McCaughey septuplets begin senior year of high school
Patriarch Kenny said the family purposely avoided reality T.V. all these years because privacy is the 'best way' to raise a family.
In a previous interview for their 16th birthday, Nathan told reporters he did not like doing the infrequent update specials the parents allowed: "I never liked it, all these cameras following you around everywhere," Nathan said.
OJ was also, I think, the last time people will be that gullible. We learned from that. We learned someone with such a special place in our hearts can betray us that badly.
Betrayal is exactly how one feels. Duped. Humiliated. And I can't even imagine the anguish their victims and their families have gone through.
Simpson and Cosby are both egomaniacs . Their celebrity status is so out of control they think they're bulletproof.
I hope last night's Dateline will hasten the end of Cosby's career. He is a pig.
Thanks to all who've wished Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving and to my fellow Canucks - Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be grateful for in this country.
I vividly remember when the verdict came in and the reactions also went along racial lines, with many gloating and high-fiving in victory.
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
What I remember was the sick look on the face of Robert Kardashian. They all knew.
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
Incidentally what I found interesting about what Kris Jenner said about her husband Robert Kardashian, one of OJ's lawyers, was that in later years Robert was so disgusted by it all he cut off contact with OJ. When Robert was on his death bed OJ tried to call him. Robert wouldn't take the call.
It's really a shame we lost Robert so soon. I think he could have kept his family a lot more grounded.
Incidentally what I found interesting about what Kris Jenner said about her husband Robert Kardashian, one of OJ's lawyers, was that in later years Robert was so disgusted by it all he cut off contact with OJ.
Did you see his face when the verdict was announced? He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that OJ got off. He just stood there with no expression, like he wasn't hearing it correctly. I mean, stone-faced!
It's one thing to be a public defender just doing your job. It's quite another to reactivate your dormant bar license to help somebody out. I think Robert quickly began to feel like he had made a huge mistake support him.
Robert was asked directly once about it and he pretty much admitted he thought he did it. He said he can't get past the blood evidence.
Robert had to tell OJ to please not kill himself in Robert's daughter's bedroom. She has to sleep there. This was Kim I assume.
Did you see his face when the verdict was announced? He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that OJ got off. He just stood there with no expression, like he wasn't hearing it correctly. I mean, stone-faced!
I remember it. It was the look of a man with four little kids who is realizing there's now going to be a murderer on the loose in his neighborhood.
Not meaning to change the subject but I just saw something funny that reminds me of a discussion here. I wish I could post the pic..but I'll post a link and hope it works.
Anyway, it's a pic of a marathon runner looking beat up and horribly exhausted w the caption "run a marathon they will be fun they said " lol. It just made me think of those pics of KG "finishing" her marathon and how smiley and not sweaty or tired looking she was ....,hah I wish there would've been proof of her on that scooter.
I was looking for a clothing bin near me since the one I always went to wasn't there anymore and I had a bunch of "Columbus Day cleaning" clothes to get rid of. I thought of our discussion the other day because on the web site, USagain, they talk about how they've saved over 600 million pieces of clothing from clogging up landfills.
Reusing clothing is an environmentally great decision. Whether it's donating your own clothes or buying someone else's.
I remember the moment the verdict was read. I was working in a really busy restaurant in Halifax, NS, and we had had the news feed on 24/7. The entire restaurant shushed and we turned on the volume.
You could have heard a pin drop ( everyone literally stopped and crowded around the screens). with the first juror decision, we all stood in shock and shook our heads.
We had just watched history. An obviously guilty murderer just got away with it in front of our eyes. Blind faith in the justice system was lost that day.
I also maintain the Karsdashians would never be who they are today, if not for the notoriety we all knew that last name. Way to fame-whore on the back of your bf's murder Kris.
I was in an Eighth Grade class when they made the announcement over the school P.A. system. The kids cheered. The teacher and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
The people who believe he didn't do it are very similar to the sheeple. Evidence right in front of their eyes and they find a way to twist it or ignore it or try to deflect.
I was in an Eighth Grade class when they made the announcement over the school P.A. system. The kids cheered. The teacher and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
PJ are we the same age? :)
I was in 8th, possibly 7th grade technology class which is a modern name for shop class. I remember most of my class was like, WHAT? YOU'RE KIDDING. Most of the teachers actually let their students watch it live on TV. That's how huge this was. Can you imagine? I think the only reason we didn't watch it in shop class was we didn't have a TV hooked up to cable. But everyone knew it was happening and we were waiting.
In hindsight, I can't believe kids this young were this aware and interested.
But we heard another class down the hall cheering.
That was sKate speak. I said I was in an eighth grade class, I never said I was a student. ;) I was a special ed assistant
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young. There might have been 1 or 2 black kids in the class, heck maybe in the whole school. It was because he was a "celebrity". I'd like to think that now that they're all grown up and educated, they'd admit that he was guilty. They sure as heck didn't understand DNA (neither did the jury, for that matter) and they only would see the highlights on tv at night.
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young.
Yes, not a clue who he was except we did know him from his Naked Gun days!
Seriously that's how we knew him.
So interesting your class cheered. My class booed! I would say most of us said even then he was guilty. I suspect it was our parents who suggested how we think about the situation. It was a mostly white school, Northeast. I remember coming home and watching the highlights from the court case every night. What a nerd I was. Oddly even then I didn't have any idea I'd be a lawyer someday.
I just can't get over how it captivated people my age as much as any adult. We just didn't understand it as much, but we were into it.
Learning about it all again as a mature adult I have a much deeper understanding of it all now. I still feel the same though.
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young. 19
Remember that after his football days OJ was in popular commercial (can't remember what for) where he was running through an airport. I think a lot of people learned who he was then.
Then he did commercials, all-American her, who also married an actress.
Then he faded from the screen until the murders.
