Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kate on Today show

Kate is slated to make an appearance on Today this morning with Kathie and Hoda.

516 sediments (sic) from readers:

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foxy said...

That was really a brief appearance. Hoda and Kathi Lee looked like they were not really into this and were reading their questions to her. All of 2 minutes.

FYI said...

Here's the link to Kate's interview on KL&H:

They showed a preview clip of the new show and showed the part where the twins met the boys on the beach. I noticed that the boys faces were blurred out. I guess they and their parents didn't want to sign a release, even if it meant being on TV. Kudos to them!!

Terri said...

I watched the interview and the thing that stood out to me the most was when Kate was asked what she would do if she met a guy with 8 kids. She turned her nose up and said it would be a no go. Then KL said something along the lines of "Well, he probably would have a lot of experience and could be a big help." There was an awkward silence, then the episode was over. The look on Kate's face was priceless. Of course she wouldn't want anyone who could be a big help to her because then she couldn't play the poor put upon mom of 8.

redbird said...

Thank you Admin for the new thread and a BIG THANK YOU for not putting a picture of TFW on so we have to look at it every time we log on!

redbird said...

After KL asked her about her dates having to sign a release and she said yes, and TFW started struggling trying to explain twists and turns, blah blah blah.

Yes, dirty hair and mini skirt. You would think on TLC's and the Today show's dime she would of taken a shower. Did she oversleep with Steve and had to rush?

I had to watch the show on cable because my local channels went out on the satellite. The cable is very fuzzy.

All this interview proved is that she doesn't have regular employment, because if she did she wouldn't be able to do tv interviews constantly.

I think it is horrible that due to her she has created the chaos and turmoil in the house with the kids. It is all on her. The physical abuse, the verbal abuse, the verbal beat downs, the pitting one child against another and allowing 2 to pit against one, treating 3 boys like trash, allowing all of the kids to fight, scream, screech, spit.

This is called chaos and she only has herself to blame. She can't blame Jon. This is all on her. She hasn't allowed Jon to father them since the divorce. She hates Jon so bad and out of spite because he left because he refused to film and act like they were still married while she was with Steve. This is why they are like they are now. Jon could of really reined them in if TFW would of let him. She looks so stupid for not letting him now.

She has only been on one date since the divorce. Proof she is lying. She has been on hundreds of dates and vacations and me time with Steve.

TLC stinks said...

Flying hands as usual. Kathie Lee had this look on her face in the beginning like she smelled something bad, LOL. So Kate has denied she and Jeff Millionaire dated but it sounds like they had to come up with some explanation for the blind date, just like we said. I saw the boys' faces were blurred so kudos they did not sign a release because I bet they were asked. They kept that angle in so now she can whine about boys being interested in Mady and Cara and woe is me.

fidosmommy said...

Then KL said something along the lines of "Well, he probably would have a lot of experience and could be a big help."

Kate doesn't want help. She wants someone to do all the work of raising 8 children while she stands in the kitchen flicking flour on her face and clothes. *

* (for those of you too young to know, Rice Krispies used to have an ad about making marshmallow treats. No mess, no baking, but people will think you were mixing and cooking all day)

P.J. said...

Terri said... 3
I watched the interview and the thing that stood out to me the most was when Kate was asked what she would do if she met a guy with 8 kids. She turned her nose up and said it would be a no go. Then KL said something along the lines of "Well, he probably would have a lot of experience and could be a big help." There was an awkward silence, then the episode was over. The look on Kate's face was priceless.


Oh, yeah. That's exactly what was going on in her pointy, little head. How could a MAN! possibly be better at it than she is? What a misandrist.

She still is incredibly boring, talks a lot and says nothing. "Someone who's used to having cameras around."? She's been doing it for years and is still no good at it, as this interview showed.

AuntieAnn said...

Iol. "Kind of my LIFE is on tv".

Poor thing. She still thinks she's the reigning front-page-tabloid celebrity. Those days are long gone.

Localyocul said...

Oh the babysitters see chased off by the kids, not you ? Ok. And Katie, your candles are showing

Sad but true said...

I couldn't bear to watch the interview because I can't stand the sound of her voice. I went to look at the Today Show Twitter instead. They made NO mention of her either before or after. In contrast, LeAnn Rimes was on yesterday and they sent a tweet thanking her. Even on Kate's own TL, no more than a couple dozen tweets about her being on the show, and all but two were negative. At this point, I think the only people on the planet who don't understand that she's "done" are herself and whoever at TLC keeps ordering up these inane episodes.

PatK said...

I had no idea she was going to be on the Today Show. Doesn't she usually drop teasers ahead of time about talk show appearances? I did see the clip, and agree that her hair looks like crap. (At least touch up the roots beforehand!)

And hell no she doesn't want a guy with a lot of kids....that would put an end to her fraudulent lifestyle/show.

I still won't watch her shows, but look forward to Admin's recaps!

FYI said...

Interesting article about a family who has 13 boys and was offered a show by TLC.,30423

They turned down the offer. Here's an excerpt from the article. Ty is the oldest son who is engaged and is planning his wedding.

" After the birth of their 12th son in 2013, TLC offered the Schwandts a reality show. Jay and Kateri sat down to discuss the prospect with their older sons one autumn evening before supper, hashing out the pros and cons.

“I was never intrigued,” Ty said. “I liked the attention, but I never loved the attention, and it almost lasted a little too long for me. I’d rather live a simple, happy life. You see ‘Kate Plus 8’ and the Duggars and all those other shows. They make a good run and then, in the end, they come crashing down. It wasn’t worth trying to be the exception.”

The money TLC offered didn’t justify the cost it would come at, Ty felt.

Surely the camera crew would’ve gravitated toward the handsome firstborn, turning his engagement into a major storyline and reducing the wedding sacrament to a heavily marketed special episode.

No thanks, says Ty. “We want our wedding to be intimate. I’m glad we’re able to keep this in the family.”

Just reading the online comments strangers have written about his family is enough to make his stomach turn. Saying “no” to reality TV, as he sees it, is a “yes” to privacy, serenity and family. He has total confidence — and a measure of relief — in their decision to decline.

“I’m very thankful for it because I don’t know how well I’d be able to take it. My biggest concern would be all of the little boys. They would grow up in front of cameras. I feel like they would never become who they really are.”

FYI said...

E!online has a synopsis of her interview, for those who don't want to watch it.

TLC stinks said...

I don't understand. Which is it? Chaos or organization. She plays it both ways. So if she's this great organizer, why the chaos? And if there is chaos, you are right it's all her fault. Since Jon lives nearby, all this time she should have let him co-parent. If I had eight kids you better believe I'd let their father have them visit him plenty. ~ Administrator said...

when Kate was asked what she would do if she met a guy with 8 kids. She turned her nose up and said it would be a no go. Then KL said something along the lines of "Well, he probably would have a lot of experience and could be a big help." There was an awkward silence, then the episode was over.


That's hilarious. Hey Kate, you mean someone like JON?

TLC stinks said...

I have noticed she never directly answers anything which proves she is lying. The whole explanation about the blind date was convoluted.

AuntieAnn said...

Twists and turns, eh?

I wonder if Steve sat between them or beside them in the limo.

TLC stinks said...

She was foolish to make that statement about not being interested in a man with eight kids. Uh, Kate, TLC would love a show with a huge blended family, LOL. She's not quick, is she?

TLC stinks said...

Auntie, I bet anything Steve was in the front with the limo driver.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 6
Flying hands as usual. Kathie Lee had this look on her face in the beginning like she smelled something bad, LOL. So Kate has denied she and Jeff Millionaire dated but it sounds like they had to come up with some explanation for the blind date. . . .
She can't really deny that they dated, at least the once, since there were tab photos of them at dinner and in a casino (the latter pretty much ruling out that it was a "business" meeting; and didn't I read that they had bottle service? LOL).

Formerly Duped said...

I really wonder why anyone would ask Kate to guest on their talk show. She does not speak well and has nothing to say.I didn't watch the clip, but can imagine it all too well!

Math Girl said...

I have never seen the Today show (lucky me!), and when the interviewers first came on, I thought the younger woman (Kathi Lee?) was Kate. They both sure do have that generic botoxed bottled blond look. By the way, spell check insisted on change in botoxed to bottled, and I had to be quite persistent to stop it. What is it thinking?

Localyocul said...

Shoot her cankles are showing damn autocorrect

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 20

Auntie, I bet anything Steve was in the front with the limo driver.


Oooo I'll bet he got jellus when the necking and heavy petting started going on in the back.


Oh if Kate gets a dating show she'll be the brunt of every joke in the book. Her kids will be SO proud.

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 15
I don't understand. Which is it? Chaos or organization. She plays it both ways. So if she's this great organizer, why the chaos? And if there is chaos, you are right it's all her fault. Since Jon lives nearby, all this time she should have let him co-parent. If I had eight kids you better believe I'd let their father have them visit him plenty.


I have the same question about the mouthy kids. Which is it Kate? Are you a good mom or do you have bratty kids who make you long-suffering? Her fans say what a good mom she is on one side of their mouth, then poor Kate she has to put up with those mouthy kids on the other.

Oh, and freaking out because the girls were talking to boys? What does she think happens at school? They're 15!! It's the right age to start developing relationships with the opposite sex. DUH

Sad but true said...

Formerly Duped said... 22
I really wonder why anyone would ask Kate to guest on their talk show. She does not speak well and has nothing to say.I didn't watch the clip, but can imagine it all too well!
Do you really think she was asked? I'm certain TLC PR set it up for her, and given the Today Show's past experience with her, they probably had to beg!

Localyocul said...

Do you really think she was asked? I'm certain TLC PR set it up for her, and given the Today Show's past experience with her, they probably had to beg!

