Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Josh Duggar enters rehab after admitting to an Ashley Madison account

Duggar Family Statement: "We are so thankful for the outpouring of love, care and prayers for our family during this most difficult situation with Josh. As parents we are so deeply grieved by our son’s decisions and actions. His wrong choices have deeply hurt his precious wife and children and have negatively affected so many others. He has also brought great insult to the values and faith we hold dear. Yesterday Josh checked himself into a long-term treatment center. For him it will be a long journey toward wholeness and recovery. We pray that in this he comes to complete repentance and sincere change. In the meantime, we will be offering our love, care and devoted support to Anna and our grandchildren as she also receives counsel and help for her own heart and future. During this time we continue to look to God—He is our rock and comfort. We ask for your continued prayers for our entire family."

490 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 490   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Rehab is straight out of the PR handbook. I think it's in Chapter Two!

willow mom (now Piper's mom) said... 2

I was going to say about the same thing...when things look bad, play the Rehab card...

localyocul said... 3


librarylady said... 4

They always only make PR statements after they are "caught". It was already noted yesterday on one of the non-fan sites that one of their private planes (yes, they own 2 small planes) flew briefly to Rockford IL where there is a faith-based center that the Duggar parents actually appeared at last year, I believe, and it was assumed he was being dropped off. I really do think they already knew more about his issues than they are indicating yet continued the show.

localyocul said... 5

Oh. My.

"Porn star Danica Dillon says she had “terrifying” rough sex with Josh Duggar not once but twice while Anna Duggar was at home pregnant with the couple’s fourth child. "

JoyinVirginia said... 6

Check out People magazine online for stories in this week's issue coming out Friday. Jim Bob is like a dictator, Josh shocking double life, Anna duggar isolated life. Someone at TLC must have decided the network is not paying for any more story placement, or maybe they want to go with the negative stories. It seems like lots of things were hidden from Discovery. How many other women are going to sell their stories of rough sex with Josh?

FYI said... 7

" In the meantime, we will be offering our love, care and devoted support to Anna and our grandchildren as she also receives counsel and help for her own heart and future."

Notice how they said that Anna is also receiving "counsel". They and her parents are probably the ones "counseling" her.

I think that statement is more to get "rehab" for the family image more than anything. They threw Josh under the bus, (but he's getting rehab) just to show that it's not the family's fault that Josh turned out so bad.

Why did they even feel the need to make such a statement, if not for the purpose of trying to repair the family image?

Tucker's Mom said... 8

Funny how horn dog-serial cheaters suddenly become "addicts" once they're caught.
Entering rehab is great, but not one that's in line with their cult teachings and beliefs.
I can't believe Mommy and Daddy are still issuing statements for their grown ass son. Hey- how about you tell Josh to do it himself as a sign of his sincerity and contrition?
Holy heck do these parents coddle Josh!
Anna needs to get the hell out of that family and turn to people outside of the cult. At least for the foreseeable future.
Anna's best interests will not be first and foremost. Everything will be for the good of the Duggar "brand".

I bet Anna has seen a whole 'nother side of Josh. No way he didn't try to get a little freak on with her, especially after he had sex with other women.

Any and ever woman who's ever been cheated on can spot a new "maneuver" at 500 paces...

Tucker's Mom said... 9

Why did they even feel the need to make such a statement, if not for the purpose of trying to repair the family image?
I think Jim Boob has a war room full of PR people. Everything that's happened with Josh has been reacted to immediately, or just before another big story breaks.
They are carefully calculating their moves.
Just don't call Megyn Kelly!

kris said... 10

Cara's hair coloring is the 'ombre' style. Darker on top, gettting more of a caramel color towards the bottom. Quite pricey for a 14 year old with a mom that is 'piecing and patching' her income. It does look pretty. Although it is also a look that has to be maintained quite often.

FYI said... 11

Don't know if it's part jealousy on Gawker's part, but they have a story negating parts of the stripper's story that InTouch published, using timestamps from Josh's Instagram that may belie he was actually in the places where the stripper said she met up with Josh.

They seem to believe that she's just doing it for publicity. Part of the article states:

"Danica Dillon peddled her story to In Touch, and in it she paints Josh as an obsessive fan who enjoyed violent, unprotected sex. You can tell she’s telling the truth, too, because In Touch reports it made her pass a polygraph test, a time-honored lie-detection method that hasn’t been significantly updated since the ‘30s and isn’t admissible in court."

And the article ends with:

"Is Josh Duggar awash in his own sexual hypocrisy? Yea, verily. But did he cheat with Danica Dillon, or is she just kicking an unfaithful, moralizing loaf of bread while he’s down? Based on wild speculation and a timeline cobbled together from Instagram timestamps, probably the latter. But I guess we’ll have to wait for Duggar’s next statement about the things Satan has made him do to find out for sure."

FYI said... 12

Getting back to Kate for a moment. I have to laugh at some of the comments made about the school picture-"they've gotten so big", "I can believe how much they've grown", etc, etc, etc.

Didn't any of these people watch the last 2 specials which aired only 2 months ago? The kids look the same now(except for Cara's hair) as they did then.

localyocul said... 13

I'm thinking People's source is Anna's brother

Tucker's Mom said... 14

Funny how Ma and Pa Duggar are so concerned and reactive when married Joshie has nasty sex with a prostitute, but molesting 4 of his own sisters was just hormonal curiosity.

redbird said... 15

Disgusting that Jim Bob and Michelle put out statements for HIM!

He needs to do it himself. He needs to stand up in front of a podium and say what he needs to say. But the downfall to that would be Anna standing there with him like all the supportive wives with the crazed look on their faces.

Josh going to a faith based rehab reminds me of what a prison warden made some prisoners do. Pick up stones and pile them up in one place and then taking the stones to another place and make another pile. This is unproductive and doesn't help them reform AT ALL!

Who paid for the mountain retreat???

fidosmommy said... 16

"loaf of bread"? Ha! LOB for short? Or should that be "slice of bread"? ~ Administrator said... 17

There is one thing that is true, and maybe this is what Leslie was trying to say, in that clearly this consensual cheating is much, much worse to the DUGGARS. In their minds, this is worse.

They sound truly dismayed, mortified, heartbroken. Nothing like how they sounded when their own daughters were molested. That says it all.

Mel said... 18

They sound truly dismayed, mortified, heartbroken. Nothing like how they sounded when their own daughters were molested. That says it all.

Yes. Sadly.

White Organza said... 19

"Porn star Danica Dillon says she had “terrifying” rough sex with Josh Duggar not once but twice (...)

"Terrifying rough sex"... I wonder how the two Duggar sisters are going to reconcile that with the image that was implanted in their mind by their parents about the molestation incident: Josh wasn't not sex-obsessed, just curious. Proof: he only use "soft touching" over the blanket or clothes. The port thing was only trying to figure out the "general area", not trying to invade it.

Admin was right from the beginning of that whole sorry story: he is a deviant. .

FYI said... 20

Saw this comment on one of the articles about Josh entering rehab:

""His wrong choices have deeply hurt his precious wife and children and have negatively affected so many others." -- Translation: "He took away our gravy train!!!"

I think that basically sums it all up.

redbird said... 21

What I don't understand is how Josh could be violent with one person when he is having sex with that person and not be violent with Anna. How could he keep it under control like that? What if he had gotten violent with Anna and hurt her so bad that she had to be hospitalized?

Would Jim Bob and Michelle wait till the statute of limitations would run out and then Jim Bob take Josh to a policeman who is a friend?

Also, the girl said that he was violent once before and then he was violent with her again! WHY would you be with a client again when they were violent with you in the first place? How much did he pay for the second time, you know she asked for more money!

Tucker's Mom said... 22

kris said... 10
Cara's hair coloring is the 'ombre' style. Darker on top, gettting more of a caramel color towards the bottom. Quite pricey for a 14 year old with a mom that is 'piecing and patching' her income. It does look pretty. Although it is also a look that has to be maintained quite often.
August 26, 2015 at 10:38 AM
Something tells me this was part of "spa day" filming.
I do ombre and it's time and fiscally intensive.
Cara's hair isn't from the drug store box.

too bad,so sad said... 23

If Josh is getting rehab the Duggar way, could they fly him out to my house I need a little more construction work. I can give them directions to the private small plane airport really close by. LOL

On the other hand, several of my family members are in the mental health field. What Josh is demonstrating needs some serious long term therapy not just with any counselor, but with a therapist that specializes in this specific field. I don't see that happening.

Although at first I think many of us had some schadenfreude, now that it is old news we can accept that Josh is not just a sinner, but a young man with a big problem and probably not on the right path to resolve that problem. No one wants to be a person that abuses children or is unfaithful to their wife or is active with an unhealthy lifestyle. I think we can have compassion for all involved, both victims and perpetrators.

When you are in a hole, stop digging. That is for you Michelle and JimBob. Get off the media and stop making press releases to make it sound like you are doing more than you are. You know what would go a long way? Reflect and give out a real statement that after this experience you have come to acknowledge that your messages about gays, transgenders, etc. was hateful and that you now admit that you were not on a moral high ground to make those statements. Tell us that you are sorry you threw stones. How about that?

BTW-If we need work by Josh to enlarge the veranda first, well I can wait. I know it might be getting crowded.

