McCaughey septuplets begin senior year of high school
Patriarch Kenny said the family purposely avoided reality T.V. all these years because privacy is the 'best way' to raise a family.
In a previous interview for their 16th birthday, Nathan told reporters he did not like doing the infrequent update specials the parents allowed: "I never liked it, all these cameras following you around everywhere," Nathan said.
Something is very wrong there. It's Kim who should walk away from this, fire the guy and get out of this mess. But she's too darn stupid to realize it.
But..but this clown is making her 'famous'. He's put her on stage, people are applauding her, he helped her 'meet' the pope, she's travelling to places she's never been before and staying in hotels with ceeement ponds....she's a star now!!
Shit. It's almost like she hooked herself up with TLC.
I posted a comment earlier that must have gotten eaten. I said I hope the real reason TFW is so quiet is because she has 8 adolescent kids who are giving her a run for her money, going in 8 different directions while she refuses to let her ex help. 8 kids who have been given a golden platter who now feel entitled to anything they want, and leverage to get it. Oh, and TFW as a role model on how to treat other people when the want something.
redbird - When you get comments like that fugetaboutit!. We know you wouldn't do anything shady. I wish there was a way that we could get some of the needed supplies to you. You've got to be carefull because that cow by the river is probably still lurking about.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery.
Which time? Dancing cannot be measured in numbers, but from the heart, and that judges really do not know the passion that goes into the dance because they only see the musicality/technicality of it all.
Sleepless -- I think she needs a heart transplant, too.
Slinking back under the veranda now. I really don't like to make mean comments about people, but that person really gets my goat. Half my family comes from Kentucky, and they are the kindest, most generous, most loving and accepting souls I've ever known. I hate that she gives them a bad name.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery.
ha! She's not covergirl material that's for sure. Even airbrushing has its limits.
I was planning on going to bed, but I see that my favorite channel, TLC, is now airing The Man With The 80-pound Groin, followed by The Man With No Penis, followed by Man With The 132-lb. Scrotum. Watching balls floating around in the water is just so fascinating. I wonder what kind of dreams I will have.
In other news, the Dillards are facing blowback. Seems they have zero church affiliations for their missionary work because, wait for it, they have zero qualifications to be missionaries.
Thank you everyone for your support. Oriental Trading Co. has those coloring pads for 8 cents a piece. A good friend of my good friend is donating money from Boston because she wanted to pack boxes but it was easier for her just to send a check. She wanted to send it to me and I said, No send it to our friend! So I will suggest the friend get coloring books with it. We could put 2 of the coloring pads in each box.
One shoebox story. There were 2 boys that were in the hospital and one boy needed a right shoe and the other boy needed a left shoe. They got their boxes and opened them up and they each had a pair of shoes and they were the correct size of each boy. They each got a pair of shoes, just wearing one at a time.
Heard a shoebox story today. The gypsy kids that live in Romania didn't have school supplies and they were not allowed to go to school. They received OCC boxes and in every box was paper, pencils and school supplies and they were allowed to go to school. It is amazing what ever that child's heart desires in those boxes when they open them.
WOW, just WOW!!! The minister who is head of the SBC at Jill and Derik's home church and they fund millions and millions into missionary work and they don't fund them?? of their home church???? That is just, WOW!
Oh. My. Lanta!! That is just bad. Their qualifications are DISMAL to say the least. How embarrassing and criminal they are for asking for donations. Not good stewards AT ALL!
Can you imagine the extra blowback that will happen if TLC airs the missionary show or shows that they filmed? Knowing what we know now?
Let the Wrath FLOW. The young man that I know who is a missionary has his bachelors economic agriculture, something like that to help the villages prosper, giving them a hand up, instead of a hand out. He has been a missionary for almost 4 years now in Africa and has rarely came home.
His parents are retiring and going to the Bahamas to be missionaries in January. They have had a wedding in the family and 2 grandbabies born in the last couple of months and all of that will be done by January so they will be no flying back and forth on donations.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery. ***** Where do you start! Too funny. She's not Quasimodo, so perhaps <a href="Sheepless In Seattle said... 6
You know, these people need to wake up. It's 2015. There's no all powerful fire and brimstone God who is going to strike you down because you let a gay person sign a piece of paper with another gay person. Get a grip.
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are rejected as missionaries by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the International Mission Board (IMB) for lack of qualifications. The couple’s controversial organization, Dillard Family Ministries, has been the subject of criticism almost since its inception. Many presumed that they were supported in their work by their local Baptist church or the IMB. Now it is revealed that those presumptions are false. Read more at
I'm announcing today, that I am starting the Tucker's Ministry (TM) and I'll need your donations to fund my mission to South America somewhere, or maybe Aruba, you know, somewhere south where it's really tropical, lush and beautiful. I'll be sure to use your hard-earned dineros to fund days at the beach and many trips back home, so I can get to work on my new TLC show, where the big bucks are made!
Since the Dillards put their hands out for free money to support their "mission", have they posted any photos of them working in the field? Helping to build a house? Anything? The only photos I can recall are them on the beach.
I'm announcing today, that I am starting the Tucker's Ministry (TM) and I'll need your donations to fund my mission to South America somewhere, or maybe Aruba, you know, somewhere south where it's really tropical, lush and beautiful. 19
Tucker's, do consider Costa Rica and Belize. I'll gladly join you for the winter.
What I can't see is how Ms. Davis is getting so much time off work. She must accrue a ton of vacation each pay period.
I'm waiting for the makeover, too. Vanity is sooo Christian. A la the Duggars and TFW.
I think we had discovered she's been with the county for decades. If that's the case she's probably maxed out on vacation time. Depending on your job policies you can accrue months of vacation time, assuming you don't use the vacation much. I worked with a county employee who had three months of vacation time built up because he always took vacations over court holidays anyway, which were free days. He would actually lose days if he didn't use them. He left the job and they had to pay him out a 3 month paycheck. There was nothing fraudulent about this. It was just someone who decided they wanted to save the vacation days they were given instead of use them. Had he used them over the past decade no one would have batted an eye. It was his choice not to.
Someone else made the point that as an elected official she might not be subject to the same vacation policies as a regular employee at all. She might be able to take a sabbatical whenever she wants to without having to put in for it. I'll call it the Pope Selfie sabbatical. The people of Kentucky need to seriously think about whether this is a good use of their clerk's time. I don't think a clerk is the kind of elected official to be beholden to an agenda like this one.
Tucker's, do consider Costa Rica and Belize. I'll gladly join you for the winter. October 6, 2015 at 6:28 AM ****** Bless you, child. Snorkeling the reefs, kicking the sand, evading the tropical breezes -- it's all hard work, but Godly work, nonetheless.
The people of Kentucky need to seriously think about whether this is a good use of their clerk's time. I don't think a clerk is the kind of elected official to be beholden to an agenda like this one. ****** I hope that when they reconvene in a couple months, that the find a way to remove Davis from her position. I don't know why she hasn't been put back in jail for doctoring official documents.
I'm pretty sure that unlike Kate, Davis will be the turd that flushes sooner rather than later.
From a Kentuckian's viewpoint, I can say leniency about a clerk's work attendance falls under the category of "it depends". It depends on which county it is. I can say with certainty that Jefferson Co. (Louisville) and Fayette Co. (Lexington) and some No. KY counties (greater Cincinnati metro area) would not tolerate a non-working clerk who took time off the job to become a mascot.
Other counties that are populated with mostly like-minded citizens might not flinch that their clerk is off work to make THEIR point that THEY don't like the new law. She becomes their mouthpiece in an issue they believe is a hell-embraced one. She can be gone as long as she wants as long as she is representing their outrage at the law. Shoot, they might go ahead and pool their own resources to pay her a salary if need be.
These counties would bend vacation rules for their cause. She was elected by the citizens and unless she does something to rile up the very conservative KY base, she will have the citizens' support.
If the higher up state officials decide to step in, that may change things. Then again, maybe not. We Kentuckians can be pretty stubborn when it comes to our religious beliefs. Don't be messin' wid 'em, ya hear?
Tucker's Mom, now, don't go leaving the country without some careful planning. Try to schedule your mission trip right before 2 family weddings and one sibling's childbirth. This way, you can use the donors' money to score 3 free trips home for these blessed events. All the cool missionaries are doin' it!
BTW, for those of you who are confused by all this shoe box talk, it is about an amazing international Christmas donation program for underprivileged children. For information, you can go to a website called Samaritan's Purse, and click on "Get Involved," and the Volunteer heading will have a link for the program, which is called Operation Christmas Child.
If the higher up state officials decide to step in, that may change things. Then again, maybe not. We Kentuckians can be pretty stubborn when it comes to our religious beliefs. Don't be messin' wid 'em, ya hear? ****** Thanks for weighing in on a Kentuckian point of view ;-)
Just a thought, but Kate is also sometimes Twitter silent because of getting her plastic work done. However, I hope the silence is because she is finally too busy with the new school year to tweet, although the most logical explanation is nonstop filming for her new episodes. I think the not-a-boyfriend bailing threw a huge wrinkle into production ideas.
I really believe TLC is going to find that folks have moved on. I quit watching years ago but I do enjoy catching up on the latest Gosselin gossip on this blog.
Talk about disgusting. First the family is profiting from a felony with these "specials". Second "mom" doesn't allow her child to feel her feelings. Third Gia is completely pare tidied and exploited
Redbird, we do a couple hundred OCC boxes at my church every year; I know my brother's church does around 100 also. One of our associate pastors goes on a mission trip every year to Jamaica where they help build things in the community; he has seen the OCC boxes in huts and small homes there and other locations. They re-use the boxes in their homes, especially the plastic ones that are sometimes used. Just thought you'd like to know that!
If just one person on here would decide to make a OCC shoe box all the pounding I took here would be worth it."
I'm in. I'm off to check out the website as soon as I'm done here.
I saw that comment yesterday redbird and I thought it so ridiculous. Like seriously? It occurred to me to come to your defense but I was pretty sure, as you well proved, you could handle it yourself.
Thank you for turning me on to this wonderful project. Can't wait to get started.
The church I serve supports an annual mission trip to Mexico, a week long Vacation Bible School program in one of the poorest areas. The workers take donated craft supplies for about 150 attendees. The children get most excited about crafts they can disassemble for parts, such as booboo bunnies made with a washcloth and puppets with a wooden spoon core. They love taking these useful items home to their mothers, who can sure use them. They also go wild over toothbrushes and the sample size of toothpaste. They have neither as a rule. So every year our church sends them. My dentist donates the toothpaste. Thank you, Dr. M!
Missions where you actually touch the items you are donating certainly are rewarding, aren't they redbird? Thank you for your constant and continuous concern for the welfare of others. It seems to bring you a deep joy, a reward all to itself. Never stop loving!
JM (#35), I think it's wonderful your church is so involved with OCC. And to have your associate pastor come back with stories about the recipients must touch your hearts. Last year I packed some boxes with some young friends of mine. Their family is very affluent, and these children want for nothing. But they were utterly delighted to have this opportunity to help other kids. One boy, who was only 8 at the time, packed a shoe box for a little girl and said wistfully, "I wish I could be there when she opens this!"
Sheri (#36), I'm glad you're going to check out the project, too!
And I save what I don't personally use, so I put them in the boxes.
Redbird, you said CENTRAL SUPPLY which is well known to be a hospital dept for such supplies. You say you save what you don't use. If you don't use them or need them, don't ask for them in the hospital. Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need.
As you said, you have a connection in the supply room...
Not children on reality tv, but another whose childhood earnings in skate boarding supported the family, were misused by the father, and now his career is going strong. Very interesting interview.
Thanks for the link to the "Dillards not qualified to be missionaries" article. I have known folks who were retired from the mission field, and they had to learn the language before being approved to go to whatever country they were assigned. I guess the Gothard home school curriculum did not include foreign language. That my kids took in high school. That's required at my daughter's college.
SS...So you feel the costs are passed on to us? This calls for us to raise our glasses of rumspringa and toast to you..SS.. Thanks for doing your VERY SMALL part. You must be feeling all warm N fuzzy inside!
SS said... 39 And I save what I don't personally use, so I put them in the boxes.
Redbird, you said CENTRAL SUPPLY which is well known to be a hospital dept for such supplies. You say you save what you don't use. If you don't use them or need them, don't ask for them in the hospital. Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need. -------------------------------- I have somewhat mixed feelings about this kind of thing. As I mentioned before, I have a large stash of toothbrushes, obtained at a rate of one per cleaning. I accept those, because one toothbrush is a standard part of the cleaning, but I wouldn't ask for multiples or extras. I also have a substantial stock of subway napkins. They are from the ones they automatically put in the bag with each sandwich. Would I ask for extras, or take a whole bunch at a place like McDonald's where the napkins are out in the open? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't condemn someone who did it because they couldn't afford napkins, but I would be uneasy about someone who habitually took tons of napkins home with them "because they're there".
If I were redbird, and I was given a new washcloth once a week, I might accept a new washcloth each week, but use each one for two weeks, to build up a stash of new washcloths for Operation Christmas Child. What I would not do is ASK for a new washcloth when I don't need it, if they are given out on as as-needed basis. It's a fine line, but that's where I draw it. Mostly. There was this one time...
JoyinVirginia said... 40 Not children on reality tv, but another whose childhood earnings in skate boarding supported the family, were misused by the father, and now his career is going strong. Very interesting interview.
Thanks for that, Joy. You're correct. It's not just kids on tv and movies that are exploited. There are many, many athletes whose parents take advantage of them too.
Faithful America, a Christian group that organizes social justice actions online, created a petition calling for Viganò to resign from his position as Vatican ambassador to the U.S.
Oh, so Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò did this on purpose? He's forced to retire at the age of 75, which he will be in January. He did this deliberately to cause trouble, to go out with a bang. He was a supporter of Pope Benedict. There's no love lost between him and the Holy See.
Like I said, nobody does politics better than the Vatican.
I know many people who travel quite a bit on business and stay at a plethora of hotels throughout the year. They collect all of those toiletries that the hotels provide for guests, body lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and whatever the hotels provide, and even instant coffee. They don't use them, but put them into a community bag. At Christmas, we gather everything up, and we have bags of them and I take them to the local social services agency where families in need come in to select toys and clothing for their kids and themselves. The women really appreciate those little spa items, and many times the men select things to put into their wives Christmas stockings.
I never realized that if those things were taken but not used that the hotels would jack up their prices. I guess we should stop this annual tradition. On second thought...nope, not going to happen.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 30m30 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 Well, busy's getting down to #CrunchTime! 2 days left.. :) Two 15yr olds! Hard 2believe it! #TimeFliesAndMomCries (((((( Crunch time? Try Camera Time!!! I'm sure Kate's been working hard with the producer to come up with the perfect scenarios to film.
Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!
You will love it! Yes, they can keep some food in the boxes. I have used the cowboy boot boxes and you can get a lot of things in there. Also at Dollar Tree and Dollar General you can buy the larger storage boxes instead of the ones for one dollar.
My favorite things to put in the boxes:
Flashlights w/batteries Solar calculator Notebook paper Hard Candy Washcloths IVORY soap because it floats in the rivers the kids take baths in. Tote bag Books with History, English, subject books Atlas Christmas things
Also put a letter in the box with your SASE so you can get a letter back. It is rare to get a letter back, but they do.
Yes, KY Pastor, it does feel good touching and praying over the items and boxes knowing that in the near future a child will be touching them and the child knows that someone cared enough about them to send them a gift that could change their lives forever!
Count me in on the gift boxes as well. I saw the ridiculous pounding yesterday too, and decided to participate today prior to reading your recent posts. I've been wanting to do something to support a good charity at Christmastime. The man I sleep with every night just told me, my mother-in-law has been involved with Samaritan's Purse for a number of years when I mentioned it. I had no idea! It turns out the recent mission trip she took with her Church group in Alaska for several months assisting, was in support of this cause. With that said... all I need to do now is loot a few dozen bars of gold from one of Trump's Towers and pilfer away some of that Kim Davis vacation leave, and we're all set- ladies of the veranda! *(SS Super Sheeple snark).
Kristine101 (#54), I'm so glad you're going to get involved with the project. And I hope you had a nice anniversary!
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children she's never met? Who are they to her? For that matter, who is their mother to her? And her delusion that TFW is this hands-on, lovey-dovey, over-achieving mom is based on nothing but her own fantasies.
I didn't know anything about Samanthas Purse and looked it up online to check out the location drop-offs and collection times. Turns out there is a church not far away that participates and i will start collecting this week. Is there a size limit of the boxes? I looked at the FAQs and didn't see that info.
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time, not just when she comments about the birthdays. There is something seriously off with that person. She/he scares me.
This article puts a very fine point on the Gosselin travesty (without, I hasten to add, ever mentioning the name). Now, if people would only realize there is very little difference between doing this on YouTube (and getting paid) and having TLC script and film it for you (and getting paid), there might be some progress in getting uncontracted minors off RTV. The comments, BTW, are worth perusing.
A lady at my church leads a Rainbow Girl assembly. They do the Shoebox Project every year. Redbird, you have reminded me to give her a call to see when they will start collecting. I usually just take care of the postage now since I can't get out to shop anymore, darn it.
I think my post got eaten. I said that the plastic shoeboxes are on clearance at Walmart right now. They were brought in for back to school.
