Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Discussion Thread: Deck Party

Kate Plus 8

Deck Party10:00 PM on TLC, 1 hr 2016 TV-PG
Kate throws a party to celebrate the completion of her new deck. Also: Kate and girls enjoy a day at the spa; and the boys learn magic tricks.

931 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sheepless In Seattle said... 1

Yes, hearing her calling the boys magic show "lame" was just knee-slapping, belly-laughing humor, right?


When Collin presented her with the gift and she rolled her eyes and made a smart remark, that just had everyone doubling over in laughter...right? It was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm and Collin should have known it was just that.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 2

Kate replied to the tweeter who tweeted about avocado being toxic to birds:


Good grief. I missed that comment. It is indeed toxic to birds and even the smallest amount can kill them. I doubt that she knew this, or even has done any research about the dangers of certain foods. I am amazed that the bird is still alive.

reader said... 3

I now believe she mistreated that dog years back. After seeing the moving car coming so close to him in the deck episode. What a selfish...
Wasn't she crawling along in the golf cart in the beach episode, because she'll never apologize for safety first? I didn't watch but thought I read that here.
Safety comes in a close 2nd to Kate's immediate needs.

Thought this tweet was interesting

Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin – Verified account ‏@Kateplusmy8

@tante_min Never! I texted same photo2a friend&said 'this is as close as the 2 of them shall ever come!' I don't take safety lightly! #Pets
1:03 PM - 6 Jul 2014

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

“Every decision we’ve made has been done very thoughtfully and very carefully about what is in the best interests of the people involved and the network,”


What if those interests conflict?

Tucker's Mom said... 5

reader said... 3
I now believe she mistreated that dog years back. After seeing the moving car coming so close to him in the deck episode. What a selfish...
Wasn't she crawling along in the golf cart in the beach episode, because she'll never apologize for safety first? I didn't watch but thought I read that here.
Kate doesn't care for her animals in an essential way, and that's making sure they're safe. I've never doubted Robert's account of Kate driving away when Shoka and Nala escaped the property, and Kate just drove away, not to return for hours.
My 2 dogs got out of the backyard 2 days ago. Long story short- workers left without closing the gate. I should have doubled-checked it. Usually do. That day, I did not. I let them out the back door.
Fortunately, I happened to be looking out front when I saw my 2 dogs tearing down the sidewalk like bats out of hell. I knew immediately what happened.
I ran out and gave chase, but realized I needed to hop in my car to have any chance of keeping up with them.
I grabbed my purse, leashes and treat bag and despite shaking from head to toe, drove down my street and found them all the way at the other end, and got them in my car.
The horror was excruciating and it took me nearly an hour to calm down. Everything was flashing through my head and I would never be able to forgive myself it something happened to them.
Never in a million years could I imagine just blowing it off, and going on my merry way.
There's a chip missing in people who can do that, and that's Kate.

Jamesvader1194 said... 6

@Tucker's mom well at least the kids won't be filmed as much(i hope)because of this new show and maybe a special once in a blue moon.Like twins sweet 16.As long as she doesn't rank in huge numbers like the duggars and little couple,the Gosselin 8 maybe ok.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 7

Mel said... 171
Hmmm...I must have lived a very deprived life. And still do, I guess.
64 years old and haven't ever been to a nail salon.


If you decide to go, don't do the acrylics. Luckily, my nails were able to emerge unscathed from years of overlays, but my friend wasn't so lucky. Her nails were destroyed.

Rainbirdie said... 8

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 · 30m30 minutes ago
@kateplusmy8 I must say that you have changed a lot! You've gotten funnier. I find myself laughing at something you say on each episode.
Same here. Every time Kate says "honestly", I laugh hysterically.

Ingrid said... 9

For those who are interested, here are a bunch of original news articles from the Avery (Making a Murderer) case that were in my local paper.
Avery articles

Sheepless In Seattle said... 10

Tucker's mom well at least the kids won't be filmed as much(i hope)because of this new show and maybe a special once in a blue moon.Like twins sweet 16.As long as she doesn't rank in huge numbers like the duggars and little couple,the Gosselin 8 maybe ok.


Wouldn't they just find a new time slot for them? I'm not sure a new show means no more filming of Gosselin episodes.

Jamesvader1194 said... 11

@Sheepless in seattle I didn't say they'd stop filming,i know a new show doesn't mean no more filming.But if were correct in saying shes filler after the whole duggar craziness and seeing as if there's a strong possibility they may bring jill and jess a full show back cause of their huge numbers.It would mean less Kate.At least thats what im hoping.Since there's only 2 or 3 more specials coming and it depends how well they do.This is what im both hoping and thinking.

Tucker's Mom said... 12

If you decide to go, don't do the acrylics. Luckily, my nails were able to emerge unscathed from years of overlays, but my friend wasn't so lucky. Her nails were destroyed.
Kate's nails are screwed. So many years of overlays and it will take years to recover, if ever.
My MIL's nails always look perfect and glossy (except when she needs a refill) and she told me to never start. Her nails are ruined underneath.
I don't even do gel anymore. The few times I did, my nails took months to recover.
I'm fine to go in public with natural nails and I do polish often- I just bring my own polish so I can touch up and extend the paint job, and I'm able to paint on my own with light, natural colors (a steady hand, I have not!).

All those treatments take a tole- nails, tanning, weaves.

Tucker's Mom said... 13

But if were correct in saying shes filler after the whole duggar craziness and seeing as if there's a strong possibility they may bring jill and jess a full show back cause of their huge numbers.It would mean less Kate.At least thats what im hoping.Since there's only 2 or 3 more specials coming and it depends how well they do.This is what im both hoping and thinking.
That's how it appears to me.
Jill and Jessa are strongly poised to get their own show. Kate is not, given what we know about TLC's line-up of new and current shows.
I think TLC would have announced that K+8 is back in the fold, and not just ad hoc filming for winter filler.
It was a good plan for TLC. K+8's numbers weren't bad.
The problem is, even if K+8 is filler, it still means filming the kids a good chunk of the time that they are available, thus, leaving them at the mercy of Kate and the filming schedule, instead of doing what normal kids do.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 14

Whenever TFW crows about what a safety nut she is,
you have to remember that this is a woman who beat her toddlers, who were born prematurely. Beat them for acting like toddlers, which is all they knew how to do. Her concern for safety is all for show.

redbird said... 15




The judge told Josh that he had to tell the truth by Jan. 20th!

WHY couldn't Jon have a judge like this! Kate would be forced to tell the truth!

TLC stinks said... 16

Her "humor" is not tongue in check. It's passive aggressive and it's mean.

redbird said... 17

I vote for the next project to be a tube elevator put in the house so she won't have to walk up and down the stairs to take food to the grill.

I saw a clip when the kids were shucking the corn and it started to drizzle rain. They showed a shot of the pasture with the gate and it was so nice.

Then she was at the patio. Should of did a gazebo and upgraded that area around the pool and patio instead of that deck. She could of built a small balcony there.

Also when the kids have to gather the pillows, blankets and whatever and have to haul it to the garage, they could just toss it over the railing and then go down and pick them up instead of hauling it piece by piece up and down the stairs.

But they won't have to do that to long because they will have an elevator. Doesn't she dream all of these perks up? Explains why when after the school drop off, she races back to the house to jump back into the sack.

Her system has paid off in spades!

TLC stinks said... 18

Again, the bird in the kitchen while there is food prep. Yuk! This woman is a germophobe????

FlimsyFlamsy said... 19

Admin, just wanted to say thanks for keeping up with the fast and furious comments since Tuesday. Oh, and the pool girls, cabana boys, and deck dudes, too!

TLC stinks said... 20

I did not see a post I made last evening, so pardon me if it's a repeat. But I'm with you, reader, that she abused those dogs. Some tweeted to her about concern how close Shoka was to the SUV when she pulled out. I had a friend and my father-in-law who both hit and killed their dogs in the driveway. Such BS she crows about Shoka.

And folks are right that the dog will be banned from the deck as soon as she sees those toenail scratches.

I think she failed in her wanting a dating show. It is much more interesting to focus on four dads rather than just Kate on a multiple of dates with the eye rolling and "lame" attempts at humor. She will settle on any man unless it's Steve. I am hoping he has seen the light. She's been pretty quiet on Twitter, so I take it to mean she's working on some other proposals, but despite the one million viewers, TLC must have weighed her cost versus revenue. A once a year special may be all she can hope for.

TLC stinks said... 21

Adding a residential elevator in a home that does not already have a shaft is wildly expensive. It would top that deck. That would be a no go for TLC.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 22

A few people posting about decks used the word
"balusters." Am I the only person who kept reading it as "ballbusters?"

Seeing myself to the naughty spot...

NJGal51 said... 23

I think TLC is testing the waters with this new show featuring the families with first time parents. One of the couples are the Gardners and have quadruplets. What makes them more special is that the quads are two sets of identical twins. From what I've read they seem to be open to filming because they're "making memories" (sounds familiar). TFW had better watch out because this family probably isn't as demanding as she is...yet. If they sign up for a show I see a cut in pay in TFW's future. http://www.people.com/article/utah-couple-quadruplets

Mel said... 24

Josh says she shouldn't be allowed to sue because she was engaged in an illegal activity when it happened.

