Thursday, November 5, 2015

Law and Order SVU: Patrimonial Burden

Last night's Law and Order: SVU was a brilliant ripped-from-the-headlines satire based heavily on the Duggars and other high profile sex abuse scandals, including a side plot pulled from the story of sex offender and Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship. If you missed it, you can watch the full episode on or below.

Who done it? Was it the pervert camera man who saved naked footage of the girls? What about the creepy older brother who was shipped off to Ecuador for a "mistake"? Could the Warren Jeff-like pastor-slash-lawyer have something to do with this? Are the Bakers really a Bakers dozen or will DNA prove otherwise? Mariska and the team crack the case within the hour with a couple great zingers (Chastity Empire, lol!), a lot of binge watching and some solid detective work. Well done, SVU.

1939 sediments (sic) from readers:

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P.J. said...

Admin said...

Off topic, but Blue Apron is everywhere. They must be doing a big marketing push. I've seen several commercials for it now and it's always advertising on the internet.


I listen to Freakonomics Podcasts while I walk the dogs and they actually ran a BA ad on one episode. Weird.

All This Is That said...

Agreeing with Trump, much as I hate to admit it. He has been preaching since Day One that you can't negotiate with a terrorist. I'll go along with that.

I also have to agree with this:

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump argued on Saturday that the terrorist attack in Paris the previous night would have been "much, much different" if people there had been armed.
"When you look at Paris — the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris — nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody. Nobody had guns," Trump said at a presidential campaign rally in Beaumont, Texas.

"They were just shooting them one by one," the Republican presidential front-runner lamented."

He may be starting to make some sense.

AuntieAnn said...

Yes, and he said that he would bomb the s##t out of ISIS. Considering what happened with the downing of the jet and the murders in Paris, I would believe that many people would be in 'agreeance' with that.


The Donald must be channeling George Carlin:

"We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it. And it's a good thing we are, we're not good at anything else anymore. Can't build a decent car. Can't make a tv set or a VCR worth a fuck. Got no steel industry left. Can't educate our young people. Can't get healthcare for our old people but we can bomb the shit out of your country alright."

AuntieAnn said...

Oops. Hit publish and cut off the the rest of my comment:

Of course, Carlin was being facetious. Trump is serious.

Susie Cincinnati said...

"He may be starting to make some sense."

LOL! Yes, to me, too. Of course it could be due to the fact that I've had a few rumspringa tonight. I may feel differently in the morning.

Actually, Milo and UGGS (and some of the other sheep) scare me as much as, if not more, than Donald.

fidosmommy said...

One of the things that won people over to Ronald Reagan was his platform of America is Great. He made it OK to be proud of our country
and to support American enterprise after the slump we seemed to be feeling. He was a great cheerleader for all of us, IMO. I'll stop there...
I'm out of positive comments now.

Trump somehow reminds me of Reagan.

NJGal51 said...

Blue Apron runs ads on the Howard Stern show and pays to have him read the live ad. Big bucks. ~ Administrator said...

Trump somehow reminds me of Reagan.


He actually does in his patriotism and straight shooting and strict conservative policies.

I think people don't want to like trump because trump is trump. But some stuff out of his mouth really is right on the money. Especially in light of recent events.

NYY Julianna said...

As true today as it was in the years BC:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

---Marcus Tullius Cicero

Localyocul said...

So you don't agree with him saying "Let's make America great again?" :)


NOPE I think America is already great

Localyocul said...

Ok I agree we should bimb the fuck out of ISIS

Sheepless In Seattle said...

NYY Julianna said... 9
As true today as it was in the years BC:


Very true. We do not know where these terrorists are hiding, walking among us plotting their next attack. If it happened in Paris, it could happen here, at any time and at any place.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I think people don't want to like trump because trump is trump. But some stuff out of his mouth really is right on the money. Especially in light of recent events.


...and historically, in this year's rankings, Reagan has been rated among the top ten best Presidents. I wonder if one of the reasons is because he was a straight shooter, wasn't concerned about being "politically correct" and didn't kowtow to anyone and was as patriotic as the day is long.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

NOPE I think America is already great


I guess it depends where you sit. I think that the unemployed, as well as those living in poverty, children who go to bed with their tummies hurting because of hunger, might disagree with that, as well as the sick and the elderly who live on social security, only to find that there is no COLA increase next year because the cost of gasoline has gone down but Medicare payments have gone up. Those are some of the few who might be "down" on America right now.

Sherry Baby said...

Localyocul said... 11
Ok I agree we should bimb the fuck out of ISIS

Would bimbing be as effective as the use of a bomb? :)

Sherry Baby said...

NOPE I think America is already great


I guess it depends where you sit. I think that the unemployed, as well as those living in poverty, children who go to bed with their tummies hurting because of hunger, might disagree with that, as well as the sick and the elderly who live on social security, only to find that there is no COLA increase next year because the cost of gasoline has gone down but Medicare payments have gone up. Those are some of the few who might be "down" on America right now.

I think it's great, too, and I agree that for some it could be much better. Maybe this is why, when we sing our National Anthem at a baseball game I am always in tears...because America is great. Then I think of the people mentioned above and wish that for them it could be great as well.

P.J. said...

Donald Trump is the Kate Gosselin of candidates. All she ever had to do was be nice and not be so full of herself. At this point, it doesn't matter what he says, he's just not a nice person and he's full of himself too.

Ronald Reagan was nice. He was humble too.

Tucker's Mom said...

Quick update on our first Blue Apron meal- DH offered to make it to see how approachable the preparation is for someone with a bit less experienced, and he did great!
Our dinner was cod over oven-roasted acorn squash, sauteed swiss chard and cous cous- seasoned with ras el hanout.
Outstanding, I have to say! The instruction card is clear and easy to follow. It's wonderful for anyone who doesn't have the know how with regards to sequencing meal prep.
The fish was fresh, as was everything.
Next up is probably going to be lentil bolognese.

Localyocul said...

I have three jibs to make ends almost meet and still think it's fret .

Localyocul said...

Actually I wanted to like Trump because I liked in in CA. Very disappointed in him

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said... 18

Quick update on our first Blue Apron meal-


Are you grifting for some freebies? LOL ;)

Localyocul said... 19
I have three jibs to make ends almost meet and still think it's fret .


Okay, step away from the Rumspringa. I have no idea what you just said. LOL

P.J. said...

Oh, wait. I think I've got it.

"I've got 3 jobs to make ends meet and I still think it's great."

I now consider myself fully fluent in Localyokul. ~ Administrator said...

I think he's an erratic, rude, timebomb.


Hehe, I feel the same about Hillary so there ya go!

Granny said...

In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Thursday, Obama said he didn't believe ISIS was gaining strength.
The interview aired just hours before ISIS claimed responsibility for the horrific attack in Paris that killed 128 people on Friday.
ISIS has grown during the Obama administration from a group he once called al Qaeda's 'JV team' to the force it is today.
Can we believe anything he says? ~ Administrator said...

Granny that was bad. Terrible timing to say that. He doesn't know what he's talking about, they certainly are NOT contained, and no one should be telling us such a thing, much less the leader of the free world, unless they know it for a fact. He made it up, or maybe it was wishful thinking, but our president should not be telling us something out of wishful thinking. That was wrong.

I have to say, I give all the candidates credit for not trying to explain away that comment out of blind loyalty. They all said no, that's flat out B.S. and I'm going to say so. I'm not voting for any of those three, but there was a lot they said last night that was spot on. I'm sure though that heads are rolling between Hillary and Obama right now. She threw him under the bus big time, like she never has. She had to.

Winsomeone said...

Remember when Bush was president, and we weren't even allowed to call french fries by their name, as we supposedly hated France? couldn't have anything with French in its name.I can't even remember why now?

Localyocul said...

Sherry Baby said... 15
Localyocul said... 11
Ok I agree we should bimb the fuck out of ISIS

Would bimbing be as effective as the use of a bomb? :)


Oh much MORE effective . If you die by bimbo you don't get your virgins in Paradise

Localyocul said...

Hehe, I feel the same about Hillary so there ya go!


Haha I do too!! I'm a gal without a candidate! I don't like any of them!

Sue_Buddy said...

Winsomeone said... 26
Remember when Bush was president, and we weren't even allowed to call french fries by their name, as we supposedly hated France? couldn't have anything with French in its name.I can't even remember why now?

Here's an explanation. I don't remember that we weren't "allowed" to call them French fries. I mean, like, there wasn't a fine or anything.

"Freedom fries is a political euphemism for French fries in the United States. The term came to prominence in 2003 when the then Republican Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, Bob Ney, renamed the menu item in three Congressional cafeterias in response to France's opposition to the proposed invasion of Iraq. Although originally supported with several restaurants changing their menus as well, the term fell out of use due to declining support for the Iraq War. Following Ney's resignation as Chairman, it was quietly reverted."

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom @ 18 - Thanks for your critique of your BA meal prepared by your DH. I think your comment that "It's wonderful for anyone who doesn't have the know how......." explains why TFW was so impressed with BA (or perhaps because her meals were free, that always goes over well with her).


Ex Nurse said...

All this is that said.....

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump argued on Saturday that the terrorist attack in Paris the previous night would have been "much, much different" if people there had been armed.
"When you look at Paris — the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris — nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody. Nobody had guns," Trump said at a presidential campaign rally in Beaumont, Texas
Trump ignores the inconvenient truth that the freedom to bear arms costs 23,000+ American lives every year. That is the problem with someone who speaks in sound bites--no critical thinking. I agree, that in this respect, he is very much like Reagan. Shoot first, ask questions later.

