Friday, September 18, 2015

McCaughey septuplets begin senior year of high school

Patriarch Kenny said the family purposely avoided reality T.V. all these years because privacy is the 'best way' to raise a family. 

In a previous interview for their 16th birthday, Nathan told reporters he did not like doing the infrequent update specials the parents allowed: "I never liked it, all these cameras following you around everywhere," Nathan said.

1695 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... 1

The Pope can have his stance on gay marriage, but he can not, nor can Davis, abuse his position, based on his religious believes, and deny Americans their rights.

Tucker's Mom said... 2

According to the National Catholic Reporter, Francis called gay adoption a form of “discrimination against children.” A comment that resulted in a public rebuke from Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who said that Francis’ remarks suggested “medieval times and the Inquisition.”
I agree with the Argentine President.
The Pope was wrong to tacitly condone what Davis is doing and her in America, we fortunately do not have a theocracy.
Also, the duplicity stinks to high heaven, pun intended.

FYI said... 3

swimgirl--thanks for posting the link to that article. I especially liked the last point that was made:

"7. Most of all, despite what Ms. Davis said, a meeting with the pope does not “kind of validate everything.” Again, the pope meets with many people, some of whom he may know well, others of whom may be introduced to him as a reward for long service, and perhaps others who will use a meeting to make a political point. Meeting with the pope is a great honor, but it does not betoken a blanket blessing on “everything” one does. Not to put too fine a point on it, but Pope Francis also met Mark Wahlberg, and that does not mean that he liked “Ted.”

Just because she met with the Pope doesn't mean he endorses anything that she has done. Plus we only have Kim's word for what he actually said to her. Despite that, Davis, Liberty Counsel and Huckabee will keep playing the "Pope card" for all it's worth.

Funny, how she said that she never wanted to be in the "spotlight" but all she's been doing lately is giving interviews, and travelling to NYC and Washington. She was in NYC for the Kelly File interview on Wednesday, and then she was in Washington on Thursday and Friday.

Just when is she actually working at the job that she refused to resign from?

redbird said... 4

I'm calling it.

Bindi will get the sparkly ball and she and her BF will get offered a reality show like Jessica and Nick had.

I see a network special wedding:

Bindi Gets Married Down Under! Oh, Crikey!

White Organza said... 5

"Many teens are going the abstince route and good for them. This purity thing isn't just about the Duggars. Our Church teaches purity to our teens, they sign a purity pledge, for some many reasons other than an unwanted pregnancy."

Yes, Stephanie. And good for them indeed if that is the road they choose and believe in. I'm all for that. But all lot of teens are not religious and, really, I can't see any valid reason why a law would dictate 17 and 18 year old young adults how they should live their first love should they decide to express it through their sexuality.

FYI said... 6

The Pope didn't give Wahlberg a rosary and a "stay strong" message for acting in a movie. He did, however, give Davis a private audience to specifically support her in her efforts to quash the rights of LBGT individual's right to marry.

The Pope may have met with Davis, but we don't know that it was "to specifically support her". We don't know what he was specifically told about her. For all we know, he could've have been told that she was this poor religous woman who is being persecuted for her beliefs.

I wouldn't be totally surprised if Huckabee or other politicians or even the Family Research Council that support Davis and her "religious liberty", somehow arranged this meeting. She's their poster girl.

Since the Vatican would not comment further, how this meeting came about or what was said is totally based on what Liberty Counsel and Davis reported.

PA Dutch Mom said... 7

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..Making ur twins/high schoolers so proud! I can see the school newspaper headlines now "FashionPolice call on MsGosselin"

Uh, no Milo. She is not even on the school radar, let alone makes the headlines of a newspaper. Wishful thinking on your part, though, but she is just not relevant.

Kate puts her dress on backwards, and the sheep pop up to say that they have done this, too. She brews coffee without a cup and the sheeple have done this, too. She ran out of gas, and the sheeple have done this, too. Whatever she does, yep, the fans are right there commiserating with her. Like Kate, like sheep.

TLC stinks said... 8

Considering how the Vatican is run, they do not understand our constitution. I like the pope but disagree with him on many issues. Big mistake meeting with Kim and her country bumpkin husband.

This sure left a bad taste after the pope's visit went so well. I really resent the Vatican butting in. I bet there are plenty of gay priests in the Vatican.

Mel said... 9

I think it very wrong of the pope to interfere in the specific politics of *any* country. He can speak globally about issues, but I don't think he should actively involve himself with any specific individual on an issue.

Tucker's Mom said... 10

Kate puts her dress on backwards, and the sheep pop up to say that they have done this, too. She brews coffee without a cup and the sheeple have done this, too. She ran out of gas, and the sheeple have done this, too. Whatever she does, yep, the fans are right there commiserating with her. Like Kate, like sheep.
After total Twitter silence, it's telling that the sheep will jump and anything Kate tweets.
I don't get it, and never will. Who the frick cares that Kate had her "dress" on backwards when she dropped her kids off?
Is she hinting that she misses the paps at the bus stop?

Look at me!! I have a wardrobe malfunction! Chris? Where are you?

PA Dutch Mom said... 11

So Hucks is giddy over the meeting with the Pope? If he finds out the whole thing was a lie (as was the Peru praying photo), will he comment or just ignore it? Did he ever say anything at all about Josh and the AM scandal?

Tucker's Mom said... 12

Man, if I only had Twitter. I could have posted a picture of the poop my dog left me in the laundry room!

PA Dutch Mom said... 13

Big mistake meeting with Kim and her country bumpkin husband.


Did he put on his formal Papal bibs for the big occasion?

TLC stinks said... 14

Filming must have stopped.

Rhymes with Witch said... 15

"Lets not lump all horny teens in with Bindi, who is obviously having illegal sex!!!"

How is it obvious that she is having sex?

Ok, it would be illegal in CA, but while the age of consent in FL is 18, there is a dispenstion for age differences for those between 16-24 (not illegal). Age of consent in AU varies from 16-18 depending on the territory.
Additionally, I agree with White Organza 5.

FYI said... 16

Hmm, interesting that Liberty Counsel released details about Davis' clandestine meeting with the Pope the same day that the Kentucky governor filed court papers to have her lawsuit against him dismissed.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

Rhymes with Witch said... 17

Filming must have stopped. 14

Comment of the day.

PA Dutch Mom said... 18

So did the Vatican confirm it, as this article claims? The only thing I could find is that they did not deny it but had no comment.

I am so confused!

PA Dutch Mom said... 19

"Lets not lump all horny teens in with Bindi, who is obviously having illegal sex!!!"

How is it obvious that she is having sex?


I thought that her comment was snark, that we are assuming she is having sex and jumping to conclusions about it.

PA Dutch Mom said... 20

Tucker's Mom said... 12
Man, if I only had Twitter. I could have posted a picture of the poop my dog left me in the laundry room!


lol! I could have posted a picture of myself having a Big Mac attack at midnight and making a run to the 24-hour drive thru in my nightie with a rain jacket thrown over the top. One of these days I am going to get caught!

Blowing In The Wind said... 21

I don't get it, and never will. Who the frick cares that Kate had her "dress" on backwards when she dropped her kids off?
Is she hinting that she misses the paps at the bus stop?


Does she even get out of the car at the bus stop? If not, why is this worthy of a tweet?

AuntieAnn said... 22

Tucker's Mom said... 10

I don't get it, and never will. Who the frick cares that Kate had her "dress" on backwards when she dropped her kids off?


I'm sure the "dress" was fine. It's her head that's screwed on backwards.

Blowing In The Wind said... 23

I'm sure the "dress" was fine. It's her head that's screwed on backwards.


You owe me a new keyboard! There is now rumspringa flooding this one.

Math Girl said... 24

PA Dutch Mom said... 13
Big mistake meeting with Kim and her country bumpkin husband.


Did he put on his formal Papal bibs for the big occasion?
Now I'm picturing the Pope in bib overalls. Fancy dress ones.

I know it's really Joe you're referring to. Maybe he has fancy dress ones for the occasion?

Tucker's Mom said... 25

Blowing In The Wind said... 23
I'm sure the "dress" was fine. It's her head that's screwed on backwards.


You owe me a new keyboard! There is now rumspringa flooding this one.
Me too!

P.J. said... 26

Hey, nobody plays politics better than the Vatican. Neither confirm nor deny. Let people draw their own conclusions.

And who doesn't have photos in an instant these days? Is it taking a while to photoshop Kim and Frank?

Rhymes with Witch said... 27

Stephanie, if I responded seriously to a comment that you intended as snark, apologies.

Rhymes with Witch said... 28

Auntie, 22, it's ok. I'm due for a phone upgrade anyway.

TLC stinks said... 29

My, my. Now the evangelical crowd is thrilled with a Catholic pope. Maybe the Second Coming is here!

FYI said... 30

Did he put on his formal Papal bibs for the big occasion?
Now I'm picturing the Pope in bib overalls. Fancy dress ones.

I know it's really Joe you're referring to. Maybe he has fancy dress ones for the occasion?

Looks like Kim and her husband got all "gussied" up for their appearance at the Family Reseach Council. He actually wore a regular shirt, tie and dress pants. Kim even bared her forearms!

Rhumes with Witch said... 31

My, my. Now the evangelical crowd is thrilled with a Catholic pope. Maybe the Second Coming is here! 29

Or the apocalypse is near.

White Organza said... 32

"And who doesn't have photos in an instant these days? Is it taking a while to photoshop Kim and Frank?"

