Josh's statement:

I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.
I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.
The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings.
As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example. I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna and our family during this time."
848 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 848 Newer› Newest»What a crock of CRAP!!!!!
I was gonna post this on the other thread, but it's now closed. Kate is still boring.
IF TLC goes ahead and airs their special on child molestation, I hope they include the following (link below--I don't know how to make it clickable) in the special. It was evidently written by Mr. Gothard himself and is the official line re: sexual abuse within the cult.
Auntie Ann, I love your response re: my comments about TLC making a documentary about the Quiverfull movement. I wasn't expecting TLC to "fess up" or even make such a documentary. They'll never do either. I'd just like to see someone make such a documentary to raise public awareness re: the Quiverfull cult as it seems to be on par or as bad as the polygamous Mormon cults.
I call bullshit. It's an attempt to redirect the attention from him molesting his sisters and another little girl to something a lot less serious. BULL.SHIT.
What a POS that creep is. If I were his wife I would be at my lawyers offce and that would be that.
I'm waiting for the die-hard fans to tell us to "not cast the first stone".
Will Megyn Kelly do another Josh-less special on Josh?
I fully believe Josh had actual affairs with women. If he had the balls to repeatedly molest his own sisters, he could cheat on Anna.
Wait a minute . . . he's now admitted looking at porn. Even if he's erased it from his computer, it can be recovered right?
Any chance the Arkansas police might be coming with a search warrant for his computer(s) on the off chance it might contain kiddie porn files?
Bringing this over from the last thread.
Fleecing the Sheeple said...
I may be in the minority here, but I don't feel any compassion whatsoever for this jerk.
I'm in the minority then too. This "apology" rings hollow for me. Porn on the internet made him do it. It got its ugly claws into him. If women didn't do porn there'd be nothing for him to look at.
IMO, he's still downplaying his "mistake" at 14-15 years old. Didn't reports say this carried on and he was caught again at 17? He's trying to make himself look younger than he was at the time.
As for his being "unfaithful"? That's a play on words. In their cult, looking at another woman is being unfaithful. I, personally, don't believe he ever had the balls to hook up with another woman, and I think that's where this is going. "It's not so bad, he didn't ACTUALLY, PHYSICALLY cheat on his wife." He'll beat himself up for the mental sin he committed and his followers will forgive him because it never happened in real life. I suspect Anna will go that route too.
I think Josh might be a product of his upbringing in more ways than one. Sex and women being so forbidden that the kids have to yell, "Nike!" and look at their shoes when a burka-less woman walks by just isn't normal.
I also have a feeling Josh learned from Jim Boob. What father could poo-poo his son molesting his own daughters?
It doesn't pass the sniff test.
According to the site Zap2It, Josh Duggar’s original apology had one extra line that has since been removed. This was the original fourth paragraph of Josh’s statement:
The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, in my heart I had allowed Satan to build a fortress that no one knew about.
No definite word on why the Duggars decided to remove the reference to Josh’s Satan-infested heart, but I assume it has something to do with the fact that blaming your unfaithfulness and pornography addiction on anyone but yourself is, generally, not the best look.
Looks like the REAL threat to his family was HIM, not homosexuals, transgenders, gay marriage, unwed mothers...what else was that pompous ass preaching?
As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences
So, he's more or less saying he's sorry he got caught.
SNARK ALERT! Wouldn't it be great if it turns out that Josh was addicted to gay porn! END SNARK ALERT!
I really do wonder if TFW is still filming or just laying low hoping that she'll be called for a regular series again rather than just the "specials". Although I really don't know what she'd have to offer on a weekly basis.
Is this the longest that Milo has ever gone dark?
I find it ironic that those who fight against immorality the loudest are often outed as having been mired in it.
Me doth think thou protests too loudly (c), or something like that.
going back under the veranda to enjoy all the flip-flops this story will take on, especially now that e entire Madison list is on-line. Turns out the top 5 cities where users live are in Ontario, right around our Capital. will be a very enjoyable election-year mud-slinging!
Could this be a good thing in the sense that if Josh has pedo instincts that he would not have signed up for an adult website. Somebody in his family needs to carefully go over his computer(s) to see if he has visited any child porn websites.
Also I read here or somewhere else that Josh had a problem with porn. I wonder how they knew about that.
I think Josh will probably blame porn for his signing up with the Ashley website. Watch it, it will be coming soon. I think the family removed the sentence about satan is because they knew they would be taken to task big time for it.
See above link, even Jesus is partaking of the popcorn and rumspringa lol.
"I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.
I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.
The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings."
What a load of moose droppings. PR machinations, that is all. Someone else likely wrote that statement.
And what the heck is with citing 14-15 years old? He had an active account as recently as 3 months ago. Sorry Josh, but this is a whole new ball of wax, one that you don't get to claim innocent curiosity.
A married man with 4 kids knows what he's doing when he signs up for TWO accounts on a "cheating" website.
"As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences.|
I wonder what that is code for? I thought they did choose his consequences by sending him away for some hard labour.
As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences
So explain? You thought there would be NO consequences?
Wasn't this lesson instilled in you by your homeschool teacher? Your mother? I'd think this is a pretty important lesson in your culture. You seem to expect it from others, no?
In fact you foresaw the future and predicted the downfall of the "family" (consequence) if gay marriage became legal, transgenders used public toilets, if you allowed an unwed mother to live in your midst.
Yes, he got hypocrite right
You know I initially appreciated him basically finally saying I f-ed up. And I really appreciate him saying that his job with that organization that tears other people down was one big joke. It was a nice change. In reading it again it occurs to me though that calling this "pornography" is somewhat minimizing of him. It makes it sound like he just stayed up late with his laptop jacking off to a few hot women.
This web site is about married people hooking up with other married people. It is about actively, aggressively seeking out AFFAIRS. It's about tearing down the very foundations of one's marriage.
That really isn't the same thing whatsoever as pornography. In fact a little pornography in a marriage is probably not that big of a deal at all for many couples, as long as both parties consent to it and are comfortable with it. Some couples even view porn together now and again. It can be a constructive release that doesn't have to hurt anyone. AFFAIRS are not "pornography", Josh. Not by a long shot.
"I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife."
Several years to me means three to maybe seven years. He was attacking his sisters in 2002-2003. But it could be that his parents put a tracking system on his computer when he was living at home and therefore unable to view porn until he was married. If that was the case then I agree that he was viewing porn (at least online) for the past several years. But if he started when still living at home then it has been more than a decade. That is way more than several years.
The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, in my heart I had allowed Satan to build a fortress that no one knew about.
No definite word on why the Duggars decided to remove the reference to Josh’s Satan-infested heart, but I assume it has something to do with the fact that blaming your unfaithfulness and pornography addiction on anyone but yourself is, generally, not the best look.
Bingo. It wasn't him, it was Satan. PR people axed that one.
Does this creep even REALLY believe in God?? Come on, I don't buy it. God was used to get money and that's about His only use to him.
I hope he gets help-lots of counseling and NOT from the cult leaders.
I really, really feel bad for Anna. She's been duped, bamboozled.
I, too, hope he gets lots of counseling, but I don't feel sorry for his wife. You can't be bamboozled unless you allow yourself to be bamboozled.
She knew about the molestation and still she married him, knowing that there would be children from that marriage. Her parents gave the blessing for that union. Yes, she was duped, but for heaven sake, you THINK long and hard before you marry a child molester. She went full speed ahead into that union, and guess what, working for a contractor didn't end his sex addition. She was too dumb to know it, brainwashed in their cult, but wouldn't anyone with any sense of critical/logical thinking ability have been able to say...wait a minute, is this the guy I want to marry and to be a father to my kids? Obviously not. You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
Does this sound cold? Maybe, but this guy, and the entire clan, really tick me off. No sympathy from me here. The apology sounds trite, contrived, and something he had to do. I honestly don't think that he's going to change his ways. I hope that none of his women comes out and says that he fathered her child. Then the poop really will hit the fan. Anna, get yourself to a doctor and have tests run.
In fact you foresaw the future and predicted the downfall of the "family" (consequence) if gay marriage became legal, transgenders used public toilets, if you allowed an unwed mother to live in your midst.
The great irony is, it was JOSH that Mama Duggar had really to fear around little children who go into restrooms. Not innocent transgendereds.
This web site is about married people hooking up with other married people. It is about actively, aggressively seeking out AFFAIRS. It's about tearing down the very foundations of one's marriage.
Yup, downplaying it again. Just like the little girls didn't know what was happening, they were sleeping, it was over their clothes, he was a young teenager...
Admin, post #21: Josh did admit that he was unfaithful to his wife. I took that to mean he did have sex with other women. I mean his statement was given because of Ashley Madison...a website to have sex with woman. And I don't think Josh should be given any credit for finally admitting he messed up. I mean did he really have a choice in the matter. Finally, I didn't take his statement to mean or even imply that the organization he worked for was " one big joke".
