Mommy Dearest refuses to let everyone win, which in theory I tend to agree with, but then she says without a hint of irony that you have to work really hard if you want to be first place in life. Lol, not if you can pop out six kids at once.
I guess we're back in PA. Some of the kids are tinkering around on their piano. Oh god, their piano is terribly out of tune. What a waste of a beautiful instrument.
Despite vowing years ago not to film in the children's rooms (From Kate's interview with Oprah: "We don't film in the kids' room. It's a rule. They need their privacy."), here we are filming in Mady's room. Mady explains in excruciating detail about some of the boring knick-knacks she has in there. I worry for the kids in that I think one of the unintended consequences of a reality show is that it can make a child believe that everything about them is always interesting and important. Adulthood is going to be cruel someday.
Cara doesn't want to show her room on camera. She shuts the door. Notably, Mady exclaims to Kate: "You told her you weren't going to do that! You said you weren't going to pressure her into showing her room!"
Number one, I appreciate Mady taking up for Cara. Number two, what a wonderful insight into what really happens behind the scenes. I.e., pressure from Kate on the kids to do things they don't want to do for the cameras. Thanks for that whistle blowing, Mady.
Why is Deanna dressed like a Duggar in a long skirt and cardigan sweater? Cross promotion? In any case Kate's almost-only friend and employee Deanna is going to come along on the antique trip with the twins. Mady quips that she asked Deanna to adopt her a couple times. That's funny.
They head to one of the antique shops, and not surprisingly, it's much more fun to browse antique shops in person than to watch some stranger's kids do so on television.
How old does something have to be before it's considered antique? the half-asleep producer asks the younger three girls. Not willing to fall for that obvious Kids Say the Darndest Things set-up, Leah instead demands: "Why you asking us that?!" I kind of agree with her there. They didn't even go on this trip for pity sake. What do they care? Why doesn't he ask those Roadshow folks over at PBS? They'll know.
They head to some other places around town. Another antique store, more boring browsing. Did Kate give Mady a budget here? What is the occasion for allowing her to go on an antique shopping spree other then the producers thought of it? This junk doesn't always come cheap and I don't see anyone looking at prices.
Whoa, Mady really doesn't give two shits at this point about how Kate looks for the cameras. On the one hand, it's disappointing. On the other, it's a revelation.
Mady is offended because Kate is proud to point out something she knows Mady likes, to which Mady responds with a vicious eyeroll. Out of earshot from Kate she says Kate actually knows nothing about her even though she pretends she does, not her favorite color, or even her favorite food.
I suppose that might be a normal sentiment from a teenager feeling a natural pulling away with her mother. Kids are so fickle at that age too it's hard for even a good mother to keep up with their hormonal ups and downs and preferences. On the other hand I think Mady's probably right, ornery teenager or not, Kate does not really know her children. We know she doesn't just by watching her try to describe them as individuals. She can't say anything more about them than what's on the surface.
Even Cara seems to think that was a little harsh and has to admit that their preferences are always changing. Kate also feels this is just normal teenager stuff. Some of it, yes. Not all of it, I don't think.
The only mildly amusing find they stumble upon is an antique autopsy table. But the joke is over within 10 seconds, yet it feels like we're lingering on this forever. You can almost feel the perking up in the editing bay: Something interesting finally. Cool! It's just like Dexter! Edit, edit, edit!
Mady, with more eye rolls, says Kate makes dating jokes about everything. I'd love to see someone arm-chair psychology that one. Maybe there should be less joking around about it and more getting down to business. Mady says she can't wait until Kate gets married so these jokes can stop. I take that comment as actually the kids would take a new relationship and even marriage in stride. Contrary to the sheeple's claims the reason Kate doesn't date is for the kids (a dig at Jon, who obviously doesn't think of his kids because he dates). The divorce was ages ago, and for most of the kids, it's all they've ever known or almost. There is no hard and fast rule that all kids don't want or can't handle it if their parents move on.
Mady ends up picking up two pretty cool black end tables that in the right hands might be transformed into great night tables. She's enlisted the help of Aaden to help her fix them up. They're real pieces of junk before any work to them, I hope they didn't pay more than 10 bucks for the both of them. So what did the other kids get today? Oh right, nothing.
Mady and Kate are bickering back and forth like school children about whatever, except just one of the two is a school child. Mady finally grows up and thanks Kate for buying the night tables. To which Kate gives her a passive aggressive and immature "yeah" and huffs off. As I said in a recent comment it's very easy to see why this behavior from the children is happening. Kate engages. Instead of telling them stop whining, cut it out, knock it off, she instead engages. She argues back, she whines and bickers back. The kids get rewarded for whining every time because Kate responds and in some cases capitulates. I'm guessing if Kate vowed not to engage or give into them, and to start cutting them off when they start that behavior, this would all change within a matter of a week. Kids are as bad as the reins allow them to be, and these reins are so long I can't even see the wagon.
Aaden isn't wearing his glasses and my goodness now that he's not hiding behind them this little guy is a real heart-breaker! So handsome. He reminds me of Josef Gordon-Levitt in his younger days.
For an excruciating long time, we watch Aaden and Mady wash and spray paint the tables. The homespun guitar picking soundtrack sounds more like it belongs in a Ken Burns documentary than this drivel. You'll have to use your imagination to picture the camera slowly panning up this photo as David McCullough narrates soothingly.
