Officials confirmed Toby Nathaniel Willis was charged with rape of a child. According to reports, the victim was raped when she was between the ages of 9 and 12 while living in Ashland City.
The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped. The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13.
Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife."
“We have, and will continue, to fully cooperate with law enforcement officials and ask that you direct all inquires regarding Toby Willis’ case to the District Attorney’s office who have our complete support.”
The TBI is also seeking the public’s assistance in finding anyone who may have given Willis a ride while he was hitchhiking to Greenville, Ky., to escape arrest after being charged.
The TBI said Willis accepted rides from at least two people sometime between Sept. 5 and Sept. 6 from Shepherdsville, Ky., just south of Louisville, to Greenville approximately 115 miles away.http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/cheatham/2016/09/14/court-date-set-willis-clan-father-child-rape-charge/90363128/
Toby Willis has been arrested without bond after an investigation into a child rape 12 years ago.
While details remain scarce, reports are Willis was in Kentucky when he was arrested, and he is expected to be extradited to his home state of Tennessee.
1024 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1024 Newer› Newest»FlimsyFlamsy said... 194
Still no mention from TFW about the twins' upcoming birthday? She's in pretty deep with
her Operation Puppy image rehab. She might be sincerely spooked that the gravy train could actually stop. Or am I giving her credit for actual self awareness?
I don't know much about narcissists per se, but I think that even the worst narcissistic shrew--here's looking at you TFW--has to be aware on one level that the People cover was an epic fail in that it did not result in the things TFW values most: press junket with StevieBoy, time away from the kids, resumed filming with TLC/a firm air date from TLC for the episodes already in the can. I'm also sure that Mady at least is holding TFW's feet to the fire re: receiving a car for her 16th birthday. Without a TLC filming check to offset that purchase, it may not happen.
Then again, she's always come back so she's probably consoling herself with the thought that it will happen again.
Lanc Native said... 192
Milo doesn't think this really happened. It didn't come from Kate, you see, and therefore the info is suspect. Despite the fact that Kate's own words on the subject are in Hoffman's book.
Oh, it happened. I know a few people who were at that speaking engagement in the southern part of the county, and she most certainly did collect donations while they were settling on that house.
Yes I was at Solanconin 2008 when they passed the plate
I'm also sure that Mady at least is holding TFW's feet to the fire re: receiving a car for her 16th birthday. Without a TLC filming check to offset that purchase, it may not happen.
Dollars to doughnuts, Mady has probably told her mother that she better get TLC to do a Mady Gets a Car! Very Special Episode.
I can see the title now:
Mady, Mazdas and Road Maps, Mady Gets a Car!
Because she knows that her mother would never get her one on HER DIME, even though TFW scored (in her own crazy mind) one over Jon with Mady saying that her own father was toxic.
It'll be interesting to see what happens to Kate's Twitter and IG timelines with Milo out of commission. I wonder if Lights-Out Man is required to take over for her.
The Duggars are adopting child #20. It's apparently Michelle's nephew. An obvious ploy to get back on TV (Storyline!).
I'm baffled by Kate being so quiet about the twins' 16th birthday. She usually alerts her fans early enough to give them time to get some gifts in the mail. Of course, she is probably holding out hope that TLC will film it and give each girl a new car, but that doesn't seem likely. They're not in any hurry to air the episodes they already have, let alone spend that kind of money for yet another season and all the swag Kate will demand for it. Or maybe TLC has warned her that the grifting is hurting her/their image and to knock it off. Speaking of grifting, did anyone else notice that in the Instagram picture pic of the kids' shoes and book bags, the Nike logo on the shoes was very prominently displayed. How obvious.
I wonder if TLC's reluctance to air K+8 has anything to do with the lawsuit that has tied up the next season of The Little Couple. They know that K+8 can't bring in decent ratings without a strong lead-in, and perhaps The Little Couple was supposed to be that lead-in. With that show off the air for the foreseeable future, what other show is strong enough to prop up K+8? Ratings for all their shows are declining, and even the new Duggar show is struggling. That leaves just Little People, Big World, and they just finished a season recently. It will take some time to film more and have it ready to air. Or…TLC can put K+8 on and let it stand on its own. That would be fun to watch. Can Kate and the kids make it on their own? What will TLC do when (not if) the ratings come back and they are horrible?
Tucker's Mom said:
Essentially, that's what the fiat she issued in People did.
She issued an Italian car in People? ;)
I haven't ruled out a NYC press tour in the near future *if* her show is going to start in Oct. Kate usually gets a couple minutes on one of the morning shows before hitting up the tabloids.
I would be surprised if she tries to reprise her stunt with the twins.
I can't imagine that the interview would be very comfortable, talking about filming without Colin and half her kids not seeing their dad, and their utter failure to co-parent.
But...there's more trips!! And vomit!!! And surliness!!
Oh, and PUPPIES!!
Layla said... 5
The Duggars are adopting child #20. It's apparently Michelle's nephew. An obvious ploy to get back on TV (Storyline!).
They claim this child will not be on TV. I'm not sure why, but I am guessing they don't want to have to set up a trust or some kind of cash payment to him or his natural mother. Like Kate, they want to keep ALL the money in the Duggar family. The greed of all of these reality TV people really creeps me out.
Tucker's Mom (#7), you've got the makings of some swell new episode titles (*waves to GollyGee*):
"Vacays and Vomit!"
"Dogs and Diversions!"
"Talk Shows and Toxic Parents!"
"Nanuq and Narcissism!"
"Mak and Mental Manipulation!"
"Puppies and Parental Alienation!"
You're welcome, TLC...
Layla said... 131
I read the article about (the mother formerly known as) Octomom on Daily Mail. She left her life in the public eye behind, went back to a normal job, and is working and taking care of the kids. She has 14 kids and is a true single mother, unlike Kate. So I guess that means it can be done. A mother can care for a large family, have a career, and make it all work out without forcing her kids to support her. Two of Suleman's kids are autistic, one so severely that he can't talk and requires round-the-clock care. But did she send either of them away? No, they go to special schools and they come home at night.
I am convinced that the only reason Collin was sent away is to get him away from Kate. If a child who is so severely autistic that he needs round the clock care is kept in a home with a single mother and 13 siblings, then Collin could have stayed too. I believe Kate wanted him out. I also think he became too much of a deterrent to filming. He was sent packing. She chose her beloved cameras over him.
I just saw this article in my national news feed. It says she is working as a counselor now. I hate she had to go through the bad times, but at least she realized reality TV wasn't an option and decided to do something for herself and her family. I'm sure it is a major sacrifice of her time and energy working and taking care of 14 kids, 2 of whom sound like they are much more in need of care than Colin.
She apparently used a sperm donor to conceive so those kids legitimately don't have the benefit of a father unlike Kate's 8 who she has alienated from Jon.
I'm proud that Nadya is taking responsibility for her own life. Given her push for a TV show, her dabbling in porn, and multiple reports of her being evicted from different homes I wouldn't have been surprised for her to have lost her kids to foster care.
She is the polar opposite of Kate and she is a better person for it.
Duggar viewer numbers were back up last night, to 1.125 mm. But in terms of the key demographic (P 18-49), they're at 0.29, which I think is down from even last week's show. Their ranking (on ShowBuzz Daily) was down to 33rd. The episode was the only TLC show in the top 50. I guess TLC really doesn't care how poorly they do.
Tucker's Mom said... 7
I haven't ruled out a NYC press tour in the near future *if* her show is going to start in Oct. . . .
Yeah, I'm not ruling it out either. She will have had upwards of 6 weeks to "craft" her message with TLC's PR coaches. They now know where all the dissidence with respect to Collin's situation stems from, and you can be damn sure they'll create some bullshit for her to spout when she's asked.
Tucker's mom said...7
But...there's more trips!! And vomit!!! And surliness!!
Oh, and PUPPIES!!
The vomiting, the trips remind me of TFW just having to go out 25 miles from shore to catch a fish. I didn't know they didn't have ANY fish closer to shore.
To the tune of Hee Haw:
Gloomy kids and I'm haggard as can be
Deep sea a pressing, excessive vomiting
If it weren't for TLC, I'd have no show at all
Gloomy kids and haggerty on me!
MikeB (#10), I appreciated your comment. And you know what? I bet Nadya is actually HAPPIER than TFW. When you've gone on record saying "is there ever enough money?" and "no never means no," you must be constantly striving for some attainable goal. For all the trappings of her 1% lifestyle, I don't get a sense of contentment from TFW.
Sad but true (#11), I bet the first interview will include real tears this time. That's what the coaching might be for. If she cries, that'll keep the interviewer from asking any hard questions, and possibly doubting the parenting abilities of the world's most bestest mommy.
