Thursday, November 5, 2015

Law and Order SVU: Patrimonial Burden

Last night's Law and Order: SVU was a brilliant ripped-from-the-headlines satire based heavily on the Duggars and other high profile sex abuse scandals, including a side plot pulled from the story of sex offender and Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship. If you missed it, you can watch the full episode on or below.

Who done it? Was it the pervert camera man who saved naked footage of the girls? What about the creepy older brother who was shipped off to Ecuador for a "mistake"? Could the Warren Jeff-like pastor-slash-lawyer have something to do with this? Are the Bakers really a Bakers dozen or will DNA prove otherwise? Mariska and the team crack the case within the hour with a couple great zingers (Chastity Empire, lol!), a lot of binge watching and some solid detective work. Well done, SVU.

1939 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Bruuuuce said...

Jesus was not a pacifist. He praised soldiers, did not ask them to give up their careers, and advocated for justice and to judge fairly. He never said war is not allowed when it's to protect national security. Certainly he preferred peace, most people do--but did not require it.
If this is in response to my post, what does it have to do with my question? You don't have to be a pacifist to believe that Chris Christie's stance is disgusting.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I really don't care what party what governor is a part of, party has nothing to do with national security and I refuse to play the bigot game over leaders who are merely being cautious and protective. That's their job.

I happen to think it's better we cool our jets and get some more information first before taking in any more refugees. However I don't see a big problem with taking in low risk refugees like orphans or the elderly and infirm.


Our governor is on the hot seat right now. Lawmakers want answers, as do the residents of PA. We are concerned, as we should be.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Personally, if he were here in the flesh today, I'd like to know what his thoughts are about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.


I'd like to know His thoughts on Abu Ben Adhem (May His Tribe Increase).

Call Me Crazy said...

Politicians are saying that this needs to be done and that needs to be done but the real question is HOW should we go about doing it?

EXACTLY, Blowing! And THAT brings us right back to my original point, which was to call out one particular self-serving politician wannabee on his ill-informed, simplistic and irrational rantings. Trump has cavalierly made blanket statements about bombing the shit out of ISIS when he has not exhibited ANY understanding at all of what is going on. This man has actually come out in support of Vladimir Putin's airstrikes in Syria, when those airstrikes have been targeting US-trained rebels, not the terrorists! His ignorance is astonishing and maddening.

OK. Back to my corner with the strains of "It's a Small World" playing over and over in my head. Maybe we could pipe it in very loudly to terrorist strongholds 24/7 for months.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Jesus was not a pacifist.


Right, and nobody would know what Jesus would do in any given situation. He was not an advocate of non-violence. In fact, scriptures record him as having an anger issue in a few situations -- think the Cleaning of the Temple...twice. He did not teach the ethic of non-violence if a situation called for it.

Interesting thoughts from the Washington Post: ~ Administrator said...

I imagine he is in the hot seat. PA is so close to major targets like nyc and dc it makes sense to set up shop there. Anyone would feel awful if a refugee they took in turned out to be a terrorist who killed Americans like what happened to the French. This situation in Paris just happened and we still know very little. There's nothing wrong with saying hold the phone here and let's get more information before plowing forward full steam ahead. This really is a matter of life and death.

As for Chris Christie, I read his whole quote on the orphans. His concern mostly seems to be whether we have the resources and families available to take in orphans. It does no good to take in an orphan if you have no place for them to go. Naturally the media spins it as look at the heartless republican. Well if democrats could point to the bag of money and families that will care for them I doubt he would have an objection anymore. Sometimes the cold truth is hard to swallow but has to be said, and he says it. We don't have the resources. Look what happened in Europe when they took in thousands. They can't support them. It's a disaster and people are furious. Anyone who criticized Christie needs to personally volunteer to take in and pay for an orphan before casting a stone. Then have at it.

KellyAnne said...

It is of little effect what any state government is trying to do in regards to the refugees. The states' powers can't supersede the federal Refugee Act of 1980. Even if there is a way to uphold gubernatorial orders, there then becomes the matter of reciprocity. A governor could only mandate controls over his own state and not over any neighboring state. Since states don't have border patrols, what possibly would prevent a refugee living in a state that has accepted them, from traveling to another state that hasn't?
That question is hypothetical, of course, given the aforementioned Refugee Act.

Maybe Trump can weigh in on how to deal with the existing Act, as opposed to state's rights. Or will he just say to bomb the shit out of any state that accepts refugees?

PA Dutch Mom said...

PA is so close to major targets like nyc and dc it makes sense to set up shop there.


Yes, indeed, and there is concern here about that. I just read an online article about what PA (and our county) is doing to prepare if something like that happens. County emergency directors are saying that everything is under control. Do I believe them? I'd like to, but I have my doubts that anyone could be ready here to deal with terrorists. We have never been through anything like this before.

P.J. said...

I don't pretend to know much about this whole situations, and maybe I'm being simplistic, but if the terrorist groups were eradicated from these countries, wouldn't the "refugees" prefer their homeland and their own properties? Are we looking at this all wrong? Why worry about taking in people. Give their homes back to them.

PA Dutch Mom said...

His ignorance is astonishing and maddening.


As is Hillary's. She can't even figure out her e-mail server and what is sensitive and classified information regarding national security. That alone scares the beejesus out of me.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Well if democrats could point to the bag of money and families that will care for them I doubt he would have an objection anymore. Sometimes the cold truth is hard to swallow but has to be said, and he says it. We don't have the resources.


Exactly! The question is -- what do we do with them and for them?

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 119

In other unrelated, yet somehow not shocking news, apparently Charlie Sheen will confirm he is HIV positive.


Perhaps he should have had his Tigerblood tested.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said...

Perhaps he should have had his Tigerblood tested.


His Tigerblood turned out to be positive feline distemper and FAIDS.

Midnight Madness said...

Are we looking at this all wrong? Why worry about taking in people. Give their homes back to them.


Makes sense to me, but how? If someone has the answer, then go for it!

foxy said...

Redbird 194.....I brought up that website and I don't understand your message. What am I missing?

Sheri said...

If we had the internet 100 or 70 years ago...

No matter your opinion about the current humanitarian crisis, we should all take a moment to appreciate the fact that we can have these discussions at all.

We have more freedom and power, as individuals, now than we ever have. We can openly and publicly state our thoughts and ideas to a larger audience than ever before.

We are able to rally defenses and communicate instantly.

Extremism, in every form, is the real enemy. Refusing to accept another's point of view simply because you've never experienced it is, IMO, the greatest weakness of mankind.

"I don't get you so I'm going to blow you up. Well, I don't get you either so I'm going to blow you up right back."

Really, what other options are there? (Sigh)

But at the end of the day we can't forget that we have a say in what happens in the coming weeks and months, more than any other generation. ~ Administrator said...

"I don't get you so I'm going to blow you up. Well, I don't get you either so I'm going to blow you up right back."


I really don't think that's the situation here. France is the last country to blow someone up simply because they don't understand you.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

We have more freedom and power, as individuals, now than we ever have. We can openly and publicly state our thoughts and ideas to a larger audience than ever before.


"The good Lord raised this mighty Republic to be a home for the brave and to flourish as the land of the free-not to stagnate in the swampland of collectivism, not to cringe before the bully of communism.

Now, my fellow Americans, the tide has been running against freedom. Our people have followed false prophets. We must, and we shall, return to proven ways-- not because they are old, but because they are true. We must, and we shall, set the tide running again in the cause of freedom. And this party, with its every action, every word, every breath, and every heartbeat, has but a single resolve, and that is freedom - freedom made orderly for this nation by our constitutional government; freedom under a government limited by laws of nature and of nature's God; freedom - balanced so that liberty lacking order will not become the slavery of the prison cell; balanced so that liberty lacking order will not become the license of the mob and of the jungle."

Barry Goldwater, 1964.

"Extremism, in every form, is the real enemy." (Sheri 16)...


Not when one is defending liberty:

..."I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

BG, 1964

Sorry...I have been thinking a lot about him lately and how he would have responded to all of this had he been elected President. ~ Administrator said...

It is fear-mongering and anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiment, pure and simple.


Utter nonsense. We don't need "data." We have proof in that at least one of the terrorists who bombed Paris posed as a refugee. It's called common f-ing sense. If one person is posing as a refugee, there could be more. We need to back up, take a deep breath, and assess the situation. It JUST happened. We need more information. Security needs to be reviewed, the vetting process needs to be assessed. Many states may be just fine with the immigration once they have all the information they need. It's called being careful.

What is your plan for how America will support all these folks? Because it's more complicated than simply opening the borders and letting people in because we have liberal good hearts. It does a Syrian no good to bring them over here if we do not have a home for them, food and clothing and a way to support themselves--look at Europe.

Frankly, I find your broad generalization that anyone who is worried about opening the borders to Syrians must be racist, wholly irresponsible, unfair and absurd. Leftist people like you ALWAYS tries to portray the other side as having no heart, always trying to pigeon real concerns as racism or cold-hearted stances. It's so f-ing insulting especially when these governors, up to 31 right now, are actually trying to ensure the safety of their own citizens.

Oh and by the way, many Syrian refugees are not Muslim. So I don't know how you can portray it as anti-Muslim sentiment when so many of them are not Muslim whatsoever. And what's interesting is that there isn't a single Muslim country who will take in a Syrian refugee right now. They've said absolutely not. So what's your explanation there? Are Muslims anti-Muslim to their own Mulsims? LOL, how does that work? No, they say, rightly so, they're worried about TERRORISM. Wouldn't you know it, just like we are. But when we worry, it's racism?? The f? Sure. Try again. ~ Administrator said...

That's your rationalization. He was asked directly about letting in young orphans and his immediate response was that they needed to be vetted.


I read the entire quote. He was clearly referring to Syrians as a whole when he said they need to be vetted. Even Obama agrees they should be vetted. He then went on to be specific about the orphans to say he was unsure we could support them here. A fair point.