And besides, he's never met her.

Didn't he admit that he cheated? And that's why he went to rehab?
So, if not with her, who *did* he cheat with?

Interesting how accusations of cheating with an adult woman he says he never met sent him scurrying to rehab, but molesting little girls as young as 5 years old, some of whom are his sisters isn't a problem.

This is getting weirder and weirder.

Carole said... 25

I didn't say they'd stop filming,i know a new show doesn't mean no more filming.But if were correct in saying shes filler after the whole duggar craziness and seeing as if there's a strong possibility they may bring jill and jess a full show back cause of their huge numbers.It would mean less Kate.At least thats what im hoping.Since there's only 2 or 3 more specials coming and it depends how well they do.This is what im both hoping and thinking.


That's how it appears to me.
Jill and Jessa are strongly poised to get their own show. Kate is not, given what we know about TLC's line-up of new and current shows.
I think TLC would have announced that K+8 is back in the fold, and not just ad hoc filming for winter filler.
It was a good plan for TLC. K+8's numbers weren't bad.
The problem is, even if K+8 is filler, it still means filming the kids a good chunk of the time that they are available, thus, leaving them at the mercy of Kate and the filming schedule, instead of doing what normal kids do.


I don't think any series, new or old, has any bearing on if or when K+8 might be back. They can always find a spot to put her show or any show in their schedule; enough open slots - they call it a season, if the schedule is tight w/better programming they'll call it 'specials'.

I think new shows will come and go as they always have without it affecting her status. IMO she probably already has a signed contract for more shows and it would take a family court judge's signature, a scandal, or a drastic implosion of her ratings to remove TFW from their lineup. She's filler, reliable but dependable filler, for the network. IMO, they'll be back to their regular filming routine next spring/summer and the shows will air like they did this year.

reader said... 26

Yes, TLCstinks, SUV, I had said car. Either one would crush the poor creature, but yes it was an SUV.
Tucker's mom, happy to hear your dogs are safe and sound.
Narcissistic people are incapable of real love in my opinion. Add to that her bitterness against Jon, his family, each member of her own family, (especially lately her mom).
Like she expected Jon to anticipate her every thought, jump to attention, well I think that's her m.o. With every living thing! "Why aren't you pleasing me?" I'm drifting... She lives completely within her own head. That dog is in her way, no safety, laws of science, certainly not any love forms thought in her head. Merely, I am moving, it is in my way.
I remember an episode where Jon said whenever Kate would always let the cars' gas tanks go to E. One episode she's seen backing out of the driveway, and dropped multiple shoes out of the window as she continued to back up.....safety is a distant 4th or even 5th to selfish WANT. 2nd is laziness, 3rd is passive aggressive resentment...oh hell who am I kidding. Safety is buzz word for twitter, used like product placement.

reader said... 27

Copied and pasted the following paragraph, I was shocked to see this history of theTLC network.
"The channel was founded in 1972 by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and NASA as the Appalachian Community Service Network,[2][3] and was an informative and instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of television; it was distributed at no cost by NASA satellite."

Tucker's Mom said... 28

TLC stinks said... 21
Adding a residential elevator in a home that does not already have a shaft is wildly expensive. It would top that deck. That would be a no go for TLC.
January 9, 2016 at 6:13 AM
With shaft, you're looking at ~ 8-10K per floor.

Tucker's Mom said... 29

NJGal51 said... 23
I think TLC is testing the waters with this new show featuring the families with first time parents. One of the couples are the Gardners and have quadruplets. What makes them more special is that the quads are two sets of identical twins. From what I've read they seem to be open to filming because they're "making memories" (sounds familiar). TFW had better watch out because this family probably isn't as demanding as she is...yet. If they sign up for a show I see a cut in pay in TFW's future. http://www.people.com/article/utah-couple-quadruplets
January 9, 2016 at 6:20 AM
The Gardners sound ripe for the picking.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 30

The Gardner mom said this in the People article:
"So many people followed our story every step of
the way – they feel like we're part of their family."
The subtext being, like with TFW, that they're doing the show for the benefit of their "fans." They owe it to all interested parties to pull up their shades so everyone can peek in the windows.

If anyone thinks a family they've never met is
a part of their family, it points to a lack of genuine fulfilling relationships in their own lives. And TLC is exploiting that need. I find
that pathetic.

Blowing In The Wind said... 31

The Gardners sound ripe for the picking.


Yes, indeed. I saw that and thought the same thing. Here we go again.

Blowing In The Wind said... 32

A few people posting about decks used the word
"balusters." Am I the only person who kept reading it as "ballbusters?"

Seeing myself to the naughty spot...


lol!1 We call them balustrades. I looked it up, and a balustrade is a row of balusters or ballbusters. I love learning new things!

AuntieAnn said... 33

FlimsyFlamsy said... 14

Whenever TFW crows about what a safety nut she is,
you have to remember that this is a woman who beat her toddlers, who were born prematurely. Beat them for acting like toddlers, which is all they knew how to do. Her concern for safety is all for show.


Yep, she's full of shite. Remember this?


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

Sounds like Josh Duggar is not going to be able to weasel his way out of this mess with assaulting that woman like he's been able to get out of every kind of trouble his whole life. I'm surprised this isn't making bigger news.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 35

Josh says she can't sue because she was engaging in illegal activity?

Sooooo it's okay to rape or assault someone because they were engaging in prostitution at the time? I don't see that argument flying.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 36

That bird in the kitchen is so icky!! We lived in a house years ago where the previous owner had a bird (in a cage) and kept it in the dining area. We never could get rid of all the feathers. Found them everywhere! Didn't live in that place too long. Was horrible for my allergies.
That open bird perch on the kitchen counter is disgusting. How can that be healthy for anyone, let alone 8 (count them), 8 kids?

Mel said... 37

Just like it's ok to molest your 5 year old sister because she showed her knees once?

redbird said... 38

Admin said... 35
Josh says she can't sue because she was engaging in illegal activity?

Sooooo it's okay to rape or assault someone because they were engaging in prostitution at the time? I don't see that argument flying.


Me neither! He is just grasping for straws that are caked with mud from the pig sty he rolls in.

She can't sue because she was engaging in illegal activity? Bwahaha! Josh, who was she engaging in illegal activity with? How would you know that? You claim you never have been to the strip club, her place of employment and that you, your wife and children live in AR.

What a joke! He truly is a pig in a poke.

Over In TFW's County said... 39

I remember that! I think a lot of us were awaiting updates and wondering how everything would turn out.
You are amazing for caring so much and being so loving and generous.


Aw. Thanks for the kind comment! Actually, I'm the lucky one. When I look at these cats, warm and content and snuggled up on the bed, I can't imagine them not being here! They are so loving and affectionate.

I think what really surprised me was the way the other cats just accepted them. When I gave them free run of the house, the resident cats just looked at them, sniffed a bit and went on their way, like...where did they from, but so what, it's just two more to play with! There were never any cat fights or jealousy. No more, though. I say this as I look out my kitchen window hoping that nothing is looking back at me with sad eyes, wanting to come inside!

Over In TFW's County said... 40

They owe it to all interested parties to pull up their shades so everyone can peek in the windows.


Would Gladys be there in line, or is that privilege reserved just for lusting after Kate?

I hope that there aren't too many Kravitz-esque people out there. It sounds like another TFW in the making.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41

Was watching Valerie Bertinelli's cooking show again today, and she is so darn likable. Is she a world
class chef? Nope. But she's enthusiastic and warm,
and you can't fake that. Although heaven knows TFW tries. TFW could've had her own show -- cooking, crafts for kids, money-saving tips, or even a talk show. She has a unique story to tell, and the market is wide open for half-hour shows for engaging hosts, but TFW still can't score a gig on her own.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 42

What a joke! He truly is a pig in a poke.


A pig in a poke? We use that phrase to mean it's something we don't know much about, isn't evaluated, or the buyer shouldn't blindly purchase something without first checking it out.

Is there a different meaning for it? Maybe Urban Slang or something?

Whatever...I seriously doubt that old Joshie will get away from this with just a slap on the wrist, no matter if the plaintiff was engaging in the world's oldest profession. However, if he has an alibi and he really wasn't anywhere near her, or the strip club or hotel when she claimed the incidents took place, then there may be a problem with her claims. It should be interesting to watch this unfold. He is scum.

redbird said... 43

Over In TFW's County said... 39


Ditto on the sweet rescue of the kittens! I really enjoyed reading about them and I can't believe it has been 2 years!

When you said you looked out your window, I thought you would say, Kittens are mine, all mine.

redbird said... 44

Do you think TFW will buy a ticket for the lottery drawing tonight? Almost a billion dollars!

Just think, if she won all of that money for herself, she would still grift, dream projects for TLC to pay for in the house and film those kids for extra money.

redbird said... 45

I read an article about TFW and someone posted that they saw Cara wearing a t-shirt on the deck and magic show episode with the words: 3:1 Unbroken on the back of the shirt.

I did a little research and found out that it was a
Demi Lovato shirt with the date 3:1 Unbroken concert in 2015. The concert was in Camden, NJ.

