Officials confirmed Toby Nathaniel Willis was charged with rape of a child. According to reports, the victim was raped when she was between the ages of 9 and 12 while living in Ashland City.
The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped. The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13.
Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife."
“We have, and will continue, to fully cooperate with law enforcement officials and ask that you direct all inquires regarding Toby Willis’ case to the District Attorney’s office who have our complete support.”
The TBI is also seeking the public’s assistance in finding anyone who may have given Willis a ride while he was hitchhiking to Greenville, Ky., to escape arrest after being charged.
The TBI said Willis accepted rides from at least two people sometime between Sept. 5 and Sept. 6 from Shepherdsville, Ky., just south of Louisville, to Greenville approximately 115 miles away.http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/cheatham/2016/09/14/court-date-set-willis-clan-father-child-rape-charge/90363128/
Toby Willis has been arrested without bond after an investigation into a child rape 12 years ago.
While details remain scarce, reports are Willis was in Kentucky when he was arrested, and he is expected to be extradited to his home state of Tennessee.
1024 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1024 of 1024 Newer› Newest»LOL. Maybe it was Steve who chopped those veggies!
Pretty sad when Target is highlighted for a shopping spree. TLC must have given her a big fat Target gift card (that's how she gets the free stuff on any shopping trip). To me, although I guessed it's Halloween related, isn't 12 getting a little old for that?
Could someone pist that Twitter link with the Target photo? Was Steve in his blue shirt attire?
I just cannot believe they are filming but it makes sense with the twins turning 16 soon. It is a milestone. TLC may be filming backup footage just in case there are holes in the schedule or to air overseas. She must have one very good contract to keep this enterprise going for so long. I thought for sure she was toast. Just how many times do people want to watch a family shopping?
I think that she may have filmed a whole season with Figure 8. Her usual twist on words....
TLC stinks (#1), if TFW was making those Target purchases as part of an episode, she doesn't even have to bother with a Target gift card. Whatever she spends is either a production cost that will either be reimbursed, or she was given money for upfront. That's why Miss Piecin' & Patchin', who said her husband should be shot for buying a shower head without a coupon, was grabbing things with both hands from Party City without a thought to the cost (I didn't watch it, but that's what I read here).
This show seems to be a money pit for TLC, and I'm not sure what's going on. If they scrap all the footage from earlier in the year, that's a lot
of cash down the tubes. Not only for TFW's salary, and the filming costs, but whatever they paid to try to edit the footage that now seems
to be unusable. Are they possibly afraid that
if they cancel her, she'll find a way to sue
them for damage done to her family, and maybe
even blame them for C's problems? Or maybe
the Blankinship thing is held over their heads
as a bargaining chip?
Target is a tool for allowing Kate and her crew to disrupt mediocre peoples' Saturday shopping, especially since that means the Keystone Cop is there blocking shoppers as though he's got any fricking right to do so.
Agree that if the shopping was for Halloween for 12-year olds, that is some babyish stuff.
I wonder if Kate Plus 8 is being filmed at places like Target because Kate is under contract still. Maybe they HAVE to film them, but not actually air the episodes so Target is the easy way to go.
Appease Kate with filming, give her a store purchase on TLC and fulfill their end of the contract with minimum cost.
The person who tweeted the picture of them filming has gone private, but someone posted this picture on FB. Don't know if it's the same picture as the one that was posted on twitter.
Another person posted this picture on twitter:
So they filmed at Target in January, and now they're filming there again. Sounds like Must See TV!!
Or maybe
the Blankinship thing is held over their heads
as a bargaining chip?
The only thing that I can think of is that TlC is scrapping some filming in lieu of Colin's being sent away from home. They have to create a new narrative for continuity.
However, I really, really don't get why TLC would bend over backwards to keep Kate and her story going. What is the line that they'd draw in order to say, "enough is enough".
Are they really that short on talent that they have to beat this dead horse over and over again?
I think there will be a lot of blowback from seeing Kate soldiering on with the show when there's divorce, awful animosity between the parents, and NOW, between parent and children and Colin has such severe emotional and behavioral problems, he's been in an inpatient facility (for months now?).
How on earth does this sell?
TLC looks even worse than ever for not taking the high road and saying "We've filmed for so many years, but it's time to step away now and give this family privacy".
It's disgusting.
I can only hope that when Kate goes on her usual media tour to promote the new season without Colin, that she gets the third degree she so richly deserves.
Who's that with her? Mady? For shopping drama?Looks like they were filming in the grocery department? Wow. Incredible. LOL. Where are paps these days?? And there's Kate with her stringy dyed hair. So attractive.
As an aside, if this stuff never airs in the US, could be for the European market. It's interesting to hear never aired shows have popped up there.
I think many 12 year olds still go out for Halloween or have school parties- but didn't thrifty Kate say she liked to recycle costumes and make them at home from dress-up clothes and going to second-hand shops ? This was a couple of years back.
@FlimsyFlamsy People have been wondering the same thing when it comes to the duggars.No matter how many ads get taken off,TLC for some reason just refuses to cancel them.I don't get it.Whats the point?Are they just stubborn or are they afraid they might reveal some secrets that TLC is hiding?
How on earth does this sell?
TLC looks even worse than ever for not taking the high road and saying "We've filmed for so many years, but it's time to step away now and give this family privacy".
It's disgusting.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I think this extra filming will be used to, once again, try to rebrand TFW - this time as a heartbroken mother who had to make the no-win decision to send her child away to get help. Barf
IMO, they'll use it to try to get sympathy, not for the children, but for TFW - cause she's the one impacted by this, of course. Or, they're filming new scenes so they have enough footage for full episodes after they cut C out of what they already had.