Susan1956 said... 6
Wait a minute . . . he's now admitted looking at porn. Even if he's erased it from his computer, it can be recovered right?
Any chance the Arkansas police might be coming with a search warrant for his computer(s) on the off chance it might contain kiddie porn files?
August 20, 2015 at 12:06 PM
Police would have to have cause, I think? Being on an adults adulterating website isn't a crime. Admitting to having sex with other women isn't either.
I do hope proper authorities and health professionals are involved when it comes to his girls.
So, the Josh defenders on other blogs are saying he didn't admit to the Ashley Madison account in so many words, so someone must have been using his name. Face palm!
I'd be really pissed if someone used my name and I had to pay the bill.
P.J. said... 19
"As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences.|
I wonder what that is code for?
The "hard" way? Stupid wording for a guy with an addiction to all things sexual. This guy isn't the sharpest tool in the drawer.
And what the heck is with citing 14-15 years old? He had an active account as recently as 3 months ago. Sorry Josh, but this is a whole new ball of wax, one that you don't get to claim innocent curiosity.
He knows it is a whole new ball of wax. He said he let people down about his actions when he was 14-15 and now he has let them down again. He never said that the Ashley thing was done out of curiosity.
I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.
and "now" have "re-broken" their trust
He's been a deviant since he was a teenager. Wonder what he's been up to since the day he got caught molesting his sisters (actually BEFORE he got caught) until yesterday?
He did a lot of travelling for his job in D.C
what was going on before he signed himself up with TWO accounts?
Vanessa said... 11
Looks like the REAL threat to his family was HIM, not homosexuals, transgenders, gay marriage, unwed mothers...what else was that pompous ass preaching?
August 20, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Josh should apologize to the LGBT community.
Admin, post #21: Josh did admit that he was unfaithful to his wife. I took that to mean he did have sex with other women.
I did too, but in the paragraph before he says the only thing he did was view pornography on the INTERNET. I.e. not anywhere else and not meeting women.
Like someone else said pornography is being "unfaithful" to those of his religion.
He may very well have done this all on the internet, but there's a lot you can do on the internet these days what with FaceTime. He could have been doing everything but actually having actual sex with another woman. People have whole real relationships now over the internet.
It's just so minimizing to act like oh yeah I looked at a couple photos of a pretty porn star and that was that.
Now we wait for the women to come forward. The play isn't over yet.
Susan1956 said... 2
I wasn't expecting TLC to "fess up" or even make such a documentary. They'll never do either. I'd just like to see someone make such a documentary to raise public awareness re: the Quiverfull cult as it seems to be on par or as bad as the polygamous Mormon cults.
Susan, yes, I got that from your original comment. TLC just keeps rewriting their stories like George Orwell's Ministry of Truth:
**The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. For example, if Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry of Truth go back and rewrite the prediction so that any prediction Big Brother previously made is accurate. This is the "how" of the Ministry of Truth's existence. **
I'm not buying his apology really,i mean its good he confess but only after he got caught.As for the people wondering Kate's whereabouts.I really hope this is NOT happening for the kids sake but it maybe possible she's filming a back to school "special" because i think the sextuplets are now in middle school,plus with collin supposedly going to a different school,it would make sense to do a back to school special,so be prepare for more looking back and more praising from the sheep like the Gosselin 8 are the only kids that go to middle school and yada yada yada.
According to the Daily Mail, Josh has changed his statement, yet again, and removed any reference to pornography.
Josh Duggar Scandal
I call bullshit. It's an attempt to redirect the attention from him molesting his sisters and another little girl to something a lot less serious. BULL.SHIT.
What? Bullshit on his latest confession? I don't think admitting that you signed up with Ashley Madison--a website for the sole purpose of having sex with other women other than your wife--is less serious that what he did to his sisters. To me this if way, way more serious.
And why are a few doubting whether he had actual sex with other women. Wasn't the purpose of him signing up to have sex with other woman. Am I missing something?
Poor Jessa (is that the right one?) This is blowing up the internet bigger than kartrashian's butt.
"Back 12 years ago, our family went through one of the most difficult times of our lives," his parents said in a statement in May. "When Josh was a young teenager, he made some very bad mistakes, and we were shocked. We had tried to teach him right from wrong. That dark and difficult time caused us to seek God like never before
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Looks like you failed in teaching him that lesson
Vanessa said... 13
As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences
So, he's more or less saying he's sorry he got caught.
August 20, 2015 at 12:12 PM
I thought that statement was very strange. You know damn well what the consequences are. Multiplied x 1000 when you are a public figure.
Hence, the lies, deceit and subterfuge.
So, actually, you choose the action, you do choose the consequences.
Somewhere In Time said... 128
You know, Ex Nurse, we can go back and forth linking articles about facts, what was legal, what was illegal, what she knew or didn't know, until it becomes more confusing and just a convoluted mess. I'm not even sure that those involved even know the facts at this point. The articles that I have read each give their own interpretations of E-mail Gate, why the FBI was called in, what was legal under the law at this time, and so forth.
TUcker's mom said...
IIRC, just yesterday, Hillary said that the emails she received were not marked classified.
Somewhere In Time said... 128
You know, Ex Nurse, we can go back and forth linking articles about facts, what was legal, what was illegal, what she knew or didn't know, until it becomes more confusing and just a convoluted mess. I'm not even sure that those involved even know the facts at this point. The articles that I have read each give their own interpretations of E-mail Gate, why the FBI was called in, what was legal under the law at this time, and so forth.
The link that I posted was an official statement from the office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, not Fox News or any of the so-called experts that flock like flies to shit whenever there is the whisper of a scandal. As Hillary Clinton said, the emails were never classified and the state department has not changed that status. It says that there was classified information in 4 emails that should have been marked as such, but werenot. Hillary Clinton was the recipient--not the sender. The FBI is investigating why the sender did not designate it as classified--How exactly would Hillary be responsible for that?
As far as Colin Powell goes, he isn't running for president yet--so, if he does, I guess he will be subjected to the exact same criticism.
classification markings and/or dissemination controls. These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these em ails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.
IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession. An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral- it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials.
Admin said...
Now we wait for the women to come forward. The play isn't over yet.
I really don't believe he had the balls to take this into the real world and that's how he'll slither out of this. Wouldn't these women have come forward when the molestation stuff came out?
I'll happily admit I was wrong if someone comes forward, but I really think he's too naive to take this behaviour into real life. He's a sneak-around-and-do-dirty-stuff kinda guy.
So he's now put out THREE different versions of his statement.
Gee, reminds me of NoNets or whatever it was, that swimsuit company, and when people went ballistic over their alliance with Kate they released like a fuckety-million versions of a statement trying to explain they didn't even know who she was. Every time you refreshed the site the statement was different. Lol, good times.
n choosing his consquenses
maybe code for daddy is mad at me I got caught again and I am the reason for the final nail in our Duggar family empire coffin.
Wonder if the apple fell far from the tree, or just was a forbidden fruit that made temptation grow until resistance was futile (huge snark )
The edits to the "Apology" are on Gawker. Oy vey!
From what I read, the Duggar sheep were all over the place, yelling that this was a fake account, Josh would never do that, never cheat on Anna, and how dare these hackers lie about it. I imagine now they are running around, sounding the damage control bell, and acting like your typical Kate sheeple.
What is it going to take for the Kate worshipers to stop their denial about her child abuse and horrible exploitation of her kids? They've bashed Robert as being a liar, a fake, altering the e-mails, and basically coming up with untruths just to discredit her. In the wake of this latest Duggar scandal, will they ever see that it just might be possible that Kate's journal wasn't altered, that Kate may really have done those things and she's not Saint Kate as she would have them believe?
Nah, it's probably too late for that. Her cult following has had the wool in their eyes much too long. The Kook-Aid just keeps flowing.
Several years to me means three to maybe seven years. He was attacking his sisters in 2002-2003. But it could be that his parents put a tracking system on his computer when he was living at home and therefore unable to view porn until he was married. If that was the case then I agree that he was viewing porn (at least online) for the past several years. But if he started when still living at home then it has been more than a decade. That is way more than several years.
He used his grandmother's address for billing purposes, maybe he was accessing porn there? For years
He may very well have done this all on the internet, but there's a lot you can do on the internet these days what with FaceTime. He could have been doing everything but actually having actual sex with another woman. People have whole real relationships now over the internet.
But you don't have to have two accounts, register a credit card and pay a thousand dollars to view porn, do you? There was a reason he signed up for those AM accounts, and one reason meet other women and have affairs. Isn't that what the site is all about? How does he explain that?
One of the accounts was closed around the same time it was first reported that Josh, 27, had molested his siblings as a teenager.
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Left the one with his grandmother's address open?
Josh should apologize to the LGBT community.
Bah! Wouldn't that be something?
Depends on how desperate they are for cash.
Maybe they can do a crossover show with Jazz
"... in my heart I had allowed Satan to build a fortress that no one knew about."
