Coming up on Kate Plus 8, school shopping for clothes, backpacks, and Kate gets distracted by something shiny and starts buying things for herself. This is a literal repeat of at least a couple other back-to-school boring episodes, including Kate buying much more for herself than for the kids. No one in production is even trying to do something original, and why would they when phoning it in is enough? Kate doesn't believe in being fair because that wastes money. She should write a blog post on saving money by not being fair, Dave Ramsey would be proud.
It's always about Kate, Cara explains, who is old enough to be on to her mother but not old enough to realize when she should probably shush, which is my favorite age.
Kate is more orange than usual today in her couch interviews--I would say it's "Trump orange," which is a color I better patent soon before someone else steals it. But in the footage of her packing up the van her hue is back to normal, which is more eggshell white. Hannah gets stress headaches, Kate says as she discloses what should be confidential medical information. At 11 she's stressed? What on earth is she stressed about? Kate packs her into the van with a blanket.
Is that a booster seat? Wtf? I understand the carseat guidelines have shifted to include much older children now (in Pennsylvania, the law is booster seat up until age 7), but these kids are all way too old for that now. Most seat belts will fit children 4'9 and up comfortably and safely. None of these children are that short anymore. Give it up, Kate, they are not toddlers and haven't been for a long time.
It looks horrendous carting a sick child to the mall, I know, Kate says. Correct, it does. So why do it? A set teacher certainly wouldn't permit this or risk losing their license. Kate did the same to one of the boys not too long ago. They have a full time nanny, why can't Hannah stay behind with her? Kate explains this is just a Hannah thing and she'll get over it in a few hours.
There's Shoka again, a mere inches from the moving tires of a several-ton vehicle. Grr!!!
Dowdy Deanna just happened to be visiting and takes the twins off separately at the mall. Why couldn't Deanna stay home with Hannah, and make the twins suck it up and go with Kate and the rest of their siblings? Why do I hurt my brain wondering these things?
The boys say they don't like shopping other than for toys. By the looks of them they don't much enjoy endless couch interviews either as Aaden tosses his head back and lets out a huge yawn.
You know something that I didn't notice much in the past but is really starting to irritate me? How funny-cute Kate thinks she is. She tries to make these little self-depricating jokes and they're just annoying, not funny. "I get distracted by things I want to buy .... maybe I even acted like a person who had never been to a mall before. Did I remind you of someone like that? " She smiles like a goon.
Typically, no one cares what was done in year's past or why or how they need what they need, who likes what or doesn't, and all the whining and begging that ensues.
Joel says they don't want the same backpacks because that makes them look younger. Exactly!! Of course the kids don't want to dress alike or have the same things, contrary to the sheeple claiming maybe they like that. Of course they don't like that, no 11-year-old likes looking like a baby. The only nice thing about the fact that these kids a decade later are still working is that they are validating pretty much everything we predicted about how they likely feel.
I enjoy watching Kate try to reason with a pre-teen. It's one of the few tolerable things left of this God forsaken reality show.
The kids want her to buy them water bottles but Kate passes on that, initially anyway. She says bottles get dirty and disgusting and they leave water in them and she ends up being the one always cleaning them out. I can't disagree there, reusable water bottles are a great idea in your perfect green fantasy but rarely work out in reality. I have a Contiga cup which is an incredible invention, when I get around to cleaning out last month's English breakfast tea.
Half a minute later Kate's buying them water bottles. She is either the biggest pushover in the world or is just trying to be on her best behavior for the cameras. Much like how she parents in general, she only seems to understand the tangible aspect of raising kids, the stuff, the things. She doesn't understand good parenting is not that you bought kids water bottles because they really wanted them, but rather good parenting is making sure your sick child stays home with someone they trust instead of being dragged along on this trip, or better yet shop on another day. Hannah says shopping stresses her mom out. I wonder if that's why Hannah in turn gets stressed out.
Kate selects some tupperware and admits 90% of her shopping is done online. I was just going to say why don't they buy all this crap online like normal people? Does anyone even go to malls anymore? Malls are closing across the country at an alarming rate because people just don't go anymore. You can get better deals online usually anyway, and almost all stores now have a liberal return policy with free shipping no questions asked. You save stress, time, and gas and can try things on in the comfort of your own home. I'm guessing the other 10% of Kate's big box store shopping occurs solely because of the cameras.
During an excruciatingly boring conversation about gym clothes I can hear one of the kids politely saying "excuse me, Mommy," trying to get her attention. She is ignored of course. It makes sense now why these kids shout, scream and stomp around so much. Being quiet and polite gets you nowhere.
We're moving "owwn" to the next thing which is I guess clothes. This could easily have been the same footage from the premiere episode of this season, School's Out! where they went to the department store to buy luggage. It's that similar. Kate's helping Leah pick out some dresses and Alexis wants something too. Naturally Kate's comment about how shopping isn't always going to be fair was about Alexis, the least girlie of the girls. Figures. I'm not sure I even agree with Kate about how it can't be fair. It seems like this can easily be made fair. Give the kids each $50, $75 or whatever your budget is and have them pick out what they want with your approval. They're old enough to handle the money and pick out their clothes and that makes it perfectly fair. That noggin of hers sure thinks funny.
This is rather interesting, I assumed the twins didn't want to shop with the younger kids because they seem to hate sharing the same planet as them, but Mady reveals that actually she doesn't understand why she didn't shop with the other kids since she needs clothes too, and that she "wasn't allowed." Wasn't allowed by whom? Production? Conversely, Kate claims the twins didn't want to shop with the younger kids. I immediately assume Kate's lying and Mady's telling the truth. So was separating them out done to have two separate shopping segments and stretch this out? Hmm!!
Anywho, the twins are with Deanna and picking out stuff and it's all absolutely uneventful and boring. Kate buys their boring stuff and then does that sarcastic "thank you, Mommy," thing that some annoying parents say to their kids when their kids forget to say thank you. In defense of Mady, Kate started it, and Mady explains that she was going to say thank you, was in fact about to say it. I'm going to give Mady the benefit of the doubt on this. They had just bought the shoes, at least give the child until the car ride home to thank her.
This sets Mady off on a snide little tirade, accusing Kate of treating her like a brat. "Thank you, but you can say it to yourself," she snaps, whatever that means. She is I would guess about six months away from saying, "Thank you, but you should be thanking us because that's our money you're buying it with." Just ask the former child actor Missy Francis how old she was when she realized the same about her mother and started embezzling her own money to herself just to be sure she'd see any of it by the time she was 18.
Mady can be trying, she's mean to her siblings and I think the way Kate allows her to speak to her is completely unacceptable, but I also understand what Mady's saying here, and that is that Kate is unreasonable, disrespectful and patronizing to her, yet expects perfect respect back. It's a set-up, it's unfair and certainly very obnoxious.
All Kate can do is sigh and ignore her at this point, and I think she's wise to shut up and just let Mady say her peace. Kate won't take any of it to heart though, which is a pity. A little give and take with this dysfunctional relationship might do wonders.
It's a good thing we're not playing a drinking game this afternoon because I'd be soused to the gills. I just heard two typicallys and an "in general." Kate basically admits she's bribing the kids with pretzels. To buy shoes, or really just to stick around and film? I sense the latter. Mmm, I love mall pretzels. And mall cinnamon buns. That's all I miss about malls now that I don't go anymore like most people. Speaking of which, some of the finest television "short films" were made in a Cinnabon in Omaha. Watch Better Call Saul, the best show on television this year, and you'll understand.
I love the way Lancaster is pronounced in Pennsylvania: Lane-kes-ter. That is the correct way if I may say so. We have a Lancaster here, a medium-sized city in L.A. County but pronounced Lan-caster, and to go with its inferior pronunciation it's a desert with lots of snakes and varmints and not enough gas stations to run your tank down to almost empty and be fine.
How ironic, Kate has wonderful fond memories of her grandparents taking her to the mall. Grandpa gave them each $5 to spend. Sounds like even ole Gramps understands how to make shopping "fair."