And the first hour refused and they stuck her at the end for three mates haha IMO

FYI said...

This is the description of the 2nd show that will air on Dec.15, from TLC's website:

Florida Fun
Kate and some of the kids try deep sea fishing again, but sea sickness takes over. Mady and Cara look up recipes to cook the family a healthy dinner. To finish up the trip, the little kids have a blast at their first trip to a waterpark!

So looks like they going to show another pukefest. Riveting TV!!

Mady and Cara look up recipes to cook a healthy dinner? Why didn't they just flip through their mother's cookbook?

"the little kids"? Really? Seems like TLC also wants the viewers to think that the tups are still toddlers.

MikeB said...

December is normally a throwaway month for the networks. People are focused on family and the holidays. A lot of network shows have taken to having a "mid-series finale" where they do a mini cliffhanger before Thanksgiving and then show reruns until the middle of January or even later.

Ratings for these 8 specials will be interesting. The past couple of years has seen a steady decline in viewers from a high of 2.5 million for the return of K+8 in June 2014 down to 1 million in June 2015. 60% of the viewers moved on to other shows in only a year.

Kate has to know her time will eventually be up. The ratings will decline to the point that TLC will stop meeting her extravagant demands. The dating script is an obvious situation to push for drama and ratings. The Brady Bunch and The Courtship of Eddie's Father were almost a half-century ago. Tastes have changed and people don't care about a happy mixed marriage; they watch to see snark and sniping. People are going to tune in for no other purpose than to see conflict between the kids and Kate's new man. No conflict, no ratings. Too bad the kids have to be caught in the middle for that scheme to work.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 27
Formerly Duped said... 22
I really wonder why anyone would ask Kate to guest on their talk show. She does not speak well and has nothing to say.I didn't watch the clip, but can imagine it all too well!
Do you really think she was asked? I'm certain TLC PR set it up for her, and given the Today Show's past experience with her, they probably had to beg!
This, like most guest appearances, is carefully orchestrated PR.
It is interesting to note that Kate did not score a segment in Today's prime hours.
I think the stunt Kate pulled with her twins during that terrible debacle with Savannah left a bad taste in their mouths.

JR said...

Ha shortest interview in history....I blinked and it was over...the narcissistic couldn't pontificate about how tough her life is...asshole!

Tucker's Mom said...

Just watched.
Well, congratulations to Jon. Kate's no longer throwing him under the bus.
The bad new is, now it's the kids.
Babysitters pull their hair out and run!!!!!!!

Everything on that list is on Kate. If her kids are acting like animals in the zoo, then she's failing to raise them properly.
8 kids under 6-8 years old would make a lot of noise on occasion, but 11 and 15-year olds?
That's just bad parenting, or lack of proper diagnosing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Lord have mercy.

Another shooting-active shooter- in San Bernadino, CA.
12 dead, so far.

Near L.A., not sure exactly where as I'm unfamiliar.

JR said...

Prime hours???? this chick was in Siberia....

JR said...

nobody's pulling their hair out...this is how she creates interest in her crappie show...exaggeration is all she has left

Anonymous said...

She already had a man with eight kids and she tossed him to the curb because he didn't want to continue filming the family.


JR said...

She couldn't throw Jon under the bus...didn't have a chance in a 30 second interview...she just ran out of time...ha

AuntieAnn said...

Everything on that list is on Kate. If her kids are acting like animals in the zoo, then she's failing to raise them properly.
8 kids under 6-8 years old would make a lot of noise on occasion, but 11 and 15-year olds?
That's just bad parenting, or lack of proper diagnosing.


Where did she go wrong? All those happying up sessions with the wooden spoon didn't teach them to straighten up and fly right?

You don't suppose having cameras in their faces would have anything to do with it, would it? Naaa.

I mean she set such a good example with being so calm about everything. Never yelling or screeching or screaming. Always keeping a cool head. Always being there for them.

Nope. I don't get it. I just don't get it.

jamezvader1194 said...

I've seen the twitter comments and its all negative and not any positive comments by anyone.Although its weird because i've seen on tabloid websites use is"I dislike Kate as much as the next person BUT,shes raising 8 kids by herself."Dont get me wrong there are still alot of people out there that could care less about Kate,but whats with some of these people that say they can't stand Kate but dislike anyone who hates her?Are they fans that wont admit it?Whats up with that?

Ingrid said...

Shooting in San Bernadino. Sending prayers to those involved and their families.

Tucker's Mom said...

I was also glad to see that the Florida boys who met the twins and their sidekick had their faces blurred.
Good on the parents for not signing them up.
I feel for the girls if Kate is that much of a spazz when it comes to boys.

Kate is a has-been and she really doesn't get it. Teasing that "you'll have to wait and see" is so self-absorbed it's laughable.
No one cares. The kids are still the draw.

I don't know what Kate's impression is regarding continuing to film with TLC, but she seems to think that she'll be on your television forever.
After all, her life is on tv.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Sweepstakes Ng a question from the previous post:

P.J. I only watched the YL briefly and the dog was curled up in front of the fire. It looked like some sort of terrier. Roo was enthralled though, which added to the entertainment value for me.

Tucker's Mom said...

I watch Hoda and KLG a lot, and like both of them.
KLG was bored and indifferent, and tried hard to use her (very good) sense of humor to bring some fun into that interview with a dead-eyed shark.
KLG did a great job at illuminating the bullshit fake nature of the "dating" angle, and Kate put her big Flintstone foot in her mouth by preening about how her life is on tv, and that her kids are hellions, and that she's got ZERO interest in any man's kids, but he sure as hell better meet every criteria on her list.

Good luck with that.

What a catch. What a catch.

N.E. Psychologist said...

8 kids under 6-8 years old would make a lot of noise on occasion, but 11 and 15-year olds?
That's just bad parenting, or lack of proper diagnosing. 33

My vote goes to poor parenting.

Kylie said...

Redbird, I don't agree that she is doing interviews constantly. This is the first time I've seen her in months. I do agree about the abuse and chaos. She has created it all. She alone is responsible for the way her kids behave. I also don't agree about Steve. I agree that its suspicious but to flat out say it is true is wrong. We aren't there, we don't see everything she does. I tend to believe Steve is her handler because she needs someone to rein her in. She does enough things to rag on her about without saying things as if they are fact.

NOIP said...

"It was a blind date, which I kind of, have always had a rule...I don't really have time to date, so I can't really give that time when in the first five minutes, I could be like, 'Um, so I could be at home in bed...' You know, it's time management. So, I agreed."

Any know how to translate the above? Klingon would be easier, l'm sure.

Math Girl said...

From the E! online article on the interview:

"It was a blind date, which I kind of, have always had a rule...I don't really have time to date, so I can't really give that time when in the first five minutes, I could be like, 'Um, so I could be at home in bed...' You know, it's time management. So, I agreed."

What would make sense is : she has a rule against blind dates because they are a potential waste of time (unlike tanning, spa visits, etc), but she agreed in this case (because TLC was paying her to do it). Not "I have a rule against it, so I agreed." That doesn't make sense at all.

I wonder if Jeff Millionaire started (or started and ended) as a blind date? Where would she have met him for one of them to ask the other for a date?

JR said...

@45....not buying they make a lot of noise's all bullshit...she needs to attract an audience...hence all the imaginary drama...please let's remember this is reality tv

Tucker's Mom said...

"After all, my life is on t.v." has to get the Asshole of the Year award.
Someone call Andy Cohen...

Oh, Hoda needs an award also- for trying to "happy up" that turd of an interview.

Seriously, Kate's a zero. Total zero. A vacuum.

I hope she gets her own show. I reaaaaaaaaaaally do.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

N.E. Psychologist (#45), nice to see you posting!

MikeB said...

The Orlando Sentinel has the following preview provided by TLC:

"This season highlights a trip down to Florida where the family adventure includes a first time jaunt to a water park, a panic room activity that calls for teamwork and communication in order to make it out of the room on time, deep sea fishing that proves to be a challenge for some of the kids, and a home-cooked meal for the entire family by Cara and Mady."

"Back home, Kate wants to resurrect one-on-one time with everyone, and sets up a spa day with the girls and a magic show with the boys. She also goes antique shopping with Cara and Mady, and puts together a culinary challenge where the older girls create their own teams with their younger siblings. Home improvement is at the top of Kate’s list this summer, which includes building a new deck that inspires Kate to throw a summer party for her family and friends, but will the deck be done in time for the party?"

"Kate wants to finally start dating again, so with the kids in mind, she makes sure everyone supports this next step," TLC says. "But even with the kids on board, Kate's unsure of how her blind date will turn out."

So we get to see the kids swim, go to Locked In: The Destin Escape Game, go out on a boat and get sick again (will she say "vomit fest" with a smile like before?), go to Big Kahuna Water Park, see Kate cook Korean, see Mady and Cara cook at least twice, watch some more improvements to the compound, and see Kate get pampered at a spy and by her date. Sounds positively riveting.

I did notice the emphasis on Mady and Cara cooking. It would appear she is trying to push them onto the Food Network. It is too coincidental that Cara and Mady prepare a home cooked meal in one episode and then lead a cooking competition on another. She really wants to get a gig on a cooking show. This is a thinly veiled audition tape.

AuntieAnn said...

Any know how to translate the above? Klingon would be easier, l'm sure.


Her media coach must hyperventilate when he or she listens to Kate talk to the hosts. Guess that's one more person who doesn't know how to help her.

P.J. said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 43
Sweepstakes Ng a question from the previous post:

P.J. I only watched the YL briefly and the dog was curled up in front of the fire. It looked like some sort of terrier. Roo was enthralled though, which added to the entertainment value for me.


