Thursday, November 5, 2015

Law and Order SVU: Patrimonial Burden

Last night's Law and Order: SVU was a brilliant ripped-from-the-headlines satire based heavily on the Duggars and other high profile sex abuse scandals, including a side plot pulled from the story of sex offender and Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship. If you missed it, you can watch the full episode on or below.

Who done it? Was it the pervert camera man who saved naked footage of the girls? What about the creepy older brother who was shipped off to Ecuador for a "mistake"? Could the Warren Jeff-like pastor-slash-lawyer have something to do with this? Are the Bakers really a Bakers dozen or will DNA prove otherwise? Mariska and the team crack the case within the hour with a couple great zingers (Chastity Empire, lol!), a lot of binge watching and some solid detective work. Well done, SVU.

1939 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

I sort of buy what Admin is saying about Trump, but the bottom line for me is that he was so immature and ridiculous with that impersonation.
I just can not fathom him as the leader of the free world.
His inability to comport himself is frightening. ~ Administrator said...

I sort of buy what Admin is saying about Trump, but the bottom line for me is that he was so immature and ridiculous with that impersonation.


If he is elected, it will be four long years of incidents just like this one.

Trump is Trump. He's not going to politely sit there with ankles crossed and hands folded saying please, thank you, and "no please, after you."

He's not his children!

Anonymous said...

Fine, Trump is Trump. But his behavior in public is embarrassing and if by some misalignment in the stars he were to become Leader of The Free World, just a phrase folks, yes, we would be in for 4 years of even more embarrassment on the national and international stages. So make all the excuses for him you want, he is so unqualified for this position, on so many levels, it just is not worth discussing. My last words on The Donald.
And yes, I fully believe he knew damn well who he was mocking.

OrangeCrusher1 ~ Administrator said...

I know who I wouldn't vote for but I still don't know who I would vote for. That said, is Trump really all that embarrassing? Much of the free world has their share of flamboyant leaders who say and do nutty things. In many other even first world countries it can be quite common to have a leader who spends exorbitant amount of money, has affairs, is corrupted. Look at so much of Europe, South America.

I think we're a bit more straight laced this side of the ocean, but we forget that politicians everywhere are just as much of a character as Trump. Bottom line I don't think the USA is going to die of embarrassment abroad!

As for being qualified, a lot of qualified politicians have ended up as terrible presidents. I wish I could be assured that picking the best resume would translate. And that's like anything. Just because you hire the employee with a great resume doesn't mean he's going to work out. Taking a chance on someone who doesn't fit the mold sometimes works great. I think people are scratching their heads wondering if this whole political resume thing has really worked out for us in the past. I think people are actually sick of the inside the Beltway cronies, and are willing to think outside the box this election. It's not just Trump, Carson as just as "unqualified" when you compare him to the average politician. But there's not nearly as much jumping up and down about his resume. Is that because he's nicer, more likable? Or is this really about putting personal feelings aside and looking strictly at resumes. Because if that's the case, Carson's got to go.

AuntieAnn said...

Jane said... 199

From the NY Times: “Now the poor guy, you ought to see this guy,” Mr. Trump said, before jerking his arms around and holding his right hand at an angle. “ ‘Ah, I don’t know what I said! I don’t remember!’ ”

The reporter says he's met Trump 12-14 times and was on a first name basis with him.


Yes. "Poor guy"? Why say that if his intention wasn't to mock him. Seems to me he pushed the arm flailing gesture just far enough to infer the reporter's disability and then backed off before going any further. He knows what he's doing. He may be smart but he's an uncouth, insensitive prick.

And I agree about his kids, Admin. They didn't learn their polite behavior and good manners from him, that's for sure. Must have been Ivana's doing.

redbird said...

From Paul Peterson:

A Minor Consideration

Yesterday at 5:38am ·
Happy Thanksgiving to One and All.
Paul Petersen & and the gang at A Minor Consideration

Jane said...

The other thing the reporter said (this was on CNN, I have no link) was that he met with Trump in his office on several occasions for interviews and that there's just no way Trump didn't know him or see his very obvious disabilities. Trump's super phenomenal memory seems to be failing a bit!

Ex Nurse said...

Whether or not Trump knew that the reported was disabled or not, I find his childish habit of striking out at anyone who confronts him incredibly childish. What would it take for this guy to admit that he was wrong, or had poor judgement, or the old "I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But, no, he has to say that the NYT is a failing paper", in a stupid attempt to discredit them. He is a school yard bully, and that is just about all there is to him. As a President, that trait is very dangerous, as it makes him highly susceptible to being manipulated. Narcissists are actually really easy to manipulate with flattery--it plays to their ego and sense of superiority.

“Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him,” the statement says. But Kovaleski covered Trump at length in the 1980s while the reporter worked for the New York Daily News. “Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years,” Kovaleski told the Times. Trump also expressed familiarity with Kovaleski in the same South Carolina speech where he mocked the reporter, calling him a “nice reporter” before launching into his impression.

The way he was flailing around, and bending his wrists, does not look flustered or confused-- it looked like he was purposely moving in a spastic way.

"Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him,” the statement says. But Kovaleski covered Trump at length in the 1980s while the reporter worked for the New York Daily News. “Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years,” Kovaleski told the Times. Trump also expressed familiarity with Kovaleski in the same South Carolina speech where he mocked the reporter, calling him a “nice reporter” before launching into his impression.

The whole reason for the mocking was because Trump was trying to deflect from his incorrect statements that thousands of Muslims in NJ
were celebrating on 911. It doesn't really matter what Trump was trying to convey--his habit of changing the subject by attacking is just the political version of playground bully tactics.

Math Girl said...

What happens when stuff like this gets stretched and pulled to fit a certain scenario, is Trump supporters just get more dogged. It plays right into Trump's hands. He wants to be the victim the media is relentlessly pounding. And this time, he kind of has a point. There's many reasons Trump is absolutely soaring in the polls, and that's one of them. This will not hurt him one bit.
Kind of like Kate's supporters? They will never believe bad of her even if they see it with their own eyes. They will deny that it happened and claim it was "stretched and pulled".

Warmth Of The Sun said...

I was set to post something about Joshie and Anna, but realized that they hadn't done anything stupid in the past day or so, and thus, I am reluctant to do so! LOL!

I guess I'll crawl back under the veranda for leftovers although the turkey was a little bland down there with a somewhat musty flavor. I hope everyone had a happy day!

TLC stinks said...

Trump may have money, but he is classless. He knew EXACTLY who he was mocking. Unbelievable. ~ Administrator said...

He knew EXACTLY who he was mocking.


I'm not trying to be argumentative, but how do you know this? What am I missing? Does this reporter flail his arms around wildly usually? I thought he had a joint disorder. I can't find anything to suggest that he regularly flails his arms around and rolls his eyes. ~ Administrator said...

Kind of like Kate's supporters? They will never believe bad of her even if they see it with their own eyes. They will deny that it happened and claim it was "stretched and pulled".


In a way, yes. He has a hard core group of supporters who don't care if he does something wrong and he seems to gain more support the harder the left tries.

That said, there are many people who may agree with all of his policies, are not Trump "sheeple", but who also happen to think that this particular "controversy" is quite the stretch. Count me in that group. ~ Administrator said...

That is may "not" agree.

Has anyone posted a video of this reporter? Does he flail around like this? Unless there's proof this guy does that as part of his regular mannerisms due to his disability, I count this one as much ado about nothing.

Anonymous said...

Of course we don't KNOW this, but I also do not think the NYT was being hypersensitive. Trump is a childish man, given to outbursts of inappropriate behavior and then the equally childish backpedaling of an 8 year old. Add that to his often outrageous pronouncements on both domestic and foreign policies, and it should be clear he is not the person any of us should want in the White House. While some apparently find it refreshing that he is not a political wonk, having NO political experience does not automatically make one right for the job. Carly Fiorina is also that person. She, Trump, Ben Carson, they all need to exit the clown car. Getting caught up in defending Trump on one statement just obfuscates the real issue, which is he is not qualified to be president. And I say this not as a Democrat of decades standing but as a person who just finds him and his positions vacuous, offensive and grandstanding, just a few words of choice.

Off soap box, going to have some more leftovers.


Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 1
I sort of buy what Admin is saying about Trump, but the bottom line for me is that he was so immature and ridiculous with that impersonation.
I just can not fathom him as the leader of the free world.
His inability to comport himself is frightening.
I agree with you and Orangecrusher1.

For me, the issue wasn't so much about whether he mocked someone with a disability, and whether he knew about that disability, but that he thinks mocking someone, anyone, is appropriate behavior or adds anything to a discussion of serious issues.

Would Trump's behavior be OK if the person he was mocking had been Italian instead of handicapped? Would it have been appropriate if it had been made up of whole cloth (as he now claims) and the reporter had been a quadriplegic who was incapable of moving his arms at all?

Whenever political discourse in Canada reaches a new low, people start talking about the party involved using advisors from the US (Or Australia. Who knew they were known for their dirty politics?) Is that what the US wants to be known for?

A pet peeve of mine: I do wish Americans would stop referring to the President of the US as the "leader of the free world". Until the rest of the free world gets to vote in your election, he's your leader, not mine. What's next, "Emperor of the Universe"? Use his actual title, and others will respect you (and him or her) more. ~ Administrator said...

For me, the issue wasn't so much about whether he mocked someone with a disability, and whether he knew about that disability, but that he thinks mocking someone, anyone, is appropriate behavior or adds anything to a discussion of serious issues.


I think that's exactly what Trump disagrees with. He thinks people are too P.C., hold back too much, are too polite, and as a result of all this tip toeing around, we are weaker. Agree or disagree, but that's where he's coming from. So yeah, he's going to mock the views of people he disagrees with because he finds them ridiculous, but doesn't have a need to be polite about it as public people usually are. He is the opposite of PC and I think people find it refreshing.

This is what happened. Trump has a memory of something that happened after 9-11 which was corroborated, at least in part, by this particular disabled reporter who wrote an article about it in Sept 2001. The reporter now, 15 years later, is taking back at least some of what he said. I don't know why he is taking it back today, I couldn't speculate. I do understand lots of rumors were posted at the time of the attacks that were further investigated later to get to the bottom of it. But it does get the juices flowing on the conspiracy theorists of a anti-Trump media conspiracy. I mean, it's not a good scenario.

Understandably, that frustrates Trump, since the article is the only thing out there right now that backs up his statement. And now the very author of the article is saying well, I don't remember that or know that to be true. Interesting, since he did put his byline on it in 2001 and does not deny he wrote the article.