Would flip flops be a good item? You can get them in general sizes and they might last the child through a few growing pains. Not ideal footwear but they are better than nothing epically in areas where hookworms are present.
Old article, but it confirms what I looked up re: Ms. Davis' vacation and sick time. Instead of the right to work, it looks like Ms. Davis has the right not to work.
Does anyone know if a court date has been set for the latest suit against Ms. Davis (for altering the marriage licenses)?
Looking into this in Montreal, shoebox project sounds like a great idea. (61)
Frankie, if you can't find an organisation in Montréal that works with the shoebox project, you could try Opération Père Noël. They match you with a kid who wrote a letter to "Père Noël", asking what he/she would really, really like for Christmas. You do the shopping (You can vouch for 20$ to 50$), you wrap the gift, you write a letter to the child, sign it "Le Père Noël" and bring to volunteers who, on Christmas morning, will bring it to "your" kid. I've been doing it for three or four years now and it is so, so rewarding...
The article goes on to suggest you’ll end up creating a new generation of “rice Christians” – those who feel they must become converts in order to meet their basic needs. Part of how Operation Christmas Child has addressed this issue is by giving out the tracts alongside the boxes rather than inside them. However, in some countries donors are still able to put religious literature within the boxes themselves.
Hmmm....sounds like forcing one's religion on another and bribing them with gifts. Would everyone here be ok with this if, instead of Christian tracts/Bibles, the Quran and/or Book Of Tao were distributed along with the boxes...?
Impoverished people don't need to feel guilt on top of their pain and suffering/starvation.
I’ve always filled the shoeboxes by shopping at either Walmart or the Dollar Store (depending on how far my current schooling had impoverished me that year) which, ironically, both sell products produced by exploited workers, and likely child labour. Irony? I think yes. You always run the risk of having a child open their shoebox and say, “Oh… well… this is cool and all but I made 3000 of these yesterday…”.
Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need.
For crying out loud, we're living in a throwaway society of indiscriminate consumerism.
If these things that redbird is sending them will benefit some poor children who have to eat their food off the ground, no one should be bitching about the price of a few goddamn kidney dishes. If that cost is being passed on to the rest of us, just consider it a reluctant donation and move on. Tightwad.
Lanc Native said... 57 Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time, not just when she comments about the birthdays. There is something seriously off with that person. She/he scares me. -----------------------------
Milo's recent tweets and platitudes just show how much she is trying to get Kate's attention. Platitudes about being a single parent, tweets about the twin's birthday, etc. She personifies Celebrity Worship Syndrome. "Kate, can you hear me?"
Most people, after trying to contact someone repeatedly and getting no response, would simply move on. Milo doesn't seem to get the fact that Kate doesn't give a damn about her but she will continue to constantly harass her and wait for a reply. To Milo, Kate is one of the "cool kids" who once paid her attention, but after awhile the "cool kid" moved on but the other kid(Milo) still thinks she has a standing reservation at the "cool kids" table.
IMO, Kate caused this problem. When she first started on twitter she made her tweeties think that they were her BFF's and because she responded to them on twitter she made them feel like they KNOW her personally and KNOW everything and anything about her. She interacted with them about her trials and tribulations(October snowstorm, Hurricane Sandy, broken appliances, etc.) Once Kate plus 8 started airing again, her twitter usage declined excepted when she would "live tweet" during a show airing.
She doesn't carry on conversations like she did in her early twitter days, but her tweeties forgive her for that giving the excuse that she doesn't tweet like before because she "must be busy". They don't realize that they were simply a "fill in" to boost Kate's ego during non-filming times. Kate's getting all her "love" from TLC so she no longer needs her tweeties to fulfill that need.
Milo is the epitome of those tweeties. Because Kate once mentioned her on national TV, responded to her on twitter and "used" as her marathon reporter, Milo thinks that Kate is her buddy, best friend, and personal confidant. Milo doesn't seem to understand that she is one of many that Kate has used to further her own agenda, which is promoting Kate and keeping Kate relevant. Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust.
"With all the controversy surrounding Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ refusal to issue same sex marriage licenses even after the Supreme Court of the United States made same sex marriage the law of the land, The Dogfart Network which is the leading online destination for Adult Interracial content is offering the Holy Kim Davis a chance at redemption.
The undisputed kings of interracial porn are dangling $500k to star in a scene for their site, which is one of 23 sites in the companies vast Adult Entertainment Empire. specializes in Lesbian Interracial Erotica.
“We here at Dogfart have always believed in equality. We have interracial sites, gay sites, straight sites, and we think Kim Davis has been appalling,” said a Dogfart Spokesman. “We are giving her a chance at a redemption. We are willing to drop half a million bucks for Kim to come out to our studio and shoot an Interracial Lesbian scene for our network.”
The offer will stand for the next week. She is also welcome to bring her family with her on an all expense paid vacation."
Lanc Native said... 57 Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time, ****** Gladys is once again taking over for Kate and letting everyone know that there's a birthday coming up. How do the rest of us manage to have birthdays so privately???
Milo's recent tweets and platitudes just show how much she is trying to get Kate's attention. Platitudes about being a single parent, tweets about the twin's birthday, etc. She personifies Celebrity Worship Syndrome. "Kate, can you hear me?" ******* I think once again Gladys is trying to manage Kate, to coax her out of the shadows to get back on Twitter so she (Kate) doesn't look like she's once again dropped the ball on yet another undertaking. Twitter is now joining blogging, couponing, Instagram, cooking/meal making from scratch, nursing, marriage...
For a woman of 40, it looks like adult ADD or just plain laziness.
I am in tears. Tears of JOY! Thank you ALL so much!
These children have never been given a gift.
Yes!!! Flip Flops are fantastic! The prices on them now should be very inexpensive because of fall is here. And to all the crafters. You could get some pillowcases and sew some handles on it and make a book bag. I saw a picture of a little girl who had on a cute pillowcase dress on with adult size flip flops. I wish I could of reached in and handed her a pair her size.
I have used cowboy boot boxes, my youngest ds shoe boxes. Nike Men's size 16.
Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust. ********* I don't know how the fans who stick by her justify the fact that Kate has cut off her own family. What makes them think she has any allegiance whatsoever to them? Kate can't be so busy that she doesn't have time during the day to Tweet a message just to check in and give back a little bit.
I vote for laziness. Makes me wonder why Kate does not have an assistant to maintain her web site, Twitter, etc. Oh I know! It's about control, so yes, I vote for laziness.
Tucker's Mom (#70) -- correction: TFW is 40 1/2! Yes, Gladys is probably in PR mode. But a few more ignored tweets and it may be time for her to exit (with LOL's) and lick her wounds. She has a pretty reliable pouting cycle.
Sad but true (#58), thanks for that link to the Caleb Logan story. I'd never heard of this family until this week. Yes, there are certainly parallels to the Gosselin saga -- specifically to the hypocrisy. I'll never forget TFW covering the children's names on their backpacks with tape, when the whole world not only knew each child's name, but had also seen them in various states of undress on national TV.
I'm certainly sorry this family has suffered such a stunning loss. But I find it chilling that they're turning their son's funeral into a TV event.
Before I donate to a charity I've learned to do some research (thanks Google!) and it appears that the two groups discussed here recently haven't always been aboveboard. Personally, I don't care for their evangelical nature but there are other issues, too. I'm sure there are children delighted by these gifts and the general sentiment behind them is lovely. The synagogues and churches and non-religious organizations in my area do various toy, coat, food collections and I like the idea of helping out those in my own community. Just recently a shelter for abused women and their children opened and they're in great need. I dropped off some bedding I picked up at TJMaxx and Halloween costumes (asked for) for the kids. I think many of us have so much to be thankful for!
Thank you for that perspective. I appreciate when people make an effort to see the forest despite the trees. I think it's a reasonable and rational way to go through life.
As a matter of fact, I get quite frustrated if people don't think about things.
Jane (#75), it's lovely that you made some donations to a local shelter! I think people should donate where and how it's most comfortable and/or meaningful to them, and that's a personal decision.
I remember a few years ago, we were talking about donating winter coats and finding amazing bargains. DH and I went to JCPenny with a coupon, during their 6am-9am blowout sale, and got a handful of coats, hats and gloves for under $100. We then donated to our nearby charity thrift shop.
I vote for laziness. Makes me wonder why Kate does not have an assistant to maintain her web site, Twitter, etc. Oh I know! It's about control, so yes, I vote for laziness.
Yeah. I wonder if it's also money. Maybe she can't get TLC to foot the bill on this one. Cutbacks and everything. The show is "cancelled" she's just doing specials. TLC might not be willing to comp expenses like web sites anymore. They'll just tell her you have a "web site" on our TLC site.
It's not the cheapest thing in the world to run a web site like hers. It's not expensive either, but it's still money she doesn't want to fork out. I'd guess she's maybe been quoted ballpark 1,000 a month if she wants to maintain that site by a semi-professional in any kind of decent shape. Kate wants that for free.
Milo tweeted a platitude yesterday but didn't tweet it to anyone.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 21h21 hours ago Some things I had to learn the hard way. Trying to teach my kids to trust & look 4the good in people, but beware! >
The platitude states:
"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand."
Little does she realize that this platitude actually applies to Kate.
Yes, it could absolutely be money. Not surprised if it turns out she's been dipping into her savings. We read all the time about D Listers spending everything they earned.
I am helping my son move into his new home right now. We have a huge load of his possessions that are old-college-day acquisitions and nice furniture that has been moved once or twice before.
We found a local thrift shop that does not have a "brand name". I am making trunk loads of deliveries daily. My son is blessed that he can move into a new home with new cookware and dishes and color co-ordinated new everything!
Son is renting a big truck so that all of his current furniture can also be donated to this store that provides for victims of domestic violence who are starting anew.
It feels wonderful to help my son move into a "dream" home and it feels wonderful to watch him share what he has with others.
I almost deleted this because it sounds so full of brag. But, it is not my hard work accomplishment. It is his.
I almost deleted this because it sounds so full of brag. But, it is not my hard work accomplishment. It is his. ******* That's wonderful! It's OK to pat yourself on the back for raising a successful, thoughtful and helpful son who is giving back.
Sad but true said... 62 This article puts a very fine point on the Gosselin travesty (without, I hasten to add, ever mentioning the name). Now, if people would only realize there is very little difference between doing this on YouTube (and getting paid) and having TLC script and film it for you (and getting paid), there might be some progress in getting uncontracted minors off RTV. The comments, BTW, are worth perusing. ******* This is so disturbing. Whenever any of these "reality stars", be in tv or YouTube, starts to parrot the words, "for the fans" as a reason for them continuing their famewhoring, they are a lost cause. It is 'round the bend to even think about streaming your son's memorial service "for the fans". It's bizarre to even think about maintaining the "brand" when your young son suddenly dies.
I've never heard of this kid before. Anyone have kids who have followed him and his family? Apparently they YouTubed their daily lives.
DH and I went to JCPenny with a coupon, during their 6am-9am blowout sale, and got a handful of coats, hats and gloves for under $100. We then donated to our nearby charity thrift shop.
Yes! At this time of the year I go to our local thrift shop, one with a bargain center and I can find 20-30 kids' coats in excellent condition (some new with tags) for a total of sixty dollars, and caps and gloves for a quarter each. I then take them to our local clothing distribution center where those in need can come and pick out what they need at no charge.
SS- yes I am really upset at the expense when one goes to a hospital. I don't think it is because someone takes unused plastic items from surplus. I agree that we should look long and hard at what makes it so expensive and rally against that. Let me give you some hints. Have you checked what doctors have to pay for insurance to protect themselves from mistakes that all humans make and by bogus suits? Have you checked to see what the head of the hospital earns? Not just his/her salary but the leased cars, and many, many other perks? Our tiny hospital pays a salary of over 1 million to the hospital president. Look it up and then take a breath, it isn't the plastic bowls etc.
Faithful America, a Christian group that organizes social justice actions online, created a petition calling for Viganò to resign from his position as Vatican ambassador to the U.S. I am not a Catholic so there is NO reason I should have a say in what they decide to do with their priests, etc. But to Vigano, take the retirement. I retired 3 months ago. BEST thing ever. Go for it!
Yes, when staying at a hotel I do take all the soaps, lotions etc and on the way home I leave them at a women's shelter that I pass before my house. I think they leave these items and the cost is part of my bill. I let someone else enjoy them since it sometimes is the little things that makes women find a tiny ray of happiness.
Milo doesn't seem to understand that she is one of many that Kate has used to further her own agenda, which is promoting Kate and keeping Kate relevant. Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust.
Yes, but since they communicate in so many other ways, why is Milo so desperate to get a response from her on Twitter? I would imagine that those ¨other ways,¨ whatever they may be, are being ignored and Kate has had enough of Milo's pestering. Milo, however, still does not get it, and even if she did, she would never admit it because she would lose her Chief Ewe status and that would be humiliating.
It really is very fascinating sheeple psychology, especially when you look at Milo's long absence and the fact that her addiction is such that she just can't stay away from Kate on Twitter.
Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
Yes, when staying at a hotel I do take all the soaps, lotions etc and on the way home I leave them at a women's shelter that I pass before my house. I think they leave these items and the cost is part of my bill. I let someone else enjoy them since it sometimes is the little things that makes women find a tiny ray of happiness. -------------------------------- Those soaps, etc are an example of the sort of thing I think it's fine to take. There is a set amount that comes every day and is included in the cost of the hotel stay. Where I would draw the line is asking the maid for extras (perhaps many extras), or taking towels, etc.
I think most people would agree it's wrong to take the linens, but may not agree with me on the "free" consumables.
Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
Speaks volumes. You are known by the company you keep. Was she part of that class action lawsuit?
"Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!"
*Applause* You are an inspiration on so many levels redbird!
SS- yes I am really upset at the expense when one goes to a hospital. I don't think it is because someone takes unused plastic items from surplus. I agree that we should look long and hard at what makes it so expensive and rally against that. Let me give you some hints. Have you checked what doctors have to pay for insurance to protect themselves from mistakes that all humans make and by bogus suits? Have you checked to see what the head of the hospital earns? Not just his/her salary but the leased cars, and many, many other perks? Our tiny hospital pays a salary of over 1 million to the hospital president. Look it up and then take a breath, it isn't the plastic bowls etc.
I agree, but let's take it one step further. How about the suppliers of bandages and other medical supplies. $10 bandaids? $40 gauze pads? Disposable everything? Is it really cheaper to throw out the plastic rather than autoclave steel instruments? It that environmentally sound?
I worked in several public and one private school. Don't even get me started on the $200 tricycles for junior kindergarten kids.
People need to really think about why things cost so much.
Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!
Redbird (#55), that poster stopped by to get a rise out of you. But instead, he/she managed to raise interest in the cause you are so passionate about.
And Dmasy (#92), you didn't seem the least big braggy to me. You've raised a caring, concerned citizen of the world, and his behavior is proof of that.
Kate is a twit said... 100 Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
HMMM how did she know he was back? Unless he followed her first?
Yes! At this time of the year I go to our local thrift shop, one with a bargain center and I can find 20-30 kids' coats in excellent condition (some new with tags) for a total of sixty dollars, and caps and gloves for a quarter each. I then take them to our local clothing distribution center where those in need can come and pick out what they need at no charge. ****** Wow, PA Dutch Mom, that's great. I wish our Thrift shops were that cheap. It seems like over the past decade or so, it's become tough to find real bargains. I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!). I still paid $10, but it's better than $30-$40 new at BB&B.
Here is some financial info about Operation Christmas: In 2013, from Samaritan's Purse tax return: Took in $456,140,314 in donations, of which $195,676,404 was non-cash donations (possibly the estimated value of the donated supplies)
The reportable income paid to the president of the board is a total of $622,252 ($441,000 in salary, $181,325 in other compensation--i.e. Benefits) and the VP is paid $363,986 ($321,000 salary, other compensation $42,093). In addition to those salaries, $1,986,413 in salary and $304,249 in other compensation is paid out to another 9 individuals (range in salary is $197,000-$231,000 and other compensation $17,000-$41,000) The total salary paid out to 11 people is $$2,751,222 and $537,667 in other compensation. That is an average of $298,990 total compensation each.
This is the stated mission: Samaritans purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, samaritans purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God's love through his son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, while the program recipients are eating out of emesis basins, and bathing in the river with Ivory soap, the board members, key employers and officers are taking home an average of almost $300,000 apiece.
Not exactly the homespun operation one might think. I'm not saying that it is not a worthwhile cause, or that the recipients aren't greatly benefiting, but this is a very expensive way to provide basics. It seems that, other than Bibles and evangelical materials ($5,502,821 expense) , most of the delivered items are actually donated by others, like Redbird. Yet, somehow they manage to rack up $350,051 in expenses.
I got this info from Guidestar, which requires a sign in account. They maintain a database of tax returns that are available for free. By law, all non profit tax returns are public information.
Wow, PA Dutch Mom, that's great. I wish our Thrift shops were that cheap. It seems like over the past decade or so, it's become tough to find real bargains. I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!). I still paid $10, but it's better than $30-$40 new at BB&B.
Well, gosh, Tucker's, come on over here and I can show you where to find really good deals. A local shelter needed some bedding and towels, and I found eight brand new sheet sets for $1.50 each. You really need to dig around and know what to look for and what days offer the half price sales, but when I find these good deals I stock up and donate them to our local charities. This reminds is time to go bargain hunting for caps and gloves for local kids. Winter will be here before we know it. Sigh.