Tucker's Mom said... 24

"Is Josh Duggar awash in his own sexual hypocrisy? Yea, verily. But did he cheat with Danica Dillon, or is she just kicking an unfaithful, moralizing loaf of bread while he’s down? Based on wild speculation and a timeline cobbled together from Instagram timestamps, probably the latter. But I guess we’ll have to wait for Duggar’s next statement about the things Satan has made him do to find out for sure."
Why would she give very specific details of where, when and how? She could be sued for libel.
Danika could have gotten enough headlines by just saying they met or friended each other online.

Rainbirdie said... 25

Kate is a twit said... 11
Don't know if it's part jealousy on Gawker's part, but they have a story negating parts of the stripper's story that InTouch published, using timestamps from Josh's Instagram that may belie he was actually in the places where the stripper said she met up with Josh.
Yeah, it's possible her story is just a publicity ploy. She claims that their first encounter was "traumatic" & "terrifying" but a month later she says she had sex with him again. Huh?? But what bugs me is she says “I actually really hope that his wife leaves him and takes his children away from him and leaves him a lonely, bitter man. I don’t think he deserves happiness.” Pretty hypocritical for her to turn into the moral police when she claims to have accepted $1500 to have sex with him. If it's true, why not "out" him ages ago?

FYI said... 26

It was already noted yesterday on one of the non-fan sites that one of their private planes (yes, they own 2 small planes) flew briefly to Rockford IL where there is a faith-based center that the Duggar parents actually appeared at last year, I believe, and it was assumed he was being dropped off. I really do think they already knew more about his issues than they are indicating yet continued the show.

Gawker has an article about them flying to Rockford, IL.

Tucker's Mom said... 27

redbird said... 21
What I don't understand is how Josh could be violent with one person when he is having sex with that person and not be violent with Anna. How could he keep it under control like that? What if he had gotten violent with Anna and hurt her so bad that she had to be hospitalized?

Would Jim Bob and Michelle wait till the statute of limitations would run out and then Jim Bob take Josh to a policeman who is a friend?

Also, the girl said that he was violent once before and then he was violent with her again! WHY would you be with a client again when they were violent with you in the first place? How much did he pay for the second time, you know she asked for more money!
It stands to reason that with Josh's history, first-hand reports of physical aggression and violence would be on law enforcement's radar.
Whether or not he was charged, prosecuted or convicted of molestation of minors, he did it and admitted to it.
His criminal behavior indicated that he took liberties with children, violating them physically.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

News- the shooter is in fact, dead.
Sort of pisses me off when assholes like that take themselves out before justice can prevail.

Anonymous said... 29

Re the back to school picture - It's sad that TFW felt the need to reassign C to the back row with the twins. It reinforces her earlier remark that, for whatever reason, he will be attending another school this year and draws attention to the fact that he is being separated, both in the picture and by school, from the brothers and sisters who share the same birthdate.

bm ~ Administrator said... 30

Josh is displaying some of the classic signs of a sociopath.

I tend to believe the prostitute and her story. That's a pretty huge claim to make, criminal even. She's basically accusing him of domestic violence. If it weren't true, she could go to jail for falsely reporting a crime. ~ Administrator said... 31

Also as far as his instagram not matching up that proves nothing--he may very well have an assistant, his wife, or a friend posting for him on his instagram. Or he could have posted himself using a photo a few hours or days old, to make it look like he wasn't up to no good and was just out and about. He could have done this to cover his tracks with his wife and the public. People do this all the time. Instagram isn't guaranteed to be "instant."

TLC stinks said... 32

You cannot assume Josh has not been violent with Anna. It is very, very common for wives to stay with their abusers. Unfortunately, I doubt Anna will have the emotional strength to pull away from the family. If you ask me, Jim Bob is a tyrant too. The woman are taught to be subservient to their men.

TLC stinks said... 33

I am familiar with Flight Aware. The Gawker story has solid facts. Makes perfect sense he would be in a Christian based addition program.

Ingrid said... 34

I hope he hasn't been violent with Anna. It is sad enough that she is expected to "spread 'em" whenever he wants because it is her duty but I hope he was easy on her.

Vanessa said... 35

First day of school pic-- who keeps a broom and a coat rack on the porch? LOL
(Kate too lazy to park her broom in the garage? Is the coat rack fir the hired help's coats and purses?)
This is how I imagine the morning went...

Screeching, chaos, back talking, threats etc etc.
As she's shoving them out the door she goes into ballistic cleaning mode. She tosses the front entrance rug out the door, along with the coat rack and sweeps the entrance floor, all while the door is wide open. She wants to figuratively (and literally) sweep them out the door.
She barks for them to line up for their "traditional" pic as she SLAMS the door, jarring the light fixture and leaving the wreath all helter skelter.

MikeB said... 36

Mom said... 28
News- the shooter is in fact, dead.
Sort of pisses me off when assholes like that take themselves out before justice can prevail.
Justice isn't what it used to be. There would be no quick verdict followed by an appropriate penalty. In today's judicial system the repeated trials, appeals, and further appeals can just make the hurt drag on for the families of the victims.

This murderous psychopath obviously held a lot of deep-seated hatred and would very likely be incapable of reform. By committing suicide this at least allows the families to deal with their loss and move on with their lives. If he had been caught alive the families would have this nightmare situation in the forefront of their lives for years.

Just look at the James Holmes trial. Almost three years since the massacre and he is just now being sentenced. The families have spent untold time in the courtroom hearing detailed descriptions of the violence he wrought on their loved ones. His lawyer says he won't appeal, but if he did it could take a decade or more to sort it all out.

Better for everyone involved that this shooter killed himself.

fidosmommy said... 37

When you are in a hole, stop digging. That is for you Michelle and JimBob. Get off the media and stop making press releases to make it sound like you are doing more than you are. You know what would go a long way? Reflect and give out a real statement that after this experience you have come to acknowledge that your messages about gays, transgenders, etc. was hateful and that you now admit that you were not on a moral high ground to make those statements. Tell us that you are sorry you threw stones. How about that?


Remember Tammy Faye Bakker? Her husband Jim used to speak out on the PTL show about all the sinners and their sins. Tammy would bob her head in full agreement. Frankly, I don't recall that he and Tammy Faye SPECIFICALLY targeted the gay community, but it's almost certain they did include them in their rants. Anyway, after her divorce from Jim, Tammy Faye started reaching out to them, trying to lobby for their equality and for more AIDS funding. She had her own TV show with one gay man with the initials BB -- I forget. She died apparently still regretting her past attitudes on the subject.

Mind you, I was/am no fan of anything associated with PTL, but if this story is true, I have a lot of respect for Tammy Faye post-Jim.

P.J. said... 38

Well, I guess I'll eat my hat (with salsa and sour cream). I didn't believe he physically had sex with someone from the AM site. And the getting physical part? I think I could whoop his ass with one hand tied behind my back. He looks like a pasty dough boy. I'm still not sure I believe the hooker's story. What's the statute of limitations on domestic violence or assault? Would someone (the Duggars) actually have the cajones to go after her for slander with the current shitstorm they are in? I think she's pretty safe making her statements without fear of blowback. If she's lying, we'll know in the next 48 hours.

Again, I could be totally wrong, but I just can't see it. ~ Administrator said... 39

Would someone (the Duggars) actually have the cajones to go after her for slander with the current shitstorm they are in?


YES. This is the Duggars.

localyocul said... 40

Tucker's Mom said... 22
kris said... 10
Cara's hair coloring is the 'ombre' style. Darker on top, gettting more of a caramel color towards the bottom. Quite pricey for a 14 year old with a mom that is 'piecing and patching' her income. It does look pretty. Although it is also a look that has to be maintained quite often.
August 26, 2015 at 10:38 AM
Something tells me this was part of "spa day" filming.
I do ombre and it's time and fiscally intensive.
Cara's hair isn't from the drug store box.


Ah, good thought

P.J. said... 41

We should start a pool for how long he stays in "rehab". My guess is less than 30 days.

Anna receiving "counsel" is not so subtle code for brainwashing and indoctrination. It will be reinforced that it's her fault as a sub-par wife and woman that she couldn't keep her man-child from his deviant behaviour. She must be terrified. Who knows what they're telling her ? Where can she turn? There's nothing quite like having your parents not having your back. She's as much a prisoner as any member of Scientology.

NJGal51 said... 42

I'll bet you're right Tucker's Mom. The new hair color was a part of the spa dat. I wonder if RFW will pay for the upkeep.

Susan1956 said... 43

P.J. said... 37

And the getting physical part? I think I could whoop his ass with one hand tied behind my back. He looks like a pasty dough boy.

You might be surprised in that area. He's a bully with at least sociopathic tendencies and I've seen 'dough boys' turn into quite the aggressor if they feel it is warranted or need to in order to get their way/maintain control.

caroline said... 44

Shame on Jim Bob Duggar. If he had gotten his 14 year old son (who was a CHILD) licensed, professional help when he first needed it, Josh might not have the problems he has today.
And sneaking him away in the dark of night? Way to go, JB. Sounds like someone is ashamed and is trying to HIDE something.

