sound familiar?)

NJGal51 said... 86

@Kateplusmy8: @Mydmaxx No. He goes to the vet in philly tomorrow so I’ll wait to hear til early next week!Just makes me feel so happy he’s bring fed/safe!
So the rescue organization is going to spend money sending a bird That probably won't survive to a Dr in Philly? Wouldn't they (the rescue org) just try to do what they could for the bird and then release him? St. Francis move over because someone else is vying for your position as the patron saint of animals. ~ Administrator said... 87

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 On another note...eye doc here says our 16yr olds eye issues R due 2sudden growth & that she will probably outgrow the issue...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Initially he was going to recommend glasses but then said...let's wait another 6mo & see? U get similar thoughts re:Cara/Mady?


That's ridiculous. So the 16 year old will just suffer for 6 months unable to see properly in the hopes that she might outgrow it? What about school, seeing the white board and other necessities? What a crackpot doctor, get someone new Milo.

In a somewhat related story, I remember in Miep Gies's autobiography she talks about how at one point they realized that Anne Frank needed glasses and her parents so desperately wanted her to see an eye doctor that they seriously considered having Miep take her outside quickly to go see someone. Miep was up for it, said whatever you want to do. (Miep was insanely brave and did some truly nutty things that Anne was not aware of so she didn't write about, I highly recommend this book if you want to learn more about what happened during that time period) Ultimately the adults decided it was just way too dangerous and Anne was afraid she would pass out from fear at being out there. But that's how far good parents will go to make sure their child could see properly, that they would even consider taking a huge risk to get treatment.

I'm starting to feel AWFUL for that baby bird, being transported all the way to Philly now. He must be having a heart attack. But I don't feel so bad when I realize I don't believe a word of that fantastical story. Gimme a break. They're going to tell her, per their own web site, to put the damn bird back where it came from and never bother them with this nonsense again.

FYI said... 88

In the Zorro post on Instagram, it was said that the bird was taken to Red Creek Wildlife Center. Kate tweeted that they rescued the bird on July 14.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Jul 14
What a day! What an adventurous rescue! What a sweet birdie! #ZorrosInstagram

Yet on the Red Creek Wildlife Center FB page, they posted the following:

Red Creek Wildlife Center

July 13 at 3:00pm · Edited

Red Creek will be temporarily closed to new intakes from July 13th through the 24th.

The road construction which began today in front of the clinic building and animal enclosures is causing severe stress to the animals. We’re having to move several animals and empty enclosures due to stress. This has further limited the already scarce space we have for the many animals we are already housing.

Red Creek rarely closes, and we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please go to to locate another wildlife rehabilitator.

So if Red Creek wasn't taking any new animals starting the 13th, where did they take the bird on the 14th? Did they actually take it any where? And if they did take it some place else, why state that it was taken to Red Creek in the Instagram post?

Something is definitely fishy about this story.

Sherry Baby said... 89

At least until another growth spurt worsened it further. It sounds to me that Gladys is distraught that her kid (if real) has an imperfection (sound familiar?) At least until another growth spurt worsened it further. It sounds to me that Gladys is distraught that her kid (if real) has an imperfection (sound familiar?)


It sounds like Gladys is just too darn stupid to take her to another doctor. I wonder, though, if she really has a daughter, or if this is something she invented just to get Kate to answer her. She really has a need to know about the twins' vision problem. I'm just suspicious of anything that Milo says or does. ~ Administrator said... 90

In the Zorro post on Instagram, it was said that the bird was taken to Red Creek Wildlife Center. Kate tweeted that they rescued the bird on July 14.

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Jul 14
What a day! What an adventurous rescue! What a sweet birdie! #ZorrosInstagram

Yet on the Red Creek Wildlife Center FB page, they posted the following:

Red Creek Wildlife Center

July 13 at 3:00pm · Edited

Red Creek will be temporarily closed to new intakes from July 13th through the 24th.


Kate is a twit I bow down to your sleuthing. I'm calling it, she made this whole thing up. A huge red flag was that the wildlife center specially says it is not wise to "rescue" baby birds. Now you've discovered they weren't even open on the day this happened. Now the bird is being transported to Philly???? That's outrageous. t don't understand why she's such a pathological liar. Isn't life exciting enough with eight kids to tell true stories rather than made up ones? Many writers with only 2 or 3 kids have endless material.

Sherry Baby said... 91

Why do they seem to have such a difficult time producing something besides reality shows featuring unlikeable, creepy, abusive people?

I just saw a commercial for Roma Downey's "Answered Prayers" on TLC.

fidosmommy said... 92

Too funny! Thanks for sharing the Red Creek FB info. So sorry Kate. As smart as you think you are, Kate is a Twit is in reality 888 times smarter.
You just won't be able to keep up with the Nancy Drews on this blog.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 93

Red Creek will be temporarily closed to new intakes from July 13th through the 24th


Maybe there was an emergency rescue hotline, and Kate, being such a famous celebrity, got them to open up for her. There was someone on Twitter who posted that Kate brought the bird to the center on her day off. Or am I confused? KIAT, could you find that tweet? I don't remember who tweeted that, but it was a young gal.

Sue_Buddy said... 94

So if Red Creek wasn't taking any new animals starting the 13th, where did they take the bird on the 14th? Did they actually take it any where? And if they did take it some place else, why state that it was taken to Red Creek in the Instagram post?

I saw a tweet by a young woman who said that Kate took a bird to the shelter where she works on her day off. I didn't copy it nor do I remember her name. I figured she heard it from one the the staff who maybe called her since it was her day off. Perhaps she saw Kate's tweet and assumed Kate took the bird in. I don't know and I'm not sure how to find the person's tweet and don't much want to scroll through 3 days of tweets to find it.I doubt it will clear up the mystery unless she tweeted later about seeing the bird there when she returned to work.

FYI said... 95

Sleepless--here is that tweet.

Amanda Staller ‏@drummerbabe16 · Jul 14
Wow! @Kateplusmy8 brought in a Robin to the wildlife center I work at, on my day off! Thankyou so much Kate for helping us help wildlife!9:43 PM - 14 Jul 2015

She said it was her day off, so I don't consider that confirmation that Kate actually brought the bird there. She could have just found out about it by reading Kate's timeline and seeing Red Creek mentioned in the Instagram post. ~ Administrator said... 96

Zach Roloff said on one of the clip shows going through high school with cameras, him being so shy and awkward, made high school "seven times worse".

I'm surprised TLC would include a comment like that.