So TLC has just "promo'd" the new Kate crap. A "4-part special" premiering on . . . January 13, 2016? WTF? That's well past turkey and stuffing for most people, Katie. Isn't TLC keeping you informed? LOL.
Oops, belay that last comment, someone posted the promo from, I think, the season that started in Jan 2015, when she was on CA. Nothing new on TLC's site.
I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!).
----- -----
Our long-haired dog is shedding so much right now that on a daily basis I can collect enough fur stuffing to donate to the Build A Bear Workshop! This has been worse than the spring shedding.
What a generous bunch you are! This is just one reason why I find Kate such a disgusting person: a woman with eight kids who sells their outgrown clothes rather than donate them! And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that! And she didn't originally pay a dime for those clothes. TLC bought the outfits and Kate sold them...such a selfish human being. And here you ladies are, spending your time and money to help those less fortunate. I really cannot understand why anyone, who has any sense of community, could ever support someone as self-centered as Kate Gosselin.
BTW, I will not be surprised another over-the-top expensive birthday celebration for the twins will air. Just what two entitled, hormonal 15 year old girls can't be healthy for their relationships at school.
Our long-haired dog is shedding so much right now that on a daily basis I can collect enough fur stuffing to donate to the Build A Bear Workshop! This has been worse than the spring shedding. ***** Our new lab girl's shedding is better- down to a dull roar, so to speak. But holy vacuum clog, Batman! It was baaaaaaaaad. The de-shed helped, and I switched dry food. Hopefully it was just the summer to fall blow out.
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 106 Redbird (#55), that poster stopped by to get a rise out of you. But instead, he/she managed to raise interest in the cause you are so passionate about.
And Dmasy (#92), you didn't seem the least big braggy to me. You've raised a caring, concerned citizen of the world, and his behavior is proof of that.
Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy! All of the lemons that the cow pounded at me has now made a lot of lemonade! Now, serving ice cold lemonade on the Veranda! franky, We need a Bigger Straw!
Dmasy, as someone posted to me upthread, I didn't think for a nano second that you were bragging! It is wonderful to hear these great stories of our kids and how they make someone else's life better.
TLC stinks said... 119 What a generous bunch you are! This is just one reason why I find Kate such a disgusting person: a woman with eight kids who sells their outgrown clothes rather than donate them! And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that! And she didn't originally pay a dime for those clothes. ***** Seriously. I get so motivated when I read what other people are doing to give back. In just 2 days of posting here, there are so many ideas. But, what does Kate blog about? Choosing which of her 3 cars is right for the task and having a huge salt water pool so she doesn't have to pay memberships for 8 kids.
If you didn't actually read her blog posts, you'd probably swear no one could come up with such useless dreck and get paid for it.
Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy! All of the lemons that the cow pounded at me has now made a lot of lemonade! Now, serving ice cold lemonade on the Veranda! franky, We need a Bigger Straw!
__________ I must have missed something from the beginning, but why is that cow after redbird? Why is she the target and why was she singled out? How did she find redbird?
I just looked at Kate's TL and this guy's tweets. She really has some creepy fans.
joe harris @indyjoe34 9h9 hours ago Texas, USA @Kateplusmy8 Good Morning Pretty darlin Happy Wonderfun Wednesday sweetie Have a safe fun day sweetheart HUGE TX SIZE HUGS 4 ya XOXO
And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that!
_____________ She was also a multimillionaire when she was collecting money from parishioners, while at the same time settling on a very large piece of property. What is really frightening is that she seemed to have no qualms about taking money in churches from people who most likely really did not have it to give, but nevertheless believed that they were helping out a poor struggling couple of eight children.
Have the sheeple ever addressed that, or would they say it never happened because there are no photos to prove it?
Seriously. I get so motivated when I read what other people are doing to give back.
Careful. Next thing you know, you'll be "addicted to giving" like our favourite grifter, sKatie Kreider. Thank God she snapped out of it before she had to go into rehab. (snark)
I also believe in giving locally. I remember taking bags and bags of clothing to the donation box years ago. That is why I look people's names up at the state to see if they have any money. I also heard that a friend's friend was in the hospital and she told me her friend had run out of dishwashing detergent. So, I went and bought a big bottle of JOY and went to the hospital and gave it to my friend to give to her. Gosh, I remember sitting in the hospital lobby holding the bottle waiting on my friend to meet me. Gosh, that has been 12, 13 years ago!
I found a claim for a local high school for the cheerleaders. I found it over the weekend and I had to wait till Monday and call the principal and she was thrilled. I also found another one for a local high school for their band, Coca-Cola owed them over 100 dollars. The band teacher was shocked.
I also found a church that was owed over 100 dollars from a music company. This church is very close to where my great grandparents farm used to be. I called the church and talked to a man that was a member and he just couldn't believe it. He sounded a little skeptical at first, but when I mentioned the music company, he knew that I wasn't making it up. I even went to their FB page and PM'd the info and the link and I told him to check it.
I google really quick to see what the life expectancy of women are today and for 2015 it is, 81.2. So half of that is: 40.6. So, TFW is spot on at half way through!
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now.
Jane--you are welcome. I always check the tax returns of any charity I am considering donated to. It is always interesting to read the mission statement. In this case, spreading the word was at least as important as delivering aid. I don't care for charities that pay out high salaries to the board members and executives, and, I especially don t like it if it is not disclosed that they are distributing religious materials. But, that is just me!
I always pick a child for Pere Noel, and all I found yesterday for shoe-box was for women's shelters, , Long story, but I think I will go for Acceuil Bonneau. The Homeless situation here in Montreal is growing. Also, you all have reminded me of a thing that happens here, where people go to areas where there are homeless, and tie scarves, hats, mittens, warm socks or coats to trees or posts near the areas they tend to try to find shelter, so they can just take what they need. So cool.
She was also a multimillionaire when she was collecting money from parishioners, while at the same time settling on a very large piece of property. What is really frightening is that she seemed to have no qualms about taking money in churches from people who most likely really did not have it to give, but nevertheless believed that they were helping out a poor struggling couple of eight children.
&****** Kate had the compound, a HUGE deal with Lane furniture and trucks filled with brand new appliances to fill it. Not to mention the 6-figure kitchen redo and lavish vacation in the pipeline.
Formerly Duped said... 130 She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now. ****** Our girl is from SC and God bless the woman and her daughter who cull dogs from the dungeon of a kill shelter. Dogs without collars are held for 5 days, and with collars for 10 days until they're killed. This woman rents an old storefront that is basically her kennel. The dogs are vetted and chipped, then sent up north in a large van. They do these drop offs and the dogs (and cats) either have new owners waiting, or their respective fosters. I really hope to stay active in fund raising activities.
The people who dedicate so much of their lives to rescuing are so special.
Formerly Duped said... 130 She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now.
WOO-HOOO! F. DUPED, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I WOULD OF DONE THE EXACT SAME THING! I would do anything for my doggies!
Funny story- my puppy was on a few petfinder sites- in Petco twice people have 'recognized' her from photos- they asked 'is that Abigail?" when they hear she's from a shelter. I have a VIP- Very Important Pup
Since we are talking about charity donations, I would like to mention Doctors Without Borders. If you want to aid people in developing countries, but don't feel comfortable with aid tied to religious proselytizing, it is a possible choice. They are in the news right now because they lost a lot of people and an entire hospital in an airstrike.
Today while TFW is possibly filming the daylights out of her children for cash, or figuring out what car out of 3 will do the task or figuring which company she is going hit up for a grift, what did THIS MOM do today?
This mother donated HER KIDNEY to her young daughter!!!
Formerly Duped said... 136 I really hope to stay active in fund raising activities.
The people who dedicate so much of their lives to rescuing are so special. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show.
So crazy that you mention Pitbulls and Parolees. I watched it off and on and hadn't watched it in a long time. Just in the last few days, I watched it. It was 4 years old. She was getting visits from animal control and they were only coming every year for an annual inspection and her place was immaculate. Then they were coming constantly all of a sudden and they ticketed her for running an illegal kennel. New specifications. The height of the kennels, ridiculous. So she moved from CA to Louisiana. Then her daughter's dog got sick and she had to put him down. Then they had a fire that burned her out.
She also got invited to GA to visit a prison that has a dog program for the inmates to have a dog to train and get them adopted.
It is a really good show and I believe that Tia is the real deal.
Tucker's Mom said... 137 Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show. ***** I haven't yet, but will check it out!
Love that show! Remember when TFW had a fit about her kids and Pit Bulls? Tia tweeted her and tried to educated her.
The Mail Online has an interesting interview with Rosie O'Donnell's 18year old daughter Chelsea about life growing up with her mother. I have to wonder if in a few years we will be reading the same sort of 'tell all' about TFW. The article is entitled: "EXCLUSIVE: Rosie O'Donnell's daughter Chelsea, 18, breaks her silence to reveal..........."
Another TLC family has fallen! I'm loving the Sister Wives Meri Brown saga. The leaked tapes of her are hysterical. Did Meri really believe some hot, young, rich businessman would want anything to do with her? She's a beast and a total jerk. So much for polygamy "just making us better". Better than whom? Her extended family is a complete mess... and a joke. Why do these TLC women get a taste of fame, and decide they are suddenly too good for the lives they had? It's quite sickening. She fell for it- so I have zero sympathy... Catfished!
Brittany Thomas @lionessbrittany 4h4 hours ago @Kateplusmy8 What do you have planned for the twins 15th birthday? And are they going to get their learner's permits tomorrow as well?
Only if she fakes their age and makes them a year older! lol!!
Speaking of which, isn't it soon time for Gladys to remind Kate that the twins have a birthday? Where is Kravitz today?
Anonymous said... 147 Another TLC family has fallen! I'm loving the Sister Wives Meri Brown saga. The leaked tapes of her are hysterical. Did Meri really believe some hot, young, rich businessman would want anything to do with her? She's a beast and a total jerk. So much for polygamy "just making us better". Better than whom? Her extended family is a complete mess... and a joke. Why do these TLC women get a taste of fame, and decide they are suddenly too good for the lives they had? It's quite sickening. She fell for it- so I have zero sympathy... Catfished!
I was just looking at that on TMZ or Radar! She sounds drunk in one of them; don't Mormons shun alcohol?
peterrowland @peterrowland10 2m2 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 dear kate you can star in your own tv cooking show called cooking wtth kate gosselin on the oprah whinfrey network. I love you
Yeah, that would really bring in ratings, considering how well her cookbook sold. Greasy sausage casserole and chicken cacciatore with green beans! Get all of that lemon juice ready! YUM!
I was just looking at that on TMZ or Radar! She sounds drunk in one of them; don't Mormons shun alcohol?
Oh sheesh, this is the first I've heard of this one!
I always felt a little sorry for Meri. She had fertility problems and only gave the patriarch one kid. She's surrounded by all these Duggar-ish uteruses popping out kids left and right. During the brief time when I watched this show, Meri was always crying over her uterus. And then her husband has them get divorced so he can "marry" the young fertile one?? B.S.! Free Meri!
Lynne In RI said... 152 peterrowland @peterrowland10 2m2 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 dear kate you can star in your own tv cooking show called cooking wtth kate gosselin on the oprah whinfrey network. I love you
Yeah, that would really bring in ratings, considering how well her cookbook sold. Greasy sausage casserole and chicken cacciatore with green beans! Get all of that lemon juice ready! YUM!
Silly, silly sheep. ***** I somehow have a feeling that Kate and/or her people reached out to the Food Network a few years ago and it went nowhere. Kate was including FN in her tweets and yammering a lot about how it's like a cooking show when she's in her kitchen. In the end, she wound up publishing on her own and her cookbook did terribly. I'm not a fan, so I wasn't expecting much, but it was much worse than I thought.
So, while the program recipients are eating out of emesis basins, and bathing in the river with Ivory soap, the board members, key employers and officers are taking home an average of almost $300,000 apiece.
(anddon't forget the 'pillow case' dress! omg)
I bow down to you, ExNurse! Great sleuthing!!
The thing that bothered me about them is the shovelling of religious tracts. Sounds very Duggar-ish and even a bit Kim Davis-ish. Like, believe what *I* believe!! So wrong.... IMO, of course.
I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Meri was always crying over her uterus. And then her husband has them get divorced so he can "marry" the young fertile one?? B.S.! Free Meri! ****** I simply can not wrap my head around this. Divorcing your wife so you can marry another woman, and then expecting her to stick around and like it is probably one of the worst things a man can do to a woman. As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next. I just don't know how these women sublimate the disgusting thought that the man they love is hours away from being intimate with another woman. I think it's like being treated like a concubine. There's no real love in it. It's abusive and selfish beyond belief.
How could this Meri could stand by that pig of a man after he asks to divorce her so he can marry a prettier, younger model and adopt her children? There's something very, very lacking in the self esteem of a woman who allow herself to be treated in such a tragic fashion. You have to wonder what happened to these women? What overwhelming influences were inflicted upon them such that they feel they deserve nothing better?
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Even thrift stores?? But many of them are set up so that the sales go right back into helping the needy.
Unless you're taking stock AWAY from someone who needs it, I don't think it's a problem. Plus, these stores can do income evaluations of buyers if they want to if they would only like qualifying people to buy from them. It's not like you're standing in a bread line because no one said you can't.
We have a great thrift store here called Plato's Closet. I'm pretty sure they're national. They have tons of stock. When I'm in the area I'll swing by and browse, maybe bring some clothes in to give. It's fun, you can find random stuff. I don't think me picking up a gently used blazer for half the price is hurting anything. They certainly cater to the general public. A local church also does a huge thrift yard sale every year with the proceeds going to charity. I've seen a number of celebrities show up to that including Tori Spelling. Certainly they can afford store-bought but they enjoy thrift stores like everyone else.
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that. October 7, 2015 at 6:18 PM ***** Are you actually slamming me for buying second hand merchandise? Seriously? You don't have to be poor to shop Thrift. The money I paid goes to HELP needy people by supporting our local community,so give me a break.
I simply can not wrap my head around this. Divorcing your wife so you can marry another woman, and then expecting her to stick around and like it is probably one of the worst things a man can do to a woman. As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Whenever I would watch the show it would be hard for me to grasp for me too. They say it's for the support. The childcare and emotional support. It's ALMOST a good idea, and I can almost understand it if romantic relationships weren't usually about sex too. It would be too hard for me to sleep alone five nights a week knowing he's with another woman all those nights. And also Cody is such an ape.
I mean I really don't care if that's what floats your boat. Go ahead. I don't object to it any more than I do to gay marriage. But lordy be, it's not for me. Meri in particular seems a little bit used and put upon. A doormat. She often seemed unhappy, at the bottom of the pile. It seemed terribly unfair and yet she's trapped in a way, especially with her daughter having all those siblings.
You don't have to be poor to shop Thrift. The money I paid goes to HELP needy people by supporting our local community,so give me a break.
Yeah, like I just said, most thrift stores I've been to are set up to encourage you to both donate AND buy. BOTH mechanisms help the needy. Their sole way of helping people isn't just giving them discounted clothes.
If something is specifically set up as a charity, specifically for the needy, that's different. Most thrifts are not like that, and encourage everyone to partake.
For instance, I know someone who is collecting Halloween costumes for needy kids. Of course, no one should be taking a costume out of her box for their own kid, obviously. But if someone said hey I've got some gently used Halloween costumes come one come all, then have at it. It seems odd to speculate you shouldn't partake in something like that because someone else might come along who needs it more. You'd go crazy living life in a constant state of speculation like that.
Oh and by the way if I were the great state of Nevada I would have investigated that divorce for FRAUD. Because clearly they are not divorced in their minds. They live together, have sex together, and act married. It was a fraud committed to marry a new woman so he could go through the process of marriage while still acting married to all the others. Where's Kim Davis when you need her. The clerk never should have stamped those divorced documents.
It seems odd to speculate you shouldn't partake in something like that because someone else might come along who needs it more. You'd go crazy living life in a constant state of speculation like that. ***** It's not like I'm lining up for a meal at the soup kitchen! Besides, this Thrift is notoriously overpriced and people are pretty much better off going to the Walmart across the street. I just thought it would be good to buy one sheet used, especially since I don't need another set of sheets. I've donated to this place at least a dozen times and bought twice. My conscience is pretty damn clear.
The reportable income paid to the president of the board is a total of $622,252 ($441,000 in salary, $181,325 in other compensation--i.e. Benefits) and the VP is paid $363,986 ($321,000 salary, other compensation $42,093).
I know the numbers seem high, but my understanding of this organization is it's a huge one. With that comes the necessity of a highly skilled leadership. To get this leadership, you need to compensate them for it.
The question for me is, given the higher up's duties, is that salary appropriate? Is that the correct number to pay based on their experience, education, duties and responsibilities of such a large organization? I don't know enough about this organization to say they're overpaid or not.
I can't say just because someone is making in the high six figures, that they are inappropriately paid. Not necessarily. I don't want to see the director of a huge international charity paid 56k if they're going to stink at their job.
There is nothing wrong with compensating people what they're worth for what they're doing. I also don't see the necessity of people who work for charities also living in poverty themselves. Lots of organizations are 501c's. It doesn't mean its employees don't deserve a fair salary.