My understanding is that Muslim culture does not permit adoptions whatsoever. It's simply not allowed, even for orphans. My understanding as well is that many of their orphans are not orphans at all but simply have been separated from their parents, and that their parents are trying desperately to locate them. Shipping them off here likely means they will never see their living parents again, they will never be found. Is that right and fair to these families? My understanding is that there aren't any U.S. adoption agencies even willing to take on these children because they feel it would be morally wrong to adopt out a child whose culture and religion forbids it and, even if they're not Muslim, whose parents could be alive. This is a huge problem if we bring over orphans. When we talk about being tolerant of Muslim culture, how can we place all these children with loving adoptive families when we know damn well Muslim culture doesn't allow adoptions? That seems very disrespectful. No one who wants to bring over orphans has answered how you solve those problems. Perhaps we could work with Muslim stakeholders on making an exception to the prohibition on adoption for these children. Perhaps we could develop a database (which would cost time and money) to place the children on their parents could easily check if the parents are still alive. But the left just wants to ignore those questions, and that's wrong too. When you want something to happen, you need to be prepared to address, and explain the solutions to, the problems with what you want. Simply brushing off the other side and cold-hearted does not solve the real issues raised. I see photos and videos of these kids and I think they're just beautiful, such soulful eyes, such tragedy, and I think I certainly could open my home to one or even two of them, tomorrow. But it gives me great pause to hear how problematic it is, how even our own adoption agencies have washed their hands of this. I pay attention to that and it gives me pause, shakes me out of my "simple solution" mindset.

This is more complicated than Christie is a jerk. Much more complicated. But sure, go with the out of context sound byte. ~ Administrator said...

Are we looking at this all wrong? Why worry about taking in people. Give their homes back to them.


That seems a whole lot simpler to me! Why don't we do everything we can to support getting rid of those awful terrorists from THEIR country so they can actually live in their homeland, be with their own mothers and fathers and grow up where generations before them grew up instead of with strangers in a strange place who likely don't speak their language or will raise them in their culture. What a concept. ~ Administrator said...

In other unrelated, yet somehow not shocking news, apparently Charlie Sheen will confirm he is HIV positive.


With all the puttering around he has been doing, how exactly does this come up in the conversation? Is it before or after you unclasp the bra that you mention you're HIV positive? And who would sleep with him after hearing that, even if you have protection? It's not foolproof and he's a fool. What a mess. I really feel bad for some of the moms who seem like decent parents.

redbird said...

foxy (15).

CrockPot has developed meals that are delivered to your home like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh and you just put them in the crockpot. 24 dollars a meal.

I saw an article a lady bought the food and got it all prepared into 40 1 gallon bags and put them in the freezer for her crockpot. She spent 227 dollars for 40 meals. The meals that the company Crockpot would send would be 8 meals for what she spent for 40 meals.

She said all you have to do is take out what you want and put it in the refrigerator at night and in the morning put it in the crockpot and it will be done when you get home.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

What is your plan for how America will support all these folks?


Amen! It sounds all well and good to preach being benevolent, but we have so much poverty here with the homeless and unemployed. Let's take care of them. If one is going to open up their hearts to the refugees, then open up your homes, too, and find work for them, feed and clothe them. Sounds wonderful in theory, but in practice, maybe not so much. ~ Administrator said...

County emergency directors are saying that everything is under control. Do I believe them?


Ha. I wouldn't!

Please. They don't know! It's like when your parent tells you everything will be fine at the tornado is coming toward your house. That's just what a parent says to a kid so they don't panic.

Days before this terrorist attack Obama told us ISIS was contained. I think it's a stretch to say he lied, but I do think he certainly did not have all the information he needed to say that, obviously. He had no right to say that because he did not have the information to say that.

That's proof right there we do NOT have this situation in control or know what the F is going on right now. D.C. could be attacked tomorrow, we don't know. Somewhere else could be. Until we have a better understanding of what is going on, who is who, what's what, we need to hold the train on any major immigration decisions.

Anonymous said...

European officials are now reporting that all of the attackers in Friday's massacre in Partis have been identified as European Union nationals. This casts doubt on the validity of the Syrian passport found near the body of a slain attacker.

bm ~ Administrator said...

What is your plan for how America will support all these folks?


Amen! It sounds all well and good to preach being benevolent, but we have so much poverty here with the homeless and unemployed.


Exactly. Look at the debates. Everyone is talking about a living wage. We can barely ensure everyone has a living wage but somehow think we have magic money I guess attached to a magic tree to take in thousands of refugees? I'm sure that's how the far left will make it out, and they were pressed on this repeatedly at their debate last week. from???

Well, there's going to have to be sacrifices. If people are willing to sacrifice, fine. But those sacrifices need to be told to people clearly. These things don't happen in a vacuum. There needs to be full disclosure. People are going to need to take more taxes, less wages, and a heck of a lot of people are going to need to open their homes.

Personally I'm fine with some refugees as long as we take time to ensure the vetting process is very tight and we ensure we can support them, and I'm even better about taking low risk people like children and the elderly. I think we made a mistake in WW2 by not taking in more, and we have a chance to change that. But, I make a decent living, my needs are met, and I can afford a little hit here and there in the name of helping out. I am not going to speak for all Americans or tell them they need to accept more taxes or no raise in their wage if we want to take in these folks. That really is up to voters.

But, Americans need to be informed that this will not come without sacrifice on behalf of Americans. I'm sorry that it upsets people when Christie is willing to be honest with stuff like that. There is no refugee magic money tree as people have been led to believe. Look at Europe. What a mess.

njay said...

Refusing to accept another's point of view simply because you've never experienced it is, IMO, the greatest weakness of mankind.
Does this go for fundamentalists? ~ Administrator said...

Regardless where everyone involved obtained their passports or even fake passports the point being is that ISIS has been very clear they both coordinated and are responsible for this, and that ISIS is primarily housed in many spots of Syria. France has been bombing Syria and has killed many members of ISIS so far, and no civilians. I'm not sure there's any dispute about Syria's direct ties to this. I'm sure much like any country, the vast majority of residents are law abiding citizens who would never hurt anyone, but that doesn't mean we should not be very careful in vetting them before allowing them in. Much like I was vetted when I came to Israel.

Lynne In RI said...

admin (19) said: "Frankly, I find your broad generalization that anyone who is worried about opening the borders to Syrians must be racist, wholly irresponsible, unfair and absurd. Leftist people like you ALWAYS tries to portray the other side as having no heart, always trying to pigeon real concerns as racism or cold-hearted stances."


Absolutely true. It's no different than the sheeple pulling the "jellus" card when they can't come up with anything else. Bring on the racist excuse. Bring on the anti-Muslim rationalization. I, for one, am sick of it. Looking at what happened in Paris, we as a country have every right to be concerned, and yes, afraid of it happening here if any of these terrorists infiltrate America. I'll own it. I am darn scared and I am not, by any means, a racist and I do have a very big heart when it comes to the victims of oppression. ~ Administrator said...

My pastor from childhood always used to say the WWJD bracelets really bothered him. He said the question is not what would Jesus do. As so many others have said, we don't know the answer to that. He said the real question is what would YOU do in light of Jesus's teachings?

jolie Jacquelyn said...


Wake me when this discussion is all over.......

KellyAnne said...

Exactly. Look at the debates. Everyone is talking about a living wage. We can barely ensure everyone has a living wage but somehow think we have magic money I guess attached to a magic tree to take in thousands of refugees? I'm sure that's how the far left will make it out, and they were pressed on this repeatedly at their debate last week. from???

Well, there's going to have to be sacrifices. If people are willing to sacrifice, fine. But those sacrifices need to be told to people clearly. These things don't happen in a vacuum. There needs to be full disclosure. People are going to need to take more taxes, less wages, and a heck of a lot of people are going to need to open their homes.
And people should demand the same answers from Trump when he spouts off that we should bomb the shit out of them. Where's the money going to come from? We racked up quite a debt funding Dubyas wars. We haven't even dug out of that one and Trump wants to go blazing balls into another one without word one about how to fund it.

And he's made no mention of who will be the ones bombing the shit out of Syria. Our military has been going through a troop drawdown for the past couple of years. They're shedding all troops who aren't the military poster children. His knee-jerk reaction is nothing more than him capitalizing on the public unease to feed his own ego-driven run at a presidency he is woefully unqualified to hold.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

She said all you have to do is take out what you want and put it in the refrigerator at night and in the morning put it in the crockpot and it will be done when you get home.


That's what I do now! I often prepare meals, freeze them or refrigerate them and put them into the slow cooker in the morning. I don't need to order from a company. When I do it myself, I am sure about the freshness of the ingredients, and the price is minimal. How lazy are we that we can't even get a simple Crockpot meal together?

njay said...

There is ONE who is COMPLETELY in charge who will not let "anyone or anything" interfere with his mission. Regardless of intelligence, ignorance, laws, decorations, terrorists, religions, etc. It will ALL play out to achieve His final will according to His policy.

It may not sound or seem fair but He laid it out clear from the beginning. Provided the map and policy. PAID for it and then said all we have to do is trust and follow.

This is why I don't worry myself to a big upset with the politicians stupidity. I have read to the back of the book and HE WINS!

His policy is only foreign to those who choose it to be.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

It's not foolproof and he's a fool. What a mess. I really feel bad for some of the moms who seem like decent parents.


I was listening to one of the docs on his team explain that because he is taking his medication the risk of any of his partners (and I use that term loosely) getting the virus is about the same as a person getting struck by lightning.

With my luck, I'd be the one standing on the golf course when the bolt hits and I'd be toast.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
We are 2days & still counting on the #RandomWoman pic of you @Kateplusmy8..clearly just mention of ur name got teens going! #CelebrityMom :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m7 minutes ago
New Season #KatePlus8 Dec.8th Number of episodes > 8 Hours of Family Fun > 8 Seriously I can't wait! :) @TLC @kateplusmy8

Good gawd, Milo. You are one revolting Lothario.

Over In TFW's County said...

I just saw that Milo tweeted this to Kate. Why would Kate need this, Gladys? She's a great chef, spends all of her time in the kitchen, wanted a cooking show, put out that best-selling cookbook. Are you saying that Kate needs meals that are crockpot ready? Are all of those ingredients organic? You know that Kate is all about organic, or did you forget that?

No, Milo, Brookhaven is not "close by" to Kate; It's an hour and a half drive, not just down the road. They do not deliver to should have checked that out.

Granny said...

Can anyone explain why Obama refers to ISIS as ISIL? He is the only one who does that. Answers, please?

Math Girl said...

redbird said... 23

CrockPot has developed meals that are delivered to your home like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh and you just put them in the crockpot. 24 dollars a meal.
Redbird, do you have a link for that?

