Officials confirmed Toby Nathaniel Willis was charged with rape of a child. According to reports, the victim was raped when she was between the ages of 9 and 12 while living in Ashland City.
The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped. The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13.
Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife."
“We have, and will continue, to fully cooperate with law enforcement officials and ask that you direct all inquires regarding Toby Willis’ case to the District Attorney’s office who have our complete support.”
The TBI is also seeking the public’s assistance in finding anyone who may have given Willis a ride while he was hitchhiking to Greenville, Ky., to escape arrest after being charged.
The TBI said Willis accepted rides from at least two people sometime between Sept. 5 and Sept. 6 from Shepherdsville, Ky., just south of Louisville, to Greenville approximately 115 miles away.http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/cheatham/2016/09/14/court-date-set-willis-clan-father-child-rape-charge/90363128/
Toby Willis has been arrested without bond after an investigation into a child rape 12 years ago.
While details remain scarce, reports are Willis was in Kentucky when he was arrested, and he is expected to be extradited to his home state of Tennessee.
1024 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1024 Newer› Newest»My grandmother used to say, "Where there is smoke, there is fire."
Why did it take 12 years for this to come to light? This is so disgusting.
Why did it take 12 years for this to come to light? This is so disgusting.
Educated guess, the victim came forward.
@Admin Reminds me of the Bill Cosby case
Where did TLC announce the new season? MsGoody2Shoes21
Thanks @TLC! I'm looking forward to the upcoming new seasons of Kate Plus 8 (@kateplusmy8) and the 7 Little Johnston's (@theTrue7Dwarfs) 👍
I was thinking that now that she is of age she would come forward. I hope there are not a lot of young girls he did this to. He has a wife and 12 kids. They must be devastated.
The Church Ladies:
"Read off magazine ol jailbird HILLARY CLINTON kilt JOHN BENYAY RAMSEY ain't right atall think n she can be president"
Is she sure Ted Cruise didn't do it? He kilt JFK.
Or, did Colon commit the murder?
"@bigbrotherdar jazzy done reel good as Colon POW"
I know! It was the clowns' cigarette-smoking monkies! Glad that is solved!
"Spoke to soon heard monkey sounds open door look out see clown with sparkles on he's gown walking 2 monkies on leash they smoking cigarettes"
The 7 Little Johnston's was an LMNO production. As of 3 days ago, Discovery was still trying to get the footage that was already filmed through federal court. So is Goody just stirring things up on twitter?
My gosh, this woman is so far gone that it's indeed frightening. It's no longer funny nor amusing.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m15 minutes ago
You have truly come a long way...accomplished so much....a #TrueSurvivor @Kateplusmy8
Her latest sediment/platitude for her sweetheart:
"She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again" J.M. Storm
"She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again" J.M. Storm
Oh, give me a break. That's enough to gag a maggot, and make your flesh creep. However, nothing about Gladys surprises me anymore. If she ever met Kate face-to-face, would she drop to the ground, kiss her feet and weep uncontrollably? I'd pay to see that.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 9
"She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again" J.M. Storm
I think Milo may be pushing Kate to go the redemption route, as we've discussed here before. I don't know why else she would post something that at first blush, Kate might well find offensive (besides being overly personal for someone who doesn't know you).
What exactly has Kate accomplished? Except for managing to cling to reality TV for a record-breaking 7 years? (They seem to keep forgetting she was OFF from August 2011 until May 2014, so this "10-Year Anniversary" crap is, well, crap.) And doing so by riding roughshod over the wishes of her kids and at the expense of most of her family members. She doesn't even accomplish supporting her kids---they support themselves.
With all of these ridiculously OTT tweets Milo seems to be building a narrative. Nice try, but I truly don't think K8 could sell redemption.
@Ingrid Im not seeing where Goody is getting that info from.Kate is still not on the schedule.So unless its true that Kate does private message her loyal fans info then she's just blowing smoke out of desperation
@Sad but true I think like with my comment before that its desperation out of both milo and goody.Remember that IG comment where she lashed out at that person claiming they knew nothing about her relationship with Kate's family?Apart of me thinks that the both of them are fearing that Kate got cancelled which is why goody seems to be blowing smoke with thanking TLC and Milo's tweets to try and convince people that they're wrong about Kate and act as though she knows what is going on.I do agree with one person that she is getting worse and if she doesnt get help then she could fall off the deep end.
Sad (11): "I think Milo may be pushing Kate to go the redemption route, as we've discussed here before. I don't know why else she would post something that at first blush, Kate might well find offensive (besides being overly personal for someone who doesn't know you)."
Milo doesn't think before she tweets. Never has, never will. She is doing damage control. She posted a picture of a loving Kate kissing Collin. Milo is in desperate defense mode.
OMG what is wrong with these people.
"She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again" J.M. Storm
Darn it! Why doesn't my broken pottery fix itself?
Well, Milo does have a point about the spackle.
OT- Fun binge watch for anyone who love British period dramas like Downton Abbey- Doctor Thorne.
It's a 4-episode tale of Dr. Thorne, a country doctor, and his dealings with the aristocratic types in the English countryside.
It's much more campy than DA, and just plain fun to watch. If only for the Hitchcock-esque narrator with whom we visit at the beginning and end of each episode!
I streamed it on Amazon.
Tucker's Mom (#16), I thought the botox and fillers and tooth bleaching were supposed to
take care of all of TFW's outer imperfections? Can she sue?
Sad but true (#11), I agree. That poem from Gladys to TFW was a declaration of love -- not inspiration or support or good wishes or a "girl crush." Like you said, it seems inappropriate
to send to someone you've never met. But what disturbs me so much, as I said about the Maya Angelou poem, is the utter disconnect between
the qualities expressed, and the actual person Gladys is ascribing them to. What in that sentiment sounds like Kate Gosselin?
Lynne In RI said... 14
. . . She posted a picture of a loving Kate kissing Collin. Milo is in desperate defense mode.
Every time I've seen that photo---and it was published a lot as Kate's dismissive attitude toward Collin in the early days of K8+8 became a topic of discussion---I've thought that Kate had to force herself to do this. There's something about the way her face is set (I guess she could blame it on surgery, lol) and the distance between them that makes this look unnatural and anything but loving.
kateplusmy8He is. We were at a loooong red light! He's waiting for it to turn green! Maybe next time he wants to drive??! 😜@vdunigan3
Just looking at the pic of Mak in Kate's front seat. So, he's got a harness on , but the seatbelt isn't fastened. So, he is essentially completely unrestrained in the front seat.
But, dear Katie put the seat all the way back, so...he should be safeish.
She is such a moron.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 2m2 minutes ago
Even tho some have changed names, all @TLC has to do is look at @kateplusmy8's timeline over the years. It's the SAME 24/7 group of haters.
Yeah, you can beat that drum as hard and long as you like, it doesn't change the fact that her viewing numbers are as mediocre as she is. Whether that's enough for TLC to dump her ass for a second time is still up in the air. Your comments on Twitter will play no role in that decision.
And then Goody follows up with this little gem:
"Forget your past.
Forgive yourself.
Begin again."
Kate has never acknowledged her "past" (the physical abuse), so the fact that her truest fans keep bringing up the idea that she MUST have something to be sorry about must be grating in the extreme. Better left unsaid, Goody, I doubt Kate considers that helpful.
Tucker's Mom said... 20
kateplusmy8He is. We were at a loooong red light! He's waiting for it to turn green! Maybe next time he wants to drive??! 😜@vdunigan3
Just looking at the pic of Mak in Kate's front seat. So, he's got a harness on , but the seatbelt isn't fastened. So, he is essentially completely unrestrained in the front seat.
I tried to figure this out, too, it turns out that some car harnesses buckle directly from the harness to the part that's attached to the front seat. Although it doesn't look like that is the case here. Again, I think this was just a staged photo so she could show everyone that Mak (not just #NookiePookie) really does get to ride in the car and she's not playing favorites.
LMAO! Like, what else is she going to say?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
@MiloandJack Wow! What a beautiful compliment! An amazing quote but to describe me? #ACompleteHonor #ThankYou
"Forget your past.
Forgive yourself.
Begin again."
What about the Willis father? Should he just forget he raped someone underage (details to come), forgive himself and move on?
That stupid mentality is fine for victimless acts. But a lot of what Kate has done has really hurt others and in some cases done real lasting damage. It's not as simple as forgiving herself and moving on when others are involved.
kateplusmy8He is. We were at a loooong red light! He's waiting for it to turn green! Maybe next time he wants to drive??! 😜@vdunigan3
Just looking at the pic of Mak in Kate's front seat. So, he's got a harness on , but the seatbelt isn't fastened. So, he is essentially completely unrestrained in the front seat.
But, dear Katie put the seat all the way back, so...he should be safeish.
She is such a moron.
Shaking my head. She just makes it worse with every turn. Stop talking! I gave her the benefit of the doubt she was in a parking lot. Now she admits she was actually driving, just at a red light. You can get a ticket for that, playing around with your phone at a red light can be just as dangerous, due to losing focus on driving and taking your eyes off your surroundings. An example that my friend was horrified to witness last year, she was at a red light and noticed a driver next to her texting just as a pedestrian was making a run for it across the cross walk before it turned green. The light turned green and he put the phone down and drove, hitting the guy. Pedestrian was okay because it was a low speed, but my god. The pedestrian shouldn't have done that but he never would have gotten hit if the guy's head was up.