Unbelievably, there has been no Kate build-up on Twitter of the twins' birthday this year. This leads me to suspect that Katie got TLC to foot the bill for another little getaway for her and the twins. She's just too quiet, which is totally out of character.
Sad but true said... 164 Unbelievably, there has been no Kate build-up on Twitter of the twins' birthday this year. This leads me to suspect that Katie got TLC to foot the bill for another little getaway for her and the twins. She's just too quiet, which is totally out of character. ******* I'm with you.
Go to Samaritan's Purse and see what wonderful work they are doing. When ever a crisis strikes in the US and the World they immediately have teams of people load trucks, planes to ship food, medical supplies, equipment to the disaster areas. Right now they have volunteers helping going through the ashes of burned homes in CA. They have teams in Greece helping the Syrians that are coming in overloaded rafts on the ocean.
They are in North Carolina helping with the floods.
And they have delivered over 100 MILLION SHOE BOXES to children all around the world! SO WHAT if they make 300K a year! SO WHAT!!
They do amazing work helping people when people need help in their darkest hour! They are on call 24/7 and have their act much more together than our own government, that's a fact! You will get a meal in a disaster area from either the Salvation Army, Red Cross or Samaritans Purse first before you would from the govt.
The Red Cross is famous for good work in a crisis and big salaries but you cow are not condemning them.
Since 1993, the Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child, has collected and delivered more than 124 million gift-filled shoe boxes to children in more than 150 countries and territories.
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Our local thrift shops here have so much merchandise that they have special half-price days and daily discounts. You should see the volume of clothing at one of the local thrift store's bargain center. There is a massive amount of clothing. I shop the thrift stores for clothing for our local charities. The stores move clothing in and out so quickly and I once asked them why they are constantly putting out new things and pulling out items that were only on the floor for a few days, and I was told that they have so much merchandise and items that are there for any amount of time are all loaded onto trucks and given to various shelters, The general public is most definitely not taking anything away from those who cannot afford to shop at the mall.
There is more than enough to go least that is the way it is in this area, and when I buy at a thrift shop I am turning around and donating it to a clothing bank and those who come to the clothing bank are actually getting those things for free. This actually is to their benefit because if they purchased these things at the thrift shop it means money out of their pockets.
Kate goes on twitter when she's bored. Kate's not bored when TLC is fulfilling her narcissistic supply. So yeah, I vote for she's getting something she wants. Perfect timing for her the twins having their birthday just when she's due for another getaway.
There is more than enough to go least that is the way it is in this area, and when I buy at a thrift shop I am turning around and donating it to a clothing bank and those who come to the clothing bank are actually getting those things for free.
I think that's the case everywhere.
Most of them are picky about stuff they take too. Someone might bring in two boxes of clothing and have them only want a fourth of what they brought.
They are hardly lacking in used clothing. The inventory is endless.
Yeah, like I just said, most thrift stores I've been to are set up to encourage you to both donate AND buy. BOTH mechanisms help the needy. Their sole way of helping people isn't just giving them discounted clothes.
Yes, absolutely, and when both the needy and those who can afford to buy items at mall shops patronize thrift shops it means money for those thrift shops, thus providing jobs at those places and keeping them employed.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though!
Are you actually slamming me for buying second hand merchandise? Seriously? ***********************
Not slamming, just presenting a different way to think about it. I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation? I'm not talking trendy 'antique' stores. I mean the ones where it's pretty obviously for needy people.
don't think i'd have the guts to shop at one, is all. To each his own, of course.
According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions.
The thing that bothered me about them is the shovelling of religious tracts. Sounds very Duggar-ish and even a bit Kim Davis-ish. Like, believe what *I* believe!! So wrong.... IMO, of course.
I seriously doubt that those who distribute those boxes to the children are standing over them, preaching to them and forcing pamphlets into their hands and making them recite Bible verses before they can receive the donations. Flashback to The Walton's original show when Mary Ellen fed the kids scripture verses and Elizabeth got a broken doll.
TLC stinks said... 149 Where was the Kate promo for January 2016?
It's not, TLC. Sad explained that this was posted in error:
Sad but true said... 116 Oops, belay that last comment, someone posted the promo from, I think, the season that started in Jan 2015, when she was on CA. Nothing new on TLC's site.
In March 2001, The New York Times reported that Samaritan's Purse had "blurred the line between church and state" in the way it had distributed publicly funded aid to victims of the El Salvador earthquake. Residents from several villages stated they first had to sit through a half-hour prayer meeting before receiving assistance.[14] In a statement, USAID said Samaritan's Purse had not violated federal guidelines, but emphasized the need for the organization to "maintain adequate and sufficient separation" between prayer sessions and publicly funded activities.[15]
Chelsea Bishop @Chelseaa2512 22m22 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 I'm watching episode "day in the life" I had a question about how you got Cara and mady to school when they were half day jk?
I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation?
Not really, because many people won't.
One person may just donate for nothing in return, out of the goodness of their heart. Many others won't.
But, ten people may donate if they get a nice sweater in return. On balance, give 'em the sweater. It also allows people who cannot afford to just make a donation to "donate" if they are also able to clothe themselves and their families doing so.
According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions.
Yes, though I suspect she felt pressured and manipulated to do so. If she didn't, she's the bad guy. It's terrible to have to choose between someone else's adoption and your own marriage. It's unfair to put her in that position.
Of all the women, I think this arrangement has brought her the least benefit. She actually is an example of why plural marriage may be a very bad idea. It creates these dysfunctional situations, guilt, power struggles, and so on, that are terribly unhealthy and destructive. Usually toward the women.
What's the difference between a thrift story obviously for the poor and one not?
Most thrifts I've been to are very nice, don't seem uncomfortable at all to me. They're just like a scaled down version of Kohl's or Ross. The needy should be able to shop with dignity and not feel like they're at the poor house.
This is the bottom line, if they say they're for the needy or want an evaluation in order to qualify to purchase, then it's inappropriate to go there if you are not in need. But most of them don't do that. It's not how thrift stores work. They end up doing better if they just open to everyone. It doesn't hurt the needy to have everyone partake and many of them are set up such that the more people that buy the better off EVERYONE is. What I would suggest is if in doubt, just call the thrift store and ask them who their intended market is and how their sales work. You might be surprised to find out they need people like you.
Seriously, check out Plato's Closet. It's a great place to dip your toe in to the wonderful world of thrift stores. If you're concerned about doing your part, it's actually much better to get that sweater you want at Plato's where they donate a portion of the sale, than at Nordstrom's where the sale simply lines the pockets of the already rich.
Even if one can afford to pay $100 for a dress on sale at a department store, why would you, if you can find a comparable dress, barely worn or new with tags still attached at a thrift of consignment shop for $20? Does that even make sense? I am all for saving money if I can.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though!
See , it's dialogues like this that keep me coming back here! Who would believe that a website about a TV show that no one I know even remembers , would have such diverse conversations?
This place is addictive I tell you! Thank you admin!
fidosmommy said... 176 According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions. ----------------------------- I have read that Robyn's first husband is not as un-caring as he is presented, and will not give up all rights to his children so Kody can adopt them. For the sake of a TLC plot line.
don't think i'd have the guts to shop at one, is all. To each his own, of course.
Not even to purchase items to donate to charity? Have you ever looked into the faces of those kids who come to the clothing banks to choose a new winter coat and how happy they are to have warm jackets, caps and mittens? I have, many times because I have sat on the board of such organizations, and trust me, it is well worth going to thrift shops to find those items for kids.
We have a new thrift shop, Community Aid, slated to open in our area next month. I will be anxious to check it out and purchase items for kids. From what I understand, they welcome the public, not just the needy, with special discounts for teachers, police, veterans, fire flighters, healthcare workers. etc.
Not slamming, just presenting a different way to think about it. I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation?
Many of us do both -- donate and purchase items. It's quite common to take our used items to these places and then shop to donate to others. That way, they get our donations and also our cash to keep others employed.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though,
Hope this isn't a duplicate, my posts keep being eaten.....
See, diverse conversations like this are why I keep coming back to 15 minutes. You never know what topics are on the agenda! Pets, charities, names in the news ? It's all here. TFW? I don't know anyone who even remembers the show.
Susie Cincinnati said... 184 Even if one can afford to pay $100 for a dress on sale at a department store, why would you, if you can find a comparable dress, barely worn or new with tags still attached at a thrift of consignment shop for $20? Does that even make sense? I am all for saving money if I can.
Susie, your post reminded me of my ex-SIL, who is a sweetheart, about 15 years ago she went to a yard sale and found a really nice dress, new w/tags from a very nice store in her area. She only paid like a dollar or two for it. She was curious and she took it to the store to take it back to see how much it cost and try to find her something with it.
To her surprise her 1 dollar dress rang up $117.50! To her shock, they took it back!
I was at a yard sale just right after the Olympics and found an Olympics sweatshirt brand new w/tags and it was 29.99. The girl was adding up my purchases and her little brother said, Your going to sell that shirt for 50 cents? It cost $30 dollars!!! She just kept adding and told him to shut up!
Susie, your post reminded me of my ex-SIL, who is a sweetheart, about 15 years ago she went to a yard sale and found a really nice dress, new w/tags from a very nice store in her area. She only paid like a dollar or two for it. She was curious and she took it to the store to take it back to see how much it cost and try to find her something with it.
To her surprise her 1 dollar dress rang up $117.50! To her shock, they took it back!
Seriously, check out Plato's Closet. It's a great place to dip your toe in to the wonderful world of thrift stores. If you're concerned about doing your part, it's actually much better to get that sweater you want at Plato's where they donate a portion of the sale, than at Nordstrom's where the sale simply lines the pockets of the already rich.
Admin, is it mostly for teens and 20-somethings? I didn't realize it, but I checked the locations and there is one in Lancaster.
I didn't realize this, but according to an internet Bible preaching group, God spoke to one of them and said that the world would end on October 7 and that something catastrophic would happen before midnight.
I was laughing, thinking that I hope Gladys gets that final tweet from Kate, or at least gets to meet her before Armageddon or Rapture or whatever it was.
The comments on the article are funny...
¨Does this mean I don't have to take out the trash tomorrow?¨
¨Oh, great, just when the Cubs are predicted to win the WS!¨
My Goodwill actually had an article in the paper begging people to come in and buy. They said they had lots and lots of donations and not nearly enough buyers.
Although I can understand someone thinking that they can afford to buy sales, and don't want to deprive the needy of the opportunity to purchase at the thrift store, it doesn't seem that that's how the thrift stores look at it.
Good article about the ethics of the middle class and rich shopping at thrift stores.
The author suggests that it might even be somewhat prejudiced to sneer at goodwill, and that by shopping at Goodwill you help keep the enterprise alive and well. You are not taking away anything from anyone and in fact are helping things.
One of the comments on the article: "In my experience, the “poor” get vouchers to go in and get, say… 2 shirts, 2 pair of pants, a pair of shoes and so on… at least that is the way it used to work. There is an endless supply of stuff coming into those stores and you aren’t taking anything from the poor. You are paying what the store considers to be the value of the used item and that money goes back into the organization just as you stated. As a matter of fact, I doubt the poor would have enough money to sink into the clothes, furniture and other items at the stores to keep them going. As far as I’m concerned, thrift store shopping is not only a frugal choice, but it’s also environmentally friendly because you are reducing your need for newly manufactured items and reusing someone else’s old stuff."
A friend of mine worked for 10 years at Value Village, where you donate clothes and buy gently used ones, proceeds go to families or people in need, bla bla blah.
NOT! turns out, next to nothing went to them, but higher ups won big-time. Oh, and the taxed on donated stuff, still do.
Now, Value Village has NO tax, employs people needing a new start ( be patient at the check-out) and has good prices!
Here's the catcher!
Both depend on consumers actually buying items there!
Go figure!
A used item store WANTING people to actually buy things there.
OK! Just came up from filling milk cartons with coloured water to grab some industrial straws, looks like we are going to need them!
and more Canadian goose have gone down south, they are so majestic!
Thanks for the update regarding any upcoming shows. I thought that January announcement was from last year. We'll know when it's promotion time because tabloid leaks will start up, LOL. If it's Thanksgiving as Kate tweeted, I expect the promos will start by the end of this month.
Since there have been no Kate sightings, I feel pretty confident the filming has been confined to the Konpound in this latest round. She must be in heaven with being in charge and having Steve by her side. It explains why there is no time for her tweeties.
1695 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1695 Newer› Newest»Why are you shocked? You're not from around these parts are you? That's obvious from your comment.
SS = Schutzstaffel?
Jawhol, mein Herr! ;)
Something is very wrong there. It's Kim who should walk away from this, fire the guy and get out of this mess. But she's too darn stupid to realize it.
But..but this clown is making her 'famous'. He's put her on stage, people are applauding her, he helped her 'meet' the pope, she's travelling to places she's never been before and staying in hotels with ceeement ponds....she's a star now!!
Shit. It's almost like she hooked herself up with TLC.
I'm waiting for her makeover.
I posted a comment earlier that must have gotten eaten. I said I hope the real reason TFW is so quiet is because she has 8 adolescent kids who are giving her a run for her money, going in 8 different directions while she refuses to let her ex help. 8 kids who have been given a golden platter who now feel entitled to anything they want, and leverage to get it. Oh, and TFW as a role model on how to treat other people when the want something.
Over And Out said... 200
Why are you shocked? You're not from around these parts are you? That's obvious from your comment.
SS = Schutzstaffel?
Jawhol, mein Herr! ;)
I hear nothing! I see nothing und I know nothing!
redbird - When you get comments like that fugetaboutit!. We know you wouldn't do anything shady. I wish there was a way that we could get some of the needed supplies to you. You've got to be carefull because that cow by the river is probably still lurking about.
OT --- What the hell did Gary Busey just say?!
I'm waiting for her makeover.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery.
OT --- What the hell did Gary Busey just say?!
Be careful of spoilers! :)
Which time? Dancing cannot be measured in numbers, but from the heart, and that judges really do not know the passion that goes into the dance because they only see the musicality/technicality of it all.
Or was there more?
Sleepless -- I think she needs a heart transplant, too.
Slinking back under the veranda now. I really don't like to make mean comments about people, but that person really gets my goat. Half my family comes from Kentucky, and they are the kindest, most generous, most loving and accepting souls I've ever known. I hate that she gives them a bad name.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery.
ha! She's not covergirl material that's for sure. Even airbrushing has its limits.
I was planning on going to bed, but I see that my favorite channel, TLC, is now airing The Man With The 80-pound Groin, followed by The Man With No Penis, followed by Man With The 132-lb. Scrotum. Watching balls floating around in the water is just so fascinating. I wonder what kind of dreams I will have.
What I can't see is how Ms. Davis is getting so much time off work. She must accrue a ton of vacation each pay period.
I'm waiting for the makeover, too. Vanity is sooo Christian. A la the Duggars and TFW.
In other news, the Dillards are facing blowback. Seems they have zero church affiliations for their missionary work because, wait for it, they have zero qualifications to be missionaries.
Yup, TLC, you sure know how to pick 'em.
Grifters and liars and cons, oh my!
No, it's not April 1, but politicians in this county in TN is asking God to pass them by in the coming wrath over same-sex marriage.
AuntieAnn...said 199
SS = Schutzstaffel?
The RamEweSchaf Squad.
or SS for Silly Sheep
Thank you everyone for your support. Oriental Trading Co. has those coloring pads for 8 cents a piece. A good friend of my good friend is donating money from Boston because she wanted to pack boxes but it was easier for her just to send a check. She wanted to send it to me and I said, No send it to our friend! So I will suggest the friend get coloring books with it. We could put 2 of the coloring pads in each box.
One shoebox story. There were 2 boys that were in the hospital and one boy needed a right shoe and the other boy needed a left shoe. They got their boxes and opened them up and they each had a pair of shoes and they were the correct size of each boy. They each got a pair of shoes, just wearing one at a time.
Heard a shoebox story today. The gypsy kids that live in Romania didn't have school supplies and they were not allowed to go to school. They received OCC boxes and in every box was paper, pencils and school supplies and they were allowed to go to school. It is amazing what ever that child's heart desires in those boxes when they open them.
Thank you, P.J. for the duggar/dillard link.
WOW, just WOW!!! The minister who is head of the SBC at Jill and Derik's home church and they fund millions and millions into missionary work and they don't fund them?? of their home church???? That is just, WOW!
Oh. My. Lanta!! That is just bad. Their qualifications are DISMAL to say the least. How embarrassing and criminal they are for asking for donations. Not good stewards AT ALL!
Can you imagine the extra blowback that will happen if TLC airs the missionary show or shows that they filmed? Knowing what we know now?
Let the Wrath FLOW. The young man that I know who is a missionary has his bachelors economic agriculture, something like that to help the villages prosper, giving them a hand up, instead of a hand out. He has been a missionary for almost 4 years now in Africa and has rarely came home.
His parents are retiring and going to the Bahamas to be missionaries in January. They have had a wedding in the family and 2 grandbabies born in the last couple of months and all of that will be done by January so they will be no flying back and forth on donations.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 6
I'm waiting for her makeover.
lol!! I looked at her photo this afternoon and thought the same thing, only where do you start? I kind of think that one is beyond makeovers. She needs a head transplant prior to any kind of plastic surgery.
Where do you start! Too funny.