What I saw on that website is that they are teaming up with food saver bags. You would prepare the ingredients for a bunch of meals, put them in bags, vacuum-seal them, and freeze. Then at cooking time, you would cook them in a crock pot.

So at cooking time, it's like Blue Menu (only less work, and using thawed ingredients), but you are doing the shopping and prep work and freezing yourself, in advance.

Do you have a website for blue-menu-style crockpot meals?

Jane said...

Many use the term ISIL, not just the President. If you watch CNN or the Sunday morning talk shows, it's often used.

localyocul said...

Is Gladlys googling things that will make life easier for her love? How in the world did she find that operation from Brookhaven? Ridiculous!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"Good gawd, Milo. You are one revolting Lothario."


lol! I wonder how many cold showers she takes every day!

Seriously, though, if you were LOM how could you live with someone like her? She will be hawking this show from now until it airs. Once she gets "on" something, she just won't get off.

Math Girl said...


Oops, found the blue-apron-style crockpot meals. It's called crock pot cuisine. At least I found some reviews of it. I think I'm being redirected because I'm in Canada and it isn't available here.

localyocul said...

WTH How did Gladys find that "Random Mom" post??

And what does THIS mean:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
We are 2days & still counting on the #RandomMom pic of you @Kateplusmy8..clearly just mention of ur name got teens going! #CelebrityMom :)

She acts like it was in the news instead of just some joke among teens. What a weirdo

Fleecing The Sheeple said...


I guess not everyone considers him to be unqualified to deal with terrorists.

redbird said...

Here Math Girl and everyone. I hope this helps.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

It's apparent that Geraldo doesn't want to sit around singing Kumbaya or It's A Small World, or even Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore!

Over In TFW's County said...

This is the one Milo tweeted to Kate. They deliver to the Philly area (southeastern PA) but not to Kate.

Sherry Baby said...

Can anyone explain why Obama refers to ISIS as ISIL? He is the only one who does that. Answers, please?

Granny, it's also known as The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Somewhere In Time said...

There was a discussion here a bit ago on some of the pickles that Hillary had gotten herself into, with talk about the Clinton Foundation. This is succinct, and doesn't mince words:

"Why do Hillary Clinton & Co. find it so hard to tell the truth about where their millions come from?

The Clinton Foundation just amended four years of tax filings to own up to foreign donations it “forgot” to fully report back when Clinton was serving as secretary of state — after being caught by media investigations.

The revisions cover $20 million in foreign gifts, plus speaking fees for the Clintons.

The foundation came clean just days after Clinton wrapped herself in 9/11 to justify her vast campaign take from the big banks.

At the last debate, Bernie Sanders hit her for raking in millions from financial firms.

Clinton answered: “I represented New York . . . on 9/11 when we were attacked. Where we were attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan, where Wall Street is,” she said. “I did spend a whole lot of time and effort helping them rebuild. That was . . . a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked our country.” Except she was raking in that cash long before the terrorists struck.

Way to offend pretty much everyone, Hill.

Of course, the largesse to her campaign, the foundation and her family over the years is all about buying influence.

That’s also why Clinton has lapped the presidential field when it comes to donations from lobbyists, as Marisa Schultz’s exposé in Tuesday’s Post noted.

Clinton’s raked in $3.2 million from registered lobbyists — more than 3 ½ times the take of the entire Republican pack, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Want to see the system at its worst? View it made flesh in Hillary Clinton."

New York Post

P.J. said...

Hey, Donald Trump agrees with me.

"Instead, Trump called for building a "tremendous safe zone" in Syria where Syrians could live without fear of being bombed."

Of course, my idea would be to have the whole country rid of terrorists while DT wants to build safe areas. What with all the walls being built between Mexico and the U.S. and Canada and the U.S. and now a safe zone in Syria, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a contractor for years.

Tucker's Mom said...

Granny said... 39
Can anyone explain why Obama refers to ISIS as ISIL? He is the only one who does that. Answers, please?
Many, including French President Hollande, are adopting the name "Daesh", which is actually an acronym. An acronym that ISIS does not like at all, which makes me really, really like it.
Spread the word ;-)


NJGal51 said...

Well Milo has been harping on this for days and TFW answered someone else.

Fill Werrell (@@FillWerrell): OH MY GOD 😭😂

Kate Gosselin (@@Kateplusmy8): @FillWerrell this is horrible and hilarious all at the same time!!!!

I wonder if she thinks that she's answering Will Ferrell.

JoyinVirginia said...

Jane and Tucker s mom, thanks for links to stories explaining the different names. I'm going to use daesh from now on. From the ibtimes article:
"Daesh: This is a term the militant group hates. French President François Hollande has used it since the attacks Friday, and first used it in September 2014. It’s an Arabic acronym for “al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham.” It can sometimes be spelled DAIISH, Da'esh or Daech, a popular French version. The hacktivist group Anonymous and President Barack Obama have used the term since the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
Thanks to Arabic wordplay, it could also be an insult. “Depending on how it is conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from ‘to trample down and crush’ to ‘a bigot who imposes his view on others,'" Boston Globe writer Zeba Khan reported in October 2014. ISIS threatened “to cut the tongue of anyone who publicly used the acronym Daesh, instead of referring to the group by its full name,” the Associated Press wrote in September 2014."
The things I learn on this blog! Amazing!
Still looking for perfect mincemeat pie recipes! ~ Administrator said...

NO, Kaya. Syria does NOT permit adoptions. You're wrong.

It's culturally insensitive to suggest anyone here should defy what they have decided is best for their children, and that's why no US adoption agency will take this on, out of RESPECT. There are many reasons why it's a problem to take in their orphans, and that's just one of them. Has nothing to do with not caring about their beautiful suffering children or not wanting to help as the far left loves to spin it. In fact, many adoption agencies say their hearts are broken over this but their hands are tied. They won't disrespect Syria by plowing forward with something they fundamentally don't believe in. They are also terribly concerned about being able to tell whether someone is REALLY an orphan, or whose parents are just missing but alive. They would be beside themselves if they adopted out a child whose parents are later located.

"Even without the chaos of civil war, Syria does not allow international adoption. As a Shari'ah law country, Syria does not recognize or provide for adoptions of Muslim children, according to the U.S. Embassy in Damascus.
“Several attempts by U.S. prospective adoptive parents have failed,” the embassy writes on its website, adding that “it is not possible to adopt in Syria” until the country changes its current laws."

P.J. said...

Joy in Virginia said...

Still looking for perfect mincemeat pie recipes!


Oops! Sorry, forgot all about it.

Hubby says he buys a good quality jarred mincemeat and adds chopped apples and raisins. He also pours in enough whiskey to make it sorta boozey smelling. He sprinkles coarse sugar on the top crust. ~ Administrator said...

That's what I do now! I often prepare meals, freeze them or refrigerate them and put them into the slow cooker in the morning. I don't need to order from a company. When I do it myself, I am sure about the freshness of the ingredients, and the price is minimal. How lazy are we that we can't even get a simple Crockpot meal together?


Yeah I wonder how much salt and other junk is in those pre-paid Crockpot meals.

You're right, you can easily pre-make your own dishes to throw into a crockpot. For a lot cheaper and you have control over the salt and other ingredients. If I were doing that I'd throw them into gallon ziplock bags and stack em up like pretty little postcards in the freezer. Easy!

I don't crockpot but I do like to pre-make a bunch of hot lunches. Right now I have a bunch of portioned out matzo ball soups, some chicken curry, and some gnocchi with peas and ham. All frozen in ziplock containers ready to just pull out in the morning. It's defrosted by noon, pop it in the microwave, and you have a nice hot meal on the go quickly and easily. Much better than buying a bunch of meals in the freezer aisle to do the same thing.

Tucker's Mom said...

In fact, many adoption agencies say their hearts are broken over this but their hands are tied. They won't disrespect Syria by plowing forward with something they fundamentally don't believe in. They are also terribly concerned about being able to tell whether someone is REALLY an orphan, or whose parents are just missing but alive. They would be beside themselves if they adopted out a child whose parents are later located.
Same thing after the Haiti earthquake. The images of children were heartbreaking and Americans asked in droves to adopt them. But, it wasn't right. Maybe the orphans weren't really orphans. Maybe they had families. Maybe we shouldn't assume that taking children from their homeland is always best.
We have to be cautious about how others perceive American Imperialism.

redbird said...

TFW is right in the mix of things! There is Charlies story and then the bizarre spiral of Kate Gosselin with that same picture that has been with that story but it is bigger. Then more Charlie.

Maximum sentence for conviction is eight years in prison.


charlie-sheen-hiv-positive-bree-olson-pp-02 thumbnail
Ex-porn star says she's 'negative for HIV,' & accuses actor of criminal behavior.

From her infamous words from Twitter. My kids will be so proud!

Those poor kids. A picture of their mother with an article talking about her bizarre downward spiral in between Charlie Sheen's HIV crisis to his porn girls arguing about who was told what at what time and who was told nothing about his status.

P.J. said...

In other news...

Duggars just keep on getting hit. Josh is being sued.

Tucker's Mom said...

P.J. said... 61
In other news...

Duggars just keep on getting hit. Josh is being sued.
Thanks for the link. This lawsuit seems like it could be very significant in opening up Josh's true past, lies and crimes.
Everything the Duggars tried to sweep under the rug is fair game.

“I don’t believe there should be any spin-off shows whatsoever,” says Stephanie Ovadia, who is Danica’s legal consultant. “I think [the family] needs to have some accountability to the public.”

Jim Bob and Michelle waited at least 16 months to inform authorities after Josh confessed to molesting his sisters in 2002, then tried to cover up his crimes for years. They could be asked about all of Josh’s horrible behavior in an attempt to “show a pattern,” Frumer says, especially “if Josh denies the prior bad acts.”

RELATED: Another Woman Comes Forward in Josh Duggar Cheating Scandal

“The defendant has a history of sexual and physical abuse towards women, particularly those he perceives as vulnerable or weak,” Danica’s attorney explains. “He has to be held responsible for his actions.”

Since the revelation that Josh molested his sisters, I indeed hold them responsible for conspiring, covering up and misleading the public about who exactly Josh Duggar is, and how the family has sold the public a bill of good for many years in order to maintain their fame and wealth.

If this woman who is bringing the suit can prove she was physically harmed by Josh, I hope criminal charges are next.