That's why it's so important to pay attention to the road even when stopped.
As far as her thinking it's safeish, I truly can't get over her admission that she actually thought about the airbag. Just thought, nothing more.
That's like kind of sort of thinking about smoke detectors, but never installing them. Just thinking on it, like you might your thesis. Doofus.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Please tell us the show is coming back soon. @TLC We need more Gosselin's
Well, Lauren, good thing the Gosselin children were born, and are filmed for, the purpose of entertaining you.
LMAO! Like, what else is she going to say?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
@MiloandJack Wow! What a beautiful compliment! An amazing quote but to describe me? #ACompleteHonor #ThankYou
Just like me, they want to be, CLOSE TO YOUUUUUU.
There's something about the way her face is set (I guess she could blame it on surgery, lol) and the distance between them that makes this look unnatural and anything but loving.
Kate made sure the cameras got that shot before she made her children pack up and get back in the BBB to go back to the compound, after a whopping 20 minutes of fun at the corn maze (and a shit ton of other fun stuff they weren't allowed to do because they were only there to get footage for their show)
If anyone compared me to cracked pottery, I don't think I'd be complimented. Then again, Kate will take any sucking up from her lick spittles.
I think Milo may be pushing Kate to go the redemption route, as we've discussed here before. I don't know why else she would post something that at first blush, Kate might well find offensive (besides being overly personal for someone who doesn't know you.
Agree, (plus Milo often says questionable things to and about TFW). And, I think Milo and Ms G are trying to control the narrative on TFW's twitter and Instagram. I think they believe the more platitudes they post, the more smoke they blow, and the more often they twist the truth that people will eventually believe what they're saying about TFW - that she's changed, loves her dogs, is a caring, nurturing, and selfless person.
Then I wonder... are they trying to convince others or themselves?
This J.M. Storm guy who Milo quoted appears to be one of those "Deep Thoughts" kind of writers. I don't have the time to type it out, but this one would be perfect for K8:
I tried to figure this out, too, it turns out that some car harnesses buckle directly from the harness to the part that's attached to the front seat. Although it doesn't look like that is the case here. Again, I think this was just a staged photo so she could show everyone that Mak (not just #NookiePookie) really does get to ride in the car and she's not playing favorites.
I believe Kate was driving around with her PUPPY in the front seat, unrestrained. Dog harnesses work in conjunction with seatbelt mechanisms. They are useless unless buckled in.
Her cavalier attitude when it comes to safety is sickening.
I wish there was a CPS equivalent for pets. Someone needs to give Kate a VERY stern warning for driving around with an unrestrained dog in the front seat.
Kate even mentioned that Mak was being good, sitting still, for the shot, but implied that was not the case throughout the drive.
Mak could easily step on the power window, or jump down into the leg well on either side, or interfere with the gear shift or Kate's ability to drive.
Sometimes dogs react to things outside the car and it's just like if they see a squirrel-they will go after it with blinding speed because they are just reacting.
Gawd, now that photo is really pissing me off. Kate needs to grow the f*ck up and be a responsible adult, not a teenager doing FUN!! stuff!!!!! with her dogs.
Just the mere fact that she's driving with Mak thinking, "ooh, this will be a great post on my IG!!!" is insufferable.
She is a child, which is ironic, since Kate and her sheep think Jon was the 9th child.
He wasn't. Never was. Ever.
Blah blah blah.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 People don't know the half of all you have gone thru! Respect 4U is well earned! So many would have quit & crumbled! Not YOU!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 1m1 minute ago
@Blaiss @Kateplusmy8 I don't think anyone here supports Casey Anthony. She's a child killer.
But she was found not guilty. Whereas, Kate writes about her abuse and we're not supposed to believe it. Okaaaaay.
Jamesvader1194 said... 12
Blowing smoke I bet. I searched 7 little Johnstons and nothing is out there about them being on either.
Just like me, they want to be, CLOSE TO YOUUUUUU.
lol! The thing is, though, Milo has made it clear that she doesn't want to be close to Kate, at least not physically, which is certainly puzzling when considering her attraction to Kate and her body. It could be that she enjoys that spiritual/emotional connection because there's a mystique about not really meeting her.
On the other hand, if Milo is an 80-year-old man in a facility somewhere, I can understand the reluctance to have to come clean with Kate and the sheeple! She would have some 'splaining to do!
I suspect all of you know that the person Kate is responding to about the dog in the front seat @vdunigan, is Ms. Goofy. That's the thing about Instagram, it's usually your real name.
LMAO! Like, what else is she going to say?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
@MiloandJack Wow! What a beautiful compliment! An amazing quote but to describe me? #ACompleteHonor #ThankYou
Wrong thing to say, Kate. Don't encourage her! Now Milo will be going through internet sites like a constipated cat in a litter box, trying to find more of these sappy platitudes. Watch for it!
What an awful man Toby Willis is. He and Josh Duggar are the scum of the world. It is shocking beyond words how frequently this happens to the most innocent among us.
Tucker's Mom...16..."And a critical world judges her cracks...
Well, I'll go along with the cracked part. As for the rest of it, no...just...no.
@Sad but true (21) I think that tweet from goody proves my point.She's now trying to convince TLC that Kate haters are just the same 24/7 haters and a small minority of people.Then again if we are,then why did she not only send that tweet to TLC but also this one.Is she really afraid that TLC will listen to all the haters? MsGoody2Shoes21
Dear @TLC
The SAME 24/7 rabid haters of @Kateplusmy8 want to you cancel Kate Plus 8 due to hatefulness, spitefulness & revenge. #DontListen
Tucker's Mom (33)...
It appears that Mak is wearing a direct seat belt tether, which attaches to the harness and clicks into the seat belt. In the picture you can see the harness, but you can't see the seat belt click. IMO it's an accomplishment when you see the positives of dog training.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 People don't know the half of all you have gone thru! Respect 4U is well earned! So many would have quit & crumbled! Not YOU!
She's inflicted no fewer than four books on her public and an untold number of tab stories and set-the-record- straight interviews. Do you mean to say there's still 50+% of what she's been through that we still don't know? Are we supposed to believe that she suffers in silence, lol? Oy gevalt!
I think that tweet from goody proves my point.She's now trying to convince TLC that Kate haters are just the same 24/7 haters and a small minority of people.Then again if we are,then why did she not only send that tweet to TLC but also this one.Is she really afraid that TLC will listen to all the haters? MsGoody2Shoes21
Dear @TLC
The SAME 24/7 rabid haters of @Kateplusmy8 want to you cancel Kate Plus 8 due to hatefulness, spitefulness & revenge. #DontListen
All Goody and Milo are doing are baiting the haterz and making them more determined to point out to TLC why they want TFW's show cancelled - you know, the child and animal abuse, the exploitation and of course her latest stunt - putting her son's issues front and center in the media. Sheep, smh, they never learn.
Phila 4 for 4 said... 43
Tucker's Mom (33)...
It appears that Mak is wearing a direct seat belt tether, which attaches to the harness and clicks into the seat belt. In the picture you can see the harness, but you can't see the seat belt click. IMO it's an accomplishment when you see the positives of dog training.
September 12, 2016 at 8:33 AM
Ah, hard to tell. Kate is still an idiot for putting her puppy in that seat.
I'm not sure what training you're referring to.
Putting a dog in a car and riding around aimlessly?
Are we supposed to believe that she suffers in silence, lol? Oy gevalt!
Kate never misses an opportunity to complain and moan about how hard her life is.
We get it.
I guess the church ladies aren't the only ones seeing clowns.
IMO, Gladys is getting bent out of shape because Kate is giving so much more attention and retweets to Goofy2sh!ts than ever before. Milo is horrified at the thought she could lose her #1 fan status. Thus the over the top platitudes. Sickening for sure!
Tucker's Mom (46) ...
It's important to get the dog used to driving calmly in the car, so that the dog is not stressed. Who cares if she drives them around - many people do.
Midnight Madness (#39), heck yeah, Gladys is probably hunched over her computer as we speak, scannin for more platitudes. What hath TFW wrought?
And saying, "People don't know the half of all
you have gone thru" seems to imply that Gladys herself has some knowledge of these imaginary struggles. Hence she is closer to TFW than any
of these other fans. She said so herself when
she recently said people had "no idea" about her relationship with the G family. Let's face it --
if she'd gotten permission to post C's picture, she would have happily bragged about it. The fact that she didn't tells me it was posted without permission, and that she violated the boy's privacy with her post.
I've been doing a quick skim over the comments posted this weekend. It WOULD NOT have been a good move for Jon to DJ the school dance. If you haven't seen some of your kids in about 2 years, a school dance is the wrong place for a first meeting. It would cause the kids unnecessary stress, embarrassment and possible drama. An initial meeting should be in a more private setting. Then sometime after he reestablishes a relationship with his children, he could DJ a dance. It makes you wonder if Jon has even attended the kid's school functions. Perhaps he has, in the shadows of the last row.
I'm thinking that Collin left the house mid to late July. Perhaps to get him settled so that he could begin school on time (he still has to be schooled). Jon's DJ friend, Jason Leopold, sent Kate the following tweet on 7-16: "How's it goin????????" . This is Jon's friend that tweeted about the school dance. So Jon's friend involved in tweeting "private" info also.
