Saturday, July 16, 2016

TLC Block Party

Kate, Mady and Cara will be in attendance at TLC's promotional event today in Chicago.

1480 sediments (sic) from readers:

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TLC stinks said...

I feel terribly bad for Melania. WTH happened? ~ Administrator said...

I'm guessing the speech writer suffered from the phenomenon of cryptomnesia, where a previously forgotten memory returns but the person is unable to recognize it as an unoriginal thought. This happened to Sam Smith when he wrote Stay with Me and was sued by Tom Petty. Smith's a nice guy without a malicious bone in his body, who accidentally plagiarized a famous tag line. He paid him off for this mistake. It's actually a fascinating thing about our memories. Most creative people have had a moment where they pause and say, wait did I think that up myself or did I just hear that somewhere? Same thing happens in photography, one of my favorite hobbies. Photographers will come home with identical compositions to someone who has done it before and done it greatly, without ever thinking in the field they are setting out to "copy" a great until someone points it out.

If you've ever been in high level academia, this is a student's worst fears and it actually happens a lot, and innocently too. ~ Administrator said...

What a hoot. Sounds like an office created in Russia or China. They have a propensity to create meaningless offices and then pick people as directors: Director of Park Sweepers and Poop Collectors; Director of Paper Shredding Collections. I'm surprised Trump would create such a position. The group of 300 African Americans Omarose recently is just silly...something that would come out of the mouth of the DIRECTOR of African-American Outreach.


Lots of politicians create fluff positions, it's not a Russia thing! That's just what you do when you have either ab ig donor or someone you owe a big favor to but who is not capable of a real position. That's Omarosa to a T. I think she's pulled various strings for him and been good to him, so this is her reward.

As far as the 6% African American voter statistic, who knows if that's even accurate this early in the game. Unfortunately certain populations and bullied and brow-beat their peers against Trump, and a lot of voters have actually expressed that they are embarrassed to say they are going to vote for Trump even though they full intend to, and wouldn't even be comfortable admitting that to an anonymous polling person. The Washington Post did a huge article on it. So that number may be very off.

And let's keep in mind, troll, that 6% of the African American population is almost three million people!!! If some of that population is consolidated in certain swing states, which it certainly is, that could actually be a very important game changer. 6% of anything in a election this close could be a deal breaker, certainly when it constitutes three million.

Tucker's Mom said...

If you've ever been in high level academia, this is a student's worst fears and it actually happens a lot, and innocently too.
When even Google can do a plagiarism check, not so innocent.
I feel a bit bad for Melania because I don't think she wrote those words, but she's been on a split screen with Michelle Obama all morning.
They really do need to hire Kate to "set the record straight". She's very good at it, dontcha know?

Susan1956 said...


TLC stinks said...

I think everyone is aware of programs that check for plagiarism. It was up to her speech writers to go over every word. Plagiarism can be a mistake or deliberate, but it's still plagiarism. It's high school English 101.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 6
I think everyone is aware of programs that check for plagiarism. It was up to her speech writers to go over every word. Plagiarism can be a mistake or deliberate, but it's still plagiarism. It's high school English 101.
What a shame, too. Whether you want her as FLOTUS or not, it's a heck of a big speech to give. Imagine the pressure!
Someone dropped the ball and/or didn't have her back.

TLC stinks said...

Not only is it plagarism (ask any teacher) but the silly double downs are driving the news cycle too. I feel certain Melania had no idea what she was reading was lifted from Michelle Obama's speech. Why double down? Just fire the staffer. This is basic stuff.

TLC stinks said...

I have learned something new: Rickroll. I find this less plausible that there was a Rickroll also in the speech. A Rickroll includes some lyrics from Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", a song I happen to like. Melania said, "He will never, ever give you up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down." Kind of far fetched but a young staffer could have unintentially done that. I had no idea Rickroll was a thing.

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said...

Could the plagiarism have been intentional by the speech writer(s)? The result of the speech was certainly a lot of media attention. And, that is what Trump is all Had the plagarised words not been included, would the media still be talking about her speech this much the day after. IMO, no.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

OT..the WV Church Ladies are a fuedin'
"that boys gayer than libarotchie on a rain BOW" (sic)

TLC stinks said...

Turtle, if the plagarism was intentional to get news coverage, that speaks plenty about winning at any cost and sacrificing a family member. That would be chilling. I really tend to believe it was a lazy, not-so-smart staffer, although not firing any one is questionable.

ncgirl said...

"TFW could secure some position for herself, like, Shrewish Outreach?"

Parental Alienation Outreach. Abusing Children Outreach. Narcissism Outreach. The possibilities are endless.

Tucker's Mom said...

Parental Alienation Outreach. Abusing Children Outreach. Narcissism Outreach. The possibilities are endless.
Grand Poobah of Child Exploitation

Sad but true said...

Return of Cake Boss announced in a press release today, August 23. So where's K8 + K8?

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 15
Return of Cake Boss announced in a press release today, August 23. So where's K8 + K8?
Hmm, that's late summer when I expected K+8 to run the canned episodes. What are they waiting for?

Dmasy said...

I will be the first to admit that I am not up-to-date on Gosselin programming. But, am I correct when I say that they filmed a back to school episode at the beginning of the academic year which has ended and that show has not yet aired??

Gee, they might also be saving Thanksgiving, Christmas and a birthday episode.

If they wait long enough, they will be vintage from the archives episodes.

Layla said...


The back-to-school shopping episode aired in January, I think, but Kate mentioned/hinted many times during the spring that they were filming. But TLC does not seem to be in any hurry to air whatever episodes they have. It's been 6 months since an episode of K+8 has aired. I think that is the longest TLC has gone without airing an episode since they brought the show back.

Dmasy said...

Thank you, Layla.

Goodness. I missed it. time.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Layla Is this the 1st year TLC didn't air a 2nd set of episodes in a year?Because i remember they aired 8 episodes early summer and as those episodes were airing they filmed more during summer and aired those around December.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Hmm, that's late summer when I expected K+8 to run the canned episodes. What are they waiting for?


Gladys to be featured in an episode. ~ Administrator said...

I feel certain Melania had no idea what she was reading was lifted from Michelle Obama's speech. Why double down? Just fire the staffer. This is basic stuff.


I think most reasonable people feel the same. Someone else wrote the speech, and either intentionally or unintentionally lifted it from another's work.

Anyone watch Veep? LOl. You just fire someone, anyone. Doesn't matter if that person actaully did it! :)

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 11
OT..the WV Church Ladies are a fuedin'
"that boys gayer than libarotchie on a rain BOW" (sic)

lol!! Not only feuding, but we now know that one of them had a tick the size of a marble on her um, private part and she didn't know it. One needed to be informed of that because...?

Seriously, though, I wonder if they pronounce words exactly as they spell them. When they talk about President Bush, do they say, "President BOOSH?" ~ Administrator said...

A Rickroll includes some lyrics from Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", a song I happen to like. Melania said, "He will never, ever give you up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down." Kind of far fetched but a young staffer could have unintentially done that. I had no idea Rickroll was a thing.


HUH. Now that is interesting. This is the first I heard of this but is it possible she was sabotaged by a double agent in the ranks? That would be hilarious! ~ Administrator said...

Turtle, if the plagarism was intentional to get news coverage, that speaks plenty about winning at any cost and sacrificing a family member. That would be chilling.


Chilling is a little dramatic. Cunning, maybe. I think we don't know the half of little stunts like these that are done not accidentally, but strategically. The Rick Roll gem is a big hint whoever wrote this knew exactly what they were doing.

Forgive me, but this is why I love election season. Gosh this stuff is delicious!

TLC stinks said...

There's a theory floating that a Cory Lewandoski operative is responsible for the speech flap. Cory was very adamant this morning that Manafort should be held responsible and be fired. Revenge, maybe for his own firing? Such intrigue, but it won't be talked about after tomorrow. The press will move on.

TLC stinks said...

Admin, you and James Carville are on the same page regarding dirty political tricks. He thinks it was a setup.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Totally OT...

Oh, no! This means that I won't see our hometown boy and his gal at my favorite restaurant! They are such a cute couple!

PA Dutch Mom said...

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 11
OT..the WV Church Ladies are a fuedin'
"that boys gayer than libarotchie on a rain BOW" (sic)


Gosh, the Church Ladies really are going after each other! I thought Patty and Barbie were good friends! I still haven't figured where Carla fits into that group! I know Boots is Patty's estranged husband, and CJ is Barbie's hubs, and Rog is married to Dar.

@PattyParsonsPat @bigbrotherdar an you're a chain smoke n booze drink n FLOOZIE who can't keep a man to save her LIFE almost win boots left

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 5h5 hours ago
Called squad can't get my breathe Barbie trying to kill me

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 5h5 hours ago
Barbie got me shaking ain't been this mad since 87 when nurse shook Megan after she popped on her at PVH

What got them to claw at each other like this? lol!

Tucker's Mom said...

What got them to claw at each other like this? lol!
Speedballing meth and Mountain Dew?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

PA Dutch Mom (#29), what a bunch of characters! TLC ought to give them a contract. They sound a darn sight more interesting than watching TFW take her brood backpack shopping.

Speaking of which...Dmasy (#19), if you really regret missing the last K+8 episode, I suggest you open a can of paint, paint something, and then watch it dry. You'll be infinitely more entertained!

Tucker's Mom said...

Speaking of which...Dmasy (#19), if you really regret missing the last K+8 episode, I suggest you open a can of paint, paint something, and then watch it dry. You'll be infinitely more entertained!
Yup. Nothing new. Nothing inspiring. Nothing but lather, rinse, repeat.

Deliverence said...

The church ladies made up:

Barbie Jean Sayre ‏@barbiejeansayre 4h4 hours ago
@PattyParsonsPat hey sis love YOU don't no what go into me had one a my spells LMBO got all tingly and fainted real weird TEX me lady 143

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 4h4 hours ago
@barbiejeansayre love ya too sis my pills make my head foggy and say things I don't mean

PA Dutch Mom said...

