Sunday, August 30, 2015

Discussion Thread: Breaking the Silence

With little fanfare, tonight TLC airs their promised documentary about sexual abuse awareness. Commercial free. Check local listings.

2142 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 2142   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I can't stand the tone the Duggar girls have like, well, what we experienced was nothing like THAT, but goodness me of course we are horrified that some people have been through something just terrible.

No us though, no.


JoyinVirginia said... 2

I'm watching the VMAs. Miley Cyrus is doing a really good hosting job! I did just switch over to TLC during a commercial and hard Erin Merryn talking about breaking the silence.

JoyinVirginia said... 3

Switched over again, saw the Darkness into Light seminar with the facts that vast majority of abuse is relative, someone close to child. Ma Duggar us there, are you listening ma?

Anonymous said... 4

OMG, they just said "as we can see from our five survivors" but did not include Jessa and Jill in the group. So I guess Jill and Jessa do not consider themselves survivors of child sexual abuse. Then why in the hell were they even on the program. What purpose did it serve? I hope that is the last times their faces are ever on TV. And of course, Michelle had to be there as well. They are fame whores.

JoyinVirginia said... 5

I only watched a couple of the Duggar episodes when they were first on and before the nineteen kids. So seeing ma and the girls on this show is most I've ever watched them. They are... Insipid. That's the word. More than boring. Dull. Devoid of personality. Bland.
Tfmjg is boring, but not insipid.
Back to the VMAs, really funny bits with miley having a sleep over with some rappers and daddy Billy Ray tucking everybody in. Then Snoop Dog baking marijuana brownies with mileys real grandmother! Funny!

Anonymous said... 6

And the program made no stupid suggestions like Michelle gave to prevent molestation. You know like no playing hide and seek with your brothers and sisters. No sitting on anybodies lap except your Daddies. Oops, how does that work for Josh's daughters, are they allowed to sit on their Daddy's lap since he is the monster.

Rhymes with Witch said... 7

Thanks to anyone who watched and is willing to share what they saw and thought.

Anonymous said... 8

The most interesting point, which was referenced over and over, was that most sex offenders are well known to the children and, more often than not, members of the child's family. It was obvious the Duggar girls do not consider themselves survivors. Why was Ma Duggar even there?

God help us - Kanye West announced he will be running for President in 2020.


jamezvader1194 said... 9

In other news,for those who are wondering about MiloandJack's whereabouts,shes not away guys,if you go on her Twitter and go to her favorites she's been favoring tweets this whole time.So shes just been monitoring twitter this entire time.Im not sure why shes been quiet for a month.Did Kate PM her and tell her to calm down or did she block her?Who knows with Milo anymore.

jamezvader1194 said... 10

Sheesh Kayne,i wonder whats bigger,your wife ass or your ego?

Mel said... 11

Kind of an odd time to have such a show on, if they were truly about helping victims. In that a number of victims are young-ish and wouldn't be up that late. ~ Administrator said... 12

It was a dumping. Not only did they air it very late but they put it up against The VMAs. Anyone that should be watching this program and could be helped by it is probably watching the VMAs instead.

fidosmommy said... 13

God help us - Kanye West announced he will be running for President in 2020


Now THAT'S funny! Next up, Nancy Grace!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 14

In other news,for those who are wondering about MiloandJack's whereabouts,shes not away guys,if you go on her Twitter and go to her favorites she's been favoring tweets this whole time.So shes just been monitoring twitter this entire time.Im not sure why shes been quiet for a month.Did Kate PM her and tell her to calm down or did she block her?Who knows with Milo anymore.


On the previous thread, this has been mentioned, including the posting of all the platitudes she's been favoriting. Yes, she's still around! It's hard to tell what she's up to or what her game plan is this time, but at least she's okay.

fidosmommy said... 15

It was a dumping. Not only did they air it very late but they put it up against The VMAs. Anyone that should be watching this program and could be helped by it is probably watching the VMAs instead.


Didn't TLC acknowledge their viewers would be few? If they expected a million viewers it would have been promoted as heavily as J&K used to be. But. now they can stick a feather in their corporate cap and pat themselves on the back and crow that they are sooooo aware of the problem that they went to the trouble to address it. I hope Erin Marryn was not wasted here.

FYI said... 16

I watched it and my one thought was that Jill, Jessa and Michele could have been edited out and it wouldn't have made a difference. They had nothing to add to the show.

Jill and Jessa didn't speak about their abuse, but just added little (probably pre-written) blurbs about learning how to prevent child sexual abuse. Jessa mentioned that she was pregnant(of course) and said something about how she learned what to look for in order to protect her future children. Does that mean she'll keep Josh away from them?

Michele said(again probably scripted) "I am so glad that my girls and I were able to do this together and that we could just be in support and encouragement to each other, to be able to gain more information about this important topic".

Translation--"I'm so glad my girls and I got to be on TV again!! Molestation-what molestation?"

IMO, the rest of the special was quite moving, but the only reason the Duggars were there was so that TLC could use them in an effort to save their image--"See the Duggars are getting help and counseling because of TLC!"

Like I said there was no reason for them to be there other than to be used as pawns by TLC, and of course, the media hungry Duggars were perfectly fine with that.

FYI said... 17

People already has an article about the special. It includes all the quotes from the Duggars.

There's one thing the People article did get wrong:

"During the one-hour special, the Duggar sisters were just two of the survivors of all ages, male and female, who shared their stories of childhood sexual molestation."

They didn't "share" their stories. They made no mention that they themselves were abused. Anyone who watched who never heard of the Duggars or the scandal with Josh, wouldn't have any idea that they were victims of their brother's abuse.

fidosmommy said... 18

It's a relief to know Milo is still around. I was starting to get suspicious. Josh Duggar goes into hiding and Milo disappears right around the same time? ;) ~ Administrator said... 19

The Duggars part seemed out of place and self serving.

I was engrossed by the moving stories from the other people. One of them, Erin I think, told her story publicly on Oprah. Remember Oprah, Duggars? You know that pesky production that caused you so many problems.

I find their comments about preventing sexual abuse trite. They themselves admitted they had no idea about this AM account. If they had no idea their brother is a total perv and deviant then how can they trust their judgment when it comes to child abuse? They seem hopelessly out of touch, dolts really, with what is really going on. I wouldn't trust any of their gut feelings. They are like a five year old accepting a candy bar from a stranger.

What also stood out for me is how when Erin told on her abuser, who also was a minor, he was court ordered to do therapy. THAT'S what should have happened to Josh. A court of law should have overseen his therapy. Then he could actually get some real treatment, and an evaluation.

FYI said... 20

What also stood out for me is how when Erin told on her abuser, who also was a minor, he was court ordered to do therapy. THAT'S what should have happened to Josh. A court of law should have overseen his therapy. Then he could actually get some real treatment, and an evaluation.

That stood out for me as well. I wonder if Jessa or Jill or even their mother will watch the whole special. Maybe they'll learn something if they did, but I doubt it. They'll just think "well that's not how it happened with us".

I was most impressed with the young girl. She, at 11 years old, showed more maturity talking about her situation than any of the Duggars did when they talked about theirs. Watching her tell her story actually made me tear up and want to give her a hug.

JoyinVirginia said... 21

KIAT , I agree. The Duhgars added nothing. Erin is gifted and do passionate about what she does. I am glad TLC gave her air time. More show it again at noon, TLC.
above, Duhgars was an auto correct, one that I like! About time auto correct did something good!

Mel said... 22

I only saw the last 15-20 minutes of mention of the Duggars at all. I can't see what they would have added to it. The people I saw seemed so genuine and authentic. Unlike the Duggars.

P.J. said... 23

Admin said...

What also stood out for me is how when Erin told on her abuser, who also was a minor, he was court ordered to do therapy.


But he's not with the Lord, like the Duggars are. He would need professional therapy. The Duggar prayers go right to the head of the line and are always answered quickly. Jesus loves you, but the Duggars are his favourite.

Vanessa said... 24

Didn't watch yet, but if the point of these types of shows is to "break the silence"? why have the non-victim Duggars on? They are not breaking the silence, they are trying their hardest to keep the proverbial muzzle on it.
Still arrogant and above everyone else, even in the level of molestation-

oh no, pishaw, it was just childhood curiosty, boys will be boys!

Vanessa said... 25

Not sure if my last post went through, sorry if I'm repeating myself

She created Eryn's Law-how are the children living in these cults going to reached if they are being homeschooled and are taught that it IS their fault?

She said "If any child is watching right now, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT"
Again, how can she reach those particular kids if tv is forbidden?

Vanessa said... 26

From previous thread

Midnight- I think the worry for the boys sleeping downstairs is because it's a basement walkout with patio doors. A lot easier for an intruder to get in...or a prisoner to get out! :)


Children are not emotionally able to take on the responsibility of a small child to the level the parents expected of them. It was wrong.