I found one on youtube with a purring cat. Adorable.

I think if you watch that crapfest that is sKate Plus 8, most of the noise and chaos comes from her. If it's the kids it's because she instigated it. The clips with the kids they showed on the interview seem very calm and quiet.

She's as organized as a fart in a wind tunnel.

Tucker's Mom said...

NOIP said... 47
"It was a blind date, which I kind of, have always had a rule...I don't really have time to date, so I can't really give that time when in the first five minutes, I could be like, 'Um, so I could be at home in bed...' You know, it's time management. So, I agreed."

Any know how to translate the above? Klingon would be easier, l'm sure.
December 2, 2015 at 12:46 PM
Kate's saying that (allegedly) she doesn't do blind dates because she'd know within 5 minutes if she was interested, and would get bored and wish she were home.
Basically, she's going to judge any man immediately (well, she did that with Jon) and get bored with him quickly, act rude and wish she were anywhere else than with him.
I swear, she is the antithesis of a "catch". Polar opposite.

Any normal, sane, intelligent man would run the other way. The only men she'll attract are famewhores who want $$, 15 minutes of fame and heaven help their children if they're dads.

Today's interview put a really fine point on Kate's pathological nature.

I hope Hoda and KLG had a 2-martini lunch afterwards.

TLC stinks said...

She met Jeff Millionaire through TLC, I believe, because TLC uses his stock photo company. Whether it was a blind date or something cooked up between Kate and TLC, I have no idea but you can bet he was groomed by Kate to be on the show. I guess she figured she use him just like she has used everyone who has been on the show.

Tucker's Mom said...

This is a thinly veiled audition tape.
Too bad Andy Cohen thinks she's a Jackhole.

AnnieD said...

So....filming in the girls' bedroom...with the door closed... is not off limits??

TLC stinks said...

NBC and E! are affiliated so I was not surprised to see a recap online by E! on the interview. Believe me, she was not invited by Today; it's all PR buildup. She is obligated contractually to promote the show.

Mady and Cara are the B team if her dating scheme pitch falls flat. Nether girl is mature but look who role their model is.

TLC stinks said...

The kids may not be as bratty as she and TLC portray, but what kind of mother insults her family publicly? And it reflects on the parent how the kids behave, so really she is shooting herself in the foot. But I get it...she and TLC are willing to sacrifice the kids for ratings; talk bad about them and show them being brats in front of a million viewers.

Ingrid said...

Ingrid said... 41

Shooting in San Bernadino. Sending prayers to those involved and their families.
Briefing from police-- 14 dead and 14 injured
So sad.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 43
Sweepstakes Ng a question from the previous post

Damn autocorrect! Answering a question...

Mel said...

I just now happened to see a photo of the disabled reporter next to a photo of Trump mocking him.

No way in h*ll was Trump not mocking that guy for his disability.

He wants to mock the guy for back pedaling fine. You don't do that by imitating the guy's physical disability.

Nothing but a bully.

I can hardly wait to see how Trump will mock some foreign leader for his physical attribute, or his garb, or how ugly (according to Trump) his wife is.

JoyinVirginia said...

Thanks for the new post! Thanks for the summary, everyone who watched!
Tfmjg is just as boring as ever. The only surprise is that the kids are eleven and fifteen and this is the first water park trip? Really? Boring.

localyocul said...

Mel said... 63
I just now happened to see a photo of the disabled reporter next to a photo of Trump mocking him.

No way in h*ll was Trump not mocking that guy for his disability.


NOPE. He looked like a 5th grade boy making fun of the special needs kids. ~ Administrator said...

I noticed that the boys faces were blurred out. I guess they and their parents didn't want to sign a release, even if it meant being on TV. Kudos to them!!


GOOD for them.

It seems to me that's the best compromise of all. As a parent, you have every right to decide you do not want to have to allow your child's face to be shown on TV. However you don't have to deprive kids of spending time together even though there is filming going on. You just don't agree to your own child being shown. It's a win win for everyone, including the Gosselin kids, who shouldn't be deprived of normal contact with other children just because their stupid mother believes in exploiting their private lives.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

How pathetic is it that the idea of spending one-on-one time with
your kids is directed by a TV production company?

Yeah, she's fully confident that she'll never have to work another
day in her life. Her life is on TV, in front of the cameras, ya know.
Such a shallow existence.

redbird said...

Logged in and saw an old click to Gosselins Without Pity. I went on there and there has not been a post in the last 9 days so I decided to count how many post there have been all year and the grand total is:

237 posts since January the 1st!

My goodness, we do that in less than 3 days! ~ Administrator said...

I just now happened to see a photo of the disabled reporter next to a photo of Trump mocking him.


I saw the same thing you are talking about days ago. You really have to see the video, not stills, to make a fair assessment what he was doing. He was by no means standing there striking a pose in imitation of someone else's pose. He was waving his arms and whole body back and forth, he adamently insists to represent vacillating, and someone took a screen shot of the exact moment one of his arms came to around the same spot as the reporter who has a disease holds his arm. I could have paused the video at a different spot, his arms positioned somewhere else while waving them, and it would look nothing like the reporter. That's called manipulation and it's misleading. ~ Administrator said...

And hell no she doesn't want a guy with a lot of kids....that would put an end to her fraudulent lifestyle/show.


It occurs to me I think another big reason she has resisted letting a new man into her life is because it's taking a huge risk. And that risk is that someone who would have a say would not like some of her choices and might even put a stop to some of them, or at least put up a strong fight. She's not about to put that on the line. A man is risky, potentially inconvenient, potentially disasterous. I get it, actually.

redbird said...

Jim Bob's Sons
Josh age 27- Graduated with a GED at age 16. No more schooling after that. He talked about becoming a lawyer but it never happened. Josh was given his grandmother's house to live in upon marriage. He was also set up with a used car lot that his dad purchased for him. Anything to get him out of the house. Jim Bob even helped Josh with car auctions and building leases. Jim Bob most likely arranged for Josh to get the Job at FRCAction. Did Jim Bob fail Josh in his training? Yes! Josh has never accomplished anything on his own which could have led to some of Josh's mental health issues. He got cocky and spoiled and thought he could get away with anything and daddy would still take care of him.
John age 25 - John is the one exception in this family. He is the county constable and a part-time police officer. Gothard likes his men in law enforcement and politics for some reason. John won the county constable position the first time because he ran unopposed. The second time he won in an actual race. Jim Bob helped him a lot with his elections. Jim Bob has many friends in high places. John is only a part-time police officer because his dad needs him not to be tied down to the world too much. He still needs to serve daddy. John works for Jim Bob's Duggar Aviation business flying people around the country. John had wanted to become a commercial pilot but Jim Bob said nope! That would take him away from his future family too much and from serving daddy. John is unmarried and sleeps in the boys' dorm.

Call Me Crazy said...

I saw the same thing you are talking about days ago. You really have to see the video, not stills, to make a fair assessment what he was doing.

I agree. I saw the video and my fair assessment is that Trump was intentionally mocking the man's condition. His behavior is juvenile, cruel, insensitive, outrageous and completely unacceptable. ~ Administrator said...

Kate's saying that (allegedly) she doesn't do blind dates because she'd know within 5 minutes if she was interested, and would get bored and wish she were home.


Sometimes I feel sorry for her in that she is so selfish and shallow that she backs herself into situations where she has decided she is "bored" after five minutes with people. Most dates deserve more than five minutes, and even if you CAN tell in 5 minutes they're not for you, at the very least give him the respect to stay focused and enjoy the date. Presumably he's paying, he took you out. Treat it as a nice night out of the house and part ways politely at the end of it. Or maybe you will change your mind after getting to know someone for more than five minutes. It's become a situation where no good man deserves HER, forget what she needs or deserves.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#73), and what about not having chemistry with someone,
but just wanting to have a new friend? Heaven knows she seems
to be lacking that department. But, nope -- you get 5 minutes to
knock her socks off, and then she's mentally driving home to go
to sleep. But danged if I can figure out what the heck she's
always so tired from -- she doesn't seem to do anything. ~ Administrator said...

Admin (#73), and what about not having chemistry with someone,
but just wanting to have a new friend?


That's right. If you like the guy just as a person but don't feel romantic, why not give the friendship a chance? Who knows, maybe it will lead to good things, either romantic or platonic. Or if you end up just friends, maybe they could introduce you to someone else who is great, or a great new girlfriend, church, social circle. So much to gain, nothing to lose.

Many relationships start as friendships. It's not realistic to expect fireworks within 5 minutes. It's not TV. Oh wait, it is.

I love too how it's all about what he's bringing to the table and whether he's meeting her checklist. And not about what SHE brings to the table for him. It's a two way street and if she only wants to drive it one way, it will never work with anyone, even a really great guy. No good man will stand for it.

Anonymous said...

Has she bothered to tweet a thank you for the opportunity to promote her upcoming show - no, I didn't think so. She probably considers it was the interviewers' honour to have her "do" their show.


Wowser said...

Observations from her *cough cough* interview
1. She still sounds like a moron when she speaks
2. Her hair is so greasy and makeup way too heavy
3. The 11's need a tune up
4. She looks like she just threw up in her mouth when speaking about dating.
5. I question her sexuality ( or asexuality)
6. She's gained weight
7. She's relieved they are not filming during Christmas or she'd be forced to put away her good behavior incentive "belt on a shelf" and have to pretend she's s good mommy by displaying elf in a shelf
8. I pray her ratings are dismal!

Mona said...

