Saturday, December 26, 2015

Recap: 'Florida Fun.' Fla-rida NOT very fun.

Coming up on Kate Plus 8. Kate loves to deep sea fish. Does she deep sea fish a lot in the creeks and rivers of PA? I only remember one other time she tried this sport. She's totally one of those fake people who did something posh once only because they had a Groupon--like golf, or fencing, or Ethiopian food, and then later claims to just love it so much that it's a lifestyle for them. She is hopeful maybe this time the kids won't puke, but not really, because she's counting on that as a major plot line.

Kate doesn't do waterparks, because parenting is only about engaging in activities that you would independently schedule for yourself even if you were childless.

This year, their summer family vacation is in Fla-rida. Next up is a sand castle lesson. That sounds like fun. Obviously most people know how to build a simple sand castle, but I'd be interested in learning about the finer points of architecture for the really elaborate castles adults make.

Who are these instructors teaching them? They never explain. Mady quickly loses interest in all this, explaining it was just too hot that day to want to participate. This is sadly getting boring fast, likely because it's running way too long and I can already hear Betty White quipping about having to watch other people's vacation videos. The kids build some towers and the instructors show them different ways to make stairs and blocks on the towers like with spray bottles and what looks like butter knives.

Kate thinks the kids were hesitant to get involved in this project without her, Kate. Lol, what?! The kids are all really into it just fine, I don't think Kate is even a thought in their minds. What a narcissist. Where is Kate, anyway? Cigarette break? No wonder it's been so quiet and stress-free and boring.  Kate finally reappears to take an iPhone photo of their finished castle. A picture she won't think to post on Twitter because why post anything interesting on her social media feed?


No, not another thing Kate "typically" does. Gaaa! I'm typicallied out. Just once I'd like to see Kate introduce a segment by saying,  "now just to mix it up we're going to do something a-typical." Typically on vacation they plan some messy activity, this time it will be tie-dye. Kate honestly doesn't know where she got the idea back in the day to have a pudding war. Will it refresh her recollection if I suggest to her production thought of it? Mady spends a really long time explaining they have done tie-dye before. Bless her heart, she explains things just like her mother. How did they get all this tie-dyed stuff on the airplane, or did Kate find time to swing by Michael's while they were building sand castles to get all this, plus pick up some of those huge canopy tents you always see on movie sets? Heh.

The kids more or less seem to enjoy the activity. The producer sounds like he'd rather have a nap right now as he asks Kate if Kate likes to follow instructions or wing it. Does anyone care whether Kate prefers instructions or winging it? Does anyone care what anyone prefers as to this incredibly mind-numbing topic? That sounds more like a stupid interview question for a tech start-up and your answer is the difference between the offer or the boot, which is dumb. This segment is, mercifully, pretty short, more than likely because no big drama happened. I almost feel a tiny bit sorry for the editors trying to find usable footage to fill up an entire hour. Sounds like quite the task.

Next up, and this will later prove to be a very important moment so listen up! Hehe. Kate says, who is going fishing, and who is going to stay behind and clean the house with their nanny? So yes, as Kate later tweeted, she did give the poor vomiting children a choice whether they would like to vomit. And that choice was: hard labor or vomiting.

I can see a kid debating the finer point of this one in his head. Well, I know I probably am going to vomit because I've vomited on boats before, but maybe I will only vomit once or twice and the rest of the time I will have fun. I sure don't want to clean on vacation, so I guess I'll take my chances on the vomiting.

The only fair choice is to give the kids who stay behind an equally fun activity, period.

Why do they have to clean the house anyway? If you just tidy up as you go there shouldn't be much to clean, and it's completely unnecessary to clean this as you would your own home unless that's required as part of your rental. I can't imagine a nice house rental like this doesn't charge a cleaning fee to take care of that for you at the end of your stay. As long as you don't trash the place, you're fine. Sigh.

I see too she's one of those parents who lures the nanny along on a wonderful all-expense paid trip to Florida, only to leave them home to mop while you all get to have the fun. They're such joys.

I think it's funny in a random way and at times somewhat offensive when people pull out a Southern accent for no particular reason, which Kate suddenly does when she says she's gonna catch the biggest fish. Lol.

Cara tries to explain to Kate it's likely the children are going to be puking, so thanks but no thanks. It sounds like she mostly doesn't want to go not because she has an objection to deep sea fishing but because she just doesn't want to watch children vomit. Who would, sheesh. Aaden is looking at something toward the ceiling near Hannah, and is getting rather close to her personal space, seemingly unaware she is there. Hannah appears to smash her foot into Aaden's in bitter retaliation, to which he yelps in obvious pain. This goes unchecked, of course. She could have tried "excuse me, Aaden, you're in my personal space" first before physical assault.

The three older girls and Hannah wisely stay behind to do hard labor.

A minor point I haven't seen anyone mention. Kate says she was thrilled she got at least five of the kids to join her. It was probably obvious to the children right then this made her happy. Another reason this was not a "choice" for the children, or an impossible one anyway. Stay behind and disappoint Mommy or at least see her indifferent, or make Mommy "thrilled." If they didn't get the message then they will get it now after watching this episode, and it will affect future "choices" she offers to them. The deck was stacked against them before the "choice" was ever even presented. The system is rigged.

I do have a genuine little laugh when Kate says to one of the girls, who is whining about something or other, I'll give you a piece of gum but be quiet. A rare truly funny moment frazzled parents may relate to.

Haha, Kate can't really explain why she likes fishing when asked. How could she, she's done it once, twice? I think someone hit the nail on the head in that she just likes this because she likes the attention from the men on the boat. Doesn't matter if it's fishing for tuna in the Atlantic or fishing a spider out of a kiddie pool. The activity itself is not what interests her, it's the attention. She finally comes up with some weak answer about how blah blah she likes open water. So did they.

In any case, deep sea fishing seems like such a ridiculous sport from someone who lives in such a landlocked area to take up unless they really have the time and means to sustain such a sport (and I know some do, and that's great for them). The reality is it's prohibitively expensive not only to charter your own a boat but to even get to locations you can do fishing like this in the first place. What a silly hobby for someone like her with eight kids to raise. If she's really sincere about this fishing thing why not take up something like fly fishing? I've heard there are some wonderful spots in PA's rivers for that. She could even get the kids into it and no one would vomit. 

Dolphins, a pirate ship. Choppy water. Green kids. Some of the kids are catching a few fish and are proud of themselves. Notably Leah says they have done deep sea fishing before in North Carolina (a previous episode as you recall) and "it wasn't very fun." Sigh. 

Kate proves how selfish she is by saying she's sad the kids just don't take to the ocean because she loves it. That's wonderful for you. But your kids don't.  So why do you keep on insisting on doing this to them? There are just so many other fun activities you could do with kids in Florida.

Back at the ranch, why are the girls not doing hard labor? Wth! 

Instead they're planning to make a fun dinner. They suggest veggie pizza. Add a hearty mixed salad and that sounds delicious. Their nanny sure is a barrel of laughs. Just kidding, she's totally checked out, like hello-anyone-home checked out. 

Mady is getting into a sassy argument with her nanny about whether the meal they are planning has to include meat. While I don't like the way Mady is copping an attitude with her nanny (any good nanny wouldn't tolerate such nonsense for a second), I do have to say Mady is right. The girls can cook a great, healthy, filling meal for the family without including meat. I will say this though, the nanny may be worried more about Kate, since there's a good chance Kate might come home to a vegetarian meal and be mad at the nanny for allowing this. So I'm tempted to give Andrea the benefit of the doubt on this one.

A long discussion about who is good at cooking and other boring stuff. They're filling a lot of time by having Mady read the whole shopping list. These poor editors, they're trying so hard. 

Back at the boat, Kate's got something on her hook reeling it in like a boss, and this time it's not her ex-husband.  She's having the time of her life, smiling like a goon, while her kids sit dejectedly behind her, growing greener by the minute.

She can't just quit while she's ahead. They've already caught some great fish. Instead they decide to push farther out, where the waves are much worse.

I won't belabor this part too much other than to say Aaden eventually gets sick to his stomach, and there's a lot of puking. Kate actually tells them this is all mind over matter. Okay, Tom Cruise. 

Kate lists all the things she brought to help with this, like ginger ail and towels, not one of which includes medication for seasickness. She also admits she doesn't suffer from seasickness so what does she know. Right, that's my point. What a doofus. 

The girls are making lasagna. They go on some tangent about present wrapping. Yawn. It's good for teenagers to bring a friend. Yes, genius.

Kate's back on the pole. The fishing one that is. And there goes Leah. Kate keeps reeling as she watches her puke, feigning concern. She later goes into a long explanation about why she didn't go help her that doesn't make much sense. But I do notice as she reels Kate's hair is getting precariously close to the reel and I imagine how hilarious it would be if it got tangled up in there. Bitch got tangled! Alexis is now in tears. Aw.

A producer asks Leah when she started to feel sick. Um, what the heck does that matter? What a creepy intrusive question. Leah rolls her eyes and says she doesn't want to talk about this, and good for her. Jesus, I approve of that eye roll. I can't wait until they don't want to talk about anything much less their vomiting habits.

Kate finally, finally, calls it a day when Alexis tells her they all want to go home except Kate. Poor things. Kate the martyr says she had to call it a day because sometimes moms have to do that. Um, what does being a mom have to do with making compromises for your loved ones? That's what any decent person would do much less a mom when everyone else around them is vomiting. And good Lord, a good mom never would have taken the kids on this trip in the first place, or would have gotten them strong sea sickness medication, or would have turned around much sooner, well before the point where the children were suffering. I cannot believe after all this she still has hope they can get back on a boat together someday. No! Stop it! My God. On a positive note, this little stunt prompted a big sheeple fleecing like we haven't seen in years, so. Lol. 

The lasagna the girls made looks great and they all came home to a yummy dinner. Kate actually with a straight face acts like she never, or rarely, has had someone wait on her with dinner ready when she gets home and that it's so nice. Mady is pretty proud of this dish and the fact that it's vegetarian. I wish she had more constructive activities like this to harness her energy. Most of the kids really loved it, aw.

Commercials. We're back, and Kate doesn't enjoy water parks and therefore they've never gone. Uh huh. She really doesn't see the irony there to the deep sea fishing trip they just did.  Amazing. 

We watch a family we've never met go to a water park. Betty White, where are you? Pass the rumspringa!! Mady doesn't want to be here. Mady doesn't want to be much of anywhere apparently. 

Kate is worried about the inability to control eight kids at a water park. How do school groups do it? Hannah gives her huge lip about Kate wanting them to stay in the same group, which I understand is a real drag, but like Andrea said I'm not sure how else they're going to supervise them. There are great things about having a lot of siblings and some down sides, and they're eleven now and are really going to have to grow up about some of the downsides and just deal with it.

Kate practically humps this inner tube in the shape of an eight, she loves it so much. I don't know if I would see that so much as an "eight" inner tube as opposed to just a double circle one. Only thing better would be an inner tube in the shape of a dollar sign, eh? 

This episode is an hour and three minutes? That extra three minutes is not fair!

Mady sucked it up and admitted she had fun. Well that's good.

The kids really want Kate to join in, which of course they don't show them really saying (they never show the kids saying half the things Kate says they do) but Kate doesn't want to do much because she's.....afraid of losing her top????


Awkward. Anyway Kate finally agrees to do the lazy river which I know is much more fun to actually be in than to watch strangers and their kids go on. Hey, I once recovered and returned someone's lost waterproof camera I found in the lazy river. I am a lazy river hero. Oh god, the only thing that could make this worse is if Kate starts to talk in a string of up-tilt questions.....and there she blows.

