Saturday, July 16, 2016

TLC Block Party

Kate, Mady and Cara will be in attendance at TLC's promotional event today in Chicago.

1480 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Deliverence said...

Tucker's, PA, Math Girl, thanks for the replies.

I forgot to mention that I'll be in a rental car. I will try and get it to stick to the window with the suction thingy, but it seems to me it will block my view somewhat.

PA Dutch Mom said...

What's more, how does she know the reasons Jon is having issues with the kids isn't DIRECTLY related to parental alienation and directly on Kate's shoulders?


Goody knows nothing. She's just blowing smoke, or maybe something else. Out of all Kate's strange fans, she's probably the weirdest and I think the scariest. Robert devoted a few pages in his book about her, and that speaks volumes.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Ha, how generous! I only wish I could. It's gonna be a pretty jam packed four day trip them back to LA. I won't even have a car. I'm really looking forward to it and excited though, I haven't been there in so long. Excited to try the recommendations.


Darn. We could all have a blast. Maybe next time. The invitation stands, so just give a shout-out if you're in this neck of the woods. Enjoy your trip! I hope you have good weather. The heat wave appears to be over for now. ~ Administrator said...

Goody's the type of unstable fan who could turn on their celeb and fast. I can't speculate what might make her turn but I can totally see it happening.

PA Dutch Mom said...

"Robert Herjavec Throws Party for Boy Whose Prosthetic Leg Was Stolen One Day After Marrying Kym Johnson." I'm still trying to figure out if the boy married Kym, or if the leg did. A sad story, but a happy ending.


LOL!! I love misplaced modifiers. AOL and Yahoo had some really funny ones lately. The sad thing is, though, that the writers have no idea that they're even doing it!

If you're reading here, Mrs. Malaprop, let us know what Dr. Malaprop has been up to!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Goody's dissertation, followed by her allegiance to Team Kate, might almost seem coherent on the surface. But think about it. She is perfectly comfortable making leaps of logic about what harm Jon may have done, or may still be doing, to his children, based on zero evidence. But she conveniently neglects to acknowledge TFW's journals -- detailed descriptions of repeated physical and emotional abuse of small children by their own mother. So how can her argument hold any weight? I also saw Jon's loving behavior towards his children onscreen with my own eyes again and again. I cannot say the same for TFW.

I thought Goody was the one who actually admitted the journals were real, but that the behavior was in the past, so it's all good. Am I mixing her up with someone else?

Carole said...

Maybe Mady and Cara wanted PF Changs. That would be a good thing, right?



Or maybe it was all Kate's idea, that's not the point.

The point is she has tried to market herself as a cookbook author and foodie. Part of that is using her travel opportunities to explore food.


I agree, but that takes work.

I think TFW is giving as much as she can - a mediocre, unintresting, uninterested, exploitative, selfish, boring, dreamer/scammer. She's had so many opportunities to do and be more and better, but she's always failed to follow through because that takes w.o.r.k.

She's a small town girl (NTTAWWT, I think it's a delightful way of life) with small ideas, no ambition, curiosity or motivation. She's always taken the easy route through anything she's tried, usually with immense help along the way, but she always drops out. When left to her own devices and when the actual work starts, she lets each opportunity fall to the wayside - running, blogging, cooking & food, twitter, giving back, etc, etc. She's only interested when projects are shiny and new and and she's getting attention but as soon as the spotlight is off of her she quits.

I think I've always wanted/expected more from TFW than she ever has for herself and I find it so frustrating to see amazing opportunities ignored or wasted by her. But, to each her own and whatever makes us/her happy... I'm hopeful the kids see Jon working a legitimate job and will learn the value and pride of getting a days pay for a days work and not expect to be handed life on a platter like their mom has modeled for them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Carole (#6), I think that's a very astute observation about TFW's psyche and motivation, or lack thereof.

Jane said...

Great comment, Carole. Thanks for summing it all up so succinctly.

Layla said...

Shannon Doherty of 90120, was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer and now says it has spread to her limp nodes

Do you mean her "lymph" nodes, as in the lymphatic system, or is she "limping" and has cancer in an extremity?


Formerly Duped said...

Maybe TFW DID want a media frenzy if they went to a popular restaurant like PF. Exposure-twins'
photos taken.

Btw, PF's frozen entrees are not too good, unlike the food at their restaurants. IMO ~ Administrator said...

I think I've always wanted/expected more from TFW than she ever has for herself and I find it so frustrating to see amazing opportunities ignored or wasted by her. But, to each her own and whatever makes us/her happy


I think you're pretty much spot on, well thought out.

In terms of the frustration, I think that's the root of my head shaking. While I'm personally not interested in being a well known foodie, be it blogger or on TV, how many hundreds of others out there count that as their life dream? I think a lot of my frustration is sadness for them that someone who is half-assing it is getting, and blowing, such amazing opportunities. Someone with ambition could have made so much more out of the abundance Kate has given.

But then, life isn't meant to be fair and sometimes people get amazing opportunities plopped in their lap and piss them away. That's just how it goes, and so goes Kate too.

And actually, I think your implication that Kate is just not CAPABLE of spinning straw into gold is correct. She's too mediocre and not ambitious enough, and the mediocre and content don't end up making it big most of the time.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I suspect comment #9 is not from the Layla who is a regular poster here. Please don't hijack other people's names in an effort to be hurtful to another poster.

MikeB said...


My GPS works fine just about anywhere in my car. I can lay it down on the console or pass it to someone in the back seat and it still gets enough signal to be accurate for navigation.

One thing you will want is to have it mounted where you can look at it without distraction. Usually that is on the windshield or with a beanbag mount on the dash. Naturally that puts it in a perfect position for getting multiple strong signals from the satellites. You can also get a mount that attaches to the dash vents or the cigarette lighter which still should work fine.

4rmine said...

Kate has put herself out there as a food authority and asked the public to pay her for a book on such authority. Where she subsequently chooses to eat and flaunt on her social media is fair game to her paying customers and the public alike. If she does not like comments on this, she need not post about it or write cookbooks and ask people to buy them. If she didn't market herself as such, I wouldn't have a thing to say about her restaurant choices

Her book was called, Love is in the Mix, pretty benign and non foodie title. I don't think Kate has ever come across to me as a foodie at all, cook book or not. Her eating style is pretty boring, so Changs is a fitting place. Not everyone wants to try exotic or food out of their comfort zone, especially with 8 kids with opinions. Yet, this blog has been on Kate and PF for what, 3 days now???

It is ridiculous.


Layla said...

The Layla who posted comment 9 above is not me. Is there another Layla here? I have been posting here for 5 years. If there is a new Layla, is it possible for you to find another name to use so that we can avoid confusion?

Layla said...

If a "hater" went to the courthouse to view J&K's visitation agreement--how would Goody know? She has no ties to any of the Gosselins. And how would she know exactly what that "hater" read in that custody agreement? She's just making $hit up. Typical Kate fan. If there is nothing bad to say about Jon--then make it up.

Kate is so ridiculous about her blown opportunities it's just too hard to ignore. Remember when she said "It's being circulated around", referring to her working with Michelle Obama on a healthy children's eating program? And then she published a cookbook of recipes that she claims to serve her kids at home. Loads of canned goods, boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. THIS is the mother who is going to help come up with some kind of healthy kids' eating program?

Deliverence said...

MikeB said... 12

Thanks for the reply. I think I'll check out the bean bag mounts. Don't you love technology? One thing leads to another--soon you've invested a small fortune.

Deliverence said...

Layla said... 15
If a "hater" went to the courthouse to view J&K's visitation agreement--how would Goody know? She has no ties to any of the Gosselins. And how would she know exactly what that "hater" read in that custody agreement? She's just making $hit up. Typical Kate fan. If there is nothing bad to say about Jon--then make it up.


I agree and isn't it interesting that none of the fans (the ones who badger the non-fans) haven't asked for any clarification? They either believe it, no questions asked or are fine with letting an unsubstantiated piece of complete quackery stand. ~ Administrator said...

Her book was called, Love is in the Mix, pretty benign and non foodie title.


The entire book was recipes! Lol, hardly non-foodie.

You might have a point if she just posted her recipes for free or casually mentioned cooking in a book mostly about other things, but once she slaps a price tag on a RECIPE book, she is putting herself out there as an authority in some capacity, and I can say what I like about her restaurant choices.

I'm sorry you don't like that, but the only one going on and on about how we're not "allowed" to criticize Kate for visiting a chain restaurant in a city with a bountiful amount of incredible food options, is you.

TLC stinks said...

One of the joys of a vacation is enjoying local restaurants and trying new foods. Even if the twins wanted PF Chang, why the heck did she post a picture? (a lousy one at that) She must be running out of ideas of pictures to post these days. Her comment made it sound like PF Chang was a special treat. You can find it in the frozen food section, Kate, which I bet she already knows. I highly doubt she cooks every day.

jamezvader1194 said...

I have a question,was it goody or some other fan who called Robert a pedophile?I herd one of the fans called him that and have made up rumors about him that weren't true.One accusation that robert has documented on his blog is that Ziggy and another fan were showing pictures of Robert with Shoka and claimed that he looked like a terrified dog and that this some how proves Robert abused Shoka.Of course nothing came out of that.

GollyGee said...

Just watched the parody of Kate and Tony practicing for DWTS. Pretty funny. The next video was the ET interview when Tony walked away because the reporter told Tony that she heard that he was very, very, very tough teaching dance. Kate couldn't help herself, she piped up and said, TOUGH IS GOOD!

Yeah, she would know that from experience. She's TOUGH as a mother, animal caretaker, customer in a store, ect.

The stunned look on Tony's face said it all. He is a teacher that teaches the teachers! Very highly regarded and professional. And he is a nice, charitable man. He asked her who told her that and she said, Nancy O'dell.

He said, Nancy O'dell? She was only with me for two weeks!

This is when he walked off and then Kate is happy because the focus is on her now. She was asked about Ted Gipson. She said, He gave me loooooonnnnnnggggg HAIR AGAIN!

Reporter: Do you like your stuff better with the longer hair or the shorter hair?

Kate: With longer hair, it feels more like ME!!'Cause I actually have like the same crazy hair like I had in my 20's so HOPING TO AH, RECAPTURE MY YOUTH, after 8 kids, IF THAT IS POSSIBLE!!!

She just can't keep her LIES straight!

I thought that she DE-AGED? What happened?

Layla said...

Kate has always made a big deal of the food they eat--especially what she feeds her kids. She said her kids will never have fast food, but in one of the early specials there are McDonalds cups by the twins' beds. She said her kids don't know what a Dorito is, but in the Shopping for 10 episode, she had bags of chips. She serves tortilla chips at her Super Bowl parties, and wrote a blog post about her kids' lunches--which included pita chips.The kids may not know what a Dorito is, but they sure do know what Tostitos, Ruffles, CheeTos, pita chips, and microwave popcorn are. She says she gets up at 5:30 am to make breakfast, and said it's not cereal, she makes them oatmeal, eggs, pancakes, bacon, etc. And then she claims some outrageous number of boxes of cereal her kids eat at one breakfast.

When it comes to food, Kate lies. She wants to be seen as this great mom who only feeds her kids the best foods, all organic, etc--but that is not her reality.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

GollyGee (#22), TFW only makes comments like that so the other person will say, "But you look a-MAZ-ing!" Her de-aging remark was about as self-confident a response as I've ever heard a woman make about her own appearance.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Kate: With longer hair, it feels more like ME!!'Cause I actually have like the same crazy hair like I had in my 20's so HOPING TO AH, RECAPTURE MY YOUTH, after 8 kids, IF THAT IS POSSIBLE!!!

She just can't keep her LIES straight!

I thought that she DE-AGED? What happened?


I'm sorry, but I am not understanding your point. She wanted longer hair because it reminded her of the long hair she had in her youth. She said she de-ages. Can't she have longish hair and still de-age? I don't see the lie in this.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I agree and isn't it interesting that none of the fans (the ones who badger the non-fans) haven't asked for any clarification? They either believe it, no questions asked or are fine with letting an unsubstantiated piece of complete quackery stand.


Goody has never played with a full deckster. I'd take anything she says with the proverbial grain of salt.

GollyGee said...

Facts You Didn't Know about Hee Haw.

Both of these points reminded me so much of

It was only filmed twice a year.

The show ran for an impressive 25 seasons, partially because it didn't have a grueling filming schedule. Twice a year, in June and October, the cast would meet up in Nashville to shoot 13 episodes. Co-host Roy Clark compared those block sessions to a family reunion.

Buck Owens wasn't a huge fan of the show.

Owens owed a lot of his fame to the television show, but he wasn't the biggest fan of it. In his autobiography, Owens said he took the gig for the money. "I couldn't justify turning down that big paycheck for just a few weeks work twice a year. So, I kept [selling my soul] out to that cartoon donkey." (Note: We edited the quote for language, but you get the point.)