So many meaty comments here, all spot on. Mine is just plain catty. Why does Kate believe having curtains of hair is attractive on her? In that interview she seriously looked like she had Mr. Hairdo Guy glue fabric to her head and spray paint it yellow. It had no movement, no interest. It's all synthetic looking, far beyond the look of extensions.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Since Jon lives nearby, all this time she should have let him co-parent. If I had eight kids you better believe I'd let their father have them visit him plenty.


She can't do that because she hates him and because if she did, then she couldn't play the role of the poor, single, struggling mom of eight who does it all by herself. That would throw the sheeple into a dither and we certainly wouldn't want that. Have mercy!

PA Dutch Mom said...

I love too how it's all about what he's bringing to the table and whether he's meeting her checklist. And not about what SHE brings to the table for him. It's a two way street and if she only wants to drive it one way, it will never work with anyone, even a really great guy. No good man will stand for it.


Here's the bottom line: What man in his right mind would want her, other than Iwana and those swarmy creeps on Twitter? And, of course, Milo.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I could be like, 'Um, so I could be at home in bed...' You know, it's time management. So, I agreed."


Well, at least she didn't ferschnop (good PA Dutch word) herself and say, "Um, so I could be at home in bed with Steve..."

Wowser said...

Correction...elf ON a shelf

RonnieandMaggie said...

"My life is on TV." But, but, but, your biggest defender and court jester Milo says that we only see small portions of your life that just so happen to be filmed.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

RonnieandMaggie (#83), yes, good catch! That's right --
either it's little snippets, or it's everything. It can't be both!

AuntieAnn said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 81

Well, at least she didn't ferschnop (good PA Dutch word) herself and say, "Um, so I could be at home in bed with Steve..."


Fop and ferschnop. I must be living a sheltered life. I've never heard of either one of them until the past two days.

And I'll bet PJ wants to see BOTH worked into one sentence.

I'm assuming it means to accidentally let the cat out of the bag, PA?

FYI said...

Speaking of Milo, she's been tweeting Kate about the shooting in CA. Does she expect or want Kate to make a statement about it? Is she using this tragedy as a ploy to get Kate to tweet something, anything?
It just seems odd for her to tweet Kate about it, rather than just tweet her statements without including Kate. But then everything to her is always about Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 3h3 hours ago
Sad news tho @Kateplusmy8 Another mass shooting! San Bernardino, Calif.; multiple victims, suspects at large … …

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m10 minutes ago
.#AnotherSadDay Mass shooting in Bernadino,CA 14 known dead, multiple victims, suspects at large! :( … … @kateplusmy8

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m10 minutes ago
Obviously we hurt 4fellow americans victims of senseless violence yet again! Time to hug loved ones, family & our kids! @kateplusmy8

AuntieAnn said...

Mona said... 78

It's all synthetic looking, far beyond the look of extensions.


She must going through a 40-year-old crisis of some kind. She badly wants to look as young and pretty as she did when she married Jon. And she DID look good then. Now she just looks plain ridiculous.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Admin its obvious that she wants her kids to marry a rich person just so she can leech off them.I can't for the life of me see Kate accepting any in laws that don't have alot of money or grew up in a poor household.As far as her dating goes,its funny how her fans make fun of Jon for being in relationship and yet she has no guy wanting her since her divorce.Its not because she has kids cause i've said this in an old post but i'll say it again.My mom's friend started meeting a guy right after she got a divorce and has 3 kids and the guy likes her kids.So it has nothing to do with her having kids.

Sherry Baby said...

Now she just looks plain ridiculous.

,,,and dirty and greasy.

Sad but true said...

Perez Hilton is either having some fun at TLC/Kate's expense or he's just out to lunch. His "story" on her today has her show premiering in January:

"Make sure to catch The Gosselin family's return to television Tuesday, January 13, 2016 at 9 p.m. EST on TLC!"

Too funny, I bet she's livid--it's being RT'd all over her Twitter account. What's probably even worse is the item has gotten just TWO comments (both negative). It sure isn't 2008 anymore.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: .#AnotherSadDay Mass shooting in Bernadino,CA 14 known dead, multiple victims, suspects at large! :( … @Kateplusmy8

@MiloandJack: Obviously we hurt 4fellow americans victims of senseless violence yet again! Time to hug loved ones, family & our kids! @Kateplusmy8
Give it up Milo. TFW just doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly affect her.

Sherry Baby said...

My mom's friend started meeting a guy right after she got a divorce and has 3 kids and the guy likes her kids.So it has nothing to do with her having kids.

I think it does have much to do about her having kids. Any "potential suitor" would think twice about marrying a woman, particularly Kate, who has eight kids who clearly have behavior issues, have grown up believing they can have anything they want (gifts, trips) when TLC is footing the bill. No man wants to have to deal with eight kids who have entitlement issues. Moreover, Kate, who would wear the pants in the family, has to be in control. "Stand with me, or against me. You choose." When it comes to the kids, it's her way or the highway, so yes, it has much to do with her having eight children, especially if she wants to continue to exploit them by filming, and the man vehemently disagrees with her choice to put them out there as a circus act. ~ Administrator said...

I'm thinking mainstream media doesn't want to panic anyone but the name of one of the suspects is all over Twitter and other independent news sites. You can easily find it. ~ Administrator said...

There's no way Kate is going to touch this news story. Too controversial and advanced. Gun control, mental health, now possibly terrorism. I'm not sure why Milo sets her up to look out of touch and uninformed.

There's no question this time around--ISIS supporters are cheering this one. It's all over Twitter with even a hashtag so when trump brings this up 15 years later no one should deny it.

Sue_Buddy said...

Call Me Crazy said... 72
I saw the same thing you are talking about days ago. You really have to see the video, not stills, to make a fair assessment what he was doing.

I agree. I saw the video and my fair assessment is that Trump was intentionally mocking the man's condition. His behavior is juvenile, cruel, insensitive, outrageous and completely unacceptable.

I doubt I'm the only one who believes we see what we want to see, video or photos and hear what we want to hear. For example, the liberals prefer CNN News, the conservatives, Fox News. Re Kate's appearance, I didn't think her hair looked greasy and didn't think she had any more make up on than Kathie Lee and it didn't seem excessive to me for TV. Her hair color...isn't that style called "ombre?" I read that here actually. Ironic, I that with the vaiety of medium with which we can observe and make decisions for ourselves, it still comes down to...we see and believe what we choose to see and believe. IMO, objectivity is rare.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I'm assuming it means to accidentally let the cat out of the bag, PA?


LOL, yes, If you verschnop yourself you let something "slip" that shouldn't have been said!

As for Kate's hair, it's always schtrubelich.

When you come to visit, expect a quiz on PA Dutch words!

Dmasy said...

Notice that Kate did not say "I would um, kinda', like think... after 5 minutes into a date... that I could like, um, kinda' be home enjoying time with my children."

She reveals herself and her priorities.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dmasy (#97), I thought the same thing! I love it when TFW forgets
the "right" answer, and lets us know how very little she's invested
in motherhood. Or else she realized she couldn't say "I'd rather be
with my kids" without rolling her eyes.

Dmasy said...

I won't be watching. The Today Show clip satisfied my interest.

Mona said...

SueBuddy, you are right about seeing things differently. I saw scrubbed clean hair. I didn't notice a make-up faux pas. What struck me was the monotone of her hair. With the exclusion of the darker roots (a style trend) her hair strands looked like they were all the same flat color.

Sue_Buddy said...

OT-Watchers of Netflix, if you didn't get notification, Broadchurch is back with Season 2. Whoo hoo!

Sue_Buddy said...

Mona said... 100
With the exclusion of the darker roots (a style trend) her hair strands looked like they were all the same flat color.

When I see Kate's hair, I think of the Beach Boys singing "Surfer Girl." She thinks the blonde bimbo look makes her look young. I wouldn't expect anything else, considering her stunted emotional development. I doubt there are many mature men who are wanting to date her, but every once in a while, a young hormonal boy tweets she's a MILF.

Zoe said...

Hmmm.... Just noticed that Robert's original version of the book seems to be available for Kindle download from Amazon. It's called:


Using "look inside" it appears to be the original version with Kate's words direct from the journal.

Here's a link to it:

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I doubt there are many mature men who are wanting to date her, but every once in a while, a young hormonal boy tweets she's a MILF.


The Austin Lad loves her, but he's really into older women with big racks.

Jane said...

Thanks, Zoe. Looks like it was published today, or re-published! Hope it gets some press.

TLC stinks said...

Thanks, Sue Buddy! I love Broadchurch.

P.J. said...

If you want to ferschnop a fop, just ask him about his hairdresser. ~ Administrator said...

, but every once in a while, a young hormonal boy tweets she's a MILF.


Right, but notice how they'd like to "F" her, not have a real relationship with her. There's a difference!

Call Me Crazy said...

I doubt I'm the only one who believes we see what we want to see, video or photos and hear what we want to hear.

I understand what you are saying, but please don't paint everyone with the same broad brush. There are most definitely people who CAN and DO look at things objectively.

I rarely comment on Kate's looks because I avoid watching her like the plague. The one time I commented about her was to say she looked nice in a particular dress. I will always criticize her for her actions in continuing to exploit her children.

As far as the latest Trump dust-up, I can assure you, nowhere in my deepest thoughts would I ever want or expect to see or hear ANY grown-ass man or woman, especially one running for president, acting like an immature and insensitive ignoramus. I don't care whether it was someone I respect or not - I would call them out in a heartbeat. I would have been every bit as critical if Mother Theresa herself had ever behaved in such a way.

People are free to think that Trump would never stoop to such a level of disregard for another person. But in looking at this particular situation, there are only two possibilities: either Trump was mocking Serge Kovaleski's condition with his "impression" of him, or Trump was mocking him without ever considering that Kovaleski's contortions were due to some medical condition. The first possibility would make Trump simply boorish; the second would make him plain stupid.