I'm sure Kate's thrilled about this. Milo just never knows when to take a seat. She reminds me a bit of Michael Scott from The Office. Go have your surgery already.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted JETTi
You've had some odd offers! This one is cute! 21yrs old/Latino waiting for you to call! LOL https://twitter.com/LatinoLover6969/status/775975507040972800 … @kateplusmy8
JETTi @LatinoLover6969
@Kateplusmy8 I'm actually in love with you. Please contact me on this unused twitter account, and don't think too much bc I am 21 years old.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted JETTi
You've had some odd offers! This one is cute! 21yrs old/Latino waiting for you to call! LOL https://twitter.com/LatinoLover6969/status/775975507040972800 … @kateplusmy8
It's not funny. This is how dangerous encounters between celebs and fans start. No surprise Milo is completely unable to recognize a potentially unstable super fan.
@Sad but true So how desperate is milo for Kate's attention?Well her tweet before that was the same tweet and platitude she sent yesterday.You know if there's one thing about milo i believe is true is that she doesnt have any real life friends apart from her twitter friends. Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 30m30 minutes ago
#SingleMoms can't just decide to hand the baton off! Every day it's get up, step up and do the work! @Kateplusmy8
And super sleuth Gladys didn't notice the "6969" part of the Twitter handle. This dude isn't looking to meet TFW for a hot fudge sundae.
. This dude isn't looking to meet TFW for a hot fudge sundae.
Nope. Hot Carl, maybe.
Bad joke.
Look out Khate
Look out Khate
I think this is fascinating and something to definitely keep a close eye on. Oversharing is a new thing. Children of oversharing parents are only just now turning 18, developing their own thoughts and opinions, and taking some control over their future. I think we're going to see a heck of a lot of young adults upset at the social media footprint their parents have made for them before they were old enough to care. Especially if an employer googling your name brings up a photo of you on the potty. More to come, without a doubt.
Disturbing news on Milo's IG. She speaks of preparing for surgery which can affect her eyesight.
Her eyesight is affected when she prepares for surgery?
I read the Octomom article and while I found much of it contradictory (for example, not being exploitive of her kids, but having many pictures in the article) I can appreciate her sharing her story along with the many challenges she faces every day. I found her humility and her honesty about things she regrets to be very genuine and refreshing.
I simply can't understand how people are so accepting of the excess in Gosselin world.
The poor single mom stigma is insulting to those of us who ARE in fact struggling single moms. Does Kate NEED the huge house with a billion acres? OF COURSE NOT! However, people (albeit few any more) keep implying that Kate is just a regular single "piecin and a patchin mom" with no option but TV. It's just disgusting.
I will never forget the Oprah interview with the kids wearing the brown Oprah shirts when they were babies and she said the money is never enough. Jon gasped.
Is that what she said? I remember her responding one time with a question, "Can you ever have enough money?"
@FLmom I actually used Octomom as an argument to Kate fans one time and their excuse was that Kate would NEVER do porn and that Octomom is an embarrassment to both her kids and moms.They also said that because she was evicted from her home and was homeless proves that Kate would be the same way.The ironic thing is that Kate was the same woman who said she'd work at Mcdonalds in order to support her kids yet that never happened.Sad how they make fun of Jon's D.J job by saying it isn't a real job and yet if Kate worked at mcdonalds,i'd assume Milo at least would be telling people not to judge her.
It looks like it was the Willis daughter, Jessica who filed rape charges against Toby. I say good for her!
Also, after doing some research it seems Jessica stopped performing with the family around April....right about the same time TLC says they cancelled the show. She would be the right age to be the child he raped. What a POS!
Jillygee said... 20
Look out Khate
Look out Kate and TLC. The comments there reflect what we've been saying for years. When the Gosselin kids grow up, everything that's been filmed, written about and posted will be there forever.
Times have changed. This is not the same as our parents snapping a photo of us in the bathtub, or on the potty, and putting it in our photo album.
The poor single mom stigma is insulting to those of us who ARE in fact struggling single moms. Does Kate NEED the huge house with a billion acres? OF COURSE NOT
This is where Kate gets really crafty in her responses. It's not about her (but, we know it really is), it's about the kids! The kids deserve everything under the sun, and never have to settle for mediocre. How could anyone not want that for them?
How could you take the roof from over their heads? How could you take the barn with the chickens? How could you take the John Deere, the swimming pool and Crooked Houses?!!
"Their show, The Willis Family, ran for two seasons on TLC but was canceled in May. TLC said in a statement that it had thoroughly checked all the Willis family members prior to signing them to the show and were “shocked” at the news of Toby’s arrest."
What? They "checked" the family? The same way they checked Blankenship and the Duggars? Good grief.
The ironic thing is that Kate was the same woman who said she'd work at Mcdonalds in order to support her kids yet that never happened.
Why would she if she still has TLC to feed her?
"ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. - The patriarch of The Willis Clan, a country family-based band, has been charged after allegedly raping a female family member.
Officials confirmed Toby Nathaniel Willis was charged with rape of a child. According to reports, the victim was raped when she was between the ages of 9 and 12 while living in Ashland City.
The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped. The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13.
Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife."
Brenda Willis also told People last year that she and her husband raised their kids by “staying true to the Bible.”
She also indicated how much control her husband exerted over their family—especially his daughters.
“He approves every outfit the girls wear,” his wife Brenda said. “He pretty much buys everything.”
It's this kind of control over daughters by a father that I find CREEPY.
Staying true to the bible? Where's the part about incestuous rape?
Tell me Mom didn't know anything about this...
What? They "checked" the family?
Checked the family for what? Head lice? Ticks?
What? They "checked" the family? The same way they checked Blankenship and the Duggars? Good grief.
TLC has no fricking CLUE and keeps on stepping in shit with these pathological parents who, despite being deviants, have a sick need to thrust their kids into the public eye and make money off them.
Clearly, there is a pattern here and TLC should be investigated to determine what they knew, when they knew it, and what they did about it, in association with every one of their families that's imploded in scandal.
I knew it!!
It's not funny. This is how dangerous encounters between celebs and fans start. No surprise Milo is completely unable to recognize a potentially unstable super fan.
How can she when she herself is an unstable super fan?
Does Milo say what kind of surgery she is having? Perhaps Kate will be by her side when she awakens in the recovery room.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted JETTi
You've had some odd offers! This one is cute! 21yrs old/Latino waiting for you to call! LOL https://twitter.com/LatinoLover6969/status/775975507040972800 … @kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate added,
JETTi @LatinoLover6969
@Kateplusmy8 I'm actually in love with you. Please contact me on this unused twitter account, and don't think too much bc I am 21 years old.
0 retweets 0 likes
Reply Retweet
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Not a fan of Kate but do you not realize how dangerous this is?
5:17 PM - 14 Sep 2016
Way to highlight the fact that Kate is ignoring this creepy advance.
Cute? He's 21, ffs!
The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped. The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13.
Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife."
Oh god. It's the worst case scenario we feared. He got his OWN pre-pubecent child out of bed and raped her???? Now he's not just a deviant, he's evil. I imagine there is a criminal restraining order in place restraining him from the children. At least here those are almost always issued in cases like this.
And yes it's totally creepy to be approving your daughter's outfits like that. Pedophiles often present as control freaks in many other respects of their lives. Perhaps it has to do with being unable to control their sexual urges, so they exert extreme control in other aspects of their lives to compensate.
Prayers for the daughter who seemingly came forward, she is very brave.
Whoa, did you see the strong statement from the mother saying that she fully supports the DA's office and has been and will cooperate? That's pretty definitive. Sounds like an attorney advised her on that one. I would have expected her to pull a Mrs. Sandusky, who us, they have this all wrong! Good for her. That's how you keep your children. Make no mistake, they'll take those children from her in a heartbeat if they think she won't protect them.
TLC??? Are they seriously going to bounce back from this one? Obviously, their vetting process is one big failure.
"Their show, The Willis Family, ran for two seasons on TLC but was canceled in May. TLC said in a statement that it had thoroughly checked all the Willis family members prior to signing them to the show and were “shocked” at the news of Toby’s arrest."
On their little checklist of filmability, did they ask, hey, your dad ever rape you?
Come off it, they don't vet their reality stars for anything but whether they'd be boring on TV. They don't care about any of this, none of this is their problem. Just own it.
TLC??? Are they seriously going to bounce back from this one? Obviously, their vetting process is one big failure.
I seriously think TLC needs to be scrutinized heavily at this point. The horrific scandals involving children are undeniable.
If Willis did indeed rape his daughter, this was years ago. What about the younger daughters? Did he get at them, too?
How long were those daughters in danger before this arrest?
Who knew and who wasn't talking?
Like the Duggars, a predator lives under the same roof as young girls, and has access to them whenever they wish.
This makes it a lot harder for TLC to present the Gosselins as a happy, shiny, smiley family when the public knows it's a facade.
One child with severe problems necessitating his removal from the home, and half the kids not seeing their father, no to mention the bitter anger displayed by the twins.
How do you every try to pass them off as "OK"?
Look at these families. They're all smiling and acting happy for the camera until the skeletons are found.