The kids now every day ask to go back to the water park. Every day? Wow. Do the kids have any concept of how much it costs to take eight kids to a waterpark? They are old enough to be made aware of such things and to not make such demands daily. Geez. I'm just thinking, if you're so afraid of losing your top at the waterpark, why not just wear a one piece? The Lord helps those who helps themselves. 

Commercials. TLC really is peddling the Duggars hard. Apparently in 2015 "cancelled" means more like "cancelled only until most viewers forget whatever the scandal of the month was that caused us to cancel it."

We're back and at some place called Gator Beach where we will do a redux of Alexis handling an alligator. If there's one thing quite noticeable about this episode is there was no theme or direction, no "storyline." It's just a bunch of random activities stitched together into 63 minutes in the hopes that at least a few of them will cause some drama. Who even knows if any of these activities occurred in the order they show them. What it has done is made this trip seem very jam packed and whirlwind. On vacation I just want to relax sometimes. I feel sorry for Alexis in that she acts like she thinks the man running the alligator show actually chose her from the crowd randomly. Kate is sneering from the sidelines trying to act concerned for what she is doing, which is of course completely safe and benign. Later they all taunt some small alligators with food on a pole. Gross, I hate such places. I can't believe Kate says Alexis enjoyed her "alder-gaters." She hasn't said it like that in like eight years, just stop it.

Not another packing segment. The only highlight is the epic eyeroll Hannah gives Kate, heh. Parting is such sweet sorrow, Juliet opines. 

To make the episode stretchhhhhh to fit the time they now show us a bunch of "recap" clips from this episode. Lol, that's too much. 

Every year is one less year Kate has with her children? That sounds terribly morbid. I've definitely heard kids grow up too fast, but never quite heard it put that way. 

Next time, antiquing and then someone will get chopped!

268 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Jane said... 1

Brava, Admin! Great recap! Very clear that was no vacation, just a bunch of filming throw togethers.

Spoiler - Making a Murderer

P.J. said... 2

Well, what is there to say. Riveting stuff if you've been kidnapped and held in a room with no windows and only your own toes to play with.

Ugh! Admin, you handled 63 minutes without nodding off? Brava!

JoyinVirginia said... 3

Thanks for the recap admin. Oh my goodness, the only thing possibly more boring than other people's vacation photos is other people shopping.
Question for posters here: antique vs vintage, dots it mean the same or different things to you? Vintage to me is a more "trendy" term than antique. I would like to see truth in labeling, and someone to call it "old stuff nobody else wants but maybe there will be something nostalgic that people will pay cash money for".

Janice in Mo said... 4

She went fishing in Australia with Steve after attempting to swim with the sharks in the cage. Remember, she walked to the shore with it. I would guess, she fished when they went to Mexico and the other times she has snuck off. I think it is somewhat fair to say she has fished more than has been filmed.


Dmasy said... 5

I have yet to watch an episode. I think the old ones are a lead-in to the new show on Tuesday. Somewhere around 5:00PM, I could ... could watch the riveting program that Admin just described.

I will give it some thought.

Dmasy said... 6

Back to "Making a Murderer"

I spent some time with someone who has already seen it to the end. I think I stuck my fingers in my ears and begged him not to say another word.

Janice in Mo said... 7

An antique must be at least 50 years old. Vintage could fall into that as well. Old record players are definilty reaching that point, cameras and radios and such. I think you nailed it with vintage is just trendier to say. Where I live painted, old furniture is huge. Most of the pieces are truly antiques, meaning 50+ years old. However, the sellers use the words, "vintage hutch", so potatoes, I guess.

I quite like that Mady has an interest. To think Kate had never been in an antique store blows my mind. But her behavior in the store was so immature and unpolished, you could practically see her nose in the air.


Formerly Duped said... 8

Didn't they go to sort of an antique second-hand furniture store in the room swap episode?

Happy Holidays, all!

SoCalER-RN said... 9

Kate said they have never been to a water park? Wait. What? Didn't they go to some sort of water park thing when Jon and Kate were still together? I don't think it was as large as the one in the current episode, but it was still a water park. Anyone recall?
Also, I love reading about the various states people live in. I live in Wisconsin. Anyone else? I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I made Mexican food. Homemade tamales, rice, and beans. And a flan cake for dessert. I also love to read about other posters Christmas traditions. So wonderful!!

Janice in Mo said... 10

They went to Sesame Place that did have a water park. Jenny had to take Mady and Cara down the slides a few times, in her clothes. Kate and Jon just stood in the toddler area. Kate got her feet wet.


fade2black said... 11

Question for posters here: antique vs vintage, dots it mean the same or different things to you?
Vintage is from my childhood, antique is from my mom's childhood. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 12

Admin, thanks for this belated Christmas present!
Or was in an on-time Kwanzaa or Boxing Day present?

If TFW said that every year is one less year she has with her children, I think it's subconsciously because she is desperately keeping track of when they'll be grown and gone. Remember her strictness about naptime, when she demanded that those kids were out of her hair for 3-hour periods every day?
If it wouldn't interfere with filming, I believe she'd dump at least 2 of those boys on their dad in a New York minute (she'd need to keep one to do chores). I haven't watched in years, but it sure doesn't sound like she is finally showing warmth, kindness and love to her sons.

Did TFW wish her fans a Merry Christmas, or simply tweet a picture of her dinner?

Blowing In The Wind said... 13

She finally comes up with some weak answer about how blah blah she likes open water.


When did this fascination with water come about? Kate had insisted a few times before that she's not "waterish." Is open water different than closed water?

Anonymous said... 14

A birthday present for me today, being able to laugh at another hilarious K8 recap. Honestly, their vacation reels are beyond boring, so thanks for the visual I get this way. Happy Boxing Day to all.


Formerly Duped said... 15

I thought it was weird TFW tweeted her dinner and drink on the counter-top?? She has sometimes shown the large dining table or the kitchen one with paper goods for the kids' meals.Makes me wonder if she even had the kids there for a Xmas dinner.No shrieks or screams even!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 16

SoCalER-RN (#9), I would never have guessed from your name that you're from Wisconsin! Your Christmas menu is making me crave Mexican food, but I don't have the right ingredients handy, and I'm too lazy to go out and buy some. Instead, I'm going to have an inauthentic French lunch: microwaved Costco quiche. Ooh la la!

Formerly Duped (#15), I had the same reaction to the plate picture. TFW didn't come out and say the kids were there -- just that they like ham for Christmas and Easter.

Just passing by said... 17

Antique = more than 100 years old.
Vintage = more than 50 years old.
Kate Gosselin = boring

FlimsyFlamsy said... 18

Christmas pictures of the new Duggar offspring on I can't believe they are still in business with that family. Oh, wait, of course
I can.

Meanwhile, TFW tweets a plate of halmon, and
America yawns.

May said... 19

Making a Murderer OMG! Thanks so much for the recommendation. Episode six and I am hooked!

P.J. said... 20

Just passing by said... 17

Antique = more than 100 years old.
Vintage = more than 50 years old.
Kate Gosselin = boring


I agree. The only vintage I'm interested in is the grapes. ;)

The only thing I would add is:
Kate Gosselin = 40+ and boring.

TLC stinks said... 21

That dinner she tweeted was her lonely Xmas dinner.

Pahahaha said... 22

Xmas dinner for one. Looks like a Blue Apron type meal or maybe Neals on Wheels. You so get what you get, Kate. Lol.

localyocul said... 23

Formerly Duped said... 15
I thought it was weird TFW tweeted her dinner and drink on the counter-top??


That's what I think. My ex and I used to split the day. One had Christmas eve through noon or so, then the other for the rest of the day/dinner. And it would alternate which one had which. I bet they were with Jon for dinner. I wonder if he made them eat turkey

jamezvader1194 said... 24

But anyone here notice how she tweeted a picture of just the 6 kids and Mady and Cara aren't in it?I feel this was damage control cause before,she made it seem like it was just her and now after people were wondering about the kids,she posts just the 6 kids.Wonder where Mady and Cara are.

Pahahaha said... 25

I don't believe for a second that the Gosselin kids refuse to eat turkey other than on Thanksgiving. Since when have they been given anything resembling autonomy regarding their food choices? She has them controlled down to the last grape and teeny tiny container of hummus. Hell no. SHE didn't want to make a turkey. That makes far more sense. Turkey dinner is delicious any day of the year.

Midnight Madness said... 26

Xmas dinner for one. Looks like a Blue Apron type meal or maybe Neals on Wheels. You so get what you get, Kate. Lol.


Would that be Neilds on Wheels?

Pahahaha said... 27

Xmas dinner for one. Looks like a Blue Apron type meal or maybe Neals on Wheels. You so get what you get, Kate. Lol.


Would that be Neilds on Wheels?


Ah, that explains the small sausages

Midnight Madness said... 28

Wonder where Mady and Cara are.


Hasn't Milo asked Kate that question? She always wants to know the whereabouts of the kids. I really don't care. Wherever they are, I hope that they are having fun and enjoying some privacy. ~ Administrator said... 29

I just took a peek at Kate's xmas dinner for one. What a greasy mash-up.

I cannot believe this woman has tried to market herself as a cook. I'm embarrassed for there about the food pictures she puts out there so proudly. If she wasn't trying to sell cookbooks it wouldn't matter.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 30

Admin (#28), does TFW's website still say the cookbook is "coming soon?"

Geez, she can't even be bothered to try to market the darn thing. Haven't 2 Christmases come and gone since it was published? It could've made a swell holiday gift for people who enjoy lemony hummus,
and sandwiches cut on the diagonal.

jamezvader1194 said... 31

@Midnight Madness Dont get me wrong,im not trying to be like nosy Gladys who always asking kate like 50 questions about things.Its just nowadays,there aren't many pictures of the twins anymore.Heck most of the photos of the kids are Alexis with sometimes zorro.When was the last time it was just 1 of the other kids?I don't believe the alexis pictures are damage control because no one is asking about Alexis,people are wondering whats up collin and mady mostly.You would think she'd upload more pictures of collin if that were the case.I hope i don't sound mean but i think Alexis is like her mom in the sense that she likes the attention.Cause i dont see any reason why she uploads so many alexis photos.

Over And Out said... 32

Susan Dowd ‏@dowd24 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Do u need any help?

What kind of help? Mental?


"Ah, that explains the small sausages" (27)


According to the MsGoody sheep, that would be Jon.

Were there sausages on the plate? I thought those were potatoes.

Over And Out said... 33

It could've made a swell holiday gift for people who enjoy lemony hummus,
and sandwiches cut on the diagonal.


And green beans or snap peas or whatever else is in her chicken cacciatore recipe.

Didn't Kate write in her cookbook that if a food isn't well received the first time, you try it again and again? I wonder how many times she tried serving turkey for Christmas dinner and since it wasn't "well received" she finally gave up?

Jane said... 34

May said... 19
Making a Murderer OMG! Thanks so much for the recommendation. Episode six and I am hooked!

I think Sue_Buddy was the first to mention it - if I'm wrong, sorry and thanks to whomever was the first! I'm on the final episode and am saving it for a time when the house is quiet and I can sit and just digest it all. I'll be sorry when it ends. So glad you're enjoying it.

Formerly Duped said... 35

I think the picture of just the tups could have been taken any day. Although it has been warm, Hannah just has a tank top on, so it could be an older pic?

Tucker's Mom said... 36

fade2black said... 11
Question for posters here: antique vs vintage, dots it mean the same or different things to you?
Vintage is from my childhood, antique is from my mom's childhood. :)

I'm putting snaps in the snap cup!
(Elle Woods)

Tucker's Mom said... 37

FlimsyFlamsy said... 18
Christmas pictures of the new Duggar offspring on I can't believe they are still in business with that family. Oh, wait, of course
I can.

