Monday, October 31, 2016

New documents from 2015 reveal Kate called the police on Jon three times, accused him of 'suspicious behavior' with Hannah, and dealing drugs

1156 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1156   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

The new season begins with an anniversary special


Wait, didn't we just have an anniversary special 9 months ago, or am I imagining it?

Is it yet another clip show??? SHOOT ME.

Sad but true said... 2

And she's back on Twitter. LOL, she KNOWS who her audience is, the kiddie pool and pervs and that's pretty much it.

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
Yep! It's TRUE! An ALL NEW SEASON of #KatePlus8 starts on Nov 22 at 10/9c ‼️‼️Kids, get your homework done so Mom lets you stay up 2 watch😉! ~ Administrator said... 3

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
Yep! It's TRUE! An ALL NEW SEASON of #KatePlus8 starts on Nov 22 at 10/9c ‼️‼️Kids, get your homework done so Mom lets you stay up 2 watch😉!


That's a VERY late airtime for the supposed family audience. Even I'm in bed by 10.

I thought you said it was airing in January, Kate. Doofus.

NJGal51 said... 4

Last "season" there was "A Decade of Kate" and "Kate's Advicce". I believe in the advice episode she looked back and said what she would change. So the Poconos, New Orleans and the beach. Just haw many vacations do they take? Yeah, she's really relatable to every single mom out there. What? Doesn't everyone take 3 vacations, get two purebred puppies and have a scavenger hunt around town!

jamezvader1194 said... 5

I have to say,from the video it looks like it makes Kate look worse then usual.The kids are once again bad mouthing her and talking about how crazy and over dramatic she is.We called it right when it came to the 16th birthday for the twins.Don't know who the guy Mady ran to at the end but it looks like poor Collin is not there.Might as well call the show kate plus 7.

jamezvader1194 said... 6

@Admin Since the Little Couple is gone,i wonder what show will be the lead in show for her?I also wonder how the ratings and viewers will be if there isn't a strong lead in.Of course Milo will show her desperation like last time and claim that the episodes got good ratings even if Kate doesn't get over a million.

Jeanne said... 7

An anniversary show? Anniversary of what? Will they acknowledge the children have a father? More screaming and fighting. More trips that most people can't afford. Lots of puppy shots. I can't believe people watch this. I assume Colin is dead like Jon.

Sad but true said... 8

I think the "line-up" is LPBW at 8, Outdaughtered at 9, and K8 at 10. Heaven help Kate if the Busby mom is pretty AND nice. And it looks like only 8 episodes, so she'll be done by mid-January or so.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 9

Sad but true (previous post), that blurb was gagworthy. Yes, "appreciation for family has always been the glue that's held them together." Except if someone in the family has special needs, and is unfortunate enough to have been born a boy. Then that family glue isn't so sticky, and he's out the door.

Has Gladys responded to the news yet?

Sad but true said... 10

If Collin is not in any of the new footage, then that likely means he's been gone for a lot longer than anyone thought. I'm sure they plan to address this in the first "anniversary" episode. Get ready for some eye-poking from Kate.

Layla said... 11

So, it will be Little People, Big World at 8, Outdaughtered at 9, and Kate Plus 8 at 10. This is going to be interesting.

Layla said... 12

The show has two strong lead-ins this time, so if the ratings aren't good--then there's nothing that will save it.

Any news on how many episodes?

Susan1956 said... 13

#2... So she returns on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving? Wouldn't most schools be closed on Wednesday the 23rd?

Talk about a soft opening.

Anonymous said... 14

10:00 pm? That really is late for a family show. I've lost track, has their show ever been shown at ten o'clock before?

Could it be she's been given this time slot, knowing she won't do well and reason to cancel hopefully.

It will be interesting to hear about the hug guy who got the big reception. Sad that it wasn't Jon.


Sad but true said... 15

Layla said... 12

Any news on how many episodes?

Why, 8, of course.

GollyGee said... 16

Anonymous said... 163
Those tacky lights look like those you'd see years ago strung across a tacky used car sales lot.



Maybe the designer ordered them, they came and she sold them.

That is the way she rolls.

Tucker's Mom said... 17

Same shit, different day. Kate's screaming, the kids are bitching and running around like banshees. Then, it's all rainbows and unicorns on the confessional throne.
I wonder how TLC will edit these adventures to make Kate not look callous for having all these wonderful adventures while Colin is in a treatment facility.
Did I see the girls and 2 boys having a big treasure hunt (or whatever) and no Colin? Was he not allowed home for his birthday party?
It seems cruel to me.

Tucker's Mom said... 18

Is the guy Mady hugged someone famous? He's way too old to be her boyfriend.

Tucker's Mom said... 19

Oh, an it appears the Gosselins are giving back again. For filming, of course.

Sad but true said... 20

And of course the obligatory People piece. They completely ignored all of the revelations over the past two weeks about Kate's off-camera antics (now there's some "chaotic fun"), and just go right into the promo. It's clear that they're firmly in TLC's pocket these days.

Tucker's Mom said... 21

If I were Jon, I don't know if I could watch my kids celebrating their birthdays when they don't even see him. It must be painful.

NJGal51 said... 22

Happy Halloween! He wouldn't wear a costume so I zombified him!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 23

You "Serial" fans might get a kick out of this.

The kids' cartoon, "Arthur," just did a spoof of it. There is some mystery between the kids over a missing box of Puffy Unicorn Crunch, so Arthur's friend Buster makes a podcast about the crime called "Cereal!"
All the kids at school become obsessed
with the show -- it's pretty funny!

Sad but true said... 24

Tucker's Mom said... 19
Oh, an it appears the Gosselins are giving back again. For filming, of course.

Where'd you see that?

Sad but true said... 25

Now all the rag mags (and TV tabs) are posting excerpts. This one has a few different scenes from what TLC posted. I think I might see Collin in one scene, but for the tups' b'day scavenger hunt, it looks to me like they brought in another boy to take Collin's place? Did they really? O.M.G.

Original T said... 26

Colin is briefly in the first trailer. You can see him looking lost on the couch next to Kate when they are playing the "family trivia game".

Tucker's Mom said... 27

NJGal51 said... 22
Happy Halloween! He wouldn't wear a costume so I zombified him!
It's Kujo!!
We put the pumpkin costume on the bichon and took him out for some kids to see. Our yellow lab looked so amazing in her lion's mane.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

Amazing how Kate's hair changes in length and thickness throughout the promo preview.

Layla said... 29

So now we know why all the rag mags have had so many Kate stories lately. Leading up to the new season. 10pm is late, but she has not one but two strong lead-in shows. If ratings are bad, that's on her.

Interesting that People magazine says there are meltdowns.Aren't the kids a little old for that? I can see toddlers having them, but the kids are (or should be) more mature. That kind of behavior is not cute in kids their ages.

Sad but true said... 30

Milo's happy. But still dumb.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 It's w/heavy heart that I have to report >> Haters are shedding tears in their beers tonight! You ARE BACK! #KatePlus8 LOL

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Oh how sweet it is! Finally got this date set! No worries...I can get my #HouseWork done...& I'll be allowed to stay up! LOL

Sad but true said... 31

Tucker's Mom said... 28
Amazing how Kate's hair changes in length and thickness throughout the promo preview.

At least the Goldilocks look seems to have been abandoned.

GollyGee said... 32

Sad but true said...25

Now all the rag mags (and TV tabs) are posting excerpts. This one has a few different scenes from what TLC posted. I think I might see Collin in one scene, but for the tups' b'day scavenger hunt, it looks to me like they brought in another boy to take Collin's place? Did they really? O.M.G.


WHAT?? What did they do? Have a casting call for a boy that looked like Colin?

Colin's Understudy.

IF TFW allowed this, she is FREAKING INSANE!

How cruel, hurtful, and painfully SAD.

She is not a mother. She is a monster. So is Steve.

Maybe this round of fussin' and fight' will finally cancel her.

Tucker's Mom said... 33

Interesting that People magazine says there are meltdowns.Aren't the kids a little old for that? I can see toddlers having them, but the kids are (or should be) more mature. That kind of behavior is not cute in kids their ages.
Way too old. The kids are young for their age.

Jamesvader1194 said... 34

@Layla If the ratings and views are still bad despite the two lead ins then there would be no excuse for TLC to not cancel.I just can't understand why TLC would keep her still.

Sad but true said... 35

Gee, all this big breaking news over the past 6 or so hours, and her IG followers haven't moved at all. How could that be?

She got a few dozen yays on Twitter, and that's about it. The comments on the post on TLC's FB are overwhelmingly negative. They posted the same thing on the K8 page, and that one is running more positive, but not hugely.

I wonder when we can expect the TV tab appearances.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 36

Sad but true (#30), notice Gladys says, "you" are back. It's not the kids she's interested in seeing, it's TFW.

She's never going to go away, folks.
Never. Sigh.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

.& I'll be allowed to stay up! LOL
That's not LOL. It's pretty sad and not funny to joke about. I don't think Milo is joking.

Tucker's Mom said... 38

Funny, the Tweet about sighting Kate filming in FL was true. She was acting like a bitch, waiting to get on that boat.
I think that was our clue it wasn't a fake sighting.

Jamesvader1194 said... 39

@Tucker's Mom (37) Her passive aggressiveness is showing again.Seriously,i'd expect that tweet to come from one of Kate's teenage fans but not from someone who claims to be a woman who has an adult kid and almost adult kid.

Sad but true said... 40

Tucker's Mom said... 33
Interesting that People magazine says there are meltdowns.
Did they say the kids were having meltdowns? I just assumed they were referring to Kate.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 41

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Oh how sweet it is! Finally got this date set! No worries...I can get my #HouseWork done...& I'll be allowed to stay up! LOL


Must she put in a written request at the facility and have it signed in advance by the night person in charge?

Gladys, get a room.