Ah yes the old "devil made me do it" excuse. People still buy that one?
So he deleted the reference to porn? Why? Because he's afraid there might be some child porn on there? Geez.
I'm sick of the people who are blaming the liberal media for this story. They claim Christian bashing. WTF? Stop using that cop out. This has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with hypocrisy.
Why would he make revisions to the apology? Certainly the original is available everywhere on the internet! Too late now, buddy boy! It makes no sense to lock the barn gate after the horse has escaped.
According to the New Testament, lusting after a woman is a sin. It is no different than having actual physical contact as far as faithfulness is concerned. Two of the expectations of marriage are trust and responsibility. The idea is that having any sexual thoughts at all about anyone besides your wife degrades the covenant you have made. It was actually designed to be a protection for women in a society where they were considered property.
Jesus wanted women to be seen as valuable, worthy of total respect, deserving of a faithful husband, not afraid of the husband looking elsewhere and possibly leaving her. And he wanted men to be responsible and mature in their relationships with their wives.
That is my understanding of the Biblical view of pornography and extramarital activities.
I really don't believe he had the balls to take this into the real world and that's how he'll slither out of this. Wouldn't these women have come forward when the molestation stuff came out?
I think he has BIG balls if he believed he could engage in this activity for years, expecting to never get caught. Why would he cough up money for membership if he had no intention of taking it to the real world?
Maybe Daddy Duggar wrote the apology and misunderstood what Ashley Madison is. Maybe he thought it was a porn site.
'm sick of the people who are blaming the liberal media for this story. They claim Christian bashing. WTF? Stop using that cop out. This has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with hypocrisy.
Sounds like those Christian vloggers who faked a pregnancy test and then a miscarriage. Called out all the backlashers as Christian haters, drinking the "haterade".
Over and Out said...
But you don't have to have two accounts, register a credit card and pay a thousand dollars to view porn, do you? There was a reason he signed up for those AM accounts, and one reason meet other women and have affairs. Isn't that what the site is all about? How does he explain that?
He has never mentioned Ashley Madison in his multiple edits of his apology. In his mind, having those accounts was nothing more than looking at porn. Membership is free, but you have to pay to chat, swap photos etc. That's where the $1000 came in. That's why I don't believe he took it into the real world. He's a chicken.
Ky Pastor...
True. Thanks for the explanation. That's the way we learned "unfaithfulness" in our Bible studies. Josh didn't repeat the Clinton defense, though, saying "I did not have have sex with any women." He stopped short of that and just left it open to interpretation and now there is no mention of viewing pornography. Interesting.
The Daily Mail is reporting he has changed "his" statement multiple times. I say "his" because I think his advisors have been up all night working on the statement.
Vanessa said... 55
hmmmm....Joe SmithSON?
Vanessa said... 55
I sense a cover up in a sense, always look to who is at the top of the pyramid, after all, many behaviours are learned.
He onwed up to this way to fast to not be covering for someone else, perhaps the apple tree.
According to that ROL article, the secret FB goes back to 2008, when he would have been 16. I thought he repented and changed at 15 or 16??
My conspiracy theory, only mine and pure speculation
Both Duggar men have same name,, but lived at 2 different addresses
2 different accounts 2 addresses same name
One associated with young one deleted, other active, billing at that one
One quick guilty plea from young one
things that make you go hmmmmm
KyPastor (#58), thanks for weighing in!
There are dollars to be squeezed out of this by the Duggars.
Count on it. Writing a book about molesting your sisters may
not fly, but a good ol' book about sin and redemption might
appeal to a certain percentage of the fans. Jim Bob has
probably been researching ghost writers all day.
PS, Duggars are DOA. It has literally taken over my fb time-line, everyone from all over the wold is commenting and sharing. Homany more famous people to come, ol
interesting comment on the ROL site. Very, very true. The chickens are coming home to roost.
8 minutes ago
What's even more rich is that Smuggy Ass Jessa tried to diminish InTouch Weekly as a magazine that has ties to porn. O ok fish lips, THAT just completely erases what InTouch found out about your creep-o brother. 3 months later, Josh admits to- wait for it- an addiction to porn! You can't make this stuff up!!!
This must be the FB page; before it gets deleted:
and "now" have "re-broken" their trust
You know, it just hit me. Josh let his sister victims and his parents go on national tv and defend his honor, all the while, knowing that he was soliciting adulterous affairs on a notorious website.
What ballz.
I sure would' t pay $1,000 just to look at the bicycle. I would expect to take it for a ride over and over again.
Soooo, his FB goes back to 2004 when he was 15 or 16. The series started in 2009 at which time the kids were all portrayed as being cocooned in a homeschool in environement with no electronics/access to the worldy evils. LMAO
The edits on Josh's statement.
How stupid! Dumb, dumb! Once it's out there, you can't edit out what you put out!
I love internet comments:
pannelll Ashley Feinberg
8/20/15 2:06pm
p.s. the gays are still ruining marriage, y’all!
Gawker has a similar point to what we said here in that wait a second. We just said you had an Ashley account. We never said anything about porn!
So without anyone ever accusing him of a porn addiction, he outs himself as having a porn addiction in response to a completely different accusation.
Lol, OOPS. Delete-delete-delete!
I'm thinking now he probably did follow through on this site. He could have downplayed it and said I was on this site, and I did chat with a few women and view their photos, but I never met anyone in person and it never went beyond merely chatting. He really didn't say that though. He is extremely vague and tried to brush it off as porn, which makes me think there is much more to this. I'm betting he chatted, then met with, numerous women in person. It's D.C., baby. That bicycle's seat is worn thin, fido.
KY Pastor,
thank you for that.
I am a bhuddist Rastafari, from a catholic background ( non-religious anymore, no offense)
I am all for fantasies, but they are about my mate. I never lust after others, because I respect him and us.
When you actively look elsewhere, that is cheating on your signifiigant other, whether you actually do it or not.
I am not a prude, but when you commit to one person, there are lines you do not cross.
he was committed to one person in my eyes
If Josh is acting like this at 27, I'd hate to see what his mid-life crisis is gonna look like. LOL
From CNN:
"According to an analysis from the cybersecurity company Trustify, Duggar paid Ashley Madison some $986 between 2012 and 2015. He used the name, josh_the_man, and described himself as an "attached male seeking female," according to the analysis.
Duggar reportedly listed some of his desires as: conventional sex, experimenting with sex toys and one-night stands. He listed travel and photography as personal interests. He said he was turned on by professional, confident women who dislike routine and have a secret love nest."
Turned on by professional, confident women who dislike routine? Polar opposite of his mother, his sisters, his wife, heck, any member of their cult.
According to the profile, “Smithson” was posting on the site as far back as 2004 — four years before Josh married Anna.
2004, not 8
According to the profile, “Smithson” was posting on the site as far back as 2004 — four years before Josh married Anna.
Could someone briefly summarize what was in the ROL article about the stripper? Thanks
Wonder if Mike Huckabee will defend ole Joshie now.
fidosmommy said... 75
I sure would' t pay $1,000 just to look at the bicycle. I would expect to take it for a ride over and over again.
You can pay a cover to go to a strip club and not order a lap dance. I'm not sure if that's a bad analogy, or a really good one.
Ashley Madison is NOT an escort service. You don't call them up and order a "date". That would be prostitution. You chat with people, you exchange photos and that's what you pay for. You may make arrangements to meet someone in the real world, but that's not what you're paying for. You're paying to message/interact with others.
Maybe he did meet women for sex, who knows? At this point I'm not sure it matters. The damage has been done. I'm ready to stand corrected but I still think he's too wet behind the ears. I think he's a case of really arrested development.
Ashley Madison is NOT an escort service. You don't call them up and order a "date". That would be prostitution. You chat with people, you exchange photos and that's what you pay for. You may make arrangements to meet someone in the real world, but that's not what you're paying for. You're paying to message/interact with others.
Yes but I think many people DO meet in person from that site. They can't just streamline the meting because that looks too much like prostitution as you said. But it's implied. Just like those Vegas escorts are clearly coming over to have sex, even though no one ever says that.
You could be right, I don't know what to think. I just think if Josh never met any of these women in person, he would have literally said, any interaction on this site remained strictly on the internet--I never met anyone in person.
But I tend to think you're right, it doesn't much matter either way. The ball's in Anna's court. I wish some sort of support group or therapist would contact her. She's going to need a great deal of help with accepting that none of this was her fault, and to give her the courage to take steps to leave him.
localyocul said... 76
Soooo, his FB goes back to 2004 when he was 15 or 16. The series started in 2009 at which time the kids were all portrayed as being cocooned in a homeschool in environement with no electronics/access to the worldy evils. LMAO
As a parent, how can you have a clue about what any of your kids is doing when you have 12, 14, 15...of them?
But yeah, the Smuggers never watch worldly tv and play board games every night, just like in those staged photos with Megyn Kelly!
Another interesting point the internet is making is that by blaming it on porn, in some ways he takes the blame off him.