It's important to get the dog used to driving calmly in the car, so that the dog is not stressed. Who cares if she drives them around - many people do.
You're deliberately confusing the issue. The issue is safety of the dog while driving. I DON'T care if the drives the dog, but he needs to be restrained and out of the path of an airbag. Do you understand he could be KILLED by the airbag where he is sitting?
Incidentally, I never had to get my dog "used to" driving around. He enjoyed it from the time he was a pup and 4 pounds. While some dogs fear riding for no good reason, there may be a problem if a dog has an unnatural fear of cars or car rides. That is not the norm. I would suspect abuse first, anxiety due to neglect in the home, etc.
It's important to get the dog used to driving calmly in the car, so that the dog is not stressed. Who cares if she drives them around - many people do.
It is a good idea but doing it over and over for "training" is stupid. My dogs are in the car for the vet, for daycare or boarding from time to time, and for going in town with us for fun.
It's certainly not going to hurt, of course, but this is what Kate considers training, and it's laughable.
Does anyone use those car harnesses that buckle into the seatbelt clip? They look like they're attached to one side, which would seem to whip the dog around and fling it's rear into the seat in front, or the dashboard with a sudden stop.
Our harnesses use the seatbelt and restraint from behind.
Just curious.
and that she violated the boy's privacy with her post.
She sure did. You've got to be a bit off to post photos of other people's kids on your social media.
Some dogs don't need to be driven around time and again to avoid stress. Some dogs just chill out, no big deal.
I hope Kate's dogs are like that, because if they do get stressed, you need to do address it, not just keep doing the same thing over and over and expect them to happy up.
Our dogs are really great in the car, THANKFULLY! Our lab settles down quickly, while the bichon is Mr. Happy and loves looking out the window. They've been terrific long distance, making our trips to the OBX enjoyable.
Incidentally, I never had to get my dog "used to" driving around. He enjoyed it from the time he was a pup and 4 pounds.
I think a lot is "nature", with some dogs being more naturally nervous. You never really know until you put the dog in the car. I dated a guy with a Nervous Nelly dog. What a PITA to drive with the poor pup that was!
It's important to get the dog used to driving calmly in the car, so that the dog is not stressed.
If you're getting your dog used to driving the dog should probably be placed in the back seat - especially if the dog is stressed. You don't want a stressed dog trying to climb onto your lap while you're driving. TFW's tweet was "He's just becoming a regular car riding dog...First time in the front seat! It wasn't all THIS peaceful but he did really well overall!" Trying to calm a stressed out dog is distracted driving and she admitted that the ride wasn't all peaceful. And yes, my dog rides in the back seat.
Jon's DJ friend, Jason Leopold, sent Kate the following tweet on 7-16: "How's it goin????????" . This is Jon's friend that tweeted about the school dance. So Jon's friend involved in tweeting "private" info also.
I saw that and thought it odd. That's a good theory
If you're getting your dog used to driving the dog should probably be placed in the back seat - especially if the dog is stressed.
It's not like riding in the front seat is some sort of goal for your dog! Wow, your dog is riding in the back! You need to "train" him to ride up front.
Training properly involves a great deal of time, patience, commitment and consistency. It would be GREAT if Kate took the kids along to puppy class. They could learn so much.
Hey, there's another episode idea! But, wait, the training will probably only be 1x due to "per space" issues.
Trying to calm a stressed out dog is distracted driving and she admitted that the ride wasn't all peaceful. And yes, my dog rides in the back seat.
That's the thing. You can get VERY distracted by the dog. If your dog is restrained in the back, you can at least rest assured he is safe until you pull over.
Remember, this is the same Kate who drove around with a BBB full of kids and an unrestrained bird.
And of course, tweeted about with with pics, like that's supposed to be cute or funny.
Nadia Suleman tells the Daily Mail, "I had to kill Octomom to save my life". She says she has no regrets about having her in vitro 7 year olds.
Did anyone else notice the creepy people with ALL the kids insist on homeschooling the children? Makes me feel so uncomfortable for the children. No, I never homeschooled any of my children or grandchildren. Frankly, we pay school taxes and our schools were great at the time. Creepy, really creepy!
Does anyone use those car harnesses that buckle into the seatbelt clip? They look like they're attached to one side, which would seem to whip the dog around and fling it's rear into the seat in front, or the dashboard with a sudden stop.
Our harnesses use the seatbelt and restraint from behind.
I use the same type of harness that you use. It seems to me that the other one is more of a tether to keep the dog from wandering too far in the car. It seems to me that if you make a sudden stop the dog is still going to go flying off the seat.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 63
Did anyone else notice the creepy people with ALL the kids insist on homeschooling the children?
Home schooling is great, but I believe kids really need to be mainstreamed into activities that expose them to the world.
Not like the Duggar cult who teach their kids that Earth is only several thousand years old.
It makes you wonder if Jon has even attended the kid's school functions.
Um, yes, it was Jon who supported his kids in all of their activities at school, and NOT in the back row! :)
If TFW intended all this InstaPuppy nonsense to take the conversation away from the C story, it seems to be working. Meanwhile, we're well into September and that alleged October airdate has not been mentioned.
Um, yes, it was Jon who supported his kids in all of their activities at school, and NOT in the back row! :)
And not on his fucketybillionth Pink IPhone?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 67
If TFW intended all this InstaPuppy nonsense to take the conversation away from the C story, it seems to be working.
It's working for the sheep, but then again, they never gave a crap about the kids. It's www.allaboutkate.com.
For everyone else, Kate's shear giddiness over the puppies, replete with constant gushing on social media, looks really, really bad in light of the fact that she's recently sent a child to live out of the home, to live in an institution.
Funny that she's not once mentioned Colin outside of a brief, "whatever, it's like sending a kid off to college and it's not like his siblings saw him all that much anyway" mention in People.
No one needs to know specifics, of course, but it would be rather normal for any mother to send good thoughts out, or mention that he's doing well, or that she and the kids got to visit. Can't wait until he can come home and sleep in his own bed. Things like that.
Nada. Nothing. Zip. Negative space.
Just PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The clown sightings are just fantastically creepy. Here's a great article from a few weeks ago that still has me laughing and shivering.
Tucker's mom, I didn't mean to paint all homeschoolers with the same brush. I have known families who benefitted from using homeschool and they do make sure their children have socialization along with it. I agree with your point about teaching about the world. A dear departed friend used to say, "If I don't teach you, the world will and the world doesn't love you."
It makes you wonder if Jon has even attended the kid's school functions. Perhaps he has, in the shadows of the last row.
I never for a second wondered that. Then again, I never for a second wondered if Jon wasn't seeing half of his kids for more than a year. All of this is very confusing and that's only how it is for me. I can't imagine how it must be for his children.
"If I don't teach you, the world will and the world doesn't love you."
Great saying!
I have a friend who took her new puppy on vacation this week. The picture showed a fabric covered box with a harness that strapped over the back seat. Then the puppy was buckled in also with a harness that attached to the box and other harness. (I'm not describing it too well.) I was convinced that dog was safely buckled in. Kate's dog seems to have a lot of freedom which seems dangerous.
Is the corn maze really the last time Kate was seen kissing Colin? Wow. That's really sad.
Another Mak + Grinning Idiot photo.
kateplusmy8 He's just waiting for his kids to get off the bus... #Mak #CarBuddy #MaksTurn
miloandjack2016 Oh Mak! Love that face...what a nice welcome for your kids! Who are they excited to see the most...you or #Mak? LOL. @kateplusmy8
. . .
miloandjack2016 What are you wearing?!? #StarsAndStripesMama. Send in the Marines!! 😋 @kateplusmy8 #CuteAndColorful
What are you wearing? That should be reserved for your DMs, Milo.
What are you wearing? That should be reserved for your DMs, Milo.
It IS a weird pic...her right boob has Stars and Stripes and looks like she's wearing a flag bikini
It also seems like she's trying to draw the paps back to the bus stop
Barb Gilman @BarbInNebraska 13m13 minutes ago
@lynhilt @shareski @TravisPhelps80 @MrsGadtke LOL, I wonder if I can check a celebrity account. I know @Kateplusmy8 buys followers
Isn't Barb a fan?
I'm surprised Gladys didn't ask TFW if the stars and stripes shirt was a belated tribute to 9/11. Then again, maybe, mind reader that she is, she realizes TFW couldn't care less.
Barb Gilman @BarbInNebraska 13m13 minutes ago
@lynhilt @shareski @TravisPhelps80 @MrsGadtke LOL, I wonder if I can check a celebrity account. I know @Kateplusmy8 buys followers
Ouch. Yes, I thought she is. Maybe she *was* and has seen the light? Who knows? Sheeple have been known to bounce back and forth.
Tucker's Mom (#78), no, that's our Barb, Barb in Nebraska! She's the one who got shut down by TFW for pointing out her poor grammar on Twitter.
And not on his fucketybillionth Pink IPhone?
No IPhones, pink, red, green, blue or rainbow!
He enjoyed the field trips, picnics, and other events and didn't complain that they were boring!
Tucker's Mom said... 78
Barb GilmER is the fan and former secretary.
Went to Twitteraudit.com and according to an audit done 4 years ago, Kate had 262,451 fake followers. Probably still the about the same now.