"Let’s look at guns first. Firearms killed more than 346,681 people between 2003 and 2013, the last year for which numbers were available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the same period, terrorist attacks killed 312 US citizens, according to data from the US State Department and the Council on Foreign Affairs."

NJGal51 said...

I thought Localyokul was channeling franky! Do I have to put LOL or do you all know that I'm kidding.

I'd like to try BA but don't know how fresh it would be by the time it gets to the SW. Maybe when I get back to NJ.

Back to the pictures that TFW posted of Shoka. It always amazes me as to how pristine the dog bed looks for a bed that's supposedly slept on every night by a dog that spends his days outside in all kinds of weather. I keep the bully's beds clean but they always look like they're actually used and my bully's spend most of their time in the house!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I read somewhere online (can't remember where) in response to someone who believes all Parisians should be "armed", that more people were killed by guns in the U.S. in the past 48 hours than died in the Paris attacks.

bm ~ Administrator said...

What are the stats for how many people's lives have been saved because of the right to be bear arms? I see stories all the time about people who defended themselves and their homes against intruders. Here's several from just the past few days.

Google news will bring up many more similar stories. They're endless.

njay said...

P.J. said... 22
Oh, wait. I think I've got it.

"I've got 3 jobs to make ends meet and I still think it's great."

I now consider myself fully fluent in Localyokul.
P.J., thank you for my first laugh of the morning. Well, ok, my second. Sorry Local, I was trying to be polite but couldn't help having a giggle at your two comments while I was trying to figure out what you were saying. Your great. Thanks. (still giggling) ~ Administrator said...

We called them freedom fries for awhile because France refused to support the Iraq war. Naturally I'm sure we'll be right there for them if and when they choose to bomb the shit out of somebody, even if they don't get the right country or people.

Localyocul said...

Omg! or is it IMG? bimbs and Jibs I must have a really fat thumb ! I keep missing the o!

Localyocul said...

Glad I can give some entertainment haha ...hihi

Blowing In The Wind said...

Haha I do too!! I'm a gal without a candidate! I don't like any of them!


Should we call you Philip Nolan, the Man Without A Country? Or would that be Philippa Nolan?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Localyocul said... 19
I have three jibs to make ends almost meet and still think it's fret .


I think it's fret, too, but these jibs I have are starting to itch. Does cortisone work on jibs?

White Organza said...

We called them freedom fries for awhile because France refused to support the Iraq war. Naturally I'm sure we'll be right there for them if and when they choose to bomb the shit out of somebody, even if they don't get the right country or people.

I just can't believe the cynicism of that post.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Hehe, I feel the same about Hillary so there ya go!


I'll second that, and add big-time fibber to it as well. Or, like Kate, she's a master at "Hillaryspeak" and embellishment and exaggeration.

She recalled the trip to Bosnia:

"I remember landing under sniper fire.There was supposed to be some sort of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

Then the pictures surfaced to show what really took place! Oops.

At least we know that Carson wouldn't shoot first and ask questions later. He would just sit there in negotiations, offer the terrorists a cup of flavored coffee to celebrate those special moments in their lives, and assure Americans that all is right with the world. There is such a thing as being TOO laid back.

Ingrid said...

NJGal51 said... 32
Back to the pictures that TFW posted of Shoka.
I can't believe that a dog with that sort of fur would lay there that long under a blanket in a probably well heated house.

Ex Nurse said...

Just because someone used a gun to stop a crime does not translate to a life saved. Are you saying that Jon saved lives by firing a gun into the air when a paparazzo trespassed on his property?

I don't see any way to quantify that metric accurately, because there are so many variables. For example, you would have to factor in the theft of guns, which are then used for another crime. And, let's not forget that the ease of procuring guns in the US is a major contributor to arming criminals in the first place. If there were not so many guns out there, these types of confrontations would be much rarer.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Im not sure about whether or not america is getting better or not.Don't get me wrong i may never want to move to any other country.Its just I feel there's still alot of idiots here.I herd kids nowadays are worse and out of control.We also have that debt to China and alot of other crap nowadays happening.But like i said,i wouldn't want to move to any other country. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see any way to quantify that metric accurately


Which is so convenient for the anti gun lobby.

localyocul said...

Should we call you Philip Nolan, the Man Without A Country? Or would that be Philippa Nolan?


The way I've been typing it would be Phollopa Nilon

JoyinVirginia said...

Completely OT.Moderation in all things as Ben Franklin advised is a good thing.
Sometimes the gun lobby goes too far in imaging threats to their gun ownership.
then response from physician group.American College of Physicians.
And the Centers for Disease Control have actually been banned by congress from doing any research on gun deaths. So how many people died from accidents and how many from someone defending themselves and how many from suicide, stats come from police reports but further digging at the data that public health experts might do is banned if you happen to work for the CDC. See this next article for interesting info.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Also OT:

The New York Times is offering free digital access to articles about the Paris bombings.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Here's the link.
or you can open

Over And Out said...

Are you saying that Jon saved lives by firing a gun into the air when a paparazzo trespassed on his property?

How could you make that leap from what was said? She neither implied nor said anything like that.

Ex Nurse said...

I was responding to Admin's comment #34 (can't cut and paste on ipad), in which she asked the question about how many lives have meen saved by homeowners defending themselves with guns. That is exactly what Jon did. Not much of a leap at all, and a good example of the inherent difficulty of quantifying the claim that guns save lives.

TigerLife said...

Legal gun owners become Rambo in the heat of the moment? I think it's much more likely that they become stormtroopers. Am I showing my geekiness with that reference?

Localyocul said...

Well France just dropped 30 "bimbs" on Syria ~ Administrator said...

It's estimated that guns are drawn about 2,000 times a day in self defense or to stop a serious crime. In other words well over 15 times the amount of people killed in the Paris attacks are saved from death, injury or crime every day by guns.

The gun lobby at least talks about both sides of the coin--those killed by guns and those saved. The anti-gun lobby doesn't talk about lives saved and brushes it off as unable to quantify it. The problem is the anti-gun lobby wants the pro-guns to prove a negative, and you can't do that. That's like saying how many burglaries are prevented by simply locking your door. We really don't know but one can reasonably assume a lot. All I know is any time someone is saved by a gun either from death, injury or crime, you're lucky if the local paper reports it and it's certainly never picked up by any major national news outlets. That's the inconvenient truth, the truth that is ignored. I don't care what side you end up on, news should be presented in a fair matter and all the facts should be in front of people before making sweeping changes to the law.

As for Jon, he had no idea what the intention was of the paparazzi who came on his property. I would hope she didn't mean to kill him, but I don't know what someone's intentions are until afterward, and weighing on my mind would be the many celebs killed, injured or threatened by their fans. Nonetheless, even if she only mean to trespass and nothing else, he was well within his rights to draw his gun and fire it into the air, as he did. Don't like it, don't be a creepy stalker who follows celebs onto their private property and then you won't be mistaken for someone who intends to harm someone else. It's called personal responsibility. ~ Administrator said...

Bimping in Syria already? Wow. So did they find something specific to bimp or was it just a general bimping? I have to give them credit for getting something organized this fast. I think it took us several weeks after 9-11. Good for them. Bomb the shit out of them.

Here we go.

jamezvader1194 said...

Jon is protected by the 2nd amendment and didn't do anything wrong.Its not like he shot at her.The woman shouldn't of been on his property to begin with.So the Kate fans who cried and wanted his kids taken from him,should keep quiet.Just like how they want to silence haters on other websites for speaking negatively about Kate.Were protected by the 1st amendment,so if they dont like what we say,then tough luck,there's no one forcing you to read our comments. ~ Administrator said...

I wish John Lennon, Rebecca Schaeffer and Selina were armed like Jon was when their fans killed them. He has absolute justification for ensuring he is protected, and his children and their property.

TigerLife said...

I don't know much about a gun incident with Jon but what frightens me is not criminals or potential criminals but all the accidental shootings involving children. ~ Administrator said...

About 400 kids die from guns every year.

About 1200 kids die from child abuse every year.

As a nation, I wonder why we don't demand the candidates address at the debates what they are going to do about the frightening epidemic of child abuse deaths in our country.

Tucker's Mom said...

France bimbed the hell out of Raqqa, Syria, thought to be the capital of ISIS.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

I'm hoping TFW does or says something stupid very soon.... :(

NJGal51 said...

I'm sure purse boy is licensed to carry and I'm sure he does. If Jon is trained to use a weapon, what's the difference? ~ Administrator said...

Ridiculous. Rebecca Schaeffer opened her door and a man shot her.


Actually that's absolutely not what happened. She was well aware of who he was and had over an hour to arm herself the day he killed her. He had harassed her for many months and she responded to some of his letters to her politely. She was well aware a creep was after her.

The day of the shooting, he rang her doorbell. She came down, saw who he was, and ignored him, going back up. He then went off to get some lunch. It was only when he came back from lunch an hour later did he ring the bell again and she came down again, then she was killed. And, they even had a substantial conversation before he shot her. Plenty of time for her to draw her own weapon.

So, she was well aware he was there and in an hour's time easily could have armed herself before opening the door--if she owned a weapon. It wasn't as you paint it, "surprise I'm here" and then a quick shooting. Such things often aren't like that.

It's proving a negative again. Had Rebecca shown up at her door bearing a firearm, we have no idea what would have happened. For all we know her killer would have gone off to get some lunch but not come back. We never would have realized what he was capable of doing.

Jane said...