Yes, wrong on so many levels. But I'm betting those older girls protected their younger siblings from Josh more than we'd care to know. Seeing as they know first hand what he's capable of (Michelle is in effing la-la land full of lollipops and unicorns) I think they took on even more responsibility because of fear, and not fear of the "unknown" transgenders or homosexuals

Vanessa said... 27

From previous thread

Midnight- I think the worry for the boys sleeping downstairs is because it's a basement walkout with patio doors. A lot easier for an intruder to get in...or a prisoner to get out! :)


Children are not emotionally able to take on the responsibility of a small child to the level the parents expected of them. It was wrong.

Yes, wrong on so many levels. But I'm betting those older girls protected their younger siblings from Josh more than we'd care to know. Seeing as they know first hand what he's capable of (Michelle is in effing la-la land full of lollipops and unicorns) I think they took on even more responsibility because of fear, and not fear of the "unknown" transgenders or homosexuals

FlimsyFlamsy said... 28

Vanessa (#27), I suspect you're right about the Duggar girls
feeling responsible for offering extra protection to their
younger siblings. Yep, Mom is making robocalls about
hypothetical transgender people in hypothetical bathrooms,
while her own son has prowled his house and made victims
out of his own younger siblings. And then to add insult to
injury, the dude built an actual career out of scolding others
for what he felt were immoral choices. (*running like
Charlie Brown with my hands in the air*) AUGHHHHHH!

redbird said... 29

Ben's dad wrote another article.

NJGal51 said... 30

Apparently Justin Bieber has changed his hair.

Nicole Malinowski (@@NikiMalinowski): Long lost twins? @justinbieber @Kateplusmy8

chloeberk (@@chloeberk): @NikiMalinowski @Kateplusmy8 The big question...what do Cara & Maddie think? Really cool...or...SO embarrassing????

Kate Gosselin (@@Kateplusmy8): @chloeberk @NikiMalinowski really really cool! 👍👍👍

P.J. said... 31

First line in the article posted by redbird.

"In commenting on this I do not wish to add any more distress to a family still recovering from the indignity of the publication of a police report detailing Josh’s sins as a teenager. "

I stopped reading right there. No point in continuing.

JoyinVirginia said... 32

One of the times I switched to the show, there was a segment on Darkness into Light seminar, designed for parents to learn about preventing sexual abuse. The narrator said it was a special session that had an audience of participants INVITED by TLC. Ma Duhgar and the two Sista Duhgars were there.
The meeting presenter then emphasized that in vast majority of cases the abuser is known to the family or is a family member.

Vanessa said... 33

Keep reading the article PJ

I am profoundly grieved that he attained such a platform only to bring shame on God’s holy name and the Christian faith. After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager, I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed. I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all. The name of God has been blasphemed and God is jealous for his name.

To the person reading this, I want to caution you. Josh was a pretender. True Christians fail often, but their lives are truly being conformed to the image of Christ ~ Administrator said... 34

"In commenting on this I do not wish to add any more distress to a family still recovering from the indignity of the publication of a police report detailing Josh’s sins as a teenager. "

I stopped reading right there. No point in continuing.


Wel to summarize, he goes on to proclaim that Josh isn't really a Christian (how does he know this?) and throw him under the bus.

What about adding more "distress" to five young girls who were molested? What about more distress to a young mother with four children who just found out her husband has been unfaithful? Nah, that don't matter.

caroline said... 35
Ben's dad certainly isn't winning any Duggar family member's friendship with this article!

Since Ben's dad has added his 2 cents, he's now made himself available for scrutiny...
how many children does he have, does he have daughters? Are the girls used as lil mommies??
Did he homeschool his children?
How many times has he been married?

Someone on this site stated Ben's associate's degree is from an unaccredited juco--what's the point of that??
How did Ben's dad prepare HIS children for the big ol' world? (I think Ben's work experience is mowing lawns??)

I'm sure Ben's dad was thrilled when his son courted a Duggar girl...his son would be able to live off TLC money without breaking a sweat.

Ben's dad does make good points, but he sure didn't do himself any favors concerning his relationship with his son's new inlaws.

yikes! ~ Administrator said... 36

They're SOOOO in Phase II contingency plan back up plan.....abandon Josh, create distance between Josh and "everyone else Duggar".

They are absurd and hypocritical. I love it. Stand by your family when he MOLESTED children, but when he cheats, it's kick him to the curb.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

"I am profoundly grieved that he attained such a platform only to bring shame on God’s holy name and the Christian faith. After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager, I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed. I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all. The name of God has been blasphemed and God is jealous for his name."

See, here's the thing, Mr. Seewald. It's Christians like YOU who proudly mounted the Duggars on your politically-charged and mighty pedestal. YOU saw an opportunity to advance your beliefs and causes through a family that you knew NOTHING of, other than they were on the teevee, famous and were building a powerful and influential empire.
YOU never questioned who they really were and why would you? They were wielding a mighty sword for your righteous cause, and you blindly supported them.
Now, you are shocked, SHOCKED!?

Look in the mirror and take responsibility for your complete and utter failure to vet the very people you were so blindly devoted to.
You, Mr. Seewald, sound as righteous and pious as the people you once staunchly and bitterly defended.

Do you think maybe, just maybe, the rest of us "heathens" were right all along?

P.S.- you're welcome.

Vanessa said... 38
Although, he's still preaching to repent, pray and forgive... ~ Administrator said... 39

Conspiracy theory, which I think is very plausible.

The Duggar Ma and Pa can't throw Josh under the bus like this. Too obvious. But get a remote family member to do it. Someone who is part of the family, but not in the immediate family. A father in law? PERFECT. Have them say everything YOU and the PR team want to say without actually having to say it. Have HIM do the distancing. That way no one can call you out for being so cruel and unChristian. Brilliant.

Tucker's Mom said... 40

JGal51 said... 30
Apparently Justin Bieber has changed his hair.

Nicole Malinowski (@@NikiMalinowski): Long lost twins? @justinbieber @Kateplusmy8
That nasty ass lid looks wore on Beiber than it did Kate, if that's even possible.
He's aging horribly. His lifestyle is really taking a toll on him.

Vanessa said... 41

They are absurd and hypocritical. I love it. Stand by your family when he MOLESTED children, but when he cheats, it's kick him to the curb.
Yes, it's just so bizarre!
"I don't get it!"

Tucker's Mom said... 42

chloeberk (@@chloeberk): @NikiMalinowski @Kateplusmy8 The big question...what do Cara & Maddie think? Really cool...or...SO embarrassing????

Kate Gosselin (@@Kateplusmy8): @chloeberk @NikiMalinowski really really cool! ������
August 31, 2015 at 6:27 AM
Yeah, I'll bet when they talk with all their friends at school about the VMA's they'll think it's just so cool that the Beebs has their mother's "I want to speak to the manager" haircut.
Ahem, it wasn't then, isn't now and will NEVER be a compliment to have that Kate Gosselin "do".

redbird said... 43

Comment from People article:

Maybe now that Michelle needs a new cash flow she could be the spokesperson for a lock manufacturer. You know, her recommendations for the best one to put on a daughter's bedroom door. ~ Administrator said... 44

It is bizarre! Parallel universe bizarre.

What's ironic is that tons of families can recover from an affair. People go to counseling, they recommit themselves, and they are able to work through it. But it seems to me finding our your husband molested someone is something most people can't or shouldn't work out.

Yet it's the opposite here. They sound hopeless about the affairs, crushed-- but the molestation, oh that, that was in the past no issues there. Even though the guy was four young children in his custody, including GIRLS.

Tucker's Mom said... 45

They are absurd and hypocritical. I love it. Stand by your family when he MOLESTED children, but when he cheats, it's kick him to the curb.
Unbelievable, isn't it?
How DARE we heathens judge Joshie? He's forgiven and that's the end of it.
Well, at least when you violated 5-year old girls, not when you have consensual sex with grown women.

fidosmommy said... 46

redbird said... 29
Ben's dad wrote another article.

What a scathing sermon! He let Josh have it right between the eyes.
You are a deceiver! You are a hypocrite! You are a covenant breaker!
And that goes for any person claiming Christ and knowingly sinning at the same time. I think Michael Seewald has had a second thought or two about his daughter-in-law's brother.

Vanessa said... 47

But it seems to me finding our your husband molested someone is something most people can't or shouldn't work out
Work it out? They're not even permitted to speak of it! Talk about gasligting. The molestation went on for years, YEARS by a sibling. He abused the most vulnerable people in our society, children, young children, his sisters. He gets his rocks off with with consenting adults (that he's paid for) and it's THE SIN OF ALL SINS! Can't forgive that, oh no.
Kill a child's spirit, give them issues that will last a lifetime and it's "tsk tsk, poor Joshie"

caroline said... 48

I looked on the government's accreditation website, Ben's college IS listed.
(I don't know what his degree is, perhaps some degrees are accredited while other's are not?)

I just finished reading "Hope", by Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus.
I can't imagine a DECADE of sexual abuse, being chained to a wall for all that time, just horrific.
I hope the 3 victims and their families have recovered from this horrifying experience.

