Thursday, November 5, 2015

Law and Order SVU: Patrimonial Burden

Last night's Law and Order: SVU was a brilliant ripped-from-the-headlines satire based heavily on the Duggars and other high profile sex abuse scandals, including a side plot pulled from the story of sex offender and Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship. If you missed it, you can watch the full episode on or below.

Who done it? Was it the pervert camera man who saved naked footage of the girls? What about the creepy older brother who was shipped off to Ecuador for a "mistake"? Could the Warren Jeff-like pastor-slash-lawyer have something to do with this? Are the Bakers really a Bakers dozen or will DNA prove otherwise? Mariska and the team crack the case within the hour with a couple great zingers (Chastity Empire, lol!), a lot of binge watching and some solid detective work. Well done, SVU.

1939 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

Call Me Crazy said... 197
Jane said... 196

Maybe my memory is faulty, but I remember both Bush and Clinton (more so Bush) really getting raked over the coals about deferments. So far, Trump doesn't seem to have it as bad as they did but, should be become the nominee, I'd expect that to change.

Jane, your memory is not faulty.
Remember "Rathergate"? Dan Rather went after Bush 43 and his supposed dodging?
Cost him and his producer their careers.
There's a movie (shocking that Hollywood would dramatize this!! (not)), "Truth", which kind of flopped.

KellyAnne said...

My problem with Trump evading the draft is not that he took deferments, it is his misrepresentation. He said he didn't get drafted because he had a high number, which he did. He didn't mention that he took deferments while still in school, and a medical one after graduation. It is his double speak and seeming inability to be above board that bothers me. He is smarmy.

I voted for both Clinton and GW, so obviously my vote isn't cast based on military service or whether someone enrolled in/stayed in college during a draft period. And I certainly don't care at all what a candidates spouse's military/draft issues were.

I think that when you look at Trump as a whole, there are just way too many things he has done and said that make him an extremely poor candidate for the office of the POTUS.

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes, there was some other lady helping out at the famous sleepover debacle party- the mother of the smaller girl guest I think.
Yup, another sychophant enabler who probably thinks getting on tv and rubbing elbows with someone famous is more important than children's right to privacy.

Janice in Mo said...

The immigrant is undocumented

The immigrant is ILLEGAL if they crossed the border undocumented.
ILLEGAL in EVERY sense of the word. The first act they do in our country is crossing the border ILLEGALY.

P.J. said...

KellyAnne said... 2

He is smarmy.


I haven't seen that word used in a very long time. LOL Thank you for that.

Now, if someone could work "fop" into a sentence it would make my day.

Ex Nurse said...

My recollection is that GW was criticized for not showing up for his required duties. I think that is what the Dan Rather story was that was discredited.

Hillary needs to be held accountable for the legal actions of her husband, done before they met? Seriously? Even if they were together at the time, a decision she made when she was in her early twenties disqualifies her for the presidency? I thought that use established, when his DUI came out just before the election, that anything that happened before age forty was just "youthful exuberance".

TLC stinks said...

Trump is totally off the charts. To say attendance at a military school from 8th grade until graduation is comparable to actual training, service and sacrifice by our military is just ludicrous. My husband went to a military college and joined the service after graduation. I know what it is like. Really, somebody needs to shut him down.

AuntieAnn said...

P.J. said... 5

Now, if someone could work "fop" into a sentence it would make my day.


I'm not sure if this is 'fop', but how about hip? :

Ex Nurse said...

Tucker's Mom,
I don't agree with your characterization that the mom who may have been helping at the birthday party is a sycophant. I guess she could be, but I don't think that this one single act qualifies her as that. It is not the fault if the children that they are famous. My guess is that this mom may not have wanted to punish her own daughter, as well as the Gosselin fgirls. for the actions of their parents--they were the ones who violated their privacy, after all. We just don't have enough information.

Mel said...

Trump tries to come off as a bit of a fop, but only succeeds in being the buffoon. :-)

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
P.J. said... 5

Now, if someone could work "fop" into a sentence it would make my day.


I'm not sure if this is 'fop', but how about hip? :


Oh dear God!!!! My eyes!!!!

I'll get you for that, my pretty.

fidosmommy said...

"Fop" was a new one to me until about 10 years ago during a game of Scrabble. My opponent made that word. She told me what it meant. She also told me that in the song "Yankee Doodle", the term "macaroni"
was related. A foppish person (usually male) is very much a fashionista whose ultimate pleasure is looking good and being surrounded by haute couture and loveliness. "Macaroni" is another term for "trendy"'. So, when Mr. Doodle stuck a feather in his cap, he decided he was very lovely, very fashion forward.

So, my sentence would be "The fop carefully tied his silken scarf into a bow around his waist and called it faaaaabulous, darling!"

I am hesitant to say this but some of the contestants on Project Runway come across as foppish. I am not referring to sexuality, they may or may not be gay; I am talking about love they have for playing around with looks and fabrics. In fact, I could say Tim Gunn and some of the male judges strike me the same way.

P.J. said...

fidosmommy said... 12

So, my sentence would be "The fop carefully tied his silken scarf into a bow around his waist and called it faaaaabulous, darling!"


That would work. I just found on Google that F.O.P. stands for Fraternal Order of Police and Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.

beau, Beau Brummell, buck, dude, dandy, gallant, jay, lounge lizard, macaroni, pretty boy, toff, coxcomb", fribble, "popinjay" (meaning "parrot"), fashion-monger, and "ninny

I'm partial to coxcomb.

Winsomeone said...