Deliverence said... 33
The church ladies made up:


Whew. That's a relief. So one has spells and one is on pills. Sounds normal to me. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe you don't care enough about your family members to find chilling the idea of someone within the Trump camp intentionally making Melania Trump the laughing stock of the country , but for those who do, "chilling" is not a dramatic descriptor.


No, I don't find it "chilling" to copy and paste boilerplate rhetoric about hope and change from a completely unimportant campaign fluff stump speech from one speech to another, especially when it would immediately be very obvious it was done. This story is already old news, everyone's moved on as it really is not that big of a deal.

I would define chilling as exposing government secrets to our greatest enemies, playing dumb that you did so, and then getting away with it. That's chilling.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Speedballing meth and Mountain Dew?


I was thinking more along the lines of moonshine behind the barn!

Tucker's Mom said...

Deliverence said... 33
The church ladies made up:
Dang. They would have been great on Jerry Springer. ~ Administrator said...

I think everyone is aware of programs that check for plagiarism. It was up to her speech writers to go over every word. Plagiarism can be a mistake or deliberate, but it's still plagiarism. It's high school English 101.
Everyone but this blog's administrator, apparently!


Um, I was very clear that whether intentional or not, it's plagiarism. In fact I specifically used the words "accidentally plagiarized" when talking about the Tom Petty lawsuit since most people admit that in that case, it was truly accidental. It doesn't mean they get away with it because it was an accident, and they didn't. Tom Petty got a huge cut, and that was fair, and everyone was happy with that result on all sides of the dispute.

No one is disputing it was plagiarism. What was said, is we don't know *how* it happened, whether it was intentional, meant to sabotage or play a prank, or cryptomnesia. They may never tell us what happened.

Tucker's Mom said...

No one is disputing it was plagiarism. What was said, is we don't know *how* it happened, whether it was intentional, meant to sabotage or play a prank, or cryptomnesia. They may never tell us what happened.

I like how W's Chief speechwriter explains how this happens as "rhetorical dependance".

How often are mistakes like this made? Assuming you look at lots of speeches from the past while writing any speech for the present? And how do you avoid things like this happening?

Presidential candidates often are (and should be) inspired by the great rhetoric of the past. And the themes of American politics are consistent over time. The problem comes in the close and distinctive use of sentences and paragraphs. At this point, inspiration becomes dependence. It generally falls to the speechwriter (or speechwriting staff) in a campaign to guard against this type of unacceptable dependence. ~ Administrator said...

I like how W's Chief speechwriter explains how this happens as "rhetorical dependance".


Sounds real similar to the concept of cryptomnesia.

And they're right, as a professional speech writer you need to be aware of this since it apparently can be common. But then that begs the question whether this really was a professional speech writer who would have been very aware of RD, or just one of his kids who can write a great speech because they're smart and a good writer, but isn't a professional speech writer.

Again not intentional or malicious, necessarily, but perhaps a bit lazy or working too fast and being sloppy, or not being specialized enough or aware enough of the common shortcomings in speech writing because this is a job you just stepped into this year. I can imagine of all the speeches that need to be written and all the work that needs to be done on a campaign, how this could easily get through as an oopsie.

TLC stinks said...

Uh oh. NYT reports Melania did not like the original draft by two contracted highly regarded speech writers and did indeed, together with a Meredith McIcver, a former ballet dancer English Major who has worked on some Trump books, totally revise the speech. Looks like it was plagarism not caught by vetting. Apparently the line "your word is your bond" was the giveaway that sparked people's memories because it's unique phrasing in Michelle's Obama's speech. ~ Administrator said...

I can give you an example of something like cryptomnesia I bet lots of people have experienced in their day to day lives. When a friend, coworker, or lover uses a certain word or expression frequently that maybe you never say, like say, "Cool beans!" and all of a sudden you find yourself saying it! LOL. And you're like, huh, I don't say THAT. And yet, you just did.

The human brain is interesting especially when it comes to copying each other. Could relate back to evolution and wanting to fit into the herd and not wanting to be too different. Not causing anything too different among the herd offers acceptance and protection. ~ Administrator said...

Uh oh. NYT reports Melania did not like the original draft by two contracted highly regarded speech writers and did indeed, together with a Meredith McIcver, a former ballet dancer English Major who has worked on some Trump books, totally revise the speech. Looks like it was plagarism not caught by vetting. Apparently the line "your word is your bond" was the giveaway that sparked people's memories because it's unique phrasing in Michelle's Obama's speech.


Wow, now that's interesting. So they changed things around subbed people in and out and somewhere along the way this happened. Could have still been sabotage, as the writers may have been annoyed at the constant revisions, or maybe they were under tight deadlines. It's unclear at what stage that piece of the speech was inserted or who did it, but it's a safe bet it didn't come from the professionals.

Although frankly, your word is your bond is an extremely common expression. ~ Administrator said...

By the way ghost writing a biography or self-help book seems to me to be something VERY different than speech writing. That was probably a crucial mistake. Not all writing is the same. ~ Administrator said...

idn't ask for RSVPs. I merely tell them if I'm coming or not.

That's still an RSVP, is it not, whether verbal or a written response?


That's an RSVP.

The point is you are giving your hosts a head's up so they can plan. Just showing up without confirming can be quite rude. It doesn't much matter whether it's written or oral unless they request you respond in a certain form. ~ Administrator said...

You're missing the point. Plagiarism is not "chilling." Being so ambitious that you would put your wife in front of an audience of 35M to unwittingly be made a complete fool of is chilling to some. That was the premise of the original post.


Huh? I doubt he KNEW this was going to happen. For all we know he's apologized deeply to her and she doesn't blame him. What's weird is the hyperbole that he put her out there like a lamb to a slaughter. There's no evidence of that. I'm sure his wife is fine, nothing like this is going to break her. She's not an emotional basket case.

Tucker's Mom said...

When a friend, coworker, or lover uses a certain word or expression frequently that maybe you never say, like say, "Cool beans!" and all of a sudden you find yourself saying it! LOL. And you're like, huh, I don't say THAT. And yet, you just did.
Lordy Be! I certainly do not!
(dammit, I can't stop!) ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of Lordy Be, our very own Megyn Kelly is now saying Roger Ailes sexually harassed her.

Aninnymouse said... ~ Administrator said... 35
I would define chilling as exposing government secrets to our greatest enemies, playing dumb that you did so, and then getting away with it. That's chilling.
My definition of chilling is wanting to ban a population of people based on their religion. That should affright Mr Pence. ~ Administrator said...

My definition of chilling is wanting to ban a population of people based on their religion. That should affright Mr Pence.


See, I have no problem with profiling. Profiling is how you catch who you're looking for. Look at Israel. They profile all the time, and their security is impeccable.

If all terrorist attacks come from a certain religion, then the religion should be profiled. It's really too bad for all the peaceful hardworking members of that religion. It's really sad that a minority ruins it for the majority or that some people will have a harder time coming here because of it. But even several liberals support profiling, like Bill Maur.

But remember, there is no RIGHT to come to this country. We can ban who we want. Discriminating against Americans already here is one thing, but being strict about who can come here who has no right to be here in the first place is quite another.

I have blue eyes. If suddenly a cult of blue eyed terrorists were bombing people, I would willingly submit to being profiled. Fine, give me the third degree every time I come back into this country, by all means. Don't let other blue eyed people come here until we have a better understanding of why it is only blue eyed people are violent, please do. This is called security. Treating harmless little old ladies from Norway the same as a 20-something from a country that harbors terrorism is a curious waste of resources and frankly, stupid. If we don't profile, terrorist attacks can and will continue to happen here. I don't want people to die because some people feel profiling is not PC. I really don't care they think it's not PC.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Speaking of Lordy Be, our very own Megyn Kelly is now saying Roger Ailes sexually harassed her.


Didn't we all see that one coming?

Kate would look really nice with her hair cut and styled like that. Not many women could pull it off, but Kate could.

I think I'm missing something regarding the plagiarism accusation. Is someone actually saying that Trump is so ambitious that he would put his wife in that position...that he knew this was going to happen, and he just went along with it and let it go and come back to haunt her?

Aninnymouse said...

There's a large line between profiling and religious intolerance. Did the government look to ban Catholics when we were worried about the IRA? Do we profile Christians in the South with the KKK and racism?

Aninnymouse said...

I have blue eyes. If suddenly a cult of blue eyed terrorists were bombing people, I would willingly submit to being profiled. Fine, give me the third degree every time I come back into this country, by all means. Don't let other blue eyed people come here until we have a better understanding of why it is only blue eyed people are violent, please do. This is called security. Treating harmless little old ladies from Norway the same as a 20-something from a country that harbors terrorism is a curious waste of resources and frankly, stupid. If we don't profile, terrorist attacks can and will continue to happen here. I don't want people to die because some people feel profiling is not PC. I really don't care they think it's not PC.
A better contrast would be if a cult of Methodists with blue eyes who also ride or once rode red scooters were bombing people. Because it is clearly not as simple as a single defining characteristic. ~ Administrator said...

Exactly. If you want to ban people based on recent history of violence, you better start with White males.


What was talked about is people coming from abroad. White males from abroad have not caused major problems here. But, if that were the case certainly, profile 'em. We can't "ban" people who are already born and raised Americans. Where would we send them?

In terms of home grown security males should always receive more scrutiny than females, as males cause more crime. I don't see that as reverse sexism and I don't hear men whining about it. They know. That's just security. When you do security you don't spend large amounts of time giving a four year old the fourth degree, or an 85 year old. Same goes for any other characteristic about someone that is not commonly found among criminals.

Aninnymouse said...

I take that back. A better one would be if it SEEMED like blue eyes were what every bomber had in common but it actuality it was something completely different. Something that could not be seen or even easily tested for. ~ Administrator said...