Lynne In RI said... 97

Sleepless (90): "Maybe there was an emergency rescue hotline, and Kate, being such a famous celebrity, got them to open up for her."


That's possible. According to FB, the reason for temporarily closing is construction work. I would think that there is always someone on call there to take care of the animals, and Kate connected with a volunteer and got permission to take the bird there. This just doesn't sound like something she could lie about and expect to get away with it.

But, the bird being transported to Philly? That really sounds odd. ~ Administrator said... 98

Amanda Staller @drummerbabe16 · Jul 14
Wow! @Kateplusmy8 brought in a Robin to the wildlife center I work at, on my day off! Thankyou so much Kate for helping us help wildlife!9:43 PM - 14 Jul 2015

She said it was her day off, so I don't consider that confirmation that Kate actually brought the bird there. She could have just found out about it by reading Kate's timeline and seeing Red Creek mentioned in the Instagram post.


Exactly. She or someone she knew could have noticed the tweet and said hey I work there cool!

They were very clear on their web site they weren't open, no exceptions. I would expect a component of Kate's story would include that they opened just for us. I don't believe they would have accepted a bird who should simply be put back in or near his nest, per their own statement on their web site about baby birds, and I don't believe a baby robin should be transported all the way to Philly. It'll die of shock and fear. IF they did all that and Kate isn't lying, they are not a very good "rescue" and nothing I want to support. In fact, it's cruel. ~ Administrator said... 99

This just doesn't sound like something she could lie about and expect to get away with it.


That's true, but with narcissists, they're not concerned with how good or bad the lie is. They are so entrenched in their histrionics it makes no difference to them whether something is easily verifiable. If you try to tell them but the verified the rescue wasn't even open that day, they will quickly come up with some other lie to say you're wrong.

Her problem too is she lies so much that when she does tell the truth, no one can believe it. And that's her own doing. She and her sheeple have only Kate to blame for the skepticism.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 100

She said it was her day off, so I don't consider that confirmation that Kate actually brought the bird there. She could have just found out about it by reading Kate's timeline and seeing Red Creek mentioned in the Instagram post.


Why would she say it was her day off if they were closed from the 13 to the 24? Obviously somebody is there to care for the rescues. I just wouldn't put it past Kate to call them and tell them she is the Great Kate and couldn't they make an exception.

It just sounds like something she would do.

Anonymous said... 101

Well, I checked TLC's website at midnight and the Duggars are all over it. You would think they would delete anything and everything to do with them.

And I agree with Angie, I think the Duggars may be picked up by the channel UP. They have the Bates on it but more importantly, Seventh Heaven is on it. Remember when Mr. Collins, the father who played the minister, admitted to his ex-wive about touching some young woman. Well, UP stopped showing Seventh Heaven but only for three months. The show is now back on the air. So apparently UP doesn't care about molesters.

TLC stinks said... 102

This whole rescue bird thing is beyond silly. Robins aren't pets that require transportation to a vet in Philly.

P.J. said... 103

Millicent said...

Seriously TLC - seek out some smart creative minds for a change, then put the money into producing at least halfway decent shows. I'm open to a remake of Trading Spaces, or a cooking show or two, or take a cue from Netflix and try your hand at producing an original comedy or dramatic series. Stop being such cheap asses and cough up some money to produce some decent shows that do not feature narcisstic attention seekers or minor kids.


Well said. I agree, 100%

There is definitely something going on re animals with sKate. I really wonder if it has to do with H's claim of "cruelty" or are they trying to build a show around her love of animals. What a bunch of bullshit.

Even her lies don't make any sense.

TLC stinks said... 104

Sleepless, Cara is the only one whose printing matches the note. I think you have been watching too many detective shows, LOL. I am satisfied the Amazon note came from Cara. Kate fakes and lies so much I understand we have doubts about anything that comes out of her hole, but I believe this note is the real deal. Totally makes sense Cara would be aware of Prime Day in that household.

P.J. said... 105

Gee, sKate, write the rescue a big, fat cheque or volunteer there and I might be impressed. With your medical skills they could use someone like you. Oh, right, you can't, they're closed for construction. Got it.


localyocul said... 106

Does anyone watch Big Brother? I don't but I have seen several tweets comparing someone named Shelli to TFW. People say she looks like here and has a bitchy entitled attitude like her LOL

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107

I just read Gladys' tweets about her daughter's vision, and wanted
to mention one teensy weensy complication with waiting 6 months
about addressing her problem: she drives!

I can't imagine just disregarding a vision issue when dealing with a
16-year-old who's barely been behind the wheel a year, and who
already had an accident (according to her mother). Unless of
course it's imaginary -- those tend to be the least troublesome.

NJGal51 said... 108

Maybe it happened before the 13th and TFW just got around to posting it on the 14 (and why am I defending her?). My question was and is, why transport that bird to a vet in Philly? I doubt that there's anything a vet can do for the deformity and why even try. Natural selection. Were they filming it for an episode and the bird fortuitously fell into their hands? if the place was in fact closed that might explain why they opened and accepted the bird. Just speculation on my part because everything seems so odd with those series of events.

Formerly Duped said... 109

Hannah also makes her 'a's' like that but my own detective work did not get more thorough than that!

JoyinVirginia said... 110

Local yokul, I watch Big Brother, it's so fun!
Shelli is very pretty, I think she is 30, no kids, newly divorced. She has a flirt mance with 23 yo gorgeous football player Clay.
I do not watch the live feeds, on the broadcast shows she does not come across as entitled. She is perky and positive and fairly strategic, so far playing a pretty good game, she has won head of household competition twice. I don't think she looks or sounds a thing like tfmjg.
Shelli and Clay will probably go fairly far in the game. Austin the former wrestler and Vanessa the professional poker player are aligned with them and know a couple makes a bigger target than a single person. Their thinking is, as long as clay and Shelli are around, opponents will target them together and not us.
I spend way too much time discussing big brother strategy with other fans! ~ Administrator said... 111

Assuming any of Kate's story is true, someone said natural selection and I agree. I really have a problem with this wildlife center interfering with nature. Kate didn't say the bird was INJURED, it was just rejected, she suspects because of a deformity. It was not hurt or interfered with by a human, his mother made the decision to push him out of the nest, or he fell or something happened non-human related to cause him to end up on the ground. That is life, and death.

If an animal is hit by a car or a weed wacker gets the nest or a curious child accidentally hurts the bird, then I get taking it to a rescue. But I'm sorry, baby birds die all the time, it's just part of life, and to try to save one that maybe was going to die is just setting a weaker bird up for failure and disrupting the natural order of things.