If Trump wins the nomination, the GOP will need to lop the fop from the ticket.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ex Nurse said... 9
Tucker's Mom,
I don't agree with your characterization that the mom who may have been helping at the birthday party is a sycophant. I guess she could be, but I don't think that this one single act qualifies her as that. It is not the fault if the children that they are famous. My guess is that this mom may not have wanted to punish her own daughter, as well as the Gosselin fgirls. for the actions of their parents--they were the ones who violated their privacy, after all. We just don't have enough information.
We disagree in our opinions and that's fine.
The only person f*cking up a child's ability to interact with his or her friends is Kate Gosselin who can't seem to have a private gathering for her children's friends without cameras and a big fat paycheck.
Let's not forget all the freebies.
Sometimes kids don't understand that when an adult takes a moral stance, for all the right reasons, it affects them negatively. Yet, the parent has the responsibility to make ethical decisions, which I firmly believe is not participating in this abuse it at this point. After all these years, and the very public knowledge of the ill-effects reality tv fame has on these families, people should know better and do better.
So yeah, shame on the parents who join in at this point in time. During the J+K+8 years? OK, maybe everyone (including most of us here) was a bit naive. Now, the jig is up.
Maybe the helper mom didn't want to be a "bad guy", but I'd rather let my kids be upset with me than give in to letting them be a part of the biggest reality tv child exploitation in history.
The parents who let their kids be a part of this are either weak, or have a poor moral compass, or are flattered that Kate Gosselin gave them the time of day, or like seeing themselves and their kids on tv, or like the bragging rights, or like the freebies, or would rather be their kids friend than a parent doing the right, albeit uncomfortable, thing.

Tucker's Mom said...
IMO, the man bun on Trump is an improvement!

AuntieAnn said...

IMO, the man bun on Trump is an improvement!


I'd like to see what he looks like bald. I think there's an app for that.

Bill Clinton with dreadlocks lol! And Obama looks alright in a man bun, but George W. really rocks it.

Huffpost has a montage:

AuntieAnn said...

P.J. said... 13

beau, Beau Brummell, buck, dude, dandy, gallant, jay, lounge lizard, macaroni, pretty boy, toff, coxcomb", fribble, "popinjay" (meaning "parrot"), fashion-monger, and "ninny

I'm partial to coxcomb.


I am, too. That and fribble.

Tucker's Mom said...

I am, too. That and fribble.
Jiggery pokery = Kate ;-)

All This Is That said...

For you avid readers out there. Get ready. 52,000 pages to peruse.

Should the Gosselin kids be shunned because of their mother? The kids suffer because of the sins of the parent?

All This Is That said...

By the way, why would Bill Clinton serving in the Armed Forces or not have anything to do with Hillary? Why should she have to answer for his actions? He was elected president twice so why bring it up? People didn't care then and they don't care now.

The comment was that a draft dodger shouldn't be president and it was pointed out that there has been a president who avoided the draft due to deferment and wrote a letter to ROTC thanking them for "helping him." It has nothing to do with Hillary being president; from what I can tell is that it was a response to a POTUS being a draft dodger. That's why it was brought up.

Tucker's Mom said...

Should the Gosselin kids be shunned because of their mother? The kids suffer because of the sins of the parent?
Of course not. However, allowing children to participate in the abuse of the Gosselin kids is wrong, imo.
The Gosselin kids should have friends AND FAMILY who are free to visit them and whom they are free to visit, without invasive and exploitative cameras.
Everything done for the cameras is theater, not real life.
How anyone could think it's anyone else's fault but Kate, I just don't get.

Tucker's Mom said...

In Kate's "Mommy Journal", she made it clear that the only people who would be invited to her kids' birthday party where those who were willing to sign a CA.
Sorry, that's effed up.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said...

I am, too. That and fribble.


But neither one holds a candle to lickspittle.

All This Is That said...

Everything done for the cameras is theater, not real life.
How anyone could think it's anyone else's fault but Kate, I just don't get.

So if a birthday party is filmed, a parent shouldn't allow their children to go that party? It goes without saying that there should be no filming at all, birthday parties included, but if she is insistent on filming the parties, then the kids and their friends are being punished for the sins of the parent if they aren't allowed to attend.

Or, am I missing something here? It would seem to me that allowing or not allowing my child go to that party would be a decision that doesn't come easily.

P.J. said...

All This Is That said... 20

For you avid readers out there. Get ready. 52,000 pages to peruse.


I'll get right on that.

TLC stinks said...

With Twitter, snapchat etc, teens want to be public so I don't believe Kate has any problem recruiting friends for the kids' parties and trips. I doubt the friends are paid (more money for Kate) and I guess the parents are thrilled to add a TV appearance on a reality show to their kids' resumes. I'll say one thing is for certain: the Gosselin kids know filming is the price for a vacation or party, otherwise I do not believe Kate would bother.

Tucker's Mom said...

Or, am I missing something here? It would seem to me that allowing or not allowing my child go to that party would be a decision that doesn't come easily.
Nope, you're not missing my point at all. The whole "sins of the parent" isn't how I'd put it, but in effect, children would suffer, yes.

They already do.

That's EXACTLY my point. It's been happening for years and why would anyone do anything that furthers the abuse?
The suffering, abuse and exploitation of the G kids has been allowed to not only continue, but prosper, because good people continue to stand by and do nothing.
(Paul Peterson, Tom Murt et. al. withstanding, and to an extend, Jon)
The people who have taken a hard stand- the brave people like Jodi and Kevin-have had to withstand Kate's ugly and far-reaching wrath and I give them all the credit in the world because they stood on principle.
They took a stand and spoke out, even though it cost them and their children the relationship they had with the Gosselins.
When the children grow up on both sides- the G kids and those whom they lost along the way because of Kate's insatiable lust for fame and money- they will begin to understand.
It's not easy telling your kid that you can't see a friend or a beloved cousin because filming private moments to line their mother's pocket and continue her 15 minutes of fame is wrong, but I believe it's the right thing to do.
It's not an indictment upon any of the children involved, because for me, I'd be more than happy to encourage a friendship, just not on camera.
And that is on Kate, and Kate alone.
The parent that refuses to have their kids film staged, unreal, orchestrated, made-for-tv events, or "episodes", is far from the bad guy.