IMO, every single person who watched the trials knows that high-end leather gloves shrink when getting wet. Cochrane's If the glove does not tif speech spoke to those that have never had r 100% leather.
I remember yelling at my screen for Marcie to re-enact...OMG
Actually, this STILL upsets me.
I never forgot his 2 kids, how horrible that must have been for them.
Anyway, it's a pic of a marathon runner looking beat up and horribly exhausted w the caption "run a marathon they will be fun they said " lol. It just made me think of those pics of KG "finishing" her marathon and how smiley and not sweaty or tired looking she was ....,hah I wish there would've been proof of her on that scooter.
We all knew that she did not run that marathon, at least not the entire way. I don't know if she thought we were all that stupid, but her gullible sheeple certainly hailed her as a dedicated runner who would in no way cheat. Yeah, right.
I think OJ was the first celebrity to endorse products, like , ummm...OJ
So he got known by people and kids who did not follow the Bills
Interesting is during this time in the 70's, they were friends with Kim and Robert K.
And met Bruce as well, as we all know ended up married to him.
My own conspiracy story from my tired mind....
Kris and Bruce are Married, Kris and Robert WERE , married, all have fun at parties.
Kris was BFF with Nicole, married to , OJ, who was represented by Robert, whom, after his untimely death, has his dd, whom he protected voraciously, get sold out by her own MOTHER, see Ray-J sex-tape. Kardashians on top, Robert turning in his grave...But...WAIT !!!
That was chapter ONE in the fame-whormongering that is the Khardasians
Robert K. did his job, he defended his client. Good for him, really. Also the rest of the Dream Team . Boo to the jurors who couldn't see past Johnnie C. and his theatrics. Johnnie was an embarrassment to our court system from my POV. He was the polar opposite to the ADA Clark who was often robotic. Theater won out in that case.
I just wish that when OJ was in the bronco in the slow chase that the police would of completely surrounded the truck and force it to stop. OJ was not going to kill himself, he is to VAIN! I think if that would have happened, the outcome could of been different. People would of seen him taken out of the vehicle and handcuffed and to me that makes him look more guilty that way than driving to his or a house. IMO
If they could of just found that duffle bag. I also read that the next day when OJ was at home, his daughter Sydney was little but she heard her dad on the phone saying that he got away with it. He was jumping up and down. And when the author of the book, IF I did it, said that he and OJ were driving through the neighborhood going through the steps and OJ slipped up several times describing what happened that would prove he was guilty.
RK looked sick when they said not guilty. Awful that RK died before the tape came out because he would of fought and got it suppressed.
Maybe we all could of been spared the Kartrashian Empire.
Not only did the gloves not fit due to being wet and leather shrinks, he also had on a pair of latex gloves. That would make it even tighter! When OJ was standing in front of the jury box with his hands up with that goofy gee whiz who me? look on his face and the latex gloves was just too much.
I also read that the next day when OJ was at home, his daughter Sydney was little but she heard her dad on the phone saying that he got away with it. He was jumping up and down.
Sydney was eight years old when the murders occurred, and a few years ago she was interviewed and said that she does not believe her father did it, that it was a case of a drug deal gone bad.
Of course, there is the theory that Jason did it because he had fits of rages, had been in a mental institution, collected knives and had tried to commit suicide several times in addiction to assaulting his employer with a knife.
Yet, he was not considered a suspect.
That said, I still think OJ did it. There is no statute of limitations on murder, so it would be interesting if someone opened up an investigation and found something that was missed. I think I watch too many television crime shows!
There is no statute of limitations on murder, so it would be interesting if someone opened up an investigation and found something that was missed.
Of course, as we know, any new info would only be for interest' s sake. No matter what they find, it's not going to land him in jail. Double jeopardy applies. He could show the police a video of himself as he killed Nichole and Goldman and nobody could do a thing to him.
The civil suit filed by the Goldman's - they won, but I wonder how much they will actually see. I say zip.
Of course, as we know, any new info would only be for interest' s sake. No matter what they find, it's not going to land him in jail. Double jeopardy applies.
Sorry, I was referring to evidence concerning new suspects, not OJ, specifically Jason. I know Double Jeopardy applies to OJ.
The civil suit filed by the Goldman's - they won, but I wonder how much they will actually see. I say zip.
If I remember correctly, Goldman seized furniture, sports memorabilia, his Heisman trophy and anything he could get his hands on to sell. So while he may not have gotten cash, I think he did get some things that were liquidated. Oh, and there was also something about rights to the book.
It was awful when OJ's verdict came out and everyone on the dream team were celebrating except RK.
The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
Adding my Happy Thanksgiving wishes to other Canadians here. It looks like it will be a beautiful fall day. We are heading to my DD's place. I've made my apple and pumpkin pies. I think this is my favourite holiday because it really is about family and giving thanks.
How many of you would fall on the provibial sword and just keep doing it, for your kid, regardless?
No matter what he has done?
franky, my kids know that I would encourage them to turn themselves in and face the consequences. I'm a law and order type of person and don't make excuses for my kids.
I always told my teens that if they had been drinking, didn't matter what time of the day or night, they were to call me and I'd pick them up, no questions asked. I also told them if they were ever arrested that I bring them a list of lawyers phone numbers and a quarter for the pay phone.(remember pay phones? LOL)
I know, I'm a hard ass, but I've raised 2 wonderful, responsible adults.
redbird said... 31 Not only did the gloves not fit due to being wet and leather shrinks, he also had on a pair of latex gloves. That would make it even tighter! ===============================
Several years after the trial Mike Gilbert, a compadre of OJ's, wrote a book that said that he told OJ not to take his arthritis meds in the days leading up to trying on the glove in court. This caused OJ's hands and fingers to swell to a degree that further impeded a proper fitting.
Oh, and the name of the book? " How I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret and Remorse".
Here's a link where you can also read how Gilbert maintains that one night, an intoxicated OJ confessed to him that he was in fact the killer.