Frankly, I'm shocked that any wildlife center would want anything to do with this bird.

The wildlife center I went to outside Brisbane doesn't try to save the thousands of turtles who die naturally while trying to make it to adulthood. That's nature, that's part of the process, and nature's balance is important not to interfere with. They come in when a koala gets hit by a car or a turtle gets hit by a boat propeller. And not for anything less.

FYI said... 112

Article in the NY Post regarding the Duggars and TLC cancelling their show. The author holds nothing back, and I think he makes some very valid points.

A few excerpts:

"But, of course, TLC’s parent company, Discovery Communications, couldn’t leave well enough alone on Thursday in announcing the show’s demise. It couldn’t just cut bait, move on and wish the Duggars well (and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!). No, it had to milk its Duggars cash cow just a bit longer: The network announced a one-hour, commercial-free (guess they mean business!) documentary to air later this summer, in which two of creepy Josh’s victims/sisters, Jill and Jessa, will be included — and in which the Duggars themselves will be involved. Hasn’t this family done enough damage already?

Just go the hell away already.

And color me cynical, but this reeks of Discovery’s sneaky way of wrapping a criminal activity in a blanket of do-gooder altruism while prolonging the death of its top-rated franchise, even if it won’t benefit financially (or will it?)."

"And here’s the kicker: Insiders say that while TLC has canceled “19 Kids and Counting,” it “hasn’t ruled out” occasional specials focusing on other Duggars in the family’s massive brood. Hey, it’s worked for TLC before in revisiting faded, fame-hungry Kate Gosselin of “Jon & Kate Plus 8” infamy — and her only crime is being a “can’t-she-go-away-already?” creature spawned by reality TV.

So, yes, while Discovery has canceled “19 Kids and Counting” — “after thoughtful consideration,” mind you — it’s not letting go without a fight.


Call Me Crazy said... 113

I am going OT for a minute because I am so irritated by all the criticisms and the complaining Facebook posts I am seeing about Caitlyn Jenner getting a courage award, that I just have to vent. Courage comes in many faces and forms. Why is it necessary to compare the degree of its worthiness? Why can't we just appreciate and honor all forms of courage that inspire and help others, even the kind some people don't fully understand?

Whew. That felt good. Thanks for listening.

P.J. said... 114

Admin said...

The wildlife center I went to outside Brisbane doesn't try to save the thousands of turtles who die naturally while trying to make it to adulthood. That's nature, that's part of the process, and nature's balance is important not to interfere with. They come in when a koala gets hit by a car or a turtle gets hit by a boat propeller. And not for anything less.


I completely agree. When I watch baby sea turtles hatching, I want to carry them all down to the sea, but realistically, they need that jaunt to weed out the strongest and the healthiest for the betterment of the species. Keeping the weak alive is not good wildlife management. Although I'm not saying it in the case of this particular Rescue, but sometimes Animal Rescues let ego get in the way. I suspect it's worse with the ones that have television cameras present. ~ Administrator said... 115

Keeping the weak alive is not good wildlife management.



Working in the field of wildlife is a tough, heartbreaking endeavor. It's not all cute baby puppies and kittens. You have to watch a lot of animals get weak and die and do nothing. You have to tell people to do nothing, and you have to tell them that a lot. You have to understand why that needs to happen, and be okay with it.

Let's take an extreme example, your turtle example--let's say a wildlife organization went to a turtle hatching ground and picked up all the baby turtles and gently deposited them into the ocean. It would throw the ecosystem out of whack. The overly large sea turtle population would decimate the food supply in their region, which would affect many other species. It would be disastrous for that entire ecosystem.

Yes it's just one baby bird, but what if all baby birds that were struggling were "rescued"? I guess I still have a very hard time believing any wildlife center would even take this call. If they did, it's a real shame. We need to do better by our wildlife, and often that means respecting the natural order of things when humans are not at all a factor in that natural order.

AuntieAnn said... 116

NJGal51 said... 108

I doubt that there's anything a vet can do for the deformity and why even try. Natural selection. Were they filming it for an episode and the bird fortuitously fell into their hands?


It wouldn't be the first time Kate's meddled with Mother Nature with an eye towards reality television.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 117

Sleepless, Cara is the only one whose printing matches the note. I think you have been watching too many detective shows, LOL. I am satisfied the Amazon note came from Cara. Kate fakes and lies so much I


Are you saying that I am a defective detective? lol! No, actually I've taken handwriting analysis courses, and this one was easy to spot. You just have to look at the strokes! There are only four letters in Cara's name, and two of them are not consistent with those in the note! I have no idea who wrote the note, but unless Cara changed up the way she writes her "a's" and "r's," then this didn't come from her.

Then again, is it really important? If Kate says that the note was on her door, then it was on her door. She certainly wouldn't have written it herself. She doesn't lie! ;)

Let's throw tomatoes said... 118

Kate is a twit...... 112

Maybe someone should let the writer who wrote the article know that there's more to Kate then just not going away. TLC is very aware that Kate abused her babies and puppies and refuses to cut her off. TLC does not care what goes on behind close doors with their "stars" as long as they bring in the money! Dispictable

As far as Shoka and baby bird stories it's absolutely about image change.

Shoka : Kate went bonkers when kids got dirty with ice cream, grass stains, gum and so forth. Yea, she's going to let a dog on her bed. LOL

Baby bird: Kate didn't even take her ATM children to the doctor when they got hurt. So Kate takes the birdie to the rescue center because she looooves animals. That cold hearted bitch? Nope!

Kate and fans STFU no one believes for a second that Kate has gone from evil to good. The only thing that stays the same is her lazy ass that loves money and fame more then her own children.

Tucker's Mom said... 119

It wouldn't be the first time Kate's meddled with Mother Nature with an eye towards reality television.

Scary how that makes sense.

Tucker's Mom said... 120

Whew. That felt good. Thanks for listening.
Agree. It's not that Caitlin is a trans Olympian, it's that I don't trust that the playing field was level when it came to choosing the recipient this year.
How's that for a sports analogy?!

NJGal51 said... 121

I am surprised that one of the non fans hasn't called the wildlife center and asked them why they took the bird in when their website clearly states to leave them alone and why they're sending a bird that, in reality, has no chance of survival to a vet in Philly. In this case, 1 and 1 just does not equal 2. The only thing that makes sense is that TFW & Co were filming another episode (based around her love of the family pets) and this just happened. The refuge would look bad if they refused treatment with cameras rolling and now TLC is footing the bill for all the heroic measures that are being taken.

getoftweeter said... 122

Is Kate truely nuts in the head or does she have money to burn, and the piecing & patching, just a bunch of BS?