Meanwhile, TFW tweets a plate of halmon, and
America yawns.
You are en fuego!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 38

I'm putting snaps in the snap cup!
(Elle Woods)


Well, Kate's cups runneth over so she doesn't have any extra space in there for her snaps.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 39

i think Alexis is like her mom in the sense that she likes the attention.Cause i dont see any reason why she uploads so many alexis photos.


It could be because Alexis has always been one of the sheeple's favorites. She's a cute kid, and according to Kate, always coming up with stuff that Kate thinks is tweet-worthy. Remember the fan who had "Alexis" tattooed on her arm? Leah and Hannah seldom gets the attention from the sheeple that Alexis and her aldergators do.

Localyocul said... 40

Here Milo has it right:

@Kateplusmy8 Any tips for preteen girl attitude issues? Besides pulling my hair out? 😁
@SouthernMomma85 How is your girl old enough to b doing the attitude thing?Sigh..Patience. Love. Choose your battles.It’s SO hard😁 isn’t it?
@SouthernMomma85 @Kateplusmy8 When I 1st had 2address this...we had to isolate what behavior, phrases & words were unacceptable.

@SouthernMomma85 @Kateplusmy8 Next I asked? "do you know what this means?" "Do you know why Mom & Daddy don't like this?"

@SouthernMomma85 @Kateplusmy8 And once we got all that straight..I said..."Do it again..& this is what happens to you! " LOL #Stick2UrGuns ~ Administrator said... 41

Here Milo has it right:


Yes, she's at least right in that this behavior needs to be addressed. I like too how, allegedly, she is talking to her child from both Mom and Dad, a united front.

But she's doing that thing Milo always does in that she is trying to gently guide Kate in a different direction. It's kind of sad actually.

NJGal51 said... 42

Milo also tweeted...@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 @SouthernMomma85 Tv...#SocialMedia. & other kids can get a young one started w/attitudes real early! Sad isnt it..

I wonder if Milo is giving another gentle dig this time about Mady's attitude.

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 43

Is she talking about Kate?

Emily Creighton @EmCr68
@HspncElvis she's my second mama!! Everyone makes that mistake though ;) must be the blonde hair!

Has she also babysat for Carnie's daughters, Luci and Lola?

Emily Creighton @EmCr68
@CarnieWilson this is the absolute best!!! Nothing like a mother/daughter friendship!! Love you two! Reminds me of me & my mom!

There are some odd fans out there:

Bambi Cherri Thomas ‏@kcatwalk_1 51m51 minutes ago Iowa, USA
@Kateplusmy8 here's my east indie show duck I named Joel.❤️ after your Joel Kevin. He's very sweet!

This one has a hand and fingers fetish. TL is enough to gag a maggot, but "it" finds Kate's desirable. Ewwww...

shut_me_up ‏@Plekers14 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 u have beautiful hands and nails

Some of them make Gladys seem normal. Well, almost!

localyocul said... 44

NJGal51 said... 42
Milo also tweeted...@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 @SouthernMomma85 Tv...#SocialMedia. & other kids can get a young one started w/attitudes real early! Sad isnt it..

I wonder if Milo is giving another gentle dig this time about Mady's attitude.


OMG that's so funny! Maybe Mady is teaching that Southernmomma's kid how to sass!

localyocul said... 45

But she's doing that thing Milo always does in that she is trying to gently guide Kate in a different direction. It's kind of sad actually.


Yep..I mean love and patience is great but you have to have limits as well. You can set limits lovingly and patiently

Math Girl said... 46

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 43
Is she talking about Kate?

Emily Creighton @EmCr68
@HspncElvis she's my second mama!! Everyone makes that mistake though ;) must be the blonde hair!

No. I looked up the tweet he's replying to, and it is a picture of Emily and her acting coach. I forget the woman's name; some time in the past we discussed Emily's inappropriately lovey-dovey tweets to her. Just looked up the name; it's Isobel (sp?) Carrington.

TLC stinks said... 47

That picture she tweeted was the kids in their PJ's. It could have been taken Xmas Eve so the kids could the night with her, but I bet they were with Jon Xmas day.

Funny about the cleanup tweet. She has always not allowed a mess at Xmas (remember the cleanup as you go opening presents?)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 48

Good grief, who the heck asked Gladys for parenting advice? Someone tweeted Kate Gosselin, a well-known mother of 8 children. Why does this ninny squeeze herself into the conversation? Is it any wonder people move away in the middle of the night?
She's like the clueless person who barges
into a private conversation between 2 people and says, "So, what are we talking about?"

Jeanne said... 49

I don't think it will matter in the least if Kate smacks Aaden in the next episode. I read some of the comments about Mady's behavior on different articles. 95% seemed to be what Mady needs is to be hit every time she mouths off. So many people still believe in beating children to get them to behave. Very sad. I don't think more beatings will help Mady.

And Kate would loooovvve for her top to come off on tv. She wants people to say how wonderful her fake boobies are. She wouldn't wear a bikini if she didn't want attention. She knows it will be on the tv show.

Ingrid said... 50

SoCalER-RN said... 9

I am in Wis. too. We are having Christmas tomorrow. I didn't want a typical turkey or ham full meal this year. Started out with a plan of just appetizers, finger foods, cookies,but now there will be a pasta salad and hot ham sandwiches, lefse, date bread and more. My mom is 82 and insisted on the above extra stuff we are having or I would have said no. She wins of course. LOL

Sherry Baby said... 51

No. I looked up the tweet he's replying to, and it is a picture of Emily and her acting coach

I thought that Kate was her second mama. Was Kate demoted? Oh no, which one will be the Godmother of Em's children? What to do...what to do!

Whatever happened to the foot/shoe fetish guy who wanted to caress and lick Kate's feet? Has he moved on to more desirable feet? I forget his Twitter name. Was it Pedes Humanus, Planta Personus, or just plain old Hush Puppy?

I'm sure Kate just loves to hear that the haters are out in full force and needs to be reminded to block them. Fans are such doofi:

Christian Snyder ‏@csnyder5 34m34 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 See you there! Also the haters are being extra obnoxious today so you should block them so they can't tweet you

"Why does this ninny squeeze herself into the conversation?"

It's an addiction. Obviously she just cannot help herself. She could try to "extricate" herself from the situation, but it would drive her totally crazy if she had to refrain from acting as Kate's spokesperson. Kravitz is called Kravitz for a reason. It's her shtick and she/he is never gonna change. I do think, though, that Kate sees her as a pest but doesn't want to ruffle Kravitz's feathers, for whatever reason.

Great recap, admin. Will you do it all over again on Tuesday? Bless you!

Sherry Baby said... 52

And Kate would loooovvve for her top to come off on tv. She wants people to say how wonderful her fake boobies are. She wouldn't wear a bikini if she didn't want attention. She knows it will be on the tv

Well, heck if you pay for new bazooms, you gotta show them. What would be the purpose of spending money on them if nobody like Milo can drool over those puppies? I'm not sure if she grifted them or not. I would suspect that if she wanted free ones she would have tweeted @freefloppers

Sheepless In Seattle said... 53

Checked to see if Uggs wished her buddy, Kate, a Merry Christmas. I didn't see anything, but there's this:

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@ravensymone #HeyGirlHey can't wait to see you in person 1/25 at @TheView

21 DecBrenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@WhoopiGoldberg coming to @TheView 1/25!! I hope I get to meet you. #1fan forever. Luv ya girl

Does she hang out at the back door in hopes that Whoopi will be excited to see her?

Over In TFW's County said... 54

I just took a peek at Kate's xmas dinner for one. What a greasy mash-up.


I was trying to figure out what was what on the plate. Clockwise, starting with the salmon...fingerling potatoes (some on Twitter thought those were sausages); green beans and onions over ham; don't know what's next: and then corn, either corn pudding or creamed.

I think that it probably tasted better than it looked.

fidosmommy said... 55

You know, when your fingerling potatoes look like sausages, or your sausages look like fingerling potatoes, there's either a problem in the kitchen or in the photography. Some of those potatoes really do look like long-cut pan fried sausages. To me anyway.

We're still enjoying ham sandwiches, the biggest shrimp I have ever seen in my life (perfect!) and party food galore. Then it starts all over again for New Years. What a life!

TLC stinks said... 56

Mady and Cara are old enough to say NO to Twitter pictures. I think Alexis is ok with it, the others not so much. Hannah had been a favorite until she had that meltdown and refused to go home. I think Hannah is close to Collin and was upset about how he is treated. She seems the most mature of the tups. She's the one to watch in later years as far as revealing the truth. She did not go on the fishing trip either. She knew it would suck.

Rhymes with Witch said... 57

I think that it probably tasted better than it looked. 54

I think you're probably right. More interestingly, it's a real meal with more than one food group represented.

TLC stinks said... 58

If that was corn pudding, it looked more like mac n cheese. It is good she did not tweet many Xmas photos, in fact, she appears to be preoccupied and not tweeting much. That is great.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. My jeans are feeling a little tighter this morning. It's worth it.

P.J. said... 59

TLC stinks said... 58

Hope everyone had a great holiday. My jeans are feeling a little tighter this morning. It's worth it.


Jeans? Jeans? You're in jeans two days after Christmas? Humble-brag much? ;) LOL


Tucker's Mom said... 60

I'm thinking it was just Kate and Steve for Christmas dinner slop. I don't know why the kids would have to shuttle back and forth on Christmas day.
Let them have the entire day with their dad ;-(

Tucker's Mom said... 61

eans? Jeans? You're in jeans two days after Christmas? Humble-brag much? ;) LOL
I'm in my yoga pants today.
Christmas dinner at my BIL's was amazing. Roasted turkey, deep fried turkey, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, roasted brussel sprouts with lardons, stuffing, gravy. Yum!
There was much merriment, with both sides of the family having a wonderful time visiting, enjoying libations and singing. Lots of little kids running and playing with their cousins and new toys!
Such a tragedy that Kate has cruelly taken that away.

NJGal51 said... 62

Another dig by Milo? TFW always talks about how much she loved her grandparents but apparently denies the kids access to theirs.

@MiloandJack: Never met my grandpa or grandma.. But I know urs meant alot to you. A lil nostalgia #Grandparents :) …@Kateplusmy8

Tucker's Mom said... 63

NJGal51 said... 62
Another dig by Milo? TFW always talks about how much she loved her grandparents but apparently denies the kids access to theirs.
Exactly. It's so cruel.
I get it if Kate feels her parents weren't the best and perhaps they were harsh. But grandkids are a whole 'nother thing.
Who's to say that her grandparents weren't strict and mean to her parent?
The relationship between grandchild and grandparent is so special. Sacred even. It's terrible to think that any size home, or distant travel, or freebie is going to take the place of that special bond.
I was very close to my maternal grandparents. Sadly, they passed away too soon, but even though I was very young, my memories of spending time with them and laughing and being genuinely loved is forever with me.
I also am sad for the G kids for losing Beth and Jodi.
And Ashley.

JoyinVirginia said... 64

Happy day after day after Christmas! I haven't touched anything work related since 12/24. It's 66 degrees and sunny here, I'm running around in shorts and tee shirt! Baking a pound cake to take to another family gathering this afternoon, and we are going to drive the convertible! Yes, I'm bragging, gonna enjoy this weather while I can. Watching the weather channel and feeling great sympathy for people dealing with fire, flood, tornado, other extreme weather. I've lived thru enough hurricanes, tropical storms, and ice storms, I'm gonna get the maximum enjoyment from this weather!
Plus we go to the Outer Banks new years day, I'm going to enjoy that as long as I can! Our house might be all underwater by 2100!