In other words it's sort of like saying, see, see how bad porn is? So bad it led someone as pious as me astray! If only you the sinners had listened to us about how bad porn is and stopped making it, this never would have happened. It's a subtle blame shift, but I tend to agree it's there.
It's fascinating he blames this on a porn addiction, which as nothing to do with signing up for an AFFAIR web site.
Other commentors are saying lots of people look at porn and it doesn't mean anything is wrong in their marriage. They all say they're in healthy happy relationships and the occasional porn is on the up and to speak. No one is buying what he is selling--this isn't about PORN.
Note to franky -
No offense taken at all. I am not a Christian who believes we need to convert the world to our thinking. Goodness, even Christians can't agree about what we're supposed to believe! Why we can't see there is a place for every faith, or no faith at all, in this universe is beyond me. Whether it is a faith community I agree with or not changes nothing for me. It's working for someone. Thankfully the Seminary I attended did not believe it's our way or nothing, neither did the church I grew up in. I take no offense at any of it as long as my own beliefs are respected in return.
As a parent, how can you have a clue about what any of your kids is doing when you have 12, 14, 15...of them?
Uh, yeah. That was my point four years ago. Raising one child well is hard work. You cannot possibly be the kind of emotional support your child needs when you have that many. You cannot possibly give them the time that one child needs. This kid was raised in a full time summer camp, and could not have possibly gotten the individual attention he needed to spot, and help deal with, his numerous issues productively. They were allowed to fester and grow, and now he's a grown ass adult with enough problems to make anyone suicidal, god help him.
My case against having 19 kids. It's an I told ya so moment for a lot of folks today.
Admin said...
Yes but I think many people DO meet in person from that site.
Oh, absolutely. That's what the majority of users use it for. I just will be surprised to find out that Hillbilly Josh took it into real life. Maybe that's why they took the reference to "porn" out of his apology. Maybe he's stupid enough to think it's a porn site or the thought of cheating was enough for him to get his rocks off.
From US Weekly -- "When we learned of this late last night our hearts were broken," Jim Bob and Michelle wrote on the family's official website. "As we continue to place our trust in God we ask for your prayers for Josh, Anna, our grandchildren, and our entire family.
"We pray that as people watch our lives they see that we are not a perfect family. We have challenges and struggles every day...We hope somehow the story of our journey — the good times and the difficult times — cause you to see the kindness of God and learn that He can bring you through anything."
Instead of pleading for the public to continue to watch their family 'keep the faith' while it crumbles in front of our eyes, why don't they shutup and listen for answers to their problem. Has it ever occurred to these two clowns that maybe all this bad press IS God telling them to get off their high horses and admit they have a terribly screwed up son, probably as a result of their cult-like existence?
It's fascinating he blames this on a porn addiction, which as nothing to do with signing up for an AFFAIR web site.
Ah, but if he's watching porn and enjoying the sexual toys, positions, sexual fetishes, oral sex, and his wife refuses to do those things, then it might encourage him to make up for what he feels is much more exciting than what his wife is offering, There are women out there who will engage in those acts and he's like a kid in a candy store, wanting what is available for his enjoyment. Screw the wife, so to speak.
KyPastor said... 89
Note to franky -
No offense taken at all. I am not a Christian who believes we need to convert the world to our thinking. Goodness, even Christians can't agree about what we're supposed to believe! Why we can't see there is a place for every faith, or no faith at all, in this universe is beyond me. Whether it is a faith community I agree with or not changes nothing for me. It's working for someone. Thankfully the Seminary I attended did not believe it's our way or nothing, neither did the church I grew up in. I take no offense at any of it as long as my own beliefs are respected in return.
KY Pastor, thank you for that. I wish the world was full of people like you.
I am all for fantasies, but they are about my mate. I never lust after others, because I respect him and us.
I am reminded of an old Rosanne episode titled "Guilt By Imagination," where Dan took an old girlfriend to lunch, and Roseanne got upset about it because she said she doesn't lust after anyone that she can't have, except for Fabio. At the end, she and Dan are in bed, the camera zooms in on Roseanne, and then back to the bed where what you would think is Dan, but the actual Fabio is there saying that he washed her pits for her. Roseanne's fantasy. Funny scene.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 93
It's fascinating he blames this on a porn addiction, which as nothing to do with signing up for an AFFAIR web site.
Ah, but if he's watching porn and enjoying the sexual toys, positions, sexual fetishes, oral sex, and his wife refuses to do those things, then it might encourage him to make up for what he feels is much more exciting than what his wife is offering, There are women out there who will engage in those acts and he's like a kid in a candy store, wanting what is available for his enjoyment. Screw the wife, so to speak.
And that's how it's always the woman's fault.
How stupid! Dumb, dumb! Once it's out there, you can't edit out what you put out!
He really is a first class doofus, about as dumb as you can get. By editing, he's called attention to what was deleted. Gosh, is he stupid. Must have inherited his intelligence genes (or lack thereof) from the Boobster and Babytalk. None of them is playing with a full deck.
I sure would' t pay $1,000 just to look at the bicycle. I would expect to take it for a ride over and over again.
lol! That's for sure. I wonder, though, if he really did take it for a ride and the bicycle found out who he was that there wouldn't be a little payment demand on the side, you know, her taking him for a ride or else she would expose his little infidelities.
scgal said... 83
Could someone briefly summarize what was in the ROL article about the stripper? Thanks
was friends with 20+ strippers, nothing else
smells fishy
Ashley Madison is a site for married people seeking affairs, correct? Than any woman he may have hooked up with on that site would also be married. In order for any woman/women to come forward, she/they would also have to admit to committing adultery. With a child molester. Another thought…the Duggars are vehemently anti-birth control. Makes you wonder if any little Josh Duggars are out there being passed off as some unsuspecting husband's child.
I can't help but think back to the clip where Jim Bob is humping on Michelle at the mini golf course while on a double date with one of the daughters and her boyfriend. If that's what JB and Michelle thought was appropriate behavior in front of their children, that could go a long way toward explaining how their oldest son turned out to be a sexual degenerate.
This must be the FB page; before it gets deleted:
It would really have been amusing if, under television favorites, he would have listed TLC, 19 Kids And Counting! He'd be stupid enough to do it.
Tucker's Mom said... 74
and "now" have "re-broken" their trust
You know, it just hit me. Josh let his sister victims and his parents go on national tv and defend his honor, all the while, knowing that he was soliciting adulterous affairs on a notorious website.
What ballz.
I honestly think Boob/Baby created a sociopath with their choices with the ongoing molestation which went on for years. Had they gotten him REAL therapy back then, who knows? My guess they were afraid if they took him to a sex offender therapist, it would have been mandatory on the therapist's part to report any potential molestation to police for investigation and BOOB knew this and didn't want any part of this. Instead Josh's therapy was to help build a house. Look how that turned out ! I blame Jim Bob as he wanted to avoid any shame with his "perfect" fathering. How did that work out? And why did they wait years before they took action, locking the girls in their room? WTF? All Boob and Baby did was enable his twisted thinking to get worse. Out of ego and pride. Now the latest news.... the Cheater's website he joined,
all the while expousing his "Christian values." Boob and Baby created a monster due to their pride. Fine lessons they are teaching their family. And the sickest part is I think we will be hearing more about Josh's actions in the near future.
I hope Anna and the kids can stay somewhere other than with Josh, so she can process what has happened and how she feels about it without any pressure from anyone, especially the Duggars.
splitting hairs here...
but if BOTH parties pay to MAYBE meet, is that prostitution, paid for sex, or just a user fee?
or , IMO waste of money?
OT To KY Pastor
Thank you, you remind me of my brother Blair
same philosophy
and he still loves me, lol!
Auntie Ann...92
. Has it ever occurred to these two clowns that maybe all this bad press IS God telling them to get off their high horses and admit they have a terribly screwed up son, probably as a result of their cult-like existence?
Apparently not, but wait for it!
I am reminded of an old Rosanne episode titled "Guilt By Imagination," where Dan took an old girlfriend to lunch, and Roseanne got upset about it because she said she doesn't lust after anyone that she can't have, except for Fabio. At the end, she and Dan are in bed, the camera zooms in on Roseanne, and then back to the bed where what you would think is Dan, but the actual Fabio is there saying that he washed her pits for her. Roseanne's fantasy. Funny scene.
Such a great show.
He really is a first class doofus, about as dumb as you can get. By editing, he's called attention to what was deleted. Gosh, is he stupid. Must have inherited his intelligence genes (or lack thereof) from the Boobster and Babytalk. None of them is playing with a full deck.
Seriously, someone should have locked the damn computer and just let it be.
It's out there forever.
Are they THAT dumb?
Jared Fogle, Bill Cosby and Hillary Clinton are happy the spotlight is on Josh Duggar!
The only person annoyed to be sharing the internet is Trump.
What a trainwreck!
So sad for all involved.
Anna has grounds to file for divorce. They haven't been married long, can you imagine experiencing this barely into a marriage?