Over 7,000 children are hospitalized or killed due to gun violence every year, according to a new study published in the medical journal Pediatrics. An additional 3,000 children die from gun injuries before making it to the hospital, bringing the total number of injured or killed adolescents to 10,000 each year.

Rhymes with Witch said...

As a nation, I wonder why we don't demand the candidates address at the debates what they are going to do about the frightening epidemic of child abuse deaths in our country. 60

I think that there is a large swath of the population who believe that patenting choices are up to the individual (hello sheeple) and "are none of my business".
However, I believe that allowing untrained, unsupervised children access to (especially loaded) firearms is a form of child abuse.

P.J. said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 62
I'm hoping TFW does or says something stupid very soon.... :(


I was thinking the same thing. ~ Administrator said...

Ha, did you get that statistic from the NRA? The number is in the thousands, not hundreds.


Nope, got it from the CDC. Or are they in the pockets of the pro-guns?

It's about 400 a year, not in the thousands. And that's a liberal estimate as it includes things that probably shouldn't be included, like suicides.

My source is Center for Disease Control WISQARS Fatal Injury Reports. Not the NRA. ~ Administrator said...

I think that there is a large swath of the population who believe that patenting choices are up to the individual (hello sheeple) and "are none of my business".
However, I believe that allowing untrained, unsupervised children access to (especially loaded) firearms is a form of child abuse.


It can be, I've seen filings on that for neglect that endangers a child's safety. Usually it involves the police busting parents for something else and finding loaded weapons within easy access of the children. Perhaps it's time we realize some of these questions overlap. I think there are far more people who believe strongly in the second amendment than believe a parent has a right to abuse their child. Those folks are just Kate's sheeple and a couple other wackadoodles. As far as I know there are no amendments permitting child abuse, so the question should be an easier one. ~ Administrator said...

Jane, that study actually lines up right with what the CDC is saying. When you read it, this is what the study you referenced says about actual deaths:

"Of the children who were hospitalized, 453 – 6% – died from their injuries."

The question was how many children DIE from gun violence. The answer was, about 400 a year. Both the CDC and Yale agree on that.

So compared to child abuse, death rates are much, much lower. Not the tends of thousands anonymous wants us to believe. No. Four-hundred a year. Yale Medicine confirms that.

NJGal51 said...

Ted Gibson turned 50 and TFW didn't sent out a HB tweet. I guess he doesn't know how to help her any more. This time Goddy sent out the hint.

@msgoody2shoes21: RT @xaviersmarshall: Happy Birthday @tedgibson 🎉🎉🎉🎉 @ Knickerbocker Rooftop Bar @Kateplusmy8

Rhymes with Witch said...

I think there are far more people who believe strongly in the second amendment than believe a parent has a right to abuse their child. Those folks are just Kate's sheeple and a couple other wackadoodles. 69

I respectfully disagree.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I wish John Lennon, Rebecca Schaeffer and Selina were armed like Jon was when their fans killed them.


And Sharon Tate. Her baby would be 46 years old and quite possibly a parent himself/herself..

"Bimping in Syria already? Wow."


Is bimping a prelude to the bimbing?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Donald Trump is the Kate Gosselin of candidates. All she ever had to do was be nice and not be so full of herself. At this point, it doesn't matter what he says, he's just not a nice person and he's full of himself too.

Ronald Reagan was nice. He was humble too.


Nobody know what anyone, including politicians, are like behind closed doors. I liked Reagan very much, but he was an actor and quite possibly could turn on the charm. Similarly, Trump appears to be brash, an outspoken in-you-face person, but is that really who he is? He could be amicable. I'll say one thing, though. He did raise some very fine children. ~ Administrator said...

Trump appears to be brash, an outspoken in-you-face person, but is that really who he is? He could be amicable. I'll say one thing, though. He did raise some very fine children.


It really says a lot to me how well his kids have turned out. They are not without their mistakes, they are human, but overall they have consistently proven themselves to be incredibly sharp, capable and professional.

Now, I loved Reagan, but his kids have been at times, in my opinion, completely spoiled and selfish. Michael really is the only one I can tolerate.

Eight is More Than Enough said...

John Lennon would be HORRIFIED at the idea of carrying a gun and shooting someone, deadly stalker or not. Imagine nothing to kill or die for. Give peace a chance.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

John Lennon would be HORRIFIED at the idea of carrying a gun and shooting someone, deadly stalker or not. Imagine nothing to kill or die for.


The alternative, then, is that his ashes were scattered in Central Park. In this day and age, though, it's presumptuous to say that he would be HORRIFIED at the thought of carrying a gun. Times change, opinions change, threats and killings are at your front door. Who knows what his thoughts right now would be? He was, by his own admission, physically violently with Cynthia. It wasn't always about peace.

njay said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 62
I'm hoping TFW does or says something stupid very soon.... :(
Yeah, maybe something like her stupid tweet calling 911 the bombing or whatever. I can hear it now, "the hijacking thingy in France. Which by the way, I have always wanted to go there, It's on my bucket list".

Mel said...

I wonder what the deal is with TFW.....she hasn't publicly done anything really stupid in quite a while.

Ex Nurse said...

I did not say that Jon wasn't within his rights or did anything that was illegal. A few comments back, Admin stated that guns are drawn 2000/day in self defense or to stop a serious crime. So, the logical conclusion would be that Jon would be included in that number. As would many other incidents in which there was a perceived danger, but, not an actual danger. That is one of the reasons it just isn't possible to extrapolate how many lives were actually saved. It isn't the fault of the anti-gun lobby that pro-gun claims of the number of lives saved can't be accurately proven. I am incredulous that that comment was made at all. I guess we are just supposed to take the claims on faith.

Another statistic that would be useful to know is how many times was a homeowner or other family member killed because the situation was intensified by pulling a gun? The majority of home intruders are there to steal, not kill.

You know what? If guns only accidentally injured or killed other people who have guns, then they are welcome to them. But, since my family and I could be potentially endangered by someone else's decision to own a deadly weapon, then it is my obligation to speak out. It is no different than speaking out against people who knowingly drink and drive. It is a choice made by one person that can end someone else's life.

Sherry Baby said...

I wonder what the deal is with TFW.....she hasn't publicly done anything really stupid in quite a while.

Yeah, but we don't know what she's been doing. It could have been really stupid but we just didn't see or hear about it!

swingsandroundabouts said...

Ex Nurse, I agree with all of your comments and admire your tenacity in voicing what you believe.

Add me to those who hope TFW does something incredibly stupid ASAP.

Ulysses said...

Amen Ex Nurse. You're preaching to the choir over here!

fidosmommy said...

I hate guns and wish nobody had them. How naive is that? Of course law enforcement and military personnel need them. So I have moderated my thinking to this: I still hate guns and refuse to own one, but would be delighted if my neighbor showed up with one to chase a burglar (or worse) out my door.

How's that for sitting on the fence?

foxy said...

I just saw the clip for the "new season" and my gosh, what is wrong with Kate's face? Her date is definitely someone out of central casting and a very poor actor at that. The way she looks at him from across the table is like a middle school kid on a first date.

Wanderer said...

Owning a gun is like owning a car - just because somebody can own one doesn't necessarily mean they actually know what it means to own one.

Would you feel confident around somebody with a short fuse owning a car? Most anybody will know about people who technically can own a car, but would never be trusted behind the wheel of one.

Same thing goes for guns. Somebody's record may be clean, but it's no predictor of what they'll do with access to a gun.

Self Defender said...

Sorry Ex Nurse, but Jon didn't pull a gun in "self defense or to stop a serious crime." What he did was legal and I support him, but there's no way it was self defense "yet." If he had shot her just for not leaving his property he could go to jail. If he can retreat or if there was no real danger or threat it would not be self defense. He was protecting his property, and privacy, but not his life (yet.)

P.J. said...

Ask and ye shall receive.

Will the new shows feature the breakup? Dun, dun DUUUUUUN!!!!

P.J. said...

If Jeff Millionaire and the breakup is mentioned on the show, who wants to bet she'll blame it on the fact that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids? Nah, that's a sucker's bet.

Tucker's Mom said...

foxy said... 85
I just saw the clip for the "new season" and my gosh, what is wrong with Kate's face? Her date is definitely someone out of central casting and a very poor actor at that. The way she looks at him from across the table is like a middle school kid on a first date.

Kate looked so awkward which was probably amplified by the fact that she's a really bad actress.
I'm betting that date is all about Kate and not a give and take conversation between 2 adults.
Kate's been getting injections in her face for many years. Botox, fillers and nip/tucks are morphing her looks.
In older photos, her cheekbones look very flat and her jawline isn't tight. Then you see photos of very arched eyebrows and filled up cheekbones with distinct skin tightening.
I think the pressure of Kate wanting to go all Hollywood got her started way early with cosmetic procedures and now she's beholden to them.
Her face is always changing.
Just look at this pic of when Admin went to see her at the book signing in CA"

Since then, Kate's had tightening and lifting, more botox and fillers and looks much, much different. I mean, her face looks positively fleshy compared to how taught it is now.


Jamesvader1194 said...

@P.J Good grief,nowadays her fans use that argument for everything Kate does and its gotten to the point where i want to bang my head against the wall.I swear Kate could rob a bank and she would be in tears and her fans would defend her and blame Jon.

Tucker's Mom said...
With Kate as a producer, I doubt Prescott will be a part of the story line. Kate's denied dating him, so he's on the editing room floor somewhere.

redbird said...

This is why she wants a dating show. She can collect a big check for playing the game. Because she and TFM are together and have been for years and will continue from now on.