I guess Kate has already gotten over her grudge, children usually do quickly, and brings the kids out some root beer. I hate to say it but the finished silver and red tables look worse than when they started, the spray paint is terribly uneven, but that's to be expected. Mady's only 14 and did this all by herself because her mother is 12 and left her to her own devices. Paige and Ty this teen is not. Speaking of which, I really liked TLC circa 1999. Didn't we all? Well, all of us except the homeowners of this room:
We're back and a savvy cameraman has zoomed in on the latest chore chart. Thank you for that tidbit, camera boy. I see Kate learned nothing from Kendra, a woman who broke down in tears at how hard the kids work and noticed the imbalance between the boys' chores and the girls. The girls get to do the quick, fun chores like clean the table, feed the dog, and rinse out the toothbrush sink. Can't each tooth brusher rinse out their own mess they make? Gross. The boys however are bogged down with the nasty, time-consuming chores, like cleaning three bathrooms and tidying up the basement.
Today, in another attempt to illicit some drama, they're visiting The Land of Little Horses. Kate talks as if she's actually considering getting a pony. It's like she's living out every little child's fantasy over and over on this show. Disney World! The beach! I want a pony! It's funny, yet a little creepy isn't it?
The ponies are marvelous. My dear ex-lawyer friend in Wyoming owns a pony named Stewey, and he's the most ridiculously cute thing in the world until you find out he's a little pisser and pushes around all the other full sized horses and humans too. But that's also cute.
Why doesn't Kate get an ass? It would go perfectly with her hat.

I looked down for one second to pull the above photo and found Kate's talking to some proletariat about what's involved with owning a pony. That doesn't happen much, interaction with the riffraff. Thankfully the lovely commoner makes a pony sound like a lot of work and not as easy as it looks. Kate has a dismayed look on her face, which means they probably won't be getting one, thank God. I don't know what she's worried about though. Just add this to the chore chart, on the boys' side.
Next the dog and pony show goes to a literal dog and pony show with dogs and ponies doing agility, plus a goat. So, dog, pony, and goat show. Either they sold out the entire place for this family or this show isn't all that popular. It does feel a little Great Depression era two-bit traveling circus show and definitely a little babyish for 11 and 14-year-olds.
The horses can do math, which means they're already close to edging out poor Schmoopy here in the I.Q department.
Next they go to a petting zoo with adorable goats and llamas. Surprisingly, Mady said she loved this outing. And that's the problem with teenagers is it's walking on egg shells, especially this one. On another day Mady could have been whining and moaning through this entire thing. A tiny, tiny part of me gets Kate. Blech.
Next up, who's gonna get Chopped?! Two things of note during this segment of commercials. One is they're not only recycling plot lines within Kate Plus 8, but now apparently lending them out to other shows. 7 Little Johnstons are going camping, and, surprise, the weather is terrible and everyone is upset! Later is a promo for the stupid Jill and Jessa Duggar show which is really just the Duggars with a different name than that other child molester show. Anyway, this promo features that creepy Children of the Corn robotic 9-1-1 call from Ma Duggar: "Mother is bleeding after birth." Wtf! I guess I already missed that episode but despite myself I want to see it just for that.
Next up in this hodge-podge is Kate's idea she thought up late one night (heh, I just spit my Coke!) to have a cooking competition among the children. Oh it's their nanny again. A couple episodes ago Kate made it seem like Andrea had just swung by on her way to CVS to help them out in Flar-ida. But here she is popping up hither and yon all summer long. There's nothing wrong with having a full-time summer (or perhaps more) nanny if you can afford such a luxury, why not just own it?
The nanny has ugly french-tip nails just like Kate. How does one raise or raise-nanny eight children with those? I wonder if that's why she got hired.
They do a school yard pick, and tragically, Alexis and Collin get picked last. It's obvious those two are the family misfits. Alexis is not girly enough for the girly girls, so she's their scapegoat. And Collin, it's unclear what the issue is, but what I do see is he is solemn and silent on camera most of the time and the children largely ignore him, forming deeper and deeper bonds without him. They are young enough for a parent to intervene and stop this nonsense, but she won't. In fact she's standing right there smiling gleefully at all this, like it's fun to watch two children always left out get left out once again. F-ed up. Here's a genius idea, count off from one to six. Even to Mady odd to Cara. It's fair, and no one's feelings get hurt.
Kate really wants to see someone win (and, i.e., someone lose of course), and emphasizes this is about winning. Alexis says something about um, isn't this supposed to be about fun? Even Mady makes a snide comment about how it's all about winning for Kate. It's really hilarious when the children have moments where they are more mature than their mother, who is almost 30 years older than them.
Like I said before I agree with Kate to some extent, kids shouldn't always win, but could she try to act a little less sociopathic about it?
Mady says Kate criticizes them a lot, telling them they're doing things wrong. "When you only watch our show you only have to take her [Kate] an hour at a time. We do it every single day," Mady says. Heh. Must be hell.
I think Kate's rules are kind of stupid here. She's put ten ingredients in their mystery basket but they don't have to use all ten, they can pass on half of them. But that's the whole point, and fun, of Chopped. You get a wild ingredient thrown at you and there are no passes. If the kids get a pass, or five passes, they won't be forced to think through how they're going to make a difficult or unfamiliar ingredient work, stretching their young minds in the process. The way Kate has it, they can work around anything difficult to get to a dish they more or less would have made anyway on a normal day. What's more, it makes judging much harder and potentially unfair because you could be judging on a completely different set of ingredients. She never thinks stuff like this through and it's so hard for her to "get" something so simple.
