Thursday, November 5, 2015

Law and Order SVU: Patrimonial Burden

Last night's Law and Order: SVU was a brilliant ripped-from-the-headlines satire based heavily on the Duggars and other high profile sex abuse scandals, including a side plot pulled from the story of sex offender and Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship. If you missed it, you can watch the full episode on or below.

Who done it? Was it the pervert camera man who saved naked footage of the girls? What about the creepy older brother who was shipped off to Ecuador for a "mistake"? Could the Warren Jeff-like pastor-slash-lawyer have something to do with this? Are the Bakers really a Bakers dozen or will DNA prove otherwise? Mariska and the team crack the case within the hour with a couple great zingers (Chastity Empire, lol!), a lot of binge watching and some solid detective work. Well done, SVU.

1939 sediments (sic) from readers:

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AuntieAnn said...

njay said... 194

Ot, what ls good and real easy to chew? Thanks in advance!
P.S. Meat please.


Ground meats or poultry can all be made into very palatable meals. Salisbury steak, meatloaf, shepherd's pie...

Soups and stews.

There is a wealth of sites online with recipes and ideas for foods easy to chew and swallow. Google is your friend :)

AuntieAnn said...

Poor Babs, it's getting to the point where you start asking oh I didn't realize she's still alive.


lol. She must have LKS (Larry King Syndrome).

Rhymes with Witch said...

ot what ls good and real easy to chew? Thanks in advance!
P.S. Meat please. 194

njay, chopped steak, hamburger, chicken salad ( if chunky run it through a food processor or blender) come to mind. ~ Administrator said...

lol. She must have LKS (Larry King Syndrome).



She's totally in the "wait, I thought they were dead", category next to Larry King, Kirk Douglas and Dick Van Dyke. Poor Waa Waa.

njay said...

njay said... 194
Ot, what ls good and real easy to chew? Thanks in advance!
P.S. Meat please.

Silly me. I forgot to mention on sour dough bread. (red face)

PA Dutch Mom said...

OT -- sort of:

"Stolzfus, who finished under a minute short of a Boston Marathon qualifying time for his age group, said he turns to running whenever he's tempted to sin."

Is that why Kate was obsessed with running? Is she not tempted anymore?

I was channel surfing and landed on a paranormal/ghost show, heard about an entity in a house in a town about 10 minutes from Kate. The man of the house kept seeing a woman with long blond hair in his bedroom and she always carried a stick or a paddle and had an evil cackle. I had to laugh, thinking maybe Kate was lost and is trying to find her way back home.

just me said...

Thanks! I have to say, I see the appeal, even for those like me, who can cook and shop.


How much waste? I mean plastic, paper and such. Seems overly unenvironmentally friendly. Too much waste, imo.

AuntieAnn said...


She's totally in the "wait, I thought they were dead", category next to Larry King, Kirk Douglas and Dick Van Dyke. Poor Waa Waa.


LK would totally veer off the subject while his guests were in mid-sentence. Comedian Kathleen Madigan does a routine about him and Waa Waa that's spot on and funny (youtube 'Kathleen Madigan- Larry King').

All This Is That said...

How much waste? I mean plastic, paper and such. Seems overly unenvironmentally friendly. Too much waste, imo.

I always think that there is waste when I do my own shopping, with plastic bags, plastic over and under the meat, sacks that hold the potatoes, cans, milk jugs, yogurt containers, butter in boxes, English muffins in paper bottoms and secured in plastic, even bread wrappers and such.

just me said...

There is tons of waste when doing your own shopping. Why add to it with the prepackaged crap?

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn, thank you for that. The woman is hilarious.

P.J. said...

All This is That said...

I always think that there is waste when I do my own shopping...


I hear ya. There is too much trash. Now we have extra trucks on the road too, picking up can, bottles, cardboard, food scraps etc. Are we better off or worse? I sometimes think we're fooling ourselves when it comes to being environmentally responsible.

I've got the luxury of time to home-make almost all of our food. All breads and buns, chocolate sauce, ice-cream, caramel sauce, all baking etc, not to mention I have a garden and produce tomatoes, carrots, beans, peas, squash, the list goes on. We rarely eat out because we can make it better at home and it's way cheaper. I love finding copycat recipes on-line. My pizza sauce is Pizza Hut, I make East Side Mario Italian Wedding Soup, Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, all from scratch at home. I recently found Pace Salsa and canned a whole batch with tomatoes, onions etc. from my garden. I love the hunt for these recipes.

Tucker's Mom said...

just me said... 7
Thanks! I have to say, I see the appeal, even for those like me, who can cook and shop.


How much waste? I mean plastic, paper and such. Seems overly unenvironmentally friendly. Too much waste, imo.
I hear your concern and I had the same, and I'm glad to say that the waste is far less than I thought. It's about the same as if you went to the supermarket. ~ Administrator said...

LK would totally veer off the subject while his guests were in mid-sentence.


Yes lol. Not unlike when Barbara would veer off stage on the View and Sherry would have to guide her back to her seat.

Tucker's Mom said...

I love finding copycat recipes on-line. My pizza sauce is Pizza Hut, I make East Side Mario Italian Wedding Soup, Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, all from scratch at home.
Wedding soup!!! Man, I can eat that all day.
I think BA has a place in this world, and I really think it will help my in-laws.
Yes, there's some waste, but my in-laws really need the help to eat nutritiously and avoid restaurants all the time.
Look at it this way- you've never seen wasteful packaging until you've worked in a hospital!

Tucker's Mom said...

So, speaking of BA, I decided to Break Vegetarian last night and eat steak!
DH and I were shopping at the Giant and they have strip roast almost half price.
OMG, mid-rare meat!
Seriously, get a vac-pack for entertaining.

Blowing In The Wind said...

just me said... 10
There is tons of waste when doing your own shopping. Why add to it with the prepackaged crap?


Wouldn't you have about the same amount with both? You get it when you do your own shopping; you have it with pre-packaged, at home delivery food. What is the difference? How is it "adding" to it?

Sister said...

For any Amazon Prime members-can you borrow ANY books, or just a certain list?

I thought I was just getting the free one month. I had canceled it before, then thought I would try it again....somehow I got stuck with it for a year so best use it to its fullest.

Also-admin, I have a topic I would like to discuss-anon, and would ask if its ok that posters feel free to post anon or just use a different name for this topic-


My sister is strongly considering it after going through a yuck divorce. She is 58 years old. Any info from our awesome posters would be great, without judgment.

Will she be able to get credit again, buy a car? I am worried about her. She does make a good income but realized after 3 years she can't may off this debt. Her ex was a gambler.


Blowing In The Wind said...

Kristina ‏@SparklyJinx 11h11 hours ago
@poorbabi @Peaches22558 @bitemeaholesFU @MiloandJack @koozers @Kateplusmy8 @TLC would 'have' #grammerisimportant #PetPeeve

I had to laugh at this tweet on Kate's TL. Someone is calling out another on #grammer (sic). I guess grammar is a #petpeeve, but spelling isn't!

Blowing In The Wind said...

It looks like half of the Laverne and Shirley team is in the news...

Formerly Duped said...

I hate when you get a package delivered full of packing material and in a huge box. And I think Styrofoam and plastic bubble wrap could be replaced with some other insulation...

AuntieAnn said...

P.J. said... 12

We rarely eat out because we can make it better at home and it's way cheaper. I love finding copycat recipes on-line. My pizza sauce is Pizza Hut, I make East Side Mario Italian Wedding Soup, Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, all from scratch at home. I recently found Pace Salsa and canned a whole batch with tomatoes, onions etc. from my garden. I love the hunt for these recipes.


I agree and I think it's a good trade-off. Cooking and preparing food and meals from scratch might be time consuming but the money saved and the good it does for our health is well worth it. Unfortunately real scratch cooking is almost a lost art.

Julia Child advocated making our own pastas and salad dressings or whatever from scratch in our kitchens. The rate of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease has escalated since processed food and fast foods have become the norm. It doesn't mean we have to grind our own wheat, although there are gizmos out there that will allow us to do that these days, but we have appliances like pasta machines and bread machines, slow cookers, pressure cookers even salad spinners that make the job of scratch cooking easier. Why pay extra for some company to cut up our lettuce for crying out loud?

I can't remember the name of the food-marketing researcher who said it but he said the best 'diet plan' was to eat anything you want as long as you are willing to cook it yourself. It's been proven that people who do that actually eat less and are healthier, amazing as that may seem.

Now I'll climb down off my kitchen stool. Rant over.

JoyinVirginia said...

Re bankruptcy consult an attorney. I have known a couple of folks who eventually declared bankruptcy, they delayed because of pride, unrealistic optimism, worrying what people would think. Once they had no other choice, their attorneys said they should have done it much earlier, years earlier, to stop the financial hemorrhage

too bad,so sad said...

Off topic, but for Formerly Duped
You will be happy to know that in our school district almost all our packages, and we get lots of them each year, do not have Styrofoam but instead have little peanuts made of starch that just dissolve in water.
I wish companies would do even more for the ecology.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said...

Now I'll climb down off my kitchen stool. Rant over.


Sing it, Sister! You can stay up on the kitchen stool for as long as you'd like. Or until you fall off, whichever comes first. :)

foxy said...

I love making food from scratch. Even the dogs get homemade dog cookies. They love them and are so easy to make. They also are a lot cheaper and I know what is going in them, especially since the bad reports of recent years.. I grow a lot of vegetables and either can them or freeze them. We have a road side stand that sells things from the garden right behind their stand. Cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, radishes, peppers all kinds of things. Cleaning all those things is also good family time.

Math Girl said...