Tucker's Mom said... 65

JoyinVirginia said... 64
Happy day after day after Christmas! I haven't touched anything work related since 12/24. It's 66 degrees and sunny here, I'm running around in shorts and tee shirt! Baking a pound cake to take to another family gathering this afternoon, and we are going to drive the convertible! Yes, I'm bragging, gonna enjoy this weather while I can.
A couple days out of my kitchen and I'm cooking and baking, too!
We've made carmelitas (Kelsey Nixon, Food TV) with salted cashews, soup and our hard-earned ;-) kielbasa is in the crockpot.
Going to make pierogies later when we have dinner.

:-) Passed through Philly on our way north, to pick up about 10# of kielbasa. Waiting in a line of about 30 people, in the drizzling rain, chatting with the locals, opining about memories.
Great stuff.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

JoyinVirginia said... 64
Our convertible needs a little exercise, too!

Tucker's Mom said... 67

Plus we go to the Outer Banks new years day, I'm going to enjoy that as long as I can! Our house might be all underwater by 2100!
OK, now you're bragging!
We were thinking about going over Thanksgiving but passed at the last minute. Would have been nice.
We'll have to wait for Duck in May.
Can't wait to see our our rescue lab likes the ocean!

PA Dutch Mom said... 68

If that was corn pudding, it looked more like mac n cheese.


She made no mention of Mac and Cheese. That looks like the way we make baked corn (Copes) or corn pudding here. She did list corn as one of the things on the menu.

I'm in jeans today, too. Did Chinese yesterday for a good "cleansing." That always works.

PA Dutch Mom said... 69

fidosmommy said... 55
You know, when your fingerling potatoes look like sausages, or your sausages look like fingerling potatoes, there's either a problem in the kitchen or in the photography. Some of those potatoes really do look like long-cut pan fried sausages. To me anyway.


If you google images for fingerlings, many of them do look like sausages! :)

PA Dutch Mom said... 70

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 3h3 hours ago
@finndango @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 D'you think sausages? They look like innards of some kind - maybe grossly magnified e-coli.

I guess the Twitterlings have never seen fingerlings. They are still trying to figure out what they are! They do look a little bit disgusting, though. The potatoes, not the tweeters!

Tucker's Mom said... 71

I'm in jeans today, too. Did Chinese yesterday for a good "cleansing." That always works.
A big squeeze of hot Chinese mustard on a crispy, hot egg roll always makes things right in the world for me.

reader said... 72
Tips on food photography.
My opinion, the meal for 1 looks good.

Going to miss "The Affair" tonight.

Over In TFW's County said... 73

I see Stale Cereal Brownie is back on Kate's TL. Now *that* was a strange one. She had set herself up as second in line to Milo as Chief Executive Ewe. Does anyone remember the 70 or so frantic tweets from the store at the Morgantown (PA) outlet mall when she was buying old Cascadian organic cereal for Kate? It was manic tweeting and so funny! If they were such good friends, she could have called Kate!

Then Brownie disappeared in the dead of night...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 74

Just finished watching the last episode of Making a Murderer on Netflix. I won't give any spoilers, but ...whew...I feel drained. Excellent show!

jamezvader1194 said... 75

@Over in TFW's County I've seem some tweets from Kate critics about that person and someone said the ceral person made the claim that she knows Kate cause she met her at a book signing.Sounds like that weirdo Border Collie chick that made the claim shes good friends with Kate's sister,Lol.I can see why some people get some of her fans mixed up.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 76

Just finished watching the last episode of Making a Murderer on Netflix. I won't give any spoilers, but ...whew...I feel drained. Excellent show!


I'm just getting ready to watch it from the beginning!

Yes, Brownie was a bit scary. I remember her. I think she talked to Kate a few seconds somewhere at a signing and immediately she thought Kate was her best friend. If I recall, she kept wanting to get together with Kate for coffee and chatting. I don't remember exactly what happened to her, but she went away very fast...something about one of her male friends being arrested for child porn. Or am I thinking of someone else? I can't keep up with these odd fans!

Sue_Buddy said... 77

jolie Jacquelyn said... 74
Just finished watching the last episode of Making a Murderer on Netflix. I won't give any spoilers, but ...whew...I feel drained. Excellent show!

That's how I felt. Everything else seems rather bland in comparison.

localyocul said... 78

.something about one of her male friends being arrested for child porn. Or am I thinking of someone else? I can't keep up with these odd fans!


That was her. He was a guy in Honey Brook not far from me. I've lost track of his case though; forget his name. He was arrested for possession of child porn if I recall.

Over In TFW's County said... 79

That was her. He was a guy in Honey Brook not far from me. I've lost track of his case though; forget his name. He was arrested for possession of child porn if I recall.


Yes! He attended some of the teen mentoring workshops that she was running. Wasn't he photographed and was seen on her webpage? Darn. I can't remember the name either.

Over And Out said... 80

I remember that "brownie" was a Milo wannabe, and just as annoying, if that's possible. She wanted to get together with Kate in the worst way. I don't know if Kate ever got the cereal because the woman just kind of disappeared about that time.

Jamesvader1194 said... 81

Btw,speaking of Milo,did anyone notice how on Christmas,she tweeted around 12 tweets to Kate?Does she not have any family?Yet she complains about the haters not having a life and yet all the haters weren't twitting that much if not at all on Christmas.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 82

Btw,speaking of Milo,did anyone notice how on Christmas,she tweeted around 12 tweets to Kate?Does she not have any family?Yet she complains about the haters not having a life and yet all the haters weren't twitting that much if not at all on Christmas.


I'm not sure where you are seeing that, and unless she deleted them, I checked Tweet Tunnel and I only see three to Kate, with some others to her twitter buddies. I really doubt that those tweets took up her entire Christmas Day.

That said, whether she has a family or not is still a mystery. I am still confused by her profile..."Milo is my cat. Jack is my dog." What is Katie Irene and why isn't she mentioned?

Sheepless In Seattle said... 83

Gladys deletes many of her tweets, claiming that she cleans her timeline. However, many of her tweets to Kate go undeleted, and I don't know why. She appears to be a sad, pathetic, lonely person who craves attention. I don't know if her family ignores her because she is so obnoxious and meddling, or if she meddles because her family ignores her and she needs to feel part of another person's life.

Either way, something is very wrong there. That is, if she even has a family. Nobody seems to know what the story is, and I find that perplexing since both the fans and the non-fans seem to know so much about each other. Milo's identity is the exception.

jamezvader1194 said... 84

@Fleecing the sheeple Really?I checked and saw alot of tweets on December 25.There were some talking to 2 other fans and some to Kate.Including this one desperate one,not sure what she wants Kate to say Fired Up 4 Kate

OH NO! .. My #WalkingTrail was GONE! Flooded by the lake! 😟 10in rain in 24hrs! #DoggiesDidntCare @Kateplusmy8

Math Girl said... 85

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 82

I am still confused by her profile..."Milo is my cat. Jack is my dog." What is Katie Irene and why isn't she mentioned?
I think the profile is from when she first joined twitter. It explains her twitter name. If she is to be believed, Katie Irene is her second dog, acquired after she joined twitter and chose her name. She has posted pictures of two dogs (separately and together, I believe) and maybe a picture of a cat. Whether they are actually hers is another question.

As far as I know, Kate also hasn't updated her profile since she first joined twitter.

redbird said... 86

Math Girl said... 85
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 82

I am still confused by her profile..."Milo is my cat. Jack is my dog." What is Katie Irene and why isn't she mentioned?
I think the profile is from when she first joined twitter. It explains her twitter name. If she is to be believed, Katie Irene is her second dog, acquired after she joined twitter and chose her name. She has posted pictures of two dogs (separately and together, I believe) and maybe a picture of a cat. Whether they are actually hers is another question.

As far as I know, Kate also hasn't updated her profile since she first joined twitter.


Kate says on her twitter profile:

I'm joining modern Tweeting society. My kids will be so proud! You're shocked? Me too!

My kids will be so proud??? How about embarrassed, mortified, shocked and gasping because their friends will know what is being said for everyone to read. Those poor kids.

redbird said... 87

Has anyone noticed the article about when Anna was on JJCO and there is a picture of Anna and her nose looked different. Then there is a picture of her holding a baby and Josh sitting beside her but up from her. Her nose in that picture is totally different than the one on JJCO. IMO, I think she got a nose job. Clearly there is a difference.

Unless there was a medical reason for it, she got a nose job. IMO.

redbird said... 88

Looks like John David flew Anna and the kids to see Josh for Christmas. I can't believe he flew himself, Anna and the 4 kids if they all went in that little bitty tin can. Plus, Anna has to have an accountability buddy right? How would they all fit in the plane?

Anonymous said... 89

making a murderer is now on my fb timeline...nancy

Tucker's Mom said... 90

redbird said... 87
Has anyone noticed the article about when Anna was on JJCO and there is a picture of Anna and her nose looked different. Then there is a picture of her holding a baby and Josh sitting beside her but up from her. Her nose in that picture is totally different than the one on JJCO. IMO, I think she got a nose job. Clearly there is a difference.

Unless there was a medical reason for it, she got a nose job. IMO.
December 27, 2015 at 10:58 PM
redbird said... 88
Looks like John David flew Anna and the kids to see Josh for Christmas. I can't believe he flew himself, Anna and the 4 kids if they all went in that little bitty tin can. Plus, Anna has to have an accountability buddy right? How would they all fit in the plane?

December 27, 2015 at 11:00 PM
To me, it looks like Anna had work done to her face. Her nose is different and her eyes look lifted. I've never watched the show, but I noticed her facial muscles are off balance when she talks.
I guess it could be weight loss, but her nose looks more turned up.
If she indeed had plastic surgery, it's very sad. I'm sure she blames herself for Josh's cheating, even though she's been knocked up the vast majority of her marriage.
Also, why can't that family fly commercial? I wouldn't load my kids into that tiny plane.

Carole said... 91

Her nose in that picture is totally different than the one on JJCO. IMO, I think she got a nose job. Clearly there is a difference.


I think her change in appearance is due to weight loss. She's lost a tremendous amount of weight since her last baby was born. The stress she's been under is really showing on her, especially her face - almost to the point of her not looking like the same person in many instances.

Jane said... 92

Nancy - I noticed a few FB accounts relating to Making A Murderer. One of the defense attorneys has what appears to be a legit Twitter account and some other accounts are springing up, some look to be better than others. One site that has some interesting info is This documentary has certainly captured the attention of many.

localyocul said... 93

Well, I did some googling. The brownie lady had a blog for teen girls and did workshops. The last blog post was in Oct 2011:

I think her friend was this guy who was arrested in Sept 2011:

According to the court summary (search his name here in Chester County):

He pleaded guilty to not only child porn possession, but sexual abuse of a child and given two years max in 2012, so he must be out and about.

Grandma D said... 94

redbird said... 87
Has anyone noticed the article about when Anna was on JJCO and there is a picture of Anna and her nose looked different. Then there is a picture of her holding a baby and Josh sitting beside her but up from her. Her nose in that picture is totally different than the one on JJCO. IMO, I think she got a nose job. Clearly there is a difference.

Unless there was a medical reason for it, she got a nose job. IMO.

December 27, 2015 at 10:58 PM

Aw Redbird,

Anna has lost a lot of weight. I feel sorry for this lady and am not going to speculate on a nose job, for goodness sake.

The whole family did not fly on John David's plane. There are pictures on Instagram from various Duggar's and friends. The kids were all accounted for at home in Arkansas.

I think it would be very hard on small children to make a short visit like that.

Grandma D

Tucker's Mom said... 95

So did anyone catch the Duggar show when Jessa spawned a fish or something?