Tucker's Mom said... 78
Barb Gilman @BarbInNebraska 13m13 minutes ago
@lynhilt @shareski @TravisPhelps80 @MrsGadtke LOL, I wonder if I can check a celebrity account. I know @Kateplusmy8 buys followers
Isn't Barb a fan?
That's another Barb Gilmer who is @barbgilmer . But weirdly she IS from Nebraska I think. Or maybe it's OK ; somewhere in the Midwest . Didn't a Barb in Nebraska used to post here?
PA Dutch Mom (#82), are you sure he didn't pee on the school steps? Or try to nail the student body president? According to the fans, that's the summation of his character.
"TBI officials said Wills hitchhiked sometime between Monday, September 5 and Tuesday, September 6 from Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, to Greenville, approximately 115 miles away.
Agents believed two people gave him a ride, but haven't been able to interview those drivers.
They have asked those drivers to come forward so that they can provide agents with more information into Willis' case."
I didn't know whether to believe that Willis was "on the lamb" and evading arrest, but his hitchhiking would certainly point to that.
His car wouldn't be picked up by cameras and tolls etc.
He's sounding like a bit of a scumbag. Although, this type of stuff seems to happen a lot to these Christians who seek fame, power ad money.
I wonder if Kate is doing her happy dance over this. I would think TLC HAS to know that they are being heavily scrutinized re: their morality and the morality of their talent at this point.
They are connected to a lot of scums and scummy stuff at this point.
TBI officials said Wills hitchhiked sometime between Monday, September 5 and Tuesday, September 6 from Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, to Greenville, approximately 115 miles away.
Whoa there, Harrison Ford! If you're going to be running from Tommy Lee Jones, don't be tweeting about it!
Sounds like they're sniffing around seeing if they can charge an accomplice. They seem really pissed he fled the state. The plot thickens!
I wonder if Kate is doing her happy dance over this.
My first thought. Kate's thinking this is going to open up a timeslot for her.
This need that Milo seems to have to "interpret" Kate to others goes way beyond creepy. Guess K8 was too busy to delete the one remaining negative comment on her photo. No prob, Milo has handled the situation. Is nick_moy her understudy?
danielwillis708 I can't stand Kate I can't believe she put Collin in a special needs program
. . .
miloandjack2016 You need to understand....Kate did what any responsible loving parent would do to ensure he gets best help available for his #SpecificNeeds. Its a tough call. His happiness and well being was her motivation. @danielwillis708. @kateplusmy8
. . .
elainehottThank you, @miloandjack2016. Unless you have a child with special needs, you're never going to understand the difficult decisions that need to be made. It is not a decision made lightly nor is it done without professional advice. Most states require that children with #SpecificNeeds be evaluated by a professional so their needs can be addressed. @Danielwillis708
. . .
nick_moy@danielwillis708 @miloandjack2016 I agree with miloandjack2016, this can be an emotional and touching issue. As a parent myself hindsight is always 20/20 as ALL decisions are based on the information I have on hand. And sending your loved one away is certainly no easy decision. And not knowing much more, I would guess Kate's decision was made based on the advise of SEVERAL Professionals and the BEST interest of the child and her other children. People should cut her some slack as it's stressful enough to raise 8 kids, plus putting food on the table, a roof above their heads and the opportunity for her children to have a good education and giving them lots of wonderful childhood memories. Kate have sacrificed a lot for her brood and I believe in what little I SEE in her actions and reactions in her show and NEVER believing in what I hear or read on the Internet. I TRUST in what I see myself.
Just a thought..
Toby Willis was charged with "Rape of a Child" which by Tennessee law is defined as "the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant or the defendant by a victim, if the victim is more than three (3) years of age but less than thirteen (13) years of age."
So if this happened 12 years ago, the victim would now be between 16 and 24 years old. Toby has 3 daughters who are in that age range.
I wonder if the victim was one of their friends at that time or God forbid, one of his daughters.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 90
I wonder if Kate is doing her happy dance over this.
My first thought. Kate's thinking this is going to open up a timeslot for her.
Except they cancelled the Willises back in April. I think they would want to think hard about putting on any family with potential scandal
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 90
I wonder if Kate is doing her happy dance over this.
My first thought. Kate's thinking this is going to open up a timeslot for her.
The Willis Family was actually cancelled back in May, right after the end of their second season. If The Little Couple situation doesn't get sorted out, then I am sure Kate will be back. But who knows when? The Duggars are currently on their 2nd season since March 2016, well after Kate ended, so you can see where TLC's priorities are.
Toby Willis was charged with "Rape of a Child"
I would like to see the actual penal code section he is being charged with. That would clear everything up. It's hard to tell in the telephone game whether the media is getting this right. Precision matters for charges like this one.
Except they cancelled the Willises back in April. I think they would want to think hard about putting on any family with potential scandal
Viewers of K+8 will have the knowledge of Colin's inpatient treatment. I can't imagine that will play well when TLC runs footage of Kate squealing and kvelling all over little puppies, all the while Colin's sleeping in a bed in some institution.
Or of the rest of the family getting yet another luxury vacation.
My first thought. Kate's thinking this is going to open up a timeslot for her.
Except they cancelled the Willises back in April. I think they would want to think hard about putting on any family with potential scandal
Yeah I know but I don't think Kate is thinking about that. I think she really thinks fixed pie and for every one that goes down that's another opportunity for her.
Isn't she embarrassed to be part of a network marred in scandal? Like, at all? Imagine if five people in your workplace at various times were charged with very serious crimes several of which were against children. Wouldn't you want to GET OUT?
I would like to see the actual penal code section he is being charged with. That would clear everything up. It's hard to tell in the telephone game whether the media is getting this right. Precision matters for charges like this one.
Since the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's official website states that it was "Rape of a Child", I would say that that is the official charge.
Kate isn't embarrassed by much of anything. The ends justify the mean, when the ends are money and fame.
@Admin I doubt Kate or her fans care really.After all of these scandals have happened,have Milo or Goody or any of the other fans actually cared?Has that make them stop supporting TLC?I think she isn't embarrass because she knows dang well that TLC is the only company that would still film her.If Kate actually cared and there was another tv company that would film her and the kids then she'd go for it.
@Admin Another thing to,is that i notice that when the duggars scandal 1st came to light that there was some Kate fans who were threatening to boycott the duggars and not TLC as a whole.Same with the other scandals that have happened.Kate fans have NEVER blamed TLC for at least doing background checks of any of these people.The ironic thing is that i saw tweet by MsGoody where she said she was willing to forgive Josh as long as he gets the help he needs.Funny how she's willing to forgive a child molester but not a father who just wanted his kids off T.V
PA Dutch Mom (#82), are you sure he didn't pee on the school steps? Or try to nail the student body president? According to the fans, that's the summation of his character.
lol! Not to my knowledge. I don't even remember hearing that he peed behind the bushes on a field trip hike!
The ironic thing is that i saw tweet by MsGoody where she said she was willing to forgive Josh as long as he gets the help he needs.Funny how she's willing to forgive a child molester but not a father who just wanted his kids off T.V
I think Josh should get help-real help-but forgive him for penetrating his 5-year old little sister as she sat on his lap being groomed?
No can do.
The oldest daughter hasn't performed with her siblings in the last few months. I do hope it's because she's doing her own thing. Whatever unravels with this latest 'reality' scandal, has another pile of children in a sad and messed up situation. I could never put my finger on what it was I didn't like about this guy. Aside from being a talented bunch,they're always so smiley-like the Duggars. Kind of that too good to be true level of happiness.
Since the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's official website states that it was "Rape of a Child", I would say that that is the official charge.
The formal charge should have a code section and number and sometimes a letter. I.e. Tennessee Penal Code section 117(c). That's what I'm after. Knowing the actual code leaves no room for confusion, such as whether something is a misdemeanor, felony, or whether it is one similar charge or another.
Ellie said... 104
The oldest daughter hasn't performed with her siblings in the last few months. I do hope it's because she's doing her own thing. Whatever unravels with this latest 'reality' scandal, has another pile of children in a sad and messed up situation
Another self-centered, arrogant father put his family in the public sphere, knowing he had skeletons in his closet and expected to never be found out.
Aside from being a talented bunch,they're always so smiley-like the Duggars. Kind of that too good to be true level of happiness.
Huge red flag for me. Children that aren't allowed to show negative emotions without reprimand always gives me the chills.
And even though that remaining negative comment was duly swiffered, Milo keeps going back for more---which only keeps the whole convo going, doesn't she get it?
daisymay328 I'm so confused on this thread- is one of Kate's children special needs? And she gave him away??? Wha???
. . .
miloandjack2016Good grief NO! One son has special needs & is just getting specific training/ education to help him better prepare for adulthood. She didn't give him away!!! LOL. He'll ALWAYS be her son! She loves her boys!! @daisymay328. @kateplusmy8
miloandjack2016 Love those #WhiteWhispy ear hairs! LOL. I bet you and #Mak were talking to each other waiting for the kids? @kateplusmy8. I do it all the time...#PupConvos. ❤
According to the link I previously posted:
39-13-522. Rape of a child.
(a) Rape of a child is the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant or the defendant by a victim, if the victim is more than three (3) years of age but less than thirteen (13) years of age.
(b) (1) Rape of a child is a Class A felony.
(2) (A) Notwithstanding title 40, chapter 35, a person convicted of a first or subsequent violation of this section shall be punished by a minimum period of imprisonment of twenty-five (25) years. The sentence imposed upon any such person may, if appropriate, exceed twenty-five (25) years, but in no case shall it be less than the minimum period of twenty-five (25) years.