Unbroken Demi Lovato
March 1, 2015
Camden, NJ

Over In TFW's County said... 46

When you said you looked out your window, I thought you would say, Kittens are mine, all mine.


...as far as the eye can see. lol, no way! But you all know that if one should happen to come to the back door it would be in my house by the next day...even if I say there's no chance of that happening! That's why I stay away from the windows.

Funny thing is that I really am a dog person!

Leslie said... 47

On Fox, Saturday and Saturday at 8pm Eastern Judge Jeanne Pirro has a special on The Making of a Murderer. I don't know if it is a two-part special or if it just reruns on Sunday.

Barb Gilman said... 48

Ha! I'm watching this episode on YouTube right now. Kate's voice is sped up and it is hilarious!

PA Dutch Mom said... 49

Here's something that just struck me to be amusing. I often check area live status lists, police, fire, ambulance, accidents, especially if I will be out and about. I saw that today there was a gas grill fire in Berks/Wernesville area and laughed when I thought of Kate out on her mine, all mine deck, trying to light the grill.

It's highly doubtful with the population of that area that it would be Kate, but I thought it was so ironic when I read it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50

Is Tuesday the back-to-school shopping episode?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 51

Is Tuesday the back-to-school shopping episode?


I don't know, but if it is, I think you're supposed to pretend the kids are shopping to go back to school after winter break.

TLC stinks said... 52

Thanks, redbird. Bribery is alive and well in Wernersville.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 53

Barb Gilman said... 48
Ha! I'm watching this episode on YouTube right now. Kate's voice is sped up and it is hilarious!


I read this as Barb Gilmer and thought, wait a minute! :)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 54

Rainbowsandunicorns (#51), aha, you may be on to something there!

Since Shoka and his lady friend were featured in the bonus footage, it sounds like a safe bet that the Very Special Episode of having puppies is already being planned. And that Wayfair tweet was kind of random -- I wonder what TFW is looking to grift?

Barb Gilman said... 55

@rainbowsandunicorns if you can believe it, I live in the same town as Barb Gilmer.

When Google made those changes, It merged my 2 accounts. The word is out....I am @BarbInNebraska

High Sodium Content said... 56

I lurk, but don't comment too often. But I've never seen so many people worry about a deck. I've had a wooden deck for 30 years, off the back of our ranch home. Because of the slop, it's like a raised ranch in the back. I've had a grill on it all these years, never had a fire or even close to it. We use the grill 12 months a year. I have a fire pit/table with large chairs. We've had feet of snow, that we didn't shovel off. We move the grill to closer to the sliding door, so it's easy to reach in the winter. Guess what? It's never collapsed. We have even raked snow off the roof of the house on to the deck. Kids have never died going down the stairs to the pool or back yard. I load it w/ extra weight of flowers and plants in the summer. Kate sends the dog to the groomers very often. Does any one really think his nails are going to be out of control enough to scratch the new deck? If he's lucky, he's going to be walking across it. It's not like those kids actually play w/ the dog and are going to be throwing a ball or frisbee to him on the deck. As far as how hot the deck will be, depends on which side of the house it is. North or West, not so bad. I'm sure she can buy or grift a big umbrella. Most people don't want a big party area next to the pool. Makes it harder to watch little kids, while other are trying to cook, eat etc. Most people want the pool separate from the majority of the entertaining area. That way it's easy to close off the pool when it's time to sit an eat or clean up etc. Pool is locked up/off limits. Not to say that Kate actually has parties or friends often/ever. Kids aren't going to be playing on the deck, maybe one will sit out there talking on her phone, or reading a book. All deck surfaces get hot if the sun is shining on it, dark or light painted isn't going to make much difference. So what, you wear flip flops. I'm no Kate fan, but the crazy over analying of the deck is crazy to me. She got a new Weber grill, great. They last forever. I've got one, and I didn't grift it. Also have a weber charcoal grill on the deck for special steaks. Maybe all the rushing around w/ the pillows was because everything was brand new and wasn't actually set up on the deck yet. If she's smart she'd buy a bench w/ a storage spot for the extra pillows. I doubt she's going to store them in the garage a 1/4 mile away anytime she wants to sit on the deck. Decks are built to code. Having a deck off the higher elevation of the house makes sense. A few feet of snow isn't going to collapse it. Some people don't touch their decks all winter and it's still standing next spring. Kate has many many years before she has to worry about the structural integrity of this deck. She has 2 sets of stairs, it's not like she's ever going to have 150 people on the deck for their to be an emergency escape root necessary. Again, I'm no Kate fan, just realistic.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 57

Barb Gilman (#55), I was wondering if you were Barb in Nebraska! But your old avatar was a childhood picture, so I decided it wasn't you. Nice to see you posting. I remember when TFW banned you for critiquing her grammar -- tee hee!

Midnight Madness said... 58

Oh, no, here we go with more shirt tweets!

lisa jones ‏@lisaanne1975 12m12 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 can you tell me what brand the shirt is you wore for the deck party? Navy and white one? LOVED it!

Helene Sell ‏@hj610sell 4h4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 where did you get the shirt you had on when prepping for your deck party? The one with the white circles

Sheep are so needy.

Barb Gilman said... 59

@Flimsyflamsy yes, my claim to fame! I've been on Twitter since 2007 and I teach educators how to use Twitter. The blocking by Kate brings gales of laughter when I relay the story.

AuntieAnn said... 60

High Sodium Content @ 56

I feel as if I just got a stern lecture. lol!

I agree with you though about all the concern about the deck structure. I have no doubt it's built to code requirements. It's Kate reckless parenting that is worrisome.

One suggestion -- paragraphs make it easier to read lengthy posts.

redbird said... 61

rainbowsandunicorns said... 42

What a joke! He truly is a pig in a poke.


A pig a poke? We use that phrase to mean it's something we don't know much about, isn't evaluated, or the buyer shouldn't blindly purchase something without first checking it out.


Pig in a poke:

An object offered in a manner that conceals its true value, especially its lack of value. For example, Eric believes that buying a used car is buying a pig in a poke.

This expression alludes to the practice of substituting a worthless object, such as a cat, for the costly suckling pig a customer has bought and wrapping it in a poke , or sack. It dates from a time when buyers of groceries relied on a weekly farmers' market and, unless they were cautious enough to check the poke's contents, would not discover the skulduggery until they got home. The word poke dates from the 13th century but is now used mainly in the southern United States. The idiom was first recorded in John Heywood's 1562 collection of proverbs.

Funny, they used the words used cars because Josh used to sell used cars.

redbird said... 62

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50
Is Tuesday the back-to-school shopping episode?


Flimsy, I almost fell asleep reading your post! Bwahaha

redbird said... 63

TLC stinks said... 52
Thanks, redbird. Bribery is alive and well in Wernersville.



redbird said... 64

Barb Gilman said... 48
Ha! I'm watching this episode on YouTube right now. Kate's voice is sped up and it is hilarious!


Could you post a link, please?

Oh, and I kinda thought that you might be Barb in Nebraska!

TFW banned you too? She banned me too! In the twitter words of TFW, You're shocked? Me too!

High Sodium Content, please post more often. I enjoy your posts!

High Sodium Content said... 65

AuntieAnn said... 60
I feel as if I just got a stern lecture. lol!

No intent to "Lecture" anyone. Just a ramble of my thoughts of the last week. Now I've gotten my lecture about paragraphs. LOL

Barb Gilman said... 66

Here you go @redbird the first 5 minutes is the best with her voice!


redbird said... 67

Ewe! That was post no. 666! LOL

Thanks, Barb!!

Midnight Madness said... 68

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 38m38 minutes ago
@tabblack @TwitTartwif @Kateplusmy8 If there's nothing wrong with him, why has he been asked to leave the school he's attended for years?


Collin was asked to leave school? Did Kate say this? If so, when? I know that he was having problems and needed specialized help, but did the school refuse to let him continue there?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 69

Now I've gotten my lecture about paragraphs. LOL


I think it was ONE paragraph! lol!

My freshman comp prof wrote on one of my papers, "Remember to use short, concise paragraphs for convenience in thought and discourse." Why do I remember his exact words when I can't remember what I did last week?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 70

AuntieAnn said... 60
I feel as if I just got a stern lecture. lol!


I feel as if I just got my fingers slapped with a wooden ruler!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 71

This expression alludes to the practice of substituting a worthless object, such as a cat, for the costly suckling pig a customer has bought and wrapping it in a poke , or sack.


So how is Josh a pig in a poke? I'm not seeing the analogy, but then again, the Cosmos are starting to kick in.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 72

It's Kate reckless parenting that is worrisome.


Not to mention Matt Dude Guy calling Kate a "doll," and engaging in the childish banter on Twitter.

I think much of the concern about the deck had to do with Kate's disgusting greed and that very braggerish blog she put out there, making sure that everyone knew she paid for it with her own money and how she and her kids' health and well-being can all be contributed to the obscenely expensive deck that she really didn't need, but dreamed about for so long...all in the name of materialism.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 73

20/20 Saturday, for those interested -- "The New Cosby Wars."