The twins are onto this. Kate just wants the kids to make her lunch. Lol!
Collin, Hannah and Aaden are on Mady's team. Mady says she has the worst team. Aw, does she have to say that right in front of them? They look sad and just stare as she orders them about. How many plates are they supposed to make? There are like three skinny stalks of green onion and two little avocados. Kate's given them enough of these ingredients to feed a small ant farm and that's about it. I think they're right, she does just want someone to make her lunch!
Joel, apparently the smartest in the bunch, advises Aaden not to tell the producers anything bad about the twins because the twins are going to see this. He gets it.
Lengthy conversations about how the twins like to be in charge and the kids think they're bossy. The only thing rather interesting about all this is none of the kids, not a single one, wants Kate to hang around the kitchen during all this. She really sounds like a pain in the ass of a mother.
Cara's team made a tortilla corn salad with guacamole on top. It's colorful. Andrea and Kate say all nice things about it and act very impressed. Mady's team made tortilla chips and sesame tuna salad. That's something I would eat as an afternoon snack, looks yummy. Kate's criticism is she wants a garnish on the plate? Huh? Okay, 1985. As many of the food network shows say now, you don't put a garnish on a plate anymore unless it's meant to be eaten.
The tuna is simpler than the first dish especially since the tuna came straight from the can, but then the first dish looks raw to my eyes. I would have preferred the vegetables be sauteed and the tortilla be grilled or at least warmed up. Still, if I had to pick what I wanted to eat, I would have just gone with the simple tuna and chips. The tuna team added sesame to it which is a great pairing with tuna, and I'm not sure they knew that, so they get bonus points for that. I'd call this a draw, but I can't really say who should have won for sure without tasting them.
We're back, and nothing sucks the fun out of Chopped more than a harpy bringing you back to reality demanding you check with the other team to see if they've already opened up something before you open the same thing. The fun doesn't stop with lunch, now they're going to make dessert too. Kate's getting really lazy now, she says just use whatever ingredients you want. Lol, what's the point?
What the hell are Andrea and Kate doing? Looks like they're painting Easter eggs or something. There's so much crap all over the table they're at I can't even make out what's going on. And I've spent too much time wondering about something sure to be pointless and asinine. Mady politely asks if she can throw out her dessert and start over because she messed up. Kate is surprisingly patient about that, tells her that's fine.
You know what's nuts? Kate looks so much better without makeup and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Many women do, but they don't believe that for some reason.
Mady made a cookie with avocado, which is not that weird at all despite the shocked face Andrea makes. Avocado is a common substitution as it's very fatty. Cara made a delicious cupcake she's made before.
Kate says she liked Cara's food better, "which doesn't help us." Why? If you liked Cara's food better, Cara should win. I don't get it. And, Mady wins? Huh?
Kate says she gave Mady credit for perservering and hanging in there. Hanging in there baking a cookie and brushing some sesame seed oil on tortilla chips? Someone please put me out of my misery. I didn't realize you could get wild card points for "trying" that could push you into the winner's circle even if your food was sub-par. Wtf! Even Mady admits she won because of sympathy and acknowledges Cara's food was better. Here is where Mady has some growing up to do. If she notices such an obvious injustice, she should tell Kate. It's just a stupid game, tell Kate you don't have to let me win because you feel bad (or are just trying to avoid a meltdown), give the win to the better meals. You know who is, shockingly, wonderful with child chefs? Gordon Ramsey. He tells them when they fuck up and he doesn't sugar coat it, and sometimes there are tears, but the kids admire and respect him and want to be told where they went wrong so they can learn and grow as chefs. No one ever won on Master Chef because Gordon Ramsey felt sorry for them and gave their shitty poached egg a pass.
The theme of this season has been irony, and here it is yet again. Kate just told us in a long and boring speech how important it is the kids understand in life there are winners and losers and that she's not going to let them win. And I think actually, a lot of parents would agree with her--it's important this helicopter generation of kids understand you win some you lose some. And yet here she is, awarding a win to the undeserving child. What!
And if you want to know why Mady is the way she is, it's because of things like that Kate pulls. Mady runs the dog, pony and goat show, and she knows it, and that's the worst when a child has that much awareness of their power.
Lol, Joel rounds out the episode by saying eh, he'd rather be playing laser tag. Ha, touché!
276 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 276 of 276 Newer› Newest»Tucker's Mom said... 182
I think all of the kids get pressured to film, whether it's direct threats, bribes or coercion.
In one her Mommy's Journal email exchanges to Wendy, Kate apologized for 'going beyond being Kate' because she wanted to secure a foreverness (her word) for her family that would pay for everything such as the house and college educations for the kids. She said she hoped to still be filming when she was old and gray and know without a doubt that she had done the right thing.
What I can glean from that ridiculous statement is she thinks that by being more noxious for the cameras it will keep the network happy with the show and they'd continue to film until the end of time.
It makes me wonder if those kids ever really know who their mother is -- the "beyond Kate" who lies and makes stupid faces for the cameras or the actual Kate -- the slackass mom who doesn't pay a damn bit of attention to them unless the film crew is around. For her the show IS her life but she's distorted the reality of her kids' lives because of her warped thinking.
So yes, how much pressure, bribes and coercion does go on in that house to keep the foreverness she so badly desires? Their heads must be spinning.