In any case, Trump looks stupid, so he's reacting how someone with no filter reacts and getting upset with that particular guy for waffling. Just because you're disabled doesn't mean you're immune from people getting upset with you for changing your story. I think it might help if the reporter explains why he is now taking back what he wrote. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation, like a bad source or something that later turned out to be true. But to simply say it didn't go down like that when that's exactly what he wrote, is a little head scratching.

I will say this. I think Trump is taking a much tougher stance on things like ISIS and Syria than current leaders who want to tell us they are contained just one day before over a hundred people died. That is going to be a very important issue for me when I cast my vote next year. If someone wants to be a serious contender against Trump, they need to take a close look at what it is he is saying that people are responding to.

redbird said...

Admin, do you have a short list of candidates for the next thread?

Sorry for the political pun!

Just saw a Victoria's Secret hoodie that said Want It All. Looks like that will be the next purchase for M and C. I wonder if she is already at the point of wishing that she hadn't made them so entitled.

She is reaping what she sowed from years ago. Justice is slow, but sure. Years ago from the satellite interview on Oprah with all of the kids wearing matching t-shirts on the big long couch, TFW said, that money was never enough, there is never enough money. Jon gasped in shock and he was stunned and surprised that she said that because he knew that the money was flowing into the Gosselin coiffeurs like water.

Now she is paying through M and C now. Clothes, shoes, tickets to concerts, VIP passes, birthday bashes, meeting celebs are never enough. She constantly has to top herself every year. A normal person would be cracking under that kind of pressure. She has to be cracking or starting to crack at some point. Remember the tickets she was in a panic to get just a year or two ago?

Just wait till car time comes around. They will demand separate cars on their sweet 16 or when they are allowed to have them. TFW will not let a Sweet whatever birthday party just slide and miss out on the 40K paycheck and perks. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Trump may be taking a though stance but he does not have the expertise to actually make anything happen. And some of his 'tough' positions are so unAmerican I do not understand how they are supportable. He bluffs, he blusters; who really wants a narcissist running the country? No substance. Sorry Admin, I understand we do not think alike and I respect that you do take an educated and thoughtful stand on most things, but supporting Trump is really an extreme IMO.

OrangeCrusher1 ~ Administrator said...

Oh dear. Does not buying this one mean I'm a Trump supporter?


I don't assume when people don't buy into every "controversy"
about Kate, that they support Kate!

Math Girl said...

I didn't think the current Trump controversy was so much a case of the reporter backtracking as the reporter saying Trump misrepresents what he wrote. He wrote that "there are reports: of something happening and Trump says that means it happened? I could be wrong, thought.

The same behavior can be called 'politically incorrect' or 'childish, uncivilized behavior' depending on how you feel about it.

Ex Nurse said...

So yeah, he's going to mock the views of people he disagrees with because he finds them ridiculous, but doesn't have a need to be polite about it as public people usually are. He is the opposite of PC and I think people find it refreshing.
I have not heard anyone attack Trump for his disagreements with anyone's views.He is rightfully being criticized for making personal attacks based on gender, health, looks, etc., which has nothing to do with anyone's views on anything. Many politicians are mocking of views. I don't like that strategy, but it is very different from what Trump does. ~ Administrator said...

Knowing Trump, I think this whole thing could have been averted had the media simply acknowledge that yes, you're right, there was a well respected newspaper reporting something similar to what you described. Not EXACTLY, but similar.

Instead the media decided, without researching this that well, that Trump was 100% wrong, and what's more they used the incident to paint him as anti-Muslim. The problem is the media jumped all over him when he said what he said, and there are many blogs out there saying he is 100% wrong about that, never happened, nada. And it turned out--there's more to the story.

After some digging, it was revealed that reporter's article did in fact describe what Trump said he saw. The article did not mention specific numbers, that's true. However the incident itself, an incident the media was bellyaching for three days never even happened, was in fact written about as having happened in 2001. So, the media was wrong in trying to pretend it didn't happen at all.

People were so quick to call him a liar, and that really wasn't the case.

I think it's a case of meeting somewhere in the middle on this, which apparently neither Trump nor the media wants to do. The media needs to admit that there WAS a report of an incident Trump was describing and stop trying to make him look like a nut for pointing out this incident. But Trump needs to admit that report didn't necessarily pin down the exact numbers. There is no record of the numbers that anyone has found yet. It could have been 10 people or 1,000, we don't really know. Everyone in this mess is a little wrong here, but the media quickly jumping to incorrectly insisting Trump is 100% wrong on it just galvanizes him and his cause. And that just proves his point, they want him to be wrong so badly they will get on that bandwagon before realizing oops, maybe there is some evidence out there that supports his recollection.

P.J. said...

Warmth Of The Sun said... 10
I was set to post something about Joshie and Anna, but realized that they hadn't done anything stupid in the past day or so, and thus, I am reluctant to do so! LOL!


Yeah, well, what about Kate? LOL

Lucy Ellen said...

TLC schedule for 12/8 is up - all day marathon and 1st new one is School is Out !!! with the Florida trip AND Kate cooking the traditional Korean dinner.

P.J. said...

Lucy Ellen said... 25
TLC schedule for 12/8 is up - all day marathon and 1st new one is School is Out !!! with the Florida trip AND Kate cooking the traditional Korean dinner.


How funny is that? Maybe her next cook book is Korean food. Surely she's an expert at that too, right?

TLC stinks said...

I doubt the reporter can wave his arms wildly with his disease, but Trump certainly curled his hands like the guy. Why put on that display? For laughs? Would you allow your child to mock a disabled classmate?

Trump exaggerates everything that comes out of mouth. I was around for 9-11 and it is a complete lie there were thousands anywhere in THIS country cheering the terrorists.

Trump is a demagogue who appeals to people's prejudices. Ever watch Hilter's speeches?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

"School Is Out!!!" -- someone at TLC took a page from the
TFW Book of Excessive Exclamation Points.

Gather 'round the hearth this December, America, and enjoy
America's Favorite Family as they begin summer vacation!
Maybe they'll air a Christmas episode in June. TFW is such
an also-ran on TLC, but she's so desperate that she'll take
any crumbs they throw her.

jamezvader1194 said...

Speaking of Korean food.I wonder if TLC would ever offer Kate and the kids a trip to South Korea,to have the kids learn about their Korean ancestry and culture?For some reason i have this feeling that she would get annoyed by the trip cause all the korean men would remind her of Jon.Im not saying she would say this but deep down in her mind i think she would think this. ~ Administrator said...

School is Out !!! with the Florida trip AND Kate cooking the traditional Korean dinner.


School is out? That will play well in the middle of the school year. Lol.

Wait a sec, Jon cooked the Korean dinner last time. Can he sue?

Over In TFW's County said...

Speaking of Korean food.I wonder if TLC would ever offer Kate and the kids a trip to South Korea,to have the kids learn about their Korean ancestry and culture?


They did that but it didn't work out! If I am not mistaken, they had their passports but didn't go.

AuntieAnn said...

AND Kate cooking the traditional Korean dinner.


Uh huh. Suuure she is. Wonder what that'll turn out like. Kung pao chicken sausage cacciatori probably, since she's such an innovative chef and all. Traditional, my ass.

Please. Stop it TLC. Just stop it.

Over In TFW's County said...

I don't assume when people don't buy into every "controversy"
about Kate, that they support Kate!


Bingo. I have commented quite a few times when reports about her were published that I knew for a fact simply weren't true. I am certainly not a fan nor a "supporter" (whatever that means) but there are times when I refused to hop on the band wagon and bash her for something reported on Twitter or in the media when I knew darn well it was false.

Over In TFW's County said...

He bluffs, he blusters; who really wants a narcissist running the country?


Uh, Crusher, Ms Hillary is a narcissist and had her eye on the Presidency for many years. She lies, exaggerates, talks in Kate Talk," plays the innocent game very well (Who, me? What did I do?) I think in the end it will come down to narcissist against narcissist, ego against ego and it will be interesting to see which narcissist comes out on top!

TLC stinks said...

Active shooter at Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood. ~ Administrator said...

Most people who rise this far to the top politically are narcissists. Most normal people aren't interested in such a role. Who with their head screwed on right would be?

I can't think of too many presidents we have who were not, at least in some form, ego-maniacs. That's really nothing new and I don't know why it's being suggested it's a novel thing to see such an ego rise to the top. Welcome to politics!

TLC stinks said...

Kate cooking Korean. Now I've seen it all. What a joke. ~ Administrator said...

Kate cooking Korean. Now I've seen it all. What a joke.


It is a joke on so many levels haha.

She has been a parental alienator of the worst kind, has marginalized and minimized Jon at every turn. For her to then turn around and suggest she has any interest in recognizing their Korean heritage is so disingenuous.

Here's a thought for her. She can start respecting their Korean heritage by respecting and encouraging their positive relationship with their father and his family. The best place to start when it comes to growing up with Korean culture is their own paternal family.

Over In TFW's County said...

TFW said, that money was never enough, there is never enough money.


She didn't say that money was never enough or there is never enough money. She asked if a person can ever have enough money. There's a difference. The first implies that they are struggling financially; what she asked was a general question."Can anyone ever have enough money?" It was a very stupid thing to say and yes, Jon looked embarrassed because her question oozed greed even though it was a rhetorical question.

But I understand your point. Entitled kids will keep wanting more and at some point she will have to say no. Then again, if these kids have worked all their lives for this money, should they be able to purchase their own cars if they want them? It's not an easy situation in which she will find herself.

Over In TFW's County said...

I have not heard anyone attack Trump for his disagreements with anyone's views


Have you been hiding under the veranda? :)

Tucker's Mom said...

Undoubtedly, Kate will make the Korean meal and act like she thought up the recipe herself and will tease that she'll never share it.
BFD, it's bulgogi. Hardly a mystery.
This recipe for bulgogi rocks!.

Over In TFW's County said...

That's not a different opinion. That's changing the subject. The sheeple do it all the time and we call them on it.

Talk about Hillary all you want, but introduce a talking point. Don't just say "I know you are but what am I?"

Just my opinion, of course.


Is there a set of rules we are supposed to follow when we initiate a discussion? I guess I am kind of out of the loop here...too busy assembling those turkey leftovers. Does Kate have recipes in her book for that?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Did TFW tweet at all on Thanksgiving?

Tucker's Mom said...

Is there a set of rules we are supposed to follow when we initiate a discussion? I guess I am kind of out of the loop here...too busy assembling those turkey leftovers. Does Kate have recipes in her book for that?
I have no idea, but if she does have a recipe for leftover turkey, it probably involved at least 5 cans.
I've already made stock and am going to make caldo verde and turkey penang.

Rainbirdie said...