Tucker's Mom said... 96

Aw Redbird,

Anna has lost a lot of weight. I feel sorry for this lady and am not going to speculate on a nose job, for goodness sake.
Anna married a child molester and gave him daughters, all of whom could potentially be his victims. Now, she's staying with Josh after he deceived her and cheated on her and could have put her very life in danger.
Now, she continues to put herself out there for the almighty dollar.
I don't have it within me to give her a pass. Anna needs to do the hard thing and leave that disgusting husband of hers and go to court to order an evaluation, and have her kids visit with supervision. At least until she can know with a high degree of certainty that her husband doesn't pose a threat to her children.
But she won't. She's weak, and maybe a bit lazy, preferring to suck off her in-laws and the reality tv teat.
Her patina of religiosity doesn't impress me.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97

Tucker's Mom (#96), thank you for that response, which was far more eloquent than what I would've

And everyone is just assuming Anna lost all that weight because of her heartache. But maybe she
lost it to make herself more attractive to her husband when he gets out of rehab. And that's
why I don't think a nose job would seem out of
the question either. If they did in fact just get together over Christmas, it's not unreasonable to think another baby could be along in 9 months.
With a little more image rehab, Josh's smug mug might be right back on TLC. Yes, they'd get back
in business with a cheating child molester, if it continues to fill their coffers. No question. ~ Administrator said... 98

This is rather old news from April but I just saw it now. This is a small victory for child actors. The California Court of Appeal ruled that banks may not debit service fees from Coogan Fund accounts. The tide is shifting toward protection of child stars.

"A bank may not collect service fees by debiting a Coogan Trust Account--a statutorily required account to preserve 15 percent of a minor’s gross earnings for artistic or creative services for the benefit of the minor until the minor turns 18 or is emancipated--because any such debiting without court order is a prohibited withdrawal under the Coogan Law. State law prohibition on a debit by a national bank is not preempted by federal law.
Phillips v. Bank of America - filed April 27, 2015, Second District, Div. Five"

Somewhere In Time said... 99

localyocul said... 93
Well, I did some googling. The brownie lady had a blog for teen girls and did workshops. The last blog post was in Oct 2011:


Yes, until the time of his arrest, she was up Kate's behind on Twitter on a daily basis, and then abruptly left when all of that went down. I seem to remember that there were "workshops" or events scheduled and those were cancelled. Wasn't there also a picture of this guy on one of her sites with the teens, and that was pulled?

That cereal story was so amusing to follow! How many boxes did Kate want? Grab them all! Where should she deliver them? What fun!

Kate certainly has had some "interesting" fans!

Nice sleuthing job, local!

Tucker's Mom said... 100

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97
Tucker's Mom (#96), thank you for that response, which was far more eloquent than what I would've
Thanks. I felt a little screedy writing it, but Anna is cut from the same cloth as the Kardashians.
She is capitalizing on her family's tragic circumstances.
I'm sure as anything that when Josh emerges from Jesus Jail, they'll be on the front cover of People magazine faster than you can say "let's send our kids to Michael Jackson's for a sleep over".

Tucker's Mom said... 101

f they did in fact just get together over Christmas, it's not unreasonable to think another baby could be along in 9 months.
With a little more image rehab, Josh's smug mug might be right back on TLC. Yes, they'd get back
in business with a cheating child molester, if it continues to fill their coffers. No question.
OMG, who else thinks Theresa Guidice is already knocked up?

Somewhere In Time said... 102

I'm not sure why the non-fans are still having problems figuring out what was on Kate's Christmas meal plate. It was exactly what she said it was. Salmon, fingerlings, green beans and onions over ham, corn (in the form of pudding) and something else. I don't know what that "something" was, but maybe she just forgot to mention it. Mashed potatoes, maybe?

Tucker's Mom said... 103

Somewhere In Time said... 102
I'm not sure why the non-fans are still having problems figuring out what was on Kate's Christmas meal plate. It was exactly what she said it was. Salmon, fingerlings, green beans and onions over ham, corn (in the form of pudding) and something else. I don't know what that "something" was, but maybe she just forgot to mention it. Mashed potatoes, maybe?
December 28, 2015 at 10:26 AM
Kate can't photograph food (or anything else for that matter) for sh*t, but that meal looked good.
My Christmas dinner looked much the same with helpings of food piled on.

Math Girl said... 104

Somewhere In Time said... 102
I'm not sure why the non-fans are still having problems figuring out what was on Kate's Christmas meal plate. It was exactly what she said it was. Salmon, fingerlings, green beans and onions over ham, corn (in the form of pudding) and something else. I don't know what that "something" was, but maybe she just forgot to mention it. Mashed potatoes, maybe?
Her tweet:
Christmas Dinner: Ham, salmon, pineapple, corn and green bean casseroles, fingerling potatoes, extra French fried onions on side.

I think the problem is counting the casseroles. Were there three, or were they combined? If you take it at face value (three casseroles), and ignore the ham and "onions on the side", then she names the items in counter-clockwise order, starting with the salmon. I took the tweet to mean ham or salmon (ham for kids, salmon for miss skinny minnie), though she didn't say so. There was no ham on her plate, unless it was part of the green bean casserole.

P.J. said... 105

Flimsy Flamsy said...

And everyone is just assuming Anna lost all that weight because of her heartache. But maybe she
lost it to make herself more attractive to her husband when he gets out of rehab. And that's
why I don't think a nose job would seem out of
the question either.


Now if she suddenly becomes well-endowed on the boobage front, well then, we'll know, won't we?

Tucker's Mom, I agree with you too. You said it very well.

As for Teresa Guidice? That ship and its cargo of eggs has sailed a while ago.

fidosmommy said... 106

Anna has always had a turned up nose. She had it when she was being courted and she had it when she had her 4th child. I grew up calling that shape a "pixie nose" and noticed immediately that Anna has one.

Re: dinner. Food's visual appeal is certainly in the eye of the beholder. Oh well. My problem, not Kate's.

TLC stinks said... 107

There was ham buried under the green beans. I don't believe for a minute the kids were with her when she took that photo.

Localyocul said... 108

Nice sleuthing job, local!


Thanks! I also find him on family watchdog listed at two addresses one in Phoenixville and one in Narvon Berks County. That one is across the street from a Christian School!

Tucker's Mom said... 109

TLC stinks said... 107
There was ham buried under the green beans. I don't believe for a minute the kids were with her when she took that photo.

I hope the kids got to spend Christmas with Jon. All day without getting shuttled back and forth. ~ Administrator said... 110

Anna has always had a turned up nose. She had it when she was being courted and she had it when she had her 4th child. I grew up calling that shape a "pixie nose" and noticed immediately that Anna has one.


Noticed it too. A female friend of mine, who had a similar nose, the uptilt, theirs was a ski slope Nixon one. They hated it, and got it fixed by a very good doctor. The fix is subtle enough you wouldn't notice unless you really looked, yet aesthetically it looks so much better.

I don't have a problem with a few tweaks to the nose if it's causing you that much distress.

Math Girl said... 111

TLC stinks said... 107
There was ham buried under the green beans. I don't believe for a minute the kids were with her when she took that photo.
Agree about the ham; I saw it after I posted.

I don't doubt that the kids weren't there, but I can't see Kate cooking all those casseroles for just herself; not the right quantity or type of food. Maybe the casseroles were leftovers.

Jane said... 112

I don't seem to be able to post an Instagram photo from my phone, but Jon posted a beautiful photo of himself and his brothers with the caption "brothers for life". Imagine Katie doing that? Me either.

Tucker's Mom said... 113

Jane said... 112
I don't seem to be able to post an Instagram photo from my phone, but Jon posted a beautiful photo of himself and his brothers with the caption "brothers for life". Imagine Katie doing that? Me either.
December 28, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Can you give a link? I can never find Jon's instagram account.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

Kate's caption would read, "Brother/Sister/Friend/Mom/Dad for as long as you're helping me".

Maria said... 115

Math Girl said... 104
Somewhere In Time said... 102
I'm not sure why the non-fans are still having problems figuring out what was on Kate's Christmas meal plate. It was exactly what she said it was. Salmon, fingerlings, green beans and onions over ham, corn (in the form of pudding) and something else. I don't know what that "something" was, but maybe she just forgot to mention it. Mashed potatoes, maybe?
Her tweet:
Christmas Dinner: Ham, salmon, pineapple, corn and green bean casseroles, fingerling potatoes, extra French fried onions on side.

I think the problem is counting the casseroles. Were there three, or were they combined? If you take it at face value (three casseroles), and ignore the ham and "onions on the side", then she names the items in counter-clockwise order, starting with the salmon. I took the tweet to mean ham or salmon (ham for kids, salmon for miss skinny minnie), though she didn't say so. There was no ham on her plate, unless it was part of the green bean casserole.
I ask this in all seriousness...WHO CARES? Why would anyone spend 5 seconds, let alone 5 minutes, dissecting and discussing her dinner plate?

You'd Be Surprised said... 116

P.J. said... 105

As for Teresa Guidice? That ship and its cargo of eggs has sailed a while ago.
Uh, unless you are her gynecologist, I wouldn't be so sure of that. She is 43. I have a good friend who got pregnant accidentally (and for the first time ever) age 46.

Jane said... 117

Tucker's- It's dj_jon_gosselin. I'm unable to link from my phone. ~ Administrator said... 118

Uh, unless you are her gynecologist, I wouldn't be so sure of that. She is 43. I have a good friend who got pregnant accidentally (and for the first time ever) age 46.


Anecdotal. It is extremely, extremely rare for a 46 year old to get pregnant naturally. So rare most doctors will tell you it's impossible. Most MUST use donor eggs. She is a rare case and I'm sure her doctors told her how lucky she is. The big problem with the older celebrity mom baby boom, without disclosing they actually used donor eggs, is that many women end up thinking it's okay to delay pregnancy.

You'd Be Surprised said... 119 ~ Administrator said... 118

Uh, unless you are her gynecologist, I wouldn't be so sure of that. She is 43. I have a good friend who got pregnant accidentally (and for the first time ever) age 46.


Anecdotal. It is extremely, extremely rare for a 46 year old to get pregnant naturally. So rare most doctors will tell you it's impossible. Most MUST use donor eggs. She is a rare case and I'm sure her doctors told her how lucky she is. The big problem with the older celebrity mom baby boom, without disclosing they actually used donor eggs, is that many women end up thinking it's okay to delay pregnancy.
Obviously it's anecdotal. Doesn't change the fact that the OP has absolutely no way of knowing whether the woman can or cannot get pregnant. I don't know who the "most doctors" are that you consulted, but I have never heard of a doctor stating that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get pregnant at age 43 or 46. Highly unlikely, yes. Impossible...a broad generalization without scientific basis unless you have tested the woman in question.

I said nothing about celebrities, egg donors or delaying pregnancy. Good grief. ~ Administrator said... 120

If you don't believe me, plenty of doctors have spoken about the issue, explaining that after age 40 you don't have good quality eggs left. Google.

Your chances of getting pregnant at age 45 are 3-4 percent WITH FERTILITY TREATMENT. Here's just one blurb about it:

"At 45, a woman's likelihood of getting pregnant is no more than 3 or 4 percent. That's not to say it's impossible, but assisted reproductive technologies are almost always necessary, with IVF the most common. "The few eggs you have left may have chromosomal abnormalities, so screening before IVF is critical," says Dr. Copperman. Success rates are 0 to 1 percent, and most clinics recommend using eggs donated by a younger woman for those who want to conceive between ages 46 and 50."

Tucker's Mom said... 121

I ask this in all seriousness...WHO CARES? Why would anyone spend 5 seconds, let alone 5 minutes, dissecting and discussing her dinner plate?
Because Kate Gosselin is a lying liar who lies. If her lips are moving or her French tips are tapping, she's lying.
Seriously, the only thing hinky about Kate's Christmas tweets are that they are meant to make it seem like she had the kids all day.