Also, after doing some research it seems Jessica stopped performing with the family around April....right about the same time TLC says they cancelled the show. She would be the right age to be the child he raped. What a POS!
This timeline is BEYOND suspect. What were their ratings? They were pushing this show like crazy then it suddenly disappeared without a trace in the MIDDLE of a season? That's highly suspicious, who films 6 episodes of a SECOND season then ditches it? That's not TLC's style. They usually see a season through to the end even when ratings suck. Then they cancel.
All kinds of theories can be developed out of this. Perhaps the daughter came forward in April and told TLC this information to which they immediately shut down so as to create a huge distance. Knowing investigations take time, they could only hope it wouldn't come out until they had long cancelled the show. I hope someone spills about how exactly this played out.
I don't completely buy the investigation started in August. That's quite a turnaround. I think it started much earlier and only got serious in the past few weeks when they were ready to arrest.
This incident really does prove that it's very, very likely if you're willing to exploit your children on a reality TV show and indirectly, and directly I suppose, hurt them by pissing away their privacy, there is a very good chance you are willing to hurt children in other aspects of their lives too.
We have seen it time and time again. Reality stars have physically abused their children, molested them, stolen their money, or hurt other children not their own.
This is no longer a coincidence. This is a clear pattern of deviance and a direct correlation. I have thought all along normal people just wouldn't put their kid on TV like this or if they did they would back out in a year or two after realizing how messy it is. My theory has held.
The scariest part is wondering how many of the other girls it's happened to. Pedophiles just don't stop at one time.
Come off it, they don't vet their reality stars for anything but whether they'd be boring on TV. They don't care about any of this, none of this is their problem. Just own it.
I don't know how TLC can't own this. They need to retrench and try to figure out why they're like fly paper for wack jobs, abusers, pedophiles (well, duh, that's not hard) and fame whores.
Trying to sell a herd of smiling kids, performing like seals, is not going to be so easy.
This incident really does prove that it's very, very likely if you're willing to exploit your children on a reality TV show and indirectly, and directly I suppose, hurt them by pissing away their privacy, there is a very good chance you are willing to hurt children in other aspects of their lives too.
We have seen it time and time again. Reality stars have physically abused their children, molested them, stolen their money, or hurt other children not their own.
This is no longer a coincidence. This is a clear pattern of deviance and a direct correlation. I have thought all along normal people just wouldn't put their kid on TV like this or if they did they would back out in a year or two after realizing how messy it is. My theory has held.
Wow. You're really on to something here.
Come off it, they don't vet their reality stars for anything but whether they'd be boring on TV. They don't care about any of this, none of this is their problem. Just own it.
There's a long track record of saying exactly this, on this site. Reality tv and unstable individuals go together like flies and shit. The thing is, when those unstable individuals are adults and sign up for the shit show, who cares? Let them have at it and damn the consequences. They made their own bed.
But, when unstable individuals are allowed to sign their children up for this, that's when a line is crossed.
gotyournumberKate said... 46
The scariest part is wondering how many of the other girls it's happened to. Pedophiles just don't stop at one time.
September 14, 2016 at 5:59 PM
Exactly. This didn't happen just once.
Is Brenda clueless? Turned a blind eye?
"Shocked and devasted"? When your daughter bolted a few months ago? Really?
Hard to believe the daughter said nothing to her mother, or someone who would tell the mother.
TV executives who cast for reality tv characters and families know damn well that their talent tends to run on the unstable side. There's no way they don't know it.
TLC and their ilk turn a blind eye, and put up with the crazy (ask Kate's handlers after all these years) because the drama, antics and bizarreness makes boat loads of money.
TLC has no fricking CLUE and keeps on stepping in shit with these pathological parents who, despite being deviants, have a sick need to thrust their kids into the public eye and make money off them.
Clearly, there is a pattern here and TLC should be investigated to determine what they knew, when they knew it, and what they did about it, in association with every one of their families that's imploded in scandal.
What can you expect from a network that shows a deviant having sex with his car? That speaks volumes.
Tucker's Mom said... 29
The poor single mom stigma is insulting to those of us who ARE in fact struggling single moms. Does Kate NEED the huge house with a billion acres? OF COURSE NOT
As I commented earlier, you can only consider Kate a #SingleMom if you take away the multi-billion-dollar elephant in the room known as the TLC network. It must be nice to be someone who can suspend disbelief to that extent.
Tucker's Mom said... 33
. . .
It's this kind of control over daughters by a father that I find CREEPY.
Staying true to the bible? Where's the part about incestuous rape?
Tell me Mom didn't know anything about this...
And THEN tell me the other seven sisters were never touched.
And THEN tell me the other seven sisters were never touched.
Yeah, like Josh working his way down younger and younger sisters.
Tucker's Mom said... 43
This makes it a lot harder for TLC to present the Gosselins as a happy, shiny, smiley family when the public knows it's a facade.
One child with severe problems necessitating his removal from the home, and half the kids not seeing their father, no to mention the bitter anger displayed by the twins.
How do you every try to pass them off as "OK"?
Look at these families. They're all smiling and acting happy for the camera until the skeletons are found.
To be fair, there's not a lot of smiling and acting happy for the cameras when the Gosselin kids are being filmed. Or, at least, not a lot that ends up on TV.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 52
. . .
What can you expect from a network that shows a deviant having sex with his car? That speaks volumes.
See, for me, that kind of show doesn't even qualify as "reality" TV. I see it as more like The Gong Show, where consenting adults are willing to go on TV and make complete fools of themselves for their own ends. Who knows if the guy really has sex with his car? And who cares, as long as he's of age and not hurting anyone with his deviance?
But the "reality" that exploits minor children, in their own homes, where they are not able to consent and are asked to do things that they may or may not normally do---this is something I object to. Not just on behalf of the kids involved, but also on behalf of the public which is duped into thinking this is how these kids really live and behave. When, as the Gosselins exemplify, it is far from it.
To be fair, there's not a lot of smiling and acting happy for the cameras when the Gosselin kids are being filmed. Or, at least, not a lot that ends up on TV.
September 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM
True! Kate still gets by, somehow, selling the notion that all the kids are fine with filming and never presents them as uncooperative in any way.
Jon's the one who admitted there were times the kids absolutely refused to film.
And now, boys and girls, it's time for the 26th chapter of Puppy Tales. Tonight, #NookiePookie wears a Kate T-shirt to bed with Kate, as Kate says she does "EVERY night!! Wow, I wonder if that confuses Steve.
Some excerpts of the Q&A:
kateplusmy8Nanuq is ready for bed! YES- she wears this tshirt of mine to bed EVERY night! (Does anyone recognize this shirt?😉) #SheThinksShesAHuman #ILoveThisGirl
zarachuback such a cutie! how old?
tjkissesAhh that's so cute. Do you still have the Shepard too? @kateplusmy8
kateplusmy8 Almost 5 months! And almost 50 pounds!!:) @zarachuback
. . .
kateplusmy8 She IS a shepherd!:) She's a sable shepherd; her dad is Shoka. And her brother Mak (see photos) is her litter mate! So, we have 3 king shepherds! @tjkisses
. . .
tessadub I don't recognize the shirt...🤔😠hint??
. . .
miloandjack2016 Hmmm....yellow shirt? Was that what ya wore st the #MakeLemonadeWhen LifeGivesYouLemons Festival? 😋 @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016 At any rate...#Nanuq wears it as good as you ever did! Smart thing to do to let pup wear ur shirt! Will comfort her and make her feel secure! You know this is excellent to do when you have to leave 4extended time? @kateplusmy8
. . .
jamiepumpkin3 You are the crazy dog lady now!
kateplusmy8 That's how it started! Got the shirt in the mail (he he he) and wore it then gave it to her to 'smell me' when I created her while away. From there, I put it on her... And it became a habit. It's now her 'signal' that it's time to settle down and time for bed... :) @miloandjack2016
kateplusmy8 *crated not created lol @miloandjack2016
miloandjack2016 You guessed their weight pretty good! I assume #Mak is still about 5lbs heavier? Did all pups get a good healthy report from vet? @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016 You are getting really adept at this bonding w/the dogs!! You rightly earned my #WOW cant believe shes doing this badge!! @kateplusmy8 Got a shirt for #Mak too?
. . .
juliahartnett I've done that too @kateplusmy8 it makes the dog feel like your there! Is Mak bigger than Nanuq?
kateplusmy8 Yes! By about 8 pounds!!! @juliahartnett
kateplusmy8 Yes! I am, thank you very much! And you're one too.. So there 😛 #ACompliment #Ha @jamiepumpkin3
miloandjack2016 Count ME in on #CrazyDogLady! @jamiepumpkin3. @kateplusmy8. Lol. Who is the worst?? 😋
honeyandivy Cute!! Kate, I know a lot of people are giving you undeserved flack right now. Please remember that YOU know what is best for your children and love them more than anyone else on this earth. I've watched your show since the babies were little and have so much respect for you as a parent and person. Also all your organization and health tips I picked up watching as a child have really stuck with me. God bless💕
Milo needs the last word---Kate's a #Mussh. I'd say that's about right.
miloandjack2016 Im so happy to see you @kateplusmy8. take on this challenge! And @jamiepumpkin3 knows this as well. .dogs give back so much more than we ever invest in them! We see what a #Mussh you are now?? LOL
But the "reality" that exploits minor children, in their own homes, where they are not able to consent and are asked to do things that they may or may not normally do---this is something I object to. Not just on behalf of the kids involved, but also on behalf of the public which is duped into thinking this is how these kids really live and behave. When, as the Gosselins exemplify, it is far from it.