How much easier it would of been filming just 13 episodes. The kids could of been able to participate in after school activities.

This is really surprising about Buck Owens. He seemed so happy he was even there. He seemed really sincere introducing the singers. He would lean into the camera and say with a welcoming, soft voice, Please welcome...Miss Loretta Lynn. ~ Administrator said...

Shannen and her husband came to a church fundraiser at my church once and bought some food. I served her and her husband some chili. I have to admit it was a bit surreal for me--90210 could not have been bigger when I was a kid.

I think it was raising money for the high school youth group. She didn't make a fuss, she didn't have a bodyguard, she just handed over the cash got her food and went on her way with a polite thank you. I thought that was really nice and very down to earth. She could have gotten food anywhere else that night.

ncgirl said...

Jon interview. ~ Administrator said...

Why does Jon keep talking about this? And at this point, I am not going to ask anyone here to not discuss this because if Jon continues to put this out there over and over, it's just flat out wrong to shame anyone here for discussing his comments.

The way he paints the picture some of the children gradually found other things to do on visitation times and he was supportive and didn't press the issue. There's no question they are being alienated and there is no question that Kate needs to grow up and ensure they go to these visits. But frankly, he is equally responsible for allowing these visits to slip off the radar without being more assertive. If he wants to assert his visitation rights, he should. If not, he needs to stop complaining about it. If you allow certain kids to run the show, they will run the show. This is just about how parental alienation works, it's classic. About half will be alienated, the other half will be able to think for themselves and not listen to that garbage. It's textbook.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

The perfect man for Kate. She shouldn't let this one get away!

Polyislander ‏@Polyislander 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 if only!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

If he wants to assert his visitation rights, he should. If not, he needs to stop complaining about it.


It doesn't sound like he's complaining about it. It just seems that he is telling it like it is, and didn't put any blame on Kate.

Am I reading this wrong?

Jeanne said...

Jon made a mistake by completely letting the kids dictate visitation. He is unbelievably passive. Of course the twins didn't want to keep a regular schedule as teenagers. That's what teenagers do. The parent has to make the effort to stay in contact, to fight through the normal teenage "leave me alone". He is saying he let them just choose. Then after that didn't go well, he appears to have done the same with the younger kids. He "assumed" Colin was busy with his mom or other stuff. He couldn't even ask where the kid was? I believe he loves the kids but he is falling down on the job as a parent. Soon he won't see any of them.

Yes, I believe Kate should do her job and tell the kids to see their dad sometimes. But if we know how Kate is, Jon certainly knows how Kate is and should know he needs to be the one who makes the effort. ~ Administrator said...

Jon made a mistake by completely letting the kids dictate visitation. He is unbelievably passive. Of course the twins didn't want to keep a regular schedule as teenagers. That's what teenagers do. The parent has to make the effort to stay in contact, to fight through the normal teenage "leave me alone"


I really have to agree. His parenting style is without a doubt passive, and though lots of parents are just like this, it always spells DISASTER in the teenage years. When teenagers are left to run the show out of fear of upsetting them, they're truant, they get themselves on drugs, they stay out at all hours, they make poor choices in friends, they don't get summer jobs, they don't do their homework, they drop out of activities they once liked.

Teens are still children, and need parenting, often firm parenting. And that includes pack up your stuff and go over to your father's. NOW.

I get it, no one wants their teen to hate them. They want to be the fun one, the best friend. They don't want kids saying dad "forced" me to come over. Look where it's got him.

As far as saying he's complaining, maybe that's too harsh, but I don't know what else to call this. He keeps bringing this up and he obviously is upset about it. Whatever you want to call it he needs to either do something about it or stop discussing it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon made a mistake by completely letting the kids dictate visitation. He is unbelievably passive. Of course the twins didn't want to keep a regular schedule as teenagers. That's what teenagers do. The parent has to make the effort to stay in contact, to fight through the normal teenage "leave me alone"


I really have to agree. His parenting style is without a doubt passive, and though lots of parents are just like this, it always spells DISASTER in the teenage years. When teenagers are left to run the show out of fear of upsetting them, they're truant, they get themselves on drugs, they stay out at all hours, they make poor choices in friends, they don't get summer jobs, they don't do their homework, they drop out of activities they once liked.
Gosh, this is so personal for me that I can't help thinking about it, and I want to share to drive the point home about the kids losing PRECIOUS time with their father.
At the twins' age, I would have ONE MORE year with my father. I did not know it at the time, as his passing was very sudden and unexpected. ONE year. I was 17 when he died.
There was no Dad at my high school graduation, nor my college graduation, nor walking me down the aisle, nor anything that I would give my left arm to share with him.
If I could tell Jon anything, it would be that there is no guarantee of tomorrow, and every single day that he loses not hugging and kissing ALL of his children is a lost opportunity, and one that he might not get again. Life is fleeting, so wake the F up!

Tucker's Mom said...

Just watched a segment on the Today show, with Jennifer Garner and Natalie Morales. Garner spoke about co-parenting with her ex, Ben Affleck. She. Is. Amazing.
Garner go to every length to ensure their kids have a father, even traveling to his set in London, so they could share how amazing shooting on site is, with their father.
There is no question that those two put their kids first and foremost.
Jon and Kate should hang their heads in shame. It's like the elephant in the room with Kate +8. Kate can crow about her amazingish her kids are doing, but that doesn't fool anyone.
Half the kids don't have a relationship with Jon, and there's no bigger fail than that.

TLC stinks said...

Did Jon bring up again about visitation publicly? What's his end game? If the kids are not seeing him, it's his call to make legally. See ALL the kids or shut up and go to court, damn the expense. Kate and Jon are both irresponsible and vindictive. Really tired of their post divorce public drama.

CC said...

Since Jon isn't shutting up about his children and their custody, etc I thought I'd post this article with a recent interview where Jon states the children's trusts pay for the current schooling AND ALL THEIR EXPENSES and will pay for college. I knew it had been said but I just came across the article again today.

"Regardless of who got what in the split, Jon says the kids are well taken care of thanks to their trust created with reality show earnings and endorsements. It pays for their private school educations now and all their expenses, and it will eventually cover their college tuitions as well. And that’s not that far away for Mady and Cara.
“The best thing that ever came out of this is that they’re financially taken care of,” he says.

Formerly Duped said...

sad to say, Jone seems to have accepted he has no relationship with the twins ( 'we're kind of not talking') or Collin since the age of 9- that's wrong. He has put the onus of re-establishing ties on the kids. Maybe THEY will do something to mend bridges??

CC said...

Maybe it's just frustration on Jon's part... Maybe he's hoping if he keeps talking publicly it will shame Kate into letting him see the kids... Or maybe he's hoping for Kate to reply publicly... I don't know.

I just don't get why Jon keeps talking about his custody publicly. Does he want it on record publicly that he wants to see his kids? For who? The kids to see? I don't know. I just wish he would say what he's doing to actually see his kids. It comes across as very passive. But knowing Jon and how he speaks maybe it's just his style of talking. Maybe if it was a verbal interview it would come across differently. Passive definitely describes Jon. It's very frustrating to read his interviews. ~ Administrator said...

Did Jon bring up again about visitation publicly? What's his end game? If the kids are not seeing him, it's his call to make legally. See ALL the kids or shut up and go to court, damn the expense


He doesn't even need to spend money! He already HAS a visitation order for the children, all he needs to do is contact Kate and tell her he intends to enforce the order the next time he sees the children, and expects her to make all of them available. If not, he will request assistance from the police department to ensure she turns over all of the children to his care.

It's as simple as that, and it's free.

Midnight Madness said...

It's as simple as that, and it's free.


Are you sure that it's that simple? Maybe as far as legal proceedings are concerned, but perhaps he knows that life for the kids would be hell on earth if he invoked the wrath of Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

Passive definitely describes Jon. It's very frustrating to read his interviews.
Yes, it's confounding. Sigh.
I don't get the "reason" that he can't trespass on Kate's property. Of course, he can't. But the police can.
I wouldn't be surprised if Kate is lapping this sh*t up. Look at what a good mother she is!! Dad doesn't care enough to fight to see his kids.

Tucker's Mom said...

Reading and viewing these interviews is as frustrating as watching Kate's interviews where no hard questions are asked. Do NONE of these interviewers understand child custody? Does NO ONE say, "Hey, Jon, do you actually have custody and if you do, why don't you just call the cops to enforce?"
Very simple question, yet Jon's passive "der, I dunno" responsed to unchallenged all the time.
If Jon wants to put something out there, tell us something we don't know. We KNOW Jon doesn't see half his kids, and if he wants to yammer on about it, how about explaining with a rational answer?
He is making himself out to be a really horrible parent at this point. Unless Jon's got a rap sheet,or a history of abuse and/or addiction, I don't see a reasonable explanation as to why he allows this fateful fracture in relationships to continue.
On the show, he was the best dad, really! So loving, fun and caring. Everything that Kate lacked.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand how Jon can remain so docile when, as Admin points out (#42), it would be so simple (and free) for him to enforce the visitation order.


Tucker's Mom said...

If Jon thinks he got married and had kids young, good luck with his girls who will glom onto the first guy that gives them the love and relationship they didn't have with him.
Mark. My. Words.

Deliverence said...

CC said... 39
I knew it had been said but I just came across the article again today.

The quote in your comment #39 is not in the article you linked. Since the quote you posted mentions the trust paying for everything, current schooling, ALL their expenses, etc., I'd be interested in seeing the article and the date.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom is so right (#47). When the girls begin dating that's exactly what will happen. They have been starved of that special relationship between a loving father and daughters and that will only be made clear to them later in life when they seek professional help when they can't maintain relationships with others.


GollyGee said...

Admin, that is exactly right!

But, after making Jon suffer because of her parental alienation, why should he give her a heads up that he was going to enforce the visitation order? He should show up at his time and when just a couple of kids come down the driveway, then he needs to call WPD.

It will be rough because she will implode. She will blow a stack. Remember how she got hot with the WPD when she called about the babysitter that she didn't approve of. She didn't approve of the babysitter because the babysitter had her toddler with her. IIRC, the cops told her there was nothing that she could do about it because it was on his time.
If she would of kept fussing, they could of arrested her.

Do it, Jon!

This reminds me of the movie, The Girl That Fell Down in the Well. When the little girl was down in the well, she was stuck and her arm or leg was in the way and they couldn't get her out. The dr. told them, pull her out, we can fix it. Pull her out.

She will never admit to being a parent alienator. She should hang her head in the Halls of Shame for putting her children and their father through this for years.

Deliverence said...

Are you sure that it's that simple? Maybe as far as legal proceedings are concerned, but perhaps he knows that life for the kids would be hell on earth if he invoked the wrath of Kate.


I agree, not to mention traumatizing for the kids. Probably one little boy in particular. Kate, the control freak and Jon the martyr, a match made in hell for the children. ~ Administrator said...

Actually law enforcement are trained in working with children and assist in custody exchanges all the time as well as with detaining children in a calm and sensitive manner. There is no reason it shouldn't be peaceful and calm. There is no reason the children should be traumatized. In fact they may only make contact with the parent who will then turn over the children upon penalty of arrest. That's like saying it's traumatizing for children to be in the back seat when you get pulled over for a fix it ticket. That's nonsense. Don't believe the news, law enforcement is generally gentle and kind to parties. The damage of parental alienation is far worse than one encounter with law enforcement.

Formerly Duped said...

agree. Y
This has gone on long enough and the kids and Jon will lose whatever relationship they have. The four who see him seem to have told him tales of abuse at Kate's so geez, man, get those kids for your custody!Their safety may depend on it.

Deliverence said...

I think I read here that someone saw a brief exchange between Kate and kids on an episode. Kate said something about who's going to their dad's and one of the kids answered "the usual."

Sounds to me, if that's the case, the kids are ok with the arrangements. My point is, if a couple or four do not want to see their dad, and put up a fight, what are the police to do? Insist they go if they're crying? Me, as a parent, would not want to call the police to show up to force the kids to see me.

Tucker's Mom said...

Me, as a parent, would not want to call the police to show up to force the kids to see me.
I bet the kids would cut that crap out pretty fast if they knew Jon was serious. Too bad, so sad. On occasion, sure, let the kids have their way. Ongoing for years? No, too bad so sad.
At this point-well, way before this point-Kate should get those kids therapy and arrange that she and the kids meet Jon at a park for a picnic, or Chipotle for lunch, or even better, come over the house.
They both suck when it comes to co-parenting.

CC said...

It's absolutely in that article on Yahoo. I just clicked the link I posted to check. It's a really long interview/article. You have to click READ MORE to read the entire article.

TLC stinks said...

If the twins are being allowed to sleep in their weekends and not see their dad, then shame on Jon. All the rest will soon be teens and no one is going to want to trek over to his place.