Formerly Duped said... 21
I hate when you get a package delivered full of packing material and in a huge box. And I think Styrofoam and plastic bubble wrap could be replaced with some other insulation...
I notice that a lot of Amazon packages have sealed plastic bags full of air instead of styrofoam or bubble wrap. It's not insulation, but it is protection for fragile items. Uses some plastic, but much less, and it's recyclable in many areas.
too bad,so sad said... 24
Off topic, but for Formerly Duped
You will be happy to know that in our school district almost all our packages, and we get lots of them each year, do not have Styrofoam but instead have little peanuts made of starch that just dissolve in water.
I wish companies would do even more for the ecology.
Do the packages come with instructions for instructions to dissolve the peanuts? Otherwise I'd expect a lot of them to end up in landfills, or mixed in with styrofoam to be recycled.

Dmasy said...

Amazon prime is smart. The box was way too big, but they did not put protective padding around my Airex yoga mat.

I guess they figured out that it would not break during transit.

deeto3 said...

PJ, no offense but I just have zero interest in what you make from scratch. Interesting to others, perhaps, but just wanted to state my own opinion. ;)

P.J. said...

deeto3 said... 29
PJ, no offense but I just have zero interest in what you make from scratch. Interesting to others, perhaps, but just wanted to state my own opinion. ;)



Susan1956 said...

The link below takes you to the Duggar family website and a letter JimBoob wrote to fathers, which is trending on my FB news feed. It's not dated--is this new? If it is new, what possessed him to post this now and how is it newsworthy enough to be trending?

Somewhere In Time said...

Latest on ISIS. Word is that they are planning a massive attack at the WWE event tomorrow in Atlanta. The FBI says they have no evidence it is a 'credible' threat.Our President has said that we have ISIS contained and under control.

I'd stay out of that venue, though...credible threat or non-credible threat!

Somewhere In Time said...

Do the packages come with instructions for instructions to dissolve the peanuts?

Can they be frozen? If so, baggies or plastic containers?

Math Girl said...

News about Kate's formerly-favorite restaurant:

There have been e-coli outbreaks linked to some chipotle restaurants, but no Pennsylvania locations are involved.

Somewhere In Time said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
As #SocialDirector for 2teens & 6pre-teens ur Saturdays R hectic & crazy! Only one driver there on the road all day! #TiredMom @kateplusmy8

Is she now peering into car windows? She knows Kate's on the road?

If I were Kate, Gladys would totally creep me out. This women (man?) is really scary. I know we poke fun at her since she is known as the court jester on Kate's TL, but I think it's gotten to the point where Kate has every right to be concerned about Meddling Milo.

Somewhere In Time said...

I can't remember the name of the food-marketing researcher who said it but he said the best 'diet plan' was to eat anything you want as long as you are willing to cook it yourself.


Maybe that's the reason Kate stays so skinny. Her own cooking is so bad that she doesn't eat much of it!

Starz22 said...

Kate has had her hay day in the lime light. The show will never see the numbers it had during the divorce episodes. So she has some new ones coming on. It's going to be the same thing it has been since Jon left her . Poor Poor Kate, raising 8 kids all alone...what a does she do it? Bla Bla Bla.
There will be the supporters gushing over everything she does, and there will be non fans bitching about everything she did wrong and how they could/would have done so much better.
Kate was able to get away with being a child and animal abuser. Until that comes to light and she's held accountable for it....this is how it's going to go. A few specials from time to time with the same group of supporters gushing and the non supporters hating. No one watching will end the show. We know this...but we know what will happen.

AuntieAnn said...

Maybe that's the reason Kate stays so skinny. Her own cooking is so bad that she doesn't eat much of it!


She sure shovels it into her piehole when it's catered or someone else has prepared it though. She was constantly stuffing her face on Celebrity Apprentice. She had squirrel cheeks every time there was food in the room.

Sherry Baby said...

Starz22 said... 37
Kate has had her hay day in the lime light.

LOL!! Well, her hair is a little bit straw-like!

"If I were Kate, Gladys would totally creep me out. This women (man?) is really scary. I know we poke fun at her since she is known as the court jester on Kate's TL, but I think it's gotten to the point where Kate has every right to be concerned about Meddling Milo." (Somewhere, 35).

Sometimes I think that Milo is pretending to be nuts. Then again, if you pretend to be nuts, something is "off," so I guess she really isn't playing with a full deck. Does that make sense?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Do the packages come with instructions for instructions to dissolve the peanuts? Otherwise I'd expect a lot of them to end up in landfills, or mixed in with styrofoam to be recycled. 27

It really doesn't matter. They will dissolve when it rains. Garden's Alive uses them for shipping and includes instructions that include the option of scattering them on your lawn. They dissolve when wet.

Sherry Baby said...

It really doesn't matter. They will dissolve when it rains. Garden's Alive uses them for shipping and includes instructions that include the option of scattering them on your lawn. They dissolve when wet.

What if you live in a windy,arid zone with very little rainfall? Do they just blow from neighbor's to neighbor's? :)

If AuntieAnn sprinkled them in her yard, her neighbor would come over and rake them up!

Rainbirdie said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 196
Phew! Just finished five days of jury duty this week and can finally talk about it.
Is it common for lawyers to want other lawyers on the jury? I would have thought you'd be the first to be dismissed based on your profession.

Rainbirdie said...

Sister said... 18
Long story short - I divorced about a year into a bankruptcy & 4 years later I was able to buy a house on my own under a first time home-buyer program even with the bk still showing on my credit - it stays on for 10 years. I had tried on occasion to get a credit card with a small limit to keep for dire emergencies but I could not get a credit card to save my life until the bk finally came off last year. Now I get a credit card offer in the mail every single day. I always found it funny that I could be trusted to have a mortgage but not a credit card.

It was also my experience that the stigma of filing for bankruptcy seems to be just about gone...when the economy tanked, bankruptcy became a financial necessity for so many people.

P.J. said...

Somewhere In Time said... 36

Maybe that's the reason Kate stays so skinny. Her own cooking is so bad that she doesn't eat much of it!


Comment of the Day. Good one.

P.J. said...

Rainbirdie said...

I always found it funny that I could be trusted to have a mortgage but not a credit card.


I'm not sure, but I would think it's because the banks can come and seize your house if you default. It's impossible to collect on credit card debt when it was used to buy clothes or meals at restaurants or vacations.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why pay extra for some company to cut up our lettuce for crying out loud?
That is NOT what BA does. You have to chop everything, and the healthiness is off the charts.
Our vegetarian meals have been amazing.
DH made the Lentil Bolognese last night and yup- another winner.
I'm keeping the recipe cards to make the dishes on my own, and giving my neighbor a big "thank you" for giving us her BA 3-meal box.
Also, I cook from scratch all the time and not to toot my horn, but "toot-toot"! I'm a great home chef, and I truly believe BA is a great product.
If BA can help people learn to cook and eat healthy meals, I'm all for it.

Tucker's Mom said...

"Start protecting your family by removing books, magazines, television, or internet that have worldly or sensual content."

So, how's that working for ya, Jim Boob?

Tucker's Mom said...

It was also my experience that the stigma of filing for bankruptcy seems to be just about gone...when the economy tanked, bankruptcy became a financial necessity for so many people.

I'm glad to hear you've come through and are thriving!
There but by the grace of God go I...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Somewhere In Time (#35), it's amazing how Gladys feels so secure
in her knowledge of what TFW's private life is like. The children
are with their father some weekends, so there are at least some
Saturdays when TFW is not a "#SocialDirector" (good grief, I am
so freaking over hashtags). And the woman admitted to going
to the spa once a month, and I suspect she does it when the kids
are home, so she can have a break from them. Yet Gladys
continues to enjoy her fantasy version of TFW -- the harried
single mom who is too busy to tweet her fans, but would love
to if her schedule permitted. ~ Administrator said...

Is it common for lawyers to want other lawyers on the jury? I would have thought you'd be the first to be dismissed based on your profession.


I didn't think it was that common, but I was wrong. In fact many of my attorney friends laughed at me when I told them I got chosen, lol. The judge asked me a lot of questions about what I did, who I was friends with (PDs, DAs, judges--yes, yes, yes), and whether I thought I could be impartial. I was put in box 3 on the morning of day one and sat there without any of the attorneys asking me a single question or striking me for the rest of the lonnng two day voir dire. They struck 8 and 10 jurors respectively with the judge striking several more for cause, like not speaking English or financial hardship. There were three attorneys in the jury pool, and two were chosen.

It was a hung jury, and afterward the defense and prosecutor talked to those of us who wanted to talk about why we couldn't come to a consensus. It was a lot of fun chatting with them, we talked for over half an hour about the weaknesses we saw in this very CLOSE case, the things we couldn't get past. They were very humble and laughed at my joke about how it would have helped if they brought in a penguin to walk for us (The defendant had a distinctive walk like a penguin, which was how the home owners IDed him from a very grainy security video--however, the walk didn't look all that distinctive to most of us and we were worried because they had viewed it hundreds of times they were starting to just be convinced in their heads that was him and unintentionally excluding any signs it maybe wasn't).

In any case I asked the attorneys now this may be getting into your trade secrets but neither of you had a problem with two attorneys on the jury.

They were happy to answer, they said nope not at all, they just got a good feeling about us and that was that.

It was a really good experience, the jury was fantastic. So smart, so willing to go through the evidence piece by piece. We even drew flow charts and diagrams. Really proud of my fellow good citizens.

handinhand said...

Also, I cook from scratch all the time...

Tucker, have you (or has anyone) ever pre-made mashed potatoes for 25-30 people? I'd like to do this days before Thanksgiving and then heat through using a crockpot. Has anyone tried this? ~ Administrator said...

"Start protecting your family by removing books, magazines, television, or internet that have worldly or sensual content."