I agree with you. I think a good name for it is situational reality TV, and I don't really prefer it. In situational reality TV contestants or subjects are put in various situations to film their reactions. They wouldn't normally be there. Some set-ups might be more subtle than others but after awhile it's clear there is a pattern.
There are some good reality programs out there that I've enjoyed, but they are probably better labeled documentaries. I like shows about real people that tell an organic story from beginning, to middle, to the end. The Farmer's Wife is probably the perfect example of a documentary reality T.V. show, and it was incredible. There was nothing situational about it. That was their true story.
See, for me, that kind of show doesn't even qualify as "reality" TV. I see it as more like The Gong Show, where consenting adults are willing to go on TV and make complete fools of themselves for their own ends. Who knows if the guy really has sex with his car? And who cares, as long as he's of age and not hurting anyone with his deviance?
But how low can a network go, regardless if it's a farce (A Gong Show) or whatever you want to call it. The fact is that TLC chose to air a segment like that and proved that they will stoop to nothing to make a few bucks.
I just returned from a perfectly lovely afternoon out, and came home to this news, and feel sick to
my stomach.
Bless that poor girl's heart. Thank goodness she has her mother's support. Not like in the bizarro world of the Duggars, where the girls were expected to wear extra layers of clothing to make it harder for the molester to get to them. Which they swear was only over their clothes, and it didn't last long, and, well...never mind, they actually slept through it.
What's wrong with Milo this time, well, you know, that she needs surgery? We know about her mental decline into full-blown CW.
Some news sites are saying that the WIllis dad raped the girl in about 2002, and that the victim was between the ages of 9 and 12. The oldest daughter was 10 in 2002. I'm wondering if it was an ongoing thing, not one time, and like the rest of you, I wonder if he did anything to the other 7 daughters. Ugh, it just makes my skin crawl--that poor girl! At least it looks like the mother is putting the kids first and cooperating in the investigation. I really hope that means she's supporting her daughter (if in fact it was the daughter). It was revolting to see how the Duggar parents supported Josh and were so dismissive of the harm done to their daughters. Let's hope that in this case, the victim gets the support she deserves.
What really makes me feel awful is that the victim or victims, knowing that man had molested them, had to go on that TV show episode after episode and talk about him and answer questions about him and appear as if everything is fine and never talk about their secret. That alone has to be very confusing and upsetting. Who knows what all he said to her about keeping this quiet. Awful.
The Willis mom seems to be on the right track here. Saying not only that she'll cooperate with the DA but that she supports what they're doing, is quite a statement. Far more than any other of these families have ever said.
Maybe TLC should open a referral center, a place their TV "stars" can get help for their perversions. They could send the sex offenders to the place J. Duggar went to. And they could offer weekly follow-up therapy sessions.
The Tennessean is saying his next court date is Sept 21. Continued from today.
What really makes me feel awful is that the victim or victims, knowing that man had molested them, had to go on that TV show episode after episode and talk about him and answer questions about him and appear as if everything is fine and never talk about their secret.
Absolutely horrible, if it was his daughter and she had to pretend this was one big happy Christian family. Has this been confirmed, or a rumor floating around out there?
I feel so awful for those other kids, especially the really young ones who wonder why they can't see their daddy. As their mother, how do you deal with something like that?
Anyone have any idea what #Mussh stands for or means? I googled it, but most pictures with that tag are from India, so I am none the wiser.
Sad but true (#59), wow, TFW is still going full throttle with this puppy business. I wonder what time this back and forth was going on. Was it when her 7 kids were finally home from school after being away all day? How does an oh-so-busy single mother fit this social media nonsense in with taking care of her children at the beginning of their school year, and helping them adjust to the loss of their brother in the household? Or is that for the household help to handle? Maybe she had her puppy love fest after they were asleep -- I'm just speculating, based on her past behavior of avoiding interaction with her kids.
Lucky Nookie Pookie gets a shirt to signal it's time for bed. C just got hurled into the crib
by his hair.
Math Girl said... 70
Anyone have any idea what #Mussh stands for or means? I googled it, but most pictures with that tag are from India, so I am none the wiser.
I think she just meant, as opposed to fearsome dog-neglecting witch. This is the "softer" side of Kate, apparently.
Math Girl (#70), maybe Gladys just misspelled "mush," trying to rewrite history and identify
TFW as a softhearted soul, instead of the cold, insensitive, man-hating, child-beating shrew
she's shown herself to be for more than a decade?
Gladys tried desperately to insert herself into TFW and Jamie's conversation. Oh, I'm a crazy
dog lady, too! Can I get a nickname? Can I sit at your table?
Seattle, I forgot which article said he came to the victim's bed at night, and that it was a relative.
I suppose it could be a niece he was staying over at, but at this point it looks like more than likely it's his own daughter.
The Willis mom seems to be on the right track here. Saying not only that she'll cooperate with the DA but that she supports what they're doing, is quite a statement. Far more than any other of these families have ever said.
Compare to Jim Boob, who actually played the victim and continued to minimize what Josh did.
The Duggars were simply trying to save their show and their brand, and just wanted to point their fingers at liberals and the lgbt community.
I can't believe he and Michelle are still on tv.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 71
Sad but true (#59), wow, TFW is still going full throttle with this puppy business. I wonder what time this back and forth was going on.
She posted this last evening around 9-ish Eastern time. Kids probably in bed by then (except twins).
It was revolting to see how the Duggar parents supported Josh and were so dismissive of the harm done to their daughters.
Right, and TLC is rewarding them by having them appear on Counting On, no doubt with an eye towards reviving the show.
Yes, apparently Ma and Pa Duggar were front and center on this week's Counting On episode. The parenting experts who sent their son away to build some shelves to help cure him of wanting to molest his younger siblings. But, again, it was quick, and over the clothes, and they slept through it, so let's move on.
Hey, Moving On! That'd be a great title for Joshie's redemption show, TLC! After all, he's not as bad as this Willis fellow! Let's sign the contracts before another scandal drops!
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 74
Seattle, I forgot which article said he came to the victim's bed at night, and that it was a relative.
Plus the daughter quit the nd abruptly in April and the daughters boyfried posted something about having a voice or something in fb the day of it after his arrest
@Tucker's Mom Why is it that TLC is quick to cancel all these shows with sex scandals but when it comes to the duggars,NOPE they had to find a way to keep them.I wonder how many more ads TLC is willing to lose in order to hang onto the duggars?
Isn't TLC bringing back Toddlers & Tiaras?
Hey, Moving On! That'd be a great title for Joshie's redemption show, TLC! After all, he's not as bad as this Willis fellow! Let's sign the contracts before another scandal drops!
"Moving On: Nothing To See Here"
Plus the daughter quit the nd abruptly in April and the daughters boyfried posted something about having a voice or something in fb the day of it after his arrest
Sort of tacitly confirming it, I guess.
If it is his own daughter, dear God.
Tucker's Mom said... 81
Isn't TLC bringing back Toddlers & Tiaras?
Oh it's back. Airing now.
Admin: Here's a link to another good story about Toby. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/14/the-willis-clan-no-more-a-christian-family-band-comes-apart-amid-child-rape-allegations.html?via=newsletter&source=DDAfternoon
Over And Our (64)
I think it's just another of Milo's ploys for attention. Kate has been responding to her a lot lately, and that just makes her want more. This surgery (if there is any upcoming surgery) will not make her blind. She'll disappear for awhile, then come back and marvel over how blessed she is that she can see! And she'll be watching during her "recovery" period, hoping to see Kate give her a shout-out of some kind. Then when she comes back, she will expect a hearty welcome from her true love.
It will happen. Wait for it.
She also indicated how much control her husband exerted over their family—especially his daughters.
“He approves every outfit the girls wear,” his wife Brenda said. “He pretty much buys everything.”
Of course he has to approve everything the girls wear.
It's part of the grooming process. Get the girl used to dad looking at her body in a certain way.
It's a means of desensitizing the child, breaking down normal inhibitions. Also a way of controlling the relationship. Letting the girl know that he controls *everything* about her, a way of establishing power over the girl.
It lets dad be involved in things he should not be with a daughter.
Look at Jim Bob's obsession first with his daughters' clothing choices, and ultimately their sex lives. Ewwwwwww!
The morning after Toby Willis’s arrest, Jessica’s boyfriend posted a photo of a lamp outside at sunset on Facebook with the words, “Speak truth boldly.”
