Friday, September 18, 2015

McCaughey septuplets begin senior year of high school

Patriarch Kenny said the family purposely avoided reality T.V. all these years because privacy is the 'best way' to raise a family. 

In a previous interview for their 16th birthday, Nathan told reporters he did not like doing the infrequent update specials the parents allowed: "I never liked it, all these cameras following you around everywhere," Nathan said.

1695 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1695   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

When I saw that picture of Jon making the "V" sign with his fingers, my first thought was that it was an old picture, and it was made on his face book as an answer to someone in regards to his success in his new DJ career?


I use that emoji to mean "pretty please" or " thank God." Or just grateful.

From the get go that seemed an odd response to Kate's news. Why would he respond with gratitude? Even an "lol" would make more sense. ~ Administrator said... 2

I'm with Sue on publishing obscure bigot stories.

I think at this point the media needs to ignore the few zealots who seeks to discriminate against good loving couples who are now together legally. If it gets to the point where the law is violated it will have to go to court, but otherwise it almost seems better not to give them any attention. Much like you wouldn't do a news story on some neo-Nazi ranting and raving in front of his home.

The Kim Davis story faded as quickly as it began, and it should go away. In a way, the media giving it all this attention gives the impression this is an actual movement with traction, and I truly do not believe that to be the case.

Sue_Buddy said... 3

I think at this point the media needs to ignore the few zealots who seeks to discriminate against good loving couples who are now together legally. If it gets to the point where the law is violated it will have to go to court, but otherwise it almost seems better not to give them any attention. Much like you wouldn't do a news story on some neo-Nazi ranting and raving in front of his home.

I haven't thoroughly searched Raw Story, but if they're a left wing publication trying to paint conservatives as wacky fundamentalists, they're wasting their keystrokes because these religious extremists in no way represent voting conservatives, just like Huckabee does not no matter how hard some might try to say otherwise.

P.J. said... 4

I have so many things to say about that video. First of all, I'd like to smack the interviewer upside the head. Saying things like, "Growing up in front of our eyes and our cameras".

No. They. Didn't.

"They had us wrapped around their little fingers"? Again, no they didn't. They were a news story for a little while and then they put their foot down and booted the cameras out. Occasional updates, but that's it. No series, no specials, no trips, no bodyguards, no fakery, no grifting, no twitter. Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah, no lies.

See, it is possible to raise a lot of kids without a tv show.

Suck it, sKate.

Sue_Buddy said... 5

From the get go that seemed an odd response to Kate's news. Why would he respond with gratitude? Even an "lol" would make more sense.

I agree. The "response" from Jon didn't really fit the situation at all. That seemed obvious to me from the get go.

Upstater said... 6

Well, that made me cry. A mom who's all about her kids and not about herself. True love for her kids. So refreshing from a family with multiples.....

Dmasy said... 7

They seem to be a lovely, unpretentious family.

Kate will never get it. Never.

P.J. said... 8

Speaking of the fake Jon account, why are their articles about this but sKate goes on national tv and trashes him and nobody says a word.

She get's fake-dumped and a fake-account makes the story about Jon. I've never seen anything like it.

FYI said... 9

For those of you following the "Baby Doe" case in Massachusetts, the police have identified who she is and reportedly arrested someone. There are not too many details yet, but I'm sure there will be more to come.

Sue_Buddy said... 10

Taj Mahal tourist dies 'after selfie'


I've read there have bee several deaths lately after people have taken a selfie. A couple of guys pulled the plug on a hand grenade, took a selfie then blew up. Only their phone survived. Perhaps in this great technological and egotistical all-about-me age, there should be a Darwin Selfie Award.

localyocul said... 11

Kate is a twit said... 9
For those of you following the "Baby Doe" case in Massachusetts, the police have identified who she is and reportedly arrested someone. There are not too many details yet, but I'm sure there will be more to come.


Oh thank goodness. Poor baby. I'm sure parent(s) were involved. So glad she has a name.

MikeB said... 12

I'm convinced the basic premise of the article is true. I do think TLC had plans for a storyline teasing that Jeff would be a potential replacement dad. The setup was just too good with Kate and Jeff being seen alone together late at night at a restaurant and later at a casino. Kate selects her words very carefully. She only addressed the relationship issue, she didn't say a word about Jeff backing out of filming. It doesn't matter if they really were in a relationship, as far as Kate and TLC are concerned it was the tease of a new man in her kids' lives that would generate potential viewers.

AuntieAnn said... 13

Bobbi must have something wrong with her. She didn't complain even once about being exhausted.

What a lovely family.

From the previous thread:

It's Not a Competition said... 111 (September 16, 2015 at 10:02 AM)

And yet, you don't "know" the septuplet's mother at all since they've chosen to stay out of the limelight, but have determined that she's a better parent based on one interview.


Tucker's Mom said... 14

The Kim Davis story faded as quickly as it began, and it should go away. In a way, the media giving it all this attention gives the impression this is an actual movement with traction, and I truly do not believe that to be the case.
To me, it's reminiscent of that crazy fundy in Florida who threatened to burn the Quran. He's a nut, but the media frenzy gave him so much attention that POTUS intervened and gave him a Rose Garden summit.
It was absurd.

Jamesvader1194 said... 15

Glad the Mccaughey can raise their kids without reality tv but i have a question,i have not been following octomom,so correct me if im wrong but isn't she raising more kids then kate and actually works without reality tv and is surviving?Im not saying im a fan of hers but if its true then this refutes Kate and her sheep with their whole idea of "the only way for a mom mutiple to survive is to go on tv."Again i could be wrong about it.

Jamesvader1194 said... 16

Im going to have to defend both Jon and Kate on this and say maybe it is tabloids looking for a story.Didn't this story break out when paps saw Jeff with another female?My guess when they saw him with his new girlfriend they assumed Kate and Jeff were dating and broke up.As far as the Jon facebook,hes said that its not his and i feel hes not lying about it cause anyone can make a fake celebrity account.So in both parents defense i think its just paps making a story,but thats just me.

P.J. said... 17

Jamesvader1194 said... 15
Glad the Mccaughey can raise their kids without reality tv but i have a question,i have not been following octomom,so correct me if im wrong but isn't she raising more kids then kate and actually works without reality tv and is surviving?Im not saying im a fan of hers but if its true then this refutes Kate and her sheep with their whole idea of "the only way for a mom mutiple to survive is to go on tv."Again i could be wrong about it.


Nope, you're not wrong. Nadia has 14 kids. She's a hot mess but she's not on tv. Quite frankly, IMO it's healthier for kids to be living on welfare than having their childhood sold to the highest bidder. Kids are not zoo animals. Heck, zoo animals shouldn't be zoo animals.

Tucker's Mom said... 18

P.J. said... 4
I have so many things to say about that video. First of all, I'd like to smack the interviewer upside the head. Saying things like, "Growing up in front of our eyes and our cameras".

No. They. Didn't.

"They had us wrapped around their little fingers"? Again, no they didn't. They were a news story for a little while and then they put their foot down and booted the cameras out. Occasional updates, but that's it.
Anne Curry should have done that interview, because she was the Today Show anchor that followed them closely after their births and did occasional updates.
Curry loved those kids.

Sad but true said... 19

MikeB said... 12
I'm convinced the basic premise of the article is true. I do think TLC had plans for a storyline teasing that Jeff would be a potential replacement dad. . . .

I am certain you are 100% correct on this. Once again reality TV belies its name with the report of "months of preparation." If Jeff had any contract at all, it must not have been enforceable. He doesn't need the money, apparently, so that allowed him to liberate himself as needed. Maybe he only had an NDA. One wonders how much the kids were advance-prepped for the appearance of a (fake) suitor for Mommy. Talk about confusing, especially with the purse handler still very much in evidence.

Kylie said... 20

Humility. That is the one word I would use to describe these parents. Love, another word to describe them. You can see it in each one of those kids that they love each other and consider each other their friends. Inspiring. Another word to describe how you can have an unusual, life changing event such as a multiple birth and yet remain a tight family unit without letting the world encroach and destroy you. Such a dramatic difference between this family and Kate. They love their children and want the best for them. Kate only wants what her kids can give her.

Sue_Buddy said... 21

Kylie said... 16

Good comment.

Kate and humility go together like Trump and humble.

P.J. said... 22

Jamesvader1194 said... 16
Im going to have to defend both Jon and Kate on this and say maybe it is tabloids looking for a story.Didn't this story break out when paps saw Jeff with another female?My guess when they saw him with his new girlfriend they assumed Kate and Jeff were dating and broke up.


I disagree. Who is this guy? It's not like he's Brad Pitt or a famous athlete. He's a nobody. I'm sure most of us wouldn't recognize him if we tripped over him. The story was planted/sold or something. Heck, maybe TLC dropped a dime to the paps because they want to use this to promote the new shows.

Another thought: Maybe Rat Claws Part Deux balked at the NDA. Maybe it was shoved in his face at the last minute, right before the cameras were about to roll.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

I agree. The "response" from Jon didn't really fit the situation at all. That seemed obvious to me from the get go.
Me too, and I never found the source for the "ha ha ha" report. I brought it over here because it was blowing up Kate's timeline.

