Mommy Dearest refuses to let everyone win, which in theory I tend to agree with, but then she says without a hint of irony that you have to work really hard if you want to be first place in life. Lol, not if you can pop out six kids at once.
I guess we're back in PA. Some of the kids are tinkering around on their piano. Oh god, their piano is terribly out of tune. What a waste of a beautiful instrument.
Despite vowing years ago not to film in the children's rooms (From Kate's interview with Oprah: "We don't film in the kids' room. It's a rule. They need their privacy."), here we are filming in Mady's room. Mady explains in excruciating detail about some of the boring knick-knacks she has in there. I worry for the kids in that I think one of the unintended consequences of a reality show is that it can make a child believe that everything about them is always interesting and important. Adulthood is going to be cruel someday.
Cara doesn't want to show her room on camera. She shuts the door. Notably, Mady exclaims to Kate: "You told her you weren't going to do that! You said you weren't going to pressure her into showing her room!"
Number one, I appreciate Mady taking up for Cara. Number two, what a wonderful insight into what really happens behind the scenes. I.e., pressure from Kate on the kids to do things they don't want to do for the cameras. Thanks for that whistle blowing, Mady.
Why is Deanna dressed like a Duggar in a long skirt and cardigan sweater? Cross promotion? In any case Kate's almost-only friend and employee Deanna is going to come along on the antique trip with the twins. Mady quips that she asked Deanna to adopt her a couple times. That's funny.
They head to one of the antique shops, and not surprisingly, it's much more fun to browse antique shops in person than to watch some stranger's kids do so on television.
How old does something have to be before it's considered antique? the half-asleep producer asks the younger three girls. Not willing to fall for that obvious Kids Say the Darndest Things set-up, Leah instead demands: "Why you asking us that?!" I kind of agree with her there. They didn't even go on this trip for pity sake. What do they care? Why doesn't he ask those Roadshow folks over at PBS? They'll know.
They head to some other places around town. Another antique store, more boring browsing. Did Kate give Mady a budget here? What is the occasion for allowing her to go on an antique shopping spree other then the producers thought of it? This junk doesn't always come cheap and I don't see anyone looking at prices.
Whoa, Mady really doesn't give two shits at this point about how Kate looks for the cameras. On the one hand, it's disappointing. On the other, it's a revelation.
Mady is offended because Kate is proud to point out something she knows Mady likes, to which Mady responds with a vicious eyeroll. Out of earshot from Kate she says Kate actually knows nothing about her even though she pretends she does, not her favorite color, or even her favorite food.
I suppose that might be a normal sentiment from a teenager feeling a natural pulling away with her mother. Kids are so fickle at that age too it's hard for even a good mother to keep up with their hormonal ups and downs and preferences. On the other hand I think Mady's probably right, ornery teenager or not, Kate does not really know her children. We know she doesn't just by watching her try to describe them as individuals. She can't say anything more about them than what's on the surface.
Even Cara seems to think that was a little harsh and has to admit that their preferences are always changing. Kate also feels this is just normal teenager stuff. Some of it, yes. Not all of it, I don't think.
The only mildly amusing find they stumble upon is an antique autopsy table. But the joke is over within 10 seconds, yet it feels like we're lingering on this forever. You can almost feel the perking up in the editing bay: Something interesting finally. Cool! It's just like Dexter! Edit, edit, edit!
Mady, with more eye rolls, says Kate makes dating jokes about everything. I'd love to see someone arm-chair psychology that one. Maybe there should be less joking around about it and more getting down to business. Mady says she can't wait until Kate gets married so these jokes can stop. I take that comment as actually the kids would take a new relationship and even marriage in stride. Contrary to the sheeple's claims the reason Kate doesn't date is for the kids (a dig at Jon, who obviously doesn't think of his kids because he dates). The divorce was ages ago, and for most of the kids, it's all they've ever known or almost. There is no hard and fast rule that all kids don't want or can't handle it if their parents move on.
Mady ends up picking up two pretty cool black end tables that in the right hands might be transformed into great night tables. She's enlisted the help of Aaden to help her fix them up. They're real pieces of junk before any work to them, I hope they didn't pay more than 10 bucks for the both of them. So what did the other kids get today? Oh right, nothing.
Mady and Kate are bickering back and forth like school children about whatever, except just one of the two is a school child. Mady finally grows up and thanks Kate for buying the night tables. To which Kate gives her a passive aggressive and immature "yeah" and huffs off. As I said in a recent comment it's very easy to see why this behavior from the children is happening. Kate engages. Instead of telling them stop whining, cut it out, knock it off, she instead engages. She argues back, she whines and bickers back. The kids get rewarded for whining every time because Kate responds and in some cases capitulates. I'm guessing if Kate vowed not to engage or give into them, and to start cutting them off when they start that behavior, this would all change within a matter of a week. Kids are as bad as the reins allow them to be, and these reins are so long I can't even see the wagon.
Aaden isn't wearing his glasses and my goodness now that he's not hiding behind them this little guy is a real heart-breaker! So handsome. He reminds me of Josef Gordon-Levitt in his younger days.
For an excruciating long time, we watch Aaden and Mady wash and spray paint the tables. The homespun guitar picking soundtrack sounds more like it belongs in a Ken Burns documentary than this drivel. You'll have to use your imagination to picture the camera slowly panning up this photo as David McCullough narrates soothingly.
I guess Kate has already gotten over her grudge, children usually do quickly, and brings the kids out some root beer. I hate to say it but the finished silver and red tables look worse than when they started, the spray paint is terribly uneven, but that's to be expected. Mady's only 14 and did this all by herself because her mother is 12 and left her to her own devices. Paige and Ty this teen is not. Speaking of which, I really liked TLC circa 1999. Didn't we all? Well, all of us except the homeowners of this room:
We're back and a savvy cameraman has zoomed in on the latest chore chart. Thank you for that tidbit, camera boy. I see Kate learned nothing from Kendra, a woman who broke down in tears at how hard the kids work and noticed the imbalance between the boys' chores and the girls. The girls get to do the quick, fun chores like clean the table, feed the dog, and rinse out the toothbrush sink. Can't each tooth brusher rinse out their own mess they make? Gross. The boys however are bogged down with the nasty, time-consuming chores, like cleaning three bathrooms and tidying up the basement.
Today, in another attempt to illicit some drama, they're visiting The Land of Little Horses. Kate talks as if she's actually considering getting a pony. It's like she's living out every little child's fantasy over and over on this show. Disney World! The beach! I want a pony! It's funny, yet a little creepy isn't it?
The ponies are marvelous. My dear ex-lawyer friend in Wyoming owns a pony named Stewey, and he's the most ridiculously cute thing in the world until you find out he's a little pisser and pushes around all the other full sized horses and humans too. But that's also cute.
Why doesn't Kate get an ass? It would go perfectly with her hat.

I looked down for one second to pull the above photo and found Kate's talking to some proletariat about what's involved with owning a pony. That doesn't happen much, interaction with the riffraff. Thankfully the lovely commoner makes a pony sound like a lot of work and not as easy as it looks. Kate has a dismayed look on her face, which means they probably won't be getting one, thank God. I don't know what she's worried about though. Just add this to the chore chart, on the boys' side.
Next the dog and pony show goes to a literal dog and pony show with dogs and ponies doing agility, plus a goat. So, dog, pony, and goat show. Either they sold out the entire place for this family or this show isn't all that popular. It does feel a little Great Depression era two-bit traveling circus show and definitely a little babyish for 11 and 14-year-olds.
The horses can do math, which means they're already close to edging out poor Schmoopy here in the I.Q department.
Next they go to a petting zoo with adorable goats and llamas. Surprisingly, Mady said she loved this outing. And that's the problem with teenagers is it's walking on egg shells, especially this one. On another day Mady could have been whining and moaning through this entire thing. A tiny, tiny part of me gets Kate. Blech.
Next up, who's gonna get Chopped?! Two things of note during this segment of commercials. One is they're not only recycling plot lines within Kate Plus 8, but now apparently lending them out to other shows. 7 Little Johnstons are going camping, and, surprise, the weather is terrible and everyone is upset! Later is a promo for the stupid Jill and Jessa Duggar show which is really just the Duggars with a different name than that other child molester show. Anyway, this promo features that creepy Children of the Corn robotic 9-1-1 call from Ma Duggar: "Mother is bleeding after birth." Wtf! I guess I already missed that episode but despite myself I want to see it just for that.
Next up in this hodge-podge is Kate's idea she thought up late one night (heh, I just spit my Coke!) to have a cooking competition among the children. Oh it's their nanny again. A couple episodes ago Kate made it seem like Andrea had just swung by on her way to CVS to help them out in Flar-ida. But here she is popping up hither and yon all summer long. There's nothing wrong with having a full-time summer (or perhaps more) nanny if you can afford such a luxury, why not just own it?
The nanny has ugly french-tip nails just like Kate. How does one raise or raise-nanny eight children with those? I wonder if that's why she got hired.
They do a school yard pick, and tragically, Alexis and Collin get picked last. It's obvious those two are the family misfits. Alexis is not girly enough for the girly girls, so she's their scapegoat. And Collin, it's unclear what the issue is, but what I do see is he is solemn and silent on camera most of the time and the children largely ignore him, forming deeper and deeper bonds without him. They are young enough for a parent to intervene and stop this nonsense, but she won't. In fact she's standing right there smiling gleefully at all this, like it's fun to watch two children always left out get left out once again. F-ed up. Here's a genius idea, count off from one to six. Even to Mady odd to Cara. It's fair, and no one's feelings get hurt.
Kate really wants to see someone win (and, i.e., someone lose of course), and emphasizes this is about winning. Alexis says something about um, isn't this supposed to be about fun? Even Mady makes a snide comment about how it's all about winning for Kate. It's really hilarious when the children have moments where they are more mature than their mother, who is almost 30 years older than them.
Like I said before I agree with Kate to some extent, kids shouldn't always win, but could she try to act a little less sociopathic about it?
Mady says Kate criticizes them a lot, telling them they're doing things wrong. "When you only watch our show you only have to take her [Kate] an hour at a time. We do it every single day," Mady says. Heh. Must be hell.
I think Kate's rules are kind of stupid here. She's put ten ingredients in their mystery basket but they don't have to use all ten, they can pass on half of them. But that's the whole point, and fun, of Chopped. You get a wild ingredient thrown at you and there are no passes. If the kids get a pass, or five passes, they won't be forced to think through how they're going to make a difficult or unfamiliar ingredient work, stretching their young minds in the process. The way Kate has it, they can work around anything difficult to get to a dish they more or less would have made anyway on a normal day. What's more, it makes judging much harder and potentially unfair because you could be judging on a completely different set of ingredients. She never thinks stuff like this through and it's so hard for her to "get" something so simple.