So, how's that working for ya, Jim Boob?


I guess he believes ignorance is bliss.

P.J. said...

Admin said...

It was a really good experience...


I would love to be called. I think it would be fascinating. Both my husband and my daughter have been called but the jury was picked before they got to the interview stage. ~ Administrator said...

Why pay extra for some company to cut up our lettuce for crying out loud?


Well, people do that all the time when they order take out!!

I think what Blue Apron does is pretty clear. They send you all the ingredients and you put it together. I think the point is you are still cooking, it's just everything is laid out for you. That saves the hassle of looking up a recipe and going to the market and getting all the ingredients. Ain't gonna happen on a weeknight for most working folks.

It's not for me. If I'm going to order out I want it just ready. But I also understand the appeal of it and I can see how for some people who get satisfaction out of the cooking process but don't have either the time or the know-how, this fits a really good niche. I'm sure others enjoy it but I would think their prime demographic is young, working professionals, city dwellers, probably no kids, who want to feel like grown ups who stay at home and cook dinner--but truly don't have the time, inclination or know-how.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#53), you forgot part of the Blue Apron demographic --
grifting grifters who grift!

It'll be interesting to see if the meals show up on an episode, and
how it'll oh-so-casually become part of the storyline. I'm sure it'll
be as subtle as, to quote Ethel Mertz, "a garlic sandwich."

P.J. said...

I "get" BA too, for professionals with little time, or seniors who don't get out as much as they would like, but for sKate? The one who sits on her ass all day? The one who spends 90% of her time in the kitchen?

BA certainly can't be economical for a family of 8, count 'em, 8 kids, especially when mom is "piecing and patching". Of course, the way she doles out food, BA for 2 would feed all of them.

AuntieAnn said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 54

Why pay extra for some company to cut up our lettuce for crying out loud?


Well, people do that all the time when they order take out!!

I think what Blue Apron does is pretty clear. They send you all the ingredients and you put it together. I think the point is you are still cooking, it's just everything is laid out for you.


Actually I didn't even think of Blue Apron when I wrote that. I meant the prepacked, prewashed lettuce that's sold in grocery stores.

Tucker's Mom said...

My BA neighbor is a very active retired single woman who is vegetarian. A box of 3 meals (meant to feed 2) gets her through the entire week.
BA is most definitely not economy of scales and yeah, f* Kate for grifting free food.

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh, and the photos Kate took of the BA meal are so effing bad! My DH made all three meals and they all looked like the beautiful photo.
How can someone be THAT awful at photography?
It truly boggles the mind...

Tucker's Mom said...

Actually I didn't even think of Blue Apron when I wrote that. I meant the prepacked, prewashed lettuce that's sold in grocery stores.
I buy that all the time. I love salads and skipping the whole washing and drying part is wonderful.
Although, this time of year is great for luscious lettuces.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said...

Actually I didn't even think of Blue Apron when I wrote that. I meant the prepacked, prewashed lettuce that's sold in grocery stores.


Ugh! You mean those bags that are sprayed full of gases to preserve the lettuce?

I knew the world was in trouble when I saw apples cut up in a bag for kid's lunches.

Molly12 said...

Tucker, have you (or has anyone) ever pre-made mashed potatoes for 25-30 people? I'd like to do this days before Thanksgiving and then heat through using a crockpot. Has anyone tried this?
This is exactly how I make my mashed potatoes each year. Make the potatoes 1 or 2 days before and then a few hours before dinner, put them in the crockpot with a little milk to heat. Another time saver I started to use is Ore Ida's Steam N Mash potatoes. No more peeling and boiling for me. Ore Ida does the work and you just microwave the potatoes and then prepare your mashed potatoes as you normally would. What a time saver!!

handinhand said...

Molly12 said... 62
Tucker, have you (or has anyone) ever pre-made mashed potatoes for 25-30 people? I'd like to do this days before Thanksgiving and then heat through using a crockpot. Has anyone tried this?
This is exactly how I make my mashed potatoes each year. Make the potatoes 1 or 2 days before and then a few hours before dinner, put them in the crockpot with a little milk to heat. Another time saver I started to use is Ore Ida's Steam N Mash potatoes. No more peeling and boiling for me. Ore Ida does the work and you just microwave the potatoes and then prepare your mashed potatoes as you normally would. What a time saver!!

Thanks, Molly12. Think I'm gonna give it a go this year.

foxy said...

Speaking of pre-cut bags of salad mix, 3 weeks ago I purchased one bag at the super market. Three days later I went to the fridge to get it for lunch and I pulled out a bag of grey water with wilted vegetables. The bag was never opened and the expiration still had 3 days. I will not buy one of those again.

AuntieAnn said...

Ugh! You mean those bags that are sprayed full of gases to preserve the lettuce?


Yep. I don't mind the little extra time and effort it takes to rip up a head of lettuce or a bunch of spinach to wash and spin dry. It's safer and a lot less expensive than the prewashed greens.

I remember seeing a photo of a live frog that got trapped in one of those bags. That turned me off the stuff permanently. lol

Dmasy said...

handinhand, my hubby has a mashed potato recipe that is to die for and perhaps die from. He makes it in huge batches for family events. Sometimes traveling requires that he has to make it a day ahead. I think the pre-assembled potatoes are not quite as good as the made the same day potatoes. But, potatoes do heat up with less change in flavor and texture than other vegetables.

PS: His recipe has butter, sour cream, cream cheese, marinated artichoke hearts and half and half. The potatoes are cut in a spiral and the scrubbed thin skins are left on. It is a lumpy mixture that melts in your mouth at the same time it clogs your arteries! He usually makes batches of 10-20 pounds of potatoes.

Dmasy said...

One more hubby potato recipe ingredient -- you boil the spiral cut potatoes in chicken broth instead of water.

I don't know the measurements. He claims it is a family secret. I just shared what I have observed as he does his culinary magic.

Math Girl said...

Rainbirdie said...

I always found it funny that I could be trusted to have a mortgage but not a credit card.
I know someone who had the same experience twice. She moved from the US to Canada and then back, staying long enough in each country to lose all her credit history. In each case, she got a mortgage but had more trouble getting credit cards.

By the way, in Canada, turning over your property doesn't necessarily get you off the hook for a mortgage; they can come after you for any balance owing after the property is sold.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I just want to say how much I enjoy the cooking and recipe discussions here.
Tucker's, thanks for the feedback on BA. It's not for me, but as Admin said, I can see it filling a niche. Glad to hear ot is "as advertised".

p.s. I got a laugh picturing Auntie Ann's neighbor raking up packing peanuts.
They would dissolve in a container of water though.

Rhymes with Witch said...

OT. Has anyone tried this?

Moroccan harissa great for folks who like it hot ... or not

Harissa, a thick Moroccan condiment made with chili peppers, garlic and olive oil, is heating up the foodie world. Mina Harissa has three options for home cooks or snackers to get in on the newest hot sauce trend. For those who savor spice, the hot versions come in red and green pepper flavors. For those who want to try the all-natural pepper sauce but can't stand the heat, Mina makes a mild version as well. It's as good as a standalone dip as it is in recipes with couscous, meat, seafood or veggies. $6.99 at Whole Foods, Stop & Shop, ShopRite and Giant,

redbird said...

Somewhere In Time said... 36
I can't remember the name of the food-marketing researcher who said it but he said the best 'diet plan' was to eat anything you want as long as you are willing to cook it yourself.


Maybe that's the reason Kate stays so skinny. Her own cooking is so bad that she doesn't eat much of it!


TFW "cooks salad"? No wonder she looks like she does.

Midnight Madness said...

TFW "cooks salad"? No wonder she looks like she does.


Only when Steve isn't there. He doesn't eat salad or mac and cheese. She "cooks" chicken cacciatore with green beans and greasy sausage casserole. That's why she looks like she does. She doesn't eat it.

Midnight Madness said...

p.s. I got a laugh picturing Auntie Ann's neighbor raking up packing peanuts.
They would dissolve in a container of water though.


She wishes the neighbor would dissolve in a container of water. "I'm melting, I'm melting!"

Wasn't it Dole that was having problems with pre-washed/pre-packed salad mixes in bags because of e-coli, listeria or something nasty? I seem to remember that they were always recalling something. My neighbor bought a bag of that stuff and found a nice, plump worm or slug (half alive) in the mix. She wasn't charged extra for it. It was disgusting.

Carole said...

Sister said... 18 ....

My DS went through bankruptcy a few years ago around the time of her divorce. She worried about rebuilding her credit and credit cards, too.

She applied for a "secured" credit card, where she deposited a certain amount with the bank which covered her credit limit. It protected the bank, of course, accumulated interest, and also kept her from over-spending. IIRC they had account plans from $200 - $2000 deposit/credit limit. She deposited the security funds and they issued the card. After a certain time period or if she closed the CC account, the funds that were being held were returned to her along with any interest she might have earned. You should be able to do a google search and find the banks that are issuing secured cards.

NJGal51 said...

@gracehardyyy: Saw the Kate plus 8 family at the airport OMGGG @Kateplusmy8
Pure speculation, but if true maybe she's finally going to support Bindi by going to the DWTS finale this week. The kids should still be in school so maybe she's taking a much needed personal vacation. Or maybe she's got meetings with the TLC powers that be.

Lanc Native said...

Word on Kate's TL is that has been spotted at the Washington Dulles Airport. If true, guess this means that the kids will miss Grandparent's Day at school on Tuesday. Oh, wait...what grandparents?

Grace Hardy ‏@gracehardyyy 1h1 hour ago Virginia, USA
Saw the Kate plus 8 family at the airport OMGGG @Kateplusmy8

Zeher ‏@Zeherilee 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Our supervisor just told us you came through the airport ahhhhh i missed you!!!! #Dulles

redbird said...