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Same thing after the Haiti earthquake. The images of children were heartbreaking and Americans asked in droves to adopt them. But, it wasn't right. Maybe the orphans weren't really orphans. Maybe they had families. Maybe we shouldn't assume that taking children from their homeland is always best.
The same applies to adoptions of First Nations (Indian or Innuit) children by non-native families. I believe their tradition is that close family members care for children, or if that's not possible, someone from the more extended family or local community. Some consider adoption of native children by non-native families as cultural genocide. It's a longstanding grievance.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@NjGal51 and now milo is deluding herself by saying,since the post got over 4,800 likes,this proves that Kate is loved by many people.Lol if thats true,why doesn't any of Kate's tweets get over 1,000 hearts or retweets?Only time i see her getting that many is when a post has something to do with the kids,not Kate.

AuntieAnn said...

Math Girl said... 63

The same applies to adoptions of First Nations (Indian or Innuit) children by non-native families. I believe their tradition is that close family members care for children, or if that's not possible, someone from the more extended family or local community.


Years ago my cousin and his wife fostered a First Nations child from when she was a few months old until she was five years old (IIRC) when her FN family fought to have her back. Cousin and wife tried to adopt her but they were not allowed to due to the reasons you've stated. They had no choice and were ordered to give her up to her FN family. It was a heart-breaking to them because by that age the little girl felt like one of their own. They had three other birth children who had grown very close to her. They all mourned for months after she left.

Sue_Buddy said...

The sentiment is growing in Europe:

The Latest: Paris attacks spark suspicions about refugees

Across Europe, the divide is deepening between those who see the massive migrant flow as a potential security threat that should be shut down and those who note that many refugees are the victims of Islamic extremism.

In Poland, the town of Szamocin, which had defied an anti-migrant mood across the country to welcome Syrian refugees, has now retracted the invitation. Mayor Eugeniusz Kucner said on his town's website that "despite our sympathy for Syrian refugees, we cannot exclude that among them there will be terrorists."

A new anti-migrant government in Poland, which took office this week, is also deeply unhappy about the previous government's decision to accept 7,000 refugees as part of a European plan. New government officials vow that asylum applications will be scrutinized carefully.

Can you imagine opening your home to a refugee couple and finding out later they planned and executed a terrorist attack while living in your home?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#65), what a heartbreaking story. Was your cousin
allowed to stay in touch with the child somehow, or at least
know about her welfare going forward?

This morning on "Live With Kelly & Michael," they hosted the
show in pajamas. Mrs. Uggs probably needed CPR seeing
her crush in his jammies.

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

Everything the Duggars tried to sweep under the rug is fair game.


I hope this brings the issue front and center again. Let's see what TLC will do now? Last I saw, over 700 sponsor bailed on anything Duggar.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

PJ (#68), I don't know what TLC will say, but I suppose Jill and
Jessa will try to distract us with more adorable baby photos on
Instagram. Their husbands are unemployed, and that show
is all they've got.

fidosmommy said...

All of my brother's children are FN in Western Canada. My brother and sil are of English/Scottish descent. There was not a big problem with any of the adoptions. In fact, when the social services were looking for a place for 2 brothers, they contacted my brother and sil and asked them to take the boys. There was plenty of family, but my brother and sil were the parents chosen by the agency. No relatives intervened as far as I know.

Interesting how different families have different experiences under the same situations.

One nephew returned to the reservation when he turned 18 or 19. He never made peace with being away from his biological family. He was free to return to the reservation if he really wanted to, but he did wait until he was an adult. The other 4 visit family occasionally, but are quite content to be the children of white parents.

Mel said...

Suppose Josh's so-called emergency extraction from the treatment center he was supposedly at had anything to do with the lawsuit from the porn star being made public today?

Things that make you say, hmmmm.....

JoyinVirginia said...

PJ, thank you and thank your dh. "Enough whiskey to make it boozey smelling" is a very descriptive instruction I am sure I can follow to the letter!
I can picture it now: "hubby, come in here and smell the pie. Does it smell boozey enough to you?"
Hubby: "we better add some more, you want it to have a good flavor, right? "
Me :" you are right! Hey college daughter, does it smell boozey enough now?"
College daughter:" are you two getting drunk in the kitchen?"

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 67


Flimsy, yes they were allowed visitation both ways but the little girl's family was located on reserve land so far north of where my cousin lived that it was difficult to see her often. They saw her less and less as she got older and they said the last time they visited with her it seemed as if she had emotionally distanced herself from them. I imagine there were psychological scars for all involved. So sad. I don't know if they even stay in touch anymore.

AuntieAnn said...

Oh wonderful.

The RCMP is examining whether the voice on an audio recording attributed to ISIS and released in the wake of the Paris attacks belongs to a Canadian.

Um, Justin?? Ms Wynne? Keep letting them in, you say?

P.J. said...

Joy in Virginia said...

I can picture it now:


Dang! Was that you peeking in our windows? And here we blamed you-know-who.

Some things you never measure. Cinnamon and booze are two that come to mind.

TLC stinks said...

redbird, as typical, there will be tabloid stories about Kate prior to the TLC show in December. Part of the publicity plan. Nothing new here. ~ Administrator said...

Flimsy, yes they were allowed visitation both ways but the little girl's family was located on reserve land so far north of where my cousin lived that it was difficult to see her often. They saw her less and less as she got older and they said the last time they visited with her it seemed as if she had emotionally distanced herself from them. I imagine there were psychological scars for all involved. So sad. I don't know if they even stay in touch anymore.


Yes. There's the Indian Child Welfare Act which is extremely protective of any Indian children who could possibly be adopted. It requires a very hard standard to meet in order to adopt a child, and heaven help you if you're trying to adopt an Indian child with a white family. It's almost impossible. Statewide in addition we have a new thing in CA since 2010 called the TCA, which is a an alternative to a standard adoption and protects both the Tribe’s and the child’s interests in maintaining tribal membership by formalizing an adoption by an individual selected by the Tribe without terminating parental rights. That's not how adoption works in CA normally, so it's carving out a very special exception for Indian children.

These laws have taken decades to develop, and there are numerous stakeholders involved who seek to protect the tribe and the tribal child's interests. This is because we made a huge mistake with Indian children back in the day. It WAS imperialistic, and incredibly disrespectful to their culture and roots.

It's a shame Christie didn't explain more clearly all the problems with taking in Syrian orphans. That's his style, just shoot from the hip and explain later. But the bottom line is yes, there's problems with it. Serious problems. Problems we can overcome maybe, but the solution is not just, bring them all in without a plan. Anyone who wants to just take in a Syrian child without regard for how their culture, family ties, religious ties, or roots will be preserved, is being extremely rude and disrespectful to both that child, the Syrian culture, and Muslim culture as a whole. Actually, how dare we even think of such a thing until we have a plan in place, laws, that protects all of that first.

Jane said...

Like others here, I'd sure like to get back to Kate and her nonsense. But I heard this on NPR today and thought it was worth posting as it refers to how refugees are vetted and Syrians specifically.
Like others here, I'd sure like to get back to Kate and her nonsense. But I heard this on NPR today and thought it was worth posting as it refers to how refugees are vetted and Syrians specifically.

Rhymes with Witch said...


This has been around for quite a while. IIRC it has been on the bottom of the ROL page for months. ~ Administrator said...


This has been around for quite a while. IIRC it has been on the bottom of the ROL page for months.


Yes and as we all know this woman has been spiraling the drain for years!

I don't know if she is ever going to go "downward" though without some heavy duty plunging. ~ Administrator said...

the incidents were so awful they caused her "physical and emotional injuries" and she felt “as if she were being raped.”


Ugh. This goes so beyond a young man cheating on his wife. There is something seriously wrong with Josh and there is no proof, none, he has changed and won't do this again. I fear for his wife and children.

4rmine said...

the incidents were so awful they caused her "physical and emotional injuries" and she felt “as if she were being raped.”

....but the first time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she was paid $1,500.....but the second time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she didn't use her phone under her pillow to dial 911,....ugh

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Mrs. Uggs probably needed CPR seeing
her crush in his jammies.


I think she'd probably prefer to see him without pajamas, but at this point she will take whatever she can get!

She hasn't tweeted today, so maybe they are still giving her CPR! However, this was her last tweet to him...

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@michaelstrahan both our teams blew it again this weekend but.. I still #WakeUpHappy thanks to you !!!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Can you imagine opening your home to a refugee couple and finding out later they planned and executed a terrorist attack while living in your home?


Sue, I was thinking about this earlier today. It's like the kid who goes on a murder rampage at a school and the parents had no idea that he had maps of his plan, ammunition and was building a bomb in a secluded basement room of his home.

Anonymous said...

Well, I say anybody complaining that WE, America, should take in the refugees, I ask how many are you personally willing to let live in your home with your kids...even if it is just temporarily. I think most would shut their mouths because they would not let them live in their home. They don't know these people.

It has been said over and over that they cannot be vetted properly. We are broke as a country yet we are always sending millions and billions to less fortunate countries. One in five children in this country live in poverty. Millions are underemployed or/and have just stop looking for work. We can't even afford to properly care for our own. We already have over 10 million illegal immigrants we do not know what to do with. And when they get sick they go to our hospitals for free care too.

I am NOT a fan of Rand Paul but I saw him on a program today and was impressed what he said on this issue: (taken from his website)

Sen. Paul: Mr. President, make no mistake, we have been attacked in the past by refugees or by people posing as refugees. The two Boston bombers were here as refugees. They didn't take very kindly to what we gave them -- education, food, clothing, and they chose to attack our country.

In Bowling Green, Kentucky, we had two Iraqi refugees who came through the refugee program, posing as refugees and then promptly decided to buy stinger missiles. Fortunately, they got them from an F.B.I. Agent and we caught them, but when we caught them, we discovered that their fingerprints were already on bomb fragments in Iraq in our database, and yet we had no clue and admitted them anyway.

I think we have an insufficient process for knowing who's here legally and illegally. There are eleven million people in our country illegally, 40% of them have overstayed their Visa. Do we know who they are? Do we know where they are? If we extrapolate those statistics to those who are visiting our country from the Middle East, do we know where the 150,000 students are who say they're going to school in our country from the Middle East? I don't think we do. I don't think we should continue adding people to the rolls of those coming from the Middle East until we absolutely know who is in our country and what their intentions are.

NATO needs to place these people back in their country and provide a safe zone for them.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Refusing to accept another's point of view simply because you've never experienced it is, IMO, the greatest weakness of mankind.
Does this go for fundamentalists?