The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
They were dancing on that baby's grave. ****** I remember that, redbird. How disgusting was that? Don't forget that fat, grey-haired jackass who was laughing as he flipped the bird at everyone. I don't know if I can remember anything so absolutely depraved as that.
Tucker's Mom said... 45 The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
They were dancing on that baby's grave. ****** I remember that, redbird. How disgusting was that? Don't forget that fat, grey-haired jackass who was laughing as he flipped the bird at everyone. I don't know if I can remember anything so absolutely depraved as that.
Yes, I remember how really shocked I was when Cheney Mason flipped that huge bird at the media outside the restaurant. And I think when Casey was just looking frumpy during the whole trial and then the day of the verdict she was glammed up and how much different she looked really took every one aback. Nancy Grace, Beth and Jean, the HLN women were really talking about it. I knew she was guilty from the get go but I made me think, wow, she really is guilty.
I found this link to an article from Feb. about how she has been enabled all of her life. Casey would of been great on the reality tv/soap opera circuit. I have posted many times about it. Instead of Cindy A. taking out all of that money out of her 401K and spending all of that money to get George A. out of a Nigerian money scam, she should of spent that on getting Casey an apartment, pre-pay the rent for a year, give her an allowance and tell her do what you want and I will take care of Caylee, you won't have to worry about taking care of her, I will. Have her sign over a medical decision form/temporary guardianship. Cindy could of hired a part-time babysitter and still worked a couple of days a week at her job. Casey would of eventually did herself in. And Caylee would of been alive.
Here's a link where you can also read how Gilbert maintains that one night, an intoxicated OJ confessed to him that he was in fact the killer.
Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for that link. There's only so much a person can read about a given subject and I had not heard this. I hope all of these stories and a whole lot more come out as his parole approaches.
I also have to take that information in the article with a huge grain of salt. How could the defense have know that the prosecution would compel him to try on the gloves in court? A lot of people say that was the fatal flaw of the prosecution.
I don't need any of that kind of accusations to convince me he's guilty. The DNA evidence did that. I actually learned about DNA back in high school, and being a crime junkie, I was probably ahead of the majority in understanding just what it meant. I found it fascinating.
Anything to get in the news. But why the International Business Times??
Is it because she is so rich and powerful?
I meant to comment the other day about her twitter. She has a quarter of a million followers and only 30 Happy Birthdays to M and C? Should of been much much more because they are her fans. But we know that 99 percent are paid bots. The money she has spent on bots all of these years would of paid for a nice website that she could of made money off of instead of the quick narcissistic high she gets off on twitter.
For all we know, Jon may have asked M and C if it was ok to post the older picture and they ok'd it. Or he could of did it on his own out of LOVE. When you look at the picture you can see the love, but not on TFW's pictures with the kids, even the early years.
TFW doesn't ever do anything out of love for her kids. Only Steve.
a band after me own heart..please listen..Nov. 11 is fast approaching, pleaser wear your poppy proudly. thank you
Wow. Michelle Duggar was a monster covering up for Josh, but even more of a monster now. She is really aiming this at Anna. There are rumors that Anna is considering divorcing Josh and Josh is begging her to stay. But Anna's parents are more stricter than the Duggars so the only hope is her siblings that left the family. Why would Anna take Josh back after you know he promised her that he would never molest anyone again that he was a changed man when they got together and then broke that promise with women and on the Ashley Madison accounts. And they were violent encounters!
Why Michelle should Anna lie down with a serial child molesting, incest molesting violent cheater? And have time with the children or his siblings, unsupervised? He's DONE!
handinhand, my day will belong to a book and YOU. I had never heard of the book by Mike Gilbert. I read the sample on Amazon and got hooked. I loaded the book on to my Kindle.
In the spirit of law and order, I have a confession to make.
I roasted my turkey yesterday, it's all carved and ready to be warmed up, as is the stuffing. After carving, I take the turkey skin and drape it over the meat. It keeps it moist when you reheat. I dug the fresh carrots in the garden yesterday and cleaned and slice them for today. I made the gravy this morning. I farmed out the cole slaw, mashed potatoes and dessert to other family members. I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May there be turkey sandwiches with lots of Mayo in your very near future.
Nice pictures on it. There is a picture of the tups all the girls and 2 boys. A and J are there but I think C is missing. There is also a nice picture of Colleen and Jon at the beach. His DJ'ing business is starting to skyrocket. You can tell by the pictures and he had pictures of his first wedding gig. Very nice and he was go grateful and thanked the couple for having him.
TFW would never thank anybody for anything. Ever. If she did it is not sincere!
I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
She has a quarter of a million followers and only 30 Happy Birthdays to M and C?
I think that was on their birthday. Belated wishes came yesterday, so I guess you have to count those!
¨The money she has spent on bots all of these years would of paid for a nice website that she could of made money off of instead of the quick narcissistic high she gets off on twitter.¨
I don't think BOTS are really expensive, are they? I thought you could buy in bulk, but I don't know much about Twitter. Never had it, never will. What is the going rate for paid followers?
Instead of Cindy A. taking out all of that money out of her 401K and spending all of that money to get George A. out of a Nigerian money scam, she should of spent that on getting Casey an apartment, pre-pay the rent for a year, give her an allowance and tell her do what you want and I will take care of Caylee, you won't have to worry about taking care of her, I will. Have her sign over a medical decision form/temporary guardianship. Cindy could of hired a part-time babysitter and still worked a couple of days a week at her job.
Redbird, those details are kind of fuzzy for me right now, but I do remember that Casey wanted to give the baby up for adoption when she was born. Cindy convinced her to keep her, and not long after that, Cindy wanted to adopt Caylee, but Casey wanted no part of it.