Tucker's Mom said... 122

Forget Kate "de-aging". Jon really looks great. Nice pic with his brothers.
I think we can hope that the kids have a relationships with his side of the family.
Kate's family will never darken her doors.

Tucker's Mom said... 123

I was just joking about Theresa Guidice because i think she'd do anything to try to sway a judge from deporting her troll of a husband.
No kidding- a family friend told me that his sister is 52!
It was not planned.
Very dangerous, I know.
Can't. Even. Imagine.

FYI said... 124

Here's the link to Jon's picture of him and his brothers:

FYI said... 125

This is the synopsis for tomorrow's Kate plus 8 episode:

Green Thumb Gosselins

Summer projects are in full force and the Gosselin's take on landscaping. Despite complaints, Gator Rides and hard work ensue, then the family takes time for lemonade, yoga and unexpected burial.

This is how Milo is promoting it:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · Dec 26
I'm INTRIGUED ?? #GreenThumbGosselins Gator rides & an unexpected burial?? An #EpisodeToDieFor?? Next Tue. 9pm @TLC @Kateplusmy8

The "unexpected burial" may be for one of the kids' pets(I'm thinking one of the fish) and Milo thinks it's funny to state it's an #Episode to Die For?


Does she have no filter?

Over And Out said... 126

I watched a documentary on Rebecca Schaeffer. The psychologists explained the difference between a fan and a stalker. I always thought that to be stalker, the person followed the celebrity around, trying to establish a physical closeness, but apparently that's not always the case. It was pointed out that one can be a devoted fan, fascinated with the celebrity, collecting photos, attending shows or whatever and be happy with that. A fan is just a fan.

A stalker, on the other hand, is one who is totally obsessed with the celebrity to the point of delusion, actually believing that he/she is a part of the family, involved in the life of the celebrity and on social media using the terms "we" and "I know" when in reality the fan has never met the person. It's the need for attention and living vicariously through the celebrity while making others in their social circle actually believe that the fan and the celebrity are close, both physically and emotionally. The stalker is fond of using the term "support" in order to reassure the celebrity that the person will always be there for the celebrity. The fan eventually comes to think that the celebrity will depend on the fan for advice and he/she happily gives that advice even when the celebrity has no desire to personally communicate with the stalker. The fan also is under the impression that the celebrity's friends and contacts are also his/her friends and will try to include himself/herself in that relationship.

If ignored or shunned, there may or may not be a clue that there is actually a physical threat to the point there might be a dangerous encounter.

This type of person is usually a narcissist with an inflated ego as they fantasize that they have a relationship with the person. Lead prosecutor in the Schaeffer case was Marcia Clark (OJ case) who said that stalkers have a degree of energy in their pursuit of the celebrity where they will stop at nothing to get close to them. Rebecca's killer obtained her address from the DMV, showed up at her door, she talked to him nicely and then asked him to leave. When she dismissed his advances he shot her.

Over And Out said... 127

There was no ham on her plate, unless it was part of the green bean casserole.

The slice of ham was UNDER the green beans. If you look closely, it's there. This seems to be trendy...putting the meat or fish under a salad or veggies. She has done this before.

P.J. said... 128

Tucker's Mom said... 123

I was just joking about Theresa Guidice...


So was I, but if some people want to make a big thing of it, go ahead. If she turns up pregnant and delivers a child I'll make a donation to a fertility charity. And it she doesn't, they can do the same.

TLC stinks said... 129

Math girl, she freezes everything with all those freezers.

fidosmommy said... 130

I ask this in all seriousness...WHO CARES? Why would anyone spend 5 seconds, let alone 5 minutes, dissecting and discussing her dinner plate?

I find this uncalled for. Please scroll by rather than stop, read and get upset. Thank you so much.

FYI said... 131

The relationship between grandchild and grandparent is so special. Sacred even. It's terrible to think that any size home, or distant travel, or freebie is going to take the place of that special bond.

Tucker's Mom(comment 63), I thoroughly agree. The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is so very special. I just spend the last 6 days with some very special people. They are different ages, have different personalities, but there is one common bond--they are my grandchildren, and that bond is very special.

When you're a parent and see the world through the eyes of your children, it's very special. But when you're a grandparent and you not only see the world through their eyes, but they see it through yours, it's even more special.

One of my granddaughter's is in Girl Scouts and she is doing a project on families. She interviewed me for this project, and one of the things she wrote was "my grandparents teach me the history of my family. I like to hear about how my grandparents and my parents were when they were my age."

Then she added "grandparents are particularly special--because they're not our parents". When I asked her what she meant by that, she said "well, although you follow Mommy's and Daddy's rules, most of the time, sometimes you let us get away with stuff that they wouldn't. Plus you tell us stories from the past that Mom(or Dad) might not want to tell us, because they're embarrassed for us to know, but we like to hear how they were like when they were the same ages as us."

So basically, although they know you're an "authoritarian" figure, they also know how to twist your heart and make it melt. And that's what being a grandparent is about--having your heart melted. And that is the most wonderful feeling in the world!!

FYI said... 132

BTW, The Little Couple premieres on Tuesday, Jan 5 at 9pm, taking over the current Kate plus 8 time spot. According to the TLC website, Kate plus 8 moves to 10pm on Tuesdays.

It will be interesting to see if Kate even mentions the time change to 10pm. I'm sure she's not happy that The Little Couple "stole" their time slot.

Tucker's Mom said... 133

One of my granddaughter's is in Girl Scouts and she is doing a project on families. She interviewed me for this project, and one of the things she wrote was "my grandparents teach me the history of my family. I like to hear about how my grandparents and my parents were when they were my age."
Thanks for sharing. Kate's kids know that they're mutts.
I truly don't understand how her fans just gloss over the fact that she's cut out their family.
That's a whopper is shit parenting in my book.

Tucker's Mom said... 134

Kate is a twit said... 133
BTW, The Little Couple premieres on Tuesday, Jan 5 at 9pm, taking over the current Kate plus 8 time spot. According to the TLC website, Kate plus 8 moves to 10pm on Tuesdays.
From the sounds of the upcoming episode, Kate will need the bump from The Little Couple.
It sounds like watching paint dry.
Let's all tune in to watch the kids bellyache about chores.

P.J. said... 135

KIAT said...

I'm sure she's not happy that The Little Couple "stole" their time slot.


I think she's hoping having them for a lead-in will bump her ratings from the cellar where they are now.

Dmasy said... 136

48 years ago my mother asked me if I would delay my wedding for 6 months. Mom was pregnant. Pregnant at the age of 44. She delivered at age 45.

She was horrified, embarrassed and humiliated. She went into hiding and wore a long loose coat when she went to mass. (You probably guessed Catholic beliefs were involved.) There are seven children in the family. I am 20 years older than my baby brother.

At the time there was no such concept of a fashionable late pregnancy. My mom was an uncommon circumstance in our small community.

My baby brother and my son are less than 3 years apart in age.

Somehow, it all worked out very well for our family.

PA Dutch Mom said... 137

The slice of ham was UNDER the green beans. If you look closely, it's there. This seems to be trendy...putting the meat or fish under a salad or veggies. She has done this before.


Yep. That's where it is. I may be in the minority here, but I really didn't think Kate's Christmas meal looked all that bad. Yes, it was lacking in "presentation," but we're not really fussy here about that. We serve family style, from big bowls on the table, help yourself, and we just put the food where we want it to go! As long as it tastes good, that's all that matters, and her dinner could very well have been tasty. Kate didn't say if the kids were there for dinner. She tweeted what was on the plate, and later said that they eat ham at Christmas and Easter, a generalization. She was careful about tweeting if they were there for Christmas dinner.

The profile of a stalker (126) could have been written about Gladys. Geez.

From a local news website:

I just may have to take a run over there and see him in action. It's a very popular place in the city. I haven't talked with him for a while.

jamezvader1194 said... 138

I thought Jon didn't get along with one of his brothers and he sued him over something?Or was that a just a old rumor?If that story was true then i guess its good to see that him and his brother forgive each other over it.

PA Dutch Mom said... 139

I truly don't understand how her fans just gloss over the fact that she's cut out their family.


Because in their minds, her family must have done her wrong and therefore she had every reason to alienate herself and the kids from them. They think that Kevin and Jodi were money-hungry and wanted fame, and who knows what the rest of the family did to her, but it must have been something bad. Kate is right. Everyone else is wrong and that includes her family.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 140

Ingrid (#50), just wondering how your Christmas
dinner with Mom went. And could you please tell
us what "lefse" is? I could've Googled it, but
I thought I'd get a more descriptive answer from
you. This blog is a always educational!

Oooh, that move to 10pm for TFW next week is a bit of a diss from TLC. Her young fan base was probably up later last Tuesday and this because they're on winter break. But by next Tuesday, they may be in bed while her show is airing. So the ratings may continue to drop.

PA Dutch Mom said... 141

TLC stinks said... 129
Math girl, she freezes everything with all those freezers.


Is that where Jon's 'Hoden' are stored? ~ Administrator said... 142

The slice of ham was UNDER the green beans. If you look closely, it's there. This seems to be trendy...putting the meat or fish under a salad or veggies. She has done this before.


I thought the trend was to put the protein across a side or on top, like a piece of salmon laid across a dollop of mashed potatoes. I could be behind on my trends!

PA Dutch Mom said... 143

I don't doubt that the kids weren't there, but I can't see Kate cooking all those casseroles for just herself; not the right quantity or type of food. Maybe the casseroles were leftovers.


Now I am really confused. "All" what casseroles? There was fish and ham, green beans and creamed corn (not a casserole), fingerling potatoes, and what looked like mashed potatoes. If you count the green beans as a casserole, that's ONE casserole! I only saw one photo. Did she tweet more than that one?

fidosmommy said... 144

Dmasy, my mother was 2 or 3 years older than her uncle. I have no idea what outfit my grandma wore to Church in her late pregnancy circa 1920. You know, cinched waist dresses, corsets and all. :~©

Thanks for the story. Enjoyed it! ~ Administrator said... 145

Yes, it was lacking in "presentation," but we're not really fussy here about that


Neither am I, but I don't write cookbooks.

If she were serious about marketing a cookbook, you have to think about presentation all the time. It's just not an option. Doesn't matter if you have the best scallopped potato/onion casserole in the world that tastes great, if it looks like a greasy, sloppy mess, like whatever it was she had there, you're not going to sell cookbooks. If something looks unappetizing, you simply don't put it on social media. Her reps should have told her as such.

If she wishes to stop peddling her cookbook then she can tweet family style slop to her heart's content. But she should be in constant marketing mode whenever she puts food out there, like any other self respecting celebrity cookbook author. It's laziness, stupidity and ineptness I suspect.

Tucker's Mom said... 146

If she wishes to stop peddling her cookbook then she can tweet family style slop to her heart's content. But she should be in constant marketing mode whenever she puts food out there, like any other self respecting celebrity cookbook author. It's laziness, stupidity and ineptness I suspect.
December 28, 2015 at 4:24 PM
Kate really doesn't have an "eye" for anything. But, you're right. If you post food on social media, it had better look delicious.
Kate doesn't embrace food like most cookbook authors and food tv personalities. She's tightfisted with it and there's no sense of joy.
She's probably still not letting her kids serve themselves.

Rhymes with Witch said... 147

She's probably still not letting her kids serve themselves. 146

I doubt that will ever change. While she is emphatically NOT ocd, she lS obsessed with weight - Jon's, the kids, her own. Also with body image.

Andrea said... 148

I just watched the latest episode. It sounds like Kate is working on her 1-900 number voice. I appreciated many of the things Maddy said. She stood up for Cara when Kate wanted to film her room. She said some snarky things that made me laugh. Her behavior was over the top at times but well under the bar Kate set.