Eight is More Than Enough said... 195
Rainbirdie said... 194
P.J. said... 191
We were discussing an article in the news today about what Trump did last night. Was Hillary in the news today for doing something stupid? Please post the link.
The discussion may have started with the story of Trump & the disabled reporter but it eventually meandered beyond that to include his other controversial comments. Seems to me that saying "he's pathological in his denial of any wrongdoing" would naturally lead to posters sharing their thoughts about the veracity of other political candidates. That's generally how discussions work - the sharing of different opinions often moves the conversation beyond the original topic. Happens here all time. IMO of course.
That is like saying that every time someone points out something controversial Katie said and starts a discussion it should immediately be followed up with someone else saying well Jon did and said too ??? Or someone says giblets are gross so someone else must put in that all Italian food is gross too and people should always remember that ???
Are you referring to my statement? Because that's not what I said or even implied.

But since it was brought up - So what if every time someone points out something controversial Kate says, someone else immediately follows up with a comment about Jon? Or giblets & Italian food or whatever. Seriously, so what? I don't recall that it has ever been against blog rules here to offer any type of opinion as long as rules 1-4 are being followed.

It's been my experience that participants are not usually reprimanded here by fellow posters for any of their thoughts or comments. But IMO, the blog vibe changes to 'less friendly' when the discussion becomes political. Which is why I generally scroll on by. I did however want to take a minute to comment that I personally don't appreciate it when someone other than the admin sets rules on how comments should or should not be made.

NJGal51 said...

You're absolutely right Tucker's Mom, TFW will be cooking bulgogi. I wonder if she'll have some kimchi to go with it. Since she's going to discuss heritage with them I wonder if she'll tell them how they must remember their father with joy even though he's passed on...oh, wait...

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Since she's going to discuss heritage with them I wonder if she'll tell them how they must remember their father with joy even though he's passed on...oh, wait..


They will light a Korean candle in his memory and talk about the time they almost went to "Korea." Kate didn't know that there is a North and South Korea!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

It's been my experience that participants are not usually reprimanded here by fellow posters for any of their thoughts or comments. But IMO, the blog vibe changes to 'less friendly' when the discussion becomes political. Which is why I generally scroll on by. I did however want to take a minute to comment that I personally don't appreciate it when someone other than the admin sets rules on how comments should or should not be made.


I'll go along with that sediment. If admin doesn't like different discussions going on simultaneously, she certainly can swiffer them, which she doesn't do. Creating rules for posting by having to preface them by qualifying them as something different than the discussion at hand is ridiculous.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 43
Did TFW tweet at all on Thanksgiving?

Not that I saw, and neither did Milo. I guess they were too busy playing with each other's giblets.

Midnight Madness said...

That's not a different opinion. That's changing the subject. The sheeple do it all the time and we call them on it.


We discuss issues. If the subject is changed, it's to add to the discussion, not to avoid it. The sheeple do it to deflect when Kate has done something stupid and damage control is missing in action. That's why they are called out on it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

It's been my experience that participants are not usually reprimanded here by fellow posters for any of their thoughts or comments. But IMO, the blog vibe changes to 'less friendly' when the discussion becomes political. Which is why I generally scroll on by. 45

Fellow scroller here.

On another note, I wonder if Katie will use a recipe for the alleged Korean dinner or she absorbed the ins and outs of Korean cooking through osmosis while married to Jon.

foxy said...

How on earth can Kate teach the kids about Korean heritage? She knows nothing about it really, only that she was married to a man who is 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Caucasian. That makes the kids 1/4 Korean. By the same token if your children have say, Italian people on their father's side it would be up to him and his family to show them their heritage or Jewish or any other family history. What is the big deal that these kids have 1/4 Korean blood any way. I don't understand it. And wasn't it Jon who cooked the Korean meals and Kate came in and mixed the food up while it was being prepared? Jon had to try and separate the green onions. I get confused with her attitude on this because in my family we have so much diversity with in-laws, nieces and nephews etc., that it makes no difference. She is really something else.

Mel said...

The Korean cooking is just something a production assistant dreamed up for a story line. Nothing TFW has any interest in, other than something to get paid for doing.

Production purchased and prepared the food. All she had to do was pretend to cook it. Making her contortonistic faces whilst cooking. You know, those horrible grimaces that she considers 'acting'.

Norma said...

I guess because I'm Italian and tend to talk with my hands, I too have often waved my hands a little when talking about myself or someone else being flustered. That's the "flustered" sign in Italian! lol.
Total stereotype. A LOT of Europeans talk with their hands. And a LOT don't. And so do (and don't)Spanish people. Don't perpetuate awful caricatures of entire groups of people by casually saying 'im Italian'. You may have visited there but you were not born and raised there. JMO, as always.

rhythm of life said...

Kate and TLC just can't seem to come up with new story lines. Back to school shopping, frolicking on the beach, birthday parties, Korean cooking. What's next? Hauling the twins off to photo shoots with a modeling agency? Enrolling the younger ones in a Young Chef's Academy? One gymnastic class? Fifteen minutes in a corn maze? A sequel to the foot-licking ceremony in a NYC bar?

fidosmommy said...

I want to see an unedited video, start to finish - with audio - of Kate Gosselin cooking ANYTHING other than pancakes.

rhythm of life said...

Not that I saw, and neither did Milo. I guess they were too busy playing with each other's giblets. (rainbows, 49).

lol!! Thanks for the laugh of the night, but please pass the eye bleach, followed by some of those rumspringa kegs!

NJGal51 said...

Well Norma, I'm Italian and I'm from NJ. When I talk I use/wave my hands. A. Lot. AND I don't have an inside voice.

Norma said...

And, njgal? I specifically stated a LOT of Europeans do and a LOT don't. ?? Guess youre one of those who do. I could list Italian neighbors who don't. So....

The point was: not ALL Italians do and saying otherwise is stereotypical trope.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Insomnia tonight. I was desperately channel surfing and saw the bit of the K plus 8 promo where the blind date tells her how young she looks tonight. Flash to Katie's face. If there hadn't been a notice of what the promo was for, I would not have known who she was, and not in a good way.

P.J. said...

We discuss issues. If the subject is changed, it's to add to the discussion, not to avoid it. The sheeple do it to deflect when Kate has done something stupid and damage control is missing in action. That's why they are called out on it.


If you've read the entire conversation, from the beginning, that is exactly what happened. A statement was made with no point other than to deflect from a previous comment. It was a red herring and that's how this whole thing started.

Nobody is telling anyone what can or can't be discussed on this blog. Jumping in to the middle of the comments is problematic because the gist is lost. Taking a comment out of context is also problematic. A snapshot is no way to see the whole picture. Also, politics happened to be the topic at the time, but was not the issue. Other examples were given and they were also misconstrued.

And nobody "reprimanded" anyone. Jeez.

Since I'm struggling to explain it in a way that will make sense to some of the readers here, I'm dropping it.

P.J. said...

fidosmommy said... 56
I want to see an unedited video, start to finish - with audio - of Kate Gosselin cooking ANYTHING other than pancakes.


I'll even challenge her on that. The time she was on Steven and Chris and made one holy mess pouring cupcake batter into the tins? Her kitchen must look like a bomb went off by the time she finishes anything.

Tucker's Mom said...

Norma said... 54
I guess because I'm Italian and tend to talk with my hands, I too have often waved my hands a little when talking about myself or someone else being flustered. That's the "flustered" sign in Italian! lol.
Total stereotype. A LOT of Europeans talk with their hands. And a LOT don't. And so do (and don't)Spanish people. Don't perpetuate awful caricatures of entire groups of people by casually saying 'im Italian'. You may have visited there but you were not born and raised there. JMO, as always
Tony Soprano is an awful Italian stereotype. Saying that Italians like to talk with their hands is generally an endearing sentiment meant to convey that they are passionate and expressive.
Hardly offensive.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 58
Well Norma, I'm Italian and I'm from NJ. When I talk I use/wave my hands. A. Lot. AND I don't have an inside voice.
Growing up in Philly, where there are a lot of Italian Americans, I can tell you I've heard every slur there is, and not one of them involved saying that they talked with their hands.
That being offensive is laughable.
Although, I can think of a couple hand gestures that every Italian knew ;-)

JoyinVirginia said...

I read the Washington Post a lot. They go in depth on their stories and give extra insight. Serge Kovaleski was covering the World Trade Center attacks for the Washington Post when he wrote the article with one tiny line quoted by Trump about reports of some people being questioned about tailgate style gatherings in New Jersey. Kovaleski states that he knows the reports were of a very small number, certainly not hundreds. Trump attacks the reporter instead of saying he quoted an urban myth. A myth that the mayor of Jersey City says is a lie, that police and first responders who were there day is a lie.
I've watched the tape of trump talking, and was actually surprised that he would be so occupied in his imitation of the reporter. He was moving his arms very deliberately, he knew exactly what he was doing, and now he is lying about it, just like he lied about the "thousands celebrating". That is my opinion. Here are a few articles about this from Washington Post. I don't now how to many tiny urls, sorry.
And another, this is the article that addresses Trumps original lie and had the quote from Serge Kovaleski that Trump later mocks.

I loved the Apprentice on TV. Trump has confused the play acting done for reality TV with real life. He can't control the casting, the editing, or the script on the campaign trail, although he is trying mightily.
He does know exactly what he is doing. The more outrageous the insults, the more energized are the angry people supporting him, because it's things your crotchety uncle at thanksgiving would say except your aunt is kicking him under the table. Trump says what he wishes he could say out loud.

P.J. said...

Joy in Virginia said...

I don't now how to many tiny urls, sorry.


Go to:

Paste the link into the box

Click on "Make tiny URL"

You'll get a new screen that looks like this:

TinyURL was created!

The following URL:

has a length of 136 characters and resulted in the following TinyURL which has a length of 26 characters:
[Open in new window][Copy to clipboard]

If you click on "Copy to clipboard" you can then paste the tiny URL into your comment.

It's a very cool little website. It doesn't make the URL clickable, but I don't care for the clickable links. They take you off the website you're on. I'd rather C & P the link myself in a new window.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'll even challenge her on that. The time she was on Steven and Chris and made one holy mess pouring cupcake batter into the tins? Her kitchen must look like a bomb went off by the time she finishes anything.
Who knew that pre-made Wilton icing could make such a mess?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

P.J. (#61), and I remember when she made them for the kids,
following a recipe (I think it was Henry's pancakes?). Then she
asserted on another episode that real cooks don't use recipes!
And then she published a cookbook which tanked (is it still listed
as "coming soon" on her website?).