The whole Collin thing is a mystery to me. Just because he has some disability is no reason for him to not see his dad if so ordered by the court. The fans say Jon must have been denied visitation, but why does he still opine publicly that he never sees him? I think their theory is wrong because he would not risk lying and Kate leaking that to the tabloids.

As far as not setting foot on Kate's property, my guess there may be a restraining order?

And I agree, the cops, if called, know how to handle these custody situations. It will not traumatize the kids.

Frankly, I'm starting to wonder what she has on him to allow this to continue for so many years; or maybe he just is too passive and wants to the "good" parent. It's not our business, but Jon continues to make it public.

As much as Kate brags about raising those kids with an iron hand, I suspect they rule the roost so she can get them to film. Bottom line, the kids have been indulged from the time they were toddlers. Will be interesting to see how they cope with the teen years and adulthood. Both parents are losers.

Tucker's Mom said...

The whole Collin thing is a mystery to me. Just because he has some disability is no reason for him to not see his dad if so ordered by the court.
Wild horses couldn't stop me from seeing my son who obviously has challenges, to the point of being kicked out of school and ultimately leaving to be home schooled.
How could you not insist on seeing him with your own eyes? Not be there for medical and teacher meetings which I'm sure has happened and is happening?
Although enlisting the cops to make visits happen could be upsetting in the short run, like many other things about their childhood, the kids will grow up and realize that Jon did what he had to do to preserve his relationship with them.
At this point, I fear some kids will be lost forever.
What an awful outcome and I don't get how fans don't see how extraordinarily sad this is. ~ Administrator said...

This reminds me of the movie, The Girl That Fell Down in the Well. When the little girl was down in the well, she was stuck and her arm or leg was in the way and they couldn't get her out. The dr. told them, pull her out, we can fix it. Pull her out.


That is a wonderful analogy for how adults should care for children. Sometimes, you're going to have to do something that momentarily causes them pain or heart attack, that's for their own good. If you're not willing to do that you really are not mature enough to have a child.

In the case of Baby Jessica, had they not pulled her out and broke her leg doing so, she would have died. Had they left it up to Jessica, she would have told them no, stop! That's where mature adults come in to do what is best for kids. ~ Administrator said...

I bet the kids would cut that crap out pretty fast if they knew Jon was serious. Too bad, so sad. On occasion, sure, let the kids have their way. Ongoing for years? No, too bad so sad.


There's a happy compromise here that unfortunatly Jon can't or won't see. As you said of course it's fine to let the twins or other kids skip out on visitation sometimes just like they're not always with Kate and skip out on Kate's time. But it can't be every time. And, he can be involved in the times they have other things going on, by carpooling them to their friends', or being at the activity they are doing with their friends like Six Flags or whatever it is. He needs to put his foot down and if the twins are going with friends to the mall or whatever, he's driving them. If the twins are going with friends to the waterpark, he's the chaperone. There are ways to stay involved with teenagers without restricting the freedom they need socially. ~ Administrator said...

For someone who claims to be a child advocate, your lack of empathy for the children in this situation is glaring.


Actually quite the opposite, my empathy for the children is exactly why Jon needs to insist they visit. I've worked on hundreds of messy custody cases at this point and it will hurt these children FAR more to be alienated from their father and not see him during these crucial years, than one remotely contentious exchange ever will.

The California Court of Appeal agrees, and virtually insists that children must see their parents, even children who are refusing. Are they not emphathetic? Of course. They know it's for their own good.

Surely you have heard of the concept of one step backward two steps forward. Empathy about the future emotional harm this will do to them is my whole motiviation. ~ Administrator said...

It is because I am not a hater and realize this blog is the definition of insanity, repeating the same things over and over and expecting a different result.

Talk about boring and mediocre.


Well color me confused. You've been posting here multiple times a day and chiming in on multiple conversations. I didn't get the sense any of this was boring you. You seemed to quite enjoy it. But if something is so boring, why not stop engaging?

njay said...

I like the the way Jon is handling it for the most part. It is HIS BUSINESS TO SAY WHAT HE FEELS NECESSARY TO SAY PUBLICLY AND PRIVATELY. He knows ALL the behind the scene situations.

As a person, more so a human being, if I were to read the crap of "everyones" opinions, one it would hurt very bad. Two, I would be so angry I would want blast everyone verbally, publicly and any other means available.

Yes he has made mistakes with his kids. If you can tell me you have not and that your kids have not ONE THING they would have wished you had done different, then you have a right to be critical. Yes it's your right to have your opinion but to make it so dang demanding and sometimes outright cruel. I'm sorry but my opinion is that is just not the kindness I have seen people say on this blog that should be given.

What would some of you say should Jon demand the police to enforce the visitation and C got so upset because his mother may have him so afraid that his animals will die because he won't be there to take care of them. The poor fear in that child. If I remember right, as a teen there was NOTHING more important to me that to have the freedom to do what "I" wanted to do, even if it was hanging out in my room on the phone with friends or whatever. I would be mortified if either parent "made" me hang with them. If you tell me any different then I say you were a weird teen.

The way I see it Jon is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. The bottom line is that Jon has to answer (karma) for his choices, let him, peacefully. At least, KINDLY. Let me ask this. If your parents name was put in the place for Jon and you read the comments throughout the WHOLE internet, what indignation would you feel. Especially if you read it as a teen or preteen?

njay said...

Anonymous said... 46
I can't understand how Jon can remain so docile when, as Admin points out (#42), it would be so simple (and free) for him to enforce the visitation order.
Maybe he know more private behind the scene issues that may be more harmful than speculation has decided would happen.

You know, I am from a broken, highly dysfunctional home, who couldn't understand how my father could let my stepmother speak and treat us the way she did for 50yrs. It's amazing what maturity, age, experience, understanding, KARMA and mostly, because of all the prior, "forgiveness" can do to relationships. More people should try it in their lives. My dad may have been there for my beginning but I got to be there and help comfort him through his ending. Greatest of all, I got to experience love from and for my stepmother and was able to help comfort her through most of her end also. An "amazing" feeling for sure.

Tucker's Mom said...

For someone who claims to be a child advocate, your lack of empathy for the children in this situation is glaring.


Actually quite the opposite, my empathy for the children is exactly why Jon needs to insist they visit
What a myopic view. Typical. We support Jon having a relationship with his children, for their well being, and we're the bad guys?
OK, let's just support the fracture of children's relationship with their father and see how that plays out as they age.
Any idiot can tell you that this puts the children at MUCH higher risk for abuse, addiction, early pregnancy, emotional problems and continuing the cycle with their own children.

" The severe effects of parental alienation on children are well-documented; low self esteem and self-hatred, lack of trust, depression, and substance abuse and other forms of addiction are widespread, as children lose the capacity to give and accept love from a parent. Self-hatred is particularly disturbing among affected children, as children internalize the hatred targeted toward the alienated parent, are led to believe that the alienated parent did not love or want them, and experience severe guilt related to betraying the alienated parent. Their depression is rooted is feelings of being unloved by one of their parents, and from separation from that parent, while being denied the opportunity to mourn the loss of the parent, or to even talk about the parent. Alienated children typically have conflicted or distant relationships with the alienating parent also, and are at high risk of becoming alienated from their own children; Baker reports that fully half of the respondents in her study of adult children who had experienced alienation as children were alienated from their own children."

Wake the hell up! Do you not get what's at stake here?

Tucker's Mom said...

The really sad part is that I believe Kate loves this. Absolutely loves the narrative it gives her; the single mom, doing all alone while their dastardly father goes about living a carefree life.
I think she sits back and smiles to herself because now she can play the martyr, when what she should be is ripped apart emotionally at the very thought of any one of her children losing their father in their life.
I wouldn't stop until I found a way to heal whatever wounds existed, and managed to foster re-bonding with Jon.
I'd make it my life's mission.

Tucker's Mom said...

It is because I am not a hater and realize this blog is the definition of insanity, repeating the same things over and over and expecting a different result.
Jeezus, does this troll have nothing better to do than shat on this blog each day?
BTW, that's not really the definition of insanity, you do get that, don't you, troll?.The definition of insanity is quoting Einstein over and over and expecting to be thought clever each time.
But speaking of mental illness, I don't know why trolls are compelled to read here everyday. Probably should talk to someone about that. ~ Administrator said...

Off topic, Dick Van Dyke showed up at the local art festival last weekend and brought his son, grandson, and great-granddaughter. He's so engaged with his community.

Tucker's Mom said...

What a beautiful photo. How precious. Dick looks AMAZING. Must be that CA sun ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes he has made mistakes with his kids. If you can tell me you have not and that your kids have not ONE THING they would have wished you had done different, then you have a right to be critical
Respectfully disagree. Jon's not saying things publicly and doing things different privately. He doesn't see half of his children and he keeps putting it out there!
I don't really care if Jon's feelings are hurt by my dismay and discouragement at this utter parenting failure.
Jon doesn't need rag magazine and tabloid reporters just bobbing their heads when he reveals these awfully sad details. Like Kate, there should be OBVIOUS follow up questions, like "why"? "Tell me how this can possibly make sense".

Were it not for Jon stating publicly, over and over again, that he does not see 4 of his kids (with no plausible explanation), I would be assuming he sees all his kids per a custody agreement.

This is a huge story. Forget Kate's show and her continued lust for fame. This now is clear, unequivocal evidence that harm is being done to the kids.

Tucker's Mom said...

I would be mortified if either parent "made" me hang with them. If you tell me any different then I say you were a weird teen.
If your parent allowed you to refuse to see them for YEARS, then they sucked as bad as J+K.
I was a moody teen, but the worst thing that I remember is the day I refused to hold my father's hand as we left church.
It haunts me to this day. I was a real "daddy's girl" and as a teen, yes, it did mortify me that he reached to hold my hand.
Man, what I'd give...
And that's just rebuking a hand hold! What these kids are missing will forever be gone, gone, gone.
This is a travesty.

Tucker's Mom said...

At least, KINDLY. Let me ask this. If your parents name was put in the place for Jon and you read the comments throughout the WHOLE internet, what indignation would you feel. Especially if you read it as a teen or preteen?
I think the kids need someone to be their hero, and if they see our consternation and harsh words for their father, one day, they'll realize how people looking in saw that their parents were failing them, not us.
We don't bash Jon and call him on his manhood or "mediocre" life. I think we're keeping it real, on this, "our" blog.

Tucker's Mom said...

Also, as far as the kids reading sh*t said about them and their parents, this is something that's been happening since 5-year old Maddie was labeled a bitch.
Google "Mady Gosselin bitch", and you get 12,100 hits in .98 seconds.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Yesterday we were ridiculous, and today we're boring, mediocre and insane. Is that an improvement, or just a lateral move? I won't rest until I know.

Tucker's Mom (#66), you better believe TFW is eating this up with a spoon. It means she WINS. If she had any family members, or close friends who weren't on her payroll, someone might try to help convince her she is doing irreparable damage to her children's psyches. And practically guaranteeing a future of at least a few screwed-up relationships -- friendships, romances, and professional connections.
With 8 kids, the math is against TFW. Her children will not emerged unscathed from this dysfunction. ~ Administrator said...

I would be mortified if either parent "made" me hang with them. If you tell me any different then I say you were a weird teen.


Yep, well, part of being a teen is being mortified by your parents. But you still have to spend time with them, go to church with them, have them attend school functions, and be around sometimes when you have friends over or go out with friends, up to a certain age.

Parents are gonna mortify their kids, but the worst thing you can do is remove yourself from them completely in response to totally NORMAL teenage eye rolling. They will thank you for being there later. They will appreciate it later. It doesn't mean you SMOTHER your kid or refuse to let them have their space, but you don't totally disappear from their lives either.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 74
Yesterday we were ridiculous, and today we're boring, mediocre and insane. Is that an improvement, or just a lateral move? I won't rest until I know.
Like a fine wine, we keep getting better with age... or drunker with age?
Pass the rumspringa!

Tucker's Mom said...

Her children will not emerged unscathed from this dysfunction.
August 4, 2016 at 2:03 PM
I think more than anything, including a little blog, Kate's decision to not pull the kids out of the spotlight after her very public and acrimonious divorce will hurt them the worst.

Aninnymouse said...

There is a HUMONGOUS difference between forcing your teen or tween to spend every second with you and making sure that you see them the one time a week you are allowed. Especially when their other main adult caregiver is Kate "I am the definition of a narcissistic Mommy Dearest" Gosselin.

CC said...

I don't see how anyone can say it's okay for a minor child to refuse to see their parent, unless of course, there is abuse involved. That's obviously not the case here, since Jon is allowed to see his children, they just aren't being made available to him for some reason.

A child refusing to see their parent EVERY TIME it's their custody time is the same as a child refusing to speak to, or acknowledge, their parent ALL THE TIME while they live at home with them.