I have never heard of going all the way into Philly, a big city to the Vet for a wild bird. Do they not have Vets in her town.? I had always thought they did, since K8, lives in the country. And usually they do have lots of Vets out that way and bird rescues, both domestic & wild birds. Kate could have looked up the nearest wild bird rescue and took the bird there. Geez, I live in Chicago, and we have lots of wild bird rescues. So I say BS, to Kate and that bird story.

P.J. said... 123

Speaking of transgender for a moment... Last night I was flipping channels and I saw what I think was an ad for the Jazz person's show. They were talking and I think the mom made some kind of comment about how it was wrong for 14 year old boys to NOT be interested in Jazz because she's transgendered. It was quick and I really wasn't paying close attention so I may have it wrong. But really? Is it wrong for 14 year old boys to decide for themselves that they don't want to date what to them is another boy? This whole issue is confusing for me. If you are male and change to female, are you attracted to females or males? Are you heterosexual or homosexual. Quite frankly, I don't care one way or the other as long as all parties involved are in agreement, but I hope we're not going down an "acceptance" road where there is something wrong with you if you don't want to date someone who is/has transgendered. I get the bullying part and know that that is wrong and a serious problem, but dating?

Can someone help me out here? This issue is totally confusing for me.

NJGal51 said... 124

@Kateplusmy8: You know you’re an @amazon addict when you find this note from your kids on your bedroom door.... #AppearedLastNight
Actually TFW never said one of the kids wrote the note. She may well have written it and told them to put it on her door to remind her. So once again she's not really lying, it's just katespeak.

Sleepless - That handwriting class must have been interesting. It's something I'd like to take just for S&G. I will say though that it's a strange household when notes have to be placed on a bedroom door. In most normal houses notes are on the fridge...the key word here being normal but you're right Sleepless, in the grand scheme of things it's not really all that important.

Winsomeone said... 125

Not all vets treat birds. I live in a small town, and a bird specialist comes to our vet's office once every week or so is all.

foxy said... 126

I wonder if the Duggars are going to try and sell their wares to other cable networks like UP. I just cant see them riding gracefully off into the sunset Maybe they will have youtube updates even though they do not have any social media access in their house.....yah right.

getoftweeter said... 127

Admin: I agree with what you said about wild bird rescues. I too notice that my one Vet I go to, has more domestic birds there than cats or dogs. And they are the areas, wild animal & bird rescue. I've seen a few times when I was there the Police in the area would bring in some wild goose or duck, pelican, some other big birds as well as baby birds, whose mother got killed on the road, as well as raccoons , deer etc. Backyard baby birds are usually on there own. One of my dogs years ago ate a baby bird, a local feral cat got an adult bird(all over my yard). The best thing Kate should have done was taken the bird to out side of her fence to an area where the dog can't get to it and let it go. The parents if still around will find their baby. When i see a baby bird, in my yard I get my dogs away from it.

But Kates tweet is so goofy. She is driving all the way into Philly to take a backyard bird to a Vet? Goofy, just goofy. Sounds like something TLC would do.

Wowser said... 128

Finally! A TLC show I will watch...Roma Downey's Answered Prayer July 26th

Ex Nurse said... 129

Admin said....
I'm starting to feel AWFUL for that baby bird, being transported all the way to Philly now. He must be having a heart attack. But I don't feel so bad when I realize I don't believe a word of that fantastical story. Gimme a break. They're going to tell her, per their own web site, to put the damn bird back where it came from and never bother them with this nonsense again.
What a cynical group of black hearted biddies we are! I have no doubt that no expense we spared, and that Mr. Robin is, as we speak, is being airlifted personally to Teri Irwin. Teri will spare no expense in finding the worlds finest avian beak reconstruction surgeon, What about this doesn't sound reasonable?

Layla said... 130

foxy (80),
The last two shows were barely over 1 million,and the 3-hour clips show got 615,000 viewers. Ratings for each episode have dropped steadily. Yet TLC keeps filming. They won't stop until the show becomes an embarrassment, and is losing money for the network. It's strange, but they just don't seem willing to let go of that sinking ship.

Isn't it interesting how Kate always tweets about how much fun they are having filming, but when you see the shows, all you see is complaining, fighting, and whining. From Kate and from the kids. What happened to all the fun?

St. Kate said... 131

Considering TFW's actions with the bird, I am more curious as to why she felt the need to humlebrag about what a great person she is. Does this woman ever stop patting herself on the back publicly?? So frigging obnoxious.

kris said... 132

So I just read the link Milo posted for Kate to read about this lady raising boys - she's raising 6 of them!

THIS lady sounds like the coolest mom to boys, NOTHING like Kate. She doesn't call her boys icky or smelly (although she does laugh about them bragging about their farts); she lets them rough house and in the end talks about how much LOVE boys bring to their home. It's loud, it's crazy but she lets them be who they are, which are boys! Boys are different than girls but you've got to let them be who God made them to be. I wonder if this is a dig at Kate? lol

Over In TFW's County said... 133

The wildlife center is in Schuylkill County, which is about a half hour from Kate (and only 15 minutes from UGGS!). It's not in Berks County. I've never heard anything negative about it; all reports have been positive. I can't understand, though, why they would transport a robin to Philly, which is about a two-hour drive from the center, unless there are no avian vets close to the center. If it has a deformed beak, I wonder if that could be part of it, trying to determine what is causing physical defects such as this. Maybe this isn't the first one they've seen like this. Is it the result of genetics, or something in the environment?

NJGal51 said... 134

I don't think TFW is taking the bird to Philly I think the rescue org is taking it to Philly. But if they're a wildlife rescue org wouldn't they have local vets?

Over In TFW's County said... 135

What a cynical group of black hearted biddies we are!


It's bitter black-hearted whackos now. I think the "busybody" moniker has been dropped, due to the fact that there are so many busybodies in the flock (looking at Milo here).

foxy said... 136

Layla 130...thank you. Maybe the fun she is talking about filming is when the kids are with the nanny, she is with Steve and she is spending the money the kids earned.