It'll be interesting to see how these new episodes try to present
her. Frazzled mom? Pretty young single parent ready to date
again? BFF to teens, but flummoxed by the other 6? The show
itself may be a hot boring mess, but keeping track of the lies and
inconsistencies is compelling.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've watched the tape of trump talking, and was actually surprised that he would be so occupied in his imitation of the reporter. He was moving his arms very deliberately, he knew exactly what he was doing, and now he is lying about it, just like he lied about the "thousands celebrating".
I'm with you. Trump was imitating the reporter's spasticity as if that's funny.
Of course he responds by dismissing his actions and trashing the paper the reporter works for.
I'll say this, Trump never fails to double down. I guess that's an entitlement that comes be being very rich and very powerful.
No one is going to speak truth to power.

Tucker's Mom said...

I loved the Apprentice on TV. Trump has confused the play acting done for reality TV with real life.
Anytime I think Trump might possibly NOT be a disaster as a President, I remind myself that he said that if he were POTUS, he wouldn't have allowed the American doctors and medical personnel back home when they contracted ebola.
That just angered me. You just don't leave a man down.

TLC stinks said...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump's support among Republicans has dropped 12 points in less than a week, marking the real estate mogul's biggest decline since he vaulted to the top of the field in July, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Trump was the favorite of 31 percent of Republicans in a rolling poll in the five days ended on Nov. 27. That was down from a peak of 43 percent registered on Nov. 22.

The dip follows criticism of Trump for comments he made in the aftermath of the Nov. 13 Paris attacks that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more.

Following the attacks, Trump told an NBC News reporter that he would support requiring all Muslims within the United States to be registered to a special database, which his critics have likened to the mandatory registration of Jews in Nazi Germany.

Trump has also been criticized for flailing his arms and distorting his speech as he mocked a New York Times reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who is disabled.

Trump mocked the reporter as he defended his unsubstantiated assertion that during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, he watched on television as "thousands and thousands" of people in New Jersey cheered while the World Trade Center fell.

TLC stinks said...

Serge Kovaleski has been reporting on Trump for over 20 years from the Washington Post, NY Daily News and The NY Times. For example, in 1989 he spent an entire day with Trump, along with other reporters, when Trump launched his Trump shuttle. Trump was angry when Kovaleski's lead was that the shuttle was 18 minutes late after Trump boasted the shuttle would always be on time. You can't say that Trump did not notice the guy's disability. As a narcissist, Trump is obsessed about what is written about him.

NJGal51 said...

If someone came up to me and told me that "tawkin wit my hands" is such a stereotype of Italians, I'd tell them "Stereotype this!" while giving them another stereotypical gesture. Don't get us Italians riled up because we're all a bunch of hot heads and might have you whacked!

P.J. said...

NJGal51 said... 73
If someone came up to me and told me that "tawkin wit my hands" is such a stereotype of Italians, I'd tell them "Stereotype this!" while giving them another stereotypical gesture. Don't get us Italians riled up because we're all a bunch of hot heads and might have you whacked!


Iz yoos talkin' ta me? Fugetaboutit. Capish?

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 73
If someone came up to me and told me that "tawkin wit my hands" is such a stereotype of Italians, I'd tell them "Stereotype this!" while giving them another stereotypical gesture. Don't get us Italians riled up because we're all a bunch of hot heads and might have you whacked!

Well, Italians "know people", ah-ite?

I kid you not, growing up, my Italian neighbors 2 doors down were deeply connected.
They also owned a pizza parlor and grandpa made wine in the garage, so whataya gonna do?
Our neighborhood was either very, very safe, or very, very dangerous!

Dmasy said...

Madonna mia.

My Italian 4'5" Grandmother spoke eloquently with her hands and arms. If she was cooking and talking at the same time, the spoon with spaghetti sauce with splatter spots of sauce on the wall.

A long sentence could qualify as cardio exercise!

Tucker's Mom said...

A long sentence could qualify as cardio exercise!

Janice in Mo said...

Anytime I think Trump might possibly NOT be a disaster as a President, I remind myself that he said that if he were POTUS, he wouldn't have allowed the American doctors and medical personnel back home when they contracted ebola.
That just angered me. You just don't leave a man down

In this case, I believe you do. Bringing those infected back to the US was dangerous. We were not prepared. We still are seeing affects of Ebola in mens semen.

Trump is willing to make hard choices and I for one believe this country needs an individual who will do just that.

Dmasy said...

My Italian grandparents raised a family of 10 children in Lynbrook, Long Island.

In the early 1900's, Grandpa owned a corner bar with little rooms upstairs. My mother always insisted the rooms were for private conversations and not for what we grand children assumed.

Grandpa spent his days in an office in the back of the bar. He gave "advice" -- who to vote for, how to invest your money, which businesses to boycott. Grandpa always traveled with two men in dark coats and fedora hats. My mother insists they were just "good friends" who went every where with her father. (The grandkids always rolled our eyes at her explanations -- photos indicate something else. Maybe it is the bulge of guns under the tight coats!)

Grandpa died while my mother was in high school. I think meeting him would have been interesting.

This post should have a photo of Grandpa and Grandma attached. As I mentioned earlier, Grandma was just 4'5" tall in her later years.

PS: I bet many of us have fascinating immigrant grandparent/great-grandparent stories. Please share.

Rainbirdie said...

Dmasy said... 78
PS: I bet many of us have fascinating immigrant grandparent/great-grandparent stories. Please share.
My great-grandmother was a child of Italian immigrants - born in 1898. Sometime in the late 1920's/early 1930's, she was the first woman in her county to get a drivers license.

Midnight Madness said...

Don't perpetuate awful caricatures of entire groups of people by casually saying 'im Italian'. You may have visited there but you were not born and raised there.


In order to be Italian, one must have been born and raised there? Who would have thought it? No Italian blood in my veins. I wasn't born there.

It's an "awful caricature" to say that any group of people uses hand gestures when they speak? How is it awful? It's not derogatory at all. So they use hand what?

Midnight Madness said...

Grandpa always traveled with two men in dark coats and fedora hats. My mother insists they were just "good friends" who went every where with her father. (The grandkids always rolled our eyes at her explanations -- photos indicate something else. Maybe it is the bulge of guns under the tight coats!)


Dmasy -- thanks for the story! I thought you were going to say that the 'friends" were of the same sex, and Grandpa preferred them to Grandma. I wasn't sure where you were going with the bulges in the pants!

Tucker's Mom said...

Grandpa always traveled with two men in dark coats and fedora hats.
The men did dress sharply, with suits and fedoras.
Cadillacs and limousines for traveling in style.

Tucker's Mom said...

I was watching QVC great gifts and thought this would be an easy way for you to buy Christmas gifts as they had things for everyone, and every budget. I suggested it to my mother in law who lives in assisted living. We can take her out to shop but it generally overwhelms her, claims we are rushing her.
I think it's a tough spot to be in because malls are hectic and large, and shopping online can also be overwhelming and scary for many older people.
I remember my mom would get frustrated and depressed that she couldn't get around to shop as much. After some time, she just gave cashola.
Hope you can help your DM!

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 79
My Italian grandparents raised a family of 10 children in Lynbrook, Long Island.
MIL is from Long Island. Her mother owned a German deli.
She says the saddest day ever was when her DM couldn't remember how to make the chicken salad, which was a staple in her shop.
MIL moved to NJ ages ago, but you can't miss her LI accent! ~ Administrator said...

If someone came up to me and told me that "tawkin wit my hands" is such a stereotype of Italians, I'd tell them "Stereotype this!" while giving them another stereotypical gesture. Don't get us Italians riled up because we're all a bunch of hot heads and might have you whacked!


Haha. You got that right!

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason and my family and I are proud of who we are.

Tucker's Mom said...

It's an "awful caricature" to say that any group of people uses hand gestures when they speak? How is it awful? It's not derogatory at all. So they use hand what?
It's part of Italian culture and Italian Americans have continued what is a defining part of the culture.The conveyance of communication through the hands is quite beautiful and endearing.

Sherry Baby said...

Nobody is telling anyone what can or can't be discussed on this blog. Jumping in to the middle of the comments is problematic because the gist is lost.

Uh, oh. No jumping allowed! Then we have a problem here with PC/political discussions going on along with cultural heritage! The "hand gestures" of Trump led to hand gestures of Italians, which led to stories of immigrants and awful caricatures. I hope nothing is taken out of context and nobody gets lost following the discussion.

This is not deflection, but a comment on admin's post about being PC:

If the immigrants entered the country illegally and they aren't illegal immigrants then what are they? ~ Administrator said...

Following the attacks, Trump told an NBC News reporter that he would support requiring all Muslims within the United States to be registered to a special database, which his critics have likened to the mandatory registration of Jews in Nazi Germany.


I wouldn't have summarized it like that. Trump was specifically talking about immigration when he made those comments. Which incidentally, we already do. All immigrants are in a database if they go through immigration legally, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. So I guess Trump wants what we are already doing?

Here's a breakdown of the actual quotes, and in context, they're nothing if not confusing. Hopefully the next debates will clarify what exactly it is he wants. The coverage of Trump has been very agenda-driven, and it shows. Why not just report things objectively? It just adds fuel to the fire.

Tucker's Mom said...

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason and my family and I are proud of who we are.
My ancestry is Polish and believe me, I grew up hearing every "dumb Polack" joke there is.
But in fact, the term "dumb Polack" was coined by Germans in WWII when stubborn Polish people in Warsaw just wouldn't give up fighting the invading Germans, and in the face of being outgunned and outflanked at every turn, they held their ground with their pitchforks until their deaths.

Knowing the origin of the term takes the sting out quite a bit, and there have been quite a few brilliant Polacks along the way!

Rainbirdie said...

If the immigrants entered the country illegally and they aren't illegal immigrants then what are they?
I personally prefer to use 'undocumented' rather than illegal. Not because I'm trying to be 'pc' but because 'illegal alien' has always sounded so odd to me. Murder is illegal. Stealing is illegal. The immigrant is undocumented. I guess that's just how my brain works.

P.J. said...

Admin said...

Why not just report things objectively?


I lost faith in the media a long time ago. A not-so-local radio station's tagline was "We'll not only bring you the latest news, we'll tell you what it means." Uh, no thanks. You report on the 5 Ws and I'll figure out for myself what it means. It boggles my mind that news outlets are known as liberal or conservative. That's just wrong, IMO.

As Joe Friday used to say, "Just the facts, ma'am."

Tucker's Mom said...

It boggles my mind that news outlets are known as liberal or conservative. That's just wrong, IMO.

As Joe Friday used to say, "Just the facts, ma'am."
Newspapers have turned into agenda-driven rags for the most part.
Not that I'm defending Trump, but I found a recent front page of the Style section's careful and surgically sharp dissection of Trump's ill-fitting wardrobe to be positively childish.
The so-called tv journalists are even worse- on both sides.