A better contrast would be if a cult of Methodists with blue eyes who also ride or once rode red scooters were bombing people. Because it is clearly not as simple as a single defining characteristic.


Use whatever analogy you like. Profiling is profiling.

The Methodist analogy is fine, and something I relate to since I've been to several Methodist services as my grandparents were devout Methodists. If you are fine with profiling, you need to understand someday YOU might be profiled. If it's someday Methodists and I get the third degree because I took part in a Methodist church, guess what, I'm fine with that. I have nothing to hide.

You're either okay with that, even if it's someday you, or you're not. I am perfectly fine with it. It is not morally in my compass to protest profiling of even a characteristic I may hold, because it is in the name of saving lives. ~ Administrator said...

Here's Bill Maher staunchly supporting profiling and explains why for some reason some of us can't keep two things in our head at the same time (1. the vast majority of Muslims are good people 2. almost all terrorists are Muslims). I pretty much hate Bill Maher 99 percent of the time but I LOVE what he has to say on this issue, he's so spot on: ~ Administrator said...

There's a large line between profiling and religious intolerance. Did the government look to ban Catholics when we were worried about the IRA? Do we profile Christians in the South with the KKK and racism?


We should. Although, the IRA wasn't causing mass destruction here. If they did, I'm sure we would have taken more serious action. We did in fact heavily surveil satellite IRA members here and have been fully supportive in whatever way Ireland government needed us. The FBI very closely follows some of the radical Christian religious groups, they are by no means getting a free pass. Those for whom a case can be made are prosecuted.

In terms of Japanese internment camps, that was the 1940's, it was done to Americans, and it was wrong. We are not talking about internment camps. We are talking about who can come here in the first place. For the life of me I don't understand why people think someone who is not American and has never lived here has some kind of right to come here. They don't. It does not in any way infringe on someone's life or liberty who never lived here in the first place and is not American to say sorry, you can't come. We do this to many people whether they are from terrorist countries or not. Immigration under Obama has actually been incredibly restrictive, though for some reason no one complains if Obama does it. Only when Trump does it. Other countries do it all the time, and progressive ones at that. It's almost impossible to live in Australia or New Zealand and no one calls them racist. Immigration policies are apples and oranges to internment camps. That's an irresponsible analogy, just irresponsible. Quite frankly, it would have been much more humane and appropriate to just heavily restrict Japanese immigration during wartime, than to lock people up. That is an appropriate response, to target groups who are part of enemy countries, there is nothing racist or inappropriate about it, as hard as the far left tries. ~ Administrator said...

You and Bill Maher are both wrong. Almost all terrorists in the U.S. are white males, usually Christian, who were born in this country. It's just that when they are white men, they are not labeled terrorists by you and your brethren.


Mental illness in 20-something males is not the same thing as radicalized terrorism. Even Obama accepts that.

Anonymous said...

Mental illness in 20-something males is not the same thing as radicalized terrorism. Even Obama accepts that.
Bull. Christian extremists have committed acts of violence against abortion clinics over 4,000 times in the past 20 years. That is domestic terrorism that you choose to ignore because it doesn't fit your anti-Muslim agenda.

Funny how it's always "mental illness" when a white male is involved, but when it's a Muslim Middle Easterner, the person is just evil and mental illness doesn't factor in at all. ~ Administrator said...

Um, terrorism is not synonymous with "violence." Open a dictionary. The definition of terrorism REQUIRES a political motive.

I thought you were talking about some of the school shootings, several of which involved young men who were diagnosed with severe mental health problems and had no political motive. That's not terrorism.

I agree with you abortion clinic bombings are domestic terrorism because that's a political motive. Just look at the plain definition of terrorism. It requires political aim. If the aim is political, it's terrorism. If the aim is just to shoot people because you want to or you're mentally off, with no agenda or motive behind it, that's not terrorism by the definition. If someone shoots up an abortion clinic just because and never even saw the sign what the building was and didn't know what the building was all about, sorry, that's not terrorism. But if they intentionally target it to make a political statement, it's terrorism.

The FBI heavily surveils domestic terrorists. If they are Americans, however, they can't be deported. That kind of goes to my point. We have enough violence and domestic terrorism at home to deal with, why add to it by allowing more in? Can't it be argued that government is so overwhelmed trying to keep track of foreigners here and what they're up to that they're missing domestic problems? You sure could.

Oh, and I have no problem with profiling and surveilling white men, abortion bombers, Christians, you name it. And, we do. Heavily. You can't provide me any scenario where I wouldn't be okay with profiling. I'm okay with it all. All of it. So stop trying to poke holes in it.

Aninnymouse said... ~ Administrator said... 60
Oh, and I have no problem with profiling and surveilling white men, abortion bombers, Christians, you name it. And, we do. Heavily. You can't provide me any scenario where I wouldn't be okay with profiling. I'm okay with it all. All of it. So stop trying to poke holes in it.
You're not responding to me here, so I hope it's ok if I respond on this. I agree that it's fine possible abortion bombers but there is no way that anyone has ever said to profile "white men" or "Christians" only based on the subject being either a white man or a Christian. Profiling is never that simple, which is why when PROPERLY done it works and why when not properly done it wastes time and money.

JoyinVirginia said...

Not sure if this went thru, if it's duplicate admin please ignore.
Realtor shares story of filming Beach Front Bargain Hunt episode

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: I'm very interested to see what affect these events will have on the campaign and election. Roger Ailes the force behind Fox News is apparently on the way out. Rupert Murdoch's two sons want to decrease the political content of the channel. Should be interesting.
Apparently, as rumor had it, he has been sexually harassing women for decades.

Aninnymouse said... ~ Administrator said... 60
Oh, and I have no problem with profiling and surveilling white men, abortion bombers, Christians, you name it. And, we do. Heavily. You can't provide me any scenario where I wouldn't be okay with profiling. I'm okay with it all. All of it. So stop trying to poke holes in it.
I know you weren't responding to me but I will respond to this. The FBI does not servile people for just being white, men or Christians. That would be a waste of time and money. Just as surveilling any person based only on a single broad feature would be.

TLC stinks said...

That's right, "your word is your bond" is an old phrase, but it caught the attention of a former speechwriter quoted in the Times as he had not heard it before used in a political speech until Michelle Obama.

I guess I don't feel bad for Melania any longer. Sounds deliberate to me.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 64
OT: I'm very interested to see what affect these events will have on the campaign and election. Roger Ailes the force behind Fox News is apparently on the way out
His ouster seemed really fast. Apparently, this is a big shake up. I would catch Gretchen Carlson from time to time (on Fox) because she's so pleasant and positive in reporting stories and interviewing people. Then, boom! She was gone, and I learned of her allegations against that overcooked potato with a mouth.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 63
Not sure if this went thru, if it's duplicate admin please ignore.
Realtor shares story of filming Beach Front Bargain Hunt episode

Thanks for linking this story. Sounds like this guy's experience with the crew was good, although as usual, more evidence about how faked reality tv is.
Also, of course, the grueling schedule, which no doubt is the same across the board when it comes to shooting reality shows.
A lot of hurry up and wait, thing done out of sequence, staging etc.

A rather fun and brainless show that looks at the drama and fakery behind shows like The Bachelor is "Unreal" on Lifetime.

Sad but true said...

Another WTF moment from Jon Gosselin. Was he not just all over the place talking up his fabulous DJ career? Is this some sort of publicity stunt? Color me terminally confused.

Jane said...

Jon responded to the TMZ "article"


Hey @TMZ thanks a lot for ruining something I passionate about, good job interfering!!! FYI, I was donating my checks to charity!

JoyinVirginia said...

Tuckers mom, UnReal is a great show! One of the creators worked on The Bachelor four several years. My daughter and I watch it together and like to speculate on what are things in the show that probably really happened behind the scenes of a real reality show. The production staff shenanigans I could believe are drawn from reality, real reality.
I'm only really into Big Brother as far as reality shows go. Of course I will watch every edition of Amazing Race and Survivor because I like the competitions and strategy.
Real life does make tv seem kind of irrelevant. In post few months, three friends have died, all male, one at 56, one age 61, and one age 65. The oldest was very healthy, the other two had some medical problems, but all of them died suddenly and unexpectedly. When someone close died, it makes people think about priorities in life.
Have fun today! Call that relative or friend you haven't talked to in a while. Do something fun!

Sad but true said...

Jane said... 70

Thanks. I'm glad to know this wasn't as ridiculous as it sounded.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 69
Another WTF moment from Jon Gosselin. Was he not just all over the place talking up his fabulous DJ career? Is this some sort of publicity stunt? Color me terminally confused.
More power to Jon whether he's donating the money from TGIF or making ends meet. When Kate said she'd work at McDonald's as God is her witness!!!, she was full of sht.
I have tons more respect for Jon slinging hash or picking up garbage than I do Kate filming her kids for a living.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

JoyinVirginia (#71), so sorry to hear about your friends passing. It must be a difficult time for you. I will take your advice about seizing the day.

Tucker's Mom said...

Real life does make tv seem kind of irrelevant. In post few months, three friends have died, all male, one at 56, one age 61, and one age 65. The oldest was very healthy, the other two had some medical problems, but all of them died suddenly and unexpectedly. When someone close died, it makes people think about priorities in life.
Have fun today! Call that relative or friend you haven't talked to in a while. Do something fun!
So true! We had a neighbor die recently. He was probably early 60's, fit, exercised and died ON his treadmill. Another's relative just boom! passed away at 55. Probably an aneurism.
Well, I just walked our lab all around to enjoy the weather before it gets too humid. Just the two of us as our bichon is getting groomed and generally handsomized this morning.

I will set my dvr to watch the hgtv show in the OBX, and dream of buying there instead of renting ;-) ~ Administrator said...