White Organza said... 24

"i have not been following octomom,so correct me if im wrong but isn't she raising more kids then kate and actually works without reality tv and is surviving?"

Yes... Sort of. From what I read on the Web, she's "working" in the field of coming up with up ways to cheat Welfare.

Caroline said... 25

I teared up listening to the mom! I have never seen Kate tear up when talking about her kids ( but she does dab her eyes like a pro--maybe she's actually trying to stab herself in the eye with a fake french tip to grt the tears rolling).
It's also refreshing to not see hand flapping, fake boobs, processed hair or death glares.
There was also no 'use your words' to the kids, no clap clap!

And oh geeez... Bobbie admitted to tons of help and a strong dupport system-- i guess people knew how to help them! She teared up again when talking about their faith-Kate traded her faith for the Church of TLC.
And whhhaattt? They are still married?? I thought HOM were the death knell for a marriage. Who knew??

And finally, the dad says they wanted to raise their children normally, that a reality tv is not the way to achieve that.

Kate, just own it. You love being on tv, even if you make your kids work so you can get your wish. You are no Bobbi McCaughey. She's more of a mom than you'll ever be.

Tucker's Mom said... 26

P.J. said... 8
Speaking of the fake Jon account, why are their articles about this but sKate goes on national tv and trashes him and nobody says a word.

She get's fake-dumped and a fake-account makes the story about Jon. I've never seen anything like it.
Kate waves her magic trans-vaginal wand and everything reported about her is false. OTOH, everything reported about Jon is true, true, true.

Tucker's Mom said... 27

Sue_Buddy said... 10
Taj Mahal tourist dies 'after selfie'


I've read there have bee several deaths lately after people have taken a selfie. A couple of guys pulled the plug on a hand grenade, took a selfie then blew up. Only their phone survived. Perhaps in this great technological and egotistical all-about-me age, there should be a Darwin Selfie Award.
A local H.S. boy just died in our area while taking a selfie ON TRAIN TRACKS!
He was doing selfies with his gf, they saw a train coming at 70mph towards them, she ducked one way and he another, and he was hit.

These tracks are shared by Amtrak, CSX and MARC.


Tucker's Mom said... 28

MikeB said... 12
I'm convinced the basic premise of the article is true. I do think TLC had plans for a storyline teasing that Jeff would be a potential replacement dad. The setup was just too good with Kate and Jeff being seen alone together late at night at a restaurant and later at a casino. Kate selects her words very carefully. She only addressed the relationship issue, she didn't say a word about Jeff backing out of filming.
Yup- Kate never denied they were planning to film and saying you can't break up with me because I was never your gf to begin with is so high school!
Jeff, Kate's rubber and you're glue, and all that...

Mel said... 29

I think it's terrible the way Mady is encouraged to spew hate towards her siblings. I think she does have issues with them, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be (for the sake of drama for the show) perhaps. And, it should be dealt with in therapy, not paraded out for others to ogle.

I think Mady does have a good heart...look how many times we've seen her reach out to protect a sibling from the wrath of TFW.

I think right now that Mady is a victim of TFW's divide and conquer technique. And Mady is too young/inexperienced to recognize it. And certainly would have no idea how to deal with it.

Or maybe she is as hateful as she seems, and really is a mini-TFW. If so, she's going to be even worse than TFW as an adult.

Tucker's Mom said... 30

From the previous thread:

It's Not a Competition said... 111 (September 16, 2015 at 10:02 AM)

And yet, you don't "know" the septuplet's mother at all since they've chosen to stay out of the limelight, but have determined that she's a better parent based on one interview.


If that's all I had to base my opinion on, my opinion remains the same.
Bobbi was filled with joy and gratitude.
Kate's exposure on t.v. has been 1000 fold, and I've never seen her actually MOVED by her children.
Kate does not have the connection to her children, or anyone.
She's a scorpion, period.

Tucker's Mom said... 31

Jamesvader1194 said... 15
Octomom has been out of the spotlight for ages. I have no idea how she's supporting her kids now, but initially, she went waaaaaaaay down the fame rabbit hole.

P.J. said... 32

Caroline said... 25

Standing ovation. What an amazing comment.

Tucker's Mom said... 33

Kylie said... 20
Humility. That is the one word I would use to describe these parents. Love, another word to describe them.
What struck me was Bobbi's immediate recognition that she didn't do it alone. It took a village and faith, BOTH of which she STILL has.
Oh, not for nothing, I think she's aged way better than Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 34

Compare this dad talking about the "everyday, ordinary things"
mattering most, and TFW saying her kids deserved everything
in the world "on a golden platter." But you never fooled me,
TFW. Every time you said you wanted the best for your kids,
you really meant you wanted it for you.

I've brought this up a thousand times, but I don't think she ever
made a more revealing comment than when she said her being
at home a week and then away a week -- not at a 9-5 job, but
out of town away from her 8 young kids -- was what "worked best"
for her family. What small child wants their mommy away from
home -- even one who's not particularly great at the job? That
admission came from her heart, and spoke volumes.

Tucker's Mom said... 35

Another thought: Maybe Rat Claws Part Deux balked at the NDA. Maybe it was shoved in his face at the last minute, right before the cameras were about to roll.
Not out of the realm of possibilities. Look at what Kate pulled on Beth and Bob!

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Think of all the people who helped the McCaugheys, and all who helped Kate. I'm sure the latter feel very ripped off, used and discarded like trash.

Ingrid said... 37

Caroline said... 25

I teared up listening to the mom! .....
There was also no 'use your words' to the kids, no clap clap!
I teared too but I am a big mush for touching things like that.
I came to post about the same thing about "use your words". Those kids were not raised on camera and yet they were more comfortable than the Gosselin twins. They are such a nice family. I would enjoy living near them and knowing them.

Caroline said... 38

Another revealing comment from Kate was during the Great air Conditioning Debacle on the RV trip.
'They (Jamie snd Ashley, the hired mommies) thought this was going to be a posh trip. We don't take posh trips'.

It was always about the trips ,never about 'culterizing' the kids. She'll wrangle a trip abroad from TLC before she draws last breath.
Geez Kate, to borrow your from your own words, 'I just don't get it'.

You missed it, Kate. I'd say one of these days you'll figure out what's important but actually you never will. That's sad.

Tucker's Mom said... 39

Mel said... 29
I think it's terrible the way Mady is encouraged to spew hate towards her siblings. I think she does have issues with them, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be (for the sake of drama for the show) perhaps. And, it should be dealt with in therapy, not paraded out for others to ogle.
Amen, Mel. Mady has felt that the tups usurped her parents attention since the day they were born, and I can understand how difficult it must have been for her.
However, at 14 years old, it is very concerning that she easily and readily tells everyone that she can't stand them. "Hates" them!

It's dysfunctional at this point, and not normal at all.

Tucker's Mom said... 40

I've brought this up a thousand times, but I don't think she ever
made a more revealing comment than when she said her being
at home a week and then away a week -- not at a 9-5 job, but
out of town away from her 8 young kids -- was what "worked best"
for her family. What small child wants their mommy away from
home -- even one who's not particularly great at the job? That
admission came from her heart, and spoke volumes.
It bears repeating and who can forget it, really? Kate standing there with her camera crew, spouting off her usual spiel about never being able to back to nursing because she'd never see the kids, then in the next breath, saying that being away from home 50% of the time would be the best work situation for her.
She really detests that she doesn't have a job that legitimately takes her away half the time.
What mother doesn't want to see her kids at the end of the day?

Tucker's Mom said... 41

I teared too but I am a big mush for touching things like that.
I came to post about the same thing about "use your words". Those kids were not raised on camera and yet they were more comfortable than the Gosselin twins. They are such a nice family. I would enjoy living near them and knowing them.
All the kids had poise and the ones who spoke did very well.
I think a big reason is that there were no expectations of putting forth a false front for the McCaughey children. They spoke from the heart and had no agenda, let alone an agenda to eschew their own father.

I'm sure the McCaughey household isn't Shangri-La, but you can just tell it's a far more normal and relaxed one than Kate's.

MiChi said... 42

One of my favorite Kate quotes was also during the RV trip when she was grilling the chicken and said something along the lines of, "Why am I the one doing this?" Uh, because it's your job to feed your kids? Then while they were eating, said (again paraphrasing) "Raise your hands if you like the chicken!" because she needed that recognition.

redbird said... 43

Tucker's mom said...40

I've brought this up a thousand times, but I don't think she ever
made a more revealing comment than when she said her being
at home a week and then away a week -- not at a 9-5 job, but
out of town away from her 8 young kids -- was what "worked best"
for her family. What small child wants their mommy away from
home -- even one who's not particularly great at the job? That
admission came from her heart, and spoke volumes.


It bears repeating and who can forget it, really? Kate standing there with her camera crew, spouting off her usual spiel about never being able to back to nursing because she'd never see the kids, then in the next breath, saying that being away from home 50% of the time would be the best work situation for her.
She really detests that she doesn't have a job that legitimately takes her away half the time.
What mother doesn't want to see her kids at the end of the day?