NJGal51 said... 42

TLC has to have strong lead in shows because they know that TFW can't generate any ratings on her own. TLC has already paid for the shows so they need people to watch or they've wasted their money. As I said before, 3 vacations, over the top birthday parties, puppies....yup, just your regular struggling single mom doing it all on her own. If they did film without Colin and put in a replacement boy hoping no one will notice i hope that they get the criticism they deserve. What kind of mother is that callous!

Sad but true said... 43

NJGal51 said... 42

The kid I saw, who seems to be part of the boys' scavenger hunt team, doesn't look like Collin at all but he does seem to be central in a couple of frames. Wearing an orange T-shirt, this is in the clip US Mag has, not the one TLC posted. Also, there are a few teen girls at the 16th b'day party (I'm certain this wasn't the real one), possibly classmates, but just a handful. Hardly a big blow-out for such a milestone. Nice try, Kate, but you fool no one.

Sad but true said... 44

No Happy Halloween from the Gosselins. And no photo. Interesting.

Sad but true said... 45

TLC FB just posted that Sister Wives is back on 11/27. I wonder what's special about that week. November is (or used to be) a sweeps month, but seems rather late to be getting in on that.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 46

Did they say the kids were having meltdowns? I just assumed they were referring to Kate.


It could be the puppies who had the meltdowns, having to live in that dysfunctional household.

Jeanne said... 47

FlimsyFlamsy, that sounds cute. Arthur doing Cereal.

Milo, why are we crying? We've known she's been filming. The only reason we are upset is the suffering of the children not that Kate has a show. But we already know you only love Kate. Maybe the vacations will have more bikini shots for Milo.

Sherri said... 48

Any news on how many episodes?


According to
"Kate Gosselin Celebrates Ten Years on TLC with a New Season of "Kate Plus 8"
The new, eight-episode season celebrates this milestone and many others beginning Tuesday, November 22." ~ Administrator said... 49

I'd never make it as a TV executive. I don't understand the decision to finally dump eight brand new episodes right in the heart of the holiday season. Are people really watching that much TV over Thanksgiving and Christmas? It seems to me that except for summer, this would be the least likely time people would commit to some new episodes of television. TV is just background noise for many people while they attend to their to-do list.

As far as the scavenger hunt, I'd be mortified at that age to have to do that with my mother. In high school youth group, we did a scavenger hunt around town, and we had a blast. We were allowed to go off in our groups of four. No mom and dad, no adults.

Serena said... 50

Wow, only 48 new comments about the new show. Color me surprised.

Serrena ~ Administrator said... 51

I guess the implication is the 10 year anniversary of first putting the family on TV. Their first special aired in May 2006, so they're over 6 months late with their 10 year anniversary party.

Does anyone, anyone at all in charge of rolling these things forward think about how F-ed up it is these children's private lives have been on TV for TEN YEARS??? ~ Administrator said... 52

Serena I'm not surprised. The description of the first episode rings exactly like a "clip" episode. Zzzzz.

Again, not a TV executive, but if a show I'm trying to promote has been missing for almost a year and I want to bring it back with a bang, the last thing I would do to try to get viewers back is do a clip show. Rather, I'd promise fresh, new, exciting content from the first episode forward. I'd maybe dump the cheap clip show episode sometime in the middle, like during Xmas week or something. I don't understand it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 53

Admin (#51), and starting with a clip show is an even dumber idea when your star will be shown in scene after scene as a dramatic, nasty, whiny, sarcastic, ungrateful shrew.
But perhaps that's what they're going for this season -- showing TFW for the car wreck she is, and hoping the viewers will be rubberneckers stopping by once a week to witness the carnage.

And for the TFW fans who use editing as an excuse, I hope they remember this: TLC can't edit in bad behavior that didn't happen.

Tucker's Mom said... 54

Does anyone, anyone at all in charge of rolling these things forward think about how F-ed up it is these children's private lives have been on TV for TEN YEARS???
I think Mady loves the attention. The boys get attention from Kate and actually get to do stuff, and the girls could take it or leave it.
I didn't see too much of Cara, and I'm hoping that she's not still staring at the floor and playing with her sleeves.
Seemed like more of Kate making herself the center of everything with her antics. Time to grow up.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 55

Tucker's Mom (#54), I imagine each time TFW gets one of these handful-of-episodes commitments from TLC, the first thing she thinks is, oh, thank God, I don't have to get a real job yet! And yet the fans (well, at least one) see her as a role model for hard work,in contrast to their deadbeat, mediocre dad.

Jamesvader1194 said... 56

@FlimsyFlamsy TLC did just that with the RV trip,they revealed the person who we've always believed she'd to be.Although,this trailer she looks alot worse then the RV trip.I just love how the kids are once again revealing more.In the clip,one of them said"No one wants to be on mommy's team because she's way to competitive."As we can see from the clip she's acting like she's superior to the kids on the archer game.As for the fans editing excuse,if thats true then why doesn't TLC show more footage of her actually being the mother they believe Kate is?Heck,Milo(if you read here)you claimed Kate always tries to remain positive,so why wasn't she trying to in these clips?

Layla said... 57

Milo is crowing about how sad the non-fans must be that a new season is starting, but just wait until the episodes air! She'll be spitting mad about the "editing" that makes her precious Kate look a screeching shrew, and spinning low ratings to seem not-so-bad. She had a lot of work and a lot of aggravation coming up. She might want to save her energy! It's a lot of work trying to spin all those negatives and figure out who to blame for it all.

RoxyHelen said... 58

I know it's stupid but when I watched that TLC, when I saw Collin on screen I felt like crying.My heart broke for him worse than ever before. Short of reading the stories of two little boys who passed away from cancer, never has a little boy I don't know broken my heart worse.

You can tell he's in less clips than his siblings, they kept his filming to a minimum, probably enough to respect the TLC contract.

That said, I called some of the stuff in this new season in this promo alone: puppies, the girl's 16th birthday.

I cannot believe that no one has the power to stop the trainwreck and give these kids the life they deserve. I am so disgusted with Kate and TLC. I hope karma reaches them some day.

Irishiis said... 59

I used to follow this years ago. I was convinced then that Kate was a unfit mother and after reading all of this, well, things haven't changed much.
I always felt sorry for Collin and knew he would have problems later in life. What happened with him, aside from the fact that his mother hates him?..Sorry folks, sad, but true. The twins..Maddy was always the drama queen, Kara always the athletic, smart one. She was a Daddy's girl and seemed happiest when Jon was with her doing things..
I fault TLC. How could they continue this? They are responsible for the "horror" these kids have suffered..

RoxyHelen said... 60

The two places I see Collin in the new trailer

In the first screencap, he's the boy with his back at the camera, I'm fairly sure.

This is crazy. How does Kate go on with this thing? How does she just pretend her son doesn't exist and goes about having family photoshoots and filming episodes as if nothing's even remotely wrong?

Dmasy said... 61

Happy November to everyone. Enjoy a lovely Fall.

Hubby and I are voting (early) today! The lines are long in Texas.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Irishiis said... 59
I used to follow this years ago.
Welcome to the club, Iris- I think the vast majority of people here were once fans, and yes, many saw signs with Colin that were concerning way back when he was that sweet little boy.
I'm looking forward to seeing how Kate and TLC spin what's happened with Colin, and the further deterioration of the family, which they claim is oh, so tight.
Tell ya what. When Mom alienates Dad to the point where his own kids don't see him and publicly hate on him, your family unit has got massive problems.

Tucker's Mom said... 63

Dmasy said... 61
Happy November to everyone. Enjoy a lovely Fall.

Hubby and I are voting (early) today! The lines are long in Texas.
Happy voting! We have to wait until Tuesday, and expect long lines.
The finish line is in sight, folks! Can't wait 'til this election is over.

Tucker's Mom said... 64

Looks like Colin in the second image. Thanks for linking them, Roxy ;-)

NJGal51 said... 65

TV is just background noise for many people while they attend to their to-do list.
Absolutely true however, if the channel is turned to TLC that means ratings whether anyone is watching or not. Maybe they're hoping that people will tune in to watch the lead in shows and then be too lazy to change the channel and TFW will get viewers by default.

swimgirl said... 66

Just watched the video, is it possible the man at the end is Joey Graceffa? He's a big youtube star that my daughter, who is the same age as the twins, follows.

Tucker's Mom said... 67

Lisa ‏@VaTechfaninky 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 awesome! My 11yo was asking about your show yesterday. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Ugh, these fans treat children-human beings-like things. It's not Jay Leno's Garage where he shares his car collection. These are individuals whose lives you've been peering into for a decade now. When is enough, enough?
The last thing Kate should get for selling her children's privacy is thanks.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 68

Tucker's Mom (#67), and that kind of fan comment just supports TFW's b.s. excuse that one of the reasons for doing the show is for the fans. Who has fans for merely existing? For just running in and out of camera range? The whole principle is so skewed. It reminds me of when that fan had A's name tattooed on her. This woman was obsessed a young child whom she watched on TV -- not playing a character, but just being herself? What world, what a world.

Even without the contentious divorce, and having Shrew Barbie as a mother, these kids are doomed to a challenging adulthood.

Tucker's Mom said... 69

swimgirl said... 66
Just watched the video, is it possible the man at the end is Joey Graceffa? He's a big youtube star that my daughter, who is the same age as the twins, follows.
I figured he was some Teen Beat heart throb.

Sandylove said... 70

I don't know if this is allowed to say but I hope that she doesn't mention the obvious puberty at least one of her children is going through.

Sad but true said... 71

Tucker's Mom said... 69
swimgirl said... 66
Just watched the video, is it possible the man at the end is Joey Graceffa? He's a big youtube star that my daughter, who is the same age as the twins, follows.
I figured he was some Teen Beat heart throb.

Tucker's, he might be a Teen Beat heart throb, but more likely for guys, not girls. He's openly gay.