She's not Quasimodo, so perhaps <a href="Sheepless In Seattle said... 6
I'm waiting for her makeover.
Where do you start?!
A lot of night games!
No, it's not April 1, but politicians in this county in TN is asking God to pass them by in the coming wrath over same-sex marriage.
You know, these people need to wake up. It's 2015. There's no all powerful fire and brimstone God who is going to strike you down because you let a gay person sign a piece of paper with another gay person. Get a grip.
Admin said...
You know, these people need to wake up.
That's what's really scary. They are awake.
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are rejected as missionaries by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the International Mission Board (IMB) for lack of qualifications. The couple’s controversial organization, Dillard Family Ministries, has been the subject of criticism almost since its inception. Many presumed that they were supported in their work by their local Baptist church or the IMB. Now it is revealed that those presumptions are false.
I'm announcing today, that I am starting the Tucker's Ministry (TM) and I'll need your donations to fund my mission to South America somewhere, or maybe Aruba, you know, somewhere south where it's really tropical, lush and beautiful.
I'll be sure to use your hard-earned dineros to fund days at the beach and many trips back home, so I can get to work on my new TLC show, where the big bucks are made!
Bless you all!!!!!!
Since the Dillards put their hands out for free money to support their "mission", have they posted any photos of them working in the field? Helping to build a house? Anything?
The only photos I can recall are them on the beach.
I'm announcing today, that I am starting the Tucker's Ministry (TM) and I'll need your donations to fund my mission to South America somewhere, or maybe Aruba, you know, somewhere south where it's really tropical, lush and beautiful. 19
Tucker's, do consider Costa Rica and Belize. I'll gladly join you for the winter.
What I can't see is how Ms. Davis is getting so much time off work. She must accrue a ton of vacation each pay period.
I'm waiting for the makeover, too. Vanity is sooo Christian. A la the Duggars and TFW.
I think we had discovered she's been with the county for decades. If that's the case she's probably maxed out on vacation time. Depending on your job policies you can accrue months of vacation time, assuming you don't use the vacation much. I worked with a county employee who had three months of vacation time built up because he always took vacations over court holidays anyway, which were free days. He would actually lose days if he didn't use them. He left the job and they had to pay him out a 3 month paycheck. There was nothing fraudulent about this. It was just someone who decided they wanted to save the vacation days they were given instead of use them. Had he used them over the past decade no one would have batted an eye. It was his choice not to.
Someone else made the point that as an elected official she might not be subject to the same vacation policies as a regular employee at all. She might be able to take a sabbatical whenever she wants to without having to put in for it. I'll call it the Pope Selfie sabbatical. The people of Kentucky need to seriously think about whether this is a good use of their clerk's time. I don't think a clerk is the kind of elected official to be beholden to an agenda like this one.
Tucker's, do consider Costa Rica and Belize. I'll gladly join you for the winter.
October 6, 2015 at 6:28 AM
Bless you, child.
Snorkeling the reefs, kicking the sand, evading the tropical breezes -- it's all hard work, but Godly work, nonetheless.
The people of Kentucky need to seriously think about whether this is a good use of their clerk's time. I don't think a clerk is the kind of elected official to be beholden to an agenda like this one.
I hope that when they reconvene in a couple months, that the find a way to remove Davis from her position.
I don't know why she hasn't been put back in jail for doctoring official documents.
I'm pretty sure that unlike Kate, Davis will be the turd that flushes sooner rather than later.
From a Kentuckian's viewpoint, I can say leniency about a clerk's work attendance falls under the category of "it depends". It depends on which county it is. I can say with certainty that Jefferson Co. (Louisville) and Fayette Co. (Lexington) and some No. KY counties (greater Cincinnati metro area) would not tolerate a non-working clerk who took time off the job to become a mascot.
Other counties that are populated with mostly like-minded citizens might not flinch that their clerk is off work to make THEIR point that THEY don't like the new law. She becomes their mouthpiece in an issue they believe is a hell-embraced one. She can be gone as long as she wants as long as she is representing their outrage at the law. Shoot, they might go ahead and pool their own resources to pay her a salary if need be.
These counties would bend vacation rules for their cause. She was elected by the citizens and unless she does something to rile up the very conservative KY base, she will have the citizens' support.
If the higher up state officials decide to step in, that may change things. Then again, maybe not. We Kentuckians can be pretty stubborn when it comes to our religious beliefs. Don't be messin' wid 'em, ya hear?
Tucker's Mom, now, don't go leaving the country without some
careful planning. Try to schedule your mission trip right before
2 family weddings and one sibling's childbirth. This way, you
can use the donors' money to score 3 free trips home for
these blessed events. All the cool missionaries are doin' it!
BTW, for those of you who are confused by all this shoe box talk,
it is about an amazing international Christmas donation program
for underprivileged children. For information, you can go to a
website called Samaritan's Purse, and click on "Get Involved,"
and the Volunteer heading will have a link for the program,
which is called Operation Christmas Child.
If the higher up state officials decide to step in, that may change things. Then again, maybe not. We Kentuckians can be pretty stubborn when it comes to our religious beliefs. Don't be messin' wid 'em, ya hear?
Thanks for weighing in on a Kentuckian point of view ;-)
Bless you, child.
Snorkeling the reefs, kicking the sand, evading the tropical breezes -- it's all hard work, but Godly work, nonetheless.
I don't evade the tropical breezes -- I embrace them, especially when it is in the dead of winter here!
Just a thought, but Kate is also sometimes Twitter silent because of getting her plastic work done. However, I hope the silence is because she is finally too busy with the new school year to tweet, although the most logical explanation is nonstop filming for her new episodes. I think the not-a-boyfriend bailing threw a huge wrinkle into production ideas.
I really believe TLC is going to find that folks have moved on. I quit watching years ago but I do enjoy catching up on the latest Gosselin gossip on this blog.
You've got to be carefull because that cow by the river is probably still lurking about.
Strike the word ¨probably.¨
Talk about disgusting. First the family is profiting from a felony with these "specials". Second "mom" doesn't allow her child to feel her feelings. Third Gia is completely pare tidied and exploited
Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy.
If just one person on here would decide to make a OCC shoe box all the pounding I took here would be worth it.
It's disgusting and outright abusive to film the Guidice children at all, let alone in the midst of their felon parents paying their debt to society.
Redbird, we do a couple hundred OCC boxes at my church every year; I know my brother's church does around 100 also.
One of our associate pastors goes on a mission trip every year to Jamaica where they help build things in the community; he has seen the OCC boxes in huts and small homes there and other locations. They re-use the boxes in their homes, especially the plastic ones that are sometimes used. Just thought you'd like to know that!
redbird said...(33)
"Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy.
If just one person on here would decide to make a OCC shoe box all the pounding I took here would be worth it."
I'm in. I'm off to check out the website as soon as I'm done here.
I saw that comment yesterday redbird and I thought it so ridiculous. Like seriously? It occurred to me to come to your defense but I was pretty sure, as you well proved, you could handle it yourself.
Thank you for turning me on to this wonderful project. Can't wait to get started.
The church I serve supports an annual mission trip to Mexico, a week long Vacation Bible School program in one of the poorest areas. The workers take donated craft supplies for about 150 attendees. The children get most excited about crafts they can disassemble for parts, such as booboo bunnies made with a washcloth and puppets with a wooden spoon core. They love taking these useful items home to their mothers, who can sure use them. They also go wild over toothbrushes and the sample size of toothpaste. They have neither as a rule. So every year our church sends them. My dentist donates the toothpaste. Thank you, Dr. M!
Missions where you actually touch the items you are donating certainly are rewarding, aren't they redbird? Thank you for your constant and continuous concern for the welfare of others. It seems to bring you a deep joy, a reward all to itself. Never stop loving!
JM (#35), I think it's wonderful your church is so involved with
OCC. And to have your associate pastor come back with stories
about the recipients must touch your hearts. Last year I packed
some boxes with some young friends of mine. Their family is very affluent, and these children want for nothing. But they were utterly delighted to have this opportunity to help other kids. One boy, who
was only 8 at the time, packed a shoe box for a little girl and said wistfully, "I wish I could be there when she opens this!"
Sheri (#36), I'm glad you're going to check out the project, too!
And I save what I don't personally use, so I put them in the boxes.
Redbird, you said CENTRAL SUPPLY which is well known to be a hospital dept for such supplies. You say you save what you don't use. If you don't use them or need them, don't ask for them in the hospital. Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need.
As you said, you have a connection in the supply room...
Not children on reality tv, but another whose childhood earnings in skate boarding supported the family, were misused by the father, and now his career is going strong. Very interesting interview.
Thanks for the link to the "Dillards not qualified to be missionaries" article. I have known folks who were retired from the mission field, and they had to learn the language before being approved to go to whatever country they were assigned.
I guess the Gothard home school curriculum did not include foreign language. That my kids took in high school. That's required at my daughter's college.
SS said... 39
Are you by any chance related to the grinch who stole Christmas or maybe Ebenezer Scrooge?
SS...So you feel the costs are passed on to us? This calls for us to raise our glasses of rumspringa and toast to you..SS.. Thanks for doing your VERY SMALL part. You must be feeling all warm N fuzzy inside!
Carry on Redbird.
SS, 39. Stop. Just stop. We know who you are and why you are doing this...just to attack redbird and stir s##t. Now mosey along and knock it off.
SS it's time to move on.
SS said... 39
And I save what I don't personally use, so I put them in the boxes.
Redbird, you said CENTRAL SUPPLY which is well known to be a hospital dept for such supplies. You say you save what you don't use. If you don't use them or need them, don't ask for them in the hospital. Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need.
I have somewhat mixed feelings about this kind of thing. As I mentioned before, I have a large stash of toothbrushes, obtained at a rate of one per cleaning. I accept those, because one toothbrush is a standard part of the cleaning, but I wouldn't ask for multiples or extras. I also have a substantial stock of subway napkins. They are from the ones they automatically put in the bag with each sandwich. Would I ask for extras, or take a whole bunch at a place like McDonald's where the napkins are out in the open? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't condemn someone who did it because they couldn't afford napkins, but I would be uneasy about someone who habitually took tons of napkins home with them "because they're there".
If I were redbird, and I was given a new washcloth once a week, I might accept a new washcloth each week, but use each one for two weeks, to build up a stash of new washcloths for Operation Christmas Child. What I would not do is ASK for a new washcloth when I don't need it, if they are given out on as as-needed basis. It's a fine line, but that's where I draw it. Mostly. There was this one time...
JoyinVirginia said... 40
Not children on reality tv, but another whose childhood earnings in skate boarding supported the family, were misused by the father, and now his career is going strong. Very interesting interview.
Thanks for that, Joy. You're correct. It's not just kids on tv and movies that are exploited. There are many, many athletes whose parents take advantage of them too.
I see that the pope is going to Mexico next year.
I hope that Kim Davis is saving up her PTO so that she can go. Being as they're besties now and all.
I wonder if she'll have to go incognito. She should start on the makeover now. Plastic surgery takes time.
Oh, this just keeps getting better and better.
Faithful America, a Christian group that organizes social justice actions online, created a petition calling for Viganò to resign from his position as Vatican ambassador to the U.S.
34,000 signatures so far. This guy is toast.§ion=gay-voices&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000054
Who wants to sign?
Oh, so Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò did this on purpose? He's forced to retire at the age of 75, which he will be in January. He did this deliberately to cause trouble, to go out with a bang. He was a supporter of Pope Benedict. There's no love lost between him and the Holy See.
Like I said, nobody does politics better than the Vatican.
I know many people who travel quite a bit on business and stay at a plethora of hotels throughout the year. They collect all of those toiletries that the hotels provide for guests, body lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and whatever the hotels provide, and even instant coffee. They don't use them, but put them into a community bag. At Christmas, we gather everything up, and we have bags of them and I take them to the local social services agency where families in need come in to select toys and clothing for their kids and themselves. The women really appreciate those little spa items, and many times the men select things to put into their wives Christmas stockings.
I never realized that if those things were taken but not used that the hotels would jack up their prices. I guess we should stop this annual tradition. On second thought...nope, not going to happen.
KyPastor (#37), thank you for sharing about the Mexican mission
trips your church supports. And I echo your kind thoughts about
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 30m30 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well, busy's getting down to #CrunchTime! 2 days left.. :) Two 15yr olds! Hard 2believe it! #TimeFliesAndMomCries
Crunch time? Try Camera Time!!!
I'm sure Kate's been working hard with the producer to come up with the perfect scenarios to film.
OT. Just saw an ad for Dateline airing on Fri. Women abused by Cosby.
Brief ad, no details.
SS said...39
Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!
Just keep rolling on down that river, cow.
Sheri, thank you, thank you so much!
You will love it! Yes, they can keep some food in the boxes. I have used the cowboy boot boxes and you can get a lot of things in there. Also at Dollar Tree and Dollar General you can buy the larger storage boxes instead of the ones for one dollar.
My favorite things to put in the boxes:
Flashlights w/batteries
Solar calculator
Notebook paper
Hard Candy
IVORY soap because it floats in the rivers the kids take baths in.
Tote bag
Books with History, English, subject books Atlas
Christmas things
Also put a letter in the box with your SASE so you can get a letter back. It is rare to get a letter back, but they do.
Yes, KY Pastor, it does feel good touching and praying over the items and boxes knowing that in the near future a child will be touching them and the child knows that someone cared enough about them to send them a gift that could change their lives forever!
Hey redbird, Flimsy Flamsy and Sheri-
Count me in on the gift boxes as well. I saw the ridiculous pounding yesterday too, and decided to participate today prior to reading your recent posts. I've been wanting to do something to support a good charity at Christmastime. The man I sleep with every night just told me, my mother-in-law has been involved with Samaritan's Purse for a number of years when I mentioned it. I had no idea! It turns out the recent mission trip she took with her Church group in Alaska for several months assisting, was in support of this cause. With that said... all I need to do now is loot a few dozen bars of gold from one of Trump's Towers and pilfer away some of that Kim Davis vacation leave, and we're all set- ladies of the veranda! *(SS Super Sheeple snark).
♡ Kristine101
Kristine101 (#54), I'm so glad you're going to get involved with the
project. And I hope you had a nice anniversary!
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish
when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children
she's never met? Who are they to her? For that matter, who
is their mother to her? And her delusion that TFW is this
hands-on, lovey-dovey, over-achieving mom is based on
nothing but her own fantasies.
I didn't know anything about Samanthas Purse and looked it up online to check out the location drop-offs and collection times. Turns out there is a church not far away that participates and i will start collecting this week. Is there a size limit of the boxes? I looked at the FAQs and didn't see that info.
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish
when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children
she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time, not just when she comments about the birthdays. There is something seriously off with that person. She/he scares me.
This article puts a very fine point on the Gosselin travesty (without, I hasten to add, ever mentioning the name). Now, if people would only realize there is very little difference between doing this on YouTube (and getting paid) and having TLC script and film it for you (and getting paid), there might be some progress in getting uncontracted minors off RTV. The comments, BTW, are worth perusing.
A lady at my church leads a Rainbow Girl assembly. They do the Shoebox Project every year. Redbird, you have reminded me to give her a call to see when they will start collecting. I usually just take care of the postage now since I can't get out to shop anymore, darn it.
I think my post got eaten. I said that the plastic shoeboxes are on clearance at Walmart right now. They were brought in for back to school.
Would flip flops be a good item? You can get them in general sizes and they might last the child through a few growing pains. Not ideal footwear but they are better than nothing epically in areas where hookworms are present.
Looking into this in Montreal, shoebox project sounds like a great idea.
thanks Redbird
Old article, but it confirms what I looked up re: Ms. Davis' vacation and sick time. Instead of the right to work, it looks like Ms. Davis has the right not to work.
Does anyone know if a court date has been set for the latest suit against Ms. Davis (for altering the marriage licenses)?
You say you save what you don't use. If you don't use them or need them, don't ask for them in the hospital.
Who in the world are you to tell redbird what to accept and what not to accept?
Keep up the good work, redbird, and God bless!
Looking into this in Montreal, shoebox project sounds like a great idea. (61)
Frankie, if you can't find an organisation in Montréal that works with the shoebox project, you could try Opération Père Noël. They match you with a kid who wrote a letter to "Père Noël", asking what he/she would really, really like for Christmas. You do the shopping (You can vouch for 20$ to 50$), you wrap the gift, you write a letter to the child, sign it "Le Père Noël" and bring to volunteers who, on Christmas morning, will bring it to "your" kid. I've been doing it for three or four years now and it is so, so rewarding...
The article goes on to suggest you’ll end up creating a new generation of “rice Christians” – those who feel they must become converts in order to meet their basic needs. Part of how Operation Christmas Child has addressed this issue is by giving out the tracts alongside the boxes rather than inside them. However, in some countries donors are still able to put religious literature within the boxes themselves.
Hmmm....sounds like forcing one's religion on another and bribing them with gifts. Would everyone here be ok with this if, instead of Christian tracts/Bibles, the Quran and/or Book Of Tao were distributed along with the boxes...?
Impoverished people don't need to feel guilt on top of their pain and suffering/starvation.
I’ve always filled the shoeboxes by shopping at either Walmart or the Dollar Store (depending on how far my current schooling had impoverished me that year) which, ironically, both sell products produced by exploited workers, and likely child labour. Irony? I think yes. You always run the risk of having a child open their shoebox and say, “Oh… well… this is cool and all but I made 3000 of these yesterday…”.