The side by side comparison of the (small) portion of the speech that was lifted from Michelle's is funny. It looks like a high school senior got lazy with their debate club opening address, did a copy and paste job of something used before and changed around some wording. Someone either got lazy or was under a severe time crunch. Or it's also possible they watched dozens of YouTube videos of other candidate wife speeches in a desperate attempt to figure out how such a speech should look--and then accidentally some of the things they heard morphed their way into their speech at 2am. In any case, fun story.

Deliverence said...

Jane said... 70
Jon responded to the TMZ "article"


Hey @TMZ thanks a lot for ruining something I passionate about, good job interfering!!! FYI, I was donating my checks to charity!


I wonder what he means? Did he lose his TGI Friday job as a chef because of that article? His DJ job? Is he passionate about DJing at TGI Friday?

Last I read about Jon he was trying to save enough money to go to court about custody.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Deliverence Honestly i don't know anymore when it comes to jon.Nothing (from the looks of it)has changed in regards to not seeing the kids who don't see him.He's been to court many times from what i herd,way more then what the public knows.Yet despite this,i've not seeing anything changed really.

TLC stinks said...

Staffer says 'mistake' led to Melania Trump's speech kerfuffle
Associated Press
Published Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:57 PM EDT

A Trump Organization staff writer says she made a "mistake" in including passages from a Michelle Obama speech in Melania Trump's convention speech.

Meredith McIver says she offered her resignation, but Donald Trump rejected it.

McIver explained her role in the Trump plagiarism controversy in a statement issued Wednesday.

McIver says Mrs. Trump read passages of Mrs. Obama's 2008 convention speech during the writing the process. She says her notes from that conversation made it into the final version.

She says she feels terrible for the "chaos" she caused.

The Trump campaign has said denied accusations of plagiarism, saying the similarities were coincidence. ~ Administrator said...

McIver says Mrs. Trump read passages of Mrs. Obama's 2008 convention speech during the writing the process. She says her notes from that conversation made it into the final version.

She says she feels terrible for the "chaos" she caused.


Well, that sounds plausible and exactly what I speculated about yesterday, that she was reviewing other speeches and made an oopsie.

Only thing I can't figure out is why not just accept her resignation? It would help this go away.

TLC stinks said...

Glad the mystery has been solved. If you read the actual statement from McIver, she said Melania likes Michelle (too bad, Donald) and read to her some portions of Michelle's speech. And now all the Trump surrogates look like idiots running around yesterday proclaiming the whole thing was a coincidence and not plagarism. Really, didn't Melania recognize those familiar passages she thought to emphasize to McIver? I think it was a case of being told I want my speech to include something just like this and McIver was sloppy and nobody vetted each line of the speech. If vetted properly, somebody would have caught it. You always need fresh eyes. ~ Administrator said...

Lol you seriously believe that this woman "made an oopsie" that caused Melania Trump to make an ass of herself before an audience of many millions a


Yeah, I actually do.

Ever hear the simplest explanation is usually the correct one? As any good speech writer would do, she reviewed past speeches to see what was said, and took notes. In the pressure of the time crunch and chaos, some of her notes got mixed in with her original writing. As any decent person would do, they offered to resign. I don't know why Trump won't accept the resignation, but that's beside the point.

The hyperbole! It was a couple sentences in a lengthy speech. Good grief. If she seriously had intent to copy something, wouldn't she have copied a lot more than just a couple fluff lines and something of much more signifiance than just blah blah rhetoric?

Sad but true said...

Too bad Kate's so lazy. This is amazing money for very little work.

Deliverence said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 78
@Deliverence Honestly i don't know anymore when it comes to jon.

I'm with you. I just wish he'd stay quiet. All he does is provide fodder for his critics.

TLC stinks said...

At the very least, it would be classy for Melania to reach out to Michelle to apologize (doesn't have to be a public thing).

Tucker's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
No doubt your pups were happy 2see you come hm fr Chicago trip! Did they give you a warm "all over you" greeting? #Mak #Nanuq @Kateplusmy8
Um, is Milo wondering if the dogs peed on Kate when she came home?

Formerly Duped said...

If Jon really wrote a book, I don't see why it can't be published now.

Tucker's Mom said...

Expands a bit on Jon working at Fridays.
I don't see how this reflects poorly on Jon. So, he cooks at Fridays. Maybe the DJ'ing gigs are flagging and he's keeping busy.
I'm so glad he hasn't just thrown in the towel and left town for better employment prospects. He's there for his kids.
I hope he finds a work groove that can support him and his part of taking care of the kids.

Aninnymouse said...

Formerly Duped said... 87

If Jon really wrote a book, I don't see why it can't be published now.
Because he doesn't have the cash to self publish and no one else will pay?

And if he needs money why is he donating? Was the TGIFridays gig specifically for charity or what?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Has Gladys delivered the news about Jon working at TGI Fridays to TFW yet? She seems to relish any opportunity to belittle him, and I think she thinks she gets extra credit from TFW. A slam for Jon, but TFW's hands stay clean. Meanwhile, Gladys' career remains a secret. Probably so TFW won't find out she's "mediocre."

Tucker's Mom said...

Another blurb from Radar:

Jon's boss claims to love him and says he's a hard worker, and "friends" say his bigger DJ gigs have dried up. Sort of "the bloom is off the rose" kind of thing with regards to Jon's celeb status and his DJ'ing.

Layla said...

jamezvader1194 said... 20
@Layla Is this the 1st year TLC didn't air a 2nd set of episodes in a year?Because i remember they aired 8 episodes early summer and as those episodes were airing they filmed more during summer and aired those around December.
I think this is the longest they have been off the air. They had the 10th birthday specials, then more that fall/winter, then last year several specials throughout the spring and summer (Mother's Day special, Kate's 40th Birthday, the little kids' 11th birthday), then more last Dec-Jan. But there has been nothing at all for at least 6 months, and if you check the TLC site, they are not on the schedule. Who knows how long it will be before any more air? They are showing lots of ads for the August shows, but not a peep about K+8. She has got to be wondering what's going on by now. After all, this is a person who used to film 40+ episodes per year. And with the spring filming they did, it is obvious that she has no problem forcing the kids to work even when they are in school. She'll sell every spare minute of free time they have if she has a chance.

jamezvader1194 said...

@flimsyFlamsy It seems some of the fans are on the news about Leslie Jones complaining about how twitter doing nothing about the abuse she received regarding the Ghostbusters movie.Although some people are reporting tweets by her where she is showing hate towards gays and lied about being hacked.Quick Bullyville,another female you can white knight.

Jane said...

Jon's made one of the NY papers. They do say he donates his check to charity.

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 92
I think this is the longest they have been off the air.

I'm wondering if they just didn't get enough decent footage to bother putting it out there.

Deliverence said...

Tucker's Mom said... 91
Another blurb from Radar:

Jon's boss claims to love him and says he's a hard worker, and "friends" say his bigger DJ gigs have dried up. Sort of "the bloom is off the rose" kind of thing with regards to Jon's celeb status and his DJ'ing.

That article is a far cry from his Yahoo interview on June 22. No wonder people feel confused. In one interview he's going to go for custody of the kids when he gets enough money saved, next thing you know he's working at a restaurant and giving his money to charity.

He seems kind of like a "ridin high in April, shot down in May" type of guy.

Tucker's Mom said...

He seems kind of like a "ridin high in April, shot down in May" type of guy.
He's like the weather in Miami. Just wait 5 minutes and it'll change ;-)

TLC stinks said...

Both Jon AND Kate are total Has-Beens.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 98
Both Jon AND Kate are total Has-Beens.
Ah, but Kate has the kiddos.

Midnight Madness said...

Meanwhile, Gladys' career remains a secret. Probably so TFW won't find out she's "mediocre."


What exactly does she do, other than to act as a self-appointed PR person for Kate, as well as worship the ground Kate walks on? She tweeted once about a business conference, forgot the vanilla (sic) envelope, and had to go home for it while LOM sat and waited for her to return to the meeting.

Is anyone watching American's Got Talent? They have some incredible acts on there, and Simon has really mellowed.

GollyGee said...

Jon Gosselin is really proud of his short-lived gig at TGI Friday's.

The 39-year-old former reality star called in to 103.7 Dallas' Kannon And Sybil on Wednesday, and confirmed reports that he was working at a TGI Friday's in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as a cook. Gosselin insisted that he didn't take the job for the money, but rather, because of his passion for cooking.

"I love cooking, so my buddy calls me and asks me [because he] needed help in the kitchen," Gosselin says. "So, I'm like, 'yeah.' I'm really happy that TGI hired me for my cooking ability, and not for who I am. But I only work there two days a week, so I took my paycheck and I would just donate to charity. One week it was CMN -- Children's Miracle Network. So, I did it not for the money, I did it because I'm passionate about cooking. I really didn't make a lot of money there."

WATCH: Jon Gosselin Admits He Knows People Talk 'S**t' About Him

But Gosselin says that now that his job has been exposed, he can no longer continue.

"I'm not going to work there anymore because now the trust and the teamwork is gone," he says. "Because now someone took a picture of me and sold it to TMZ ... and now I have to leave a job I'm passionate about."

Unfortunately, Gosselin also shares that he's still having issues with his ex, Kate Gosselin, and says he hasn't seen one of his sons in two years. He didn't identify which son he is referring to, though he has eight children with his ex -- 15-year-old twins Cara and Madelyn, and 12-year-old sextuplets Hannah, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Leah, and Aaden.

"She's estranged me from my son," Gosselin alleges to the radio station.

Judging by Gosselin's interview with Yahoo! Celebrity last month, it's safe to say he is referring to his son, Collin, whom he said he hadn't seen in over a year.

"It's unfair of her to do that, considering she claims that she does her best for all my kids," Gosselin said, slamming Kate. "Dah, dah, dah, drama. 'I'm perfect.' No one's perfect, honey. Trust me."

"I haven't seen my son in a year and a half. I don't know why," he also told Steve Harvey in January. "I can't talk to him. I have no communication."