NJGal51 said... 149

My husband and I are not particular about how or food looks as long as it tastes good. However, if I've made something that I'm particularly proud of and want to post it on FB for my relatives back east to see I make sure that I plate and photograph it nicely. TFW's plate mY have looked a little better if she'd separated the corn pudding and the pineapple mash casserole because they were the same color and texture. The ham and beans didn't look very appetizing either as they looked too greasy. Just my opinion on the picture she posted. I agree with Admin that she should be cognizant of things like this since she is the author of a cookbook.

Ingrid said... 150

.putting the meat or fish under a salad or veggies
I thought that was just so you could pile your plate fuller at a buffet or potluck ~ Administrator said... 151

However, if I've made something that I'm particularly proud of and want to post it on FB for my relatives back east to see I make sure that I plate and photograph it nicely


And what kills me is it's so easy for her to photograph her food better if she just tried.

Some of the greasy look may have simply come from the lighting. If she had changed the aerial view of the photo to photograph it from the side, and if she photographed it in natural light from a nearby window, it might have made a world of difference.

It's so simple to do some research and try to improve on this stuff, and she either won't or it didn't take.

I go back to Pioneer Woman because even though she isn't everyone's cup of tea I do think there are parallels to someone like Kate in that she was amateur hour once too. Her photography and some of her cooking was garbage back in the day. Her first TV shows were awkward. But she really dedicated herself to learning, always has. She reads, studies, partices. She writes tutorials for her web site or guides people to other tutorials. She is a student of her own brand.

Her photography now is very good. Her cooking is very good. Her show is very good. She got better because she wanted to get better and worked hard and studied to get better. And that's the difference between someone who really has it, and someone who doesn't. Not talent, but hard work.

Math Girl said... 152

PA Dutch Mom said... 143
I don't doubt that the kids weren't there, but I can't see Kate cooking all those casseroles for just herself; not the right quantity or type of food. Maybe the casseroles were leftovers.


Now I am really confused. "All" what casseroles? There was fish and ham, green beans and creamed corn (not a casserole), fingerling potatoes, and what looked like mashed potatoes. If you count the green beans as a casserole, that's ONE casserole! I only saw one photo. Did she tweet more than that one?
Here's the tweet again:
Christmas Dinner: Ham, salmon, pineapple, corn and green bean casseroles, fingerling potatoes, extra French fried onions on side.

I could be wrong, but I read this as 3 casseroles: 1-pineapple, 2-corn, 3-green bean. I had never heard of pineapple casserole, but with google I found recipes for pineapple and corn casseroles. I didn't look for green bean casserole, but that one is pretty standard. I think the pineapple casserole and corn casserole look pretty similar on her plate, and one of them is the one people are puzzled over and calling "mashed potatoes".

And for goodness sake, don't anybody chastise me for discussing this. I'm answering a question!

PA Dutch Mom said... 153

I thought that was just so you could pile your plate fuller at a buffet or potluck


At Shady Maple or Miller's, we use two plates for that! ~ Administrator said... 154

Maybe it doesn't matter to her.


Maybe? Lol, obviously she doesn't give two shits. The question is why? I find that question interesting, since this is a woman who has been peddling her cooking for years now, not as heavily lately but over the past few years during the cookbook flop.

Since she has published a cookbook and offered it to the public to purchase for her to directly profit from, that same public has a right to comment like they can comment on the meals of any other public cookbook out their and their authors. Don't like that, don't publish a cookbook. It's as simple as that. If we are to become a society in which we must mind our own beeswax about the matters in which we are asked to fork our money over for, we are doing ourselves a grave disservice. Yelp, reviews, trip advisor, etc, etc, are built on the very foundation that if the public is going to spend money on something, there should be a free discussion and flow of ideas about said purchase, period. It's called a free country, and it's also called capitalism. Don't like it, Kate can choose to not be a part of that and not ask for our money.

PA Dutch Mom said... 155

If she were serious about marketing a cookbook, you have to think about presentation all the time.


Is she still marketing that thing? I think she's sick of the whole thing and doesn't even want to acknowledge it was a failure. She doesn't say squat about it anymore and it can still be "pre-ordered" on her website for release in September, 2013. If I were Kate, I would be ashamed to be that lazy and not interested enough to update it.

I think that she thinks the food and presentation are wonderful. She doesn't know any better, and that's sad. Then again, she knows the demographics of her sheeple and that they will fawn over her creations ("looks delish!") no matter what. Why make the extra effort if she gets praised regardless of what she does with the food and its presentation?

AuntieAnn said... 156

Kate doesn't embrace food like most cookbook authors and food tv personalities.


You'd think if she were going to put a photo of her merry meal on twitter, she'd at least describe what it is but being the cunning fox that she is, she just wants people to tell her it looks delicious and ask for the recipe.

I think one of those white-ish globular masses on her plate is roasted cauliflower. I may be wrong but I couldn't care less what she shoves down her piehole anyway.

PA Dutch Mom said... 157

I thought the trend was to put the protein across a side or on top, like a piece of salmon laid across a dollop of mashed potatoes. I could be behind on my trends!


I don't know, admin. Whatever is trending at the moment! I watched a cooking show recently where the roasted rosemary potatoes were placed on top of a slice of prime rib in the center of the plate, with asparagus on the side. I guess if you feel like being creative, you do what you want to do! :) I think that there was also some horseradish somewhere on that plate. ~ Administrator said... 158

Is she still marketing that thing? I


She sure is. It's the first thing you see on her web site, top billing, the very first thing, and it's also available on Amazon. If she would like to take this book down from her web site and amazon and give up on it, I will then take the view that ripping apart her cooking and plating is unwarranted. Until then, I think it's beyond fair game as long as she wants to continue to sell her cooking.

FYI said... 159

Milo is working the PR machine.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
#GreenThumbGosselins Gator rides & an unexpected burial? So we have #AmazingRace & #AmazingGrace Can't miss this! Tue.9pm @TLC @Kateplusmy8

She might just as well have said "Come one, come all!! The Gosselins have a death in their family and we're going to celebrate the great Kate!!"

Seems like she doesn't even care or has concern for whom the "unexpected burial" is for, or how it may affect the kids.

I find it truly disgusting the way she uses it to promote the show.

TLC stinks said... 160

We discuss her dinner plate because: she wrote a cookbook; she lies. She never, ever posts anything without a reason. I really could care less what she had for Xmas dinner, but she makes it public because she is such a "chef" for her eight.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 161

Admin (#158), remember, TFW said she MADE her life our business. So I will continue to comment on it, what with it being my business and all!

PA Dutch Mom (#155), right, don't you think TFW could grab a middle-school kid from the mall, slip him/her a $20, and ask, "Could you please fix my blog so that it doesn't say that my failed cookbook will be coming out 27 months ago?" But, no, she doesn't even have that minuscule level of commitment to accuracy. Lazy and uninterested is right.

Jeanne said... 162

The next episode sounds like must-not-see-tv. The kids having to do yardwork until they get cranky and fight. The gator driven by a child. A dead fish that we're supposed to be really sad about. Who will hit who? Who will scream at who? ~ Administrator said... 163

She OBVIOUSLY isn't marketing it


I think most marketing directors and PR agents would disagree with you that putting a book top billing on your official web site is "not" marketing it. No matter how old your web site is or isn't. Frankly, the first thing you do is put it on your web site, a no brainer. In many cases, the web site will be the only marketing you do or at least the primary method. You have a bizarre viewpoint on what marketing is, but you're entitled to it just as I'm entitled to mine.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 164

We discuss her dinner plate because: she wrote a cookbook; she lies.


What did she lie about this time? Her dinner plate? Having the kids home? Yes, she lies, but this time I can't find the lies! lol! ~ Administrator said... 165

There is no grave disservice being done by not nitpicking Kate Gosselin to death.


There is probably no grave disservice to not commenting on any one individual thing or service or whatever. The point is as a whole, we are a free market and the free flow of ideas about anyone selling anything is very important to it. It's so fundamental dare I say it's who we are as a capitalist society and a society that values the right to speak about public figures. Like it or not, Kate chose to be part of that, whether she's being nitpicked to death, customers have a right to do it. Customers of her show, her books, and whatever else she wants to sell.

You're entitled to your opinion just as I am mine. There's a lot of two shitting going on here and I see the pool girls forget to restock the toilet paper again. What I *know* Kate doesn't care about is you fighting her battles for her on some random blog. Why fight anything harder than she does? That's the epitome of absurdity.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 166

She sure is. It's the first thing you see on her web site, top billing, the very first thing, and it's also available on Amazon.


Yes, that it's available for pre order. How is that marketing? ~ Administrator said... 167

What did she lie about this time? Her dinner plate? Having the kids home? Yes, she lies, but this time I can't find the lies! lol!



Was that a comment directly related to the cookbook or just a general comment that she lies? Yada yada Kate lies blah blah. Lol, I see it. ~ Administrator said... 168

Yes, that it's available for pre order. How is that marketing?


I didn't say it was good marketing!

PatK said... 169

Boy, oh boy...Gator rides!! I've got six alarm clocks set to remind me to turn her show on tomorrow night so I don't miss those exciting Gator rides! (Or the cutesy-wootsy scripted sayings that will come out of the mouths of those pre-teens!)

And now I'm off to go quiver with anticipatory glee in a corner somewhere.

JoyinVirginia said... 170

Things that are more interesting than tfmjg:
The Washington Redskins are the NFC EAST CHAMPIONS. even the most rabid fans of the Skins are saying "How did THAT happen?" Their early season was horrendous to say the least.
The Seahawks and the Patriots both lost games Sunday. No playoffs for them! Ok what is the NFL team still in the running with the most horrendous record? If that team and the Redskins end up in the Super bowl, then Trump might get elected, as crazy as this year has been!
College basketball is getting very interesting!
I'm trying to decide if I should take down the Christmas decorations on Jan 1 or wait until the next weekend. What is everyone else doing?
I like hearing about favorite Christmas gifts. My favorite was a bottle of Kill Devil Rum made with pecans and honey, distilled and bottled in Manteo, North Carolina.

Jamesvader1194 said... 171

@Pa Dutch Mom,the odd thing is that its not just her family,but many ex friends,nannies,her nurse co workers,DWTS opponents,CA celebrities,Coupon cabin workers,and the list goes on.Could all these people be wrong?I must say,it'll be interest to see,if these fans will still defend Kate if her kids write a tell all book.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 172

Kylee Haddad ‏@Kyleeistheone 40m40 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I think your a fantastic lady and phenomenon mom.

LOL!! Sheeple certainly are entertaining, especially when they try to use a word and just can't seem to get it right!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 173

And now I'm off to go quiver with anticipatory glee in a corner somewhere.


Betcha Milo would welcome you in her corner and you two could quiver together!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 174

I didn't say it was good marketing!


Hehehe...I'm not sure exactly what it is!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 175

What I *know* Kate doesn't care about is you fighting her battles for her on some random blog. Why fight anything harder than she does? That's the epitome of absurdity.


It's called "supporting," don't you know? ;-)

What is "two shitting?" I never heard that before, but then again, I don't get out much!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 176

At least she isn't running a contest to keep her show on the air and win some valuable prizes, like signed tanked cookbooks; photos of her rocking a bikini with the inflatables freely flopping to and fro; or freshly clipped locks of her cowardly lion golden mane (which Gladys would put under her pillow). I was kind of looking forward to a silly sheeple parading around in a parking lot somewhere. It keeps things interesting and is more fun than a gator ride or memorial service for someone we never even got to know. Sigh.

Sherry Baby said... 177

PatK said... 169
Boy, oh boy...Gator rides!! I've got six alarm clocks set to remind me to turn her show on tomorrow night so I don't miss those exciting Gator rides!