If she wants to be away from her kids half the time then why doesn't she use that piece of paper that says she is an RN and be a travel nurse or work for Big Pharm? Travel Nurses make great money with benefits or she could work for Big Pharm as a sales rep and work her way up the ladder and make really good bank. Then she could be a week away and a week home, because that is what's best for her family.

I was really proud for Bobbie and her family.

Humble, grateful and faithful. The kids look so well adjusted.

You can never put those words with the Endless Grifter.

Bobbies husband said, it was such a wonderful sight seeing all of the kids being born. Didn't TFW say that birthing them was the worst day ever in her life?

Who says that?

Tucker's Mom said... 44

If she wants to be away from her kids half the time then why doesn't she use that piece of paper that says she is an RN and be a travel nurse or work for Big Pharm? Travel Nurses make great money with benefits or she could work for Big Pharm as a sales rep and work her way up the ladder and make really good bank. Then she could be a week away and a week home, because that is what's best for her family.
There's lots of big Pharma in Kate's area. Many of my cousins have (long ago) gone from floor nursing to Pharma, and they're all doing great.

Caroline said... 45

Here's a great question.
What Kate quote really stuck with you??

I don't know if there is 1 specifically (other than her outing herself about taking post trips), but 1 I always think of is 'not THESE kids!!!' when referring to not allowing her kids to roll down a grassy hill because she didn't want to spend hours in the laundry room removing stains. I thought WTF is wrong with this killjoy!

Sue_Buddy said... 46

If she wants to be away from her kids half the time then why doesn't she use that piece of paper that says she is an RN and be a travel nurse or work for Big Pharm?

Rhetorical question, right? Kate doesn't want to work a real job. She's got it made collecting the big bucks pimping her kids.

Sue_Buddy said... 47

Here's a great question.
What Kate quote really stuck with you??


So many come to mind, but I'll give everyone a turn and not put down more than one. :)

"Would you stop breathing."

P.J. said... 48

I can't even bear the sound of her ugly voice long enough to look for a clip.

For me her worst moment was bitching about Jon breathing too loud. How ignorant can you get.

Sue_Buddy said... 49

Here's a one in 50 MILLION birth--identical triplets. Wasn't it Marie Border Collie who said she personally knew a set of identical quintuplets? Those odds would have to be one in a a fuckey billion!

NY couple beats 1-in-50 million odds with identical triplets

"Owen, Noah and Miles Finley were introduced to the world Thursday more than two months after they beat the odds with a 1 in 50 million grand entrance six weeks before they were due.

Formerly Duped said... 50

Here's a great question.
What Kate quote really stuck with you??

I have a few!

Hither, thither and yon...

As far as the eye can see, all mine!

My kids deserve life on a golden platter...

Let's face it, boys are icky.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 51

Redbird (#43), and then to add insult to injury, years later TFW
was asked if she would do it all over again (meaning, gone
through with the pregnancy of the tups), she said no. She
thought about those 6 happy, healthy, spirited, beautiful kids
she was blessed with, and essentially said if given the chance,
she would have never had them.

It's stuff like that which has me feeling quite confident that
Bobbi McCaughey is a better mother -- whether I've heard
100 interviews with her or just one.

terri said... 52

Formerly Duped said... 50
Here's a great question.
What Kate quote really stuck with you??

When they were in Alaska and the kids wanted to stay.

"Fine, then you are no longer Gosselins, you are Palins". That to me was the cruelest thing she ever said.

P.J. said... 53

Sue_Buddy said... 49

Here's a one in 50 MILLION birth--identical triplets. Wasn't it Marie Border Collie who said she personally knew a set of identical quintuplets? Those odds would have to be one in a a fuckey billion!


I believe the dog person's identical quints were 2 boys and 2 girls.

Yeah, I know. You can't make this crap up. Or in her case, yes you can.

Sue_Buddy said... 54

P.J. said... 53

I thought she said 5 boys, one of whom we'd all know if we heard the name--so a celebrity identical quint and it's been kept a secret for their whole lives. LOL

Haven't see Marie lately. Hope she didn't blow another hole in her heart.

Tucker's Mom said... 55

"Fine, then you are no longer Gosselins, you are Palins". That to me was the cruelest thing she ever said.
And this was after she had the pleasure of crushing little Piper's soul.

P.J. said... 56

Sue_Buddy said... 54
P.J. said... 53

I thought she said 5 boys, one of whom we'd all know if we heard the name--so a celebrity identical quint and it's been kept a secret for their whole lives. LOL

Haven't see Marie lately. Hope she didn't blow another hole in her heart.


Yeah, hard to keep the lies straight. Right sKate?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 57

I believe the dog person's identical quints were 2 boys and 2 girls.


So four of them were identical, but who or what was the fifth? Brad Pitt?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 58

I can't even bear the sound of her ugly voice long enough to look for a clip.

For me her worst moment was bitching about Jon breathing too loud. How ignorant can you get.


For me, the worst thing she said was when she told her son that she didn't even want to here him breathe. All I could think about were all of the parents who had lost children and would have given anything in the world just to have them healthy and breathing once again.

Rhymes with Wich said... 59

The little girl is 2 1/2 yo Bella. Bond. Mom's boyfriend will be arraigned on murder charges. Mom is being charged as an accessory after the fact.

Rhymes where th Witch said... 60

Haven't see Marie lately. Hope she didn't blow another hole in her heart. 4

And that her kidneys are functioning above 50%. Wonder if she ever got her insurance straightened out.

jamezvader1194 said... 61

After looking at us weekly about Jon denying that the facebook page is his,i notice that most of Kate's supporters seem to love to talk about how she financial supports her kids and because of this,this makes her a loving mother.I've never once herd any of them talk about about any of Kate's emotional abuse about her kids.Never in any of these specials has she ever shown any kind of love towards her kids.In fact has she every in the past few specials say she loves her kids with all her heart or anything close to it?I may not have kids but i do know how i would treat them and some of the emotional things Kate has said about them doesn't sound like a mom who loves her kids.She doesn't sound like she enjoys having them.Sounds more like they annoy her.

FYI said... 62

Brian Mason's lawyer has served notice on the court that he believes that Kim Davis violated the judge's order of non-interference by altering the marriage licenses and making her clerks use them.

From the court notice filed today:

"On September 14, 2015 Ms. Davis came into their office and he tells me the following:

Kim Davis came to the office and confiscated all the original forms, and provided a changed form which deletes all mentions of the County, fills in one of the blanks that would otherwise be the County with the Court's styling, deletes her name, deletes all of the deputy clerk references, and in place of deputy clerk types in the name of Brian Mason, and has him initial rather than sign. There is now a notarization beside his initials in place of where otherwise signatures would be.

I discussed with Mr. Mason in my opinion he had done nothing wrong and is continuing to follow his sworn testimony to the court, however it also appears to this counsel those changes were made in some attempt to circumvent the court's orders and may have raised to the level of interference against the court's orders. Mr. Mason is
concerned because he is in a difficult position that he continues to issue the licenses per the court's order, but is issuing licenses which had some remote questionable validity, but now with these changes may in fact have some substantial questions about validity.

It is part of this report to notify the court of the changes and it is expected there will be other parties to the action that will bring a request to this court for a review on whether or not her actions are against the orders of the court and the likelihood that the validity of these marriages licenses would have to be entertained if not in federal district court, state courts. Again Mr. Mason's concern is he does not want to be the party that is issuing invalid marriage licenses and he is trying to follow the court's mandate as well as his superior ordering him to issue only these changed forms and only with initials and
only as notarized, which in the last example I have seen are not even notarized."

FYI said... 63

Update on the Baby Doe case.

"Authorities have identified a little girl known as "Baby Doe" whose body was found in a trash bag on a Boston beach three months ago, and the child's mother and her boyfriend will be charged in her death, officials said Friday.

The girl's name was Bella Bond, officials said. She was just 2 1/2 years old, the prosecutor said.

Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said the mother's boyfriend, Michael Patrick McCarthy will be charged with Bella's murder. The child's mother, Rachelle Bond, has been arrested for allegedly being an accessory after the fact."

Luke's Mom said... 64

jamezvader1194 said... 61
....i notice that most of Kate's supporters seem to love to talk about how she financial supports her kids and because of this,this makes her a loving mother.....
But what they do NOT acknowledge is that in fact Kate does NOT financially support the kids. The kids are financially supporting Kate. So how does anyone praise a parent who is supported by their own children by forcing them to live a FAKE life in front of cameras. She SOLD her children. She is NOT financially supporting them.

We all know this and I am sure the Gkids have figured it out too.

And now Jon clearly has stated that the Gkids are on social media.... so hello to the Gkids who are reading my post!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65

Rainbows (#58), and I think that comment of TFW's was particularly
heinous when you remember that same little boy spent time in NICU,
where he couldn't breathe on his own. We even saw him in that state
in TFW's homemade audition tape, talking to him in a lovey-dovey
singsong Mommy voice I never heard her use since.

Martha said... 66

Luke's mom, YES, YES AND YES!

Midnight Madness said... 67

And that her kidneys are functioning above 50%. Wonder if she ever got her insurance straightened out.


And that her blood pressure has dropped below 300/180.

redbird said... 68

Speaking of nurses, 2 companies have pulled their advertising from The View because of the remarks about nurses.