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
Gee,,, I dunno. 'Could be just a way to describe the lawyer when you can't remember his name. It was evident that Redbird wasn't giving it any significance. That being said, as the Pope showed us to do: : "Be strong, Just Wondering"
For some reason, Twitter wouldn't verify Jon's DJ account on twitter.
DJ Jon Gosselin @jgosselin10 · 54m54 minutes ago Thank you Twitter for finally verifying my account, it means a lot to me to finally get my voice back!
Blowing In The Wind said... 57 I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
Happy Day!
Bwahahaa! Thanks for the laugh Blowing! funny!
Poor P.J. having to answer the sheeple's questions about the turkey and the bread. You have a long day ahead of you. Will send rumspringa!
Great idea to put the skin on the meat to keep it moist.
I just saw this on Radar. Poor Anna. I have no words.... -----------------------------
That blog post by Michelle is not new. Don't know why the Duggar blog would repost it with a new date of October 8, 2015, when in actuality it was posted originally in June 2014, when Jill got married. So when it was originally written it had nothing to do with Anna.
TLC also posted it on their website, and the comments on that post go back to June 2014.
Even the comments on Michelle's blog post go back to March 2015. Does she just recycle things because she can't think of anything else to write about? Or is she hoping the media(like ROL did) will read it as being especially written about Anna, just to keep her and Jim Bob's names relevant?
Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
Fleecing (78): What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
You know that you set yourself up for that one? LOL!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 78 Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
I put it on my face and run around the house yelling, "Silence of the Lambs!"
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 79 Turkey dinner will be here in my home Thanksgiving Monday & family is doing all the work. The only benefit to having a broken ankle.
Are you sure it is not a broken leg? The ankle is attached to the leg, you know. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Guess I should have waited until tomorrow to get into the wine, because I'm not sure what you mean.....
Jolie (#85), if I may co-dependently butt in! I think that comment was a joke based on TFW claiming her foot was broken, when it was actually just her little toe.
How nice that your family is pampering you while you're recuperating! Hope you all have a lovely holiday. And a heartfelt happy Thanksgiving to all the other fine Canucks who post here!
1695 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1695 of 1695 Newer› Newest»To all of the Canadian Veranda folks, Happy Thanksgiving!
franky, so glad you picked the letter Noel? charity for Christmas.
Charities like that are also life changing for the kids.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 181
I wonder if he asks himself now if the sex was worth it.
I doubt it. It wasn't about sex, it was about power & control.
OJ was also, I think, the last time people will be that gullible. We learned from that. We learned someone with such a special place in our hearts can betray us that badly.
Betrayal is exactly how one feels. Duped. Humiliated. And I can't even imagine the anguish their victims and their families have gone through.
Simpson and Cosby are both egomaniacs . Their celebrity status is so out of control they think they're bulletproof.
I hope last night's Dateline will hasten the end of Cosby's career. He is a pig.
Thanks to all who've wished Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving and to my fellow Canucks - Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be grateful for in this country.
I doubt it. It wasn't about sex, it was about power & control.
And the sex was the cherry on the top.
I vividly remember when the verdict came in and the reactions also went along racial lines, with many gloating and high-fiving in victory.
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
Over In TFW's County said... 6
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
What I remember was the sick look on the face of Robert Kardashian. They all knew.
What I remember most when the verdict was handed down was Johnnie putting his head on OJ's back, knowing full well that his client was a butcher, but nonetheless being affectionate in celebrating the victory that OJ got away with murder.
Incidentally what I found interesting about what Kris Jenner said about her husband Robert Kardashian, one of OJ's lawyers, was that in later years Robert was so disgusted by it all he cut off contact with OJ. When Robert was on his death bed OJ tried to call him. Robert wouldn't take the call.
It's really a shame we lost Robert so soon. I think he could have kept his family a lot more grounded.
Incidentally what I found interesting about what Kris Jenner said about her husband Robert Kardashian, one of OJ's lawyers, was that in later years Robert was so disgusted by it all he cut off contact with OJ.
Did you see his face when the verdict was announced? He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that OJ got off. He just stood there with no expression, like he wasn't hearing it correctly. I mean, stone-faced!
It's one thing to be a public defender just doing your job. It's quite another to reactivate your dormant bar license to help somebody out. I think Robert quickly began to feel like he had made a huge mistake support him.
Robert was asked directly once about it and he pretty much admitted he thought he did it. He said he can't get past the blood evidence.
Robert had to tell OJ to please not kill himself in Robert's daughter's bedroom. She has to sleep there. This was Kim I assume.
Did you see his face when the verdict was announced? He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that OJ got off. He just stood there with no expression, like he wasn't hearing it correctly. I mean, stone-faced!
I remember it. It was the look of a man with four little kids who is realizing there's now going to be a murderer on the loose in his neighborhood.
Not meaning to change the subject but I just saw something funny that reminds me of a discussion here. I wish I could post the pic..but I'll post a link and hope it works.
Anyway, it's a pic of a marathon runner looking beat up and horribly exhausted w the caption "run a marathon they will be fun they said " lol.
It just made me think of those pics of KG "finishing" her marathon and how smiley and not sweaty or tired looking she was ....,hah I wish there would've been proof of her on that scooter.
Lol Jill I love that kind of stuff.
I was looking for a clothing bin near me since the one I always went to wasn't there anymore and I had a bunch of "Columbus Day cleaning" clothes to get rid of. I thought of our discussion the other day because on the web site, USagain, they talk about how they've saved over 600 million pieces of clothing from clogging up landfills.
Reusing clothing is an environmentally great decision. Whether it's donating your own clothes or buying someone else's.
We had about 40,000 lbs of tree removed today. Thank the Lord no one was hurt ;-)
Funny Jill, LOL
Thanks Redbird
I remember the moment the verdict was read. I was working in a really busy restaurant in Halifax, NS, and we had had the news feed on 24/7. The entire restaurant shushed and we turned on the volume.