I always thought that the greatest weakness of mankind is poor attitude. A positive attitude builds character and without a strong character we are devoid of emotions, including compassion, perseverance, leadership, values and morals. We then become an empty shell of a person, stumbling along on the highway of life, never finding our way.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ugh. This goes so beyond a young man cheating on his wife. There is something seriously wrong with Josh and there is no proof, none, he has changed and won't do this again. I fear for his wife and children.
There's a clear pattern of escalation with Josh. He started molesting whom he deemed the weaker sister (skipped the oldest, btw...that's telling) and worked his way down to the 5-year old once he realized the older ones could reason that what was happening to them was wrong and articulate it.
I think that deviant behavior was latent until he arrived unscathed (thanks Ma and Pa!) as an adult in a patriarchal, newly-powerful position that allowed him to lead a double life where the real Joshie could come out to play.

Over And Out said...

I just saw that Milo tweeted this to Kate. Why would Kate need this, Gladys? She's a great chef, spends all of her time in the kitchen, wanted a cooking show, put out that best-selling cookbook. Are you saying that Kate needs meals that are crockpot ready? Are all of those ingredients organic? You know that Kate is all about organic, or did you forget that?

No, Milo, Brookhaven is not "close by" to Kate; It's an hour and a half drive, not just down the road. They do not deliver to should have checked that out.

Ha! She probably thinks that if she calls the company, identifies herself as Milo's biggest fan and PR rep, tells the company that this would be for The Great Kate Celebrity Mom that they would bend the rules, and make the hour-and-a-half trip to deliver the meals...just because it's Kate!

Over And Out said...

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@michaelstrahan both our teams blew it again this weekend but.. I still #WakeUpHappy thanks to you !!!

I am sure that she has made his day, knowing that some middle-aged hausfrau who has a mad crush on him is waking up happy because his face is on television. He's winking just at her, don't you know?

Over And Out said...

..but the first time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she was paid $1,500.....but the second time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she didn't use her phone under her pillow to dial 911,....ugh


And risk losing all those dollar bills? Maybe she just liked rough sex and the money was good, but now she sees the chance to really cash in!

I missed it -- is she suing Joshie Boy?

Over And Out said...

There was a discussion here a bit ago on some of the pickles that Hillary had gotten herself into, with talk about the Clinton Foundation. This is succinct, and doesn't mince words:


Yes,and all of the scandals in which she and the mister have found themselves...more than you can shake a stick at. I haven't heard too much muck-raking about Donald's scandals/skeletons, though. I wonder if the media is digging and is waiting to drop the bombshell closer to the election.

NJGal51 said...

And on the topic of a dating show...

@HEYitsME_JENG: @Kateplusmy8 have you ever thought of a show Kate Plus Date..... And it's you and a new dating life. I just absolutely adore who you are!

@Kateplusmy8: @HEYitsME_JENG I have. New season may have an element of that 😉. Stay tuned! XO right back atcha:)

Yup, this blind date episode may just be to put out feelers to see how a dating show would go over. He wants a date with Kate but can he handle the 8? Tune in next week for more Date with K8.

NJGal51 said...

@xxxxxxxx: @TLC @Kateplusmy8 "mom wants proof parents home;kid prints photo of "random" mom cooking (K8 Gosselin)=silliest BS marketing lie I've seen!

I agree completely. Nothing but a marketing ploy to get her name out there as your everyday "random" mom. But the whole thing has gone straight to TFW's head.

@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack when you have 8, what’s s couple thousand.. Or million? Right?:) #ImEveryMother #ItsUpToMe lol

AuntieAnn said...

Yes. There's the Indian Child Welfare Act which is extremely protective of any Indian children who could possibly be adopted. It requires a very hard standard to meet in order to adopt a child, and heaven help you if you're trying to adopt an Indian child with a white family.


If I remember correctly, because this all happened back in the late 80s, my cousin and his wife knew that going in but they took her anyway knowing that she could go back to her biological relatives when they were able to do so. ( I think there may have been problems with her family that needed addressing before she could go back. Addiction of some kind maybe, I'm not sure of those details.) At any rate the child stayed so long in their home, they thought they could easily adopt her. Turned out her FN family had regained the right to take her, so as painful as it was they had to let her go.

I think sometimes we don't look down the road far enough to realize the emotional attachment that happens. Easy for people to say they can handle it, but it would be like having your own child torn out of your arms once they live with you for any length of time and suddenly they're reunited with their biological family. Whether they're Indian or Syrian or Korean or whatever makes no difference.

P.J. said...

..but the first time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she was paid $1,500.....but the second time she didn't say no, she didn't say stop, and she didn't use her phone under her pillow to dial 911,....ugh


Now imagine if we were talking about Anna?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51(#94) - re: #ImEveryMother TFW trying to
quote the "I'm Every Woman" lyric? Because it's not "it's up to
me," it's "it's all in me."

Gladys got her monthly crumb tossed -- she can go to bed smiling tonight. ~ Administrator said...

If I remember correctly, because this all happened back in the late 80s, my cousin and his wife knew that going in but they took her anyway knowing that she could go back to her biological relatives when they were able to do so. ( I think there may have been problems with her family that needed addressing before she could go back. Addiction of some kind maybe, I'm not sure of those details.) At any rate the child stayed so long in their home, they thought they could easily adopt her. Turned out her FN family had regained the right to take her, so as painful as it was they had to let her go.


I'm not at all surprised. That happens a LOT here.

Not saying ICWA is right or wrong, but pretty much everyone admits it's caused a lot of broken hearts. ~ Administrator said...

@HEYitsME_JENG: @Kateplusmy8 have you ever thought of a show Kate Plus Date..... And it's you and a new dating life. I just absolutely adore who you are!

@Kateplusmy8: @HEYitsME_JENG I have.


Of course she's thought of t. She's dumb but not an idiot.

She's GUNNING for a show. She's thought of everything, and a dating show has certainly been a pilot in her mind for awhile, and perhaps even more.

P.J. said...

Admin said...

a dating show has certainly been a pilot in her mind for awhile...


What? No nibbles for her to be the next Bachelorette? Maybe if they ever film one for the Geritol crowd. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ~ Administrator said...

Well, the other day it was D.C., now ISIS is threatening NYC.

And......this is why we need to hold the phone on any major immigration decisions. We don't have the first clue what is going on. Only today France has caught 25 suspected terrorists living among them, many of whom they very much believe were about to carry out a new attack. Pure insanity.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

The clock that's ticking on a dating show for TFW is deafening.
Pathetic that she's still putting any eggs in that basket.

Granny said...

Update on the McCaughey septuplets:

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 101

The clock that's ticking on a dating show for TFW is deafening.
Pathetic that she's still putting any eggs in that basket.


Didn't she say she's had one date since she divorced Jon? One in five years. Yeah, I don't think a dating show is in the stars for her.

The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

redbird said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 79

This has been around for quite a while. IIRC it has been on the bottom of the ROL page for months.


Yes, my point was that it has been on ROL for months and then all of a sudden TFW is between 2 Charlie Sheen stories.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Which assault? First or second? Methinks she may have a problem with this lawsuit since she went back for an encore.

"She also said she's seeing a psychiatrist to treat her severe anxiety following Duggar's alleged assault." ~ Administrator said...

Which assault? First or second? Methinks she may have a problem with this lawsuit since she went back for an encore.


She might not. In most jurisdictions you can't consent to being assaulted like that. Her consent wouldn't be relevant to the case. Or she could just say that she felt tremendous pressure from him, undue influence. It's sort of like if you ask someone to please kill you, it doesn't usually absolve them of murder if they take you up on it. I think he's in a heckuva lot of trouble.

redbird said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 106

Which assault? First or second? Methinks she may have a problem with this lawsuit since she went back for an encore.


She might not. In most jurisdictions you can't consent to being assaulted like that. Her consent wouldn't be relevant to the case. Or she could just say that she felt tremendous pressure from him, undue influence. It's sort of like if you ask someone to please kill you, it doesn't usually absolve them of murder if they take you up on it. I think he's in a heckuva lot of trouble.


He should be. He is a serial sexual criminal.

Did anyone watch Law and Order SVU Finale?

Poor... I know, will wait till tomorrow.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Yes, my point was that it has been on ROL for months and then all of a sudden TFW is between 2 Charlie Sheen stories. 104

And what a wonderful place to be (snark).

P.J. said...

Which assault? First or second? Methinks she may have a problem with this lawsuit since she went back for an encore.


Again, would we be saying this if we were talking about Anna?

Just because this woman earns her living as a prostitute, that does not make what he did legal. Nor did she deserve it, nor should we be questioning what she did or didn't do. How many wives or girlfriends are in the same boat? Would we blame them for not calling 911? Would we accuse them of going back for more?

TLC stinks said...

As we speak, Kate and TLC are recruiting men to be her dates. The cultivation of Jeff Millionaire went down in flames but there are plenty of wannabes out there willing to jump on the fame bandwagon. I honestly don't believe she has any interest in a serious relationship anyway because she has Steve with all the benefits. I suspect the "date" will reveal no chemistry. She's famous, blond, dresses slutty, rich but there's a wrinkle: eight kids soon to all be teens. Frankly, I wonder just how much time Jeff Millionaire spent with the kids.

TLC stinks said...

Are they really going to air EIGHT episodes? Most of the time it is couch interviews and recaps from the previous episode. Way to stretch the crapola, I suppose. We were right...she filmed all summer. Let's see, $40k per episode, luxury vacay, new deck, new clothes, etc. Nice haul for 2015. She can never say again she is piecin' and patchin'. No wonder Steve hangs around. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, sooooo much simpler. Maybe Barack Obama can just wiggle his nose like Samantha on Bewitched and make the terrorists disappear.


Well, I don't know if France wiggled their nose or what, but this just in, they got Abdelhamid Abaaoud!! Turns out this terrorist hunting/bombing the shit out of them making the terrroists "disappear" is actually going pretty easy for THEM.

Go France!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Just because this woman earns her living as a prostitute, that does not make what he did legal. Nor did she deserve it, nor should we be questioning what she did or didn't do. How many wives or girlfriends are in the same boat? Would we blame them for not calling 911? Would we accuse them of going back for more?
Moreover, Josh evidently gets off on violent porn and wanted to reenact it with the same porn star. It shows a lack of boundaries and frankly, humanity, to think Josh can not tell the difference between acting for a camera and real life.
I don't know if this woman is looking for deep pockets. I am glad that this lawsuit might bring to light Josh's very concerning history of sexual abuse and will put into place protections for his children.