PA Dutch Mom said...

But in fact, the term "dumb Polack" was coined by Germans in WWII when stubborn Polish people in Warsaw just wouldn't give up fighting the invading Germans, and in the face of being outgunned and outflanked at every turn, they held their ground with their pitchforks until their deaths.

Knowing the origin of the term takes the sting out quite a bit, and there have been quite a few brilliant Polacks along the way!


Ah, so my ancestors are responsible for calling your ancestors "dumb!" Es tut mir sehr leid! :-)

Math Girl said...

P.J. said... 66

It's a very cool little website. It doesn't make the URL clickable, but I don't care for the clickable links. They take you off the website you're on. I'd rather C & P the link myself in a new window.
I agree. I make the text on this site really big, for ease of reading. when I click on links, I usually have to make it smaller, and then, when I come back. I'm not where I started because of the size change.

I believe it's different on tablets, phones, etc. On them it's easier to re-size and harder to cut and paste.

Tucker's Mom said...

Es tut mir sehr leid
Eh, fuggetaboutit ;-)
And dziękuję

Math Girl said...

Here's a quote from Trump that shows why he is so confusing. It's from the article truth-o-meter Admin posted.

"But I do want databases for those people coming in, but I also insist on a wall. And it was all fine, all of a sudden I end up with some story, and I’m saying, what are you talking about? So here’s the story -- just to say it clear -- I want surveillance of these people. I want surveillance if we have to, and I don’t care. Are you ready for this folks? Are you ready? They’re going to make it such a big deal … I want surveillance of certain mosques."

For me it's the "these people" that causes the problem. Is he talking about Syrian refugees? Is he talking about all Muslim immigrants? Is he talking about all Muslims?

First he talks about "those people coming in". That may be Syrian refugees, but he wants a wall to keep them out, so maybe he's talking about people entering illegally from Mexico, or he could be talking about Canadian tourists for all we know, since they are "people coming in"

He then segues through "these people" (presumably those who are "coming in" but may include those who are "already here") to "certain mosques" (which ones? do any US citizens attend them?)

I think he's misunderstood because he speaks very poorly and imprecisely, and I wonder if at times even he knows exactly what he's talking about. Or if he's talking about three things at once.

AuntieAnn said...

I just read that Trump is bringing an elephant to his rally in Florida.


...send in the clowns ...there ought to be clowns...

don't bother, they're here...♫ ~ Administrator said...

I think he's misunderstood because he speaks very poorly and imprecisely, and I wonder if at times even he knows exactly what he's talking about.


He doesn't listen to the question. He has a thought in his head and circles around it, and it may or may not answer the specific question asked.

The reporter wanted to talk about Muslims at home, he was still stuck on Syrians abroad and immigration.

He reminds me of Kate in the way he circles a topic and is hard to follow sometimes like she is.

In any case, in nowhere in that conversation did he ever, ever say, I want a database for all American Muslims. Yet, somehow that's how the media is reporting it. It's simply incorrect.

A better, fairer headline is, 'Wtf did Trump say about Muslims?'

fidosmommy said...

"Flustered" is the perfect word to describe Trump. And it's a lot more PC than "manic", since I'm not a doctor. Yeah, chronically flustered works.

TLC stinks said...

A general database of all legal immigrants entering this country is a whole different ball of wax from targeting a specific religious group such as Trump proposing to target mosques as hotbeds of terrorism ( this ain't Belgium, folks). When there was backlash to his comment he would not rule out a Muslim database, then he had to first, bash the reporter who asked the question, then specifically said he was referring to Syrian refugees. We have refugee security measures in place. All Trump does is stir up racism. According to the US State Dept,, Syrian refugees have been entering the US since 2010 after extensive security screening. None have been arrested for terrorism. Majority are women and children, 77%. Since 2011 only 2200 have entered the US with an increase to 10,000 in 2016. Most Syrian refugees are Christian. I think he thinks they are all Muslim, therefore potential terrorists. If Trump understood what is going on behind the scenes in protecting Americans from terrorists, he would shut his trap.

Today Trump said “Worldwide, the Muslims were absolutely going wild,” the real estate mogul said at a campaign rally in Sarasota, Florida.

Read more at Reuters

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin, Post #80 is Flimsy -- not me, FlimsyFlamsy. Although the poster was obviously pretending to be me by signing off with FF.
It was a thinly veiled attempt to get personal information from
one of our posters, and I find it deplorable. This is the 3rd time
my name has been used, and I'd appreciate it if Post #80 was
removed. Thank you.

P.J. said...

redbird said...

I wish the real FF and me and others could exchange email addresses and could communicate in that way or DM on twitter or private message on FB.


Are you saying you want to be "communicatin' in other ways"? LOL

Dmasy said...

FlimsyFlamsy, sorry. You do not deserve to have your kind personality mis-used. Don't you just wonder why strangers want to cause this kind of disruption??

redbird said...

Rainbirdie said... 81
Dmasy said... 78
PS: I bet many of us have fascinating immigrant grandparent/great-grandparent stories. Please share.
My great-grandmother was a child of Italian immigrants - born in 1898. Sometime in the late 1920's/early 1930's, she was the first woman in her county to get a drivers license.


Oh, yes, Dmasy, I have a bunch!

My maternal great-grandfather played the fiddle and my great-grandmother played the piano at church. They were asked to play at a dance and they went. When my ggmothers church found out about it, they immediately kicked her out. (Southern Baptist) My mother wants to go to the church in the near future to see the records to see if they have any record of it. She really wants to have her record cleared.

My maternal great-grandfather is on film plowing a mule around 1960. This means that my grandson can see his great-great-great grandfather plowing a field with a mule. 6 generations.

My grandkids great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was from GA. He was in town one day in 1840-1850 and there was a young lady in town and a man was harassing her. The man wouldn't stop. My 3 great-grandfather asked him to stop and the man ignored him and kept on and getting worse. He asked him again and then the man pushed my 3 great-grandfather. Then he pushed him back, but he fell back and fell down and hit his head on something and it killed him.

The sheriff came and realized it was self-defense and told my 3 great-grandfather that he needed to pack up and leave because his people would kill him. So that day, my 3 great-grandfather packed his family and headed west to the next state and settled and that is how his grandson met my grandmother and had my mother then me then my ds, then my dgkids.

On my paternal side. My great-grandparents grew apart because my great- grandfather had a mistress and he had children with her. My great grandparents lived on top of the mountain and when he left her with the children that they had together, she went crazy. She would go outside in the middle of the night in her long old fashioned nightgown and scream for her husband. The neighbors could hear her screaming in the middle of the night his name and where are you? Come back! Over and over again!

It would be so scary to hear my great grandparents and great aunt talking about it. They lived at the bottom of the mountain and we would be there at night and have to go home and I could turn and look up at the mountain from the house and just hear her! OOHH!

Reminds me of Resurrection Mary in Chicago!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

It would be so scary to hear my great grandparents and great aunt talking about it. They lived at the bottom of the mountain and we would be there at night and have to go home and I could turn and look up at the mountain from the house and just hear her! OOHH!

Reminds me of Resurrection Mary in Chicago!


If the old homestead is still there, is she haunting it?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

"Flustered" is the perfect word to describe Trump. And it's a lot more PC than "manic", since I'm not a doctor. Yeah, chronically flustered works.


What about "passionate" in what he believes?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

If the immigrants entered the country illegally and they aren't illegal immigrants then what are they?
I personally prefer to use 'undocumented' rather than illegal. Not because I'm trying to be 'pc' but because 'illegal alien' has always sounded so odd to me. Murder is illegal. Stealing is illegal. The immigrant is undocumented. I guess that's just how my brain works.


I prefer to call a spade a spade. It they entered this country without proper documentation, then they are illegal immigrants. The "alien" part of it sort of bothers me, though. I keep picturing little green men with large heads and squinty eyes.

Jane said...

Speaking of our long, lost relatives … I had an aunt who was really into genealogy, back when there was no She visited libraries all around the country and much to our surprise, found that one of our ancestors signed the U.S. Constitution. That and a couple of dollars will get me on the subway! ~ Administrator said...

So sorry about that Flimsy.

Mel said...

Passionately flustered? I guess that works.

He just likes to run his mouth. I'm not sure a lot of thought is behind all that.

He reminds of me of TFW in that he can't seem to articulate clearly what he means. Talks in circles, backpedals like crazy, spits out sentence fragments aren't connected to one another. And it's *your* fault if it's not clear. Everyone's a moron except them. ~ Administrator said...

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but has anyone heard of Godwin's law?

I just remembered it because it came up in a court of appeal case this summer in which the plaintiffs, CalTrans, tried to compare an injured motorcyclist to a Nazi due to some emblems on his vehicle.

It goes like this: "In forensics there is what has become known as “Godwin‟s Law.” Broadly speaking, Godwin‟s law is that the first side in an argument to compare the other side to Hitler or the Nazis loses."

If Godwin's law works out, Trump wins! #ohdear

AuntieAnn said...

He reminds of me of TFW in that he can't seem to articulate clearly what he means. Talks in circles, backpedals like crazy, spits out sentence fragments aren't connected to one another.


Adult ADHD?

I think you're right, Mel. The election is a bright and shiny coin right now and he's attracted to it like a magpie. The attention he's getting is about the biggest narcissistic supply anyone could ask for. I wonder if the novelty of campaigning and having people so focused on him will eventually wear off and he'll move on to some other shiny thing in a few months the same way Kate always does.

fidosmommy said...

"Flustered" is the perfect word to describe Trump. And it's a lot more PC than "manic", since I'm not a doctor. Yeah, chronically flustered works.


What about "passionate" in what he believes?

Nah, that one doesn't work for me. I'll stick with chronically flustered.

AuntieAnn said...

Don't you just wonder why strangers want to cause this kind of disruption??


Trolls and drive-by posters are about as mature as kids who sneak out at night to play knock-on-nine-doors.

Mel said...

Adult ADHD is a possibility. I was going to say that they both seem to have the same kind of scattered thinking. Whatever is wrong, they seem to have the same thing.

Kind of like all the neurons are firing, but none are receiving. Both are incapable of self reflection, learning from mistakes or mis-fires. They both do the same things that get them into trouble over and over and never seem to learn from it.

Jane said...

That's a new one for me AuntieAnn - knock on nine doors!

Jane said...

Great post Mel, scattered thinking. The more I think of either of them, which hurts my brain, the more that seems right.

Where's NE Psychologist these days. Wonder if she'd agree.

AuntieAnn said...

Jane - They run around the neighborhood and ring doorbells then hide to see the reaction when people answer their door.

Small minds enjoy small pleasures I suppose.