AnnieD said... 137

Let's throw tomatoes said... 118
Maybe someone should let the writer who wrote the article know that there's more to Kate then just not going away. TLC is very aware that Kate abused her babies and puppies and refuses to cut her off. TLC does not care what goes on behind close doors with their "stars" as long as they bring in the money! Dispictable
And, from Time magazine....
"TLC, a network that broadcasts reality-TV dispatches from the extremities of the American experience, has a recent history of seeing its experimentation blow up in its face. Jon & Kate Plus 8, a show about the pressures faced by a couple raising an octet of tots, ended up documenting their acrimonious breakup. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, meant to showcase the love shared among a family who’d sought fame on the child-pageant circuit, ended up cancelled, too, the result of troubling child-molestation allegations. While the Gosselin divorce, on Jon & Kate, was likely exacerbated by fame, the Honey Boo Boo and Duggar crises TLC has weathered may indicate some fundamental lack of due diligence on the network’s part."

Over In TFW's County said... 138

But Kates tweet is so goofy. She is driving all the way into Philly to take a backyard bird to a Vet? Goofy, just goofy. Sounds like something TLC would do.


She didn't say that SHE is driving to Philly. She said that the bird goes to a vet in Philly. I would think that the center is the one doing the transporting.

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Mydmaxx No. He goes to the vet in philly tomorrow so I’ll wait to hear til early next week!Just makes me feel so happy he’s bring fed/safe!

Over In TFW's County said... 139

Winsomeone said... 125
Not all vets treat birds. I live in a small town, and a bird specialist comes to our vet's office once every week or so is all.


This is true. My local vet won't treat birds, but there is an excellent one in the Lancaster area, which I have used.

Millicent said... 140

P.J., I've only seen a couple commercials for the show I am Jazz, but I don't think I've seen the clip you are talking about. It seems like Jazz' parents are pretty accepting people, based on the way they have handled their child's trans-gender situation. So it doesn't seem like the mom would then be the sort of person to insist that boys date her daughter, if they don't want to. A caring mom wouldn't want that for her child. Speaking as a progressive old liberal, I'm for live and let live. That would mean I'm against forced dating of any kind. :)

Sue_Buddy said... 141

getoftweeter said... 127
But Kates tweet is so goofy. She is driving all the way into Philly to take a backyard bird to a Vet? Goofy, just goofy. Sounds like something TLC would do.

It's my understanding that Kate took the bird to the local wildlife center near her. The wildlife center has arranged for the bird to go to a vet in Philly.

I can't fathom putting so much time, effort and expense into a robin. It's sad it was born with a deformity but I just read that only about 25% of robins survive the first year. That's nature at work.

Formerly Duped said... 142

P.J. said... 123
I think Jazz' mother was upset more at the boys who called her child a 'tranny freak' and who avoided her company, but understands all teenagers have insecurity about their own acceptance- she has 3 other older kids.She just wants her child to be happy but knows there will be issues with boys. Jazz has said she can be attracted to a boy or girl, the person rather than the gender, and I think Caitlynn Jenner said the same about his marriages.I personally admire Jazz at age 14 for standing up for who she is, and hopefully helping the thousands of bulllied, even murdered and suicidal trangender youth. But I agree with you, people can date whom they wish and shouldn't feel badly if they are not attracted to a person who is transgender.

Remember that movie Boys Don't Cry with Hilary Swank? It was based on a real-life case of a trangender boy who was murdered .I thought of this when reading about CJ's Courage Award speech. ~ Administrator said... 143

I can't understand, though, why they would transport a robin to Philly, which is about a two-hour drive from the center, unless there are no avian vets close to the center. If it has a deformed beak, I wonder if that could be part of it, trying to determine what is causing physical defects such as this. Maybe this isn't the first one they've seen like this. Is it the result of genetics, or something in the environment?


Yes, that's a good thought. especially since I was reading about the high incidents of deformed beaks in that part of the country. So now he'll be a case study. Poor thing.

The idea that he is being whisked off, as Ex Nurse (jokingly) said, for avian reconstructive surgery like it's Operation Smile is too much, lol.

jamezvader1194 said... 144

You know if Kate was smart like her fans think she is,wouldn't she look up what to do with baby birds that fell from their nest?According to Kate,the bird fell in shoka's food bowl(which wouldn't his food bowl be filled with ants if its outside?)and she brought it all the way to philly.Like someone said,does kate not have any animal shelters in her area cause she could've of took to 1 near her?Some things in this doesn't make sense.Either this whole thing is a lie or shes not as smart as her fans think she is. ~ Administrator said... 145

I can't fathom putting so much time, effort and expense into a robin. It's sad it was born with a deformity but I just read that only about 25% of robins survive the first year. That's nature at work.


Exactly. I believe it. They come out looking like little pink fetuses, it's amazing any survive at all. If this is what happened, a wildlife center went to great lengths like this, it's sad to see them spending their precious funding and donations on trying to interfere with nature, versus using it to save animals who should never have been hurt in the first place because of their biggest predator, humans.

Over In TFW's County said... 146

Quite frankly, I don't care one way or the other as long as all parties involved are in agreement, but I hope we're not going down an "acceptance" road where there is something wrong with you if you don't want to date someone who is/has transgendered. I get the bullying part and know that that is wrong and a serious problem, but dating?

Can someone help me out here? This issue is totally confusing for me.


I don't understand it either, especially in the case of Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn. He was married. Was he "straight" when he was married to her, or "bi" or what? What is she now? Does she prefer men, and does that make her "straight" or gay? It doesn't matter to me, either, but it does leave me confused and shaking my head trying to figure it out.

I was raised in a Bible-thumping evangelical church where none of this was ever discussed, other than I remember one time when the subject came up (homosexuality in the Bible) where the adult leader said that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steven, or Eve and Helen. I really don't understand the whole transgender thing, but if a guy doesn't want to date a guy who is now a girl, then it's his choice. It's not wrong, nor does it make him a bad person, especially if he wants to marry and eventually have his own children with his female spouse.

In addition, you might have the whole deception thing going on, when a guy dates what he thinks is a woman but into the relationship finds out it's actually another guy. By that point, he may have fallen in love with that person. What does that do to both parties, when the guy realizes that he's been duped, but emotionally, he's still involved with the transgendered person?

I don't know. There's so much I don't get, but like you say, I really hope that it doesn't come down to where a young man must feel like he has to accept and date a transgendered person or he will be made to feel like there's something wrong with him if he doesn't. Are we really headed in that direction?

Over In TFW's County said... 147

I have never heard of going all the way into Philly, a big city to the Vet for a wild bird. Do they not have Vets in her town.? I had always thought they did, since K8, lives in the country. And usually they do have lots of Vets out that way and bird rescues, both domestic & wild birds. Kate could have looked up the nearest wild bird rescue and took the bird there. Geez, I live in Chicago, and we have lots of wild bird rescues. So I say BS, to Kate and that bird story.