I hope Anna is getting licensed help as well. She's holding all the cards, now. I bet JB is squirming. LOL
Anna said she knew about Josh's 'problem;, well, she was just a child herself (what was she, 18?) With her upbringing, she had zero maturity.
She ought to be mad as hell at her parents and JB and Michelle. Her parents should have known better than to let their daughter marry him.

At least the young lady that was engaged to the other Duggar boy has some parents that have some sense.

Rhymes with Witch said... 45

At least the young lady that was engaged to the other Duggar boy has some parents that have some sense. 43

I hope the young lady had some say in the decision to break it off as well.

Anonymous said... 46

Josh Duggar as reported by gawker was flown by John David Duggar to Rockford Illinois. That is home of reformers unanimous. It is a fundamentalist addiction rehab. The fastest growing faith based in the country. -irene

just wondering said... 47

I don't think the woman is accusing Josh of abuse. I believe she's speaking about S&M going a little further than she was expecting with him. I would imagine he wanted to do lots of things he didn't dare try with Anna.

Anybody familiar with North Love Baptist Church? That is the church he will be attending while at the "rehab." Just another work/pray facility where they must work (voluntarily) 8/10 hours a day and spend every other moment of time praying. Women and men are separated,(of course) and all the women wear the same Duggar long skirts.

This will be an epic fail... Wash, rinse, repeat. If praying and manual labor didn't help before then why repeat the process? Jim Bob's arrogance is at the bottom of everything, I believe.

redbird said... 48

Here is the link for the application to Reform Unanimous.

just wondering said... 49

Woodbury went on to say that the residential program, which costs $7,500, is a voluntary, work-based program. The members of the program perform work from cooking to construction. Reformers Unanimous has both men’s and women’s residential treatment programs, with room for 40 men and 20 women, in Rockford. The length of stay in its long-term addiction treatment center is approximately 8 to 10 months.
“The residential program is for people who need to be in a place where they can grow in their relationship with Christ,” Woodbury said. “We do not focus on the addiction, it’s about your walk with Christ.”

Yeah.. It's all about your walk with Christ, Josh. Has nothing to doing with your sexual perversions!!

RU isn't going to be any different than the last time. It will just keep Josh out of more trouble for a while.

caroline said... 50

If Josh was addicted to porn, there's no telling what he did with the porn isn't exactly missionary.

JB failed his son miserably. I wonder if JB is thinking he needs to have a frank talk with ALL his kids about sex.

I don't know what the stats are, but I don't know if someone can be rehabilitated with sexual issues. Sexual drives/urges are very primal. Once the barn door is opened.....
and heck, who knows, Anna might welcome more in the bedroom than missionary!

PatK said... 51

Holy Moses! So Joshie DID actually cheat on Anna with a porn star?? I guess I'm surprised, but not surprised.

As for the annual back to school publicity pic...*yawn*. Same old, same old. Interesting that Cara has already decided to play around with hair coloring. I expected Mady to be the first. lol

caroline said... 52

Yeah.. It's all about your walk with Christ, Josh. Has nothing to doing with your sexual perversions!!

RU isn't going to be any different than the last time. It will just keep Josh out of more trouble for a while.
If that's the facility's purpose statement, then that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Josh needs professional help, although I doubt it will curb his sexual appetite. As long as he and Anna agree to do 'whatever', it's fine.

What's the deal with these Christian facilities and working someone to death? makes them too hard to get their freak on?

FYI said... 53

USA Today has an article about the upcoming TLC special and about Josh's later scandal.

It ends with the following line:

"TLC said the latest scandal will have no effect on the Breaking the Silence documentary."

They should at least edit out the Duggar girls, and any reference to the Duggars. If Josh had gotten treatment at the time they were molested, perhaps we wouldn't be hearing about more scandals.

As far as I'm concerned the whole family is responsible for Josh's actions, because nobody got him the help he apparently needed.. They only covered it up, and at worst treated it as a "youthful indiscretion".

Now they are in CYA mode, pretending to be horrified about Josh's acts, when they probably knew or suspected them all along.

franky said... 54

Lol Caroline...52

did you mean makes you too tired to get your freak on?
What's the deal with these Christian facilities and working someone to death? makes them too hard to get their freak on?

Localyocul said... 55

I was looking at that RU website earlier. Are they licensed? I see no mention of therapy, counseling, psychologists....what a crock! And poor Anna is probably having her hat on this working

FYI said... 56

From the Reformers United website:

“We Help Men Who Hurt”

Reformers Unanimous Men’s Schools of Discipleship exists to help men who hurt. Whether they have pained or been pained, we assist them to a position of lasting victory over those pains to gain the prosperity of a victorious life. We accomplish this through up to 6 months of intensive discipleship consisting of prayer, study, mentoring, Biblical education and work place training.

I don't see where they mention anything about having licensed therapists at their facility. There are none listed among their staff.

So it seems he's not going to get actual professional help from a licensed therapist. He's just going to learn to "pray it away" and "sweat it out" through hard labor.

It seems this whole "treatment" is to help Josh atone for his "sin", rather than to treat his pschyological problems.

FYI said... 57

Kate must be pissed. Usually at least one of the tabs will pick up her back to school picture, but with all the other lead stories going on, Kate is a miniscule blip on the media's radar. Kate who?

prairiemary said... 58

I still can't shake the feeling that Jim Bob has done the same, at sometime since he had a computer.

KyPastor said... 59

“The residential program is for people who need to be in a place where they can grow in their relationship with Christ,” Woodbury said. “We do not focus on the addiction, it’s about your walk with Christ.”


Oh my. A time to refocus on one's walk with Christ is a wonderful thing, but it sounds more like a spiritual retreat than therapy. He'd have a much clearer walk with Christ if he would delve into the true source of his
sexual proclivities. I'm afraid the one he wants to blame, satan, does not
bear the responsibility. He needs to dig deeper than that.

caroline said... 60

What's the deal with these Christian facilities and working someone to death? makes them too hard to get their freak on?
oops. meant 'too TIRED' to get their freak on.
freudian slip.

prairiemary said... 61

I remember watching the show when Josh & Anna got married, and remember that they were listening to a tape in the car, on the way to their honeymoon. She was thinking that he was a virgin like she was, all of those side hugs, and hand sex, when he was already pretty experienced! This may be sick to say, but I bet Josh learned lots about female parts from changing his daughter's diapers. Just so creepy.

FYI said... 62

Gawker has an in depth article about Reformers Unanimous.

At the end of the article, it states:

Update 5:51 p.m.: Shane Nicholson at the Rock River Times has been able to confirm for us that Josh Duggar is indeed at Reformers Unanimous.

P.J. said... 63

Susan1956 said... 43
P.J. said... 37

And the getting physical part? I think I could whoop his ass with one hand tied behind my back. He looks like a pasty dough boy.

You might be surprised in that area. He's a bully with at least sociopathic tendencies and I've seen 'dough boys' turn into quite the aggressor if they feel it is warranted or need to in order to get their way/maintain control.


Yeah, well, I had 6 brothers and I fight dirty.

I'm only half joking. Some people just don't have it in them to return violence for violence (i.e. self defence).

I'm not one of those people.

FYI said... 64

BTW, I've noticed that the Gawker articles are written by Ashley Feinberg, the real name of the porn star/stripper is AshleyLewis and of course, the site he joined was Ashley Madison.

I wonder if Ashley is another name for Karma. At least in Josh's situation it seems to be.

Anonymous said... 65

"We do not focus on the addiction........." But the addiction is the problem so how will rehab help if the focus is not on the problem.


franky said... 66

's all good Carole, lol

reality tv personalities provide me with more entertainment through their REAL lives vs their REEL lives.

Seriously, these people think that they are NORMAL, or above us mediocores?


Just pray it away, a National anthem for all sheeple everywhere.

Saint Kate said... 67

Kate is a twit said... 56
I guess his four sisters, the babysitter, Anna and the kids don't matter one bit. They tried this before and it was an epic fail. The sad thing is that they refuse to deal with his psychological problems, just praying that they will get better. I hope Josh is charged with something criminal this time so a Judge can order that he receive specific treatment regarding his sexual deviance. He should have been in jail/treatment years ago but his wonderful parents decided Joshie boy could be reformed otherwise. Epic fail! And yet again.

Even God probably thinks they are insanely stupid, stubborn, and prideful.

franky said... 68

prariemary...I agree

thinking apple did not fall from the tree, I posted that earlier too

White Organza said... 69

“We do not focus on the addiction, it’s about your walk with Christ.”

And if your addiction is stuck in the middle of the "fortress Satan built in your heart"? You just walk and walk and walk in circles around it for 8 to 10 months without ever focusing on what the heck is in that fortress? Sorry, I just don't get it.... I really don't.

Jillgee said... 70

I hope Josh is charged with something criminal this time so a Judge can order that he receive specific treatment regarding his sexual deviance.

That would be AWESOME. But What can he be charged with ?

P.J. said... 71

You know, these people are never going to change their ways. Now I want them to just go away. I hope TLC has learned their lesson, but somehow I don't think so. They've cancelled the Gypsy Sisters before a felony was committed, I think. The Amish people have a very sordid background too. I'd bet dollars to donuts there's a lot of stuff more hidden there too. TLC better think long and hard about what product they're putting out there because eventually some tragedy is going to result in massive lawsuit.