Jane said...

That does sound like something the trolls and drive-bys would enjoy, AuntieAnn. In fact, bet they play rock, paper, scissors to see who rings the doorbell first.

prairiemary said...

If tfw really believed that the show was really for and about the kids, then why wouldn't she ask tlc to invite Jon to do a cooking episode, teaching HIS kids about the history of Korean food, and teach them how to cook a couple of simple dishes? Or where did those Korean genes the kids have come from?

All This Is That said...

I believe him...this time. I just don't think that he would mock anyone with a disability. He's explained what happened and the media isn't going to let it go. Is it because they have been digging and digging to find skeletons and/or lies in his closet and can't seem to find anything substantial to report?

One of these times, though, he might do something really dumb that can't be explained away, but on this, I'll give him a pass. It would be political suicide to stand up in public and poke fun at someone who has a physical disability. I know that he blurts things out, but to carry it that far as to insult someone because of a disease just doesn't work for me.

Where is Milo? Kate's gone. Are they together again, walking hand in hand by that pond? ~ Administrator said...

Yes. Trump has said once again, he would not make fun of him for a disability. He simply would not do it. Trump has never denied anything before like he has this one. It's not his style to be so firm about correcting the record. I take notice.

He's either insane and a pathological liar, or he's telling the truth.

The idea that he happened to make fun of the guy at the exact same moment he was talking about someone waffling and going back and forth (with corresponding hand gestures), is an amazing coincidence.

What's more, Trump talks with his hands. All...the....time. Watch his show.

I agree with All This is That that it makes no sense politically to do that. Why in the world would he do that?

So it goes back to I guess you have to believe he's insane and a pathological liar if he did that. I suppose that's one option. For me, he certainly marches to his own drum and doesn't care what people think, but I don't think he's *insane.*

Sherry Baby said...

One of the things I don't understand about politicians, and people like Hillary and Kate, is why they continue to lie, even if it's just an exaggeration that builds (in the media) and becomes a big untruth? Wouldn't you think that they'd be smart enough to know that eventually everything comes out in the wash? Or don't narcissists realize that they are lying and therefore just continue, thinking that it doesn't matter and they are above all of that? It would seem to me that it would be very difficult remembering what story you've told. Would you need a personal assistant, such as Gladys, to keep track of everything for you?

Mel said...

We've talked about that with TFW...she lies when there's no reason to lie. She can't help herself.

swingsandroundabouts said...

Donald Trump reminds me of Archie Bunker: a stumbling, bumbling and totally unaware bigot. If that's passionate and refreshing, I really don't get it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 125
We've talked about that with TFW...she lies when there's no reason to lie. She can't help herself.
The tweet to Bindi Irwin, telling her she hadn't had time to watch her dance until the final competition, when the Mirror Ball was all but Bindi's.
Especially odd now that I'm not sure they went to the DWTS finale.

Who knows where she schlepped them off to this time.

Mel said...

I don't find anything refreshing about Trump. He's just a richer version of Jesse Ventura.

Both like to run their mouths, but it comes time to put their money where their mouth is, and it's a colossal fail. Nothing refreshing about that.

TLC stinks said...

Interesting article in this morning's Washington Post on Trump's tactics to discredit reporters who write unflattering articles about him. Do not give Trump a pass regarding his mocking of the disabled reporter. Trump NEVER forgets and holds grudges.

Call Me Crazy said...

Trump creates his own reality. And when he creates realities not grounded in fact, or attacks people who question his version of reality, it doesn’t matter whether he has malicious intent or not. He does plenty of damage when he fabricates facts to suit his narrative.

His supporters, and people who are simply intrigued or amused by him, are constantly making excuses for him. They make excuses when he plays fast and loose with facts, or simply makes things up. They excuse him when he ridicules people. They overlook his inflammatory words when he tries to pit certain groups of people against other groups of people. They say, “Well, Donald said this, but he really meant this.” That is a dangerous game.

Any person running for the presidency of this country, or for any office charged with representing “the people,” should not have their thoughts and words and behaviors open to interpretation. Diplomacy and leadership are difficult enough when people are clear in the meaning of their words and actions. It is completely irresponsible, even delusional, for Trump or anyone to make incendiary statements simply because they believe something happened, even when it did not.

The case with Trump’s fabrications about Arabs in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 is a perfect example of how irresponsible he is. Trump did not make his statement based on some little article he read about some people celebrating. He insisted that he had seen these celebrations with his own eyes. He said, “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

There is no excuse for this. So when the excuses run out, Trump’s supporters resort to complaining that the media is out to get him. While there are plenty of media types who are trying to make a name for themselves, there are far more who do a very good job. Journalists have a duty to question anyone about the inaccuracies or falsehoods they spew. That is not “gotcha” journalism; it is the defining responsibility of the occupation.

Here is a link to a very interesting article on Trump and government by retired US Navy Chief Warrant Offficer Jim Wright:

swimgirl said...

Call Me Crazy said... 130
Well written, completely agree.

Jillgee said...

I believe him...this time. I just don't think that he would mock anyone with a disability. He's explained what happened and the media isn't going to let it go. Is it because they have been digging and digging to find skeletons and/or lies in his closet and can't seem to find anything substantial to report?

Did you not see the video of him clearly mocking the reporters' disability?

P.J. said...

Call Me Crazy said...


Whoa! Thanks for posting that.

Jane said...

Jillygee, the video made it so clear IMO that he was mocking this reporter, whom he'd met many times.

Mel said...

Both Trump and Jessie seemed to think that they're being elected pope...that they can do whatever they want once elected. They don't recognize thay they have a congress to deal with. Or "the people", to whom they are also accountable. Or those weird things called laws, to which they must comply.

Trump, much to his dismay, will discover that he wasn't elected dictator. Or King.

And then he'll run off pouting and wailing that everyone's 'out to get him' when he can't run roughshod over everyone.

The hard part is that he isn't the same old, same old and that *is* refreshing. The offset is that he is a loud mouth boor. Classy the man ain't.

redbird said...

I saw the video of Trump making fun of the disabled reporter. The mocking was awful. I gasped. He shouldn't of done it. He shouldn't of even thought about doing it.

I just wish that TFW would of got half the heat Trump is getting now when TFW made the cruel comments about Camp Barnabas.

Susan1956 said...

OT, but wonder if JimBoob is a-wishing and a-hoping to land Mr. Tebow for one of his girls. ~ Administrator said...

Both Trump and Jessie seemed to think that they're being elected pope...that they can do whatever they want once elected. They don't recognize thay they have a congress to deal with. Or "the people", to whom they are also accountable. Or those weird things called laws, to which they must comply.


The same could be said of the current administration which seems to think consulting Congress is optional.

Anonymous said...

I've watched the Trump video a few times and even if I discount his "gestures", his "tone" is clearly mocking the reporter. The total affect is offensive.

bm ~ Administrator said...

Trump never said he wasn't mocking the reporter. He was mocking him, for waffling and back peddling.

He simply said he wasn't mocking him for being *disabled.*

redbird said...

FlimsyFlamsy, I thought at first it was the troll because it was just Flimsy that signed on. Then the FF made me think, yes, it probably is because you don't sign on like that! But, I took a chance that it wasn't the troll.

WHY is the troll picking on you to hurt me? Using us both to have fun at our expense. I am sorry. The troll will eventually reap 10 fold all of the aggravation it has caused me and you both and anyone else here.

When you pray for your enemies, Proverbs 25:22 says, For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.

So get ready troll, here comes the fire and brimstone.

Thank you, everyone!

Sue_Buddy said... ~ Administrator said... 140
Trump never said he wasn't mocking the reporter. He was mocking him, for waffling and back peddling.

He simply said he wasn't mocking him for being *disabled.*

Is that the defense being used now? Very weak.

If that's the case, Trump showed very poor judgement. It doesn't take a genius to think his mocking could be misconstrued and blown out of proportion.

Why mock? Why not provide some facts to bolster his argument. Mocking is so juvenile. He's such an embarrassment.


Math Girl said... ~ Administrator said... 138
Trump never said he wasn't mocking the reporter. He was mocking him, for waffling and back peddling.

He simply said he wasn't mocking him for being *disabled.*
I raised this issue before. There's a question of whether the reporter actually backpedaled or if Trump misrepresented what he said. How does mockery add to this discussion in any way? The person with the best caricature must be correct? The one with the lowest morals?

So it's OK (maybe even praiseworthy, i.e. "refreshingly truthful") to mock people, as long as they're not handicapped? I don't think so.

It would be one thing if this were the first time Trump had done something like that, but he is appallingly superficial and inappropriate. Interrupting a discussion on the apprentice to say "you're beautiful" to a female contestant. Calling Carly Fiorina ugly as a way of discrediting her? Is "your mother wears army boots" next?

Imagine if Trump (I almost said "this man", which is dismissive language, and just the sort of thing he would say) became POTUS. Could parents ever correct their children for appallingly inappropriate behavior, or would the next generation grow up to be boorish and entitled blowhards? ~ Administrator said...

So it's OK (maybe even praiseworthy, i.e. "refreshingly truthful") to mock people, as long as they're not handicapped? I don't think so.


It's not okay. But mocking someone for things they have said and done is very different than mocking someone for something they cannot help, like a disability. I don't find mocking all that effective to the point of this particular issue, but if that's how he wants to communicate that's his prerogative.

That said, mocking is part of the foundation of modern American society. Look at SNL. It has its place.

TLC stinks said...

Trump phoned in to Meet The Press this morning. He said he saw the thousands cheering on TV and he has gotten tweets and phone calls from supporters that they remember that too. LOL. Yes. There was film of people cheering, in the MIDDLE EAST. I saw that on TV.

Then he took it further...that there were people tail gating, partying about the Twin Towers. The NJ AG investigated and that NEVER HAPPENED said Chuck Todd. Then Trump says it COULD HAVE happened. ~ Administrator said...

Trump phoned in to Meet The Press this morning.


I'm glad the media is back to discussing the ISSUES instead of going off on wild speculation about what someone kinda maybe sorta might have done or didn't do.

TLC stinks said...

Some Quotes from Trump on Meet the Press this morning:

"They were dancing in the street. And they were dancing on rooftops. I'm not makin' that up." (In NJ)

"Now I hear we want to take in 200,000 Syrians. Right? And they could be-- listen, they could be ISIS". (State Dept says only 10,000 will be accepted in 2016).

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 140
Trump never said he wasn't mocking the reporter. He was mocking him, for waffling and back peddling.

He simply said he wasn't mocking him for being *disabled.*
November 29, 2015 at 8:53 AM
I believe Trump was doing an imitation of the reporter, including and even emphasizing his physicality.
Trump's defense is really a distinction without a difference at this point.
What he did was offensive and he should apologize.
An 8-year old would understand that.