Ingrid said...

I am torn between letting the refugees come or not. I have seen what happens when the bad ones come although not terrorism, but increase in crimes. ( this was about 30 years ago) But I read the refugee stories on Humans of New York facebook. It is far worse than anything we have here. My heart breaks for them. HoNY posted a grouping of those stories yesterday for people to read again.

Tucker's Mom said...

Well, I don't know if France wiggled their nose or what, but this just in, they got Abdelhamid Abaaoud!! Turns out this terrorist hunting/bombing the shit out of them making the terrroists "disappear" is actually going pretty easy for THEM.

Go France!!
As France carries out strikes on daesh and killed the mastermind of this horrific attack, Obama looks practically comatose.
I do hope that France rethinks their "no go" zones. I'm afraid they were caught with their fly open.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope Kate gets a dating show. I really do.
I hope she can be her own famewhore instead of using her kids for a paycheck.
Let her travel and film her heart out and maybe the kids will spend more time with Jon.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I hope Kate gets a dating show. I really do.
I hope she can be her own famewhore instead of using her kids for a paycheck. 116

That would be a win-win for all concerned, including those of us who won't be watching.

swimgirl said...

The President of France announced that France will continue to take in the Syrian refugees.

Rhymes with Witch said...

OT for the cooks (and chefs) among us.
Per chance to dream:

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope she can be her own famewhore instead of using her kids for a paycheck.


We've said that for years. Good luck to her. Leave the kids out of it and I hope she becomes a huge success. She hasn't got a snowball's chance, but hey...

TLC stinks said...

Tucker's Mom, unfortunately the hook of any dating show will be there are 8 teens and pre teens at home and can any guy measure up to their opinions of him. There is no way she'd abandon the moneymakers. They are a part of her and what made her famous. Every guy she dates will be tossed aside because she genuinely does not want anyone to share the fame, money or partnership (exception is Steve).

P.J. said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 119

OT for the cooks (and chefs) among us.
Per chance to dream:


Wouldn't that be a wonderful second home? Of course, it's really not my taste, but it is charming.

Rhymes with Witch said...

OT. Had to share since I'm sure I didn't wonder alone. ~ Administrator said...

Just because this woman earns her living as a prostitute, that does not make what he did legal. Nor did she deserve it, nor should we be questioning what she did or didn't do.


In addition to wanting the thrill of being with a prostitute I think Josh, much like many deviants, was savvy and conniving. I think he specifically targeted victims who were unlikely to rat him out or if they did, they wouldn't be believed. Young children and porn stars alike. He targeted these people for a reason. ~ Administrator said...

Tucker's Mom, unfortunately the hook of any dating show will be there are 8 teens and pre teens at home and can any guy measure up to their opinions of him.


That might make a halfway decent idea for a sitcom. But if a network even considered putting eight real children through that is so awful. I think you're right, a dating show could very well involve Kate going on dates, perhaps not telling the man right away she has eight kids, then bringing him home to meet them and see if he can hack it. Or maybe the kids critiquing her dates from a live feed or something. I'm skeptical they'd be able to come up with something without involving the kids. ~ Administrator said...

As France carries out strikes on daesh and killed the mastermind of this horrific attack


I'm really impressed with France. It's been less than a week and they're just pummeling ISIS, piece by piece.

In the back of my mind I wonder how much intelligence they had on all this BEFORE the attacks to be able to track all these little pockets of terrorists so quickly. I really don't know how this went down. Or maybe they got their information this week and have developed plans of attack quickly. In any case, they're proving that you can go straight to the source and "get 'em" with minimum to no civilian casualties. They're hitting ISIS at their heart and have already saved countless lives from another imminent attack. It's about time someone got this problem under control. Just wouldn't have expected the French to do it--no offense!

RIP to the police dog who died in the raids though.

TLC stinks said...

Admin, ITA it would be awful to put those kids through that. Children of divorce have enough mommy and daddy issues without subjecting them to mommy parading strange men through their public lives. And this goes for Jon, too. But this TLC and Kate, so I suspect if her ratings score up for the dating episode, this is exactly what will happen. Those kids must be very confused about relationships.

Susan1956 said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 125

That might make a halfway decent idea for a sitcom. But if a network even considered putting eight real children through that is so awful. I think you're right, a dating show could very well involve Kate going on dates, perhaps not telling the man right away she has eight kids, then bringing him home to meet them and see if he can hack it. Or maybe the kids critiquing her dates from a live feed or something. I'm skeptical they'd be able to come up with something without involving the kids.

They'd have to involve the kids just to get someone to take the meeting/hear the pitch. However, couldn't Jon fight this (assuming some network--TLC--would green light it)? I know the legal precedent was established that the kids must participate in the show due to contractual obligations when Jon attempted to stop them going to Australia several years ago, but this would be a whole different show. I would think all his lawyer would need to do is put a couple psychologists on the stand to discus the negative effects such a show/a 2nd show would have on the children. ~ Administrator said...

Children of divorce have enough mommy and daddy issues without subjecting them to mommy parading strange men through their public lives. And this goes for Jon, too.


When did Jon parade strange men through the kids' lives? :)

I don't have a problem if Kate, or Jon, dates, nor do I have a problem if they want to introduce their significant other to the children. They're not toddlers, and kids this age can feel babied, left out and betrayed if you don't include them in knowing about your relationship.

What I do have a problem with is setting up FAKE scenarios for dates for filming IF it involves the kids somehow. In the latest episode it already does. By all means, go on a real date and include your kids in the conversation. But to toy with their emotions for something manufactured is just cruel and so morally wrong. They have enough to contend with dealing with real life to throw that on them.

Divorce sucks and watching a parent dating may or may not suck for the kids, depending on the kid (some kids are just fine with it and welcome it, others struggle) but they also need to understand they're only going to be in the house a few more years. Mom and Dad have a lifetime left without them and it would be nice to be paired up. They are old enough to understand a partner might be a very good thing for a parent. They are old enough to think outside of their own needs and wants and think of others' happiness. It's even good for them. But, the process of the family going through that needs to be done in private.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If the kids were left out of the whole premise, all you've got is a 40-year-old D-list celebrity trying to look 25, with no discernible
talent. Can't act, can't dance, can't sing, can't cook. Oh, and
bonus -- she's also charm free. So why wouldn't you just get
an actual 25-year-old with some sort of skills and/or personality
to build a show around?

TFW's only hook for a dating show would be that the guy
(read: possible new daddy to 8 little stepkids) has to be
man enough to date a woman with a such a hectic life, and
the chaos that would ensue. Which means those kids would
continue to be exploited.

P.J. said...

Granny said... 102
Update on the McCaughey septuplets:


Granny, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I just have zero interest in the McCaughey kids. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to post, I'm just stating my opinion.

Peace out. ;)

Susan1956 said...

Questions, questions, questions . . .

If the lawsuit against JoshieBoy has been filed, does that mean he has been served?

Anyone else think that JimBoob will move JoshieBoy around the country in order to help him avoid giving depositions, delay the trial, etc.?

Will the Duggars attempt to negotiate a quick settlement with a NDA clause? I hope not, I think it would be great to have JoshieBoy forced to testify under oath as to his activities.

Does anyone else believe in the old adage "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and wonder what Pa Duggar modeled as appropriate behavior towards the opposite sex in that house? ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone else believe in the old adage "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and wonder what Pa Duggar modeled as appropriate behavior towards the opposite sex in that house?


I have no idea, but what it brought to light was the incredible lack of supervision in that house due to the number of kids, something I have complained about for years. The worst happened. It begs the question what else happened in that house, and it also demonstrates poor parenting due to neglect, even if the neglect was unintentional because they physically cannot properly supervise that many kids. They could have chosen not to have so many kids.

Mel said...

Children of divorce have enough mommy and daddy issues without subjecting them to mommy parading strange men through their public lives.

Parading for the purposes of a TV show.
If she was dating privately that's one thing.
But to do it just so she can put their reactions out for the public to be entertained by...that's just wrong.

P.J. said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 130

Which means those kids would continue to be exploited.


It also means that the it's the kid's fault she hasn't got a man in her life. A Narc is never to blame for anything. ~ Administrator said...

If she was dating privately that's one thing.
But to do it just so she can put their reactions out for the public to be entertained by...that's just wrong.


I completely agree. I think it might be good if Kate dates, if she can find a good guy. It would take some of the pressure off the kids, and there would be another adult in the home to check her. My narcissist was almost always better when they were married or had a significant other. On their own they have no check, no one to advise them not to do or say that, and it was worse on the kids and on their career without someone guiding them. Being single was NOT good for them. But for goodness sake this needs to be done like normal people do it, in private. I find her free admission she's been trying to pedal a dating show to be abominable. Though not surprising.

AuntieAnn said...

... even if the neglect was unintentional because they physically cannot properly supervise that many kids.


Kinda difficult to properly supervise all those kids when you're always in the sack making more of them.

Midnight Madness said...

Kinda difficult to properly supervise all those kids when you're always in the sack making more of them.


lol! So true. I think, however, that he doesn't waste any time, just gets the job done and gets it over in record time.

Midnight Madness said...

Granny said... 102
Update on the McCaughey septuplets:


Granny, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I just have zero interest in the McCaughey kids. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to post, I'm just stating my opinion.


We recently had a thread devoted to them. Should admin not have run that? If not, why not?

Tucker's Mom said...

Midnight Madness said... 138
Kinda difficult to properly supervise all those kids when you're always in the sack making more of them.


lol! So true. I think, however, that he doesn't waste any time, just gets the job done and gets it over in record time.

It's nice to see the McCaughey's update once in awhile. I think it's normal to want to see how they're doing and just fine for the kids to appear on tv every now and then.
They've had lives that haven't been episodes and the contrast to Kate's kids could not be more vivid.
The M kids look so bright- I mean bright as in shining. They look happy. Truly happy. Like they've been raised with so much love it just pours out of them.
For all the golden platter shit that Kate thinks is so darn important for her kids, the G kids seem rather bratty, ungrateful and far from a loving family.
I think they're all growing up like Kate and think they're all that and a bag of chips because cameras capture their lives.
While I'm at it ;-) M&C need to put their big girl britches on and start spending real visitation time with Jon.
Enough is enough. ~ Administrator said...