Wow. O'L Piecing and a Patching Single Mom does it again!

Where, oh, where she and the kids might be a going? I can't see TFW taking all of the kids to CA to support Bindi because she hasn't said squat about Bindi even being on DWTS or the birthdays that happened in the Irwing family.

If she is taking the kids to CA to a TLC meeting, what are they going to do sit at a table? and tell the big wigs at TLC in a robotic tone:

Yes, we want to film. We love to film. We will sign the contracts allowing you, oh mighty one, TLC to film. We love working to keep our mother happy and accustomed to the life we have provided her and to keep the TLC stockholders happy.

Hail, TLC!

SarahK said...

One of the major credit card companies will approve just about anybody (no secured card) and give a $300 credit limit. After five months of payments on time, they will increase your credit limit. Bankruptcy okay. It's a great way to rebuild credit.

SarahK said...

The kids should still be in school so maybe she's taking a much needed personal vacation

Oh, yes, a much-needed personal vacation, according to Milo. Kate has been running herself ragged (including yesterday) playing social/activities director for the kids. Time to her to get away from it all.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Just finished a 6 part series on Netflix I'd recommend to any British detective fans . It was produced by the BBC & titled RIVER. (The lead actress was in also in the British series LAST TANGO in HALIAX, another great series.)

The last episode had me in touching

Sad but true said...

Are her kids really missing two days of school to go off filming somewhere? Guess leaving PA means they won't have to worry about a set teacher for the time they're missing. Can't believe she/TLC get away with this. They must be filming for something beyond the 8 episodes they've already got in the can, which means these kids have been working pretty much full-time since the summer. So Milo's "small portions of their lives" = yet another big fat Kate lie. When does their education take precedence over her greed?

Tucker's Mom said...

Do the kids have vacation now?

Lanc Native said...

@gracehardyyy: Saw the Kate plus 8 family at the airport OMGGG @Kateplusmy8
Pure speculation, but if true maybe she's finally going to support Bindi by going to the DWTS finale this week. The kids should still be in school so maybe she's taking a much needed personal vacation.


The tweet said Kate Plus Eight FAMILY, so I would think that includes the kids. Lower School dismisses at noon on Tuesday, so they would be missing only a day and a half of school this week. Kids don't go back until Dec. 1.

TLC stinks said...

Omg. If it was the family I suspect they are being flown somewhere to film a Gosselin Thanksgiving vacation.

TLC stinks said...

I guess we can start placing bets where TLC will be filming them.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Yes, we want to film. We love to film. We will sign the contracts allowing you, oh mighty one, TLC to film.


It's not as easy as that. For a contract with a minor to be valid (in CA and NY in the entertainment industry) it needs to be approved by the courts.

swingsandrooundabouts said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 80

Just finished a 6 part series on Netflix I'd recommend to any British detective fans . It was produced by the BBC & titled RIVER. (The lead actress was in also in the British series LAST TANGO in HALIAX, another great series.)


Thanks for the suggestion. I have just added it to my list.

Lanc Native said...

Are her kids really missing two days of school to go off filming somewhere?

No. It would be one day. There are no classes for the younger ones on Tuesday (GP Day until noon). School dismisses right after that.

Lanc Native said...

If she is taking the kids to CA to a TLC meeting, what are they going to do sit at a table? and tell the big wigs at TLC in a robotic tone:

Yes, we want to film. We love to film. We will sign the contracts allowing you, oh mighty one, TLC to film. We love working to keep our mother happy and accustomed to the life we have provided her and to keep the TLC stockholders happy.

I don't think that the big wigs at TLC care one iota if the kids want to film or not. It's pretty obvious from the children's attitude that they're not happy with cameras shoved into their faces. No need to sit anywhere and listen to the kids saying that they want to film or they don't want to film.

No need to jump the gun here. It's not known if they are meeting with TLC or if they are going away to be filmed.

fade2black said...

Jolie Jacquelyn, have you watched Happy Valley on Netflix? It's another great BBC detective mini-series, starring Sarah Lancashire who plays Caroline in Last Tango.

localyocul said...

Ya know, I was just thinking that we never see tweets about spotting her unless they are filming. They really seem to go nowhere unless on TLCs dime. I mean even places like museums, or other places of interest of which there are many around here

Rainbirdie said...

Ugh! You mean those bags that are sprayed full of gases to preserve the lettuce?
Geez, you make it sound like cyanide gas is sprayed in the bag. It's called "Modified Atmosphere Packaging" & the oxygen in the package is replaced with carbon dioxide & nitrogen so that bacteria doesn't grow & the lettuce stays green. It also keeps the bag puffy so that the lettuce doesn't get squashed.

Tucker's Mom said...

What channel can you watch River? I'm not finding it ;-(

BTW, if the kids are on vacation, you can bet Kate's filming.

Sad but true said...

Lanc Native said... 83

The tweet said Kate Plus Eight FAMILY, so I would think that includes the kids. Lower School dismisses at noon on Tuesday, so they would be missing only a day and a half of school this week. Kids don't go back until Dec. 1.
The twins don't count?

And yes, it's true that the only time she's taken them anywhere without TLC was that free house vacay in Gulf Shores (or wherever). I am quite certain that she uses travel as one of the biggest carrots for convincing them they still want to film. Not that the kids even necessarily want to travel, but they know if they said no, "Mommy" would never get over it and would be an even bigger bitch than she already is around them.

Susie Cincinnati said...

We don't know if Kate has been calling Terri or privately e-mailing her. Would it have been nice to make a public tweet congratulating Bindi on doing such a fantastic job? Of course! However, just because she didn't does not mean that they aren't "communicating in other ways!"

Susie Cincinnati said...

TLC stinks said... 85
I guess we can start placing bets where TLC will be filming them.


Ask Gladys. She knows everything that goes on in Kate's life (and then some)...

Lanc Native said...

The twins don't count?

Yes, they count, but there is something going on for US, so they wouldn't be missing anything critical.

"Not that the kids even necessarily want to travel, but they know if they said no, "Mommy" would never get over it and would be an even bigger bitch than she already is around them."

Is that even possible?

jolie Jacquelyn said...

RIVER can be found on Netflix. Yes, I did watch HAPPY VALLEY - great series. Sarah Lancashire has come a long way from her Coronation Street days.

jamezvader1194 said...

Speaking of Kate,am i the only one that thinks that Alexis is now Kate's golden child and not hannah anymore?Reason why i say this is because i notice on Kate's TL its always a picture of alexis or Kate talks about what Alexis supposedly said to her.Its rarely any other kid.Unless Alexis loves to take pictures.Why is it mostly Alexis,Kate talks about?

P.J. said...

NJGal51 said... maybe she's taking a much needed personal vacation.



Good one!

P.J. said...

Ugh! You mean those bags that are sprayed full of gases to preserve the lettuce?
Geez, you make it sound like cyanide gas is sprayed in the bag. It's called "Modified Atmosphere Packaging" & the oxygen in the package is replaced with carbon dioxide & nitrogen so that bacteria doesn't grow & the lettuce stays green. It also keeps the bag puffy so that the lettuce doesn't get squashed.


Isn't that what I said? Last time I checked carbon dioxide & nitrogen were gases.

IMO, they taste gross, hence the Ugh!

redbird said...

Oh, I was just being snarky about the kids, contracts, filming for TLC.

It is just the way they have been used and treated like chattel for cash to fill up the never ending bottomless pits of TFW and TLC.

Remember when TFW said that after each year they would ask the kids if THEY wanted to continue to film and if anyone didn't want to they would stop. She is such a liar.

NJGal51 said...

Looks like I'm in the minority but I like bag salads. Once I open them I put a dry paper towel in to keep the salad fresh and I usually eat all of it within 3 or 4 days. I also buy the eggs that come hard boiled and peeled. Yes, I cook but I also work and like the convenience of things like this. Grab and go.

redbird said...

Speaking of salads, this past September I got 2 bags of Marketside shredded lettuce from Walmart and I only ate a little bit out of the bag and the next meal they were like, rotted. So gross. Threw them out.

I kept the receipt and I was finally able to get a refund last week on a gift card. Almost 9 dollars. I wanted the Fresh Express lettuce in a bag but they were out. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, they count, but there is something going on for US, so they wouldn't be missing anything critical.


They're missing one thing, and that's a healthy sense of respect for school, a work ethic, and an understanding that school comes first and that you don't miss school just because you felt like taking a vacation. They have several days coming up of vacation this week. They can go to DC to their heart's content then.

Can you imagine as adults just not showing up to work because, eh, this week wasn't critical. Can you imagine if all children just knocked off school whenever, despite dozens upon dozens of days off from school a year? The poor teachers dealing with such entitled families. ~ Administrator said...

Looks like I'm in the minority but I like bag salads. Once I open them I put a dry paper towel in to keep the salad fresh


I don't mind them. I've had good luck with them. I've found more hinky things on regular lettuce. Bugs and slugs and stuff. That's part of getting food from the farm without a lot of processing and I think just a part of lettuce because of all the nooks and crannies there's always something in there. The bags don't last long, but I eat it up so quick it's not usually an issue. And yes a paper towel will extend the life by 1 or 2 days minimum.

Best of all for me, however, is the lettuce booth at the farmer's market. They have plastic bags and tongs and you can mix and match and portion out exactly how much lettuce you want for the week. It'll last a good four days before it starts getting wilted and five or six days if you're okay eating it when it's looking a little sad--until you really have to toss it.

Tucker's Mom said...

The poor teachers dealing with such entitled families.

It might be just one day of missing school, but Kate pulls them out regularly. ~ Administrator said...