Imagine if years ago, all those parents got together and said "no" to Kate.

Capitulation is not the answer.

Tucker's Mom said...

P.J. said... 26
All This Is That said... 20

For you avid readers out there. Get ready. 52,000 pages to peruse.


I'll get right on that.
So far, almost 1000 classified emails, I think? How is this not going to the next level?

Tucker's Mom said...

Say, what spectacular Cyber Monday deals has Kate recommended on Coupons By Kate?

fidosmommy said...

Say, what spectacular Cyber Monday deals has Kate recommended on Coupons By Kate?

The handy household manual on keeping your website current. It's
called Upd8 Your Sh8 with K8!!!! It's done wonders for her, after all.

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

That's EXACTLY my point. It's been happening for years and why would anyone do anything that furthers the abuse?
The suffering, abuse and exploitation of the G kids has been allowed to not only continue, but prosper, because good people continue to stand by and do nothing.
(Paul Peterson, Tom Murt et. al. withstanding, and to an extend, Jon)
The people who have taken a hard stand- the brave people like Jodi and Kevin-have had to withstand Kate's ugly and far-reaching wrath and I give them all the credit in the world because they stood on principle.
They took a stand and spoke out, even though it cost them and their children the relationship they had with the Gosselins.
When the children grow up on both sides- the G kids and those whom they lost along the way because of Kate's insatiable lust for fame and money- they will begin to understand.
It's not easy telling your kid that you can't see a friend or a beloved cousin because filming private moments to line their mother's pocket and continue her 15 minutes of fame is wrong, but I believe it's the right thing to do.
It's not an indictment upon any of the children involved, because for me, I'd be more than happy to encourage a friendship, just not on camera.
And that is on Kate, and Kate alone.
The parent that refuses to have their kids film staged, unreal, orchestrated, made-for-tv events, or "episodes", is far from the bad guy.

Imagine if years ago, all those parents got together and said "no" to Kate.

Capitulation is not the answer.


I agree 100% . If those were my kids, they would not have been going to any party at the McMansion and no way I'd be signing a NDA.

I'd be teaching my kids to walk the walk.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

The suffering, abuse and exploitation of the G kids has been allowed to not only continue, but prosper, because good people continue to stand by and do nothing.


Yes, it should have been nipped in the bud years ago but it wasn't. Hindsight is 20/20. She will continue to do this as long as TLC is footing the bill. She is at fault, as is the network. I wouldn't let my kids be filmed to line her pockets, but I also imagine that there are some parents out there who know exactly what she is doing and feel sorry for those kids. Boycotting a birthday party isn't the answer. She will hire someone to act as guests and friends of the kids. How humiliating would that be for the Gosselin children?

At this point, what should the "good people" do? It's easy to say that they should do something, but what exactly should be done? She is in control and the kids suffer because of it. New child labor laws were enacted and that seems to have no effect on her shoving he cameras into their faces and putting them out there for money and for the immature sheeple's entertainment.

"I'd be teaching my kids to walk the walk."


What if your kids were best friends with the Gosselins? What would that be teaching them? That because of their mother and through no fault of their own they couldn't attend a birthday party at their home?

Tucker's Mom said...

What if your kids were best friends with the Gosselins? What would that be teaching them? That because of their mother and through no fault of their own they couldn't attend a birthday party at their home?

With cameras? No.
Where parent sign NDAs? No.
Just no.
The kids can hang out all they want at my house or the compound, just not for the purpose of Kate continuing to exploit them.

P.J. said...

What if your kids were best friends with the Gosselins? What would that be teaching them? That because of their mother and through no fault of their own they couldn't attend a birthday party at their home?


The kids don't need to know the reason. Maybe years down the road it could be explained to them. I would take my child's friend, not the 6 pack, out to a special event, just for them. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Who says you're obligated to attend these over-the-top filmed parties every year? And where are the friends of the boys? Sorry, I'd stand my ground. Any suffering of the kids is on her and her alone.

fidosmommy said...

Essentially, those guests would be helping create an episode, therefore working. Would the invitation have been extended if the party wasn't material for a show? Maybe. Maybe not. But while the kids went with the intention of hanging out with friends from school, the hostess knew she would be getting something out of them.

It reminds me of the lady across the street from my childhood home. She had 2 sons my age and we were great friends. Whenever I or any neighborhood kids were invited by their mother to come over to their house to play, we had fun - for awhile. Then their mother asked us if we could all sweep the garage or rake leaves or even wash windows. Every time. It was kind of fun a few times, but we would have preferred just playing. It became exploitive, really, except I didn't know it at the time. My invitations to play at their house were actually for some other
objective? Harrumph and no thank you!

Ingrid said...

How do they keep young guests from blabbing to other friends if there is a NDA? Kids can't sign if they are under 18 right? So their parents would have to sign it. What if the kid told others and those kids' parents heard it and something got out. Do the parents of the original kid get sued? Maybe this is why we didn't see a whole lot of the tups' friends at doings when they were alot younger because they wouldn't keep quiet.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"The kids don't need to know the reason."


But you said, (32) "I agree 100% . If those were my kids, they would not have been going to any party at the McMansion and no way I'd be signing a NDA. I'd be teaching my kids to walk the walk."

If you don't tell them and there's no reason for them to know why they aren't allowed to attend a party that is being filmed, then what are you teaching them? How can they "walk the walk" if they don't know why they are walking and to where they are walking?

Sue_Buddy said...

Ingrid said... 37
What if the kid told others and those kids' parents heard it and something got out.

What if the kid told others what and it got out? I feel I've missed something.

Ingrid said...

Sue_Buddy said... 39

Ingrid said... 37
What if the kid told others and those kids' parents heard it and something got out.
What if the kid told others what and it got out? I feel I've missed something.
anything about Kate's house or life that she wants covered by that NDA. simple example--- Like hey mom I saw lots of boxes of that wine stuff , that you like next to Kates bed.