Maybe the delay can be explained by the fact that they are painting them in a fresco somewhere on some chapel's ceiling? Like TLC Stinks just wrote: this very well could be the sign of Second Coming.

too bad,so sad said... 33

Kim Davis, why does she want or need a blessing or support from the Pope? She is not Catholic. Her type of religion is supported by scripture, not by the Roman Catholic Church.
How has she after being a born again Christian who has dedicated her life to Jesus, missed what he said here:1 Peter 2:13-17 and here:Romans 13:1-5
BTW-that is only 2 of many scriptures that cover Jesus' teaching to follow the law of the land.
Shame on her and her lawyers and followers. I quickly found these scriptures and I am not a Christian. They should know them.
They should also remember one of the 10 Commandments-thou shall not bear false witness.
On another note, the Pope blessing a baby in a Pope outfit! Too cute for words. ~ Administrator said... 34

Kaya, he said all that about gay marriage five years ago. Like many people apparently he changed his mind and now says who is he to judge gay people. That's quite a change from all the judgment he used to do but he's not the first to do a turn around on this issue. Based on his recent much more accepting comment, yes I'm surprised he would support Kim. And if he didn't know who she was that's just sloppiness. He had an obligation to find out that information before agreeing to a meet and greet and thus giving the impression of support. Why not meet with all the gay couples who spent their summer fighting this nonsense and praise them for their courage?

Tucker's Mom said... 35

Well, I no longer have any Catholic pangs of guilt over getting my Bichon a Pope costume for Halloween!
Now, to turn our Red Flyer wagon into a Pope Mobile...

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Why not meet with all the gay couples who spent their summer fighting this nonsense and praise them for their courage?
And showed compassion for Kim Davis? Giving her any way out that they could?

I think what offends me is knowing the hatred and vitriol fundies have for Catholics, their church and their faith, and their unrelenting attacks on the Church, the Pope, and most offensively to Catholics, their vicious maligning of the Virgin Mary.
Whether you believe these things or not, it is spiteful and hateful to tell any other religion that they are pagans destined for hell.
The mission of many fundies, like the Duggars, is to convert Catholics away from their pagan ways.

Mel said... 37

Isn't that what the Duggar missionary thing is all about? Converting *Catholics* to the Duggar religion?

It's not like they're trying to convert un-religious people to the Duggar way.

franky said... 38

White Organza said...5

I agree. not yet caught up on posts, was mugged last night and my phone was in my bag. Long story.

My dd is 18 and still a virgin, yes, I went there. I am convinced she is gay which is fine by me, but her, not so much.

even though I have told her a million times it does not matter to me, apparently it does to her.

At grad this year one of her friends I have known since she was 4 came out and I was so happy for her. met her gf and loved her immediately

my point is...lost

but thanks for reading

P.J. said... 39

Josh Duggar and another rough sex story. Great going, TLC.

P.J. said... 40

Here's a more, ahem, credible link.

redbird said... 41

A lady in Texas is suing for someone selling a recorded phone call that she was on to SeaWorld for a lot of money. It involves someone on the movie Blackfish.

localyocul said... 42

Tucker's Mom said... 35
Well, I no longer have any Catholic pangs of guilt over getting my Bichon a Pope costume for Halloween!
Now, to turn our Red Flyer wagon into a Pope Mobile.


Wait, what? Where did you get a dog Pope costume? LO

P.J. said... 43

Mel said... 37
Isn't that what the Duggar missionary thing is all about? Converting *Catholics* to the Duggar religion?

It's not like they're trying to convert un-religious people to the Duggar way.


The world has run out of pagans to convert? Who'da thunk it?

Over And Out said... 44

It sounds like Kim and Pa Kettle are milking their 15 minutes of fame. Like Kate, when you're in the limelight you become addicted and just cannot give it up.

Over And Out said... 45

Here's a more, ahem, credible link.

Not difficult to believe. Apparently Josh had a hard time (pun intended) keeping his pants zipped up.

franky said... 46


whist steadying my nerves with a straw linked to a rumspinga keg

redbird said... 47

Is everyone here on the blog ok? I heard about the tornado that hit Lancaster Co.!!

Over And Out said... 48

I think what offends me is knowing the hatred and vitriol fundies have for Catholics, their church and their faith, and their unrelenting attacks on the Church, the Pope, and most offensively to Catholics, their vicious maligning of the Virgin Mary.
Whether you believe these things or not, it is spiteful and hateful to tell any other religion that they are pagans destined for hell.
The mission of many fundies, like the Duggars, is to convert Catholics away from their pagan ways.

I was raised as a fundie by devout fundie parents (no movies or sewing on Sunday, no dancing, church on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and mid-week Bible study), went to a fundie private school and graduated from a private church-affiliated university. I do not hate Catholics or spew vitriol at them, nor try to convert them, nor consider them pagans condemned to hell. I have very close friends who are Catholic, was a member of their wedding party, and attend Midnight Mass with them every Christmas Eve. I respect their faith, would never criticize their religion nor preach to them with fire and brimstone.

Am I weird?

foxy said... 49

Even if there were pictures of Kim Davis with the Pope they could be photo-shopped. I have friends in New Jersey who insist the picture they have with the Pope is real, but when you consider the Pope is about 5' 9" and the man I know is 5' 11" and the Pope comes up to just barely his shoulders you can bet it is photo-shopped. The other couple lives in Maryland and have a picture with the Pope that is guaranteed photo-shopped as well. They look authentic, but if you really look closely it is obvious. My computer monitor is an old 39" TV, so everything is pretty much in detail. My nephew set up the TV as a monitor for me. Really cool.

Over And Out said... 50

Like TLC Stinks just wrote: this very well could be the sign of Second Coming.

The super blood moon was supposed to signal the Second Coming. I haven't yet seen nor heard the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Rhymes with Witch said... 51

Just wait for it folks. The Kim Davis story!
Coming soon on TLC.
More must see tv. (snark).

FYI said... 52

She hasn't even given birth yet, but Jessa Seewald is already exploiting her unborn baby.

Over In TFW's County said... 53

Kim Davis, why does she want or need a blessing or support from the Pope? She is not Catholic. Her type of religion is supported by scripture, not by the Roman Catholic Church.


I am not a Catholic and I would love a blessing from the Pope and as a Christian, my ¨type of religion¨ is supported by scripture, the same scripture followed by the Roman Catholic Church.

Kim, however, and her ¨born again¨ fundamentalist beliefs just makes me shake my head as to why she wanted a meeting with him. Publicity?

Another viewpoint...

Anonymous said... 54

The Daily Mail has an article online about Honey Boo Boo. Apparently she has launched her music career with a rap video which also features Mama June, Sugar Bear and Pumpkin.


readerlady said... 55

I have a question. If TFMJG put a sweatshirt on over her dress (and who the frilly heck puts a sweatshirt on over a dress), then why the heck didn't she just grab a pair of jeans and put them on instead? Or am I looking for logic where there is none to be had?

Crawling back under the veranda now. Someone pass me the rumspringa.

NJGal51 said... 56

Alicia Chavez (@@dolphins33ac): @Kateplusmy8 can you please tell me how you got your hair to grow so fast?

peaches (@@Peaches22558): @dolphins33ac @Kateplusmy8 Sweetie she has hair extensions. She just doesn't want to be honest.

Ya gotta love the sheeple. I guess she figures that TFW has magical hair that is thick, curly and luxurious one day and the next it is thin and brittle. I guess the non fan is a hater for setting her straight.

Somewhere In Time said... 57

She hasn't even given birth yet, but Jessa Seewald is already exploiting her unborn baby.

Jessa Duggar is a fame-hungry twit, just like the rest of their clan. Birds of a feather.

Tucker's Mom said... 58

Wait, what? Where did you get a dog Pope costume? LO
Amazon. Prime delivery, baby!

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Anonymous said... 54
The Daily Mail has an article online about Honey Boo Boo. Apparently she has launched her music career with a rap video which also features Mama June, Sugar Bear and Pumpkin.

I remember seen footage of that recording session many months ago, when June was scrambling to keep them all relevant.
It was horrible to watch HBB act like a hillbilly Diva.

Kaya said... 60

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 34
Kaya, he said all that about gay marriage five years ago. Like many people apparently he changed his mind and now says who is he to judge gay people.

Sorry, but one off-handed "Who am I to judge?" comment in reference to gay priests does not show that he has changed his mind. I am a bit cynical about his sudden epiphany post-Popedom. The Catholic Church is a political machine and they know darn well that a large percentage of their own members do not approve of raging homophobia.

PA Dutch Mom said... 61

redbird said... 47
Is everyone here on the blog ok? I heard about the tornado that hit Lancaster Co.!!


Checking in here, redbird. Thanks for asking. If that wasn't the darnest thing. We had our first tornado in three years. In the wee hours of the morning it was raining buckets and got windy. I checked the radar and saw that Lancaster County was covered in orange and red, and thought...oops, something is brewing. Yet there was no thunder, not even storm warnings or watches. All of a sudden the rain and wind stopped, and everything was strangely calm. Dead silence, like something out of the Twilight Zone.

There were 10,000 customers without power; trees uprooted, trees on cars, barns flattened, roofs blown off, the side of a warehouse ripped apart. Lots of damage.

With all of the high-tech radar this and that, there were no warnings in this storm, other than a flood watch. I didn't check to see if the local weather guys were in hiding today, but the NWS confirmed it was a tornado and not straight-line winds.

PA Dutch Mom said... 62

Has the Vatican confirmed that this very special meeting between Davis and the pope took place as claimed by Kim and her cronies?

Over In TFW's County said... 63

Willie972 ‏@Willie972
@Kateplusmy8 when does your new season begin?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@Willie972 ...around the time we will be thinking about/eating turkey and stuffing ..... 😉😉

Back to school shopping at Thanksgiving. Makes sense to me!

Notice that she does not correct ¨season,¨ and implies that the show is back with seasons.

And right on her heels is Gladys. Good to know her Twitter alert is alive and functioning!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @Willie972 Oh geez...that is a long time 2wait! :( 2more months!

Suck it up, Milo. Just keep those pictures of Kate under your pillow and it will pass the time until you can drool over your love once again!