Josh needs some serious counseling-- the Duggar 'nike' method didn't work for him.
Just looking at it from the outside, it appears he wanted to emulate his parent's marriage-- I assume he believed other sexual activity was ungodly, so he had to look for other ways to satisfy his urges.
Boob and Baby created a monster due to their pride.
I keep thinking about a clip of the Smugger's show, when Joshie is getting married and Jim Boob gives Joshie a book and video? for his wedding night duties.
It was so smarmy!
Here ya go, son. This here is for deflowering the little lady!
ky pastor...
you have hit a nerve in me.
My father had us all research our own religion, and exposed us to many, as a result, I never baptised my dd, I told her to choose her own, as in my mind, they are basically all the same, only radicalists make them different,
jah bless, and g-d bless
Ashley Madison is a site for married people seeking affairs, correct? Than any woman he may have hooked up with on that site would also be married.
Is that the way it worked? As I understand it, most of the "clients" are men looking to have an affair, but does that also imply that the women are married as well? A man can have an affair with a single woman.
Heck, I don't understand these dating/hookup sites!
Ky, thanks for posting. If I may ask, in what denomination were you raised? Pentecostal, Evangelical? It sounds so much like the church where I grew up.
Over In TFW's County said... 111
Ashley Madison is a site for married people seeking affairs, correct? Than any woman he may have hooked up with on that site would also be married.
Is that the way it worked? As I understand it, most of the "clients" are men looking to have an affair, but does that also imply that the women are married as well? A man can have an affair with a single woman.
Heck, I don't understand these dating/hookup sites!
I don't either : ) Kind of makes me feel better that I don't!
ET on television is reporting on the scandal, with the original statement that includes pornography and that it was edited out. Dumb move, Josh. Real dumb.. If you didn't want to include that in your apology, you should have thought about it then, not after. Before issuing a statement, you make darn sure that it's just the way you want it.
Why is it that "blessing" is such a buzzword among the Duggars? Everything is a blessing. Marriage is blessing. children are a blessing
Was the hacking of the Ashley site a blessing, too, Joshie?
When you join Ashley Madison, for free, you create a profile. You can be single or married, male or female, gay or straight or bi.
Then it becomes like, only their company motto is: "Life is short, have an affair."
Like-minded people "hook up" via their profiles and pay money to send messages/photos or to chat or to have face time through the Ashley Madison servers. You buy "credits" and each activity costs x number of credits. So a chat might cost 50 credits, but a message might only cost 10. (totally guessing the costs on my part but that's the gist of it) All activity is billed to the client's credit card. When you get your credit card statement, it doesn't say "Ashley Madison", it recently posted as AMDM, but I hear they change it frequently.
If you message a person and arrange to meet in real life, you pay for the message, AMEN.
It would be a huge scandal if Ashley Madison was actually procuring "escorts". It's a cheater's website, for people who want to cheat. I've been reading some comments on sites that are talking about it, and a lot of the men are saying women or catfish use it to scam them out of money. Others say they get hits from women all over the U.S. and think it's ridiculous to think they're going to meet in real life unless one of them travels to the other's city. Some women say that they use the site and that once they get rid of the perverts who send them pictures of their junk, or make really offensive comments, they find the hookups easy and satisfying.
The whole thing sounds like an awful lot of work, to me. Whatever rubs your Buddha, I suppose.
Josh paid $300 for the affair guarantee. He is a product of his parents but, this time he is an adult. As an adult, he knew that this was wrong but still did it. I gave him some leeway for molesting when he was a teen. His parents did not get him the help he needed. But, he had the choice to get help as an adult. Instead, he choose to sign up and pay a website money to cheat on his wife.
I gave him some leeway for molesting when he was a teen
I give him leeway for being a curious teenager, but at age 14 when there is incest involved, nope, no way, no leeway at all. At that age he knew it was wrong unless the guy is mentally deficient in some way or the other, and even then.This wasn't a case of a 6-year-old playing doctor with a neighbor kid. At age 14, kids know better. They just do, even if they are the product of the Duggar cult..
So Josh and family get raked over the coals again and yet Kate, who admitted to abusing her children, continues to lead her happy, happy rainbow-filled life complete with TLC paid vacations, house renovations and, as we all know, so much more. I don't get it. What's worse - viewing porn and maybe cheating on your spouse or beating and verbally abusing helpless children? Where's the anger in the media against Kate?
From Wikipedia:
70% of Ashley Madison's users are male.[27] "More men than women use the service, with the disparity increasing as they advance in age", and "Men seek sex, while women seek passion".[28] This is not revealed to prospective users. Furthermore, Ashley Madison routinely uses computer-generated female "profiles" to make it seem that more women participate than really do.[27]
Unlike or eHarmony, Ashley Madison's business model is based on credits rather than monthly subscriptions. For a conversation between two members, one of the members—almost always the man—must pay five credits to initiate the conversation. Any follow-up messages between the two members are free after the communication has been initiated. Ashley Madison also has a real-time chat feature that is metered. Credits are utilised to pay for a certain time allotment of chat. Women can send messages to men for free, but the men must pay to read them. Men must always pay to send messages to women.[25] Since Ashley Madison does not accommodate same-sex couples, the topic of male-male and female-female messages does not come up.
Andrea said... 116
Josh paid $300 for the affair guarantee.
How do you know this? Do you have a link?
This is from the Wikipedia page:
"Premium adultery guarantee[edit]
The company offers their highest paying users, who are overwhelmingly male, a "guarantee" that they will "successfully find what you’re looking for or we'll give you your money back."[29] However, the guarantee is so restricted by conditions—one must buy the most expensive package, send "priority" messages (which are more expensive) to 18 unique members each month for three months, send 5 Ashley Madison gifts per month, and engage in 60 minutes of (paid) chat per month,[30] so qualification for the guarantee is very difficult."
I don't think that two accounts over 2 years with a cost of less than $1000 put Josh in the "highest paying users" category, much less qualifies him for the affair guarantee.
The whole thing sounds like an awful lot of work, to me. Whatever rubs your Buddha, I suppose.
I think Josh wanted a whole lot more rubbed than his Bubbha or Buddha or whatever!
Aren't there free sites/chat rooms that do exactly the same thing without creating profiles, preferences, and no credit card billing?
I'm really not familiar with the online dating, hooking up thing!
I hear Swaggart is running a free "I Have Sinned" week-long seminar.
Just kidding.
I keep thinking about a clip of the Smugger's show, when Joshie is getting married and Jim Boob gives Joshie a book and video? for his wedding night duties.
It was so smarmy!
Here ya go, son. This here is for deflowering the little lady!
lol And all the time Josh was laughing because he knew much more than Boob and probably threw it away without looking at it!
What's worse - viewing porn and maybe cheating on your spouse or beating and verbally abusing helpless children?
The reason Kate has not been taken to task about beating and verbally abusing her kids is because a lot of people hit, feel like they are going to really lose it physically, and verbally abuse their kids. Sorry but that is the truth. Also Kate's revelations were written in a book by a highly prejudiced author. We believe the book because we "know" and follow Kate more than the average person. But to the average person that read his book, you could feel and see that he very strongly did not like Kate hence it was difficult to believe all that was written by him. Yes, it was her copyrighted journal but many I think still don't believe it was her written words. Also the vast majority of people have not read or even heard about Robert's book and don't know about how she treated her kids. And others who may have read it and believed it probably gave her a pass because she had sextuplets. Poor Kate! I don't think Kate will EVER be held accountable for her actions so I don't fret about it.
Also she never hit her kids on tv but has verbally abused her kids and ex-husband on tv and many, many have taken her to task about that.
Over In TFW's County said... 111
Ashley Madison is a site for married people seeking affairs, correct? Than any woman he may have hooked up with on that site would also be married.
Is that the way it worked? As I understand it, most of the "clients" are men looking to have an affair, but does that also imply that the women are married as well? A man can have an affair with a single woman.
Heck, I don't understand these dating/hookup sites!
My husband and I discussed this earlier today. We both though both parties on Ashley Madison were supposed to be married, and he asked if you had to "prove" you're married to join Ashley Madison. I think he was thinking an affair with another married person is less risky, because both parties have something to lose by making it public.
P.J. said... 85
Ashley Madison is NOT an escort service. You don't call them up and order a "date". That would be prostitution.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but out of the almost $1,000 Josh paid to Ashley Madison, $250 was for an "affair guarantee," which means if he didn't hook up within three months of paying it, he would get a refund. BTW, people have indeed been likening this service site to prostitution, since the proportion of men vastly outweighs the number of women, and an "affair guarantee" sounds more than a skosh like "for hire."
Jeez, you're away from the internet for a day and look what happens! This is the first I'm hearing about the latest Joshie scandal!
"Radar has reached out to the crisis management team the family has hired to handle their latest scandal but they did not respond to a comment request as of publication time."
I think we may assume that TLC isn't picking up the tab for the crisis management team! Will the Duggars foot the bill, or will the management team put it on Josh's credit card?