Tucker's Mom said... 72

Tucker's, he might be a Teen Beat heart throb, but more likely for guys, not girls. He's openly gay.
No clue who that guy is!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 73

Tucker's, he might be a Teen Beat heart throb, but more likely for guys, not girls. He's openly gay.


Would Matt build a deck for him?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 74

Lisa ‏@VaTechfaninky 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 awesome! My 11yo was asking about your show yesterday. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Ugh, these fans treat children-human beings-like things. It's not Jay Leno's Garage where he shares his car collection. These are individuals whose lives you've been peering into for a decade now. When is enough, enough?
The last thing Kate should get for selling her children's privacy is thanks.


Sad. I wonder with whom they share their own families. If they don't have families, why not volunteer at a local shelter, deliver meals to the elderly...anything that would make them feel like they are contributing to the happiness of others. What is the fascination of voyeurism, peering into the lives of kids who have on say in the matter? It's creepy.

Since Milo now has two jobs, policing Twitter and IG, did she get a raise? Time and half time, overtime or what?

Glad that Gladys was so happy to announce the new series. I'm surprised, though, that TLC didn't DM her before this big reveal. I'd think she would be on their list of go-to persons for all things Kate.

Sad but true said... 75

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 73

Would Matt build a deck for him?

I thought he was strictly for lesbians?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 76

This is crazy. How does Kate go on with this thing?


I don't know, Roxy. We thought years ago that she was done. I guess they don't call her Teflon Kate for nothing. She's in bed with someone at TLC, not necessarily literally, but figuratively. Someone there is enamored beyond words with her. Or else she has a very good rode manager who rides her pretty darn well.

Formerly Duped said... 77

I don't think that's Joey Graceffa who lives in LA...because my daughter watches him too and I know what he looks like! Well, I'm 99 % sure!

foxy said... 78

Daily mail has an article about the new season and it is not a very n ice review. The twins call her overly dramatic, annoying and insane. So now they have an insame mother and a toxic dad. Thoe kids have so much respect for others don't they. They show Kate screaming at the younger kids in the kitchen, melting down because she doesn't know where the puppies are, and in general same song second verse.

localyocul said... 79

So the police report saying Hannah said "mommy and Steve yell too much" comes out and the clips that were filming at that time come out with emphasis on...Kate yelling. Those are Hannas words straight from the LE who talked to her so it's true IMO. It's very weird that this is the angle that TLC is going with to sell the show.

PS Frozen waffles? What happened to organic made from scratch?

localyocul said... 80

Although it does make me giggle watching that clip knowing that at the same time H was taking a stand and K was standing in the street screaming at Hanna. This was pretty much verified in the police report where K said she would stand outside Jon's house until H came out. But H didn't come out. Hehe

Sad but true said... 81

So many of these articles are teasing "big changes." There are exactly two: The absence of Collin and the addition of two dogs. Based on the previews, in all other respects, this is the exact same shit show it has been since Kate Plus 8 emerged without Jon. TLC thinks they can generate interest with these ridiculous headlines, but when you look, it's still the same old Kate, the same old story-lines, and slightly older (but not much changed) kids. I doubt they're going to see increasing viewership---the People article from 24+ hours ago has two (TWO!) comments, both negative. The only thing this show has going for it now is the nostalgia factor, and there's not even much of that left.

Sad but true said... 82

The Daily Mail article has a nice (and it looks to be quite recent) photo of Jon, Colleen (GF), and the four tups who see him. Looks like they might have been at a July 4 parade? They all look relaxed and happy---looks like the girls are quite cozy with the GF. ~ Administrator said... 83

Sad but true (previous post), that blurb was gagworthy. Yes, "appreciation for family has always been the glue that's held them together." Except if someone in the family has special needs, and is unfortunate enough to have been born a boy. Then that family glue isn't so sticky, and he's out the door.


I could only shake my head at that statement. It's a joke. Not even counting how poorly she has treated her extended family, including estranging many of them....let's talk about their own nuclear family. There is something very troubling about how the children treat each other. There are factions within the sibling set, clear divisions, bullying and efforts to marganalize some, and several of them are cruel to others.

While sibling rivalry is usually a normal part of many families and goes away as they get older, I have always felt this goes way beyond normal social development. This is more than rivalry. It is bitterness and sometimes even cruelty. I have seen nothing whatsoever from Kate that indicates that she even thinks this is a problem, let alone trying to help them work through it. They will be lucky to form healthy sibling bonds as adults, and that's a shame. Sometimes, I have seen her to encourage the division as it benefits her (for instance, ganging up on a child who doesn't fit her narrative). It's always been very alarming. This was just a PR write up, but still, it's absurd.

Tucker's Mom said... 84

There is something very troubling about how the children treat each other. There are factions within the sibling set, clear divisions, bullying and efforts to marganalize some, and several of them are cruel to others.
Kate's fomented division within the tups ever since the were born. Making them do things in their birth order and constantly pitting girls against boys.

Tucker's Mom said... 85

Competition always turns ugly with Kate. She takes every single game way too seriously, and the likeness to Mommy Dearest is chilling.
I'm bigger, faster and smarter than you and you'll never beat me.

Except one day, they will. Let's see if they show her any mercy.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

I wonder if Cara and Mady's sidekick will be along on all their vacations again.
The kids have probably been under a gag order from Kate all this time, so they don't spill the beans about the new season.

Jamesvader1194 said... 87

@Sad but true The Us weekly article has 42 comments atm and all are negative except for 2.So it seems the Collin story didn't gain her any new followers.Its funny how despite Milo's desperate attempts to claim the people magazines sold out over Kate's story and yet there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of Kate fans.Heck,TLC's facebook page has over 2 million likes on it and yet the post that has to do with Kate being back only got around 1,000 likes.For milo and Goody to both brag about Kate's popularity,she sure doesn't get a whole lot of positive feedback from people.Otherwise the story of Kate's show return would of gotten alot more comments.I would expect over 100ths of positive comments about it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 88

Admin (#83), and how about the absurdity of that family appreciation comment as it applies to the children's own FATHER? Millions of people watched Jon Gosselin on that show for years, and now he's been swiffered from the narrative. And TFW not only has publicly maligned him for years,
but had her children doing it to a national magazine.

C'mon, M, tell the nice People reporter that Daddy is toxic, and then TLC will let us get back to our family togetherness and chaotic fun. ~ Administrator said... 89

We've also seen her repeatedly take the side of the child who started the dispute or was the aggressor or who otherwise was at fault. Her justice is often unfair, which perpetuates resentment toward the favored sibling. When you can't even count on your mother to help you against a bully sibling I can see a child feeling very bitter toward the sibling.

Susie Cincinnati said... 90

Sandylove said... 70
I don't know if this is allowed to say but I hope that she doesn't mention the obvious puberty at least one of her children is going through.


Okay. I'm lost.

GollyGee said... 91

I saw the Daily Mail article with TFW in a picture with a ew look on her face, like she bit into a lemon. Then there is Cara and Mady.

They are right under a huge story about the police shootout about the HIV positive child rapist who also beheaded his relatives.

Why would you put your children out there so much and then they wind up next to a story like that? I don't understand it. At all.

TLC should be so ashamed to air these shows. Why didn't they just pay her off and BURN THEM and the negatives?

I LOVED the way the article every chance it got saying that the FORMER NURSE. hahaha AND it said,
Gosselin, nee Kreider. hahaha

Former nurse, nee Kreider. Sounds pretty mediocre to me!

NJGal51 said... 92

Foxy - Do you have a link for the daily mail article? I've been looking but can't find it.

Deliverence said... 93

localyocul said... 79
So the police report saying Hannah said "mommy and Steve yell too much" comes out and the clips that were filming at that time come out with emphasis on...Kate yelling. Those are Hannas words straight from the LE who talked to her so it's true IMO. It's very weird that this is the angle that TLC is going with to sell the show.

So the "new" upcoming episodes were filmed as far back as a year and a half ago? I suppose the fans won't figure that out and/or won't care.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 94

GollyGee (#91), I still say TFW would have to work long and hard to even achieve the level of mediocre.

PA Dutch Mom said... 95

Former nurse, nee Kreider. Sounds pretty mediocre to me!


Hey, watch it. Quite a few of my relatives are Kreiders. Not sure though, if we're on Kate's branch of the tree. I haven't checked the ancestry website. I really don't want to know, but I'm afraid that we're all related somehow.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 96

Can you imagine the mob scene in the G house with one adult, 7 kids, a dog, 2 puppies, and a bunch of crew daddies? TFW may call it chaotic fun, but all I can think of is chaos. At least poor C doesn't have to be subjected to it anymore. I do
hope he is doing well, and is getting the attention and care he -- like any child -- deserves.

GollyGee said... 97

Sorry, PA Dutch mom! No offense intended!

NCGal51, just google Daily Mail and it will take you to the main page. She is under the big shootout with police. ~ Administrator said... 98

Globegate is one of the best examples of how she's actually awful at preserving family ties and in fact is just the opposite, divisive.

The kids who bullied and ganged up on the kid who made an innocent, relatively harmless mistake, were rewarded. The child who was just being a child and picking at a globe, was marginalized by her and pitted against their siblings. That kid will internalize that incident, and all the others, and it's a very good chance that it breeds resentment. So no, the family is not the glue at all. They need to actually watch these episodes.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

Admin (#98), didn't TFW admit they all accused J of the crime, because they thought he looked guilty? And yet the actual perpetrator received a hug at the end, and wasn't asked to apologize to J. June Cleaver she ain't.

GollyGee said... 100

Halloween at the Deck!

On twitter:

@photoshopfunnie Go there and scroll down. I couldn't make it link.