It's no different than a child locking themselves in their room and ignoring their parent any time they are out of their room for as long as they live with them?

Collin and Alexis aren't even teens yet. There is no way they should be able to say they do not want to see their father.

The twins should not be able to cut him out of their lives either.

This whole thing is just so disturbing.

CC said...

njay said... 63
I like the the way Jon is handling it for the most part. It is HIS BUSINESS TO SAY WHAT HE FEELS NECESSARY TO SAY PUBLICLY AND PRIVATELY. He knows ALL the behind the scene situations.

I'm not sure about that. Jon seems to be claiming he doesn't know why he hasn't seen his son in two years. ~ Administrator said...

There is a HUMONGOUS difference between forcing your teen or tween to spend every second with you and making sure that you see them the one time a week you are allowed. Especially when their other main adult caregiver is Kate "I am the definition of a narcissistic Mommy Dearest" Gosselin.


Exactly. Contact once a month is reasonable, with at least one or two times going to their functions--school, friends, etc., as well as some phone calls and texts. Enough to let your teen know you're there and care on a regular basis, without making them feel chained to you.

CC said...

njay said...

If I remember right, as a teen there was NOTHING more important to me that to have the freedom to do what "I" wanted to do, even if it was hanging out in my room on the phone with friends or whatever. I would be mortified if either parent "made" me hang with them. If you tell me any different then I say you were a weird teen.


Why would you be embarrassed that your parents wanted to hang out with you in the privacy of your own home?

The G kids have divorced parents. It's very common to have visitation with the non-custodial parent. Why would that be embarrassing? The kids are on TV and are seen on TV by their friends and thousands of strangers hanging out with Kate at home and on vacation, etc. I would think if they are mortified by anything it would be all their personal/private moments shown on TV.

Besides, how many minor teens have complete freedom to do what they want to do, when they want to do it?

As for our comments on the internet, I'm fine with my comments, regardless of who reads them. Jon has a right to see his kids, and they have a right to see him. Jon himself is discussing his custody publicly. Advising him to exercise that right is nothing to be ashamed of.

Tucker's Mom said...

Aninnymouse said... 78
There is a HUMONGOUS difference between forcing your teen or tween to spend every second with you and making sure that you see them the one time a week you are allowed. Especially when their other main adult caregiver is Kate "I am the definition of a narcissistic Mommy Dearest" Gosselin.
Bottom line, Jon is not parenting nor being a parent to half his kids. You can't abdicate that duty and you can't let anyone take it away from you, barring some court order.
All the G kids need Jon, whether they know it or like it right now.

Tucker's Mom said...

This whole thing is just so disturbing.
I think it's so weird that no one is talking about this. Kate +8 just goes on and la la la la, everything is perfect in rainbow and unicorn fart world.
This is a family that was and is torn apart, yet there's Kate on magazine covers and tv shows, not talking about the awful travesty that exists.
I don't know how anyone ignores this anymore. How can you just see what's on the surface (which Kate completely controls) and ignore the fact that half the kids haven't seen or spoken to their own father in years?
I don't get it.

CC said...

Deliverance said...

Insist they go if they're crying? Me, as a parent, would not want to call the police to show up to force the kids to see me.

I would. And it's not really to force the kids to see him. It's to force Kate to allow the kids to see him. They should not be given a choice.

It's not like the police are going to go there and handcuff the kids and deliver them to Jon. I'm sure they can handle it without scaring them. They aren't toddlers.

And crying? They are old enough to know better. They'll get over it. Sometimes your kids will cry if they don't want to do something. So if they cry just give in to them? That is just bad parenting.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm not sure about that. Jon seems to be claiming he doesn't know why he hasn't seen his son in two years.
The shoulder shrugging and tossing hands in the air doesn't cut it, and I'm just telling it like I see it.

Tucker's Mom said...

CC said... 85
Deliverance said...

Insist they go if they're crying? Me, as a parent, would not want to call the police to show up to force the kids to see me.

I would. And it's not really to force the kids to see him. It's to force Kate to allow the kids to see him. They should not be given a choice.
Remember the video of all the tups whaling crying because Jon was dropping them back at the compound? They had to go back to Kate, and Jon had no choice.
I'm sure they got over it, but they all looked miserable in the moment.

Sad but true said...

For the kids who don't visit Jon, in particular the twins, I imagine their attitude is along the lines of "You left us here with her, and you knew what she was." The children had no choice 7 years ago about whom they would live with, and I am sure there must be some resentment toward Jon on that account. He (realistically) knew he was not equipped to handle all of them, and I have zero doubt that Kate was insistent that ALL must remain with her because of the show. If I were one of those kids, I know I would have issues with my dad for leaving me with someone like Kate.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom (84)Well truthfully speaking no ones talks about it anymore because the majority of the world doesn't give a crap about the Gosselins in general anymore.As for the show,its TLC basically beating a dead horse,i haven't herd of many people begging TLC for more episodes except for the crazy loyal fans.but its kinda reveling that there is still no air date despite Kate's claim in October. ~ Administrator said...

Insist they go if they're crying? Me, as a parent, would not want to call the police to show up to force the kids to see me.


Yes, assuming you have ensured the reason for the crying is not because they are in danger on the visits (like they're crying because dad molests them), you force a kid who is crying.

You force a kid who is crying to go to school, get their vaccines, get on a plane to go on the family vacation, do their homework, and go to pratice. Would you say oh I can't force my son to go to school, he's upset?

Kids cry and get upset. Kids don't like to do things sometimes. That's life, and it's part of learning to buck up and face things you don't want to do. The more you let them control what is in their best interest the worse this behavior will get. Would any of us here say I wish my parents had let me stay home from school and be an idiot for the rest of my life because at times I didn't like it?

Tucker's Mom said...

I think there will come a time when some or all of the kids who refused to see their father will have tremendous guilt over hurting him.
I can't imagine the pain and rejection Jon must feel each time those 4 refuse to see him. Can't even imagine. That's gut-punch pain. ~ Administrator said...

realize that you think Jon is Father of the Year, but maybe, just maybe, some of his own children have legitimate issues with him. Or maybe, just maybe, the one child in particular who seems to have some type of issue requiring special attention would not handle that well.


It should occur to YOU they maybe just maybe they don't want to visit because Kate alienates them from Jon and they want to please Kate. The most obvious explanation is usually the correct one. Going down speculative rabbit holes usually gets you stuck.

CC said...

(no idea who said this)...

realize that you think Jon is Father of the Year, but maybe, just maybe, some of his own children have legitimate issues with him. Or maybe, just maybe, the one child in particular who seems to have some type of issue requiring special attention would not handle that well.

Bwahahahahahaha!!!! Yeah, because Kate is just so equipped to handle children with emotional or mental or behavioral issues.

I'm sure he gets all kinds of "special attention" from her. Like maybe mocking all the little gifts he painstakingly hand-picked for her.

Any issues that child may have are most likely due to having Kate as a mother, and being exploited from birth.

Resorting to picking your toddler up by their hair and flinging them into their crib isn't what I would call very well-equipped parenting. That's some "special attention" for sure.

CC said...

And I don't think anyone here thinks Jon is "Father of the Year."

CC said...

There is NO good reason, other than emotional or physical abuse (including sexual), that a minor child should be allowed to just decide not to see a parent ever again.

P.S. I've seen/heard Kate being emotionally abusive and have seen evidence of her being physically abusive, yet she has physical custody. ???

Tucker's Mom said...

CC said... 94
And I don't think anyone here thinks Jon is "Father of the Year."
Right, and no parent is perfect. However, anyone who watched J+K+8 saw how loving Jon was with the kids. He got down on their level, played, loved on them, gave hugs and kisses and most of all, handled their misbehavior SO much better than Kate.
The children all ADORED him.
That, my critics, is why I'm so exercised about these kids losing their relationship with their father. They've been put through so much in their lives that it sucks that this is the outcome.
Those kids need a hero, and Jon needs to be that hero.

CC said...

I've seen footage of Mady not wanting to go out with the family on their TLC paid shopping trips because she just wants to lay in bed and sleep all day. I can imagine she'd rather just not leave the house to see her dad.

Sure it's annoying you have to physically pack your stuff up to just "see" him, instead of just leaving your room and chatting in the kitchen. Not convenient but, oh well. Too bad.

She also seems to want nothing to do with the little kids so she probably has no desire to go out with him and the younger kids on weekends.

Kate probably can't argue with her because Mady has "filming" over her. I can't even imagine how Kate handles these kids and gets them to do what she wants. I've seen her bargaining with "rewards" to get a 12-year-old to pose for a family portrait. LOL. And I can't even blame the kids because the family portraits are TLC promo photos. They aren't stupid.

Kate has no real control over those kids. She probably doesn't want to use all her bargaining chips just to force them to see their dad, because she doesn't care enough.

CC said...

Tucker's Mom,
I agree about the shoulder shrugs and hands tossed in air. I wish we could include emojis. I need an eye-rolling one.

CC said...

Tucker's Mom said... 96
CC said... 94
And I don't think anyone here thinks Jon is "Father of the Year."
Right, and no parent is perfect. However, anyone who watched J+K+8 saw how loving Jon was with the kids. He got down on their level, played, loved on them, gave hugs and kisses and most of all, handled their misbehavior SO much better than Kate.
The children all ADORED him.
That, my critics, is why I'm so exercised about these kids losing their relationship with their father. They've been put through so much in their lives that it sucks that this is the outcome.
Those kids need a hero, and Jon needs to be that hero.



Jon is not that hero right now, but he could be. Ugh.

I think he is that hero for the 4 kids, but that's only half of them. Not good enough.

We don't NEED to know what Jon's doing about it, but from his interviews it doesn't seem like he is doing anything about it. He SEEMS to just accept it.

I just hope his kids know that he WANTS to see them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Nine months until there are 8 teenagers under TFW's roof. The clock is clicking on her control of that household.

Tucker's Mom said...

Crying and desperately not wanting to go to Alaska didn't stop Kate from dragging Mady's ass across the country to film and pose for PR pics when she was crying her eyeballs out.
Kate didn't honor the wishes of the kid then, so why does she throw her hands up in the air when they refuse to see Jon.
Why? It serves her purpose.

Aninnymouse said...

Let's say for a minute that Jon did do something or say something to C or A or the twins that made them angry or afraid. That made them not want to see him. How does ignoring him and the situation for years help their relationship at all? How does it solve any problems that occurred? You can't ignore things that you don't like in life or that hurt you forever especially when it's your father and you are a child.

That sounds like a Kate reaction. I don't like something you said or did so you're dead to me.

Sad but true said...

I see Milo's put herself in charge of posting Kate's Instagram photos on Twitter.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m15 minutes ago
I'm just astounded how fast these pups are growing! #SlowDownSweetBabies!! #Nanuq like her daddy! ❤ @Kateplusmy8

Kate's posted a couple in the last few days without going on Twitter to announce. I don't have Twitter or Instagram, but isn't there a way to link them so an Instagram photo would automatically be posted to Twitter?

Formerly Duped said...

Crying? Remember the footage of all the kids crying when Jon was trying to return them home to Kate? Not one of them wanted to leave him for her house and were clinging, crying and not moving from the BBB.

Anon this time said...

Tucker's, I know how you feel.

When I was a teenager, I got mad at my mother and told her that she couldn't boil water. My mother was a wonderful cook. The look of hurt on her face shook me to my core. I have apologized profusely over the years and have begged her for forgiveness many times.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Really dumb, OT question because...well, just because!

I was having lunch at a buffet restaurant today. The woman next to me at the fruit bar was alone and we had a conversation. She is a tourist from Brooklyn, her husband was not feeling well, so she was eating alone. Anyhoo, I invited her to join us. Nice lady. I salted my cantaloupe, and thought nothing of it. She gasped and asked if that's the way we do things here. It never occurred to me as being odd, because, yes, that's the way we've always eaten cantaloupe.

Yes? No? Does anyone here do this?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Admin (92) Im in no way defending the person who is blaming Jon but could it be possible that Kate does show the kids negative articles about him and it upset one of them?Im in no way saying this doesn't make Kate an alienator because it would be wrong of her to do that.But if anyone here remembers the abandoning the kitten story after jon got evicted from his house,Kate tweeted a response to that story and claimed how much the kids bonded with that kitten.While this may not prove Kate shows the kids stories about him,one has to wonder if she did after tweeting such a passive aggressive tweet.

Tucker's Mom said...

Cantaloupe and proscuitto is a classic combo for the sweet and salty. I don't salt my cantaloupe, but it's not unusual to me.
Another good combo-watermelon and feta.

Dmasy said...

PA Dutch Mom -- I don't salt cantaloupe but I do put salt on my watermelon. Midwest habit?

Another OT -- on the 13th I am going to see Billy Bob Thornton talk and entertain at our historic Brauntex theatre in down town New Braunfels. I think he will be interesting. I have been told he will answer all questions -- except, any query about his marriage to Angelina.