The twins are onto this. Kate just wants the kids to make her lunch. Lol!
Collin, Hannah and Aaden are on Mady's team. Mady says she has the worst team. Aw, does she have to say that right in front of them? They look sad and just stare as she orders them about. How many plates are they supposed to make? There are like three skinny stalks of green onion and two little avocados. Kate's given them enough of these ingredients to feed a small ant farm and that's about it. I think they're right, she does just want someone to make her lunch!
Joel, apparently the smartest in the bunch, advises Aaden not to tell the producers anything bad about the twins because the twins are going to see this. He gets it.
Lengthy conversations about how the twins like to be in charge and the kids think they're bossy. The only thing rather interesting about all this is none of the kids, not a single one, wants Kate to hang around the kitchen during all this. She really sounds like a pain in the ass of a mother.
Cara's team made a tortilla corn salad with guacamole on top. It's colorful. Andrea and Kate say all nice things about it and act very impressed. Mady's team made tortilla chips and sesame tuna salad. That's something I would eat as an afternoon snack, looks yummy. Kate's criticism is she wants a garnish on the plate? Huh? Okay, 1985. As many of the food network shows say now, you don't put a garnish on a plate anymore unless it's meant to be eaten.
The tuna is simpler than the first dish especially since the tuna came straight from the can, but then the first dish looks raw to my eyes. I would have preferred the vegetables be sauteed and the tortilla be grilled or at least warmed up. Still, if I had to pick what I wanted to eat, I would have just gone with the simple tuna and chips. The tuna team added sesame to it which is a great pairing with tuna, and I'm not sure they knew that, so they get bonus points for that. I'd call this a draw, but I can't really say who should have won for sure without tasting them.
We're back, and nothing sucks the fun out of Chopped more than a harpy bringing you back to reality demanding you check with the other team to see if they've already opened up something before you open the same thing. The fun doesn't stop with lunch, now they're going to make dessert too. Kate's getting really lazy now, she says just use whatever ingredients you want. Lol, what's the point?
What the hell are Andrea and Kate doing? Looks like they're painting Easter eggs or something. There's so much crap all over the table they're at I can't even make out what's going on. And I've spent too much time wondering about something sure to be pointless and asinine. Mady politely asks if she can throw out her dessert and start over because she messed up. Kate is surprisingly patient about that, tells her that's fine.
You know what's nuts? Kate looks so much better without makeup and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Many women do, but they don't believe that for some reason.
Mady made a cookie with avocado, which is not that weird at all despite the shocked face Andrea makes. Avocado is a common substitution as it's very fatty. Cara made a delicious cupcake she's made before.
Kate says she liked Cara's food better, "which doesn't help us." Why? If you liked Cara's food better, Cara should win. I don't get it. And, Mady wins? Huh?
Kate says she gave Mady credit for perservering and hanging in there. Hanging in there baking a cookie and brushing some sesame seed oil on tortilla chips? Someone please put me out of my misery. I didn't realize you could get wild card points for "trying" that could push you into the winner's circle even if your food was sub-par. Wtf! Even Mady admits she won because of sympathy and acknowledges Cara's food was better. Here is where Mady has some growing up to do. If she notices such an obvious injustice, she should tell Kate. It's just a stupid game, tell Kate you don't have to let me win because you feel bad (or are just trying to avoid a meltdown), give the win to the better meals. You know who is, shockingly, wonderful with child chefs? Gordon Ramsey. He tells them when they fuck up and he doesn't sugar coat it, and sometimes there are tears, but the kids admire and respect him and want to be told where they went wrong so they can learn and grow as chefs. No one ever won on Master Chef because Gordon Ramsey felt sorry for them and gave their shitty poached egg a pass.
The theme of this season has been irony, and here it is yet again. Kate just told us in a long and boring speech how important it is the kids understand in life there are winners and losers and that she's not going to let them win. And I think actually, a lot of parents would agree with her--it's important this helicopter generation of kids understand you win some you lose some. And yet here she is, awarding a win to the undeserving child. What!
And if you want to know why Mady is the way she is, it's because of things like that Kate pulls. Mady runs the dog, pony and goat show, and she knows it, and that's the worst when a child has that much awareness of their power.
Lol, Joel rounds out the episode by saying eh, he'd rather be playing laser tag. Ha, touché!
276 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 276 Newer› Newest»I apologize in advance for any typos or errors and I will fix them ASAP. I'm using a different computer than my norm that doesn't have autocorrect.
Thank you everyone and enjoy!
For those watching...
Why is Deanna dressed like a Duggar in a long skirt and cardigan sweater? Cross promotion?
Cross dressing?
From the previous post:
I can remember being a night owl as were my teens and sleeping in,.......
This is entirely consistent with the changes that happen in adolescents circadian rhythms and sleep/wake cycles.
This does not, however, account for Kate, even though she is emotionally 12.
I apologize in advance for any typos or errors and I will fix them ASAP. I'm using a different computer than my norm that doesn't have autocorrect.
lol! Asinine, not asanine. The spelling, not the recap!
Winners and losers, third to last paragraph.
Nice job, though I am not sorry I missed the show. That picture of Kate and the Shrek donkey never fails to make me chuckle.
Is that Hildi and the hay room? Remember the flower bathroom and the cabana room with sand on the floor? Didn't she also glue furniture upside down on the ceiling? She was something else!
NYY Julianna said... 55
However, she has burned so many bridges and alienated so many people in the quest for fame and fortune that she will end up a very lonely person. She never could figure it out and just couldn't look beyond what was in front of her at any given moment. Is this arrested development? Perhaps, but there's also a disconnect in her brain wiring, the absence of logical thinking, (not being able to "see" people) that is so tragic, and sadly, it may be what her children are learning from her. I hope it's not genetic.
I was teaching a class in W.B. Yeats (Irish poet and philosopher) and his theory of the Great Wheel, sometimes referred to as the Lunar Wheel.
Thank you for this fascinating post on the previous thread. Kate's definition of glory is different than most. It's money and things and most of all, staying on television. Mostly, staying on television.
After all, "her life is on tv".
Wow...that show sounds absolutely dreadful. lol
NYY Julianna said... 57
By the way, I forgot to ask. Does anyone, sheeple or non-fans, know Milo's true identity? I was reading Kate's Twitter, and the thought there among the "haters" is that Milo is a man, based on "her" clothing, odd tweets and such. The Ms Goody Sheep claims that Milo is a wife and has children. Does she know this for a fact, or is she just blowing smoke to refute the non-fans' claims?
People were goading Milo about being a man, and Goody insists Milo is a woman, wife and mother.
None of them knows, imo.
I think Milo is a woman because I think she was Fired Up For Kate and many people listened to her call into a radio show about Kate and she sounded like an older woman/senior citizen.
I think Milo is catfishing, just not sure on what level.
Kate has a handful of faithful Tweeters who support her all the time, and nothing about them, and their lives, seems hinky like Milo.
I worry for the kids in that I think one of the unintended consequences of a reality show is that it can make a child believe that everything about them is always interesting and important. Adulthood is going to be cruel someday.
And that you can create your own reality and pedal lies to create a false narrative (thanks to a scripted unreal reality show with an agenda, and editing).
On a recent show, Mady opened with something like "(looks incredulous)Mommy tells me that people write to her all the time and tell her that they think I'm mean!
That's so not true!!"
First of all, I'm sure Mady reads the online screed about her first hand.
There's a lot of very ugly stuff about her and has been since she was 6.
What she's learning is "spin", otherwise known in the Gosselin household as "setting the record straight".
People can smell that happy horse shit from a mile away. It won't serve her well in the real world.
Also, to Admin's point, the girls have learned by now that they are special snowflakes and unrelentingly fascinating in everything they do.
Again, good luck in the real world.
From the previous thread...
PA Dutch Mom said... 40
My grandfather made coffee in an enamel pot on the stove with the grounds right in it. Boiled the heck out of it and drank it black.
That's exactly how my mother made it. The house always had that smell of freshly "boiled" coffee. That may be why I never could stand the stuff.
Great recap. I have watched zero. What's the point? Everything is here.
Who is Andrea? Does she have a real job besides being Kate's part-time nanny? Kate has certainly set a record with helpers. That's what happens when you don't have a support group of close friends and family. Speaking of the cookout on the new deck with "family and friends".... Crew, kids, Steve and Andrea? It blows me away she refers to the crew as family.
With eight kids, most people have a house overflowing with real friends and family.
Did Aaden get contacts? I think Kate always hated that he had to wear glasses all the time.
Thanks for the recap Admin, but it makes me want to bawl. Little kids fully aware of how they're being manipulated? Leah saying, "Why are you asking us that?!" Bless me, I had to scour the article because I forgot that kid's name. I'm glad I'm forgetting their names.
Invasion of the bedrooms, what is there to say?
I think sKate rewards lack of work ethic because subconsciously she's giving her own laziness a pass. She does nothing and reaps the rewards. She projects that on to the lousy effort of her kids. She's teaching her kids the opposite of a work ethic. "Look at me. I do nothing and look and how successful I am". I don't call her sKate for nothing. She's constantly being rewarded for a mediocre, no-talent life.
I haven't watched in years but the way you recapped this episode spoke volumes to me. These kids are so foked. I just can't see anything but an extremely difficult life ahead for them.
I have watched none (0) of the new Kate Plus Kate shows. I think I probably haven't watched TLC for over a year. My absence from their line up isn't as organized as a serious boycott. I just don't find anything interesting and I scroll on by in the guide line up.
I think Admin's re caps are probably more entertaining and contain more substance than the hour show.
I think maybe Aaden chose not to wear his glasses or they were broken (again) and Kate had not had 'time' to get them repaired. Just a guess. I doubt a boy that age would care about contacts lenses. No one else has had braces put on their teeth yet , either...
Why would Kate tell her daughter people think she (Mady) is mean? Kate is responsible for the behavior, and I agree Mady can easily read online about herself. Does she not care or just believes she is so special people need to accept her as she is? Wonder how she gets along with her classmates. She, unfortunately, comes across as a bully. The people who make up excuses about Mady's behavior have not raised teenagers because, although there is eye rolling and some sassiness, it normally does not reach the level that Mady exhibits. Total, total lack of respect and mom exhibits the same.