Sad but true said... 101

NJGal51 said... 92

Here's the link:

Anonymous said... 102

I don't understand voting early, Dmasy, unless you're ill or working and can't vote the day of. Don't you want to make the most informed decision possible? I'm waiting until the absolute last minute. Things are changing every day with both candidates and who knows what will come out in the next 7 days! lol


Jeanne said... 103

Big changes this season? Does Kate actually show real love for her children? No, I'm sure there are no big changes. Take a trip, show some clips, a dog pees on the floor, Kate screams a lot. I can hardly bear the excitement. ~ Administrator said... 104

I don't understand voting early, Dmasy, unless you're ill or working and can't vote the day of. Don't you want to make the most informed decision possible?


I think something like half of voters in my state vote early now, me being one of them. I voted the other day by mail. I prefer to sit in my living room and mark my ballot rather than deal with the annoyances of my polling place.

For me, my polling place is a zoo. And it's not surprising. There are a TON of propositions on the ballot, and many people read them when they get to the polls. You could spend hours there waiting to mark your ballot. I will take the risk something significant will change between now and then. I do feel sorry though for the people who already voted who wouldn't have picked a certain candidate if they knew what was going to happen in the last few days. That sucks. Hopefully they're not in a swing state. I've always wondered, what would happen to your vote if your candidate dropped out just before the race ended?

I think a lot of people wouldn't vote if they didn't have the convenience of early voting.

njay said... 105

After being checked on by officers, the report stated that Hannah had complained that Kate and “Steve” — presumed to be her bodyguard Steve Neild — were “always yelling.” She said that she “did not want to go home to her mommy.”

Sheepless In Seattle said... 106

I checked out the stills on the Daily Mail site. Has anyone noticed the veins in her neck? Good gosh. That's not just being overly dramatic or scripting. That's pure rage.

Anonymous said... 107

The election saga had me thinking today about the way Kate has had so many encounters with both Donald Trump and Billy Bush. I have never been a fan of the trio. Something tells me TFW should stick with Hillary, unless of course she supports being grabbed by the pu$$y. God, I despise those three. All narcissistic personality type A.

Kristine101 ~ Administrator said... 108

The election saga had me thinking today about the way Kate has had so many encounters with both Donald Trump and Billy Bush. I have never been a fan of the trio. Something tells me TFW should stick with Hillary, unless of course she supports being grabbed by the pu$$y.


1. Number one, not everyone (actually, half of America, according to the very tight polls) sees their vote as supporting grabbing someone's private parts. Some people vote on the issues, not on private off color conversations which the do not see as a campaign issue. If you are going to vote based on someone's private life, don't vote for Hillary because her deplorable private life proudly standing beside her rapist husband all these years makes about as much sense as voting based on Trump's private life.

2. Not everyone sees voting for one of the few options available as supporting every negative thing they have done. No more than do I think a vote for Hillary somehow "supports" her misdeeds with her emails and all the other crap she's done. I get that both have their drawbacks and each voter has to decide who, overall, most closely aligns with the direction they would like to see this country go. That is why 50% of Americans are going to vote for Trump and this election is going to be closer than ever before, because they simply think Republican policies he supports are the better way to run this country.

3. Kate can't comment on any of this because she has no idea what is happening.

4. Kate has never once said anything bad about Billy Bush or Trump, and we all know Kate doesn't lie. She won't say anything not because something happened to her or she knows something, but because she's petrified if she opens that door she might actually have to talk about the issues of which she is blissfuly ignorant of.

5. it was B.S. Bily Bush got fired for one off color lets remember PRIVATE conversation ten years ago. Wouldn't it make a heck of a lot more sense to put him through some sexual harassment classes and maybe some therapy? Or maybe he needs to get some reassurance from his boss if he puts a rude guest of his in his place, instead of going along, Billy won't be fired for not sucking up to the guests. I'd love to see all the private conversations spoken by the big wigs who fired him. What a crock.

6. Thankfully, not everything I've said ten ears ago has been taped. I know lauging with girlfriends, maybe over some wine, I've made some comments about men I'd rather not have repeated. I never wanted to be in politics but I sure as heck don't want to now.

Anonymous said... 109

That was awesome Admin! My favorite was item #5. I couldn't care less about Billy Bush until that happened. It has been nearly 11 years, let it be. Billy (in my opinion) did not say anything off color. He simply rolled with the interview. He did not deserve to be fired a decade later- awful. I would also agree that Kate has no opinion on any of this, and is just not informed. Anywhoo... had I done the crap Hillary and Huma have done when I worked for the U.S. Government 10 years ago? Well I would still be in Federal prison today at 44 years old.
Kristine101 ~ Administrator said... 110

Agree, Kristine.

If Billy Bush said Mr. Trump you are being inappropriate you must cease these comments at once, Trump would have been upset, and Billy would have been fired for not coddling the guests. 90% of Billy's job is to coddle the guests and make them feel comfortable so they'll keep coming back. So which is it, is he supposed to play nice nice to mostly rude guests or is he supposed to call them out? Of course he must have thought he should be nice.

Now, if you actually SAW him engage in sexual assault or harassment and had reason to believe the woman was not consenting, that's another matter. That is a crime and should be reported. But simply joking around and puffing your feathers out, I'm sorry, but we're allowed to joke even about things that people find offensive, even if you think it's not funny, and especially in private. And listeners shouldn't have to report it or say anything about it if they don't want to. People have a right to take their own moral stand or NOT take a stand without others telling them what it should be.

The vast majority of people are not interested in getting in a fight with someone they barely know about you telling them what's appropriate. The vast majority of people are not scolds.

We as a culture teach children to just smile and nod when someone says something rude. We as a culture teach children not to upset the boss or a client or a customer, and smile and nod and go along. We as a culture teach to get along go along, and in fact it's rude to call someone out unless you have evidence it's truly harmful.

If we want to change our entire way of how we culturally handle rude people fine, but you can't spring it on people mid sentence then get pissed they weren't following your definition of what is right to do in any random situation 10 years after the fact.

I hope Billy sues.

Sheepless In Seattle said... 111

3. Kate can't comment on any of this because she has no idea what is happening.


She has been so busy parading her puppies around for the world to ogle that I wonder if she knows it's an election year.

Anonymous said... 112

If half your state votes early, it's half LESS busy.

I wasn't making my post political but, again, we are reminded that your blog is pro - Trump.

Enough said. I can't support your blog any longer. It's been....interesting. Thanks for the memories.


CC said... 113

Billy Bush deserved to be fired and face public shame. He didn't just go along with Trump. He egged him on. He was the one that reacted when the actress was first spotted. He was the one that, after hearing Trump say he doesn't wait he just kisses attractive woman and can do anything he wants to them, put that woman on the spot by asking her to hug Trump. He was probably hoping to see Trump grab her by the P.

Even his public statement showed little remorse. He said he was young and immature. He was 33 years old at the time, not 23.

I wonder what he would have done if Trump did grab her? Worry about risking his job and not defend the woman?

If Billy Bush had just said Ok Wow Trump.... or seemed uncomfortable about the conversation that would be different. But he was loving it. He encouraged it. I think he said The Donald scored! when he saw the actor. I don't think Trump had even seen her yet.

Billy Bush wasn't on par with Trump that day, but he was at minimum a double bogey. Listening to him made me ill. I have no sympathy for him.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

I think Billy Bush reached a sort of settlement with NBC when they gave him the boot. I think Bush got the swift booting from the Today show because he just wasn't working out. He was still that Access Hollywood guy, schmoozing, just like he did with Trump and countless other celebs whose ass he kissed for year and years.
That WAS his job, plain and simple.
Now that Bush is older, maybe he realizes that it's not worth it to compromise his integrity, but back then, he was being a company man.

Sad but true said... 115

This article claims that Collin is back (I guess based on the trailers? I spotted him exactly once). I think if he were, she'd have made a point to say so. That no one ever gets much right about Kate is a testament to the non-stop, big-money network PR that has kept her afloat lo these many years.

GollyGee said... 116

Admin said...108

I hope Billy sues.


When the TODAY show fired Billy, they reached a settlement with his contract. He would still be eligible to sue them even though they settled his contract?

What if a condition of his settlement was that he wouldn't file a lawsuit? Maybe they negotiated more money to avoid a lawsuit. ~ Administrator said... 117

Billy Bush deserved to be fired and face public shame. He didn't just go along with Trump. He egged him on. He was the one that reacted when the actress was first spotted. He was the one that, after hearing Trump say he doesn't wait he just kisses attractive woman and can do anything he wants to them, put that woman on the spot by asking her to hug Trump. He was probably hoping to see Trump grab her by the P.


I have no idea what he was hoping to see or not see or whether his "egging on " was even real or just meant to make a guest feel welcome. For all we know it was all acting. Or not, we don't know. Billy Bush's CAREER was to make a guest feel welcome. God knows how many awful people he had to make feel welcome. Like Tucker pointed out, earlier in his carer climbing the ladder he made some choices that maybe were't morally right and you look back and start to wonder if you really do want to be a lickspittle your whole life, or one might anyway. I can't even imagine all the things his colleagues and bosses have said over the years, they should all be fired too then. I just don't see how this knee jerk reaction to a mistake helps anything. If we truly now want to change how someone might react in such a situation, we can't just get rid of the fat. We need to work with him, have him take classes, meet with women who feel marginalized by men.

NJAY, voting by mail doesn't make polling places "half" busy. First, a lot of people who vote by mail wouldn't have voted otherwise. Second, they provide LESS polling places than they would if everyone had to vote in person. Every time I've driven by my polling place it's a zoo, with no parking and lines pouring out the door, people not speaking English and people not understanding the ballot and delaying things. L.A. isn't like middle America, where you can just get on the road, whizz over to your polling place, swing into one of the many spots and stroll on in and you're done. Everything is a bureaucratic nightmare, including voting. What's more, you can be glad to save the bankrupt state money. They save millions when people stay home and vote by mail. Voting in person is antiquated and complicated and is likely on its way out.