All This Is That said... 74

Kate said that they had to walk through an unfinished basement with the food. I thought the basement was finished -- it certainly looked like it. Would it have been less of a struggle to walk through a finished basement?

I wonder how the previous owners managed to entertain and make good use of the pool and patio area. I bet they had a good laugh if they watched that episode. I'm sure that they already know that she is nuts.

NJGal51 said... 75

I went to the TLC FB page and looked at the dog play date footage. I doubt that they'll breed Shoka and his girlfriend (TFW's terminology). Shoka is a GSD and she looks like a Doberman. Stranger things have happened though.

swimgirl said... 76

High Sodium Content said....
I agree with your post! I live in a hilly area in PA and these types of decks are common. I have several friends with two story decks and they have never had any issues with snow or safety. Townships require inspections during and after construction to ensure they are properly built.

TFW's blog post was ridiculous. I do not believe that the kids cared about getting a deck and I am sure it was paid for by TLC. But seriously, if I never hear about this deck again, I will be a happy girl! lol

AuntieAnn said... 77

NJGal51 said... 75

I went to the TLC FB page and looked at the dog play date footage. I doubt that they'll breed Shoka and his girlfriend (TFW's terminology). Shoka is a GSD and she looks like a Doberman. Stranger things have happened though.


Ah but imagine, if you will...

Shoka innocently has a playdate with 'girlfriend' Inca and gets seduced into fathering a litter of puppies with a bitch of a different breed -- all for reality tv. Sound familiar?

NJGal51 said... 78

LOL Auntie Ann, maybe they'll have a litter of 8!

Lanc Native said... 79

I have several friends with two story decks and they have never had any issues with snow or safety.


Then they are indeed lucky. I have seen a two-story deck collapse under the weight of ice and snow. It's not a pretty sight. It's not common, but it can happen. Thankfully, it was were not occupied at the time.
A township may require inspection after it's built, but it is imperative that maintenance be done on a regular basis. The township is not going to come around every year to make sure that there are no loose railings or boards.

With kids, you have to watch them on second-story decks, especially if teens have a party. Adults have to be vigilant or there will be a safety issue.

AuntieAnn said... 80

My freshman comp prof wrote on one of my papers, "Remember to use short, concise paragraphs for convenience in thought and discourse." Why do I remember his exact words when I can't remember what I did last week?


My English teacher taught us to stop and take a breath! I'll always remember that too.

Rhymes with Witch said... 81

Shoka innocently has a playdate with 'girlfriend' Inca and gets seduced into fathering a litter of puppies with a bitch of a different breed -- all for reality tv. Sound familiar? 77

Once again engineered by Katie.

redbird said... 82

AuntieAnn said... 77
NJGal51 said... 75

I went to the TLC FB page and looked at the dog play date footage. I doubt that they'll breed Shoka and his girlfriend (TFW's terminology). Shoka is a GSD and she looks like a Doberman. Stranger things have happened though.


Ah but imagine, if you will...

Shoka innocently has a playdate with 'girlfriend' Inca and gets seduced into fathering a litter of puppies with a bitch of a different breed -- all for reality tv. Sound familiar?


Don't forget Vet Tech Karen Kaufman ready at the helm to give Inca the "shot" to make sure she is extremely fertile to have the biggest litter ever even though Inca told Shoka, just one more!

Betty said... 83

Jamesvader1194 said... 6
@Tucker's mom well at least the kids won't be filmed as much(i hope)because of this new show and maybe a special once in a blue moon.Like twins sweet 16.As long as she doesn't rank in huge numbers like the duggars and little couple,the Gosselin 8 maybe ok.

Those kids still gotta survive the months they spend with their asshat mother when they're not being filmed. Not like everyone freezes and life stops when there are no cameras.

redbird said... 84

A pig in a poke. It is an old school, old south saying.

He ain't worth nothing. He is a joke. (because how he has turned out)

Anonymous said... 85

The owner of the one acre property where we live here in L.A. county is notorious for leaving our big gate open. He visited during Christmas and one of his boxer pups escaped. We thought he took her over to his home for the holidays. We found out she was doing time at the pound for 3 days. I have a 9 year old Papillon, and he has never belonged to the city. The moral of this story is watch your pets, and keep them safe.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 86

NJGal51 (#75), I didn't realize Shoka's lady friend was a different breed (I didn't watch the piece).
Yeah, that doesn't sound like something Grandma TFW would approve of. Although she was interested in mixing gene pools when it provided her with "China dolls" (wasn't that her description of her daughters at some point?).

fidosmommy said... 87

Gee, I thought the deck discussion was pretty interesting. Much more must-read than politics or recipes, IMO. I'm chuckling as I write that, but I'm also being very serious.

Betty said... 88

One parent has a 2nd story deck and no appreciation for basic safety & the other keeps handguns. Statistically which is more likely to cause an injury? Physically that is. We already know which is causing hourly emotional and mental injuries.

fidosmommy said... 89

she was interested in mixing gene pools when it provided her with "China dolls" (wasn't that her description of her daughters at some point?).

She'll be getting 100% German anyway. Her "little

Sue_Buddy said... 90

High Sodium Content said... 56

Thank you!

librarylady said... 91

Regarding the Gardner quads mentioned earlier in posts - their show contribution is a complete cross between K8 and the Duggars. They claim they are doing this to share their infertility "journey" for encouragement and to share their faith (they are Mormon).

I am familiar with this family and they have been promoting and marketing themselves since the day she found out she was expecting quads.The selfies they took when they found out went viral because of their "shock" and because the mother is very attractive, and TLC was first in line. The couple instantly started promoting a blog and their facebook page and their infertility story publicly and talked about TLC filming them. They have received a great deal of criticism about this because of K8 and the Duggars, were very defensive under the guise of being "positive", and erase every negative or concerned post on their Facebook page. They have a video blog. They started a company when the quads were just born that makes hairbows (like the Duggars are obsessed with) and promote it.

I have TLC always blocked from my tv and will not watch. This family is yet another that has jumped on the TLC bandwagon in order to "make ends meet" and "encourage" others (and he has a marketing background). The quads just turned 1 a huge fancy party was thrown to "thank" everyone. This is another family that started out on a personal journey, claims to stay balanced because of their faith and insist they aren't promoting, but yet actions say differently. Take a look at their facebook page sometime to get a sense of the marketing (keeping in mind most negative commemts are scrubbed, but you can tell from the other responses what was said). Look up "Quad Squad", the name they started promoting when they were born.

TLC stinks said... 92

redbird, the concert = bribery

redbird said:
I did a little research and found out that it was a
Demi Lovato shirt with the date 3:1 Unbroken concert in 2015. The concert was in Camden, NJ.

FYI said... 93

Synopsis of the date episode from my cable provider.

Blind Date

Deana sets Kate up on a blind date, which includes a fancy dinner, good conversation, and an exciting helicopter ride; Mady and Cara help keep the little kids busy at home.

Why do they keep referring to the tups as the "little" kids? Can't they use the word "younger" instead?

Formerly Duped said... 94

I would think Shoka would have been spayed as most pets are, unless breeding is anticipated.If he was not, his escapades of breaking out of the compound may have made him a father already!

librarylady said... 95

I forgot to include these links to my comment; it just shows how the father is on a TLC "high" in anticipation


This other family will also be on TLC; they communicate with the Gardeners. I don't know much about them like I do the other family (outside of media). Makes me sad but I guess they are all the same and pretend it's to share but really to make a buck.


Jane said... 96

Steven Avery gets new legal team.

reader said... 97

I too liked the discussion on decks. I agree with the concerns that this is the Gosselin's deck, where Kate is the adult in charge. We've seen her resume - her antics, melt downs and her lack of awareness!
It can't be stressed enough, her lack of awareness and concern. Discussion is good. And everyone has an opinion. We try to keep our emotions in check.
Thanks for the blog Admin.

NJGal51 said... 98

High Sodium Content, I have to disagree with you about dog's nails. No matter how often they are groomed the nails can still be a problem. Once when our bulldog returned from a spa day he decided it would be a good idea to jump over the coffee table and on to the sofa. It wasn't. He took a running start and leaped into the air and landed in the middle of the table. He tried to put on the brakes and we now have a deep gouge in that table. We never got it fixed and laugh about "super bully". Nails are nails no matter how recently trimmed. Normal walking won't cause a problem but just put on the breaks once and there may be some scratching. This will be especially true if they do end up with a puppy.

Formerly Duped said... 99

Formerly Duped said... 94

I would think Shoka would have been spayed

Oy! I mean neutered!! I always wonder at people who make this mistake...I can only plead a bad migraine earlier!


PatK said... 100

Kate is a twit said... 93

Why do they keep referring to the tups as the "little" kids? Can't they use the word "younger" instead?


Shhh! The fans are supposed to think they're still toddlers!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 101

KIAT (#93), the episode promises "good conversation" on the blind date. Maybe it's between the date and the sommelier, because TFW surely can't deliver on that promise.

And if the B story is the twins alone to supervise the tups, let's remember that if we're watching it, they're NOT alone with the tups. There is a camera person, sound person, director, and possibly a production assistant. And since they're working,
I can only hope there will be another non-TLC adult/set tutor present, whose only job is to look out for the physical and emotional welfare of those 8 children. I hope Paul Petersen will be watching.