From the last thread it was being talked about how Kate was complained about the grill being 3000 miles from the kitchen. And someone mentioned having 8 sets of hands to carry things. That's true but in addition to that, why doesn't she put stuff in those big reusable/washable shopping bags? You can load all the paper goods in one and someone carries it down at one time. Each child had one thing in their hand. Of course it makes a lot of work. Miss Organized by foot. Heck, I'm not a very organized person but at least I know when I have to take stuff downstairs to my stand up freezer, to load it up in a bag or box so I only make 1 trip!
Maybe the fact that TFW hired Andrea to be her "helper" and do all the "fun" stuff with them pissed off Emily because she lost out on camera time. Emily has not been around praising everything that TFW does. OR just maybe she grew up as most of TFW's young fans will eventually do.
Thanks for the recap admin. I can see that I missed nothing exciting by not watching and I'm thinking your recap is much more entertaining than the actual show was.
If Mady was not egged on to say this by producers and she said it on her own, the teen is really showing signs of selfishness and hostility towards her younger brothers and sisters. From that standpoint alone a visit to the therapist might be in her best interest.
If Emily spoke the truth about handing out meds, she broke the vow of silence, a mortal sin. Emily engaged with a stranger and revealed too much. The stranger was a nut job, but Emily is toast.
It's like she's living out every little child's fantasy over and over on this show. Disney World! The beach! I want a pony! It's funny, yet a little creepy isn't it?
Everything is a tradition and everything is her favorite thing in the world and everything is on her bucket list...
Next the dog and pony show goes to a literal dog and pony show with dogs and ponies doing agility, plus a goat. So, dog, pony, and goat show
As someone else here noted, so meta.
Swell recap, Admin! Always a treat to read them.
Didn't Emily recently tweet that she missed Shoka?
That makes me think she's still in TFW's good graces.
NYY Julianna, thanks for that lovely Yeats poem about friends on the previous post. If there was one about TFW, it might read something like this:
"I fear a person has a gray soul
If their only friends are on their payroll"
At one of the antique stores, Kate thought statues of the "Blues Brothers" were thin/heavy versions of Elvis.
Kate says she gave Mady credit for perservering and hanging in there. Hanging in there baking a cookie and brushing some sesame seed oil on tortilla chips? Someone please put me out of my misery. I didn't realize you could get wild card points for "trying" that could push you into the winner's circle even if your food was sub-par.
So, she hates the "everybody gets a trophy" for participating, yet gives the trophy to the one who "tried" hardest? Her actions are the exact opposite of her words. She didn't give it to the person who won, but to the person who "participated"
Haha I should have read on before I commented. Admin said it better:
The theme of this season has been irony, and here it is yet again. Kate just told us in a long and boring speech how important it is the kids understand in life there are winners and loser and that she's not going to let them win. And I think actually, a lot of parents would agree with her--it's important this helicopter generation of kids understand you win some you lose some. And yet here she is, awarding a win to the undeserving child. What!
I noticed that Kate has a new acting skill that she used quite frequently: speaking very slowly with "licked a sour lemon" pursed lips.
Another wonderful recap. It's so nice to be able to read about it without tuning into TLC.
Any "Foyle's War" fans? I noticed three new episodes, Season 9, on Netflix. Not sure if they've been out for awhile or if this is a new release. Either way, the first two are just as good as past episodes.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 23
"I fear a person has a gray soul
If their only friends are on their payroll"
Well, you're no Yeats, but you did make me LOL. Well done!
The horses can do math, which means they're already close to edging out poor Schmoopy here in the I.Q department.
Bwa ha haha!
And this is so revealing of Kate's introspection or lack thereof:
'Mommy Dearest refuses to let everyone win, which in theory I tend to agree with, but then she says without a hint of irony that you have to work really hard if you want to be first place in life.'
Where the hell does she get off thinking she's worked HARD? She's the epitome of laziness. Her picture is in the dictionary beside the word lazy.
This may sound strange but I am seeing a glimmer of hope for the kids now if they're on to Kate's scam. You can fool some of the kids some of the time but...
Anyway GREAT recap Admin! I haven't watched any of this *season's* episodes thanks to this blog and your recaps.
Rainbirdie said... 27
I noticed that Kate has a new acting skill that she used quite frequently: speaking very slowly with "licked a sour lemon" pursed lips.
Yes! I thought her mouth shrank
Downtown Abbey returns tonight!
Kate IS using TLC to fulfill her bucket list. TLC programming execs are idiots.
Sounds like none of those children feel secure or are happy. Amazing what a lifetime of child abuse will do to a kid. Every single child seems unhappy, frustrated, desperate. Some have given up trying, some still engage in the dog-eat-dog competition in that toxic household. She has destroyed 8 lives.
I have say yes to the dress on while I'm packing away ornaments. TLC is showing previews of the boys' magic show.
They're getting teased at school. I'm sure of it.
So TFW brought the kids some root beer. Was it organic, or has she finally given up the ghost
on that phony claim?
Kate says she liked Cara's food better, "which doesn't help us." Why? If you liked Cara's food better, Cara should win. I don't get it. And, Mady wins? Huh?
I'm debating whether I should contact Chopped producers and beg them to invite Kate Gosselin as a contestant on one of their viewers basket choice episodes. I'd really like to see karma in action.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 5
Is that Hildi and the hay room?
lol! What was she thinking? The horrified look on the homeowners' faces is what's burnt into my memory bank.
Jane said... 28
Hello, Sistah.......Yes, I am a Foyle's War
fan. Love him as does my husband. I order the
DVD's from Amazon just for the joy of watching the
set (years) over and over.
Also, do you like Inspector Morse and/or
Inspector Lewis? We thoroughly enjoy Morse.....John
Thaw was a wonderful actor just as is Michael
Jane said... 28
Any "Foyle's War" fans? I noticed three new episodes, Season 9, on Netflix. Not sure if they've been out for awhile or if this is a new release. Either way, the first two are just as good as past episodes.
Me!! :) I got notification via email last week that new episodes had been added. I've watched two. Love that show. There are 6 new episodes of Poirot, too. Another of my favorites.
I apologize in advance for any typos or errors and I will fix them ASAP. I'm using a different computer than my norm that doesn't have autocorrect.
The only error I noticed is illicit was used for elicit. I thought it actually was autocorrect. And kind of funny. Illicit is kind of similar to inauthentic, and Kate is the epitome of inauthentic.
Thanks again Admin for another great re-cap. Why watch when Admin gives us a picturesque/scenic description of the episode. Who needs the torture - not me.
TLC stinks said... 32
Downtown Abbey returns tonight!
Dang! Thanks for the reminder. I totally forgot.
That's exactly how my mother made it. The house always had that smell of freshly "boiled" coffee. That may be why I never could stand the stuff.
I love that smell and maybe that's why I like strong black coffee. It reminds me of him. He was the sweetest, kindest, most loving quintessential grandfather. I miss him and the coffee smell. If I close my eyes and take a deep breath...
lol! What was she thinking? The horrified look on the homeowners' faces is what's burnt into my memory bank.
Another TLC show that sold its soul to the devil. Hildi was leading the march into darkness.
I love Foyle's Wwr, Morse/Lewis, also Midsommer Murder and Inspector Gently. I could go on.
My New Year's resolution is to get Netflix. TLC can fill that 'Midwestern niche' (how insulting) but I wish they'd leave the G kids alone.
For those who do not watch but commented on Aaden not wearing glasses, he only did so only while helping spray painting the cabinet that Mady bought. He wears them all the time otherwise.
And yet here she is, awarding a win to the undeserving child. What!
Right, Mady won because she screwed-up and Kate luckily let her throw the mess away and start over. Why should a person in competition win because they messed up and started over instead of just throwing in the towel and walking away. Kate is an idiot.
And Kris mentioned that Kate should load up all the paper goods (and other stuff) and carry it down in a large bag or basket. I say why doesn't Kate keep a set of plastic dishes or paper goods in her downstairs kitchen. That way she would not even have to carry them downstairs. And she should keep (if she doesn't already) condiments in the basement kitchen also.
And somebody else mentioned they thought the kids were insecure, unhappy, and frustrated. I disagree. I think all the kids are reasonable happy--including Mady. I think Mady's ways are her personality and her way of showing off. Yes, she needs counseling but I don't think she is an unhappy kid. She is wired that way. The way all the kids bicker all the time is a way of life for them. And we have to realize these kids spend a lot of time at school and at Jon's too were they are not subjected to Kate's negativity. Joel and Aaden seem the happiest to me.
Happy New Year, Everyone :) It was a tough 2015, my mom passed from undiagnosed thyroid cancer. She told her doctor she felt a lump, and he dismissed it. Long story short, it was too late when finally tested. From the previous post...Buying Alaska for my summer home and Caribbean Life for my winter home. :) I haven't watched, but read about Cara's comment about none of them wanting children. As a mom and educator, Kate sickens me. Never has she done her job to teach her children how to get along, how to work through their problems, how to lift one another up, how to be a family. When I did watch, she never encouraged, never said how proud she was, never said how much she loved them, nothing. She has failed her kids miserably and will end up alone.
Admin I give you credit for biting the bullet. I would prefer watching paint dry than watching Katie do (or rather not do) anything.
Another TLC show that sold its soul to the devil. Hildi was leading the march into darkness. 45
Hildinwas the reason I stopped watching.
Makes me wonder if TLC execs are closet sadists.
I love that smell and maybe that's why I like strong black coffee. It reminds me of him. He was the sweetest, kindest, most loving quintessential grandfather. I miss him and the coffee smell. If I close my eyes and take a deep breath...
Percolator coffee brings back such wonderful memories for me. All of those family gatherings would include my mom brewing coffee in our pot.
I bought a Presto last year and enjoy the smells wafting through my own home.
Good stuff!
Which reminds me...remember the good old days when Kate was followed everywhere by her favorite pap? With a Starbucks in hand?!
Wonder what happened to Chris?
I loved Trading Spaces but Hildi (and Doug) used to drive me crazy. You know damn well they would never have the crap they did to homeowners houses in their own homes. Hildi was married to some French dude and I saw his family's home in some publication and it looked like a small castle. You can bet hay and silk flowers plastered to a wall wasn't going to fly there.
With regard to Andrea, I wonder if she is there to help TCFW or is required to be there while filming is going on.
Great recap Admin. Changing a poopy diaper on my two youngest grandkids is more interesting than this shit.
Katykat (#48), so sorry to hear about your mom
passing. And it must've been especially hard
since she expressed concern about a problem and
wasn't taken seriously.
I agree with your thoughts about TFW. We have seen with our own eyes how she criticizes, marginalizes, disrespects, insults, and ignores her children.