JaninNJ said... 64

Just an interesting on CNN they were interviewing Kim Davis' lawyer, talking about the alleged meeting with the Pope, and they mentioned that the two rosaries she was given were for her parents, who are CATHOLIC. Things that make you go "hmmmmm..."

prairiemary said... 65

Sorry, off topic about Kim & Pope. Maybe Jeff got what he 'wanted' from TFW, and it was so bad he decided to be done with her? Is calling her a tease bad? Sorry if I am out of line with this. ~ Administrator said... 66

Kaya, your original comment is that it should not be surprising that the pope would meet with Kim Davis.

I disagree, I think it is surprising. I think he's made enough comments lately to suggest he's not going to go there anymore, that he's easing back on many of the church's staunchest, but most hurtful and judgmental, doctrines, and he has the sense to stay out of such a hot button issue.

He proved many people wrong. Despite numerous comments taking the church in a much more liberal direction, at heart he is the figurehead for a religion that remains extremely judgmental and spends more time condemning than loving. Actually, it's right up Kim's alley. Maybe she should convert.

I happen to agree with you about the pope. I think this is all nonsense, the church hasn't changed one bit, and that the celebrity worship of him is extremely misguided. He made a few comments that I started to like, then he blows it all on this U.S. trip with some other comments. I don't like his comments about the sex abuse, I don't like that he met with Kim Davis, and for that matter I'm not too fond of him standing up for some of the sickest murderers out there. Georgia's Kelly Gissendaner is one of the sickest murderers this country has seen in decades, and yet there's the pope in her corner. What about the victim???

When this guy actually holds the child molesters accountable like he promised I might begin to start respecting him. Until then he's all talk. A jolly old man people fall all over themselves to be in the same room with.

But, we're not crazy for being surprised he would meet with Kim. I AM surprised, I thought he was smart enough not to engage with that. I thought he was actually trying to take the church in a new, positive direction. Modern. Non-judgmental. He blew it. If he didn't know the complete story, he should have had the sense to find out first before sticking his hand into a hornet's nest. The Vatican's evasiveness about the issue has backpedaling all over it. Somebody didn't do their research, and when it became clear what a mess she and her cronies are, now they're panicking. They screwed up, and they don't know what to do other than play coy and hope it goes away.

I understand the comments about fundies and the pope. Fundies and protestants don't usually think anything much of the pope other than respecting him as a Christian. I really don't understand why they have the slightest interest in getting his blessing about all this. While some people might not care one way or the other, there's a large base that is going to be turned off by Kim even associating with the pope. It was a very strange card to play.

And what the hell Kim? Most people would be embarrassed beyond belief to take up even five minutes of that man's time for this silliness. Most people would want to crawl under a rock. She's loving this. She took a bite of the apple.

Tucker's Mom said... 67

And what the hell Kim? Most people would be embarrassed beyond belief to take up even five minutes of that man's time for this silliness. Most people would want to crawl under a rock. She's loving this. She took a bite of the apple.
September 30, 2015 at 7:17 PM
Great post.
You'd better believe that the next time Davis gets thrown into jail, and I think she will, that she and her lawyer are going to rattle those rosaries and scream from the rooftops that the Pope of the Catholic Church supports her and what's she's doing in the name of God, and how dare we persecute that little angel, Kimmie.

Kim and her lawyer are going to play this card long, loud and hard.

Rhymes with Witch said... 68

Kim and her lawyer are going to play this card long, loud and hard. 67

An therein lies the point of this alleged meeting.

P.J. said... 69

The Daily Mail has an article online about Honey Boo Boo. Apparently she has launched her music career with a rap video which also features Mama June, Sugar Bear and Pumpkin.


And I thought Kim meeting the Pope was a sign of the apocalypse. Silly me. ~ Administrator said... 70

Willie972 ‏@Willie972
@Kateplusmy8 when does your new season begin?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@Willie972 ...around the time we will be thinking about/eating turkey and stuffing ..... 😉😉


That's a LONG time to push out a season. They've been filming all this way back in the spring.

The Christmas/Thanksgiving season is somewhat of a dumping. It's one of the lowest TV viewing times of the year. People are too busy. She's still filler. ~ Administrator said... 71

Has the Vatican confirmed that this very special meeting between Davis and the pope took place as claimed by Kim and her cronies?


Yes. The New York Times says they admitted to it. ~ Administrator said... 72

Don't talk about stuff late at night," Ben advised. "Like, do it earlier in the day. Everything is more dramatic in the evening so we try to avoid that if possible."


Like, the secret to a good marriage, bro, is like, don't talk about stuff when you're TIRED. Shit gets real after 10 p.m.

This kid is 19 years old. 19! Lol, who ARE these people.

JoyinVirginia said... 73

Coming to a landfall near me sooner than anyone wants: hurricane Joaquin! Carry on chatting, I'll be out in the yard picking up gardening things that could become hazardous projectiles.

NJGal51 said... 74

Let's see, TFW came out of hiding today because: a. She put her "dress" on backwards to go to bus stop but it was OK because she had a sweatshirt on over it; b. Her show will be back around Thanksgiving; c. It wasn't a dress-dress it was a comfy house dress that isn't fit for public viewing.

And her timeline is still dead.

To all those in the path of the hurricane, stay safe.

swingsandroundabouts said... 75

As a Catholic, born, baptized and bred but now lapsed, I do like this pope compared to previous popes. Compared to more progressive Catholic thinkers, however, I think he has a way to go. BTW "progressive" is not a pejorative.
Compared to other popes, I do like this one because at least he is a step forward for the church.

It is also difficult to get an audience with the pope so I don't know who wangled this meeting with Kim Davis and I remain skeptical. He most likely was not aware of the full back story on this issue and why would a fundamentalist and particularly her handlers even agree to meet the pope. I also am waiting for photographic proof.

Anonymous said... 76

Ben Seewald and his father both have gone on anti-catholic rants on their blogs or instagrams. Wile most postestants may now be ok with Catholics, pentacostals are not. I read the Pentecostal Manifest on line and was shocks at the vitriol. No doubt politicians like Huckabee and Sanctorum were behind getting a meeting betting Kim and the Pope. So sorry for any typos. My eyes are so bad I can't see what I type.

redbird said... 77

The Pope now is all that Kim and her lawyer have right now.

As long as the Pope is running in and out of frame, she is good to go!

Just like someone else we know, but it's innocent children!

redbird said... 78

3 more women come forward about BC.

redbird said... 79

Honey Boo Boo's first video.

There are no words. Wait, yes, they are!

Disgusting, Vile, and the Desperation of the depths of exploitation a parent would do to keep their cash lamb relevant.

The dance move that HBB did in this video was CRINGE & GASP WORTHY as UH OH, RUH ROH! And she was barefooted to boot!

Ironic that the link has the name cheezburger in it.

Also at the end of the video the credits said that the producer thanked June Shannon and HBB's dad for appearing in the video BUT didn't thank her sister Pumpkin. Hmmmm....

redbird said... 80

Glad you are ok PA Dutch mom!

I wonder if TFW lost her driveway trees....AGAIN! hahaha

TLC stinks said... 81

With a Thanksgiving airing, looks like the twin's birthday will be included! Wonder what TLC has bought for them this year?

redbird said... 82

JoyinVirginia said... 73
Coming to a landfall near me sooner than anyone wants: hurricane Joaquin! Carry on chatting, I'll be out in the yard picking up gardening things that could become hazardous projectiles.


Hurry and get all your preparations done Joy and come get under the Veranda where we are hunkered down and franky is serving the
Good Rumspringa with the Good Straws!

Don't forget to bring the sandwiches!

P.J. said... 83

I called Rome last night and Frank and I talked for about 20 minutes. Seems Kim was in some receiving line and they met for about 30 seconds. He passed her a couple of rosaries, just like he did for the other dozen or so people there. He said he wouldn't be able to pick her out of a line-up nor was he 100% clear on what she was saying. His English isn't as good as his Spanish. He did think she could use a good stylist.

P.J. said... 84

If the Pope gave her a 15 minute private audience, what a slap in the face for the ones who work tirelessly for the Church and would have relished meeting him.

Another case of the squeaky wheel.

Mel said... 85

Wow. You'd think that BC would have worn that thing out by now, with so much use.

P.J. said... 86

I hope the money that the Liberty Counsel paid for the audience was worth it.

Nobody does politics better than the Vatican. They've been at it for hundreds of years.

OT anyone else having problems with this page freezing? I can have several tabs open and fine and this page freezes.

Tucker's Mom said... 87

No doubt politicians like Huckabee and Sanctorum were behind getting a meeting betting Kim and the Pope.
Ah, good point.

You know what the Pope giving Kim Davis an audience during his limited and highly prized time in the U.S. is like for me? It's like the moment you find out your favorite actor/actress is a Scientologist.

You don't quite look at them the same again.

I haven't lost my respect and overall positivity for this Pope, but it tainted his visit in a way that's changed my experience of it forever.

I think it's done just that for a lot of people, Catholic and otherwise. ~ Administrator said... 88

I haven't lost my respect and overall positivity for this Pope, but it tainted his visit in a way that's changed my experience of it forever.

I think it's done just that for a lot of people, Catholic and otherwise.


At best, he allowed himself to be a pawn in this situation, and the holy father should never be a pawn.

This is a reminder, a good reminder, that the pope is just a man. A man susceptible to manipulation. A man who maybe got lazy with the research he should have done on who he is meeting, including Davis, killers, and bishops who hid sex abuse. A man who accidentally got on the wrong side of the issue and then as man does, backpedaled.

The public needs to stop making this guy out to be Jesus. He's mortal. ~ Administrator said... 89

And there goes SixnexttokimDavis. LOL!!!!

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 16h16 hours ago
Sitnexto Kim Davis Retweeted Gov. Mike Huckabee
And known #MountainDew thief. NEVER FORGET THE DIET DEW THIEF!