This is also common....that the victim doesn't know enough to object to the abuse, until they enter into their own boy/girl relationship.
And then they know....they recognize what happened as flat out wrong, as abuse.
This is also common....that the victim doesn't know enough to object to the abuse, until they enter into their own boy/girl relationship.
Yes it is common. Some kids don't even know what sex is let alone if they did know are mature enough to have complex adult emotions and opinions about it. It is common for kids to not say no, to not ask them to stop. It is common for kids to not tell anyone until they are old enough to realize that was wrong.
That actually goes to many adult things that a child is incapable of really processing, including deciding whether filming is in their best interest.
@Layla (86)Sometimes im skeptical about any of Milo's health conditions.Its hard to tell if she's just doing it in order to get Kate's attention or if she really does have it.There have been many tweets where she begged Kate for help or try to get her to feel sorry for her.Usually tweets where she adds Kate to a tweet that has to do with her health,its hard to tell if its because she's so delusional that she actually believes Kate would feel sorry for her and if God forbid anything happened to her that Kate would tweet thoughts and prayers for her and her family or if she does it just for attention.
I suspect Milo is milking this for all its worth. Those 3 bottles of drops are exactly like the drops you put in for cataract surgery. And yes, technically cataract surgery can cause blindness if the surgeon is not very good, if the anesthesia gets messed up, but is generally a safe operation.
Math Girl said... 70
Anyone have any idea what #Mussh stands for or means?
I've seen it used a couple of times for "make up some sh*t".
What's wrong with Milo this time, well, you know, that she needs surgery? We know about her mental decline into full-blown CW.
Electric shock? Lobotomy?
I know, I know...that wasn't very nice.
Kylie said... 91
I suspect Milo is milking this for all its worth. Those 3 bottles of drops are exactly like the drops you put in for cataract surgery. And yes, technically cataract surgery can cause blindness if the surgeon is not very good, if the anesthesia gets messed up, but is generally a safe operation.
My mom got both eyes done, no problem. It's an amazingly successful surgery. Recovery was about 2 days.
It's really a blessing to get.
Electric shock? Lobotomy?
I know, I know...that wasn't very nice.
You get a Hall Pass on that one ;-)
Please provide the code for the law that would be violated. Since you believe that such specificity avoids confusion, surely you know it.
Well that's simple, you could have googled it yourself. Pennsylvania Child Custody Code § 5322.
Simple definition: the right to make DECISIONS. Nothing in that section limits the other parent's rights to be informed, participate, or anything of the like. So yes, you're in violation of the law if you intentionally cut off a parent.
California's definition, under Family Law Code section 3006, is almost identical.
Disturbing news on Milo's IG. She speaks of preparing for surgery which can affect her eyesight.
Welp, if she's having vision issues, then perhaps that's been her problem all along. She isn't able to see Kate for who she really is. Those rose-colored glasses aren't really conducive to good eyesight.
"Maybe TLC should open a referral center, a place their TV "stars" can get help for their perversions."
Sort of the like the Betty Ford Center for addictions. They can have the Josh Duggar child molestation wing and the Kate Gosselin Narcissism wing. Of course, a reality show will be filmed there.
I know, I know...that wasn't very nice.
You get a Hall Pass on that one ;-)
I have to admit that when I read "Milo" and "surgery," the first thing I thought of was lobotomy.
OMG!! Milk it Milo, Milk it for all it's worth. LOL
If Milo is as she claims, in her late 40s, then I am a couple of decades older!
My surgery was four years ago.
Admit yourself to hospital. Be sure you have someone drive you home.
Sit with other patients till your name is called.
Taken in a wheelchair to outside surgery room.
A nurse proceeded to put a drop into my eye. I asked what it was and to my amazement she said the anesthetic.
Approx 15 min the doors opened and a patient was wheeled out and I was wheeled in.
Helped up onto a bed, my right eye was propped open with a very bright light shinning down on it.
I did not feel anything other than knowing something was going on. Cataract removed!
I also had a lens inserted.(amazing) That I did see as it glided across my pupil.
A clear plastic cover was placed over my eye.
No pain no nothing.
As I was being wheeled out of surgery there was another patient waiting. I gave her two thumbs up!
Walked out of the hospital with a big smile!
Drops for a couple of weeks and back again for the other eye!
Close to 20/20 vision
Forgotten how white, white really is. Colors are so brilliant!
I drawback:
Did not realize how many wrinkles I had! :(
I don't read Kate's TL too often because Gladys is so annoying, but there's a tweeter person on there with the foulest, most offensive mouth I have seen in a long time. I am not a pearl-clutcher by any stretch of the imagination, but oh, my word. It's not a Kate fan. Is that an adult or a kid just messing around?
OT, but speaking of Gladys, er, Annie Wilkes...
"On September 20, Kathy Bates will become the 2,589th star on the fabled Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Bates recently was driven to tears after being featured on the nationally telecast Stand Up to Cancer last Friday. Bates won an Academy Award in 1990 for portraying “Kathy Bates” in the phenomenal Stephen King adaptation of Misery, and has won Emmy Awards for roles on Two and a Half Men, as well as 2014’s American Horror Story: Coven.
Bates is currently in the middle of filming the latest installment of the miniseries, rumored to be titled American Horror Story: The Mist.
Stars in attendance for the plaque unveiling will include Shirley MacLaine, who appeared in 1992’s Used People along with Bates. Her star will be located along Hollywood Boulevard, right in front of the legendary Chinese Theater.
The new season of American Horror Story is set to premier Wednesday, September 14."
Tucker's Mom said... 58
To be fair, there's not a lot of smiling and acting happy for the cameras when the Gosselin kids are being filmed. Or, at least, not a lot that ends up on TV.
September 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM
True! Kate still gets by, somehow, selling the notion that all the kids are fine with filming and never presents them as uncooperative in any way.
Jon's the one who admitted there were times the kids absolutely refused to film.
Remember the Lord of the Flies Katie Couric Very Special Episode of Update Kate and Kids?
Spitting, arguing, fighting, chaos.
And at the end Kate and Katie in the room off the kitchen toasting wine glasses.
So sad to hear that 2 of Nayda's children are severely autistic and have to be at a special school, but, THEY COME HOME AT NIGHT!
Poor Colin gets inpatient treatment because that monster wants to keep the gravy train going.
That evil beast will never get fulfilled with the food called celebrity fame. Bottomless pit.
If Milo did have cataract surgery it certainly can affect your eyesight...for the better. Mine went exactly as Sandi @99 described right down to white is whiter and colours much brighter. Absolutely amazing with the lens inserted... close to perfect vision.
Nothing in that code says that a school is in violation of the law if not providing informTion to the parent without legal custody. Please provide that code. You made the claim. You should be able to support it.
No, that's not how you interpret a statute. I did support what legal custody is--you're claiming it means a school can restrict access to INFORMATION for parents and that's not what the statute permits them to do.
You interpret statutes for what it plainly says, in the law we call that the "plain meaning rule" or some people call it "within the four corners." Therefore is a statute says all legal custody means is making legal decisions, you don't interpret it to mean it limits anything else.
That's like saying well the murder statute doesn't mention burglary, therefore it's okay to commit burglary because the murder statute doesn't say you can't do that. That's simply wrong and going beyond its plain meaning.
You need only go to each state's education code to see what a school is required to provide both parents. Nothing about legal custody limits the bounds of the education code. I'm not your personal research attorney unless you want to pay me my $350 an hour rate, go find it yourself.
So sad to hear that 2 of Nayda's children are severely autistic and have to be at a special school, but, THEY COME HOME AT NIGHT!
I think she's still in the O.C.--Orange County. They have some of the best in home services in the world in that county. Including Wrap Around, and a program called Boys Town. Those kids are lucky to live there.
Watch out, TFW when they turn 18.
Nothing in that code says that a school is in violation of the law if not providing informTion to the parent without legal custody. Please provide that code. You made the claim. You should be able to support it.
Why so snippy and snotty? Is it full moon?
Hint: FERPA does not apply to private schools.
Legal custody sure as hell does. Any school public or private needs to provide both parents information on their children. Those kids don't belong to the SCHOOL, they belong to the parents. What is this conversation anyway other than stupid people not understanding a very simple concept?
It's not a Kate fan. Is that an adult or a kid just messing around?
If it's the one I think it is, I believe it's an adult. I often wonder if such people speak that way when around people in their everyday lives, or only in social media. When you use such language, nobody would take you seriously and you lose all credibility. How much better it would be to make your point and have an intelligent discussion without the nasty words and name-calling.
Why so snippy and snotty? Is it full moon?
lol!! Yes, tomorrow is full moon!
Hint: FERPA does not apply to private schools.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends if the private school or college gets funding for any programs through the DOE. If it does, then FERPA does apply.
Takes more than a full moon to bring out the snippy and snottys! They are the KIAs from other blogs. Wish they would go MIA!
KIA=Know it all.