You could have heard a pin drop ( everyone literally stopped and crowded around the screens). with the first juror decision, we all stood in shock and shook our heads.
We had just watched history. An obviously guilty murderer just got away with it in front of our eyes. Blind faith in the justice system was lost that day.
I also maintain the Karsdashians would never be who they are today, if not for the notoriety we all knew that last name. Way to fame-whore on the back of your bf's murder Kris.
Just my personal opinion, of course
I was in an Eighth Grade class when they made the announcement over the school P.A. system. The kids cheered. The teacher and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
The people who believe he didn't do it are very similar to the sheeple. Evidence right in front of their eyes and they find a way to twist it or ignore it or try to deflect.
I was in an Eighth Grade class when they made the announcement over the school P.A. system. The kids cheered. The teacher and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
PJ are we the same age? :)
I was in 8th, possibly 7th grade technology class which is a modern name for shop class. I remember most of my class was like, WHAT? YOU'RE KIDDING. Most of the teachers actually let their students watch it live on TV. That's how huge this was. Can you imagine? I think the only reason we didn't watch it in shop class was we didn't have a TV hooked up to cable. But everyone knew it was happening and we were waiting.
In hindsight, I can't believe kids this young were this aware and interested.
But we heard another class down the hall cheering.
Tucker's mom...
Glad everyone is ok
Admin said...
PJ are we the same age? :)
That was sKate speak. I said I was in an eighth grade class, I never said I was a student. ;) I was a special ed assistant
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young. There might have been 1 or 2 black kids in the class, heck maybe in the whole school. It was because he was a "celebrity". I'd like to think that now that they're all grown up and educated, they'd admit that he was guilty. They sure as heck didn't understand DNA (neither did the jury, for that matter) and they only would see the highlights on tv at night.
That was sKate speak. I said I was in an eighth grade class, I never said I was a student. ;) I was a special ed assistant
Lol oh goodness. I thought you were the one eight grader who got it. Gifted!
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young.
Yes, not a clue who he was except we did know him from his Naked Gun days!
Seriously that's how we knew him.
So interesting your class cheered. My class booed! I would say most of us said even then he was guilty. I suspect it was our parents who suggested how we think about the situation. It was a mostly white school, Northeast. I remember coming home and watching the highlights from the court case every night. What a nerd I was. Oddly even then I didn't have any idea I'd be a lawyer someday.
I just can't get over how it captivated people my age as much as any adult. We just didn't understand it as much, but we were into it.
Learning about it all again as a mature adult I have a much deeper understanding of it all now. I still feel the same though.
Yes, in Canada, eight graders were very interested. It was weird because they didn't even know O.J. from his football days, they were too young. 19
Remember that after his football days OJ was in popular commercial (can't remember what for) where he was running through an airport. I think a lot of people learned who he was then.
Admin said...
Yes, not a clue who he was except we did know him from his Naked Gun days!
It's possible that's where the kids knew him from too. I'm not much of a movie buff, so I likely hadn't seen it.
Me, gifted? Not so much. LOL
My generation knew him from Football, the JUICE!
Then he did commercials, all-American her, who also married an actress.
Then he faded from the screen until the murders.
IMO, every single person who watched the trials knows that high-end leather gloves shrink when getting wet. Cochrane's If the glove does not tif speech spoke to those that have never had r 100% leather.
I remember yelling at my screen for Marcie to re-enact...OMG
Actually, this STILL upsets me.
I never forgot his 2 kids, how horrible that must have been for them.
Anyway, it's a pic of a marathon runner looking beat up and horribly exhausted w the caption "run a marathon they will be fun they said " lol.
It just made me think of those pics of KG "finishing" her marathon and how smiley and not sweaty or tired looking she was ....,hah I wish there would've been proof of her on that scooter.
We all knew that she did not run that marathon, at least not the entire way. I don't know if she thought we were all that stupid, but her gullible sheeple certainly hailed her as a dedicated runner who would in no way cheat. Yeah, right.
I think OJ was the first celebrity to endorse products, like , ummm...OJ
So he got known by people and kids who did not follow the Bills
Interesting is during this time in the 70's, they were friends with Kim and Robert K.
And met Bruce as well, as we all know ended up married to him.
My own conspiracy story from my tired mind....
Kris and Bruce are Married, Kris and Robert WERE , married, all have fun at parties.
Kris was BFF with Nicole, married to , OJ, who was represented by Robert, whom, after his untimely death, has his dd, whom he protected voraciously, get sold out by her own MOTHER, see Ray-J sex-tape. Kardashians on top, Robert turning in his grave...But...WAIT !!!
That was chapter ONE in the fame-whormongering that is the Khardasians
Robert K. did his job, he defended his client. Good for him, really. Also the rest of the Dream Team . Boo to the jurors who couldn't see past Johnnie C. and his theatrics. Johnnie was an embarrassment to our court system from my POV. He was the polar opposite to the ADA Clark
who was often robotic. Theater won out in that case.
Completely speaking for myself,
THEN oj verdict was the beginning of the end of ME trusting the americsn juficial system
I just wish that when OJ was in the bronco in the slow chase that the police would of completely surrounded the truck and force it to stop. OJ was not going to kill himself, he is to VAIN! I think if that would have happened, the outcome could of been different. People would of seen him taken out of the vehicle and handcuffed and to me that makes him look more guilty that way than driving to his or a house. IMO
If they could of just found that duffle bag. I also read that the next day when OJ was at home, his daughter Sydney was little but she heard her dad on the phone saying that he got away with it. He was jumping up and down. And when the author of the book, IF I did it, said that he and OJ were driving through the neighborhood going through the steps and OJ slipped up several times describing what happened that would prove he was guilty.
RK looked sick when they said not guilty. Awful that RK died before the tape came out because he would of fought and got it suppressed.
Maybe we all could of been spared the Kartrashian Empire.