Did Jeff finally get it that she was not going to be with him because she has it locked in with TFM? Did he not notice a black and gray shadow that follows her all the time? All TFW wants is to get a big check from a dating show. She will pretend to want to date someone knowing all along that she will not end up with someone and make money to keep up the lifestyle that TLC has got her accustomed to.

She is a total fraud.

Tucker's Mom said...

I swear Kate could rob a bank and she would be in tears and her fans would defend her and blame Jon.
Well, how is going to find the money to "singlehandedly" raising 8 children?
You know, because Jon seems to not exist anymore.

Tell me, anyone who has experience with divorce and kids. Is the father always marginalized and given zero credit for raising his children once the children assume what seems to be a typical visitation schedule as Jon has?
Is the mother thought to be doing it all alone, as if the father's contribution is nil once he no longer lives under the same roof?
I really do wonder if fathers face this across the board.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Nothing like getting to know someone over dinner, with a camera
a foot away, a boom mike practically a few inches above your
scalp, and a director starting the proceedings by shouting
"Action!" This dude is probably as sincere about finding a
mate as his dinner partner. Who could watch this drivel and
believe one minute of it is authentic?

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

With Kate as a producer, I doubt Prescott will be a part of the story line. Kate's denied dating him, so he's on the editing room floor somewhere.


I still say that sKate is listed as a "producer" to divert funds away from the kid's trust accounts. I don't believe she has any say in what airs and what doesn't. Maybe TLC lets her think she does.

P.J. said...

Another point in my argument that sKate is a producer to divert money from the kids? When she was project manager on CA for the Neat commercial she was totally lost. Leeza had to step up or the project wouldn't have been finished. As a "producer", why was sKate so lost? Because she'd never "produced" anything having to do with t.v. shows.

Tucker's Mom said...

I still say that sKate is listed as a "producer" to divert funds away from the kid's trust accounts. I don't believe she has any say in what airs and what doesn't. Maybe TLC lets her think she does.
I think Kate pitches ideas, and I'm fairly certain that she does because of the lack of originality. This "season" is the same, same, same.
Beach vacay, aldergators, screeching, back to school shopping, twins cooking.
I would hope a real producers could coax something, anything original out of 9 people and dog.
And a couple hanger on-ers.
And a Flying Monkey.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's mom im unsure,i do think most dads don't get as much credit as they should.I've never herd of a deadbeat mom whenever there's a mom who can't pay child support.Its always the dads.Funny enough i looked at a list of top 30 celebrity deadbeat dads and jon wasn't on the list at all.You know im sure if Jon was a father who didn't care about his kids,im sure he'd be on that list.But anyways,the main reason is cause Kate still has a show and because jon's not on it,i believe that the fans ignorantly believe Jon's never around his kids.But thats what i think.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Owning gun is like owning a car - just because somebody can own one doesn't necessarily mean they actually know what it means to own one. 86

Yes, but one needs to take a test, obtain a license and buy insurance in order to drive. You are also intermittently monitored by police on the road.
Why should gun ownership have less scrutiny.

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 94
I swear Kate could rob a bank and she would be in tears and her fans would defend her and blame Jon.
Well, how is going to find the money to "singlehandedly" raising 8 children?
You know, because Jon seems to not exist anymore.

Tell me, anyone who has experience with divorce and kids. Is the father always marginalized and given zero credit for raising his children once the children assume what seems to be a typical visitation schedule as Jon has?
Is the mother thought to be doing it all alone, as if the father's contribution is nil once he no longer lives under the same roof?
I really do wonder if fathers face this across the board.


Absolutely not. We divorced when mine was 2. He was no saint, but he came to every single game, parent night, party, etc. He never missed visitation. Well, until she was in middle school and married his shrew of a second wife.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Thinking about TFW on a date, I can't help remembering when
she admitted to not paying attention to the dog breeder who'd
approached her. She said something like, he was talking, but
I just heard blah blah blah. So I suppose unless a date is
complimenting her, buying her something, or whisking her
off on some luxurious outing, she's just hearing blah blah blah.

Susan1956 said...

Tucker's Mom said... 94

Tell me, anyone who has experience with divorce and kids. Is the father always marginalized and given zero credit for raising his children once the children assume what seems to be a typical visitation schedule as Jon has? Is the mother thought to be doing it all alone, as if the father's contribution is nil once he no longer lives under the same roof?
I really do wonder if fathers face this across the board.
I think it depends on the mother. Some, like Kate, live in the land of parental alienation and marginalize the dads any way they can. For example, my SIL is very successful at what he does and as a result his court-ordered support is almost $1,000/month for his daughter. The mother and her current husband keep the child very isolated, ignore her, and badmouth my SIL and his family every chance they get. This monthly child support has enabled the ex and her husband, their son together, and my granddaughter to move into a new home as well as allowed the ex to stay home and play at being an "artist". The ex will not send any clothes for the girl during her visits to her father and the first days are always a struggle as she and her little half-brother are allowed to run free/aren't being taught some of the standard social graces, etc. Yet she never wants to leave when the visits are over and is starting to realize that things aren't quite 'normal' in her mother's household. She's 9, so you know Kate's 6 are aware of the differences between the things their gestational carrier and their father do when it comes to children.

Anyway, it's sad but there is nothing to be done at this point as it's not enough to fight for custody and be assured of winning. My personal belief is that the s--- will hit the fan by the time she's 12.

Tucker's Mom said...

Absolutely not. We divorced when mine was 2. He was no saint, but he came to every single game, parent night, party, etc. He never missed visitation. Well, until she was in middle school and married his shrew of a second wife.
lol, thanks.
It takes a big person to love their child more than they hate their ex.
To me, this is the biggest thing that I don't get about those who worship Kate.
After 6+ years, she hasn't managed to even try to forge a working relationship with Jon. It's such an utter failure to properly parent her children.
It's a fundamental mistake, and the fans just act like alienating the other parent and not making this as easy for the kids as possible is OK.
Kate acts like she's such a saint. A saint would be like some of our moms here who bit their lips until they bleed in order to protect children from adult problems.

redbird said...

I feel so bad for this man.

found on yahoo this morning;;;;;The text of the letter to Glamour staff is below:

On October 29th, 2001 I was honored to accept the Glamour Magazine "Woman of the Year Award" posthumously given to my wife, Police Officer Moira Smith. Moira was killed on September 11th, 2001, while rescuing thousands from the World Trade Center. EMT Yamel Merino was also posthumously honored that evening for her heroism.

I was shocked and saddened to learn that Glamour has just named Bruce Jenner "Woman of the Year". I find it insulting to Moira Smith's memory, and the memory of other heroic women who have earned this award. Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man? At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police officers and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life threatening diseases...the list of possibilities goes this the best you could do?

I can only guess that this was a publicity stunt meant to resuscitate a dying medium.

After discussing this slap in the face to the memory of our Hero with my family, I have decided to return Moira's award to Glamour Magazine.

James J Smith.

MikeB said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 100

Yes, but one needs to take a test, obtain a license and buy insurance in order to drive. You are also intermittently monitored by police on the road. Why should gun ownership have less scrutiny.
The biggest difference is gun ownership is a right recognized by the Constitution just like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to vote, the right to expect the police to get a warrant before entering your home, etc. Also, the civil requirements and police monitoring you noted are only required to take a vehicle on a public road. I can own thousands of unregistered, uninsured vehicles and the government can't do anything about it.

The problem with restrictions on civil liberties is deciding where the line goes from reasonable to oppressive. Should a competency test be given before someone can vote? I think so, but many others think not. Would you mind if the government made random searches of you home looking for illegal items whether you were a criminal suspect or not?

What individual liberty is important to you may not be important to me and vice versa. The Constitution is written to protect each of our liberties from the whims of the other.

I do wish existing gun laws were enforced more consistently. A crime committed while in possession of a gun should be an instant 10 year addition to any sentence. The government should send police immediately to any gun shop where a background check is flagged as questionable. More could be done to the criminals without affecting the 99.9% of the citizens who don't use a gun illegally.

Tucker's Mom said...

redbird said... 105
I feel so bad for this man.
I wish this man would have taken a beat before returning this award for his heroic wife, but understand his dismay.
Caitlyn Jenner is a money-making, PR generating, carefully honed and crafted brand and Glamour hitched onto her wagon for self-serving purposes.

Math Girl said...

fidosmommy said... 84
I hate guns and wish nobody had them. How naive is that? Of course law enforcement and military personnel need them. So I have moderated my thinking to this: I still hate guns and refuse to own one, but would be delighted if my neighbor showed up with one to chase a burglar (or worse) out my door.

How's that for sitting on the fence?
I'd be afraid my neighbor would shoot me or my child or pet, instead of the burglar. Not to diss my actual neighbors, but it takes a lot of training and calm to use one safely. Add a gun to being scared or panicked and you have a volatile situation.

fade2black said...

I wonder what the deal is with TFW.....she hasn't publicly done anything really stupid in quite a while.
I'm confident she does stupid stuff on a regular basis, but if it's not being filmed nobody cares.

fade2black said...

It takes a big person to love their child more than they hate their ex.
Very true, and this was 99% of the motivation behind my relationship with my son's father after divorce. The other selfish 1% knew that I only had to keep my mouth shut and the boy would figure out what an ass his dad was all on his own, which he did at a much younger age than I anticipated. If Jon were as bad as Kate tries to imply, she could have saved her lazy self a lot of effort.

Janice in Mo said...