The irony is that when Rosie O'Donnell mocked Trump, absolutely pegging his physicality, he went apeshit.
In fact, now I sort of know why he likes (or tolerated) Kate: they both want to sue everyone!
Here's Bill O'Rielly (yes, I know, not everyone's cup of tea!) trying to talk some sense into Trump regarding his over-reaction to Rosie:

This is just Rosie O'Donnell poking fun at his looks and saying he went bankrupt!
Can you imagine this man at NATO meetings? The G-20 summit?


Sue said...

What's the best way to read tweets on Kate's timeline? I hear so much about the haters and fans that I'd like to be able to follow all the tweets if I can. I use an iPad and iPhone. TIA!

TLC stinks said...

Actually since Trump is the GOP front runner, the press has every right to question his truthfulness, just like Hillary. Trump makes this stuff up to be incendiary, to divide. He doesn't just shade the truth, he deliberately misstates. His supporters like what they hear because that's the world they want to live in. He says what's on his mind but it's lies. It's fair game to call him out.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why mock? Why not provide some facts to bolster his argument. Mocking is so juvenile. He's such an embarrassment.

That's why I linked Trump's interview on Bill O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly is trying over and over and over again to reason with Trump, and get through to him that responding to Rosie with maturity and with the facts would make her look bad.
But Trump wouldn't listen to reason. Rather, he wanted to exact revenge because that would make him feel superior and "win" the silly feud that Rosie, the comedian, started.

Tucker's Mom said...

That said, mocking is part of the foundation of modern American society. Look at SNL. It has its place.
There's a big difference between talented comedians, cast as political figures, providing social commentary through comedy, and the ladies of The View having a good yuck that Carly Fiorina's face looked demented and like a Halloween mask.
It's like when Kate thinks she's funny when she makes herself laugh by making fun of other people.
It's not.
Making others laugh at irony, or things that make you go "hmm", or at themselves for caring so much about stupid shit takes talent. It takes great skill to pull off political commentary skits that manage to make the truth something to have a good laugh at.

That said, it think Hillary's imitation of Trump (on SNL) fell flat because he's her opponent and she mocked the way he speaks.
Some people can get away with it and some can't.
I don't think the NRFPTP on SNL have a dog in the hunt, and that makes all the difference.
The SNL comedians also manage to make loathed characters relatable even.

At the end of the day, Trump should reach out to this reporter and offer a sincere apology. Period.
It's called putting on your big boy pants and owning it, and maybe, maybe, even learning from it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Redbird (#141), I'm so glad you were sharp enough not to respond
to the troll. Nice detective work! I won't dignify him/her with any
further comments.

Kinda funny having someone pretending to be me. If I could be
anyone else to be right now, I'd pick Adele!

Math Girl said...

TLC stinks said... 150
Actually since Trump is the GOP front runner, the press has every right to question his truthfulness, just like Hillary. Trump makes this stuff up to be incendiary, to divide. He doesn't just shade the truth, he deliberately misstates. His supporters like what they hear because that's the world they want to live in. He says what's on his mind but it's lies. It's fair game to call him out.
Or maybe he doesn't deliberately lie, he's just delusional. ~ Administrator said...

If Trump's mission is to keep the headlines, and I believe it is, he's done that for the entire Thanksgiving weekend. He's the one laughing all the way to the polls.

He plays the media like a fiddle and they fall for it every time.

The John and Ken show had a good breakdown of exactly how Trump commands this election. It's the first 15 minutes of this 1/2 hour segment:

TLC stinks said...

If Trump wanted to mock the reporter for waffling, then why invoke "the poor guy"? Second Trump did not by coincidence happen to bend his right arm and hand like the reporter. Thirdly, there is documented proof that Trump and Koveleski had personal interviews going back years. It's public record. Yet Trump says he's never met the guy. So the reporter, who Trump is basing his claim of thousands cheering 9/11 in NJ is a liar? Really, it is indefensible what Trump did. Sure, no one is above mocking, but it is offensive to mock a person's disability. Trump did no matter what he says. Even the folks this this morning on Fox admit he did.

Which brings me as to why this is a big deal. Trump does not have the temperament to be president. He consistently insults (not a good idea with Putin) and there's no way any congressman would put up with his bullying, thus more of nothing getting accomplished.

I am fairly confident he will not be the republican nominee. If by some freak chance he gets it, republicans I have spoken to will either stay home or hold their nose and vote for Hillary.

Sue_Buddy said...

That's why I linked Trump's interview on Bill O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly is trying over and over and over again to reason with Trump, and get through to him that responding to Rosie with maturity and with the facts would make her look bad.
But Trump wouldn't listen to reason. Rather, he wanted to exact revenge because that would make him feel superior and "win" the silly feud that Rosie, the comedian, started.

I watched a bit of that from the link you posted. I can only take some much of Trump, though.

Bill asked what Trump didn't shred Rosie intellectually. Good question.

Math Girl said...


Thanks for the Bill O'Reiley link ( for those who missed it.

I absolutely agree with his point that personal insults and name-calling are not a substitute for reasoned discussion.

Anonymous said...

Trump never said he wasn't mocking the reporter. He was mocking him, for waffling and back peddling.

He simply said he wasn't mocking him for being *disabled.*

This whole mocking thing Trump does says much about his character; he really is missing the grown-up gene. Another reason I find him totally unqualified for the job he seeks. Well, that and the lies, or exaggerated stories if you want to be kind.


jolie Jacquelyn said...

"Oh the poor guy you gotta see this guy....." said as Trump is turning his wrists down & waving his arms, says it all for me.

fidosmommy said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 160
"Oh the poor guy you gotta see this guy....." said as Trump is turning his wrists down & waving his arms, says it all for me.


Me too, Jolie Jacquelyn, me too. That, for me, was enough proof that this was Trump the Bully at work. There was no other conceivable reason to point out there might be something to look at. It was not germane. I honestly believe if the reporter had jug ears, Trump would have pushed his own ears forward. It is his style of being heard, no pun intended.

I have no memory why he and Rosie went to TV war, nor do I care. But what I do remember is that it was a 2-way bully bonanza that boiled down to Rosie' s fat and Donald has really bad hair and both of them can hold their own in America's Sophomoric Bitch-Off.

redbird said...

But FlimsyFlamsy, I did respond because of the small chance it was really you! I tried to C and P the post but one of the gorgeous pool boys swiffered it! Bless his heart! lol But the important thing, I suspected it was but didn't want to take the chance and not post incase it was really you.

Thanks FlimsyFlamsy, a virtual big hug to you!

Winsomeone said...

Since Kate has had the eight for every minute of their long Thanksgiving vacation, can I then assume that Jon will have them for most of their Christmas break? That is usually how visitation works, right?

KellyAnne said...

Playing the media like a fiddle and laughing all the way to the polls by making fun of someone's disability? That's some twisted logic on Trump's part if that is, in fact, what he's doing. It's like a high school kid making fun of someone to make him feel better about himself, while his equally insecure group of friends cheer him on. Trump is an idiot of epic proportions and there is no way he is remotely qualified to lead this country.

And if this latest incident wasn't enough, let's not overlook that he is a draft dodger, has bankrupted his corporations four times, and sucks so bad at relationships with women, he has 3 failed marriages. Presidential material? No way? SNL fodder? Yes way!

foxy said...

In the promo for Kate's "date", what is wrong with her hair? It looks greasy and matted and like she has more extensions placed. The face is way off also. For 40 years old she is not aging well and those stupid faces she pulls should have stopped by 4th grade.

Tucker's Mom said...

foxy said... 165
In the promo for Kate's "date", what is wrong with her hair? It looks greasy and matted and like she has more extensions placed. The face is way off also. For 40 years old she is not aging well and those stupid faces she pulls should have stopped by 4th grade.
November 29, 2015 at 3:07 PM
Kate had full hair and makeup done for her "blind" date, because don't we all?
Interesting that her former wingman, Jamie, is nowhere in sight for this latest push to get Kate a dating show. ~ Administrator said...

Interesting that her former wingman, Jamie, is nowhere in sight for this latest push to get Kate a dating show.


Jamie's been pretty quiet since the great American west trip. I wonder if she's moved on.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamie's been pretty quiet since the great American west trip. I wonder if she's moved on.
November 29, 2015 at 4:40 PM
I'm glad Jamie hasn't brought her kids back into the 3-ring circus that is Kate+8, which is to say, The Kate Show.

fidosmommy said...

Jamie's been pretty quiet since the great American west trip. I wonder if she's moved on.

Oh, I hope so.

"Long distance, occasional texts" is the best kind of relationship for
Jamie to have with Kate, IMO.

PA Dutch Mom said...

In the promo for Kate's "date", what is wrong with her hair? It looks greasy and matted and like she has more extensions placed. The face is way off also.


Her hair is always greasy and matted, or strawy and fried. There is nothing in between. Trust me.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#166), no, it's quite an ordinary situation:
a guy, a girl, and the girl's hair, makeup and wardrobe
people. Oh, and the girl's camera crew, sound guy, and

And keep in mind, whatever this dude spends on the date is
part of the production budget. I don't care if he whips out a
roll of money that could choke a horse. Every penny will be
reimbursed by TLC -- the network that brings you the realest
reality show evah. ~ Administrator said...

To this day I feel so bad for Clay being bullied around by the Gosselin kids.

I think the worst kind of "best friend" is the one who always takes her own children's side over yours without ever willing to be an objective judge over the situation. Jamie and Ashley were fair in judging the situation and choosing sides.

I don't think Kate has a fair bone in her body. As much as she has not been kind to her children, she is the type who will take their side over teachers, bus drivers and best friends no matter what. And that's annoying.

PA Dutch Mom said...

And if this latest incident wasn't enough, let's not overlook that he is a draft dodger, has bankrupted his corporations four times, and sucks so bad at relationships with women, he has 3 failed marriages.


He pulled himself out of bankruptcy, and as for his failed marriages -- it takes two to tango. He had two marriages that ended in divorce, to Ivana and Marla...not three. As far as I know, he is still married to Melania.

Tucker's Mom said...

And keep in mind, whatever this dude spends on the date is
part of the production budget. I don't care if he whips out a
roll of money that could choke a horse. Every penny will be
reimbursed by TLC -- the network that brings you the realest
reality show evah.
Ah, that's what really makes a girl feel special ;-)

Jamesvader1194 said...

Can anyone here imagine if Jamie came out and said that her and Kate are no longer friends?Im sure the fans would have the same react like with every other 1 of Kate's ex friends/family members,meaning its somehow Jamie's fault.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

So get ready troll, here comes the fire and brimstone.