Sitnexto Kim Davis added,
Gov. Mike Huckabee @GovMikeHuckabee
While the media elites were slobbering b/c @Pontifex commented on climate change, he held a quiet & powerful meeting w/ a humble KY clerk.
21 retweets 142 favorites
Reply Retweet 21 Favorite 142

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 16h16 hours ago
Sitnexto Kim Davis Retweeted Ketch Upton
Not work days. That was Labor Day weekend. And everyone's bbq was better for it. Sitnexto Kim Davis added,
Ketch Upton @Alessa_Ref
@nexttokimdavis I dont know, but I did notice how many days she spent in jail thanks to that slimy #gaymafia +Bunning+Kennedy #kimdavis
7 retweets 94 favorites

Reply Retweet 7 Favorite 94
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 18h18 hours ago
Has anyone noticed how many GODDAMN PERSONAL DAYS #KimDavis SEEMS TO HAVE?
113 retweets 452 favorites

Reply Retweet 113 Favorite 452
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 20h20 hours ago
Sitnexto Kim Davis Retweeted Dan Savage
Maybe #KimDavis is the Pope's gay friend? Sitnexto Kim Davis added,
Dan Savage @fakedansavage
Maybe the pope is Kim Davis's gay friend?
38 retweets 211 favorites
Reply Retweet 38 Favorite 211

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 20h20 hours ago
The best quote from @nytimes:
"They spoke in English"
121 retweets 430 favorites
Reply Retweet 121 Favorite 430

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 20h20 hours ago
The best quote from @nytimes:
"They spoke in English"
48 retweets 202 favorites
Reply Retweet 48 Favorite 202

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 21h21 hours ago
98 retweets 274 favorites
Reply Retweet 98 Favorite 274
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 21h21 hours ago
Had to RT myself. I just realized that #GoddamnKimDavis is not the generally accepted #KimDavis hashtag.
18 retweets 133 favorites
Reply Retweet 18 Favorite 133

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 21h21 hours ago
#KimDavis is holding communion in the break room. THOSE LOOK LIKE MY GODDAMN OREOS.
259 retweets 587 favorites
Reply Retweet 259 Favorite 587
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 21h21 hours ago

.@Pontifex comes to US. Everyone: I LOVE THE POPE! The Pope meets #KimDavis. Everyone: I DUNNO ABOUT THIS POPE...
195 retweets 377 favorites
Reply Retweet 195 Favorite 377

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 22h22 hours ago
#GoddamnKimDavis is holding communion in the break room. THOSE LOOK LIKE MY GODDAMN OREOS.
172 retweets 480 favorites
Reply Retweet 172 Favorite 480
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 22h22 hours ago
.@Pontifex comes to US. Everyone: I LOVE THE POPE! The Pope meets #GoddamnKimDavis. Everyone: I DUNNO ABOUT THIS POPE...
198 retweets 393 favorites
Reply Retweet 198 Favorite 393
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 22h22 hours ago
Sitnexto Kim Davis Retweeted The New York Times
The New York Times @nytimes
Kim Davis, Kentucky clerk, is said to have secretly met with Pope Francis
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis Sep 28
Sitnexto Kim Davis Retweeted Scott Wooledge
Goddamn @libertycounsel also claimed they brought 100,000 beers to my BBQ. It was just a fucking 6-pack. ~ Administrator said... 90

If the Pope gave her a 15 minute private audience, what a slap in the face for the ones who work tirelessly for the Church and would have relished meeting him.


Think of all the other people he could have chosen to meet.

How about the rookie Pasadena police officer who pulled a suicidal teenager back over the ledge of a bridge last week?

How about the Cosco employees who were first on the scene of a small plane crash, helped put out the fire and then brought supplies?

How about some of the Wounded Warriors?

It was just such a sad, disappointing choice.

Rhymes with Witch said... 91

I agree that politicians (e.g., Huckabee, Santorum) and the Liberty Counsel were instrumental in setting up this meeting.
I also wonder how much input the Pope has in scheduling such meetings, versus his staff.

Additionally, what use does a fundie have for rosary beads, blessed or not?

P.J. said... 92

I'd like to think that the advisers to the Pope are getting a blistering chat from His Holiness over this. You're only as good as the people around you.

Anonymous said... 93

Thanksgiving filler specials about summer beach trips and back to school shopping? How positively boring, and if something better comes along for TLC, that footage will stay in the can. I cannot decide if pathetic or sad is the better descriptor here.

As for the Pope and Kim, I can go straight to sickening. Did the good people of Kentucky give her yet another Personal day for this outing?


P.J. said... 94

Well, Kim, I think this was your last brush with fame. Even meeting the Pope was a one day wonder. You're done. The press has moved on.

P.J. said... 95

OT Happy 80th birthday, Julie Andrews

No, sKate, you and your kids are nothing like the Sound of Music.

Mel said... 96

Think of all the other people he could have chosen to meet.
It was just such a sad, disappointing choice.

Yeah. He might as well have robbed a bank while he was here.

PA Dutch Mom said... 97

Glad you are ok PA Dutch mom!

I wonder if TFW lost her driveway trees....AGAIN! hahaha


No, and in case Milo was freaking out over Kate being safe, the storm was confined to a very small area in Lancaster...nowhere near Kate.

JoyinVirginia said... 98

PJ, love it! Yes his Popeliness has mass and Mass audiences all the time. The politicians probably brought staffers as guests also. No way do I believe he could even recognize her. The Liberty counsel lawyers are all about the publicity.

JoyinVirginia said... 99

Redbird, I will be visiting the hurricane shelter under the verandah. Chicken salad sandwiches ok?

swimgirl said... 100

Good article in Time Magazine about Kim Davis and the Pope.

Denni Don't Like K8 said... 101

re: Kate's new 'season'..... funny and appropriate that right about the time we're thinking about she pops up again! she's a turkey in my book already.

redbird said... 102

JoyinVirginia said... 99
Redbird, I will be visiting the hurricane shelter under the verandah. Chicken salad sandwiches ok?


Yes, love chicken salad sandwiches!

redbird said... 103

I read a headline that this hurricane could be another Sandy.

More Superfun for TFW!

Mel said... 104

From the Time article referenced above:

Kim Davis has not been denied the right to conscientiously object; she has simply been denied the right to get away with it without paying a price.
Davis has not been denied the right to conscientiously object; she has simply been denied the right to get away with it without paying a price.

P.J. said... 105

Another shooting at a college?

Tucker's Mom said... 106

Great article. People can huff and puff and bloviate all they want, but at the end of the day, Davis is wielding her religion like a cudgel.
She's a bigot and a bully of the highest order, and deserves no awards, only a jail cell until she either does her job that she swore an oath to do, or resigns.
The Pope is betting on the wrong horse if he did this to subtly show where his feelings really lie.

Tucker's Mom said... 107

P.J. said... 105
Another shooting at a college?
Yes. Hard to tell how many dead. I heard anywhere from 7 to 20, and the shooter is down or neutralized.
I wonder how isolated this campus is because this all started hours ago, and we usually are watching lives as things unfold.

PA Dutch Mom said... 108

I read a headline that this hurricane could be another Sandy.

More Superfun for TFW!


They still have no idea what area will be under the gun, but the latest prediction is that it will miss us. What scares me is that they just never know. They messed up on the tornado warning, so I really don't put any trust in what they will say.

too bad,so sad said... 109

If the Pope gave her a 15 minute private audience, what a slap in the face for the ones who work tirelessly for the Church and would have relished meeting him.
If true that makes me sad, mad and ready to stomp my foot in childish anger.
A family friend has been a nun since her 18th birthday. She is now well into her 80s and was the youngest of the three nuns who saw the Pope in Philly. She and her sisters have worked all these years with the very poor in Philly. They had tickets to see him but roads and highways Rt. 95 were closed to make it a walking path. They WALKED all the way from the convent to see him and no they didn't get an up front and personal meeting with blessed rosaries that would have really meant something and would have been used all day every day. No, a nonCatholic who can not boast working endlessly for more than 6 decades gets an audience. Life is not fair all.

I am happy to see any movement towards more acceptance and more tolerance and love and less bias, guilting and shunning, but I can't give a gold star to this Pope. Maybe a high five, but he is only 10 years older than I am. He is just starting to approach where we were in attitude, acceptance and behavior 50 years ago. So, Pope, so far so good, now get the lead out and catch up! Break out the old record player and listen to the Beatles songs like Imagine and Love is all we Need.
(*LOL as if the Pope needs advice from a heathen!)

Tucker's Mom said... 110

too bad,so sad said... 109
God bless that nun! Yup, stories like this make me stamp my feet in anger, too.
We still don't know the whole story, I feel.
The secrecy and silence on the Vatican side only allows Kim and her clown car of freaks to dictate the narrative.
In today's digital age, with a fucketybillion satellites orbiting around the planet, there's no reasonable explanation as to why we haven't seen photos of the alleged meeting.

too bad,so sad said... 111

Off topic a little: The Dalai Lama has canceled his visit to the U.S. because of poor health. I do like to listen to him and watch him greet people. He has recently stated that the next Dalai Lama might very well be a woman. Well after 3 thousand years I guess it is about time. Does anyone think the new Pope will state that the next Pope might be a woman? Well, maybe the Catholic Church isn't as progresses as some think, bit slow and steady is fine.

Yes, we are expecting some strong wind and heavy rain in NJ. We can use the rain but maybe not all at once. Sandy taught us to all buy generators and sump pumps.

Since I am a long time reader and just a recent poster I will offer to bring the chicken salad. I usually make it with rotisserie chicken, a pinch of dill and grapes and pecans. I kind of need a count. How many want that on homemade bread and how many would rather have it on a salad base? Nut allergies? Must have special notice, please.
Add lots of rumspringa because I will be under the veranda shuddering and want to drink away the awful sounds that frightened the blazes out of me during Sandy.