I feel sorry for the wasted lives of the Duggar children and really hope some of them break away but when you think about it, there are children suffering all over the world. They have it better than a lot of other kids but that doesn't make it right either. If I think about it too much, I want to cry for all of them.

FYI said... 72

KyPastor said... 59
“The residential program is for people who need to be in a place where they can grow in their relationship with Christ,” Woodbury said. “We do not focus on the addiction, it’s about your walk with Christ.”


Oh my. A time to refocus on one's walk with Christ is a wonderful thing, but it sounds more like a spiritual retreat than therapy. He'd have a much clearer walk with Christ if he would delve into the true source of his sexual proclivities. I'm afraid the one he wants to blame, satan, does not bear the responsibility. He needs to dig deeper than that.

Thank you for insight and I wholehearted agree..

franky said... 73


Yeah, well, I had 6 brothers and I fight dirty.

I'm only half joking. Some people just don't have it in them to return violence for violence (i.e. self defence).

I'm not one of those people.


me neither, my 6 uncles and 3 brothers made sure to die before flight, not for everyone, but worked for me and my dd, I had the arm burns from our practice sessions, greatest thing they did for me.

They would hold my down and yell at me to find a way to hurt and get away until did, and I always did

Flight of the Kiwi said... 74

"Formal diagnostic criteria do not exist for sexual addiction in the United States. However, hypersexuality is a symptom of mental psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder".

I take that to mean you cannot "sweat" it out. Prayer, reflection and meditation are all well and good, but not enough, I fear, in this case.

The Duggars are setting up Josh to fail yet again. The man needs medical, psychiatric evaluation and therapy. So, men on one side of the auditorium, women on the other. Yeah, that's not going to get his mind of sex at all...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 75

Ombre look. Huh. Is that what I have? I thought it was just gray hair growing out (or in as the case may be). I'll have to tell my stylist/colorist to leave well enough alone :)

franky said... 76


Anyone else change to Window 10 whatever and find the keyboard misses letters? and delays videos?

franky said... 77


KyPastor said... 59

“The residential program is for people who need to be in a place where they can grow in their relationship with Christ,” Woodbury said. “We do not focus on the addiction, it’s about your walk with Christ.”


Oh my. A time to refocus on one's walk with Christ is a wonderful thing, but it sounds more like a spiritual retreat than therapy. He'd have a much clearer walk with Christ if he would delve into the true source of his
sexual proclivities. I'm afraid the one he wants to blame, satan, does not
bear the responsibility. He needs to dig deeper than that.

My brother the father does that too

PS, as the resident Rastafari-bhuddist from Catholic and Christian background, I Just wanted to say I really appreciate every post you make here, they are well thought-all and inspire thought

thank you

and please forgive me if I come across a crass sometimes, I blame it on the native/French/Irish side of me

but I do sincerely thank you

Mona said... 78

When some people binge on something they love, say, eating 2 full gallons of ice cream in one sitting, it's a very long time before they even want to see ice cream again. How about this reformatory Josh is in having videos, posters, photographs, sex toys, magazines, etc. all over the place where they cannot get away from it until every resident is sick to death of it? That might take a week for some, longer for others. Overexposure can work sometimes. Just make it old hat and plenty boring. Mediocre, even.


Jane said... 79

@IMPerel: #JoshDuggar won't be receiving counseling from any mental health professional in his new rehab. #InTouch mag exclusive.

So he'll spend 30 days praying and that will cure him? I keep thinking that there are many other serious problems in this family and none of them are being properly addressed.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 80

Here's what baffles me about this type of treatment: isn't it
for people who haven't tried religion yet as a "cure" for what
is destroying their life? It seems like that's all the Duggars
have ever tried, and it has failed spectacularly. Prayer
in conjunction with outside assistance? That absolutely
makes sense to me. But as the sole and complete focus?
To once again deny, sublimate, and/or just plain IGNORE
the root causes of one's problems? To quote TFW, I just
don't get it.

franky said... 81


my dd wanted her stylist to GREY HER HAIR.

Thanks to the universe I got him on the phone, before she arrived and he is more scared of me than her. He refused. Highlighted her already sunshine blonde lock a bit, not at the root, and continues to live another day, lol.

dd is 18 and HE is the ONLY hairdresser allowed to touch her hair, LOL

Gorgeouse natural blonde should be preserved at all costs.

ooops...did I mention OT?

PS, Nice to see you KIAT

Flight of the Kiwi said... 82

Hi Franky - LOL. Yes, my guy is the only one I trust. He gives an outrageously fantastic cut. I can go, no lie, 4-6 months before another cut. It grows out that well. I am, or was, a dark brunette. My gray established it self as a streak in the front on both sides in the front - a platinum blond color. I call it modified Bride of Frankenstein.

summer breeze said... 83

That would be AWESOME. But What can he be charged with ?


Identity theft?

Katykat said... 84

My friend purposely greyed her blonde hair...and then got upset when people thought her child was her granddaughter. =D

franky said... 85


I is so dang jellus! I wants me some naturelle grey streaks...LOL

I had a Kid, I earned it!

Nice to see ya, seems we got a bunch of straw down here under the verandah, come join me for some Blueberry rumspringa? They are in season fro my home territory

jamezvader1194 said... 86

Well hopefully Josh finally gets the help he needs,since we all know how much help his parents were.....NOT.I don't hate the duggars but as a Christian myself,these people are the type of Christians that make me SMH and question my faith.I know not all Christians are like this but between K8's "Christian"fans and the duggars it really makes me wonder how anyone can really defend these people? ~ Administrator said... 87

Here's what baffles me about this type of treatment: isn't it
for people who haven't tried religion yet as a "cure" for what
is destroying their life? It seems like that's all the Duggars
have ever tried, and it has failed spectacularly


Flimsy I had the same thoughts. I'm trying not to let my blood pressure go up.

Religion got him into this mess. If he weren't so pious and judgmental he would be just another 24 hour story like Hunter Biden. He's the main event because of his religion.

Religion can be a wonderful thing. I feel quite religious myself at times. Spiritual at least. But they didn't use it for good. They used it as a sword and shield. They used it to hurt good people from the gay/lesbians/TG community, and they used it to hide their own bad deeds.

So after all this, you seek out even MORE religion.

No. Just NO. He needs to get into an independent, unbiased, LICENSED facility with LICENSED therapists specializing in sexual disorders including pedophlia. He's needs a full psychologist assessment. He needs professionals to clear him to be around children. He needs the sort of in depth studies and treatment they give to sex offenders they lock up when they're considering their disposition. I've seen reports like these, and they are often hundreds of pages long and involve multiple assessments and second opinions. THIS is the evaluation he needs. Until then these problems will never be properly treated and his children will always be at risk. This is just a joke.

redbird said... 88

According to USweekly, Rosie O'Donnell's daughter Chelsea, who recently turned 18, has left home to live with her birth mother.

Poor Rosie is having one heck of a month. First her daughter goes missing, then her father passes away, and then her daughter leaves home to move in with her birth mother. All within a span of two weeks!

Turtle Logic said... 89

From the rules of Reformers Unanimous
"Talking about old habits or lifestyles is against God's word and is not permitted"

Ummmm......isn't the focal point of most rehab/treatment centers counseling and group sessions? They usually talk about what they had done and what triggers caused them to continue the behavior, and how to cope/avoid those triggars in the real world. During most rehab stays, you DON'T work, so you can focus on recovering from the addiction.

Oh, and Reformers uses the same methods to treat addiction as they use to treat "post-rape depression" and "eating disorders."

Another rule is “Negative remarks about food will not be tolerated. Prayer and fasting are a profitable substitute.” A member of my family spent a long time in treatment centers for eating disorders, and trust me, they talk about food A LOT, usually dealing with triggers and re-learning to eat healthy. They have one-on-one sessions with nutritionists and dietitians, as well as well as group classes on the same topics. Are they really suggesting "fasting and prayer" over food talk for people suffering with bulimia and anorexia? That is the worst form of (non)-treatment they could possibly do, especially with no licensed staff! I can only conclude that this is basically a prescription for death for those affected by eating disorders.

This place should be shut down. But of course they refer to their clients as "students" in their "School of Discipleship" so they can work around any legality of calling themselves a recovery center. ~ Administrator said... 90

How can Chelsea legally go to her birth mother? Rosie is her legal mother, and she has to live with her. It seems to me Rosie could call the cops and have that child sent straight back home.

It could be something Rosie agreed to, to help appease her and calm her down. She may be fine with it.

I've seen this before. Kids get a grass is greener mentality about a parent they don't live with. They think they will be so much better off if they were just allowed to move in with them. They soon find out the parent doesn't care as much as they think, or is abusive, neglectful, or worse. Sometimes, there is good reason why they were adopted. Knowing her birth mother's history, I'd be shocked if this works out. She'll be home in a month.

Kaya said... 91

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 90
How can Chelsea legally go to her birth mother? Rosie is her legal mother, and she has to live with her. It seems to me Rosie could call the cops and have that child sent straight back home.
She is 18, not legally a "child." She can live wherever she chooses. ~ Administrator said... 92

She is 18, not legally a "child." She can live wherever she chooses.


I thought she was 17.

If she has recently turned 18 obviously she can live wherever the hell she wants. I'm not stupid.