Isn't the TLC special scheduled for the end of the month? I wonder if they'll cancel.
Well, Josh made it to the "bombshell tonight" on Nancy Grace! Boobers and Babykins must be so proud.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 129
Well, Josh made it to the "bombshell tonight" on Nancy Grace! Boobers and Babykins must be so proud.
I'm sure Nancy ripped him a new one.
Over in TFW' s County, I am Presbyterian Church (USA). We are quite mainstream, but our denominational handle is "the Reformed Church, always reforming". I like that. It says we are both grounded in our historical roots and open to a changing world.
Thanks for asking!
I don't know, admin. I'm watching Nancy Grace (haven't seen her in years because I can't stand the woman) and she said "they" (assuming HLN) reached out to TLC and TLC said, "No comment. We aren't working with the Duggars anymore."
Fleecing (127): "I think we may assume that TLC isn't picking up the tab for the crisis management team! Will the Duggars foot the bill, or will the management team put it on Josh's credit card?"
If this management team is the one responsible for editing the original statement, I think they'd be fired faster than you could say "Nike."
In other news...
Caitlin Jenner could face misdemeanor manslaughter charges in crash. That's almost an oxymoron.
"No comment. We aren't working with the Duggars anymore."
TLC is probably thinking, "whew, glad we cut ties after all!".
keep thinking about a clip of the Smugger's show, when Joshie is getting married and Jim Boob gives Joshie a book and video? for his wedding night duties.
It was so smarm
This is mean and snarky, but what was on that sex video JB gave Josh.
If he wasn't already watching sexcapades online or on video, maybe JimBob planted that seed....
Anna needs to pack up ger kids and go back to her parents. Even if her dad follows the same ideology as JB, sometimes the parental instinct will override that- I wish her parents would take her and the kids out if that sordidmess, idpf only to give Anna time to think more clearly-- and add to that recovering from childbirth, constantly nursing and chasing after 3 other children.
I'm sure Nancy ripped him a new one.
I think she probably would if she had done research. She doesn't know what the site is about or how it was hacked, what he has done, nothing about changing the statement and one of her cronies had to tell her that he has four children (she originally said that hes the father of three).
She just asked where their PR people are! LOL! Someone from HLN once again said that she tried to get TLC to talk and they refused to comment. The consensus there is that there is no way they will be back on television,TLC has totally washed its hands of anything Duggar, even though there was talk of a spin-off with the older girls. The one commenter said that the Duggars will now have to find their own way to making a living.
Sorry for the rambling and typos. I am trying to listen to Nancy, eat, and type at the same time!
Megyn Kelly returns to her show on Monday. I'll be curious to see what she'll have to say about the latest Josh Duggar news. Will she invite Ma and Pa for another interview?
PJ it was actually $250. It was included white the purchase of 1000 credits when you open a new account. When Josh started the DC account, records show that he paid the $250. Gawker has a screen shot of the financial record.
If he wasn't already watching sexcapades online or on video, maybe JimBob planted that seed....
JB planted many seeds. I'm wondering if he's still trying to impregnate Baby Talk.
Oh, and they did say on NG that when you have that many children, there is no way you can bond with them and give them the one-on-one attention that they need.
The next statement from Josh Duggar will be, "The devil made me do it".
Caitlin Jenner could face misdemeanor manslaughter charges in crash. That's almost an oxymoron.
Oh, geez. I saw that and had to chuckle, thinking, shouldn't that be womanslaughter charges?
Then I got to thinking. If she were a "he" when the accident occured, does the police report say "gender, male" and do they now change it to female? There's a possibly that if convicted she could spend a year in prison. Is that in a women's correctional facility? This isn't snark by any means, but I really was curious. If you are a man at the time of the incident, can you be convicted as a woman? They certainly wouldn't put her in facility with men where she probably wouldn't get out alive.
The next statement from Josh Duggar will be, "The devil made me do it".
Actually that was his first statement, which his PR team promptly removed. Lol, what a mess.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 137
The one commentator said that the Duggars will now have to find their own way to making a living.
It's about time. I don't worry about JimBoob and Babykins so much as they have real estate holdings and some other business deals that provide an income although I really wonder if it's enough to cover all their bills without the TLC salary. I'm sure the freebies have already dried up.
All of the kids have only a very basic and warped education (thanks to the Gothard/Quiverfull home-school curriculum) and no discernible job skills with the exception of the boy who is a licensed pilot and a couple others who operate a tow truck business. And no, none of the older girls are midwives despite what the Duggars say. They're doulas at best.
Josh's life is so many ways is over and I hope the people who care about him are keeping a close eye on him/his mood. He's gone from occupying a high-paying powerful position among a certain group just on the basis of his name. He has certainly fallen from grace and even if he tries to go back to a simpler time, which is all that is left, what kind of work is he qualified for? Who would even buy a used car from him?
My hope is that JimBoob has invested the TLC earnings wisely and will give each child his or her portion when they turn 18 so they can explore their options in life, further their education, move out on their own, etc. and truly become independent thinkers. It's probably a fantasy and I do feel sorry for those kids who are still minors and totally dominated by JimBoob.
I also hope the authorities will step in and get a search warrant for any computers Joshie has has access to in order to make sure there's no kiddie porn on them and CPS requires he undergo an evaluation by an independent licensed therapist to determine if he is currently a risk to his or any other children.
Anna is supposedly blaming herself for Joshie's straying from her. She will never leave him and blames herself for not counseling him and for saying no to sex on occasions when she was tired. I am sure Michelle and JimBob also blame her for this latest scandal. This family is really sick. Seriously sick.
No one's brought this up yet, so I guess I will. You know
what I think would've gone a long way in Josh's statement?
Something like, "I am planning to seek treatment for my issue,
as well as counseling with my wife, so that I may once again
regain her trust and respect." But no -- he admits he's messed
up, and wants us to pray for his family.
Maybe his parents can send him off to do some more construction work. It may require rebuilding the Coliseum for a whopper like this.
But no -- he admits he's messed
up, and wants us to pray for his family.
Ah! One of the comments on Nancy Grace was that at this point they will need more than prayers.
No one's brought this up yet, so I guess I will. You know
what I think would've gone a long way in Josh's statement?
Something like, "I am planning to seek treatment for my issue,
as well as counseling with my wife, so that I may once again
regain her trust and respect." But no -- he admits he's messed
up, and wants us to pray for his family.
To be honest I didn't think of that, but you're right.
They're really stuck on this idea that you can just pray things away.
*No*, he needs *treatment*. Intensive treatment. He also needs to be thoroughly evaluated to determine if he is safe around children, his or anybody else's. Nothing is ever said about this.
I also hope the authorities will step in and get a search warrant for any computers Joshie has has access to in order to make sure there's no kiddie porn on them and CPS requires he undergo an evaluation by an independent licensed therapist to determine if he is currently a risk to his or any other children.
How is this done? Doesn't there have to be probable cause for seizing a computer, like an undercover agent has proof that he was engaging in kiddie porn? What are the requirements for obtaining a search warrant in this case? I thought that the magistrate who issues the warrant must be convinced that there is evidence of a crime.
Over In TFW's County said... 112
Ky, thanks for posting. If I may ask, in what denomination were you raised? Pentecostal, Evangelical? It sounds so much like the church where I grew up.
my thoughts are masons
Well that is all from a "source" about how Anna is feeling. But if she even blames herself for one second she should check herself into therapy immediately. She needs therapy regardless.
And I agree she needs at minimum a cooling off period where she goes to live with her parents. I think she needs to get to a place where she leaves this guy. Don't do it for herself. Do it for the kids.
Have they said any other celebs were on this site? Seems odd Josh is the only one they've found so far.
On The Insider, A Gawker staff writer said they found out about Josh being on Ashley Madison from an "anonymous" tip. It's not like they just looked for it. Someone told them to look for it.
There is a serious mole in the ranks and I do NOT put it past being a family member trying to finish him off. Either that or he's really pissed off some local gay couple or something. I'm convinced the source is either someone in the family or very close to the family.
There is a serious mole in the ranks and I do NOT put it past being a family member trying to finish him off. Either that or he's really pissed off some local gay couple or something. I'm convinced the source is either someone in the family or very close to the family.
It is VERY curious tat of all the celeb bombshells that will fallout from the AM hack, that Josh is the first one.
Why him, indeed.
Sherry Baby said... 149
I also hope the authorities will step in and get a search warrant for any computers Joshie has has access to in order to make sure there's no kiddie porn on them and CPS requires he undergo an evaluation by an independent licensed therapist to determine if he is currently a risk to his or any other children.
How is this done? Doesn't there have to be probable cause for seizing a computer, like an undercover agent has proof that he was engaging in kiddie porn? What are the requirements for obtaining a search warrant in this case? I thought that the magistrate who issues the warrant must be convinced that there is evidence of a crime.