P.J. said... 49

I just can't take any more bitching and moaning about the injustice of having his teen years exposed. It makes me want to vomit that people are still wanting to kill the messenger on this.

Yes, releasing the information and infidelity is WAY worse than preying on children. SMDH

People don't seem to consider that their oppressed lifestyle contributed to Josh's deviant behaviour. And they are still not acknowledging and getting appropriate professional help.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

caroline said... 48
I looked on the government's accreditation website, Ben's college IS listed.
(I don't know what his degree is, perhaps some degrees are accredited while other's are not?)
So he's qualified to be a Purse Boy.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

P.J. said... 49
I just can't take any more bitching and moaning about the injustice of having his teen years exposed. It makes me want to vomit that people are still wanting to kill the messenger on this.

Yes, releasing the information and infidelity is WAY worse than preying on children. SMDH

People don't seem to consider that their oppressed lifestyle contributed to Josh's deviant behaviour. And they are still not acknowledging and getting appropriate professional help.
Ugh, makes my head want to explode.
Jim Boob himself said that this is rampant in their community! The level of ignorance is profound. They think sexuality can be suppressed. As if it's a switch you can flip once your married.
"I do".
"You may now hump the bride".

People like Mr. Seewald want to scapegoat Josh when it's their very culture that breeds this dysfunction.
Instead of introspection and reflection, he calls Josh a false Christian.
Everyone in that cult bears responsibility for letting this predator go unchecked.

Tucker's Mom said... 52

Thank you. Very well thought out response. I also stood behind Josh after the first revelation. This second one has really made a negative impact on how some of the public see Christians.
Someone pass the rumspringa and some duct tape so I can wrap it around my head-it is about to blow like Krakatoa.
No, no, no. Just no.
People in general get infidelity and some don't even care. Most decent human beings find sibling molestation to be abhorrent.
Do these people really think that the Duggars lost us because Joshie is getting his rocks off with prostitutes?

FYI said... 53 has an article about the special. It includes a video that shows clips of what Jill, Jessa and Michelle had to say.

I liked what the author, Ken Tucker, said in the first sentence of the article.

"Breaking The Silence is the hour-long, commercial-free special that TLC decided to air on Sunday night as a kind of penance-by-proxy in the wake of the Josh Duggar sexual-abuse scandal."

Yep, that's exactly what it was.

FYI said... 54

Good article on how the special made no mention of Josh and the fact that the girls were his victims.

A few excerpts:

"But as strong as some segments of the documentary were, the show featured a Duggar-sized hole that many viewers may not have expected. Jessa, Jill, and Michelle Duggar were featured for a total of about two minutes, but watching them on screen, it felt like TLC was really doing the bare minimum to acknowledge what happened in their household. In fact, if one didn’t know about Josh Duggar’s crimes, watching his sisters (who have been confirmed as his victims) and mother speak would suggest that they were brought onto the show just as celebrity ambassadors, a couple of close-knit family members that just wanted to share the message that childhood sexual abuse was wrong. “Do you think they shot this before the accusation came to light?” I asked a co-worker, because it certainly felt that way; as if TLC had put the special together years ago and just dusted it off because they figured it was finally time for the public to take molestation seriously. Or it was time for them to throw a Hail Mary pass to salvage their very profitable and very tainted Duggar franchise."

"Josh Duggar’s name was not mentioned once, removing the news hook from the documentary’s context. If the point of this special was to bring light to the devastation that sexual abuse wreaks upon victims, it was strange that the reason the special exists in the first place was scrubbed clean from its content. TLC’s message may have been good, but the way it was presented, in a sanitized way that ignored the reality star’s contribution to its creation (in the face of allegations that the network had known about the molestation for some time), felt insincere. As did the time TLC chose to run the show, right in the middle of MTV’s Video Music Awards, when many would be watching Miley Cyrus parade around in increasingly bizarre costumes instead of engaging in a documentary about an issue that many would rather pretend not exist. As Erin Merryn, one of the survivors profiled in the doc puts it, most people would like to wish the subject away when the reality is that it’s happening in their backyards."

"What message is the network sending when it condemns sexual abuse and the silence surrounding it while continuing to avoid its own responsibility in the Duggar scandal?"

P.J. said... 55

Tucker's Mom, please take comment #37 that you wrote and post it on the Seewald blog. Please? Pretty please?

foxy said... 56

Amazing that Michelle can be every where but home I guess she thinks nothing of leaving Jana to raise the other 16 kids, cook, clean, and have no life so she can make appearances on TV. Gramma Duggar does all the laundry so that gives Jana a break there. I hope she and Jimboob get bit in the butt hard for what they have done to all of those kids and for the hate they spread about people they don't agree with. Next in line is Katie. It is just a matter of time ad she will get hers.

FYI said... 57

Kate's so desperate for attention that she's literally ecstatic that Justin Bieber's hairdo at the VMA's reminded people of her old hair.

Mons✞er |Gaga ‏@TheEdgeOfAsia · 12h12 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @justinbieber took your hair style for the vmas and ran for it.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 4h4 hours ago
@TheEdgeOfAsia @justinbieber haha! My timeline is blowing up over this!!!!

She also retweeted several of the tweets about it that included her twitter handle.

Yep, it's desperation when you so happy that your HAIR made the news, especially since your back to school picture didn't.

Sue_Buddy said... 58

P.J. said... 55
Tucker's Mom, please take comment #37 that you wrote and post it on the Seewald blog. Please? Pretty please?

Seewald will just delete it. I wrote a comment and it only stayed up for about a minute. But then again maybe it's a good thing if everyone goes over there and tells him how they feel. It'll keep ;him busy reading and deleting. ~ Administrator said... 59

Good article on how the special made no mention of Josh and the fact that the girls were his victims.


The Duggar segment was lip service and offered nothing. They didn't offer anything helpful from their own experience that could have spoken to other victims. Like someone said if you didn't know you'd never guess they too are victims. And why wasn't Pa at the training?

Contrast that with the rest of the special, and how open and honest Erin, Cheryl and many others were. What have the Duggars done for the community? Other participants are public speakers, created web sites, set up hotlines, pushed legislation, pushed education, became pen pals with other victims. They made a difference.

Their abuse has not been in vain.

FYI said... 60

caroline said... 48
I looked on the government's accreditation website, Ben's college IS listed.
(I don't know what his degree is, perhaps some degrees are accredited while other's are not?)

According to an InTouch article published last May, Ben got an Associate's Degree in political science.

"19 Kids and Counting star Jessa Duggar and her man Ben Seewald got hitched last year and are already expecting their first baby. And now, Ben officially has a college degree!

Jessa, 22, shared a pic and a video from the graduation ceremony at Hot Springs, Arkansas' National Park Community College, where Ben completed his second year of a political science degree."

P.J. said... 61

Admin said...

What have the Duggars done for the community?


Don't give them any ideas. They'll use it for re-branding.

N'ah, they are still denying it's anything to worry about. To do something for the community would be acknowledging that it's a subject worthy of their time and efforts.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Thank you. Very well thought out response. I also stood behind Josh after the first revelation. This second one has really made a negative impact on how some of the public see Christians.
Does Kate not get that it's an insult to say someone has the Kate Gosselin haircut?
That cut was hideous, only to be outdone by the ridiculously fat blonde streaks in it!
But the real point is that Kate's hair was ripped of of Flock of Seagulls and Kate takes all the credit.

Ingrid said... 63

P.J. said... 55
Tucker's Mom, please take comment #37 that you wrote and post it on the Seewald blog. Please? Pretty please?

I agree with PJ Post it. It is great!!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 64

KIAT (#57), betcha TFW is a-hankerin' for some publication --
any publication! -- to post side-by-side TFW/Bieber pics.
Because if there's anything that will put a fading 40-year-old
D-lister back in the game, it's being associated with a punk-ass
teen hearttrob whose own popularity has been plummeting.

Yeah, TFW, your timeline is "blowing up." You should be so

Tucker's Mom said... 65

Contrast that with the rest of the special, and how open and honest Erin, Cheryl and many others were. What have the Duggars done for the community? Other participants are public speakers, created web sites, set up hotlines, pushed legislation, pushed education, became pen pals with other victims. They made a difference.

Their abuse has not been in vain.

They also shut down any questions about the abuse and Josh's scandal. I don't think Jessa allows any questions about it when she's speaking.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

The bots are all repeating how "awful" Beiber's haircut is, so that's something to crow about.
BTW, is he transitioning or something? He looks different and feminine.

Bubbles said... 67

Cars and Mady have to be MORTIFIED about this hairstyle comparison. Those poor girls are getting teased mercilessly today I am sure.

Serendipity said... 68

Midnight- I think the worry for the boys sleeping downstairs is because it's a basement walkout with patio doors. A lot easier for an intruder to get in...or a prisoner to get out! :)

True, but there's a security system. It's a daylight basement, so it would be like a first floor in many houses. If someone wanted to break in, they could do so downstairs as easily as they could on the main floor. The alarm sounds on all doors. I think the point Midnight was making is that the boys are not two floors down from Kate, but one floor, and once again, a non-fan on Twitter had it all wrong. I sometimes wonder how they come up with this stuff and then tweet it as fact.