Thank you, everyone!


I think we all know who that troll is, redbird.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I believe him...this time. I just don't think that he would mock anyone with a disability. He's explained what happened and the media isn't going to let it go. Is it because they have been digging and digging to find skeletons and/or lies in his closet and can't seem to find anything substantial to report?

Did you not see the video of him clearly mocking the reporters' disability?


I think that we've all seen it, and whether or not he was "clearly" mocking the disability has been discussed by him and by the media. We've commented about Trump using hand gestures when he speaks, whether or not he knew that the reporter has such a disability, etc. etc. and in my opinion, he is who he is and can make a fool out of himself, but not to the point where he would make fun of a physical handicap, and certainly not when his place in the polls is on the line.

Susie Cincinnati said...

I was trying to remember if we ever had a draft dodger as President. I recall that there was something questionable about Bill Clinton, and so I googled it.

Second paragraph, first line of the ROTC letter"

"First, I want to thank you, not only for saving me from the draft, but for being so kind to me last summer, when I was as low as I have ever been." ~ Administrator said...

Clinton was a draft dodger, and Hillary met him just a few years later. It seems to me that's a guilt by association thing. Why would you even be with someone who sent other people to die in their place? When they were dating, didn't she ask how he managed to avoid Vietnam? What did she say to him when she found out what he did? Did she support this, or did she let him know she condemned such actions? If dodging is going to be an issue, I'd like to know the answers to those questions. Fair is fair. Clinton went on to win a commanding victory over war hero Bob Dole. Conveniently, Americans did care what he did then.

George W. Bush was also a draft dodger. It did not making a difference apparently in electing our last two presidents. In fact it was barely talked about. Now, naturally, it's an issue, because people badly have an agenda to see that guy go. Love him or hate him, elections should be fair and consistent and not be driven by agendas. If draft dodging is something that is going to be on the table, then Hillary needs to be part of the discussion and asked about her husband.

On the other hand, during Vietnam my dad volunteered the moment he turned 18, regardless of the draft. It didn't matter to him, he was going to serve his country when so many others were trying to get out of it, including many people we have elected no questions asked in major and minor elections.

P.J. said...

It seems to me that an easy way to settle the dispute as to whether or not Trump was mocking a reporter's disability would be to find other videos of Trump making the same hand gestures when he's mocking someone who isn't disabled. Lord knows there are miles of footage of him out there.

Not me, though. I'll be busy...over here...doing, um, stuff. ;)

redbird said... ~ Administrator said... 166
Interesting that her former wingman, Jamie, is nowhere in sight for this latest push to get Kate a dating show.


Jamie's been pretty quiet since the great American west trip. I wonder if she's moved on.


Admin, Jamie was at the house when she and TFW were in the kitchen sitting on the barstools, was that the clown party or something party? Jamie was pictured standing on the counter, barefooted and scrubbing the oven vent. Was this after the RV trip?

Remember they recovered the barstools. Didn't she put them in her yard sale?

She is still hanging on to Deanna. Maybe Jamie has moved on.

IMO, maybe Jamie tried to negotiate for more money, TFW heard about it and had her dumped. Maybe Jamie did that to finally cut the cord. Wondering my opinion out loud.

Granny said...

George W. Bush was not a draft dodger. See link: ~ Administrator said...

Admin, Jamie was at the house when she and TFW were in the kitchen sitting on the barstools, was that the clown party or something party? Jamie was pictured standing on the counter, barefooted and scrubbing the oven vent. Was this after the RV trip?


Oh yeah I remember that now. Was that this year's birthday or last? I think it was last year's. So, a year and a half ago is when she was last seen, is that right?

Math Girl said...

Granny said... 182
George W. Bush was not a draft dodger. See link:
Sorry, Granny, but joining the National Guard during the Vietnam War was a way of avoiding the draft. So was being a student. I believe fathers of young children were also exempt (or deferred indefinitely), but don't recall for sure.

Sue_Buddy said...

Granny said... 182
George W. Bush was not a draft dodger. See link:

Thanks for posting that link that differentiates Clinton, the draft dodger from GW Bush, who even with the controversy surrounding his active military service, was not.

Ulysses said...

When you pray for your enemies, Proverbs 25:22 says, For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.

redbird, this is exactly what turns me off of religion. Isn't God supposed to be 'all loving' and forgiveness? Is God vengeful and petty enough that he would 'punish' some anonymous being for posting rude things on an obscure blog?

Because if he is, then why isn't he vengeful enough to punish more important people, like, say, ISIS, for example?

Religion confuses me and, imho, is part of the problem in the world, if not THE problem. I don't get it.

NJGal51 said...

Math girl said...Sorry, Granny, but joining the National Guard during the Vietnam War was a way of avoiding the draft. So was being a student. I believe fathers of young children were also exempt (or deferred indefinitely), but don't recall for sure.
So every young man that went to college during the Vietnam Nam Conflict went to avoid the draft?

Math Girl said...

NJGal51 said... 187
Math girl said...Sorry, Granny, but joining the National Guard during the Vietnam War was a way of avoiding the draft. So was being a student. I believe fathers of young children were also exempt (or deferred indefinitely), but don't recall for sure.
So every young man that went to college during the Vietnam Nam Conflict went to avoid the draft?

No, of course not. Being a student gave a deferment only, would be eligible for the draft on graduation. But a lot of students hoped the war would be over, or they could serve in a non-combat capacity upon graduation. Not every young man who had children during the Vietnam War or joined the National Guard did it to avoid combat either. But it was well known at that time that it was hard to get into the National Guard because it was a way of avoiding combat.

The soldiers who saw combat in Vietnam were generally poorer, less educated, and blacker than their contemporaries who didn't. Of course, that didn't apply in every case.

In particular, there is a section on the US and the Vietnam War.

Anonymous said...

Would you say that about Laura Bush then? Or Donald Trump's several wives? Sorry, that is a naive argument. Under the law of the time, many fine young men took advantage of student deferments. It was not illegal. I was a student then; obviously my perspective is different from yours. And if I had had a student of college age, I would have done everything possible to keep him from that ugly war. This is where I should be scrolling by. Note to self, take a break.


TLC stinks said...

Bill Clinton, as many others who were completing their education, got deferments during the Vietnam War. By enrolling in the University of Arkansas Law School and enrolling in the ROTC, he avoided the draft. He dropped out of the ROTC to continue his education in England. He requested from the draft board a reclassification, granted A-1, but Nixon had signed a law which allowed graduate students to finish their entire year of school so he got a another deferment. Later Nixon signed into law a draft lottery. Clinton's birthday number was high enough to keep him out of the draft.

Clinton was not a draft dodger as neither was my brother who got a deferment to complete his education. I resent the implication that students who opted to remain in school were draft dodgers. It was to their advantage to complete their education so if drafted, they would be officers in the armed services as opposed to being drafted as enlisted.

TLC stinks said...

By the way, why would Bill Clinton serving in the Armed Forces or not have anything to do with Hillary? Why should she have to answer for his actions? He was elected president twice so why bring it up? People didn't care then and they don't care now.

Tucker's Mom said...

November 30, 2015 at 12:40 AM
TLC stinks said... 190
Thanks for the posts and for expressing you views in a way that gives us more information.
DD joined the Coast Guard before his number came up and I've never, ever thought him a draft dodger.
He wouldn't have been eligible a student deferment, so he proactively served his country without being drafted and sent to the front line.

Actually, I wish I would have rethought serving as I could have entered the Navy as a LTJG. I don't exactly regret it, but it would have been an honor to serve and an experience I certainly can never do at this point.

TLC stinks said...

It makes sense that reporters would ask Chris Christie about Trump's 9-11 claims of thousands cheering in NJ, right? At first the Christie campaign ignored questions from reporters but finally when Christie answered he danced around saying it was an emotional time, it could have happened but he did not recall it. This is disappointing to me because he usually is very straight forward. But here's the kicker. Trump has said he may have room on his ticket or in his administration for Christie as reported by The Hill on Nov. 11. Another explanation for letting Trump slide on 9-11 could be he is courting Trump supporters if Trump crashes. As a practicing law partner, I think he would have been aware of such news plus he was being vetted at the time for US Attorney for NJ. Too bad he did not call Trump out.

NJGal51 said...

My husband was in college ROTC during VN. He was in no way a draft dodger and went on to make a career in the Army. He never went to VN but he was not a draft dodger nor was he from a rich family. He was on an ROTC scholarship and could very well have gone to VN when he graduated. ~ Administrator said...

Color me confused. If Bill Clinton is not a draft dodger due to a student deferment, how is Trump a draft dodger who also used the same thing, a student deferment (Warton school)????

You can't have it both ways. Either they're both draft dodgers or neither of them are.

And my point is made. It's a double standard. The media is trying everything and anything to discredit this candidate when they never did such a thing to Clinton or Bush for similar or identical actions. I have an idea. Why don't they just put out the facts and let the public decide in the polls instead of this aggressive manipulation all the time. I get it, they don't like Trump. If he's as bad as they say he won't get elected, what are they worried about?

Jane said...

Maybe my memory is faulty, but I remember both Bush and Clinton (more so Bush) really getting raked over the coals about deferments. So far, Trump doesn't seem to have it as bad as they did but, should be become the nominee, I'd expect that to change.

Call Me Crazy said...

Jane said... 196

Maybe my memory is faulty, but I remember both Bush and Clinton (more so Bush) really getting raked over the coals about deferments. So far, Trump doesn't seem to have it as bad as they did but, should be become the nominee, I'd expect that to change.

Jane, your memory is not faulty.

TLC stinks said...

You are not a draft dodger if you follow the law. It's a characterization used by the right and the left. I don't consider Trump a draft dodger since his student deferments were routine. He and Clinton broke no Selective Service law.

But here's crazy:

Donald Trump believes that because he attended a military high school, he has an understanding of what it is like to be in the military. He said in an interview he got more training militarily than the guys in the military.

And the media did indeed call Clinton a draft dodger. It's easy to prove.

fidosmommy said...

If I remember correctly, at one time there WAS a big deal made of Clinton and GW Bush being "draft dodgers". I know it was a point of contention with many that the person who most closely held his hand to
the war call button had never served in the military. Not only that, but
GW used his father's influence to avoid doing so, they screamed. It started to sound like military service was the only criterion for being a good candidate there for awhile. I remember being surprised at that.

Formerly Duped said...

Admin said:

Oh yeah I remember that now. Was that this year's birthday or last? I think it was last year's. So, a year and a half ago is when she was last seen, is that right?


Yes, there was some other lady helping out at the famous sleepover debacle party- the mother of the smaller girl guest I think.

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