The store didn't have a good selection of shoes, didn't have their sizes or the styles they want, and it doesn't look like they ended up buying anything. Remember those days? Now we have the inter-webs, where I promise you can find your size and style somewhere in that vast wonderland even if you might have to resort to ebay. Kate says for the second time how much she hates all this. Well, she makes it harder on herself. All this could be accomplished with a few clicks and a credit card that's already automatically entered by the little green men at Google.
The little people are swimming again, which I realize now was a good excuse for production to try out their underwater camera rigs. They don't come cheap.
We're back with a completely unrelated subplot storyline to plot A, about how they're going to refurbish their picnic table. Kate and the younger kids head to the hardware store. The twins complain that they were not told they were going to the hardware store, they just woke up and they were gone. Sheesh, I hope schmoopy at least left them a note! Assuming it's true, that the twins weren't informed of this outing, this is what I mean by Kate not respecting them. You can't be as rude and inconsiderate as she apparently is to them, then expect respect back. It's a two-way street.
Kate admits she doesn't "typically" take them to do errands like this, but the cameras are here so .... well, she really claims she took them them because this is going to be a whole-family project, but the truth is the kids are just in her way and she's not making any effort to include them in this shopping trip, and this is really about the cameras.
Mady and Cara couldn't be more unenthused about helping to sand the table. They're insufferable but understandable.
Kate pulls out a power sander and makes a whole big deal about operating this machinery. This happened before too, just a couple episodes ago when she worked with a chain saw. I hate women who think its funny and cute when they tackle traditionally male jobs and act all damsel in distress about it. At one time this show recycled plot ideas from a season or two ago, now it's just an episode or two ago. It's like a blond bimbo high-pitched awful version of Groundhog Day, a movie I hate in the first place. Ha, Kate's awful at sanding, it runs every which way taking the scenic route down the table. Either that or she's really playing up the woman fumbling around with power tools gag. Amy Schumer she is not.
Of course most of the kids start to gradually wander away, bored, now that Kate is power sanding and not including them or even letting them try it. What does she expect?
Just an observation now that yet another too long and boring segment is over, but why didn't they pull out the power sander sooner? Why did they all sit there with sandpaper blocks and slave away for who knows how long when Kate had a power sander right there all along that could have done the entire job in 10 minutes?
This is a rhetorical questions I suppose, and the answer to most of my rhetorical questions is usually, because it was being filmed. It makes no sense to do things quickly and efficiently when you're being filmed, then you'd never be able to find enough footage to fill up 60 minutes of this drivel every week. You can only roll your eyes I guess. The kids are half onto all this and will be all the way there soon.
This is a rhetorical questions I suppose, and the answer to most of my rhetorical questions is usually, because it was being filmed. It makes no sense to do things quickly and efficiently when you're being filmed, then you'd never be able to find enough footage to fill up 60 minutes of this drivel every week. You can only roll your eyes I guess. The kids are half onto all this and will be all the way there soon.
Commercials, and when we get back they're still sanding that god damned picnic table! I feel like I'm in sandpaper purgatory and can't get out. A somewhat new thing they are doing during the kids' couch interviews is have them say the same thing at the same time. It's Children of the Corn creepy.
Amy Schumer here is working with an air compressor now, acting all inept again. Blow me.
Kate's glad the full-time nanny Andrea happened to be there since for some reason Andrea knows about how to stain picnic tables. Why wouldn't Andrea be there? She is their full-time nanny. The kids trickle back in now, interested in painting. Instead of whining about it, maybe Kate should just appreciate what they are willing to help with, little as it is. Finally after two long segments the table is finished, it looks great and the kids are mildly proud of their efforts. It really is amazing what a little sanding and staining can do. That's what she said.
Commercials, this time the promo is about people who are 600 pounds and a network that still pretends watching people pull their rolls of fat out from their pants and roll it around has educational value.
We're back with the third subplot in this episode that's actually related to the school shopping this time, final preparations for their first day of school. Mady makes an interesting comment that it's not cool to be entering high school, though she likes they don't have to wear uniforms anymore. I have never in all my life met a kid who wasn't thrilled to finally be going to high school with the big kids, even if there were a little first day nerves about it. It's just a strange comment. The twins are going shopping for clothes again? The first trip wasn't enough?
They're at one of those small boutique clothing shops that most women can't afford to shop at until at least a decade after college is over and several salaried paychecks later. In typical Mady and Cara fashion the twins are ungrateful, disagreeable and unhelpful to the very nice salesperson helping them who apparently cleared the store out for them. Kate defends their rude and unacceptable behavior by saying she was just like that as a teen. Well, then they get it from her.
Kate can't help herself and goes after all the shiny stuff, grabbing up dresses and blouses and handbags like it's a pop-up swag tent. The twins knew that would happen, heh.
Kate's still defending Mady who is making snide comments by saying it was actually a round-about way for Mady to say Kate looked nice. Lol! Kate, "oh my gosh you look like a human" is not a nice comment no matter how you twist and turn yourself around to make it one. She is the worst, no wonder these twins are the way they are. The music during this segment was pulled from stock 17th century harpsichords, which is random.
Amy Schumer here is working with an air compressor now, acting all inept again. Blow me.
Kate's glad the full-time nanny Andrea happened to be there since for some reason Andrea knows about how to stain picnic tables. Why wouldn't Andrea be there? She is their full-time nanny. The kids trickle back in now, interested in painting. Instead of whining about it, maybe Kate should just appreciate what they are willing to help with, little as it is. Finally after two long segments the table is finished, it looks great and the kids are mildly proud of their efforts. It really is amazing what a little sanding and staining can do. That's what she said.
Commercials, this time the promo is about people who are 600 pounds and a network that still pretends watching people pull their rolls of fat out from their pants and roll it around has educational value.
We're back with the third subplot in this episode that's actually related to the school shopping this time, final preparations for their first day of school. Mady makes an interesting comment that it's not cool to be entering high school, though she likes they don't have to wear uniforms anymore. I have never in all my life met a kid who wasn't thrilled to finally be going to high school with the big kids, even if there were a little first day nerves about it. It's just a strange comment. The twins are going shopping for clothes again? The first trip wasn't enough?
They're at one of those small boutique clothing shops that most women can't afford to shop at until at least a decade after college is over and several salaried paychecks later. In typical Mady and Cara fashion the twins are ungrateful, disagreeable and unhelpful to the very nice salesperson helping them who apparently cleared the store out for them. Kate defends their rude and unacceptable behavior by saying she was just like that as a teen. Well, then they get it from her.
Kate can't help herself and goes after all the shiny stuff, grabbing up dresses and blouses and handbags like it's a pop-up swag tent. The twins knew that would happen, heh.
Kate's still defending Mady who is making snide comments by saying it was actually a round-about way for Mady to say Kate looked nice. Lol! Kate, "oh my gosh you look like a human" is not a nice comment no matter how you twist and turn yourself around to make it one. She is the worst, no wonder these twins are the way they are. The music during this segment was pulled from stock 17th century harpsichords, which is random.
Up next, they're going to another boutique??? I really am in shock how much is being repeated and recycled in this episode, and the sheer greed I'm witnessing.
At last the final segment. What's the point in clearing out an expensive boutique for ungrateful teenagers if they don't like anything? Cara is actually arguing with Kate that she has enough summer clothes, she doesn't want anymore, and Mady doesn't seem to want anything at this place. Why in the world is Kate pushing them into buying summer clothes on a back-to-school trip in the Northeast when 95% of your school year will be spent in winter clothes?
Kate complains they're in a phase where they have very narrow likes and don't want to branch out. So? That's normal. At that age I think I had one or two sweaters and a pair of jeans I wore to death, as long as they are washed regularly it's not hurting anything. What does Kate care? Just get them what they like, online, and be done with it. She really picks a lot of fights she doesn't need to.
Mady gives Kate one too many "it's all about you" comments and Kate finally loses her shit, haha. Love it.
A third store???? This is truly agonizing. Just take my word for it absolutely nothing interesting happened here. Kate suggests she and Mady get these completely ugly sweater pants and share them, "share custody of them" she says. Oh yeah cause Kate's so great at sharing custody of anything. Mady, you'll never see those sweater pants again except maybe for a Tuesday night dinner once in awhile but that's it.