(B) Section 39-13-525(a) shall not apply to a person sentenced under this subdivision (b)(2).
(C) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board of probation and parole may require, as a mandatory condition of supervision for any person convicted under this section, that the person be enrolled in a satellite-based monitoring program for the full extent of the person's term of supervision consistent with the requirements of § 40-39-302.
Here is a list of Tennessee statutes regarding sexual offenses(in PDF format). Rape of a Child is one of those offenses.
Since the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation specifically stated that he was charged with one count of Rape of a Child, I would say that this is the statute to which they were referring.
Since the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation specifically stated that he was charged with one count of Rape of a Child, I would say that this is the statute to which they were referring.
I understand that! :) I guess I'm trained to deal in code sections, not names.
I want the code section THEY are charging him with. Not the one we can find based on the name they gave out. Not just them giving out a general name. It makes me nervous the media didn't get it right. They need to give us a code and number. Much harder to misreport a code and number.
I always deal in code sections. It's a good practice, prevents confusion, it really does.
Wrong thing to say, Kate. Don't encourage her! Now Milo will be going through internet sites like a constipated cat in a litter box, trying to find more of these sappy platitudes. Watch for it!
Yes, indeed. She's doing it again tonight! Doesn't Kate get sick of this nonsense? These sayings mean nothing, but if Milo gets Kate's attention, she'll scour the internet for them. Gladys is pathetic.
It's actually kind of funny that Milo et al are towing the line that Collin was sent away because it was the best thing for Collin. I mean normally the best thing is keeping a child in the home. If the best thing was being sent away from her how does that reflect well on Kate?
I'm convinced that nick person on IG is either CJ or one of that group
Localyocul (#113), yeah, that Nick person seems to have been around a while, and hasn't been weaned off the Kool Aid. I defy him/her to name ONE sacrifice TFW has made for her children. Providing a roof over their heads and a good education? Sorry, that is her basic responsibility as a parent -- not a sacrifice. THEY are the ones who have sacrificed their privacy at her hands, and in many ways, a
precious portion of their childhoods.
And if ol' Nick only believes what he sees with his own eyes, someone needs to send him a copy of Kate's journal to read. Oh, and a link to TFW's worst moments on youtube, which would destroy any rational person's delusion of her as Ma Ingalls.
And if ol' Nick only believes what he sees with his own eyes, someone needs to send him a copy of Kate's journal to read.
He'd never believe it because it was stolen and altered.
I guess he doesn't believe JFK was assassinated since he wasn't there to see it with his own eyes; or I guess millions of Jews weren't exterminated at the hands of Hitler because he wasn't there to witness it. Or does he consider photos as evidence?
Is there any bigger thing that's been sacrificed than the Gosselin children's privacy? Moreover, they didn't even consent to it.
This was and is happening TO them, being done TO them. Not WITH them and their consent, and make no mistake, cooperation and seeming to go along ON FILM is not the same as consent.
If the best thing was being sent away from her how does that reflect well on Kate?
Because it was so hard on Kate to do it. Can't you tell by her plastering that shit-eating grin all over People magazine and social media?
She seems undone!!!!!!!!
Speaking of scandals, there is this from ENews! on Sept. 1:
TLC aired the second season premiere of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, and during commercial breaks many advertisers were surprised to see their commercials aired.
More than 12 companies already have pulled their advertising in the wake of the Josh Duggar scandal, in which it was revealed he had sexually molested four of his sisters and a babysitter. The controversy led to the cancelation of 19 Kids and Counting in July 2015. But now four more companies have pulled their ads.
Gerber Life, Trivago, Thumbtack.com and Hotwire have joined the other companies who have ended their relationship with TLC. When a Gerber Life ad aired during the premiere of Counting On, a spokesman for the company issued a statement, obtained by InTouch magazine. "The Gerber Life ad was inadvertently shown during the premiere of Counting On," the statement said. "We have been assured that Gerber Life ads will no longer be shown during this program."
Trivago also released a statement after one of its ads aired during TLC's reality show. "We did not have control over when the advertisement ran, as it was a direct response buy," the company said in a statement. "We did not purposely intend to advertise during any specific TLC program."
Hotwire explained in a statement that they're unable to choose which shows air the company's ads, but can choose the network. "Hotwire ads appear on many cable networks including AMC, Bravo, HGTV, TNT, TBS, USA as well as TLC Network. While we are able to select which cable networks air our ads, we do not select the specific shows," the statement explained. "After further consideration we have decided to remove this network from our plan."
Thumbtack.com's statement reads: "At this time, we are not buying TV ad space for particular programming or programs, rather for networks or groups of networks in aggregate."
I also read today that back in May the Willis family was informed they were cancelled. Interesting. You cannot tell me there is a coincidence with Collin being shipped off. TLC needed to film Kate this summer to fill upcoming show holes (that's my take), She'll be back on TV but some advertisers have pulled completely away from TLC. When she returns, COMPLAIN to advertisers. It may work.
Tucker's Mom (#116), now wait a sec, we forgot something -- the kids VOTED every year to be on the show! Even before they were old enough to speak, the children cast their ballots in the family election. Kind, fair-minded, clever TFW probably designed some age-appropriate voting method, like taking two mini M&M's for "let's keep filming," and taking one mini M&M for "let's stop filming." Hey, they each took 2 -- yay! Another year of filming!
LOL, someone on Twitter just referred to Kate as "America's honey badger mom." That's perfection.
Oh, and Tucker's Mom (#117), that grin of TFW's is actually a stoic smile, bravely put on for her precious baby boy who is so far, far away. It helps while you look at it to play Celine Dion's stirring survival song, "My Heart Will Go On."
Or, if you prefer a glued-together-broken-pottery anthem, hum Barry Manilow's "I Made It Through
The Rain." Poke, poke, dab, dab.
In all the puppy pandemonium, TFW has neglected to hype the twins' 16th birthday. I guess it's a triage situation, and deflecting from the C situation with adorable pooches takes priority over trying to grift gift cards.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 119
Tucker's Mom (#116), now wait a sec, we forgot something -- the kids VOTED every year to be on the show!
And wailed in unison when they found out their Crew Daddies were gone!!!
Oh, and if ANYONE doesn't want to continue filming, BOOM! The cameras will be gone.
And, there really is a Santa Claus.
I wish Radar included Kate's never-ending gift card refills to Anne Taylor Loft and Gymboree. The latter, of course, Kate contacted to let them know that she would be happy to have her kids help market their products, like she was selling space on a billboard or race car.
New TFW story up on Radar, with a picture of her looking like the Joker in drag.
Where's Joy, our DWTS fan? Totally missed it last night.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 119
Tucker's Mom (#116), now wait a sec, we forgot something -- the kids VOTED every year to be on the show!
I'm betting the ballot said A)Keep filming, B)Lose all the trips, the pool, the house, and your private school. Nothing like a little guilt to get the kids to keep doing your bidding.
I'm betting the ballot said A)Keep filming, B)Lose all the trips, the pool, the house, and your private school. Nothing like a little guilt to get the kids to keep doing your bidding.
Safe bet. I believe that without a doubt, Kate has told the kids how many things will go away if they don't film, instead of telling them that things will be just fine because their parents will provide for them, instead of them providing for their family.
Admin, and all you other Making A Murderer fans: it won a bunch of awards at the Creative Arts Emmys this weekend, including best documentary, best writing, and best directing.
Actually driving puppies around is considered training. Getting them used to the car, how to behave. She is doing well in this area. You know what, I put my pup in the front seat for a few rides before I realized it was distracting me, and I never thought of the air bag.
She is doing well until a low speed fender bender that shouldn't leave a scratch on anyone causes airbags to deploy and smashes that dog's skull in so he dies a painful, prolonged death.
It's hard to imagine how it's not common knowledge at this point that airbags are dangerous for anyone but a grown adult. PSA's have drilled into us for years now. This is not a new thing, this is not a novelty, this is not something obscure. It's common knowledge, and many cars have warning lights or other indicators about them.
And, Kate DID think about it on her first try. She just chose not to do anything about it. That's different then stupidly not thinking of it at all. Like I said, one is just being stupid. The other is WILLFUL risk.
I read the article about (the mother formerly known as) Octomom on Daily Mail. She left her life in the public eye behind, went back to a normal job, and is working and taking care of the kids. She has 14 kids and is a true single mother, unlike Kate. So I guess that means it can be done. A mother can care for a large family, have a career, and make it all work out without forcing her kids to support her. Two of Suleman's kids are autistic, one so severely that he can't talk and requires round-the-clock care. But did she send either of them away? No, they go to special schools and they come home at night.
I am convinced that the only reason Collin was sent away is to get him away from Kate. If a child who is so severely autistic that he needs round the clock care is kept in a home with a single mother and 13 siblings, then Collin could have stayed too. I believe Kate wanted him out. I also think he became too much of a deterrent to filming. He was sent packing. She chose her beloved cameras over him.
Tucker's Mom (17),
Thank you for the Doctor Thorne recommendation! I'm watching it right now.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129
Actually driving puppies around is considered training. Getting them used to the car, how to behave. She is doing well in this area. You know what, I put my pup in the front seat for a few rides before I realized it was distracting me, and I never thought of the air bag.