Rainbirdie said... 92
Math Girl said... 70
Anyone have any idea what #Mussh stands for or means?
I've seen it used a couple of times for "make up some sh*t".
Well, that's appropriate for both Kate and Milo, but I don't think that's what Milo meant.
Takes more than a full moon to bring out the snippy and snottys! They are the KIAs from other blogs. Wish they would go MIA!
KIA=Know it all.
Back Under Their Troll Bridge!
Full moon -- legend has it that people exhibit bizarre behavior, may become combative and crazy wild during this time; hence, the word lunatic. Then, of course, there are the werewolves! Excuse me while I check on that relentless howling in the street.
At least we don't have the clowns of the Church Women, nor the monkey cigarette fiends hanging around.
Oh God, if Jessica left in late spring she must have given her parents a reason for leaving no? Does this mean she told her mother her dad raped her/pressed charges since then and that woman continued to live with that monster, with 7 of her little girls in the house?
MUM OF THE YEAR Kate Gosselin dressed her eight children in bin bags, let their teeth rot and didn’t notice when one cracked their head open… as she was ‘answering fan mail’.
For a book that is 6 years old sure is getting quoted a lot!
She couldn't even be bothered while answering fan mail while Leah was hurt and bleeding. That is cruel and cold.
RoxyHelen said... 117
Oh God, if Jessica left in late spring she must have given her parents a reason for leaving no? Does this mean she told her mother her dad raped her/pressed charges since then and that woman continued to live with that monster, with 7 of her little girls in the house?
September 16, 2016 at 2:35 AM
It makes you really wonder if this was the family's big secret, like the Duggars and Josh molesting his sisters.
Let's all keep it hush-hush so the money doesn't stop rolling in.
Let's think about our "brand" and how this secret could ruin it.
Let's not ruin our public image.
Anonymous said... 105
If Milo did have cataract surgery it certainly can affect your eyesight...for the better. Mine went exactly as Sandi @99 described right down to white is whiter and colours much brighter. Absolutely amazing with the lens inserted... close to perfect vision.
Wouldn't it be great it she recovered and was finally able to see Kate for who she really is? Lol
I'm really worried about zorro
Zorro who?? LOOK AT MY PUPPIES!!!!!
Localyocul said... 121
I'm really worried about zorro
LOL, I have no doubt that his staged re-introduction is on the PR director's short list.
Willowmom (now Piper's mom)(#122), TFW has been saying LOOK AT MY PUPPIES!!!! for years. But now,
she's talking about actual dogs!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 124
Willowmom (now Piper's mom)(#122), TFW has been saying LOOK AT MY PUPPIES!!!! for years. But now,
she's talking about actual dogs!
Bwahaha! She was and still is SO desperate for attention AND cash flow.
Reminds me of the song Lonesome Road.
Don't slow down, Don't slow down
That TLC cash flow
Before you cancel us.
Hmm, wonder what she wants.
Suzanne Gaither @suzannegaither 21m21 minutes ago
check your email @Kateplusmy8
Suzanne Gaither
Christian, Wife, Mother of America's FIRST Surviving Black Quintuplets, GLAMmother, Advocate for Moms of High-Risk Pregnancies, Public Speaker
Sad but true said...125...Suzanne Gaither @suzannegaither 21m21 minutes ago check your email @Kateplusmy8
Oh dear, my girls went all through grade school/high school with the Gaithers. Suzanne is exactly the loving, hard-working Christian mom/woman Kate has pretended to be. She also takes no sh*t from anybody. I kind of hope Kate tries her usual pity me routine with her, the fireworks could be phenomenal.
Hmm, wonder what she wants.
@suzannegaither 21m21 minutes ago
check your email @Kateplusmy8
I wonder what she wants too. She and her husband didn't want to exploit their quints. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when the family discussed the G8 and know what they think of how they've been exploited. The article below is pretty interesting:
“Why go on national TV and tell everything?” says Rhealyn. “You have to sell your soul. I’m glad we didn’t do that. I don’t know how much of a real childhood we would have had coming up today as quintuplets. I don’t know if we would be as close, tight-knit, and grounded as we are.”
Fade2black (#127), lovely to hear that this woman "walks the talks." Besides the multiples issue, that wouldn't leave much in common with TFW, huh?
I'm sure curious what she's contacting TFW about.
And if I'm this intrigued, imagine how poor Gladys feels! #MultipleMamas#ChristianCronies#JonsAWimp
FlimsyFlamsy...129...I'm sure curious what she's contacting TFW about.
I'll admit I'm curious, too.
Here you go, Gladys, read the whole article. It's proof that all parents would not choose fame and fortune over their children's privacy.
I bet those quints are grateful for their freedom and anonymity .
According to her tweets, @suzannegaither is trying to put together a "where are they now show." Probably wants Kate to participate. Like Kate would share the limelight with anyone. Ha!
God bless the Gaithers for protecting their children and not selling out. It must have been tempting at times, but they got through it without a mansion and spoiling their kids. Bless them for keeping family and God in their lives.
Mediocre beats the hell out of losing your family, friends and marriage.
Nick Gordon found responsible for wrongful death of Bobbi Kristina Brown.
I'm sure I must have read about the Gaithers at some point along the line, but obviously not so much that I could recall who this woman is without the link to that article. So kudos to them for not being so focused on money that they lost the joy of family life. I particularly noted this quote, quite the polar opposite of dear deluded Katie Irene:
"One high-profile promoter tried to convince them to hand over almost total power of the quints. “This contract would have determined the children’s schedule, their every move,” recalls Suzanne. “If the promoter wanted them in New York on Monday and today is Friday, we would have to make it happen. We would not have had any rights, any say-so in our children’s lives, no control over anything. We were not going to do that. We promised ourselves that we would not allow our children to be exploited.”
Thanks for the link, fade2black.
My oh my. How DID the Gaither parents manage to feed and clothe and educate their children without being on reality tv?
Huh, sheep?
Very interesting that the mom detailed just how demanding being on tv and in the public eye would have been on her children AND that she would have totally lost control of their present and futures.
Anyone who's read Robert's book knows that Jon and Kate signed over everyones' lives. Like Robert said paraphrasing, most parents would be scared to death to death and insane to sign a contract the likes of which Jon and Kate have. They basically handed their kids over to tlc, and we've all seen those kids make to perform when sick and injured, or simply against their will.
Funny in that Gaither article, the writer invokes J+K+8 and K+8 in the past tense ;-)
Why would anyone want Kate on a "where are they now show"? Kate's never stopped polluting our tvs and smearing herself and the kids all over the tabloids.
She's never gone away.
Like herpes.
Deliverence said... 132
LOL, no WAY would Kate participate in a "where are they now" show. She still thinks she's on top!
We promised ourselves that we would not allow our children to be exploited.”
Which is exactly what parents do when they sign their minor children up for reality tv. Children's value should not be tied to them being HOM.
Their value is their individuality. They are not commodities, not billboards or race cars on which advertisement is sold. They are not a package, should not be forced to dress alike, or foreced to wear any clothing in return for marketing.
What a remarkable success story this family is.
I so enjoyed that article - thanks, fade2black!
One thing that struck me is that the volunteers and helpers are still in the children's lives 30 years later. While the tups' caregivers were mostly kicked to the curb by their 10 birthday. And I bet having those additional loving, supportive, encouraging adults on a consistent basis made a big impact in the G quints' lives.
Oh, but wait...these quints had a FATHER!
No wonder things went so smoothly in their household! Mrs. Gaither didn't have to contend with a shiftless, skirt-chasing, lazy man-child who practically needed diapering himself! So TFW wins -- nyah nyah!
Deliverence said... 132
According to her tweets, @suzannegaither is trying to put together a "where are they now show." Probably wants Kate to participate. Like Kate would share the limelight with anyone. Ha!
So funny! Kate will be like I'm right here! I'm STILL a star!! What do you mean where am in NOW?
Deliverence said... 132
According to her tweets, @suzannegaither is trying to put together a "where are they now show." Probably wants Kate to participate. Like Kate would share the limelight with anyone. Ha!
I can't see that happening. Where are they now shows focus on people who were once at least moderately famous but have dropped out of the spotlight for a while. Everyone who cares even a little bit knows exactly where the G8 are because Kate does everything she can to keep them on TV.
I must be about something else. Hopefully she is going to give Kate a lecture on the importance of keeping the kids together even if it means dropping off TV. The article emphasized how happy the Gaither siblings are being close to each other and how TV would have probably impeded those relationships.
Just more and more sad stories. Duggars, Gosselins, Willises, so many children. All for our entertainment.
There's a strange story on Slate today about a law in Arizona that makes it illegal to touch the breasts of genitals of any child under 25 for any reason. There is no exception for intent which then the article says makes it illegal to bathe your baby or change a diaper. It doesn't mention if there's an exception for medical care, might not be. The court case and arguments are a little convoluted. The writer points out that this could easily be used in plea bargains to erode rights. If you plead guilty to marijuana possession, we won't prosecute you for child abuse for helping your 12 yr old buy a bra that fits. If you can't afford a good lawyer you give up. We need saner minds in the fight against child abuse.