The major one is Johnson and Johnson.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 69

There's speculation about this TFW fan's current condition,
but for all we know, she may be healthy as a horse. Isn't she
the one who posted a picture of someone else and passed it
off as a photo of herself? A few months ago she said her days
were numbered, but the whole thing might just be an attention
grab. After all, this person looks up to TFW, so, to me, her
intellect, integrity, and judgment are already questionable.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 70

I never took Mady's comments about hating her younger siblings and how she was a horrible example to be real. Most teens say things they feel are provocative. In Mady's case it was filmed for the world to see. I also think Katie has spent years pounding into her head that she is a bad role model to the six and she's bitchy bratty Mady. There's a reason people were making hate Mady clubs when she was only six years old. Katie sees them, especially the twins, as their TLC created characters.

Anonymous said... 71

So who gets the NYC love-nest, Jeff and Kate reportedly bought for their own private hideaway? Is Jeff taking his new twentysomething piece there now?

I'd hate to be Kate on the day Mady decides to Google herself. The internet is forever, and there are some really harsh words used to describe how social media users feel about young Mady.

"Mine ALL MINE... as far as the eye can see." "Mediocre"... "This is SO over." "I'm using non-fat creamer, but Ashley and Jamie like the full fat." (To the guy running the New Zealand Skyjump)... "You're annoying ME!" "They didn't know HOW to help me." "I don't get it."

BTW I once dated a guy who was a triplet. The brother was identical and the sister was fraternal... crazy. All adopted by a childless couple. Awesome story, zero media coverage.


TLC stinks said... 72

I had no idea that Brian Mason had his own attorney. I have thought all along those changed forms were interference by Kim Davis and not valid. The governor can say that they will be recognized, but it's up to the KY legislature to change the law. She took the law into her own hands and made her own accommodation.

Midnight Madness said... 73

There's speculation about this TFW fan's current condition,
but for all we know, she may be healthy as a horse. Isn't she
the one who posted a picture of someone else and passed it
off as a photo of herself?


Yes. It was an older attractive blond woman, if I recall. I wonder if that person was ever notified that the Dog person was using the photo as her avatar. Didn't she claim to be very close friends with a famous race car driver? I get these sheep confused sometimes!

Do her sheeple friends believe these tall tales?

Localyocul said... 74

Rhymes with Wich said... 59
The little girl is 2 1/2 yo Bella. Bond. Mom's boyfriend will be arraigned on murder charges. Mom is being charged as an accessory after the fact.


And she is SMILING in her mugshot!

redbird said... 75

What gets to me is how she talked, I mean, hollered at Mady about touching Steve's pizza with her bare hands. She had some nerve doing that. The woman walked in her bare feet on the dirty, filthy streets of NYC where any of a million things are on that sidewalk.

Vomit, urine, dirty syringes to name a few.

Anonymous said... 76

Eight is More Than Enough... 70

Exactly right! My thoughts went right to the Mady hate clubs memories as well. There were YouTube clips and an array of comments on boards and blogs everywhere. It was very common for posters to bring up that fact.

I know that wasn't Jon's Facebook account, but I took the hands raised image to mean Jeff had seen the light.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 77

I was just thinking about the outrageous demands TFW had in her
contract for hotel stays. Why can't I imagine Bobbi McCaughey
making those demands for her family's Today Show appearance?

AuntieAnn said... 78

Caroline said... 45

Here's a great question.
What Kate quote really stuck with you??


You mean the ones that pissed me off? Or those that made my eyes roll to the back of my head? Or where she was lying through her teeth?

I don't think there's not enough bandwidth.

AuntieAnn said... 79

"I don't think there's not enough bandwidth."

Ha! Trying to recall all the bs Kate has spouted over the last nine years upset me so much I couldn't even type what I wanted to say.

Correction: I don't think there's enough bandwidth.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 80

I'd hate to be Kate on the day Mady decides to Google herself. The internet is forever, and there are some really harsh words used to describe how social media users feel about young Mady.


I would think that Mady and Cara have done this many times already.

fidosmommy said... 81

"REAL cooks don't need recipes!"

That was the episode that changed my mind: Kate was not just twitchy
with Jon, she was hateful.

redbird said... 82

I hope the Today Show didn't go cheap on the Mc Family because of their experiences with Kate Gosselin.

The Mc Family deserves a really nice stay and concierge service in NYC.

NJGal51 said... 83

What comment of TFW's sticks with me? When the kids thanked her for the puppies and she screeched back "you're not welcome!" Bitch!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 84

Redbird (#82), I assume Today would have more money available
to spend on the McCaugheys because I'm guessing they don't have
a bodyguard traveling with them. So you can take pizza wrapped
in foil out of the meal budget! ~ Administrator said... 85

One thing I noticed about the McCaughey parents is that no one was prompting the children to say anything, for any of them to speak who were uncomfortable doing so, or for the kids to say something specific. The kids also didn't look to the parents for affirmation they had said the right thing. It's clear the kids have a relationship with their parents where they can speak freely without feeling like they are saying the wrong thing or have to have their parents' approval for their own opinions.

redbird said... 86

Admin said...85


And that says it all. Comfortable, Easy Going, NORMAL !!!

redbird said... 87

Hahahaha, FlimsyFlamsy 84

We knew that Hurricane Kim would settle down and now we are back to normal talking about TFW and her R life!

AuntieAnn said... 88

The kids also didn't look to the parents for affirmation they had said the right thing.


Yes and it was refreshing to hear one of the McCaughey kids tell Savannah that there was no 'worst' part about being a septuplet when asked the question.

Imagine that.

I think I've been conditioned to cringe when someone poses questions like that to any of the Gosselin kids. I almost feel like I'm the one who'll be cuffed in the back of my head by Kate if they don't answer according to script.

Get medicated...... said... 89

Oh and

"She's a forever friend that goes way back"

Math Girl said... 90

TLC stinks said... 72
I had no idea that Brian Mason had his own attorney. I have thought all along those changed forms were interference by Kim Davis and not valid. The governor can say that they will be recognized, but it's up to the KY legislature to change the law. She took the law into her own hands and made her own accommodation.
The court document that was posted some time ago gave the names of all the deputy clerks and their attorneys. They were each given a public defender. I was a bit surprised that they each had their own lawyer, but in fact they did have different reactions: three agreed to issue marriage licenses in "round one", two agreed in "round two" (after they were reminded that if they didn't they could be found in contempt of court, then sent away to confer with their lawyers about what that could mean), and one (Nathan Davis) didn't agree at all.

The licenses issued while Kim Davis was in jail actually accommodated her stated goals; they used the name of the county instead of her name. The other alterations she ordered had nothing to do with HER; she substituted a reference to the court order for the name of the county and "Notary" instead of "Deputy Clerk" for the issuer's title. That is either megalomania (she thinks "Rowan County" and anything with "clerk" in it are for HER exclusive use or refer specifically to HER) or just plain petty and mean. I think in fact she was trying to make the licenses invalid, and that is interfering with the issuing of the licenses.

I'm glad Brian's lawyer is on the ball and is bringing this back to court before a lot of questionable/irregular licenses are issued, perhaps causing problems for the couples involved.

swingsandroundabouts said... 91

Re. comments that stick

"Who am I to say no?"

"There will never be enough"

Mona said... 92

"NO MORE EATING!!!!!!!!"

redbird said... 93

swingsandroundabouts said... 91
Re. comments that stick

"Who am I to say no?"

"There will never be enough"


When TFW said during the interview by satellite with Oprah, There is never enough money, Jon instantly gasped, his eyes got big and he had the look of shock and awe on his face. You know the kind of look you have when you get busted for a crime and your asked to turn around and put your hands behind your back and the police say your under arrest for ____________ crime. Anything you say....

I know I posted earlier about TFW's meltdown about the Mady/Pizza/Hands/SteveGate about the comment that sticks, but when I was thinking about it, there were SO many to chose from!

I want to nominate what I think is THE worse thing I have heard her say is talking about Colin and his medical problems to the world. Should of never been mentioned. Period.

Tucker's Mom said... 94

You mean the ones that pissed me off? Or those that made my eyes roll to the back of my head? Or where she was lying through her teeth?

I don't think there's not enough bandwidth.
Like a naked Kim Kardashian, it would break the internet to enumerate them all at once.

P.J. said... 95

The way I was raised, you NEVER asked for anything when you were a guest of someone. Asking was rude.

She was offered a free tummy tuck to fix the self-inflicted mess of her belly and she had the unmitigated gall to ask for a boob job too. That was the beginning of the end for me. Even Dr. Glassman was shocked. She ain't got no class.

redbird said... 96

When TFW asked for the free implants and he told her no, not only should he have told her no, he should of said, No, I am not doing a implant job AND I am not doing the tummy tuck either!

Can you imagine her in the doctors office being examined and get a flat out no rejection. It would of been worse than Kateatoea, I mean, Krakatoa.

But, he did the tummy tuck anyway and was I am sure paid for by TLC. I wonder if they gave any money to Mrs. Glassman for having to put up with her for the recovery. If TFW had gotten wind of it would she have said, when hades freezes over no?

fidosmommy said... 97

When TLC offered Jon teeth bleaching, Kate jumped right in with "ME TOO!"