Not only did the gloves not fit due to being wet and leather shrinks, he also had on a pair of latex gloves. That would make it even tighter! When OJ was standing in front of the jury box with his hands up with that goofy gee whiz who me? look on his face and the latex gloves was just too much.
I also read that the next day when OJ was at home, his daughter Sydney was little but she heard her dad on the phone saying that he got away with it. He was jumping up and down.
Sydney was eight years old when the murders occurred, and a few years ago she was interviewed and said that she does not believe her father did it, that it was a case of a drug deal gone bad.
Of course, there is the theory that Jason did it because he had fits of rages, had been in a mental institution, collected knives and had tried to commit suicide several times in addiction to assaulting his employer with a knife.
Yet, he was not considered a suspect.
That said, I still think OJ did it. There is no statute of limitations on murder, so it would be interesting if someone opened up an investigation and found something that was missed. I think I watch too many television crime shows!
OMG. dec 8, the day Lennon died. My french school announced it, I was the only one who re-acted
btw admin, her class did not cheer (PJ) , one down the hallway did
The reason, IMO, was that we watched to see our justice system, ( Yours, but ANY) actually find the guilty, well, guilty.
When it did not, it paved the way for a whatknot...aka... Kardashians,Beibers , Perez, etc...
There is no statute of limitations on murder, so it would be interesting if someone opened up an investigation and found something that was missed.
Of course, as we know, any new info would only be for interest' s sake.
No matter what they find, it's not going to land him in jail. Double jeopardy applies. He could show the police a video of himself as he killed Nichole and Goldman and nobody could do a thing to him.
The civil suit filed by the Goldman's - they won, but I wonder how much they will actually see. I say zip.
Of course, as we know, any new info would only be for interest' s sake.
No matter what they find, it's not going to land him in jail. Double jeopardy applies.
Sorry, I was referring to evidence concerning new suspects, not OJ, specifically Jason. I know Double Jeopardy applies to OJ.
Good movie, by the way. ¨Double Jeopardy¨ 1999.
The civil suit filed by the Goldman's - they won, but I wonder how much they will actually see. I say zip.
If I remember correctly, Goldman seized furniture, sports memorabilia, his Heisman trophy and anything he could get his hands on to sell. So while he may not have gotten cash, I think he did get some things that were liquidated. Oh, and there was also something about rights to the book.
My bad, redbird...
That slow drive OJ did to golf-country remand, Itched me boat...
OMG, just thinking about it, I scratch my jaw...Ahhh , Lordy
Breathe, just breathe...
only thing to do is breathe
I need a LIKE emoticon on aisle 28 ...STAT!
Thanks, Sleepless. :)
fidos..yup, y no me chingas
Movie... Double jeopardy, 1999...Ashely Judd starred...1 of my faves
Sheepless..Jason was also on my radar,
Actual question...
How many of you would fall on the provibial sword and just keep doing it, for your kid, regardless?
No matter what he has done?
It was awful when OJ's verdict came out and everyone on the dream team were celebrating except RK.
The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
They were dancing on that baby's grave.
Adding my Happy Thanksgiving wishes to other Canadians here. It looks like it will be a beautiful fall day. We are heading to my DD's place. I've made my apple and pumpkin pies. I think this is my favourite holiday because it really is about family and giving thanks.
franky said... 40
Actual question...
How many of you would fall on the provibial sword and just keep doing it, for your kid, regardless?
No matter what he has done?
franky, my kids know that I would encourage them to turn themselves in and face the consequences. I'm a law and order type of person and don't make excuses for my kids.
I always told my teens that if they had been drinking, didn't matter what time of the day or night, they were to call me and I'd pick them up, no questions asked. I also told them if they were ever arrested that I bring them a list of lawyers phone numbers and a quarter for the pay phone.(remember pay phones? LOL)
I know, I'm a hard ass, but I've raised 2 wonderful, responsible adults.
redbird said... 31
Not only did the gloves not fit due to being wet and leather shrinks, he also had on a pair of latex gloves. That would make it even tighter!
Several years after the trial Mike Gilbert, a compadre of OJ's, wrote a book that said that he told OJ not to take his arthritis meds in the days leading up to trying on the glove in court. This caused OJ's hands and fingers to swell to a degree that further impeded a proper fitting.
Oh, and the name of the book? " How I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret and Remorse".
Here's a link where you can also read how Gilbert maintains that one night, an intoxicated OJ confessed to him that he was in fact the killer.
The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
They were dancing on that baby's grave.
I remember that, redbird. How disgusting was that? Don't forget that fat, grey-haired jackass who was laughing as he flipped the bird at everyone.
I don't know if I can remember anything so absolutely depraved as that.
Tucker's Mom said... 45
The celebration of Casey Anthony's dream team in a restaurant across the street from the courthouse is one for the books. Knowing that Casey killed Caylee and the jury found her innocent the team was celebrating with champagne bottles, shaking them and popping the corks and drinking.
They were dancing on that baby's grave.
I remember that, redbird. How disgusting was that? Don't forget that fat, grey-haired jackass who was laughing as he flipped the bird at everyone.
I don't know if I can remember anything so absolutely depraved as that.
Yes, I remember how really shocked I was when Cheney Mason flipped that huge bird at the media outside the restaurant. And I think when Casey was just looking frumpy during the whole trial and then the day of the verdict she was glammed up and how much different she looked really took every one aback. Nancy Grace, Beth and Jean, the HLN women were really talking about it. I knew she was guilty from the get go but I made me think, wow, she really is guilty.
