Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Gawker: Josh Duggar had an Ashley Madison dating/affair site account from 2013 until May 2015

The plot thickens. 

"But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggar gave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015."

134 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

This is Ashley Madison's wikipedia, has a quick rundown of what it is. ~ Administrator said... 2

Problem there is most of the people who poll for Trump don't vote in actual elections.


Some of the polls are just with whoever, which doesn't mean much--but some are with actual registered voters and some are even primary GOP voters. Trump is soaring in all of the above polls. All of them.

P.J. said... 3

fidosmommy said... 150
From Wikipedia - Ashley Madison:

"The company received significant attention on July 15, 2015, after hackers stole all of its customer data—including names, addresses, sexual fantasies and credit card information—and threatened to post all the data online if Ashley Madison and fellow site Avid Life Media site were not permanently closed. By July 22, the first names of customers were released by hackers,[8] with all of the user data purported to be released on August 18, 2015."

Isn't today August 18?


Anything is possible on Wikipedia. Next time a celebrity dies, check out Wiki. They generally have the site updated within minutes of an announcement. It's really quite amazing.

Check out the entry on Josh Duggar. They have the Ashley Madison stuff on there already.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 4

He wants it all with women. All of his history is with women or girls. There's no evidence he's gay, although that would really take the cake if he were. He's pretty hetero of that I'm confident of.


It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he's bi. In fact, nothing about him shocks me. Just looking at his photo makes my skin crawl. He just exudes creepiness. What's next? It's revealed that he's acted on his sex obsessions with various women, and one or more will come out and confirm an affair with him?

redbird said... 5

I know Anna is in the Quiverful and a Gothardite, but she needs to put all of her faith in God. He is the One she will have to answer to. Not Josh, Ouiverful or Mr. Gothard.

She has a Biblical right to divorce Josh because Jesus said there are only 2 ways for a divorce is adultery and abandonment. How can she trust him after he molested his sisters and now this? Surely her parents understand that she needs to pack up and get out of dodge.

I am sure there would be a lot of people that would donate to Anna on a gofundme fund to help her get herself and her children out and start a new life. I feel so bad for her and the kids.

Kaya said... 6

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 173
If you believe that then you must also believe that Colin Powell also compromised national security. His so-called "transparency" after the fact should have no bearing.


I don't understand the relevance to anything. Lots of people in politics have done wrong things like that at various times. All of that is wrong, so what of it? The point is Hillary is running for office, and Colin Powell is not. Until he is, what the heck does it matter whether he sent emails via a private server or fax or pony express, in the context of what Hillary did? It's a straw man argument, confusing the issues. The fact that Powell may have done the same doesn't make what SHE did any less wrong.
Nope, no straw man. Colin Powell's behavior is relevant as it demonstrates that the practice was not unique to Hillary Clinton and yet it is only Hillary Clinton who is being raked over the coals for it.

People can continue to scream about it, but that won't change the fact that she followed protocol.

fidosmommy said... 7

From previous thread:

I have noticed that the louder a person rails against some sin the more likely they are personally committing that sin in their private lives.


Yes. Most likely Hillary supporters are all trading national security secrets on private email servers. Hehe :)

I realize you're teasing, but I was talking about sins that are committed, not about crimes. Infidelity, lust, etc.

FYI said... 8

I see that People has now picked up the story. A little bit late to the party, aren't they? The article basically repeats what gawker and other sites have stated. The only addition is this:

"Duggar's family has been struggling to move on after the cancellation of their hit TLC show 19 Kids and Counting in the wake of his initial scandal. And now, a source who has worked with the family says the latest allegations will likely only cement the network's decision to end their relationship with the Duggars.

"It was pretty improbable that there were going to be any specials on any of the Duggars anyway," the source tells PEOPLE. "But now, with this, there's virtually no chance. It's basically just over now."

A rep for the Duggars did not immediately respond to calls for comment."

I wonder if the Duggars will even bother to respond. ~ Administrator said... 9

What's next? It's revealed that he's acted on his sex obsessions with various women, and one or more will come out and confirm an affair with him?


Yep, that's next. ~ Administrator said... 10

Colin Powell's behavior is relevant as it demonstrates that the practice was not unique to Hillary Clinton and yet it is only Hillary Clinton who is being raked over the coals for it.


That's exactly right, because only Hilary Clinton is running for election! Colin Powell isn't running!!!

Your argument might actually make sense if someone else in this election did what she did but wasn't getting the same outrage. That's simply not the case.

Your logic is akin to saying that if Megyn is going to talk about Donald Trump throwing insults at women, she should also talk about how Scott Baio is a well known womanizer too. Well, that makes no sense. Scott isn't running for president. Why would we talk about Scott? One has nothing to do with the other, because one is running for president and one is not.

Don't want your bad deeds constantly talked about, don't run for president. Collin opted out, and so has Scott.

Rainbirdie said... 11

"Jessa would have liked to have had the same sort of platform to give thanks, show what a miracle she feels her child is and express her gratitude," the source continues.
A Duggar has to have a tv show platform to do all these thing? That's odd - many of us mediocre women have managed to shown gratitude for our miracle children without tv cameras following us around. Guess we've been doing it all wrong.

P.J. said... 12

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 5
What's next? It's revealed that he's acted on his sex obsessions with various women, and one or more will come out and confirm an affair with him?


Yep, that's next.


Really? Can you imagine the woman who's signed up for an affair, who answers the door and Josh Duggar is standing there? Jacket casually hooked over his shoulder, fedora angled jauntily over his brow as he blows out a puff of smoke and flicks a cigarette butt into the flowerbed.

I think I'd die laughing. ~ Administrator said... 13

"Jessa would have liked to have had the same sort of platform to give thanks, show what a miracle she feels her child is and express her gratitude," the source continues.