It might be just one day of missing school, but Kate pulls them out regularly.


Right. This isn't a one time thing.

If it's DWTS, I'm sorry but the kids shouldn't be able to go. School comes first. Kate can tell them all about it.

That's just how it works. It's not the end of the world, and they'll get over it. When they are an adult and are working, they can burn precious vacation days if they want to dash off to L.A. for the week. It's called the real world.

Sherry Baby said...

Isn't that what I said? Last time I checked carbon dioxide & nitrogen were gases.

IMO, they taste gross, hence the Ugh!

I didn't know that carbon dioxide and nitrogen had any kind of flavor! You can taste the gases? :) Do they also come in cherry? Rumspringa flavor would be fun.

Anonymous said...

One thing for certain, they aren't going over the river to grandma's house to film a warmhearted Kreider/Gosselin family Thanksgiving special. Which would be shown next Easter.


PA Dutch Mom said...

Just some common sense from our local newspaper editorial staff:


There are 34 days until Christmas, and just five days until Thanksgiving. A national holiday, Thanksgiving’s purpose is stated right in its name. According to the National Archives, “President George Washington issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 26, 1789, as a ‘Day of Publick Thanksgivin(g).’ ” The occasion was marked on various days throughout the year until President Abraham Lincoln declared in 1863 that Thanksgiving should be commemorated each year on the last Thursday of November. That became a problem when it fell on the last day of the month and shortened the holiday shopping season. So in 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a resolution establishing the fourth Thursday in November as the federal Thanksgiving holiday.

To all of you decking the halls for Christmas this weekend, we respectfully ask you to slow your merry roll.

Don’t swap those pumpkins and gourds for red and green Christmas decorations just yet. Thanksgiving is on Thursday. Let’s give it the respect it’s owed.

We love Christmas. But Christmas is a whole season, and Thanksgiving is a single day, and it’s one that people of all faiths can celebrate.

We don’t think it should get steamrolled in the rush to celebrate the December holidays.

In this sentiment, we join the department store Nordstrom, which long has had a policy of waiting until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas. As a widely circulated photo of a Nordstrom’s store sign reads, “We just like the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time.”

We like that idea, too. And as holidays go, Thanksgiving is a truly great one. It asks so little of us, and gives us so much — turkey sandwiches, pumpkin pie, stuffing, to name just a few things — in return.

Some of us may be moved to share the bounty we have by serving or donating to meals for those in need.

And many of us will be making a turkey dinner, or a side dish or two.

But no presents need to be exchanged. There’s no pressure to send out Thanksgiving cards by the dozens. Put a few of those aforementioned pumpkins and gourds on the table, and that’s all the decorating you need to do. And if you don’t do even that, no one is going to call you a Thanksgiving Scrooge, because there’s no such thing.

Even if you’re having a difficult year, even if you’re missing your loved ones, or are still seeking ones to love, this holiday encourages us to consider what we do have and give thanks for it.

So whether it’s a job, or healthy children, or healthy parents, or healthy selves, or the food that nourishes us, or the faith that sustains us, or the laughter that lifts us, we say thanks. Thanksgiving asks us to take a moment to consider what’s good in our lives and express our gratitude. In this age when most of our attention is trained on digital screens, it’s nice to devote some time to reflection.

Other than that, if we’re lucky, we get to watch the parades on television, maybe watch some professional football, scan the newspaper ads for the best Black Friday deals, and share a glorious meal with family and friends.

It’s a day worth savoring. It’s not a day we should be rushing past.

So keep that inflatable Santa Claus or menorah in the garage just a few days more; wait if you can to throw away that pumpkin on your porch; and hit the pause button on those Christmas movies.

Thanksgiving deserves our undivided attention. Let’s give it, and on Thursday, let’s give thanks for a country that sees gratitude as so important, it sets a day aside for it."

Rainbirdie said...

NJGal51 said... 101
Looks like I'm in the minority but I like bag salads.
I like them too. I especially like being able to easily buy different combinations of lettuces & veggies in small batches so that nothing goes to waste. And IMO the gases don't change the flavor.

Rainbirdie said...

Best of all for me, however, is the lettuce booth at the farmer's market. They have plastic bags and tongs and you can mix and match and portion out exactly how much lettuce you want for the week.
What a good idea. I'm going to ask around to see if I can get someone at our farmers market to do that.

Tucker's Mom said...

I also buy the eggs that come hard boiled and peeled.
I hate peeling eggs!! Great convenience product.

AuntieAnn said...

Midnight Madness said... 73

p.s. I got a laugh picturing Auntie Ann's neighbor raking up packing peanuts.
They would dissolve in a container of water though.


She wishes the neighbor would dissolve in a container of water. "I'm melting, I'm melting!"


ha! I was thinking the same thing and wondering where I could get some of those peanuts.

At least she's avoiding me now. Probably because I didn't thank her for cleaning up our front yard. Martyr.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Eh is it mostly Alexis,Kate talks about? 99

Damage control?

PA Dutch Mom said...

They're missing one thing, and that's a healthy sense of respect for school, a work ethic, and an understanding that school comes first and that you don't miss school just because you felt like taking a vacation. They have several days coming up of vacation this week. They can go to DC to their heart's content then.


How do we know that the tweet was legit? How do we know that the twins are going? How do we know the reason for the trip? At this point, it's all speculation. How do we know they are "vacationing" in DC? They could be catching a flight there to who-knows-where. If they are going away, maybe it was the only flight they could get that would get them there when they needed to be there.

Here's the thing, and it doesn't make it right, but there are kids who take off before and after the designated vacation days (holidays, spring break) and the teachers know it and for that reason don't plan anything "critical" at that time. Is it right? No. Is it frowned upon? Yes. My kids have never done it on purpose (except for one time when we missed the flight home due to bad weather), and I (and the kids) felt guilty as heck for having missed a day of school, even though nothing of academic importance was happening that day. It was during a snowstorm and quite a few students were absent.

The kids don't have a work ethic? It seems like they've been "working" since they were toddlers. They have no choice. School, of course, should come first, but in their world, filming is work. They are bringing in the paycheck, and of course, that's wrong -- so very wrong.

Tucker's Mom said...

If Kate schleps the kids out to CA for DWTS, thens she's really pushing to get one of the girls on the show. ~ Administrator said...

How do we know that the tweet was legit?


Weren't there two separate people who tweeted they saw them? That's enough for me.


Here's the thing, and it doesn't make it right, but there are kids who take off before and after the designated vacation days (holidays, spring break) and the teachers know it and for that reason don't plan anything "critical" at that time. Is it right? No.
No, it's not right. I thought nothing critical was planned just before holidays because kids' heads are in the clouds and it's nice just to unwind a bit before a big holiday and not tackle anything too challenging the day before Thanksgiving. Not to encourage children to knock off school. I stand by my comments, it's wrong to pull these kids or any kind of kid out of school for anything but excused absences or unforeseen circumstances, and it's sending them all the wrong messages. Actually, I don't think they're going to have a good work ethic when they grow up. They certainly are working, but the perks and vacations and time off from school are vastly disproportionate to the work they are doing, and I don't know how much of their own money they are even seeing to make the connection.

Work ethic for children comes from their first and only job, school. It also comes from watching parents work hard, and doing chores and as they get older side jobs for cash proportionate to the work. Not standing around a set.

Tucker's Mom said...

Actually, I don't think they're going to have a good work ethic when they grow up.
It will be shocking if some of the kids don't pursue reality tv. They know the money and perks and why work your ass off in college when you can have the celeb life by selling your life?

PA Dutch Mom said...

One thing for certain, they aren't going over the river to grandma's house to film a warmhearted Kreider/Gosselin family Thanksgiving special. Which would be shown next Easter.


Nope. The horse doesn't know the way. He's never been there! No hurrah for the pumpkin pie!

Sue_Buddy said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 80
Just finished a 6 part series on Netflix I'd recommend to any British detective fans . It was produced by the BBC & titled RIVER. (The lead actress was in also in the British series LAST TANGO in HALIAX, another great series.)

The last episode had me in touching

Glad you mentioned this. I enjoyed it. It was a bit different than the regular detective-type drama. I, too, had tears in my eyes at the end. And I had that song running through my head off and on for a day, and now, again. LOL I Youtubed the song, and played it a few times. I like it.

I happen to like bagged salads for the same reasons as Rainbirdie (112). I had a Caesar salad for lunch today and added olives and avocado. I don't notice any objectionable flavors and it's so quick and easy, no muss, no fuss. That always appeals to me.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

PA Dutch Mom (#111), I love the piece you posted from your
local paper. I, too, am a fan of appreciating Thanksgiving and
November in general before sliding into Christmas mode!

AuntieAnn said...

To buy prewashed, or to not buy prewashed - that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind of the consumer...

Ah forget it. lol But as God as my witness, I will never mention the words 'salad spinner' on this blog again.

(Love you guys! :o)

Sad but true said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 117

How do we know that the tweet was legit? How do we know that the twins are going? How do we know the reason for the trip? At this point, it's all speculation. How do we know they are "vacationing" in DC?

Here are the tweets:

XXXX ‏@XXX 9h9 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Our supervisor just told us you came through the airport ahhhhh i missed you!!!! 😔😔😔😔😔 #Dulles

XXXX ‏@XXXXX 8h8 hours ago Virginia, USA
Saw the Kate plus 8 family at the airport OMGGG @Kateplusmy8

Sounds like the whole family was there. And they're not likely in DC, they were at Dulles.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@rhymes with witch,every time i see Kate's TL and its something about the kids,its almost always has something to do with Alexis or a picture of alexis with zorro.The only time she post a picture of any other kid nowadays is when it has to do with damage control(remember the hannah story).I can't even think of the last time she talked about 1 of the boys or posted a picture of them.Not sure if its just me but either Alexis is like her mom and loves attention or shes Kate's new golden child,cause i don't get why Kate posts alot of pictures of Alexis

Anonymous said...