I can't wait to read their books when they get published in a few years. And there WILL be books.
Last week, George Lopez tweeted that he was watching Kate plus 8:
George Lopez@georgelopez · 29 Dec 2015
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC I've been watching , transfixed #cheers
So Kate is now tweeting(using)him:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 46m46 minutes ago
Hey @georgelopez ....hope you'll be watching #KatePlus8 tonight at 10pm on @TLC ? #Magic #NewAddition #FamilyFun 👩🏼👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👦🏻👦🏻👦🏻🐶🐦
And, as usual, Milo just has to jump into the convo:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 44m44 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @georgelopez @TLC And you need to remind him, he's supposed to get you that #HotLatinoDate? Remember? :)
I guess it bothered me that somewhere up above there was discussion about the friend Marley being "toadie" & wanting to be popular with a domineering, famous friend. It's entirely possible that Mady is not a domineering friend off camera.
I called Mady's sidekick a toadie and didn't imply that she's there because she wants to be popular. Marley appears to worship Mady and gives Mady the adulation she, like her mother, wants.
I think Marley puts Mady on a pedestal because she's on tv, and at that age, a kid could find that cool; style over substance.
Mady's been seen protecting her younger siblings, but she resents the hell out of them. I don't think she's ever received professional counseling for that.
To be her age and feel the need to tell the world how much you dislike your siblings is concerning. Is she doing it to be a drama queen? The evidence on film makes me say "no".
'Bratty Mady' gets the show lots of conversation - 'Sweet Mady' not so much.
Bratty Mady is just the anecdote K+8 needed after Jon left the show. She's being used for maximal ratings.
I really do not believe there is a puppy there....yet. However, I absolutely believe Shoka has sired puppies and there will be an entire episode because they are hard up for show ideas. It'll happen this spring.
Wasn't there already some magic guy involved before? And tweeting her? She met him somewhere?
It's the same guy. He met her in Target. This was their twitter exchange back in April, and he's been tweeting and retweeting her ever since.
Eddy Ray @eddyray · 4 Apr 2015
@Kateplusmy8 was nice seeing you in Target today, thanks for the pleasant conversation! keep up the great work!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8 · 4 Apr 2015
@eddyray Was nice to meet you too..In the Easter candy aisles no less! Lol! Didn't know u were a magician! I have boys who are obsessed!:) 🃏
Eddy Ray @eddyray · 4 Apr 2015
@Kateplusmy8 Yes, lol the candy aisle was almost bare I did a show about 2 yrs ago in Willow St, few of your kids were there. keep in touch
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8 · 4 Apr 2015
@eddyray perhaps you could work your magic to make candy appear for moms who waited til last minute (ex: me)? Lol.
Eddy Ray @eddyray · 4 Apr 2015
@Kateplusmy8 lol that would be a great trick! think you'll be fine ;-) . Have a great Easter! magic is just a hop away, I'm in Newmanstown
Eddy Ray @eddyray · 4 Apr 2015
@Kateplusmy8 for your budding magicians, a small series I did a while back :) …
Guess that's when she came up with the idea to have the boys meet him and do a magic show.
She sees the "foreverness" with Duggar clan, so that's her plan too. However, the Duggars are of like mind and it's not the case with Gosselin kids. They are just under Kate's thumb now, not brain washed like the Duggars. Jon wanted his life back, and so will the kids.
Hey, I signed up with blogger on Goggle. Now when I want to post a comment I have to sign in with them. It is a pain in the butt. What does everybody use that doesn't make you sign in with them first? Thanks, I appreciate it.
Margaret Meade @DonutsForCollin 9m9 minutes ago Another winter is here with sub zero temps and Shoka is still forced to be outside, alone, lonely.
Nope. Not here. It's been a relatively mild winter and temps are forecast to be in the high 40s, low 50s this weekend with no sub-zero temperatures forecast this month or even in February. Thank goodness that so far it has not been a repeat of last winter.
That said, it was bitterly cold last night, and should be the same tonight, and I was thinking about Kate's dog and if he was outside last night. I hope not...that she is bringing him in at night. Daytime temps on these sunny days really aren't too bad. It was the wind last night that was so nasty.
Hey, I signed up with blogger on Goggle. Now when I want to post a comment I have to sign in with them. It is a pain in the butt. What does everybody use that doesn't make you sign in with them first? Thanks, I appreciate it.
Leslie -- under Comment as, go to second option from the bottom, Name/URL and just type in your name, no URL is needed.
It's the same guy. He met her in Target. This was their twitter exchange back in April, and he's been tweeting and retweeting her ever since.
LOL!! Yes. He is very enamored with her, obsessed actually. I wonder if his wife knows!
I don't know him, but I do know some who have hired him for shows and I'm told that he isn't bad. His shows
aren't just for little kids. He does corporate shows and events as well.
Anonymous said... 8
Hey, I signed up with blogger on Goggle. Now when I want to post a comment I have to sign in with them. It is a pain in the butt. What does everybody use that doesn't make you sign in with them first? Thanks, I appreciate it.
Hey, Leslie. I just stay logged in. No biggie. Then I'm always ready to go.
However, I absolutely believe Shoka has sired puppies and there will be an entire episode because they are hard up for show ideas.
Deliberate or by accident? Why are you convinced that he *is* the father of some puppies? Where is Maury when you need him?