NJGal51 said...

@xsmokeweed4life: @MiloandJack @TLC @Kateplusmy8 Im so happy TLC is bringing the duggars and Kateplus8 back,its clear TLC cares about its viewers and the kids
Wow! He's either smoking some really good weed or being super sarcastic. I guess we can all read it the way we want to read it.

While TFW's hair didn't really look dirty to me it didn't look scrubbed clean either. I don't know what product she had in it but it gave it kind of a shine at the roots while looking dull at the bottom. She really needs to cut it into a more flattering style. Long, straight and dull does fit her personality though. ~ Administrator said...

The police finally released the name that has been circulating online all day long. The suspect is Muslim, and his father says he is deeply religious. I've never seen the media and police hold back so much on a name. They wanted multiple confirmations before unleashing that, they didn't want to be wrong.

This sort of thing will only cause the Trumps of the world to say my point exactly. The timing isn't the best for trying to discredit, brush off Trumps' fears as simply "racist". ~ Administrator said...

People are free to think that Trump would never stoop to such a level of disregard for another person.


Yes they are. And since neither one can be proven, we're at a stalemate.

I agree there are only two possibilities. But one is much, much worse than the other IMO. ~ Administrator said...

OT-Watchers of Netflix, if you didn't get notification, Broadchurch is back with Season 2. Whoo hoo!


I watched season 2 on BBC America. It was okay. The first one was amazing. ~ Administrator said...

I doubt I'm the only one who believes we see what we want to see, video or photos and hear what we want to hear.


Maybe. I think we all see things differently though just because we're all individuals.

That's why some saw a silver dress and some saw blue.

That's also why two people can look at a photo of a woman they don't know and one can see she's gorgeous the other can say she doesn't do anything for me. I don't think anyone is just seeing what they want to see. I think we all see the world through our own eyes and sometimes it is what it is and we're just seeing what we see, irrespective of personal bias. And even two unbiased people who don't care or "want" or have an agenda to see a certain thing one way or the other, still see two different things. Case in point, Trumpgate. ~ Administrator said...

I could like, um, kinda' be home enjoying time with my children."
She reveals herself and her priorities.


Ha, "kinda".

On another note, even if she truly does want to be home enjoying time with her children, for goodness sake they are not preschoolers. They are 10 and 14 and are developing their own lives and interests. She can go have one date one night and not play it like poor pitiful me missing out on time with the children. She wants so badly to be a martyr, but she ends up just sounding very overbearing.

Shyla said...

I think Kate wants a man who will have lots of houses and money. She can travel with the seasons and the kids can all stay at home with nannies. I still don't believe she has any maternal instinct.

Mady and Cara are probably shown preparing dinner because they're better at it than Kate. They probably do it more. But to make everyone get seasick again is just plain mean. Some people don't do well on small boats in the ocean. It is not funny to make them do it. There are a thousand things to do in FL and Kate approved the vomiting rather than a fun activity. Does she hate the children?

PA Dutch Mom said...

P.J. said... 107
If you want to ferschnop a fop, just ask him about his hairdresser.


lol!! But you can't use it like that in a sentence. You either ferschnop yourself, or you say that she ferschnopped herself. It's kind of a selective verb, if there is such a thing. It is always followed by a personal pronoun, not a fop. I have never heard it used as a verb to ferschnop a fop, nor have I ever seen it abbreviated as FU.

As for Kate, eegeloob schtinkt.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

In other news, The Uggs has a new boyfriend:

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@leedanielsent fav part of the show !!! #CanYouSayEmmy you need to be in more episodes. #NewFavActor love you !! Lee!! Ps. My middle name

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@leedanielsent are you whipping him the bird ?? #StickingWithTheThemeOfTheDay lol you were great !!!

Sue_Buddy said... ~ Administrator said... 108
, but every once in a while, a young hormonal boy tweets she's a MILF.


Right, but notice how they'd like to "F" her, not have a real relationship with her. There's a difference!

Yes, that was my point. She can only attract hormonal boys, who just want to f*ck even if it's just a keyhole. I'm sure Kate thinks that's a compliment. ~ Administrator said...

As long as she's home in time to say good night to her children, because according to you she should not go on a date that lasts past the time when her 11 and 15 year-old children head to bed.


Huh??? Gotch-ya?

Kate was making a comment on Today about dating in general, and how she (yeah right) was thinking about how she could be home spending time with her children instead of dating.

Normal dating is very different than the date she ended up going on, out of state, overnight presumably, in NYC. It was not a few hours. It was, likely, a few DAYS.

There is no reason she can't both date, leave her children for a few hours, and be back in time to say goodnight without harming them whatsoever. But, it starts with dating locally, a local man, who lives close by. There is nothing wrong with dating local guys and leaving your teens and pre-teens while doing so. They're not babies, they'll be fine. Which was my point. There is something wrong when you jet off to NYC to do so, and the date stretches far beyond just leaving your kids for a few hours. That's unnecessary, and yet that's what happened, and yes I do think THAT is too much on kids regardless their ages.

Maybe she wouldn't allegedly worry about her kids so much if she dated locally like normal. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, that was my point. She can only attract hormonal boys, who just want to f*ck even if it's just a keyhole. I


Right. There is some strange attraction for that lot when they bag an older woman, even one with kids. I think Kate just plays into that stereotype, that "catch".

They're not MILF-ing her for her SAT score, that's for sure. ~ Administrator said...

Until a connection is made between his being Muslim and this shooting, you are jumping the gun


Terrible pun.

And I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about. I never indicated my opinions on this tragedy, what I thought were the causes, etc. Frankly at the moment, I don't have enough information to have an opinion. I'm sure we'll know more soon. I will say I think it was stupid and PC for the media to pussy foot around the guy's clearly Muslim name when if his name were John Smith it would have been released two minutes after the shootings, but that's all I say. Both CNN and KFI, the two I followed today, indicated quite clearly they were NOT going to release the name. BS. I think his name is his name, release it as soon as you have it and be done with it like they do every other darn time. They didn't hesitate to release the Newton shooters' name even though that was totally wrong. Either they're not going to release names without a police statement or they are, but pick one and stick with it. You can't play it case by case favoring and coddling one group over another.

Other than that I simply shared and stated the facts as we know them right now. You're the one who immediately assumed some sinister take on this on my part. Sounds like projection to me.

Sue_Buddy said... ~ Administrator said... 118

Yes, that was my point. She can only attract hormonal boys, who just want to f*ck even if it's just a keyhole. I


Right. There is some strange attraction for that lot when they bag an older woman, even one with kids. I think Kate just plays into that stereotype, that "catch".

They're not MILF-ing her for her SAT score, that's for sure.

These poor boys would screw a goat it they could catch one. Their comments are inconsequential and it's a bit of a hoot that those are the types that Kate ends up with and has made herself attractive to....not a mature man. Anyone seen one of those on her Twitter?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Until a connection is made between his being Muslim and this shooting, you are jumping the gun


Press conference just ended. It was a couple, man and a woman, and the names were released. I didn't get the woman's name, but law enforcement said they were either married or boyfriend/girlfriend. The family reportedly has said they were married, His name was Syed Rizwan Farook,

TLC stinks said...

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS.

The billionaire businessman was asked by the hosts of Fox News' "Fox and Friends" how to fight ISIS but also minimize civilian causalities when terrorists often use human shields.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

redbird said...

Call Me Crazy said... 109
I doubt I'm the only one who believes we see what we want to see, video or photos and hear what we want to hear.

I understand what you are saying, but please don't paint everyone with the same broad brush. There are most definitely people who CAN and DO look at things objectively.

I rarely comment on Kate's looks because I avoid watching her like the plague. The one time I commented about her was to say she looked nice in a particular dress. I will always criticize her for her actions in continuing to exploit her children.


I hope the dress you are talking about isn't the silver metallic stripe dress she wore at The Grove and was squawking about taking pictures with just a few fans.

It didn't qualify as a dress, she used it as a TOP! It would of looked great with a pair of jeans and a kitten heel.

redbird said...

I am all for getting rid of ISIS, but...



Sad but true said...

Hoffman's back on Kate's TL, and, as a poster noted above, so is the original version of his book. So what happened here? We know she copyrighted the journals, so how could he publish them in the form he originally used? Admin?

Gosselin Book ‏@GosselinBook 2m2 minutes ago
#TBT Get the BANNED book that started it all–ON SALE NOW, just in time for Christmas! @Kateplusmy8 http: // KATE-GOSSELIN-FOOLED-WORLD-UNEDITED-

TLC stinks said...

Maybe Robert has been in litigation and that's why he has been quiet for so long? Unfortunately, the re-release will not change a thing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 129
Hoffman's back on Kate's TL, and, as a poster noted above, so is the original version of his book. So what happened here? We know she copyrighted the journals, so how could he publish them in the form he originally used? Admin?

Gosselin Book ‏@GosselinBook 2m2 minutes ago
#TBT Get the BANNED book that started it all–ON SALE NOW, just in time for Christmas! @Kateplusmy8 http: // KATE-GOSSELIN-FOOLED-WORLD-UNEDITED-
December 3, 2015 at 5:25 AM
Hmm....I wonder if seeing that it is blatantly obvious that Kate is hell bent on filming the crap out of her kids during every unoccupied moment that they are in her custody, that Robert is releasing the unedited book.
Kate's appearance on the Today Show yesterday made it plain to see that her show is back. Back big time. No end in sight. Not an "update" or a "special".
Kate is back to filming.
I wish so badly that Jon could do something about it.

localyocul said...

Once again, the comments are the best part:

P.J. said...