I can't imagine there are tons of instances of great parenting left on the cutting room floor. Heck, TFW said herself that "what you see is what you get."
Tucker's Mom said...
Which reminds me...remember the good old days when Kate was followed everywhere by her favorite pap? With a Starbucks in hand?!
Wonder what happened to Chris?
She stopped paying him?
Katykat, my condolences to you for the loss of your dear mom and wishing you a happier 2016.
Percolator coffee brings back such wonderful memories for me. All of those family gatherings would include my mom brewing coffee in our pot.
Same here. There was always a fresh pot of perked coffee on the stove in the morning. The aroma was divine. We had a Pyrex glass percolator and I remember that glass stem inside seemed to break about once every six months or so and needed replacing lol. I think my mother still has that coffee pot in her storage room.
Cara must be sick and tired of Kate's favoritism with Mady.
I agree except for Mady, Cara and Collin, the rest of the tups seem ok; but they are still only 11. It won't last. Hannah appears on the verge of pulling away. Aaden and Joel seem to be coping the best, but then boys don't have cat fights like girls. I can't imagine how much longer Kate can keep them in line for filming.
Since the next specials in 2 days and is changing to 10pm instead of 9pm.Anyone have any predictions on what the viewers might be?Since everyone's going back to school and work,all of Kate's teenage fans would have to get up early and of course the fans that work early as well,it could effect views,my guess is that its gonna get around 900,000 views this time since it went up a bit last week.I just hope with Mady's attitude didn't attract more viewers since the facebook page still has people saying they're tuning out because of the behavior and people were right about it being a slow week last week with reruns.
And she should keep (if she doesn't already) condiments in the basement kitchen also.
Where is this new deck? Off the kitchen? If there is easy access to her kitchen and that's where she will be grilling, why would she keep supplies in the basement kitchen?
I haven't watched and have no plans to do so. Admin's recaps are so much fun!
All This and That, they used to grill off the basement patio and there is a full kitchen there. No need to be complaining about how far away the grill is.
But, but, Kate only has ONE dishwasher downstairs! Oh the stress! Oh the inhumanity!
Katykat, my sympathy too. It's never easy to lose a parent at any age. Sorry she was not taken seriously for what turned out to be something so awful- that's really terrible and you must feel anger amidst your grief.
Thanks, Admin. Great recap. I cannot stand to listen to TFW's voice. We all just know enough about her to become aggravated. What life lessons could she possibly be teaching those kids? Nothing positive. Happy New Year to all!
fidosmommy said... 61
But, but, Kate only has ONE dishwasher downstairs! Oh the stress! Oh the inhumanity!
And add to that the 3000 miles to the grill. And now that the kids are big enough to help, they are resistant to helping (according to Kate). And then to top it all off, there was the nail-biting moment it started to rain - would it stop in time for Kate to grill those HUGE steaks? What a nail-biter. The problems of the wealthy piecing & patching single mom of eight are endless.
I think Kate's new deck is more about making it easier for her eight kids to go outside instead of congregating in her keeping room. I think the grill being closer to her kitchen is just an added benefit. She likes to be away from them and their noise.
LaLaLa, raising my hand, too. Her voice is grating and those flying French tips, er talons!
Katykat, so sorry to hear about your mother. Mine passed away in August after a long battle with Alzheimer's. She was the last of the parents. Makes you realize how short life is. Condolences to you.
I'm wondering if the basement kitchen was removed during the basement renovations.
But, but, Kate only has ONE dishwasher downstairs! Oh the stress! Oh the inhumanity! 61
Can anyone clarify - does this mean she has three ( count 'em 3) dishwashers?
I think Mady is trying to survive the best she can. For whatever reason, she and Kate have always clashed. Kate, rather than parenting and teaching, egged her on and fought with her. From day 1 of the tups being home, Mady stopped being a kid and started being her mom's slave. Then she has never had a chance to develop her personality and learn what she likes in life. She is mom's "helper" and can't be Mady.
Then add to that all the filming. Your bedroom isn't even private. During spring break you can't even have a few relaxing days. Gotta film. Your mom has practically a live-in boyfriend but don't ever mention that to anyone. Oh yeah, don't tell any of your friends anything at all about our home life. And if we don't film you will lose your school, your home, your possessions, your friends, and it will be all your fault.
I would be angry too. I would want to strike out too. (Although my personality is more like Cara's.) I don't blame her at all for the way she acts. I blame her mother for not being a mother. I suspect like the rest of you that she knows the bad things said about her online. I think she is very unhappy and has no one to turn to. As a teenager, I might not trust my father to not tell my mother how unhappy I am.
Rhymes with Witch said... 69
But, but, Kate only has ONE dishwasher downstairs! Oh the stress! Oh the inhumanity! 61
Can anyone clarify - does this mean she has three ( count 'em 3) dishwashers?
Eh. There's probably one in the suite over the garage too.
Again, it is mind-numbing that she has the unmitigated gall to say that to be first place in life you have to work really hard. Although now that I think of it, she must have meant if she works her kids really hard SHE gets to be first place in life. Yeah, that's gotta be it.
AuntieAnn (#71), good ol' hard-workin' TFW. The woman whose blog says that her cookbook is available for preorder. How long did it take her to judge that cockamamie kindness contest? And, my goodness, the effort she puts into her "weekly" blog entries. That was 2 and done, wasn't it? The idea that she criticized Jon as being mediocre is so hilarious. She couldn't achieve mediocre on her best day.
This may sound strange but I am seeing a glimmer of hope for the kids now if they're on to Kate's scam. You can fool some of the kids some of the time but...
I se what you're saying. They are onto her, and actually, a little sooner than I expected.
I think one benefit of the twins is they are going to clue the younger kids in much faster than the twins realized what's up.
Hildi may very well have been the start of TLC exploiting the most bananas people and ramping it up the more viewers were flabbergasted.
I remember when Trading Spaces was as harmless as a Hallmark card. And then they hired Hildi.
Thanks for the recap. I will not watch the show.
I think Kate's new deck is more about making it easier for her eight kids to go outside instead of congregating in her keeping room
Kids don't usually play on decks or congregate there unless it is a super-huge deck. One grills on a deck and eats on a deck, but in the summer they would be outside in the pool or playing in the yard.
TLC said..."All This and That, they used to grill off the basement patio and there is a full kitchen there. No need to be complaining about how far away the grill is."
I think that what All This was asking about is the location of the new deck. Reading back, Leslie said (47) that they should keep condiments and such in the downstairs basement kitchen that is in close proximity to where they used to grill. All This asked why, if they built a new deck, would she want to keep food supplies in the basement when they would no longer be grilling there, but rather on the new deck which is closer to their kitchen (not the basement kitchen).
I think I'm reading this correctly!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 72
AuntieAnn (#71), good ol' hard-workin' TFW. The woman whose blog says that her cookbook is available for preorder. How long did it take her to judge that cockamamie kindness contest? And, my goodness, the effort she puts into her "weekly" blog entries. That was 2 and done, wasn't it? The idea that she criticized Jon as being mediocre is so hilarious. She couldn't achieve mediocre on her best day.
Yes Flimsy. Mediocre is a step up for that banal slug and I defy even one of her wooly supporters to hoof it on over here and give three examples of when, if ever, they've seen Kate working hard.
I doubt if any of them can meet the challenge because I get the distinct impression they are very much like their lazy beloved idol and raised their kids in the same manner as Kate is doing, but I'd still love to hear what their idea of hard work is.
Oh and btw, driving kids to their school bus pick up point and hiring a nanny to do any real work doesn't qualify just in case they think it does. ~ Administrator said... 73
I se what you're saying. They are onto her, and actually, a little sooner than I expected.
I think one benefit of the twins is they are going to clue the younger kids in much faster than the twins realized what's up.
Yes, for all of Mady's unpleasantness I think she's the smart one who has seen through her mother and is brave enough to square off with her and give her exactly what she asked for. She's wising up her little brothers and sisters to the whole sham and it makes me think this sideshow will end sooner than Kate thinks. I'll bet any money Cara will stand behind her sister too.
I predict a mutiny in the near future.
Again, it is mind-numbing that she has the unmitigated gall to say that to be first place in life you have to work really hard. 71
Here's the thing, I think she really believes her own bs.
It's frightening that the twins are more mature than she is. The tups are not far behind.
I saw that one of Kate's special needs fans is tweeting her again and the non-fans are poking at her and making fun of her. It is insensitive, and I really think that this is cruel. These fans should be off-limits.
I haven't seen Daisy on there too often so perhaps she gave up trying to get Kate to respond. All she wants is a tweet and Kate ignores her. I feel sorry for her.
Susie Cincinnati said... 80
I saw that one of Kate's special needs fans is tweeting her again and the non-fans are poking at her and making fun of her. It is insensitive, and I really think that this is cruel. These fans should be off-limits.
I agree. Even if those fans say something inappropriate to the non-fan tweeters, they should just let it slide. Not engaging them in that case is the best route to take.
Susie - I also saw that Macey was tweeting again and agree with you 100% that the nonfans should just leave her alone.
OT for Twilight Zone fans.
Syfy will be airing all the episodes. Unclear when- if anyone figures it out please post. Thanks.
Rhymes with Witch said... 83
OT for Twilight Zone fans.
It was a marathon that started NY's eve and ended yesterday at noon. I saw a lot of episodes that I had never seen, it was great viewing.
Thank you, Ladies. And TLC Stinks...August 16th. Same day as Elvis. She loved Elvis. Frustration, anger grief and guilt...coupled with the fact that my father with advanced COPD insists on staying with the same doctor, and that my siblings still have him take care of their 7, 5, and 3 year old. Stubborn and very old school, he insists he can do it, although he can barely walk 20 feet without his oxygen and is on a nebulizer 6 times a day. The house is filthy and reeks of urine because my dad can't clean, and my sister who lives there with her 2 kids, doesn't...although her 7 year old still wets his bed. I've offered, but they won't let me help. The dysfunction breaks my heart. My poor Mom had to die twice because she told my sister she wanted a DNR, but my sister called 911 anyway. She died in horrible agony because they waited to call Hospice because they didn't want Mom to know she was dying...although the doctors told them it was time. I just see a repeat coming with my Dad. It's heartbreaking. Thank you for listening.
On a lighter note, all the Canadians will laugh, all my 16 year old wanted for Christmas was Ketchup Flavored Potato Chips from your country. And if any of you win the HGTV Dream Home...we'll be neighbors. ;)
I, too, think the G-kids are coping the only way they can. Their behavior is all on Kate. Years of physical, mental and emotional abuse has done this to them. Screaming, yelling and rolling your eyes at the camera in exasperation are not effective parenting techniques.