There is nothing wrong with voting by mail and it shouldn't be shamed. In fact, you can post mark it the day of the election if you like, so the idea that you might vote too early and later change your mind is appeased. In any case for almost all the ballot measures it is extremely unlikely anything will change in the last few days of the election that would cause one to want to change their vote. I make sure to put mine in the mail at least a week in advance because I'd like it counted earlier rather than later. The problem with putting it in the mail on election day is it might not get counted for 30 days.

Becca said... 118

The two places I see Collin in the new trailer

In the first screencap, he's the boy with his back at the camera, I'm fairly sure.

That is not Collin. The boys had a taller than them Asian looking dude at their skating/sleepover party, and I think that could be him. Collin's hair is not that straight and he's not that tall. The little blonde dude is Jamie's son I am 99% sure.


Alberta Mom said... 119

Looks like Hannah has been stress eating. Cara got the same way but one thing I think is just lazy parenting is when a tween girl is starting to develop, make sure, especially on filming day that she has a proper bra on.

And Hannah, you are screaming about your little thumb like you did when you were 4 or 7 or 11. You gotta wonder if these little girls have normal friendships or they are just the annoying, immature kids you really don't want to be around.

Alberta Mom

Philly 4 for 4 said... 120

Alberta Mom said....121

I don't see a need to criticize the appearance of the kids. Kids grow at different rates, and their appearances change as they grow.

Formerly Duped said... 121

Hannah is just imitating Kate- remember when she tweeted a photo of a cut or scrape she had on a finger,let alone the whole toe debacle?

I guess Hannah can't cry about what really ails her- her life with mommy. I don't think she is necessarily stress eating- she was always the largest tup and like Cara will probably get taller and slim down. She used to annoy me the most of the girl tups but now I feel very sorry for her despite her behavior. I think she is a smart girl- but I think she clings to Leah for emotional support which leaves Alexis out.Idk if the tups have a lot of friends- their parties seem to be attended by just a friend or two each except for paid TLC people or the twins' friends. They do screech and cry and are mean to the boys and one another- remember when Katie Couric visited?

NJGal51 said... 122

Celebitchy said in the article: "“I just want you to stop yelling and being stressed,” Mady tells her mom in an effort to calm Kate’s nerves. In a sweet moment, we also learn that Collin, whom Kate revealed in August was enrolled in a program away from home to help him cope with “special needs,” was a particular help to her during a family trip."

However, if you watch the clip TFW clearly says that JOEL was the one that was particularly helpful to her even though he may be deaf from her screaming (by her own admission). Not a mention of Collin.

Dmasy said... 123

Amy (102) -- good question.

Something absolutely remarkable could happen between now and next Tuesday. I took that risk, I guess.

I think like many voters for this election cycle -- neither candidate meets my requirements as an ethical and honest person.

There is one redeeming factor this time around. These candidates have almost completely opposite views and solutions for major issues.

Their lines are not blurred for health care, 2nd amendment, taxes or Pro-life/Pro choice. I realize that our new president will probably nominate 4-5 Supreme Court justices.

I lined up with the politician who most matches how I feel regarding those critical topics.

Yes, there could be a scandalous new revelation about either candidate. It has already happened to both of them. Such news probably would not change their stance on the issues.

In a messy and embarrassing election year, that was the best that I could do.

Sad but true said... 124

Well well well well well. Collin's being sent away becomes even murkier, if possible. I guess he just won't get with "the program."

Sad but true said... 125

I love that Life&Style chose Hoffman's original cover photo for their cover story. Another cover, Kate! Is it feeling like 2009?

foxy said... 126

I think Billy Bush was on his way out anyway on the Today show. During the Olympics, he "jumped" in front of Matt Lauer for the interview with Ryan Lochte and that did not sit well with any of the regulars. It was supposed to be Matt's interview. I think there were other things as well where he just did not fit.

There were also rumblings that he was not well liked on Access Hollywood as well. Now his wife is really angry with him. I don't blame her.

Jamesvader1194 said... 127

Fleecing The Sheeple (76) I forget what exactly it was but there was some type of interview TLC gave about the duggar girls and their show and TLC actually said that because the show got over 1 million views,they think the majority of America still cares about these people.TLC apparently doesn't know America's population if they think 1 million people is the majority of America.My guess is that the same rule applies to Kate.What i don't get though is that if Kate is so hard to work with and some crew left because of how she treated the kids then why do they still want to work with her despite her nasty personality.

NJGal51 said... 128

Well said Dmasy @ 123, my "sediments" exactly.

Anonymous said... 129

As a Canadian I don't have a say in the election but like most Canadians will be following the news closely election night.

Just want to say I admire Dmasy's comments @123. By aligning herself with the candidate whose views match hers on the most critical issues (I'm assuming regardless of any previous party loyalty) is the admirable approach to this important decision.


Localyocul said... 130

I have a feeling he didn't "accuse" her of abuse he probably mentioned something he thinks is normal that alarmed the staff. That being said why in holy hell doesn't Jon know where he is yet? That's ridiculous

swimgirl said... 131

CC said... 113
Billy Bush deserved to be fired and face public shame. He didn't just go along with Trump. He egged him on
Agree, CC.
NJGal51 said... 128
Well said Dmasy @ 123, my "sediments" exactly.

Ditto for me!
Amy, Please come back after the election. I also don't check in as much as the Pro-Trump leaning is obvious. Only one more week...

Tucker's Mom said... 132

In a messy and embarrassing election year, that was the best that I could do.

Yay to everything you said! I'm trying to focus on the issues, not the distractions.
Wish I could vote early. It would be a relief.

Tucker's Mom said... 133

foxy said... 126
I think Billy Bush was on his way out anyway on the Today show. During the Olympics, he "jumped" in front of Matt Lauer for the interview with Ryan Lochte and that did not sit well with any of the regulars. It was supposed to be Matt's interview. I think there were other things as well where he just did not fit.

There were also rumblings that he was not well liked on Access Hollywood as well. Now his wife is really angry with him. I don't blame her.
November 2, 2016 at 8:31 AM
When the avuncular Al Roker looks like he wants to slap you silly, there's probably something to the notion that Bush wasn't long for the Today show, even had this interview with Trump not come to light.
Which, btw, I did hear (somewhere) that the reason it was uncovered after 11 years it that Bush boasted about it at some point in Rio.

Anonymous said... 134

Poor sad little Collin. I agree he probably mentioned something that was "his" normal. No wonder the staff were alarmed and raised the alarm.

The comments to today's Daily Mail article should indicate to TLC the extent to which the public have been aware of the emotional and physical damage she has caused her children. How TLC can reward her with a new season is beyond anything I can comprehend with or without a contract.


Sad but true said... 135

According to the Daily Mail, the police told Jon Kate was being investigated. So how is it he can't find out where Collin in? Admin, is that something that a court could order be kept secret from a parent?

Tucker's Mom said... 136

*IF* it's true that something Colin revealed in treatment rose to the level of triggering an investigation, this show needs to be pulled until there are answers.
Further, how is it possible that Jon has no idea where Colin is?

The photo from the Daily Mail, which shows the tups (including Colin) at the beach, looks recent.
(also, Kate needs them to not follow in her skin-damaged footsteps and wear sunscreen!)

Anonymous said... 137

Like Amy I no longer can support this pro-Trump blog. And K8 is of no interest either. I do have two things I would like to say. The idea that Hillary Clinton is a lesser person because she stood by her husband speaks to the rigid notions of a young Republican. Those of us of a certain age, who actually lived through those years, and have been married for a long time, have a much more empathetic viewpoint. So I am sorry for you about that. Plus, this is not an issue, but a tar and feather statement. Second, Bill Clinton, who is NOT running for president, is also not a rapist, at least not by any legal definition. And since you are a lawyer, this is shameful.

So carry on, I have had enough of the preachy and unyielding Republican nonsense. Thank goodness CA is not a swing state.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 138

bm (#134), isn't it appalling that TFW continues this lifestyle unscathed?

I love this comment about the kids from a TFW defender in the Life & Style article: "They have a beautiful home and yard, and always look clean and neat." Well, then, surely everything must be peach keen.
I think it's that kind of naivete that keeps people from reporting abuse.

jamezvader1194 said... 139

@FlimsyFlamsy Its the same old arguments from her fans.In facet here's 2 comments on TLC facebook."You try raising 8 kids,you would lost it like Kate."or"She is raising them the best way possible."I loved this one reply to the fans which i agree with."Forcing your children to give up their privacy for the entertainment of strangers is not raising children the best way possible".

JoyinVirginia said... 140

The Former Mrs. Jon Gosselin appears to be as boring as ever. Meanwhile, Dancing With The Stars is really fun! I'm also really enjoying this season of Survivor: Gen X vs. Millenials.

FYI said... 141

The photo from the Daily Mail, which shows the tups (including Colin) at the beach, looks recent.

That picture is from the episode "Florida Fun" that aired last December and was filmed in Aug. 2015. It's from the part where they took a sand building class.

Blowing In The Wind said... 142

Amy, Please come back after the election. I also don't check in as much as the Pro-Trump leaning is obvious. Only one more week...


Gosh, I didn't see this at all. What I've noticed is that quite a few people here are not happy with the choices in this election, and that it appears to a case of the lesser of two evils, so to speak, and that this one will go down in the history books as one of the most controversial campaigns on record.

Sad but true said... 143

That comment in the DM about Collin not wanting to have his picture taken at school is so sad. Can you imagine how difficult it must be for a small child to try to discern which are the "good" (TLC) cameras and which are the "bad" (everyone else)? I truly think that her abuse of him is 90% of whatever "issues" he has at this point, and I hope he is never returned to her household. Once he's ready, I hope Jon is prepared to take him.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144

Sad but true (#143), that's a great point. When they were doing some kind of target practice (didn't watch -- just read about it here), C's mom told him they should shoot the "P people," but whenever People magazine was around, they were supposed to have big smiles? How could a child make sense of that?

Tucker's Mom said... 145

Kate is a twit said... 141
The photo from the Daily Mail, which shows the tups (including Colin) at the beach, looks recent.