Also, when baby Alexis was in the dentist's chair, terrified and screaming,
her doting mommy looked behind herself and laughed at the camera, happy to be making memories. Why cameras were in that room at all was my question. Did they catch Alexis' terror was Kate's question. Yeah, that stuck with me, even if I can't give you a quote.

Mel said... 98

Huh. Glad to see that she has something legit.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

AuntieAnn (#78), I, too, am overwhelmed by trying to narrow
down the offending quotes. It'd be quicker to just post her
positive comments -- we'd be done before lunch.

Not a quote, but a big-picture offense in my opinion, was when
TFW declined to participate in her sons' one-on-one kid/parent
outings. What a slap in the face to those poor boys. The
outings weren't mother/daughter and father/son events -- they
were for that child to have his/her own special time with his/her
parents. To just feel loved on, and get that individual attention.

I pray that when they're ready, those boys can find outside help
from a professional. No he said/she said here -- they can just
plunk down the episode DVD's and let TLC tell their stories.

swingsandroundabouts said... 100

redbird said...93

Yes, there are so many comments to choose from. The more I think about it, the more come to mind.

P.J. said... 101

You know, for someone so intent on filming for the sake of having memories, she sure trashed Jon for wanting to keep some mementos of his late father. She mocked him. She was at her despicable worst in that episode.

When they moved and Jon insisted that they were taking the play set with them (the one and only time he got his way) I'm guessing she wanted TLC to buy them a bigger, better model.

Sue_Buddy said... 102

Good lovely Saturday morning everyone.

I wonder if the G8 are having a relaxing day after being in school all week or are dashing around in Kate-created chaos taking orders from a film crew.

Jack's Mom said... 103

Bobbies husband said, it was such a wonderful sight seeing all of the kids being born. Didn't TFW say that birthing them was the worst day ever in her life?

Who says that?


Not Kate......

Jack's mom

Eight is More Than Enough said... 104

We've never heard or even seen Katie's worst.

redbird said... 105

Another one that really upset me and I have posted about it many times over the years is when Jon had all of the kids in the garage and he was carving their pumpkin for them. All of the kids were quiet, still and just waiting for their turn for THEIR DADDY to carve THEIR PUMPKIN!

When she realized what was going on, she about broke her neck to get to the garage and told Jon that it was something like, your making a mess, blah, blah, blah, and stop doing it right then. It really upset him, give him huge credit for not blowing up, (he did have a sharp knife).

She went to the table and gathered the paper that was put on the table and wadded it up. She just couldn't stand it. She didn't want it to be known that Jon could parent those kids better than she could. She can't handle wrangling them even to sit them down like Jon did.

Jon should of just got up and went to someone in charge and told them, get her out of here. Take her to a mall, give her money, get her out of here for a couple of hours. And if they refused, he should of said, if you don't, I will shut this filming down now.

Then when Kateatoea started spewing, get it on film and have her arrested for disturbing the peace. I know this wouldn't happen this way but there was no reason for that mentally ill woman to stop what Jon was accomplishing.

Have mercy, that man put up with a mountain of dung from her!

TLC stinks said... 106

I think Kim Davis did what she did on the advice her attorney. If the judge does not find her in contempt, then some side deal must have been worked out. I read that Brian went into her office THREE times prior to issuing that first marriage certificate. He must have expressed his concerns then. Good for him.

AuntieAnn said... 107

Jack's Mom said... 103

Bobbies husband said, it was such a wonderful sight seeing all of the kids being born. Didn't TFW say that birthing them was the worst day ever in her life?

Who says that?


Not Kate......


Kate's first words out of her mouth, after the sextuplets were delivered, were "I'm going to Disneyland". She meant it. She had fixed the HOM lottery for a win and she was eager to cash in her ticket right there in the recovery room.

AuntieAnn said... 108

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

AuntieAnn (#78), I, too, am overwhelmed by trying to narrow
down the offending quotes. It'd be quicker to just post her
positive comments -- we'd be done before lunch.


lol! Before the toast popped up at breakfast.

AuntieAnn said... 109

fidosmommy said... 97

When TLC offered Jon teeth bleaching, Kate jumped right in with "ME TOO!"


I don't know if it was included in any episode but according to RH's book, she hijacked his LASIK surgery too. It was offered to Jon only but Kate included herself in the deal. Who was she to be excluded from a freebie?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 110

AuntieAnn (#109), and of course when Jon was offered free hair
plugs in LA, TFW had to join him -- dumping her 8 kids (most of
whom were quite sick) at her sister-in-law Jodi's (who had sick
kids of her own to care for). What the heck was TFW needed
for? She wasn't -- she just jumped at the chance to get the heck
away from those 8 little faces.

P.J. said... 111

Ah, the memories. It's a good thing we have all this on film.

fidosmommy said... 112

Jon and Kate were on the interview couch. Kate's hand was on Jon's knee. She started rubbing his thigh. He asked her to stop, looking quite embarrassed. She laughed and kept it up. He indicated it was, well, stimulating. Didn't stop Kate. Wouldn't that have made some interesting reality TV if he hadn't physically pushed her hand off?

Of course I know something more would have never aired, but still. No brain cells engaged, everything revolves around Kate's comedy, comfort and control. Nobody and nothing else matters.

Caroline said... 113

Bobbies husband said, it was such a wonderful sight seeing all of the kids being born. Didn't TFW say that birthing them was the worst day ever in her life?

I think she said that when she found out how many money makers she was carrying in her clown car uterus.

P.J. said... 114

It's actually comical to watch her. All the tactics she uses to make sure she is the center of attention. Without meaning to, she follows every rule of acting: how to get more camera time. Shrieking, disrupting, hitting, complaining, yelling, overreacting, causing drama. These are old tricks.

She's now doing John Wayne, speaking incredibly slow for more air time.

AuntieAnn said... 115

FlimsyFlamsy said... 110

What the heck was TFW needed for? She wasn't -- she just jumped at the chance to get the heck away from those 8 little faces.


Kate has absolutely no maternal instinct. NONE. Zero. The farther away from her kids she can get the happier she is.

To this day I find it incredible she was championed as a supermom by TLC. She's anything but.

fade2black said... 116

To this day I find it incredible she was championed as a supermom by TLC. She's anything but.
They have to sell what they can get. A real supermom wouldn't have anything to do with TLC or reality tv.

Rainbirdie said... 117

P.J. said... 111
Ah, the memories. It's a good thing we have all this on film.
Especially the Hawaiian vow renewal. Welcoming previously unknown distant relatives to commemorate the 9 year/2 month marriage milestone. The awkward hug after reading vows off index cards. Promising the kids that mom & dad would always be together.The kids will have that episode to treasure forever.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 118

To this day I find it incredible that she is still championed as a super mom after everything people have seen and read.

Rhymes with Witch said... 119

They have to sell what they can get. A real supermom wouldn't have anything to do with TLC or reality tv. 116

Yes, see Bobbi McCaughey.
TLC bought Katie and sold her to the unsuspecting.

Tucker's Mom said... 120
Congrats, Jill. Now, go midwife to every woman in need, not just to every woman your religion deems worthy.

AuntieAnn said... 121

They have to sell what they can get. A real supermom wouldn't have anything to do with TLC or reality tv.


Which brings us full circle back to Bobbi M, the very person Kate obsessed over. Too bad she couldn't have kept following her example. Instead she fell in with the rest of the circus acts at TLC.

High road taker, my ass. Kate's been a money grubbing free loader since she left her parents' home. The only thing I've 'learned' from her was what a true narcissist is, and it ain't pretty.

Midnight Madness said... 122

Congrats, Jill. Now, go midwife to every woman in need, not just to every woman your religion deems worthy.


Yes, indeed. What if a non-believer is in labor? Will she refuse to deliver her and pass it off to someone else? Will she preach to her while the woman is giving birth?

Why are these Duggar women so fascinated with pregnancy and birthing?

Math Girl said... 123

TLC stinks said... 106
I think Kim Davis did what she did on the advice her attorney. If the judge does not find her in contempt, then some side deal must have been worked out. I read that Brian went into her office THREE times prior to issuing that first marriage certificate. He must have expressed his concerns then. Good for him.
The problem with Kim's attorneys is that they are more interested in making a political statement than with the law. Their concern is "what can we get away with" rather than what is legal. They were wrong on the jail for contempt thing, or maybe they were secretly hoping for jail, so as to create a martyr. The one thing they aren't concerned with is their nominal client, Kim.

Midnight Madness said... 124

To this day I find it incredible that she is still championed as a super mom after everything people have seen and read.


Because the drive-bys on Twitter and the teeny boppers think that having eight kids is overwhelming and they see only what they want to see -- a single mother raising all of these kids by herself. Most of these fans are not aware of her outrageous doings and haven't been following this exploitation since the beginning. She has EIGHT kids, which includes two teens, and therefore must be a Super Mom to deal with that on a daily basis.