Katykat said... 85
On a lighter note, all the Canadians will laugh, all my 16 year old wanted for Christmas was Ketchup Flavored Potato Chips from your country.
Awww! I wish I had your address, I'd send him a case. That's so cute. (we kinda like ketchup chips too)
I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's misdiagnosis and passing. Your family disfunction may be something you'll have to turn a blind eye to for your own sanity.
Sympathy goes out to those who have lost loved ones recently. We buried my mother one year ago. I never knew her to be well, but I am sure there is healing in Heaven.
Really, it's hard to not feel sorry for people like TFW who do not live an authentic life. All the silliness being fed to the public will return to her in a very sad way. Using religion as a plot line to hook in viewers didn't work. So, try "sexy" version single TFW. Didn't work either. Now she is back to being "best parent". Not working. That line "I can't win" is one of the worst! Be the parent you brag about being, TFW. She set this whole thing up. Remember, "mine all mine". That line said it all, TLC. What normal thoughtful person talks like that? Bragging is just so awful, isn't it?
Katykat, my condolences as well. It is so hard to deal with misdiagnoses. My sister died because the doctors thought she had bronchitis. It was breast cancer that had invaded her lungs, bones and brain by the time they figured it out. Horrible. Hospice was a godsend to her and the family. I'm so sorry for what happened with your mom.
Potato chips! I love the ketchup ones and the dill pickle ones. I had never heard of them until I visited my brother in Saskatchewan. Now dill ones are readily available here, but I've only seen one brand of the ketchup - Uncle Ray's. They are very salty to me, so I wish I had options.
I am going to assume, unless ratings go in the toilet, Kate has offered up another vacay idea, house improvement, etc for the next season to be filmed this spring/summer.
I don't believe we need to personally know Kate nor her kids to have a grasp from their behavior there is discontent and dysfunction in that household. And if that is false, then Kate should not allow filming of such dysfunction by TLC. Kate has opened up their lives to the public, and we have every right to make judgments from what is aired and what is written. Certainly, many have made negative judgments towards Jon, so Kate should not be held to a different standard.
Kate is a failure. Despite her strict parenting and "organizationish" skills, from what she sells on TV, dysfunction has been elevated to an art form. I guess some people watch just so they don't feel so bad about their own relationships with their kids. TLC discovered years ago that dysfunction sells. So I believe she will be back.
Interesting news item I saw, economic research paper. The more siblings a person has, the less intelligence or the more behavioral problems the children have. I looked up source article and here is the title and link.
Chinhui Juhn, Yona Rubinstein, C. Andrew Zuppann, Working Paper 21824
JoyinVirginia said... 90
What does "Working Paper" mean?
KatyKat, I am so sorry for your situation. Please know that you have "friends" here who care.
We have all "met" for a reason.
A hug to you.
TLC stinks (#89), yeah, I think TFW is staying on TLC. Lower ratings or not, they get at least some guaranteed numbers, which may not be the case if they gamble on a newcomer. For all we know, her salary has gone way down. She appeared quite desperate for a while, and I think that gave them the upper hand. And stuff like renovations are probably comped by the companies who get their
names out there for publicity, so TLC isn't out a lot of money.
I'm sure there are Sweet 16 episode plans already
in the making. I say there will be a car given to each girl, comped by an auto company or TLC. And who will TFW be to say no?
The Sweet 16 car giveaway....a BIG reason to cooperate with filming. After that, I think the girls will be toast.
FYI, neither of the twins are mature enough to drive.
Hi Sue Buddy, this is most appropriate definition I found on Wikipedia:
"A preliminary scientific or technical paper. Often, authors will release working papers to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before submitting to a peer reviewed conference or academic journal. Working papers are often the basis for related works, and may in themselves be cited by peer-review papers.
Sometimes the term working paper is used synonymously as technical report. Working papers are typically hosted on websites, belonging either to the author or the author's affiliated institution."
I hope there's not a puberty episode for the tups similar to the shopping trip alluded to by TFW re: the twins on that radio show.(the one she needed a police escort to, IIRC?) How much more can she humiliate her children?
@TLC stinks Yes thats going to be the bribe to get the twins to film.Kate said she doesn't believe 16 year olds are mature enough to drive.Then bragged about how she was mature enough at that age to drive(which i doubt).I sadly don't see TLC getting rid of her even if she had 0 viewers.
Oh and i forgot to add,jon announced on his twitter about his new attorney's twitter page.Im not sure if hes gonna try some time in the future to fight for custody of 1 of his kids,but here's the twit DJ Jon GosselinVerified account
Check out my attorneys new page. Best in Berks!!! @Doleva_Law
FYI, neither of the twins are mature enough to drive.
If neither of the twins is mature enough to drive, and the twins are more mature than Kate, then should one conclude that Kate shouldn't drive? ;)
JoyinVirginia (95)
Thanks for the reply.
I thought it had to be something like that.
The statement....
"The more siblings a person has, the less intelligence or the more behavioral problems the children have."
is an outrageous generalization and I don't think it should be stated as fact.
What news article did it come from? I'd like to see in what context that statement was used in the article.
I bet Jon is in mediation over custody. At least I hope so. He's got ammunition with what's been aired.
Over And Out (#99), I don't even think TFW is mature
enough to drive the John Deere!
TLC stinks said... 101
I bet Jon is in mediation over custody. At least I hope so. He's got ammunition with what's been aired.
January 4, 2016 at 10:18 AM
I just hope he gets more time with all the kids. Putting an end to filming would be amazing for them.
Sue_Buddy said... 100
The statement....
"The more siblings a person has, the less intelligence or the more behavioral problems the children have."
is an outrageous generalization and I don't think it should be stated as fact.
This statement may or may not be true as it applies to a population. That is, it may be statistically true, if a study of large populations shows, for example (and I'm just making this up), that the IQW of children from large families is, on average, 5 points lower than that of children from small families. The problem is when we apply it to individuals from the population. The IQ of individuals vary by much more than 5 points, so the finding is useless in predicting the IQ of an individual.
A finding may be true as it applies to a population, but be useless or dangerous when applied to individuals from the population. When applied to individuals it becomes an "outrageous generalization."
A similar example is plumbers and upper body strength. For years the thinking went: plumbers (or firefighters or etc) need upper body strength, women (as a population) have less upper body strength than men, therefore only men can be plumbers (or firefighters or etc). The problem is with applying a valid generalization (women have less upper body strength) to individuals. A lot of women do have sufficient upper body strength to enter some traditionally "male" professions/trades, and they shouldn't be excluded because other women don't. It's appropriate to test candidates for gender-related characteristics to the extent that they are requirements for the job. It's not OK to test them further than that, or testing for something that isn't actually required (testing computer programmers or surgeons for upper body strength, for example).
As I see it, the problem isn't that some generalizations are actually false, but that they don't tell us enough about individuals to be helpful in any way, and they can be dangerous and discriminatory if they're applied inappropriately.
Oh and i forgot to add,jon announced on his twitter about his new attorney's twitter page.Im not sure if hes gonna try some time in the future to fight for custody of 1 of his kids,but here's the twit DJ Jon GosselinVerified account
Check out my attorneys new page. Best in Berks!!! @Doleva_Law
If I am reading this correctly, he doesn't say that it a "new" attorney, but that his attorney has a new page (four tweets).
Thanks swimgirl (84), sorry I missed it. I only read about it yesterday.
Math Girl said... 104
As I see it, the problem isn't that some generalizations are actually false, but that they don't tell us enough about individuals to be helpful in any way, and they can be dangerous and discriminatory if they're applied inappropriately.
That is correct. That is why I asked what news article used the generalization. Was there backup information? What was the context? To use that as a stand alone statement is completely useless info and shouldn't be used to make any kind of point. Furthermore who are those who wrote that working paper...students, researchers, is it for a thesis, grant, etc.
@Blowing in the wind,oops my bad i read that tweet wrong,i thought he got a new attorney,but she just got a twitter account,my mistake.
If you go to Jon's Twitter profile and click on his Likes you'll see he Liked this tweet:
@jgosselin10 @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 @TLC the filming situation is just SO wrong... It's child abuse, pure & simple. DO SOMETHING, JON.
My grandmother was at least a mild narcissist. She lived out of state so I didn't see her often. I knew she didn't really seem to love me the way my other grandmother did but I saw her so little it didn't register much. I was treated differently by her than my siblings. At the age of 13 there were a few incidents with her that left me really hurt. That's when I started to catch on. I had no language for it except I thought she was the most selfish person I knew. By age 14 I didn't want to be around her at all and that continued for the rest of her life.
I am sure the twins have caught on and are doing what they can. Manipulation, anger, withdrawl, whatever works. The tups are for sure starting to figure this all out. With 8 children, there will be 8 different reactions to the narcissism. I think that's what I like the most. It's going to be tough for Kate to keep up with 8 totally separate personalities. Hannah gave her a jump start. The things the kids say on film that reveal the truth are fabulous.
The real issue is some of the kids will grow up stronger and some will have problems. Poor kids.
I imagine the study results has more to do with socio-economics than the fact that someone in isolation popped out a bunch of kids. In other words there's nothing about being in a large family, in isolation not assuming any other factors, that has anything to do with IQ or behavior.
Jeanne (#110), yes, TFW will be thrown by the fact that her "pack" of children will start to disperse.
I've said before that I predict at least one will run and never look back. Some may forbid her from being alone with their children. Some may be guilted into staying with her. Some may go across the country to college simply to get away from her.
As you said, there will be 8 different reactions to the narcissism.
Filming the kids is abusive. It's cruel to make them film and put their lives out there.
Poor Colin looks drugged. The girls are a hot mess.
Kids shouldn't be put in this position.
Statistically, the more kids you have, the more likely you'll run across different IQ's, sexuality, etc. This just means to me that Kate has been wrong to treat the tups as a six pack for so long. I believe she is acknowledging now their different personalities (she has no choice with them entering teen years) so therefore it would make sense there are some who would rather not film like Collin or maybe Hannah. But she has a problem and that problem is TLC wants ALL eight in front of the cameras. It's one of the reasons I suspect there is bribery and maybe coercion to force everyone to participate. Cara is definitely done with her usual silence. I feel bad for her because she appears overwhelmed with the forced filming, but she trudges along because there is either a reward or punishment awaiting with failure to comply. I had two kids with totally different personalities, so I totally believe Kate deals with eight distinctive personalities and not all could possibly be all in with the filming no matter what she proclaims.