I will let you ladies know how it goes.

Tucker's Mom said...

I will let you ladies know how it goes.
I just watched him in "Our Brand Is Crisis". It was surprisingly good!

PA Dutch Mom said...

PA Dutch Mom -- I don't salt cantaloupe but I do put salt on my watermelon. Midwest habit?


Oh, yes, we do that here, too, but not on honeydew!

PA Dutch Mom said...

I'm not sure about that. Jon seems to be claiming he doesn't know why he hasn't seen his son in two years.


I don't see that he's claiming that. I don't remember him being adamant and making the assertion that he has no idea why he hasn't seen Collin. IF he has, I missed it. There is most likely more going on behind the scenes than we know about. It's so easy for those looking at this from afar to say that oh, I'd do anything to enforce custody, no matter how much it costs. What happens when it's time to pay court fees, your attorney, and anyone else with their hands out? It's expensive, and if you don't have the money, what do you do? Set up a go-fund-me page?

Tucker's Mom said...

It's so easy for those looking at this from afar to say that oh, I'd do anything to enforce custody, no matter how much it costs. What happens when it's time to pay court fees, your attorney, and anyone else with their hands out? It's expensive, and if you don't have the money, what do you do? Set up a go-fund-me page?
I'm operating under the assumption that Jon has a custody agreement, which he's detailed numerous times. It costs nothing to ask the police to enforce.

Jeanne said...

There are millions of children of divorced parents who pack up every other weekend and go to the non-custodial parent's house until they are 18. They don't do activities those weekends or see their friends. It just is. I'm sure some resent it and some don't. The parents honor the agreement. If nothing else, Kate is teaching her children that you can ignore what the judge says. Court rulings don't matter.

In some families, they can do a little more negotiation. Only one weekend a month at dad's for the busy 16 yr old or he'll make sure she gets to the school dance or whatever. Visitation should never go to nothing without a really good reason such as abuse or lives in a different country. Teen is embarrassed is not a good reason. Mom won't feed the dog is not a good reason (esp when the household help could do it). If they can't see dad because of pets, then no pets. If C is uncomfortable in the group of kids, see him seperately.

I don't understand at all why Jon would put this info out there. Shut up and live with it or DO SOMETHING about it. Kate alienates the kids, Jon does nothing. The kids are raising themselves.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is teaching her children that you can ignore what the judge says. Court rulings don't matter.
Some of those kids have learned that people are disposable.

Seredipity said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
I'm just astounded how fast these pups are growing! #SlowDownSweetBabies!! #Nanuq like her daddy! ❤ @Kateplusmy8

Milo, you moron. You've had dogs. Puppies grow up. What did you think that they would do? De-age like Kate?

Gladys continues to use the cute puppies thing to get a response from Kate. I guess she forgot about the Grow-A-Boyfriend and Mr. Deckster. The obsession now is with the dogs.

njay said...

It's expensive, and if you don't have the money, what do you do? Set up a go-fund-me page?
And if he did I can almost name the first one to scream. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is teaching her children that you can ignore what the judge says. Court rulings don't matter.
Some of those kids have learned that people are disposable.


That is another reason they should not be allowed to refuse to visit. They are learning to manipulate, and a manipulative adult makes for a nasty adult.

They are learning to be cold, to refuse to give people a second chance, to refuse to keep an open mind, to shut the door on love. Four of them have learned that just like Kate, when you have a problem with someone you shut them out instead of working through it. They are learning to be selfish and learning that they get to control the show even though at their ages they are not in any way ready for such a thing.

They are also learning to not stick together with their siblings. The bitterness among them that is so apparent will just get worse. It will be us four vs. you four.

It was asked how you deal with a child who doesn't want to visit. I'll tell you how we deal with this in Los Angeles. First, we determine whether there is some kind of severe abuse going on such that it's causing grave emotional detriment and the child should be permitted no visits. That is so rare you almost never see such a situation, only usually in the rare case where a father rapes his biological daughter. Assuming that is not occurring, the child is put in therapy with a licensed therapist, who over time builds rapport with the child as they discuss the issues between themselves and the parent. It is also advised the parent also does individual therapy. Then, when the child's therapist recommends it, they do a trial visit with the parent in a therapeutic setting, a short one, followed by some sessions of conjoint therapy. As the child gets more comfortable the visits and conjoint sessions become more frequent until the child is ready for monitored visits outside a therapeutic setting. The first few visits may only involve the child sitting there and staring at the clock, but over time, they get better.

This almost always works. It is an extremely rare case a child still refuses visits after such intensive therapy. It's just not very common at all and when it does happen it's often due to parental alienation or some other intervening force.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Serendipity (#116), and Gladys seems to have forgotten that TFW already had 2 "sweet babies" that she dumped -- only allowing one to return. Gladys either believes this fantasy version of TFW, or is doing her level best to help TFW rehabilitate her image. Either way is disturbing.

njay said...

Jon is not that hero right now, but he could be.
How do you know? I remember a time when most everyone here was against Jon until info finally came out that all was not what it seemed. I just think to judge before knowing facts, that really aren't our business, is cruel. This could be a tactic from a lawyer or a psychiatrist. We just don't know.Yes, now there can be another page of how a psychiatrist or lawyer wouldn't do that but the truth is WE JUST DON'T KNOW. Remember all the OJ crap and how those tactics turned out. They happen.

I'm sorry but I think it is reckless to make harsh comments on what the children's father should do or not. If for some reason these comments "are" being shown to the children for power and control, that makes the person who said it responsible should that thought play over and over in that child's mind until they believed it as a truth of what their father should have or not have done. To me it is just not worth it. The truth will be revealed one day. Especially when the kids start understanding the manipulation and theft of the money by their mom. Just wait until M understands that the money is really not mom's or the house is not hers (Kate) forever like she stated when they laid the stones. That girl is going to fight even if it takes all the money to do so. Just out of spite. Believe me, the girl tups will follow right along. Kate taught them well.

As far as C goes, I believe Kate has such control over him with the animals and him "needing" to please her that it would do more damage to force him to go to Jon's than just play it out however those giving advice is telling him to. Do people think that Jon really is not seeking advice from professionals? Please! I know he seems a little duh but he's not stupid. Matter of opinion I guess. I think his history when they were babies and doing all he could to be a good dad says more to his character than the smoke and mirrors going on now. He is probably laughing at the comments said about him now. People are probably playing right into his plan to get where he needs to and has possibly been advised to. I hope it's the later. If so, go Jon!

njay said...

CC said... 95
There is NO good reason, other than emotional or physical abuse (including sexual), that a minor child should be allowed to just decide not to see a parent ever again.

P.S. I've seen/heard Kate being emotionally abusive and have seen evidence of her being physically abusive, yet she has physical custody. ??
Has it been forgotten that it is probably not the children who has "really" wanted that. Bribery, coercion, threats, have you seen the HATEFUL look given to Kate when she tries to get any lovin from C? Who really believes those twins want to stay with Kate even when they aren't filming. By the way, did you notice M face during the yoga class. Again, if looks could kill.

And the abuse issue. Has it been forgotten the times Kate "was" turned into cps and nothing was done. How many times does it take before you would feel defeated also. Ok, maybe you're a superhero but I don't know that many myself.

Please refresh my memory, did Kate call the cops when Jon kept H overnight because she didn't want to go home. If not, that doesn't sound like Kate. Did the police make H go home that night? I really don't remember.

CC said...


No offense, but I'm confused. You post that we shouldn't speculate or post opinions on things that aren't our business, etc because we don't know the facts, yet you are stating that Kate STOLE their money and their house, etc. What facts do you have that prove Kate stole the kids' money or uses the animals to keep Collin from seeing Jon? That's all speculation. Or do you know something we don't?

Everything you said about the kids going after Kate for their money, etc is all speculation, and based on what? I just don't understand how you can say all that after stating that we shouldn't speculate, etc.

I personally am not bashing Jon. I just think he needs to stop talking publicly about his custody issues and do something about it.

I would hope Jon is getting professional help with his custody issues, but supposing he is is just speculation too. In my opinion, his interviews don't come across as Jon having control over the custody situation.

I hope Jon is laughing at our comments, but we are basing them on what Jon has stated publicly.

I support Jon, but my support is not unconditional. ~ Administrator said...

I support Jon, but my support is not unconditional.


That's how I feel. I'm very supportive of Jon, always have been, and I like Jon. I have personally spoken to Jon several times over the years, and he has always been kind to me. He at least at one time read here and enjoyed this blog. But you can be totally in someone's corner yet disagree with their choices now and again. It would be weird to always 100% be behind someone in every last little thing. That would be robotic.

I think overall he's a good guy and good father who made a bad choice here and since he's comfortable talking about the situation publicly so am I to take issue with it.

And I don't blame the children. Without the guidance and firm hand of adults, children quickly go rogue. It's not their fault the adults in their lives are not handling this situation well. It's like blaming a kid for eating ice cream for dinner every night when their parent never stops them. Hardly their fault. They're KIDS, they NEED the guidance.

CC said...


My comments about no good excuses to not see a parent were in response to comments that maybe they don't want to see Jon for various reasons. I wasn't saying the children don't want to see Jon. I was saying "Even, if that WAS the case..., it's not an excuse."

I haven't forgotten any of those things you mentioned. I personally think C and A not seeing Jon has nothing to do with anything he has done to them. I think it's Kate's doing.

As for the twins, I have no clue. It could be anything from laziness to preferring to be with friends, or minds poisoned by Kate... whatever the reason, it's not a good reason to not see their father.

CC said...


As for that time with Hannah, I think Kate just sent out the Twitter police to look for her. LOL.

CC said...



njay said...

I don't believe even Jon thinks he is father of the year. I think he just wants to be their father and dad.

Over And Out said...

I was in the mall today, when this elevator music was piped through the sound system, and right away I thought that this was a perfect theme song for Milo and her obsession for Kate:

"Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you
Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you
Oh, can't you see you belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you take

I'll be watching you..." ~ Administrator said...

Oh I should add that of course I have given Jon some room that maybe there is a piece of this story that is missing, that we are basing conclusions on not enough information, and that there may be something we don't know that would totally change my mind about all this and cause me to say, well of course Jon can't do anything about this it all makes sense now.

I think it's unlikely, but I am always open to that possibility should it ever be proven. Jon at least deserves that much.

njay said...

CC said... 125

As for that time with Hannah, I think Kate just sent out the Twitter police to look for her. LOL.
I remember that. It just doesn't sound like her. Especially when she can get him in trouble.

Over And Out said...

I was checking out the Church Women, looking to see if the one who is MIA has surfaced, but nothing yet.

One of the ladies, who has a bi-sexual (or trans...can't figure out which) granddaughter, tweeted this...

Punkin yell at the car winda to Jazzy gal she say don't (expletive) with me I'm baighpolar!

I guess she still hasn't figured out the whole bi-sexual, transgender thing, so baighpolar it is!

Another one tweeted...

@bigbrotherdar @JoeyVanPelt1 thought she was Lebanese just baigh?

Noe that is funny. Lebanese, uh, no, that would be lesbian!

@Stanky_Pickles is Audrey the trams sexual?

Is that similar to monorail sexual? Watch the tram car, please!

I wonder if Matt the Deck Man builds Lebanese baighpolar decks.

njay said...

yet you are stating that Kate STOLE their money and their house, etc. What facts do you have that prove Kate stole the kids' money
The house belonging to her forever she said on the episode where they laid the stones in the garden and we know that she spends lots of money on herself. even M said so. If I am wrong about her stealing, would that not leave myself as well as so many others open for legal action? It must be somewhat fact if so many don't fear legal action.
I'm not knowledgeable with fancy adjectives but I'm sure there are some to describe what I'm saying.

As far as C, I think I may still fall under the umbrella of my last statement because we have all witnessed the conniving,evil way Kate deals with her children and others to get her way.There is no speculating with those words because she fits the definition of both.

I will give in to your confusion of C and apologize for what must have seemed an accusation. It was the evidence of Kate's dealings and the evidence of C's love and great care for his animals and desire to please his mom I did speculate my comment. Lesson learned.

njay said...

Oh I should add that of course I have given Jon some room that maybe there is a piece of this story that is missing, that we are basing conclusions on not enough information, and that there may be something we don't know that would totally change my mind about all this and cause me to say, well of course Jon can't do anything about this it all makes sense now.
WOW! Is that how I have come across? Especially to you admin? My truest apologies! My comments and feelings are only to those whose actions match them. The same as my apologies. There is no law broken where there is no law.
My mind, as I've been writing, has been wandering through all the stuff posted throughout the whole internet, not just here.

Admin, I have, for the most part, always enjoyed, learned from and respected what you have had to say.

njay said...