Susan1956 said... 125

If she wants to be away from her kids half the time then why doesn't she use that piece of paper that says she is an RN and be a travel nurse or work for Big Pharm?
Catching up on comments. But even to hold a job with a Big Pharm company TFMJG would have to be able to:

1. Arrange her workday around the doctor's schedule.
2. Dress appropriately.
3. Drive herself to her appointments.
4. Greet the client with a smile and good eye contact.
5. Be able to speak succinctly about the product and answer any
questions. About the product.

She couldn't do it because it wouldn't be all about her. ~ Administrator said... 126

The problem with Kim's attorneys is that they are more interested in making a political statement than with the law. Their concern is "what can we get away with" rather than what is legal.


Agree. What I find incredibly disappointing about that side of things is that they're perfectly willing to exaggerate, mislead and lie about the facts in order to boost their agenda. They count on most people not following the story closely enough to catch them. And they get away with it, repeatedly.

Why is it that the other side doesn't have the need to do the same to prove their point? Speaks volumes.

Midnight Madness said... 127

She's now doing John Wayne, speaking incredibly slow for more air time.


Yep, but if I recall, John Wayne said, ¨If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.¨

She followed his advice, took Jon's, but somewhere along the way his heart and mind didn't follow, and it backfired on her. Guess even the Duke didn't know how to help her. Sorry about that, Pilgrim.

Tucker's Mom said... 128

Susan1956 said... 121
If she wants to be away from her kids half the time then why doesn't she use that piece of paper that says she is an RN and be a travel nurse or work for Big Pharm?
Catching up on comments. But even to hold a job with a Big Pharm company TFMJG would have to be able to:

1. Arrange her workday around the doctor's schedule.
2. Dress appropriately.
3. Drive herself to her appointments.
4. Greet the client with a smile and good eye contact.
5. Be able to speak succinctly about the product and answer any
questions. About the product.

She couldn't do it because it wouldn't be all about her.

But, but, but...she could throw the doctors her coquettish look! Certainly that could get the job done!

P.S. how delicious is it that Kate gave Hank Basket those "bedroom eyes"?!

Tucker's Mom said... 129

Why are these Duggar women so fascinated with pregnancy and birthing?
Whomever populates the earth more wins!

Eight is More Than Enough said... 130

Agree. What I find incredibly disappointing about that side of things is that they're perfectly willing to exaggerate, mislead and lie about the facts in order to boost their agenda. They count on most people not following the story closely enough to catch them. And they get away with it, repeatedly.
Is this why so many people still persist in thinking the President is a Muslim born outside the USA?

Susan1956 said... 131

Tucker's Mom said... 129
Why are these Duggar women so fascinated with pregnancy and birthing?
Whomever populates the earth more wins!
It's just another way to let us poor unholy people know how superior they are to us.

Duggar history of superiority:

1. Our beliefs are better than yours and God loves us more.
2. We live debt-free.
3. We have 19 children.
4. We home-school our children rather than expose them to all you sinners.

There's more, but I'm nauseous just typing about the Duggar Kool-Aid.

franky said... 132

ALL of her moments suck and stand out..urgh, just came up to find more straws, lol

P.J. said... 133

Eight is More Than Enough said...

Is this why so many people still persist in thinking the President is a Muslim born outside the USA?


Yup. And why the moon landing was fake and they have a cure for cancer but would rather make money on selling the drugs.

It's also why Shania Twain never shows her knees. She's got a wooden leg.

Math Girl said... 134

Midnight Madness said... 122
Congrats, Jill. Now, go midwife to every woman in need, not just to every woman your religion deems worthy.


Yes, indeed. What if a non-believer is in labor? Will she refuse to deliver her and pass it off to someone else? Will she preach to her while the woman is giving birth?


I think Jill will help non-believer (probably Catholic) women on her mission trip. She won't preach to them while in labor, but will invite them to bible study groups sponsored by her church during their pre-natal or postpartum visits. If she is nice to them while being their midwife, they may go out of gratitude or admiration.

I I think Derrick was a big factor in her decision to get certified. On his blog her mentions helping society as well as serving God a reason for acquiring skills/education.

Over And Out said... 135

Is this why so many people still persist in thinking the President is a Muslim born outside the USA? (Eight Is More, 130)...


I do not think it is because they have not followed the story (Obama). It is because people have closely followed the ¨birthing¨ story that they still question his citizenship, not because they were misled or lied to. There are still questions that were never answered, and one cannot be blamed for not following a story or being misinformed when conflicting information is put out. However, at this point, does it really matter? People will believe what they want to believe.

The Grassy Knoll /mob conspiracy is still being tossed around after half a century and it isn't because people refused to believe the ¨facts¨ that were put out then, but because all along the way new theories emerged, additional documentation presented, and other possible assassins exposed. We are no closer to the truth than we were in 1963. ¨Killing Kennedy¨ (Bill O'Reilly) is an excellent read.

Somewhere In Time said... 136


I watched Gary Busey on DWTS, and oh, my gosh, he is really weird. Scary strange, but it seems that he does have fans.

That said, right now they are airing the Buddy Holly Story (1978) and he is really, really good. It surprised the heck out of me. He does all his own singing and had the signature Holly hiccup in the songs down to perfection.

While Kate's bucket list includes free travel to exotic places, one of the few things I have on my list is to go to the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa, on February 2. I don't ask for much! Maybe next year I can make it happen.

Somewhere In Time said... 137

I I think Derrick was a big factor in her decision to get certified. On his blog her mentions helping society as well as serving God a reason for acquiring skills/education.


Does he say anything about the importance of taking showers and being well-groomed?

FYI said... 138

What Kate quote really stuck with you??

“She’s ruined, she’s completely ruined.”

Nice thing to say in front of your child. That totally showed that Kate has no filter and couldn't care less that her children hear the disparaging remarks that she says about them. To me, that was a foreboding of things to come, and she continued to do it, over and over again and still continues to do it.

Over And Out said... 139

Just saw this on Kate's Timeline...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@zippyzappylife Should give them a taste of Biblical justice....under Law Code juvenile delinquents were stoned to death! Now THAT worked!


How soon will she delete it?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 140

KIAT (#138), and with that comment, TFW outed herself as someone
who cared more about appearances than anything else. If you'll
remember the couch interview, Jon joked about his kids getting
ice cream on their clothes, saying something like, "Let 'em
bathe in it!"

NOIP said... 141

@Somewhere in Time # 136 Mr Busey was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident which caused major brain damage.
" Busey suffered extensive head trauma when he crashed his motorcycle while not wearing a helmet in 1988." Gary Busey On His Life-Changing Cocaine Overdose via @HuffPostOWN

PA Dutch Mom said... 142

Nice thing to say in front of your child.


Not only in front of your child, but about your child. I had forgotten about that one. The organized mom didn't think to carry a tote with extra shirts for each of them. The kids were little at the time. How easy to pack a small tote with rolled up tees in it in case one spilled something or got sick. Any other mom would have just changed her daughter's shirt, smiled about it, shrugged it off with an okay, accidents happen, and go on with the fun. Been there, done that.

Not Kate, though. Such a witch. Something was, and is, very wrong with her.

Rhymes with Witch said... 143

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@zippyzappylife Should give them a taste of Biblical justice....under Law Code juvenile delinquents were stoned to death! Now THAT worked! 139

Her positivity is slipping. So much for peace, love and understanding.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 144

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@zippyzappylife Should give them a taste of Biblical justice....under Law Code juvenile delinquents were stoned to death! Now THAT worked! 139

Her positivity is slipping. So much for peace, love and understanding.


She is nuts. Then she wonders why those on Twitter poke fun at her and call her the court jester of Kate's TL.

AuntieAnn said... 145

Kate is a twit said... 138

What Kate quote really stuck with you??

“She’s ruined, she’s completely ruined.”


They had to keep their clothes clean because they were little walking ads for whatever clothing company Kate was grifting their outfits from. She never missed a trick. She responded to the word 'free' like Pavlov's dogs salivated at the ring of a bell.

Granny in Nebraska said... 146

Doesn't anyone remember when Derrick had a shave and asked her if she liked it and she said she liked his unshaven look so that is why he looks that way. Anyone else remember?

P.J. said... 147

OT RIP Jackie Collins. Died at 77 of breast cancer.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Any other mom would have just changed her daughter's shirt, smiled about it, shrugged it off with an okay, accidents happen, and go on with the fun.


But don't you see? You can't just change one, you'd have to change all 6 of them. Otherwise, no one would know they were the Gosselin sextuplets or whatever. Is it any wonder the poor woman was always under so much stress and so exhausted all the time.

Yeah, right.

Layla said... 148

One quote…just one? That's hard, but one that really struck me was when, during the RV trip, she said, "I ask myself every day, 'Why do I live in Pennsylvania?'". I always suspected that she only bought their house as a temporary solution to the marriage situation, and she planned all along to go after more, more, more. She still wanted the $2million house, not the $1million one she had. I also think she wanted a beach house of her own and maybe a place in NYC (she did call NYC her "second home", after all). At the time of the RV trip, she thought the money would keep rolling in forever, and she was already--after two years of living in the PA house--eager to move up to something better.

Now, of course, she claims to love living in PA--in the place she once called "Ghettoville--because she now realizes that this is the best she will ever have. There will never be a $2M house, or a beach house, or a place in NYC. She's lucky to hang onto this house, and she realizes that.