Tucker's Mom said... 112

Since I am a long time reader and just a recent poster I will offer to bring the chicken salad. I usually make it with rotisserie chicken, a pinch of dill and grapes and pecans
Yum, sounds a lot like my chicken salad, except I add 1/2 teaspoon of feta and the juice of 12 lemons ;-)

Ugh, there will never be a woman Pope, let alone priest.

There are priests that won't let girls be altar servers!!!

P.J. said... 113

too bad,so sad said... 111

Since I am a long time reader and just a recent poster I will offer to bring the chicken salad. I usually make it with rotisserie chicken, a pinch of dill and grapes and pecans. I kind of need a count. How many want that on homemade bread and how many would rather have it on a salad base?


Come sit next to me. I'll take nice thick slices of homemade bread with lots of butter. Screw the salad. There are no calories under the veranda.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 114

Since I am a long time reader and just a recent poster I will offer to bring the chicken salad. I usually make it with rotisserie chicken, a pinch of dill and grapes and pecans. I kind of need a count. How many want that on homemade bread and how many would rather have it on a salad base?


Come sit next to me. I'll take nice thick slices of homemade bread with lots of butter. Screw the salad. There are no calories under the veranda.


My eyes are not good. Lack of sleep, I guess, or too many rumspringas. I read this as ¨pinch of dirt.¨ I was going to ask if it is organic dirt.

Does your bread maker slice the bread as it bakes? If so, are the slices all the same size? I am with P.J. on the salad screwing part. I'll take the bread. Thanks for offering!

Eight is More Than Enough said... 115

Jebbie has come out pro-demeaning racist sports mascot names. Surprising.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 116

True words by our President about the latest gun massacre, but nothing will change. This is America and we love our guns too much.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 117

True words from our President about yet another gun massacre. Pointless words though because America loves it's guns not wisely but to well.

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said... 118

Have not posted for a long time but popping in to comment on the UCC shooting.

Tucker's Mom said... 107
P.J. said... 105
Another shooting at a college?
I am in Oregon and live somewhat close to Roseburg. This is a small close-knit community who take care of each other. To have this happen at UCC is devastating.

At the college where I work, the President has sent our college counselors to UCC to help. Our counseling center is now open 24 hours for us to cope with this. It drives home once again the importance of being alert and having safety procedures in place in case of an active shooter situation or an escalating situation. Gone are the days where we come to work and simply do our jobs. We now have to be aware of our surroundings and others in our buildings. Some buildings have instant lock-down activation procedures and security cameras in place feeding back to the campus police.

Tonight I will hug my family a bit tighter and be grateful that we are all safe.

Tucker's Mom said... 119

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said... 117
Have not posted for a long time but popping in to comment on the UCC shooting.

Tucker's Mom said... 107
P.J. said... 105
Another shooting at a college?
I am in Oregon and live somewhat close to Roseburg. This is a small close-knit community who take care of each other. To have this happen at UCC is devastating.
The community has to be torn apart right now. What a devastating tragedy.
It's becoming all to commonplace.

Sometimes I wonder if other countries think we all her are nutso.

It sure seems that way.

P.J. said... 120

Turtle (AKA Amy2) I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I'm sorry anybody has to go through this.


Rhymes with Witch said... 121

Mass shootings. I can't comment because I am too angry.

Ok, must add that the mental health system needs to be rethought and screening prior to gun purchases should be mandatory.

Sue_Buddy said... 122

Rhymes with Witch said... 120
Mass shootings. I can't comment because I am too angry.

Shooting in Oregon: So far in 2015, we’ve had 274 days and 294 mass shootings

Can someone explain that headline to me? The article says a mass shooting is 4 or more people are killed or injured by gunfire, yet the calendar that accompanies the article shows nowhere near that many.

These shootings are horrific, but according to the headline we're having more than 4 people a day shot by mass shootings.

FYI said... 123

Milo's in a frenzy worrying about Kate. Of course, she just knows that Kate will make sure Shoka is safe. She's more worried about Shoka than she is about the kids.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 3m3 minutes ago
I see whole East Coast is under storm warnings...lots of rain already & more 2come! Stay safe! I know you have Shoka in! :) @kateplusmy8

fidosmommy said... 124

The Dalai Lama visits the US on a regular schedule. He has a brother in the Bloomington IL area. I'm hoping the brother can make it overseas to visit him. (I am assuming his brother is still living. It's been several years since I lived near Bloomington.)

I named one of my beloved cats the Dalai Lama. That should tell you she was a beautiful soul, gentle, loving and tolerant of even those who deserved to be hissed at.

I love the Dalai Lama. Both of them.

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 125

So sad, 109...

Your story really tugged at my heart. Thanks for posting. Some things in life just are not fair. It reminds me of something that happened when I was with a touring band, only this had a happy ending.

There was a line of people waiting to enter the venue. I was walking around outside, looking for someone I knew. I happened to be standing next to an older couple who was talking to someone in line. The man was explaining that he had been a fan for decades and always brings along the first LP he ever bought, hoping to have it signed, but just was never able to do so.

I excused myself for butting into the conversation, but I told him if he wants an autograph, to come to the backstage door after the show and he would get it signed. He looked at me like I was off in the head a bit. I told him that yes, I would make it happen. He said that he was 76 years old and drove over three hours to this show. He did not look to be in the best of health.

Sure enough, after the show there he was at the door. I walked him back and not only did he meet the performer and have his album signed with a personal inscription, but he had his picture taken and was able to talk to him a bit. He said, ¨Now I can die happy. This was my last chance to get the autograph.¨ He called me an angel, and I just wanted to cry.

Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time to bring a little bit of joy into the life of a stranger.

Tucker's Mom said... 126

I named one of my beloved cats the Dalai Lama. That should tell you she was a beautiful soul, gentle, loving and tolerant of even those who deserved to be hissed at.

I love the Dalai Lama. Both of them.
Awww, special kitty ;-)

Over In TFW's County said... 127

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
I see whole East Coast is under storm warnings...lots of rain already & more 2come! Stay safe! I know you have Shoka in! :) @kateplusmy8


How does she know Shoka is inside? Peering in those windows again? I hope Gladys is wearing rain gear and a good pair of waterproof petite ¨pants¨ ! It is just rain, Milo. know, wet stuff falling from the sky.

No, hurricane in that area. Kate is safe. No need to fret.

Regina Haigwood ‏@ReginaHaigwood 6m6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 ,Hi Kate, how is the weather where you are?

Go to The Weather Channel page or Accuweather. Type in Reading, PA and it will tell you exactly what the weather is right now. You do not need Kate to tell you. Typical sheeple helplessness.

franky said... 128

Interesting article about the Pope and Kim D

Rhymes with Witch said... 129

Typical sheeple helplessness. 126

Sheeple and their Sheepleness.

Tucker's Mom said... 130

franky said... 127
Interesting article about the Pope and Kim D
That's some serious Dan Brown shit, and I'm digging it.

franky said... 131

Still catching up on posts, but I feel the need to send Tonglen to the world, and crawl back under the Verandah.

Just so sad

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 132
That's some serious Dan Brown shit, and I'm digging it.

When I clicked on it, I was taken to the Ultimate Sex Drive. Not sure quite why since I never visited such a site!! I miss Stephanie.

Any photos of Kim and Mr. Ziffel with the Pope? ~ Administrator said... 133

Interesting, I kind of like the conspiracy theory that the Kim Davis meeting with brokered with the pope to make him look bad. It's true he has a lot of haters. What better way to sabotage him than to give him a meeting with last months' most controversial figure, hedging your bets the story was too local for him to have heard much about it?

I also buy that he may not have known who she was or at least not the finer details of the controversy. He may not have known even many Christians think what she did was wrong.

The mistake was once they did realize, the Vatican should have addressed it instead of playing the no comment game. They had an opportunity to provide hope and compassion to gay Christians as they claim they now want to do, and they blew it. ~ Administrator said... 134

That's some serious Dan Brown shit, and I'm digging it.


Lol just saw that comment. Right?? It would actually be genius to do that. It's a real safe bet he doesn't know this story. It just doesn't have the international flavor that makes headlines abroad. It's a little too intricate, and not all that sexy. It won't make the papers. He probably didn't hear about it.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense the fundies even thought to set this up. But if some anti-pope-er put the idea in their heads....

This Kim Davis saga is one of the most interesting stories of 2015. What square will the far right move this pawn next? ~ Administrator said... 135

Any photos of Kim and Mr. Ziffel with the Pope?


They're coming. Apparently the Vatican still uses photographic plates and the wet collodion process,. These things take time.

Tucker's Mom said... 136

The mistake was once they did realize, the Vatican should have addressed it instead of playing the no comment game. They had an opportunity to provide hope and compassion to gay Christians as they claim they now want to do, and they blew it.
Instead, the Vatican left a vacuum which the Libertard Counsel filled.
Could this be going any for the latter?

Mel said... 137

I think Milo's trying to give TFW the hint that she needs to bring the dog in. Because otherwise TFW wouldn't think of it.

Math Girl said... 138

Sue_Buddy said... 121
Rhymes with Witch said... 120
Mass shootings. I can't comment because I am too angry.

Shooting in Oregon: So far in 2015, we’ve had 274 days and 294 mass shootings

Can someone explain that headline to me? The article says a mass shooting is 4 or more people are killed or injured by gunfire, yet the calendar that accompanies the article shows nowhere near that many.

These shootings are horrific, but according to the headline we're having more than 4 people a day shot by mass shootings.
I believe the calendar does agree with the count of 294. That's because a lot of days had more than one shooting.

For example, look at May. There are 10 ones, 4 twos, 3 threes and 4 fours. Doing the match, you get 10 x 1 + 4 x 2 + 3 x 3 + 3 x 4 = 10 + 8 + 9 + 12 = 39. That's an average of more than one a day even though 10 days had no shootings at all. January was better, with "only" 24 for the month. I didn't do the math for every month, but their total is believable based on the two months I did do. I chose them because one looked "light" and one looked "heavy" to me.