Tucker's Mom said...

anything about Kate's house or life that she wants covered by that NDA. simple example--- Like hey mom I saw lots of boxes of that wine stuff , that you like next to Kates bed.
Or Steve's boxers hanging in the laundry room!

P.J. said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 38
"The kids don't need to know the reason."


But you said, (32) "I agree 100% . If those were my kids, they would not have been going to any party at the McMansion and no way I'd be signing a NDA. I'd be teaching my kids to walk the walk."

If you don't tell them and there's no reason for them to know why they aren't allowed to attend a party that is being filmed, then what are you teaching them? How can they "walk the walk" if they don't know why they are walking and to where they are walking?


I meant the G kids.

"Sorry we won't be at your party. We have other plans."

Mel said...

Hey mom, how come their bodyguard sleeps in their mom's bed?

Mel said...

Hey mom, how come their bodyguard doesn't get a shower at his own place?

Sue_Buddy said...

anything about Kate's house or life that she wants covered by that NDA. simple example--- Like hey mom I saw lots of boxes of that wine stuff , that you like next to Kates bed.


Kate put half her life out in the trash and RH found it and wrote a book. That didn't stop her. Not sure finding some wine bottles (thought she kept them in her bedroom) would worry her too much. She's a phonix continually rising out of the ashes. I'm not sure what it would take to stop filming.

TLC makes the decision anyway. Sexual abuse of one's young sisters doesn't phase TLC. They overlook it and keep on filming a truly dysfunctional family. What would Kate have to worry about? Wine bottles? Doubt it.

Ingrid said...

What would Kate have to worry about?
If nothing then why NDA at all.

Wine bottle was just example I thought of that kid might notice.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I meant the G kids.

"Sorry we won't be at your party. We have other plans."


So either you lie, or you make other plans so that your kids can't attend? What is that teaching your kids? If you don't want them to attend a party because they will be filmed, then you straight out tell your children and if need be, you tell Kate and her kids the reason.

jamezvader1194 said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours agoWelcome Home! Vacays R fun...but there is "no place like home!" Time 2reunite w/your #FurAndFeatherBuds #ShokaAndZorro! :) @kateplusmy8
"Ok if Kate is home,how does Milo know this?This tweet is suspicious

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Tucker's Mom said... 30
Say, what spectacular Cyber Monday deals has Kate recommended on Coupons By Kate?


Ask Milo. She's back, but I think she gave up looking for anything on Kate's coupon site. I guess she has found her petite clothing elsewhere. Didn't LOM just order something like 100 pairs of socks online?

Tucker's -- will you give us a Spark Notes version of the 52,000 pages of e-mails?

Sue Buddy -- you're right. A few boxes of wine or the bodyguard sleeping in her bed isn't going to stop Kate from filming. She would just blow it off. As long as she puts cash into TLC's pocket, she will be there. She knows that she's already disliked (okay, hated) by so many, that at this point nothing will faze her. I'm not even sure that being convicted of a crime, or if any of the kids' friends witness physical abuse at her house, would have any effect at all. I have never seen anything like it. Compared to the Duggars, she is TLC's golden girl.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Ok if Kate is home,how does Milo know this?This tweet is suspicious


Easy. They communicate in so many ways other than Twitter.

Tucker's Mom said...

So either you lie, or you make other plans so that your kids can't attend? What is that teaching your kids? If you don't want them to attend a party because they will be filmed, then you straight out tell your children and if need be, you tell Kate and her kids the reason.

OMG, I need to bang my head on the wall.
People give these types of responses to invitations all the time because they don't want to cause rifts in relationships.
The invitee NEVER needs to give a specific reason for turning down an invitation that they object to.
"I'm sorry we can't attend" or "I'm sorry, we have plans" is a generic way of saying "No" and should suffice.
It's also socially graceful, rather than attacking Kate's lack of parenting sills.
If the inviting party has little social graces and presses for a reason, they perhaps you think about revealing your objection to filming and using children for income, or having to sign a legal document in which you expose yourself to liability if you agree to attend.
The latter would not only be my excuse, but my reason.

You can nit-pick all you want, but the bottom line is that as a parent who objects to using children for money and fame, are you going to walk the walk?
Also, I don't believe Kate wants anyone else's kids in her home unless there's something in it for her. So, she'll use other kids as well as her own.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's -- will you give us a Spark Notes version of the 52,000 pages of e-mails?
I'm not following the email "scandal" closely. In fact, I thought the FBI had them all and then yesterday there was another data dump.
With about 1000 emails considered classified at this point, I'm wondering why it seems to not be affecting her at all.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#51), heck, I don't think TFW wants her own kids in
her home. So very revealing when she dropped that line: "Mine
all mine."

Gladys probably just said welcome home to TFW because she knew the kids had to be back in school. It was a way to try to coax a tweet
out of TFW, but didn't work. Rest assured a new episode countdown
will begin soon with the requisite obnoxious rhyming.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gladys probably just said welcome home to TFW because she knew the kids had to be back in school. It was a way to try to coax a tweet
out of TFW, but didn't work
Predictable as always.

I find Kate's Twitter line so bizarre. She just drops in and tweets random crap from time to time.
Most "celebs" know how to harness Twitter and follow some basic rules, like timely updates.
Kate's Twitter is like 4-year old's finger painting project.

Tucker's Mom said...

Has anyone been following the idiot woman who put duct tape on her lab's muzzle to stop him from barking?
This woman posted a photo on Facebook, of her chocolate lab with DUCT TAPE AROUND HIS MUZZLE because he evidently was barking too much.
She got immediate backlash and retorted that it was only for a couple minutes and the dog stopped barking, so "point made" or something like that.
Well, she got arrested for animal cruelty. ~ Administrator said...