FYI said... 69

I took a look at Erin's FB page. She was getting a lot of flack due to the Duggars being in the special, so she deleted those comments. This convo took place when someone asked her why she kept deleting comments:

Erin, why do you keep deleting posts here?

Erin's Law
Any mention of Duggars gets removed from this page....positive or negative.

Well, I am sorry that your message about preventing abuse was ruined by having the Duggars there to detract from it

Erin's Law
me too! I was asked my opinion about having them on and I said to not include them it would take away from this documentary and the focus of child sexual abuse prevention. So anytime anyone wants to bring the conversation back to the Duggars whether it is positive or negative I remove it. The focus is child sexual abuse awareness prevention not the Duggars.

Having the Duggars included, despite Erin's objection, just goes to show that TLC's involvement in this special was more about damage control than actually getting the word out about child sexual abuse. TLC probably said that they wouldn't air the special unless the Duggars were included.

P.J. said... 70

OT, but am I the only one who wants to slap Miley Cyrus every time she sticks her tongue out?

Dmasy said... 71

P.J. -- You are NOT the only one. I always wonder why she is so inordinately proud of that pudgy little tongue.

fidosmommy said... 72

Poor Erin. That just makes me mad. She has such an important message that still needs to get out. I am so sorry she got run over by those at TLC with their own agenda.

redbird said... 73

Admin and fidosmommy, yes, I think you have got it!

This was a way for Jim Bob to get his anger and shame out at Josh without putting his name on it. It gets him off the hook.

Hey, it's his son's wife's brother that is the bad guy.

People magazine needs to retract the statement that the Duggar girls talked about their experiences. They didn't. And for their mother to be there to get tips about child molestation was an insult.

Math Girl said... 74

fidosmommy said... 72
Poor Erin. That just makes me mad. She has such an important message that still needs to get out. I am so sorry she got run over by those at TLC with their own agenda.
On the other hand, TLC probably wouldn't have even looked at a special featuring Erin's Law if it hasn't been for the Duggars. Erin was probably willing to accept them to get the special. I probably would have made the same tradeoff in the same circumstances.

Vanessa said... 75
The Nike crap is old, but him confronting a couple for kissing before marriage? Freaks

Miley's tongue? She's just nasty, she makes my skin crawl ~ Administrator said... 76

I really like Erin. The documentary did a good job with telling her story and I think she has a point this is about so much more than the Duggars.

Tucker's Mom said... 77

A great comment that reflects what I was trying to say upthread:
"Some families and individuals have made a fortune putting themselves up on a moral pedestal above all others, even selling their parenting secrets by conference speaking fees and books. I want to state something obvious here. Television cameras do not help one raise their children and are probably a horrible idea for daily famliy life. Josh partially grew up being a center of a television show or specials. While you quote the third commandment, do not forget the two before it. God is a jealous God an He alone is worthy to be praised. Even those closest to you must ask themselves if they are basking in notoriety and self-glory with a hat tip to God because this overinflated sense of self will lead to other sins. As Christians, do we really need to gawk over our “heroes” latest tweet about their family? There is something wrong when we create Christian celebrities and put them in a place of adoration. I do not believe He is pleased with that, and I believe He sometimes allows things to be brought to light when we become puffed up, so that we will be knocked down off of our pedestal."

These christians exalt these reality tv "stars" so easily. They're so busy peeing their pants over these manufactured shows that they never pull back and see the whole picture.
They don't question.
Take Kate. All it took for Christians to put Kate and Jon on a pedestal was for them to bandy the phrase "we said no to selective abortion" around and they were then perfect in every way.
J+K played Russian roulette with the lives of their unborn children, and Kate's life for that matter, when they had 2 beautiful girls that made them a family. It wasn't enough, mostly for Kate, and they took a huge risk by undergoing IUI.
They are more lucky and than. Very, very lucky.

redbird said... 78

This may explain why Miley likes to stick out that pudgy little tongue of hers all the time.

Formerly Duped said... 79

P.J. said... 70

Nope, you are not alone! I wish she wouldn't get so much attention for her antics. And as for tongues, why do young people think it's cute to stick them out in selfies? (or do 'duck-lips'...grr)

Vanessa said... 80
Well he made Radar. I'm sure his fingers are getting tired ~ Administrator said... 81

"Some families and individuals have made a fortune putting themselves up on a moral pedestal above all others, even selling their parenting secrets by conference speaking fees and books. I want to state something obvious here. Television cameras do not help one raise their children and are probably a horrible idea for daily famliy life. Josh partially grew up being a center of a television show or specials. While you quote the third commandment, do not forget the two before it. God is a jealous God an He alone is worthy to be praised. Even those closest to you must ask themselves if they are basking in notoriety and self-glory with a hat tip to God because this overinflated sense of self will lead to other sins. As Christians, do we really need to gawk over our “heroes” latest tweet about their family? There is something wrong when we create Christian celebrities and put them in a place of adoration. I do not believe He is pleased with that, and I believe He sometimes allows things to be brought to light when we become puffed up, so that we will be knocked down off of our pedestal."


What a great comment.

I don't think putting your family on a reality show IS Christian at all. At best, it is a disastrous recipe of temptation and greed, pride and jealousy. As a Christian we are called to avoid those sins, not put ourselves directly in the path of them.

Blowing In The Wind said... 82

Miley's tongue? She's just nasty, she makes my skin crawl


Don't you know that she's pansexual? She really makes my skin crawl.

Tucker's Mom said... 83

I don't think putting your family on a reality show IS Christian at all. At best, it is a disastrous recipe of temptation and greed, pride and jealousy. As a Christian we are called to avoid those sins, not put ourselves directly in the path of them.
And reality tv isn't the wild, wild west anymore. It's been around for a long time and has a horrible track record for destroying marriages, families and friendships.
Painting it with cries of educating people or spreading the word of Jesus is just a thin veneer for greed and the love of fame.
Go lecture. Write a book. Start your own YouTube channel.
You don't need your family and especially minor children on tv. You should NOT have cameras and crews in your home, which should be a sacred, safe place.

Vanessa said... 84

And I'm done with all the lecturing from these fanatics.
They speak as though they are the authority on everything, meanwhile their world is collapsing right in front of them.

FYI said... 85

Seems like the Duggars(in their last statement), and now Ben's father, are purposely throwing Josh under the bus in order to distance themselves from him in the hope that TLC or some other network will pick up the series again.

They want people to believe that "it's all Josh's fault" and that they were innocents in all that happened.

Just another PR move in the hope to get their faces back on TV.

Blowing In The Wind said... 86

True, but there's a security system. It's a daylight basement, so it would be like a first floor in many houses. If someone wanted to break in, they could do so downstairs as easily as they could on the main floor. The alarm sounds on all doors. I think the point Midnight was making is that the boys are not two floors down from Kate, but one floor, and once again, a non-fan on Twitter had it all wrong. I sometimes wonder how they come up with this stuff and then tweet it as fact.


Yep. I agree. If these kids would be under the age of five, then I'd probably be concerned with them being a distance away from the others. But at age 11, as pre-teens, I would think that the guys enjoy their little man cave, away from HER!

Tucker's Mom said... 87

Blowing In The Wind said... 82
Miley's tongue? She's just nasty, she makes my skin crawl


Don't you know that she's pansexual? She really makes my skin crawl.
She always looks dirty. She is a product of growing up in the public eye. She has a need for attention and the older she gets, the more desperate she's become.

Vanessa said... 88

Have a gander at what Seewald had to say when the molestation story hit the fan.

Blowing In The Wind said... 89

Cars and Mady have to be MORTIFIED about this hairstyle comparison. Those poor girls are getting teased mercilessly today I am sure.


I think that kids going into their second week of high school have more on their minds than old Kate hairstyles. I really doubt that they are teased or even saw those tweets. Right now they are checking out the guys in their classes, getting to know their new teachers and schedules and making plans for Labor Day weekend fun...NOT at all concerned with Kate's defunct Seagull's Nest.

Vanessa said... 90

Jesus forgives repentant sinners, real sinners: murderers, thieves, child molesters, homosexuals, self righteous church goers, the proud, liars, scoffers, atheists, hypocrites, and any other sinner or combination of them all. All that is required is to come to Jesus confessing that you are a sinner and with faith that his death will avail for you. He will receive you and begin the process of salvaging your life for his glory.
"You get forgiven! You get forgiven!" (Oprah voice)
except YOU adulterer, you are not forgiven

Ingrid said... 91

Don't you know that she's pansexual?
until I looked it up I thought maybe it meant into goats or something like the God Pan.