One of the comments questions how they are counting shootings. According to the poster, the WaPo is counting all mass shootings, but crime and gang related ones shouldn't be counted! I'm not sure why the poster thinks some shootings shouldn't count. Because most of the victims aren't "like us"?

Tucker's Mom said... 139

Instead, the Vatican left a vacuum which the Libertard Counsel filled.
Could this be going any for the latter?

Sorry, should read, "could this be going any better for the latter?"

franky said... 140

Sending Tonglen to the world because we frankly need it.

Shootings, hurricanes, conspiracies...etc.

I mourn for what seems like lost peace or hope.

Going back under the veranda, someone pass me a straw and a tin-foil crown, please.

franky said... 141

omment of the day...

This Kim Davis saga is one of the most interesting stories of 2015. What square will the far right move this pawn next?

You hit the proverbial nail on the head.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 142

Any photos of Kim and Mr. Ziffel with the Pope?


They're coming. Apparently the Vatican still uses photographic plates and the wet collodion process,. These things take time.


Ah, that makes sense, but I am waiting with bated breath to see if she wore a tunic and slacks/leggings, or a jumper and plaid flannel shirt. ~ Administrator said... 143

One of the comments questions how they are counting shootings. According to the poster, the WaPo is counting all mass shootings, but crime and gang related ones shouldn't be counted! I'm not sure why the poster thinks some shootings shouldn't count. Because most of the victims aren't "like us"?


I understand that. Random shootings against random victims versus shootings committed as part of a specific issue with a specific person are two different things. Addressing the problem requires two different solutions.

The random shootings, and in some cases stabbings, I firmly believe, has much more to do with mental illness and the failed mental health system. There's a reason every darn time it's a 20-something male who didn't get the mental health treatment he needed in his teens. That doesn't seem to be as much as a factor behind shootings against known victims with a clear motive. Many are simply retaliatory crimes, which have happened since the beginning of time. Doesn't make it right, but does make it a bit easier to follow.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 144

They're coming. Apparently the Vatican still uses photographic plates and the wet collodion process,. These things take time.


I thought they used the carte de visite process. I learn something new every day!

Sue_Buddy said... 145

Math Girl said... 136

Thanks for the reply, Math Girl. I hope I'm not being obtuse. The headline talks about Mass Shootings. Mass Shootings are defined (in the key that accompanies the calendars) as 4 or more. Therefore, if I count the squares with 4 or more Mass Shootings, as the headline says, in May, there are 12 Mass Shootings because there are 3 boxes with #4 in them; again, the #4 qualifies as Mass Shootings according to the key which says:

"Number of mass shootings ( 4+ victims, including shooter) by day of year 2015"

Sue_Buddy said... 146

Math Girl...ok, now I get it. Each colored box represents a mass shooting, not the number of victims. (You should have seen my poor high school algebra trying to teach me how to figure...if one train is travelling at 50 mpi and makes 5 stops.....blah, blah, blah.)

I think there's something bogus about that chart or something.

Sue_Buddy said... 147

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 139
The random shootings, and in some cases stabbings, I firmly believe, has much more to do with mental illness and the failed mental health system. There's a reason every darn time it's a 20-something male who didn't get the mental health treatment he needed in his teens. That doesn't seem to be as much as a factor behind shootings against known victims with a clear motive. Many are simply retaliatory crimes, which have happened since the beginning of time. Doesn't make it right, but does make it a bit easier to follow.

What I don't get is years ago young men who were in need of mental health help didn't resort to going into schools, theaters, etc. with an armload of guns and kill people. Why do they do that now?

Math Girl said... 148

Sue_Buddy said... 141

I think there's something bogus about that chart or something.
I think there was a link on the WaPo article to a site with more details about the statistics used.

I'm kind of reluctant to go back because, like another poster, I was almost redirected to some site that gave off porn vibes. At least it let me read the article first, and it let me reject its "suggestion" without chasing boxes around my screen or clicking on "leave already" several times. Oh wait, that was the Esquire article.

Anyway, it's much too late at night and my brain is shutting down before my fingers are, a very dangerous situation,

Certainly you don't hear about a mass shooting every other day. Some of them are probably of only local interest, or don't have photogenic / sympathetic victims.

P.J. said... 149

Ah, the Vatican speaks... I guess they didn't like being used as pawns in this silly group's games.

This was bought and paid for by her right-wing fundie cohorts. Someone in the Pope's circle will probably be transferred to a third-world outpost. ~ Administrator said... 150

He met with her for 10 whole minutes but he didn't realize who she was? So what did they talk about all that time? I'm glad they had the guts to say that they don't support her. That had to be said. ~ Administrator said... 151

What I don't get is years ago young men who were in need of mental health help didn't resort to going into schools, theaters, etc. with an armload of guns and kill people. Why do they do that now?


Because we used to institutionalize most crazy people. Simple as that. ~ Administrator said... 152

Someone in the Pope's circle will probably be transferred to a third-world outpost.


Exactly. I pretty much buy that they got swindled. It was a fuck up. You can bet heads are spinning about how this happened.

FYI said... 153

Here is the entire statement from the Vatican:

"The brief meeting between Mrs. Kim Davis and Pope Francis at the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, DC has continued to provoke comments and discussion. In order to contribute to an objective understanding of what transpired I am able to clarify the following points:

Pope Francis met with several dozen persons who had been invited by the Nunciature to greet him as he prepared to leave Washington for New York City. Such brief greetings occur on all papal visits and are due to the Pope’s characteristic kindness and availability. The only real audience granted by the Pope at the Nunciature was with one of his former students and his family.

The Pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects."

So she and her lawyers spun this meeting as a complete and utter endorsement of her by the Pope, when in actuality it was no such thing.

Hey, Huckabee, how are you going to spin this now? First, Josh Duggar let you down, and now Kim Davis.

I read somewhere(I can't find the article right now) that Liberty Counsel said that Joe and Kim Davis took pictures of each other at the Embassy, but didn't think it was "proper" to take pictures of themselves with the Pope.

Liberty Counsel was probably not too happy that Kim and her husband blew the opportunity to prove the meeting.

The one thing that does bother me is that several media outlets, Christian groups and politicians are taking Kim's word about what the Pope said to her as gospel. Don't they get that Kim and her lawyers are spinning the whole thing to portray her in the best possible light?

There's no proof of what the Pope actually said to her, but people like Huckabee were totally ready to believe every word that came out of her mouth.

Tucker's Mom said... 154

The random shootings, and in some cases stabbings, I firmly believe, has much more to do with mental illness and the failed mental health system.
Me too. Obama keeps hammering away with his singular focus on gun control, and with every shooting, he says, "see, I'm right!", but I think he's drawing the wrong conclusion.
There are other common denominators in play.
These shootings have become a meme to millenials. With social media, disconnection from family, untreated mental illness, social and racial unrest and untolerance within our country, and yes, available guns, we are seeing college shooting all too often.

I'm old enough to remember the extreme violence in Northern Ireland (and violence in England) and those people didn't have access to guns, so they made bombs and molotov cocktails and affected mass killings.

That's to say that people will get it done somehow, and whether it's a gun or a pipe bomb in a pressure cooker, we have to get down to the root of the problem of what's happening in our culture.

(off soapbox, thanks for listening) ~ Administrator said... 155

You can make all guns illegal, crazy people will just get illegal ones. We're missing the boat every time on the mental illness crisis in this country. If random shootings occurred by a wide variety of demographics I might believe guns are the problem. But they're almost all occurring by men in their lat teens and 20' age where the brain seems particularly vulnerable to mental illness and disconnect. The demographic of these shooters cannot be ignored anymore.

I recently heard someone say that saying guns are the problem when it comes to mass shootings is like saying cars cause drunk driving accidents and we should ban cars. And sure enough when you do take a drunk's car away they drive anyway. They find a way. Fair point. ~ Administrator said... 156

I'm old enough to remember the extreme violence in Northern Ireland (and violence in England) and those people didn't have access to guns, so they made bombs and molotov cocktails and affected mass killings.

That's to say that people will get it done somehow, and whether it's a gun or a pipe bomb in a pressure cooker, we have to get down to the root of the problem of what's happening in our culture.


Right. Look at the Boston bombers. They made bombs out of pressure cookers from their kitchen and other household products, which apparently, is very easy to do. Ban pressure cookers? ~ Administrator said... 157

There's no proof of what the Pope actually said to her, but people like Huckabee were totally ready to believe every word that came out of her mouth.


Her side has really been caught in some whoopers of a lie throughout this. That's yet another.

I mean, I suppose the Vatican could be downplaying it, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think she was streamlined into a line of 10 or 20 people that various powers that be arranged by pulling various strings. I don't think he knew who she was or barely. I think he said a few standard remarks to her he says to everyone, and that was that. He found out later the complexities of who she was. He realized later they screwed this one up. So actually, good for them saying excuse me, please do not take our meeting as one of some kind of special support for your cause. You got in a LINE of other random people and went through the line, period.

Why is it I can't seem to catch the other side in a single lie or even embellishment? Why is it the other side stays quiet, humble and is just trying to move on? Why is it Kim's camp has to LIE to prove their point? Pathetic really. ~ Administrator said... 158

Lol I like how the Vatican says we only had one "real" audience during this segment of the visit and it was certainly not with Kim. You got in a line of riff raff and by our good graces we said hi to you.


Vatican kinda sorta redeemed themselves, a little bit. At least they made Kim look like a liar, which I appreciate. Go in peace, Popey!