I just watched Sister Wives Tells All. I am so mad at Meri for crying and acting like the victim. She invited these "persons" into her life. She should have known as a very public tv figure that whatever she wrote could become public. Meri even wrote that she would leave the Brown family yet now is downplaying it. Meri said she loved this person. It seemed Meri's only defense is the person was catfishing her. So does not make what Meri was saying an less true. Her tears and poor me attitude just made me sick. And the way the whole family stood up for her was just creepy. And Cody, her HUSBAND, did not seem upset with her at all. He did not even agree that she was having an emotional affair with "him". Mind you, I did not see last week's program when this was first brought up. Anybody see the program tonight? What are your thoughts?

TLC stinks said...

Dulles is what, a 3 hour drive from Wernersville? Her airport of choice is BWI which is much closer. Not a clue why Dulles unless this was some last minute thing for flight availability and the number of seats they would need. After all, it is the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Rhymess with Witch said...

I don't get why Kate posts alot of pictures of Alexis 126

Obviously I don't know, I just remember that Alexis was named as the "problem child" for years, hence my thought about damage control. Sort of like how Shoka is suddenly welcome in her bedroom, after years of being an "outdoor dog".
Just my thought and pure speculation.

Rainbirdie said...

Rhymess with Witch said... 129
I don't get why Kate posts alot of pictures of Alexis 126

Obviously I don't know, I just remember that Alexis was named as the "problem child" for years, hence my thought about damage control. Sort of like how Shoka is suddenly welcome in her bedroom, after years of being an "outdoor dog". Just my thought and pure speculation.
In the same line of thought, I believe we will be seeing lots of scenes featuring positive interactions with Colin. Especially after all the backlash Kate got after dismissing his heartfelt gift to her during the trip to Mexico.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Sue, I have that song running through my head too. I'd never heard it before, but I do like it. Now I'll have to look it up on YouTube.... :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't Alexis (and Collin) purported to be the two kids that don't go visit Jon as much as the others. Perhaps Alexis is home more and therefore there are more photos of her. Also I can see in her personality that she probably likes the attention more than the other kids. I discount the hog of all attention grabbers - Mady because she is now a teen and is more prone to her privacy.

Also when watching Sister Wives I saw two clips of Kate's show. She makes me sick with the stupid, fake facial expressions. Apparently the show is now not Kate Plus Eight but Kate Versus Eight. Don't you know she is the only single mother that has to start dating again and deal with several teens at once.

My mother had five kids in six years. My oldest sister is exactly six years older than me. So my parents had four kids in each grade in high school at the same school. My mother rarely worked outside of the house. She did sell real estate on a part-time basis for a short while though. My Dad had all five kids in college at one time. My brother went for 5 years and my oldest sister went for her masters. Plus all five kids got married withing three years. But I NEVER heard my parents complain about having so many teens or a "them against us" mentality. My parents were not rich and my Dad never complained about the cost of five kids in college at one time either. He started putting away 10% of his income from the day he married my mother. And he did inherit a little from his mother at this time. But my mother said many, many times in raising us, she sure needed that 10% that he put away for our college when we were in elementary and high school but my Dad never would relent. But she was glad he did put away for college for us. Point being she has nothing to complain about.

Also in the Kate clip I saw a limo and something else very costly on their date (can't remember now). Gee, that screams that production is paying for this date. I think Kate and TLC see the ratings slide with each past episode and know they needed to bait the viewers with something more than her sitting on the couch talking about 8 kids. Can somebody tell me what the man is saying to Kate at the table when they are dining and she is rolling her eyes? I can't make it out.

JoyinVirginia said...

Monday and Tuesday are the final two DWTS shows off the season. The four remaining dancers are Bindi Irwin who is very talented and hard working, Carlos Penavega who I think is the most talented male left, alek the army reservist who helped disarm the train terrorist and has been surprisingly good and very hard working, and Nick Carter the former Backstreet Boy. They all four deserve to be on the finale. It will be interesting to see how things turn out.

Anonymous said...

Joy, I only watched a few DWTS shows, but I think without a doubt Bindi will win. Also she is clearly loved by everyone. She is adorable!

TLC stinks said...

I'm going along with the "damage control" theory. Everything she posts on Twitter aligns with creating an image.

Rolling one's eyes is such a a kiss of death in a relationship. What the recipient feels is contempt from someone who does not respect them. Why this 40 year old woman is rolling her eyes on a date is beyond me. Way to impress a suitor, LOL. Oh, not to mention she has taught her daughters the eye roll too.

Formerly Duped said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 111

Thanks.I too enjoyed that post. I hate the rushing and commercialization of the seasons. I find the pressure builds if you are forced to spring into Christmas mode before Thanksgiving is given its proper due and you can enjoy and relax on that holiday. It stumps me that Black Friday sales have already begun! It's Dec 1st for me before I take up the autumnal decorations and get a tree!

P.J. said...

Anonymous said... 132


Bravo to your parents. That's piecing and patching and putting your kids first. Something sKate doesn't get. Gee, if they're not on t.v. I guess they'd be living in a van down by a river somewhere.

All This Is That said...

Can somebody tell me what the man is saying to Kate at the table when they are dining and she is rolling her eyes? I can't make it out.

I had trouble understanding it, too, but I think it was something like, "You're looking young tonight." I guess that's more complimentary than telling her that she looked more like 60 than 40 with her heavy makeup and leather skin.

Tucker's Mom said...

I had trouble understanding it, too, but I think it was something like, "You're looking young tonight." I guess that's more complimentary than telling her that she looked more like 60 than 40 with her heavy makeup and leather skin.
As the world knows, Kate turned 40 and had a freak out. Who wouldn't know that?!
It's a really great to kick off your blind date with the fact that you're so insecure about your age that you need your ego stroked before the appetizer course.
Let's face it, any guy willing or wanting to get his face on a reality tv show probably isn't a prize to begin with.

Winsomeone said...

Is it just me, or did Kate's blind date look younger than her? To me, he looked 35 at the most. Who was driving that John Deer? I thought it was one of the boys, but surely not at age 11? It went by so fast, I couldn't catch it.

All This Is That said...

Let's face it, any guy willing or wanting to get his face on a reality tv show probably isn't a prize to begin with.

Any guy willing to be seen out in public with Kate isn't a prize to begin with!

All This Is That said...

jennifer parsons ‏@spicey30 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 just seen there will be a new season nd just wanted to tell u tht made me nd my kids holiday

It must be a sad life when Kate "makes" someone's holiday. How low can that bar be set? Sometimes I feel really sorry for these fans.

MikeB said...

I don't think they are going to DWTS. I don't see ABC letting TLC film the kids on the set and I also don't see ABC paying to fly the kids out to California. Bindi needs time to practice and wouldn't be able to spend more than about half-an-hour with the 8. Besides, Bindi is two years older than the twins which is a pretty good gap at that age. There just isn't a story there worth filming.

I think Kate plus the 8 are going somewhere for Thanksgiving and TLC is filming them. Kate is going to play up the dating part this season so it is a pretty safe guess that she will either be meeting her mystery man again or will be hooking up with someone new.

It is very sad for the kids if they are going to be ripped away from their family at Thanksgiving to go to work during their week off.

Tucker's Mom said...

It must be a sad life when Kate "makes" someone's holiday. How low can that bar be set? Sometimes I feel really sorry for these fans.
Just think, while the sheep and family are watching Kate's kids over their holiday, Kate's kids are going to be filming and promoting their brand for the sheeple viewing pleasure.
I wonder where Kate will be sighted this week ;-)

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Joy, I only watched a few DWTS shows, but I think without a doubt Bindi will win. Also she is clearly loved by everyone. She is adorable!


Wasn't she in the bottom two last week?

She really is adorable, and seems like such a caring, appreciative and kind person. Somebody raised her right. There doesn't seem to be any entitlement issues there whatsoever. I think it's sweet the way, after her dances, she rushes over to Tom to give him a hug. There doesn't seem to be anything fake about it. She's just a very affectionate person.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Any guy willing to be seen out in public with Kate isn't a prize to begin with!


Does that include Milo? Oh, wait...for whatever reason, she/he doesn't want to meet Kate! I wonder if she'd be happy with Kate "behind closed doors?"

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate plus the 8 are going somewhere for Thanksgiving and TLC is filming them. Kate is going to play up the dating part this season so it is a pretty safe guess that she will either be meeting her mystery man again or will be hooking up with someone new.
I hope Kate doesn't make them dress up again and play Pilgrims.
I feel pretty certain that this travel over the holiday is for filming. No way is Kate paying for airfare, limo, hotels and meals on her own dime.
If it is filming, those kids are right back where they started, filming whenever they're in Kate's custody and have a sliver of sunshine in their schedules.

Math Girl said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 145

Wasn't she in the bottom two last week?

She really is adorable, and seems like such a caring, appreciative and kind person. Somebody raised her right. There doesn't seem to be any entitlement issues there whatsoever. I think it's sweet the way, after her dances, she rushes over to Tom to give him a hug. There doesn't seem to be anything fake about it. She's just a very affectionate person.
The last two standing are not necessarily the bottom two. In some earlier seasons they were, but not any more. You have to listen carefully to what Tom says. Sometimes he says "bottom two" and sometimes he says "not necessarily bottom two". According to Wikipedia, which I tend to trust, this year they haven't ever said who is the true "bottom two". They often delay calling someone safe to create drama, or maybe drum up more votes for someone they want to keep, because of ratings.