It's finally over, and next time we pick out more clothes but at least it's for Kate's fake-date, and her rather cute (!) suitor, nice selection from all those head shots, production! Baw-hahhaa, the side hug and turned cheek at the end of the date. Shade! Cannot wait.
Little people playing with bubbles, and we're out.
2128 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2128 of 2128 Newer› Newest»I agree, and said so many months ago.
This man got her a major job, and my strong sense is that he was doing her a much bigger favor than she was doing him. He has said many times it's highly competitive getting on the Apprentice, he has a lot of people begging for a spot, and she's been ponying up to him for years likely doing the same jockeying as many others before he finally put her on. He did her a favor, pure and simple.
I think Kate and Kate's manager were trying to get her on CA for years, and she finally got it. I think Kate actually spun it as Trump was asking HER for years, but I don't think so.
CA was a HUGE get for Kate, as was DWTS, but at the time Kate was on DWTS, her star power was much, much higher.
A couple weeks ago, I caught Clay Aiken on Ellen (iirc), and she asked about Trump. Clay was able to talk about Trump, his experience on CA, and Trump's run for presidency. He was polite, but when it comes to voting for the man, Clay was like 'hell no'!.
I don't think Kate gives a hoot about what anyone thinks of her politics because she has none. But she should be maintaining a presence on social media to keep herself out there and give a tweet or two to Trump if not just to wish him well.
I guess it's getting really boring in Gosselin land as ya'll are grasping at things to pick at Kate about.
While you, in turn, are picking apart posts here.
Clean up on aisle 8!!!!!
If Kate's smart and wearing her producer hat, she could get a TLC episode out of this. One that might actually achieve more than a passing interest in ratings.
I've thought this for a LONG time! Kate+8 go to Washington. What an episode to get.
Barbie Jean Sayre
@DonutsForCollin @bigbrotherdar @palmerwilliamj talk at me like that AGAIN an I will have your cloth you here me????? Ain't play n ya FOOL
Ah, Christ would be so proud!
BTW Kate admitted on twitter that she doesn't know when her episodes are airing.Which i find kinda sad since she's producer and TLC hasn't told her and hasn't responded to her tweet so it seems they're ignoring her.Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4h4 hours ago
@MiloandJack @TLC I know! When I know official air dates,I'll let u know..Outta my control...BUT lots more shows2come!Stay tuned! #KatePlus8
While you, in turn, are picking apart posts here.
Clean up on aisle 8!!!!!
i'm sorry that your hugely inflated ego cannot handle anybody daring to disagree with you.
Those of you who have begun stalking these women in WV, making fun of them and now tweeting them is just wrong. Leave them alone. They did not venture into your world, have nothing to do with Kate. This is truly low. Shows how bored you women really are. Let them be.
No one here is stalking them.
They created public twitter accounts and are tweeting public tweets, and tweeting about matters of public concern. It's fair game, pure and simple.
If they don't want public comments on their thoughts they can make their tweets private, only available to their friends. It doesn't work that way--they don't get to comment in public about important issues, like gay rights, but then you tell us we can't comment back. Not buying that.
A lot of people here have said they actaully quite like them and support their right to their opinions. Me included.
This comment is quite priceless coming from a woman who moderates her blog precisely so that people can't disagree with and posts partial comments so that she can control the discussion without letting her beloved minions know what was actually said.
There's nothing hypocritical whatsoever about that. This is OUR turf, our home. We can exclude or include who we want within our four quarters. Just as the church ladies can block who THEY want on THEIR twitter. Same exact thing. Virtually all successful blogs have rules and moderation to prevent mayhem.
If someone wants to comment on this blog elsewhere, and they do, I have never once tried to stop that. I have never once suggested they have no right to do that, should not do that, cannot do that.
And there's where it's not hypocritical. We're allowed to comment on who we want on our turf, we are also allowed to exclude who we want on our turf just like you can shut the door to your home on someone you don't want to come on, yet conversely, speak your mind about them as part of your right to free speech. I'm sorry you can't understand the very clear and obvious difference. It's unfortunate.
I really don't see Kate as having any interest in politics or probably any knowledge of the issues the rest of us are concerned about. In her world she is the Queen. And she has enough money to buffer her from a lot of the world's problems. I doubt it would cross her mind to communicate with Trump.
If YOU don't want comments about your posts, you can make your blog private so no one but your like-minded minions can comment. Why do you get to comment, in public, about important issues and refuse to post or partially post (as you did yet again in your reply -- ah, irony) but don't believe others should be able to do the same? That, in a nutshell, is hypocrisy.
SIGH. No, you're still not getting it. You're not getting it.
EVERYONE is allowed to make public comments. There may be restrictions on WHERE they can make those comments, I NEVER said otherwise.
Again, I never, ever, ever, EVER said that no one could bash this blog. However, you won't be allowed to do so here. This is not difficult to understand.
Let's take a simple example. Let's say that I don't like the color of your house. Do I have every right to say I don't like that color? Of course! I can say it here, I can make a poster and march around outside, I can do a blog post on it or talk about it on a podcast. But unless you give me permission, I cannot go INSIDE your house, stand at your kitchen table and tell you I don't like the color if you don't want me inside. That's your home just like this is my home, and I can limit access to it to who I want while still allowing everyone their free speech.
I am a big believer in free speech, the biggest. But I also recognize, and so does the law, that a private blog can moderate what they want when they want. Go make an blog. Be my guest.
Thre is nothing, whatsoever, by any stretch of the imagination, inconsistent about my original comment. I said they can comment, I said we can comment. I didn't say we can comment EVERYWHERE or they can comment EVERYWHERE.
I never said if we're commenting on someone's blog, someone else's home turf, they don't have a right to not approve those comments. NEVER. Have an ounce of respect for the moderation of a blog in that blog's best interest.
Go make an blog. Be my guest.
Amen! I am so dang tired of this person or persons who do nothing but pick, pick, pick, with the only intent to discredit you, the posters here and this blog. Find another playground. Scoot. The merry-go-round there still has some horses without riders.
Oh, and while you're at it, take a letter, Maria, (pun intended) back to your friends. Start a new life, away from this one. If you don't get it, google it.
As I understand it, there is another blog out there that devotes itself to criticizing Admin, this blog and several of the posters here.
I assume that I am free to read there whenever I wish. I think it is an unmoderated blog, so I could even comment there if I chose to.
I think Admin's "pest" might be happier being a member of that blog community.
Why doesn't she/he stay there?
I seriously do not understand. That question was asked with all due respect.
Blowing In The Wind said... 12
Amen! I am so dang tired of this person or persons who do nothing but pick, pick, pick, with the only intent to discredit you, the posters here and this blog. Find another playground. Scoot. The merry-go-round there still has some horses without riders.
Oh, and while you're at it, take a letter, Maria, (pun intended) back to your friends. Start a new life, away from this one. If you don't get it, google it.
In case you haven't noticed, you are on a moderated blog. So really, your beef is with the blog's Administrator who chooses to put through comments that you don't like. Perhaps you need to find another playground. Take your own advice and start a new life.
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Such vague postings abt ur show leave fans w/impression there R no more episodes. You deserve better respect! Come on #TLC!!
What Milo doesn't seem to get is that TLC has OutDaughtered now and doesn't need TFW. As we've said before, TFW is nothing more than filler. The Busby's have taken over the cute multiples slot and I think people would rather watch cute toddlers than surly teens/tweens. TFW has nothing new to offer...another party, another vacation, another home improvement...YAWN. And she doesn't get that many favorable comments when she jumps back on Twitter to "promise" that more episodes are coming. I thing she lost a lot of fans with her long absence from Twitter.
I find it neither logical nor intelligent to assume that Twitter is anybody's sole form of communication or to assume that you have any clue about what does or does not happen privately in the life of a person you do not know.
Maria, I get that and you may very well be correct, but for the love of Pete, stop with the pugilistic posts.
Here, we agree to disagree, and if you just accept that and participate in a more congenial fashion, you might enjoy some banter, because it can be fun.