NEWS: EXCLUSIVE -- Jon Gosselin Says He Didn't Mock Kate's Breakup on Facebook: I Wouldn't Trash My Kids' Mother

Gosselin currently works as a DJ and said he gets "good money" from the job in his June interview. Most importantly, he gets to be his own boss.

"It's the longest job I've had after the divorce, and it's all mine," he told Yahoo! Celebrity. "I own it."

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

"Is anyone watching American's Got Talent? They have some incredible acts on there, and Simon has really mellowed."


Yes, and one the contestants says he works as an actuary. Ugg's son? ;)

Midnight Madness said...


July 20 (Reuters) - The parents of a two-year-old boy drowned by an alligator at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida last month "are broken" but will not sue over the incident, the couple said in a statement on Wednesday.

AGT...The guy who pulls the car by his nipples was just shown. If he doesn't win, maybe TLC could feature him on a series. They could call it "Nippelodeon."

Tucker's Mom said...

Now Jon cooking and loving cooking, I can believe.
Sad about not seeing his son. 2 years. How does that happen? ~ Administrator said...

I'm not understanding why that article upset Jon. I thought it suggested that he is a hard working guy who if there isn't a DJ gig coming up, he's out there working anyway and rain making. That's a good thing! Or was there something not accurate about it?

As far as him donating his checks to charity, whatever. It's not like it would make much of a dent in attorneys fees anyway so if he feels he'd like to do that who cares. You don't need several thousand dollars to fight someone like Kate. It would take tens of thousands.

Layla said...

Sad but true said... 95
Layla said... 92
I think this is the longest they have been off the air.

I'm wondering if they just didn't get enough decent footage to bother putting it out there.

I wonder the same thing. Recent episodes seem like they're dragging the most monotonous things out for soooooo long (refinishing the picnic table, boutique shopping with Mady and Cara). Like they just don't have anything else interesting to add, so they just extend boring things forever to fill the air time because there's nothing better to show. ~ Administrator said...

I read the story about Jon on Wonderwall. 99% of the comments were very positive. Everyone basically said--good for him, what's wrong with an honest day's work? And giving the money to charity? Even better. I think Jon wins this round.


I'm not surprised comments were positive. I think most people are not going to mock someone for working a decent job and are not going to sneer it's TGI Fridays. And shame on anyone who does. Nor is someone going to mock a former reality star for "working", everyone knows being a reality star is not usually sustainable. TGIF Fridays is a fine company and a good job. I think most people are like Pa Ingalls, any man that works hard at a decent job is a decent man.

Something struck Jon about the article, I don't know what, but it's kind of typical Jon, blurting out whatever is on his mind.

I'm not saying I sympathize with Kate, far from it, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why on earth she thought she was compatible with this guy, or for that matter him to her. There is nothing about him that is compatible to her. ~ Administrator said...

At the very least, it would be classy for Melania to reach out to Michelle to apologize (doesn't have to be a public thing).


She may want to do that but could be the campaign won't let her.

I think Michelle would take her reaching out very well. Michelle has been in academia long enough and politics long enough to understand that whether intentional or not, mistakes happen and the media goes nuts for a day and a half then forget. I remember when her husband made that special needs joke and while I thought that was just awful, I also don't think he meant to do that and that sometimes things come out of your mouth. Point being, Michelle understands these things happen and I doubt would hold it against her.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin People's problem(like me) is that he said months ago that he was going to save money for custody.Im not saying giving it to charity is a bad thing.I just feel he shouldn't of said he was going to save money then turn around and say he's giving it to charity.Again im not saying giving it to charity is bad.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

You know what would be priceless? If Jon could parlay this into a guest spot on one of the myriad cooking competition shows out there. TFW's extensions would blow right off her head. ~ Administrator said...

You know what would be priceless? If Jon could parlay this into a guest spot on one of the myriad cooking competition shows out there. TFW's extensions would blow right off her head.


I wonder if that's a motive behind this, taking a cooking class, working in a kitchen, etc.

A D lister can really make the rounds of cooking shows these days, everyone and their mother is showing up on Chopped and other competitions. It's amazing Kate hasn't figured out how to make such a thing happen. ~ Administrator said...

I hope the sheeple don't say anything cruel about Jon's job.

I'm sure there are many people who could be reading that have similar jobs. They don't deserve to get their feelings hurt. There is NOTHING wrong with Jon's job, and they need to let this one go. ~ Administrator said...

@Admin People's problem(like me) is that he said months ago that he was going to save money for custody.Im not saying giving it to charity is a bad thing.I just feel he shouldn't of said he was going to save money then turn around and say he's giving it to charity.Again im not saying giving it to charity is bad.


No, not at all! I'm just saying he's probably better off saving the bigger checks if he's serious about saving for attorneys fees, it's going to take a lot.

One can simultaneously be saving money and also be giving to charity. As lots of people have said before if you wait until you're "ahead" to give to charity, you will never give. The fact that you give to charity doesn't mean you don't have a jar marked "attorneys fees" too! ~ Administrator said...

Sad about not seeing his son. 2 years. How does that happen?


It happens when you don't call the cops on a parent violating your family law order.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#111), and some of these shows don't even require the celeb to cook. There are lots of them that just have celebs as judges. I jjust caught a show on the Food Network Saturday called "Guilty Pleasures," where stars simply talk about decadent foods they love. I was just flipping channels when I came across Carnie Wilson extolling the virtues of deep-fried Twinkies. Jon is friendly and personable -- he might do very well on those types of shows. And it wouldn't involve exploiting his kids.

Jeanne said...

I think the reason Jon is upset about the article is someone he works with must have spilled the beans to TMZ and sold that selfie for a few hundred. It's hard to work a job when everything you say or do can be sold to tabloids. However, it may be what he is stuck with. You can take pride in any job done well. But I find the whole saving money/donating paychecks to be confusing. ~ Administrator said...

Jon says he only works there two nights a week. There's no point in saving that money, and for all we know it's the same amount he tends to give to charity each month anyway, so why not? Again, just because you give some money to charity doesnt mean you can't also be saving up some money! I don't expect someone saving to save every penny that comes in. Supporting charity shouldn't be put on hold because our own life has expenses (it always WILL), and it brings good karma.

If Jon's upset because he wanted this to be a secret, I think that's unreasonable. Of course people are going to recognize him and spill the beans. He willingly is taking photos with patrons. ~ Administrator said...

No, it's precisely the point. This concocted (IMO) story is designed to make Trump look good.


This was concocted to make Trump look GOOD? I give them the benefit of the doubt on how it happened, but Trump refusing to let the person who did it resign just makes him look stubborn, not "good." ~ Administrator said...

manager made it clear today that Trump has no intention of actually RUNNING the country if the American people are stupid enough to elect him. That will be Pence's job. God help us all, especially anyone who happens to be gay, non-Christian or a believer in science.


We have something here called checks and balances and in terms of social issues those rarely if ever have gone "backwards" at the helm of presidents. Nothing is going to change for the "yeah science!" Jessie Pinkmans of the world, or those that think Christianity is hocus pocus, or even those who would rather sleep with their same gender. The winning candidate does however have a real opportunity to make changes when it comes to our deplorable state of national security.

Deliverence said...

But I find the whole saving money/donating paychecks to be confusing.


It is confusing, but then Jon says things off the top of his head without thinking them through, imo. He very well may not have meant he's going for custody when he gets enough money saved, or he changed his mind.

What's confusing to me is Jon said he wanted to work there anonymously but now he can't because the picture's out there. So he's quitting? Does he friend want to out now? How could he work there anonymously...people would see him coming and going, and if he wanted to keep it quiet that he was donating to a charity, he's the one who said it first, wasn't he? ~ Administrator said...

What's confusing to me is Jon said he wanted to work there anonymously but now he can't because the picture's out there. So he's quitting? Does he friend want to out now? How could he work there anonymously...people would see him coming and going, and if he wanted to keep it quiet that he was donating to a charity, he's the one who said it first, wasn't he?


That's what I don't get. You work in a public restaurant. Everyone's on social media. You take photos with patrons. Why would you expect this not to get out and even if it did, why does it offend you? If he wants to be recognized just for his cooking and not have who he is bias that, he should hide in the kitchen and don't mingle with the crowds and let the cooking speak for itself. Once you mingle though it was inevitable this was going to come out, he knows better.

I think this was just typical Jon, getting mad over something silly, blurting something out, then over it and moving on in short order.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Did the WV church ladies end their tit for tat feud?

Is this the same one who thinks that Tom Cruise and Ted Cruz are the same person and that Ted shot JFK and killed JonBenet? I get some of these women mixed up!

Barbie Jean Sayre ‏@barbiejeansayre
Just plane SICK over ol monkey mouth MICHELLE stealing mulania speech like that ain't right atall sis worked so hard on it SHAME SHAME you

Deliverence said...

I think this was just typical Jon, getting mad over something silly, blurting something out, then over it and moving on in short order.


I think that's exactly what happened and if he hadn't made that stupid tweet, even if he did delete it, things would have gone a lot more smoothly. He didn't need to do any interviews about it either. I wish he'd just kept quiet, but he just can't do that, it seems.

CC said...

I could be wrong, but I think Jon was upset because a CO-WORKER took a group selfie with Jon at TGIF (possibly in kitchen) and then sold it to the tabloids.

Jon said the trust and teamwork at TGIF was now gone. That leads me to believe it was someone he worked with.

Jon was a cook in the kitchen. I don't think he was out in the restaurant taking pics with fans who were dining there. I don't think I've even seen the cook come out and interact with guests dining at a TGIF, so I can see how Jon was working there "anonymously."

Sad but true said...

Kate's gotta be loving all the great mentions she's getting today.

Deliverence said...

I'm not saying I sympathize with Kate, far from it, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why on earth she thought she was compatible with this guy, or for that matter him to her. There is nothing about him that is compatible to her.


I'm not sure comparability was the first thing on her mind.

I think she was attracted to the fact that Jon's dad had money, and I think she realized his malleability very early on. If she didn't think it out loud, so to speak, she instinctually knew she'd be able to be the one in control in their relationship and being in control is necessary for her.