Another statistic that would be useful to know is how many times was a homeowner or other family member killed because the situation was intensified by pulling a gun? The majority of home intruders are there to steal, not kill.


A degenerate comes in my home uninvited, his intent is not MY problem. MY intent is to protect MY home and its contents at all costs. You enter uninvited I will aim and shoot to kill.

As far as children killing each other with guns, that is a tragedy. The children I know with parents who have guns are responsibly taught about gun safety and guns are locked up.

However, my 3 siblings grew up with my father's loaded revolver on his dresser. We were taught to never touch it and I never did, nor did my brother or sister. His job required it.

I blame child shootings on the parents. Not supervised, not trained or parent's that are thugs themselves.

And Trump is right, people in the US are using their guns and will use them more. I am much more afraid of terrorists than a man packing heat at a movie theatre. I don't mind going through a metal detector and asked to show my permit. It has become part of my almost daily habits.

ISIS is in every state in the US. Don't think your city wont be next

We should all be afraid and cautious where we congregate. Especially through the holidays.

I just do not understand the liberal thinking at all. Yall are gonna get yourselves killed.

Janice in Mo

Janice in Mo said...

But, since my family and I could be potentially endangered by someone else's decision to own a deadly weapon, then it is my obligation to speak out. It is no different than speaking out against people who knowingly drink and drive


If your family fights escalate to that level and their are guns involved perhaps some one should be shot. Sounds like a bunch of thugs who can't be responsible in life.

Jon-he did nothing wrong. I don't give a hoot what paps intent was. And Jon should not wonder about that either, Times are changing. Don't put yourself in the position where your intentions are unclear. Same thoughts about police officers. Don't give them any reason to second guess you. Treat them with the respect they deserve. I am never afraid of a policeman. ~ Administrator said...

Jon-he did nothing wrong. I don't give a hoot what paps intent was. And Jon should not wonder about that either,


RIght, and whatever the intent was, no one is a mind reader when someone follows you onto your property. You can assume the best and be gravely mistaken and end up getting hurt, robbed or even killed, or you can assume the worst and let them know you will defend yourself and your property if they don't get off. Unless the worst has never happened, which of course it has, I'm perfectly fine with property owners assuming the worst.

Tucker's Mom said...

ISIS is in every state in the US. Don't think your city wont be next
Well ISIS just released a video that says DC is next, so that's freaking great...
Sigh. It never ends.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon-he did nothing wrong. I don't give a hoot what paps intent was.
He didn't and no one was surprised that Kate acted all holier than thou when the story broke.
Jon is protecting his property and the world now knows he's packing at all times (I guess depending on carry laws where he goes), and there's Kate leaving her kids with the nanny of the month, and she's acting like Jon is doing something wrong by showing what he's willing to do in order to protect himself.

Tucker's Mom said...

Unless the worst has never happened, which of course it has, I'm perfectly fine with property owners assuming the worst.
IIRC, Jon warned the pap to leave his property and she continued to approach. That's on her.

fidosmommy said...

Math Girl, where I live, gun training is as common as eating at the diner. I am surrounded with ex-military personnel and other well trained gun owners. In my case, panic would not be an issue. Think Leroy Jethro Gibbs type calm. And besides, I have lived here almost 25 years and there has never been a shooting. Or a knifing. I live in a small town.
It is bliss, I tell you, bliss.

I was only mentioning how my thinking has changed from an absolute, not open for debate stance to a more tolerant, guns in the hands of trained and steady neighbors if they were needed stance. I now sit on the fence, essentially.

Rhymes with Witch said...

More could be done to the criminals without affecting the 99.9% of the citizens who don't use a gun illegally. 106

I agree.

Tucker's Mom said...

In other unrelated, yet somehow not shocking news, apparently Charlie Sheen will confirm he is HIV positive.
This blind gossip broke last week, but calling the actor an A-lister with some sort of legendary status threw me off.

Tucker's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 117
Math Girl, where I live, gun training is as common as eating at the diner. I am surrounded with ex-military personnel and other well trained gun owners. In my case, panic would not be an issue. Think Leroy Jethro Gibbs type calm. And besides, I have lived here almost 25 years and there has never been a shooting. Or a knifing. I live in a small town.
It is bliss, I tell you, bliss.

I've never lived in a gun culture area where most people own them and hunt etc.
But, I'm more open to it and have thought about taking lessons, if even just to take the mystery and stigma out of it.
I want to move to blisstown!!

Midnight Madness said...

But, since my family and I could be potentially endangered by someone else's decision to own a deadly weapon, then it is my obligation to speak out.


What if that person's decision to own a deadly weapon actually was used for your protection and saved your life and that of your family? Would it be acceptable then?

Tucker's Mom said...

OT- Thanks for recommending Line Of Duty. I watched Series 1 and it is really good!
Sadly, I'm all caught up with Brooklyn 9-9 ;-(
I never realized how much I love Andy Samberg.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#122), if you're looking for another sitcom to fall
in love with, may I recommend "Parks & Recreation?" It was
created by Michael Schur, who also created "Brooklyn Nine-Nine."
And fun fact: he's Regis Philbin's son-in-law!

I just checked and, good grief, could they get any
further up the Duggars' behinds? I expect there to be a daily
story about the Seewald infant: "Spurgeon loses an eyelash,
and it's all captured on Instagram!" And tossing references to
faith in every sentence doesn't make these people any less
narcissistic than any other fame addicts.

Unreal said...

Janice in Mo said... 112
But, since my family and I could be potentially endangered by someone else's decision to own a deadly weapon, then it is my obligation to speak out. It is no different than speaking out against people who knowingly drink and drive


If your family fights escalate to that level and their are guns involved perhaps some one should be shot. Sounds like a bunch of thugs who can't be responsible in life.
What in the world? Ex-Nurse said absolutely nothing about her family fights involving guns. Who are you to refer to her family as THUGS? You and all your Rambo friends toting guns in public pose a potential threat to the rest of us who don't choose to live as vigilantes in the Wild West. How do I know that your aim is good and that you won't shoot me instead of your intended target?

Jon-he did nothing wrong. I don't give a hoot what paps intent was. And Jon should not wonder about that either, Times are changing. Don't put yourself in the position where your intentions are unclear. Same thoughts about police officers. Don't give them any reason to second guess you. Treat them with the respect they deserve. I am never afraid of a policeman.

redbird said...

Tucker's Mom, is the blind gossip that came out about the A-lister? is the same as the one in the Daily Mail with the picture of the girl who was shown from behind who gave the interview and had dated him and she was telling that he had dated girls and some that were in the porn industry and she knew all of them.

She said that when some of the girls figure out who gave them HIV that they were going to sue them and then his name would come out.

I feel sorry for his children. Doesn't he have 2 girls and 2 boys? The 2 girls with Denise Richards? and 2 boys with Brooke ?

How horrible. Those poor kids.

PA Dutch Mom said...

RIght, and whatever the intent was, no one is a mind reader when someone follows you onto your property. You can assume the best and be gravely mistaken and end up getting hurt, robbed or even killed, or you can assume the worst and let them know you will defend yourself and your property if they don't get off.


Exactly. If an intruder enters your property, and even if the majority of home invaders are there for the purpose of robbing, not killing, you don't stop and vet them and ask them their intent and if they are in the majority or minority! Even if their intention is just to rob you, things can and do go wrong and you'll find yourself in the "minority" of home invasions!

PA Dutch Mom said...

Dais☯ ‏@_daissssyy 2h2 hours ago
Dais☯ Retweeted al
This is literally Kate Gosselin 💀💀💀💀

As opposed to an 'illiterately' Kate Gosselin?

redbird said...

Last night, after the Andy Griffith show went off, Anger Management came on and there was Charlie Sheen in bed with of all people, Lee Ann Rymes with big smiles on their faces. She has been around the block a few times also.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 123
I've watched Parks and Rec here and there but was never a regular watcher. I've thought about streaming it from the beginning and will do.
Ugh, the Duggashians are sucking off the same famewhore teat that the rest of the reality fauxlebs do.
The just think their religiousness give them some patina of respectability.
Dressing it up with bible quotes doesn't change a thing.
I don't think Jessa and her husband will have long-term success with a tv show. I really don't.
They, along with her sister, are boring.

Jane said...

Tucker's Mom said... 129
FlimsyFlamsy said... 123
I've watched Parks and Rec here and there but was never a regular watcher. I've thought about streaming it from the beginning and will do.

Parks & Rec is one that, IMO, needs to be watched from the beginning. It grows on you. Toward the end, it was, well, the end. It could have ended a season earlier but the ensemble was excellent.

All of a sudden, NYPD Blue is back. I've been DVRing it and catching a show here and there. I had forgotten how exceptional this show is, how it portrays the grittiness and beauty of NYC perfectly.

On a whole other note, passed by BV Files and boy, is CJ getting a whipping!!

Call Me Crazy said...

These people only answer to bombs and guns. These people are evil, not rational.

Take it or leave it, but that's the cold hard truth. And that's why people are responding to Trump, because he keeps on telling the truth even when it's not popular.

There are very few people who wouldn't love to see ISIS and all terrorists blown to smithereens. They are evil incarnate. The problem with Trump's "truth" is that he continually throws ideas out there that are simplistic, ignorant and unrealistic. A lot of people applaud his seemingly strong language without seriously considering the horrific realities of his ideas.

Has Trump considered for a second that bombing the hell out of ISIS would mean the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people? ISIS and other terrorist organizations routinely operate within civilian populations as a means to prevent such attacks upon themselves. If we knew there were terrorist cells operating within any of our big cities, no one in their right mind would suggest we bomb the hell out of them. Thousands of civilians would end up as collateral damage.