In that case, I'm sorry if this is causing her real family pain. She is no different than any other adoptive child thinking everything is going to be roses elsewhere. It's rarely the case.

JoyinVirginia said... 93

Josh is off to a treatment program that won't really give any treatment.
Anna is isolated up in the mountains with four little kids.
People is running negative stories about the Duggars!
Ma and Pa Duggar are isolating themselves and all the family.
This will not end well. The ones that went to El Salvador were smart to get out of town when they did.
The words of the Christian PR and crisis management expert, Hunter Frederick, who turned down the Duggars as clients make more sense than ever. The Duggars are so isolated in their arrogance, they cannot understand that there will be no end to this until Josh stands up for himself, admits his wrong doing in person instead of on Facebook, and truly suffers consequences more than going to a work program.
This is a tragedy that is probably inspiring a Lifetime movie script as events unfold.

jamezvader1194 said... 94

This was a twit by this Fly person at one of the "haters" Fly_on_TheWall @msgoody2shoes21 "They're like josh Duggar. they condemn others but fail 2 see they're just as bad.Or worse".Can anyone here explain this Fly person?She claims to be no fan of either parent but i always see her agree with her friends about Jon being a POS but whenever someone brings up how bad Kate is,she brings up Jon almost like shes saying"If Kates going down jon's going down as well".For someone who is no fan of Kate she seems to love to always defend her from her haters.She was the person who was spreading rumors about Jodi and Beth about how they were having an affair with her husband with Jon and Robert.Why the aggressive tweets if she doesn't watch Kate's show?Why does she care so much about what the haters of a celebrity she isn't even a fan of,say?

Caroline said... 95

If she has recently turned 18 obviously she can live wherever the hell she wants. I'm not stupid.

If Rosie's daughter has medical issues, perhaps Rosie has power of attorney/medical power of attorney that allows her to determine where her daughter lives?
Just a thought.

Back to the Duggar trainwreck........

Sleepless In Seattle said... 96

So he'll spend 30 days praying and that will cure him?


Won't he be remodeling anything this time?

NJGal51 said... 97

@Kateplusmy8: The first day of school evidently even wore Shoka out...#Goodnight #SleepsInMyRoomMostNights #NotLonelyAnymore :)🐶❤️
She trying too hard to convince everyone that Shoka loves her so much that he sleeps in her room most of the time. I'm not buying it.

Caroline said... 98

She trying too hard to convince everyone that Shoka loves her so much that he sleeps in her room most of the time. I'm not buying it.
August 26, 2015 at 6:
Look at her school pic she posted. There is Shoka's bed. It's dirty and worn. Ya'll said her recent pics of Shoka's bed in her room were staged. Yall were correct!

ncgirl said... 99

"I've seen this before. Kids get a grass is greener mentality about a parent they don't live with. They think they will be so much better off if they were just allowed to move in with them."

I've seen someone who is adopted rebel against her adoptive family and go to her bio family. I think she found out they weren't all that because she's been back around her adoptive family for years.

Anonymous said... 100

Rosie's daughter turned 18 on Monday. So when she went missing she was 17. Now that she is legally an adult, she moved in with her birth mother.


Caroline said... 101

Anyone recall our talking about 'The Farmer's Wife' a while back?
I rewatched a little of it today. Hard to watch a family in crisis. A few weeks back I watched Sutherland's 'The Dust Bowl'. If you haven't watched it, please do!

Ya'll also watched 'Kind Hearted Woman' (I did not). Has anyone seen 'Country Boys?"
Am watching both of these Sutherland films on Ebay so am wondering if ya'll had any thoughts about them- good, so-so, worth watching?

Caroline said... 102

Gawker states on their site Josh signed up for a 6 month stint.
Interesting article!

noip said... 103

Oh my goodness {said in my little Shirley Temple voice} hooker now saying Josh had her in diapers.....don't know if she provided them or Josh stole them from his baby daughters crib room. This is getting deep and dirty and if this doesn't make Anna leave, nothing will. CPS or equivalent needs to pay a visit if baby diapers turn him on

P.J. said... 104

I hope Rosie O'Donnell sent her daughter on her way with her blessing.

I also hope she cancelled the kid's credit card and cut the purse strings.

Andrea said... 105

The program Josh is in is used to brain wash him. He will get 6 hours of sleep each night and have to work 9 hours a day. The rest of the time will be spent praying and reading the bible. It's what he did as a child.

Both Josh and Anna need to leave but not together. Anna has siblings outside the cult. Half of her siblings have left. She has support on the outside. The problem is that she will be under the thumb of the duggar said while Josh is away.

Anonymous said... 106

I find it interesting that the last paid monthly membership on Josh's Ashley Madison account was in May, and likely debited just prior to the molestation scandal. It tells me Josh was aware his infidelity would be the next story to come out in the media. I don't believe Anna and her parents were told about the incest the day they arrived for that visit with the Duggars... but perhaps later on it came out somehow. It's not in our nature to do that with a new budding courtship, or whatever the case- in a recent relationship. I did find Anna's quest to be Michelle 2.0 peculiar, and she seemed to mimic her behavior quite often. I stand by my theory that Anna also wanted to be the mother 20, as if it were a competition. Well that dream has all changed now for her, I'm almost certain of it. Toss a nasty porn sex worker into the mix and things change.


Sleepless In Seattle said... 107

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 10h10 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Wow. Look at them!!!

I think Kate took the photo, so she has looked at them. What should everyone else be looking at? It's a school photo. They are kids. They grow up, even though sheeple can't seem to grasp that concept.

Denise ‏@denise1025 13h13 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 - Ur kids are STILL so darling, but BOY how their looks have changed! #GrowingUp ♡♡

Uh, Denise, you dingbat. You just saw them on two specials.

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 13h13 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 WOW, the kids are so grown-up! Great picture and why isn't Mady in a uniform? Do the HS kids wear uniforms?

Uh, obviously if she isn't wearing a uniform, then HS kids don't wear uniforms. Either that, or both girls are in non-compliance with the dress code on their first day. Geez, sheeple.

Any word from Gladys?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 108

Women and men are separated,(of course) and all the women wear the same Duggar long skirts.


I think that it might be just a little too late to yell, "nike" to Josh. Apparently he has seen and done it all.

NJGal51 said... 109

@Ironjawswife: @Kateplusmy8 This might be a stupid question but is there ever a day that when the kids are at school you have a nap?
This has to be snark.

franky said... 110


was thinking about the dustbowl documentary the other day, It may happen again,OMG

there is a documentary of all rain on the west coast I saw, does not look good.


Sleepless In Seattle said... 111

Oh my goodness {said in my little Shirley Temple voice} hooker now saying Josh had her in diapers.....don't know if she provided them or Josh stole them from his baby daughters crib room. This is getting deep and dirty and if this doesn't make Anna leave, nothing will. CPS or equivalent needs to pay a visit if baby diapers turn him on


Nothing will.

I doubt if a newborn's diapers would fit an adult, Where did you read this...about the diapers?

Could he be charged with soliciting a prostitute, and what would it take for investigators to seize his computers to see if there is child porn on them? Admin? ~ Administrator said... 112

Oh my goodness {said in my little Shirley Temple voice} hooker now saying Josh had her in diapers


No, no, no, no, no.....

CPS needs to get involved immediately. At least they can force him to have a real evaluation and not this Pa Ingalls raise a barn to get out the demons crap.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 113

So how many times will the crisis management team edit that statement?

I think it's time for Pa and Ma to let Joshie Boy take care of his own messes Will they sue the prostitute? I would think that if her revelations aren't true, she'd really be opening herself up (okay, pun intended ) for a huge libel lawsuit.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114

CPS needs to get involved immediately. At least they can force him to have a real evaluation and not this Pa Ingalls raise a barn to get out the demons crap.


She knew when she married him that he molested children and yet she allowed him to impregnate her not once, but four times. I just can't imagine anyone that stupid to do this, and certainly not dumb enough to have kids with this creep.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 115

I also hope she cancelled the kid's credit card and cut the purse strings.


According to latest reports, she cut everything off financially, but refuses to turn over her birth certificate and social security card.

franky said... 116

watched entire episode, thoughts tomorrow, too tired tonight

Over In TFW's County said... 117

From the previous thread...
I contacted youtube and requested they take the video down. Nobody needs to see that except law enforcement.


I agree. However, the video of Budd Dwyer's suicide is still there, despite many complaints about having it removed.

Anonymous said... 118

Personally I think it is stupid for Shoka to be sleeping in her bedroom, if true. He needs to be sleeping in the main rooms of the house so he can hear any noises so bark and awake family.

Anonymous said... 119

.She was the person who was spreading rumors about Jodi and Beth about how they were having an affair with her husband with Jon and Robert.
This makes zero sense to me. Can James or somebody explain this?

Anonymous said... 120

We pray that in this he comes to complete repentance and sincere change.
This statement from Pa and Ma does does even make sense. And I bet a lot of Baptist ministers would agree it lacks sense. Either you repent or you don't. And the same for the change, either you change or you don't.

Anonymous said... 121

I was looking at the website of Reformers and they have a big blurb stating the things they treat for. A lot of it is drug addiction as you can well imagine. And it does say addictions. But it does not say sex addiction or porn addiction. I thought that was very strange. However they have several articles about porn addiction.