R'uh R'oh! Nancy Grace has a problem with "Making a Murderer"
Omg! I just realized what case this is! I remember this well. This guy is guilty.
Looks like the guy was networking with her. It worked. If he's a local guy, he must be thrilled to get the publicity. He is small potatoes compared to the deck installation, even the landscapers in last week's episode cost a pretty penny. The only way she could get TLC to pick up the tab was to have the kids help.
For making up a dream list of vacations and household projects, she gets the title of producer and all the benefits without the cost. No wonder she doesn't want to give up filming.
And, as usual, Milo just has to jump into the convo:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 44m44 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @georgelopez @TLC And you need to remind him, he's supposed to get you that #HotLatinoDate? Remember? :)
Good gawd. What in the heck is wrong with her? Kate is her life! She just can't keep her nose out of anything. Someone posted a link to an article on fans and celebrities. Inserting oneself into the celebrity's conversations and relationships is a huge red flag when it comes to an obsession that turns into full-blown stalking.
...and in other news, Ms Uggs has a new boyfriend and this one is "following" her!
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@GeorgesLaraque thanks for the follow handsome :)
She didn't even wish Kate a Merry Christmas nor a Happy New Year and has not commented on the shows. Hmmmmm!
Has she ever met any of these boyfriends, had coffee with them, gotten a shout-out, hugs, or whatever she wants from them? She really is an odd one. Kate knew what she was doing when she distanced herself from this person.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8 · 4 Apr 2015
@eddyray Was nice to meet you too..In the Easter candy aisles no less! Lol! Didn't know u were a magician! I have boys who are obsessed!:) 🃏
Eddy Ray @eddyray · 4 Apr 2015
@Kateplusmy8 Yes, lol the candy aisle was almost bare I did a show about 2 yrs ago in Willow St, few of your kids were there. keep in touch
I am guessing Jon took the kids to the magic show since Kate had no idea the guy was a magician. I wonder if panic and mayhem ensued.
I am guessing Jon took the kids to the magic show since Kate had no idea the guy was a magician. I wonder if panic and mayhem ensued.
I'm betting yeah, Jon took them. I know, unfathomable that a parent would do all sorts of fun stuff with the kids with no cameras around.
Omg! I just realized what case this is! I remember this well. This guy is guilty.
I'm not convinced of that at all. I don't know what happened to that woman, but even if he did have something to do with it, the whole prosecution was so corrupt the conviction shouldn't. We can't, as a society, allow convictions that way, even of the guilty. It puts the entire system in jeopardy.
Has anyone noticed the defective detective is doing a massive P.R. campaign on twitter on behalf of Bullyville.
Admin@20...I do not know that Steven is innocent, but I am 100% convinced neither he nor Brendan Dassey the got a fair trial. I can't support the current petition asking for a pardon, but they both deserve a new trial that would be held far, far away from Manitowoc County.
Admin@20...I do not know that Steven is innocent, but I am 100% convinced neither he nor Brendan Dassey the got a fair trial. I can't support the current petition asking for a pardon, but they both deserve a new trial that would be held far, far away from Manitowoc County.
I'm with you 100%. I'm not signing anything to give them a pardon. However, throw everything out and start over and do this case right. Give them a fair trial and not just in the next county over. And throw out Brandon's confession. That needs to be gone.
I'd also love an explanation how exactly his vial of blood from his first case was tampered with.
Oh thanks for the comment about signing in with just your name. I appreciate that.
I'm binging Making A Murderer and am just up to episode 3. It looks really bad for Steve right now, but there's a long way to go.
I'm just scrolling past posts so I don't get anymore spoilers.
This show is really well done. Wow.
@Anonymous I saw that as well,in fact someone on twitter said CJ is basically the MiloandJack of BullyVille,which i found funny.
Sorry, Tucker's Mom@25, I try to remember to mark the spoilers but I forgot on my last post. Mea culpa!
Admin, is it a common practice for the judge from the original trial to preside over an appeal? Am I remembering this wrong or was that what happened here?
fade2black said... 27
Sorry, Tucker's Mom@25, I try to remember to mark the spoilers but I forgot on my last post. Mea culpa!
No problem! I have the gist of what happened, but I'm looking forward to discussing the details.
Right now I'm watching the investigators spoon feed and prompt Brendan to tell them what happened to the victim.
It's obvious that this slow kid is very out of his depth and is searching for the answers they are trying to get him to say.
Reminds me of dog training. Dogs will offer behaviors and look for you to approve and reward. They don't understand language, but they sure do figure out how to please you- to solve the riddle, if you will.
Anonymous said... 21
Has anyone noticed the defective detective is doing a massive P.R. campaign on twitter on behalf of Bullyville.
No, but nothing surprises me with those people. They can't seem to see the forest for the trees.
I'm with you Admin. Brendan's confession needs to be tossed and without a new trial, I couldn't say if either are guilty or innocent. But can they get a fair trial in WI? Maybe Madison, but even there I'd have concerns. I understand the filmmakers were on the Today show discussing new developments with Steven's jury.
Has anyone noticed the defective detective is doing a massive P.R. campaign on twitter on behalf of Bullyville.
Awwwww....defending her hero to the bitter end. So sweet :)
Jane...30...I understand the filmmakers were on the Today show discussing new developments with Steven's jury.
I posted this link earlier, but didn't go into detail about what it is. If the information the filmmakers shared about a juror they spoke to after the trial is true, it is a real jawdropper.