Tucker's Mom said... 159

What I don't get is years ago young men who were in need of mental health help didn't resort to going into schools, theaters, etc. with an armload of guns and kill people. Why do they do that now?
It's become the de rigueur final act of many young males with mental health and anger issues.
Fueled by social media, the broadcast media, and an environment of growing meanness and social unrest within our country, this phenomenon has been gaining traction.
These tragedies have guns in common, among other things, and have been happening at least since Charles Whitman shot his wife and mother, then stood in a college clock tower and picked off people one by one with a rifle in 1966.
It would be interesting to diagram (X,Y plot) the increase in gun availability and increase in the frequency of these mass shootings.
I don't think the gun availability line would exactly parallel the shooting frequency line.
Whatever thing or things can be plotted in a similar fashion to the latter line needs to be addressed (as well as limiting the availability and types of guns sold in America). ~ Administrator said... 160

Fueled by social media, the broadcast media, and an environment of growing meanness and social unrest within our country, this phenomenon has been gaining traction.
These tragedies have guns in common, among other things, and have been happening at least since Charles Whitman shot his wife and mother, then stood in a college clock tower and picked off people one by one with a rifle in 1966.


Radio broadcasters in L.A. John and Ken believe the selfie generation does play a role in all this. They were discussing this yesterday and saying these young men were losers in life and feel like the only way they can get the attention everyone else gets is to do something this drastic. I like how the sheriff said he wasn't going to say the killer's name. In the past couple years I've seen major media outlets like CBS taking a stand and saying you know what, we're NOT going to say the name because that's what they want. That is unprecedented in journalism, but may just be a brilliant idea. You take away the glory of it and it might become less appealing.

They also think copy-catting is playing a major role. There were some elements of this shooting that bear strong similarities to Columbine.

Tucker's Mom said... 161

"Vatican deputy spokesman Father Thomas Rosica said the audience, which included several dozen other people, didn't amount to an endorsement.

"The Pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis, and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects," Rosica said.

The session, on September 24 in Washington, sparked a bit of controversy after the Pope's visit to the United States.

Kim Davis: Pope told me to 'stay strong'

Kim Davis: Pope told me to 'stay strong' 01:44
Davis' lawyer, Mat Staver, said the audience lasted 10 minutes and was just between the Pope, his client and her husband."

Staver needs to have is his law license challenged. Is this possible? Do these repeated lies and manipulations warrent a rebuke at least? Suspension?

So, this is not so much of a Dan Brown conspiracy, but a manipulation of the facts, whereby Staver and Davis filled the information void with clear and purposefully deceiving comments.

At least when Kimmie gets hauled off to jail again, or impeached, or loses her job, she won't be able to invoke the Pope and Vatican. ~ Administrator said... 162

Two short days ago you were calling Kim's meeting with the Pope, sloppy planning and accusing the Vatican/Pope of not doing their homework.


It WAS sloppy planning and they didn't do their homework. A simple Google search of her name would have given even the least discerning person pause. As someone else jokingly said, somebody in the Vatican probably just got shipped off to a third world country to minister there! Lol.

Still, their sloppiness doesn't mean Kim didn't lie. One has nothing to do with the other. The Vatican has every right to call her out on her lies and embellishments about the visit, regardless of how sloppy they were with their vetting. I believe them that she just came through in a group of a dozen other random people. I also believe that all those people surely got background checked, and that they should have realized who she was and pulled her from that line. Therein lies the sloppiness.

It is a bit head shaking though it took them two days to come up with a statement about this. Initially, they tried to downplay it. When they realized it wasn't going away, they said you wanna go there fine then we'll have to throw you under the bus. I like their style.

Tucker's Mom said... 163

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 150
He met with her for 10 whole minutes but he didn't realize who she was? So what did they talk about all that time? I'm glad they had the guts to say that they don't support her. That had to be said.

Which makes sense when you think about the Pope's generalized answer to the question on the plane.
You would think that he's say, "why, I just met a woman who was sent to prison...". But, he answered in generalities.

When you think about Davis' commentary and that of her lawyer, Staver, on the "meeting", what occurred and what was said was boilerplate.

Totally boilerplate. ~ Administrator said... 164

Staver needs to have is his law license challenged. Is this possible? Do these repeated lies and manipulations warrent a rebuke at least? Suspension?


Is it a Kentucky license? Check their state bar, see what it says. See if they've got their ethical code up there somewhere. Usually attorneys are supposed to be honest and forthright in all aspects of their profession. Even when just making a statement to the press.

Lincoln would be rolling over in his grave at a lawyer like that one. He was a good ole Kentucky boy too wasn't he?

I think it's POSSIBLE it's the Vatican downplaying it, but I think that's just a small chance at this point. The Vatican's explanation sounds much more plausible than Kim's ever did. She came in a big group of string pullers, we said hi, goodbye and god bless you, and that was that. If it looks like a duck.... ~ Administrator said... 165

Staver needs to have is his law license challenged. Is this possible? Do these repeated lies and manipulations warrent a rebuke at least? Suspension?

So, this is not so much of a Dan Brown conspiracy, but a manipulation of the facts, whereby Staver and Davis filled the information void with clear and purposefully deceiving comments.


We said two days ago....but wait a second if this isn't what occurred, couldn't that easily be disputed by the Vatican? Sure enough here comes the Vatican saying hold on a second, what actually happened was this.

When the lies are happening even in the face of information that can easily, or somewhat easily, be verified or disputed, it really rises to a pathological level. The pope was THERE. He can corroborate her difficult to believe story. Surely they knew this. It's pathological. Did they really hedge their bets the Vatican would just ignore them?

I'm so glad the Vatican decided to address this. If they continued to just do the no comment thing, Kim gets to write the narrative. They had to own their screw up to do it, but once they realized they had to bite the bullet, they then called it like how it really was, and in the process, made Kim look like an idiot AND a liar. Well played redemption. ~ Administrator said... 166

Another thought.....couldn't the 12 other string pullers verify the Vatican's version of events? They're now saying they all came in a group and it was more of a casual meet and greet than a personal sit down.

Sounds like there were a lot of witnesses. Those people must have been shaking their heads knowing they came in with Kim but that she was saying it was a private meeting.

Tucker's Mom said... 167

The one thing that does bother me is that several media outlets, Christian groups and politicians are taking Kim's word about what the Pope said to her as gospel. Don't they get that Kim and her lawyers are spinning the whole thing to portray her in the best possible light?

There's no proof of what the Pope actually said to her, but people like Huckabee were totally ready to believe every word that came out of her mouth.
The Liberty Counsel was 3 moves ahead of the Vatican at all times, such that they were able to fill the void left by the Vatican when THEY leaked the story.
Really? A film crew was ready and waiting to film Kim and her husband as she gushed about her meeting with the Pope, where he threw his support behind her?
They are slick, and by slick, and mean they have no scruples.

FYI said... 168

I wonder how Liberty Counsel and Kim Davis are going to spin the latest press release from the Vatican.

They're between a rock and a hard place. Will they say the Vatican press release is a lie? Will they admit that they exaggerated the meeting? They were so pompous in saying that Pope meeting Davis was an endorsement of his support for her and they ran with that.

What are they going to do now?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive". ~ Administrator said... 169

They are slick, and by slick, and mean they have no scruples.


I was gonna say they are slick but not really. They're more just pathological. Slick to me is telling lies and manipulating knowing you can probably get away with it. How did they think they were going to get away with this one? I suppose that's arrogance too.

P.J. said... 170

My comment from yesterday:

"P.J. said... 83
I called Rome last night and Frank and I talked for about 20 minutes. Seems Kim was in some receiving line and they met for about 30 seconds. He passed her a couple of rosaries, just like he did for the other dozen or so people there. He said he wouldn't be able to pick her out of a line-up nor was he 100% clear on what she was saying. His English isn't as good as his Spanish. He did think she could use a good stylist."

I said it tongue-in-cheek, but I like to think I know my Catholic protocols.

BTW, Kim, liar-liar pants on fire. Some Christian. Snap out of it. ~ Administrator said... 171

My comment from yesterday:

"P.J. said... 83
I called Rome last night and Frank and I talked for about 20 minutes. Seems Kim was in some receiving line and they met for about 30 seconds. He passed her a couple of rosaries, just like he did for the other dozen or so people there. He said he wouldn't be able to pick her out of a line-up nor was he 100% clear on what she was saying. His English isn't as good as his Spanish. He did think she could use a good stylist."

I said it tongue-in-cheek, but I like to think I know my Catholic protocols.


Ha! Called it, PJ.

I've assigned you to the fortune teller booth at our annual Halloween party this year.

I find it amusing how every time Kim's team pulls something like this, they look like bumbling idiots within 48 hours. Worst advisors ever.

Tucker's Mom said... 172

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 162
Two short days ago you were calling Kim's meeting with the Pope, sloppy planning and accusing the Vatican/Pope of not doing their homework.


It WAS sloppy planning and they didn't do their homework.
We were responding to the information we had at the time. The Vatican was played by Staver/Huckabee/the Liberty Counsel etc. and they were caught with their pantaloons down.
Davis and her team were ready to fill the void, and they did. The Vatican's non-denial denial, then sort of confirmation without any detail really fueled speculations of secrecy and subterfuge.

These people are ruthless and play dirty, and they don't care who they use or hurt to get their way.

One day, Davis is going to be on the shit end of that stick, and I won't be surprised if she's hoist by her own petard. ~ Administrator said... 173

We were responding to the information we had at the time. The Vatican was played by Staver/Huckabee/the Liberty Counsel etc. and they were caught with their pantaloons down.


Right, and the thing is, they WERE played, just fortunately not to the extent Kim would have us believe.

She shouldn't have even been standing in that receiving line, but it's better than some one on one sit down she tried to claim. The whole thing sounded far fetched, but stranger things have happened.

The Vatican's comeback was brilliant. They made Kim look like that person who says yeah I'm an advisor to the president I work in the White House, when really they just clean the pool. She got called out as an embellisher, and looks stupid. And it never would have happened had she not bragged and gloated about the "meeting".