That picture is from the episode "Florida Fun" that aired last December and was filmed in Aug. 2015. It's from the part where they took a sand building class.
Thank you, KIAT!! Those sand castles looked very sophisticated. I wish I was walking my dogs on the beach (where the boys love to pee on said sandcastles!).
The weather today is gorgeous. I started out with long pants, and went to shorts and a T-shirt.
Which is bad news for our girlie Lab...she's going to be getting a bath on the deck ;-) ~ Administrator said... 146

Well well well well well. Collin's being sent away becomes even murkier, if possible. I guess he just won't get with "the program."


The article says Collin reported abuse to the people at his facility and they reported it to CPS, which resulted in an investigation.

Folks here called it, that it might not be such a bad idea he is around mandatory reporters all the time.

It's ridiculous she is still abusing these kids. It's never okay to abuse a child, but when people do, the child is usually young. These kids are almost teenagers, time to grow up and learn how to parent a teen. Lay off them, geez.

Tucker's Mom said... 147

and that this one will go down in the history books as one of the most controversial campaigns on record.
Blowing- controversial, vitriolic, dividing, bridge-burning, scandal-ridden, finger-pointing, relationship-breaking, anxiety-inducing, Rumspringa-tapping elections of all time!

Tucker's Mom said... 148

Folks here called it, that it might not be such a bad idea he is around mandatory reporters all the time.
If the only thing Colin told them was how Kate would hit them with a large spoon on a regular basis, and that she would have them everywhere so they were never out of reach, I would think that alone would warrant a further look. ~ Administrator said... 149

I think Billy Bush was on his way out anyway on the Today show. During the Olympics, he "jumped" in front of Matt Lauer for the interview with Ryan Lochte and that did not sit well with any of the regulars.


I kind of remember hearing rumblings they weren't happy with his performance regardless of what he said to Trump. So basically you're saying he got Honey-Boo-Booed! When on paper you get fired for one reason when really they are firing you for a completely different one.

Tucker's Mom said... 150

FlimsyFlamsy said... 144
Sad but true (#143), that's a great point. When they were doing some kind of target practice (didn't watch -- just read about it here), C's mom told him they should shoot the "P people," but whenever People magazine was around, they were supposed to have big smiles? How could a child make sense of that?
November 2, 2016 at 12:36 PM
Well, Flimsey, there are good camera people and bad camera people and in the midst of the whirlwind of filming non-stop, losing the family and extended family you've known all your life, your family in crisis and your parents divorcing, you should be able to discern which is which at around age 7 or so ;-) ~ Administrator said... 151

Pray tell, how are you able to determine from "driving by" that non-English speaking people who are unable to understand the ballot are delaying things? Just recently you told us that you lived in an affluent neighborhood where virtually everyone has a nanny. Now, your polling place is filled with the unwashed immigrant masses who make life so inconvenient for you. I


Affluent neighborhoods can be right next to poor neighborhoods, and why are you assuming non-English speaking voters are always in poor neighborhoods? They're not. My polling place is a good 20 minutes away from my house, the opposite direction of work. I would rather not spend the time. I can vote however I like or by mail if I like. It's really none of your business. Incidentally, even Obama was encouraging early voting, so I guess even the Democrats are encouraging it and don't see anything "wrong" about not waiting on the off chance some big bombshell will break the day before that would change your mind. The only bombshells that broke after I voted just confirmed my choices.

The reason I know about the zoo of polling places is that I voted twice in person in CA and it was awful both times. There are a zillion different polling places here. I doubt we have the same one. The fact that yours is not busy doesn't make mine not busy. Keep in mind, the only time I can go is before work or after--two of the busiest times. I'm sure it's not busy when you don't work and can go at your leisure at 10:30am in the morning or 2 in the afternoon. ~ Administrator said... 152

. Second, Bill Clinton, who is NOT running for president, is also not a rapist, at least not by any legal definition. And since you are a lawyer, this is shameful.


Absolutely he is a rapist. Juanita Broadrrick who said quite clearly she was raped by him. RAPED.

Why Juanita is not to be believed, but any random porn star who comes forward about Trump and some weird date they had is to be believed, is beyond me. Either we believe women when they come forward with these things or we don't. There is no good reason to doubt Juanita's story. He raped her, period. Hillary stood by him, period. It's not a campaign issue for me because both have sordid pasts, but if this IS a campaign issue for a voter, it makes absolutely no sense to choose Hillary over Trump. They both cancel each other out in that area. Arguing over which one is the lesser abuser or supporter of abuse is really splitting some fine hairs. Come on.

I'm not sure what the Young Republicans have to do with anything. Young or old a rape is a rape and standing by your man is standing by your man. What I see this as is a double standard. You can't use the argument well it was a different time then on Hillary. But it was a different time for Trump too. Even 10 years ago were much different times when it comes to women. By the way, there are new, current allegations against Trump too and his disgusting behavior around current interns. She's still with him. Whatever, I don't care what he does or who she wants to stand by. I don't care what Trump does either. I'm voting on policies because there's no other way to do it for me. I'm electing a president, not a boyfriend, neighbor, or pastor. ~ Administrator said... 153

By the way, there are new, current allegations against Trump too and his disgusting behavior around current interns


This should say Bill. ~ Administrator said... 154

Gosh, I didn't see this at all. What I've noticed is that quite a few people here are not happy with the choices in this election, and that it appears to a case of the lesser of two evils, so to speak, and that this one will go down in the history books as one of the most controversial campaigns on record.


People see what they want to see I guess. I don't see or run this as a proTrump blog and I have enjoyed the discussion on some of these really hard decisions we have to make. I see it as you do, the lesser of two evils. I see this blog split much like the polls, 50-50. It's not personal, and the ties to Kate are there because of her own interactions with Trump and now Billy Bush.

Tucker's Mom said... 155

I kind of remember hearing rumblings they weren't happy with his performance regardless of what he said to Trump. So basically you're saying he got Honey-Boo-Booed! When on paper you get fired for one reason when really they are firing you for a completely different one.
November 2, 2016 at 12:47 PM
Bush was a replacement for Willy Geist, and it's like hot dogs and filet mignon. Bush wasn't a good fit and you could tell Al Roker didn't like him much, but Tamron Hall looked like...I don't know! Like she wished he would just go away? Like WTF, dude?
He looked lost on set and a really bad fit. His energy didn't translate from Coast to Coast.

Does anyone remember when David Letterman hosted the Oscars?

Yeah. Like that.

JoyinVirginia said... 156

Tuckers Mom, I remember feeling sorry for David Letterman hosting the Oscars as i watched, his humor fell flat in L.A.

Math Girl said... 157

Anonymous said... 129
As a Canadian I don't have a say in the election but like most Canadians will be following the news closely election night.

Just want to say I admire Dmasy's comments @123. By aligning herself with the candidate whose views match hers on the most critical issues (I'm assuming regardless of any previous party loyalty) is the admirable approach to this important decision.

I absolutely agree. I am especially grateful to Dmasy for not going on to tell us which candidate she supports and to heap scorn and derision on anyone who has other priorities.

This is not really a pro-Trump blog, but Amin just can't help spouting off on politics on occasion. Every time she does, she loses a bit more credibility and respect from me.

Tucker's Mom said... 158

Affluent neighborhoods can be right next to poor neighborhoods, and why are you assuming non-English speaking voters are always in poor neighborhoods? They're not. My polling place is a good 20 minutes away from my house, the opposite direction of work.
Not related to politics at all, but this is the case in many areas.
Richer, not-so rich, middle-class and everywhere in between can live in neighborhoods which are very close to one another.
VERY close, especially in areas which are introducing higher-end houses, condos and rentals where lower-end housing exists.
If where you live is desirable and close to a major metropolitan area, you often get a mix of incomes, religions, countries and mother tongues.

Tucker's Mom said... 159

JoyinVirginia said... 156
Tuckers Mom, I remember feeling sorry for David Letterman hosting the Oscars as i watched, his humor fell flat in L.A.

Uma, Oprah
Oprah, Uma
Uma, Oprah

Oy vey, gimme Billy Crystal as Hannibal Lector!

jamezvader1194 said... 160

@Admin (146) If Collin did report abuse,then that is a good thing.However,like with everyone here and twitter i refuse to actually celebrate anything until something gets done.I feel if there is an investigation they won't find anything and nothing will happen.Even though i don't want it to happen,its just there's been so many investigations with Kate and yet nothing has change.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 161

Jamezvader1194 (#159), yes, we've learned not to get our hopes up about these things, haven't we? But I think with each of these incidents, a few more people's eyes are opened to TFW's toxic behavior. And a few more potential employers cross her off their lists.

readerlady said... 162

Admin said "I'm sure it's not busy when you don't work and can go at your leisure at 10:30am in the morning or 2 in the afternoon."

Don't bet on it. I live in small town Ohio. Last Presidential election I went about 9:30 AM and was still standing in line at 12:30, when I had to leave to go get something to eat before I passed out from low blood sugar. Back around 2:30 and stood in line another 2 hours before I was able to vote. This year I opted to vote by mail, and I'm glad I did because I've been stuck in bed for 2 weeks. I might not have been able to vote otherwise.

I've mostly been hiding under the veranda again, because I'm sick of all the political stuff, but I got bored. Now I'm sick of all the shenanigans, lies, and distortions perpetrated by TFMJG. I can't believe she accused Jon of being a drug dealer and of having a "suspicious" relationship with Hannah. It's a good thing the police/courts/whatever, didn't take the accusations seriously and found no merit in them. I'm not really surprised though. She's the type of person who would find a normal, affectionate, loving relationship between a father and his daughter to be abnormal. She doesn't feel a loving connection with anything, so she's unable to understand it when she sees it in someone else.

I'm crawling back under the veranda. At least I'm not alone under there.