TLC stinks said...

Jon just needs to STFU. What does he think will happen, particularly with a selfie? He seems to have a need to still be a public person. Why even comment? As far as not seeing Collin, there's more to that. Saying he does not know why is beyond ridiculous.

Tucker's Mom said...

If Jon's upset because he wanted this to be a secret, I think that's unreasonable. Of course people are going to recognize him and spill the beans. He willingly is taking photos with patrons.
I can see paps, or just anyone, waiting for him to come out to get that pic of him going to/from his "burger flipping" job.
The sadder thing is that if Jon really thinks this kind of thing sucks, just think of what the kids have to look forward to.
They are going to be fair game for the tabloids for God knows how long. One misstep or drunken screw up and they're fodder for the tabs.
I was just reading an article online about McCauly Caulkin (sp?) and although he's hardly acting anymore, he gets hounded by paps following him, even though what he likes to do is be a band roadie!

Tucker's Mom said...

Barbie Jean Sayre ‏@barbiejeansayre
Just plane SICK over ol monkey mouth MICHELLE stealing mulania speech like that ain't right atall sis worked so hard on it SHAME SHAME you

Wow, that's when folksy turns biggoty.

GollyGee said...

July 20, 2016 at 6:56 PM ~ Administrator said... 105
I'm not understanding why that article upset Jon. I thought it suggested that he is a hard working guy who if there isn't a DJ gig coming up, he's out there working anyway and rain making. That's a good thing! Or was there something not accurate about it?

As far as him donating his checks to charity, whatever. It's not like it would make much of a dent in attorneys fees anyway so if he feels he'd like to do that who cares. You don't need several thousand dollars to fight someone like Kate. It would take tens of thousands.


I am proud of Jon, donating his pay checks to charity. He is tithing. God will return it shaken, pressed down. I saw the picture and it looks like the guy on the left took the selfie. If he was the one that took the picture and sold it to TMZ or whoever sold it should be reprimanded because someone betrayed him. Like Jon said, the bond was broken.

I believe that Jon should be on the cooking competition shows. He has judged some. They have had some idiots on some of the shows and Jon would be a much better choice in some cases. You know the Korean dinner he made years ago must be pretty good but so horrible because Kate kept sabotaging every step she could.

He diced white onions and green onions and worked on it a long time and they had to be separated. She on purposely mixed them up.

Who does that? A. Pure. Witch.

He should of went and got someone in charge, no, not Kate, lol, and told them to send her on an errand, anything to get her out of his hair.

She is such a pure witch.

Tucker's Mom said...

CC said... 124
I could be wrong, but I think Jon was upset because a CO-WORKER took a group selfie with Jon at TGIF (possibly in kitchen) and then sold it to the tabloids.

Jon said the trust and teamwork at TGIF was now gone. That leads me to believe it was someone he worked with.

That's my impression, too. Maybe the deal was that Jon's working there would be on the D-L, but someone he trusted in his "team" sold him out.
That's where I think Jon's ire is coming from.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gawd, TLC is such trash. What a HORRIBLE message to send to children.

Tucker's Mom said...

As far as not seeing Collin, there's more to that. Saying he does not know why is beyond ridiculous.

Beyond beyond. We're owed no explanation, I know.
It's just so sad, and makes absolutely no sense.
At this point, I just can't see why Jon is acting like the victim-as if he has no power or rights-in this parenting debacle.

Tucker's Mom said...

He diced white onions and green onions and worked on it a long time and they had to be separated. She on purposely mixed them up.

Who does that? A. Pure. Witch.
Someone who has no idea WHY you separate the two and utilize them differently in a recipe.
And when I say "recipe", I mean those things people who don't know how to cook follow ;-)

GollyGee said...

Tucker's Mom said... 131

Totally agree, Tucker's and on also on your last post. Not only does she not know what to do, she sabotaged it and also sabotaged the twins when they did a cooking episode.

Like I said, who does this and doesn't allow one of her son's to see their father for 2 years. A. Pure. Witch.

Deliverence said...

CC said... 124
I could be wrong, but I think Jon was upset because a CO-WORKER took a group selfie with Jon at TGIF (possibly in kitchen) and then sold it to the tabloids.


I think you're right.

Gosselin lasted a month before a photo of him working in the kitchen was leaked on Wednesday. "I see the picture and I'm wondering who leaked it," he says. "They don't really understand how it works. How many people it affects and the chain reaction."

I hope he doesn't quit though. He does seem to enjoy cooking.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

My local LA station, KROQ, was just talking about this this morning. At first they were laughing about Jon, and then the woman on the team said, at least you have to give the guy credit for finding a way to stay employed. And then the guy mentioned Jon has had lots of different jobs, so he's "not afraid to work." Then they made fun of TFW popping up on different shows all the time, and about how much therapy her 8 kids are gonna need.

Deliverence said...

This is pretty funny--

haley ⚡️ ‏@haleysalad 14m14 minutes ago
I fell into a black hole of web surfing and found myself on Kate Gosselin's website which is dated from 2013

jamezvader1194 said...

@FlimsyFlamsy You know what i find hypocritical?When Jon was unemployed years ago.Kate fans said"Jon needs to get a JOB!"(Jon finally gets a job)."HAHA He works there?What a complete loser."I swear Jon could work for Donald Trump and make tons of money and they'd still try to find fault in it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Deliverence said... 138
This is pretty funny--

haley ⚡️ ‏@haleysalad 14m14 minutes ago
I fell into a black hole of web surfing and found myself on Kate Gosselin's website which is dated from 2013
July 21, 2016 at 10:30 AM
I hope while haley was at Kate's moribund blog, that she pre-ordered the cookbook!
They're selling like hot cakes?

Deliverence said...

the cookbook!


Ah, yes. Another black hole--the pre-order site.

Lanc Native said...

Jon just needs to STFU. What does he think will happen, particularly with a selfie? He seems to have a need to still be a public person.


Someone leaked the photo. So now Jon can't have any selfies taken and needs to STFU because someone *might* sell the photos? I don't think so. That's no way to live. He didn't make it public.

Totally OT...I was stopped at a red light today at a major intersection. There was a fellow on the corner with a sign saying that he was a homeless veteran and every little bit (of a donation) would help. He had one arm missing. Who here would roll down the window and give him a few bucks? Just curious about opinions.

Jane said...

Lanc Native, It depends on the setting. I get this in NYC and don't roll down windows to hand over money. I have given to those on the streets. In a more rural setting, there have been times when I've given money from the car but only if I'm not alone. How did you handle your situation?

Tucker's Mom said...

Totally OT...I was stopped at a red light today at a major intersection. There was a fellow on the corner with a sign saying that he was a homeless veteran and every little bit (of a donation) would help. He had one arm missing. Who here would roll down the window and give him a few bucks? Just curious about opinions.

If I had money handy and it was safe (driving-wise) to hand him a buck or a fiver, absolutely I would do that.
God bless.

Lanc Native said...

How did you handle your situation?


The guy in the truck ahead of me gave him money and I followed suit. This fellow was standing out in the blazing sun and looked tired, hot and desperate. Was he really homeless and really a veteran? I have no idea, but hey, he told God to bless me, which was good.

Dmasy said...

Lanc Native -- it is totally situational for me, too. My heart always squeezes.

I don't see as many such requests here in Texas as I did in Illinois.

There was a "regular" at one of the stops in IL. His sign said, "Will take any job and work for food." I had a friend who stopped and actually offered him a job for the day. He cursed my friend and told him to just give him a buck. heart aches every time and I probably give to some people who are scamming.


Formerly Duped said...

I always give a small amount to those asking for it. Probably some are scamming, but why take the chance of not helping someone who needs that dollar or two more than you do? Safety first of course.I have never gone on vacation to somewhere where the children are sent to beg- you are told to ignore them, but that's really tough I'm sure.

I'm glad my own kids have picked up the habit of giving change or a dollar to the homeless, too.I think I told this story before, but that very bad winter, my daughter bought gloves at a convenience store for a man who lives on a stoop in the city. He had bare hands.I was very proud of her that day.

Layla said...

I don't blame Jon for being unhappy about his TGIF job being made public. Remember, some of Kate's fans have publicly boasted about calling and harassing non-fans' employers and trying to stir up trouble, and even got at least one fired. Perhaps they have done that to his past employers. He wants to enjoy his work and not cause restaurant management or co-workers any grief. He just wants to do something he enjoys and not deal with any ugliness.

I also think he talked on the record because someone called him and basically said they were running the story no matter what he thought about it, so he might as well set the record straight rather than having people think he lost his DJ job.

I also wouldn't put it past Kate to leak the story ( after perhaps hearing about it from one of the kids) to try to make Jon look bad. And to stir up some publicity. ~ Administrator said...

I understand better now why Jon was so upset, because apparently it was truly an insider he worked with who made a buck off him, and not just a random patron who disclosed this innocently. That must feel like a true betrayal. Unfortunately this is the consequence of being a celebrity even after you try to leave it. And as other posters have said, this sort of thing needs to be considered when it comes to the kids. Even giving Kate the benefit of the doubt the kids love filming now, they might someday want to leave this lifestyle. Yet it might be too late by then, there will be no way to leave it even if they want to. At least Jon could consent when he stepped into celebrity. The kids never did.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

One of the WV Church Ladies wants a dog...

Darlene Casto ‏@bigbrotherdar 2h2 hours ago
I'd like to have me a shitzoo

They're cute, but she might have better luck if she searched for a Shih Tzu breeder instead.

Another one is concerned about Melania's nationality...

Barbie Jean Sayre ‏@barbiejeansayre 3h3 hours ago
Mulania trump not a american??????

Barbie Jean Sayre ‏@barbiejeansayre 3h3 hours ago
Is mulania trump from TEXAS

Of course. Texas, Slovenia. I thought everyone knew that.

Aninnymouse said...