Will they stop? They want it for the money. Just own it. I'd respect it more.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 14

If I am reading this correctly, the one account had a money-back guarantee if no affair took place. Will he ask for a refund? ~ Administrator said... 15

Really? Can you imagine the woman who's signed up for an affair, who answers the door and Josh Duggar is standing there? Jacket casually hooked over his shoulder, fedora angled jauntily over his brow as he blows out a puff of smoke and flicks a cigarette butt into the flowerbed.


Oh my god lol. He probably gives her a box of chocolates too, and a dozen roses.

He's so cheesy. ~ Administrator said... 16

Didn't Anna say hey Josh, what's this NINE-HUNDRED DOLLAR CHARGE on our credit card???

Or is she just not allowed to be a part of the finances in this marriage?

It's awfully convenient the way the patriarch controls everything. Makes it much easier to get away with shit on your credit card bill, doesn't it?

She should divorce him. It's fraud, as far as I'm concerned. He's not what he represented. Get an annulment.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 17

That's exactly right, because only Hilary Clinton is running for election! Colin Powell isn't running!!!


Exactly. This is when you want to bang your head on the wall because no matter how hard you try, some just will never get it. You just give up and move on.

Math Girl said... 18

Kate is a twit said... 152

BTW, in another article in People, it seems that Jessa is a bit "jellus" of Jill, because Jill's pregnancy and delivery were part of the show, and because the series was cancelled Jessa won't have that opportunity.

"It is now bittersweet, because it's not lost on [Jessa] that Jill giving birth to Israel got an entire TLC special devoted to it," a source who has worked closely with the family tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story.


Well, boo hoo hoo. What a bunch of fame-whores.

Kaya said... 19

Jeb Bush is running for President but non-government emails wirh potential national security implications that he sent sure aren't drawing much attention.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 20

I know nothing about Ashley Madison site, but CNN Money is reporting...

"The data is posted on what is known as the "Dark Web," a part of the Internet that can't be searched by Google or most common search engines. It can only be viewed with a special Tor browser."

So if this is true,old Joshie was actively seeking a partner with whom to do much more than just collect shells on a beach.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 21

She should divorce him. It's fraud, as far as I'm concerned. He's not what he represented. Get an annulment


She should, but what is she going to do? She's uneducated, has no job, and just keeps procreating his spawn. I suppose she could move in with her parents. After all, they gave their blessing when the two were happily betrothed.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 22

Didn't Anna say hey Josh, what's this NINE-HUNDRED DOLLAR CHARGE on our credit card???

Oh, Anna, was a donation to my favorite charity. Should I have given more? ~ Administrator said... 23

Jeb Bush is running for President but non-government emails wirh potential national security implications that he sent sure aren't drawing much attention.


Yes clearly a conspiracy.

Maybe the Jeb thing isn't generating much interest because he doesn't have a chance in hell at the nomination so it's a moot point. And also that he isn't being a tool about it. That helps a lot actually.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 24

Oh my god lol. He probably gives her a box of chocolates too, and a dozen roses.


Well, life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you're gonna get. If I saw him at my door, I'd run farther than Forrest.

Would he give her a box of Whitman's sampler from Walgreens, or spring for a box of Richart’s Intense Gourmets? ~ Administrator said... 25

Ah so now your argument shifts. Colin Powell is irrelevant because he's not running. Jen Bush isn't relevant because he's not going to win. Manufactured scandals are for front runners only. Got it.

Another reason is that state officials are not subject to the same security protocol as federal nationwide government officials. As a state level politician in Florida, he simply wasn't dealing with the same national security issues as Hillary did on a daily basis. Apples and oranges. We'll see what the FBI has to say about how manufactured this is or not.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 26

Jacket casually hooked over his shoulder, fedora angled jauntily over his brow as he blows out a puff of smoke and flicks a cigarette butt into the flowerbed.


This reminds me of a scene from Father of the Bride, Part II, when Steve Martin's daughter, Annie, announces her pregnancy, and Steve looks at his son-in-law as if he were a lothario, saying " I never liked that Bryan MacKenzie, not from the moment i laid eyes on him."

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 27

Jen Bush isn't relevant because he's not going to win. Manufactured scandals are for front runners only


I believe she's not running because she just had a baby, Poppy, last week. :-)

Sherry Baby said... 28

Maybe Josh had the credit card bill sent to his grandmother's house. It could be that Boobs opened it, saw the charges and is out looking for a friend who needs construction done. At this rate, Josh will have so much work that he can build a new home.

Sherry Baby said... 29

So Ashley Madison is kind of like the Heidi Fleiss of the internet?

fidosmommy said... 30

Well, after this news about Josh's alleged affair hunting, I wonder if Anna will send him off to build barns for three months. That seems to be the preferred treatment for sexual issues. ~ Administrator said... 31

Ashley is like a Canadian Heidi Fleiss, on the interwebs.

Which strikes me about this revelation is that it's not just that Josh had an affair because he met somebody on the campaign trail and it just happened. Not that that's okay, but at least it wasn't something people who do this have sought out. I understand that love happens where it happens and will sometimes happen when you're married to someone else. I get it.

This is not like that. Instead, he actively, aggressively, for two years, SOUGHT to have an affair. Whether he actually had one who knows, but what kind of good husband and father TRIES to find himself an affair and pays almost a grand to do it? Something is very wrong there.

Susie Cincinnati said... 32

I wonder how many well-known people, politicians, religious leaders, celebrities are running to their attorneys begging, "Do something and stop this!"

Lanc Native said... 33

Well, after this news about Josh's alleged affair hunting, I wonder if Anna will send him off to build barns for three months.


We could always use help with barn raisings in the Amish community! On second thought, there are children on those farms!

Lanc Native said... 34

So if this is true,old Joshie was actively seeking a partner with whom to do much more than just collect shells on a beach.


I guess he was tired of "his old lady..."

If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape

JoyinVirginia said... 35

The only good thing about this latest revelation is that the Duggar tv plans must be definitively, completely, thoroughly dead now!
Unless of course Megan Kelly does another interview about how unfair the media has been to poor Josh.