Tucker's Mom said... 76
FlimsyFlamsy said... 74
Yesterday we were ridiculous, and today we're boring, mediocre and insane. Is that an improvement, or just a lateral move? I won't rest until I know.
Like a fine wine, we keep getting better with age... or drunker with age?
Pass the rumspringa
Now that put a smile on. I needed that.

Sorry for being a sourpuss all. I mean that.

njay said...

Ohhh, one more thing and then I'll be sorry for being a sourpuss. I don't mean this as being mean, just to say the final what I feel. I read this after the sourpuss thing. I'll blame it on my 9mm kidneystone and the drugs that aren't working, second surgery coming wed.
And that's just rebuking a hand hold! What these kids are missing will forever be gone, gone, gone.
This is a travesty.
What's missing, IMO is already forever gone. Being able to see their parents name on the internet and knowing that everyone keeps saying they are butt hole's when they already know it yet they still love them. As children and adults.

Tucker's, I'm commenting to your thought, not you. It's not personal. Many have that same thought, it's to their thought also.

Ok, no more reading, no more comments.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Over And Out (#131), I enjoyed your take on the Church Lady chitchat!

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's, I'm commenting to your thought, not you. It's not personal. Many have that same thought, it's to their thought also.

Ok, no more reading, no more comments.
Oh, thank you. Same here ;-)

I don't get why fans/people think the show is great, Kate is great, the kids are all doing great after the divorce. For better or worse, Jon keeps putting these revelations out there, and I think it's very impactful. It's big news about these children's reality, and it's so obvious that Kate and TLC create a much different narrative to cover it up.
It's outrageous that these kids, whose lives have been and continue to be broken, are made to film, make money and be exposed to the public.
It makes me wonder how this can happen in our society and what the hell is wrong with us that there's zero concern?
One the one hand, Kate says everything is GREAT! RAINBOWS! UNICORNS! On the other hand, Jon reveals that half his kids don't see or even talk to him anymore. The latter utterly negates the former, yet there's Kate, still putting her b.s. out there so her show continues to film.
I wonder to myself, does no one else see this?!

Tucker's Mom said...

Sorry for being a sourpuss all. I mean that.
Not even close ;-) Hope you enjoyed a rumspringa last night!

Anyone excited for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics tonight?

Tucker's Mom said...

@Stanky_Pickles is Audrey the trams sexual?

Is that similar to monorail sexual? Watch the tram car, please!
I have a visual of tram sexuals on the boardwalk at the Jersey shore.

Tucker's Mom said...

Please refresh my memory, did Kate call the cops when Jon kept H overnight because she didn't want to go home. If not, that doesn't sound like Kate. Did the police make H go home that night? I really don't remember.
Kate has called the cops on Jon before, so this is not new to the kids.
Kate called the cops when Jon had his custody at the compound and Kate didn't like his choice of babysitter. Kate also threatened to call the cops if he showed up at the compound to pick up Mady after she called and begged him to take her while Kate made the kids film in Alaska.
Kate calls the cops without compunction. In fact, they've been at her beck and call for years.

Deliverence said...

It's outrageous that these kids, whose lives have been and continue to be broken, are made to film, make money and be exposed to the public.
It makes me wonder how this can happen in our society and what the hell is wrong with us that there's zero concern?


By "us" do you mean all of society should be concerned about the G8? That's a lot of people ;)

There are millions of people out there who care---about the poor, the homeless, the battered and abused, suffering animals. That society isn't wringing it's collective hands over an obscure, washed up reality TV family isn't anything to condemn all of society for. IMO, of course.

The reason I say this, Tuckers, is because you seem so upset. Yes, it's upsetting and sad that the G8 have had their whole lives filmed and that both their parents were poisoned by the reality TV bug, but remember, perspective. As they say, it could be worse.

That society keeps on plugging along is the way society is. I'm often stunned at how the world kept spinning during the holocaust. Perspective. ~ Administrator said...

There are millions of people out there who care---about the poor, the homeless, the battered and abused, suffering animals. That society isn't wringing it's collective hands over an obscure, washed up reality TV family isn't anything to condemn all of society for. IMO, of course.

The reason I say this, Tuckers, is because you seem so upset. Yes, it's upsetting and sad that the G8 have had their whole lives filmed and that both their parents were poisoned by the reality TV bug, but remember, perspective. As they say, it could be worse.


I could not disagree more with this view. The fact that there are other more terrible things that happen in the world should not diminish what these kids have been through.

There will always be greater tragedies out there. That's like saying we shouldn't be upset about the recent knife attacks in Great Britain because 9-11 was just so much worse. All deadly attacks like this should be upsetting and cause a sea change, regardless if one person is killed or a thousand.

You shouldn't cross-compare tragedy or wrong-doing. Exploiting children and making young children work is wrong and should be upsetting to everyone, regardless of the other unrelated tragedies in the world. One has nothing to do with the other.

Deliverence said...

Admin, as unfair as it may seem, there is still perspective involved in each and every terrible thing that happens on this planet. Perspective is what keeps us going day in and day out, year after year, century after century. Yes, a knife attack is a terrible thing. Children forced to film and share their lives with the public is sad (as I said). Yet it's perspective that keeps society plugging along, as I also said. The reality is we can't take in every tragedy that is happening on the planet and mourn it to the point of hopeless despair, frustration and obsession. We certainly can acknowledge the awfulness of it, of all tragedies. If perspective is diminishing one tragedy over another.....well, as I said that's what keeps us able to survive.

Tucker's Mom said...

By "us" do you mean all of society should be concerned about the G8? That's a lot of people ;)
That *is* a lot of people!
I just mean that the masses are fed this b.s. story that the kids are somehow unscathed from living their private lives on tv, their parents' divorce and post-divorce failure to co-parent.
Just because they're rich now? Oh, look! They live in a big house and get luxury vacations! They MUST be happy kids. They're soooooooooooooooo lucky!!!!!!
What are people not getting here? Is "stuff" more important than family? Than having both parents? Than having extended family with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins?

It just makes me smdh!

Tucker's Mom said...

That society keeps on plugging along is the way society is. I'm often stunned at how the world kept spinning during the holocaust. Perspective.
I'm really not that deeply affected by it. Much bigger fish to fry in the world today.
My ire is that what Jon's been saying is really significant with regards to how this whole life has affected his children. This is a sad, true-life story that people gloss over because Kate is pretty and tan and blonde and fit and well, her kids LOOK happy, don't they? Their life MUST be great with private school and trips and free stuff, so let's just ignore what really matters?

I don't know how people can actually enjoy watching them on tv, knowing that real life for these kids includes such sorrowful conditions.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#142), your comment reminds me of the Edmund Burke quote I think we've reference here before: all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I believe it was this principle that led Robert Hoffman to write his book. It may be many years before the damage to the G kids' psyches will be manifested. But I think robbing them of their privacy for a decade for profit is about as low as a mother can get, apart from physical abuse. Which, oh yeah, she documented in her journals. She never sued Robert for libel, so it's safe to say they were authentic.

And Tucker's Mom, I respect your passion and indignation about this. And I imagine there is plenty of room in your head and heart to champion other causes and injustices. This is a reality TV kids' blog, so that's what we're commenting about here.

Tucker's Mom said...

The reality is we can't take in every tragedy that is happening on the planet and mourn it to the point of hopeless despair, frustration and obsession. We certainly can acknowledge the awfulness of it, of all tragedies.
My consternation is over the fact that this tragic outcome isn't acknowledged. Further, there's a huge, money-making media machine, TLC, that has actively suppressed the sadness behind the scenes of their "reality" tv family.
If good people didn't take a stand for children in entertainment and take up for their rights and concern for their well being, there would be no Paul Peterson and A Minor Consideration.
That man must feel like he's spitting into the wind half the time.

Tucker's Mom said...

If perspective is diminishing one tragedy over another.....well, as I said that's what keeps us able to survive.
I think it's one thing to sublimate fear and grief in order to survive day to day. We'd all still be in our hidey holes after 9/11 if we didn't do that to some degree.
The fans-those who've been watching from the start-choose to deny and ignore the bad stuff so they can continue justifying watching private children forced to live publicly on tv, for their entertainment and for their mother's profit and desire to maintain fame.

Anon on this said...

If I remember right, as a teen there was NOTHING more important to me that to have the freedom to do what "I" wanted to do, even if it was hanging out in my room on the phone with friends or whatever. I would be mortified if either parent "made" me hang with them. If you tell me any different then I say you were a weird teen
Anon for this one-

When I was 16 my alcoholic mother kicked my dad out. Her drinking had gotten out of control and my dad wasn't a saint. However, I knew both parent's loved me. Fast forward to spending nights with my dad, who I loved, I didn't like his new place, I didn't like seeing my dad alone, it was awkward being with him one on one. But he persisted. And not every weekend. We were pretty consistent with 1or 2 times a week meeting for lunch. I still saw him at his business because I did work for him from time to time. I had access to him that satisfied me as a teen. He didn't push the overnights too much. He viewed quality time as the most important. Our vacations together were way more memorable than a forced sleepover. However, I knew he was still my dad. The Dad. And he would not tolerate disrespect. Looking back, neither parent handled anything perfect, who could expect perfection. But he was there for me and still in my rock.

All this to say, sometimes I think Jon is doing the right thing, but lately, I don't. Jon just doesn't have the finesse to handle Kate or his surly kids. I don't think he has garnered their respect. If my dad had anything public about him peeing in a driveway or masturbation whatever.....all best would be off. I think that has a lot to do with Mady and Cara.

Collin, I can only speculate that he likely humiliated him in some way or said something that hurt him very much.

Don't really know about Alexis.

But my gut says, Jon hurt his kids, not physically. And I don't think they trust he won't do it again.

All these interviews make Jon look weak imo. Laundry matt, discount grocery shopping, weak DJ business, stating publicly that he and Mady and Cara aren't talking...I think Jon is a bigger idiot everyday.

Anon on this ~ Administrator said...

Admin, as unfair as it may seem, there is still perspective involved in each and every terrible thing that happens on this planet. Perspective is what keeps us going day in and day out, year after year, century after century. Yes, a knife attack is a terrible thing. Children forced to film and share their lives with the public is sad (as I said). Yet it's perspective that keeps society plugging along, as I also said. The reality is we can't take in every tragedy that is happening on the planet and mourn it to the point of hopeless despair, frustration and obsession


No one said every cause should be turned around to the point of obsession. People have their interests, and one of mine is the protection of children whether that's abuse or exploitation. Other people are into gun control, or pro-choice, or politics. Whatever, everyone has their interests. But every person should have a basic level of awareness about all of those things.

I actually think taking a "perspective" stance on the world can be very unhealthy in that is encourages minimizing of bad behavior and encourages apathy.

For instance a DV victim who is verbally abused and maybe pushed around now and again tells herself well, it's not nearly as bad as what other women have endured so who am I to make waves?

I just think it is very dangerous to take that view. There are plenty of people who are worrying about the other issues in the world and problem solving them. But there is plenty to spare to be concerned with child protection. Plenty.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anon on this said... 149
Thanks for sharing your experiences and insight. You had many challenges with your parents and it sounds like as you said, it takes finesse. Between the two of them, Jon and Kate should have been able to navigate the ups and downs and preserve relationships, however tentative and fragile they may be at times.

Life is short, even on its longest days.

Tucker's Mom said...

All these interviews make Jon look weak imo. Laundry matt, discount grocery shopping, ...
I know! What the heck was that all about?
I wonder if Kate's fan will offer Jon a few boxes of expired cereal?

Deliverence said...

Tucker's, I'm glad you're not deeply affected by the happenings with the Gosselins.

As for the fans who have watched year in and year out, most of the fans now are teenagers and younger. You can see that by the ratings. Ratings have dropped significantly as the adult fans have moved on. Of those adults who defend Kate, the ones we see, let's face it, they've all got a screw loose, Milo, MsGoody, CJWhodunit, and others who used to do battle on Kate's Twitter. I think they hated the "haters" more than they ever liked Kate. They just liked to fight.

Deliverence said...

I just think it is very dangerous to take that view. There are plenty of people who are worrying about the other issues in the world and problem solving them. But there is plenty to spare to be concerned with child protection. Plenty.


If there ever is a blog that will stop the way the Gosselin parents use their children, more power to it.

PA Dutch Mom said...

OT -- remember when Leno did the "dumb criminals" thing in the headline news? Well, we have them here, and one in Kate's old neighborhood!

An Elizabethtown man’s name was visible on his shirt when he burglarized a restaurant and a jewelry store in the borough on the same night, police said.

Nathan David Koach, 26, of 311 Lemon St., broke into the Subway restaurant at 1625 S. Market St. around 11 p.m. July 29, Elizabethtown police Cpl. Gordon Berlin said in a criminal complaint. He did not cover his face and the restaurant’s video surveillance system revealed he even had the letters KOACH printed above the number 50 on the back of his t-shirt.