Or, please, go right-fight somewhere else.
It's just too damn hot for wearing Wellies!
Dmasy - well said. :)
Go make an blog. Be my guest.
Well, we haven't had one of these in awhile...COMMENT OF THE DAY!
Have an ounce of respect for the moderation of a blog in that blog's best interest.
And start, build, maintain, steer and weather through YEARS of highs and lows on your own blog.
I don't get it. I've never thought, "Hey, why don't I screed all over a blog that I disagree with!" Why would anyone do that except to stir shit?
You don't like this club? Fine, but don't think you can plunder with impunity. Go back to the blog that does nothing but post our posts and then tear them apart.
Have at it to your heart's content.
Why doesn't she/he stay there?
I seriously do not understand. That question was asked with all due respect.
Well, Dmasy, the answer involves reason and logic, which is to say, you just asked a rhetorical question ;-)
So, what are the plans for Memorial Day?
Any cook outs or parties?
Beaches or travels?
Suddenly, it's gotten VERY hot and humid. The (community members) pool opens tomorrow and I think I need a plunge!
I seriously do not understand. That question was asked with all due respect.
The only thing I can figure out is that there are some who thrive on antagonizing. They may have anger issues. They may need and love the attention. They are bored and figure that if they can get a rise out of someone, that makes their day. Sad, actually.
That said, whatever the reason, I kind of feel sorry for them, but they do need to take their frustrations elsewhere and annoy someone else!
It's just too damn hot for wearing Wellies!
lol, Tucker's! It too damn hot to wear ANYTHING!
Oh, and while you're at it, take a letter, Maria, (pun intended) back to your friends. Start a new life, away from this one. If you don't get it, google it.
Oh, great. Thanks. Now that will be running through my head all night...:)
Actually, what you said is that you can "comment back" which clearly implies
Ah, so you finally admit I never said what you claim. You only would like to believe I "implied" what you would have liked me to say.
Strike three, you'rrrrrrre out!
He/she/it is just trying to get a rise out of you. Ignore him/her/it and perhaps they will crawl back under that rock from hence they came. This blog is a hoot most of the time. Gives me my daily chuckle.
I'm really disappointed at the direction this blog has taken. It seems to be okay to discuss and make fun of the "church ladies" because they have a "public" twitter account, even if they are not "public" personalities.
So I guess if anyone has a "public" FB page, everything is also fair game? Just like when someone here posted content from gypsi's FB page?
Isn't that also what the "defective detective" did? Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction this blog is going and it makes it no better than her.
Tucker's Mom (#21), I am chicken sitting for some friends. So I'll be happy to provide hardboiled eggs for any virtual party we may have on the veranda!
Fellow readers, may I make a motion to declare this an Ignore The Troll holiday weekend?
I suspect we're giving her far too much pleasure with our attention. Although she regularly violates rule #3, today rule #4 was violated
in hugely inflated way in a post to one of our regulars, and I don't think that kind of negative energy is what this blog is about.
TFW finally admitted that TLC doesn't tell her
jack. Must be tough being a sidepiece when there's a new and shiny family in the lineup.
NJGal (#51), not too clever of Gladys to confront TLC about their lack of respect for TFW. If the fans think that TLC is the sole supporter of the
G family (RIP, Jon), it may not be a good idea
to antagonize their only source of income!
I think what the visitor(s) is looking for is more of a discussion and/or debate atmosphere where opinions pro and con can be discussed or hashed out. That is not the purpose of this blog.
Unfortunately on the internet discussing, disagreeing and hashing out often results in vile name calling in sometimes very short order.
Nevertheless, this is a blog for like minds to talk about Kate (may I say) even if it's about things that have been discussed ad nauseam.
I have seen the other blog and it is lightly moderated. Opposite opinions are tolerated though 99% of the participants will disagree but discussions can occur.
That's the place for the visitor IMO. People prefer congregating with their own kind, with other like minds. You don't see a lot of cat lovers hanging out on dog lover blogs.
There are those who like a lively discussion however. I'm not sure where they're supposed to go.
I'm really disappointed at the direction this blog has taken. It seems to be okay to discuss and make fun of the "church ladies" because they have a "public" twitter account, even if they are not "public" personalities.
So I guess if anyone has a "public" FB page, everything is also fair game? Just like when someone here posted content from gypsi's FB page?
No, it's not "just like" that. Twitter is NOT FB, and let's not pretend it is or equate it.
There is no direction change here. We have always discussed tweeters. For half a decade we have. We do not normally discuss someone's private social media present absent extraordinary circumstances.
They are talking about very important pulic issues--the elections, race, sexuality. That's different than randomly tearing apart someone who just talks about benign private things.
And, the vast majority of folks here insisted in defending their right to think what they do, and even expressed some nostolgia for that part of the country. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but I think most people here have been more than reasonable to them, even kind.
It's fair game, that's the call.
Tucker's Mom (#21), a community pool? That's
not very economical. Getting a pool of your
own is the best way to save money. I read it
on a couponing blog.
Getting caught up here. "Maria" is from either one of two factions: The McNuggets Gang or the Khater Gang.
Just my opinion. Which I am entitled to.
God Bless us All and Pass the Rumspringa.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8h8 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Such vague postings abt ur show leave fans w/impression there R no more episodes. You deserve better respect! Come on #TLC!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 They need 2do a better job of promoting the show! Why doesn't #TLC just say this instead of posting "not currently scheduled"?
Gladys is such a hoot. We know that she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but what doesn't she get about the show not on the she in denial that Kate is just filler?
Milo, to get respect, it's nice to give respect. Why doesn't Kate get on Twitter and tell the fans that she doesn't know when the episodes will air? That would at least be honest. Why would Milo put the blame on TLC?
Oh, wait...let me guess. Blame everyone and his brother but Kate.
There is no direction change here. We have always discussed tweeters.
We have discussed people who tweet to Kate, but now it seems random tweeters are also fair game, just because a tweeter ONCE mentioned Kateplusmy8 on her timeline, she's "fair game".
This is the tweet that started it all:
xxxxxx@xxxxx · Apr 8
Find n all my gals on twitters @DollyParton @Kateplusmy8 @ehasselbeck @MELANIATRUMP @kirstiealley @dixiechicks @trishayearwood
That is the only incident I could find of her mentioning Kate, but because she mentioned Kate in her tweet, it was assumed that she is a regular fan of Kate. And the rest is history, where someone felt it was necessary to check out her timeline.
So with that viewpoint, it's also "fair game" for anyone to go after anyone who mentions Kate in their timeline, including the sheeple who went after someone who posted a video on her twitter account, showing Kate shopping at the store where she works. Those sheeple tried to get her fired.
But, I guess she was also "fair game" because she has a "public" twitter account.
I actually thought we were better than that. I'm glad I don't have a public twitter account, because according to you I would also be "fair game".
Fellow readers, may I make a motion to declare this an Ignore The Troll holiday weekend?
I remember the days when the trolls weren't ignored, but rather we agreed with everything they said, no matter how mean or ridiculous it was. If memory serves me, they soon went away, at least for a little while!
In case you haven't noticed, you are on a moderated blog. So really, your beef is with the blog's Administrator who chooses to put through comments that you don't like. Perhaps you need to find another playground. Take your own advice and start a new life.
lol! Looks like Anon or Maria or whatever name she's using now, didn't get the "letter" and "start a new life" pun! ;-)
They are talking about very important pulic issues--the elections, race, sexuality. That's different than randomly tearing apart someone who just talks about benign private things.
Then I guess you should go after everyone on twitter who talks about the election, race and sexuality. Why just stop with the random "church ladies"?
Sherry Baby (#36), yes, I do remember those days:
"Yep, you're right, and I agree with every word you say." Tee hee!
Redbird, are you out there? Hope to see you posting some time soon.
I actually thought we were better than that. I'm glad I don't have a public twitter account, because according to you I would also be "fair game".
If you were discussing matters of interest to me and matters of public concern, you sure would be.
It's not much different than someone putting out a soap box in the town center and talking about state's rights or whatever the issue of the day. They can do so, and I can comment about it. Twitter is our modern soap box.