Susie Cincinnati said... 36

I would be interested in knowing how Duggar's name was found in all of this. Given that there were millions of accounts, was his name specifically sought out, and if so, by whom? It hardly seems that this could have been a random chance outing, could it?

Susie Cincinnati said... 37

If this is all true, then Josh actually believed that there were women out there who would want to have an affair with him? What a hoot!

Anonymous said... 38

"Jessa would have liked to have had the same sort of platform to give thanks, show what a miracle she feels her child is and express her gratitude," the source continues.


Oh seriously? This is all about the $$$$. Did they think TLC would be running the Duggar Girls And Counting 4Evuh? Give thanks and express her gratitude my a*#. Wonder if they are forgiving Joshie for this latest nail in the fame 'ho coffin. And sorry redbird, the thought of a gofundme campaign for Anna Duggar actually makes me gag.


fidosmommy said... 39

Susie Cincinnati said... 27
I wonder how many well-known people, politicians, religious leaders, celebrities are running to their attorneys begging, "Do something and stop this!"

I sadly noted how many of those politicians are from my own beautiful
Commonwealth of Kentucky. 72 I believe it was. Hopefully it's one guy with 72 addresses. :)

I did have to giggle when I read that there were Vatican addresses. I don't know why I snickered, but I did.

Ladybug said... 40

Late to comment but I felt embarrassed for TFW with her saggy butt cheeks hanging out of that bikini bottom in the FL pic and lo and behold when I was at the store today I saw a garment that is supposed to pick up low hanging butt cheeks and make them appear perky under clothing (not an issue I have but I certainly for the first time thought about TFW while out and about. She would have to wear a full coverage bathing suit bottom to hide the garment unless she can find an invisible one like her invisible "good bra."

P.J. said... 41

From Wikipedia's Ashley Madison page:

"Premium adultery guarantee[edit]
The company offers their highest paying users, who are overwhelmingly male, a "guarantee" that they will "successfully find what you’re looking for or we'll give you your money back."[29] However, the guarantee is so restricted by conditions—one must buy the most expensive package, send "priority" messages (which are more expensive) to 18 unique members each month for three months, send 5 Ashley Madison gifts per month, and engage in 60 minutes of (paid) chat per month,[30] so qualification for the guarantee is very difficult."


So, if Joshy qualifies to get his money back, well, wow, just wow.

Mel said... 42

I wonder if Megyn Kelly feels taken for the fool by the Duggars. Think she took that liitle vacation because she knew this was coming out this week?

She is having a few problems getting it right lately. The Duggar fiasco, the Trump fiasco. She doesn't seem to have very good journalistic instincts, in that she isn't reporting a story...she *is* the story, in a big way.

P.J. said... 43

From the reading I've done on the Ashley Madison hack, there was a site that you could search for people by name, but that site was ordered taken down by the legal team at AM and the site was removed on Tuesday of this week. I'm sure there are still places on the deep web, and I'm sure there will be more names coming out of this.

There are still sites out there where you can search by email address, however, someone could have an email address that says:, but that doesn't mean the account belongs to Larry King.

Molly12 said... 44

Kaya said... 6
Nope, no straw man. Colin Powell's behavior is relevant as it demonstrates that the practice was not unique to Hillary Clinton and yet it is only Hillary Clinton who is being raked over the coals for it.

People can continue to scream about it, but that won't change the fact that she followed protocol.


I wasn’t aware that Colin Powell or Jeb Bush had their own private email server which they wiped clean before handing it over.

Localyocul said... 45

One of tfw's biggest steeple made this article. Scroll down to the tweets where Lauren says she feels defrauded by the Duggars. I'm pretty sure she was a big duggar fan too. Wonder what it would take for her to see the truth about TFW?

Localyocul said... 46

Eh nevermind I searched her tweets and she's been a duggar nonfat for years. She also hates on teen moms. Wonder why TFW earns her fandom

P.J. said... 47

So, Ashley Madison had a full delete service that customers could buy, but the full delete they charged their customers for didn't actually work. Their information stayed on the site and is now part of the leak. Sound like the scam run by McNiblets on his revenge porn site.

Anonymous said... 48

I am not saying that I don't believe the info but why would Josh use his real name and address. It makes zero sense to me. He would run a huge risk of his wife or any of his other family members opening or seeing the credit card bill. Also, certainly some of his "clients" would have recognized his face or name and outed him--especially with every phone now a days having a camera and video on it. None of this makes sense to me. Yes, I am not floored that he would have an affair but I am floored that he would use his name and address. I wonder if and when the Duggars will speak out about this. Think what you will of this family, but it must be hugely heartbreaking for his family and friends to find out about this.

P.J. said... 49

Interesting facts about AM:

Membership is free, but you have to buy credits to actually send messages or chat with someone. So Joshy wasn't just looking around, he was participating.

This company is only the 18th largest of its kind on the web. They claim to have 37 million paying members. If there are 17 websites out there that are bigger... Wow! Who knew?

P.J. said... 50

(Leslie) said...

I am not saying that I don't believe the info but why would Josh use his real name and address.


The info wouldn't be on his profile. His credit card info and address would have to be on his account for billing purposes. It would be no different than checking out from Amazon. You need a real name and credit card and shipping/mailing address. That's the information that was hacked, along with his sexual preferences, his payment history etc. They hacked it all.

redbird said... 51

On the Today Show, they talked about Ashley Madison, but didn't mention Josh.

They were showing some of the email addresses. Dot gov, teachers, even an email address President@ovaloffice. You would think that the FBI would of known.

So funny, they are calling Hillary's server fiasco, WipeGate.