Vanessa said... 92

Our thoughts and prayers are for you. I want to say to Josh, hang in there, the shame you feel is legitimate, yet Jesus took your shame as he was punished in your place. Rest in his forgiveness and grace. Remember that he gives you his righteousness as a covering for your shame. Let this trial in your life build humility and grace. Don’t be angry at the world for their hatred of you. Show them through your love for them that it is Jesus Christ that made all the difference in your life. I’m rooting for you.
What a pos. Rooting for him? gtf outta here

Formerly Duped said... 93

I hope someone grifted Kate the intercom system she mentioned one special was needed in the house. That way she could keep tabs on the kids and make sure everyone was ok.She sure wouldn't walk her lazy butt 'upstairs, downstairs & yon' to check on all the kids. She didn't go into the twins' rooms for weeks, she stated, at age 11 or so.I think the new rooms are fine and yes, a relief for the boys to get away from mama and the bickering girls.

Vanessa said... 94

Ooohh, she's pansexual, ok.
Just shut up about it though. And keep that fat tongue in your mouth. ~ Administrator said... 95

The "seminar" took comments from the crowd and most people were really helpful and had good ideas.

Someone had a good idea that when your children are one on one alone with someone it's a good idea to switch up your schedule, maybe come home earlier than normal on somedays, so there isn't that strict routine a predator could learn and opportunity. While I think it's sad to be so suspicious of people all the time I think the point was a fair one.

Anyway, then did anyone catch the part where one of the Duggar girls spoke and she made a totally useless point and something not specific at all, like something like, I think just being aware is really important.

What the heck does that mean? I doubt they got a thing out of this.

Blowing In The Wind said... 96

There is something wrong when we create Christian celebrities and put them in a place of adoration. I do not believe He is pleased with that, and I believe He sometimes allows things to be brought to light when we become puffed up, so that we will be knocked down off of our pedestal."

Amen. That is a great comment!

Remembering back over all my college classes in religion, I am reminded of Paul in the book of Corinthians. He warns against being a puffed up Christian who indulges in self-importance, saying that to be so is a blight on the church. That might be a good way to describe the Duggars and their fall from grace -- blights.

Tucker's Mom said... 97

Vanessa said... 84
And I'm done with all the lecturing from these fanatics.
They speak as though they are the authority on everything, meanwhile their world is collapsing right in front of them.

Seewald defended the Duggars when the molestation scandal broke. He said they didn't have to tell anyone about their secret, and he's right in general, except for the fact that it belies their brand.
The Duggar brand is perfect Christians. Wholesome in every way.
By not disclosing Josh's molesting his sisters from the beginning, they lied by omission. They let everyone think they were perfect. Michelle, accepting all those awards and trips and adulation, all the while knowing she allowed her son to stay in the home when he repeatedly molested her daughters.
There's a word for it.


FYI said... 98

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 76
I really like Erin. The documentary did a good job with telling her story and I think she has a point this is about so much more than the Duggars

I think the documentary did a good job overall, it had a powerful message, but IMO, it should've been aired when parents and children could have watched it together not at 10pm on what for many people is a school night.

TLC can now wash their hands of the whole mess. They aired the special and they're done.

Tucker's Mom said... 99

"Would you be willing to publicize your own darkest moments?"

Hell no, but then again, I'm not on reality television exposing my life to millions for fame and money.
Therein lies the difference, and it's not hard to see Mr. Seewald. Jim Bob Duggar knew his family had this awful secret, yet he put everyone of his children and his wife at risk of the world finding out.
He gambled.
He lost.
The house always wins Mr. Seewald.

"Josh didn’t sin because he was repressed, he sinned because like all of us he is a sinner."
I have no idea why Josh repeated violated his sisters, but let me tell you something, not all of us would do something as heinous, even if we are exposed to sex growing up.
There's not gray for Mr. Seewald and he has the nerve to call us crazy. The man can't even discern that there is a lot of real estate between yelling Nike to purge impure thoughts, and twerking like Miley Cyrus.
The most important thing in the middle is information, allowing normal development and establishing open communication all without shame.

"The heart of the matter is do you have a good relationship with your children? From my perspective, this is where Jim Bob and Michelle excel."

Ma and Pa put their innocent, unprotected daughters at very high risk by allowing Josh back in the home. It shouldn't have happened.
They failed in allowing him access after they knew he molested.
The result was that Josh preyed upon the youngest and most defenseless of the home- his 5-year old sister.
Why? Because Joshie was wising up and those darn older sisters were too. He knew the 5-year old couldn't tell right from wrong and probably couldn't even express what he did after grooming her.

Tucker's Mom said... 100

Don’t be angry at the world for their hatred of you. Show them through your love for them that it is Jesus Christ that made all the difference in your life. I’m rooting for you.
What a pos. Rooting for him? gtf outta here
Oy vey, the martyr complex. I don't hate Josh. I doubt most people would feel something as deeply as hatred because he cheated on his wife.
What I do abhor is a very public reality tv hypocrite who used his ill-gotten and underserved power to suppress others.

FYI said... 101

Anyway, then did anyone catch the part where one of the Duggar girls spoke and she made a totally useless point and something not specific at all, like something like, I think just being aware is really important.

Jill made the following remark which hasn't been quoted in any article:

"I like the idea of just thinking before you're in a situation. Like how can "I" handle this ? How can "I" set up boundaries ahead of time?"

Was she talking about the parents or the children? If she was talking about parents, too bad that her own parents didn't have the same thoughts.

IMO, she was talking about the children and expected them to have a pre-plan if they ever found themselves in that situation.

Tucker's Mom said... 102

"You get forgiven! You get forgiven!" (Oprah voice)
except YOU adulterer, you are not forgiven

Blowing In The Wind said... 103

Michelle, accepting all those awards and trips and adulation, all the while knowing she allowed her son to stay in the home when he repeatedly molested her daughters.


And that saccharine little baby voice of hers, with all of the "blessings from God" platitudes thrown in there just makes you want to puke. Despicable.

Tucker's Mom said... 104

Vanessa said... 88
Have a gander at what Seewald had to say when the molestation story hit the fan.
So, before Mr. Seewald was defending his "good friends" and now:
"Though I have never gotten to know Josh very well, I have great respect for his sorrowing parents and immense sympathy for his dear wife Anna and their four children."

Right there-that's the thing. He knew Josh was repentent how, exactly?
How dare we circle like sharks in bloody water! He took up the sword for Josh, condemning us all for believing Josh committed crimes and for decrying that the the Duggars were hypocrites for not being honest with their legions of fans.

Oh, but now, Josh who? Hmm... don't really know the guy.

PA Dutch Mom said... 105

ngrid said... 91
Don't you know that she's pansexual?
until I looked it up I thought maybe it meant into goats or something like the God Pan.


I thought it had something to do with a cast iron skillet.

FYI said... 106

The Duggars used their Christianity and the Bible to condemn the LGTB community. But apparently they forgot one of the 10 commandments that says "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor".

Yet that is what they consistently did--accuse others of not being "God-like" because they didn't fit into their agenda of what a Christian is supposed to be.

PA Dutch Mom said... 107

She always looks dirty. She is a product of growing up in the public eye. She has a need for attention and the older she gets, the more desperate she's become.


Yes. I'd like to get her and that one Duggar son-in-law in the shower together and give them both a good scrubbing down with Comet cleanser.

FYI said... 108

Kate's timeline is still full of people comparing Justin Bieber's hairdo to her old one. How funny that her only relevance right now is her hair.

Vanessa said... 109

Ma and Pa put their innocent, unprotected daughters at very high risk by allowing Josh back in the home. It shouldn't have happened.
But but but it was God testing them. They are all stronger now because if the tests.
Through much prayer and repentenc they are all closer to God.

foxy said... 110

Jessa'a father-in-law is 39 years old. That cult sure does marry young don't they. I guess they don't want to take a chance on not being pure.

It seems this Seawald also likes the limelight. I wonder if he works a real job.

Tucker's Mom said... 111

Kate is a twit said... 106
The Duggars used their Christianity and the Bible to condemn the LGTB community. But apparently they forgot one of the 10 commandments that says "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor".
Transgendered women aren't men using the women's room. They are women using the women's room.
Michelle used fear to convince people that if they see a trans woman in their ladies area, there's something nefarious going on and that they are the ones in danger.
I don't know if she ever gave a thought to these trans women and their safety and comfort!
They are women who stand the chance of being hurt or worse for using the men's room.
Where's the compassion?

Tucker's Mom said... 112

Kate is a twit said... 108
Kate's timeline is still full of people comparing Justin Bieber's hairdo to her old one. How funny that her only relevance right now is her hair.
Yup, her claim to fame is a HOM pregnancy and a shit hairdo.


Sheepless In Seattle said... 113

Kate is a twit said... 108
Kate's timeline is still full of people comparing Justin Bieber's hairdo to her old one. How funny that her only relevance right now is her hair.


Do you have the link to Kate's timeline in real time? I'm still not getting it. Thanks!

fidosmommy said... 114

A long time ago, someone either here or on GWOP said that one day, the only memory we will have of Kate Gosselin is her hair. That could be truer than we knew. LOL.

Of course that was long before Robert's book and assorted other proof of her behavior came to light.