For those who prefer not to get on a soap box, you can restrict your social media presence to only people you approve to look at it--it's very easy to do.
I have said said anything disparaging about the church ladies. In fact, I defended them.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 32
Tucker's Mom (#21), a community pool? That's
not very economical. Getting a pool of your
own is the best way to save money. I read it
on a couponing blog.
I'm going to work on that! In the meantime, I am not going to wash my pool towel unless and until it stands up straight in a stiff breeze.
Pass the rumspringa, I'm saving money!!
Then I guess you should go after everyone on twitter who talks about the election, race and sexuality. Why just stop with the random "church ladies"?
Because people posted them here. I rarely look at twitter on my own, I find the platform quite tedious. I am however, off the blog too, very engaged in discussions and following of public issues, current events, politics, etc., whether that's discussions in person, on the internet, or whatever the platform. That's just how I am. It's not something I find strange or crossing the line at all. It's not personal, it's views.
Oh and by the way, I have never, once GONE AFTER the church ladies.
Disagreeing with someone's views is hardly "going after them" no more than would I characterize this conversation as you going after me. Nonsense.
Kate is a twit - I never assumed any of the church ladies were regular fans of TFW. I enjoy reading their tweets because they remind me of characters in a Fanny Flagg novel or maybe the good folks of Mitford.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 They need 2do a better job of promoting the show! Why doesn't #TLC just say this instead of posting "not currently scheduled"?
Gladys is such a hoot.
Maybe I'm a softy, but I'm oddly relieved that Milo is apparently back in her rare form. ~ Administrator said... 43
Oh and by the way, I have never, once GONE AFTER the church ladies.
Disagreeing with someone's views is hardly "going after them" no more than would I characterize this conversation as you going after me. Nonsense.
You said they were "fair game". To quote you "It's fair game, that's the call."
Definition of "fair game":
fair game
a person or thing that is considered a reasonable target for criticism, exploitation, or attack.
If that's not "going after them", I don't know what is.
I remember the days when the trolls weren't ignored, but rather we agreed with everything they said, no matter how mean or ridiculous it was. If memory serves me, they soon went away, at least for a little while!
It's been awhile since the pasture's been littered this bad, but you're absolutely right.
Being nice is troll kryptonite.
We also had (what I thought to be) a mutual understanding of tolerance to posts we didn't particularly like, or weren't particularly interested in, and scrolled past.
If Milo, or Church Ladies or whatever topic doesn't interest you, it's kind of like the weather in Miami-wait 5 minutes and it'll pass.
That little downward-facing arrow in the general vicinity of the bottom right of your keyboard is your friend, friend ;-)
I have said said anything disparaging about the church ladies. In fact, I defended them.
I know- that's the funny part- where funny is more like WTF? If anything, you've taken sh*t for defending them.
You said they were "fair game". To quote you "It's fair game, that's the call."
Definition of "fair game":
fair game
a person or thing that is considered a reasonable target for criticism, exploitation, or attack.
If that's not "going after them", I don't know what is.
Goodness, I didn't expect to be held to Webster's in my definition of fair game. Although if we're going to play dictionary wars, notice how it says "OR" not AND. In other words fair game can mean criticism OR exploitation OR attack. It does not have to mean all three.
I should have been more specific. I mean they are fair game to discuss and disagree with (i.e. criticize), not fair game to rip to shreds stomp all over and spit out.
Let's not twist things around and re-write history. No one here, Kate is a Twit, has been that harsh on them. No one. Not one single person. This has been a fun, lighthearted discussion of them with the occasional "i don't agree with that view" thrown in as well as lots of defending them and their rights. *That* remains fair game. Move on.
I think that most of us here are aware that this is a moderated blog. It wasn't always so, but because of trolls stirring s##t, not following posting rules, picking fights, and making rude and condescending remarks, admin found it necessary to do so.
I don't know about others here, but I find the Church Ladies fascinating. It's like they are in their own little world, kind of a Twilight Zone, a throw-back to a time not unlike Mayberry. We've had some interesting discussions about them. I admit that I was clueless that this culture still exists on this level, and at the same time they also are aware of their voices on the internet as a means of communication, and use Twitter, therefore bringing them into the age of social media. Interesting.
xxxxxx@xxxxx · Apr 8
Find n all my gals on twitters @DollyParton @Kateplusmy8 @ehasselbeck @MELANIATRUMP @kirstiealley @dixiechicks @trishayearwood
There were other tweets, some to Kate. I remember because I wondered who this person was. I have noticed that she and her tweeter friends have deleted quite a few tweets.
Barbie Jean Sayre
@DonutsForCollin @bigbrotherdar @palmerwilliamj talk at me like that AGAIN an I will have your cloth you here me????? Ain't play n ya FOOL
Ah, Christ would be so proud!
I get the feeling that she can be rather feisty when she wants to be, but she certainly gets her feelings hurt and squalls quite a bit!
So....getting back to the holiday. What's everyone doing this weekend?
I'm hoping to find some real-life, non-blog fireworks but I'm away from home and so far haven't located any. I did find a small town parade! Actually, I'm not far from Kate and I hope her pool is open. For the kids, don't think I'll get an invite! It's unseasonably hot and sticky here, almost too hot to stroll through these charming towns.
Maybe I'm a softy, but I'm oddly relieved that Milo is apparently back in her rare form.
Come on Tucker's Mom. Aren't you the least bit curious where she's been? LOL!
I don't know about you, but I think it's way too early to be this gosh darn hot! I mixed some Turkey Hill iced tea with their natural mango lemonade and added some Captain spiced rum. Tropical goodness!
I've become quite fond of the church women!
Come on Tucker's Mom. Aren't you the least bit curious where she's been? LOL!
I don't know about you, but I think it's way too early to be this gosh darn hot!
Typical Spring...what Spring? Where'd it go? Did it even happen before we got Africa hot?
I did find a small town parade! Actually, I'm not far from Kate and I hope her pool is open. For the kids, don't think I'll get an invite!
You need to buy Ugg sandals for her.
Oh, wait, that didn't work for Ms Uggs. She never did get her pool invite!
Church Lady: "But why is she dress like a whore rabbit"
Now that's an expression I've never heard before!
Anyone watching 20/20--Bill Cosby is the subject matter. Next up: member of the cast.
I kind of agree with Kate is a Twit on the church ladies; the discussion of them here makes me faintly uneasy. However, I have been scrolling and not complaining (until now) and will continue to do so.
There isn't anything very exciting happening to keep the blog alive. where is Kim Davis when we need her?
I posted yesterday that one of Kate's notorious haters posted to one of the church ladies that there is a Kate hate blog (us) that is making fun of them and how they talk and spell. The church lady has asked twice what blog, but she has not told them. I have seen this woman on other blogs and she has nothing nice to say about anyone or anything. Sad. I like the church ladies. They seem sincere in their beliefs and do a lot of volunteering for various things.
Susan1956 said... 59
Anyone watching 20/20--Bill Cosby is the subject matter. Next up: member of the cast.
Several more articles have popped up lately. That guy is a criminal and predator, and I think if he doesn't ever see the inside of a jail cell, he will spend the rest of his life hemorrhaging his fortune and amassing phalanx after phalanx of paparazzi for his perp walks before he dies in disgrace.
So, there's a little consolation.
Math Girl said... 60
I kind of agree with Kate is a Twit on the church ladies; the discussion of them here makes me faintly uneasy. However, I have been scrolling and not complaining (until now) and will continue to do so.
I find them vaguely entertaining and don't judge them, even though their views are like, WOW! This is 'Murica after all ;-)
Admin- could you throw up your recap of THE DATE OF THE CENTURY? That would move things along and hopefully shake the sheep poo balls off for awhile.
Math Girl 60.... me, too. There's something about discussing their tweets here (even though they're public, and thus fair game) that makes me uncomfortable. It feels a little like blog on blog discussion which I'm not fond of.
IMO they're private people exchanging tweets.
With Kate it's different. She's a public person, making money off selling her personal life. Exchanging her and her kids' privacy for money.