'm not saying I sympathize with Kate, far from it, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why on earth she thought she was compatible with this guy, or for that matter him to her. There is nothing about him that is compatible to her.


I'm not sure comparability was the first thing on her mind.

I think she was attracted to the fact that Jon's dad had money, and I think she realized his malleability very early on. If she didn't think it out loud, so to speak, she instinctually knew she'd be able to be the one in control in their relationship and being in control is necessary for her.
I'd be more interested in knowing what drew Kate to Jon? What in 7 hells was attractive about her? I think she may be like his mom because I've read that people often subconsciously look for their mother or father in their spouse.

Aninnymouse said...

Jon is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to be regular Joe but he also goes on TV to do interviews and speaks publicly every few months. You're either in or you're out Jon.

Over And Out said...

One can only hope that the church women represent only a small minority. It's frightening that such people have the right to vote. Can they even begin to understand the American political system?

Deliverence said...

I'd be more interested in knowing what drew Kate to Jon?


I wonder about that, too. When you see the old footage of them before they were married, to me she was acting like the helpless widdle girl. Jon might have liked that.

GollyGee said...

Deliverance said... 154
I'd be more interested in knowing what drew Kate to Jon?


I wonder about that, too. When you see the old footage of them before they were married, to me she was acting like the helpless widdle girl. Jon might have liked that.


With all of her performances playing the helpless wittle girl and all of the prosperity that has fell in her lap, she deserves an Oscar.

From making her brother Kevin feel sorry for her to do her chores because she was too lazy to do them herself to each boyfriend and their mother waiting on her hand and foot and then the big catch, Jon AND his fathers wallet, then the fertility drs., then the community helping when the tups were born, then using Beth with the book, then the church tours fleecing money out of churchgoers. Continuing with corporations, businesses, networks, shows, anybody that she could get to feel bad for her because of 8 children.

Even corporate giant Georgia-Pacific bowed down to her. ~ Administrator said...

I'd be more interested in knowing what drew Kate to Jon? What in 7 hells was attractive about her? I think she may be like his mom because I've read that people often subconsciously look for their mother or father in their spouse.


Like many men that age it was probably mostly physical. Young, energetic, enthusiastic. I also think people like Kate are very good at hiding who they really are until they close the deal. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think it's an uncommon sentiment from celebs that while they may frequently talk to the press, they would prefer some pieces of their life be private. For whatever reason Jon wanted his new job to be private.

Jon is no different than other celebs who have felt the same. He is happy to share some things about his life, but other more private pieces he would like to be kept private.

I suppose there is an argument that everything should be an open book when you are a public figure, but the reality is I don't think very many celebs out there agree with that or practice that.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#156), I think narcissists in general are good at playing parts to get what they want. I've admitted that I actually liked TFW very much when I started watching the show. I found her endearing, and kind of funny. ~ Administrator said...

Admin (#156), I think narcissists in general are good at playing parts to get what they want. I've admitted that I actually liked TFW very much when I started watching the show. I found her endearing, and kind of funny.


I was one of those who even in the specials found something just very unsavory about her, but I didn't mind her in the same way I don't mind Jeff Lewis from Flipping Out. Kind of a basket case, but still entertaining.

That faded fast. By the time of the Colin constipation episode I was pretty done. But to go to your point, I think she WAS different in the earlier years with Jon and put on an act for a long time. I watched a narcissist put on an act for years around people, and as a result to this day many people think said narcissist is just so kind and generous. When the doors closed for the night though, they had a real mean streak about them and were one of the most selfish and self absorbed people I've ever known and incredibly inattentive to their children and other loved ones.

Layla said...

I didn't have the chance to find Kate funny or endearing. During the first few season of the show, I didn't live in America. When we moved here (after DH's deployment to another country) I saw a blurb online that said something like, "Is this the worst wife in America?" I was curious, so I clicked on it, and the article was about Kate and the way she treated Jon. Then I was curious enough to watch a few episodes of the show, and I found her disturbing, to say the least. Then on one episode (I think it was a rerun), I saw her bashing Jon about his weight, right there on camera, and that did it for me. It was so nasty and disrespectful, especially knowing that millions of people would see it. She was vicious and completely lacking any respect for Jon. The kids were adorable, but I agreed with the article, she was the worst wife I had ever seen. The contempt for the father of her children was revolting. ~ Administrator said...

I didn't have the chance to find Kate funny or endearing. During the first few season of the show, I didn't live in America.


There was a real narrow window where the family could be enjoyable to watch. It went off the rails really fast though.

PA Dutch Mom said...

There's one thing with which I do agree with Kate, and that is not allowing the dog (dogs) in the pool. Some dogs don't like to swim. So do. Regardless, I have known so many of them who get out, shake off and immediately find the nearest mulch bed. Wet dog. Rolling in mulch. Wet dog. Freshly cut grass all over their coat. Not fun.

Moreover, I've never had a shepherd, but don't they shed? I do know when our mixed lab would go for a swim, the hair would clog the filter and it was a mess. I hope, though, that Kate knows enough to get them out of this hot sun.

Speaking of heat. Oy. It's a scorcher out there today and it doesn't look like there's any relief in sight. However, during a blizzard this coming winter, we'll look back on these dog days of summer and say, "Gosh, they really weren't so bad!"

Ingrid said...

Another shooting incident in Munich Germany. :( Some dead. Possibly 3 shooters. So sad.

Tucker's Mom said...

There was a real narrow window where the family could be enjoyable to watch. It went off the rails really fast though.
Kate dropped the act when she snagged her tummy tuck.

Tucker's Mom said...

Speaking of heat. Oy. It's a scorcher out there today and it doesn't look like there's any relief in sight. However, during a blizzard this coming winter, we'll look back on these dog days of summer and say, "Gosh, they really weren't so bad!"
OMG is it hot!! I let my dogs out for 5 minutes and one didn't want to come back in! Crazy puppy. ~ Administrator said...

There was a real narrow window where the family could be enjoyable to watch. It went off the rails really fast though.
I guess it's only child exploitation when you are not personally entertained by it.


I didn't realize then how harmful filming can be to young children. It wasn't even on my radar. We have since gotten a lot more information about what it's like for a child to be filmed for a reality show in particular specific information about these children. Gathering and being open to more information and then changing your mind based on your updated information is not hypocracy, it's called assiduousness.

I was hoodwinked like everyone else. I made a mistake in "enjoying" watching these kids like everyone else.

Tucker's Mom said...

I guess it's only child exploitation when you are not personally entertained by it.
Of course it was child exploitation. Most of us didn't realize it way back when J+K+8 hit the ground running.
Nice try. Again.
Gathering and being open to more information and then changing your mind based on your updated information is not hypocracy, it's called assiduousness.
When you know better, you do better. At least you ought to do better, and I think our eyes have been opened to using children in reality tv.

Lanc Native said...

Poor Jon. With him, it truly is a case of being damned if he does; damned if he doesn't! He just can't make everyone happy all of the time, and he's so laid back that I think he just takes it all with the proverbial grain of salt.

Lanc Native said...

OMG is it hot!! I let my dogs out for 5 minutes and one didn't want to come back in! Crazy puppy.


lol! Tucker's, and they say the worst is yet to come. I'm not even sure a thunderstorm would cool things down!

Ingrid said...

Lanc Native said... 169

OMG is it hot!! I let my dogs out for 5 minutes and one didn't want to come back in! Crazy puppy.


lol! Tucker's, and they say the worst is yet to come. I'm not even sure a thunderstorm would cool things down!

We had bad heat yesterday. (104 heat index) Stormed/rained in the afternoon and it felt somewhat better til today. Now at 4pm we have a heat index of 111. Suppose to be warm and humid all weekend with chance of pop up rain and storms.

Tucker's Mom said...

Lanc Native said... 168
Poor Jon. With him, it truly is a case of being damned if he does; damned if he doesn't! He just can't make everyone happy all of the time, and he's so laid back that I think he just takes it all with the proverbial grain of salt.
I really think it sucks that someone sold him out. The job at Fridays sounds like it was something he really enjoyed, too.
This is truly a reality check about being on reality tv.
Your life changes forever.

Tucker's Mom said...

lol! Tucker's, and they say the worst is yet to come. I'm not even sure a thunderstorm would cool things down!

I'm crossing my fingers for rain today! My little bichon just put his belly on the bathroom floor when he came back in.
The dogs are going to get short leash walks for the near future.
Bichons are STUBBORN dogs! ~ Administrator said...

When you know better, you do better. At least you ought to do better, and I think our eyes have been opened to using children in reality tv.


What's much worse is to watch and enjoy the show, subsequently find out some very negative things about what the children have been put through to film said show, but then refuse to admit perhaps this show is in fact not in the children's best interest.

That's called a sheeple, actually.

ncgirl said...

Interview with Jon

Tucker's Mom said...

We had bad heat yesterday. (104 heat index) Stormed/rained in the afternoon and it felt somewhat better til today. Now at 4pm we have a heat index of 111. Suppose to be warm and humid all weekend with chance of pop up rain and storms.
I remember the first time DH & I went to Vegas. It was July and 112 degrees out. I swear I felt my contact lenses curl up on my eyeballs!
Still, the dry heat is so much more tolerable than the wet, humid funk we get on the east coast.

Tucker's Mom said...

From the article:

"The father of eight is currently in a serious relationship, but tells ET's Jennifer Peros that he has no plans to remarry. "I don’t think there is a point in being married," Jon explains. "I mean, I might be spiritually, but there really isn’t a point. Our kids are grown now. I don’t know, I have mixed emotions about marriage. I do."