I found this link to an article from Feb. about how she has been enabled all of her life. Casey would of been great on the reality tv/soap opera circuit. I have posted many times about it. Instead of Cindy A. taking out all of that money out of her 401K and spending all of that money to get George A. out of a Nigerian money scam, she should of spent that on getting Casey an apartment, pre-pay the rent for a year, give her an allowance and tell her do what you want and I will take care of Caylee, you won't have to worry about taking care of her, I will. Have her sign over a medical decision form/temporary guardianship. Cindy could of hired a part-time babysitter and still worked a couple of days a week at her job. Casey would of eventually did herself in. And Caylee would of been alive.
handinhand said... 44
Here's a link where you can also read how Gilbert maintains that one night, an intoxicated OJ confessed to him that he was in fact the killer.
Wow. I had no idea. Thanks for that link. There's only so much a person can read about a given subject and I had not heard this. I hope all of these stories and a whole lot more come out as his parole approaches.
I also have to take that information in the article with a huge grain of salt. How could the defense have know that the prosecution would compel him to try on the gloves in court? A lot of people say that was the fatal flaw of the prosecution.
I don't need any of that kind of accusations to convince me he's guilty. The DNA evidence did that. I actually learned about DNA back in high school, and being a crime junkie, I was probably ahead of the majority in understanding just what it meant. I found it fascinating.
Admin, you were right. I am gifted. LOL
I know I love ya!
and thank you =
Anything to get in the news. But why the International Business Times??
Is it because she is so rich and powerful?
I meant to comment the other day about her twitter. She has a quarter of a million followers and only 30 Happy Birthdays to M and C? Should of been much much more because they are her fans. But we know that 99 percent are paid bots. The money she has spent on bots all of these years would of paid for a nice website that she could of made money off of instead of the quick narcissistic high she gets off on twitter.
For all we know, Jon may have asked M and C if it was ok to post the older picture and they ok'd it. Or he could of did it on his own out of LOVE. When you look at the picture you can see the love, but not on TFW's pictures with the kids, even the early years.
TFW doesn't ever do anything out of love for her kids. Only Steve.
Troggs vs the Trews..
a band after me own heart..please listen..Nov. 11 is fast approaching, pleaser wear your poppy proudly. thank you
This song was for Nic Goddard
Wow. Michelle Duggar was a monster covering up for Josh, but even more of a monster now. She is really aiming this at Anna. There are rumors that Anna is considering divorcing Josh and Josh is begging her to stay. But Anna's parents are more stricter than the Duggars so the only hope is her siblings that left the family. Why would Anna take Josh back after you know he promised her that he would never molest anyone again that he was a changed man when they got together and then broke that promise with women and on the Ashley Madison accounts. And they were violent encounters!
Why Michelle should Anna lie down with a serial child molesting, incest molesting violent cheater? And have time with the children or his siblings, unsupervised? He's DONE!
Josh, your DONE! Bye, Felicia!
handinhand, my day will belong to a book and YOU. I had never heard of the book by Mike Gilbert. I read the sample on Amazon and got hooked. I loaded the book on to my Kindle.
Forget my duties for the day!
Thank you so much.
In the spirit of law and order, I have a confession to make.
I roasted my turkey yesterday, it's all carved and ready to be warmed up, as is the stuffing. After carving, I take the turkey skin and drape it over the meat. It keeps it moist when you reheat. I dug the fresh carrots in the garden yesterday and cleaned and slice them for today. I made the gravy this morning. I farmed out the cole slaw, mashed potatoes and dessert to other family members. I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May there be turkey sandwiches with lots of Mayo in your very near future.
Haha! 15! Sorry, I didn't mean all of you here at 15 Minutes but you'd be welcome if you came by.
Is it too early for wine? Nah... Cheers!
Check out Jon's DJ Instagram.
Nice pictures on it. There is a picture of the tups all the girls and 2 boys. A and J are there but I think C is missing. There is also a nice picture of Colleen and Jon at the beach. His DJ'ing business is starting to skyrocket. You can tell by the pictures and he had pictures of his first wedding gig. Very nice and he was go grateful and thanked the couple for having him.
TFW would never thank anybody for anything. Ever. If she did it is not sincere!
I just saw this on Radar. Poor Anna. I have no words....
remember that, redbird. How disgusting was that? Don't forget that fat, grey-haired jackass who was laughing as he flipped the bird at everyone.
If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
Happy Day!
She has a quarter of a million followers and only 30 Happy Birthdays to M and C?
I think that was on their birthday. Belated wishes came yesterday, so I guess you have to count those!
¨The money she has spent on bots all of these years would of paid for a nice website that she could of made money off of instead of the quick narcissistic high she gets off on twitter.¨
I don't think BOTS are really expensive, are they? I thought you could buy in bulk, but I don't know much about Twitter. Never had it, never will. What is the going rate for paid followers?
Instead of Cindy A. taking out all of that money out of her 401K and spending all of that money to get George A. out of a Nigerian money scam, she should of spent that on getting Casey an apartment, pre-pay the rent for a year, give her an allowance and tell her do what you want and I will take care of Caylee, you won't have to worry about taking care of her, I will. Have her sign over a medical decision form/temporary guardianship. Cindy could of hired a part-time babysitter and still worked a couple of days a week at her job.
Redbird, those details are kind of fuzzy for me right now, but I do remember that Casey wanted to give the baby up for adoption when she was born. Cindy convinced her to keep her, and not long after that, Cindy wanted to adopt Caylee, but Casey wanted no part of it.
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canadians, we have much to be thankful for!
Turkey dinner will be here in my home Thanksgiving Monday & family is doing all the work. The only benefit to having a broken ankle.
My only duty is to drink wine & appreciate how much I have to be thankful for!
Blowing in the Wind said...
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
Just Wondering said...
If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
It's an identifier. It clarified for me that it wasn't the skinny grey-haired jackass. Or the short grey-haired jackass, or the... You get my drift.
Thanks for the link to Jon's instagram account, Redbird.
Loved the pictures with the Kate Coke bottle and the Ed Hardy logo thingy. Proves Jon can laugh at himself. His ex-wife, not so much.