AuntieAnn said... 115

Michelle will be mighty happy to hear about this:

South Dakota Legislator Proposes Genital Inspection For Transgender Athletes

P.J. said... 116

Vanessa said... 84
And I'm done with all the lecturing from these fanatics.
They speak as though they are the authority on everything, meanwhile their world is collapsing right in front of them.


Yeah, in the words of Dr. Phil: "How's that workin' for ya.?"

Why are these Godly people having so many problems?

P.J. said... 117

Ingrid said... 91
Don't you know that she's pansexual?
until I looked it up I thought maybe it meant into goats or something like the God Pan


I thought it meant she likes to have sex on the stove. ;)

Math Girl said... 118

Link to Kate's twitter timeline:

then click on "live"

Anonymous said... 119

Miley says she is pansexual; that figures, she is as sexy as a frying pan.


redbird said... 120

Admin said...99
What the heck does that mean? I doubt they got a thing out of this.


Oh, yes, they did get something out of it. They got a free trip and a paycheck for going to be on tv. Unfortunately.

I always knew that Josh molested the 5 yr. old because the older girls were older. But they say on the police records that he did not molest the oldest girl. Started with the 2nd one. He probably thought the oldest one would run and tell right away.

Tucker's Mom said... 121

AuntieAnn said... 115
Michelle will be mighty happy to hear about this:

South Dakota Legislator Proposes Genital Inspection For Transgender Athletes
Jeebus! South Dakota must be full of inbred fucktards.
If you think you're going to make my kid pull their pants down so you can take a gander at their genitals, you've got another thing coming.
Can you imagine the lawsuits this would open up?
They might not be East or West coast, but this is still America.

Tucker's Mom said... 122

P.J. said... 116
Vanessa said... 84
And I'm done with all the lecturing from these fanatics.
They speak as though they are the authority on everything, meanwhile their world is collapsing right in front of them.


Yeah, in the words of Dr. Phil: "How's that workin' for ya.?"

Why are these Godly people having so many problems?
I never realized how much they hate Catholics.
They ooze hatred.

Tucker's Mom said... 123

I always knew that Josh molested the 5 yr. old because the older girls were older. But they say on the police records that he did not molest the oldest girl. Started with the 2nd one. He probably thought the oldest one would run and tell right away.
Yup. Josh knew the oldest would tell or slap him down, so he worked his way down to the most vulnerable.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 124

Thanks, Math Girl! That one worked. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything there, though, since it appears to be dead in the water, but it's still fun to watch and see what silly things the sheeple come up with!

P.J. said... 125

Can anyone find overnight ratings for the "special"? I can't find a thing.

Tucker's Mom said... 126

Crace Gollins ‏@gracee0annee 2h2 hours ago
Justin Bieber's music video would be a lot hotter if he didn't look like Kate Gosselin's lesbian sister


too bad,so sad said... 127

Tucker's Mom posted:

"Would you be willing to publicize your own darkest moments?
I liked your response but the type of comment quoted above really rubs me the wrong way. It is a strong plea to make all "sin" or misdeeds as if it was all the same result.
My answer would be: I am a private person and I like to keep my moments, activities to myself. I don't like to be noticed for the good, kind things I do and I don't like my shortcomings blasted all over either. However, to be truthful like the vast majority of people I have no darkest moments. I probably have a few shady parts, but nothing that would be more than a little embarrassment. Thinking all people have dark moments is really unrealistic. The quote makes it seem like telling your mom you were at the library when you were really at the movie she didn't want you to see is NOT the same as abusing children!

Vanessa: I tried and tried to read this in Oprah's voice and I just couldn't get it right
"You get forgiven! You get forgiven!" (Oprah voice)
except YOU adulterer, you are not forgiven
The last line kept coming out like Morrie Povich shouting "You are NOT the father." LOL

Tucker's Mom said... 128

The quote makes it seem like telling your mom you were at the library when you were really at the movie she didn't want you to see is NOT the same as abusing children!
Exactly. Excusing poor Joshie because he was just a curious and stupid teenager is misguided.
Stealing cars, underage drinking, shoplifting are all stupid teen things. Molesting your own sisters, 5 girls in all (maybe more) is deviant behavior, not teenage stupidity.

Winsomeone said... 129

I am not against transgenders, to each is own, but do have questions. If their birth certificate says they are a male, and they still have a penis, and they then say they are a woman, is their sex legally changed on their birth certificate? Or isn't legal involved? ~ Administrator said... 130

Transgendered women aren't men using the women's room. They are women using the women's room.
Michelle used fear to convince people that if they see a trans woman in their ladies area, there's something nefarious going on and that they are the ones in danger.


You know aside from the fact that that's all just ludicrous, apparently she didn't know the statistics.

Molestation is NOT likely to happen in the women's or men's room, in a public place, by a stranger who happens to identify more strongly with a gender they weren't born with. Were you listening last night, Michelle? You are 9 times more likely to be molested by a family member or friend. Someone you KNOW.

And if you're so darn afraid of restrooms, why don't you just walk in there with your child and wait for them outside their stall? Be a parent. Oh wait I guess if you have 19 kids that's not possible. Then only have enough kids that you can actually supervise and then take some birth control and call it a day. ~ Administrator said... 131

Normal teen sexual curiosity means you looked at dirty magazines or went to second....or third...base with your girlfriend.

There is nothing sexual about a 5 year old. She still has the body of a little girl. No breasts, no other sexual development. If Josh were really just sexually curious, he wouldn't go after someone who has no sexual development whatsoever. Not a good explanation. ~ Administrator said... 132

Pan sexual......


Tucker's Mom said... 133

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 132
Pan sexual......

So is this what all the cool kids do these days?

P.J. said... 134

Would Asian people be woksexual? ~ Administrator said... 135

Erin seems to have taken TLC's crap in stride. long as my story gets out there. It's about helping others, period.

What a woman.

Vanessa said... 136 ~ Administrator said... 137

What a scathing sermon! He let Josh have it right between the eyes.
You are a deceiver! You are a hypocrite! You are a covenant breaker!
And that goes for any person claiming Christ and knowingly sinning at the same time. I think Michael Seewald has had a second thought or two about his daughter-in-law's brother.


I don't think this new and interesting stance he has taken is Biblical. I thought we were supposed to forgive all the sins. I also thought that you can be a Christian and still sin even in the same breath you say you're a Christian. I was taught that sinning is the human condition and that you make best efforts to not sin, but you will. You then confess, repent and seek forgiveness. It's not the number of sins that keep you out of heaven but not believing in Christ.

Where's our resident blog chaplain? I thought the Bible more or less says all sins are the same. That if you're going to poke someone in the eye you might as well slit their throat because it's all the same in god's eyes. So for him to act like there's some huge problem with this particular sin as opposed to anything else is perplexing.

I could be wrong, I didn't go to divinity school. I also don't really buy that these people really study the Bible all that carefully. They cherry pick whatever suits the cult. They don't read it like a scholar or at least a student. ~ Administrator said... 138

“The relationship started when [Schaap] was counseling Doe,” documents state, adding that the married pastor’s assistant discovered sexual photos of the young girl on his iPhone, “including one of her topless lying on top of [Schaap], one of [him] touching Doe’s bare breast while kissing her breast, and one of the pair kissing.”

Other papers containing illicit details of the affair were sealed during the trial. However, according to Chicago Magazine, prosecutors discovered that Schaap groomed and manipulated his victim.


Ohhhh ohhhh!!!! Freaking GREAT.

Come and get your popcorn tonight, folks!!!!!! ~ Administrator said... 139

"I like the idea of just thinking before you're in a situation.


That was the comment! What a waste of space.

I remember thinking, well yeah Jill, you should think before you get into a situation. Like any situation. You should also just be thinking in general. Like, all the time. It's an all day thing, this thinking.

Rhymes with Witch said... 140

Some thoughts that are not connected to each other.

Jana appears to be the most independent minded of the older kids and even wants to gasp! go to nursing school.
For whatever reason (free labor? refusal?) she has not been married off yet. I agree that if josh had gone after her she would not have minimized it.

I also wonder if josh's sexual abuse of children "doesn't count" but his interest in pornography and having an affair do is because a) he is married and/or b) there is actual intercourse involved with adult women on screen or in real life.
Not sure I'm explaining this well.

Also, the Duggars' input into last night's special was as useless as I expected it would be. I'm glad the remainder of the program was worthwhile. ~ Administrator said... 141

There is nothing you can do with an associate's degree in political science. There's barely anything you can do with a BA in political science. That was one of my majors (I did a double) and virtually 99% of my poly sci class intended to go to law school. The others wanted to work at a think tank and were probably going to get their masters. It's not one of those degrees you just "get" without having it be a smaller piece of the bigger plan.

P.J. said... 142

My comment from yesterday:

P.J. said... 27

This rehab center better be prepared for a thorough examination by the press. Protecting predators?

August 30, 2015 at 5:54 AM

FlimsyFlamsy said... 143

Pansexual -- I think that has something to do with eating Jiffy Pop
during intimacy. Maybe Miley is a pyrexdishsexual, because she's always baked.