WhiteWater Gate
Wipe Gate
Vince Gate
Bengazi Gate
Gunfire Gate

redbird said... 52

I'm sorry, OrangeCrusher, I didn't mean to make you sick so early in the morning. I feel bad for Anna and her kids. This could help her get out if she decides to leave. I wouldn't hesitate to even start one for Jana and Jinger so they could leave. But since all this has came out about Josh, I am afraid Jim Bob and Michelle have put even more pressure on them to not even think about leaving and starting a new life. I think one of the girls went to where Derik and Jill are, but that is OK! IT'S FAMILY!

FYI said... 53

Jessa Duggar Seewald has said that the People article about her pregnancy being "bittersweet" is all a lie. She and Ben made a post on Ben's FB page.

"People are saying Jessa's pregnancy has been "bittersweet"? According to my wife, people are putting words in her mouth. Here's what she had to say about it:

"Seems like the tabloids are never running short of these nameless, faceless "sources" who supposedly give them "insider information." 😂 Lol! Who are these people anyway? Smh. Unless they're quoting me, just go ahead and assume it's ain't so. 😄

Hey y'all, if you care to know how I'm doing or what I'm up to these days, it's as easy as following me through my personal social media. I speak for myself."

Sounds more like damage control because she got flack for it.

Kind of interesting since People has been one of those "tabloids" that seem to have a close relationship with the Duggars and who has done numerous interviews and photo shoots with them.

redbird said... 54

I think it is hilarious and a well deserved slap upside Jim Bob's Aqua Net hair head that Jill and Jessa's picture with the bittersweet article in People was out the same day as Josh's outing on AM.

redbird said... 55

Maybe Josh can get a refund and take that money and:

Pay his taxes
Pay for the divorce
Pay for child support
Pay for counseling for Anna
Pay moving expenses for Anna

He has a lot to choose from.

P.J. said... 56

Kate is a twit said... 52

I agree. Sounds like damage control. Insiders are saying, "Stick a fork in them, they're done @ TLC." and suddenly People Magazine is a tabloid? LOL

OT, redbird, I have a tattoo. Just sayin'. If that's the worst thing any kid ever does, you've done your job as a parent. Tattoos are very mainstream these days.

P.S. I don't personally care for them, but I wanted to know what it felt like and it was on my bucket list. It's in a spot that rarely would be seen in public. ~ Administrator said... 57

Notice how the Duggar girl focused on the "bittersweet" comment laughing it off as nonsense. She completely failed to address what was the whole point of the article, in that she really wanted to film too like her sister did. Is she denying she wanted her birth and baby filmed too? She's fine with not being filmed? She doesn't address THAT.

Anonymous said... 58

If Josh Duggar was employed by that Family Research Council outfit, it looks as though the Council was not very good at doing 'research'.


Susan1956 said... 59

Unless they're quoting me, just go ahead and assume it's ain't so. ��

Sounds like she's taken a page out of TFMJG's book. Or is it TLC's? ~ Administrator said... 60

She is having a few problems getting it right lately. The Duggar fiasco, the Trump fiasco. She doesn't seem to have very good journalistic instincts, in that she isn't reporting a story...she *is* the story, in a big way.


I've only ever seen her handle those two stories but I don't like how she handled them. That style is what is wrong with modern journalists. She made herself a player in the saga. I hope she is decompressing on her rare vacation!

Anonymous said... 61

Fidosmom wrote: TV preachers were quick to condemn affairs about 10-15 years ago, but when several of them were caught......Jim Bakker, Ted Haggerty, Charles Stanley, etc......they toned down their message and started preaching more about forgiveness, being saved, and quit beating people up with the Bible.
Charles Stanley was never caught having an affair. ~ Administrator said... 62

OT, redbird, I have a tattoo. Just sayin'. If that's the worst thing any kid ever does, you've done your job as a parent. Tattoos are very mainstream these days.


I haven't had to deal with a teen wanting a tattoo.....yet! But from what I hear a lot of parents say, it's a pick your battles thing. Chelsea has bigger problems, and to allow her to do that was maybe a peace offering or an acknowledgement that hey, we're not here to just say no to everything just to say no and make you miserable.

I wasn't allowed to pierce my ear cartilage in high school and I wish I had been. I was a good kid, got good grades and didn't get into trouble, and piercing will close if you ever don't want them someday. It wasn't that big of a deal, and I think sometimes it's a bit of a peace offering and acknowledgment of a child getting older to allow a few exceptions to "no, absolutely not!"

foxy said... 63

Redbird, I am with Orange Crusher on this. Gofundeme is not really for things of this nature to help millionaire kids leave home. How many women leave with their kids and manage to start over. It isn't easy but it is done everyday without a Gofundme account. Anna married him knowing he molested four of his sisters and a babysitter and her parents were aware of this also. I remember Anna's father saying they were happy for Anna and not because the Duggars were on TV. Her sister had a child out of wedlock and the entire Duggar clan shunned her including Anna. She can make her own decision on what to do and figure out how to get out of there with her kids before she has 20 more.

Tucker's Mom said... 64

Kind of interesting since People has been one of those "tabloids" that seem to have a close relationship with the Duggars and who has done numerous interviews and photo shoots with them.
Ah, Jessa, fame is so fickle, ain't it?
One day, People is your friend, paying you the BIG bucks to pose for their magazine, and the next, they're a "tabloid".
Oh, the "biz" in showbiz stands for business.
It ain't personal.

Tucker's Mom said... 65

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 53
Notice how the Duggar girl focused on the "bittersweet" comment laughing it off as nonsense. She completely failed to address what was the whole point of the article, in that she really wanted to film too like her sister did. Is she denying she wanted her birth and baby filmed too? She's fine with not being filmed? She doesn't address THAT.
Nope, she didn't.
With this new Josh debacle, they are done. Stick a fork in them.
Jessa just screwed her chance of getting on the cover of People when she has her baby. ~ Administrator said... 66

Unless they're quoting me, just go ahead and assume it's ain't so. ��

Sounds like she's taken a page out of TFMJG's book. Or is it TLC's?


Nothing is the truth unless it comes from us!!!