Sad but true said... 129
Hoffman's back on Kate's TL, and, as a poster noted above, so is the original version of his book. So what happened here? We know she copyrighted the journals, so how could he publish them in the form he originally used? Admin?


Interesting. He's hoping TLC won't spend a dime backing her? He's going balls to the wall and doesn't care?

Grab it while it's hot, folks. I know a lot of people who missed out last time because they weren't quick on the draw.

Call Me Crazy said...

I hope the dress you are talking about isn't the silver metallic stripe dress she wore at The Grove and was squawking about taking pictures with just a few fans.

No, redbird. I was talking about a dress she wore for a speaking engagement (in Australia, I think). ~ Administrator said...

From CBS news. Looks like this tragedy might very well have been prevented if people weren't told it's "racist" to wonder about such a thing. Funny how that was the point of discussion here last week. Just one simple phone call from this nice local man to police--one he did not want to make and be thought "racist":

"A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.

“We sat around lunch thinking, ‘What were they doing around the neighborhood?'” he said. “We’d see them leave where they’re raiding the apartment.”"

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sheepless (#118), Uggs is barking up the wrong tree on this
one, because Lee Daniels is openly gay! Maybe she knows
it, and that's why the tweets weren't as suggestive as others
we've seen from her.

TLC stinks said...

Right, redbird. Blanket extermination of innocents. Can you imagine you getting gunned down because a relative chose to be a terrorist or dare I say, because you are Muslim? He has crossed the line. In so many ways. ~ Administrator said...

While Trump's probably right the only way to hurt terrorists is to go after the families and he's probably right they are using their families as human shields, I don't think anyone would support targeting families. We've got to find other ways. Ways that may fail, but we still have to try.

Families do sometimes get caught up in terrorist raids. Keep in mind when Obama went after Osama Bin Laden, we knew full well his entire family was there and could and did get hurt, including several small children.

Sheeple Herder said...

It's funny how after not seeing or hearing Kate for quite awhile all the ickiness comes rushing back for me the minute she opens her mouth. Someone has been working with her. She didn't "umm" nearly as much as usual.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sheeple Herder (#139), I didn't watch the interview, but read the
quotes online, and she said "kind of" 3 times in one sentence.
Maybe the coach can "kind of" work on that with her next!

FYI said...

Doesn't seem like Kate made the "media rounds" yesterday like Milo had hoped. I haven't seen any articles yet about any other interviews, only the KL&H interview.

Of course it's possible that they haven't been posted yet, but usually when Kate does the media rounds, all the interviews are posted on the same day.

JoyinVirginia said...

There are patches and pills that can be used to prevent seasick symptoms. Either the organized mother isn't organized enough to have this available, or she is sadistic and hoping for a repeat vomit fest.

JR said...

did anyone see her anywhere else besides the 30 seconds she had on the today show? She's sooo over but acts as if everyone is still interested in her ...didn't she get the memo or has she been out of the country? Really? What planet is this woman living on?

Mel said...

Ok, I went and found the Trump video. Interesting. He could have flopped his hands around in any number of ways to indicate the reporter was flip flopping on his views.

But of all the ways he could have flopped his hands around, he chooses to flop the right hand in the exact same way that the reporter's hand is shaped.

I have to say that I don't think it was deliberate exactly. More Trump sub-consciously imitating the other man, because he doesn't respect him.

Kind of like the way he goes after women....interrupting someone to tell her she's beautiful or whatever.

It's his subtle way of letting the woman know that he doesn't respect her enough to listen to what she's saying. That his brain has gone off somewhere else instead of listening to her.

IMO, the hand flopping thing was Trump's subtle way of saying I can't attack you legitimately on your reporting so I'm going to mock your physicality...let you know that you're not quite a real man.

Why didn't he flop his hands around in an open position? Extend the hand backwards? Why curl it forward in a fist like that? Why curl it forward in a fist if you weren't imitating the man?

All very subtle. But bullying just the same.

Who, me? I didn't do anything. Just kidding around. What's wrong with you? Can't you take a joke?

Sound familiar to anyone?

Tucker's Mom said...

She's sooo over but acts as if everyone is still interested in her ...didn't she get the memo or has she been out of the country? Really? What planet is this woman living on?
Yes! That's what struck me about the interview.
Kate'a delusional and a megalomaniac. If your first criteria for a mate is that they have to be on board with being a reality tv personality, you are officially f*cked up in the head.
Seriously, this woman is around the bend.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 143
Applause! So well said. ~ Administrator said...

ou are advocating calling the cops if a person of Middle Eastsrn descent happens to move into your neighborhood?


I never remotely suggested such a thing, nor did the local, and it's incredible you would summarize it as such. The local was not in any way concerned about a Middle Eastern family in the neighborhood. He was very clear. The local said there was a LARGE group of MEN, Middle Eastern, suddenly coming and going from a single family residence.

Whatever the race, it felt suspicious to him.

But because the anti-Trumps have convinced him that's "racist" he never made that fateful call.

Remember post 911 when they told us report ANYTHING suspicious no matter how small? Now all of a sudden it's don't report anything because you're racist.

He should have trusted his gut. Better to be wrong and "racist" than have a mass shooting.

TLC stinks said...

Media coaching or not, she still cannot give a straightforward answer.

redbird said...

From Kami Cotler's Facebook page. She is great to tell stories of what happened on The Waltons.

We filmed The Burn Out exteriors at night and, as children, we were not allowed to work past 6:30 pm, so the producers had to get special permission for us to work that late. Our call time was midday or late afternoon and I think they may have fed us dinner. All very novel. A fire company was there with fire hoses. The house exterior was on the Warner Brothers back lot and behind the facade were two interior rooms that connected the front door and the side porch door. I am not sure the exact mechanism that shot fire out the upstairs windows, but I think it similar to the gas jets they used for the interior shots. When the director yelled, "Cut!" they would turn off the fire, but the wood frames had usually ignited, so the fire fighters would blast the windows with their water hoses. So dramatic. This sequence was the only time The Waltons ever felt real to me.. and just for a moment. When we were huddled together, pretending to cry, with flames shooting out the windows and then Ralph came out of the front door, enveloped in a billow of smoke with Mary in his arms, it all seemed real for a split second and I really started to cry. I had to hug Mary very tight after that scene finished!

Wish there was someone who oversees the G kids permits and make sure things are on the up and up. TFW? TLC?

Nah, not in a million years! What am I thinking?

Jamesvader1194 said...

Well im glad Hoffman posted something on twitter now and nothing bad happened to him.However what more can Hoffman do?Half of Kate's fan base,have such a loyalty towards her that nothing that hoffman will say will shack there belief about Kate.I just wished something good would happened to make this all thing over.

Tucker's Mom said...

The local said there was a LARGE group of MEN, Middle Eastern, suddenly coming and going from a single family residence.

Whatever the race, it felt suspicious to him.
I would report that in a heartbeat. Sorry it's come down to this, but if I see something, I'll say something.
Call me a racist and a bigot, but I've had enough. I don't care.

KD said...

John is only a part-time police officer

John is NOT a police officer. He is a constable. Where are you getting this stuff? And he owns a house. We simply do not know where John is sleeping.

Of all the boys he seems to get to do what he wants. I think Jim Bob has a lot of respect for his work ethic. I think John has his limits as well.

But he is not a police officer. He is an unpaid, volunteer constable in Tonitown, Arkansas.

Mel said...

I think a large group of anybodys suddenly coming and going from a residence is worth a phone call.

Who knows what it's about, probably drugs or prostitution, or both. But in any case it needs to be investigated.

I don't care if it's women, men, white, not white. If it's sudden, unusual, not quite needs to be looked into. Nothing to do with racist or bigotry. IMO.

TLC stinks said...

Who would call the guy a racist? The police? If you report suspicious activity how would anyone outside of the authorities know? It would be confidential, right? ~ Administrator said...

That was my thought Mel. Some kind of drug operation. Sales maybe. Make the phone call. If it's nothing, it's nothing, but if it is something, you may have just saved a life. It is really tragic this local did not call. He will have to live with that.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope Robert will be safe from Kate's lawyers, too.
I wonder why he's releasing the first book. Maybe because Kate's show will never end?
She'll never stop because she's addicted to fame and money.

The first book is far more effective at understanding how abusive Kate was/is to her children. ~ Administrator said...

Who would call the guy a racist? The police? If you report suspicious activity how would anyone outside of the authorities know? It would be confidential, right?


He was made to *feel* racist for calling. I completely understand why he would feel that way given how outspoken some people have been lately on this issue. It's tragic.

TLC stinks said...

Well, although the guy did not report his suspicions, at least the authorities can investigate others may have conspired now that he said something to the press. Would not surprise me at all there are others. Just as in Europe, there are terrorist cells here.

TLC stinks said...

There has been a big deal about racial profiling and lots of people use it as an excuse but sometimes you just gotta get over it when you know who the enemy is. I still don't agree with Trump. It's a thin line to have exceptions to a full blown ethnic roundup.

Call Me Crazy said...

Tucker's Mom said... 150

I would report that in a heartbeat. Sorry it's come down to this, but if I see something, I'll say something.
Call me a racist and a bigot, but I've had enough. I don't care.

I would report it, too, TM. Just as I would report any suspicious-looking activity or persons I may witness. I would report seeing a bunch of people who looked like gang-bangers or drug dealers suddenly coming and going from a residence, too. Context and behaviors, not just physical appearances, are key factors in identifying potential threats. I think a healthy dose of common sense and good judgment is required in all cases like this. I believe it is possible to be vigilant without being racist.

Call Me Crazy said...

Mel said... 152

I think a large group of anybodys suddenly coming and going from a residence is worth a phone call.

Who knows what it's about, probably drugs or prostitution, or both. But in any case it needs to be investigated.