Let's hear this pastor blame the liberal media's anti-Christian
agenda for those pictures on his phone...

P.J. said... 144

Geez, Josh would be in better hands if they just let him keep his AM account.

Tucker's Mom said... 145

I could be wrong, I didn't go to divinity school. I also don't really buy that these people really study the Bible all that carefully. They cherry pick whatever suits the cult. They don't read it like a scholar or at least a student.
I get the same impression. The bible is wrote memorization.
There are a lot of different interpretations and it's fascinating to study, like you said, as a student. ~ Administrator said... 146

Question, why was it wrong for the state to (legally) expose what Josh did as a teen, but not okay for a hacker to (illegally) expose Josh?

None of the Duggars seem to have a problem with the hacking.

P.J. said... 147

How long is it going to take for the Duggars, and everyone else in their cult, to figure out that the media is going to be digging into every story they tell. They really are stupid.

Blowing In The Wind said... 148

Pansexual -- I think that has something to do with eating Jiffy Pop
during intimacy. Maybe Miley is a pyrexdishsexual, because she's always baked.


Half baked!

redbird said... 149

Oh, this is RICH! Way to go, Jon! Her timeline won't be dead after this! She's gonna...

Rhymes with Witch said... 150

Pansexual -- I think that has something to do with eating Jiffy Pop
during intimacy. 143

Hmm, I was thinking along the lines of Peter Pan peanut butter, and I'll leave it at that.

Math Girl said... 151

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 141
There is nothing you can do with an associate's degree in political science. There's barely anything you can do with a BA in political science.
I thought exactly the same thing. The only thing to do with it is to go on to get a BA, and maybe go on from there to a masters. Maybe Ben wants a job similar to the one Josh had? He'd be better qualified than Josh was!

Tucker's Mom said... 152

Very funny, Jon. I don't think even I could drink a Coke with Kate's name on it!

Math Girl said... 153

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 146
Question, why was it wrong for the state to (legally) expose what Josh did as a teen, but not okay for a hacker to (illegally) expose Josh?

None of the Duggars seem to have a problem with the hacking.
Maybe because lots of people, all across the political and religious spectrum stripes, were exposed by the hack? If they can't call it a godless liberal conspiracy, there's nothing to complain about. ~ Administrator said... 154

Oh, this is RICH! Way to go, Jon! Her timeline won't be dead after this! She's gonna...


Lol. Jon understands how to use social media in a way that is interesting, fun, and doesn't take himself too seriously.

The opposite of Kate.

redbird said... 155

FlimsyFlamsy, Bwahaha!

How about Anchor Hocking?

Miley loves to drop her Anchor in the boat slip by the Dock! hahahaha!

redbird said... 156

Need to get yer popcorn ready for TFW's twitter feed to explode and maybe, just maybe an appearance from Milo. hahaha

Sue_Buddy said... 157

This is a pretty cool ad-Jon DJ'd in DC on Aug. 20:

The Heist

Somewhere In Time said... 158

What the heck kind of connections does the Boosters have? Wasn't that cop that JB knew and then talked to Joshie convicted of child porn, and now this counselor/pastor had sex with a minor in the treatment facility?

Boobies also knows of several families who experienced molestation within the family. Nice people there, Boobers. You really get around.

jamezvader1194 said... 159

Lol of course Kate's fans that hate jon are going to be all over that picture.Its funny how these hypocrites complained bout haters following Kate's timeline but i checked jon's followers and some of them that hate him follow him and whenever there's a story about Jon in general they harass his TL or facebook.But all well jon's just going to block them.Which is good for him. ~ Administrator said... 160

What the heck kind of connections does the Boosters have? Wasn't that cop that JB knew and then talked to Joshie convicted of child porn, and now this counselor/pastor had sex with a minor in the treatment facility?


Apparently Jim Boob was right all along. Sexual abuse and other deviant behavior is very common in their community.

NJGal51 said... 161

redbird said... 149
Oh, this is RICH! Way to go, Jon! Her timeline won't be dead after this! She's gonna...
Thanks for my laugh of the day redbird. It's good to see that Jon has a sense of humor. I wonder if TFW does.

ncgirl said... 162

Very funny, Jon. I don't think even I could drink a Coke with Kate's name on it!
He should check it for poison if he's going to drink it.

localyocul said... 163

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 154

Oh, this is RICH! Way to go, Jon! Her timeline won't be dead after this! She's gonna...


Lol. Jon understands how to use social media in a way that is interesting, fun, and doesn't take himself too seriously.

The opposite of Kate


That's funny! ~ Administrator said... 164

This is how Kate might actually endear herself to people. If she could track down a Jon or John coke and tweet it back with a toothy grin....

Of course she won't, because narcissists rarely understand what fine humor is, or how to just have fun, be silly, and not take yourself so darn seriously all the time. ~ Administrator said... 165

Yeah I guess since Joe Biden's son was mortified by his outing becomes much harder to call this one a liberal conspiracy.

Unless those sneaky liberals had a couple of their members take one for the team, you know just so it wouldn't be so obvious. Don't trust em.

Vanessa said... 166

Miley says she is pansexual; that figures, she is as sexy as a frying pan.
I'd like to smack her upside the head with a frying pan. Knock that tongue back in her mouth.

Vanessa said... 167

Love it!

localyocul said... 168

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 165
Yeah I guess since Joe Biden's son was mortified by his outing becomes much harder to call this one a liberal conspiracy.

Unless those sneaky liberals had a couple of their members take one for the team, you know just so it wouldn't be so obvious. Don't trust em.


What? Did I miss something? Joe Biden's son? Beau? What?

JoyinVirginia said... 169

Thanks for sharing the Jon photo! Too funny! ~ Administrator said... 170

What? Did I miss something? Joe Biden's son? Beau? What?


Beau had an account. He denied it was his. But his denial was pretty far fetched, since the account was set up over a year ago, long before any outings.

In any case, it was a non starter story, almost went away as soon as it started. Most likely because Beau Biden doesn't try to tell other people how to live. So would have Josh's story had he just minded his own business. ~ Administrator said... 171

Here, Kate!$_35.JPG ~ Administrator said... 172

Sorry not Beau, Hunter.

Beau was the one who sadly recently passed away.

Anonymous said... 173

I don't think it was Beau. It was Hunter Biden who denied it.

Lynne In RI said... 174

This is what blows my mind about the Kate sheep. They are still drinking the Gosselin Kool-Aid. They have learned nothing from the Duggar fiasco, how easily it is to be duped. Kate bilked those church-goers while crying poor and settling on a million dollar house. They never address that. Kate spends money on cars, house maintenance and expenses while claiming to be piecing and patching, the poor single struggling mother who grifts her way through whatever she can. She loves the fame and the celebrity lifestyle. Her ego is huge; her narcissism is over the top. She cares nothing about her fans and uses them only when she needs a fix.

Yet, they don't see it. They won't see it, or else they are just too darn dumb to see it. Why is that?

Rhymes with Witch said... 175

This is a pretty cool ad-Jon DJ'd in DC on Aug. 20. 157

Thanks Sue Buddy. That ad is quite cool. Hope Jon found his niche.

Rhymes with Witch said... 176

OT - does anyone watch Vicious on PBS? It took me a few episodes but I'm starting to quite like it.

Anonymous said... 177

I don't think the Duggars appreciate any of Ben Seewald's father's blogs about Josh. This is a very sensitive time for the Duggars and they don't need or want his comments. And Mr. Seewald knew his comments would go public. He needs to keep his thoughts to himself and stop using Josh's failures to draw people to his blogs.

FYI said... 178

Total conspiracy theory here, but sometimes I wonder if TLC told the Duggars that if they throw Josh under the bus, that TLC will think about continuing to film them. Thus the statement from the Duggars blaming Josh, and now Ben's father's diatribe.

Isn't that what TLC basically did with Jon? Make him the bad guy? Make Kate look like the victim, while Jon was totally vilified in the press, and then they brought back Kate plus 8.

Seems they're doing the same thing with Josh. They'll let a couple of months go by(just like they did with the Gosselins), and once Josh is thoroughly trashed by the media(similar to Jon), they'll bring back the Duggars minus Josh and pretend that Josh never existed. ~ Administrator said... 179

I'm voting for conspiracy theory. I think the family has met and decided to go with plan B, throw Josh under the bus. Distance themselves, separate. It's too coincidental they're ALL suddenly changing their tune, acting like Josh is some lost cause and embarrassment.

If that's not what's going on, there's trouble in the Garden of Eden.

Sherry Baby said... 180

He needs to keep his thoughts to himself and stop using Josh's failures to draw people to his blogs.


It's called Freedom of Speech and it appears that he's not really happy with this whole Duggar thing. Why should he keep it to himself -- because Pa and Ma are sensitive right now and don't appreciate these comments? Too bad. Let him say what he wants to say and the Duggars be darned. It's about time their hypocrisy is made public. You make your bed; you lie in it.