I'm not complaining, but do find myself scrolling a lot these days.
Hopefully I can get that blind date recap done this long weekend.
So is Kate's episode officially scrapped for Memorial Day? My guide just shows 600 pound life and two THREE HOUR episodes of Outdaughtered. Heh. I really don't see how anyone can say she's not filler at this point.
Off topic, I was booking a flight on Southwest and saw a discount on Coupon Cabin in my usual google search for any coupon codes before I buy something on line. I needed to enter my email to get it. Well turned out it didn't work, it was for an add on rental car or something--but that wasn't clear before I clicked on it. To make matters worse, now I'm getting daily email spam from Coupon Cabin, their daily newsletters. I have hit unsubscribe every single time now, and diligently removed my email from ALL communications. I STILL get the spam. What an obnoxious company.
This is my first interaction with Coupon Cabin and they have proved to be exactly how I thought they were--a content farm.
I like the church ladies. They seem sincere in their beliefs and do a lot of volunteering for various things.
There's plenty of rumspringa for the Church Ladies. Grab a muumuu and pull up a chair!
When Milo was first talked about here it didn't interest me and it made me uncomfortable. I felt bad for her.
I have since changed my mind about her. I have found her to be manipulative, self-serving, and perhaps a catfish. And certainly fair game by now.
Point being though I wasn't going to pearl clutch and try to tell others about themselves. I have tried to respect what the majority wants even if sometimes I don't understand it or don't find anything about it for me. And I have to respect that what I may not care for at one time I might feel different about later. Or vice versa. Even I scroll sometimes. I have never tried to micro manage the blog or its discussions and I have tried to be liberal with the rules. The last thing I wanted to be was GWOP with their 17 rules. Rules I believe brought that blog to a screeching halt. I have tried to take lessons from the rise and fall of other blogs. We're still here, aren't we? Point being, it's about the best interest of the blog as a whole, not mine or even any one person's opinion on the direction it should take.
No one here is stalking them.
They created public twitter accounts and are tweeting public tweets, and tweeting about matters of public concern. It's fair game, pure and simple.
If they don't want public comments on their thoughts they can make their tweets private, only available to their friends. It doesn't work that way--they don't get to comment in public about important issues, like gay rights, but then you tell us we can't comment back. Not buying that.
A lot of people here have said they actaully quite like them and support their right to their opinions. Me included
BS!!!!! There are people on this blog stalking them! There is no reason they should be made fun of. No different than pulling comments from someone's FB page which you once took a stand too not allow. They have no relevance, except to be made fun of. And yes, some of the worst of the worst on this blog have set up accounts and are trolling these people. I think they should be off limits. Show a tad bit of integrity. Is that possible?
BS!!!!! There are people on this blog stalking them! There is no reason they should be made fun of. No different than pulling comments from someone's FB page which you once took a stand too not allow. They have no relevance, except to be made fun of. And yes, some of the worst of the worst on this blog have set up accounts and are trolling these people. I think they should be off limits. Show a tad bit of integrity. Is that possible?
Hold on here. Just hold on.
Number one, I don't know how you can possibly know what people here on the blog are doing off the blog. But, even if they were, I have absolutely no control over what they do elsewhere. I'm a blog moderator, not your mother.
I can only control what is posted here, and I have seen absolutely no comments here that are "stalking" in nature in any way, shape or form. The vast majority of the comments here have been comments in support of those women. If there has been any disagreement it has been over their views on important issues like hate and bigotry--that is always allowed.
I also stand firmly behind my comment that Twitter is NOT the same as FB. Hundreds of thousands of people are comfortable with Facebook and the privacy it promotes, but would never dream of getting on Twitter. Count me in that group. They are two very different social media outlets, one being MUCH more exposed and MUCH more about public discussion, the other being about staying in touch with friends and family.
Facebook is your high school reunion. Twitter is a bullhorn to the masses. To suggest otherwise is pure and simple nonsense.
For an inspiring film about one's right to speak one's mind, even if those opinions are unpopular, please watch Trumbo. It is two hours well spent.
Move the hell ON.
This is my first interaction with Coupon Cabin and they have proved to be exactly how I thought they were--a content farm.
Yup, Kate was the equivalent of click bait.
I usually click on Retail Me Not when I Google for promo codes. CC hardly even comes up. I don't know how they're still in business UNLESS they're just making money on click thrus.
So is Kate's episode officially scrapped for Memorial Day?
I think that's a hard "yes" at this point. K+8 isn't even on TLC's schedule, so I guess they'll plug her new episodes in sometime over the summer, when there's nothing but crap on anyway.
Josh and Anna are going through counseling, which is great, IF the counselor is a licensed professional AND a mandated reporter.
I don't rule out that slowly leaking out what's going on with Josh and Anna is setting the stage for a special or series focused on them and cheating/marital crisis/counseling etc.
Facebook is your high school reunion. Twitter is a bullhorn to the masses.
Great analogies. Further, Twitter is so superfluous and serves as more of a "hey, look at me!". If you have the time and inclination, great, but for the masses, no one needs to know what you had for lunch.
This is nothing more than some bored trolls trying to incite the next bullyville wars. They don't give a hoot about the Church Ladies, just as BV didn't give a hoot about Kate. It's all just a reason to hate and spew invectives.
Tucker's Mom (#72), I'm awfully cynical about
this counseling news. Why do I have a feeling we'll be watching a session on a Very Special Episode? My guess is, the book's already been ghostwritten, the Redemption Tour bus booked,
and their People cover should be be on the
shelves by the end of the year.
the Redemption Tour bus booked,
and their People cover should be be on the
shelves by the end of the year.
Ah, the cycle of celebrity. You have 1) The Rise 2) Famedom 3) Scandal 4) The Fall and 5) The Redemption.
Josh and Anna would do the Redemption Tour in a heartbeat. Then, maybe, Ma and Pa Duggar can get back on the teevee!
I can't believe Anna Duggar is so enamored with Joshie that she will put her own children in the path of a pedophile. I can't stomach any of that holier than thou family. Guaranteed at least one of the boys is gay. Will that be prayed away also? Ma and Pa will also make their poor me, the devil made him do it tour. We will see what becomes of this with all the major advertisers pulling out.
I do believe in redemption. It's wonderful if someone is sincere with their apologies and tries to be a better person. Unfortunately, science has shown that there is no good chance for pedophiles to change. We have also had no actual apologies from Josh. We have crap excuses about being curious. I agree that we will see him back on tv soon. I really, really wish we wouldn't though. And I really wish Anna would have the resources (mental and financial) to kick him out of the house. I despise that her teachings say she has to take him back.
@Admin (67) I actually was the same way when i 1st join the scene on both here and twitter.I was wondering why people on twitter went after milo of all people until i found out what kind of person she truly was.Im on the fence as to who she/he is cause apart from the weird creepy tweets she post about Kate in a bikini,no one really showed any tweet that would prove she is a catfish.If there are tweets where she contradicted herself about her family then yes.
PA Dutch Mom said... 184
Here's a picture, if you're interested. No, not the sex, but the clogging church ladies:
#TBT clogging at Point Pleasant Christmas parade with the gals @PattyParsonsPat @barbiejeansayre
This is who they are, and I really don't think it's a parody.
Someone is having a whole lot of fun writing the "church ladies" posts. FYI the photo that is linked above is a fake & totally photoshopped - here is a link to the real photo
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1 5h5 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hope you're getting those flags ready to line your driveway! πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ#MemorialDayWeekend
Why in the heck would the sheeple Carlene in Florida possibly care that Kate in Berks County has flags lining her driveway?
As far the church ladies go, yes, I sometimes read their tweets because I find that culture and dialect interesting. I don't have a twitter account, nor a FB account, and I most certainly do not "stalk" them, contact them, harass them or anything else. I did notice that one non-fan was really going after one of the ladies on Twitter, and the church lady got into a brief exchange with her and then blocked her.
This is nothing more than some bored trolls trying to incite the next bullyville wars. They don't give a hoot about the Church Ladies, just as BV didn't give a hoot about Kate. It's all just a reason to hate and spew invectives.