So basically, anyone who is a mole is lying. Not saying being a mole is right, but it's quite another thing to accuse a mole of LYING.

There is a mole or several, someone keeps feeding the press good, solid, interesting info, and I think she needs to consider it could be her own FATHER.

Tucker's Mom said... 67

Ha, unless Jessa and her hate-spewing man-boy put their own little spin on it, it ain't true.
Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Paula said... 68

Charles Stanley was never caught having an affair.

Oh, you are so wrong. Charles Stanley is as big of a hypocrite as the Duggars. The affair is the reason his son Andy left his Dad’s church and started his own, very successful, ministry. Charles and his late wife were living apart for many, many years after the affair was found out. They did not dare divorce as Charles had always said divorced men could not be ministers. Until he was certain that his congregation would “forgive” him and let him remain as minister did he and his wife finally divorce. The Duggars are big fans of Charles Stanley, btw. ~ Administrator said... 69

This reminds me of a scene from Father of the Bride, Part II, when Steve Martin's daughter, Annie, announces her pregnancy, and Steve looks at his son-in-law as if he were a lothario, saying " I never liked that Bryan MacKenzie, not from the moment i laid eyes on him."


I used to live a couple miles away from the Father of the Bride house in Pasadena. The owners have kept it largely the same. It was like Mecca driving by it from time to time!

Anonymous said... 70

It's being reported that the hacking was an inside job by a former disgruntled employee. I find it funny that a site which profits from encouraging disloyalty would expect loyalty from employees.


Sue_Buddy said... 71

She can make her own decision on what to do and figure out how to get out of there with her kids before she has 20 more.

The quiverfulls, by their own religious philosophy make "options" pretty much unavailable, especially to females. They are isolated from the world, media and people with different beliefs which is just about everyone on the planet. Do they have shelters for abused wives? Does Anna have a clue as to what help is available to her out there among the heathens? I can't imagine what choices Anna has other than staying with Josh or going home to her parents who seem very inflexible. They may shun a divorced/separated woman just like they shunned their daughter with the out of wedlock baby.

P.J. said... 72

Anonymous said... 67
It's being reported that the hacking was an inside job by a former disgruntled employee. I find it funny that a site which profits from encouraging disloyalty would expect loyalty from employees.



Oooh! Looks like an episode of CSI:Cyber. ~ Administrator said... 73

So this cult will shun a divorced woman but won't shun a pedophile husband and sexual deviant seeking out affairs all the while having a wife and three kids???

They're a cult.

Tucker's Mom said... 74

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 72
So this cult will shun a divorced woman but won't shun a pedophile husband and sexual deviant seeking out affairs all the while having a wife and three kids???

They're a cult.
They're also playing God with their "forgiveness", aren't they?
It's interesting that the first "celeb" or (in)famous person that was outed was Joshie, afaik.

Tucker's Mom said... 75

Just a thought- I really do believe Joshie had an AshleyMadison account. I think Gawker vetted the heck out of that info before publishing. It would be too libelous to put that out there without getting ALL of their ducks in a row.
I just don't see how this isn't true, and moreover, how the whole Duggar fame-train is d-o-n-e done.
Their entire brand is ruined.

Anonymous said... 76

I'm wondering if Josh will do "a Jimmy Swaggart". Swaggart was a Pentecostal minister who was defrocted in the late 80's over a sex scandal involving prostitutes. I remember seeing his tearfull "I have sinned" attempt at re-instatement on TV at that time.


Susan1956 said... 77

A google search re divorce and the Quiverfull movement doesn't turn up much. There was the following article below, but there are no details on how she left. The author is obviously older with more life experience than Anna, but all of the revelations re: Josh may force Anna to grow up faster if she ever gets a moment to think with 3 toddlers and a baby.

A little OT, but there is a series on Lifetime called Escaping Polygamy. It's billed as a documentary TV series and even though it's obviously recreations of some events at times, it's interesting and has a lot of parallels to the Quiverfull movement. If TLC was truly the 'Learning Channel' they would do a documentary of the Quiverfull movement from ALL sides, warts and all, instead of the sugar-coated Duggar crap they've fed the public and made bucketfuls of money off of all these years.

Susan1956 said... 78

Anonymous said... 75

I'm wondering if Josh will do "a Jimmy Swaggart". Swaggart was a Pentecostal minister who was defrocted in the late 80's over a sex scandal involving prostitutes. I remember seeing his tearfull "I have sinned" attempt at re-instatement on TV at that time.

Nah. Joshie's a coward deep down, is still tied too closely to JimBoob and Babykins, and is only capable parroting the words put in his mouth by Quiverfull, his parents, or his ex-employer. Americans might sit still and listen out of curiosity, but the results would still be disastrous.

Tucker's Mom said... 79

Anonymous said... 75
I'm wondering if Josh will do "a Jimmy Swaggart". Swaggart was a Pentecostal minister who was defrocted in the late 80's over a sex scandal involving prostitutes. I remember seeing his tearfull "I have sinned" attempt at re-instatement on TV at that time.

I always thought that would make an awesome gif avatar!
I have SINNED!!
WAAAAAAAAA!!! ~ Administrator said... 80

This reminds me of a scene from Father of the Bride, Part II, when Steve Martin's daughter, Annie, announces her pregnancy, and Steve looks at his son-in-law as if he were a lothario, saying " I never liked that Bryan MacKenzie, not from the moment i laid eyes on him."


I wonder if he'll troop out some more family members to speak for him about this one.

P.J. said... 81

Going back to the Rosie O'Donnell daughter story, seems she wasn't exactly "at a neighbour's house". What a mess.

redbird said... 82

I did not know about Charles Stanley. That makes me sick.

Tucker's Mom said... 83

Nah. Joshie's a coward deep down, is still tied too closely to JimBoob and Babykins, and is only capable parroting the words put in his mouth by Quiverfull, his parents, or his ex-employer. Americans might sit still and listen out of curiosity, but the results would still be disastrous.