Officers responding to an alarm there were alerted to another alarm at Andrew Douglas Jewelers, 44 S. Market St. Police found its back glass door shattered and a man leaving from the rear of the business. He ignored commands to stop and sped away, police said.

Blowing In The Wind said...

LOL, just shaking my head and laughing!

Angela Chalmers ‏@chalmers_angela 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate ..... I've bought a breadmaker, awesome types of bread being made!! How do you store yours? xx

I bet Auntie Ann would have a great answer for this one!

njay said...

Kate has called the cops on Jon before, so this is not new to the kids.
I just couldn't remember. That's all. See, it is't like her. lol

Anonymous said...

Tweet to Kate -

@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate....I've bought a bread maker, awesome types of bread being made!! How do you store yours?xx

Store the bread? or the bread maker?


Layla said...

Okay, I want to talk about the custody situation from a personal standpoint because I went through something similar when I was a child. Anyone who wants can just skip over.

My parents divorced when I was 2 or 3. My mother remarried when I was 5. I had visitation with my father, and I recall crying and begging him not to take me home. This was not because of my mother, but because of my stepfather, who was snide, nasty and abusive. Step-monster would make nasty comments about everything I did and it just tore me apart, even worse than being hit. I didn't tell my father any real specifics, just begged him to not take me back. Yes, just like the G kids in that video of the drop-off. My father would just say, "I don't have a choice". Over time, I started to resent him. I thought he just didn't care enough about me to help me. I wanted him to pick me up for a visit one day and say I was staying with him forever. That never happened. Over time, I didn't want to visit him. It was too emotionally crushing to have to go back.

One time when my stepfather was being especially horrible, I said I was going to tell my father. He said, "Go ahead. He doesn't give a damn about you. Ask him, he'll tell you". Of course I never asked. I was afraid of what the answer would be. Over time, our visits became fewer and farther apart. Sometimes I'd go the whole weekend and not speak to him. The whole situation destroyed my self-esteem and hurt my father terribly. I was in my 30s before we ever really talked things out. I spent years feeling hurt, angry and unloved. He felt rejected and thought I hated him. Which I kind of did.

That's what can happen when a parental alienator gets involved. They control the narrative even when they aren't there. They tear people down, tear them apart, and walk away laughing. I never told my father the horrible things my stepfather said about me (which I know now would have infuriated him) because I was afraid he would agree with them. That he'd agree that I was stupid, worthless, unloveable. I never told him about the physical abuse because I thought he'd say I deserved it. My stepfather destroyed the trust between us, even when he wasn't there. He loved the power.

After a fight between my step monster and my father I didn't see my father again for many years. Not until I was an adult. Then I felt totally rejected. We lost out on so much. We were both afraid. And even now I don't think we will ever be able to rebuild our relationship.

njay said...

I don't get why fans/people think the show is great, Kate is great, the kids are all doing great after the divorce. For better or worse, Jon keeps putting these revelations out there, and I think it's very impactful. It's big news about these children's reality, and it's so obvious that Kate and TLC create a much different narrative to cover it up.
Ya know, I wonder if TLC has bated Jon with insiders that can get to Jon's weaknesses to get him to talk and he has fallen for it. Kate has stated the time "for sure" of her next airing. I know it has happened before and not followed through but this time things seem familiar as far as TLC's marketing strategies.

I think Milo is also a big ploy of TLC also. Her comments seem to follow a pattern during certain times of all this CRAP! I know a lot of people like Milo who so desire to be recognized by those who they admire. It's a sad self esteem thing. They themselves can be very liked and accepted yet it just isn't enough for them. It's almost like it is too easy so they do just about anything to get the approval of those who really don't deserve it. It really is an injustice to those who do love them.

The thing is, they (people like Milo) see and hear the cruelty, hence the victim playing, and it hurts deeply. It seems to drive them more, to the point of saying and doing crazy things. Almost like no or bad attention is still attention, even the haters. The key thing though is that deep inside and to those that really know them, they will end up opening up and even make fun of the ones they really end up despising for the hurt. The comments that seem like admiration are really sarcasm, knowing they are feeding the narcissism, yet remain safe from rejection and just may get the admiration they desire. They know the comments and actions are ridiculous so they "expect" a stupid comment yet it still leaves it open to hope against hope, just maybe it will cause her to appreciate that she is willing to go through ridicule for her.

The tell, tell for me was when she said her and her husband watch the tower ep. "to laugh at how ridiculous she was." What person who seems to LOVE her to the world's end would not only do that but tell the world on twitter.
Yep! I think she is hurt from the times Kate rejected her and this is the way she can secretly make fun of her and hurt back without risking the chance maybe Kate will see what she does and appreciate her.

Layla said...

Anon this time (149)

I disagree with your comment about Jon humiliating C. From my person experience with a parental alienator, it would not be at all necessary for the alienated parent to personally do something to the child. The alienator instills the fear of rejection or humiliation, and that's all it takes. Fear takes over, then resentment. I can't imagine Jon humiliating his son. I don't think he would have hurt any of them like that. They have been taught that he is an outsider, and that outsiders are not to be trusted. Kate has shown them that outsiders (even relatives) are to be cast aside at will. She said on camera that she can't understand why the non-custodial parent should have any say in decisions made for the kids. I think that sums up her attitude about Jon. Once she cast him aside, she expected him to disappear. She was furious (still is) that he didn't.

With that kind of mindset, what chance does Jon have? He has never shown himself to be the kind of person who would harm the kids in any way. Kate, on the other hand, has abused them physically, mentally, and emotionally. She has manipulated Jon's relationship with the kids every step of the way. She has such a mental hold on the kids. she doesn't even need to be there to maintain control.

Jeanne said...

Anon on this, I have to agree with you. Jon doesn't have the skills for the mess he is in. The interviews and articles make him look worse. I can't decide what he is hoping to achieve but it's not working.

Deliverence said...

The interviews and articles make him look worse. I can't decide what he is hoping to achieve but it's not working.


Plain and simple. He wants back on TV. He said so in one of his many recent interviews. He's talking about making some kind of discovideo whatever and putting it on YouTube, hoping a TV network picks it up.

He also said something about to those who support him, thanks. To those who hate him "See ya on TV." He really thinks TV (entertainment field) is his forte, hence all the current interviews.

Tucker's Mom said...

the restaurant’s video surveillance system revealed he even had the letters KOACH printed above the number 50 on the back of his t-shirt.
...and the Darwin Award goes to...

Tucker's Mom said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 156
LOL, just shaking my head and laughing!

Angela Chalmers ‏@chalmers_angela 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate ..... I've bought a breadmaker, awesome types of bread being made!! How do you store yours? xx

I bet Auntie Ann would have a great answer for this one!

In the barn with the chickens?

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 159
Okay, I want to talk about the custody situation from a personal standpoint because I went through something similar when I was a child. Anyone who wants can just skip over.
That was powerful, and I'm sorry for what you've been through and still suffer. I didn't realize the "next level" stuff that goes on, with horrible people tearing relationships apart, and how their power is there even when they physically aren't.
I can totally see some people getting off on the control, and watching other people spiral out. Some people are adept at manipulation.
Thanks for having the courage to share.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Plain and simple. He wants back on TV. He said so in one of his many recent interviews. He's talking about making some kind of discovideo whatever and putting it on YouTube, hoping a TV network picks it up.


Nope. Not plain. Not simple. Wrong assumption.

@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate....I've bought a bread maker, awesome types of bread being made!! How do you store yours?xx

Store the bread? or the bread maker?


Well, at least she didn't ask if it slices the bread as it bakes, and if you can freeze it before it's finished baking, and if she uses plastic containers or baggies.

Tucker's Mom said...

I disagree with your comment about Jon humiliating C. From my person experience with a parental alienator, it would not be at all necessary for the alienated parent to personally do something to the child. The alienator instills the fear of rejection or humiliation, and that's all it takes.
This is exemplified by Deanna's telling Twitter diarrhea explosion awhile back. She fought back with "Jon didn't even give some of his kids Christmas presents!", and in my mind, I thought Kate would take that and tell the kids, "See, you father doesn't care about you. He doesn't give you presents, he doesn't give you what I do and he did everything in his power to take ALL of this away from us".

Deliverence said...

Nope. Not plain. Not simple. Wrong assumption.

My assumption comes from interviews.

Deliverence said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 167

"Through this agency, he plans to film and produce a music-related docuseries that will bring him back to TV. “The platform might start off on YouTube, and we’ll see what happens, but I’m sure somebody is going to pick it up as soon as they see my face,” he says. “Unfortunately, that’s how it works.”

“I’m 39 and I finally know what I want to do. For those who had patience with me, God bless ’em. For those who don’t, I’ll see you on TV.”

Formerly Duped said...

Layla, your story is very sad and had long-lasting effects. How can people do that to innocent children. You are a great poster, and I value your views; thanks for sharing something so personal and painful. It helps us understand such situations better.

Tucker's Mom said...

Plain and simple. He wants back on TV. He said so in one of his many recent interviews. He's talking about making some kind of discovideo whatever and putting it on YouTube, hoping a TV network picks it up.
As long as it doesn't involve Michael Lohan!

Tucker's Mom said...

"Through this agency, he plans to film and produce a music-related docuseries that will bring him back to TV. “
I don't even know what that means ;-/

Tucker's Mom said...

Deliverence said... 169
Nope. Not plain. Not simple. Wrong assumption.

My assumption comes from interviews.
Seriously, Jon just talks shit sometimes ;-)

Deliverence said...

Seriously, Jon just talks shit sometimes ;-)


And too much.

Aninnymouse said...

Layla I'm so sorry for what your parents put you through. You say you didn't see your father for years and it seems like that was your choice, emotionally forced as it was. Would you relationship with your father have been better had he made you keep seeing him? If he had tried to talk it out with you or attended counselling together?

Sad but true said...

Well, this is interesting. Is she trying to say that now allows the kids to have approval over photos she posts? Don't believe that for a nanosecond.

kateplusmy8Still trying to find the perfect pic of my kids, that they approve, but until then, here's Mak. Again. #LifeOfAMom #IsntHeAdorable

I just get the giggles when I see "#LifeOfAMom."

Sad but true said...

I just noticed her "description of who she is on Instagram:

"Kate Gosselin Mom of 8 human kids, 3 furry kids & 1 feather kid.Watch Kate Plus 8 on TLC to see the chaotic fun that is our lives!"

I have rarely, if ever, seen "chaotic fun" on her show. Also of note, somehow her followers on Instagram have grown by about 70K in less than a week. Does Instagram have the buying issue that Twitter does?

Sad but true said...

LOL! Does a blue checkmark equal massive increase in followers? I don't think so, Milo.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
YAHOO Kate!! You got that special #BlueCheck. Girl YOU ARE VERIFIED! & WOW followers jumped up! ❤ @Kateplusmy8

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sad but true WTF?Last time i saw it was about a week ago,it was stuck at around 8,000 and she wasn't gaining any followers at a fast pace.There's no way she got around 70,000 followers in a week.

Susan1956 said...

OT. No surprise, but it comes at a very inconvenient time with Counting On starting it's 2nd season soon. Josh may not be in this series, but his peccadilloes sure continue to cast a shadow over it

Layla said...

Anonymouse (176)
Actually, it was a fight between my step monster (SM) and my father that put a final stop to visitation. But I sometimes wonder--if visitation had continued, would I have found the trust in my father to really open up to him? To share more of what was going on? I'd like to think so. I was so young when the final break came.

My mother did take me for a secret meeting with my father when I was 14. We were at the hospital where he worked, and she asked if I wanted to see him. I walked into his office and he knew me immediately. We could only talk for a short while, but when I left he said, "I have missed you so much". That put to rest a lot of hurt feelings, and when I was 18 (legal adult) I called him myself.

I can only imagine that the G kids have the same kinds of feelings--of hurt, rejection, abandonment, confusion. If Jon can find the right moment, maybe he can pay those few words that can put things in a different light. It's hard for young kids to understand that Dad split with Mom, but he didn't leave them. Because the fact is, when Dad leaves and doesn't take you with him, that leaves the child feeling abandoned and rejected. And when you beg him not to take you home and he does, you feel unloved and unwanted. Throw a parental alienator into that emotional mix and you have a recipe for destruction of a child's psyche.

I wish Jon and the kids strength.

Dmasy said...

Layla, thank you for sharing.

Jamesvader1194 said...

It also needs to be noted that Kate wasn't promoting the instagram account that much on twitter.So i highly doubt over 78,000 people for some reason decided to look Kate up on instagram and found her profile.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (168)
Exactly! The situation with the Christmas presents is precisely the kind of thing my stepfather would have used to taunt me and tell me my father didn't care.

I hope Jon can make things better in the future. But the kids have to be willing to do it, too. They have to let their guards down, and after years of feeling rejected and unloved, that it hard to do.