You're right. You know, you just have to wonder about some of those people, what kind of lives they lead, how they could have so much hate and anger inside of them that would make them want to do that. It seems like living on Kate's TL isn't enough and so they extend a broader net on Twitter, trying to accomplish something. What that is, I have no idea. As my mother would say, "It takes all kinds..."
It looks like more likely than not, the Church Ladies are just one big entertaining parody.
Which makes some of the pearl clutching here and calls to lay off them, rather hilarious.
Which makes some of the pearl clutching here and calls to lay off them, rather hilarious.
Speaking of pearl clutching, Kate's twitter timeline is getting dive bombed with porn link tweets and raunchy pics.
Lordy be!
Somewhere In Time (#81), I certainly share your
curiosity about the mindset of some of these people.
I think the instant gratification of Twitter
is an irresistible lure to people who might otherwise not have a powerful voice in their lives. Someone like Gladys, who claims to have
a restricted bedtime by her husband (not sure
if any of that is true), must feel immensely empowered by this kind of medium. You have
a thought, share the thought, and get an
instant reaction -- positive or negative --
to the thought. Pretty heady stuff.
Speaking of pearl clutching, Kate's twitter timeline is getting dive bombed with porn link tweets and raunchy pics.
Does Gladys think that those are pics of Kate? lol! I guess she can dream, can't she?
And yes, some of the worst of the worst on this blog have set up accounts and are trolling these people.
And who might that be?
Is this diappointed, disturbed or confused...or doesn't it really matter since it's one and the same! ;)
IMO they're private people exchanging tweets.
I know absolutely nothing about Twitter, but if they want to talk among themselves, can't they make their accounts private?
I know absolutely nothing about Twitter, but if they want to talk among themselves, can't they make their accounts private?
That's exactly why they are certainly NOT private people exchanging tweets.
This is not a difficult concept. If you want to be a private person exchanging tweets, you set your twitter account to PRIVATE. You could also get a Facebook account and, quite easily, set it to PRIVATE.
Then, you can say what you like to your heart's content and none of us would ever see any of it.
But if you want to join the public Twitter soap box with your bull horn, the crowd is allowed to respond.
I don't know what to believe about the church ladies, but this one is funny:
"Gotta get it done for big BBQ tomorrow tj got he's dick all ready LMBO that man been sand n an stain n til late at night popped tent up"
So if you sand and stain a dick, it will pop up? If so, then who needs Viagra?
But if you want to join the public Twitter soap box with your bull horn, the crowd is allowed to respond.
Public tweets are read by anyone interested and commented on all the darn time. Who doesn't wait around for Justin Bieber to whine and complain on his Twitter? It's like a present when he does.
"No more selfies with fans!"
So John Merrick. Good stuff!
FYI the photo that is linked above is a fake & totally photoshopped - here is a link to the real photo
Yes, I see that. Good find! It appears to be photoshopped, and if the Church Women's heads were shopped on the bodies of the ladies in the real photo, then did they also add names on the jackets? In the photo of the Church Women, the gal on the left has a name on her jacket, as does the third from the left. However, in the real photo, those two are wearing plain black jackets with no names.
It's just so darn hot. I could be confused. It's like "Can You Spot The Difference" photos in one of the women's magazines!
Nothing appears to have changed with Milo. She has resurrected the cute animal photos, this time one of red pandas. When all else fails to get Kate's attention, drag out the pictures of baby animals.
I wonder if history will repeat itself and it will become a competition with Sandie for the cutest photo. That went on for some time.
They really are adorable, though. The pandas. Not Milo and Sandie.
OT -- a really cute story!
Speaking of cute animals, two capybaras escaped from the High Park Zoo in Toronto. Another Capybara named Willow is taking advantage of the situation by doing a media tour. She's really enjoying her 15 minutes of fame.
Here's an article about Willow's media appearances:
It appears to be photoshopped, and if the Church Women's heads were shopped on the bodies of the ladies in the real photo, then did they also add names on the jackets? In the photo of the Church Women, the gal on the left has a name on her jacket, as does the third from the left. However, in the real photo, those two are wearing plain black jackets with no names.
The names appear to be photo-shopped too. If you increase the page size, you can see the tell-tale blur around the names on the jackets. The blur isn't there on the real photo.
A while back I checked other photos & found a few that were 'off' - a supposed hand-made craft doll that was really a stock photo and a car for sale that was listed on a Kentucky used car lot.
Add the fact that nearly every tweet has some type of over the top racist, bigoted and/or sexual joke. The comment with the salt & pepper shakers ended my interest in the spoof.
My guess is that some clever person started Patty Parsons as a goof & when the joke tweet about the "flashlight" in the shower went viral, the person decided to create a whole community.
That's too cute. Yes, I said cute! The world's largest rodent is adorable to me, then again, I grew up with a menagerie of rodent pets; gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 92
Nothing appears to have changed with Milo. She has resurrected the cute animal photos, this time one of red pandas. When all else fails to get Kate's attention, drag out the pictures of baby animals.
Back singing for her supper. Good to know she's back to normal.
Good to know she's back to normal.
"Normal" for her, yes, but if that's normal, count me out! There is no way that I would want to be normal like that!
My guess is that some clever person started Patty Parsons as a goof & when the joke tweet about the "flashlight" in the shower went viral, the person decided to create a whole community.
You mean fleshlight! LOL! Here's Patty!
If these are parody accounts, and I am beginning to think that they are, then these ladies are quite good at it, maintaining their "identities" and their stories and keeping everything straight!
Blowing In The Wind said... 99
You mean fleshlight! LOL! Here's Patty!
FYI - someone pointed out in comments on one site that the photo posted in the tweet was first used on a sex toy review blog. Which made people question if the whole thing was a marketing ploy.
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1 5h5 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hope you're getting those flags ready to line your driveway! πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ#MemorialDayWeekend
Why in the heck would the sheeple Carlene in Florida possibly care that Kate in Berks County has flags lining her driveway?
Another one who wants to see flag photos. Why? A flag is a flag is a flag!
Nora @NoraSaysNo 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Let's see those flags ! ❤π❤π Hope you all are well (too quiet π)!
No comments about her famous flag cake? Isn't anyone asking for the recipe?
Sherry Baby (#102), I can never think about
"TFW's" flag cake without remembering little
J being exiled from the kitchen when they
were making it. One of the girls said,
"He wants to help." And TFW snapped, "Well,
he can't!"
I bet every one of us has childhood memories of having our feelings hurt, or being embarrassed
or disappointed. But the G kids have the unique experience of having shared those events with
the world, without their approval or permission. And that is one of the things I think they'll
each have to come to terms with as adults when processing the social experiment they called childhood.
I think the church ladies are real. In November Patty had 117 followers, with the publicity she received from various media outlets she now has 3,700. Anyone can press follow on a non-private account. Or in Kate's way of buying them. The other ladies not so many. Some of the stuff posted is everyday life things. They admit the photo of them clogging is photoshopped. Maybe Nev should look into this.....
I think the church ladies are real. In November Patty had 117 followers, with the publicity she received from various media outlets she now has 3,700. Anyone can press follow on a non-private account. Or in Kate's way of buying them. The other ladies not so many. Some of the stuff posted is everyday life things. They admit the photo of them clogging is photoshopped. Maybe Nev should look into this.....
I am really on the fence with this one. Part of me says that nobody could be that clueless and that illiterate, and the other part of me says that maybe this is the way things are in their neck of the woods. It really does seem like the everyday life kind of things, and why would they go through the trouble of making a parody on TJ sanding his dick (sic) or Boots wanting to move back home?
Another one who wants to see flag photos. Why? A flag is a flag is a flag!
Oh, but Kate's flags are special. Don't you know that old Kate Betsy Ross Gosselin sewed every one of those flags with her own little hands? Haven't the sheep asked for the instructions on how to make them?
Oh, but Kate's flags are special. Don't you know that old Kate Betsy Ross Gosselin sewed every one of those flags with her own little hands? Haven't the sheep asked for the instructions on how to make them?
Pffft! OK, a little ginger ale through the nose on that one!