Jon might actually have a leg to stand on with this new information about Cara being resistent to filming in the bedroom. That's something a family law court can order Kate to stop doing if it's in the child's best interest.
As I see it, the problem isn't that some generalizations are actually false, but that they don't tell us enough about individuals to be helpful in any way, and they can be dangerous and discriminatory if they're applied inappropriately.
I wonder if they took the Amish/Plain Sect into their account in this study. If not, then that would blow their bad behavior theory for multiple siblings out the front door. ~ Administrator said... 112
Jon might actually have a leg to stand on with this new information about Cara being resistent to filming in the bedroom. That's something a family law court can order Kate to stop doing if it's in the child's best interest.
January 4, 2016 at 12:52 PM
Once again, it's like TLC is pulling back the curtain and exposing how horrible Kate is.
Filming in the bedroom is something that needs to stop now. When adult male crew are in the girls room as they pack and even change clothes is unacceptable.
And exactly how did Cara go from not allowing cameras in her room to allowing them?
The bedroom is a sanctuary and a very private place.
Sue_Buddy said... 107
Math Girl said... 104
As I see it, the problem isn't that some generalizations are actually false, but that they don't tell us enough about individuals to be helpful in any way, and they can be dangerous and discriminatory if they're applied inappropriately.
That is correct. That is why I asked what news article used the generalization. Was there backup information? What was the context? To use that as a stand alone statement is completely useless info and shouldn't be used to make any kind of point. Furthermore who are those who wrote that working paper...students, researchers, is it for a thesis, grant, etc.
Joy cited the study. You can read it and get the answers to your questions. And she was not quoting the article she read -- those are her words to summarize the findings.
There is lots of research out there showing a correlation between larger family sizes and poorer educational outcomes.
Re the study I mentioned earlier, I got link from a local news story, titled something like "why its better to be an only child" or something like that. I'm interested in research like this so I found the link to the original paper.
It's a 47 page paper with extensive references. It's written by economists and is a statistical analysis of population data. Statistical analysis is not very sexy, so the news reporters have to jazz it up with a simplistic headline, and staying it as fact, when the authors clearly state this is submitted for comments on their analysis and had not yet been published in a peer reviewed journal.
Here is the disclaimer information.
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
December 2015
All remaining errors are our own. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-
reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official
NBER publications.
© 2015 by Chinhui Juhn, Yona Rubinstein, and C. Andrew Zuppann. All rights reserved. Short sections
of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full
credit, including © notice, is given to the source."
Here is the abstract.
We estimate the impact of increases in family size on childhood and adult outcomes using matched
mother-child data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979. Using twins as an instrumental
variable and panel data to control for omitted factors we find that families face a substantial quantity-quality
trade-off: increases in family size decrease parental investment, decrease childhood cognitive abilities,
and increase behavioral problems. The negative effects on cognitive abilities are much larger for girls
while the detrimental effects on behavior are larger for boys. We also find evidence of heterogeneous
effects by mother's AFQT score, with the negative effects on cognitive scores being much larger for
children of mothers with low AFQT scores.
Chinhui Juhn
Department of Economics
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5882
and NBER
Yona Rubinstein
Department of Management
London School of Economics
United Kingdom
C. Andrew Zuppann
Department of Economics
204 McElhinney Hall
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5019"
There is lots of research out there showing a correlation between larger family sizes and poorer educational outcomes.
Maybe so, but I imagine the Freakeconomics guys would say poorer educational outcomes have absolutely nothing to do with family size and everything to do with family income. Obviously there's much less money to go around in the vast majority of super-size families. That can have a huge impact on everything, including education.
In other words, are kids not doing as well education wise because they have a lot of siblings, or because they don't have much money to go around?
I love how they poke holes in conclusions like that.
Amazing, isn't it? As I understand it, Cara did not want the film crew in her bedroom but then it happens (whatever or whomever changed her mind is edited out). Same for Mady...she was very angry, as was Cara regarding the stepping stone, yet she acted all over it and said she did not care in their vouch interview (I saw the clip).
In other words, are kids not doing as well education wise because they have a lot of siblings, or because they don't have much money to go around?
And how did they reach the conclusion that being a member of a large family will result in bad behavior? Is it because parents are so overwhelmed and busy with a lot of kids that they don't have the time nor the energy and patience to discipline them?
About filming in the girls' bedrooms, remember, we're only seeing "snippets" (thanks, TFW) of the time the camera crew was there. They could've spent HOURS in those teenage girls' rooms. Imagine going to school all day, and coming home not to a sanctuary, but to a TV set? These kids don't have to imagine that -- it's all they've ever known. ~ Administrator said... 111
I imagine the study results has more to do with socio-economics than the fact that someone in isolation popped out a bunch of kids. In other words there's nothing about being in a large family, in isolation not assuming any other factors, that has anything to do with IQ or behavior.
It's very true that correlation is not the same as causation. There can be other factors that are actually the cause of the correlation. However, Joy's recent post does seem to indicate that the study tried to hold other factors (such as family income) constant. It would take a careful reading to know if they succeeded.
I wonder if they took the Amish/Plain Sect into their account in this study. If not, then that would blow their bad behavior theory for multiple siblings out the front door.
No it wouldn't. A research finding applicable to the general population doesn't preclude differences when data are disaggregated by subgroup.
I wonder how long those kids have to sit and be interviewed in order to get material. I also wonder why no one brings up those interviews when Kate bullshits about the kids just playing.
You can imagine you'd like, but that doesn't make you correct. And not all of us worship at the altar of the Freakonomics guys.
The alternative doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why on earth would the mere fact that you came from a uterus that has seen better days affect your IQ? That's nonsense and you don't need to be a scientist to know that. Obviously, environmental factors have everything to do with it. It's just common sense.
Josh Duggar Files Motion to Dismiss Danica Dillon's
Lawsuit — See the Docs
Porn star Danica Dillon previously sued Josh Duggar for battery after their two "violent" sexual encounters last spring — and now, the former 19 Kids and Counting star filed his own motion to dismiss her lawsuit.
In the court documents obtained by In Touch, Josh’s lawyer, Jeffrey A. Conrad, does not deny that the two had "rough" sex; rather, he asserts that there isn't sufficient evidence to prove their interaction qualifies as "assault," which she claims she was a victim of.
The documents explain, “Assault requires both intent to place the Plaintiff in imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contract and the Plaintiff's actual imminent apprehension. Plaintiff did not provide anything more than a formulaic recitation of the elements of assault and/or battery. Her labels and conclusions are not adequate, particularly because she states that she consented to physical and sexual contact in exchange for payment.”
In other words, Josh's attorneys aren't denying that the two had sex, nor that it was rough — rather, they're merely arguing that she lacks the evidence for the encounter to be labeled as "assault," being that she not only consented to their interaction, but was also financially compensated.
In August, Danica opened up to In Touch about their encounter. She said, “He was manhandling me, basically tossing me around like I was a rag doll. It was very traumatic. I’ve had rough sex before, but this was terrifying. I actually really hope that his wife [Anna Duggar] leaves him and takes his children away from him and leaves him a lonely, bitter man. I don’t think he deserves happiness.”
Robin @Rooobinsky 12m12 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 you may be enforcing gender roles too strongly. Leah: "I can do that" #GreenThumbGosselins
Great tweet to Kate, although she might get blocked.
Kate's is very gender-role oriented. I think it's way she makes such a big flipping deal over grilling.
Everyone else just grills, but in Kate's mind, she's Super Woman for doing a man's job.
I wonder if Josh's hooker has any case at all.
Even if it's dismissed, the havoc he's brought on his family is awful.
So much pain for his selfishness.
Comment made today on the Kate plus 8 FB, which BTW has not been updated to show the new time of 10pm Tuesdays.
"There is hope for Maddy if Kate would tweak just one thing about herself- stop teaching and start listening to the kids! Where is the PRAISE?! Where is her softness? If I were a child in that family I would CRAVE Some quiet from the mom. A comment of superiority to every kid comment. A hint of sarcasm constantly. Mom knows it all and is I teachable by learning from her kids. No complimenting For efforts. For every activity I would like to see some actual tenderness from these people. Support. Oh my gosh it's either editted out or non existent. Rub their backs and treat them as an individual instead of a herd. Maddy figured out how to be noticed, be the most mean! Maddy is what every single one of them will turn out like...know it all, hate it all, better than it all, say it all. Kate is desperate for this show to continue and it is being rammed down our throats as we listen to her rant on about the road to perfection...and it's 8 little bumps along the way."
Couldn't have said it better!
Couldn't have said it better!
Great FB post. I have never, ever seen spontaneous warmth from Kate to any of her kids. Hell, my dogs get more affection each and every day than I've observed from Kate over the past 10 years.
Those kids must be starved for affection and those not seeing Jon aren't getting it.
Mady is coping with the only strategy she knows. I think she will struggle a great deal as an adult because she's not learned how to "see" others.
I noticed from the first time her sidekick starting appearing with them in episodes. Marley, or whatever her name is, is Mady's toadie. She follows Mady like a puppy and hangs onto her every word, scoff, insult and snark.
Just like Deanna and Kate.
I don't know anything about Marley other than what has been filmed, but it is an interesting dynamic between the three girls with Mady as the leader. Interesting, Tucker's Mom, you bring up the toadie aspect. Yep, just like Deanna and others. Must be something to do with wanting to be accepted by a "popular" person who is very dominating, not that I think Mady is popular in school, but she is famous.
Kate GosselinVerified account @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
I'm SO excited for tomorrow nights #KatePlus8 on @TLC at 10pm! Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! 💥💥
Kate's latest tease. How many of her dummies are going to ask and guess at what animal she's added?
Can't wait to watch 11-year old do magic like 6-year olds.
Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! ����
She didn't get a little horse did she? Please say she didn't.
"Kate's latest tease. How many of her dummies are going to ask and guess at what animal she's added?
Can't wait to watch 11-year old do magic like 6-year olds."
I'd be all for it if they could make Kate disappear.
Some positives about large families: Children from large families are less likely to divorce as adults, and overall have better social skills than children who only have 1-2 or none siblings.
AuntieAnn said... 135
Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! ����
She didn't get a little horse did she? Please say she didn't.
It's probably the deck. Snort
Kate Gosselin Verified account @Kateplusmy8 · 42m42 minutes ago
I'm SO excited for tomorrow nights #KatePlus8 on @TLC at 10pm! Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! 💥💥
The "new addition" is probably the new deck.