But--that quote and what it implied just summed up the essence of Kate. She can't be happy with anything she has, because once she has it, she's yearning for bigger, better, and more. That applied when she had the twins and just had to try for HOM, and that applies to any and all material possessions.

Math Girl said... 149

Somewhere In Time said... 136

I watched Gary Busey on DWTS, and oh, my gosh, he is really weird. Scary strange, but it seems that he does have fans.

That said, right now they are airing the Buddy Holly Story (1978) and he is really, really good. It surprised the heck out of me. He does all his own singing and had the signature Holly hiccup in the songs down to perfection.
The Buddy Holly Story (1978) was made before Gary Busey had a motorcycle accident (1988) that caused a scull fracture and some brain damage.

Rhythm Of Life said... 150

running mummy ‏@mumlvs2run 7m7 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer Wayyyy to quiet..where's K8 @Kateplusmy8 😳

Why do you want to know? Ah, busybodies, and the fans rant and rave about the non-fans wanting to know details, what Kate is doing, and prying into her life. If she is quiet, she wants to be quiet. No need for you to ask where she is. Such hypocrisy.

Jeanne said... 151

I think the Duggar women are obsessed with birth because they know nothing else. Children who go to school and have activities get to learn subjects and try out their interests. Reading, science, soccer, ballet, etc. The Duggar girls are not only homeschooled but sheltered. They can't read interesting books or talk to those with other viewpoints. That leaves them with cooking, cleaning, and child raising. Childbirth is the only thing they may learn about.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 152

So many of us have come up with so many different quotes and
moments and episodes which we feel represented TFW's poor
qualities. We have formed opinions and are able to point to
evidence to support them.

Compare that to TFW's biggest fan, who tweeted the other day
that her idol is "always gracious" and acts like a lady in dealing
with controversy. Not only is that untrue, but I bet many of
us could supply examples that prove the opposite is true. This
fan's opinions are based on fantasy, not fact.

Rhythm Of Life said... 153

But don't you see? You can't just change one, you'd have to change all 6 of them.


lol! So you change six of them. How difficult can that be?

Jamesvader1194 said... 154

Ironic how milo tweeted to Deena saying haters are the evil ones,yet she turns around and talks about stoning teenagers.What a hypocrite!

franky said... 155

oh how refreshing! Just clicked on link above for the interview, on computer for once, and oh, my, I had no idea that a family with SEPTuplets, 7 at once, count'em 7...could live a normal life. Kudos to those real parents, Kudos.

redbird said... 156

AuntieAnn said... 145
Kate is a twit said... 138

What Kate quote really stuck with you??

“She’s ruined, she’s completely ruined.”


They had to keep their clothes clean because they were little walking ads for whatever clothing company Kate was grifting their outfits from. She never missed a trick. She responded to the word 'free' like Pavlov's dogs salivated at the ring of a bell.


Not only did she force the kids not to stain their clothes, but under the penalty of severeness. When SHE decided that the clothes couldn't help her anymore when filming, she kicked them to the consignment curb.

Got free clothes.
Used the clothes.
Kept stained free, under the penalty of severeness.
No longer useful for filming, took clothes to consignment shop.
Received monthly paycheck for selling the clothes.


franky said... 157

now where are those maroon straws I stashed away? hunkering down for a long cold spell under the verandah



Sheepless In Seattle said... 158

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@zippyzappylife Should give them a taste of Biblical justice....under Law Code juvenile delinquents were stoned to death! Now THAT worked! 139

Her positivity is slipping. So much for peace, love and understanding.


She is nuts. Then she wonders why those on Twitter poke fun at her and call her the court jester of Kate's TL.


Was't she having problems with her son at one point, when he missed curfew, was being disrespectful, mouthing off, wanted out of the house? She was complaining about it on Twitter. Stone him, Milo...that always works! Good gawd.

redbird said... 159

FlimsyFlamsy said... 152
So many of us have come up with so many different quotes and
moments and episodes which we feel represented TFW's poor
qualities. We have formed opinions and are able to point to
evidence to support them.

Compare that to TFW's biggest fan, who tweeted the other day
that her idol is "always gracious" and acts like a lady in dealing
with controversy. Not only is that untrue, but I bet many of
us could supply examples that prove the opposite is true. This
fan's opinions are based on fantasy, not fact.


TFW running on the sidewalk in NYC carrying ice cream cones in a short mini skirt, stilettos and bouncing chest while screeching to the double decker bus. Then when she boards, pushes one of the boys back really hard.

Could you see Leeza Gibbons doing something like that?

Absolutely not!

It would of been much better to have bought a couple of quarts of ice cream, ice cream cones, a dipper from the shop and just took the bag and dished out the ice cream on the DDB. Much better memory than a running lunatic mother screeching and shoving you and others.

Over In TFW's County said... 160

Rhythm Of Life said... 150
running mummy ‏@mumlvs2run 7m7 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer Wayyyy to quiet..where's K8 @Kateplusmy8 ��

Why do you want to know? Ah, busybodies, and the fans rant and rave about the non-fans wanting to know details, what Kate is doing, and prying into her life. If she is quiet, she wants to be quiet. No need for you to ask where she is. Such hypocrisy.


running mummy ‏@mumlvs2run 1h1 hour ago
@BarbGilmer @
redbird (156):Kateplusmy8 Hopefully working on a new project. 😃 or #Back2SchoolOverload 📚😅

Keep asking, Mummy. One of these days she will tweet you with some smiles, giggles and teasing, all getting your hopes up for your Gosselin kids circus act entertainment pleasure.

Back to school overload? Those kids have been in school since the end of August. What kind of overload could Kate possibly have? They are out of the house from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. or later and SHE DOESN'T WORK!

redbird (156): No longer useful for filming, took clothes to consignment shop.
Received monthly paycheck for selling the clothes.


Depending where she took the clothing, she wouldn't have to wait for a monthly paycheck. They will sort out what they want and pay you right there. Instant cash in hand.

Anonymous said... 161

One of my favorite comments, for all the wrong reasons remains... "I love all those kids to death, but I can't spend another minute with THAT woman!" Nanny Ashley


Over In TFW's County said... 162

It would of been much better to have bought a couple of quarts of ice cream, ice cream cones, a dipper from the shop and just took the bag and dished out the ice cream on the DDB. Much better memory than a running lunatic mother screeching and shoving you and others.


In the hands of Kate, that would have made one big mess! I cannot imagine dipping out eight cones of melting ice cream on a bus. What she should have done is to purchase eight cups of ice cream with lids, put them in a few bags and then distribute the cups to the kids who were seated on the bus. No fuss, no mess.

Of course, she couldn't think that far ahead.

Over In TFW's County said... 163

running mummy ‏@mumlvs2run 7m7 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer Wayyyy to quiet..where's K8 @Kateplusmy8 ��

Why do you want to know? Ah, busybodies, and the fans rant and rave about the non-fans wanting to know details, what Kate is doing, and prying into her life. If she is quiet, she wants to be quiet. No need for you to ask where she is. Such hypocrisy.


That Is Milo's platitude buddy. The two of them would drive each other crazy with their preachin' and spittin' words of inspiration.

redbird said... 164

Some of the comments from the fans (taker uppers) are mind blowing.

AuntieAnn said... 165

redbird said... 156

Got free clothes.
Used the clothes.
Kept stained free, under the penalty of severeness.
No longer useful for filming, took clothes to consignment shop.
Received monthly paycheck for selling the clothes.


Ms 'Giving Back' also wouldn't think of donating those used clothes to families in need or to a church flea market or charity fund raiser. Nope. If anyone is going to make the last dollar it'll be Kate. . . with a token donation to an animal shelter to make it 'right'. Tightwad.

Jeanne said... 166

Redbird, the comments on the US Magazine article are some the same with some a tad wacky. Kate dumped Prescott to date a woman? That's a new spin. But that one woman "betty" must spend all her time looking for articles to defend Kate. Kate could appear on tv saying she worshipped the devil and hated the kids and be defended by these ultraloyal sheeple. It's so odd.

Get medicated..... said... 167

"Who would give you gum?"

"That's it, your bear is going in the garbage"


"It's our new tradition"

"I love fill in the blank but...."

"We don't buy anything without a coupon"

"I found their currency"

"I love the sun but it doesn't love me"

I could go on for days. She's a wealth of quality quotes

mom of 2 said... 168

Then when she boards, pushes one of the boys back really hard.

Could you see Leeza Gibbons doing something like that?

When did she push one of her boys?? I do not remember this.

And what does Leeza Gibbons have to dowith the situation?

Don't you think, rb, that it would HAVE been better to not have been on a bus tour AT ALL in that suffocating heat so late at night??

P.J. said... 169

Well, since sKate loves making memories, here's an article for her. The history of the plastic chair. Her model, the 1983 Grosfillex Resin Garden Chair is a classic. Who knew her flat ass was in the presence of greatness?

You can't make this stuff up.

P.J. said... 170

mom of 2 said...

Don't you think, rb, that it would HAVE been better to not have been on a bus tour AT ALL in that suffocating heat so late at night??


Well, the carriage horses were pulled off the streets of NYC because of the heat. But the G kids? Keep 'em working.