I would think there would be enough probably cause as Josh molested 4 of his underage sisters as well as a family friend and never received professional treatment/treatment from professional sources for these acts and has now admitted watching porn on his computer(s).
Andrea said... 139
PJ it was actually $250. It was included white the purchase of 1000 credits when you open a new account. When Josh started the DC account, records show that he paid the $250. Gawker has a screen shot of the financial record.
Thanks for that Andrea. With the description on Wiki, he didn't sound like an important enough client to merit the high roller status.
Whew, this has been quite the summer.
Oh Crap, poor Anna
I am not even going to snark, will spend my time under the veranda digging a safe bunker for her and any one else who needs it. franky out
I wish I could drive to Arkansas, pick up Anna and her kids and take them home and make them start a new life.
I would think there would be enough probably cause as Josh molested 4 of his underage sisters as well as a family friend and never received professional treatment/treatment from professional sources for these acts and has now admitted watching porn on his computer(s).
He was never charged with that molestation, so I would think that it wouldn't be probable cause. I don't think that just "admitting" to watching porn would justify having a magistrate issue a search warrant, but I really don't know.
On The Insider, A Gawker staff writer said they found out about Josh being on Ashley Madison from an "anonymous" tip. It's not like they just looked for it. Someone told them to look for it.
Yep. I was wondering about that last night when I first heard about it. Out of the millions of members, why him, and who found him so quickly? I would think that there must have been a specific search for him and this wasn't just a random find.
Well that is all from a "source" about how Anna is feeling. But if she even blames herself for one second she should check herself into therapy immediately. She needs therapy regardless.
Does the Gothard cult believe in professional therapy, or do they just handle it themselves and do construction work?
Because I'm not a mother and I've never been married, I'm asking this question seriously. Do husbands generally get excited by pregnant wives? Do pregnant wives enjoy the mission position? Anna has been pregnant, recovering from childbirth or nursing darn near every day of her married life.
Then there is the problem of the bible demanding abstinence for x weeks after the birth of a son and z weeks after the birth of a daughter. All of that together means Josh was, um, by himself a lot.
No excuses from me on this. Josh has broken the vows he made to his wife, just a short time into the marriage. I am in no way blaming Anna or the children for Josh's choice to step outside the boundaries. He is an adult who cared more about himself than his family.
Interesting to look back at the statements Josh and Anna made when the molestation scandal erupted.
This is part of Josh's statement at that time:
"We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."
This is part of Anna's statement:
""He continued to do what he was taught. [I know] who Josh really is – someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended," she says. "Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right."
Apparently, that "counseling" he received forgot to give him a map with directions on how to get off that "wrong road", because it seems that he kept right on driving on it.
Kate is a twit said... 138
Megyn Kelly returns to her show on Monday. I'll be curious to see what she'll have to say about the latest Josh Duggar news.
Yeah, what's she going to say? "Oops, I was wrong. I got sucked in". Frankly, I don't think she can form those words on her lips. My guess is she'll go straight to the political crapola and pretend this Duggar thing never happened.
A doctor will recommend no sex after giving birth for a certain period of time. Josh should have been so tired HELPING Anna with the babies he wouldn't think much about sex anyway himself.
He is just such a deviant, and he sounds selfish and impatient. If he wants to get his wife pregnant until her uterus falls out, fine, but he needs to be patient when she's too tired for sex, or it's uncomfortable, or she's under a doctor's orders not to.
He just sounds like a prick, really. Lots of other fathers don't have a problem with these issues.
Hmm, seems like Kate may still be filming. The person that tweeted this is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Ashley Weidman @Chapppyash · 2h2 hours ago
Just finished filming some massage magic for Kate Plus 8, imma be a TV star ya'll
Are they filming a "spa day" for Kate? I guess with all the "stress" of back to school, Kate needed some tlc from TLC.
Somewhere out there on a massage table Kate Gosselin is grinning like a cheshire cat.
It was a long wait, but the heir apparent has arrived.
Hmm, seems like Kate may still be filming. The person that tweeted this is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
I guess for Kate that's preferable to having an unlicensed message therapist.
Ashley Weidman @Chapppyash · 2h2 hours ago
Just finished filming some massage magic for Kate Plus 8, imma be a TV star ya'll
Yep, the poor bedraggled mom of eight with her face wedged in the padded headrest of the massage table shrieking with ohhs and awws and mmm that feels soooooo good.
Kate porn. It was bound to happen sooner or later. lol
localyocul said... 158
I wish I could drive to Arkansas, pick up Anna and her kids and take them home and make them start a new life.
I'm afraid that you'd have to do some serious deprogramming after having been in that cult for so long.
what u asked fidosmommy said... 162
some do, and no missionary is rarely mentioned
and yes, I do see your point, my reasoning is he knew the rules and signed on for this
o crap, came ot to comment when I said I wouldn't
You know I can't resist, it is all Auntie's fault, she made me like glitter!!!!
localyocul said... 158
I wish I could drive to Arkansas, pick up Anna and her kids and take them home and make them start a new life.
I don't follow the Duggars closely but I recall some discussion that Anna pursued a relationship with Josh because she wanted to be part of the family's celebrity status. No doubt when the reality of her marriage to Josh kicked in (how much can you really learn about a prospective marriage mate from chaperoned dates & side hugs?), the trade offs were the paid photo ops, paid autographs, paid celebrity gigs etc. Now she gets to experience the ugly side of celebrity. And of course she will stand by her man...that's what the women in that cult are raised to do.
So TFW's fans will watch her on a vacation in Florida, just a few
months after her trip to Mexico, and then recovering from all that
paid luxury with a spa session before school starts -- the shopping
for which was already paid for in an episode for which TFW collected
a salary. So very relatable. She's an "every mom," all right!
Gene Simmons is not a suspect as the incident apparently occurred while he was away on tour.
Oh, sheesh, here we go...
"The hack of Ashley Madison could extend to Pennsylvania government officials.
A spokesman with the state Department of Administration says it's looking into whether state employees used state-owned computers to access the online cheating site.
The breach led to the names of 37 million people being leaked.
Many of the email addresses involved had domains belonging to federal government employees.
The state says they have not found any evidence of wrongdoing at this time."
Franky said, "some do, and no missionary is rarely mentioned"
Missionaries do it, don't they? :-)
Ashley Weidman @Chapppyash · 2h2 hours ago
Just finished filming some massage magic for Kate Plus 8, imma be a TV star ya'll
I thought her kids gave her massages.
Have you guys read this
Thanks Vanessa, searched my bf, no dice
but as we are both poor and French, (him Parisian, urghh) I knew we French keep our affairs in the open, hiding is so bourgeoisie lol
From the Gawker article:
"The two accounts overlap by a period of a few months. When he launched the second account, Duggar paid an initial fee of $250 that appears to have gone toward the purchase of an “affair guarantee”:
Customers who buy 1,000 credits for $250 receive a money-back “affair guarantee,” if they don’t have an affair within three months."
The key word here is "appears". The initial purchase of 1000 credits costs $249. Gawker did not do their homework.
Wikipedia says this:
"Premium adultery guarantee[edit]
The company offers their highest paying users, who are overwhelmingly male, a "guarantee" that they will "successfully find what you’re looking for or we'll give you your money back."[31] However, the guarantee is so restricted by conditions—one must buy the most expensive package, send "priority" messages (which are more expensive) to 18 unique members each month for three months, send 5 Ashley Madison gifts per month, and engage in 60 minutes of (paid) chat per month.[32]"
Since sources say Josh spent close to $1000 on his two accounts over the course of 2 years, to me that says he did not spend the money necessary to buy the affair guarantee. There is no evidence that he bought "the most expensive package".
I believe Wikipedia before I would believe a tabloid reporter who is scrambling to get the article posted in a hurry. He may not have had the time to thoroughly research his story.
Vanessa said... 178
Have you guys read this
Vanessa, the biggest problem with searching by email is that anyone could make up a fake email address when they register for the service. Or use someone else's email address. The email account is not verified. I could register as and it wouldn't matter.
I've read that the site that made searching by name available has been ordered down by an injunction filed by the legal team at AM.
I'm sure there are places on the deep web that have the entire data dump, but the places the media are directing people to require you to register first and I think you can only search your own email address. In other words, you may have to receive an email confirmation before you can proceed and see if your email has been compromised. You can't just go searching for anybody, at least that's my understanding. The people in the press must have links to different websites that allow thorough searches. They also seem to have access to the billing addresses and credit card info.
So it's becoming more and more obvious that someone is ratting out Josh Duggar. It doesn't have to be an insider. It could have been someone who "chatted" with him while he used his AM account. He may have exchanged email addresses with one of his hookups. Somebody may have made a few quick bucks by calling Gawker. Ahhh, Deep Throat. This was in Washington, right? LOL
Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 165
A doctor will recommend no sex after giving birth for a certain period of time. Josh should have been so tired HELPING Anna with the babies he wouldn't think much about sex anyway himself.