Milo tweeted this as PR for the show:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 23h23 hours ago
#MagicCarpetRide The Gosselin boys waved their magic wand...said "abracadabra" & #POOF Mom is gone!" Really? :) Tues10pm @TLC @Kateplusmy8
Milo--be careful what you wish for!
Tucker's Mom (#132), I think it's also significant to note that the kids don't seem to go to TFW for affection or comfort, either. That's why her
lovey-dovey words about her children always ring hollow to me. Actions speak louder than words.
AuntieAnn said... 135
Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! ����
She didn't get a little horse did she? Please say she didn't.
God I hope not too.
AuntieAnn said... 135
Wait til you see the NEW ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY and other 'magical' stuff! ����
She didn't get a little horse did she? Please say she didn't.
Wouldn't that be the deck "addition" she's referring to?
JoyinVirginia said... 119
Thank you for the info, Joy. I'm not much for studies. For each study there's a study to debunk it. but that rash generalization, "the more siblings a person has, the less intelligence or the more behavioral problems the children have" did catch my eye and make me think wtf.
Kaya, the study ITSELF talks about outside factors: with increases in family size parental investment decreases. Number one, that's an obvious consequence of a large family. Number two, it supports my original point in that in isolation, there is nothing all that bad about a lot of kids. When you factor in other factors like stretched time, stretched resources, etc., obviously having more kids can be harder on those kids. Those are all non-organic factors.
In other words, there's nothing wrong with having a lot of siblings if you remove those obvious variables and had all the time and money in the world to do it.
I hope I am not considered a dummy by asking or guessing, lol. Hey, you too, AuntieAnn! lol
I want to guess either it is Steve, the Asian baby that she always wanted to adopt, for her singleton baby or the
Sire of Shoka!
I wonder if Marley's parents want 15 minutes of fame for her. She got some nice trips anyway despite living/traveling with the Gs and TLC.But she sort of lacks personality and doesn't say much. Must be a bribe for the twins- they were saying the quotes on the stones were a private joke among them and Marley and did not involve Kate. Sometimes Cara's words are harsher than Mady's.
But interesting about Marley, anyway. No more Taliah, or Jodi's cuties.Just drummed-up party guests, a friend for the twins, numerous helpers.
Some positives about a large family...I'm 1 of 7 and all of us are college grads and have good jobs. My dad was a preacher so we we worked our way through and had scholarships and loans. We all get along and none of us had behavioral problems. All but one are still married to original spouse and all of us get along. We were a rowdy bunch (what they say about PKs might hold a little bit of truth) but not one of us talked to our parents the way TFW's kids talk to her.
To the poster who suggested I check Netflix for a free trial so I could see about the Murder mystery.
I got a free month! As I was finishing the order, Nancy Grace came on and she showed a picture of a girl and she was ranting and I remembered the girl, then oh my lanta, I realized it was the Murder case!
WOW! How did Avery's sweat get under the hood of the car? The signature petitions are 200K+, so now the White House will have to watch the documentary and make a decision. Did they get sweat off of him and plant it under the hood of the car?
I do know that Netflix only had 3 seasons of The Rockford Files and now they have 6.
The Affluenza Teen is living it up in Mexico going to a brothel had 2 hookers and racked up a 2K bill and he was very drunk and his mother paid it for him.
Hopefully, when they get him back they will put him in adult court. In that arrest photo perp walk with the mother, WOW! She looks like a female Carrot Top!
redbird (128)
Didn't they "do it" twice? If she found it so traumatizing the first time, one certainly doesn't reprise it. Not that I am taking his side by any means, it just seems that something is a little "off" there.
Im just gonna take a guess and say its nothing.Last time she did this,it turned out to be nothing big.Although Kate did hinted about Shoka having puppies.On the other hand,some say its a horse,though we'll see what it is.
"Kate's latest tease. How many of her dummies are going to ask and guess at what animal she's added?
Can't wait to watch 11-year old do magic like 6-year olds."
Maybe it's a magic show geared toward older kids. My nephew, at age 12, was fascinated with it after seeing a big-name magician at a show. He studied, practiced, went to shows, and four years later he is darned good at what he does. While he doesn't want to make a career out of it, he does moonlight at both kids' parties and as entertainment at adult get-together and corporate events.
I hope the magic show isn't one for toddlers, with pulling scarves out of sleeves!
My guess is that it's nothing more than the "addition" of the deck to the house. It's only Katespeak when she says "addition to family".
If it's a new deck it's not an addition to 'our family' it's an addition to the house. Specifically, the kids' house they worked hard to buy for MD.
(Joy in Virginia, on the topic new additions, please add MD to the list. MD = Mommie Dearest, :)
redbird said... 145
I hope I am not considered a dummy by asking or guessing, lol. Hey, you too, AuntieAnn! lol
ha! I'm not asking, I'm praying it isn't a little horse.
Kind of OT, but I watched the Teen Mom marathon,and Farrah has a mother named Debra, and holy cow! she looks so much like tfw! She got a make over done, what someone called a 'liquid face lift', got skinny, got long blond hair, and I swear to you, in some scenes she looked just like tfw! I wish I could tell tfw how similar she looks to a woman a decade or more older than her, that would sure chap her a**!
The point that you seem to be missing is that you can't remove those variables in most cases which is WHY the results are what they are.
I grasp that point completely and that's MY point. If you can't remove those variables, than the study doesn't say much.
You might as well call the study "children whose parents don't/can't spend enough time with them have worse outcomes" or "children whose parents struggle financially face tougher outcomes." You could find the same exact results for poor families or working-long-hours families of one or two children, as those seem to be some of the main variables when looking at large families.
It really doesn't have anything to do at all with the number of children.
Being from a small immediate family, I can't imagine why I would take such a study personally. I don't care about large families one way or the other but I happen to think maybe one shouldn't have a large family if they can't afford the time or the money to properly support the children.
I don't like studies though that try to link one thing to the other when the glaring link is actually something like, financial, time, or something else i.e. study warns children with freckles on their noses have worse outcomes. Gimme a break.
ind of OT, but I watched the Teen Mom marathon,and Farrah has a mother named Debra, and holy cow! she looks so much like tfw! She got a make over done, what someone called a 'liquid face lift', got skinny, got long blond hair, and I swear to you, in some scenes she looked just like tfw! I wish I could tell tfw how similar she looks to a woman a decade or more older than her, that would sure chap her a*
I'm a closet Debra fan. I love her craziness. I love watching in horror as Farrah treats her like garbage.
I'm also a closet Teen Mom fan, though only that particular cast, the original. It was just such incredibly juicy well done reality tv. Casting was perfection for what it was. I know there are some other reluctant fans here too!
No it wouldn't. A research finding applicable to the general population doesn't preclude differences when data are disaggregated by subgroup.
Were these small samples that were stratified, with the less numerous categories of those studied in the general population over-sampled to ascertain that they were included, while the larger group was under-sampled because they may be included even if they are under-sampled? Interesting enough, if the over-counted and under-counted are both computed they may come close to the projection for the entire (general) popular projection.
In fact, if it was general population-based study in which the data was collected from a representative sample, will the results reflect how the issue pertains to the general population, regardless if it is national or sub-national (the small sub-group of Amish)? The monkey wrench in all of this is if the data is gathered from a representative sample of the population, the ensuing results attained from the analysis may represent how the issue examined affects the general population.
Was it qualitative research, in-depth studies aimed at special groups of the population, therefore offering more details in order to more effectively take into account many variables? The advantage here would be a much more rapid assessment with the targeted group or individuals within that sub-group, and may take into account that any evidence/data collected can be contaminated by disorienting factors that may confound and invalidate the resulting analysis.
lol!! :) Yes, it's gobbledygook. Pass the keg, please!
I think the commoner sufficiently turned off Schmoops from the horse.
For someone who seems to think they have such a wonderful work ethic, the idea of all the literal crap involved with owning a pony sure scared her away right quick.
Maddy figured out how to be noticed, be the most mean!
Wonderfully insightful comment.
Invite them over here!
Geeze Admin., so glad to know I am not the only viewer here! Debra is so kooky, she does look different with the make over she had done.But I just HATE, HATE the way Farrah speaks to her, it just shocks me, if I ever talked that way to my mother, my head would have went flying!
And how she talks to her FATHER, prairiemom!
It was disgusting. And I hated the way she referred to her bio dad as MICHAEL. Yuck.
I was team parents. They seem dysfunctional but terribly supportive of all their daughter's nonsense and IMO are the reason she's successfully kept custody of her daughter.
I think this was typical Kate twisting words. The addition is the deck. Anything else would have leaked out.
I remember Dr. Joyce Brothers saying that parents should have only one child as they get less intelligent with each child so she and her husband only had one child. Then her daughter had four children. I have always wondered if she felt the same way about them. Would have been interesting to know if she changed her mind.
I noticed even Farrah made it to today.
But still no Schmoopy. Maybe they've finally realized she's mediocre?
Good to hear you are team parents! Farrah is just so cruel the way she treats them, hated the way she treated Michael, all they have done for that little snot, she even complains that when they 'borrow' money from her, that she does not like to give it because she doubts she will ever get paid back. She makes my blood pressure shoot up a bit!
Fleecing The Sheeple (158): "The advantage here would be a much more rapid assessment with the targeted group or individuals within that sub-group, and may take into account that any evidence/data collected can be contaminated by disorienting factors that may confound and invalidate the resulting analysis.
lol!! :) Yes, it's gobbledygook. Pass the keg, please!"
Good one, Fleecing! You had me going there for a minute! Passing the keg right back at you!
Silver (164): "I remember Dr. Joyce Brothers saying that parents should have only one child as they get less intelligent with each child so she and her husband only had one child."
Do the parents get less intelligent with each child, or does each child get less intelligent? If it's the former, then maybe Kate can blame her IQ on having multiples.
admin (159): "For someone who seems to think they have such a wonderful work ethic, the idea of all the literal crap involved with owning a pony sure scared her away right quick."
True, but wouldn't she just add the pony care to the boys' lists of chores?
I don't like studies though that try to link one thing to the other when the glaring link is actually something like, financial, time, or something else i.e. study warns children with freckles on their noses have worse outcomes. Gimme a break.
Yes. A wise college professor once told us that validity in research is only as good as those who collect and analyze the data because data can be manipulated and errors can occur when collecting relative data. Data integrity can very often be compromised, especially when "linking" is implemented in the research.
I noticed that when Mady & Aaden were painting the end tables, there were some really sweet moments of her interacting with him. Makes me think that she's a lot different without the cameras & Kate around.