But at the top of one of the articles said, "Fully 50% of Christian men struggle with addiction to pornography as well 30% of pastors and Christian women." I don't even think the 50% and 30% would even be true for christians watching porn much less addicted to it. I don't even think 50% of men and 30% of women in the country are struggling with a porn addiction. For that one reason alone, I distrust this place.

But they did state that their long-term treatment is for 8 to 10 months. For that I am happy and I think Josh does need that long of treatment. And if this place does not help him for any other reason then I say him not being able to access porn for 8 to 10 months will be a great start to him breaking his addiction cycle if he truly wants to break it.

Anonymous said... 122

(Leslie)- from website
Once the individual indulges in pornography bondage is sure to follow. He becomes addicted until it soon becomes something he can’t pick up or put down at will. At this point it begins to escalate. Material that would have once been repulsive- horribly shocking – now becomes acceptable, even commonplace. What has happened? He’s become “desensitized.” Normal responses have been erased, and moral and spiritual disintegration have set in, until finally he is in total bondage.
Crap! One somebody indulges in porn they will become addicted. That is not true by any means. There are millions that indulge in it on a regular basis and addiction does not happen.

Just like alcohol and even drugs, many can use them on a somewhat regular basis and not become addicts. Why? I don't think anybody knows. But we know for instance somebody that has that one drink and has to then become drunk. They can't help themselves and stop at the one or two.I think the same thing may happen with porn. Millions can watch porn on a regular basis and they do not become addicts but a small percentage do be addicts. Also millions watch porn and do not escalate to the type of porn they watch; contrary to what this website states.

P.J. said... 123

Good article on what happens next for AM.

Anonymous said... 124

This porn star that meet with Josh, I believe two times, is she a prostitute? I am confused, why would a porn star have sex with that pudgy creep. I would think she would be highly picky because she is very beautiful and very well known. Of course I believe Josh had sex with many women but could this porn star be saying she had sex with him just for the publicity. And then throw in the diapers to make it more tantalizing and more talked about..

I would think this would get her plenty of attention and what porn star does not want more people watching her videos.

P.J. said... 125

franky said... 76

Anyone else change to Window 10 whatever and find the keyboard misses letters? and delays videos?


I updated to Windows 10 the day they released it. I love it and have no problems. After the disaster that was Windows 8, I find it wonderful.

Are you sure it's not an ID10t error? That can be caused by too much rumspringa in the system files.

MikeB said... 126

franky said... 76

Anyone else change to Window 10 whatever and find the keyboard misses letters? and delays videos?
Did you upgrade in the last couple of days? Windows has to do a complete reindexing of the file system which can take quite a bit of time. There is also a fairly big day-one patch and updated device drivers that will be downloaded and installed. That can cause the issue you are describing.

On my device with a solid state drive it went pretty quickly, but on my device with an older hard drive it took a couple of days. I wound up just leaving the computer on overnight and let it do its thing. Runs smooth as silk now.

Tucker's Mom said... 127

Turtle Logic said... 89
Wow, thank you for shedding light on this sickening place and their "treatment".
It's no wonder Joshie went unchecked and his behaviors escalated.

JoyinVirginia said... 128

OT re DWTS cast, things will be interesting!
Announced: Bindi Irwin, age 17; Victor Espinoza triple crown winning jockey of American Pharoah, Paula Deen! Nick Carter former Backstreet Boy.
Rumored but not officially announced: Chaka Khan singer, Andy Grammer singer, and alexa Pena Vega actress, she was Carmen in the Spy Kids movies.
There will Not be anyone from the Duggar family in this season's cast.
Bindi was on tv on the Crocodile Hunter practically from birth. I remember a show where Steve and Terri Irwin were talking about their personal history, how they met, family life, and they had footage Steve filmed of Terri in the hospital in labor and her yelling at him to get the cameras out of there!
Nick Carter was the youngest Backstreet Boy at age 12. Chaka Khan was a teenager when she began singing with bands. Alexa Vega was 12 when she starred in the first Spy Kids movie. so several people whose experience in entertainment as children can possibly be discussed, compared and contrasted.

Blowing In The Wind said... 129

Did you upgrade in the last couple of days? Windows has to do a complete reindexing of the file system which can take quite a bit of time. There is also a fairly big day-one patch and updated device drivers that will be downloaded and installed. That can cause the issue you are describing.


Yes! Mine shut down as I was typing a long post here. I tried to finish it before the thing closed down and did the updating. It was a race against the clock and I lost!

Blowing In The Wind said... 130

I am confused, why would a porn star have sex with that pudgy creep.


Money, honey.

Blowing In The Wind said... 131

Personally I think it is stupid for Shoka to be sleeping in her bedroom, if true. He needs to be sleeping in the main rooms of the house so he can hear any noises so bark and awake family.


Our dog sleeps in our bedroom and if someone even comes up the driveway, she hears it and barks. It always amazes me how much she hears. The other morning there was someone walking outside in the street and the dog started barking. She can't see out any windows from the bedroom (too high), but she knew someone was there and ran back and forth barking. I looked outside, and sure enough, there was a woman pushing a stroller, totally quiet, but the dog heard it.

Blowing In The Wind said... 132

.She was the person who was spreading rumors about Jodi and Beth about how they were having an affair with her husband with Jon and Robert.
This makes zero sense to me. Can James or somebody explain this?


I didn't understand it either and I read it several times and still didn't get what the poster was trying to say. I blamed it on the rumspringa, though! lol!

Flight of the Kiwi said... 133

Leslie - My personal feeling is that if you take money/goods for sex then you are a prostitute. Only exception - an engagement ring/wedding ring

localyocul said... 134

franky said... 76

Anyone else change to Window 10 whatever and find the keyboard misses letters? and delays videos?


Yes my work installed Windows 10 and my worklap top is overall much slower. I noticed the lag in typing as well. I read that this can happen if the operating system is installed on older computers that don't have the processing speed needed to handle the newer version.

Jeanne said... 135

I had a friend who couldn't find a teaching job this year. She posted on FB that she was frustrated. A friend of hers actually posted that she could help her get right with God so she could get a job. My friend is very devout. She didn't get a job because there are lots of people competing for every position. I despise this theory.

In the same way, this rehab center is full of it. I am a Christian. I think prayer can be a great component of rehab. But it can't be the only component. They need real therapy. And don't get me started on having to treat "post rape depression" in rehab. They sound like awful people. Keeping Josh away from temptation for 8-10 months couldn't hurt but 30 days won't do a thing for him. He has real issues. And why can't they sleep 8 hours a night?

Mel said... 136

A quote from The Hollywood Gossip.

Sounds like he's been into the porn for a while, at least since before he moved to Washington, D.C. And probably since before he was married, also.

“Anna knew about the porn ... because Josh was caught by the family,” the insider says, unfortunately (or fortunately) not explaining when or how.

fade2black said... 137

Whoever is handling Duggar publicity is sure earning their pieces of silver. Every time I open my Google news page, there are two or three Dugger blurbs, often contradicting each other. I would be happy to never see the Dugger name again, but someone, somewhere believes they are newsworthy. Yuck.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

The "rehab" Josh is in sounds insane. The level of ignorance of these cults is astounding.
What's really disturbing is how so many fans worshipped these crazies.

Jamesvader1194 said... 139

@Blowing in the wind and the other person replying to my other comment.My comment was about this person on twitter called @Fly_on_thewall.She was the person who spread that rumor about Beth and Jodi.Shes stated she is no fan of Kate but everytime i see her she always complains about her haters and defends her,but always agrees with her "twitter friends"about Jon.She makes no sense to me as to why if shes no fan of Kate,does she care so much about her haters and make aggressive tweets like that?

Anonymous said... 140

Faith based, no counseling, rehab IS insane. As is seeing the Duggars on yet another People cover. Paula Deen on DWTS? Think I should have stayed under the covers this am.


AuntieAnn said... 141

Anonymous said... 29

Re the back to school picture - It's sad that TFW felt the need to reassign C to the back row with the twins. It reinforces her earlier remark that, for whatever reason, he will be attending another school this year and draws attention to the fact that he is being separated, both in the picture and by school, from the brothers and sisters who share the same birthdate.



I hope Collin thrives in his new school. I think of all the G kids he was the one who got the brunt of Kate's abuse. She clearly demonstrated all these years that she has very little patience with her children and that's probably what he needed to be shown most.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that child services might have played some part in these changes. Of course we'll never know because she'll blab about her kids problems but keeps that part of HER life private. Anyway it would sure be great if they are involved somehow and keep an eye on HER behavior.

Zoomer said... 142

Admin, you should didn't allow many comments about the political talk before laying down your virtual gavel. I am with the ones that don't mind it. It is interesting to see what opionions have popped up and who leans which way. I would rather hear about a political viewpoint than a blow by blow of the Rockford files or an old Roseanne show. DWTS is not my fav but as others say, scroll. None of the talk has been nasty. Not much left to say about Cara's out of trend ombre hair style.

Susan1956 said... 143

If only . . . .

Susan1956 said... 144

Below is a post from the FB Boycott 19 Kids & Counting. The poster brings up a valid point. Wonder if JoshieBoy has confessed EVERYTHING to Anna and his parents?