I have a feeling that Jon is really changed because of this ugliness. It's a shame. He sounds defeated and angry.
Jon was a happy young man with wanderlust when Kate sank her fangs into him. The ugly marriage and uglier divorce, which drama continue YEARS later, has taken a toll on him.
It's probably best he not marry anytime soon. He will never be able to give himself fully until he's not entangled with Kate any longer. No one deserves to be put into that blender of shit.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin I think also some (like me)were blinded by my love for the show that i'd refuse to believe anything negative about the show being true.In fact,i remember my argument against Robert's book was that"If she abused her kids,CPS services would of took her kids away."It wasn't until i actually did my homework and looked up many cases where CPS failed the child and the fact that PA's child laws are bad.Also Kate never took this to court over defamation.Im sure if this was all a lie she'd won the case and we'd never hear from Robert or the book again.Lastly ever since the duggars got expose and TLC bringing them back without Josh instead of doing the right thing and cancelling for good,no Kate fan can now use the argument where TLC would of cancelled Kate's show if they knew of any abuse.

Tucker's Mom said...

Lastly ever since the duggars got expose and TLC bringing them back without Josh instead of doing the right thing and cancelling for good,no Kate fan can now use the argument where TLC would of cancelled Kate's show if they knew of any abuse.
Really good point. Sheep actually think TLC has morals.

ncgirl said...

I'm not surprised Jon is bitter about marriage. If the girlfriend doesn't want to be married, it's not an issue. At least, Jon can find companionship unlike Kate unless you count her hired handler.

Sherry Baby said...

OT, Fleecing...

Those church ladies certainly have problems with names!

Darlene Casto ‏@bigbrotherdar 20h20 hours ago
I can't keep all the Trump gals strait. U got ol Eyevawna, Eevankha, n Tiffani gal. Such pretty GALS 143

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 20h20 hours ago
@bigbrotherdar I think that ugly one belong to Marsha maples

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

Who is Carla? They really run her ragged, poor thing!

Sherry Baby said...

OT news --

CA Governor Brown reversed the parole board's decision to free Leslie Van Houten, member of Charlie's family, who murdered Leno & Rosemary LaBianca in 1969. Good for him.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sherry Baby said... 181
OT news --

CA Governor Brown reversed the parole board's decision to free Leslie Van Houten, member of Charlie's family, who murdered Leno & Rosemary LaBianca in 1969. Good for him.

I agree.
Anyone watching "Aquarius"? It's loosely based on Manson and the murders.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Those church ladies certainly have problems with names!

Darlene Casto ‏@bigbrotherdar 20h20 hours ago
I can't keep all the Trump gals strait. U got ol Eyevawna, Eevankha, n Tiffani gal. Such pretty GALS 143


This reminds me. Whatever happened to Iwana?

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 21h21 hours ago
Seen a black widduh spider in my shed i yell for CJ but he run and hide

New species? Is it poisonous?

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 21h21 hours ago
How do I change my header pix it that girl off a polterguys and it makes me squall thinking bout poor little thing dying so durn young

Was there a poltergals movie?

These women really do a lot of squalling.

Over In TFW's County said...

Baths? I don't know how they cool off in the Deep South, but here we take cool showers!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 31m31 minutes ago
@KellyJeanturner @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting Aww..thanks for asking! It's a 3bath a day spell here of hot humid steamy weather!

SaraMRN2010 said...

Baths? I don't know how they cool off in the Deep South, but here we take cool showers!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 31m31 minutes ago
@KellyJeanturner @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting Aww..thanks for asking! It's a 3bath a day spell here of hot humid steamy weather!

I don't know about Milo but I live in Florida and you can't get any deeper south than that but I keep cool by a wonderful invention called an AIR CONDITIONER! I also take a shower in the morning and one at night because I was always under the impression that a bath was for relaxing in HOT water. LOL

GollyGee said...

Kody and his problems! hahaha

If TLC is suppose to be feeling this way, then why were the Browns at the Block Party??

‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown in Midlife Crisis

Kody Brown 47, is reportedly in a midlife crisis that includes getting rid of four of his wives and marrying two younger ones. TLC is not having it and has again, reportedly decided not to air season 8 because of Kody’s odd behavior, they do not support additional wives and this is not the reality show that TLC signed up for. The show was supposed to be about how polygamist families support and get along with each other in trying times and unpopular views of plural marriages.

Kody has tried to come up with several ideas on his own to keep their story-line vibrant and moving on but that included the two additional younger wives that he had in mind. It seems Kody was trying to do what he could to keep the show on the air says an insider.

TLC is not in support of Kody Brown and neither are four of his wives. Meri Brown’s catfish controversy was also a deciding factor in not bring the show back. All of this time it was thought by some that Kody was just arrogant and now we find out that it’s a midlife crisis? Is there such a thing or is that just a myth? Now that the show is canceled, Kody can’t afford two more wives. Good luck with that.

Kate has this same problem, too. Making up story scenarios.

The pressure to stay ahead of the game must be so stressful and

FlimsyFlamsy said...

GollyGee (#187), I think one of the biggest problems with TFW trying to sustain a series is, as Gertrude Stein said, "there is no there there."
What does she have to offer? What are her interests, besides money and fame? What are her passions -- ditto? Watching her take trips and go shopping and manage a brood of 8 with plenty of money and lots of helpers is a snooze fest. ~ Administrator said...

GollyGee (#187), I think one of the biggest problems with TFW trying to sustain a series is, as Gertrude Stein said, "there is no there there."
What does she have to offer? What are her interests, besides money and fame? What are her passions -- ditto? Watching her take trips and go shopping and manage a brood of 8 with plenty of money and lots of helpers is a snooze fest.


She has no personality or substance behind the mask. It's unusual for such a boring person to have success in a reality show. But this is an unusual situation. Most of it is based on the kids and before that, her dynamic with Jon. But now that the kids are growing up and Jon is gone it's glaringly obvious how one-note she is. She can adopt 100 puppies and still won't be able to hide it.

Sad but true said...

Notice how the new puppies have dropped off the map in the past week or so. I don't think Kate's even home, she's probably taken the twins off someplace for filming. So much for the doting puppy-mama image. I feel sorry for the dogs.

Layla said...

It really looks like K+8 is in a rut. All the show seems to have left to offer is an endless round of shopping and vacations and looking back. There were pictures of them filming this spring, and of course it was shopping (Costco, plus reports of filming at Target). Supposedly they were in New Orleans during some nasty weather. And there was a 10-year looking back special that never made it to air. That's it. How long does TLC think they can keep that up? They might as well re-run old shopping and vacation episodes and save their money. I suppose they tried to bring new life into it by having Kate go on a date, but that idea was not a success. Now what? Shopping and travel and looking back, shopping and travel and looking back, shopping and travel looking back on an endless loop forever?

Someone needs to come up with something new. Or maybe TLC had a binding flash of the obvious and that's why the show isn't airing.

Layla said...

One thing wrong with getting puppies for filming purposes is that it's a one-time thing. Then what? That's one episode, and it would be hard to stretch that to fill an hour. And then Kate has more dogs and the story line is over.

Kate Plus 8 has no interesting, sustainable story line. All the others have something more to bring to the table. Relationship drama, courting, weddings, babies, possible martial trouble/divorce, health crises--there's something to keep viewers coming back to see what will happen next. We already know what comes next for K+8. They will go shopping and go on vacation. Nothing interesting there.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I don't know about Milo but I live in Florida and you can't get any deeper south than that but I keep cool by a wonderful invention called an AIR CONDITIONER! I also take a shower in the morning and one at night because I was always under the impression that a bath was for relaxing in HOT water. LOL


I'm not in the deep south, (well, southeastern PA!), but the baths are reserved for cold winter nights. We do the showers here in the summer. I can't imagine sitting in a hot bath when it's 95 degrees outside with a heat index of 105! How would that be a way to cool off? Showers for us! ~ Administrator said...

Kate sabotaged the biggest hook this show had, Jon.

This is the root of her resentment, though it will never, ever cross her lips. She's furious with him because without him she show just isn't as good.

There is no good hook to this show anymore without the balance of Jon, the ying to her yang. Also, the more people you cut off from your life the less chance for conflict and interest, and thus, good story lines. ~ Administrator said...

A cold bath sounds gross even when it's very hot out. Ick. Go swimming if you want to sit in cold water.

I think Milo slips up sometimes. A person who is unable to stand for long periods or is severely disabled would probably always take baths. Everyone else usually defaults to saying "shower" when talking about bathing. ~ Administrator said...

You still watch the show, so what is it that you are "doing" better?


Lots of people have boycott the show. But a boycott is not the only way to show one's disgust. If that were the case, I expect half the country to move to Canada come this November. We all know that won't happen, and I won't hold it against anyone.

Another way is to go to your legislature. That was done, with results PA can be proud of. There's still a ways to go but progress has been made.

Tucker's Mom said...

I don't know about Milo but I live in Florida and you can't get any deeper south than that but I keep cool by a wonderful invention called an AIR CONDITIONER! I also take a shower in the morning and one at night because I was always under the impression that a bath was for relaxing in HOT water. LOL
Milo has this fantasy about Kate and her soaking tub...
Yeah, AC is an amazing invention and who fills a tub 3x a day anyway?

Tucker's Mom said...

Now that the show is canceled, Kody can’t afford two more wives. Good luck with that.
Is Sister Wives officially canceled?
Regarding getting even more wives, you can't tell me that Kody isn't influenced by the cameras and strong desire to stay on tv and collect those big paychecks.
It just goes to show that people will alter what they do, when they're on tv (and want to keep it that way).
He's such a pig.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188
GollyGee (#187), I think one of the biggest problems with TFW trying to sustain a series is, as Gertrude Stein said, "there is no there there."
Yup. What makes it worse is that Kate thinks she's endlessly beguiling, fascinating and entertaining.
She is vanilla without the kids and especially Jon.

Anonymous said...

I agree TLC has run out of ideas. The children have grown past the cute little babies long ago. The only thing I can think of is living with eight teenagers and having them gang up on you and how TFW 'suffers'.
There is another possibility (but it's not going to happen) what about the parents attempting to reconcile while dealing with eight teenagers. Now that would send the ratings through the roof, as well as all the media attention K8 loves.


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