The advantage here would be a much more rapid assessment with the targeted group or individuals within that sub-group, and may take into account that any evidence/data collected can be contaminated by disorienting factors that may confound and invalidate the resulting analysis.
Actually, Fleecing The Sheeple -- that did make sense to me and I haven't had anything to drink tonight. Not yet.
Auntie Ann, when I edit the acronym list I will add MD Mommy Dearest along with SDI She Deserves It.
Any other suggestions for additions?
Anyone else keeping up with the entertainment gossip site coverage of Madonna s soon Rocco Ritchie and his desire to live with his father Guy Ritchie in Great Britain? From many reports, Apparently she is micro managing mom, plus Rocco is upset he was dragged along on her world tour this past fall, he would rather be home in one spot and have privacy to hang out with friends and live with his father, step mother, and three younger half siblings. he has more privacy at his father's house. Dad has lawyer, and Rocco will have his day in court in New York next month. He turns sixteen next August.
I noticed that when Mady & Aaden were painting the end tables, there were some really sweet moments of her interacting with him. Makes me think that she's a lot different without the cameras & Kate around.
Weren't the cameras around when they were painting? I didn't watch...
...and in other news, Ms Uggs has a new boyfriend and this one is "following" her!
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@GeorgesLaraque thanks for the follow handsome :)
She didn't even wish Kate a Merry Christmas nor a Happy New Year and has not commented on the shows. Hmmmmm!
Why did Aaden have to help Mady with the painting? Oh right, then there would be nothing to film about sibling cooperation? Aaden has always been a sweet kid. He's get along with anybody.
Actually, rainbirdie, your comment made me realize that Mady and Aaden painting was a successful scene if a viewer forgets there is a camera recording it, unlike Kate who talks to some person off camera (Steve) after she makes a ridiculous face or corny joke.
I'm surprised Kate did not tweet about the return to school yesterday. She did her obligatory watch the show tweet with the mysterious "addition". Leave it to Kate to attempt to be cute"ish".
JoyinVirginia said...
Anyone else keeping up with the entertainment gossip site coverage of Madonna s soon Rocco Ritchie and his desire to live with his father Guy Ritchie in Great Britain?
I don't generally follow entertainment "news" but I did notice this one.
I can't imagine anything worse than trying to micro-manage a teenager. It shows a complete lack of respect and lack of trust. This doesn't sound like an ex against ex situation to me. I think this teen may have a girlfriend or close friend back home and doesn't feel like traipsing around the globe in his mother's shadow. She's treated them like adults in many situations in their life (see Lourdes clothing line at age 13 Pffft), but now she wants to play the mommy card? I say leave the kid alone.
True, but wouldn't she just add the pony care to the boys' lists of chores?
Yes but she'd have to redo the chore chart to add all those extra chores. Too much work for poor Schmoops.
In order to film, I would not be surprised she announced to the kids there is a possibility they could get a pony, but that was never in the cards for Kate. Didn't Jon and Kate sell the horses that came with the property or did I just dream that? Anyway, I cannot imagine adding taking care of a pony along with the chicken chores for those boys, particularly Collin. Funny that Collin let it slip he drives the Gator by himself to do his chores and Figure 8 left that in. I bet you that the Figure 8 editor had no clue that it would be controversial about a child driving a Gator by himself. Kate got caught in one of her lies, AGAIN.
I bet you that the Figure 8 editor had no clue that it would be controversial about a child driving a Gator by himself. Kate got caught in one of her lies, AGAIN.
Kate used to be able to preview the episode and have TLC (Jen) fix or cut things out.
"It looks like I"m being mean, cut it out!!!!"
From the sounds of it, TLC is keeping things in there that make Kate look worse, if that's possible.
Teens complaining about filming in the bedroom, in light of the FACT that Kate stated unequivocally that there would be NO FILMING IN BEDROOMS, is telling.
I think all of the kids get pressured to film, whether it's direct threats, bribes or coercion.
TLC stinks said... 181
In order to film, I would not be surprised she announced to the kids there is a possibility they could get a pony, but that was never in the cards for Kate. Didn't Jon and Kate sell the horses that came with the property or did I just dream that? Anyway, I cannot imagine adding taking care of a pony along with the chicken chores for those boys, particularly Collin. Funny that Collin let it slip he drives the Gator by himself to do his chores and Figure 8 left that in. I bet you that the Figure 8 editor had no clue that it would be controversial about a child driving a Gator by himself. Kate got caught in one of her lies, AGAIN.
You are not dreaming, TLC stinks! I remember when they bought the house that there was a condition on the sale of the house that the horses had to STAY.
As soon as the ink was dry, TFW got rid of them for her favorite thing. Cash.
I think that the film editor left Collin's comment about riding the gator by himself in on purpose. She needs to be getting grief for it. It is dangerous and against the rules of John Deere.
An interesting interview of the Making A Murderer filmmakers
TLC stinks said... 181
In order to film, I would not be surprised she announced to the kids there is a possibility they could get a pony...
I'm not sure why 11 year-old kids would want a pony they couldn't ride. Or were these little horses not the mini-horses on RHOBH? I didn't watch so I have no idea of the size.
Breyer Construction @BreyerConstruct 50m50 minutes ago
Tune in tonight to @TLC 's @Kateplusmy8 to see Kate and the kids have a barbecue on the custom deck we built them using @timbertech_deck !
And there's the product placement freebie folks! Kate got a new addition alright, and its name is Timbertech.
I always felt sorry for Madonna's kids Lourdes and Rocco. They seemed very strictly disciplined and made to go to Kabbalah and follow all the dietary guidelines and other rules Madonna set up for them, such as no TV or candy. I do think she always loved them and was trying to give them the best life she knew how. How strange to be Madonna's daughter or son! I remember reading that a page from her SEX book was taped to Lourdes' locker by a schoolmate. But these kids seem to be fighters and talented in their own right.
Is it possible that the new addition is Shoka's puppy? Sorry if this has been mentioned...I haven't had time to read through...
I see that the companies involved in tonight's episode are hyping their involvement.
Breyer Construction @BreyerConstruct · 2h2 hours ago
Tune in tonight to @TLC 's @Kateplusmy8 to see Kate and the kids have a barbecue on the custom deck we built them using @timbertech_deck !
TimberTech @timbertech_deck · 2h2 hours ago
Tune in to Kate Plus 8 tonight at 10pm on TLC to see their new TimberTech Legacy deck! …
Of course, Kate will try to convince everyone that SHE paid for the deck, when the companies probably agreed that they would do the construction and provide the materials in return for free advertising.
I looked at the twitter timeline of the magician who appears on tonight's show. He's been retweeting Kate's tweets for quite some time now.
All of them are using Kate for their own promotion. Somehow I find that ironic.
TLC stinks (#177), your comment reminded me of when TFW tweeted, "Forget cameras often!" I think it was when she helped that injured kid at the indoor
jumping place, claiming she wasn't even thinking that she was being filmed? Suuuuure she wasn't.
redbird said... 148
The Affluenza Teen is living it up in Mexico going to a brothel had 2 hookers and racked up a 2K bill and he was very drunk and his mother paid it for him.
Hopefully, when they get him back they will put him in adult court.
I think his remand to adult court is a given. Worst case is he will only do 120 days in jail. He will likely spend more time in the Mexican holding facility as he fights his extradition. That makes no sense unless he is using his appeal as leverage to keep his mother out of jail. It wouldn't surprise me if his attorney makes the offer to come back and do the time if they let his mother off without a felony conviction or jail time.
In my opinion I think the mother needs to do significant jail time. The lawyers basically argued it was the parents' fault the kid turned out to be a sociopath. Now you've got the mother continuing to directly help the kid evade the consequences of his actions.
Prosecute the mother to the fullest extent of the law and tell the kids' lawyer to go pound sand.
Breyer Construction @BreyerConstruct 50m50 minutes ago
Tune in tonight to @TLC 's @Kateplusmy8 to see Kate and the kids have a barbecue on the custom deck we built them using @timbertech_deck !
Unconditional regret in 3...2...1...
fade2black (#192), ain't it the truth! Have you ever heard of a company saying, "The best decision we ever made was to go into business with Kate Gosselin!"
And poor Schmoopy had her oh-so-clever "addition"
surprised ruined. Rats!
Unconditional regret in 3...2...1...
I was just thinking the same thing...
I've never seen anything like it. I'm just floored at all the stuff she is able to mooch. It never ends.
I still think that Shoka has already sired puppies. She always foreshadows. Always.
Remember how, out of the complete blue, she brings up that she's always wanted to be on DWTS? That was weeks or months before it was made public.
That was so bizarre because she had never shown *any* interest in dancing or anything athletic. I remember thinking...where the h*ll did *that* come from? What a weird thing to say.
If the deck construction company and magician get a crap load of blow back on Twitter, it's richly deserved. They both are hoping to profit from getting face time on a show that exploits children, invades their privacy and exposes them to all sorts of negativity.
Kate has been a polarizing figure for a decade. You'd have to have your head up your ass to not know that she, and the filming of her kids for profit, are controversial and generally perceived negatively.
If you support that show by giving Kate Gosselin more freebies so you might boost your bottom line, you're just as guilty as she is for using her kids. Period.
You've now joined the pantheon of adults who use kids for money.
I hope someone asks who paid for the deck....
MikeB said... 191
In my opinion I think the mother needs to do significant jail time. The lawyers basically argued it was the parents' fault the kid turned out to be a sociopath. Now you've got the mother continuing to directly help the kid evade the consequences of his actions.
Absolutely!! She just waived extradition to Texas. I wonder how her lawyer convinced her not to fight it which would be her typical MO
Kate is a twit said... 189
I looked at the twitter timeline of the magician who appears on tonight's show. He's been retweeting Kate's tweets for quite some time now.
Wasn't there already some magic guy involved before? And tweeting her? She met him somewhere?
Sheepless In Seattle said... 174
I noticed that when Mady & Aaden were painting the end tables, there were some really sweet moments of her interacting with him. Makes me think that she's a lot different without the cameras & Kate around.
Weren't the cameras around when they were painting? I didn't watch...
Yes there were cameras around when they were painting. I was just trying to make the point that Mady has a sweet side & they showed it during that scene. Which opens the possibility that when no cameras are around, she may be a likeable kid. I guess it bothered me that somewhere up above there was discussion about the friend Marley being "toadie" & wanting to be popular with a domineering, famous friend. It's entirely possible that Mady is not a domineering friend off camera. Unfortunately, neither TLC nor her Mother are concerned about how she is portrayed on air. 'Bratty Mady' gets the show lots of conversation - 'Sweet Mady' not so much.
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