Kate's Twitter is like 4-year old's finger painting project.


Bingo. That's what it is. ~ Administrator said...

I haven't a clue why the email story isn't getting any traction. She is teflon. Everyone who is a voter needs to look at the latest dumping. You should not be voting without at least reading a summary of the latest batch.

It proves she lied, repeatedly. Proves.

So I guess this election year, you can vote for the liar, or the liar. ~ Administrator said...

"Ok if Kate is home,how does Milo know this?This tweet is suspicious


I don't think Milo knows anything more than anyone else. I think she's just assuming Kate's home by now, but likes to make it SEEM like she knows more than anyone else.

I don't think Kate keeps in touch with her at all anymore. If she ever did, it was no more than a few boilerplate impersonal emails exchanged. Probably mostly to take Milo up on a freebie or something. In fact I don't think that woman does anything just for the sake of it. I think there was some kind of freebie involved from the beginning, like a vacation beach house in Alabama, and that's why she gave her the shout out.

TLC stinks said...

Her email dump made news, but not on the scale of imploding her campaign. More emails did turn up classified, though. I haven't a clue whether she lied or not but I do know the private server was a huge mistake. Regardless, what's been reported is an interesting read and isn't going to send her to jail. More will be released and the FBI is still investigating, though. The Bengazi Committee is worthless but the
FBI investigation is what counts, and I don't think she'll be criminally charged by Justice because she did not deliberately leak classified materials. ~ Administrator said...

I haven't a clue whether she lied or no


Did you look at what she was writing to Chelsea versus what she was telling the American people?

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh wow, Kate's going to be on the Today Show tomorrow.
So, let's see. Film the kids all vacation? Then say adios suckers! ~ Administrator said...

This seems totally creepy.

"Twelve-year-old “Dance Moms” star JoJo Siwa will host a Holiday Bash at The Canyon in Agoura Hills on Sunday, Dec. 6.
The afternoon will include entertainment, homemade treats, hot chocolate and a performance featuring Siwa and special guests. VIP tickets are also available, which include VIP seating for the show and a meet and greet with Siwa.
“I am so excited for my holiday bash,” Siwa said. “I can’t wait to perform all the fun holiday dances I have been working on.”"

Anonymous said...

How slow can December be on the Today Show, or rather, how quickly those fools forget. What a joke. TLC is placing her there to promote her summer film exploitation, and upcoming filler season. And the bitch gets a hotel/makeup getaway with the bodyguard. She irritates me way more than Hillary Clinton's emails ever will.


TLC stinks said...

I agree. Clinton told her daughter the truth. The administration had their own agenda how to explain the attack. So did George Bush in regards to Iraq. Welcome to the world of spin.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

It may be time to change the name of this blog to "15 Years."
She's not going anywhere.

Those poor kids. Sigh.

TLC stinks said...

Gawd, I cannot believe she will be on Today. Probably a 3 minute spot but she gets a limo, hotel and meals with Steve as escort. Unbelievable.

TLC stinks said...

LOL, 15 Years. So true. Some is will croak before that POS is off TV.

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 61
Oh wow, Kate's going to be on the Today Show tomorrow.
Where did you see that ? I don't see anything on the web. ZAP2it has lists of guests, but no Kate.

redbird said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65
It may be time to change the name of this blog to "15 Years."
She's not going anywhere.

Those poor kids. Sigh.


15 Years and Counting...Gosselin Style!

I wonder if TFW is still around when she is able to collect Social Security, TLC will film it.

Episode Title: Checks and Unbalances

Jamesvader1194 said...

So shes going to be on the today show.I wonder if she'll have the twins on there again and try to get them to say they love filming and badmouth their father like last year.

redbird said...

Wow. What horror the TODAY show is doing to the American public. They should be ashamed to have that massive pile of dung on.

The should be horribly ashamed.

Susan1956 said...

redbird said... 71

Wow. What horror the TODAY show is doing to the American public. They should be ashamed to have that massive pile of dung on.

The should be horribly ashamed.

I expressed my displeasure on the Today Show FB page and my comments have already been swiffered. I hope they are ashamed, but who knows?

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said... 61

Oh wow, Kate's going to be on the Today Show tomorrow.


I'll miss her segment. I've got plastic plants that I'll be watering.

redbird said...

Episode Title: Checks and Unbalances


LOL Good one!

AuntieAnn said...

I find Kate's Twitter line so bizarre. She just drops in and tweets random crap from time to time.

Most "celebs" know how to harness Twitter and follow some basic rules, like timely updates.


Not to worry. She'll be buttering up her fans close to when the show airs 'the week of Thanksgiving' or maybe 'Dec 15' or... whenever. Until she needs them they are nothing but a twitter nuisance.

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me she is in N.Y. for the lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas tree tomorrow night.


Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 62

A Momager Is Born.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 65
It may be time to change the name of this blog to "15 Years."
She's not going anywhere.

Those poor kids. Sigh.
It's a foregone conclusion at this point ;-(

Midnight Madness said...

The Bengazi Committee is worthless but the
FBI investigation is what counts, and I don't think she'll be criminally charged by Justice because she did not deliberately leak classified materials.


It doesn't matter if it was deliberate or not. One can still be charged for a crime. That's like saying that someone can't be arrested if you cause the death of a spouse in a domestic dispute incident, or you can't be charged for a crime because you didn't know it was a crime!

I had to laugh when I read the e-mail asking where to find a channel on television. She can't google or find it herself? It reminded me of Kate trying to find someone to repair her dryer.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 66
Gawd, I cannot believe she will be on Today. Probably a 3 minute spot but she gets a limo, hotel and meals with Steve as escort. Unbelievable.
December 1, 2015 at 8:43 AM
Steve, The Silver Fox, is sooooooo 2009. It's all about Adele's bodyguard, baby!