Josh is a coward. The fact that he just released a one-sided, non-specific, puff piece of a statement and hid in his hidey hole while his VICTIMS spoke out, DEFENDING HIM, along with his mommy and daddy making excuses for him, told it all.
He is a feckless, craven, gutless, spineless man, who should be ashamed of the example he is setting to his children.

Hmm... how long until Joshie posts a smiling selfie on his social media?

Nothing to see here! Look how happy and oblivious we all are!

Tucker's Mom said... 84

Well, Jared Fogle's wife is wasting no time ending her marriage!

How much will Anna Duggar put up with? It must be awful to have 4 kids and find out your husband has been soliciting women for sex. ~ Administrator said... 85

A article that O’Donnell also tweeted said that, in 2012, “Sheerer was charged with third-degree possession of heroin with the intent to distribute, third-degree possession of heroin, third-degree endangering the welfare of a child, and possession of drug paraphernalia.” According to Entertainment Tonight, “Sheerer pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of two children, ages one and three, and was put on probation for possession of heroin. He served 53 days in jail in 2013.”


I'm not sure why Rosie is now tweeting out information about the person Chelsea is with. Why involve the public like this? She's been found, shouldn't any issue she has with the person she was found with be between her, Chelsea, and the police department?

I just don't get why this is all on her twitter.

Anonymous said... 86

A reminder for Josh Duggar: "Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them, for then you have no reward in Heaven."


redbird said... 87

OT, redbird, I have a tattoo. Just sayin'. If that's the worst thing any kid ever does, you've done your job as a parent. Tattoos are very mainstream these days.


Someone posted up thread or on the other thread about tattoos. It wasn't me. I posted that it wasn't me. But, I do have a thing about tattoos and why I didn't want my ds to get one. I had a cousin 42 years ago that I loved dearly and he was killed in a very bad accident in TX with multiple fatalities.

The only way that they could identify him was with his tattoo. I didn't want my ds to get one because I was traumatized by this.

redbird said... 88

foxy said...64


You are absolutely right! Word for Word, thank you! You made me remember how hard my sons and I had it. I remember years ago, Joan Lunden of GMA was divorcing her husband and had 3 daughters and I read an article that she was moving into her new home and was very concerned if the 3 TV's that she ordered would arrive on time that day!

I remembered that ever so often during our struggle. It just drew me closer to Him.

redbird said... 89

I checked the last time Milo posted on twitter and it has been 3 weeks.

When was the last time TFW or TFM or any of the cast of zany characters have been mentioned here? haha

P.J. said... 90

Admin said...

I'm not sure why Rosie is now tweeting out information about the person Chelsea is with. Why involve the public like this? She's been found, shouldn't any issue she has with the person she was found with be between her, Chelsea, and the police department?

I just don't get why this is all on her twitter.


Trying to justify leaking the mental health thing? Showing what a good and responsible mother she is? Trying to beat the others who would sell this info for money? Who knows?

Tucker's Mom said... 91

I just don't get why this is all on her twitter.
August 20, 2015 at 9:26 AM
Rosie is one of those celebs that craves the attention she eschews.
What a horrible situation.

Tucker's Mom said... 92

Kate's been Twitter silent for days. Please don't tell me they're filming again.

Over In TFW's County said... 93

I used to live a couple miles away from the Father of the Bride house in Pasadena. The owners have kept it largely the same. It was like Mecca driving by it from time to time!


Was there a tulip border with swans waddling around? :)

"I wasn't allowed to pierce my ear cartilage in high school and I wish I had been."


I wasn't allowed to get mine pierced. Period. I was over 21 and married before I had it done. I had to wait until my mother was away on a trip for several weeks so I could do it without her finding out, hoping when she got back she was relaxed and kind of zoned out after her trip that she wouldn't notice or care.

The thing is, the darn thing got infected and I was miserable. I had to take antibiotics, make a few trips to the doc, and it took many months before the ear was healed. I figured it was my punishment for being sneaky. Years later, we always had a good laugh over it, but at the time I figured this was what happened when I didn't listen to her! She never said, "I told you so," but gosh, I knew exactly what she was thinking.

Tucker's Mom said... 94

redbird said... 88
I checked the last time Milo posted on twitter and it has been 3 weeks.

When was the last time TFW or TFM or any of the cast of zany characters have been mentioned here? haha
I just posted- Kate's Twitter is dead.
There's a sweet woman who posts an inspirational affirmation every single morning. It takes a lot of drive to keep on giving and not get any thanks in return.

Sheri said... 95

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said...(72)

So this cult will shun a divorced woman but won't shun a pedophile husband and sexual deviant seeking out affairs all the while having a wife and three kids???


Ah, misogyny at its finest. Defend the male predator, blame the female victim and all in the name of Jesus.

Who, by the way, I'm sure is up in Heaven cringing that these creeps keep throwing His name about in justification for their hypocritical and repugnant behaviour.

Tucker's Mom said... 96

The thing is, the darn thing got infected and I was miserable. I had to take antibiotics, make a few trips to the doc, and it took many months before the ear was healed. I figured it was my punishment for being sneaky. Years later, we always had a good laugh over it, but at the time I figured this was what happened when I didn't listen to her! She never said, "I told you so," but gosh, I knew exactly what she was thinking.

Yowza! My mom made me go to our family doctor to get my ears pierces. No Piercing Pagoda for me!
Then, at age 14, my cousin and I downed 2 glasses of Cold Duck that were sitting at the adult place setting on our Thanksgiving table, and she gave me a second hole in my left ear!
I wore a second earring for several years. The hole is still patent, although I haven't worn anything for many, many years now.

Say, what is it with AARP Jersey women who dye their hair bleach blonde and get like 10 piercings up their ears?
Filled with diamonds, of course.

Over In TFW's County said... 97

h nevermind I searched her tweets and she's been a duggar nonfat for years. She also hates on teen moms. Wonder why TFW earns her fandom


She is the biggest hypocrite in all of TFW fandom, and incredibly dumb.