Here is an article about the world's only surviving African-American sextuplets now celebrating their 13th birthday!
Check out the picture of the mom, BHS (by herself) SERVING the kids at 2 years old at the family dining room table. And they are eating much more food than TFW's children ever did at one time at that age! No grapes, no cheese, no crackers!
3 children are sitting in the adult sized chairs with no booster seat! The other 3 are sitting on a bench that is built into the wall! No booster seats as far as the eyes can see!
At their 13th birthday tv interview, the mom said, 'They are old enough now that they are doing the housework,' she said. They are 13!
TFW has made the children work since they came out of her womb and still makes them work. Cleaning house, chores, the manual, filming, acting.
They are not allowed to be a child.
Comment in article: Such a sweet family! So glad to see this story - I'm a flight attendant and I had them on my flight when they were 2! A handful as you can imagine but so polite. I was just wondering how they were doing. Great it seems.
There are just too many of us!!!!
Well, I guess the main distinction would be that the Gaither parents did not actually have their children with the goal of having a television show.
I personally believe that Kate had a television show in mind before she even became pregnant. I also believe that she was proud, but disappointed that the twins were only twins, so she upped her game... But that's just me.
I never thought about a Where Are They Now show.
I immediately thought of her reading all of this abuse coming to light and the People cover about Colin.
I hope she chews her @** out.
just wondering said... 147
Not only you.
It's hard to imagine Kate turning down an opportunity to be in the spotlight, but I don't believe she would ever agree to share the stage with other mothers of multiples. That's her schtick, the only thing she has that makes her special. On that stage, she would just be another face in the crowd. I wish she would, though. Susanne would not settle for softball questions or Kate's codespeak, one whine about how haaarrrd it all is and Susanne would flatten her (Speaking figuratively, Gladys, don't get your panties in a bunch.). I haven't watched Kate in anything for years, but I would watch that.
st wondering said... 147
Well, I guess the main distinction would be that the Gaither parents did not actually have their children with the goal of having a television show.
I personally believe that Kate had a television show in mind before she even became pregnant. I also believe that she was proud, but disappointed that the twins were only twins, so she upped her game... But that's just me
Me, too. If Robert was telling the truth about finding fertility drugs ordered by "Karen Kauffman" in Kate's possession, I can not think of another plausible explanation other than she tried to have a ridiculous amount of follicles released.
She wanted multiple multiples. Twins just weren't going to cut it. Kate duped Jon into believing they were trying for a single child, but she wanted to give it another go, and knew she had one shot-one more pregnancy. Beyond that, she knew Jon wouldn't agree. He had to have his arm twisted to go for another after the twins and I bet she she Jon would be DONE.
The reason that I tend to believe the story about the self-administered medication is Kate's ego. Karen Kauffman=KK=Katie Krieder. She just had to be cute about it. That arrogance had Kate written all over it.
Tucker's Mom said... 151
Completely agree with your assessment, right down to the KK. I think Jon was duped, then blinded by all the "it's God's will" talk. She is a master manipulator.
Awww,a Where Are They Now show! Jon did one of those with Oprah. They could be twinsies!
Okay, TFW historians, didn't the Vanity Fair viewer say something implying TFW's fame might only be temporary, and she was incensed?
IIRC, Robert said that he had the original box with the receipt in it.
The disks with her Mommy's Journal.
Wow. What evidence treasures she threw out in the trash!
One man's trash is another man's treasure!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 153
Awww,a Where Are They Now show! Jon did one of those with Oprah. They could be twinsies!
Okay, TFW historians, didn't the Vanity Fair viewer say something implying TFW's fame might only be temporary, and she was incensed?
YES they said something like you are the hot magazine cover now and she said "NOW?" and scoffed
@suzannegaither 21m21 minutes ago
check your email @Kateplusmy8
Wow. Wonder if they're reaching out to her out of concern.
Maybe Gaithr is reaching out because her article referenced Kate's shit show. Maybe she's concerned about how poorly things are going with Kate.
Half her kids have lost their relationship with their father, and Colin is sent away.
oh yes, the Vanity Fair article--someone said, "You're a really big story right now", and Kate scoffed, "Right NOW?" In her mind, she was going to be a huge star forever.
There is no exception for intent which then the article says makes it illegal to bathe your baby or change a diaper.
So your baby changes his/her own diapers and you put the child outside and turn the hose on the youngster?
She's never gone away.
Like herpes.
And Kravitz.
Kate's Twitter without Milo = DOA. Exactly five tweets to and/or mentioning her in the last 24 hours.
Kate's Twitter without Milo = DOA. Exactly five tweets to and/or mentioning her in the last 24 hours.
So Kate has abandoned her Twitter and handed it over to the few non-fans that are left there, and of course, Gladys and her plethora of platitudes when the spirit moves her!
I think Kate's just not posting on her porn-addled Twitter. She's reading every day, I'm sure, because she drops in to respond now and then.
Seems like TFW hasn't mentioned her kids at all for a while. Not since saying they were all (well, the 7 she's chosen to keep under her roof) tucked in to bed. Or have there been other mentions that weren't brought up here?
Puppy Tale #89: Crating Your Dog with Your Kid
kateplusmy8 I asked Aaden to keep Nanuq company for a few minutes while I cleaned her area...this is what he did! They played toys and snuggled! #ILoveThisBoy #TrueLoveForHisPup #Dedication
Photo is of Aiden in the dog crate (which is locked?) with Nanuq. I wonder that she doesn't get the symbolism here. One of the commenters did:
errington_bound Uh oh hopefully the tabloids don't start saying you cage your kids like dogs 😂😂😳
Another oddity of Instagram: There are supposedly 33 comments on this photo, but I only counted 21. Does the number of comments NOT change in sync with the French-manicured finger on the delete/block button? (And there is no "Load more comments" instruction showing.) Curiouser and curiouser.
Milo's stand-in has a lot to learn about "cajolin'" from his mentor:
samyahsshennaq He didn't have to get sent away it was easy for Kate to send him away from his family Kate you could have gotten some sort of out patient care I know alot of people is going to call me a hater.every comment on here can't be what Kate wants to hear bring your son home he's away from the people that love him kate
nick_moy@samyahsshennaq Did you have a hand in raising those children? No? Then it's none of your business. So let it go.
I woke up to these 2 posts on my FB feed--sorry, don't know how to make them clickable. I'm not sure of the journalistic quality, but the 1st article makes a good point--I think someone on this board mentioned the correlation between TLC and advertisers. In the end, the fate of the Duggars may very well depend on how long TLC is willing to film them without a guaranteed revenue stream from advertisers.
I'm not so sure about the 2nd article. I do believe that TFW has a lot of money, but not enough to sustain her indefinitely at her current level of living.
Sad but true (#165), A seems to be a loving
little boy. I would imagine it's hard for him to have his brother away. They shared not only a room, but a womb.
With C away, I do hope the needs and feelings of the other 7 are being acknowledged and honored. But with puppypalooza in progress, who knows when TFW would have the time to notice or care?
That Fame10.com article is interesting but I have no idea how accurate it is. In the past I think we've seen estimates of $5 million for Kate. If it's only $200,000 she's in big trouble. The kids' school costs, those house costs, her spending are huge IMO. She doesn't get the same level of freebies any more. Property taxes alone, pool guy, lawn guy, nannies, mani/pedis, groceries, clothes, cell phones, they all have to be paid. I just have no good way of estimating what she really has.
Sheepless In Seattle said... 162
Kate's Twitter without Milo = DOA. Exactly five tweets to and/or mentioning her in the last 24 hours.
So Kate has abandoned her Twitter and handed it over to the few non-fans that are left there, and of course, Gladys and her plethora of platitudes when the spirit moves her!
The thing is she could easily double up and post her IG posts to Twitter. A lot of people do that. That would send traffic to her IG as well
I've also noticed that the amount of comments shown in IG is less than what the comment bubble # says. I don't know how to read all comments. I scroll down and there's no more to see.
Where are they now? Haha, Kate wouldn't lower herself!
To the average person who doesn't follow this that closely, her show must feel good and canceled. They're not privy to all her tweets claiming they are doing massive amounts of filming and implying there are dozens of episodes in the can just waiting to air.
By the way, she said October. Two weeks away. And nothing, not a peep, from TLC.
The thing is she could easily double up and post her IG posts to Twitter. A lot of people do that. That would send traffic to her IG as well
It's ONE click to post it to twitter too. Lazy.
Aaden in the crate with the puppy- silly, but harmless. It's the optics that are hilarious!
errington_bound Uh oh hopefully the tabloids don't start saying you cage your kids like dogs 😂😂😳
Years ago I had a child abuse case where that's exactly what happened. Only saw it once, never saw anything like that ever again.
I think only Kate and Steve know how much money she really has. Her money is stashed in many places and highly protected in their companies.