Obviously something needed to be done on TLC/Figure8's end to make sense of the delay in airing the new 'season' from Oct to Jan.
I wonder if Kate Plus 8 is being filmed at places like Target because Kate is under contract still. Maybe they HAVE to film them
TLC wouldn't dream of having a contract that doesn't make clear they can end filming at any time for any reason or no reason at all, just like that no questions asked. It doesn't make sense they HAVE to film them contractually. If they're filming them, it's because they want to.
Weighing in on the meal delivery plans. I have a 23 year old son at home who was not very adept in the kitchen. When the chemo I'm on began kicking my butt, I told him we would try the meals if he would cook. He agreed.
We first tried Home Chef. Recipes were great and easy to follow. Meals were just under $10 each, so for our two person plan about $20 a night, with a discount for the first week. Selection was varied, and I could select for my dairy free restrictions.
Because we wanted to try different programs, we switched to Blue Apron. Again, good and easy recipes. They cost a bit over $10 a meal. Selection for dietary restrictions, not so good. Again, discounted first week.
We switched to an organic program called Sun Basket. Meals were a little over $12 a meal. They had a wider selection for diet restrictions and had grass fed beef, free range chickens and organic vegetables, but recipes were not to my taste. (A whole lemon and its zest went into a two person serving of spinach. Uh, maybe some of the zest, but an entire lemon?? I thought Kate had her hand in that recipe!)
None of the three I tried allowed for return of the packaging materials, although there is one out there that does. My freezer quickly filled with the cold packs, my recyclable bin filled with the other packaging. A tremendous amount of trash is generated, but all is recyclable.
Delivery is once a week and most plans are for three meals in a week. They come with the meats very securely nestled in cold packs and the other bits--spices, vegetables, sauces etc. packed more toward the top of the big box, but still very secure.
So for $10 to $12 a person three times a week, the cost is high, but not prohibitive. However, my six foot, 6 inch son, would almost every night run out for a burito or other fast food snack a few hours after supper. My chemo-affected appetite was generally satisfied.
I am glad we tried them, but we have opted out of further deliveries. I feel better and am able to go grocery shopping again. My son still cooks several times a week, so that is a definite plus.
Tucker's Mom said... 7
Or maybe
the Blankinship thing is held over their heads
as a bargaining chip?
The only thing that I can think of is that TlC is scrapping some filming in lieu of Colin's being sent away from home. They have to create a new narrative for continuity.
However, I really, really don't get why TLC would bend over backwards to keep Kate and her story going. What is the line that they'd draw in order to say, "enough is enough". . . .
Again, I think we have to separate TLC from Figure 8. I wish I understood how those contracts work. As for any contract with Kate, I don't believe (especially after she was off-air for nearly three years) that the terms are at all favorable to her. TLC saw what happened to her when she wasn't on their channel---she did almost nothing and whined continuously. So I bet they were able to get her back without much of a commitment. I don't believe they are obligated to her in terms of filming a set number of episodes (though they may be to Figure 8). And they sure as shootin' aren't obligated to air anything.
Why is it when Jane Q. Public posts a picture of TFW and company, not long after they all of a sudden go private?
Did they get chewed out and told if they don't take it down, big, bad TLC and it's stable of lawyers will sue and they will lose everything they ever had in their lives?
If someone is in a store and sees someone, they can take their picture, because you are out in public, it is not against the law. If they post it online is not against the law.
Why don't these people to tell TFW's camp to JUMP?
I don't know why they keep filming Kate. She's tried on so many personalities. Christian mom, marathoner, cookbook mom, organized mom, deserted single mom, traveling mom. She failed at all of them and all that's left is she knows how to buy stuff. She shops at Target, Costco, that fancy boutique, all of Park City Mall. Her only skill is buying stuff they don't need while Steve props up her ego by keeping away the common people.
In that one picture where TFW was schlumping, pushing that Target shopping cart, looks like she is wearing those new Kate Hudson yoga pants.
She really looked tired and beat to the socks here. I don't want it to happen, but what if she gets sick, really sick and can't film? What will happen then?
What if she got sick, really sick or even incapacitated to the point of where she couldn't properly take care of the kids?
What would happen then?
I am glad we tried them, but we have opted out of further deliveries. I feel better and am able to go grocery shopping again. My son still cooks several times a week, so that is a definite plus.
I hope you are doing well, Mojave. Thanks for you report on various home-cooked meal delivery programs. It sounds like BA and the like wee perfect for you and your son-albeit not enough for a 6'6" man!
I think another advantage to these programs is not having stuff languish in the pantry, like specialty spices etc. If you don't cook often, stuff goes bad or bland.
Admin-thinking of you right now! I'm making a quick pizza with a flatbread from Wegmans- using Weg's Tuscan herb cotto ham and fresh mozzarella.
I am beginning to wonder if Kate's new episodes will all be dumped overseas, like the 10th anniversary. That was weird, but obviously companies do such things, like Kate's Healthtex clothing line.
Golly Gee, people most likely go private because they get harassed by the haters.
GollyGee said... 15
Why is it when Jane Q. Public posts a picture of TFW and company, not long after they all of a sudden go private?
A couple possibilities. Could be that Kate's Twitter haters began to tweet and ask for details etc, and that freaked the person out. Could be that Kate had someone contact the person and tell them they'd get in trouble.
I don't think Kate's got a right to privacy while shopping at Target, but if someone doesn't know that, they could be intimidated.
Phila 4 for 4 said... 21
Golly Gee, people most likely go private because they get harassed by the haters.
Agree. Just what I was going to post.
Oy, if you're going to wear tights on the bottom, wear a tunic on top! No one wants to see your peesh and your tush.
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