If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
Gee,,, I dunno. 'Could be just a way to describe the lawyer when you can't remember his name. It was evident that Redbird wasn't giving it any significance. That being said, as the Pope showed us to do: : "Be strong, Just Wondering"
For some reason, Twitter wouldn't verify Jon's DJ account on twitter.
DJ Jon Gosselin @jgosselin10 · 54m54 minutes ago
Thank you Twitter for finally verifying my account, it means a lot to me to finally get my voice back!
woo hoo!
Blowing In The Wind said... 57
I've got bread dough in the breadmaker that I'll bake in the oven. I'm having 15 for dinner. Does this make me a terrible mom or a masterminder. You be the judge.
It depends on the bread. If the bread maker slices the bread as it bakes, then yes, it makes you a bad mother. If you have to slice it yourself with your own two hands, then you are an awesome mom.
Happy Day!
Bwahahaa! Thanks for the laugh Blowing! funny!
Poor P.J. having to answer the sheeple's questions about the turkey and the bread. You have a long day ahead of you. Will send rumspringa!
Great idea to put the skin on the meat to keep it moist.
localyocul said... 55
I just saw this on Radar. Poor Anna. I have no words....
That blog post by Michelle is not new. Don't know why the Duggar blog would repost it with a new date of October 8, 2015, when in actuality it was posted originally in June 2014, when Jill got married. So when it was originally written it had nothing to do with Anna.
TLC also posted it on their website, and the comments on that post go back to June 2014.
Even the comments on Michelle's blog post go back to March 2015. Does she just recycle things because she can't think of anything else to write about? Or is she hoping the media(like ROL did) will read it as being especially written about Anna, just to keep her and Jim Bob's names relevant?
You're welcome Susan1956.
I think Jon is doing the best he can and his business is starting to skyrocket!
Hey, it was Tucker's that called Mason a fat you know, not me.
But, i totally agree with her because that bird he flipped was HUGE!
If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
The bigger he is, the larger and fatter his fingers, thus the more bird to flip and you couldn't help but see it?
Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
Turkey dinner will be here in my home Thanksgiving Monday & family is doing all the work. The only benefit to having a broken ankle.
Are you sure it is not a broken leg? The ankle is attached to the leg, you know.
Sorry, I was referring to evidence concerning new suspects, not OJ, specifically Jason. I know Double Jeopardy applies to OJ.
It occurred to me they could have just tried him for one victim at a time, in case anything came up later they wanted to use.
Well in any case he ended up in jail eventually anyway. I like how the Goldmans are like, yeah we just laughed when we heard that. What a fool.
Wondering (63): If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?
What is the relevance of your question? To stir the pot? Just wondering! It was a descriptive adjective -- no more, no less.
Fleecing (78):
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
You know that you set yourself up for that one? LOL!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 78
Dang, I knew I was setting myself up with that comment. LOL! I use the bread machine to do the heavy work and I finish in the oven. I think my self-cleaning oven slices it too, if my French Yoghurt Maker is busy.
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
P.J., see what I mean! LOL
Fleecing The Sheeple said...
What do you do with the skin after it has kept the turkey moistened? Does the dog eat it, or does it go into the freezer to be recycled? If it is recycled, do you use it again next year on the turkey, or do you use it as a stock base? If so, do you defrost it before it is made into soup, or is it put into the soup frozen? How well does it freeze, and do you use baggies or plastic containers?
I put it on my face and run around the house yelling, "Silence of the Lambs!"
Just Wondering said... 63
¨If he had been thin, would you have been okay with him flipping people off? What is the relevance of his size?¨
Perhaps you should continue to just wonder. Wondering never really hurt anyone, and it might actually be good for the soul. Keeps you on your toes! ;)
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 79
Turkey dinner will be here in my home Thanksgiving Monday & family is doing all the work. The only benefit to having a broken ankle.
Are you sure it is not a broken leg? The ankle is attached to the leg, you know.
Guess I should have waited until tomorrow to get into the wine, because I'm not sure what you mean.....
Guess I should have waited until tomorrow to get into the wine, because I'm not sure what you mean.....
I think that she was referring to Kate's toe that Kate claimed was a broken foot because the toe is attached to the foot.
Jolie (#85), if I may co-dependently butt in! I think that comment was
a joke based on TFW claiming her foot was broken, when it was
actually just her little toe.
How nice that your family is pampering you while you're
recuperating! Hope you all have a lovely holiday. And
a heartfelt happy Thanksgiving to all the other fine
Canucks who post here!
I put it on my face and run around the house yelling, "Silence of the Lambs!"
Or in that case, ¨Silence of the Turkeys!¨ Doesn't someone haul you around strapped onto a hand truck?
I knew I should have held off the wine until tomorrow. Thank you Flimsy & Midnight - of course that's it! :<)
Midnight Madness said... 88
I put it on my face and run around the house yelling, "Silence of the Lambs!"
Or in that case, ¨Silence of the Turkeys!¨ Doesn't someone haul you around strapped onto a hand truck?
No, but I did recite, "It rubs the butter on the skin or else it gets the Pope's Nose again."
It might make an interesting lampshade a la Ed Gein.
I knew I should have held off the wine until tomorrow. Thank you Flimsy & Midnight - of course that's it! :<)
No worries. We all get brain freezes due to excessive partaking of the fruit of the vine!
Does the vino help with the ankle pain? :)
It might make an interesting lampshade a la Ed Gein.
Ewwwwwww! You would have to make sure it is heat resistant, though, or you could end up with a char-broiled lampshade!
Thanks, guys. I was planning on making pig's stomach this week (PA Dutch hog maw), but now I am having second thoughts.
PA Dutch Mom said... 93
Thanks, guys. I was planning on making pig's stomach this week (PA Dutch hog maw), but now I am having second thoughts.
Ugh! Just when I thought there was nothing worse than haggis. Susquehanna Turkey? SMH. LOL (secretly, I'm thinking it sounds delish)
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