It is a nice tradition, and one I hope Kate keeps up with or without TLC's cameras or obsequious inquiries and peering eyes.
I am really on the fence with this one. Part of me says that nobody could be that clueless and that illiterate, and the other part of me says that maybe this is the way things are in their neck of the woods.
Sort of reminds me of Tangier Island.,_Virginia
It's seems very isolated, even though it's really not far from the mainland off VA. I visited once, and while interesting, it's rather creepy because the islanders remind me of the townsfolk from the movie "The Village".
It is a nice tradition, and one I hope Kate keeps up with or without TLC's cameras or obsequious inquiries and peering eyes.
The peering eyes of The Kravitz?
"Normal" for her, yes, but if that's normal, count me out! There is no way that I would want to be normal like that!
Me too. I'm cool to just hang with the mediocre muumuu-wearing chicks here ;-)
Parts of rural CA are like the church ladies. The deserts, Central Valley. The towns that don't feel much different than they were in the Grapes of Wrath days. This is America.
It's seems very isolated, even though it's really not far from the mainland off VA. I visited once, and while interesting, it's rather creepy because the islanders remind me of the townsfolk from the movie "The Village".
Children of the Corn?
I have no idea why, but these people and the town remind me of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery."
Tucker's Mom said... 71
So is Kate's episode officially scrapped for Memorial Day?
I think that's a hard "yes" at this point. K+8 isn't even on TLC's schedule, so I guess they'll plug her new episodes in sometime over the summer, when there's nothing but crap on anyway
One thing that makes me believe that Kate and Milo are in contact is the fact that Milo always seems to know to address subjects that Kate is anxious about. For example, Kate has to be nervous about the fact that TLC isn't hurrying to put her episodes on the air, or even giving her any hints about when they might air. She doesn't dare challenge them on it, so….along comes Milo to pester TLC about it. Then Kate can make sure TLC sees the tweets so it looks like she has fans out there anxiously awaiting the new episodes.
The kids will be starting summer break any day now, and you know she's anxious to film the crap out of every moment of their time off. But if TLC isn't airing the episodes they already have, are they on board to film even more? She wants those episodes aired, pronto, so they can start on more. The kids are growing up fast, and her days of making money off them are numbered. She wants to work them non-stop before they come of age and she can't force them to film.
The kids will be starting summer break any day now, and you know she's anxious to film the crap out of every moment of their time off. But if TLC isn't airing the episodes they already have, are they on board to film even more?
I wonder the same. If TLC keeps shelving new episodes, what's the impetus to film more when they've got new inventory in the can.
Can we hope for a camera-free summer for the kids?
@Layla I can't tell what TLC thinks of her.She and milo added them to the tweets on twitter where milo was begging them to tell people when Kate show was airing but they haven't responded to her or milo and since Kate admitted she doesn't know,that makes me think they're not telling her because they don't know what to do with her.But we know she's apart of the whole I AM campaign(unless she's not on it anymore.)Its weird because Kate's the producer of the show now from what people said and yet they're not telling her.Unless Kate's just teasing.
Btw if what you say is true Layla about Milo and Kate being in contact with each other,im not gonna lie,if i was still a crazy Kate fan like i once use to be then i would be jealous of the fact that Kate chats with milo and not me.I'd be wondering what makes Milo so special when i was always there to support her.Even though like i said,a celebrity chatting with a crazy fan like they're friends is kinda creepy.
Tucker'sMom said (114) wonder the same. If TLC keeps shelving new episodes, what's the impetus to film more when they've got new inventory in the can.
Can we hope for a camera-free summer for the kids?
But…it TLC doesn't film, the kids will probably be confined to the compound for the whole summer. No vacation, not even a trip to the mall. Because if it isn't free, their mother sure isn't paying for it! I wonder what will happen if TLC isn't willing to pony up the money for cars for Mady and Cara for their 16th birthday. They don't seem to be very willing to fork out cash for Kate's demands any longer, but that doesn't mean she won't push. Will she push too hard? Will she pay for cars herself? My bet is that she'll give her one of her old cars and get a new one for herself. She bought the Toyota used in 2011, so it's several years old. Perfect excuse to treat herself to a new SUV.
Even though like i said,a celebrity chatting with a crazy fan like they're friends is kinda creepy.
Perhaps Kate doesn't think she's crazy. After all, Milo gives her unconditional love and support and always "has her back." I would think that Kate loves this attention and adulation.
PA Dutch Mom said... 112
Love Shirley Jackson ! So chilling amidst the ordinary.
jamezvader1194 (115),
You're right, she is supposedly a producer for the show…but they are keeping her in the dark about air dates. Don't they want to star/producer to promote the show? They must have production meetings. Wouldn't they discuss those kinds of things? And wouldn't TLC at least respond to her when she and a fan ask for dates? It's all so odd.
But…it TLC doesn't film, the kids will probably be confined to the compound for the whole summer. No vacation, not even a trip to the mall.
I'm pretty sure that after K+8 was cancelled (maybe one or two years after?), Kate took the kids and Deanna and probably her nanny to the Gulf Coast for a beach vacation.
Kate acted like they drove down, and we thought her vacation home was a freebie.
The kids who visit Jon will get off the compound and probably go on vacation(s) with Jon. I don't think he can take them all to Mexico, but... ;-)
Tucker's Mom (121)
We can only hope. During the years after the show was canceled, they only got to take the one trip (that we know of), and then only because it appeared to be a freebie.
At least they have Jon. He seems to be quite happy to take them out and let them do normal things--even if they aren't working to pay for it. And that's the way it should be.
You're right, she is supposedly a producer for the show…but they are keeping her in the dark about air dates. Don't they want to star/producer to promote the show? They must have production meetings. Wouldn't they discuss those kinds of things? And wouldn't TLC at least respond to her when she and a fan ask for dates? It's all so odd.
Ask Milo. She knows everything.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 48m48 minutes ago
4folks asking...#TLC originally had a #KatePlus8 special scheduled 4tomorrow...May 30th...but they rescheduled it 4later date! @Kateplusmy8
What's the date, Gladys? You were pestering TLC. Did they let you know?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 23m23 minutes ago
Each new school yr has 2feel like start of a #Marathon! Congrats 2U Mom 4 getting ur kids thru another yr! #FinishLineInSight @kateplusmy8
AAK. All About Kate. She's so far up Kate's butt that I'm surprised she can even take a breath.
Question about Twitter. As long as the @Kateplusmy8 is in the tweet, can Kate see it if she doesn't have the tweeter blocked? If only her name, Kate Gosselin is in the tweet, can she see it even if she has those tweeters blocked? If the non-fans use the @ and she has them blocked, them what's the purpose of tweeting her?
I am so Twitter-challenged. If I had an account, I'd probably not know what to do with it!
I'm sure Ginger Zee is thrilled beyond words that Ms Uggs is proud of her. I wonder if she will get an invite to Ginger's pool!
@Ginger_Zee always chasing somethings and succeeding #storms #dancing #motherhood so proud of you !!! #GingerRocks
Brenda Schuettler
@Ginger_Zee @iamValC @DancingABC thank you for a great season #Meteorologist #mom #dancer #BigHeart #wife from #1fan you rock !!!
Has Kate been demoted?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 23m23 minutes ago
Each new school yr has 2feel like start of a #Marathon! Congrats 2U Mom 4 getting ur kids thru another yr! #FinishLineInSight @kateplusmy8
She's nuts and if I were Kate I would be embarrassed beyond belief by this person. Just get a room, Milo. Oh, that's right. You don't want to meet her. You are happy with the status quo. Isn't that what you said when you were asked why you two haven't met?
One of the church women is upset with someone!
Barbie Jean Sayre
@delon03 @JunDishes @DanceMomDerric I'll be PRAY N for YOU on acct a you're sleeze n an mock n sweet folks on twitters you ppl got nerves
parker delon @delon03
every time i read one of your tweets, in my head i sound like a preschooler learning to read for the first time. :(
I guess we'll never know if these folks are real or if it's all a comedy tag team. It's kind of like Milo. Some things will forever remain a mystery!
Blind date recap's up! Sorry for the delay!
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