This was the nearest wild life rescue center to her house. The rescue center is NOT in Philly. It is in Schuylkill County, which is about a half hour away from Kate.

No, not all vets treat domestic birds, let alone wild birds. There are a few vets in rural areas who treat farm animals exclusively, but treatment of birds (and many times small animals, such as guinea pigs and rats) requires a vet who specializes in that area of practice.

Kate took the bird to the nearest rescue center. It sounds like that center has assumed responsibility to do whatever they feel necessary to help this bird, and if that means taking it to Philly that's what they will do. I would think that perhaps they have a relationship to that particular vet and have used that person before. She took the bird to the center and left it there. She did not take it to Philly. It's not Kate's responsibility to find a local vet who will treat a wild bird. She should have just moved it to a safe place and let the parents find it. I would think, though, that the kids, especially the twins, were so concerned about the bird that they wanted to help it, especially since they've become bird lovers (Zorro).

I don't think the story was fake; it was Kate once again having to tweet about it and pat herself on the back that just reeks of humble bragging.

If you look at the map, you will notice that there is no wild life rescue in Berks County, which is where Kate lives.

AuntieAnn said... 148

What a cynical group of black hearted biddies we are! I have no doubt that no expense we spared, and that Mr. Robin is, as we speak, is being airlifted personally to Teri Irwin. Teri will spare no expense in finding the worlds finest avian beak reconstruction surgeon, What about this doesn't sound reasonable?


lol Ex! If we go by Kate's reasoning, yes.

I have to wonder if the bird made it any farther than the drive with Kate and her girls screechin' and screamin' and fightin' over who gets to hold the box all the way to the rescue place only to find it closed. It probably died from all the trauma she caused the poor thing. ~ Administrator said... 149

I wish they could have a vet come to THEM, instead of putting a 3 ounce baby bird through the trauma of a car ride to Philly. What kind of animal lovers are these people? They even admit that a baby bird in captivity won't eat, so what are they doing?

I hope and pray that is not what they did to that poor bird. He should have been put back with his mother, or let nature take its course and he passes away quickly. This is not even on Kate anymore, she has no control over what they do once she drops it off. But I have to say I'm very disappointed if this is what they've chosen to do to treat a bird that should never have been interfered with in the first place.

TLC stinks said... 150

WTH. Why is this such a big deal to her? What about the dogs? What about the little barn cat when they moved in? She did not show compassion. Such a liar.

Loacaluocul said... 151

Good grief are they filming another back to school episode? This girl is from PA and seems to work at boscovs from some tweets:

@T_Rodriguez88: Big whoop. Who even cares if Kate Gosselin is coming in here? She ain't nothing. Popping out 8 kids don't make you a star.

(They must be filming if they are talking about her coming in in the future imo )

P.J. said... 152

Layla said...

What happened to all the fun?


I think the fun is likely direct deposit.

FYI said... 153

This girl apparently works in some deparment store by Kate--maybe Target?

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 · 38m38 minutes ago
Big whoop. Who even cares if Kate Gosselin is coming in here? She ain't nothing. Popping out 8 kids don't make you a star.

Then she posted a video of Kate and the tups walking in the store.

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 · 8m8 minutes ago
Here she is. Making her grand entrance.

From the tweeter's first tweet, it seems like the store may have known that Kate and the kids were coming. Could they be filming a back-to-school episode?

Just pure speculation, but it seems odd that the girl knew about them coming to the store before they arrived.

Guess there's another local that doesn't like Kate.

Localyocul said... 154

@quinnifer_143: Saw Kate Gosselin at park city 😂

AuntieAnn said... 155

Over In TFW's County said... 133

If it has a deformed beak, I wonder if that could be part of it, trying to determine what is causing physical defects such as this. Maybe this isn't the first one they've seen like this. Is it the result of genetics, or something in the environment?


My theory is that the birds feast on the grains which are pretty much genetically modified these days, especially corn and soybeans which are the main crops raised in the Great Lakes Basin. And as we all know GM crops are going to fuck up the entire planet if we keep allowing them to be grown. Deformed beaks are just one part of it. Thanks a lot Monsanto.

(At least Monsanto has been banned in South Australia, Ireland, Japan, Peru and in a lot of countries and regions in Europe.. I'm packing my bags.)

FYI said... 156

Kate and the kids went to the Park City mall. This tweeter also spotted them.

quinn tshudyy . ‏@quinnifer_143 · 13m13 minutes ago
Saw Kate Gosselin at park city 😂

The original tweeter just tweeted this:

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 · 3m3 minutes ago
I am over 100% sure that most of the coworkers are pissed off. They worked hard to make everything look nice. And she only went to shoes.

Yep, I bet they were filming. Otherwise, why would the store have to "make everything look nice" for Kate and the kids?

TLC stinks said... 157

There is a reason the bird was abandoned. I've found dead baby birds that fell out of nests. It's survival of the fittest. The beak being deformed could mean the bird was unable to eat probably. I've seen ducklings eaten by a gator. It's just the way it is in the wild. It's not like she found a kitten or a puppy in a box.

And what about those chickens she has little to do with?

localyocul said... 158

. Making her grand entrance.


Haha oh, yes, the locals love her....

localyocul said... 159

I love this girl.

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 29m29 minutes ago
I am over 100% sure that most of the coworkers are pissed off. They worked hard to make everything look nice. And she only went to shoes.

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 29m29 minutes ago
At least that shits over with.


I don't see a film crew, so why all the hubub? Why did the store have to know she was coming? Did she call to let them know? Did someone see her in the mall and just figure she would go there? So weird.

jamezvader1194 said... 160

I don't see a film crew, so why all the hubub? Why did the store have to know she was coming? Did she call to let them know? Did someone see her in the mall and just figure she would go there? So weird. ((( I don't see steve there either,he could be still with josh though considering TLC made him go to the duggars.To be honest,this is just another local who can't stand Kate which is another refute of milo's bizarre twit over how everyone at target loves kate and saids shes nice.Im not sure where milo herd this if she never met Kate and doesn't even live in PA.

FYI said... 161

More pics of Kate and the kids. And some of the tweeters said that they ARE filming.