Tucker's Mom@28...I'm watching the investigators spoon feed and prompt Brendan to tell them what happened to the victim.
So much of this film made me angry, but this scene broke my heart. That poor child probably still doesn't understand what happened to him.
"Breyer Construction @BreyerConstruct 50m50 minutes ago
Tune in tonight to @TLC 's @Kateplusmy8 to see Kate and the kids have a barbecue on the custom deck we built them using @timbertech_deck !"
They're getting negative comments. One tweeter said they were blocked.
Milo's head is so far up Kreider's ass it's embarrassing. Who needs PR? Most recently groveling to the deck company and George Lopez.
Her number one fan, yeah that's livin!
Thanks, fade2black. Pretty incredible stuff.
Admin, is it a common practice for the judge from the original trial to preside over an appeal? Am I remembering this wrong or was that what happened here?
NO. It's an appeal panel, and their job is to review the lower court. The lower court can't review himself.
If they kick it back, it does go back to the same judge, but you can file a motion to get a new judge that has to be granted. The idea that a judge might be mad they got reversed and hold it against you is the reasoning behind that.
P.J. said... 14
R'uh R'oh! Nancy Grace has a problem with "Making a Murderer"
Omg! I just realized what case this is! I remember this well. This guy is guilty.
Nancy Grace mentioned the hood had been changed on Teresa's car. Was that mentioned during the trial? I don't remember hearing that.
So much of this film made me angry, but this scene broke my heart. That poor child probably still doesn't understand what happened to him.
Brendan is either a very, very good, or he's mentally handicapped.
Every professional adult is treating him like he's half as intelligent as they are, and he can't string a sentence together. He doesn't understand most of what's said to him!
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Melodye Shore @MelodyeShore 9m9 minutes ago
@BreyerConstruct @TLC @Kateplusmy8 @timbertech_deck You're a well-respected family business. Sorry to hear about this recent entanglement.
Well, if they didn't see this coming, they'd better buckle up for a bumpy ride.
You're about to get NoNetz'd.
Best to lay low.
I don't recall the documentary mentioning the hood, I'm going to watch it again as soon as I can, but I did find an email from the prosecutor saying non-blood DNA was found on the hood. Nancy Grace says he "changed" the hoods on the cars. Isn't it possible, even remotely, someone else could have done that, and the replacement hood had his sweat on it from another job?
Here's what the prosecutor said: "Avery’s DNA (not blood) was on the victim’s hood latch (under her hood in her hidden SUV). The SUV was at the crime lab since 11/5…how did his DNA get under the hood if Avery never touched her car? Do the cops have a vial of Avery’s sweat to “plant” under the hood?"
I think Avery's attorney actually said it best, and this a spoiler from the last episode. He said you know, I hope he is guilty, I really do. Because if he's not this is just outrageous. I completely understand what he means.
In fairness to everyone I wish I could watch the whole trial from start to finish to see exactly what was presented to the jury. Obviously a documentary format doesn't allow for that. I thought they did a decent job though of showing some of the worst evidence against him balanced against some of what didn't add up at all.
I still find it hard to believe he would stash her car right on her property like that in more or less plain view. That seems REALLY dumb. Like too perfect to be believed dumb.
Tucker's Mom - I'm quite sure that in one of the early episodes, it was mentioned that Brendan's IQ was 69 and that he had many learning disabilities. Either Brendan or Steve, or maybe both, were in some special ed classes, also. Which makes the manner that confession was obtained just unconscionable.
I still find it hard to believe he would stash her car right on her property like that in more or less plain view. That seems REALLY dumb. Like too perfect to be believed dumb.
The thing that kept going through my mind as the end of the documentary got closer was, how could the police have done all that had to be done to make Avery look guilty: move the car, burn the bones, plant the bone fragments on Avery's property, plant blood and other DNA. Furthermore, what a coincidence if Teresa was found dead after she just happened to have been at Avery's house earlier, and how and where did the police find her body?
Jane said... 42
Tucker's Mom - I'm quite sure that in one of the early episodes, it was mentioned that Brendan's IQ was 69 and that he had many learning disabilities. Either Brendan or Steve, or maybe both, were in some special ed classes, also. Which makes the manner that confession was obtained just unconscionable.
January 5, 2016 at 4:25 PM
Like trying to explain gravity to a chicken ;-)
The thing that kept going through my mind as the end of the documentary got closer was, how could the police have done all that had to be done to make Avery look guilty: move the car, burn the bones, plant the bone fragments on Avery's property, plant blood and other DNA. Furthermore, what a coincidence if Teresa was found dead after she just happened to have been at Avery's house earlier, and how and where did the police find her body?
We keep churning this around and around. It would have to be a big conspiracy, but knowing that lot, I can't rule it out. Our best guess is this. Those two dirty cops were literally staking out the house waiting for someone young and vulnerable to kill and then frame him. A stretch, absolutely--but not impossible.
Another scenerio is Avery absolutely did it, but the police seized the opportunity and helped it along with a few things, like getting Brendan to be a "witness" and planting a few pieces of evidence. That's not right either.
I've always said the person I feel the worst for is Brendan. That was just wrong.
Well, if they didn't see this coming, they'd better buckle up for a bumpy ride.
You're about to get NoNetz'd.
Best to lay low. (Tucker's Mom, 40)...