Only six alarm clocks? Why not EIGHT?

localyocul said... 178

PA Dutch Mom said... 153
I thought that was just so you could pile your plate fuller at a buffet or potluck


At Shady Maple or Miller's, we use two plates for that!


Funny, I was thinking maybe she went to Shady Maple for Christmas dinner tee hee

Tucker's Mom said... 179

I think most marketing directors and PR agents would disagree with you that putting a book top billing on your official web site is "not" marketing it. No matter how old your web site is or isn't.
I agree with Admin and would add that although Kate's blog is as stale as her jokes, and she should be embarrassed enough to take it down, cooking was and is a part of a brand she's actively continues trying to fashion for herself.
I don't think she's got any notable skills at cooking and baking, and I don't think she even knows the meaning of "organic" in all of its complexities, but in her mind, she's better than any other mother out there when it comes to food and "feeding".
That cookbook was a vanity project and I'd bet dollars to donuts that she lost money on the book and media tour.

Tucker's Mom said... 180

What did she lie about this time? Her dinner plate? Having the kids home? Yes, she lies, but this time I can't find the lies! lol!

Kate heavily implies and omits things so if any of her fans get the impression that all of her kids shared that meal (and were there all day and didn't visit with their dead dad), well, who is she is disabuse them of that particular notion?
That has been her M.O. forever.

Tucker's Mom said... 181

Yes, that it's available for pre order. How is that marketing?
On Kate's blog, it's underlined as if it's clickable, but it doesn't even go through to Amazon!
Also, top of the fold, is Kate's latest tweet about this week's episode at 9pm.
It's actually on at 10, right?

Tucker's Mom said... 182

JoyinVirginia said... 170
Things that are more interesting than tfmjg:
The Washington Redskins are the NFC EAST CHAMPIONS. even the most rabid fans of the Skins are saying "How did THAT happen?" Their early season was horrendous to say the least.
I know! They beat my Eagles, grrrrr!
So glad I didn't buy tickets for that game. I was so tempted but would have been even more bummed. Better to have come home and watched it on my couch while drowning out the pain with a couple Cosmos.

Tucker's Mom said... 183

I'm trying to decide if I should take down the Christmas decorations on Jan 1 or wait until the next weekend. What is everyone else doing?
I like hearing about favorite Christmas gifts. My favorite was a bottle of Kill Devil Rum made with pecans and honey, distilled and bottled in Manteo, North Carolina.
Our decorations come down New Year's Day (most of them). It's sad when all the twinkly lights and decorations get packed away.
Favorite gift was a Fitbit. Time to take it up a notch!

redbird said... 184

AuntieAnn said... 156
Kate doesn't embrace food like most cookbook authors and food tv personalities.


You'd think if she were going to put a photo of her merry meal on twitter, she'd at least describe what it is but being the cunning fox that she is, she just wants people to tell her it looks delicious and ask for the recipe.

I think one of those white-ish globular masses on her plate is roasted cauliflower. I may be wrong but I couldn't care less what she shoves down her piehole anyway.


AuntieAnn, your post sounds something like
Anthony Bourdain would say about TFW's cooking!

Can you imagine if AB were Cooking at Kate's instead of Emeril for the 100th episode? She grabs that red spatula and smacks him with it, looks at the person beside the camera and laughs and then by George hits him again?

Lord, how mercy!! He would of verbally let her have it and leave. There would of been no 100th episode with Anthony Bourdain.

TLC stinks said... 185

Kate Gosselin is a public figure. She has said many times her life is public. We, the public, have every right to comment on her life. But she is not completely open because she attempts to paint her life what she envisions it to be rather than what it really is. Time and time again she has been caught in her lies or lies by omission. I find her fascinating, not for her fame birthing eight children, but her continued manipulation of her life and her children's lives. She really is a psychological case study. I hope the best for her kids, but these recent shows are not a good sign for a few of them. Even if the behavior has been edited, what parent would allow this public display of bad behavior except someone who craves attention and to hell with the kids? How does that make her a good mother? She has options to raise her kids and we've known plenty of large families who do just fine without the excess.

Tucker's Mom said... 186

Betcha Milo would welcome you in her corner and you two could quiver together!
You could think up pithy teasers for the episode!

Tucker's Mom said... 187

AuntieAnn, your post sounds something like
Anthony Bourdain would say about TFW's cooking!
Oh, Bourdain would narrate her food and cooking with words such as oleaginous, mystery meat and poseur.
Kate's cooking, as middling as it is, isn't her real branding problem as I see it. What I've witnessed after years of her putting herself out there is that Kate has very deep-seated conflict when it comes to food. I would not be surprised in the least if she suffers with an eating disorder, or has in the past. It's always right there, under the surface, and evidenced overtly by her tightfisted control of her children and food.
She does not embrace the joie de vivre and bonhomie that the likes of Nigella Lawson does, nor the dripping, unabashed sensuality of Padma Lakshmi, or the amazing marriage of home, family and food that Ree Drummond brings to fruition so effortlessly.
Where she fits in is a very small niche of fans who want a piece of memorabilia from their idol.

4rmine said... 188

The show is on at 9 tonight.

Formerly Duped said... 189

Kate didn't hold the random good deeds contest either- sorry if anyone mentioned it. Her website is abandoned as are many of her former projects.She's the type who starts projects but lets them slide if immediate rewards are not forthcoming.I'm so surprised TLC had them back- she has a firm grip on that remaining 'prize.'

redbird said... 190

Tucker's Mom said... 187
AuntieAnn, your post sounds something like
Anthony Bourdain would say about TFW's cooking!
Oh, Bourdain would narrate her food and cooking with words such as oleaginous, mystery meat and poseur.
Kate's cooking, as middling as it is, isn't her real branding problem as I see it. What I've witnessed after years of her putting herself out there is that Kate has very deep-seated conflict when it comes to food. I would not be surprised in the least if she suffers with an eating disorder, or has in the past. It's always right there, under the surface, and evidenced overtly by her tightfisted control of her children and food.


ITA, Tucker's mom. Kate's way of feeding her children puts a knot in my stomach. Eating with your children at the kitchen table should be a great experience, not a dread.

The prison trays

The high chairs till 7 years old

The bare-handed tosses of food on their plates

Paper Plates

Portion Control

Sending moldy food in their lunchboxes until a judge told her to stop doing it

Cups with lids on them instead of a glass of milk

Pretending that the kids are there eating with her

Using the kids for the failed cookbook

Smearing Joel's face with Sloppy Joel Sauce (this one burns me up the most) That poor kid had to smile for the camera. How humiliating. I hope he wasn't teased for it.

I know there are more violations but my head is spinning to much to think of them.

redbird said... 191

I think the picture (it was a great picture) that Jon posted with his brothers was a huge DIG to TFW! Jon said, brothers for life! He has 3 sons and wouldn't it be wonderful if Jon posted a picture of the tup boys with their permission and said, brothers for life.

Wouldn't that chap someone pretty good. She deserves it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 192

Tucker's Mom (#187), it was a huge red flag for
me when TFW repeated the saying that nothing
tastes as good as skinny feels. It concerns me
that she has 8 young psyches under her roof that might suffer collateral damage from her food issues. And eating disorders aren't limited to girls.

I am not saying TFW has an eating disorder,
nor predicting any for her children. I am just stating my opinion, based on things I've seen,
read, and heard from a woman who has made her
life an open book.

Janice in Mo said... 193

I don't know for sure if Mady's IG is the real deal, but there was a comment from a This is my life Emilee, who is a youtuber. She offered the owner of that IG acct to link to hers. Apparently this Mady acct has said she wants to start a youtube acct and this Emilee offered to help Mady by linking her. Emilee boasts 3000 followers. Here's the interesting thing-this Emilee speaks just like Mady, or, Mady has taken over this teens personality almost to the tee. The resemblance doesn't seem coincidental. From the hair adjusting, the eye glass adjusting. One would think Mady has been watching this girl a long time.

We have talked about her love of Miranda. I can see Kate allowing Mady a youtube channel. This is right up Mady's alley. I think she could have a huge following.


fidosmommy said... 194

FlimsyFlamsy, I offer myself as a former teen and current senior citizen with food issues. My mother, who did 99% of things right, was a food control freak who portioned our meals (clean plates, no seconds on anything) and our snacks (fruit). As a teen I snuck food in, hid it. As a college student I ate fried foods, something never served at home, and drank more than the 8 ounce Mom-allotted Coke a day. As an adult on my own, I discovered fast food, pizza, 2-liter sodas, etc. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, where I wanted and my mom couldn't say a word about it. Food became a sort of "raspberry" toward my mom. I had no built in sense of control. I really lost it when I became bulimic. That literally almost killed me. While I have to take the blame for my stupid choices, I still believe I was started on this path because of food rules and restrictions since my high chair days.

For the past 3 years I have lived with my best friend.
She restricts nothing but salt. She is an amazing cook. With food aplenty in the fridge, jars of candy sitting out, snacks in a snack cupboard, I am free as a bird. She tells me to eat what I want and leave what I don't. Since food is so plentiful now, and because nobody is hovering over me, I can eat in the open. No more hiding. No more guilt. No more deceit. I am amazed that I now CHOOSE to eat healthily, I now choose to eat reasonably and in small portions. MY choice. In 3 years of this new system I have lost some serious weight.

I would not wish eating issues on anyone, especially a child or teen.

My own story is why I am so fascinated with TLC's My 600 lb. Life. I feel their pre-surgery pain, even though I never reached that extreme weight and would have never been a candidate for the surgery. We are all part of the same fellowship.

Tucker's Mom said... 195

We have talked about her love of Miranda. I can see Kate allowing Mady a youtube channel. This is right up Mady's alley. I think she could have a huge following.

December 29, 2015 at 8:30 AM
I wonder if TLC would prohibit it because they've always had control of her image and brand.

Jane said... 196

Beautiful post, fidosmommy. Thank you.

Tucker's Mom said... 197

We have talked about her love of Miranda. I can see Kate allowing Mady a youtube channel. This is right up Mady's alley. I think she could have a huge following.

December 29, 2015 at 8:30 AM
I'm happy for you. Finding balance and a healthy relationship with food is not easy for many.
Your mom and Kate sound similar with regard to food. Kate makes her kids eat things they don't want to eat, and even punishes them by making them eat extra of the foods they eschew.
I don't remember ever seeing any of the kids help themselves to the fridge or cupboard, which is just very strange to me. It's like it's prohibited.
Good luck with that when those boys get a little older.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 198

Fidosmommy (#194), thank you for your candor. Sorry to hear how you suffered. Food isn't like alcohol or drugs -- you can't "swear off" of it. Everyone needs to eat every day to stay alive. I'm happy
you seem to have been able to make your peace with those issues.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 199

I think a youtube channel for M would be a disaster.
It'd be someone's full-time job to delete ugly comments. I certainly hope someone would care enough about her to put the kibosh on that idea.

YouReapWhatYouSow said... 200

Kate is a twit said... 159

Milo is working the PR machine.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
#GreenThumbGosselins Gator rides & an unexpected burial? So we have #AmazingRace & #AmazingGrace Can't miss this! Tue.9pm @TLC @Kateplusmy8

She might just as well have said "Come one, come all!! The Gosselins have a death in their family and we're going to celebrate the great Kate!!"

Seems like she doesn't even care or has concern for whom the "unexpected burial" is for, or how it may affect the kids.

I find it truly disgusting the way she uses it to promote the show.
Well, she is an a-- hole. They both are.
I think TFW is aiming to be a guest "chef" (LOL) on "MasterChef Junior," since she knows SOOOOOO much about kids and cooking. And of course a dating show.

She knows that her show sucks; TLC probably told her as well.

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