Anyone can talk a good show when they are not in a position to have to back up their words with any action. This type of rhetoric, and an alarming lack of knowledge, have always been my biggest complaints about Trump. His is simple, simple thinking, with a lot of chest-pounding thrown in, about extremely complicated issues.

swimgirl said...

Call Me Crazy said... 131

redbird said...

When I heard Paris was bombing the you know what out of ISIS, all I could think about was the innocent and the children in that area. There are good people there where they are bombing but surrounded by very sick and evil radical individuals. I pray for them and for Paris.

Ex Nurse said...

Sorry--I cannot cut and paste at all on my iPad.

Midnight Madness, I of course would be grateful, but it wouldn't change my thinking. By the way, I am not opposed to all gun wownership. It is the resistance to reasonable restraints, such as registration and background checks.

To the person from Missouri--sounded to me like you were saying that if my family has fights that escalate to guns, that someone deserves to be shot. Is that what you meant? If so, I am wondering where In my post I said that my own family escalates to guns. The post that you responded to is one in which I asked how many people pulled guns in response to an intruder, which resulted in escalating the situation to the point that the intruder shot someone, Because, I am quite sure that that has happened. As I said, most intruders are there to steal, not kill. But, if they feel that their own life is threatened, that can change in an instant.

As far as Jon goes, I don't understand why e ermine keeps defending. No one here, including me, said he did anythinhpg illegal or even wrong. I brought him up because there are claims all over the internet that every time a gun is pulled, it translates to a life saved. That inflates the numbers, and, that is why people like me ask for some kind of accurate accounting.

Mel said...

Anyone can talk a good show when they are not in a position to have to back up their words with any action.

Precisely. Thus why he appeals so strongly to under-educated white males.

It all sounds good until it's time to put it into action.

Ex Nurse said...

Thanks Unreal--actually, my family is a buch of thugs, but we generally just shoot off our mouths!

Rhymes with Witch said...

On a whole other note, passed by BV Files and boy, is CJ getting a whipping!! 130

Jane, could you elaborate a little? No names, but by commenters? What are they ragging on her about? That kind of thing. I admit I am curious.

Sue_Buddy said...

Call Me Crazy said... 131
Has Trump considered for a second that bombing the hell out of ISIS would mean the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people? ISIS and other terrorist organizations routinely operate within civilian populations as a means to prevent such attacks upon themselves. If we knew there were terrorist cells operating within any of our big cities, no one in their right mind would suggest we bomb the hell out of them. Thousands of civilians would end up as collateral damage.

I'm not defending Trump because I think he's a hot-head and a loose cannon. The thing is IF ISIS had the capacity to launch a nuclear attack on us they wouldn't think for one second about the innocent civilians they'd be killing. They hate us all. In their minds we're all evil.

How are we to fight back? How do we fight people who have no regard for human life, their own, their children's. How do you fight people who train their children to be suicide bombers? We kill one leader and there are 10 more to replace him.

Our children and grandchildren and beyond will be "fighting" the terrorists. So, at this point, I say bomb 'em. They'll all be with Allah anyway, right?

NJGal51 said...

Call Me Crazy.....Has Trump considered for a second that bombing the hell out of ISIS would mean the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people?....

And isis (they don't deserve caps) cares about innocent lives lost?
Redbird....Last night, after the Andy Griffith show went off, Anger Management came on and there was Charlie Sheen in bed with of all people, Lee Ann Rymes with big smiles on their faces. She has been around the block a few times also.

What has that got to do with anything? Anger Management was a comedy and the script probably called for them to smile. I don't get it.

MikeB said...

Ex Nurse said... 134
By the way, I am not opposed to all gun wownership. It is the resistance to reasonable restraints, such as registration and background checks.
I think most people would support reasonable background checks. There was a proposal floated around after Sandy Hook that would create a national database of people prohibited from owning a gun. A seller would call a hotline with buyer's name and social security number or state issued ID number and would be instantly told if they were able to sell the gun. A confirmation number would be written down so the seller could provide proof they ran the check before the sale. Sounds pretty reasonable, but it wasn't supported by the anti-gun lobby because they wanted the serial number of the firearm reported to the government too.

The registration part of your statement is where you will find a lot of resistance. A national government maintained database of gun owners is viewed as the first step toward eventual confiscation. Not an unreasonable fear given the "assault weapon" ban in 1994 and Dianne Feinstein's quote that given enough votes she would have ordered all citizens to turn in the weapons she didn't approve of.

Kaya said...

NJGal51 said... 139

And isis (they don't deserve caps) cares about innocent lives lost?
Obviously not, but therein SHOULD lie the difference between us and them. We are not terrorists. And those innocent people are not responsible for the behavior of their fellow citizens anymore than you would be responsible if your neighbor decided to blow up a few people. Would you be okay if someone blew up your neighborhood and took out your family and a few thousand others in the process of getting back at your neighbor?

jamezvader1194 said...

I must say though,kacey's twit is right "U know,has it ever occur to the fans why Kate does it alone without her parents and siblings helping?" I know Kate has 4 siblings 2 of which spoke out(kevin and kendra)who both said the same thing in how Kate took the high rode and wanted to be a celebrity.I remember the fans attacked them and called them liars.She has 2 other sisters which are unknown to the public.Which some fans believe its these 2 Kate speaks to but there's no evidence to to this(no pics,no videos,or witness.)So we can only conclude kevin and kendra were right and that she still alienate the kids from other family.Im not sure why this fact alone doesn't raise doubts to at least the "normal" fans.

redbird said...

From ROL.

Jill made dag gum sure that she let everybody know that she and the baby and Derik were in South America and doing Facetime while Jessa was struggling to have the baby. It sounds to good to be true. Could they have really been here or were they there so they wouldn't get heat for just coming back for the birth of the baby?

Notice she said, ya'll have to come down for a visit. This is in another country! You don't take babies on trips like that for years. Will they fly free on the Missionary money? I'd bet on it!

Jill Duggar Writes Open Letter To Sister Jessa On The Miracle Of Birth
Reality star claims she "felt those contractions" along with her sister.

Posted on Nov 13, 2015 @ 8:00AM
Jill Duggar Open Letter Jessa Duggar Birth Baby

Youtube/Duggar Family/Instagram/@jillmdillard
Talk about a close family!

As an experienced mother, Jill Duggar Dillard thought she’d send some congratulations and advice to sister Jessa on the beauty of childbirth, taking a break from her missionary work in Central America to write an open letter:

PHOTOS: Jessa Duggar Eats Fast Food As She Gives Into Pregnancy Cravings Alongside Hubby Ben Seewald

Hey Jess,

Derick, Israel and I are so excited for you and Benji! I can’t believe you have a little one now! It was such a joy to get to be apart of the birth from Central America, thank you. You were a champ! I felt those contractions with you. Jess, a verse that I texted Jana while you were in labor was one I clung to while laboring with “choo choo” (Israel): “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Phil 4:13

For me during labor this meant that God would give me just enough grace for the next contraction. Now it tells me that if I abide in Christ daily (reading the bible and asking him for wisdom and strength), God will help me to be the wife and mother he wants me to be. God’s grace is sufficient in our weaknesses (we definitely aren’t perfect)!

I’m so excited to both be on this motherhood journey together! I pray our boys will love Jesus with their heart, soul, mind and strength and love others more than themselves! We will have to let them FaceTime frequently while we are down here. It will be so fun to see them experiencing things and going thru similar stages within a few months of each other. I’m sure since they were about the same size at birth they’ll be sharing clothes too.

We love and miss y’all! You’ll have to come for a visit so we can meet our little adorable nephew/cousin!


Meanwhile, Jessa shared an adorable snap of little Spurgeon Elliot—named after preacher Charles Spurgeon and missionary couple Elizabeth and Jim Elliot—on Instagram.

“Can’t believe my baby boy is already 1 week old,” she gushed. “So grateful to God for this precious little gift! #BabyQuincy #SpurgeonElliotSeewald.”

Tucker's Mom said...

If so, why are innocent American lives any more valuable than innocent Syrian lives?
They're not. No one said war was fair. It's hell.

Sue_Buddy said...

Kaya said... 141

If an ISIS stronghold were identified in the middle of NYC, would it be okay for France to bomb the shit out of it?

What is your definition of "stronghold" in this instance? Do you mean if they capture and occupy a city in New York?? If they were to actually capture a city in the US, you can be assured the citizens remaining in that city would either be imprisoned, dead or escaped. However, before that even could happen there would be fighting on the ground and the city would be evacuated. If you mean a cell, many cells have been identified in countries where we have allies. We don't go in and bomb the city.

As far as mentioning Allah, the terrorists yell out his name before they blow themselves and many innocents to smithereens. They think they're going to Allah. I can't say that? I don't think all Muslims are terrorists, but I'll be darned if I can tell the difference between an extremist and a peace-loving one.

What is your solution for riding the world of these extremists who want to kill us all?

Midnight Madness said...

.She has 2 other sisters which are unknown to the public.


One if the other sisters, Clairissa Mertz, is not unknown, at least not on the internet. I would imagine that the internet would be public knowledge.

P.J. said...

I think this might be a good time for all of us to join hands and sing a few choruses of Kumbaya.

Call Me Crazy said...

Sue_Buddy said... 138

I'm not defending Trump because I think he's a hot-head and a loose cannon. The thing is IF ISIS had the capacity to launch a nuclear attack on us they wouldn't think for one second about the innocent civilians they'd be killing. They hate us all. In their minds we're all evil.