Maddie Peck‏@madisonvpeck 2h2 hours ago
Just saw Kate plus 8 my life is complete #superfan

That Amish Guy ‏@allenfream 2h2 hours ago
Gonna be on Kate Plus 8 next week. Looool #tlc

‏@aponte_kayla Kate plus 8 at park city filming 🙆🏼😂@e_reinoehl

marlo ‏@_KarliMadison · 1h1 hour ago
Kate Plus 8 is at Park City with a camera crew following them around and I'm trying to stay calm

Alexis Sites
‏@lexmorgan14 Parked right next to the Kate plus 8 van and saw all of the kids today at the mall ❤️ #kateplus8

Formerly Duped said... 162

I think transgender people can be gay or straight or bi. Maybe their new hormones tilt the scales a bit if they take them. Chaz Bono, for example, thought she was gay but actually was a transgender man so not gay. Caitlyn Jenner said he loved his ex-wives so I guess was gay or bi? Jazz is not sure, being only 14. Her mother insists her friends know her situation so there are no surprises for anyone.

I think this generation is trying to be a little 'too cool' with all this gender fluid/pansexual talk.I think everyone should go with his/her own feelings and not be overly PC but accepting of others' inclinations and not be expected to change their own.JMO.

Jane said... 163

Now there's an Emmy winning show. Kate and kids go to the mall to buy school shoes and someone has a hissy fit and Kate flaps her hands, looks frazzled but stays calm.

Bet the baby robin was filmed, too.

Oh, and TLC foots (pun intended) the bill for the shoes.

FYI said... 164

If you use this link, you can see all pics and tweets I just posted in my previous comment, rather than go to each pic separately. ~ Administrator said... 165

Yep, filming shopping with Steve and a film crew. All visible in the photos.

11 year olds at Target. That's riveting must-see TV. She's giddy with delight. She's filming and thinks she's the next Duggars. What luck some kids got molested and now she can step up. Better than a multiples miscarriage.

FYI said... 166

In this pic, you can see the camera crew. Oh, and look who's also there in the left side of the picture.

localyocul said... 167

How exciting. Another clip of them spending their millions. Same old same old. I noticed Collin looks like he's hanging back from the rest of them.

Paula said... 168

Oh, geez, another back to school episode...TLC..really...just close up shop now. As admin said yesterday "you got nothin'".

Jane said... 169

I believe that transgender, which is what Caitlyn is, has little to do with sexuality. If Caitlyn wasn't gay or bisexual before, then she isn't now. GLAAD has some information that's pretty helpful.

"Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate. Gender identity is a person's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or someone outside of that gender binary). For transgender people, the sex they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match."
Sexual orientation describes a person's enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to another person (for example: straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual), while gender identity describes a person's, internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or someone outside of that gender binary).

"Simply put: sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to and fall in love with; gender identity is about your own sense of yourself."

Formerly Duped said... 170

Kate is a twit said... 166

Thanks for posting that altogether.The tups look taller, but other than that, haven't we seen this all before? Sad that we know Hannah for one does not enjoy filming, but there she is...I guess Jon's petition did not get too far? And Collin is still being filmed despite his nationally- known issues.

Paula said... 171

If it were not so tragic for the Gosselin children, I would laugh my arse off at TLC. They have no new, fresh ideas for rejuvenating that network. Bring back Paige Davis!!!

FYI said... 172

I still don't get why they need Steve there when they're filming? Kate and the kids obviously go shopping at other times that aren't filmed. Does he accompany them then, too?

Although that couple sitting at the table, totally ignoring Kate, the kids and the crew, look somewhat dangerous! (snark)

Paula said... 173

Free Hildy!!! ~ Administrator said... 174

If it were not so tragic for the Gosselin children, I would laugh my arse off at TLC. They have no new, fresh ideas for rejuvenating that network.


Yes! Kate aside, what is their deal? This is the same old formula they've been doing for ten years. This is not how a good creative mind runs a successful network. Think outside the box, innovate, get inspired. They need to send their staff on a creative retreat or something and start popping out 100 different ideas. I agree they should consider making their own original programming too. Multiples are over, little people are over, freaks are over. Even the Roloff boys say actually people rarely say anything nasty to them anymore about being a little person, and that the public is far more open and respectful of differences today. The educational mission has been accomplished, now move on.

They're only dooming themselves with this tired nonsense. I really think they're in trouble in the future if they don't come up with something else.

NJGal51 said... 175

So camera crew AND Steve there to film. How exciting, shoe shopping which will be shown as a back to school episode. I'll bet everyone here who thinks that she's been filming a pet lover special is absolutely right. St. Kate of TLC - patron saint of reality TV.

FYI said... 176

The tweeter who posted the video and complained about Kate being there, explained why they had to make everything nice.

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 · 6m6 minutes ago
@Kaceytron420 @mscatie store management wanted everything to be perfect. She was supposed to go through certain areas and she didn't.

But she also said that they didn't clear the store for them to film.

Not Pmk ‏@WhoisPmk · 6m6 minutes ago
@T_Rodriguez88 how sickening. Did they clear the store for her royal highness and brood?

Tatiana Rodriguez ‏@T_Rodriguez88 · 2m2 minutes ago
@WhoisPmk no they didn't.

Jane said... 177

It looks like she's wearing very short shorts. I'm hoping it's just the small picture on my phone and she's dressed more appropriately. Silly me!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

Back-to-school shopping -- wow! See, now, this may seem like
a dull thing to film, but, remember, there are EIGHT kids! And
only one frazzled piecin'-and-patchin' single mom! Oh, the chaos
that will ensue!

I don't even have the energy to snark further on this. We know
now why she was lit up like a Christmas tree the other night.
She continues to make a living on the backs of her children.
Kinda like a parasite. In my book, she'd have a long climb
to even reach mediocrity.

Vanessa said... 179

Was it getofftweeter or TLC stinks that has been saying for a few days now that they've been filming?
Good instinct:)

Vanessa said... 180

.Like someone said,does kate not have any animal shelters in her area cause she could've of took to 1 near her?Some things in this doesn't make sense.Either this whole thing is a lie or shes not as smart as her fans think she is.
Maaaaybeeee they called a facility closer to them, asked if they would be willing to "film" the "rescue" but they said no. On to the next name in the phone book

Vanessa said... 181

Isn't it interesting how Kate always tweets about how much fun they are having filming, but when you see the shows, all you see is complaining, fighting, and whining. From Kate and from the kids. What happened to all the fun?
Sooo true!
Remember her on the couch after the RV/pizzagate debacle? Did she not say how much FUN it was?
She's been doing this from day one.

Vanessa said... 182

@Kateplusmy8: You know you’re an @amazon addict when you find this note from your kids on your bedroom door.... #AppearedLastNight
Don't know who wrote it, again we question EVERYTHING that woman says. But what's so whacko is how that family communicates with each other (or with their mother anyways)
Did Cara tape it to the door because tfw was in there "napping" and under the penalty of severeness she knew not to disturb her?