Bindi was adorable at first, but she is beginning to grate on me. She started to grate on my husband a long time ago, and he only watches DWTS about 10 minutes a week!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

It is very sad for the kids if they are going to be ripped away from their family at Thanksgiving to go to work during their week off.


What family?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Bindi was adorable at first, but she is beginning to grate on me. She started to grate on my husband a long time ago, and he only watches DWTS about 10 minutes a week!


Maybe, but I think I'd rather have a "Bindi" in my family rather than a mouthy, rude, entitled spoiled child!

Jamesvader1194 said...

Well it seems TLC is in trouble cause now people are boycotting all discovery network channels in December I want to say this is good news but,how many people does it take to boycott an entire Tv channel?Cause if over 781 sponsors isnt enough to cancel the duggar special then how many people does it take to take down the whole channel?

Serendipity said...

I just saw the clip of Kate and the date. He said, "You're looking very young tonight." I laughed. Just "tonight?" Does he think that she looks very old the rest of the time?

Math Girl said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 150
Bindi was adorable at first, but she is beginning to grate on me. She started to grate on my husband a long time ago, and he only watches DWTS about 10 minutes a week!


Maybe, but I think I'd rather have a "Bindi" in my family rather than a mouthy, rude, entitled spoiled child!

Absolutely. I think she could tone it down a bit, but being very outspoken is a good strategy at the beginning of the competition, when it's hard to get noticed in a large field. And excess cheer beats excess complaining any day of the week!

TLC stinks said...

If they are filming, it's some place warm!

Jane said...

Bindi is adorable, very cute and well-spoken but she seems trained, programmed and just too sweet to be real.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jane said... 155
Bindi is adorable, very cute and well-spoken but she seems trained, programmed and just too sweet to be real.
November 23, 2015 at 12:41 PM
She seems "on" a lot, but still real, if that makes sense. I think that young lady has had to carry the weight of her father's legacy and Terri has encouraged, if not required it.
The Irwin empire was and is depending on Bindi.

TLC stinks said...

The "date" had to be vomiting a script (courtesy of TFW, the producer). Nobody says what he said like that. It does not even sound like a compliment because it does imply, LOL, she looks old the rest of the time. Makeup plastered on does not make someone look younger.

fade2black said...

Robin Poor Bear, a.k.a. Charboneau, subject of Kind Hearted Woman, passed away last Friday. RIP, Robin.

fade2black said...

Jane...155...Bindi is adorable, very cute and well-spoken but she seems trained, programmed...
I'm so glad that others who find Bindi a little much are speaking out, I was beginning to feel decidedly grinch-like. I have felt uncomfortable about that child ever since I watched her performance at her father's memorial, and it was definitely a performance. It gave me chills that she was not allowed to grieve as a normal child would, but felt the need or was pushed to follow the old show must go on axiom. Her behavior on dwts, while entertaining, is so far over the top I spend the whole time wondering what she's really thinking or feeling under all the bubbles and sunshine.

Tucker's Mom said...

Her behavior on dwts, while entertaining, is so far over the top I spend the whole time wondering what she's really thinking or feeling under all the bubbles and sunshine.

I also wonder if DWTS was all her idea, or if being cast is part of building her brand.
She's been carrying a lot of emotional weight for that family, that's for sure.

localyocul said...

That's gotta be tense, both families who socialized in a small town there...

P.J. said...

fade2black said...

I'm so glad that others who find Bindi a little much are speaking out, I was beginning to feel decidedly grinch-like. I have felt uncomfortable about that child ever since I watched her performance at her father's memorial, and it was definitely a performance. It gave me chills that she was not allowed to grieve as a normal child would, but felt the need or was pushed to follow the old show must go on axiom. Her behavior on dwts, while entertaining, is so far over the top I spend the whole time wondering what she's really thinking or feeling under all the bubbles and sunshine.


I don't watch DWTS but my sister has been saying the same thing about Bindi since day one. Too saccharine and over the top. Not normal.

I always felt that it was horrible the way her father would rip animals out of their natural habitat and tease the crap out of them for the cameras. Should I be surprised that they use a child to continue his legacy? It's like being born into a royal family. No choice for the poor kid.

I also thought her "performance" at her dad's funeral was creepy and rehearsed. Whoever put that kind of pressure on that child should be ashamed.

Tucker's Mom said...

I don't watch DWTS but my sister has been saying the same thing about Bindi since day one. Too saccharine and over the top. Not normal.
I sort of get that vibe from Robert, Bindi's brother. He seems like a lovely boy, but he reminds me of Shirley Temple in his "Gee, golly, shucks Mister!" act.
I mean, no kid is that treacly.
It's like both Bindi and Robert are always "on" and up! up! up!
It must be a lot of pressure.

Kate is a twit said...

There was another tweeter who posted about Kate's flight:

Avalon ‏@savvy_avy25 · Nov 22
I always wished to see someone famous famous at the airport but I didn't mean the family from Jon and Kate plus 8

Avalon ‏@savvy_avy25 · Nov 22
@savvy_avy25 they're on the flight I'm trying to get on and this girl is like no wonder the flight is overbooked 😂😂

This tweeter's destination apparently was Denver:

Avalon ‏@savvy_avy25 · 22h22 hours ago
Made it to Denver thanks for standing by with me y'all

The tweeter didn't mention the airline, but if I seem to remember that Kate flies Southwest a lot. Southwest does have a flight from Dulles to Denver that goes on to LA. So it's possible Kate and the kids flew to LA for some reason. Possibly for the DWTS finale or some other reason. Maybe they're going to have a big reunion with the Irwin family for Thanksgiving.

Of course, this is all speculation, but time will tell.

Formerly Duped said...

fade2black said... 158

Thanks for letting us know the sad news about Robin Poor Bear. I enjoyed that documentary. I hope her death was not a result of domestic violence.

Devastating for her kids and close friends and family. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks for letting us know the sad news about Robin Poor Bear. I enjoyed that documentary. I hope her death was not a result of domestic violence.


This is very sad news. I am also curious about the cause of death. I remember there were DV issues as well as if I'm not mistaken, alcohol issues.

I too enjoyed the documentary and discussing it here with you all. We did at least a few posts on it. I remember many of us were frustrated with Robin but were sympathetic too.

Susie Cincinnati said...

It gave me chills that she was not allowed to grieve as a normal child would, but felt the need or was pushed to follow the old show must go on axiom. Her behavior on dwts, while entertaining, is so far over the top I spend the whole time wondering what she's really thinking or feeling under all the bubbles and sunshine.

How does anyone know how she was allowed or not allowed to grieve?Not everyone grieves in the same way, and she gave a very heart-felt tribute to her father on DWTS. I don't think any of that was rehearsed or not genuine. Perhaps she doesn't seem "normal" because there are not many kids who are that exuberant, polite and caring and it's possible that some judge her by what we see in so many teens today and consider typical teen behavior.

Of course, I could be wrong and it's all a big put-on with her. If so, she's a really good actress.

All This Is That said...

Speaking of saccharine-sweet and people grating on the nerves. I don't know why, and some of you will tan my hide for saying this, but I was watching Ree do some cooking and I realized that her voice and that sweet quintessential homebodyness (made-up word) was really starting to get to me. Kate's voice is like nails on a blackboard, but for some reason the PW was becoming annoying in the same way. Maybe the monotone? Not as bad as Babytalk's voice (nothing is as bad as that) but it still bothers me for some reason. She may be very real, talented, kind and all of that, but something there just bugs me. It's probably just me. I am weird that way.

Back under the veranda for some homemade brew.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ree Drummond gets on a lot of people's nerves, so you're not alone.
I think she's doing much better on camera than when she first started and I enjoy passively having her show on for background.
She has solid recipes that taste good, but are not so good for you.
Ree can couch her incessant use of carbs, butter, bacon and oil on the notion that she's feeding very active people who live on a real working ranch, but she's wading into former Pauler Deen territory!
I think she's a really good writer and an amazing photographer and kudos for her for building her brand into an empire.
Of course, it helps to have married a very wealthy rancher.

localyocul said...

Yikes, ignore my nonsensical rambling. I was reading two blogs and that was meant for the other. Whhoops ~ Administrator said...

I think I love this man. He's turning 90, celebrating it at Disneyland, and has invited the neighbors!

"Malibu locals are invited to celebrate Dick Van Dyke’s upcoming 90th birthday at Disneyland on Sunday, Dec. 13.
A chartered bus will transport guests from the Malibu Playhouse to Disneyland — leaving Malibu at 9 a.m. and leaving the park at 10:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to come dressed as a chimney sweep or their favorite Dick Van Dyke character."

Midnight Madness said...

I think I love this man. He's turning 90, celebrating it at Disneyland, and has invited the neighbors!


I have always loved him. I still watch him in Diagnosis Murder!

Midnight Madness said...

Tucker's Mom said... 169
Ree Drummond gets on a lot of people's nerves, so you're not alone.


Nope. You're not alone, All This. She gets on my nerves, too, and for the very reasons you've cited!

Midnight Madness said...

I just wonder where Bindi learned to dance...certainly not in the zoo. She seems like such an outdoorsy, tomboy-ish gal, but she certainly is talented on the dance floor. Gosh almighty!

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Mady and Cara insisted I order these #lexlos sweatshirts 4 them!! @alexavega @TheCarlosPena #KatePlus8 @TLC #Cute!
Yeah, my guess is that at least TFW and the twins are at DWTS for the finale tomorrow night. Ordered the shirts? Probably something they picked up there. Time will tell and it just started here so I don't know if they've been spotted in the audience.

Tucker's Mom said...