TLC stinks said... 102

If Shoka is inside as much as she claims, I guarantee you there are scratch marks by the doors to outside. Dogs leave scratches on hardwood floors. It's part of dog ownership, and we love them just the same. She is so particular about her floors, furniture etc. that I just have never believed that dog is inside often.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 103

I wonder if TFW will try to fake concern about her kids when she's on her date. Maybe something in the couch interview like, they're on my mind every minute I'm away from them. That'd be a knee slapper. How many pictures have we seen of her lit up like a freakin' Christmas tree when her kids were
far, far away? One of her revealing candid moments was when she admitted she wasn't in contact the kids when she traveled, and that "no news is good news."
That's when the tups were tiny, and I found it pretty shocking.

FYI said... 104

I can only hope there will be another non-TLC adult/set tutor present, whose only job is to look out for the physical and emotional welfare of those 8 children.

Kate probably designated Andrea to act as the adult present while they were filming. Just like Ashley was there when Kate went clubbing with Jamie.

Seems like this episode is just a new version of that previous episode. Kate in NYC on a date, kids at home doing "fun" things, substituting Mady and Cara for Ashley.

TLC stinks said... 105

The "little" kids will get tired soon enough of that description. They are not dwarfs!

LOL. We predicted the blind date was going to be billed as a Deanna favor. Can't wait for his name to come out. TLC will have to name him in the credits. Deanna is a doofus for getting mixed up with Kate. Kate is probably the only "celebrity" client to reach out and as Kate has proven time and time again, she only reaches out to those who can do something for her.

So how come pumpkin bottom and kids were not at the deck party? I thought she'd be a shoe-in for a friends and family gathering. Maybe she's the one who has moved on and maybe her kids don't want to filmed.

AuntieAnn said... 106

NJGal51 said... 75

I went to the TLC FB page and looked at the dog play date footage.


Did you notice in that clip how she keeps taking digs at Shoka? "Inca runs circles around Shoka", "Aw Shokie you just can't keep up", "It must not be manly for a boy to have a chicken and a girl to have a ball". yadda yadda blah blah blah.

Whether surgically or verbally, she seems hellbent on destroying the testicles of all the males in her life.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107

KIAT (#104), you're probably right about Andrea being there to supervise. But isn't a parent legally supposed to be there with 8 minor children? With a helicopter ride and dinner, TFW may have been away for many, many hours. Was there only one adult there to monitor the welfare of 8 children at the workplace? Yes, I said workplace. Because you better believe those 8 children were WORKING that day/night.

Sad but true said... 108

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107
KIAT (#104), you're probably right about Andrea being there to supervise. But isn't a parent legally supposed to be there with 8 minor children? With a helicopter ride and dinner, TFW may have been away for many, many hours. . . .

This is Kate Gosselin you're talking about. She was probably away for a minimum of overnight, if not several days, LOL.

Jamesvader1194 said... 109

@TLC stinks The thing is Kate still tweets to Jamie on twitter.Last time she wanted her to join her and watch the show with her and the fans.If they weren't friends anymore.I don't think Jamie would be on or ignore Kate on twitter.Although we don't know what Jamie is saying unless someone here or twitter follows her.It'd be pretty funny if they weren't friends anymore and Kate twitted to Jamie trying to make people think they're still friends.My guess is that her kids and the gosselin kids don't get along cause of the events from the RV trip.

FYI said... 110

LOL. We predicted the blind date was going to be billed as a Deanna favor. Can't wait for his name to come out. TLC will have to name him in the credits.

His name won't be in the credits. Jamie's, Ashley's, nor Andrea's name has never been listed, and Deanna is only listed under "Hair and makeup", so I doubt his name would be listed.

AuntieAnn said... 111

Kate is a twit said... 110

His name won't be in the credits. Jamie's, Ashley's, nor Andrea's name has never been listed, and Deanna is only listed under "Hair and makeup", so I doubt his name would be listed.


Maybe not but he should be credited as "Unlucky Bastard".

Formerly Duped said... 112

There doesn't seem to be much rapport between Kate and Andrea.(or A with the kids)I feel pretty sure she's an employee of TLC or perhaps is a not-a-nanny.

reader said... 113

The deck is a place for Kate to do yoga or drink.
Mine-all-mine gets stressful.
The narcissism escalates.

TLC stinks said... 114

I had no idea that some are not credited at the end of her show. How odd! Does that mean TLC does not pay them?

TLC stinks said... 115

There is no rapport between Andrea and Kate because she is an "worker", not allowed to be friendly with the Queen Bee.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 116

I get a distinct sense from Andrea she is being intentionally emotionally distant with the family. She probably is well aware the kids have been through dozens of caregivers and knows she probably won't stay long. Warm and fuzzy with the children she is not.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 117

Formerly Duped (#112), how old a woman is this Andrea? And do we know if she's married and/or has children of her own?

redbird said... 118

On the deck show, Alexis was riding the electric scooter in the back yard and TFW was standing there, she saw that Alexis had on a blouse that she did not approve for playtime. She told her to go and change and that she had left her clothes to play in on the stairs? And that the shirt she had on was a 2nd choice of school wear.

She is still obsessed keeping EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING in mint condition so when it is outgrown or not needed she will take it to the consign shop and get money out of it, because there is a 99% chance that it was given to her.

She has put those kids, especially the boys through hades and back to keep their clothes clean and stain free at all cost or else!

When in the beginning when people started donating things, especially the clothes, she didn't want them, just NWT's and she takes all of the clothes that were donated that she didn't want that were in very good condition to the consignment shop to sell them and make money? You don't do that! You take them to the GOODWILL and DONATE THEM!

And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.

Also, when she was standing there, barking orders, she would look at the person beside the camera and just moan, put her hand on her face, her hair was all over the place and she looked so miserable and looked like she was about to scream,

Calgon, take me away!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 119

TFW has admitted one of her sons has some educational and behavioral challenges. I think a truly protective, "safety first" parent would say
no to having him filmed (read: working) without
her being present.

TLC stinks said... 120

When Andrea was in the kitchen with Mady and Cara when the twins were cooking dinner at the beach house after most of the tups had gone fishing and throwing up, the twins ignored her suggestions; indifferent and disrespectful to her, IMO.

jamezvader1194 said... 121

@FlimsyFlamsy Its been almost a year since Kate announced his "issues" and i've not seen Kate ever actually do anything on the show to improve him,in fact he seems worse and even fans on twitter have notice this.Im surprised that they didn't do a special episode of Kate spending 1 on 1 time with Collin.Though if Kate or Gladys reads here then i just gave them a new episode idea.

Formerly Duped said... 122

FlimsyFlamsy said... 117

To me, Andrea looks in her early 30s but I'm not great at ages. She's pleasant-enough looking but I agree, not really friendly to the family. And yes, she is ignored by the twins. I think she maybe a tup nanny or Collin's tutor? She wears blue eye shadow and hoop earrings so I doubt she's a cleaning person but who knows !

FYI said... 123

FlimsyFlamsy said... 117
Formerly Duped (#112), how old a woman is this Andrea? And do we know if she's married and/or has children of her own?

I would say that Andrea is about the same age as Ashley, who would be in her mid-twenties now. I have a feeling that Andrea and Ashley are either related or friends. I found this old tweet from Kate:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8 13 Oct 2013
Awww we got the BEST surprise ever this afternoon....'Our' Ashley and 'our' Andrea appeared at our door! What a fun day we had together! #❤

Midnight Madness said... 124

She is still obsessed keeping EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING in mint condition so when it is outgrown or not needed she will take it to the consign shop and get money out of it, because there is a 99% chance that it was given to her.


I don't know who would still be giving the kids clothing. Gymboree pulled the plug on her years ago and they only go up to size Large (12). I would think that the kids have outgrown "kiddie" clothing by now. Has she grifted from any other kids' clothing companies? I don't recall seeing anything, but when it comes to toilet tissue...!!

Midnight Madness said... 125

Maybe not but he should be credited as "Unlucky Bastard".


Ha! Or "Smart To Get Away With His Balls Still Intact."

Midnight Madness said... 126

So how come pumpkin bottom and kids were not at the deck party? I thought she'd be a shoe-in for a friends and family gathering. Maybe she's the one who has moved on and maybe her kids don't want to filmed.


Where does she live? I thought it was somewhere in the in the middle of the country. That's kind of a long trip to make just for a deck party.

NJGal51 said... 127

And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.
Sorry Redbird but the owner of the consignment shop is not at fault for agreeing to sell TFW's items. They're running a business and need to make money to pay the bills. Unless you know for a fact that the consignment shop owner tags everything to let people know that the clothing was previously worn by the Gosselin kids he/she is not exploiting the G8.

Ingrid said... 128

"Aw Shokie you just can't keep up"
With 8 kids in the family to play with Shoka and 20 some acres to run, he should be in top physical shape. he must be just laying around waiting for attention and getting lazy.