I don't care if it's women, men, white, not white. If it's sudden, unusual, not quite needs to be looked into. Nothing to do with racist or bigotry. IMO.


Tucker's Mom said...

Perusing the articles and announcements for the new "season" of K+8, there are very few comments and the vast majority are negative.
Maybe, just maybe, the numbers will bomb.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Speaking of "the Austin Lad." Here he blows!

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Do you still have the "Team K8" armbands I sent u a while back?I recall us DM'ing about making them official! DM me when u can!

The local who didn't report the suspicious activities. According to the news, the person not only saw "Middle Easterners" coming and going at all hours, but there was late-night activity in the the garage. You can be darn sure I'd report it, racial profiling or not.

Right after the Paris attacks, there was an incident here in the city when someone saw what he thought was a suspicious person entering an office building with a rifle. Turns out it was a photographer with a tripod. He reported it, law responded and it was kind of an embarrassing mistake, but better safe than sorry.

Vanessa said...

Yes, it's all about the teens and how they relate to HER.
They tell her how to dress, how to date.... Babysitters and people run away because of the kids...any man will have to be able to tolerate the chaos and noise. They're YOUR kids, they're mouthy and loud because of YOU

PA Dutch Mom said...

The realness of reality tv:

"The Mivilles actually moved in to their new house Oct. 31. So that means ...

Yes, Victoria says, they already had a house before they were filmed looking for a home.

That’s not unusual for the reality TV show. In the Mivilles’ case, three local homes — including their eventual choice — were selected for filming by the Mivilles’ Realtor, Remi Briand, of Berkshire Hathaway.

Victoria jokes that she was a bit worried that they’d walk into a house chosen for filming and she’d realize she liked it more than that home they’d just purchased.

“But no,” she says, “no regrets.”"

fidosmommy said...

Do you suppose anyone at TLC will be watching the new K+8 episodes
with high anticipation? Or will they be watching Chopped?

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 163
Yes, it's all about the teens and how they relate to HER.
They tell her how to dress, how to date.... Babysitters and people run away because of the kids...any man will have to be able to tolerate the chaos and noise. They're YOUR kids, they're mouthy and loud because of YOU
I've never heard Kate speak lovingly about her kids. She made her kids sound like mouthy brats.
My bet is that all of the kids' caretakers were heartbroken to leave the kids with their mother. Kate is a nightmare to work for.
I mean, this woman tells the sitters to spy on her kids, keep track of bad behavior so they can get beat with a spoon and feed growing kids as little as possible!
That witch knows how hard her leaving all the time is and how the fact that they know their mother thinks the front door is a revolving one. Yet, she gets pleasure out of teasing them about her going away without them.
I think Kate gets off on the power she has over her kids. I think she soaks up their glomming onto her when she decides to grace them with her presence.

Lucy Ellen said...

#TBT - Cooking with Aunt Jodie video - she is so good with the kids.

Maybe 'all the twists & turns' refers to the fancy hairdo Deena did for her date ? Can't imagine what else it could be.

BTW - The cookbook is now $3.12 on Amazon in case you still need gifts.

TLC stinks said...

It's been revealed for a long time that those House Hunter shows are fake. The buyers already purchased a house but they go through the motions of looking. Just like those flipping house shows. Big drama about if they can get the house for the price they want and amazing how FAST those contractors work, LOL. I like to watch renovation shows for ideas, but I know it's all pre planned.

Tucker's Mom said...

"Twists and turns". Yawn. Nothing new, just Kate exaggerating for ratings. ~ Administrator said...

You'll care when it's YOU or YOUR FAMILY MEMBER being profiled.


I would think that any reasonable family member would be fine with such a phone call if it prevents tragedy. They often interview family members after tragedies such like this, and usually family members are just as horrified as the public. I doubt anyone would say no one should have called the cops. It comes down to better safe than sorry.

JR said...

Too bad about being profiled...enough is enough of this politically correct crap...people are being slaughtered :...that's a little more important than hurt feelings...give me a break ....

AuntieAnn said...

You'll care when it's YOU or YOUR FAMILY MEMBER being profiled.


If you've got nothing to hide, there shouldn't be a problem. Be thankful people CARE enough about each other to make the damn phone call.

Mel said...

What's being profiled if you're asked why you and a bunch of other random people are entering and leaving a residence extremely frequently?

It's your *behavior* that triggered the question, not your looks.

Jane said...

My son was profiled shortly after 9/11 and prevented from boarding a plane. He was upset, as was I when he told me, but we both understood why it happened and as disconcerting as it was, we agreed better to be cautious than to be sorry later.

If I saw a change in the comings and going of a home in my neighborhood, a change big enough to alert me to it, I'd have no problem at all in calling the police.

Ex Nurse said...

This is the description in the Amazon page:
"INSIDE KATE GOSSELIN'S 'HOUSE OF HORRORS' Conspiracy. Massive Coverup. Lawsuits and Legal Threats. Exploitation. Fraud. Abuse. Animal Cruelty. Lies. Read The UNEDITED version of the Book that two of the most powerful law firms in the country have tried to stop from being published. You'll never look at 'Reality' TV the same again. "She has as much right to this being kept private as anyone," Gosselin's attorney, Marc Randazza, told ABC News.

"..You HAVE To See What This Tell-All Book Claims!" – Perez Hilton"

It sure looks like he is legally able to publish her journals. The book costs $8.88

Tucker's Mom said...

"..You HAVE To See What This Tell-All Book Claims!" – Perez Hilton"

It sure looks like he is legally able to publish her journals. The book costs $8.88
I don't understand what changed? After that whole lawsuit.

Over In TFW's County said...

What's being profiled if you're asked why you and a bunch of other random people are entering and leaving a residence extremely frequently?

It's your *behavior* that triggered the question, not your looks.


Yes! A few weeks ago someone in a small town around here reported seeing a parade of men coming and going in a house down the street. The neighbor watched for awhile and grew more suspicious with each passing day. It was reported and by darn, it was a prostitution/drug ring under the guise of a benign "massage" parlor. Unfortunately, the proprietor had neither a license to give rub-downs of any kind, The perps were nailed.

Over In TFW's County said...

You'll care when it's YOU or YOUR FAMILY MEMBER being profiled.


If it's YOUR FAMILY member who is shot and killed as a result of someone not reporting suspicious activity, I guarantee that you'll care more than you would if you were "profiled."

Over In TFW's County said...

BTW - The cookbook is now $3.12 on Amazon in case you still need gifts.


I thought that Milo and some of the sheep bought all of those cookbooks as gifts. Do you mean that there are still a few left? Wasn't Milo crowing about the book being in such demand that the publisher had to print thousands more additional copies?

Mel said...

My son gets profiled all the time at the airport. We routinely plan at least 1/2 hour extra for him to be queried.

And it's strictly based on his looks. He's got a good job, nice family, nice house, traditional values.

But he has darker skin, long-ish hair, a beard. He gets picked every single time for extra scrutiny. It's especially bad outside of the U.S., but it's even pretty bad here.

We don't fuss, because it's for everyone's safety. But it does get annoying sometimes.

So, yes, it IS my family getting profiled. And if that's what it takes to have my airplane not blown up, that's what it takes. ~ Administrator said...

If it's YOUR FAMILY member who is shot and killed as a result of someone not reporting suspicious activity, I guarantee that you'll care more than you would if you were "profiled."


That's right. If I were that neighbor, and I felt pressured by current "PC" society not to speak up because it's "racist" to say something about a bunch of men coming and going from a residential home because they happened to be Muslim....I'm not sure if I could live with myself after what happened the other day.

Dmasy said...

Profile me. I would consider that my "contribution" to a safer community.

I have been randomly pulled from TSA lines. I was polite and co-operative. Why wouldn't I be? It is for your safety and mine.

I was traveling recently. Someone in my group noticed a duffle bag sitting (innocently) beside a table in one of those quickie restaurants in an airport. No owner in sight. Each of us looked back and forth with one of those what-should-we-do expressions. We decided to report the bag. Security, with a sniffing dog, came and picked it up.

Probably we only helped to protect someone's belongings from being stolen. Probably.

I don't think we can be too careful these days.

Susan1956 said...

Does anyone have a list of the sponsors from K + 8's last show/can tell me how to find it?

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 180

My son gets profiled all the time at the airport. We routinely plan at least 1/2 hour extra for him to be queried.

And it's strictly based on his looks. He's got a good job, nice family, nice house, traditional values.


This leads me to think that real terrorists would make themselves up to look like the average Joe Citizen to lessen their chances of scrutiny.

We're living in anxious times. ~ Administrator said...

This leads me to think that real terrorists would make themselves up to look like the average Joe Citizen to lessen their chances of scrutiny.


That's what's next. And that's close to what happened here. They disguised themselves as a nice suburban family who held government jobs and had a little baby who stayed with grandma while the parents were at work. Can't get much normal than that.

Then suddenly a large group of men showed up at the house coming and going, it looks very suspicious, but a local felt too uncomfortable over societal pressures to be "PC" to report it.

I always feared one day the PC culture could lead to disastrous consequences. Yesterday it finally did. This is why Trump continues to soar in the polls. He surely has his daily or weekly WTF moments, but voters are obviously responding to someone who is saying you don't have to PC under my watch and that in fact, being PC can lead to something like THIS.

They're pretty certain now it's terrorism. There were hard drives and cell phones destroyed and all evidence so far points to strong followers of ISIS. It's a terrible told ya so moment for the Right.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Over In TFW's County said... 179
BTW - The cookbook is now $3.12 on Amazon in case you still need gifts.


Well, it is cheaper than the rolls of paper they sell at the pet store that are used to line the bottom of bird cages. I wonder if my birds would enjoy looking at pictures of Kate's creative dishes. On second thought, those were stock photos Kate pulled out of, whatever.