He can hold my purse anyday ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Math Girl said... 68
Tucker's Mom said... 61
Oh wow, Kate's going to be on the Today Show tomorrow.
Where did you see that ? I don't see anything on the web. ZAP2it has lists of guests, but no Kate.
Hoda and Kathy Lee announced it at the very end of their show. It perked my ears up.

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

Hoda and Kathy Lee announced it at the very end of their show.


Filler again? Someone bailed at the last minute. They scraped the bottom of the barrel and look who floated up. LOL

Tucker's Mom said...

Filler again? Someone bailed at the last minute. They scraped the bottom of the barrel and look who floated up. LOL
I don't think this is last minute. Kate's got a full season of shows to yak about.
Blah, blah, blah, I'm dating!
WTF cares.
Anyway, it's interesting she's going to be on with Hoda and KL because she's always been on in the first hour or two.
Matt probably passed and Savannah probably hasn't forgotten that horrific interview with the twins.
Ah, the life of a piecin' and patchin' mom. Jet off for the holiday, then limo it up to NYC.
Tough life.

MikeB said...

She's nothing if not predictable. The Today Show debacle last year was right about when the specials started and her Celebrity Apprentice appearance began. Hopefully her handler told her this time to promote the show. Last year she was so intent on throwing Jon under the bus that she didn't even try to get people to watch the shows that provide her fat checks.

fidosmommy said...

Well, one good thing to say about Kate being on with Kathie Lee is that
it will be interesting. She enjoys being the center of attention with her facial contortions, leaning over the table as she puts her fun side on overdrive, and believing she's the comic of the year.

There will be no time for Kate! How sad!


Poor Hoda, stuck between those two. ~ Administrator said...

It may be time to change the name of this blog to "15 Years."


Ugh, yeah really.

I just may do that!

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm really hoping that Kate is on with Koda and KL. The two ladies are very sharp and quit witted and I don't think they'd suffer any fools with Kate and her Kate speak.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom said... 86
I'm really hoping that Kate is on with Koda and KL. The two ladies are very sharp and quit witted and I don't think they'd suffer any fools with Kate and her Kate speak.
Oops, make that "quick witted". Quit witted is more Kate's speed.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Kathie Lee's kids actually lost their dad this year. She may not
be interested in any of TFW's dramatic single mom boo-hooing.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#87), or if you're referring to one of TFW's famous
salads, it might be "quick wilted."

TLC stinks said...

Midnight, you are right. She can be charged with mishandling classified materials, a misdemeanor. Justice Dept is tough, but a deal would be cut if charged. I still don't know how they would prove it since what she did with a private server was technically legal and no classified material was tampered with. She definitely used poor judgement.

TLC stinks said...

Well, I'm going to miss Kate by a couple of weeks in NYC. I sure wish I was there now because I would love to give you guys a first hand report, LOL. Maybe Ratclaws will touch me too!

FYI said...

When the news about Kate and Jon possibly splitting up came out back in 2009, Kathie Lee said that they should quit the show and take care of their family.

When Kathie Lee was asked if she watched the show, she said ""I have to say no. Frank and I are probably the only two people in America avoiding that show. We are not reality fans and prefer to live reality. We sure don't want cameras following us around and picking on us!"

I wonder if she still feels the same.

I don't think Kate has ever met Kathie Lee or Hoda. The Today Show probably put her on their segment, because no one else would interview her.

Guess GMA didn't want her either.

I'm sure she'll hit up ET, Access Hollywood, or Extra, too, while she's in NYC.

Just realized that the 2nd airing of Kate plus 8(Dec. 15) will be on the same time as the next Republican debate. I wonder if that will effect her ratings?

Lucy Ellen said...

I hope she doesn't yack about dating on Today. It's been 6 years since the divorce, 7 since they separated and it's getting really old.

There was an ad on last night that briefly showed a baby donkey and Mady said something to Kate like "you look alike". The thought stuck me that I bet they got that from this blog...
There are new episodes of Fixer Upper on HGTV starting tonight - that's what I'll be watching at 9:00 on Tuesdays.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

It's funny that TFW is being shunted to the last hour of "Today."
Kinda like being stuck at the kids' table at Thanksgiving!

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 91
Well, I'm going to miss Kate by a couple of weeks in NYC. I sure wish I was there now because I would love to give you guys a first hand report, LOL. Maybe Ratclaws will touch me too!
Fun! Hope you have a great visit. We're thinking about taking a day or two in NYC before Christmas.
It's been too long since I've seen the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 92
When the news about Kate and Jon possibly splitting up came out back in 2009, Kathie Lee said that they should quit the show and take care of their family.
Right- KLG was clear that she thought the kids should be off tv. I'm sure she'll be professional with Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Lucy Ellen (#93), I think she will wind up talking about dating,
because that's part of the "story line" of the new episodes. But
it'll be fun to hear what reason she gives for putting it off so long.
Like, "Unless you're in my kitchen or at the grocery store, you're
not going to meet me." Whatever excuse she gives, it'll be pure
bull. I hope Kathie Lee and Hoda at least challenge anything
that's blatantly ridiculous, but no one ever seems to, do they?

TLC stinks said...

Tucker's Mom, I went last year to Radio City Music Hall for the first time and the show was fantastic. This year we are going to see "Beautiful", the Carole King musical. I love, love NYC at Christmas.

TLC stinks said...

As far as I am concerned, Kate was demoted. She is not news worthy, even for the regular Today Show, which is rubbish and I guess the producer said no way after that last cringe worthy interview.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin, might we get a new thread for TFW on Today?

Jane said...

This year's holiday windows are especially wonderful. IMO, of course! Hope you're able to see them.

jamezvader1194 said...

Well i know i'll have a great December.Will be watching the new star wars movie and league of legends allstars.Sorry Kate i used to be in love with your show but nowadays its just nothing fun.