Is it worth it? Well…last summer, I visited my family (in the Midwest!). My father was in my van with my family, and wanted to sit in the back with the boys. The song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen came on the radio. My dad loves that song. My sons love it too, and they started singing along (each with his own part). My dad joined in, and all of them were belting out Bohemian Rhapsody in the back of my van. And when the song ended, I saw my father wiping tears from his eyes. It was just an amazing moment.
Darn right it's worth it. There is still awkwardness between my father and me, but my kids have an amazing grandfather.

NJGal51 said...

Wow! Someone mu be buying Instagram followers. Her followers jumped from around 8K to 78.5K just about overnight. She also got herself verified so she must be much more important than someone like Greg Nicotero (Walking Dead fame) who isn't verified. Oh, that's right, you've got to continually email and whine and complain that there are a lot a "fakers" out there.

Over And Out said...

Three words pretty much sums it up. Gladys is nuts.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
YAHOO Kate!! You got that special #BlueCheck. Girl YOU ARE VERIFIED! & WOW followers jumped up! ❤ @Kateplusmy8

Sad but true said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 180
@Sad but true WTF?Last time i saw it was about a week ago,it was stuck at around 8,000 and she wasn't gaining any followers at a fast pace.There's no way she got around 70,000 followers in a week.

About six months after she set up her Twitter, she had barely broken 50K followers. So it beggars belief that in under 6 weeks, she's nearly at 80K Instagram followers. Seriously, just who does she think she's fooling? "Fraud" is her middle name.

Deliverence said...

I thought this was apropos with Kate all of a sudden jumping by tens of thousands of followers:

#3 Loss of Integrity and Reputation.
In this post-modern (or post-post-modern!) world we live in, morality is perhaps more difficult to define since everyone has a different view of what morality is. However, it is fair to say that people see buying followers as a rather immoral thing to do. People view it as you trying to appear more popular than you are and doing it by dodgy means. People may not know that you’ve bought followers, but going from 30 followers or likes to 30,000 in the space of a couple of days is bound to get people suspicious, and then your integrity and reputation could well be in tatters.

GollyGee said...

Layla and Anon, your stories were heartbreaking and I was in tears.

Layla, so happy that you had your Bohemian moment with your dad and sons!

May I ask about your SD and your mom?

njay said...

Because the fact is, when Dad leaves and doesn't take you with him, that leaves the child feeling abandoned and rejected. And when you beg him not to take you home and he does, you feel unloved and unwanted. Throw a parental alienator into that emotional mix and you have a recipe for destruction of a child's psyche.
Do you know what my dad said to me? They divorced when I was 4. He said "I already ruined one family, I couldnt ruin this one and take the chance my stepmother would marry someone who molested his little girl with her." Yes, it hurt immensly. My stepmother hated us and mom hated them but I loved them both. I never understood his comment and if I were still a child and he said it to me again, the same feelings would happen. As an adult, when I had made a mess of my life, I have shared it here a few times, dad let me move in with him. Now mind you, there is waaaayyyy more to the story of dad that still made him a questionable dad. Dad fought for us in court but when he lost the battle, he felt there was nothing more he could do. To fight at home made life miserable his two with her, and trust me, I don't know who weighs in more for hate and causing trouble. She would tell everyone how horrible we were and depending on which one of us she was talking to, she bashed the others to us. I can't even imagine how painful that must have been for my father to sit and listen to. One time she called my sister a slut and he belted her. The four year old son was there and burst out crying. All that happened was that dad was in jail and she had a new story of how rotten we were that it would cause him to do that. Now lets see the arguments. He should have never done that in front of the child. Well, she started it in front of him. Then there is, at least he had the balls to do it. It was spontaneous. When did he have time to think of grabbing them. Ya see, there is NEVER a win win situation. When I moved in dad told me that he had a REAL BAD anger problem and he had to work hard to keep it under control. Really! Not my mild, meek dad. My sibs laughed in disbelief when I told them, for that same reason.

Anyway, to get to the end, when I moved in I showed my stepmother kindness. I showed her I wasn't going to take dad away from her and I wasn't the creep she thought I was. I showed her love. What I learned though was priceless. I learned that what dad said was true. It would have broken them up. He would have to start over again and chance doing it again. He should have picked someone better you say. He tried. His goal was to find someone who would be a good mother to us and he could be the father he always set out to be. He despised his father. They were a polygamist family yet didn't follow the letter of the religion. My grandpa was nuts, PERIOD. He took dad out of elementary to provide for the family. Dad always said with disdain, "my father sired X amount of kids and didn't take provide for one of them. It was then I saw that dad DID try all he could that he thought would bring us together,"so he could keep his balls" but would only end up with NOTHING in the end but two screwed up families. He probably felt like such a huge, huge failure everytime he saw us. Now let me say, dad did do things for us but took a lot of crap for it. It also would upset the dynamic so bad in that house too. Never a win win. I love dad so much for trying under all that pressure. I'm crying as I'm telling it. To me those fewer times out weighs the many because he truly suffered the pain of not getting to see us.

Sorry for being sloppy with my writing skills. It really is a pain for me to think about if I should break for a paragraph. It doesn't come easy for me.

SarahK said...

Serious question, no snark. Is Milo's lust for Kate an exaggeration to get a rise out of those on Twitter (just a ruse), or if given the chance, would she really um, well, you know, get a room and well, you know. Is this attraction just a celebrity girl crush, or is this a deep-down emotional and physical love on Milo's part?

I just can't figure her out. Isn't there anyone out there who knows if Milo is a middle-aged wife and mother of two kids, in poor health, who has serious mental issues in addition to just needing attention, or an elderly (horny) male catfishing in a facility in a God knows where location?

Layla said...

GollyGee (190)
My mother and step monster divorced. I have never seen her more happy than the day he agreed to it. He told her for years (I found out later) that he would kill her--and us (the kids)--if she tried to go. It wasn't until he got caught with someone else that he agreed to a divorce. It may seem odd from the outside because she was an educated professional. She did not have to depend on him for anything. All he had to use was fear. Now my mother is a completely different person. Having him leave just lifted a huge weight off all our shoulders.

njay (191)

My heart goes out to you. I think what we are both trying to bring to the conversation about custody is that there are never easy answers. One person can say he should go to court, another that he should leave the kids be, but it's never that easy. There is so much going on, emotionally, with every person concerned. There are hurt feelings, resentment, fear, anger, and parental alienation, all in play. The kids can't really make an informed decision about what they want because there is so much they don't know and can't really understand. This kind of situation just tears everyone involved apart. At least, the ones with feelings. There is no easy answer. Jon has to wonder--if he forces the kids he doesn't see much, will it make them resent him more? C apparently has problems--will forcing him into visitation make C's situation worse? Will the twins be angry and try to influence the kids he does see into stopping visitation? Will Kate be angry enough to make their lives hell because of her loss of control? There is a lot to take into consideration.

njay said...

After a fight between my step monster and my father I didn't see my father again for many years. Not until I was an adult. Then I felt totally rejected. We lost out on so much. We were both afraid. And even now I don't think we will ever be able to rebuild our relationship.
Lala, I really thought I was done talking, or at least not having to sweat the writing skills. Forgive me all but I'm just going to say it so it won't take me so long.
One thing I have decided in trying to figure out why my path has gone the way it has is that I have learned that through sharing others find healing. If that continues and I'm not trying to point you out Layla. You shared and it opens a door for me to share. I also have learned that many times there is more than one my path makes a difference for.
When I was young I used to pray that God would let my stepmother die first so my dad could be happy. As I mentioned I moved in with my dad and stepmother. Believe me, there were bets taken and cameras came out yet know one could believe the outcome, especially my stepmother. The path that took me to my dads ended up being a life of drugs. That is a life I did my darndest to not go down because mom was an addict all my life and still is. I don't want to say much about mom at this time, it doesn't seem right. I will judge that. I do take care of her as she is in failing health as well as myself now, probably because as they say the caregiver usually end up there first because they fail to take care of themselves.
To add to my belief of our paths we end up walking bad choices or stupid ones. Or just plain I had no clue ones. I do believe that everyone that becomes involved in our path is allowed there for ours and their learning. Theirs is for them to figure out. Why they affected my life is mine to figure out.
My path of drugs was not mine at the beginning. I had surgery. It was mine when it became knowledge to me that it became out of control. That was the beginning where I was to figure it out. It took a lot of scenic routes but I have learned that until it, whatever controls our relationships, mental being, anything that keeps us from having peace and making peace with the one who died to give it back to us, will never be gone and our path will continue that way until we been shown but refused to fix it.

njay said...

Ooh, I got reprimanded from someone, blogger for too long.

Here is the rest if you're not bored. if so i understand

It was through taking care of my dad, brought to by my bad path, that I saw and experienced the greatest miracle. Dad's demon was money. He was so poor and had to take care of his sibs growing up that he was afraid of losing what he worked day and night to have. He ended up sacrificing his new family anyway. My stepmother was jealous of anything that took his time, even her own kids. I didn't understand that when he said it until I saw it for myself.

This can be so long so I hope to cut to the chase. Stepmom died, my prayer was answered. Only dad wasn't happy, he was lonely. 75 years of having to just deal with her so he didn't ruining his family and loose his money in divorce left him numb and without love. His new kids craved it. Dad provided a home yet there was no love. The judge said at the court custody hearing with my mom, I would rather these children, 6 of us, be in a dirty home with love than in a clean home without love. Go figure. Jon can be reprimanded and I believe he would change. Sometimes we have to be slapped 2 or 3 times to see we slipped back down the rabbit hole. Kate, those kids are in a clean house without love, who thinks she is "providing" it.
Back to dad. he had surgery so was in a home for a few months. I had an air bed and would go and stay for a movie or overnight. One day I went in and I got my miracle. Dad said, J I'm going to do something with my finances that will change everything. Ok dad, what's that? I decided to give it to you while you're alive. BOMB DROP. yeah. He said I want to see you enjoy it while I'm alive. Hummm. I didn't think I would get any. I thought it was reserved for the other two. Anyhow, when dad got home, nearly every day he would cheerfully say, "hey J, call all the kids and tell them to go to the steak house. My treat." It was so awesome, all the children together and dad. I wasn't glad my stepmother was not there. We had worked it out way before she died. He daughter still hates her and her son's thinks there is a motive behind any kindness.
Small filler here though, the evil came out of the daughter who embezzled money from dad as power of attorney. Thank God we had a safeguard of someone in both families as power of attorney. My family did our best to see that dad never had to be worried about being put out in the street. We showed him all receipts and tried to keep evil scenes away from his eyes.
This is what I'm trying to say. No matter how evil the path, letting the other person look for why yours and their path went the way it did is for them to figure out and deal with whatever pain, happiness or whatever for himself. If it controls you in '"any" way the scene will never change. Find your lesson. Get and give forgiveness. Without it those around you remain on your path with you. You will keep dragging them back on it because you don't know where to turn. Make a right at the path of peace it will never be left.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 2h2 hours ago
Kate Gosselin can't post pics of her kids bc there are none they approve of. Do they have to approve filming before @TLC releases it??
My thoughts exactly! Kids are still filmed whining and fighting, generally acting immature, or being surly teens, and that's not going to embarrass them?

Tucker's Mom said...

Get and give forgiveness. Without it those around you remain on your path with you.
njay, thank you for sharing your story. I really wish you the best. This part which I copied is really a nugget of wisdom, and I've never heard it put that way before. It's profound.

Tucker's Mom said...

Get and give forgiveness. Without it those around you remain on your path with you. You will keep dragging them back on it because you don't know where to turn. Make a right at the path of peace it will never be left.
I wanted to copy the rest of your conclusion so anyone who skipped it can take this with them, because again, it's profound. ~ Administrator said...

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 2h2 hours ago
Kate Gosselin can't post pics of her kids bc there are none they approve of. Do they have to approve filming before @TLC releases it??
My thoughts exactly! Kids are still filmed whining and fighting, generally acting immature, or being surly teens, and that's not going to embarrass them?


Little People did a 10th Anniversary clips special that was full of a lot of interesting comments about filming. Among them were several remarks from Zack and Jeremy about how embarrassed they were at various things that were filmed during their teen years. They didn't go so far as to say they regretted it, but it obviously vexed them. I think they see the bigger picture now, but could have done without the filming on prom or in surgery nonetheless.

I think boys may deal a bit easier which such things. Girls may have a harder time letting go from a big humiliation like being filmed on prom.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#999), and at least the Roloff kids escaped the humiliation of televised potty training. The G kids have been shown at their most vulnerable -- crying, screaming, scared, covered with vomit, sick with flu, etc. -- for a decade. And perhaps worst of all, as very young children they had cameras pointed in their faces as their parents' marriage ended, culminating in a ratings bonanza their mom actually bragged about.

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