They love love love notes don't they?

Vanessa said... 183

Back-to-school shopping -- wow! See, now, this may seem like
a dull thing to film, but, remember, there are EIGHT kids! And
only one frazzled piecin'-and-patchin' single mom! Oh, the chaos
that will ensue!
I can just see those girls right now. It's NOT going to be pretty. I wouldn't describe it as chaos! :)

AuntieAnn said... 184

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

I don't even have the energy to snark further on this. We know
now why she was lit up like a Christmas tree the other night.
She continues to make a living on the backs of her children.
Kinda like a parasite. In my book, she'd have a long climb
to even reach mediocrity.


As Serendipity said upthread, the creative department at TLC is a "Good example of the dumbing down of America".

Kate is another prime example and whomever finds an entitled, narcissistic, conniving, child abusing, parasitic mother an inspiration has to be stupid to the third order of ignorance.

So now we know the rest of the story. The baby birdie rescue was all a ruse for part of an episode.

She would have gleefully thrown that bird in the wood-chipper had the film crew not been around.

Vanessa said... 185

Kinda like a parasite

FlimsyFlamsy said... 186

And these little "slice of life" episodes are particularly
disingenuous after watching their luxury resort trip to Mexico.
Will we see her scanning the price tags for a good bargain?
Give me a break.

When it serves her, TFW tries to portray herself as a typical
mom. But a typical mom doesn't have a store cleaning up
the aisles for her before she gets there. Nor does she have
strangers gawking at her and her children -- one of whom
was just identified to a million viewers as having special
needs. Nor does she have a TV network paying for every
single last detail of the shopping trip -- from the items
purchased at the stores, to the meals eaten during the

For some reason, this news is just making me extra sad for
those kids today. It's summer freakin' vacation, and they still
don't get a break from the rodeo circuit. Yet more hoops for
them to jump through, whether they want to or not. And we
know darn well some of them want nothing to do with this.

Localyocul said... 187

Was it getofftweeter or TLC stinks that has been saying for a few days now that they've been filming?
Good instinct:)


Haha that's tight! Vindication!

FYI said... 188

Kate tweeted this last Sunday. So obviously they've been filming for almost a week if not more.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Jul 12
We’ve been working on some fun stuff here... Can’t wait to SHOW you... #PatienceIsAVirtue 😉

Let's see--kids in the pool, Shoka in the house, Zorro wherever, rescuing a bird, and back to school shopping. Oh, and maybe they'll even get a plug in for Amazon showing Kate shopping on Prime Day.

Riveting TV, just riveting!!

Sue_Buddy said... 189

Jane said... 177
It looks like she's wearing very short shorts. I'm hoping it's just the small picture on my phone and she's dressed more appropriately. Silly me!

At least she's not in her 6" gladiator stiletto heels.

P.J. said... 190

Yup, the animal-lover is an episode and she's laying the background story. Knew it. I wouldn't put it past them to kidnap a bird for them to "rescue". I'll bet a sizeable donation was made to the shelter from TLC with sKate getting the tax receipt.

It's all fake. The usual.

getoftweeter said... 191

I think both of us have been saying. But, probably me the longest, cause, a few people here said I was full of beans,they were not filming. It's not so much instinct, as it is predictable. Kate is so predictable, like clock work. When she is silent: she is doing one of these things:

1. filming
2. kids are at dads
3. she is away
4. she is up to something.

When she is giddy
1. she just got through filming
2. got a nice fat check in the bank
3. she is to do an appearance on some show or radio
4. TLC is going to take her somewhere big before school starts.

When Kate is not giddy
1. she had a hissy fit and broke something
2. she grifts
3. EX trouble
4. no money coming in
5. no media
6 kids are home

Kate is predictable.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 192

P.J. (#190), yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that bird was
put there by the crew. Maybe that's how its beak got
damaged -- it could've taken 4 tosses to get it to land in
Shoka's bowl.

Has Gladys weighed in yet? Fasten your drool bibs -- it's
gonna be a spitty night.

Formerly Duped said... 193

Did you all watch the socks video on that twitter feed? The face Kate makes about her own kids' socks is so ugly. I've seen her make it before, once I recall when she was checking the proofs of the photoshoot.

Jane, I think the shorts are not as bad as the outfits she wore to NYC! Let's hope her behavior is not as manic either

FYI said... 194

Another pic of Kate and the kids sitting down eating. Where's Steve? Shouldn't he be guarding Kate's purse? Anyone could easily swipe it, even with the film crew there. ~ Administrator said... 195

When she is giddy
1. she just got through filming
2. got a nice fat check in the bank
3. she is to do an appearance on some show or radio
4. TLC is going to take her somewhere big before school starts.


5. Some other prime time reality TV family is having a terribly horrific crisis like kids got molested and she thinks she might be able to take their spot.

AuntieAnn said... 196


Without the film crew standing by along with her flying monkeyman, Kate would never lower herself to sit down at any food court with her kids on a real shopping day. She would choke if she had to share oxygen with a crowd of mediocre shoppers.

Sad but true said... 197

Over In TFW's County said... 147
I don't think the story was fake; it was Kate once again having to tweet about it and pat herself on the back that just reeks of humble bragging.

It might not be "fake," but since they were all seen filming today, I wonder how much of this story made it on camera. Maybe the whole "wildlife rescue" story was staged for public consumption. That would make a lot more sense, now, wouldn't it?

AuntieAnn said... 198

5. Some other prime time reality TV family is having a terribly horrific crisis like kids got molested and she thinks she might be able to take their spot.


I guess it was too much to hope that TLC has learned to navigate away from dysfunctional families. Boy was I wrong.

I know it doesn't matter to Kate that they're using her like a cheap whore to fill in a few empty time slots on their channel, but it bothers me that there goes the kids' summer ... again. The bitch is relentless when it comes to making them sing for their supper.

Kylie said... 199

I do not understand all the political correctness. Why do the transgendered find it so necessary to announce it to the world? As a heterosexual woman I do not feel the need to advertise my sexual preferences to the world. Why is nothing private any more? I just don't understand it. I also think it is ridiculous that Jenner got the courage award. Just my opinion!

foxy said... 200

In the clip that Ms. Tatiana posted, Kate is chomping on her gum as usual and can't even walk in those flat shoes. The red shorts make her look like she has a butt. Skeeve is the designated driver to the mall. I guess he had to eat lunch alone.

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