I do realize that that jump off that sky tower thing she did could be horrifying but I don't get how she could go up in a helicopter without shrieking. She who is afraid of heights. She who couldn't climb up stinking lighthouse tower steps because of her so-called fear. Any excuse to get the attention focused on her and not the kids. When they aren't around she can handle it?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 129

Formerly (#122), thanks for the answer about Andrea. And great sleuthing by KIAT (#123) with that old tweet from TFW about "their" Andrea -- could be the same person!

If Andrea holds back a bit, that probably pleases TFW. No matter what she says, I think it chaps her when the kids get close to another adult. Crew daddies are one thing. But I think someone being a second Mommy (which is what she said A thought about Beth) can get you kicked to the curb in a hurry.

AuntieAnn said... 130

Ha! Or "Smart To Get Away With His Balls Still Intact."


Teehee. "Poor Sucker Who Drew the Short Straw"
"Blind Date Victim".

AuntieAnn said... 131

Ingrid said... 128

"Aw Shokie you just can't keep up"
With 8 kids in the family to play with Shoka and 20 some acres to run, he should be in top physical shape. he must be just laying around waiting for attention and getting lazy.


I agree. I think he's confused. He's probably been ignored and kept outside for the better part of his life to more or less fend for himself and now Kate is treating him like he is her best friend and allowing him to sleep indoors as a guard dog. The poor animal doesn't know how he's supposed to behave. And that's very much how her kids react to her, too.

Eight is More Than Enough said... 132

Was it part of the new law that an impartial professional has to to be there at all times when the kids are filming? I didn't think that adult could also be filmed for the show.

redbird said... 133

NJGal51 said... 127
And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.
Sorry Redbird but the owner of the consignment shop is not at fault for agreeing to sell TFW's items. They're running a business and need to make money to pay the bills. Unless you know for a fact that the consignment shop owner tags everything to let people know that the clothing was previously worn by the Gosselin kids he/she is not exploiting the G8.


Even though they might not be tagging the clothes, Worn by The Gosselins, they have to know her obsession of keeping them stain-free so she can sell them. It has clearly traumatized those kids. I would feel very uncomfortable selling them knowing this and all of the grifting that she has done. I have thought about this for years. I would find me another way to make up the difference.

This is IMO.

I also believe the kids and TFW are able to get new clothes for each episode because they have a clothing budget.

TLC stinks said... 134

Well midnight, she's showed up before to help Kate clean her kitchen. She's made the trip to Kate's more than Kate has visited her. She remarried and is busy with her new life, I suppose.

TLC stinks said... 135

Midnight, Peace Love World clothing.

Somewhere In Time said... 136

The poor animal doesn't know how he's supposed to behave. And that's very much how her kids react to her, too.

Kate still hasn't figured out which role she is supposed to play. Is she the poor, destitute, struggling, piecing and patching mom with bills in her purse and no child support, or is she an affluent celebrity with three cars, a 1.2 million dollar house with pool, new deck, and everything that money can buy? She can't be both. If she figures it out, will she let us and the sheeple know?

Somewhere In Time said... 137

Teehee. "Poor Sucker Who Drew the Short Straw"
"Blind Date Victim".

"Random Guy Who Couldn't Be Paid Enough For A Second Date"

Somewhere In Time said... 138

And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.
Sorry Redbird but the owner of the consignment shop is not at fault for agreeing to sell TFW's items. They're running a business and need to make money to pay the bills. Unless you know for a fact that the consignment shop owner tags everything to let people know that the clothing was previously worn by the Gosselin kids he/she is not exploiting the G8.

Not only that, but how would the owner of a consignment shop know if the items she brings in were grifted or if she paid for them? They don't keep tabs on where it comes from, and there is no way that they should refuse items she brings in, regardless of where those things were purchased or if someone gave them to Kate.

Somewhere In Time said... 139

She wears blue eye shadow and hoop earrings so I doubt she's a cleaning person but who knows !

Cleaning people don't wear blue eyeshadow or hoop earrings? I'm not understanding what you are saying here, but then again, it's been a very long day.

NOIP said... 140

Shoes Redbird. It was shoes Kate told Alexis to go in and change. Apparently they were supposed to be worn as a second backup to her first pair. Consignment shops wouldn't be interested and yes, they do have a business to run and bills to pay.

Somewhere In Time said... 141

Its been almost a year since Kate announced his "issues" and i've not seen Kate ever actually do anything on the show to improve him,in fact he seems worse and even fans on twitter have notice this.Im surprised that they didn't do a special episode of Kate spending 1 on 1 time with Collin.

Thank goodness for that! Why would Kate call attention to his issues? You don't single him out. At least she is not drawing attention to it.

Just because Kate hasn't announced how Collin is being helped, and the child isn't being filmed with a tutor or educational assistant doesn't mean that his issues aren't being addressed. The film set isn't the place to "improve" Collin or to discuss it.

For once she's not saying, and that's a really good thing. Give the kid some privacy!

AuntieAnn said... 142

"Random Guy Who Couldn't Be Paid Enough For A Second Date"


"Helicopter Hostage"

ncgirl said... 143

"Shoka innocently has a playdate with 'girlfriend' Inca and gets seduced into fathering a litter of puppies with a bitch of a different breed -- all for reality tv. Sound familiar?"

No matter what, Shoka can't please Inca. So he starts wearing Ed Hardy shirts and gets trashed in the media while Inca is TLC's darling.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144

Somewhere In Time (#136), and that's the trouble with being inauthentic -- too many lies to keep up with. If TFW would just own her one-percenter lifestyle, she wouldn't have to be scrambling to keep her stories straight. That long-winded blog post about the deck being the most important decision she's ever made for her family's health, and that it wasn't even a slight exaggeration, was her attempt at stemming the flood of criticism she knew she'd get.

Lynne In RI said... 145

redbird (118): "And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW."


redbird, respectfully, how do you know how financially successful the consignment shop has been, what kind of 'fortune' they have made, and what kindness of strangers? Who are the strangers? It may be a small shop that depends on the business of customers to consign their items, and many times those items do not sell and the owners aren't profiting at all. It doesn't fall on the shop owners to refuse to take her items just because Kate has the reputation of being greedy. That would be discrimination.

Formerly Duped said... 146

They may get a clothing allowance and freebies but I have seen some of the kids wear the same clothing a few times. Even Kate wore her strapless good-braless dress twice, on the tups' 10th birthday and once when making school lunches I think.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 147

Ncgirl (#143), that was a good one!

reader said... 148

Jamie lives in Michigan, and yes a long drive for a simple deck party. But this was the filming of a major home renovation, for a reality tv show. And the message repeatedly delivered was the value of good times with friends and family.
At the same time, I imagine Jamie's husband, has no interest in
participating in any part of the TLC circus. Guessing he has encouraged Jamie to keep her social media accounts private. It seemed in the past Jamie enjoyed the attention.
No doubt Jamie was invited to participate in the episode.

fidosmommy said... 149

Formerly Duped, I have always believed there were 3 sets of clothes for the Gosselins: school clothes, general wear and filming clothes, the latter being the wardrobe used for the program for one season. Then it would be reassigned as general wear. Even the non-matchy matchy clothes the kids wear today might be
brought in for the kids to choose from. After the filming is over, the kids may get to keep some or all - you know, freebies from TLC.

Of couse, that leaves out the possibility that printed tee shirts have shown up occasionally with the writing blurred out, so I might be full of horse manure.

BTW, have we ever seen the kids go shopping for clothes? I don't remember.

reader said... 150

Think of all the nannies, old friends, helpers, church parishioners, neighbors (old and new) who were not welcome to the unveiling of that deck, past coworkers, her running partners from the marathon (cough) not to mention the extended family...so many people absent from such a big deck, such a momentous occasion; a life changing event according to Kate's testimony, I mean blog. And although her toast was more about her money and her choices, there was something about the value of friends and family.

PA Dutch Mom said... 151

Consignment shops wouldn't be interested and yes, they do have a business to run and bills to pay.


Consignment shops wouldn't be interested in what? Shoes? Our local shops do sell kids' shoes in good condition, as well as men and women's shoes. In fact, one of my friends is a partner in a consignment shop and she says they are always on the look-out for girls' and women's shoes in excellent used condition. Kids shoes are hard to come by because kids usually beat the heck out of them and the shoes are ready for the trash by the time they get finished wearing them!

I didn't watch the episode or the clip, but if Kate told Alexis to change to play shoes, I don't blame her. I do the same thing.

AuntieAnn said... 152

Right now I'm watching the season 7 premier of Worst Cooks in America. Kendra Wilkinson is on. At least she admits she can't cook. Poor Schmoops missed yet another opportunity.

Math Girl said... 153

AuntieAnn said... 152
Right now I'm watching the season 7 premier of Worst Cooks in America. Kendra Wilkinson is on. At least she admits she can't cook. Poor Schmoops missed yet another opportunity.
This is a re-run; in real life they're on season 8. But I won't tell you how Kendra did.

Sherry Baby said... 154

Denise ‏@Mydmaxx 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 First week back to school after Christmas break...are you & the kids back into early routine again?


What kind of a dumb question is that? Duh, no Denise, the kids are over-sleeping and getting to school whenever they darn well feel like it. If they don't want to go, they stay home and pretend they are still on winter break.