She is doing well until a low speed fender bender that shouldn't leave a scratch on anyone causes airbags to deploy and smashes that dog's skull in so he dies a painful, prolonged death.
Hopefully, this poster put the dog in the back after realizing the risks. But, again, driving with a dog is not training. It simply isn't. It gets the dog *familiar* with driving (like dogs become familiar with carpeting, steps, couches, beds, doorbells), and hopefully comfortable in that it becomes a known quantity, but it is not training.
If you've trained your dog using proven, positive-based methods, based on learning theory, you'd know the difference.
And, you'd know that it takes an incredible amount of time and commitment that is hard work, not taking the dog out for a spin.
That said, I think it is good that Kate realizes just how much she utterly failed in the training of Shoka, and wants to improve upon that by introducing her puppies to car rides. That doesn't even come close to even basic training achievements however. It is simply exposing the dog to a stimulus or condition.
It is passive. See, putting the dog in the car for a drive is what we do in order to GET TO dog training, where the real work happens.
Even short, small-framed adults are at risk so close to the airbags.
Tucker's Mom (17),
Thank you for the Doctor Thorne recommendation! I'm watching it right now.
Also recommend "Boomers" about a group of aging and retiring baby boomers in England. Not a ton of laughs, but it really pulled me into their lives.
"Home Fires" also looks promising after 1 episode. It's also British and is set in WWII England.
Admin...129...It's hard to imagine how it's not common knowledge at this point that airbags are dangerous for anyone but a grown adult. PSA's have drilled into us for years now.
People choose ignorance every day. How many children still die in hot cars? How people still smoke? At this point they are willful choices, though, the old plea of innocent by reason of I had no idea won't cut it. Plopping a puppy in the front seat is like hanging a "I'm choosing to be stupid!" sign around her neck.
PA Dutch Mom (66)....
When I mentioned that one would wonder if Jon attends school functions, I'm talking about a time more recent than when the kids were little. He has said that he hasn't seen some of his kids for 2 or more years, and that he doesn't know what they look like. That's an indication to me that he has not recently attended any school functions. Hey, some parents are unable to attend any school functions because of their schedules. However, if you feel that your kids are being prevented from seeing you, and you have no court order preventing you from attending school functions, you find a way to get there. Anyway, that's my thought.
Tucker's Mom...127...Safe bet. I believe that without a doubt, Kate has told the kids how many things will go away if they don't film...
She didn't just tell them, she showed them. How many fun trips were there during the time the show was officially cancelled? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Phila 4 for 4 said... 135
PA Dutch Mom (66)....
That makes me go "huh", too. The kids have functions where the parents are invited, I assume? Plays? Games? Field trips?
What about parent-teacher meetings? I know that's not including kids, but Jon would get apprised of how his kids are doing in school.
I believe that the number of real IG followers is gradually being revealed by the number of hearts on each photo. It varies between 3,000 and 4,000. Which is pretty much where the number was before she got that huge boost a few weeks back. Just another small piece of the fakery employed to keep this woman on TV.
Phila 4 for 4 said... 135
. . . Hey, some parents are unable to attend any school functions because of their schedules.
By the same token, some kids are prevented from attending school functions and other activities by their filming schedules. Maybe Jon has been cut out of the loop of school announcements, much as he has on notice of out-of-town filming activities. He also works largely at night these days.
In an attempt to defend Kate Becca claims she too didn't think about the airbag. I don't buy it. It's too common knowledge at this point. It's been drilled into us too much. Like having smoke detectors in the house and not leaving children unattended in the pool. You can't claim ignorance in 2016. If you don't know these common sense safety points you're being willfully ignorant and should not own dogs or have kids.
What Becca claims is VERY different than a child dying in a hot car. In that case, all parents know not to leave a kid in a hot car. But a handful a year die anyway due to distractions, etc, or in the rare case, murder. No parent after their child dies says oh gosh I didn't realize not to put the child in a hot car. No, they say, of course I knew that but I got distracted. Kate, nor Becca, aren't claiming to be distracted when they put their pups in the front, nor are they claiming they actually just knew better but for being distracted or something else. Rather, they did so out of willful ignorance and negligence.
That begs the question, if you didn't think about the airbag for your dog, do you not understand why children should not be in the front seat? Or are you just following directions to put them in back without understanding why? Scary.
Hopefully, this poster put the dog in the back after realizing the risks. But, again, driving with a dog is not training. It simply isn't. It gets the dog *familiar* with driving (like dogs become familiar with carpeting, steps, couches, beds, doorbells), and hopefully comfortable in that it becomes a known quantity, but it is not training.
I would put car riding in the "socialization" category of dog ownership. One of the hundreds of things you should expose your young dog to in order to have a nice well rounded dog who doesn't fear normal things.
Now, what else has Kate done to socialize them? Taken them to a fair, other crowded events, exposed them to garbage trucks, emergency vehicles, young people, old people, umbrellas, all different surfaces, other dogs besides their own family dogs....
Here's a good checklist to get her started. Don't be a lazy dog owner and do this:
She didn't just tell them, she showed them. How many fun trips were there during the time the show was officially cancelled? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
NYC went right off the table, and she had the nerve to cry about it on national tv. The millionaire who could afford to take them to NYC without cameras.
Really, she should have because Kate appeared unhinged and in need of mood-stabilizing meds.
Actually, depending on weight on the front passenger's seat, many cars disable the airbag for that seat. I've often placed things in the front seat and there's a red warning light that the airbag is disabled. BUT, the dog should be harnessed in the back seat. Kate is an idiot. FYI, I saw the Radar pictures too. I seldom look at it these days but wanted to read up on the Willis scandal. She sure took advantage of the prosperity gospel! Say a prayer and your monetary wish comes true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would put car riding in the "socialization" category of dog ownership.
Yes! Good word. Acclimation and socialization are not the same as training.
Acclimating and socializing were done during our dog training classes, but are not the same as employing scientifically-based training methods to teach, capture and reinforce behaviors.
I remember using the car to further reinforce the "sit" and "down" commands. Having my dogs obey those commands in different situations like being in the back seat, or the payload (vs. just being on the ground in front of you) was very helpful to help me control them and reinforce lessons.
The training was complimented by car rides, but certainly not based on car rides.
Puppy socialization (when they're medically ready for it) with other puppies is wonderful, if you can do it. We found puppy social hours where we could take our <6 month old dogs to get a chance to experience a wide range of puppies and puppy personalities.
Socializing with an older dog is actually not recommended, and I hope Shoka has had patience with the puppies. Typically, an older dog does't find that fuzzy, needle-toothed puppy so cute. Their manner of interaction changes as they mature, and encounters unfold very differently.
Ellie said... 104
The oldest daughter hasn't performed with her siblings
Jessica Willis had moved to Nashville and was crafting/hand tooling leather goods, bracelets etc. They were pretty nice. I like this family, condemn the whole family. Arrested is not the same as guilty. They are very different than the Duggars, even though they have been home schooled. They are no where near the cult as the Duggars. Their daughters are not locked at home, with no life, taking care of siblings.
The Willis family seems more mainstream than the Duggars, but the Christian patina sure seems familiar.
Time will tell how bad the charges are against Toby Willis. At best, he's an adulterer who likes 'em young and barely legal. With that as a starting point, it doesn't look good.
(assuming the cops built a VERY solid case before arresting him)
Jon does not have legal custody of his children: therefore, he would not be kept apprised by the school.
That's 100% not true. Not having legal custody is not synonymous with you get no information about your child or can't be involved. If the school does not provide Jon everything they do to any parent they are in violation of the law. You're confusing legal custody with parental rights.
I caught about 3 minutes of Jill and Jessa and was shocked to see Jimboob and Michelle on the show. Also that Jinger and her fiance were snuggled up on a couch much to the chagrin of Jimboob. Jinger said she and her fiance chose for themselves how they would court. She always was the rebel. I turned the channel as I can't stand those hateful people.
Are there acclimation and socialization classes TFW can take herself to help her deal with the mediocre? At the rate things are going with her career, she may need to start dealing with them more.
I have to admit I was shocked that she couldn't squeeze one talk show appearance out of the People article. Poor schmoopie probably already had her
bag packed for NYC, with her hair appointment made, and reservations for fish in paper (on someone else's dime, of course). And a poke-and-dab sob story memorized. But who
knows -- there may still be some press ahead
for her when the new episodes air. She'll never disappear completely.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 6m6 minutes ago
F**k you
F**k Jon
F**k Robert
F**k the tabloids for lying and making up stories about Kate Plus 8 to sell (cc: @kateplusmy8)
Hmm...not happy that Kate's Mommy journal is getting more exposure?
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 6m6 minutes ago
F**k you
F**k Jon
F**k Robert
F**k the tabloids for lying and making up stories about Kate Plus 8 to sell (cc: @kateplusmy8)
Such intelligence! What a vocabulary! Her tweets are just a highlight of the day! Why is it that so many who are in obvious need of psychological help are drawn to her? Fascinating.
Jane (#154), isn't she a delightful good will ambassador for the mother of 8 children? She's a regular Audrey Hepburn.
Why is TFW okay with letting one of her most ardent admirers say eff you to the father of her 8 children? If someone tweeted that to Jon about TFW and he continued being chummy with the poster, the fans would lose their minds.