Tucker's Mom said... 174

Sounds like there were a lot of witnesses. Those people must have been shaking their heads knowing they came in with Kim but that she was saying it was a private meeting.
Yes! I can imagine that people are excited and not paying attention as they normally would, but in retrospect, people who were there are going to come forward and corroborate the story.

P.J. said... 175

Admin said...

Ha! Called it, PJ.

I've assigned you to the fortune teller booth at our annual Halloween party this year.


Whoohoo! That means I get to wear all the jewelry I own. Do I have to brawl like the TLC gypsies? I'll tag-team with Tucker's Mom.

P.J. said... 176

Tucker's Mom said...

We were responding to the information we had at the time.



You form opinions based on current information and re-evaluate as more information becomes available.

Stubbornly refusing to acknowledge what's right in front of your face is a childish wish to never be wrong. Admit your mistakes and move on. Digging in your heels makes you look foolish.

Tucker's Mom said... 177

I also wondered from the get-go how Kim's fundamentalist contemporaries would respond to her embracing the head of the church that they eschew, if not downright hate.
Are they going to also glom onto this supposed Vatican endorsement? Embrace the Pope? Catholicism?

I never saw that happening.

Tucker's Mom said... 178

P.J. said... 175
Admin said...

Ha! Called it, PJ.

I've assigned you to the fortune teller booth at our annual Halloween party this year.


Whoohoo! That means I get to wear all the jewelry I own. Do I have to brawl like the TLC gypsies? I'll tag-team with Tucker's Mom.
Yeah, baby! "Gypsy" was my go-to Halloween outfit for a couple years there.
Throw on a long hippie-ish dress and grab a bunch of mom's baubles and a babushka on my head, and I was good to go.
We can be the "Zoltar Twins"!

Mel said... 179

Kim Davis must be related to my SIL, who is so busy doing important things that she doesn't have time for us peons. We've teased for years that she consults every day with the pope. Usually at noon.

Mel said... 180

"Stay strong" is probably what he said to every 4th person.

He probably has a memorized litany of things he says at these things.

Bless you.
Stay strong.
Pray for me.
I'll pray for you.

Bless you.
Stay strong.

Tucker's Mom said... 181

Bless you.
Stay strong.
Pray for me.
I'll pray for you.

Bless you.
Stay strong.
Ha! So very Christmas Vacation

White Organza said... 182

"It WAS sloppy planning and they didn't do their homework. A simple Google search of her name would have given even the least discerning person pause."

And furthermore, what I don't get is how amateur the pope's security team is. During the visit, CNN went on for hours and hours on the mesures taken to protect the Pope: secret agents everywhere, no fly zone sky, miles and miles of roads blocked, sewers sealed tight, etc., etc... but apparently no particular attention was given to the attendants of a meet and greet? WTH?!

Mel said... 183

I, too, know my Catholic protocols. My uncle was one step down from an ArchBishop.

FYI said... 184

Mat Staver is now apparently calling the Vatican Press Office a liar.

"Davis' attorney is disputing the Vatican's description of the meeting.

Mat Staver told The Associated Press early Friday that the meeting was an affirmation of the Kentucky county clerk's right to be conscientious objector.

He says Vatican personnel initiated contact with Davis' camp on Sept. 14 saying the pope wanted to meet her. He says Vatican security picked up her and her husband up from their Washington hotel and brought her to the Vatican embassy. He says Vatican officials told her to change her hairstyle so she wouldn't be recognized since they wanted the encounter kept secret.

Staver disputed a Vatican spokesman's claims that the pope only met with Davis in a receiving line. He said the couple was in a room with only the pope and Vatican personnel."

Vatican officials told her to change her hairstyle so she wouldn't be recognized because they wanted it to be kept secret? Then almost a week later her lawyers make the meeting public?

Who to believe, Mat Staver or the Vatican? I think I will go with the latter.

Mel said... 185

Interesting trivia:
My uncle had special permission from the pope to be my godfather. A private audience was required....lasting all of a minute I think. But he was given a blessed rosary to present to his very devout mother later.

So cool that my grandma bequeathed them to me since I was the reason that she got them. I'm not Catholic anymore, but I did use them when my own mother was dying because it was meaningful to her.

foxy said... 186

I don't think the Pope would get involved in such a trivial matter as Kim Davis not issuing same sex marriage licenses. I know those involved in obtaining a same sex license do not see this as trivial nor do I, but there are so many other extremely serious matters in this world that would out weigh the Pope's concern. It is not that easy to get a private audience with the Pope and I hope others who were in the reception line as he passed by them will come forward and say what this "meet and greet" was all about.

Kim Davis is a pawn for others agendas and does not realize it. I wonder if she will ever wake up and see this.

White Organza said... 187

He says Vatican officials told her to change her hairstyle so she wouldn't be recognized since they wanted the encounter kept secret.

"Holy disguise, Batman!!! A ponytail and voilà!!! Nobody has to know about our secret meeting!

At this point, because this story is getting weirder and weirder by the minute, I'm willing to believe about anything. And if the "hairdressing ruse" is true, again, I do have some serious reserves about the Pope's security team: Really? That's their idea of passing incognito? Hairstyle?

MikeB said... 188

I don't have a problem with Kim Davis being a conscientious objector. My issue with her behavior is she is going way beyond being a simple conscientious objector and heading well into the territory of politics and trying to enforce her beliefs on everyone. Simply allowing the deputy clerk to sign the licenses should be more than reasonable accommodation; however, she is doing everything she can to make it impossible for eligible same-sex couples to get a valid license.

P.J. said... 189

Mel said... 183
I, too, know my Catholic protocols. My uncle was one step down from an ArchBishop.


Would that make him an Under-The-Arch Bishop?

LOL Just kidding. That's quite an achievement. I have a cousin who's a priest, but he thinks he's on the fast track to be the next Pope. Pompous little twit.

Tucker's Mom said... 190

but apparently no particular attention was given to the attendants of a meet and greet? WTH?!
Apparently, the Black Soul detector wasn't working.

Tucker's Mom said... 191

He says Vatican personnel initiated contact with Davis' camp on Sept. 14 saying the pope wanted to meet her. He says Vatican security picked up her and her husband up from their Washington hotel and brought her to the Vatican embassy. He says Vatican officials told her to change her hairstyle so she wouldn't be recognized since they wanted the encounter kept secret.
OMG, how utterly absurd! The VATICAN told Kim to change her hair to be incognito?
Now we're seriously back to Dan Brown again!

Wait, did they have decoy Kims and multiple cars to divert paparazzi?

This is laughable.

I hope the Vatican fires back, because this is audacious.

Tucker's Mom said... 192

Now would be the time for Mr. Staver to produce ONE photo of Kim in Washington DC, or even the Vatican embassy, dressed in disguise.
You mean to tell me NO ONE documented this with their phone?
This HUGE Papal endorsement and nowhere along the journey, this monumental day, did anyone take ONE photo?
Really? Not one pic in the limo? In the hotel? In front of the hotel?

Staver is feckless.

FYI said... 193

From a press release by Liberty Counsel:

"Neither Kim Davis nor Liberty Counsel ever said the meeting was an endorsement of her legal case."

Yet in an interview, Kim Davis said about her meeting with the Pope:

"Before he left, he said, 'Stay strong.' That was a great encouragement. Just knowing that the pope is on track, you know, with what we're doing and agreeing, you know, kind of validates everything."

Mat Staver is now trying to backtrack because both he and Kim have been caught in a lie. Even Huckabee said that the Pope telling Kim to "stay strong"(as per her words) was validation that the Pope was against "judicial tyranny".

Mat Staver can spin it as much as he wants, but obviously the whole reason that he and Liberty Counsel made the "private" meeting public was because they wanted to show that Kim had the Pope's support regarding her legal case.

P.J. said... 194

OMG! The part about the hair must be true. When I called him the other night, he did say she could use a good stylist. I mentioned it in my comment yesterday.

Tucker's Mom said... 195

There's nothing especially distinguishable about Kim's look. She's plain and vanilla and the only thing that would have drawn attention in D.C. would be her hillbilly husband dressed in overalls and a stained T-shirt.

Even then, not so sure.

D.C. is a rather blithe place really.

You'd pretty much would have had to have been running naked down the street with your hair on fire for anyone to pay attention to you when the Pope was in town.


Tucker's Mom said... 196

Kim Davis is a pawn for others agendas and does not realize it. I wonder if she will ever wake up and see this.
It will be very apparent when Davis is no longer useful.
She's such a fool and so easily seduced.

Tucker's Mom said... 197

So cool that my grandma bequeathed them to me since I was the reason that she got them. I'm not Catholic anymore, but I did use them when my own mother was dying because it was meaningful to her.
That must have given your mother great comfort ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 198

I have a cousin who's a priest, but he thinks he's on the fast track to be the next Pope. Pompous little twit.
Cardinal DeBricassart?

Tucker's Mom said... 199

P.J. said... 194
OMG! The part about the hair must be true. When I called him the other night, he did say she could use a good stylist. I mentioned it in my comment yesterday.

OK, P.J., now you're really spooking me!
Tell me, soothsayer, did Kate go out with her nightie on backwards again today?

CarolJ said... 200

Tucker's Mom Said: Staver needs to have is his law license challenged. Is this possible? Do these repeated lies and manipulations warrent a rebuke at least? Suspension?

Ordinarily I would give the lawyer the benefit of the doubt. His client could have lied to him and he would have no way of knowing since it was a "private meeting". However, his insinuating that the Vatican made up their story is suspect. At this point I would demand proof of such a meeting before I went public with a rebuttal if I was her lawyer. Since the Vatican supposedly made contact with Kim Davis and picked her up personally certainly there has to be some sort of trail. I would also find it strange that the Vatican request she change her hairstyle so she wouldn't be recognized. By who? According to him she was privately picked up and had a private meeting with the Pope.

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