Just something to consider...
SS said... 39
Those costs are passed on to the rest of us. Use what you need.
For crying out loud, we're living in a throwaway society of indiscriminate consumerism.
If these things that redbird is sending them will benefit some poor children who have to eat their food off the ground, no one should be bitching about the price of a few goddamn kidney dishes. If that cost is being passed on to the rest of us, just consider it a reluctant donation and move on. Tightwad.
Lanc Native said... 57
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish
when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children
she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time, not just when she comments about the birthdays. There is something seriously off with that person. She/he scares me.
Milo's recent tweets and platitudes just show how much she is trying to get Kate's attention. Platitudes about being a single parent, tweets about the twin's birthday, etc. She personifies Celebrity Worship Syndrome. "Kate, can you hear me?"
Most people, after trying to contact someone repeatedly and getting no response, would simply move on. Milo doesn't seem to get the fact that Kate doesn't give a damn about her but she will continue to constantly harass her and wait for a reply. To Milo, Kate is one of the "cool kids" who once paid her attention, but after awhile the "cool kid" moved on but the other kid(Milo) still thinks she has a standing reservation at the "cool kids" table.
IMO, Kate caused this problem. When she first started on twitter she made her tweeties think that they were her BFF's and because she responded to them on twitter she made them feel like they KNOW her personally and KNOW everything and anything about her. She interacted with them about her trials and tribulations(October snowstorm, Hurricane Sandy, broken appliances, etc.) Once Kate plus 8 started airing again, her twitter usage declined excepted when she would "live tweet" during a show airing.
She doesn't carry on conversations like she did in her early twitter days, but her tweeties forgive her for that giving the excuse that she doesn't tweet like before because she "must be busy". They don't realize that they were simply a "fill in" to boost Kate's ego during non-filming times. Kate's getting all her "love" from TLC so she no longer needs her tweeties to fulfill that need.
Milo is the epitome of those tweeties. Because Kate once mentioned her on national TV, responded to her on twitter and "used" as her marathon reporter, Milo thinks that Kate is her buddy, best friend, and personal confidant. Milo doesn't seem to understand that she is one of many that Kate has used to further her own agenda, which is promoting Kate and keeping Kate relevant. Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust.
Auntie Anne..63
I Bow down to your tactful comment, second, third it, AND say an AMEN to that!
I do believe the smell of sheep manure is dwindling!
Bring out the Collie dogs to clear the pasture, Fall is here and the air is crisp, and I am Lovin' it!
Canadian geese are flying south, and we are now officially layering.
Time to hunker down and remember those who are not so comfortable as we are
PS. saved my milk cartons for igloo progect under the verandah, need koolaid pakets to light it up like a rainbow.
oh, and straws, we ALWAYS need straws
Auntie, could not resist
song is 16 minutes long, but watch the first few minutes, My Fave singer/with Marley
For crying out loud ( I blame you for reminding me of it)
Could this be in Kim Davis future?
"With all the controversy surrounding Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ refusal to issue same sex marriage licenses even after the Supreme Court of the United States made same sex marriage the law of the land, The Dogfart Network which is the leading online destination for Adult Interracial content is offering the Holy Kim Davis a chance at redemption.
The undisputed kings of interracial porn are dangling $500k to star in a scene for their site, which is one of 23 sites in the companies vast Adult Entertainment Empire. specializes in Lesbian Interracial Erotica.
“We here at Dogfart have always believed in equality. We have interracial sites, gay sites, straight sites, and we think Kim Davis has been appalling,” said a Dogfart Spokesman. “We are giving her a chance at a redemption. We are willing to drop half a million bucks for Kim to come out to our studio and shoot an Interracial Lesbian scene for our network.”
The offer will stand for the next week. She is also welcome to bring her family with her on an all expense paid vacation."
Lanc Native said... 57
Is it just me, or is there something extra creepy and stalkerish
when Gladys does a countdown for the birthdays of children
she's never met?
Gladys is stalkerish and extra creepy all of the time,
Gladys is once again taking over for Kate and letting everyone know that there's a birthday coming up.
How do the rest of us manage to have birthdays so privately???
Milo's recent tweets and platitudes just show how much she is trying to get Kate's attention. Platitudes about being a single parent, tweets about the twin's birthday, etc. She personifies Celebrity Worship Syndrome. "Kate, can you hear me?"
I think once again Gladys is trying to manage Kate, to coax her out of the shadows to get back on Twitter so she (Kate) doesn't look like she's once again dropped the ball on yet another undertaking.
Twitter is now joining blogging, couponing, Instagram, cooking/meal making from scratch, nursing, marriage...
For a woman of 40, it looks like adult ADD or just plain laziness.
I am in tears. Tears of JOY! Thank you ALL so much!
These children have never been given a gift.
Yes!!! Flip Flops are fantastic! The prices on them now should be very inexpensive because of fall is here. And to all the crafters. You could get some pillowcases and sew some handles on it and make a book bag. I saw a picture of a little girl who had on a cute pillowcase dress on with adult size flip flops. I wish I could of reached in and handed her a pair her size.
I have used cowboy boot boxes, my youngest ds shoe boxes. Nike Men's size 16.
Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust.
I don't know how the fans who stick by her justify the fact that Kate has cut off her own family. What makes them think she has any allegiance whatsoever to them?
Kate can't be so busy that she doesn't have time during the day to Tweet a message just to check in and give back a little bit.
Maybe she's filming, or on a down cycle.
Just saw a promo for the Southern Women's show and Jessa Duggar is going to be there!!!
Isn't she due pretty soon?
I vote for laziness. Makes me wonder why Kate does not have an assistant to maintain her web site, Twitter, etc. Oh I know! It's about control, so yes, I vote for laziness.
Tucker's Mom (#70) -- correction: TFW is 40 1/2! Yes, Gladys is
probably in PR mode. But a few more ignored tweets and it may
be time for her to exit (with LOL's) and lick her wounds. She has
a pretty reliable pouting cycle.
Sad but true (#58), thanks for that link to the Caleb Logan story. I'd
never heard of this family until this week. Yes, there are certainly
parallels to the Gosselin saga -- specifically to the hypocrisy. I'll
never forget TFW covering the children's names on their backpacks with tape, when the whole world not only knew each child's name,
but had also seen them in various states of undress on national TV.
I'm certainly sorry this family has suffered such a stunning loss.
But I find it chilling that they're turning their son's funeral into a TV event.
Before I donate to a charity I've learned to do some research (thanks Google!) and it appears that the two groups discussed here recently haven't always been aboveboard. Personally, I don't care for their evangelical nature but there are other issues, too. I'm sure there are children delighted by these gifts and the general sentiment behind them is lovely. The synagogues and churches and non-religious organizations in my area do various toy, coat, food collections and I like the idea of helping out those in my own community. Just recently a shelter for abused women and their children opened and they're in great need. I dropped off some bedding I picked up at TJMaxx and Halloween costumes (asked for) for the kids. I think many of us have so much to be thankful for!
on the fence/mom of2 said... 64
Thank you for that perspective. I appreciate when people make an effort to see the forest despite the trees. I think it's a reasonable and rational way to go through life.
As a matter of fact, I get quite frustrated if people don't think about things.
Jane (#75), it's lovely that you made some donations to a local
shelter! I think people should donate where and how it's most
comfortable and/or meaningful to them, and that's a personal
I remember a few years ago, we were talking about donating winter coats and finding amazing bargains.
DH and I went to JCPenny with a coupon, during their 6am-9am blowout sale, and got a handful of coats, hats and gloves for under $100.
We then donated to our nearby charity thrift shop.
I vote for laziness. Makes me wonder why Kate does not have an assistant to maintain her web site, Twitter, etc. Oh I know! It's about control, so yes, I vote for laziness.
Yeah. I wonder if it's also money. Maybe she can't get TLC to foot the bill on this one. Cutbacks and everything. The show is "cancelled" she's just doing specials. TLC might not be willing to comp expenses like web sites anymore. They'll just tell her you have a "web site" on our TLC site.
It's not the cheapest thing in the world to run a web site like hers. It's not expensive either, but it's still money she doesn't want to fork out. I'd guess she's maybe been quoted ballpark 1,000 a month if she wants to maintain that site by a semi-professional in any kind of decent shape. Kate wants that for free.
Kate is a Twit, very good summary of TFW and Milo.
Milo tweeted a platitude yesterday but didn't tweet it to anyone.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 21h21 hours ago
Some things I had to learn the hard way. Trying to teach my kids to trust & look 4the good in people, but beware! >
The platitude states:
"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand."
Little does she realize that this platitude actually applies to Kate.
Milo and Kate are both terrible judges of character. In that respect they're made for each other.
Admin (#89), and I think Gladys exhibits narcissistic traits like
her idol, but just hides them better in that "aw shucks" g-droppin
Yes, it could absolutely be money. Not surprised if it turns out she's been dipping into her savings. We read all the time about D Listers spending everything they earned.
I am helping my son move into his new home right now. We have a huge load of his possessions that are old-college-day acquisitions and nice furniture that has been moved once or twice before.
We found a local thrift shop that does not have a "brand name". I am making trunk loads of deliveries daily. My son is blessed that he can move into a new home with new cookware and dishes and color co-ordinated new everything!
Son is renting a big truck so that all of his current furniture can also be donated to this store that provides for victims of domestic violence who are starting anew.
It feels wonderful to help my son move into a "dream" home and it feels wonderful to watch him share what he has with others.
I almost deleted this because it sounds so full of brag. But, it is not my hard work accomplishment. It is his.
I almost deleted this because it sounds so full of brag. But, it is not my hard work accomplishment. It is his.
That's wonderful! It's OK to pat yourself on the back for raising a successful, thoughtful and helpful son who is giving back.
Sad but true said... 62
This article puts a very fine point on the Gosselin travesty (without, I hasten to add, ever mentioning the name). Now, if people would only realize there is very little difference between doing this on YouTube (and getting paid) and having TLC script and film it for you (and getting paid), there might be some progress in getting uncontracted minors off RTV. The comments, BTW, are worth perusing.
This is so disturbing. Whenever any of these "reality stars", be in tv or YouTube, starts to parrot the words, "for the fans" as a reason for them continuing their famewhoring, they are a lost cause.
It is 'round the bend to even think about streaming your son's memorial service "for the fans".
It's bizarre to even think about maintaining the "brand" when your young son suddenly dies.
I've never heard of this kid before. Anyone have kids who have followed him and his family?
Apparently they YouTubed their daily lives.
DH and I went to JCPenny with a coupon, during their 6am-9am blowout sale, and got a handful of coats, hats and gloves for under $100.
We then donated to our nearby charity thrift shop.
Yes! At this time of the year I go to our local thrift shop, one with a bargain center and I can find 20-30 kids' coats in excellent condition (some new with tags) for a total of sixty dollars, and caps and gloves for a quarter each. I then take them to our local clothing distribution center where those in need can come and pick out what they need at no charge.
Personally, I don't care for their evangelical nature but there are other issues, too.
What issues, please?
Yes!!! Flip Flops are fantastic! The prices on them now should be very inexpensive because of fall is here.
Indeed. I saw some kids' flip flops yesterday on clearance at a local grocery store for a quarter!
SS- yes I am really upset at the expense when one goes to a hospital. I don't think it is because someone takes unused plastic items from surplus. I agree that we should look long and hard at what makes it so expensive and rally against that. Let me give you some hints. Have you checked what doctors have to pay for insurance to protect themselves from mistakes that all humans make and by bogus suits? Have you checked to see what the head of the hospital earns? Not just his/her salary but the leased cars, and many, many other perks? Our tiny hospital pays a salary of over 1 million to the hospital president. Look it up and then take a breath, it isn't the plastic bowls etc.
Faithful America, a Christian group that organizes social justice actions online, created a petition calling for Viganò to resign from his position as Vatican ambassador to the U.S.
I am not a Catholic so there is NO reason I should have a say in what they decide to do with their priests, etc. But to Vigano, take the retirement. I retired 3 months ago. BEST thing ever. Go for it!
Yes, when staying at a hotel I do take all the soaps, lotions etc and on the way home I leave them at a women's shelter that I pass before my house. I think they leave these items and the cost is part of my bill. I let someone else enjoy them since it sometimes is the little things that makes women find a tiny ray of happiness.
Milo doesn't seem to understand that she is one of many that Kate has used to further her own agenda, which is promoting Kate and keeping Kate relevant. Once TLC calls, Milo and Kate's other BFF's are left in the dust.
Yes, but since they communicate in so many other ways, why is Milo so desperate to get a response from her on Twitter? I would imagine that those ¨other ways,¨ whatever they may be, are being ignored and Kate has had enough of Milo's pestering. Milo, however, still does not get it, and even if she did, she would never admit it because she would lose her Chief Ewe status and that would be humiliating.
It really is very fascinating sheeple psychology, especially when you look at Milo's long absence and the fact that her addiction is such that she just can't stay away from Kate on Twitter.
Good analysis, KIAT! Spot on...
Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
too bad,so sad said... 98
Yes, when staying at a hotel I do take all the soaps, lotions etc and on the way home I leave them at a women's shelter that I pass before my house. I think they leave these items and the cost is part of my bill. I let someone else enjoy them since it sometimes is the little things that makes women find a tiny ray of happiness.
Those soaps, etc are an example of the sort of thing I think it's fine to take. There is a set amount that comes every day and is included in the cost of the hotel stay. Where I would draw the line is asking the maid for extras (perhaps many extras), or taking towels, etc.
I think most people would agree it's wrong to take the linens, but may not agree with me on the "free" consumables.
Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
Speaks volumes. You are known by the company you keep. Was she part of that class action lawsuit?
redbird said...(55)
SS said...39
"Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!"
*Applause* You are an inspiration on so many levels redbird!
too bad,so sad said... 98
SS- yes I am really upset at the expense when one goes to a hospital. I don't think it is because someone takes unused plastic items from surplus. I agree that we should look long and hard at what makes it so expensive and rally against that. Let me give you some hints. Have you checked what doctors have to pay for insurance to protect themselves from mistakes that all humans make and by bogus suits? Have you checked to see what the head of the hospital earns? Not just his/her salary but the leased cars, and many, many other perks? Our tiny hospital pays a salary of over 1 million to the hospital president. Look it up and then take a breath, it isn't the plastic bowls etc.
I agree, but let's take it one step further. How about the suppliers of bandages and other medical supplies. $10 bandaids? $40 gauze pads? Disposable everything? Is it really cheaper to throw out the plastic rather than autoclave steel instruments? It that environmentally sound?
I worked in several public and one private school. Don't even get me started on the $200 tricycles for junior kindergarten kids.
People need to really think about why things cost so much.
redbird said... 55
SS said...39
Have you personally seen me backed up in a semi-tractor trailer to the loading dock at Central Supply loading it up with goodies? Well, you never will. You are insinuating that is the way it is. Well, I assure you it is not. I asked for permission and someone gave me 4 or 5 washcloths brand new, a couple of combs, 4 basins, 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes, YEAR BEFORE LAST and that is it in all of the 12 years I have done this! I just said Central Supply so everyone would know what I was talking about!
SS, you are NOT going to take the JOY out of me reading this blog and hearing that someone has chosen to do the boxes!
Just keep rolling on down that river, cow.
You go Redbird!!
Redbird (#55), that poster stopped by to get a rise out of you.
But instead, he/she managed to raise interest in the cause
you are so passionate about.
And Dmasy (#92), you didn't seem the least big braggy to me.
You've raised a caring, concerned citizen of the world, and
his behavior is proof of that.
Kate is a twit said... 100
Bullyville has reappeared on twitter using the twitter ID @teambullyville. The account was opened on10/4/15.
Guess who is now following him and he is also following her?
Yep, good ol' Milo. Maybe she should re-read that platitude she tweeted--"Be careful.... Not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be the beach, but they're actually quicksand.".
HMMM how did she know he was back? Unless he followed her first?
Well, Bullyville isn't following Kate, nor vice versa
Yes! At this time of the year I go to our local thrift shop, one with a bargain center and I can find 20-30 kids' coats in excellent condition (some new with tags) for a total of sixty dollars, and caps and gloves for a quarter each. I then take them to our local clothing distribution center where those in need can come and pick out what they need at no charge.
Wow, PA Dutch Mom, that's great. I wish our Thrift shops were that cheap.
It seems like over the past decade or so, it's become tough to find real bargains.
I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!).
I still paid $10, but it's better than $30-$40 new at BB&B.
HMMM how did she know he was back? Unless he followed her first?
They communicate in so many other ways?
Here is some financial info about Operation Christmas:
In 2013, from Samaritan's Purse tax return:
Took in $456,140,314 in donations, of which $195,676,404 was non-cash donations (possibly the estimated value of the donated supplies)
The reportable income paid to the president of the board is a total of $622,252 ($441,000 in salary, $181,325 in other compensation--i.e. Benefits) and the VP is paid $363,986 ($321,000 salary, other compensation $42,093). In addition to those salaries, $1,986,413 in salary and $304,249 in other compensation is paid out to another 9 individuals (range in salary is $197,000-$231,000 and other compensation $17,000-$41,000) The total salary paid out to 11 people is $$2,751,222 and $537,667 in other compensation. That is an average of $298,990 total compensation each.