@Jane Ok what the hell is wrong with her?Maybe its because im a nice guy but for some reason i wanted to give Goody the benefit of the doubt.But its becoming a toss up between her and Milo over who's more crazy in love with Kate.Why is she getting so angry over tabloids about a celebrity she loves to the point where she tweets something like that?Even back when i was an obsess fan over the Gosselins i wouldn't throw a fit on social media and told everyone to go F themselves over a negative article about Kate.
How long has it been since Kate's done the NYC press tour? Almost a year?
It's about that time again.
F**k the tabloids for lying and making up stories about Kate Plus 8 to sell (cc: @kateplusmy8)
Hmm...not happy that Kate's Mommy journal is getting more exposure?
The funny thing about this is the most recent tabloid stories are quoting actually excerpts from Kate's own book, I Just Want You to Know, not Robert's book.
So is Goody accusing Kate of "lying and making up stories"?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 155
Jane (#154), isn't she a delightful good will ambassador for the mother of 8 children? She's a regular Audrey Hepburn
I bet the UN is calling her now!
I sometimes think I've had enough of the Gosselins and their fan girls and boys, but I get sucked back in. This is a bizarre saga that could only have happened because of the Internet and social media. I guess that's why I find it so interesting.
Kate is a twit said... 159
Yes, exactly! They're all drawing from the pathetic non-seller I Just Want You to Know, which, as we now know, was a highly sanitized version of the diaries Hoffman published verbatim. Why can't someone in the press seem to draw a straight line between the two?
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 4m4 minutes ago
@nochanceofrain @Kateplusmy8 That "letter" began w/ Kate ssying she LOVES Collin. Also it was written 9/10 years ago and Kate has changed.
Goody's head is exploding over Kate's letters and journal being published again. The thing is, when someone says "I love you", that great, however, when the "but" comes, it erases everything before it.
Kate allowed herself to get locked in a battle of wits with toddlers. Just go back and watch her give Kendra's little 3-year old the stink eye, shooting him a nasty look until he gave into her.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 · 3m3 minutes ago
@nochanceofrain @Kateplusmy8 That "letter" began w/ Kate ssying she LOVES Collin. Also it was written 9/10 years ago and Kate has changed.
Goody has a problem with math. Kate wrote those letters in I Just Want You to Know, which was written in 2009-10.
And just how does she know that Kate "has changed"? Because Milo says so?
@KIAT (163) Well,Goody(like milo)claims she knows what goes on.In an old tweet by her she tweeted to Kate about getting her DM or private message on twitter.It was funny how Kate was confused by it.I have no clue if Kate ever actually does private messages some of these fans,if it wasn't for the fact that Jamie liking and commenting on some of milo's pictures on IG then i would doubt it,but because she does,i honestly have no clue.If it's true Kate messages these fans private info about the kids or jon then that's creepy.
I will bet you dollars to donuts that TFW is not attending puppy classes like I am because Lord knows she doesn't have the time. We have classes once a week (45 minutes each) for 18 weeks total - basic puppy manners (to train us) - advanced puppy manners (to train the puppy) - Canine Good Citizen classes. Did I mention that I work full time? We also take him out to pet friendly stores and day camp (to run off some of that puppy energy and play with other puppies). I don't think that she'd commit to 18 weeks of training. If her puppies get any type of training she will bring someone in to do it or send them away so they come back fully trained (Shoka). BTW, none of the training classes have centered on or even touched on training him to ride in the car.
NJGal51 said... 165
Virtually the same program here. We went through puppy class then 4 levels @ 4 weeks apiece, then you go for the Canine Good Citizen.
It is a LOT of work, especially at the end of the day. The further we got in training, the later they started, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
8:30 pm in the cold and dark of winter is no fun! I'd rather be in my jammies, but we were committed to the process.
Tucker's Mom - Luckily, in two weeks, our classes are moving to Saturday mornings. We're not going to do the agility class because, well, he's a bulldog and not very agile!
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Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
When you R overwhelmed, outnumbered & odds against U...#NoShame N putting #PrideAside & accepting help! Kids needs came first! @Kateplusmy8
Pride aside? How about putting your greed aside when you're a millionaire who's closing on a 1.2M home, and people are digging into their wallets to give you "love offerings".
At one time, early on, Jon and Kate needed help, offerings, donations and gift cards. AND THEY GOT ALL OF THAT AND MORE, BUT IT'S NEVER ENOUGH.
At some point, you stand on your own, or heck, stand on your BIG BAGS OF MONEY, and stop crying poor.
If you put a list of all the things the Gosselins have received for free, it would be a long, long, long, long, long list.
At some point, Kate needed to step aside and let all those people help someone else, and other kids who really needed it.
When you're a millionaire many times over, and you're still grifting for bathing suits, toilet paper, coffee and other piddly, basic stuff that you can well afford, then you're sick and you're doing it because you can still manipulate people.
NJGal51 said... 167
Tucker's Mom - Luckily, in two weeks, our classes are moving to Saturday mornings. We're not going to do the agility class because, well, he's a bulldog and not very agile!
Oh, good. Sat. mornings, nice and fresh. Our puppy social hours were Sat. morning. It was fun!
Kate should find a local Doggy Happy Hour so she can show off her puppies and enjoy a chocolate martini. People might even enjoy seeing her german shepherd dogs, too.
Wondered where Milo was all day.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
Stupid #ROL story! If I had 8 kids 4yrs & below and a #NoJob hubs I'd be putting a large sign out front #DonationsPlease! LOL @kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m9 minutes ago
When you R overwhelmed, outnumbered & odds against U...#NoShame N putting #PrideAside & accepting help! Kids needs came first! @Kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m6 minutes ago
Took her own sweet book #IJWUTK & twisted the intent, the tone & whole demeanor of what was said to feed hate agenda! #LowLifes @kateplusmy8
Sorry, Milo, the FACT is that Kate took her own hateful and rage-filled journal, took out all the beatings and other vengeful punishments, and turned it into a self-serving ode to her saintliness. Unfortunately for her, Hoffman's book provided the original writings on which that "sweet book" was based. Suck it up, buttercup, your idol has feet of clay stuffed into those Jimmy Choos.
Pride aside? How about putting your greed aside when you're a millionaire who's closing on a 1.2M home, and people are digging into their wallets to give you "love offerings".
I actually thought that pride comment was very strange. A grown, mature adult and parent should not feel their pride is wounded because they're getting their child help. They did not have to put it "aside."
Milo, it's actually about the child, not your own selfish and immature emotions. I can honestly say I've never heard a parent or foster parent of any of my special need's children mention struggling with pride in getting them treatment.
Because Milo and Kate are emotionally stunted, they think everyone else is too.
NJGal51 (#165), I cannot for the life of me imagine TFW participating in that kind of extensive training with her own time and/or on
her own dime. The only way that sort of thing will happen is if there's something in it for her.
For instance, she might take free lessons if
they were offered in exchange for promoting the class/school on the show or Twitter. But I surely can't see her investing her time, energy and attention into anything with her freakin' children for 8 weeks, let alone her puppies for 18 weeks!
I can also see her doing some at-home training
if they made an episode out of it, so she can showcase her newly found patience and love for animals. Watch me love all over Nookie Schmookie and Maxie Waxie! But, again, whatever she learned would be forgotten once the cameras were turned off. Remember Sara Snow's attempt to make them environmentally aware? The hundreds of plastic Target bags we've seen TFW photographed with show what a success that effort was.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 39m39 minutes ago
Stupid #ROL story! If I had 8 kids 4yrs & below and a #NoJob hubs I'd be putting a large sign out front #DonationsPlease! LOL @kateplusmy8
This is particularly galling. They had a "job" when the kids were 4---TLC! Not only that but #NoJob hubs was forced BY KATE to quit his job. This is all well documented, what does it gain Milo to blatantly lie about this shit? Does she expect a nice pat on the head from Kate? An autographed 8 x 10 of the People cover?
Tucker's Mom (#169), and there's where I almost feel sorry for TFW. I don't think for a second she would do anything in her community that would have her mingling with the mediocre.
But what a loss for her! She could have adult social interaction that doesn't involve crew daddies or people doing her bidding. Exchanging ideas, sharing a laugh, talking about the challenges of being a parent, concerns about
their pets, etc. Heck, she could even meet a great guy at something like that -- if not Mr. Right, then even just a a nice male friend. But
I could see her guffawing at the very idea of
someone like herself stuck making small talk
with people with regular jobs. Otherwise known
as the 99%.
As far as I can tell, there wouldn't be many school functions for Jon to attend. The kids have to be doing something to have a school function. Sing in the choir, play a sport, have art on display. The school seems to have some fun activities for everyone as well (I think there was a science night?) but if the kids aren't there why would Jon go? You can get clearances and volunteer for field trips but they may not need you. I can't tell that Kate lets them do much.
The school is usually required to copy the other parent on all the paperwork (or give them an electronic login). My sister has full custody and her ex gets copies of all communications and a login for the parent system. Pretty standard. Jon should know their grades, have copies of any IEPs and be invited to IEP meetings, know about disciplinary problems, etc.
@Admin Its milo,at this point she's just grasping at straws.
The school is usually required to copy the other parent on all the paperwork (or give them an electronic login). My sister has full custody and her ex gets copies of all communications and a login for the parent system. Pretty standard. Jon should know their grades, have copies of any IEPs and be invited to IEP meetings, know about disciplinary problems, etc.