Amy Roloff from Little People, Big World is partnering with Feeding America to promote hunger action month. It's good to see that there is at least one reality star out there who is giving back and using her fame for a good purpose. Kate wouldn't be caught dead doing something like that--unless she is desperate for publicity. She'd only do it if she got something out of it.
Layla (#178), yes, good for Amy for using her fame to promote a worthy cause. It makes you wonder how many offers TFW gets to participates in programs like that. Because, I agree, if it doesn't come with some hefty perks, she probably just plays the super-busy-mom-of-8 (or sometimes just 7) card.
I can't help but remember TFW whining through that first yard sale, at which the "prodceeds" were given to charity. With all the blessings in the world dropped at her doorstep, she couldn't help playing victim. She is not an appreciative, gracious person. Never has been, never will be.
I've seen that $200k figure years ago. It's BS. Money is invested and there's plenty for now. She made milions years ago. She's young still, though, and it won't last forever. I've always believed she and Steve are business partners. His wife works for an investment firm in MD. Could be they are financially entangled with Kate. Other than an affair, the only other explanation of him still hanging around is a business relationship.
Don't believe at all the show is cancelled. She is still on TLC's web page. I bet something will air before the end of the year. I feel it is most likely she will not get renewed for 2016.
I don't read her Twiiter or IG anymore.
I'm finding it amusing that Milo is making such a big deal out of this eye surgery. I figured she is having cataract surgery, which is done one eye at a time. Then I saw the three eye drop bottles which are identical to the three drops I was given for my cataract surgery in March. I had the first eye done and then the other 6 weeks later. There was NO down time, I could see immediately, no patch, no pain. It was a breeze and I now have 20/20 vision.
Milo either doesn't want to give out real-life info. about herself, or she wants people to assume it's so serious, she doesn't want to reveal it.
Look at the ridiculous saga she Tweeted out when she brought her puppy (Katie) home.
Does anyone remember Rula Lenska? "Don't hate me
because I'm beautiful" commercial on t.v.?
Well, please do not hate me if I agree that perhaps Milo ain't tellin' no lies about her eye surgery and even though she is using the same
eye drops which others have for cataract surgery,
Milo could be having/had the same type of cs I had this year. Sad-to-say, because I had had
vanity eye surgery some years back, when it came time to have cs, it took a specialist to do the
surgery.....And, each eye took about an hour and a half plus my eyesight was whacked out for several months and it was all risky.
Maybe this is what Milo is speaking of. Don't know, but I sure learned that all the money I've
blown on vanity stuff ended up costing me thousands more to have un-done in the end.
Hellllllllllo, Kate, do you hear me??????
Milo either doesn't want to give out real-life info. about herself, or she wants people to assume it's so serious, she doesn't want to reveal it.
Remember how she threw out all the hints after she went to that wellness center, or whatever? She was baiting like she never baited before, wanting people to ask where she was, what was wrong, ad nauseam, but nobody seemed to be interested enough to ask, and she finally dropped it!
She will milk this until the udders are dry.
Sad but true - The crate looked latched (locked?) to me also and not a toy in sight. The two of them can't turn around in the craze let alone "play toys". Nothing but a photo op.
Wow, two IG kid pics in one day. And Mady is actually smiling. Wonder what the bribe was this time.
kateplusmy8 Mady and me.... Hanging out with my girl! #LoveThisGirl #SuperBlessed
From the church ladies of West Virginia. What in the world are they smoking? Now she's seeing Jesus, but didn't say if he wore a clown costume or had smokin' monkeys with Him. If TJ has been cured of blindness, did he see Jesus, too? Read from the bottom up.
Barbie Jean Sayre
Says her days as a politecian DONE an OVER
10:45 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
He says she won't win say she will FALL sick for she bit the apple an suck out the poison he told me he say HILLARY sick with lepersy
10:44 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
He say BARBARA this election real important MY daughter you vote an your friends vote an you feet that ISLAM Hillary outta that HOUSE
10:43 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
He told me a great HOTEL was to be built for em he said are president would built it up tall with walls like JERICO
10:42 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
I tell him I say JESUS a BOAT???? Why a boat I ain't NOAH a flood come n???? He tell me he say save refergees
10:41 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
He tell me he say BARBARA I choose YOU tell em all what's to COME a this election in the great land AMERICA its up to you build a boat
10:40 PM - 17 Sep 2016
Barbie Jean Sayre
Thought I was dream n win I woke up to hes hand on my back look up an I seen JESUS in my bedroom JESUS in my house
So October has become January. I guess then they can pretend the footage they shot of the snow in February is current. Wonder what is causing the delay? Lots of rewrites of the couch interviews? Need to edit out Collin footage? Or are they waiting to shoot until Collin returns? May . . . Octooer . . . January. She'll have been gone a full year by the time she returns. #Yay
janelouiem_tiu_hm Wish you guys were still on television
kateplusmy8 We are! Full season of Kate Plus 8 returning in January! #Yay
TFW said there's a full season coming in January. I wonder if this is rock solid or if it will get pushed back again. Summer vacation and school shopping in January. What fun!
From the church ladies of West Virginia. What in the world are they smoking?
Sounds like some really BAD stuff...nothing that I would shell out big bucks to buy! I'd rather spend my money on a supply of quality Rumspringa!
But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns.
Don't bother they're here.
By the way, that comment about returning in January was slipped in to the comments on the previous IG photo (Aaden and #NookiePookie). Why so subtle, Katie? Normally you're shouting out news like this at the top of your considerable lungs.
What I'd like to know is, who's gonna break the news to Milo?
@Sad but true If what she said is true,then why is she not announcing it on her twitter?Some of her fans keep asking and wondering yet she doesn't say anything.Then again didn't someone here claim the October date was way to far from when TV companies usually announce airdates and it probably was what her agent said.If i was a fan,i'd be frustrated over why TLC keeps delaying.
January? Sounds like the DID get rid of C so they could film
Sad but true said... 186
Wow, two IG kid pics in one day. And Mady is actually smiling. Wonder what the bribe was this time.
kateplusmy8 Mady and me.... Hanging out with my girl! #LoveThisGirl #SuperBlessed
When I see Mady all i can think of is how awful she is to her father
Wow. My ego would be hurting if I were Kate. You'll have new episodes aired in May...no, June...no, August...no, Oct...no, next January. Unless we don't have room, then it will be after January. Very sad.
I still wonder if TLC is trying to figure out what to do with Kate + 8, given Colin and the now very public knowledge of the fracture of relationship of half the kids with their father.
Not to mention Mady's not-even-thinly-veiled anger.
TLC can't possibly package the Von Trapp-esque pablum they've been packaging for the past few years. I guess they could try, but they'd have a lot of explaining to do in the episodes.
Jamesvader1194 said... 192
@Sad but true If what she said is true,then why is she not announcing it on her twitter? . . .
I don't see her coming back to Twitter until it's time for the show and she can "award" (lol) follows. On the other hand, with the show now being pushed back at least three months, maybe she'll make more of an effort to try to keep some interest. Too bad she blew her wad with the People cover in August without a show airing in October.
And to be honest, there really are not a huge number of fans clamoring for new shows. She gets about 6 or 8 asking on each photo she posts. Even if each query was unique, that only works out to about 500 over the life of her IG (four months). The fact is, interest in her and her kids is waning, and there's not a lot she can do about it.
Tucker's Mom said... 196
. . .
TLC can't possibly package the Von Trapp-esque pablum they've been packaging for the past few years. I guess they could try, but they'd have a lot of explaining to do in the episodes.
Think about all the times in the past 9 months she's claimed they're filming. Is all that being thrown out? I suppose she must still get paid, but even, that would be a lot of money, not to mention, "continuity" down the drain.
Wow. My ego would be hurting if I were Kate. You'll have new episodes aired in May...no, June...no, August...no, Oct...no, next January. Unless we don't have room, then it will be after January. Very sad.
It is sad and dare I say unhealthy. Of course TLC is under no obligation to air these episodes until they're good and ready to air them. They are beholden to what is best for the network. But this is her job and the family's job and in order to have a functional and healthy work life, one needs to feel stable and respected in their work. What TLC does to this family, again not that they are obligated to do anything else, is to continue to play games. If anyone has ever had a boss in real life that play games with them they know how quickly it becomes emotionally destructive. And we're talking about young children here dealing with this kind of uncertainty and dysfunction. The whole thing is reason number 425 why children should not be on reality TV and frankly why this lifestyle is not healthy for anyone of any age. This reminds me of a bad relationship where the significant other keeps promising something and never delivers. But the person is too entrenched in it to call BS on them and leave.
HspncElvis @HspncElvis 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well I've met Kate. Easy to talk to. Funny and put up with me.
Aw, Elvis. Good for you. Maybe you should talk to some of the folks in her old neighborhood and ask them how funny she is and how easy she is to talk to. You might get some other opinions from people who actually had to live near her, and deal with her not-so-amusing attitude.
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