P.J. said... 98

redbird, my apologies. I missed the comment where you commented on the other comment and said it wasn't your comment. :)

jamezvader1194 said... 99

What i want to know is how Josh still has custody of his kids?Can someone explain how?I would've thought that an admitted Child molester would have their children taken from them immediately.Unless im missing something plus i shouldn't be surprise by this since Kate still has custody of her children. ~ Administrator said... 100

What i want to know is how Josh still has custody of his kids?Can someone explain how?I would've thought that an admitted Child molester would have their children taken from them immediately.


You don't automatically lose your kids for that, although in CA the law sure is moving in that direction, especially if you have children of the same gender as those you molested in the past.

What SHOULD happen, is that CPS should do a thorough risk assessment of the situation. They must then make their own determination whether the children are at risk, and if they are, they need to file and get it in front of a judge and have the judge take it from there. Or they could do a voluntary case while he seeks an assessment and therapy.

Bottom line, a professional needs to clear him as safe to be with his children. I have still not heard a peep about that having been done.

Tucker's Mom said... 101

Bottom line, a professional needs to clear him as safe to be with his children. I have still not heard a peep about that having been done.
August 20, 2015 at 10:14 AM
Yup, and he keeps crawling on top of his wife making babies.

Blowing In The Wind said... 102

admin, perhaps you should have been a divorce attorney!

I am one of Eight said... 103

Josh just made a statement admitting it. Sorry I don't have the link. It's on the family website.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 104

Yup, and he keeps crawling on top of his wife making babies.


Maybe that's why he found himself on the Ashley site. It's not the "position" he wanted to be in, and craved something different.

Did I just say that?

Tucker's Mom said... 105

I am one of Eight said... 102
Josh just made a statement admitting it. Sorry I don't have the link. It's on the family website.
Poor Anna. Get tested for std's and get a lawyer. In that order.

Sue_Buddy said... 106

Ah, misogyny at its finest. Defend the male predator, blame the female victim and all in the name of Jesus.

You've got that right. This is from the link from Susan1956. comment #76:

"Emotional abuse, for instance, is inherent in a lifestyle that teaches that women are so ill-equipped to make decisions that they need to always have a man, either father or husband, controlling their every waking minute, lest they develop a “Jezebel spirit”:

Plus, I knew that as a woman, I was particularly susceptible to deception by Satan. How many times, when we were discussing an important decision, had my husband said to me, “What you are suggesting SOUNDS reasonable, but how do I know that Satan isn’t using you to deceive me?”

Sue_Buddy said... 107

I am one of Eight said... 102
Josh just made a statement admitting it. Sorry I don't have the link. It's on the family website.

Please see the statement below from our son Josh regarding recent media stories about him. When we learned of this late last night our hearts were broken. As we continue to place our trust in God we ask for your prayers for Josh, Anna, our grandchildren and our entire family.

Statement from Josh Duggar:

I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife......

More at the link.

P.J. said... 108

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 103
Yup, and he keeps crawling on top of his wife making babies.


Maybe that's why he found himself on the Ashley site. It's not the "position" he wanted to be in, and craved something different.


But I thought their goal in life was to be "missionaries"? Maybe Pa Duggar explained it wrong. ~ Administrator said... 109

Well that was one of the more honest statements I've seen from the Duggars.

I will pray for Anna and the kids, Josh, that they have the strength and support to pick up the pieces and get out of this situation.

Susan1956 said... 110

Tucker's Mom said... 91

Kate's been Twitter silent for days. Please don't tell me they're filming again.


She may be busy on the special pink 'Katephone' calling TLC to pitch more ideas re: filming episodes.

P.J. said... 111

Ahhh, the apology.

He's STILL downplaying the molestation. SMH!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 112

But I thought their goal in life was to be "missionaries"? Maybe Pa Duggar explained it wrong.


I wonder if anyone did a search for Pa Duggar to see if he had an account!

redbird said... 113

Sometimes they do listen!

Susan1956 said... 114

E News is also scrolling a statement from Amy Duggar which states she was NOT one of Josh's victims.

Ok, ok, so I like SATC reruns with John Corbett in them.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 115

Well that was one of the more honest statements I've seen from the Duggars.


But is it sincere and believable? I don't think that honesty is one of his strong suits. It's kind of like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. One of these days he just may be remorseful, but folks will be like, yeah, right...tell us another one.

AuntieAnn said... 116

Susan1956 said... 76

If TLC was truly the 'Learning Channel' they would do a documentary of the Quiverfull movement from ALL sides, warts and all, instead of the sugar-coated Duggar crap they've fed the public and made bucketfuls of money off of all these years.


Nah. TLC will never fess up even though it begs the question of how they could work with this family for ten years and NOT know all sides of the Quiverfull movement? I suspect they even knew all along about Josh's past and the Duggar family's dirty little secret.
They milked that cash cow until the cat crawled out of the bag and now they think they can gloss things over by making a damage control documentary about child sex abuse, if it still airs that is. Bottom line is TLC is just one huge steaming pile.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 117

"...this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife."

So he did have an affair or affairs, or is he using "unfaithful" to mean that by viewing porn and seeking affairs it was an act of unfaithfulness?

"I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna"

How precious was she when he was looking for extramarital affairs?

I may be in the minority here, but I don't feel any compassion whatsoever for this jerk. All I can see is Swaggart in tears, saying, "I have sinned."

There is no mention if he will get therapy for this addiction. Remodeling houses just isn't the solution. It wasn't before, and it isn't now.

Tucker's Mom said... 118

Well, props to Josh for being honest and owning it.
I hope he gets help-lots of counseling and NOT from the cult leaders.
I really, really feel bad for Anna. She's been duped, bamboozled.
Anna trusted this man and I hope at least she's done having children with him.
Josh needs to focus on getting right with his life. He's been living an awful lie for so long.
I pray that Anna has the strength to distance herself from Josh at least for now. She needs to be strong and learn to trust herself.