He is just such a deviant, and he sounds selfish and impatient. If he wants to get his wife pregnant until her uterus falls out, fine, but he needs to be patient when she's too tired for sex, or it's uncomfortable, or she's under a doctor's orders not to.
I thought that Jim Boob and Michelle waiting X amount of days post boy birth and X amount of days post girl birth to have sex, maybe something biblical?
Ashley Weidman @Chapppyash · 2h2 hours ago
Just finished filming some massage magic for Kate Plus 8, imma be a TV star ya'll
Yup, people don't care if Kate is using her kids, making them work from birth to support her fame and luxe lifestyle. They just care that they get on the teevee.
Actually, I think it's laughable that there is absolutely nothing interesting enough going on in their lives that they have to film the same story lines over and over and over again.
We get it, Mommy Kate deserves her spa days to be a good mommy.
Blah, blah, blah...
Gee, how was my mom a great mother and she never had spa days?
This is part of Anna's statement:
""He continued to do what he was taught. [I know] who Josh really is – someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended," she says. "Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right."
Ugh, another example of how Josh let the people that he victimized stand up and defend him.
He let his wife tell the world how he's really a great man and all the while, he's soliciting women on AM.
How does one sleep at night??
Yeah, what's she going to say? "Oops, I was wrong. I got sucked in". Frankly, I don't think she can form those words on her lips. My guess is she'll go straight to the political crapola and pretend this Duggar thing never happened.
Will Megyn go on another finger-waggling, conspiracy crusade after the hackers?
After all, it's not Josh and his actions, but the people who bring them to light!
I found the dump files for AM this morning. If I found it in a few minutes, it can't be that "deep web". The comments on the download site are warnings about the legality of being in possession of the files. As tempting as it is, I don't have the skills to even know what to do with a file like that.
My point is: There is still going to be a lot of fallout from this security breach or hack. Any guesses as to who'll be next to be outed?
Tucker's Mom (#183), and that's where TFW's tiny little world trips
her up. If she had any outside interests or hobbies besides ordering
things on Amzaon and getting cosmetic procedures, she might be
an interesting person to watch. But nope -- trips, shopping and spa visits. All while continuing to crow that she does it all alone, and it's
all so hard and overwhelming.
And I think with each round of new episodes, there are former fans
who may allow themselves to think...gosh, for a struggling single
mom, TFW sure is living the good life. And they may not flounce
off, but they seem to be voting with their remotes, as the ratings
continue to drop.
My point is: There is still going to be a lot of fallout from this security breach or hack. Any guesses as to who'll be next to be outed?
Charlie Sheen?
Yeah, that would be a shocker!
I'm surprised that it's just Josh at this point. I thought the flood gates would open up, but no. There's Josh, hanging out to dry, all by himself!
BTW, the Today Show did a very brief blurb on the AM hack, and put up the part of the statement that Josh deleted, about viewing porn and being unfaithful.
Dumbass thought he could erase it like it was written in pencil.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 187
Seriously, does Kate have some dirt on someone(s) at TLC?
Filming has gone from an update/special, and is now cranked up to "11", with trip after trip after trip. Plus boring birthdays, back to school, and now footing the bill for spa treatments that Kate gets all the time?
I really don't get it. The viewing numbers have shown consistent decline, and TLC is filming like crazy.
How anyone, especially mothers, can still watch K+8 and admire Kate for doing it all alone is just an idiot. I don't get how they think she's working her fingers to the bone.
There's not fixing stupid.
Tucker's Mom said...
I'm surprised that it's just Josh at this point. I thought the flood gates would open up, but no. There's Josh, hanging out to dry, all by himself!
You know, I was wondering about that. I guess having affairs is no big deal anymore. I think the fallout is going to be from government employees using work email address and work time to troll for "dates". Charlie Sheen? Like he has to pay for a service to get himself laid. LOL
Unless the Pope has an account, I don't really think most people care any more, unless it's their spouse spending their household money. I suspect divorce attorneys are going to see an uptick in business, but other than that, it's a yawn.
Josh and family are targets, not because they are Christians, but because they've been pointing fingers at everyone else's lifestyle for years. The pigeons have come home to roost.
OT re: dog food-
Our bichon's appetite has been "off" since our beardie died. I think the eating routing changed a lot in that he now doesn't have to think about another dog eyeballing his food. He can eat his meal now or later if he wants.
But, he started to get really, really picky and I was tossing good food over and over again.
I decided to change up his wet and dry and see what happens.
He's LOVING what I bought:
Acana Pacifica dry (warning, it's fishy!)
Wellness Core wet, turkey, chicken and turkey livers.
Both are allergy friendly.
Unless the Pope has an account, I don't really think most people care any more, unless it's their spouse spending their household money. I suspect divorce attorneys are going to see an uptick in business, but other than that, it's a yawn.
I thought the Pope, too. That would surprise me.
"Hey baby. Looking for a good time? Email me
Tucker's Mom (#192), in that one post about your beloved dog, you
expressed more compassion, insight and caring than I've seen TFW
offer her sons in the 10 years she's been in the public eye.
"Tossing good food?" You mean you weren't serving it to him
over and over until he'd eat it out of desperation? Did you try
leaving him in the dark with the food bowl, shutting the door,
and saying he couldn't come out until he ate every bite?
Tucker's Mom said...
"Hey baby. Looking for a good time? Email me
LOL! And I'm Catholic, so I can laugh at that.
♫ ♬ I will follow him...♪ ♫ (Sister Act reference)
Rainbirdie said... 173
I don't follow the Duggars closely but I recall some discussion that Anna pursued a relationship with Josh because she wanted to be part of the family's celebrity status. No doubt when the reality of her marriage to Josh kicked in (how much can you really learn about a prospective marriage mate from chaperoned dates & side hugs?), the trade offs were the paid photo ops, paid autographs, paid celebrity gigs etc. Now she gets to experience the ugly side of celebrity. And of course she will stand by her man...that's what the women in that cult are raised to do.
Can anyone elaborate on what Rainbirdie said? Did Anna say something to that effect or is it just that she appeared to enjoy the lifestyle a little too much? I haven't watched the Duggars in years, but never got that vibe from her. I do however get that vibe from the two young men who have married into the Duggar clan.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 194
Tucker's Mom (#192), in that one post about your beloved dog, you
expressed more compassion, insight and caring than I've seen TFW
offer her sons in the 10 years she's been in the public eye.
"Tossing good food?" You mean you weren't serving it to him
over and over until he'd eat it out of desperation? Did you try
leaving him in the dark with the food bowl, shutting the door,
and saying he couldn't come out until he ate every bite?
Oh, thank you!
I've been perusing sites like and then burst out crying over our beloved beardie.
Too soon, too soon.
Yes, we love on our dogs and most parents love on their kids, and Kate just doesn't. It's not in her DNA.
But no. No putting the bichon in the laundry room with his food, turning off the light and leaving him there!
The thought of giving my dog old, stale food is horrifying. I can't imagine doing that to a child.
Can anyone elaborate on what Rainbirdie said? Did Anna say something to that effect or is it just that she appeared to enjoy the lifestyle a little too much? I haven't watched the Duggars in years, but never got that vibe from her. I do however get that vibe from the two young men who have married into the Duggar clan.
I don't get that vibe from Anna, although the prospect of marrying Josh and into a wealthy family would certainly sound attractive.
Filming and their popularity was at its apogee at the time, and there was no end in sight.
I imagine Anna thought they'd be comfortable and taken care of.
Totally agree with Jessa's husband loving the whole fame thing. He figured he married the prettiest girl and their wedding and babies would be fodder for television for years to come.
Funny how fast the younger boy's "fiance" high tailed it out of there once the Duggar show was canceled!
Anonymous said...(38)
What? Bullshit on his latest confession? I don't think admitting that you signed up with Ashley Madison--a website for the sole purpose of having sex with other women other than your wife--is less serious that what he did to his sisters. To me this if way, way more serious.
Please, for the love of all that's good in this world, tell me I'm reading this wrong.
Do you honestly believe that a married man using an adult cheating website is "way more serious" than him molesting his young sisters?
As a victim of childhood sexual assault I'm gobsmacked that anyone could make such a statement.
I will leave it at that before I'm tempted to break one or two of Admin's posting rules.
This is a perfect example of hubris, pride and arrogance, and nemesis, divine retribution. It's interesting that in the Greek tragedies, Nemesis was a goddess who avenged crime and punished hubris. The self confident arrogance of Josh and his parents and even his sisters and their spouses has suffered what some might call divine retribution. One could say it's a lesson for the whole family to get back to humble, simple worship and away from worldly things, like Satan infested computers.
If I'm understanding this Ashley Madison thing correctly, in order to participate one has to buy points. To buy points one has to provide a legit email addy, name and credit card # to set up an account. Once the account is set up one can then make up a name for chatting or hooking up purposes. Is that correct? And is it correct that the actual names, email addys and cc# were NOT on a secure server and the approx 37 million names are out there somewhere for all to see?
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