Yes. Sometimes those who don't like Kate can't leave well enough alone. What do they hope to accomplish? Remove the deck? If the company is smart, they'll just ignore it.
I don't do twitter, but I do read the timeline and tweet tunnel. I am really twitter-challenged, so I don't understand exactly about the "real time," DMs, favoriting and such, but I do wonder about the timeline. Is it current as it happens, or are there tweets there that take place over a period of time and are on a delay? Sorry if this sounds like a sheeple question, but I was wondering about something. Whenever I check the timeline, there is always one particular non-fan there, always the same one, with two or three others not far behind. How is this live on there practically 24/7, with only a few hours "off" to sleep or do whatever? Who are these people and is this their life? Is it a mission to tweet on such a regular basis, so religiously that they appear to have an addiction to Kate's twitter? I just don't get it. Are they retired, or perhaps home-bound?
I hope that tonight's lead-in by the new Little Couple episode isn't a ratings boost for Kate. Two consecutive high ratings will send the fans into a giddy frenzy, convinced that "she's back" and going full speed ahead. Geeze.
Maybe im just finding an excuse but does anyone believe that George Lopez was the reason why Kate had a high viewers last time?Its just as soon as he started twitting that he was watching the show,it got higher viewersOf course we know why Kate is twitting him cause she knows if he watchs,some of his fans will watch,which means more viewers.
reader said... 35
Milo's head is so far up Kreider's ass it's embarrassing.
But it seems like she's happy living up there because it's the closest she can get to Kate. Given time, the rest of her body will find its way there. Whatever turns her on. I sometimes wonder if it's all for "show" and she just enjoys the attention. That one scares me.
If "she" is a catfish, she's really quite good at it. Nobody seems to know her identity, or if the fans do, they are not saying. Seems that with all the sleuthing that could be done by Kate's non-fans, they would have figured out by now who or what she is. I thought that she would have been exposed a long time ago.
Has anyone noticed the defective detective is doing a massive P.R. campaign on twitter on behalf of Bullyville.
Awwwww....defending her hero to the bitter end. So sweet :)
I think that considering all of the trouble in which he finds himself, any smart person would want to distance themselves and get as far away as possible.
Kate's reviving her dead blog to post about her deck. Ugh, the work you have to do to get a brand new deck.
She typed her French tips to the nubs doing that.
You can't make this stuff up!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h4 hours ago
@georgelopez @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Good man...remembering your funny interview w/Kate after #DWTS. You still owe her that #LatinoDate.
George Lopez @georgelopez · 4h4 hours ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @TLC #thatstrue
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h4 hours ago
@georgelopez @Kateplusmy8 @TLC She's in the #DatingMood..finally! Start looking George...❤
Get to it, George! CHOP! CHOP!
The addition!
Almost as soon as we settled into this house, a perfectly beautiful backdrop for making many lasting family memories together, the stress ramped up. Life became even busier, more stressful, often teetering on the edge of impossible and “just too much” for me to handle. Now mostly alone. Family memories began to mean more to me than they had before. Pool time followed by a grilled dinner, eaten as a family on our picnic table was a favorite. It was difficult (to say the least) due to the logistics of where the kitchen was in relation to where our grill was located. And since I was the “grill master” AND the lifeguard, I’d often make dinner while the kids swam….made sense, but it wasn’t practical. And so, we didn’t really grill as often as we wanted to….
For all the reasons above, I naturally began to envision that “dreamed of deck” — in vivid detail — each and every time I’d walk into the kitchen and look out the windows into our back yard. I didn’t do it consciously. My mind just wandered there. I began to secretly save money whenever I could to make this deck dream come true for our family. A little here. A little there. I didn’t tell the kids I had started saving, but I did start to muse out loud how wonderful it would be to be able to open that door and walk out onto the deck and grill dinner. Then sit there together until it was dark outside, watching the stars in the summer sky twinkle down at us! Ahhhhh! After musing, at the beginning of each new year, I began “declaring” that “this year we are getting the deck put on,” but as my kids would tell you, that got old. After about 3 years of my “declarations” they stopped believing me. Ha!
It was built during school year, not a summer project:
Everyday, the kids would race home from school and run out to the backyard to see “how far they got today.”
From Megyn Kelly
DON'T MISS: "@MakingAMurderer" defense attorney Dean Strang & prosecutor Ken Kratz join me to discuss the Steven Avery case. Tune in 9p ET!
That blog is awful. She needs an editor. Some things in the blog.
1. She actually acknowledged there was a show called Jon and Kate plus Eight.
2. She acts like she paid for it.
3. The children will get married on the deck and in the backyard. There will be umpteen grandchildren.
4. Birds serenaded them, and an owl wished them "good night".
TLC stinks (#53), what a steaming load that is.
I don't know where to begin with my criticism,
so I'll leave that to others. But if she's going
to pretend that she scrimped and saved to get this thing built, then where the heck does Breyer Construction come in?
What do you guys think? $20k?
"TLC stinks (#53), what a steaming load that is."
I second that Flimsy.
I began to secretly save money whenever I could to make this deck dream come true for our family. A little here. A little there. I didn’t tell the kids I had started saving, but I did start to muse out loud how wonderful it would be to be able to open that door and walk out onto the deck and grill dinner
OK, now I'm throwing the b.s. flag. Unless squirreling away a grand or 3 at a time is "a little her and a little there" for Kate, she did not pay for that deck. Not full price, not by a looooooong shot.