Rainbirdie said... 119

Tucker's Mom said... 91
Kate's been Twitter silent for days. Please don't tell me they're filming again.
No doubt they are filming their traditional back to school episode. You know how Kate is all about traditions. Oh. the. excitement. (yawn)

redbird said... 120

The NE is saying in an article that 3 more women have come forward about BC. I don't know if it is the recent 3 but it also said that 100 woman have come forward.

St. Kate said... 121

He didn't mention if he had physical contact with other females. I know he said porn, but with his raging ego, and history, I wouldn't put it past him to have physical contact with other women. I think he became even more egotistical once he got that job in Washington, although he was an arrogant ass before that. Add in the molestation of his 4 sisters and another girl. And I do feel badly for Anna and the kids. He is a very bad case of hypocritical scum and not likely to change with his ingrained miscogyny or child molestation, as he never did properly address that issue.

Vanessa said... 122

Oh goodness, the fault will be all the devil's!
He's tempted poor joshie (a man) once again, can you believe it? For a couple of years to boot!
Satan got into his laptop or smart phone and hypnotized him with his evil pawns and partners-WOMEN. He has total control over the internet don't you know!

'it is because I do not want you to be an accessory in the Devil’s arsenal. I do not want you to be a Bathsheba.
Bathsheba had no intention to make anyone sin. All she was doing was bathing in a place where she was visible. And David was not wicked either. The Bible says he was a man after God’s own heart. (Acts 13:22) But in the presence of a naked woman, he was weak. She started a process that ended up in sin, murder and much heartache. It would not have happened if she would have looked for a secluded place to take her bath.
You say: “I only bathe in a secluded place”. I commend you for that and I will always strive to provide you with just such a place. But the sin of Bathsheba was exposure of skin that should not have been public. When we make other people sin, we are accountable for that. The Bible says: “Neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure” (I Timothy 5:22). I believe the Bible stresses modesty in women so they will not make men sin. Women have very little problem with being aroused by what they see. That is why the Bible doesn’t expound on how the men need to be modest.'

Susan1956 said... 123
I can't get the link to come up, says it's down for routine maintenance. Did it crash?

Even with what little I did read from the poster up thread, I think Josh is still picking and choosing what he confesses to and when. Aren't there reports that Josh was seen in strip clubs as a teenager or barely legal adult? It would also appear that the latest confession took Ma & Pa Duggar by surprise. I know Josh is the firstborn and a MALE, etc. but it would appear that the Duggars are distancing themselves from him. Hasn't it been months since there was a picture of him with his parents and siblings--minus the ones hiding out in El Salvador--? Time for Pa Duggar to get out the camera and post pictures and videos of the family on the website.

Like a lot of people, I'm waiting for the woman/women he met and had sex with to come forward. Let's warm up those lie detectors!

Sue_Buddy said... 124

Abusers, addicts spend their lives apologizing then committing the same offense again and again unless they get help, and even then there's a good chance they'll repeat the behavior.

Vanessa said... 125
It's showing "Error" now

franky said... 126

Who called the remoseful-I-am-caught-will-now-repent scenario about Josh?



Midnight Madness said... 127

Josh admitted: " I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction"

Child pornography or just your garden variety kind?

Tucker's Mom said... 128

Ok, ok, so I like SATC reruns with John Corbett in them.
August 20, 2015 at 11:19 AM
How could Carrie cheat on Aiden with Big?!

I've been in love with John Corbett since Northern Exposure.
Ah, a little Chris in the morning...

Sue_Buddy said... 129

Susan, the link comes up for me, but here's the full apology:

Statement from Josh Duggar:

I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.

I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.

I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.

The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings.

As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example.

I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna and our family during this time.

Josh Duggar

Tucker's Mom said... 130

They milked that cash cow until the cat crawled out of the bag and now they think they can gloss things over by making a damage control documentary about child sex abuse, if it still airs that is. Bottom line is TLC is just one huge steaming pile.
Yeah, that jacked-up shitshow of a TLC "special" is going to be cast in a whole new light.

Tucker's Mom said... 131

St. Kate said... 120
He didn't mention if he had physical contact with other females. I know he said porn, but with his raging ego, and history, I wouldn't put it past him to have physical contact with other women. I think he became even more egotistical once he got that job in Washington, although he was an arrogant ass before that
He admitted to affairs.
Anna's been pregnant and canckled most of the time, and Josh was screwing other women while she was home taking care of his children.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Even with what little I did read from the poster up thread, I think Josh is still picking and choosing what he confesses to and when
Here's Josh's statement:

Josh now has a long-term pattern of sexual problems, from molestation to porn to adultery.

Tucker's Mom said... 133

Sue_Buddy said... 123
Abusers, addicts spend their lives apologizing then committing the same offense again and again unless they get help, and even then there's a good chance they'll repeat the behavior.
August 20, 2015 at 11:37 AM
I hope Anna has the common sense to see that Josh has a BIG problem and takes every precaution to protect her kids.

P.J. said... 134

Fleecing the Sheeple said...

I may be in the minority here, but I don't feel any compassion whatsoever for this jerk.


I'm in the minority then too. This "apology" rings hollow for me. Porn on the internet made him do it. It got its ugly claws into him. If women didn't do porn there'd be nothing for him to look at.

IMO, he's still downplaying his "mistake" at 14-15 years old. Didn't reports say this carried on and he was caught again at 17? He's trying to make himself look younger than he was at the time.

As for his being "unfaithful"? That's a play on words. In their cult, looking at another woman is being unfaithful. I, personally, don't believe he ever had the balls to hook up with another woman, and I think that's where this is going. "It's not so bad, he didn't ACTUALLY, PHYSICALLY cheat on his wife." He'll beat himself up for the mental sin he committed and his followers will forgive him because it never happened in real life. I suspect Anna will go that route too.