Layla said... 163

I thought LPBW was coming back on Nov 15, but I saw an ad showing that their premiere is Nov 22. TLC is premiering LPBW, Outdaughtered, and K+8 all on the same night. Wow. Funny, but I have seen a few ads for LPBW, tons of them for Outdaughtered, and none for K+8. Interesting.

I am wondering if TLC is playing into the recent stories about how psycho Kate really is. She trailer shows her yelling, screaming, freaking out, while the kids say terrible (but obviously true) things about her. Plus--3 vacations? Are they trying to alienate the audience? No normal family takes 3 vacations a year, plus the over-the-top birthday parties. Kate of course, would be all about about getting as much as she can out of TLC, but normal people--families with kids--cannot relate. I have to wonder if that's TLC is going for.

Deliverence said... 164

Bush was a replacement for Willy Geist, and it's like hot dogs and filet mignon. Bush wasn't a good fit and you could tell Al Roker didn't like him much, but Tamron Hall looked like...I don't know! Like she wished he would just go away? Like WTF, dude?
He looked lost on set and a really bad fit. His energy didn't translate from Coast to Coast.


I see Billy Bush the same way I see Kate, D-lister with nothing much to offer. He does celebrity gossip. Today is a more sophisticated format. Billy doesn't fit. Just like Kate didn't fit for The View (not that I'm comparing The View to the Today show).

Deliverence said... 165

"I am wondering if TLC is playing into the recent stories about how psycho Kate really is. She trailer shows her yelling, screaming, freaking out, while the kids say terrible (but obviously true) things about her."


I think that's exactly what they're doing. I thought that after seeing the clip. No more Kate, the kinder, gentler one. It's Kate the screaming banshee. Her campaign to show she'd changed was a flop.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 166

Layla (#163), I made a similar comment yesterday -- that maybe TLC is embracing the train wreck factor and running with it. TFW can certainly not get away with the America's Favorite Mom facade anymore.

TLC stinks said... 167

So the child abuse investigation may explain TLC's delay in airing her. How many times must she be investigated before TLC drops her?

If the kids are behaving badly in those clips, they are the result of Kate's parenting and imitating her behavior. This is not a scripted show where actors are playing parts! Shameful. Plus I have no doubt the bad behavior is applauded by Kate and crew for filming.

I early voted. I figured both Trump or Clinton will get impeached at some point, so I voted based on who I favored as VP. I knew many who were voting Libertarian, but Weld has basically forsaken his running mate by telling people to vote for Clinton. Gary Johnson is a goof and Weld knows it. That's all I have to say except I cannot bear to watch the talking politico heads any longer or the stupid polls. Now for some quiet time....

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said... 168

Long time reader, rarely post. I'm going to stick my head out of my shell and post today.

This family is so messed up thanks to Kate's ambition. Year after year we hope that this is the year that Kate is exposed for what she really is and the impact of her decisions on the children comes to public light. It has been a very slow process. From what I can glean from the posts here that she's been investigated by Children's Services Division (or whatever its called in PA) more than once and still nothing changed. This time, C is outside of Kate's world and she can't control what he says and to whom. Maybe this is what it takes to expose her to the public.

TLC showing her ranting and raving over every little thing shows her inability to handle every day issues. IMO slowly TLC is showing her as she truly is.

Long ago (several years in fact) there was an employee at TLC who mentioned they enjoyed Amy Roloff when she visits whereas they cringed when Kate was at TLC. Don't ask me to back this up with a link because it was several years ago and no way could I find it.

I am looking forward to the day that an insider writes a book and tells what truly is going on behind those expensive gates. Maybe someday the confidential agreements will run out and the "helpers" will be able to speak.

I'm done with my comments for now. Got to get food ready for the game tonight. Go cubbies!

Layla said... 169

FlimsyFlamsy (166)
Sorry for being your echo! I guess I didn't read that far up. I always end up reading from the bottom up. But yes, it's pretty obvious that TLC is unmasking her once again. I'm also suspicious about the ads for every other show but hers. They are throwing her to the wolves, yet giving her two strong lead-in shows. What is up with that?

TLC stinks said... 170

So about women and rape accusations...I have to jump in and say that there is also a rape allegation against Trump going to trial in a civil suit in December, when this woman was 13 years old. It hasn't gotten much coverage because, well, it's from a woman who remains anonymous (a press conference was cancelled today because of death threats) so just as you cannot dismiss Juanita's claims after all these years, it goes the same for Trump. Ironic, huh? ~ Administrator said... 171

I'm actually a Libertarian, not a Republican at all. And unfortunately I agree with you TLC Stinks, that the Libertarian offering was stupid. And it's a real disappointment, because this could have been the one year to make a strong case for the party and they blew it.

There was no choice here but H or T. Take your pick. ~ Administrator said... 172

VERY close, especially in areas which are introducing higher-end houses, condos and rentals where lower-end housing exists.


Most of L.A. is like that and I like it. A lot of areas will have wealthy neighborhoods up on the hills and the cheaper homes and apartments below.

In my section the housing prices are all over the place. There are several multi million dollar homes up one winding street a mile away, with more middle class offerings on the streets below. I consider my area affluent because of the millionaires, but I guess I should say it's affluent AND regular ole middle class too. And yes, on any given day you will hear Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and English on the same block. Spoken from the poor, middle class, and rich alike. And yes, it's very hard for them to understand our ballot sometimes. Have you seen the CA ballot? It has some many propositions even in English it gets confusing. So yes, people are going to pile up at the polls and I want NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. ~ Administrator said... 173

So about women and rape accusations...I have to jump in and say that there is also a rape allegation against Trump going to trial in a civil suit in December, when this woman was 13 years old. It hasn't gotten much coverage because, well, it's from a woman who remains anonymous (a press conference was cancelled today because of death threats) so just as you cannot dismiss Juanita's claims after all these years, it goes the same for Trump. Ironic, huh?


Well and that's the whole point. Both candidates have all kinds of stuff like that in their backgrounds, and the FBI just dumped a whole bunch more bombshells this week. There is no good vote here that is a vote for dignity, respect, morals, and upstanding treatment of women especially abused and assaulted women. The idea someone would say I'm not voting for EITHER of the two of them because of morality, because I'm taking a moral stand, is quite baffling, given EITHER alternative! It's definitely a six of one, half a dozen of the other situation in that department. ~ Administrator said... 174

The idea someone would say I'm not voting for EITHER of the two of them because of morality, because I'm taking a moral stand, is quite baffling, given EITHER alternative!


I'm not sure I said that to make sense. What I mean is, to say you're not voting for T because of morality, or even if someone else said I'm not voting for H because of morality, makes no sense to me. Withholding a vote from either candidate on the basis of morality is a head scratcher, since both morals are poor.

Over And Out said... 175

This is not really a pro-Trump blog, but Amin just can't help spouting off on politics on occasion. Every time she does, she loses a bit more credibility and respect from me.

It's her blog, and if she wants to spout, she can spout and has every right to do so.

I actually like hearing opinions and arguments for both sides. Just because someone, including admin, "spouts off," I just accept it as being passionate about an issue whether I agree or not. I seem to remember a while back when there was quite a bit of Donald bashing and it got sort of nasty. But that's the nature of the political beast, especially in an election as we have now.

NJGal51 said... 176

I think TLC is going to show her as the bitch she is because that's what's going to bring in the ratings. TLC & TFW tried to revamp her image but that was boring and didn't bring in many viewers so I'm willing to bet that TLC is going to strip away the mask in the hopes that people won't be able to look away from the train wreck that they created.

Over And Out said... 177

Like Amy I no longer can support this pro-Trump blog.


I wasn't aware that one supports a blog. Reads it, yes; but supports it? In fact, I'm not even sure what it means to support a blog. There are many different views, so many opinions, and if one doesn't like reading it, scrolling is an option or one can find a Democratic Kate blog, free of Republican nonsense. Is there such a blog?

GollyGee said... 178 ~ Administrator said... 146

The article says Collin reported abuse to the people at his facility and they reported it to CPS, which resulted in an investigation.


So if CPS opened an investigation, when did this happen? Why isn't she in court fighting the charges? It had to be BAD and somehow she

I am so sick of TLC putting her narc fame addicted @ on tee vee.

The children are suffering and there is no end in sight.

Math Girl said... 179

Over And Out said... 175
This is not really a pro-Trump blog, but Amin just can't help spouting off on politics on occasion. Every time she does, she loses a bit more credibility and respect from me.

It's her blog, and if she wants to spout, she can spout and has every right to do so.
Certainly. I made that point in an earlier post.

However, I also made the point in that post that at this point over-passionate political posts are not convincing anyone, but DO have the potential to lose people's respect.

That's especially true if the new positions seem to contradict previous positions. I believe there was once quite a bit of discussion about how TLC may be required to PAY Kate for filming episodes (if she has a contract) but is under no obligation to actually film or air the episodes. Now it seems that another network is obliged to keep Billy Bush on the TODAY show and that he "should sue" because they haven't. Assuming they met their financial obligations to him, what is the basis for his suit? That he has a RIGHT to be on the TODAY show and TODAY has an obligation to keep him on? Because he's special, I guess.

GollyGee said... 180

Layla said... 169
FlimsyFlamsy (166)
Sorry for being your echo! I guess I didn't read that far up. I always end up reading from the bottom up. But yes, it's pretty obvious that TLC is unmasking her once again. I'm also suspicious about the ads for every other show but hers. They are throwing her to the wolves, yet giving her two strong lead-in shows. What is up with that?


I think TLC is using reverse psychology. They are showing the 2 heavily promoted LPBW and Outdaughtered as lead ins and then show the screaming banshee monster mom as a farewell final season because they are done with her.

They'll make some money, show TFW as an abusive nut and not film anymore. I really think they are done with Ms. Gosselin.

The next Gosselin they will have to deal with will be the kids in court hashing out a settlement for destroying their childhoods.

I can just see TLC saying, well, we have the kids signatures on the contracts for filming on file. TLC, please.