What I appreciated about the McCaughey update is this:

"We consider us as best friends, not as brothers and sisters," Alexis told WICC. "And I'm really blessed that we've gotten to that point."

I think Kate has completely failed her children by fostering an environment of distrust and resentment among them. We've seen her do it. There's sibling rivalry and then there's hatred and bitterness, and unfortunately from what I've seen of her children, it's mostly the latter. Of the few who have paired up, they use that relationship to exclude and hurt other siblings instead of being inclusive. It's shameful. It's so bad I would not be at all surprised if many of them need therapy later in life in order to have healthy relationships.

foxy said...

I think the McCaugheys deserve an update as they have done well with all 8, count em 8 kids. The oldest daughter is recently married and the rest of the kids have goals they want to meet. They seem like such a loving caring family and they prove you can raise a large family without a TV show. I am one of 12 kids and we did just fine with dad working outside of the home and mom staying home with the kids. Of course everyone had to do a little around the home so no one would have to do a lot. We all helped take care of the younger kids. No fighting, no hitting, etc.

P.J. said...

Midnight Madness said...

We recently had a thread devoted to them. Should admin not have run that? If not, why not?


Admin can do what she wants on her blog. Here we are, not discussing Law and Order SVU but that's the topic.

I'm simply stating that I have no interest in those kids other than to contrast or compare them to the G kids. Just voicing opinion like I did about the Twidiots on sKate's timeline. Not telling anyone what to do.

AuntieAnn said...

lol! So true. I think, however, that he doesn't waste any time, just gets the job done and gets it over in record time.


And I'll bet there isn't a hair out of place on JimBoob's helmet head when he's done.

P.J. said...

OT. Jared Fogle got more than 15 years.

jamezvader1194 said...

@admin my only thing with Kate dating is that her loyal subjects keep going on about how the kids will finally have a "daddy"that supports them.Her fans have the mindset of,whichever parent has the most money is the better parent.Though im not saying Jon doesn't cause he has a job which they love to bash.I want to know what kind of job does Jon have to work in order for these fans to be "satisfy" to where they can say hes working?

fidosmommy said...

I think this article speaks of others besides Jared Fogle, too. I saw lots of parallels in there.

BTW, Jared apparently used his Subway diet as a defense.
He even found a psychiatrist in Canada to support that.

P.J. said...

Holy Cow! Imposter set teachers? What a world.

P.J. said...

There are follow-up articles too. Why wasn't this on every major media outlet.
We've got a fuckity hundred "entertainment" shows on t.v. and not one of them discussed this issue? I guess Kardashians sell. Kids, not so

redbird said...

fidosmommy said... 147

I think this article speaks of others besides Jared Fogle, too. I saw lots of parallels in there.

BTW, Jared apparently used his Subway diet as a defense.
He even found a psychiatrist in Canada to support that.


It was sickening that Jarod only paid out 1 million dollars in a settlement to be divided by only 10 of his victims. I can't believe that is all they got out of him. He has paid his law team and the Canadian psychologist at least that or more to defend his sorry self.

If it can be proven in the future that Subway knew about it and didn't try to do something about it can the victims sue Subway?

Math Girl said...

Granny said... 102
Update on the McCaughey septuplets:
I'm shaking my head over the fact that someone would find this post objectionable. It gives the topic with the link, so you don't have to go there if you aren't interested. It isn't a far out topic, as we have previously discussed the McCaughey family. It's short. It's not insulting to anyone's political or religious beliefs.

What's not to like? If you're not interested, scroll on by. I've been doing that a lot lately to avoid exploding-head syndrome.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

What's not to like? If you're not interested, scroll on by. I've been doing that a lot lately to avoid exploding-head syndrome.


I've been doing that on Kate's TL when her teeny fans gush on and on. Of course, Milo's obsessive lusting has gotten to be too much and at times could make my head explode so most of the time I don't even read her tweets. I know she has a mental illness, as well as CWS, but gosh darn it, she just won't shut up, recognize that she has a problem and get help. Ten years from now she will still be drooling over Kate's voluptuous rock hard body and her amazing parenting.

redbird said...

redbird said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 152
What's not to like? If you're not interested, scroll on by. I've been doing that a lot lately to avoid exploding-head syndrome.


I've been doing that on Kate's TL when her teeny fans gush on and on. Of course, Milo's obsessive lusting has gotten to be too much and at times could make my head explode so most of the time I don't even read her tweets. I know she has a mental illness, as well as CWS, but gosh darn it, she just won't shut up, recognize that she has a problem and get help. Ten years from now she will still be drooling over Kate's voluptuous rock hard body and her amazing parenting.


In ten years Milo will be drooling over TFW's voluptuous rock hard Granny Body, her amazing Depends and her amazing grandparenting.

jamezvader1194 said...

@rainbowsandunicorns Its the same with me,i don't go on any tabloids about Kate anymore.Its lately gotten annoying with the same fans that keep bringing up the same arguments that i've herd of before.It was to the point where my mind was gonna explode.As far as Milo goes,i do believe like with many on twitter and here,she has to be a catfish.Would love an episode of the show to be about her.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

As far as Milo goes,i do believe like with many on twitter and here,she has to be a catfish.Would love an episode of the show to be about her.


She is a narcissist like Kate. She loves attention. Kate gave her a shout-out on television and from then on she thought that they were best friends for all eternity. The last thing you want to do is to put her on an episode!

localyocul said...

I'm watching some show called My Haunted House on LMN and a commercial for Hello Fresh came on. And right after that a commercial for Blue Apron came on. How weird is th at?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@sheepless oh i agree and it was strange of Kate to only give a shout out to her only and not any other fan.I ment on an episode of catfish,i dont think being on that show is a good thing.Personally i don't believe she has any REAL life friends since like i said,she deluded herself into thinking that.Heck im unsure if she's a happily married female since her tweets show shes in love with Kate.

P.J. said...

I'm shaking my head over the fact that someone would find this post objectionable.


I never said it was objectionable. I said I was not interested. Seven babies were born at the same time. Wow! Amazing story at the time. In the same way that the activities of the G kids are none of my business and I'm not interested, I feel the same way about these kids.

I'm not telling anyone what to do or what to think or what should or should not be on this blog. I'm stating my opinion.

Mara said...

P.J. said... 159
I'm shaking my head over the fact that someone would find this post objectionable.


I never said it was objectionable. I said I was not interested. Seven babies were born at the same time. Wow! Amazing story at the time. In the same way that the activities of the G kids are none of my business and I'm not interested, I feel the same way about these kids.

I'm not telling anyone what to do or what to think or what should or should not be on this blog. I'm stating my opinion.
I think that what people are questioning is why you needed to state your opinion rather than just scrolling past the post. If your point wasn't to make the OP think twice about posting similar content in the future, then what was it?

There are a lot of topics brought up here that have zero to do with Kate Gosselin. I'm sure many of them don't interest everyone. If everyone felt compelled to call out posters about posts that didn't interest them, this blog would be littered with such posts. And for what purpose? To make people feel bad?

P.J. said...

I think that what people are questioning is why you needed to state your opinion rather than just scrolling past the post. If your point wasn't to make the OP think twice about posting similar content in the future, then what was it?


Okay, third and final time: I was voicing my opinion. Isn't this blog about voicing opinions? We talk here all the time about how kids deserve privacy. My point about the McCaugheys was that I'm giving them their privacy, the same way I don't discuss the G kids. I don't care what anyone posts or wants to discuss, but if some opinions are okay and others are not, well, then, I find that confusing.

I find plenty to scroll past and I don't comment. On this issue, I cared enough to voice my opinion.

Tucker's Mom said...

The McCaugheys are very interesting to me and germane to this blog because we can see what is essentially, a control group of HOM's, NOT raised, exposed and exploited on reality tv.
I think it's fascinating to see that it appears on every level, the children NOT raised on television are doing better in terms of development, including confidence, happiness, closeness and socialization.
What Bobbi and Kenny have done is provided a loving, nurturing home with ZERO financial incentive for everything they've done and sacrificed to raise such lovely children.
The emotion I see when Bobbi speaks of her children is so deep and full of gratitude, not braggadocio.

Tucker's Mom said...

We had another Blue Apron meal last night. DH made vegetarian tortilla soup in about 30-40 minutes.
Another winner.
The soup was chock full of good stuff- never missed the meat or chicken stock.
It was full of crispy tortilla strips, avocado, queso, radish, tomatoes and cilantro.
Next up is lentil bolognese.

TLC stinks said...

I just scroll past anything that does not interest me. In fact, Kate discussion is wearing thin after all these years although with eight upcoming episodes, this should open up more dissection or just more of the same.

Unfortunately, with the continued filming, the public is exposed to some of the kids' bad behavior and how anyone thinks Kate is raising a fine family is smoking dope. I grew up with large families and I don't ever recall the screaming, entitlement, smart mouths, and competiveness that is in her household. What once were sweet babies are now teen and preteen beasts. Hey, if you've raised kids you know it's not like The Waltons, but at least the battles were not on public display for a million prying eyes. My adult children would be mortified if I had filmed their outbursts. Her kids have no concept of what the repercussions are for their future with the filming of bad behavior, so yeah, Kate is a horrible parent.

Tucker's Mom said...

Unfortunately, with the continued filming, the public is exposed to some of the kids' bad behavior and how anyone thinks Kate is raising a fine family is smoking dope
Seriously, put the crack pipe down sheeple!
Being Catholic, I've seen so many large families that were truly piecing and patching and so I'm not in awe of Kate.
Granted, it's a tough job, but one that she chose and bellyaches about all the time.
Kate's couch interviews are hysterical now with her bad acting and facial contortions. Inauthentic doesn't even begin to describe her.

Tucker's Mom said...

My adult children would be mortified if I had filmed their outbursts. Her kids have no concept of what the repercussions are for their future with the filming of bad behavior, so yeah, Kate is a horrible parent.
Kate thinks that displaying her kids' bad behavior makes her more relatable because she's got "typical" teens, blah, blah, blah.
"Look at me, sigh. I'm so put upon, sigh"
What's even more ridiculous is that it seems Kate thinks she can offer teachable moments to viewers, when in fact, everyone should scoff at this silly woman who thinks nothing of exposing her kids warts and all, for money.