Ever wonder why Josh had TWO accounts released in the Ashley Madison hack ? Maybe one was on another site owned by the same company ?…/gay-ashley-madison-hack-safety/

"Among the many domains owned by Ashley Madison, several are dedicated to secret down-low hookups—the main site being, which "caters to men who are married but need something more in their lives... men seeking other men for casual, no strings attached fun."

Other gay domains included in history's largest data dump are Mancrunch, WeKnowDownLow, DoYouDownLow, Downlowing, WhiteOnTheDownLow, and dozens of gay domains that were registered as SEO redirects—like PublicCruising, TwinkyDaddy, DungeonsAndDragQueens, CookingForCubs, AdamAndSteve, and 50StatesOfSameSexMarriage."

Zoomer said... 145

Why even put Collin in the back row? Is she ashamed? She did tell the whole world that he would be attending a different school. Big whoop. I don't see Collin in a different school as a bad thing unless she is shaming him. In which case that poor little boy who is "going places" is made to feel different every single day.

P.J. said... 146

Another scandal with TLC's name in it?

FYI said... 147

OT re DWTS cast, things will be interesting!
Announced: Bindi Irwin, age 17; Victor Espinoza triple crown winning jockey of American Pharoah, Paula Deen! Nick Carter former Backstreet Boy.

As per the DWTS website, twitter and FB page, Paula Deen has not been officially announced. Right now, it is just rumor. Those that HAVE been announced are Bindi Irwin, Nick Carter(from Backstreet Boys), Victor Espinoza(who rode America Pharaoh to the Triple Crown) and Hayes Grier(who is another social media icon via Vine and twitter).

Of the four announced so far, at least I've heard of 3 of them

Anonymous said... 148

According to People, a 'source' has said that Anna's parents (the Kellers) are even "more extreme" than the Duggars.


Tucker's Mom said... 149

Pauler Deen on DWTS- lordy bee!

Bubbles said... 150

Someone above mentioned Josh getting Anna pregnant 4 times - it's actually 5, because she had a miscarriage between MacKynzie and Michael. Not that it matters to the point being made lol.

Sheri said... 151

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said...(112)

Oh my goodness {said in my little Shirley Temple voice} hooker now saying Josh had her in diapers


"No, no, no, no, no.....

CPS needs to get involved immediately. At least they can force him to have a real evaluation and not this Pa Ingalls raise a barn to get out the demons crap."


My jaw dropped, my heart sank and I wanted to barf when I read this.

I agree Admin, this guy needs a professional psychological eval stat.

He's admitted he molested his sisters, he admitted he solicited sex and cheated on his wife.

And while he's was doing all this, was he hiding in a remote cabin somewhere?

Nope, his ass was in D.C. lobbying against the rights of law abiding citizens and labeling them sexual deviants.

That doesn't just take balls, it suggests a serious disconnect from reality. If that is a result of his upbringing or his involvement in reality television is anyone guess but I'd hazard it's a combination.

In the end, none of that matters when the well being of children are involved. I am reminded of the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Caroline said... 152

I read a comment on another site that is good news for Anna-- Josh being in 6 months of 'rehab' is 6 months she can't get pregnant.


Tucker's Mom said... 153

Poor Anna must be so frightened. She has 4 little kids and has to rely on Jim Boob for support.

Tucker's Mom said... 154

OT- I'm streaming "The Clinic" on Acorn TV. Good series set in Ireland.

We're back to looking into dog adoption. After a few weeks, I think our Bichon is feeling a bit depressed. He's been a bit too quiet and with less appetite.
I think he might need a buddy, and although I love him and we're very close, I want him to have a friend to open his world up to more than humans.
(he toes to doggy daycare once a week for socialization)

Vanessa said... 155

They are a clan of simpleton, backwards, backwoods imbeciles. They are intolerant, unintelligent and narrow minded. They will never allow any proper therapy to take place because they do not trust anyone but their kind and their own ways.

franky said... 156

Thank you MikeB....

I tried making sense of your post and what I gather is it will correct itself?

Thank you localyocul, it is a one year ols Laptop bought new.

And, finally, thank you P.J.

I finally got this comment this morning on the very busy metro here, and you owe me a rumspringa. I laughed so hard everyone turned to look at me giggle like a little girl


Are you sure it's not an ID10t error? That can be caused by too much rumspringa in the system files.

I kept repeating the error code until it sunk in, bwahahahaha

franky ~ Administrator said... 157

Our dog sleeps in our bedroom and if someone even comes up the driveway, she hears it and barks


Dogs have incredible hearing and sense of smell. Even if you locked them down in the basement they'd know if there was trouble and alert you.

My dog frequently crosses the entire house from the bedroom because he heard a varmint out back. Often at 1 in the morning. ~ Administrator said... 158

I really wish Anna could have the self-esteem and self-worth of "Kimberly":

""Kimberly" is a neurophysiologist in Richmond, Virginia, who travels a lot on business. She was stuck on a grounded flight Thursday night when she came across a news story about the Ashley Madison hack on her smartphone.
She and her husband had been having marital issues lately, and she figured she'd plug his personal email address into a search tool.
It was a match, and she immediately called him. Here's how she remembers the conversation:
"What do you know about this website, Ashley Madison?" she asked.
"I read a little about how they had a hack," he responded.
"Well, I searched your email, and it came up."
That's when he admitted he was a user on the site, though he kept changing his story.
"I don't know the whole story yet," Kimberly told CNNMoney. "I'm done. Even if it's just him getting on there looking. I don't trust him."
Kimberly is now at her parents' place while her husband packs up his things and finds an apartment."

It's as simple as that Anna.

Vanessa said... 159


Sheri said... 160

Vanessa said...(155)

"They are a clan of simpleton, backwards, backwoods imbeciles. They are intolerant, unintelligent and narrow minded. They will never allow any proper therapy to take place because they do not trust anyone but their kind and their own ways."


And some production company made millions by inflating the ego of the patriarch and turning the entire family into ratings gold.

Just as TLC inflated Kate's ego, at the core of it, if there are people willing to pay to watch, there will be people willing to be paid to be watched.

And it really only would be viable if the amount people were paying to watch was way more than they were paying the people being watched.

Not sure there's much to be done about all that. What's wrong with it is when innocent children are subjected to its rigors and consequences.

Sue_Buddy said... 161

It's as simple as that Anna.

Not for a backward, uneducated, cloistered, timid, fearful brainwashed,quiverfull follower with 4 babies and closed-minded parents.

AuntieAnn said... 162

It's as simple as that Anna.


But Anna is programmed to eat shit and appreciate she has something on her plate.

Math Girl said... 163

Caroline said... 152
I read a comment on another site that is good news for Anna-- Josh being in 6 months of 'rehab' is 6 months she can't get pregnant.
Unless she's pregnant already. I know, I know, don't even think it. Meredith was born July 19, and all their kids are at least 18 months apart. ~ Administrator said... 164

It's as simple as that Anna.


But Anna is programmed to eat shit and appreciate she has something on her plate.


And that's why Anna is a member of a cult.

AuntieAnn said... 165

And that's why Anna is a member of a cult.


Yep. That's what it is. I guess if her brother came to the cabin hideout and kidnapped her and her kids and got her the counseling she truly needs, THAT would be against the law but whatever Josh has done, while immoral, is perfectly legal. Something is really wrong with the system.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

But Anna is programmed to eat shit and appreciate she has something on her plate.
Exactly it. Anna can still change her life and the path of her children's lives.
I hope she has the courage.
There will be no more tv show and celebrity. That's all gone and never coming back.
She will be dependent on others for the rest of her life if she doesn't wake the hell up, pull it together and leave the Duggars.

P.J. said... 167

AR attorney is offering Anna Duggar Pro Bono work.

Run, Anna, Run!

redbird said... 168

Scroll, scroll, scroll your boat
Gently down the Rocky stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, have a scoop of ice cream!

Tucker's Mom said... 169

Nice guy and very respectful. It's good to reach out to Anna and let her know she has options.

P.J. said... 170

And just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder...

TLC's Sister Wives are challenging the polygamy laws based on same-sex marriage rulings.

redbird said... 171

Wow. Poor Kimberly. Yes, I wish Anna could be that strong.

Her parents are CRUEL IDIOTS for not going and getting her and those precious grandbabies themselves and taking them back home o FL.

Oh, and another thing. Isn't it ironic that you have to pay a big amount of money to stay there, work like a dog to build their equity up on their property on a program that is an absolute joke. I am talking about not even barely anything to help Josh is even listed in their literature.

When Jim Bob was talking about facilities to put Josh in the oh, so helpful state trooper told him that their success rate was very low. There was a juvenile, lockdown facility with professionally licensed counselors that could of possibly helped him in the beginning and Jim Bob and Michelle refused.

The diapers really bother me. They said that the stripper passed a lie detector test. I feel bad for Anna's kids, the younger Duggar kids, Jana and Jinger. I feel Jana and Jinger will never get out of there to have their own life. And that is Sad! ~ Administrator said... 172

TLC's Sister Wives are challenging the polygamy laws based on same-sex marriage rulings.


I've thought that as soon as same sex marriage is legal the arguments against polygamy would really be weakened. I think they have a point. The big argument behind gay marriage is that it's not hurting anyone and it's just consenting adults who are in love. I don't see how polygamy is any different.