PatK said... 181

How the hell did Kate get out of this one?

She's really good at this, isn't she? smh ~ Administrator said... 182

I don't think it's necessary to make comments about losing respect for regulars here just because you disagree on politics. I don't make comments like that about people's views. Quite the opposite I think it's crucial to hear and understand all sides of an issue if we are going to work together and come to solutions rather than just insulting others. That's the biggest problem right now in Washington, no one is willing to put aside personal feelings and try to understand each other.

TLC stinks said... 183

TLC can go right ahead and show Kate for the bitch she is and it will backfire because there are children involved. It's not like her show is an adult only reality show where there are bitch fights, LOL. She and the kids ranting and raving? Ugh. Moms will flee this time. Dysfunction is not what parents want their kids to watch either.

All This Is That said... 184

Politics among the FBI. Good grief, what a mess. Everybody is going after everybody.

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 185

They'll make some money, show TFW as an abusive nut and not film anymore. I really think they are done with Ms. Gosselin.


Wasn't this the general sediment a few years ago when the show was cancelled? Yet, the Phoenix rises again, and in all probability, will continue on like the cancellation never happened,

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 186

However, I also made the point in that post that at this point over-passionate political posts are not convincing anyone, but DO have the potential to lose people's respect.


I don't see that anyone is trying to convince anyone of anything, nor gain respect. Opinions are opinions. It's not a debate, nor indicative of a moral compass of respect or disrespect. What am I missing? ~ Administrator said... 187

I don't see that anyone is trying to convince anyone of anything, nor gain respect. Opinions are opinions. It's not a debate, nor indicative of a moral compass of respect or disrespect. What am I missing?


Nothing. We're just talking. ~ Administrator said... 188

Voting information, including the sample ballot, is available in nine languages in LA County so I'm not sure why you think it is hard for "them" to understand the ballot.


You think providing a translation of the ballot is all that is required to solve the problem of voters understanding the complex ballots? Seriously? You should see the propositions. Many are intentionally misleading, even in English. A couple of them are worded in the opposite way you would expect such that if you read them too quickly, you might vote yes when you really mean no. It's intentionally meant to trick voters especially the ones not quite as savvy. Disgusting. This is why many people sit at the polls and stare, trying to figure this out. It's not meant to insult those people. The ballots ARE tricky! ~ Administrator said... 189

So if CPS opened an investigation, when did this happen? Why isn't she in court fighting the charges?


Most child abuse cases never turn into court cases. It's funny it doesn't feel that way in the court hallway (four floors of them just for child abuse cases) when you're practically elbow to elbow with a gazillion people with child abuse cases to deal with, but most of the families we never even see.

You may have heard of the Gabriel Hernandez case in CA. He was killed by his mother's boyfriend. CPS was involved, but never filed a case. Huge criminal case going on right now against the social workers for not filing. But the fact is it's their choice not to file.

They don't have to file a case. They can evaluate it out, or informally work with the family. They usually only file when the abuse is very serious, or they can't get the family to cooperate, or they're worried about liability even with a cooperative family. ~ Administrator said... 190

I seem to remember a while back when there was quite a bit of Donald bashing and it got sort of nasty. But that's the nature of the political beast, especially in an election as we have now.


Yep. There is a heck of a lot of Trump bashing here, some of it even nonsensical, which is totally fine by me. I like hearing different views. But why is that not "over-passionate" and losing others respect? Be honest.

I really don't think it helps a thing to make others feel like they should not share how they feel. True anarchy occurs when people feel marginalized and not heard, which is exactly what is going on right now and why so many have gravitated toward a radical choice for a candidate. Think about it, he's made it to 50%. He was a laughing stock a year ago and now here he is, poised to win. If he losses, it will be by a fraction.

Layla said... 191

I saw the promo, and good grief! She is just as lazy as she is crazy. When she was screeching about where the puppies were--why the heck didn't she step out of the car and look herself? The Daily Mail article said she was loading up the kids into the car, but the kids are 12 and 16. They don't need Mom to load them into the car. But she sits and screams for them to do the work. It's like when she used to sit in the van and order Jon to go fetch her bottled water, sunglasses, etc.

Then when she was screaming at the kids to give her the waffles. Why not get them herself? She was just standing there. If she just reached over herself, then she wouldn't have to scream.

She claims their lives are "chaotic fun", but I do not think her kids would agree with her. She seems to think she's providing them with this idyllic childhood. She's not. The kids would probably prefer a pleasant, peaceful childhood. Which they will never have the opportunity to experience. Not with a mom like her.

All This Is That said... 192

I am trying to figure this out. Someone loses respect for another person because they don't share the same opinion? Therefore, in order for one person to have respect for another, it is necessary/imperative that they have the same ideas, same political party, same agenda? ~ Administrator said... 193

Then when she was screaming at the kids to give her the waffles. Why not get them herself? She was just standing there. If she just reached over herself, then she wouldn't have to scream.


This is a decade long problem with Kate but I think it's really stressful for kids to constantly hear shouting and yelling as their primary method of communication. You can't shout and yell at work, and a healthy significant others won't put up with that either. Shouting and yelling doesn't get you much of anywhere in life but the crazy file. It's sad they have to grow up with this.

silimom said... 194

Okay, I just saw an article on Kate accusing Jon of an inappropriate relationship with Hannah, simply because she wanted to stay with him, that Kate accused him of being a drug dealer, and that she called the police three times because she feared Jon would shoot her with his gun.

This is followed by new trailers for the show showing Kate losing it and her parents having to parent their mom.

Yup. TLC has definitely decided to embrace the crazy. Sadly, what she really needs is therapy and likely medication. It pisses me off to know end that they cancel some shows because of child endangerment but not Kate's.

Glad to know the other side of the story in regards to April 2015 and why Jon took the action he did.

PA family court will never remove the kids and give them to Jon, because they know Kate is the one with the(ir) money to support them.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 195

Layla (#191), remember when M was about 7 or 8 and made the astute observation about her mom being the "queen bee," giving orders? Guess that's still the dynamic.

But only 6 months until they're all teenagers.
Tick. Tock.

PA Dutch Mom said... 196

This is a decade long problem with Kate but I think it's really stressful for kids to constantly hear shouting and yelling as their primary method of communication. You can't shout and yell at work, and a healthy significant others won't put up with that either. Shouting and yelling doesn't get you much of anywhere in life but the crazy file. It's sad they have to grow up with this.


Do kids who grow up in a household of screaming and yelling tend to do the same thing in their own homes when they become parents...or is the opposite true, that they recognize how horrible it was to live with a shouting parent?

My parents never yelled. In fact, I was thinking about it today, I can't remember ever hearing either my mother or father yelling and using loud voices as a means of discipline and communication. I think I've inherited their kind of laid-back way and very, very seldom have to raise my voice. A little stern talk is all that's needed. No freaking out here. Then again, my grandparents were gentle Mennonites, passed that way of life to my mother and then she to me.

Of course, I do know how to curse in PA Dutch!

Terri said... 197

I thought long and hard about this election. I heard an analogy that I'm going to use. It goes like this. I'm getting on a plane to fly across country and I have a choice between crooked person who knows how to fly the plane like a champ, or an idiot that doesn't have a clue how to fly a plane. No big secret I'm flying safely with the crook. lol ~ Administrator said... 198

I am trying to figure this out. Someone loses respect for another person because they don't share the same opinion? Therefore, in order for one person to have respect for another, it is necessary/imperative that they have the same ideas, same political party, same agenda?


I get nervous around people who are too agreeable. It makes me think they're hiding something or just don't bother to have opinions of their own which could be laziness or ignorance. Either one is not good.

What stats are you talking about anonymous? Half of America is voting for trump and some of the poorest states in the nation are swinging bright red. You cannot possibly lump all this support into the "white privileged" vote whatever that even means. What's more lots of white privileged voters have picked Hillary so I don't know what your point is. Believe it or not organic republican economic policies are designed to help people too. Many people believe, and have good reason to, that business friendly economic policies and tax breaks for those rich enough to have a payroll help EVERYONE since the middle class usually work for those people. How many stories are there about small businesses having to lay off their cheapest employees because of supposedly helpful Economic ideas that made them go bankrupt . The vast majority of republicans would like to find the best policies to help everyone prosper. Some policies are simpler than others and some people tend to gravitate toward simple and obvious solutions even if something more complex or counterintuitive might ultimately work better. If I said you can have a cookie right now that I will pay for, or the govt can give me the ingredients and illl make you an entire batch of cookies next week, a lot of people actuallly just want the one cookie right now. It's instant and easier to understand. Strange.

Jeanne said... 199

It makes no sense to me that TLC is just showing Kate's worse side so she implodes. They don't need her to implode. They could cancel her any time I'm sure. Those contracts always favor TLC. I assume they watched the reaction to the People cover and saw a lot of it was negative. So they're going for the crowd who loves to watch Kate screw up or fight with her kids or be a bitch. TLC will make money off Kate and those kids as long as they can. I believe they have footage of the kids being spanked and yelled at and who knows but they don't care. Television networks don't have a conscience; they just have PR. The public outcry isn't enough to get her canceled.

I'm not surprised that the child abuse investigations have not resulted in charges. I don't know specifically about PA but we give a lot of leeway in this country to disciplining your children. Way too much in my opinion. It's not always considered a crime to hit your children with a wooden spoon for disobeying. We've all read the comments about Mady's attitude and how Kate should smack her when she does it. ~ Administrator said... 200

silimom has left a new comment on your post "New documents from 2015 reveal Kate called the pol...":

Okay, I just saw an article on Kate accusing Jon of an inappropriate relationship with Hannah, simply because she wanted to stay with him, that Kate accused him of being a drug dealer, and that she called the police three times because she feared Jon would shoot her with his gun.

This is followed by new trailers for the show showing Kate losing it and her parents having to parent their mom.


Parallel universe isn't it? The heck!

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