Anonymous said...

See something, say something. That sure worked out well for the muslim clock boy. The school caught national ridicule for sending him off with his bomb-looking clock, the president supported him and then invited him to the White House, then the kid goes with his family to Quatar, I believe, and now sued this country for millions of dollars. Oh yeah, after that the guy who observed the moving of many boxes into his neighbors house is now in trouble for being PC? Come on everybody, there is so much contradiction it can cut you in half.

Call Me Crazy said...

It is not merely a culture of political correctness that prevents people from speaking out. Maybe it was the case that these particular neighbors did not alert the authorities about the activity they witnessed for the sole reason that they did not want to be viewed as racist. I do not doubt that that was part of their thinking. But there is an extremely high probability that other factors influenced their inaction as well. The skeptic in me seriously doubts that being PC was the only motivating reason for their inaction.

It is very easy, in this climate, for people to seize upon the PC aspect as the singular reason for not acting on reasonable suspicions. It is far more likely that other factors play significant roles as well. Many studies have been done to determine why people do not speak up in situations that vary from the mundane to the life threatening. Reasons include:

Lack of confidence in their own judgment and distrust of their own instincts

Not wanting to look foolish if they are wrong

Fear of hurting or causing trouble for another person

Fear of criticism, ridicule or retribution

Fear that they or their family will be hurt due to some form of retaliation.

I am bringing this up because we are going to start hearing the loud and long drumbeat that political correctness is the source of all of our ills. It is just one of many contributing factors. These days, blaming PC certainly makes it a whole lot easier to save face.

The bottom line is that people must be willing to both defy their human nature at times, and set aside political correctness, and report any and all suspicious activity.

MikeB said...

Border Collie said... 187
See something, say something. That sure worked out well for the muslim clock boy
The problem with the clock boy wasn't that the school investigated a complaint, it was what they did afterward. The clock was not a bomb yet he was arrested and suspended anyway. Unfortunately it is exactly that knee-jerk reaction by authorities that makes the PC fear worse.

P.J. said...

Border Collie said... 187
See something, say something. That sure worked out well for the muslim clock boy. The school caught national ridicule for sending him off with his bomb-looking clock, the president supported him and then invited him to the White House, then the kid goes with his family to Quatar, I believe, and now sued this country for millions of dollars.


Good point. I saw that suitcase "clock" and had the same thought as the people at the school. It looked like a bomb to me. I can't help but think the whole thing was some kind of a sting operation to see what would happen publicly.

After 9-11 there was an article in our local paper about two guys who came to Canada from the middle east and one of the first things they decided to do was take flight lessons at our local airport. It was written as a human interest story and I felt like the only one who made the connection. I got chills just reading the article. I sent an email and a link to the article to the FBI. I never even got an automated response telling me they'd received my email. I must say I felt rather frustrated. I sometimes wonder if it's like crying wolf if nothing comes of it.

Localyocul said...

My cousin was profiled after 9/11 too. She was a white female businesswoman at s large company. When my grandmother died she got a single one way plane ticket. Her husband was then going to drive out for the funeral and they would drive home. Apparently the fact that she bought a one-way ticket in the same day of the flight flagged her. When they told her something about her profile she turned to the side which they didn't think was funny but we did ~ Administrator said...

The problem with the clock boy wasn't that the school investigated a complaint, it was what they did afterward. The clock was not a bomb yet he was arrested and suspended anyway. Unfortunately it is exactly that knee-jerk reaction by authorities that makes the PC fear worse.


Yes I agree. Clock boy is the headline grabbing OMG reason people get all uncomfortable reporting something legitimate. That plays right into that lot's hands. See, see, Muslims are discriminated against clock boy proves it. Then people like that local get uncomfortable, feel racist, which is what he himself said, and don't make a legitimate phone call over a legitimate observation. The young man with the clock that did indeed look like a bomb and NOTHING like a clock ( was never charged once it was ascertained it was not a bomb or even a hoax bomb. The school pointed out hoax bombs were also prohibited. The police have been adamant his religion played no role in what happened and they simply investigated a credible bomb report.

What if it was.....what if the teacher felt "racist" for reporting it, and then her whole class died? I mean, what do you do? It's not like a child has never hurt his classmates before.

I agree once it was all straightened out the school shouldn't have suspended him, but there was absolutely nothing wrong about the initial investigation and good for the adults for saying something. And I also think there is a possibility it was a set up. His dad is a nut job who just would think of something like that.

Of course, ridiculous suspensions and punishments at school have happened to little white boys and girls too and make headlines, but who's counting.

It doesn't help though that Clock boy's father really is a nutcase who thinks 9-11 is a conspiracy and other such nonsense. There's more to that story than meets the eye. He has escalated that situation instead of being a mature adult and trying to defuse it.

Call Me Crazy said...

P.J. said... 190

After 9-11 there was an article in our local paper about two guys who came to Canada from the middle east and one of the first things they decided to do was take flight lessons at our local airport. It was written as a human interest story and I felt like the only one who made the connection. I got chills just reading the article. I sent an email and a link to the article to the FBI. I never even got an automated response telling me they'd received my email. I must say I felt rather frustrated. I sometimes wonder if it's like crying wolf if nothing comes of it.

P.J. - I don't think it is like crying wolf at all. I think you did the right thing. Even though you got no response, it doesn't mean your concern wasn't valid and investigated. Everyone should show your level of concern. Thank you for it!! ~ Administrator said...

After 9-11 there was an article in our local paper about two guys who came to Canada from the middle east and one of the first things they decided to do was take flight lessons at our local airport.


The US's own homeland security web site says things like that are exactly what you should be looking out for. So of course you did the right thing. ~ Administrator said...

I think the bottom line is people need to have some patience and understanding about national security, and understand that everything "off" needs to be investigated no matter how small. See something, say something is going to mean that sometimes things you are seeing really are nothing. But, the problem is, you cannot know which ones are real and which ones are nothing until the authorities look into it. If you yourself decide well that's probably nothing, you are doing a great disservice to everyone else and it could even result in death. Let the authorities decide that something is nothing, not you. Private citizens are not trained in investigating terrorism threats and shouldn't act like they are.

In most situations, at most someone is inconvenienced for a few hours while things are investigated. Rarely do things ever get to the level of clock boy. But if we are to keep ourselves safe, there has to be an acceptance that most reports are going to turn out to be nothing and that some people are going to get inconvenienced, including people of color. Otherwise, we will never get the credible reports passed on either.

I have had numerous contact with law enforcement through what I do, and I have found them to be overwhelming polite and easy to get along with both with myself and all other kinds of people, all colors and creeds. The only time there is an issue is if the other person is causing an issue. If someone is flagged down for something suspicious and everyone stays calm, patient and polite, most of the time everything will work out fine.

I can't help but wonder if clock boy and his family had simply said you know what, I understand, you have to do what you have to do in this day in age. Instead of crying Muslim discrimination and meeting the president? And just patiently went through this process and let them do what they need to do to investigate that credible threat--that it might never have even made headlines.

fidosmommy said...

Sitting in my living room one Saturday night, I heard a group of 3 or 4 teenagers in the yard across the street. Suddenly another one ran out of the house and I heard "I got the gun, let's go!". The gun toter was the son of a local police officer.

I immediately called 911 and told them what heard. They called me back about 15 minutes later to tell me all was well and that I had seen a potential problem where there was none. Seems the boys were going camping with one of their dads that night and hunting the next morning.
It was deer season.

I felt like a fool. Would I do it again? Yep. ~ Administrator said...

There is a difference between suspicious behavior and being labeled suspicious for being "around the neighborhood" based on your ethnicity.


I understand that perfectly and I think everyone else does.

The local did not simply see people "around the neighborhood" and considered reporting them for "Muslims in the neighborhood!" Of course it's being twisted around to be that way.

No, what the local said is he saw a large group of men specifically coming and going to that family's single residence family home. That is absolutely a red flag sign of drugs, prostitution, or other illegal activity, hands down. Any cop will tell you so and I frequently read that in police reports (usually it's drugs).

Or maybe it's a freaking birthday party every day, I do not know, but make the damn phone call and 14 lives might have been saved.

Tucker's Mom said...

Good point. I saw that suitcase "clock" and had the same thought as the people at the school. It looked like a bomb to me. I can't help but think the whole thing was some kind of a sting operation to see what would happen publicly.

After 9-11 there was an article in our local paper about two guys who came to Canada from the middle east and one of the first things they decided to do was take flight lessons at our local airport. It was written as a human interest story and I felt like the only one who made the connection. I got chills just reading the article. I sent an email and a link to the article to the FBI. I never even got an automated response telling me they'd received my email. I must say I felt rather frustrated. I sometimes wonder if it's like crying wolf if nothing comes of it.
Taking a homemade clock to school (in a suitcase?) was ill-conceived and tone deaf, and I think the teacher did the right thing.
Although the authorities seemed to overreact, I hardly think fleeing America and suing for millions is opportunistic and suspect.
What it taught that brilliant teen is to hate America.
Wonderful. Just what we need.

Tucker's Mom said...

Although the authorities seemed to overreact, I hardly think fleeing America and suing for millions is opportunistic and suspect.
Ooops, scratch the "hardly".

AuntieAnn said...

President Obama Verified account

Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.

9:58 AM - 16 Sep 2015

Such an odd thing for the POTUS to say, is it not?

So...say thousands of students decide to make similar "cool clocks". What happens then?

Talk about creating a diversion that ties up authorities hands investigating "cool clocks". And it was at the suggestion of the leader of your country, no less.

I'm scratching my head til it bleeds.

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