Mel said...

I happened to see a promo of TFW last night. The guy says, you're looking young tonight, and the camera pans to TFW making this really weird face. Almost like a moue.

A very odd response to a compliment. Although it was an odd compliment.

She looked like she had makeup slathered on, an inch thick. Very disconcerting. With skin that bad I think I'd nix those close-ups.

She was like, who me? Titter, titter. So fifth grade of a response.

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said...

It was full of crispy tortilla strips, avocado, queso, radish, tomatoes and cilantro.


Radish? In a soup? I've never cooked radish. Or avocado for that matter. So, every thing comes prepared and you throw it in a pot to make soup? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept.

Mel said...

I think one can voice their opinion without calling out other posters.

To say you're don't think we should discuss xx because yyy is ok., imo.
But that's not what was said.

To say hey poster, i have zero interest in your post sounds rude.

The original post was short, included a link, didn't express an opinion. I thought it was ok.

Moving on....peace and kindness to all.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#166), more than "relatable," TFW is trying to
present herself as worthy of pity. So Jane Q. Viewer will watch
and think, "Bless her heart, she has those 8 hellions to raise all

I am not calling the G kids hellions. I haven't watched the show
in years. But it sounds like any and all bad behavior is included
to give the show some juice. So like she did to her ex, TFW seems
to be willing to throw her own children under the bus to get the
attention and sympathy she craves. Abominable, in my opinion.

TLC stinks said...

LOL. She thinks she is acting with the facial contortions. And that voice!

Mel said...

Those facial contortions are something, aren't they. I don't get why she thinks she should do that.

I guess she thinks she's being cute.

Except that it just looks incredibly stupid. Especially on a 40 year old woman.

Tucker's Mom said...

Radish? In a soup? I've never cooked radish. Or avocado for that matter. So, every thing comes prepared and you throw it in a pot to make soup? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept.
Sorry, should have been more clear ;-)
Avocado, radish, cheese and tortilla strips were garnish.
Oh, the soup also had hominy.
Very hearty.

Tucker's Mom said...

Viewer will watch
and think, "Bless her heart, she has those 8 hellions to raise all
Exactly, Flimsy. Kate's trolling for sympathy.
Cut me a break. Poor Kite.

TLC stinks said...

I don't care to watch either, but I do watch clips, which are not flattering at all. The fact that this is what TLC and Figure choose to advertise and tease the show proves, Flimsy, that the bad behavior is used to juice the show and gain sympathy for poor ol' single mom Kate. You are 100% correct and it is shameful for a parent to trash their children publicly for a story line and a paycheck. Worse, they are FORCED to film. When they were little and misbehaved, it was just naughty, but these kids are old enough to know better so either: they are emulating mom or encouraged to act up before the camera or both.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 171
Those facial contortions are something, aren't they. I don't get why she thinks she should do that.
Oversell because she's embellishing. Well, lying, mostly.

Dmasy said...

Tucker's Mom, I am enjoying your Blue Apron reviews.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 177
Tucker's Mom, I am enjoying your Blue Apron reviews.
November 20, 2015 at 6:48 AM
Thanks! I have to say, I see the appeal, even for those like me, who can cook and shop.
DH has tackled both meals easily so far- the photos and directions are both excellent and the final product looks as good as the photos.
I'm much more confident buying this as a gift for the in-laws, and I'm excited to see if this helps them, and if they get a membership.

Tucker's Mom said...

OT- Anyone watch Scandal?
I think I'm done.
Blech. ~ Administrator said...

Hominy will fill you up. I have a similar soup recipe with chicken I make a lot and freeze for lunches. I top it with monterey jack cheese, sour cream, avocado, cilantro and a squid of lemon with farmer's market tortilla chips on the side. It's so good. ~ Administrator said...

Squid....that would be weird.

I meant squirt. Of LIME actually, not lemon. Although lemon would work ok too.

Jane said...

Tucker's Mom said... 179
OT- Anyone watch Scandal?
I think I'm done.

Watched the first two episodes this season and that was it. Blech is right.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jane said... 182
Tucker's Mom said... 179
OT- Anyone watch Scandal?
I think I'm done.

Watched the first two episodes this season and that was it. Blech is right.
November 20, 2015 at 7:22 AM
No spoilers, but the end was so wtf? that I can't watch anymore.
Well, that and you know, a horny, philandering, alcoholic POTUS.

PA Dutch Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 171
LOL. She thinks she is acting with the facial contortions. And that voice!

Oversell because she's embellishing. Well, lying, mostly.


She does the contortions in "real life", too, not just for the cameras. It's really bizarre.

"If your point wasn't to make the OP think twice about posting similar content in the future, then what was it? "


True. If I were the original poster, I'd think twice about posting or sending a link because I'd be afraid that someone would call me out for commenting about something that is of no interest. I think that the way that the septuplets have been raised shows the dichotomy between those children and Kate's children. HOMs can live lives free of exploitation in a loving home environment without being used for fame and money. They are living proof of this, but Kate's fans want to be entertained by children who have had absolutely no say in having their lives publicly recorded. I can see where teens and young 20-somethings might enjoy watching the antics of the Gosselins. What I don't understand is that adult sheeple just do not have the maturity to actually "get it."

foxy said...

PH 168....Cooked radishes are delicious. Just cut the ends off and boil them like you would a potato. Then drain them, mash them, add butter, salt and pepper and you are in for a nice treat. I love them that way. I decided to cook a bunch of them when i had so many from the garden and wondered what to do with them.

Dmasy said...

I watched Scandal the first couple of seasons. I liked the twists and turns. Then they amped up the dysfunction. I bailed at some point around a torture scene with the two spy co-workers.

I am looking forward to the next season of House of Cards.

P.J. said...

foxy said... 185
PH 168....Cooked radishes are delicious. Just cut the ends off and boil them like you would a potato. Then drain them, mash them, add butter, salt and pepper and you are in for a nice treat. I love them that way. I decided to cook a bunch of them when i had so many from the garden and wondered what to do with them.


Thanks, foxy. I'm going to give that a try. I just bought seeds for next year and I got some seeds for round, black Spanish radishes. Apparently, they grow to 4 inches around. I'll be interested to see how they turn out.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Mail is reporting President Putin has sent a shepard puppy to France to replace Diesel the dog which was killed while performing his duty during the raid earlier this week. This gesture is to represent Russia's solidarity in the battle to fight terrorism.


Tucker's Mom said...

Radishes are also good roasted, But, cut them in slices otherwise they steam in their skin.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 188
The Daily Mail is reporting President Putin has sent a shepard puppy to France to replace Diesel the dog which was killed while performing his duty during the raid earlier this week. This gesture is to represent Russia's solidarity in the battle to fight terrorism.

Nice gesture. RIP Diesel.

P.J. said...

Whoa! Just when you thought TLC couldn't sink any lower.

They're interviewing Anna.

redbird said...

The children that I posted about upthread, the children whose parents were killed in a car wreck a half a mile from their home are doing ok. The funeral was a couple of days ago and the girl about 9 years old is a huge Monsters fan and Olivia Benson fan and the producer of Monsters sent her a big package of things from Monsters High.

That awesome lady, Mariska Hartigay sent the little girl a big picture, autographed and a box of things from Law and Order: SVU. She loves Olivia.

There was a nice picture of the little girl and her little brother smiling but I can't find it.

redbird said...

People are actually fussing about Anna's sweet baby wearing a pair of Levi Jeans! Because it is not modest. SMH!!!!

She is so precious in that picture. It makes me think that Anna is getting stronger in some ways, but why would she appear on the Duggars: Counting On? She could get an interview from anybody on earth and she is on the same show as her SIL's?

Also Jill and Jessa are really emotional listening to Anna talk about Josh cheating. I think it was bringing up flashbacks from when Josh molested them.

njay said...

Ot, what ls good and real easy to chew? Thanks in advance!
P.S. Meat please.

Math Girl said...

redbird said... 193

Also Jill and Jessa are really emotional listening to Anna talk about Josh cheating. I think it was bringing up flashbacks from when Josh molested them.
I thought they were crying like Kate does: dabbing and poking at dry eyes. But it's hard to tell based on such a short clip. ~ Administrator said...

Phew! Just finished five days of jury duty this week and can finally talk about it. Residential burglary case, evidence was a grainy security video with a heavyset man with a mustache. Homeowners positively identified him as one of their employees. Defense tried to make the case that's not enough, it could be anyone. A lot of other circumstantial evidence came into play like that he was just at the house a few hours before and was aware there was a lot of cash in the house.

Jury ended up being hung. 6-6 by the close of today after 9 hours so judge mistrialed it. What an experience. Everyone on the jury worked so hard, we went through the evidence piece by piece. Many of us had listened to Serial! :) ~ Administrator said...

Waa-waa is interviewing the Trumps tonight on 20-20 for those interested.

Poor Babs, it's getting to the point where you start asking oh I didn't realize she's still alive.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

tammy beach @beach_tammy
@kateplusmy8 can chico get a retweet


Chico doesn't need a retweet from Kate. Chico needs to see an Avian vet. There is a reason that bird is plucking or over-preening. It could be stress, environmental issues, boredom, lack of attention, diet, or an illness such as PBFD. It is important that the vet rules out an illness. ~ Administrator said...

The Daily Mail is reporting President Putin has sent a shepard puppy to France to replace Diesel the dog which was killed while performing his duty during the raid earlier this week. This gesture is to represent Russia's solidarity in the battle to fight terrorism.

Nice gesture. RIP Diesel.


That struck me as surprisingly warm-hearted for Russia.

Human lives lost is tragic but the dog one gets me too. You can't explain to him what's going on. He just lost his life for a cause he doesn't know or understand, he just knows his humans asked him to do something and so he did it. I hope it was quick for the poor soul and I wish peace for his owner in dealing with this. ~ Administrator said...

The little Asian French boy who has decided flowers kill guns is incredible. My BF Coops has a further interview with him.

Milo asked a few days ago how do you explain this to kids. And this is how a good parent does it. His father talked to him about what happened in an honest manner, and he took him to go see the candles because he felt that's what he wanted to do. And then he let his little boy think his own thoughts about it and say them. You can't "explain" this sort of thing to kids or even adults. You can only just talk about it, show them what you want to show them, and let kids react how they're going to react. And after all that what you can do, Milo? Is listen.

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