How are we to fight back? How do we fight people who have no regard for human life, their own, their children's. How do you fight people who train their children to be suicide bombers? We kill one leader and there are 10 more to replace him.

NJGal51 said ... 139

And isis (they don't deserve caps) cares about innocent lives lost?


Sue_Buddy and NJGal51 -

Of course ISIS does not care about innocent lives. But WE are better than that! And we can never become like them. We don't just bomb away without doing everything in our power to protect innocent lives. We must never lose our humanity and sink to the barbarism that the terrorists have shown. If that happens, all is lost.

This is not just about Syria. We could obliterate Syria from the face of the earth, and that wouldn't stop other groups of evil fanatics from popping up in places where the political climate and human suffering are ripe. Even if we are operating with the best of intentions, if we show a willful disregard for innocent life, whether that life be American or Syrian or Afghani or otherwise, then we play right into the hands of terrorist organizations. Those organizations then become more powerful because they recruit increasing numbers of followers who now believe we ARE evil because we killed their families.

My point is that this is a terrible, complicated problem that will take complex reasoning, strategy and a worldwide joining of forces to solve. There is absolutely no place for someone like Trump to be shooting his mouth off because he wants to win an election.

Listening to Trump, I am reminded of a quote from a great movie, The American President. Just substitute "Donald Trump" in for "Bob Rumson."

"We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things, and two things only: Making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections." - President Andrew Shepherd

Midnight Madness said...

Has Trump considered for a second that bombing the hell out of ISIS would mean the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people? ISIS and other terrorist organizations routinely operate within civilian populations as a means to prevent such attacks upon themselves. If we knew there were terrorist cells operating within any of our big cities, no one in their right mind would suggest we bomb the hell out of them. Thousands of civilians would end up as collateral damage.


But doesn't any act of war mean that innocents will be murdered? You can't pick and choose, segregate the bad guys from the good guys, zone in on the terrorists and spare others. Historically, acts of war run the risk that civilians will lose their lives along with the targeted evil ones.

War is hell.

What's the answer? What indeed is the solution in wiping out the terrorists and not slaughtering the innocents? It's all well and good to be on the pacifist side of things and say that gosh, you'd be murdering so many innocent people. Yes, in all probability that would happen, but exactly what is the solution?

Tucker's Mom said...

P.J. said... 148
I think this might be a good time for all of us to join hands and sing a few choruses of Kumbaya.
And the Coke song after we meditate like Don Draper ;-)

SarahK said...

Some time ago, someone posted on here a quote from The American President, starring Michael Douglas in the lead role. Yes, it's a drama. yes, it's fiction, but in view of what is currently being discussed here, it's so very applicable. The President has just ordered the bombing of Libya:

President Andrew Shepherd: "Leon, somewhere in Libya right now, a janitor's working the night shift at Libyan Intelligence Headquarters. He's going about doing his job... because he has no idea, in about an hour he's going to die in a massive explosion. He's just going about his job, because he has no idea that about an hour ago I gave an order to have him killed. You've just seen me do the least Presidential thing I do."

localyocul said...

War is hell.

What's the answer? What indeed is the solution in wiping out the terrorists and not slaughtering the innocents? It's all well and good to be on the pacifist side of things and say that gosh, you'd be murdering so many innocent people. Yes, in all probability that would happen, but exactly what is the solution?


I've been thinking a lot about Hiroshima an Nagasaki ...

Call Me Crazy said...

They're not. No one said war was fair. It's hell.

War is hell.

War is, indeed, hell. What is happening with the likes of ISIS is not conventional war, however. ISIS is not Germany or Japan circa the 1940s. In one respect, ISIS is more volatile because of the fanatical nature of their existence. But ISIS followers number, in some of the higher estimates, to be in the tens of thousands, possibly up to 100,000. This means that, in addition to their training facilities and other strongholds, which are clear targets, there are also smaller pockets of tens or hundreds in the Islamic State who have seized various towns/cities. Bombing the daylights out of those places would result in far more civilian casualties than ISIS casualties. Those types of strikes would not make sense from a military, strategic or humanitarian standpoint. The Russian airstrikes in Syria are complicating matters even further.

This particular type of war is going to have to be fought with increased military intelligence, coordination among countries, and more pinpoint precision. Sorry, Donald. It's not as simple as just blowing everybody up.

localyocul said...

And as far as guns go, i think people are too trigger happy. My dd's guy friend was with HIS friend on Halloween in West Chester. They were looking for a party and the friend's friend banged on the wrong house. Turned out there was a drug dealer squatting there, and shot blindly through the door at them. The friend's friend was hit in the torso and her friend is lucky to have been missed. They are 18-19 years old

localyocul said...

The whole world war II in Europe involved bombing civilians. War IS hell. Something has to be done though

AuntieAnn said...

Of course ISIS does not care about innocent lives. But WE are better than that! And we can never become like them.


Terrorists bank on that reasoning.

They need to be ferreted out like the vermin they are and annihilated. All terrorists, not just ISIS.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 151

P.J. said... 148
I think this might be a good time for all of us to join hands and sing a few choruses of Kumbaya.
And the Coke song after we meditate like Don Draper ;-)


It's like a debate between Walter Sobchak and the 'dude'.

redbird said...

NJGal51, I just thought it was strange right after I heard about Charlie Sheen, bam there he is.

NJGal51 said...

Agree 100% with AuntieAnn @157. Now I'm going to bow out of the discussion. As some of the regulars know I rarely participate in political discussions because as a federal employee and an Army wife I really don't like to comment on public blogs even though we are anonymous. ~ Administrator said...

I don't even know how to respond to a comment such as this. Here are a few clues:


Apparently France missed the cues you speak of, since at least one and possibly many more of the Paris terrorists lived among the French like a normal citizen. One even posed as a refugee. ~ Administrator said...

Just to put it out there, there have been absolutely no civilian deaths reported among France's recent bombing of ISIS the other day. In fact, it's being reported that the civilian population isn't even that worried about bombings. They know where to stay away from. They don't hang out where ISIS hangs out.

It is possible to target ISIS strongholds without killing civilians. The French managed. ~ Administrator said...

Oh and that being said, bomb the shit out of them. Por favor.

SarahK said...

"Of course ISIS does not care about innocent lives. But WE are better than that! And we can never become like them."

So what do we do? Invite them into our kitchens for a slice of homemade apple pie and have a lovely conversation, talking everything out until it ends in a group hug?

Crazy -- I swear I didn't read your post (149) when I commented at #152! ~ Administrator said...

To have an air of suspicion about someone based solely on their religion is bigotry, pure and simple.


It's called profiling, and it's a very common, legal, and acceptable thing to do in the name of national security. It makes no sense to pull aside small children or little old ladies when no such group rarely commits terrorist acts. The Obama administration isn't going to back down on letting 10,000 Syrians in here, despite wide outcry from a variety of governors. However what the administration has said is these folks will be VETTED to the third degree. They have every right to do so, to profile them because they are Syrian, if they damn well please. If it means it will ensure our safety. Please do so.

When I was in Israel I got the absolute third degree because I was neither Jewish nor had any ties to Israel and was a Christian American college student. I welcomed it. Spend three hours questioning me, I don't care. I answered question after question about what business some Christian wants there. I don't fit in there, and they have every right to profile me. I didn't whine about how 99.9 percent of Christian American college students mean Israel no harm. I let them do what they gotta do. They have a very good record of excellent security at their airports exactly because of how they handle it. Some of my friends got it even worse, including a couple strip searches. Whatever. ~ Administrator said...

I think most people would support reasonable background checks.


If I'm recalling the latest polls correctly, yes most people support reasonable restrictions on gun ownership. The vast majority of people who support the second amendment are not gun slaying outlaws who think everyone should pack an AK47 that they store above their child's crib. ~ Administrator said...

How are we to fight back? How do we fight people who have no regard for human life, their own, their children's. How do you fight people who train their children to be suicide bombers? We kill one leader and there are 10 more to replace him.


We were talking the other day about how this is worse than Hitler. At least Hitler made himself and his intentions known. He owned it. With the exception of the later years, he availed himself of negotiations, talks, and behaved as a public leader, even though he was nuts.

These are discreet suicide bombers. When you're dealing with someone who sneaks around but at any moment is willing to blow himself up, there's absolutely no level of rationality there. There is no negotiating with terrorists even if you wanted to, you don't know who to negotiate with, where to find them, and no one on the other side behaves with any kind of rationality.

So yes, cast my vote for bombing them until they dissolve. They don't understand anything else, that much is clear.

By the way, has anyone seen Spy with Melissa McCarthy? Came out earlier this year, very funny movie. We rented it, and there is a scene where an outdoor concert in Paris is almost bombed by a bomb in a backpack. The spy throws the backpack in the river just in time. Kind of creepy.

AuntieAnn said...

NJGal51 said... 159


Thanks NJGal.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Listening to Trump, I am reminded of a quote from a great movie, The American President. Just substitute "Donald Trump" in for "Bob Rumson."

"We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things, and two things only: Making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections." - President Andrew Shepherd


Why Donald Trump exclusively? This can be said about many politicians running for office.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I just read that a few schools in this area have cancelled field trips to DC. We can't live in fear, but at this point, why take the risk, especially when there have been threats that DC may be on the terrorists' target list?

PA Dutch Mom said...

What a coincidence. The American President just started on the POP channel!

Call Me Crazy said...