We just replaced our deck last year and I am very familiar with the cost of everything. Every material, all the logistics, all the labor. How painstaking every decision and comprimise is in order to do what you want and not go over budget.
Nope, not buying it.
She's a tweeting machine tonight....
Kate Gosselin
12m12 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Oh, @alexavega & @TheCarlosPena ,#KatePlus8 is on in 1.5 hrs & Cara&Mady are MORE excited that your NEW #LexLos merch is avail! #OrderingNow
@Ncgirl Couple of things.1.Will her new fans ask who jon is?2.Don't need to explain this but we know TLC paid for it.3.So now the kids HAVE to get married at that house(if she still lives there)?4)Pretty sure Zorro wished he was with those flock of birds.
TLC stinks said... 58
What do you guys think? $20k?
January 5, 2016 at 5:33 PM
For that deck? No way. Think more.
Way, way more.
Here's a summary of her blog post:
1. I wanted a new deck, but didn't want to pay for it.
2. When TLC started filming us again, I realized that I could get someone to give us the deck for free, as long as I gave them free advertising and included the installation as part of the show. Isn't product placement a wonderful idea?
3. I had to write this blog post as part of our agreement. I had to make sure to include the name of the builder and the maker of the deck materials.
4. Score one for me!! YAY!!
Along with the deck, they expertly helped me design the outdoor kitchen straight out of my wildest dreams complete with tons of beautiful stone top counter space, and the perfect storage cabinets for all of my outdoor cooking supplies and dishes. AND, to be clear, they didn’t just “build a deck.” They constructed a beautiful canvas where our family will make endless memories that will last a lifetime. They set the stage, so to speak, for countless cookouts with plenty of beautiful space to entertain our many friends who have stood by us, helped us, supported us and loved us over the years. They created an outdoor peaceful oasis where we can sit alone to view and listen to nature when our house gets way too loud and we need a little time away from it all. They gave me a chance to breathe fresh air and observe nature all while I’m making dinner — YEAR ROUND — only now I am conveniently only steps away from my kitchen yet still near my kids while they do their homework either on the deck or just inside the door, and while they swim, on my newly elevated “lifeguard perch!” They created a new sunny spot for Shoka to sun bathe and a new door for him to guard :), and an outdoor jungle area for Zorro to visit on summer days (in his cage, of course!). And, looking — hopefully very far — into the future, they unknowingly gave me a natural “play pen” for the umpteen grandchildren I no doubt have coming my way…. But only AFTER the weddings that will take place on our deck and in our back yard, of course!
Ok, with the outdoor kitchen I'll up it to $25k.
And Milo is up Kate's ass:
Fired Up 4 Kate
15m15 minutes ago
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @alexavega @TheCarlosPena One day Cara & Mady will design their own signature merchandise! Then #LexLos can return favor! :)
Kate's blog post is one big informercial for which she was handsomely compensated.
@TLC stinks There's also this tweet,which can you say,"Drink more Kool aid."Though im sure milo would love to bath in Kate's Kool aid.
Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Some haters should be feeling really foolish & ashamed 4spamming lies about #TLC buying this deck for you! #YouSavedForIt
Kate GosselinVerified account @Kateplusmy8 1m1 minute ago
@MiloandJack HA! Not a dollar spent wasn't mine! #HowIWishOtherwise #DreamOn
I'm sure Kate did pay (substantially less) with her own money. I also believe she bartered the cost of materials and labor/design in order to pay substantially less, by offering them publicity and marketing.
If Kate says it, it MUST be true:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Some haters should be feeling really foolish & ashamed 4spamming lies about #TLC buying this deck for you! #YouSavedForIt
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @CarleneMarie_1 @Kateplusmy8 LOL Kate just extensively said SHE PAID FOR IT. End of the matter.. Nutsos just have 2accept it!
Dear Milo--Isn't it a just little coincidental that Kate finally had enough money for a new deck at exactly the time that TLC was filming her family again? And that the building of the new deck is included in the show?
If Kate said the sky was red, I'm sure you'd believe that too.
And how exactly does she manage to be a "lifeguard" whilst on this second-story deck? Zipline to the pool? Hard to believe she expects anyone to buy the notion that she "saved up" for the deck. The bullshit never stops. And I guess it never will.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m10 minutes ago
@MiloandJack HA! Not a dollar spent wasn't mine! #HowIWishOtherwise #DreamOn
Oh well isn't that just disingenuous. Yes, not a dollar was spent that wasn't YOURS after TLC gave it to you to purchase the deck. I guess she's just talking paper trail. Hope someone from the IRS is watching.
It's hard to believe anything from that woman, but if she did pay for it, it was at a discount.
If Breyer Construction is acknowledged in the closing credits tonight, then I think that will pretty much confirm that they provided goods and/or services.
Tucker's Mom said... 67
Kate's blog post is one big informercial for which she was handsomely compensated.
You nailed it!! That is a perfect description of that blog post.
"One day Cara & Mady will design their own signature merchandise! Then #LexLos can return favor! :)"
Hopefully, merchandise that says, "Our Mommy Is a Bitch", and "We Have to Sell This Because Mommy Stole All Our Money."
Kate GosselinVerified account @Kateplusmy8 3m3 minutes ago
Once again... We DO NOT HAVE FACEBOOK, Instagram or anything but Twitter and r website #PleaseTakeNote #LotsOfFakers
Wait, who runs this FB account? I thought it was TLC?
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