This is the stated mission:
Samaritans purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, samaritans purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God's love through his son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, while the program recipients are eating out of emesis basins, and bathing in the river with Ivory soap, the board members, key employers and officers are taking home an average of almost $300,000 apiece.
Not exactly the homespun operation one might think. I'm not saying that it is not a worthwhile cause, or that the recipients aren't greatly benefiting, but this is a very expensive way to provide basics. It seems that, other than Bibles and evangelical materials ($5,502,821 expense) , most of the delivered items are actually donated by others, like Redbird. Yet, somehow they manage to rack up $350,051 in expenses.
I got this info from Guidestar, which requires a sign in account. They maintain a database of tax returns that are available for free. By law, all non profit tax returns are public information.
Just keep rolling on down that river, cow.
You go Redbird!!
The cow now goes by another name on Twitter, and cow's sign-on name here reflects that new name.
Thanks, Ex Nurse. My grandmother taught us that charity begins at home, and I think those remain wise words.
Wow, PA Dutch Mom, that's great. I wish our Thrift shops were that cheap.
It seems like over the past decade or so, it's become tough to find real bargains.
I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!).
I still paid $10, but it's better than $30-$40 new at BB&B.
Well, gosh, Tucker's, come on over here and I can show you where to find really good deals. A local shelter needed some bedding and towels, and I found eight brand new sheet sets for $1.50 each. You really need to dig around and know what to look for and what days offer the half price sales, but when I find these good deals I stock up and donate them to our local charities. This reminds is time to go bargain hunting for caps and gloves for local kids. Winter will be here before we know it. Sigh.
So TLC has just "promo'd" the new Kate crap. A "4-part special" premiering on . . . January 13, 2016? WTF? That's well past turkey and stuffing for most people, Katie. Isn't TLC keeping you informed? LOL.
Oops, belay that last comment, someone posted the promo from, I think, the season that started in Jan 2015, when she was on CA. Nothing new on TLC's site.
So Kate's 4 part "specials" aren't starting until Jan.13 huh? She originally eluded to the fact it would be around Thanksgiving.
I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there (and our lab had been blowing out her coat like nobody's business!).
Our long-haired dog is shedding so much right now that on a daily basis I can collect enough fur stuffing to donate to the Build A Bear Workshop! This has been worse than the spring shedding.
What a generous bunch you are! This is just one reason why I find Kate such a disgusting person: a woman with eight kids who sells their outgrown clothes rather than donate them! And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that! And she didn't originally pay a dime for those clothes. TLC bought the outfits and Kate sold them...such a selfish human being. And here you ladies are, spending your time and money to help those less fortunate. I really cannot understand why anyone, who has any sense of community, could ever support someone as self-centered as Kate Gosselin.
BTW, I will not be surprised another over-the-top expensive birthday celebration for the twins will air. Just what two entitled, hormonal 15 year old girls can't be healthy for their relationships at school.
Our long-haired dog is shedding so much right now that on a daily basis I can collect enough fur stuffing to donate to the Build A Bear Workshop! This has been worse than the spring shedding.
Our new lab girl's shedding is better- down to a dull roar, so to speak.
But holy vacuum clog, Batman! It was baaaaaaaaad.
The de-shed helped, and I switched dry food.
Hopefully it was just the summer to fall blow out.
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 106
Redbird (#55), that poster stopped by to get a rise out of you.
But instead, he/she managed to raise interest in the cause
you are so passionate about.
And Dmasy (#92), you didn't seem the least big braggy to me.
You've raised a caring, concerned citizen of the world, and
his behavior is proof of that.
Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy! All of the lemons that the cow pounded at me has now made a lot of lemonade! Now, serving ice cold lemonade on the Veranda! franky, We need a Bigger Straw!
Dmasy, as someone posted to me upthread, I didn't think for a nano second that you were bragging! It is wonderful to hear these great stories of our kids and how they make someone else's life better.
TLC stinks said... 119
What a generous bunch you are! This is just one reason why I find Kate such a disgusting person: a woman with eight kids who sells their outgrown clothes rather than donate them! And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that! And she didn't originally pay a dime for those clothes.
Seriously. I get so motivated when I read what other people are doing to give back.
In just 2 days of posting here, there are so many ideas. But, what does Kate blog about?
Choosing which of her 3 cars is right for the task and having a huge salt water pool so she doesn't have to pay memberships for 8 kids.
If you didn't actually read her blog posts, you'd probably swear no one could come up with such useless dreck and get paid for it.
Thank you, FlimsyFlamsy! All of the lemons that the cow pounded at me has now made a lot of lemonade! Now, serving ice cold lemonade on the Veranda! franky, We need a Bigger Straw!
I must have missed something from the beginning, but why is that cow after redbird? Why is she the target and why was she singled out? How did she find redbird?
People are nuts.
I just looked at Kate's TL and this guy's tweets. She really has some creepy fans.
joe harris @indyjoe34 9h9 hours ago Texas, USA
@Kateplusmy8 Good Morning Pretty darlin
Happy Wonderfun Wednesday sweetie
Have a safe fun day sweetheart
And the woman was a multimillionaire when she was caught doing that!
She was also a multimillionaire when she was collecting money from parishioners, while at the same time settling on a very large piece of property. What is really frightening is that she seemed to have no qualms about taking money in churches from people who most likely really did not have it to give, but nevertheless believed that they were helping out a poor struggling couple of eight children.
Have the sheeple ever addressed that, or would they say it never happened because there are no photos to prove it?
Tucker's Mom said...
Seriously. I get so motivated when I read what other people are doing to give back.
Careful. Next thing you know, you'll be "addicted to giving" like our favourite grifter, sKatie Kreider. Thank God she snapped out of it before she had to go into rehab. (snark)
Thank you rainbowsandunicorns and localyocal!
I also believe in giving locally. I remember taking bags and bags of clothing to the donation box years ago. That is why I look people's names up at the state to see if they have any money. I also heard that a friend's friend was in the hospital and she told me her friend had run out of dishwashing detergent. So, I went and bought a big bottle of JOY and went to the hospital and gave it to my friend to give to her. Gosh, I remember sitting in the hospital lobby holding the bottle waiting on my friend to meet me. Gosh, that has been 12, 13 years ago!
I found a claim for a local high school for the cheerleaders. I found it over the weekend and I had to wait till Monday and call the principal and she was thrilled. I also found another one for a local high school for their band, Coca-Cola owed them over 100 dollars. The band teacher was shocked.
I also found a church that was owed over 100 dollars from a music company. This church is very close to where my great grandparents farm used to be. I called the church and talked to a man that was a member and he just couldn't believe it. He sounded a little skeptical at first, but when I mentioned the music company, he knew that I wasn't making it up. I even went to their FB page and PM'd the info and the link and I told him to check it.
Someone posted that TFW is 40 and a half!
I google really quick to see what the life expectancy of women are today and for 2015 it is, 81.2. So half of that is: 40.6. So, TFW is spot on at half way through!
Here is the link to the Canadian Samaritans Purse.
Here is the link for the USA.
Thank you Admin for being so kind and letting me get the word out and everyone wanting to make a box, God bless you so much!
sincerely, redbird xo
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter.
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now.
Jane--you are welcome. I always check the tax returns of any charity I am considering donated to. It is always interesting to read the mission statement. In this case, spreading the word was at least as important as delivering aid. I don't care for charities that pay out high salaries to the board members and executives, and, I especially don t like it if it is not disclosed that they are distributing religious materials. But, that is just me!
Thanks White Organza.
I always pick a child for Pere Noel, and all I found yesterday for shoe-box was for women's shelters, , Long story, but I think I will go for Acceuil Bonneau. The Homeless situation here in Montreal is growing. Also, you all have reminded me of a thing that happens here, where people go to areas where there are homeless, and tie scarves, hats, mittens, warm socks or coats to trees or posts near the areas they tend to try to find shelter, so they can just take what they need. So cool.
She was also a multimillionaire when she was collecting money from parishioners, while at the same time settling on a very large piece of property. What is really frightening is that she seemed to have no qualms about taking money in churches from people who most likely really did not have it to give, but nevertheless believed that they were helping out a poor struggling couple of eight children.
Kate had the compound, a HUGE deal with Lane furniture and trucks filled with brand new appliances to fill it. Not to mention the 6-figure kitchen redo and lavish vacation in the pipeline.
Formerly Duped said... 130
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter.
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now.
Our girl is from SC and God bless the woman and her daughter who cull dogs from the dungeon of a kill shelter.
Dogs without collars are held for 5 days, and with collars for 10 days until they're killed.
This woman rents an old storefront that is basically her kennel. The dogs are vetted and chipped, then sent up north in a large van.
They do these drop offs and the dogs (and cats) either have new owners waiting, or their respective fosters.
I really hope to stay active in fund raising activities.
The people who dedicate so much of their lives to rescuing are so special.
Formerly Duped said... 130
She's a real sweetheart and we feel lucky that she found us from a couple states away, in a rural county's kill shelter.
Mine is from NC, also a kill shelter who ships as many pups north as possible- my dog's birth certificate was altered so she could illegally get her rabies shot - a legal requirement. She ended up having to have it redone due to this, but she's alive! Barely 5 months old or so now.
WOO-HOOO! F. DUPED, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I WOULD OF DONE THE EXACT SAME THING! I would do anything for my doggies!
I really hope to stay active in fund raising activities.
The people who dedicate so much of their lives to rescuing are so special.
Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show.
Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show.
I haven't yet, but will check it out!
Funny story- my puppy was on a few petfinder sites- in Petco twice people have 'recognized' her from photos- they asked 'is that Abigail?" when they hear she's from a shelter. I have a VIP- Very Important Pup
;) Thanks redbird- I;m lucky to have her!
Since we are talking about charity donations, I would like to mention Doctors Without Borders. If you want to aid people in developing countries, but don't feel comfortable with aid tied to religious proselytizing, it is a possible choice. They are in the news right now because they lost a lot of people and an entire hospital in an airstrike.
Today while TFW is possibly filming the daylights out of her children for cash, or figuring out what car out of 3 will do the task or figuring which company she is going hit up for a grift, what did THIS MOM do today?
This mother donated HER KIDNEY to her young daughter!!!
Formerly Duped said... 136
I really hope to stay active in fund raising activities.
The people who dedicate so much of their lives to rescuing are so special.
Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show.
So crazy that you mention Pitbulls and Parolees. I watched it off and on and hadn't watched it in a long time. Just in the last few days, I watched it. It was 4 years old. She was getting visits from animal control and they were only coming every year for an annual inspection and her place was immaculate. Then they were coming constantly all of a sudden and they ticketed her for running an illegal kennel. New specifications. The height of the kennels, ridiculous. So she moved from CA to Louisiana. Then her daughter's dog got sick and she had to put him down. Then they had a fire that burned her out.
She also got invited to GA to visit a prison that has a dog program for the inmates to have a dog to train and get them adopted.
It is a really good show and I believe that Tia is the real deal.
Tucker's Mom said... 137
Indeed, angels on earth. Tucker, do you watch Pitbulls and Parolees- excellent dog rescue show.
I haven't yet, but will check it out!
Love that show! Remember when TFW had a fit about her kids and Pit Bulls? Tia tweeted her and tried to educated her.
Oh, I forgot to add, Tucker's you will like it!
Admin (#89), and I think Gladys exhibits narcissistic traits like
her idol, but just hides them better in that "aw shucks" g-droppin
I completely agree.
The Mail Online has an interesting interview with Rosie O'Donnell's 18year old daughter Chelsea about life growing up with her mother. I have to wonder if in a few years we will be reading the same sort of 'tell all' about TFW. The article is entitled: "EXCLUSIVE: Rosie O'Donnell's daughter Chelsea, 18, breaks her silence to reveal..........."
Admin (#89), and I think Gladys exhibits narcissistic traits like
her idol, but just hides them better in that "aw shucks" g-droppin
I completely agree.
Of course Gladys could be a clever catfish who has all of us fooled!
Another TLC family has fallen! I'm loving the Sister Wives Meri Brown saga. The leaked tapes of her are hysterical. Did Meri really believe some hot, young, rich businessman would want anything to do with her? She's a beast and a total jerk. So much for polygamy "just making us better". Better than whom? Her extended family is a complete mess... and a joke. Why do these TLC women get a taste of fame, and decide they are suddenly too good for the lives they had? It's quite sickening. She fell for it- so I have zero sympathy... Catfished!
Brittany Thomas @lionessbrittany 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 What do you have planned for the twins 15th birthday? And are they going to get their learner's permits tomorrow as well?
Only if she fakes their age and makes them a year older! lol!!
Speaking of which, isn't it soon time for Gladys to remind Kate that the twins have a birthday? Where is Kravitz today?
Where was the Kate promo for January 2016?
redbird (55) said: Just keep rolling on down that river, cow.
lol, redbird! I'm surprised you didn't say, ¨Just be careful not to step in your own poop along the way!¨
Anonymous said... 147
Another TLC family has fallen! I'm loving the Sister Wives Meri Brown saga. The leaked tapes of her are hysterical. Did Meri really believe some hot, young, rich businessman would want anything to do with her? She's a beast and a total jerk. So much for polygamy "just making us better". Better than whom? Her extended family is a complete mess... and a joke. Why do these TLC women get a taste of fame, and decide they are suddenly too good for the lives they had? It's quite sickening. She fell for it- so I have zero sympathy... Catfished!
I was just looking at that on TMZ or Radar! She sounds drunk in one of them; don't Mormons shun alcohol?
peterrowland @peterrowland10 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 dear kate you can star in your own tv cooking show called cooking wtth kate gosselin on the oprah whinfrey network. I love you
Yeah, that would really bring in ratings, considering how well her cookbook sold. Greasy sausage casserole and chicken cacciatore with green beans! Get all of that lemon juice ready! YUM!
Silly, silly sheep.
I was just looking at that on TMZ or Radar! She sounds drunk in one of them; don't Mormons shun alcohol?
Oh sheesh, this is the first I've heard of this one!
I always felt a little sorry for Meri. She had fertility problems and only gave the patriarch one kid. She's surrounded by all these Duggar-ish uteruses popping out kids left and right. During the brief time when I watched this show, Meri was always crying over her uterus. And then her husband has them get divorced so he can "marry" the young fertile one?? B.S.! Free Meri!
Lynne In RI said... 152
peterrowland @peterrowland10 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 dear kate you can star in your own tv cooking show called cooking wtth kate gosselin on the oprah whinfrey network. I love you
Yeah, that would really bring in ratings, considering how well her cookbook sold. Greasy sausage casserole and chicken cacciatore with green beans! Get all of that lemon juice ready! YUM!
Silly, silly sheep.
I somehow have a feeling that Kate and/or her people reached out to the Food Network a few years ago and it went nowhere.
Kate was including FN in her tweets and yammering a lot about how it's like a cooking show when she's in her kitchen.
In the end, she wound up publishing on her own and her cookbook did terribly.
I'm not a fan, so I wasn't expecting much, but it was much worse than I thought.
So, while the program recipients are eating out of emesis basins, and bathing in the river with Ivory soap, the board members, key employers and officers are taking home an average of almost $300,000 apiece.
(anddon't forget the 'pillow case' dress! omg)
I bow down to you, ExNurse! Great sleuthing!!
The thing that bothered me about them is the shovelling of religious tracts. Sounds very Duggar-ish and even a bit Kim Davis-ish. Like, believe what *I* believe!! So wrong.... IMO, of course.
Give locally.
I went to my local Thrift to see if I could find a King flat sheet. I just needed an extra sheet or two to cover our bed because our dogs sleep up there
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Meri was always crying over her uterus. And then her husband has them get divorced so he can "marry" the young fertile one?? B.S.! Free Meri!
I simply can not wrap my head around this. Divorcing your wife so you can marry another woman, and then expecting her to stick around and like it is probably one of the worst things a man can do to a woman.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
I just don't know how these women sublimate the disgusting thought that the man they love is hours away from being intimate with another woman.
I think it's like being treated like a concubine.
There's no real love in it. It's abusive and selfish beyond belief.
How could this Meri could stand by that pig of a man after he asks to divorce her so he can marry a prettier, younger model and adopt her children?
There's something very, very lacking in the self esteem of a woman who allow herself to be treated in such a tragic fashion.
You have to wonder what happened to these women? What overwhelming influences were inflicted upon them such that they feel they deserve nothing better?
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Even thrift stores?? But many of them are set up so that the sales go right back into helping the needy.
Unless you're taking stock AWAY from someone who needs it, I don't think it's a problem. Plus, these stores can do income evaluations of buyers if they want to if they would only like qualifying people to buy from them. It's not like you're standing in a bread line because no one said you can't.
We have a great thrift store here called Plato's Closet. I'm pretty sure they're national. They have tons of stock. When I'm in the area I'll swing by and browse, maybe bring some clothes in to give. It's fun, you can find random stuff. I don't think me picking up a gently used blazer for half the price is hurting anything. They certainly cater to the general public. A local church also does a huge thrift yard sale every year with the proceeds going to charity. I've seen a number of celebrities show up to that including Tori Spelling. Certainly they can afford store-bought but they enjoy thrift stores like everyone else.
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
October 7, 2015 at 6:18 PM
Are you actually slamming me for buying second hand merchandise?
You don't have to be poor to shop Thrift.
The money I paid goes to HELP needy people by supporting our local community,so give me a break.