I agree all is not lost for Anna. Having Josh out of the home is a huge step. She's not going to accomplish anything with him lurking over his shoulder. Without him lurking about there is hope. The next baby step she needs to take is being willing to at least TALK to someone like an attorney or a family member or people with different ideas. She doesn't have to do what they want but if she would at least listen there might actually be hope.

franky said... 173

My Keyla lives on the third floor, has never been in the yard, but trust me, if ANYONE touches any of our fences or the front stairs, she wakes me. Turns out last last3 police cars were in alley, arresting 2 gus, not a peep outta her, they didn't touc our fence.

Dogs are amazing!

P.J. said... 174

Admin said...

I agree all is not lost for Anna. Having Josh out of the home is a huge step. She's not going to accomplish anything with him lurking over his shoulder. Without him lurking about there is hope.


Do you really think the Duggars are leaving Anna alone? I highly doubt it. I'm sure she's being constantly bombarded by some of them. I'd bet she's being watched. This is like a really bad movie. Again, with the Children of the Corn thing.

Welcome to the Hotel Duggar, you can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave. ~ Administrator said... 175

During the hot months we get a lot of varmint around here. It's really annoying and you're not even allowed to barely even trap them in my city. If you are a spot on the varmint night train there's not much you can do about it.

I feel horrible about it but I have to put my dog in his crate at night when it's this hot out. He likes his crate and he associates it with settling down, being quiet and going to sleep. Otherwise he will be up half the night barking at raccoons, skunks and possums come to dig through the grass looking for bugs at 1 in the morning.

franky said... 176

OT to MIke B...

I feel the need to say I am a graphic artist, all technical talk makes my eyes roll back and I REALLY ned to focus, lol

I can tear apart a photo and what has been done to it, but do not ask me to be technical, even thouh know bot are basically the same, l ~ Administrator said... 177

Do you really think the Duggars are leaving Anna alone? I highly doubt it. I'm sure she's being constantly bombarded by some of them. I'd bet she's being watched. This is like a really bad movie. Again, with the Children of the Corn thing.


I don't know. I don't know this girl well enough.

I think the Duggars might blame her and cut off contact. That actually would be the best thing to happen.

franky said... 178


I was memorising the error code so I could call Geek Squad and report it to them LMFAO!

P.J. said... 179

Another interesting article. Admin, can Ma and Pa Duggar be held liable if Josh created the catfish accounts while a minor living in their home?

P.J. said... 180

Admin said...

I think the Duggars might blame her and cut off contact. That actually would be the best thing to happen.


I'd love to see that happen, but I'm sure they're holding $$$$$ over her head, as in, she doesn't have any. I also wouldn't put it past them to convince her that because she has no money, they're going to go for custody of her children. Let's not forget, Anna is a brain-washed, naive girl who knows next to nothing of real life and this is a cult she would have to escape from, a hard thing to do for a lot of people. Ask Leah Remini and Katie Holmes.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 181

Tucker's Mom (#154), good luck with your dog adoption. I hope
your Bichon gets a great new buddy! ~ Administrator said... 182

This is an interesting article about some guy that insists that the AM account isn't his.

Look at the comments. NOBODY is buying his story. Hilarious.

P.J. said... 183

franky said... 178

I was memorising the error code so I could call Geek Squad and report it to them LMFAO!


franky, franky, franky... what are we going to do with you. LOL

franky said... 184

Anoer OT

for Mike B

I use I yogii as my internet security, think they are good, they will actually call me at home if they cannot delete a threat, then we walk through things .thoughts?

P.J. said... 185

Admin said...

Look at the comments. NOBODY is buying his story. Hilarious.


Well, if nothing else, all these people are giving Josh Duggar ideas as to how to not get caught next time. ~ Administrator said... 186

As grandparents, they have no standing to go for custody of her children. She is their mother. Unless they can get CPS involved and they find she is abusive and then CPS evaluates them under ASFA and PLACES with them. Grandparents really have no rights except in limited circumstances, like their child is dead and the other parent won't let them see their grandchild, or CPS has removed the child on their own motion.

In most circumstances as a parent, you have every right to custody of your child without interference from grandparents.

I don't think the Duggars have much leverage anymore. There isn't much dog in this fight now that the show is gone for good. It might actually be to their benefit to cut off ties with this family. They're really never getting back on TV with him around. ~ Administrator said... 187

One of the comments brought up a good point I haven't seen any of us think of. I guess you have to have a cheaters mindset to think of this, but it really is brilliant.

So you just heard there's a hack and know you're on the site. Quickly log on and change all the photos and information so it looks like it's someone else. Then as a preventative measure, tell your wife oh my gosh I searched for my email just for shits and giggles and it actually came up. Someone used my email! But look see, it's not me. It's another random guy. What a barrel of laughs, honey, eh?

It's actually brilliant and I don't put it past most of these guys to think of it.

redbird said... 188

This was posted on FB Duggars pickles and hairspray. A woman decided to make some care packages for the woman that have to have sex 24/7 to make their husbands not stray.

The contents, bottled water, almonds, sport drinks, KY, energy bars. She was filming herself in her car just waiting for the Duggars preacher to come out and she was going to meet him and give him the care packages.

I think it is brilliant.

localyocul said... 189

redbird said... 188
This was posted on FB Duggars pickles and hairspray. A woman decided to make some care packages for the woman that have to have sex 24/7 to make their husbands not stray.

The contents, bottled water, almonds, sport drinks, KY, energy bars. She was filming herself in her car just waiting for the Duggars preacher to come out and she was going to meet him and give him the care packages.

I think it is brilliant.


Haha "some KY". I hope she posts again when she meets up with him

localyocul said... 190

Haha "since you'll be having sex with men I inculded some reading material"

AuntieAnn said... 191

But look see, it's not me. It's another random guy. What a barrel of laughs, honey, eh?

It's actually brilliant and I don't put it past most of these guys to think of it.


And if their wives are as dense as a London fog they'll buy it.

It reminds me of the old "we had a flat tire on the way home" excuse we used on our parents when we came in about the same time the sun was coming up.

Tucker's Mom said... 192

I don't think the Duggars have much leverage anymore. There isn't much dog in this fight now that the show is gone for good. It might actually be to their benefit to cut off ties with this family. They're really never getting back on TV with him around.
I'm glad all the rumors about the girls getting a spin off is done, too.

The whole, "We're not a perfect family!" just doesn't cut it anymore.

redbird said... 193

I don't see how Jim Bob and Michelle can even look at Anna in her face! They are so responsible for this. They planted very bad seed in the beginning with Josh and now the harvest that is being reaped is so overwhelming and heartbreaking!

I wish Anna had the courage to not let Jim Bob, Michelle, John David at her house. Even if she had to get a restraining order. If by some chance when TLC paid Josh and Anna and it just happened to get tossed on the pile of money that Jim Bob was in charge of, she could sue Jim Bob for her and the kids part of the money.

I just don't think Josh will stay the 6 months. I think he will either leave early or stay the full 6 and come out and be extremely more aggressive. He is not going to be able to get treatment for his sicknesses. I would love someone with credentials like Dr. Wong on LAOSVU that works for CPS in AR to interview him and he comes out of the interrogation room and he just rattles off what he is. He is this, he is that, this manifests into this because of this.

Anonymous said... 194

I would love someone with credentials like Dr. Wong on LAOSVU.....

You do know that he's only a character on a TV show and just says what is written for him right? In real life things aren't quite that simple.

Sue ~ Administrator said... 195

And if their wives are as dense as a London fog they'll buy it.


The psychology of this fascinates me. If women don't want to believe anything is wrong, if they don't want to believe hubby is cheating, they won't. Even when faced with an obvious deception, like Hunter Biden.

They should read the internet comments on articles about their husband. They're probably a heck of a lot more accurate about what's really going on.

Internet comments for the win.

Susie Cincinnati said... 196

The contents, bottled water, almonds, sport drinks, KY, energy bars. She was filming herself in her car just waiting for the Duggars preacher to come out and she was going to meet him and give him the care packages.

I think it is brilliant.


What is brilliant? I think I'm missing something.

Susie Cincinnati said... 197

The next baby step she needs to take is being willing to at least TALK to someone like an attorney or a family member or people with different ideas.


I would think the next step, baby or otherwise, is to get herself tested for STDs or AIDS. Does the Duggar religion allow that, or do they believe that God offers them protection from sexually transmitted diseases? ~ Administrator said... 198

Hopefully her midwife is a licensed RN and not some quack from the cult. If she is any kind of competent medical professional who cares about their patients, she'll give her a call and encourage her to get some tests.

Tucker's Mom said... 199

would think the next step, baby or otherwise, is to get herself tested for STDs or AIDS. Does the Duggar religion allow that, or do they believe that God offers them protection from sexually transmitted diseases?
Couldn't agree more. Anna is in danger because of her sick husband being a shit and a pig.
You have to wonder if anyone around her is even uttering the words...

Susie Cincinnati said... 200

Tucker's Mom said... 153
Poor Anna must be so frightened. She has 4 little kids and has to rely on Jim Boob for support.


Relying on the Boober for anything would scare the bejeebus out of anyone!

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