The DWTS finale is at The Grove tomorrow so yup, Kate's there with the kids- or some of them.

jamezvader1194 said...

@njgal51 Well at least she is not filming,from the looks of it thank God

Tucker's Mom said...

Well, all I can say is that Bindi is by FAR the sentimental favorite on DWTS ;-)

Midnight Madness said...

Hmmmm...I can see how some have mixed feelings about Bindi, but everyone on the show seems to really love her and I don't think any of that isn't a genuine admiration for her. Derek, especially, who has worked with her since the first day, always has praises for her work ethic, dedication and strong spirit. Likewise, the judges can't say enough good things about her. Tonight she is speaking about her dad, no spoilers, but lots of eye wiping in the audience.
Yes, I have teared up as well.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m9 minutes ago
@BindiIrwin I haven’t had X 2 watch til 2nite. Ur dance 2nite made me PROUD!We love U & ur amazing family❤️ #GrownUpBeautifully @TerriIrwin

Wow, what a load of crap. No time to dvr DWTS and fast forward to watch Bindi for 10 minutes once a week over the past 11 weeks?
I know Kate likes to tell lies, but that's a whopper!
But, good to know Kate can make it all about herself.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @BindiIrwin @TerriIrwin Muchf credit to #MomTerri...doing a gr8 job raising 2 as Ur doing the same w/your 8! #ALotInCommon :)

It's all about Kate.

Milo is insane.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

No, Gladys, they don't have a lot in common. Terri's husband,
Bindi's father, is DEAD.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And so much for the speculation that TFW might have been
communicating privately with Bindi and/or Terri -- she admitted
she hadn't even watched the show until tonight.

Awww, she's "proud" -- there's a compliment from a narcissist
for you. As if she's known her forever and has watched her
evolution. If she was so darn invested, why did she wait
until the last week to watch? And, hellz yeah, she's going
to try to generate interest in getting one of the twins a spot
in an upcoming season. Not a doubt in my mind.

Localyocul said...

Wait didn't she post before that they were watching DWTS and milo hinted about Bindi?

Tucker's Mom said...

It just boggles the mind that Kate would take to her Twitter to mention Bindi's appearance on DWTS for the first time, on her last week of competition, to tell her that she hasn't had time to watch.
The lack of awareness is fascinating.

Localyocul said...

If she's at DWTS however will she make it home to cook a thanksgiving dinner by herself?

P.J. said...

Her behaviour also tells you how interested she is in DWTS when she's not on it.

She's pathetic. I'll bet she's schmoozing now for one of the twins to be on it. Of course, she'll have to take the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

What a load of horseshit, too busy to watch DWTS. And probably also a whopper; I truly believe she holes up in her room while the kids are at school watching a whole lot of recorded TV. Wonder what the school thinks about missing a few days for DWTS in LA? And I imagine TLC is flying them back on Wednesday, probably the craziest day of the year for airport travel. Unless she has managed to get a film the shit out of the kids vacay for herself in LA. You know, instead of the family holiday their friends are having. I also truly believe that the only relationship between the Gosselins and the Irwins exists in TFW's head.


Anonymous said...

It gave me chills that she was not allowed to grieve as a normal child would, but felt the need or was pushed to follow the old show must go on axiom. Her behavior on dwts, while entertaining, is so far over the top
DWTS had a show that featured Teri and the brother. Teri, the mother, said it was Bindi that asked when were they going to start filming again after the death of her father.

She is a great, adorable girl but I do see and question if some of this over positivity is because she has been "ON" camera all of her life. I feel Derick really has a bad crush on her. Anybody else pick up on this? I know Bindi is only 17 and has a boyfriend but Derick seems to be heads over heels about her.

Anonymous said...

Oh please I hope to hell TLC is not going to be reuniting Bindi's family with the Gosselin family on air. Bindi is super popular now because of DWTS and if this reunion happens it will draw an numerous amount of attention for Kate. I feel sick again. Please, please let this NOT happen.

Also, how come Kate states she has not had time to watch DWTS all season except tonight but the twins apparently have been watching to be fans of the the married couple. This really doesn't make sense to me. I ~ Administrator said...

It's not that she hasn't had time to watch. She has plenty of time to watch especially if she makes use of DVR. It's that she wasn't all that interested. She's been getting her narcissistic supply elsewhere for the past several months. She can't relate to or be interested in the successes of others. She only got interested when TLC decided to fly her to L.A. Then all of a sudden there she is front and center with bells on acting like she cares because now she's getting something out of it. And that actually goes back to the heart of the matter in that Kate is not a reliable friend, wife or mother unless there is something in it for her. Bindi is a smart girl and she will realize if she hasn't already this friendship doesn't go both ways.

The proud comment made me gag. She's met this girl twice in her life. She has nothing to do with her success. Bindi is successful despite moochers like Kate who don't have a genuine bone in their bodies and are only using them for their fame and money.

As for Bindi I run hot and cold on her. I think her parents groomed her to take over the family business and the ordination unfortunately happened far sooner than anyone had hoped. As I posted a few months ago I went to the Australia Zoo last July and it's clear Bindi is their selling point. Robert is a footnote. I think she spent most of her childhood working. On the other hand she is that special snowflake with real talent who I think sincerely loves this and would be devastated if she were told she can't do it anymore.

If Bindi were raised in a normal family, it would be interesting to see if other interests besides zookeeping and performing might develop. I don't think she will ever get a fair opportunity to try out other interests without judgment. I don't think she is in an environment where she is comfortable to say she wants to study English lit in college, or become a therapist. Her destiny has been written in stone.

Bindi did shows at the zoo that involved a lot of dancing and choreography. That's how she learned to dance.

Mary Ann said...

I could swear Mady and Cara were in the front row while Meagan Trainor was singing. One was posing with her hands on her thighs just like Kate did over and over on Celebrity Apprentice and both of them had sour pusses on. I would bet Kate is there pushing for the "first EVER twin contestants" on DWTS. Of course there is no room in the basement for a dance floor since the remodel so Kate would have to spend weeks and weeks (assuming the twins didn't have to be pushed around the dance floor like shopping carts) in LA chaperoning the girls. ~ Administrator said...

Nope. You're not alone, All This. She gets on my nerves, too, and for the very reasons you've cited!


Hehe, I love her and hate her.

Some times I like her style, photography and some of her food, but other things about her grate on me. I admire how she is a hard worker and I admire her learning curve. If she ain't good at something, she will sit down and learn it, practice and practice until she gets better. From photography to her TV show.

My biggest pet peeve about her is how hot she thinks her "cowboy" husband is. It's gross. It's like listening to your parents make out. He's ugly as sin, doughy and too red-faced, and looks short. Yuck.

AuntieAnn said...

Midnight Madness said... 173

Tucker's Mom said... 169
Ree Drummond gets on a lot of people's nerves, so you're not alone.


Nope. You're not alone, All This. She gets on my nerves, too, and for the very reasons you've cited!


As we join Ree in the morning we find her cooking another one of a million of her favorite dishes, baking a dessert that was a recipe of long dead great aunt, wrapping and delivering said dessert to her very special person of the day. After the commercial break we are back home to watch her prepare a wonderful feel-good lunch for her kids, then drive over ruddy country roads and cow patties with an assortment of foil-wrapped chow to feed her husband and his ranch hands who all oooh and aww over the feast, then hop into the truck and back home she stops to toss a stick to the dog, cooks another fuckety hundred squares and pot luck casseroles to pack up and head into town where she'll drop them off at the community hall which she'll help decorate, drive back home, shower, change and be ready to dance the evening away with hubs, ending the entire day with a big ol' dimply smile on her face and a spotlessly clean kitchen.

No. She doesn't get on my nerves at all.

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 180
Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m9 minutes ago
@BindiIrwin I haven’t had X 2 watch til 2nite. Ur dance 2nite made me PROUD!We love U & ur amazing family❤️ #GrownUpBeautifully @TerriIrwin

Wow, what a load of crap. No time to dvr DWTS and fast forward to watch Bindi for 10 minutes once a week over the past 11 weeks?
I know Kate likes to tell lies, but that's a whopper!
But, good to know Kate can make it all about herself.
And if she doesn't have or can't program a DVR, she could watch on youtube. Or maybe that's beyond her as well. Do you think she's ever heard of google? Or knows that you can google things other than her?

NJGal51 said...

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m9 minutes ago
@BindiIrwin I haven’t had X 2 watch til 2nite. Ur dance 2nite made me PROUD!We love U & ur amazing family❤️ #GrownUpBeautifully@TerriIrwin
Well I do have to call BULLSHIT on this. She recently tweeted that she and the twins were watching and the twins said something hysterically funny about geometry (or some such nonsense) because they're in high school now. So yeah, she's been watching. ~ Administrator said...

No. She doesn't get on my nerves at all.


Oh God lol!!!

You forgot the part where she hops into her GMC and swings by youth group where her kids are hanging out with their other sheltered homeschooled friends. She has to deliver the candied apples with the works the kids helped her make earlier in the day.

It's sort of like Stepford on horses.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

He's ugly as sin, doughy and too red-faced, and looks short. Yuck.


It sounds like you are describing Jim Boobers. ~ Administrator said...

There's something a little bit Jim Booby about him. I think it's the doughy thing.

Also, he's entirely too quiet and reserved. There are entire episodes where he doesn't speak. I don't trust people who never open their mouth or have an opinion. I think he works hard, I'll give him that, but my understanding is most of his money he inherited. ~ Administrator said...

So yeah, she's been watching.


She's been watching every single step. It's just she's had her narcissistic supply cup overflowing so she doesn't need to hop on twitter and gab about her TV habits and get whatever validation. She simply wasn't in need of that this past season. Thus twitter silence.

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