Over In TFW's County said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 100
Admin, might we get a new thread for TFW on Today?


Will admin be doing recaps on these much-anticipated episodes? Not that I wish it on her, but I refuse to watch and find the recaps much more entertaining!

P.J. said...

Lucy Ellen said... 93

There are new episodes of Fixer Upper on HGTV starting tonight - that's what I'll be watching at 9:00 on Tuesdays.


Gee, my Real Housewives of (anywhere) are on Tuesday nights too. I guess I'll have to give sKate a miss.

In RH news, Yolanda Foster and David Foster have announced they are divorcing. Another housewife who isn't.

Midnight Madness said...

Did you look at what she was writing to Chelsea versus what she was telling the American people?

Oh, absolutely she lied, and it wasn't just a little white fib. It was an all out blatant lie. I seriously doubt that is the only one she told. She is like Kate -- she needs to write down her "stories" and keep better track of them. I could not, in a million years, trust that woman to be President. I would never believe anything that came out of her mouth. Of course, someone would need to give her a crash course in how to locate channels on the television in the Oval Office!

"Or Steve's boxers hanging in the laundry room!


I don't know. He seems more like a Tighty Whitie person to me!

Milo and Kate. I think that Milo pretends to know what Kate is doing so it appears that they are close. She may have looked at the school calendar to see when the kids' classes resume and just assumed that they were all back. I also think that she deliberately doesn't tweet when Kate is MIA because she either wants people to think that she's with Kate, or to guess if she really IS Kate. Gladys is quite a character.

NJGal51 said...

My Tuesday nights? Chicago Med and RHOBH and there's always Chopped or Chopped Jr. ABK (anything but kate).

SarahK said...

TLC Stinks:

Is it my understanding that no willful intent to break the law needs to be established for her to be found guilty. All that is needed is the answer to the question, "Did you do it?"

Classified information was passed around to others, including those in the inner circle of the Clinton Foundation. Stupidity, negligence and ignorance of the law are not valid defenses to the gross mishandling of government classified info. If she didn't know, she should have known.

Check out the Federal Records Act of 1995 and the Espionage Act of 1917.

I don't think that we have yet heard the last of this.

AuntieAnn said...

P.J. said... 104

Gee, my Real Housewives of (anywhere) are on Tuesday nights too. I guess I'll have to give sKate a miss.


I hear ya. That's my 'Yule Log' night and I refuse to miss an episode to watch Kate. Aiin't gonna happen. ~ Administrator said...

. Stupidity, negligence and ignorance of the law are not valid defenses to the gross mishandling of government classified info. If she didn't know, she should have known.


Yes that's usually true. Ignorance of the law isn't usually a defense. If it were you would see a lot more criminals in court saying, oh, I didn't know you weren't supposed to murder/rape/burglarize/assault somebody!

Over And Out said...

If Hillary Rodham Clinton, now known as just plain Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump win the nominations, I don't think that I could vote for either one of them. I just may spend Election Day drinking under the veranda. Is there internet access and/or a television down there so we can watch the returns?

Or I could go to Auntie Ann's house and rake the leaves in her yard.

P.J. said...

NJGal51 said... 106
My Tuesday nights? Chicago Med and RHOBH


Isn't Chicago Med great?

I'm also a fan of Code Black but I fear it will be getting the axe after one season.

localyocul said...

Over And Out said... 110
If Hillary Rodham Clinton, now known as just plain Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump win the nominations, I don't think that I could vote for either one of them. I just may spend Election Day drinking under the veranda. Is there internet access and/or a television down there so we can watch the returns?


I'll join you!!

Rhymes with Witch said...

That's my 'Yule Log' night and I refuse to miss an episode to watch Kate. 108

I watched this year's Yule Log for the first time this past weekend. A dog has been added. Kate can't compete. ~ Administrator said...

If Hillary Rodham Clinton, now known as just plain Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump win the nominations, I don't think that I could vote for either one of them.


It's rather disappointing to see who has floated to the top of the sludge.

I was reading Mark Zuckerberg's post on FB today announcing the birth of his first child. It was an open letter to his new daughter about the kind of world he wanted to leave to her. I don't see eye to eye with him on everything but he really had some great points about the many things we could focus more energy and money on that we don't. Anyway, I was thinking I wish I could hear that kind of energy and enthusiasm and authenticity from someone running for president. I wish someone like him would run. Of course, someone like him never will because people like him aren't nutty enough to do such a thing.

AuntieAnn said...

Over And Out said... 110

Or I could go to Auntie Ann's house and rake the leaves in her yard.


ha. Neighbor lady will have that job done by November but come on up anyway and we'll find something else not to do.

AuntieAnn said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 112

I watched this year's Yule Log for the first time this past weekend. A dog has been added. Kate can't compete.


They're only showing YL reruns here, but they're still more interesting than Kate Plus 8.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said...

They're only showing YL reruns here, but they're still more interesting than Kate Plus 8


What about the Swiss Chalet channel? Watching rotisserie chickens is kinda like watching her run around like a chicken with its head cut off. (not a threat) ;)

As for the new YL, what kind of dog? Will my allergies act up?

TLC stinks said...

Stand by because Trump will not let this go unanswered. In this morning's Washington Post opinion page, Dana Milbank, started off his column with "Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist."

I might add that the GOP establishment is scared to death of a Trump nomination and the massacre will be like when Goldwater was nominated and there's a fair chance the GOP will lose House and Senate seats too. I still have hope Trump will implode but somebody on the GOP side has got to take the lead. I admire anyone who goes toe to toe with him.

Tucker's Mom said...

I still have hope Trump will implode but somebody on the GOP side has got to take the lead. I admire anyone who goes toe to toe with him.
I think we need to take a deep breath and realize it's early days still.
Rubio is climbing and is on Trump's heels right now.
When you look at other elected Presidents and where they were in the polls so long before election, you'll see that things still have time to change.