FYI said... 181

Even Jill is getting on the bandwagon. Without going into specifics about Josh, although we know what she's talking about, she posted the following on the Dillard family blog.

"Hey everyone! August has been a busy month for us and as so many of you know it has ended on a sad note for my extended family Please do pray for our family. We are so thankful for God’s grace during difficult days."

It's sad and difficult, but with God's grace and your prayers, we will overcome!!

They're all playing the "victim" card, just like Kate did.

readerlady said... 182

Miley claims to be pansexual? Doesn't that have something to do with her pipes?

LOVE the Jon twitter pix! What a hoot!

Still nice and comfy here under the veranda. We have plenty of rumspringa, Auntie Ann's glitter creations, a whole pack of straws that we haven't opened yet, franky's teaching us French, and it's nice and cool. Come on under and join the party.

AuntieAnn said... 183

Kate is a twit said... 178

Total conspiracy theory here, but sometimes I wonder if TLC told the Duggars that if they throw Josh under the bus, that TLC will think about continuing to film them. Thus the statement from the Duggars blaming Josh, and now Ben's father's diatribe.

Isn't that what TLC basically did with Jon? Make him the bad guy? Make Kate look like the victim, while Jon was totally vilified in the press, and then they brought back Kate plus 8.


So it would follow that Michelle and Jim Bob divorce, Michelle will be sainted and portrayed as a struggling single mom.

What will they call the show? "Michelle Plus 19 Minus One"?

Rhymes with Witch said... 184

I'm voting for the conspiracy theory too. I think the Duggars are addicted to the celebrity and money from the TLC gravy train. Plus, nothing would stop old Jimmy from forking some $ over to josh.

Sue_Buddy said... 185

I have a conspiracy theory of my own. I believe the reason Marjorie Kaplan, President of TLC, was "promoted" overseas in early August was partially due to the Duggar fiasco. I'll be surprised if TLC has them back on the air again.

JoyinVirginia said... 186

Rhymes with witch, I love Vicious! It's so much fun watching mckellan and jakobi chewing the scenery and they look like they are having fun with their friends!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 187

Seems they're doing the same thing with Josh. They'll let a couple of months go by(just like they did with the Gosselins), and once Josh is thoroughly trashed by the media(similar to Jon), they'll bring back the Duggars minus Josh and pretend that Josh never existed.


You could be right, but the public outcry isn't going to go away. It's the whole hypocrisy thing. People are sick to death of the family and their holier-than-thou attitude. I'm not even sure at this point they could get sponsors. This is something way more serious than a Jon and Kate divorce and I think that viewers know it and don't want anything to do with the family, Josh or no Josh. They can see through the faux Christianity of Babytalks and Boobs.

Anonymous said... 188

Thus the statement from the Duggars blaming Josh,
What statement did the Duggars give that blamed Josh? I just can't see the family throwing Josh under the bus. I think there were some family source comments in one of the People articles but we don't know if it was the Josh's family or Anna's family that made comments. The only bashing comments that I can recall came from Daniel, Anna's brother.

And I doubt Michael Seewald is the spokesperson for the Duggar family. In fact, I think the Duggars probably feel betrayed by him. It is none of his business. ~ Administrator said... 189

Seems they're doing the same thing with Josh. They'll let a couple of months go by(just like they did with the Gosselins), and once Josh is thoroughly trashed by the media(similar to Jon), they'll bring back the Duggars minus Josh and pretend that Josh never existed.


I think what the delusional Duggars THINK is going to happen is exactly that. I think this is part of some big plan of theirs to parse out Josh, then report back to TLC saying SEE Josh is gone! But I'm with Sue on this one, TLC is finally done with them, Josh exhaled or not. Their recent comment when asked if they would have them back had a "yeah RIGHT" tone to it. As in, no, there is no turning back here anymore. ~ Administrator said... 190

It's hilarious that we each had a totally different interpretation and idea of what pan sexual met. Lol, kids.

franky said... 191

OMG Tucker 152...

NOTICE IT was a Diet Coke, bwhahaha ~ Administrator said... 192

Even Jill is getting on the bandwagon. Without going into specifics about Josh, although we know what she's talking about, she posted the following on the Dillard family blog.

"Hey everyone! August has been a busy month for us and as so many of you know it has ended on a sad note for my extended family Please do pray for our family. We are so thankful for God’s grace during difficult days."

It's sad and difficult, but with God's grace and your prayers, we will overcome!!

They're all playing the "victim" card, just like Kate did.


Leslie, check out the statement from Ma and Pa Duggar. It sounded almost resigned to Josh being the bad seed. It was much more victim-ish sounding, and definitely blamed him. Contrast that with prior statements totally supporting him.

Then we have one of the kids, then a couple insiders from the family putting out feelers that they blamed Josh, Anna's own family going apeshit on him, and now Mr. Seewald? I just think they're all in on this together and following the same playbook, just pretending that they all independently came to this conclusion that suddenly Josh=bad. I just don't buy it. I don't buy they all decided this all at once. Oh they decided it--just, TOGETHER. Likely with a PR team at the helm.

FYI said... 193

I think what the delusional Duggars THINK is going to happen is exactly that. I think this is part of some big plan of theirs to parse out Josh, then report back to TLC saying SEE Josh is gone! But I'm with Sue on this one, TLC is finally done with them

I'm not sure that TLC is finally done with them. If they were, you would think that they would remove 19 Kid and Counting from their website and also delete the FB page, just like they did with Honey Boo Boo. BTW, if I recall correctly, they never removed Kate plus 8 from their website when they cancelled that show in 2011.

I don't think that TLC has completely made up their minds yet about the Duggars. It took them almost 2 months to cancel the show after the molestation scandal.

Kate plus 8 was also "cancelled" in 2011, but lo and behold, the show returned almost 3 years later in 2014 with two "specials". Then they added a 5 episode "season" and we know they have filmed more episodes.

It might take a while, but I really think the Duggars will be back on TLC sometime in the future, maybe not the near future, but sometime in the future. They'll have an "update" show, (like they did with Kate) and then they will continue to film and add more "specials" or "seasons".

NJGal51 said... 194

I love a good conspiracy theory and I'll make us all little tinfoil hats that Auntie Ann can decorate with glitter.

Ingrid said... 195

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 132
Pan sexual......

So the full term would be Panera sexual?

Vanessa said... 196

He needs to keep his thoughts to himself and stop using Josh's failures to draw people to his blogs.


It's called Freedom of Speech and it appears that he's not really happy with this whole Duggar thing. Why should he keep it to himself -- because Pa and Ma are sensitive right now and don't appreciate these comments? Too bad. Let him say what he wants to say and the Duggars be darned. It's about time their hypocrisy is made public. You make your bed; you lie in it.

Seeing as his blog is titled "Exalting Christ. Loving People" and it's a Christian blog, how could he NOT write a post about thee biggest story out there in the Christian world? I don't think it's to draw people to his blog,it's a valid post in the blog's genre. And I believe he meant to make amends (sort of) for his defending the molestation.

Tucker's Mom said... 197

Seems they're doing the same thing with Josh. They'll let a couple of months go by(just like they did with the Gosselins), and once Josh is thoroughly trashed by the media(similar to Jon), they'll bring back the Duggars minus Josh and pretend that Josh never existed.
I don't know. The reason why I doubt it is that I don't know if Jim Bob could go all scorched earth as Kate does.
I believe Kate wouldn't care if Jon joined Jimmy Hoffa somewhere. Kate can and does act like Jon is nothing more than a gigantic mistake that she would have long forgotten about, but for the fact that he's the sperm donor.
I don't think the Duggar family will cast out Josh, Anna and their grandkids.

Tucker's Mom said... 198

JoyinVirginia said... 186
Rhymes with witch, I love Vicious! It's so much fun watching mckellan and jakobi chewing the scenery and they look like they are having fun with their friends!
Will have to check it out! I love Jakobi in Last Tango In Halifax. I'm busy enjoying The Clinic, and irish drama.

Tucker's Mom said... 199

And I doubt Michael Seewald is the spokesperson for the Duggar family. In fact, I think the Duggars probably feel betrayed by him. It is none of his business.
Mr. Seewalk seems very outspoken and doesn't care who he offends.
I think he really pissed off that he so publicly and vigorous (and piously) defended Josh.
He make a big mistake in defending a man he really doesn't know from Adam. He was defending himself and his beliefs really, because he was personally offended by the public attacking a fellow fundy.
Turns out, he and many others have a whole lot of egg on their faces, and I think that he feels burned.
Now, Seewald admits he really doesn't know Josh and basically calls him a poser.
Ouch. That seems like the ultimate insult to give a Duggar.

Tucker's Mom said... 200

It might take a while, but I really think the Duggars will be back on TLC sometime in the future, maybe not the near future, but sometime in the future. They'll have an "update" show, (like they did with Kate) and then they will continue to film and add more "specials" or "seasons".
I also wouldn't rule that out. Heck, how many times did Jon speak out and say he didn't want his kids on tv and TLC still filmed. In fact, there's no end in sight.

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