P.J. said... 171
This comment has been removed by the author.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 172

AuntieAnn (#165), and yet TFW claimed to be "addicted to giving."
She ought to let Dr. Drew in on whatever cured her, because she
seems to have some secret weapon which might help the people
on "Celebrity Rehab."

redbird said... 173

FlimsyFlamsy said...172

and yet, TFW said she was addicted to giving.


Addicted to giving is code speak for Giving it to the kids. Giving them hello. Giving them pain. Giving them a hard time. Giving them moldy food to take to school. Giving them anxiety. Giving their dad a hard time. Giving their dad the gift of a lawsuit. Giving the kids their friends, relatives and special people in their lives the `ol heave ho!

Giving Shoka and Nala back to the breeder.

I could go on and on. She's a giver, alright.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 174

It's funny when the fans deduce that TFW must not be tweeting them
because she's super busy. As if they're some kind of priority to her,
but the hours just slip away because she has so much to do, and
she simply doesn't have the time to check in. She gets away with pulling her disappearing act because she knows they're making
that assumption. Meanwhile, she's shown again and again that
they are not a priority to her, and she can continue to use them
when it serves her. When she's ready to hook up her attention
IV again, all she needs to do is tweet "I miss you all -- what's
new?" And all is forgiven.

redbird said... 175

FlimsyFlamsy said...173

When she's ready to hook up her attention
IV again, all she needs to do is tweet "I miss you all -- what's
new?" And all is forgiven.


Sweet music to their ears! Pretty funny, Attention IV! Bwahaha!

AuntieAnn said... 176

FlimsyFlamsy said... 172

AuntieAnn (#165), and yet TFW claimed to be "addicted to giving." She ought to let Dr. Drew in on whatever cured her because she seems to have some secret weapon which might help the people on "Celebrity Rehab."


Perhaps he could thank her with yet another small kitchen appliance.

JoyinVirginia said... 177

Dropping by to just say how obsessed I am with Big Brother! It's heading toward a really fun finale, and it's more fun because no one is certain who is going to win!
Other reality shows that are really interesting: Face Off, Project Runway, Wicked Tuna. DWTS should be getting better and better as the weeks go on. Survivor starts Wednesday right before the BB finale!
TFMJG is still boring. Kim Davis is boring. The Duggars are boring even the cousin who sold her honeymoon photos to People.

Blowing In The Wind said... 178

When did she push one of her boys?? I do not remember this.


I remember this, and very clearly. One of the boys was sitting near the back, on the left side of the bus. She took the ice cream cone, slammed it at him, and in the process pushed him back. My mouth dropped open. It was beyond cruel. I don't know if she meant to do this, or if she was just so angry that she wanted the whole scene to be over, but nevertheless, it was filmed.

Blowing In The Wind said... 179

Hit publish too soon. It was not immediately when she boarded the bus. She had to walk to her son's seat (he was sitting at the time) and it was then that she shoved the ice cream at him and in the process, he was pushed back.

Rhymes with Witch said... 180

Perhaps he could thank her with yet another small kitchen appliance. 175

Small? This is Katie we're talking about.

Rhymes with Witch said... 181

OT. Too started roughing yesterday (4x).
The first time I thought she was about to vomit but then it became clear it was mucus. Her shots are all up to date, including kennel cough. She has only coughed once today so far.
Thoughts? Recommendations?

chefsummer #Leh said... 182

So TFMJG aka the flying witch is still being a lazy grifter?

Ah good to see nothing has changed.

Rhymes with Witch said... 183

180. Roo started coughing.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 184

Chef (#181), you're back! You've been missed by many!

chefsummer #Leh said... 185

I never left you guys.;-) Cray things have happen

My mom was moving my brother's motorcycle-(don't ask why lol) and she hurt her back so I've been caring for her..She okay now

Sadly one of my brothers-(same one as above) His bulldog drowned.

I had to get my eyes redone..I'm all good now.

chefsummer #Leh said... 186

I just wanted to see how long I could go without thinking about TFW or her twitter and her using the kids.

Last the whole summer. -)

LaLaLandNoMore said... 187

We are all still seeing the "real" TFW, but my question is, why, oh why is she still being given a paycheck from TLC? There is still so much we do not know about this family and their business dealings. Jodie and Kevin tried so hard to help, but in the end were accused of not really knowing how to help them. Who says that? Entitled much, Kate? Teaching her children to be just that as well. I had never heard anyone say all the junk she has on television film. That bit about deserving "life on a golden platter" just sounds ignorant to me. The other quotes sound mean, entitled and ignorant.

Lynne In RI said... 188

Blowing (178): Hit publish too soon. It was not immediately when she boarded the bus. She had to walk to her son's seat (he was sitting at the time) and it was then that she shoved the ice cream at him and in the process, he was pushed back.


Yep. I remember this. She actually shoved the ice cream at him, and in the process, he went kind of backwards. He was sitting at the time. I could not believe what I saw. I mean, it was nasty. She certainly was angry over this whole thing and made it seem like it was such a big chore to get him ice cream. My heart just went out to him. No motherly affection there.

redbird said... 189

Thank you Blowing in the Wind. I went through over 20 youtube pages trying to find the episode. I was thinking, gee, I hope someone remembers this! I found the episode but they wanted 1.99.

Sorry, TFW. Not paying.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 190

Don't you think, rb, that it would HAVE been better to not have been on a bus tour AT ALL in that suffocating heat so late at night??


Of course, but if TLC wanted that filmed, and Kate agreed to it because there would be dramatics (melted ice cream) that contributed to the story line, then that is the scripted schedule they followed. The show must go on, heat or no heat.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 191

FlimsyFlamsy said...173

When she's ready to hook up her attention
IV again, all she needs to do is tweet "I miss you all -- what's
new?" And all is forgiven.


Isn't it soon time for another parade in a Walmart parking lot featuring a video of the loyal fans with megaphones?

Layla said... 192

Has Roo ever had problems with allergies? I noticed one of my Aussies has been sneezing a lot lately, and so has my cat. My allergies have gotten pretty bad lately, and I have a lot of congestion and coughing. Everyone reacts differently. We went on a hike along the canal trail here the other day, and the one dog sneezed all night afterward. Fortunately, it sound like it was just a temporary thing for Roo.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 193

OT from a previous thread...

I had to laugh when I was reading Yahoo news today (no, Kate is not trending, Milo) and came across this:

Now this clears everything up. I can now sleep at night and not have to wonder if Miley has an attraction to a cast iron skillet.

redbird said... 194

Hey, chefsummer! Good to see you back on board.

TFW will never change. She has that grifting Tea for Two song and dance tap down pat.

redbird said... 195

My mother just called me. My dad found her Australian Shepard, Cosmo this morning. Now he is with his love of his life, Coco at the Rainbow Bridge.

Blowing In The Wind said... 196

Thank you Blowing in the Wind. I went through over 20 youtube pages trying to find the episode. I was thinking, gee, I hope someone remembers this! I found the episode but they wanted 1.99.


You are welcome, redbird. I haven't watched too many episodes because I just cannot stand her voice and attitude, but that is one show I do remember because she shoved the ice cream at her son and it pushed him back in his seat. You were not imagining it!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 197

Chef (#185), I am sorry to hear you've had such a lousy
summer. I can understand your taking a break from TFW's
drama when you had your own to deal with.

Redbird (#194), I think TFW's song and dance would be "Coffee
For One (Nothing For You)" because you don't know how to
help her! Or maybe "Coffee For Two (Decades)," because she'd
like to grift that much, what with the endless energy she needs
as a single mother who does it all. Didja know she has 8 kids?!

Kirkland said... 198

Good question, why is TLC still willing to pay Kate? Why are advertisers willing to drop The View at a drop of a hat over a comment about nurses, yet those same advertisers have no problem with Kate's show. I think Kate has done ten times worst things than what the ladies on the View did. There's no comparison really. So why not drop Kate too? I just don't get why Kate continues to get a pass. She should buy lottery tickets - she has the luck of the Irish! Why do the Irish have such good luck, by the way? haha

AuntieAnn said... 199

Yep. I remember this. She actually shoved the ice cream at him, and in the process, he went kind of backwards. He was sitting at the time. I could not believe what I saw. I mean, it was nasty. She certainly was angry over this whole thing and made it seem like it was such a big chore to get him ice cream. My heart just went out to him. No motherly affection there.


She was manic that day. Batshit manic.

If you watch the preview clip of Kate Plus 8 'the big apple' you are treated to seeing her run with the ice cream cones. TLC didn't want to show her shoving the cone in his face I guess. But there is a telling quick glimpse of Collin sitting behind her as she's making some grand announcement. The child looks like he's suffering from heat stroke, which he probably was. Poor little guy.

I don't know what she was saying though. I put the clip on mute. Force of habit.

Oh and HI CHEF!!

FYI said... 200

Talk about greedy people. Fourteen members of the Duggars dressed like pirates yesterday for Talk Like a Pirate Day, and scored 14 dozen donuts for free!!

And Michele has the nerve to brag about it on their FB page. Of course, People has an article about it.

Isn't greed one of the seven deadly sins?

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