Honestly (Kate word), sometimes I just have to shake my head. Do these fans tweet just to hear themselves tweet, or do they tweet just to get a response from Kate?

Milo is all giddy because she thinks celebrities are copying the seagull's nest hair-do. She is too stupid to realize that they probably have no idea who Kate Gosselin is, or that when comments are made about it, those tweeting are ridiculing Kate and the stars. I don't think some of them even look like Kate's hair from the past. Just because the hair is long in the front, and bam, Milo thinks that these people are resurrecting Kate's old 'do.

And Gladys loves Mady's humor:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
@kateplusmy8 Hope this is best show/best week yet! @TLC #Kateplus8 10pm Tues. Family stand-up comic..teen humor..aka #Mady on a roll! :)

Oh, yes, she's on a roll. Stand-up comic who is sure to get her own show one of these days. We're all just laughing hysterically at a teenager with an attitude who talks back, is rude and disrespectful. Such gut-busting humor. If Milo has kids, I wonder if she finds such rudeness from them to be insanely humorous. Seems she was having problems with her teen girl some time ago. Why didn't she just laugh it off?

Sherry Baby said... 155

AuntieAnn said... 152
Right now I'm watching the season 7 premier of Worst Cooks in America. Kendra Wilkinson is on. At least she admits she can't cook. Poor Schmoops missed yet another opportunity.
This is a re-run; in real life they're on season 8. But I won't tell you how Kendra did.


Auntie didn't say that it was not a re-run, just that she was watching the Season 7 premiere. I watched it, too, and Kendra looked so flustered and overwhelmed. Poor Kate didn't get called for Worst Cooks or Chopped. That means she is...what? Mediocre?

FYI said... 156

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h1 hour ago
@deannatweeting My cable says YOU set up the blind date 4Kate! This tells me the handsome man has 2b a #Gentleman and a #ManOfCharacter! :)

With all the hand-waving Milo's been doing on twitter trying to get Kate's attention since the last show aired, she hasn't gotten a single reply from Kate.

Guess she now figures she'll settle for the next best thing and go after Deanna.

ncgirl said... 157

"Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h1 hour ago
@deannatweeting My cable says YOU set up the blind date 4Kate! This tells me the handsome man has 2b a #Gentleman and a #ManOfCharacter! :)"

Deanna is not a good judge of character since she is friends with Kate.

AuntieAnn said... 158

I'm not sure they even aired Season 7 of Worst Cooks in America on Canada Food Network a first time. I thought they had replaced it with Chef in Your Ear. Although if they did air it, either I slept through the whole season or I've forgotten about it. Two possibilities which can't be ruled out. lol

Math Girl said... 159

AuntieAnn said... 158
I'm not sure they even aired Season 7 of Worst Cooks in America on Canada Food Network a first time. I thought they had replaced it with Chef in Your Ear. Although if they did air it, either I slept through the whole season or I've forgotten about it. Two possibilities which can't be ruled out. lol
Maybe it is the first airing in Canada. Just don't google it if you want to be surprised.

Math Girl said... 160


I just looked on zap2it, and they think WORST COOKS season 7 is new. So you didn't forget or sleep through it!

Sheepless In Seattle said... 161

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h1 hour ago
@deannatweeting My cable says YOU set up the blind date 4Kate! This tells me the handsome man has 2b a #Gentleman and a #ManOfCharacter! :)

With all the hand-waving Milo's been doing on twitter trying to get Kate's attention since the last show aired, she hasn't gotten a single reply from Kate.


Good grief. Is it possible to be up TWO people's butts at the same time, or do you have to climb out of the one to kiss the other one?

Sheepless In Seattle said... 162

Although if they did air it, either I slept through the whole season or I've forgotten about it. Two possibilities which can't be ruled out. lol


Third possibility is that you were finishing off a keg under the veranda.

AuntieAnn said... 163

Sherry Baby said... 155

Poor Kate didn't get called for Worst Cooks or Chopped. That means she is...what? Mediocre?


Don't you find it odd that with all the cooking shows that feature celebrity cooks, Kate's never appeared on any of them? You'd think she would be since she is the author of a cookbook.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164

Deanna is not a good judge of character since she is friends with Kate.


Deanna appears to be a bobblehead hanger-on-er, but why she chose Kate as the person on whom she wants to hang is anyone's guess.

I'm surprised that Milo isn't jealous of Deanna and doesn't see her as competition on the playing field of love.

Rhymes with Witch said... 165

R.I.P. David Bowie.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 166

Don't you find it odd that with all the cooking shows that feature celebrity cooks, Kate's never appeared on any of them? You'd think she would be since she is the author of a cookbook


Yes, it is curious. I wonder if her lack of being asked to appear on some of these shows, and not just the cooking one, has anything to do with her firing from CC for not being authentic. Her association with them, and the CEO's released statement certainly could have raised questions about her character. mentality and disposition. Her alleged plagiarism on the first cookbook certainly didn't help her to secure spots on those shows.

Jeanne said... 167

I don't know if TLC will have the blind date guy use his full name on the show. They won't credit him. But someone like Radar will find out who he is. He should close his Twitter account if he has one. I suspect the tweets will be relentless.

I just can't remember. I thought in the end the PA filming law was missing a lot. I thought Kate was allowed to name any adult she wants to be the "guardian" while they film. And they don't need a set teacher as long as the kids go to school. No set teacher in the summer or on vacation or even at night after school. Someone else may remember better than me.

reader said... 168

"As evident in episodes of Kate Plus 8, Kate’s number one skill is to take inherently fun actives and turn them into a painful disappointments for everyone around her."
This made me laugh.

Rhymes with Witch said... 169


10 p.m., TRUTV: Fameless Top Ten — In anticipation of the midseason premiere next week, host David Spade looks back in this special at earlier episodes to identify and highlight the reality star wannabes and fame-seekers who got the harshest reality checks as they discovered that the TV show in which they were "starring" was completely, utterly fake.


Unlike those who knew it was all fake from the beginning.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170

Sherry Baby (#154), I think Gladys' tweet about M the stand-up comic is another attempt at damage control. Instead of doing it after the show, when people are already posting nasty things about the kid, Gladys is trying to control the narrative. As in, see, I told you she was a funny teen on a roll!
No bad behavior here! TFW is a gr8 mom!

TLC stinks said... 171

I think the point regarding Kate and the multitude of kids' outfits is that rather than DONATING the clothes, she gives them to a consignment shop for pocket change. She does not do giving back, unless it's filmed. She is greedy to the core.

NJGal51 said... 172

Deanna gets to travel with TFW and gets her name in the credits for hair and makeup. This credit looks good on her resume since she is a makeup artist. That being said, she does TFW no favors with her hair/makeup jobs. Deanna is a user just like TFW. If the show goes away I doubt that she'll be making the track to PA to visit her bestie.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

Rhymes with Witch said... 165
R.I.P. David Bowie.
This was a shocker. What an amazing artist. Avant Garde hardly scratches the surface.
Ground Control to Major Tom- check ignition and may God's love be with you.

Tucker's Mom said... 174

FlimsyFlamsy said... 170
Sherry Baby (#154), I think Gladys' tweet about M the stand-up comic is another attempt at damage control. Instead of doing it after the show, when people are already posting nasty things about the kid, Gladys is trying to control the narrative. As in, see, I told you she was a funny teen on a roll!
Mady is a self-absorbed and probably very insecure child who believes that being churlish is an excellent life strategy.

Tucker's Mom said... 175

That being said, she does TFW no favors with her hair/makeup jobs.
Awful, awful makeup. The hair has its moments.

TLC stinks said... 176

I don't see how Kate is a good example of Deanna's work.

If I were in show business or theater, I would be hesitant to hire a makeup person who involves themselves in a celebrity's life. Coming up with a blind date, vacations, being a buddy on a show? Not professional in a world were celebrities want discretion. Even though there is a CA, there are ways to spill the beans. Kate is a user and Deanna is a fool.

Formerly Duped said... 177

fidosmommy said... 149

Yes, who knows? We have seen the freebies on the show ( World, Love, Peace, Gymboree, GAP etc) The girls seem to have their own ideas of style- Alexis prefers shorts, Leah likes long dresses, Hannah is girly too. Cara and Mady have 'teen' looks with the blonde hair (C) and makeup (M)

We saw school shopping a couple of times plus the tups' birthday outfit shopping, and Kate packing what looked like brand new things.The next episode I think has clothes shopping- preview had a load of clothes in a cart.We have also seen them shop for groceries, suitcases, half a cow, plants, school supplies, vegetables, antiques and furniture.Probably more.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

TLC stinks (#176), I think good judgment went out the window when the perks came along. A luxury trip to Mexico, all expenses paid? Maybe a per diem, along with her makeup artist's salary? The opportunity to be on TV and get all that exposure?
Like with her buddy TFW, that stuff might've seemed mighty appealing. But Deanna will be chewed up and spit out like all the rest of them eventually.

franky said... 179
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carole said... 180

Mady is a self-absorbed and probably very insecure child who believes that being churlish is an excellent life strategy.