TLC stinks said...

Didn't I read somewhere that when Kate appears on these programs it's with the understanding they can only ask pre-approved questions so the interviewer cannot wing it? Her appearance is not an interview in the truest sense, just a TLC promotion. Other than a poster here alerting us to her appearance on Today, there is nothing on the Internet. What a D lister.

TLC stinks said...

I agree but both parties have nominated some oddballs in the past. Trump is a force.

P.J. said...

I can only assume that because it's quiet here, that everyone is glued to the Today show?

Hahahahahahahahaha! What am I saying? ~ Administrator said...

East coasters, did they mention again this morning she's on?

Jane said...

I don't normally watch Today, Admin, but put it on about 15 mins ago and haven't heard a word about her. It's miserable and rainy here today. Tough luck, Kate!

Jane said...

The feed in before the show mentioned great beauty products and Michael Bublè. She's apparently not one of the shows highlights.

FYI said...

Kathie Lee & Hoda's show just started, and yes, Kate will definitely be on.

FYI said...

Kate has not said a word about her appearance on the show, and only one person mentioned it on twitter. Well, except for Milo who either picked up on that tweet or reads here.

I forgot that Kate was on the Today Show last January, but that was only due to her being fired from CA. She did tweet about that appearance and even provided a picture of herself walking in the snow. She also did Wendy Williams at the same time--again due to being fired from CA. Those were contractual obligations that those show had to fill.

So I guess Kate feels if Milo tweets about her appearance, she doesn't feel any obligation to do so. This was Milo's PR:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 13h13 hours ago
Media rounds? Any kind of a heads up on which shows you will do? :) @Today for sure. #AccessHollywood #Extra #ETOnline ?? @Kateplusmy8

I wonder if Milo watched the Today Show from 7-10am, and was disappointed that Kate wasn't on.

FYI said...

Kate is on now.

Jane said...

Her interview was nothing more than a TLC commercial. Maybe 2 minutes? The show tweeted:
"Somebody that can withstand the noise and chaos in my house." @Kateplusmy8 when asked what she looks for in a man.
45 sec ago from TweetDeck

FYI said...

Kate's interview lasted about 3 minutes. More of the same old stuff. How hard it is to have 8 kids, especially with 2 of them being teenagers.

They talked about the "dating" part coming up on her show, and Hoda mentioned something about how it "didn't go as expected", and Kate said "that there were a lot of twists and turns that are quite surprising and their life. You'll have to watch to see". Not sure if she said "and their life" or "in their life"-it was hard to understand.

I wonder if the "twists and turns" are about Jeff pulling out at the last minute.

The interview was more about the dating part of the show. Kate said "it would kind of a test for anyone. You have to be comfortable with cameras and whatever". KL then said "and sign a release" and Kate said "yes."

Definitely sounded like she was pushing for "Date with Kate" as a new show.

So that's about it. If it's posted online later, I'll post a link.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jane and KIAT, thanks for keeping us in the loop!

"Somebody that can withstand the noise and chaos in my house."
Gosh, what guy could resist a sales pitch like that? She's gonna
be beatin' 'em off with a stick!

I have never, heard TFW talk about a relationship in terms of
meeting an equal. A partner. Someone with whom she could
both give and receive love, support, kindness, and tenderness. Someone she could have fun with. But from what we've seen,
heard, and read, the Mine-All-Mine McMansion is where fun
comes to die.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 131

Jane and KIAT, thanks for keeping us in the loop!


Yes, thank you.

In other words, she blames the kids. But wait a minute. . . I thought she was in charge and that wasn't ever going to change.

What happened? The monkeys took over the zoo?

The trouble is HER and HER insatiable appetite to be on TV.

TLC stinks said...

Thanks for the update because I did want to burn my eyes. So it's clear she has every intention to continue filming. I think the chaos comment is what the hook is for viewers and any man she dates, doomed of course, because the man will walk and Kate can play the pity card. What does she care anyway when she has purse boy to do her bidding and escort her everywhere? I have to ask; dirty straight hair and mini dress?

Anonymous said...

Media rounds? Oh Milo, thank you for the morning laugh. So anyone who is going to date Kate is going to sign a release. I see this concept not going far at all. 2 minute TLC commercial at the end of the show. Oh boy.


TLC stinks said...

The upcoming show is definitely testing the waters for a dating show. Let's hope people are busy with the holidays and don't have time to watch her nonsense.

P.J. said...

KIAT said...

You have to be comfortable with cameras and whatever". KL then said "and sign a release" and Kate said "yes."


Bringing up that they have to sign a release sounds like a subtle dig to me. Kudos to KL.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to those who watched the interview today. Sounds like KL picked up on the blind date by asking about cameras and signing a release. So she is still blaming the kids (noise and chaos) because she hasn't found the right guy. I was hoping KL might have gone a bit further and advised her to give up filming the children's lives and to get a job. It is obvious this must have been scripted in advance - no hard questions or advice - neatly packaged into 2-3 minutes of promotion.


FYI said...

Kate's interview with KL&H is posted. Here's the link:

Jane said...

P.J. said... 136
KIAT said...

You have to be comfortable with cameras and whatever". KL then said "and sign a release" and Kate said "yes."


Bringing up that they have to sign a release sounds like a subtle dig to me. Kudos to KL.

I'd have to look at the video when NBC posts it, which I don't imagine I"ll do, but that seemed to be the only dig KL got in. The entire chat (was it really 3 minutes, seemed so fast!) appeared, IMO, to be scripted. A little video preview of the old Jon and Kate days, pics of the kids, a posed newish pic of Kate and the 8 and a few seconds of video of them on the beach. And then scripted questions. Kate still has the "attitude" but uses "ummm" less. Looked like she just had highlights, very long straight hair and, of course, way too much makeup. The whole thing was over in a flash.

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