I simply can not wrap my head around this. Divorcing your wife so you can marry another woman, and then expecting her to stick around and like it is probably one of the worst things a man can do to a woman.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Whenever I would watch the show it would be hard for me to grasp for me too. They say it's for the support. The childcare and emotional support. It's ALMOST a good idea, and I can almost understand it if romantic relationships weren't usually about sex too. It would be too hard for me to sleep alone five nights a week knowing he's with another woman all those nights. And also Cody is such an ape.
I mean I really don't care if that's what floats your boat. Go ahead. I don't object to it any more than I do to gay marriage. But lordy be, it's not for me. Meri in particular seems a little bit used and put upon. A doormat. She often seemed unhappy, at the bottom of the pile. It seemed terribly unfair and yet she's trapped in a way, especially with her daughter having all those siblings.
You don't have to be poor to shop Thrift.
The money I paid goes to HELP needy people by supporting our local community,so give me a break.
Yeah, like I just said, most thrift stores I've been to are set up to encourage you to both donate AND buy. BOTH mechanisms help the needy. Their sole way of helping people isn't just giving them discounted clothes.
If something is specifically set up as a charity, specifically for the needy, that's different. Most thrifts are not like that, and encourage everyone to partake.
For instance, I know someone who is collecting Halloween costumes for needy kids. Of course, no one should be taking a costume out of her box for their own kid, obviously. But if someone said hey I've got some gently used Halloween costumes come one come all, then have at it. It seems odd to speculate you shouldn't partake in something like that because someone else might come along who needs it more. You'd go crazy living life in a constant state of speculation like that.
Oh and by the way if I were the great state of Nevada I would have investigated that divorce for FRAUD. Because clearly they are not divorced in their minds. They live together, have sex together, and act married. It was a fraud committed to marry a new woman so he could go through the process of marriage while still acting married to all the others. Where's Kim Davis when you need her. The clerk never should have stamped those divorced documents.
It seems odd to speculate you shouldn't partake in something like that because someone else might come along who needs it more. You'd go crazy living life in a constant state of speculation like that.
It's not like I'm lining up for a meal at the soup kitchen! Besides, this Thrift is notoriously overpriced and people are pretty much better off going to the Walmart across the street.
I just thought it would be good to buy one sheet used, especially since I don't need another set of sheets.
I've donated to this place at least a dozen times and bought twice.
My conscience is pretty damn clear.
The reportable income paid to the president of the board is a total of $622,252 ($441,000 in salary, $181,325 in other compensation--i.e. Benefits) and the VP is paid $363,986 ($321,000 salary, other compensation $42,093).
I know the numbers seem high, but my understanding of this organization is it's a huge one. With that comes the necessity of a highly skilled leadership. To get this leadership, you need to compensate them for it.
The question for me is, given the higher up's duties, is that salary appropriate? Is that the correct number to pay based on their experience, education, duties and responsibilities of such a large organization? I don't know enough about this organization to say they're overpaid or not.
I can't say just because someone is making in the high six figures, that they are inappropriately paid. Not necessarily. I don't want to see the director of a huge international charity paid 56k if they're going to stink at their job.
There is nothing wrong with compensating people what they're worth for what they're doing. I also don't see the necessity of people who work for charities also living in poverty themselves. Lots of organizations are 501c's. It doesn't mean its employees don't deserve a fair salary.
Unbelievably, there has been no Kate build-up on Twitter of the twins' birthday this year. This leads me to suspect that Katie got TLC to foot the bill for another little getaway for her and the twins. She's just too quiet, which is totally out of character.
Sad but true said... 164
Unbelievably, there has been no Kate build-up on Twitter of the twins' birthday this year. This leads me to suspect that Katie got TLC to foot the bill for another little getaway for her and the twins. She's just too quiet, which is totally out of character.
I'm with you.
Go to Samaritan's Purse and see what wonderful work they are doing. When ever a crisis strikes in the US and the World they immediately have teams of people load trucks, planes to ship food, medical supplies, equipment to the disaster areas. Right now they have volunteers helping going through the ashes of burned homes in CA. They have teams in Greece helping the Syrians that are coming in overloaded rafts on the ocean.
They are in North Carolina helping with the floods.
And they have delivered over 100 MILLION SHOE BOXES to children all around the world! SO WHAT if they make 300K a year! SO WHAT!!
They do amazing work helping people when people need help in their darkest hour! They are on call 24/7 and have their act much more together than our own government, that's a fact! You will get a meal in a disaster area from either the Salvation Army, Red Cross or Samaritans Purse first before you would from the govt.
The Red Cross is famous for good work in a crisis and big salaries but you cow are not condemning them.
Since 1993, the Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child, has collected and delivered more than 124 million gift-filled shoe boxes to children in more than 150 countries and territories.
franky, hope you have some really BIG STRAWS!!!
Mooo ve and hoof it on out of here, cow.
Tomorrow on Home and Family!
Huge Reunion of LHOTP!!!
Laura, Almonzo, Albert, Nellie, Carrie, Leslie and Michael Landon Jr.
Melissa Gilbert will make a Gingersnap Pumpkin Pie out of her LHOTP cookbook!
See, I think Goodwills and Thrift Shops should be for the truly needy. I realize others feel different but I can afford to pay sale prices and many others can't even afford that.
Our local thrift shops here have so much merchandise that they have special half-price days and daily discounts. You should see the volume of clothing at one of the local thrift store's bargain center. There is a massive amount of clothing. I shop the thrift stores for clothing for our local charities. The stores move clothing in and out so quickly and I once asked them why they are constantly putting out new things and pulling out items that were only on the floor for a few days, and I was told that they have so much merchandise and items that are there for any amount of time are all loaded onto trucks and given to various shelters, The general public is most definitely not taking anything away from those who cannot afford to shop at the mall.
There is more than enough to go least that is the way it is in this area, and when I buy at a thrift shop I am turning around and donating it to a clothing bank and those who come to the clothing bank are actually getting those things for free. This actually is to their benefit because if they purchased these things at the thrift shop it means money out of their pockets.
Kate goes on twitter when she's bored. Kate's not bored when TLC is fulfilling her narcissistic supply. So yeah, I vote for she's getting something she wants. Perfect timing for her the twins having their birthday just when she's due for another getaway.
There is more than enough to go least that is the way it is in this area, and when I buy at a thrift shop I am turning around and donating it to a clothing bank and those who come to the clothing bank are actually getting those things for free.
I think that's the case everywhere.
Most of them are picky about stuff they take too. Someone might bring in two boxes of clothing and have them only want a fourth of what they brought.
They are hardly lacking in used clothing. The inventory is endless.
Yeah, like I just said, most thrift stores I've been to are set up to encourage you to both donate AND buy. BOTH mechanisms help the needy. Their sole way of helping people isn't just giving them discounted clothes.
Yes, absolutely, and when both the needy and those who can afford to buy items at mall shops patronize thrift shops it means money for those thrift shops, thus providing jobs at those places and keeping them employed.
Tucker's, I hear you, mine is clear, too!
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though!
Are you actually slamming me for buying second hand merchandise?
Not slamming, just presenting a different way to think about it. I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation? I'm not talking trendy 'antique' stores. I mean the ones where it's pretty obviously for needy people.
don't think i'd have the guts to shop at one, is all. To each his own, of course.
According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions.
The thing that bothered me about them is the shovelling of religious tracts. Sounds very Duggar-ish and even a bit Kim Davis-ish. Like, believe what *I* believe!! So wrong.... IMO, of course.
I seriously doubt that those who distribute those boxes to the children are standing over them, preaching to them and forcing pamphlets into their hands and making them recite Bible verses before they can receive the donations. Flashback to The Walton's original show when Mary Ellen fed the kids scripture verses and Elizabeth got a broken doll.
TLC stinks said... 149
Where was the Kate promo for January 2016?
It's not, TLC. Sad explained that this was posted in error:
Sad but true said... 116
Oops, belay that last comment, someone posted the promo from, I think, the season that started in Jan 2015, when she was on CA. Nothing new on TLC's site.
In March 2001, The New York Times reported that Samaritan's Purse had "blurred the line between church and state" in the way it had distributed publicly funded aid to victims of the El Salvador earthquake. Residents from several villages stated they first had to sit through a half-hour prayer meeting before receiving assistance.[14] In a statement, USAID said Samaritan's Purse had not violated federal guidelines, but emphasized the need for the organization to "maintain adequate and sufficient separation" between prayer sessions and publicly funded activities.[15]
Chelsea Bishop @Chelseaa2512 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I'm watching episode "day in the life" I had a question about how you got Cara and mady to school when they were half day jk?
In a car?
I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation?
Not really, because many people won't.
One person may just donate for nothing in return, out of the goodness of their heart. Many others won't.
But, ten people may donate if they get a nice sweater in return. On balance, give 'em the sweater. It also allows people who cannot afford to just make a donation to "donate" if they are also able to clothe themselves and their families doing so.
According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions.
Yes, though I suspect she felt pressured and manipulated to do so. If she didn't, she's the bad guy. It's terrible to have to choose between someone else's adoption and your own marriage. It's unfair to put her in that position.
Of all the women, I think this arrangement has brought her the least benefit. She actually is an example of why plural marriage may be a very bad idea. It creates these dysfunctional situations, guilt, power struggles, and so on, that are terribly unhealthy and destructive. Usually toward the women.
What's the difference between a thrift story obviously for the poor and one not?
Most thrifts I've been to are very nice, don't seem uncomfortable at all to me. They're just like a scaled down version of Kohl's or Ross. The needy should be able to shop with dignity and not feel like they're at the poor house.
This is the bottom line, if they say they're for the needy or want an evaluation in order to qualify to purchase, then it's inappropriate to go there if you are not in need. But most of them don't do that. It's not how thrift stores work. They end up doing better if they just open to everyone. It doesn't hurt the needy to have everyone partake and many of them are set up such that the more people that buy the better off EVERYONE is. What I would suggest is if in doubt, just call the thrift store and ask them who their intended market is and how their sales work. You might be surprised to find out they need people like you.
Seriously, check out Plato's Closet. It's a great place to dip your toe in to the wonderful world of thrift stores. If you're concerned about doing your part, it's actually much better to get that sweater you want at Plato's where they donate a portion of the sale, than at Nordstrom's where the sale simply lines the pockets of the already rich.
Even if one can afford to pay $100 for a dress on sale at a department store, why would you, if you can find a comparable dress, barely worn or new with tags still attached at a thrift of consignment shop for $20? Does that even make sense? I am all for saving money if I can.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though!
See , it's dialogues like this that keep me coming back here! Who would believe that a website about a TV show that no one I know even remembers , would have such diverse conversations?
This place is addictive I tell you! Thank you admin!
fidosmommy said... 176
According to the show, Meri Brown initiated the divorce. She did it because Robyn has 3 children from a previous marriage who are not covered by Kody' s insurance, etc. Their biological father is presented as a non-caring father. Kody wants to adopt the 3 children, and in order to do that, he has to be LEGALLY married to Robyn. Meri stepped aside so Robyn and Kody could proceed with the adoptions.
I have read that Robyn's first husband is not as un-caring as he is presented, and will not give up all rights to his children so Kody can adopt them. For the sake of a TLC plot line.
don't think i'd have the guts to shop at one, is all. To each his own, of course.
Not even to purchase items to donate to charity? Have you ever looked into the faces of those kids who come to the clothing banks to choose a new winter coat and how happy they are to have warm jackets, caps and mittens? I have, many times because I have sat on the board of such organizations, and trust me, it is well worth going to thrift shops to find those items for kids.
We have a new thrift shop, Community Aid, slated to open in our area next month. I will be anxious to check it out and purchase items for kids. From what I understand, they welcome the public, not just the needy, with special discounts for teachers, police, veterans, fire flighters, healthcare workers. etc.
Not slamming, just presenting a different way to think about it. I realize that the funds used go to help needy people but wouldn't it be better to just give them a donation?
Many of us do both -- donate and purchase items. It's quite common to take our used items to these places and then shop to donate to others. That way, they get our donations and also our cash to keep others employed.
As a woman, I call bullshit on this sister wives thing. There isn't a bone in our bodies that thinks it's ok for our husband or boyfriend to be inside another woman one day, and then inside us the next.
Oh, I don't know about that. It depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all. There are women who might find a nice menage a trois a turn-on! Some have no problem with open marriages. Don't look at me, though,
Hope this isn't a duplicate, my posts keep being eaten.....
See, diverse conversations like this are why I keep coming back to 15 minutes. You never know what topics are on the agenda! Pets, charities, names in the news ? It's all here. TFW? I don't know anyone who even remembers the show.
Sorry if I posted twice , my iPad is acting up....
Susie Cincinnati said... 184
Even if one can afford to pay $100 for a dress on sale at a department store, why would you, if you can find a comparable dress, barely worn or new with tags still attached at a thrift of consignment shop for $20? Does that even make sense? I am all for saving money if I can.
Susie, your post reminded me of my ex-SIL, who is a sweetheart, about 15 years ago she went to a yard sale and found a really nice dress, new w/tags from a very nice store in her area. She only paid like a dollar or two for it. She was curious and she took it to the store to take it back to see how much it cost and try to find her something with it.
To her surprise her 1 dollar dress rang up $117.50! To her shock, they took it back!
I was at a yard sale just right after the Olympics and found an Olympics sweatshirt brand new w/tags and it was 29.99. The girl was adding up my purchases and her little brother said, Your going to sell that shirt for 50 cents? It cost $30 dollars!!! She just kept adding and told him to shut up!
Susie, your post reminded me of my ex-SIL, who is a sweetheart, about 15 years ago she went to a yard sale and found a really nice dress, new w/tags from a very nice store in her area. She only paid like a dollar or two for it. She was curious and she took it to the store to take it back to see how much it cost and try to find her something with it.
To her surprise her 1 dollar dress rang up $117.50! To her shock, they took it back!
Now *that* I couldn't do.
Seriously, check out Plato's Closet. It's a great place to dip your toe in to the wonderful world of thrift stores. If you're concerned about doing your part, it's actually much better to get that sweater you want at Plato's where they donate a portion of the sale, than at Nordstrom's where the sale simply lines the pockets of the already rich.
Admin, is it mostly for teens and 20-somethings? I didn't realize it, but I checked the locations and there is one in Lancaster.
I didn't realize this, but according to an internet Bible preaching group, God spoke to one of them and said that the world would end on October 7 and that something catastrophic would happen before midnight.
I was laughing, thinking that I hope Gladys gets that final tweet from Kate, or at least gets to meet her before Armageddon or Rapture or whatever it was.
The comments on the article are funny...
¨Does this mean I don't have to take out the trash tomorrow?¨
¨Oh, great, just when the Cubs are predicted to win the WS!¨
Admin, is it mostly for teens and 20-somethings? I didn't realize it, but I checked the locations and there is one in Lancaster.
Cool, check it out!
I think they pretty much market to teens and 20s but I've always thought they have styles for all ages.
My Goodwill actually had an article in the paper begging people to come in and buy. They said they had lots and lots of donations and not nearly enough buyers.
Although I can understand someone thinking that they can afford to buy sales, and don't want to deprive the needy of the opportunity to purchase at the thrift store, it doesn't seem that that's how the thrift stores look at it.
Our Goodwill was begging for more shoppers.
Good article about the ethics of the middle class and rich shopping at thrift stores.
The author suggests that it might even be somewhat prejudiced to sneer at goodwill, and that by shopping at Goodwill you help keep the enterprise alive and well. You are not taking away anything from anyone and in fact are helping things.
One of the comments on the article: "In my experience, the “poor” get vouchers to go in and get, say… 2 shirts, 2 pair of pants, a pair of shoes and so on… at least that is the way it used to work.
There is an endless supply of stuff coming into those stores and you aren’t taking anything from the poor. You are paying what the store considers to be the value of the used item and that money goes back into the organization just as you stated. As a matter of fact, I doubt the poor would have enough money to sink into the clothes, furniture and other items at the stores to keep them going. As far as I’m concerned, thrift store shopping is not only a frugal choice, but it’s also environmentally friendly because you are reducing your need for newly manufactured items and reusing someone else’s old stuff."
Is it frugal to return goods you haven't paid for, without a receipt, for cash? Or is that over the line, even if the store does it?
OK, gonna say it.
A friend of mine worked for 10 years at Value Village, where you donate clothes and buy gently used ones, proceeds go to families or people in need, bla bla blah.
NOT! turns out, next to nothing went to them, but higher ups won big-time. Oh, and the taxed on donated stuff, still do.
Now, Value Village has NO tax, employs people needing a new start ( be patient at the check-out) and has good prices!
Here's the catcher!
Both depend on consumers actually buying items there!
Go figure!
A used item store WANTING people to actually buy things there.
OK! Just came up from filling milk cartons with coloured water to grab some industrial straws, looks like we are going to need them!
and more Canadian goose have gone down south, they are so majestic!
Thanks for the update regarding any upcoming shows. I thought that January announcement was from last year. We'll know when it's promotion time because tabloid leaks will start up, LOL. If it's Thanksgiving as Kate tweeted, I expect the promos will start by the end of this month.
Since there have been no Kate sightings, I feel pretty confident the filming has been confined to the Konpound in this latest round. She must be in heaven with being in charge and having Steve by her side. It explains why there is no time for her tweeties.
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