That and worse have worked for her mother, so I can't blame her for thinking, at least in her teen mind, that it's not a bad way to go. Can't blame her; look at all the perks they get, the expensive and privileged lives they live, the attention, and more. I hope the kids all eventually mature enough to learn that the lessons they learned from TFW aren't ones that will serve them the best in life.

TLC stinks said... 181

Flimsy, absolutely. Deanna will be tossed aside once Kate finds someone else to be her toadie. They deserve each other. Funny that Kate thinks Deanna makes her look like a 20-something with hair and makeup. Not flattering but it is what Kate wants. I bet Deanna piles on the compliments!

Carole said... 182

Deanna gets to travel with TFW and gets her name in the credits for hair and makeup. This credit looks good on her resume since she is a makeup artist. That being said, she does TFW no favors with her hair/makeup jobs.


There were 3 people named in the credits last week for hair and makeup. What they all did is beyond me. Is the show now doing makeup and hair for ALL of the girls? smh

LaLaLandNoMore said... 183

Turning the tables on TFW and using the term "mediocre" to describe her is genius!

AuntieAnn said... 184

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

But Deanna will be chewed up and spit out like all the rest of them eventually.


The average length of time friendships last with Kate is about two years, give or take.

The BFFs give and Kate takes until she sucks the life out of the relationship.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 185

AuntieAnn (#184), I have a feeling either one would dump the other if a better opportunity came along. TFW would dump Deanna if a higher-profile makeup artist offered her/his services. And Deanna would split if a higher-profile client gave her the same kind of perks.

I wonder if the upcoming blind date episode might finally get TFW's mug in People. It's been a while, hasn't it?

AuntieAnn said... 186

Math Girl said... 160


I just looked on zap2it, and they think WORST COOKS season 7 is new. So you didn't forget or sleep through it!


Thanks Math Girl. I didn't think it had aired before. And I won't google the outcome. I did that once with Top Chef and it ruined the whole season.

I don't know why Canada always lags so far behind the U.S. on some Food Network programs. That's just mean.

Rainbirdie said... 187

And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.
I have two friends that started consignment shops & believe me, it is not a business that will make anyone a fortune.

Rainbirdie said... 188

I'm thinking that getting credited as hair/makeup person on Kate + 8 is going to be the highlight Deanna's career. And it seems like a perfect match for her skills.

TLC stinks said... 189


TLC is one of her clients. She's a paid toadie, not a bestie.

TLC stinks said... 190

Did Kate claim the antique shopping was her idea or Deanna's? I did not watch and don't understand why they went antique shopping.

Deanna tweeted:

@TwiDash93 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I've been going to 2 of the shops for years-the 3rd had the tables that Mady had seen from the road!Next time:)

TLC stinks said... 191

Deanna also tweeted that Mady and Cara, especially Mady, are HILARIOUS. Not my idea of humor.

Also that she thinks of the Gosselin kids as family, LOL. That explains the "family" that attended the deck party.

Ex Nurse said... 192

Redbird said...
And of course the owner of the consignment shop is not gonna stop her because they have made a fortune off the kindness of strangers just like the greedy FW.
Well, I guess that anyone that sells anything to TFW is contributing to the abuse and exploitation of children. I'm looking at you Target, Giant and Henry.

There is only one person who exploits her children, and that is Kate. The rest of the world is just going about its business.

TLC stinks said... 193

Nobody can blame the consignment shop owner for taking Kate's hand-me-downs. It's business. But I cannot understand why Kate does it. You get very little cash back. I am all for donating. A millionaire doesn't need $20 a month from a consignment shop. I guess Kate figures it's cash even if she did not pay for most of the clothes herself. The stuff was free, so give back to the community! Not a philanthropic bone in that body. She could have matched what she made in the yard sale to the animal rescue. Such an animal lover. Not. It just chaps me how she nickels and dimes.

I do understand the logic of play clothes and shoes versus school and dressy clothes. But did you catch Alexis roll her eyes when Kate told her to change shoes? Ah, another Mady in the making.

AuntieAnn said... 194

TLC stinks said... 193

But did you catch Alexis roll her eyes when Kate told her to change shoes? Ah, another Mady in the making.


I saw that and wondered if she was rolling her eyes because Mommy dearest has fuckety hundreds of pairs of shoes so what's the big deal?

Okay, maybe she wasn't thinking that, but I sure was.

I do agree the kids should wear their play shoes for playing outside but it's Kate hypocrisy that annoys me. Her closet is overflowing with grifted clothing and shoes all because she shilled her kids to get them.

redbird said... 195

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 166

Don't you find it odd that with all the cooking shows that feature celebrity cooks, Kate's never appeared on any of them? You'd think she would be since she is the author of a cookbook


Yes, it is curious. I wonder if her lack of being asked to appear on some of these shows, and not just the cooking one, has anything to do with her firing from CC for not being authentic. Her association with them, and the CEO's released statement certainly could have raised questions about her character. mentality and disposition. Her alleged plagiarism on the first cookbook certainly didn't help her to secure spots on those shows.


I think the reason why TFW has not been invited into the food show circuit is because of the way she acted filming the pilot show with Paula Deen. This was way before Paula's fall and this was Food Network. Would love to see the film of her audition with Paula and Rene Silas.

The only things I have seen her make is a small meatloaf on Home and Family that she claimed would feed all her kids and have plenty left over for sandwiches. Yeah, right and demonstrating a salad at the Baltimore Book Fair.

Then on top of that a failed cookbook with stock photos and a picture of her own son with smeared Sloppy Joe sauce all around his face and the recipe called "Sloppy Joel's" Sloppy Joe's. That poor kid had to smile for the camera.

It would of been much better of a shot of him from the side with a sloppy joe sandwich lifting it up and about to take a bite. That would of looked more appetizing than smeared all over the bottom of his face.

She is disgusting and a sadist.

All This Is That said... 196

With all the hand-waving Milo's been doing on twitter trying to get Kate's attention since the last show aired, she hasn't gotten a single reply from Kate.

Guess she now figures she'll settle for the next best thing and go after Deanna (KIAT, 156).


Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
I just sent you a pic of our weather! #Rain Looks like Miss Kisa did a tippytoe "walk about" there! She have her boots on? @Pumpkinbottom3

Why on God's greent earth would Jamie want to see a picture of Milo's weather in the Deep South? I guess since Kate and Deanna aren't paying too much attention to her, she moved on to Jamie. Hasn't Milo been pestering Eddy the famous television personality/magician?

Gladys is still tweeting about Kate's hair and celebrities rocking the old style. One word for Kravitz: delusional. I can't tell if she's serious, or if all of this is snark. Nobody could be this stupid, could they...to think that these celebrities are copying Kate's old porcupine style? Since platitudes and cute animal pictures aren't working for Milo, I guess she will keep up waving to Kate with the tweets about the old hairstyle. Something has to make Kate sit up and take notice...right, Gladys? Isn't it time to hawk tomorrow's show? Three, two, one...

redbird said... 197

Josh Duggar headlines:

Judge Shuts Down Josh Duggar In Porn Star Battery Lawsuit— Again! 42 minutes ago Radaronline

Josh Duggar to Danica Dillon: You Can't PROVE I Assaulted You! The Hollywood Gossip 39 minutes ago

Founder of ministry that 'treated' Josh Duggar after he molested his sisters hit with lawsuit accusing him of sexually …

Daily Mail · 1 hour ago
An individual close to the Duggar family has been accused of horrific sexual misconduct by multiple women.

Bill Gothard.

TLC stinks said... 198

Maybe those extra hair and makeup credits were the ladies at the spa?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 199

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted Fired Up 4 Kate
LOL Staying relevant #OnTheRedCarpet last nite! @kateplusmy8 > https://twitter.com/TheRealMelCasas/status/686410294621417482 …

She is nuts, and at times I really do feel sorry for her. If I were Kate, I would be so embarrassed by this idol worship, but I do think that Kate has been warned against blocking her and alienating her. No good could come from that, so I imagine that Kate just lets her live in her little fantasy world where she is best friends with Kate, Kate's confidant. The creepy thing is that Milo really believes that she is part of Kate's life and Kate's friends are her friends. Nobody will ever convince her otherwise.

"I think the point regarding Kate and the multitude of kids' outfits is that rather than DONATING the clothes, she gives them to a consignment shop for pocket change."


How is it known she still does that? That was years ago. For all anyone knows, she just may dump the clothing into a laundry basket and drop it off in a thrift store drop box. Somehow I can't see Kate going through piles of clothing, checking each item for stains, spots and wear -- only to get back a few dollars at a shop by consigning them. She'd be ahead of the game by going to a thrift shop and getting a tax deduction receipt for donations.

rhythm of life said... 200

But did you catch Alexis roll her eyes when Kate told her to change shoes? Ah, another Mady in the making.

I don't watch the episodes because I can't stand to listen to her voice. I have watched some clips of the couch interviews, on mute. I noticed that the eye-rolling isn't so much actually eye-rolling, but it is 'darting' of the eyes back and forth. Rolling the eyes for whatever reason isn't all that unusual, but the darting is just plain scary. I wonder if she ever watches herself doing this, and if so, can't she stop this bizarre habit? Is it a tic, or what is it?

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