Sounds like normal, healthy, grown-up co-parenting! It sure can't be easy a lot of the time, but it's not rocket science.
I'm not familiar with this website, but they've done a great job of chronicling the Gosselin story, even including the allegations that Kate injected herself with hormones to force a pregnancy with multiples.
Okay, now this guy officially has me LMAO.
nick_moy@hlashier I totally agree. But unfortunately some trolls follow Kate and some of her fans from Twitter accusing them of stupid and ridiculous things. To me this is bullying and I cannot stand bullies. So I WILL try to convince them otherwise or I will CUT them off at the knee. Kate is too much of a lady to retaliate as I guess she has more important things in her busy life than waste her time. What ever goes on in her life is her business, what's shown on TV, I would imagine TLC has a big part in letting us see what they want us to see. So everybody should get off her case and just accept she's doing a fabulous job at raising 8 kids by herself.
"[W]hat's shown on TV,I would imagine TLC has a big part in letting us see what they want us to see." No shit, Sherlock. Did you come to that conclusion all on your own?
Haha, don't you just love how, when they post messages in defense of Kate, Milo and Goody always include her? They desperately want her to be aware of(and recognize) their efforts. They are hoping that Kate will pat them on their heads and tell them what good girls they are.
I think the one thing people take away from articles like the ROL one is that Kate was so eager to take, take, take, yet even when she started making millions, she never gave back. You'd think she'd show her appreciation for all that was given to her by helping others in tough situations, but…no. She just wants more for herself. In her mind, too much is never enough.
The fact that Kate didn't get any media appearances out of the People article must have come as a shock to her. If there had been any offers--any at all--she would have been there in a flash.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
Stupid #ROL story! If I had 8 kids 4yrs & below and a #NoJob hubs I'd be putting a large sign out front #DonationsPlease! LOL @kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m9 minutes ago
When you R overwhelmed, outnumbered & odds against U...#NoShame N putting #PrideAside & accepting help! Kids needs came first! @Kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m6 minutes ago
Took her own sweet book #IJWUTK & twisted the intent, the tone & whole demeanor of what was said to feed hate agenda! #LowLifes @kateplusmy8
Milo, you can't have it both ways. First you defend Kate by saying it's okay to accept donations because she has 8 kids, and would gladly do the same, but then say that ROL "twisted" her own words.
Which is it? Kate asked for donations and that's alright by you, or Kate's words were "twisted" and she didn't ask for donations?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
#SingleMoms can't just decide to hand the baton off! Every day they have to step up and do the work! @Kateplusmy8
Platitude du jour
"My life
hasn't been easy,
but I'm not about to
make it harder
by taking it easy."
Unfortunately, again, Milo gets it wrong. Are you really a #SingleMom when you have chosen to be one and have purposefully tried to erase the children's other parent from their lives? And had the help of a multi-billion-dollar corporation to do it? I don't think so.
What does Milo say about Kate milking the donations thing for all it was worth, such as passing the basket and taking money from parishioners when the couple was settling on a million dollar house? Does Milo think that was acceptable -- deceiving those people who went to the speaking engagements and didn't know how much money the couple really made that year?
Goody has a problem with math
I don't think that's Goody's only problem! :) She's a mess.
And here comes Milo with another platitude. Someone posted here that she'd be scouring the internet to get Kate's attention. Milo is so predictable. It's not entertaining anymore!
@Lanc Native i have to agree with someone who said if i was Kate,i would be annoyed by all these platitudes.I'd be like"Ok i get it,you think im an amazing mother and person who walks on water,now shut up already."
Lanc Native said... 184
What does Milo say about Kate milking the donations thing for all it was worth, such as passing the basket and taking money from parishioners when the couple was settling on a million dollar house?
Milo doesn't think this really happened. It didn't come from Kate, you see, and therefore the info is suspect. Despite the fact that Kate's own words on the subject are in Hoffman's book.
Sad but true (#183), I don't know about any batons, but TFW happily handed off her 8 kids
for an entire month when she was in NYC doing Celebrity Apprentice. Yes, just your average piecin-and-patchin #SingleMom, enjoying room service at a posh hotel, while her 8 little moneymakers were cared for by someone else.
How anyone finds this woman's lifestyle
in any way, shape or form is beyond me.
Jamesvader1194 said... 187
@Lanc Native i have to agree with someone who said if i was Kate,i would be annoyed by all these platitudes.I'd be like"Ok i get it,you think im an amazing mother and person who walks on water,now shut up already."
If you do that to Milo, then you better have a very good hiding place for the bunny. You don't want to anger or ignore Alex Forrest.
Platitude du jour
"My life
hasn't been easy,"
Oh, spare me, Milo. When was the last tine in recent years that Kate had to work full-time, sit at the table with a stack of monthly bills and figure out whether to pay the rent or electric bill that month?
I guess it's a hard life when you have to decide which one of three cars to drive on any given day, Oh, the agony of decision-making in order to be economical,
Milo doesn't think this really happened. It didn't come from Kate, you see, and therefore the info is suspect. Despite the fact that Kate's own words on the subject are in Hoffman's book.
Oh, it happened. I know a few people who were at that speaking engagement in the southern part of the county, and she most certainly did collect donations while they were settling on that house.
I found this post made by a father of triplets on instagram and it made me think of Jon:
" That night, I remember seeing an ad for Disneyland on television and it sent me into full panic mode. I had my first panic attack. I remember thinking "how the hell are we ever gonna be able to go to Disneyland"?! I have no idea why this is what triggered it, but I figured my life was over. It was over. I remember thinking "Well, I had a nice ride.....I had some cool moments in my 32 years of existence."
Now can you imagine how Jon felt when the doctor said 7 babies(because remember they were septuplets at first) ? At 27 years old? When he was ok with just the twins but Kate pushed and pushed for "just one more"?
Still no mention from TFW about the twins' upcoming birthday? She's in pretty deep with
her Operation Puppy image rehab. She might be sincerely spooked that the gravy train could actually stop. Or am I giving her credit for actual self awareness?
You're confusing legal custody with parental rights
Does Jon have parental rights? If so, why does he not enforce them
You're confusing legal custody with parental rights
Does Jon have parental rights? If so, why does he not enforce them
Have you followed this thread at all or are you just hear to be a pest? Of course Jon maintains his parental rights. All legal custody means is that Kate can go sign them up for school without them getting a signature from Jon. Jon said very clearly it got to the point where he just didn't care who can sign what the point being as long as he still was their father. With a parental alienator, why put yourself thorugh the aggravation if you agree with their school choices, religious, medical anyway?
Ask JON why he won't call the police, I don't know. Maybe the idea of police intervening with his children conjures up images of SWAT teams in the movies, with semi-automatics, bullet proof vests, shouting and barking orders and screaming children. He's not a family law lawyer or a police officer. I assume he's never really seen or helped facilitate a custody exchange done by the police department to know it's simply not like that. It's really not. It's done all the time all over the country thousands of times a year, it's done peacefully, calmly, and children are not "traumatized." But again, Jon may not know or understand that. For all we know Mady snapped at him if you call the police on her I will not speak to you for the rest of my life there is no hope of reconciling ever again. In many ways Milo is exactly right, we don't know the whole story (that goes for you too Milo.)
For all we know Mady snapped at him if you call the police on her I will not speak to you for the rest of my life there is no hope of reconciling ever again. In many ways Milo is exactly right, we don't know the whole story (that goes for you too Milo.)
Unfortunately, I can see Mady emotionally bullying just as Kate did.
"YOU CHOOSE!!!!!!"
Essentially, that's what the fiat she issued in People did.
Jon either obeys her wishes, or she withholds her visitation with him.
But what a loss for her!
Remember when TFW had the yard sale? A woman was ready to pay for her items and TFW looked at her and was stunned to see her after all of the years that had past since she was a nurse working with this lady.
The look of vulnerability in TFW's face was speechless. It just flooded across her face. And IIRC, they hugged.
It made me think that she was embarrassed to have to sell something to this lady for money, like she had a second to think, do I really have to do this, I have so much already.
She has no clue how much better her and her children's lives could of been so much richer if she would allowed people to stay in their lives.
Beth, Aunt Jody, grandparents, cousins,friends, family, community IF she would of just gotten help for her mental health.
There is a saying, I would rather live in a shack, down by the railroad track and be happy than live in a mansion and be unhappy.
Money does not buy happiness. She will never learn this.
If she won the billion dollar lottery, she would still push for TLC to film her and make money off her kids. Because to her, it is never enough.
I will never forget the Oprah interview with the kids wearing the brown Oprah shirts when they were babies and she said the money is never enough. Jon gasped.
I wish when she started grifting full time when they lived in E town, a Marine cargo helicopter would of dropped gifts, cash, coffee makers, 8 slice toaster, plane tickets, every item of clothes times 10, Disney tickets, books, clothes, Ann Taylor gift cards, checks, cash, Giant gift cards, Georgia-Pacific toilet paper coupons and dropped all of this onto her front and back yard 10 feet deep the entire lot of the property and let her dig herself out of it.
And it wouldn't of been enough.
This is how greedy she really is!
Then after the drop, TLC could do a Hoarders Very Special Episode,
Kate Gosselin: How She Grifted the World
Disturbing news on Milo's IG. She speaks of preparing for surgery which can affect her eyesight.
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