SarahK said... 163

So what do we do? Invite them into our kitchens for a slice of homemade apple pie and have a lovely conversation, talking everything out until it ends in a group hug?

Sarah, I in no way said or implied that we should go easy on terrorists. I'm not sure how my words could be so completely misconstrued. I would like nothing better than to see every last one of them rounded up and killed. Or as Auntie Ann said, "ferreted out like the vermin they are and annihilated." I just take exception to Trump, who has shown virtually no knowledge or understanding of sensitive foreign policy issues, acting like a great statesman and proposing simplistic "solutions" to extremely difficult world problems.


Sheepless In Seattle said... 168

Why Donald Trump exclusively? This can be said about many politicians running for office.

Sheepless - My participation in the conversation grew out of Donald Trump's comments about bombing Syria. That is why I used his name. I am fully aware that there are plenty of others whose name could replace Bob Rumson's in that quote.

PA Dutch Mom said...

The Obama administration isn't going to back down on letting 10,000 Syrians in here, despite wide outcry from a variety of governors.


PA governor announced that the Syrians will be allowed into this state:


Other states' reactions are on the left. ~ Administrator said...

Cnn has a map of states supporting, against or no comment yet. I'm surprised pa is taking a stand like that but I did hear that. They are in the minority.

It's virtually unprecedented to have all these governors one by one call in the White House this week about this. Wow.

Sherry Baby said...

I just take exception to Trump, who has shown virtually no knowledge or understanding of sensitive foreign policy issues, acting like a great statesman and proposing simplistic "solutions" to extremely difficult world problems.

What politician/political candidate does have the solution to this problem?

"Sarah, I in no way said or implied that we should go easy on terrorists. I'm not sure how my words could be so completely misconstrued."

I don't think that she misconstrued your words.I didn't understand Sarah's comment to mean that you were promoting group hugs. I read it as a question -- what is the answer to this? It's a good we go easy on them in the spirit of peace and kindness for all because we want to take the high road and not lower ourselves to become on of them...or do we bomb the heck out of them knowing that there will be innocent civilians killed in the process?

Why anyone would want to be President right now is beyond me.

Tucker's Mom said...

Charlie Sheen on the Today Show admits he is HIV positive. I don't think I've seen a more enigmatic person than Sheen. He owns things, and then he really doesn't own things when it comes to his behavior.
Sheen wants to think that he's been responsible (and a victim) with his diagnosis and exposing sexual partners to potential infection, but in no known universe is women consenting to unprotected sex, despite knowing his diagnosis, responsible.
Sheen attributed his Adonis blood, epic meltdown phase to 'roid rage.
Jeebus, what didn't this man put into his body?!
More interview to come with his doctor.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sheen's doctor explained how anti-viral drugs are holding his HIV at bay, and the more pressing concern is his substance abuse.
Would this guy have ever come out but for the fact that he was going to be exposed and sued?
Not to mention, after paying people for their silence, he needs money now?

Jane said...

From the NY Times on Charlie Sheen

Jane said...

PJ? I think it was you who recommended singing Kumbaya yesterday? It's stuck in my head! TYVM lol

Call Me Crazy said...

Sherry Baby said ... 174

I don't think that she misconstrued your words.I didn't understand Sarah's comment to mean that you were promoting group hugs. I read it as a question -- what is the answer to this? It's a good we go easy on them in the spirit of peace and kindness for all because we want to take the high road and not lower ourselves to become on of them...or do we bomb the heck out of them knowing that there will be innocent civilians killed in the process?

Sherry - The question was raised in response to my comments, which indicates that my comments were misunderstood. I don't agree that it is a good question. I don't think any sane individual would consider for an instant that anyone should go easy on terrorists. Even the most pacifist of people would probably agree that they need to be wiped out.

It would be naive to think that there won't be civilian casualties while waging a war against terrorists. But I want our leaders who plan military responses to give careful consideration to how to carry out strikes that will minimize the loss of innocent life to the best of their ability. By accounts, the French have been able to do this successfully. That is great news. What we don't need is Trump, or any other politician, using incendiary words with little forethought simply as a way to make themselves look tough on terror. I would love to hear, even once, Trump participating in a reasoned discourse on issues of such seriousness, and not just talking in sound bites.

I will now make my way back to an inconspicuous corner of the veranda. ~ Administrator said...

It would be naive to think that there won't be civilian casualties while waging a war against terrorists. But I want our leaders who plan military responses to give careful consideration to how to carry out strikes that will minimize the loss of innocent life to the best of their ability.


They're already doing that. Every time they deploy a bomb they're calculating how many civilian lives, if any, will be lost. This latest time around, none were lost, so they did a pretty darn good job of it.

You also have to weigh, quite heavily in my opinion, the amount of civilian lives lost at home in the future if we DON'T bomb the shit out of them.

Susan1956 said...

OT. But if true, someone isn't committed to treatment.

Tucker's Mom said...

Susan1956 said... 181
OT. But if true, someone isn't committed to treatment.
November 17, 2015 at 8:07 AM

The whole thing is farcical. Josh possibly entered and possibly left a fake rehab facility.
This family is beyond smarmy.
The Duggars are enmeshed in this cult so deep that I don't understand how Christians don't see the pure evil in it.

Mel said...

A different take on the same story.

Fans also point out the unlikeliness that Josh has dumped rehab, pointing out that the four person plane Jim Bob flew to Rockford simply would not have had room for Josh. Other fans have speculated that the Duggar clan is lying about Josh attending rehab from day one.

Mel said...

Supposedly ..... some guy heard that the Duggar plane was at the Rockford airport, so he went over there to watch, waiting to see if Josh was on the premises. The guy had to leave for a short time, and that's when the plane took off. The guy hustled to get back there when he heard the plane was leaving, but missed it. Too bad. Could have been interesting.

JoyinVirginia said...

Susan1956, thanks for the article link. Scroll all the way down on that article and the comments are interesting. One poster claiming to live in the area and that Josh Duhgar was never seen at any if the mandatory church services or mandatory community service. Many locals don't believe that Josh was ever there, or was there for only one or two days for show.. rumors abound he is exiled to a family friends house not far from home.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Charlie Sheen news - I'm just surprised after living that kind of lifestyle for years that he had millions of dollars left to pay hush money.

bm ~ Administrator said...

Regarding the Charlie Sheen news - I'm just surprised after living that kind of lifestyle for years that he had millions of dollars left to pay hush money.



Maybe he coupons.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Sherry - The question was raised in response to my comments, which indicates that my comments were misunderstood. I don't agree that it is a good question


I agree with Sherry. It was a good question, and I don't think that your comments were misunderstood. What the original poster was asking was how one goes about wiping out the terrorists without killing innocent people. So many say that oh, if we bomb the heck out of them, then we risk civilians losing their lives. Some have said that we don't go to war and that war is the last resort that we should give peace a chance. It's fine saying that terrorists should be destroyed, but nobody seems to have a solution. Politicians are saying that this needs to be done and that needs to be done but the real question is HOW should we go about doing it? ~ Administrator said...

Another round of bombing In France today took out more terrorist strongholds. No civilian deaths reported. The Syrians themselves are reporting civilians simply aren't living in these target areas.

Bruuuuce said...

Chris Chrisitie opposes allowing Syrian orphans under age 5 into the country. I hope his fellow New Jerseyian with a social conscience has something to say about this when he steps on a stage in LA tomorrow night. Chris Christie and anyone who supports him should be ashamed. All you great Christians out there, is this what Jesus would do?

Anonymous said...

Bombing in France? I believe it was in Syria.


Vanessa said...

He owns things, and then he really doesn't own things when it comes to his behavior.
Did he also not say that these people were taking food out of his kids' mouths, or something to that effect?
Hmmm, the prosititutes and cocaine were free?

Vanessa said...

So yes, cast my vote for bombing them until they dissolve. They don't understand anything else, that much is clear.

I am with you on that one Admin

redbird said...

Look who is getting into Blue Apron and Hello Fresh's territory!

AuntieAnn said...

All you great Christians out there, is this what Jesus would do?


Personally, if he were here in the flesh today, I'd like to know what his thoughts are about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

P.J. said...

Jane said... 178
PJ? I think it was you who recommended singing Kumbaya yesterday? It's stuck in my head! TYVM lol


Sorry about that. Here, let me help you out.

It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small, small world.

You're welcome. LOL

AuntieAnn said...

It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small, small world.

You're welcome. LOL


Okay. Now you're just being mean, PJ. Mean. ~ Administrator said...

Being in the minority does not make someone wrong.


Doesn't make someone right either. In any case I made no comment on whether I thought it was wrong. I simply stated the facts. You're the one who reacted so hostile to a simple fact. I really don't care what party what governor is a part of, party has nothing to do with national security and I refuse to play the bigot game over leaders who are merely being cautious and protective. That's their job.

I happen to think it's better we cool our jets and get some more information first before taking in any more refugees. However I don't see a big problem with taking in low risk refugees like orphans or the elderly and infirm.

Tucker's Mom said...

Did he also not say that these people were taking food out of his kids' mouths, or something to that effect?
Hmmm, the prosititutes and cocaine were free?
Sheen said something about this extortion money needing to go to support his kids- 5 and a grandkid.
Yup, guess the hookers and drugs were free.

Charlie, darling, women who will do anything for money will do anything for money. ~ Administrator said...

Jesus was not a pacifist. He praised soldiers, did not ask them to give up their careers, and advocated for justice and to judge fairly. He never said war is not allowed when it's to protect national security. Certainly he preferred peace, most people do--but did not require it.

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